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Wings Over Scotland

Knowing their place

Posted on July 30, 2019 by

This seemed like an extraordinary piece of subservient snivelling:

But then it all made sense:

Scottish Labour, everyone.

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Den Cairns

And his dug goes wi sailors n’aw!!

Neil Mackenzie

This guy got the ‘O’ Grade, the ‘Higher’ and has graduated with Honours from University in that elite subject called “Scottish Cringe”.

Donald MacKenzie

I suppose it was the same reason that Donald Dewar, Jack MacConnell and Henry McLeish had people visit him In Bute House ……. but that was of course before Labour completely lost the plot and any chance they had of wielding political power in Scotland again.

Alasdair Macdonald

The sheer, petty carping triviality of this shows why Labour in Scotland has become a sour oppositionist rump, which is now rarely even asked for a view.

It also demonstrates the contempt for Scotland and its Parliament – which Labour often trumpets that it set up.

It is also an example of ‘know your place Jockos’ arrogance.


City Hall,is that where the Bat signal is projected from?

London is a city,Scotland is a country.

Proud Cybernat

Ooh FFS.

Whit’s WRANG wi’ these people?

Mental. Just mental.

Robert J. Sutherland

NorthBritLab defends Boris the Tory Populist.

The moral decline continues apace.

Marie Clark

Oh dear, Labour in Scotland eh. What are they like. Nae ideas and nae hope.

No wonder they’re in a state and loosing votes. Oh dear, how sad never mind.

Terry callachan

Yes indeed why should Scotland exist ?

England doing all it can to reduce Scotland , with a little help from their friends

They drummed up a Supreme Court and filled it with people like McKee soggy wet turncoats who would sell children into slavery for British rewards

link to

Proud Cybernat

But I’m sure that wee diddy thinks this is perfectly okay:

comment image


Actually the body language from Johnson attempting putting his arm around Sturgeon can be seen in a few ways.

1) Trying to be overly familiar.
2) Trying to dominate.
3) Demonstrating who’s in charge.

Even if the excuse is he’s being polite that’s only valid if he’s being sexist instead.

So the simple answer might be it was a failed attempt at exerting control or wresting it from the FM. A play at laying claim to Bute House for Westminster and by that the entirety of Holyrood’s estate.

Also be interesting to find out how many were actually in that meeting as Johnson seemed to have hauners.

Jack collatin

Get up off your snivelling knees, McKee.

Your Union is up.
Unless of course you intend to be a ‘refugee’ come Independnece and flee to England’s Green and Pleasant land?
What a smouldering husk Labour in Scotland has become.

Jockanese Wind Talker

The British Nationalists in Scotland are now the equivalent of the diehard Nazis fighting in the rubble of Berlin 1945.

They know it is a lost cause but will fight on regardless against what they see as their ideological enemies.

Only the extremists (OO etc. types) and those who stand to lose the cushy lifestyle they gained by putting another country’s priorities before that of their own and their fellow Scots (BritNat Politicians, their Placemen, Placewomen and propagandists in the ‘Scottish’ Media.

BoJo expects every Unionist to do their duty, for God, England and Brexit!

93 Days to Brexit.

Hysteria rising in the YoonStream!



What kind of person is he to think we are subservient to a higher order? Especially when governments are there to serve the people.

John Walsh

How do we overcome the
“Curmudgeon Paradox’ of Scottish Labour

1. Everything is dreadful and we demand that everything be improved
2. But we absolutely refuse to allow anything to be changed
3. But changing things to make them better would involve new things, which would be bad too

I’m coming to the conclusion that you cannot counter with reason an opinion that people have formed without using any reason.


That wee jiz monkey hasn’t had much luck running two failures press office for them, perhaps a relation to Mcternan?. His opinion that Bawlis visits Scotland but the FM should go to Downing St? Hahahaha, it’s not Nicolas job to hold the union together that job according to todays press is tank commanders.Is he the riddler?

Marco McGinty

The sad thing is, that what is left of “Scottish” Labour, would prefer to have Boris Johnson and his cabal of racist, sectarian clowns running Scotland, rather than their own Labour Party running an independent Scotland.

And they still can’t see why their party is almost dead in Scotland.


Gordon McKee – like a 2 minute egg. In his favour, he’s not David or Oliver Mundell.

call me dave

The Resolution Foundation…Aye the left leaning think tank thing.

Torsten Bell spad to Darling and Ed Miliband’s friend release report data about unfair council tax in Scotland.

Urgent reform needed

“Very tricky and political for the SNP” says shortbread Fraser.

Sounds about right. Another day in Scotland 🙂

Tom Kane

These are strange times, Stu. They must have been horrified to see how seriously disliked BoJo’s bonhomie Tory Brexit banter was received here… I see Andrew Sparrow of the Guardian are doing rolling coverage of BoJo charms the Welsh today. Am pretty sure that Andrew’s day off yesterday was carefully planned.

Actually haven’t seen any big media coverage of just how embarrassing BoJo’ s reception was. Don’t see anybody touching it, except the trolls…

Bob Mack

It was shameful. I never saw even one forelock being tugged.

What are Scots becoming at all? We used to know our place.

Giving Goose

Gordon McKee is an English Nationalist.


Open Question to all Labourites… Is McKee expressing what you really think of Scotland?

I’m not in any political party, but that goes way beyond any partisan politics you kinda expect, and takes a running jump into weird and cringy all out creepiness and self loathing.


Lib dems MSP Alex Cole Hamilton tweeted today that Scotland going independent would be like California leaving the US

Robert J. Sutherland

Jockanese Wind Talker @ 14:12,

With that grovel above and the Labour councillor’s top appointment to the OO mentioned in yesterday’s National, I’m beginning to wonder if we’ve been getting this the wrong way round. It’s not that the OO has some influence on NorthBritLab, it’s that the (shrunken) NorthBritLab is increasingly becoming just an OO front.

A desperate survival strategy, methinks, but then their other (“Queen’s 11”) branch is also visibly faltering.


Gordon McKee of Labour there, concurring with the Tory belief that the First Minister of Scotland is on a par with the leader of Lincolnshire County Council.

What an unedifying spectacle.


link to

So, in a YouGov poll in June, 63% of Conservative voters in England, chose Brexit over keeping Scotland in the Union.

Scottish No voters are just so out of touch with the reality of the mis-named Union. Sixty three percent! The will of the 63% must be respected.

Are you listening SNP politicians? Make sure you broadcast this loud and clear next time you’re on the telly or the wireless.

Robert J. Sutherland

John Walsh @ 14:15,

“Curmudgeon Paradox”. I love it!

I don’t think we need do anything about it, though. I’m not one to be complacent, but as a strategy it’s manifestly self-defeating.

Oh, except we should keep repeating that phrase, of course. Like all great slogans, it says it all in an instant.


Labour in Scotland, snivelling sycophants ?

Who knew !!

My wife detests politics, so imagine my surprise when she called me to ‘see this’

‘this’ being Nicola appearing to mouth the words “just get in the bloody hoose” (as my wife reckons it looked like) !

She then said this: “I hate politics, as you know, but that Boris Johnson is an arsehole, we really should go for independence or that arse will ruin us”

So there you go, Johnson as PM has motivated the least political person i know, to actively discuss the need for independence.


A Labour House Jock, who just can’t help standing up for the Tories as usual. His masters in London have complete control over him how embarrassing.


Labour, a party with no direction home, a complete unknown just like a rolling stone.

What are they for these days?

Bob Mack

Some spinal implant required to allow these creatures to stand upright.

Ian Brotherhood

I know this sounds mental but could there be some plan afoot to wheel out The Blair Brigade to save the UK from Brexit?

Just heard McTernan on LBC, then saw Campbell on Sky, and they were both praising Blair, quipping that he would beat Boris and/or Corbyn hands-down etc.

I know, he can’t be PM again, but are they up to something?

Corbyn had better make double sure his door’s locked at night.



Another ‘House Jock’ who thinks we should all kneel before the Massa from the deep south and take a whippin’ for daring to think ourselves as equals.

WTF do these creatures use for backbones? Used bogroll tubes and duct tape?

Hey, Gordon!

If you read this, and you can get up of your knees for a couple of hours, there’s bird shit on the roof of my car. Can you come up to Ayrshire and clean it off for me? I really can’t be arsed and you seem like a nice, servile if needy sort of bloke. My wife is English if that helps. We’d both appreciate your help and if you do a good job we may even allow you to thank us.

How about it? See you around 6’ish?

Bryan Ritchie

Pure Fuddery

Corrado Mella

A wholesale load of cringe and subservience served cold.

Chaps, don’t go that hard on the whipping boy.
It’s the London poison.
It seeps into your brain through your pores.

Wife visited very recently, and her lasting impression is that London stinks.

Jack Murphy

Sorry for going off-topic,but I’ve found the Keith Brown MSP interview with Kay Burley of Sky News yesterday.

Worth watching for 5 minutes.

It’s via newscotland-tv

link to


If asked for my opinion of Labour in Scotland, I’d say they were totally irrelevant. Hanging around as they do, they just make the place look untidy, and with their bloated salaries and expense accounts, they are more akin to parasites, living off the helpless taxpayers.

At least Kezia Dugdale has left the stage. I don’t hear of anyone missing her. Now on the staff at Glasgow Uni in an Establishment post. She’ll be parked there until such times as she can be slipped quietly into the House of Lords, the first class carriage on the Gravy Train. Then it will be the Uni’s turn to be glad to see the back of her.


From Camberwell, London.

Merkin Scot

The Red/Blue Toies are going to have another go at presenting nice Tory rebel, Ruth the Mooth, as being the antidote to Boris.
Emphasising, with Swinson, the need for Scots to be united against extreme Independence.
Doomed to failure, of course.

Bob Mack

McKee is not about politics. He is about Unionism. The same type that allows a Labour councillor to become Secretary in the Orange Lodge. Make no mistake, Unionism pervades all party’s through sectarian deep roots. That is the issue.

They do not want a Scotland moving on from the divisions of latter years. They want to re-establish them and put Royalism and Loyalism back to where they think they belong.

This is not just a fight for Indy. This is a fight for the very soul of our country. To move on from tribalism and sectarianism, which for too long has blighted our attempts to be integrated as one people.

There are cuckoos in our nest determined to throw out anything which undermines their myopic historical view of the world. They cannot change.

We must and shall defeat them.

katherine hamilton

Mr. McKee, what is your issue here? What is unedifying? He chose to come up here. What is the FM supposed to do? Protocols, my boy. No choice.
I was Labour all my previous life. Dicks like you left me. I didn’t leave Labour. You’re gone, man, solid gone. Mind you given the D’Hondt system you’ll get a wee number in Holyrood. Good money. Get on the list lad. Then you can whine with the rest of them. Good money. eh?
Bad news, SNP all the way!


He’s got a new neighbour:

blockquote>Yes, new Prime Minister Boris Johnson has bought a home in Camberwell, in the heart of London, to the delight of any sellers who might like the spotlight being on their neighbourhood. Just as BoJo moves into the most famous address in the land – Number 10 Downing Street – all eyes are on a £1.3million townhouse barely three miles away in south London, which he has snapped up with girlfriend Carrie Symonds. It is understood that the couple bought the property with a joint Santander mortgage and that their ownership was lodged with the Land Registry on Monday.

The Express link to


Jack Murphy @3-33pm

That link has been available all day on Nana’s links!!!


At root all unionists suffer from an incurable inferiority complex surrounding their own country. I suspect a good humoured Englishman, even a Brexiteer, would have a chuckle at the theatre of Boris ascending the steps of Bute House to greet Nicola – but alas, not the sour faced Anglicised Scot.

To quote Ian Hamilton: “for there is no one quicker to take affront at an insult to Britain than an Anglicised Scot”


A sad lost soul devoid of respect. No respect for himself, and certainly none for Scotland or the office of First Minister. The blinkered über BritNat worldview where a ‘socialist’ would rather support a far right hooligan with no democratic mandate, rather than the duly elected leader of their nation.


Jack Murphy

Thankyou sassenach at 3:45pm.


speaking of protocols,

were either of Deidre Brock or Brendan O’Hara informed that BoJo and co were visiting their constituencies as required

link to

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Huw Irranca-Davies (Ogmore) (Lab): On a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker. I gave you notice earlier this morning of the broad context of this point of order, but I will now present the details. At 17.55 yesterday evening I received an e-mail informing me that the Secretary of State for Wales would be visiting my constituency this morning. I am pleased that he is visiting Ogmore, because he does not do so often—in fact, he never has. I responded immediately, because I was fortunate enough to be at my desk until late in the evening. At 7.4 this morning I received an apology for the late notice but no details of where he was visiting in my constituency and that of my hon. Friend the Member for Bridgend (Mrs Moon), even though I had requested them. At 9.43 this morning, following prompting from my hon. Friend, a subsequent e-mail clarified where the Secretary of State was going in the full itinerary. At 10.30 am the visits began. A less charitable Member might think that there had been an intention to avoid my being there to accompany the Secretary of State. Mr Deputy Speaker, will you clarify what the protocol is for informing hon. Members of visits to their constituencies?

CameronB Brodie

OT @ Mark Smith The Herald

So you support the proposed changes to the GRA? So you want women to know their place do you? The woke-wing of the SNP are ideological fantasists who’s opinion stand opposed to the views of the World Health Organisation.

By denying the significance of biological sex, you and all the woke-crew are supporting misogeny.


It’s not all posh.

Among the lurid pictures of burgers, kebabs and pizzas that festoon the shops, one advert stands out at an outlet called Morley’s. It’s aimed at passing children and trumpets: ‘School kids offer (3pm-6pm)’.

For just £1, pupils on their way home from nearby schools can fill up on fried chicken wings and legs, or burger and chips — and wash it down with a sugar-laden drink for another £1.

Is it any wonder that Camberwell Green, in the borough of Southwark, is at the centre of the nation’s childhood obesity epidemic?

This week, the area was singled out by Public Health England as the first in Britain where more than half of children are overweight or obese by the time they leave primary school.

Sorry, won’t archive link to

CameronB Brodie

Sorry, I was composing that comment and hit the send button long before I meant to. I know it’s too early for an OT. Sorry.

Gender and Genetics
Genetic Components of Sex and Gender

link to

Robert Louis

My god, the Scottish cringe is strong in so-called ‘scottish’ Labour. Imagine ANYBODY in ANY other country in the world, talking down their own country in such a way. It just would not happen. I mean, how pathetic can a person be? How pathetic can Labour be? The man, I assume, was born or lives in Scotland, yet he does not think that Scotland, the country of his birth, should be treated as such, and instead wants it treated like a regional council of some kind. How cringey can a person be?

And they wonder why nobody votes Labour in Scotland anymore. I do sometimes wonder, if people like the inestimable Gordon, above, actually have the cognitive ability to see just how pathetic such comments are.

Robert Louis

Sassenach at 355pm, and any others who use Nan’s links,

Could I make a suggestion regarding Nana’s links. I do not know the details of why she won’t post on here anymore, and frankly don’t want to know. But, given the relevance and work which goes into them, could the person/people responsible, not re-consider.

I had heard, it was some kind of thing with REV STU, but like I say, I do not know details. Is their any way the situation might be resolved, for the greater benefit of everyone???

Just a suggestion. Perhaps the point of objection has been made? Any chance of somebody (cough…cough..) being the ‘bigger’ person here??

Like I say, I don’t know what happened, so, if the situation cannot be resolved, well fine.


This guy, Gordon McKee, is just one of many Scottish? cringers. Hardly newsworthy, is it, as we’ve got their measure from the top of their heads to their kneecaps?


Dominic Cummings. The man calling the, UK, shots.

link to


AuldAlliance says:

sour faced Anglicised Scot

Indeed. They have only two facial expressions – the scowl and the sneer. They are Scotland’s biggest enemy, a Fifth Column among us.

They other enemy we have to content with is the English Nationalist who, through feelings of exceptionalism and entitlement, believe these Isles should all be theirs to do as they please with.

Most ordinary English folk bear us no ill will and as they come to have a greater understanding of why we want independence, increasely wish us well.

auld highlander

Who? Never heard of him.


Gordon McKee retweeted this long read from the Guardian.
link to
Humanitarian sensibilties or just diss all things Scottish. After all it would appear from the tenor of this piece we pioneered slavery and consequently have no right to seek the end of the quasi-colonial relationship and mindset that made such slavery possible.
On the subject of human bondage.
link to
Where they may have got the idea. Worth a long read in some ‘liberal’ print? Or just to close the ‘racist’ edge?

Liz g

Aye well…. Mibbi if Bore-Us Johnson won any kind of democratic mandate in Scotland a return visit by Our First Minister could be considered.
But account would have to be taken of the fact that Bore-Us Johnson has nae real demonstrable mandate for … Well!!
Anything really!!!
How lucky was he she has manners and agreed to let him in,and let him sneak back out too….


link to

So currency speculators are making a lot of money from a weakening Sterling.

“Government Brexit policy amounts to ‘free lunch’ for currency traders, says former Treasury minister
This is what Jim O’Neill, the former Goldman Sachs economist and former Treasury minister, told the World at One about how government policies are driving down the value of sterling. (See 2.29pm.) O’Neill started by stressing that it was hard to predict what currencies would do, and that the value of currencies could go up as well as down. But he went on:

We have got the ingredients of quite a challenge here with the pound. In my many former years [as a Goldman Sachs economist] I would have a little quadrant of different policy combinations and what they would mean for a currency … In addition to the obviously increased no deal Brexit risk, I think the markets are also now looking at a government that might be leaning on an independent central bank, possibly including the choice of its new governor, as well as … having a free lunch on an expansionary fiscal policy. An expansionary fiscal policy and an expansionary monetary policy combination used to be what one would associate with the Italian lira and Latin American currencies. So those, on top of a no Brexit risk, are essentially all pointing one way for the pound.

O’Neill said he was not involved in currency trading any more. But he then went on:

I’m pretty sure that a lot of big foreign exchange and hedge fund-type people have had a pretty tricky life for the past few years for a whole host of reasons and they are probably looking at what’s being said coming out of the UK as almost close to a free lunch; that you’ve got a government that is deliberately promoting the no deal risk, and one that is talking so adventurously, let’s call it, about monetary and fiscal policy too. The world I was in, a lot of them are saying, ‘Thank goodness for Boris, he’s giving us a chance to make some money.’”


Looks like the British Secret Service planted a tracking device into the roof of Gordon Ross’s car even before he had taken delivery of the hired vehicle.

Better Together. With brainwashing and spying.

winifred mccartney

I know labour take the credit for Scottish Parl but it was only at the insistence of the EU that this came about – it would never have happened without the EU.

I still think the new financial regulations coming in (some about tax havens)by EU and the fact the EU demands that monies are shared fairly across countries that has the WM elite desperate to leave the EU because of their own selfish interests and tax haven monies – BJ and his ilk could not care less about anyone else.

Labour sold their soul many years ago to WM elite and got too used to the good life to bother about the working man. Sending monies back to WM when they could not think of anything Scotland needed is just the tip of their rotten iceberg and shows readily their choices, impress the people or impress WM. It just took Scotland a long time to realise/believe what they were doing.

Their anger at the snp is now palpable, they are so used to currying favour with WM and lying it is part of their DNA. Thankfully at last Scotland has sussed them out.

call me dave

£ slips some more against everything but this time all the FTSE’s are down. 🙁

The lord giveth and then the lord taketh away leaving a few crumbs lying around for some. 🙂


@Robert Louis

There’s a trope in NZ of people with more materialism instinct than sense upping sticks and sloping off to Australia. A former PM had the perfect response even if he was a Tory. Rob Muldoon: “such people raise the IQ of both countries.”

I think exactly the same could be said of hardcore yoons fleeing the golden future of iScotland for England. It could once have been cruel but the xenophobic, gammon faced, Brexiteer laden culture down there these days makes all too easy.


What makes a person think like that?

His Nation is not one of two countries in a Union. In his mind Scotland is a county of England. This is the same opinion the Tories have of Scotland.

I wonder what his view is of the Irish “PM”. Does he accept that Nation is not a region of the Empire now. Does Gordon expect him to know his place! Scottish Labour are insulting all of us with this pathetic grovelling.



I like that line on “IQ”


You can catch Gordon McKee this August doing his routine at the Cringe Festival.


We really want westminster to start moving n ireland to reunification

That would be the final blow to their precious union

Colin Alexander

Following rejection of my complaint by the EU Commission, I have now taken my complaint to the EU Ombudsman regarding Scotland being dragged out of the EU:

Here is part of what I have submitted to the EU Ombudsman:

Part 2 – Against which European Union (EU) institution or body do you wish to complain?
European Commission

Part 3 – What is the decision or matter about which you complain? When did you become aware of it? Add annexes if necessary.

I complained about the UK’s / EU Commission’s Article 50 process of the UK leaving the EU without consideration being given to the position of Scotland which is a sovereign Kingdom within the constitutional set up of the UK.

Part 4 – What do you consider that the EU institution or body has done wrong?

It has allowed UK Parliament and the EU Commission to overlook the fact that Scotland voted to Remain part of the EU.

As a sovereign people, Scotland should not have that sovereign democratic decision to remain as part of the EU overridded by a deal between the UK Govt and EU Commission.

Part 5 – What, in your view, should the institution or body do to put things right?

It is not acceptable for the EU to simply say the UK’s constitutional affairs are a matter for the EU. When the UK has acted unconstitutionally / in breach of the constitution, thereby depriving Scotland’s EU citizens of their UK and EU constitutional rights, then that should / must be a matter for the EU too.

The EU should examine IN LAW

1: whether Scotland is an equal partner in the UK Union, so has an equal say in whether the UK leaves the EU.


2: recognising that the people of Scotland remain sovereign in Scots Law, not UK Parliament. It should rule Scotland should not leave the EU until the people of Scotland vote to leave.

UK Parliament asserts its sovereignty as a result of the “sovereignty” of the monarch of the Kingdom of England in UK Parliament.

The UK is a Union between the Kindgoms of Scotland and England. Supposedly as equal partners.

For Scotland, the monarch of England ( who is also the monarch of Scotland) is NOT sovereign, the people of Scotland are sovereign. See: Scotland’s Claim of Right 1689 and Declaration of Arbroath 1320.

When the people of Scotland were asked directly what their views were on EU membership and voted to Remain, as the people are sovereign, this decision should have been binding on the UK Govt.


Ian Murray heaping praise on Mundell in the article as well..



Cringe-merchants like him make me boak.

Liz g

I can’t wait till England wake up to the fact that they can have their Brexit without a backstop, with a transition period and a renegotiated free trade deal, very easily.
It could almost be the easiest deal in human history!
They can get it in an afternoon over a cup of tea.
This they can do anytime they want!!
They just can’t take Scotland and N.Ireland with them…


Liz g says:

It could almost be the easiest deal in human history!

That’s exactly the way I see it!

Their problem is trying retain the UK and have a hard Brexit. The two are incompatible.

Colin Alexander

If anyone is interested, the EU Commission argued this case supports their judgment that it is for the UK only about Scotland being dragged out the EU, not a matter of EU law ( such as the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights):

Neutral Citation Number: [2016] EWCA Civ 469

A pdf summary can be found here: link to

John Jones

Back in medieval times the allocation was 1 idiot per village, has this changed? If London has a population of 5 million then they should only be 2500 there. Why have they got more than their share? Is this the Londoncentric thing working again? Or are the ones from here migrating?


This is a once in a generation opportunity to meet meet a Prime Minister of the UK of the quality and abilities and personality of Boris Johnson.

When will we we see his like again.

Not in my lifetime I hope.

However, democracy is not restricted to a once in a lifetime vote ,thank goodness, but we get to vote as issues change and particularly when we are being taken for a ride over a cliff.


Jockanese Wind Talker

“The blinkered über BritNat worldview where a ‘socialist’ would rather support a far right hooligan with no democratic mandate..” @galamcennalath says at 3:51 pm

Aye in the worldview of these folk it is OK for the PM to be a Fascist because at least he is a British Fascist.


No wonder I quit Labour for the SNP and independence.

Labour – their English Rose Logo, and their devotion to the Tories running Scotland.

CameronB Brodie

One for those who are afflicted with the “cringe” and who, subsequently, know there place. The same applies to the woke crew who feel the indy movement must play by London rules. All of them have had their minds colonised by power, to varying extents.

Fact Sheet No.2 (Rev.1), The International Bill of Human Rights

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

adopted by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948.


· Background
· Universal Declaration of Human Rights
· International Covenants on Human Rights
· Worldwide influence of the International Bill of Human Rights

· Annex: The International Bill of Human Rights
– Universal Declaration of Human Rights
– International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
– International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
– Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
– Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty

link to

CameronB Brodie

And here’s another.

Sovereignty, Human Rights, and Self-Determination:
The Meaning of International Law


This Essay contends that popular sovereignty and the other rights enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) are inextricably linked. When popular sovereignty is criticized, what will become of the other rights?

The principal goal of this Essay, then, is to examine the concept of sovereignty as it relates to the practice and protection of human rights issues grounded in international law. This examination should reveal the existence of more than one kind of sovereignty: that of the State and that of the people (the nation or nations). This

Essay’s goal is to demonstrate that a State is not the sole possessor of sovereignty under international and domestic law. To be properly understood within the framework of international law, sovereignty is a compound doctrine that is best understood by examining the relationship between the sovereignty of a State and the sovereignty of peoples, i.e., the sovereignty of nations. While a sovereignty-exercising State can be a totalitarian regime, it can also be a democratic one in which the sovereignty of the people confers and controls the sovereignty of the State. And, these people exercise their sovereignty in the implementation of their basic human rights.

Unfortunately, as this Essay shall demonstrate, the sovereignty of peoples is being challenged in a particular exercise of “human rights” that disregards and compromises the role of families in rearing their children – a subject with which the UDHR, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic Social, and Cultural Rights are concerned.

link to



Brilliant, simple, yet so true.


Comedy Gold over at Sky News ..

Last week the uk were begging someone to assist them in the Straits of Hormuz, today THIS: link to

CameronB Brodie

Here’s a snippet from the above, for those who don’t click links. Sorry for the length of this post but I’m trying to hit a number of targets with one shot.

Sovereignty, Human Rights, and Self-Determination:
The Meaning of International Law


At this stage in human history – given the knowledge acquired about colonial domination by one people over another, by the genocide committed during the middle and at the end of the Twentieth Century, by the other acts of one person or group denying others the dignities of human existence – it may come as a surprise that the denial of fundamental human rights, popular sovereignty, and self-determination is going on in unexpected places. Yet, evidence from very recent times presents a case that such astonishing occurrences are taking place.

The source of the assault on these rights recognized by indisputable provisions of international law [the popular sovereignty and exercise of self-determination which have given these rights reality] is a kind of neo-colonial or totalitarian authority. This imposition comes from official U.N. organs and influential Non-Government Organizations [“NGOs”] and interferes with the legitimate exercise of popular sovereignty and self-determination by peoples thereby contravening the most basic of international legal norms.

This section will illustrate this point by focusing on challenges to the rights of families and their members recognized and protected under international law. Examples of these rights include the internationally recognized rights of parents to educate their children in the ways they see fit and proper and in accordance with the parent’s moral and religious convictions.98

One particular conviction is the parental promotion of abstinence from sexual relations until the child enters adulthood and marriage. The challenges to these rights question the history, the traditions, the culture, and the matters of greatest importance to families, communities, and nations that are protected under international legal instruments.99 The significance of these rights increases when one takes account of the fact that these traditional influences of family life are where children learn the importance of virtue, civility, respect and love for others, compassion, selflessness, and cooperation, to mention
but a few of the important lessons essential to a flourishing human existence.

When parental and family rights recognized by multi-national and regional treaties, as well as the UDHR, are interfered with, other rights concerning traditions, religion, customs, and culture cherished by many throughout the world are also open to challenge and even eradication. International human rights law strongly supports and protects belief in and practice of religious faith. 100 Yet, the Committee on the Rights of the Child [“CRC”] and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women [“CEDAW”] have been critical of “harmful traditions and beliefs” and “prejudices” that emerge from religious traditions.101

Moreover, these same Committees have advanced the argument that children should have the right of privacy that can insulate them from the benefits that parents and elders wish to pass on to them about a civil, responsible, and loving married life. 102 It appears the CRC assumes that the child is an equal partner in the family because it is presupposed that the child has attained the same stage in human development and needs no parental instruction on life and how it is to be lived. These assumptions and presuppositions are plainly wrong and without factual basis.

In other areas, CEDAW has argued in its reports about the existence of evidence showing that “church-related organizations adversely influence the Government’s policies concerning women and thereby impede full implementation of the Convention [on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women] .103 This same Committee has advocated the need for the State to provide “sex education and practical family planning” to children regardless of the type and content of education parents wish for their offspring.104 Although the core international legal instruments protect the rights of culture, families, religious belief, and other matters essential to human rights, the work of “experts” associated with the United Nations and NGOs have, as has been pointed out, eroded these rights through the programs and approaches they have urged on governments and U.N. bodies.

To illustrate and verify my contention, I shall use the recent developments of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development [“ICPD”] and the Cairo+5 meetings, which were convened in March and June of 1999. As will be demonstrated, the Cairo+5 developments reflect views of influential NGOs and “experts” assigned to U.N. Committees rather than perspectives of member States. Moreover, it is the interests of the citizens of the member States rather than those of the experts and NGOs that are subject to the protection of these key international legal instruments.

Additionally, these recent developments of Cairo+5 have threatened fundamental principles of human rights law, which emphasize the family, as understood and implemented by the legitimate exercise of popular sovereignty. Indeed, aspects of Cairo+5 constituted an unwarranted assault on the principle of self-determination, which is at the root of the basic universal human rights as articulated by international law [especially the ICCPR and the ICESCR].

In explaining these points, I shall first identify some basic principles that constitute the delicate compromise of the ICPD of 1994. In this context, I shall elucidate the basic human rights involving the family that are protected under international law. Second, I shall demonstrate how Cairo+5 undermined fundamental human rights protections involving family issues. In doing this two-prong investigation, I shall establish the foundation of my further thesis. The additional thesis is that such attacks on this particular human rights issue, the family, set a precedent for further attacks on other human rights as will be explained in Part V. These additional challenges would also adversely affect the exercise of popular sovereignty that is essential to defining
these rights and on self-determination, which is the basic guarantor of these rights.

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Robert Louis 30 July, 2019 at 4:11 pm
Sassenach at 3:55pm, and any others who use Nana’s links:

Nana’s links are available on Scotsrenewables website at
link to

The link is posted by me on whatever the current thread is on Wings each weekday morning. I also post it on Twitter.

For us, posting them to a specific page with less traffic is much easier than trying to post on Wings. The difficulty with Wings was that many posts were caught in the site filters and never appeared or were held in moderation and with threads moving on were being lost to BTL readers.

For the avoidance of any doubt, Nana has not ‘fallen out’ with Rev Stu, but spending time gathering, archiving and posting links only for them to disappear was becoming frustrating and difficult, with little support available.

Should anyone here want to contact her, there is a contact form available on this page
link to

CameronB Brodie

And a bit more.


link to


Scotland in the Union, charting its demise …

1955 Four year of Tory government we actually voted for!

1959 Five years of Tory government we rejected.

1964 Six years of Labour we did vote for.

1970 Another four years of Tories we had rejected.

1974 Five years of Labour. Obsessed with centralisation and would do anything to prevent Scottish autonomy.

1979 Eighteen years of Tories we didn’t want who embarked on a deindustrialisation and social engineering experiments. They would have ruined the UK if it wasn’t for our oil bailing them out.

1997 Thirteen years of New Labour when inequality continued to grow. Pensions and savings were trashed. Lots of brown people were killed.

2010 Nine more years of Tories (partly with LibDems) we didn’t want who pushed unnecessary austerity measures for ideological reasons. Widespread suffering by the poorest and weakest. Then they gave us Brexit.

Really has been a shitty time for Scotland stuck in the UK!


Dugdale failure

Owen Smith failure

Gordon McKee fail


Re speculators – George Kerevan wrote a two part article in Bellacaledonia on Boris and the hedge funds:

link to

Part two deals with the charming individuals such as Crispin Odey:
link to

CameronB Brodie

And a smidgen more.

Do Human Rights Guarantee Autonomy?


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ratified in 1948 after World War II, laid the foundation of international human rights law. It was the first universal statement on the basic principles of inalienable human rights, and created
a common standard of achievement for all people and all nations.

The principles laid down in the Universal Declaration are echoed in the laws of more than 90 countries around the world. A number of mechanisms have been established to monitor, promote, protect and develop human rights. However, for many people around the world the protection of human rights remains an unfulfilled promise. While it seems that human rights have triumphed globally, no other historical period has witnessed greater violations of these rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has become a major tool for legitimating the post-World War II order both nationally and internationally, but is this document adequate and coherent for addressing the complexities of contemporary life?

Ubi societas, ibi Jus. Law is supposed to have a function of control, to maintain a particular order in the community established on certain grounds, and also to guarantee the protection of human rights. Does it mean that a person has only those rights that have been enacted? In the context of the 60th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this idea seems no longer to be valid. Law is not a divine instrument to universalize social values. An individual possesses a more extensive range of rights than any written legal act could encompass.

The fact that a person has rights has nothing to do with enacting these rights in legal documents. Does a person have rights even if they are not enacted? An essential part of contemporary human rights is the concept of personal autonomy. Every person has to have autonomy so that he/she can feel free to make decisions. A person who feels free to make decisions will feel secure and happy. The human being is understood to be an essentially independent and individually developing entity. Of course, we cannot underestimate the role of society. Because the individual’s life is not isolated and always influenced by many external factors, the intrinsic need to attain happiness and harmony often collides with obstacles. The individual often encounters the power of state control….


“December 10 marks the 60th anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a single short document of 30 articles that has probably had more impact on mankind than any other document in modern history”,

declared The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay. The Declaration was envisioned and adopted in response to the failures of the League of Nations and the atrocities of World War II. Many believed that a third world war was imminent. Lessons and insights after the Nuremberg process resulted in the recognition of a new status for individuals. The international community presented this declaration to the world as a helpful guide for societies in transition. It became a common standard of achievement for all people and all nations. 1

In the sixty years that have passed since The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms was agreed, this document has promoted the creation of a global institutional mechanism comprised of legislative, monitoring, educative, and other multifunctional bodies. The system itself serves as specified and intrinsically dynamic virtues, written mediators, moral guidelines for humanity.

“Tens of millions of people around the world are still unaware that they have rights that they can demand, and that their governments are accountable to them, and to a wideranging body of rights-based national and international law. Despite all our efforts over the past 60 years, this anniversary will pass many people by, and it is essential that we keep up the momentum, thereby enabling more and more people to stand up and claim their rights”


stated the High Human Rights Commissioner.2 Human rights and freedoms have been defined in different terms and dimensions, by different schools and cultures. In other words, countless criteria are involved in delineating the content of rights universally or ad hoc. Despite this variety of approaches based on different theories, most definitions refer to the individual’s personality and his/her abilities to exercise certain rights and freedoms in particular situations.

Human rights are not just a doctrine formulated in documents. They rest on a common disposition towards other people and a set of convictions about what people are like. It is only up to personal discretion (autonomy) and compatible public good as to how extensively and productively a human being can fulfill his/her preferences pursuing maximum happiness. As all authentic forms of rights and liberties, autonomy itself can also be characterized as the unity of differentiated types and degrees of internal and external factors for a
given individual at a given time and upon particular circumstances.

There are several definitions of autonomy. The term autonomy originates from ancient Greek. It consists of two words: autos (his/her own) and nomos (rule). This term describes a person’s ability to make his or her own rules in life and to
make decisions independently. The idea that people must be free to shape their own lives is central to most accounts of autonomy.

In general, autonomy means that a subject is the best expert on his/her interests. It is the reason why this subject should be able to make his/her own laws, particular rules of conduct or follow the values that are acceptable to him/her in practice. In general, any action or act can be described as autonomous only if the agent gives preference to this action, and this decision is independent and corresponds with his/her plan of action. In other words, we can talk about autonomy only when the freedom to choose and to make ethical decisions is guaranteed. “Autonomy […] is the acknowledgement of a person’s right to hold views, to make choices and to take actions based on personal values and beliefs”.3

If the state were to interfere in matters of personal morality, it would be treating the plans and values of some as superior to those of others.4 This applies also to other members of society: no member of the society has the right to
violate someone’s personal autonomy without a reasonable basis. This reasonable basis is the autonomy of another person, another member of society. In the sphere of personal autonomy, a person has rights and only one duty: not to violate the autonomy of other individuals.

Most commonly, autonomy can be understood as “the right to be left alone” and as a right to control certain kinds of information about oneself.5 In its maximal form it entails complete rationality, self-control, knowledge of relevant
facts, and other demanding conditions internal to the agent, as well as freedom and recourses to act.6

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That wee video clip of Nicola batting away Boris Johnsn’s hand as she waves him in to Bute House, has been viewed so far 2.3 million times and has been retweeted by CNN. 🙂


Nae point going to Nos 10. There wiz nae body in.

Ye would think he would have worked that oot!


……which is why labour is deid

as a fuckin dodo……


Four ‘drug-related deaths’ in 48 hours in Essex

link to

Inagine if this had been Scotland, hmm ?

Jason Smoothpiece

galamcennalath @ 7.08

Yes very well said.

Independence is the only option even if you are a nutter, you owe it to yourself and your family, Labour who actually supports them now apart from some oo types.


The Tory government under both David Cameron and then Theresa May has close links to Cambridge Analytica. But they are keeping it secret, along with Jeremy Corbyn.

link to

“In the meantime, while Robert Mueller in the US painstakingly sets out the evidence of how Russia subverted Facebook during the presidential election, we know almost nothing about what happened in Britain. Collins’s parliamentary committee – citing Arron Banks’s covert meetings with Russian embassy staff that were first revealed in the Observer, and the role of Russian paid-for propaganda – has called for an independent investigation into foreign interference, but it’s a call both the government and the leader of the opposition have utterly ignored.”


Gordon McKee. Is it a brand of British toilet paper?


link to

A hint that the rest of the world is not on England’s side. They much prefer the Celtic Nations.

“Ireland is not just mammothly pro-European, and deeply invested in the Northern Irish peace process, it is aghast at the cohort of charlatans that have seized power in Britain. Johnson and his new administration haven’t fully realised just how vile they appear to the rest of the world – and Ireland especially.

Fraser MacKintosh

An Alloa man told me his grandfather voted labour. His father voted Labour and he would never vote any other way. However last November he met the grim reaper and circle is broken as his son is a member of the SNP.


Adam Price, leader of Plaid, interviewed on CH4 news tonight about Welsh independence.

The questions he is asked are so, so familiar – borders, trade, deficits etc.

Worth a watch

link to


There can be little doubt that over the past three years, England has changed almost beyond recognition. But it is not for the better. In fact it is the complete opposite – with no indication that things are going to get better any time in the foreseeable future.


English propaganda is the biggest single obstacle to Scottish Independence. That and the already deep BritNat brainwashing present in so many of Scotland’s population.


@manandboy at 9.44pm

Just watched (briefly) a BBC news article with a Ukraine news reporter on Russian influence in Eastern Ukraine.

She said that as 70% of the population get their news from TV and the TV news is Russian as no Ukraine TV transmitters can reach they get biased news propaganda from Russia.

Oh dear replied the BBC newscaster how unfortunate for the Eastern Ukrainians.

Sounds familiar!!!

Meg merrilees

T Jenny @8.09

I had to watch the clip again after reading your post. It’s still on the BBC website and it just makes me laugh. Brilliant.

Boris is getting into traffic directing mode with his right arm extended and Nicola just totally dismisses it with one wave – just like yir granny as she says
‘och, jist you get right inside there, ya wee b***er or I’ll leather you.”


Meg merrilees – I know, as many have tweeted, it’s like yer mum waiting on you when you’ve overstepped your curfew deadlne and you get telt, ‘right you, inside now!’ Dinnae mess wi the Sturgeonator. 😉

Scott D

I think the main issue for the likes of Mr McKee is that yesterday’s visit by Johnson to Edinburgh had all the hallmarks of a foreign visit by a UK PM. The normalising of Scotland being ‘different’ is something they find hard to handle.


Nicola should have given him a skelpit lug. Bloody cheek of him

Colin Alexander

Hasn’t the weather been rubbish these last few days.

It was even very frosty at Bute House in Edinburgh yesterday.

The good news is the bogs at Largs are open again.

Robert Louis

Legerwood at 930pm,

Yes the same old colonial trope, of ‘..but how could you possibly survive without England?’.

Now the same idiotic so-called journalists are suing the same nonsense about Wales.

All through history,

America : ‘but how could you survive without Britain etc.. etc…’

Africa: ‘but how could you possibly survive without Britain etc… etc..’

Ireland : ‘but how could you possibly survive without Britain…etc…etc…’

Scotland : ‘but how could you possibly survive without Britain…etc…etc…’

And now ;

Wales: ‘but how could you possibly survive without Britain…etc…etc…’

Every single country wanting to be rid of English rule, has had the same old nonsense fired at it, about deficits, and money from England, and so on. It was lies back then, and it is lies now.

Why can no journalists actually see this???


manandboy says:
30 July, 2019 at 9:44 pm
English propaganda is the biggest single obstacle to Scottish Independence. That and the already deep BritNat brainwashing present in so many of Scotland’s population.

You’re right.

McKee isn’t a one-off. There was that snivelling toady “Regan” saying on the Shelagh Fogarty LBC show, saying how Scotland would beg to stay part of the Union. He loved himself to death too if I remember right… How can somebody love themselves so much and loath the country they come from? It just doesn’t compute.


I’ve fallen out with many friends over this.
Scotland is a country, not a fuckin region.
How many COUNTRIES in this world let other countries rule them and take all their recourses for their benefit?
How Fukin stupid are my fellow country men.

Heart of Galloway

Stewart Hosie telling it straight. Power lies with the Scottish people.

link to


When the broadcasters ask Scottish and Welsh politicians about trade, etc if they choose independence, what they are really saying is how will you survive without England. The simple answer is just like every other country in the world, England is not that important compared to the EU and the rest of the world.

Their role is to tell these nations that they are not good enough to run their own country and we need the super brains of politicians from England (e.g Johnson, Cameron, Osborne, Raab for a few examples) for us to survive.

It time for these nations to discard this message and tell these broadcasters to bugger off with their condescension.


Gordon McKee= perfect example of fuckin house slave
Get a fuckin grip man and stand up for your self!!


England is a busted flush. It’s taken hundred of years to see the inevitable, but it’s now obvious. How much of a complete knob must you be not to see it.


@ galamcmcennalath
I know you’re technically correct that it was a majority vote for Tories in Scotland in 1955( Tories in all but name) but also technically ( in purely anorak/pedantic terms) the Tories didn’t win any seats in Scotland at that election.

Throughout the UK there was an electoral pact between the Tories and the National liberals to keep labour out. The National liberals were an off-shoot of the old liberal party that supported the Irish union of 1801 (and therefore voted with and took the Tory whip at Westminster, but had split because of Ireland in 1912).

Complicated further by the fact of a previous liberal split in 1886 ( Chamberlain’s Liberal unionists of that year) The Scottish unionist party was a Scottish version of that (yes Tories in all but name but didn’t call themselves Tories’cos Tories had been toxic up here since at least 1832) And there was a residual “goodwill” factor attached to the Liberals in Highland and island areas because of the Napier comission, which would have been lost with any overt union with the Tories.

So back to that electoral pact….
In 1955 the National liberals didn’t run against Scottish unionists and vice versa but 6 National liberals won seats in Scotland, giving a combined total of 35 seats ( Labour in Scotland also won 35 seats)
Out of total of 71 seats ( Jo Grimond of the “proper”(?) residual rump of the old Liberal party won Orkney and Shetland)
In England National Liberals and Tories didn’t compete in seats where it might split the anti labour vote.

To illustrate,…
We think of Andrew Bonar Law, Alick Douglas Home and even Heseltine as Tories but they were all part of that Liberal unionist (Tory) cabal that only later merged with total full fat Tories in 1964/5.

So, apologies for being pedantic about one particular year.
Probably Wiki explains it better than me (hereafter)

link to


Gordon McKee, can anyone imagine an Englishman/woman running down England and subjugating themselves like this?. This POS has’nt even got a spine.


Mordon GcKee will deserve to cuck socks in hell for his treachery to Scotland.

Great spot Stuart,and a perfect illustration of ‘Scottish’ Labour’s core purpose.


Robert P or any others on constitution things

I think ur domain

Something to get ur teeth into

link to


Tory papers in full diversion mode not to talk about Johnson and Brexit thanks to the impartiality of the royals.

Prince Harry only to have 2 children in order to save the planet. That’s nice of him. So we didn’t need to spend £millions in upgrading his pad. What a waste.

Mind you I thought it was his wife that bore children

Still saves us talking about the falling £, Brexit mess and Johnson. Free press? Where?


Not posted for a while but just wanted to add in case of doubt that the UK is a signatorty to the right of self determination. We can speak of UN rules/declarations but the UK must be signed up for them to be in any way enforcible.

Evidenece from 1966

link to

Article 1

1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.

3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.


What is all this ping-pong with BBC
The SNP need to get a grip and stop answering straw man questions. Is the UK going to honour their UN commitments or NOT?
If not why not and take the case to the UN and EU already and in //!

The UN, as we all know just love England – chortle.

CameronB Brodie

No law is ever “forever after”, as life is not set in aspic. The law evolves in response to changing social needs. Only a totalitarian would use “forever after”, as justification for political union enforced through immutable law.


Made the mistake of watching Sky press preview at 10.30pm aka propaganda on steroids…guest reviewer a special kind of twat Benedict Spence…they were talking about reception Boris got in Wales and Scotland.

Benedict stated ” They should stop going to ‘these places’….hmm did he mean parts of the ‘awesome foursome’ aka parts of his UKOK aka England’s colonies ?

Also he said 38% of Scots voted for Leave …and he said ” they didn’t even run a Leave campaign there”…Wahahaha

Somebody better tell Tom Harris ( Head of Scotland Campaign for Leave) and David Coburn ( UKIP MEP and non selected Brexit party candidate)…Lol….course Benedict knows diddly squat about Scotland or it’s politics…like most London centric posh twats he just spouts , unchallenged, any old sheeite that suits his agenda….blah blah blah….he cares not a jot gives not a damn he just spews out nonsense upon nonsense…facts ?…what speak the truth about the Jocks….no way not while I have Tory Brexit pro English anti Scottish propaganda to spew out….blah blah bloody blah etc etc

Please note normal service was resumed by Benedict as he started to talk about the UK..or rather the UKOK…though obvs for Benny the UKOK is synonymous with England .

What a Jeremy Hunt he is….another one to add to the list.

Dave McEwan Hill


Went to “Robert The Bruce” in Dunoon tonight. Film and cinema hired by Dunoon SNP. Full house virtually.

Some good bits in the film but I can see why they don’t want us to see it. Relentless support for a free Scotland.

CameronB Brodie

As I said, law changes as society evolves, or it should if it aims to serve justice.


THE relationship of the law, in its many aspects, to a social situation, should be considered a necessary part of the understanding of that situation. The development of forms of analysis which allow for such interrelated understanding are therefore required.

According to a socio-legal approach, analysis of law is directly linked to the analysis of the social situation to which the law applies, and should be put into the perspective of that situation by seeing the part the law plays in the creation, maintenance and/or change of the situation. It has been argued that the legal structure, because of its nature and the social functions it serves, requires a different form of analysis from other social institutions.

However, it is not thereby removed from the analysis, despite the often abused distinction of laws as normative, and of social science method being therefore inapplicable. The requirement is simply a different approach, based on the need to ask different questions. The most advanced example of this is perhaps the Scandinavian “Law as Fact” Schoo1.l The normative being treated “as a distinct kind of ‘is'” for research purposes.

One of the many problems in this area is that of coherent theory. This article argues that it is traditional legal science which, by continued adoption of false starting points, has caused this theoretical study to remain under-developed. As such the reasoning on which this paper is based is epistemological, and whereas positivist functional models will be used as illustrations of the various approaches analysed, it is a phenomenological understanding of the study of law in society that is being developed….

link to


Whom y’all dressing up as for Halloween 2019?

Ahm gonna go as and give E.T. ah shot

Oh My Dear Fucking Brexit

CameronB Brodie

And a bit more. Full text, including a bit on Feminist Jurisprudence and Gendered Reality.

Feminist Theory And The Law
link to

CameronB Brodie

And a little bit more on why it is good that law changes to reflect social reality.



A number of radical eco-feminists have argued patriarchal discourses carry gender dichotomous norms and values which feminize the environment and animalize wimmin, constructing a dichotomy between wimmin and ‘nature’, and male dominated human culture. The gender roles constituted through such discourses render wimmin in closer material proximity and relation to the environment than men, with greater potential to develop an ecologically sensitive value system. These theorists further contend a new culture based on re-valuation and radicalization of certain ‘feminine’ qualities, can contest the ecologically destructive system of patriarchy.

Patriarchal discourses of gender and nature

Radical eco-feminists (Griffin, 1984; Collard, 1988; Eisler, 1989; Starhawk, 1989, 1990a; Daly, 1988) tend to argue contemporary patriarchy deploys different discourses of masculinity and femininity which associate wimmin with ‘nature’ and men with ‘culture’. Patriarchal culture venerates ‘masculine’ ideals of virility, strength, self-control, emotional reserve, competence, rationality, aggression, etc; and devalues ‘feminine’ qualities of motherhood, caring, sensitivity, fastidiousness, fragility, dependence, emotionality, timidity, tenderness, sensuality, non-violence etc. (Ruth, 1981, p.5-7; Lowe and Hubbard, 1983, p.2-3).

Some of these ‘wimmin’s values’ are seen by radical eco-feminists as positive and patriarchally contesting; the most significant being ‘peace’, ‘connectedness’, and ‘nurturance’. Patriarchal society, these feminists argue, fosters in wimmin the value of peace, non-violence and respect for life (Freer, 1983; Elshtain, 1985, 1989; Ruddick, 1990) to which Daly (1988) refers as a ‘biophillic’ (life-loving) capacity (also Collard, 1988).

By contrast, according to Griffin (1984, 1992) and Daly (1979, 1988), patriarchal culture venerates death and violence, and encourages a male preoccupation with dominance and control over wimmin and nature. King contends eco-feminism is about the ‘connectedness and wholeness’ and integrity of living things (1983, p. 10). Patriarchy, by contrast, enshrines a hatred of wimmin and nature, and this ‘masculinist mentality’ is responsible for environmental devastation (p. 11).

Wimmin, many eco-feminists argue, must articulate the interests of the oppressed and excluded, such as animals, for patriarchal society allows them to think connectively, and empathize with others due to their nurturing role (Griffin, 1984; Freer, 1983; Eisler, 1988). This is more difficult for men, as discourses of patriarchal masculinity construct men as separate from ‘nature’ and inculcate hierarchical intellectual structures justifying exploitation (Warren, 1993, 1994).

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Liz g

The Revs Twitter has some fantastic examples of the British/EU border on the Island of Ireland…
I wish I knew how to show the Simplicity of the EU/English border on the Big Island..
All this is so simple..
Leave Ireland in the EU just like it voted for and draw that border between the Scotland and England!!
Scotland wants to stay in the EU… But won’t hold England & Wales where it doesn’t want to be
Everybody gets what Democracy demands and no one can seriously argue with Democracy!

There’s a Brexit awaiting for England they shouldn’t let their Westminster Politicians deny it to them!
There is no real reason why England can’t have everything it was promised…. It’s fake news to say so…. Of course it can..
All it has to do is get rid of some old Treaties… How difficult is that??
Don’t let the Westminster elite say it can’t be done.
True Independence for England.. Huzza…
There might even be some money for NHS England,after Westminster stops sending money to Scotland and N.Ireland..
It’s all good….every VOW made to England delivered..
Just dissolve the 1707 Treaty and bish, bash, bosh job done!
The P.M. would be home in time for tea.

Mary Miles

Hi from Tassie:

What a wonderful idea Liz! Only thing is Wales now wants to be free as well!! Any ideas?


Kirstene Hair is at it again.

link to

Kirstene Hair, with no experience of politics whatsoever, was persuaded to stand when the existing Tory candidate withdrew. In a safe Tory seat, she was then elected MP for Angus in June 2017. Everything she has said or done since has been, well – embarrassing. She is utterly out of her depth and absolutely in the wrong job. But that’s the Tories for you.

Dorothy Devine

Haven’t had time to read all contributions and I am starting to work through Nana’s links – housework gone for a burton and for some time!

Nana , hope you are well and thanks again.

Terry callachan

Dunx…1115 30th July , great report, well explained , thanks



Arlene Foster DUP smiling all the way to the bank.


A light weight tv interview from outside Stormont to deliver “what NI wants.. despite the fact that NI voted to remain. A full 9 minutes interview reinforcing No Surrender

Better than a 30 second one liner which is the usual for our FM.



Just in case anyone in Scotland doesn’t yet know (!!!), the next three months are going to be the biggest BBC propaganda exercise ever mounted. It will make 2014 look insignificant.

We can only hope that enough people have had the ‘scales lifted’ and will ignore their bullshit.


Mary Miles 05:32. I think perspective is required. In the UK we are all already free we are not oppressed at all but a majority voted in 2014 voted to remain in the UK and it was a free vote.

Next time we will hopefully be wiser as to how to conduct the campaign and expose the lies of the MSM who completely ranged against us.


link to

Self-identification is high on the Scottish government’s agenda. But politically, it’s not at all clever. In fact, it’s not that clever, period.

cyril mitchell

He seemsto struggle to diferentiate between a city and a country


@ Robbo.

‘ the Treaty was dissolved by the Act of Union ‘
Dire stuff indeed.

The Treaty of Union is a bipartite treaty between two Sovereiegn states, it adheres to convention and therefore recognized in International law. The Acts of Union, are the the internal legislative mechanism for bringing into law the Articles of Union, agreed and authorised by Queen Anne. The Acts of Union were passed separately by both the Scottish and English Parliament and are now part of both Kingdoms independent Constitutional law. Westminster is bound and constrained by both these separate legal systems.
The People of Scotland’s Sovereign Rights are enshrined in Scots Constitutional law, and the English Parliament of 1707 signed Westminster up to them, no matter how inconvenient that is for the current uk gov.


In a world of data harvesting, micro-targetting, unlawful campaigns, dark money and brainwashing via the telly, in which voters can be ‘persuaded’ to change their minds without their knowledge or consent, another Independence Referendum is a high risk strategy. Ending the Treaty of Union after Brexit is looking like a safer bet.


See Nana’s links here:
link to

Additional links added just now if you started reading earlier.

stu mac

@TheItalianJob says:
30 July, 2019 at 9:51 pm
@manandboy at 9.44pm

Just watched (briefly) a BBC news article with a Ukraine news reporter on Russian influence in Eastern Ukraine. She said that as 70% of the population get their news from TV and the TV news is Russian as no Ukraine TV transmitters can reach they get biased news propaganda from Russia. Oh dear replied the BBC newscaster how unfortunate for the Eastern Ukrainians.

I doubt that’s completely true. It’s more likely due to the fact that a majority of that area are Russian-speakers of Russian descent whose language and culture been under pressure from the Ukrainian government. That’s part of the reason for the trouble there and no doubt they listen to Russian news because they feel it’s “their news”. Of course a lot of it will be propaganda, just as any west Ukraine stations which try to reach them will be spouting government propaganda. It’s a mistake to think there is a “good-guy” side here, except maybe the ordinary man in the street being used by either side.

Colin Alexander

I am not “British”: I am Scottish.

A citizen of the kingdom and nation of Scotland.

Scots should be allowed to identify as Scottish on electoral and other forms. Not forced to answer to the colonial identity forced upon us by our Imperial rulers.


Manandboy 8.40am. Exactly my thoughts. When all those other countries sought their independence from england ireland, india, canada, america, etc,etc, there was no internet , social media, brainwashing, cambridge analytica etc, telling the plebs and those whose only interest in life is ‘strictly or , BGT, or the x factor, how to vote. So yeah a safer bet is the Scottish government just ending the union by mandate.


Call Kaye ” Is Climate Change keeping you up at night ”

Me “is Climate Change going to keep the UK intact”

Greens made big gains in recent EU elections in Germany. Credit was given to school kids going on strikes, (egged on by parents?)

On Radio Scotland Between 7.55am and 9am (excluding the 9am news) there were 3 articles on Climate Change


5 live discussion on the break up of the UK the future of the union. snp spokesperson making good points


manandboy says:

another Independence Referendum is a high risk strategy. Ending the Treaty of Union after Brexit is looking like a safer bet.

There is political mandate to hold IndyRef2. There is currently no mandate to end the Union. Trying to do so would go down well.

There would need to be a democratic mandate by some means, referendum or perhaps election.

And when any democratic mandate is sought, we can expect every dark force to be brought to bear. That’s the way of the world now. Evil fears democracy and tries to undermine it.

Education, information, and awareness are the counters to the dark arts.


@Manandboy 08:30
As soon as you concede that the term ‘gender’ has a life beyond the confines of linguistics you’re effectively losing your grip on objective reality.

call me dave


Heard the first few minutes and it’s all going well, a sensible discussion so far.
Had to go out so I’ll catch it up later. 🙂


Footsoldier says:
31 July, 2019 at 8:14 am
Mary Miles 05:32. I think perspective is required. In the UK we are all already free we are not oppressed at all but a majority voted in 2014 voted to remain in the UK and it was a free vote.

Next time we will hopefully be wiser as to how to conduct the campaign and expose the lies of the MSM who completely ranged against us.

I think it was Channel 4 News last night, had a feature on Wales being increasingly “Indy-curious” I think the expression was. I was struck by somebody saying that if Ireland reunited, and Scotland secured Independence, Wales didn’t want to risk being left behind.

It occurred to me opting for Independence just because someone else does is not the most robust argument to build a campaign on, but then I remember how “selective” the British media is when selecting arguments it’s prepared to broadcast.

I think it’s safe to say however that the breakup of the UK will have profound ramifications for all component parts of the UK, and life will different afterwards. All things are possible.

I think however, we are still missing a trick.

I sincerely believe when you have the existing UK Union under imminent pressure of collapse; you have Scotland and Ireland with compelling reasons and desire to stay in Europe, and you have England with it’s equally compelling desire to leave, and Wales unsettled and unsure about what it wants. A solution MUST either change peoples’ minds, or, give them what they want, or, not be a lasting solution at all.

I cannot “unsee” a solution where an England and Wales determined to sit outside the EU, and a Scotland and Ireland inside the EU, could not engineer a “British Benelux” type arrangement, where Scotland, and maybe Ireland too, are fully paid up members of the EU, but have licence so to speak to accommodate some trade links with England and Wales.

Provided England adopted a more mature attitude towards Scotland’s Independence and moved its position and attitude to respect Scotland’s status as a sovereign nation as a positive opportunity for a new relationship, rather than an acrimonious and begrudging disaster, then there is I think a possible panacea to suit everybody’s ills.

Scotland gets full Indy in Europe, but also a UK ‘Trade’ Kingdom will still exist to ameliorate those amongst us with Unionist sensibilities.

Ireland possibly elects reunification, or, Northern Ireland becomes a transitional zone for Trade under EU jurisdiction, but there is no hard border or resumption of the Troubles.

England gets cut loose to indulge it’s Brexit misadventure to the max, but the sensible voices in England currently being drowned out by the bampots, have a lifeline to keep essential trade and even more essential lines of communication open.

Europe secures what Europe likes to secure, a de facto Trade Agreement with England where Europe is in charge of the details, but has Scotland and NI as, forgive the expression, “quarantine” zones to filter out English trade that has deregulated itself away from EU standards.

England wouldn’t deal with Europe, but Scotland, as Europe’s envoy, but an envoy sympathetic to the notion that England might seek to rejoin the EU without such a massive loss of face.

We become more, when we work together. The UK Union has lost it’s way and will perish because it cannot be repaired. But disassembling the United Kingdom to its factory settings does not preclude a new “British Islands” English speaking trade phenomenon with one foot firmly in Europe, and one foot in the Commonwealth/ Americas.

The critical issue to achieving this is doing it without coercion or subjugation, but respecting each other and a maintaining bullshit-free appreciation of true and objective common purpose.

It could work, and settle the UK and UK-Europe “tensions” by unforced voluntary consensus, and thus be a stable and constructive arrangement for a long time thereafter.

What is the alternative? Acrimonious bitterness, direct trade competition, lower standards and regulations and subjugated aspirations? How many years will that be a stable arrangement? We’ll be at each other’s throats for decades.

I know Boris Johnson is a f—kwit, and should not be trusted, but he is also in a bear pit where he cannot get out, and his only available solution is to dig it even deeper. If he is like Trump however, maybe unlike the rest of the British Establishment, he is also prepared to think the unthinkable if only for Brexit to succeed in England, at whatever cost it will cost. Maybe, providence has delivered us Boris not to try us, but because he is the one element in the whole British Establishment who can actually think outside the box.

What say you Boris? Help Scotland secure Independence and stay in Europe, and let Scotland reciprocate by helping make your Brexit conundrum a less destructive reality for the England that demands it.

It isn’t the British Empire which is the ‘out of its time’ anachronistim which holds back and blinkers Olde England. It’s the UK Union which needs the root and branch overhaul. Let England free to be England.

CameronB Brodie


Chapter Eleven
Gender and Sexuality in the Social Studies


Over the last twenty years, academic discourse changed the vocabulary it used to talk about men and women as subjects for study. “Gender” replaced “sex” as the way to describe differences and similarities between men and women, reflecting new notions concerning the social and cultural construction of physical and psychological attributes.

The old lexicon of “sex differences,” “sex discrimination” and “sex equity” gave way to consideration of inter- and intra-cultural variation; a new emphasis emerged concerning the historicity of what earlier had been labeled “sex roles” and “sexual identity.” These shifts produced a focus on elasticity in considering what it means to be a man or woman, with repeated reminders by feminist academics to avoid “essentialism” (that is, seeing men or women as inherently and universally possessing a specified set of attributes).1

As postmodernism, poststructuralism, and postcolonialis – three distinct intellectual developments with different trajectories and markedly different consequences – spread within the academy, debates have emerged about whether any stable meaning could be attributed to the words “female” and “male.” At the same time, scholars introduced new fields of study around human sexuality. Changing perspectives on gender and sexuality resulted in masculinity studies, along with more widespread research and teaching about gay and lesbian history and literature.

This movement, which was fueled by societal efforts to gain equity for women, gays, lesbians, trans-sexual and trans-gendered individuals, led to new college courses, concentrations, and majors and, at some institutions, the reconstitution of women’s studies programs as gender studies or gender and sexuality programs. Within the humanities, a “linguistic turn” characterized the academic field of history, and an “historical turn,” language and literature.

Within the social sciences, these changes were more muted but gradually made inroads, especially in marking the salience of language and ideology to human activity. This is not to say that these trends came to dominate these fields. They were, and remain, highly contested in many respects….

link to


CameronB Brodie and Golfnut

Thanks 4 input on that subject of treaty of union blah blah confusing area.

I must admit this treaty/acts of union is a Minefield for me too,so understand why people get into arguments with it.

I don’t remember my marriage being forever. No one would ever get divorced in that case would they. Lol

Jockanese Wind Talker

“Johnson adviser said Tories do not care about poor people or NHS.”

link to

“Voters are right to think Tory MPs largely do not care about poorer people or the NHS, according to Dominic Cummings in comments that have emerged from two years ago.”

Bill Hume

I have just had a strange and horrible thought.

Has Boris been installed in number 10 just to be the patsy….the fall guy….when the shit hits the fan?


The ideal of Scottish independence has become enmeshed with arguments for and against of the British state’s ‘adhesion’ to the European Union.
Scottish sovereignty is a stand alone, it must be freed from the alien Brexit bind and its seeming eternal discourse.
We end the Scoto-English political union, unconditionally.

CameronB Brodie

That’s the perfect way to look at it. IMHO. The union of the nations is like a marriage. Unfortunately the husband turned out to me a narcissistic misogynist. Plenty more fish in the sea though. 😉


McKee displays what an unedifying spectacle some of us make of themselves.
Beyond the cringe!


“Independence for England!”

England can get out of the UK and EU, tell the Celts and Continentals where to go and finally be happy. Problem solved 🙂

Come on Boris, you know it makes sense…

Make England Great Again


Thanks for the links Nana. A perfect solution.

Jockanese Wind Talker


Take away from your link of 30 July, 2019 at 11:53 pm @robbo says is that the person posting the comment believes that the UK can never be broken up legally.

“….the date hereof, and forever after, be United into One Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain”

link to

As @ ephemeraldeception rightly says 31 July, 2019 at 12:15 am

“The UK is a signatorty to the right of selfdetermination…..Evidenece from 1966”

link to

More important is Articles 6, 60 and 62 of the Vienna Convention (and this is where I’ve been thinking of when reading between the line of speeches by the FM and I Blackford et al):

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969:

link to

Article 6 Capacity of States to conclude treaties:

Every State possesses capacity to conclude treaties.


Article 60 – Termination or suspension of the operation of a treaty as a consequence of its breach.

1. A material breach of a bilateral treaty by one of the parties entitles the other to invoke the breach as a ground for terminating the treaty or suspending its operation in whole or in part.

2. A material breach of a multilateral treaty by one of the parties entitles:

(a) the other parties by unanimous agreement to suspend the operation of the treaty in whole or in part or to terminate it either:

(i) in the relations between themselves and the defaulting State;


(ii) as between all the parties;

(b) a party specially affected by the breach to invoke it as a ground for suspending the operation of the treaty in whole or in part in the relations between itself and the defaulting State;

(c) any party other than the defaulting State to invoke the breach as a ground for suspending the operation of the treaty in whole or in part with respect to itself if the treaty is of such a character that a material breach of its provisions by one party radically changes the position of every party with respect to the further performance of its obligations under the treaty.

3. A material breach of a treaty, for the purposes of this article, consists in:

(a) a repudiation of the treaty not sanctioned by the present Convention;


(b) the violation of a provision essential to the accomplishment of the object or purpose of the treaty.

4. The foregoing paragraphs are without prejudice to any provision in the treaty applicable in the event of a breach.

5. Paragraphs 1 to 3 do not apply to provisions relating to the protection of the human person contained in treaties of a humanitarian character, in particular to provisions prohibiting any form of reprisals against persons protected by such treaties.


Article 62 Fundamental change of circumstances

1. A fundamental change of circumstances which has occurred with regard to those existing at the time of the conclusion of a treaty, and which was not foreseen by the parties, may not be invoked as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from the treaty unless:

(a) the existence of those circumstances constituted an essential basis of the consent of the parties to be bound by the treaty; and

(b) the effect of the change is radically to transform the extent of obligations still to be performed under the treaty.

2. A fundamental change of circumstances may not be invoked as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from a treaty:

(a) if the treaty establishes a boundary; or

(b) if the fundamental change is the result of a breach by the party invoking it either of an obligation under the treaty or of any other international obligation owed to any other party to the treaty.

3. If, under the foregoing paragraphs, a party may invoke a fundamental change of circumstances as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from a treaty it may also invoke the change as a ground for suspending the operation of the treaty.


Liz g says at 3:54 am

The Revs Twitter has some fantastic examples of the British/EU border on the Island of Ireland…

Aye, there’s some crackers there. Looks like the border was drawn back in the day by a drunk with an Etch a Sketch pad!

Link to twitter thread with pics.

link to

galamcennalath says at 9:22 am

There is political mandate to hold IndyRef2. There is currently no mandate to end the Union. Trying to do so would go down well.

There would need to be a democratic mandate by some means, referendum or perhaps election.

And when any democratic mandate is sought, we can expect every dark force to be brought to bear. That’s the way of the world now. Evil fears democracy and tries to undermine it.

Education, information, and awareness are the counters to the dark arts.

I’ll give another plug for the Netflix documentary “The Great Hack” which was released last week.
It’s a good watch and shows just how powerful “the dark arts” have become, and thus how democracy has effectively been corrupted.


OT – Mr Ethical (Nicholas Wilson), the Integrity Initiative and the HSBC connection.

In this first of several new interviews for Real Media, he connects Government funding and the security services to the recently revealed psyops outfit, Institute for Statecraft and its ‘integrity initiative’.

link to

The same outfit which has a false address in a disused mill in Scotland. If only we had some journalists in Scotland who could follow up the connection to the Indyref1 in 2014.


@Capella, 10.37am

Thanks for that very interesting link.

Jockanese Wind Talker

For me the Sovereignty of Scots Electorate via the EU Referendum Vote 2016 is covered under The Vienna Convention, Article 60

3. A material breach of a treaty, for the purposes of this article, consists in:

(b) the violation of a provision essential to the accomplishment of the object or purpose of the treaty.

Jockanese Wind Talker

UK adherence to the provisions of The Good Friday Agreement;

The Vienna Convention:

Article 26 – “Pacta sunt servanda”

Every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good


Article 27 – Internal law and observance of treaties

A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty. This rule is without prejudice to article 46.


He is a sniveling little red tory wretch,got to admit its been real funny watching the yoons try and defend their new tory master.

Great work all you cybernats out there awesome job 🙂


In the latest YouGov poll issued today. Labour are 4th in Scotland at 11%. Just a sub-sample but a straw in the wind.

link to


Sorry – Labour are 5th!

Jockanese Wind Talker

Also worth a dig by an Investigative Journalist @Capella says at 10:37 am, would be “The Media Operations Group” rebranded the “Security Assistance Group” now the 77th Brigade which is described by the MOD as “an agent of change”

The 77 Brigade is split into six ‘Columns’:

No.1 Column – Planning support focusing on the behavioural analysis of actors, audiences and adversaries

No.2 Column – Provides the detail synchronisation and delivery of effect

No.3 Column – Provides highly deployable specialists to other parts of the Armed Forces and other Government organisations

No.4 Column – Provides professional specialists in Security Capacity Building in Defence

No.5 Column – Media operations and Civil Affairs

No.7 Column – Engineer and Logistics Staff Corps

Bit of Trolling that “the fifth column” has been designated as the Media Operations Unit.

Origin of 5th Column General Emilio Mola, Francoist General in the Spanish Civil War:

link to

I have a strong suspicion that Colonel Yadaftie worked her way up the BritNat greasy pole via MOG as a ‘journalist’, her minimal time as an Army Reservist, her ‘extra-curricular’ work for Fluffy whilst still employed as a BBC Journalist and now as a constructed media puff piece front woman for the ‘Scottish’ Tories and the ‘Precious Union’.

link to

I have no doubt members of the UK Civil Service in Scotland are fully paid up members of No.3 Column, 77th Brigade defending the Union.


@Jockanese Wind Talker

BritNat dark forces will be fully deployed come IndyRef2, if not already.

However, something which gives me hope is the simple fact that there are far more of us, than them.

At best, their efforts will be astro turfing, social media advertising, and fake postings. We will be using face to face discussion in 1000s of places, they can never do that. Also, our online activity is based on 1000s of real people, not bots.

With WBB and other efforts, we can go head to head on ‘advertising’.


I don’t think I want the same question on the independence ballot paper next time, it is too vague and doesn’t spell out the reality you are voting for.

Which box would you tick in these questions?

Scotland should be run by politicians elected by the people of Scotland from the parliament at Holyrood

Scotland should be run by politicians elected by another country from a parliament at Westminster.

The electoral commission won’t like it because they like vague questions that can be fudged afterwards, look at the Brexit question, no actual detail about what we were voting for.


BBC Radio 4 Today / Steve Bannon interview.

link to

mike cassidy

Surely those examples of the Irish border were drawn up by our very own ‘Cactus’ during one of his allnighters.

Colin Alexander

The UK’s Electoral Commission have lost all credibility by allowing flagrant cheating and lying to be treated as minor transgressions.

They are also an agent of the UK State.

Following their guidance is surely one of the mistakes from 2014 that we must correct. The Electoral Commission should not even be consulted for an opinion.

The Scottish Parliament should use their own judgment and make the decision.

CameronB Brodie

Scots should vote to assert their embodied sovereignty and to protect their human rights.

Scots should vote to reject their embodied sovereignty and renounce their human rights*.

I’m sure the Electoral Commission would like to be seen supporting global human rights, such as the right to an identity and the right to development. Then again, they are part of the BritNat Establishment, and about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

* this is an impossible task, it can’t be done. An individual may wish to reject their inalienable rights, but they are embodied within the individual. Westminster is a medievalist patriarchy and wishes to nullify the popular sovereignty of Scots, despite previously legislating the Claim of Rights as constitutional law. Such constitutional practice clearly lacks coherence and so is incapable of producing natural justice.


Umm. I got the impression that Boris had invited himself.

Robert Louis

Jockanese windtalker,

Ending the treaty is as you point out, perfectly feasible, and indeed can be done by either signatory. A treaty is just an agreement between two or more countries. ~It is nothing more. So, for example, we could have a treaty between Canada and the USA, to say, reduce greenhouse emissions by 60% in two years. If a new US government is elected, which sees no point in such a reduction, it can end the treaty. It is is really straightforward.

It matters not one jot, that the first article of the union treaty says the two countries united forever (I paraphrase) etc…. It is still only the case while the treaty is valid, or in force. The 1707 treaty of union is not magic. It doesn’t have special authority which no other treaty has. Unionists like to make out the union treaty IS special, because it suits them to have Scots thinking they need ‘permission’ in order to end it. But it is bunkum.

Of course unilateral ending of a treaty may make another signatory unhappy, but that doesn’t mean they then have magic powers to say ‘No, you can’t end the treaty’. Only loony Scottish unionists try to argue otherwise, such is their cringing subservience to London.

A treaty is just an agreement, it can be ended by either signatory, in this case, Scotland or England.


@Colin Alexander

Tend to agree re. Electoral Commission.

From April.
link to

I didn’t see mention on here last month of Darren Grimes winning his appeal against his 20k fine from the Electoral Commission for the 500k overspend of the VoteLeave campaign.
How much did that cost the Electoral Commission to reach an unsound decision? Presumably the tax payers will pick up the tab…

Is anyone aware of further information of those denied the vote in the recent EU Elections?

CameronB Brodie

In not havering mince when I suggest the full-English Brexit is as close to fascism as I want to get.

Human Rights, Legal Personhood and the Impersonality of Embodied Life


Since Locke, the concept of person has been closely linked to the idea of a subjective natural right and, later, to the concept of human rights. In this article we attempt to trouble this connection between humanity and personhood. For personhood is also an apparatus or dispositive of power. In the first half of the article, we identify a fundamental problem in the usual way human rights are connected to legal personhood by making use of insights drawn from Roberto Esposito’s discourse on biopolitics and critical race theory.

While human rights are intended to offer protection to the “precarious” reality of human embodied life, we hypothesize that the fiction of legal personality generates a dis-embodiment whereby this human life is left exposed and defenseless. In the second half, we propose reconstructing the idea of legal personhood so that it may be more adequate to the required conception of human rights with insights drawn from Helmuth Plessner’s political anthropology of embodied life and from the analysis of disembodiment recently articulated by Ta-Nehisi Coates.

link to

Jockanese Wind Talker

Normalising the Far Right on behalf of the Neo-Fascist UK Government via the British Nationalist Broadcaster BBC R4 @Dan says at 11:54 am

BBC Radio 4 Today interview of Steve Bannon.

Bannon is an ally of Trump.

Bannon is a cheerleader for Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka ‘Tommy Robinson’ and the Far Right in general across Europe.

Bannon is an ally of BoJo.

The dark clouds of fascism roll across Europe once again and the UK is in the vanguard this time!


CameronB Brodie

Re. BoJo’s and Farage’s ally, Steve Bannon. The man is an racist and a fascist.

Factsheet: Steve Bannon

IMPACT: As the head of Breitbart, Steve Bannon provided a platform for stereotypes and falsified information about Muslims. Bannon’s appointment to chief strategist in the Trump administration resulted in the promotion of anti-Muslim policies, most notably the Muslim Ban.

Steve Bannon is the former Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor for President Donald Trump and the former executive chairman of Breitbart. Bannon had a key role in writing the Executive Order banning immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries that many have called a “Muslim Ban.”

Breitbart is described as a “far-right” media establishment that provides a platform for the “alt-right.” A 2016 Time article found that the site “pushed racist, sexist, xenophobic, and anti-Semitic material into the vein of the alternative right.” Bannon served as it’s executive chairman from 2012 until August 2016, when he joined the Trump campaign. He went on to join the Trump administration as Chief Strategist. This appointment was celebrated by the American Nazi Party and the Klu Klux Klan (KKK).

Numerous religious and civil rights groups, along with elected officials, criticized Bannon’s appointment in the administration because of his role at Breitbart, which provided a platform for views they consider racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and misogynistic….

link to


mike cassidy says at 11:58 am

Surely those examples of the Irish border were drawn up by our very own ‘Cactus’ during one of his allnighters.

I have Cactus down as a more artistic entity and believe they would use Spirograph over Etch a Sketch.

Or maybe both the Irish border lines, and the stravaiging of Cactus are merely the work of Strava artists!

Worth checking out the pics of the amazing work some have produced.

link to


From today’s Guardian, an article on Lyme disease.
[The research, published in the journal BMJ Open, found that half of cases occurred between June and August. Although there were diagnoses across all regions of the UK during the period studied, Scotland had the highest number of cases, at 27% of the total. The authors suggest this could be due to the REGION’s wetter climate and popularity with hikers. The south-west and south of England also recorded a higher than average number of cases.]
Well, just another reason why living in the Scotland region of Ukania is so awful!


As much as one may balk at aspects of the new Brit régime and populist and new-right thinking I admit to believing that Scotland might well be much further on the highway to independence were the leadership to climb off their high horses of politically correct purity and self-righteousness and get down and dirty in the ideological scrum.

Whosoever desires constant success must change conduct according to the times.
Niccolò Machiavelli.

Brian Lucey

“I cannot “unsee” a solution where an England and Wales determined to sit outside the EU, and a Scotland and Ireland inside the EU, could not engineer a “British Benelux” type arrangement, where Scotland, and maybe Ireland too, are fully paid up members of the EU, but have licence so to speak to accommodate some trade links with England and Wales.”
Err no. Thanks. Look up Irish trade with the UK vs …well, not.

CameronB Brodie

Some has-been twat talking sense, for a change, but failing to connect the dots. It is English/British nationalism that has a problem with the far-right and racism, not Scottish ‘nationalism’. Scotland didn’t vote to restrict immigration and abandon freedom of movement. Get this, he’s moaning about Scotland now turning towards a ‘hard’ separation by rejecting currency union.

This arsehole simply won’t admit his ideology doesn’t match up with reality. He’s simply an unimaginative and somewhat totalitarian FUD.

Fabian Society speech: Gordon Brown on combatting the far-right
link to

Socrates MacSporran

Cameron B Brodie

A wee confession, I normally skip past your thorough, but dull and academic posts. However, a few more lines such as your comments on Gordon Brown:

“This arsehole simply won’t admit his ideology doesn’t match up with reality. He’s simply an unimaginative and somewhat totalitarian FUD.

and I would read more of your posts. That’s the stuff to give the troops; well said.

CameronB Brodie

Socrates MacSporran
Lets see you try to make post-modern critical social theory interesting. 🙂


Dunx says
At 11:15pm

@ galamcmcennalath
I know you’re technically correct that it was a majority vote for Tories in Scotland in 1955( Tories in all but name) but also technically ( in purely anorak/pedantic terms) the Tories didn’t win any seats in Scotland at that election.

This is true, the Conservatives didn’t actually win any seats in Scotland because they didn’t stand. Their allies, Nat Libs and Scot Unionists, were the parties which took seats.

By Tories, we generally mean those parties too.

However, this does bring up an interesting point. We can justifiably claim that the Conservative Party have not won in Scotland in living memory.

In fact, I’m really not quite sure the the current entity known as the Conservative Party has ever won in Scotland!

CameronB Brodie

Socrates MacSporran
Apparently I’m failing to do so and I’ve had a formal introduction to this stuff. 😉


Every element of the Establishment just stinks to high heaven, including of course the Electoral Commission. They have proof positive that Vote Leave broke the law, in a multitude of ways, and yet this Brexit fiasco continues. The EUref results (and the last GE) should have been declared null and void and that probably applies to Indyref1 too. I don’t see the main, dirty dealing, players just emerging from the woodwork in 2016. We know for a fact now that they were all “beavering away” well before then.


@ Breeks says at 9:53am ….. “the critical issue to achieving this is.”……

The flaw in your latest argument Breeks is that, “the critical issue to achieving this is” that England can’t AFFORD to let Scotland go, cash cow, Faslane, etc, etc, and will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening.


@ Mike at 11:58am …….

Ha, ha, ha. Good one.

Mike I think you”ll find that it was Stu that came up with the Irish border solution and outlined it on here quite some time ago. On my IPad so can’t find or copy/paste it.



@ galamcennalath …… It would be good to know one way or another if the Tories have ever won in Scotland. If not it keeps the debate with others simple and that is that the Scots have never been stupid enough to vote for the Tories at any time historically.

CameronB Brodie

Some insight into the Prime Minister’s role in promoting the Eurosceptiscism that has empowered the far-right, who are now in cabinet.

Boris Johnson: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
link to


O/T re iScot and Phantom Power fundraisers. The Rev alerted us 28 days ago to four fundraisers – the two with targets of £8000 have been met [Ayemail and Wee GD – and Scot goes Pop too]

BUT iScot’s target is £60,000 of which £6,429 raised.

And Phantom has got £3,219 of its £20,000 target.

Just saying…


It’s only a week since Johnson was ‘elected’ and we already have Bannon interviewed on The EBC.

Be Scared – very scared.

Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Johnson.


Petra says:

It would be good to know one way or another if the Tories have ever won in Scotland.

Depends what you mean by Tories.

If you mean the wider alliance of right wing parties which formed governments together, then the answer is 1955.

If you mean strictly the Conservative Party itself, then the answer seems to be never.

“The origins of the Scottish Unionist Party lie in the 1886 split of the British Liberal Party with the emergence of the Liberal Unionists under Joseph Chamberlain. The Union in question was the 1800 Irish Union, not that of 1707. Prior to this, the only Tory/Conservative party in Scotland was the official Conservative Party, which had never achieved parity with the dominant Whig and Scottish Liberal Party ascendancy since the election reforms of 1832. The new Liberal Unionists quickly agreed to an electoral pact with the Conservative Party in Britain, and in Scotland this pact overcame the former electoral dominance of the Scottish Liberals.”

link to

So prior to 1886 the UK Conservatives did stand in Scotland but never beat Whigs/Liberals.

So, 1886 to 1965, The English Conservatives didn’t stand in Scotland.

I have read in umpteen places that the demise of the right in Scotland dates back to the merger of Scot Unionist and Conservatives in 1965. The ‘English’ Conservative Party never had the appeal of a genuine Scottish party.

This lesson is perhaps why the BritNats like to stick Scottish in front of their real names. A vain hope that branch offices can gain traction as Scottish.

Robert Kerr

@Petra 2.08

Well done with

“The EUref results (and the last GE) should have been declared null and void and that probably applies to Indyref1 too”

Indeed Indiref1 is totally compromised in my opinion.


Sorry, no link.

The Bloomberg Bulletin this morning points to the Foreign Exchange markets, which is not in my wing mirror, and the potential for very significant disruption to the Johnson Plan.

“The foreign-exchange market is a fiercer opponent than Johnson has had to take on so far. Investors are already talking about the prospect that market pressure will force him to change tack – and debating how high his pain threshold is.

“We have seen from time to time that the market is able to put pressure on governments,” said Thu Lan Nguyen, a currency strategist at Commerzbank AG

“Increasing market turmoil could put the government under pressure to refrain from a no-deal Brexit.

As a pain threshold, I could imagine a depreciation just above 10% in a short time that takes the currency close to parity against euro.”

The Brexit avalanche continues, at its own pace, to forge its destructive path down the UK hillside.


The Hootsman quotes Alister Jack. Apparently he’s going to oppose an indyref2 “with all of my being”.

Playing the ontological card eh? And we thought he was going to be dull.



This seem to be the article.

link to

Yes, very interesting. The pound will drop further. Then the markets will bring Johnson to heel insisting ‘no deal’ is not on.


kapelmeister says:

Alister Jack. Apparently he’s going to oppose an indyref2 “with all of my being”.

As a Scot, he has that democratic right. Seems increasingly likely he’s in the minority, though.

This English sidekick, Robin Walker, on the other hand should mind his own business. The Scots will decide. That’s the way it should be, however we know non-Scots like Johnson will feel entitled to get involved.


Good Lord is this what Scottish Labour has become? Standing bareheaded; eyes averted; wringing their Bunnet in their hands while this unelected oaf tours the ‘regions’.


@ Gus at 2:33pm …”Bannon.”…

You just wonder if anything can be done about this cabal, and Facebook, etc, now? Farage shot off to see Trump immediately after the EUref results. How much contact had he had with Trump, Bannon and so on beforehand? He was also in a Trump audience (Trump pointed it out) following the Clown being elected. They are all mooching around Europe too stirring things up. Surely someone can get enough on Farage, for starters, to get him locked up?


Thanks for the info galamcennalath. Interesting.

Dr Jim

Maybe I’m being a bit pedantic here but this Alister Jack stuff about being born and brought up in Scotland is absolute tosh
Anybody born and brought up in Scotland who speaks with an English accent is English or wants to be
Has anybody ever heard of anyone born and brought up in England who speaks with a Scottish accent

I don’t think so

Dr Jim

This morning I’ve heard the FM of Scotland, the Leader of Sinn fein and others in Northern Ireland, the FM of Wales and leaders in the Irish Republic and nobody wants anything to do with England’s Brexit except England

This is dicatatorship by a country nobody wants anything to do with

Robert Peffers

@Jockanese Wind Talker says: 31 July, 2019 at 10:32 am:

” … Take away from your link of 30 July, 2019 at 11:53 pm @robbo says is that the person posting the comment believes that the UK can never be broken up legally.”

There is the one wee problem I’ve been harping on about for what seems like forever, Jockanese Wind Talker. That is the one about the people of Scotland’s legal sovereignty. It means that neither Westminster or Holyrood are legally sovereign under Scottish law and Scottish law is sacrosanct under the Treaty of Union.

It means that neither the Holyrood parliament, Nicola Sturgeon or Westminster can over rule the people of Scotland’s wishes. Nicola thus requires a specific mandate to declare the majority of the people of Scotland want Scotland to reclaim their independence.

To put that into perspective it is not either Westminster, Holyrood or the ruling Holyrood party that has the sovereign right to reclaim Scottish independence for only a majority of the people of Scotland have that legal right. To date that majority has never been proven to exist.

When it does then there are several different doors that will swing wide open for Scots to walk through on their way to independence. The worst possible thing that could happen is for Nicola to call Indyref2 — and lose it.


Dr Jim says

Alister Jack ….Anybody born and brought up in Scotland who speaks with an English accent is English or wants to be

Thing is, it’s not really an accent from the country of England …. it’s Received English accent which in not, and never was, spoken in any region of England. It’s fabricated. Created in the private school and Oxbridge education system.

Jack went Glenalmond College in Perthshire (I believe) which operates like an English private school, including instilling the RE accent!

I suppose the RE accent is an attempt by the elite to stand apart from commoners who have regional accepts. It allows them to recognise one another on meeting. PLUs as they say, People Like Us.

For me, it’s a sign of an upbringing gone wrong.

call me dave

@Dr Jim

Well I had similar thoughts about all these voices we have heard this morning and some yesterday and I thought it had been a wee while since all our Aunties had allowed such a thing.

Indeed I have seen big Brian on shortbread (with a variety of voluminous self coloured ties on) giving worried reports on the consequences of Brexit.
Even the FM actually speaking for once.

It flitted into my brain that there might have be a slight mood change in the reporting and apart from Arlene accusing the ‘belligerent EU’ of diabolical deeds it had been , on the whole, pretty good for the remainers.

Not buying anymore popcorn yet though as I have quite a large stock not opened yet…waiting patiently. 🙂


Petra says:
31 July, 2019 at 2:08 pm

@ Breeks says at 9:53am ….. “the critical issue to achieving this is.”……

The flaw in your latest argument Breeks is that, “the critical issue to achieving this is” that England can’t AFFORD to let Scotland go, cash cow, Faslane, etc, etc, and will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening.

Then please explain why it’s SNP policy to stop Brexit and save the whole UK from itself, rather merely saving Scotland through our sovereign absolute No to Brexit.

We’ll apparently compromise on Scotland’s interests to prevent Brexit, but we won’t offer the English an economic lifeline which might soften their resistance to Scotland’s Independence and perhaps even give them cause to support it? Hmmm… how does that work? Are we sure we’ve thought it through?

Forget the bluster and bravado, I don’t think we should underestimate how exposed and vulnerable England is going to feel stepping outside of the European umbrella. If Scotland has the maturity and confidence to make itself safe in Europe, but also has the magnanimity to extend an umbilical cord for essential trade between England and Europe, then I believe the reasonable people of England will deeply appreciate it, and we perhaps have the foundations laid for something much stronger beyond. In the short term, it will greatly ease the pain of our departure.

“We’re not coming with you England. We think you’re making a dreadful mistake, but we respect it’s your choice. But now you must let us go and respect ours. But let us use the time that’s left to prepare. Help us embed our country solidly in the heart of Europe. Help us secure the anchorage point that will allow us keep firm hold of your economic lifeline… and a way back, just in case you ever need it.

We’ll see you won’t starve, or want for the lack of medicine. Your planes can use our airspace and your ships our waters, (ships, not subs mind), and we’ll be your respectful intermediary if you find it too humbling to ask Europe for help or admit you’ve made a big mistake.

We will save you and the Irish from the awkward conundrum of the Irish Backstop… or at least you’ll have a workaround instead of the bloodshed and rogue nation status that beckons.

But we can only promise these things if Scotland is a sovereign member state secure inside the European Union. It’s the price for making it happen. It’s not our price, it is THE price. Being a sovereign Nation is the leverage we need to make the bargains that need to be made with Europe. It is simply what has to happen by Constitutional necessity.

Think about it England. We are leaving the UK. The rest is up to you.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Good to see you back Robert Peffers says at 3:40 pm and you are correct about our Popular Sovereignty.

The poor soul commenting in the link @robbo supplied last night at 11:53 pm doesn’t understand this.

However thanks to many on here (and you in particular Mr P) most of us BTL on WoS do understand it.

Stay healthy Robert.



Below are the first two paragraphs from an article in the on-line Daily Telegraph. The whole article is behind a paywall but the first two paragraphs and the headline give you a pretty good idea of the tenor and direction of the article. I just had to share this:

“”Bought by Brussels, little Ireland’s ridiculous leaders have landed it in a Brexit crisis””
“”This is tough right now, being a proud and loyal British subject who has lived in, and loved, Ireland for more than 60 years. What is tough is watching the ridiculous behaviour of the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and his foreign minister, Simon Coveney, trying to destroy, like wilful children, relations with an ancient and friendly neighbour.

Whatever faults the British may have, they understand independence and freedom. I can understand why they mock the ridiculous behaviour of these two men. Varadkar and Coveney are both members of Fine Gael, a party that has its roots in the fight 100 years ago to secure independence and freedom for Ireland. Yet now here they are trying to block the UK’s path to…””


@ cirsium @ Jockanese Wind Talker @ Dan – there’s a very dark and dangerous group of players manipulating public opinion. The BBC Trust was, until very recently, chaired by Rona Fairhead of HSBC and Roger Carr, Chair of BAE systems. Why? Are they just very clever, or does a background in banking and weapons manufacturing qualify you for public sector broadcasting oversight?

The Cambridge Analytica whistleblower, Chris Wylie, mentioned that there was work undertaken in Scotland prior to 2015 but no Scottish journalist seems to be in the slightest bit curious to know what that was.

Can’t have been anything important.

I hope Mr Ethical carries on digging.

Liz g

Ledgerwood @ 4.20
To my dying day I’ll never understand why anyone absolutely anyone would consider themselves “a subject” …
That one statement says it all about the mind set that could ever view the British behaviour toward Ireland as in any way benign.
An ancient and friendly neighbour… Oh my giddy aunt…
This is the mind of a world view that reads chapter Two of Exodus and claims the Bible to be the ” good ” book!!!!

Bob Mack

The American Congressional Committee which approves all trade deals and is comprised of Democrats and Republicans have stated there will be NO trade deal if the Irish border is affected in any way. They have the power to delay a trade deal by up to five years , or permanently if they wish, in spite of what Trump says.

54 Congressmen who sit on the Congressional Friends of Ireland Committee which is again bi partisan have stated they will not allow Ireland to be affected by Brexit.

Game on for Johnson.

Robert J. Sutherland

Robert Louis @ 12:20,

I’ve been struggling (likely through ignorance) to think of any examples of the unilateral revocation of an international treaty. Although it is theoretically possible, it generally isn’t done by stable regimes because of the serious repercussions for confidence that follow. The Treaty of Rapallo (1922) – mutual recognition between Weimar Germany and the nascent Soviet Union – was unilaterally revoked by Hitler in spectacular fashion in 1944, but anything involving the Great Dictator isn’t a great guide, more a counterexample in fact. The odious fascistoid Trump has just reneged on the Iran Nuclear Deal, and that’s not going too well either.

What seems to happen instead is that periods of extreme instability unhinge everything, one consequence being that pre-existing treaties in effect become irrelevant or moribund. BoJo appears to positively subscribe to this kind of societal disruption as a policy, and that a period of extreme UK trauma is in fact (for him) necessary for a “national” resurgence. We might hope that he gets more than he bargained for from his northern colony, but that may be no more than wishful thinking. He’s gambling that innate Scots caution will successfully defuse any significant rebellion, and he could well be right. Suffocation by re-normalisation in a new right-wing polity.

Thinking on, however, here’s the real fly-in-the-ointment (and death-knell) of the “treaty revocation” strategy: by the terms of The Treaty of Union, the states of Scotland and England formally ceased to exist, and were replaced by the (then) state of Great Britain. So whatever the internal constitution of the UK may now be, there are no internationally-recognised independent governments left who possess the necessary sovereignty to declare a revocation. It’s the damn chicken-and-egg conundrum again.

There’s no successful way out of this without widespread public support. And that has to be positively won with loud-and-proud advocacy of a plausible alternative way forward, not merely leaving everything to circumstances. The new UKGov at least realises this fundamental fact, and is evidently currently preparing a massive propaganda exercise under the guise of “crisis management” to re-cast everything. And more than a little of it is intended to head our way, so we had better do more than passively hope that “circumstances” are somehow going to win this imminent existential struggle for us for free.

We’re heading for a hard-right BritNat New Order unless we extract ourselves from the UK in a very timely manner. We can’t afford to wait much longer.

Robert J. Sutherland

me @ 16:59.

Oops, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union was of course in 1941, not 1944. Duh.


Liz g @ 4:52 pm

It really was quite gobsmacking wasn’t it and that was just the headline and two paragraphs!

English exceptionalism to the nth degree drips from every word, comma and double space between sentences.**

What is equally gobsmacking is that the Telegraph is printing stuff like this almost every day and people, at least their readership, seem to be swallowing it hook, line and sinker!

** see Rees-Mogg’s instructions the other day to Civil servants on correct punctuation etc

Maria F


“Then please explain why it’s SNP policy to stop Brexit”

I could think a couple of reasons for this:

1. Scotland never gave consent for the UK to give up its EU membership. If this is truly a union of equals as many no voters think it is, then the Kingdom of England has as much right to drag Scotland out of the EU as Scotland has to force the Kingdom of England to remain in the EU. In a proper union of equals, without explicit Scotland’s consent the triggering of A50 by England MPs on behalf of Scotland may well be unconstitutional because it goes against our Claim of Right and own principle of popular sovereignty. England Mps cannot trigger A50 on behalf of Scotland – they have never been given a mandate for it. I think the SnP may well be, subtly, very subtly, attempting to force England MPs to revoke A50 to re-establish the status quo Scotland voted for. And why not? I can see why as this will drive the VIP taxdodgers, tax havens, neocons and American interests behind brexit absolutely insane – the EU is not going to wait forever for the Uk to implement the tax evasion laws if Brexit continues to be delayed and usa is not going to wait forever for a deal.

2. It is crystal clear that there is perhaps still a majority among the electorate in England and Wales that pursues leaving the EU. But what is even more clear is that strange colluding forces (some of them geopolitical and foreign by the look of it) fronted by ERG, CRC, Cambridge Analytica, the Brexit Party and other strange characters are determined to escape those EU regulations what come may. The way the no deal nonsense has been ramped up in the last few months, the catapulting of de Pfeffel to the seat and a man like Cummings who was found to be in contempt of parliament as advisor, and the BBC extending the red carpet to extreme right wing individuals like Farage, Bannon etc says a great deal.

The proper democratic procedure when there has been no consensus among the 4 nations of the UK and more importantly among the only 2 equal partners, is for the England MPs to call a referendum in the Kingdom of England, which is the partner who voted against the status quo, to let the people decide if they rather preserve the union by remaining in the EU or they rather dissolve the union to leave the EU.

I would like to think that something down this lines is what the SNP is pursuing as that is precisely what I would be pursuing. Why? Because that is the best way to call the bluff of the English establishment, test where its real loyalties lie and determine just how important the UK is considered when its juicy Tax havens are at risk.

I must say that I support an Scottish referendum because the people of Scotland has given a mandate for it and therefore no England MPs or minion in the tory, labour and libdem party should have a say in the matter. But if I have to be 100% honest, I do not see why on earth Scotland is the one that has to end up cleaning the mess the Kingdom of England has caused.

It was not Scotland who voted against the Status Quo, it was the Kingdom of England. It should be therefore the Kingdom of England who now cleans its own mess. It is therefore my opinion that the referendum to decide about dissolving the Uk should happen in England and Wales, not in Scotland.

Also, there is a part of me that sees the referendum as a red herring. Tories, libdems and labour have been parroting about the referendum since 2016 non-stop, far more than the SNP themselves and I feel there is an ulterior motive to this bombardment that is beyond simply wanting to stop it. I have wondered more than once if what these trojan horses of the English establishment are doing is to make the people of England think that the problem is in Scotland and not really in the Kingdom of England, which is who voted against the Status quo and who is more divided about brexit. I am beginning to think it is a distracting tool, a defusing mechanism for the divisions in England, not Scotland.

Why could those trojan horses do that? Because a little referendum in Scotland can easily be manipulated and interfered with as they did in 2014 to ensure no will win again. But such referendum will be much more difficult to control should it happen in England because whatever side wins, there will be far too much to lose.

I like to think that this is perhaps what the SNP could be pushing for: a way to put all the meaningful forces that are so desperate to escape EU regulations firmly against the wall so this time they cannot escape making a decision: what is more important to them if escaping those EU regulations or keeping the UK intact.

Scotland having the referendum is making it very easy for those manipulative forces that will be happily sneaking through the back door with the help of the biased broadcasters, civil service, MSM an toothless electoral commission and buckets of money at their disposal. In the same way they have manipulated the EU ref campaign with dark money, lack of transparency in the origin of CRC donations, Psypos and have allowed Vote Leave to get away with breaking electoral law I have not a shadow of a doubt that they will manipulate our referendum to get away with having both brexit and an intact (at least looking intact) UK.

There is no escape route for those forces if the referendum takes place in the Kingdom of England. They would not be able to have their cake (brexit) and eat it too (an intact UK): or they get to escape the EU regulations or they get to preserve the UK. They cannot longer have both.

I like to think this route is precisely what the SNP is pursuing or at least threatening those forces with pushing for. When you think of it, it is actually quite clever. If the SNP keeps strong in its position demanding brexit and hammering them with Scotland’s vote against brexit, perhaps by threatening them with stopping the whole thing in the courts because Scotland never gave consent for A50 to be triggered, the England MPs will soon be falling over themselves to sign a section 30 order and at least keep a chance “to control” that referendum and keep a chance to win. The alternative, which is a proper full blown referendum in England or simply the imminent demands by those pro brexit forces in the electorate and behind the shadows to dissolve the union cold turkey, are just too close for comfort.

Robert J. Sutherland

In his latest blog, Peter A. Bell has an interesting take on things that I hadn’t appreciated until now. He sets off by dismissing S.30 as merely a convenient means-to-an-end at the time:

[…] what [Alex Salmond] wanted was not the Section 30 order itself, but the Edinburgh Agreement that accompanied it.

Eventually he gets to an original (well, to me anyway) inversion:

Which does not mean that we should take the British government to court – whatever that may entail. What it means, and what Salmond no doubt intended, is that the British state is powerfully deterred from taking the Scottish Government to court. It is highly unlikely that any constitutional court, including the UK Supreme Court, would uphold the British government’s right to exercise what is effectively a veto over Scotland’s right of self-determination.

PB’s personal focus is clearly in believing that the SG’s apparent slow-mo pursuit of an S.30 order is a strategic dead-end, but to me his point begs a more-important question: what could/should the SG be doing now to call Boris’ bluff, and snare the UKGov in that potential politico-legal dilemma?

(Or, of course, proceed blithely onward as it wishes, unchallenged… =grin=)

link to

Col.Blimp IV

Robert Peffers says – “The worst possible thing that could happen is for Nicola to call Indyref2 — and lose it.”

I couldn’t agree more, which is why I believe that Westminster elections should be fought on the single issue of Independence for Scotland.

preferably under the “YES” banner.

Candidates could also declare that they will only ever cast their votes in a manner that they believe to be in the best interests of the people of Scotland and that they will endevour to do their utmost assist constituents with any problem they have, pertinent to the UK Parliament.

…a risk free referendum every four years until we get the “right” result.

Colin Alexander

Robert J. Sutherland

A recent example of unilaterally suspending / withdrawing from an international treaty is The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty).

The USA accused Russia ( USSR originally signed in 1987) of breaking the terms of the treaty so said in Feb 2019 they were suspending the terms of the treaty and gave six months notice of withdrawing from the treaty.

link to


Bob Mack says

The American Congressional Committee which approves all trade deals and is comprised of Democrats and Republicans have stated there will be NO trade deal if the Irish border is affected in any way.

More infor …

link to

LLOOLL …. Brexitology revolves around free trade deals in low regulation, low standards, new Britannia. Especially with low regulations and standards US.

Yet another Catch 22 hits them!

NI (at least) needs to stay closely compliant with the EU. To ensure integrity of the UNion, the whole UK would need to be compliant. The Brexiteers don’t want that. But they have to do that to get a US trade deal past congress. But, how do they formulate a trade deal with the US, yet manage to maintain high EU standards?

The circle won’t square.

What a shite show!

Robert J. Sutherland

Maria F @ 17:37:

I like to think that this is perhaps what the SNP could be pushing for: a way to put all the meaningful forces that are so desperate to escape EU regulations firmly against the wall so this time they cannot escape making a decision: what is more important to them … escaping those EU regulations or keeping the UK intact.

I see it in mirror-image, actually. Getting all those pro-EU forces in Scottish society (people like Kirsty Hughes, for example) to the point of recognising that their long-lingering hopes of a UK remaining in the EU have now turned to dust, and that they have to come to the very same definitive conclusion you mention: UK or indy?

Post-Bozo [sic], the days of wishful fence-sitting are well and truly over.

For everybody.

Robert J. Sutherland

Colin Alexander @ 17:45,

Ah, yes. Trump again, of course. Another breach that likely won’t end well, unless repaired by successor(s).

Jockanese Wind Talker

Example of “the unilateral revocation of an international treaty” @Robert J. Sutherland says at 4:59 pm

Philippines withdrawing from the Rome Statues(which had created the International Criminal Court) On the 17th March 2018.

Declared unilaterally by President Duerte.

Jockanese Wind Talker

England should be looking to this model (not unilateral but in agreement with)

It is the common sense approach so they won’t.

link to

The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia, which took effect on 1 January 1993 and saw the self-determined split of the federal state of Czechoslovakia into the independent countries of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Czechoslovakia was founded in October 1918, as one of the successor states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of World War I and as part of the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

Liz g

Well as I see it….
We are fighting to stop Brexit because we can.
They wanted us to stay in this bloody Union and for now they’ve got us.
What were we supposed to do sit back and suck it up?
While we’re stuck with the Union we should involve ourselves when we feel like it….. To just say nothing and go along with what Westminster wants to do is no an option!
It’s a price they pay ( for a change )for this bloody Union


Jockanese Wind Talker says:

England should be looking to this model (not unilateral but in agreement with)

It is the common sense approach so they won’t.

Yup! Referendums in NI and Scotland with no interference from London to decide if they want a different path, then do a Czechoslovak did – divorce amicably.

Way too sensible!

England needs to be seen as successor state to keep UN Security Council seat in the same way as Russia to the USSR seat. Perhaps that’s doable.

Then there is the BIG issue of England’s prestige and assumed global status being diminished. Hey, a chaotic Brexit is doing that right now! Switching to a planned UK dissolution and exit would improve England’s standing.

Let’s face it, English Nationalism is running rampant. Their sense of entitlement allows them to believe the UK is theirs forever. Common sense is out the window.

Meg merrilees

Sarah @ 2.33pm

Can you (or someone else) please repost the links to these fund raisers please.

It’s the end of the month and folks have been paid so they may be able to contribute if we have the links.
