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Wings Over Scotland

Happy Independence Day

Posted on June 22, 2013 by

We’ve got quite the exclusive for you today, folks. We’re indebted to the alert civil servant who’s managed to smuggle out of Whitehall a copy of the UK government’s draft document of its inaugural greetings to the people of an independent Scotland, to be delivered (naturally) by the Foreign Secretary, William Hague.


Given Mr Hague’s recent comments on how “baffling” the very notion of Scottish independence apparently was, readers may find the practical behind-the-scenes reality reassuring. You can read the speech in full below.


It is an immense honour to represent the United Kingdom of Great Britain* on this momentous occasion, and to show our wholehearted support for The Republic** of Scotland as it joins the community of nations as an independent, sovereign nation and celebrates its first Day of Independence.

We congratulate the people of Scotland on this historic achievement. It represents the triumph of peaceful negotiation over conflict and adversity, and is a moment of hope and optimism for the future.

In Britain we are proud to be among the first nations in the world to recognise the new Republic of Scotland, and I thank His Excellency*** Alex Salmond for his invitation to attend today.

I offer you my heartfelt congratulations, Mr President, on behalf of my Prime Minister David Cameron and the whole of the British Government, as you become the first President of the Republic of Scotland.

The Government of the United Kingdom stands with the people of Scotland as they seek a future of stability and prosperity; one we hope of lasting peace with their neighbours, full integration into the region, and strong cooperation with Britain and other nations represented here today. We look forward to Scotland taking its place as a full member of the United Nations.

We pay tribute to the enormous progress Scotland has made since the signing of the Comprehensive Edinburgh Agreement three and a half years ago. The 98% vote for secession in September 2014’s referendum showed the unity of the people of Scotland in their desire for self-government: today, that dream has become a reality. And we remember all those who died or were bereaved during the conflict. Their sacrifices should redouble the determination of all of us to support a peaceful future for Scotland.

I commend all those in North and South who have been part of the painstaking negotiations that brought us to this point; and President Jose Manuel Barroso, the EU High Level Panel, the European Union and the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development for their irreplaceable role in these efforts.

The people of the Republic of Scotland and the United Kingdom now have a chance to coexist peacefully as neighbours and to settle their remaining differences.

We urge the leaders of both countries to maintain their commitment to the continuing negotiations, which are essential to building a lasting peace for all the peoples of both countries, and to lose no time in addressing the considerable challenges which still remain. They will have the support of the Britain and the international community as they do this.

To the people of the Scotland, I say that the United Kingdom understands the challenges your new country will face. We will work with you as you face those challenges. As a demonstration of that support and our confidence in your future, we have today opened a new British Embassy in Edinburgh and appointed the first British Ambassador to Scotland, Viscount Christopher Monckton. We will use this enhanced diplomatic presence to work alongside you as you build your nation and seek to meet the aspirations of your people.

And I also say to their neighbours in the north, the people of Scotland, that the United Kingdom wants to develop our relations with you and to help you too to build a better future.

Thank you very much, and happy Independence Day.


We’re fibbing, of course. The text above is a speech Mr Hague gave to the people of South Sudan in July 2011, with some names and dates (but nothing else) changed. It doesn’t appear to make any reference to the rest of the world finding the South Sudanese desire for independence unusual. Maybe that bit had to be cut for time.

The next time we meet Mr Hague, we’ll be sure to ask him why he thinks Scotland incapable of something a small African nation is seemingly able to manage just fine, and with the full co-operation and very best wishes of Her Majesty’s Government.


* Northern Ireland not included.
** Late change of plans.

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“Republic of Scotland”?


Och jings Wings, you had me going for a wee whiley there!


Viscount Christopher Monckton… 
No no no no…you can’t have him. By evidence of his own mouth he is more Scottish than most Scotsmen.
We could send him as our ambassador to the Court of St James though?


98%, now wouldn’t that be something!


Must say I do not find it very funny and is liable to be used by Better Together as a fantasy dream.


Yup, good for South Sudan (good luck to them) But BAD for Scotland and their people who have worked, fought and died for centuries as part the S.E. England imperialistic ideals and hubris.
Yet the Scottish People are viewed and treated as a second class nation only used to bolster their demented dreams of first nation in which according to this “man” hague he reckons all countries over of the world are in “awe” off good old UK!
Would love to meet this Thatcher “baby” in a pub for a real heart to heart.
BTW good to see the Lions win….how’s that for irony!


Of course Hague was pleased to welcome South Sudan to the international fold. I can’t remember the exact figure, but Sudan was supplying something like 8% of China’s annual oil requirement. That is no longer the case, as South Sudan is a pall of the west, and they have most of the oil.

Jamie Arriere

“His Excellency Alex Salmond” ?? Ha ha just hilarious. Is this satire?


Dreaming on…we all know exactly why the westminster lot will stop at nothing to make sure Scotland remains in the messy, stinking, dysfunctional, greedy, back-stabbing,  more and more unequal by the day, UK.
The comments under the you-tube film are so ignorant and narrow minded, it’s not uncommon for idiots to comment on anything vaguely important or serious on you-tube with downright abuse.
The people of Scotland have to wake up and really look closely at what will happen to their living standards, human rights, and public services, should they choose ‘no’.


CameronB says:1.38 pm
The west will not stop China becoming the first fianancial power in the world. China has and is continueing to purchase what they term as their “string of pearls” in regards to countries now under their influence. Unless there is a major world war In 10 years time the west will be impotent to stop the change.


“Therefore, as we did with South Sudan for over a century, will press you all to consider a condominium known as Devo-Max.”
Very apt reference Rev.


@ balgayboy
The west will not stop China becoming the first fianancial power in the world.
Probably not, but that wasn’t the point I was trying to make, which was that there’s a hidden agenda to Hague’s support for South Sudanese independence. Namely oil and the geopolitical influence it can buy.


And the loathing of letting go.


@ Atypical_Scot


Does this mean William Vague will have diplomatic immunity?
Radioactive tablet anyone?

Rikki Duncan

Although it’s a spoof, it scared me seeing the words ”Republic” and it could scare a lot of undecided, we don’t want to be a republic, we want to be SCOTLAND, an independent SCOTLAND.


Couple of points, South Sudan 239,285 sqm, pop 8 million plus (Scotland 30,414 sqm, pop 5.2 million).
South Sudan GDP $12.2 billion – that’s UK rule for ya’. 


“”United Kingdom of Great Britain””
Naw, that’s wrang.
‘The only Queendom in England’  or OQE.
We must insist on accuracy.




Rikki Duncan;
Extrapolate, no sovereign then?


“Although it’s a spoof,”
It’s not exactly a spoof. It’s the real text of a speech Hague gave to South Sudan on its independence from Britain with just names and dates changed. I can’t imagine Salmond – or whoever the first preseident of an independent Scotland is; I very much doubt it will be Salmond – will be called “his excellency” either. I certainly hope not.


Glad to see the ambassador’s name was changed and Viscount Monckton wasn’t really imposed on the poor folk of South Sudan though 😉


Would you prefer it if he were called jist a ticky shy o’ excellent?


For excellent replace with no bad, the Scottish superlative!

Dal Riata

@Rikki Duncan
Ehh, you do know what a republic is, don’t you? Why would ‘undecided’s be put-off by the word ‘republic’? Do you associate the word ‘republic’ as having IRA connotations, which many pro-Unionists still do? Is that what you’re implying?


Or just the ‘Ach’ of Scotland.


@ Del Riata
I would think that misconception of the IRA connection might not be limited to unionists. How many BBC reports during the ’70s and ’80s started with…’The republican terrorist group, the IRA’? Or something like it.


@ Rikki Duncan
Speak for yourself


Sorry if that is my fault Rev. I didn’t mean to pour cold water on the satire.


Just brilliant, Rev, and I don’t do compliments (as you’ve probably noted).
PS: Is it true, as I hear, that Wee Maggsy Coorin is not speaking to Hague as he is a ‘foreign’ secretary?


Can’t take Hague seriously at all


Shit.  Spelled my email wrong again, so I’m ‘awaiting moderation’. I’ve never been moderate in my life and can’t see any reason why I should hang about waiting for something I don’t want.  ‘Moderation in all things – including moderation’, as someone once said.  I’m scared it was me.  


@ HandandShrimp
But he could drink for England.
link to


I think it makes a very good point although I’m a bit confused as to how seriously and almost literally people are taking it.

Its a good reminder that the Westminster party has got the market in hypocrisy cornered.

Archibald Berwick Melrose [aka Archie]

@ Rev – Dont be sad, you, Braco and Mato are invited as 3 wise men to the delivery of mah grandchild on circa 26th December. Vronsky could be an ‘angel’ Keep up the good work.


It’s a piss-take at the hypocrisy of Hague, not an article about anything else!
I think.

Bugger (the Panda)

I think an awful lots of posters have been watching the Lions / Oz rugby match, dpown the pub and have supped a little longer?
Incidentally, how come the crest of the British and Irish Lions has a shield quartered with emblems of the four participating nations with one Lion Couchant (as In 3 Lions and a curry fame) over the crest.
Telling us who is bigger and in charge of us?


Incidentally, how come the crest of the British and Irish Lions has a shield quartered with emblems of the four participating nations with one Lion Couchant (as In 3 Lions and a curry fame) over the crest. Telling us who is bigger and in charge of us?
No. The Lions’ symbol was originally a lion rampant – as in the Royal Standard of Scotland – which is what gave the team their nickname. The lion was later dropped and replaced with the quartered badge. Then the lion was added back, because it seemed odd for the Lions not to sport a lion. The replacement lion was couchant rather than rampant simply for visual balance (as it lies across the top of the badge).

john williamson

If Mr Hague cannot understand Scots, why is he Foreign Secretary. We rely on him to understand afghans, palestinians, Iraqis, everyone in syria, jews and muslims, yet he cannot understand US.


A good article on the duplicity of Mr Hague. Well done Rev.


However, lions are notoriously unsporting bedfellows, and of course the lack of opposable thumbs makes hockey harder than it looks.

mato 21

Archie I am overcome at your kind invitation I have just written the following as a wee ditty to the forthcoming birth of our nation but I will dedicate it to your Grandchild
                                           A Birth
I’m on my way dear mummy
Though my births been long and slow 
My place awaits in this big world
This fact I’m sure you know
I know you’ll love me mummy
And you’ll teach me all that’s right
I’ll learn to help my neighbour
I’ll have no wish to fight
Your standards will be high mummy
But that’s how it should be
A hand to those in greater need
To make you proud of me
As the years roll past dear mummy 
Many  friends I’ll gather round
If folks down south should find it hard
I know I’ll spare a pound
No grudges will I hold mummy
To those who’ve done us wrong
Forgiveness will be in my gift
And in my heart a song

The Man in the Jar

This article had me going for a bit. It illustrates the hypocrisy though. I hope that one day a representative of HMG has to stand up in Scotland and deliver such a speech. I bet it will stick in their craw though, Good! I hope they choke on it.
I’m just back from Banockburn where I met Chick McGregor with his lion or mouse banner. Hi Chick!
The turnout wasn’t bad this year all groups marching together for a change I guess that the turnout was well into treble figures. The so-called “National” Trust managed to disrupt proceedings by not allowing the car with the PA to enter their property which split the march into two. There were a few “Axe the Bedroom Tax” placards in evidence and it was a very good-natured event. There was some confusion as to the route of the march but that was due to the extensive landscaping and building going on around the heritage sight in prep for next year’s 700th anniversary commemorations. The new visitor centre is well on its way towards completion.
There was a TV crew in attendance (they seemed to be very taken by my wee dug) I didn’t get a chance to speak to them but I was informed that they were from Catalonia well did you expect the BBC / STV to bother?

mato 21

Angus McPhee says:
21 June, 2013 at 11:30 pm

mato 21 says:
20 June, 2013 at 6:48 pm
Angus McPee
Are you teaming up with a fresh spell check in Microsoft word
Angus have just seen this and took a wee while to figure out what I had done I know McPee is what you do when you are up North 
Please accept my apologies


You should have really put the wind up folk by calling it ‘The Democratic People’s Republic of Salmondonia‘ Rev.

The Man in the Jar

The trouble with Democratic Peoples Republics is that they tend to be anything but.
It will all be under the rule of Emperor Alex the First anyway so it won’t make any difference anyway. (footstamp!) 😉


@Man in the Jar

The trouble with Democratic Peoples Republics is that they tend to be anything but.

You mean like ‘The patriotic all party and non-party campaign for Scotland in the…’?

Doth protest too much an aw that.

The Man in the Jar

Perhaps a Peoples Patriotic Democratic Republic might work? 😉

David McCann

I love it Rev,
Here is another one from the distant past.

In 1957, Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan, made a speech welcoming Ghana’s move to independence.
“The government and people of Ghana have set their hands to a great task. We are confident whatever may be the difficulties which will face them they will maintain and develop the principles of tolerance and freedom which are inherent in our parliamentary system. We shall give them all the help we can.”
The Queen sent the following message
“The hopes of many, especially in Africa, hang on your endeavours. It is my earnest and confident belief that my people in Ghana will go forward in freedom and justice.”
Amen to that!


baggsy I get to give the Myrrh!

For whoever isn’t the poor sucker that ends up with the Gold invite, contact me. I know a great Ethiopian restaurant and can go the middle man on a sweet deal for a wee poke of Fankincense, if the price is right.

Congratulations by the way!


” It is my earnest and confident belief that my people ……..”
Now that is what I want to get away from.


@David McCann
It’s my sister that has the programme and the papers but it struck me that the speech had hardly changed in 50 years. It is great to see Ghana doing so well. There were fears for, imediately after they built the Freedom and Justice arch, it started to come apart as the Justice side started sinking.


Anyhoo, I’m getting the beers in for Mozambique independence day on the 25th. Then it’s Madagascar on the 26th, shortly followed by Djibouti (27th), the Sychelles (29th) and the Congo (30th). That’s just the remainder of June too.

Of course he biggie next month is the 4th of July when the USA will ask William Hague if they can close capitol hill and get a governor back.


US have declared direct military support to the Syrian rebels today, William Vague will no doubt be addressing us regarding our participation anon.


Given that Ed Miliband has now stated that he would continue with the Tories extra billions of cuts if elected, I cannot see why anyone would vote for Labour in 2015.
It is now plainly clear that the only way Scotland can avoid being run into the ground is through Independence.


Given that Ed Miliband has now stated that he would continue with the Tories extra billions of cuts if elected, I cannot see why anyone would vote for Labour in 2015.
You would think that, eh. Of course, fed through the prism of Scottish MSM, any future Labour cuts become necessary, inevitable and not necessarily a bad thing.

Dal Riata

Yes, great choice in 2015, eh! Vote Conservative and get billions of cuts. Vote Labour and get the billions of cuts that the Conservatives were going to make anyway! Conservative and Labour, what’s the difference?
Oh, and the Lib Dems? Reduced to a minor and inconsequential fringe party.


Tomorrow’s Sunday Herald front cover:
link to


Christopher Monckton, I once thought that he was Sacha Baron Cohen’s new character after watching videos of him denying climate change on tv shows and calling US students the “Hitler Youth”.

Only just realised after clicking your link in the article that he’s the leader of UKIP in Scotland… Go figure, some people are stranger than fiction.


More Irn Bru Penguins causing mayhem in Russia, this time in a big shopping Mall.
Wouldn’t it be nice to get ‘Yes’ Penguins to flash-mob the likes of William Hague etc when they make forays north?

Chic McGregor

@The Man In The Jar
“I’m just back from Banockburn where I met Chick McGregor with his lion or mouse banner. Hi Chick!”
Hi bakacha
Sheena, Morse and I were very pleased to meet you and Eilean.
Reasonable turnout given non full endorsement by the SNP.  Pity about the two camp scenario brought about largely by the National Trust ‘banning’ entry to the site.  I think if anything those who defied the ban and assembled close to the Retunda outnumbered those who stayed at the field entrance as requested.
I’m guessing it will be ‘accidentally’ anthraxed for next Midsummer (joke).


Just had one of those mad thoughts that there’s no-one else to share with. Seeing as the traffic is thin tonight, please have a think about this one:
Most of our towns now have many main-street shops shut/For Let etc.
Why doesn’t ‘Yes Scotland’ start occupying some of them?
I don’t mean illegally – negotiate a reasonable rate for premises which otherwise would stand empty, then use them as a hub for all the parties under the ‘Yes’ umbrella. We could all do with central points to offload leaflets etc, and would then be guaranteed at least one small patch where we can’t be endlessly hassled by twitchy security guards/other shop-owners/police etc.
And it’s always nice to have shelter when the rain comes on.
In the run-up to the 79 referendum one of the shops under the tenement I was in became an SNP ‘shop’. I can’t remember what it was previously, maybe a Chinese carry-out, had that kind of basic layout. (It was on Battlefield Road, along from ‘Ian Luke Sports’.) I daresay many areas in Glasgow and elsewhere had similar central points for activists.
What’s to stop us doing something like that? It would give us some places to meet, and let’s face it, all of us involved in this thing are going to have to meet eventually, one way or another.

Bill C

Marcia says:     

Tomorrow’s Sunday Herald front cover:
link to
This may well be very significant.  Looking forward to the full story later today.

Marker Post

In another bold move, it is reported that Mr Hague will go to Washington on July 4th, and say in a speech to US Congress, “I am absolutely baffled why your country wanted Independence in 1776. You were so deeply misguided to think that you would be better off alone on the world stage. You lost membership of the largest empire the world has ever seen”.


UKIP view of Scotland
link to
Courtesy of Monckton.

The Man in the Jar

@Chick McGregor
Aye the turnout wasn’t bad, nothing like the ones I first attended. A lot more than some years. I have seen in the past about twenty of us standing in the pishing rain.
I went for a wee wander and got as close as I could to the new visitor centre, it looks quite well on. I hope your fears that it won’t be finished “on time” are unfounded.
Nice meeting Yourself, Sheena and Morse. Good to meet a fellow “Winger”

Adrian B

Trouble for Labour in Falkirk – up to their old dirty tricks again
Sorry for the Daily Mail Link…
link to


@ Adrian B, just beat me to it, was about to do just that, however nice to see that after sobering up Eric Joyce is asking the right questions. I think this is a story that should get out into the mainstream, but I do not expect to see anything from BBC Scotland on it though. One for the Rev to follow up on I think.

Dorothy Devine

Didn’t Gordon Brown congratulate some eastern Europeans on their independence?


@Adrian B @Nikosi
I find it more worrying that Gregor Poynton, arch Blairite and the UK political director of BSD who help run the No campaign is actually running for a Labour seat. BSD are owned by WPP Group the biggest advertising agency in the world run by Sir Martin Sorrell. 


Bill C
I think it is a given that GCHQ has snooped on Scots as they have everyone in the UK and probably elsewhere too. What I would like to know is are they specifically targeting nationalists and Yes Scotland? Can we obtain personal files under FOI?

Bill C

Where has the Sunday Herald ‘spy’ story gone?  No sign of it on the online version.


Reading the above speech, and comparing with Hague’s current outpourings, are Westminster politicians required to take a Hypocrastic Oath on entering Westminster?
Ref the Lions, post 2014, the Lesser British, Irish and Scottish Lions?
As Donald Dewar once remarked, “I like that”.

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