Why don’t you go back to Islamia?
We’ve quite frequently highlighted the ugly, irresponsible tone of the No campaign’s – and especially Labour’s – comments about “foreigners” in the independence debate. And the reason we do is because that sort of language feeds attitudes like these.
There is, sadly, more where that came from.
And more, and more, and more. This was perhaps the classiest of all:
You can’t go around sending out a message that there’s something wrong with being “foreign” and then feign innocence and horror when mouth-breathing bigots take it to what to their twisted minds is a logical conclusion.
Margaret Curran, George Foulkes, Alistair Darling, Johann Lamont – these are your people. You use “foreigner” as a negative term signifying something undesirable that you wouldn’t want in your family, and pretty soon people are telling anyone with a different-coloured skin or a funny-sounding name to “fck off” back to where they came from, even if where they come from is Glasgow. It’s not a coincidence.
Hang your heads in shame. You’re as big a disgrace to Scotland as Joanne Henry is.
Oh Rev… You do spoil us 🙂
What a disgusting day.
Something positive to take from it was the immediate backlash and highlighting her stupidity
Polling would suggest a steady increase in support for Yes amongst Scots born outside the UK, which we can take as being relatively recent arrivals from overseas.
The most recent ICM poll had a majority for Yes – first time I’ve seen that I believe. Added 2.7 points to Yes. At 7% of the population, that’s a lot of Scots that BT are turning to Yes with their anti-foreigner rhetoric.
UKIP should make sure of a strong majority amongst this group following May’s EU elections.
British national party encourages end of Britain… Something of a delicious irony here.
twitter isn’t private
so surprising you would post
I always remember watching Porridge in the 70’s and seeing and hearing Tony Osoba it made me realise that Scottish people come in all different hues, shapes and sizes. He was a trailblazer for Scotland but sadly prejudice still exists but it’s the prejudice that is sounded off and ‘normalised’ by the likes of Curran and Darling that makes it uncomfortable.
Go Home Tony Osoba…oh wait.
“I always remember watching Porridge in the 70?s and seeing and hearing Tony Osoba it made me realise that Scottish people come in all different hues, shapes and sizes.”
Aye, that was really quite something for the era. I remember the script having Fletcher refer to him as a “dusky Rob Roy” or something.
Aye, Just a shame that a large part of the backlash was just attacking Joanne’s background, last-name etc. No less xenophobic in response. :/
Still some nice replies though 🙂
“Aye, Just a shame that a large part of the backlash was just attacking Joanne’s background, last-name etc.”
They didn’t “attack” it, just pointed out how stupid it was to be racist on the basis of someone’s name when yours goes back to somewhere “foreign” too.
Isn’t it nice to see all those cybernats being so abusive, oh wait a minute they are NOT being abusive it’s those SUPPORTING the union. I’ll bet Curran, Sarwar, Lamont, Foulkes, Murphy, Darling and the rest of those union supporters are just every so pleased with the behaviour of these bigots.
I see she hates injustice as well as non-white Scottish people, funny old world.
That woman is deluded. I’m reading her responses in the Twitter thread. She’s doing everything she can to avoid an actual debate over her behaviour. She’s slamming the grammar and text-speak of others whilst abusing the English language herself. I really pity people as shallow and spiteful and stupid as her.
Ah….the delightful Ms Henry….back in the day, when I could be bothered engaging unionist trolls, I had a few spats on twitter with this one.
I soon realised that even acknowledging her existence destroyed brain cells and filed her under ‘irritating non entity’. I will now re-file under ‘bigoted non entity’ and await condemnation from Lord George and co about nasty cyber Brits letting the side down……
If BitterTogether did irony … (from Wikipedia)
Henry is an English male given name and a surname, borrowed from Old French, originally of Germanic origin (Haimirich) from the elements haim (“‘home’”) and ric (“‘ruler’”).
Oh look, Henry as a surname is borrowed from Old French, originally of Germanic origin (Haimirich) from the elements haim (“‘home’”) and ric (“‘ruler’”). The lassie’s frae Germany – bless.
@ Gray – naughty boy.
I’ve just read some more of this poor woman’s twitterings. What an unhappy wee soul. No wonder she’s voting No if she’s that depressed.
Not so long since the Home Office had billboards suggesting folks “go home”.
With the British State and it’s political parties, such attitudes start at the top. Yet another reason for Scotland to move on.
Is this what OneNation better togethers mean by solidarity?
Labour seem to have a real love-hate relationship with foreigners.
Labour’s epic spin doctor John McTernan was on Twitter recently boasting of having liberated Afghanistan and Iraq too. Just as long as these foreigners don’t exercise these new-found freedoms, at British taxpayers’ expense, and expect to be welcomed over here everything will be just peachy.
Strong defence is socialist. Millions out of poverty. Iraq and Afghanistan liberated. New schools and hospitals via PFI.
link to twitter.com
He was called McLaren in Prridge
What is even more alarming this “creature” has tweeted her own brand of filth and bigotry over 43k times. A very sick individual.
Why has nobody taken Magrit Gurn up on the fact that while she prattles on about nobody wanting their family to be foreigners, all the while ignoring the fact that many of her family are already that..?
Well those tweets prove she is a vile Cybernat ,no wait a minute a vile CyBritnat, ,with bigited racists like that the more this is shown the better (together) lol
I am utterly sick to death of the BBC.
They can take me to court before I ever fund their disgusting anti-democracy propaganda again.
I have had it… I have really had it!
If I remember correctly BIG GORDY wants Scots jobs for Scots people?
Greater self government is generally well supported by “ethnic minorities” in Wales. The last time I looked, Plaid Cymru had more “ethnic” Councillors than all the other parties combined.
You cannot argue with Fanatics or ‘closed Societies’ for they are just that! They are also what, passes for, Labour in the present day, have become! Fear of losing their entrenched positions in The Westminster hierarchy have caused them to close their Ears to Scotland, but what a situation it has brought them to that they now rely on the support of the likes of this Woman, with the inner life of an Amoeba, to press their case.
My Old Man will be spinning in his Grave!
Aaaaargh…my house is full of 13yr old girls murdering 70s classics…
Somebody get me a twitter account so I can vent my frustration on Ms Henry.
I’ve just looked at some of this persons tweets. I feel I need to wash my eyes with bleach.
She’s not the only one, Nana – we’re not all modern people.
I thought this kind of race hatred and trying stir up race hatred on twitter was taken very seriously by the Police these days
Now we know why there’s no grass roots campaign from the no side. Their grass roots are as loopy as the average UKIP councillor.
Extremely bigoted Brit Nats. You are probably right Charles Kearney that you cant argue with fanatics or close societies. The above individuals though aren’t even that, brain-dead from the effects of probably too much alcohol or the abuse of other substances would be closer to the mark. The kind of individuals who seem to get their kicks in the hope that they will get a kicking, self loathing individuals that the London elite must be pwoud to have loose in the Harmonic Better Together paradise.
I find racism disgusting if you were born here then yer scottish or came here to make your life better then “mon away in pal I’ve goat the kettle on in ye come sit yer sell doon and have a cuppa” yer now scottish. there is nae place fur racism in scotland and I hope that we can become the most welcoming country in the world because the xenophobic out look of people in UKIP and parties like them is wrong we need to be opening doors to the world not closing them
O/T a bit..Have to share this one I heard the other day..
A guy was in the council building in Irvine a bit the worse for wear with blood pouring down his face from a wound in his head, turns out he had been mugged coming out of the foodbank and had been hit on the head with a tin of ravioli. The person who was telling me this story was laughing but I did not judge her as it is a human trait that people laugh at tragedy, whenever there is a tragedy the sick jokes soon follow.
But it did make me wonder how we are going to improve this situation and these people’s lives in iScotland. I cannot comprehend sticking a needle in my arm to escape life’s realities but sadly for some folk it seems the only way. I remember in the 70’s(again!) drug addiction was more looked upon as an affliction and pitied whereas now they are lumped in with the ‘others’ immigrants, asylum seekers, alkies, druggies. The ‘others’ who we cross the road to avoid.
Scotland has to do better by these ‘others’ and independence surely must be the right way to begin addressing this.
She even sneers at Doric…doubt very much she’s fae Scotland nevermind Aiberdeen. Is she even a real person? How many UKIP activists are there in the Granite City?
She should take a shower….a golden one.
Maybe if they all leave Scotland on the back of an Indy vote, the rUK can build them a little safe haven next to Buckfast Abbey. They’ll have as much of their favourite tipple as they want and the monks won’t pay a bean for transport.
I think that could be classed as “win-win-win”. 🙂
I’m posting this as it fair cheered me up this afternoon.
link to thejc.com
Regarding attitudes to Islam and Muslim people amongst Better Together supporters, here is an interesting Powerbase entry on the stalwart WOS Zany comedy relief contributor Prof Tom Gallagher –
link to powerbase.info
Nice wan Nana we are all Scottish
There’s nae way thon bitch is getting in a shower wi me.
This is OT… But you should watch this video. It’s not directly related to the Independence debate, but one example (and the philosophical links are numerous throughout the piece), is where a reference is made to 100% of energy needs of some countries (ie. Scotland being one) being met by renewables by 2020.
Well worth a watch… and by the way, the call themselves the YES MEN. We should invite them over 😉
link to youtube.com
Just been perusing the guardian’s comment is free. First went in there a couple of months ago and enthusiastically trolled about for a few weeks. Today’s the first time I’ve been back for a couple of weeks and it’s basically the same people having the same arguments with the same level of dogmatism (with the honourable exception of Schrödinger’s cat). Not a place where anyone is going to convince anybody of anything. But that’s what’s needed -not the joy of angry trolling but the convincing of those who are undecided that YES is a good idea. This kind of reporting is perfect because it acknowledges that not all in Scotlandshire is rosy. That there are worms who need to be cut out and that we are determined to do exactly that. Doorsteps and stalls are where this will be won, not CIF, and, perhaps sadly, not here. Always a great relief to come back to WOS, Wee ginger dug, Bella Caledonia, Bateman and all those people who take the time an effort to push the word.
I blame Alf.
“I am utterly sick to death of the BBC”
The term “Gutter Press” and BBC Scotland were made for each other.
High standards?
All I know of the BBC is that it is a corrupt organisation that tells lies and covers up for paedophiles (Jimmy Savile).
And yet the moment someone says something about the English it suddenlt becomes racist.
This week has really got to me caz.
I’m at the point, where I believe that independent international observation of the referendum process is going to be needed in the name of protecting democracy.
Last time I saw comical Cockers of the Telegraph on Newsnicht, he signed off with “I have 4 sons, 2 in England and there is no way they are going to be foreign to each other” First thought was just one more Jojo Lamontian standard UKOK bigot, second that someone actually had sex with a bigoted old fart like Cockers more than once, although on balance he may have done it with four different women once but even then what are the odds of him finding more than one?
Entirely O/T
Canvass results today were fairly encouraging. Some Yes voters who said they had been turned from No by the negativity of the scare stories (does BT realise how many Nos it is losing simply because of its tactics?)
Most of the DN I spoke to were women. My impression was that they were nervous because they feel time is closing in on them, and they can’t put off taking a decision for much longer. All of the ones who were happy to talk seemed eager to find something to persuade them (nothing better than an Aye Right leaflet – together with a bit of explanation about the websites on it)
A couple of UKIP voters. Purely anti-Europe as first priority. Scottish UKIP has missed a big trick by not coming out pre-indy, but anti EU. Major mistake (but I’m happy they’ve made it, as I don’t like them)
Still a lot of ‘I hate Alex Salmond’ from die-hard Labour voters. They don’t seem to be able to escape the thought that voting Yes is somehow a vote for the hated FM. It’s one of the hardest tasks to get under the skin of that. I wish Lfi were stronger on the ground in West Lothian – a big push from them is really needed.
We haven’t done the analysis yet, but I guess the result will be around the rough 30/30/30 we’ve been getting for weeks. But the undecideds are leaning towards Yes – no doubt about it.
Jeremy Clarkson was given another final warning from the beeb today.
This was for using the N*gg*r word, and Nigel Farage says that’s OK.
link to mirror.co.uk
I think Clarkson has slagged off every race outside England and yet he is still in a job.
Has he got to start shooting them before he gets sacked.
The good old Beeb and their “High Standards”.
@Croompenstein – way back in the days while travelling around the US I spent time working just outside New York city, we spent quite a time at weekends in the city and I couldn’t believe the amount of down and outs sleeping on every corner , at all times of the day. On remarking on it to an American friend he explained that the vast majority drink as much as possible and anything possible to basically knock themselves out for as long as possible – in this state they do not have a care in the world only on awakening do they step back into their nightmare. I wonder how many people nowadays are forced into this situation to escape the utter misery their lives are in
Does anyone know if any journalist in our dear old MSM has bothered to take BT to task over their constant negative use of ‘foreigners?’ I am thinking they have not….Rev Stu is quite right, their use of it in a pejorative sense was only going to give a green light to the UKIPers, SDLers etc among their support base. It was, and is, a open invitation to morons, dolts, and extremists to intimidate ethnic minorities in Scotland, whether Scottish born or otherwise. It is fucking shameful. Can you just imagine the MSM’s reaction if pro-indy politicians starting coming out with similar sentiments?
If it’s any comfort to you Alba, I have been on their case for about two years now.
Or even longer, when I think about it.
I can go back to 2006, I think it was, when they changed the weather map. I wrote and complained to everyone I could complain to that Scotland had halved in size and I got absolutely nowhere with them.
Then they told me, it was the position of the new weather satellite and there was nothing that could be done, so tough luck, get over it,was their reply.
I have been after them ever since.
I wonder what Farah Hussain of VNB youtube video fame makes of all this?
Last post was about the BBC.
Never engage an idiot–they only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@ joe Kane
I read the John McTernan tweets. Possessing Trident is “socialist”. I wonder how many Labour supporters & members agree with that? Oh, how political ideology can be so easily re-defined…
Farah – the lassie who is voting no to common sense?
If its ok for BBCs Jeremy its Ok for twitters Ms Henry
The really strange about racists like Jeremy Clarkson and his racist BBC apologists is that they don’t seem to grasp that his racism is appalling to everyone, not just people with melatonin in their skin. If he said that at my work in Aberdeen, well work or anywhere, Clarkson would end up with a pair of very sore testicles, if he actually has any.
@ caz-m
Steady there now, he lives in the Cotswolds and on first name terms with iDave, Rebekha Brooks, retired Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police and a host of other real celebs.
They are hardly out of each others’ houses and share horses, especially ones from the Metropolitan Police Mounted Banch.
It is all done in best possible taste.
He must have a book coming out
Do you have Google Maps or Google Earth?
They can change the perspective in a click.
I once came across this individual when I was fairly new to twitter. So new in fact, that I was lured into conversation with some of the resident trolls. While on the topic of whether we could afford independence, Joanne jumped into the conversation & said to me:
‘@mjaei You’ll be too busy paying benefits to immigrants (the Roma) the SNP will welcome with open arms and more foreign aid @BrigadoonGent’
Unfortunately I deleted loads of my old tweets a while ago & don’t know exactly what I said to bring that on. Pretty impressive in terms of how many people you can offend in a single sentence & how obnoxious & hateful it’s possible to be… But then what do you expect from someone who, according to her profile, thinks ‘radical islam’ is a major problem in Aberdeen?
@Croompenstein – way back in the days while travelling around the US I spent time working just outside New York city, we spent quite a time at weekends in the city and I couldn’t believe the amount of down and outs sleeping on every corner , at all times of the day. On remarking on it to an American friend he explained that the vast majority drink as much as possible and anything possible to basically knock themselves out for as long as possible – in this state they do not have a care in the world only on awakening do they step back into their nightmare. I wonder how many people nowadays are forced into this situation to escape the utter misery their lives are in
That came across ok caz 😉
I have stopped paying for the TV Tax… but I’m doing it properly. I can’t watch TV as it is being broadcast in the UK live. It is a sacrifice I am now more than willing to make in defence of democracy itself. I fully expect the Goons to come calling in due course, but because I am not watching TV live, they can have no evidence, as none exists.
I will film the goons if and when they arive, post the video on Youtube and copy the link here for everyone to see. Check Youtube for many examples of “TV Licence Goons”.
I just hope more people will follow me on this. It has been done many times and there are websites explaining your rights like…
link to moneysavingexpert.com
…or just google search “no to tv licence” and there is a wealth of info.
More and more people are joining this movement anyway, hence…
link to bbc.co.uk
“Now we know why there’s no grass roots campaign from the no side. Their grass roots are as loopy as the average UKIP councillor”
Yeah I was wondering today how long it’ll take no to Borders to find that out.
She seems to hate everybody – the Irish, the muslims, the Roma, immigrants generally, Scottish people who disagree with her, Scottish people with irish sounding names, Scottish people generally.
She must be huge fun at parties, that one.
Tahir was just stating how proud he was as a Scot, and how best we should be at running our country which he believes in. Unlike Ms Hendry who isn’t and doesn’t if you get my drift.
I’m looking forward to being foreign. Foreign is exotic, exciting and just plain different it’s full of places just waiting to be explored and people to be met.
May not be the same guy but I met young Asian called Tahir a couple of years ago at an SNP conference and he was politically intelligent well beyond his years.
Those Brit Nats that subscribe to the UKIP agenda fail to recognise the importance that Indian and Pakistani parents place on education which most indigenous Scots take for granted or in some lamentable cases completely ignore.
I am a Foreigner according to the No lot.
I live abroad.
For those interested, Sunday Herald front page:
link to twitter.com
Sunday Herald backs Yes.
Yew Choob just put up their latest video… link to youtube.com
I wonder when they are going to release the complete album 😉
@Marcia – Dunno how you do it but great, will certainly get the SH tomorrow
Hold on to your hats, the Sunday Herald has just come out to support YES
link to twitter.com
Brilliant to see the @newsundayherald backing independence! #indyref #yes pic.twitter.com/AlmowujAHG
The Sunday Herald has just come out for Yes!
btw – where is Islamia and does it have borders, cos, you know – Better Together folk don’t like them – boarders that is.
Really cant wait to see if Marr has the Sunday Herald on his ‘paper reveiw’
I’ll get my apology to Dave McEwan Hill in early re the Sunday Herald.
Didn’t see it coming. Fair play Dave, you did.
Will Sky News feature the Sunday Herald on its paper review – doubt it
The Sunday Herald Backs Yes
link to heraldscotland.com
Wow @ Sunday herald! Very exciting!
@Training Day
Will Tom Gordon be happy about this though? 😀
Indeed. I suspect we can all have great fun pointing out to Tom Gordon that he’s the political editor of a newspaper which supports Yes.
If you’re reading, Tom, have a good evening 🙂
Please share this far and wide folks link to ebay.co.uk
Send Sky News a copy of The Sunday Herald.
I think we all should,
A big solidarity salute to the Bathgate Bruiser down in eh…Bath as well!! 😀 😀
I wonder how long it will take the Sun to follow the Sunday Herald’s lead and back YES.
I also wonder if all the Murdoch titles will back YES or only the Sun. Interesting times.
How long before The Sun follows suit.
It has been playing the Referendum very low key.
Who owns The Sunday Herald?
And so the game changes.. well done Sunday Herald
Thank you Sunday Herald, you’ve brought a tear to an old man’s een!
9.00am should be fun tomorrow on the Bettertogether Broacasting Corporation poor old Boothman and co will be bald by Monday.
Just seen Sunday Herald front page. If it’s for real, f**k a duck!
Liquid Lenny
“I wonder how long it will take the Sun to follow the Sunday Herald’s lead and back YES”.
“How long before The Sun follows suit”.
Two great minds think alike Lenny, lol.
Liquid Lenny
I can’t see the Times backing Yes as the Editor Angus MacLeod is very anti-independence.
@bookie from hell
“This week has really got to me caz”
And this is no coincidence.
The Unionists know that their was a real danger of Yes building momentum (the thing they fear most) so they pulled out all the stops to demoralise the Yes campaign.
We must be stronger than this folks. we must learn to not worry about the BBC/MSM, as they have far less impact than we imagine.
The Sunday Herald coming out for YES will be huge and if they see an increase in sales, or on-line traffic, it will have a few journalists who are currently threatened with losing their jobs, wondering if it’s not time to challenge owners or editors.
bookie from hell
The owner of the SH is Newsquest.
link to en.wikipedia.org
From the Sunday Herald
The paper declares its editorial position this weekend with a front page designed by Alasdair Gray, the famous artist, author and advocate of a Yes vote.
In its editorial, the Sunday Herald states: ”Scotland is an ancient nation and a modern society. We understand the past, as best we can, and guess at the future. But history is as nothing to the lives of the children being born now, this morning, in the cities, towns and villages of this country.
“On their behalf, we assert a claim to a better, more decent, more just future in which a country’s governments will be ruled always by the decisions of its citizens.”
The paper supported the SNP in the 2007 and 2011 Scottish Parliament elections, but has said it will not automatically favour the SNP or other parties in its news reporting of the Yes campaign during the referendum, and will remain independent and balanced in its reports.
The Herald & Times Group, publisher of the Sunday Herald, The Herald and the Evening Times, is giving the titles’ editors freedom to take their own editorial position on the constitution. The company is non-political and neutral.
The Herald has not declared an opinion on the referendum question. It will be up to its editor to decide when and if to do so.
HeraldScotland incorporates content from both print titles and also publishes a balanced range of online-only articles relating to the referendum. Our readers’ forum is a neutral commenting facility and our moderating team will remain impartial in the independence debate.
To read the Sunday Herald editorial in full, buy tomorrow’s print edition or come back to HeraldScotland from early on Sunday
I’m sure Joanne Henry’s comments will be roundly condemned by Rob Murray and Mike Dailly on the front pages of all the papers tomorrow.
But perhaps not on Scotland on Sunday, Sunday Post, Observer (Severin Carrell edition), Sunday Telegraph (scum Jocko edition), Sunday Times…
I hope the Sunday Herald sells out every copy tomorrow, that would be fantastic. I will certainly be down to the newsagent to get mine tomorrow morning.
I’ll be buying one to read and one to frame
Welcome as any support for YES is, one out of twenty ain’t good and my cynical mind says that some newspapers on seeing the narrowing of the polls will try to play for both sides with daily Herald with its Labour supporting political editor and Labour columnists like Catherine MacLeod will continue to support the No campaign.
t we really need is impartial BBC, STV and Sky news coverage which so far has been sadly lacking. Its not what they say at times it is what they fail to challenge on the London based No campaign’s assertions.
I expect some rabid unionists may not buy the paper tomorrow. 🙂
Thanks Democracy Reborn.
Yes that’s the British Labour Party’s version of “international socialism” for you. Committing the same supreme war crime as Hitler was guilty of, twice in a row, against Afghanistan and then Iraq.
It hardly needs saying but a lot of this anti-Muslim hatred in UK was as a result of the last Labour Government’s disastrous foreign policy, and attempts to claim it was fighting Muslim extremism abroad and hence blaming British Muslims at home for not doing enough to fight alleged Muslim extremism in its midst.
It’s great source of chagrin to the likes of Prof Tom Gallagher that many Sottish Muslim voters seemingly abandoned Labour in favour of the SNP due to SNP opposition to the British Government’s illegal attacks especially on nominally Muslim countries abroad.
Here is just one random example of Labour’s attempts to smear British Muslims as extremist from the time it was in government, from the blog of SNP MP candidate at the Govan by-election won by Anas Sarwar –
link to osamasaeed.org
Sunday Herald is the FIRST to openly back YES. I’ll bet Blair McDougall is dancing in the aisles tonight. Oh wait a minute he’s from NO ye cannae isn’t he? 😛
Well I don’t know about anyone else but I think I have just begun to look forward to Sunday’s again so that we cay buy a newspaper with confidence. I wonder which newspaper will be next and how does the PLC feel about backing the wrong side now. 🙂
Now that the Sunday Herald has come out for YES I am confident that we will start to see the figures for YES begin to climb even faster whilst those for NO start falling off the edge of the cliff. 😉
I think we are seeing the Sunday Herald come out for YES because they have a few good journalists who have been writing pretty reasonable articles about Scottish independence and they are fed up with people asking them when they are coming out of the closet about supporting YES. I know I’ve sent a few tweets to them recently asking this exact question. 😉
Can’t believe a mainstream newspaper has at last seen sense. Haven’t bought a paper for ages but will buy this tomorrow. This must be the turning point we have been waiting for.
Will BBC 24 hour news cannel paper review cover this.
Send them an email or text now
You can send comments and pictures to the BBC News Channel by texting 61124, or emailing yourpics@bbc.co.uk
I won’t hold my breath
Glad that the Sunday Herald has come out for Yes.
The first of many, I hope.
I buy newspapers now applying B.F. Skinner’s operant conditioning.
If they print neutral or pro-Yes stories I buy them. If not, I don’t. I think everyone should do this.
Owners – and then their editors – follow the money. If sales increase with each positive story they might just get the hint!
In any case, they will all be looking at Sunday Herald sales from now on. Hopefully on the back of this sales will rise and others will be tempted to follow.
they won’t like this in alien-invading, cataclysmic la la land…the penny is dropping, and anyone can use it ! link to heraldscotland.com
Bravo Sunday Herald. The wall is finally breached. C’mon Scotland.
Respect to Dave McEwan Hill – he supported the Sunday Herald all along and I doubted him!
What’s the fuss? The wee sunday herald has less readers than this site.
I may buy 2 Sunday Heralds tomorrow and keep one as a memento and look at it as the turning point in the debate for indepedence.
Is the Sunday Herald the FIRST newspaper to come out as a supporter of one of the sides in the referendum debate.
I think the rest all say they are neutral.
Actually welling up… this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Agreed, brilliant news about the a Herald. Will definitely buy tomorrow. Hope they print extra, demand will be huge
Brilliant news,will buy a copy tomorrow[if there’s any left]
The front cover of the Sunday Herald looks great. They should run some quality commemorative prints of that.
@joe Kane
Yes Joe, Sarwar the privately educated millionaire is just the man to condescend to the working class of Govan & give us race relations tutorials.
On a separate note, like everyone else great to see the Sunday Herald declare for Yes. I don’t know their circulation, but even if it’s not massive, it’s one of very few Sunday papers & every public voice counts. It’s another positive for Yes & keeps the momentum going. From what I’ve read so far on Twitter the unionists’ response has been muted, but no doubt they’ll be all squealing soon trying to diss it.
Check out as well another story in Sunday Herald tomorrow about a new No group (VNB?) telling BT to get their act together as a yes vote would be like Britain “losing the American colonies”!! Funny thing is, that confirms the view I’ve always held about Mother England : we are her her last colony & she is absolutely desperate not to let us go. I wonder why?…
Oh Yes, and in the manner of the last couple of days I can state that I, Keith Roberts ,will still buy the heraldnomore, I decision I made even before the sacred Magnus was engaged, but, as I have done for some months now I will be queuing up for my Sunday Herald au matin.
Thank you Sunday Herald; it is a wise decision, well considered, and equally well appreciated.
apres The Herald le deluge?
This is good news.. the optimism ratchets up a substantial notch tonight…
Problem is that the BBC / Sky news paper coverage is so London centric that they are agog with UKIP but no mention of this defining moment in Scottish and perhaps British politics.
Sunday Herald – welcome to the world’s newest democracy. What kept you?
The dominos are starting to totter. Let’s keep pushing.
Training Day at 9.39
Nice one Nana
Murdoch has a massive chip on his shoulder regarding the Brits, starting from his family having to leave Scotland generations ago, then when he tried to buy the news of the world in the sixties, the establishment did its best to stop him.
Further more he will have a different viewpoint from us on the phone hacking and the subsequent closure of the News of the World and will have sworn revenge.
If Murdoch wants the Times to support Independence then it will, McLeod will be out on his arse if he doesn’t do what he is told.
According to reports in the International Press Mr Salmond has been having meetings with Murdoch, therefore we can expect at least the Sun and perhaps the others to follow the Sunday Herald.
3rd attempt – Sunday Herald – WOW!!!!
Just finished watching Fast and Furious 6. Logged onto Facebook …and was greeted by The Herald Front page. I had to go to the Herald website to make sure it wasn’t a joke.
I’m absolutely speechless. This is great moment. Saviour it!
Ha ha ha ha …I’m just laughing. I posted a few hours earlier on the ‘why there will be a currency union’ and said that I sensed a change in the air because I know more ‘Yes’sers’ than ‘No’ers’. And now this !!!!
Good news indeed, and here’s hoping that in the nineteen Sundays to follow, they ask Stuart to write an article or ten.
Sorry Stu, as if you’ve not got enough to do! 🙂
Something nae richts with site, took me ages to post then it went offline for a wee while!!!!
Obviously back up now as you can read this, any reason for
this Rev?
ITV News has a mention of the Sunday Herald on their twitter feed.
BBC News the papers front page coming up at 11:30, breath being held…
Liquid Lenny says:
Something nae richts with site, took me ages to post then it went offline for a wee while!!!!
Obviously back up now as you can read this, any reason for
this Rev?
Obviously this was another DDOS attack by GCHQ to stop us cybernats from spreading the word about the Sunday Herald LL. 😛
Send this link to main BBC, ITV and SKY email contacts and see how our impartial broadcasters react as they are so London centric and agog with UKIP whereas this is a defining moment for Scottish and British politics.
link to heraldscotland.com
Well signed up to pc and tablet edition of Herald on monthly basis.I have bought the Sunday Herald paper 2 weeks in last 3, one week it was sold out and couldn’t get it.
Comments section is full of new folk too 🙂
Seems Blair McDougall is throwing his dummy out over @sundayheraldyes
link to twitter.com
Ehh…any change at the Bookies after the Heralds wee announcement?
@Sinky – even if it is a ploy, it will push some more folk towards Yes – I think we are all aware of the duplicity of the establishment but we will keep going.
Paula Rose says:
What’s the fuss? The wee sunday herald has less readers than this site.
But wait till the Herald begins advertising all over Scotland. The papers will either be at each others throats (which then raises the radar levels for those who have not engaged), or the papers begin turning to the YES cause one by one.
Wings started off with just 1 reader. Now look at it.
This is a key moment. This is where it gets serious, for now we have breached one newspaper. We managed to win the hearts and minds of one press office. Long may it continue.
(If they do turn one by one …when do you think the Scotsman will turn? If it does happen …that truly WILL be an epic day!)
Sunday Herald front page has just flashed up on bbc news 24
Paula Rose says:
What’s the fuss? The wee sunday herald has less readers than this site.
Fewer not less!
meanwhile, the labour party continues to put the interests of scotland’s economy and demographic circumstances a) first b) last c) forgot all about them already (delete as appropriate) by making further curbs on immigration its no. 2 priority in the lead up to the uk general election. nothing to do with ukip of course. no. 1 is ‘reconnecting the wealth of economies…to the everyday family finances.’ i just knew it would be ‘radical’. the home office that was ‘unfit for purpose’, the ID card database system that cost millions, never worked and was scrapped, the billions spent on wars with no strategic success… but bless wee dougie – he’s worried about ‘smears and fears’ and the financial imbalance of the respective campaigns. come on labour voters, your party has only one major audience and it’s not you and i in scotland. link to theguardian.com
Breaking news, bbc news 24 reports Sunday herald
First newspaper in UK to back a yes vote in referendum
What on earth is happening to the world. This sort of thing just isn’t supposed to happen. Sunday Herald come out with support for YES and now BBC News 24 mention their front page. What ever next?
Will they actually discuss the paper’s front page at 23:30?
I fell on the floor when I saw the paper’s front page on BBC News 24, I’m now all on tenterhooks waiting for their papers review.
Peter says:
Paula Rose says:
What’s the fuss? The wee sunday herald has less readers than this site.
Fewer not less!
I think THAT has just changed. 😛
@ Peter – omg red face big time, so sorry.
oh am i grammatically whatever ok wee question mark
Gosh I hope they’ve printed enough to meet demand, it’s been selling out early here recently, I struggled to find copies a few weeks ago. I’m recording paper review just incase – historic evening! Wonder what scotland on Sunday are leading with? Don’t they normally publish their front page before now?
They are a bit fickle at the moment 10 @ 2/1 with 61.97% money on a Yes result so I think the next poll will/could create some serious nail biting.
Well that’s BBC News in their ad for the Paper Preview, showing the front page of the Sunday Herald whilst announcing that it is the first newspaper to come out for Scottish Independence.
My gast is well and truly flabbered. 🙂
Better Together very quiet on Twitter tonight, I wonder why? 😀
Mentioned again, final paper in bbc round up – anyone watching sky?
Whoohooo BBC show Sunday Heralds front page & declare the great news, well done Sunday Herald
Will the Rev. be taking out an advert on the Underground, congratulating the Sunday Herald on being the first to break the Unionist monopoly?
If he did, would SPT reject it as it did the previous one?
My breath has been bated so unexpected let’s see what the reviewer’s say 🙂
Better Together very quiet on Twitter tonight, I wonder why?
Hope over fear
Very telling and surely will not be lost on the Scottish electorate that Cameron wants to debate Farage viz the General Election in 2015, but will not debate Alex Salmond, who is after all an elected leader
I suspect the commentators will struggle to understand this
Cynical Highlander
Just looking at it mate. Really weird. They are still saying 3 to 1 on for a ‘No’ and yet, 62% of folk have put money of ‘Yes’.
2 to 1 for Yes…guess that might drop down to Evens very shortly.
Wow they’re covering it because of social media requests – bbc being responsive to scottish viewer requests?!
And the answer is YES
BBC News -Sunday Herald YES
Dunno who they are but well impressed with the papers review on BBC news 24
And clear respect to yes being shown? #gobsmacked
Well …am away to bed very happy. Up early. Buy the Herald (like your idea Lorna Young. A nice wee framed pic in my study!)
And then back to the study books. Enjoy your evening, folks.
Getting discussed on Sky now.
Sky news covering it now on paper review
Bbc paper review, That woman said Scotsare more politicaly
BBC News Channel paper review have just spend the best part of a couple of minutes discussing the Sunday Herald. The reviewers in the main fairly positive as much as you would ever expect – not bad
Now discussing on Sky news review
f*ck it Corries oan Scotland Will Flourish, heedphones oan missus away tae her bed, c’moan Scotland..
And on Sky to
There goes my Sunday lye in, need to get up early for a Sunday Herald, hey say it’s designed to put in your window, I thought that was what neds did lol
Does anyone know where I can find a gast finder?
I’m lying here on the floor utterly astounded whilst forlornly trying to find my gast that has well and truly flabbered.
As I sit typing this what do I see on Sky News the front page of the Sunday Herald! I mean, BOTH BBC and SKY covering the Sunday Herald?
Good old Sunday Sun guy, on Sky, still doesn’t get Scottish independence, not that we need anything from him to go independent. 😛
lady reviewer (don’t know name sorry) on BBC News Channel, fairly clued up on the Sunday Herald, stating that it was older than the Times and thought the art work by Alistair Gray was very good and worth framing!
Thought BBC paper reviewers did a reasonable job on the Herald coming out for YES, especially the lady reviewer, didn’t catch who she is.
Does the Sunday Herald have a new poll?
Is this the main stream recognising the inevitable?
Is the Yes vote further on than we thought?
BTW where is the Rev?
We now need The Sun to come out on our side, so we have a daily newspaper fighting our corner.
BTW where is the Rev?
Probably playing poker with the rats, the squirrels and the kittens.
Will use sunday hearald as poster car
@ caz-m – THE SUN!!! I’d rather have a blue moon.
Now its game on for Andrew Marr!
Will he a) ignore the Sunday Herald or b) Make some tawdry comment about it in dismissive way?
Should be interesting to see what is decided on how to deal with this spectacular (quoting the lady reviewer on BBC I think) news
daily record will brown its pants and declare neutral if YES takes poll lead
Is it too late or too early to start an Australian Merlot 14% on the Richter scale?
Trawling through Herald at the moment (no incogneto setting on) seems strange to feel legitimate 😉
Have to say the design of that front cover shown large on the sky news screen is absolutely spectacular, great move by the Sunday herald getting alasdair grey to design it
We should look forward to Wings opening a specific topic on the Sunday Herald’s belated but welcome Road to Damascus moment.
It’s fine news, but …
I don’t expect it to open the flood gates of support.
Indeed, readers will be treated to the once a week sight of a newspaper proclaiming a new Scotland, while six times a week its sister newspaper demands preservation of the old Scotland.
The test for the Sunday Herald lies in how robust it will be defending Scotland’s right to genuine democracy, and doing so in the face of certain hostility and animus from London national newspapers and politicians that realise an autonomous Scotland curtails England’s ability to strut the world stage as if its speaks for the United Kingdom and its protectorates.
Loss of 90% of the oil revenues is a driving imperative to keep Scotland under control.
A single carrier pigeon won’t guarantee our troops receive the message, soldier.
Perhaps if wings did tv listings with some pithy comments there would be no need for heralds?
You are right, Grouse Beater, the Sunday declaration needs to be set in the context of six days of anti Scottish bile from Gardham et al.
But tonight let’s treat it for what it us. A breakthrough.
Oh Jeezo, nothing for it. I’m going to have to break my Marr show fast just to see if he shows Sunday Herald.
Uft Sundays have been lovely lately.
Such a wee sacrifice for indy
Sorry to break up all the euphoria over the Sunday Herald and BBC/SKY paper reviews but I found a link to this over on Twitter. Here is a list, compiled by YES Clydesdale of all the YES groups in Scotland.
Back on topic – is Islamia sunny?
Well that went well didn’t it…NOT! 😛
link to tinyurl.com
At least we have a pigeon now 🙂
Training Day
I think it is assumed by most people that nearly all the newspapers are already in the No camp and to find one breaking ranks is really newsworthy. We have livid unionists tonight.
Fantastic news. This has been building for months. I have been waiting for this for months. The only limit for the Sunday Herald from now on is how many copies they print – the hunger for this paper will now be insatiable. I always find at my local coop they normally run out by about 9am. Fortunately the bairns get me up at 6.30 on a Sunday!
Mr Gray’s front page will be getting framed for the front room. Friends, after a week where the same old shite has been recycled… smear…distortion…bias…news burial and yet another fresh start for the great noble union campaign I am heartened that the Sunday Herald has stepped forward. We will need it in the months and years ahead.
And if Tahir is reading this, don’t let some racist nothing bother you. On this site, and in the wider country you deserve respect for standing up for the truth (and stating the bleedin obvious).
Have a guid Sunday lads and lassies.
Cut them some slack, this is huge, to come out like this in the face of such opposition deserves a nod of appreciation. The more paranoid of us may look for the ‘real’ reason for this but credit where it’s due
is the sunday herald now an ‘out-lier’ newspaper mr d ? is ukip just like the snp mrs l, and the united kingdom the same as membership of the eu ? how’s the borders grassroots gang in london ? begone with the insults to our intelligence. even though there’s still a way to go until we reach 18 sept., it’s obvious this newspaper could not have its intelligence insulted nor its vision and hope for scotland bludgeoned for a day longer. this is one reader who may start buying it again in the hope of some more balanced reporting and analysis.
Wha’s like us.
Herald … ! Keep the Alasdair Gray cover says BBC guest reviewer. Longest running national newspaper in the world – 1783.
“Something we’ve got the learn in WM & Whitehall, seems OUR (my stress) politicians are getting the arguments wrong … ” he goes on WM practical arguments losing to emotional. (He wrote sobbing – ok not).
“Don’t you think this is where the no campaign have got things spectacularly wrong” – agreement all round “would appear to, yeah, every time they’ve come up with ‘vote for indy, there’d be no bread in Scotland, no water'”. Gets cut off by the BBC lass who says “So they’ve concentrated on the negatives instead of the positives of staying put?” [Nah …, doh!]”Well exactly …, welded together because there’s nothing so bloody-minded as the Scots, and I’ve always thought” cut off. BBC lass – “but you mean that in a good way?” “I do mean it in a good way, absolutely but, er …, I think there is a greater political literacy in Scotland, a much more open discussion, it’s much less tribal because people are Scottish 1st and party tribal second” – she witters on – not very interesting.
Guest reviewer bloke says “but it is important that people in London understand where the Scots are coming from and this paper actually helps to my mind”.
“Our politicians” you got that one right! He said bloody-mindedly.
The worm seems to be turning down-by. But they just cannot shake off the delusion of their own self-superiority – even when they finally figure out that they’ve had no idea what was going on up here. Aren’t we lucky to be thus patronised by those so superior?
Funny thing is their assumed superiority has played right into our hands. As they’ve sat back and waited, trying to play Indy as what they understand a political campaign to be, we’ve been rather busy – as they are only now cottoning on to.
Now where is that tribal drum of mine, ah yes, under my copy of Candide … .
That IS one impressive list
By the way Yes Clydebank compiled THREE other lists :
Interest Groups link to yesclydesdale.org
Advocacy, Support & Resource Links
link to yesclydesdale.org
Blogs, News & Satirical Links
link to yesclydesdale.org
Everyone should spread all of these around, there is literally something for everyone and all wanting independence for Scotland!
For a list of local Yes group, Yes Clydesdale has produced this list so you can hook up with your local group.
link to yesclydesdale.org
I see Lesley-Anne has already posted the list. It is quite an impressive list.
I would think if the Sunday Herald were to make a print available to buy of the front page, they would make a small fortune!
I will buy the Sunday herald in the morning. Last time I bought a paper? I can’t honestly remember but it was many years ago.
I think that list is what you call a *ahem* grass roots list Edward. 😛
My partner will be trying to get hold of a copy of the Sunday Herald tomorrow. Once we’re finished reading front page and inside page it will definitely be getting laminated and attached, somewhere inside the Jeep. Not a great deal of space left to stick things up. 🙂
At least we have a pigeon now
It’s certainly eye-catching in its blue and white livery!
“Catch that pigeon
Catch that pigeon…”
I have in a box somewhere in the house the 1992 edition of The Sun when they declared for Independence way back in 1992. Must try and find it and see what the reasons were back in 1992 and rescinded in 1997.
YEAH! BBC news, looking at Sunday papers showed the front page of the Sunday Herald !! Wow ! So exciting! Will buy one tomorrow!
As sombody said further up the thread ,{ is bring a tear
tae the een } well it nearly brought a tear tae mine, an
that wiz the gless wan,the good een will still be lookin
oot, youtube { the bricklayers song }you’ll see whit ah
@Marcia – Please find, I remember it well the wee saltire with for independence, couldn’t remember when or why it was rescinded may have been around the time of Blair, but great find if you can dig it out
I remember the car stickers, ‘Rise up and be a Nation again.’
Thanks for the share..album completed when we win.
Reckon the Herald only put this on it’s front page so we could use it in a vid…and since we are a bit liberal about who we steal from!!!!!
On the subject of people you want to punch even tho’ you haven’t met them, are some residents of Dalgety Bay who had the audacity to ask my friend who is from Mauritius but has been living/bringing up his family in Scotland and contributing for years, if he thought that he had the right to a vote in the referendum…to think we share the same air!
3rd attempt – @Lesley-Ann – the list is impressive but an MSM title coming out in support is great for the folk who do not do blogs.
I still have a kernel of doubt re motive but we can but hope.
Sorry darlings – I put this up the other night, but a No vote will result in this being our new regional anthem…
O fearties of Scotland
When will we see our like again
That gave up the fight for
our own independence
And cast a no vote to continue
Westminster rule
And sent the money
Down south again
The tills are bare now
And politicians lie through and through
We all did our duty
Which we so dearly held
And cast a no vote to continue
Westminster rule
And now we love being
A region for sure
18th of September is passed now
A genetically challenging day
But we can still vote now
In our wee pretendy parliament
And cast a wee vote
For B-list MSPs
And make sure we never
forget our place again
@Marcia – Yes I remember those, I can’t remember what the reason d’etre was for the Sun’s stance at the time, was it to get on the wick of the Tories? I do think it fell away after Blair came to power and ‘granted’ the Scots a parliament but it would be interesting if you had clippings from that time
liz says:
3rd attempt – @Lesley-Ann – the list is impressive but an MSM title coming out in support is great for the folk who do not do blogs.
I still have a kernel of doubt re motive but we can but hope.
Yeah I thought it was pretty impressive liz, as were the lists that Edward linked to. 🙂
I agree that a newspaper coming out in support of independence is great for those who do not do blogging or even have a computer, remember there are still a lot of folks who’d baulk at trying to use a computer. 😉
I wouldn’t worry too much about the motive of the Sunday Herald coming out in support for independence. I wouldn’t say that this is the sole reason for coming out on our side but hey it might have helped. 😛
link to tinyurl.com
The greatest discovery of my generation will be that
people can change their lives, by changing their
C’mon all yee naysayers, and “proud Scots” but.
Are you YES yet?
@Lesley-Ann – thanks for that, It’s the first time I’ve seen it.
No problem Liz, I saw it earlier tonight on Twitter. My gawd…Twitter does have a use after all. 😛
Paula Rose
I would hope that a MSM title supporting Yes, would help towards normalising a Yes vote. If shows that it’s not just us crazies siting behind flickering screens (I don’t have a laptop). 🙂
Cameron – the only way to normalise Yes is to say it loud and say it proud!
Ooh the damned on BBC 4, I’m off for a pogo.
Paula, I just talk to people at bus stops or in supermarkets. I’m like that though. 🙂
I still think it will help as we can now point to MSM examples of ‘credible’ support, hopefully. I the decision making environment has just changed.
I think the…
Reading all the comments here and on Twitter is just fantastic. What is even better is reading the occasional tweet from a unionist. Boy are they pissed tonight! 😛
I think what is really clear tonight is the idea that the unionists all thought that they had all of the media in their back pocket and they would never be questioned. Now that the Sunday Herald has come out in support of YES all hell will surely break out. I think reading the tweets from unionists tonight shows the first signs of that. If any of us ever thought that our complaints about the media were outlandish well I think we were tame compared to how the unionists have reacted tonight! 😛
To say that the unionists were behaving like they had thrown all their toys out of the pram would be an understatement. 🙂
@ Lesley-Anne oh no poor Cameron will spend hours putting rattles back in prams on his way to the newsagents in the morn, winky smiley thingy.
Sorry for the name change Rev. but I was what I was, for a reason. I’ll leave the surname for show (transparency).
It just gets very depressing having to work out whether comments are referring to Dave or myself.
Paula Rose says:
@ Lesley-Anne oh no poor Cameron will spend hours putting rattles back in prams on his way to the newsagents in the morn, winky smiley thingy.
Well if he does then he’ll actually be doing something useful for ONCE. 😛
Its going to be a fight tomorrow at the newsagents… I’m guessing that the Sunday Herald is going to sell out within the first half hour of the newsagents opening.
Bugger (sorry again Panda)… I meant today. 🙂
Looking forward to my future grandchildren asking me, when they are studying Scottish history, about the Sunday Declaration. If we choose to make the right decision on 18 September this will be an important part of scottish 6history.
Well I woke up this morning,
Sunday half past three…
Great, great news about the Sunday Herald.
Walked to the garage to purchase a copy, but it was not in yet…
Have to go out again later.
Thanks to all who have got this country this far, not least this site.
Thank you, Rev.
Of has course I am glad the Herald has done it but I cannot help thinking they have seen the writing on the wall and they are wanting to gain some credibility Best day ever on the local yes stall people queuing up to sign could not get packed up and ended staying open an extra hour and a half the tipping point is coming
So much for being “Better Together”. Seems the term “Better Together” gets more and more exclusive by the day. So who now are we supposed to be “Better Together” with if they keep making exemptions and telling us the UK is full of “foreigners”?
Eloquently put Stu.
I should get back to Eire.Born in Scotland but with an Irish surname! I once heard someone in the Orange order proclaiming to be more Scottish than Sean Connery cause he has an Irish origin name.They identify nationality by skin tone or ethnicity…that’s what bigots do.Except the irony is Unionists don’t see Scotland as their nation.Scotland is where you come from to them not your nation.
Thank you for this article Stuart and for pointing the finger at the guilty parties. I have real concerns that despite apparently promoting the equality agenda, here we have Labour promoting quite a different agenda. A clear case of Labour “saying one thing in public and saying another thing in public”.
My concern stems from being fortunate enough to have an African daughter in law – a bright and intelligent light in our lives – who has also given us a fire-cracker of a grand-daughter. If this sort of denigration of foreigners continues, then my fear is that all the advances we have made as a society in respect of equality may be swept away by the actions of bampots, with the encouragement of those who should REALY know better.
We’ve seen some of this in the tweets above and the actions of the Kevin’s of this world ( your article re the Face of Unionism). These monsters lurk in our own Pandora’s box….so let’s all renew our vows to do everything we can to keep it firmly closed, and that includes challenging those that try to open it by detrimentally referencing to immigrants and foreigners.
An excellent piece Stuart, thank you.
Did you write that piece, or did I?
2 to 1 for Yes…guess that might drop down to Evens very shortly.
Next is 15/8.
Dave McEwan Hill
I’m quite happy to be a co-producer Dave!
kind regards
“being fortunate enough to have an African daughter in law – a bright and intelligent light in our lives – who has also given us a fire-cracker of a grand-daughter.”
is the bit I was referring to
Lovely co-production boys.
Why was such a racist remark allowed? do we not have moderators to stop this sort of harmful post