The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

We don’t think we understand

Posted on September 08, 2014 by

We just watched, jaws agape, as the BBC news channel gave Scottish Labour an uninterrupted 50-minute party political broadcast for no immediately obvious reason. It mainly took place at Loanhead Miners’ Welfare, and featured speeches from a warm-up man, then Johann Lamont, and finally Gordon Brown.

The ostensible event justifying this extraordinary coverage lasted just 2m 36s.

And having sat through the whole circus, we still have no idea what it was for.

In it, Brown pledged that in the aftermath of a No vote, Labour would produce a draft bill for new powers for the Scottish Parliament by the end of January 2015. We’re not sure why this is supposed to be a good thing. The earliest Labour could possibly take power is May 2015, so what’s the point in rushing out an important document four months before that?

But we’re also not sure why any of this is news. Labour has already produced its devolution proposals. They were published way back in March, and they already cover everything Brown talked about this evening – some sort of reform of Crown Estates, a possible non-profit option for the future of ScotRail, and a vague aspiration to somehow devolve housing benefit (having first extricated it from Universal Credit).

If Labour wanted to put any meat on the bones of those plans, it’s already had six months to do it in, and it’s come up with nothing. It now wants us to believe that it’ll do it all in three months, but only after Scotland has voted No.

So in short, a man who didn’t think to give Scotland any of these powers when he was ACTUALLY THE PRIME MINISTER FOR THREE YEARS now promises that – as an insignificant and largely-absent opposition backbencher who might not even stand for election in 2015 – he’s going to formulate and deliver them within months, assuming the UK decides it wants Ed Miliband as its leader next year.

And even if all that was true, it’s not new information. Labour has devolution proposals. It presumably planned to implement them after it was elected. It still has them, they appear to be the same as they were before, and it presumably still plans to implement them if elected. So what changed to justify almost an hour of prime airtime, during a period when the BBC is legally obliged to give all sides equal amounts of coverage?

This site, like Scottish Labour, is a registered referendum campaigner. We’re sitting by the phone waiting for news of when we get our free broadcast. But meanwhile, we’re occupying ourselves by pondering exactly what the hell we just watched.

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Tartan Tory

I watched this…..

Gordon Brown says we are still a nation with a no vote. He’s right, but we are NOT a country with a no vote.

Gordon Brown says proposals, proposals, proposals. He can propose all he likes, but he can provide NOTHING.

Gordon Brown says strengthen the Scottish partliament. So do I, GUARANTEED with a YES vote.

Gordon Brown DOESN’T tell you that after 19th September, the Scottish parliament can still be disolved forever by Westminster, if the boys in the south see fit.


> The earliest Labour could possibly take power is May 2015, so what’s the point in rushing out an important document four months before that?

Dunno, maybe they plan to actually observe the purdah laws this time.


This really is laughable by Brown/BBC Scotland.

Greg Hendry

I think old Mr.Brown is confused. They were meant to get their White Paper out by November LAST year. Oh well at least the nursing home have set up a wee press conference scene to keep him happy in his dotage.


I’m desperately trying to get a transcript to count the number of times he said SNP! So far, I’ve drawn a blank. Oh, wait ….. maybe a blank WAS the transcript? Does he still think this is an election?


face like a melted welly, bore off Gordie,

James Forrest

Pmsl. Unbelievable.


I’m in Dortmund so I missing this but what I can say YES badges are all over the place and only one fan required deployment of WBB

Jim Thomson

I have to say – Stu, you have some stamina and restraint.

I switched over to Ch5 and watched a real shipwreck, two actually.

Much more informative.

Thomas William Dunlop

Mouldy jam pieces tomorrow for the union?


Fortunately I missed this gripping TV, but seeing who was speaking I have to know. Did he mention pensions? Or how about gold sales? No more return to boom and bust?

Obviously I am so unhappy that he never got re-elected to the office of PM – to which as I recall he was never actually elected in the first place.

How could a Miners welfare afford the fees for him to attend anyway?

Derick Lamond

Why are they bothering? The settlement negotiations will be well underway by the end of January 2015. Gordy is stuck in a time-warp – that can be the only reason.


Has Gordon dropped his demands that Scotland give up its devolved education?


The full details of the TNS poll is available by clicking the link below:

link to

shona louise paton

Feck! Can’t believe the BBC tonight, one big advert for ‘no’ under false pretences……


O/T and my apologies Rev.

NEW POLL: being reported over on Scotgoespop

link to

Should Scotland be an independent country?

Yes 50% (+8)
No 50% (-8)

From ‘No friendly’ pollsters TNS.

Rick Guthrie

It was cut short on my tele >???

David keddie

Watch First Group shares plummet . I hope they take action against Brown.


My contempt for Gordon Brown truly has no limits. He truly is worse than IDS and Gideon.


Do we get to make a formal complaint to the Electoral Commission about the BBC? This is a clear breach of the rules in my book.

Can you imagine the shitstorm if they gave Cameron 50 minutes unquestioned and uninterrupted to make a pitch for the 2015 election?

Quentin Quale

Marcia, thanks for putting up the link for the poll tables.

Colin Church

They have reaaly over stepped this time, especially BBC. The Electoral Commission will be down on them like a ton of bricks and force an apology and give free airtime to YES. Any minute now, just wait, will be along soon, yes sir, just you wait, its coming, any second now… anybody?


Rev – why not just ask the BBC, copying the Electoral Commission into the email you send?


Is there anyone at Pacific Quay with any integrity?


It’s an absolute fact that the great majority of the Scottish electorate have only woken up to the referendum mainly just in the last 4 to 6 weeks.

What is also a fact is that for the 2 years their subconscious has been battered by the negativity of Project Fear.

Now that they are actually paying attention they realise that they are being fed the same old shit! This tactic just can’t work and is doomed to failure.

Media in a UK spin overdrive will backfire even more.

Dr Jim

i’ve just heard part of something on Sky
Mark Kleinman seemed to be suggesting that David Cameron, at some meeting this evening made reference to defeating Alex Salmond in the same way WE the British defeated Hitler,
Maybe somebody caught the whole thing ,I could be wrong
but i did’nt like the sound of it

Malcolm MacKinnon

WTF as the kids say these days – Gordon Brown said he was a good guy in the 80’s in miners clubs – what a cheery chappie. Talked bollocks after that – I fear the no campaign should have had Devo max on the ballot – Too late and they cant even explain extra devo as it would contravene Electoral Commission Rules – what a shame – I really feel for them – in my bile


Great – the point to be demanded – where’s the news of when Wings/SNP and or other get their free broadcast…


All parties agreed on a timetable lol. We all know what they think of Broon down south,only he seems to have forgotten. Your proposals will be kicked out by the Tories and English Labour MPs who think we have too much up here in skintland.

Why would we take this rushed smudged option from the back of an envelope when we can have everything that is ours next week with a yes vote?

tony Jensen

When I see Scotland sandwiched between Saudi Arabia and Senegal on my Internet list of countries, then I’ll believe we are a nation. Scunnered also at the oxygen the bbc has given the No campaign this evening


Got halfway, blah blah, you’ve had years to make it better, too f n late.

ronnie russell

Another pathetic attempt to fool the Scottish electorate by giving the impression that we are getting something new.
It has taken them all this time to present a commitment to more power after they refused to put it on the ballot paper in the first place.
Desperate measures from a party that sees its power dwindling away from them and trying to dupe us with the same old nonsense.
Roll on the 18th


Did anyone see the britnat crap on sky news about how we are all gonna vote no because a skinny bird got pregnant again


Ah, but how many of you are still paying your TV licence?
E-mails etc are no good.
Hit the devious conniving bastards in the pocket.
Takes 2 minutes at your bank….cancel the direct debit.
I felt so good after doing it yonks ago.


@Dr Jim

I would not be surprised one little bit if Cameron said that. They have completely lost their self control.


Devo crap


It’s like Monty Python’s cheese shop sketch and Gordon Brown is the shopkeeper.


They’ve taken a long time to write their white paper, so I’m guessing it will be really good with all dragons and explosions and that.


@ Rev Stu

I think you understand just fine 😉

Justine Marjoribanks

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people. YES to independence


There is indeed a link for the protest against the BBC this Sunday at 2pm at Pacific Quay.
The link is
link to

Hope to see you all there for a wee 1 hour break from canvassing. Please bring flags / banners / etc.


Wats a tv licence


Iain Macwhirter has been dropped from Newsnight after being asked what he thought of Gordon Brown’s speech.

link to


Well what do you know, the man who sold Britain’s gold off at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES is now standing in front of a pre vetted audience telling them that all the jam in the free world is currently being produced ready for jarring up next year before he personally distributes it after May General Election in 2015!

I have NEVER like this imbecile. As Stu and others have said, why the hell are we being force fed all these LIES now?

I’m thankful there is only 10 days left of this campaign I’m not sure I, or more importantly the T.V. could survive much more than 10 days of all this shite!

Roll on the 19th when YES has won. I can’t wait to see the self same LIARS being interviewed all day being asked the important questions of the day like “Why did you lie to the people of Scotland”, “What are you going to do now that you are out of a job” and “Do you think the people of Scotland can ever trust you and your party ever again?” 😛


Labour opened the door for the bedroom tax,seems to have forgotten that too.

Kenny Higgins

This was gruesome to watch. Did anyone feel like me that it was like a Labour Party Social gathering full of triviality that eventually got around to the referendum. Brown’s short performance due to the others prattling on too long was painful as he paced left and right like a caged Lion. It was like watching a game of Tennis and degraded what he was actually trying to put over. If I was a Labour supporter in the audience, I would have been cringing with my Toes curled in embarrassment. Not Impressed – Hope others feel the same.
Independence is by miles the only option.


The people of scotland wont forget this lot same way we will never forget wat thatcher did to us

Justin Ross

Anyone else notice that he seems to have lost his Anglicized accent in that clip? Hamming up the Scottishness in every sense. Why bother? There’s nobody at that thing who isn’t a Labour sycophant…including the BBC folk


Just watched the extended Reporting Scotland on BBC, it was like the Gordon Brown show absolutely incredible amount of attention being paid to this ‘useful idiot’


@Dr Jim
I take it we’ve been added to the ‘axis of evil’ then?
I was given a nazi salute from some bigot as I drove past tonight.
It’s going to be so funny watching their heads implode/explode a week on friday….payback time!
(their heads are already scrambled)
Can we not do another crowdfund and bus them all to the border? Yes…tick tock!


Thanks alistair I think it’s very important for as many of us to turn up as possible on Sunday to show these bastards the contempt they truly deserve


Gordon Brown? Hey, isn’t he a member of the Bilderberg Group?
BBC,hey do they ever report anything on Bilderberg Group meetings? Don’t remember them ever doing so.

link to


Ye about as much use as a handbreak on a cannoe

Seasick Dave

He is not even in power and is not likely to be in the near future.

Cancel your BBC Direct Debits ASAP.


Gordon Brown proposing while we’re filing for divorce. lol

Sit down gordon and eat yer cereal. Its over.


As far as folks in Fife are concerned, well the ones I’ve talked to anyway, there are a great many people in Brown’s constituency of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath seriously pissed off with the imbecile and will NEVER vote Labour again. I’m thinking that any chance he has of being re-elected,should he stand for re-election that is, is currently hanging by a very shoogley peg! 😛


Not as if any of us ever doubted that the BBC was a committed member of the NO Campaign but this is disgraceful beyond belief. Does anyone in Scotland have any faith in Gordon Brown is he the best they have got? At least Murphy had the courage to present himself to the public, however effective that was.
Just read about Prof Krugman’s comments that Scotland would be more likely to end up as a Spain without the sunshine but not a Canada. A view apparently revered by Willie Rennie. They just do not get it – whither we end up like Spain or Canada – IT WILL BE OUR SPAIN OR CANADA. YES it will be!!

Grouse Beater


A blatant piece of propaganda, not even disguised, and an attempt to ingratiate the BBC with Labour, the party they see as the next government of the UK.


Dave i stopped paying for the propaganda channel years ago

frazer allan whyte

May he be greeted wherever he goes with signs and badges “Gordon robbed my Gran”

Zen Broon

The BBC Labour apparatchiks have now virtually declared for No. I guess they think their futures now depend on a No vote. 10 days to save their pension.


Why doesn’t he take the dog a walk down the beach at Dalgety Bay? oh that’s right it’s as poison as your tongue Broon but then you knew all about it anyway you lying bastirt


Ed Balls has confirmed that there will be no single cross-party manifesto on further devolution to Scotland.

Go to 17:25

link to


We’ve just seen the Labour Party Variety Show – Magician supported by the hidden ventriloquist and miscellaneous dummies.




I was briefly and foolishly considering complaining to offcom about this but

link to

Section Five: Due Impartiality and Due Accuracy and Undue Prominence of Views and Opinions
(Relevant legislation includes, in particular, sections 319(2)(c) and (d), 319(8) and section 320 of the Communications Act 2003, and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.)

“This section of the Code does not apply to BBC services funded by the licence fee, which are regulated on these matters by the BBC Trust.”


Robert Louis

BBC complaints 03700 100 222.

John Smithmaybe

When you wake up on Tuesday morning and you read hot air headlines about ‘more powers if you vote No’ ask yourself, why would I trust a man who, when he actually had power, said that ‘any review into devolution could actually result in the loss of Scotland’s existing powers’ ? and with dave, boris and nigel waiting in the wings…do I feel lucky ? well, do I ? link to


I see Bateman has Broon sussed. But presumably still sharpening his pencil on the state-funded broadcaster.


Judging by his eye stare as he appears to prattle on with pleading hand movements, there doesn’t appear to be more than a couple of rows of people to whom he is talking. The row of people behind him look utterly bored and miserable, hardly reacting in any manner to what he has to say.

Animals that pace to and fro in this unnatural stereotypical manner are usually suffering from some form of psychological problem. If he is trying to exude energy his pacing behaviour is actually more of an irritant to an audience. His body language looks desperate. Can anyone tell I watched with the sound off?


These reps of Scottish Labour have signed their own death warrants.

Lets hop after the ‘Yes’ vote they are punted to the side and let a breath of fresh pro-indy and proper Labour reps in to take the country forward beside and against the SNP, Greens and whatever other parties spring up.

David Whannel

Pacing like a tiger on death row, he’ll maul us and our kids whatever happens if we try to set him free, goodbye, you’ve provided abysmal entertainment gord


I am just so lucky that I found something far more informative to watch than the BBC, Blatant Biased Corporation, broadcast their version of a 5 minute party political broadcast. I watched M.A.S.H. instead and found it far,FAR more informative. 😛

Cair Dhomhnaill Broon

Desperation leads to bizarre and illogical thinking.


I knew Gordon Brown was lying, his lips were moving.

CameronB Brodie

I think you know what I smell. 🙂


The labour party should rename themselves as the lying two faced back stabbing bastards party


I thought the UK coalition was the Liberals and the Tories. Anyone know when Labour joined in?


Regarding the BBC protest this Sunday (2pm, Pacific Quay) then I’m sure a few of you will have heard these but if you haven’t then you must listen to these from Kevin Gore :

Independence Day – (great pub sing along for all you canvassers and surely must be a Wings anthem)
link to

Freedom Fighter – for all of us independistas
link to

Please come along and join in…


If you can smell what I can smell Cameron then we are obviously smelling the same thing. 😛

link to

Free Scotland

Maybe it’s a labour thing, but it’s got me puzzled. Compare the hand movements of Johann Lamont (i.e. in the clip where she spoke non-stop crap to Gordon Brewer on Newsnight) and Gogsy Broon’s hand movements in the above clip. Why do they both look as if they’re clutching a giant pair of bollocks?

Grizzle McPuss

Look, I know that I should be taking this all very seriously…but why was Mr Brown walking around fondling an imaginery pair of breasts? Was this a diversionary tactic to fool us non-cereal serving types into not hearing what he was actually saying?


The BBC have demonstrated a serious error of judgement.


When have they NOT shown such an error of misjudgement Piggy? 😛

Feil Gype

Can somebody check but I recollect ‘Devo Max ‘ being kept off the ballot paper because ‘it would be up to the rest of the UK to give Scotland these powers not us’ …this was around the time of the ballot paper and wording being discussed …can somebody go find out as they cant be offering something now they declined then. Im at work and havent got the time as i should be erm …working. Cheers.

Murray McCallum

“and there we are going to leave him …” pretending to be a Prime Minister pretending to give a shit.


Really annoys me that he is my MP and he never turns up at House of Millionaires/Commons. Used to feel sorry for him as I think a lot did locally. He could of gone with some dignity but this ? Now I wish he would just go away.

steve andrews

is it not the case that any ‘promises’ made by this cabal of of liars and sycophants will have to be put to a westminster vote of 650 mp’s most of whom believe scotland is over-subsidised and actually want to see existing powers reduced, – then the watered down powers legislation will pass through to the unelected lords and ladies of the shires to ‘rubber-stamp’? People should recall Leanne Wood, Plaid Cymru on the betrayal of Wales by the very same establishment:”Empower yourselves and the world takes notice”

link to


Gordon Brown in reality mode:

April 2009
Alistair Darling’s budget pledge: ‘we won’t throw a generation on to jobs scrapheap’.

Alistair Darling will today promise to create work for up to 250,000 of Britain’s young unemployed in a “budget for jobs” that will coincide with a fresh surge in joblessness to its highest level since Labour came to power in 1997.

In an attempt to contrast government action with the Conservative response to the mass unemployment of the 1980s, the chancellor will pledge not to return to the days when a generation was “abandoned to a future on the scrapheap”.

November 2009
Secret Labour plan to axe spending on training for young people.

Confidential papers obtained by The Observer show that, while Brown and his ministers have suggested they are raising investment in training, skills and apprenticeships, behind the scenes they are preparing some £350m of cuts for 2010-11 that will slash the number of training places on offer by hundreds of thousands.

Graphical overview
Youth unemployment during the NuLabour government.

So I would go further than Stu has previously done… Brown is not only a liar he is a Lying Barstool.

john j

Poor old Gordon Brown, he’s like a punch drunk old boxer who doesn’t know that he’s no longer a contender.
It’s quite sad really because I once gave him credit for modifying the worst of Tony Blair’s and Mandelson’s New Labour neo-con agenda, but all he can do now is spout this kind of claptrap.
It’s time to go Gordon before you embarrass yourself any further.


Loanhead Miners Welfare club is it????
How bloody dare he!!!!
A lot of my family were miners at Loanhead collieries, well that was when we had a mining industry. They would be turning in their graves. They were all true Labour men, my grandad was a shop steward and treasurer of the Loanhead Bowling club. REAL Labour men, not like Brownie.

Is he trying to look like he knows what it was like to be a miner? Did he go down the pits in Fife? No, he was at Edinburgh Uni studying and teaching.

How dare he go to an area that has suffered at the hands of ALL of the NEW politicians, Tory and Labour alike.
I am very angry.

bookie from hell

attendance allowance sounds like pocket money school kids



What’s he doing with his hands? It’s creepy.


Haha your whole post is almost exactly what I was thinking, except I was also thinking when will Wee Jimmy Lamont shut-up? That woman can talk about nothing for ages, very embarrassing. However, I think Mr Broon was late because at the same time, Ed Balls was not mincing his words – there are no extra powers. Here we go, London Labour officially unplugging the life support from Scottish Labour


As suspected.

Guarantees worth SFA from Labour beasts.


Yeah, right. 😛


Sincerely hope that Salmond and Sturgeon get stuck into this on air time tomorrow. I heard BBC Scotland radio quote Bob Thomson from LFI saying it was not in Brown’s remit to offer anything. This is a labour offering, all to be agreed later with rest of Westminster’s consent. Sound like 1979 mark 2 all over again. Sad thing is that none of the young voters will know anything about 1979.


‘No cross-party manifesto’ on powers for Scotland

link to

‘There will be no manifesto agreed by all three major political parties on the powers passed to Scottish parliament in the event of a vote against independence, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has said.’


As suspected.

Guarantees from Labour beasts mean precisely SFA.

Propose… 😛


I trust Alex and Nicola will have something to say about Brown’s travesty.

That wee wummin that challenged him outside his prime ministerial car was right when she said about him, ‘He’s a lying sh*t’, (or words to that effect).


Gordon Brown bankrupt Britain and then said he “saved the world”. He was full of shit then, he is full of shit now.

Tam Jardine

We’re all supposed to kneel down and worship this self confessed ‘ex-politician’ who is still coining it in for the Gordon and Sarah foundation.

GB is reanimated complete with phony upturned hand gestures whenever the No camp is in trouble… They genuinely NEED him because the BBCBTUKNOBBERS have to have someone, a go-to guy for crises like these.

I suppose if they don’t have Gordon they have no-one.

What we are watching, ladies and gentlemen, is the monster that is the UK establishment shitting a brick.

The BBC is just the media branch of the monster. Instead of grainy images of crosshairs above a road in Iraq, imagine the crosshairs focused on your sofa from within the TV.

North chiel

BBC news 24 presently in full “bitter together” mode utter
Disgrace with Douglas Alexander party political broadcast
Following Broon party broadcast given “full exposure “previously.
“Complete panic mode ” from EBC and the Scottish Labour
“Bought and sold brigade”


What’s he doing with his hands? It’s creepy.

Strangling Darling?

Free Scotland


Check my comment at 9:42.


He did say there were only 50 days left to save the world. I think he meant ‘to save his own credibility’. He failed.


Oh Oh! 10 o clock, now which news channel do I watch for the greatest amount of humour BBC News 24 or SKY News. Oh, choices choices what am I to do? 😛

Stevie boy


What is going on here? BBC May as well just come out and say they favour the No campaign and let them all say what they want!

This is an absolute fuckin disgrace!!

I feel fuckin sick!!!


Firstly – these milestone dates to push the new powers. St. Andrews day, Burn’s Night – are they taking the piss?

Secondly – forgive me but I’m still trying to figure out the justification for this Labour/ Better Together / No Thanks broadcast. What was the justification?

On the upside – I’m offshore and I can’t belief how far the WBB’s I brought have travelled. Every time I offer one to someone they pull a copy from their back pocket. Each person is reading and passing on. The dozen I had left are going to new homes as people take copies off at crew change


Here it is in a nutshell…

link to

James Caithness

link to

Go and read the section under Abertay University Debate. It will give you a buzz.

Jim Murray

Did he really say at 28 seconds that “immediately after the referendum on the 19th september we start the process of new laws”…………………..INDY will be on the 19th dear gordy and you and your ilk will have nought to do with it…….all the power in Scots own hands is the prize not some crumbd offered by a shower who have lied to us for 40 years


This is the night the BBC became an official member of the No campaign. They may as well sign up with the Electoral Commission and be done with it.

Stevie boy

We all need to go and protest against the BBC next Sunday!!

I don’t believe this will change too much but some people will buy it!!


An heroic, fire-fighting effort by BT to regroup – sadly for them, things are changing so fast, now, that they cannot hope to keep up. With another devastating poll result out tonight, and people in the street starting to shake their heads in disbelief, panic-stricken BT are in real danger of becoming a complete laughing stock. Scotland is beginning to look forward and BT are being left behind, far behind.


It all seems quite sensible to me. You publish details of your Devo plans well ahead of the 28th August deadline then play it very low key so no one actually scrutinizes them too closely (because they’re sh*te). Then, at the eleventh hour, you get your mates at the BBC to publicize it big time and portray it as a fantastic new offer, a game changer. A few percent of the Yes voters say,”Oh,that’s good I’ll just vote No now” and it’s job done. It all really depends on how stupid Scots are. I have faith.


The BBC have Huw Edwards on the job. They must be worried.

William taylor

Hope jenkins says tomorrow he has something new to offer and demands the same coverage


i was hoping you would highlight this when i watched it rev
unbelievable and as said attempt to disguise it anymore it is blatant…..looking at the tv schedule channel 4 have a movie on at 12.00 called NO about the referendum in chile in 1988….there going to throw everything at us now but it will backfire..we are too well informed now thanks to sites like this


So Gideon lied on the Andrew Marr show about all the parties coming together to form the timetable.

Balls said today: ‘There will be no manifesto agreed by all three major political parties on the powers passed to Scottish parliament in the event of a vote against independence, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has said.’

And today the media lied about Gordon Brown’s timetable coming from all parties.

We then get 45 minutes of BT propaganda on BBC News 24 followed by Gordon Brown’s 5 minute speech on a timetable, a fecking timetable, with the same old powers from Slab that are months old now. It isn’t even newsworthy.


I’m just staggered at today’s shenanigans…

This is a labour play… What are the Tories, lib dems and ukip saying about it. End of BT?
No new powers apart from scot act 2014…just a timetable?

First decent journo will take this apart


Is the BBC now officially campaigning for the No camp.

Absolutely disgraceful. Can they be any more blatantly biased.


Confirm what everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows about the blatant agenda of BBC Scotland – Labour/Unionist toadies.

But as for Brown – he looks and sounds pathetic as if even doesn’t really believe the pish he’s coming out with anymore. The only real reason he and his morally bankrupt army of Jimmy McCholesterols are anti-independence is the one they can never state: “Please I feel like a ‘big man’ at Westminster, please I’m on the Westminster gravy train and I don’t want to get off!”

Gordon Brown is even more pathetic and weird than Blair was – Blair never sold out as he never believed in anything other than Tony Blair. Brown knows he has personally betrayed the socialist tradition in Scotland – he reeks of self-loathing and guilt in every fiber of his being.

Brown radiates discomfort in the way that Blair transmitted ease. Blair’s vacuous charisma compelled attention, even as it induced hatred; but Brown is unbearable to watch. There is a fundamental wrongness about Brown that raises a shudder, a faint disgust. Even the phrase “the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown” sounded odd at the time.

It is always like that for a short period after the departure of a Prime Minister who has been in power for a long time, as you becomes used to the new incumbent being identified with the office, but with Brown, the sense of wrongness is more than a short term effect. There is something inherently wrong about Brown.

Too little and way too late. Independence here we come!


What is that fucking fish thing he does with his mooth, and those hands FFS man


So far we have these front pages from the Independent, the Telegraph and the Guardian. 😛

link to

link to

link to

Stevie boy

We MUST win this!!

All the Establishment and media against us and now the Yes side hardly getting a word in.


Andy Nimmo

I have ‘cut and pasted’ this article and sent it as an attachment to my email to BBC advising that after being Undecided for so long, I have now decided at last….to tell them to stick their TV licence where the sun don’t shine

Tartan Cyclist

So Gordon, you’ve offered us plans about plans about plans, then only if you’re elected? OK Then… we’ll just vote yes. Tell you what we’ll do things your way next time I want to replace the batteries in my remote control I’ll blindly throw the remote down my hallway then throw the batteries after it and hope they somehow blindly get replaced!


WOW ! BBC 10 O’Clock….What about my healthcare….this is forever….they’re running a No advert on the main night’s News.


Can’t believe this online article from the BBC and the various sub topics.
link to
Is this just a Better Together advert. In the middle is the gem that the bank machines are stocking up as apparently we’re all about to withdraw our money (which I suppose also implies we’ve all got less than £500 to withdraw, patronising ar**holes).


Clearly the media is going to crap on us constantly for the next 10 days. We need to do everything we can and more to make sure they do not destroy Scotlands future.

William taylor

Never trust the Tories – [url=]No Devo-Max says Cameron – even if Scots vote for it


Next week Jimmy Hood MP will be presenting the UK government’s plans for action in the Ukraine. A situation where a backbench opposition MP outlines government policy is kind of weird in a democracy.


Ed Balls – used car salesman – now on Scotland 2014.

Ching! – another Yes vote.

Ching! – another Yes vote.

Ching! – another Yes vote.


Man with no powers offers powers from party with no power to offer any powers.


I think we have just stepped up to the front line now.

There will now commence ten days of solid propaganda from MSM machine, with the BBC leading the charge.

Mind you mounting their horses backwards isn’t a particularity good way to start. 🙂

R-type Grunt

Ed Balls simply doesn’t understand the word ‘independence’.


Ed Balls?

Would YOU buy a used car from that man Buckie?


William taylor

Sorry my last post was done on a phone and i messed it up and cant edit


The unrelenting message to voters must be that it’s a big con trick.

Stevie boy

BBC ARE officially for the No campaign.

No pretending now, just straight out and blatent!!

Scotland 2014 FULL of No shite and then.. ‘We will speak to members of the Yes campaign later in the week’. WTF!!

There must be something we can do here. I feel like driving straight to Pacific Quay right now, this is a complete disgrace. Every rule under the sun being broken here.

Big Del

What we are being offered is more TAX then. We Get TAX deducted at source of earning, pay TAX on almost everything else, if it’s a no vote they WILL slash the Barnet, and then we have to pay MORE TAX to make up for it!!!

Great deal YES?

Na I will just vote YES to independence.


Hmm, looks like the Telegraph can’t make their mind up on their front pages now. 😛

link to

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John H.

Brown should be wearing a straitjacket.Seriously.


It’s quite nice to be mentioned on the News for a change. Taking down the City of London. The panic.

The most unpopular and incompetent politicians in Britain trying to release a gobbly plan to maintain a discredited Union.

84% turnout. NO chance Thanks.


Watching CNN in Angola just now.

Whatsherface Amanpour interviewing Liam Fox. Trotting out all the same old lines. Worldwide propaganda.

Oh now we’re discussing Isis.

For the love of f**k. Now “will the queen be the last queen of Scotland”?

Ian Kirkwood

Desperate, desperate stuff by desperate people. How in the name of god can anyone in their right mind believe these people and their stories ten days and thousands of votes already cast before the decisive day. They are scared, Brown was close to having a cardiac arrest here, very scared. Why? Just ask yourself that simple question. Why?

Stevie boy

After we are independent the BBC must be the first thing to be fucked out!!


Seriously, how can the BBC get away with this in the official campaign period..?

Surely one of the pro-YES parties is entitled to similar airtime outlining their proposals with a Yes vote?

call me dave

Brian Wilson and John Redwood on Radio 4.

Wilson (he of the postal charges lie WoS) a bit downbeat saying GB should have spouted earlier, might be too late now. Both extol the virtues of the Union, but I don’t think I heard anything new although I was listening, honest!

Redwood trying to hide his glee, but probably was smiling, fair do’s he’s a tory.

Busy site tonight if I click a link I can’t get back in again for a while.


With all the hand stuff and jerking movements, I think Gordon Brown is twerking à la Mylie Cyrus, to show how up-to-the-minute he is. Could have been worse – he might have done the tango with Margaret Curran.


Alan Cumming just interviewed by a better together activist masquerading as a BBC employee. Totally owned by Alan the smarmy git


Sorry Stu, but the front pages tonight are just absolutely BRILLIANT! 😛

The latest papers to dare have a *ahem* neutral point of view on Scottish independence are the Daily Mail and the Metro. 😀

link to

link to


He’s finished, the BBC’s finished. I was down at Asda car wash waiting for three car loads of teenagers washing their cars and they were all shouting and balling about Scotland and all were voting YES. Brown’s a has been failure and they are all in for one very big surprise next week.

fred blogger

apart from all previous m/t statements they have made.
this latest bout of verbal gout is extraordinary! postal votes having already been cast in many cases.
why do these particular vacuous statements need to be made now?
if they were going to give extra powers to holyrood they would just do it after a no vote surely!
no pre-announcement required.
yes, they were after air/media time.
they are in full blown panic and feel that they ought to be saying something, even if it is this BS.
so who does it seek/intend to reassure, no voters for sure (perhaps labour no voters and undecideds) so it is a kind of damage limitation.
they are also trying to say that they are still in charge, have authourity and power, when in fact they are saying they have lost these things, this is like worry beads.
“You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”


@Stevie boy,
How many Wingers are out there ? Lets take a 1 hour break from the canvassing this Sunday and voice our displeasure at the BBC. Better still, how about Rev Stu coming up on Sunday as well and getting an interview from the TV for one last push on the Wbb’s.
Now that would be worth attending….
We could crowd fund his train/plane fare up !


Yee Ha!

It IS Pinky and Perky on the SKY News papers review tonight! 😛


Gordon Brown has raised his head above the parapet taking the lead in support of the Blether Together lot. He is apparently trying the hard sell approach, (similar to that which turned the tide in Quebec). But there is a difference. Gordon is not the strong link they think he is. He has a track record for lying as long as, London Road. Read over my report and circulate the information widely. Gordon Brown should simply go away. The Scot’s cannot be doing with liars.

link to

Straight outta Smithton

Just watched news at ten. It was like they were reporting on a foreign country where it was too dangerous to speak to the inhabitants on the ground.


Oh, more powers in time for Burns Night. Why didn’t you say? Sorry guys, but this is just too tempting, despite the fact Brown has no authority whatever we should go for it as the polls and word on the street are clearly showing Yes are in for a massive defeat.
I’ve also had a proposal from a Nigerian princess who wants to share her wealth with me, all I had to do was send her my bank details. What a great day I’ve had.

Thomas Valentine

Napolean said “never interrupt an opponent while he is making a mistake”. While they are pushing this bollocks they’re not doing any real campaigning. Judging by the Labour No campaign door knocker at the week end, they still haven’t caught up. He could admit the NHS is Scotland is seperate. Claimed he had no idea what TIPP was. Still claimed that the UK received no money from the US to bail out banks, and that Scots would have had to do it all. I did like rubbing his nose in the fact Neville Chambelain Tory proposed the NHS in 1936.

Bitter angry and more than a little threatening Labour door knocker. SO much I’m even more convinced in the YES side.


Just watched the 10pm news on BBC. Hew was very helpful and underlined for us that the new powers were supported by all three main parties although neither he nor his colleagues thought to ask what they were.

We’re up to 11 on the scale.

Wee Alex

Broonie reminds me of Baldrick,

“I’ve got a plan so cunning, you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel”

We know how that ended up!!!

Calgacus MacAndrews

O/T – Hope everybody is wearing their YES badges 24/7 from here on in.

They are great for making conversations start.

This leads to handing over a Wee Blue Book from the little stock you always have in your pocket.



wee e

If they’re offering us something new — they’re breaking the “purdah” electoral law.
If they aren’t, then it’s all a big fat lie.
Smoke and mirrors.

Andy smith

Instead of being overjoyed at the up to date polls,I have spent the night shouting and swearing at the telly ! Christ,another 10 days of this unionist bilge presented as news and debate.


I took a supply of wbb’s in my coat pocket to pub over weekend. Amazing how many people want a copy…


Did Gordon have his arms in plaster with a pair of false hands stuck on the end? He was almost as wooden as Ed Miliband the other day. And did he really only have an audience of around two dozen people?

Whatever, I don’t think you’ll find Gordon Brown is the great hitter he used to be. There certainly wasn’t any passion in most of his speech and the blank, disinterested, faces of the audience in the background seemed to reflect that. I had in fact forgotten he had once been Prime Minister, remembering him instead as the Chancellor who boasted Boom and Bust had gone forever and ripped billions from private pension funds. But I noted he is offering a timetable, knowing full well he cannot introduce any new factors into the referendum debate because of the legal implications accepted as part of the Edinburgh Agreement.

I liken his proposals to that of a shop offering to sell someone a lottery ticket (lets say its a really big prize, worth taking a chance on, but the price is very high). However the shop will only give it to you at a time of their own choosing. Additionally, before they can even do that they have to discuss the matter with two other individuals, even though the shop has taken your money. Each claims to have an interest in the ticket and can determine whether or not it ever gets handed over to you. If they decide to keep it, you don’t get your savings back.

I think in that situation any sane person would keep their money and go to another shop. It would have a sign above the door. It would say YES.

Nana Smith

Comment from the guardian article. It’s a goody…

I want to decry Dr. Gordon Brown for his damned kiss-arse support of Unionism in the light of his intellectual capacity honed in history. In particular I condemn Dr Brown for dishonouring his education by ignoring the centuries of historical struggle for dignity through self-government in Scotland from the post 1707 riots to the historic vote in 2011.

His response is to promote the jingoist cause of the Union, the emblem of Toryism and right-wing politics in this country. He stands against the history of his own movement; against the pioneers in the labour movement who saw social, economic and national repression as the enemies of justice. He seeks to adopt and espouse a political response that he might have found in the history of his party when Labour sought a compromise on the colonial question.

Dr. Gordon Brown (First Class Honours MA History Edinburgh 1972, PhD History University of Edinburgh 1982) is an amateur economist, professional politician but a genuine academic historian (PhD thesis “The Labour Party and Political Change in Scotland 1918-1928). So he would recognize that the neo-colonial form of colonial administration (permitting some local participation) was very much part of Labour Party policy in the post-war administration of Attlee. Indeed (Dr. Brown will know the details) the joint London- rule shared with nationals of the colonies would offer the eager colonies devolved petit-Government authority (education, sanitation, health) and even in some cases taxation. But the three- power troika of finance, foreign policy and fundamental change remained with Westminster.

It is a version of this he seeks to offer Scotland now.

Creech Jones a major player in the Labour Government’s decolonization process suggested that granting full responsibility for LOCAL affairs was only right but he did not see this as ‘ involving the elimination of British power’.

In 1952 there was a Foreign Office paper called ‘the problem of nationalism’. In it the FO argued that it was possible to ‘ draw the constructive forces of nationalism to the British side by offering limited political authority in order to minimize the threatened erosion of British power’. Dr Brown would be familiar with the games Whitehall can play in offering new limited powers while retaining real power.

Dr. Brown, et al have conjoined in policy with David Cameron and are now offering the Scottish people an ancient constitutional duality of dynarchy (from the Indian Raj) : the system of joint Governance like a devo-max. London will grant Edinburgh certain additional fiscal /taxation powers to the tune of approximately 40% of revenue. What should we say? “Thanks you massah or thank you sahib”. We are` so grateful.”

Surely the historian Gordon Brown if not his politician-doppleganger must realize that this patronizing political negation of dignity is unworthy of a Scottish scholar never mind a national democrat.

Scotland as a sovereign state is the only honourable course to rid Scotland of its subaltern status within the failed UK. Though Scotland’s relationship with London was never quite colonial, nevertheless this granting of additional powers so gratuitously offered by the Unionist parties reeks of coloniality. History is unforgiving to those who fail to learn from its more pernicious narrative.

Objectively Mr Brown and indeed the rest of the NO campaign are declaring for the continuity of the British Unionist State with all of its historical attempts at monolithic governance in a plural national state. London’s hegemony over Scotland’s future is an anachronism that is unsustainable. Dr Brown should know that; he should be ashamed of himself.

Brian Nicholson

It boils downs succinctly as this:

A “NO” is the starting point to a discussion about giving some powers to Scotland, provided the three warring Westminster parties can actually agree on anything.

A “Yes” vote is the finishing line to securing for the people of Scotland their sovereignty over all powers by enshrining many of them in a written Scottish Constitution.

All that needs to be said.

Colin Mccartney

Stolen from someone else but its a cracker
“Im leaving you”
“Im pregnant”
Oldest trick in the book

call me dave

Sky paper review. Salmond slippery snake and a fibber, who knew?

I hope there are lots of voters in Scotland watching a few more YES I think.

Bigging up GB, passionate & popular in Scotland, Aye I’ve heard plenty. 🙂


I just don’t understand why anyone would be fobbed off with some vague timetable of limited powers?

Not now. Not when we are so close..

We can simply take ALL the important powers with a yes vote.

Then co-operate with the rest of Britain from a position of strength.

The billboard poster says it all.

Scotland’s Future in Scotland’s hands


Watching this all unfold from Australia. Big feature on ABC news here about the surge towards Yes. Generally, very balanced reporting. Interview with Nicola, followed by another with John (We need to see another poll) Curtice. I know this is a bit O/T, but there was a live announcement on last night’s X Factor show about Kate’s pregnancy. And this in a country which claims it wants to get rid of Betty Battenberg! Back to old Gordy. Surely, as a bankbench MP, he is in no position to promise anything? Also, any proposed new legislation would need final approval from the unelected House of Lords and that could delay things even further. Just had my old neighbour in Musselburgh on the phone to say that the street where I used to live is awash with Yes posters, as is the rest of the Honest Toon. Makes me
want to jump on the first plane to see it all for myself 🙂


O/T – ensure your secure browser connections are not being intercepted.

There has bee some mention of the powers-that-be interfering in the referendum – personally I take these with a pinch of salt – but for some this link may be of interest.

It’s a bit techie, but it describes how to verify that your “secure” HTTPS browser connections are not being intercepted (because they can be, believe it or not!).

link to

William taylor

When i see a no thanks stall i ask for the free pens/badges etc
Then go round the corner and put them in the bin

Tomorrow i wont bother going round the corner just bin it in front of them


call me dave says:

Bigging up GB, passionate & popular in Scotland, Aye I’ve heard plenty. 🙂

Aye he certainly is popular CMD. He’s as popular as a case of Mumps/Chickenpox/Measles all rolled into one! 😛

joe kane

Along with hours of political elder statesmen endlessly droning on in state broadcasts, why doesn’t the British state propaganda service also play hours of equally suicide-inducing martial military music just like every other similar state propaganda service does, such as North Korea, during periods of state emergencies and existential political crises?

Song of General Kim Jong Broon [Subtitles]
link to


Incidentally, I am so glad this image is being used on a major billboard campaign.

The mother holding the child’s hand, with the message:

Scotland’s Future in Scotland’s hands

Such a simple, hopeful and positive message.

As campaign posters go, I reckon it is pretty much perfect.

If YES wins, I reckon it will be ranked up there with the famous ‘Labour isn’t working’ poster for effectiveness.

call me dave

Mr Bateman hitting the GB spot. Read it earlier should have said.

Oh also Lamont ‘lamentable she’s awful’ says Sky paper reviewer.

Glad I’m not a swithering labour voter: Swither yea not! vote YES your are being lied to by err… your labour leaders.


Salmond on STV at the moment with Bernard Ponsonby at the helm, Bernard is like a school bully then smug smiles, shut it and let the man you are asking questions speak!


Anyone else get the feeling they’ve already counted some of the postal ballots and are absolutely bricking it?
Must be massively in favour of YES, which could partly explain the ramping up of unionist airtime.
The last two years has been like ‘Groundhog Day’….same shite, day in, day out.
There is only one question on the ballot paper….why all the media frenzy about devo bollocks!
Fraudster Brown is working wonders here in Fife…more and more saltires and YES banners appearing by the hour!

Big Del

Anyone watching the Ponce enby on STV trying to catch Alex out?

Graeme Doig

Nana Smith

‘thanks massah’

Lets end this now. No thanks massah!



Boy, am I just glad I don’t watch the news on any channels or buy papers and also do quite a bit of walking. Supposed to be good for stress.

I personally think that going by some of the comments he may well have turn off a lot of No voters.

All this wall to wall coverage for one side of the debate is going to do is make people very angry and that is the last thing that we want.

If the Electoral Commission do not get involved in this as legally the should, and really stamp their authority, then surely there are some other ogranisations that can and must get involved to ensure fairness for all, as to me the agreed rules of the Edinburgh Agreement, that make The UK so “democratic” are being broken.


Just read the BBC article linked to above. Can anyone explain what this means (“He” refers to Gordon Brown)

“He said: “There never again could be a bedroom tax imposed by Westminster on Scotland because we would give the power to set housing benefit to the Labour people and everyone else who is in the Scottish parliament.”

Is he trying to suggest that in the event of a No vote, even if the Tories are in power at Westminster, power over housing benefit for Scotland will be reserved to Labour?

My brain hurts!


I can’t watch any BBC ‘news’, sorry propaganda reports or I will not make it to the 18th alive.

They sound like they are having a collective mental breakdown.

They’ve been lying to themselves for so long, pushing Rule Brittania flag waving non-sense since Maggie went to war.

The great British this that and the other – it’a a house of cards.
Even the folk this is aimed at -the Labour voter – have probably all swictched off and gone out for a drink.


Alex is one too many for Ponsonby, we’ll see if he sneers at Flipper tomorrow night the way he has sneered at our First Minister tonight

Nana Smith

YES Graeme


i dunno how alex salmond kept his cool there that was bang out of order….bernard ponse trying to make a name for himself…asked questions then interupted the answers it was just down right ignorant..the gloves are off


Actually had an mbe/obe holder deliver a no thanks leaflet
through the door which I promptly returned and said no thanks.
Now awaiting the Queen to chap the door.

Some people think its all over it is now.

bookie from hell



as close to federalism as you can get
so not federalism

Colin Church

After a whole day of biased crap on all channels I thought I would listen to the First Minister. Ponsonby – FFS. How rude can he be to the man. An interview on SNP policy is not the referendum. Quoting the Daily Record as a source, interupting, badgering on minutae. I have no idea how Mr Salmond keeps it together.

William taylor

We really need to complain to electoral commission and the BBC
That way we can have the best of both worlds

The Rough Bounds

I was outside finishing off painting my fence when Broon was on with his jowly slavers. I have more important things to do with my life.

I’ll be out again tomorrow delivering leaflets…for Yes.


You have to wonder what was Ponsonby’s brief tonight. We know he can do a much better, more professional job than that. That was a disgrace.

It’ll be interesting to see how he tackles Darling tomorrow.


Personally I’d love to see the First Minister in one of these interviews stop talking the second he is interrupted. He should then let the ignorant interviewer get their speech over and then he should remain silent. When asked by the interviewer why he has not answered the question he should say that he is waiting for the next interruption and wants to make sure ALL the interruptions are out the way before speaking again! 😛


Hopping mad!

What is the point of that Ponsonby git?

He probably thinks hes being a tough edgy interviewer but to me hes just an ignorant arsehole.

Why ask questions of Alex Salmond then talk over him so nobody can hear the answer. He is as bad as Darling and Lamont.

Bet Darling gets an easy ride when its his turn.


O/T but I cannot believe it. BBC Radio 4 news at 11 says Scottish Banks are storing more cash in case people want to take out more money after the Referendum. What in Gods name are these blithering idiots trying to do!


Just heard the news on Radio Scotland. Wittering on about folk withdrawing their money from the banks in the event of a Yes vote.They should not get a job shoveling shite after Scotland gains her freedom, not any of the Quisling shower.

Cadogan Enright


Arabs for Independence

Ponsonby behaved like a complete arse. We see the media for all its glory now.

Many of us will never forget ….or forgive


Broon and his anti Scottish troughers are all bred from the same men who sold our country down the swanny in 1707. The same stinking genetic pool.


ponse asked alex salmond…if its a tight decision for a no vote will he let it lie for another generation…aye thatll be right….they just cant seem to get it into there heads that alex salmond and the snp will do whatever the scottish people want(within reason) any party voted in by the scottish people should…whats hard to understand here..its not up to the snp..its not about the snp FFS


Ponsonby was just awful, yet the First Minister kept it together and won that debate. To cap it all off Ponsonby says “and now the news and sport in your area”.
I am now watching highlights of the England (not my area Ponsonby) game shown earlier live on STV.

Yet yesterday in our own country not a single station showed Scotland playing the World Champions!

We are no more to them than the shite on their shoe.

R-type Grunt

Alan Cumming delivered quite the smack down on Scotland 2014. Worth seeing again.


Here’s the latest round of newspaper front pages folks the Times, Scottish Daily Mail, Scotsman and the Daily Record. 😛

link to

link to

link to

Don’t forget the Daily Record doing it’s version of the SUN’s “it woz the SUN wot won it” type of front page! 😛

link to

bookie from hell

Douglas Alexander

quotes stock markets today,as future of Scotland

what a tool


Here’s a thought, has there been any other European country playing these last two days that did not get to see live their own team play on terrestrial TV OTHER THAN Scotland?

dennis mclaughlin

Wee Dougie looks like he’s going to be shot at dawn!,mabye caused by all these sharp objects sticking out of his back :).


I used to think David Torrance was a prat, now I know he is.


The fear hasn’t worked, so up the rhetoric to threats.

Yeah, that’ll work. Fucking halfwits.


totally agree thepnr alex salmond was brilliant
and speaking about england games on the tv remember the european championships were held in england…the opening ceremony had 16 skydivers parachuting into wembley each 1 with a flag representing the 16 countries participating
every flag was cheered including the german flag…but when the scottish flag came down it was booed and jeered
but now its ok they love us really….ive been told many times i was loved…all by gold diggers…would they love us as much if we didnt have 90% of britains oil and gas

Black Douglas

It’s not Scotland’s stockmarket thats allegedly faltering and to believe UKOKBTNOTHANKERS it’s not our pound thats taking a pounding, so why the “look at your future doom and gloom you will lose loads of money”

Once again the Naysayers show their true colours and it’s all about “Whats in it for me me me?”

Utterly contemptible. 😡

Grouse Beater

Ponsonby. The clue is in the name.

I watched a different BBC programme this evening from the topic’s subject – a documentary look at ‘Great British Abstract Artists’ – not a single one Scottish.

No surprise there.

The ubiquitous ‘British’ tossed in to keep Scots happy.


Thepnr if you want to watch ANY sport try using wiziwig. They had the Scotland game live. 😉

link to

Nana Smith

Desperation. Is Ed auditioning for strictly…

link to


@Lesley-Anne 10:09
On the bottom left of that Telegraph front cover is a piece about the “Proms” entitled “Rally For The Union”
The last night of the Proms 2014 (13th September, just days before our referendum) ends with Plymouth Hoe, Rule Britannia, Land of hope and glory, Jerusalem, then finally the National Anthem!
“THEY” are actually advertising this concert as The Rally For The Union.
“THEY” being the BBC!
Have looked on WIKI but am sure BBC finance the Proms.
Exactly how impartial is this and is it not against the rules.
Na! Probably not….after all, it IS the State broadcaster!


Gets more blatent by the minute!



Even the Herald is having a dig at the NO Camp it seems. 😛

link to

Graeme Doig

Oh how I wish ma wife would let me cancel the license fee.
Haven’t watched any of it tonight but blood pressure through the roof.

The gloves are off alright. Let’s knock these bastards out on the 18th.


Panicking Unionists on all channels.


What can I say Andy other what utter SHITE pouring out of the BBC!

Grouse Beater

If you want to know what Brown used to think about more powers for Scotland, and his support for independence, read:

Gordon the Hapless grousebeater.wordpress


Who told the London media luvvies that Broon has credibility and currency in Scotland?

A big hitter? Aye, of coffee tables and mobiles off walls.


From tombee

Mr Ponsonby a bit over the top when interviewing the FI tonight. It would have been nice to hear all of FM answers. I thought he did well to keep his cool while Ponsonby acted like his name suggests.



According to Pinky and Perky Brown is the BIGGEST hitter in the Scottish jungle. I think they must have been hitting the bottle a wee bit too hard earlier on. 😛


Kevin Maguire has picked up on the difference between YES and NO. YES full of happy smiling, laughing people enjoying life. NO camp full of folks who are DOUR! Says it all really. 😛


Gordon Brown is a liar, don’t take my word for it,

link to

Grouse Beater

Who told the London media luvvies Broon has credibility and currency in Scotland?

Exactly. A failed and discredited politician.

David McCann

It is the supreme irony. Tory Chancellor George Osborne, chose Gordon Brown to announce measures which he hopes will convince Scots to vote against independence.
In 1997 Gordon Brown raided pension schemes, costing savers £100 billion, a sum equal to the entire annual economic output of Ireland, or 50 years of Tesco’s annual profits at £2bn a year.
Osborne said then: ‘His pension raid was one of his first and worst acts as Chancellor. Pensioners will be paying a heavy price for many, many years to come.’
What has changed his mind? PANIC!!



Andrew Pierce calling for Labour party in Scotland to carry the can for NO losing this referendum. 😛


@bjsalba, they will cause a run on the banks if they persist with that.

They do not care what damage they do to retain the ‘union’.

Whatever happens now the union is not only dead but it will be a laughing stock around the world.

Just think they could have handled this so much better – it just goes to show we are run by an elite who have no brains, nothing, nada.


Just think they could have handled this so much better – it just goes to show we are run by an elite who have no brains, nothing, nada.

Wow Liz, I didn’t realise they had THAT much. 😛

Grouse Beater

The audience sitting around the wafting Brown look like penguins waiting for their keeper to toss them a fish.


@Graeme Doig – same here except it’s the hubby that wont cancel the license fee- we have only 10 more days to go.

Even the most die hard No must be holding their heads in disbelief.


BBC Papers

News Anchor “Why would the Telegraph put “Queen urged to intervene, she isn’t allowed”
Guests “Because she’s being urged”
News Anchor “By Who?”
Guests together “errrrr”
Male Guest “The Telegraph”

Not as good as Penny & friend but they gave it a good go there

Arabs for Independence

Who is this utter clown on BBC2 – a Scot in USA called Neil Ferguson? He hates Scotland with a passion – what a prick


Every time I see Brown, I seem to smell formaldehyde and putrefaction.

Arabs for Independence

Niall Ferguson sorry



And his critics are much harsher!


Let’s not underestime the pressure being put on Osborne by the markets. If sterling continues to drop, they will demand something be done

The UK cannot afford to be seen to raise interest rates under pressure. If the flow becomes serious, the Treasury will simply have to put out a reassuring statement IN CONJUNCTION WITH the Scottish government. They will call it what they damned well want – a Currency Stability pact is my favourite, but even if it is just a form of words, it will be a tacit recognition that the Scottish electorate has them by the balls….

Hold onto your hats, guys – the £ is likely in for a rougher ride than we have seen for a long time. We’ll get the public blame, no doubt, and this may not be the best time to buy that Autumn break abroad. But, make no mistake, the City will know where the real blame lies – and it ain’t with us.



Stevie boy

BBC protest Sunday 14th September 2pm-4pm.. we need to go, a massive attendance has to be recognised some way.

.. I need to stop watching tv full stop.. can’t take anymore of it!! What utter shite.

Hurry up SBS!!


OT but not long before these numpties are in the dustbin of history – link to


I’m beginning to get curious at how much the UK Government would trash a section of the economy to achieve the goal of getting people to vote no

A kind of Carrot and stick

The Carrot (believe it or not) would be Brown riding to the fore with the proposals

The Stick, is a fire sale on sterling and banks, particularly Scottish ‘based’ ones. To add to the mix, put out a rumour that people are removing or transferring funds from Scotland to England

I would not put it passed them to get really nasty
They assess the risk as worth it.

They are using all tame journalists on this.

Its time to man up and face these bastards down for the next 9 days


Just sent the BBC a huge complaint about tonight’s coverage. Utterly disgraceful!!!
