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Wings Over Scotland

Galaxy-class stupid

Posted on October 11, 2016 by

It’s Siobhan again, readers.


Ever since Scottish Daily Mail political editor Alan Roden jumped ship to go and rearrange the deckchairs for Labour, his former paper has very noticeably toned down its hysterical “SNP BAD” content. We can go through the Mail for days on end now without finding some ludicrously distorted misrepresentation or screaming outrage piece about how a Nat MP found 20p down the back of their sofa without declaring it to HMRC or such.

Happily, as we’ve been noting recently, the Daily Express has leapt into the breach.

Today’s story, even by the demented standards of McFadyen, is a lunatic howl of madness. “EXCLUSIVE!”, it blares. “A diplomatic row is unfolding amid claims the Scottish Government is compiling a ‘secret list’ of foreign nationals living in Scotland.”

The justification for this claim is the letter that the Scottish Government sent to EU nationals living in Scotland reassuring them that they were welcome and that everything possible would be done to protect their status in the wake of Brexit.

“Letters issued by both the First Minister on Scottish Government headed notepaper and also via SNP MSPs on Parliamentary headed notepaper to individual households in July stated that the administration was seeking ‘assurances that their residency will be unaffected.’

Now mystery surrounds how the names and addresses of thousands of people were collected.”

And it’s true – it IS mysterious, if you’re a cretin with the brains of week-old toast.

EU nationals were denied a vote in the EU referendum by the UK government (unlike the Scottish Government, which ensured they DID have a vote in the independence referendum). In order to enforce that ban, the electoral register – obviously – has to hold information identifying the people to whom the ban applied.

The Scottish Government naturally has access to the electoral register, and therefore if it wants to send a nice letter to all EU nationals telling them that Scotland will do everything it can to stop the UK government deporting them, it can easily do so.

And that’s that mystery solved, although McFadyen manages to shriek on for another 700 words of scattershot innuendo and quotes from some of the more frothing Yoons on Twitter (and Willie Rennie).

We’d never previously paid a lot of attention to the Express. It only just outsells the Daily Star in Scotland, and trails behind regional papers like the Press & Journal and the Courier. But it seems to be doing all the heavy lifting for the Unionist nutter faction these days as the Scotsman and Herald spiral into the abyss, with hacks leaping off their sinking ships like rats as their sales figures sink like the Titanic.

So what Siobhan McFadyen says today is probably what we should expect to hear from Ruth Davidson and Kezia Dugdale tomorrow. It’s certainly moronic enough. So if only for the purposes of being forewarned, we’ll be keeping our eyes open.

135 to “Galaxy-class stupid”

  1. RogueCoder says:

    That “journalist” isn’t fit to write fortune cookies. A cheap hack on the payroll of dribbling Yoon hate merchants.

  2. bobajock says:

    Loon yOOn paper. Avoid it.

    As my brother notes. The National typically gets hidden beneath the unsold piles of yOOn junk by yOOns who think he might buy one – I assume. Otherwise, its their fear the truth might leak out.

    The Express .. McFadyoon .. a dying ‘force’ .. lol.

  3. Helena Brown says:

    I wish I could remember when the Express was blacked, some time in the late 60’s early 70’s when it moved it’s printing down South. Perhaps it would be appropriate to remind people that it has form. It cares not a jot for people in Scotland, just another Establishment mouthpiece exactly like the BBC.

  4. Hamish100 says:

    maybe at the conference someone can name the brit journalist as allegedly lying.

    Of course the person concerned says “amid claims”, “secret lists”.

    I hope she is going to the conference. Can she be identified by a bright yellow dunce cap— naw better not it has hints of the brexiters who lied over the monies paid to the EU or monies that would go back to the NHS and hate foreigners.

  5. Steve B says:

    Another reason why non-UK/Irish EU nationals are highlighted is that whilst they are allowed to vote in “local” elections (including Holywood ones) – they still aren’t allowed to vote in Westminster elections. Maybe if they were, MPs for certain English constituencies may have been a bit more “careful” in what they were saying about immigration?

  6. Macart says:

    Oh Jeez, that’s weapons grade nuttery!

    That columnist has jumped the shark, the pier, the car park and is heading inland. 😀

  7. Bob Mack says:

    So bad you could not make it up. However she did.

  8. Merkin Scot says:

    Worse and worse.
    Unfortunately, many people only look at the headlines.

  9. Nigel says:

    Well, the headline is right in one sense…

    …it IS an exclusive.

    Has to be – a wonderful work of pure fiction straight from that woman’s deranged imagination. LOL.

  10. G H Graham says:

    Tomorrow’s Express shock headline …


    “The accused in this case is no less than the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, whose constituents in war torn Glasgow Southside have expressed outrage at Sturgeon’s willful abuse of office by using letter headed paper.”

    “As austerity continues to bite under the SNP’s failed Brexit/Sterling curency plan, voters must be wondering why she couldn’t have sourced cheap Chinese photocopier paper instead. And then used a budget priced rubber stamp from Staples. A Staples spokesperson said they were happy to have it waiting for her as they have a ‘click & collect’ service open til 8pm.”

    Can I get a journalist’s job at The Express? This is easy.

  11. Cuilean says:

    OMG. Hilarious!

    The ‘secret’ list is the public electoral roll!

    Does this airhead not know that Vladimir Putin & Santa Claus and everyone in between can check these open lists?

    You could not make this up.

    ‘Yes Minister’, ‘Drop The Dead Donkey’, ‘In The Thick Of It’ & ‘Spitting Image’ eat your hearts out; coz we have Siobhan MacFadyen; Yoon jester.

  12. Merida says:

    The lunatics really are running the asylum.

  13. Dan Huil says:

    Good in a way since it underlines the increasing hysteria and desperation of britnuttery in Scotland. The Rev is right to keep an eye on it all; the rest of us should boycott such britnat rags – and their websites.

  14. ClanDonald says:

    @Hamish100: if she is at the conference I hope no-one goes near her, seriously, keep away folks, she’ll probably have a cctv on her at all times in the hope of recording an SNP delegate abusing her so it can be the front page splash in the next day’s express.

    It’ll be much more difficult for her to create a headline if people are just pointing at her from a distance and laughing.

  15. Lenny Hartley says:

    Maybe’s they have just realised that Diana is deid and they can nae mak up stories about her anymore!

  16. shiregirl says:

    How does she get away with it? Utter crap.

    If I went to work and put in that amount of effort and honesty, I couldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror.

    This isn’t Journalism, it’s sensationalism. This is on a par with the National Enquirer, except the Enquirer is a bit more truthful.

    I do find it all amusing, ‘tho 😀

  17. ScottishPsyche says:

    She is obviously emboldened by the fawning Yoonery of the mad historian/bean counting middle management hordes and the IPSO ruling. It is quite amusing to see her quoting some of the most unhinged people on the internet.

    It takes a special level of brass neck to put your name to stuff like that without embarrassment. She must be in it purely for the money.

  18. Desimond says:

    Must be a slow news week if this is all the Rev can come up with.

    It very much seems as if all the majors players have agreed on a 5 mins recess whilst they assume their positions before curtain up for the Main event.

    That of course allows the kids free roam to run about the stage shouting and screaming as is their want when sadly needing attention

  19. Oscar Taime says:

    Maybe a little overoptimistic but perhaps we should be thanking ms McFadyen for giving publicity to the fact that Scotland actually welcomes EU Nationals.

    That said the faux britnat account I use for following Yoonatics did turn up a tweet from an enraged soit disons EU national complaining that she had received a formal letter to tell her she is welcome in Scotland.

    Guess “there’s nowt queerer than folk” as my Yorkshire ancestors may have said.

  20. Morag says:

    I suppose the question might arise, was the letter a legitimate use of the information on the electoral register? A barrack-room lawyer might make a small issue about that. But that’s not quite the same thing!

  21. Jamie says:

    That gave me a good laugh during my dinner break.

  22. orri says:

    It would not surprise me if there’s a manouver to remove voting rights from EU citizens before A50 and before the council elections next year, never mind before the next referendum.

    When you’ve got a government hell bent on a hard Brexit they really aren’t going to be too concerned about actions that will get the UK suspended or expelled.

    Also part of the reason for not going for a “reverse-Greenland” is that nominally that’d mean the UK’s membership would still exist so a future incoming government wouldn’t have to renegotiate from scratch a re-entry of the entire UK in to the EU and might do what Germany did and negotiate a modification of their membership treaty.

  23. uno mas says:

    Another good article from El Pais that you might be interested in reading.

    “Ten drunkards (UKIP) who shocked the world.”

    link to

  24. HandandShrimp says:

    Hard call to say Siobhan is the thickest, or the most blatantly biased, or the most dishonest. She has stout competition from the likes of McColm, Severin, Torquil etc.

    Fantastic attempt to deflect from the pure unadulterated evil that is the current May Government though 🙂

  25. Stoker says:

    Right, firstly, if that headline is an outright lie, which i have no doubt it is, then the SNP Scottish Devolved Government should be suing the arse right off them and recovering all expenses incurred.

    Secondly, what is it they say about the guilty? Something along the lines of accusing innocents of that which they themselves are guilty of?

    I wouldn’t let my polecat waste its urine on these BUM rags!

  26. Dr Jim says:

    You’d think a newspaper that named itself Express would be a little quicker on the uptake unless the title of that newspaper is meant to imply “We mean it we really really do” as a definition of expression

    Or is it just that they’re like thon coffee they sell in these new and modren places that could be just a load of Horlicks

    Either way, Tasteless!

  27. Luigi says:

    The yoons are getting very twitchy that EU citizens in Scotland will be voting in IndyRef2 (for obvious reasons). Many voted NO in 2014 on the BT lie that a NO vote would safeguard their status in Scotland. If Cameron had been fair and allowed them to vote in the EU ref, probably we would still be in Europe for the foreseeable future, and IndyRef 2 would be many years away. Well, he succumbed to UKIP pressure to exclude “non-Brits” and BREXIT is now hurtling towards us (not so fast at this stage perhaps, but unstoppable, nonetheless). IndyRef 2 is also coming, and the yoons are in utter despair. What have they done? But wait, maybe it ain’t so………too late. Damage done. It’s coming for a’ that, and it’s coming a lot sooner than most believed a few months ago. 🙂

  28. Heehawbaws says:

    “I’ve leapt to a conclusion! Hold the front page.”

  29. Clootie says:

    MacFayden is useful…she removes any doubt regarding journalism having been replaced by propaganda. She has a very simple agenda – find stories which can be spun as anti nationalist (The Scottish kind not the wonderful “British Patriotism” that has been demonstrated by Brexit)

    I wonder what it is like to accept money to write as you are instructed without thinking?

    Regardless of your political views in general or Independence in particular the media manipulation on Corbyn and the SNP stories should set off alarms.

    Should the media manipulate public opinion or should it investigate and report? I’m afraid this is a settled matter and truth has been the first victim.

  30. uno mas says:

    @Helena Brown 12.18pm

    Here is the info you are looking for re the closure of the Scottish Daily Express (beginning of the end for the Tory Party in Scotland)

    I included this ages ago in a post about the subject and someone replied to say that their father was on the action committe, as was my wife at the time.

    Was it you?

    link to

  31. Ken500 says:

    The gutter Press falls even further into the gutter. Shameful.

    Desmond of Latvian and Ukraine descent gave £1.3Million to UKIP. Some people have short memories. Hypocrite.

  32. Sandy says:

    The Express has published so many ‘Disaster for Sturgeon ‘ stories, it’s a wonder she gets out of bed in the morning.

  33. Morag says:

    If it’s the same article, it gets even worse further on. Siobhan asserts that Nicola made threats about EU nationals being expelled from Scotland in the event of a Yes vote in the referendum in 2014. The reference for this is an interiew where Nicola pointed out the simple fact that if Scotland were to be thrown out of the EU post independence, automatic right of residency would be lost.

    That is spun into a veiled implication that Nicola is actually compiling these secret lists with a view to expelling people or taking action against them, and presumably the reassuring letter is a smoke screen to provide false reassurance that nobody is compiling a list oh wait.

    There is no end to the deceitfulness of this “journalist” when it comes to smearing Scotland’s elected First Minister.

  34. While I would like to see the Scottish Government sue those rags to the full extent of the law.

    I can’t see such a situation arising, because if the Scottish government did try to sue rags like the express.

    Then would be accused of misusing or misappropriating public funds and the unionists then would have a field day coming up with legal challenges.

    There would also be a whole host of conspiracy theories as to what the Scottish Government had to hide in trying to silence the voice of the press.

  35. izzie says:

    Its not even new story this surfaced in the Dundee Courier bck in the Spring when they featured a woman who had recieved letter from the MSP for Angus South the paper attempted to put a sinister spin on it then.

  36. Arbroath1320 says:

    O.K. … hands up … which person left the door to her padded cell open then? 😛

  37. Iain Lawson says:

    I was at the meeting representing the Republic of Estonia held by the First Minister following the Brexit vote. It was very well attended by the accredited diplomatic representatives of the EU countries in Scotland.

    At the meeting this proposed letter was discussed and the First Minister sought guidance on whether the various Consular representatives thought such a letter would be worthwhile to allay some of the immediate fears amongst their citizens in Scotland. Everyone was in agreement that it would indeed be worthwhile, indeed some countries offered to assist in its distribution.

    So in diplomatic language the Express “story” is pants!

  38. Bob Mack says:

    Galaxy class stupid ? You will find that right now on the emergency debate on Aleppo. The Tories and the former Labour rebels are getting an itchy trigger finger and are discussing enforcing a no fly zone over Aleppo.
    I understand the sympathy but I see no benefit turning a civil war in Aleppo into a world conflagration. Maybe I am wrong, but that is what I see unfolding ,if we put Russia, ourselves and America into direct conflict in the skies over Aleppo.

    We have gone completely bonkers.

  39. Flower of Scotland says:

    Wonder why Siobhan McFayden constantly lies about the Scottish Government?

    Wouldn’t have known about this as I have nothing to do with the British Unionist press.

    Good article Rev. Might open some folks eyes.

  40. Morag says:

    Funny story about the electoral register. There is a code on the front explaining the meaning of certain letters that appear in front of some of the names. One letter for members of the House of Lords, who have limited voting rights, various things I can’t remember all of them. It allows anyone to see whether or not a particular elector has a vote at the election in question.

    EU citizens are distinguished by a G in front of their names. I have no idea why it is a G. Anyway, in the referendum in 2014 these people had a vote and were issued with polling cards in the normal way. Some of them didn’t realise they didn’t have a vote in the 2015 general election and showed up at the polling station expecting to be able to vote. (I’m not sure whether any of them had been sent polling cards by mistake but you don’t need your card to vote anyway.)

    At one particular polling station in the Borders which shall remain nameless, these EU citizens were allowed to vote. The polling clerk scored their names out as they do and gave them ballot papers. At some point during the day this was noticed and the clerk asked what she thought she was doing. She said, “I thought that letter G was just their initial.”

    The ballot boxes in question had to be sealed up and opened under special secure conditions at the count so that the papers erroneously issued to the EU citizens could be retrieved and not entered into the actual count.

    And that, dear readers, is what the serial numbers on the back of the papers are for. When the clerk gives you your paper he or she writes its number beside your name so that if something like this happens your individual paper can be identified.

    The clerk always writes that number down. They’d notice if the number wasn’t there. It would be kind of obvious that your name was scored off but there wasn’t a number beside it. There’s always a number on the back of a ballot paper and nobody has ever been able to display one, or a photograph of one, that didn’t have a number.

  41. Andrew McLean says:

    Bad SNP, doing what all the others do, Bad!

    link to

  42. yesindyref2 says:

    I’ve been working out, posting in the Herald that those with the extremely stupid and fact-free assertions – get them from the Express. From what little I bother to see in the Scotsman it’s the same. I found the same thing about the misinformation about immigrants and the EU even a few months back. I might have to look occasionally (shudder) at the Express website so I’m forewarned about what garbage they’re going to be coming out with next, and ready for it. I like to be able to quote from official sources like the ScotGov website or Electoral Commission, and that can take a bit of research by which time threads are nearly dead.

  43. Solo hay una says:

    The really serious side of this nonsense is that many people actually BUY the Express and the D Mail AND believe what they read. I’m a 65yo+ Yesser but many of my contemporaries are still of the “if it’s in ma paper it must be true” mindset. Troubling.

  44. call me dave says:

    Not much happening on the Hootsman online these past few weeks. A day late with the headlines and a dollar short with the content.

    Oh wait…How many MSPs to change a light bulb?

    Holyrood to spend £1 million on changing the light bulbs

    link to

    Queensferry Crossing enters Guinness Book of Records

    link to

  45. Glamaig says:

    @Bob Mack
    our glorious leaders in Westminster might be desperate enough to look for a war or international crisis to ‘unify the country’, distract from the Brexit shambles, and make Scottish independence treasonable. Given their performance over the last year, they might actually be that stupid.

  46. Shug says:

    With balanced reporting like that she could get call KAY’S job at the BBC

  47. Ken MacColl says:

    Come off it folks.It’s the Daily Express, the flagship of soft porn merchant Richard Desmond.What are you expecting? Incisive investigative journalism?
    No chance.

  48. Niccolò Machiavelli says:

    Conventional wisdom is to deny the msm revenue by avoiding clickbait. But that could be turned on its head.

    The paper is paid by circulation, impressions via views, click-thru – or direct commission on sales (affiliate).

    So the idea is to put the direct link in and encourage vile cybernats to click the links like its going out of fashion. The advertisers in a Scottish version could suddenly see their costs double or treble, without a corresponding rise in sales.

    Direct commission is more difficult, on the other hand there is the Distance Selling Regulations where buyers have the right to return goods (or general uncommenced serices) within 14 days – without giving any reason. Though “extreme political views of the newspaper” could be a general reason, who am I to comment?

    I wouldn’t recommend it of course …

  49. heedtracker says:

    What the papers say. She’s probably trying to get a BBC Scotland job. Tasty.

    Siobhan McFadyen Retweeted
    yescotland ?@yescotland 5h5 hours ago
    Apparently SNP’s support for Heathrow’s 3rd runway has nothing to do with Heathrow bankrolling their conference.

  50. galamcennalath says:

    There has to be a reason why Yoonery is so incompetent when it comes to propaganda.

    As many often opine, it may do their own cause more harm than good as their credibility evaporates because more and more see through the feeble shite.

    Strange world sometimes. Let’s hope they never work out what they do wrong.

  51. manandboy says:

    If anyone cares to experience blind hatred in print, the Scotsman newspaper online is one of the places to go. Born in the gutter, raised in the sewer, and spewing bile with every word. Yet the sun and rain fall on good and bad alike, and the Wemyss Bay ferry carries all kinds over to Rothesay and back.
    Independence won’t be a garden of roses with no weeds.

    Ah know, but I refuse to discuss Shove van Mick Fajin.

    I’ll put the kettle on.

  52. Ross Lowe says:

    It’s still worrying that this kind of journalism exists as their readers are usually of the older demographic that get their news from the BBC and their newspaper(s). It should be apparent to any 21st century newsreader that newspapers no longer have the sway they once possessed.

    Newspaper falling circulation now sounds part of the circle of life or natural selection. The following generations that are internet savvy will get their news live, instantly and that news can be easily cross referenced to see which are talking shite!

    Like Woolworths & BHS, the famous broadsheets and tabloids will become a dewy eyed trip down memory lane. Robert Maxwell, William Randolph Hearst eat yer heart out!

  53. Jack Murphy says:

    National Union of Journalists.
    Code of Conduct.
    Numbers two and three:

    “2 Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair.

    3 Does her/his utmost to correct harmful inaccuracies.”


  54. This McFadyen bint, is this the one who was shouting her mouth off about all the harrassment she calimed to be getting on social media, and is the same woman who complained to twitter to get people’s twitter account suspended?

  55. Dr Jim says:

    Given that Wings over Scotland has just been voted SCOTLANDS most TRUSTED news outlet it would seem that “Yoon” news has a failure to communicate and are “NOT” Trusted……..(EXPRESS AND YOON STYLEY THERE)……..Impressive eh

  56. Hamish100 says:

    Less than 1 eur to the brit£ at english airports

    link to

    If we leave from Scottish airports rather than Heathrow do we get a better exchange rate?

    Got an email from my MSP alleging the 16000 jobs from the new runway at Heathrow is fact. Cobblers. Support our own airports including Prestwick. Only last year a Ayrshire tory councillor wants Prestwick to shut. Friend of labours Alex Gallagher strangely enough.

    SNP please don’t believe the Heathrow shysters. They have never been friends of Scotland. MSP’s stop spouting tosh. Independence supporters are independent thinkers. We aint old labour.

  57. heedtracker says:

    Yoon culture online loves this level of Express stuff


    Historywoman Retweeted
    Tony Forrest ?@Dasher777 55m55 minutes ago
    @allandssmith @theSNP “We’ll take no lessons on the compiling of secret lists cause wur lists are progressive ya bas, Sore Elba”.


    Historywoman Retweeted
    MichaelWhite ?@michaelwhite 35m35 minutes ago
    MichaelWhite Retweeted Workshy LeBeouf
    No society ” gets rid of rich.” Even the totalitarian Soviet elite did very nicely ( ads do top Chinese communists), that’s Orwell’s pointMichaelWhite added,

    Workshy LeBeouf @JoinedAtTheArse
    @whatsamata8 @michaelwhite if the rich are actually made to pay tax they’ll just lobby harder to have tax reduced. Need to get rid of them.

    No surprises to see far right UKOK roasters from the Scotland region, working bettertogether with the Guardian’s politics big cheese.

  58. Is she deliberately attempting to self-sabotage? I’d declare her dafter than Effie Deans if it weren’t for the fact that just last week Effie Deans declared that science leads to bestiality.

  59. gordoz says:

    Seriously think there be mental heath issues at play here.
    This paper should be very careful.

    Duty of care as employer ? manage welfare and wellbeing?
    I think I would ask for her badge and her gun in this case.

  60. Vestas says:

    Anyone who actually buys the Express are right-wing racists anyway so its of no consequence what the paper says.

    Or it would be of no consequence if the BBC wasn’t staffed by lazy cunts who only report what the papers say these days.

    Express comes out with more bullshit & the loony loyalist racists retweet it – what a shocker eh?

    Groundhog day….

  61. Dubai_Scot says:

    “Wonder why Siobhan McFayden constantly lies about the Scottish Government?”

    Probably it’s now a core element in the job description of any journalist that works for a British Newspaper…

  62. heedtracker says:

    I’m a noisy idiot. You cant get a fag between likes of Graun’s Libby Carrell and the Express morons. Maybe its just a question of what the UK centre actually is, for our imperial master baiters o the UKOK media.

    MichaelWhite ?@michaelwhite 1h1 hour ago
    MichaelWhite Retweeted Purpleline
    Many people who post here, the noisy idiots, complain that the Guardian is Red Tory, anti union, closet Thatcher backer etc.Daft I know, but

  63. Lachie McAskill says:

    Every time I walk through an airport where the expess or mail is being given away, I pick up half a dozen copies, walk directly to the nearest bin, and dump them in it!

    I recommend others follow a similar path!

  64. heedtracker says:

    You cant get a fag paper between likes of Graun’s Libby Carrell and the Express morons:D

  65. gordoz says:


    Gonnae no sit oan the fence!

    (Spot on by the way) ?

  66. Petra says:

    Yep this is the ONE to watch. It contributed greatly to exacerbating racist attitudes / actions down south, the Brexit result, and they’re upping the (racist) ante up here now. They’ve been working away for months now (many) trying to discredit / undermine Nicola Sturgeon / SNP to great effect. Working away promulgating the north / south divide. The comments sections of their articles are filled to bursting point with hate-filled posts. If you try to post anything half-decent on there such as simple facts in support of Nicola or the Scottish economy etc your posts are removed in the blink of an eye. I was attempting to post, never nasty or whatever of course, but have been banned from posting altogether now.

    They’re determined to stymie Scottish Independence and have identified that fear of mass immigration to Scotland may prove to be a factor that could offset the result. So this is what they are focusing on now (not necessarily with this article) such as they recently had another exclusive article with Nicola Sturgeon’s name emblazoned beside the words ‘Sharia Law’. They’re constantly referring to Roma and Muslim individuals in Nicola’s rat and cockroach infested constituency and in another article recently tried to link immigrants to over 300 plus rapes and hundreds more (3 thousand? … on my IPad …. can’t double check) sexual offences being carried out in Pollock. Three hundred rapes? Don’t you think that Davidson, Dugdale and Rennie would have been trumpeting this far and wide?

    Anyway I reckon we’ll REALLY have to do something about this to nip them in the bud. Start focusing on their every word. Protest outside their office or whatever. I understand that someone on here, Tam?, contacted IPSO recently about them and got nowhere. Since then IPSO has been given a bad rap by some other (superior, European?) body, so maybe we should think of protesting enmasse in future. Meanwhile Stu is doing a great job outing / combatting their manipulative lies.

    Maybe Nicola should think of getting her legal team onto them before they do real damage up here.

  67. yesindyref2 says:

    Siobhan McFayden
    Well, I presume she’s Scots born, and perhaps brought up in Scotland. Not important enough to have a wiki page about her to check, but she’s probably hoping desperately someone will set one up so she can say she’s “arrived”.

    The thing is that for any media person who originates in Scotland – or the other “home” nations, to get on in the London based media, they have to not only adapt to the general patronising and inceasingly xenophobic attitudes there about people from the “home nations” (the provinces), they have to be extreme about them, and the figurehead political party there, so that people in London can say “Siobhan may be from Scotland but she’s OK. Classic examples of this are Cochrane and Neil.

    Some, a few, have enough strength of character not to do this and stay themselves; she’s very clearly too weak of character to be able to do that. Her writings are a classic example of that, called of course, the “Scottish Cringe”. She’s just one of many examples, the one in the news at the moment, a passing fad.

  68. manandboy says:

    Reuters via RT, reporting that the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) are anything but happy with the Government’s Brexit proposals. Theresa May is insisting she keeps her cards close to her chest, but the uncertainty coupled with the absence of solid information from Government is killing business confidence and future planning.

    link to

  69. Luigi says:

    Dubai_Scot says:

    11 October, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    “Wonder why Siobhan McFayden constantly lies about the Scottish Government?”

    Probably it’s now a core element in the job description of any journalist that works for a British Newspaper…

    Indeed. Yoon manipulators reporters are commissioned by their masters to spin all Scottish news in favour of the union, and to ignore or twist any story favourable to the Scottish government into SNP BAD. It’s quite an art form.

    It is certainly no crusade for the truth. An all out propaganda war against Scottish independence is a more accurate description.

  70. starlaw says:

    Why have I always called this paper .. The Daily Supress .. I always have done don’t know where I got it from. but as the saying goes .. if the shoe fits…

  71. Vestas says:

    @ yesindyref2:

    The spelling of both her first and last names indicates she (or her parents) originate from Northern Ireland.

    As such there’s probably a good chance that she’s a loony loyalist and/or comes from an Orange Order background.

    tl;dr another racist/religious nutter, as said before it wouldn’t matter if the BBC wasn’t staffed by lazy cunts.

  72. harry mcaye says:

    Vestas – That must include Victor McDade and Jack Jarvis Esquire. Shocked to see them take the Express but then they are pensioners…

  73. raineach says:

    But Ian Murray has been writing to EU voters in Edinburgh South. Does he have a secret copy of the secret list? We must be told!

  74. Vestas says:

    @ harry mcaye :

    Well if the hat fits….

    Its like here in Leicester, you can pretty much guarantee that anyone buying the DM is in fact a racist. Doesn’t matter how nice they appear to be – if the paper didn’t reflect their views then they wouldn’t buy it. Simple as that.

  75. Baldeagle58 says:

    O/T slightly, but still concerning today’s newspapers…..

    This won’t please the ‘yoons’!

    Front page of today’s ‘i’….

    ‘Life’s just better in Scotland.’
    Scots enjoy a better quality of life than English, Welsh or Irish, says EU report.
    Social Progress Index gives Scotland top marks for health, safety and education.
    England scores poorly for air pollution and protection of natural habitats.

    Today’s National also picked up on that story, but not front page.
    Wonder how many other ‘newspapers’ reported on this….
    Guess the Daily Excuse wasn’t one of them!

  76. Cloggins says:

    Amazed that anyone would be surprised at the monkey when the organgrinder is the main financier of UKIP.

  77. manandboy says:

    I wonder how many No voters realise that in 2014 they had it all – and then blew it. Will they bear that in mind come IndyRef2.

    Let’s be sure about this – the UK is in a Titanic-like situation. Theresa May is hoping lots of rescue trade deals are going to save the UK, but time is against her.

    She is also adamant that Scotland will not be allocated an Independence lifeboat just for the Scots.

    England’s fate is sealed.

    But Scotland can still be saved – but only by changing No to Yes.

  78. Don`t think the Independence movement are going to change the mind of any reader of the D Express,

    they will happily go down with the Union ship while singing Jerusalem,

    same goes for what is left of the readership of the Scotsman,Herald,Daily Record,

    the readers of these anti Scotland rags are part of the die hard Yoon 20>25% of Scottish citizens,

    time,money,effort should not be wasted on these people,they will never change their mind,they are happy wallowing in their dreams of Brutish Empire,

    concentrate on the 6>9% of Scots that need persuaded/coaxed to leave the darkness of Brutish Empire and come over to the light of Scottish freedom.

  79. Kenzie says:

    If I were the Daily Record I would be very worried. Very worried indeed.

    They are outsold by the Express who employs weapon’s grade, 24 karat buffoons like this. Truly a national disgrace; writer and paper.

    Now, there’s a yardstick for you.

  80. yesindyref2 says:

    The spelling does, yes, but on the about page of her website it sayd this: “I began my career as a local newspaper reporter, moved to national newspapers and worked as a news and features writer for the Scottish and UK edition of the Daily Mirror. …. five years in New York … In 2010, I moved to London”

    So it looks like she may have lived in Scotland – as many from Northern Ireland have, in Glasgow or here on the west coast.

  81. Vestas says:

    @ yesindyref2 :

    Aye but it might be an indication that she actually does believe a lot of the shit she writes. When she went for the melodrama on social media that was pretty much the first thought I had. She reminds me of the loyalist nutters the day after indyref1.

    She may of course have come from a background other than extreme protestant/loyalist but my gut feeling says not.

    More than willing to be corrected.

  82. Legerwood says:

    Baldeagle @ 4.02

    The Herald reported the story.

  83. heedtracker says:

    Scott Arthur Retweeted
    Kevin Hague ?@kevverage 18h18 hours ago
    this from @davidtorrance is a very worthwhile read (all of it, not just this snippet)

    Torrance’s usual SNP bad, independence is failure, Scotland’s shite and if you say otherwise, you’re a fool. Just another day at the UK tory hack coal face in his Scotland region.

    That’s you’re afternoon red and blue triple whammy of UKOKness.

  84. yesindyref2 says:

    Ah, I get your point. She’s a genuine nutter, rather than a cringe nutter.

    Sounds reasonable!

  85. yesindyref2 says:

    Yeah, I’m always very wary of the OO thing. There’s a whole load of people came over to the west to live, first generation, or parents one or both, and even before that – and still do. I’ve known loads. There’s even some go to London first and come up to Scotland because we’re more welcoming, just treat them like anyone else. And then there’s the ferries, you see a lot of Irish plates. There used to be more when the Campbeltown car ferry ran, now it’s just a passenger ferry (also goes to Islay I think).

    I guess the Unionists would like nothing better than for us to start confusing the more extreme elements of the OO with the perfectly OK OO itself, and then start to slag off NI people, or at least p*s them off with comments.

  86. Vestas says:

    @ yesindyref2 :

    The social media melodrama would tend to support the “genuine nutter” theory, the venom involved suggests something REALLY personal in her antipathy to Scottish independence, hence me wondering about the name, etc.

    Then again she could be just another hack troll…

  87. yesindyref2 says:

    DT is an interesting read, I think he may be on the cusp.

  88. yesindyref2 says:

    Yes, I agree. The way she is on Twitter – and even her articles, will probably go too far even for the Express in time.

  89. Vestas says:

    @yesindyref2 :

    It’d be nice to be able to ignore the loyalist nutters (and sorry but anyone in the OO is a nutter at best) but that isn’t going to be possible.

    If the “UK” leaves the EU but Scotland gets indy & remains then that leaves the loyalist nutters stranded.

    Nobody in England wants these lunatics – they’re viewed as being 50+ years out of date on everything the rest of the UK views as normal. You know things like women having control of their own bodies, it not being acceptable to kick the shit out of gay people etc etc. Nobody in Eire wants them either, so they are going to fight HARD against Scottish indy.

    Nobody in the OO is “perfectly OK” BTW. If you think they are then you need to get a serious grip of yourself.

  90. Dr Jim says:

    Scottish Labour demand the Scottish government replace the funding that’ll be lost with Brexit

    Just sums them up eh

    Airports: There’s going to be a runway Heathrow or Gatwick, fact, we don’t have a say in that but what we do have a say in is which one is better for us, so moaners, what’s yer point
    and don’t make the ridiculous argument of neither coz that’s no argument at all unless you can grant the SNP the power of Greyskull

  91. Iain More says:

    Wonder when she will get round to blaming the SNP/Sturgeon for those exploding phones next.

  92. yesindyref2 says:

    I’ll beg to differ on that. Both of your final sentences!

  93. Proud Cybernat says:

    Yoonited in thought…

    link to

  94. yesindyref2 says:

    A lot of people do things to escape everyday life, and don’t pay much attention to what might be behind it. Here’s a thing I remembered and found from some time back:

    link to

    If you want escapism, now that is weird!

  95. heedtracker says:

    yesindyref2 says:
    11 October, 2016 at 4:33 pm
    DT is an interesting read, I think he may be on the cusp.

    I just read the bit of Torrance what Kevrage told me to. I do everything Kevin says, me. He’s done masses of Brexit economic studies, with cool graphs, on Brexit, I mean tons of work on Brexit. Kev’s chocablog er economics blog is a lesson calm reasoned studies on many aspects of the Brexit and the tories in Scotland response to it all, especially tory leader Ruth Davidson Noble prize winning presentation on Brexit er, nomics.

    I jest, Kev’s done fuck all on Brexit, he’s mute, zipped it, not a squeak, in his chocablog pile of Scotland’s shite.

    Its because Kevin’s NOT a toryboy you see, NOT A TORY!

    Funny that.

  96. heedtracker says:

    Pinned Tweet
    Kevin Hague ?@kevverage Aug 24
    I’ve crunched today’s #Brexit figures – there are (of course) lots of graphs to enjoy and a few surprising findings


    Kev’s maybe a bit busy.

  97. Giving Goose says:

    Re the OO.
    God doesn’t exist.
    Therefore the OO view that somehow anchors Scotland to the Union because of a religious belief is, quite simply, Medieval.
    Backward, primitives the lot of them.

  98. heedtracker says:

    Reverse Kevrage

    Kevin Hague ?@kevverage 7h7 hours ago
    *may turns to camera, smiles*

    *frowns – uses foot to nudge £66bn cash-pile out of shot*


    – what has the EU ever done for us?

    Rancid The Graun this morning,

    EU referendum and Brexit

    No 10 plays down warning of £66bn annual Brexit impact
    Theresa May’s spokesman says figures in leaked government papers predicting 9.5% fall in GDP are not new

  99. yesindyref2 says:

    Average is a faker (sp?), he just likes attention, wants to be more than he is, and over-stretches himself. It’s just a question of time before someone takes the trouble to squash him like an over-ripe pumpkin and he loses his candle.

    DT on the other hand thinks, and I’ve seen traces happening to him that happened to K McK. I’m keeping an e’e oot! It is possible I’m just being my usual controversial self 🙂

  100. AnTeallach says:

    Ha ha,Rev – well and truly derailed that pathetic attempt at SNP bad!

    OT. Just promoting this again. Please share far and wide and let’s get an impressive turnout

    Edinburgh March/Rally 22nd Oct 12 noon Waterloo Place
    link to

    A short march then speakers including Wee Ginger Dug and Lesley Riddoch

  101. Capella says:

    If she’s a tenement Scot she could aspire to be the editor of the Times.

    Meanwhile, the i front page (Scotland edition) has the news that Scotland is way ahead in best quality of life in UK.
    Sorry, can’t find a front page to link, but here’s twitter:
    link to

  102. Vestas says:

    @Giving Goose :

    Its nothing to do with a belief in “God”. I’m an atheist so I don’t much care which imaginary friend people choose.

    The OO propagates religious hatred & has done for hundreds of years. It also (in the last 30 years) advocated violence against other religions.

    That’s the problem right there. People, not “gods”.

    @ yesindyref2 :

    Saying someone in the OO is “perfectly OK” is like saying “oh he was a Nazi but he didn’t ever do anything bad”.

    Encouraging religious hatred is a simple enough concept to grasp, yes? That’s why the OO exists.

  103. yesindyref2 says:

    Kevin Hague ?@kevverage Aug 24
    I’ve crunched today’s #Brexit figures

    Yup, he’s crunched the Brexit figures with his usual thoroughness. Looks for a few minutes, doesn’t check the context, doesn’t do auxiliary research, doesn’t even look all the way through a report, finds something that supports whatever it is he wants to say, draws a load of peculiar graphs, writes the most convoluted stuff you could imagine instead of taking twice the time at least to present it properly, doesn’t prvide supporting links, but churns out an article.

    He has two endearing features:

    1). On his blog he’s adopted the “dog food salesman” tag in his bio for which I give him a lot of kudos, 100% in fact.
    2). He takes a lot of mugs with him, which suits our cause perfectly. I see them out there posting away – and smile. It’s not the right time – yet.

    I like your posts with his tweets, by the way, keeps me up to date:-)

  104. David Mills says:

    Begs the question as to the level of incompetence if Amber Rudds Home Office that they need business to compile the same list for them?

  105. Cherry says:

    @ uno mas
    Hi not sure if it was me you were talking to, but my Dad, who had been Art Editor of it’s sister paper the Evening Citizen, he never really recovered from the shock of being made redundant, he felt such a failure. I would think that he would be absolutely horrified at what was a newspaper, has become nothing more than a propaganda instrument of the people who would rule over us.

    Great work Stu, thank god we have you backing our corner 😉

  106. Undeadshaun says:

    yesindyref2 says

    The oo is as perfectly ok as the kkk.

    Eg in no way ok.

    One is a bigoted sectarian organisation and the other a bigoted racist organisation.

  107. yesindyref2 says:

    Every organisation, side, religion, team or movement has its extreme nutters, including ours, and that’s all I have to say.

  108. gus1940 says:


    Is it just my imagination that the BBC London main 6pm news has suddenly sprouted a Scottish item on all or most days.

    Nothing to do with the ongoing debate over the Scottish6 I suppose.

  109. yesindyref2 says:

    @ Undeadshaun

    yesindyref2 says

    The oo is as perfectly ok as the kkk

    I never said that or anything remotely like it, please be more careful attributing quotes.

  110. One_Scot says:

    Guido getting his ass handed to him on a plate by the Rev and then cries to his mum. Lol.

  111. Glamaig says:

    Isnt the reason the Loyalist/OO crew get themselves in such a tizzy, because they want a Protestant queen? But the queen is protestant and she’s queen of Scotland too so whats their problem with Scottish independence? Dont they know there are 2 crowns and one queen?

  112. yesindyref2 says:

    I’ve seen order-order at times, on the way to finding something out via an initial search phrase, you can get enough extra search terms from it occasionally to get to where you really want to be – soemthing definitive rather than extreme fantasy.

    That’s all it’s useful for.

  113. yesindyref2 says:

    I’ve seen order-order at times, on the way to finding something out via an initial search phrase, you can get enough extra search terms from it occasionally to get to where you really want to be – something definitive like a witness from a select committee, rather than extreme fantasy.

    That’s all it’s useful for.

  114. yesindyref2 says:

    Sorry, postings in wrong thread, same thread in two tabs, I’m confused.

  115. Liz g says:

    Glamaig @ 6.30
    I’ve never been able to work out why they support Westminster.
    I get they support the union of the Crown’s
    But often wonder if they know that they are supporting the wrong union when they march against Indy.
    They can’t All be that stupid???

  116. Fred says:

    Jackie Burd, face trippin her, announces that the marvel which is the Queensferry Crossing (apart from the crap name) is six months late!

  117. K1 says:



    Yer jist ‘ ‘too’ nice ‘ by far and like tae see the ‘good’ in folks (I mean DT ‘converting’) 😉

  118. geeo says:


    Jackie bird will be even more gutted when someone reminds her that the bridge will still be open for business at least 1 month BEFORE the original due date.

    December 2016 was never the original due date, it was june/july 2017.

  119. Stu Mac says:

    “”Glamaig says:
    11 October, 2016 at 6:30 pm
    Isnt the reason the Loyalist/OO crew get themselves in such a tizzy, because they want a Protestant queen?””

    Like their fellows in NI, they fear (an imaginary) Catholic uprising – or perhaps fear loss of ability to Lord it over Catholics – and wish the power of the British state to back them up.

    Years ago I remember there was a Tory MP (of all things) who refused to call them “Loyalists” as they blocked government attempts to create some kind of peace as it meant giving rights to Catholics. He always called them “Did-loyalists”.

    BTW I’m aware there were influential people who encouraged the secret service in some nasty and murderous actions (often using so called Loyalist nutters as tools. But the cabinet as a whole was always trying to do something and despite their public pronouncements had underground communication with the IRA.

  120. Stu Mac says:

    That should be “Dis-loyalists”

  121. geeo says:

    On a fun note, a challenge sent to Siobhan McFadyen on the Daily Express Facebook page…(still no response as time of writing this, strangely….?)

    Siobhan McFadyen.

    You are a misrepresenting shit stirrer and an outright liar.

    This “secret list” you speak of is the ELECTORAL ROLL.

    Anyone can look through the ER so hardly secret huh ?

    You are an SNP/ (Scottish) Nationalist hating fantasist with a clearly politically motive to attack and smear anyone and everything remotely connected to Scottish Nationalism.

    That attack is an attack on a huge chunk of the PEOPLE of SCOTLAND as well as the political organisations you make up stories about.

    Hence the reason i am here.

    Not to defend the SNP/Scottish Nationalism, they can deal easily with your nonsense.

    No, i am here to take issue with your represntation of ME.

    I want Scottish Independence, make no mistake about that Siobhan.

    However, i spend a lot of time and effort, (as do all of us YES minded folk) talking to previous NO voters we know, trying to show why Independence for Scotland is a POSITIVE thing.
    In other words, we are trying to get Independence by taking people WITH us.

    YOU and your ilk however, rather than trying to explain why Scots are better staying in the Union with England, (and YES, that is what the union you clearly adore, is) you and your ilk resort to inflammatory language, lies and outright abuse, towards anything related to Scottish Nationalism and by association, individual Scots who share that perfectly legal and legitimare aspiration for Scotland.

    So, here is the crunch.

    I, Gordon Blackhall, Scottish citizen, SNP supporter (not member) who strives for Scottish independence, challenges you to meet me for a coffee to discuss the independence question, and the media reporting of such.

    If after one hour of your time you STILL feel the need to insult me and my intelligence by printing the articles you do on the subject of Scottish nationalism, i will know you are either tasked with negative reporting or are simply a lost cause in my ongoing quest to try take people with me on the road to an independent Scotland where critical decisions ABOUT Scotland are made IN Scotland, in the best interests of Scotland.

    Well Siobhan, willing to talk to a faceless victim of your anti nationalist rantings ?

    Over to you.

  122. Stu Mac says:

    That should be “Did-loyalists”.

  123. Stu Mac says:

    That should be “Disloyalists”…(bloody autocorrect)

  124. Orri says:

    The thing is that the OO’s primary aim is not to suppress catholism but to ensure that protestants can worship freely. Given the time it was formed and the way that successive monarchs tried to impose their own religion they made the then sensible decision that ensuring that no catholic took the throne would ensure their primary objective.

    I’d caution against attacking the OO or getting dragged into a pointless and stupid agreement that in an independent Scotland they would be banned as that’s exactly where the unionists want us to go. As long as the OO agree that in Scotland all followers of all religions will be free to worship as they see fit so long as in doing so they don’t interfere in the lives of others then they can rest easy that their primary objective is being met. The fact that William of Orange intended that his subjects regardless of religion be allowed to get on with it might be worth pointing out to them.

    Nor should we automatically accept help from those whose agenda isn’t primarily Scotland. Rumour has it that the then USSR had a lot to do with prolonging the conflict in NI. There’s always a possibility of similar interference now. Those advocating violence or even UDI may not necessarily be doing so for our benefit.

  125. yesindyref2 says:

    Maybe, but I did spot K McK during the Ref when he was getting hard hit by his party, his homophobic religion AND his team all at the same time. I eased off with my more usual snarky comments 🙂

  126. geeo says:

    Catholics and Protestants are the same….CHRISTIANS.

    They would join forces to fuck you over for a common cause.

    Look at how the Old Firm drove Scottish football to the wall together as a ‘team’ over the decades.

  127. Maria F says:

    One cannot help but feeling sorry for serious professional journalists and for the future of journalism in general.

    The name of their profession is being completely discredited by the proliferation of tacky PR writings produced by talentless individuals like the one writing that pile of crap in the Express.

    Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I am going to think that these talentless ‘writers’ are desperate because they cannot aspire at anything better. Of course the unsavoury alternative to this is that they can humiliate themselves putting their names near to crap like that because they don’t longer have a shred of dignity or pride left.

  128. crazycat says:

    @ David Mills at 5.54

    Begs the question as to the level of incompetence if Amber Rudds Home Office that they need business to compile the same list for them?

    As part of their frantic backtracking, the Tories are now obscuring the fact that the original purpose of their list was to identify specific businesses with large numbers of EU workers, in order to “shame” those businesses into employing locals instead.

    I’m sure the Home Office could use the register to compile a general list of EU nationals, but they would not then know who worked where, unless they went through everyone’s national insurance numbers. Far quicker to get the employers to do it for them.

  129. Orri says:

    Employers already have to check visas and ensure employees can legally work in the UK, the government already gets that info. Asking them to compile a little list is simply a form of intimidation given the stated intent of the exercise is to “shame” some of them.

  130. Undeadshuan says:


    Not attributing to you, auto text slipped it was a reply to you.

    I was stating that kkk and oo are similar.

    The oo is a wholly repugnant bigotted sectarian organisation that has no place in Scotland.

  131. Petra says:

    @ Glamaig says at 7:32 pm …. ”Petra – was it yourself that posted a superb list of Gordon Browns ‘achievements’? If so could you post it again please? Im sure he will be wheeled out again for Indyref 2 although Im not sure what he will be able to ‘promise’ this time.”

    Is it this one Glamaig which includes Blair and the Labour Party in general (I’ve got another on Brown alone but can’t find it right now)?

    I’ll post it but it REALLY needs to be updated, as I’ve got LOADS to add to it, but no time to do it right now. I would also like to put the points into chronological order and maybe remove some of the points altogether. I’ll get round to doing it eventually, maybe!


    1) Up to 50 thousand ‘excess’ deaths were recorded at hospitals during the last Labour Government. (Research by Sir Brian Jarman of Imperial College).

    2) The ‘Bedroom Tax’ was part of the Welfare Reform Act 2007 proposed by Labour.

    3) Between 1997 to 2010 gas prices rose 133% and electricity prices rose 69%. Why would the public ever trust Labour on energy prices again?

    4) The devastating impact of Labour’s raid on pensions: The tax grab has cost workers £118bn since 1997 (Office for Budget Responsibility).

    5) Labour spent £148.7 million on a National Measurements Office which forces traders to measure their goods in kilograms rather than pounds.

    6) The Royal Mail is now sold because of EU Postal Directive 2008/6/EC, brought in by the last Labour government.

    7) Council Tax doubled under Labour – 105% increase in England, 146% Wales. (The Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy: 26/03/09).

    8) In 2012/13 Labour councils employed nearly 23,000 people on zero-hour contracts.

    9) £660 million has been cut from Labour run NHS Wales over the last three years according to the Welsh TUC.

    10) When Labour came to power in 1997, spending on NHS managers was less than £190m. By 2010 this had increased by 450% to over £1bn per year.

    11) Labour wasted £11bn of taxpayers money on a failed IT project which was eventually scrapped by the NHS in 2013.

    12) Labour lumbered the NHS with vast PFI repayments – £50 billion worth of loans which are costing £300 billion in repayments.

    13) It was the Labour Party who awarded the DWP Medical Services Contract to ATOS on the 15th March 2005.

    14) Labour started the privatisation of the NHS. They brought in the 2006 NHS Act that introduced competition into the NHS.

    15) Labour introduced competition into the NHS: Competition Act 1998, Enterprise Act 2002 & Public Sector Procurement Regulations 2006.

    16) In 2006 Gordon Brown cut the flood defence budget by £14 million.

    17) Youth unemployment rose by more than 40% during Labour’s 13 years in office.

    18) Total stock of social housing fell under Labour – 421,000 homes were lost from the social housing stock between 1997 and 2010.

    19) British manufacturing grew by 28% between 1980 and 1997. Then, under Labour, it shrank by 6%: falling from 20% of GDP to just 11%.

    20) Labour left a deficit of £156 billion, PFI liability of £301 billion, EU Rebate loss £9.3 billion, Sold the Gold loss £6 billion.

    21) The last Labour government spent so much money on Labour cronies that it had a 5% structural deficit at the height of the boom.

    22) The use of food banks went up tenfold under Labour. From 3,000 users in 2005/06 to over 40,000 by 2009/10 (The Trussell Trust / C4 FactCheck).

    23) When Labour’s Gordon Brown became Prime Minister in 2007 UK public debt was 44.1% of GDP. When he left in 2010 it was 148.1%.

    24) Only 6,330 council houses were completed from 1998 to 2010 under Labour, compared with 17,710 in 1990 alone – Thatcher’s final year as PM.

    25) Tony Blair gave away a chunk of the UK’s EU rebate estimated now to have cost the UK £9.3 billion between 2007-2013.

    26) In 2010 Gordon Brown branded Rochdale voter Gillian Duffy “a bigoted woman” for daring to voice her concern about uncontrolled immigration.

    27) Labour are now complaining about gambling. But it was the Labour Party that wanted to build Super Casinos in some of the poorest areas in Britain.

    28) Labour closed more mines in 5 years than Thatcher did in 11 years.. 211 mines closed under Wilson 1965-70.. 154 under Thatcher 1979-90.

    29) Under Labour zero hour contracts increased by 74% between 2004 – 2009.

    30) Since Labour liberalised the law in 2000 to allow postal voting on demand, the number of postal voting fraud in Labour areas has soared.

    31) Labour wants to charge patients. Lord Warner said people should pay a £10-a-month fee to use NHS / £20 for every night they stay in hospital.

    32) Labour signed the Lisbon Treaty which gave away powers to the EU and reduced UK sovereignty and the power of our Westminster Parliament.

    33) Labour were responsible for the rise in payday lenders. Now they are campaigning against them.

    34) Labour presided over the slowest growth in 50 years and produced the fastest decline in British manufacturing since manufacturing began.

    35) Labour destroyed our border controls then with the help of the BBC denounced anybody who voiced concerns about mass immigration as racists.

    36) Labour councils are the biggest users of zero contracts.

    37) Under Labour between 1997 to 2010 the gap between rich and poor got wider.

    38) The last Labour government doubled the rate of income tax on the lowest paid.

    39) Labour MPs to remember: Denis MacShane (jailed), David Chaytor (jailed), Eric Illsley (jailed), Elliot Morley (jailed), Jim Devine (jailed).

    40) Blair invaded Iraq and Brown invaded the Treasury, both actions crippled us.

    41) Labour opposes democracy in Britain by denying the British people a referendum on EU membership.

    42) Labour Party Manifesto Pledge 2001: ‘We will not introduce top-up fees’.

    43) One of the reasons for high energy prices is EU driven ‘Green Taxes’ brought in by the last Labour government.

    44) It was Labour under Blair who handed control of British food regulation to the EU, (Regulation EC no 178/2002).

    45) Tony Blair and Labour essentially traded guns for access to oil with Libya. With Tony Blair using Gaddafis jet.

    46) The Labour Party paid only £14,000 in tax last year on total income of £33.3 million (The Spectator 30/07/2014).

    47) Tony Blair lied to and dragged the UK, against the will of the Scottish people, into an illegal war. The results of that still reverberating today with hundreds of thousands of people being killed. Children and women being tortured and raped and over 600,000 people having to flee their homes. He earns 150,000 giving speeches whilst millions are living in abject misery.

    48) Tony Blair and Donald Dewar sold off, behind the Scots backs, 6000 sq miles of Scottish Seas which included 7 oil fields the night before the Scottish Parliament was reconvened in 1999 (Stolen Seas – Youtube).

    49) MANY Labour Party Politicians rank HIGHEST, EVERY year, on the list of UK Politicians expense claims such as Anas Sarwar claimed £206,000 last year (2013) and Jim Murphy claimed £196,000.

    50) Invention of the Bedroom Tax: The previous Labour UK Government applied the same bedroom restrictions to private tenants under the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) from 2008. The present Con/Dem UK Coalition has extended it to Social Housing Tenants.

    51) Employment and Support Allowance introduced by UK Labour Government. Work Capability Assessments designed and introduced by Labour. Decision to re-assess everyone on Incapacity under WCA rules, also Labour. Contract drawn up by Labour UK Government; ATOS got the contract to implement UK Labour Government policy, statute and regulation. UK Con/Dem Government limited contribution-based ESA to one year, for all those not in support group.

    52) Workfare: Work for Your Benefit. The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Work for your Benefit Pilot Scheme) Regulations 2010 (S.I. 2010/1222) were legislated on 7 April 2010, and were to be applied from 22 November 2010.

    53) Labour’s Super Tax on the Poor: 70% plus. Labour makes much of its Working Tax Credit. However this was subject to a withdrawal rate of 39% for every extra pound in earnings. When combined with basic income tax and national insurance of 31% – that resulted in a Marginal Tax Rate of 70%.

    54) Lone Parents: The previous Labour Government’s Welfare Reform Act 2009 contained provisions to financially sanction parents of a child of 3 or over, for failure to comply with a work related activity.

    55) Attendance Allowance and DLA: The Labour Government released a green paper: ‘Shaping the future of care together’ which proposed abolishing (they used the term ‘integrating’) Attendance Allowance throughout the UK so that they could pay for a National Care system in England. The initial wording implied that DLA would also be affected; but this was then ruled out after pressure from disabled. New PIP test modelled on ESA.

    56) Carers: Carer’s Allowance was kept at a lower rate than Jobseeker’s Allowance by the last Labour Government. They promised a review, but it never happened.

    57) Cap on Discretionary Housing Payment of 2.5 times the allocation by the UK Government; introduced in 2001 by Labour Government.

    58) £660 million has been cut from Labour run NHS Wales over the last three years according to the Welsh TUC.

    59) When Labour came to power in 1997, spending on NHS managers was less than £190m. By 2010 this had increased by 450% to over £1bn per year.

    60) Harold Wilson and Jim Callaghan suppressed the truth about Scotland’s wealth in 1974, that is that Scotland with it’s North Sea oil could be as wealthy as Switzerland, our currency would be one of the strongest in Europe, we would have an annual budget surplus, would never have to borrow money and would have no debt. Scotland would have been an economic power house lending heavily to England and wielding great influence for it’s size. The report was locked away in a vault in Westminster for 30 years but there’s no doubt that subsequent Labour and Tory leaders (and others) knew about this too.

    (The McCrone Report: Official Suppression of the Truth about Scotlands Oil – youtube).

  132. Petra says:

    @ Glamaig says at 7:32 pm …. ”Petra – was it yourself that posted a superb list of Gordon Browns ‘achievements’? If so could you post it again please? Im sure he will be wheeled out again for Indyref 2 although Im not sure what he will be able to ‘promise’ this time.”

    Is it this one Glamaig which includes Blair and the Labour Party in general (I’ve got another on Brown alone but can’t find it right now)?

    I’ll post it but it REALLY needs to be updated, as I’ve got LOADS to add to it, but no time to do it right now. I would also like to put the points into chronological order and maybe remove some of the points altogether. I’ll get round to doing it eventually, maybe!


    1) Up to 50 thousand ‘excess’ deaths were recorded at hospitals during the last Labour Government. (Research by Sir Brian Jarman of Imperial College).

    2) The ‘Bedroom Tax’ was part of the Welfare Reform Act 2007 proposed by Labour.

    3) Between 1997 to 2010 gas prices rose 133% and electricity prices rose 69%. Why would the public ever trust Labour on energy prices again?

    4) The devastating impact of Labour’s raid on pensions: The tax grab has cost workers £118bn since 1997 (Office for Budget Responsibility).

    5) Labour spent £148.7 million on a National Measurements Office which forces traders to measure their goods in kilograms rather than pounds.

    6) The Royal Mail is now sold because of EU Postal Directive 2008/6/EC, brought in by the last Labour government.

    7) Council Tax doubled under Labour – 105% increase in England, 146% Wales. (The Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy: 26/03/09).

    8) In 2012/13 Labour councils employed nearly 23,000 people on zero-hour contracts.

    9) £660 million has been cut from Labour run NHS Wales over the last three years according to the Welsh TUC.

    10) When Labour came to power in 1997, spending on NHS managers was less than £190m. By 2010 this had increased by 450% to over £1bn per year.

    11) Labour wasted £11bn of taxpayers money on a failed IT project which was eventually scrapped by the NHS in 2013.

    12) Labour lumbered the NHS with vast PFI repayments – £50 billion worth of loans which are costing £300 billion in repayments.

    13) It was the Labour Party who awarded the DWP Medical Services Contract to ATOS on the 15th March 2005.

    14) Labour started the privatisation of the NHS. They brought in the 2006 NHS Act that introduced competition into the NHS.

    15) Labour introduced competition into the NHS: Competition Act 1998, Enterprise Act 2002 & Public Sector Procurement Regulations 2006.

    16) In 2006 Gordon Brown cut the flood defence budget by £14 million.

    17) Youth unemployment rose by more than 40% during Labour’s 13 years in office.

    18) Total stock of social housing fell under Labour – 421,000 homes were lost from the social housing stock between 1997 and 2010.

    19) British manufacturing grew by 28% between 1980 and 1997. Then, under Labour, it shrank by 6%: falling from 20% of GDP to just 11%.

    20) Labour left a deficit of £156 billion, PFI liability of £301 billion, EU Rebate loss £9.3 billion, Sold the Gold loss £6 billion.

    21) The last Labour government spent so much money on Labour cronies that it had a 5% structural deficit at the height of the boom.

    22) The use of food banks went up tenfold under Labour. From 3,000 users in 2005/06 to over 40,000 by 2009/10 (The Trussell Trust / C4 FactCheck).

    23) When Labour’s Gordon Brown became Prime Minister in 2007 UK public debt was 44.1% of GDP. When he left in 2010 it was 148.1%.

    24) Only 6,330 council houses were completed from 1998 to 2010 under Labour, compared with 17,710 in 1990 alone – Thatcher’s final year as PM.

    25) Tony Blair gave away a chunk of the UK’s EU rebate estimated now to have cost the UK £9.3 billion between 2007-2013.

  133. Petra says:

    26) Since Labour liberalised the law in 2000 to allow postal voting on demand, the number of postal voting fraud in Labour areas has soared.

    27) Labour are now complaining about gambling, however it was the Labour Party that wanted to build Super Casinos in some of the poorest areas in Britain.

    28) Labour closed more mines in 5 years than Thatcher did in 11 years.. 211 mines closed under Wilson 1965-70.. 154 under Thatcher 1979-90.

    29) Under Labour zero hour contracts increased by 74% between 2004 – 2009.

    30) In 2010 Gordon Brown branded Rochdale voter Gillian Duffy “a bigoted woman” for daring to voice her concern about uncontrolled immigration.

    31) Labour wants to charge patients. Lord Warner said people should pay a £10-a-month fee to use NHS / £20 for every night they stay in hospital.

    32) Labour signed the Lisbon Treaty which gave away powers to the EU and reduced UK sovereignty and the power of our Westminster Parliament.

    33) Labour were responsible for the rise in payday lenders. Now they are campaigning against them.

    34) Labour presided over the slowest growth in 50 years and produced the fastest decline in British manufacturing since manufacturing began.

    35) Labour destroyed our border controls then with the help of the BBC denounced anybody who voiced concerns about mass immigration as racists.

    36) Labour councils are the biggest users of zero contracts.

    37) Under Labour between 1997 to 2010 the gap between rich and poor got wider.

    38) The last Labour government doubled the rate of income tax on the lowest paid.

    39) Labour MPs to remember: Denis MacShane (jailed), David Chaytor (jailed), Eric Illsley (jailed), Elliot Morley (jailed), Jim Devine (jailed).

    40) Blair invaded Iraq and Brown invaded the Treasury, both actions crippled us.

    41) Labour opposes democracy in Britain by denying the British people a referendum on EU membership.

    42) Labour Party Manifesto Pledge 2001: ‘We will not introduce top-up fees’.

    43) One of the reasons for high energy prices is EU driven ‘Green Taxes’ brought in by the last Labour government.

    44) It was Labour under Blair who handed control of British food regulation to the EU, (Regulation EC no 178/2002).

    45) Tony Blair and Labour essentially traded guns for access to oil with Libya. With Tony Blair using Gaddafis jet.

    46) The Labour Party paid only £14,000 in tax last year on total income of £33.3 million (The Spectator 30/07/2014).

    47) Tony Blair lied to and dragged the UK, against the will of the Scottish people, into an illegal war. The results of that still reverberating today with hundreds of thousands of people being killed. Children and women being tortured and raped and over 600,000 people having to flee their homes. He earns 150,000 giving speeches whilst millions are living in abject misery.

    48) Tony Blair and Donald Dewar sold off, behind the Scots backs, 6000 sq miles of Scottish Seas which included 7 oil fields the night before the Scottish Parliament was reconvened in 1999 (Stolen Seas – Youtube).

    49) MANY Labour Party Politicians rank HIGHEST, EVERY year, on the list of UK Politicians expense claims such as Anas Sarwar claimed £206,000 last year (2013) and Jim Murphy claimed £196,000.

    50) Invention of the Bedroom Tax: The previous Labour UK Government applied the same bedroom restrictions to private tenants under the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) from 2008. The present Con/Dem UK Coalition has extended it to Social Housing Tenants.

    51) Employment and Support Allowance introduced by UK Labour Government. Work Capability Assessments designed and introduced by Labour. Decision to re-assess everyone on Incapacity under WCA rules, also Labour. Contract drawn up by Labour UK Government; ATOS got the contract to implement UK Labour Government policy, statute and regulation. UK Con/Dem Government limited contribution-based ESA to one year, for all those not in support group.

    52) Workfare: Work for Your Benefit. The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Work for your Benefit Pilot Scheme) Regulations 2010 (S.I. 2010/1222) were legislated on 7 April 2010, and were to be applied from 22 November 2010.

    53) Labour’s Super Tax on the Poor: 70% plus. Labour makes much of its Working Tax Credit. However this was subject to a withdrawal rate of 39% for every extra pound in earnings. When combined with basic income tax and national insurance of 31% – that resulted in a Marginal Tax Rate of 70%.

    54) Lone Parents: The previous Labour Government’s Welfare Reform Act 2009 contained provisions to financially sanction parents of a child of 3 or over, for failure to comply with a work related activity.

    55) Attendance Allowance and DLA: The Labour Government released a green paper: ‘Shaping the future of care together’ which proposed abolishing (they used the term ‘integrating’) Attendance Allowance throughout the UK so that they could pay for a National Care system in England. The initial wording implied that DLA would also be affected; but this was then ruled out after pressure from disabled. New PIP test modelled on ESA.

    56) Carers: Carer’s Allowance was kept at a lower rate than Jobseeker’s Allowance by the last Labour Government. They promised a review, but it never happened.

    57) Cap on Discretionary Housing Payment of 2.5 times the allocation by the UK Government; introduced in 2001 by Labour Government.

    58) £660 million has been cut from Labour run NHS Wales over the last three years according to the Welsh TUC.

    59) When Labour came to power in 1997, spending on NHS managers was less than £190m. By 2010 this had increased by 450% to over £1bn per year.

    60) Harold Wilson and Jim Callaghan suppressed the truth about Scotland’s wealth in 1974, that is that Scotland with it’s North Sea oil could be as wealthy as Switzerland, our currency would be one of the strongest in Europe, we would have an annual budget surplus, would never have to borrow money and would have no debt. Scotland would have been an economic power house lending heavily to England and wielding great influence for it’s size. The report was locked away in a vault in Westminster for 50 years but there’s no doubt that subsequent Labour and Tory leaders (and others) knew about this too.

    (The McCrone Report: Official Suppression of the Truth about Scotlands Oil – youtube).

  134. Petra says:

    Glamaig following having problems posting this you’ll see that I’ve had to split it up.


    26) Under Labour zero hour contracts increased by 74% between 2004 – 2009.

    27) Labour are now complaining about gambling, however it was the Labour Party that wanted to build Super Casinos in some of the poorest areas in Britain.

    28) Labour closed more mines in 5 years than Thatcher did in 11 years.. 211 mines closed under Wilson 1965-70.. 154 under Thatcher 1979-90.

    29) In 2010 Gordon Brown branded Rochdale voter Gillian Duffy “a bigoted woman” for daring to voice her concern about uncontrolled immigration.

    30) Since Labour liberalised the law in 2000 to allow postal voting on demand, the number of postal voting fraud in Labour areas has soared.

    31) Labour wants to charge patients. Lord Warner said people should pay a £10-a-month fee to use NHS / £20 for every night they stay in hospital.

    32) Labour signed the Lisbon Treaty which gave away powers to the EU and reduced UK sovereignty and the power of our Westminster Parliament.

    33) Labour were responsible for the rise in payday lenders. Now they are campaigning against them.

    34) Labour presided over the slowest growth in 50 years and produced the fastest decline in British manufacturing since manufacturing began.

    35) Labour destroyed our border controls then with the help of the BBC denounced anybody who voiced concerns about mass immigration as racists.

    36) Labour councils are the biggest users of zero contracts.

    37) Under Labour between 1997 to 2010 the gap between rich and poor got wider.

    38) The last Labour government doubled the rate of income tax on the lowest paid.

    39) Labour MPs to remember: Denis MacShane (jailed), David Chaytor (jailed), Eric Illsley (jailed), Elliot Morley (jailed), Jim Devine (jailed).

    40) Blair invaded Iraq and Brown invaded the Treasury, both actions crippled us.

    41) Labour opposes democracy in Britain by denying the British people a referendum on EU membership.

    42) Labour Party Manifesto Pledge 2001: ‘We will not introduce top-up fees’.

    43) One of the reasons for high energy prices is EU driven ‘Green Taxes’ brought in by the last Labour government.

    44) It was Labour under Blair who handed control of British food regulation to the EU, (Regulation EC no 178/2002).

    45) Tony Blair and Labour essentially traded guns for access to oil with Libya. With Tony Blair using Gaddafis jet.

    46) The Labour Party paid only £14,000 in tax last year on total income of £33.3 million (The Spectator 30/07/2014).

    47) Tony Blair lied to and dragged the UK, against the will of the Scottish people, into an illegal war. The results of that still reverberating today with hundreds of thousands of people being killed. Children and women being tortured and raped and over 600,000 people having to flee their homes. He earns 150,000 giving speeches whilst millions are living in abject misery.

    48) Tony Blair and Donald Dewar sold off, behind the Scots backs, 6000 sq miles of Scottish Seas which included 7 oil fields the night before the Scottish Parliament was reconvened in 1999 (Stolen Seas – Youtube).

    49) MANY Labour Party Politicians rank HIGHEST, EVERY year, on the list of UK Politicians expense claims such as Anas Sarwar claimed £206,000 last year (2013) and Jim Murphy claimed £196,000.

    50) Invention of the Bedroom Tax: The previous Labour UK Government applied the same bedroom restrictions to private tenants under the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) from 2008. The present Con/Dem UK Coalition has extended it to Social Housing Tenants.

    51) Employment and Support Allowance introduced by UK Labour Government. Work Capability Assessments designed and introduced by Labour. Decision to re-assess everyone on Incapacity under WCA rules, also Labour. Contract drawn up by Labour UK Government; ATOS got the contract to implement UK Labour Government policy, statute and regulation. UK Con/Dem Government limited contribution-based ESA to one year, for all those not in support group.

    52) Workfare: Work for Your Benefit. The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Work for your Benefit Pilot Scheme) Regulations 2010 (S.I. 2010/1222) were legislated on 7 April 2010, and were to be applied from 22 November 2010.

    53) Labour’s Super Tax on the Poor: 70% plus. Labour makes much of its Working Tax Credit. However this was subject to a withdrawal rate of 39% for every extra pound in earnings. When combined with basic income tax and national insurance of 31% – that resulted in a Marginal Tax Rate of 70%.

    54) Lone Parents: The previous Labour Government’s Welfare Reform Act 2009 contained provisions to financially sanction parents of a child of 3 or over, for failure to comply with a work related activity.

    55) Attendance Allowance and DLA: The Labour Government released a green paper: ‘Shaping the future of care together’ which proposed abolishing (they used the term ‘integrating’) Attendance Allowance throughout the UK so that they could pay for a National Care system in England. The initial wording implied that DLA would also be affected; but this was then ruled out after pressure from disabled. New PIP test modelled on ESA.

    56) Carers: Carer’s Allowance was kept at a lower rate than Jobseeker’s Allowance by the last Labour Government. They promised a review, but it never happened.

    57) Cap on Discretionary Housing Payment of 2.5 times the allocation by the UK Government; introduced in 2001 by Labour Government.

    58) £660 million has been cut from Labour run NHS Wales over the last three years according to the Welsh TUC.

    59) When Labour came to power in 1997, spending on NHS managers was less than £190m. By 2010 this had increased by 450% to over £1bn per year.

    60) Harold Wilson and Jim Callaghan suppressed the truth about Scotland’s wealth in 1974, that is that Scotland with it’s North Sea oil could be as wealthy as Switzerland, our currency would be one of the strongest in Europe, we would have an annual budget surplus, would never have to borrow money and would have no debt. Scotland would have been an economic power house lending heavily to England and wielding great influence for it’s size. The report was locked away in a vault in Westminster for 50 years but there’s no doubt that subsequent Labour and Tory leaders (and others) knew about this too.

    (The McCrone Report: Official Suppression of the Truth about Scotlands Oil – youtube).

  135. Petra says:

    Glamaig I’ve been having REAL problems trying to post the list. As you can see I’m now trying to post on this article and by dividing it up. There’s another 35 points on the list but for some reason it’s not appearing on here either. I’ll try again later.


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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
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