Closer To Home
It’s a well-known truism that if a newspaper headline is phrased as a question, the answer to that question is always “No”.
And nothing’s changed here.
It’s a little too early to be writing Anas Sarwar’s political epitaph. It remains this site’s view that the most likely outcome of the 2026 Holyrood election is a coalition (or an effective coalition) between the SNP and Scottish Labour. There’s a lot of water to flow under the bridge in the next 14 months, and we’re pretty sceptical about the handful of recent polls showing a pro-indy majority, so he’s still in with a decent shout of being a weakling Deputy FM.
(Not least, though not only, because polling and seat projections have tended to wildly overestimate the performance of the Scottish Greens for the last decade or more. We would be astonished if the figure of 15 seats for Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater’s ragtag band of paedophiles, nappy fetishists and racists in the poll above came true.)
But that’s not our point here. If Anas Sarwar is looking for someone to blame for the dizzyingly fast reversal of Scottish Labour’s fortunes, all he needs is a mirror.
Sarwar, who while a UK MP said the Scottish Parliament was “not a democratic place”, was nevertheless happy to take over as leader of Labour’s branch office in North Britain four years ago this month.
Booted out in the 2015 tsunami, he duly slunk into Holyrood via the list vote in 2016 as a consolation prize, having not even bothered to attempt standing for a constituency. (He did have a go in Glasgow Southside after narrowly securing the leadership in 2021, when Nicola Sturgeon thrashed him by 2:1.)
For all his time in post, Sarwar has doggedly pursued a policy platform of not being the SNP, and waiting hopefully for them to lose popularity so that he could become FM by default. For a brief period last year it looked like it might even work, as the SNP’s catastrophic reign under Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf, and in particular their suicidal obsession with transgender ideology, saw its support plunge into the gutter.
But as Wings pointed out consistently during the time, Labour’s lead was built on sand. Nobody had fallen in love with the party and its useless collection of time-served seatwarmers, they simply provided the most effective mechanism by which to kick the SNP up the arse.
Because as we’ve also pointed out when highlighting the possibility of an SNP-Lab coalition, there was nothing to fall in love with. In four years, Sarwar hasn’t given Labour a single distinctive policy position on anything. Other than on the constitution, it’s all but impossible to identify even one thing it actually disagrees with the SNP on.
We’ll throw that one open to you, our readers – can you name us a single substantial policy difference between the two parties? All Scottish Labour ever say is “The SNP are rubbish!” (perfectly true), “so vote for us for change!”, which in practice just means some different faces on the gravy train punting all the same ideas.
In fact, the Scottish branch office recently binned the “CHANGE” slogan.
But its replacement, “A NEW DIRECTION”, as well as being barely any different is even more bleakly ironic, since you can’t change direction on a train. (Indeed, they’re not even getting off at a different stop. There isn’t a meaningful difference between Labour and the SNP on independence either, since neither party has any intention of pursuing it.
Anas Sarwar had four years to create a distinct identity for Scottish Labour, but the man who inherited his Westminster seat from his dad doesn’t have an original thought in his head. Like Starmer, he’s terrified to voice any opinion that might cost him a solitary vote, no matter how many it might win, and other than opposing independence his principles switch with the wind.
The SNP and Labour’s fortunes have see-sawed in the last 12 months, but it’s not because John Swinney has made the SNP any more popular. His party is four points LOWER in the poll heading this article (31% vs 35%) than they were on the day the hapless Humza Yousaf resigned, the joint-lowest they’ve been in the last 20 years, but Labour’s ratings have taken a much bigger nosedive.
Scotland has a rotten government and a rotten opposition, and scunnered voters are increasingly giving up on Labour even as a protest vote. They’re now looking for a party which will boot them both in the balls, and grimly are increasingly alighting on Reform as the vehicle that’ll do the job.
The day Yousaf quit, “Other” parties (comprising Reform, the Greens and Alba) were registering just 5% on the Holyrood constituency vote. That figure is now 28%.
On the list vote, traditionally far more significant for smaller parties, the like-for-like (ie now including the Green vote in the “Other”) figure has more than doubled from 15% to 35%, fully 10 points ahead of the SNP and 20 in front of Labour.
In October 2023 when Labour captured Rutherglen West with a big swing but a decreased vote, we said “the real story of last night is that Scotland is sick to death of ALL its politicians, and we can’t blame it. The only surge last night was the one you get from vomit rising in your throat, and what’s coming up is pretty similar in both cases”.
Only two parties have ever supplied First Ministers of Scotland, and the electorate is calling a plague on both their houses. The SNP can at least offer the fatigue of power as an excuse, but Anas Sarwar, under zero pressure or scrutiny and with everything stacked in his favour, screwed up his big chance all by himself.
It is a pleasure to read such a well-informed, intelligent analysis. Thank you, Rev.
Now, can you add some optimism a la Robin McAlpine, please?
“With great caution, I can tell you that I’m currently more optimistic about the prospects of independence than I have been certainly in the last five years… it’s the fact that there are a lot of serious initiatives happening which aim at creating a coherent, always-on independence campaign…
There are stars that must align, the gods must smile on us and heaven knows few have the capacity of the independence movement to get in its own way. But there really is a path that could lead to serious progress and it really doesn’t lie through the middle of a political party…”:
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Thanks for posting this link, gregor. I hope that everyone will read it and get some comfort. I take it that the Independence Summit a few weeks ago plus Independence Forum and many others are combining to good effect.
Credit to you Sarah (et al) for your optimism and Scotland sunshine…
Thanks, gregor. I do try to spread some cheer!
I read the article by Robin. Other than getting folk to talk to each other there is not much else, The how is missing. There are indeed a few good initiatives underway within the Indy movement. My money is on Salvo and Liberation to raise the voice of us all and over the next year change the agenda. I would at present trust nor support any political party. However in 2026 so as not to waste my vote I will hopefully be able to vote ISP as they are an abolitionist party who support Salvo’s strategy for a future independent Scotland.
Aye Gregor, looks like Robin’s also seen the light:
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Scotland’s Colonial Status:
“we owe a debt of gratitude to Alf Baird for bringing it into the light”
“route to independence exists. …it does not exist in the legal and constitutional framework imposed on Scotland by the colonising power”:
This, sadly, is where Robin and I very much diverge.
Oh dear. I fear that you may be right – as sometimes you are [!] – but hope springs eternal. I look forward to the day when you can be optimistic but meanwhile I know that you will be doing your best for the cause. Now that is a comfort.
Doing your best and staying true to the cause, is the best thing anyone can do (but we can do even better)…
“A socially valuable principle that is strongly supported by some people:
They are fighting for a cause – the liberation of their people.”:
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Wow. That’s a crescent moon and a star on the Liberation Scotland picture.
Sorry, I’m going to have to repeat myself.
What does it mean to be aligned?
“We all hear it, you must be aligned to be happy… you may be thinking, being aligned is that moment where I am working in the job of my dreams, having financial freedom and doing the things I love. Most of us associate this word with a materialistic desire– everyone tries to be that person that has it all…
Let’s remind each other what being aligned really is…
I look back at the way I was brought up, the way my family and country instilled beautiful traditions, cultures and love into our every day life. Now more than anything I realize that back then we never talked about being aligned because we where aligned. We where connected to a higher power, an idea that was bigger than ourselves. We spent countless hours with family, friends and attending rich traditions that brought us together. …help me discover the essence of my being.
We must all understand that being aligned is part of becoming. There is no such thing as a straight line, take the time to understand your past to conquer your present!”:
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The Shell Collector: Archetypes: What The Actual Fuck:
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Wikipedia: Archetype:
“Platonic concept of pure form, believed to embody the fundamental characteristics…
…an inherited unconscious predisposition, behavioral trait or tendency (“instinct”) shared among the members of the species; as any behavioral trait the tendency comes to being by way of patterns of thought, images, affects or pulsions characterized by its qualitative likeness to distinct narrative constructs…
…a constantly-recurring symbol or motif in literature, painting, or mythology. This definition refers to the recurrence of characters or ideas sharing similar traits throughout various, seemingly unrelated cases in classic storytelling
Usage of archetypes in specific pieces of writing is a holistic approach, which can help the writing win universal acceptance. This is because readers can relate to and identify with the characters and the situation, both socially and culturally.
Some philosophers also translate the archetype as “essence“…”:
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It’s an eclipse. Ya Fud.
When the light suddenly emerges fae the shadows.
I thought it was the end of an eclipse.
The QR code to sign up to join the Liberation movement is a brilliant way of recruiting. Thanks for posting it on here.
Credit to…
Yours For Scotland (Ian Lawson):
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Iain is a big miss. He was always so positive and, as was said at his funeral, he didn’t recognise there was a box to think out of. He was approachable as well – he didn’t know me but answered my occasional emails as if he did i.e. courteous and friendly.
Good souls are forever…
(Correction: Scotland/world Champion Iain)
Check out the sheer contempt for a wonderful Scotland patriot.
Obviously not Team-Scotland players.
Yes, indeed. Lovely man. Full of ideas.
Anas Sarwar? He’s as well-known as whatchamacallhim…and will be as quickly forgotten. What was that bloke’s name, again?
Was it Leonardo Skynyrd? Or something like that. He was a dick. Or maybe a Richard.
Apart from the usual troughing tendencies, Scottish Labour hasn’t had a reason to get out of bed in the morning since Sturgeon (pox be upon her) turned the SNP into Scottish Labour…two cheeks of the same centrist, devolutionist, anti-Tory arse.
Remove the faux claim to desire Indy and the SNP is to the modern Scottish political landscape what Labour once were pre-Indyref1.
Starmer doesn’t need to worry about what Sarwar does because Swinney is is simply the bald, bleached, bespectacled clone that’ll keep the lid on the Yes movement whilst posing no risk to the Union either at home or at Westminster…
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which”.
In a straight fight between Swinney and Sarwar, Sarwar ticks the box labelled “DEI”.
There’s no box labelled “Baldie” so in IMO, Sarwar shades it.
Of course, Trump is ripping up the DEI shite, but he’s a few thousand miles away and probably doesn’t at all care about Scotland.
Besides, if anybody has any evidence we do serious politics a la Trump in the wee, pretendy Hollyrood, please link to some evidence.
I see SFA.
‘… serious politics a la Trump …’, really? Trump, serious politics?
Here you go, Dave:
link to
Serious policy, real results, criminal scum deported from the Sovereign State of the USA.
By all means you tell yourself I’m the only Sovereign Scot in Scotland who supports this kind of thing. Believe me, that will suit me, and others who think like me, just fine.
Who are these “others”? Are you sure it’s not all in your hateful head?
First rule of government for any nation, Derek: control the nation’s borders.
If you don’t, every other policy you attempt to enact will be diluted, weakened or subverted.
I get it, Derek, you own a smartphone and therefore you truly believe you are smarter than all of the thousands of generations of human beings who preceded us.
Borders are so last century, eh?
“First rule of government for any nation, Derek: control the nation’s borders.”
Indeed so. Scotland is rather lacking for 300+ years in that regard, and in terms of goods leaving and arriving in the country and at what price. Like any colonized fowk lacking sovereignty – plundered, planted and perishing if we dinna get oor act thegither swift lyke.
Listen to you about borders LOL.
Not recognising ppls borders is a Yoon trait. They only recognise England’s. The rest of us are just one nation eh?
Show is the money, Main. Where is little old England going to find £86 billion, or anything like it, from? Down that magic sofa? Trump can bully a few weaklings with his bluster – he’s putting on a show. I see you’ve been razzle dazzled. Trump will have his wings clipped. Corporations need cheap labour & won’t take kindly to losing staff who’ll work for peanuts.
Stop engaging with IT, “Barney Rubble” and crew Geri, they’re London based US goons out to cause dissension..
Ignore them.
Why would they have to travel all the way over to London when they could work from their alleged US domiciles via the Interweb? 🙂
Warning: Steep Learning Curve Ahead 🙂
You’d think so, but there again if your entire world comprises of post-Buckie, tin foil hat-wielding 3am rants under some railway bridge somewhere, it probably all makes sense.
I have to admire the sheer indefatigability of Messrs. Hatey, Aidan and Elllis et al in here, in the face of such unremitting, leering, oozing stupidity, but in the end I’ve neither the patience nor the inclination. Life’s too short to get wound up by such unfortunates.
“Life’s too short to get wound up by such unfortunates”
Nah, have to differ with you there CC.
Scotland’s future is too important to be left in their hands. And even if all of this BTL stuff never amounts to any more than a good ol’ Yankee hill of beans, it’s the gifted journalism of Rev Stu that continues to bring in readers from all over the world.
It’s not helping Scotland’s case if much of what they see, if they stray BTL, are great steaming mounds of vaguely tartan moon howling.
They can get all they need of that on CM and WGD!
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“Young Lochinvar” Ignored as a bot !
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Who knows but the CIA traditionally had “Station Chiefs” and their cohorts of goons in foreign countries to (ahem) manage Uncle Sam’s sneaky interests in the country or wider region.
It’s reasonable to assume there is space in the cuboid US embassy in London to squirrel away all those termed (ahem) “cultural attaches” safely away from sight.
As the CIA doesn’t advertise the location of these “Stations” then it’s a reasonable guess that it would be the Embassy.
Bottom line is they are here, and going by certain agent provocateurs masquerading as posters here, very active.
“Station Chiefs”
It’s the “Station Cowboys” you really need to watch out for!
But enough of that. How are you getting on deciphering how the World Wide Web (WWW) actually works and what it means? Cracked it yet?
Ignored as spam.
Those “Real results,” are, in many cases, unconstitutional. All persons present in the USA, lawfully or not, are entitled to the protections afforded by the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the US Constitution). Those who have been duly convicted of a crime and who are not US citizens have had the due process guaranteed by Article Five. Those who have not, including US armed forces veterans who just happened to be of Hispanic heritage have been treated shamefully and unconstitutionally.
I am all in favor of having an immigration system that works and with which aspiring immigrants comply. However, there is a right way for the government to do this and a wrong way. it is sad to note that the Administration has chosen the wrong way. It has reached the stage where my wife knows where my immigration and citizenship paperwork is secured, just in case.
Have you noticed, by the way, that DEI has become DEIA? The A stands for Accessibility. So they are targeting disabled people as well now. DEI as a principle (much like independence) is a good idea. The problem is that it was taken over by people who decided to use it to further their own agendas.
“it is sad to note that the Administration has chosen the wrong way”
It is likewise sad that many aspiring immigrants don’t comply with the system in place, whether that system is fair or not. That state of affairs has persisted for so long that the reaction has set in. The same situation exists in the UK and much of Europe.
“DEI as a principle is a good idea”
Naw, it’s nae. DEI is racism, but its defenders try to (ahem) whitewash that by claiming that only white people can be racist. That’s bullshit.
Meritocracy, blind to race, colour or creed, as a principle is a good idea. It has the superb outcome that the best people end up doing each job.
But you already know that, which is why although you would happily sentence me to life-critical surgery at the hands of a DEI surgeon, you would scream blue murder at the same risk to your own flesh and blood.
“The problem is that it was taken over by people who decided to use it to further their own agendas”
Naw. The problem is that it makes the lives of everybody unable to get decent services, decisions or goods out of the second-best holders of the DEI mandated jobs, a bit more shitty.
The problem is that it leaves good, talented, hard-working, committed, qualified people on life’s scrapheap so that the also-rans can hold down benefits and privileges they don’t rate.
You’d know all about racism. You drip of it every day on here.
Listen up, wee capitalist Tory, you’ll never get rid of immigration – period. Just as Reform won’t & Trump won’t either because capitalism needs immigration to survive. It needs slave labour & deregulation. Governments serve corporations – not you & corporations don’t like paying people a real living wage. They like paying peanuts. Modern day slavery is a thing you know.
You & yer ilk also don’t like paying for other ppls kids, don’t like ppl breeding, don’t like free tuition, free training either & you certainly don’t like the idea of paying through the nose for yer weekly shop of farm fresh produce someone had to pick – or paying £100 quid for a toaster cause Rip off Britain decided to re-industrialise & open a factory.
You & yer ilk drive talent away. Only rich fee paying kids get an education to be the next dreary leader of whichever political party they choose to join. Smart but poor kids are turned away, not willing or able to saddle themselves with decades of debt for a shit wage at the end of it. Young ppl told to fuck off & quit moaning they’ve nowhere to live & on a zero hour contract.
Welcome to Tory Britain. It’s you lot that fcked it up. No one else. If yer not aiding destabilising other countries causing endless refugee crisis, yer greeting about how many kids people are allowed & shitting yerself a free school meal may become involved.
No breeding. No people. Simple.
We had better alert Young Lochinvar to that “Listen up” at the start of your post, Geri.
The timestamp is just about right for Langley.
Well said, Geri. But you can’t reason with fools, and you can’t polish a turd.
“you can’t polish a turd”
You wanna bet?
I’m confident that any turd dipped in liquid nitrogen (minus 200 degrees C or thereby) will polish up nicely.
You need to get out more, James. There’s a lot more to the world than you realise.
James and Geri are wise:
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If Trump is such a nothing many miles away. Then why is everybody in the Lefty shitting their pants. Why is the BBC having a Hate fest. Who is kidding who?
It’s truly remarkable.
From the moment he won the election, until the day he took over, politics across half the world looked as if it was paralysed. Just waiting to see what he might say and/or do.
Now he’s in place, it’s headless chickens time.
Even if all he ever achieves is 10% of what he promises and/or threatens, he will still move the needles on lots of dials.
And it’s great fun to listen to all the bleating, greetin, gurnin and boo hooing as he starves the likes of the WHO, UNHCR, IOM, UNESCO, etc of American taxpayer’s largesse.
All these international grifters, who have waxed fat and happy on Uncle Sam’s dollar, all the time never missing an opportunity to do Uncle Sam down, suddenly faced with having to find themselves a productive job to do. Or go without.
It wid bring a tear tae a gless eye 🙂
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The USA own the reserve currency. They’re also the only one with a veto at the World Bank. You’ll have heard of the phrase “when America sneezes, the world catches a cold” That’s because they export their debts that affect everyone else & when they go warring they involve everyone else too or they’re punished by sanctions, Tarrifs or regime change.
That’s why folks pay attention.
Lefty? What’s that anymore?
Trump has just cut funding for the American interference USAID agency. The outfit allegedly behind colour revolutions all over the world, funded rent-a-mobs in Eastern Europe, riots, interfere in parliaments & policies & funded illegal immigration & fake news sites. So methinks the Lefty shit has just been busted as what many of us suspected all along – foreign interference. Colonisers love spreading malcontent & Trump has just dragged that one into the spotlight.
I think your excellent description of the Scottish Greens is being a bit too gentle. I also reckon it could be extrapolated to include a significant number of others, both in Holyrood and Westminster.
We get the MSP’s/MP’s/Clowncilors we deserve. Why does the general polity insist on voting blindly for party representatives, rather than the (often bizarre or shady) individuals themselves?
Scottish Labour(ing)
Despite your estimable record when it comes to predictions, I just cant see what Swinney has to gain from a formal deal with Sarwar. While Humza would have had no problem with it, the current leader is more interested in the long term.
Does Swinney really want to run a government in partnership with Labour and be seriously tarnished by association with a failing UK government that still has some way to fall? He’s bound to have one eye on the next Westminster election with hopes of regaining all those Labour-held seats, if only because that means a return to millions in short money, the biggest source of income for the SNP.
And if the current polling is accurate, and the Libs are on 12 seats and on an upward curve especially as unionist buyer’s remorse on Brexit continues to grow, it could leave ACH as kingmaker in the new parliament.
Why, when Labour had announced they were abstaining on the budget did Swinney sit down with the Libs and give them some concessions when it was completely unnecessary? Was this an intel gathering exercise, with Swinney sussing out Cole Hamilton’s negotiating skills with a view to future arrangements?
Obviously the Libs wouldn’t want a formal deal with ministerial offices so it’s preferable to a resuscitated BHA. In many ways, apart from the SNP’s mild and occasional interest in independence, ACH is the perfect match. He wants to raise his profile, grow his brand, increase his party’s influence at council level. His outlook on the economy fits with those of the FM and his deputy, They’re both advocates for the UK re-joining the EU, share a desire to protect public services and ACH is very much on the same page as the SNP payroll when it comes to the promotion of hardcore genderwoo. In fact, the only area of divergence would be the Libs policy of devolving power to councils as opposed to the SNP rigid determination to centralise.
And it would avoid Swinney’s worst nightmare of the party that believes it owns the independence brand allowing oxygen to other indy parties, especially Alba. Even a god-fearing man like John would rather do a deal with the devil than see any of their hardware parked on his lawn, whether the electorate decides to give Alba some heavy tanks or an army surplus motorbike and sidecar.
“They’re both advocates for the UK re-joining the EU”
They’re both advocates for telling us all the pros for re-joining the EU, and ignoring the cons.
Maybe that will work too. After all, so much of democratic politics these days relies on people blindly voting for the politicians who tell them what they want to hear.
It’s an interesting place, the EU, these days. Open borders, freedom of movement and Schengen are unlikely to last even until the summer. Not if the AfD triumphs in Germany.
And one of the bulwarks of the progressive EU fairytale, Sweden, had one bomb explosion every day in January 2025 – what Swedes seemingly now refer to as “the New Normal”.
All caused by New Swedes, natch.
But never mind all that. Our politicians will happily paint us a picture of what the EU was like in 2014, and plenty of Scots will take a copy of that picture home and gaze adoringly at it.
The EU won’t exist if it carries on the way it’s going. People are just as scunnered with their politicians blindingly following a stupid ideology while their economies crash, they become poorer & while Rome is burning around them.
Unless the elites admit defeat & change direction fast, they’ll be trumped by the up & coming political parties who’ll stand on a ticket to the exit.& The 5% NATO threat will soon be behind it..
OMG The delusion is strong
“The current leader is more interested in the long term.”
And that is why he will beg to do a deal with the other LIARS
“Does Swinney really want to run a government in partnership with Labour and be seriously tarnished by association with a failing UK government that still has some way to fall?”
And what about the snp’s tarnished reputation and their GROSS INCOMPETENCE in govt, to say nothing of the disappearing £600,000+OR their betrayal of independence
“Apart from the SNP’s mild and occasional interest in independence”
WAIT, WHERE , WHAT mild occasional interest have they shown about independence in the last 10 years and 3 yes 3 supposed FM’s , please show us some evidence
“A god-fearing man like John
Now I know you’re ripping the pish , the head REDACTOR deleting and covering up LIES , CORRUPTION and the DESPICABLE actions against an innocent man
Nae wonder independence is further away than ever
I’m in Argyll with the misfortune of having TransCult Devolutionist halfwit MSP Jenni Minto. I can envisage a choice of Tory, LibDems, Reform, Labour or SNP for the constituency vote.
How did we get to THAT?
I tried ranking from the worst up but that was just too depressing.
I hope at least ALBA or the ISP put up a candidate.
In case anyone is wondering …… I would rather vote for Reform than vote for the Greens
Shut the parliament down and throw them all out on the street, lets see if these politician can survive on a basic income. They might just change their attitude towards the goal of Independence.
These parties and the politician’s who serve them are the worst of humanity.
There isn’t one who I’d want to befriend.
I wrote to my SNP MSP today & told her that she would only get my vote in 2026 if she stood with “for Scottish Independence” under her name on the ballot.
I want my voice counted for Indy in 2026, as do all us Indy Folk.
So let’s all pressurise our SNP MSPs to do our bidding or they won’t get our votes & will lose their jobs.
The SNP membership voted at 2023 conference to have it added to the ballot papers…….so there is no reason for them not to……if they truly are the Party of Independence!
If the party won’t do it, suggest that your MSP could stand as an Indy for Indy candidate with “for Scottish Independence” on the ballot if they want to secure your vote.
If all Indy candidates stood with “for Scottish Independence” on the ballot in 2026 then we can all have a voice & those voices can be counted.
“So let’s all pressurise our SNP MSPs”
Nope, sorry. No can do. 2019 was the last time I wasted my vote on the SNP and the last time I will ever let the useless ]SNP take me for a fool. It was as clear then as it is now that the SNP in its current form is no longer a party of Scotland’s independence. It is the party of devolution, freeports for everybody other than Scotland, free renewable energy for everybody other than Scotland, the party of information suppression on an industrial scale and the anti-women party. So they can go to hell.
I will never cast my vote for the SNP ever again. I rather spoil my ballot or not vote at all than ever endorsing those dishonest charlatans again.
They have wasted every single opportunity, and there were many, for the last 10 years and they deliberately blocked a pro-independence supermajority to ensure permanence of devolution in 2021. So, why on earth people insist in continuing to give the SNP invertebrate charlatans and gravy slurpers the time of the day?
Well said.
They shouldn’t need reminding what they were voted into office to do. They had plenty opportunity to stand on an independence ticket with Alex Salmond for Westminster elections. They refused & lost their seats. They’re not interested in Independence. Vote for another pro indy candidate.
Good grief !
“Geri” has at last worked out the difference between they’re and their !
Apostrophes next ?
What makes you so special, Insider…
“Someone who is an accepted member of a group and who therefore has special or secret knowledge or influence:
According to insiders, the committee is having difficulty making up its mind.”:
link to
You have completely missed the point.
We need to get ALL alleged Indy Candidates to put “for Scottish Independence” on the ballot paper.
Then we can all vote for whomever we wish to represent us “for Scottish Independence”.
All votes for Indy can then be counted.
If SNP refuse to add the strapline then they lose Indy Votes & seats in Holyrood.
Nowhere have I said I would vote for them….I have only stated that I definately wouldn’t vote for them unless the were clearly “for Scottish Independence” on the ballot paper.
This is something every Indy Voter could get behind, even the SNP faithful… most actually want to vote for Indy too.
We must get Scottish Independence onto the 2026 ballot & have our voices counted.
No such thing as free renewable energy. Scottish wind energy is subsidised to the tune of £1B per year. Most of the subsidy coming from (mainly English)consumers.
But, but …
The wind blows all the time. And it’s free!
Why shouldn’t the energy that’s harvested from it hundreds of miles out to sea, then distributed across a network of hundreds of miles of cables, beneath the sea, above ground, and below ground also, be free too?
Why shouldn’t the process of regulating this power, switching it, backing it up, storing it, releasing the stored power when needed, be free too?
Why shouldn’t all of the planning, construction and ongoing maintenance of the turbines, transformers, backup generators, pumped storage schemes and mega battery farms be free too?
And if/when there’s a fault, or bad weather causes an outage, or some bozo in a digger severs a connection, why shouldn’t the repairs be free too?
We’re being forced to pay for wind that blows for free!
More transatlantic sh1te from the American embassy work dodger in London y’all..
Try Hobo, pea picker, gypsy and tramp to add some variety to your CIA inspired failed bile..
Eff off clown for some more of mammas appaal piee; yer rumbled and a standing joke here ya complete idiot.
Are you quite sure you are getting your head around this World Wide Web thingie, YL?
Only, if you’re nae, as all the evidence suggests, just think what else you must be missing.
Y’all have a nice day now 🙂
Dunx = Dunce LOL
The SNP is a lost cause and there is something sinister about party.
The fall of the SNP can’t come quick enough and when it does it’ll be Independence day from our Jailers.
Debzo, Mia and all. The Project Arbroath group say that we must do as you have, Debzo, in writing to our nominally independence candidates BUT we must go further and be explicit – their party must have a single issue in their manifesto i.e. make it a plebiscitary election on the issue “That the Scottish parliament has competence over all Scottish affairs and legislation, including the union between Scotland and England”.
The Manifesto for Independence says similar – we must tell our candidates that we won’t vote for them unless they put in their manifesto the process laid down in the MforI – again, it states that the issue is Holyrood’s over-riding competence. The MforI invites us all to sign this proposition – it is on the New Scotland Party site.
I am sorry, Sarah. My problem is I do no longer trust the SNP at all and will never trust them again. As far as I am concerned, their chance is gone. They deliberately wasted it, stomped all over it and rubbed it on our noses. They took us and our vote for granted.
They spectacularly failed at the job, therefore what we have to issue them with is the P45, not a job renewal or more opportunities to disappoint us again.
Even if they were to include a single issue in their manifesto, which they will not do or if they did they would phrase it in a sneaky way so they can escape from it, I still would not trust them.
As I said above, the last time I cast a vote for the SNP was in 2019. And that was the last time. I will never do it again, no matter what promises they make. They are dead to me as a political party since the capitulation speech delivered by Sturgeon at the end of January 2020.
They are now the most obvious obstacle to Scotland’s independence, and this is why I find it impossible to take seriously any initiative that insists in including the SNP. The SNP is a British state tool. They will do anything in their hand to frustrate independence, just as they have been doing for the last 10 years.
It did occur to me that the SNP might not abide by their manifesto promise, after all look at Starmer. I would like to think that even the current SNP wouldn’t dare not abide by a single-issue manifesto but I am hoping that there will be other candidates and parties to vote for who will stick to their promises.
Meanwhile it will be some satisfaction to tell the current MSPs exactly what we mean and what we think of them. After all, can there be a single one who doesn’t know the defence evidence in the case against Alex Salmond? In which case they are all perjurers, in effect, for not speaking out.
Sounds like you are proposing a DeFacto Referendum. Didn’t we have one last July, and how did that go, Never mind, best out of 5 eh!
Debzo I put forward a suggestion in 2020 for the 2021 election to threaten sturgeon and the snp that if they didn’t listen to our demands we would withhold our vote , the blogs author ignored my pleas to host a petition and most people ignored my comment
I proposed the same thing again for the 2026 election , again the blogs author ignored it as did everyone else, it appears everyone just wants to sit on their arses and let them betray Scotland
twathater, the petition Manifesto for Independence [on New Scotland Party site] does exactly what you suggested i.e. no commitment by the candidate/party to asserting Holyrood’s sole power AND to the vote being for Holyrood asserting withdrawal from the union = no vote.
“… scunnered voters are…increasingly alighting on Reform as the vehicle that’ll do the job…”
Enlightenment dawns.
Mebbes aye, mebbes naw.
Whether Reform can make inroads in to the non Tory vote in Scotland remains to be seen. So far it seems pretty clear it’s cannibalising the Scottish Tory vote.
It may pick up a minority of brexity blood and soil pro indy outliers, but hard to see it breaking the mould?
If you get oot and aboot and speak to quite a few working class Scottish men who feel disenfranchised then you’d know that Reform are making inroads into non Tory Scottish voters.
I’ve been stating this observation for what seems like fucking ages, yet the “big brains” on t’internet say there’s nothing going on…
I guess some jist like watching car crashes too much… Ho hum
Every vote for farage and reform in england and scotland , is a vote to hand the NHS over to American private health care companies. But hey ho, you can’t fix stupid.
Sorry Dan, that comment was meant for John K
Aye, I’m well aware of that and have been stating it for years.
But good that you point out that our supposed brightest and best folk are stupid enough to get distracted with a myriad other stuff and bicker amongst themselves whilst be outplayed by the likes of Reform…
link to
“hey ho, you can’t fix stupid”
Hey ho, you can’t fix the NHS either. No matter how much money you throw at it. No matter how many third-world countries you drain of their medically trained talent.
It’s smashed to pieces. The sooner we recognise that, the sooner we can start to build its replacement, and the sooner we can start to do something about the appalling state or our national health.
Jeez, you zip up the back.
But by all means, after you. Sign up to one of the many private health care providers out there. Lead by example. People have a choice to use whichever one they want. No one has bolted you to the NHS so use yer feet…
Ignored as US sponsored spam.
The NHS is and always has been a PRIVATE CORPORATION listed on Dun & Bradstreet and being traded on the New York Stock Exchange for PROFIT and is worth $hundreds of billions as is every single Hospital, Doctors Surgery etc and is all there to make massive PROFITS for the Drug Companies/Chemical Companies that make the highly TOXIC drugs that create more so called illnesses via their side effects and thus even more massive PROFITS.
The people are responsible for their own health via what they put into their bodies and allow the corrupt health system to inject into them as well – guess what ? The body heals itself if it is allowed to but most people continue to stop it by stuffing themselves with TOXINS and POISONS. To paraphrase Dr Ulric Williams “People are junkies who want their fix from the big pharma drug salesmen doctors who are quite happy to supply them and the people are happy as long as they keep getting their drugs and the doctors are happy as long as they keep getting their big drug dealing payouts.
The Health Service should be shut down and people should be responsible for their own health – the only part that should be kept is the emergency part that does save lives.
Plenty of Books/Doctors out there totally exposing this SCAM health system such as the book “Virus Mania – How The Medical System Keeps Inventing Epidemics Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense” and also another book “Deadly Medicines And Organised Crime – How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare” just two of many exposing all of this.
If they realise that and often mention it it could damage reforms chances of electoral gains.
But what if that enables the NHS to rapidly and exponentially improve? It can’t get worse than it is now (or can it?).
The NHS is already in the process of being handed to American private health care- its happening-Starmer is in the middle of it.
The polling evidence so far only seemed to show Reform taking % points from the Scottish Tory vote. Splitting the British nationalist vote isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It only becomes an issue in Scotland if we get a similar situation to the collapse of the Red Wall in England when disaffected voters defected to the Tories and UKIP.
Doubtless some non-Tory folk might very well vote Reform as a protest vote, just like folk voting for Trump in the USA of the AfD in Germany, or former Labour voters voting UKIP/Reform.
A lot could change between now and lets say the Holyrood election in 2026, but it’ll take more than a subjective vox pops of the working class men you’ve spoken to to convince most folk we’re in for Farage as PM or some black swan event.
However much Geri and her mates seem enamoured of the benefits of a strong man to take us all in hand because they think “nothings happening” or the current system isn’t working, it might just be that the death of the current system has been exaggerated.
Aye, most of these politically illiterate pygmy bawheids that get taken in by low brow ADD Arsebook and TikTok shite spend their time responding to political polls…
You should get out more and interact with the wider public from all walks of live.
Of course Farage won’t be elected PM by the next Holyrood election, but his Party will likely make inroads due to D’Hondt, but spew your waffle as is your wont.
It’s clear most of the internet based folk have lost the room, Scot Goes Plop daily rage mentalist posts about Alba, and this site too with the pitifully low btl engagement figures the new system helpfully highlights.
It’s so low in the scheme of Scotland’s 5.5 million folk that it’s pretty much pointless putting in any effort btl now as it turns out we were all jist moonhowling fringe nutters now rather than tens of thousands of lurkers avidly reading in. lolz
I’m stepping down as way better things to do in life now, and because it’s become a pointless crusade and a fucking laughing stock when it’s obvious there is something particularly hooky going on with quite so many movers and shakers of “the movement” doggedly displaying a continued lack of unity building effort and instead maintaining division.
If these “brightest and best” “leaders” have managed to fuck about with their egotistical bawbaggery for so long that they’ve lost the attention of many of the most committed and long term political anoraks, then they lost the wider electorate fucking years ago, as can be confirmed by things that did actually go on like significant political capital being made by other groups.
Since you’re one of the very few I read btl with any relish, I understand your feelings completely.
I’m sure a good few on here would like to know how you got your hands on Ivermectin too but I think that would be telling 😉 .
Once you’ve won your fight against the beavers, I’m sure our “Scotch” landowners will have thought up some other wizard scam involving reintroduction of the wolf or brown bear to keep those lovely grants rolling in; socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor, ya bass!
Hope to see you on the other side, me old haricot.You’re one of those skilled, community-minded practical guys we sorely need as the antithesis to our corrupt, venal and utterly talentless, clueless political class.
But you knew that already, so I’ll just get my claymore out of the thatch and await instructions 😉 .
There’s good eating in a beaver (no sniggering at the back).
Waterproof clothing and footwear too. Not to be sniffed at once HR have closed down all the oil and gas fields and we’re struggling to pay for the imports of petrochemicals we will need for the plastics we make our current waterproof goods from.
Anyhoo, beavers are so yesterday.
Public Enemy #1 in Scotland is now the domestic cat.
Hi Dan
According to John Curtice 1 in 8 Scottish Labour voters are considering switching to Reform. Currently Scottish Labour are polling between 16 to 19 MSPs for 2026. And that would be the sixth consecutive Scottish Parliamentary Elections their number of MSPs has declined. They can’t blame 2014 for their decline as this has happened since 2001 and every election thereafter. A party in terminal decline. I still see them ending up in fourth place in 2026.
The franchise fanny disnae need to go oot and aboot tae speak tae working class people (spit) he KNOWS what everyone thinks as he asserts frequently, and Dan if he tells you that Reform are “”So far it seems pretty clear it’s cannibalising the Scottish Tory vote.” YOU should not argue with the self proclaimed ORACLE
Maybe a few more wee lassies getting carved up will change things.
That’s what’s driving the momentum of AfD and the other newer political parties on mainland Europe.
I refuse to allow the progressives to control the narrative by labeling these parties as “right wing” or “extreme”. These parties are no more than realists, reacting to the bleedingly obvious reality that the time for mass wishful thinking about baseline human behaviour is over.
Besides, Trump has just put a brick through the Overton Window!
It’s just disingenuous to try and maintain that populists like Reform (c.f. MAGA, AfD, National Rally and their equivalants elsewhere) are not right wing. And yes, many of them are far right or at least are infected by far right elements.
The window of discourse may have moved somewhat but ah hae ma doots that the populists have the whip hand yet.
Immigration isn’t the main driver. Having their pipeline to cheap gas blown up by the USA was. Along with the crazies at the EU to trash it’s economy, dish out illegal sanctions, give all it’s weapons away for a war they don’t support, Olaf agreeing to USA super weapons they don’t want & it being forbidden to join the tech race watched it’s car industry go tits up too. All problems made in the USA & EU. Olaf, the dunce, even rewarded gen-ocidal Joe with a gong for all of it.. Germany was getting ahead of itself & the USA smacked it down.
Geopolitical analysts claim it’ll soon realign with China & Russia, the gas pipe turned back on & the very prosperous shipping/belt & road initiative back on track. The USA & the EU has nothing to offer Germany. BRICS countries do.
Immigration isn’t the main driver. Having their pipeline to cheap gas blown up by the USA was. Along with the crazies at the EU to trash it’s economy, dish out illegal sanctions, give all it’s weapons away for a war they don’t support, Olaf agreeing to USA super weapons they don’t want & it being forbidden to join the tech race watched it’s car industry go tits up too. All problems made in the USA & EU. Olaf, the dunce, even rewarded gen-ocidal Joe with a gong for all of it.. Germany was getting ahead of itself & the USA smacked it down.
Geopolitical analysts claim it’ll soon realign with China & R, the gas pipe turned back on & the very prosperous shipping/belt & road initiative back on track. The USA & the EU has nothing to offer Germany. BRICS countries do & China has already transformed one of their ports & seen trade triple.
Gee, Geri, I can’t decide where you will make the most money.
Use your insights to make a killing on the stock market?
Or just place large bets on all the events you are predicting? They seem so unlikely you’ll get humongous odds.
Haha, maybe you should do both.
Once you’re a millionaire, I hope you won’t forget your poor friends on Wings BTL. Don’t you go getting all fancy and above yourself. Don’t you be a stranger.
It’s traders & economists that predict these things. Freely available outside of yer wee censored BBC bubble. They study the markets, see the trends & study form. The USA is about to burst it’s bubble & it won’t be pretty. It’s empire is over. No one is taking their shit anymore, no one cares much about their stupid illegal sanctions either, are dumping the $ & still trading anyway. Turns out other countries will buy R Oil & Gas.
Even their puppet regimes aren’t playing ball. They’ve just witnessed them lose three wars in quick succession, set to lose a fourth, failed at another few coups in Europe & completely off it’s chump in the ME supporting gen-ocide & failing to achieve its objectives everywhere. The mighty aren’t all that mighty after all.
The bright idea to seize R assets & give them to Z backfired today too as R is selling Western assets they had in R to R businesses – bet that wasn’t on the 6 o’clock news either.
Von Der Liar has been to the EU what Sturgeon was to the SNP. The kiss of death. It’s stone dead. Public don’t want war & they certainly ain’t sacrificing their healthcare & pensions to pay for the yanks latest brain fart to turn it into a mini me unelected military complex stocking up on yank weapons.
Germany has energy security & two pipelines with R & infrastructure from China. What does it have to gain by sticking with the EU other than being set up as another proxy by the USA flooding in weapons & Musk cozying up to AfD. Nothing it seems – unless you can think of any. I won’t hold my breath. The USA would like to see the back of the EU. They don’t like competition & Germany may just decide Germany first as they turn back on the pipelines.
The US, EU, UN, UK and all countries are PRIVATE CORPORATIONS listed on Dun & Bradstreet and being traded on the New York Stock Exchange for PROFIT and ALL of their Central Banks are owned and controlled by the Rothschild’s on behalf of the Vatican mafia via their City of London and Washington DC PRIVATE CORPORATIONS also on Dun & Bradstreet and NY Stock Exchange and they are ALL working to these mafias New World Order – One World Communist Social Credit/Digital Currency/Government with NO countries only the three world Superstates that Orwell was warning about in 1984 hence the great reset of the World Economic Forum and free movement and mass immigration of the UN going on in every western country just now and deliberate destroying of the worlds economies and FAKE global warming in order to bring all of this in. Some people including me thought that Trump was fighting against this globalist agenda but his comments re Canada, Greenland and Mexico appears to be a move to unite those countries into the American Superstate part of that agenda. He appears to be saying and doing some right things while this looks fishy.
“Central Banks are owned and controlled by the Rothschild’s on behalf of the Vatican mafia”
That’s what we call a twofer, Billy, two for the price of one.
I’ve heard rumours of the existence of a threefer, including Mecca as well, but that could be a myth.
TBH, I’m just not seeing where bingo would fit in with all of this.
Protest vote aside any person serious about us achieving independence by voting Reform has some serious issues..
If I am wrong then please enlighten..
FFS the yoonies and tories are breeding like flies, it is turning into Wings Over Engerland
Wings over Reform. The English National party that can’t survive on its own.
OT/ Where is RoS these days? Hope he’s okay.
It’s “Ros” Geri, nae “RoS”.
As you’re the one claiming to have an atlas showing 800 countries (even the big brains at the UN can only find 195), maybe you can find “scotland” in it.
I guess Ros will be there.
What is taking Breathy Bain so long over Branchform?
Ultimately that could make all this speculation redundant.
They are hoping that by the time they come up with an answer, everyone will have forgotten the question.
The Times (04/02/25): We have a right to know who is leading the SNP fraud investigation:
“…the police inquiry, and the subsequent time spent by the Crown Office, that undermines confidence in the Scottish judicial system.
Since both the lord advocate and the solicitor general have “recused” themselves from the case, owing to a possible conflict of interest, that means the inquiry is being conducted from within the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service by a person or persons unknown…
Bain herself retains ultimate accountability for the process under which the case is being handled…
In almost every other country in Europe (England included) the senior prosecutor is clearly identified…
In Scotland, under the present arrangements, there is only a vacuum. Meanwhile the long wait both weakens the prosecution case, and is also an injustice for those who have been under suspicion for so long..”:
link to
USAID. Bet they promised them the world. Throw indy, falsely accuse, cook the books & we’ll give you a wee gig on the international circuit talking shite about books…
Scotland’s real book is gonna be epic (promise)…
Daily Express (04/02/25): EXCLUSIVE: Operation Branchform: crown Office fears ‘trial by media’ as it reveals cost to taxpayer:
“The crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service has revealed it has spent more than £200,000 on Operation Branchform as it refused to release legal advice over fears it would lead to a ‘trial by media.’
It has spent £206,366 of taxpayer money in the 2024/25 financial year. The data showed that the biggest cost was staffing at £192,116, with crown Counsel advice costing £14,235 and a £15 claim for travel and sustenance.
The information was revealed following a Freedom of Information request…
However, the crown refused to disclose legal advice relating to the stretched out police investigation into the SNP financies. It argued that it was not in the public interest…”:
link to
I gave Westminster back Scotlands budget McConnell.
There was Knifed in the back Lamont
Dim Jim Murphy fundamundily
Dippy the Dug judged not to know what she was saying.
That Dick Leonard
3rd choice- wait for a cavity to fill Sarwar.
No talent, idea or experience required for future applications.
Anas Sarwar is no leader, never has been. He is the very epitome of a follower. When Yousaf gave his “white, white’ white” speech, Sarwar followed suit with his echo of the original. Oddly, I have always found him rather likeable in a milquetoast kind of way; much more so than Yousaf. If the SNP and Labour do form a coalition, it will be a case of the blind leading the blind – on a journey to oblivion in Scotland. Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
As for the Greens, Rev, your summing up of their net contribution to Scottish politics and to Scotland was summed up rather neatly and succinctly, I thought. Pride must be so proud.
You need to recall his Bobbing John mentality at Westminster; he’s never really got out of it..
Remember “dictatorship claims” and family business workers below the minimum wage?
Strange how Labour in Scotchland so readily forgot the latter eh?
Bobbing John then, Bobbing John now.,
In power? It’ll never happen..
He’s a fifth rater..
He’s not a labour person either.
2021 Scottish Greens Constituency vote 34,990.
Yes the Greens were the first choice vote for a massive 1.3% of the electorate.
They got 8 seats because SNP voters voted for them on the regional list because of indy.
SNP won’t give them the regional list votes again.
(for comparison Lib Dems got 187,816 constituency votes 6.9% but ended up with only 5 seats)
“An evil enemy will burn their nation to the ground to rule over the ashes,” Sun Tzu,
Sarwar and Baillie.
Largish YouGov Westminster voting intention, field work 2 – 3 Feb, sample population 2,465. RefUK lead Labour by 1%.
Con 21%, Lab 24%, LibDem 14%, RefUK 25%.
Scottish sub-sample (214). RefUK in second place.
Con 13%, Lab 15%, LibDem 13%, RefUK 17%, SNP 34%, Green 5%
Hi ‘Vivian’. I left a question for you on previous thread:
link to
Say what you like about trumpster, he is value for money, an inspiration. He is the world’s #1 shitlord, signing executive orders with that huge marker pen (which I bet he sniffs afterwards).
Like getting tough on deportation – control the door, right enough – now for the anglo menace and a crackdown. Phalanx gun system for the border could work.
Tariffs – howsabout 200% purchase price property taxes for foreigners buying property up here; the money goes into a fund for social housing.
Maybe Canada and the EU will show some testicles and join the BRICS.
The US export imbalance is a deliberate thing, done for US benefit, but you need to get the details from Hudson.
What comedy tomorrow?
The aggressive posturing of trump is largely bravado – his book was called art of the deal – it is all about the deal, and getting best conditions; aggression and threats up front in public allows you to seem much more reasonable in private
Liked the way he just “wrapped up all the woke shit” and tossed it in the bin; took away all their soft, do nothing, jobs allowing them time for activism, i.e. relentless stirring of the shit. Even more fun than when Musk sacked all the twitter moderators. These useless sacks of protoplasm might struggle to find equivalent employment.
I am in favour of the Rev imposing tariffs on Main, whose output is an “atrocity”.
Elon Musk:
“They’re just mad that their shadow government is being dismantled lol”:
link to
The UK has a swamp too. Starmer is only a puppet. Unelected eejits run the show. This was made glaringly obvious during the U war when they thought they’d go off script with disastrous consequences & terrorist attacks that got Gen-ocidal Joe all riled up things were escalating.He wasn’t in charge.,
Same in NI. Same in Scotland infiltrating the SNP in covert shit like they were James Bond or something…
True Geri –
link to
The shadoWhingers here are extremely upset –
They reject all new thinking and fresh ideas (lol)
Too bad, deep-state is being dismantled…
They’re mental. Imagine spending yer evening down voting shit on the internet LOL!
They’re probably angry they’re oot a job now.
An interesting discussion on the internet today about a study on psychological warfare & how NATO is using it. They hack minds (LOL) through repeating propaganda & short catchphrases, ad nauseam. Even when confronted with hard evidence that something is categorically & demonstrably untrue – the trick is just to keep repeating it anyway.
Fck me. The Brits have been hacked! I can already recognise loads…
*Once in a Gen-er-atchunnn
*Trans women are Women
*Puts stooge/puppet
*Have a right to defend themselves
Even Corbyn received a mention. How they used the same tactics across all media platforms to paint him as a threat that could never become PM. Funnily enough – I remember the constant plants at every televised leadership debates where some knuckle dragging fuckwits would constantly ask ‘Would he press the button’ (re Nukes) & allow indyref2.
Goes without saying that Main was obviously hacked a long time ago.
re. “An interesting discussion on the internet today about a study on psychological warfare & how NATO is using it.”
I wouldn’t worry it, Geri…
“We need to ensure our warfighting
capabilities are robust and credible to be able
to deter threats from manifesting in the first
place, but also to fight and win if they do“:
link to
COMMENT (04/02/2025): Scottish independence messaging must catch up with globalisation:
“The era of untrammelled American globalisation is in its closing phases.
This is not necessarily a managed process, but a forced one, owing to imperial decline and with it the coming apart of the post-war global order…
New thinking is required, and that means first coming to an appraisal of the geopolitical environment.
Within this context, there is the potential for fresh ideas to be reinjected into discussions about the meaning of independence and Scotland’s role on the international scene.
That thinking will have to come from outside…”:
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I’d just like to remind some people who go and buy The National. That the rag doesn’t want Independence your better spending your money on a lottery ticket, where you’ll actually have a chance of winning something and your money you’ve used to buy this RAG is only used to prop up the SNP agenda and prevent any progress towards Indyref2.
The SNP only became what it is the day after the Referendum as a result of the Labour voters. Hence the reason the the SNP leadership wants to try and win these people back instead of the Independence supporters. Its simple these Labour voters joined and voted SNP because of 1 thing and 1 thing only Independence, not because they decided the SNP was a better party because there not. The leadership in the SNP are morons and if the party wanting to win and I mean win big then put a meaningful Indyref2 in its manifesto towards actually achieving1 Independence without the need for England then this is how the party can win and it wouldn’t need the help of the Labour party. But the party won’t because the Union jack is running down the SNP’s back and for that reason here lies our problem, hence we need to rid ourselves of the SNP and hence the reason your wasting your money buy the rag.
Independence can be achieved easily and without Westminster approval both the rag and the money grabbing individuals who write for it would rather the SNP stayed strong and all other Indy parties failed. Its simple Independence causes a lot of people to lose a monthly income, your not going to shout yourself in the head unless you have a alternative which they don’t.
If the SNP was genuine about Independence the party could have spent the last ten years progressing the cause of Independence and holding a plebiscite or even changing the constitutional question through Holyrood by holding referendum on it, but they didn’t they opted for the easier route by the Supreme court which the leadership knew would fail and allowed the status-quo to continue and leaving Scotland in a cul-de-sac position.
Wouldn’t it be a daft idea for the Labour party to go into coalition with the SNP?
Before the 2014 referendum the Labour party was the dominate force in Scottish politics, its only after the 2014 Referendum that the SNP took hundreds of thousand of voters off the Labour party and then became the dominant for both north and south of the border.
Surely this only benefits the SNP and not Labour, I would have thought from a Unionist point of view it was better to rid the parliament of the SNP entirely after all this is the sole reason the parliament was setup by the D’Hondt system it was to stop the SNP ever gaining power in Holyrood, so whats changed?
The SNP is now flying the Union Jack down its back and Independence isn’t on its egenda.
Holyrood would be better off closed down. It’s only serving as an English outpost on Scottish soil. Full of bad actors, leeches & failed politicians. Some have even been there since it’s doors first opened despite being rejected at the ballot box.
I’d just let the yoons have it. It’s not a parliament. It’s an administration. Labour was absolutely shit in Scotland & it looks like ppl need reminding just how shit they were & just how shit Yoon policies are. Take away the SNPs mitigation & let them live real Yoon policies without the cotton wool. Holyrood is a shell since they stripped it of any meaningful powers after indyref.
Burn it & go for independence. Westminster is the only recognised seat of power. Indy movement need to win every seat at Westminster & then refuse to take them. It’s not a democracy & they’re fooling no one that an administration bolted to the restrictions of the Scotland Act is in any way Scots having it’s own parliament.
Yes, postcolonial theory confirms that a measure of ‘home rule’ usually comes with packing the new colonial administration with colonialists from the mother country (Cesaire), hence with the values and interests of the colonizer protected.
Your right Holyrood was setup to STOP the admiration’s of Scottish people wanting anything other than the Union. Remove the section 30 process by shutting down Holyrood and returning to the Westminster policy more nationalist MP’s Independence delivered.
This is illiterate gibberish !
Time you re-programmed your bot ?
As I understand it, all the top civil servants in the Scottish parliament answer only to the Cabinet Secretary in Downing Street. Which means, if it’s true, that nothing can be discussed in Hollyrood without it being immediately reported back to the PMs office.
Leaked report reveals SNP’s struggle to stem membership exodus. Its simple, gives us what we’ve have been voting for the last 10 years, what’s so hard about that. The SNPBAD would rather see English thrive and see the Scottish demise, what little ("Tractor" - Ed)s we have within our movement.
The Saboteur (04/02/25): EXCLUSIVE: Alba in chaos as leadership frontrunner rebuts harassment allegations:
“ALBA’S leadership contest has descended into chaos after accusations of bullying and harassment were levelled against top contender Kenny MacAskill.
MacAskill, the party’s acting leader, said there had been an “unauthorised and unconstitutional attempt” to suspend him from attending Alba meetings…
In the email, sent to members in “strict confidence” and seen by The National…”:
link to
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Comrade McEleny is intent on turning ALBA into the Workers’ Institute of Marxism – Leninism – Mao Zedong Thought. Perhaps when the membership can live comfortably in a three bedroom Cooncil hoose, he’ll be content that his authority is beyond challenge.
re. “Comrade McEleny is intent on turning ALBA into the Workers’ Institute of Marxism – Leninism – Mao Zedong Thought”
How unfortunate (sigh)
The Cock (03/02/25): Brian Cox ‘not going back to USA’ after ‘c***’ Donald Trump elected:
“The Scottish actor, renowned for playing media mogul Logan Roy in “Succession”, made the comment as he repeatedly labelled the US president a “c**t”.
Appearing on Channel 4’s panel show The Last Leg, the Dundee-born star was asked by host Adam Hills for his views on Trump.
Hills said: “I might be scared of where this is going to go but, what are your thoughts on Donald Trump so far, Brian?”
Cox responded: “He’s a c**t.”…”:–donald-trump-elected/
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“The female genitals.”
“Offensive: a woman considered sexually.”
“Derogatory: a mean or obnoxious person.”:
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Could you not just collate all of the links in a single message after you’ve finished scraping Twitter and/or the dictionary? Thanks in advance 🙂
Cooking babies in ovens isn’t spam.
I think that if you do your research, you’ll find that Wings BTL posters proved conclusively that story was a lie.
Probably Geri working hand-in-hand with Hatstand, Rooby and the boy from the mythical land of “scotland”.
Ah, these titans of the Wings BTL of yesteryear, eh? I wonder whatever happened to them 🙂
Anyhoo, you like looking up online stuff, gregor. It’ll all still be available to find if you make the effort.
It’s the wicked sentiment re. publicly glorifying the cooking of babies in ovens – as a joke.
The whole world knew it was a lie. They couldn’t furnish any evidence.
Just like the
POWs‘hostages’ weren’t R*ped either. Were well fed, cared for & even managed a clean uniform for the cameras.Unlike the real hostages of Palestine , arrested for doing fck all, who emerged tortured, r*ped & malnourished.
Ya cretin. You just lie & spread misinformation on here 24/7.
Incidentally, isn’t the number “24” of some special significance to you?
I’m defo I mind you posting/boasting/roasting about something big and momentous that was going to happen and “24” featured large in it.
Forget me oan heid next. Still, it’ll come back, I’m sure. Your post about “24” I mean, nae me heid 🙂
Where’s gregor to post a wee link when you need him, eh?
“In an incidental manner : not intentionally:
The arrant nonsense of some of his statements is incidentally hilarious.”:
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re. “after you’ve finished scraping Twitter and/or”
DogeCoin Elon: Dogefather: highway dragnet:
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“Last time I saw him he was reading a poem by a jihadi terrorist one who’s other works include a recipe to cook J***sh babies, baking powder was the key ingredient.
What a f**king dick”:
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Brian Cox reads IF I MUST DIE, the last poem by Refaat Alareer, killed by an I***eli airstrike (2023):
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Refaat in G**a
“With or without baking powder?”:
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Agent P
“Good news for the USA, Brian cox is leaving.
Good news for Scotland, it’s too wet here for him.
Bad news for England, he has a house there.”:
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The Times (2020): I love to visit, but it’s too damp to live in Scotland, says Brian Cox:
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Hello (2021): Succession star Brian Cox’s transatlantic homes are a feast for the eyes:
“As well as their main family home in Brooklyn, New York, Brian revealed he has another property in Upstate New York and a base in north London…
…on top of their grand fireplace. The reflection of the mirror shows a giant chandelier… White marble work surfaces and gold taps finished off the interior…
Posing in bed with a new book…”:
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“it’s too damp to live in Scotland, says Brian Cox”
Awww. Readers will be stunned to discover that even with all his dosh, poor Brian still can’t afford to keep his Scottish home and himself warm and dry.
Alert readers will already have performed the textual substitution in their heads to arrive at the truth of the matter:
“taxes are too high to live in Scotland”
Cox: “I have arthritis and my sister has got osteoporosis”
1.5 million arthritic suffers manage to live here in Scotland, but transatlantic Brian and his lavish lifestyle can’t (hmm):
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Cox and Cummings two cranky old fags on the make. Piss off back to the US of A.
You forgot when he repeated Yousaf’s vile “WHITE!” speech nearly verbatim, the racist wee cunt.
The implications of the long overdue destruction of USAID (and possibly the National Endowment for Democracy) will be reaching the nebula of opaquely funded, Third sector outfits that interfere in Scottish politics.* The erses of the Finance Directors will be twitchin’. Many a wee hat will have been knitted by posterior agitation this week.
* John Smith Centre, John Smith Foundation, Scottish Council on Global Affairs, Beyond Borders Scotland, The Integrity Initiative, British American Project
Rapid Response 47
“Ending U.S. taxpayer funding of transgender comic books in Peru, DEI in Serbia, and transgender operas (whatever those are) in Colombia is a… dictatorship?”:
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Elon Musk:
“USAID has been pushing censorship laws in Europe”:
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Mike Benz
“Obama’s momma worked for the same CIA / State Dept funding conduit primarily responsible for financially bribing Brazil’s internal censorship industry ecosystem for 6 whole years pushing it to the point Brazil censored X.”:
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Elon Musk:
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Daily Mail (04/02/25): EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s USAID closure will hit BBC charity:
“The US humanitarian relief agency being shut down by Elon Musk and Donald Trump has been funding the BBC’s charity to the tune of $3million of American taxpayers’ money each year, MailOnline can reveal today.
The complete closure of USAID, which President Trump has said is ‘run by radical lunatics’, would blow a giant hole in BBC Media Action‘s annual budget…”:
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Gates Foundation: Committed grants: BBC Media Action (Page 1):
“Gender Equality: $1,072,549
Gender Equality: $951,504
Gender Equality: $868,395
Global Development: $961,854
Global Development: $1,010,356
Gender Equality: $2,034,790
Global Growth & Opportunity: $3,198,524
Global Development: $599,974
Global Growth & Opportunity: $1,874,283
Global Growth & Opportunity: $1,396,647…”:
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BBC (03/02/25): Bill Gates: We’ve given away $100bn, but my children won’t be poor when I’m gone:
“Gates reveals new numbers on how much his charitable Foundation has now spent…
His Foundation’s 25th anniversary is in May, and Gates exclusively revealed the $100bn figure to the BBC…
I ask Gates, himself a target of some pretty wild conspiracy theories, what he thinks of the decision taken by Zuckerberg after Trump’s election to dump fact-checking in the US on his sites. Gates tells me he’s not “that impressed“…
He also thinks children should be protected from social media, telling me there’s a “good chance” that banning under-16s, as Australia is doing, is “a smart thing“…
The Making of Bill Gates is on BBC Two at 19:00 on Monday 3 February and on iPlayer”:
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He’s got a bit of a thing for gender equality eh?
& Hark at him, the Monopoly master, donating to anything with opportunity in the title.
Yeah, the gendermania is brazen as fu**
While the impartial BBC is pulling out all the stops for its partner in crime/s.
An ideal strategy for a losing monopoly (I love it)…
“This group attacking @elonmusk claims to be independent but it’s not. USAID funds it & requires approval of its senior hires. @OCCRP admits it contributed to “regime change” in 5-6 nations, proof that USAID turned foreign counter-insurgency tactics…”:
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“The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project is a 501(C)(3) organization. We are incredibly grateful to the following institutional donors that make our work possible”:
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“Westminster Foundation for Democracy Limited (WFD) is the UK public body dedicated to supporting democracy around the world. Operating internationally, WFD works with parliaments, political parties, and civil society groups as well as on elections… public body sponsored by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. The FCDO is regarded as a related party. Core funding of £6.5 million was received from the FCDO as grant-in-aid. In addition, our revenue consists of ; funding provided by FCDO £2.1 million , Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) £4.9m , Global Equality Project (GEP) Programme £0.5 million and other programme-specific funding of £1.3 million… political party development through our offices with the Labour Party, Conservative Party, Scottish National Party, and the Multi-Party Office (MPO), which supports political parties as key democratic actors worldwide. …political leadership through networking…”:
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The Scottish National Party: The Scottish National Party WFD programme:
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“Westminster Foundation for Democracy !
‘dedicated to supporting democracy around the world.’
Aye, that sounds believable – Not! They don’t even allow democracy to their next door neighbour.
Another nosey bastard outfit out to meddle in other people’s elections/policies/judicial systems/gender woo/fake concern for human rights/ ++++
It’s covert operations. Every country should kick these tossers out. Oh, wait, they are. Georgia & Hungary introduced foreign agent laws & the meddlers lost their shit threatening all sorts through the courts. Maybe, like the TRA, they’ve changed the definition of democracy to mean the exact opposite & haven’t told anyone yet.
The web of lies and deceit is unprecedented.
What isn’t captured by these globalist clowns.
How stupid can they get…
Chris Pavlovski
“USAID funding corporate media is the biggest scandal of 2025.
In essence, the Biden administration was paying the media through USAID to attack the likes of Rumble and X, advocate for censorship, and install their own government in the USA by attacking the opposition party.”:
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Centre For Information Resilience:
“The Centre for Information Resilience (CIR) is an independent organisation dedicated to exposing human rights violations and threats to democracy. We achieve this through open source research, digital investigations, capacity-building with local partners, and collaboration with media to amplify our impact…
We work closely with multilateral and national justice accountability bodies…
Defending Democracy from Disinformation:
CIR assists democratic governments and civil society to design and implement countermeasures. We collaborate with international and local media to expose disinformation…
We have received grants from the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the U.S. State Department, USAID and Australia’s Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade. All funding was for specific projects related to our mission to investigate human rights abuses, war crimes and disinformation.”:
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Sarwar declares a deal with the Devil or anyone, or thing at all Any aliens in a passing space ships Anything to get into Bute HouseToilet.
MLAs* reject attempt to keep men out of women’s prisons
*Members of Legislative Assembly
The Northern Ireland Assembly has rejected calls to ensure that men who claim to be female are not housed in women’s jails.
The Private Members’ motion ‘Protection of Rights and Safety in Custodial Facilities’, which urged Justice Minister Naomi Long to bring forward legislation requiring that prisoners are housed according to biological sex, failed by 33 votes to 48 against.
Currently, such decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. A man known as Michelle James is seeking legal action for being placed in a men’s prison before he was transferred to the women’s section of Hydebank Wood.
‘Serious consequences’
Ulster Unionist Party MLA Doug Beattie, who co-authored the motion, said the current approach is a “mess” and female prisoners are never “consulted before a biological male is placed in their midst”.
He emphasised that over “the past number of years, many women have felt that their rights have been undermined”, but he insisted that they deserve female-only spaces such as prisons, medical facilities and rape crisis centres.
Joanne Bunting, DUP MLA for East Belfast, added: “Safety and safeguarding must come first. Allowing biological males to reside among the female prisoner population risks undermining those protections and could have serious consequences for the safety and dignity of women.”
In response to the debate, Justice Minister Naomi Long criticised the motion for being “fundamentally flawed” and reiterated her support for the prison service’s current policy.
Strip search
In November, the British Transport Police (BTP) came under fire for allowing male officers who identify as female to strip search women.
Women’s rights charity Sex Matters wrote to Chief Constable Lucy D’Orsi threatening legal action if the guidance was not removed, arguing that it breached women’s human rights.
In another policy, BTP allowed staff to wear the uniform and use showers and changing rooms of “whichever gender they choose”.
(From The Christian Institute website, 04 Feb 2025)
‘An assault on free speech’: US uni event cancelled by gender ideology activists
A speaker warning about radical gender ideology was silenced as a violent protest broke out at the University of Washington event.
Invited guest Olivia Krolczyk was scheduled to speak last week as a Riley Gaines Center Ambassador, but hundreds of students turned up to stop her.
The demonstrators came with placards blocking the entrance and exit points of the building. They later turned violent, setting off fire alarms and smashing a window.
Violent protest
The protesters, led by a group calling itself Students for a Democratic Society, told the school newspaper: “We’re holding a rally to celebrate the trans community and show that transphobia will not be tolerated on campus,” adding they aimed to show people that “we’re not these dangerous, demonified, awful people.”
Krolczyk described the events, saying: “There was graffiti all over the building. They broke the windows, threw the noise makers in, had lights, were yelling, were in my face.”
Riley Gaines, a champion swimmer turned women’s rights campaigner, took to social media to support Krolczyk during the disruptions, writing: “Protestors have barricaded her in a room, pulled the fire alarms, and are banging on the door.
“She can’t evacuate the building at this point. These activists need to be in jail.”
The Riley Gaines Center called the protests an “assault on free speech”.
However, the University of Washington saw the chaos as a publicity stunt, commenting: “Informed discussion and debate are encouraged on our campus, however, it is clear that presenters and disruptors are, in some cases, seeking to antagonize one another in ways that provide dramatic content for their social media feeds”.
Krolczyk accused the university of showing “utter disregard for our safety and our rights to free speech.”
(From The Christian Institute website, 3 Feb 2025)
Okay I’ll bite. SLab said they would introduce the spare room tax if elected in Scotland. Scotgov currently covers that for tenants. They also want to start charging for prescriptions again and that’s just for starters. They HATE anything which makes Scotland different or distinctive from Englandshire.
ScotGov has to find £200 million down the back of the sofa to recompense Biffa over the jam jars fiasco:
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Of course, it’ll end up being more than that. Nae doot they’ll spaff a mill or two up the wall defending a hopeless case against the advice of their own legal counsel. As per usual.
£200+ million is a substantial hunk of change. Something will have to be axed to pay for it.
Come to think of it. Right royally screwing up against expert advice, and then having to pay dearly to clear up the mess, seems to be something “which makes Scotland different or distinctive from Englandshire” that ScotGov really loves.
I wish they hated it. Maybe then they’d fucking well stop doing it.
If I might promote again this new TG4 dramatised documentary on Éamon de Valera’s role in Irish independence. I want to emphasise that it would certainly be of interest to women. Central to the history is the role of many magnificent women who supported de Valera, but who were eventually politically betrayed by him. Such aspirational hope and unbearable disappointment. A tragedy on so many levels. The title means ‘De Valera in the Wilderness’. English subtitles throughout (click white box bottom right if necessary), plus many contributors use English.
An chéad chlár i sraith staire faoi shaol polaitiúil De Valera sna blianta 1924 go 1926. Bhí De Valera sa bpríosún in 1924. Ní raibh aon chumhacht aige agus bhí sé in ísle brí ach bhí grúpa mná a bhí páirteach in Éirí Amach na Cásca agus i gCogadh na Saoirse a thacaigh leis. Nuair a síníodh an Conradh Angla-Eireannach thaobhaigh na mná seo le De Valera arís.
The first episode in this history features the political life of De Valera during the years 1924 to 1926. De Valera was in prison in 1924, bereft of power and at a low ebb. Support came from a group of women who had taken part in the Easter Rising and the War for Freedom. These women again sided with De Valera when the fateful Anglo-American Accord was signed by Collins.
So very sorry. Faulty link above. Try this:
Feictear athbheochan pholaitiúil De Valera sa dara chuid den tsraith seo. Tháinig De Valera ar ais go láidir nuair a bhunagh sé Fianna Fáil agus feictear mar a ghlac an páirtí leis an Mion Dílseachta. Ach d’airigh na mná a thacaigh le De Valera nach raibh an tír ag teacht leis an bhfís a leagadh amach sa bforógra in 1916.
We see De Valera’s unprecedented political comeback in this second installment. He founds the Fianna Fáil party and somehow finally accepts the Oath of Allegience to the British monarch. Key women who had previously supported De Valera now grievously witness the country departing from the Declaration of 1916, traditional Catholic Church morality being imposed, and the role of women in politics marginalised.
He was a no friend of the Irish People.
Looks like Rev Stu called it dead right a few weeks ago:
Not much happening in Scotland right now!
I wonder if that’s what most of us really want – deep down. To be a forgotten backwater off the far edge of Europe. To let others make the big decisions, while we greet and gurn (just a wee bit) from the side.
It’s little more than a year to the next HR election, and most of the west is in utter turmoil. With a half-Scottish boy at the head of it too. The tectonic plates are shifting and we are all living through a period of rapid change while the political environment is reshaped into something new.
But here in wee, auld Scotia, nothing disturbs the peaceful slumber of the deid. No new political policies, no new parties, no new popular personalities.
Scotland – an innovation and ideas free zone.
Thomas Fazi explains why the EU isn’t the answer:
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“Ultimately, a true reckoning with the EU’s economic troubles means recognising that these are rooted in the economic and political constraints of the supranational model itself. And as Europe’s industry and economy grinds ever slower, it is becoming increasingly evident that neither cosmetic reforms nor narrowly targeted initiatives can rectify the fundamental issues at play”
They’re colonised just like little Engurland. No big tech, no silicone valley, no energy security & no military. They’re at the mercy now of the USA who’ll start buying it up at knock down prices as they squeeze it’s currency. Stock up on popcorn before it’s £50 quid a bag.
Well said, McHatey
Of course there are things happening in Scotland.
Freeport’s, the great energy giveaway, Bank of England’s imminent crash, Trumps bin sale across the EU & of course, the real reason for U war every sane person already knew, the West wanting their mitts on the rare earth goody bag.
Look what happens when you kick out the colonisers – Wee Burkina Faso is not only securing it’s energy future, it’s also launched it’s very own first electric car.
Turbulence is part of flying. If you want to go anywhere different, have new experience you handle it.
Turbulence is also part of an authentic political culture, a smooth and comfortable flight might eventually cause nausea.
The Witch Hunt (04/02/2025): Nurse denies comparing trans doctor to rapist:
“A nurse who was suspended after complaining about sharing a changing room with a transgender doctor has denied comparing the medic to a rapist…
It heard that Ms Peggie had compared the doctor’s decision to use the women’s changing room in Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, to controversy around “men being in women’s prison“…
Jane Russell KC, the lawyer representing Dr Upton and NHS Fife, suggested that the comment fed into a narrative that trans women were predators…
During her evidence, Ms Peggie confirmed she had called Dr Upton a man and said she believed the medic was a biological male.
She acknowledged that this would be considered harassment under NHS Fife’s diversity and equality guidance.
The nurse also confirmed that she had “strong opinions” and an admiration for US President Donald Trump…”:
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NHS Fife and all the other institutions that promote men above women and children’s safety and dignity should be sacked and imprisoned [preferably with the lovely types of paedophiles and fetishists that they have prioritised]. It is an appalling state of things when females and children are being treated in this way. Everybody who just goes along with it are mad or weak or both.
Why isn’t the BBC doing a “Cathy come home” type programme to expose this problem? And the whole MSM? Rhetorical question of course, but still I do wonder where the sensible, decent, brave people are in those places.
Rotten, agenda driven BBC/MSM are very much part of the problem.
Complicit NHS weapon will be held to full (e.g. criminal) account for its assault on women and mutilation of children: Our human species…
The Herald (05/02/25): Sturgeon urges Scotgov to pick up pace on ‘promise’ to vulnerable kids:
“Nicola Sturgeon has fired a shot across her SNP colleagues bows over a failure to deliver her ‘Promise’ to care…
While still First Minister, Ms Sturgeon made a series of commitments to vulnerable young people – dubbed ‘The Promise’ – after an independent review into children…
Writing on the fifth anniversary of her vow, Ms Sturgeon said that everyone had to be “brutally honest” about the progress the Scottish Government had made, which was “not good enough”…”:
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The politics of gesturing… in front of the mirror
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I fail to understand this obsession with «islamphobia» on the part of the secular non religious. They appear to consider this a special matter of culture and race necessitating special treatment but are prepared to ring fence a set of religious beliefs and symbols as a consequence.
Politicians who engage with questions beyond their field tend not to be fully apprised of the facts and faults. Contemporary Islam is a highly politicized belief system, with immense wealth and media savvy at the disposal of the principle players, it requires little help from useful outsiders.
Rather as in the case of militant male, self proclamed «feminists» rattled by toxic masculinity I register the signing but fail to see the need.
Politicians ought to kept on a very short lead by those with the responsibility for electing them.
re. “The politics of gesturing… in front of the mirror”
The Times (04/02/25): Why did Sturgeon take so long to come up with a referendum plan?
“Does anybody know if Nicola Sturgeon has a good singing voice? Specifically, could she do the warbly vibrato in Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, as made famous by French chanteuse Édith Piaf? I ask because this song was playing in my head as I read Sturgeon’s recent interview with the Institute for Government, which runs a programme asking former politicians to reflect on their time in power...
…The stars are aligning…”:
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Edith Piaf: Éternelle: Non, Je ne regrette rien:
“I lit the fire
My sorrows, my pleasures
I’m no longer in need of them…
No, nothing at all
No, I regret nothing
Neither the good that was done to me
Nor the evil, I couldn’t care less
No, nothing at all
No, I regret nothing
For my life, for my joys
It starts with you today.”:
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Robin McAlpine (05/02/25): Scotland is a recipe for disaster and I’m genuinely worried:
“The latest tales are two fold; Swinney is fixing things and it’s working. Except Swinney is fixing nothing…
By the looks of things we are not going to get ‘democratic fairness’ from the approaching Scottish elections and then we’re not going to get any improvement in piss-poor government afterwards. Nothing learned, yet nothing lost…
It does. It stinks bad. To the entire political classes – if you continue to be this dishonest, this incompetent, this visionless, this unreliable and yet you keep getting richer and your smugness just keeps growing, then you are Joe Biden…”:
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Would Starmer allow Scottish Labour to do a deal with SNP though?
We can maybe see benefits of being in joint power but from a Starmer ( Or whoever is in charge at Number 10 then) perspective…what do they get out of it?…nothing bar being seen to enable as well as acknowledge SNP.
Its just gonna be the longest fade out in political musical history at this rate…the SNP get a further reduced minority government until the rest gang up against it and put it and all of us out of our misery
The Telegraph (04/02/25): …Angela Rayner’s new ‘de facto blasphemy law’ is the kind of irresponsible ‘wokery’ that has sadly become a daily feature of this government:
“…mere seven months into a Labour government and the public has already had enough of this nonsensical charade, I think. The crazy tax and spend, the wokery, the suicide of net zero, the insult to national identity and free speech that is Islamophobia. Unlike Lewis Carroll’s Queen we are no longer prepared to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Nor do we wish to be helpless spectators as we watch Britain, gradually destroyed by a dim sanctimony of politicians and civil servants, hurtling towards recession while the people whose taxes pay for everything are sent to the back of the queue. By now, it is pretty clear that the mass immigration inflicted upon us, both by the Conservatives, and even worse under Labour, is so ruinous as to amount to tr**son…”:
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BBC (05/02/2025): New Barlinnie prison costs double to almost £1bn:
“The replacement for Barlinnie prison will cost nearly £1bn, almost double the previous estimate.Justice Secretary Angela Constance confirmed a cost of £998.4m for HMP Glasgow in a letter to the criminal justice committee. She also stated it will open in 2028, three years later than originally planned…”:
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