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Wings Over Scotland

All The Rainbows In The Sky

Posted on September 02, 2024 by

There may, readers, be a connection between this:

and this:

But the key fact about the SNP is the same either way.

And even a blind man could see it.

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“Where we lost the majority of our seats”
Definition of majority; More than half of a total number or amount; the larger part of something.
Reality still being avoided.


There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Jeannie McCrimmon

It breaks your heart in two right enough.

Perfect choice.

Mark Beggan

I can’t stop laughing. ..

Dave Llewellyn

Someone’s been watching Eva Comrie videos to work on his speech presentation . Shame the substance is sadly lacking


From the heady days of the Glasgow Hydro to this, surely to fuck, the diehards must see the writing on the wall or online blogs, the dying embers of once a genuine civic movement to the dying embers of failure to accept the truth.


“I feel so bad, I’ve got a worried mind … ”

they will take our lives butt they will never take our dilators!!

angie constance at the end there, looking like a woman who has a fur coat made out of labrador puppies

who’s the fox in the first video (twirls moustache like terry thomas), my, how I would like to insert my love truncheon into the weeping sepsis front gash of that demure young filly


Independence killed, not by Westminster or the the Unionist parties but by the SNP. Remarkable. One wonders what future generations will think of it.
I guess for many of the careerists in the SNP the SNP disappearing into oblivion, and more importantly Independence being put on indefinite hold, is a price worth paying for their tax payer funded MP and MSP salaries and pensions. Bought and sold for English gold……

Mark Beggan

There but for the Grace of God go I.

John C

That crazy TRA should never, ever been allowed near the stage but there are no longer adults in the SNP, so he was allowed on and in one clip he showed exactly why the SNP are screwed. How on earth can we convince people independence is a normal thing that normal countries have we’ve we’ve got the party of independence centring misogynistic lunatics like the above?

But yet, the diehards in the SNP will blame everything from Westminster, to ‘Britnats’, Alex Salmond, Starmer, Sunak, the media, the weather, or anything but the complete bin fire that the party became under Sturgeon and still is today. Not that I’m eager for Labour in power at Holyrood, but right now, the SNP need to go & the only way things may change is getting them out of power at every level.

The decline started with Sturgeon. Her legacy is that guy ranting at a half empty hall while people clap because they’re too scared to laugh.


Fuck! Sturgeon has let herself go a bit eh?

Constance there, interpreting for the deaf, “keep yer heid doon & look busy. Don’t make eye contact with the thing or you’ll get that podium roond yer napper”.

God, take me now.


I just came on to say how much I love that Orbison song. One of the best 3-minutes of pop music ever recorded.

John C

From the heady days of the Glasgow Hydro to this, surely to fuck, the diehards must see the writing on the wall or online blogs, the dying embers of once a genuine civic movement to the dying embers of failure to accept the truth.

I remember the Hydro event where people were queuing up for hours and the SEC campus was jumping full of party members and activists. Yes, I was worried at the time about the cult of personality around Sturgeon, but there was every right to be optimistic.

Now, all of that is gone. Talk of how to make Scotland better for everyone and how to make peoples lives better so that nobody lives in poverty is replaced by men in wigs ranting aggressively.

It’s an absolutely crushing and completely self-imposed defeat by the SNP to have pandered to some of the worst in society at the expense of the rest of us.


@Stu First vid now marked as “Private”

John C

As for independence, it’s over as a political option for now. Nobody undecided or firmly no will vote for it if what they get is the SNP inflicting more lunacy upon people. Plus as their line now is to mirror Labour’s cuts, there’s hardly the economic situation there was a decade ago where austerity was biting, but things hadn’t declined as they have now thanks to things like Brexit, and a disastrous run of Tory PMs.

It doesn’t matter how many marches there’s going to be, until people’s lives have improved & the SNP are either broken up and replaced, or the party undergoes a cleansing akin to what Kinnock did with Labour in the 80s, then independence is over for now.

And all because Sturgeon put her ego and her mates first.


Sorry.. 2*F5s and it now shows..


Tldr: it’s over.

Ay, but there’s still joy to gained by twisting the sword of truth in traitrous entrails.

Scotland is an independent country.

Kevin Cargill

I though Mick McGahey wis deid!!


As my wee memammy used to say, “It would bring tears to a glass eye, so it would.”
Whether of laughter or despair as you survey that initial clip is, of course, up to the viewer.


It is always darkest before the dawn.

The nuSNP chose not to go for independence. They chose to promote the transcult. More, and more folk are noticing this.

There are far fewer nuSNP apologists, and far, far fewer folk willing to believe their pish. And as the nuSNP allow westmonster to steal even more of our oil, power and jobs…

And Alex Salmond hasn’t had his say, yet.

I believe Sturgeon didn’t attend conference. Says it all.

Hatey McHateface

Scotland is a song, and like any song it must be sung together!

Jawohl, Herr Sturmbannfuhrer!

Erm … we need more sopranos. Get me the shears and 5 volunteers who want their transition fast-tracked to now …


Robin McAlpine has analysed what the conference tells us about the state of the SNP. He’s not optimistic. [The link to Robin’s site is in the Wings list above, in the middle column.]

He says there is still a large group of members who believe whatever the leader says and don’t think anything more.

And the party controllers have no plan to change anything significantly.


Interestingly, despite his appearance, Roy Orbison wasn’t blind. Similarly, despite their name, it turns out the SNP weren’t an independence party.


Confused 7:15

*Buckled* LMAO!

Ian McCubbin

Sad that it’s reached this decline. I feel sorry for all who worked and volunteered in vane with this party over the last 10 years.
Only hope now is Alba, ISP and any arising independence party to take a bulk of Holyrood seats both on the list and ftp.
All those who voted Labour need to think again and put HR26 votes to true independistas m


Any hope of an alliance with SNP 1 for 2026 has just exited the building, stage left.

Now folk will see why wheesht for Indy was a completely fcktible strategy. Now they’re given a podium & a coveted spot at conference, not promoting independence or a better standard of living for all, no Siree, but TRA obedience or else while the colonisers handmaidens whoop & piss themselves laughing at that eejit thinking he’s the only one in Scotland treated like a 2nd class citizen. No doubt collecting their bets on the way home.

Imagine, if you can, a wee lassie encountering that in her safe space. Remember the T-shirts “You can pee next to me” that other runt promoted. This is it. Scotland mortified.

In independent Scotland wouldn’t have taken this pish without full public backing. These roasters don’t even have a mandate.

I hope it is over. I think we should all ignore the SNP from now on. Like Sturgeon, it only gives them the attention they crave.

As for Robin, he needs to get wise. This was a coup. There’ll no doubt be folks who think they can reverse the SNP but no way. The damage has been done. Forever.

Mark Beggan

Pass out the Cyanide capsules. Remember bite into it. Don’t swallow.


That was good.


top of the evenin to you, geri

the whole thing gives me a royston vasey vibe

link to

– remember the days when this was the “outrageous comedy of the grotesque”

tell me when we hit rock bottom


‘It’s over.’ Great song, great singer and – yes – that is for sure the one that did indeed have to be sung.

Not for Scotland. We’ve been defeated before, many times, but we never quite die.

But the song is absolutely the right one – very much so – for the SNP.

Over, and out

Young Lochinvar

Ian McCubben @9.23pm

Yes but what about those of us like me who have voted for the SNP, even as a wee party, for over 4 decades (and others more) in the simple and binding belief in Scotlands inalienable right to self determination again as an independent state, trashed on the back of control freaks, sweetie snatchers and cross dressers!

What a state of affairs..

The only slight consolation is that the winning team-ticks will eff off to Labour or who ever is todays top dog, burrow in their sucking the life out of it to ply their deviant ideologies..

Never let them back in and start from scratch again; as big Eck said the dream will never die and the dream is NOT a fast forward button to some androgynous distopian Eloi based degenerate self serving narcissist quasi so called society..

Ruby Monday

All the rainbows in the sky
Start to weep, then say goodbye
You won’t be seeing rainbows anymore

Wouldn’t that be great?

David Hannah

Tomorrow belongs to me. That’s the song the transgender wants to sing.


Scotland is a song and ye have tae sing the song I tell ye otherwise I’ll have a hissy fit and block yus oan twitter.

He’s a fuckin tube. And anybody watching that who is not politically committed is thinking ‘wtf is Mrs Doubtfire doing there?’

If anybody is left is the SNP with some balls (and I don’t mean the transcult), they should say fuck off and when you’ve done that fuck off further, and after that fuck right off and keep fuckin off for good.


If guys want to put on a dress and pretend they are a woman, well there is no law against that.
However the majority don’t have to buy and accept their delusion.
I don’t know anybody who is trans and never met one even in passing but I do know that if I met someone like him I would not be able to keep a straight face nor remain silent if he started talking lik this


Does anyone have a link to the full speech by Eilidh – is it all that hilarious?


Mission accomplished for these bastards.

Must be horrible, knowing that the great majority of the country of your birth detest the sight of you, for the rest of your life?
Swinney’s such a cowardly, untalented worm of a man; he’ll be remembered as such.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Derek says:
3 September, 2024 at 1:02 am

Does anyone have a link to the full speech by Eilidh – is it all that hilarious?

I dunno man but you’re right, it’s comedy gold which needs to be preserved so that it may be laughed at the world over for as long as our species continues to endure. Is it an old clip or is it from the conference which they’ve just had? If it’s the latter then I could probably pull it up via some furtling around, however I don’t really wanna tangle with that six-hour stream if it isn’t in there somewhere. I’ve got what remains of my sanity to think about, y’know… 🙂

John McGregor

The snpeee is a Deviant loving party


This trans person, why do they think they are second class citizens?
The law protects them, just like me, from verbal abuse, physical attack, slander and anything else they can imagine.

They can change their name by deed poll, dress how they please and roam the country as they please.

What they do want is to be the centre of attention, priority number one.
They want the world to refuse the facts on nature, biology, science, and God, if you are that way inclined.

Trans need to accept the vast majority will not call a penis a vagina and you don’t get to take your penis into the toilets or changing rooms because you found a pair of size 9 sling backs.

Good luck to them but keep out of our faces and female toilets.

Majority rules isn’t changing either!

Ken McColl

Apologies. A Dr. Who ad hominem coming in…

Don’t you think Nicola Sturgeon looks tired?


That TiM has a deep male voice and the more worked up he got the deeper and more male he became. Almost as deep as the Big O’s magnificent voice.

Mark Beggan

Recognising the signs of

. Not understanding the
difference between right and

. Not respecting the feelings
and emotions of others.

. Being callous.

. Constant lying or deception.

. Arrogance.

. Violating the rights of
others through dishonest

Remind you of anyone?


@ Confused

Heck, what strength beer goggles do you wear?
I tried a very tasty 9.9% amplified barrel aged amber rye the other week which rendered me near comatose, but there was still no way yon “lass” would motivate me to que up Roy’s Pretty Women song.

Yon “beauty” did however instigate a flashback to this.
Captain Caveman! (30 secs)

link to

Robert Hughes

John C

” or the party undergoes a cleansing akin to what Kinnock did with Labour in the 80s ”

Hmmmm , that ” cleansing ” started a straight line that led from the abject failure of Kinnock to win for Labour against the Major Grey Man – war criminal Blair’s complicity in the death of Imillion + Iraqis – the PFI aberrations – Labour’s abandonment of it’s * natural * constituency & embrace of Neoliberal Globalism to the apotheosis of snide in the contemptible personage of Deep State asset Starmer .

The SNP is beyond cleansing , John ; it’s like one of those perennial weeds , eg Ground Elder , which if even a tiny bit remains in the ground after weeding will continue to grow/spread. The way to deal with them is by blow-torch .

Coincidentally , before seeing that video of a mentally disturbed individual addressing what must be the most cowardly , self-deceiving Party Membership extant I watched a video of a school teacher in Ireland being arrested and forcibly shoved into a police van for refusing to comply with * Transgender * Ideology his employers were dictating he MUST .

That’s where ” Be Kind ” has brought us . State imposition of an insane set of ideas and judicial punishment for failure to comply .

Anyone holding-up Ireland as somewhere Scotland should aspire to emulate should seriously reconsider that thought .

Until this cancerous ideology , it’s advocates, promoters , apologists are surgically excised from our body politic there is not the slightest chance Independence will be realised ; and in the ( extremely unlikely ) event that it was , the horrors of what’s happening in Ireland would become our reality too .

Granted , that may still be the case even without Independence

Mark Beggan

Would someone please point out to Pete Wishart that he’s a prick. It’s cruel to allow him to think he’s important.

Ruby Tuesday

Well said Robert Hughes!

Gender ideology is a very serious matter not something to be dismissed as ‘bullshit’/’gender pish’ or something to make stupid sexist jokes about.

All the focus is on the SNP and the fact that every other political party in the UK is supportive of ‘gender ideology’ is forgotten.

This is no longer an issue for women to solve this involves everyone.


Just watching the latest BRICS news on the eye watering billion dollar deals between China & Saudi over oil.

& Scotland gives hers away to another country for FREE FFS!

Along with Gas.
Along with electricity.

That roaster could’ve had as many attempts at a vagina as his masochism could’ve endured on a health system with just a tiny fraction of those funds behind it.

Not to be – thanks to him & his fcking “siblings” veering SNP off course & straight down the toilet.

One way to fix this shit is to have realistic membership fees. Not the £poundshop rabble-rousers.

Ruby Tuesday

Robert Hughes

Until this cancerous ideology , it’s advocates, promoters , apologists are surgically excised from our body politic there is not the slightest chance Independence will be realised ; and in the ( extremely unlikely ) event that it was , the horrors of what’s happening in Ireland would become our reality too .

Granted , that may still be the case even without Independence

Every single political party in the UK is supportive of ‘gender ideology’ so yeah if we remain in the Union the chances of this ‘cancerous ideology’ being removed are zero.

In the event of us becoming independent where would these political parties supportive of the eradication of ‘gender ideology’ come from?

I have been repeating the same thing for about five years now which is

Repeal the GRA 2004 and make ‘women face’ a hate crime.

Only when I hear Alex Salmond, Joanna Cherry, Neale Hanvey etc uttering these words will a believe Scotland has a snowballs chance in hell of singing together in harmony.

Scotland’s song is ‘out of tune’!


Nicola and Humza wanted to change the party’s name, then change it. Spell out your not a party for Independence, your party’s new name change will reflect that your fighting for trans and LGBT+ rights, who’s got a problem with that.

To be honest for me hearing about the SNP is becoming boring the party just isn’t important anymore. I’d rather our bloggers were reporting on the progress Scotland was making towards Independence and for us as a collective force find new ways forward, I’m not reading anything more about the SNP their dead and finished and for me I wouldn’t give them a platform to speak.

James Che


Thank you for reporting on what some of us could not go to see,

I think,
I could not watch it all, was there a clicking of heels and raising hands to the sky,?

Thats a “wow” not in a manner of praise because it reminded me of someone long ago that suffered one of those manic Bi-polar spectrums.


The reality is that Nicola Sturgeon could change people wanting Independence in fact throughout the whole ten years of the SNP doing nothing for Independence, Independence has only grown and this is reflected in the opinion polls to being able to win and win big. So the dream of destroying Independence has failed so instead Nicola turned us to hating everything about the SNP and by hating the SNP she managed to stop Independence for now.

I asked the most important question and thats who are these people in this hall and what is it they want for Scotland after all its our song.

John Thomson

SNP are well and truly dead won’t even pray for them or wish that they rest in peace, as I well and truly hope everyone of them that brought us to this point get their comeuppance. On a good note Roy Orbison brilliant



Seconded on the moving forward.

Their new name should be LGBTQWERTYS2 +++ & then everyone knows exactly what they stand for. I bet the divas already tried that – they love nothing more than e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g being all about them.

Confused LOL at Babs taxi. Coming to a taxi rank near us..Jeez, that’d be banned these days.

I think we’re already there on the rock bottom front. Just some kiddie loving & shagging pets to become resolutions next & we’ll have reached Sodom & Gomorrah level.

Kate F

IF & it is a big IF, there were any decent sensible members left in the SNP that were at that conference, then surely it has to be their last. I know if I had been there, I would have walked as soon as the man in drag was given a platform.. I have absolutely nothing against people who have actually gone through the medical procedure of transitioning. But you can not just stick a wig on your head, a frock on your body, lipstick on your every manly mooch. And expect to be taken seriously by seriously honest people in the hall..

Those members still living in hope, surely must now leave that party, I was 53yrs a supporter of SNP 12 yrs a member.. I also remember how boring a man Swiney was, & how nasty he was in trying to ensure MARGO could never win her seat, by sticking her 5th on the list.. Imagine anyone, trying to get rid of MARGO from their party.. Of course the reason was, She was a true believer in Independence, HE was always a devolutionist.

Then along came Sturgeon and between the two of them they did the dirty to Alex knowing full well it was the only way to keep him out of ever coming back.. Anyone who can pay to ever listen to Swiney or all the other thick as shit people he has in his cabinet and on back benches. seriously should spend that money on THERAPY so they can recognise the difference between an INDEPENDENTISTA & a British Unionist, who is happy to see their country held in chains..



“Their new name should be LGBTQWERTYS2 +++”


ASP – Alphabet Soup Party

James Che

Alex Salmond came so close to awaking Scotland for independence,
I can see why the establishment made sure to replace him asp with all the people that wander through you nightmares to make sure that Scotland never has a vehicle for us to vote and never to get that close to success again,

Because they never expected the original SNP to break through the rigged voting system, so it had to be destroyed from within to save the union.

I am still a very tired lady this morning with just a few hours sleep behind me, but even I am awake enough to see the purpose of replacing Alex Salmond with unelectable SNP.



“I asked the most important question and thats who are these people in this hall and what is it they want for Scotland after all its our song.”

Pre approved delegates, SNP staffers, NGOs & MSPs who I’m sure would’ve been allowed 10 free tickets each for a friend.

Bought & paid for & following an American directive to keep the colonisers interests intact while ushering in endless new laws. Brexit, Trump, Corbyn, Indyref threatened their wee gig so they came up with a plan to derail any notions of change.

James Che

The one thing that the union minded people want to ensure, is that there will be no ready vehicle to use should another Alex Salmond rise again in the future.

Job done,
None of us would vote for the installed people, whom wander through all our nightmares

Ruby Tuesday

link to

Hopefully the time stamp should work if it doesn’t
Robbie “Eilidh” McIntosh starts at 34 mins in.

Robbie “Eilidh” McIntosh is a chap who freely admits that he is mentally unwell, a fetishist, & an addict

However he believes a psychiatrist can’t help him and the SNP agree.

All he needs is to be given ‘gender affirming care’.

What that means is he needs to be turned into a woman.

If you roll back to 28 mins you can listen to Emily Chung.

She says her ‘sister is trans’

She says it’s unfair that her sister who is trans doesn’t have access to the same medication as her step mother who isn’t trans.

In case of any confusion trans means her sister is a boy.


James Che

Bang on the money.

It’s a USA directive sent out to all it’s puppets to implement or else they’ll be sanctioned.


Is the person in top video a real life human or is that from a comedy sketch?


The howling TRA clip typifies why the Roy Orbison song ” It’s Over ” is so appropriate.

That howling thing is the flagship of what the SNP has become with so much else secondary. And make no mistake this scum bag colonial party have spent big bucks promoting this howling nonsense across the country. In our NHS, our Police, our Schools a fortune has been spent on introducing policies, procedures, amending buildings for joint peeing together, its been total madness, whilst public service collapses.

But the SNP still don’t get it. Whack a mole is the electorates game now. And whack a mole they will at Hollyrood 26. If these scumbags, many of whom got ejected from Westminster think they are going to saunter into Hollyrood then they have another thing coming.

It’s Over – and thank God that it is. Eradication is the only thing that will kill this cancer that is the SNP.

Dickie Tea

Miss Anne Elk.

My theory is….

Dickie Tea

The SNP displaying the fact that they simply do not understand why so many have abandoned them and their cabal of weirdos.

instead of asking the members who have blindly remained (the majority from the NicolaCanDoNoWrong corner a sensible approach would have been to ask those that left, why they left.

Then again the words “Sensible” and “SNP” do not belong in the same sentence.

James Che

Perhaps the question should Be and to ask ourselves, how do we retrieve our vehicle from the swamp without these god dam awful creatures of nightmares that have been installed.

For Scottish independence will undoubtably be returned to the beginning and continue to be stalled under this present controller conditions.

It has to be a present awareness in all of us as to why this has sabotage has been deliberately done.

Are there any ways to retrieve that vehicle with its swamp creatures… or to immediately parallel that vehicle for success?
The Sovereignty of the Scots people as a nation of people with the right to self determination, the Claim of right… and whom Westminster parliament state they never invited to join the treaty of union?
And therefore do not breach any laws of the treaty of union of Englands Great-Britain,

Scots not invited into a treaty of union as stated and up to date in 2024 by Westminster parliament themselves are not obliged to ask for, or require to seek a referendum from Westminster parliament.
And the 2014 referendum was a void question to the Scots that were never invited to join the union in the first instance.
Is that the peaceful way out, for the Scots that were never invited into the union to arrange and forge their own way forward with the right to self determination and the Claim of Right that was an Act passed by law as “Scots law” in the old parliament of Scotland.
That even Westminster has acknowledged.many times.

The case must be made by the Scots for the right of self determination from the nation and people themselves that were and are not invited into the treaty of union.that have a “Scots law” that makes them Sovereign.
Sooner or later the issue will reduce down to a question of Sovereignty.

James Che

Dickie tea,

Oh I don’t know, I think the nuSNP understand their Corporation objectives reasonably well,


They are simply not interested in independence. The destruction of the SNP had been deliberate because as stupid as they are no party sets out an agenda of self destruction and the past ten years has been just that. But would anyone really want this lot negotiating separation with the intricate logistics involved. We would be left with our underpants and a bag of chips.

Alf Baird

Willie @ 10:11 am

“Eradication is the only thing that will kill this cancer that is the SNP.”

Yes Willie, becoming part of the neocolonial racket, introducing oppressive laws and enforcing alien ideologies whilst ignoring the ’cause’ is the SNP’s undoing. As Memmi wrote: “Colonialism is a disease” and “like a cancer wants only to spread”.

Colonialism as ‘punishment’ is also “a type of fascism” which as we see has “undermined civilizations, destroyed countries, ruined nationalities, extirpated “the root of diversity””(Cesaire).

James Che


Today I am musing on the Scenario that of the Devolved Scottish governments position for negotiating on the separation of the union or for that matter re- negotiating the union, would place them in a as unlawful.

For they are devolved from Westminster parliament and actually already Breach one of the main fundamental corner stones of the 1707 treaty of union,

This places any political party in the Devolved Scottish parliament attempting Negotiations in a unlawful and illegal position.

For negotiations on the alteration to any articles of the treaty of union to be valid it would require a re- instatement of the 1707 Scottish parliament by the people of Scotland,
Westminster parliament cannot do this, as they are not the Colonial owners of the international political parliamentary treaty of union between the two parliaments of England and the parliament of Scotland,

James Che

If Scotlands old parliament made a treaty of union with the old parliament of England, Did that treaty end when the parliament of Scotland was dissolved? And supposedly the parliament of England was dissolved?

If Scotlands old parliament made a treaty of union with the old parliament of England to create the One Styled parliament of Great- Britain, that treaty in 1800 ended, whilst the old parliament of Scotland was under dissolution since 1707.
How is or was Scotland parliament able to negotiate in the treaty of union with Ireland to create the new parliament of Great- and Ireland in 1801 if it no longer existed?


That first video actually seems like a satirical vid that somebody would have made to mock the SNP’s extremist direction over the last few years. It would be labelled as unsubtle humour if it were. The fact it’s now impossible to separate fact from farce is…is…

…Fuck it.

John C

This trans person, why do they think they are second class citizens?

Because they need to be victims. It’s built into transgenderism from its very roots in the late 90s in an attempt to gain traction as well as sympathy. After all, who’d criticise poor wee victims?

Except these people aren’t victims as a whole. Transgenderism is home now to abusive men (and the odd woman) who have seen a way to get society to bend to their will, as after all, nobody wants a return to the bad old days of the 80s and 90s. Except the homophobia LGB people suffered then had been going on for centuries, and people were killed for what they are. Trans people co-opted that for themselves (just as they’ve taken women’s forms) and weaponised it.

So now we’re at the stage where an aggressive and probably very mentally ill man stands at the SNP conference demanding the ability to override medical professionals and invade womens spaces no questions asked. It’s an abusers charter.So yes, Trans people have all the same rights all of us have but they want special privileges nobody else has.

If society allows them to carry on like this we’re going to end up in a place where not just more women and girls end up as victims, not to mention feminine young boys groomed to think they’re women by abusive men, but the backlash to this is going to be a way for the far right to recruit people which sadly, is already happening in small numbers.

It’s also depressing to see supposedly liberal men and women stand back and let people like the nutter at the SNP conference speak as they think it’s ‘progressive’ even though it’s clear it isn’t.

Dorothy Devine

John C , spot on.

Dorothy Devine

I too , was reminded of Hitlers screeching speeches. I always wondered why anyone thought it was great oration.

Old John

Ein Reich, Ein Volk.
Schottland Uber Alles.
Aye, right.
Think I’ll take the advice of another handy old troubadour, Paul Simon and “Just slip out the back, Jack”

Boyce Franks

If the SNP are serious about repairing the damage they have done they need to start by emailing the tens of thousand of members of have left the party. They need to speak to them and listen.

If they don’t, they are finished.

I will never vote for them until they acknowledge that damaging Alex Salmond, Craig Murray, and WOS, was a mistake that never should have happened and deal with those who instigated it.

Mark Beggan

Hi I’m a 1707 fancy a shag. Just practicing my chat up lines.


Typical of the current SNP – to blame everyone, and everything, for the coming austerity – as the SNP announces £500 million in spending cuts.

If only the grifting b*stards that run the SNP – hadn’t sold us out on indy – we could’ve steered a better course through the cuts – by tailoring our own budgets, to our ain needs – instead of waiting to see how much of oor ain stolen monies – we’ll get back from the foreign government (Westminster) – in the foreign country of England.

“SCOTLAND’s Finance Secretary Shona Robison has announced the Scottish Government will be making £500 million of spending cuts over the next year in a bid to fill a budget black hole.
After warning the UK is facing a “whole new era of austerity”, Robison made a statement to MSPs at Holyrood this afternoon laying out in detail the severe fiscal challenges the Scottish Government is grappling with.

She said: “Prolonged Westminster austerity, the economic damage of Brexit, a global pandemic, the war in U, and the cost of living crisis have all placed enormous and growing pressure on the public finances.”

link to


It is alright for normal sensible people to laugh and point at the crazy man with the wig shouting inanities, but the reality is that these clowns are actively trolling normal people with the collusion of the Scum Nonce Party parasites, can it really be that the hierarchy BELIEVE this lunacy, is the undertaker swinney or other members of the hierarchy engaged in some nefarious sexual perversions that they are managing to hide from the general public, surely there is some evidence somewhere that these perverts are being held to ransom, or is there evidence that they are actively involved personally, when Stu and others posted Alex Coal Scuttles public sycophancy towards Beth the perv he was desperate to disassociate himself from bad publicity
It is so bad the bbc are ACTIVELY supporting and pushing drag queens over the network as if it is a normal everyday occurance

What we should be asking ourselves is HTAF do we stop this lunacy and perversion


Of course it won’t provide energy for homes- or cut bills for Scots – the stolen energy will head South be used there – however it will be subsidised by the UK taxpayer – to help out the greedy already very wealthy energy firms, which will in turn grease a few palms along the way, and donate large sums of money to political parties – that aided and abetted the theft – a theft that will continue as long as Scots allow it to – whilst oor ain government the SNP does nothing about the theft – because they too are part of the problem.

“LABOUR’S much-vaunted GB Energy will be headquartered in Aberdeen, reports say.
BBC Scotland reported on Tuesday afternoon that the new publicly owned company, which will not provide energy to people’s homes, was to be based in the Scottish city.”

link to


Good to see you back Rubes were you on the step, keep pushing the, Repeal the GRA 2004 and make ‘women face’ a hate crime.


This is why I keep popping in. Funniest thing I’ve seen in yonks. A Scotsman wearing a wig! what’s next? A Scotsman wearing a skirt? LOLZ


Lets see if they keep to their word – afterall, its the SNP we’re talking about here – and keeping their word – is not something the SNP is renowned for.

“The Scottish Government has accepted the full findings of a landmark report into gender identity services for young people.
SNP health minister Jenni Minto told MSPs on Tuesday that her government has accepted the findings of the Cass Review and would implement its recommendations.”

link to

Jason Smoothpiece

Laugh I nearly paid my TV Licence.

The man in the wig was funny and I think probably mentally unstable.

Then there’s the view of the empty hall.

They don’t get it or do they.

A heavily infiltrated party the SNP needs to be put out of its misery.

I suspect the Holyrood elections in 2026 will see an effective end to the failed and apparently corrupt party.


Scotland is a song, and like any song it must be sung together

Altogether now:


Andrew scott

Please tell me that the creature in the wig is a joke
Snp could not really give any time to this nutter



“SCOTLAND’s Finance Secretary Shona Robison has announced the Scottish Government will be making £500 million of spending cuts over the next year in a bid to fill a budget black hole.”

That’ll be the £500 million deducted by that other grifter, Bojo, for U.

Where is giveaway Kate with her abacus these days?

Hatey McHateface

@ Alf Baird says:3 September, 2024 at 11:42 am

Colonialism as ‘punishment’ is also “a type of fascism” which as we see has “undermined civilizations, destroyed countries, ruined nationalities, extirpated “the root of diversity”

Sure, Alf, and that’s why Wings BTL is never done criticising, colonialist, imperialist R, and cheering on U as it fights desperately to avoid being destroyed, ruined and extirpated.

Whoops, I may have cracked a rib there.

Cue usual pathetic suspects with bleats of Nazis, biolabs, zonalism, blah de bladdy blah.


It’s “Ros”, not “RoS”. Pay attention to how the boy fae scooby chooses to humiliate my country by denying her a capital ‘S’.

And if your usual unevidenced, plucked out of the air claim is true, then as a Scottish taxpayer I’m happy to help out U. Maybe there might be some kudos for Scotland in being seen to be sympathetic to another victim of the aggressive, colonialist oppression you’re forever gurnin about.


“It’s “Ros”, not “RoS”. Pay attention to how the boy fae scooby chooses to humiliate my country by denying her a capital ‘S’.”

There’s no S in Poltava.


“That’ll be the £500 million deducted by that other grifter, Bojo, for U.”


And then some – Sturgeon sent £67 million from Scotland alone the folk of Europe including the UK – there standards of living are set to drop dramatically – as their leaders appease the USA’s ambitions of trying to defeat R, at their/our expense – both Scholz (Germany) and Macron (France) – are/have impinged upon democracy to try and keep themselves in power – to keep the war against R alive – and to keep on backing the m-onsters committing g-en-oci-de in Pa-le-st-ine

Ruby Tuesday

Who does Robbie “Eilidh” McIntosh look like in that wig?

Is it Zachary ‘Emily’ Bridges?

Annual British Youth Parliament Debate, Public Transportation 2015

Do we have a speaker from Scotland asks John Bercow?

Yes we do at 8 mins in

link to

He was a bit ‘chesty’ in 2015!

Hatey McHateface

The boy fae scooby trying to explain away the first “g-en-oci-de” in the entire history of the world that stops every day to vaccinate the kids of the so called victims.

And what’s this, a capital ‘P’? Respect paid to them, their non-existent country’s name gets capitalised, but no respect for Scotland. We’re a real country too, or at least we used to be, before the SNP took us down. We’re still not a shithole of tunnel-dwelling rapists, kidnappers, torturers and murderers of helpless captives.

Naw, to the boy fae scooby, we’re just “scotland”, the home of House Jocks and Shitty Scots, because we won’t support his deranged agenda.


“The boy fae scooby trying to explain away the first “g-en-oci-de” in the entire history of the world that stops every day to vaccinate the kids of the so called victims.”

Jeez you’re as thick as shit. Pig pharma will be making an absolute fortune from a pretendy vaccine program the Yanks have every intention of helping to eradicate later. Colonising chums stick together.

I’d wanna know, by an independent lab, what exactly is in those vaccines. It could be absolutely feck all but saline solution.

Just ask Africa. They’ve made an absolute fortune testing on them for decades with feck all compo when folks drop like flies.

Hatey McHateface

@Geri & the Piss Takers

As me late, dear, departed maw used to say, you’re a tonic.

But still, the 64 thousand dollar question remains unanswered:

WTAF is wrong with you?


Not swallowing your pish day after day.

The whole wide world is well aware of whose fault U is.
They’re also well aware Yahoo couldn’t give a shiny shite for hostages. The Hannibal directive – he’d shoot them himself if he could..opps, he did, at a concert would you believe along with a mansion housing soldiers.

That’s everyone except you, ya duffer. So what’s your excuse for spreading fake news day after day? The only reason I respond is cause you shouldn’t be spreading yer fake toxic shit on here. Maybe fck off to Facebook or something…

Lorna Campbell

Ruby: spot on. Repeal of the GRA 2004.

John c: also spot on.

Twathater: I believe that there are people in positions of power who do actually support this stuff. They are into it themselves. PIE got plenty of support in parliament from those who were into it. Sex and sadism go hand in-hand for some. Others are plain evil and disruptive, and they get their kicks from trying to destroy sociaetal structures. Never before, except, perhaps, in Ancient Rome, has there been a time when sadists, psychopths, narcissists and varied mentally-ill people been so prevalent and openly, aggressively in your face. Some very wealthy people have a finger in this particular PIE, while others are into woman-hating and woman face. The may have different types of sexualties, but they are the same under the skin – exploiters driven by lust. That they all seem to deny the sexual aspect of their conversion to womanliness or the pursuit of those unable to consent, but they lie.

I would love to say that this is totally down to Westminster and Whitehall, but, sorry, much of it is entirely home-grown. We, too, have our share of perverts and deviants. As Ruby says quite correctly, independence per se will not get rid of this stuff. I, too, have been saying that for years now. We would only bring it with us into an independent Scotland.


The latest in the mad, crazy world of Trans.

link to

Two OnlyFans models have been accused of pretending to be trans women to make money on the platform.

The adult content creators, who go by ‘SillyLilyTS,’ went viral after they published a video on X captioned, ‘Just two boys being silly,’ alongside a trans flag.

The video prompted hundreds of responses from X users who claimed the visible bulge on the models’ video was actually a sex toy, and accused them of mocking transgender women.

One comment read: ‘pretending to be trans to grift while also being transphobic is so embarrassing.’
‘The lack of self awareness here is embarrassing. Women pretending to be men pretending to be women.’

Robert Hughes

Highly intelligent experts-in-their-fields , eg John Mearsheimer , Jeffrey Sachs , Col Doug MacGregor , have all stated R has not now nor ever has had any desire/intention of taking-over U let alone any other country .

The absurd fantasy of an intention to recreate the Soviet Union is the type of cretinous propaganda only a cretin would believe and only a nasty little propagandist would attempt to pass-off as reality .

Everything myself and others predicted would happen in this totally avoidable catastrophe has happened .

Another country in ruins as a result of making the fatal mistake of thinking the US War Machine gave an iota of fuck about it other than how it could be manipulated to serve the interest of the vastly profitable Forever War


“The whole wide world is well aware of whose fault U is.”

Vladimir Vladimirovich’s, obviously.
Hatey is spot on – I am a long time reader (never commented tho) and was puzzled by BTL commenters who bemoaned colonial status of Scotland and at the same time showed, to put it mildly, a distinct lack of sympathy for U as it defended itself from a re-colonization attempt by its nasty imperialist neighbor. As someone who grew up in 1960s-70s in former Czechoslovakia I do not wish any country to suffer invasion of “liberators” from Moscow and “positive changes” they bring. Vladimir V.’s and Brezhnev’s regimes are the same old R shit, IMHO.


“The boy fae scooby trying to explain away the first “g-en-oci-de””

Also there’s no S in Mongolia.

“Neither R nor U are signatories to the Rome Statute, the 1998 agreement that established the court. U’s parliament ratified the statute last month, but included a clause stating that it would not recognize the court’s jurisdiction over cases involving U nationals.”

Graf Midgehunter

Hatey McHateface says:at 8:56 pm

“Geri & the Piss Takers

As me late, dear, departed maw used to say, you’re a tonic.”
And you’re verGIN on insanity…

Have one on me ya Britnat loser.

Mark Beggan

Thoughts for today and other things,

The gender benders are the wokes nemesis.

Shona ‘pig in knickers’ Robison, ditched by Noddy Hosie the arse wipe and didn’t quite get over it, has today put the final nail in her career. She can always fall back on her Mickey Mouse degree. Only joking. Would you allow this swine anywhere near your family.

Bet the Useless stain on humanity will retire before the election. Claiming racism as his reason. Too many white folk in a white mans nation. Just isn’t fair.

The back door of the Scottish parliament needs slammed shut, preferably in the faces of the green disease.

Even the Ya Ya media admits, in their ignorance and arrogance that Wee cranky is an idiot. It must be hard to admit that you worshipped a sociopath for over a decade.

Me thinks the next Scottish government, whoever they are, are going to reap the seeds sown by the idiot and her he/she/it disciples. Just try and convince the Scots now. Looking forward to this one. A change in government ain’t gonna change a damm thing. The damage maybe irreversible.


New wee hing ah wrote recently aboot real Scottish women fae when this country hudnae loast its mind, it least politically:

link to


Scotland would win an independence referendum.

England has been heading towards Fascism since Blair, Cameron, Mayhem, Bojo, Truss, Sunak & now Starmer…each & every single one more unhinged & draconian than their predecessor & each & every one hailing in more powers they don’t see the need to bring to parliament but will just rubber stamp in a “Here’s one I made earlier” & a compliant media asleep at the wheel.

That’s why the want alternative media censored or shut down cause it’s been left to them to uncover their shady deeds.

Also, little England is toast. Piss poor, a Billy no mates at home & abroad, austerity & fake anti semitism on the fcking brain & their only answer to everything.

It won’t ever recover for its role meddling in U either. From attacks on civilians to trying to start another Chernobyl disaster. Not to mention the shit in Iran. It’ll be banished off the world stage for good when the UN is forced to either clean up it’s act or be completely replaced.

Just cause the SNP has been infiltrated doesn’t mean Indy is dead. The entire UK is shit & all the shit stems from Engurlud. A one party state as Sir Kid Starver demonstrates perfectly.


Perhaps the real clue to what’s gone wrong for the SNP is in the statement “…We’ve lost the majority of our seats.” No, folks, no you haven’t. They’re not YOUR seats. They don’t belong to you, they belong to the electors, and they’ve taken back what you’ve failed to look after in their name. See where I’m going with this?

Ruby Wednesday


Just cause the SNP has been infiltrated doesn’t mean Indy is dead. The entire UK is shit & all the shit stems from Engurlud. A one party state as Sir Kid Starver demonstrates perfectly

It’s England today yesterday it was America!

Might be time to face up to what’s happening in Scotland.

As it stands Scotland is way ahead of England vis a vis the very destructive ‘gender ideology’ ‘denial of freedom of speech’ and ‘hate crime legislation’.

Scotland has prepared the route for Starmer and his ‘one party state’

Indy is dead it was been destroyed just like trust in politicians, the NHS and the police.

Time to focus on Scotland.

George Ferguson

The latest Electoral Polling which inputs all polling results shows a hung parliament with Scottish Labour now 19 seats short of an overall majority up from 17 seats short. The reality of UK Labour Government already but the SNP are not the main beneficiary. Smaller parties are gaining projected seats. Reform up 8 seats, Lib Dems up 3 and Alba set to get 1 seat. Direction of travel shows a movement towards these smaller parties. For Example Reform now 9% of the Regional vote ahead of the Greens on 8%. Alba up from 1.65% to 5% hence their one seat. Perhaps a rainbow parliament incoming, in the real sense of the expression.

Ruby Wednesday

Didn’t Thatcher think she could make Scotland a testing ground for the poll tax but thanks to Tommy Sheridan and a wide awake Scottish electorate didn’t get away with it.

It looks as if the SNP have made Scotland a testing ground for gender reform, hate crime legislation & denial of freedom of speech.

This has been very helpful for Starmer.

It looks as if the result of this particular test is you can get away with anything in Scotland.

Scotland is ready for fascism. Totally docile and accepting of everything no matter how insane.

Ruby Wednesday

George Ferguson
4 September, 2024 at 7:31 am

The latest Electoral Polling which inputs all polling results shows a hung parliament with Scottish Labour now 19 seats short of an overall majority up from 17 seats short. The reality of UK Labour Government already but the SNP are not the main beneficiary. Smaller parties are gaining projected seats. Reform up 8 seats, Lib Dems up 3 and Alba set to get 1 seat. Direction of travel shows a movement towards these smaller parties. For Example Reform now 9% of the Regional vote ahead of the Greens on 8%. Alba up from 1.65% to 5% hence their one seat. Perhaps a rainbow parliament incoming, in the real sense of the expression.

Rainbow parliament!

You think you are funny George? 🙂

All the rainbows in the sky
Start to weep, then say goodbye
You won’t be seeing rainbows anymore

Nothing ‘rainbow’ about that lot (except in the new and updated sense of the word) It’s a 99% Unionist rainbow supporting set up.

Who are the 50% of independence supporters voting for?


George Ferguson @ 07.31.

Seems as if the D’Hondt closed list system may possibly be fulfilling the original design of messrs Dewar and Blair if these projections are anywhere near accurate come 2026.
The closed list affording patronage and control within the major players and the divisive combination of “checks & balances” brought in by the proportioning of the vote achieving the desired result of an expensive talking shop.


SVEN 08:36

TALKING SHOP was planned, talking shop was achieved.
The SNP when in command should have changed the system to a form a proportional representation whether London liked that or not.
When the SNP was in command….long sigh.

George Ferguson

link to

@Sven 8:36am
Indeed about our electoral system. The above link is for wingers to monitor themselves. The latest weighted poll was before the pre-budget statement in Holyrood yesterday. It is amazing to me that Reform are polling at 9% without any significant Scottish specific policies. Does reveal though what the public think of incumbents at Holyrood.


The issue with the SNP is that when it had power it failed to use it to advance the constitutional demise of the British state.
Instead of «subversion” it made the devolution system work.
Who benefits, who wins?


Things just get worse, scotgov has fully accepted the Cass recommendations … and is ALLOWING GPs to dish out wrong sex hormones on request, while puberty blockers will also be allowed if required. Fkn barstewards! The NHS is on its knees financially, menopausal women can’t access HRT and SNP does THIS. I hate them will all my might along with transvestites and transsexuals. Perverts the lot of them. Rant over!


Polling is rigged.

It pushes a desired outcome. Reform, if figures are correct, will be replacing the yoon vote & probably reflecting the right wing views of our new inmates who are still being bussed in.

Vivian O’Blivion

D’Hondt is not inherently skewed towards delivering sinecured places for the apparatchiks of the mainstream parties. Rather than blame D’Hondt for the anaemic state of representative democracy, we should consider less dramatic but nonetheless insidious, means of technical control put in place by agents of the Permanent State.

Remember, the high point in true, proportional representation at Holyrood was 2003 with eight MSPs outwith the five establishment parties..
You don’t have to support the political platforms put forward by non-establishment individuals or parties to support the general principle that a multitude of voices enhances debate. By design, we are left with slightly different flavours of our managerial class endorsed, bland menu.
The fall of the Scottish Socialist Party was the result of various factors, but their political posters at election time were a feature of our streets. The ability of the SSP to harness the enthusiasm of their support and promote their message through poster campaigns will have played a significant part in their returning six MSPs in 2003. By the 2007 election, Margo MacDonald would be the only independent voice at Holyrood. As of the 2016 election, Holyrood was reduced to the five establishment parties
This display of “populism” was intolerable to our managerial class. By the 2016 election, 32 out of 36 Scottish councils has established by-laws prohibiting election posters on council owned street furniture.
The four “hold-out” councils continue to allow election posters on street furniture, proving that any perceived “littering” issue can be managed rather than resorting to prohibition. It’s no coincidence that all four councils are rural and are substantially populated by independent councillors, free from the admonishments of any party head office.
This is the enabling mechanism that has engineered a “career path” for middle class humanities graduates (something with Politics in the title) to monopolise salaried positions at Holyrood.
If we are looking for a locus directing this planned degradation of true, vibrant democracy, we need look no further than the John Smith Centre. Behind disingenuous platitudes about “trust” and “diversification” this front for Thames House, uses internships focused on minority identity groups deemed deserving of promotion beyond any actual, proportional distribution they have in society (LGBTQ+ and BAME, but never Working Class), to mentor and network individuals into a career path that runs from office worker to researcher to SPAD to elected representative.


Have to say that I don’t think sitting on our arses reflecting on polling figures is a particularly useful modus for furthering the cause of returning Scotland to self-governing status.

What would be more useful is actually concentrating on developing policies that would resonate with the significant number of our electorate which the polls do show are totes scunnered with the current political system and looking for some kind of change.

Only someone with their head buried in the sand, or not actually wanting to improve matters, can’t have picked up the vibe on the ground across the locales of our society that another way of doing things is well worth a serious punt.
All mainstream political Parties are effectively captured by the Establishment and packed with agents, careerists, lunatics, and wannabes.
Just look at all the time these politicians spend in the thrall of influencing organisations external to Scotland rather than concentrating their time on actually representing the views and addressing the needs of their respective electorates.

Alf Baird

TURABDIN @ 10:23 am

“The issue with the SNP is that when it had power it failed to use it to advance the constitutional demise of the British state.”

Exactly that. The SNP inaction reflects the fact the dominant party ideology is neoliberal, not nationalist. Nationalists in colonial countries only have one purpose – to liberate the people. The SNP neoliberals opted instead to become part of the colonial racket, further enslaving the people.

Which explains why the independence movement are now dumping them and their mankit colonial government.

Anne Johnston

There’s nobody that touches the Rev …As soon as I saw the article title,I knew what he meant . .
It’s Over.


BBC, labour and. Conservative all going “hell for leather” on a single message. All cuts are the responsibility of the SNP mismanagement.

Guess the polis will go for mismanagement of anp funds

Ruby Wednesday

4 September, 2024 at 11:19 am

Have to say that I don’t think sitting on our arses reflecting on polling figures is a particularly useful modus for furthering the cause of returning Scotland to self-governing status.

What would be more useful is actually concentrating on developing policies

You said yesterday we shouldn’t be sitting around talking about past events and today you are saying we shouldn’t be reflecting on polling figures but spending our time developing policies.
I don’t think your average voter & BTl commenter has the necessary info or expertise to develop policies.

I reckon you will always be disappointed with what is posted BTL on Wings.

BTW I did develop a very simple policy which is

Repeal the GRA and make ‘woman face’ a hate crime.

It’s the best I can do but sadly you weren’t happy with ‘my policy suggestion’.

I think you actually said we shouldn’t be sitting around talking about ‘gender pish’.

As I said earlier most people don’t have enough information to develop policies. For example I don’t know the cost in financial terms for the NHS carrying out ‘gender affirming care’ (making men into women) but I reckon it could be substantial.

Anton Decadent

With regard to ideological capture I had an interesting informal conversation about a year ago with someone who advises the likes of Creative Scotland on which sections of the demographic are deserving of funding and which are not. They told me that my being sidelined for funding after over a decade of applications was because I am now vocal about the monopolisation of funding amongst certain groups. So I did not get any money over the last decade and a half of applications because over the last couple I have been vocal about where it is repeatedly going, makes sense. When I brought up the subject of Govanhill and the image of it which is being portrayed within the creative sector in comparison to my own lived experience they told me that I am having unprovoked attacks carried out against me in the area because incomers can sense that I am hostile towards them so are carrying out pre emptive attacks against me in self defence before I can attack them. That these attacks are being made without a word passing or even eye contact between us made no difference to this persons opinion.

This person did not originate from Scotland or even England, Ireland or Wales but was advising on who and where Scotlands money went in its creative sectors.


The B-52’s called.
They want their wig back.

Brian McKaig

Remember when Branchform first started and the accusations that the SNP had been infiltrated by MI5/6? Then the subsequent complaints that Branchform was hurting the General Election campaign. Well guess what – what’s hurting the SNP most of all is that it’s been infiltrated by these Trans idiots and their ideology. These people have been looking for a “home” and found it in the SNP. The SNP in turn were desperate for the adulation and high membership so didn’t see it coming. Their voice is now hugely influential and with falling numbers they darent kick them out. Look they have a right to follow their chosen lifestyle but the rest of us don’t want to hear about and we don’t want it to be treated like some mainstream problem facing us all.

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