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Gagging order

Posted on March 07, 2020 by

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  1. 07 03 20 07:56

    Gagging order | speymouth

645 to “Gagging order”

  1. Graf Midgehunter says:

    As a farmer it’s mad cow disease, reckon he got it from bojo..!

  2. Willie says:

    Ah democracy!

    It’s when you get a bastard like Jack from a party that the country didn’t vote for.

  3. Rm says:

    Watched the film Gallipoli last night, I know it’s a film hyped up as films are but based on historic fact, typical english arrogance put thousands to their death for what, how can some humans treat other humans like that nae good and nae right, Scotlands being treated like that just now we’re being lined up for slaughter, told what to do by someone who doesn’t stay in our country and someone we’ve never voted for and the Scottish Government just seem to go along with it, they must have a bit more fight than what they’ve been showing.

  4. Straight out of the Trump/Johnson playbook,

    say/do mad, offensive, stupid stuff to deflect the MSM and proletariat from focusing on what you are really up to.

  5. Breeks says:

    Excellent Cartoon yet again Chris. Faultless caricature, and it would still be funny as an original one liner gag…

  6. Famous15 says:

    The problem is that you hear the shite Jack came out with ,in the local Labour Club.

  7. Capella says:

    Just had the first “those who menstruate” moment on RScotland news. An item on removing VAT from tampons was symbolic of removing a cost on “those who menstruate”. This read out by a “uterus haver” too!

    Happy Those Who Menstruate Day everyone.

    OTOH, 3 of Wokus Dei resigned from the SNP yesterday. Some shifting of the tectonic plates?

  8. Stuart MacKay says:

    Capella @9:15am

    There are plenty of doctors and pharma companies who would like women to sign up to the idea that menstruation is actually a disease that can easily be cured by signing up for a lifetime supply of these liberating drugs.

    Just another front on the War Against Women.

    woman {adj} [female]
        The sex defined by Man

  9. Dr Jim says:

    Looks like the angry gender activists who left the Labour party to join the SNP are leaving the SNP to join the Greens

    Notice how folk with a cause never join the Tories or Lib Dems, they seek out parties who allow engagement, so whatever side of the argument you might be on at least it shows that the SNP labour and the Greens allow people to talk

  10. Stuart MacKay says:

    Dr Jim

    I think you’re being too generous. Labour were colonised by Militant tendency with essentially the same outcome. The Tories have recently been colonised by the Neo-cons and right-leaning techno-utopians who despise government but want control.

    These parasitic groups are only interested in power. That’s why nobody looks at the Lib Dems. Having said that I am surprised the Greens are getting attention and they are not weaseling their way back into Labour now that the leadership race has clearly signalled the the Labour Party is open for colonisation once more.

  11. kapelmeister says:

    He’s wearing a face mask so he can hold up Scottish democracy.

  12. Republicofscotland says:

    Excellent, and spot on Chris Jack is definitely full of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD).

    Meanwhile, Willie Rennie’s demise as leader of the Lib/Dem branch office in Scotland and apologist for the whitewash child sex scandal really does look like its on the cards, well according to the unionist Press & Jounrnal, Rennie won’t be standing next year.

    Jo Swinson a woman of many dialects, every one a false one, is tipped to replace Rennie, Swinson led the Lib/Dems to their worst election result in years, in the process the deluded Lib/Dem claimed she’d be PM.

    Rennie in his time was nothing more than a anti independence gadfly in the chamber, replacing him with Swinson, is virtually like for like, will North East Fife embrace her, I certainly hope not.

    The whitewash by the Lib/Dems on the child sex scandal, should see them reduced at in numbers at Holyrood next year.

  13. Republicofscotland says:

    Scottish Tory branch office MP David Duguid, has been ordered to payback £777 pounds after using House of Commons stationary, and postage to send unsolicited party political leaflets to constituents in Banff and Buchan

    Duguid (Do bad on this occasion) was censured by a Westminster watchdog for using taxpayers cash to send 1,000 envelopes first class.

  14. Willie says:

    Kapellmeister @10.05.

    Jack wearing a mask is a benefit because it will help keep the smell of shite in. He’s full of the stuff, just full of it.

  15. Rick H Johnston says:

    I can mind the time when scottish secretaries were considered to be significant politicians whose views were listened to.
    This wee sleekit bootlicker Alister Jack is so feckless and peripheral he’d be hard to spot on a specsavers eye test.
    If the clown resigned would anybody notice?

  16. Republicofscotland says:

    Arbroath abbey is to get a £300,000 upgrade in the run up to the 700th anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath.

    The Declaration was sent to Pope John XXII on April 6th 1320. A near perfect copy will go on show as part of a new exhibition.

    (HES) Historic Environment Scotland, said that as part of the anniversary celebrations entrance to the abbey and exhibitions will be free on Monday 6th of April.

    “Our nation lived in freedom and quietness until Edward, King of England, under colour of friendship and alliance, attacked us, all unsuspecting, when we had neither King nor Head and our people were unacquainted with wars and invasion.”

    From the Declaration of Arbroath 1320.

  17. Republicofscotland says:

    Groups opposing gender law changes will, protest outside Holyrood today, it will be part of a International Woman’s Day event in and around Holyrood, bordering on hypocrisy the FM Nicola Sturgeon will speak at the event, (A non party occasion) to celebrate some things that the Scottish government has produced with regards to giving women equality such as reducing period poverty.

    However the group Women for Scotland will accuse the Scottish government and other MSPs of ignoring womens concerns over the GRA that will severely impact on womens rights and services.

    I hope that the message get through to Sturgeon and Co to halt this woke madness before its too late.

  18. auld highlander says:

    The declaration of Arbroath is going on display from 27 th of this month for a month.
    link to

  19. Breeks says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    7 March, 2020 at 10:46 am
    Arbroath abbey is to get a £300,000 upgrade in the run up to the 700th anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath.

    With a bit of luck, Scotland the Nation will be getting a bit of an upgrade and Constitutional overhaul too… and not before time.

  20. admiral says:

    Poor wee Willie Rennie! Valiantly holds the fort as assistant branch office manager, then when his boss loses her job at HQ, he’s the one that gets the heave to make way for her.

    Ha ha ha…

  21. Republicofscotland says:

    Just a wee reminder as to where the whitewash child sex scandal Lib/Dems stand on the GRA front, on th off chance that folk from North East Fife might think of voting for Swinson/Rennie next year.

    “The Liberal Democrats received over £300,000 in just over a year from Ferring, a drug firm that manufactures puberty blockers for “transgender” children.
    The Liberal Democrats received a £100,000 donation from the puberty blocker manufacturer in the last month, and another £234,000 earlier in July 2018.”

    link to

  22. John H. says:

    Sorry to be o/t so soon.

    I heard an interview on LBC this morning with an English guy living in China who has had coronavirus. His symptoms came in three stages, the first being a heavy cold, which he recovered from. Then came the second, a serious dose of flu, which he also recovered from. The third was pneumonia, which felt more serious and was, he said, like he was using only a quarter of his lungs capacity. It was at that point that he had to be admitted to hospital. He seems to be fully recovered now.

    He is a young man and says he never felt that his life was in danger. So, at least we have an idea of what to look for. With good hygiene hopefully we won’t have to worry about it.

  23. Muscleguy says:

    Jack’s criticism of the bridge proposal was that it would be closed a lot for weather, ignoring how well the baffles on the Queensferry Crossing have worked.

    In terms of the tunnel he said we could have a bridge going into a tunnel coming up onto another bridge (like Öresund Bridge) somehow those bridges would be immune to being closed for weather.

    Not to mention where’s the money for the transport links to the bridge abutments on this side?

    One big reason for building such bridges is to put rail on them, except the Irish use a different rail gauge. There are workarounds, basically you lift the wagon bed and put it on a different set of wheels. You would have an incoming Scots gauge train in the middle, the Scots goods would go to one side onto Irish wheels while on the other side and outgoing Irish train would be put on the Scots wheels.

    Or we do it on the Scots side with Irish trains crossing, but I predict they will duck the issue and not put rail on it.

    In NZ there’s the Auckland harbour bridge, road only. There is no rail on the entire North Shore of Auckland city to this day. A distinct lack of vision.

    IF we are going to build a tunnel to Ireland it will need to be rail only like the Chunnel. You put road vehicles onto the train for the crossing. This takes out road traffic accidents, which WILL happen from closing the tunnel. It will also make it harder for people smuggling across the border, something we will have to consider wrt the border with England, in both directions.

  24. Golfnut says:

    I may be misremembering, but did Swindon not tie herself notes over GRA during the GE or libs leadership campaign.

  25. Golfnut says:

    Each, knots not notes.

  26. Golfnut says:

    Ach not each.
    I’m away.

  27. Dr Jim says:

    Willie Rennie is not a smart man but truthfully he’s a genius compared to Jo Swinson
    I’ve had occasion to speak with Swinson several times over the years and she really is sooo veeery veeery sloooow unless there’s a camera around then she becomes all chirpy and hockey sticks

    Her brain power has never gotten bigger but her ego has, the wummin pure loves hersel

  28. Dr Jim says:

    Willie Rennie has made a complaint to parliament that Kate Forbes has secretly kept money in reserve for an Independence referendum this year, how do you keep secret money at Holyrood they don’t have a tree or a big sofa

  29. Republicofscotland says:

    Is this the beginning of the fight back to win the heart of the SNP from the ultra woke brigade?

    I certainly hope so.

    link to

  30. Republicofscotland says:

    I hope the group Women for Scotland are really giving our FM Nicola Sturgeon a hard time today on the GRA issue. Sgurgeon is use to being greeted by smiling faces in Scotland when dealing with the public.

    Meanwhile this gives you a reasonably good idea as to who’s driving this issue. I can only hope the SNP haven’t succumbed to donations to their coffers, or personally, for a favourable outlook on GRA.

    link to

  31. MorvenM says:

    Dr Jim

    Considering a lot of us paid money a few years back into what was supposed to be a ring-faced fund for an independence referendum, I would sincerely hope they do have money in reserve.

    Great cartoon, Chris. I suppose it goes to show you don’t even need to have a tunnel to keep digging.?

  32. Katie says:

    @John H. You’re right! This is really scary stuff. I think its only going to be a matter of time before we see young healthy people die of this too! My worry is that when we get to this stages, washing you hands to ‘God Save the Queen’ (haha!!) until they are red raw won’t make a tiny bit of difference!!

  33. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile the penny has finally dropped for the British immigrants, in Spain, oops I meant expats, its only everyone else that’s immigrants who voted for Brexit.

    link to

  34. Lets be fair to Jack he at least has the decency to wear,a mask like all robbers

  35. Dan says:

    @Dr Jim

    Did you have a yabba dabba doo time with Jo.

    Swinsons. Meet the Swinsons
    They’re the modern political family
    Both were MPs for the LibDems
    But their voting history is more Tory…

    I understand she received a donation from a fracking group as well as healthcare groups.

    link to

    link to

    Plus, the husband works for the UK Branch of NGO Transparency International, a group that are supposedly all about anti-corruption…

  36. Republicofscotland says:

    “Considering a lot of us paid money a few years back into what was supposed to be a ring-faced fund for an independence referendum, I would sincerely hope they do have money in reserve.”

    Yeah don’t get your hopes up too high.

    Of course the “ringfenced” indy funds might be guarded by eunuchs with their tongues cut out in the Svalbard Global Seed bank, in deep storage waiting for the get go.

    The SNP’s donors donations during last years GE were pretty low.

    link to

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  37. Republicofscotland says:

    Dan the Lib/Dems have form in taking money from dodgy characters.

    link to

  38. meg merrilees says:

    Republic of Scotland

    I should think that the confusion ‘ex pats’ in Spain are experiencing matches how Europeans workers resident in this country are feeling about their future here.

    Whilst few here care to know about them and their experience, we’re all supposed to be sympathising with these ‘poor old brits’ who have made their lives in Spain and it might all be about to go belly up – oh dear!

  39. meg merrilees says:

    If the woke folk are really leaving the SNP then maybe they feel they have caused enough mayhem.

    Don’t forget folks, the S Gov consultation finishes on March 17th

    Read this link for some interesting explanations.

  40. Liz g says:

    RepublicofScotland @ 2.20
    It’s scary stuff..
    Mibbi I do watch too much conspiracy stuff on line
    The fact that most kids being enticed into this treatment are already on the autism spectrum somewhere or have other mental health problems.
    The adults who are opting for it also seem to be non conformist to society driven norms and/or are not heterosexual!
    I can’t shake the notion that, because the result of these treatments is the sterilisation of these people!
    That the sterilisation of them is the underlying aim of this ideology.
    Horrible I know….
    But, if, I’m remembering correctly the research produced in London’s Tavastock clinic has been used in this way before….
    Most famously by the Nazi doctor’s and more recently and less well know by U.S. doctors in a program of forced sterilisation of people who had a family member of “low intelligence” aka a kid with special needs.
    To convince a group of people to voluntary take part in their own,or their children’s sterilisation,and to have it supported on the ground by universities and applauded in schools,it seems to me, to be a, very 21st century concept of eugenics?
    Not to mention…
    Women I.E. Adult Human Female’s would very much need to be alienated from supporting and defending the target group!!!
    But whit dae ah know 🙂
    I’m away to figure oot who shot JFK……

  41. robertknight says:

    Admiral @ 11:38

    “Poor wee Willie Rennie! Valiantly holds the fort as assistant branch office manager, then when his boss loses her job at HQ, he’s the one that gets the heave to make way for her.”

    Aye, but you know what these BritNat troughers are like – he’ll be destined to get fitted out for his ermine clown-suit with a view to joining Truth Davidson on the red benches. The British Establishment likes to take care of their own does it not?

  42. Breeks says:

    link to

    Good catch Phantom Power.

    If Rennie steps down over Steel, then Swinson’s canary yellow jaikit is on a shoogily peg already.

    Pity. She’d be a star performer for Better Together MK2. She’s got the Davidson Factor. Well liked and overhyped by the BritNat Propagandists, but to normal and rational people, she’s an overblown narcissistic toady who’s just a little to keen to be useful idiot.

    meg merrilees says:
    7 March, 2020 at 3:41 pm
    If the woke folk are really leaving the SNP then maybe they feel they have caused enough mayhem.

    Good sign yes, but a boat load questions remain. Is it progressive new found wisdom, or cynical damage limitation that numerous high heid yins will resent?

    Might be an interesting bellwether to see whether Angus Robertson and Joanna Cherry come to an amicable arrangement… or whether it remains all smiles through gritted teeth.

    And another big question arises for all those who stuck the knife into Rev Stu too… Have a wee word with yourselves… If it wasn’t for Rev Stu, who else was gonna rattle this cage? Just ask yourself whether this septic boil would have been lanced like it appears to have been, or left to fester indefinitely to really wreck the SNP when central to a strategic wrecking campaign orchestrated by the BritNat Media.

    Thank you, Rev Stu. You’ll no doubt get all your thanks in one day, but as far as I’m concerned, you’ve helped the SNP to dodge a bullet the size of an artillery shell, and for that we should all be thankful… Even if it’s exposed the truth the SNP isn’t the surefooted safe pair of hands used to be, that’s no fault of yours.

  43. HYUFD says:

    Katie With washing your hands and self isolation where required the spread of coronavirus can be contained, without washing hands and self isolation where required its spread cannot be contained and far more people will get it. Percentage wise only about 1 to 2% of people under 50 at most will find it is fatal but if more people get it in raw terms more younger people will die of it

  44. jfngw says:


    Where did you get these stats because as far as I can tell there has not been enough deaths to produce any reliable stat regarding those under 50. If you got them from Boris Johnson then they are almost certainly a lie since I can rarely recall one sentence from him that does not encompass a lie somewhere in it.

  45. jfngw says:

    I see the current revelation from Andrew Wilson is we need to get behind Nicola Sturgeon because the truth will win us big time. Is this the ‘We will not be taken out of the EU against our will’ or ‘There will be a referendum in 2020 truth’?

  46. Simon Curran says:

    link to
    So according to the National Audit Office Govt depts have spent over £4 billion preparing for Brexit. That presumably is about £360 million of money from taxpayers in Scotland. Seems grossly unfair that they should have to pay for something they rejected.

  47. Republicofscotland says:

    “The fact that most kids being enticed into this treatment are already on the autism spectrum somewhere or have other mental health problems.”


    The really big problem will arise when those kids and young adults realise they’ve made a terrible mistake, and if unable to reverse the process, they’ll be very angry that they were allowed (duped)to do what they did at such a young age.

    Meanwhile the breast binding, puberty blocking, hormone producing, companies, owned by the rich will have made a pretty penny from those young and easily influenced individuals.

    No doubt the taxpayer will be left to foot any bill to try and sort it out.

  48. Republicofscotland says:

    “So according to the National Audit Office Govt depts have spent over £4 billion preparing for Brexit. That presumably is about £360 million of money from taxpayers in Scotland. Seems grossly unfair that they should have to pay for something they rejected.”


    Add in 50,000 new customs and excise officers say at £30,000 per year for each officer.

    link to

  49. callmedave says:

    UK will leave EU aviation safety regulator at end of 2020

    link to

  50. Republicofscotland says:

    Our FM Nicola Sturgeon trusting in the science when it comes to the Coronavirus, pity she doesn’t have the same inclination when it comes to defining a woman.

    link to

  51. HYUFD says:

    jfngw Stats of death rate by age from Chinese Centre of Disease Control as reported by the BBC, from 0.2% for those under 20 to 15% for those over 80
    link to

  52. Dan says:

    @Republicofscotland says at 6:05 pm

    No doubt the taxpayer will be left to foot any bill to try and sort it out.

    Aye, no doubt.
    Not a dissimilar situation to cleaning up the environment with either the plastic waste, or tree planting to counter carbon emissions.
    Government grants are available for big landowners to plant trees so the poor yet again subsidising the wealthy.

    I was sea fishing a few days ago and whilst waiting on bites I was pondering that the massive amounts of plastic waste being washed up with the tides has been created in my lifetime.
    To get some perspective on that, the tides have been coming in and out for approximately 3 billion years, but the last 50 years of recent human activity has created pretty much every bit of plastic you see on our shoreline.

    I therefore have no particular issue with corona wiping out the shit stain of humanity.
    Bring it on coz what’s really the biggest virus and threat to the planet.

  53. Republicofscotland says:

    “I was sea fishing a few days ago and whilst waiting on bites I was pondering that the massive amounts of plastic waste being washed up with the tides has been created in my lifetime.
    To get some perspective on that, the tides have been coming in and out for approximately 3 billion years, but the last 50 years of recent human activity has created pretty much every bit of plastic you see on our shoreline.”

    Indeed Dan plastic pollution is out of control, I don’t know if you know this Dan, but there’s a place in the Atlantic ocean called the North Atlantic Garbage Patch.

    The patch is estimated to be hundreds of kilometers across in size, with a density of over 200,000 pieces of debris per square kilometer. Sadly there’s also the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is just as awful.

    Add in that Henderson Island (Pitcairn Islands) is the most plastic polluted island in the world, and you can see that the human race has been reckless when it comes to the use of plastics.

    link to

    link to

    link to

  54. jfngw says:


    A Conservatives believes stats produced by the Chinese, well there has to be a first for everything. Strange as the reported cases in China seem to have some dubious methods of diagnosing the occurrence of the of infected.

    link to

  55. Dorothy Devine says:

    Well done to Euan and Crazy for a spectacular display at Crufts!

    Loved every minute.

  56. Dan says:

    Ya, I keep an eye on things like that.
    I’ve mentioned before that waste plastic has approximately the same calorific value per kilo as the highly prized resource of oil which takes some serious effort and engineering complexities to access.
    Yet our society just throws a resource with potentially similar value away.

    We’ve got cargo ships propelled by burning tonnes of dirty bunker fuel which float around our oceans delivering cheap shite plastic products from far flung lands.
    They can be full of the likes of patio furniture that lasts a season or two before being launched into general waste at “recycling” centres then dumped in landfill.
    That there is fuckin genius management of such a resource.

    “Climate Emergency” they shout, but rather than focus on getting control of our own country so we can begin to play our own small part in developing better practices, our government appears corrupted by the interests of dubious lobby groups with their niche interests.

  57. velofello says:

    Well said Breeks, Rev Stu is owed a vote of thanks for revealing the efforts of the Wokus Dei group in the SNP.

  58. Grouse Beater says:

    Union Jack, what a sad sack he is, Chris.

    ‘ll be driving in and around his territory Sunday. You have to ask how somebody of little intellect can become a landowner and Tory MP until you remember what the British establishment is all about.

    Your essential weekend reading:

    ‘An SNP in Disarray’ link to

  59. cynicalHighlander says:


    Yet again on the button well said. @ 4.52pm

  60. Mike d says:

    The people of Scotland didnt vote for this c**t as an mp. So By what democratic authority does he speak for Scotland. Time to get shot of these gauleiters foisted on us.No other people on earth with a spine would tolerate this sh*te.

  61. HYUFD says:

    Jfngw Try the World Health Organisation then which gives a 3.4% global death rate from coronavirus—3-march-2020

  62. Alasdair Angus Macdonald says:

    That cartoon is pure brilliant!!!

  63. Mike d says:

    Dan. 6.57pm. Thoroughly agree with your post. And sad as it is for humanity, these establishment b’xxxxds and their money wont be able to privately buy their way out of any life threatening viruses about to be unleashed.One coffin size fits all.

  64. McDuff says:

    Why on earth has the National given Swinson`s possible return to Holyrood front page coverage.???????

  65. Mike d says:

    Meg merrilees 3.29pm. The majority of those english ‘immigrants’in spain voted for brexit, so like the scottish farmers and fishermen, i say. Suck it right fookin up.

  66. dakk says:

    @Mike d

    ‘And sad as it is for humanity, these establishment b’xxxxds and their money wont be able to privately buy their way out of any life threatening viruses about to be unleashed.One coffin size fits all.’

    Not sure about that mike d.

    I’ve heard covid19 is being quite successfully treated with anti viral HIV drugs.

    They are expensive and supply will be limited if/when covid19
    becomes endemic here.

    A cache will be reserved for certain people.

    I look at Italy and wonder why the death rate is so high compared to other European countries.

    Is it because they are further down the curve and cannot effectively medicate the growing numbers.

    As for China and Iran,and S.Korea,I’m not sure their data would be reliable.

  67. Dan says:

    Mike d at 9.47pm

    A lot of those British immigrants living in Spain are older and retired and they may have their own personal regrets, but those ignorant selfish arseholes have basically fucked over the entire younger UK generation from enjoying the same freedoms they had.

    link to

  68. Liz g says:

    —– Just Because —– Scotland 🙂
    Today March 7th in 1876…
    Alexander Graham Bell patented the ….. Telephone…
    Those who thought it was obvious it would be the Telephone he patented may also like to know he invented the microphone too. His Wife and mother both being deaf-mutes was his motivation for dedicating himself to improving communications! 🙂

  69. Stuart MacKay says:

    He beat me to it but when Grouse Beater puts the boot in he really goes for it. link to

  70. Mike d says:

    Dan 10.01 Absolutely.

  71. Mike d says:

    Dakk 9.54. Yeah if drugs are available to the wealthy then the plebs come further down the pecking order. But i thinking of a super dooper virus that will sweep us all away.

  72. dakk says:

    @ Mike d


    Bring it on!

    Mibbee 🙂

  73. Mike d says:

    Wonder how the iranian minister who was diagnosed with covid 19 is getting on?

  74. Mike d says:

    Off topic here, my ardent brexiteer tory voting pensioner 65 still working teacher, neighbour.(who takes her state pension) but told my wife 70 is a reasonable age to retire at. Now struck down with guillane barre since xmass. Been sent back home and relying on carers and my wifes good nature. I personally say f. Her. Let the tory party she loves help her. My wife says i’m mean. I will do f all to help people like this who now need help when they’ve ignored the plight of people who needed help.

  75. meg merrilees says:

    Mike D
    couldn’t agree more.

    The Brits abroad think they are desirable persons when a lot of them are really selfish ad they think that foreigners living here should be kicked out so we can take back control.

    How will they feel when the Spanish kick them out – oh, but we’re told in the video that won;t happen because the Spanish economy needs them too much.

    We’ll see!!!

  76. Mike d says:

    Meg merrilees .thumbs up.

  77. dakk says:

    Mike d

    ‘Wonder how the iranian minister who was diagnosed with covid 19 is getting on?’

    I thought he was hamming it up a bit.

    He’s no pan breed surely?

  78. Dr Jim says:

    If the UK pensioners abroad have to come back there’ll not be many tears from the Spanish, they’ll be quite happy to see the back of them except for the medical practices who make a good living off the Brits abroad claiming on the free card health system

    If it goes the way it looks like going there could be many thousands returning broke because they won’t be able to sell their properties to anyone but the Spanish, and they’ll only offer rock bottom prices

    95% of my customers were English pensioners mostly living off state pensions, without free medical they can’t afford to live there because there’s not much difference in the cost of living in Spain compared to here now so there’s no way they can afford houses in England

    Oh Christ! they’ll come to Scotland for the free prescriptions, ***Alister Jack was right***, these bloody English migrants only come to Scotland for our NHS and benefits

    Build a wall, we need a wall now

  79. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Dr Jim

    We could of course heard the lot of them into Corona-virus quarantine centres and ply them with WHO approved experimental vaccines … that should thin them out a bit.

  80. HYUFD says:

    Mike D That would be the Tories putting £20 billion more into the NHS? The Tories who have also halved the level of unemployment Labour left in 2010?

  81. HYUFD says:

    Your pensioner neighbour sounds a model citizen and well done your wife, at least we can say there is one civilised human being in your household

  82. Col.Blimp IV says:

    I don’t think the powers that be have hyped up an impending apocalypse to this extent since the Y2K bug.

    If memory serves, not one single computer on the planet was infected … But none of the “experts” or any of their political allies/dupes were fined, imprisoned, disgraced or shot for incompetence or malfeasance.

    A great deal of money was made though.

  83. John D says:

    Mike D . Spot on regards the neighbour.
    She too probably lies that the Tories aren’t privatising the nhs by stealth to stuff more public money in their pockets . Probably reckons sanctioning folks benefits or requiring people to work for poverty level wages is reducing unemployment numbers, which it is but still increasing poverty. They quote the former repeatedly but don’t give a shit about the latter . Despicable humans these Tory types

  84. jfngw says:


    The WHO death rate is meaningless regarding the UK, it is a worldwide estimate including countries with less developed healthcare. It even varies across China.

    From a US website – livescience

    ‘Still, the death rate for COVID-19 appears to vary by location and an individual’s age, among other factors. For instance, in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak, the death rate reached 2.9%; in other provinces of China, that rate was just 0.4%, according to the China CDC Weekly study. In addition, older adults have been hit the hardest. The death rate soars to 14.8% in those 80 and older; among those ages 70 to 79, the COVID-19 death rate in China seems to be about 8%; it’s 3.6% for those ages 60 to 69; 1.3% for 50 to 59; 0.4% for the age group 40 to 49; and just 0.2% for people ages 10 to 39. No deaths in children under 9 have been reported.’

    Not great news for me being 65.

    The current plan is not really to reduce the cases in the UK but to flatten the contagion rate. Although my experience with humans and cleanliness makes me doubt this approach will be as effective as they hope (having been in the toilet with a waiter who had recently served me, who then walked out without washing his hands).

  85. John D says:

    Whatever happens with the virus two things are sure. Pharma will seek and reap profit and nothing gets more publicity than shit that might negatively affect or upset the privileged . Note how people having their flying about delayed creates national (sic) outcry but increasing thousands of children living in poverty in the uk doesn’t bother MSM

  86. HYUFD says:

    John D Average weekly earnings up too.

    link to

  87. HYUFD says:

    Jfngw Italy has just quarantined 16 million people in Lombardy, including Venice and Milan, with 3 months jail for breach.

    If absolutely necessary we could follow suit

  88. Col.Blimp IV says:

    jfngw says:

    “The current plan is not really to reduce the cases in the UK but to flatten the contagion rate…”

    Can we really be sure of what the plan is?

    We are told that 80% of us will be struck down by this plague in the next six months and that most of us will have mild symptoms i.e runny nose sore throat and a temperature of 38 degrees, and that it will be the last straw that causes a couple of old codgers with underlying health problems to bite the dust.

    That sounds a bit like like every year in living memory … from my perspective the only thing to worry about is that I am now one those old codgers with underlying health problems.

    “…If you believed they put a man on the moon,

    man on the moon

    If you believe there’s nothing up their sleeve,

    then nothing is cool…”

  89. Famous15 says:


    As you are a Tory councillor in Essex your presence here reminds me of the vultures in the savannah in central Africa circling round in the air to feast on the dead and dying. You must be getting hungry.

  90. Liz g says:

    HYUFD @ 1.12am
    Our First Minister is very clear and believable about the containment advice…. And from what we know of our Health Service we’re fine and able to cope,our population numbers and our geography will work for us in this…
    But here’s the thing….
    Your Prime Minister seems less clear and credible….And from what we know of your health service!
    Don’t you think there’s an argument for getting it early before it’s overwhelms the pitiful resources?
    Or do you trust Johnston to step up?
    A bed in a hospital or a camp bed in a community centre may be the real reason Johnston is being so coy?
    How confident are you in the Westminster Government to do the right thing here?
    Because it I were in your shoes….considering getting it early might no be such a bad thing!!!
    And that’s the real reason your government is shit.
    Rich successful Westminster the government with all the resources can’t be trusted to, or made to, act.
    How confident are you of a bed for you and yours my friend ?

  91. John D says:

    HYUFD is a Tory councillor! Forgot about that. Imagine being an elected official who relies on a voting system designed to deliver a representative voted by a minority of those who can be even arsed to vote! Also rely on fooling enough people with lies disguised.
    For example . If all poverty/ minimum wage earners didn’t receive a pay rise in the last 10 years but those already on multiples of that receive an above inflation or any increase every year then I quite truthfully can and will tell people that “average” weekly earnings are UP .
    If I were a duplicitous cunt that is .

  92. John D says:

    We know most Tories now are reliant on fooling people abetted by a shite voting system in FPTP.
    I think it should be one person one vote. With legal guardians responsible for their dependents votes till the age of 14. Amongst other things maybe those children raised in state care might not just be at the mercy of the state paedophilic predators networks.

  93. Breeks says:

    I absolutely give Angus MacNeil and Chris McEleny the green light to force a Plan B onto the SNP agenda, and good luck to them, and yet at the same time, I feel utterly despondent that the SNP is just at the stage of “maybe” discussing a possible alternative political strategy, when I myself, find myself at the point of utter exasperation with the poverty of ambition running throughout Scottish politics.

    Discuss Plan B? Well, yes, but you’re about 5 years off the pace.

    Can we also discuss Impeachment of the Scottish Government for their active complicity with overruling the democratic will of the Scottish people, and the colonial subjugation of Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty? That’s where my head’s at… not a Plan B strategy, but a Plan B Government which at the very least believes in Scotland’s National Constitution and Sovereignty.

    Scotland needs to step away from the Colonial Scotland Act, not just over Scotland’s democratic castration by Section 30, but the whole rotten convention of “devolved empowerment”, which doesn’t empower a Sovereign people to do anything at all. Instead it usurps our rightful authority, codifies our colonial subjugation and thereby denies Scotland the right of Constitutional defence, military defence (and thereby veto nuclear pollution by the MoD), and even curtails Scotland’s access to diligent Broadcasting of political debate and open discussion unfettered by BritNat propaganda and indoctrination. Devolution eh? Is that short for de-evolution by any chance?

    It seems increasingly apparent that Holyrood is to rancid UK Government what BBC Scotland is to the rancid BBC… the bigger the shill you are for the Union, the more glittering and rewarding the career that awaits you. Well, maybe Scotland has finally seen enough.

    Maybe Scotland’s next Independence Party isn’t going to contest seats in Holyrood because Holyrood is stripped and laid bare as the UK’s puppet assembly that is just a little too complicit and eager to be governed by colonial conventions imposed on Scotland from London.

    Maybe Scotland’s next Independence Party will adopt Scotland’s National Constitution, the Declaration of Arbroath and the Popular Sovereignty of the Scottish people enshrined therein, as it’s governing constitution, and the chains of the “Union” will be gone by the years end, and the Nation of Scotland will be delivered from its Rip van Winkle purgatory.

    Scotland’s subjugation over Brexit overruled a democratic mandate from our sovereign people. Fact. Westminster’s rule by sovereign convention requires sovereignty to be pooled by mutual consent. Fact. That convention was breached when both Westminster and Holyrood saw fit to overrule the emphatic will of the Sovereign Scottish people. Fact. The convention was breached. The Treaty of Union was breached. The United Kingdom was breached. Fact, fact, fact.

    The Union is dead if we choose it to be. Fact. Destroyed by Brexit. Fact. Let us now present our case to the International Community at the UN and Council of Europe, and petition both for International recognition of the new reality.

    What are the odds of discussing any of that at SNP Conference Angus? Do you now see my problem?

  94. Golfnut says:

    @ Breeks.

    Nor should we forget that it matters not whether you are a bench warmer at Holyrood, a Whitehall mandarin, a UK gov minister or indeed the crown, you are answerable to us the sovereign people of Scotland.

  95. Robert Louis says:

    Breeks at 0709am,

    Another excellent posting. Five years. Five utterly wasted years, and mandate, after mandate, after mandate. Yet still the SNP ‘leader’ship waffles on about effing section 30. Still they sit on their hands, ‘promising’ the gullible a referendum sometime ‘soon’.

    Few political leaders are given the kind of powerful electoral mandates Nicola Sturgeon has been given, time after time after time. Yet what has she done about what she claims is her core policy, independence? Sweet f all. Five utterly wasted years. The SNP can go swivel, if they think they’ll get my vote again. Fool me once, and all that.

    One part of your post is worth re-quoting, and one can only hope that somebody somewhere within the SNP takes heed;

    “Scotland’s subjugation over Brexit overruled a democratic mandate from our sovereign people. Fact. Westminster’s rule by sovereign convention requires sovereignty to be pooled by mutual consent. Fact. That convention was breached when both Westminster and Holyrood saw fit to overrule the emphatic will of the Sovereign Scottish people. Fact. The convention was breached. The Treaty of Union was breached. The United Kingdom was breached. Fact, fact, fact.”

    F**ing excellent post.

  96. Stuart MacKay says:

    Grouse Beater delivers another full broadside, link to The comments, at least so far are worth a read too.

  97. Rm says:

    Holyrood was set up by unionists for unionists to keep control of the natives when entering the 21st century, they were hoping at Westminster that The set up of a talk shop still controlled by london would last 300 years maybe or until every bit of goodness has been squeezed out of Scotland, but some natives don’t like it and are fighting back, nothing lasts forever especially a union forced on a Nation who didn’t want it, time for change, change is coming westminster can’t and won’t stop it.

  98. Mist001 says:

    How can Angus MacNeil and Chris McEleny raise a ‘Plan B’ at the SNP ‘conference’ since there wasn’t even a ‘Plan A’ in the first place as it turned out?

    We’re told by Mrs. Murrell that 80% of the population of Scotland will be affected by the Coronavirus. What about the 20% that won’t be affected? What are they doing that the rest of us should be doing in order not to be affected by it?

    It says in todays Guardian re The Alex Salmond trial that “While there is no general prohibition on identifying sexual offence complainers in Scotland, editorial convention dictates that they are not.”

    So, name and shame the complainants. Let’s all see who they are. It’s only convention, not a legal requirement that they’re not named. It’s only a persons own sense of right and wrong that prevents them being named.

    09.30 on Sunday morning and already the bullshit levels are off the scale and the day’s barely begun yet.

  99. robertknight says:

    I had to chuckle at Sturgeon being portrayed in the press as reiterating the importance of hand-washing. She seems far more adept at hand-wringing! No doubt reciting the mantra “Need more mandates, need more mandates, need more mandates…” as she does so.

    Looking back at the SNP under her leadership, and particularly since the EU Referendum, I can’t quite get my head around the missed opportunities and general incompetence that persists to this day.

    As for voting SNP, whilst I’ll be pro-Indy until my dying day, the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” keeps coming to mind. After Blackford’s bombastic rhetoric in the commons and Sturgeon’s much ado about nothing eve-of-Brexit speech, I simply don’t trust them anymore. Am I foolish enough to vote SNP again. I’m not sure that I am, if I’m honest.

  100. Rm says:

    A lot of people only vote SNP because they want to end the union, when Both countries eventually receive divorce papers, Scottish politics will change, there should only be independent politicians who don’t have to tow the party line and every level of society will have a say we have to be completely different from westminster going into the 21st century, the way the world is going it seems to be on a knife edge, things have to change the current Scottish government sometimes seem quite happy to let London lead, Scotland have to lead themselves in a different direction.

  101. Moonlight says:

    I am afraid that there is a great danger from those who state that they cannot vote SNP again, because……..

    It may be difficult to agree with some SNP policies, especially the abhorrent GRA proposal. It may be tempting to claim that the SNP are corrupted and missing multiple opportunities to play the constitutional card. I don´t know why the constitutional position is being shunned by the party. I don´t have access to the legal advice that I presume they do. Maybe certain high heid yins are locked into the gravy train, I just don´t know.

    What I do know is that the data mining base used to defeat Clinton settled on a plan to accept that some voters would never vote for Trump, but if they could be poisoned enough they could be persuade not to vote at all.

    I can see the same pattern emerging here, the manipulators know full well that many Scottish voters will never vote for a unionist party, so the next best thing is to persuade them not to vote at all. Make no mistake, every vote the SNP does not get represents a step up for the unionists. If enough votes are withheld from the SNP the unionists will gain the majority, this is a result for the enemies of Scotland.

    As a result of vote withholding, we stand a good chance of a con/lib/lab majority. Were they to form the Scottish Government we could quickly find ourselves losing the gains made over the last 10 yrs, it’s not only independence that will have gone. It’s all the other Scottish policies abhorrent to the unionist masters in London.

    Make no mistake there is clearly manipulation of the voters underway by the successors to Cambridge Analitica . Google a company called SLC, advisors to governments and the military. Look for a company called Aggregate IQ, based on Vancouver Island, BC. There is a You Tube video on them.

    My wife is preparing a video on these undemocratic activities, link will be available when it’s done. In the mean time, I urge very careful consideration by the vote withholders. Do we really want a cobbled together unionist coalition whose sole aim will be to please its London masters.

  102. Daisy Walker says:

    OT – Craig Murray is not being allowed access to Alex Salmond’s trial. Neither are the public.

    Only approved members of the MSM are being allowed access.

    This begs the questions in what way and who decided which MSM ‘Journalists’ were approved for access and by what criteria.

    Can someone do a FOI request. ( I cannot for reasons I will not go into).

    Secondly – it is a recognised tenant of law that ‘it is not enough for justice to be done, it must be SEEN to be done’.

    If only approved, vetted members of the Press (with their blatant track record of bias) are allowed to filter details of the trial, then there is a valid apprehension that judicial procedures are being scewered.

    And lastly – in view of both the above – can we insist / write to our elected reps – MP’s, and MSP’s and have them kick up a stink about this, or even attend the court themselves and report back.

    It is not about guilt or innocence at this point, it is about correct procedures.

    Personally – I do not think it bodes well with regards the choice of Judge for this trial if they are resorting to the above.

    What is the collective term for Kangaroos?

  103. Daisy Walker says:

    And another thing re the Alex Salmond trial – it would be a story of a different kind if a peaceful ring of people gathered round the court and prevented the MSM from entering?

    Would it not.

  104. Tinto Chiel says:

    No-one from the public allowed into the court to hear the evidence against Alex Salmond? Even the Assange hearing allowed in a small number of the public.

    link to

    Never mind, I’m sure we can rely on our accredited MSM journalists to give a balanced account of events……..

  105. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sorry, Daisy: posts crossed.

    BTW, thanks to Craig Murray for his brilliant reporting on the Assange hearing, which really shows up how feeble and compromised MSM journalism is.

  106. Tannadice Boy says:

    I am not looking forward to the Alex Salmond trial. I had a huge amount of political admiration for him back in his heyday. However justice needs to be done and seen to be done. The public should be allowed to witness the proceedings. No secret cabal stitch up please.

  107. Republicofscotland says:

    Alex Salmond is the only FM whose led us to a indyref, for some, that can never be allowed to happen again hence what’s about happen…

  108. Rm says:

    The next big thing to effect everyone in Scotland will be the cashless society, why should people be forced to put their own money where someone else controls it, when that happens then our freedom has gone for good, Scotland has to go the opposite way, I find it strange with this virus that they say don’t handle cash, this could be the starter for change.

  109. lothianlad says:

    I have said it before and it seems more and more obvious as things progress, or regress under sturgeon. The birt secret service HAVE infiltrated the leadership and strategy direction of the SNP!!

    They were able to infiltrate and influence the highest levels of the IRA, so we need to be clear how far thier influence reaches.

    The good work done over the last 12 years is in deep troube, as apathy and constant SNP bad stories take their toll on the public.

    We used to criticise the Labour party for taking the voters for granted, now I cringe in horrer at the coming train crash of us following suit!

    These tough talking carreerist MPs at wastemonster have been seduced by the comfortable life styles and golden handshakes!

    How has it come to this given the huge trust and support we have been given, and the complete shambles of the opposition??

    Instead of attacking and not allowing them to regroup, we get the unbelievable nonsence like.. ‘lets give the BBC more money’!! WTF!!! ?

    The Midlothian MP and Mhari black etc… have been a huge disappointment to the Indy cause, given their pre election assertions. However, at least the will get their westminster pensions. fully earned of course!

    Never mind, give them a round of applause for doing their best to stop brexit!
    Are you listening sturgeon???

  110. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile across the pond where political corruption is second nature, one of the Democrats runners Tulsi Gabbard, who’s against foreign wars and for reducing the eyewatering $708 billion dollars military budge, has seen the DNC change the rules so she cant get air coverage even though see merits it on votes. Some US stations only mention Elizabeth Warren as the only female Democrat candidate.

    Gabbard is currently suing warhawk Hillary Clinton for defamation the allegation is that Clinton called her a Russian asset. The DNC are probably making life difficult for Gabbard because she backed Bernie Sanders and not Hilary Clinton in the last election, and that she wants to stop giving billions of Dollars to the US Military Industrial Complex.

  111. Republicofscotland says:

    This is a very valid point in my opinion, and one that needs answering. Is the media breaking the contempt rules by doing this?

    link to

  112. iain mhor says:

    @Rm 11:46
    Heheh! ‘…a starter for change’ – inadvertent or not, that gave me a much needed laugh. ?

  113. John H. says:

    Driving in the car this morning, I hear that two people in Wales, just returned from Milan, have got coronavirus. In spite of large sections of Italy being under quarantine, it is still possible to buy a day return to Milan for £38 from London.

    Who’s kidding who?

  114. admiral says:

    I served on a High Court jury in a rape trial many years ago. It is standard practice to exclude the public when complainers are giving evidence.

  115. mike cassidy says:


    The mainstream media get to break electoral law with impunity.

    So I don’t think the contempt laws are going to bother them too much.

    Met Police clear Laura Kuenssberg of electoral crime after she revealed postal vote information during December election

    link to

  116. Dan says:

    A question so I can improve my comprehension.
    Having read through the allegations from the link in Republicofscotland’s post at 12.02pm, why is it deemed a sexual assault rather than a physical assault when touching without consent a person’s arm, leg, or hair, as these are not classed as sexual organs?

    Do we really now need a consent contract signed off before we carry out any activities that involve physical contact with fellow humans these days, so there is a record of sorts that may offer a semblance of protection from any future accusations should they arise.

    I attended dance classes for a couple of years and had physical contact both through clothes and direct to skin with dozens of partners. I no longer go but it was apparent there were cliques and egos in the group that one could envisage escalating into animosity with all that might entail should folk pursue an agenda against someone.

    I also regularly assist a mobility impaired individual which amongst other tasks involves me touching and lifting their legs to help them get in and out of the car or wheel chair.
    Everything is fine at the moment, but I’ve seen elderly folk’s personalities change with dementia or senility and turn on folk they were once close and friendly with.

    It must be a minefield for carers working with loads of different people.

  117. The next Carillion ?

    Capita’s shares collapsed on Thursday as investors became frustrated over the slow progress of the UK outsourcer’s restructuring plans,

    Capita employs 61,000 people, running everything from the London congestion charge to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to the BBC licence fee,

    5 years ago share price was 1,320 per share now it has collapsed to 68 per share.

  118. twathater says:

    Went over to grousebeater’s site last night and read a post by Lochside which I think sums up the situation nicely ,I also posted a comment

    link to

  119. Dan says:

    If Capita collapse a silver lining might be some respite from the endless TV license letters the fuckers send out.
    Those twats must have caused the demise of a forest or two just to produce the mahoosif volume of paper and envelopes the twats get through, nevermind the carbon cost of the constant process of paper manufacturing / recycling, and delivery implications of hunners of posties stuffing said envelopes through folk’s doors.

    Where’s the rage from David Attenborough and Patrick Harvie about that…

  120. Daisy Walker says:

    The collective term for Kangaroos is ‘mob, troop or court’

  121. Dr Jim says:

    I’m trying to understand the conditions of the Alex Salmond trial
    It seems that “Journalists” are allowed to print and repeat all the charges over and over then opine on the outcomes in respect of these charges being found against the Former FM, then these *Journalists* can repeat what they *think* will be going on inside a courtroom and what the results of that might be, then follow that up with news bulletins repeating that all over again with pictures

    But nobody is allowed to report on what actually is said?

    We know that the law isn’t designed to bring about justice or they wouldn’t have ever let lawyers near it but it does make it obvious that the law as it is which they say is for the protection of the people actually has nothing to do with the people at all

    I’m not a lawyer so far too stupid to understand, I’m only the people so what business is it of mine

    I remember watching War crimes prisoners involved in the slaughter of millions get fairer trials than this appears to be, and I remember at the time they said it was in the public interest for us to see and hear those proceedings

    The entire world knows Prince Andrew was proven to be involved with a Paedophile sex gang criminal who *mysteriously* committed suicide in his jail cell, but he’s Royal so it gets a couple of weeks of fluff puff journalism but it never even gets anywhere near a court and everyone just accepts that, well because y’know class n that

    It seems that this uppity Scotch separatist politician who fancied pitting himself against the *British* state gets a different kind of law applied to him, or does he just need Prince Andrew’s lawyer and a more important Mum

    Oh! btw I love Britain and the Queen and Buckingham Palace and Boris Johnson please don’t deport me, I take it all back, I’m a foolish colonist who doesn’t understand what I’m saying

  122. t42 says:

    “UK will leave EU aviation safety regulator at end of 2020”
    I’ll have the chlorinated chicken with a side order of 737 max.

  123. Republicofscotland says:

    “It seems that “Journalists” are allowed to print and repeat all the charges over and over then opine on the outcomes in respect of these charges being found against the Former FM,”

    The unionist media print the lurid allegations against Salmond, over and over again, conditioning the public to expect a gulity verdict. However by printing these allegations and for now that’s just what they are and nothing more, surely they are breaking the the rules of contempt an instilling prejudice against, the as of now, innocent defendant.

    I’m utterly disgusted by the actions of the Scottish judiciary on having no public gallery available to the public, except loyal unionist reporters, who will spin the case to suit the narative.

    The defendant isn’t a terrorist or mass murderer, nor as far as we know are children involved which does allow for a closed court.

    The Lord Advocate James Wolffe could probably change the closed court to a open one if he wanted to. Even victims or witnesses can give evidence via tv screen these days, without actually being present in the court room.

    It stinks to high heaven and the trial hasn’t even begun yet. I used to have respect for the Scottish judicial system not any more.

  124. lothianlad says:

    Whilst im very glad we have a Scottish Judicial system, im very unimpressed with the Scottish justiciary. Always be suscpicious of those in positions of power, close to the establishment.

    Why on earth are the public being kept out of proceedings? Seems more like a set up !

  125. Famous15 says:

    I do not know which is worse between Brian Wilson gaslighting all of Scotland or Craig Murray not being accredited for the Alex Salmond trial.

    How can this happen in a civilised society?

  126. Dr Jim says:

    Famous 15 1:58 pm

    County Scotland isn’t a civilised society though is it, we’re all *Vermin* in this colony of England

    There are those and such as those and Scots aren’t any of those

  127. Dorothy Devine says:

    maybe we should all turn up at the court – let’s see if they like a silent protest.

  128. lothianlad says:

    In the past, the CIA , MI6 , MI5 KGB etc would bump opponents off, then they realised it was better and safer to get the media to discredit people, set them up, and blackmail, bribe or bully.

    If that didnt work, they would lie and get people to make accusations about them, then excagerate the allegations, plaster it all over the media and discredit the person or persons relentlessly.

    Often wondered how so many MPs support horrible policies??
    If they have a compramising past, they can be controlled. Thats why they get promoted, and vote in certain ways.

    I strongly urge readers to watch a film made about the brit secret service in Northern Ireland in the 1980s called Hidden agenda. Brian cox stars in it.

    It exposes what the state will do and how its media allies will do its bidding. A must see film.

    Anyway, How the Alex Salmond trial is being reported Is utterly disgraceful!!! Innocent until proven guilty even in this corrupt state.

    Why is the Scottish Government doing Fuck all about this disgraceful media?? ‘Give them more money’ they say!

    Watch the film!

  129. The Salmond trial will be as fair as the trial William Wallace got,

    725 years ago Wallace was betrayed by a fellow countryman ( the cur Menteith) for the gold of a foreign state,

    looks like we still have a country full of curs that will betray their countrymen for the gold of a foreign state.

  130. Golfnut says:

    What we need to do is demand a judicial review on what criminal charges can be brought against those individuals, whether Politician, broadcaster, journalist or the judiciary who have actively conspired through misinformation and lies, preventing sovereign people of Scotland making informed choices. I know which one I think applies, but if not we need to introduce one and make it retrospective. We need to make sure they understand that their will be retribution.

  131. Pete says:

    I really find it hard to understand all the conspiracy theories regarding AS’s trial next week on rape and sexual offences.
    He is innocent until proved guilty and has the top QC Jackson defending him. He’s an ex Labour politician but presumably AS chose him and must therefore have full confidence in him.
    The Scottish justice system is extremely fair and AS will have the same treatment, no more, no less than anyone else.
    For him to be found guilty there will need to be compelling evidence and it will be up to the 15 strong jury to decide one way or the other.
    I think you should all calm down and let the process proceed.
    Presumably, a journo from the National will be in attendance so you can follow proceedings through that medium.

  132. Republicofscotland says:

    “The Salmond trial will be as fair as the trial William Wallace got,”

    “725 years ago Wallace was betrayed by a fellow countryman ( the cur Menteith) for the gold of a foreign state,”

    There have been contrasting accounts on if Monteith betrayed Wallace or not, one of the most damning of Monteith of whom English King Edawrd Ist made Governor of Dumbarton Castle, is that of Fordun who lived in the reign of King Robert I of Scotland (The Bruce), of which accounts of Wallace’s demise would still have been fresh in the minds of some, Wallace and The Bruce were alive at the same time.

    The Arundel manuscript written around 1320, states that Wallace was seized in the house of Ralph Rae by Menteith, and that he was taken to London by John de Segrave.

    Other accounts claim Menteith was a patriot and fought at the Battle of Dunbar 1296. We may never know for sure if Menteith is gulity of betrayal or not, some of Blind Harry’s writings have come into question.

  133. Dr Jim says:

    How do you select a jury from Scotland where 50% of the population would find Alex Salmond guilty even if the evidence showed the opposite, well I’m guessing you carefully select them *randomly* depending on the result you want

    In Trump’s impeachment trial everybody knew he was guilty but he had more people on his side so ends up innocent

  134. twathater says:

    Moonlight @9.55am I am one of these people you speak of moonlight and I daresay many on here are of the same mindset, basically it is a case of BLACKMAIL and the SNP hierarchy know this but are they willing to test our anger , this is the frustrating position THEY THE SNP have put the independence supporters in , vote SNP for more of the same bullshit and being led up a blind alley with NO sign of escape , or DON’T vote SNP or DON’T vote at all and GET a shower of twats and incompetents to run our country into the ground

    And what is even more frustrating this CAN be sorted if the SNP membership STOPPED worshipping at her majs feet , and either removed her and put Joanna Cherry in there to take the case to the ICJ or if they are that fond of her maj FORCE her through branch membership to do the same thing

    Robert Peffers always proclaimed that the SNP was a party of democracy and that EVERY member had the same vote so WHY are that membership not insisting that NS gets on with our independence instead of some wokeist lunacy and instead of people tearing up their membership cards take the fight to the hierarchy , if the SNP can’t or won’t get of their arses we need that NEW ALLIANCE PARTY front and centre ASAP and then we’ll show Nicola and her wokester cabal that we are not just voting fodder

  135. Pete says:

    Dr Jim
    How stupid can you get.
    Using your analogy, 50% will find him not guilty which will be enough to find him innocent.

  136. SilverDarling says:

    Neil Mackay has shown yet again he has either the worst judgement in the newspaper industry – or he is doing it deliberately.

    I know what I think…

  137. Tannadice Boy says:

    5 years ago post Indy I wrote to the Rev Stu with a paper on the BBC. Today I visited my Dad. Was he concerned about Covid 19. No. In his late eighties he was concerned about a letter he had received about his tv licence. I completed the form for him and gave him a couple of hundred to calm him down. Does the BBC understand what they are doing? And the MSM are the arbiters of truth in the trial. Raging!

  138. sassenach says:

    twathater says: “so WHY are that membership not insisting that NS gets on with our independence instead of some wokeist lunacy ”

    Maybe because most members are quite content to let the FM make decisions at present! We, who post on here, are a very small contingent in a political bubble – not the general population of supporters. (and, I would suggest, we include a fair proportion of anti-indy trolls, etc, hence making our actual indy support numbers even less significant).

    Can you tell us exactly how many of the membership have “…torn up their membership cards..”? ( as a percentage would be helpful!).

    There are a lot of things happening just now (outside of your self generating woke ‘problem’) and I wouldn’t like to be in the FM’s position in deciding what to be doing at present.

    Hold hard! Events dear boy, events.

  139. jfngw says:

    I think the fact that Neil Mackay could be accredited to attend the AS trial but Craig Murray can’t seems somewhat strange. That’s open justice in Scotland apparently.

  140. Dan says:

    @sassenach at 6:31 pm

    How many of the membership are even aware of the GRA stuff?
    Nothing has been sent to the members I know informing them about the GRA consultation and it’s deadline for submissions on the 17th March.
    Plenty emails asking for donations though…

    I was recently visiting relatives who are members and discussed the matter as they had no idea about it.
    In my experience the active members at branch level and a couple of elected folk I know reckon it is a bizarre thing to be focused on at this time, but they feel unable to question it as it is coming down from above.
    That’s some politicians for you though, they often won’t go near a subject without knowing how their particular electorate that vote for them feel about the subject.
    Have seen the same before with the EU Ref.
    I still look back at the email I sent them and just how on the money it was.
    How was it I could commit and campaign for remaining in the EU at that particular time but they couldn’t.

  141. jfngw says:


    Because it’s not true. Only delegates get a vote and there is only a few from each SNP group at conference. Others can attend but have no right to vote. Delegates are selected by the group under the control of the convener of the group.

  142. Ayeright says:

    Why would anyone believe that the Scottish Government was “focusing” on the GRA issue and its legislation?

    In fact, there are currently 18 “issues” with consultations all due to end within the next 2 months. These include very important subjects such as the Review of Mental Health Law in Scotland.

    link to

    All this is called getting on with the day job.

  143. Ayeright says:

    Commenting on these issues is nothing to do with SNP membership, they are open to all and if you’re interested in any topic being consulted on then I’m sure you would find out.

    I get enough spam in my inbox without having the SNP telling me about every change in law proposed, if I care enough I will already know and that goes for all the public and not just SNP members.

  144. Neil bruce says:

    Neil MacKay has successfully moved
    the herald out of the gutter, it is now
    in the sewer.

  145. Breeks says:

    I really don’t want to pour oil on a fire, just when the SNP’s sanity seems to be emerging from it’s stasis pod after returning from it’s mission into deep space, but if you want to pitch the “events dear boy” line, I feel obliged to point out there was a bloody great ‘event’ called Brexit which split the UK in two when an emphatic, sovereign, Scottish democratic mandate to remain in Europe was the polar opposite to the democratic mandate South of the Border.

    We had, right there in the palm of our hands the PERFECT storm for a Constitutional dissolution of the Union as a direct consequence of Westminster’s usurpation of Sovereignty and colonial subjugation of our Nation’s Constitution. ALL we needed was right there, EVERYTHING we needed, even the flag waving douche bags in Westminster primed and ready to carry the can for bringing down the Union by their own asinine stupidity.

    I am curious to know what “events dear boy” will ever, ever, ever again present Scotland with such a yawning open goal, such a golden chance in a millennium, but which the SNP under Sturgeon squandered absolutely in return for NOTHING. Not one single concession. Not even a Backstop when Ireland was sitting there screaming at us and giving us a template whereby we might save ourselves. Nope. Not listening. Too preoccupied trying to not talk about Independence, and manfully interfere where we’re not wanted with the democratic will of the English voters. Oh, and just for giggles, simultaneously redefine the biological science of women as we know it.

    Getting on with the day job? You’re having a fkg laugh surely. I could weep for a month. If they’d rolled up their sleeves and actually got on with the day job, Scotland would right now be a sovereign Nation inside the European Union.

    Don’t get me wrong, I honestly do want the SNP to turn into something useful, but I’ll be fucked if I’m going to whistle Dixie for another decade or two waiting for the SNP to touch base with planet earth.

    If they won’t pick up the cudgels to defend Scotland’s Sovereignty, then perhaps the ‘something useful’ the SNP Government turns into is the first Scottish government ever to be impeached by the sovereign people, and booted out on its arse for abandoning Scotland’s sovereign constitution and allowing our Nation to be subjugated by an aggressive colonial usurper. Maybe that’s all they’re good for.

  146. Dr Jim says:

    So Pete the Arsehole Yoon Troll reckons I’m stupid, well it turns out the entire legal profession in Scotland is stupid too because most of them have posted their agreement with me throughout the day

    Is it the big words kid, I’ll try to keep them down to four letters just for you

  147. ben madigan says:

    @ Tannadice Boy who said:
    8 March, 2020 at 6:14 pm
    ” Today I visited my Dad. Was he concerned about Covid 19. No”.

    But maybe you should be, Tannadice.On his behalf.
    At 80+, he’s in the age group that’s most at risk.

    Anyway for everybody that’s interested – here are the latest numbers from italy, what we don’t know about the disease and some more recommendations to help you stay safe.

    link to

  148. Ayeright says:

    There was also an i>”emphatic, sovereign, Scottish democratic mandate to remain” in the UK decided by a referendum in 2014.

    You always gloss over that in your sovereignty of the people speel. Like it or not, that is where we are now.

    Yes, I agree “dissolution of the Union” is the goal and will only be achieved when the sovereign people of Scotland express that as their will.

    So, we need to ask them first though, eh?

    Under Sturgeon support for the SNP has exceeded 50% in the polls the last 3 times in a row, the SNP are at their highest in the polls than anytime since the aftermath of 2014.

    Let’s get rid of Sturgeon though hahahaha.

  149. Liz g says:

    Neil bruce @ 8.25
    I just hope that Jamie Buldger’s mum,The surviving West children and all of the families of caught up in those evil crimes, know that decent people in Scotland hate what this rag has done!
    Our political debate has not a thing to do with their horrific experience and no matter what side of Scotland’s politics we are on,every right minded Scot will be disgusted at this cheep and nasty gutter journalism.
    So… To the families who have been so ill used can I just say.

    I am so very sorry that our politics has added to your pain and would never have, and never will condone such a thing xxx

  150. Ayeright says:

    The people are Sovereign and they said NO. We need to make them change their mind and say YES.

    It really is that simple and no court in the land can do that.

  151. Famous15 says:

    If you ever doubted Alex Salmond’s guilt or innocence today’s Sunday Herald blows it all out of the water.

    No society with a belief in the Rule of Law and natural justice could think that a fair trial was now possible. As someone said The Nuremberg Trials provided more justice.

    I now claim that Salmond is innocent because in no fair way can he ever be proved guilty.

  152. Ayeright says:

    You need witnesses to prove guilt in Scotland.

    Corroboration is required in Scots law as the evidence of a single witness, however credible, is not sufficient to prove a charge against an accused or to establish any material or crucial fact.

  153. Tannadice Boy says:

    @ben madigan 849
    Absolutely I am worried about him that is why I am talking to the rest of the family about isolation protocol. Solutions in play however I was referring to his despondency about the BBC letter. What are they doing? A National broadcasting organisation with the interests of the community. Don’t think so. Long time since Bill and Ben. It’s over for them as well.

  154. jfngw says:

    I wonder what the Herald will relaunch as now, ‘The News Of The Union’ would seem to be appropriate considering their gutter level content.

  155. Ayeright says:

    Corroboration by an eye witness or expert evidence such as DNA.

  156. jfngw says:

    I get the feeling many in the SNP are in the same camp as David Mundell, Scotland was extinguished in 1707 and we became part of greater England. What other explanation is there for the section 30 fixation except we need England’s permission.

  157. Ayeright says:

    Section 30 squabble has always been around and is still unresolved, even Alex Salmond took that route in the end though not at first. I think you should read this.

    link to

  158. Mist001 says:

    “Ayeright says:
    8 March, 2020 at 9:26 pm
    You need witnesses to prove guilt in Scotland.

    Corroboration is required in Scots law as the evidence of a single witness, however credible, is not sufficient to prove a charge against an accused or to establish any material or crucial fact.”

    Are you sure about that because I’m thinking in terms of the complaints of sexual assault against AS. Unless there were others present in the same room who saw what happened, then there are no witnesses whatsoever and that means the charges against AS can’t be proven.

    He has no charges to answer.

    Am I correct in my assessment here?

  159. twathater says:

    sassenach and ayeright , sassenach you maintain that most of the members are quite happy to trust in NS and are quite happy to wait on her doing something , funnily enough most of the indy bloggers are now echoing SC’s dissection of the current situation , Grouse Beater, Peter Bell ,even Barrhead Boy who was almost sycophantic in his admiration of NS , but they are just not in the loop for Nicola’s big plan , and I think you’ll find it’s not my self generating woke ‘problem’ ,that accolade such as it is is down to your great Nicola

    Ayeright you correctly state that in the 2014 ref Scots voted to stay part of the UK but as NS said after 2016 change of circumstances we would have a indyref2 so where is it , you also say Yes, I agree “dissolution of the Union” is the goal and will only be achieved when the sovereign people of Scotland express that as their will. So where is this great opportunity to show our will
    You also say Under Sturgeon support for the SNP has exceeded 50% in the polls the last 3 times in a row, the SNP are at their highest in the polls than anytime since the aftermath of 2014
    So I ask you is the increase in support for indy due to the procrastination and capitulation of NS or is it because people are becoming sickened by bozo , his clown party , and breshit is finally revealing itself

  160. Ayeright says:


    You are correct.

  161. Ayeright says:


    “people are becoming sickened by bozo , his clown party , and breshit is finally revealing itself” is correct.

  162. Ayeright says:

    Mibbee the Sturgeon strategy is working LOL

  163. Mist001 says:

    “Ayeright says:
    8 March, 2020 at 9:51 pm

    You are correct.”

    It surely can’t be that simple, that a handful of people on an independence blog already know the result of the trial before it’s even started?

    It just seems too simple. I truly hope it is this simple but I get the feeling now that the PF has something that the SNP didn’t have, a ‘Plan B’ about which, about which, we currently know nothing!

  164. Ayeright says:

    It doesn’t need to be an eye witness, expert testimony with evidence such as DNA in a rape case would be accepted as corroboration.

  165. Ayeright says:

    What a fucking hypocrite you are Campbell when it comes to free speech Hahaha you’re a complete prick and your website is heading into the bargain basement along with your reputation.

    Your ego IS already your downfall and there’s no way back.

    Wings party LOL

  166. mike cassidy says:

    Those transactivists are fecked if the world is producing six-year-old girls like this.

    link to

  167. Ayeright says:

    Why would any supporter of the SNP give a Wings Party their second vote when you continually slag them off and in particular target their leader?

    A Wings party has no chance of getting their votes with you as leader.

  168. jfngw says:


    DNA evidence, I think your getting confused with Bill Clinton. Or do you think there is a dress somewhere that will magically appear.

  169. Famous15 says:

    Laws of evidence in Scotland include what is called the Moorov doctrine which allows for the departure from usual corroborative evidence if it can be shown in separate incidents closely related by time and description that a pattern of behaviour can be established.

    Moorov was a bad guy who made sure that there were no witnesses but by frequently repeating his offence the court held this was equal to corroboration.

    Hence all the strange catalogue of charges against AS. Some would guess they have overcooked the accusations but not being able to listen to the evidence in court we will never know for sure.

    Does that help?

  170. Ayeright says:

    Take a break, you deserve it and certainly appear to need it.

    Oh. you are already, hopefully, come back refreshed then.

    I’m done here, only boring old farts left who are posting rubbish every day and it gets a bit repetitive, you know who you are.

    Bye and see you all next in an Independent Scotland 🙂

  171. Liz g says:

    —– Just Because —–Scotland 🙂
    Edinburgh shop owner Elaine Davidson made the Guinness Book of Record’s as the world’s most pierced woman in May 2000 with a total of 462 piercings.
    By 2005 she reached 3950 and by today March 8th 2012 her grand total was 9000 and counting 🙂

  172. mike cassidy says:

    Liz g

    Is she a fan of Pierced Brosnan?

  173. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Mike Cassidy –

    Peerless Bronzed-man, surely?

  174. Liz g says:

    Mike Cassidy @ 11.40
    Can’t say for sure… 🙂
    But I’d guess she’s not a fan of airport security…

  175. call me dave says:

    Nolan show on BBC radio 5 tonight. (been on since 22:00hrs)

    SNP Gov bad tonight as a couple flies in from hot spot in Italy with no checks before leaving or on arrival. They phoned the BBC to tell all. The man says they will self isolate and not going to work even though it is not required (yet) in Scotland.
    ‘So they should FGS!’ 🙁

    SNHS advice on line is not up to date says BBC Nolan as per the ‘UK’ ENHS suggests it should be self isolation. 🙁

    There you go!

  176. cynicalHighlander says:

    Thanks Breeks the SNP have let Scotland down big time.

  177. mike cassidy says:

    Pansexual to stand for leadership of the Liberal Democrats.

    Too egotistical to admit they’re bisexual in case you were wondering!

    link to

  178. cynicalHighlander says:

    Gawd the nutters on here and Coronavirus nonsense. It’s a virus and no virus is airborne one can only be infected by physical contact. Plain soap or washing up liquid are the ingredients to keep you free by washing your own hands regularly.

  179. Breeks says:

    Ayeright says:
    8 March, 2020 at 9:12 pm
    The people are Sovereign and they said NO. We need to make them change their mind and say YES.

    It really is that simple and no court in the land can do that.

    It’s really not that simple once you’ve pissed your Sovereign Constitution up against a wall and made your own vote non binding. Sturgeon’s gone one better and conceded even holding the vote would illegal if held without Westminster’s permission.

    We now require to re-establish, in law, the integrity and potency of Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution which survived despite the Union for 300 years up until the SNP decided to embrace Westminster as Scotland’s Constitutional overlord. Round of applause for that fkg act of astounding genius and constitutional acumen.

    Westminster’s overruling of Scotland’s Sovereign mandate to stay in the EU also flouted Westminster’s Convention on UK Parliamentary Sovereignty where Sovereignty is meant to be pooled by consent, hence the legal restoration and affirmation of Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution might readily go that extra mile and bring down the Union as a direct consequence of Westminster breaching the Union’s terms and even it’s own arbitrary conventions when it forced Scotland to Brexit against it’s will.

    That’s assuming the moribund SNP doesn’t sit on its arse perplexed by it’s own mess it’s made, and blows yet another open goal in a long line of open goals, and squanders yet another chance to re-establish Scottish Independence, all because it’s blinded from the top down by it’s own self important hubris, and myopic tunnel vision.

  180. Breeks says:

    Ayeright says:
    8 March, 2020 at 9:48 pm
    Section 30 squabble has always been around and is still unresolved, even Alex Salmond took that route in the end though not at first. I think you should read this.

    link to

    And who was the Architect and Constitutional genius who drew up the 2014 Edinburgh Agreement for the SNP?

    A Section 30 requirement hasn’t been around forever because it’s Section 30 of 1998 Scotland Act, in other words the constitution of a devolved legislature, a lower house beneath Westminster, which does not alter the Treaty of Union nor alter the Westminster convention on Parliamentary Sovereignty by consensus.

    Holyrood is choosing to be the lower house assembly beneath Westminster, shedding Scotland’s sovereignty and dragging Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution down to it’s level, rather than manning up as a true Scottish Government which adheres to the Scottish Constitutional doctrine that the people of Scotland are sovereign, and while Holyrood might be bound by the colonial Scotland Act, the Sovereign Nation of Scotland is not.

    The SNP had the perfect occasion to stand up for the sovereign will of the Scottish people with our emphatic decision to reject Brexit, but instead the SNP couldn’t abandon the principles of Popular sovereignty and Scottish democracy fast enough because it had it’s own wee agenda to pursue, knitting it’s own narrative with the limited tools it was given by Westminster, – it’s master.

  181. susan says:

    I would vote for a Wings list Party.

  182. Mist001 says:

    You do realise that ‘self quarantine’ is just an important way of saying ‘Jist stay in ra hoose’?

  183. Willie says:

    The SNP, or at least it’s current leadership are wedded absolutely to devolved subsidiarity. No ifs, no buts, Nicola and the team are subsidiary players.

    Their adherence to the 1998 Act and section 30 tells you that. Like the Irish Party a hundred plus years ago the SNP have sold out – and kicked the ball away from the goal at the time of greatest opportunity.

    And today, Iain Blackford is quoted in the National as saying every effort will be made to have an IndyRef this year…….but then goes in to say that ‘ if not it can be the backdrop to 2021’ and the Hollyrood elections!

    So that’s it folks. Sovereignty of Westminster is supreme with a totally compromised Devo Party

    So maybe three things. First let us change the supine conpromised leadership. Second with new leadership let us pursue all of the avenues that we inexplicably will not pursue at present. Scotland did not come into existence in 1998 as the current SNP leadership would have us believe. And yes the 62% of Scots who voted to retain their EU citizenship have rights that the SNP leadership cannot just ignore

    And lastly, recognising that the fifth columnists in the SNP are a problem, the creation of a pro tem Independence List Party could be a practical step to creating a parralel structure supportive of the SNP but capable of change.

  184. Rick H Johnston says:

    Having a strategy for the Holyrood list is a priority, but could involve high profile indy supporters in a loose alliance rather than a party structure.
    Margo and Denis Canavan proved this is possible.

  185. Rick H Johnston says:

    Also this would not be challengable as gaming the system.
    Mind the unionists will try anything to prevent a pro-indy majority.

  186. callmedave says:

    O/T but not

    Jings! Good start to the day already at 08:50hrs.

    FTSE 100 ….down 500 = -7.5%

    FTSE 250 ….down 1150 = -6.1%

    FTSE 350 … down 265 = -7.3%

  187. gus1940 says:

    Surely it has been obvious from the start that the strategy of The Guys In The Black Hats has been to prejudice any chance of a fair trial, have it abandoned but leave the muck and doubts in place and so destroy a career.

    Job done by our wonderful MSM.

  188. Famous15 says:

    Nothing spells out justice like the sound of a tumbril in the cool morning air?

  189. Scozzie says:

    Is it usual practice for a case trial such as Alex Salmond’s to be closed to the public? If not, what are the grounds for such a decision in this trial.

    I am so suspicious of the integrity of the Scottish judicial system. The whole thing fucking stinks.

    As for the Herald’s article…to even mention the Salmond case in the same article with a cabal of murderers, psychopaths and sociopaths is despicable. And to display a photo of little Jamie Bulger in amongst this attempt at character assassination is simply vulgar – he was an innocent child and his image should not be used in this manner! I hope it backfires massively on the Herald. Surely even people who are holding out on forming an opinion on this trial can see right through the MSM.

    I hope justice prevails. Unfortunately, I have no trust in the system. After these last few years I have no faith in anything.

  190. iain mhor says:

    @ cynicalHighlander 12:37am

    Bollox like viruses cannot be airborne?
    Viruses are what we call very, very small.
    Another feature is their lack of density.
    Unless you’d like to clarify that perhaps you meant that such a virus, although most certainly capable of being airborne; is predominantly airborne as an ‘aerosol’ and not a ‘dry, free floating particle’ – that is to say, under benign conditions an aerosol will gradually fall and be deposited.
    YMMV depending on whether you are firing Windolene, Febreze, oxter skoosh, or indeed sneezing.

    Fortunately in Scotland, we live where there is very little aerial turbulence and never experience any form of ‘wet aerosol’ travelling over large distances and striking us sideways, upwards, or any of several directions, often simultaneously….
    Oh wait, it’s the other thing.

  191. Breeks says:

    Open, friendly, and hopefully constructive, question to Ayeright and Sassenach… I’m not out to be a smart arse or belittle your opinion.

    Given that a Constitutional initiative doesn’t prevent the SNP from pursuing its political agenda, nor interfere with its attempts to influence opinion, (and indeed, both an IndyRef or a ratification plebiscite after the event will require to demonstrate a popular majority), what is the actual downside to simultaneously attacking the Union’s credentials both democratically AND constitutionally?

    Why should we NOT do this?

    I would remind you, Scotland had an emphatic 62% democratic majority rejecting Brexit, and had Scotland stuck to the sovereign principle of the Nation’s 1320 Constitution, not the devolved assembly’s 1998 Scotland Act constitution, then Westminster could NOT have overturned that mandate. Without such constitutional resolve from our own government however, Westminster has simply gone ahead with Brexit and ignored Scotland’s democratic mandate.

    Like it or not, a precedent has been set and Scottish Government has acquiesced to go along with Scotland’s subjugation and barely put up a struggle. If that’s the fate of a 62% mandate, then precisely how emphatic will an Indy vote require to be? 70%? 80%? 100%?

    Without Scottish Sovereignty, I promise you, the result of IndyRef will be ignored too, just as it was in Catalonia. Nicola Sturgeon requires a Section 30 which she will never get, because she hasn’t taken care of business at the Constitutional end, and thus denied herself the Constitutional mechanism whereby Scotland can overrule Westminster and call out it’s colonial misadventure as unconstitutional and unlawful.

    There is still a chance for a Constitutional challenge to contest the issue of Brexit, and see Westminster’s subjugation of Scotland formally adjudged to be unconstitutional and contrary to International Law, and thereby plunge the UK Union into an immediate existential crisis before the ink is dry on Brexit, and before Scotland’s assets are horse-traded away to Europe or deregulated and set upon a divergent course from European standards.

    We MUST challenge this colonial subjugation and defend the Scottish Constitution, and we must do it NOW! There isn’t a moment to lose.

    We cannot afford to prevaricate any longer and indulge the SNP’s lackadaisical abandonment of Scotland’s robust Constitutional defences under the SNP’s open ended and indefinite timeframe. That is a disaster in the making which is dangerously close to being realised.

    Do you now see why we ‘rebels’ have such despair in Nicola’s strategy? Without taking care of Sovereignty, Nicola has set sail with the bow doors wide open.

  192. Breeks says:

    You know that anger you feel that Scotland doesn’t have an oil fund like Norway? Well we’re already missing the boat on Renewables which is an indefinite resource unlike finite oil, and it doesn’t wreck the planet. Think Norwegian oil fund, but bigger, and planet friendly.

    link to

    It’s not a Government Scotland needs, it’s a defibrillator.

  193. jfngw says:

    @Mike Cassidy

    Which bit of the pan does she use, I’m assuming it’s the handle!

  194. jfngw says:

    Still waiting for the Herald to come out with their round robin of blame for yesterdays disgraceful piece. The journalist will blame the editor, the editor will blame the photo editor, the photo editor will blame the journalist. Meanwhile James Bulger’s parents will sit in anguish as their nightmare is once again used by a MSM publication to smear and make money (if it actually makes money, but the aforementioned do).

    It is also worth noting that as far as I’m aware the supplement in The National on Sunday’s is the same one as in the Herald. So in effect these publications are cross subsidising (I’m willing to be corrected on this if I’m wrong and don’t buy the Herald to check, may need to consider my National purchase too).

  195. sassenach says:

    Breeks @ 9-14

    No offence taken, we obviously want the same thing, just slightly different views on the approach I suppose.

    Sovereignty is no doubt the key, but it’s how we get to express it is the problem. A mass uprising would be wonderful, but not a character trait in Scotland, I suspect – and the Britnats will keep pushing their “you had ‘sovereignty’ in 2014 and blew it” mantra.

    I also wish the SNP leadership was more forceful, but I’m not privy to all the goings on and so must choose a leader and trust them.

    If we continue, as many on this site now do, with the “dump the leader”, I personally think we will live to regret it, and will shred any hope of imminent indy.

  196. jfngw says:


    I can only assume the SNP believes they would lose a court battle, why else would they be so fearful (well there is another reason but I’m hoping that one is incorrect). They have accepted that Westminster is sovereign, not all of them but the top of the party seems to be in agreement here.

    The anger after the 2014 referendum and EVEL, reneging on promises made, the result of the 2016 referendum. All frittered away by indecision and ineptitude. I sometimes get the impression that prestige and being feted on the international stage is more important to some.

  197. Dr Jim says:

    Panic in England’s stock markets as Scotland’s worthless oil looks like it might be worth less than the worthless oil they said it was

  198. susan says:

    @ jfngw: Yes I think you’re right, too much playing at being international in the hope of setting up a cushy number later.

  199. Robert Kerr says:

    Indeed Susan. Peter Bell has already alluded to wee Nicks post SNP escape plan.

  200. Willie says:

    “ no man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation. No man has the right to say to his country, thus far far shalt thou go and no further”

    This was said in 1795 in Cork, Ireland by Chsrles Stuart Parnell and it is as true today in Scotland as we squander our sovereignty on the altar of requiring Westminster to grant us permission to decide our future per a S30 Act pursuant to a 1998 Westminster Act of Parliament.

    Subsidiarity to Westminster one wonders who these words were they to be spoken today in 2020 could be attributed to.

    And in another more than uncanny parallel with 1795 Ireland, the patriot who uttered these words also became the subject of a decapitation sex scandal. Notwithstanding that the Times of London later had to pay him the equivalent of millions of pounds of damages in today’s money, the publicity decapitated the man as an Irish nationalist, indeed one of Ireland’s greatest nationalists.

    Britain today plays the same game as they played all those years ago. They infiltrated the Nationalist movement in Ireland, decade after decade, and in the 1920s provided weaponry and financial resources to one side in the Sinn Fein split so as to allow to allow what is now Fine Gael to suppress the more republican Fianna Fáil who wanted full independence and not dominion status with a still occupied North.

    And in the 70s Britain again played a huge game in Northern Ireland destabilising the nationalist movement through no end of black ops. Read Brig General Sir Frank Kitson on the strategies for creating counter gangs, counter movements and how political parties, trade unions and even neighbourhood collectives are to be infiltrated and watched. No wonder they called NI the dirty war.

    But they did not win in NI. Yes it was a horrible mess but the British Establishment did not win, and a United Ireland now looks increasingly likely with a resurgent and Democratic Sinn Fein.

    But let us go back to Charles Parnell and remember his words ……” no man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation….’

    It is as true today in Scotland as it was when this was said.and exposes Westminster’s 1998 S30 et al for what it is.

  201. MorvenM says:

    Yes Musselburgh now crowdfunding for these. Please chip in if you can.

    link to

    Ta xx

  202. Dr Jim says:

    Michael Gove is upset and angry?:

    Michael Gove has written to the Electoral Commission to complain about the Scottish governments request to retest the Independence question stating that no permission by the UK government has been given for an Independence referendum to take place and that such a referendum would be considered by the UK government to be an *unlawful act*

    I’m not quite sure what to make of this at all, if the UK government said it was unlawful before why do they feel the need to ask or complain to the Electoral Commission about something they said they weren’t going to allow, surely if Michael Gove had a legal case to stand on he wouldn’t be paying any attention to this

    So why is Michael Gove so upset?

  203. Golfnut says:

    @ Dr Jim.

    Unlawful as opposed to being illegal, a wee change in dialogue then.

  204. If there is one person you cannot trust it is Michael Gove .Duchy of Lancaster. Robbed the small farmers and crofters,does not care about the West Coast fishermen,deprived of land in the clearances.Refers to the S.N.P. as nationalist,(National).What is he?? is he B.N.P.? or National Front? English League? Brexit? or U.K.I.P. Basically Blue Tory Dictatorship,headed up by Despot Boris Johnson,and run by Demonic Dominic Cummings,and cabinet of thieves,offshore accounts,sex pests,perverts and paedophiles.Where are we going they do not have a clue!,it does not affect their money making rackets.!!

  205. We are an independent sovereign country,in over 300 years and the total 1000 years,the Westminster Governments have secretly turning us into a colony,it is,!and was! only! a treaty!what permission is needed to dissolve it,not fit for purpose a LIE!! 2014 was another enablement to advance Westminster,s cause E.V.E.L. Every other country left these criminals without this nonsense, time to leave.Let them live in their narrow wee world of make believe, and private GREED!

  206. Republicofscotland says:

    The unionist shitrag newspaper the Daily Record, giving running commentary on the Alex Salmond trial.

    The DR, a main instigator in the lie, the Vow, will crucify Salmond if it can.

    I’ve archived it, there’s no way I’m putting a live link to the unionist rag the DR in here.

    link to

  207. Republicofscotland says:

    Media news Lady Dorrian is the AS judge.


    She was admitted to the Faculty of Advocates in 1981 and was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1994. Lady Dorrian became a full-time high court judge in 2005. She was appointed to the bench after Alex Salmond’s predecessor as first minister, Jack McConnell, recommended her to the Queen.

    We all know where McConnell, sorry Lord McConnell, stands on Scottish independence.

  208. Dr Jim says:

    SKY news Adam Boulton today reported on Dominic Cummings with the assistance of a History experty person and a journalist who both said that Mr Cummings saw himself as a Thomas Cromwell figure who *disliked* Catholicism* and that was one of his main reasons for wanting Britain out of the EU,(Main reasons?) and they said it without batting an eyelid
    It appears it’s only racism and bigotry if it’s directed towards black people but OK if it’s against white Europeans and Scots and Irish, or anybody who’s not them

    My understanding is that Michael Gove is still a member of *The Ludge*

    One wonders if Jacob Reese Mogg (Mr Mogg is Catholic) gets what these things mean to people like Cummings and Gove

  209. Republicofscotland says:

    On the shameful antics of the Herald newspaper (Wee Jamie Bulger). The Herald called for the round up, and seeking out of those that escaped after the Radical war of 1820, were Scottish patriots Andrew Hardie and John Baird, betrayed by spies, were hung and beheaded their bodies were not allowed to be interred in a public graveyard, incase homage to them fanned the flames of independence once more.

    The Herald is in my opinion is a enemy of the state of Scotland.

  210. Breeks says:

    jfngw says:
    9 March, 2020 at 10:03 am

    I can only assume the SNP believes they would lose a court battle, why else would they be so fearful …

    Well, one reason might be Westminster flying into a tizz about it, and revoking the Scotland Act to shut down devolved Government for encroaching on ‘reserved’ powers such as the Constitution.

    Scotland could win in Court test case, but without a transition agreement in place, comparable to the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. We might find ourselves technically Independent but without first agreeing protocols for dissolving the Union in a controlled transition… a kind of “cold turkey” Independence, where Scotland instantly lost the political representation of Holyrood, but gained an emboldened Westminster that was stubborn and uncooperative, and firmly resolved to dispute the dissolution of the Union.

    Westminster’s reaction might be even worse, pressing the Orange button and orchestrating civil disorder and strife and seeking to overthrow or denounce the Scottish Government.. perhaps even sending the troops if peace was “seen” to be breaking down. The US might pile in on their side too… but I doubt it. But… meh,… I’m also not at all convinced Unionism is as strong as the media would have us believe. They cannot fill a venue individually or collectively. Why can’t they fill a venue?… Let them prove otherwise.

    A Constitutional judgement in Scotland’s favour would alter the constitutional landscape in an instant, and frankly, I’m not sure Holyrood is ready for that. It should be, having had years to prepare, but I very much doubt that it is. We’d have no standing army Air Force or navy, but we’d hopefully have Europe having our backs until we sorted something out.

    Could Scotland’s public services cope with a protracted dispute about who paid their wages, and how would revenue ordinarily bound for Westminster be diverted into Scotland’s coffers? Could Scotland be left penniless if the Crooks in London started short selling Scottish currency or whatever other strings they might pull? Again, Europe might be vital stability for us.

    But as I’ve said before, deftly handled, a Constitutional Court Case might be won, but the actual dissolution of the Union held in abeyance pending discussions. It needn’t be the instant ‘nuclear’ option many fear. If the UK can use the Treaty of Union as a doormat and take certain liberties, then why shouldn’t we?

    IF Westminster knew the writing was on the wall for the Union, and knew for certain that Scotland was leaving, they “might” recognise that an amicable dissolution is in their best interests as much as it ours. But after watching the Brexit debacle, that might be a risky presumption, and we could find ourselves negotiating with a headless chicken like Michel Barnier was obliged to do.

    But, if Scotland moved very quickly to rescue itself from Brexit, and even stayed in Europe, then Scotland would have the upper hand in any negotiations with what would be the English Government. They’ll need a trade agreement with Europe, especially once they are denied Scotland’s resources, and Scotland could conceivably veto such a deal. I think they’ll see the sense in talking to us.

    But, whatever the problems, there are Countries much less wealthy than Scotland, even some which emerge from a state of all out war, but they manage to find their way to statehood and stability. I feel sure Scotland would manage, even if it did mean we would have to grow up very quickly.

    Another chapter in the “things that annoy about the SNP” portfolio however is that I believe Westminster isn’t as daft as many presume, and Westminster is actually much more Constitutionally astute than it lets on. I believe Westminster has recognised that the SNP is not on the ball constitutionally, and that means firstly, Westminster will use bluster and bravado to bully and cajole a Scottish Government which isn’t sure of it’s rights, and the Scottish Government will need some kind of show of strength to establish itself as a credible adversary which Westminster must take seriously.

    It’s not easy to stamp your authority after years of wishy-washy concessions we should never have agreed to. With Boris Johnson brazenly announcing plans to discharge nuclear waste into the Clyde, I’d say that game of hardball one-up-man-ship has already begun. Our Government needs to sharpen up it’s act big time…

    But for all that, Scotland would be Independent. Hopefully we’d be the darling of Europe for a time too, and perhaps not exactly ‘unpopular’ with the Russians and Chinese either. I don’t mean anything along the lines of rubbing folks faces in it, but simply that I believe International Recognition would be readily forthcoming. Even America, with it’s Irish American instincts to counterbalance it’s Israeli sympathies, the USA might surprise us too.

    If Joanna Cherry announced tomorrow that Scotland was heading for the UN to formally dispute Scotland’ s unconstitutional and colonial subjugation through Brexit, I think the shit would really hit the fan down in Westminster. “Bloody hell. They’ve done it. The stupid jocks have actually read their Constitution….”. Aye, we got there in the end…

  211. Willie says:

    Actions like Joanna Cherry heading to the UN to dispute Scotland’s colonial subjugation on Brexit. Human rights and breach of constitutional entitlements most certainly sounds like the type of arguments the SNP government should have been running.

    The gloves are off, the law is being used against nationalists like Salmond, Craig Murray, Stuart Campbell and fifth columnist destroyers are laced through the movement now.

    Democracy is fading. The boot, the baton and the bullet of British militarism waits I he shadows.

  212. Pete says:

    Woman H is a soft Indy supporter.
    Pretty gruesome stuff!!

  213. Mist001 says:

    I always laugh when someone is described as ‘Doesn’t suffer fools gladly’, like it’s some kind of badge of honour or something.

    Is there anyone who actually DOES suffer fools gladly?

  214. Republicofscotland says:

    For those doubters that say Scotland is too poor to be independent, it might surprise them to know that Scotland has in most part pre-union, and more so now with our assets been a fairly wealthy country.

    Even back when the first true king of Scotland reigned, before his unfortunate demise, on a evening jaunt to see his young wife Alexander III’ regin was a prosperous one.

    There were and still are many splendid abbeys and castles in Scotland from Alexanders time, towns like Berwick (under Scots rules at the time) were among the most prosperous in Scotland, Inverness too was the centre of shipbuilding activity long before the city of Glasgow built it reputation for building ships.

    Infact such was the reputation of Inverness that the Count of Blois, accompanied by by St Louis went on the Crusade of 1249 on the most majestic ship in the fleet it was built in Inverness, not Dundee or Glasgow.

    Documented evidence shows that Scotlands agriculture was far more prosperous than Englands, Scottish wool exports amounted to 20% of those for the whole of England, whilst our bouyant trade with our European neighbours was reflected in our high quality silver coinage.

    Before Alexander III’s untimely death and the unpleasantness foisted upon us from the hands of Edward the 1st later post the death of Margaret Maid of Norway, the Isle of Man was ceded to Scotland by Norway in 1266, but in effect it was stolen after Alexanders death by Edward, and made an English protectorate, London has stolen from Scotland ever since, the latest being the 6000 miles of seas off the coast of Carnoustie.

  215. cynicalHighlander says:

    @iain mhor says:
    9 March, 2020 at 9:10 am

    @ cynicalHighlander 12:37am

    Bollox like viruses cannot be airborne?

    Coronavirus are not an airborne virus like measles which is airborne. Do some research.

    link to

  216. cynicalHighlander says:

    @iain mhor says:
    9 March, 2020 at 9:10 am

    A bit more for you.

    link to

  217. Breeks says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    9 March, 2020 at 4:59 pm
    For those doubters that say Scotland is too poor to be independent, it might surprise them to know that Scotland has in most part pre-union, and more so now with our assets been a fairly wealthy country.

    I can’t find the link now, but I recently read something about Darien Scheme so often quoted as a contributing factor to the Union. Most people know the English played a material part in the failure of the scheme, but this account I read which I cannot now find, actually implied the English had good reason to be jealous of the Darien scheme because it actually was a promising scheme with potential to make Scotland a great deal of money, and be a series competitor to other colonial enterprises, especially England’s East India Company.

    The Darien Scheme was essentially the very same idea as the Panama Canal, to transport goods from Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific and vice versa, thereby saving thousands of miles for shipping goods and sailing around South America and the very treacherous Cape Horn. Had it not been for the deliberate interference which led to ventures collapse, the scheme had great potential to be highly prosperous, a potential underpinned by later efforts to create the Panama Canal.

    According to Wiki, “In 1934 it was estimated that the maximum capacity of the canal would be around 80 million tons per year, as noted above, canal traffic in 2015 reached 340.8 million tons of shipping. That’s near enough a million tons a day!

    Scotland should look upon the Darien Scheme as the “Oil Fund” Scotland might have had throughout the 18th and 19th Centuries, to match the “Oil Fund” Scotland might have had from the 70’s, to match the 21st Century “Oil Fund” from Renewables which Scotland is in danger of losing, and all for the same reason that our “partners” in Union simply cannot stand the idea of their own commerce and prosperity being upstaged by Scotland’s.

    Goddammit Scotland. Waken yourselves up. Westminster would rather see us wrecked and ruined than prosper, and will happily stab us in the back and sell us out to make it so. Scotland could have been the richest nation on the planet for over three centuries, and without necessarily firing a shot or stealing anyone’s country out from under their feet, while the clearances, Highlands and Lowlands, actually saw our country taken from under our feet.

    This is not the history I was taught at school. I was taught a load of pish that was a truly monumental distortion of the truth.

  218. iain mhor says:


    Away ya tottie – Have you no idea what an aerosol is, or what airborne means, clue is in the name?
    Yer links disprove what you imply, in case you didn’t read them. If you did, have someone else read them back to you again, you obviously skipped a few bits. Perhaps a passing virologist, or even your GP could explain (to your surprise no doubt) that Covid has precisely the same vectors as Measles.

    I did give you the opportunity to clarify the difference beteeen airborne particulates and aerosols; but your ‘measles’ thing is just doubling down on dumb, so, I’ll not bother with this keech any more.

    Stick to politics, you’re far better at that.

  219. Republicofscotland says:

    “I can’t find the link now, but I recently read something about Darien Scheme so often quoted as a contributing factor to the Union. Most people know the English played a material part in the failure of the scheme,”


    King William was rather jealous of Scottish expansionism, in trade not conquest.King William issued a decree to all the English colonies from Canada to the Caribbean, there was to be no trade with the errant Scots and no assistance – not so much as a barrel of clean water was to be offered to them.

    Of course centuries before this Scotland was, (and if it becomes independent, I think it will again) geared towards (with regards to trade) Europe, especially the Low countries, Germany and Scandinavia.

    Significantly serfdom was abolished in Scotland by the end of the 14th century, long before slavery ceased to exist in England. Scottish kings were wealthy enough not to require voluntary aids.

    When Marjory the sister of Alexander II married the Earl of Pembrokeshire the king gave her a dowry of 10,000 marks out of his own coffers. Similarly 4,000 marks was the cost of the purchase of the Western Isles in 1266, paid by Alexander III.

    By contrast Henry III of England was forced to seek an extension on paying the dowry for his daughter Margaret the first wife of Alexander III, because he was effectively skint.

  220. Dr Jim says:

    BBCs Bryan Taylor manages to (lie) misreport the news again as he announces that referendums are a reserved matter

    If referendums were a reserved matter then why did all 5 parties at Holyrood take part in committees to pass them, surely Tory Labour and Lib Dems would have just refused to take part or even acknowledge them if that were the case

  221. cynicalHighlander says:

    @iain mhor

    You obviouly never listened to the video oh well horses to water and all that I’ll leave you to your can of WD no not the one that loosens nuts but the Willfull Deflection one.

    If the experts can’t convince you then gawd help those you convince.

  222. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Dr Jim

    Is it not Brian Taylor because that is how I rememember he called his blog way back in the yonder.

  223. Effijy says:

    Brian Taylor seems to have some quasi Pinocchio complex.
    The more he lies for his biased unionist masters the bigger the
    B*****d grows.

    No need to make mention of the Treaty of Arbroath or anything in
    Scotland’s constitution to back up his fake news propaganda latest.

    I’m sure he’ll actually burst during Indy ref 2.

  224. cynicalHighlander says:


    That would give the folk shopping at Asda a break from the ravenous gulls for a week or more.

  225. Liz g says:

    —– Just Because —-Scotland 🙂
    Kirkcaldy’s Adam Smith, a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment,wrote one of the world’s most influential books “The Wealth of Nations” was first published today …
    March 9th in 1776

  226. Pete Barton says:

    ‘The wealth of a nation is not determined by the gold in its vaults.
    It is a measure of how it treats its less fortunate’

  227. Pete Barton says:

    My loose translation, not Adam’s words but sufficient meaning in there.

    I believe some very rich and hard nosed business folk over time had similar epiphanies.

    Our own Andrew Carnegie had one.

    On seeing an employee of his magnificent steel empire shot dead by his security force, he had a profound rethink on life.

    You build the libraries, I will furnish them with books for you to learn.

    Or I will build the libraries, you buy the books.

    The story is still the same.

    Learn about the world, freedom from strife and ginger could be your salvation.

    Learn well from a wise man’s sentiment, Scotland.

    World, don’t forget your fellow man.

    A man’s a man.

    (And our other sexes, come on people, let’s celebrate what unites us, not our differences!)

    Oh and please, section 30 in your own time, Boris.

    Parley time.

  228. Dr Jim says:

    Alex Salmond held one of the most prestigious of jobs, says ITN News

    It’s amazing how important the former FM is today but wasn’t back then
    I won’t do all the names they called Mr Salmond then or call the current FM now, we all know what they were and are

    Names to diminish us all to go along with the Vermin that we all are

    Then ITN News moves on to the Royals and how sad they are that the Sussex’s are leaving good old England, they don’t mention the racism though because the wummin’s black

    Not prestigious sounding I suppose

  229. mike cassidy says:

    Coronavirus in perspective

    England 12 December 2019

    Rise in flu deaths and patients admitted to hospital triggers government alert to GPs.

    There were eight deaths in intensive care units in the week to 8 December where flu was a factor

    link to

  230. jackie says:

    Yoons and their media pals will be absolutely furious that they can’t run the Alex Salmons case as their headline story because of the coverage that the Corona virus is getting.

    And the virus story will run a lot longer than the Salmond case.

    Every cloud and all that…

  231. Dorothy Devine says:

    Aye Jackie but it is also a cover for Westminster shenanigans – the ‘great day for burying bad news /lies/misdemeanors/ordure” syndrome ,from which Westminster and the MSM ‘suffer’.

  232. Golfnut says:

    @ Dr Jim.

    I’m guessing Brian Taylor missed the Presiding officer ruling that it was within the competence of the Holyrood parliament to bring forward a referendums bill.

  233. jackie says:

    To date,,,321 cases of Corona virus in UK.

    23 of which are in Scotland.

  234. Pete says:

    I think you’ll find that the front pages of all the Scottish papers are full of the AS story.
    Even the National.
    Much more exciting than the Coronavirus which is starting to become boring.
    Also, this case has a long way to go.

  235. Effijy says:

    If Brian Taylor missed meals the way he misses the facts of the matter
    He could be Slimmer of the year.

    You just can’t get over him
    So walk around.

  236. Effijy says:

    On a serious note regarding the Corona Virus.
    A high ranking NHS official once told me that should
    A major epidemic break out in the UK, there are already
    Guidelines on who gets treated and who does not.

    As the numbers are low and manageable, we all get medical support.
    As the numbers increase they then start to play God.
    Mr or Mrs X are showing signs but are in their 80’s advise them
    To stay at home, we cannot treat them.

    The 70’s are next, those with sever underlying health issues are unlikely
    To survive resources cannot be wasted.

    Eventually it’s workers with dependants only until the number becomes overwhelming.

    We really need to pray this virus can be stopped before Boris gets to wipe out
    Everyone who isn’t giving him tax revenue every month.

  237. Pete says:

    I would have thought that policy would suit you as the Independistas were always blaming the ‘coffin dodgers’ for stopping Indy and the same for Brexit.
    You should be celebrating.

  238. Mist001 says:

    I’m in France and you wouldn’t guess there was anything serious about the Coronavirus. Sure, it makes newspaper headlines and there are notices outside schools and stuff but people are just going about their usual behaviour, kissy kissy on the cheeks, shaking hands, exchanging three day old soup from their beards and so on. There’s no panic buying or stocking up from the shops, it’s kind like ‘Virus? What virus?’

    And it’s very weird because Italy is right next door to France and that’s gone into complete shutdown overnight. Mrs. Murrell reckons that 80% of the Scots population are going to contract this virus. England’s up to 90 about it and yet here’s France either completely relaxed about it, or wilfully ignorant about it.

    I prefer to think the former.

  239. Breeks says:

    I wonder if contingency plans are being drawn up for Arbroath and Corona Virus.

    Personally, I’d walk through fire to liberate Scotland. If it happens, I’ll be there, Corona Virus or not. But it may not be that simple if reckless abandon and disregard for public safety is seized upon by our enemies and overwhelms the positives.

    I feel in my bones that a massive change in policy, direction and leadership simply cannot be delayed, even if the poignant celebrations in Arbroath are impacted by events beyond our control. It’s one act of courage to put your life on the line to defend your country, but fighting an enemy is not the same as fighting an indiscriminate disease. Yet even then, the choice isn’t clear. There are innumerable cases of people fighting for their country while wracked with dysentery, typhus and malnutrition. Should our commitment to Scotland be any less?

    I suppose the decision is for the individual to make. I can live with the Arbroath celebration being postponed in compelling circumstances, but we surely cannot delay the seismic changes we need to recover the momentum for Independence.

    Our best warrior for Scotland’s cause is a Constitutional Lawyer, in or out of a hazmat suit, and with or without SNP endorsement.. We must stick a tree trunk in the spoke of Brexit’s wheels, and only a Constitutional interdict to dispute UK Sovereignty can do that.

    If Holyrood hasn’t the courage, then we must find the means within ourselves.

    I’m wondering whether we write an open letter to Joanna Cherry, or organise a mass letter writing to her office, at least demanding immediate dialogue on a Constitutional Challenge to be lodged at the UN. The last thing I want to do is disrupt any plans Joanna Cherry has herself, but if the SNP won’t respect the mandates they’ve been given by the people, then perhaps the people need to give Joanna Cherry her own mandate to operate independently from the SNP.

    If Joanna says no, then perhaps we petition Scotland’s James Wolfe QC, Lord Advocate, who’s responsibilities include representing the public interest in a range of statutory and common law contexts.

    Hell’s bells Scotland. We should be petitioning the whole Scottish legal fraternity throughout the whole of Scotland. Scots Law, their Law itself, becomes a very fragile mere convention without Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution to back it up. Just imagine if Scotland summoned a 100 men and women as a quorate embodiment of the Scottish Constitution, and every one of them was a practicing Scottish Lawyer petitioning the UN and Council of Europe for Constitutional recognition…

    Here in my head, I see a world where Westminster’s authority in Scotland is punched black and blue, has no sovereign jurisdiction whatsoever, doesn’t know which way to turn and warrants no respect from Scotland above derision and ridicule. Your colonial Scotland Act, your wormtongue Sewell Convention and your unwritten pretendy Westminster Convention on Parliamentary Sovereignty, have all been fired through the Scottish Constitutional shredder, and Scotland is now selling raffle tickets to pick a lucky winner for who gets to pull the legs off your Brexit…

    But when I look around ‘outside’ my head, I see Scotland still colourless, directionless, trapped in the web of a despicable entrapment and beginning to lose hope. The SNP under Sturgeon has led us to this, and must now deliver ‘something’, or be called to answer for a massive and unforgivable dereliction of opportunity and reckless abandonment of Scottish Constitutional principle.

  240. Golfnut says:

    @ Mist001.

    What she actually said was that between 50 and 80% could catch coronavirus, which was actually the medical advice at that time. The media headline was of course 80%.

  241. iain mhor says:


    I did say I was done, but I’m a weak and bad man. So just for you (most already know this) One of the many vectors of transmission, of many diseases (both viral and bacterial) is airborne aerosol droplets. Of course it’s not the sole vector, but it is one of them – I inferred you claimed it was not one at all – hence my indignation.

    Nice and concise and published by the WHO (as opposed to me, who is just some arsehole admittedly) Part C.3 may be especially of interest.
    You’re the only person I’ve had any dialogue about this with. I always assumed it was so self evident, there was no need.

    link to

  242. admiral says:

    Mist001 says:
    10 March, 2020 at 9:22 am
    I’m in France and you wouldn’t guess there was anything serious about the Coronavirus.

    The French have always been, as they say in those parts, insouciant. Otherwise known as the Gallic Shrug.

  243. Golfnut says:

    The latest from Macalbasite.WordPress.

    Deals with the true worth of Scotland to Westminster, £400 billion.
    Well worth a read.

  244. Willie says:

    I think Effigy @9.07 raises a grim reality planning that is being kept from the public.

    If this virus is indeed going to be as extensive as is maybe feared there will already have been prepared a plan on who will get prioritised for treatment and who not. Aside of the great and the good aside of their age and underlying health condition, it will no doubt be the case that the NHS will be under instruction who not to treat.

    The over eighties first, then the over seventies, or the sixty year olds with ill health. Such policy is certainly a cause for fear for some. But the existence of such a policy will be a closely guarded secret.

    Indeed, years back one Thatcherite Tory idea was to monetise the apportionment of health care in a policy called QALY – or Quality Adjusted Life Years. As a decider of who gets and who doesn’t the QALY calculation derived an arithmetical ranking based upon the cost of the procedure divided by anticipated remaining life years times assessed percentage enhancement of what the procedure would deliver.

    Brutally utilitarian it was a calculation that no one liked to talk about. But similar such calculations at least in terms of who gets and who doesn’t will have already been planned in – and then of course the benefit to the pensions industry will of course also too have been considered in some dark corridor of government.

    Maybe folks should ask what the policy is as the general public get drip fed only what the government want folks to know and as those in the real know facilitate the dark neoliberal short traders the opportunity to take advantage of short trading against companies and commodities impacted by the unfolding news.

    Where there’s muck there’s brass for some and don’t just Boris Johnson and his soul mate Donald Trump and their dark money chums just know it.

    For the rest, the hapless uninformed ignorant beasts in the fields, they can only wait in fear of what may or may not come to pass.

  245. Ron Maclean says:


    Some background

    In June 2014 the Scottish Government published a draft Bill – ‘The Scottish Independence Bill: A Consultation on an Interim Constitution for Scotland’. The foreword (by Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon) included ‘The fundamental principle underpinning the Bill is that, in Scotland, the people are sovereign.’

    In Part 2 of the Bill – Constitution – Sovereignty?
    (2) Sovereignty of the people – In Scotland, the people are sovereign?

    (3) The nature of the people’s sovereignty
    (1) In Scotland, the people have the sovereign right to self-determination …

    The SNP’s Constitution (Version 1.05 – February 2020) -?

    2 Aims?
    The aims of the Party are—?
    * (a)  Independence for Scotland; that is the restoration of Scottish national sovereignty by restoration of full powers to the Scottish Parliament, so that its authority is limited only by the sovereign power of the people of Scotland to bind it with a written constitution and by such agreements as it may freely enter into with other nations or states or international organisations for the purpose of furthering international cooperation, world peace and the protection of the environment.?

    * (b)  the furtherance of all Scottish interests.

    * …

    Constitutionally the SNP aims seem to be maintaining the aspirations of 2014. Ms Sturgeon and her leadership team perhaps not.

    Leadership Election Rules are contained in the SNP’s ‘Rules of the Party and Standing Orders.’

  246. Ron Maclean says:

    Apologies – question marks mysteriously appeared

  247. Republicofscotland says:

    Interesting to note, as a particular trial in Scotland enters its second day, that to day is crunch day on whether or not a 2012 petition leads to Scottish judges registering their financial and other interests.

    Opposing the move are Justice secretary Humza Yousaf and Scotlands most senior judge and head of the judiciary Lord Carloway.

    Carloways predecessor Lord Gill, agreed in 2014 to keep a register of judges recusals, however its understood that it hasn’t been kept on the 250 plus justicies, despite assurances from the Judiciary office.

  248. Republicofscotland says:

    And speaking of trials, though the West specifically the unionist media in Scotland will give this one a much lower billing behind you know who’s trial.

    The trial of four men in the Netherlands has begun charged with shooting down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 with a BUK missile.

    A BUK missile downed the passenger plane MH17 in Eastern Ukraine during the conflict on July 17th 2014, 298 people died due to the missile launch.

    A interesting wee snippet you might not know about is that the owner of the company that produces the BUK missiles went to the crash site to study the missile’s wreckage, he did confirm it was a BUK missile but an older version that Russia no longer used, but was now used by Ukraine.

  249. Old Pete says:

    This site is remarkably quiet these days. Wonder why that is ?

  250. Pete says:

    Breeks et al
    I think you’d be as well putting all your historic and legalistic stuff straight into the bin.
    Back in the REAL world, based on my circle of friends (especially the female ones), independence is dead in the water for a good few years.
    The real story is being played out in Court and, whatever the result, the SNP are finished.
    When you add on GRA and The Derek McKay sleaze the party needs to clearing out from top to bottom.

  251. Pete says:

    Just watching Kirsty Blackman being skewered about GRA on Politics Live by a woman from LGB.
    Absolute nonsense!!

  252. sassenach says:

    Pete@12-44 “Back in the REAL world, based on my circle of friends ……”

    Best LOL of today!!

  253. Pete says:

    You may laugh but you’re all very, very quiet.
    I think I may have the last laugh!!

  254. Effijy says:

    Pete says:
    10 March, 2020 at 9:20 am
    I would have thought that policy would suit you as the Independistas were always blaming the ‘coffin dodgers’ for stopping Indy and the same for Brexit.
    You should be celebrating.

    No Pete, I have never blamed our Seniors for voting with your Unionist parties as they were scared out of their wits with complete and utter lies such as an Independent Scotland wouldn’t have pensions, and NHS, a Transplant Waiting list a Blood Transfusion Service, etc.

    You and the Unionist Parties, Westminster and the UK Impersonators of a free press all carry that can.

    I care about people, all people.
    Nothing more precious than human life.
    Nothing greater than a civilisation where truth and justice reigns for all and the less fortunate are supported.

    Westminster has no place in my future.

  255. Famous15 says:

    Petes circle of friends all true blue Tories. Jist sayin!

  256. Old Pete says:

    Hi Pete
    Back in the real world, Kirsty Blackwood put her point of view across very well and the LGB spokesperson was sensible as well.
    As regards the SNP our local MP is Philippa Whitford and she is an excellent MP and so are many other SNP elected representatives at all levels. Until there is another party for Scottish people to vote for that is fighting for Scotland then the SNP will continue to remain strong. Alex Salmond being convicted or not the SNP will still be number one in Scotland at next year’s election an election that in my opinion should purely be fought purely on Scotland regaining its freedom from English hegemony.

  257. jackie says:

    Clyde 2 plays good music, but their news bulletins are as bias as anything you will hear on BBC Scotland.

    Whenever I can manage I actually turn off their bulitens and return a few minutes later.

    I don’t know if Radio Clyde and STV are linked in any way, but their sources seem very similar.

    I think if you followed who is their pay masters, then it would probably lead you to london, england.

  258. Breeks says:

    Ron Maclean says:
    10 March, 2020 at 11:26 am
    Apologies – question marks mysteriously appeared

    Thanks Ron. I’m not in the SNP nor party to its own constitution, but what you write sounds like ‘old school’ SNP, perfectly rational and compatible with Scotland’s National Sovereignty, which makes Nicola’s 2016 abandonment of that principle by allowing Scotland’s Brexit remain mandate to be overruled all there more disturbing.

    For the 100th time saying it, Scotland had the legitimate means to secure an impregnable Constitutional Backstop from 2016 onwards, to make Brexit undeliverable, because Brexit required the sovereign will of Scotland to be overruled, and Westminster had neither the power nor constitutional jurisdiction to do that.

    That is the point load which snaps the beam of Westminster’s adopted Convention that UK Sovereignty is pooled by mutual consent between equals, and changes it into unconstitutional colonial subjugation, because Brexit defies Scotland’s emphatic and Sovereign rejection of Brexit.

    I will never understand, nor forgive, why the SNP allowed this impregnable Constitutional bastion to be pissed up against the wall. It betrays either an incomprehensible lack of constitutional awareness on the part of the SNP, or the deliberate capitulation and fealty to Westminster’s authority rather than the sovereign people of Scotland.

    We are brought to where we are, not by the malign machinations of Westminster, but because, in my humble opinion, the SNP has made a massive and enduring strategic blunder by adopting the colonial constitution of the devolved Holyrood Assembly, and is misappropriating that colonial constitution to supplant and emasculate the much more powerful Sovereign Constitution of the Scottish Nation itself.

    Name me ANY Nation which couldn’t exit the British Empire because it allowed itself to be hamstrung by a Section 30 Agreement .. Any country except Scotland that is. It’s risible!

    God knows, it is not strong Westminster, but weak and misguided SNP in Holyrood which has driven Scotland aground, and the root of that weakness is a damnable Constitutional illiteracy, and grossly negligent lip service being paid to what the Declaration of Arbroath says, but not what it actually means in effect.

    These people should NOT be leading the Independence Campaign because their route map to Independence is a blank page with neither destination or means of getting there marked or known to them. They are making it up as they go along, bungling along with baby steps, and this naive incompetence has already cost us our European Citizenship and squandered a golden Constitutional opportunity to sink the Union forever.

    They should get a grip, or get out the fkg way. If I was Boris Johnson, right now I’d be ripping the piss and offering Nicola Sturgeon an MBE just for the humiliation factor. But the delightful Boris Johnson is a bigger wanker than I’ll ever be, and just decides to pour 50x more nuclear waste into the Clyde to humiliate us all.

    Yet still the faithful pay homage to Sturgeon and her favourite Section 30 hobby horse…

  259. Dan says:

    Campaigner loses legal challenge over gender-neutral passports.

    link to

    Surely the answer is to simply Self ID as a citizen from a country that does use gender neutral passports. Sorted.

    Disappointingly my own transition to being a male Northern White Rhino for maximum sex action purposes with the last remaining other two Northern White Rhinos (both female) to facilitate saving the species doesn’t seem to be progressing as quick as I’d hoped it would.
    I feel oppressed!

  260. Dr Jim says:

    People are being treated in corridors:

    The media always uses the fear of treatment in the deadly hospital corridor of terror when they set out to denigrate the health service

    BBC news at one surpassed themselves today when they attacked the Italian health service with this nonsense

    In a world where most hospital *wards* have no doors for easy access and visibility the threat of the corridor disease leaping upon patients is definitely much higher than if they were 10 feet away inside an open ward

    The BBC make me puke more than any corridor I’ve ever been in

  261. Breeks says:

    Don’t know if anybody else is following the James Doleman (Court Reporter) and Philip Sim (BBC) Twitter feeds from “the” trial..

    Not wishing go to jail for contempt, (hey I know nothing), – but following the second hand testimony, am I allowed to disclose that one of my studiously impartial eyebrows has suddenly gone all Alyn Smith?

  262. Republicofscotland says:

    “This site is remarkably quiet these days. Wonder why that is ?”

    Pretty obvious I’d have thought, the Rev knows that they’ll be no indyref this year, next year is election year, so no indyref that year either. No indyref for the foreseeable future.

    So the Rev’s on a break which means less articles which equates to less comments. Of course the penny is beginning to drop with some of the SNP die-hard faithful, that we’ve missed (or been taken for mugs) the best opportunity, the chaos of Brexit, and at Westminster, and the SNP let it slip away without so much as a whimper.

    We’re now in a surreal limbo as SNP MSPs flee Holyrood in their droves knowing fine well a backlash from their devotees is coming once they cotton on that it was all just talk and no real action when it came to independence.

    A lot of people are going to be very, very angry when it dawns on them.

  263. Breeks says:

    Dr Jim says:
    10 March, 2020 at 2:02 pm
    People are being treated in corridors:

    In a world where most hospital *wards* have no doors for easy access and visibility the threat of the corridor disease leaping upon patients is definitely much higher than if they were 10 feet away inside an open ward…

    The old Peel Hospital in the Borders used to have loads of draughty semi-external corridors and heavy plastic doors or sheets you could push through more than doors.

    But many years later, an Architect buddy of mine working in hospital design was telling me that horrible draughty corridors that made you think you’d been dropped in an Arctic plunge pool had a similar effect on germs and bacteria, and a draughty cold corridor was actually quite a good way to separate wards and slow down or contain the spread of bugs and infections… especially when compared to modern centralised environmental controls where the organisms can thrive nearly everywhere.

    He said doors were a factor too… but memory is a bit foggy now, but I have a dim recollection that opening and closing doors could ‘fan’ the air and spread airborne stuff… So even though Peel felt like an improvised army surplus hospital, it might have been performing very well functionally.

    I don’t suppose you can see your own breath in an Italian corridor anyway, but it always stuck me as interesting.

  264. jfngw says:

    I didn’t believe I could witness anyone with less acumen than Annie wells in politics, then Mhairi Hunter turned up.

    P.S. I’m a SNP member if you want to expel me then I’m up for it at present. Just give me a nudge and I’ll post my membership number.

  265. Republicofscotland says:

    From Phil Sim’s running commentary on the trial.

    “Text from Woman H to Woman J says she is “mulling” what they call “the AS stuff”, appears to say “I have a plan and means we can be anonymous but see strong repercussions”.

    link to

  266. Dan says:

    Stu seems to be taking a few days aff investigating the Great British toilet roll shortages of 2020.
    Now I’m no expert on the body’s digestive system, but surely folk would also need to procure months worth of food to need months worth of toilet roll. You willnae need to wipe yer arse if you’ve heehaw to dump.

    My “brexit” mitigation plan (veg patch) is still supplying sustenance. The last 20 kg of carrots lifted yesterday and still got bags of spuds, onions, jams, chutneys, and pickled beetroot to munch through, along with a 2 foot long parsnip that I think is destined to be made into crisps.
    Trout season starts next week so that opens the menu options too.

  267. jfngw says:


    It’s just bog standard journalism as far as I can tell.

  268. sassenach says:

    pete @1-04

    If you think that because this small political ‘bubble’ of posters represents what is happening in the country, then you are deranged.

    And if you thought that debate on that Politics show was a ‘skewering’, then you clearly have never been involved in such an event. Even your own Tory, on the panel, thought it was a respectful debate on both sides.

    I think you are ‘losing it’, Pete, grasping at non existent (anti-Indy) straws – why not go outside and play with the traffic for a while?

  269. Robert Kerr says:

    To be careful re contempt of court I ask one question only.

    At the start of day 1 Ms H was asked if she had ever attended a Metallica concert. Why?

    ref James Doleman twitter.

    Asked if she has seen the band “Metallica” in concert, she replies “once” just before the referendum.

  270. Dan says:

    Aye jfngw, it’s a shite state of affairs…

    In other news: “(UK) Government’s plastics policies ‘failing to tackle root of the problem’.

    Action to curb the use of carrier bags, straws or microbeads fails to deal with the root of the plastic pollution problem, a report has warned.

    While bans on items that are likely to harm the environment are necessary, the (UK) Government’s strategy on waste is not addressing the UK’s “throwaway” habits, the report by environmental think tank Green Alliance said.

    I expect up-thread poster Pete will be along any second stating this requires a complete clear out of the political party currently in control of the UK Parliament due to their failure to properly address this matter.

    My view is banning plastic straws is all very well but they weigh about 5grams max, compared to say larger plastic items such as “disposable” cheap plastic patio chair which weighs a few kilos and doesn’t quite fit in a household recycle bin so ends up in landfill.
    Why oh why are there not skips to put plastic in at recycling centres in this day and age?
    Fuck sake, as a material it has more potential monetary value than the other skips they do have for the likes of metal and wood.

  271. Confused says:

    lexos playlist on spotify

    james brown
    “sex machine”
    “its a mans world”

    “i aint the one”
    “gangsta gangsta” – with the immortal line – “life aint nuthin but b1tchez and money”

    anyone think woman H (- worse than preparation H – wahey!) was shakin her fine booty to get a candidacy, but the deal was never sealed, for whatever reason – and this is “payback”?

    it also seems like woman H is the main event, the rest trivial, but put there to give corroboration

    – I expect this comment to get binned, but there is fuckall else to talk about

    still, if its contempt of court anyway, howzabout

    lets kill all the lawyers
    all judges are masonic paedos in widow twankey outfits
    lady dorrian looks like nina perssons granny, let herself go, her eyeliner reminds me of jim kerr, circa. 1984

  272. Ian Foulds says:

    Pete at 12.44pm

    ‘… independence is dead in the water for a good few years.
    The real story is being played out in Court and, whatever the result, the SNP are finished….’

    From the above extract included in your comment, I deduce (possibly incorrectly), that you consider Independence and SNP to be one and the same thing.

    I stand to be corrected.

    Thank you.

  273. Republicofscotland says:

    Another intriguing snippet from Phil Sim’s courtroom commentary.
    “Shelagh McCall notes Woman H’s email calling off from football event the next day said “dinner went well anyway” – why would she say that if Alex Salmond had tried to rape her? “I was in total shock and I didn’t want anyone to know it had happened…I was scared of this guy.”

    link to

  274. Pete says:

    Ian Foulds
    You are, of course, correct.
    However, the general public tend to think of independence in terms of the SNP.
    That’s just the way it is.

  275. Breeks says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    10 March, 2020 at 3:01 pm
    From Phil Sim’s running commentary on the trial.

    “Text from Woman H to Woman J says she is “mulling” what they call “the AS stuff”, appears to say “I have a plan and means we can be anonymous but see strong repercussions”

    Yep. That’s the bit when the old eyebrow went full on Alyn Smith…

    In the prevailing circumstances, I really don’t see too many possible ways to interpret that. Hairs on the back of neck stood up… like hackles on a dog. I was suddenly very angry.

    Maybe the Herald will be good enough to print a picture of Woman H in a two page spread, with Bagpuss, Woody from Toy Story, Paddington Bears, Humpty, Jemima, Big and Little Ted from Play School, and any other famous stitched up things which have nothing whatsoever to do with the Alex Salmond trial.

  276. Dan says:

    Talk about reading the room…
    40 quid for a freakin paperweight!
    They can keep it, it’ll be handy to stop all those mandates blowing away…

    A YES stone with a small donation to a local YES group might be a better option, seeing as those volunteer groups have taken on massive commitments in both time and money to rent premises for goodness knows how long before a pukka campaign starts.

  277. dakk says:

    ‘independence is dead in the water for a good few years.’

    Not as dead as tens of thousands of filthy old british war crime and paedo ring appeasers like yourself are likely to be after Sars/Cor2 runs amok.

    Timing is crucial and we will let time and this health event do the heavy lifting for us.

    We shall pick our battles.

    And right now, any idiot on here wasting their time just trolling for fun is picking the wrong battle.

  278. Republicofscotland says:

    “Maybe the Herald will be good enough to print a picture of Woman H in a two page spread, ”


    Craig Murray knows the identity of all ten of the complainants, but he’s not at liberty to say.

    The Rev tweeted early on today that one of the journalists from the supposedly accredited group, allowed access to the trial, accidentally included Woman H’s name in his online report, which was quickly deleted, though I’d imagine if the Rev saw it, so did others.

  279. Republicofscotland says:

    “lady dorrian looks like nina perssons granny, let herself go, her eyeliner reminds me of jim kerr, circa. 1984”


    Craig Murray looked into Lady Dorrian a few months back looking for irregularities or discrepancies he found none, his words good enough for me.

  280. Republicofscotland says:

    Finally, Alex Prentice is the Crowns prosecutor in the Salmond trial. Tommy Sheridan’s case is among one of his notable cases.

    link to

  281. admiral says:

    It’s fascinating – the red tops highlight yesterday’s evidence against Salmond by the prosecution – today his legal reps counter , will this be headline news? Won’t hold my breath!

    Tomorrow – new prosecution witnesses – red top response?

  282. jfngw says:

    As many bearded men seem to want to infer anyone questioning GRA is a transphobe, presumably I can question why so many bearded men want access to women’s and children’s changing areas just on say so, all seems a bit creepy to me.

  283. cynicalHighlander says:

    @iain mhor

    I have never said that there was no airborne virus I said this one was not airborne as the experts keep reiterating which is one of the many reasons they say that masks for the general population are innefectual. If this virus lands on your skin it starts to clone itself using your own body cells to do that ad infinitum which is why they recommend soap and water to destroy its structure. Get real.

  284. jfngw says:

    After Boris Johnson’s inference of a cull on ITV, it’s time for this (again).

    link to

  285. Tannadice Boy says:

    Conspiracy theory right left and centre.Indy will only happen if the consensus opinion is it should happen. Enter the divisive SNP and Mrs Murrell. Forget bogus legal claims and take your countrymen with you. 5years on after the Indy Ref I see failure. Solutions? You don’t want to know.

  286. Famous15 says:

    The other night I watched that TV programme about nasty neighbours and on old boy was being harassed by a nasty woman neighbour over use of adjacent common land. The old boy and his wife were having terrible time and were having to defend themselves against complaints she made to the police. Ultimately the neighbour made the outrageous claim that the old man had had sex with one of her pigs on the common land.

    Because he was arrested and spent time in the cells and his reputation in the village was trashed he was forced to take the neighbour to court for slander. Only then did the papers give the case publicity and long story short a man contacted the old man to say that this same neighbour in a dispute with him had threatened to accuse him of being a paedophile if he did not accept her demands.

    Now if it were not for the publicity he would have had a tough time proving his innocence. Anonymity is problematic. I Know,I know but!

  287. Stoker says:

    Dr Jim says on 9 March, 2020 at 7:01 pm: “BBCs Bryan Taylor manages to (lie) misreport the news again as he announces that referendums are a reserved matter.”

    Details, anyone, of where this took place? TV? Online? Radio? Day? Date? Programme? Any details will be most helpful.

  288. Mike d says:

    Famous 15. I watched that and was surprised how it got to court without credible witnesses/witness.

  289. ben madigan says:

    O/T as usual but here’s the latest from Italy on the Coronavirus epidemic. We’re on national lockdown now with more restrictions possibly coming along as the infection and death rates rise.

    link to

  290. Famous15 says:

    Stooker it wason BBC tv.

  291. @Republicofscotland,

    Reading some of his cases and Alex Prentice,the Crowns prosecutor in the Alex Salmond trial,seems to be the go to guy when looking for a conviction on circumstantial evidence,

    uses his `experts` to influence a damning picture without any hard evidence,

    he was prosecuter in Tommy Sheridan`s very disputable perjury case,

    if the establishment have no hard evidence for a conviction he seems to be the person to find the hard evidence,

    he got 2 convictions of murder without any bodies being produced.

  292. twathater says:

    I watched Piers Morgan’s interview with Lisa Nandy on gmb what a car crash for Nandy ,

    Chris McEleny comments on twatter

    “Absolutely naive to think that Lisa Nandy’s views are career ending , but the same views that will become Scottish Government legislation won’t be electoral sabotage if the GRA reforms are forced through.”
    Just how far have we gone down the rabbit hole when a minute cabal of lunatics are over ruling and bullying at least 50% of the electorate and are being aided by the politicians providing financing from our taxes

    Where are the rest of the SNP members and hierarchy speaking out against this policy which I and many others have said repeatedly will probably seriously damage the ability for the SNP to return to governance , then where the feck will independence be then ,C’mon Chris gather your colleagues and show WOMEN and their supporters that we will not be dictated to by nutjobs within and without the SNP

  293. Ruby says:

    ‘She also asked how, in Woman H’s evidence, Mr Salmond could have been using both his hands to block her in a room and touch her, while also having a bottle of red wine.’

  294. North chiel says:

    How on earth can the jury make a judgement in a criminal case where the “ accusers” don’t come “ face to face” with the “ accused” within the courtroom. They cannot judge “ facial expressions “ between the two , The cannot judge “ body language” between the two , and the cannot judge interactions between the defence/ prosecution council & accuser/ accused , if the “ whole” and complete “ court performance” is not viewed in its entirety . It would appear that the jury decides this on “ edited highlights” of the trial . This cannot in any way be construed as a “ fair and OPEN “Scottish criminal court case in any fair minded persons “ view” ? What has happened to our once “ world renowned” Scottish judicial system ?? ? .

  295. Liz g says:

    Dan @ 3.57
    Nae chance…. Petey boy is too busy punting Schrodingers SNP.
    That simultaneously is both outside of the Yes Movements push for Indy and has abandoned us, while being the only possible public perception of the Yes Movements push for Indy.

    But hey let’s all look at how one innocent or guilty man ends the struggle to dissolve this Union…..and we can just leave the Westminster chamber and it’s hidden paedophiles in charge seems to be the agenda!!!
    Pedo parliament such a fantastic reason to stay in the Union.
    It brings with it a royal family with the morals of Ally Cats!
    Why would we ever want to leave….

    If it’s too quiet here for some can I suggest…
    Andrew Windsor & friends, or the Russia Report as a new topic?

  296. Liz g says:

    — Just Because —-Scotland 🙂
    A man with an eye for a good book was Scottish publisher
    ….John Murry…
    Jane Austen,Herman Melville,Joann Goeth, and Arthur Conan Doyle all owe their big break to him,he also published “The Origin of the Species” but his biggest instant coup came today March 10th in 1812 when he published Lord Byron’s
    “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” making the poet famous as over night as it was possible to be in 1812

  297. Dr Jim says:


    BBC Scotland Reporting Scotland 6:30 PM 9/03/2020

    This is not the first time he’s said this, Bryan Taylor is one of those people who no matter what proofs or evidence you stick in front of him, if his agenda is that he knows better, and he always thinks he knows better, then he goes right ahead and says what he wants irrespective, he gets very bad tempered if it’s pointed out to him that he got something *wrong*, in past interviews Alex Salmond corrected him several times on his *facts* then he goes all blustery and indignant and starts But But Butting all over the place then runs around looking for somewhere else to move his goalposts

    There was a video online somewhere of Bryan Taylor lecturing BBC journalists on how to *get* the SNP in interviews, back around 2013-14

    It went a bit like “If the SNP assert this then you have to assert that” and so on, and he had a pointer and a big board to demonstrate it all on, no attempt of course to lecture on how to *get* the Better together crew, just the SNP

  298. Dr Jim says:

    Ian Blackford must stop speaking

    Everything Ian Blackford is saying at the moment gets stupider and stupider

    Scotland owns a bike but Westminster took it then says “you cannae have it back until we say so”, and Ian Blackford’s answer to that is “I’ll just keep asking for our bike back then because I agree you now make the rules over Scotland’s bike that you stole”

    Ian Blackford should be saying “If you don’t give us our bike back then we’ll Fffk you up” and he should be saying it right now, Brexit, Corona virus emergency, Stock exchange crashes, these things are all gifts to Independence

    You don’t wait until everything’s fixed, kick them in the head while they’re down and dizzy so they can’t get back up, ruin their day every day, keep insulting them publicly in their own Tory papers

    I’m fed up

  299. Liz g says:

    Dr Jim @ 12.31
    Totally agree Dr Jim..
    They are in a mess and Johnston has been incompetent at every job he has ever held.
    Add having to bend over for a seriously deranged Trump who is panicking by the day.
    And the Russia report,Andrew Windsor,that blonde wummin fae America Johnston is ghosting and his dodgy holidays tae the list..
    It’s never been a better time to start throwing Scotland’s weight about,and pile on the pressure to see what gives!!! Especially in Westminster and especially to Johnston.
    I suspect he can’t cope with the sort of treatment Alex Salmond was subject to,he can only dish it out,nevertheless it should be tested!

    We’ve a whole load of Indy Bloggers ( the best in the business right here ) twiddling their thumbs. They could make so much hay out of any and all of this,we’d leave the MSM not knowing where to turn and which fire to put out!

    Get Westminster into the Court’s, start mixing it up between the EU and Westminster and go pell mell to put a shit load of trouble between the BBC and the English Government by baiting them to bad mouth each other and damage their relationship.
    The BBC won’t be a national institution of ours after Indy,and if it ever was of any value,it’s nae great loss to Scotland now.

    They should be plunging Westminster into chaos, showing it up for all of Scotland to see in it’s true colours as 2nd rate carpetbaggers unfit to govern here.
    Then ask the people of Scotland “why should we stay”?
    Why the Scottish Government can’t see all this or their mandate to do it, is beyond me too…..

  300. Achnababan says:

    Good account of defense cross examination in Day 2 of Salmond trial here (better than BBC.. ahem). Apparently MS H? made contact & wanted a favour (help with a job in SNP) from Mr AS less than a year on from the attempted rape.

    link to

  301. manandboy says:

    UNCHARTED WATERS – The new reality.

    First global pollution of air land and sea, and with it environmental destruction, loss of habitat, and the loss of species. Then the Climate Crisis, then Brexit and now Coronavirus. A series of simultaneous and lasting events, now in combination, guaranteeing that disruptive change is the new order.

    The world as we have known it has already come to an end.

    But, unlike the vast majority of the population of the planet, the wealthy and powerful continue to manipulate the changes, so as to ensure that they will go on increasing their wealth, power and security. To do this, their first strategy as always, is to distort the reality of the situation through the mass media which they own, leading to ignorance, disagreement, division and confusion.

    “Social gatherings are being banned, flights canceled, borders re-erected, and yet the death toll keeps rising.
    As Europe goes into gradual shutdown, its leaders have vowed to bend EU budget rules and legal restrictions on direct aid to companies, while stopping short of explicitly declaring a massive stimulus to cushion the impact of a deadly viral outbreak.
    Will the action plan agreed over a conference call last night be enough to reassure quarantined citizens and confused investors? Probably not. Optimists are hoping that the European Central Bank will ride to the rescue.”. (Bloomberg)

  302. Golfnut says:

    A good start to your day would be a five minute read on Scotland’s true wealth.
    It makes arguing about currency, deficits, affordable pensions, SNHS funding, the cost of defending ourselves and most importantly how we lift people out of poverty.

    The scale of the theft of Scotland’s resources is staggering.

  303. Golfnut says:

    There should be an ‘ utterly redundant’ after poverty.


  304. Willie says:

    The irony of Boris Johnson’s governments ineptitude could not be made clearer than with the news that his cabinet health minister Nadine Dorries is ill with Coronavirus and in isolation receiving treatment.

    That she has attended cabinet meetings there is every chance that she could have transmitted th3 virus to the rest of the cabinet including the Prime Minister. The cabinet, as very busy individuals meeting los of people all over the country could thus be a super spreader team extraordinaire.

    Too little, too late, it looks very much like Johnson and team dithered whilst absolutely inexplicably allowing themselves to be a conduit for the disease. A world class disgrace and shows exactly what a rotten busted flush this Government is.

    At least for them they will have the money to procure whatever.medical intervention they need whilst the rest of our population, if there is a sharp bell curve surge in infections, will have to go without medical treatment.

    Well done the cabinet super spreading team.

  305. Breeks says:

    Golfnut says:
    11 March, 2020 at 7:47 am

    …The scale of the theft of Scotland’s resources is staggering.

    There is a big problem in Scotland that Unionism and antithesis to Independence is endemic… that is, there is an established baseline of sufficient mass to renew itself generation to generation. In such a sense, it is “sustainable”, and seen by many as permanent and immovable.

    I think there is a huge ‘unknown’ factor behind the extent to which this ‘sustainability’ is a canard, because the amount of background Establishment support and covert funding it receives, the nepotism in Scotland’s top jobs, combined with the indoctrination, and the interminable suppression and underplaying of Scotland’s strengths and ‘anything’ which might lead Scotland to feel good about itself, all combines to put a huge question mark over whether support for the Union really is sustainable.

    I mean, if Unionism is so healthy and buoyant, why does it NEED this constant propaganda and orchestration of Scottish news and affairs? Why does it need to constantly run down Scotland? Why too does run away in terror from a referendum which would allow it to demonstrate it’s strength and popularity?… Unless it knows full well it would get humped.

    It is my firm conviction, that once these alien influences from outside Scotland are checked, and thrown into a process of reversal, the cohesion of Scottish Unionism will collapse like the cohesion of Roman England when the Roman’s upped sticks and left. That’s not to say the numpties in the Orange Order and some elements of the Rangers fan base won’t create disruption and public disorder, but once the Union is defunct and Scotland is Independent, that question I posed earlier, – the extent to which Unionism is shored up by influences from outside our Borders, will be revealed. When that occurs, I think we shall find that British Unionism in Scotland is not sustainable and incapable of replicating itself.

    That isn’t confined to Unionism by the way. It is my firm conviction that there are big problems with some of Scotland’s Local Authorities, where corruption, nepotism, unbridled greed and grossly unprofessional conduct has been running unchecked for so long that it too has established sufficient critical to be endemic and self-renewing.

    If you get the chance some time, take a trip to Hawick and have a look around. It’s an industrial ghost town, and it absolutely didn’t have to be. Corruption has been ignored for decades and look at the result. What tragedy for a town that was once very dear to me. SBC is the worst Council I’ve known, but there are others not far behind, and wee pockets of Scotland starved of support and opportunity.

    I’ve said before that Scotland needs a Corruption Unit with draconian powers to set up stings to catch out corruption and crooks who believe they’re untouchable. I still believe that’s true, but I also think Scotland needs sovereign government and National status to punch with full weight, without Westminster looking over it’s shoulder and looking after it’s unionspawn or making mischief just for badness sake.

    I’d love to see these f*%’ers booted out on their arses and forced to earn a real living without a fat juicy trough to plunge their rotten snouts in. That includes Scottish Enterprise. But what I’d love even more is to witness the influx of honesty and best practice which wash over these areas like the warm belt of air that enters the plane when they open the doors…

  306. admiral says:

    Willie says:
    11 March, 2020 at 8:24 am
    The irony of Boris Johnson’s governments ineptitude could not be made clearer than with the news that his cabinet health minister Nadine Dorries is ill with Coronavirus and in isolation receiving treatment.

    Shameful behaviour to carry on meeting colleagues, officials and constituents when she already felt very ill. As a health minister, she would have been party to all the meetings about Covid-19 and fully aware from the CMO of the urgent need to self isolate at the first sign of symptoms.

  307. Famous15 says:

    A few thoughts on the virus.

    1.Two metres away in crowds might mean holding your breath on a bus.

    2.That nice lady in the surgery do NOT lick your fingers when finding my prescription.

    3. Wood burning stoves will kill your neighbour with asthma unless you use kiln dried.

    4.Coughs and sneezes spread diseases so wash your whole bloody body! Or self isolate.

    5.Be nice as we are all worried.

  308. Willie says:

    Most interesting commentary on Craig Murray’s blog about the Alex Salmond trial and the background to Ms H who was giving evidence against Alex Salmond.

    Apparently in court the anonymous Ms H stated that she was a “ soft supporter of independence and not very party political “

    And yet as Craig Murray says this was a person who could stay in a bedroom in Bute House, not Alex Salmonds bedroom, who was employed then in a vital central political capacity, who remains today very much an intimate part of the small trusted inner leadership of the SNP, a person approved as an SNP candidate by central vetting, who attempted as the court heard to get the nomination for the Aberdeenshire Hollyrood constituency that overlapped with Alex Salmonds Westminster Gordon seat.

    Not exactly the description of one giving evidence to be not very party political!

    Moreover that Ms H reportedly gave evidence to say that she made the complaint of sexual harassment three years after the event and to the SNP party compliance manager Ian McCann, with the specific purpose of preventing any political comeback by Alex Salmond, and to ensure he could not pass vetting, it would have been interesting for these reports to be covered in the MSM.

    But with the legal threats being levied against intrepid reporters like Craig Murray it would not be appropriate to conclude anything from this background.

    One thing however that would be good to conclude though is that the days of the small coterie who run the SNP and who have gone soft on independence this last while, may soon be for the exit door. That would certainly be good for the SNP and the wider Yes and AUOB movement.

    For whatever reason, at the time of the UK’s greatest difficulty, and the SNP greatest opportunity the leadership has failed to go for goal accepting the subsidiarity of Hollyrood to Westminster with a concomitant rejection of sovereignty being vested in the people. That however may now change as details of the Salmond case emerge.

  309. Dan says:

    @Breeks at 8.37am

    Re. Borders Council. You may want to take a look at the proposed plan for the new community centre in Eyemouth.

  310. Breeks says:

    Willie says:
    11 March, 2020 at 9:27 am

    Most interesting commentary on Craig Murray’s blog about the Alex Salmond trial…..

    ….For whatever reason, at the time of the UK’s greatest difficulty, and the SNP greatest opportunity the leadership has failed to go for goal accepting the subsidiarity of Hollyrood to Westminster with a concomitant rejection of sovereignty being vested in the people. That however may now change as details of the Salmond case emerge..

    It should be changed whatever the developments emerging from the trial. It is open defiance of Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution.

    In my opinion, it is grounds for impeachment, based upon grounds of Holyrood’s supine complicity with Scotland’s unconstitutional and unlawful colonial subjugation, which is itself, grounds for declaring the Union Treaty formally breached, and by direct consequence, the Union is extinct.

  311. jfngw says:

    @Dr Jim

    It doesn’t matter what Brian Taylor says on the BBC, the problem is that Nicola Sturgeon and Ian Blackford seem to agree with him.

    After reading Craig Murray’s blog and the tweets/interviews from many SNP elected politician’s it would seem many have higher priorities than independence. Too many have less fight in them for an independent Scotland than BritNat politicians have for the union.

    SNP at the minute are on the wrong side of history regarding women’s rights, it’s galling that some BritNat politicians are more in line with the public on this than the SNP. In fact they are expelling many who they think will rock the boat.

  312. Al Dossary says:

    I find myself in the desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All air travel to Gulf countries, as well as other highly infected areas has been stopped. All land crossings have been stopped except for commercial drivers.

    Schools, higher education and training institutes have been closed and a 25km stretch of population quarentined (Saihat, Qatif and Safwa – 500,000 citizens).

    All because of some 20 confirmed cases in a country of about 40 million. In the meantime the UK is carrying on paying nothing but lip service to the threat of thos virus, gambling that if they can push back peak CoV till the summer ir will be easier to manage.

    We truly do have the most incompetent shower of imbeciles in power that I can ever imagine and I do begin to fear for the wellbeing of family and friends in the UK. With these udiota in charge I fully expect the UK (and the US) to end up in a worse state than Italy is at present.

    In the mean tim, given what has happened to the health minister it is patently obvious to me that she forgot to sing God Save the Queen whilst washing her hands.

  313. John H. says:

    One thing that is emerging from the evidence in this trial so far is that the SNP has or is being run to a degree by careerists who care very little if at all about independence, which many of us suspected anyway. It seems that they have been more concerned about climbing the greasy pole than anything else if we go by what Ms H has been saying.

    I’m afraid that Nicola Sturgeon may not come out of this looking very good either. I hope I’m wrong.

  314. Old Pete says:

    At next years Scottish election do many on here prefer a ‘Better Together’ coalition government which will be totally against Scottish Independence or even standing up for Scotland interests ? Or an SNP/Green victory putting Independence front and centre. If the Independence parties gain over 50% of the vote then surely they can start negotiations on leaving the lopsided union with England. Independence all over the SNP campaign, the Tories say it any way then why not actually go for it. Support for Independence is still high, it needs harnessing we need not to be fighting but supporting a common way forward to gain it.

    So Nicola you need to start fighting. The softly, softly take forever approach ain’t going anywhere. So if Nicola can’t toughen up then she should stand aside and let someone who can lead Scotland forward to regaining our Independence. This I think is the only way forward. We need a united assault led by a strong determined leader and a strong SNP.

    Fragmentation and discourse has always been the best strategy used by the English overlords and their ‘uncle toms’ to keep the natives under control. We need to remember that Scottish independence is our main goal.
    If don’t like stuff the SNP are putting forward, then win Independence first and vote for a Scottish party that reflects your views in a new Independant Scottish parliament.

  315. jfngw says:

    @Old Pete

    It depends what the SNP put in their manifesto, if they say over 50% is a independence mandate then I’ll vote for it. If they continue down the current route then I’ll probably just spoil the ballot paper, it’s important the turnout remains high as low turnout will embolden Westminster to try and close Holyrood.

  316. jfngw says:

    I see people on twitter asking why the BBC in Scotland have such a small pool of experts they call on, some retired for over a decade. It’s because most of the journos are lazy shits that spend most of the day talking about how busy they are or trying to steal someone else’s headline piece. They then get out their little book (probably a pc contacts list nowadays) and call their guaranteed rent-a-quote contact, no effort required.

    I remember being told by someone who work at London news (1980’s) a senior journalist used to curse at the crew if she wasn’t in the 9 O’Clock News opening sequence. And one in Glasgow having a mini tantrum because he was asked to pull down a roller blind as it was the wrong backdrop for the breakfast news, they have massive egos.

  317. Republicofscotland says:

    Day three of the trial and Woman H is still in the witness box.

    I can’t speculate openly on this but make of it what you will.

    Shelagh McCall reads out extract from Woman H’s police statement which says others “encouraged me to speak to the police”; she confirms it says this, and says “that’s about right”

    link to

  318. Dr Jim says:

    Questions to the Prime Minister:

    Q: What plans do we have in place Prime Minister?
    A: We have fantastic plans in place and they are broadly wide and expansive plans
    Q: Yes but what are the plans Prime Minister?
    A: We must ditch the negativity and embrace with open arms this new opportunity to bring these plans into fruition
    Q: Yes but what are the actual plans Prime Minister
    A: Look what we need to do is get on and and deliver these plans and get this thing done and start moving forward
    A: Yes but what are these plans Prime Minister
    A: It’s no good just banging on about what we’re going to do, instead we’re seeing the long view the bigger picture and that’s what we’re aiming for and it’ll be fantasic for the country

    Q: Draws revolver shoots onself in the head

  319. Old Pete says:

    Spoilt ballet papers are a vote for the Tory, Labour and LibDems.
    The SNP need to go all out for Independence, the leadership needs to remember that if they can’t then we need new leaders and the sooner the better.

  320. Mist001 says:


    My belief now is that Mrs. Murrell is talking about an Indyref 2020 because she knows that if one is held then, it’s almost guaranteed to return a NO vote and thus, take independence off the table for a long, long time.

    She and her coterie want an Indyref in order to lose, not to win.

  321. Golfnut says:

    @ Breeks. 8:37 and 9:52.

    Absolutely agree with both your posts, would add that impeachment must be included in our new constitution.

  322. Famous15 says:

    See you Jimmie!

    Youve taen that too far!

  323. Republicofscotland says:

    Must read

    link to

  324. People’ are losing faith in the SNP the only answer is to form another Independence Party and not allow most of the present SNP msps to join it they have failed the people of Scotland badly As for the A.S. Trial if William Wallace had been or was shall we say a womaniser would that make his fight for Scottish freedom any less valid??? Of course not so all this accusations against A.S. By these people who are given anomity are in my opinion the states way to nullify him and the threat he poses to ther Union

  325. Breeks says:


    Andy Whiteman has won his defamation case!

    Chuffed with that result!

  326. mountain shadow says:

    Even after just 2.5 days of the trial, it is clear that the SNP and therefore the independence movement is going to suffer terribly.

    We will almost certainly need another high profile independence party soon.

  327. Republicofscotland says:

    “Andy Whiteman has won his defamation case!”

    Thats excellent news Breeks, Whiteman’s ideas on land reforms are a breath of fresh air.

  328. Republicofscotland says:

    “My belief now is that Mrs. Murrell is talking about an Indyref 2020 because she knows that if one is held then, it’s almost guaranteed to return a NO vote and thus,”


    After reading Craig Murrays revealing new post, I’m now all but convinced that the SNP have been hijacked by a group of careerists, not intent on delivering independence.

    I hesitate to say but how could Nicola Sturgeon and her husband Peter Murrell not know about it, or be involved in it, though that said I suppose it is possible but unlikely.

    I fear that we’ve been led down a blind alley on the intention of providing a indyref in the coming years, and that certain individuals are actively working to keep it that way.

  329. Sensibledave says:

    @Al Dossery

    It is clear that the Coronavirus spreads easily. It can be assumed that the virus will continue to spread in the UK and that, probably, millions of us may become infected over time.

    So, if you agree with that, what should we do? As I understand it the “delay” phase is about trying to restrict, by degree, the number of people that have the virus at the same time. This, it is then hoped, will mean that the percentage of people that are seriously ill at any one time, have a better chance of receiving good care – rather than 100s of 1000s (or even 1m plus?) all arriving at hospital in a short period.

    Some things are not about politics, political parties or Scottish Independence.

  330. Pete says:

    Sensible Dave
    What a difference it makes reading some ‘common sense’.
    Well done.

  331. Bill Hume. says:

    Strange place this BTL here. Some now saying that the First Minister is going to have indyref2 in 2020….because she knows we will loose.
    Last month it was all…there must be an indyref2 in 2020 or we shall have missed the chance for independence in Scotland for the next 25 (or any other made up number of) years.

    Could the all trolls here, please…GET A FUCKING GRIP.

  332. manandboy says:

    It seems that there are two versions of the Coronavirus. The first is the one spoken of by health professionals. The second is the one being plastered across the world’s broadcast and print media 24 hrs a day.

    The health professionals who speak to me, view Covid-19 as another strain of the common cold or flu, which can be likewise spread very widely with a relatively small number of people dying, usually due to the other already present respiratory conditions.

    In contrast, the Media are treating Coronavirus as if it was the Black Death or the Plague. Hence panic stockpiling of sanitising products, and surgical face masks at €150. The fear of Covid-19 is the real epidemic, and don’t right wing governments just love to rule a frightened population – putty in their hands.

    If Scotland gets anywhere near to where Italy is, then Independence will drop way down people’s list of priorities.
    That may turn out to be a saving grace if the revelations about the SNP’s careerist and trans core continue.

    Independence with politicians loaded with self-centered agendas would hardly be gold-standard, now would it. So we’ll be having none of that.

    Let’s have boil lanced

  333. manandboy says:

    It seems that there are two versions of the Coronavirus. The first is the one spoken of by health professionals. The second is the one being plastered across the world’s broadcast and print media 24 hrs a day.

    The health professionals who speak to me, view Covid-19 as another strain of the common cold or flu, which can be likewise spread very widely with a relatively small number of people dying, usually due to the other already present respiratory conditions.

    In contrast, the Media are treating Coronavirus as if it was the Black Death or the Plague. Hence panic stockpiling of sanitising products, and surgical face masks at €150. The fear of Covid-19 is the real epidemic, and don’t right wing governments just love to rule a frightened population – putty in their hands.

    If Scotland gets anywhere near to where Italy is, then Independence will drop way down people’s list of priorities.
    That may turn out to be a saving grace if the revelations about the SNP’s careerist and trans core continue.

    Independence with politicians loaded with self-centered agendas would hardly be gold-standard, now would it. So we’ll be having none of that.

    Let’s have the boil lanced and the poison of ambitious greed removed.

  334. manandboy says:

    Oh dear. Sorry ’bout that.

  335. Liz g says:

    Bill Hume @ 2.22
    Well said Bill…
    They know, and we know, the SNP don’t control the Yes movement.
    They didn’t in 2014 and they won’t in indyref two.
    We’re bigger and better and we’ve got this 🙂

    To coin a phrase ” the Scottish Government can’t resist the demand for Indy Ref Two indefinitely” they know that they are the ones who will really pay the price of being swept aside.
    It can’t be stopped now!
    If they want to win it they’ll need to be in it..

    I think it’s sheer desperation we’re seeing now,one of the British Nationalists on Twitter is even sayin that the corona virus means Scotland can’t be independent.
    Too wee
    Too poor
    Too stupid
    And now Too Sick…..
    Pathetic and funny at the same time…but these British have always been a bit ridiculous….

  336. Pete says:

    Agree about the hype over the virus but I take issue with you blaming ‘right wing governments’
    It is the left who are complaining that the UK and US are downplaying things.
    Plus, after today’s budget there is no way that you can call the UK right wing after the colossal proposed increase in public expenditure. That is just wrong!!
    Not my definition of right wing.
    Must be a big knock on benefit to the SG in Barnett extras.

  337. Almond Chutney says:

    Regarding the AS case, it seems so far that this can only result is not proven. I mean there is no standing evidence of such activity, but how can these women be ignored for standing up in a #MeToo like fashion. There will be blood to pay at some point.

  338. callmedave says:

    £640M + a few add ons to Scotland less to Wales and NI which I cant remember.

    Not a lot as the UK SS Austerity goes hard to port, reverses engines and all that policy crap they have been spouting for 10yrs it disappears in a puff of smoke and mirrors .

    Spend Spend or borrow… borrow …borrow 🙁

  339. Dr Jim says:


    Blah blah blah Wow! Getting it done Wow! Fantastic! Over the next five years! Getting it done! Levelling up!

    All of that then slips this in ****New branches of the UK Treasury in the regions*****, !!including Scotland!!

    Dominic Cummngs is being fitted right now at Pooles of Savile Row for his new UNIFORM set off by a nice long leather coat and cap to match

  340. Sandy says:

    Pete, you never read the small print?

  341. Breeks says:

    Question… do Alex Salmond’s accusers enjoy anonymity if he is proven innocent?

  342. Famous15 says:

    I resigned from the SNP because they preferred birds to people in East Sutherland.Having been raised there on a diet of brose and resentment of the Clearances I now read in Craig Murray’s blog how I wasted a life time for a cause hijacked by joyriders ,careerists and weirdos.

    The wider YES movement will now get my support so no more lining the pockets of trendy spads.

    I will still vote SNP because it still has a lot of sincere independence supporters but no money for the shallow chancers.

  343. jfngw says:


    Almost certainly yes they do, not sure if the judge could make a decision on this. But it seems unfair that if you are proven not guilty you still carry a burden that will hang over for the rest of your life but the accuser can just walk free with no consequences

  344. Liz g says:

    Breeks @ 4.09
    Yes they do Breeks and quite rightly so.
    This is the case in all sexual assault charges and has been for quite sometime.
    It removed the concern from a victim that their dignity would be dragged through the public domain and would associate what was done to them with them.
    This had been one of the great barriers to victims coming forward,and considering the low success rate of prosecution in these cases,also had to result in there being further victims.
    Having said that….I also think that anyone accused of such crimes should remain anonymous too unless and until there is a guilty verdict..
    I don’t buy that other victims will come forward because they see someone else has, is a good enough excuse to name the accused publicly.
    A wee bit more encouragement of personal responsibility to report, would, I think serve justice better.

  345. manandboy says:

    Cheers, Pete.

    “Plus, after today’s budget there is no way that you can call the UK right wing after the colossal proposed increase in public expenditure”

    I’ll believe it, but only when I see hard evidence. The words of this Tory Government are worthless, as proven innumerable times in the past.
    One example, The Vow. There are thousands of others, Pete.
    Try this – take your head out of the Unionist sand for just a moment, and, with a clear eye, look around.
    Cheers, Pete.

  346. manandboy says:


    Delivered by the postman, a ‘not in?’card in Royal Mail colours and design, just as if a parcel is waiting in the Delivery Office. On it, the message, ‘Please contact us ASAP’.

    Later, the voice says, ‘Welcome to TV licensing’.

    Independence is the only solution.

  347. manandboy says:

    The deeply treacherous English Government continues to wage a vicious propaganda War against Scotland.

    Alex Salmond ? Work it out.

  348. Liz g says:

    Jfngw @ 4.41
    By implication what you are suggesting is that a not guilty verdict should result in either charges being brought or publicly shaming the accusers?
    Since sexual assault cases are notorious for being hard to get a conviction for you cannot seriously mean that?
    Don’t forget that for every victim that doesn’t report there’s an attacker left to strike again on some other poor bugger…..
    Any victim who has been unlucky enough to meet a predator is not going to take the chance of being revictimised by the system or the media.
    Women, as usual had to fight bloody hard to win the right to privacy in reporting sexual assault.
    So if men want it as the accused… It’s is doable…. I’d support it…knock yerselves out!

  349. Liz g says:

    Manandboy @ 4.53
    Quite right, manandboy anybody who takes a Westminster Government at face value needs their head read,and this one’s lead by a proven liar!!!
    Even so Auld Peaty here completely missed the point…
    We didn’t vote for them to govern us on any wing of their politics. This lot have nae mandate to do anything other than seek the agreement of the Scottish Westminster MPs.
    We shouldn’t have to wait to see what they decide we can or can’t do,they are supposed to impress us to be worth our support…and that they don’t or won’t is what makes the 1707 Union unworkable, not that they are,or are not on a particular wing…

  350. cirsium says:

    Has everyone seen the billboard “Billionaires’ foodbank” with the union flag as the background? Are there more to come?

  351. dakk says:


    ‘ As I understand it the “delay” phase is about trying to restrict, by degree, the number of people that have the virus at the same time.’

    Then promptly stopping flights to and from the worst affected areas Lombardy and China would help ” delay” the contagion’ s rapid progress.

    UK gov didn’t do this.

    The PM saying we should ‘just take it on the chin’, and the Chief medical officer downplaying the potential death rate/ages based on a few UK cases also sends out mixed signals which may create complacency in many.

    Some things are not just about britain knows best you know.

    Brainwashed dopes like yourself are why the british gov can commit genocide with impunity.

  352. Stoker says:

    Mist001 wrote on 11 March, 2020 at 12:10 pm:

    “Beware!! My belief now is that Mrs. Murrell is talking about an Indyref 2020 because she knows that if one is held then, it’s almost guaranteed to return a NO vote and thus, take independence off the table for a long, long time. She and her coterie want an Indyref in order to lose, not to win.”

    I would not be surprised one little bit if that was their thinking but whatever their thinking is they’ve fucked-up big time. As they’ve been stringing us all along from mandate to mandate chanting ‘C30 cha cha cha’ London’s been fine-tuning its attempts to destroy any chance of indy.

    And as the next stage in London’s takeover bid slots nicely into place with the addition of new financial control units added to the new BritGov command centre in our capital city. Where are all those SNP sycophants who think Campbell is the devil whilst the SNP can do no wrong? Hiding with Ruth? Shameful and ridiculous the SNP/ScotGov letting London do this to us.

    If the chance to vote for indy comes along i shall always grasp that chance with both hands and i’ll work myself into the ground to help make it happen but as far as i’m concerned i’ve had my fill of Sturgeon and her “progressive” style. She’s tactically inept and has allowed every vantage point to be bypassed. Now the current situations with a possible pandemic in the offing & Salmond’s trial going on, our task has just been made far more gargantuan than ever before.

    We’re out of Europe and the “Sovereign” Scottish people are being shat & pished on from every conceivable angle by London on a regular basis as Sturgeon dreams of making it easier for dangerous criminals to access children and women. If that’s what being “Sovereign” gets us then yous can keep it. Shameful!

    And anyone wanting to call me a troll please feel free to do so, don’t let me interrupt your discussions on the deflectionary human creation that is the Coronavirus. Sturgeon’s also finding this topic extremely useful at this moment in time. It may just have saved her neck. Or at least that’s what she’ll be thinking.

  353. Breeks says:

    Liz g says:
    11 March, 2020 at 5:11 pm
    Jfngw @ 4.41
    By implication what you are suggesting is that a not guilty verdict should result in either charges being brought or publicly shaming the accusers?

    I once got shafted at an Employment Tribunal by four liars who concocted their story together. I was so utterly disgusted with the system which helped them do it, I have never employed another person ever since. I couldn’t believe how naive and gullible the tribunal was. Justice didn’t even get a look in and your faith in the system collapses.

    I have tremendous sympathy for Alex Salmond.

  354. jfngw says:

    @Liz g

    Not everything is just black and white as you see it, if it was decided the accusation was brought for malicious intent then yes I think the person should be exposed and shamed. That’s why I said that possibly a judge could make a ruling if they decided this was the case, but I don’t know if this is actually within the law.

    Why should a not guilty person be shamed when the accuser is not, the law has to be fair for both. Both anonymous or both named, that should be the rules. I won’t be knocking myself out for anything, bit of a childish remark, too old and never going to be accused of sexual assault, although if just inadvertently touching someone is now sexual assault you never know.

  355. dakk says:

    4 weeks ago when asked why they hadn’t stopped flights from China, UK gov admitted it would only “DELAY ” the virus by two weeks.

    And they now say they are trying to *delay” the virus spreading.

    4 weeks ago brainwashed british apologists like the trolls on here would be parroting that same crap and still won’t see their own stupidity.

  356. Pete says:

    Interestingly, one of the women is an SNP politician!!

  357. Willie says:

    And so the first stage of privatisation of the NHS commences.

    With the GP surgeries having had to run patients details through Border Agency computers before they can be accepted into a surgery, the system is now set to deny those who cannot pay. Today’s budget whereby every UK citizen is to pay £640.00 annually, or £2,2000 for a family is the start of no payment, no treatment.

    It’s all in place and just wait until universal health credit gets going.

    Suck it up folks, especially the economically constrained.. Free to buy as much care as you need, be thankful you voted Tory.

    As for self isolation in current virus crisis you can just fuck off with the health advice. No work, no income, no food, no heating, no rent money, no mortgage money, no loan repayment money – think folks are going to avoid going to work to receive £94.00 statutory sick pay.

    But think of this and be scared, very scared. If the infection rate surges because the Tories put money before public health, just think how folks needing treatment to keep them alive in an overwhelmed health service will fare. They won’t, end of story. It’s just stay home and die time for the elderly and health compromised.

    Plague on all of them in the House of Commons. But as Nadine Dorries, the COVID 19 sick Health Minister ( ha, ha !) says, she’s worried about her 84 year old mother. So are we Nadine – now you know the value of money and restricted health care.

  358. Republicofscotland says:

    From CM’s latest excellent blog post, with my reply at the bottom.

    “Her evidence was perfectly clear. She made the sexual assault complaint to party HQ with the specific purpose of preventing any possible political comeback by Alex Salmond and to ensure he could not pass vetting in order to become an SNP candidate again. Ms H said this directly in her evidence.”

    Wow! That is a very telling sentence, not just about H but about the consequences for AS, and a possible return to lead us to independence, considering AS is the only person within the SNP to actually carry out a indyref, discrediting him is thus the goal.

  359. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile the Long Letter in the National, illustrates just how much British nuclear waste has been dumped in Scotlands lochs, only for a retired US Navy commander to tell all.

    The US commander added dumping radioactive materials less than 20 miles from a inhabited area would be illegal in the US.

    I didn’t realise just how polluted ours waters are due to US and the British dumping hazardous materials in them.

    link to

  360. Pete says:

    I’m obviously not up to speed.
    What is this payment of £640 per person all about?
    When do we get the bills?
    Please explain.

  361. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Did I realy hear BBC Radio Scotland tell us that one of the consequences of national insurance changes in the budget will be, Scots subsidising tax-cuts for high-earners in England?

    What will the Yoons make of that?

    That the BBC is part of the SNP propaganda Machine?

  362. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Pete says:

    “…When do we get the bills. Please explain?”

    Probably not for some considerable time.

    The Treasury’s franking machine broke down years ago and the lazy sods just couldn’t be bothered to get it fixed.

    I have been waiting for several decades for my Union Dividend cheques to start rolling in.

  363. Golfnut says:

    @ RepublicofScotland.

    As an Independent State we must not shy away from taking legal action against westminster, and I don’t mean just seeking compensation.

  364. Col.Blimp IV says:

    …either that, or THERE IS NO UNION DIVIDEND!

  365. Pete says:

    I’ve been through all the budget summaries and I’m still trying to find anything about this new £640 per person or £2200 per family tax or levy.
    Please explain.
    All I can see is the Chancellor saying that the NHS is getting a blank cheque out of taxation.
    Also, the female SNP politician was in the AS car with her husband who was sitting in the front.
    Any ideas as to whom this could be, all those itk?

  366. Ruby says:

    I haven’t posted here since 2014. I was very inspired during the whole of the referendum when Alex Salmond was First Miniser.

    I don’t find Nicola Sturgeon very inspiring she can hardly be described as a great revolutionary.
    I was thinking about her on Woman’s Day and tried to imagine her as a suffragette she would probably have said ‘Oh no Emmeline you can’t do that it’s illegal!’

  367. jfngw says:


    I assume this is being referred to, not UK citizens but EU. Not sure what the point is, maybe that once it is introduced it is then easy to change it to include everybody.

    link to

  368. Ruby says:

    How long do you think the accusers in the Alex Salmond case are going to be anonymous?
    Sure it’s illegal to print their names but I reckon a fair number of people know who they are. Word will spread and in no time at all everyone who is interested will know.

    It used to be Bute House had a full time live in house-keeper does anyone know it that is still the case.

    It also used to be all dinners were catered by outside caterers and Bute House didn’t have any chefs.

    It’s a lot more difficult if not impossible for outside caterers to perform ‘loaves & fishes’ miracles.

  369. Liz g says:

    Jfngw @ 6.04
    I absolutely agree that not everything is black and white but on balance not naming accusers is a good aid to helping criminals face justice.
    Remember it’s the Crown who actually prosecutes.
    I also agree that in the case of sex crimes BOTH parties should NOT be named publicly.
    What I’m disagreeing with is naming and shaming anyone who has not been found guilty of anything and certainly not the victims. Up to and including Andrew Windsor,if he is ever actually charged with anything,(believe it or not).
    Why should the majority of victims suffer because of a few wicked people, and we have to have the same rules for everyone!
    My main point was that if there is an unfairness in the system address that,and not call for the removal of an already hard won right as an easy fix.

  370. Pete says:

    Thanks for that.
    Gross misinformation from Willie, it would seem.
    He clearly stated that UK citizens were paying as a result of today’s budget.

  371. Ahundredthidiot says:


    Maybe your employees took you to tribunal and coordinated their arsehole position to convince a bunch of pussy tribunal sitting fuds, that you were a prick is a good thing.

    Scotland needs Pricks, now more than ever.

    I’m a prick. You’re a Prick. The Revs a Prick.

    Pricks can DO all the arseholes and pussies until they come to their senses!

  372. Ruby says:

    Pete says:

    Also, the female SNP politician was in the AS car with her husband who was sitting in the front.
    Any ideas as to whom this could be, all those itk?

    Everybody wants to know! It won’t be long until everyone does.

    MSP I’m guessing ‘cos dinner at Pizza Express Holyrood Road.

    MSP in 2011

    Pizza Express to Waverley 2 minutes?

  373. Liz g says:

    Ruby @ 7.56
    Don’t get baited into speculation Ruby..

  374. Ruby says:

    Liz g says:
    11 March, 2020 at 8:11 pm
    Ruby @ 7.56
    Don’t get baited into speculation Ruby..

    Ruby replies

    Thats impossible Liz it’s like asking me to read a murder/mystery and not speculate on ‘who dun it?’

  375. Liz g says:

    Ruby @ 8.15
    Well….jist mind there’s a court order on that stuff,it’s no jist the Rev who will have yer guts fur garters 🙂

  376. Ruby says:

    Liz g says:
    11 March, 2020 at 8:25 pm
    Ruby @ 8.15
    Well….jist mind there’s a court order on that stuff,it’s no jist the Rev who will have yer guts fur garters ?

    Ruby replies

    I’d better go then! Cheerio!

  377. Ruby says:

    Liz g says:
    11 March, 2020 at 8:25 pm
    Ruby @ 8.15
    Well….jist mind there’s a court order on that stuff,it’s no jist the Rev who will have yer guts fur garters ?

    Ruby replies

    I’d better go then! Cheerio!

  378. Dr Jim says:

    We have the law of perjury but I can’t remember a time when it was last implemented, maybe the problem with the “you will be believed” line should have been accompanied by “but if you’re found to be committing perjury you go directly to jail just as the accused would if he/she is found guilty of a charge”

    Very often the Police lie and very often Procurators fiscal don’t have enough evidence but pursue cases anyway on the preponderance of mibbees

    There are many long documented stories of the judiciary doing that

    Legal trials are not about justice, they’re about the law,
    two very often different things

    If you’re very rich or very well known you can buy lots of law, if you’re poor and somebody nicks your worldly goods from your home *tough* not a fingerprint will be taken or an eybrow raised, just a few weeks ago there was a case in court of a man and his wife and daughter who were threatened by a burglar with a knife who broke and entered the home, the homeowner punched the man who fell down dead, the homeowner was sentenced to five years, in America that’s called a home invasion and they would’ve given him a medal for protecting his family, in Texas the man could’ve riddled him with machine gun bullets and chopped his head off and everyone would’ve applauded
    I remember asking my wife once, if you had a gun who would you shoot, she said,,,, bus drivers and taxi drivers, at least it wasn’t me

    In this country if you let someone kill you then they’ll go to jail and you’ll be mourned then they’ll be out on good behaviour in three years and you’ll still be being mourned

    Justice and the law, they should do telly shows, oh aye they already do that

  379. Breeks says:

    Looking back over the Court reporting, and shooting off on a tangent, I’m very curious to know just how many SNP candidates who were “soft on Independence” actually got selected and went on to win a seat. I’d have thought you’d at least need to be fairly keen on the idea… silly me.

    From the evidence too, I’m very curious just how random and arbitrary the selection process would appear to be if all you had to do was win a thumbs up from Alex Salmond. No analysis of a persons knowledge or capacities? Small wonder Scotland’s Constitution an alien concept to so many who should know better…

    Is it really such a fickle process that denied us Craig Murray in either Holyrood or Westminster, wielding his considerable influence, expertise, and Constitutional acumen to Scotland’s advantage?

    Why do I have this notion creeping into my head of a Scottish Government being surreptitiously infiltrated by enemies of Scotland, separating the live wires like Salmond and orchestrating schemes to undo them, and I quote, ‘sitting on’ the means to sabotage future selection vetting? Who the fk does that??? What friend of Scotland would think like that?

    There is something afoot that is really beginning to stink. I feel very sorry for Alex Salmond having to endure this, but perhaps the wider insights this trial opens up might yet prove the undoing of a malevolent conspiracy at the highest level, and a rude but healthy awakening for the YES movement.

    One First Minister undone by alleged sexual misconduct, a second First Minister undone by Wokist distraction. Tin foil hat time? Or does Scotland require its own National Security Agency to sniff out the Defoe’s moving amongst us…

  380. manandboy says:


    link to

    This a very detailed description of the Covid-19 virus and how best to deal with it. Lots of scientific techno language, and well worth a read. But it comes down to regular and thorough hand washing WITH SOAP AND WATER. As someone once said – just do it!

  381. Dr Jim says:

    Ian Murray Scotland’s only Labour MP wants to find a way to prevent trade union members voting who might support the SNP or Greens from voting in the Labour candidate election for deputy leader
    No mention of preventing Tory or Lib Dem Union members from voting I notice

    Ian Murray’s happy to take their money though, how very *British* of him

  382. North chiel says:

    “ Callme Dave @ 0329 pm “ . I note that Kate Forbes has called for “ urgent clarification “ as regards Scotland’s share” of the quoted 30 billion splurge proposed by the Westminster chancellor. Pro rata on this figure Scotland should be due circa 3 billion , so where does the 640 million figure come from ? Little wonder Ms Forbes requires “ urgent clarification “ No doubt the Tories will be “ structuring “ this English expenditure to minimise the “ consequentials” for Scotland and probably Wales & Northern Ireland . In fact Kate you can be absolutely certain of this . Time the Holyrood Government commenced “ lawsuits in Scottish courts” to recover monies which our country & people have been cheated out of eg . VAT levied on Police Scotland . We need to “ toughen up”

  383. twathater says:

    Received an email from AVAAZ re Trumps golf financial dealings requesting forwarding it to my MSP which I did with comment

    I am a member of AVAAZ and have been sent this email questioning the source of Trumps finances in purchasing Turnberry, Scotland and Scots have suffered severely from the influence of DARK MONEY , eg Westminster and Holyrood corruption via undisclosed and shady donations to the unionist parties , specifically but not exclusively the tories , this must not be allowed to continue especially with Trump forcing impactful and detrimental additional taxes on our spirit exports , whilst ignoring his friends in Westminsters business dealings

    Scotland has to disassociate itself from these amoral greed driven carpetbaggers or be forever locked in an interminable downward spiral , business should have ethics and morality at it’s core not this duplicity and blatant corruption

    Scotland is better than this and that is why we desperately NEED independence , unfortunately due to Nicola Sturgeon and her wokeist fixation on the GRA , rather than on what the SNP were elected to do INDEPENDENCE , it appears that the decline in membership and the current ignoring of 50%+ of the electorates wishes the SNP will be extremely lucky to be in government in Scotland in 2021

    My wife and I are not members but we are VOTERS who voted for you for at least the last 15 years , due to the current GRA debacle we reluctantly voted SNP in 2019 , but also due to the lack of leadership in going forward to the PROMISED referendum in 2017-18-19 and the desire to alienate and ignore the female sex I am afraid our votes will either go to any new independence supporting party or will be spoiled . Many people say that they never left labour , labour left them , unfortunately I now feel that you could replace SNP instead of labour into that saying

  384. Tatu3 says:

    Manandboy – soap and water IS best yes, however hand sanitiser is good for when out and about and there is NO soap and water available. So always carry a wee bottle with you just in case.

  385. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “Hi” “North Chiel”.

    “I’ve” “asked” you “before” but “I” can’t recall if “I” had an “answer”.

    “Why” do “you” scattergun all those unnecessary “quote marks” in “your” comments?

    “They” do “make” it “difficult” to read “your” comments and “gain” an understanding of “what” point “you” are actually making.

    If it’s “your” style, then “fair enough” but “those of us” who “understand” punctuation, find it “difficult” to read “your” comments “fluidly”.

    Fewer “” would “make” your “comments” more easily “read”.

    “No offence” intended.


  386. @Dr Jim,

    Perjury is not in itself against the law,

    the judge has to weigh up whether the lie under oath had any relevance on the outcome of the trial,

    Tommy Sheridan was accused and convicted of perjury after he won the News of the World case and received a three years prison sentence,

    Andy Coulson who was part of News of the World case against Tommy was proven to have perjured but the judge (Lord Burns) decided his lie did not influence the case so he was set free,

    the state prosecution against Tommy was led by Alex Prentice QC who is the QC prosecuting Alex Salmond,

    his speciality seems to be getting prosecutions when there is no hard evidence and using only circumstantial evidence backed up by his coterie of `experts`.

  387. Pete says:

    The US really knows how to deal with sex predators.
    Harvey Weinstein just got 23 years.
    Well done.

  388. SilverDarling says:

    Is something going on at a high level?

    Apparently a whole bunch of SNP politicians /officials have deleted their Twitter accounts over the last couple of days. I can’t see any missing that I normally pay any attention to.

    Anyone notice anything suspicious? I’m resisting saying too much in case I inadvertently mess up but what the hell is going on with the SNP?

  389. dakk says:

    The pictures of Dominic Raab coughing his guts up in Westminster are a portent.

    With at the very least Nadine Dorries infected ,Sensibledave’s british policy of “delay” looks to have already failed and Sars/Cor2 has even infected high office in their righteous britin.

    It is likely quite a few Wings posters will succumb to this including me or my loved ones.

    If it rips through the House of Lords( and Commons for that matter) first, before I succumb to it, then at least I hope I could die laughing.

  390. call me dave says:

    @North chiel
    £640M to Scotland I noted that
    £400M Wales (?!) approx memory
    £320M NI (?!) approx memory

    It was on a BBC flash card on the screen for a few seconds during Andrew Neil Budget programme they appeared as the budget news was breaking in HoC. But not discussed by panel.

    I presume it was a budget statement item.

    Seems not a lot. BBC Never said it was Barnett Consquentials.

  391. call me dave says:

    There you go: £640M the ties that bind us!

    link to

  392. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Asked this question on The Twitter but no-one has answered, perhaps because they think I’m having a laugh when I’m really not…

    People who testify under ‘anonymity’ – are they entitled to maintain that anonymity after the proceedings have concluded and a verdict reached?

    If so, how would anyone ever know that the people who testified during the trial weren’t just actors?

    Am I just being dense?

  393. Liz g says:

    Ian Brotherhood @ 11.09
    As I understand it Ian the anonymity continues if the judge says it does!
    But I’m not sure if the witnesses have to ask for it to continue.
    The trial and the records of it are still public it’s just the names that can’t be published.
    Unless it is ordered to be arse backwards, like the killers of wee James Buldger,his killers were protected during the trial and the judge ordered they could be named,then after their release they got very draconian court orders to protect them once again. ( although I don’t know if any of these orders apply cross border)
    As to who is a witness for the Crown…that’s normally part of the police investigations,ye would assume they would check out who is presenting themselves well before they get to court!

  394. dakk says:

    The UK has less than a quarter of ICU beds/ ventilators that Italy has.

    Things could unravel pretty quickly.

    The great and the good,and the smart will try get the virus early so they might get the treatment.

  395. Liz g says:

    — Just Because —–Scotland 🙂
    The currency questions are slightly older than 2013/14!
    Today March 11th in 1988 England withdrew the paper £1 note.
    Scotland continued with them for a while as we have three issuing bank’s for our “currency that never was” but eventually,”legal tender” or no we gradually followed suit.

  396. Liz g says:

    dakk @ 11.32
    LOL,well if you get it any time soon,console yer self with a day trip to the House of Lords….

  397. dakk says:

    @ Liz g

    Nice idea.

    Might drop in to Springburn Orange Lodge en route.

  398. Liz g says:

    dakk @ 11.45
    See…that’s the sprit…every cloud 🙂

  399. Dr Jim says:

    @Silver Darling

    In the run up to 2014 referendum key figures in the SNP ditched the use of their regular phones for burn phones because their regular phones were being tapped by the UK government, a friend of mine who’s a councillor but an organiser was tapped, PCs had trackers on them from GCHQ and and when it was discovered the UK was guilty of this they flatly refused to apologise and asserted they had every right, maybe this Internet thing is something beginning that the SNP don’t want the UK to know about

  400. Dr Jim says:

    Have you seen Springburn OO Ludge, it’s like they’re expecting the plague of the Zombies with barbed wire and all sorts round it, they manage to keep their wee fleg flying though, you just need to look at it to realise they know how *popular* they are

  401. Liz g says:

    Dr jim @ 12.04
    It that tae keep them in or real people oot?

  402. Black Donald says:

    U.K. government policy is to wait until the rabies virus is better spread in the community. It will then move to a containment strategy. Perhaps stop large gatherings and close some schools.

    OK rabies is much worse than coronavirus, but I make the point. The approach being taken is madness. Negligent and ineffective.

    Coronavirus is not inherently an NHS problem. It is a Customs & Excise problem. Customs & Excise have protected the U.K. from rabies very effectively for years. Vaccinations are stringently enforced. Where necessary quarantine is enforced. The whole thing is controlled by Customs & Excise. They put the animals into quarantine.

    There is no vaccine for this virus, so quarantine is the only effective way to control the virus. It is absolutely essential that quarantine is enforced at all points of entry for people entering the country.

    If Jesus came down from Heaven and miraculously cured every patient, we would still have a problem. The virus would be brought in by travellers from abroad and we would be back to square one.

    Coronavirus is only an NHS problem because the government has failed to control the entry of this virus. If they had taken the correct action at the start, the costs and impacts would have been high, but they would have been minuscule compared to the disaster that is unfolding. Nobody would have died.

    Quarantine is mandatory. At all points of entry and everywhere the virus occurs. It is the only solution. The alternative is continued exponential growth, only damped when penetration is so high there are few people left to infect.

    If the U.K. don’t do it, the Scottish Government should do it.

    What a pity there is no border with England. That 2014 vote is going to cost us dear.

  403. Confused says:

    anyone who has not done so, on your own behalf, without telling anyone … have a search engine session for people in supporting SNP or scotgov roles


    keep the remarks generalised, abstract, hypothetical …

    there are a helluva lot of, almost exclusively, women, youngish, with arts degrees, doing media work, having those bureaucrat roles with job titles no one really understands


    – one person sticks out to me, and what is most interesting is all the additional information about her; it looks like woman H

    this person, WHO MAY OR MAY NOT BE H (circumstantial!) has an interesting profile; if Moorov is being invoked – sauce for the gander/goose – then context and history and patterns of behaviour all become relevant

    definitely, a careerist
    dislikes “cybernats”
    on the woke end, independence a tagalong
    had strong political ambitions
    associates herself with powerful male figures
    some rattlign skeletons, involving lobbying and grants
    did not get the slot she wanted

    – basically, a bit of a b1tch and not someone you would want to cross; her “Penelope Pitstop being pursued by Dick Dastardly” – routine just won’t cut it. She is no ingenue. You can see the calculation and ambition in her moves – that #metoo got mentioned is telling, and the last thing on my list may be what this is all about, really …

    “Is this a dagger which I see before me…”

    she also looks like a tranny, but maybe that’s just me, I see ’em everywhere these days

    – what bothers me most, forget all the sex, is someone getting into such an important position with a lukewarm-at-best nationalism … I am a “one issue guy”

    do people hang around the SNP offices saying

    “AHM NO REALLY INTAE IT, BUT GAWNY GEEZ A GOOD JOB AN THAT?? – I know whit intersectionality is and I can go to meetings and just agree with what everyone else says …”

  404. Dr Jim says:

    No matter the trial outcome the names and all the garbage that goes with it will all be printed in the Daily Record anyway within weeks or months and they’ll call it a leak by somebody else, they can’t help themselves

  405. call me dave says:

    Scotland must act fast to answer virus Budget

    Douglas Fraser
    Business/economy editor, Scotland

    link to

  406. Liz g says:

    Oh WoW…. Trump is suspending All flights from Europe…
    Except from the UK…. If ever there was a sign Westminster wants to be the 51st state and America wants to neuter Europe there, it, is, right there!!
    He blamed Europe ( like it’s an actual fucking Government) for not acting fast enough.
    The clown should have egg on his face in the next few day’s when the UK goes into the next phase….
    But time will tell…

    If the announcement comes from Westminster that the UK is advising/ordering flights be cancelled to the US!!
    Then political collusion cannot be in dispute.

    These fucking people are on the loose with our health decisions and even now are playing politics….

    It would be apt,I think,to say…. A Plauge On All Their House’s!!

  407. Liz g says:

    PLAGUE even 🙂
    Time for bed,as Zeebedee should have said hours ago

  408. Golfnut says:

    @ Call me Dave.

    Fraser’s article made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Designed to confuse or am I just stupid.?

  409. Willie says:

    Maybe Europe will close off all travel between Europe and Britain. They should do.

    This is all about the US and its 51st state of the U.K. waging economic warfare against Europe. No if, no buts, and the virus is just another tool in that game plan.

    Unfortunately, for ordinary folks, it might be the US and the UK who become the plague economies as this virus spreads. The UK and most certainly the USA have been the most reluctant of the developed countries to implement infection controls preferring instead not to affect the economy.

    There is more, much more than just a health issue to this virus – and Trump and Johnson have just brought that into clear sight.

  410. Golfnut says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood.

    What passes for newspapers in this disunited kingdom will be chasing exclusives, nice little earner for some and keeps the anti indy pot boiling.

  411. Golfnut says:

    @ Willie.

    The EU and EFTA are probably set up best to survive major economic turbulence, mutual assistance and open trade borders with 30 other countries will provide a major cushion to each individual country.
    Oil is the EU’s weakness, which is why Scotland would never be blocked from membership.

  412. admiral says:

    call me dave says:
    11 March, 2020 at 10:47 pm
    @North chiel
    £640M to Scotland I noted that
    £400M Wales (?!) approx memory
    £320M NI (?!) approx memory

    Supposedly the Chancellor has increased spending massively – an extra £30BN for public services plus £175BN infrastructure (I guess most of that is HS2). I wonder how much will be spent in Scotland – not much – compared to how much will be charged to GERS as “spent on behalf of Scotland”?

  413. Famous15 says:

    Confused 1233am

    I wish you hadnae said all that.I now know and cannot unknow.

    Glad I resigned from the SNP so not supporting her high wages.

  414. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Golfnut –

    It’s given me a cracking idea for an erotic novel featuring a Weegie Lothario…

    ‘…it wis time to seize the moment an aw that. Years ay practise man, got ma strides aff wi one hand an opened a can ay Special Brew wi the other…’

  415. callmedave says:

    Radio shortbread this morning has rounded up all the numbers for Scotland’s ‘consequentials’ to £1000M all in

    I forgot to say yesterday that all VAT on reading material is removed. I assume it includes newspapers? or maybe not.

    I’ll google it. 🙁

  416. mike cassidy says:

    Dr Jim

    The days of Snoopgate 2015.

    Scandal of Brit spooks spying on MSPs as GCHQ rewrite rules to pry on Holyrood

    link to

  417. Dan says:

    It’s Scotland, and with our wonderful climate nearly everybody has a sniff / cold / flu for half the year.
    How are you meant to know 14 days in advance that the ailment you might go down with is the supposedly dodgy one?
    To self-isolate or self-immolate, that is the question.

    Toilet Paper Fight Club

    A Fistful Of Hankies

    For A Few Tissues More

    Indiana Jones – Raiders Of The Last Napkin

    Harry Snotter…

  418. Republicofscotland says:

    “People who testify under ‘anonymity’ – are they entitled to maintain that anonymity after the proceedings have concluded and a verdict reached?”

    Ian @11.09pm.

    As far as I know in this case,the complaints have life long anonymity. Not so sure about other cases.

  419. Dr Jim says:

    When is a border not a border:

    I watched that silly channel 9 debate night rubbish last night and up pops the usual Unionist argument over borders and who’s a foreigner and who’s not a foreigner, because as we know to be a foreigner is a terrible thing, but it became clear to me in a blinding flash that the people who deploy this argument aren’t considering themselves *the Union* they’re considering themselves *the owners* who get to say who is and who’s not what they own or who they’re more fond of, and if Scotland becomes Independent the right for Unionists to own people is taken away from them so then they get to say they’re not fond of us anymore

    Then Donald Trump goes and proves it by banning all the European foreigners from going to America because they’re obviously more infectiony prone and he can’t own them but us Brit type foreigners are clearly better and more immune to foreign diseases than the nasty foreigners, but he can own us, a border is a border when the owners decide it is, and Trump can own the UK but he can’t own the rest of the world

    Boris Johnson and his lot now say that the Northern Irish border is a border but not a border when they say it isn’t, and all while they created control of their borders by adding another 27 borders with the foreigners he’s not fond of because he can’t own them

    If Scotland is Independent there’ll be a border if the previous owners say it’s a border meaning they the owners have to give up owning Scotland and they’ll not be fond of us anymore

    Does all that make sense?

    Maybe we should be arguing that a border is a good thing because it proves we own ourselves

  420. Dr Jim says:

    @Mike Cassidy 9:44 am

    Thanks Mike that was the very story, I hope everybody gives that a click

  421. gus1940 says:

    After yesterday’s budget is it not now obvious that there was never any need for the Tories’ Austerity Campaign and that it was in fact a disguised assault on The Welfare State.

  422. John H. says:

    Norway and Denmark close their borders because of Coronavirus fears. Small countries with smaller populations can do that more easily. If only…

  423. mike cassidy says:


    Breakfast At Sniffanys

  424. jackie says:

    The SNP reps at Westminster are starting to look oh so very homely sitting in those green benches.

    Blackford seems more concerned about his Saville Row suits than Scottish Independence.

    The SNP at Westminster have become like the rest of the Scottish Uniionist MPs that were sent down to Westminster, they have become institutionalised.

    They are living the cosy life and if you look closely enough at their footwear, they all have their very own pair of Westminster slippers.

  425. Dr Jim says:

    *The Flu* Not very frighteny is it, because we’re used to it if we get it and shrug it off with the words “Ach I’ve got a dose of *The Flu*

    “Corona virus” does sound frighteny because we’re not used to that and we know that we don’t have a jag for it so that makes it more frighteny because it’s more infectiony than *The Flu*

    Maybe they should have just sold it as a new Flu that’s worse than the old Flu and not told the media its technical name “Corona Virus” so they wouldn’t keep repeating the name every five minutes to terrorise and panic folk so that they’re demanding to know what street it’s in and who’s got it so they can shun them as if they’ve got some kind of dirty plague that they’re intent on spreading to the rest of us when the majority are probably going to get a dose of it, or a bad dose of it anyway

    The media are using Corona Virus like a plague of the zombies story in the same way they keep linking and comparing Alex Salmond with Harvey Weinstein and sexual predatory murderers and crazies

    The media’s loving this and it wouldn’t surprise any of us if before long we have some intrepid reporter snottering from their eyes and foaming at the mouth isolating themselves on live TV where they’re clinging on for dear life but bravely still reporting the *Outbreak* for us all before America does the Movie starring Tom Hanks with President Trump mulling over the decisions as to whether to Nuke entire cities or not to control the spread of *The Virus*

    There are hundreds and thousands of people being bombed to death every day in foreign lands by governments and what do we hear about that, nothing, because this is obviously far worse eh

    It’s a really crappy bad Flu and we’ll get sick but the vast majority of us will be OK and nobody will be coming round our houses to shoot us or bomb us to death

    We need Iron man and Captain America and especially Scarlett Johaanson right away

  426. jackie says:

    Don’t know what it is, but I seem to get a wee spring in the step when certain events happen.

    In the last couple of days two english football teams, Spurs and Liverpool, have been kicked out of the European cup and to add to the english woes, their “Lionesses” lost for the seventh time in eleven games.

    Proof if ever you needed it that the mighty english empire is starting to fall apart.


    As I said, it does give one a wee spring in ones step.

  427. Breeks says:

    Right now it feels like Independence finds itself inside a butterfly killing jar.

    Our YES resources are having a lean time of it, with no political sustenance whatsoever for as long as there is no direction, momentum or leadership.

    link to

    Sometimes I’d really like to boot the SNP square in the arse for dawdling like stuffed penguins with a fat salary and all the time in the world, while the YES army is skin, bone and sinew, abandoned without orders and left to forage in the bins for it’s meagre existence. It’s not easy being patient and positive when there’s no milk for your cuppa. So many of these ventures were short term endeavours which didn’t build longevity into their plans. You’re taking too long SNP. You’re asking so much but giving so little. It isn’t right.

    If I’d the cash, I’d pay every one of these crowdfunders three times over, the good ones, the ok ones, and even the ropey ones that seem a bit odd, but more often than not I just don’t even have the cash to support any of them. IScot Magazine was another I spotted…

    Come on Scotland dig deep and keep digging deep. These aren’t requests for money, these are YES Lieutenants and stalwarts needing more fuel for the engines, food for their bellies, and credit on their phones. The SNP doesn’t show their gratitude or appreciation, (maybe the Salmond trial sheds an insight into why that is), but the point is, YES is our future, and it doubles the responsibility on us to keep our YES movement fit, healthy and in peak condition.

    As for people with fundraising needs, keep posting them, and flagging them again and again if response is slow. Don’t be shy, or feel you’re being pushy or forward, the time will come when we need you more than you need us. I believe in the help being there, but sometimes it’s the connectivity that blows hot and cold…. but you all need to be there when the time comes.

    I don’t have the link but I know there are flags out there needing bought…. and other outlays which need to spread out and borne communally because they’re a heavy burden on all too few individuals. It’s £40 for an SNP crystal ball, seems faulty at that too, but that’s over 10 x an IndyLive £3 opening offer.

    Communicate, communicate, communicate…. Let us generate our own oxygen and crack the glass of this killing jar.

  428. Willie says:

    @golfnut 7.46am.

    Quite agree Gofnut. That is exactly the point.

    With America banning travel to the EU, the UK could very easily be isolated from the EU with whom it is already squabbling with in terms of an exit trade agreement. Indeed, the EU could close its borders to the UK quite easily. Moreover, the UK out of the EU has still to agree trade terms with all manner of other countries around the globe.

    Trump therefore in trying to isolate Britain from the rest of the EU, may therefore be making a play to make the UK the 51st state.

    So, if the EU closes its borders to the UK, and the UK has no world trade deals, who can the UK trade with. And yes, Golfnut, the EU, and indeed China, might well be better placed to withstand economic shocks than the USA and its poodle.

    American healthcare system anyone?

  429. John H. says:

    Dr Jim. I don’t think Tom Hanks will be taking up that offer for while, as he and his wife both have the virus. It doesn’t help the situation when some journalists have compared the spread of the virus to the black death from the middle ages.

  430. jackie says:

    watching Nicola Sturgeon on english morning tv this morning and she is definitely showing the signs of pressure getting to her.

    She is starting to look tired and dried up of ideas and enthusiasm.

    I would suggest Nicola step aside and let Joanna Cherry take up the reins.

    If that happened, then I would consider renewing my membership,,,,as long as Indy is front and centre of their way of thinking.

    But that doesn’t take away the need for a Yes Party for list seats next year.

  431. manandboy says:

    Christina Higgins

    “I am writing to you from Bergamo, Italy, at the heart of the coronavirus crisis. The news media in the US has not captured the severity of what is happening here. I am writing this post because each of you, today, not the government, not the school district, not the mayor, each individual citizen has the chance, today to take actions that will deter the Italian situation from becoming your own country’s reality. The only way to stop this virus is to limit contagion. And the only way to limit contagion is for millions of people to change their behavior today.

    If you are in Europe or the US you are weeks away from where we are today in Italy.

    I can hear you now. “It’s just a flu. It only affects old people with preconditions”

    There are 2 reasons why Coronavirus has brought Italy to it’s knees. First it is a flu is devastating when people get really sick they need weeks of ICU – and, second, because of how fast and effectively it spreads. There is 2 week incubation period and many who have it never show symptoms.

    When Prime Minister Conte announced last night that the entire country, 60 million people, would go on lock down, the line that struck me most was “there is no more time.” Because to be clear, this national lock down, is a hail mary. What he means is that if the numbers of contagion do not start to go down, the system, Italy, will collapse.

    Why? Today the ICUs in Lombardy are at capacity – more than capacity. They have begun to put ICU units in the hallways. If the numbers do not go down, the growth rate of contagion tells us that there will be thousands of people who in a matter of a week? two weeks? who will need care. What will happen when there are 100, or a 1000 people who need the hospital and only a few ICU places left?

    On Monday a doctor wrote in the paper that they have begun to have to decide who lives and who dies when the patients show up in the emergency room, like what is done in war. This will only get worse.

    There are a finite number of drs, nurses, medical staff and they are getting the virus. They have also been working non-stop, non-stop for days and days. What happens when the drs, nurses and medical staff are simply not able to care for the patients, when they are not there?

    And finally for those who say that this is just something that happens to old people, starting yesterday the hospitals are reporting that younger and younger patients – 40, 45, 18, are coming in for treatment.

    You have a chance to make a difference and stop the spread in your country. Push for the entire office to work at home today, cancel birthday parties, and other gatherings, stay home as much as you can. If you have a fever, any fever, stay home. Push for school closures, now. Anything you can do to stop the spread, because it is spreading in your communities – there is a two week incubation period – and if you do these things now you can buy your medical system time.

    And for those who say it is not possible to close the schools, and do all these other things, locking down Italy was beyond anyone’s imagination a week ago.

    Soon you will not have a choice, so do what you can now.

    Please share.”

  432. Ian Foulds says:

    call me dave says:
    11 March, 2020 at 10:47 pm
    @North chiel
    £640M to Scotland I noted that
    £400M Wales (?!) approx memory
    £320M NI (?!) approx memory

    So, where is the other £28.64 billion out of the £30billion mooted being spent. ?

  433. Almond Chutney says:

    Jackie: ‘Proof if ever you needed it that the mighty english empire is starting to fall apart’

    Because a few English football teams lost?

  434. Breeks says:

    Dr Jim says:
    12 March, 2020 at 9:52 am

    Maybe we should be arguing that a border is a good thing because it proves we own ourselves..

    I have 0% problems with a hard border post Indy.

    If England doesn’t like it, then embrace the European Union Standards and Customs Agreements and remove the need for a border, instead of creating a need, and making a hard border inevitable by succumbing to deregulation and adopting inferior standards.

    I get bamboozled when Unionists present the argument we’d need a hard border as some kind of jeopardy. Yes we would need a hard border with Customs Control and visas, and I’m 100% relaxed about it. I’m actually quite happy about Scotland being a European Frontier quite frankly. It might even stimulate some much needed investment, jobs and commerce in a forgotten area that badly needs some stimulus.

    If England doesn’t like borders, it will no doubt come as a shock that it’s just raised 27 new hard borders at a stroke.

  435. Ian Foulds says:

    Jackie at 11.29am

    Well said!

  436. Sinky says:

    Away from home in car and can’t get First Minister Questions on any radio station
    When did BBC Scotland stop broadcasting this and why?

    However did hear usual non Scottish expert on BBC Scotland talking about waiting for advice from Chief Medical Officer England.

    At least Scotland has twice as many hospital beds per head than England

  437. callmedave says:

    @Ian Foulds

    Well it’ll be spent ‘darn Sarf’ I suppose and WM will charge that 9.8% of it to Scotland’s debt as usual.

    They have sole use of Scotland’s debit card and it wont expire until we get independence sorted. 🙁

    Meanwhile in a bear market the normal basket of shares, long thought to provide a measure of stability to small investors,
    are all getting trashed at once. Ouch all round! 🙁

  438. cynicalHighlander says:

    Arbroath march 4th is off no gatherings more than 500.

  439. Effijy says:

    My colleague showing symptoms that he GP demands
    Must be tested immediately.

    I tried to seek advise as to how I should now react having
    Worked in the same office.

    NHS 24 on 111 advise of a waiting time in excess of 45 minutes.
    Alternative number of 0800 224488 given.
    When that number is dialled you’re advised that it has been
    Closed down with workers dedicated to work on the Corona Virus line.

    It is escalating as expected so you do need to take every possible precaution as of right now
    And that is everyone at all times.

  440. Dr Jim says:

    The categorisation by Unionists at the moment that money is coming to Scotland from the UK for Scotland’s health service as somehow being money the English are giving us is pathetic and shows exactly the mindset of these people who equate the title UK as meaning England, because England are the benign owners who give us stuff, Aye that’s the same peole who refuse to allow folk a spare room in their hoose but they *give* the country of Scotland money

    It’s only Scotland’s own money being returned to Scotland from our taxes having been collected by the English foreign government who likes to title themselves as the UK, GB, the British Empire, the British Isles, they don’t half love conferring titles upon themselves

    *Block Grant* is another expression invented by England to con people into believing Scotland is being given something we didn’t earn

  441. Ian Foulds says:

    Call me dave at 12.23pm

    Spot on in regards to both observations ?

  442. Breeks says:

    cynicalHighlander says:
    12 March, 2020 at 12:50 pm
    Arbroath march 4th is off no gatherings more than 500.

    Aye, that was always on the cards. I hope the changes still change and the talks still happen, even if there’s not such an occasion. I feel pretty desperate leaving progress at the feet of the SNP.

  443. dakk says:

    ‘My colleague showing symptoms that he GP demands
    Must be tested immediately.’

    I’ve just heard Springburn Orange Lodge has taken delivery of a trial vaccine for Covid19 if NHS is no use.

  444. Dr Jim says:

    @ jackie 11:29 am

    You’ll not be renewing your membership anytime soon then jackie because there’s no sight on any horizon that Nicola Sturgeon will be going anywhere soon, and why would you want to tie the hands of Joanna Cherry into the job of FM, Joanna Cherry is and will be far more effective doing exactly what she does now, except doing it in Scotland

    Being FM is two jobs, one leader of the SNP and two representative of the entire country being forced to consider the views of Unionists as well as Independence supporters

    I certainly wouldn’t want Joanna Cherry involved in taking up her daily time visiting Primary Schools, Nurseries, Hospitals, welcoming visitors, chairing conferences, travelling backwards and forwards to England and other countries for PR work, that part of the job as FM is all time consuming, Joanna Cherry has never expressed any desire to be FM because it is restricting in what you can say and do, Joanna’s talents are best used in causing as much trouble as she can for the opposition, as FM she wouldn’t have the time, and I’m not sure her personality would enjoy it either

    The EU loves Nicola Sturgeon she has them charmed and ready to welcome us, it’s for folk like Joanna Cherry to get in the ring and do the fighting because that’s what she’s good at, she’s a tough talking scrapper who gets in an about them

  445. Breeks says:

    jackie says:
    12 March, 2020 at 11:29 am
    watching Nicola Sturgeon on english morning tv this morning and she is definitely showing the signs of pressure getting to her.

    She is starting to look tired and dried up of ideas and enthusiasm…

    Not disagreeing with you, but looking at the GMB footage of Nicola and the London Studio side by side, there seems to be a cosy warm tinge to the studio footage, while Nicola’s footage seems as though it is passed through a blue filter or something, making the images look cold and the colour subdued.

    Looking pale and gaunt might not all be down to Nicola, but ITV chicanery and deliberate ‘cold’ hue.

  446. Sunniva says:

    Is there any reason why the leader of the SNP has to be the FM?

  447. Sunniva says:

    If the Abroath march and others get called off because of corona we should have orchestrated mass twitter storms instead. Bring down twitter.

  448. Pete says:

    Blackford has bought a Range Rover Velar for his wife.
    Climate change. No problem!!!

  449. mike cassidy says:

    Stop gatherings of 500 or more?

    Cos of the necessity of them being policed etc

    Is that before or after Sunday’s Celtic Rangers match?

  450. Dorothy Devine says:

    looking tired and dried up of ideas and enthusiasm? Wow!

    I am getting quite sick of folk who are so ready to criticise , so ready to pop in snippets of useless observations and/or little snide remarks.

    Tell me , who are you going to vote for if you are a genuine supporter of independence – Liberals? Labour? Conservatives?

    All of them are embroiled in the controversy of trans rights.
    All of them have been utterly useless to Scotland .
    All of them denigrate Scotland backed by their media pals.
    All of them have questions to answer on funding.
    Some of them have questions to answer on child abuse and their cover ups.

    As for someone on Skye having a Range Rover – I think you’ll find many folk in the highlands have such vehicles – utterly unremarkable.

  451. Sinky says:

    BBC Radio Scotland is a disgrace. This afternoon we just had Stuart McConnie plugging his book on The Nanny State and was allowed to chunter on about Britain privatising water and cost of education etc without the BBC presenter Grant Stott pointing out thing are different in Scotland.

    So much for the BBC Charter to inform.

  452. North chiel says:

    “ Ian Foulds@1159 am” , not too difficult to work that one out I would have thought ?

  453. Al Dossary says:

    Stop gatherings of 500 or more…….And in the meantime Rangers v Celtic (and presumably the rest of the league programme) look as if they may go ahead.

    I have no words for the stupidity of that decision. If it is too dangerous after Mondau, it is too dangerous today.

  454. lothianlad says:

    Jackie @10.27
    Great post. Yep, the SNP are very comfortable at wastemonster. How sad that when we were there opposing in the 1990s, they fought tooth and nail for Scotland. Bought and sold etc…

    How can we have gone from the golden oppertunity of defeating a discredited opposition and media with all that support and mandates from the people, to meekly asking for a section 30 order???

    SNP hierarchy are infiltrated and influenced! Blackmail and bribery holding back a new parcel of rogues!!

    They have no more right to be the custodions of the independence movement, they have betrayed the peoples trust!!

  455. jackie says:

    DrJim 1.39

    I understand the point you are making, but all campaigns have their leaders, they are there to inspire, they are there to force their point through without having to wait and see what their boss thinks if it.

    So I would like Joanna Cherry to lead the SNP and force the issue of Scottish Independence.

    She will always have support around her to get on with the day job. Holyrood is just a glorified council chamber, the same as Glasgow, Edinburgh or Aberdeen.

    Our goal is Independence and what could be a higher profile in persuit of that than the First Minister of Scotland leading the charge?

    We have to come up with new tactics and what better way than to have our leader heading of to the EU or the UN fighting our corner.

    Joanna Cherry would not be given the same freedoms if Nicola Sturgeon remains as her boss. Nicola would make sure Joanna’s hands were tied,,,,very tightly

    That is why if we want to move forward then Nicola Sturgeon had to go.

    Until then I will remain an ex SNP member.

  456. lothianlad says:

    Fantastic oppertunity for any new SNP careerist -……. Be the candidate that puts Independence first!!

    Garunteed support!!

  457. Ian Foulds says:

    Ian Foulds says:
    12 March, 2020 at 1:27 pm
    Call me dave at 12.23pm

    Spot on in regards to both observations ?

    SORRY. Question mark should have been an Exclamation mark.

  458. jackie says:

    Dorothy Devine 2.35

    Nicola looks as dried up as her fight for Scottish Independence.

    Since she became leader is the SNP, what has she done to further the cause of Independence.?

    Answer, SFA

    What has she done to attract long term well paid jobs to Scotland?


    No heavy engineering, nothing,,we are treading water.

    Nicola Sturgeon is a good council leader and that I am afraid is her limit,,running the council chamber they call Holyrood.

    We need someone with fire in their belly who will lead us to Independence.

  459. mumsyhugs says:

    AUOB march in Arbroath on 4th April postponed due to Coronavirus. Stay healthy and safe folks. Xxx

  460. jackie says:

    Remember Scottish Labour used to ask us,,

    “If you don’t vote for us, then who else are you gonna vote for”

    The SNP are morphing into Scottish Labour.

    Politics is very fluid, people are very fickle, so if a new political force appears in Scotland pushing Scottish Independence as their main agenda, then I know who I will be voting for.

  461. callmedave says:

    Looks like FM has diverted from a ‘UK’ common approach to the virus by banning events in Scotland of 500 people or more this afternoon at a press conference not long finished.

    Eire has done the same earlier today.

  462. frogesque says:

    YES Stones event, Boulders and Blethers at Baldridgeburn Community Centre this Saturday, 14th March has regretably been cancelled.

    This is purely precautinary due to the CoVid-19 outbreak and we hope to re-schedule later in the year.

  463. Mist001 says:

    Virtually every major shopping centre in Scotland contains more than 500 people at any given time. Big stores like M&S easily have more than 500 people inside them at any one time. The museum in Chambers street, Kelvingrove museum, places like that, easily have more than 500 people at any given time.

    So what’s Mrs. Murrell going to do? Close them down too?

    EXTREMELY poor leadership and thought process from Mrs. Murrell since this situation began.

    Even now, the Scottish government won’t tell anyone where the cases in the Lothians are, even though everyone knows it’s the Western General hospital which, come to think of it, also contains more than 500 people at any given time.

    Or maybe this banning of events of more than 500 people is all money driven and football orientated?

  464. Liz g says:

    Al Dossary @ 2.56
    The ban on gatherings,as our First Minister made perfectly clear,is not about the actual virus…But rather to lighten the load on the Emergency Services…
    Sky News just made the same mistake
    Don’t be like Sky News…. 🙂

  465. Dr Jim says:

    @ jackie

    Holyrood a council chamber?

    Holyrood controls 58% of Scotland’s budget, the NHS, the Police service, the Fire and rescue service, Airports, Agriculture, Fishing, Housing, Tourism, Transport both rail and road, the building of Infrastructure projects, Taxation rates and bands, some social security and disabled benefits, Law making powers

    That list could go on all day, if you were ever a member of the SNP you would know this stuff jackie, I’m amazed that anyone who says they support Independence for Scotland could possibly think of Holyrood as a Council Chamber, the only people I’ve ever heard calling it that are just the opposite of Independence supporters, they’d be Unionists who think Scotland would be better off without Holyrood

    Nicola Sturgeon may not be to your taste in Politicians and that’s a personal choice anybody’s entitled to but to not understand or know how much Holyrood does is quite shocking

    One more thing, if we never had Holyrood we wouldn’t even be having this conversation about Independence at all
    The FM has been in the SNP for 35 years, that’s when the very word Independence was laughed at by everyone, but Nicola Sturgeon was pounding the streets delivering and handing out leaflets to anyone she could shove one into their hand, don’t think that because you don’t care for the FMs style or approach that she doesn’t burn with every fibre of her being for an Independent Scotland, she does, she just does it her way

    The Internet’s full of people with their own personal agendas running down who they want to for their own reasons or lies, but one thing’s sure if all Nicola Sturgeon wanted was a cushy number she’d have joined the Labour party

    I want Independence yesterday but it’s not ever going to happen until the numbers show consistantly higher than they are now, 50/50 doesn’t make the case unless the internal polling tells us different

    Without Holyrood the prospect of Independence lowers considerably

  466. Dr Jim says:

    @Liz 4:08 pm

    There’ll be lots of people “misunderstanding” the cancellation of large events and others who will just misunderstand

  467. Dan says:

    RE. New guidelines. In these panic stricken times, thankfully nae cunt likes me enough tae even come and steal my bog roll so there’s little chance of 5, nevermind 500 chiels rockin up to visit.

    Spent the afternoon buying 5 muckle E cig devices that I’m gonna setup to blast out Olbas Oil / Benylin / Fairy Liquid reek around the perimeter of my property.
    Corona Virus will have nae chance!


  468. Dr Jim says:

    @ Dan 4:27 pm

    That’s the message Dan get cooried doon wae the telly beer fags and sweeties until it passes ower

    Remember tae smear some blood of a sacrificed Yoon on yer front door

    Jist tae be sure

  469. Breeks says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    12 March, 2020 at 2:35 pm

    Tell me , who are you going to vote for if you are a genuine supporter of independence – Liberals? Labour? Conservatives?

    Back in 2014, there were brave canny souls in rundown estates getting people onto the voters roll for the first time in their lives to vote for Indy. We had four legged actual dogs who wanted their names on the voters roll. But now? Now, there are long serving SNP members close to despair and being asked who else they’re going to vote for.

    It is my firm conviction we have 2014 YES momentum, 2016 Brexit momentum, and the external and ubiquitous Tory depravity to thank for driving Indy support to 50%…. conspicuously NOT the SNP.

    The SNP are holding their ground, (and deservedly so), on domestic policy, but the big problem in the greater scheme of things is the massive gaping void where a pro Independence campaign should already be happening but isn’t. Instead, that yawning void of expectation is being filled with a controversial and bewildering Trans GRA fixation that’s being given totally undue and wholly inappropriate priority that is simply unfathomable to nearly all of us.

    The SNP seems absolutely determined not to listen to the growing outcry, and equally determined not to read the writing on the wall for the electoral calamity they are going to bring down upon their own heads and ours.

    Given the choice between a vibrant and immediate Indy Campaign which won great purchase from Brexit and the tragedy of Scotland’s unconstitutional subjugation, and on the other hand, a sterile, flat and colourless campaign that makes a virtue of capitulation over Brexit and instead demands a joyless, moribund drudge towards some nominal glacial swing in the polls, which is rendered forlorn in any event because of the Section 30 veto we’ve handed to Boris.

    “Somehow” we’ve trashed Option 1 “Operation Easy Victory”, and put all the Nations eggs in basket No 2, “Operation Whatthefuckareyoudoing”.

    Jeezo, for the life of me, I cannot reconcile the forfeiture and squandering of such a strong and winning position, in order to pursue instead this lame and impotent strategy of back seat driving, continually whining about what the beastly Tories or Labour are planning to do. I don’t give a fk what they’re planning to do. I plan for Scotland to be long gone down Route 1 The Independence highway, and out of their clutches forever.

    What we need is another 2014 style grassroots army of brilliant Yessers, holding the main battlefield while a crack battalion of SAS style Constitutionalists is parachuted behind enemy lines to sneak about in the shadows to secure the Nation’s Sovereignty, and hold the bridge until we all get there to win the day for Scotland!

    What we’ve got is a disjointed rabble of good hardy souls who ache for leadership but get none, and instead of a crack battalion of crack Special Forces Constitutionalists, we’ve got a jamboree of psychotic pacifists and GRA flat earth evangelists determined to defy and rewrite biological science and alienate 50% of the electorate. Scottish Independence isn’t even on their agenda.

    Who else am I gonna vote for? Pass. I honestly don’t know. Right now, Priority 1 is trying to figure if somebody has slipped a mind bending hallucinogenic into my breakfast cereal because my poor wee brain just cannot make sense of any of this.

    24th June 2016, when the Brexit result was announced, we held in our hands an emphatic, democratic and sovereign mandate to break the back of the Union and liberate Scotland before taking our seat as the newest sovereign EU Nation. Europe, Juncker and Verhofstadt had immediately promised Scotland holding pen status while we tidied up the details of dissolving the UK …. then everything went a bit fuzzy, … and now every morning I wake up suffering this terrible nightmare that somehow we completely blew it.

  470. Dr Jim says:

    Kate Forbes said the BBC were given the details of the finances due to Scotland before she was

    Piers Morgan and Dan Hodges and other British Nationalist commentators have expressed their anger at Scotland’s First Minister informing Scotland’s people of the next steps the Scottish government will take in the fight against the Corona virus instead of waiting for Boris Johnson to come out of his fridge to tell us

    They accuse the FM of all sorts of chidish pish that’s not worth going into, but what it all amounts to is they believe all anouncements should come from their dear leader instead of the actual leader of Scotland

    If that was the case we’d be waiting all day for Dominic Cummings to write Johnsons words for him but I’m sure they would have included *Fantastic* and *Opportunity*

  471. North chiel says:

    “Dr Jim says at 0452 pm” . I think I’ll go along with our FM ‘s advice , as Westminster & downing st . Will Possibly be “ leaned on heavily” by Big business & the City ?

  472. Al Dossary says:

    Rather than accuse me of being like Sky news, who not do some reading up on what is about to hit. Blow by Blow analyses of various countries, the rate of spread and effectiveness of measures that were applied. If I am wrong the all thanks god that I was wrong.

    link to

    I am actually quite comfortable in my skin, in good health and not particularly worried about myself (a little abut my wife since she has diabetes and is a 9% chance of not making it thru CoV). I am a little worried about my relatives 70+ at home.

    45 confirmed cases (21 of which traced to 1 Egyptian visitor) out of a population of 40 million in Saudi vs some 540 in the UK from 65 million means I worry more about family and friends in the UK than here.

    My workplace has 3 confirmed cases out of around 130 employees, Some 800+ trainees have been sent home (of these guys I ahve no idea of numbers), all schools and education establishments closed for at least 2 weeks and borders closed to anywhere with a high instance of the virus. Heathrow etc in the meantime are still flying to Italy.

    Now tell me who is behaving like Sky News ?

  473. Dan says:

    @Dr Jim at 4:34 pm

    That’s some pretty retro suggestions there Jim but they’re somewhat off the mark.
    I huvn’t watched the shitebox telly since 2005.
    I’m currently tapering aff the beer for a couple of weeks as noticed I’d put on 2lb when I weighed mysel a week ago. I ken that 2lb could jist be a good dump and piss but why take the chance wi one’s health and risk obesity.
    Neither do I smoke or vape.
    And finally, I don’t eat shitty sugary sweets.

    I’d like to think I’m a pioneer in leading a sustainable healthy lifestyle but tbh since I gave up crap processed food years ago I think I feel worse.
    Think on this, if all those additives and preservatives can keep food fresh for longer, could those same compounds also have been doing the same to our bodies, and by stopping ingesting them we lose the preserving characteristics they had on our youthfulness…

  474. Vestas says:

    For those of you still in cloud-cuckoo land like Bojo & his clowns this is pretty much the real thing in terms of respiritory pandemics.

    The stats so far from China indicate that somewhere around 18% of people will require “medical intervention”. Now lets assume the best and that’s a GP/outpatient appointment.

    Do the maths yourselves. For England (55million or so, assuming 80% infection rate) that means 8 million GP/outpatient appointments.

    Where it gets REALLY scary is that around 6% require “acute medical intervention”. ie intensive care beds/hospitalisation.

    Do the maths on that one and that’s 3 million in hospital. ICU beds will be rarer than rocking horse shit.

    All we can hope for now is to spread the infection timescale out so people aren’t dying in their droves due to no beds/ICU beds. That’s unlikely in E&W and I expect lots of excess deaths – whether they get reported or not is another matter.

    The Chinese didn’t put 100 million people into quarantine/isolation for no good reason.

    FWIW I’m pretty sure I have the latter stages of Covid-19 (temperature, cough & one sore lung) but there’s literally nowhere in Leicestershire I could get that tested on the NHS. GPs don’t want you anywhere near them.

    Its not actually that bad as long as you keep moving – I’m still out on the old golf course with a dog daily (easy enough to be on your own there).

    Its going to be a big killer of old folks who can’t keep mobile I reckon.

    For those of you wondering about stages – cold (runny nose) for 3-4 days then clear for a couple of days until flu for the same 3-4 days. Then cough & pneumonia (sore lung) for a few days (3 so far). The “flu” was weird though – no real congestion and it was more comfortable lying down than standing up respiritory-wise.

    Stock up a little on paracetamol for the temperature issues is my advice – and keep moving around every now and then.

    Pretty much everyone you know IS going to get Covid-19 so heads out of sand time 🙂 Look out for older neighbours in weeks to come.

    For those of a technical bent :

    folding @ home ( have a lot of Covid-19 related tests running at the moment. If you have a decent computer then consider “donating” some of your cpu/gpu cycles to their work. Folding @ home is a distributed computing resource run by Stanford Uni (results are open to all) which has been running for about a decade and a half IIRC. It models protein behaviour for various diseases (cancer, alzheimers etc).

    If you have a RTX-series Nvidia card then these munch through work units so fast they’ll get the Covid-19 work units pused to them within hours.

  475. Sinky says:

    Boris Johnson just attacked Scotland’s public services ability to handle coronavirus on BBC news channel

  476. jackie says:

    Dr Jim 4.17

    FFS, so your thinking is if I don’t support Nicola, then I don’t support Scottish Independence.

    That old chedtnut

    The woman us going backwards, she has lost her drive,,,she is leader of the council chamber at Holyrood

    I have heard she is quarter english,,,, sometimes I think she is full english.

  477. callmedave says:

    Read a BBC report about an hour ago where it said a ban from Monday for events with >500 but nowhere to be found now?

    Nothing about Scotland on UK BBC page.

    Wee headline on Shortbread page:

    Coronavirus: Mass events ban as Scottish virus cases spike
    but underneath in story….

    Gatherings of more than 500 people should be cancelled from next week, the Scottish government has advised. ADVISED!

    All lost in translation…:-(

  478. Republicofscotland says:

    “I want Independence yesterday but it’s not ever going to happen until the numbers show consistantly higher than they are now, 50/50 doesn’t make the case unless the internal polling tells us different”

    It will climb higher when an indy date is annnounced, until then I doubt the magical figure of 60%+ will probably not be reached. So its Catch 22 (No not knowing youre insane so you can’t be insane).

    Just as important is the longer we wait the more likely Cummings and Johnson will find ways of thwarting an indyref, or weaken Holyroods powers. Do you honestly think waiting until, what 1 year, 5 years 10 years or more (if Johnson gets reelected) will, see him change his mind?

    Of course none of the above matters, if your FM has no intention of actually holding an indyref in the first place.

  479. Tannadice Boy says:

    Jackie Says @ 5 32.

    Agreed we have been losing ground recently. Mrs Murrell is past her sell by date. New approach needed. Won’t happen this year or for the foreseeable future.

  480. robertknight says:

    AUOB Declaration of Arbroath 700th anniversary march and rally will need to be held in South Berwick, seeing as the Scottish Government, unlike the English Government, has banned such public gatherings. Hmmm…

  481. Pete says:

    Wee Burney seems to be going down the drastic route.
    I suppose time will tell who’s right.

  482. jackie says:

    PM BJ (blow job) Johnson holds another news conference with two england flags behind him

    You can shove your england flags right up your arse ya english b*****youd.

    Your hatred of Scotland is only surpassed by my hatred of england and all things english.

    Feel the love Boris,,,no, neither can’t I,
    time to go our own separate ways.

  483. callmedave says:


    But!…but Eire has also done the same this morning.

    In a week there will be no football matches etc etc if this continues. Boris will be changing his mind pretty soon.

    Euros football likely to be cancelled 2020 and rearranged for next year breaking news.

  484. mike cassidy says:

    The ‘mass event’ story

    and the thinking behind it

    is the main one on the BBC Scotland page

    “Mass gatherings require to be policed, they require to have emergency ambulance cover, they require the services of voluntary health services.
    “At a time when we need to be reducing the pressures on these frontline workers – in order to free them up to focus on the significant challenge that lies ahead – I do think it’s inappropriate that we continue as normal.”

    link to

    About an hour ago.

  485. Sensibledave says:

    Al dossery 2.56

    You still haven’t got it have you. The measures announced by both Sturgeon and Johnson are not to stop the spread of the virus. We can’t stop it. They are variations on theme simply designed to slow the spread of the virus. Hopefully a slower spread will allow the NHS to be able to cope with large and steady number of critical cases over a long period. Rather than a very large number in a relatively short period. There is no point arguing over which strategy is best … we cross our fingers and hope that our medical advisers are giving the best advice in very difficult uncharted waters. We then hope the politicians use that advice to present a strategy. It’s not a question of a particular policy being “dangerous” this week or next week. We try to do our best, on each day, given the best advice and judgement at any one time.

  486. Famous15 says:


    Your hatred of England is polluting and is only matched by my horror realisation that the SNP employs people who are soft on independence , from hard earned membership fees.

  487. Would like to see this football season cancelled/anulled for the safety of the fans,

    apart from Scottish cup.

  488. t42 says:

    Just heard a desperate uk government boot-licker on the bbc trying to defend their stupid advice:
    “It’s ok to go to football stadiums because the sunshine will help kill it,’s better than sitting in a smoky pub”.

    It’s cloudy and dark because its winter!
    Smoking has been banned in pubs for over a decade!
    The UK government are interested in supporting greed not the health of sports fans.

  489. jfngw says:


    Is that how the Italian’s thought they could stop it, didn’t seem to work and I’m pretty sure there is more sunshine in Italy.

    I see Boris Johnson had to slip in that the SHNS isn’t as resilient as the English version, was it just a cheap jibe he couldn’t resist or can he back it up with facts, or just another one of his lies. I suspect it’s a lie and he will even use a potential virus epidemic to spread his lies.

    BBC Scotland thinks a 66% increase is double, so anyone that gets 66% in any exam can claim it was 100% if they apply to work at the BBC, you can show them their working to prove the point.

  490. Pete Wishart on Question time,hopefully well briefed and on the front foot.

  491. jackie says:

    Famous15 7.09

    You would think as a bare minimum that any potential SNP MP or MSP or Councillor would be that they are dyed in the wool Indy supporters.

    I don’t know what the selection boards at the SNP high command look for in any new candidates,. Totally lost

    It’s as if the “I” word is banned within the corridors of SNP HQ.

  492. jfngw says:

    I see Robert Peston is quoting Boris Johnson as if he is stating facts. Peston is a sort of Lord Charles with Boris Johnson as Ray Alan, he certainly seems to have somebodies hand stuck up his arse, explains all those weird movements and facial gestures.

  493. Lothianlad says:

    I joined the SNP before sturgeon and saw her rise through the ranks to FM. From the off, she has been a very determined career politician.

    Now she has self actualised, perhaps she can see she has reached her goal of chief devolution administrator and let an actual independence minded politician to take the reigns.

    Like the midlothian SNP MP who is also a career politician, who’s pre election leaflet had dozens of Stop brexit references and only an ‘ independence is normal slogan ‘ at the bottom of page 2 of his 4 page election leaflet, sturgeon is content to be subservient to England’s soverign parliament.

    Therin lies the problem… independence is not normal to scotland because we have been denied it! Only when our elected, supposedly pro indy politicians actually put it front and centre will we have a chance of achieving it.

    How Ironic that the SNP could morph into the liebour party and arrogantly take the people for granted.

    From now on, I refer to the westmi ster MPs as a parcel of rogues, because that is what they have become.

  494. jackie says:

    There are Labour Party members and supporters who were taken in by all the hype of Tony Blair.

    He was a con man whose biggest supporters included Margaret Thatcher.

    Those grassroots Labour supporters are still hurting at the way Blair used them so he could become a very rich individual.

    Blair was a Tory, the jury is still out on Nicola Sturgeon. Is she a closet Unionist?

    Who knows.

    That’s that english blood in her,,,it just can’t let go of the Homeland

  495. SilverDarling says:

    Does Boris Johnston just want a cull of the elderly and sick and want the virus to work its way wiping out anyone they see as dependent? Are the emergency services in England and wales going to prioritise even more overtly now?

    The competing interests of the ‘wealth creators’ and those they see as economically non-productive are being laid bare. The Tories must think Christmas has come early.

  496. Pete says:

    What’s the point in banning lower league football matches which have a few thousand spectators with no police or ambulance services in attendance?
    Can’t see the point.

  497. callmedave says:


    “In Scotland, they have a particular issue with the resilience of their public services”, says Boris Johnson.

    Some numbers on the SNHS. 🙂

    link to

  498. JGedd says:

    Just out of interest and with no reference at all to current events, I thought I would recount some details from an article written by the journalist Murray Ritchie from more than twenty years ago.

    He had dropped into a trial that was taking place at Glasgow Sheriff Court involving a drugs bust. The substance of the case was that a drug supplier had been caught in the act of flushing away his stash down the loo just as the police had burst in the flat door.

    The force of the evidence led by the prosecution was that something like six constables had solemnly attested to the fact that each of them had witnessed said miscreant actively posting the evidence down the wc. This was possible since the lavatory door in question was visible from the front door and open, allowing a clear view of the accused depositing the stash and flushing away.

    Seemed like an open and shut case and certainly seemed to impress the incumbent on the bench who was satisfied that the weight of evidence would convince the jury that the man in the dock was guilty.

    It was obvious to him that the corroborating testimony from six sturdy policemen all stating that they had seen the accused disposing of the evidence was enough to confirm his guilt as well as explain why the actual drug stash could not be produced in court.

    However, the defence went on to demonstrate by showing the dimensions of the entrance doorway as well as photographs and diagrams showing the situation of the bathroom open door, that the scene could not have been seen by all burly policemen obliged to pile through the door one after another – at EXACTLY the same time. There was an obvious delay from the time the first policeman entered until each of his colleagues had charged in after. Yet in their testimony, each policeman had stated that they had seen what happened in exactly the same time frame as the others something which could not have been the case.

    Such obvious duplication did not perturb the man on the bench who apparently thought that several members of the constabulary simply replicating what the first had stated was not at all dubious and advised the jury that it was sufficient weight of evidence. Quantity rather than quality.

    When the jury had gone out to deliberate I think I can remember Murray Ritchie, while admiring the painstaking deconstruction done by the defence of the police ‘evidence’, did not expect the jury to take a different view from the judge and awaited the verdict with the idea that some cynical manipulation of evidence statements would either escape the notice of the jury or they might take the same view as the crown that it didn’t matter in order to put a drug dealer in prison.

    It was a great surprise then, when the jury eventually delivered a not guilty verdict, to the extreme consternation of the judge. But I recall that Murray Ritchie left the court with a lighter step because it appeared that the jury had understood the actual purpose of justice and had refused to reward the officers of the crown for virtually lying in order to secure a conviction. They might have thought that those who administer the law should keep a higher standard than those they wish to prosecute or they lose the trust of those they wish to serve. The jury in that case, would seem to have appreciated the higher duty of the law to the community, to be just in its execution of the law. Or they might simply have been a bit peeved that they were being regarded with such cynicism. Who knows?

    Just something I recall reading in The Herald many years ago. My memory might have some minor details wrong but I remember the gist of the article and the spirit in which it was written. The memory may, or may not, have been triggered by some recent events and may, or may not, have some relevance. Up to you.

  499. Shug says:

    Let’s get the salmon case closed and coronas behind us and nicola is on her final chance
    Ref might be next year then so be it but the ot way is forward


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    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Couldn’t agree more, Lorn.Mar 12, 21:35
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