28 Vows Later
We pondered long and hard over how best to analyse Scottish Labour’s bewildering, oh-my-God-they’re-really-calling-it-that “Vow Plus” fiasco from yesterday, readers.
We contemplated noting the absurdity of Gordon Brown being its frontman when he’s not standing in May and won’t be in Parliament to deliver it. We considered a forensic deconstruction showing how it’s just the same old reheated, uncosted rubbish they’ve been waffling around for the past years.
(“Give Holyrood control of housing benefit, separating it out from the rest of the UK’s Universal Credit by mumble mumble! Increase pensions using the extra cash freed up by mumble mumble! Devolve workfare, which somehow magically ‘creates jobs’ by mumble mumble! Pretend we just said ‘1000 nurses’ all along, not the demented ‘1000 more than anything the SNP say’!”)
We thought about pointing out all the comical flapping the party’s done around its devolution proposals, presenting the weary and confused Scottish people with feeble, grudging, underwhelming plan after feeble, grudging, underwhelming plan – at least five different ones since 2009 – and resentfully upping the offer by the bare minimum they think they can get away with every time.
And we wondered if it was worth drawing attention to the fact that the latest effort is actually basically the Strathclyde Commission blueprint from the Conservatives with a red sticker hastily slapped on it.
But in the end, the truth is a lot simpler than that.
“Vow Plus” is designed to persuade people into voting Labour, but it’s a singularly useless device for achieving that aim, for one blindingly obvious reason:
Whatever Labour are prepared to offer now, it stands to reason that they’d also be prepared to concede the same, at a minimum, in return for SNP backing at Westminster if they needed it.
Think about it. Instead of voting Labour, people could vote SNP and get all the same things and more. Labour could hardly turn around in negotiations and say “Look, we’re taking our own proposals off the table”, but a large block of SNP MPs could demand others, or rule out those they thought would be to Scotland’s detriment.
For the large percentage of the electorate that wants more powers for Holyrood, an SNP vote is a no-lose vote. If they’re dependent on SNP support, Labour’s manifesto is basically a starting position. If Labour get a Commons majority by themselves, they can backtrack on as much of it as they like.
We already know that an SNP vote can’t let the Tories in. So absolutely nothing’s changed about the position as it stood before “Vow Plus”. Scots can still either help Labour win in the UK – at which point Labour can safely ignore Scotland in order not to outrage the English – or they can elect a large block of non-Labour MPs who can effectively hold Westminster to ransom and defend Scottish interests.
The details of “Vow Plus” are a complete red herring. Whatever’s in it can be delivered whether Scots votes Labour or SNP, and the latter guarantees it much more surely than the former. Scotland simply doesn’t need Labour MPs. It can either put its trust in Ed Miliband, or it can give itself some insurance.
I thought the BBC’s political editors analysis of Vow+ on their website was a new low for the BBC in factual coverage and analysis. Puzzling, as I thought we were already bumping along the bottom – but I was wrong.
Light bulb moment, but can you get the f’n message across without the msm?
Of course the other tricky thing is those pesky No voters don’t want any new powers in the first place so well who is this really going to convince, it may well put the dihard unionists off voting lab,
It’s all padding out rather nicely I think. 🙂
Really wicked trolling of England and rUK by Gordon Brown, the Midnight Vowboy. They all seem to be huffing and puffing like this guy:
“Hard-pressed families in my constituency should not be paying taxes to subsidise higher levels of public spending in Scotland”
Peter Bone MP for Wellingborough, Northamptonshire.
Yes, the ‘subsidy jockie’ lie gets another airing. Never a mention that we pay in more than we get out of Westminster.
There’s supposed to be a comma after “well” (just in case)
Labour’s one trick pony in the form of Gordon Brown already played THE VOW card once. It was proven impotent. Who will believe the feckless failure a second time? A busted flush. Time to put the old nag and his one card trick out to retirement. Better still the knackered yard
I watched this mockery on the news tonight and I wondered to myself how can Saint Brown & Saint Murphy actually think no-one would notice it was just a few weeks back they were shouting the “VOW” had been delivered, all the tory parties, red, yellow & blue were so-called screaming about how great it was for Scotland.
What is next, (VOW the return – part three), (Home Rule with attitude), (DEVO the nearly MAX), (MAD MAX INDY light). Their is na-dout the red tories are shitting their breeks and the stink will be running round the bbc and the rest of the MSM as they try to spin the positive oot of that pile of crap.
David @ 12.58 loving the Midnight Vowboy, very appropriate!
Everybodys talking at me….
@Davy – we are on a movie theme here – Mad Max Indy Thunderdome, and appropriately enough, its got that Scottish great, WillMel Wallace
This is going to play very badly for Labour in England, surely they could have thought of some anti-SNP wheeze that would not blow-back on them South of the boarder? The Smurph and Crash Gordon may be putting the final nails in the coffin for hopes of a minority Milliband government. Best thing for them to do is hide for the next 12 weeks?
That’s it then?…
We can all go and have a nice wee lie doon.
Broon’s Vow+ to save the Union and Scotland.
Might as well get into your bunker Labour,’cause there’s no way back from this fiasco.
How is auntie EBC going to portray this oncoming car crash scenario in May?.
When do you think SLAB will be offering full independence – Vow super plus mega plus plus.
5th of May?
This is going to be fun.
New Movie.
“The Life of Brown”
Gordon:”I am Spartacus!”
Chorus:”No you’re not, you’re a very naughty boy!”
Paraphrasing someone or other.
Wad some power the Giftie gie us
Tae see oor shills as ithers plee us?
To Valerie and everyone else, if you want a good laugh it’s well worth going on Twitter and searching for these two hashtag topics:
The first one especially just exploded in popularity tonight, with people ripping the pi$h out of Labour’s ‘Vow’ strategy.
I only hope that the mocking of Labour lies spreads to those who don’t use computers, ensuring that their vote share goes down in May. I want to see a large enough swing to SNP that Douglas Alexander gets kicked out of Paisley South.
I think the BBC will stoop a lot lower in the coming months. They have nothing to lose as all pretence as an impartial commentator has been thrown away.
I wish the SNP would just boycott the BBC altogether and just appear on STV as much as possible.
The BBC would find it difficult to hold the Scottish Government to account if they did not turn up for any interviews.
Ironically, BBC London gives the SNP a marginally fairer coverage.
Complete contempt for PQ – March demo still on?
Thanks for that David, very witty stuff.
Will tweet my poor effort.
@david – weeping with laughter – if nothing else we will have more fun in this election link to twitter.com
Instead of voting Labour, people could vote SNP and get all the same things and more.
But will voters know it?
After all, they have drummed into them day in, day out, exactly the opposite. A vote for the SNP is a dangerous vote and will harm Scotland, England, and the Isle of Man.
jon voight midnight cowboy ,gordon brown midnight vow boy not sure which one prostituted themselves the most
We started out with a clear YES/NO referendum and with the power to decide our fate in our own hands. Somehow we ended up, post-Vow, with hands full only of vague promises watching passively as our future is decided in negotiations behind closed doors and ultimately by the Westminster parliament.
That is an astonishing subversion of democracy. I mean, can you imagine what would have happened if NO had been polling comfortably and Alex Salmond had tried to change the terms of the referendum at the 11th hour so that YES would now mean devo max not independence? He’d have been hung, drawn and quartered.
You’d think the perps would have the good grace to be ashamed of themselves. You’d hope they’d gaze at gaunt, guilty faces in the mirror each morning and experience bone-chilling spasms of disgrace and self-loathing.
But no. They seem to think it was a wonderful idea. A cunning plan good enough to wheel out a second time in the general election.
The big problem with that is that nobody really wants the limited set of powers being offered.
YES voters don’t, obviously. They want all the powers. Maybe some could be talked into genuine devo max.
Many (most?) NO voters would have liked to continue with the status quo and didn’t want any extra powers at all. You can also put all the Westminster parties in this category. None of them believed in more devolution; they just felt compelled to offer it.
That leaves NO voters who were persuaded by The Vow. Since it was presented as something akin to devo max, it’s probably fair to say that many of them feel conned now. What they were led to believe they were voting for is not what will be offered.
So nobody wants it – not even labour – and yet here we are again. Give the natives some more beads and mirrors and keep them happy. That’s not a carefully thought-out, long-term, constitutional solution. It’s just more bad government for Scotland – and the UK – designed to shut us up and keep voting labour.
Is anybody really going to fall for that?
Acrockashits Vow
The Labour train wreck has hit its buffers.
The reconstruction of the Bitter Together/ProJECT Fear Team behind Jim’ll Fix Murphy has nothing left to say but retreads of all negative campaign – and lie after lie.
It’s Sumo Yori Kiri – a full frontal push out of the SNP; out of the headlines, gratis MSM as Jim hogs unbelievable headlines of undeliverable false promises, a push out of debate by sheer tribal assertion that anything but a Labour vote will result in a Tory landslide; a pushing out and torrent of vindictive and vituperative personal attacks on SNP in Holyrood.
They seek to unbalance and skew the public, the electorate – but now only have blunted retreads of the referendum arguments, assertions and lies.
Every one exposed as a sham.
Simply pointing out their fallaciousness is the best way I believe for SLAB to overbalance its self and commit public Hari Kiri.
“A Vow Too Far”
“I Know What You Vowed Last Summer”
They should do what they do best and abstain
Vowero rocher
link to youtube.com
Chic, thanks. The thing is that I may have been the first to think of that title, but at least 2 other people have since also thought of it! For me, that highlights a major strength of the movement for a better Scotland, that we have strength in numbers now, and we can back each other up.
Now we need these numbers to take a break from totally owning the interweb, and get out on the streets and repeat the Indyref task of simply talking to people. We must show the undecideds the truths that they are not getting from the BBC or from the newspapers.
Personally, I hope the Rev Stu can be persuaded to write a ‘Wee Blue Westminster Book’, with perhaps one page for each constituency, detailing the faults of the unionist candidates, their voting records, expenses claimed, attendance %-ages, etc. Food for thought for the undecideds.
[…] 28 Vows Later […]
I think we can safely say Labour’s woeful Bedroom Tax phishing site is looking a bit sorry at the moment- if that provides a brief moment of mirthful respite.
Is it possible that labour know they’re screwed in Scotland and are sabotaging their own campaign in England so the Tories get in, with a large number of SNP MP’s in Scotland. Meaning they can go to the electorate with ‘evidence’ that voting in large numbers for the SNP ‘let the Tories in’??
Playing the long game to fabricate nonsense against the SNP and ‘win back’ Scotland as the party to beat the Tories
Maybe I credit them with too much intelligence
The 2 issues are:
1) BBC Scotland’s seeming inability to question British
Nationalist narratives: even if easily-checked facts
are fantastical in nature.
2) Lack of a mature, rational and honest explanation of
Scotland’s income and expenditure. This is political in
origin, but supported by our national media.
This allows vapour ware like VOW 1.0 + 2.0 to be presented by as largesse to the Scots, when there is actually little of real money or power in the course of being transferred of course. The ‘Barnett Formula’ this time, like the previous ‘Mansion Tax’ for Murphy’s 1000 nurses, being the actual ‘no change in previous funding plans’ glorious reservoir of these these astonishing new offers.
This aside…we need to watch the Scottish Parliament. Smith failed to enshrine it…the Commission’s fine words in that direction are rightly seen as political posturing and void of the legal safeguards envisaged. This matters, because having lost the Scottish Parliament, the British Labour Party will at the first opportunity seek to strip powers off to local councils and regional authorities, to weaken the status of the Parliament.
Westminister should not have the right to distribute devolved powers from the Scottish Parliament to wherever it thinks is more politically advantageous. Nor should London Labour assume they have the right to ‘create an additional 1000 nurses’ in a devolved Scottish NHS.
The strategy of Labour seems clearly to be to interfere with the current responsibilities and powers of Holyrood for their own benefit, as soon as is practically possible.
To continue:
A VOW aday, keeps the Murphy away.
A VOW in time, saves using another nine.
You VOW me VOW everyone VOWs.
I’ve come for my VOW, pilgrim.
Did I use five VOWs or six, do you feel lucky punk.
Just like buses, you wait for ages for a VOW and two come along together.
How many VOWs does it take to screw in a lightbulb ?
For the VOW, Harry and ST George, “retreat”.
Dear Santa, all I want for xmas is a brand new VOW.
PS, make it a pink one please, please, please.
signed JiM ‘I’ve been a good boy’ Murrphy.
Dr Vow
From rUK with Love
You Only Vow Twice
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Lying is Forever
Lie and Yet Vow
The Man with the Gordon Brown
The Spy Who Loved Murph
Never Say Never Again
For Your Ears Only
A Vow To A Shill
The Living Lowlifes
Licence to Vow
Tomorrow Never Delivers
The Vow Is Not Enough
Lie Another Day
Cashinon Loyale
Quantum of Polling
“Yesh, Moneypenny, Blowhard will deploy Odd Jim and his evil BBC henchmen, but they’re mistaken if they think they’ve got Pussy Galore – our intelligence says Labour only have about 7,000-odd fannies working for them.”
We amigos vow home rule devo max as near as federalism as possible. Then supplies control over road signs.
Now the vow+ does that meane we get to choose the colours for the road signs too. You wee beauty. Gie us mair. Gie us mair.
Eejit’s got a roo loose in his top paddock.
Oohhh….Vow plus??
I thought the red cross thingy was a sticking plaster!
Don’t forget the old fav the vow flew over the cuckoos nest.As it us a uk election MSM knows it’s fighting in two fronts.Todays Sun rips the arse out if the vow and says exactly what it is a big pile of nothing
Not a penny of Scottish resources will be diverted from the London coffers.
Oh, they’ve got to be kidding. VOW+?
They’ve spent four years delivering nothing but misery whilst ‘representing’ our interests in Westminster. They spent the last two of those working hand in glove with the Tories to undermine Scottish independence denigrating their own constituencies and othering half the electorate. Now these useless articles expect our vote in exchange for the rehashed Scotland act, some un-costed, unplanned, undeliverable suggestions plus control over the absolutely vital power of road signage.
The capper of course being their delivery system of choice – Gordon Brown. A man who personally guaranteed delivery of near federalism, home rule no less, only to bail on his job and his electorate at the first opportunity.
FFS, insulting seems inadequate.
Who would have believed that the Politics of Britain would eventually end up in this position on day of Referendum result? Probably no-one.
This is the flipside of the coin for the Unionists. They wanted Scotland to remain part of the Union, well, they got that. What they didn’t expect, or want, was the Yes ideology to manifest itself into the very heart of the House of Commons itself, and to possibly be in government for the entire UK! No wonder Unionists are panicking. Should the English electorate waken up to what the Scots were really advocating during the referendum, then a few MP’s who thought themselves always safe in their wee seat will begin to feel a bit uncomfortable as questions about what is morally and ethically right are put to them.
It’s actually a curious thing this …wondering how it is all eventually going to turn out. Will the SNP hold the balance of power? Will they form a coalition? Will it begin the REAL steps towards indy-lite …or even the beginnings of the breakup of the UK as the SE of England really do have a hissy-fit and demand separation, since the thought of being ruled by Scottish Nationalists will be a step too far for them?
Who knows …but it’s interesting trying to second guess the outcome.
What happens if Vow+ fails to make traction in the minds of the Scottish electorate?
Do we then get Vow Super+.
Or Vow GTI Turbo?
Perhaps VowTastic?
Poor Jim
Not big enough, not respected enough and without enough sway with the electorate to deliver the message himself, he has to step aside and let Gordy take centre stage once more. The honeymoon coming to an end then Jamesie?
Slab. So big it needs two leaders.
1.6 million folk voted for independence.How many of them will turn out to vote in May? That’s up to us.
This is hilarious.
Not one of these idiots is giving the Scottish people credit for being able to see through it all…..
What’s next, ” the vow 3 “??? ” Return of the vow” “the vow strikes back”???
As Stu eloquently puts it a vote for SNP is the best no loose option on the ballot paper.
BBC have finally gone loony. Wall to wall Brent decommissioning. I wonder why?
They are so obvious. We are so accepting. Do not pay for their propaganda.
My suggested movie title: Labour can string this out into a trilogy, at least:
The Vow
followed by:
The Vow Reloaded
The Vow Revolution
It’s a trilogy about living in an artificial reality where Labour politicians are actually on the side of the poor, and live up to their promises…
…nah, hang on, that’s waaaaayyyy to far fetched!
Labour have no hope of outbidding the SNP, so perhaps they are trying to boost their vote by attracting Tories with their Lord Strathclyde Committee rip off.
OK, so Labour want to fight this election based on who’s going to deliver more for Scotland. Does that mean the SNP can stand on a platform of delivering FFA/Devo Max/Home Rule and the Westminster parties will recognise a majority in Scotland for any party as a majority in favour of that outcome?
The danger we face here is that labour’s 650th accounting unit are releasing policy after policy… all absolute tripe they are so far from delivering and yet with the largely uncritical Scottish Branch’s of MSM it is constantly punted.
When was the last time Nicola was given this oxygen of publicity? The anti-fracking moratorium was played down to the extent that there will be members of the public who do not know who was responsible for the move.
As for the oil price drop. I have yet to hear a single interviewer ask a unionist ‘so, during the referendum the oil and gas industry was constantly referred to by unionist politicians as being in safer hands by the broad shoulders of the uk. What concrete actions has the UK government taken so far to support the industry, or was that just shite?’
Let’s not get carried away by the polls – better together are still operating hand in hand with journalists and broadcasters. And how can the SNP seriously counter a move like Vow Plus which is so ridiculous and preposterous it invites just stunned silence?
And all this while Jim Murphy is only accessed by compliant media – never in either parliament subject to critical questioning. I would love to see the SNP go in hard on his voting record, attendance record and expenses. There is a rich seam of Calvinism to be exploited in Scotland – do we really want to see politicians who are so dismal at representing us?
Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said that Labour “seem to be making it up as they go along”. He’s a smart cookie that Lib Dem branch manager.
Look at the past history of the Labour Party. The have two principles copied from ancient war.
a) Poison the well / scorched earth – As you retreat you deny the the enemy good ground. An example is Labour after 13 years in government put the top rate of tax up to 50% a few weeks before they lost the election. The Tories reduce it to 45% and they can go on the attack.
b) Give ground for a better defensive position – Move back and appear to give ground to the enemy. In fact you are just retreating to a hill / river etc that you can hold for longer. Any offers are just minor losses to hold their vote for longer and not because they believe in giving more powers. Give less than you will lose anyway appears to be the motto.
And as for the disgraceful Sarah Smith super soft interview with Gordon Brown last night. In fact, I remember him smilingly agreeing with her saying ‘exactly so’.
What was folks opinion of MacWhirter on STV last night. I thought he was terrible and was almost throwing the remote at him. Kept agreeing with Clegg of DR for fooks sake. Made up my mind last night not to buy the Sunday Herald again but have slept on it and calmed down but appreciate peoples thoughts – ta.
Eleanor Bradford of BBC Scotland is sitting waiting to report on the latest waiting time figures for the Scottish NHS over the winter period.
Whatever the figures, she will turn it into an SNP bad story.
She is just another BBC Scotland attack dog.
She actually drools at the mouth while delivering a bad Scottish NHS story.
If it’s so bad up here Eleanor, there’s nobody stopping you from going back to England, where I am sure the NHS is far more superior to ours, is it not.
Daily hard core BBC vote Slab Scotland Brian Taylor propaganda and Gordon Brown’s a caged lion again, feel their panic and fear and trying not to show it
“As ever, he spoke without notes, recalling compendious statistics with ease. As ever, he paced the stage like a caged lion, albeit one whose power was tamed by the electors some time back. As ever, he opened with a few funnies.
It was, then, a familiar performance from Gordon Brown – albeit with a distinctly calibrated message. Labour will be hoping for one other element to be repeated: for Mr Brown’s oratory to deliver the success attributed to it during the referendum.”
They’re certainly on their way out but its not a pretty site.
Did anyone hear the Biased Broadcasting Corporation’s paper review on BBC Radio Scotland at 8.25 am?
They quoted some paper headlines on Home Rule Minus then said and The National has “its own take” on The Vow on the front page and inside. They didn’t mention the clear front page of The National clearly and succinctly trashes The Vow Plus.
Make sure The National is featured prominently in your local store.
Shortly afterwards on Football Transfer round up BBC omitted to mention the five loan players from Newcastle to Rangers representing Mike Ashley’s two fingers to the SPFL.
Its not just what the BBC say its also what they omit such as most of the SNP’s press releases whilst Labour’s output is promoted and then remains unchallenged.
Anne 8:43am Brown Smith interview
It was so meek I thought at the end he was going to ask,
“and how’s your mum and the family?” I was surprised the intro music for the speeches was the Steptoe and Son theme tune. Surely not a subversive employee in the editing room?
Excellent appraisal of the situation, Stu.
It’s sickening to watch the MSM treat all this Vowing seriously when it should simply be ridiculed. Vote grabbing empty promises which have will never be implemented.
And, the brazen audacity of Federal Brown!
We (most Scots?) perceive these Vows as hopelessly inadequate, however in England they are being interpreted as yet more special treatment for Scotland. If Labour don’t stop playing silly buggers in Scotland, English voters are going to turn their backs on Labour in droves. That doesn’t concern me, but the resentment and bad feeling which is being generated, does.
How now Brown vow?
So, we will go through fifty shades of Vow until the climax?
Hopefully, all will be orgasmic on 7th May.
Does anyone recall a group of folk invading either Manchester or Birmingham BBBC?
I remember little of it and it was obviously swept under yet another magic carpet just in case it gave any other aggrieved group ideas.
Wonder if the activity has been repeated anywhere?
And how well are TV masts protected? Wasn’t the BBBC embarrassed in Ayrshire a few years ago when broadcasts were interrupted by some porn movie instead of news?
“The Midnight Vowboy”
But who is “Ratso”?
Didn’t watch STV last night but Iain MacWhirter has fair analysis of the “Deja Vow” in Herald this morning,
link to archive.today
From the Colonial Times 29 Nov 2014*:
GORDON Brown will today say that it is time for Scottish politicians to move beyond constitutional wrangling … The former Labour prime minister will … mount a staunch defence of the Smith Commission against SNP claims that its proposals fall short of the more powers “vow” made at the end of the referendum campaign… the SNP complained it did not contain enough job-creating powers.
As the architect of the “vow”… Mr Brown will point out that Scotland will end up with one of the world’s most powerful devolved parliaments.
Mr Brown will call on the SNP to stop stirring up “gripes” and “grievances” against London … when he addresses the annual meeting of Labour councillors in Glasgow.
So, why is that which was sufficient on 29 Nov 2014, is no longer sufficient come Feb 2015? Surely that should be the first question for Mr Brown?
Second question should be why anyone should believe that having judged the original settlement sufficient, yet now conceding that settlement is in fact insufficient, anyone should believe in the sufficiency or longevity of any judgements or pronouncements of Mr Brown on matters constitutional and Scottish?
* link to scotsman.com
To steal shamelessly from Douglas Adams
The Vow Legacy
The fifth in the increasingly inaccurately titled Vow trilogy.
Last one for today :- Apocalypse Vow
on a more serious note the DR’s keeping Broon’s latest and greatest offering well away from the front page….
So the second phase attack on Scottish democracy gets underway
With Pacific Quay and London Labour working “better together”
Such a pity that “a Scottish friendly” broadcaster couldn’t set up
A news current affairs and sports channel to counter the “pacific propaganda
But still, 4 million voters in Scotland continue their love affair with the BBC/TV.
Four million who daily practice their faith,
morning till night.
Worshipping at the altar of TV.
Eyes glued, ears attentive.
Waiting for god to appear – and to speak.
Hour by hour.
Day after day.
This is the new religion.
Saturation indoctrination.
Neo-Liberal dogma.
Unionist Labour doctrine.
All delivered by the Ministers and High Priests
commissioned and ordained at Westminster.
In Scotland, under the Supreme Gordon, Patriarch of Kirkcaldy and the Lowlands,
with his acolyte, Murphy.
Who said Scotland is becoming less religious.
Quite the opposite.
Evidence the huge daily attendances at TVs up and down the country,
particularly by the silent majority
who prefer to keep their faith a private matter.
As for the Vows? Merely religious instinct.
Tattie-bogle says:
3 February, 2015 at 2:20 am
They should do what they do best and abstain
Your’re onto something there TB. If the message got across
LABOUR VOTEERS, do what your party does best. ABSTAIN in May.
You could do a jingle with the song link to google.de
But rewritten as ABSTAIN in MAY
Brown is still using the phrase “pooling and sharing”. Will anybody still fall for this ?
Pictures of hin and Murphy together give me the boak.
Vow Hard
Vow Hard 2( released in scotland county as Vow Hard Plus)
Vow Hard with a Vengeance
A good day to Vow Hard
It would seem that the vow has many heads it’s a bit like Medussa. Don’t look into Brown’s eyes he’ll turn you to stone!
With fundraising for WOS coming up I wondered if a new WBB is needed more than ever now giving people who didn’t know the facts about what’s happened since the Referendum and the lies that have followed in order to win the 2 party elite vote to try and keep a grip on power. My fear with a WBB such as this is that it becomes to focused on attacking the labour party when in actual fact that’s the job of the SNP to defend itself by promoting it’s facts and figures to show this.
With what I’ve just said in mind though is there some way of attacking these labour strongholds who might buy into these lies regardless and show the chink in the armour?
Anyone got any ideas on how we can ensure that people don’t panic and vote labour because they buy the lies?
REV says:
We already know that an SNP vote can’t let the Tories in.
Has anyone told Magnus Gardham as he repeats the Labour Mantra on front page of the Herald?
The Tories will get in as many more voters in England will vote Tory than Labour as Miliband is useless
Jesus Christ,
Just watched the interview by Sarha Smith with G Brown,
It was not an interview, it was a political free broadcast for the Labour Party,it shows just what we are up against, the “dark forces of the media” are still here post referendum.
Just a thought – if Gordon is going to be touring the country with this drivel, it would be great if we could help Lindsay Jarrett confront him face to face about his bare-faced lies about organ donation services.
Sadly she doesn’t seem to have much time left, but I’m sure she’d be up for any opportunity to nail the lying. bastard.
Murphy & co keep saying that a vote for SNP is a vote for Cameron. They know full well that Scots don’t vote tory. With SNP’s statement that they would deal with Labour in government, they would get in, but with Scots likely to achieve more powers ( like those in the vows ). The only reason they don’t want SNP in is that they have no intention of delivering any of the powers spoken of.
I’m again disgusted at Brown’s lying to his “own folk”. His peerage is clearly awaiting the rubber stamp, as he follows his old boss’s example – get Blair rich project.
If the vow was to deliver Devo Max and Home Rule then what is Vow plus meant to deliver? Independence?
Camley’s cartoon in the Herald is first class.
Iain McWhirter is calling it Deja Vow
@tattie-bogle “LABOUR VOTEERS, do what your party does best. ABSTAIN in May.”
Problem is they have the incentive of receiving a free “I’m with stupid!” tee-shirt for voting Labour on May 7.
Re. The National –
It’s only 50p a copy.
Can’t some of you city dwellers start leaving a few copies on the buses among the Metros?
I find Sarah Smith almost as repulsive to watch as Blair McDougall. So smug. She must be right up there with the most biased and lazy commentators who are paid by the BBC.
Wee Ginger Dug absolutely on fire on this topic – a real must read – but keep the food and drink away fae the computer to avoid splutter splash! 🙂
On Sky news, the business man Rose (ex M&S), says Labour is anti business.
In Scotland however Labour are anti Scotland I say!
Labour, please sod off, you are a millstone round Scotlands neck, you know where to shove your vow, by now.
Wonder if they have had a Slap from Millibands office for winding up our southern friends yet. Or are they actually contriving to lose the election?
Maybe the long term game plan is to lose this one if they don’t think they can hold an outright majority? blame the SNP, hope for an early re-run due to short Con majority.
Or maybe they really are just happy to swap power with the cons whenever suits.
Once I finished reading it I leave it on top of the Metros.
I’d love to laugh at this, secure in the knowledge that the Scottish electorate isn’t that stupid, but …
@Andy White says: 3 February, 2015 at 3:37 am:
” …(1) BBC Scotland’s seeming inability to question British Nationalist narratives: even if easily-checked facts are fantastical in nature.
First of all, Andy, they are not British Nationalists – They are United Kingdom. (a.k.a. English), Nationalists.
The reason being that the BBC are part of the Establishment which, since devolution, is now the de facto Parliament of the Country of England. The once bipartite United Kingdom now being divided as a quadratic union of countries under English rule.
2) Lack of a mature, rational and honest explanation of
Scotland’s income and expenditure. This is political in
origin, but supported by our national media.
Once again it comes down to Westminster as the de facto parliament of the country of England but, for the purpose of accounting, they fund England as the United Kingdom while deciding the level of the other three countries block Grants and moderating those block grants by use of Barnett Consequentials.
However they also cheat by allowing certain English infrastructure costs to be outwith positive Barnett Consequentials. (Thus That English extra spending does not increase Scottish funding but the rest always decreases it). That equates to England claiming everything and giving back to the other three countries only what England decides is good for England.
Note: – 533 English MPs wearing two hats against 59 Scots+40 Welsh+18 N.I=117 and 533-117=416 of a clear English majority. Do you imagine that those 533 Westminster MPs, (who thus double up as the de facto parliament of England’s government), do not put their country first? If you were in their – Err! Hats – would you put your country first?
There is one major difference between the referendum and the GE2015. In Sept the CBI and all their little demons were in lock step with the Labour Party and the media to set their face against a Yes vote. Many of these organisations and media outlets are less keen on Ed taking the keys to No 10 though. While BBC Scotland (I confess I have watched the Smith thing once and will not waste my time again) may back Labour not all the papers will or major organisations will. This is going to be a lot messier and there will be back stabbing aplenty.
The pressure that Labour are under from fear of an SNP victory in Scotland is palpable and their line in the sand on more devolution has long since blown away. They are suffering from the lack of vision and bravery shown when it came to their red paper last year. They thought they could hedge their bets and buy us off cheaply. It was that same lack of vision that cost Brown his premiership. If he had gone to the country when he first took over he may well have won. He bottled it. Labour have bottled Home Rule and are paying the price.
All the talk of Vow+ or Super Vow doesn’t seem to be impressing the voters.
The last poll details published today was be worrying Labour. The negative rating for Murphy is very justified.
link to scotgoespop.blogspot.co.uk
was = will grrr!
I can’t abide watching the BBC give free programme time to Brown and Murphy.
To practise real democracy we should hear out our enemies, but that didn’t include giving the bastards extra time.
For ‘The Enemies of Greece’s Reformation’ look here:
link to grousebeater.wordpress.com
Will they never learn, do they not realise they are wasting their time. You can say what you like about the Scottish electorate, but never let it be said that they are gullible, thick as shit, and easy to take the piss out of, wait a minute… OMG.
@ Robert Kerr
That would be Smugmurph himself.
The knee vow’s connected to the leg vow
The leg vow’s connected to the foot vow
The foot vow’s connected to the mooth vow
Now hear the word of the Gord..
Were the midnight vowboys having a pow-vow yesterday? 🙂
Buffoon Brown and Murph the Smurf can witter away to their hearts content but not once have I heard them giving a cast iron guarantee that all elected Red Tory MP’s, especially the few Scottish ones, will vote for more powers. I’ve like many others have long memories of 1979 and the betrayal of Labour MP’s, a fact that a recent Post of Stu’s highlighted and anybody in any doubt just go and read Jim Callaghan’s excellent memoirs where he identify’s the ("Tractor" - Ed)s in Labour’s ranks and their successors are still around, sadly.
Auld Rock
Nah, they will ban showing that in case we get rebellious ideas 🙂
Did Ed Milliband not promise 20,000 extra nurses for England and Wales? If so Jim Murphy is short-changing Scotland by about 600 nurses.
Are we ever going to get to see the World wide hit filmed in Scotland about a period from our own history?
It seems everyone else in the World loves it and it could boost tourism to our country in the near future. Imagine coming from Abroad to visit, full of excitement, to find that no one here knows what you are raving about.
Another example of our own history being denied exposure to us, another censorship, another rewrite!
Will the media “allow” us to view it some time after the Scottish Elections in 2016 when they consider it to be safe to release to the Scottish public?
Should of course have read, Vowlands. See, don’t even know it’s proper title!
Wow, , Galamcennalath you must have posted whilst I was typing that!
Labour don’t want to win the election. They’re quite happy lapping up the gravy while having zero responsibilities. The Tories are implementing their policies for them anyway.
How can Brown “vow” anything? He’s just an opposition backbencher, and he isn’t even standing in May.
But someone should investigate turning all these vows and hot air into a renewable source of energy. There seems to be an unlimited supply.
BBC full on attack on Scottish democracy now along with whatever it is the Electoral Commission registrars are up to here.
link to newsnet.scot
Why did they wait til after the referendum and why does such huge jump in Scottish voter registration then get wiped off again by Electoral Commission?
Our imperial masters are not going to lose control of Scotland to anyone.
“It is believe that as many as 800,000 people who signed up to vote in last year’s referendum may not be eligible for the Scottish Parliamentary elections in 2016.”
“A voter registration drive in some areas of Scotland, and particularly Glasgow, resulted in a massive growth in the number of eligible voters and contributed to the record turnout last September 18.
There was controversy when some local authorities opted to use the new voter records to chase up poll tax debts, and the threat was averted only when the Scottish Government intervened. There was concern then that such a move would deter people from voting.”
The “original” vow, according to GB, was supposed to be the ultimate – as close to home rule / federalism etc. as is possible within the UK. The vow was “delivered”. Yet now they propose additional powers?
Anyone who doesn’t now see the whole vow thing as totally incredible (as in ‘not worthy of belief’) should be barred from voting on grounds of mental incapacity!
Oh Dear! Leader Jim Murphy’s coronation in Scotland has gone down like a lead balloon. Things haven’t quite gone to plan, so the Red Tories now call back an even bigger beast. The maleficent Gordzilla takes the stage one last time. One last roar. This really is last chance saloon for the panicky Red Tories. It’s a final throw of the dice.
It’s also an incredibly risky move – how is this to play down south? This could cost Milliband his chance to become PM. It’s almost as if the Red Tories are hoping the (blue Tory) English MSM will ease off and dampen down the news that Labour are trying to appease this Scottish support.
“After all, last year, we worked hard with you blue tories to win the scotch referendum – without us red tories, you would have lost Scotland. Now, surely in the interests of protecting the union, you will go softly on what we are trying to do in Scotland to keep the SNP out – yes?”
Not a chance! – it’s dog-eat-dog in the blue tory world. Besides, there are important marginal seats in south England, with UKIP snapping at their heals. “Not a chance, Reds, but thanks all the same for saving the union, and thank you very, very much for giving us enough ammo to make sure that Ed never makes it to Downing Street, Dear Chaps (red tory pricks)!”
“Are we ever going to get to see the World wide hit filmed in Scotland about a period from our own history?”
Probably not till Indy comes.
But we did get that other great film “Vow spotting” 😉
No one actually wants this DevoTinkeringAtTheEdges stuff.
Opinion polls since October have consistently shown a narrow majority for Indy Yes.
Opinion polls for years have consistently shown that two thirds think devolution should mean FFA.
Also, there are perhaps 20% of BritNats (mainly Tories) in Scotland who want to stop or even roll back devolving powers.
What does that leave? An insignificant small group actually wanting a few more powers and limited devolution.
All Labour are achieving is winding up English voters!
Bro in NZ says Outlander would have been “pivotal”
had it been shown in Scotland prior to IndyRef.
The BBC will NEVER show this series
as long as the Independence movement maintains its present strength.
In Scotland, there is NOTHING more anti-Scotland, than the BBC.
Something else which has struck me recently is the amount of funding that the Labour party is getting seems to be dwindling quickly. Many now don’t want to pay union fees towards them and nowhere was this more evident than the unions not backing Murphy in Scotland and many more like Co-Op etc simply can’t keep giving the party money when they have thier own interests to look after.
How many times are the Scottish people going to be
conned by Mr Brown. These vows are not devolved powers
they are controlled powers, by which the Scottish Govt.
will not be able to carry out improved conditions for
their electorate . Maximise the SNP vote throughout the
whole of Scotland
Sheesh! The wee dog alerted me that a gang of tarmac workers were working on the footpath at my gate. Worried that I would not be able to get out I went to ask them what the situation was.
Inevitably they remarked upon my YES Badged hat and abuse of the SNP began. They were Labour Unionists to a man and Brown, Murphy supporters to boot. On the subject of SNP it was, “Oh! We don’t want them”. I replied that whether they personally did not want them the opinion polls ALL say they are going to get them. They actually thought Labour a shoe in for the GE
Would you believe not a single member of the gang knew Labour, LibDem and Tory MPs were all in danger of being wiped out in Scotland? The ganger immediately started to run down Salmond as a yesterdays man. I had to laugh and the look on his face when I said that Brown was only a back bencher in opposition as was Darling and neither they or Murphy were in any position to promise Scotland anything not being in government and needing to get the Labour Vow past the English Westminster Tory/LibDems and also the HOLs.
They went a bit quiet when I said all their jobs depended upon that Westminster block grant and that the main Coalition cuts to that were still to come and their beloved Labour Party had promised to out cut the Tories and Labour had abstained on important votes. Ignorance, they say, is bliss.
Andrew Haddow says:
3 February, 2015 at 10:13 am
Labour don’t want to win the election. They’re quite happy lapping up the gravy while having zero responsibilities. The Tories are implementing their policies for them anyway.
I am beginning to wonder – they do seem to be trying hard to lose the election. Gordon Brown was the classic case of a politician who spent his entire career scheming and plotting to get to the top, and yet when he made it, he was not comfortable. The weight of responsibility was too much for him to bear. And Gordon Brown is supposed to be one of the more talented of the Red Tories. For those, many other Red Tory minions, of high ambition and low ability, it makes perfect sense to sup at the trough in perpetual opposition. It’s the life of Reilly for a Red Tory. What’s not to like?
Who created Vowlander?
Was it a BBC production or a freelance productions?
The BBC surely can’t control every channel on the T.V. Come on STV get your commissioning finger out!
Would be nice to know what all the fuss is about though.
Brown has a deadline to get his message across,
after which the law of diminishing returns applies.
The date will be the first day of Postal Voting –
not yet announced as far as I am aware.
In the week prior to this date,
we can expect saturation bombing of the elderly TV audience.
If the message during this week contains a bribe,
then it will be because security of the postal votes
has been successfully tightened up.
Otherwise the bribe will be delayed – just as in IndyRef.
Luigi says:
“It’s also an incredibly risky move – how is this to play down south? This could cost Milliband his chance to become PM.”
Agreed. Labour would probably achieve more if they just came out and said, “You Scots have got all you are going to get. You voted No, Smith delivered, now shut up!” It would go down very well in England!
Wipe out in Scotland has been on the cards for a decade. They probably can’t stop it now. They still have everything to play for in rUK.
Manandboy, thank your brother for me, I have been banging on about this for ever. Having read the books, and would love to see the series, I know how this would have played or would play right now. So unless we Scots get back into our shortbread tin we have only got the books, I will say the first one is a doozer, with Diana Gabldon and her Nessie.
Lanarkist, produced by a company in from the States, Left Bank Pictures for Starz. They also produced a series called Black Sails which, believe it or not you CAN buy here. No Scottish Nationalism there of course.
Re Outlander.
It is not a single film like ‘Braveheart’.
It is a series of 9 films.
The impact of nine films over a period of 2 months is not hard to imagine.
So I repeat, the BBC will NEVER show this series here in the UK as long as the Indy movement is alive.
Robert Peffers says:
3 February, 2015 at 10:28 am
Robert, I’m sorry to hear that you encountered a group of Daily Record readers.
There are still quite a few around, unfortunately.
Manadboy, sixteen in the first round, thirteen in the second. Former based on the first book, the thirteen on the second.
Right back to the subject in hand, Brown may have scuppered Miliband’s chances of becoming PM, not that many think that he has much of a chance. There are as many scenarios as there are characters in this. Brown, wants to appear as the man who saved Scotland again, but doesn’t realise he is losing England. Those movers and shakers at Davos have told them in the Labour Party they have to allow the Tories in again. That Labour know they are going to lose and they want the Scots to be the fall guy. Then they can blame the SNP for everything. I think if you can think of a conspiracy you can use it. They could simply be too stupid for words.
Helena, sorry, we were writing at the same time!
I will thank him of course.
My wife has the books but she doesn’t speak of them, though she hugely enjoyed the first volume.
The Bro in NZ said there were scenes in the series which were unforgettable, indelible illustrations of what the English did to the Scots. He is in no doubt about their impact on voter sentiment.
Vowlander, Starz is the USA company, Left Bank Productions is based in London and was financed by Sony UK to create the TV series.
Released in Australia before Ref. Then Canada, Ireland and South Africa.
Seems the only English speaking country left to see it is the UK, wonder why that is?
Won awards, you would think they would like to increase their audience no’s/fans and encourage the franchise appeal by assisting tourism spin offs in Scotland where filming took place.
Wonder if they have been paid compensation for the loss of this market share?
Apologies to Mary Poppins…
Helena, I can’t keep up!
You are clearly better informed than I, – I’m just using the internet – but 29 episodes! Wow!
If only there was a way of showing these films across Scotland.
Maybe someone will find a way.
See the Amazon Outlander DVD site. “Not available” with no explanation or forecast when it might be, though I did hear it was to be released in March. The comments below are interesting.
link to archive.today
Diane Gabaldon, interviewed at the Edinburgh Book Festival did start to explain that it was the Referendum that prevented the film release in UK.
link to youtube.com
The reason you can see films such as “Trainspotting” is thought to be that it is OK to broadcast material depicting Scots as hopelessly addited to drugs or alcohol, criminals and assorted low life denizens etc.
Just been thinking about Vow Plus and “SNP Nurses PLUS 1000” and thinking, what should the SNP do next.
They arent going to get the media headlines or media coverage to defend or disect such labour bullshit so why not go over the top.
Lets get some crazy promises out there and watch Labour blindly copy everyone ( Im still laughing at wee Megrits smiling face in Mondays Daily record backing votes for 16 years olds like she invented the idea)
All suggestions welcome but I suggest the following:
Supermarket trolleys will no longer need £1 coins or those daft wee washer things.
You will be allowed to buy alcohol from 8am till midnight providing its bought with a Croissant (morning) or Chicken\ChickPea Pakora (evening)
All Public Swimming Pools will be free on production of an organ donor card.
One has to wonder whether a democracy dependent upon the electorate doing what they are told has any value. The referendum demonstrated what our so called leaders have become. Under their oversight inequality has grown until soon 1% of the population will have 50% of the entire wealth of the world. As the generation who fought a World war to secure better conditions for all, die off so those benefits are eroded from the weakest among us. Our elite have progressed back to living off the scraps from Longshank’s table. Every thing they touch becomes corrupted until they alone have a voice. I am left wondering whether 77 Brigade, once formed will be deployed domestically to maintain power for those that do not deserve have it. The time for change is upon us and needs to be seized before it is lost.
Is there no chance of anyone getting a box set from abroad via a relative/friend? Worth exploring possibilities surely?
In USA, (amazon.com) release date is March 3rd.
This is great and I really hope SLABBC Propaganda Unit punts it full pelt for the next 3 months.
First you had VOW. Now you have VOW+. Keep it going SLABBC, keep it going. All you’re doing wih this utter VOW+ pish is reminding every single YES voter in Scotland just how much we were cheated by SLAB, BBC and the Daily Redcoat with the first incarnation. Well, come May you will get it all back in spades–there’s nothing surer.
I Vow To Thee My Country.
“I vow to thee, my country all earthly things above
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love,
The love that asks no question: the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best:
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.”
By Sir Cecil Spring-Rice 1859-1918,UK diplomat; Ambassador to Washington from 1912.
(written on the eve of his departure from Washington, 12 January 1918).
“And there’s another country, I’ve heard of long ago
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know.”
“Her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are Peace.”
Believe it or not he was actually speaking about the USA!
“There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn’t true, the other is to refuse to believe what is true!”
Soren Kirkegaard.
I just waiting for Labour to propose independence and stand there looking as if it was their idea which they have forced the SNP to adopt.
@ cearc
Thanks for info. Last time I tried to buy a film from amazon.com it refused to process the order as the DVD was not for sale outside Region 1, i.e. US. One could get a friend to send it though. I do have a DVD player which will play other regions otherwise you still would not be able to view it.
The interesting point is, how can it be that Sony Corp, who want to license it in UK as Diana Gabaldon says (approx 19 minutes into the Youtube film link above) and Amazon, who would certainly sell many copies of the DVD, are prevented from doing this? Anyone know how this rather obvious censorship works?
Coming soon:
Vow Max
Deja poo, as someone said yesterday. Same old crap. I liked Tam Jardine’s point about there being a rich vein of calvanism out there. We need to expose the behaviour and greed of Scotch MP’s. For the sake of our morale we need to remind ourselves each day that we are not our brother’s keeper – which the despicable Brown considers himself to be. No-one whose eyes are opened to the truth will be deceived. All we can do is open as many eyes as we can, be very patient and remember that all we do at this time is to ensure the future benefit of the bairns. We are caring people, unlike those who oppose us – not magicians.
@Proud Cybernat
Your post made me smile there, suddenly found myself thinking of the fashion store above Argyle Street Station in Glasgow back in the early 1980s. Its name:
How very apt!
Outlander is available from amazon.com – NOT Amazon.co.uk
link to amazon.com
Be advised though that this will be region locked and if you want import a copy PLEASE make sure your DVD player is capable of playing out of region DVDs (i.e it is unlocked).
Where’s darling. He’s awfy quiet these days? Maybe he’s taking a vow of silence.
Have scottish labour metamurphysised into merry macs joke book?
Fred says:
3 February, 2015 at 11:35 am
“There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn’t true, the other is to refuse to believe what is true!”
Soren Kirkegaard.
It’s always been a matter of belief. Do you believe that Scotland CAN be an independent country or not? Belief systems are very stubborn and do not yield easily to common sense – a person only changes his/her core belief system when it no longer delivers what is expected/ required.
Watch this space!
Marcia at 9.47
Details on the independence question asks further questions of the validity of the result on 18th September.
As I have said before I don’t believe it.
It is beyond my ability to understand how Argyll and Bute for instance registered 14,700 postal votes (instead of the usual couple of thousand) and then achieved a North Korean 97% take up on this. Utter bollocks. And five other constituencies achieved around that figure with many not very far off.
Wont get fooled again
I am watching Outlander on youtube – beautifully filmed.
@Alistair says:3 February, 2015 at 7:32 am:
“Poor Jim”
Poor he is NOT.
“The honeymoon coming to an end then Jamesie?”
Sitting here thinking, (as is my wont), I conclude those MPs from the Unionist Parties in Scotland, who are unseated in the GE, may well be the lucky ones. Those that remain at Westminster may suffer a fate much worse than death.
Sh*t ! I missed that Vow !
Never mind there will be another along in a minute!
The VOW over the River Wry
(note no service Men or Women were killed or maimed in the making of this Film)just Civilians.
Anyone listening to that interview with John Mackay last nite Brown was all over the place on welfare benifits ( differant benifits for every region).
The SNP at FMs questions need to tackle this shitheids utterances ( its the only way to get the message across nationaly ) unless they are going to come out & decry the British Media for BIAS especially the BIAS of main stream TV Interviews & Interviewers & drop the political niceties.
Ah spades ah spade an no ah squaremooth shovel, & its about time the SNP opened their mooths,their being directed in interviews, not taking the initative when it presents itself, ah la Murphy.
… and for those still on the “Outlander” search, I found this
link to idigitaltimes.com
Dave Hill-spot on. These huge SNP leads are meaningless as the postal boxes are probably already stuffed with Red Tory crosses especially in the most hated candidates constituencies like Dougie Rat Face and Bayonet Davidson etc.
Manandboy, Wiki is a wonderful tool but I have a friend in Pennsylania who is watching the series. She was asking if I had seen it and I had to say that given the Political situation I had doubts that I would see this in my lifetime. Thankfully I have been reading this series for years so nothing is missing from my view on this, it will not be shown unless we can hold them accountable for censorship.
@Dave Mc Ewan hill,
My request to the Scottish Parliament to allow me to raise a petition to ask the Scottish Government to investigate the outcome produced this.
“Dear Mr Parker
Thank you for submitting your proposal for a petition to the Scottish Parliament.
I have to advise that your petition is inadmissible as it asks the Scottish Parliament to do something that it has no power to do. In relation to allegations of voting anomalies, these are not matters that the Scottish Parliament has any powers to investigate or become involved in. Elections are run by independent Returning Officers in each region. Concerns about what happened in a particular region should be raised with the relevant Returning Officer and any evidence of fraud is a matter for the police.
In relation to the referendum more generally and how it was conducted this is the responsibility of the Electoral Commission. A link to its website can be found here: link to electoralcommission.org.uk. It published a report on the Scottish independence referendum in December.
I hope this is helpful and provides the assistance you need to raise your concerns with the appropriate officers.”
I understand region 2 DVDs of Outlander will be released in March. Two months before the election.
It will be widely watched and from what I’ve seen of it online, could have a political impact. (Why else has the rest of the world been allowed to see it, but not here?)
Unless, that is, there is some attempt to slow down or block availability.
Jim Thomson, I would not hold my breath this was written March 2014.
Is this the beginning of the end?
link to archive.today
2nd class MPs.
Elected to the house but you can’t vote on the important subjects. That would be the domain of the rUK members.
In other words no Jocks here please.
O/T, Nicola doing well according to 64% in Yougov poll. A brilliant result which I think vindicates her ‘feet on the ground’ approach. She has integrity and comes across as a decent, intelligent and grounded person. Contrast with Brown.
True “NO Voters” are actually furious with Brown. They didn’t want any offers made just before the Referendum vote. They were confident that the NO vote would win without any carrots.
So when Brown came up with more powers and the VOW, they knew it would only lead to Scots wanting even more powers.
And when Brown came up with this idea yesterday of offering the VOW+, well they totally disowned Brown. They say that all he is doing is pouring more fuel onto the Independence fire.
They say he is making offers that didn’t need to be made in the first place.
Brown loosing support from all quarters.
Super Mega Ultra Maxi Ubber Independence
Even though the sound of it is quite atrocious.
Crash helmets on, BBC Scotland’s Eleanor Bradford is on the loose.
BBC radio 4 news now attacking SNP Scots.gov every hour on the hour with Colin Blain is it, giving usual in depth attack on Scots NHS. Something’s rattled BBC cage alright. BBC R4 interesting attacks though, as these creeps never ever allow any SNP reply, a complete and utter purdah on any comeback and that’s real imperial master power/bias.
Iain Macwhirter
Labour’s electoral plight in Scotland – despite the expected boost in tomorrow’s Lord Ashcroft constituency polls
if this is true–why the Vow + panic yesterday by labour
Black Douglas says:
“Is this the beginning of the end?”
Yes, it’s good to see we are not the only ones working towards inevitable Scottish independence!
EVEL is fine, as long as they are not voting to spend taxes gathered in Scotland, or voting to reduce spending which will effect Scotland via Barnet. And, without FFA in Scotland those situations will apply to almost everything. That would be taxation without representation.
Another Vow in the Hall Part II
You’s don’t need no education
If you don’t eat your cereal
How can you have any nasty gruel?
A simple search, Watch Outlander online. Simples.You may need Ad blocker. I found it no problem.First is the pilot then it follows on. Plays fine for me. Looking forward to watching it if it is as good as being said.
Happy hunting
@ heedtracker 10.19 am
I read the Newsnet article you linked to above with interest.
“It is believe that as many as 800,000 people who signed up to vote in last year’s referendum may not be eligible for the Scottish Parliamentary elections in 2016.”
This 800,000 seems to be a magic number. We were told that an extra 800,000 voting papers had been printed in case any got lost or damaged. We were aso told that 800,000 had registered for postal votes – a record number. Now it seems 800,000 may be lost from the register.
What is it about 800,000? Any mathematicians or numerologists out there?
Rifkin on daily politics trying hard to justify the proposition which will allow ‘English MP’s to vote for English matters’ without much success.
Seems that the other countries in the union will have their MP’s relegated to 2nd division status.
This family of nations oft quoted by the unionists is a lie, wake up those that voted no… YES is going to prevail much sooner than I thought.
I still contend that it would be a huge mistake for the SNP to enter into a coalition with a toxic Labour party which would eventually damage the Scottish government by association.
Petula Clark to make a chart comeback:
When you’re alone
And Polls are making you lonely,
You can always go Vow..town
50 shades of vow. Is Gordon Brown coming back again in 2016 before the Scottish Parliament elections? With Jim Murphy already a premature ejaculation which loser Labour politician will be forced into his red room in 2016 to be stimulated by the latest version of his vow.
What can I say that has not already been said? 😉
I’ll by pass saying anything about the VOW versioan whatever it is and jump straight into the #VowFilmTitles instead. Here are a few that I put up last night to add to the list begun earlier today.
Star Trek – The Vow picture
Star Trek II – The Vow of Khan
Star Trek III – The search for the Vow
Star Trek IV – The vow home
Star Trek V – The Final Vow
Star Trek VI – The undiscovered Vow
Monty Carlo or the Vow
Those magnificent men and their flying Vows
Dirty Vow
Magnum Vow
The Good, the Bad and the Vow
Pale Vow
A fistful of Vows
For a few vows more
The vows of Madison county
Every which way but vow
Any which way you vow
Play vow for me
Two vows for sister Sara
Mystic Vow
Where Eagles Vow
True Vow
One wee aside to finish with.
For those who don’t know the Maryhill Foodbank was broken into over the weekend. Here is a wee link to a video by Julie who runs the foodbank.
link to facebook.com
In my view hanging is too good for the bastardswho did this disgusting act. I hope Julie is able to get her fund raiser up and running soon cause I know the whole of Scotland is sickened by this despicable act and we will asll do whatever we can to help.
Brigabroon…..the North British region where if anyone ever leaves,the Labour spell will be broken,and the region will vanish forever! 🙂
[…] We pondered long and hard over how best to analyse Scottish Labour’s bewildering, oh-my-God-they’re-really-calling-it-that “Vow Plus” fiasco from yesterday, readers. […]
@Capella says:3 February, 2015 at 11:37 am:
“Anyone know how this rather obvious censorship works?”
Indeed we do. The DVD disks are encrypted for each region but not only can you buy players that play all regions, (particularly portable units), there are freeware/opensource computer programs to decode the disks.
Google & download – Handbrake; DVD Shrink and/or DVD Decrypter. These can decrypt other regions DVDa, (and computer files), to burn to blank DVDs. Many bought DVD films are too large to copy to blank DVD Disks and that’s where DVD Shrink comes in useful.
If Vowlander is as good as it is supposed to be, and has somehow been blocked/censored at the highest levels it is not going to be a mass audience sensation in this country like other parts of the world.
The point here being that it is fundamentally undermined as a tool for electioneering if only those proficient on online media can see it, we need the other demographic to be able to view it en mass to create the necessary buzz of discussions that might lead to them opening their eyes!
Viewing only online in isolated groups is a bit like the “bubble”, preaching to the converted, we need to be able to allow anyone/everyone to see it and join in the discussion.
I think it is for this reason that it has been embargoed for release in the UK!
Britaniana Brown in The Last Crusade searching for the Holy Vow.
@ Capella What is it about 800,000? Any mathematicians or numerologists out there?
Exactly and why are Electoral Commission moving and changing the electoral register now and in Scotland only? Its highly suspicious activity from an outfit that had nothing to say about why and THE VOW fraud was considered and acceptable intervention by teamGB in Scotland’s referendum, after maybe a million people had already voted by post. THE VOW alone should have rendered the ref null and void. A lot of these quangos, notjust the BBC in Scotland are run by red and blue tory boys to a man and woman, union jocks, UK establishment liggers, you name it.
Or, if you were organising a giant electoral fraud, after the vote you move to completely eradicate any kind of evidence. Or, why hasn’t Ruth Davidson been taken to court over her announcement of the referendum result on BBC tv before the result was announced or known? because she had already been told by Conservative activists who had seen the ballot papers, allegedly and by who else? There are a lot out there determined to stop power coming to the people of Scotland for lots of reasons.
Desimond @ 12.42
Petula will haunt me all day now.
The labour playlist….
5 Send in the browns
4 Brown filled malice
3 take a look at ma vow (there’s just an empty space)
2 London’s Calling
1 I vow to thee my party
Capella, The rounded total of votes cast equals 3700000. Divide that by 800000. Comes to 4.6% of votes.
Total registered to vote 4350000. Divided by 800000. Equals 5.3% of total registered voters.
All numbers roughly rounded.
Looks like 800000 is roughly the 5% that was needed to swing the vote one way or another depending on turn out.
Strange that that is the same no. Now vanishing from electoral rolls.
Were there ghost voters in the Ref?
Difference between Yes and No in the last Ref. Was roughly 400000.
Did anyone account for all of the additional 800000 ballots being used or returned unused to be destroyed?
What of the Postal vote samples reported to have been taken South for sampling?
I agree that it is strange how this no. Keeps appearing, synchronicity?
@ heedtracker
I think the Tory Govt. decided to change the registration system because of the vast potential for fraud in the postal votes which mainly benefits Labour. Craig Murray has posted on his experience in Blackburn standing against Jack Straw. There, ethnic minority heads of household register everyone in the household, living and dead, and cast their vote for Labour.
link to craigmurray.org.uk
But I think they delayed the change in Scotland till after the Referendum. Happy for postal vote fraud to continue?
Pity there are no investigative journalists in this country who have the resources to dig out the facts.
I still contend that it would be a huge mistake for the SNP to enter into a coalition with a toxic Labour party which would eventually damage the Scottish government by association.
It is the job of the SNP to act in ways that further the interests of Scotland, and most importantly the people of Scotland. It that means gaining significant new powers for Holyrood by way of a coalition with Labour, then surely that should be welcomed. One of the major reasons why SLAB have lost so much credibility is their knee jerk hostility to the SNP. Why would you chose to adopt their strategy in reverse?
Thought you might like to listen to an interview with Alex Salmond
link to wildbrigand.com
Muttley, Nicola has confirmed that there would be no formal coalition as per Lib Dems and Conservatives. That it would be support on a vote by vote issue. Nobody after seeing the results of this coalition with all their senses in place would agree to such a thing, and come on, with Labour, they are lying toerags,
O/t About the problem of biased media and the malignant labour party.
The archives of wings over scotland contain an absolute goldmine of info.
There are lots of smart posters on here,i would like to know thier thoughts on the idea of rev Stu writing a book,as i believe it could be massive and could also be a massive help
to the cause.
The story of this site,of the referendum,of the labour party
the bbc, and of the disunited kingdom should be of great
Woosie says
“get Blair rich project.”
director: T Blair
producer: T Blair
starring: T Blair
Ye micht weel be richt aboot them reddin up. Ah ken there’s been aw sorts o’ claims, an’ they’ve aye been rubbished as “conspiracy theories”. Weel Ah’ve said aw alang there’s no gaunnie be nae smokin gun. The establishment’s ower fly tae get caught sae easy. Some votes here an’ some votes there were how the thing wis achieved. Cowped lorries, fire alarms, switched boxes, postal vote scams, deed folks votin’ an’ the auld folks homes whaur ridd tories jist went in an’ “helped” the auls buddies fill in the forms an’ post them. Helpfu kind o souls yir rid tories! Bit the evidence is aw redd up noo. Yer nivver gaunnae prove oanythin. Bother is they’re gaunnae dae it again!
Re this ‘Outlander’ thing, I confess I did not know of it and I am intrigued and would like to see it if possible. I have done some quick searches….is it the ‘Starz’ series? I couldn’t really make any obvious links with the Scottish situation from descriptions I read. Is it all in the watching? Or am I looking at the wrong ‘Outlander’? It sounds like the sort of thing that should be shared far and wide from the way people here are talking about it.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, but Maryhill food bank in Glasgow was broken into last night. Money meant for an injured girl was taken. The thieves bypassed security measures by breaking in through the roof.
@ Robert Peffers
I agree, it is possible to overcome the encryption on DVDs and I have a player that can play Region 1. But Amazon won’t sell them out of Region.
As Lanarkist points out though, it does mean that only the diehard afficionados are able to watch this film. The bigger question is, how can global corporations like Sony and Amazon be prevented from distributing their films for political reasons? Whatever happened to free speech? This level of censorship is only supposed to happen in China and N Korea!
@ Lanarkist
Thanks for the sums.
@ heedtracker
The electoral register isn’t being changed in Scotland only. I’m in SE England & I got my letter today about the changes.
After the last GE there was uproar in many places & attempts at rigging the vote so perhaps they are trying to avoid a repeat of those accusations.
Rumours are that Murphy and McTernan have had a big fall out with Murphy’s minions getting an earful of abuse. Complaints of bullying have even reached the ears of Ed Miliband. All is not well at the North Britain branch office.
O/t About the problem of biased media and the malignant labour party.
The archives of wings over scotland contain an absolute goldmine of info.
There are lots of smart posters on here,i would like to know thier thoughts on the idea of rev Stu writing a book,as i believe it could be massive and could also be a massive help
to the cause.
The story of this site,of the referendum,of the labour party,
the bbc, and of this disunited kingdom should be of great
interest to many around the world.
If it also served as a companion to the site,even better.
Can you imagine a best seller?……Stu
@ John King
Did you mean the brilliant “LibLabCon” trailer “from the team that bought you “Iraq”?
link to youtube.com
Warning! There’s a twatter (Ian Smart) loose on twitter.
Shocking stuff!!!
link to twitter.com
Most political folk are aware that there are a huge number of people off the register.
In my constituency of East Ren, I have mentioned it and the local branch are going to contact those not registerd,
I think everyone should get friends/family to double check if they are on.
I did hear, although not sure if it’s true, that all previous postal voters are not going to be allowed a postal vote until re-registering.
Re Outlander, our image is controlled by another country and that’s why we have the mean, dour image across the world, eg Scrooge MacDuck.
I used to think that’s why it took years to get the BBC to release Tuttie Frutti on DVD – a BAFTA award winner.
@ Robert Peffers – As for your workers, God help us, these people are totally ignorant
Sorry this is a bit of topic but kind of sums up where the UK is at the moment.I was at the supermarket today and picked up the free paper the Bugle(its the English language paper in France).Flicking through the paper i came across an article comparing the uk’s economy with france’s.It seems the uk has just edged ahead, and this has been down to the fact that the uk declares earnings in the ilegal activities of prostitution and drug dealing,france does not, although under EU regulations they will have to.
Hear we are more or less running neck and neck with a country which has the most number of holidays off work,has’nt had the advantage of over a trillion in oil revenues,has two hour lunch breaks,manages to pay decent benifits,good pensions, it also could do a lot more to develope its private sector ect,ect.Its no great surprise Britian’s called the ‘country of the working poor’.
Brown and his like are a disgrace and it makes me sad and angry to think where our country would have been had someone had our countrys intrest’s at heart.May is the time to change things for the better and take Scotland a step closer to complete independence.
of great interest to many around the world.
Can you imagine a best seller?…….STU?
Sorry this bit got cut off my post.
ps…i know he’s working hard already
@Helena Brown
Muttley, Nicola has confirmed that there would be no formal coalition as per Lib Dems and Conservatives. That it would be support on a vote by vote issue. Nobody after seeing the results of this coalition with all their senses in place would agree to such a thing, and come on, with Labour, they are lying toerags,
This is not about Labour, it is about getting the best deal possible for the people of Scotland. We have to work with what we have got. We cannot afford to withdraw to the side-lines, when there is a real chance of getting a better deal for Scotland.
link to facebook.com
Got this in my email today and it’s definitely worth a look. Explains in plain language the truth about TTIP. There’s also a petition to sign if anyone feels like it.
link to action.sumofus.org
Stu under fire on Twitter. BBC Tim Reid says 5 indy groups did not submit returns to Electoral Commission including Wings.
Accusation supposedly comes from that commission which as we all know is a quango controlled by govt/establishment supporters. So more made up lies on behalf of SLab
Ian Smart’s tweet plumbs new depths – Shocking stuff
Great documentary about the first ever female rabbi on BBC4. Died in a concentration camp. With the SNP’s enthusiastic support. Never forget
BBC propaganda machine attack WoS now. Lovely bunch but what’s new at that giant fraud of a network. The headline is really any BBC shill even mentioning WoS at all!!!
Tim Reid @TimReidBBC · 2h 2 hours ago
Wings over Scotland is named as one of 5 groups registered with Elec Commission which has failed to submit #indyref spending return.
@ Nana, thanks for that babe, sound common sense from Alex, look forward to getting hold of his book. Due oot end of March folks.
Oliver Twisted:
The evening arrived; the people took their places. Jim Murphy stationed himself on his Irn-Bru crate; his Project Fear assistants ranged themselves behind him; the political gruel was served out; and a long grace was said for the House of Commons. The political gruel disappeared; the people whispered to each other, and winked at Nicola; while her next neighbours nudged her. First Minister as she was, she was desperate with constitutional hunger, and reckless with austerity. She rose from her place; and advancing to Murphy, reforms in hand, said: somewhat alarmed at her own temerity:
‘Please, sir, I want some more.’
Murphy was a tall, wealthy man; but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupified astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the Irn Bru crate. The Project Fear assistants were paralysed with wonder; the people with fear.
‘What!’ said Murphy at length, in a faint voice.
‘Please, sir,’ replied Nicola, ‘I want some more.’
Murphy aimed a blow at Nicola’s head with a bottle of Irn-Bru; pinioned her in his arm; and shrieked aloud for Brown.
Ed Miliband and his shadow cabinet were standing in solemn conclave, when Mr. Brown rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing Miliband, said,
‘Mr. Miliband, I beg your pardon, Nicola Sturgeon has asked for more!’
There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance.
‘For MORE!’ said Mr. Miliband. ‘Compose yourself, Brown, and answer me distinctly. Do I understand that she asked for more, after she had taken Devo Plus allotted by the party?’
‘She did, sir,’ replied Brown.
‘That girl will be hung,’ said Ed Balls. ‘I know that girl will be hung.’
Muttley I doubt the the SNP are talking about withdrawing to the sidelines but no formal coalition, this would become the death embrace as it has for the Lib Dems, only a fool would agree with that. Labour are so stupid they are cutting their own throats, I am beginning to doubt that they even want to win even with a minority. Tend to think as others that they will be quite happy in opposition.
I’m convinced there was never any intention of a deal between Labour and the Lib Dems after the last Westminster election.
The smirk on Ball’s face as he left their meeting said it all.
@ gillie
Very good but one problem-Nicola would never call JM ‘sir’ she didn’t even curtsey to Brenda so I reckon JM stands no chance of deference of any sort from Nicola.
Are you practising thinking in a SLab mindset by any chance 🙂
@Helena Brown
The SNP should do a deal with Labour if it is good for Scotland. That is the most important thing. If a formal coalition achieved a good deal for Scotland, and the people living here, that is all that matters in my opinion. There is really nothing to be gained by knee jerk tribalism. The Lib Dems got a awful deal, I trust the SNP leadership to get us a much better one from Labour, in the event of it happening in the first place.
@Lanarkist says:3 February, 2015 at 10:09 am
“Are we ever going to get to see the World wide hit filmed in Scotland about a period from our own history?
Beware of people telling you about our Scottish history – especially the Scottish ones telling the story. The subject has been used to brainwash Scots since the history of Britain was first written down. The first recorders of our history were the Romans who obviously had a very large axe to grind. Much of what they wrote has been proven to by wrong.
Furthermore, lots of the archaeological stuff has also been disproved. Some of it by nothing more than simple logically considering the matter. For example the story that the Scots came from Ireland is utter tosh. Let’s look at that claim and apply logic and common sense. First though, archaeological evidence has shown that artefacts from the Scottish islands has been found to predate those from the coastal areas of Ireland. That suggests the migration could be towards Ireland. However, common sense dictates a quite different picture.
In those early times Scotland was almost exclusively under the Great Caledonian Forest and thus land travel was very hard work and almost impossible. The then superhighways were the seas, rivers and lochs. Now consider that the distance between Scotland and Ireland, (at the closest points), is only 12 mls/19 km from the Mull of Kintyre to County Antrim. Logically the tribes were one and the same peoples.
Those kind of anomalies litter our history and those doing the recording have mainly had ulterior motives in falsification. There is a great difference between, ” Britain in Roman Times” and “Roman Britain”.
Only three countries became a Constitutional Monarchy in 1688. There was no, “Union of the Crowns”, in 1603 as both crowns remained for independent Kingdoms but were worn by the same person. Thus, in 1688, William & Mary of Orange could not become the Scottish Monarchy as Scotland was still independent thus the Jacobite Rebellion couldn’t be a rebellion as the Scots could not rebel against a monarchy not their own. The Treaty of Union only has two signatory Kingdoms and no other kingdom has ever since joined the Union. The list of wrong teachings of British history is a long history of a string of lies.
Here’s another. The Stone age Hunter Gatherers also had some long established large settlements like those at Howick in the North of England. This is just 25 miles from what we now call, “Doggerland”, and when the proven flooding of that Doggerland sank it under the North Sea the nearest higher Ground was Britain. Yet I’ll bet most here were taught the land bridge to the European mainland was across the English Channel? It wasn’t.
You are welcome Fred. I am hoping he will do a book signing in Inverness.
Regarding registering with the electoral commission – did the BBBC register ?
If not , why not?
Shouldn’t they register now for the GE ? After all only the deaf did not hear the chink of champagne bottles in the corridors of the all powerful BBBC when the Labour Party won the GE with their pal Blair.
Just spotted this tweet which is rather worrying…
Got a letter from a scottish labour MP welcoming 2 newly registered voters at my address but I’m the only registered voter at my address
With an abundance of SNP MPs at Westminster one of the first things that should be on the devolution agenda has to be broadcasting.
The disgrace that’s the BBC constantly talking Scotland, and the Scottish government down all the time, has to cease.
Attention anyone in Glasgow. Richard Walker, editor of Sunday Herald/National is selling the Big Issue for Vendor Week in Buchanan Street tomorrow at 11am
link to twitter.com
If anyone wants to chew the fat & offer advice re these papers, might be a good opportunity
What’s the difference between Broon mince and Murphy mince?
None, both unfit for consumption.
They mugged us last September, let’s make sure they don’t mugged us again in May.
try this out for outlander hope its the right bloody one please work
link to youtube.com
“Eilean I Vow”, on Loch Lomond, just the place for Broon to end his days.
“Hermit wanted, smart but not too smart” 🙂
link to islandivow.org
Robert Peffers, do not get too het up about Outlander, American Lady wrote it, she has done a bit of fiddling with it, set just before the 1745 and continues from there, a bit of history a bit of Fantasy as in time travel. Nobody will take it as Gospel but one thing it does is remind us how much we are “Better Together” hence the political interference with all things Scottish, note we get lots of English History on the box but nothing much on anyone else who share this benighted island with them. The Welsh must really struggle though I have a series of books which might please all of us, set at the start of Llewellyn’s downfall and another time travel adventure.
Robert Peffers, I like your posts and really appreciate your contributions. That said I am not saying I wish people should have the opportunity to watch Vowlander uncritically. It would be of interest to see what other people are allowed to see portrayed as a visual litereral form of our past.
The main point really is who is censoring these giant corporations output?
Just recently a film was pulled from release in USA because of protests from N. Korea which prompted aonline campaign and cyber attack against the same Corporation? World wide news discussed widely. Who has the power to persuade Media Corporations, Distributors, Advertisers, Internet providers and Tourism Chiefs to desist in organising the licensing for broadcast?
We are talking big money compensation or other deals in return.
Only last week it was announced that 3 Million to be spent in and around Loch Ness on Nessie projects, yes we know it is a pork barrel sop to D. Alexander’s forlorn hope to retain his Constituency vote, but how much would this franchise be worth.
I don’t remember Harry Potter being suppressed in this Country because it put Public Schools in a bad light or dealt with Magical or Satanic issues.
Wouldn’t you like to see it so that you could, if needed, offer corrections to the historical inaccuracies at least. I mean Braveheart gets used against us as a slur all the time, historical inaccuracies included.
Aren’t you even a wee bit curious as to this particular situation and the occupancy of what seems like a State Censorship? Not even a littl
A little?
They use our best known folk music, our fables, our history and twist and turn them into their own creations and deny us any form of return for our cultural input!
Historical intellectual copyright, cultural protection, a right to reply.
They pull a misted shroud over us and pretend we never existed pre Union, that we never contributed anything of value to the wider world, they replace the narrative with scrounger, waster, work shy, subsidy junkies and call it Union!
On Labour BBC website
“The Commission says five groups or individuals who registered failed to complete spending returns.
These included the Wings Over Scotland website and Labour for Independence.”
So who were the other three – unionists perhaps!!!
Sorry, got a bee in me bonnet today, but the American Writer, The Distributor, Global a Media Corporation. London based Production Compnay can pillage our history for raw material but we cannot even participate in the viewing of it!
Makes my blood boil, everyone else benefits and we get jack!
It is the Unionist deal in microcosm!
from the very talented idiot ian shmartarse
if you google arthurs name look at the third or fourth one down its ian shmartarse and it was only added last year
warning it will turn you mad the bullshit it contains
Sorry for going O/T but here’s a wee piece from STV about the sickening break-in at the Maryhill foodbank. The great news is that Frankie Boyle has donated £5,000 to the food bank. Love him or hate him there is definately one thing you can NOT call him over this episode and that is being heartless.
Well done Frankie! 😀
link to news.stv.tv
“Pity there are no investigative journalists in this country who have the resources to dig out the facts”
There are resources abound. I think you meant to type this.
Pity there are no investigative journalists in this country.
Vowcher! Can’t wait to see the next great offer from labour. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. Big Gordon is deluded and has no credibility!
Stats Quo?
VOW Brown deeper in Brown
Brown, brown deeper in brown
Bow down deeper in brown
VOW Brown deeper in brown
Thank you so much for telling us about Frankie Boyle, always thought he was one of the good guys.
Bald Eagle
It is hard to get mad at Ian. I think he trolls when he has had a few sherbets and goes so far over the top as to come back round the other side. Comedy gold rather than agent provocateur
I posted the Diane Gabaldon link a couple of weeks ago but added a spoiler warning so folk could choose whether to watch after the comment.
@ Jim Mcintosh
You are absolutely right. Devolution of broadcasting to Scotland should be a “red line” issue for negotiating any agreements in a hung Parliameny. Right up there with welfare and Trident.
V for Vow Pretender: “England Prevails”.
Apocalypse Vow: “Terminate The Accounting Unit. With extreme prejudice!”
Party political broadcast for the Branch office leader on EBC news 24
At 1645 hrs. Murphy given “free reign” to attack the Scottish gov.
On NHS waiting times etc (with no reply from Scotgov allowed.
Obviously a forerunner to the “Jackie and Eleanor show” tonight .
Dispicable bias!
@ Nana Smith (3.05)
I don’t like the sound of that, either, but
a) if polling cards arrive for non-existent people, this will reveal that something is amiss (obviously if the scam is implemented in places where the real inhabitants are in on it, it will not be reported, but I hope there are plenty of Labour voters who would still be perturbed)
b) if a proxy has been applied for, both the proxy voter and the person they are standing in for will be notified
c) if a postal vote has been applied for, it will usually be sent to the registered address – it is possible to request a postal ballot to be sent to another address if a valid reason is provided, and this would be the most worrying aspect.
@ Robert Kerr, thanks, and the film is ‘Midnight Vowboy’ starring DustedDown Broonman as ‘Ratso’ and Jim Murvoight as ‘Joe Two Crates’.
It’s pure fiction of course, much like yesterday’s Vow 2: Vow Harder.
Next up for a remake is The B-Team, with Captain Hannibal Broon ‘I love it when a Vow comes together’. I wonder who could play Howling Mad Murdock…
Regarding Outlander – I looked up Starz press release from 2013 and emailed the contact on the page for Starz and Sony Pictures.
I’ve heard great things from friends in the USA about this series. I live in the UK and was wondering if and when Outlander will be shown over here. Is there a reason why it hasn’t been picked up already.
Jim McIntosh
Nothing back from Starz, but response from Sony Pictures contact (Pxxx_Axxxx@spe.sony.com)
“I believe you will hear news about this shortly.”
So you never know.
Another response from Sony Pictures contact to my query –
“Waiting in anticipation, shortly as in weeks, months?”
Sony Response:
“I would guess weeks“
Is this any use?
link to couchtuner.eu
Is this any use?
link to couchtuner.eu
Interesting poll in today’s Sun by the publicly funded Scottish Referendum Study of 5000 voters which points out that virtually nobody changed their minds because of the Vow.
This is exactly what I believed.
My opinion is that the Vow was used as a diversion to explain away a result that doesn’t stack up.
On the months running up to the vote on the 18th of September Scotland experienced the most exhaustive and wide ranging canvass it had ever experienced. This was recorded nationwide on an advanced detailing system and all areas,all social strata, all age groups and including those who had used postal votes.
This produced a result diametrically opposed to the result that was announced on the 19th September.
Naivety is a seriously debilitating political flaw. I hope we have wakened up
Nice to ‘see’ you Stoker, hope you’re doing okay 🙂
Thanks for the link, I’ll be there!
In the early 80’s, my grandfather taught Gordon Brown how to canvas, back in the days when Labour stood up for normal working people. Now the red tories stand for absolutely nothing and all that matters is the MPs lining their own pockets and keeping themselves in cushy jobs with an unrealistic expense package and worst of all Gordon Brown is merely a puppet that they bring out to the Scottish public when Westmonster are bricking it. Im sorry to say that my grandad would be spinning in his grave if he knew what was going on!!
“The revolution WILL NOT be televised!”
Googling for the “vow plus gordon brown” gave me this
link to thelyonyawns.com
I had a wee chuckle
Dave McEwan Hill
‘My opinion is that the Vow was used as a diversion to explain away a result that doesn’t stack up.’
I’m with you on that my friend.
I don’t think the postal votes were fiddled however. My feeling is that computer counting was calibrated to reflect their desired outcome. Would that not have been possible?
Happy for my theory to be ripped apart. Like i say, just a feeling i’ve had.
Dave McEwan Hill,
“which points out that virtually nobody changed their minds because of the Vow.”
This is exactly what I believed.”
That is what I have been saying as well.
Neither were the 70% pensioners scared into voting No. They are British nationalists who were determined to vote No, as were the middle class. Both these classes are heavily made up of English residents.
Either the result was rigged (almost certainly in my opinion).
Or some of the working classes were scared to death by the likes of Asda (much less likely because these people are tough Scots).
Dr Ew
Brilliant 🙂
A vow to a shill pmsl
Starring rudger hoor
If rats always leave the sinking ship, seems to me that in the coming weeks our ‘Opinion Makers’ will, without an ounce of integrity, conscience or guilt, think about climbing from the hole they have dug for themselves, as the butter will shortly be on the other side of the bread. i.e. we might see a slight modulation.
@jock Mc X
G.A.Ponsonby has the BBC Bias covered- see…
He has been pretty quiet recently as he is writing his book – it will take some time as he has a lot of material to work through.
Looking forward to its publication – hopefully sometime in April – just before GE. I will definately be buying it as it will be be a classic.
Prof Robertson is also doing a rolling regular Bias update on Newsnet.scot which is also very good.
Someone has also mentioned on Wings that SNP have engaged international observers to survey the BBC over the election campaign. Not sure if it is true (Source would be good !?) but would be good if they have – the BBC are a complete disgrace.
Further to my comment at 7.39pm
I note that FOI requests were made to CEC and Electoral commission regarding spread sheets used at the counts (by the same person)
Both parties recommending getting in touch with the other.
Anyway, interesting but pointless.
A Clunking Fist Full Of Vows.
Sequel…. A Few Vows More. 😉
As usual, an excellent analysis and inarguable conclusion Stu.
”Whatever Labour are offering now, it stands to reason that they’d also be willing to concede the same, at a minimum, in return for SNP backing at Westminster, if they needed it.”
Unfortunately, after The Referendum, we can never again underestimate the gullibility that exists within The Scottish electorate. We’ve had leaflets refused and been accused of ”helping The SNP destroy Scotland, by letting The Tories in.”
Honestly, there should be some sort of testing to ensure people have a basic understanding of what’s going on before they’re given a ballot paper.
BRAYFART. “Your vow is free have the courage to use it” Starring Gordie Broon as Willie Wallace. The story of one man’s failed attempt to save Scotland……..for England. Broon brays and farts his way through this historical epic but is ultimately destined to fail.
I can not believe that Labour would try a second “Vow” so soon after the recent Indyref Vow/lie and expect us to fall for it. they are shameless liars.
[…] stay within the UK. The liberal democrats through Alistair Carmichael, Scottish Secretary of State, delivered the Smith Commission, and now those powers come […]