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Wings Over Scotland

Humbled and inspired

Posted on November 04, 2015 by

Some of you may not have seen this from last night, and it needs to be seen.


“The finalists for the 2015 British Journalism Awards in association with Audi have been announced today.

Launched in the wake of the hacking scandal and the Leveson Inquiry, the Press Gazette-organised awards are now in their fourth year and recognise journalism that is both interesting to the public and in the public interest.

This year there was a record number of entries, with more than 300 submissions for the 15 categories.

The awards are open to all journalists producing work for a UK audience. This year there were entries from every UK national newspaper group as well as the major broadcasters.

The shortlists were compiled by a panel of 24 judges chosen for their experience and independence.

Chairman of judges and Press Gazette editor Dominic Ponsford said:

‘The quality of work submitted in these awards has increased every year. In a media world where anyone with a blog can call themselves a journalist, the big news organisations are clearly investing heavily in serious journalism to help distinguish themselves from the online chatter and noise.’

The standard of journalism submitted to these awards was humbling and inspiring. With more than 300 entries for 15 awards categories, making it on to the list of finalists is an impressive achievement.”

Here’s one of the shortlists.


Alert readers will have noticed that the penultimate entry is this story from April’s Telegraph, which is now better known as the “memogate” or “Frenchgate” story, in which a UK government memo making claims about a conversation between Nicola Sturgeon and the French ambassador – subsequently categorically denied by every single person who was in the room – was fed to the paper under the supervision of the then Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael.

Carmichael has since admitted lying about the memo, “fined” himself £17,000, and currently faces both a court of law and a Parliamentary investigation into his conduct. The UK government has suppressed every piece of information it can about the memo in an attempt to prevent the public from finding out who knew about it.

As far as can be established the memo was a complete fabrication – not one human being who actually took part in the conversation supports its claims. The Telegraph employees responsible for the story didn’t ask any of the participants for a comment before going to press, although they did manage to find time to talk to Willie Rennie and Jim Murphy and print lengthy attacks from them on the First Minister.

Even tabloid hacks were stunned at the lack of basic journalistic standards:



Normally journalists, even on rival papers, close ranks when one of their own comes under attack from the filthy oikitariat, especially the Scottish nationalist oikitariat. On this occasion the behaviour of the Telegraph’s Simon Johnson was so unacceptable that instead they tore the story to shreds, getting quotes from the First Minister, the French ambassador and the Consul-General, all of whom flatly rubbished it.

When complaints were duly filed, the toothless newspaper watchdog IPSO found against the paper and forced it to print a lengthy judgement including the lines:

“The memorandum represented – at best – a second-hand account given a week after the meeting, which contained the serious implication that Ms Sturgeon had been disingenuous in her public statements.

The newspaper did not know whether the account contained in the memorandum was accurate. Nonetheless, it had published this as fact, without having taken additional steps prior to publication – such as contacting the parties involved for their comment – to verify its accuracy.

The committee established that the newspaper’s presentation of the account contained in the memorandum, in this context, represented a breach of the Editors’ Code.”

Despite the stinging rebuke, the Telegraph apparently still felt it appropriate to submit this example of its work to the British Journalism Awards, and its esteemed panel of independent judges considered it worthy of making the shortlist.

Readers may feel that the series of decisions involved in reaching this point reveal rather more about “British journalism” in the post-indyref age than anyone intended.


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Swami Backverandah

That’s the MSM for you.
Recording what they “thought they heard”.


Absolutely brilliant.
A Sun employee is speaking up for journalistic integrity.
That’s when you know the whole industry is regally f****d
When he’s right.


Humbert Wolfe
“You cannot hope to bribe or twist (thank God!) the British journalist. But, seeing what the man will do unbribed, there’s no occasion to.”


Oh dear, indeed. Award nomination for breaking inaccurate story. Not sure about the rest of the list but I seem to recall a furore surrounding whether it was Lucy Manning or one of the papers in the US that really broke the ‘Unmasked’ story as well. Top-flight journalism all around!


…and the reward for the best liar of the year goes to…

[…] Some of you may not have seen this from last night, and it needs to be seen. "The finalists for the 2015 British Journalism Awards in association with Audi have been announced today. Launched in th…  […]

Bugger (the Panda)

The part I cannot get over was that the DT put it forward for an award and it then was chosen.

What they, collectively, are saying, is that we journalists have carte blanche to lie to you and pursue the twisted political agandas on behalf of our proprietors.

We are immune and Leveson has been seen off so we are the dark force that decides.

Scotland is to be abused, as and when we want.

What the proprietorship of these papers is aiming at is power, and power without responsibility — the prerogative of the harlot through the ages.
Stanley Baldwin.


Nominated for award for telling lies – that just about sums up the state of MSM journalism in the UK.

But the truth is that in all my years on this planet it’s aye been.

Tackety Beets

FFS , I’m living on the moon ?


The sad state of British journalism: Any made-up rubbish will do so long as it sells papers.

Leveson would be turning in his grave (if he were dead).

Ian Brotherhood

This site celebrates it’s fourth birthday on Saturday, right?

WOS could (and many of us would argue should) have been nominated for the Orwell Prize, at least last year and the year before, but that would require Rev submitting what he considers the best of his work as published right here. He doesn’t have any ‘staff’ to do it for him. In a sane world, the WBB would’ve been the 2014 winner by a country mile.

Do we know for sure that the Telegraph submitted ‘Memogate’? Is it possible some mischief-maker did it on their behalf? As Rev has already indicated, this looks and smells like a major wind-up.

Andrew McLean

In any profession you can be held up by your peers as an exemplar,
however it degrades any profession to hold one up as one when the sole reason given is an embarrassment to that very profession!

The story was a government propaganda, signed off at the highest level.

If anyone from the nomination committee or the Telegraph reads this then look

And hang your bloody heads in shame.

Swami Backverandah

October 6 2015 Press Gazette.

“Telegraph censured over ‘significantly misleading’ front page anti-semitism claim against Jeremy Corbyn”

“The Daily Telegraph breached the Editors’ Code by inaccurately reporting on its front page an allegation of anti-semitism made against Jeremy Corbyn.

It is the fourth Independent Press Standards Organisation ruling against The Daily Telegraph, making it the title with the worst record for upheld complaints since the new regulator opened in September 2014.”

Do the judges read the Press Gazette?


Fiddling while Rome burns comes to mind. Circulation dropping, credibility and trust shot to pieces, last flailing of a failing media empire.


Call Kaye…… To NUS rep …… I don’t want to compare student loans between England and Scotland…….. 5 mins later Kayes softly spoken chosen expert (on why Scotland’s funding of students is CRAP) told us why Scotland’s worse than England ….now it’s why Wales is better than Scotland ……… All without Kaye interrupting……

It’s time to turn the spotlight on The BBC in Scotland.


Yeah, that just about sums up the media.

How can you pat yourself on the back for publishing lies? For taking part (even unknowingly) in a conspiracy to undermine Scotland’s First Minister and the democratic process? To seek to mislead and misinform the public out of shear spite for the primary and her party. I’m sure to Mr Johnson the FM was only a Nat, who cares eh?

Trust? Not as far as I could chuck a JCB.

Les Wilson

Yeah, a good example of what they think is good journalism.
There is repeated excuses made about the Corporate media, that they put out bad journalism because they are lazy,overworked,under funded etc.

Plenty excuses but there is only three truths, they are Unionist minions who can see only Union agendas,they are in league to prevent Scottish Democracy, then the biggie, THEY ARE ALL LYING BASTARDS!


What’s driving our Kaye is she’s pissed off that outpr students get their fees paid ……it’s a difference between Scotland and England that she wants to be removed……..


They are, methinks, extracting the urine on a quite monumental scale.
But as you say, it’s pretty much what you expect from British ‘journalism’ these days.

Beverley Knight

Beyond the excellent reasons for it not being worthy of award given here, the award is for stories that were interesting and of interest to public, so it diesn’t even meet that criteria!


Last evening when I saw this I thought it was a spoof and then I thought no they really are that self indulgent.

Proving once again just how ludicrous they are and the depths they will sink to awarding themselves prizes for lying. How very clever of them to tell the world.


It’s all quite absurd,really.They didn’t bother to ask the folk at the meeting for their reaction but got a quote from Willie Rennie.I don’t think this was just a case of lazy journalism.This was an orchestrated smear of the First Minister,the office of the First Minister and cast doubts over the abilities of the French Ambassador and her staff.I sincerely hope some of this will be brought out into the open for scrutiny at Carmichaels trial.Willie Rennie didn’t vote in yesterday’s Trident debate.Is there a reason ? Maybe he had to go to a funeral or something.

The Man in the Jar

This lunacy reminds me of Johann Lamont getting the “Debater of the Year” award.


Bet the Torygraph wins it and will be drinks all round!!


Clearly these awards aren’t worth the paper their printed on in.

Andrew McLean

Ok definitely last Erasmus quote of the day.

“But one thing the facts cry out, and it can be clear, as they say, even to a blind man, that often through the translator’s clumsiness or inattention has been wrongly rendered; often the true and genuine reading has been corrupted by ignorant scribes, which we see happen every day, or altered by scribes who are half-taught and half-asleep.

Ignorant scribes, the core of the corporate media!


PressGazette Bullshit Joke Awards 2015 – Fixed that for them.

“Chairman of judges and Press Gazette editor Dominic Ponsford said:
The quality of work submitted in these awards has increased every year. In a media world where anyone with a blog can call themselves a journalist, the big news organisations are clearly investing heavily in serious journalism to help distinguish themselves from the online chatter and noise.”

FFS, if ye didny laff ye’d greet!


O/t. HMRC have just won their case v RFC (IL)


Like living in a parallel universe.


Pathetic Quay now broadcasting Scottish Questions from Westminster.

Sec of State takes questions from Shadow Sec of State whilst 56 SNP MPs sit and watch and wait for one question allowed.



So much has lying become the norm in the UK media that they now expect an award for it.

Helena Brown

Stoker @ 11.22am I am with you that was the biggest joke in the whole piece.



There is nothing left in the Corp Media and broadcasters but plagiarism at best, and propaganda at worst!

[…] Humbled and inspired […]



We asked where wee Willie was last night after the votes. Seems he was at a memorial for Charles Kennedy. Info courtesy of Tackety Beets (WOS)


You couldn’t make this shit up!

But they do…


Scotland, for the sake of your children, wake the F’ck up, they are trolling us, and they will never stop, unless we stop them.

Black Joan

That organ used to be called the UK Press Gazette. It appears to have dropped the “UK” but opted for a silly modernised Britannia logo with BritNat symbol on her shield.

This preposterous shortlisting is a campaign medal for services to UK propaganda in the prolonged war against Scottish independence. It is also a gross insult to the French Ambassador.

The Editor and Chairman of judges thinks the big news organisations are investing heavily in serious journalism to distinguish themselves from the online chatter and noise.

As usual, truth is the first casualty, but the truth of WoS readership figures — a direct result of the fearless investigative work on this site — speaks for itself.

Real serious journalism has moved on, but that’s a news story which has escaped the notice of these mutual back-slappers.


“Do we know for sure that the Telegraph submitted ‘Memogate’?”

Maybe Alistair Carmichael submitted it… 🙂

…or David Mundell even.

Andrew McLean

Man And Boy,

Lord Drummond Young said: “It seems to us to be self-evident that the obligations in the side-letter were part of the employee’s employment package, and provided him with additional remuneration.
“The funds are ultimately derived as consideration for the employee’s services, and on that basis they are properly to be considered emoluments or earnings.”

Now who else used EBT? Lady who, oh I am beating my breast to remember, I need a czar, “morally repugnant” said George Osborne and he can talk!


Well, what can you expect when the awards are run ‘in association with Audi’, currently embroiled in an emissions scandal, something about ‘gas being emitted illegally and dishonestly’, allegedly. 🙂


Is there an ISPO league of worst offenders anywhere?

Even though the ISPO is pathetic and ineffective, they must have generated a ‘rogues gallery’.

Grouse Beater

Newspaper journalists have only themselves to blame – every since Brillo the Bull sucked at Murdoch’s teat and tossed out disciples of the Tolpuddle maryrs, and editors dumped real writers for penny pundits, no one can trust was is printed in a newspaper as factually accurate.

“Those who do not read newspapers are uninformed. Those who do are ill-informed”. Mark Twain

For hard copy journalism in epitome see ‘Citizen Kane’.


My nomination…… Porkgate


Had misfortune to hear Scottish Questions which was an anti SNP rant by Labour and Tory MPs


Sorry – I’ve been cleaning my screen.

This only proves that blogs and twitter have exchanged places with the MSM as the source of trusted, reliable information.

A journalist receives an award for being used as a patsy by the establishment.

Journalism is dead when their own organisation awards a prize to someone for this level of incompetence.

What next “Lancaster found on the moon” / “America secretly surrendered to USSR during Cuba crisis”



So is this story the best offering the D Tel has for the whole year?

Grouse Beater

It’s London dominating standards – been that way well over a century. Whatever London glitterati think is fashionable goes. They set the standards, they dictate the criteria for selection. And on that subject…

Have you seen the new passport? :link to


@11.48 Andrew, you have a very good memory – I had forgotten about those ebt’s. Osborne? – he probably doesn’t give a monkey’s.

Broch Landers

Awarding professional kudos to the French memo hoax demonstrates an arrogance and stupidity of Brontosaurian proportions.

It’s like awarding the Hitler diaries story the Pulitzer Prize.

But it fits hand in glove with their line of “any old ne’er-do-well can run a blog, whereas WE are the professionals and don’t you forget it”.

They just can’t bear the fact that their world has changed in ways they can’t control.

After all, it’s been nearly twenty years since we really started using the internet.

And it’s been about a decade since all-digital news sites and blogs really caught on.

Yet, the established media still thinks in terms of:

“I say chaps, how do we contain this online nonsense and restore the natural order of things?”

They’re like men in bowler hats who still feel threatened by the mini skirt.

But their demise is highly entertaining.

It’s the same existential crisis that has infected the Labour Party in Scotland.

The lies and propaganda don’t work so well any more because people can circumvent the establishmed media online.

That in turn makes them angry and vindictive, and they turn people off even further.

Vive la revolution.

Bob Mack

There is nothing like a good story,and this is nothing like a good story.

The Establishment and all its tentacles are duplicious liars and deceivers.
Where else would you be in line for an award for lying ghrough your teeth ?

Rob James


Somewhat ironic of Baldwin complaining about the power of the press, whilst embracing the propaganda potential of the new state controlled television corporation.

Re the awards, is anyone surprised? If you play for the right team, sing their praises and have a wee bit more cash than the average punter, then clear a space on the mantlepiece.


There is no rationale whatsoever for this piece of dishonest “journalism” to be shortlisted for an award. I mean, it wasn’t even a very successful smear campaign. Did anyone notice the general election result in Scotland?


Look for the telegraph entry being highlighted prominently by the bbc,whether it wins or not.

It raises the issue again and gives it some credibility.( I mean it would surely not be put forward for a prize if it was not true, would it).

Carlump is up in court soon, manufacturing something for the media to run with might help in deflecting any embarrassing revelations when he takes the stand.

Colin Church


Tried to watch on catch up but painfully slow. maybe bad idea when PMQs were on.

Did catch some and indeed was SNP BAD and a lot of devolved issues being raised. How can this be justified now the UK government has EVEL? The premise that it is to hold the government to account on Scotland issues seems to be turned on its head and instead has become analysis of the Scottish Government in Edinburgh by Britnats in Westminster. Rentaquotes from Labour regarding NHS, kids reading blah, blah.

State sponsored trolling.


I’ve been left practically speechless by this. I’m totally gobsmacked by the sheer arrogance of these people.

They’re all sticking two fingers up at us and there’s nothing we can do about it … no-one to complain to!

On a positive note these ignoramuses think they live in a wee UKOK bubble. It wont have dawned on them that they’ve just made absolute impolitic fools of themselves abroad such as in France and summed up for everyone the disgusting attitude that they have towards the Scots and the Scottish Government. Closer to home it may even make some no voters blood boil.


Do the Audi PR department know they may be sponsoring an award where a potential winning submission is subject to legal and parliamentary proceedings and an IPSO ruling?

Maybe they’re busy.



Oh, I don’t think its a secret as regards the international media’s opinion of our own brand. The round of applause from their ranks after Mr Salmond’s dissection of Nick Robinson springs to mind. 🙂

Martin Wood

Despite being asked on four separate occasions to disassociate himself from the remark made by a tory MP the Scotland relys on “Subsidies from London”

Mundell refused to….therefore by default, we have a Scottish Secretary who feels that a comment stating Scotland is reliant on “Subsidies from London” is justifiable and fair….

a Scottish secretary who’s job it is to stand as Scotland’s voice in the UK and defend Scottish interest (and uses the Daily Record as a reference work)…..


Any sane journalist would agree that £300 a day is worth any number of EBT boobs in a bush. IPSO facto moan in Mayfair.

Andrew McLean

Grant at 1:03

Well VW judgment has been called into question of late, perhaps they misheard, someone said Noxious Emissions and they said that’s us!


Ironically enough, the awards are sponsored by Audi. Audi, the illustrious German car manufacturer owned 99.55% by the beacon of truth and decency Volkswagen AG.



@Martin Wood

Ah, I see where the confusion lies there. Mr Mundel isn’t actually a politician or statesman, he’s merely an excuse for other politicians to mess around with Scotland’s population. 😉


Is this any worse than Reporting Scotland getting the “News Programme of the Year”?

I becomes increasingly obvious that this stuff is being co-ordinated by the establishment to wind up the indy supporting jocks. I suspect they are hoping someone will lose the plot and do something stupid. They will then use that to tar all indy supporters as nutcases or worse.

My advice is to mock all of their attempts. Just laugh at them. That’s the one thing that really gets to them.


Good God, that’s appalling.


It is about time that Wings created its own prize trophy for the most consistent liar, the worst newsreport, the least reliable newspaper, the most blatant racist article etc.

It doesn’t cost much and it gives all the non-winners something to write about.

Swami Backverandah

Speaking of award winning journalism:

In case anyone follows exaronews, this was from their twitter feed last week:

“Next week in Parliament: “Wanless review and the Dickens file” – 4pm Weds Nov 4. Debate secured by @JohnMannMP.”

Also CSA Chief Constables from Leistershire, Lancashire, and Surrey currently before Commons Home Affairs committee.

Giving Goose

I suspect that the gong that the Telegraph thinks it should win is more for sticking up for the London Establishment, having a go at those nasty Nats rather than for anything to do with “journalism”.

Next up;

Peerages and Knighthoods for Editors who defend the Establishment. God save the Queen!


Didn’t the’Vow’also win the shit shovellor’s most prestigious awards for that lying pile of fraud.

Dead tree press are becoming obsolete slowly but surely.

Can’t come soon enough for me but with certainty they are fucked,that’ll do.

Things might have been different if they actually gave a flying fuck for Scotland and her people but the way they’re going will only make Independence that much more certain.

I’d like to hear more from the tory lord or some such who was at the Uk Labour conference explaining how the establishment were only hanging on to Scotland by their fingerstips.

Let’s collectively stand on their fingertips till the pig fucking bastards let go.

The only way to deal with bullys is to attack and fuck them up.

The time for talking will soon be over.

Angry time ain’t far off.


Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! That is so funny!

What will Audi get out of it?

No more bad press for Audi?

Training Day

Eleanor Bradford must be disappointed that her calumnies about NHS Scotland didn’t merit a mention.

Still, there’s always next year, Eleanor, and nurses will be one year fatter to boot!

Martin Wood



I feel so stupid…taken in by the belief that a Scottish Secretary would act as an elected representative as Scotland’s voice in Parliament, the defender of Scottish interest and the upholder of respect for Scotland as part of this great “family of Nations” and “better together”

how could I have been so mislead?

Mundell sounds so credible :->


– was fed to the paper under the supervision of the then Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael.

To be fair though, if you’re a red and blue tory, it was stunning UKOK politics in action.

Sturgeon has a spectacular peak time national tv debate in front of English viewers, next day WALLOP, in slams teamGB Telegraph/Carmichael’s cunning stunt. All of it then triggers the whole England wide vote tory or Alex Salmond will have Milliband in his breast pocket slagging. And just to make sure, giant billboards across English marginals with Salmond as a pickpocket, thieving from hard working England.

Who else knew Mr Carmichael, may I remind you that you are under oath.


Absolutely disgusting scenario; but sadly not surprising in light of the BBC treatment of the same subject matter ever since.

Seems Lies, fabrication & innuendo are considered meritorious by writers of the Great British state.

And some try to defend the press ??

Tony Little

All this reminds me of the (in)famous Propaganda quotations from WW2. In particular the one about truth being the enemy of the lie.

We seem to be living at a time when the Corporate Media no longer hides their lies and were it not for alternative media sources we would all be living in ignorance. One of the main reasons that the Establishment want to take over control (they call it policing bad internet behaviour) of the web.

Interesting, but dangerous times



“Good God, that’s appalling.”

Isn’t it though?

I haven’t seen that level of weapons grade metrocentric brain fart since, well since the original publication of Mr Johnson’s article.

How and ever, having seen the story categorically dismantled quite publicly and one of its main players in the dock over the whole farce by the by. The biblical lack of empathy and discretion involved in that choice could only be generated by people who clearly couldn’t give a flying … squirrel for either the primaries, the public, or indeed their own profession.

They are who and what they are dads. (shrugs)


link to

The Judges


The shortlists were compiled by a panel of 24 judges chosen for their experience and independence.

So just who are these most experienced and independent judges anybody we know ?

Wait dont tell me this is just one big lets all slap each other on the back and say how great we are to each other party in full Britnat pomp and glory.

Robert Louis

Perhaps these awardsshould be re-branded as the British LIAR awards. For that is what they are.

If they were re-branded, then that other paid London suck up from the Torygraph, Cochrane, or whatever he calls himself would surely win, with the British establishment’s scullery boy Simon Johnson in Second place. All the other awards for lying to the public would of course go to the propagandist, lying BBC.


@Martin Wood


Seriously though have you clocked the Scotland Offices’ new line?

“The Scotland Office – part of the UK Government IN Scotland.”

Says it all really.


Let us not forger that The Telegraph is part of Press Holdings the media vehicle of the loathesome Barclay Brothers and that The Chairman of Press Holdings is one Andrew Neil political pundit of the ever so unbiased BBC and star presenter of The Daily Politics, The Sunday Politics and This Week and who in a previous life initiated the destruction of that once great newspaper The Scotsman.


Grouse Beater says:

“Have you seen the new passport”

Aye well. We are all subjects of Greater England now. 55% of our fellow Scots wanted it that way.

…. for now! Come on No voters, open your nostrils and smell the shite! When you get a second chance, understand what you are actually chose first time, and get it right next time!

Grouse Beater

The Scotland Office – part of the UK Government IN Scotland.”

Snap! One for the road, Macart: link to

Iain More

The Brit Nat Press and Media at its sleazy best. We are well screwed when you have a Sun hack speaking up for integrity in the filthy trade now called journalism. They don’t call it the second oldest profession for nothing. They make the oldest profession look and sound honest.


Audi seems to be a main sponsor for this event, they have form about incorrect data, so they are well placed to be the sponsors for MSM stories. link to


contact details for Audi UK

Jon Zammett
Head of Audi Public Relations

Audi UK

Yeomans Drive
Milton Keynes
MK14 5AN

Phone +44 1908 601455
Mobile +44 7860 585 477

Languages: English


Reward for services rendered to ruling party?


There is so little in the way of genuine journalism carried out these days that they have to scrape together whatever they can from the dross on offer?

Robert Louis

I must say, I’m really looking forward to when I need a new passport, bedecked as it is in imagery of England. That plus a new driving license, emblazoned as it is with the English butcher’s apron.

The funny thing is, I do think a lot of these anti Scottish moves by London, are just for spite. I do hope they continue, because, ironically for those who perpetrate them, every last one helps us win the next referendum.


Good idea to have a WoS Award for the MSM Biggest Lie of the Year.

Rev nominates a short list. We all vote. Short list published in a press release, then winner. Good way of highlighting MSM’s lost grip on reality and some fun for us.

And maybe it’ll get seen by a few more jaded No voters and help the cause.


And the2015 winner of the Breaking News Award ( for the best story of the year ) goes to:

*long drum roll*

Simon Johnson and Peter Doniniczk of theDaily Telegraph for their story “Sturgeon’s secret backing of Cameron.”


Giving Goose says:

“I suspect that the gong that the Telegraph thinks it should win is more for sticking up for the London Establishment”

Good point. It makes perfect sense for London based media to act as agents of the Establishment. Maybe make a few friends and gain some influence.

However, Scottish media (despite being actually controlled from outside the country) is basically committing suicide by supporting the same London Establishment’s vassals in Scotland.


On the subject of newspapers here is Kenneth Roy’s take on the current rate of play in that area:link to

On the subject of the award, the inclusion of the Telegraph’s memogate scoop is all too indicative of the London-centric bias of the media and merely demonstrates once more their almost universal ignorance of anything that happens outwith the M25.

The aftermath of the memogate affair and its fallout for paper and politician has received little coverage down south. The inclusion of the story on the shortlist merely re-inforces the parochialism of the London-centric media.


Quakeawake says:

“Good idea to have a WoS Award for the MSM Biggest Lie of the Year”

A set of annual WoS awards would be an excellent idea!

Another chance to call out the worst liars, and further promote the cause with some additional media attention 🙂


For those of my generation and older.

Remember Pathe News (News a week late with Empire flavour)
They held back the news of Everest being climbed in order that it did not detract from the Coronation.
Standing at the end of a Movie as they played “God save the Queen”
When the TV broadcasters shutdown our two stations for the night – We got “God save the Queen”

When we look back at the MSM of today in 40/50 years it will be with the same disgust we look at propaganda and manipulation of the past.


“…the big news organisations are clearly investing heavily in serious journalism to help distinguish themselves from the online chatter and noise.”

I keep reading that paragraph in amazement ’


Look at it this way – that’s the BEST the Daily Telegraph could put forward for an award. That’s very very sad.

Gordon E

Not just a WoS award for the biggest lie, a top 10 would be a valuable resource for the next indie campaign.

Paula Rose

I really hope the Daily Telegraph wins this award – so much so that I’m loathe to write this in case one of the judges reads this and realises what a catastrophe it would be.


It makes you wonder. In reality, the “Breaking News Award” would be better shortlisted and perhaps give, for Severin’s twitters and article on how the DT story was denied by all concerned, including the French Ambassador who Severin got hold of, very easily.

And I’m not excactly a fan of dear old Sevvie 😉


Quakeawake says:
4 November, 2015 at 2:12 pm
Good idea to have a WoS Award for the MSM Biggest Lie of the Year.

Rev nominates a short list. We all vote. Short list published in a press release, then winner. Good way of highlighting MSM’s lost grip on reality and some fun for us.

And maybe it’ll get seen by a few more jaded No voters and help the cause.

WoS Pinochio Awards


hmm a WoS award for biggest lie of the year is a good idea only one problem though we would need to release we are doing this so that the Daily Record`s competitors could catch up,well we wouldnt want them all calling us biased now would we when the Record sweeps all the award categories 😉 lol


Thing is the link to the Telegraph article is a much modified version that differs greatly from what I remember originally saw the light of day. That said even though it refers to the denials about the accuracy of the memo it carefully manages to keep them of the first or so pages as would be seen by a casual reader.

Certainly absurd to provide such an article in an award for “breaking news” if it’s been so heavily edited.

Dan Huil

Thankfully unionist newspapers are not long for this world. We should continue to refuse to buy them, and continue to boycott the bbc.


I’m sure that these ‘Journalism awards’ are often used to reinforce dodgy stories & continue MSM memes, when the actual stories are a load of tosh.

From the shortlist, note the ‘Jihadi John’ story; it has been revealed that ‘Jihadi John’ was in fact a Mr Mohammed Emwazi from London, who had been under surveillance for many years & had been asked to work for the security services!

The fact that the Daily Telegraph ‘Secret Backing for Cameron’ story is up for an award is an appalling decision but shows the lack of rigour / integrity of the MSM lackeys these days……

Also the fact that there is a legal case in process should not be forgotten.

Great work Rev, mair power to yer elbow….


‘WoS award for biggest MSM lie of the year’

Call it the Carmichael Cup.


I read that as:

“…the big news organisations are clearly investing heavily in chatter and noise to help distinguish themselves from the serious online journalism [of Rev Stu].”


@Paula Rose
Oh wow, the vibes that would generate, and it could be brought out during Carmichael’s trial, the aftermath, examination of Mundell’s role, it would be phenomenal.



Heh, Severin’s a wee bit swifter on the social meeja than many of his peers. I suspect he saw the direction of travel as the the whole show was heading south and got his editorial posted in rapid order. 😀


Gadgy Brewer & his straight man Douglas Frasier (Politics Scotland)

“before we go over to the chamber Douglas and I would just like to con you and explain how shite the Scottish economy really really is” it’s even worse than we can pretend it is, it really really is shite. Dougie and I would appreciate your vote in we are two of the biggest propagandist in the state broadcasting cesspool. SNP BAAAD! Very very BAAAD!

Clootie 2:24pm well said clootie. Do you remember the big map of the world on the wall with the colonies (Empire) in pink. The tins of sweets we got for the coronation with a nice photo of young Betty on the front. I they were the days!

The more I see of the Establishment and Westminster the angrier I become. FREEDOM & TRUTH!


@ Macart says at 1:04 pm ”Petra …. Oh, I don’t think its a secret as regards the international media’s opinion of our own brand. The round of applause from their ranks after Mr Salmond’s dissection of Nick Robinson springs to mind.”

Yes I saw / heard that Macart and reckon that’s what stuck in Robinsons / BBC craw more than anything. Brilliant! Then they went on to edit the data after dozens of UK / International reporters had witnessed Robinson being totally humiliated by Alex Salmond. Clever, eh?

On the subject of sticking in one’s craw, I’m absolutely livid about this ‘new’ UK passport. I watched Jo Coburn and cronies earlier discussing how women were being discriminated against … seven men versus three women or whatever. No mention that they are all English. Not one Welsh, N Irish or Scottish man or woman has been given a mention. Surely someone involved in this must have noticed that the Better Together, Pulling and Sharing UK wasn’t being represented at all? That it was discriminatory? On the other-hand I’m sure they did. Two fingers to us again. It’s high time that everyone, of all political persuasions, rose up in every corner of this country and said enough is enough.

Better still I can’t wait to get my hands on my Scottish Passport with the Saltire splattered all over it.


@ Macart says at 1:04 pm ”Petra …. Oh, I don’t think its a secret as regards the international media’s opinion of our own brand. The round of applause from their ranks after Mr Salmond’s dissection of Nick Robinson springs to mind.”

Yes I saw / heard that Macart and reckon that’s what stuck in Robinsons / BBC craw more than anything. Brilliant! Then they went on to edit the data after dozens of UK / International reporters had witnessed Robinson being totally humiliated by Alex Salmond. Clever, eh?

On the subject of sticking in one’s craw, I’m absolutely livid about this ‘new’ UK passport. I watched Jo Coburn and cronies earlier discussing how women were being discriminated against … seven men versus three women or whatever. No mention that they are all English. Not one Welsh, N Irish or Scottish man or woman has been given a mention. Surely someone involved in this must have noticed that the Better Together, Pulling and Sharing UK wasn’t being represented at all? That it was discriminatory? On the other-hand I’m sure they did. Two fingers to us again. It’s high time that everyone, of all political persuasions, rose up in every corner of this country and said enough is enough.

Better still I can’t wait to get my hands on my Scottish Passport with the Saltire splattered all over it.

Andrew McLean

Just for fun I looked into the rest of the entrants, and it’s truly astounding that this story is included, given the other entrants in the other categories.

If the intention of these rewards is to improve the standing of the press, and they state they are a response to the hacking scandal and the Leveson inquiry, why they include Journalism at its worst can mean only one thing, they are completely ignorant at the offence they cause. And is that not a damming and stinging indictment of the worst excesses of tabloid journalism they purport to condemn!


@Paula Rose and yesindyref2

The perfect storm?

Carmichael gets let off and the Torygraph picks up an award.

Barbara Watson

Given that “Frenchgate” is a live, ongoing legal case, does anyone else think that this is deliberate, to put a spanner in the works for the case against Carmichael?

Sometimes I think I should be making myself a tinfoil hat!



RE: Passport

Ah, but its a celebration of ‘British’ culture, architecture and innovation.

Looking forward to a passport that’s a little more representative myself.


I really shouldn’t be surprised at the antics of the establishment press, but this nomination is absurd.

As you point out Rev, unless you’ve been living on Mars, you’ll know Alistair Alistair Carmichael admitted making the whole thing up.

The national press are openly bias against Scottish independence and all the politics around it, now they’re nominating hacks, for producing made up stories about it.


Severin Carrell was the most annoying journalist of all during the Ref. He’s clever, perceptive, has contacts, read the forum postings and took part as well, even some of his articles that were open for comment were balanced and well written.

Then he’d go and produce a closed for comment article full of the twists, distortions and outright lies.

I think he’s a fool to himself, as of all of them he could be a world class respected journalist with balance and insight but criticism where deserved – both sides in the Ref, but he has his hand too deep in Labour’s pocket and/or the London media circus and is jiggling with their small change.

David McDowell

“currently faces both a court of law and a Parliamentary investigation into his conduct.”

And don’t forget the Police Scotland investigation into a complaint of possible criminal conduct, which hasn’t been mentioned since the day it was announced.

It appears the police and parliamentary inquiry reports are to be delayed until after Carmichael’s establishment buddies declare his lie “political” (and therefore “legal”), so they can declare him “innocent of any wrongdoing”.

That is why a simple matter that would take any competent investigator a few days to clear up has so far taken five months with no sign of any progress, never mind an outcome.

call me dave

The Carmichael Cup is the chalice filled with malice. Good idea.

Here’s a tin hat for you all for the MSM assault that’s ongoing.
link to

Herald going with the Kezia promises on tax credits. SNP should pick up the tab, because Scottish labour will. (er..if elected)

Anyhoo! SNP bad if they deliberately reject the new powers until after the election. Aye covering all the bases for Kezia.
Were all doomed.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Sorry if this has already been addressed/answered, but do we know who the judges are?


Some Labour luvvie journalists still don’t understand how not cutting APD somehow magics up £500 million

This time Ian Swanston in Edinburgh Evening News under heading Dugdale deserves credit.

link to

Dorothy Devine

Ian , a bunch of self congratulatory , mendacious manipulators. I think that covers it.

call me dave

O/T Sport alert.

I watched this farce on my computer the other night to see my team score four goals and the programme, it was awful FGS!

BBC rubbish how hard can it be to present a footie programme?

I calmed down later and thought maybe it’s me! But others have spoken out. Cheap and cheerful for us Scots. Disgraceful!

link to

Krankies relieved of thousands by cybercrooks (well nearly)!
Big story on BBC. 🙂



Does anyone anywhere really think this woman has leadership ability. Honestly how childish and stupid.

link to

Kezia Dugdale ?@kdugdalemsp · 4h4 hours ago
BBC News – SNP to oppose Labour tax credit plan link to … <— They've made their choice and it's cheap flights over families

While she and her lying idiots carp on the sidelines…

link to

Jim McIntosh

I’ve heard the editor of the Sunday Times is getting excited. If the Telegraph wins I hear he’s putting a retrospective submission in for the ‘Hitler Diaries’ next year.


I do like the sound of an annual award for the most blatant lie carried by the media to be called the Carmichael Cup. The judging panel would be worn out by having to sift through all the nominations.

Proud Cybernat

The word ‘Mainstream’ as in ‘Mainstream Media’ (MSM) imparts a sense of authority and gravitas that the printed and broadcast media in Scotland are wholly undeserving. They are not ‘mainstream media’ but rather ‘Corporate Media’. Less informed people need to see the mask removed; see who the press and broadcasters in Scotland really serve–big business and corporate interests. They are the ‘Corporate Media’ (CorpMedia) and ‘State Broadcaster’.

We have to stop giving them legitimacy by describing them as ‘Mainstream media’ or ‘MSM’. Call them by what they are.


Ah the MSM, a stout band of fellows who follow the ancient dictum

“these are the conclusions on which I will base my facts”

and maintain it in the face of fearful odds like ” The Truth and accuracy”


Yes, that WOULD allow the SNP to mitigate the tax credits though, unlike the language the Labour use, it does not reverse it, that power is still kept to Westminster even if the SNP amendment – hopefully supported by Labour – goes through.

The media is full of this being a trap for the SNP, or similar. The cold hard reality is it’s a trap for Labour if they abstain on the SNP amendment as they probably will, or even oppose it. The problem will be getting that truth out there, the real truth, rather than the media version of it.

Grouse Beater

Jim: The editor of the Sunday Times is getting excited. If the Telegraph wins I hear he’s putting a retrospective submission in for the ‘Hitler Diaries’ next year.

The flood gates are open to the tabloids:

‘Elvis Living on the Moon’ to be nominated.
‘Martian Found Hiding in Theresa Mays Office’ another.



@ call me dave says:

The real story is that Head of UK BBC Sport has stated that they will not increase the current £1 million a year they pay for the poorly resourced SPFL Highlights TV programme whilst justifying paying £68 a year of our licence fee on English league Match of the Day highlights.

In their eyes Gary Lineker is worth more than all the football clubs in the Scottish league combined.

Pooling and sharing… aye right


Yes, I’d support a “Carmichael Cup” as well, and challenge the MSM to actually carry the story.


Proud Cybernat says:
4 November, 2015 at 4:01 pm

I’m with you..Corpmedia it is.

Robert Louis

Oh yes, the Carmichael cup. Prizes awarded to the most blatant, misleading, deceptive and jaw droppingly stupid mainstream media ‘articles’ of the year.




Thanks for the links Nana (3:55pm).

They’re making a meal of this ”Labour are proposing to protect Tory tax credit cuts whilst the SNP wont.”

I just watched that wee monster of a liar Baillie earlier coming out with the same guff and of course the BBC etc are letting them away with it. No-one is asking them if it’s possible to do that and how they will pay for it.

And if anyone didn’t get the National yesterday the Sun had the brass neck to photoshop Dugdale’s head onto an anti-Trident, SNP supporters head.

link to


James Cooke deserves a special runners up award for piling in so UKOK hard, with all of the above kind of quality bullshit BBC tv hackery.

Including about 2.00 mins in “what are you actually accusing people of here Sturgeon?” he excitedly takes her down a peg or three. Its why he got into journalism.

That has to get the sneaky BBC shit of the year award. Hopefully they get Ricky Gervais to do that thing he does at the Emmy’s.

John Greenway

Support the establishment and you will be rewarded, just like the daily record bein given newspaper of the year for the vow.


O/T please share

link to

Gary wood

Ot, could anyone help, I’m looking for a copy of how the BBC stole the referendum, any ideas?

Les Wilson

Talking about lie awards, it would better weekly, surely.
There are so many too choose for an annual awards, even weekly would struggle to cope,even dai……
Weekly for me.

A quick poll ability on site would do it but only Wings members.


Ian Brotherhood says:
4 November, 2015 at 3:30 pm
Sorry if this has already been addressed/answered, but do we know who the judges are?

link to

The Judges

Click on image for bio. They all seem to be journalists.


Never heard of any of them. One of them is presumably passed on already since he’s in black and white. Kind of remeinds me of the Devolution Referendum in 1979, where dead people were allowed to vote.

Andrew McLean


has Kezia commented on this, I am not sure but 65 years! what a compliment from the sun!

luckily for Kezia the corporate media can perform head transplants, I joined the SNP and all I got was this chip!


@ call me dave says at 3:29 pm ….. ”Herald going with the Kezia promises on tax credits. SNP should pick up the tab, because Scottish labour will. (er..if elected)

Anyhoo! SNP bad if they deliberately reject the new powers until after the election. Aye covering all the bases for Kezia. Were all doomed.”

link to

Now I see that the Herald is letting them get away with this too FGS!

SLab are playing on this because they know they can’t win and I reckon they would actually have an all party member bout of chronic diarrhoea if they did.

I’m getting to the stage that I’d love to see that shower of ‘couldn’t care less about Scotland’ nincompoops running the Country as I’m sure it would actually hasten on Independence Day.

Grouse Beater

Ian Brotherhood: do we know who the judges are?

If Peter Preston fulfils his judging brief, (and isn’t absent from the final judging) or is hoodwinked by ‘I want an OBE’ unionist colleagues, you can rely on him dismissing the Frenchgate fiction. It has to be there as the Joker in the pack.


The Carmicheal Cup – great.

We should run with this. Scorches their crazy Awards and focuses attention on what’s really going on.

All of us can be the judges – the people of Scotland could vote on it.

We could crowdfund the purchase of the Cup itself. It would be good if the Award was something really outlandish like, I don’t know, say a wee statue of a UK Prime Minister with his private member stuck in the head of a pig.

Oh wait…

The Tree of Liberty

Nana, that Rhinestone Cowboy is definitely worth the watchin.


OT – from the Herald:
” Mr Neil insisted it only became clear that Holyrood would be able to take action on tax credits when the wording of amendments to the Scotland Bill was published this afternoon.

However, Scottish Secretary David Mundell has repeatedly assured MSPs tjhey would be able to top up tax credits since outlining the package of amendments on Monday. “

Good to know Mundell fell into the SNP’s trap and hastily rewrote the amendments.

Well, I’m sure that’s what Magnus Gardham would have liked to write, really, which is why comments are closed.

David McDowell

Let’s see, we already have the Emmys, the Razzies, the Baftas and the Golden Globes.

Wings Over Scotland needs a catchy award name for the most mendacious stories by lying Unionist propagandists:

How about “THE BAWBAGS”?


Carmichael Cup ……… I would hope that there would a hole in the bottom of it.

Graham MacLure

‘Humbled and inspired”
Oh for the day that Rev Stuart could use the heading,
“Rumbled and fired” in regard to the Corporate Media.


The latest story in The Herald is that the SNP can reverse the tax credit cuts and they will give it some thought.

Perhaps Kezia should have kept quiet until nearer the 2016 Holyrood elections.

I’m not 100% sure this is the right thing for the SNP to do but then they are not claiming like Kezia that we are Better Together.


I’m not a psychologist, but there is something profoundly contrary about a Unionist Press which professes to defend the Union while actively seeking to poison relations and undermine the very integrity of that Union.

I find myself wondering whether a healthy distaste for all things Scottish would actually trump their Unionist credentials. It strikes me if they genuinely did want to foster a stronger Union, which is their objective or so they would have us believe, the BBC and Unionist Press has a damned funny way of going about it.

The whole scenario grows increasingly surreal.

Proud Cybernat

O/T – Apologies.

Just read on The Herald that Alex Neil SNP has just informed MSPs that Holyrood WILL have the power to restore tax credits to hard-up Scottish families with new poers. The wording on the New Scotland Bill was only clarified this afternoon.

Anyone know any more on this or is this just smoke and mirrors?


Yes, Mundell caught a few people off guard with that surprise in the amendments (apparently), but the SNP had already forestalled that with thier amendments (from Nana):

link to

which after Dugdale’s “reverse” tax credits (rather than mitigate), puts Labour under severe pressure to support the SNP amendments so as not to put the LIE to their statement.

It’s not clear if the media will see it that way …

David McDowell

Or how about “The Carbunkle Awards”? “The Carbunkles” for short?

David McDowell

Or rather “Carbuncles”


I find this whole business rather sinister in that its not just journalistic integrity and morality that has been trampled on by this award as these symbols of truth have long been abandoned by the MSM. It is a deliberate signal that is being sent to the independence movement that we the press/business/Westminster will never let our territory of Scotland become independent and no matter what it takes whether it be lies, manipulation, MI5, everything in our crooked arsenal will be used to that end.
I don`t know how you fight this king of corrupt power but its seems that its getting to the stage of alerting the UN to this assault on democracy.
Am I being dramatic, maybe, maybe not.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruby (4.41) –

Cheers. 🙂


Bugger (the Panda) says:

4 November, 2015 at 10:43 am

The part I cannot get over was that the DT put it forward for an award and it then was chosen.

What they, collectively, are saying…

BtP …everything you said, I utterly agree with. Unbelievable that a Reporter has a chance of winning an award …based on something that was based on what someone might have said, and then turns out to be a complete lie

Can just hear it now, ‘…but hey! Not to worry, the complete fabrication that you came up was so good, that it almost felt like real news …as in really totally real news! Really great stuff! Really great journalism!’

Yeah… me too.

David McDowell

If Carmichael wins this case Orkney and Shetland electors must immediately present him with a petition demanding he push for formal commencement of the Recall of MPs Act 2015, as championed by former Libdem leader Nick “Clever Clogs” Clegg.


O/T comes with a health warning ‘mind your blood pressure’

A Scot tory talking down Scotland again [with help from his wee pals] An obnoxious Muddle…

link to


At first I thought that female figure in the pic was holding a large knife above the union fleg, she could be eh.

As a friend and I often comment it can be useful sometimes getting older and having blury vision. Still at least we can still when the establishment and journalists are lying with 20/20 vision.

Schrodingers cat


But “nursing ma wrath tae keep it warm”

I vow to do everything in my powers to the last breath in my body, to end this union

Fell Scunnerit


Meant we can still tell with 20/20 vision.



Look at the diddies gie’in each other prizes.


@Gary wood

You can order a physical and digital copy of ” LONDON CALLING: How the BBC stole the Referendum” there.

I got it free with kindle unlimited months ago, don’t know if still is free.

Stephen McKenzie

Nana 5.59

Interesting clip – but why does he keep shaking his right fist up and down. Is it comfort or Team GB sort of thing?..


It reely is a sad state of affyres when haf the jurnalists cannt evin spel propurly.

Going by the “journalistic” talents of many of the main stream sources, the old London bus found on the moon story would probably get a Pulitzer prize, if it was written now.

The only place for the truth and real journalism, is WoS, Wee ginger, Bella, etc.


The Torygraph twits who wrote the story will be up in the dock at some point next week too, alongside Carmichael. Who said what to whom, and why, and exactly when, will be subjected to the forensic stare of the Orkney 4’s excellent QC whose skewers are honed to razor-sharp points.

You can see why Carmichael doesn’t want television cameras peering up his nostrils. Haha!


@Nana says: 4 November, 2015 at 4:35 pm
O/T please share

link to

This piece by GA Ponsonby is compulsory reading for anyone on the Independence course.

The article by GAP not only shows that BBC Scotland are distorting the facts and skewing every piece of political and economic news in Kezia Dugdale’s favour, but also that the principle of public service broadcasting has been completely abandoned in favour of anti-independence propaganda.

Let no one be in any doubt, this level of orchestrated and synchronised propaganda is normally associated only with countries at war. Not only is Scotland being seen by the Establishment as a threat to the Union, but as a real and present danger which must be resisted with the full force of the State.

From part of the UK family in 2014, to full blown enemy by 2015. The population of Scotland really needs to wake up.

There will be no Independence for Scotland through a Referendum as long as BBC Scotland continues to brainwash the millions of people in Scotland who rely on the BBC for their daily news.

Vote SNP / SNP – and reject all BBC news.


Proud Cybernat @ 5:28

That would imply that Dugdale new before the SG.

So, looks like better together still operational, WM and Tory’s pulling the strings.

Big surprise that,not.

Dugdale should be questioned about that in parliament.

Socrates MacSporran

There follows, a copy of an email, which I have now sent to the organisers of these awards, after reading this story on Wings.


Subject: Awards short list.


As a now semi-retired sports journalist, with over 40-years’ experience, I am left scratching my head.

Can you please explain to me how a story which has been shown to be a pack of lies from start to finish, which has resulted in an MP being taken to an Election Court, and which has been shown to be a total fabrication – can be short-listed for one of these prestigious awards.

I refer to the Daily Telegraph story, by Simon Johnson and Peter Dominiczak: “Sturgeon’s Secret Backing For Cameron”, short-listed for the Breaking News Award.

I am amazed the Telegraph had the gall to put this work of fiction up for an award – even more amazed that such a well-regarded organ as Press Gazette should give this load of mince the time of day.

By short-listing this story for an award, you have made yourselves a laughing stock – enjoy the feeling.

When Press Gazette even considers rewarding this story – the industry really has gone down the toilet.


Might I suggest, a few more emails, pointing-out what a load of rubbish this story has been shown to be, just might get it pulled.


Stuart, I just read your post here, and am sickened at the current quagmire that passes for journalism and their “awards”. So much so I would like to do something about it. Please would you consider helping?

Yesterday, 3rd November 2015, “journalist” Alan Roden wrote a front page headline for the Scottish Daily Mail with seeming impunity:-

“A Charter For Benefits Bloat – SNP handed powers to hike up welfare payments in shake-up which could mean punishing new tax bills for Scottish families”.

Roden’s rant self evidently incites hatred of those on welfare. By stating that “Scottish families” were to receive punishing new tax bills because of those on welfare is a de facto incitement to hatred of the various cohorts reliant upon welfare. Those with disabilities being a much abused component part of this welfare as systematically demonised by the Tories and the Daily Mail.

This was just days after The National ran a harrowing article on 30th October 2015 by Fiona Robertson on how the first people to go to the gas chambers at the hands of the Nazis were people with disabilities. Anyone who read the disability death programme piece in The National must have understood the dangers of where we are now. Fiona wrote:

“The quote in this article’s headline about how it’s your taxes which pay for disabled people to survive could have been taken from any Daily Mail page in the last few years.”

This insidious demonisation of the disabled from the Nazi death camps is being repeated. It has been going on ever since Duncan-Smith got his hands on the DWP. Before anyone criticises this reference to the Holocaust as disrespectful, know this fact: By the DWP’s own figures 30,560 severely disabled people have died whilst in the “care” of the DWP in the United Kingdom since the new punitive DWP welfare rules came into force*. Contrast that with the Nazi programme which ran from September 1939 to August 1941, during which 70,273 people with disabilities were killed**.

With respect to the millions who died in the Holocaust, I suggest that the United Kingdom government are almost at 50% of the disability death rate of 1940s Nazi Germany.

The process whereby this is tolerated by Britain is when journalists such as Alan Roden write shocking front page headlines such as yesterday’s Scottish Daily Mail***

When do we reach the tipping point of demonising people with disabilities turns into a death sentence? The numbers above are stark. Modern day Britain is at the point where those with disabilities who die are ignored by the mainstream press. Worse MSM actually encourage it in a Goebbels type frenzy of inciting hatred against those who have been struck down with disability and are reliant on welfare to survive.

I would like to ask WoS site owner Stuart Campbell and WoS readers whether the Scottish Daily Mail are inciting hared against those with disabilities and if there is support for a Carmichael type crowdfunder to take the Daily Mail to court for alleged infraction of various civil and criminal breaches of legislation?

It will take more than one headline to assemble a case that will hold sufficient water to stand a chance of civil and criminal sanction against the Daily Mail/Scottish Daily Mail. However there is enough evidence over the past five years to indict that newspaper. I believe that taking the Daily Mail to court would send a strong message. Not just from the work that Stuart and WoS does week in week out with articles such as at the head of this thread, but a Carmichael type legal action would cast a forensic magnifying glass on the Daily Mail’s regular incitement of hatred against those unfortunate enough to have to seek welfare.

More importantly, such a legal action might just help stem the inexorable tide of deaths that the Daily Mail has culpability over, and before Roden and his nasty journolist friends start crying foul, perhaps they better ask themselves: Of the 30,560 severely disabled who have died, what are the odds that one or two of these deaths can be traced back to the Daily Mail?

Enough is enough.

Time to stop this disgusting repetition of Nazi history whilst we still can. Roden and the Daily Mail cannot dispute the fact that 30,560 severely disabled have died under these DWP welfare reforms. What they also cannot deny is their newspaper’s role in demonising people with disabilities and inciting hatred against such folk.

I would be genuinely grateful if Stuart might look into this issue, and perhaps we may be able to inject some decency, compassion and humanity into the current public consciousness.

Not least by seeking to excise the rancid right wing racial cleansers that pass for some of the UK’s media. In other words, is it not time for the Daily Mail to be brought to book in the way that many of those other disability deniers were at Nuremberg Trials****


* link to

** link to

*** link to

**** link to


Yes, the BBC distortion has really ramped up to even more than pre-Ref standard. It’s good news, I think, as it’s getting so over the top a good portion of the 55% who voted NO will realise it more and more and more and more.

Added to that they distorted and ran an active campaign against Corbyn, with any luck less than 25% in Scotland will give any belief at all to the BBC, and all will come unglued.


Jon Slattery one of the judges has a blog. On his blog he states “I am a freelance journalist based in the UK and was deputy editor of Press Gazette, the journalists’ magazine, from 1993 until 2006. I want to give an independent view on media matters.’

His blog which I had a quick look at seems to consist of links to various stories about the media. I though this one was interesting:

Political storm after Tory wraparound appears on regional papers

The local press has been caught up in a pre-election political storm after a four-page wraparound advertising the Conservative Party appeared on several regional newspapers.

With less than a week to go until the general election, the wrap has been published on the front of several weeklies covering marginal seats including the Lancaster Guardian, Lincolnshire Echo, Eastbourne Herald and Hastings & St Leonards Observer.

The wrap, described by one former weekly editor as “inexcusable,” features a message from Prime Minister David Cameron urging readers to vote Conservative in next Thursday’s poll.

It is understood that the wrap, which carries a small strapline denoting it as an ‘advertiser’s announcement,’ has run across seven Johnston Press newspapers in tot

“The main parties spent £9.1m on advertising during the 2010 General Election campaign and it makes business sense for the regional media to try and take a fair share of this spending.

There seems to be a bit of an issue with FOI.
Freedom of Information Act misused by media to create stories, says Grayling

Chris Grayling, leader of the House of Commons, on the Freedom of Information Act, as reported by the Guardian: “It is, on occasion, misused by those who use it as, effectively, a research tool to generate stories for the media, and that is not acceptable.”

I think Tony Blair said that he regretted introducing the FOI act as it was just being misused by journalists or something along those lines.

I went onto his blog to see if he had anything to say about Frenchgate.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Gary45%.

The London bus was actually found at the South Pole. It was a WW2 bomber that was found on the moon. (I was a regular reader of the Sunday Sport, for research purposes.)

But the story that was subsequently hushed up, by British and US security agencies, was that the bomber could have been that which carried Glenn Miller to oblivion.

No doubt we (well, not us, but our great-great-grandchildren) will find out the truth, when the documents are declassified in 100 years’ time.

link to


@ Al-Stuart a very powerful statement against the appalling press in the UK. I would contribute towards a campaign to rid ourselves of the hate enciting DM. As it is, I boycott it and every other propaganda outlet.

Irony was supposed to have died when Kissinger got the Nobel Peace Prize. But it twitches back to life sometimes and this press award is a good example. This is the Press awarding each other for their raving “journalism”. Every title in that shortlist could be a manufactured smear (with the possible exception of the diamond geezers which was a CCTV record so probably true!)


link to

This is a picture of the front page of one of the Johnstone Press papers than ran the the Tory advertising.

‘It is understood that the wrap, which carries a small strapline denoting it as an ‘advertiser’s announcement,’ has run across seven Johnston Press newspapers in total.’

How many people would see that front page and think it was a advert paid for by the Tory Party?

Many posters have asked how ‘The Scotsman’ make money. Perhaps they will need to look for the ‘advertiser’s announcement,’

Dr Ew

I know I shouldn’t be, I know I should know better, but…

I am flabbergasted.

Paula Rose

(@ Al-Stuart – OK if I publish that elsewhere?)

call me dave

Prof Curtis suggests another referendum to stay in the UK.

link to




I am sure many of us would donate, buy stickers/badges etc

(Apologies for shouting……its just….aargh!!)

Dan Huil

It’s beyond doubt now that the unionist media, including the bbc of course, and unionist politicians in Scotland are merging again [on an even bigger scale than during the referendum] into one slimy disgusting unionist entity intent on smearing the SNP and smothering support for independence with a continual gush of gloom and doom. Its hatred for Scotland and her people knows no bounds.

Cadogan Enright

So, why was the Rev not nominated? There would be dozens of examples we could use ?

Or Ponsonby ?

Or the folks at the National? Often using leads from the Rev.

How does one go about nominating decent journalists?


@Dan Huil
If the unionist media continue to merge, along with the Conservative and Labour party, it’ll reach a point of such mutual attraction that the spaces between the dark matter will collapse, it’ll become a black hole of its own making, and disappear through the crust into the centre of the earth.

Used wisely it might just solve the energy problem of the UK.

john king

Barbara Watson @ 3.03pm
link to


Well that’s one way to completely discredit your own award ceremony.

I’ll never in future give this award any of my time.

I should add it’s merely vindicated my already sceptical stance on anything with British in the name.

There’s dozens of articles on Wings that would walk this award.

Paula Rose

If we had a newspaper format/template that could have local news, adverts etc placed in it, then we could print off copies locally and distribute them – perhaps this way new authoritative journalists would have a printed media – worth exploring?


Brian Doonthetoon@7.10
Cheers Brian,
I never read the Sunday Sport, some guys at work bought it, “for research purposes”.?!?!
I am embarrassed to say, back then, I bought the DR and the Sunday edition, then the Hootsman, and then I woke up.
I realised then, the press in this country was going rapidly down the toilet, keeping the population subjugated, ignorant and misinformed to the real state of affairs effecting the country.
An old friend used to say there was more reading in Andrex than the Sun.
Al jazeera and RT are good sources, but I no longer watch live TV since giving up the TV licence.
Nowadays I only buy the National, but as I said before, this site is the main source for news and facts.

When is an 11% pay rise not an 11% pay rise?
When A LYING TORY BAST*RD says it.

Dan Huil

@yesindyref2 7:52 pm.

Aye, as lang as it wis nae abin the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff leemit. Anither omishun fae Fluffy’s Scotland Bill.

The Isolator

@Brian Doonthetoon says

Ha ha Brian,have to admit to reading said publication in the interest of research masel.

They were real journalists no doubt about it.Reeling you in with their snippets of fantasy..oh wait a minute lol

Brian Powell

Watching twitter, I’ve never before witnessed such frothing,rambling fear as I witnessed among the Unionist commentariat.

They lost everything.


Nana 5.59pm

That Scottish Question video you posted was absolutely brutal to watch.

It should come with a health warning. English Labour and Tory MPs joining in on the assault.

link to

Socrates MacSporran

Some posts re Sunday Sport – so:

Some years ago, I contributed genuine sports reports to the Sunday Sport. They paid well and were actually interested in doing a good job on their sports pages, while a wee bit embarrassed at some of the stuff further forward.

I once sent in an athletic story, which duly appeared, but, under the by-line of their then “athletics correspondent”, Fatima Whitbread.

This is still consider my most-embarrassing moment in sports journalism.

I know I am a big ugly so-and-so, but: Fatima Whitbread.

Ah wis black-affronted, so ah wis!!

Note to Ruby – I should have said: This is a sports story, but, I thought you might enjoy the tale.


Nana 5.59.

License to spout every inaccuracy spread by the CorpMedia.

Muddle quoting the Daily Record and using it as a Parliamentary Answer!

Morningside Murray attacking SNP and still siding with Better Together!

At least the farce is out in the open now!

Blood pressure restored.


@Nana –

Actually heartbreaking watching that Nana, they delight in setting Scotland up to fail and it doesn’t matter if you voted yes or no if you live in Scotland you’re f*ckd.

I wonder if they’ll be so keen to devolve power to local government in Scotland after 2017 when we wipe the unionist scum from our council chambers.


call me dave says:

“Prof Curtis suggests another referendum to stay in the UK.”

I think his idea is that we confirm by referendum that the Scotland Bill is just what we’ve always wanted and therefore we are more than happy to stay part of the glorious UK forever and ever.

Last time I heard, a single figure percentage of Scots believed the Scotland Bill delivered the Vow!

I think he is on an awfully shaky peg there.

No doubt he means ‘take or leave’ the Scotland Bill offer.

Aye, howabout Scotland Bill versus Independence? I’d be all for that contest!

Seriously, that sounds fair enough. There are now only two options – Scotland Bill (when the finally finish the details of this DevoHalfArsed), or Independence.


@Dan Huil
I suspect that when Westminster vowed to devolve a crust or two, they didn’t mean to include the earth’s crust. But surely the only star the politically incorrect white dwarf media is capable of achieving is the Daily Star, not a neutron star?


I’m not sure about Curtice, he may have gone over to the other side. Which is, ummm, ours. Either that or he has become truly impartial.


@caz-m I did warn you to watch your blood pressure.

@Lanarkist Bt are most certainly working together, don’t think they stopped. I recall the talk from both parties about forming an alliance before the GE. I’m thinking it was always that way, just fooling the public every few years into believing there was a change of government. When really the city pulls the strings.

@Croompenstein I have watched many videos like that one. PMQ’s today was a disgrace, Cameron laughing at poverty among veterans just one low point. A few tories looked rather dismayed at that. It worries me where the country is headed under these people.

Disabled and sick being vilified, homelessness growing, food bank use surging and spying on the people. Despairing stuff.


@ Al-Stuart says at 6:53 pm ”Stuart, I just read your post here, and am sickened at the current quagmire that passes for journalism and their “awards”. So much so I would like to do something about it. Please would you consider helping?

When do we reach the tipping point ……………….

I would like to ask WoS site owner Stuart Campbell and WoS readers whether the Scottish Daily Mail are inciting hatred against those with disabilities and if there is support for a Carmichael type crowdfunder to take the Daily Mail to court for alleged infraction of various civil and criminal breaches of legislation? Enough is enough …………….”

Al-Stuart thanks very much for taking the time to compose such an erudite and heart-felt post.

And yes, I totally agree with you. Something HAS to be done to put a stop to as you say ‘the quagmire that passes for journalism’. Can anything be done about the Daily Mail? I don’t know but would most definitely donate to such a cause.

Yesterday I requested fundraising to seek legal advice in relation to the viability (or not) of taking Gordon Brown, the Daily Record or David Mundell to Court in relation to the lies that have been / are being told with regard to the Vow. Mundell, as an example, is continuing to lie to the Scots by stating that ‘Scotland will be the most powerfully devolved Country in the World”. Mentioned again on three occasions today (post by Nana 5:59pm)

I’d hoped that by exposing individuals like Mundell it would have afforded us the relevant publicity to turn the tide and win Referendum 2 sooner than later. Subsequently, with Independence, we would find ourselves in a more favourable position to deal with newspapers such as the Daily Mail.

Whatever the case I for one have reached ”tipping point” and feel that we or the SNP Party really have to do something actively constructive about the escalating level of disgusting propaganda that’s being belched out day and daily from any number of sources now.

Best wishes for the future Al and really hope you get somewhere with this.


Not sure but I think this may have been focussing some Labour minds
TNS #SP2016 constituency poll support by age:
16-34: 68%
35-54: 59%
55+: 44%

Scot Labour:
16-34: 13%
35-54: 18%
55+: 30%

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Jamie Arriere

I think the awards should be called :



North chiel

If I recall correctly , all the SNP amendments were rejected by Mundell . Perhaps
he is “backtracking a little” now re welfare/tax credits. However if the Scottish
government does not get the powers they require , notwithstanding that “Devo Mundell”
is less than “Devo Smith” is less than ” the vow/home rule ” “con”, then why not just
reject the “bill” when it is remitted to Holyrood .Send it back to London with proposed
amendments “REQUIRED” by the Government of Scotland , to recommend acceptance to
the Holyrood parliament.
If London is unwilling to cede on these “requirements” then surely the SNP can appeal
To the Scottish electorate with an appropriate manifesto commitment for “Home rule” via
the Holyrood election 2016.
Additionally , they should promise a referendum on “the removal ” of Trident from Scottish
Territory if re elected .Perhaps this might “concentrate the minds” of Mundell &Cameron.
It would appear to myself watching “Westminster live” that the HOC is now operating
as an “unelected second chamber” as far as our First ELECTED chamber ( Holyrood) is concerned.
From a “Scottish perspective” , time surely the second chamber was abolished.?


4 November, 2015 at 7:18 pm Capella says: @ Al-Stuart a very powerful statement against the appalling press in the UK. I would contribute towards a campaign to rid ourselves of the hate inciting Daily Mail.

Thank you Capella. Will be speaking to a friend from the office of the Procurators Fiscal next week, and before that a former Superintendent from the old Strathclyde Police. Will let you know what happens.


4 November, 2015 at 7:27 pm Paula Rose says: @ Al-Stuart – OK if I publish that elsewhere?

Paula you are more than welcome to publish elsewhere. Very much appreciated.
Meanwhile to add to the evidence pile of the Daily Mail allegedly inciting hatred against those with disabilities, here is a FAKE photo from an unpleasant hater by the name of Gerri Peev: link to It says something when even the Daily Mail readers feel the need to comment against the article!

The possibility of taking the Daily Mail to civil and/or criminal court is proving very tempting indeed.

Robert Louis

If anybody is in any doubt about how our London overlords view us Scots, they need just watch Scottish questions, from earlier today. A female cabinet minister in red, sat next to Mundell throughout the entire proceedings sitting sneering with utter contempt, openly aimed at the SNP benches.

I have never seen any politician pull such foul faces for such a long period of time.

They despise us. To them Scotland is ‘theirs’, and we, the Scots, are just an irritating inconvenience. How dare we ask questions, how dare we assert our nationhood.

I honestly don’t know how people like Angus McNeil, don’t just get up walk across and slap people like her from today. He must have the patience of a saint.

Seriously nasty wee anti Scottish racist gits in the Tory party.

I might force myself to endure it again next week, just to see if she does the same for another 30 minutes.

Ian Brotherhood

@Al-Stuart –

Great comments. Inspiring.

Good luck with your meetings.


Although we are climbing the walls trying to get INDYREF2 up and running, the SNP will wait until they have control of the major councils around Scotland in 2017, especially Glasgow.

We will then be in a better position to get the YES message out with reduced Unionist propaganda.

The remaining enemy will be the usual suspects, MSM and The Establishment.

Another two years of Tory rule won’t half focus the minds those soft NO voters.

Grouse Beater

Your passport made anonymous…link to

Barbara Watson

@john king

Ha ha ha ha thank you.

I’ll store that in my favourits x

Ian Brotherhood

It’s pretty clear that we are being baited by these characters and the powerful interests they represent.

At uni I’m doing research on the last Jacobite to be executed for High Treason. He was a highlander called Archibald Cameron, a son of the Lochiel clan chief, and he became a doctor.

He bolted to France with Prince Charlie and others, returning secretly to his home in 1753 while on a trip to secure funding for rebels in exile. He was betrayed by a fellow doctor, confined in Edinburgh Castle, then the Tower of London. As someone who hadn’t surrendered under Cumberland’s generous ‘offer’ he was listed and duly condemned to death.

They dragged him on a ‘sledge’ to Tyburn Hill, hanged him for half an hour, then cut out his heart, burned it, and disembowelled him. Despite not being allowed pen and paper he had managed to leave notes for his wife, who was then pregnant with their eighth child.

Dr Archibald Cameron was never ever involved in combat, and was renowned for his treatment of all wounded, no matter which side they were on. Many Hanoverians were appalled by the sentence, and contemporary reports from the time are virtually unanimous in praising the manner in which Cameron faced a humiliating death normally reserved for the lowest of common criminals. He was only 46 years old. In short, the man was made an example of – there was no need to kill him, and no public demand for it. It was sheer sadistic spite.

Sometimes you get the feeling they’d do likewise to a lot of us, given the chance.


Nana I know that you issued a health warning earlier but although pre-warned my blood pressure must have shot up to around 190/100 when I watched that video.

How our Politicians can put up with this I don’t know. They make a statement / ask a question and they get no proper answer worse still some snide lying response / s from the United Front and then no right of reply it would seem.

On the other-hand I wish they, our MSPs, would pre-empt some of the responses by including data in their question / s such as 80% of welfare / taxes in Scotland are controlled by Westminster or Scottish oil (etc, etc) has kept the South of England afloat.

Anyway I can’t wait for the day, like the Irish, our MSPs walk out of that place for the last time and say tatabella to the whole kit and caboodle of them. Can you imagine it? Their welcome home! The biggest party in the World that would go on for days (or years, lol).

And the smart ar*ses left gazing at each other across the room, with their fingers up their noses, contemplating on how boring it’s going to be, where they’re going to get their money from now and where to stuff Trident! Roll on the day.


Gary wood says:

Ot, could anyone help, I’m looking for a copy of how the BBC stole the referendum, any ideas?

Follow the link in the post above yours by Nana.


Gary wood says:

Ot, could anyone help, I’m looking for a copy of how the BBC stole the referendum, any ideas?

Follow the link in the post above yours by Nana.


Great thought-provoking posts from


North Chiel@9.18

It’s a wrap and both should be implemented asap for the way forward.

There’s always a silver lining on Wings from the dark clouds of this festering union.

Caz-m@9.39 also bang on the money.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

It ain’t over till it’s over and Scotland will be free soon.

Not long now.


@caz-m 8:17pm
I couldnt finish watching that. WTF kind of system allows the MP for FUCKING DUDLEY to talk pish and waste time at Scottish Questions???

The 56 are saints. I would long ago have punched some sneering Tories lights out.


Yes, the sentence for “High Treason” was to be Hung Drawn and Quartered, also usually emasculated. no nice.

link to



Sorry for any rise in your BP Petra. It’s difficult viewing and must be shown to people just what Westminster think of our elected reps and ultimately think of Scotland.


@ Ian Brotherhood, a distant relative of one David Cameron in No 10, I think. 🙂


@ Robert Louis says at 9:27 pm ”If anybody is in any doubt about how our London overlords view us Scots, they need just watch Scottish questions, from earlier today. A female cabinet minister in red, sat next to Mundell throughout the entire proceedings sitting sneering with utter contempt, openly aimed at the SNP benches. I have never seen any politician pull such foul faces for such a long period of time.

They despise us. To them Scotland is ‘theirs’, and we, the Scots, are just an irritating inconvenience. How dare we ask questions, how dare we assert our nationhood.

I honestly don’t know how people like Angus McNeil, don’t just get up walk across and slap people like her from today. He must have the patience of a saint.

Seriously nasty wee anti Scottish racist gits in the Tory party. I might force myself to endure it again next week, just to see if she does the same for another 30 minutes.”

That’s Anna Soubry Robert. Known to be unstable and the person who caused the furore about Alex Salmond saying ‘Behave yourself woman’ in response to her behaving like an absolute idiot. Check her out on youtube.

A couple of examples here:

link to

link to

link to



Thanks for the warning Nana, seriously required.

That must be the worst Scottish questions I have ever seen. A whole half hour of ‘fuck you separatist jocks’ and much of it from proudscots.

I see a fully co-ordinated anti-indy, anti-SNP campaign from the whole establishment. Press, broadcasting and institutions. I think they are working collaboratively and that there is now a network in place that is controlling the whole thing. It is an anti-Scottish conspiracy.


A female cabinet minister in red, sat next to Mundell throughout the entire proceedings sitting sneering with utter contempt, openly aimed at the SNP benches.

I have never seen any politician pull such foul faces for such a long period of time.

That’s Anna Soubry, no.57 in Cameron’s Cuties here

link to

She used to be on Grampian telly and is a far right as it gets, before Eva Braun comes to mind. She’s seated next to Fluffy to try and make that creep look even a tad less ridiculous. Does it work?

Neo fascist eye candy, ew.


Glamaig says:
4 November, 2015 at 10:04 pm
@caz-m 8:17pm
I couldnt finish watching that. WTF kind of system allows the MP for FUCKING DUDLEY to talk pish and waste time at Scottish Questions???

The 56 are saints. I would long ago have punched some sneering Tories lights out.

Ruby replies

It’s unbelievable!

I wonder what NO voters think when they see that?


@ Nana says at 10:07 pm ”Sorry for any rise in your BP Petra. It’s difficult viewing and must be shown to people just what Westminster think of our elected reps and ultimately think of Scotland.”

Nana just caught sight of your post before switching off. No don’t apologise I was joking ….. exaggerating. I’ve seen this all before and know what bast*rds they are. Too bad everyone in Scotland isn’t forced to sit and watch it. If so they’d soon change their ‘NO’ tune.

Angra Mainyu

Petra and all concerned about the flagrant lying and bottom-feeding of the press.

I asked yesterday on here if there would be any legal implications to orchestrating a boycott against a particular newspaper and, crucially, its advertisers and sponsors.

Rev seemed to suggest he wouldn’t want this website used as a platform for that sort of thing which I found surprising but you would need to respect his choice, I suppose.

I have given the matter some thought though and I think it would succeed if our focus was concentrated not on all newspapers but intensely on one single newspaper over a sustained period of time.

Anyone who knows the newspaper industry knows that they don’t make money from selling news. The money comes from selling advertising.

If you target the advertisers and the newspaper, making it clear that you are targeting them and why you are doing so, many of them will stop advertising in that paper — they have plenty of other places they can advertise these days (online etc) so there’s no way they will want to compromise sales rather than generate them by advertising in some rag.

This approach over say 6 to 12 months would most likely have a cataclysmic impact and it wouldn’t surprise me to see a paper close down as a consequence. I’m assuming, of course, that people would get behind that sort of campaign, taking full advantage of Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Anyway, in terms of crowd funding, I’d be happy to contribute. It’s my view that we would have won the referendum by a healthy margin if it wasn’t for the lies and systematic bias. Actually, one of the things that has annoyed me most since that black day has been the SNP’s reluctance to make more mention of the propaganda and spin we faced.

Scot Finlayson

@Robert Louis
The sneering woman in red sitting beside fluffy is Anna Soubry,she was the one Alex Salmond told to `behave yourself woman`.

link to

She is forever seen braying and complaining when opposition are having their say.


Today’s toryboy BBC Scotland award for groveling to toryboys goes to, OMG Brian Taylor again!

link to

“Scottish Secretary David Mundell said the amendments made it “crystal clear” that Scotland could act on tax credits.
Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser asked Mr Neil during a Holyrood debate on the issue to confirm that the amendment to the Scotland Bill would give the Scottish Parliament the power to replace in full any reduction in the tax credit.”

Nae bad UKOK BBC vote anyone but SNP groveling there. Fluffie and co pull £1300 off of single mum’s, who let’s face really did cause the great City crash anyway, but here we are with the BBC on their knees kissing Fluffies boots.

A worthy winner this time Brian, in a vast tight field of UKOK liggers and shills too.


RE: Scottish Questions today at Westminster.

Glamaig 10.04pm
“I would long ago have punched some sneering Tories lights out.”

You will need to join the ever lengthening queue Glamaig.


@ X-sticks 10:26pm
Its quite obvious in the Commons that Tory and Labour are working together against Scotland.

Throw the press and the media into the mix, apart from the National.

Its so heartening that it still doesnt seem to be having any effect, and best thing is that the longer it has no effect, the more they step it up and the more frenzied and laughable and obvious the whole campaign becomes.


To be fair to Soubry, she sneers unpleasantly at anything that isn’t far right wing nut jobbery.

The very presence of SNP MPs in the HoC is enough to have her eyes spinning so violently that her head becomes unstable.

Chic McGregor

Listening just now to Jaba talking over Alex Neil on 2015 I just feel that Alex should have pointed out that the Scottish share of Trident would have more than paid for Scotland’s compensation of the Tory’s welfare cuts and asked her why she voted for it.

The SNP need to be far more assertive, not aggresive, just state the salient factsd.

Of course, this is not always possible, given the Scotland destruction memne of the MSM but they should at least make the attempt.



You need to get the video of Andy Stewart singing “Donald were’s yer troosers” posted.

I’ve had that damn “There’ll always be an England” stuck in my head since you posted it this morning. lol


Far right perverts of the Daily Heil win Far Right Perverts and Lechers award for this today. Although to be fair to those horrendous reprobates, at least its not Cameron’s Cuties and Lawrence is an adult. Great British Press at its finest. Makes you proud and feeling pretty sordid. But they did win 18 Sept 2014, so that’s nice.

link to


Bob Blackman (Harrow East) (Con):
Does my right hon. Friend agree that, rather than relying on subsidies from London, the Scottish Government should use their tax-raising powers to pay for the services provided to the people of Scotland?

Bob Black Harrow East Conservative should be asked if Scotland is relying on subsidies from London why are people in his constituency so keen to keep Scotland in the Union? Why did David Cameron fight with every fibre of his being for this extra tax burden to be placed on the people of Harrow.


We have seen nothing yet.

Wait for the rotten to the core Scottish justice system to clear Carmichael.

But we must play according to the establishment’s rules, unless the SNP grows some teeth and publicly attacks these liars.

Day by day these liars are exposed and humiliated by the Rev. Stuart Campbell but they have no shame.


Listening just now to Jaba talking over Alex Neil on 2015 I just feel

Was Super Unionist Man on tonight aswell? Mad old BBC Scotland had him on last week, for his UKOK economic genius n shit. He was really creepy but his toryboy weeping big splashy British tears for the poor is always good for UKOK as in below. One scary dude, very scary. Not to knock vox-pop for slacker beeb skivers but it’s unusual to drag vox-pop actualy into their £400 million studio and try to make him look credible.

Kevin Hague ?@kevverage 2h2 hours ago
SNP logic: we won’t use new powers to help the poorest in society in case it distracts us from picking another fight with Westminster.

Cadogan Enright

Al-Stuart 6.53

Wow !


Ian Austin (Dudley North) (Lab):
In addition to this question, question after question on the Order Paper from the Nats queries the powers of the Scottish Parliament, yet the truth is this: they have missed the A&E waiting time in Scotland for six years; more than 6,000 children leave primary school unable to read properly; children from poor families get a particularly bad deal under devolution; and Scotland faces a housing crisis. When I visited Edinburgh a week or so ago, I was stunned at the level of rough sleeping in that city—it is much higher than in comparable cities. Should the Nats not be sorting out the things for which they are responsible instead of demanding all those other powers? They are not just the most centralising but the most useless—

Did he get his script from the Branch Office or did the Branch Office get their script from him?


Yvette Cooper (Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford) (Lab):
May I urge the Minister to think again about the devolution of abortion to Scotland? To have smaller jurisdictions making such sensitive decisions on healthcare is deeply unwise and would allow those who want to lobby against the interests of healthcare to undermine the interests of women both in Scotland and in England. I urge him to consult far more widely before making this very big step.

Yvette Cooper the woman Kezia voted for. She’s saying having Scotland make decision about abortion is very unwise!

I would love to know what NO voters think about what was said at Scottish question!


This is absolutely true although I have not checked the facts as they don’t exist but the evening will be hosted by A Carmichael, Dame Moany and a guy in a red bras ( no political bias in bras colour , just what is available).

Special appearance hot from BBC Scotland free PR trip the Tory leader in Scotland ( ex BBC Scotland) in a tank and a failed lib dem ex BBC Scot reporter who has A Salmond as her MP

Paula Rose

Will it be televised? – Making plans for a party if the Labour party house journal wins.

Grouse Beater

“May I urge the Minister to think again about the devolution of abortion to Scotland?”

Cooper’s ramblings are totally nonsensical, offering the only reason needed why she should not have been elected as leader of the Labour party.

call me dave

It’s the way they tell the news. 🙂

Pantomime dame calls Alex Neil a pantomime dame.

link to


4 November, 2015 at 9:13 pm – Petra says: @ Al-Stuart at 6:53 pm. Thanks very much for taking the time to compose such an erudite and heart-felt post.

And yes, I totally agree with you. Something HAS to be done to put a stop to as you say ‘the quagmire that passes for journalism’. Can anything be done about the Daily Mail? I don’t know but would most definitely donate to such a cause.

Yes Petra, something CAN be done. The feedback on this thread is very encouraging. So will be taking formal legal advice to see if the Daily Mail can be subject to legal action. Heaven knows they have ignored/forgotten the Leveson Inquiry. If the MP Expenses Scandal taught us anything, it is that NOBODY is immune from being prosecuted and sent to jail.


4 November, 2015 at 9:30 pm – Ian Brotherhood says: @Al-Stuart – Great comments. Inspiring. Good luck with your meetings.

Thanks Ian – it’s a two-way-street here. Good people on this website. Good hearts. Decent morals. Unlike that toxic Tory outfit with some very serious legal questions to answer.

As for the topic of this thread – perhaps the Press Awards and the ridiculous adulation of Daily Telegraph lies about memogate may have set in motion something that will bring the entire rabid press pack to a very sudden halt. Starting with the despicable campaign by the Daily Hate Mail in demonising the disabled to death. The likes of Paul Dacre the highest paid editor in the UK and a multi-millionaire kicking cripples publicly via his turgid newspaper at every opportunity cannot ignore the law.


4 November, 2015 at 11:08 pm Cadogan Enright

Thank you.


4 November, 2015 at 10:02 pm – thomaspotter2014 says: Great thought-provoking posts from Al-Stuart@6.53. It’s a wrap and both should be implemented asap for the way forward.

Thomas, appreciate the moral support which is a good indicator that this proposal of a crowdfunder may gain traction. In essence to take legal action against newspapers like the Daily Mail that can be proven to break UK laws by acting like a 2015 version of Völkischer Beobachter – link to


As for the festering Daily Mail, it may be an idea to sort out a dedicated webpage to file historic articles from the Daily Mail so as to cummulate the infractions of the Public Order Act 1986; Equality Act 2010; Crime and Courts Act 2013 and other common law crimes. Let alone civil action and remedy, including class action.

Here are a some examples of Daily Mail alleged incitement to hatred of those with disabilities….

Daily Mail fake welfare abuse story: link to

Protest at Daily Mail HQ for inciting hatred of the disabled: link to

This is what happens when the likes of the Daily Mail incite hatred: link to

Forensic analysis of Daily Mail disability hate lies: link to

Does anyone else have any Daily Mail “articles” of a similar hate inciting vein to suggest? Answers and references would be much appreciated and will be collated. Thanks.


Well I’ve just watched that travesty of democracy called Scottish Questions. Thanks Nana!

What is the point of that exercise? It is completely orchestrated, questions submitted in advance, no right of reply, lying allowed liberally and look up Hansard if you can be bothered.

I never had the luxury of a public school education so the black arts of eristical argument elude me. But the more straightforward art of walking out of a corrupt organisation and standing on your own two feet is more familiar.

I do hope the brave 56 do that. Also, noticed that Michelle Thomson took her place among her colleagues and spoke up. The insolent chatter of unionist MPs stopped for that at least.


Sorry, couldn’t get past, “serious journalism”. Was lucky my screen didn’t crack lol



“I don`t know how you fight this king of corrupt power but its seems that its getting to the stage of alerting the UN to this assault on democracy.”

The UN, the European Commission and the Council of Europe are equally corrupt.

Where were they during our independence referendum.

Don’t have any hopes on the French or other EU countries.

The only international friend we have is Iceland.


To those who say the media are having no effect on the SNP’s poll ratings I’d just like to say that they are the only thing holding back the flood. This country would be long independent by now if the information fed to Scots wasn’t so carefully controlled and manipulated.

This is why we must fight the media with everything we got. We really need now for someone with influence to say enough is enough because I’m really beginning to wonder if we live in a democracy anymore and if we ever did in the first place.

ben madigan

off topic – good news for Dundee link to


@ Rock
The only international friend we have is Iceland.

I would count the Nordic countries as our friends too.
I heard David Mundell say several times in Scottish Questions that Scotland has the “most devolved government in the world.”
What does he mean? Who are the other devolved governments who are less powerful than Scotland?


Robert Louis,

“They despise us. To them Scotland is ‘theirs’, and we, the Scots, are just an irritating inconvenience. How dare we ask questions, how dare we assert our nationhood.”

55% of us Scots are happy with that.

Are there any people on earth more stupid than that?


Our Scottish Government went into this exercise with HMG with goodwill and fairness. Well the good old imperial traits didn’t take long to surface. We should now ratchet up and firm up our demands and stop getting led along by the Establishments agents. They (HMG) have some very nasty people in their employment and they aren’t slow in setting them in motion.

As I have said many times they will go to any lengths to hold onto their imaginary empire and their imagined God given place on earth to Lord it over somebody. They are the SCUM of the earth and snobby with it.



link to

Has anyone seen no Scottish region news Libby or Severin lately? Have they both run off to do an actual job or is their special brand of “The Guardian says stick yer independence up yer arse” about to produce another UKOK SNP bad thing tomorrow. Maybe they won the rollover AND got proper jobs, after not getting a nomination by the Press Gazzette clown show.

Tomorrow rancid The Graun news today, “Blue Toryboy Fluffie Mundell, attacks SNP for not protecting poor people, from Blue toryboy Fluffie Mundell. Red Tory Slab are the greatest.” Long dreary half baked Opinion thing from Mike Silly tash White, Incest and nazi’s you Scotch scum, says Steve Bell.

No wonder Libby Carrell’s jacked, The Graun scottish section writes itself.

Tam Jardine

The irony of Scottish Questions is that this is where our concerns are meant to be addressed in the Commons- this should be (for the Scottish electorate) the shining example of what westminster is there for.

If Scottish Questions, and indeed if Westminster was functioning to the betterment of the people of Scotland the vast majority watching footage would come away thinking: “Thats where my taxes are going – glad the UK government is working on our behalf”.

If you want to burn the place to the ground having watched Scottish Questions, I think it is fair to say that the Commons is not performing its function.

When the Scottish Secretary of State, during the allotted time given for questions relating to Scottish affairs quotes a badly written, petulant piece of drivel from the daily record as if it were gospel in the Commons in order to attack the Scottish Government we need to look urgently at how to disengage.

Paula Rose

Quick question – how many people have you convinced to vote for their children’s future this week?



“I would count the Nordic countries as our friends too.”

What good are friends if they didn’t openly support us during our bid for independence?

Iceland is the only true friend we have, the only country in the world that had the guts to openly backed Scottish independence.


@ Rock
It is not stupidity that causes people to identify with their oppressors.
” “Men, when they receive good from whence they expected evil, feel the more indebted to their benefactor.” – Machiavelli

What is the Stockholm syndrome?

The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological state in which the victims of a kidnapping, or persons detained against their free will, develop an emotional attachment, a bond of interdependence with their captors. This is enhanced when the captive is placed in a life-threatening situation and is then spared. The relief that results from the removal of the threat generates intense feelings of gratitude which, combined with the fear, makes the victim reluctant subsequently to cooperate with those seeking to prosecute the oppressor.


To be fair though: all those stories are shit.


“combined with the fear”

That, I think, is the most relevant part. We have to remove the fear. Education is the most potent antidote to irrational fear. This site is promoting an objective analysis of the actuality – in direct challenge to the corporate media. Let’s support it in overtaking the reach of the Daily Mail.

Tackety Beets

Short of time tonight so a wee speed read.

The Reed wifey next to Mundily , Anna Sourbeard with her new hair Doo wis looking too much like Maggie T for my liking …..spooky.

Struggling to remember her on Grampian ? Thankfully !

Ach well ,well done to Hibs for doing well in the cup , it would be good to see them back in the top league too , but it’s still COYR from me !

A lot o boo haa in both Parlys & TV tonight . What a noise about mitigating Tory cuts ?

As someone posted on Twatter a few days back “if Holyrood ends up faffin about mitigating cuts from WM what’s the point of a SG ? ”
We’re doomed a tell yea.

Agree above SNP need to be a bit more assertive. A Neil did a bit tonight reminding folk that all these alleged powers over welfare etc are a long way away yet etc
I would have liked him to be ready/ pre-prepared to slap Jaba down with a bit more venom.

It seams clear the Red Tories got the heads up on the amendments on the Scotland Bill last week. Confirmation they are still in co-hoots with their Blue Brothers …..a feel a sweet soul song coming on !

Wonder what wee gem Rev will post tomorrow.

call me dave

@Tackety Beets

“It seams clear the Red Tories got the heads up on the amendments on the Scotland Bill last week”.

I think your right, they were a shambles in the referendum but some effort has/is now going into this media storm in an effort to head off independence becoming a reality.

They will fail in the long run but it will be a hard fecht!

SNP X 2 is the way!


Well said Proud Cybernat at 4:01pm yesterday.

“Call them by what they are.”

Same idea again, maybe we should be referring to the SNP, as the Scottish, National, Party.. everytime in public conversation. Call them by whom they are yeah?

Say someone asks you, “are you going to vote for the SNP?” you slowly say “No, I’m going to vote for the Scottish National Party.” So parlez bon mes amis!

Made in Scotland.


Few of us watch daily what passes for democracy in Westminster. Most of our population are unaware of what is going on because the corporate media report nothing of the utter contempt being meted out to our elected representatives. If there is ever a Scottish version of the legion d’honneur the 56 should be awarded it for putting up with this abuse day after day. They are the targets, they are the spirits they are attempting to crush.
SNP one two and roll on the council elections for a clean sweep.


Forbes most powerful list out, Putin top not really a surprise. Trump at 72 out of 73! Cameron at 8, shrug. In which case, with the UK featuring so high, I’m genuinely surprised Sturgeon isn’t on the list. If you believe the Unionists, the UK will break up, the UK may get kicked off the security council, lost its influence in NATO and if you think he actually has any (the Yanks do), lose his influence in the EU. Which makes Sturgeon kind of powerful, surely.

Twitter not on? Weird, even I look at Twitter via google, though I’d not go on it myself. More influential than facebook I’d say, these days.

More to the point, the Rev isn’t on, he must have kept a low profile.


OT – Forbes
What’s sad by the way is the head of the UN, Ban Ki-moon (I had to look it up again) is only at 40. In an ideal world and an ideal UN he/she would be numero uno.


The difference is that when the 56 were just 6, the 6 were treated with contempt by the Scottish Labour MPs as well.

Yes, they deserve medals, and a huge amount of respect.


Lying bastatds the establishment would murder if needed.

The late Willie McCrae being an example where it is believed that after finding out proof of allegations so despicable as would have brought the government down he then died in the most mysterious of circumstances.

Widely believed to have been killed by security agents of the state McCrae should serve as a warning as to what the establishment can do.


Just think of all the long years Alex Salmond spent down there with very few friends.

And we make heroes out of talentless overpaid football players and bloody actors…


Paula Rose 12.19 am
I really don’t know how many,if any, people I have convinced about independence this week.I drop into general conversations various remarks which will,I hope,cause them to give thought to the situation.I might have helped someone on their journey to supporting independence.I have almost certainly reinforced the beliefs of someone who is already persuaded,which is also neccessary.

Further,and this is important too,I have perhaps shaken the confidence of someone who will always vote No.If I’ve dented their confidence in their argument they might be less likely and less able to expound it.Little,subtle remarks dropped into conversations make a massive difference to how this nation thinks about itself and its future.Thats what I’m doing on an informal,casual,daily basis.And back to canvassing for the SNP this weekend.

Socrates MacSporran

I had to switch off Scottish Questions last night, I was becoming so angry.

The Tories’ utter contempt for Scotland and the SNP members was so disgusting. As for Fluffy, SNP member after SNP member invited him to slap down the Harrow East Tory MP, who had come away with that old lie about England subsidising Scotland. The best he could do was to almost mutter something about not recognising that Scotland – when, he should have been forcing said London Tory to apologise for speaking shite.

When are the Proud Scots Buts going to waken-up, we are being treated like second-class citizens in their UK.

Time to go.

schrodingers cat


it suggests to me that Baillie hasn’t been give a realistic place on the list.

facing wipeout in her Dunbarton constituency, are we seeing the last desperate attempt by her to save her skin

“oh my poor consituents, 1000s of them condemned to a life on the dole without me to represent them….”

horrid thought, re indyref2, Westminster cant stop indyref2, but legally, referendums are not legally binding.

the Edinburgh agreement just announced that they would take part.

no law can force Cameron to take part in indyref2 or any of the No voters in Scotland

Catalunia, voted 80% yes in their referendum but no turnout was given, that’s why they moved focus to election as the no voters would be voting too and their votes could be counted

if Scotland is sitting at 50/50 yes/no roughly1.8million each on a 84% turnout, as per indyref1, that leaves 14% that didn’t vote, 900,000

total electorate = 4,500,000
1,800,000 voters is about 40% of the electorate
no court in the world will agree that this gives the yes a mandate for anything

Angra Mainyu

Five minutes up and Radio Scotland has insulted my dwindling intelligence twice. “The old company that used to own the club” and now HS2 is introduced as a major opportunity for Scotland.

Time to emigrate, I think. I can’t take much more.


schrodingers moggy says;

total electorate = 4,500,000
1,800,000 voters is about 40% of the electorate
no court in the world will agree that this gives the yes a mandate for anything

You are very wrong.

Democratic mandates are not based on the total estimated electorate.

They are based upon who votes.

What you are saying is that no court in the world would accept the governments of the world as legal.

I wonder why you make such an absurd argument ?


Please share the Scottish questions video I posted last evening. If that display of hatred towards the Scots does not sicken people then I don’t know what will.

O/T links

link to

link to

Yesterday’s parliamentary business
link to

link to


@ Schroedingers Cat

Maybe all of the 12500 phantom Faslane employees will vote for her. Do they all have postal votes by any chance?



Sorry I missed the link last night Nana, I was having a wee break from online for an evening. I can see folks are upset about something from SQ on thread.

What’s the stooshie about?


O/T links

Dave’s big society…

link to

John Mann on Wanless Review and Dickens File…

link to

DWP to take adapted car away from Alsager teenager who had leg amputated
link to


Air Passenger Duty (thanks to Nana) …

link to

… this is what a competent government would do – generate jobs and extra tax take by building the economy. Hurrah for the good guys

Alternatively you could just cancel it like Labour would because even basis economics is beyond them. They are not even competent enough to be classed as the bad guys, they are just sad fools.


It appears the snoopers bill, much like the weeble from hell, refuses to fall over.

link to

This government is heading further down a bad path in terms of rights and liberties. The sooner we’re done with them, the better.

schrodingers cat

I’m a cynical old Hector me



I posted a link from Peter Curran on yesterday’s Scottish question. The disrespect shown to our mps and Scotland is disgusting.
It has obviously upset a lot of folk and rightly so but we need to share it widely.

I did post a health warning along with the video as blood pressure could well rise to boiling point.



Good link and yes, I believe that is the SGs route of travel.



Ahhhh, the mists clear. Yes I’ve watched one or two of those and its never good.

Those horses arses in the government benches especially are a particularly nasty bunch of racist, elitist pricks. They reek of ‘know your place sweaty’ types and can be hard viewing for those of a volatile nature. I’d suspect sales of TVs and laptops would skyrocket if the majority of folks had to look in on their treatment of our benches.

Still the best answer to their antics is to take away their toys. We gain our independence from their twisted governance regardless and have them hoik their nuclear toys awrf ower laaaand.

That’ll wipe the smiles off their smug kissers.


O/T link

Here is the artist taxi driver talking about yesterday’s PMQ’s display in parliament…

Shameless Poppy wearing Tories and Cameron laugh and mock Soldiers £2,000 Tax Credit Cut

link to

Grouse Beater

“Time to emigrate, I think. I can’t take much more.”

Once aware of it – heightened by the Referendum debate – it eats into your psyche, all that bias, day in and day out, unconsciously spoken or deliberately manufactured.

The onslaught is designed to make you feel small and insignificant. It is saying every day, other people makes decisions, not you.

link to

schrodingers cat


I’m hypothesizing about what happens if Cameron says Westminster wont take part in indyref2 and advises the No voters to ignore it and not take part

point im making is the 14% who didn’t vote last time will be added to the number of no voters who did

as far as I can see, Scotland doesn’t need westminsters agreement to hold any referendum

the mandate for declaring independence would depend on the result, with only 40% of the population even voting, it would be challenged legally

Dave McEwan Hill

schrodingers cat at 7.43

Your argument is based on a fallacy. We do not need “any court in the world” to agree anything.
Independence is our right and it will be recognised universally if it evidently has the assent of the Scottish people acquired in an open and democratic manner. That for instance only requires the majority of those who choose vote as those who do not choose to vote can be sensibly determined as content to accept the result of any such poll.


David Mundell: I am sorry that the right hon.Gentleman
did not read my written statement on Monday, which
updated the House on the progress of the fiscal framework.
What I recognise in the right hon.Gentleman’s comments
are these words from the editorial of the Daily Record:
“Moan, moan…whinge, whinge.

Fluffy reads the Record!

Why did he need to quote the record was he not able to think up insults by himself?

schrodingers cat

this is why I disliked the Edinburgh agreement,

it set a precedent which I didn’t think was necessary

and I don’t think that Westminster will give up Scotland without a fight

Independence is our right and it will be recognised universally if it evidently has the assent of the Scottish people acquired in an open and democratic manner

you mean like the rest of the world did when Catalunia voted 80% in their referendum?

Catalan president Artur Mas said the vote was “a lesson in democracy.” Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy called the vote a “deep failure” because “two thirds of Catalans did not participate”


schrodingers cat says:
the mandate for declaring independence would depend on the result, with only 40% of the population even voting, it would be challenged legally

The originating state can always claim that a move for Independence is a break in the laws of that state.

The question is what happens after a majority vote be it (51% of 90% turnout) or (98% of 47% turnout) is resisted by legal and political challenges is open, but in the past refusing to recognize a vote for Independence has not worked out well for anyone.

schrodingers cat

Dave McEwan Hill says:

Your argument is based on a fallacy

this isn’t an argument, I am meanly pointing out what Westminster may and most likely will do

eg Cameron has already said there wont be another referendum on his watch, even though, as far as I can see, there is nothing in law to stop anyone having a referendum.

The no voters are not obliged to vote and Cameron can urge unionists not to participate,

I believe this is what will happen if and when we announce a date for indyref2

this is not a fallacy or even an argument….It is just the most likely course of action. They only agreed to participate last time because they thought they would win. If they think they wont win indy2, they wont participate.
we cant force people



“Horses arses aye well they do resemble & sound like old nags and braying donkeys. I’ve watched a fair few of these video clips myself but I would say yesterday’s offering had extra venom.

Muddle quoting from the daily record like it was gospel and the sour soubry acting like his attack dog. Well he does need support to cover his blundering as he’s not the brightest spark. Altogether a sorry excuse for democracy.

I don’t know how our mps manage to control their tempers because mine is frayed from watching the carry on. It must be dispiriting for them every day to be so badly treated.

schrodingers cat

“Independence is our right and it will be recognised universally if it evidently has the assent of the Scottish people acquired in an open and democratic manner. That for instance only requires the majority of those who choose vote as those who do not choose to vote can be sensibly determined as content to accept the result of any such poll.”

love the sentiment but in 1979, a majority didn’t even win us devolution.


Ian Murray:
Will the Secretary of State assure us that the fiscal
framework will be agreed before the Scottish Parliament
is dissolved in March, and can he explain why both he
and the SNP are conspiring to make this agreement the
tartan TTIP

One thing that really annoys me is when these “UKOK Better Together Hate Preachers’ use Scottish words like tartan, shortbread, haggis in a pejorative manner.

I’m surprised he didn’t call the Scottish Parliament The Shortbread Senate!

What would be the English equivalent of tartan?

schrodingers cat

in the past refusing to recognize a vote for Independence has not worked out well for anyone.

agreed, But I stand by what I said, Westminster wont let Scotland go without a fight,

if the subsidy junk myth is exactly that, a myth, which I think it is, then Westminster cant afford to let Scotland go


David Mundell at Scottish Questions

Watching Mundell at the dispatch box, I was struck by what his right hand was doing while he was looking the other way, over to the left. The hand was almost separate from the rest of his body and playing no part in what the rest of him was doing. Most unusual.

I suspect Mundell has an inner conflict ; maybe he is a nice guy at heart but feels compelled to behave like a complete barsteward towards Scotland. Nah, that can’t be right. Or maybe he’s hiding stuff, like what he knew about Memogate; or other things in his private life which, if known, would spell the end of his ‘career’ in politics.

I’m far from sure about this hand of his, but it sure is weird.

Les Wilson

The SNP should be assembling leaflets with what they have done for Scotland = to what labour did not do when in power for 70 years or so here.

Hard facts with links to prove, right out of Rev’s practice.
Issues and actions Slab took and showing how utterly useless.

Another sad issue
A week or so ago, Labour Glasgow Council gave with great smiles a £3m grant for Arts in Glasgow. Ok, in itself that is fine.
However, when pointing this out to my partner, who works for a child charity in the city, she was outraged.

She told me of the case of a family with 3 children the youngest being 18 months old. They were all in abject poverty. The house was found to be infested with a parasite bug, which is very hard to kill off it burrows into everything even the wall paper.

The children were found to be infected, the worst being the youngest child.The parasites had burrowed into the skin and killed the 18 month old child.
No surprise my partner with tears in her eyes berated Glasgow council.

She was outraged, that the Council are cutting funding to child charities and charities in general while smiling gave £3m to arts.

Why would they do that she asked, when children and families are suffering like this?, the only sad answer I could give her was that in my opinion the Council wants re elected in May, and in setting their priorities where they may get votes.
What a sad state of affairs.

We do need to get shot of Slab in Glasgow Council, if this was their aim.


@schrodingers cat

Refusing a second referendum would be seen as anti democratic and probably the biggest surge in support that the YES campaign and the SNP could wish for.

Support for independence would also be determined by opinion polls and MPs could choose to withdraw from Westminster at that point.

Alan Mackintosh

Man and boy, agree, that hand thing was weird, eyes kept being drawn back to it… shudder!

call me dave

More of we cannae dae it, in the Herald with a sprinkling of Baillie for good measure.

But I thought independence was much more important than just figures that were up or down.

Geez! I’ll away down to the school and get some of that spoilt fruit that the bairns wont eat to go with ma cereal! Kaye told me so.

link to


I suspect a second referendum won’t be until 2020 or 2021.
In which case 5 years will have passed. A political generation, so the UK nationalists can’t use their favourite line as an excuse.

Unfortunately for many people, even already, the first referendum will also have been a once in a lifetime opportunity.

But first we need a majority next year or it is really is off the table. SNP/SNP

Chic McGregor

Yep, we definitely need an annual ‘Tartan Mushrooms” award ceremony for various MSM categories, the judging criteria being which of whom has shovelled the most shit on Scots readers, listeners and viewers in the past year.



‘What would be the English equivalent of tartan?’

Furcoat nae knickers?

Tackety Beets

Les Wilson @ 9.48

Les , that is a heart breaking story.(TB Slumped)

I may be wrong but I never heard or saw a peep in any MSM? Sadly the MSM are ALL to busy trying to bash 4 bells oot o our Scot Gvt to notice such a travesty.

In 2015 the poor souls should be better helped than that, sorry to say, I wish never read your post, heartbreaking disnae cover it.


@ben Madigan

“good news for Dundee”

Yes, Ben, but terrible news for Ballymena.

Michelin is a huge part in the social fabric of north Belfast and Newtownabbey. Their leaving NI will cause untold suffering in that area. I feel very sorry for them.

Tackety Beets

Les Wilson @ 9.48 am

Les , that is a heart breaking story.(TB Slumped)

I may be wrong but I never heard or saw a peep in any MSM? Sadly the MSM are ALL to busy trying to bash 4 bells oot o our Scot Gvt to notice such a travesty.

In 2015 the poor souls should be better helped than that, sorry to say, I wish never read your post, heartbreaking disnae cover it.

SNP x 2 it is.


@Les Wilson

That’s heartbreaking Les.

Bill McLean

Has EVEL not broken the Treaty of Union? If that is the case and given a majority of any kind for Independence surely it must be accepted!


Recently, and for the first time in my life, I have felt that England has turned against us in a new and sinister way.

Far from being Better Together, we’re not even together anymore. There’s no Union here; just the pretence.

Independence isn’t an option – it’s a necessity.

Vote SNP / SNP. Because we have no choice.


cearc says:
5 November, 2015 at 10:06 am

‘What would be the English equivalent of tartan?’

Furcoat nae knickers?

Ruby Replies

It’s a tricky one.

‘and can he explain why both he
and the SNP are conspiring to make this agreement the
tartan TTIP’

Lets say he was referring to the UK parliament would it be

make this agreement the Morris Dancers TTIP
What about the Welsh Gov or the N.Irish Gov
What about the French?
make this agreement the Frogs TTIP’

Grouse Beater

Chic: Yep, we definitely need an annual ‘Tartan Mushrooms” award ceremony for various MSM categories, the judging criteria being which of whom has shovelled the most shit on Scots readers, listeners and viewers in the past year.

My industry has the Golden Raspberry Awards, sometimes shortened to ‘Razzies’

I suggest we pay for a proper IKEA framed document, signed by a committee of judges, to award to nominees – advancing news of nominees gets two shots at publicity and alerts the public to check up on them and discuss them – in an annual ceremony broadcast on Wings, for the following categories:

The Black Arts Awards … the ‘Baas’, as in sheep.

JOURNALIST: Most Vicious Anti-Scottish Attack.
JOURNALIST: Most Outrageous Propaganda.
JOURNALIST: Biggest Flip-Flopper.
POLITICIAN: Most Brazen Lie.
POLITICIAN: Most Stupid Remark.
TELEVISION: Most Fatuous Interview.
TELEVISION: Most Insulting Interviewer.
RADIO: Biggest Switch Off.
NEWSPAPER: Most Recycled Falsehoods

And to be fair, we should include those on our side!

schrodingers cat


if the calculated electorate is

4.5mil= 14%(dead/non voters/mistakes on ER)+ 84% (turnout)

4.5 mill= 0.9 mill +3.6 mill

we need 2.25 million Yes votes
if 1.8mill = 50% of an 84% turnout

we need about 62% yes in the polls and the actual indyref2 to ensure that even if the unionists don’t vote we have more than 50% of the entire electorate and Cameron will not be able to dismiss what is a democratic mandate in every sense regardless of how you count the vote

we have a lot of work to do, but it is achievable


I think this might be the rare example of a Scotland-only political article with comments on the BBC site.

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

schrodingers cat at 9.30

The 1979 vote was for a weak devolution settlement which assumed power retained by UK as has been often pointed out. Sovereignty is ceded to UK in any such vote so the comparison is invalid.

With onwards at 9.50 on this. Just let them try to deny us another referendum. There would be no better guarantee that we would win it. Bring it on


‘A week or so ago, Labour Glasgow Council gave with great smiles a £3m grant for Arts in Glasgow. Ok, in itself that is fine.’

It would depend on the Art whether it is fine or not! The one that gets me is the horrendous sculpture called Joe Public or something like that which is outside EDC’s office at Waverley Court.
It was done by a German artist and cost £100,000.

Art if done well can highlight the plight of people in poverty in a way politicians/the media can’t but that is probably not the type of art Glasgow Council is funding. I think ‘Wings’ is a work of Art & so are Chris Cairns cartoons. Have GCC offered Wings & Chris Cairns funding?

Dave McEwan Hill

caz-m at 9.39

Probably agreed but there is no reason why we can’t be campaigning for independence right now.
We’re in danger of letting the tires down at the moment.


@ Nana – good links as ever. The Taxi Driver also interviewed Roslyn Fuller who has a PhD in Democracy (disqualifies her from the BBC obviously). Roslyn appeared on the Max Keiser show some time ago.

We are not a democracy. We are an oligarchy.

She hopes that digital democracy will develop. Swiss cantons use this to decide issues. Could the Scottish Government introduce a digital voting system? Ensuring it was secure would be an obvious problem but not insurmountable.

It’s in 3 short parts, part 2 the most relevant here:
link to

Dave McEwan Hill

schrodingers cat at 10.40

Cameron can’t “dismiss” anything. It is not in his power. He can only bluff.
The days of silent colonies is over

The inalienable right of self determination is enshrined in the UN Charter.
How a nation or a community is governed is entirely in the right and the free choice of that nation or community.
We do not have to ask anybody else whether we can be independent.

To move to it we only have to establish that it is the majority opinion freely arrived at in an open and fair democratic process.

As do the Catalans, despite the bluff of the Spanish Government.


Onwards says:
5 November, 2015 at 10:41 am
I think this might be the rare example of a Scotland-only political article with comments on the BBC site.

link to


I had a quick scan but I think I’ll give that one a miss I’ve had enough of the ‘UKOK Better Together Hate Preaching Sensible Daves’ they can just rant on and if people are daft enough to read and react to their hate filled comments well that’s up to them but I’m not going there.



Thanks for that, have added to my pile of ‘to be read or watched’ articles. Should keep me going over the xmas break!

An effigy of Cameron with his pig to be burned at the lewes bonfire.

link to


It would seem that Kezia Dugdale is just another in a long line of totally inept Labour Politicians for example pledging the same source / amount of money to education and the tax credit cuts. Feel free to add to the list.

1) Up to 50 thousand ‘excess’ deaths were recorded at hospitals during the last Labour Government. (Research by Sir Brian Jarman of Imperial College).

2) The ‘Bedroom Tax’ was part of the Welfare Reform Act 2007 proposed by Labour.

3) Between 1997 to 2010 gas prices rose 133% and electricity prices rose 69%. Why would the public ever trust Labour on energy prices again?

4) The devastating impact of Labour’s raid on pensions: The tax grab has cost workers £118bn since 1997. (Office for Budget Responsibility).

5) Labour spent £148.7 million on a National Measurements Office which forces traders to measure their goods in kilograms rather than pounds.

6) The Royal Mail is now sold because of EU Postal Directive 2008/6/EC, brought in by the last Labour government.

7) Council Tax doubled under Labour – 105% increase in England, 146% Wales. (The Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy: 26/03/09).

8) In 2012/13 Labour councils employed nearly 23,000 people on zero-hour contracts.

9) £660 million has been cut from Labour run NHS Wales over the last three years according to the Welsh TUC.

10) When Labour came to power in 1997, spending on NHS managers was less than £190m. By 2010 this had increased by 450% to over £1bn per year.

11) Labour wasted £11bn of taxpayers money on a failed IT project which was eventually scrapped by the NHS in 2013.

12) Labour lumbered the NHS with vast PFI repayments – £50 billion worth of loans which are costing £300 billion in repayments.

13) It was the Labour Party who awarded the DWP Medical Services Contract to ATOS on the 15th March 2005.

14) Labour started the privatisation of the NHS. They brought in the 2006 NHS Act that introduced competition into the NHS.

15) Labour introduced competition into the NHS: Competition Act 1998, Enterprise Act 2002 & Public Sector Procurement Regulations 2006.

16) In 2006 Gordon Brown cut the flood defence budget by £14 million.

17) Youth unemployment rose by more than 40% during Labour’s 13 years in office.

18) Total stock of social housing fell under Labour – 421,000 homes were lost from the social housing stock between 1997 and 2010.

19) British manufacturing grew by 28% between 1980 and 1997. Then, under Labour, it shrank by 6%: falling from 20% of GDP to just 11%.

20) Labour left a deficit of £156 billion, PFI liability of £301 billion, EU Rebate loss £9.3 billion, Sold the Gold loss £6 billion.

21) The last Labour government spent so much money on Labour cronies that it had a 5% structural deficit at the height of the boom.

22) The use of food banks went up tenfold under Labour. From 3,000 users in 2005/06 to over 40,000 by 2009/10. (The Trussell Trust/C4 FactCheck).

23) When Labour’s Gordon Brown became Prime Minister in 2007, UK public debt was 44.1% of GDP. When he left in 2010, it was 148.1%.

24) Only 6,330 council houses were completed from 1998 to 2010 under Labour, compared with 17,710 in 1990 alone – Thatcher’s final year as PM.

25) Tony Blair gave away a chunk of the UK’s EU rebate estimated now to have cost the UK £9.3 billion between 2007-2013.

26) In 2010 Gordon Brown branded Rochdale voter Gillian Duffy “a bigoted woman” for daring to voice her concern about uncontrolled immigration.

27) Labour are now complaining about gambling. But it was the Labour Party that wanted to build Super Casinos in some of the poorest areas in Britain.

28) Labour closed more mines in 5 years than Thatcher did in 11 years.. 211 mines closed under Wilson 1965-70.. 154 under Thatcher 1979-90.

29) Under Labour zero hour contracts increased by 74% between 2004 – 2009.

30) Since Labour liberalised the law in 2000 to allow postal voting on demand, the number of postal voting fraud in Labour areas has soared.

31) Labour wants to charge patients. Lord Warner said people should pay a £10-a-month fee to use NHS/£20 for every night they stay in hospital.

32) Labour signed the Lisbon Treaty which gave away powers to the EU and reduced UK sovereignty and the power of our Westminster Parliament.

33) Labour were responsible for the rise in payday lenders. Now they are campaigning against them.

34) Labour presided over the slowest growth in 50 years and produced the fastest decline in British manufacturing since manufacturing began.

35) Labour destroyed our border controls then with the help of the BBC denounced anybody who voiced concerns about mass immigration as racists.

36) Labour councils are the biggest users of zero contracts.

37) Under Labour between 1997 to 2010 the gap between rich and poor got wider.

38) The last Labour government doubled the rate of income tax on the lowest paid.

39) Labour claims to be the party of the working man, but they have absolutely destroyed the working class through mass immigration.

40) Labour MPs to remember: Denis MacShane (jailed), David Chaytor (jailed), Eric Illsley (jailed), Elliot Morley (jailed), Jim Devine (jailed).

41) Blair invaded Iraq and Brown invaded the Treasury, both actions crippled us.

42) Labour opposes democracy in Britain by denying the British people a referendum on EU membership.

43) Labour Party Manifesto Pledge 2001: ‘We will not introduce top-up fees’.

44) One of the reasons for high energy prices is EU driven ‘Green Taxes’ brought in by the last Labour government.

45) It was Labour under Blair who handed control of British food regulation to the EU, (Regulation EC no 178/2002).

46) Remember when Tony Blair and Labour essentially traded guns for access to oil with Libya. With Tony Blair using Gaddafis jet

47) The Labour Party paid only £14,000 in tax last year on total income of £33.3 million. (The Spectator, 30/07/2014).

48) Tony Blair lied to and dragged the UK, against the will of the Scottish people, into an illegal war. The results of that still reverberating today with hundreds of thousands of people being killed. Children and women being tortured and raped and over 600,000 people having to flee their homes. He earns 150,000 giving speeches whilst millions are living in abject misery.

49) Tony Blair and Donald Dewar sold off, behind the Scots backs, 6000 sq miles of Scottish Seas which included 7 oil fields the night before we got our Scottish Parliament in 1999.

50) MANY Labour Party Politicians rank HIGHEST, EVERY year, on the list of UK Politicians expense claims such as Anas Sarwar claimed £206,000 last year and Jim Murphy claimed £196,000.

51) Invention of the Bedroom Tax: The previous Labour UK Government applied the same bedroom restrictions to private tenants under the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) from 2008. The present Con/Dem UK Coalition has extended it to Social Housing Tenants.

52) Employment and Support Allowance introduced by UK Labour Government. Work Capability Assessments designed and introduced by Labour. Decision to re-assess everyone on Incapacity under WCA rules, also Labour. Contract drawn up by Labour UK Government; ATOS got the contract to implement UK Labour Government policy, statute and regulation. UK Con/Dem Government limited contribution-based ESA to one year, for all those not in support group.

53) Workfare: Work for Your Benefit. The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Work for your Benefit Pilot Scheme) Regulations 2010 (S.I. 2010/1222) were legislated on 7 April 2010, and were to be applied from 22 November 2010.

54) Labour’s Super Tax on the Poor: 70% plus. Labour makes much of its Working Tax Credit. However this was subject to a withdrawal rate of 39% for every extra pound in earnings. When combined with basic income tax and national insurance of 31% – that resulted in a Marginal Tax Rate of 70%.

55) Lone Parents: The previous Labour Government’s Welfare Reform Act 2009 contained provisions to financially sanction parents of a child of 3 or over, for failure to comply with a work related activity.

56) Attendance Allowance and DLA: The Labour Government released a green paper: ‘Shaping the future of care together’ which proposed abolishing (they used the term ‘integrating’) Attendance Allowance throughout the UK so that they could pay for a National Care system in England. The initial wording implied that DLA would also be affected; but this was then ruled out after pressure from disabled. New PIP test modelled on ESA.

57) Carers: Carer’s Allowance was kept at a lower rate than Jobseeker’s Allowance by the last Labour Government. They promised a review, but it never happened.

58) Cap on Discretionary Housing Payment of 2.5 times the allocation by the UK Government; introduced in 2001 by Labour Government.

Jack Murphy

Ponsonby Post yesterday.
The BBC in Scotland. ‘Reporting Scotland—-A Weapon of Mass Destruction’.
Text,Video and Audio.
Closing paragraph:-
“I’ll leave you with yet another reminder of just how blatant BBC Scotland manipulation of political news is. On Tuesday new figures showed that the Scottish NHS had hit its Accident & Emergency waiting time targets for the third month in a row. The good news has followed months of failing to meet targets and numerous damaging headlines on BBC Scotland.”

“Below is how BBC Scotland reported this good news.” 🙁

link to

Les Wilson

Tackety Beets says:

The passing over the money was proudly claimed by a female Slab Councillor on BBC Scotland tv, where else.
The other event, was not, to my knowledge. Sadly.

Les Wilson

Ruby says: 10.53
You kind of missed the point of my post Ruby, I do not grudge the Arts folk. However it is a question of priorities.

Would £3m be better in the Arts, or in frontline resources to fight events as I described. I know what I think.


@ Petra, well done! 🙂


Petra at 12.21pm

Thanks for that very long list Petra. It must have taken a fair amount of time to put that together.

Now saved to my desktop for use on Twitter 😉

Iain More


As a 24/7 carer I am all too aware of the penal Carers Allowance and the convoluted tangled hoops I had to jump through to get it at all. It wouldn’t have been possible to negotiate the process without a great deal of help from Citizens Advice, something the Brit Nats want to get rid of as well.


@ Lollysmun at 1:55pm

Lollysmum I have to confess the list isn’t all mine. I picked some of it online and then added to it. I’ve more data on Blair, Brown, Darling, Kinnock and so on to append but don’t ever seem to get the time to do so. Will have to deal with this after New Year …. before next May.

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