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Wings Over Scotland

Greens in black and white

Posted on April 28, 2021 by

If there’s still anyone reading this site thinking of voting Green:

Nice to have it finally admitted openly, we suppose.

This is “Heather in Donside”, btw.

Jack is far from alone in the party. Indeed, he’s the majority.

Meanwhile, without actually making any announcement about it, the Scottish Greens have this week replaced Eilidh “the Nappy Nonce” Martin as co-convener of their “Rainbow Greens” group. To ensure the group remains all-male-led and no pesky women get a say in policy that would in all practical senses end womens’ rights as a concept, his replacement is another man pretending to be a woman, Ellie Gomersall.

Ellie describes himself as a “queer, neurodivergent young woman”, but finds the mere existence of a registered LGB charity in the same city as him “terrifying” and calls them a “hate group”.

(In trans ideology “queer”, like “woman” and “gender”, is one of those words that means whatever transactivists want it to mean at any given moment. It has no actual definition. The heterosexual actress Jameela Jamil “came out as queer” last year, but refused to explain what that meant.)

He thinks abortion is a man’s issue (we’re not actually sure what the “abortion crisis” of spring 2019 was):

And he’d leave the country if a feminist became First Minister.

Indeed, he wouldn’t even let one stand for the Scottish Greens:

He claims to be a lesbian, but doesn’t think anyone male needs to do ANYTHING to become a woman, other than say that they are. They can keep their penises, their male pronouns, their male hormones, even their male names.

Women’s rights simply cannot meaningfully exist under that definition.

The infamous Rainbow Greens “minifesto” has still to be published. We’re increasingly now convinced that it won’t actually appear until after the election, because the Greens are pathologically terrified of their womens’-rights stance coming under any sort of scrutiny, and the deeper you dig into the party the easier it becomes to see why.

A majority of Scottish Greens voters are OPPOSED to independence. The party’s activists place it below trans rights as a priority. The co-leader says, unprompted, that their manifesto “is not a manifesto for independence”.

And we already knew that the other co-leader isn’t fussed either way:

And its former MSPs were pretty clear on the subject too:

The Greens are also standing in 12 constituency seats which they have absolutely no hope of winning, but which might let Unionists in by taking pro-indy votes, like they did with Ruth Davidson in 2016.

How long before gullible Yes voters get the message?

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Tam Fae somewhere


Keep exposing them (maybe a bad choice of words there!).


Thankyou, will never give the greens even one more second of thought. Pathetic party, pathetic activists led by a weasel.


That “Heather in Donside” reminds me of Lorna Slater somehow, can’t put my finger on why…

Stuart MacKay

Tam Fae somewhere

> Keep exposing them (maybe a bad choice of words there!).

Do unto others before they do unto you!


If I understand things correctly, the issue isn’t about individuals who are going to transition to the opposite sex but mostly males who identify as woman but have no interest or at not going to transition to female. I’m if right, they are not transexuals but queer (as in the Queer theory).

Utter insanity.

true scot

There’s an easy and obvious way to bring down the whole nonsensical jenga tower they’ve built. An interviewer simply asks that if someone identifies as a different ethnicity, should they be allowed to transition?
The opening to the response would be ‘That’s entirely different’, and from that point it would be a simple dissection job. It’s a flimsy argument they have – easily dismantled. Whether it’s on the grounds of legal recognition, or plastic surgery – they would trip themselves up over and over.


Two points here: nothing is being said about the wokeratti movement during televised leader clashes. Why not? What else is being kept from the general public until it’s too late?

Secondly, am I the only person worrying about the counting of the ballots? I believe Scottish votes are to be counted in England. Will this not be 2014 all over again?


What are they going to do if all straight men decide to identify as lesbians?

We love women after all.

Invent yet another gender?


Why on earth would Scottish votes be counted in England?
That just isn’t right.


The Greens are unelectable from top to bottom, now we find out the majority of them oppose Scottish independence as well, along with being gender obsessed and their co-leader the scroatfaced rodent Patrick Harvie, who can’t or more like won’t even answer a question on what is a woman when asked by a woman.

As I’ve said before lets remove as many of the Green candidates from Holyrood as possible, and replace them will ALBA MSPs. Lets protect our women folk and try and isolate Sturgeon in the process by voting ALBA on the list.


Ellie Gomersall ffs
He slid in under the radar


“Why on earth would Scottish votes be counted in England?
That just isn’t right”.

So they can fix the count then immediately burn all the voting papers? Like 2014? Maybe I’m paranoid….


We are to believe the polling data showing the Green on 11 seats.
I just don’t believe that data. I doubt they can keep 5.

Keep up the focus. We already have enough idiots at Holyrood from that cult.


I wont vote Green – I want independence as the top priority, I want getting back into the Single Market, Freedom of Movement and the Customs Union as the 2nd priority. Sadly it seems only one party has those at the top of their agenda and that’s Alba.

As I keep saying Alba wouldn’t need to exist if the SNP and Greens were fully behind Independence and not in the weeds over a tiny (but incredibly vocal far far louder than the actual issues) group of Transfans.

Why the SNP is so caught up in this is beyond me it really is unless the Leadership have personal interests in the Translobby I just don’t see why it needs priority over everything else.


Why has the main steam media not blasted this all over their front pages.

Even the National.


Can we have any proof that “Scottish votes will be counted in England”, or do I smell shite?

Graf Midgehunter

Ellie G:

“Being trans simply means identifying with a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth. There are no other conditions – you don’t need to have told anyone, you don’t need to hate your body, you don’t need to change your name. If you do do any of these things, that’s perfectly valid, but there are no requirements other than identifying with a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth.

For many trans people, coming out and changing different things to express their gender more accurately will be an important step and that might be what they consider to be “transitioning”. For some, they might want to take hormones or have surgeries, and they might consider that to be their “transition”. But for some, they might feel perfectly comfortable changing nothing other than their pronouns, name or even nothing at all. All of these people are equally as valid, and their gender should be respected.”

No wonder there’s no debate, it’s silence, under the radar, deflection.

It seems the SGP does harbour some of the most medically insane folk in Scotland.

AND, to think that the SNP would contemplate a coalition with them… 🙁

Jeez fkn wept..


This is a ‘cease and desist’ communication from the attorney to the President of the Weasel Defence Union.
Please do not make odious comparisons between Patrick Harvie and my members.
An unreserved apology will suffice.
Weasels ahoy!


I see Jack Boag in the above images , That’ll be the same Jack Boag that left the Snp in January this year when a lot of the “young lgbt” clique / members flounced off out of the Snp .


You have to hand it to Heather though. She is a knockout!


As a long term old school post op. Transgender I am disgusted by this group of individuals. Every Transgendered person I know, and I have known quite a few over the years, has always been respectful of women and their needs for their own safe spaces.

The very idea that this self interested group of what I can only call a paedophile and sex perverts support group has gained so much support to the point they can now openly push through ideas like GRA/Self I.D. turns my stomach!

I can not believe that people are still being “brainwashed” by this group into believing that GRA/self I.D. is actually a good idea and that it will not impact upon women and their rights in any way.

In the past, on Twitter (surprise surprise!) I have been accused of denying Trans people their rights … hmm!

I have never denied trans people anything, what I HAVE fought against is men claiming to be women getting a piece of paper that says they are women without any medical or phycological checks being carried out as well as the time scale of 6 months being acceptable … apparently!

If anyone claims to be trans then surely they MUST have:

1) regular medical check ups with their GP
2) take prescribed medication daily
3) undergo psychological evaluation over a prolonged period (in both my partner’s case and mine this lasted 4 years)
4) undergo a period of living in role for a minimum of two years
5) eventually have a date for Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS)

Failure for any of the above to be carried out by anyone “claiming to be a woman” is a dangerous situation for all women including I might post op Trans gendered people like me and my partner.

rant over!


I was told by two Green activists that I’m not allowed to vote for them, as I don’t believe that people can change sex.

I was also called ‘fash’ (a fascist), for asking if they thought the state should compel my speech.

This from two posh English students who think their gender folderol is the most pressing issue in Scotland.

There was a report a few years ago that found the Scottish Greens have the highest percentage of privately educated members. It is also the most authoritarian party.

This is not a left wing party. It is not an independence party.


Re Scottish Elections and votes being counted in England ,

The voting papers are counted in Scotland in each local authority area and the results will be declared on the Friday and Saturday due to Covid restrictions the actual count takes place over 2 days this year .

link to

James Che.

The results of our Scottish elections should be counted on the spot at the voting stations, they should not be transferred any where else. This is not necessary, and further more open to cheating,
We are quite capable of counting our votes,


This fucking boils my blood.
They all need to be asked in broadcast interviews the Jo Swinson question: What is a woman?
– She / Her of the SNP
– Penfold of the Greens

It shouldn’t be left to the odd woman who’s sneaked through on a phone in. Broadcasters / journalists do your fucking JOB!!!!!

So the Greens have replaced ‘Eilidh’ with some other warped male. It really needs to get out in the general public that the Greens (Genders) are fucking tuned to the moon.

We need to do more to expose the Greens as the women haters they are. Can someone put together a Trainspotting style line up graphic of the most obscene Greens:
Choose men in bad wigs & skirts
Choose men in nappies
Choose men who hate women
Choose men in your women’s safe spaces
Choose men to colonize your sex
Vote Green – putting the ‘men’ into environment!!!!

Dave Beveridge

“The gender you were assigned at birth.” F*** me.

I’m going to be a transistor radio with my chosen pronouns AM and FM. Fkin weirdoes.


Neurodivergent – is that an euphemism for mentally unstable??


These are the views of a couple of tossers with a handful of followers on Twitter … you could literally go on Twitter and find an entire spectrum of views from people who support or conduct campaign work from Labour/Greens/SNP/Alba/Tories whatever, with more followers than this, with differing or equal views to your own. It’s utterly pointless to go on about these people and achieves nothing except make a couple of hundred people annoyed about another couple of hundred people (and gives them more publicity of course.)

Let these arseholes rant away in the company of their very few, like-minded followers.


… unless of course the goal of this barrel scraping is just to stop people voting Greens and vote Alba instead. But there are surely more positive ways to approach that than lowering things to this level, (unless there actually aren’t of course …)


I think, like most people, I was initially sympathetic to the genderly challenged, because it was pitched as a small minority of poor wee guys who just want to live their lives as girls and it won’t affect other people.

But the more I’ve learned about the subject, entirely against my will because they can’t help making themselves the centre of attention, the more obvious it is that this is a crazy, antisocial, antiscientific cult of deranged fanatics whose constant lying and endless demands are fundamentally incompatible with living in a sane, honest and free society. And the butch lesbians who tried to warn us about this years ago were right all along and deserve my heartfelt apologies for ever doubting them.

Thanks to the “Scottish” Greens for helping me reach Peak Trans.

John McNab

Garrion at 1.02pm

“Can we have any proof that “Scottish votes will be counted in England”, or do I smell shite?”

You’ve just put a different spin on the ‘holding your nose’ trope regularly deployed on this site.


@Donny 1:45pm:

Neurodivergent is a term typically used to refer to Aspergers/autism.

There’s a sizeable body of evidence suggesting many adolescents claiming to be gender dysphoric are actually undiagnosed aspergers cases. The trans lobby are keen to suppress that, because it cuts off their flow of recruits, basically.

Margaret Wilson

I walked into the Botanic Gardens Ladies Toilets, Glasgow, this morning and it was full of men. Apparently the Gents has been closed due to Covid. Even though I’m long in the tooth now I was still taken aback to be surrounded by men. I know not all men are predators but some of these Green Party members I would not want to pee beside me (unlike Marie Black who just relishes the idea). Admittedly, there were cubicles and no urinals in these toilets.


Re the Electoral Commission in my opinion its a captured body, packed full of ex-Civil servants, ex-Home office staff and ex-Treasury staff, none of which will approve of Scottish independence.

link to

You just have to look at how many weeks it took the EC to approve the name for the Alliance for Independence party, I think it was something like 20 odd weeks. Then the EC allows George Galloway to use the RAF logo, but the ALBA party aren’t allowed to use the Saltire type cross logo.

I’ve always said allowing a foreign country to set the rules on who or what is admissible in Scotland with regards to elections is a recipe for disaster, especially when the foreign countries interests are at stake, which they most certainly would be if Scots vote for independence.

Jack Murphy

Re the Holyrood Magazine article on the Greens:

“404 – Page not found
The page you requested can no longer be found…”

It was definitely there earlier today.


Gomersall reminds me of the prisoners written about in this article.

link to

“She provides me with testimony from a female prison officer currently working in a women’s prison in England, who has asked to remain anonymous. This officer reports that several male-bodied prisoners who identify as transgender on arrival immediately stopped dressing in feminine clothing and reverted to masculine presentation. When women prisoners ask “is that a man?” confidentiality rules mean she is not allowed to reply directly.”


@ PhilM at 1.09

Quite right!
Weasels are great wee creatures. Stoats are even better, though.


” (unlike Marie Black who just relishes the idea)”


Mhairi Black relishes taking drag queens into primary schools, which can only confused children, maybe that was the plan.

The drag queen also had a social media account full of inappropriate photos.


When will we see the Green Shirts swishing through our streets looking for Terfs and other social undesirables?
A oneway ticket to Tehran would make an excellent gift.


Jeeziz, Mary, Joseph and the wee terf donkey, what’s happening to Scotland?


Apologies if I’ve missed it elsewhere but I was wondering what happened with your computer in the end stu?

Captain Yossarian

Scotland’s number-one engineer, George, who has now retired to his farm in Argyll has now looked into the design of our faulty school. That’s the school that’s sinking into the mud.

‘Sort-it George, please… Help-us George, please… Folk are getting angry and they’re going to start shouting at us soon’. I don’t know George and so I don’t know if he has a sense of humour or not but, for whatever reason, brilliant engineers usually do have a sense of humour. If so, he’ll be enjoying this.

It’s only fair that we allow a Scotsman to sort this out, isn’t it?. Why should we be taking advice from Dutchmen and Italians and Indians? The lambing season is over. George is scratching around on the farm looking for something to do….it’s time to ask George.

George looked at it a week or two ago and he’s had a second opinion from another brilliant Scottish engineer. We’ve got a result already. Was the whistle-blower right or wrong? I think he was right but it will be a few days before I know for sure.

Just shows you, if you want something sorted-out post it on WoS. Don’t, whatever you do, fanny about with Holyrood and their lawyers. They’ll kill you.

David R

Although difficult to decipher the nonsense I thought that part of the abortion is a man’s issue was referring to trans men, or women as they used to be called. The side of the trans issue that seem to get a pass from those that haven’t bought into the gender cult.


Heather Herbert does look quite a bit like Donald Dewar wi’ long hair.


Just got latest Scottish Labour leaflet through….its all about Second Vote…seems Alba has them all spooked and focusing on the List scraps rather than Constituency votes


Cuphook says:
28 April, 2021 at 1:22 pm
I was told by two Green activists that I’m not allowed to vote for them, as I don’t believe that people can change sex.

I was also called ‘fash’ (a fascist), for asking if they thought the state should compel my speech.

This from two posh English students who think their gender folderol is the most pressing issue in Scotland.

There was a report a few years ago that found the Scottish Greens have the highest percentage of privately educated members. It is also the most authoritarian party.

This is not a left wing party. It is not an independence party.

Amen. The Greens hate the working class, and mean to do us harm.


“In trans ideology “queer”, like “woman” and “gender”, is one of those words that means whatever transactivists want it to mean at any given moment. It has no actual definition…”

As it happens, I think I can help with this. Forgive me for going all Alf Baird for a moment;

“My mither tichtly coonsell’d me before I gaed oot,
To tak’ gude care and mind my e’e wi’ what I was aboot;
Said she, “Ye may be trod to death beneath the horses’ paws;
An’ mind ye, lad, the sayin’s true – there’s queer folk i’ the Shaws.””

The “Shaws” referred to here is actually Pollokshaws on the Southside of Glasgow. I believe it’s Dornan’s constituency but it could be Sturgeon’s. Anyway, as it happens, the people from there were historically regarded as “queer”.

Now, the conventional wisdom of local historians tells us that the “queer” label might be our down to an influx of Flemish Weavers to the area in the early 18th century. I’ve looked into this in some detail and can tell you that the truth is much more disturbing…

In short, the “queer” relates to satanism. Pollokshaws, including what we call today Pollok Park, which were more or less one and the same place in the old days (Nether Pollok), is an area that has a long and quite colourful history of connections to satanism and the occult. Most of you, for example, will have heard of the famous Witches of Pollok.

It gets somewhat murkier too. An archeological investigation of a tumulus in Pollok found human remains, including those of a baby. It has been speculated that ceremonies involving human sacrifices may have been conducted there.

So, there you have it. “Queer” basically means baby killing satanist, or something like that…

Interestingly, Frankie Boyle was born and raised in Pollokshaws. If that doesn’t convince you, nothing will.


“But for some, they might feel perfectly comfortable changing nothing other than their pronouns, name or even nothing at all. All of these people are equally as valid, and their gender should be respected.”

This would be ideal for all the piss-taking transgenders.
Will we be seeing lots of butch lesbians with beards & very deep voices.

Stuart MacKay

Our Ellie apparently is a Green Feminist Activist

link to

Well I suppose it’s all about pushing boundaries, credulity included.

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 2:01 pm

“Re the Electoral Commission in my opinion its a captured body, packed full of ex-Civil servants, ex-Home office staff and ex-Treasury staff, none of which will approve of Scottish independence.”

And much like the rest of the UK civil service still running Scotland then. Even heard Alex Salmond the other day on Twa Auld Heids reminiscing that the UK Foreign Office offered its ‘people’ to help him set up Scotland’s Foreign Office if we got independence back in 2014. Aye right!

The whole reason for Scottish independence is precisely not to do that and for Scotland not to ever be run by another country ever again. As the Estonian’s said after their independence it was essential to replace the people who were running the country’s institutions under colonial rule.

Tartan Tory

I recently asked (on a political forum) why our policy makers were so heavilly populated with LGBTIQXYZ personalities…..

The answer came back that these sorts of people are disproportunately persecuted in their formative years and hence they feel the need to go into politics in order to change things.

Whilst I understand this viewpoint, it is perhaps a signal to the general polity that, unless they want their leaders to be more concerned with LGBTIQXYZ issues than anything else, then they need to do one of two things:

1. Stand-up and be counted (enter politics themselves).
2. Stop voting for LGBTIQXYZ candidates.

We NEED representative democracy more than anything else. Narrow interest groups have taken over our government(s) and they probably exist in all aspects of public service too. Sitting back and complaining about them isn’t going to help and if they get their way, complaining about them will possibly land you in jail.

We are sleepwalking into very dangerous territory.

I have been called Transphobic, simply because I’m not jumping up and down positively about trans-rights. We are at a point where it becomes a binary thing – if you’re not totally in-tune with them, then you are deemed to be against them.


Tartan Tory says:
28 April, 2021 at 2:47 pm
I recently asked (on a political forum) why our policy makers were so heavilly populated with LGBTIQXYZ personalities…..

The answer came back that these sorts of people are disproportunately persecuted in their formative years

Doubt. I do think there’s a Venn diagram that could be drawn showing the intersections of niche sexual enthusiasms, narcissistic tendencies, and early 21st century Western politics.

Hatuey says: Interestingly, Frankie Boyle was born and raised in Pollokshaws. If that doesn’t convince you, nothing will.

That was a brilliant post, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to think about Frankie Boyle in future without hearing Tubular Bells.


@ David R at 2.19

I thought that part of the abortion is a man’s issue was referring to trans men

Not exclusively, because it also says:

…also affects transwomen and trans-fem non-binary people. The crisis is to do with reproductive rights.

which still doesn’t make sense.


Crazycat – It makes sense if you imagine Stan (Loretta) now wants the right to abort his fictional baby he keeps in a box.


Where has this “Scottish votes being counted in England” surfaced from again? They aren’t. The election is run by the Scottish local authorities and the counts are carried out within each local authority region. Every party and candidate is entitled to send agents to observe these counts and I’ve done that myself on numerous occasions.

Sigh. Then once that’s pointed out, someone will inevitably ask why on earth Tories are being allowed anywhere near the counts. Because every interested party is entitled to watch the count happening and satisfy themselves that it’s all above board, even the Tories. Even if you don’t like that. At least the various agents from the various parties can also watch the other agents.

People who are interested in politics really need to familiarise themselves with how the counts are carried out, wbo by, and where, and what safeguards are in place to prevent fraud.


The problem with Gomersall’s idea that no change needed is that these people will be at very high risk of being subject to misgendering.

Apparently misgendering causes a lot of pain & can lead to suicide.

However that might not be the case for piss taking transgenders like Gomersall.


@ Red at 2.59

Good point 🙂



As far as I remember, in 2014 Ruth Davidson made a comment on the postal vote long before the final count/result.
In the absence of a satisfactory explanation, it would appear that the system is open to abuse – but maybe ‘safegaurds’ can be removed if you’re a self-harming TA honorary colonel.


The results of our Scottish elections should be counted on the spot at the voting stations, they should not be transferred any where else. This is not necessary, and further more open to cheating,
We are quite capable of counting our votes,

That is very much less secure than counting at a central point, mainly for the reason that if the boxes are opened and the votes counted at every polling station you need many times more security staff and security arrangements than at a central count.

The central count is absolutely stiff with policemen as well as the many agents from all parties watching what’s going on like hawks. To replicate that in every village hall and primary school would be impossible. It’s quicker to count at the polling stations, which is why some countries do it, but it offers much more opportunity for fraud.

John Martini

The kingdom of heaven is within. You have everything you need.

link to


For all those advocating SNP 1, here is where we are at.
Every SNP MSP voted for this abomination except Joan McAlpine.

link to



As far as I remember, in 2014 Ruth Davidson made a comment on the postal vote long before the final count/result.
In the absence of a satisfactory explanation, it would appear that the system is open to abuse – but maybe ‘safegaurds’ can be removed if you’re a self-harming TA honorary colonel.

I’ve been explaining this since 2014, as have many others. There is an extremely obvious and satisfactory explanation and it’s really disappointing that the myth is still doing the rounds.

The party agents who have the right to watch all votes being counted sometimes catch a glimpse of a postal vote when they’re being opened. It’s against the law to try to do this, or to keep a tally if you see by accident, and certainly to pass on what you’ve seen to anyone else. But hey, it happens. All the time. Independence party agents do it too. Some Tory or unionist agents passed on what they’d gathered from votes they’d glimpsed, to Tory central office. In her turn Ruthie was of course party to this information. That happens all the time, as I said. The Yes parties knew as well, they had agents standing right next to Ruth’s agents and seeing the same thing, they just weren’t daft enough to blurt it out on live TV.

It’s a feature of the strong security, that agents are allowed so close that they might even catch a glimpse of a sample of votes before polling has closed. The alternative is not to have agents there at all, possibly allowing who knows what shenanigans to happen behind closed doors. Is that what you want?

As things stand, you personally have the right to be a counting agent for your chosen party, should you be selected to do that by your party organisation. I’ve done it, and that’s how I know that the counting is secure and not capable of being tampered with. Would you prefer not to have this right and for it all to be done in secret? Because that would be the result of banning Tory agents. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Aunty Flo

I suspect the Greens are self-identifying as an independence party.

John Martini

I am reduced to absurdity

link to link to

Andrew F

Morag @ 3:29

There are a few things I’ve always particularly favoured about our electoral system in Australia:

1. Compulsory voting – in theory 100% of the eligible electorate MUST vote, in practice in still runs pretty close to about 90%.

2. Paper ballots – even postal ballots get checked off the same way and are counted at the central point for each polling area.

3. Election night tallying from each polling booth – firstly you tend to get very quick indications of where the results are heading, secondly it isn’t really hard to have scrutineers at every point, and the paper ballots are all re-boxed and secured anyway in case there is a court ordered recount.


@Liz 3.34 pm

Do we know who it is? Maybe if they ask for support we could contribute to legal help?

I hope this is publicized and becomes a defining case. Until the true meaning of this legislation is dissected in public many will remain in the dark.

It is also a timely warning of how sinister this law is and the real-time implications for everyone who wants to comment on what is happening in Scotland.


@crazycat at 2.09

Awa wi yer mustelid divisiveness!


I liked that ‘Vote Like Your Future Depends On It’.
If all Scottish women do that, the Greens are toast (sustainably browned, of course).


3. Election night tallying from each polling booth – firstly you tend to get very quick indications of where the results are heading, secondly it isn’t really hard to have scrutineers at every point, and the paper ballots are all re-boxed and secured anyway in case there is a court ordered recount.

Well as I said, some countries do it, mainly because it’s quicker. If they can do it without any security concerns then why not? But people shouting about counting at the polling stations as if that was an answer to fraud (fraud which isn’t actually happening) are way off the mark. Central counts are definitely more secure if there are any concerns about security.


@silverdarling I don’t know who it is but she has been advised only to give name, address and answer health questions, everything else, no comment.


I hope misgendering does cause death. I shall misgender in that hope.

Big Jock

“Independence matters to me , Trans rights even more”. That could have come out of the mouth of Sturgeon herself. She cares more about the crackpots in our society, much more than the greater good of our nation.



Hopefully, she won’t be on her own. This is so horrible.

Wee Chid

My local council have a form to apply to work at elections. People can choose to work at the polling station or at the count – Votes are counted by local people – they will not be going to England. I’ve no idea how these rumours start.
If anyone wants to apply check out

link to

Maybe other councils are different but one of the ones, nearest to England, definitely does everything locally. Maybe other regions are different???

I know they are short of staff for some polling stations this time because many of the regular poll staff are pensioners who do not wish to risk exposure to Covid.

I would suggest that people sceptical of the voting system at elections try for one of these jobs just once. When you have done it and you see how everything works you are less likely to believe the nonsense that gets spouted on social media.

If a govt wanted to rig an election, there are far easier ways than doing it at a stage where many thousands of ordinary members of the public are involved.


“The whole reason for Scottish independence is precisely not to do that and for Scotland not to ever be run by another country ever again. As the Estonian’s said after their independence it was essential to replace the people who were running the country’s institutions under colonial rule.”

I totally agree on that Alf, and a plethora of jobs would be created into the bargain for all the new departments Scotland would need.


I also found this very encouraging, every cloud has a silver lining as they say.

link to

Andrew F


Although the ballots then have to get from the polling place to the central counting place securely and un-tampered. So it’s kind of a Catch-22.

There was a meme/joke going around when that huge cargo ship was stuck in the suez canal that it ran aground because it was over-loaded with spare “Biden” ballots that were being sent for ‘secure’ disposal.

However it works, the system in use needs to have integrity, counter-checks and transparency.

Ours isn’t perfect but the aspects I cited are pretty good in my opinion. A few years ago some boxes containing about 1,500 crucial votes disappeared between the polling booth and the central location in Western Australia. As a result the High Court ordered a by-election from memory.


Who is funding these entryists? Clearly, they are sociopaths and they are organising to take over other groups in order to force people to repudiate facts. (Cf. Hannah Arendt’s explanation of how Nazism takes over.) Where do their resources come from?


They’re all stoaters eh, I got a leaflet from George galloway today, we’ve got an imam on the ballot, here’s what he has to tell ALL the voters in Mid Scot & Fife. ” I will stand up for our diverse communities across mid Scotland and Fife AND be a strong voice in holyrood”, yes, this is where we’re at folks, the gorgeous girls above who can do whatever they choose minute by minute, male, female, Henry hoover, anything except be a man or a woman & at the opposite end of the spectrum another moslem seeking office to improve life for….. other moslems. No wonder the closet lesbian sturgeon is looking so ruff these days, she can’t possibly juggle all these miscreants she has enabled. I’m struggling too, I can’t decide whether to identify as a black man or boris johnsons new burd, both highly lucrative it would seem, much more so than my assigned at birth Straight White Scottish/ Celtic Human female.


Liz @3.34pm.

It looks like the first threats of prosecutions have begun against women for standing up for their rights. I’d imagine the first women prosecuted will be made an example of to deter others from speaking out.

Of course if they are overheard speaking out in defence of their rights at home, they’ll still be prosecuted, what a Kafkaesque country Scotland has become under the gender obsessed SNP and Greens.


O/T Arlene Foster resigns. Who’s next, Is it Nicola? Hopefully!
link to



Is it true that in Scotland a Returning Officer can employ whatever firm they wish to count the votes such as ex-Tory Peter Lilley’s IDOX?

“In Scotland, there is no office of Acting Returning Officer. Instead, the
election is administered by the Returning Officer, who is the local government
Returning Officer or, in the case of a constituency that crosses local authority
boundaries, the local government Returning Officer listed in an Order made by
the Secretary of State.”

link to


Kiwilassie @4.30pm.

Oh well, it will give Foster more time to march at the head of the Orange Walk in Cowdenbeath this year, as she did a couple of years ago.


You might imagine that the Greens were a unionist astroturf party, floated in order to divert independence votes and oh yes, to give middle class graduates a platform from which to attack working class oiks.

Except that you could say they had already succeeded in doing that with The SNP.

Robert Louis

Putting on a dress and telling folk you are ‘jemima’, does NOT make you an actual REAL freaking woman. Has the world gone mad?

I thought the greens were all about the environment? Seems they aren’t.

Nobody, male or female (The TWO sexes), should vote for this nonsense. Really is beyond a joke.


Although the ballots then have to get from the polling place to the central counting place securely and un-tampered. So it’s kind of a Catch-22.

We do have a system for transporting the ballot boxes that is pretty damn secure. It’s possible for agents to check the seals on the boxes when they leave the polling place and again when they arrive at the count. It’s also allowed for agents to put their own seal on the ballot box in addition to the official one, and have that checked at the count.

Even supposing one consignment of a few ballot boxes was intercepted, first of all that wouldn’t be enough to swing a vote in anything but a local council election, and second it would be blindingly obvious to the agents who are tallying the votes at the count that one or more ballot boxes had a very skewed result, and this could then be investigated to prove that the papers being counted were not the papers put into the box by the voters. It’s possible to check that the numbers on the ballot papers in the box are the same as the numbers on the papers that were issued to the voters at that polling station.

Bear in mind that the very first thing they do at the count is simply to count the number of papers in the box and make sure they tally with the number of votes recorded as having been put into the box. (We’re always told, as agents, for goodness sake don’t start a mega fuss if there’s a discrepancy of one or two papers, sometimes small mistakes happen, but if it was a close count you could come back to this.) You can’t just stuff a whole load of extra votes into a box.

I’m not saying it’s not possible to set up a reasonably secure count at the polling stations, it is, but it’s harder because you need a lot more people to cover all the village halls and primary schools than you do to cover one central venue. We have a tried and tested system now that uses a central venue. To be calling for this to be scrapped and an entirely new, untested and untried system set up based on the inherently less secure polling place counting format, in the belief that it would address fraud that isn’t actually happening under the present system, is frankly delusional.


Kiwilassie’s 4.30pm link archived.

link to

don’t give the Daily Mail the hits.


Is it true that in Scotland a Returning Officer can employ whatever firm they wish to count the votes such as ex-Tory Peter Lilley’s IDOX?

Votes are counted by local people engaged for that purpose by the council. Bank tellers are popular because they’re used to counting up large wads of pieces of paper accurately. Lots of students and pensioners also apply for the jobs. Mainly I’d think you’d need not to be working the next day as you’ll be up all night.

I remember at the referendum count at Kelso most of the tellers seemed to be students and one of the local SNP councillors said to me, I know a lot of the tellers and they’re mostly Yessers, I feel really sorry for them having to count all these No votes.

Honestly, if you have doubts, either apply as a party activist to be a counting agent and see for yourself, or get yourself some pocket-money by getting a one-night-stand job as a teller at the count. We could do with a lot less of this nonsensical innuendo about votes being sent to England and IDOX. Who starts these rumours anyway?

John Martini

I doubt many people will vote. It does not look worth the bother.


@Scozzie 1.34

“ 28 April, 2021 at 1:34 pm
This fucking boils my blood.
They all need to be asked in broadcast interviews the Jo Swinson question: What is a woman?
– She / Her of the SNP
– Penfold of the Greens”

And ask yourself why they haven’t been asked this question. The glaringly obvious weak spot to go after the SNP is this, the hate crime bill and the missing £600,000 ref fund. Even Bojo is getting hassled over the flat money. And yet on Marr it was just independence – giving nicola an opportunity to pitch her stall and reassure the indy voters. If they wanted to damage the SNP theyd have asked her “what is a woman?” “where’s the missing £600,000?” “Why are you pursuing the hate crime bill when it’s hated?” Ask yourself why the BBC isn’t shooting at these open goals – same with the greens minus the missing dosh.

Nope – the British state is fine and dandy with patrick and Nic at the tiller. They need to be carful though as if there’s an unexpected result the driver of the vehicle (the snp car) could get ejected. Followed by a barney over who takes the wheel. We can only hope that Joanna grabs it and steers it back on course.


I received a large bundle of election literature today and not one mention of the disgraceful behaviour in office of the First Minister, the SNP, or the Greens.
Not even the Conservatives had the bottle to tell the truth to the Scottish people.
The Alba leaflet exhorted us to vote SNP 1 without quite mentioning them by name. This ploy is just not going to work and Sturgeon is going to get exactly what she wants, RULE not Home Rule and it will be achieved with the help of Harvie and his gender bending band.
I said weeks ago that Alex had miscalculated and that the SNP administration should be exposed. All the illegality and the damaging bills should have been explained to the public, people are just unaware of the situation which prevails in Holyrood.
This is the most important election in my memory and if The Murrells succeed it is over for Scotland, women and children and eventually the male of the species.

I think we who have some sense of how the political system works probably deserve what we get, but my heart breaks for the generations of children to come……Providing natural childbirth is still permitted!


Red, excellent, “Stan you don’t have a womb”!


Morag @4.44pm.

Thank you Morag for the info.

As for IDOX.

link to


Cherry may be an adept politician but like Sturgeon her social views are what motivate her.
Just look at the huge over representation of Gays and Lesbians in Scottish politics, especially the upper echelons. Do you think that happened purely by chance? Holyrood is a cesspit.


Republicofscotland says:
28 April, 2021 at 4:41 pm
Kiwilassie’s 4.30pm link archived.

link to

don’t give the Daily Mail the hits.


Hmmm I wonder if Boris will pander to the the hard-line loyalists noo or are we back to the seventies? I see trouble ahead. SAD

Scot Finlayson


billionaire perverts and paedophiles,

they employ the biggest law firm in the world (Dentons) to help change laws in various countries and facilitate `astroturf` activism,

they are using transgender people as a Trojan horse to change laws to allow male perverts and paedophiles free and legal rights to access vulnerable woman,men and children,

Dentons, the law firm, have produced a guide for activists to infiltrate and take over political parties to help change laws,

this guide is used world wide like a franchise system,

this is on a global scale ,from China to Chicago.

Anton Decadent

Looks like even more of us will need to identify as attack helicopters (look up I identify as an attack helicopter on YT)


Both the greens and the SNP aren’t bothered about Independence now or in the future. These two so called Pro-Independence supporting parties and neither of them wanted the Alba Party on the TV debates or protest at the Alba Party being excluded from these debates. Neither the Greens or the SNP want to talk about there being an Independence referendum until covid has finished. What other country including England has put everything on hold because of covid, none! When at least half the Scottish population wants Independence and Independence is within our grasp the SNP and the Greens aren’t bothered, why? I have no idea what planet Sturgeon is on, she’ll talk in front of a camera and state, I’ve know Alec for 30yrs and I’ve wanted Independence all my life, but now for the first time Independence is achievable, all be it with the help of another party, shes not interested!. Alba is even stating, vote SNP and the Alba Party on the list, then we can remove the Unionist from the Scottish Parliament, this will strengthens our case to the UK to agree terms for a referendum, what isn’t there to like about that? I’d sell my sole to the devil to get out of this Union, so why won’t the SNP even acknowledge that the Alba party has a winning strategy. I am extremely poorly educated but yet I can see the benefits of SNP 1 and Alba 2, so why doesn’t my fellow Independence seeking Scots like Sturgeon. I know she dislikes Alec, but Scottish Independence is the prize, that is worth getting past any vendetta you might have, to secure our country back in to Scottish hands, it just makes no sense. Lets forget about the Greens because, they’ll keep fighting for a blade of grass to be greener on the other side of the road, than think about the bigger picture Independence (lets not just think about one blade of grass, but lets sort out the field instead and this can be achieved by Independence).


FFS get a grip the problem with postal voting in the US was “vote harvesting” in poor inner city areas populated mainly by linguistically challenged immigrants and poor blacks.
Nothing like that can happen here, the election will be fair, but the political awareness of the electorate leaves much to be desired.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t believe Mrs. Murrell wants a majority at this election. Her desired outcome is a coalition with the Greens which would allow her to introduce certain policies and if it all goes wrong, she can blame the Greens for forcing her hand.


Morag @4.44pm.

Thank you Morag for the info.

As for IDOX.

link to

Maybe if you look up what Wikispooks has to say about me you’ll realise why they aren’t a reliable source for anything at all.


If this ‘Hate crime’ ends up in court, it’s one we have to win.

Andy Ellis

@Mist001 5.07pm

I don’t believe Sturgeon either wants to share power with the Greens or has even the vestigial amount of self awareness that would be required for her to think the TRA extremists policies she and her acolytes advocate would fail. It’s now quite evident from her actions that she is a true believer. If for some reason the policies fail despite she and her party being in power, she will simply blame the voters for being the wrong type of voters, transphobes, bigots etc.

She’s far too much of a control freak to want to risk having a party as flakey as the Scottish Greens holding her to ransom.


It appears Arlene Foster has now put Nicola Sturgeon to embarrassing shame. At least Arlene Foster has managed to find the backbone to acknowledge when is time to resign. Nicola Sturgeon however, closes her eyes, put her fingers in her ears, smears Mr Salmond, throws MSPs and MPs under the bus to distract from her outrageous level of corruption and unleashes her praetorian guard of trans lobbyists, careerist MPs and bought out MSM to bully dissenters into submission.

When even Arlene Foster has overtaken Nicola Sturgeon, how long until the blond buffoon overtakes her too?


Scot Parly should put on a show :


I suggest. With little Nikki as Sally Bowles, and Patrick Harvie as the EMCEE.

Alex Salmond will get a solo “tomorrow belongs to me”

They could of course, do the Rocky Horror Show, but it’s not quite queer enough.

link to


Does Nicola Sturgeon know any shame, or for that matter “the Blond Buffoon”

If she did she wouldn’t be commentating on his latest (in a very long list) er em “difficulties with varacity”


I’d like to self identify as AB rhesus positive. I may have been born A rhesus positive but now I’d like to swing both ways.

My pronouns are bloody stupid.

Mark Boyle

@Republicofscotland says: 28 April, 2021 at 4:30 pm

Is it true that in Scotland a Returning Officer can employ whatever firm they wish to count the votes such as ex-Tory Peter Lilley’s IDOX?

It’s the local council who employs the counters, not the Returning Officer, which is why there was the high preponderance for known local Labour branch members or “Trade Unionists” (read: “trade unionists who supported Labour”!) to be tellers at elections.

The urban legend about them employing mostly bank staff is only true in England. If it’s a “Labour area”, you’re almost guaranteed it will be branch members or their relatives that get the overpaid gig. Hence the mysterious preponderance during recounts for incorrect votes to turn up in the Labour piles.

That’s not to say you don’t have Returning Officers exactly behaving themselves with decorum either.

In 1997, when the Galloway & Upper Nithsdale seat was lost by Ian Lang to the SNP, the returning officer James McGuire Smith stopped reading out the results until everyone went quiet and stopped cheering and catcalling. But in 2001, when the seat went back to the Tories, he’d no problems rattling through the results, even though it was a very close result (74 majority) with both the Tories and SNP on twelve thousand plus each, thus warranting more the need for each result to be clearly heard.

James McGuire Smith simply acted like a huffy prick in 1997 because his “team” lost. As was pointed out by English commentators at the time, any returning officer behaving the way he did in England would have done his last election, since being shown publicly to be absolutely impartial was a must – right down to practicing reading out the descriptions of candidates and their parties over and over to ensure they didn’t stumble on difficult names or worse burst out laughing at some of the frivilous candidate descriptions.


It is bad and extremely humiliating when even the DUP assembly have more integrity , honesty and bravery than the collective cowardry of the SNP assembly

The DUP assembly have forced Foster to resign due to her mishandling of Brexshit so it is claimed

YET we have a lying corrupt spectacle of a FM who LIED OPENLY to the whole of the people of Scotland that we would NOT be dragged out of the EU against our will, and if it were even attempted we would have a referendum to have a choice

BUT NO we had that lying corrupt spectacle more interested and totally focused on thwarting england and Wales decision to leave

That lying corrupt specimen who would willingly and eagerly participate in pride marches but would REFUSE ANY AND ALL invitations to march with independence supporters

Many people believe there are still good reps within the SNP, yet despite all the lying and corruption by this FM specimen she is still in place , so what do the DUP assembly have that the SNP assembly don’t have = answer , integrity , honesty , bravery and BALLS


Sorry but I disagree with the start of this post.

The first screenshot is no different from any activist suggesting tactical voting for their priority cause, it’s just their priority is trans. Substitute “trans” for “getting Sturgeon out” and you’ve got half the posts here for the last week about voting tactically for Sarwar! And then it’s not clear who ‘Heather in Donside’ is or why they are relevant to the discussion so I don’t know why we have 3 photos of this person.

Trans people exist and they shouldn’t be vilified for that. By all means, argue the many flaws in the TRA movement and their zealots with their gender woowoo and campaign against their bigotry becoming law but don’t hate on the rest.

The Greens should not be seen as some kind of saving force for the SNP and Indy. Were it not for global environment issues, the Green party would be seen for what they are – wannabe cave dwellers the loony left view as being too radical!


akenaton said @ 4:58PM,

“Just look at the huge over representation of Gays and Lesbians in Scottish politics, especially the upper echelons. Do you think that happened purely by chance? Holyrood is a cesspit.”

This is a shameful homophobic comment to make.



The DUP are not an assembly, they are a party. A party of true blue loyalist bigots who care not for anyone. They’ll get their way one way or another or there’s gonnae be trouble ahead.

katherine hamilton

The Green party is no longer required. Every party has “green” policies. The debate now is how fast to go in changing humanity’s reliance on fossil fuels. Ms. Thunberg wants to go as fast as fuck, climate deniers don’t want to go at all. The debate now lies on the spectrum in between.

Scotland’s Greens “if you’re not with us you’re agin us” stance is old fashioned SWP/Trot stuff. Stalinist. Entryist. Ignore them at the ballot box. They’ll go away.

Stuart MacKay


There are several trans people who post here. Nobody has any issue with who they are and what they say. They’re just like the rest of us.

The fight here is with the Green Party who are at best duplicitous and at worst are offering a veneer of respectability for some people who probably need to reevaluate their outlook in life as it seems more about the subjugation of a group for which they express an irrational hatred – women. Nobody here is going to let that continue unopposed and the Greens are going to pay the price in 8 days time.


Mark Boyle @5.40pm.

Thank for the correct version of events.


Scot Finlayson says: 28 April, 2021 at 5:03 pm


billionaire perverts and paedophiles,

they employ the biggest law firm in the world (Dentons) to help change laws in various countries and facilitate `astroturf` activism,

they are using transgender people as a Trojan horse to change laws to allow male perverts and paedophiles free and legal rights to access vulnerable woman,men and children,

Dentons, the law firm, have produced a guide for activists to infiltrate and take over political parties to help change laws,

this guide is used world wide like a franchise system,

this is on a global scale ,from China to Chicago.

For a political party like the Greens with limited appeal, limited funds and limited activists to get their message across, it would be too tempting not to ride on this wave in order to get themselves power. All they need to do in return is to get this ideology installed as law under the radar.

As I had mentioned, corruption doesn’t always involve transfer of packets of cash.


The May 6 election is literally a looney contest.


Stuart Mackay,

I have no qualms about being anti-green, hopefully I was clear on that point. 🙂


@ Balaaargh at 5.52

Sorry but I disagree with the start of this post.

The first screenshot is no different from any activist suggesting tactical voting for their priority cause, it’s just their priority is trans.

That IS the point that’s being made, isn’t it? They are being assumed to prioritize independence, and counted as part of a pro-indy majority, when it isn’t their priority at all.

Therefore, anyone who thinks that voting Green on the list is somehow a way round the fact that the SNP won’t get any seats is mistaken.


Balaaargh says: 28 April, 2021 at 5:52 pm

The Greens should not be seen as some kind of saving force for the SNP and Indy.

The problem is that a lot of indy voters see the Greens as a saving force and loan them their votes as a results. I had got a voting leaflets through from when and it says they support Scottish independence, which is more than what on the one from the SNP, the supposed party of independence.

The Greens recent success has been done to their involvement in the independence movement. As I mentioned in my previous post, it does look like they are hitching on the global big business movement which gives them access to resources that they would never be able to have. The Rev is right to point this out.


Morag @5.13pm.

I had a wee look at what Wikispooks says about you not very complementary I’d say, but then again Wikispooks isn’t very complementary about George Galloway either, and I’d say he agrees with your point on view on al Megrahi, and Tony Gauci.

I guess its in Wikispooks raison d’être to seek out the not so pleasant side of things under the spotlight, which of course will upset some folk, but I take your point.

Incidentally Morag is this a young looking Stuart Campbell aka the Rev standing next to you in this photo, along with a headless person, okay it only looks that way.

comment image

Patrick Jones

This is the Party Sturgeon would rather do business with.

And this is what Sturgeon will use her Supermajority for.

For pushing through her freak show reforms, NOT Independence.

When she says she won’t talk to Salmond, she really means she won’t talk to Salmond.

And Stu, you should have a government health warning so we are not shocked by what we are about to see.

Those guys are creepy.


I’m afraid it’s too late in the day to concern our selves with the sensibilities of people who require medical help.
I do not recognise the word “homophobe” in this context.
I believe that people who wish to practice homosexuality should be free to do so regardless of health questions.
I do object strongly to the bringing forward of legislation which promotes such behaviour to children and adults and I campaigned against such legislation when it was introduced.

I have seen nothing since then to convince me that this legislation was beneficial to society, and to the contrary these social anomalies are being used by politicians to further their own ends.


Balaaargh says: 28 April, 2021 at 5:59 pm

akenaton said @ 4:58PM,

“Just look at the huge over representation of Gays and Lesbians in Scottish politics, especially the upper echelons. Do you think that happened purely by chance? Holyrood is a cesspit.”

This is a shameful homophobic comment to make.

While I disagree with your stance on your article, I do agree with this post. There has been a few comments made on here that have a ‘homophobic undercurrent ‘ which WGD has alluded to quite a number of times on his blog.

Such comments have no place in the indy movement which is a inclusive and diverse one.

The problem is that the goodwill of the movement is being exploited by those who are pushing an agenda which is anything but inclusive and diverse and people feel angry about it and conversations can be heated. People need to take a step back a bit before commenting and ask themselves whether their comments can be interpreted the wrong way or whether they can actually say those comments physically face to face to somebody of the Gay and Lesbian community.


Pacman @6:35PM,

I don’t disagree with the full article, just the beginning. It seems like a bit of a hatchet job. I still don’t know who Heather in Donside is and through my line of work, I am in the habit of NOT putting random phrases I find on the internet into my search history…

And yeah, I know the comments you mean.

Patrick Jones

All those pictures Stu has posted on this thread are the freaks who will be legally allowed to enter women and girls toilets and changing rooms.

Independence has to be put on the back burner until we sort this out.

We can’t move an inch forward until we cleanse our Parliament of these Freaks, and that includes Sturgeon and Harvie

How anyone can turn a blind eye to this is beyond me.

For the sake of our Human Rights and for the protection of our Society, we must dump the SNP and Greens.

Don’t Vote SNP or Greens.

And ALBA for your List vote.

It’ll take a couple of years longer to achieve our goal, but you must admit, it will be worth the wait.


akenaton says: 28 April, 2021 at 6:35 pm

I do not recognise the word “homophobe” in this context.

I agree with you that Holyrood is a cesspit because it is full of self-serving, amoral scumbags regardless of their sexuality.

However in your comment, it could be interpreted that you are saying it is a cesspit because of over-representation of Gay and Lesbian people.


Yes I see your point Pac Man, I have nothing personal against these people and apologise if my wording was clumsy and caused personal offence.

My feelings on Trans and Gay legislation remain.

Anton Decadent

@PacMan A few days ago I posted on how in ROI the job of Minister for Children had gone from a childless lesbian to a childless gay man my point being that as neither had children it looked like the shoehorning of highly politicised people serving an agenda dictated by such as Stonewall and you replied that only people without children were suitable for a job with long hours.

Was my comment one of the ones you’d tar as “homophobic2?


Balaaargh says: 28 April, 2021 at 6:42 pm

Pacman @6:35PM,

I don’t disagree with the full article, just the beginning. It seems like a bit of a hatchet job. I still don’t know who Heather in Donside is and through my line of work, I am in the habit of NOT putting random phrases I find on the internet into my search history…

And yeah, I know the comments you mean.

I get the impression that the Rev is the shock jock of the blogosphere and uses controversy to generate exposure. Sometimes this can be a bit near the knuckle and open to interpretation, not to mention sometimes attract the wrong types.

In this case, he has made no reference to Heather in Donside in his article apart from showing a number of images of her. While it does seem to attract a certain type of nutter, it does seem to to trigger a response as seen by yourself and therefore gets picked up by those who support the Trans argument which is turn gives him more exposure.

The bottom line is that he knows how to play the game.

Scot Finlayson


Where are the postal votes held until election day and what is the security involved,

some postal votes will have been returned by April 15th and every day after that till May 6th,

are they held in a sealed box which is opened every day for the new post and resealed at the end of every day.


@ balaaargh I just watched a greens ppb on STV they present the future same as the SNP as all fluffy bunnies and suchlike , no mention again in the broadcast like the SNP of this lunacy of genderwoowoo, no broadcasting of views from the lunatics pushing this abomination , no statements from patricia harvie of what he would describe as being a woman , if the greens were honest presenting their genderwoowoo to the electorate they would be trashed same as the SNP so I appreciate SC exposing this madness


Anton Decadent says: 28 April, 2021 at 6:54 pm

@PacMan A few days ago I posted on how in ROI the job of Minister for Children had gone from a childless lesbian to a childless gay man my point being that as neither had children it looked like the shoehorning of highly politicised people serving an agenda dictated by such as Stonewall and you replied that only people without children were suitable for a job with long hours.

Was my comment one of the ones you’d tar as “homophobic2?

My reply to your comoment was:

Have you considered that it may be only childless gay people who are able to devote the time to these types of senior roles that require long working hours and little or no chance for a decent private life?

Maybe if adequate child care was provided and the ability to balance work and private lives that so many of us enjoy that possible heterosexual individuals with children will want to do these roles as well?

By asking me if you think your comment is homophobic, maybe it is something you should reflect on yourself, rather than asking me?

The biggest reason why we are in the state we are in with this issue is because of the so called ‘thought police’ who take what people say and turns it against them for their agenda.

For that reason if we are going to get this issue sorted out then we need to watch our P’s and Q’s so we don’t get misquoted, misrepresentation or taken out of context to be used against us.

The Trans issue isn’t something that I want to get involved in but the more I read about it, the more I realise that I need to especially the links to the Big business interests who are exploiting vulnerable individuals.

The bottom line is regardless of your views of Gay, Lesbian or Trans people, there needs to be focus on the real issue which is the legal and moral implications of such an agenda is having on our society.


Andy Ellis says:
28 April, 2021 at 5:14 pm
@Mist001 5.07pm

I don’t believe Sturgeon either wants to share power with the Greens or has even the vestigial amount of self awareness that would be required…

Name me anything Sturgeon has done well.

Everything she touches turns to shite, every opportunity is squandered, every chance to reign in Westminster’s colonial excess fails dismally with Scotland the loser, her “experts” are duds or crooks, her strategy is laughable, her Constitutional acumen is a disgrace, her discipline is a lottery, her party is infiltrated by Transweirdos, her NEC is compromised, her accounts have £600k black hole in the middle, and even her conspiracies to send Alex Salmond to jail end up an embarrassing flop.

She’s not expecting an IndyRef before 2025, which means she’s had a decade to achieve the square root of fk all when it comes to advancing Scottish Independence, and she’s managed to paint herself into a corner where she cannot work with ALBA to deliver a Supermajority which solves her Section 30 nonsense at a stroke.

Offensive Behaviour Act. Failure. Named Persons Act. Failure. Referendum legislation. Failure. Section 30 Test Case. Failure.

She gets advice from her own Lawyers, then ignores it, and redacts all the records so nobody knows what a douche bag she’s being, the Scottish Government has to pay out eye watering sums, and the Scottish taxpayer foots the Bill.

She pays out £3 million to their rancid media.

When you think about the organisation, the momentum and enthusiasm she inherited when she took over from Alex Salmond, and look at what she has done to the SNP in 6 long years.

Sturgeon’s only accolade is being so impotent and ineffective that the even the BritNat Media can’t be bothered trying to discredit her for her pronouns malarkey and strange goings on in Edinburgh Hotels… The same BritNat Media which considers a “killer heels” quip as sexual assault and due cause to gratuitously smear Alex Salmond in perpetuity.

And there are still cretins who will try to persuade you she’s the best leader we’ve ever had. Apparently you can even buy a book with all her speeches in it. That sounds as much fun as reading the phone book or an accounts ledger…. Come to think of it, reading the SNP’s accounts ledger sounds a lot more interesting…


It looks like there doesn’t need to be a hate crime bill in England like we have up here:

link to

He told passers-by that families must be “headed by a father and a mother”, and that “the distinction within mankind of just two genders, male and female, made in the image of God, constitutes the essence of God’s created order”.

From what I’ve read about it I’m not sure whether the Pastor was arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986 was due to being against same sex marriage or that making the statement that there are just two genders.

From wiki:
link to

The offence is created by section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. Section 5(1) provides:

“(1) A person is guilty of an offence if he/she:

(a) uses threatening [or abusive] words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or
(b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening [or abusive],

within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby.”

In February 2014 Parliament passed a redaction of the statute which removed the word “insulting” in subsections “a” and “b” following pressure from citizens.[3][4]

This offence has the following statutory defences:

(a) The defendant had no reason to believe that there was any person within hearing or sight who was likely to be alarmed or distressed by his action.
(b) The defendant was in a dwelling and had no reason to believe that his behaviour would be seen or heard by any person outside any dwelling.
(c) The conduct was reasonable.

Whatever your views on same sex marriage or the definition of gender, should you be arrested for saying so in public as long as you are not framing it in the context of causing harm to others?

As I said, these subjects that for somebody who believes in progressive ideals should be involved in but it does concern me how they are are being subverted and are in fact regressive in nature.


You really have to question the dedication of the green movement to its core aim of preserving the environment in a strong state of health for future generation when its activists spend the vast majority of their time deciding what gender they are or how far they are along the queer spectrum.

Being a proper environmentalist requires big picture thinking, thinking about the deep future and the consequence of our actions on the wellbeing of our ancestors – and yet these people can’t seem to make one intellectual step outside of their own pants, let alone 50 years in the future.

The Greens have simultaneously derailed independence and progress on the environment in favour of incredibly small-minded short-term identity politics.

These people are literally supposed to be humanity’s best political defence against impending global cataclysms, and they’re reduced so some squeeky bespectacled fud whinging about the non-existant rights struggles of primarily deluded men.

The truth is, if the future isn’t one filled with gender fluid sissies being completely supported in their ambition to be their bestest sassiest selves, the current generation of greens would rather see the Earth destroyed.

I also new there’d be a great filter that solved the Fermi paradox, but fuck me I never thought it’d be blokes in dresses and pigtails.


Jack, Patrick, Heather and their pals give me the Boag.

K Campbell

Frankly, each and every one of the parties(except ALBA) are indulging in what is best described as student politics. Shameful



How can it be that the sexual fantasies of a few thousand jeopardize the national aspirations of millions. Except that this might be just the self-destruct button the system is urging the people to press.
These pantomime dames and their supporting claque are wreckers.
Enough of the narcissistic theatrics.

Carol Neill

I’m in my late 50s and I’m astounded what’ what’s going on , I’m quite a technophobe so probably about half an hour behind everyone else
I’ve a knee injury so can’t leaflet but I do have two boards on my fence on a main bus route


The urban legend about them employing mostly bank staff is only true in England. If it’s a “Labour area”, you’re almost guaranteed it will be branch members or their relatives that get the overpaid gig. Hence the mysterious preponderance during recounts for incorrect votes to turn up in the Labour piles.

This is nonsense, or at the very least outdated. It’s not an “urban legend” that bank staff are employed, in Scotand or anywhere else. My cousin worked as a bank teller (in Scotland) and she and her colleagues did election counts regularly. It happens in nearly all counts. Students, pensioners, anyone who can count and applies can get a gig though.

The tales of Labour interference with counts are wildly exaggerated and relate to times well in the past when Labour ran councils in Scotland like their personal fiefdom. SNP activists following taxis with ballot boxes put paid to what there was. But in any case the checks always existed. Getting false votes into ballot boxes was never easy and always likely to be spotted.

Mark Boyle @5.40pm.

Thank for the correct version of events.

It’s not the correct version of events.


I had a wee look at what Wikispooks says about you not very complementary I’d say, but then again Wikispooks isn’t very complementary about George Galloway either, and I’d say he agrees with your point on view on al Megrahi, and Tony Gauci.

Wikispooks is a pile of paranoid nonsense written by a guy with several bees competing for attention in his sadly otherwise completely empty bonnet.


Where are the postal votes held until election day and what is the security involved,

They’re held in a locked safe in the council offices, very securely. The process of opening and verifying these votes is very strictly controlled and scrutinised at every stage. Once your postal vote has been delivered to the council offices, and provided the signature with it matches the one on your application for a postal vote, it will be counted. And there is literally no possibility for adding extra votes because the numbers of papers are constantly checked to make sure that this tallies with the number of legitimate votes.

Graf Midgehunter

Doesn’t anyone get what political trolls do?

“Hoonose”, a new one, writes 2-3 short sentences at the beginning of the thread, on topic about the Green loonies.

And then suddenly a paragraph about Scottish votes being counted in England, voila! straight away half the comments veer off topic to regurgitate long gone theories that Morag has to patiently explain to the mystified..!

Topic about the woowoo loonies and SNP partners in crime nicely deflected. Suckers.

In the meantime “Hoonose” was never seen again.

Alastair Naughton

These people need to be sectioned. They are sick in the head.

Alastair Naughton

These people need to be sectioned. They are sick in the head!!

Anton Decadent


Thanks for the reply, I was in a hurry to go out and if my comment came across as confrontational it wasn’t meant to be.

I agree re use of language. Re the subject matter, the person I know in my own age group who’s having the most trouble with it is a gay friend who is empathic with people coming out as trans as she remembers her own experience. I’ve tried to explain my opinion to her that when rights are given they’re generally taken from somewhere else and in this case it’s from people such as her, again, in my opinion. I have younger family members who are in a similar position because expressing any independent thought would see them ostracised from their circle of friends which includes gay and trans teens. This issue isn’t going to just go away so some difficult conversations are going to have to take place. What worries me the most is the “you cannot stop or change this” attitude which is being used in a number of issues which by no means have universal support.


@Anton Decadent

I lurk in this site and only comment when I have something I feel worthwhile to say. There has been a lot of new faces in this forum lately and they aren’t friendlies. I try to suss these newcomers on they perform and adapt my replies to them accordingly so apologies myself if I came across strongly to yourself before.

In terms to this TRA/Trans Right Activism, it does seem it is coming out of this Queer theory which suggests that identities like sexuality and gender are social constructs and should be abolished. That sounds great in theory but in reality, it means the hard won rights of woman, gay, lesbian and trans people are removed in favour of these new gender constructs that supposedly shouldn’t exist. It’s all slight of hand and BS.

In terms of this “you cannot stop or change this” attitude, I can fully understand that. This isn’t something that I should be involved in but the more I understand it, the more I see I need to.

With the talk recently in here over George Galloway, I watched his American Senate hearing on YouTube again. While he isn’t motivated by greed as his adversaries on that hearing was, he is just as morally tainted but he totally destroyed them just by presenting the better argument.

It made me realise that the best argument and ‘the truth’ is given by those who are the most convincing. If you want to get into a fight with these people you need to do it right and can’t go off all guns blazing like these Daily Mail type dummies.

Ultimately, the only people who can take these TRA people on is progressives like us who should really be on their side if they weren’t pushing their own insidious agenda by stealth. As I had previously said, is this something that I want to take on, No but do I need to, Yes.

mountain shadow

If the latest ComRes poll is correct we’re staring down a disaster of an SNP / Green coalition..

Seats Projection – 65 FOR MAJORITY

SNP – 61
GREEN – 11!

I just hope the polls are not picking up ALBA correctly.

Andy Ellis

@mountain shadow 9.51am

I’ve got to the point now that I think if Scots voters are so divorced from reality that they deliver an SNP/Green supermajority, then they deserve everything they get good and hard.

Perhaps five more years of stasis on #indyref2, no progress on improving the conditions of people’s daily lives while hiding behind “it’s Westminster’s fault” apologias, and the imposition of unpopular measures like self-ID and the HCB, will finally make them sit up and take notice?

Ah hae ma doots tho’! 🙁

David A.

Why expect logical arguments and truth from someone who acts in an illogical manner?

There’s a reason this kind of thing was called a mental illness in the past. It should have been treated kindly and with compassion on the NHS to help them back to reality with therapy intead of indulgence.

Sad thing is that with the direction of global culture this site will be a “nazi” one eventually for its views. Does anyone doubt the direction of the flow of things at this point with the media and corporate cheerleaders and government assistance?

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