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Wings Over Scotland

Falling, not laughing

Posted on March 18, 2021 by

This isn’t quite yet a smoking gun, more of a starter’s pistol. But it’s already more than we’d expected from the Holyrood inquiry – an unambiguous statement that the First Minister misled it (and therefore Parliament) under oath.

What’s still missing at this stage is the word “knowingly”, which would turn it from a serious but non-fatal misdemeanour into a resignation offence. But nor, yet, is there any sight of the word “inadvertently”.

Anyone watching the clip – and especially James Matthews’ quote near the end from Sturgeon’s written evidence where she says she “made clear” to Alex Salmond that she would not intervene – will conclude that “inadvertently” would be a hard sell. But we wouldn’t be entirely shocked if the committee, which sounds like it split along party lines again, went for the fudge option in order to get the vote through.

Sturgeon has already issued a dreadful, sulky response evidently written by the same embarrassing petulant teenager who’s been doing her comms for the last few months.

And an FOI response today seems to be preparing the ground for her to refuse to resign even in the event of similar findings from James Hamilton:

This is only the beginning. But it may finally be the beginning of the end.

249 to “Falling, not laughing”

  1. shiregirl says:

    I bloody hope so. Hell mend her and her entourage.

  2. Thomas Potter says:

    Let the ceremony begin.

  3. Helen Yates says:

    Just watched the Panorama documentary on the Salmond/Sturgeon debacle and it’s obvious the unionists are hoping that getting shot of her heralds the end of independence.
    Andrew Neil’s take on it is if the SNP don’t win by a majority in May then the question of independence is put to bed.

    I personally can’t see her resigning, as you say if neither of the inquiries states that she knowingly mislead parliament then she’ll go to her usual get out clause, I will be putting myself before the people of Scotland in May and they will have the final say.
    She’s good, you have to hand it to her.

  4. Meg says:

    Hoping the Hamilton inquiry comes to a conclusion soon

  5. Republicofscotland says:

    Indeed the knowingly, willfully, is I suppose the key, here’s hoping Hamilton’s report piles on the pressure.

    And, what about this.

    “Tory David Davis has just got the UK Tory government to agree to extend parliamentary privilege to Holyrood so that MSPs can hear evidence the SNP’s John Swinney and Nicola Sturgeon say MSPs shouldn’t hear.”

  6. Stephen P says:

    So this partisan and selective briefing – before the committee has actually published its final report – is hardly surprising.”

    Thinking back to the criminal trial and what she didn’t say then

    So this partisan and selective reporting – before the jury has actually made it’s decision– is hardly surprising.” ‘

  7. AwakeNotWoke says:

    Who else is planning a “witch is dead” party when she finally fucks right off??

  8. Frazerio says:

    1) Cant wait to see the front page of tomorrows National.
    2) When the #istandwithnicola brigade hide behind the ‘party lines’ defence, saying the ‘opposition’ voted against her, if it is indeed true they had her prejudged, its just as true that the SNP members of the committee also had her prejudged. You cant have it both ways. It looks grubby no matter how you slice it.
    3) Amuses me people ask ‘but what was the motive for stitching up Salmond?’ AS was a clear and present threat to Nicola as FM & therefore also to Peter Murrell. He had led, left and returned as SNP leader previously. Not beyond reason he could do so again. Nicola is on £157,861 pa as FM (Boris only gets £150k pa). Murrell is estimated to be on £100k pa. So combined income of about £260k pa. AS returning would’ve put a serious dent in that. Lets start with that as a motive for keeping Salmond the hell away. It is likely this started as an effort to keep him at arms length to protect their nice little earner & just kept spiralling & spiralling because the bad man just wouldnt lie down & accept his cornflakes.

  9. Ross Kilbride says:

    You need to ask yourself,,,


    It’s Jail she should be heading for, NOT Holyrood.

  10. solarflare says:

    I can’t quite remember but did she not in effect refer herself to both committee and inquiry? Going to look pretty awful to ignore them both, unless I am misremembering how committee and inquiry were originally set up.

  11. Tannadice Boy says:

    James Hamilton QC will save the day.

  12. Margaret E says:

    Mr Campbell, please be careful.These are truly vengeful human beings and you have shown them as they really are. And it’s a truly horrible sight.
    They have dragged us all down, we are whether we like it or not, all tainted by this crew of completely unscrupulous lawmakers. They have no idea of the disgust that we feel for them because they have no moral compass.
    We shall survive because we have to. But you must take care, because one way or another, they will set their sights on you again.
    Who could even have imagined that Craig Murray’s juryless court hearing could still be awaiting a verdict, 7 weeks after a 90 minute hearing? Why is this not being reported?
    Can ALL the reporters be completely venal?
    Better not answer that one.

  13. Ross Kilbride says:

    Anyone with an ounce of decency should distance themselves immediately from Sturgeon.

  14. Al says:

    Frazerio says:
    And the Gold Plated final salary pensions……..

  15. Al says:

    Ross Kilbride says:
    They should have done that years ago.

  16. Lothianlad says:

    Her credibility is over. She is logged and despised by so many now that her actions are being exposed.

    She is finished, we still need to make sure her successor is not a woke lackey.

  17. Willie says:

    So it’s hitting the news – the committee have found against Sturgeon for misleading the committee under oath and therefore Parliament.

    Will she resign tomorrow ir will she like a rat in a trap perform somersaults explaining that she misled parliament but she didn’t know she was misleading Parliament, because she wasn’t there, and it was someone else’s responsibility.

    Like a grossly disfigured figurine her continued existence as a First Minister takes a strong stomach.

  18. Littleladylotte says:

    @ Helen Yates…Good? Or just narcissistic

  19. Bell Border Reiver says:

    ‘Never interfere with an enemy while they’re in the process of destroying themselves.’ as Boney almost said. Yoons, and the British Establishment certainly, are cottoning on to the fact that a Sturgeon led SNP is probably the best bet to stave off Independence. How the Hell did it come to this?

  20. Lothianlad says:


  21. Ross Kilbride says:

    And this will end any dreams she had of a high flying job in the UN or the EU.

    Who in their right mind would write out a recommendation for this lying piece of shit?

    Her and Pete will end up in a single-end tenement flat in Govenhill.

  22. Stuart Anderson says:

    Anyone still planning to vote for the party currently led by Sturgeon on May 6th needs their head examined.

  23. Hatuey says:

    Sorry to disappoint, but this has the familiarity of a well used trick in politics.

    At the heart of it is a very trivial admission of guilt on a petty point that supposedly had no bearing on anything because, as Sturgeon and her gang would have it, she didn’t actually intervene

    We should assume we are heading for a complete whitewash.

  24. Al says:

    Ross Kilbride says:
    “Her and Pete will end up in a single-end tenement flat in Govenhill.”
    Met better more honest people begging outside Greggs in the city centre through no fault of there own,

  25. ClanDonald says:

    Every time the Tories threaten or bring a vote of no confidence against Sturgeon or Swinney the SNP have a surge in membership, thanks to furious indy supporters who see the cause under attack and are looking for an outlet to vent their fury.

    So can you imagine what would happen if the tories did succeed in getting Sturgeon to resign in the next week or two? It could see the biggest pro-SNP surge since the indyref, it could lead to an actual landslide in May if she goes now.

    Do it Nicola. Go. Then we’ll all scream from the rooftops about the evil, scheming tories and their wicked attempts to derail our indy movement. Seriously, resign tomorrow, Nicola. It will be the SNPs smartest election move ever.

  26. Ross Kilbride says:

    Al 9.21

    This is when she’ll find out who her REAL friends are.

  27. Margaret Lindsay says:

    Thank fuck!

  28. Massie for The Spectator

    “much will hang on the verdict rendered by the court of public opinion too. Hitherto voters have taken the view that while they are not persuaded Sturgeon has told the truth, they are fairly certain Salmond has not.

    Her survival, then, is likely to be a matter of politics, not ethics.”

  29. Willie says:

    More emerging news.

    Seems that Douglas Ross has used his Parliamentary email to do his work for the SFA and use his constituency office phone number to contact and receive calls to arrange his referring duties
    This is a blatant disregard for his constituents which has broken Parliamentary rules.

    No doubt he might resign soon. Might even beat Sturgeon to it.

  30. Lady Lyon says:

    Someone in the SNP needs to lead a rebellion and have her forcibly removed along with her rotten cabal and while they’re at it, repeal all the party changes. No one should ever again be allowed to have that sort of power. As for her hear no evil see no evil crowd who over the last last couple of days have been calling us “not real Indy supporters, former Indy or even worse Yoons! How very dare you, I’ve been an Indy supporter since I reached an age where I understood what it meant I also remember when the SNP had more integrity than its had under Sturgeon

  31. James Horace says:

    Right Stu, put me out of my misery and put your money where your mouth is…

    Will Nicola Sturgeon be gone before the May Elections?

  32. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Have some honour resign

    Please for Scotland just go please

  33. Cath says:

    At the heart of it is a very trivial admission of guilt on a petty point that supposedly had no bearing on anything because, as Sturgeon and her gang would have it, she didn’t actually intervene…

    Agree @Hatuey.

    The plus side of that for the SNP and independence movement is that she could still resign with dignity, and probably garner huge sympathy – both for herself and the party and cause – from a public which still thinks she’s been doing a good job and has been hounded out over nothing. If she did that, there could be pro SNP backlash vote, even from people who might not normally vote for them, as well as regaining them the votes of the indy movement they might have lost.

    If the SNP were then smart enough to hold a hand out to Alex and help with getting justice for what’s happened, we could still have a pretty decent election. If, OTOH, she carries on as she has been doing, becoming ever more shrill and authoritarian, smearing Alex, clinging on until May and necessitating more of the story coming out via Tories in Westminster now, it’ll be a car crash.

  34. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    If she cared about Scottish Independence she would resign tonight.
    The country is divided, the YES movement is divided and the SNP as a Party is divided.

    Just go Nicola. You will earn a fortune in America. Give your Nation it’s best chance of freedom by stepping aside. We will even pretend it was Unionist’s who set you up if it helps your ego.

    Just GO!

  35. Alf Baird says:

    Men in grey suits time.

    With the dear leader soon departed, an SNP1 / AFI2 vote might now be bearable for most indy folks.

    So we can have this in May:

    “AFI shall also campaign for a simple majority of the popular vote for pro-indy parties across both the constituencies and the regional lists, at the “Independence” election, and for such a majority to be understood to be a mandate for independence itself.”
    link to

    We shouldn’t hang around in this mankit cesspit any longer than necessary.

  36. John H. says:

    The UN job looks less and less likely now.

  37. JSC says:

    New poll from Progress Scotland tonight:

    “Should any co-conspirators face prosecution & imprisonment?”
    Yes: 0%
    No: 100%

    Poll conducted: in a hurry
    Sample size: can’t recall

  38. robertknight says:

    Resignation? Wholly inadequate!

    Custodial sentence? Depends upon the duration…

  39. Veritas says:

    It’s noticeable that despite how politically wounded & weak Sturgeon is at the moment, there is no Cabinet Minister or “Senior” SNP party type making a pitch for leadership or even a la Geoffrey Howe for democratic government.
    It says something about the bunch of nobodies and no hopers that inhabit the SNP benches that they don’t realise the ship is going down let alone try to put their hands on the wheels.
    It says more though about the total control NS holds over her parliamentary party- and why shouldn’t that be the case- they’re hand picked and more than happy to continue to do as required- that’s the job description isn’t it?

  40. ScottieDog says:

    Nah, she won’t go.
    Boris did it too will be the running mantra.
    No one at holyrood is remotely capable of filling that post anyway.

  41. Cath says:

    Poll conducted: in a hurry
    Sample size: can’t recall

    Sample size: 1, but my wife totally agrees so technically 2.

  42. Al-Stuart says:

    Just thinking laterally.

    At some point the Sturgeonites and those lifelong TRUE and DECENT SNP members will need to find a peace and come together if IndyRef2 is to stand a decent chance.

    Once Sturgeon is given her jotters and sent back to fill shelves at Tescos in Dreghorn, what would happen if Alex Salmond could be persuaded to be First Minister again?

    Just a thought.

    P.S. NO Disrespect to Tesco workers. They are heroic just now, risking their lives to keep folk fed and watered. My point is that Sturgeon has been dreadfully over-promoted throughout this mess. She didn’t even last very long as a low ranking solicitor before the Law Society of Scotland indicated she had to leave that profession VERY QUICKLY cough cough.

  43. Al says:

    ScottieDog says:
    With all respect, I don’t give a flying F for what happens in Englandshire, I do care about what happens in Scotland. There is no replacement in the current Scottish Cabal.

  44. lumilumi says:

    It’s interesting that apparently the one “misleading” of the many the non-SNP members of the Fabiani committee have latched onto is wheter NS “promised” to “intervene” “on behalf of Alex Salmond”.

    That itself is a twisting, even a misrepresentation, of what apparently happened. AS was offering her a lifeline, a shovel to dig herself out of a hole, by offering to subject himself to a mediation (or was it arbritration?) process so it wouldn’t go into judicial review the Scottish Government were bound to lose.

    It wasn’t about sweeping the women’s allegations under the carpert but to have the allegations investigated in a proper, legal manner so the SNP Scottish Government would have been seen to be transparent, impartial and incorruptible. Well, Ms Sturgeon rejected all that.

    The unionist parties and the British MSM still hope to get both, Salmond and Sturgeon.

    No matter what the “nicophants” (someone in a previous thread used that neologism and I’m stealing it! 😀 ) insist on twitter of facebook, Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are going to the election in a very damaged position – and it’s mostly her own doing.

  45. Republicofscotland says:

    I’m not a fan of this site, however along with the spectator magazine, it will not be bullied by the corrupt Scottish Crown Office.

    link to

  46. SilverDarling says:

    The ruthlessness of NS has been evident as soon as she took over as FM. Only those who were blindly loyal were allowed in the inner sanctum. Kevin Pringle left in 2015, maybe seen as too loyal to AS. A pity, as he was genuinely regarded as the best media chief in the political sphere and respected by all sides.

    She should know when to leave but there is no humility and she is surrounded by sycophants and worm tongues. She is hanging on by her fingernails believing she is hard done by.

    Do we think there is anyone in her circle brave enough to tell her she is a liability? If she is pushed, her vengeance which has been barely contained towards AS and his cronies, for now, may well be wrought against those she sees as responsible for not protecting her. Liz Lloyd may not be safe and Linda Fabiani may not be having such a quiet retirement after all.

    Of course, destroying both AS and NS may have the aim all along. Interesting to see if Leslie Evans will be protected by Whitehall.

  47. Artur sweet says:

    So Andy Wightman had made him mind up before hearing any evidence. You listening to that Andy? How does that make you feel.

    Here is her first recorded response. I would think her arrogant response might just seal her fate. Nice haircut by the way.

    link to

  48. SilverDarling says:

    ‘his cronies’ being her term, not mine.

  49. The Oui Coupar says:

    Looks like someone has prepared an exile destination for the dear leader in Canada
    Hilariously there may even be a welcoming penitentiary in nearby Nipissing.
    link to

  50. lumilumi says:

    Ross Kilbride says:
    18 March, 2021 at 9:26 pm

    And this will end any dreams she had of a high flying job in the UN or the EU.

    Who in their right mind would write out a recommendation for this lying piece of shit?

    Boris Johnson?

    To get a UN job, you have to have the backing of your government. In this case, the UK government as that is the internationally recognized entity, not Scotland.

  51. Wally Jumblatt says:

    I suspect this (draft) conclusion has been leaked so heavy pressure can be brought to bear on Andy Wightman to change his mind before actual publication.

    -unles the decisive dissident was one of the SNP members ???

  52. Robert Graham says:

    Aye Falling with style

    A favourite of Buzz light year when he pretends he can fly

    This whole date fog hides the main point, her Government with the aid of the Crown Office conspired to have Alex Salmond jailed one way or the other he was going to be removed and they didn’t care if they broke the law in the process he was being nailed to the fkn carpet and they assumed that they were powerful enough to pull it off and get away with it .

    Lurkers NO the case against Sturgeon is not falling apart, if anything it’s gaining momentum a blind drunk chimp could figure out she’s trapped by her own mouth , no one forced her to lie and yet she carried on ,
    Maybe she should represent herself in the upcoming trial I mean she’s a Lawyer isn’t she ?

    OOPS might want to forget that bit of her CV , I understand she was advised to leave due to professional conduct allegations being considered , not a good look on your employment history eh .

  53. Daisy Walker says:

    There’s only a few days before Scot Parliament prorogues for May election – not enought time to build a head of steam and force her out.

    She will I fear, throw herself on the judgement of the postal voters.

    I’m now looking (without a lot of hope) for some signs of backbone from our elected Councillors, MSP’s and MP’s to mutiny, or to go Indy.

    This should have been an election that put Plebiscite Indy on the map for Scottish voters.

    This should have been Alex and Nicla both with the shoulders to the same wheel, fighting Scotlands corner, and getting us Indy.

    Instead we have corruption, incompetence, missing funds, withheld evidence, GRA, HCB, moves afoot to remove Juries from trials, and and and.

    I strongly suspect Alex has been pulling his punches throughout this process, I suspect for the purpose of not hurting the Indy movement or the SNP. I don’t know if that was wise or not. But my god, Scotland and its Indy movement could certainly do with some proper leadership just now, and I don’t see anyone of his calibre around except him.

    One way or another I hope the voters of Scotland carry out the clear out of SNP stables so very very necessary.

  54. Hatuey says:

    The question of who leaked this particular part of the report is of central importance. I’d be willing to be it was an SNP source.

  55. Geoff Anderson says:

    When a chasm occurs in a movement it cannot be healed by either camp supplying the new leader.

    It cannot be Alex Salmond anymore than it can be Angus Robertson.
    It must be the choice of the SNP membership to restore democracy to the Party.

    It has to be an untainted neutral. It is not going to be easy. However it is a Party issue.

    The wider YES movement should continue on their journey to build a different option to the SNP.

    I am no longer a member of the SNP and a Nicola clone with the same Wokes will not win me back. Others would react as strongly and leave if AS returned. Politics is compromise. We have had enough dictatorial behaviour for a lifetime.

  56. solarflare says:

    Wally Jumblatt says:
    18 March, 2021 at 9:59 pm
    I suspect this (draft) conclusion has been leaked so heavy pressure can be brought to bear on Andy Wightman to change his mind before actual publication.

    -unless the decisive dissident was one of the SNP members ???

    Given it’s been reported by both Sky and the BBC, if the final publication suddenly substantially differs in its conclusion from that, it’s going to look extremely dodgy.

  57. lumilumi says:

    ClanDonald says:
    18 March, 2021 at 9:29 pm

    Every time the Tories threaten or bring a vote of no confidence against Sturgeon or Swinney the SNP have a surge in membership, thanks to furious indy supporters who see the cause under attack and are looking for an outlet to vent their fury.

    So can you imagine what would happen if the tories did succeed in getting Sturgeon to resign in the next week or two? It could see the biggest pro-SNP surge since the indyref, it could lead to an actual landslide in May if she goes now.

    Do it Nicola. Go. Then we’ll all scream from the rooftops about the evil, scheming tories and their wicked attempts to derail our indy movement. Seriously, resign tomorrow, Nicola. It will be the SNPs smartest election move ever.

    If only it was about the SNP, or independence… But it’s all about her. Her grip on power, her ambitions, her ego, her agendas (independence for Scotland is not very high on that list.)

    She’ll never resign for the good of her country. She probably thinks what’s good for her is good for her country. Or at least good enough.

  58. Al says:

    Could be the leaker be the same whistle blower that spoke to David Davis? someone of integrity.

  59. John Martini says:

    Welcome to the politics of emotion

    link to

  60. Trans gammon says:

    She will not resign under any foreseeable outcome from either committee. and actually, if she did, then what kind of reform would we see in the SNP? She is just the head of a hydra, and internal party democracy in the SNP is an even worse state than Labour after the Starmer counter-revolution.

    But what will happen, given that she will cling on to the bitter end, is that Boris will be handed the best possible pretext to refuse a Section 30 referendum, as he will say her continued tenure proves ScotGov is not currently competent to request one. Cue wailing and gnashing of teeth, and the sort of Punch and Judy distract-and-blame politics that is Sturgeons bread and butter, and frankly, she is a talented success at it. Two politicians – Johnson and Sturgeon – de facto conspiring to derail independence and whose only chief interest is to rule their personal fiefdoms in peace, and no way out of the dead end for independence except getting a third indy party on the go.

  61. Ian Mac says:

    The shamelessness of her arrogant stonewalling attitude, her disdain for the entire apparatus of governance, the way she has compromised and subverted institutional checks and balances, her pathological lying and dissembling, her collusion with unelected officials and civil servants on an agenda of her own, her perversion of democratic procedures, the hollowing out of the SNP as a party of its members, the implementation of policies with no popular support or mandate, the wasting of colossal amounts of taxpayer’s funds, the ineptitude and failed schemes, the cover-ups and secrecy – for the love of god what else do people need to realise what a disaster she has been? And yet still she sails on, in complete disregard of the evidence against her. What a display of the weakness of Scottish governance in the face of corruption and deceit. Shameful.

  62. Al says:

    People are basically not politically aware, they seen Nicola each day on her covid briefings and think “she is doing such a good job”, not realising the Stockholm syndrome that they all have been subjected to.
    When it comes to a vote, they will remember what good they perceive not the actual facts.

  63. Red says:

    Veritas – It’s noticeable that despite how politically wounded & weak Sturgeon is at the moment, there is no Cabinet Minister or “Senior” SNP party type making a pitch for leadership or even a la Geoffrey Howe for democratic government.
    It says something about the bunch of nobodies and no hopers that inhabit the SNP benches that they don’t realise the ship is going down let alone try to put their hands on the wheels.

    Aye. Maybe Humza will fancy his chances after doing so much to suppress justice, or one of the newly disabled prospective MSP’s can argue the First Minister’s position should be reserved for someone with chlamydia.

    It still boils my pish how Joanna Cherry has been treated. We’re desperately short of competent, honest people in every party. I’ve never in my life seen such a depressingly stupid and venal collection of crooks, chancers and sociopaths as infests the body politic now. God help us.

  64. robertknight says:

    Ian Mac @10:17

    “What a display of the weakness of Scottish governance in the face of corruption and deceit. Shameful.”

    And equally “shameful” are those who continue with their Wheesht-for-Indy #BothVotesSNP tosh…


    You’d think, at the very least, we’d get free bananas in a Banana Republic.

  65. Robert Hughes says:

    Hard to tell if she’s going into full martyr mode from that response , thought I saw traces of blood on her hands , and there are reports on Twitter figurines of Santa Nicola have been weeping REAL tears , only in the offices of the Notional right enough , but still….

    Or , she still insists on waging an unwinnable war against reality with an ever-decreasing armoury of ” it woz the ” age old ” Patriarchy wot dunnit ” squibs and a pathological inability to admit wrong-doing ?

  66. Kcor says:

    Ross Kilbride says,

    “Her and Pete will end up in a single-end tenement flat in Govenhill.”

    They have trousered loads, so they won’t need to worry about that.

    But they must first have to spend a long time in jail.

  67. Al says:

    Red says:
    “I’ve never in my life seen such a depressingly stupid and venal collection of crooks, chancers and sociopaths as infests the body politic now.”
    Just to cheer you up, have a look at what is happening in the European dis union. Usrusla von der Leyen is Nicola’s long lost twin. Usrusla von der Leyen looks like the female version of Reinhard Heindrich.

  68. The Oui Coupar says:

    If I was Salmond I’d be pretty pissed at the ongoing noise about injustice for the initial complainants under the dodgy procedure. If these complaints were relayed to the criminal case and found not guilty then these women had their day, but are still being milked for political capital against Salmond.
    The commotion of Sturgeon falling will probably overshadow and extinguish attempts to shed light on the “conspiracy” The circus will move on and Alex will ignominiously recede into the backdrop.

  69. Brian says:

    I miss the days when we only had to fight the Unionists and not the idiots supposedly on our side.

  70. Robert Louis says:

    Yet still, the ‘great and the good’ of the SNP play along with this nonsense from Sturgeon.

    The leaders and those with long history within the higher ranks of the SNP, do nned to ask themselves one question. Is the fact thewy are doing nothing about this, merely a case of ‘wheesht for indy’, or does their continued silence suggest they are complicit in corruption. Silence is consent.

    Is this the Scotland that they want? Really??

  71. Mist001 says:

    Given that not much discussion takes place within the Murrell household, I wonder who she’s confiding in for advice?

    Like I say, she’s bulletproof and going nowhere. She’ll ride this and come May, all the pubs and clubs will be open, things will be more or less back to normal and everyone will say what a great job she did with Covid and they’ll vote in droves for SNP because of Mrs. Murrell.

    Consequently, she’ll be hailed a heroine of Scotland and the power, corruption and lies continue (see what I did there? The Rev’s not the only one who can do it!)

    The future is bleak for Scotland and how I’m wishing that I’ll be proved wrong in my assessment.

  72. John Cleary says:

    Rev Stu,

    Another thought. The parallels with the Blair regime come more and more profound.

    Do you recall the Dodgy Dossier? The sales brochure for the invasion of Iraq?

    That document issued in the name of the United Kingdom on the single authority of one Alastair Campbell, and nobody else?

    That document was also undermined by the metadata in Microsoft Word. It was pòssible to follow the trail of edits and the plagiarised sources.

    All down to Alastair Campbell, using “special powers”, and nothing to do with Prime Minister Blair.

    What did Mark Twain opine?

    “History never repeats; but it does rhyme”

  73. Hatuey says:

    “I made clear to him that I had no role in the process and would not seek to intervene in it.”

  74. Emma Royd says:

    Could be the leaker be the same whistle blower that spoke to David Davis? someone of integrity.

    No. The whistleblower that passed info to David Davis was almost certainly Alex Salmond. He’s not on the inquiry committee. The leak of the committee’s findings will have come from a few of the members. Jackie Baillie and Murdo Fraser – both never shy of publicity – will have been in a race to be first to get the news out.

    Others can comment on the integrity (or not) of the committee members. That doesn’t really matter if they’ve job their job and shown Nicola Sturgeon to be a lying wee shite.

  75. Dan says:

    What a catalyst she turned out to be…

    Namely a reducing agent, leaving a supporter base akin to the following.

    link to

  76. cam4indy says:

    Assuming James Hamilton QC finds that she has breached the Ministerial Code, I don’t see how she can credibly stay on, particularly having made a song and dance about due process, and waiting for the findings. But I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest to see her brazenly try.

    So we might yet get a plebiscite election in May, but not a plebiscite on independence of course – rather a vote on whether we ‘trust in Nicola’.

    It wouldn’t end well.

    We’re forever being told that this is the most important election in Scotland’s history. To make the election all about Nicola would sum the woman up. There’s at least 5 polls this year where Scots have said she needs to resign if she’s breached the Ministerial Code. There is no question the SNP will be punished in the election if she’s still in position. Parties that rail against the wishes of the people pay the price at the ballot box.

    We should not be putting a pro-indy majority at risk to massage her ego.

    She needs to go, and very quickly.

  77. Michael B says:

    My favourite story about when an empire starts to crumble…

    ‘After the Russian debacle, Napoleon, fearing his position at home had become precarious, left the Grande Armée in the lurch and hurried back to France almost unaccompanied. Arriving at the banks of the River Neman, in presenr day Lithuania, in his miserable sleigh, he enquired of the ferryman whether any deserters had come though that way. “No,” replied the ferryman, “you are the first.” ‘

  78. Al says:

    There needs to be an end to this, names put on a list for failing the Scottish people. There needs to be a Scottish version of the Nuremberg Trials with the inevitable out comes for failing us. Send a clear message for fucking us over.
    What is acceptable in other countries is not acceptable here.

  79. Al Clark says:

    Somehow I’m sensing that Hamilton will be a rather large dud, pinned to all mastheads and arriving in a timely fashion after the Fabiani scolding. Hoping and willing to be wrong.

  80. Garavelli Princip says:

    Ross Kilbride says:
    18 March, 2021 at 9:26 pm

    “Her and Pete will end up in a single-end tenement flat in Govenhill.”

    What has cosy-slippers got to do with this? Surely not? I hadn’t realised they were so close.

    Well good for them, I’m sure they will be happy together.


  81. Grouse Beater says:

    A quick glance at the sections of the Holyrood report ‘leaked’ – allowing ScotGov to marshal its defence for enough folk to believe it – has it stating:

    “The FM ‘potentially misled parliament’ but ‘not knowingly'”.

    I can barely look further into the whole sordid affair for all I see is Nicola’s utter lack of dignity. That old cliche rises up, “I feel soiled”.

  82. Wee Crabbit Bas says:

    Knowingly and willingly. Willfully blind wouldn’t even cut it. Whichever way she turns to look at her pretendy moral compass, the needle’s pointing at the sheuch. SHE’s the one who’ll deserve to be airbrushed out of party history when the time comes. A disgrace. And what of the rest of them, liars and cheats, hiding in the shadows of the sewer?

  83. ben madigan says:

    here’s some info on James Hamilton.

    Born on 20 March 1949, Dublin, Ireland.

    1971: B.A. (Mod.) in History and Political Science from Trinity College, Dublin University

    1973 to 1981: Called to the Bar of Ireland and practised at the Bar of Ireland on the Northern and Dublin Circuits

    1981: Full-time legal adviser to the Attorney General of Ireland.

    1995: Permanent Head of the Office of the Attorney General and senior legal adviser to the Attorney General. He was a member of the Constitution Review Group which published a comprehensive review of the Constitution of Ireland in 1996. He has acted as legal adviser to the Government of Ireland in relation to a wide range of issues, particularly in the field of constitutional and administrative law, criminal law and human rights. He was responsible for advising the Irish Government on legal issues arising during the negotiations which led to the conclusion of the Northern Ireland Agreement in 1998.

    1998: Irish member of the Venice Commission.

    1999: Director of Public Prosecutions of Ireland. The Director is an independent officer who is responsible for the initiation and conduct of criminal prosecutions in Ireland.

    2021: FM Sturgeon report

    James Hamilton QC seems like a top level lawman.
    He’ll hardly tarnish his own international reputation.
    Whatever his verdict, it will be well argued and well supported by the evidence.

  84. lumilumi says:

    Ian Mac says:
    18 March, 2021 at 10:17 pm

    The shamelessness of her arrogant stonewalling attitude, her disdain for the entire apparatus of governance, the way she has compromised and subverted institutional checks and balances, her pathological lying and dissembling, her collusion with unelected officials and civil servants on an agenda of her own, her perversion of democratic procedures, the hollowing out of the SNP as a party of its members, the implementation of policies with no popular support or mandate, the wasting of colossal amounts of taxpayer’s funds, the ineptitude and failed schemes, the cover-ups and secrecy – for the love of god what else do people need to realise what a disaster she has been? And yet still she sails on, in complete disregard of the evidence against her. What a display of the weakness of Scottish governance in the face of corruption and deceit. Shameful.

    I agree, you put it so well. It’s heartbreaking.

    One point, the one I’ve bolded. The weakness of Scottish governace stems from the devolution act, the Scotland Act 1998, as David Davis, of all people, pointed out in his speech in the HoC a couple of days ago, even calling for more powers for the Scottish Parliament to hold the Scottish Government to account.

    That the Holyrood parliament was cast in a fundamentally flawed way from the start… It was never intended to be the aspiring parliament of an independent country, just a glorified parish council to keep the natives happy.

    Alex Salmond tried to make it more of a parliament and government of a pre-independent country, for example by removing the Lord Advocate from his cabinet/government, thus trying to separate the executive and the judiciary. Separation of powers is fundamental to a functioning democracy.

    What did his successor do? Yep. Invited the Lord Advocate right back. So the executive could control the judiciary, and now we’re at a stage the judiciary are controlling the parliament by gagging people’s representatives (MSPs) from speaking out against the government on pain of being prosecuted in courts.

    What is this? Belarus? North Korea?

    This whole disaster is on Nicola Sturgeon’s head.

  85. Pixywine says:

    The News brought to you by Nosferatu.

  86. Elmac says:

    The dam has been leaking badly for a few weeks and now appears to have burst.

    Latest tonight is that the rigged Holyrood Inquiry into the mishandling of the Salmond Judicial Investigation has concluded that Sturgeon misled parliament. That is massive given that, out of 9 members 4 were SNP lackeys and 1 was a bought and paid for Green. No doubt the SNP element will have endeavoured to water down the impact of her lies but the decision must make her position untenable.

    What you must remember is that to date the Inquiry Committee, in their attempts to obtain relevant information, have suffered in excess of 60 denials and obfuscations by the Scottish Government (SG) and have been allowed access to only a minor amount of the documentation that should have been available to them. Remember also the hollow promise by Sturgeon at the outset that her Government would co-operate fully with the Inquiry – just another lie. The Speech by David Davis, which I hope you will listen to, details much more evidence of lies and corruption at the heart of the SG, much of which the Parliamentary Inquiry have not been allowed to hear, and even if they had done so, they would not be allowed to consider it in reaching their decision, which is an abuse of justice. Also bear in mind that, due to constraints of time, David Davis only referred to some of the evidence that had been sent to him, he holds much more. In addition there is no doubt that Alex Salmond and his legal team in turn hold more than what was sent to David Davis, but cannot reveal it without risking prosecution by Scotland’s utterly corrupt Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS). There will also be even more evidence out there beyond that which Alex Salmond and his legal team know which will not be brought into the open until the fear of retribution is removed.

    Remember that Alex Salmond was acquitted of all charges in a court of law by a majority female jury under a female judge. Many of those charges were in themselves laughable and were only brought to court by a corrupt COPFS in an attempt to sway the jury into thinking that, as there were so many charges, there must be some guilt, otherwise known as the discredited Moorov Doctrine. Fortunately the jury did not fall for it and their decision in respect of a number of charges points to perjury and outright lies by some of the complainants. We are still awaiting those charges of perjury being brought. This speaks volumes about the endemic corruption in the Scottish legal system.

    So much for the lies and criminal conspiracy evident in the attempt to remove Alex Salmond from public life. It was worse than that, they actually tried to have him imprisoned, but why? Some time after the 2014 referendum defeat and the handover of power to his protégé Sturgeon, Salmond was unhappy about the lack of progress and appetite shown for independence by the SNP and was making noises about a return to politics. The fabricated complaints, illegal judiciary review, and ultimately criminal prosecution were intended to remove him as a political rival for Sturgeon and her group. There is no other plausible reason. Police Scotland to their discredit set up the “Salmond Squad” of over 20 officers to identify and investigate other potential complainants against Alex Salmond. At great cost to the public purse they conducted over 400 interviews over a two year period and came up with zilch, despite also involving the Met in London. Whilst we are not allowed to know the identity of the complainants, some of whom at least are obviously proven liars and perjurers, it appears clear that they were a closely knit bunch within Holyrood who were well known to each other and there is strong suspicion of collusion. Some of the documentation which should have been freely available to the Holyrood Inquiry does, I believe, indicate collusion and encouragement from within the SNP and Civil Service.

    While we are at it. What else do we have Sturgeon and her minions to be thankful for? Here are a few, there are many more.

    -Despite umpteen mandates over 6 years, and consistent polling in favour of independence during which time Scotland was taken out of the EU against the express wishes of the Scottish electorate, there has been absolutely NO progress towards independence.

    -Reform of the Gender Recognition Act. This will enable individuals to self- identify as either sex and have rights according to that sex. The usual scaremongering thrown up is that bearded men can put on a frock, declare themselves as a woman and have access to women’s private places such as changing rooms. Many women’s groups are extremely distraught by this legislation.

    -Hate Crime Bill was recently passed. This is a blatant attack on free speech, even within your own home. We used to wonder why the Hitler youth would report their parents for what was said in the confines of their parent’s homes. Now our kids could do the same. This bill is all about controlling public information and the effect on the Press is likely to be massive. Sturgeons government has already given the Scottish Press a bung of £3 million to buy their subservience, the Hate Crime Bill is intended to deter any remaining media outlets who have integrity.

    -The Scottish Education system has collapsed from a position at the top of the international ladder to near the bottom.

    -The governing body of the SNP, the NEC, has been emasculated by ignoring the input of members and branches, allowing non-elected individuals to take over the council and voting through motions which are contrary to the views of the bulk of the membership without proper debate.

    -The election of SNP candidates on the constituency and list ballots has been totally gerrymandered. The candidates are not what the root and branch want.

    -The embezzlement of in excess of £600,000 of donations by individuals, many of them non-members of the SNP, to finance the next independence referendum campaign. These funds were to be ring fenced for that purpose but have “disappeared”. The silence from Police Scotland is not acceptable given that several people who donated have submitted complaints.

    I originally joined the SNP in 1970 and went abroad a few years later. My memories then are of inspiring speeches by Willie Wolf. In truth that never left me and I was really a closet nationalist until the 2014 referendum when I was cajoled into rediscovering my nationalist roots by a friend and re-joined the party. I have never been active in a canvassing sense, more of a keyboard warrior. In the last 6 years I have seen what I can only say is a betrayal of everything I thought the SNP stood for. Above all the goal of independence has been traduced and kicked into the long grass, gone for the foreseeable future. I now see lies, corruption, back stabbing and yes, evil, beyond that I used to associate with the Tories. This is not my party, it bears no resemblance to what once was my party. The final straw was the passing of the Brexit deadline on 31 January 2020 without a whimper. I resigned on that day. I now try to open the eyes of others to what the SNP has become and the urgent need to remove them from any vestige of power in Scotland. It is too late for a clear out, the corruption is endemic from head to toe. Much as it pains me we have to start again but this time with a party whose constitution is always under the control of the members so that we can never have another Sturgeon. Regrettably, in the absence of a true independence party standing in my constituency for Holyrood I will be voting for whoever is the main opposition to SNP. At least I can vote for AFI or ISP on the list.

    It may be that Sturgeon will be gone before the May election but the corruption in the SNP is so deep rooted that I believe it cannot be excised. If they win control of Holyrood we will be having this conversation in 5 years time, Sturgeon or no Sturgeon. It will be groundhog day. The quickest way to independence is to vote this shower out of office now. I realise people will say a unionist coalition could lead to Holyrood being emasculated or disbanded, but I would put it to you that it is largely emasculated already and new UK government buildings are ready to go in Edinburgh to complete the job, whatever the outcome of the election. As regards disbandment, why would Boris do that? He has a compliant government in Holyrood who will never push for independence and , if there is a unionist coalition in power, then so much the better. Why upset the Scots and rock the boat? The quickest way to independence is to replace the SNP with a real independence party as soon as possible. There are already a few new kids on the block. In 5 years the independence landscape will look very different. Don’t get me wrong, there are many good genuine nationalists in the current SNP and they must be having severe doubts over what is going on. My message to them is bite the bullet and join a party who share their ideals.

  87. Frank Gillougley says:

    When asked on election night after a dismal showing by the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon said that when she had said she would be ultimately judged by the Scottish voters, she had thought that wasn’t a fair representation of what she had meant to say, which was that the share price of Teflon was blah blah blah and so on and so on

  88. Kenny says:

    Helen Yates at 9.06pm:

    Just watched the Panorama documentary on the Salmond/Sturgeon debacle and it’s obvious the unionists are hoping that getting shot of her heralds the end of independence.
    Andrew Neil’s take on it is if the SNP don’t win by a majority in May then the question of independence is put to bed

    ‘Independence put to bed’? wishful thinking on Neil’s part. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it’s got fuck-all to do with that clown if we decide not to vote for a corrupt political party – that’s why we don’t vote Tory in Scotland – but still have the desire, the will, and the majority, to gain independence.

  89. John Martini says:

    Judge led inquiry should string it out a bit longer

  90. Pixywine says:

    Such a churlish selfish individual Mz Sturgeon.

  91. Bradford Millar says:

    Wings has become the cheer leaders of the Union …. you are doing London’s work for them … you should be ashamed of yourselves

    if you wanna talk Dignity Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and Pritti Patel were all found guilty of misleading Westminster

  92. Big Jock says:

    AL I am still trying to explain to Sturgeonite friends what is going on.

    They think the media are picking on the SNP and it’s all about Salmond and his ego. I feel bad destroying their cosy world where Sturgeon is their heroine.

    They will not listen , until that woman comes clean and actually tells them what she did. I fear even if she is forced out. These people will still not believe she did anything wrong.

    I used to have a myopic defence mechanism when the SNP was slagged off. Now I have a much healthier objective view.

  93. Pixywine says:

    Bradford Millar. Have you been following events in Holyrood at all?

  94. Al says:

    For independance to work, there needs to be a one year, five year, ten year and 25 year plan. All of this is missing.
    No plan= Boris taking the piss.

  95. Big Jock says:

    Bradford. Whatabootery is a classic deflection technique.

    Own the mistakes, deal with them. Dont play ” but look what he did”. That is pathetic and absolutely moronic.

    We can do better, we will do better.

  96. willie says:

    Just watching Question Time and they absolutely hijacked Kirsten Oswald in asking her about the committee decision on Nicola Sturgeon misleading the enquiry committee.

    And what a disaster ensued as Kirsten Oswald flapped about like a floundering fish. Absolutely gutted on prime time television this was a woman utterly out with her depth.

    Absolutely cringed watching it.

    A hapless Sturgeonista gutted like a flounder on the fish factory cutting table.

  97. Elmac says:

    Bradford Millar @ 11.06

    What planet did you say you were from?

  98. Saffron Robe says:

    I don’t see how there can be any question as to intent. The act of conniving can only be done knowingly and advertently.

  99. Al says:

    Big Jock says:
    I’ve heard all sorts of shite fom Sturgeonistas, my favourite is that we will all have 40thousand of an old age pension. SG figures show that 1.074 million will be above retiral age in 2028…. and the cost 43 billion.
    Glue sniffers!

  100. holymacmoses says:

    She’s behaving like a small town provost whose won the lottery

  101. robertknight says:


    Aye, Scotland is doing just fine because England’s dishonourable politicians are marginally more dishonourable than our own dishonourable politicians.


  102. Pixywine says:

    Robert Knight. We should be a whiskey Republic

  103. willie says:

    Jeepers. the windbag Kirsten Oswald is being given an opportunity to speak again.

    Followed by Mark Carney the comparison between the deputy leader of the SNP in Westminster, or in fact comparison to the delivery of participants on the floor, brings into sharp relief the extent to which Nicola Sturgeon has peopled the senior slots with absolutely second rate politicos.

  104. Hatuey says:

    “I’m being investigated over serious allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct…”

    “Don’t worry, I’ll intervene if necessary to help you get out of this situation involving serious allegations, even though they are so serious that I felt physically sick when I heard about them…”

    “What happened there?”

    “Oh nothing really, I told him I had no power to involve myself and that I would definitely not intervene in any way to help him…”

    Unknowingly? Wtf?

  105. robertknight says:


    But then we’d be Irish, (Or American).


  106. Allan B says:

    There are 4 people in this inquiry team who believed Sturgeons recollection of a meeting over the recollections of the other attendees, 2 lawyers and AS. I’m not surprised Wightman chose not to brass that one out but I predict he’ll sit in the ‘not proven’ camp for the important stuff.

    We should also be concerned about why this partial leak, something isn’t right. Time will tell

  107. holymacmoses says:

    Bradford Millar says:
    18 March, 2021 at 11:06 pm
    Wings has become the cheer leaders of the Union …. you are doing London’s work for them … you should be ashamed of yourselves

    if you wanna talk Dignity Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and Pritti Patel were all found guilty of misleading Westminster

    Mr Millar

    The people who write here are not Unionists and we don’t read pro-unionist articles.Quoting what others have done is false equivalence. You’re comparing apples with oranges and it’s a logical fallacy as well as a truly bathetic fallacy.

  108. Neil Wilkinson says:

    willie says:
    18 March, 2021 at 11:10 pm
    Just watching Question Time and they absolutely hijacked Kirsten Oswald in asking her about the committee decision on Nicola Sturgeon misleading the enquiry committee.

    A hapless Sturgeonista gutted like a flounder on the fish factory cutting table.


    And did you clock the non stop blinking???

  109. Pixywine says:

    Willie. Oh shock and awe. Oh!

  110. @ Allan B:

    “We should also be concerned about why this partial leak, something isn’t right. Time will tell”

    Because it’s actually the least-damning finding, or the most easily-contestable by the Sturgeon camp?

  111. PhilM says:

    Comment at 11.01pm
    I’ve been a lurker for a while but enough is enough.

    I’m Nosferatu’s mum and I think it’s outrageous to see my wee boy’s name misused on a website run by a controversial blogger living in Bath. Wee Nossie has been misunderstood for millennia and it’s not his fault he was born in a generation when ideas of personal space were different. I can only hope that the new Hate Crime laws will stop the pile-ons against my beautiful boy.
    The Quine o’ Darkness

  112. willie says:

    Neil Wilkinson. I have to say that frequent rapid blinking seems to be a trait these days with senior SNP politicians.

    Seems to be associated with stress responding to questions.

    Severity of blinking is inversely proportional to anodyne questioning…….oh fuck the windbag is back on giving it yahoo about the Downing Street upgrade – and the blinking rate has reduced.

  113. David Ferguson says:

    Why pick out this particular incident, relatively trivial in the much deeper sewer of filth, lies and conspiracy?

    Because this is how it’s going to play out in the Yoon media:

    Groper Salmond went greasing to his pal Sturgeon to get her to sweep it all under the carpet, and she said she would. Evil Groper Salmond… Evil Fixer Sturgeon… Evil SNP… Evil ScotIndy…

  114. Footsoldier says:

    Fiona Bruce certainly did hijack Kirsten Oswald completely out of context to the question in hand and then let the panel have a go too, followed by cutting her off by “moving on”. A disgraceful piece of TV by the BBC.

    Those on here who are delighted with this, really ought to rethink their position. Nicola Sturgeon is a danger to the continuance of the British state and has all the UK guns pointing at her.

    If she goes, whoever steps up will be next in the firing line and on it will go until Scotland is put back in its box. Wise up before it is too late – the London establishment cannot believe their luck in having Wings condemn their biggest fear.

  115. Elmac says:

    Footsoldier @ 11.48

    “Nicola Sturgeon is a danger to the continuance of the British state and has all the UK guns pointing at her.”

    You are having a laugh aren’t you?

  116. Edward MacD says:

    For the SNP to salvage themselves, they have to get it through to Sturgeon that she has to go and go NOW. Have none of them any backbone?

  117. MorvenM says:

    Bradford Millar says:
    18 March, 2021 at 11:06 pm
    “Wings has become the cheer leaders of the Union …. you are doing London’s work for them … you should be ashamed of yourselves

    if you wanna talk Dignity Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and Pritti Patel were all found guilty of misleading Westminster”

    So what? We all know the Westminster govt is corrupt. Maybe we have higher standards.

  118. Derek says:

    “…the female version of Reinhard Heindrich…”

    Heydrich? The assasinated one?

  119. Elmac says:

    Edward MacD @ 11.53

    Sorry Edward its much too later for that. The SNP is corrupt from top to bottom. They will die as a party and the sooner the better.

  120. Big Jock says:

    I don’t think anyone on here is delighted.

    I think it will be relief that the truth can still survive an onsloght of propaganda and cover up. We would love none of this to have happened.

    But who did Footsoldier? Who created this cluster fuck?

    Malcolm X:” If we are not careful the press will make us believe that the good guys , are the bad guys”.

    The same could be said about Sturgeon followers. They deflect her crimes onto the messenger of the truth.

  121. Derek says:

    @holymacmoses says:
    18 March, 2021 at 11:29 pm

    …and we don’t read pro-unionist articles…

    I disagree with this. It’s always good to have an idea as to what your opponents are thinking.

  122. robertknight says:


    “Those on here who are delighted with this, really ought to rethink their position. Nicola Sturgeon is a danger to the continuance of the British state and has all the UK guns pointing at her.”

    I’ll save you the effort and expense of a professional diagnosis… you’re f***ing delusional!

    Now, away and lie down in a darkened room and don’t come out until 2026.

  123. Al says:

    Derek says:
    Yes, Heydrich.
    Need to get to spec savers, been locked down too long!

  124. Stu says:

    Nicola stands by everything she couldn’t recall less than a fortnight ago.

  125. Footsoldier says:

    @Elmac 11.52pm “You are having a laugh aren’t you?”


  126. willie says:

    Never have I heard such nonsense as I hear from whoever it is that calls himself foot soldier.

    Adolf is a good man, he sends the Jews to the gas chambers, but we cannot afford to replace him

    Well foot soldier, I an afraid I do not agree.

  127. Footsoldier says:

    @Robert Knight 12:04 “Now, away and lie down in a darkened room and don’t come out until 2026.”.

    I am already doing that thank you having read some of the stuff on here. I never said NC did not do any of these things but the way it’s being handled by those who want independence but want NC out is not how Pefidious Albion would do it or perhaps have done it. Bull in china shop is not for them – much more sneaky and discreet.

  128. Ian Mac says:

    How dishonest of the narcissist in chief to pretend that ‘the voters will decide’ in May on her fortunes, knowing full well that she is asking them to vote for independence (despite having had nothing of note to say about it for 5 years) and not on her wilfully deceitful actions. She could hardly be more blatant about using what they want to cover up her crimes and elect her for more of the same, with of course a feeble attempt at a referendum which won’t bother her when it fails at the first hurdle.

    Nikoliar – if the Scots vote for indpendence in May it doesn’t mean they approve of you hanging around, especially when there is no evidence that your heart is in it. And what other ‘socially progressive’ policies are you intent on, without telling the voters?

  129. Kcor says:

    ben madigan says,

    “James Hamilton QC seems like a top level lawman.
    He’ll hardly tarnish his own international reputation.
    Whatever his verdict, it will be well argued and well supported by the evidence.”

    The likes of James Hamilton don’t worry one bit about their reputation with the plebs.

    Its their reputation with the Establishment which is their only concern.

    He has deliberately delayed his report to the eve of the election so anything he says can be easily swept aside.

    Our only hopes are now for David Davis to make everything public.

  130. holymacmoses says:

    Derek says:
    19 March, 2021 at 12:03 am
    @holymacmoses says:
    18 March, 2021 at 11:29 pm

    …and we don’t read pro-unionist articles…

    I disagree with this. It’s always good to have an idea as to what your opponents are thinking.

    I meant on here:-) I was refering to Mr Wing’s articles . Poor writing on my part. I read round the floor elsewhere. I’m very fond of Sun Tzu

  131. maxxmacc says:

    I wish I was close to Bute House the next time NS is giving her covid address, as a couple of dustbin lids would come in very handy!

  132. manandboy says:

    In property, it is common to buy the derelict, then demolish, then build the house of your dreams.

    In Scottish politics, buy into the SNP, then demolish, then build the Scotland of your dreams.

    Vote SNP 1 AFI 2, Max-the-Yes MSPs and create an Indy Supermajority in the Scottish Parliament which will be recognised and accepted by the European Parliament, the United Nations and every other democracy on earth – except England.

    Think about it. It makes so much sense. Independence, and no nonsense. Let’s be a perfectly normal country again.

    Vote SNP 1, AFI 2

    That’s the ticket – to Independence.

  133. Billy Brigantes says:

    @ manandboy

    jog on, you mug.

  134. Breastplate says:

    Stu @12:12,
    That made me laugh.

  135. Al-Stuart says:

    Good evening Red,

    Thankyou for the best humour of this thread tonight. Fair put a smile on the old visog.

    Red says…

    Aye. Maybe Humza will fancy his chances at the FM spot after doing so much to suppress justice, or one of the newly disabled prospective MSP’s can argue the First Minister’s position should be reserved for someone with chlamydia.

    Maybe we should wheesht-the-humour in case a Wokerati gets an idea and the venal MSPs that pollute Holyrood actually pass an STD is a disabity law. FFS if this was a script submitted to the editor at Yes Minister, they would throw it back at you saying don’t be so ridiculous.

  136. Clavie Cheil says:

    And still there is no resignations of which there should be several. And still there are no sackings of which there should be several. And still there are no arrests or charges leveled of which there should be several.

    Sturgeon still has several people she can throw under the bus yet. The Press and Media are also being pretty lame by their rotten diseased standards.

  137. Beaker says:

    Twitter has gone a bit mental. All the Sturgeonistas are out in force. Some of the comments are a bit worrying. All hail the Dear Leader.

    Wonder when reality will set in…

  138. douglas says:

    is it known what the three misconduct charges brought against Sturgeon by the Law Society were?
    Such charges commonly centre on irregularities with trust monies, or acts of dishonesty like fraudulent pleadings, or failure to abide by undertakings. Were any of these applicable?

  139. Kcor says:

    The Spectator is being silenced:

    link to

    So will Wings Over Scotland.

    Bookmark this site which might become our go to site for uncensored accounts of the Mafia government currently in power in Scotland:

    link to

  140. Frazerio says:

    Stu @1212.

    Comment of the week. So good I’ll say it again.

    “Nicola stands by everything she couldn’t recall less than a fortnight ago”.

  141. Elmac says:

    Manandboy @12.40 am

    There is a fatal flaw in your assumption – the current SNP do NOT want independence, in fact it is alien to them and they have absolutely no intention of allowing themselves to be demolished post re-election. You cannot seriously be expecting them to change their spots if we put them into power again.

    I share your desire to be a perfectly normal country again but that cannot be achieved under the corrupt scum currently in charge of the SNP. The corruption goes deep, way beyond any reasonable hope of redemption. If you want to live in a “normal” country then first we have to vote these shysters out of office.

  142. Kcor says:

    link to

  143. Hatuey says:

    That “impromptu” exchange with Sturgeon and Sky, after she got out of the car, looked distinctly promptu to me…

    This whole thing feels staged.

    This trivial little piece of criticism over a completely irrelevant issue is designed to make the Inquiry look honest. The idea being; if you buy into this judgement and accept the truth of the criticism, you must also buy into the rest when you see it and accept the more flattering judgement of the report as a whole.

    These are old tricks. From memory this particular invention is attributed to a Senator Vandenburg who Worked for the State Dept. after WWII.

  144. Kcor says:

    Tommy Sheridan and Craig Murray, do not support the re-election of the SNP Mafia government of Scotland.

    If you do, you are no better then them and part of the problem rather than the solution.

    Vote the corrupt criminals out and campaign to get them jailed.

    By endorsing them, you are betraying Alex Salmond.

  145. Hatuey says:

    it’s not as simple as that, Kcor.

  146. Breeks says:

    Artur sweet says:
    18 March, 2021 at 9:55 pm

    Here is her first recorded response. I would think her arrogant response might just seal her fate. Nice haircut by the way.

    link to

    She has as much respect for her own verdict as she had for Alex Salmond’s. None.

    The trial verdict, the jury, the judge were all wrong, David Davis is just one of Alex Salmond’s old boy cronies, and the Parliamentary Inquiry is politically biased had it in for her from the beginning…

    What’s the betting she’ll start claiming Fabiani’s Inquiry is unlawful and tainted by apparent bias? Maybe “her” cronies at R(ape) Crisis Centre will say it for her?

    No shame, no integrity, no class, and cynically exploiting Scottish Independence from the day she took office. Nicola Sturgeon- Nasty and vindictive wee chiselling, lying, back stabber…. guilty.

  147. Hatuey says:

    Breeks, watch it carefully. She was prepared for that encounter. She had her hair and make-up done, and a response full of twisted soundbites ready to rip. 100%

    And you can bet the SNP “leaked” this.

    I’ll guarantee the other 99% of the final report exonerates her completely — that 99% includes all the important stuff where this issue is relatively trivial.

    Remember, if you buy this leaked part and criticise her on the basis of it, you need to buy the whole report.

  148. Liz g says:

    Breeks @ 3.39
    But tell us what ye really think ?
    LOL 🙂
    Nevertheless bloody well said

  149. susanXX says:

    Well said Breeks @ 3.39am

  150. Hatuey says:

    Two business days left in Parliament? It would be beautiful if she got voted down on the very last day.

  151. DickieT says:

    I have said from the start and written on here that the whole thing stands on the word “knowingly” . Actually I said “intentionally” but it boils down to the same thing.

    Those obsessed with her resigning are going to be sorely disappointed.

  152. Mike Robson says:

    Scotland’s FM is many things and among them she will be a keen student of recent political history and she and those around her have fully embraced the Donald Trump playbook.
    The parallels are astonishing:
    Substitute ‘Fake News’ for ‘The Tories’, the absolute denial of any objective reality other than their own,the dog-whistle slogans for their power-base (how much of The Wall was actually built and how closer is Scotland to Independence?), the vituperation, smearing and character assasination of those who oppose them, the suborning of the legal system (substitute Attorney-General Bill Barr for Lord Advocate Wolfe), the attempts to muzzle the media (and the outright brazen lying to the media),the cult of personality, the sheer narcissism and love of self (indicative perversely of a weak personality conflicted and full of self-loathing),the total lack of integrity and honesty, the running of a country as a family business, the Mafia style tactics of rule by fear and patronage, the Sturgeonista QAnon fantasists, the list goes on and on.
    She is Scotland’s entirely self-made Mini Trump and when she is eventually voted out of office (for she will not go voluntarily) we can expect her followers to march upon Holyrood.
    God help us.

  153. Breeks says:

    DickieT says:
    19 March, 2021 at 6:05 am

    I have said from the start and written on here that the whole thing stands on the word “knowingly” . Actually I said “intentionally” but it boils down to the same thing…

    I don’t believe it does DickieT. “Knowingly”, or otherwise, is just the last straw which breaks the camel’s back.

    Sturgeon has done a tremendous amount of damage to Scotland, and I firmly believe in her hubris, she threw away Scottish Independence in 2016 with her biggest betrayal of all.

    “IF” it’s a wee matter of her being caught out by a wee slip of the tongue and compelled to resign, then seize on it to be rid of her. She sold Scotland’s Sovereignty down the river, and set precedents which Westminster will seek to use against Scotland for decades if we do not escape.

    Sturgeon’s removal might be “One small step for justice. A giant leap for Scottish Independence”.

  154. Breeks says:


    I knew it looked wrong… trying again.

  155. Breeks says:

    i give up. Google “Christine Grahame on sovereignty” and it’s 6 minutes of life affirming joy.

  156. John McNab says:

    Mike Robson at 6.55 am:

    Very perceptive, but Donald Trump, like any US President, can only be elected to that office twice. The Great Helmswoman looks like she’s going for the whole President for Life agenda.

  157. Effigy says:

    SNP Reps on Question Time have overall been pathetic.

    They don’t get as much time to speak, they allow themselves to be interrupted and
    when I, with the knowledge I can pick up here, have very much better responses than
    our MPs.

    Can I recommend to those SNP officers who do read this site,
    get your colleagues to come here and bring a note book.

    I ask you to imagine you had a good going business but didn’t have the health to
    run it hands on, could you name 5 SNP Officials you would trust to run it and be capable to do so?

    I’m considering 3 out of 100 MP’s and MSPs?

  158. Cath says:

    The galling thing about BBCQT is in a different world, we’d have had top class politicians like Joanna Cherry on there last night talking about independence. We may even have been independent by now had the right people been in place doing the right things since Brexit. Instead we have this squalid shitshow, Alex silenced, independence off the debate replaced by idiocies like GRA, and rubbish nobodies wheeled out to discuss a weak and lying leader who brought us here. If Sturgeon is pro independence, she’s worse than useless. If she’s acting on behalf of the union, she’s doing a splendid job for them.

  159. Menstruator says:

    I agree with Mike.

    The Trump echoes have been getting louder and louder. Every media statement is hyperbolic – things are “utterly absurd”, the inquiry is “partisan” and “biased”, she is judge and jury of her own transgressions and denies the jurisdiction or authority of every other branch of democracy.

  160. @Breeks,

    don`t know if this will work but,

    link to

  161. Dr Peter ISP says:

    It is now less than 2 months before the election. For Sturgeon to have left her resignation this late is to put herself above her party and her country.

    Whether a leadership election can be run before the election is a moot point, considering the clusterfuck around SNP democracy it could get mired in court challenges.

    Note this is an entirely self inflicted wound. She could have done the decent thing at the start or at any time since then.

    If this sufficiently damages the Yes vote on May 6 then Sturgeon will be personally responsible for that.

  162. President Xiden says:

    Ross Kilbride says:
    18 March, 2021 at 9:26 pm
    And this will end any dreams she had of a high flying job in the UN or the EU.

    Who in their right mind would write out a recommendation for this lying piece of shit?

    I wouldn’t worry the UN and the EU have their fair share of dodgy characters. Far from preventing you from getting a job , it probably enhances it.

  163. Cath says:

    Joanna Cherry can’t currently take over the leadership as she couldn’t be FM from Westminster. But what would the situation be if Sturgeon resigned after Holyrood had disbanded for the election? Could Cherry take over and stand for HR? My fear is that Sturgeon has hollowed out the party so much and made it such a cult of Nicola there is no one else strong enough to take over if she does resign. Cherry is the only one I can think of strong enough to do it.

  164. President Xiden says:

    Effigy says:
    19 March, 2021 at 7:21 am
    SNP Reps on Question Time have overall been pathetic.
    They don’t get as much time to speak, they allow themselves to be interrupted .

    To be fair, they are probably thankful to get less time and are interrupted. It’s a lot easier than defending the indefensible.

  165. true scot says:

    I agree with everyone who sees growing echoes of Trump. Trump was tremendously succesful in creating the narrative of victimhood and fake news. Believers do so fervently, and in spite of those scenes on Capitol Hill, we probably haven’t seen the last Trump in the Whitehouse.

    Sturgeon’s has a similar following, she has captured the woke wave and she holds on to the indy vote that has nowhere else to go. With smoking fury in her eyes she will refute and spin till election day and then roll the dice. The party is emasculated, the grass roots membership muted and withering and she is head of a governement that now routinely threatens a free press with court action.

    Whether or not she’s done anything to advance the cause of a referendum is hotly debated, but I argue that she’s done nothing to advance the cause of independence. On either side of the debate are those who believe one way or another already. In the middle are about a million voters for whom self ideation and country are not entwined. Her government has not spoken to those who need to see a credible plan on the economy.

  166. kapelmeister says:

    Sturgeon rallying the simpleton party fanatics in the SNP to her side. It’s a “partisan leak” by the committee.

  167. Willie says:

    Asking for a friend
    Does a Partisan Leak
    Top Trump
    A Daily Record Leak

  168. Brian Fleming says:

    O what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

  169. PaulaJ says:

    I’m struck by the difference between how Sturgeon comments on the AS trial (he wasn’t found guilty, but we know that’s not innocent’) and her own situation (even if I did mislead Parliament, you can’t prove that I meant it).

    Cognitive dissonance, or megalomania?

    You choose.

  170. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    The AFI has 32 candidates and more than half a dozen officials. A modest guess would be 40 to 50 people at the front end many hoping to gain a very attractive salary if elected.
    Let us also assume not one member of the public has donated (we know several on here have already said they had). 48 hours after their fundraiser was started only 20 people have donated.
    If those who wish to run and represent the AFI will not put money into the campaign I don’t see why I should hold much faith in their commitment to their own plan.

  171. kapelmeister says:

    Josip Broz Tito taking a toilet break in 1943. Now that’s a partisan leak.

  172. Captain Yossarian says:

    @True Scot – ‘She is head of a governement that now routinely threatens a free press with court action.’

    Prior to Sturgeon, we had free legal aid. It used to cost a few million pounds a year and gave legal protections to everyone. Sturgeon stopped that and now uses the cash to protect herself.

    This, for me, is one of the more serious legacies of Sturgeon’s time in office.

    Once you turn on Guido Fawkes and The Spectator, my expectation is they will fight back and hard.

  173. Kiwilassie says:

    Stuart can I say well done. You with this site have brought all Scots that want a legal acting government. Going by what I’m reading in comments of Newspapers, party politics have been put aside in the name of fairness & honesty.

    Would you believe you are even having Tories telling the Nicolites to view your site for factual information.

    Lets take party politics out of the equation here. What does everyone want? An honest & fair country to live in!
    I’m surprised that from people across all parties, Alex has support in his quest for justice.
    At this moment in time it has nothing to do with Independence.

    People may not like his politics, but have respect for the man, the politician.
    On the other hand Nicola is being ripped apart by folk with high morals & a sense of decency across the whole political arena.
    People asking if she really liked Alex or did she use him to get top job. Many are quite disgusted with her rantings of late.

    I have to say for me she is starting to sound like Margaret Curran. “The stair heid woman.”
    Or as we would say in Fife a fish woman. LOL

    It seems all the SNP Sturgeon lovers are the auld labour voters who joined in 2014 2015. They have the same mentality of the old labour voters of yesteryear. Now they also have the wokerati, god help them. Rant over!

  174. WhoRattledYourCage says:

    If anybody needs a laugh – and we all do right now, what with the disintegration of every legal and governmental institution in the country, stuff like that – here’s something funny that happened to me yesterday. Anybody who cuts their own hair will be able to relate to this in some way, I would imagine. 🙂

    link to

  175. Kiwilassie says:

    That should have been “fish wife.” LOL I’ve been away 50 years too long. To old now to return but still want the best for my homeland.

  176. Jason Hoffman says:

    We were always told that we were too wee, too poor, too stupid for Scotland to be independent.

    It’s not Scotland that fits this description – it’s our politicians, our parliament and our legal profession.

    We know that Boris and his government are proto-fascists looking to sell off the NHS and line their pockets at our expense. There is mistaking how abhorrent they are. And Labour under Keir Starmer are a joke party.

    So we tell ourselves that Scotland will be better.

    Independence is the only solution.

    But an independent Scotland run by this shower of self-serving arseholes. No way. And i tar all parties in Holyrood with the same brush.

    The Salmond affair has proven how inept,corrupt and petty our leaders are. All of them.

    For the first time i’m going to spoil my ballot paper in May and write a big fat “NONE OF THEM” across it.

    Nobody deserve my or your vote.

    I don’t want independence under the SNP now and there is no-one else i can vote for.

    I feel cleated out of the last 8 years of brain space arguing for independence.

  177. Jim Tadgercock says:

    Could somebody phone the AA as there had been an accident on radio Scotland this morning drivers name is Drew something . Also looks like Mr Davis is back in the ring.

  178. Ottomanboi says:

    Never trust anyone over 25….works for me, come on Scotland don’t be so credulous.
    Blessed be the naïve, for they shall be taken on a long ride to perdition.
    Politicians lie, it’s in the nature of the beast, so enough whinging and whinng, the trick is to find one who’s honest.
    Now let’s hear it for Scottish Independence*…remember that?
    *A liberated state of mind.

  179. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    link to

  180. Captain Yossarian says:

    ‘Nicola Sturgeon is facing an uphill battle to save her career, after a leaked report into her handling of the Alex Salmond affair suggests she misled Scottish Parliament.’ – From this morning’s Telegraph.

    Her career has been to manage the decline of Scotland and to manage her collection of 300No pairs of £300 shoes along the way. She has admirably succeeded in doing both. Time for her to go now.

  181. Kiwilassie says:

    WhoRattledYourCage says:

    Here’s something funny that happened to me yesterday. Anybody who cuts their own hair will be able to relate to this in some way, I would imagine.

    That made me laugh.
    All my years since I was 14 or 15 yrs old I’ve cut my own hair using two mirrors.
    When in my 40s/50s was often asked by people on the street who my hairdresser was. Felt uncomfortable in saying it was myself.
    In my 70s now & still cut my own hair.

  182. Mark Boyle says:

    @Ottomanboi says: 19 March, 2021 at 8:38 am
    “Never trust anyone over 25….works for me”

    Considering the 25s and under are the generation who think they can self declare themselves to be a pansexual genderfluid antelope with asperger’s …

  183. Cudneycareless says:

    Is Independence any closer ?

  184. Wally Jumblatt says:

    When this ends, I would be interested to read how Murrell & Sturgeon gutted the SNP of talent over just a few years. Would be a great handbook for the would-be dictators amongst us.
    In most long-standing parties, there are always a bunch of old grandees who still command respect and have wise guidance to offer.

    Nicola seemed to have learned her tactics from the old Labour constituency party activist games, driving out all those without heads screwed on; which always fail once the real party members wake up.
    A smidgen of respect for her getting this far, she nearly destroyed the country.
    But now the party has to rebuild from scratch, and I reckon a debacle in May is the only way to energise sensible people and clean out the stables.
    You have to cut out the cancer.

  185. ahundredthidiot says:

    Sturgeon is many things, but she is not entirely stupid.

    She knows full well that staying in position is doing enormous damage to the cause of Scottish Independence and the Party she claims to love.

    Yet, on she ploughs.

    No sane person can come to any other conclusion – she is doing it deliberately – she simply will not fall on her sword for Scotland.

    She is worse than the Enemy. Desperately clinging to power is the sort of thing Dictators do.

  186. Ottomanboi says:

    @Mark Boyle 08:53
    And where does this stuff come from…ADULTS, psychiatrists, psychologists, paediatricians, education theorists…
    Kids are ok until they have their minds messed with by experts.
    Ejjerkashun! Under the current global fascistic lockdown would be nice to be able to get one…
    Adults again….

    They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.
    [Philip Larkin]

  187. J Galt says:


    You’re right – this has all the hallmarks of a “Limited Hangout”.

  188. ahundredthidiot says:

    manandboy @ 12:40

    In this ‘day and age’ I am pretty bloody sceptical, so I Pretty much find your handle and your picture a little distasteful.

    Maybe you’re on the wrong site mate.

  189. Jontoscots20 says:

    I see fake schemie Sturgeon slave, and Westminster trougher, Mhairi Black on a Sky feed. she really rattled at attacks on Sturgeon and saying it’s “refreshing she took responsibility”. She like all of them has been well and truly Stockholmed into her safe stupid place.

  190. Big Jock says:

    It’s really hard being polite to friends who have no concept of reality.

    The amount of times I have to point out that the enquiry is actually about Sturgeon not Salmond. I get all the regurgitated lines about Salmond’s ego…blah blah. Straight out of the Sturgeon hymn book.

    The poisoning of the Sturgeon cult runs deep.

  191. Nevermore says:

    Rev, just to draw your attention to the “John James” blog dated 17/03. There’s an article (one of the few not behind a “paywall”) titled “ResignSturgeon”.
    It starts with a quote from one of your own recent articles and goes on to make some very interesting claims about Sturgeon’s time as a lawyer, and how she came to leave that profession.
    I have no idea if it’s factually correct, but if it is, it should certainly be public knowledge.
    I was wondering if it’s a claim you were aware of, or could verify?

  192. Ruby says:

    “What’s been clear is that opposition members of this committee made their minds up about me before I muttered a single word of evidence, their public comments have made that clear.”

    Sturgeon tells us the inquiry has been a waste of time and money due to being “tainted with apparent bias”

    Nothing being said about her can be believed!

  193. Dorothy Devine says:

    Anyone in need of ‘quality’ journalism need only donate to Bella Caledonia .

    Though I do like the artwork.

  194. ScotsRenewables says:


    The idea that Sturgeon resigning now would do less damage than her brazening it out is questionable at best.

    You only have to look through the dozens of Cultist groups on social media – ‘In Nicola We Trust’ – to see that her resignation right now would rip the heart out of the party. Election defeat for the SNP would be almost certain.

    Who knows, the bitch may even do it.

  195. Aunty Flo says:

    You can buy a helluva lot of bananas with £600,000.

  196. Socrates MacSporran says:

    The Whitabootery around the Holyrood Committee and the Hamilton enquiry is quite staggering, with the Sturgeon Loayl members lining-up to defned the Glorious Leader.

    One of their tactics is to go on about Baw Jaws and his serial lying – I am seek, fed-up with this.

    Baw Jaws tells lies, probably every time he opens his mouth. It’s what he does, he knows it, we know it, the bulk of the English electorate probably knows it, but, until the English electorate grows a pair and votes him out of office, I am afraid we are stuck with him, his party and their lies.

    But, I want Scottish politicians to be above that. I truly, perhaps naively want us to be in the early days of building a better nation. That means, I don’t want Sturgeon to be telling lies and misleading us in the way she has been.

    I want her to stop trying to kid us on that she is someone wonderful, and get on with setting us free from Baw Jaws and his clique.

    Since she shows no signs of doing this – I want her gone.

  197. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    “A judicial review found that the Scottish government’s handling of the complaints against Mr Salmond was biased and unlawful”

    The bias finding in the judicial review has not been highlighted enough – the motive was there.

  198. Onlooker says:

    Can’t wait for this horrible manhating bitter clown, who is definitely cracking up, to fuck off back to Mars. One of the worst Scots to ever walk the planet.

    link to

  199. Mia says:

    “You only have to look through the dozens of Cultist groups on social media – ‘In Nicola We Trust’ – to see that her resignation right now would rip the heart out of the party”

    How many of those are paid trolls?

  200. Ruby says:


    link to

  201. Alan Thoms says:

    El Sturgeo the tin pot dictator of Scotland chose James Hamilton QC for a reason. She ain’t going anywhere soon.

  202. stuart mctavish says:

    Last post was about being terrified or an idiot but with the news that an electorate gaslit enough fight each other over whether or not to wear a mask in the war on common covid should care about parliament being miss or mr led, then perhaps there is another option subject to a few straight answers:

    Considering the specific violation of Article 9 of the international declaration on human rights (among others) the terrified might ask why contempt of court prosecutions are not brought against people and organisations that regularly refer to anonymous victims (despite the verdict) but are nonetheless brought – with malice – against people seeking truth and enlightenment

    Considering the implications arising from voting irregularities in USA, cheered on by at least one other former colony, Canada, idiots might ask why SNP seals are clapping two women at the head of parliament discussing Alex Salmond week in week out when the worst he was ever accused of didn’t even come close to the sort of behaviour that would have you locking up your own daughters – let alone the whole family..

    Considering the ice queens’ defence (seat in the lords for the one happy to defend Salmond, mercy – and certain support of the public for the one unhappy to defame him) the optimist might ask, since the former FM has no chance getting a seat in the Lords despite a genuinely great legacy, why the devil doesn’t he get his name on the list again and make his own case in his own inimitable way – and if he could bring Gordon Brown along with him, who is in a not dissimilar situation via a vis the Lords for some reason, so much the better.

  203. Tom says:

    The leak (by the Tories, as it must have been) that Sturgeon lied to the Harassment Committee was a very clever move (unlike their earlier demand that she resign before her committee appearance, which was just naked opportunism).

    But let’s not forget that the overall findings of the committee into the government’s actions have not been leaked, only their narrow finding on Sturgeon’s integrity.

    But that narrow finding has big significance for James Hamilton and his review into breaches of the ministerial code. If he concurs that Sturgeon did breach the code, it makes it easier for him to say so and, if necessary, to find that it was knowingly breached (and remember, he can reference evidence that the committee couldn’t, in particular the damning evidence from Geoff Aberdein).

    Agreement between James Hamilton and the committee that Sturgeon had been dishonest would be devastating for Sturgeon, and make her survival impossible.

    And all this with the main committee findings on the government’s handling of the whole Salmond stitch-up still to come. However nuanced they are, does anyone believe they cannot be anything but had news for Sturgeon?

  204. Mia says:

    “No sane person can come to any other conclusion – she is doing it deliberately”

    Of course she is. It is becoming apparent her mission has always been to stop our right to self determination. She has succeeded in eviscerating the main vehicle for independence, she has succeeded in totally destroying our indyref mandate and she is about to succeed in stopping May 2021 to become an indy plebiscite. I wonder what her reward may be for this.

    It was always about forcing Scotland to remain in the Union after Brexit. She will survive this because she has the backing of the state, which will want her to remain put until the control of that majority of SNP MPs in Westminster is under the puppet Robertson.

    My guess is that the only fear the British state has now is that a real pro indy leader takes over and uses that majority in Westminster to end the union. As per Holyrood, with this fraud or the puppet in control of the SNP and with all the genderwoowoos undermining independence, they know it has already been successfully neutered.

  205. Tommo says:

    From my safe distance can I suggest that-politics aside- resigning is probably not an option regardless of how many ‘findings’ are made
    If she were to go it is possible (Unlikely, I grant you, but possible) that someone of moral standing may take over. Without hands on the levers of power strangling the flow of information -and evidence- the current stuff ‘redacted’ and all sorts of additional juicy info would come tumbling out to the grave discomfort of Ms Sturgeon and quite a few of those around her
    I imagine her inner circle are also desperate that she stay for that reason
    It will be interesting to see what happens

  206. JimuckMac says:

    Put the words mislead, knowingly and unwillingly in the bin. What Sturgeon did at the inquiry was to lie her way out of it. She is a proven liar and should immediately resign.

  207. Ian Mac says:

    If there was any doubt of the depths the current SNP has descended to, that was removed last night and this morning in their response to the inquiry’s vote. I have never heard such a succession of whining, gurning, sulking mediocrities, none of whom addressed the very necessary question of where this leaves Sturgeon.

    Instead, they read from an insultingly feeble script, prepared for them by SNP apparatchiks who hide from the public, no doubt Sturgeon’s praetorian guard. The constant attempt to keep talking in order to eat up time and ignore the question is a tried and tested tory technique, but the content of what they were trying to say was beyond absymal. The party line is that a) it is all the fault of the Tories (riddle me that when the committee was biased in favour of the SNP) and b) it’s only a committee and they had already made their minds up anyway.

    That is such an utter travesty of what they said about the committee right up until yesterday – the committee they fearlessly set up to hold the government to account, leaving no stone unturned (hollow laughter). The one they obviously thought would do its duty and find them entirely innocent. Now it, like the legal profession, the judge and jury in the Salmond case, are to be scorned and dismissed as a giant conspiracy against them.

    They could, of course, have acted professionally and with dignity, accepting fair criticism and saying they need to see the whole report. But no, they tried to go on the attack with the flimsiest, most feeble, inarticulate ‘spokespeople’ who could barely string a sentence together and just mutter, like children when caught out, that it wasnae us it wuz them – the Tories. Ian Hislop rightly said on QT, when Sturgeon’s position is questioned why do you make your answer all about Boris and the Tories? The Tories had zero to do with the Salmond fiasco, the cover up, the subversion of judicial and legal process. It shows you how stupid they think the public is, although the reality, listening to these execrable SNP lapdogs, was how stupid they are.

    In former times, Salmond on QT or Today would be a lesson in integrity and intelligence, a fine example of Scots ethics and political skill. Now we have a mirror image of the Tories, bloviating boors who slavishly follow a mediocre party line of diversion and deceit. They are a laughing stock, sounding like country bumpkins, caught out with their hand in the till at the parish jumble sale.

    I just thought, the dream is dead. And it will take a colossal shake out and restructuring to resurrect this dead parrot party. Don’t wheesht for indy, resign for indy, you incompetent amateur bunglers.

  208. Ruby says:

    Sturgeon says do not listen to anyone who has anything bad to say about me.

    The Parliamentary Inquiry contains Unionists
    David Davies is a crony of Alex Salmond & is part of the ‘old boys club’
    Definitely not Alex Salmond ‘cos we all know what he’s like.

  209. TNS2019 says:

    Important to note that for all that there should be horror and disgust that people in positions of power and authority should attempt to jail an innocent man for the rest of his life, and that such contempt has been shown to Parliament (and thus the Scottish people), there are broader systemic issues with the way our civic institutions are now governed and led.
    This is not a one-off isolated case of political rivalry taken to the extreme but a symptom of a much bigger malaise.
    Corruption is now endemic.
    One person must be held rsponsible for that. I just hope that she is not with us for much longer.
    link to

  210. Sharon says:

    There’s no shame in any of this for Sturgeon because in her circles the whole lot of them are at it! Everywhere from here to world gov’ts to the UN.. I hope Scotland rejects it ALL! 🙂

  211. holymacmoses says:

    ScotsRenewables says:
    19 March, 2021 at 9:43 am

    The idea that Sturgeon resigning now would do less damage than her brazening it out is questionable at best.

    You only have to look through the dozens of Cultist groups on social media – ‘In Nicola We Trust’ – to see that her resignation right now would rip the heart out of the party. Election defeat for the SNP would be almost certain.

    Who knows, the bitch may even do it.

    I think the bitch kept trolling the internet seeing how well her name was doing in the internet media world and realised that Mr Salmond was always going to supersede her in the search bar ‘history’ of Scotland so she had to do something about it. She had to be top The only way to take his place was to destroy his name. Putting him in jail was simply collateral damage.

  212. Big Jock says:

    Alan 9.55 – Yes it does worry me that Sturgeon handpicked Hamilton. Surely that in itself is not democratic or safe from potential bias.

    Surely it should have been an independent party that appointed the external investigator. From her language last night, it suggests she already knows he won’t bring her down.

    Yet we all know that she is guilty of so much more than just the ministerial code breach. The witches coven who are guilty of miscarriages of justice, perjury and entrapment. If he maintains her innocence , then all the crimes will be ignored. The Sturgeon loyal will then believe she is the victim!

  213. Big Jock says:

    By the way. I honestly couldn’t care less about the election anymore. I have resigned myself to the fact that independence will not happen for at least 10 years now , no matter the election outcome.

    Everything at the moment is a pile of stinking, festering manure.

  214. mike cassidy says:

    It would be funny

    If a Sturgeon resignation

    Became perceived as an attempt by Westminster to silence the desire for independence

    And therefore increased support for the SNP in the May election

    Whom the gods would destroy and all that

  215. Liz says:

    I have a horrible feeling that this leak was from the SNP, possibly causing the report to be discredited or indeed maybe the leak is wrong.

    That’s how much I distrust her

  216. Mark Boyle says:

    @Ottomanboi says: 19 March, 2021 at 9:12 am

    “@Mark Boyle 08:53
    And where does this stuff come from…ADULTS, psychiatrists, psychologists, paediatricians, education theorists…
    Kids are ok until they have their minds messed with by experts.”

    Today’s kids seem to be more than capable of messing things up for themselves because they’re spoilt and overindulged by parents who want to be their child’s friend rather than a parent – which is one of the main reasons they have so much “outsider interference” in the first place from their wilful absolvement of responsibilities.

    That’s the reason we have such a lovely generation of little Veruca Salts and Camilla Spats.

    “They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.
    [Philip Larkin]”

    Nice to see you backing up your claim quoting from a pathetic old racist, misogynist and outright misanthrope hopelessly addicted to pornography. Phillip Larkin was many things but an expert on the human condition he most certainly was not.

  217. MP says:

    I love the FM’s complaint that committee members had made up their minds from the start. We’ll have to wait and see, but it seems that the only committee member who may have shifted ground during the process is Andy Wightman.

  218. Big Jock says:

    Sturgeon going , and a decent leader coming in, would bring most of us back to SNP1. The loyalists would just have to sook it up and vote for the new leader.

    At the moment Sturgeon is losing about 20% of the yes vote!

  219. Big Jock says:

    MP – Karma . Sturgeon and her coven made their minds up about Salmond before a crime was ever committed. When they couldn’t find anything , they went on a victim hunt to invent some crimes.

    I made my mind up about Sturgeon when she turned Judas and tried to jail one of our own.

  220. sarah says:

    @ Big Jock at 10.26: absolutely right. We disappointed/angered/distraught SNP Members and voters would very happily return to supporting them if the bad apples were cleared out and internal democracy restored.

  221. beflox says:

    If it makes you all feel special to keep referring to the leader of the SNP as a “bitch” or to people who have a reason to support her as being part of a cult, then knock yourselves out … but you do all realise that the majority of independence couldn’t care less about all this, right?

    Here’s some year-1 level schooling for you all:

  222. Shaza says:

    @Big Jock

    Alex Salmond said in his evidence that he appointed Hamilton to the role.

    He was in place before all this started.

  223. John Brown says:

    I don’t believe that Ms Sturgeon will resign or be called upon to resign by her SNP followers – even if a smoking gun exists showing she knowingly and deliberately lied to Parliament – so strong is their desire for separation from England.

    Such changes can only happen through the ballot box.

  224. ahundredthidiot says:

    The only difference between Judas and sturgeon is that the Jury is still out on Judas!

  225. robertknight says:

    John Brown…

    “so strong is their desire for separation from England.”

    Oh FFS…

    You’ve been asleep at the back of the class and have just been found out by demonstrating your complete and utter failure to grasp the subject matter of the lesson.

    Go back to sleep Dunce – preferably elsewhere!

  226. ahundredthidiot says:


    I could put a link in here to describe bunker mentality for you, but you’ve cult propaganda to be getting on with.

    And change the record why don’t you, calling people conspiracy theorist is THEE indicator that you’ve lost the argument.

  227. Ruby says:

    Nicola Sturgeon has become a distraction.

    That is reason enough for her to resign.

  228. ahundredthidiot says:

    and before you go, Beflox

    If you are right when you say ‘that the mojority of independence don’t care about all this’……then why are you here?

    bye bye

  229. Ruby says:

    link to

    More Alex Salmond inquiry concerns about Nicola Sturgeon’s evidence leaked

  230. Suilven says:

    ‘ El Sturgeo the tin pot dictator of Scotland chose James Hamilton QC for a reason. She ain’t going anywhere soon.’

    This. Hamilton QC cleared Carwyn Jones and his chief SpAd (female) of hounding Carl Sargeant to his suicide with confected sexual harassment allegations (sound familiar?). Hamilton has been handpicked.

  231. Ruby says:

    Salmond inquiry: New details emerge as committee finds Sturgeon ‘misled parliament’

    link to

    Sky news report referred to in Scotsman article.

  232. DJ says:

    Independence is greater than the SNP and the SNP is greater than any one individual.

  233. robertknight says:

    Beflox = ‘The Cult’ is strong with this one!

    The INDYREF2 Sturgeon faithful have so much in common with the MAGA Trump idiots…

    Nicola, can do no wrong!

    It’s all Fake News!

    They’re out to get her!

    They’re doing it deliberately!

    And, wait for it…coming to you in a few short weeks…

    They stole the election!

    Keep on pinching yourselves folks, if only to confirm you’re actually living the nightmare.

  234. StevieO says:

    ….and so the dream of independence dies right here. All thanks to an inflated ego.

    Well done.

  235. Old Fogey says:

    Suilven says:
    19 March, 2021 at 10:50 am
    ‘ El Sturgeo the tin pot dictator of Scotland chose James Hamilton QC for a reason. She ain’t going anywhere soon.’

    This. Hamilton QC cleared Carwyn Jones and his chief SpAd (female) of hounding Carl Sargeant to his suicide with confected sexual harassment allegations (sound familiar?). Hamilton has been handpicked.

    Mr Hamilton was appointed by Mr Salmond – a fact which he mentioned in his evidence to the Committee.

  236. Shug says:

    I feel penned in
    Regardless of the criminality I have to vote snp otherwise I accept tory rule
    Nicola might call indy ref2 but might delay further. If she does not do it this year she better not turn up at a party conference

  237. ahundredthidiot says:


    sturgeon and her followers have more in common with biden and his.

    much more.

    you just need to look at their woke approach to everything, woke politics and all out attack on and dismantling of, womens rights, in favour of super-tiny-minorities (most of whom are mentally ill)

    The West is most definitely under attack – from within.

  238. Bob Mack says:


    It appears the opinion polls don’t agree with you. Many do care.

  239. holymacmoses says:

    beflox says:
    19 March, 2021 at 10:30 am
    If it makes you all feel special to keep referring to the leader of the SNP as a “bitch” or to people who have a reason to support her as being part of a cult, then knock yourselves out … but you do all realise that the majority of independence couldn’t care less about all this, right?

    And you’re the self-appointed spokesperson for the majority of independence supporters? What I have realised is that the vast majority of Sturgeon supporters have delusions of grandeur.
    When faced with such stupidity from supporters and such iniquity from the top politician in Scotland , it can help to use the odd ‘nasty’ word from time to time. You have plenty of other places to read so why do you waste your time on a news site which nobody is interested in?

  240. ahundredthidiot says:


    So, you will accept a criminal enterprise over a Tory enterprise?

    Maybe you need to take a long look in the mirror mate.

    We are getting a Unionist Government in May either way, that is a certainty – and it doesn’t matter if it is a unionist coalition or the SNP – it is the same thing.

    So, we can kick the can down the never-ending road with the SNP….or……take our medicine and galvanise a Nation.

    It’s 2025 for me now. Plebiscite.

    Let the Tories have HR – infested shit-hole of a swamp so it is, they’ll be right at home.

  241. ScotsRenewables says:

    Big Jock says:
    19 March, 2021 at 10:26 am
    Sturgeon going , and a decent leader coming in, would bring most of us back to SNP1. The loyalists would just have to sook it up and vote for the new leader.

    At the moment Sturgeon is losing about 20% of the yes vote!

    Jock, where are you getting that 20% figure from?

  242. mike cassidy says:

    a hundredthidiot 11.11

    The West has been under attack from within since at least 1543

    When Copernicus pointed out that the Earth goes round the Sun

    And I think that’s outside the remit of the Inquiry

  243. solarflare says:

    “Ruby says:
    19 March, 2021 at 10:40 am
    Nicola Sturgeon has become a distraction.

    That is reason enough for her to resign.”

    She also accepted at the committee that massive mistakes had been made on the part of the Scottish Government, but failed to name anyone responsible and could only mumble something about her being responsible as the head of the government.

    That is also reason enough for her to resign.

  244. Hatuey says:

    Scotsrenewables, what do you mean a new leader would bring some of us back? You’ve been advocating both votes SNP regardless. You never left.

    Not that I give a fuck, mind you… I know the SNP is as good as finished. I’ve never seen a political party that was able to stop the sort of collapse we are watching.

    Once trust goes, it’s just a matter of time.

  245. INDEPENDENT says:

    Stuart at 9-56am
    Ref Gordie Dinosaur Broon not being in the House of Chancers.

    That’s only because following his departure he has not been INVITED in, by any of his successors. i.e. He has to be proposed by a serving Prime Minister.

    Otherwise he would be at the trough with the rest of them.

  246. Dave Hansell says:

    The word “Knowingly” is contextually of key relevance here in terms of the old cliche “sauce for the goose.”


    (a) the inference is that the nature of any ‘offence’, and even the existence of any ‘offence’, is changed by whether the ‘offence’ was ‘knowingly’ or ‘unknowingly’ committed;

    (b) there are key elements of the UK Police Bill which have removed this word ‘Knowingly’ and, as a result, remove any such doubts about whether or not an ‘offence’ – which comes with certain penalties – has actually occurred.

    For example: Section 56 of the UK Police Bill (which seems to be limited to England and Wales) details significant changes in regard to Section 12 provisions of the 1986 Public Order Act.

    Of which Sections (4) and (5) State:

    “(4)A person who organises a public procession and knowingly fails to comply with a condition imposed under this section is guilty of an offence, but it is a defence for him to prove that the failure arose from circumstances beyond his control.”

    “(5)A person who takes part in a public procession and knowingly fails to comply with a condition imposed under this section is guilty of an offence, but it is a defence for him to prove that the failure arose from circumstances beyond his control.”

    The new Police Act Section 56 rewrites these Sections of the 1986 :Public Order Act accordingly:

    “(1) The Public Order Act 1986 is amended as follows.
    (2) Section 12 (imposing conditions on public processions) is amended in
    accordance with subsections (3) to (6).
    (3) In subsection (4)—
    (a) for “A person” substitute “Subject to subsection (5A), a person”, and
    (b) omit “knowingly”.
    (4) In subsection (5)—
    (a) for “A person” substitute “Subject to subsection (5A), a person”, and
    (b) omit “knowingly”.”

    The amended paragraphs (4) and (5) of the 1986 Public Order Act will thus read:

    (4)Subject to Sub-Section (5A) a person who organises a public procession and fails to comply with a condition imposed under this section is guilty of an offence, but it is a defence for him to prove that the failure arose from circumstances beyond his control.

    (5)Subject to Sub-Section (5A) a person who takes part in a public procession and fails to comply with a condition imposed under this section is guilty of an offence, but it is a defence for him to prove that the failure arose from circumstances beyond his control.”

    The added Sub-Section (5A) in the new Police Bill reads as follows:

    After subsection (5) insert—
    A person is guilty of an offence under subsection (4) or (5) only if—
    (a) in the case of a public procession in England and Wales, at the time the person fails to comply with the condition the person
    knows or ought to know that the condition has been imposed;
    (b) in the case of a public procession in Scotland, the person
    knowingly fails to comply with the condition.”

    A provision which extends the concept of “knowingly” by substituting it for the term “knows or ought to know”. Enabling the State to argue in prosecuting and ‘offence’ that ignorance (not knowing) is no defence.

    In which case it would seem reasonable to argue that in terms of NS misleading the Committee and the Scottish Parliament that the term ‘knowingly’ has no bearing on the nature of the ‘offence.’

    Whether she knew or not is irrelevant. The context is that she “ought to know”‘ Anything else is just deflection and excuses.

    In terms of the quotes above from the new UK Police Act it would be useful to know from anyone with professional legal expertise and experience whether the existence of the term “him” in the new Section 5A of the 1986 Public Order Act as amended by the new Police Act provides any kind of loophole or wriggle room for the concept of self-ID or whether the term “a person” overides this?

  247. Bartleby64 says:

    No. The dream of Independence does not die. You cannot kill an idea, and rightly so. The dream will remain and those who favour independence will keep it alive, as they should. Your time will come.
    A Pragmatic Unionist

  248. WhoRattledYourCage says:

    Kiwilassie, thanks glad you liked it. Just a wee bit of levity at a horrible time. Next time anybody asks, blow your own trumpet, tell them who primped and preened yer napper! Maybe get some extra pocket money out of it! 🙂

  249. Kcor says:

    ahundredthidiot says,

    “No sane person can come to any other conclusion – she is doing it deliberately – she simply will not fall on her sword for Scotland.”

    Contrast her with the totally honourable Alex Salmond – he resigned from the SNP to prevent any harm coming to it.

    Despite knowing he would win, he tried his best not to take the Scottish government to court as he didn’t want to harm it.

    The buck for everything stops with Sturgeon. She is a corrupt lying criminal out to ruin Scotland to cover up her crimes.


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