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Wings Over Scotland

Why we love Twitter

Posted on October 29, 2015 by

Kezia Dugdale in the Scottish Daily Mail this morning:

“We’re not like the SNP. This isn’t a party of robots that are given a chip and told what to think.”

Twitter’s response is below.


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  1. 29 10 15 11:43

    Why we love Twitter | Speymouth

  2. 30 10 15 14:18

    Morning Briefing – The Telegraph | Oyia Brown

406 to “Why we love Twitter”

  1. Doug Daniel says:

    I’m pleased so many people understood the joke, namely that *every* tweet had to be the same, otherwise it wouldn’t work properly.

  2. gillie says:

    Another person embarrassed by all this must be Iain MacWhirter. That Daily Mail exclusive has made MacWhirter’s opinion piece about Kezia Dugdale in today’s Herald look completely stupid.

  3. Ally says:

    Ahhh – is that how it works Doug??

  4. Valerie says:

    Haha well played, Mr Daniel!

  5. Embradon says:

    Brilliant Mr Daniel.

  6. Angus McLellan says:

    I’m pleased so many people understood the joke, namely that *every* tweet had to the same, otherwise it wouldn’t work properly.

  7. handclapping says:

    And the Daily Mail screams “Proof!”. 😀

  8. Macart says:

    Oh, that’s brilliant. 😀 LOL

  9. Heather McLean says:

    Hahahahaha!! I love this! Got a love the Scots sense of humour!

  10. No no no...Yes says:

    Oh Mr Daniel you are a one!

    I’m disappointed that I missed out on this wheez.

  11. BrianW says:

    How.. How.. How dare.. How dare she say SNP members are robots given a chip and told what to thi..thi..thi..think!

    Bloody hell I’m malfunctioning.. get me back to the SNP Mothership for an upgrade.. I need plugged in.. I need a new chip.. HELP!

  12. donald anderson says:

    Kezia will have had her chips then?

  13. Arrynorm says:

    Best laugh in I don’t know how long. Kinda wishing I had a Twitter account.

  14. Gaelstorm says:

    It concerns me that people know what’s in the Daily Wail…

  15. ClanDonald says:

    I’m pleased so many people understood the joke, namely that *every* tweet had to the same, otherwise it wouldn’t work properly.

  16. Brewsed says:


    Now that has cheered me up.

  17. velofello says:

    Jist one chip? Something fishy, and lacking in her analysis. Saucy besom!

  18. Raft says:

    I’m pleased so many people understood the joke, namely that *every* tweet had to be the same, otherwise it wouldn’t work properly.

  19. Davy says:



  20. One_Scot says:

    If this is the best ‘Scottish’ Labour have to offer, is it any wonder very few people see them as being capable of forming a Government to lead Scotland.

  21. frogesque says:

    Can I have a fried Mars Bar with my chip?

    Pretty pwetty pweeze!

    Not ‘doing’ twitter, I find it an odd art form but that response is pure bloody magic!

  22. mogabee says:

    I’m pleased so many people understood the joke, namely that *every* tweet had to be the same, otherwise it wouldn’t work properly.

  23. Ally says:

    I’m pleased so many people understood the joke, namely that *every* tweet had to be the same, otherwise it wouldn’t work properly.

  24. mogabee says:

    I must say that the thought of Ms Dugdale “stamping” her foot had me laughing.

    I wanted to tell her to grow up!

  25. muttley79 says:

    Sadly this interview from the branch office leader of Scottish Labour should surprise nobody. Kezia Dugdale cannot go two minutes without saying SNP bad. It seems to be an incurable condition.

  26. rongorongo says:

    If that’s what we do with a chip just think what we could achieve with a poke!

  27. Itchybiscuit says:

    Good one :o)

    I’m trying to get my head around Dugdale tweeting to Daisley that his conference press pass is ready to be picked up.

    What’s that all about?

  28. icyspark says:

    Kezia has a chip. On her shoulder.

    She is told what to think and do. By the UK Labour party.

  29. Wulls says:

    brilliant…….almost makes me want to join Twitter.

  30. steveasaneilean says:

    Can I have brown sauce with chip please?

  31. Nana Smith says:

    Most excellent Doug Daniel.

  32. bookie from hell says:

    are we human are we Ceilidh

  33. Greannach says:

    Poor Kezia Dugdale. Imagine knowing your career is over already.

  34. george says:


  35. John Sellars says:

    Fabulous Daniel – this is the funniest thing since Jim Murphy said he would be FM next year.

    Was there anyone else just HAD to find themselves in that tweet list?

  36. Dan Huil says:


  37. Dave McEwan Hill says:


    Can anybody explain to me (Morag, perhaps)how I can tell my cat that, due to clocks changing 7.30 am, is now 6.30 am and to stop jumping on the bed because I don’t want to get up at that point as I don’t normally go to bed till after 1am due to the cursed Wings

  38. Jim Mitchell says:

    Ah but you must always remember unionists don’t do humour, although Kez will always be my favourite comic!

  39. GrahamB says:

    Just as ludicrous is her “I’m quite clearly in charge of Scotland” quote.
    Should be a fun exchange in Holyrood in half an hour’s time (12 noon).

  40. Proud Cybernat says:

    I’m astonished.

  41. caz-m says:

    Kezia could talk for an hour and STILL not give you a straight answer to ANY question.

    She was asked the other day,

    “what if Scottish Labour has a different policy on Trident renewal to that of London Labour, what would happen in that scenario?”

    “I’LL tell you what will happen” said Kezia,

    “You really want to know what will happen?”

    “It will be discussed at Conference, because we are a democratic Party”

    “We will then have a meeting of the PLP and the NEC and I will discuss it with Jeremy”

    “It will then be put to our 30,000 members”

    “And then we will…”

    “because we are a democratic Party, we will…”

    FFS Kezia, answer the f**king question!

    As I said, Kezia doesn’t do straight answers.

  42. chossy says:

    ha ha

    well played everyone 😀

  43. Macandroid says:

    @ Dave McEwan Hill

    Fit cat with chip and reboot!

  44. paul gerard mccormack says:


  45. findlay farquaharson says:


  46. Sharon says:

    Can’t say we don’t have a sense of humor!

  47. MajorBloodnok says:

    Just one chip? I thought they came in packs of 50, with salt and sauce optional.

  48. Sharon says:

    I hate auto correct!

  49. Tackety Beets says:

    Teee Heeee excellent.

    Samantha Dega “It takes a bag to bribe me!”

    Aye Samantha ,a hael bag an a breeded fish anna !

    Labour dinnae need anything they are cloned , eh fish brained “

  50. Tackety Beets says:

    Dave McEwan Hill @ 11.30


    “due to the cursed wings”

    Its an addiction Dave , addiction a tell yea !

    We LOVE IT tho’

  51. Robert McDonald says:

    I like the way she says, “I’m quite clearly in charge of Scotland.” Aye, dream on hen.

  52. Michael D says:


  53. heedtracker says:


    Why oh why is neo fascist Daily Heil boosting a SLabour party, shock.

    She keeps repeating “I’m in charge here” rather a lot, so she’s on the way out too.

    Curse of the red tory strikes again.

  54. DerekM says:

    i need to go back to the robot factory i think my chip isnt working lol

  55. The Queen of The SNP Collective will be on FMQ`s at 12pm today,

    link to

    We Are the SNP. You Will be Assimilated. Resistance is Futile.

  56. Ruby says:

    That is just totally brilliant!

    Very well done Doug Daniel

    I was laughing so much I forgot why I needed to go and meditate!

  57. Helena Brown says:

    Dave re. cat, what I am doing with dog and I know they are different species but a with similar problem, is getting up a little later each day, you can try that if you want.

  58. Proud Cybernat says:

    Can these robot chips be genetically programmed?

  59. Flower of Scotland says:

    Absolutely brilliant Doug Daniel. Made my day!

  60. skozra says:

    LOL brilliant !

  61. jacksg says:

    News just in.

    Iraq Inquiry ‘published by July 2016’

    Sir John Chilcot said the two million word report would be finished in April, with two months or so then set aside for national security checks on it.

    Whats the betting it will be delayed due to said ‘security checks’

  62. Proud Cybernat says:

    So, Kez. When you’re not winning the debate, you insult the electorate.

    Keep it up. Keep it up. The big EXIT sign is looming larger by the day for you.

    SNP YES/YES SE 2016.

  63. Robert Kerr says:


    You miss the point.

    Report to be published in June or July.

    After the elections in May 2015.

    Damage Limitation! Surely Not!

  64. robertknight says:

    Put your questions to the (Branch) Leader of Scottish (SNP Bad!) Labour…

    link to

  65. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I’m pleased so many people understood the joke, namely that *every* tweet had to the same, otherwise it wouldn’t work properly.

  66. @jacksg

    Shares in Whitewash just trebled.

    Chilcot will be redacted to no more than a tweet.

  67. Free Scotland says:

    A question for Kez’s imperial master, Jeremy Corbyn:

    Hiz yer dug bin chipped?

  68. The Labour Party in Scotland has 30’000 members dream on more like 3,000 and that’s pushing it

  69. MolliBlum says:

    Okay — that is hilarious! Love it! 🙂

  70. ArtyHetty says:

    Wonderful, let’s hope delusional Kez got the joke. Been watching some of the old Red Dwarf programmes, did the bbc make that all those years ago? Kez would be good as that robot on the tv with her words of wisdom and advice. : ))

    And there is a saying, Kez, it takes one to know one.

  71. geeo says:

    Kezia ‘dont like mondays”

    Coz the silicon chip inside her head, got switched to overload,and nobody’s gonna go to FMQ’s, in case she makes them laugh like fu-uck….

    Her daddy doesn’t understand it, he always said he was SNP, and he can see no reason, for there ARE no reasons, what reasons does she need to talk pash…pash, pa-a-ash,

    Kezia why ?

    I don’t like Thursdays….

    Kezia why ?

    I dont like thursdays,

    Kezia why ?

    I don’t like Thursdays,

    I wannna talk…talk,talk,



  72. caz-m says:

    Purge Scotland of all these Unionist sympathisers.

    Holyrood elections 2016 vote SNP/SNP.

    Local Government elections 2017 vote SNP.

    Clear the way for INDYREF2.

  73. Bob Mack says:

    Wasn’t feeling too well today. I had an individual thought.
    However a quick rummage through an old Sky box provided a new mother board.
    Just plug it in..Ah that’s better. Now where is the signal.
    Got it

    how dare you say Snp members are robots,given a chip and told what to think.
    Good ,back to normal.

  74. geeo says:

    Kezia ‘I dont like Thursdays”

    And the silicon chip inside her head, got switched to overload,and nobody’s gonna go to FMQ’s, in case she makes them laugh like fu-uck….

    Her daddy doesn’t understand it, he always said he was SNP, and he can see no reason, for there ARE no reasons, what reasons does she need to talk pash…pash, pa-a-ash,

    Kezia why ?

    I don’t like Thursdays….

    Kezia why ?

    I dont like thursdays,

    Kezia why ?

    I don’t like Thursdays,

    I wannna talk,talk,talk,talk,




  75. Bob Mack says:



  76. I wonder if Kezia Dugdale will make the point on QT tonight that her point about the SNP being robots was proved correct today. Haha.

  77. Macart says:

    I think its fair to say, that even among Ms Dugdale’s many gaffs to date, this one has to be her virus/genetically predisposed/subway moment.

    Just where does Ms Dugdale think a six figure membership came from?

    I’m guessing though that diplomacy and humphing around olive branches aren’t essentials on Ms Dugdale’s to do list.

  78. Jack Murphy says:

    gillie said at 10:52 am :-
    “Another person embarrassed by all this must be Iain MacWhirter. That Daily Mail exclusive has made MacWhirter’s opinion piece about Kezia Dugdale in today’s Herald look completely stupid.”
    Totally agree with you.
    Best response to this Labour Dugdale story.

  79. Iain says:

    So who’s stupider….Kez or the Daily Mail?

  80. Geoff Bush says:

    Go Doug Daniel – that is so funny

  81. Andrew McLean says:


    Now I can’t get that tune out of my head!
    Talking of rats, did you see we willie winkie boy try to take the moral high ground in PMQ, embarrassing!At least Kezia is now a parody of a leader, so you can excuse her, but we willie wilkie you can’t mention tuition fees, not now not ever!

  82. Proud Cybernat says:

    Dugdale asked Nicola Sturgeon to “respect the result” of the referendum.

    Why should she? Why should we?

    Did the UK Govt. respect the terms of the Edinburgh Agreement? No, they did not! Did the UK Govt. and Better Together respect the Purdah during IndyRef#1? No, they did not. In short they achieved ‘victory’ by cheating and, in the opinion of many on the YES side, the result, far from being ‘respected’ should actually have been vetoed.

    So away and chase yerself, Kez.

    P.S. – and if you and your British sabre-nat colonialists disrespect the terms of IndyRef#2 in the same way you all totaly disrespected the terms of IndyRef#1, then you can totally expect to see IndyRef#3 in quick succession.

  83. Baldeagle58 says:

    muttley79 says:

    29 October, 2015 at 11:17 am

    Sadly this interview from the branch office leader of Scottish Labour should surprise nobody. Kezia Dugdale cannot go two minutes without saying SNP bad. It seems to be an incurable condition.

    It’ll be interesting to see how long she can go on Question Time tonight without saying SNP BAAADDDD!

  84. KenC says:

    Brilliant! 😀

  85. Christian Schmidt says:


    But I just cannot believe the ongoing stupidity of Labour. I mean they correctly realised that their problem is that too many voters are simply not prepared to listen to them. And then comments like this…

  86. Macart says:


    You’ll want to see this.

    link to

    Cracking mini documentary on the launch of Chris Cairns book.

  87. Morgatron says:

    Thats made my day, thanks everyone.

  88. Chris Cairns says:

    Nicely done Doug!
    Oh, and I’m looking forward to meeting the other ‘dug’ tonight!

  89. Ethan Blair says:


    Jeff Dugdale is an SNP member right? So he must be a robot too then… Dear god Kez is a cyborg!?!? DX

  90. Bob Mack says:


    That documentary is absolutely brilliant.

    I already have the art shop lined up to frame the artwork,which will be proudly displayed on my living room wall.

    The other half of course demands the frames match the decor!!!

  91. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Doug Daniel – Chips tonight?

  92. Proud Cybernat says:

    @ Macart

    Thanks for the link. Excellent wee video. Mr & Mrs Proud Cybernat lurking around in the background there. Bought loads of books and prints ti support brilliant Chris’ work.

    (And Greg M. – if you’re reading this – great talking to you).

  93. galamcennalath says:

    Proud Cybernat says:

    “Dugdale asked Nicola Sturgeon to “respect the result” of the referendum.”

    I think that needs to be directed to Cameron! He’s heed-unionista and he takes responsibility for delivering everything that was promised to achieve that result.

    Where is that DevoSuperHomeFederalMax now, then?

    And, when he inevitably fails to “respect”, what next?

    All this ongoing fire and brimstone from the Unionists is because they know in their hearts the result wasn’t won fair and square. And, that is what is keeping them awake at night. To paraphrase the Bard, nursing their wrath to keep in warm.

    Their result is on the shoogly peg. If their anti-Indy campaign had been conducted without the dirty tricks, they would have lost. They know it.

  94. Richard Gemmell says:

    Magic…. am on the list 🙂

    I cannot believe how happy I am


  95. Macart says:

    @Proud Cybernat

    Looked like a fairly happy wee soiree (or is that swally?).

    Hope everyone had a merry time, the product deserved a good launch.

  96. Seamus says:

    This is the funniest thing I’ve seen since the Imperial Overlord March in Buchanan Street.

  97. Wuffing Dug says:

    Ha Ha good old SLAB,

    WALL-E? Naw! FAN-E!

    Disnae compute kez. Computer says naw.

    Remember ‘goldie lookin chain’?

    I am a robot
    I am a robot
    I am a robot


  98. snode1965 says:

    Kez on QT tonight I see.
    I asked Dr Scott Arthur on Facebook if he would be performing his usual “angry Unionist in the crowd routine”. He first of all insisted that he wasn’t a Unionist, when that didn’t wash he replied that QT was past his bed time. Sounds like a Dr Scott n Kez tag-team could be on the cards. 😉

  99. Clootie says:


  100. Flower of Scotland says:

    Hope Kezia enjoys her Facebook page too! Ha,ha!

  101. Iain More says:

    Stop it, my ribs hurt. I bet it floated right over the top of her empty head as well! Never knew her daddy was a cyborg? I wonder if he will be telling her that “I’ll be back!” Hasta la vista Kezia.

    Okay I will get my coat.

  102. Iain More says:

    I think we can all agree that she isn’t 7 of 9 and she wont be assimilating any of us any time soon.

  103. The Man in the Jar says:

    Hmm. This could be fun.

    “Put your questions to Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale”

    Not archived due to live link to email address.

    link to

  104. @YESTamFerry says:

    I would have posted but she blocked me for calling her a liar! Lol

  105. mealer says:

    I am a Dalek.

  106. Al-Stuart says:

    Thankyou Stuart.

    Thankyou Kezia.

    Thankyou Twitter.

    I haven’t laughed that hard for months.

    What a genius lot to do such a brilliant piece of satire.

    Wow, politics and Scotland really have changed

  107. Effijy says:

    How dare you say that Slab members still exist, as they would have had their Chips if they believed they could go against Westminster Labour plans for the Party’s Gravy Train comes first.

    What an embarrassment for Dipity Dug!

    She is worked from the back by McTernan, she is the 3rd recent party leader trying to give credibility to having any kind of autonomy over Westminster Labour, and she played a stormer in the last election predicting 43 Scottish Seats, up 2, and actually delivering 1seat- only Thanks to the media corrupting the SNP candidate’s profile.

    A grand total of 7,500 Scots voted her in as Slab leader.
    I’ve seen a larger number at Firhill on a wet Wednesday night.

  108. frogesque says:

    @man in a jar:

    All part of the soft focus, screen out any hard questions approach so kez can read from an autocue.

    Not one meaningful or penetrating question will be asked, far less answered.

    BBC farce material.

  109. Lesley-Anne says:

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned but Lindsay Jarrett (twitter @indyclimb) is in a very bad way. She is not eating on a drip and had her morphine dose increased. She has not slept for over 60 hours due to the pain.

    During the independence referendum I found Lindsay to be one of the most inspirational people around … putting that giant YES sign in the Edinburgh castle might have had something to do with it. 😀

    While she did what she could to help inspire us all last year I think it is now up to us to return the compliment and do whatever we can to inspire her to fight on and beat this deadly Alpha One disease.

  110. Bob Mack says:

    @Lesley Anne.

    Sad news. The lady has the courage of a lion and her efforts on behalf of the movement still draw admiration.

    I hope she improves and my thoughts are most definitely with her at this time.

  111. Stephen Bowers says:

    Brilliant, just brilliant, so sorry I missed that one

  112. Bill Fraser says:

    Makes Kezia Dugdale look so stupid if people hadn’t yet realized the fact.

  113. Chic McGregor says:

    Astonishing example of projection by Ms Dugdale.

    ‘I am SNPartacus’.

  114. The Man in the Jar says:


    I know but it doesn’t stop us from taking the piss.

  115. Lesley-Anne says:

    Great idea that Doug. I found myself sending oor wee Kez a tweet in a somewhat similar vein just now. I say similar because it was identical to the no doubt hundreds if not thousands of others like your Doug but I could not help myself and added a we bit *ahem* extra at the end … “Does not compute Does not compute Does not …” 😀

    robertknight says:
    29 October, 2015 at 12:17 pm

    Put your questions to the (Branch) Leader of Scottish (SNP Bad!) Labour…

    link to

    There is only one wee itsy bitsy teency weeny little problem with doing that Robert … I’d be dead before she finished rabbiting on about how bad the SNP were before she asked for the question again I’d never get to hear her answer to my question. 😀

  116. johnj says:

    How to get people to vote for you.

    Insult them.

    I predict that Kez won’t last a year in the job.

  117. Macart says:

    @Lesley Anne

    So sorry to hear this news.

    Ms Jarrett IS an inspiration and her efforts during the indyref campaign were an exceptional example of courage and determination.

  118. X_Sticks says:


    Thanks for the heads up about Lindsay. Very sorry to hear she’s not so good. What an inspirational lady.

    You can tweet to her directly at @indyclimb if you want o send messages of support which I know she really appreciates.

    Alternatively you can make a donation to the Lindsay Jarrett Foundation to help support her and her children (three of whom also have the awful Alpha 1 condition):

    link to

  119. The Man in the Jar says:

    I had the immense privilege of meeting Lindsay Jarrett at a PQ demo prior to the referendum. I do hope she recovers. A true hero of the referendum.

  120. T222Deracha says:

    Danger Will Robinson!!!!!…..Danger!! Set all chips to malky!!!

  121. Andy-B says:

    Ha ha ha, a wonderful piece of united sarcasm.

  122. steveasaneilean says:


    Sorry to hear of this. Wishing her well.

    Definitely my stand out hero (among many) of last year.

  123. dakk says:

    Je suis R2 D2 .

  124. gerry parker says:

    I wonder howmany tweets she got saying” how dare you…..”

    I don’t do twitter.

  125. jacksg says:

    Here are a few questions for Ms Dugdale.

    I would like to ask you and in particular the senior members of your party why you have continually failed to understand the changes that have occurred in Scotland over the past ten years.

    I am assuming you live in Scotland Ms Dugdale? The reason I ask is that it seems to me and many of my fellow scots that you live on a different planet from us? In fact I would go as far to say that some say you and your party are in a different galaxy.

    Where did it all go wrong mmm let me see.

    Tony Blair (there are not enough bad words to describe that nutter)

    Gordon Brown(Oh dear)

    Alistair Darling(FFS)

    Margit Curran (Zelda has a face like a bag of spanners, and the emotional intelligence of a four year old)

    And we simply cannot forget (If only we could but he was too much comedy value) the Irn Bru football tee total you can all get pissed at the fitba except me Jim Murphy.

    Do any of you realise Ms Dugdale that there are ELECTIONS and in those elections half of Scotland voted for our SNP Scottish Government in Holyrood and our MP’S in Westminster. That’s right Kezia WE CHOOSE THEM they were not foisted upon us as you clearly seem to think, your mantra seems to be the following.

    New Bridges= bad because Labour did not mismanage it.

    New super hospital= bad as above

    Crime rates down= same as you get the picture.

    The Labour party and its Scottish representatives(and in particular the Muppets named above) have utterly failed to grasp that change and have paid dearly at the ballot box.

    And even now after losing 41 seats in a general election they still fail to see why Scotland has changed instead as usual you have all carried on regardless.

    Well Ms Dugdale there are elections in Scotland next year and can you guess who we are going to vote for, here’s a wee clue.



  126. Free Scotland says:

    Question: What would cause a vast number of people from hugely differing backgrounds and representing every age group imaginable to behave in exactly the same way, falling around helpless and crying tears of uncontrollable, side-splitting laughter?

    Wrong answer: A programmable chip.

    Correct answer: Kezia Dugdale’s claim to be “… quite clearly in charge of Scotland.”

  127. s4ge says:

    Question: How can Scottish Labour legally have different policies than UK Labour?

    Answer: It cannot

  128. Bob Mack says:

    Just listening to the debate on tax credits.
    it occurs to me that the Tories promised to reduce the welfare budget by some 12 billion.
    They will save 4.5 billion with this measure,leaving 7.5 billion still to save.
    I thought about who was left to come under the beady eye ofthe Chancellor ,in order to save this sum.
    Given he has robbed the disabled,the young, the unemployed, people on housing benefit ,there is but one target left to save this money.

    That target is the elderly. Who else is there ?

    The older generation had better brace themselves for what is coming down the line at great speed.

  129. yesindyref2 says:

    Excellent Doug. YES always did have humour on its side, whereas NO had anger.

  130. jimnarlene says:


    @ Geeo, that’s brilliant too.

  131. sensibledave says:

    Three men are sitting naked in the sauna. Suddenly there is a beeping sound. The first man presses his forearm and the beeping stops. The others look at him questioningly.

    “That`s my pager,” he says. “I have a microchip under the skin of my arm.” A few minutes later a phone rings. The second man lifts his palm to his ear. When he finishes he explains, “That`s my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand.”

    The third man (I think he mights have been a member of the SNP), feeling decidedly low-tech, steps out of the sauna. In a few minutes he returns with a piece of toilet paper extending from his rear.

    The others raise their eyebrows.

    “I`m getting a Fax,” he explains

  132. Robert Peffers says:

    I don’t tweet, (mind you sometimes I do wheeze a bit when the pollen count is high), but I do appreciate the absolute brilliance of that skelp oan the earse o wee Dugdale.

    When the leader of the Labour branch office is so prone to engage her mouth before turning on her brain she asks for all she gets.

    Might I recommend Labour to use a decent answering machine to take instructions from head office in London? Not only is it far cheaper to run but it makes fewer stupid errors.

  133. Dorothy Devine says:

    Brilliant ! Laughed my socks off!

    About young Lindsay , so sorry to hear of her struggles and hope that she recovers.

  134. Bob Mack says:


    Very good. However if it was an SNP member he would have the FACTS, not the fax.

  135. yesindyref2 says:

    OT – Lest we forget Longannet

    12 march 2010: “Longannet awarded funding for carbon capture design

    … announcement by the UK Government confirming funding to ScottishPower’s Longannet site for design and development studies as part of the competition to build one of the world’s first commercial scale carbon capture and storage demonstration plants”


    19 Oct 2011: “A pioneering £1bn state-funded carbon capture and storage (CCS) project at the Longannet power station in Fife has been cancelled, as the [UK] government announced that “a decision has been made not to proceed with Longannet but to pursue other projects with the £1bn funding made available by the government.


    20 Jan 2013: “THE UK Government’s upcoming tax on carbon emissions was one of the key reasons behind the collapse of the Longannet carbon-capture project, after the tax added around £250 million to the cost, the Sunday Herald can reveal.


    24 Mar 2015: “DEPUTY First Minister John Swinney has called for reform of the UK’s “fundamentally flawed” transmission charging regime after it was announced that Longannet power station is likely to close early next year.

    Operator Scottish Power said yesterday that the coal-fired plant in Fife will “in all likelihood” close by March 2016 after losing out on a short-term National Grid contract.


    18 Aug 2015: “Scotland’s last coal-fired power station, Longannet in Fife, is to close on 31 March next year.

    Its owner, Scottish Power, said the high cost of connecting to the grid was to blame.

    The company has also announced it is abandoning plans to build a new gas-fired power station at Cockenzie in East Lothian.”


    29 Oct 2015: “Warning Scotland will have to import energy from England”

  136. David says:

    Can I get a Scotch pie with my chip.

  137. Hamish100 says:


    After the terrible event in Aberdeen I was sure Dugdale would have demanded more stop and search powers for the police at FMQ’s

    Maybe next week.

    link to

  138. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Watching FMQs today, I caught the question put by SLABBER Jenny Marra.

    My immediate thought was, like the legendary stalls patron at the Glasgow Empire that Friday night when Bernie Winters sauntered onstage to join Brother MIke.

    “Oh fuck, there are two of them”.

    I think a wee punt on Jenny as next branch manager in Edinburgh might pay off. She is definitely another in the long sour-faced, nippy sweetie line, which began with Wendy Alexander and took in Jo La and Jackie Baillie, before the baton was handed to Fifi La Bon-Bon.

  139. Ronald says:

    I went to school with dugdale and she was as thick as mince back then aswell, something’s never change

  140. sensibledave says:

    Bob Mack 3.32


  141. Robert Peffers says:

    @Dave McEwan Hill says: 29 October, 2015 at 11:30 am:

    “Can anybody explain to me (Morag, perhaps)how I can tell my cat that, due to clocks changing 7.30 am, is now 6.30 am and to stop jumping on the bed because I don’t want to get up at that point.

    Think yourself lucky. I have the same problem with the wee Papillon Bitch – only she is now waking me up at 04:15am.

    After her initial confusion on the clock’s changing she is getting progressively earlier and earlier. I get bother every clock change but it usually sorts itself out in around a week but this time she seems to have become really confused.

  142. David says:

    OH LOOK a Squirrel a ROBOTIC ONE 🙂

  143. Jim Watson says:

    I just tweeted that to Kezia…we should have a second portion…

  144. Grouse Beater says:

    Kezia Dugdale is rumoured the next Bond girl: “Ah get tae do different things from English Bond girls”. link to

  145. Wuffing Dug says:

    Yesindyref2 @ 3.33

    The British governments agenda is clear;

    a) Destroy Scotland’s energy and renewables sectors

    b) Cripple oil industry and recruit engineers with requisite skills for nuclear and defence projects, destruction of other industrial base such as steel making is a bonus for them

    c) Ensure dependency on English energy supply from nuclear source

    The jobs are already flowing south.

    Needs to be stopped forthwith.

  146. Lenny Hartley says:

    O/T bought a Torygraph today to get the free bottle of water at the airport. Had a quick scan through before I binned it, they have a page of announcements and it said I kid ye not, that
    Prince arry had received Mrs Obama in Florida. What planet do these eejits live on?

    In Iceland trying to find our PM so I can sing him a song to the tune of a Rolf Harris song about a wallaby and It goes something like this

    Bestiality is best Dave
    bestiality is best Dave etc
    chorus “shag a deid pig”

  147. Lollysmum says:

    8pm tonight-Twitter Storm tweeting the same message to her. Come & join us. The more the merrier 🙂

  148. Andrew McLean says:

    Robert Peffers says:
    29 October, 2015 at 3:45 pm
    @Dave McEwan Hill says: 29 October, 2015 at 11:30 am:

    Oh that penny dropped hard, I thought the bloody dog was just nuts getting me up so early, clock changed yes :-0. I will get him a watch for xmas!

  149. Andrew McLean says:

    Lenny Hartley,
    Well that harry is a bit of a lad, and and don’t say you wouldn’t 🙂
    Obama will kick his ginger stones if he catches him!

  150. Petra says:

    ‘Kezia Dugdale in the Scottish Daily Mail this morning: “We’re not like the SNP. This isn’t a party of robots that are given a chip and told what to think.”

    Mmmh attempt at projection methinks! A real cracker coming from someone who’s not only told how to think but told what to do (being ALLOWED to say that her party will be autonomous) from one wee humdrum Englishman after another: the latter one she didn’t even want to be Labour leader ”Mr Corbyn is not Prime Ministerial material and if the Left-winger was successful, Labour would be left “carping on the side-lines”.

    As to Kezia Dugdale asking Nicola Sturgeon to “respect the result” of the referendum and (give up) move on.” How ridiculous is that? Has the Labour Party respected the fact that the Tories are in power? Are they / she ready to give up and move on?

    Can’t wait for Kezia Dugdale to be told that she’s ‘had her chips’ next May.

  151. Almannysbunnet says:

    Hope over fear, humour over anger. Hope and humour will win over fear and anger every time. Keep it up Kez.

  152. Lollysmum says:

    Pete Wishart decided to join in the fun from WM at lunchtime 🙂

    “How dare you say SNP members are chips given a robot and told what to think?!”

  153. galamcennalath says:

    Wee Ginger Dug says …

    “The new Scottish cringe is the Unionists at Holyrood, they’re embarrassed by their own country and are an embarrassment to it.”

    … that is sooooo true!

  154. gerry parker says:


    I wonder if Iceland will be charged for putting geothermal energy into the grid like the Scottish Power stations are. After all, they too are a fair distance from the major centers of population too.

  155. Dr Jim says:

    @Bob Mack

    Liam Fox’s think tank wants to remove the Heating Allowance from pensioners and the Bus Pass
    Our team says they can do something about keeping the Bus Pass in Scotland but Westminster can get away with removing Heating Allowance

    Still that probably means more old folk freezing to death this, or next winter, but the up side is:

    Think of the savings on pension payouts if you just kill people, so good savings move for the Tories there

    Of course there’s the Army, if they can get a bit of a ground war going they can save a pretty penny on soldiers wages too, it’s all good (if you’re a Tory)

  156. Robert Peffers says:

    @Lesley-Anne says: 29 October, 2015 at 2:06 pm:

    “Sorry if this has already been mentioned but Lindsay Jarrett (twitter @indyclimb) is in a very bad way. She is not eating on a drip and had her morphine dose increased. She has not slept for over 60 hours due to the pain.”

    Oh! I’m so very sorry to hear that, Lesley-Anne. Just by coincidence I was sitting thinking about her only yesterday and made a mental note to check if there was any recent news.

    There will always be two wonderfully inspiring ladies residing in my memory. That courageous lady and the wee lassie with the Saltire standing close by the two knuckle dragging guys with the butcher’s aprons.

    There was much to be admired throughout the campaign but those two young ladies will always stand out as inspirational long after our country is free.

  157. Andrew McLean says:

    Robert Peffers says:

    “those two young ladies will always stand out as inspirational long after our country is free.”


  158. Robert Peffers says:

    @johnj says: 29 October, 2015 at 2:23 pm:

    ” … I predict that Kez won’t last a year in the job.”

    Ach! johnj, give the wee lass a break. It must be soul destroying to know you are just a replacement for a phone answering machine that takes messages of orders from London.

    If the Labour in Scotland had anyone with brains they could have set-up a phone/FAX/Answer Machine to not only take the London orders but could then make a one time broadcast call, by either fax or phone, to all the Labour branches in Scotland.

  159. ahundredthidiot says:

    Someone please tell me Kez found this funny.

    If she did, then there might be hope for her yet.

    SNP would welcome her with open arms.

  160. Lesley-Anne says:

    You are so right Robert. We have so many inspirational people from the YES side last year it makes me so proud to have been part of the YES campaign and been able to what little I could.

    As you say Robert these two sisters in Freedom Square on the 19th were truly inspirational standing up to the thugs of the union.

    I love the picture of the wee lassie standing next to the two unionist numpties. She looks so inspirational with her look of aspiration against their look of hopelessness.

    With regards to Lindsay to be honest I am actually lost for words. She has truly been THE most inspirational individual to have been around during the referendum. I think what gives her the extra bit of pizazz and charisma for me is knowing that she has this terrible Alpha One disease and yet she has still managed to inspire so many of us to carry on with the fight despite last September’s result.

    I wish them all well but especially Lindsay at this crucial time. To be honest if my lungs and spleen were up for the job I’d willing offer them up for a transplant to ensure Lindsay could carry on the fight for independence!

  161. Jimmy says:

    I never realised that the 44.7% brigade had a sense of humour or perspective.
    After reading this humorous and intelligent posting I willingly concede that I was wrong on both counts.
    I don’t really expect my comments to be published, but hope springs eternal

  162. Alan Mackintosh says:

    ahundredthidiot. Nope, SNP already turned her down. Then she went to work for Foulkes. We dodged a bullet there!

  163. frogesque says:

    The Man in the Jar says:
    29 October, 2015 at 2:21 pm

    I know but it doesn’t stop us from taking the piss.

    OK, so I’ll bite anyway.

    BBC to Kez: Do you support devolution of broadcasting to Scotland?

  164. Alastair says:

    So the Government have Lord Strathclyde leading for them into review of the House of Lords.
    Great they have such an upstanding (read the link) honourable statesman who is renowned for his impeccable judgement.

    link to

  165. John smithmaybe says:

    ‘Here’s the thing fellow patriots, you’re all robots, incapable of independent thought. Now, can we have your vote?’ That’s ‘leadership’ heading for 3rd place – right there.

  166. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Are you taking the piss Jimmy? The humour was only ever on one side, and it still is. Your behind the times as well, 44.7%, that is SO last year, it’s well over 50% now and climbing. And no, comments here aren’t censored, unlike Britnat blogs or btl of the Corpmedia.

  167. Macart says:

    @Robert Peffers 4.52pm

    Well said Robert.

  168. frogesque says:

    Jimmy says:
    29 October, 2015 at 5:11 pm
    I never realised that the 44.7% brigade had a sense of humour or perspective.
    After reading this humorous and intelligent posting I willingly concede that I was wrong on both counts.
    I don’t really expect my comments to be published, but hope springs eternal

    Sometimes it’s only the humour that keeps us going. That and the inexorable progress of the YES movement.

    Not only do you find wit and humour here but you also get in-depth analysis from very knowledgeable people from all walks of life, not just the political bubble. It is a reflection of the SNP and the wider YES movement.

    We know stuff, we report stuff and we act and react to stuff. Kez made herself a laughing stock, we’ve all just helped the process along a bit!

  169. Petra says:


    @ Lesley-Anne says at 2:06 pm

    ”Sorry if this has already been mentioned but Lindsay Jarrett (twitter @indyclimb) is in a very bad way. She is not eating on a drip and had her morphine dose increased. She has not slept for over 60 hours due to the pain.

    During the independence referendum I found Lindsay to be one of the most inspirational people around … putting that giant YES sign in the Edinburgh castle might have had something to do with it.

    While she did what she could to help inspire us all last year I think it is now up to us to return the compliment and do whatever we can to inspire her to fight on and beat this deadly Alpha One disease.”

    Lesley-Anne thanks for giving us an update on Lindsay. Absolutely heart-breaking to think that she’s suffering so much and is in such pain. And yes she has been / is and always will be a true inspiration to us all. She’s often been in my thoughts and prayers. I’ll continue to pray for her as I’m sure many others will do too. Any suggestions as to what we could do to help her right now would be truly welcome.

    If you’re not the ‘praying’ type let’s all focus on her recovering and consider having a hospital named for her when our country ultimately acquires its Freedom.

  170. Jock Scot says:

    Rather peeved that I appear to have missed oot on free chips. Then, I remember seeing Kez coming oot o’ Haymarket station and she was fillin’ her mooth with chips..not a pleasant sight! I also find it highly amusing that the people that Labour use to slag the SNP, are people who used to vote for them before they stopped ‘working’ for the lower classes , of course. I also often wonder, how many feet this monster had to start with !

  171. skooshcase says:

    @Jimmy at 5.11 pm

    See you Jimmy!

    Now fuck-off Jimmy so we dont have to see you anymore….

  172. Truth says:

    I’m pleased so many people understood the joke, namely that *every* tweet had to be the same, otherwise it wouldn’t work properly.

  173. john king says:

    Brilliant Doug,

    I’ll give you an even better laugh
    I put petrol in my deisel car today and sat in Tesco’s forecourt for two and a half hours waiting for a man to come and drain my tank, cost me the better part of two hundred quid, pissed myself laughing all the way home to my tea of baked beans on toast (apparently its going to be that for two weeks)and a bed in the spare room. 🙁

  174. frogesque says:


    Lindsay Jarrett at Hope Over Fear in George Square. I heard her speak and my thoughts are with this inspirational lady!

    link to

  175. galamcennalath says:

    Standard Establishment / CorpMedia tactics … attack personalities. There isn’t much evidence that effects any type of voting intention.

    OK … attack the SNP. Hmmm, again polls are unaffected. SNP support stable,

    Why? Because they are missing the point. Everything has moved up another level, it has all become a cause. The cause of self determination for Scotland. That has risen above party politics and individuals.

    Consider the diverse nature of the Yes campaign, there were times when it looked like politicians and the SNP were running to keep up with the Yes grass roots surge. Individuals, en masse, had got the bit between their teeth and were carrying the cause forward.

    Ok, at the moment the Yes giant is slumbering, but that is where popular support is being focused IMO. Attacking that underlying hope driven mission, is hopefully beyond Unionist capabilities!

  176. frogesque says:

    @ galamcennalath

    I aint’nt slumbering, I’m building up strength for IRef#2!

    When that starting gun fires I’ll be out the blocks like a seagull after a chip butty

  177. john king says:

    Helena Brown says
    “Dave re. cat, what I am doing with dog and I know they are different species but a with similar problem, is getting up a little later each day, you can try that if you want.”

    Or you could do what I do and get up at 4.45am every day summer or winter, my cat never beats me up…eh ye ken whit Aa mean,
    Hardtalks quite guid. 🙂

  178. Jimmy says:


    Sorry Alan, I didn’t mean to upset you, you come across as a sensible guy.
    Obviously I was taking the p—-,but I will stop posting comments to this website from now on, but I will keep reading them for a laugh.

  179. Mary Goodall says:

    I loved the repeat of the tweet. So Funny. Well thought out. I have noticed recently. I am getting a lot of unionists commenting on nearly everything I write about regarding My SNP affiliation. I am told that I am Sheep Baa. Also I need to Educate myself. That I behave like the North Koreans. About My Dear Leader. Where are they coming from. Is this the Conservatives or The Labour. And Lib Dems. Or just the Scottish Orange Unionists. With nothing to do. But Harras SNP Members. Is it because they have nothing better to do. Do they think I will be afraid. Cancell my SNP Membership. Put away my Campaign material. Because they tell me. Sorry I want Independence.

  180. Cadogan Enright says:

    While the response is funny, the way Kezia willingly participates in the dehumanisation of YES folk is extremely worrying.

    Most extreme Human Rights abuses are preceded by a period of painting the target community as sub-human.

    Support of the press and an alien government can lead it to be ramped up to extremes, and there will always be a section in society who will see this as ‘permission’ for extreme behaviour and abuse of the target community.

    We need to start outing thi behaviour before it gets too late.

    Clearly Rawandan type extremes are impossible here, but a N.I. situation is not beyond likelihood given how the so-called intelligence services are the same as those who coordinated Loyalist violence in NI (and still do)

    We need a framework for political discourse inScotland that prohibits violence, calling for violence, excusing violence and most especially de-humanising your opponents.

    It would be worth YESsers starting a petition on this for consideration by the Scottish Parliament.

    Here in NI we have a new commissioner for local government that holds Councillors to a higher public standard for their conduct.

    I am currently using this system to make a complaint about a fellow councillor who went into the local press predicting that a Council Notice Board whose location he identified would be destroyed within a week as it had some Gaelic on it. There were other similar comments in other newspaper articles we he made similar statements that showed a pattern, like calling for a bonfire of council stationary where it to contain Gaelic.

    Foul language, racism and personal abuse of other councillors or constituents are also covered by the code of conduct.

    If such a thing does not exist in Scotland then we need to petition the SNP to make it happen, and if it is not strict enough, we need them to tighten it up.

    If it does exist we need it to out deliberate demonisation and dehumanisation of people before it gets out of hand.

  181. schrodingers cat says:


    your predecessor said we weren’t genetically programmed to make decisions…make yer mind up kezia

    maybe this is what she means by autonomous autonomy?

    ps, I don’t have a twitter account, could someone tweet this to her?

  182. Lesley-Anne says:

    Jimmy says:
    29 October, 2015 at 6:23 pm


    Sorry Alan, I didn’t mean to upset you, you come across as a sensible guy.
    Obviously I was taking the p—-,but I will stop posting comments to this website from now on, but I will keep reading them for a laugh.

    No need to stop posting Jimmy. Unfortunately humour does not always transport well via type … being the village idiot around these parts I should know. 😀

    Perhaps if you want to make a humourous comment these hints may help: 😉

    colon followed by D gives 😀
    semi colon followed by D gives ;D
    colon followed by P gives 😛
    semi colon followed by P gives ;P
    colon followed by ( gives 🙁
    semi colon followed by ( gives 🙁
    colon followed by ) gives 🙂
    semi colon followed by ) gives 😉

  183. Paula Rose says:

    We do humour – up-front, out-there, in-your-face and subtle, don’t expect everyone to get them all though.

  184. Lesley-Anne says:

    schrodingers cat says:
    29 October, 2015 at 6:36 pm


    your predecessor said we weren’t genetically programmed to make decisions…make yer mind up kezia

    maybe this is what she means by autonomous autonomy?

    ps, I don’t have a twitter account, could someone tweet this to her?

    Donedid Schrodinger, with extreme pleasure! 😀

  185. Lesley-Anne says:

    Sorry Jimmy I forgot to mention in my last post to you that you should ensure that there is a space BEFORE and AFTER each wee icon thingy otherwise it won’t work. 😉

  186. schrodingers cat says:

    thanks Lesley Ann

  187. Lesley-Anne says:

    schrodingers cat says:
    29 October, 2015 at 6:45 pm

    thanks Lesley Ann

    Curtseys, doffs hat and all that jazz. 😀

  188. yesindyref2 says:

    Mmm, headline in the Herald tomorrow:

    “Sturgeon in fishy business on dual carriageway”

  189. frogesque says:

    yesindyref2 says:
    29 October, 2015 at 7:00 pm
    Mmm, headline in the Herald tomorrow:

    “Sturgeon in fishy business on dual carriageway”

    Personally I blame the Rev’s cat :p

  190. HandandShrimp says:

    I see QT is from Edinburgh tonight. Will Dimbleby ask that there are no discussions about English politics because the good people of Edinburgh would not be interested in such things?

    I do hope someone in the audience pulls him up if he does not.

    I wonder what Kezia will make up tonight as she spoofs her way through the issues.

  191. Bob Mack says:

    ???? Testing reception to all SNP droids????????????????????????????

    You will abandon Labour.You will abandon Labour????

  192. Lesley-Anne says:


    I forgot about that H&S.

    I really do hope someone asks wee Kez how many in the audience are robots and have been handed the SNP command chip! 😀

  193. sinky says:

    Channel 4 news tries to ppreven Alex Salmond from giving his views on tax cedits

  194. J Galt says:

    Mind you taking the proverbial out of oor Kezia is a bit like shooting fish in a saucepan (never mind a barrel!)

  195. ArtyHetty says:

    Re; Cadogan Enright@6.25pm

    Absolutely, what you say. On a serious note the demonisation and dehumanisation of a people is very dangerous. Camoron and his ilk would like nothing better than to divide people, either within Scotland, or across border. Given my recent experience in NE England, Scotland is viewed with scepticism and ridicule at best, distain and contempt rapidly coming up behind that.

    We need to out those who deem ‘othering’, as acceptable. I was just looking at rt news, fo what it’s worth. Austrians are arming themselves with guns due to th refugee crisis. Oh oh.

  196. Lesley-Anne says:

    I’ve just seen the panel for tonight’s QT.

    Keith Brown
    Annabel Goldie
    Kezia Dugdale
    Billy Bragg
    Merryn Somerset Webb.

    Who the &*%£ is Merryn Somerset Webb and more importantly who the hell calls their kid Merryn or Somerset?

    Ye gawds … Somerset is a bloddy county for gawds sake NOT a bloody kid’s name!!!

  197. Andrew McLean says:

    Got a call from the service department tonight, sorry your software update is corrupt, I thought shit back to DOS 3.1 SNP basic operating system, freedom, ????

    gave me a courtesy car to get home! ????

  198. Jimmy says:


    Thanks for these tips regarding icons and your kind words saying that I should continue posting, so I’m back.
    I left school more than 55 years ago so my memory of colons and semi colons has long gone.
    I can still remember my own name though, and I don’t even have to struggle to do so.I do hope that ex SNP candidate in Edinburgh now realises that it is stupid to insult potential voters with ageist comments

  199. heedtracker says:

    HandandShrimp says:
    29 October, 2015 at 7:10 pm
    I see QT is from Edinburgh tonight.

    Every time this dude shouts “disgrace” at anything SNP

    link to

    I have to get the next round in.

  200. Brian says:

    Very, very funny at a hundred different levels.
    My God, she just never learns.

  201. Dan Huil says:

    Merryn thingy writes for the Financial Times and the Sunday Post. Stand by for gleeful financial black holes in the zillions for an independent Scotland.

  202. yesindyref2 says:

    Sorry, context for that “Sturgeon” thing was this:

    link to

    apparently the jokes have have been floundering around the net, often skating on thin ice, with roes of cars not biting.

  203. frogesque says:

    @ Lesley Ann

    Apparently Merryn means Joyful in Old English

    link to

    She’s some sort of financial guru

    link to

  204. Lesley-Anne says:

    What a complete idiot that guy is heedtracker!

    Abdy kens that ony one frae Fife is ALWAYS a FIFER first, Scottish second and the other one third! 😀

  205. Grouse Beater says:

    Here’s England’s prisons at work while English colonials concentrate on castigating Scottish law they wish was governed by England. The man had Alzheimer’s disease.

    “The death of an 84-year-old man who died in shackles after being detained at Gatwick airport was a “wholly unacceptable” and “shameful” end to his life, an scathing report by the English prisons ombudsman found.”

  206. Sandy Henderson says:

    Come on, bloggers, be fair.
    Keiza’s quite well balanced. She has a chip on BOTH shoulders!!

  207. HandandShrimp says:

    Every time this dude shouts “disgrace” at anything SNP

    Does Dr Von Scott have a free pass to every BBC event?

  208. David says:

    @ Lesley-Anne, journalist Merryn Webb is definitely NOT a fan of the SNP, judging by her Twitter account.

    So on BBC Question Time she will line up with Tory Annabel Goldie and red Tory Kezia La Bonbon/Dugdale, oh and presenter Dimbleby Junior too, against SNP’s Keith Brown, and singer Billy Bragg. (Bragg is Labour as far as I know, but he is also openly pro-indy.)

    Even at that, 4 against 2, tonight’s panel must be the most evenly-balanced we have had in a long time!

  209. Effijy says:

    Hello to one of Scotland’s bravest young women.
    I’ll be paying for your good health Lindsay!

    I hope Gordon Brown is on his knees asking for forgiveness for
    lying to people like Lindsay by suggesting that independence
    would mean Scots being taken off the transplant list.

  210. Dr Jim says:

    Dr Scott Arthur
    I knew he was an Idjit but
    I just followed someone’s link to this guys Twitter

    This is really serious, this man’s allowed to have children
    Surely there must be laws to prevent this (Can’t be right)

  211. Lesley-Anne says:

    I hope wee Gordie Broon hangs his head in perpetual shame from now till eternaty myself Effijy!

  212. Bob W says:


    He didn’t insult any potential voters, he posted a link to a satirical website, which the media conflated into a slur on the slightly older voter.

  213. heedtracker says:

    Lesley-Anne says:
    29 October, 2015 at 7:44 pm
    What a complete idiot that guy is heedtracker!

    Clearly a UKOK unionist man to the core of his teamGBness but he really should stand for MSP Holyrood, he’s clearly doing fcuk all at work.

    As should Kevarage, Duncan Hotherbonkers, Prof Tomkinski of Slovenia, and say EffieDeans and that ferocious nutcase History Woman.

    In fact they should set up a new red/blue tory unionist party all together, under Duncan, the all new exciting “We hate Stu Campbell, love UKOK, Scotland is a shithole run by mad cops, crazed medics, awful teachers, we really weally wuv poor students” party.

    They’re certainly on BBC tv and radio far more than anyone else around, especially the party that’s actually in right now.

    I think I’ve seen more of Dr Scott thinks, Kerage and Prof Tomkins on BBC Scotland than all SNP put together.

  214. Let me get this aright:

    A SNiP-symp tells SNiPpers to repeat a robotic message. They do. And … just so I’m quite sure … that’s not robotic?

    Yeah. Right.

  215. Petra says:

    Another fly move by the BBC?! Annabel Goldie and Kezia Dugdale versus Billy Bragg and Keith Brown on QT tonight.

    Two Scottish Unionists politicians versus one Scottish SNP politician and an English celebrity / left wing activist (who supported Independence).

    They’ll be allowed to banter backwards and forwards with regard to who can do as much damage to the SNP or not.

    And then there’s Merryn Somerset Webb who’ll ultimately be holding court / having the last and lasting say.

    Why has an English financial expert been invited onto the panel? And if this was deemed to be appropriate why not counter balance this by having someone like Gordon McIntyre Kemp, Jim or Margaret Cuthbert, Alex Salmond or even Stu on the panel (not kidding)?

    Totally scunnered with the BBC.

    A ‘taste’ of Merryn Somerset Webb:

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  216. Lollysmum says:

    Nei Hay didn’t insult anyone-all he did was retweet a tweet from BBC Scotlandshire-the words were the headline of that article which they wrote.You will find the article here: s.html" rel="nofollow ugc">link to

    Please don’t believe everything you read in the press or on tv-most of it is lies & that is why this site exists. No one else was pulling up the press on those lies so Stuart (the Rev) decided he would do something about the problem himself.

    That is also the reason many commenters came here. All looking for the truth we aren’t getting from radio/tv & newspapers.

  217. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Lesley-Anne.

    Are you typing that Angus Ogg’s forename is illegitimate, in some way?


  218. Lollysmum says:

    Aargh-I forgot about Akismet automatically changing the word beginning with q in that link. Oh well I tried 🙁

    If you go to page 10 of 11 on BBC Scotlandshire site & scroll down the page you will see it near the bottom.

  219. Albaman says:

    I do not have “Twitter”, but do not want to be left out == how dare you say S.N.P. members are robots given a chip and told what to say, what to say, what to say, what t. o s a ——

    Took me a long time to “power up”, partly due to my broadband being delivered by the “Pony Exspress “.

  220. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Jeez, Lollysmum.

    That was a hell of a link! Is this one not easier on the eyes?

    link to


  221. Lollysmum says:

    Malcolm Redfellow
    It’s called using Scots humour against the person insulting the voters she says she wants to attract.

  222. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Robert Peffers (and anyone else similarly inspired).

    You may find this of interest.

    link to

  223. frogesque says:

    Malcolm Redfellow says:
    29 October, 2015 at 8:25 pm
    Let me get this aright:

    A SNiP-symp tells SNiPpers to repeat a robotic message. They do. And … just so I’m quite sure … that’s not robotic?

    Yeah. Right.

    Not quite sure what you’re implying here but in my book it’s called humour. Kez made an idiotic statement, Doug Daniel picked up on it and the rest ran with the ball.

    Pure genius!

  224. Petra says:

    @ Alastair says at 5:23 pm ”So the Government have Lord Strathclyde leading for them into review of the House of Lords. Great they have such an upstanding (read the link) honourable statesman who is renowned for his impeccable judgement.”

    link to

    Jobs for the boys again! Seems that Joanna Cherry QC, SNP Justice and Home Affairs spokeswoman, has been given a body swerve by Westminster by being denied a place on a parliamentary body examining Human Rights. Ms Cherry has excellent credentials for such a position and was also one of the first specialist sex crimes prosecutors in the Crown Office’s national sex crimes unit which would no doubt have been an asset.

    link to

    I also see that Harriet Harman of PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) notoriety, related to David Oinker Cameron and niece of Lord Longford supporter of Myra Hindley HAS been chosen to sit on the HR Committee. It’ll be interesting to see who else has been chosen and more to the point one wonders why Joanna Cherry has been excluded.

    ”Westminster’s third party forced a vote on the proposal to select four Tories and two Labour MPs, including former deputy leader Harriet Harman, to represent the Commons on the joint committee on Human Rights.”

    They will consider human rights in the UK along with six peers, a move which prompted the SNP’s Pete Wishart to warn last week that there is “something fundamentally rotten with our democracy” if unelected donors and cronies have equal status with (elected) MPs.

    The Government has previously argued an SNP MP would only be invited on to the body if there were seven MPs needed.

    On Wednesday, the Commons voted 485 to 61 in favour of approving the four Tories and two Labour MPs suggested for the committee.

    Joanna Cherry, the SNP’s justice and home affairs spokeswoman, said the influence of Scots has been “diminished yet further” by the “outrageous” decision less than a week after proposals seeking English Votes for English Laws were approved.

    In a statement, the MP for Edinburgh South West said: “The inexcusable decision of the Westminster parties to deliberately block any Scottish representation on this key human rights committee demonstrates just how little respect the Tory and Labour establishment have for the people of Scotland, our interests and our democratic voice.”

    Posted by Sinky earlier:

    link to

  225. Jimmy says:

    BOB W
    Bob, aye right

  226. fionn says:

    This is most polite way to tell somebody to “away and don’t talk pish” that I’ve seen in ages. I look forward to the Glasgow translation.

  227. yesindyref2 says:

    @Malcolm Redfellow
    Take me to your leader!

  228. frogesque says:

    @ Lollysmum, Briandoonthetoon.

    Just followed the BBC Scotlandshire link:

    “a complete wunch of bankers.”


    Unfortunately Unionists find it difficult to take a joke – Old farts like me on the other hand love it!

  229. Lollysmum says:

    Thanks BdTT
    Didn’t look anything like that when I put the link into the comment box-was just a straightforward link as yours is.

  230. Petra says:

    Another fly move by the BBC?!

    Annabel Goldie and Kezia Dugdale versus Billy Bragg and Keith Brown on QT tonight.

    Two Scottish Unionists politicians versus one Scottish SNP politician and an English celebrity / left wing activist (who supported Independence).

    They’ll be allowed to banter backwards and forwards with regard to who can do as much damage to the SNP or not.

    And then there’s Merryn Somerset Webb who’ll ultimately be holding court / having the last and lasting say.

    Why has an English financial expert been invited onto the panel (other than the obvious)? And if this was deemed to be appropriate why not counter balance this by having someone like Gordon McIntyre Kemp, Jim or Margaret Cuthbert, Alex Salmond or even Stu on the panel (not kidding)?

    Totally scunnered with the BBC.

    A ‘taste’ of Merryn Somerset Webb:

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  231. frogesque says:

    @ Lollysmum

    If in doubt you can always use TinyURL

    link to

    If you do though, give a brief outline of the site you are linking to – some folk use Tiny for nefarious purposes 🙁

  232. Bob W says:


    That ‘aye right’ from you tells me that you appear to believe all you see or read in the media rather than check what is being reported. I’m not much younger than you, but I did check the facts, they don’t match either your understanding or the media hype.

  233. Valerie says:

    Cadogan Enright @6.25

    Great post, and you do right in reminding us of the serious side to this. Dugdale is a public servant, and should pay equal respect to all members of the public, no matter their politics.

    I think there is an understandable knock about humour in getting ‘even’, when actually we should be outraged that a public servant believes this behaviour is acceptable.

    I worked for many years with local councillors, in the main Labour, and they were little better than street brawlers in their bullying of paid officers. Many a time I told a Labour councillor I would end the meeting if they didn’t lower their voice, or stop swearing.

  234. K1 says:

    What was the title of the article that the Rev put out at that time re the Neil Hay smearing campaign in the lead up to the GE. If anyone can find it, could they post it so Jimmy can read it?

    Jimmy you’ve got some catchin’ up to do…don’t believe everything you read or hear news wise, especially about the politically situation in Scotland.

  235. K1 says:

    Yes I’m looking’ at you BDTT…ye’ve aye goat yer finger oan the pulses all things Wings. 🙂

  236. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi K1.

    What did I do that piqued your wattirs?


  237. Malcolm Redfellow says:

    To my detractors above:

    1. A joke that needs repetitive elucidation is no joke.

    2. When did that robotic repetition become “funny”? Did the nth+1 iteration make it funnier still? What satisfaction did the nth+1 participant get that was denied to her/his predecessors?

    3. Would it not, in all truth, have been funny had it not been prompted? Isn’t that the difference between a joyful Mexican Wave and one of those sterile North Korean mass displays?

    4. Does this seem vaguely analogous?
    “As soon as [Norman] Mailer took the podium there was a smattering of shouts, signs flashed up, a protest began. He looked over the crowd and held his hands up, and said, “OK, OK. I get it.” Things quieted down a bit. Mailer continued, “So everyone who thinks I’m an asshole, hiss.” Of course the room was soon filled with violent hisses. When they stopped Mailer smirked and said, “Obedient little bitches.” “

  238. Helena Brown says:

    John King, Your cat may not beat you up but my lad is not so kind, breakfast is first on his mind after he has a good sleep and boy I never knew a wee dog could jump that high. I am pleased though that the cat comes first

  239. Nana Smith says:

    @K1 is this the one?

    A serious case of hypocrisy posted April 23rd

  240. Nana Smith says:


    Oops sorry K1, I didn’t see your post at 9.22

  241. Nana Smith says:

    Geez, would help if I posted the link, D’oh

    link to

  242. Onwards says:

    @Malcolm Redfellow, I think you’re overthinking it.

  243. Ruby says:

    Chips chips chips

    link to
    I dream of you
    Chips, chips, chips
    Du, du, du, du, du
    Ci bum ci bum bum

    What’s happening on the TV this evening?

    I’ve gotta ask ‘cos I don’t do BBC live!

    I’ve had a stressful day but the Southern Comfort & Coke is helping.

  244. K1 says:

    Thanks Nan, Jimmy read this:

    link to

    BDTT 🙂 Yer jist quick tae find things and post when others are querying about anythin’ related tae Wings…that’s aw…

    BDTT: Wings Go To Man 🙂

  245. K1 says:

    Lol Nan…been there wi missin’ link syndrome 😉

  246. heedtracker says:

    A ‘taste’ of Merryn Somerset Webb:

    “Finally there’s Dundee. Yes, Dundee. You may think of it as a miserable, failing Scottish town — but you might not think that when the new Dundee V&A is up and running. Its design has just won a World Architecture News Award and it will, says that journal, ‘bring reams of tourists to the city’s stunning waterfront, providing many additional jobs and introducing a new cultural venue on the River Tay’. That sounds nice. You can buy two- or three-bedroom flats on the water in Dundee, close to the V&A site, for not much more than £100,000. It doesn’t have much to do with independence, but when the V&A opens in 2015 that is surely going to look like something very rare indeed: a UK property bargain.

    Merryn Somerset Webb is editor-in-chief of MoneyWeek.”

    So glad to still be UKOK. The odd thing about these red and blue tory twits is they are hopeless at what they get paid to do. NO wonder the City reprobates went bust under fiscal genius UKOK Chancellor Crash Gordon’s laissez faire big money groveling.

    Makes you proud to be British.

  247. @Malcolm Redfellow

    And you sir haven’t a clue about humour.

  248. K1 says:

    Jeez Nana, not Nan…doh!

  249. Ruby says:

    Hello Jimmy! Any relation to Wavy Davy McGravy?

    That’s the ‘Wavy Davy McGravy’ who like to chant, drink at football matches and will probably vote UKIP?

  250. Nana Smith says:


    I think I need my ‘chip’ rebooting or whatever.

    Robotgate is apparently trending in Edinburgh.

  251. K1 says:

    Aye Nana, as you can see my software programme’s due for an upgrade tae, ah blame the SNP, we should be gettin’ automatic upgrades wi our chips 🙂

  252. Papadox says:

    Will be watching qt tonight. Dimbulbum will be able to teach us thick Jocks about how too wee, stupid & poor we are & Merryn Summerset Webb will confirm this as an impartial financial “expert” and neutral Engalish TORY UNIONIST snob.

    Lady Annabel will add … M sure she will add something.

    Dippity Dug will play the clown.

    EBC producing anither SNPBAAAD impartially and totally fare propaganda Broadcast against the thick Jocks and in the highest traditions of EBC propaganda. ENGERLAND ENGERLAND!

  253. Ruby says:

    Nana Smith says:
    29 October, 2015 at 9:55 pm


    I think I need my ‘chip’ rebooting or whatever.

    Ruby replies

    Try some ‘Southern Comfort & Coke’ my chips seem to be responding well to this cocktail!

    I’m getting the message This drink very good! drink more! drink more! drink more!

    Yeah the chips like it!

  254. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Och K1.

    You’re too kind. There are multitudes of others who are more on the ball. But I like your style!


  255. Thepnr says:

    You know what? I don’t have a TV licence anymore and scunnered that I can’t see Kezia live on QT tonight.

    I could always take the chance to sneak a peek?

    Nah, that would be breaking the law and I wouldn’t condone that. I can wait until tomorrow to hear Kezia after all, I doubt she has much to say that I would find worthwhile.

    Bed it is then. PS Keep the pressure on 🙂 your doing braw.

  256. K1 says:

    Ruby am gonnae meditate on that…I thought ye wurny meant tae mix liquids wi the circuitry 🙂

  257. Ruby says:

    Papadox says:
    29 October, 2015 at 10:01 pm

    Will be watching qt tonight.

    Ruby replies

    Will you be watching it live or FOC on the iplayer?

  258. Grouse Beater says:

    Malcolm Redfellow: To my detractors above:

    You have detractors already? That didn’t take long. Then again, if you feel important…

    Yes, Mailer would use the expression ‘obedient bitches’. He hated women, frequently beat them up. He lost wives quicker than his car keys.

    He once thumped the superior essayist Gore Vidal, who recovered saying, “Lost for words again, Mailer?”

    By the way, is ‘Redfellow’ cousin to Longfellow, or are you hoping Labour is happy to see you?

  259. Nana Smith says:


    I bet you will sleep well tonight.

    Blimey I needed three goes to post the link but I’m blaming my new computer!
    Goodness knows what would happen if I was knocking back the booze.

  260. K1 says:

    Thepnr, watch it live on inlayer:

    link to

    Dae it 🙂

  261. Thepnr says:

    O/T So in the next 25 years we can expect the UK population to increase by 9.7m to 74m!

    Two thirds will be due to immigration, around 6.2m or 250,000/year.


    Where does that put the 25,000 refuges over next 5 years from Syria? Liars!

    There’s none so blind as those who will not see.

  262. Lochside says:

    Laughing at Dugdale’s blinding stupidity is funny but…

    Hamish100 says:

    29 October, 2015 at 3:39 pm


    After the terrible event in Aberdeen I was sure Dugdale would have demanded more stop and search powers for the police at FMQ’s

    Maybe next week’

    Don’t miss the fact that this dumb and pathetic excuse for a ‘leader’ attempted to make political capital out of the tragedy of the young lad’s murder at Cults Academy by asking NS at FM’s questions today about security at Scotland’s schools….. her mock concern made me vomit.

    The depths that SLAB will plumb is never ending. They must be crushed out of existence in the Holyrood election. They are an offence to Scotland and our people. VOTE SNP, SNP.

  263. Doug Daniel says:

    Michael Redfellow – when you don’t understand a joke, sometimes it’s best not to admit it.

  264. dakk says:

    Malcolm Redfellow 8.25

    Ye fair enough,you and Kezia have rumbled us.We’re all robots right enough.

    And you guys,you are the people.We get it.

  265. Thepnr says:

    Cheers K1

    Makes no difference, the rule is you cannot watch “live” from whatever source. Guess I might risk it 🙂

    Anarchy for the UK LOL

  266. Ruby says:

    K1 says:
    29 October, 2015 at 10:19 pm

    Ruby am gonnae meditate on that…I thought ye wurny meant tae mix liquids wi the circuitry 🙂

    Ruby replies

    It seems OK. I’ll let you know in the morning if mixing liquids & circuitry has a detrimental effect. At the moment the chips are very happy!

    They are happy happy happy even if they can’t watch the Kezoid live on TV.

    Nana: Your new computer needs probably needs a wee dram or two!

  267. Grouse Beater says:

    Daniel: when you don’t understand a joke, sometimes it’s best not to admit it.

    When he read it, his first response was, “It does not compute.”

  268. mealer says:

    Bit of a car crash interview by Kezia on Scotland tonight.Shes got herself in a right fankle on so many issues that she really can’t waffle her way out.Whats more,there are so many of these issues that interviewers simply can’t avoid broaching some of them without losing all credibility.

  269. HandandShrimp says:


    It was a simple riposte to a rather childish dig by Kezia who appears to be suffering from compulsive SNPbaditis. Kezia defines her entire existence by the SNP rather than her own vision.

    Jokes either tickle you or they do not – attempting to analyse them rarely makes sense.

  270. Cunningham D says:

    Kezia, you are so not part of the solution, you ARE the problem. Let Jeremy redeem the party in Scotland, get out of the way.

  271. Ruby says:

    Who is Malcolm?

    Oh help ma boab! The Chips are shouting ‘We need many cocktails to watch Kezoid on TV’

    “We like Teletubbies much more better than silly Kezoid’

    link to

  272. Thepnr says:

    What a disaster, glad I risked a fine.

    Kezia voted for Cooper!! Now you know.

  273. Robert Unwin says:

    The good thing about watching Annabel Goldie on QT is that it reminds me how much I hate her. And just like in the case of Tank Commander, I’ve never understood the hype the MSM showers on her.

  274. heedtracker says:

    Unionists and funny dont mix. Pre referendum, I used to CiF btl on rancid The Graun and although Graun hardly ever reports anything about Scotland, other than SNP bad, drunks everywhere, nice scenery etc, one time they did a thing about red squirrels in their Scottish region, with nice photo of a red squirrel, All I CiFed was “Will red squirrels be this cute in an independent Scotland. Another question Alex Salmond simply can’t answer. Alistair Darling.

    You should have seen the row I got from enraged Graun britnats. It was great:D

  275. ben madigan says:

    “How dare you say SNP members are robots given a chip and told what to think!”
    Well done for the joke on twitter, Scots!!

    Coming very late to this post (work again!!!) but just wanted to say Kezia’s premise (SNP members are robots etc) resonates with the latest UK govt report on paramilitary activity in NI.

    Bear with me!!

    According to the experts Sinn Fein (nationalist/republican party in NI and the Republic of ireland) is governed by a shady group of IRA honchos called the “Army Council”.

    Here’s what one SF Dublin City Councillor thought of this idea!
    link to

    Transpose his viewpoint on to an SNP councillor in Edinburgh replying to Miss Kezia Dugdale!! have fun!!!

  276. Valerie says:

    Woohoo! Keith Brown got in a dig about Robotgate.

    Very cringing moment when Kezs speech about her party was met with stoney silence. Never seen that before on QT.

  277. K1 says:

    Guan yersel Billy Bragg…at least he’s addressing something of the essence of Labour’s problem.

  278. HandandShrimp says:

    “It seems Kezia is politically two months behind the rest of us. It’s as if Scottish Labour is still using dial-up internet.”

    A tweet from Angry Salmond


  279. Thepnr says:

    FFS some tube just said on QT:

    “we shouldn’t really be looking at bailing out that type of industry” Talking about steel.

    But she agrees the banks should have been bailed out???

    Get me out of here.

  280. osakisushi says:

    If we are all robots and KD’s dad is in the SNP, does that mean she is the child of a robot.

    An evel Cyborg-brat.

    Think that uses up my ration of jokes for the century.

  281. HandandShrimp says:


    To be fair the steel industry did sell an awful lot of useless PPI…..oh wait.

  282. Lesley-Anne says:

    I may be wrong but the audience on QT tonight appeared, to me at least, to be an audience that has had it’s eyes opened as a result of last September and last May. Not before time in my view!

  283. Lesley-Anne says:

    Valerie says:
    29 October, 2015 at 11:08 pm

    Woohoo! Keith Brown got in a dig about Robotgate.

    Very cringing moment when Kezs speech about her party was met with stoney silence. Never seen that before on QT.

    Yeah I noticed that Valarie … surprised you didn’t hear the cheering going on from my hoose when that happened with Keith Brown getting his two digs in at oor Kez. 😀

    Like you Valarie I have never witnessed a stoney silence such as oor Kez witnessed after her bespouting all things Labour branch office! 😀

  284. heedtracker says:

    Red and blue tory UKOK destroyed Scottish steel industry right at the point where they had a giant domestic market for steel in North Sea oil and gas industry. But they decided to UKOK close Scottish steel and buy from Japan and Korea, throughout the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and now today, its China delivering the last act.

    Who wipes out their steel industry right at the point where a huge domestic market is discovered in its own waters, for hundreds of oil and gas expro rigs and shipping? the UK

    Who doesn’t? Norway.

    Steel is the backbone of Norwegian society. Instead, we have super rich City spivs, no doubt making loadsamoney from all those multi billion Chinese steel contracts right now.

    link to

  285. John H. says:

    Quite remarkable. At one point on QT when Dugdale stopped speaking there was complete silence. Even Dimbleby noticed it. I’ve never seen that before. Obviously no one in the audience believed a word she said.

  286. Kevin meina says:

    Just watched question time and then Scotland tonight my god don’t they realise over exposure of the dug is going to destroy slab on qt she was just insincere and wooden but on Scotland tonight it was a car crash.

  287. caz-m says:

    Well, did Kezia do it for you tonight?

    Did her mini speech on QT inspire you?

    Will you be rushing out next May to put your “X” in the Scottish Labour Party box?


    Me neither!

  288. Thepnr says:


    I agree, we are winning. Don’t get too excited yet and never sit on your arse!

    One by one.

  289. mealer says:

    That was a good debate on QT.It was a stark reminder just how much more able Ms Goldie is than Ms Davidson.Keith Brown did very well.He’s a safe pair of hands and a good bit more.Billy Bragg was good as was the Somerset lady.Articulate and well informed.And then there was Kezia.She just isn’t up to the mark.It shows the dearth of talent in the Labour Party at Holyrood when she has been elected leader.Billy Bragg hit the nail on the head when he said the silence which greeted Kezias statement about Scottish Labour autonomy was a sign of scepticism.I’ll not say anymore because I don’t feel comfortable about putting the boot in when she’s stumbling all over the place.

  290. Lesley-Anne says:

    Have no fear Thepnr I will not be sitting on my earse. I intend doing what I can, not that I’m able to do much, when I’m asked by the local branch. We really do have to kick the wicked witch of the South out of her *ahem* safe seat! 😀

  291. JGedd says:

    @Grousebeater 10.20pm

    I had heard that story about Mailer the other way round – that Gore floored him and when he couldn’t get up, Gore delivered the line, ” Lost for words again, Mailer?” However, perhaps that was the way Gore told it.

    Either way it is funny, unlike Malcolm’s joke which is, as you say, typically Mailer and typically misogynist. He was an odious man, but Malcolm seems to approve.

  292. Marcia says:

    The timing of the Labour Branch Office’s Annual Conference this weekend times rather well with Halloween. The living dead.

  293. Robert Peffers says:

    @Malcolm Redfellow says: 29 October, 2015 at 8:25 pm:

    “Let me get this aright:

    A SNiP-symp tells SNiPpers to repeat a robotic message. They do. And … just so I’m quite sure … that’s not robotic?

    Yeah. Right.

    Ah! Yes! So you still don’t get it, Malcolm?

    Not to worry, though.

    Bog Broon, the clunking fist, got it wrong during the Indy Campaign and there are still cross-border transplant organs available. While they cannot re-do a humour by-pass they can transplant healthy Scots donated funny bones with a better than 98% success rate.

  294. Thepnr says:

    I almost thought afneil was going to do a spot on Wings there. He did tell everyone he has blocked to get tae in a way.

    Truth is. Nah, he bottled it LOL.

  295. caz-m says:

    I think QT tonight added another 1% to our BBC Scotland target of 60%.

    Every little helps.

    We seem to get a wee nudge in the polls every time Kezia appears on the telly.

    And what happens when we reach the 60% mark, will BBC Scotland declare Scotland an Independent Nation?

  296. Dr Jim says:

    Kezia complained that Jeremy Corbyn was being monstered by the press

    Dear oh dear, how could such a thing be possible, and here’s me thinking the press like the Telly were impartial and neutral and nice and I can’t believe it (sarcasm)

    Typical Labour blaming everybody else (irony)

  297. K1 says:

    I think it was so obviously trite spin that the audience merely gave it the response it deserved. Silence.

    Does she seriously think that we don’t know what is happening in our own country politically and will never be taken in again by their spin.

    We aren’t fools Kezia, we listen to your nonsense on FMQ’s, we know you are all about the ‘sound’ and the ‘fury’ and we know it signifies nothing.

    On that note I suppose Billy Bragg was close, cynicism not scepticism…healthy and well deserved cynicism…

    Kinda silent ‘Aye right’. Naebody’s buyin’ whit yer selling Kezzy babe.

  298. Tam Jardine says:


    It was interesting watching Kezia’s barnstorming comeback speech being met with silence. She was getting it from all angles- and for a slab politician, sitting next to the authentic voice of English socialism, the wonderful Billy Bragg is never going to be a good look.

    One member of the audience had a great wee dig about Kezia’s knowing all about the people kicking out government they don’t want…

    Keith Brown was solid, professional and spoke with authority.

    Must be weird viewing from southen England – why are all those Scots talking about economics and nationalisation rather than immigration and the EU?

  299. mealer says:

    can-m 11.49pm

    Kez was completely out of place in a panel of articulate and able people.She is out of her depth,but I can’t see anyone else in the Labour ranks at Holyrood doing much better.I won’t say anymore because I feel uncomfortable about kicking someone when they’re stumbling about all over the place.

  300. Thepnr says:

    Salmond on with Niel Oh My

  301. Lesley-Anne says:

    Tam Jardine says:

    One member of the audience had a great wee dig about Kezia’s knowing all about the people kicking out government they don’t want…

    I saw that Tam and as the camera turned to show the panel I’m sure I glimpsed Keith Brown trying desperately to choke back a bout of serious laughter. 😀

  302. caz-m says:


    Will be thinking of Lindsay Jarrett, as she fights this horrible illness. I have met Lindsay a few times at different rallies.

    She is inspirational and a truly courageous woman.

  303. Cadogan Enright says:

    Scottish Question Time educating the UK tonight

    Despite BBC packing the panel as usual

    Labour visibly going down plug hole and even the Tory jumping on poor Kezias grave

    Yer man Brown musta read Wings before going on – gave Kezia a whack with her robots

  304. Lesley-Anne says:

    caz-m says:
    30 October, 2015 at 12:10 am


    Will be thinking of Lindsay Jarrett, as she fights this horrible illness. I have met Lindsay a few times at different rallies.

    She is inspirational and a truly courageous woman.

    I quite often think about her Caz so like many folks I was shocked when I heard how she was doing. I will be thinking about her even more often from now on.

  305. Thepnr says:

    “Yer man Brown musta read Wings before going on – gave Kezia a whack with her robots”

    Talking is good, talking and persuading is fine.

    Sometimes it takes a whack.

  306. cearc says:

    So was the reception of wee Kez’s speech actually a minutes silence for the Scottish accounting unit?

    john king,
    Sorry to hear about the car mishap (snigger, snigger!)

    Um, well, whose arse can I sit on then? The choice seems to be duck or chicken and they all have incontinence problems.

  307. Tam Jardine says:

    Cadogan Enright

    I saw Kezia shaking her head when Keith Brown brought up the ‘robots’ accusation. Was she denying the quotation? Or suggesting it was irrelevant?

    Or was she so wound up by Doug’s clever riposte that it totally threw her tonight?

    The nervous, dismissive denial that slab may fall behind the tories may turn out to haunt Kez next May.

  308. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Another nail in Labour in Scotland’s coffin. Believe me when I say the spin is on to promote Ruthie and the Tories into second place next May

  309. caz-m says:

    Mealer 12.03am

    “…I feel uncomfortable about kicking someone when they’re stumbling about all over the place.”

    Mealer, don’t you start going all soft on us, kick away till your heart’s content.

  310. DerekM says:

    @ Malcolm Redfellow

    Have you been playing to long on labour hame its enough to give you a frontal lobotomy,get a sense of humour.

    im sure i seen some tumbleweed blow across the stage after Kez had finished lying her ass off,even the onions didnt believe it lmao

    i think i will go to the bookies and see what the odds are on her getting the boot before Christmas its got to be worth a few quid after that car crash.

  311. Paula Rose says:

    Not having a TV license I’m about to do that catch-up thing – don’t tell me what happens on QT.

  312. DerekM says:

    @ Dave McEwan Hill

    Yea Dave that has been the tory plan all along and those muppets at Labour have still not figured out their best of pals better together buddies have set them right up.

    When it comes to barefaced backstabbing nobody does it quite like the blue onions though they were helped with the stupidity of their pretend allies.

  313. Effijy says:

    Very pleased with the Question Time audience tonight, especially from No voting Edinburgh.

    The Rev’s good work seems to be sinking in with some of the doubters who finally realise that the media, and the Westminster parties, have been feeding them a pack of lies.

    I know we shouldn’t get personal, but is Joanne Lamont Dipity’s
    hair stylist?
    Those Remmyton Hair Trimmers are not all they are cracked up to be!

  314. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Salmond impressive on Andrew Neil

  315. Cadogan Enright says:

    Bit upset that Salmond did not take the opportunity to pull Andrew Neil up on his denial of a 10% cut in the Scottish budget since 2010 tonight

  316. Robert Peffers says:

    @Malcolm Redfellow says: 29 October, 2015 at 9:29 pm:

    To my detractors above:

    1. A joke that needs repetitive elucidation is no joke.

    2. When did that robotic repetition become “funny”? Did the nth+1 iteration make it funnier still? What satisfaction did the nth+1 participant get that was denied to her/his predecessors.

    If you don’t get it by this time, Malcolm then I suspect you never will.

    The repetition IS the joke.

    Want a wee bit of friendly advice?

    Give it up now before you make any more of a fool of yourself.

  317. Paula Rose says:

    @ Cadogan Enwight because it was 7.4672% and Mr Salmond likes to be precise.

  318. GrahamB says:

    Mealer at 12:03
    I didn’t see tonight’s car crash as I was out for a couple of pints with my old mates, but I was getting regular updates from home on my antiquated mobile.
    I actually feel sorry for the naïve lassie, well maybe not until next May, but you’re right about the lack of talent in the current Labour ranks in Scotland. She said earlier today that she understood that they lost this May because Labour was seen as controlled from London – as a branch office!
    She was partly correct, but she failed to realise (or admit to) the lack of talent, the lack of real ideas and the acceptance that even traditional Labour voters were starting to think for themselves – there was plenty of evidence of such during the Independence campaign.
    Perhaps four or five years after we do get independence, when the SNP does, inevitably, fragment into left, centre, centre-right factions or parties there may be space for some of the younger, current Labour members in Scotland to align themselves to these new factions but the dinosaurs will fade into history. Even the young bloods will have to learn and step up their game to get a voice in the New Scotland.

  319. Thepnr says:

    @Cadogan Enright

    “Bit upset that Salmond did not take the opportunity to pull Andrew Neil up on his denial of a 10% cut in the Scottish budget since 2010 tonight.”

    Yeah me too, but you can only play with the hand your dealt. Neil held all the cards.

    Our time will come, I can be patient.

  320. Capella says:

    @ Lesley Anne
    Will hold Lindsay Jarrett in thought and hope that she ?eceives the best for her, whatever that might be. She certainly is one brave lady.

  321. Cadogan Enright says:

    @paula rose

    In real terms?

  322. yesindyref2 says:

    OT – from the Herald:

    Corbyn: “The SNP can call themselves whatever they like but the reality is it is the Labour Party that is opposed the austerity strategy of the UK Government. The other party says it is but if you have an economic policy based on oil prices, then, clearly, you have problems in being able to deliver that.”

    Is he talking about the Conservatives, or does he not realise that Scotland is NOT Independent, so therefore oil revenues go to the UK Treasury, not Scotland?

    He’s either very confused, or dishonest. It’s a shame, he did show promise, but the guy’s a dud. I don’t like dishonesty.

  323. Grouse Beater says:

    JGedd: “…that Gore floored him…”

    Mailer was, had been, a boxer. Gore couldn’t swat a fly.

    There was moment in QT when I felt sorry for the wide-eyed ingénue Dugdale; she’s a patsy, hung out to dry by her Labour colleagues until they can find someone better … but then just as quick I dispelled sympathy from my mind. Labour betrayed its voters and Scotland. They can go to hell. All of them.

  324. john king says:

    Malcolm Redfellow @ 9.29
    I hope your not going to call me on the 7 second rule here Malky,

    check out his gravatar folks
    “Arrogantly opinionated about things political, literary and general ignorance. ”

    You missed pedantic there Malky boy
    or should I call you SEVERE MALKY! 🙂

  325. davidb says:

    @ Indyref2

    He’s a thicko. I read he got E’s for his A levels. That I’m afraid, doesn’t inspire confidence in his intellectual abilities. May be nice guy, but likely out of his depth.

  326. fionan says:

    OT – for you folkies whose dogs and cats are confused by the time change, think about how you are rewarding their behaviour. Any sort of response or attention from you will increase their behaviour and as someone noted, they wake you earlier and earlier. Firstly, makesure curtains are closed and the room they stay in at night is kept dark till getting-up time. Second, DONT respond in any way when they try to wake you. Don’t even look at them. If they try to nuzzle you, hide under the duvet till they stop. Don’t tense up, but just act as though you are sleeping. Might take 2-3 nights but they will quickly get the message. Then you can train them to recognise a signal such as a DO NOT DISTURB sign, a hanging ribbon or whatever, which means they will get no response from you day or night when that is on display, and then the problem can be sorted for good. Hope this helps :)ps I’m a qualified pet behaviourist.

  327. starlaw says:

    watched Kezia’s performance on QT. and believe her days at the top are numbered.
    What happens behind closed doors at the Scottish branch conference will be more interesting than what goes on in the hall. Kezia will not be leader come May or Labour have no further interest in Scotland

  328. Helena Brown says:

    Thanks for the advice the dog is fine now, it is me that is waking him up. Any advice with regard to barking and jumping up when I am preparing his meals would be very welcome. Maybe you have dome advice for the parents of the autonomous Kezia, as she seems not to have benefited from any of her education.

  329. Sinky says:

    Waffling incredibly by Ian Murray on GMS

  330. Bill McLean says:

    The Wee Whinger Dug nearly forgot to bark an SNP bad on BBC Radio 5 Live at 2 minutes before 8 this morning. I have no time for the presenter, Nicky Campbell, but even he sounded unimpressed by her cackle!

  331. Capella says:

    @ fionan
    excellent advice for dealing with animals. Also applies to trolls!

  332. Training Day says:

    Sympathy for the hapless airhead Dugdale should be in short supply. In fact it should be non-existent.

    She herself colluded with the Daily Mail to vituperate ‘cybernats’. She, like her party, acquiesced in every lie told about Scotland pre Sept 18th. She and her party continue to lie about Scotland and slander Scots whose ‘crime’ is to desire self-determination.

    Let’s bury the lot of them in May.

  333. caz-m says:

    fionan 7.55am
    “ps I’m a qualified pet behaviourist.”

    Fionan, is there anything you could do with that “Dug” at Holyrood? She is definitely needing toilet trained.

  334. Capella says:

    O/T Peter Oborne, now that he no longer works for the Barclay brothers’ Telegraph, has been doing some investigative journalism. Scary photo warning:

    Tony Blair ‘misrepresented’ WMD evidence before Iraq invasion – UN inspector

    link to

  335. Grouse Beater says:

    For those looking for something other than Labour’s last breath, or the genius of Dugdale: link to

  336. Nana Smith says:

    O/T links

    link to

    link to

    Millions ‘to lose £1,400 on average’ under new state pension

    link to

    RAF Leuchars could reopen to counter Russian probing

    link to

  337. caz-m says:


    Scottish Labour DON’T do straight answers.

    In my opinion, Anas Sarwar was the master of “waffling”.
    And every Scottish Labour Party rep has followed on from him.

    They can talk and talk and talk and at the end of it all you NON the wiser.

    I am sure that “Waffling” is an official degree at the University of Scottish Labour.

  338. Grouse Beater says:

    Capella: Peter Oborne, … has been doing some investigative journalism.

    Bit of an exaggeration to call it ‘investigative’.

    Blix is on record from the get-go trying to get the ruling elite to understand a lack of weapons found meant exactly that – none found. Of course, Bush and the like were keen to cut his time in Iraq short. Blix also went on to warn against a rush to judgement, and explained how his team’s findings had been distorted by the warmongers.

  339. Nana Smith says:

    O/T links

    link to

    link to

    For anyone who does not want to wear a red poppy…

    link to

    link to

    Look who’s coming for dinner…

    link to

  340. They still don’t get it …

    That Norman Mailer anecdote from, which I partly quoted (note the inverted commas: you didn’t — you were too busy googling ad-hom stuff on my pseudonym) continues:

    “While that seemed a point for Mailer, it did not negate the fact that many people still thought he was an asshole. It was a melodrama that achieved nothing, no matter which side of the fence you were on. No one was convinced that sexism was bad, or a non-issue.”

    Which was my point. Anyone who was too busy pointing out my many humour-failings and Mailer’s arrogance and sexism (not just that lecture at Berkeley), but missed out all the abusive, macho, chauvinist and anti-woman stuff in this thread aimed at Kezia Dugdale, qualifies for the supreme SNiPper #fail putty-medal.

    As a paid-up socialist republican when most of the contributors here had decades to go before even the tit-sucking stage, I’d suggest:
    O wad some Power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as ithers see us!
    It wad frae monie a blunder free us
    An foolish notion …!

  341. gordoz says:

    Klaxon, Klaxon, Klaxon !!!

  342. Grouse Beater says:

    Redfellow: “Anyone who was too busy pointing out my many humour-failings”

    Fascinating how swiftly a troll starts talking about himself.

    We can add lack of humility to the list, finding a myriad faults to cover all angles, amply demonstrated in the stupidity of returning as if unbeaten.

    You quote Burns as if an intellectual revelation. Your behaviour is more Monty Python, the severed head on the ground shouting, “Come back! I can still bite your ankles!”

  343. Capella says:

    @ grouse beater
    Perhaps “investigative” is too kind. I haven’t listened to the broadcast results yet. But here’s the link for those interested :

    link to

  344. call me dave says:

    @Sinky and @Bill McLean

    Yeah! That was fun.

    Heard both Kezia and Ian Murray talking in riddles this morning and they got short thrift from their respective interviewers.

    Murray particularly, after being toasted and ridiculed. 🙂

  345. Les Wilson says:

    Listening to Murray this morning on GMS, apparently they have agreed some autonomy for Slab. However, they do not have it sorted out yet but it will be a big event for Slab.

    When being quizzed by Garry Robertson, over what the differences will be from previous talk of autonomy by Lamont and then Murphy, ” It will all need to be discussed.
    However, reserved matters will be one issues.

    Well, that is the truth right there, it is all smoke and mirrors. We know how ” reserved matters” work, don’t we!

  346. Bob Mack says:

    @Malcolm Redfellow.

    I think you miss the point yet again.
    It would not matter if Kezia was female,male,a duck or a dog.
    She is still dim.

    PS and lies continuously.

  347. Nana Smith says:

    O/T links

    link to

    link to

    Guess who’s coming for dinner. Frankly he puts me off mine..

    link to

  348. ronnie anderson says:

    And the long pause _____________ on question time goes to Dugdale & she still doesent get it (we dont want a Tory Gov) she worked bloody hard enough with the rest of the Labour mob to give us a Tory Gov & deny Scotland its Independence.

  349. Alastair says:

    Kezia Dugdale has go it wrong again.

    Its not Autonomy she has from Labour UK. Its Oratonomy.

    “Oratonomy” – the independence and self governance to talk “pish”.

  350. One_Scot says:

    Just watched the clip of Kezia Dugdale going through the motions on Question time.

    You can clearly see from the audiences faces watching her that they are thinking, the games up you mad bat, we all know Labour is full of shit, who do you think you’re kidding.

    It’s almost as if she is totally oblivious to the reality around her.

    If I did not know any better I would say there may be some loose connections upstairs.

  351. caz-m says:


    Scottish Labour Party MP/MSPs, could talk and talk and talk and at the end of it all, you would be NON the wiser.

    The master of all “Waffling” is Anas Sarwar, the rest have just followed on from him.

  352. Bob Mack says:

    @One Scot,

    “Watched Kezia going through the motions”
    Had to laugh.

    So did I. She was deep in shit right enough.

  353. @One_Scot

    The short planks still have the edge.

  354. mealer says:

    Just to point out that Mailer and mealer are two entirely different people.

  355. john king says:

    One Scot says
    “Just watched the clip of Kezia Dugdale going through the motions on Question time.

    You can clearly see from the audiences faces watching her that they are thinking, the games up you mad bat, we all know Labour is full of shit, who do you think you’re kidding.”

    The visual image Im getting from that is the slow realisation by Ceausesqu that the games over as he called the people to listen to him but they were too busy baying for his blood (which they got soon after)!

  356. Grouse Beater says:

    Can you recall the exhuberance of being alive on the one day in 300 years Scots owned their own country? Never forget it.

  357. Helena Brown says:

    Nana Smith, I see what you mean about being put of dinner. That man has a body made of brass, just having a brass neck wouldn’t be sufficient.
    Seems that the die hard Labour Types have no sense.

  358. mealer says:

    Labour got over 700,000 votes in Scotland just a few months ago.About half the unionist vote.All this talk of Labour being dead is highly dangerous.

  359. Brian Powell says:

    Just saw a headline about deeply divided Britain, then thought of how Dugdale, Murphy, Murry and all worked along with Carmichael, Mundell and all to stick us with that.

  360. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Neat display of great British bullshit in Scotland today

    “With a majority of Labour MPs in favour of renewing Trident, Scottish Labour’s leadership is split on the issue: leader Kezia Dugdale supports the deterrent while Ian Murray, Labour’s shadow Scottish secretary, is for unilateral disarmament.”

    “Although Scottish voters remain broadly in favour of Trident, the SNP and pro-independence movement have succeeded in pushing nuclear weapons far higher up the agenda of the younger centre-left voters Labour needs to recapture in Scotland.”

    SNP bad.

  361. Grouse Beater says:

    mealer: All this talk of Labour being dead is highly dangerous.

    It’s certainly moribund as a left-wing party. I doubt Corbyn can swing it back again, the entire financial system is hooked onto corporations as the wealth of the UK nation.

  362. Nana Smith says:


    A goon like Broon only has his own self preservation at heart, he has no conscience. I can not fathom how folk were so taken in by that charlatan. The man who said he would rather see a tory/ukip alliance than have the snp gov should have been enough warning for people.

    Scotlab & the bbc should be hounded out at the end of pitchforks for what they have done to Scotland. That bloody creature Brown scaring pensioners and sick people was the lowest during the whole indy campaign.

    I hope he chokes on his dinner.

  363. Hospital Parking Charges Bill being discussed at HOC,Tory MP`s dissing the Scottish NHS,No SNP MP`s in attendance to debunk his lies.

  364. nodrog says:

    Future political historians will record that in May 2015 a massive political asteroid, of magnitude 56,struck the Earth and destroyed the Northern Branch of the UK Labour Party ( known to the deluded as the Scottish Labour Party). After which attempts were made to resurrect said Northern Branch by renaming it as ” The Autonomous Northern Branch of the UK Labour Party”. In May 2016 we will discover if this resurrection came to pass.

  365. Bob Mack says:

    @Nana Smith,

    Brown might have scared the pensioners,but he scared them with the wrong people. He should have been telling them what a Tory government was really going to do to them if Labour lost the National election.

  366. Clydebuilt says:

    Grouse Beater @10.21. Whether Corbyn can swing Labour back to the left or Not, the SMSM will tell Scots he has done just that. He’ll be kept in post till after the Holyrood election then got rid.

  367. heedtracker says:

    link to

    More great British comedy. HS2 terminates at Leeds, passengers traveling to our Scotland region can pay up and fcuk off, you voted NO.

    link to

  368. Nana Smith says:

    The all new scotlab generation, check their spelling of generation

    link to

  369. Clarinda says:

    Apart from issuing rose-tinted spectacles to those willing to side with Labour in Scotland – I cannot honestly recall a single practical or rational Labour policy or idea that distinguishes any iota of ‘more autonomy’. We await the torrent of revelationary thinking to start today in Perth where it appears to be pishing down here this morning in more ways than one.

    However, I have seen the latest self-promotional video for today’s conference (a rapid-fire string of Kezia’s quotes) accompanied by truly dreadful rooty-toot-toot muzak, and she promises Scotland that there will be a “great leap forward”,she will “shake things up”, “no-one will be in any doubt”, that she will work “day and night” and give Scotland’s Government “the Opposition it deserves” – phew that’s all right then?

  370. Les Wilson says:

    We should be paying bugger all for HS2.

  371. Clydebuilt says:

    Nana Smith. …..Goon Broon in it for himself scaring pensioners Dougie Alexander the same, both sons of the manse. Wonder how many ministers are just like these two “proud Scots” ….In it for themselves scaring parishioners ……..

    Bob Mack………. Goon Broon couldn’t scare folks (victims) with the Blue Tories…….. Might’ve decided not to risk a labour vote and voted for no more Tories ever, Independence with the SNP…..

  372. Les Wilson says:

    The commons at the moment, the Tories trying to condem free car parking in Scotland and Wales. Been free since 2008!
    The want self funding for our Hospital car parks.

    There is no end to how they are out to screw us.

  373. Nana Smith says:

    Haha labour have taken down that embarrassing video. Kez continually rubbishes the snp on education and that video had a glaring misspelling.

    Great start to the all new modern Slabber party.

    Never mind Kez I’m sure the bbc will be going into overdrive to promote you and every bit of rubbish you spout.

  374. garles says:

    Re: Labour Party Conference (scottish branch)

    Wonder if this year there will be any mention of “wee wummin wie tin helmet” this year ?

  375. Bob Mack says:


    Yep. Never saw anyone trying harder to be in the opposition .
    In this venture she will succeed.

    Wonder who does their PR? I think we owe them a drink.

  376. Andrew McLean says:

    Les Wilson
    I was also listening to Gary Robertson (GR) and Ian Murray (IM) this morning on GMS, this is my take based on the notes I took,

    The main thread of the discussion was on autonomy and the new heads of agreement signed by Kezia Dugdale and Jeremy Corbyn, IM stated this was an agreement on “reserved issues” and if this causes problems on reserved issues this will be sorted out by the whips?

    GR. Can the Scottish party have a different position on trident?
    IM. Yes it can. It can on anything it wants!
    GR Could we be in a scenario where the UK Labour party wins the 2020 election and Scottish Labour campaigns in that election opposing the UK labours position on trident?
    IM. that could not happen, the Scottish labour party would campaign on a UK manifesto and the Scottish Party would have views on that!
    GR. Hang on, hang on a second you just said you could have a different policy here than the rest of the UK policy on trident, that would mean you are both campaigning in the 2020 election but against each other.
    IM. that one policy is to be debated if called!
    The force of this discussion was lost then and we then we had IM saying that in effect any policy is up for grabs as he will, and has ignore the whip, the UK party’s position on anything he wants!

    The question not asked by GR was, Then you are saying Scottish Labour party can have a position on anything it wants, but come the election it will campaign on a UK manifesto, but individual MP’S will ignore the whip which is the UK labour parties manifesto commitment ? In what way is this antonymous?

    I Have one further question if this autonomy is to catch up on the devolved parliament in Scotland why has it taken you so many years, just to get to this low point in autonomy?

    Autonomy (noun) definition
    1. Self government
    Politics political independence and self-government
    2. Existence as independent moral agent
    Philosophy personal independence and the capacity to make moral decisions and act on them
    3. Independence of text
    Literature the status of a text as an aesthetic object not to be judged or commented on in the light of external knowledge such as the biography of the author

  377. Proud Cybernat says:

    Kez doesn’t understand that a true and proper opposition will be big enough to acknowledge that the incumbent government isn’t all bad–and that’s all you ever hear from her, SNP Bad.

    Grow up FFS and be a proper opposition and recognise when the sitting Govt actually does some good for the country.

  378. Nana Smith says:

    The all new scotlab again…Hope this works

    link to

  379. heedtracker says:

    We should be paying bugger all for HS2

    Dont worry! No doubt dudes like the below will oppose HS2, like what they did in Aberdeen. Aberdeen’s the back of beyond but is now at least 40 years late getting just a by-pass. For many a long UKOK year, Walton chaired the wealthy colonial retirees to the quiet life of their Scotland region blocking development near their slice of paradise n shit.

    link to

    “Outside work he has appeared as an expert witness at planning inquiries for a large number of local community groups in Scotland. Since 2006 he has been the Chairman of a community group opposing the Aberdeen bypass and in 2012 he took the case to the Supreme Court (Walton v. Scottish Ministers)”

    Colonial types spent hundreds of thousands in that Supreme Court blocking a by-pass round Aberdeen case, doubling construct costs to the taxpayer, into the billion now.

    Then and as per, eco warrior Walton split and went back to Newcastle, where there is strangely no opposition from him or anyone else, to all kinds of ongoing giant transport infrastructure spends, motorways, by-passes, ring roads, all of them fine and dandy for likes of Newcastle but NOT Scotland and certainly NOT Aberdeen, y’see.

    The last colony of England.

  380. Nana Smith says:

    Well done to Mr Macdonald for capturing that video.

    @Clydebuilt I believe Gordy is a tory and probably always was. Saw the riches he could accrue while in power with his mate Blair.

  381. Andrew McLean says:

    Sorry Rev

    But this pissed me off!

    link to

  382. Robert Peffers says:

    @Thepnr says: 30 October, 2015 at 1:19 am:

    “Bit upset that Salmond did not take the opportunity to pull Andrew Neil up on his denial of a 10% cut in the Scottish budget since 2010 tonight.

    Give the old fox some credit, Thepnr, – Alex Salmond knows full well that the World, and his brother, know Brillo made a great error of judgement and alienated a further segment of the Scottish electorate. Why interrupt your opponent when he is making errors?

    The facts are there for any thinking person to observe. The Unionists, and their media lapdogs, have been losing ground, the argument, the immediate battle and the overall campaign for some considerable time now.

    Patience is indeed a virtue. Many of we old hands have been patiently waiting all our lives for the tide of voter opinion to turn. Now is the time to very gently allow that tide to flow and the time to return to action is when the ebb tide begins to return.

    Experience teaches that there is always a little static pause when tides turn and the flow reverses. We needs be aware for that little pause before we again go on the attack. We must allow our opponents to make their errors while they are still in denial that they are in in error.

    Meanwhile we must prepare ourselves, restock our armoury and prepare the troops for the next phase of the campaign. We can, of course continue making battle plans.

    Plainly the tide is flowing in our favour – let us not disturb it.

  383. manandboy says:

    Imagine the leader of Labour in Scotland is someone who is clever, very knowledgeable, politically astute, focussed and able to articulate the needs and aspirations of the electorate in a sensitive but realistic way.

    Having none of these qualities, Kezia Dugdale as Labour Leader in Scotland, isn’t so bad, even though she does have some of the less than endearing attributes of a midgie.

  384. Bob Mack says:

    @Nana Smith,

    I fully expected John Steed and Emma Peel to make an appearance on that video.

    Kezia———-The New Avenger.

  385. Andrew McLean says:


    So sorry I have embedded in you page,

    i will sit facing the corner for today, where is that dunce’s cap?

    PS do you know duns scotus was actually very intelligent, but that’s another story!

  386. No no no...Yes says:

    Nana Smith 11:11am Labour Party video.

    Is it just me or does the tune sound a bit like the Queen song “Another one bites the dust” ?

    Perhaps the editor is on of these CyborgNats..

  387. Nana Smith says:

    @Bob Mack aye me too.

    I don’t think even the marvel avengers could save scotlab.

    Lots of funny tweets going and Nicola tweeted “I hope scottishlabour have a good conference in Preth”

  388. Proud Cybernat says:

    Kez gets a big, fat, ‘F’. From her latest, all-singing-dancing, razzle-dazzle…. FLOP…

    link to

    Spread it far ‘n’ wide.

    Oh, and if you missed Volume 1 of the Kez blunders, here they are:

    link to

  389. Nana Smith says:

    @No no no…Yes

    To be honest I was so gob smacked by the actual images flashing at me my ears blanked out the sounds. I think I must have a built in crapometer that cuts out noise from the labour party.

    link to

  390. call me dave says:


    Another set of great links this morning, thanks.

    Looking forward to having a keek in to the labour conference later. Will the Trident issue actually secure enough votes to be debated at the weekend?

  391. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Tragi-comedy from these monumental liars too. How come the dude’s not now standing up for his rights in England etc?

    Record clown show says Aberdeen by-pass costing £400 million. Thanks to this strange region of unionist nutters and their goon show hacks, their legal action/delay means this by-pass alone now costs a billion.

    No wonder he scarpered.

  392. Nana Smith says:

    @call me dave

    Having had a wee peek at the Rev’s twitter the conference looks to be a laugh a minute event. If you have time take a look.

  393. Macart says:

    @Proud Cybernat

    “Kez doesn’t understand that a true and proper opposition will be big enough to acknowledge that the incumbent government isn’t all bad–and that’s all you ever hear from her, SNP Bad.

    Grow up FFS and be a proper opposition and recognise when the sitting Govt actually does some good for the country.”

    THAT is the failure of our current system of politics in general in a nutshell.

    Our politics, by its nature and procedure, is adversarial. Jeez, we call non governmental benches ‘opposition benches’ or the ‘honourable’ opposition. The problem for the electorate is that our parties and politicians take that way too fecking literally. They oppose for opposition’s sake and not for a specific reason (see under Bain Principle).

    This breeds needless animosity, needless tribalism, frustration and derailing tactics amongst our politicians. It creates nakedly hostile government which is ultimately detrimental to the populace as each party seeks to undermine the other. The hostilities become so entrenched it generates the fertile ground of fear and smear. Where no problems are created by a government or said government is seen to perform well, its opposition create problems, invent disasters, manufacture failure, innuendo and wrongdoing. It results in manipulation of the public for personal gain and the needless destruction of careers, people and governance that may have been of benefit. It results in, for recent example, Frenchgate.

    Dear God, look at the past eight years worth of headlines. Scratch that, look at the past two and what has it achieved for the people? Not a bloody thing. What it has achieved in reaction from the populace, is a mistrust of our institutions and services and extreme mistrust and dislike of our political class and governance. Our perceptions have been torn first one way, then the other for decades by party before people, self serving, self interested careerist wankers who didn’t give two thoughts for the collateral damage their fuckwitted electoral strategies caused the people.

    If the past year should have taught the establishment parties anything, it should have taught them just how sick to death the general public are of being used and abused for their petty tribal bullshit. The house cleaning has started and its not finished by a long shot. It won’t stop till we have a parliament and system in place where the weans behave themselves, do what they’re told, what is required of them and cut along for our benefit.

    If they don’t? They get shown the door.

  394. Robert Peffers says:

    @caz-m says: 30 October, 2015 at 8:33 am:

    “Fionan, is there anything you could do with that “Dug” at Holyrood? She is definitely needing toilet trained.”

    Nah! caz-m, the Holyrood Dug’s problem is not behavioural but medical. She needs treatment for verbal Diarrhoea.

  395. Chic McGregor says:

    @wuffing dug

    “The British governments agenda is clear;

    a) Destroy Scotland’s energy and renewables sectors

    b) Cripple oil industry and recruit engineers with requisite skills for nuclear and defence projects, destruction of other industrial base such as steel making is a bonus for them

    c) Ensure dependency on English energy supply from nuclear source

    The jobs are already flowing south.

    Needs to be stopped forthwith.”

    While I do not entirely discount the possibility that most of that does lurk somewhere in the fetid and vengeful imagination of some of the cretins in charge, it is a spectacularly stupid set of policies from their own standpoint.

    In 2013 (2014 results should be out by now but haven’t looked) England needed to net import about 30 terawatt hours of electricity, around 10% of their consumption. About half of that came from Scotland and half from France.

    Of course, they could only do that because of the surplus generation in Scotland and France. France currently runs about a 45 terawatt hours surplus.

    In theory, they could dump Scotland’s surplus and buy all those 30 terawatt hours from France.

    However, the French are embarking on a phase down of nuclear power. About 20 something of their 50 something reactors are to be closed within the next 10 years if they are to achieve the stated reduction target from 75% to 50% for the nuclear share of their capacity.

    And, as required by the energy transition law passed in the French Parliament this Summer nuclear capacity is now capped at just over 60 gigawatts.

    So any new EPR reactors coming on line will result in others being shut down.

    Also, the future of the whole EPR project is up in the air (sic.) anyway because of costing and potentially project scrapping safety concerns. Despite a bail out of AREVA by EDF, the commercial and technical future remains very uncertain. In particular are concerns over the safety of the pressure vessel which is under active investigation by the French safety authorities. If they conclude that there is an unacceptable safety risk in the design flaws identified then effectively the whole EPR project will be dead. Some are claiming it is dead already. i.e. Hinkley Point might well be shelved for years or scrapped altogether. Not a lot about that in the MSM.

    So potentially, indeed in all likelihood, a convenient French surplus will simply not be there to draw on. Furthermore, there is a distinct possibility that Hinkley point is massively delayed or scrapped.

    That leaves them with their massive off shore project to plug the gap but at what cost? Off shore wind generation is twice the cost per unit on average compared to on shore. Why England should be building off shore capacity at such huge cost to the taxpayer/leccy bill payer at all at the moment when there is so much unused on shore capacity in England may well be a source of bewilderment in Europe but to those of us who are better acquainted with the unique brand of NIMBYISM prevalent in Southern England, where the green and pleasant land must remain unsullied at all costs, it comes as no surprise.

    And consider also the illogic of subsidising off shore twice as much as on shore to keep it distant from the South while at the same time taxing Scottish generators much more through connection charges on the pretext that they are trying to encourage generation in the South. Hypocrisy or incompetence? you decide.

  396. Proud Cybernat says:

    @ Macart

    Totally agree with all you say. It just pisses me off how Kez (and Corby) when they became leaders of Branch Office and Party, they were telling us all how their leadership would be different, that they would have less adversarial politics.

    A big part of “less adversarial politics” is to recognise when the sitting Govt. does some good things for the country and only opposes them when the Govt. makes clear mistakes or bad policy choices. That is the hallmark of a good opposition and one that would gain much more respect from the people of Scotland.

    But the knee-jerk, inbuilt hatred of the SNP held by many a Slabour makes it impossible for them to change their ways and become what an opposition party should be. And that is why Slabour will continue on the road to nowhere, to political oblivion.

  397. Nana Smith says:

    A couple more O/T links

    link to

    link to

  398. Jack Murphy says:

    Proud Cybernat said at 11:42am:- “Oh, and if you missed Volume 1 of the Kez blunders, here they are:
    link to ” [EXCELLENT VIDEO]
    13 minutes.

    Presenting the spin and untruths of Kezia Dugdale,the UK Labour Party’s leader of its Scottish branch.
    Well worth a re-post by me. 🙂

  399. K1 says:

    Couldn’t agree more with you sentiments Macart…they do not care about the public, that is the point. It’s their own careers and the money they can make through the public sector. It is not about ‘service’, though they like to spout this rhetoric.

    It’s lucrative and they milk the public purse. And it’s who you know that gets you in the door in the first place.

    Saw a lot of that when I was younger looking for work. Simply if your ‘face’ or second name didn’t fit…you didn’t get in the door.

    Labour does for its own ‘type’ their own establishment, we’ll witness precisely this leading up to Holyrood elections next year…as some of the list is filled wi those who just lost at the May GE. Sickening.

    They will never learn, and we have to clear them out at every level in society. May was a good start, but that’s just…the beginning.

  400. K1 says:

    I’ve made a special bookmarks folder called Proud Cybernats Productions on ma browser bar. Keep ’em coming Proud! 🙂

  401. Macart says:

    @Proud Cybernat

    I hear you and its frustrating as hell. The nature of our system and parliament creates the very problem we seek to eradicate from our politics, but it can be fixed.

    Constitution’s don’t just detail the rights and responsibilities of the citizen, they also set in stone the powers and responsibilities of our parliament and government. With independence, we get to write a constitution with teeth. Our system of government would be created by the people for the people, with responsibilities and penalties clearly laid out for our political class.

    If we wish consensual politics, we need to have the tools to change our entire system of government to accommodate same. We need full sovereignty and all powers returned to the electorate.

    We’ll get there because we have to and because we need to. People need to see that their government is THEIR government and that government acts and performs not just in their name or on their behalf, but at their instruction.

  402. Lochside says:

    Thanks for the great links NANA….The Ponsonby Post is well worth perusing. He does a brilliant analysis of BBC bias over the past week……And please contribute to the documentary being made…’s only got £8.5 and needs £20 k with only a week and a bit left!

  403. gus1940 says:

    Sensational Revelation today at Autonomouser North British Accounting Unit Conference – For the first time in living memory we got to see Fifi’s legs.

    I know that it is wishful thinking and that The SNP have already selected their candidate for Edinburgh Eastern but wouldn’t it be fun if The SNP could have got Fifi’s dad to stand against her.

    Why do none of her interviewers ever ask her about the time she applied for a post with The SNP prior to jumping aboard Labour’s sinking ship? It would be interesting to hear her answer.

  404. Nana Smith says:


    You are welcome.

    I’m fairly sure my hubby has donated to the indegogo campaign however I’ve chucked in another wee bit.

    I think the campaign could do with a push.

  405. fionan says:

    Caz-m at 8.33am:
    problem is, Kezia is no pet, not to my mind anyway. But you can see her response to being ignored on QT, she shutup for a while. I guess the best way to housetrain her is to shut her out in the cold till she learns not to spout pish.

    Capella 8.22am:
    Correct, completely ignoring trolls will cause them to give up as they are getting no reward for their bad behaviour. Only trolls are not so intelligent as dogs so they will take longer to learn.

    Helen Brown at 8.08am:
    Same thing applies – DONT reward bad behaviour with even so much as a look. the main principle is, reward the behaviour you want, ignore the behaviour you dont want – works with people too. And of course, Fido does not get given his dinner while he is barking and misbehaving. He must put his butt on the floor and sit quietly before dinner goes down to him, that is his reward for good behaviour. If necessary, shut him out the kitchen when food being prepared.

    Hope this helps, folks! although I suspect Kezia and co are lost causes cos it depends which of them is in possession of their grey cell when training starts. 🙂

  406. A2 says:

    SNP training academy
    link to


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