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Wings Over Scotland

Why Scottish Labour will never recover

Posted on October 06, 2016 by

Because the party is still stuffed with braindead cockroaches like this:


People of North Ayrshire, you’ve got a real prize there. Well done you.

The next Scottish council elections are in May next year.

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harry mcaye

Is he related to Tom “zany comedy relief” Gallagher?

Betty Boop

Is there anything else that reps of unionist parties can do to incite hatred? Surely they must have reached the bottom of the barrel by now.

Helena Brown

Have had the misfortune of reading this creatures rantings over the years, Labour will never get anywhere as long as he is associated with them.Disgusting man.

David Mills

Well if that the level we have to debate wow
It clear he talk with zero authority on this subject

Andrew Fernie

Tiresome stereotyping. My mother was born in England. I would happily consider myself a UK citizen if that relationship was remotely equitable and fair for citizens of Scotland, which it undeniably isn’t. If I thought there was a chance of change I would have voted for the No camp in 2014. There isn’t, and my view that that change is impossible while things stay as they are in Westminster has been reinforced every single day since then.

I don’t hate anybody, least of all on the basis of birth. I just want a fair crack for everyone in this country, irrespective of internal borders. That right is farther away from being realised every single day.

Kevin Evans

Today’s FM question was a weak performance from the Scottish goverment.

“You don’t bring a knife to a gunfight”

I am ragging at the racism that is getting allowed in the UK. I am ashamed living here now. I am embarrassed and now scared to talk to our friends from the EU. By all rights they should be angry and questioning the nation of Scotland what are we gonna do.

Our MP’s and msp need to now challenge and keep on the xenophobic talk and political party’s and not let them just walk off with a few comments.

Proud Cybernat

Nicola looking good at 60!

Effing eejit.

You’re right, Stu. Labour will NEVER recover in Scotland with bampots like this running (sorry, ruining) their party.


I do believe the expression, for such a bit, is fucktard.


Git not bit, FFS autocorrect pish.


“The next Scottish council elections are in May next year.”

Succinctly put Stu! That could be your new catchphrase (I can envisage a wealth of different emphasis already 🙂 )

In fact we should all start using it – really give it a good trying out before the next year’s even started 😉


UKIP are battering each other. Labour are battling each other. Sometimes battering each other. The Tories are battling the EU. The Tories want to batter each other. Cameron, Gove and Johnston. No speaking. They have all had their chips.

Vote SNP/SNP May 2017. Please to restore sanity.


What about the ones that joined because they hate the Labour party?

Dan Huill

Labour in Scotland continues to put its hatred for the SNP and independence movement above all else. Its festering hatred is a severe handicap.

Decent Labour supporters, of which there are many, must now realize that independence is the only way Labour in Scotland can survive.

Graeme Doig

I’ll tell you what’s important Alex. You have, again, laid bare your own and your party’s idiocy. None of us have any time to have hatred of the English as we’re too busy dealing with delinquents like you.

You are scraping the bottom of a barrel that disintegrated a long time ago in your hunt for criticism of a govt. whose boots you’re not qualified to tie.


Please don’t refer to people as cockroaches. It is Daily Mail speak, and dehumanises. I have no issues with anthropomorphism generally, but the specific words cockroach or rat are highly offensive given Europe’s history.

They are particularly difficult when we have had a weekend hatefest by the Xenophobe And Unionist mob, replete with statements which would not have been out of place 80 years ago.


Alex isn’t really interested in politics he just lives to hate the SNP. Even the local Labour people take him with a pinch of salt.

The big problem that Labour have is that they have limited resources and bitter people like Alex ensure that potential new blood are thoroughly discouraged before they even start.

The SNP are far more of a party than Labour and that is not the SNP’s fault.

Ian Brotherhood

@Graeme Doig –

Well said there.

I shouldn’t really comment on this thread as I live in North Ayrshire but it’s true that some remarkable numpties have been declared ‘winners’ via NA constituencies. (Donohoe springs to mind.)

My get-out card is that, er, well, I wasn’t born here.


R. Johnstone

What an absolute fud. How he came to hold a position of authority Is anyone’s guess! Thank our lucky stars we have social media / WOS to debunk such chancers. The end is coming soon dig deep Scotland our day is coming very soon


Gallagher has long been one of my favourite Labour characters on Twitter.

He lazily tweets orthodox SLab opinions, the more heated sort of unionist cranks, and an occasional loyalist nut but never, I repeat, NEVER anything from the vestigial social democratic part of his party.

Taking the charitable view, he might be trying to woo the second-preference votes of Tory voters in next year’s elections.

Taking the realistic view, he’s an embittered Labourite of the old reactionary, Red Tory, British nationalist strain.

And remember: He’s been influencing local government in Ayrshire for years now…


@Betty Boop

Is there anything else that reps of unionist parties can do to incite hatred? Surely they must have reached the bottom of the barrel by now.

No, there is still a long way for them to plunge in terms of depth, and they almost certainly will. Ruth Davidson, Murdo Fraser, Jackson Carlaw, Dugdale, Findlay and company will give it a go all right. They are only just getting started. Britnats first and Britnats forever.

Auld Rock

I wonder if Kez will remove him from SLAB? I used to read his rubbish years ago when I still bought the Herald and I thought then that he was a disgrace to the family, many of whom fought and WON Irish Independence.

Auld Rock


Alex(two houses, think he’s the one with them both in the same street) Gallagher he’s made a fine living out of NAC 20+ years as a councillor
Strangely nearly every Labour councillor in NAC has at least 2 houses , one has 5
Gallagher is a Tory why else would Largs vote for the erse


People who are driven by hatred assume everyone else must be the same.

A lot of residual Labour people seem be so angry and hateful. You’d think someone had taken their sweeties off them.

Dawn Gallagher

Embarrassed to share a last name with him!


SLab have two choices. Become a completely separate Indy supporting Scottish party or wither and die.

There is no middle ground.


The charge of the Labour Yoons.

Blinkers to the right of me, blinkers to the left of me, blinkers to the front of me.

Onward charged the brave yoons of labour descent.

Right up their collective earsehole.

Bob Mack

Hate the English? A man who relies on religious bigotry and prejudice allied with sectarianism to maintain his vote. He should know something about the subject I suppose

Tinto Chiel

I think I can say without fear of contradiction that, had he got as far as Westminster, he would have won the “Low-Flying Jimmie” award on an annual basis, in a very crowded field.

Personally, I’m delighted that politicians of this calibre will be standing against the SNP next May.

Do you think he really believes what he says?

Does he form the words with his mouth as he types his pithy apothegms?

“What a maroon!”

Brian MacLeod

It still puzzles me why so much hate gets generated simply because we want to do what almost every other country in the world does, govern ourselves.

Jim Mitchell

They never have got around to explaing about those of us members (40 years)who married an English person whilst in the SNP, as she is too now, or those English folk who are members of the party.


“The enemies of Scottish Nationalism are not the English, for they were ever a great and generous folk, quick to respond when justice calls. Our real enemies are among us, born without imagination.”

Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham, first Member of Parliament to identify as a socialist, and first President of the SNP, speaking at a Stirling rally in 1930.

Away with you, Tom Gallagher: away with you.

Graeme Doig


I have some genes from that part of the world. Think they are some of my best feature 😉

[…] Wings Over Scotland Why Scottish Labour will never recover Because the party is still stuffed with braindead cockroaches like this: People of […]


Leanne Woods and Plaid Cymru getting the same treatment as the SNP on QT tonight.

The repulsive Neil Hamilton getting far more oxygen than he deserves. Audience filled with Kippers as well from the sound of it.

Iain More

I can only say that it isn’t fair to cockroaches who at least make some kind of food for Huntsmen spiders. I don’t think cockroaches resent the fact they weren’t born English and didn’t go to Eton either. I would vote for a cockroach before I would vote for any Yoon bigot.

Mark Fletcher

He is a broken and impotent man. His tweets are extremely childish.

This business of hating the English is an accusation which has become tiresome. There is not a scrap of evidence to support it.

His own heart and his own spirit are filled with hatred. His heart and his spirit have been broken. He is full of bitterness.

Modern Scotland has no place for him and he knows it.


Gallagher believes he is a Viking. His biggest upset was when the Vikings were defeated in the Battle of Largs.he’s never forgiven the Scots. Has connection with BBC Scotland through daughter in law whose a newsreader.He hates Corbyn and loves Kez.His world is collapsing around him.


There’s nothing else to say but what a fucking idiot.

I’m only glad I’ve never voted for these clowns.

I was born in England. I’ve lived on and off about an eighth of my life there. I’ve always voted SNP.

The only thing I hate is brain dead vindictive morons like Gallagher.


I’m English through and through, a member of the SNP and soon I will be starting work for an SNP MSP. What do you make of that Mr Gallagher?


It’s as much a myth these days as the labour party in Scotland saying that SNP supporters would spit on them.
They’ve always fought dirty.

Ian Brotherhood

Donohoe’s ‘website’ no longer exists.

There was nothing in it anyway, apart from this, the best bit, which has been preserved for all time via the Wonder that is Youtube.

Aye, it’s so good to be able to bring this to you in the modern age, especially if you’ve never seen it before…

link to

Robert Louis

So right now we have the nastiest, xenophobic, racist, Scotland-hating, out of control, extreme right wing (neo-fascist) Tory party running the UK, and who are Labour in Scotland attacking? The SNP.

What on earth are Labour thinking? It is like they are stuck in a time warp, and no matter how things change, they are just going to carry on attacking the SNP.

Meanwhile, the Tories must be literally laughing their socks off at Labour.

Dearie me.

Iain More

On Council Elections I couldnt help but notice that UKIP gained a seat from BLiE in Hartlepool. Oh Dear!

I hope Gallagher chokes on that!

It would seem that in England a big part of Labours ahem support gets off on erm hating foreigners!


So we now have the Nazi party running the broken union that is, allegedly, the U.K.

We have UKIP knocking nine bells of whatnot out of each other in Strasbourg.

The Labour party is still going through the motions of in fighting and front bench reshuffles.

We have a non entity leader of the most autonomous party in Scotland asking ridiculous questions about something the S.G. has NO control over thanks to … erm … the Labour party in Scotland 1997 – 2010.

The end result is we have this Bampot complaining about the workings of the S.N.P. because the S.N.P. is doing everything it can for the benefit of EVERYONE in Scotland. Just in case his complaining is not loud enough he throws in the old worn boring “the S.N.P. are full of English hating members!”

If I may I’d like to suggest to Mr. Gallagher that he pays MORE attention to what is happening in the REAL world rather than what is going on in his land of make believe!


Whit a f@&£y

That’s all I know how to explain these people who tell me that I am anti English just because I believe in self determination for my country. They know nothing about me or my family.

These are the same people who will willingly stand back and not attack the real danger to these islands.

Maybe I should not have put islands in there, it might confuse them!


Jings, Alex Gallagher,, he’s made It onto Wings! His years of writing letters to the Herald gave me so many laughs. And here’s my wee ode to Alex from Largs – Largs, termed theTale O’the Bank.

There is a wee man frae the Tale O’ the Bank
Who I’d liked to personally thank
For reminding me, by his letters, time and again
Why never to vote Labour again


I am English and a very active member of the SNP.

So according to Alex Gallagher, I hate myself.

Sorry to disappoint Alex, but what little hate I have is entirely reserved for wankers like you.

Mark Fletcher

I note from QT and Theresa May’s recent pronouncements that it now seems to be Tory Party policy to accuse Plaid Cymru and the SNP of racism! I know, I know – it’s utterly perverse, utterly slanderous and needs to be stoutly refuted.

Tam Jardine

Man- that Neil Hamilton is a right prick. Thank God most people in Scotland are not stupid enough to buy into his pish.

Watching Question Time just reminds us how far ahead we are politically compared with the rest of the UK. As I told a guy tonight in the boozer- the UK is over and we are dealing with the paperwork. We have a responsibility to the people of Wales to show them that they need not necessarily spend the next 700 years having a disagreement about immigration.

Listening to some dickhead tory tonight talk about how much bla bla bla BUT… uncontrolled immigration***** with absolutely zero reflection that any and every restriction on foreign workers coming here will be visited on our own children, our grandchildren, our parents, grandparents and indeed ourselves if we decide to attempt to build a life, a career or a retirement abroad.

For fuck sake- can you imagine a tory conference where they were going absolutely radge about tax avoidance or tax evasion or climate change or inequality… they are instead doomed to suck on fear and obsess over diversionary nonesense. Shameful.


Sorry if this has been posted already and for being O/T.

Here is tomorrow’s National front page. It makes for some *cough* interesting reading. 😉

link to

Rob Outram

Am I missing something here? Are we now just villyfying anyone who dares to criticise the SNP? If that is the case there’s a very big list of people to get through.

I’ve only been a member since the referendum so am not able to verify if what he says is true…I doubt very much that it’s true but surely he is entitled to his opinion?

I am more concerned about his inability to count than his views on the SNP leadership.

Tam Jardine

Ian Brotherhood

This’ll be the same moron: link to


I think the tactic is to expose the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh national party’s as anti English. It’s how to play down the last few days. It’s not us .. it’s them they all hate the English. This is not going to end well…stirring up hatred is the last thing needed in England right now. It’s like watching a scary movie with the lights off.


Rob Outram says:
6 October, 2016 at 11:37 pm
Am I missing something here? Are we now just villyfying anyone who dares to criticise the SNP?

Criticism or slander though?


Dimbleby saying that of course they talked about some welsh issues on the show because it was from Wales tonight.
Funny that, I seem to remember him shutting up an SNP member telling them not to discuss Scotland as it was a UK wide show.

Bob Mack

@Rab Outram
Yes he is entitled to his opinion. However if his opinion is false about you, and you never defend yourself, then it becomes more fact in the eyes of others. If your neighbour made allegations about you, then would you say nothing and just accept their daily tirade ? I think not.
This is a dirty fight and everything matters.

Tam Jardine

Rob Outram

He has expressed his opinion Rob however ridiculous it may be. You would do well to understand people have a right to express their own in response.

Alex G has had a good innings as they say- he has written absolute drivel in the Herald for the last 20 years. He is welcome to hold his opinions on the SNP hating English people but I can’t help think that at the same time Nicola and our party are straining every sinew to save them.

The absolute worst thing we in Scotland could do on behalf of the people of England would be to get behind the tory party right now. And the second worse thing we could do would be to do nothing and stand by while the tories hardwire fascism into the UK body politic.

There is one thing that has disgusted me most in the last couple of days and it has been slab politicals falling over themselves to decry the SNP while the tories start their campaign against foreign workers.

Iain More

I think his bile will only get worse when he hears the Scotstoun result.


It’s no wonder Slab are going right down the stank. They seem to have forgotten the basic concept, that is, that the Tories are supposed to be their enemies.


Big laugh on the news tonight. Corbyn in Glasgow spouting about Jimmy Reid. It was then reported that Jimmy ultimately joined the SNP. Wonder if Corbyn considered him to be an ‘English hater’ too?


@ Kevin at 9:59pm …..

Kevin we’re ALL raging about what’s been going on, more so what’s been happening over the last few days or so. You’re not on your own here.

Nicola Sturgeon made it clear at FMQ’s that she’s absolutely disgusted with May’s Government. She clearly stated her intention to support Scottish businesses in not complying with the Tories (racist) demands. She also released a joint statement with Green and Welsh leaders totally denouncing the state of affairs.

She’s not in the same position as you and I, say sitting lin the pub giving it laldy (right spelling?) being able to use terms like racist, fascist, Nazi Tory Government. She can only go so far in relation to the rhetoric that she uses. She’s a World leader, has to behave like one, and will no doubt be working her butt off along with experts preparing to combat May at every turn. Preparing to get us out of this hell hole. Hopefully when that day comes those who are being scapegoated down south, lives being made an absolute misery, will join us here and be made VERY welcome indeed. That’s all she and we can do.

Kevin don’t be downhearted. Theresa May’s Government is actually doing our job for us and if she keeps going at this rate will raise the numbers in Scotland desperate to get Independence.

Grouse Beater

You may scoff, but next election he could be on the List, and then an MSP refusing to sit down when asked by the Speaker

Dave McEwan Hill

Anybody got any figures on the swing to SNP in Garscadden?

Robert J. Sutherland

Totally amazing really then that those “English for Scottish Indy” people flying their great St. George flag at the summer events somehow managed to escape with their lives, seeing as they were in the midst of that great multitude of hatred, according to Great Seer Gallagher. (Who obviously wisnae there.)

Just when you think Labour can’t get any more stupid, one of them pops up to prove you wrong. What a joke of a once-proud movement.


Petra @ 12.00
Well said 100% agreement.

mike cassidy

Why bother waiting till next May

when you can get a 20% swing today!

Technically, yesterday.

link to

Robert Graham

Oh feck what happened to the trains and the buses that took top billing today ? , I guess its went straight to fantasy mumbo jumbo without a tea break , The English establishment and media are doing just fine making friends all by themselves without any imagined help from any of us here, personality it’s a side of the SNP I don’t recognise this hatred bit .
Along with the increase in traffic over the last week This blog has attracted a new detachment of arseholes almost along the same lines of all the other Indy sites just a coincidence aye right just like 2014 they haven’t went away divide and rule !

Dr Jim

Keep repeating the thing and it’ll come true isn’t working so well anymore for the folk who use the tactic
Big Mooth Rooth’s been found out using it She said the word referendum 42 million times more than anybody else, folk might sometimes be slow but they do catch on eventually

SNP Baad for the sake of it has worn off as well folk have noticed the Tories of both colours overuse the rhetoric every chance they get

It’s all mental and verbal abuse designed to create bitterness in the hope of getting the abused on your side against your opponents
Trouble is with this tactic abusers get turned on sooner or later, and when they do the abused never goes back

That’s one of the reasons there are 120.000 SNP members and still rising and I’ll bet half of them were abused by their own Labour party till they left

So keep right on abusing us, it might be horrible but it’s helping us in the long run and we’ve got time, approximately two years and then we’ll see how well the abuse worked

Glasgow council are demanding 500 stewards be hired for the next Indy rally which is strange when the ratio is supposed to be around 10 to 1 so are they now admitting to at least 5.000 marchers even though there were around 7.000
I don’t know how they’d know though because they keep switching off the cctv cameras in the square
We did have a police presence I personally saw two cops heaving a Union flag guy into a van shouting “No Surrender (not the cops) Ahm a Prodisint” I figured he was one of Ruth Davidsons group

Much amusement was had for at least 5 minutes over that and the cops resumed their conversation and walked over to have a look at the motor cycles

It’s always very tense when the vile Nats have a rally



“For 60 years the SNP recruited on hatred of the English They may have changed tactics but and

this is important. The ones that joined because they hated the English are still there, and

this is important, they are running the party.”

He’s not ‘criticising’ the SNP on policy grounds or SG decision’s in relation to someithg of public interest. He’s asserting ‘as fact’ that the core foundation of the SNP’s ethos is based upon a hatred of the English. He’s calling the SNP racists and stating categorically that those in leadership positions in the SNP joined because of their hatred of the English.

Are you in agreement with this public official expressing this ‘slur’ on social media?

This is ‘hate speech’?

Are we not to ‘call him out’ on this?

What about this:

‘Alex Gallagher ?@alexgallagher2 2h2 hours ago
Twiterstorm tonight. Apparently many Nats don’t undersatand that “independence” would mean that their English realtives would be foreigners.’

What do you make of this? Is that just another ‘opinion’ that we should let pass because he’s ‘entitled’ to his ‘opinion’.

Is this who we want in our council’s, people who think like this?

We are at liberty to post btl on an article, that is relevant in light of recent political developments that have just elevated ‘hate’ to ‘acceptable officially sactioned’ UK government rhetoric/policy.

This goes beyond ‘opining’ imo. Post truth pish needs to be nipped in the bud. Else it spreads insidiously into everyday speech and action until it becomes ‘normal’.


I saw that and went directly to his profile which has numerous other bits of bile.

I tweeted him to tell him his behaviour as a local councillor is appalling. I said if he has so much time to troll folk on Twitter, there can’t be enough work to do.

I find it disgusting we pay to be abused in public.

It’s not to do with criticising SNP, which anyone is entitled to do in a manner befitting his public office. What I’m sick of is seeing this tit for tat with the public, deliberately being provocative, trying to bait folk.


He’s not ‘criticising’ the SNP on policy grounds or SG decision’s in relation to someithg of public interest. He’s asserting ‘as fact’ that the core foundation of the SNP’s ethos is based upon a hatred of the English. He’s calling the SNP racists and stating categorically that those in leadership positions in the SNP joined because of their hatred of the English.

This just proves the level of ignorance held by individuals like him K1 because as most folks know there are more than a couple of S.N.P. M.S.P.’s and M.P.’s who are NOT Scottish but are English or from even further afield. Funny he seems not to be aware of their existence. 😉

ronnie anderson

@ Dr Jim if the organisers made arrangements for the 500 stewards to turn up at City Chambers to register, that would be the end of that little ploy.

Dr Jim

FM critisised for not repairing Scotrail
She must lack those engineering skills eh, although she held my hand once and healed my arthritis

If the Yoons can talk pish


Tompkins tweeting – Garsgadden – Tories up 7.6%. Labour down 22.3%. SNP takes the seat.

And from elsewhere turnout 23%? Mhhh! Wonder if that’s correct?


I see from The National front page posted above by Arbroath 1320, that GCC now require any Indy march to have 500 stewards. If there is a list of volunteer stewards to be drawn up I’d be willing to put my name down. I live a long way from Glasgow but would make the journey to support Indyref2.
link to

Are there any Wings Steward tabards available?

Robert J. Sutherland

mike cassidy @ 00:19,

Thanks for that link. Interestingly, the article says

[…] a repeat of the recent defeat in North Ayrshire for the First Minister’s father Robin Sturgeon was avoided due to a lack of transfers from the Tories to Labour.

Do we call that the Corbyn Dividend?


He’s a nasty wee bastard wi a very twisted mind.

Caveat: Just the lowly opinion of a half educated tenement Scot ye ken. 😉



Labour know only have a majority of one on GCC after the result tonight. Their petty rules could be close to an end.


If anyone lives in Garscadden I’d strongly suggest you steer well clear of all pubs, clubs, hotels etc tonight and for next few days. 😉

link to

Kevin Evans

Many parallels being thrown around re the Tories and facist politics in Germany in the 30’s but the real mind bender for me in dugdale and Scottish labour now portraying Benito Mussolini in trying to make the trains run on time.

Grouse Beater

“Anybody got any figures on the swing to SNP in Garscadden?

Talk of 20%.


@ Arbroath at 11:32pm …. ‘Front page of the National.’

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Does that relate to Glasgow City Council? If so let’s hope they lose their one Councillor majority ASAP.

If this is down to a Labour controlled Council Kezia Dugdale should deal with this; ASAP also. Absolutely disgraceful.


BTW – what is the “special committee” which approves Orange Order marches and the Scottish Defence League? Does anyone know if the minutes are online?
Will it survive the council elections in May 2017?
link to


The positive drive towards Independence requires no negative component.

That the people who live and work in Scotland should decide its future is enough.
The certain knowledge that it will be a fairer society is enough.
The fact that racism, sexual discrimination, religious bigotry etc will be opposed is enough.

The nations who once formed the “Empire” did not hate the English. They simply wanted to decide their own path. To shape their own destiny.

The mystery to me is why so many Scots prefer to let the right wing government of another nation run it’s affairs?

It was the Empire who used the gun boat and the armoured car. It was the Empire who directed fire from .303 rifles into peaceful crowds and who hired mercenaries to put down rebellion. However it was not hatred that motivated the controlling minds of the Empire then either…it was simple greed and the need to dominate.

That fact that so many Labour Party members define their stance on the basis of SNP hatred level tells you a great deal about them. Based on stated political values the Labour Party should have been and should be now allies against the Tories.

The empire itself always made use of hate…divide and rule from India to Ireland and now in Scotland itself. Protestant against Catholic / Labour against the SNP / Rich against Poor. Once again Whitehall will turn to the favoured card of division to maintain control.

Will it be Scots who defeat Scots….again!

Robert J. Sutherland

K1 @ 00:23,

This business of “English relatives becoming foreigners” was a big BT trope during indyref1, and I think it did have some effect. As if those of us who happen to have Continental and/or North American (and/or wherever) relatives are somehow second-class, and can’t possibly love them nearly as much as English ones.

Pure blood-and-soil BritNat pish, of course. And they have the nerve to accuse us of hatred. At this juncture above all.

Yes, people like Gallagher should be called out for their vile inversions of the truth, lest they gain any traction.


You should live in port glasgow ! McCabe council leader is way more toxic and labour locally a snake pit of Shite !


What shall we call the 500 stewards? Actually, I think it would be better to recruit 1,000 to cover holiday and sick leave.
Perhaps the women’s section should be called stewardesses?

What about the “Wings Brigade” ?


Ma brother live’s down in Kent…he’s ain’t foreign he’s ma brother. 😉


@ Dr Jim at 12:21am …. “I don’t know how they’d know though because they keep switching off the CCTV at the square.

Maybe they’ve changed tactics to throw us? Moved on from using CCTV? There was a large drone hovering over Glasgow Green at the last event. I thought it may have related to Theresa May’s surveillance team in action and we all had a laugh about it. Now wondering if GCC are upping the ante?


O / T

Just watching the news re. Hurricane Matthew / Florida. My daughter’s due to fly out there on Saturday. I hope it passes over soon. More than anything thinking of those who are having to evacuate / are in danger.


Join the Armed Forces of this great country that rules the waves!

Get sent to foreign lands.

In times of political need fight wars to take heat off of government.

When you retire from armed forces expect, at some unspecified point in time in the future to have your wife DEPORTED!


Don’t you just love how the Nazi party Generalfeldmarschall of immigration treats our brave servicemen and women … NOT!

link to

call me dave

Some stuff on the by-election. (hope it’s ok)

link to


The Sky News weather girl just called Scotland “North Britain”! Then changed it back to Scotland a minute later!

Grouse Beater

There are some places in England that make me feel as if I’m visiting a different different country from Scotland.

And I’ve heard many an English friend say their first visit to Scotland brought home to them the reality that Scotland is a very different country from England.

Incidentally, May “cannot guarantee” that after Brexit Irish won’t be treated as foreigners. Remember, Ireland’s pact with England at independence was it won’t get treated as a foreign nation by Westminster. Agreements are to be ignored by the neo-colonial mind, so why not the Treaty between Scotland and England?

How long will it take for English to turn on Farage and turf him and his odious cronies out of England as ‘undesirable aliens’? It will happen in time. His legacy is already beginning to tarnish English society and mores. History will despise him.


Well done to Councillor Cunningham SNP and to the entire election team!

O/T on the theme of Brexit.

The Unionist Government at Westminster have said on more than one occasion that they would not divulge their strategy. They did say however, that EU citizens living in the UK would serve as a bargaining chip in EU negotiations. But as a bargaining chip for what precisely? To allow uk citizens to remain in the EU? Possibly, but equally possibly not.

The UK might just rather say to the EU – ‘If you do NOT help Scotland win Independence, we will allow all eu foreign citizens in the UK to remain.

Retaining control over Scotland’s wealth, remains Westminster’s priority. If it could be done tomorrow then Brexit would likely happen before the weekend.


It was myself that had the misfortune of being accused of being a racist in the above twitter conversation , I’d like to address the question that was raised about whether we were being unfair to Mr Gallagher as he was merely expressing an opinion . I don’t know if the person who raised this issue read the whole thread ? These were not opinions they were provocations , I noticed that the person who thought he was entitled to his opinion was a new member of the SNP , I’m not Ive been involved with them my whole life I’m 45 yrs old , so I think I’m entitled to say I have a lot of experience with the party, I know many MSP’s and counsellors personally , so I’d say that I’m qualified enough to say that those “opinions” of his were false , and if he had the right to speak his mind , I’m damn sure I had every right to put him straight


Nice headline from the Herald: “SNP MP refuses to apologise over “lazy” journalists remark

link to

I believe that is known as an admission of guilt! Or is it a tautology?

Basically speaking the journalists were so lazy about getting a real story to report on, they reported a story about them being lazy.


Anyway, North Ayrshire, the thing is, can a party put forward 4 candidates for a ward with 4 seats, or is there a 2 candidate limit? Kind of doubt it, but in 2012 there were only 2 SNP and they were the first 2 to be elected.

link to

He’s active in the community though and to be honest has been a good councillor. But he’s always writing in to the wee paper sniping away at the SNP, it’s a Great War with the SNP MSP, I think everyone just ignores it.


The tweets sounded p*sed by the way! “.. this is important”.

this is important


Petra @ 1.08am

We have very dear friends out in Orlando just now. Rain lashing down, worst will be tomorrow. Say the house is made of twigs. Pretty worried for them. Hopefully the storm will pass without more loss of life.

Which puts the vile bile coming from an elected member of local Government into sharp relief.

Alex Gallagher is supposed to represent all of the residents and businesses in his area WITHOUT PREJUDICE.

Clearly Mr Gallagher can’t do that. Is he fit to continue holding his position?

Shouldn’t Alex Gallagher, at the very least, be admonished by HIS party? I’ll not hold my breath.


The make-up of the panel on this week’s QT from Wales was interesting.

Given that can we expect the same selection criteria to be applied the next time QT comes from Scotland which would give us a panel along the following lines:-

Nicola Sturgeon
Fluffy Mundell
David Cockburn
Some Labour WM Star
Frankie Boyle

That lot would guarantee an interesting debate provided that Dimblebum alllowed the same amount of mention of Scotland as he allowed of Wales last night.

Good to see Eck is to be on the panel next week.


“The next Scottish council elections are in May next year.”

David Fagan – North Lanarkshire Labour Councillor suspended – charged in connection with offences relating to images of child abuse. (05.10.16)

Council boss suspended (20.09.15)
link to

North Lanarkshire Council contracts probe (06.10.16)
link to

I could play this game all day long. No wonder they have to make up shit about the SNP, with such a dodgy history Slabber (and the mother Party) have got eff all to brag about. Get your own houses in order before attempting to falsely discredit others.

Any vote for the LibLabCons is a vote endorsing Tory rule.

Lets cleans our Councils and vote SNP all the way!

Oh, and by-the-by, i see good auld Worzel Corbyn has appointed Crash Broons former right-hand-man. WHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahaaa


OT – Phew. This is meant as a reasonably concise mostly EU resource.

It has a static main page about the EU, mainly to show how voting works all in one place rather than google and scan loads of pages. There’s a whole load of Unionists sneering about Scotland being too wee in the EU, helpless, hapless, no Independence there. Well it won’t be. The EU has democracy, which will surprise many!

There’s also another couple of fact based stuff via the “EU” and “Random” tabs, and not so often I’ll add to that. All articles have links to the offical sources of the figures – which is quite different for some odd reason to certain Unionist websties 🙂

I’m off to my pit zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Dorothy Devine

Stoker , appointing Brown has to be better than Blair who is angling to inject himself back into politics – or so the Guardian would have you believe as it merrily promotes every bon mot the ba$%ard utters.

Better but not much!

As for that poor wee man Gallagher, I remember the sad wee raincoated figure bewailing the SNP win -and laughing my socks off.

Could the English for Indy write to him – every one of them – just to reassure him that all is not as he sees it?


O/t. See that Nicola Surgeon, I see she’s away forging and consolidating links with Iceland today. Why isn’t she doing her day job and driving the bus to Auchenshuggle so that my Aunt Aggie can use her free bus pass to go and get her morning pint of milk.

Bloody disgrace so it is!

Disgusted of Morningside


More O/t

Cliffie to sue BBC and South Yorkshire Police.

Go Cliff, go!



He’s appointed Broons former aide, no Broon himsel.
I suppose it’s six and half-a-dozen, they’re all Tories anyway.
Broon’s still in hiding and working on his next pack of lies.
BTW, good to see a post from you, you don’t seem to be posting as much these days.

Helena Brown wrote (9:55pm):
“Have had the misfortune of reading this creatures rantings over the years, Labour will never get anywhere as long as he is associated with them.Disgusting man.”

Nah, Helena, Alex Gallagher’s just a sad-sac brainless moron partly responsible for the cerebral collapse behind Slabber. This, on the other hand, is a disgusting little man and i use the word “man” very reluctantly: link to

Gallagher has nothing to offer the public so he resorts to resurrecting ancient myths whilst conveniently forgetting his Labour Party’s historical and modern affiliations with paedophilia.

Jack Collatin

My Everlovin’ and I stepped out on a fine evening yesterday to vote in our LA by-election.
It is a tradition that we cast our vote, and indulge ourselves in a teatime curry at the best Curry House in Scotland, nay the UK. Sorry, I’m no’ tellin’ you which one. It’s busy enough as it is.
Chris Cunningham is now our new SNP councillor, wresting the seat from Labour in a massive swing which if repeated next May, will complete the political stages on our road to Self Determination.MP, MSP, MEP, LA Councillor.
Where is Professor John Curtice when you need him?
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, Frank McAveety, it tolls for thee, and the hundreds of New Labour hangers on across Scotland.
All in all, it’s just another brick in the (PFI) wall.
(Thanks for asking:- popadoms, spicy onions, mango chutney, chilli chicken, Rogan Josh, rice.)
Best to get as many ‘foreign’ meals I can before the staff are all deported. On the bright side, my Better Three Quarters can share a taxi to the airport holding pen.
I really will miss her.


What a weaponsgrade arse trumpet Mr Gallagher is.

If there is any party that deals in and revels in the spread of mindless, senseless hatred and othering though, that would be Labour.

May cannot come round quickly enough. So far they’ve relied upon Tories to shore up their by-election ‘victories’. Let’s see how they fair when the Tories themselves are fighting for survival?


Watch the YouTube video ‘Saltcoats Loyal’ THAT is representative of the current North Ayrshire Council. At an IndyRef open meeting in Irvine 2014, I overheard them plotting to ‘get’ Alex Salmond.



link to

Only an independence referendum can protect Scotland from Brexit now
link to

link to

link to


I overheard them plotting to ‘get’ Alex Salmond.

Since 2008, Alex Salmond caused the City of London bank crash because he wrote a letter to a top bankster, is the yoon culture universe we have to live in.

Financial Times
6 hrs
British pound plunges through $1.20 for the first time since May 1985

Its a toryboy world, red and blue.

Liz g

Jack Collation @ 7.38
If ye keep eating as much foreign food as ye can,the only place the taxi will be going is to the local weight watchers.

Yesterday at FMQs the first minister telt Westminster we are no making list’s.

Our government is backing any company who refuses to make lists.
I think it is safe tae assume at least half of Scotland isn’t going to cooperate with any list’s.

Sooo Westminster wouldn’t be able to make it work and no matter how they spin it they will have to give up on the their plan.
And try to ignore that Scotland’s First Minister has has just stated her intention to implement a wee bit of civil disobedience.

Really strange the MSM haven’t picked up on that.

But anyhoo that means you’re better 3/4 and your favourite chefs ain’t going anywhere.
And to coin a phrase when it comes to preventing it lists.

It was Holyrood what dun it!!!!



James Kelly in the ibTimes piece pretty much hits the nail on the head there Nana.


The way Alex Gallagher expressed abhorrence that relatives might become foreigners clearly shows an attitude that there is something wrong with being foreign!

Thing is, he doesn’t have the brains to understand what he is saying.

chris kilby

And the less said about Airdrie councillor, David Fagan, the better. Innocent till proven guilty and all that…

(To be honest, I’m more concerned about the allegations of a Labour Party cover-up ahead of a council by-election in Coatbridge.)

Tinto Chiel

Ian Brotherhood @11.10:

link to

Is that a spoof? Reminds me of Gerald Ford and his fabled inability to walk and chew gum at the same time. What a woodentop old BD was! Love those masterful, brooding stares into the middle distance. Bet they scared the pants off the WM tea-ladies.

Yesindyref2 @6.44: thanks for your EU infopage: a great resource.


link to

BBC r4 tory freak show doing sterling work reporting UKIPsters beating the living shit out of each in the EU parliament, its nothing at all you see, an altercation, nothing to bother about, its not made the yew kay look even worse around the world, at all.

Things did happen in their Scotland region yesterday but not worth a mention though, not even SNP bad.


@Macart Indeed James did a good job with that article.

Had trouble commenting this morn, first time ever my computer crashed twice trying to upload links and one just will not load.

This is interesting from Monbiot

link to

and there’s something stirring re the lib dems.

link to

Jockanese Wind Talker


I see the UK & US Govt. funded, Al Nusra Front propagandist unit The White Helmets are in the running for The Nobel Peace Prize.

link to

No doubt will justify their founder and former UK Armed Forces & “private security contractor” James Le Mesurier his Knighthood.

link to

Robert Kerr

O/T Blood in the exchanges

link to

“Sterling plunges 6% in two minutes amid chaotic trading
British currency trading at 89.3p against euro having being quoted above 90p earlier”

Algorithmic trading after statement from France

“It looks like it was a algorithm-driven flash crash triggered by a Financial Times article based on French President Hollande’s speech on Brexit,” said Angus Nicholson, a markets analyst in Melbourne at IG Ltd.”

“With March now set as the deadline for triggering divorce proceedings, tensions are playing out in the currency market. The pound has dropped 16 per cent since the referendum to leave the world’s biggest single market, and is 2016’s worst performer among 31 major currencies tracked by Bloomberg.

How Now Brown Vow?


Given how long he’s been writing letters to the Herald, it’s a safe bet that his Twitter pic is either very old, or that’s a syrup.

I guess it lives in his other house.

mike cassidy

Not sure if this is OT or not given some of the weird religious things that go on in Gallagher’s part of Scotland –

But it is about time this disgraceful, democratic deficit was dealt with.

link to

Frank Lynch

And this from a party of anti-Semites. And how greatly do have to hate your fellow countrymen to belong to a party which denies them the same independence as the smallest countries in the world, joining forces with a right wing party they supposedly oppose?

Kevin Evans

With pound on a steady downwards pattern and the cost to import items from nations tied to the $ or € due to increase. Taking that Scotland voted remain will the promise in the vow about no financial detrimental effect increase our Block grant?


Robert Kerr

Just checked and pound at 1.24 against dollar and 1.11 against Euro.

I use

mike cassidy

Re my 9.17

Here’s the relevant page of the Scottish Secular Society.

link to


Here is an article about schools in England being told to collect data on immigrant children.

Note the date on the article – 23June 2016

link to


Great news on the win in Garscadden/Scotstounhill, especially the size of the swing. I hope this is an indication of what will happen in May.

Perhaps the penny has dropped with Labour supporters that the reason why Scotland is being subjected to Brexit and are being ruled by a neo fascist Tory government was Labour’s stance in IndyRef1.

It’s all Labour’s fault. If they hadn’t acted as frontmen for the Tories we would now be independent.

Some people lay the blame with the media. Without Labour’s too dogs there would have been nothing for the media to build an anti Indy case around.

chris kilby

Obvious bawbag is obvious…

* hic *

Robert Kerr


So do I. Permanent tab on my browser. Wish I had kept my Euro account open in Kuwait.

link to

More popcorn needed.


The Scottish Oil & Gas continues to struggle with UK gov tax at 40% since Jan 2016. Osbourne increased the tax 11% (£2Billion) in 2011 Budget to 80%. The oil companies stopped future production projects. It was reduced to 60% when the price fallen 75%. Losing Scotland £Billions and thousands of jobs. Scotland would have lower unemployment without the Tories. Now untaxed fracked Gas is being imported from the US with great investmetbexpense. Putting up the balance of payments deficut and the debt. The Tories are destroying the world economy. Illegal wars, banking fraud and tax evasion.

The SNP Gov is doing a great job against all the odds. In April 2017 the vulnerable will stop being sanctioned. Brexit, England/Wales, will mean Trident is going. The US did not want it here. It was McMillian who secretly put it in Scotland. The Tories are wasting £Billions on Hinkley Point and HS2. A third Heathrow runway will add to the traffic chaos. Dontheynever consider traveller satifaction. Anywhere but Heathrow. A total waste of public money to line the pockets Tory multimillionaires and their with £Billions of plundered public money. Another 4 years of this shambles will mean Scotland will be Independent and still in the EU.

Vote SNP/SNP May 2017. Please.

Andrew McLean

We all know that it is not the SNP that hates people from another country, when a political party has mugs printed that state their desire to control immigrants, then when another political party states their desire to name and shame companies that employ immigrants, and all the Labour Party can think to say is “but the trains don’t run on time sometimes”! What is kezius’ point? Is that a reference to packing immigrants into cattle trucks?

Anyway the greatest Britain pound has been thought shite again on the world markets, don’t worry we are now back in the sick man of Europe roles, financially and in morality.
Glad to see the Norwegian wealth fund rose 4% this quarter!

Can a dog food salesman send us a graph to show how rich since oil the Norwegian people are since oil, as a comparison how we beg from our imperial masters.
Only in Scotland will you find reprobates like a pet shop boy and his shte graphics and gers!

Robert Peffers

What congenital idiots like Gallagher can never understand is that The Westminster Establishment, Great Britain, Britain and England are not synonymous terms. Neither does he understand the difference between hatred and contempt.

Gallagher is the archetypal Unionist who has, sponge like, absorbed the Westminster propaganda aimed at all the World outside of the M25, or more specifically beyond the Watford Gap on its way to Scotland.

He obviously equates England, Britain, Great Britain and The United Kingdom, and the Government of the United Kingdom as all being one and the same thing. To such as Gallagher these terms all mean exactly the same thing.

In his myopic and blinkered view he equates the disgust and distaste that sane and properly educated people have for the Westminster Establishment with hate of the people of England.

Obviously if your belief is that the United Kingdom Government is synonymous with England, Britain, Great Britain or even that it is all just one big happy country then you view those who are able to differentiate between the terms as hating the English and England.


Wow May cant open her gub without collapsing sterling jeez this yin is a complete rocket i am even thinking old hambasher wasnt so bad after all astonishing.

Well done to the SNP and the greens for sticking it right to that disgrace Davidson and her band of evel brit nationalist thieves.

Well well Willie Rennie you still about wee man i thought you had disappeared up Ruth`s backside after she straddled you like a dumb beast,so whats it going to be Willie Scotland or the tories you cant have both you know,want us to stop taking the piss want to be famous wee man hmmmm well you know how to do it or are you really just another tory time to pick a side are you going to choose wrong again as you do know it will mean lots more bus jokes and you getting hooked of the wee dug pictures lol

Kez give it up girl cant you see defending the tories and your pal Ruth has destroyed your party and will continue to destroy your party as we have 2017 plan still to implement the clock is ticking on both it and article 50 and you bang on about trains even wee Ross a noobie showed you up,the biggest constitutional crisis in living memory and she talks about fecking trains.

You know i cant help thinking both these parties are ripe for a political takeover from inside the membership some young politician with ambition and independence in mind for Scotland.

Tinto Chiel

Robert Kerr @9.11:

“How Now Brown Vow”.


Andrew McLean

I apologise for the grammar, using phone and it’s difficult, I had to rant as our glorious BBC propaganda machine rather than talking about the French PM stating he is going to make UKOK suffer, regardless of anything, when the market crashed, worsening to a 40 year low the pound tanking against other currencies, we get
Do children make a noise on planes, a airline that practically no one will ever fly on has child friendly service? Maybe!
Oh and promoting in fighting in labour again, just in case you missed the fact he has been elected again on a bigger major.
the only person the BBC have loved is Jimmy Savell

Andrew McLean

Criss Kilby

No offence mate, but that’s not how it works anymore. Or have you not read a Unsubstantiated report in or national newspaper? SNP mp question by police, when no such thing happened, please read the papers! Innocent until proven guilty is no more in this bastardised Union! Ok


Meanwhile, it’s a One Party State.

And guess who’s coming to save us all…

Proud Cybernat

May we make May a mayday for May.


Now that the BBC is legally bound to protect the union, it’s probably fair to say that they won’t give the SNP Annual Conference next week much coverage.

In fact, they probably wont give it any coverage at all, given it may be one of the most important ones ever in the history of the so called union.


Pounds troubles are because of Hollande’s words.

“There must be a threat, there must be a risk, there must be a price,” Hollande announces.

Meanwhile in cloud cuckoo Westminster land the Tories expect to keep the good bits and dump the bad bits. Well, looks like they will be left with the bad bits and denied the good bits!

While the EU will obviously put their own interests first, they may be willing to take some damage to ensure longer term benefits.

Not sure if anyone in the EU is thinking too deeply about Scotland’s situation, however if the EU were to play a role in ensuring the actual dissolution of the UK that would be inflicting one Hell of a price!

They could ensure Scotland is allowed to make a fair and unhindered decision then smooth our way as continuing member. They could offer Northern Ireland reunification terms within the EU which would be difficult to turn down.

The EU has it in its power to destroy the UK once and for all!

Roger Hyam

But I’m English (born in Bristol but 20+ years in Scotland) and I hate the English – because I’m English. It is a national trait. I tick Scottish on surveys now cause I’d rather not be English. Possibly the only people who hate themselves more than the English are the Scots – which is why we haven’t got independence yet. We are more vocal about hating ourselves. The English suppress it and take it out on foreigners.

What we need are some nice Polish shrinks to come over here and sort us all out so we love ourselves enough to vote for independence within the EU and can all be European – which would be much nicer.


Robert Kerr @ 9.44

According to article in Guardian the pound tanking overnight was due to ‘fat fingers’ of someone in Asia. The trade has now been cancelled.

Aye right.

Hope the popcorn is nit priced in dollars.



A definite steal!


Dr NO! says Labour recovering nicely

Scott Arthur Retweeted
Britain Elects ?@britainelects 11h11 hours ago
St Ann’s (Haringey) result:
LAB: 63.6% (+12.3)
GRN: 17.5% (-3.8)
LDEM: 10.2% (+3.4)
CON: 5.7% (-1.3)
UKIP: 3.0% (-2.9)

and Dr NO! says read this, Daily Express/some other ligger says SNP fanning rascism to be nice. UKOK hackdon is always interesting to watch in action.
link to

ronnie anderson

@ Galamacennalath A lot of people think that the EU would intervene in Scotland’s favour , no chance, they cant even send election monitors without the permission of Westminster. Until Scotland is Independent the EU will be playing the diplomatic Mooth Music,they wont get involved in internal UK politics .


Dr NO! says read this. Cockers is back on the scene like a sex machine. Apolo ogees to alert readers, if Cockers hasn’t actually been away though, hick.

Scott Arthur ?@DrScottThinks 2h2 hours ago
The SNP are using Amber Rudd’s stupid and inflammatory plan to hide their confusion on Brexit

link to

Always nice to see red and blue tory yoon culture in their Scotland region working together.

call me dave

One in three Labour voters ‘backs coalition with SNP’

link to

Chris Cunningham wins Glasgow by-election victory for SNP in one of Labour’s heartlands

link to

She who must be obeyed has upgraded my ‘man flu’ to real flu however don’t see any weak beef tea or sympathy…yet :0(

SNP X whatever and leave the other boxes empty in Election.

Ian Brotherhood

@Tinto Chiel –


link to

No spoof – it was his personal ‘hello’ to newcomers on his website.

Belter, intit?

Andrew McLean

What is on the BBC so called Scotland branch offices, as much as I like sport, this is shite? Are they trolling us, now with the Great British boxing ban. Let’s end this now is boxing likely to be banned,?
No, but let’s talk to another English man, Scotland radio, don’t make me laugh!
Oh great race crime up in England, but not Scotland so quick find a case, it’s called pooling and sharing. Bet we never hear from right wing racists who cause this, but guess when the national party’ will be insidiously dripped in!
BBC the enemy within!


Labour, very much still in the role of the spurned partner whose former love has left to be with someone else. They forget the abuse, they forget the neglect, all they do is sit there stewing in their own self pity blaming the “new partner” for stealing their love.

I recall brookside encapsulating this perfectly when Billy Corkhill tells his wife he is leaving to be with another…she rants and raves and then says –

“See you Billy Corkhill, Ive known you 25 years, and know what, you’ve changed!”
Billy looks at her, sighs and says “You haven’t”


Labour, very much still in the role of the spurned partner whose former love has left to be with someone else. They forget the abuse, they forget the neglect, all they do is sit there stewing in their own self pity blaming the “new partner” for stealing their love.

I recall Brookside encapsulating this perfectly when Billy Corkhill tells his wife he is leaving to be with another…she cant comprehend the reality and rants and raves and then angrily says –

“See you Billy Corkhill, I’ve known you 25 years, and know what, you’ve changed!”
Billy looks at her, sighs and says “You haven’t”

Robert Kerr

Now Euro is 90.3 pence.

A perfect “dead cat bounce!

Forget fat fingers and algorithm artifacts. This is real.


“but and” I think that guy, Alex Gallagher, rising star of the new and improved Scottish Labour, is the definition of FUD.

CameonB Brodie

Just when you think Labour can’t get any more stupid, one of them pops up to prove you wrong. What a joke of a once-proud movement.

That’s what happens when you mix Scottish politics with British nationalism, which is really English nationalism in disguise. Mr. Gallagher appears to posses a mind that has been internally colonised to the point where he fights to deny Scots their human rights.

When did you first become aware of your place in the master-slave relationship that is England’s claim over Scotland? You are self-aware?

Peter McCulloch

Its Labour’s default position, to tell these lies that the SNP is founded on hatred of the English.

Because whenever Labour is challenged to state why it is so against Scotland becoming an independent nation once again it can’t provide any credible answers.

Conan the Librarian™

DerekM at 10:00 am

“…i thought you had disappeared up Ruth`s backside after she straddled you like a dumb beast”

Cheers Derek. I was really enjoying my bacon piece anaw.


@ galamcennalath

Yes they can,shall we give them a hand?

This is why you see the swiveled eye yoon tories losing the plot with all the threats and bluster rule Britannia extreme right wing rubbish its the last gasp and inevitability of the very thing they used to save their precious union project fear its all they have left.

What makes the whole thing really disgraceful it was no more than an attempt at a bluff except the EU isnt wearing it since they sit with 4 aces and Scotland is the Ace of Diamonds.

Old snake eyes westminster have just outsmarted themselves hence no plan for a brexit that was never meant to happen as it would give those pesky Scots a chance to escape with all that lovely oil money we tell them doesnt exist.

What a shame 🙂


One_Scot says:

7 October, 2016 at 10:24 am

Now that the BBC is legally bound to protect the union, it’s probably fair to say that they won’t give the SNP Annual Conference next week much coverage.

In fact, they probably wont give it any coverage at all, given it may be one of the most important ones ever in the history of the so called union.

They will cover it, grudgingly.

However, be ready for a barrel full of SNP BAD stories to come out, right on cue as a spoiler to anything said at the conference. Classic distraction strategy. You can bet they have something on the shelf already. I wonder what little gems they have dug up this time – another SNP politician in “trouble”?

Be prepared, SNP. Be prepared to be monstered next week, like you have never been monstered before. The stakes are sky high now and these people don’t muck about. 🙁

Jockanese Wind Talker

Robert Kerr says at 11:04 am

Aye I notice today:

Brent Crude Oil is now $52.51/BBL +1.24%

Light Crude Oil is now $50.44/BBL +1.21%

£ now = $1.22

Euro now = £1:10

So price fuel at the pump will increase as traded in $.

Thank f**k I filled the heating oil to the neck pre EU Ref.

Aye thank good for all them UK manufacturing industries Hammond and May bang on aboot seeing as imported goods prices will increasing in price too.


El Tone says dont vote Labour, or really just don’t vote, silly people. The blood thirsty cheese ball would make at least some sense if Corbyn was actually even remotely ultra left. Same JC’s already reneged on scrapping the Lords and Trident 2, he’s veep of CND for gawds sake.

link to

“The other culture is the ultra-left, which believes that the action on the street is as important as the action in parliament,” he said. “That culture has now taken the leadership of the Labour party. It’s a huge problem because they live in a world that is very, very remote from the way that the broad mass of people really think.

“The reason why the position of these guys is not one that will appeal to an electorate is not because they are too left, or because they are too principled. It’s because they are too wrong.


@ Peter McCulloch

“Scottish Labour” = Tory and Westminster enablers.


@Jockanese Wind Talker

Pleased to report the Columbian president won the Nobel peace prize. Not sure if he is a worthy winner, but has to be better than the White Helmets. That will put paid to their Netflix aspirations.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Robert Kerr says at 11:04 am

Aye, I notice today:

Brent Crude Oil is now $52.51/BBL +1.24%

Light Crude Oil is now $50.44/BBL +1.21%

£ now = $1.22

Euro now = £1:10

So price fuel at the pump will increase as traded in $.

Thank f**k I filled the heating oil to the neck pre EU Ref.

Aye thank good for all them UK manufacturing industries Hammond and May bang on aboot seeing as imported goods prices will increasing in price too.

Dr Jim

By gosh the media frenzy that’s going on desperately reporting the SNP winning Garscadden and Labour losing a “Heartland” area
On and On they’re never done reporting this momentous news

Hane you all heard it (deafening)

Jockanese Wind Talker

Valerie says at 11:24 am

Well done to President Juan Manuel Santos then, despite the referendum on peace with FARC being lost.

And there was me getting overly cynical/paranoid 🙂


Its not just that SLab are a bunch of the most bizarre characters. Corbyn’s the veep of CND, “and I’d like to thank everyone in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament for voting for me as your Vice President!

To mark this illustrious occasion, I Jeremy Corbyn announce Labour’s full support for the all new and exciting UKOK £200+bn Trident 2 nuclear bomb launching submarines. And don’t worry dear CNDers, they’re stashed up in Scotland so if one does go off, it wont be anywhere near your house. vote Labour, Rejoice”

link to


@ Ian Brotherhood, very good kid, what an arse. Speaking of arses, Gallagher’s letters in the Herald was one of the reasons I gave up that throbbing organ after a lot of years.

Peter McCulloch

7 October, 2016 at 11:23 am

I agree with what you say, which is why I don’t call them Scottish Labour.
They are not a Scottish party and will do down Scotland at every opportunity.


I know Dr Jim cant getaway from it its plastered over every paper been on the news and not just the diddy news,its even on the front of the express and mail Blow for Yoons Victory for popular Scottish party the SNP aye right.

I guess with all the flak flying about they have not got round to turning into SNP bad yet lol

Sue Varley

Question for Robert Peffers if I may:

Your constitutional knowledge is fascinating, and reading the previous thread this occurred to me. You explain that people born in England belong to the Queen, since she owns the kingdom of England and everything in it. People in Scotland do not, because the people are sovereign (presumably therefore “owning” themselves).

When I moved from England to Scotland did I become free, or do I have to wait for independence and official Scottish passport/citizenship to no longer be owned by Her Maj?


The actual tweets above remind me of wee story my mate used to tell

Newly weds prepare for first sunday roast dinner, a lovely leg of lamb, and the husband is showcked when he sees the wife chop the leg of lamb in two and then place it in the oven.
It bothers him somewhat and he feels compelled to ask.
“Lovely food dear” says the husband “but Ive never seen that approach before, why do you do that?”

“That’s the way my mother does it” replies the wife “Best ask her”
So when he sees the Mother in law he asks her for the explanation and she says “Oh that’s how my mother does it, best ask her!” and off he heads to the retirement home to see the Granny,

The granny sits and listens to the question and then laughs. “Why you laughing?” say the man. “Because the only reason I used to cut up the lamb was my cooker was too wee…have they idiots no moved on since then?”

Brian Powell


As Tom Watson of the Telegraph is co-chairing ReformScotland at the SNP Conference I would expect plenty of how the SNP SG is doing it wrong, and probably Federalism is right, so forget about Independence.


I wonder where he is on the Bell Curve of measured intelligence.

Brian Powell


That’s Tom Harris not Watson, though sometimes to me they seem the same.

Brian Powell


That’s Tome Harris not Watson

Tinto Chiel

Ian B: three watches now and it never fails to crease me up.

“Come back and check it again.”

So I did, and it’s still comedy gold.

Satire is not just dead now, it’s been shot, stabbed, blown up, buried, exhumed and then burned at the stake.

His wiki page is a hoot too.

Jeez, Louise……..


For casual and serious collectors of lunchtime tory BBC propaganda, Ligger Neil’s Daily BBC vote tory Politics show today is a masterpiece of hard core UKOK conservative propaganda, whole show devoted to UKIPsters, one blue screened in front of the White House, for some barking mad tory BBC reason, all topped off with a massive vote UKIP boost from a Daily Heil Glenda Slagg.

BBC Politics is usually party political broadcasts for the right but today its really spectacular. Its not quite at BBC says vote NO hysterics 2014 but its pretty near it.


O/T but just a bit.

Does anyone know what Mr Corbyn said in his Jimmy Reid Lecture which I think took place last night?

Tam Jardine

Good to see so many folk tweeting their positive messages about living in Scotland. Good also to see the yoons like Hothersall and Mccolm are in a right old huff about the whole thing.

Any initiative by the SNP is bad it seems- even something as demonstrably good as sending out a message to migrants living here that they are welcome. How petulant, and what a losing mentality. This is why they are losing and becoming irrelevant: tribalism blinding them to actual events.

We have had a week where the tories have morphed into UKIP and are displaying the ugliest rhetoric I can remember the tories ever coming out with- a party who used to understand the value of immigration to the UK. And our FM has opposed them in the strongest possible terms.

The snide carping from slab and the press is as predictable as it is pathetic. They must know how this is playing out and they cannot, cannot stand the SNP being gifted the moral high ground so spectacularly by the tories.

Time to bite down and grow up- the union is being shrugged off by the tories and we are about to forge a new future without them.

Peter McCulloch

OT In a bid to strengthen ties with expats abroad, Theresa May is to scrap the current 15-year limit, and Britons who have settled overseas permanently are to be given a “vote for life” in British general elections.


A Ukip tosser punches another Ukip tosser and the Guardian has ‘Live updates’ on it’s site?

What the fuck is this? They have one MP and a few MEP’s, why is this ‘incident’ being promoted across the msm, headlined across the rags in our newsagents as ‘news’?


Nicola speech to the artic assembly

link to


Geez spelling gone bad in the last post, no wonder waiting for the by election results in Culloden and Ardersier is nerve wracking


Capella says:

7 October, 2016 at 12:34 am

I see from The National front page posted above by Arbroath 1320, that GCC now require any Indy march to have 500 stewards. If there is a list of volunteer stewards to be drawn up I’d be willing to put my name down.

You won’t be able to volunteer…..

‘The council has also ruled that volunteer stewards can no longer be used at any events organised by Neil MacKay or All Under One Banner. Instead, professional guards must be hired from registered companies at a ratio of 1 steward for every 10 people’

Andrew McLean

not wishing to belittle but not exactly nerve racking, I think its A SNP gain miles ahead of LD.



So what are the council going to do about it if thousands turn up anyway? Stewards or not?

Turn off the CCTV in George Square?

They are running scared.


A good speech from Nicola, streets ahead of anything her rivals are capable of, even FM in waiting, Ruth Davidson.

Dal Riata

BBC Scotland’s unionist propaganda has been outstanding this week, so far:

Here’s Ruth Davidson sneering at Glaswegian’s calling her “hen” (much laughter from her English Tory audience); here’s Ruth Davidson getting a big hands-up from the Tory faithful in answer to, “Would you like to see Ruth Davidson in May’s cabinet?” (Ehhh, EVEL…?) while Ruth grins like a Cheshire cat; here’s Ruth Davidson rubbishing Scottish independence and ‘warning’ Nicola Sturgeon not to hold another referendum (cheers from the audience); here’s Ruth Davidson getting the ‘honour’ of speaking just before Theresa May… the UK Prime Minister; here’s Ruth Davidson giggling like an eejit after being told how pure dead brilliant she is, honest, by the English Tories; here’s Ruth Davidson….

BBC News Where You Are, geeze peace and STFU about Ruth Davidson! Your Unionist propaganda and promoting of this woman is so blatant it’s embarrassing – shame on you.

By the way, what has happened to your other Great Unionist Hope, Kezia Dugdale? Have you had some kind of really fascinating insight to discover that Kezia and Labour’s Scottish Branch are burnt toast in Scotland? What kept you?

And now it’s Davidson you’re promoting like the anti-Scottish independence stooges you are, and always have been, as you do all you can to stop Scotland’s rightful self-determination…

Indepence can’t come quick enough for Scotland. Only then will we be able to free ourselves of the shackles of the Britnat Propaganda Unit ie the BBC. I long for the day when the people of Scotland can finally tell them to GTF!

Robert Graham

O/T but what the hell ,
On everyone’s favourite BBS website with the heading ” getting back to the day job” now where have i heard that line before ? mm anyway I used to have a bit of respect for Brian Taylor ” no laughing at the back now ” but with this piece he presents i am really saddened and disappointed he has completely been absorbed into the uk/ok line of misinformation, if i had not watched FMQs i probably would have taken his comments on face value , while his piece is factually correct it’s a confusing piece he gives as much coverage to Kezia’s Train thing as the main event , this being Ruthie getting her arse handed to her on a plate not once but quite a few times on thursday , this i think is very troubling and if this is going on with other news items this BBC scotland are not only deceiving but activly conspiring against people here there is a term for that and if it was in a time of war the death penalty usually followed such actions , the BBC apparently have dropped any pretence of being a news organisation and are now full on save the Union at any cost lies and half truths are permitted a sad state of affairs for all because if and when they might decide to tell the truth on a major or important item half the country won’t believe them .


In truth it’s probably about time to stop talking about the Labour party in Scotland. They are dead and whilst it’s fun to gloat over its demise for a while, ultimately we have to move on to new things.


The council has also ruled that volunteer stewards can no longer be used at any events organised by Neil MacKay or All Under One Banner. Instead, professional guards must be hired from registered companies at a ratio of 1 steward for every 10 people

So providing it is not Neil MacKay or All Under One Banner organising then no stewards are required?

Are these named people, orgs being discriminated against, or does this also apply to other orgs e.g. OO? This would appear to limit freedom of assembly.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Dal Riata says at 1:55 pm

BBC Scotland’s unionist propaganda has been outstanding this week, so far.

Hear, Hear Dal Riata.

SNP still Baaad

Rooth the Mooth still the ‘working class Tory’ saviour of the Union, and ignore the Xenophobia and her “thieves & vandals ‘banter’ “.


No need for words, this speaks volumes:
link to

Please help if you can folks, they are a very important part of our independence operations and we’d be lost without them. Thanks!
Going Postal–4#/


@Andrew McLean

Seems I’m not alone with my nerves a jangling

link to

I freely admit I don’t understand how this system works and am just waiting on a call tell me the result.


@ Baldeagle58 at 1:32pm …. ‘Professional Guards’.

If it comes right down to it we should fundraise for every event. Put their gas on a bl**dy peep.


@ Boris at 11:21am …… ‘Iraq and Syria’.

Boris thanks for the link. Brilliant.


The Highland council seat is a Labous loss but it may be either an SNP gain or Lib Dem gain depending on the last throw of the dice of Tory votes.

Given it is Tory votes one can understand the nervousness.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they all rally to the anti-SNP vote.


Robert Kerr 11:04 am
Now Euro is 90.3 pence.

I see that – on the XE-EUR site you linked to. But the BBC Live update on the Sterling Flash has had the £ at 1.11 euros for about 2 hrs.
link to

Meanwhile, BBC WatO goes hysterical about the UKIP fracas.
Perhaps “Look, a squirrel!” again.


Viewers may find the following scenes pretty predictable in the all and exciting new UKOK zone. Rule Britannia.

link to




The UK Government Told The LSE To Remove Non-UK Nationals From A Brexit Project

link to


Out of interest
Has anyone in political circles from doon south actually indicated their support to get rid of Scotland?
If not, then shouldn’t we ask why?

call me dave

Liberal Democrat GAIN Culloden and Ardersier (Highland) from Labour.

wos twitter: 🙁


Sorry if this has already been linked to.

We are all well aware of the lists now being prepared by the staff of das Fuhrer … foreign Doctors, foreign born children, foreign workers etc. Well folks we now have the incredibly fantastic situation 😉 where the Socialist government of Nazi Germany Britain will no longer take any advice from foreign academics about Brexit!

link to

Robert J. Sutherland

Sue Varley @ 11:52,

I salute your indefatigability, brave Englishwoman, to post here amidst the vilest of vile seps after Gallagher’s recent dire warning.

And if I dare pre-empt Mr. Peffers, congratulations! You became your own woman immediately you crossed the border, because here the writ of Scots Law runs. For everyone. (Just because you’re English, you can’t sell your hoose the English way, f’rinstance.)

So relax, pour yourself a glass of the fizzy stuff, and give a toast to History. Better still, keep it on hold, because soon enough we’ll all be celebrating full independence. And you’ll be a welcome one of us, at least if you want to be.

Jockanese Wind Talker

call me dave say 7 October, 2016 at 2:42 pm

“Liberal Democrat GAIN Culloden and Ardersier (Highland) from Labour.”

Christ Wee Wullie will make himsel’ sick jumpin’ up ‘n doon on the bouncy castle in celebration.

Lots of Fib Dem voters in the Highlands are Unionists who can’t bear to admit to themselves they are actually Tories.


It wont’d just be sad for LSE it’ll be a disaster. LSE were about the best during Indyref, for papers and articles that were able to see outside the UK perspective, and that would probably be because they’re more international in their outlook. If they have to remove non-UK nationals, with the best will in the world their perspective will change, and the inherent institutional UK bias will creep in to everything they do, not just that Brexit project. And the bias will destroy the utility of their papers.



May years ago someone posted the summary below on Wings. How far Labour in Scotland have travelled from their roots!
I thought it an interesting summary

The pre-19th century Highlands had far larger populations. The UK government outlawed the existing Highland way of life after the Jacobite rising of 1745 with the, “Highland Clearances”. Then we had mass migration to industrial areas during, “The Industrial Revolution”. Due to this the average population density in the Highlands is actually lower than such as Sweden, Norway, Papua New Guinea and the Argentine.

In 1846 the Irish Potato famine spread to the Highlands of Scotland and a system known as, “Chain Migration”, began. Shortly after that there began a move by crofters to the political, “Liberal Radicalism”, which led to, “The Highland Land League”, and violent clashes began, (on Skye), between the poor crofters and the landlords. Eventually the government stepped in and passed, “the Crofters Holdings (Scotland Act), 1886. This guaranteed tenure, broke up the large estates and provided crofts for the homeless. The political movement begun by the Crofters began to fade around 1892 with the crofters votes mainly going to the Liberal Party. However, note that, “The Highland Land League”, (known as The Crofter’s Party), elected 5 MPs to Westminster in 1885/86. The party was led by Dr. Gavin Clark who was also vice president of, “The Scottish Home Rule Association”. James Kier Hardie, the Ayrshire Miners leader, was also an office bearer with that party.

Although the first gainers from this working class movement was the Liberal Party, the greater demands for an expanding working-class representation at Westminster began to cause strains and in March 1888 Kier Hardie offered his services as a candidate to the Liberal Party for the Mid-Lanark constituency. He was too radical for the Liberals who chose instead a London based, barrister. Hardie then stood as an Independent Labour Candidate.
Hardie only gained 8% of the vote but, in the Summer of 1888, Hardie’s Mid-Lanark alliance formalised itself into, “The Scottish Labour Party”.


Holy dogpoo, thought I’d better order a supply from a company in England who get it from the US. I had a price a week or two back for it, and it’s gone up £80, they adjust the price on a daily basis. Better wait till next week as the pound has already bounced back a bit. Sheesh. Wish I’d managed to order it yesterday but I wasn’t ready.


Regarding the Marching Orders article, seen above on twitter..

For every died in the wool unionist that croaks it, a child is born with hope in it’s heart, we must ensure the next generation is free from prejudice.

The future’s bright, but for the Tories.


Just seen this from Tony Pollard.

link to

I remember watching TV programmes with him and Neil Oliver about battles like Killiecrankie, Bannockburn and the Battle of Britain that I very much enjoyed.

At least one half of this historical duo is beginning to see sense, in my view, and giving serious consideration to supporting YES in indy ref 2. I think everyone should give him as much support as they can to help make his move from NO to YES so much easier. 😉


Dr NO! says read this. Its a bit out of date but as long as old smirky slags of Scotland, sorry the SNP vote. Its just what we need to read, out of date means June last year. Is Dr NO! deep under cover SNP though?

Scott Arthur ?@DrScottThinks 3h3 hours ago
JK Rowling: there’s still anti-English prejudice in the SNP

link to

Dr Jim

And if there are no stewards what are the consequences threatened by the high heid yins of Glasgow Cooncil Labour Party Bummers, would it be the same thing they do every other time, switch off the cctv so’s they can deny it ever happened or claiming hordes of Nats were violently making speeches and singing while waving their Flags of Terror while the police stood by (checking out the motor bikes and having a laugh) and did nothing because they didn’t have the numbers and the SNP underfunds them

Children having their faces marked blue by fanatical parents and forcing them to have a good time eating stuff that’s unhealthy (Aw the stuff they like)
Foreigners forced to wear clothing of their origins to mark them out as different and made to wave the Flags of Terror (Oor Muslim pals and English for Indy)
Bearded Nationalist Hells Angels loyal to Sturgeons banners snarling at onlookers with bared gums (some of the lads are knocking on a bit)

Every time I write Flags of Terror I keep hearing Vincent Price “Flaags ov Te-rroar”

See every time they try to interfere or stop us more folk keep turning up to march and watch

Luvvley innit



Does anyone know if there is a suitable ‘Facebook twibbon’ I can use on my FB page,to show support to the folk that are ‘listed’ ?



Hopefully SLAB will be out of Glasgow next May.

I think a challenge should be made regarding freedom of speech, we have not dropped HRA yet.

Also the same rules must apply to the OO

Stu Mac

I’ve seen Private Eye criticise the (so called) Independent Press Standards Organisation for being toothless but I think this goes way beyond being toothless:
link to

Relevance to thread, maybe not much but to all genuinely independent outlets a lot. That’s the press regulator saying lies are OK.

Cadogan Enright

Campaign now started in NI for all Irish Passport holders to register as ‘foreigners’ to frustrate Amber Rudds Nazty proposal.

Amber Rudd’s brother speaks out link to

But the Sun weighs in to support link to

Faced with a demand in 1942 by the Nazis that Danish Jews be required to wear the Star of David King Kristján 10th of Denmark refused and threatened to have his whole family wear the star and call upon all Danes to wear the star if such a decree was issued. The Natzis backed down and Danish Jews escaped.

Kristján’s 1942 diary recorded “I stated that I could not meet such a demand towards Danish citizens. If such a demand is made, we would best meet it by all wearing the Star of David.”

As a Councillor, I sign passport applications every week. I am aware that a majority of both Irish Nationalist and Irish Unionist people in my area now carry Irish passports, including elected representatives of every hue.


Still pushing the same old line, of hatred, Labour will never learn.


To be fair Stu Mac can anyone really be surprised by that result? 😉

I mean I think most people have already drawn the same conclusion about IPSO in that they are toothless and bought and sold by the main stream media it is supposed to oversee.

Blair Paterson

Ot. I phoned into lbc last night they were talking about the civilian casualties in Syria from the Russian bombing women and children I asked do British and American bombing not kill women and children ? And I never heard a word about any of this when we were bombing Iraq or Afghanistan and killing women and children some of the pilots who did this were taken to the palace and given medals for it talk about double standards ,,.needless to say I never got on air they hate the truth


John Souter: The Herald
“This is all damage control designed for the benefit of Westminster. Nothing more than reactionary rhetoric with neither substance nor radical purpose other than to camouflage their political hyperbole’ from the true depths of their incompetence.

Governance Westminster style – where the constancy of failure is given the kudos of success and measured by a tradition of corruption.”

In other words, when you see Theresa May substitute Richard Nixon.


There was another by election today. In Glasgow Garacadden/Scotstounhill which was won by Chris Cunningham, brother of Roseanna for the SNP by around 100 votes over Labour’s Ian Cruikshank. Turnout was 24% with a 20% swing to the SNP form Labour.

In the 2012 Council Election’s Labour scored over 60% of the vote.They now have 39 councillors down from 45 in 2012 .The SNP are now at 30.


Oh, and BTW, at 39 Councillors they are 1 away from losing their overall majority. A great marker perhaps for next year?


Nice display of what red and blue tory propagandist’s do when they’re losing. Does Euan McSpanner really think anyone cares whether its him or not:D

Brian Splaw ?@BrianSpanner1 2h2 hours ago

Scotland 2016 – A nation that promotes education apartheid.
9 retweets 13 likes

Brian Splaw Retweeted
euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 5h5 hours ago
tuition is free for scottish and european students but not english ones. #wearescotland


The whole foreign student vs English student because in England it’s a total free for all unregulated mess. Local authorities don’t have the authority to share.

Lenny Hartley

Harry Mcaye I heard once that he is the Brother of Benny Gallacher of brilliant songwriters Gallacher and Lyle. Anyway that’s what a mate who comes from Largs told me.


Glasgow City Council’s kangaroo court:

A council source told The National: “The public procession committee is very rarely called – it only really happens when there is a march we want to turn into a stationary event, or a parade we want to reroute.

“That’s usually only events organised by groups like the Scottish Defence League or Hibernian or Orange Order walks.”.
Seemingly they are cracking down on Indyref events because of some unspecified traffic offences.

link to

Haven’t been able to find a minute and membership for the “public procession committee” which is very rarely called. Will keep on searching.

Meantime, an interesting contrast with the organisation of Orange Fest last year. “Why Have Glasgow City Council Allowed Orange Fest?”
link to

call me dave

Radio shortbread salivating on the UKIP confrontation and hurricane Matthew with a wee bit of motorbike trouble in Edinburgh and the Stones are bringing out a new album.

Nothing about Nicola neglecting her ‘day job’ to make a speech in Iceland, well that’s a blessing!


Yay finally voted depute leadership thing it got easier deciding when I decided Angus was either 1st or 4th and then decide the other 3 in order. Spock would have approved of the logic live long and prosper in Indy Scotland the needs of the many and all that undiscovered country kind of thing except many of us have discovered it and love it dearly. Had to email mi-vote as hadn’t come and got the standard response check spam folder oh no I did remember to plug into the mains socket and switch on the flaming appliance but guess what they were better than that when I read on they also provided my voting code and a link well done very good they get my vote well the candidates did anyway.

Aren’t commas amazing things?


From white hot self loathing cringer tories like Macspanner’s,

euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 5h5 hours ago
i believe in scottish exceptionalism and nauseating virtue signalling. #wearescotland


euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 5h5 hours ago
tuition is free for scottish and european students but not english ones. #wearescotland


Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
Jerry Moriarty ?@WidelyRecycled 2h2 hours ago
Imagine voting for tuition fees and then getting indignant when your son or daughter can’t then get free tuition elsewhere.


From white hot self loathing cringer tories like Macspanner’s,

euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 5h5 hours ago
i believe in scottish exceptionalism and nauseating virtue signalling. #wearescotland


euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 5h5 hours ago
tuition is free for scottish and european students but not english ones. #wearescotland


Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
Jerry Moriarty ?@WidelyRecycled 2h2 hours ago
Imagine voting for tuition fees and then getting indignant when your son or daughter can’t then get free tuition elsewhere.

Dal Riata

Blair Paterson @ 4:57pm

The BBC has been going overboard this week in its,’Aleppo and its citizens are getting bombed to shit – let’s blame it all on the murdering, heartless, war-criminal behaving Russians!’

It is propoganda 101. Show the deaths, particularly that of children, and destruction, especially that of hospitals, and then say it’s all done on purpose by The Baddies – the Russians. The gullible then go, “Those bloody Russians – what a bunch of murderous bastards!”. And, ta-daaaa! Job done!

It’s so blatantly obvious it is utterly shameful.

‘Our boys’ actions: bombings, shootings, killings and assassinations, both overt and covert, in Syria (as well as Libya, Iraq and the Yemen, for example) are hardly ever shown, and if they are, it’s ‘in response to terrorist actions’, or ‘as part of the coalition [sic] supporting’ who they have decided are The Goodies in the latest war/civil war/uprising/failed state. And the maimed children and destroyed hospitals? No, no, no, there is no way that’ll be shown on the UK-wide 6 o’clock or 10 o’clock news.

Oh yes, and the Russians were invited into Syria by its president. The Brits? Nope! The Americans? Nope!

Britnat lies and hypocrisy… belched out to one and all day after day after day…

Connor McEwen

Bugsbunny 5.15 and .20 20% turnout need to get higher ,jist in case and x2
Rizzoll and the Muppets Brexit Cabinet dirty Tricks mob still in session


“As a Councillor, I sign passport applications every week. I am aware that a majority of both Irish Nationalist and Irish Unionist people in my area now carry Irish passports, including elected representatives of every hue.”

Therefore, for the people of NI, the EU Flag is a flag of convenience. So the Union flag remains the undisputed emblem for the Loyalists & the Orange Orders – but only when it suits them.


“euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 5h5 hours ago
tuition is free for scottish and european students but not english ones.”

So using Gallagher’s logic, McColm hates the Welsh and NornIrish?


Boris Johnston daughter got a subsidised education at St Andrew’s University. Along with other wealthy students, from elsewhere, at Scottish Universities. Many Scottish students could not go to University because Labour/Unionists were means-testing student loans on average household incomes. They now can get a full loan.
