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Wings Over Scotland

Eyes Full Of Beams

Posted on January 09, 2025 by

The National carried a strange article yesterday, apropos of seemingly nothing, about a Brussels-based political thinktank supposedly linked to the right-wing Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban. The piece actually originated on superwoke “fact-checking” site The Ferret a couple of days earlier, and professed to expose how the thinktank was “stoking Scotland’s culture war”.

Alert readers will already have pricked up their ears at this point, because “culture war” is a radical-left dogwhistle term used to obscure, belittle and dismiss groups (largely though not exclusively comprising left-wing feminists) fighting for the safeguarding of children and the protection of women’s and LGB rights.

And sure enough, nothing’s different this time.

The piece starts off by voicing “concerns” from unnamed people that the thinktank – which we’d estimate a solid 99.99% of Scots have never heard of – is exerting some sort of presumably malign “influence on Scottish discourse”, and in particular the multi-pronged “Omnicause” that obsesses the radical left and mainly centres itself around “Net Zero”, liberal immigration policies, Palestine and so-called “trans rights”.

Traditionally an exposé of this nature would start off with a powerful, attention-grabbing claim, and then seek to justify it with a dossier of compelling evidence. But this effort gets off to a very weak start.

“In line with” is a phrase of mealy-mouthed weasel-worded innuendo which attempts to discredit valid viewpoints by associating them with bad people.

The piece then continues with a string of allegations from unidentified sources. The Hungarian government is “accused” (by who?) of peddling “misinformation” (about what?), subjected to “critiques” (which critiques? Where can we read them to find out if they’re valid or not?) and attacked by “critics” (which ones?) while a “theory” makes claims about the administration, apparently doing so all by itself with no human source. The words “chilling effect” are quoted, but we’re not told who they’re a quote from.

Readers are told that the thinktank has published reports linking immigration to crime, as if this were self-evidently untrue and racist and didn’t need to be addressed – a position that looks rather unfortunate during the current grooming-gangs scandal.

But in fact a considerable body of evidence exists from official government statistics in various countries suggesting that immigrants do commit a highly disproportionate amount of crime, such as these from Denmark, Norway and Finland respectively.

Now, we’re not Nordic crime experts and we don’t know what those graphs do or don’t prove, but anyone rubbishing the claim that immigration is linked to crime needs at a minimum to examine and explain those stats rather than just wave them away.

The 3000-word piece continues in the same vein at some length, with lots of vague claims and implications of guilt by association and proximity, attacking groups like the Scottish Union for Education without ever actually identifying anything more alarming than SUE having views The Ferret disagrees with.

The idea, for example, that the highly controversial LGBT Youth Scotland has imported transgender ideology into the ethos and curriculum of Scottish schools (and in particular primary schools, where a charity for 13-to-25-year-olds plainly has no legitimate business) is in no way even credibly contestable. It has manifestly done so, as documented in some considerable detail over recent years by this site, by Daniel Sanderson for the Telegraph and by Marion Scott for the Sunday Post, among others.

People may have views on whether that’s a good or a bad thing, but whether it happened at all is simply not up for debate, and attempting to demonise anyone who merely points the fact out by linking them with extremist foreign governments is little more than an attempt at intimidation.

The Ferret may, for its own ideological reasons, not like attention and scrutiny being focused on the matter, but them’s the breaks. Anyone trying to conceal what’s going on in schools from parents ought on first principles to be regarded with the deepest suspicion, and it’s a matter of record that The Ferret has a shameful history of trying to downplay scandal in the field of child safeguarding and elsewhere.

Most of the time, it does so merely by angrily and indignantly asserting that things are untrue without actually providing any evidence to disprove them.

(The ILGA, incidentally, continues to insist that it never sought to lower the age of consent for adolescents to 10, despite publishing a document that explicitly made that exact demand, as exposed by Wings in the story above. But it has subsequently scrubbed all trace of the document from its website and never revisited the “Feminist Declaration” in the subsequent four years, nor ever explained how it came to publish a demand it seemingly never believed in.)

But we digress, because we don’t really care about MCC Brussels or Viktor Orban. Scotland has enough problems of its own without poking our noses into Hungary’s.

But in so far as The Ferret’s piece alleges anything remotely untoward (let alone PROVING anything untoward) over its vast and basically content-free length, it’s that the funding of the Brussels thinktank might be slightly opaque. And that’s a very audacious attack to make if your own funding is as shady as The Ferret’s.

Registered as a “co-operative society”, The Ferret had a turnover of just under a third of a million pounds in according to its 2023 accounts, but there’s very little information about where that money came from OR where it went. If you click on the link about which organisations support it financially, you get a passworded login page.

It had nine directors and 2,297 subscribing members (down from 2,480 the previous year), but no employees.

We’re not told if any of its writers – whose names do not appear on the site’s “fact-checking” articles, which are all bylined to “Ferret Journalists” – are paid, either as a salary or on a freelance piecework basis.

If all the organisation’s funds are contributed by its subscribers, that’d mean they were paying around £140 a year each, which is a lot for a few short articles a week. (Wings’ average subscriber contributes around £30 a year.)

It’s not clear what members get “free online training” in. All “surpluses” left over after its unknown outgoings are “reinvested into the business” in unspecified ways.

So we don’t know who funds it (although it does sometimes work with the mainstream Scottish press, which it’s presumably paid for), we don’t know who writes it, we don’t know where the money goes, and it’s accountable to basically nobody. If you complain about it, the complaint will be assessed by The Ferret’s own “Reader Directors”, who seem to be paying members and “sponsored supporters”, whatever THAT might mean.

(It’s also notionally answerable to IMPRESS, an independent media “regulatory” body whose membership is a Who’s Who of “who’s that?” including the Merthyr Tydfil Times and the Shildon And District Town Crier, and which in terms of inquisitional rigour makes the infamously lily-livered IPSO look like the Gestapo with toothache.)

The Ferret lost £4,030 last year, in contrast to a £63,409 profit the year before. Perhaps it ought to go sniffing around some of the deeply questionable organisations who lavishly fund OpenDemocracy, another “journalism” operation with a presence in Scotland and a somewhat hypocritically prurient attitude towards other people’s financing and transparency.

If the directionless, content-free smear piece in yesterday’s National is anything to go by, it’s no surprise that it needs to take cash anywhere it can get it. But readers are entitled to wonder where exactly that might be before they listen to any of the site’s partisan propaganda output about anything.

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Ian Brotherhood

Since when was objecting to genocide part of an ‘omnicause’?

Hatey McHateface

When it’s not actually genocide.

Sorry Ian, but you do need to learn to think for yourself.


That’s because you value humans like trash.

You’re sick and disgusting.

Hatey McHateface

Love you too gregor 🙂

You’ve picked your side, I’ve picked mine. Let’s not pretend it’s any more complicated than that.

We could trade atrocity porn all night if that’s your thing. Confused has the P@lestinian mum with baby in her arms who was shot by an Isr sniper. I’ll raise with the P@lestinian mum whose daughter was shot by warring P@lestinian gangs.

Confused has the babies denied intensive care. I have the 1 YO baby who has been held captive in the tunnels for well over a year now.

Perhaps you want to raise a classroom of innocent kids blown up? How about the hostage found dead in the tunnels just the other day, a Bedouin Arab? What was his guilt?

Here’s the key point as I see it, gregor. If my side “wins”, you will never be at risk of literally losing your head because you accidentally broke some obscure blasphemy “law”. My side will never use your underage daughter, if you have one, as a sex toy.

If your side “wins” though, the outlook is very different indeed. As we all see and all know.

And for me, that’s enough to shade my verdict. It’s the beauty of our way of life that you are free to choose to support the people whose religion deems you to be an inferior being. That’s great and I’m very happy for you, but just don’t expect us all to follow you into voluntary slavery.

Anyhoo, if it’s “genocide” keeping you awake at night, why don’t you search out a song lyric suitable for the situation in Kursk right now. Seemingly hundreds of Orcs are going into the ground every single fecking day, all for the greater glory of Orcland and poot.

Sing us a “genocide” about that one.


Humanity doesn’t have any sides.

Iain McGlade

This is why the left always fail. There’s always a reason for bickering, despite talk of solidarity.

I object to genocide, but I also object to pandering to the demands of trans rights activists. That’s the nuance of politics, but for some it’s a sign of your lack of purity for the “omnicause”.

Impurities must be expelled. Only purity is allowed.


Here is a cracking PDF you should download to your hard drive (before it disappears), providing chapter and verse on the chosenites and their latest funtimes.

link to
link to


Thank you.

Ian Brotherhood


Reminds me of the Iraq Body Count site. (It’s still going)

They’ll surely end up needing something similar to keep track of what’s unfolding in Syria as-was.

Hatey McHateface

It’s a shitty war isn’t it?

The boy writing the article doesn’t want to address the fact that it’s a unique “genocide” that could be stopped, just like that, over a weekend.

If the humous boys surrendered the hostages and came out with their hands up tomorrow (Friday), the international community would be bankrolling the G@za rebuilding efforts by Monday.

Truth is though, that the humous boys need a lot more dead P@lestinians yet to move the needle on the dial. So far, world opinion remains largely unmoved. And so it must go on.


cool it with the antisemitism main, lee mordechai is jewish 

kudos for reading a 124page PDF in about 10 minutes BTW 


Hello Confused, thank you for keen observation, 124pages in 10mins really does look like special bigot speed reading. The main thing seems to be to skim over any evidence which does not fit the sionzits version of events.

Interesting to note mchatespeech’s apparently disrespectful term ‘boy’ to refer to Mordechai, someone brave enough to tell the truth. Truth being something which seems entirely to escape Hatespeech. It seems reasonable to wonder whether Hatespeech has any superior claim to status (or seniority) or whether it is a case of covering a deep sense of inferiority.


The Ferret piece does not mention the gen0cide in P@lestine nor even P@lestine so I am struggling to see how it became part of the ‘omnicause’.

But even if it did it is a gen0cide. It is not even comparable to the tranny stuff as horrific as it is nor any of the other things mentioned alongside it.

You are guilty of gen0cide just by planning it, never mind openly stating your intent to do it and then doing it.

Hatey McHateface

“You are guilty of gen0cide just by planning it, never mind openly stating your intent to do it”

I wonder if that’s true.

Because if it is, we need to pay a lot more attention to the loons and lassies we see on our TV screens every week – cavorting about on our streets with their keffiyehs and their flags – with the Arabic writing all over them.

A little bird tells me what that Arabic writing actually says. And it’s not about looking forwards to a holiday by the sea after a relaxing river cruise.

Poor “Mac”. Just another regular for whom Indy and Scotland are important, but pointless, ineffectual virtue signalling about other unrelated stuff half the world away, is more important still.

Mark Beggan

Maybe they got their money from a Used Campervan salesperson.

Hatey McHateface

So “immigrants do commit a highly disproportionate amount of crime”?

Whooda thunk it?

Next, somebody will discover the percentage of migrants crossing from safe countries (such as France) to the UK, without official permission to come here, who also are committing a crime by doing so.

Hint – it’s 100%

Iain McGlade

That’s one of those statements that’s very dangerous if it’s not put into some sort of context.

The correlation between immigrants and those in poverty is always going to make it more likely that they commit more crime. We know poverty is a driver of crime. Add in a possible lack of understanding of the laws and mores of their new home and there’s a spike in your stats.

Hatey McHateface

“That’s one of those statements that’s very dangerous if it’s not put into some sort of context”

Indeed it is, Iain, and you do well to point it out.

“We know poverty is a driver of crime”

Naw, we don’t know that at all. We do know that a couple of generations ago, when poverty relative to now was much worse, many types of crime were much less. We do know that plenty of very affluent people nevertheless still commit crime.

“possible lack of understanding of the laws and mores”

Hmmm. I lack detail understanding of the laws and mores of plenty of overseas places, but I would still make the effort to find out prior to going there, even for a holiday. I do see plenty of understanding that we’re a soft touch, and once immigrants understand that, they don’t need to bother learning about the other stuff. The mass rape gangs being all the proof I need to back up that statement.

But even if I’m completely wrong, and there’s “legitimate” explanations for the stats spike, I’m still angry that I’ve had to listen to 30 years of denial that any such spike exists.

Mark Beggan

Well said that man.


Thanks (again:)

Caro Emerald: That Man:
“Ooh, that man is like a flame
And, ooh, that man plays me like a game
My only sin is I can’t win
Ooh, I wanna love that man…”:

link to





gotta watch these hungarians

Geoff Anderson

The Woke scum are determined to fight to the death. I don’t trust the MSM and I trust them even less when they try to hide under fake covers like Ferret.


Only look at MSM to see what propaganda is being fed to the peasantry.

Hatey McHateface


Smarten up and stand up straight. We have an intellectual in our midst.


I question and think critically – two degrees and studying for a professional qualification will do that. You don’t scare me doll.

Hatey McHateface

“two degrees and studying for a professional qualification”

Odd then, that you have to resort to personal abuse.

Must be the fault of the general decline in educational standards.


Wrong!!!! Keep trying to bait me – it won’t work and you won’t win because no one can defend the indefensible. Certainly not you.

Mark Beggan

Chase me chase me



Hatey McHateface

“you won’t win”

Win? Who TAF ever wins on here.

It’s an echo chamber for unemployed and unemployable fuckwits. Normal people with lives have better things to do.

Talking of employment, don’t you supposedly work 17+ hours a day? How can you find time to post pish on here?

Have you been telling us wee porkies? 🙂


Hatey (the narcissist) can’t stop lying…


“Relating to your ability to think and understand things, especially complicated ideas:intellectual stimulation

Looking after a baby at home all day is nice but it doesn’t provide much intellectual stimulation.”:

link to



Try harder Mr Hatee. No one does personal abuse better than you.


Marie is a true Scotland/world champion

#Dignity #Intelligence #Power #Strength


Thank you Gregor. How abusive was Mr Hatee’s last comment directed at me? He wants to know why I have time to post on here. It’s simple really. When you are looking after a human being who has a terminal condition (as I do when I’m not doing my other job) then you can do other things as well. Terminally ill humans have extended periods of sleep due to fatigue and exhaustion. If I use that time to do housework or catch up on my own sleep or even to look at Wings then that’s MY business and not a subject for personal abuse. Mr Hatee is no advert for his cause.


You don’t need to explain yourself, Marie

Keep being yourself and keep winning…



Reality will deal with the nasty forever-losers.

Hatey McHateface

Thanks Marie. I guess if I’m best, I need to take a step back and let somebody else have a crack at the #1 spot.

Not quite following the logic of your “try harder” exhortation though. Surely you should be directing that at the also rans?



“Having too much interest in and admiration for yourself:

A narcissistic personality.

Narcissistic people have a hard time seeing another person’s point of view.

I think he has narcissistic tendencies but he says his therapist disagrees.”:

link to


Emily Burns: Terrified: I Love You, You’re The Worst:

“Screamin’ out in ecstasy
And breakin’ down?in?misery, ha
And even?though I’m trying my best
I’m a?little out of my depths
Freak out at the smallest things…

And they say I should enjoy the ride
But I’m terrified

When I gotta be honest, be honest
I’m terrified
Don’t know if I’ve ever, I’ve never
Been up this high
And I’m tryin’ but I’m lyin’…”:

link to


Don’t flatter yourself – you’re not best at anything. YOU are the also ran – someone that watches MSM – and believes it. You belong in the Daily Fail comments page.

Mark Beggan

Tut tut


Hatey is an intellectual baby, requiring constant adult supervision.

I’ve got his nappy and dummy-tit.

Neil in Glasgow

Just glad I’m above average in some way

Mark Beggan

The one thing that scared the goodness out of me was the the train schedule for the death camps. You could set your watch with an Auschwitz train.

Billy Carlin

You maybe want to actually use your brain cells to do some REAL research and then you will discover that WW2 and the “Death Camps” is all pure LIES as well as most other things all part of the same agenda that is going on just now. Of course you will have to hunt for the REAL TRUTH as it is blocked in most places because they do not want it to come out – just like anything else everything should be out in the open to see who IS telling the TRUTH.

Funny how most of the so-called “Death Camps” were in Germany and yet NOT one death is claimed in them any more – it is all supposed to have taken place in the few camps in Poland and even there the total ” deaths” have been revised down twice by the millions by the Polish authorities to the hundreds of thousands that did die from TYPHUS at the end of the war and AFTER while the camps were under the command of the Allies – the pictures showing the mass of bodies being pushed into huge pits are BRITISH soldiers and bulldozers but mustn’t let the FACTS get in the way of the TRUTH especially as the DEW “survivors” in their MILLIONS and their country have CREAMED over $100 billion in “compensation pensions” etc since WW2 so far while the other people also in these camps at the same time got NOTHING.

Funny how in Germany you can get jailed for asking INTELLIGENT questions or providing EVIDENCE of the Death Camp LIES such as they have done many times now with the late 80 year old Ursula Haverbeck and you can get jailed for this in many other countries as well. MILLIONS of us including me have all of the EVIDENCE of this massive LIE and it is amazing the amount of people who think that books such as The Diary Of Anne Frank is real when it has been totally exposed as made up by her father – if you believe that the owner of that house never noticed that half his house was missing when he sold it and the new owner never noticed either then you will believe anything in that book and also the “Death Camps” nonsense as well.

Michael Laing

You are sick in the head. Clear off!

The Flying Iron of Doom

He’s got the sort of possessed energy which makes me feel as though he should be telling us how drinking apple cider vinegar and sodium bicarbonate will cure our aggressive end-stage cancer, or something. Oh well, takes all sorts I suppose 🙂


Well, we know that they paid subcontractors GBP256,000 or so in the y/e 30 Sept 2023 and they reported that in Cost of Sales. In other words, it was for labor directly related to publishing articles. That would include those engaged to write the articles and tech people that put the stuff online. Cost of sales should not include anything that is purely administrative.

They have no employees and there is no sign of them having paid any employment taxes. Who does the admin and how do they get paid? A decent HMRC PAYE Auditor would have questions to which they would need answers. By keeping the employees at zero, I daresay they have avoided a PAYE Scheme, thus flying under the radar.

I have no doubt that some of those who write for the Ferret are properly classified as self-employed with respect to those earnings. I find it hard to believe that there is not one employee whose work is integral to the operation of their site. In that case, they would be properly classified as an employee. It is a long time since I practiced in the UK but my recollection is that self-employed individuals had more scope to deduct business expenses than an employee. In short, there is reasonable belief that the Ferret is part of the Black Economy (can I still call it that?)

Anton Decadent

The Herald also used The Ferret for articles. The Herald was provided with funding by the Scottish government, was the National also provided with funding? As far as I am aware neither of these media outlets have Scottish owners.

With regard to the LGBTQ stuff, when I commented under an SNP Tweet all of the people who called me a fascist etc when I asked them to define a woman worked or had worked with either children or teenagers.

Having a campaign for independence hijacked by people who do not believe in countries or borders seems rather self defeating. Having the care of our countries children and teenagers hijacked by people who do not believe in boundaries seems completely destructive.

A good article, Rev. I recently spoke to a friend about the money trail I had uncovered in my own line of work, completely unaccountable, no overseeing, a conflict of interest between who was awarding the money, who was tutoring on who deserved the money via DEI enforcement and who the money was going to, it was basically a monopolised racket. The friend replied that it was always thus and that things like that were never meant for us, the white, working class. This was exactly the term I was repeatedly presented with, “this is not for you” when I tried to get involved/build a career/profile. These people really do not like anyone being vocal about this.


“Now, we’re not Nordic crime experts and we don’t know what those graphs do or don’t prove, but anyone rubbishing the claim that immigration is linked to crime needs at a minimum to examine and explain those stats rather than just wave them away.”

This link may give some useful info.

link to

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh


« Professor Richard Dawkins has resigned from an atheism foundation after it censored an essay criticising trans ideology from a biological perspective.

« The US-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) removed a piece by distinguished biologist Jerry Coyne from its website for challenging an article by gender activist Kat Grant which argued there is no biological definition of ‘woman’.

« Prof Dawkins said FFRF’s decision to publish Grant’s “silly and unscientific” article was a “minor error of judgment”, but resigned over its removal of Coyne’s rebuttal.


« Grant had argued that it was “deeply impractical” to define womanhood on the basis of sexual and reproductive organs, the ability to conceive children, or genetics.

« Rather, the activist advocated a “gender diverse model” which “allows womanhood to be defined on internal, personal terms”. The writer, who identifies as non-binary, therefore concluded that “there is an answer to the question ‘what is a woman’”, that “A woman is whoever she says she is.”

« In response, Coyne accused Grant of rejecting “a long biological history”, conflating sex and gender, and attempting to “force ideology onto nature”.

« The Emeritus Professor of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago said that in biology “a woman can be simply defined in four words: ‘An adult human female.’”

‘Hysterical squeals’

« Coyne continued: “it is not ‘transphobic’ to accept the biological reality of binary sex and to reject concepts based on ideology”.

« Coyne said the organisation’s “incursion into gender activism” had little to do with its mission combatting the influence of religion in government and social policy.

« In his letter of resignation, Prof Dawkins described the board’s decision to retrospectively censor Coyne’s rebuttal “was an act of unseemly panic” done in response to “hysterical squeals from predictable quarters”.

« He concluded: “Moreover, to summarily take it down without even informing the author of your intention was an act of lamentable discourtesy to a member of your own Honorary Board. A Board which I now leave with regret.” »

(From The Christian Institute website, 09 Jan 2025)


The unsupported claims of misinformation remind me of the recent Bovaer scandal and the msm’s party line on it. There was, certainly, some misinformation (the links to the Gates Foundation for example are weak at best and most likely non-existent), but many of the concerns were based on the direct wording of the studies cited on Bovaer.

George Ferguson

Good investigative journalism Stu. I haven’t read any of The Ferret output and probably just as well. In general the Scottish Government are the least transparent Government in Europe. See the SICO. And behind the scenes we have many opaque funding mechanisms. The John Smith Institute that gave us the Hutchie Boys of Humza and Anas. Source of funding? Multiple outlets for taxpayers “Jobs for the Boys” . See Patrick Grady and so on. Actual performance and achievement outwith their twitter accounts is non- existent.


BBC (2025): Yousaf accuses Musk of inflaming racial tensions:

“Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s former first minister, has accused X owner Elon Musk of trying to inflame racial tensions after he posted about the murder of a Glasgow schoolboy.

Musk shared a post about the racist killing of Kriss Donald in Pollokshields in 2004 by a gang of Scottish Asian youths, saying it was the first time he had heard of the case.”:

link to


Elon Musk:

“He is super racist”:

link to


I’m just a wee local gardener (nothing special:)


My annual salary is under £12,000 (excluding expenses) –

‘Far-right’ (WTF), I’ve voted SNP most of my adult life, until…



Why is SNP shilling for Keir Starmer, lol

Sir Labour hates Scotland.


World Economic Forum: People:

Keir Starmer:

link to


BBC: Who is Humza Yousaf? The rise and fall of a former first minister:

“Humza Yousaf’s decision to leave the Scottish Parliament in 2026 brings to an end a political career that both broke the mould and ended in failure…

…his resignation in April after just 13 months in Bute House was a swift and brutal fall that left the SNP in a terrible position…

Yousaf was seen as the continuity candidate and the natural heir to Nicola Sturgeon…”:

link to



World Economic Forum: People:

Nicola Sturgeon:

link to

Mark Beggan

I’m beginning to wonder if Wokes are Scientologists in disguise

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    • Marie on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Don’t flatter yourself – you’re not best at anything. YOU are the also ran – someone that watches MSM -…Jan 9, 21:31
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Emily Burns: Terrified: I Love You, You’re The Worst: “Screamin’ out in ecstasy And breakin’ down?in?misery, ha And even?though I’m…Jan 9, 21:27
    • Confused on Eyes Full Of Beams: “cool it with the antisemitism main, lee mordechai is jewish  kudos for reading a 124page PDF in about 10 minutes…Jan 9, 21:19
    • sam on Eyes Full Of Beams: ““Now, we’re not Nordic crime experts and we don’t know what those graphs do or don’t prove, but anyone rubbishing…Jan 9, 21:17
    • sam on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “ Alexis Jay’s inquiryJan 9, 21:06
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Narcissistic: “Having too much interest in and admiration for yourself: A narcissistic personality. Narcissistic people have a hard time seeing…Jan 9, 21:02
    • Hatey McHateface on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Love you too gregor 🙂 You’ve picked your side, I’ve picked mine. Let’s not pretend it’s any more complicated than…Jan 9, 21:00
    • John K on Dreaming Of Perfection: ““…Until the human rights legislation and the ability to interfere with political processes that is baked into the UK judiciary…Jan 9, 20:44
    • Hatey McHateface on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Thanks Marie. I guess if I’m best, I need to take a step back and let somebody else have a…Jan 9, 20:39
  • A tall tale

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