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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for September, 2014

A significant escalation 185

Posted on September 01, 2014 by

Last week, Yes voters only hated their families, not Scotland.


This week it’s both. Can you feel the fear, readers?

New volatility blow for Salmond 88

Posted on September 01, 2014 by

From today’s Financial Times:

“Buyout groups Blackstone and Blue Water Energy are providing $500m to Siccar Point Energy, a new UK-focused oil company, in one of the largest ever private equity investments in North Sea oil.

Investment in the UK North Sea reached a record level of £14.4bn last year, raising hopes that oil and gas production could start to pick up again after years of decline.

‘This is one of the most opportune times to buy assets in the North Sea,’ said Jonathan Roger, chief executive of Siccar Point. ‘The market is very buoyant.'”

Sounds terrible. No wonder Gordon Brown’s so depressed.

34 months later 173

Posted on September 01, 2014 by

Wings Over Scotland officially launched on the 1st of November 2011, with a collection of posts imported from a personal blog. (The first original post didn’t appear until a week later.) It was meant just to be a small aggregator site of interesting stories from the newspapers with a short bit of commentary. That month we had 6,290 pageviews.

We’ve grown a bit since then.

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