Time to get busy
All 250,000 copies of the Wee Blue Book have now left the printers and should have reached their destinations, from which they’ll be spread far and wide. Many are already in Yes shops and on street stalls and thousands are in the hands of the public.
If you’ve got one, please read it and PASS IT ON afterwards – we’ll print truckloads of souvenir editions after a Yes vote, so you don’t need to hang onto it as a keepsake. It’s no good adorning the mantelpiece, it needs to be in front of undecideds and soft No voters. (Or hard ones if you think there’s even a sliver of light in their minds.)
We don’t have a definitive list of where the books can be found – the Yes movement is an organic grassroots network and there’s no way of predicting where they’ll end up after the pallet comes off the printers’ lorry. We’ve shipped boxes to Shetland, Skye, Stornoway and Selkirk and all points in between. (Some not beginning with “S”.)
But we’ll keep you updated when we hear of sightings. The info hotline is our Twitter feed, and you can also keep an eye on the dedicated Wee Blue Facebook page.
Meanwhile, though, there’s other stuff you can do.
We’ve got tens of thousands of our new flyers available. They’re free (except for a small contribution to postage), and you can order them here.
You can also help us publicise the Wee Blue Book. We’ve already published designs for business cards, and readers have already made their own posters like the one below, which have appeared all over Edinburgh. (Obviously we urge people only to post home-made materials where it is legal to do so.)
We’re not going to take ALL the credit for recent shifts in the polls, of course, but if you study the available evidence the SCIENCE conclusion is inescapable:
So let’s keep getting stuff out there, folks. Something’s working.
Forza WBB!
Imagine you held on to your WBB and we lost by 1 vote!
I got my wee blue book from the Yes stall in Peebles at the weekend. My mum picked it up and I didn’t notice until we were back in the house, so a fight ensued until I stuck the PDF on her iPad. She still wasn’t chuffed but had given me it before she realised it was interesting, and once I had the PDF for her she was immediately asking how to send it to people… and that was just from skim reading it essentially. It’s a shame it wasn’t thought of a bit earlier as excellent as it is. It would have been good to try and fund it going through millions of doors, but I hope not too many are snapped up to collect from Yes folk like I did! I have amassed a massive, growing and slightly unkempt amount of coverage and campaign material so this is my excuse…
” It’s a shame it wasn’t thought of a bit earlier as excellent as it is.”
It was thought of months ago. We mention it in the March fundraiser. But it had to come out late in the day so that it could be as up-to-date as possible, and also hit people at exactly the point they’re starting to pay attention.
It’s been a massive headache getting it all out – we never planned to print so many, and it was a HUGE logistical task for people who’d never done anything like this before – but the job’s done thanks to the Herculean efforts of the distribution team, and we’ve got a solid fortnight to get people’s eyes on it when it matters.
My friends told me they were available at the Dundee Yes Hub in St Andrews Street.
I also got a small No Thanks booklet addressed through the post, in a small blurb on the back page “No thanks… I want to keep the pound”. It does not feature in the main content of the leaflet however. I also got a paper copy of “Scottish referendum – PCS informs – you decide”. It is like a policy matrix and you can see who agrees or disagrees with what, and a small reasoning as to why.
It’s a shame that this approach is really only seen within parts of the TU movement and not by other more public civic institutions.
All 12 I bought on ebay have been spread around.
Rev – absolutely I remember it being mooted a while ago, and I meant to discredit or criticism, but my only fear is the impact or punch of it could have been much greater if only it had been realised by others how good it was notwithstanding the timed accuracy concern. I think if we’d realised what it was going to be like that more funding for more copies would have been available, that’s where I hope that those with bulk numbers target who/where they go. The electronic copies can do the rest with any luck, or print-as-you-go.
Yes they are 🙂 Go get a few and pass them to the undecided.
The electronic version was available for download and sharing before the postal votes went out. It was thus well within time.
Superb job Stu, and everyone else involved from printer to stall, to undecided to Yes.
Not long now.
HAHAHA. Now fuck off.
If everybody that reads this shares the Wee Blue Book on Facebook we can each change a few minds. We are almost there, let’s give it all we’ve got!
A massive well done and thank you to all involved in getting this done. I’ve personally seen two undecideds become yes after I forwarded them the e-book, and plenty of other folk have said the same. It’s been a massive help. 🙂
WBB is a revelation!!!
Between that, WoS and ALL the great hard working ordinary Yes people we can win this.
All our efforts against the establishment and the media will win the day.
I delivered Yes newspapers today in Cumbernauld.. very encouraging here! Even spoke with a No voter who initially said he was a loyalist supporter.. after a chat and giving him facts and answers to his concerns he said he will now vote YES! Also had an undecided voter confirm she’s now a definate YES.
Every vote counts!!
One last big push for the final fortnight!
If anyone in Arbroath area wants some home printed ones I could do some.
I have done 40 for myself and I think I have around about 10 left and did some for a friend in Glasgow, who has been handing them out today.
They are just greyscale as I do them on my old laser printer, takes too long to do on the inkjet.
twitter saying egg thrower part of JM security team -wtf
This article from the New Statesman shows how Yes is winning the ground campaign. Leaflets are still the most important source of information for voters. So get out there and hand out your Wee Blue Books and win a Great Big Victory for Yes.
link to newstatesman.com
Wonder if the Sunday Herald would be be up for reproducing?
Timing is wonderful and when I asked a lady to Google search Wee Blue Book…..her eyes opened up and her response was to download. I pulled out the REAL WEE BLUE BOOK..and off she went with her own copy. Its like picking plump grapes from a vine….just waiting for plucking.
Please mail everybody in your mailbox with this
link to youtu.be
the don’t know/soft Yes who sits next to me at work brought in a WBB business card handed out to commuters at Waverley Station -his wife is a ‘don’t know’/soft No from a fingers in the ears No family who won’t discuss the vote with him at home – I will get him a book tomorrow to make sure he reads it and takes it home so they can discuss it over the cereal….
Hey guys what is the graph showing there I can’t seem to see any identifiers on the image. I want the blue line to be the one I like 😀
Don’t forget to contact your local councillor. You just never know. When I contacted mine to let him know I had some WBBs and could he use them, he said only after he had been given his own copy as he couldn’t find one anywhere. We are now directly contacting DKs and Undecided in the area. Fly, WBB, fly!
Copies available in Stirling Yes shop noe
bookie from hell
Not surprised are you? Beware of all agent provocateurs up to 18th September.
link to thecourier.co.uk
WBB no more on e-bay sold out! 🙁
The ‘egg man’ part of Murphy’s team surely NAW! Are they that stupid tha… mmmph! Oh wait eggxclamation mark.
If true, it is the end of all credibility for NO!
Someone above said that its been reported on twitter that the guy arrested is part of Murphy’s own security team.
If that is the case what does that do to the integrity of Murphy?
Wings is a registered campaigner and has agents across Scotland… what about laminated a3 posters up on lampposts where councils allow.
If anybody could hand out the wee blue book to the workers at Oceaneering at Rosyth I have a relative who works there and is having a hard time convincing fellow work mates to vote yes. They are mostly miss informed
many thanks if you can do it
I must watch the debate now with Murphy on. If that comes up I will watch Murphy’s body language very closely.
Gave one to a neighbour who is off to the North Sea this afternoon.He’s already a Yes but promised to read it and pass it on to a No.Good luck everyone.
I bought two on ebay and the lovely person sent me eight plus six business cards which I’ve left discreetly at a few locations locally in Hamilton. My WBBs have mostly been added to the pile at the local Yes shop.
I was at the YES moblie in Aberdeen on Sunday and watched in awe as the 500 or so WBB’s disappeared like snaw aff a dyke.
Folk were conciously looking for it and many were not to be disappointed.
I guess stats to the site will show whether it has had the desired effect or no but from what I can gather, people are engaging and VERY KEEN to explore further.
For this neck of the woods I’d say the WBB’S appeared (as if by magic) at exactly the right time.
Fantastic effort from all involved.
We’ve always suspected that the egg man was a cunning stunt, the event stage managed – if the reports are true it looks as though the former SOS may just be one too. Tomorrow could be interesting.
A great achievement, Stuart.
I downloaded my copies for a few soft No’s – you know the type: “I’ve done a lot of reading and research and I’m still unsure which way to go.”
I’ll also seek out a WBB to have ready because I’m sure to meet somebody last minute still saying they “can’t trust politicians.”
Thinking the Unthinkable
Ten Cliches Scotched
Here’s hoping that the ‘egger’ can be identified as part of Murphy’s gang.. more ammo for Yes and even less credibility for No.. they must be into a ‘minus’ figure by now surely lol 🙂
it was a HUGE logistical task for people who’d never done anything like this before
Exceptionally well played, for a bunch beginners. 😉
P.S. My consultancy fee would have been reasonable. 🙂
Not to mention the BBC will have EGG all over its face
@Votadini Jeannie
I’ve not got many contacts and am actually looking for who is Ref Agent the Edinburgh City one as well..
I’ll see if I can get any more info for you..
Time to get Professor Kemp on the job he’s the only one that knows what he’s talking about regarding Scotlands oil exploration.
@consultant CameronB
If you lend me your watch I can tell you the time?
Anyone know where I can get my hands on a few Yes flags? A few of the yachts in the marina at Arbroath are wanting to hoist them 🙂
I was able to tack on a run of 400 and should have them early next week, anyone in Livingston area needing a few let me know.
Grantpotter1 at gmail dotcom
Don’t want to promote gambling if it’s not your thing, but.. if u do like a wee punt..
William Hill still 11/4 for a YES win (great price as it stands and with the Yes momentum).
Paddy Power go 10/11 on YES being above 46.5% (not even winning) What a steal!!!
Ladbrokes are 11/2 for YES to have over 55% of the vote.
Other interesting betting..
Dundee to have ‘largest Yes vote percentage’ were 5/2, then 6/4, then 4/5.. now 1/3!!
Most bookies around 5/2 for the win.. if a Panelbase poll etc come out even closer than the YouGov poll (strong possibility and will put Yes in the lead) these prices will disappear immediately.
The (falsely reporting) YouGov poll is keeping the odds for Yes far higher than we know they should be.. get on before it’s too late.
Let’s become independent and richer at the same!!
Sounds like you’ve consulted, as well? 🙂
O/T A survey ship called the Semper Vigilo has recently been moored in Stranraer Harbour. Given the facts that the Stril Explorer (another survey vessel) and the Borgyn Dolphin (a drilling vessel) are in the area, it would appear that something is afoot, but what? More oil, perhaps?
I have various bets on Yes winning.. if (when) we do win then my local food bank will receive part of my winnings!
Kendomacaroonbar @ 7.51pm
Link comes up with 404 not found 🙁
Seen the White WBB flyers in Edinburgh 🙂
Where would the YES Shop in Dunoon collect Wee Blue Books for Cowal and Bute?
We have people in every day asking for them and I have been unable to get any information at all about them though we asked for a supply right from the start.
As we have been running this YES shop – the first in Scotland – since October 2011 (ie nearly two years)we are expected to have them
Anyone with stories about the Wee Blue Book after this thread is past. Please click on the big Wee Blue Book link left centre of the home page.
I would expect many stories about the effect it is having, that’s where we will share them. Also any requests for copies etc should be shared there.
There are a quarter of a million out there, you will see one, any Yessers that get their hand on one, please don’t leave it in a drawer. Pass it on to someone else.
This is an information war between Yes and the establishment. We have the true information that the public need, let’s get it in their hands.
My local YES shop says they can’t buy the WBB because it would breach regulations on funding (?maybe I misunderstood). Whatever, they won’t be getting any anyways.
Is there a distribution point in Glasgow Southside – desperate for 100-200 of them.
Eat your cereal 🙂
link to youtube.com
The BBC Referendum Debate tonight at 9pm is from Aberdeen. Bet it is not long before they raise the subject of Ian Wood’s gloomy oil estimates.
I don’t know why he is given such credibility at all on the subject of oil reserves.
He graduated in psychology at Aberdeen University then joined the family company which owned Fishing boats. He certainly has to be given great praise for building up such a successful company which is a world leader in engineering service support for the oil industry, however he has no particular expertise in geology or reservoir assessment and I would always rather believe the the oil company experts, who are forecasting a new boom. ( And they are notoriously cagey about reserves.)
A big thank you to the nice mannie in the 4×4 who dropped off a load of Wee Blue Books in Laurencekirk last night, they’re getting into the hands of folk here and abouts who really need them – and they’re going down a storm.
Cheers to everyone involved – John Sm.
WBB facebook page is broken 🙁
Gave away my last wee blue book today
@a2 seems like all of Facebook is down according to twitter
Any danger of the Sunday Herald running a piece on the WBB this weekend, with download link details, and advice on checking your local YES shop/hub for a hard copy?
Hmm it appears all of facebook is broken
Blow for Salmond obviously.
@a2 I had an issue with white screen but a refresh fixed it
The egg man is on the Referendum debate on BBC in five – might watch with the sound off and Twitter on.
Did we all get the wee square book of “Facts” we need for our biggest decision. The first thing that caught my eye was a a pictogram showing 2 piles of coins.
FACT: this would Fail a basic mats test!
FACT: The “coins” on the left are worth £812.93
FACT: The “coins” on the right are worth £631.45
If you can’t trust a basic graph which a junior pupil in secondary school could draw accurately, how can you trust anything that is said in this poor quality propaganda.
works now, don’t panic!
I am carrying 3 or 4 WBBs in my jacket pocket all the time now.
Over recent days I have started IndyRef conversations with work contacts at every opportunity and found that:-
a) Everyone is now happy (almost begging) to talk.
b) Everyone I have spoken to is voting YES.
c) Only one of them has heard of Wings.
d) None of them had heard of the WBB.
e) All of them had at least one ‘undecided’ friend.
f) All of them were delighted to take a WBB to pass to the ‘undecided’ friend.
I am replenishing my WBBs (5 or 6 at a time) from YES shops.
@JET JOCKEY (& Square Haggis)
“Time to get Professor Kemp on the job”
Sunday morning on the YesMobile in Aberdeen a wee mannie trundles up to the stall and I ask if I can help. He surveys the stall spots the pile of WBBs. “Could I have one of those?” “Of course.” I say, and duly hand him a copy. Off he goes with a “Thanks, I’ll read this over my coffee”
I thought I recognised his face, but TBH I was a little jaded on Sunday morning and brain not completely in gear. One of the volunteers (can’t remember who) taps me on the shoulder and says “That was Professor Kemp” Ah, that’s why I recognised the face – doh!
Did tweet Rev and Scott that he had a copy 😀
“My local YES shop says they can’t buy the WBB because it would breach regulations on funding (?maybe I misunderstood)”
The WBB is free.
I don’t do twitter or Facebook, but would like to report the WBB duly arrived in PERTH today was in great demand at lunchtime. All social groups and ages stopping by, wonderful stuff.THANKS TO ALL INVOLVED IN THE DISTRIBUTION. More available in the High Street Friday lunchtime and Saturday morning.
O/T Who do you believe, STV or Cameron?
link to news.stv.tv
Perfect timing for the WBB to come out. Two weeks before the vote is when everybody’s attention is focused. It is wall to wall referendum and the WBB is an integral part of that mix.
The chap with the box of them at the Largs big debate on Monday couldn’t get them out of the box fast enough, it was a bit surreal seeing people waving their arms for a referendum pamphlet. As I said the other night, it fair incensed our local Tory Councillor but he was too late to do anything about it. Oh dear, how sad, never mind. 🙂
I find it hard to believe that the eggman can be connected to Murphy…no one is that stupid Shirley? However, the man is lifted so we shall find out soon enough.
To be fair to Jim Murphy’s egg throwing buddy, he might have thought Jim was hungry.
My grandson nipped off with the last of my 6 WBBs from Ebay but,luckily ,I’ve got another 12 on order….thanks Kestral …they really make a difference !
Douglas MacDonald… There is indeed something afoot! Dolphin are currently building a state of the art rig, designed to operate in harsh conditions, and will be operating in Rosebank oilfield (not far from Clair, have been wondering why no one been mentioning Rosebank, only Clair. Ah well…) Google bollsta Rosebank for info, should be operational 2015 🙂
If it is free, who is selling it on Ebay?
Has there ever been a better time to be Scottish? I am so, so proud of my country and our people today 🙂
I’m not out on streets/ doorsteps locally as part of local Yes, so decided do my wee bit by placing an advert for the WBB/its website in four local weeklies for next 2 weeks instead. Emailing the WWB home-ed to my email contacts did get a bit of response – including a request for (even) more info from an originally-no-becoming-yes.
I would love some WBBs for our Yes Shop (although someone else may have already ordered them…I am not the only Wings peep here) are there any heading North Ayrshire way?
WBB’s have arrived in Ayr, I will be distributing forthwith!
I am near the Rev’s current home town this evening, Bradford Upon Avon, near to Bath!
Keep up the work everybody we are winning!
Maybe Jim didn’t pay his security bill.
@Conan_the_Librarian. I think it was Kestral? He’s not really selling them the cost is for packaging and postage. I’ve passed on one lot and have some more ordered. I didn’t need hundreds, it was great to just have a few. Many thanks to Kestralif it was you xx
Just been advised that our WBB’s are in Dumfries and are now ready for collection, coming to a household in Gretna, Eastriggs and Annan near you soon. 😉
Here we go again, cursed we are, all that damned black, black oil. Oh woe is us.
James Cook not interrupting unionists and constantly interrupting Yes supporters.
Plus ca change
Hey folks.
“… any person who in any public place or at any public meeting wears uniform signifying his association with any political organisation or with the promotion of any political object shall be guilty of an offence.”
The Orange Walk in Edinburgh would break that law, if they had political banners.
We have been advised NOT to make a physical protest.
We can Ask Police Scotland to arrest lawbreakers though…
Hmm. looks like Murph the Smurph is losing it on the debate tonight.
I wonder if Murph the Smurph and Goldie have figured out what P O U N D spells yet, mind you Nicola did give them a wee clue. 😛
Is it the Jim Murphy show?
Poor moderation.
Somebody please put Auntie Bella right on those immigration numbers.
Anyone in the audience with a WBB handy?
@ Cindie.
I’m just a cynical arse sometimes. Forgive me Kestral.
There’s something snivelling about Murphy, a thoroughly unlikeable person.
ooooo phantom egg flinger of ole Glasgow town has had his collar felt… anyone know who he is?
Murphy is a real clown, getting shouted down every time he opens his stupid gob!
Nicola on form – clear valid points on democracy.
It’s James ‘have free rein Jim Murphy’ Cook!
The Guardian really has gone into referendum overdrive. Apparently the tremors have reached Westminster and talk is of postponing the 2015 election until 2016 if it is a Yes vote.
It is like Alice in Wonderland down there.
Murphy has to have the biggest brass neck going,given that he’s under yet another investigation for his expenses claims.
I’m not watching but that doesn’t sound good IMO, Sounds like the BBC might have allowed a few rotten eggs in the studio.
Thanks Mr Murphy for reminding all of us that independence is for ever. Who’d have thunk it, for ever well I never. Sorry Mr Murphy you’ve sold me on a YES vote! 😛
Murphy seems to intent on raising his profile rather than doing much of anything for Yes. Johann really is the invisible woman. She does so few of these things it is astonishing. Nicola has 20 times Johann’s commitment and stamina.
Egg Man makes play to replace Invisible Woman?
Since I don’t pay my licence fee any more and I got mega crabbit watching the BBC and ITV, I don’t watch the telly at all now, must confess I put it on for about 30 secs tonight, Murphy was spouting pish about how we are too stupid to understand the arguments about defence so I turned off.
Trust me you are better off without a goggle box, I listen to music on my internet radio, far more entertaining evening. Don’t think I will start watching it again ever 🙂
Since I don’t pay my licence fee any more and I got mega crabbit watching the BBC and ITV, I don’t watch the telly at all now, must confess I put it on for about 30 secs tonight, Murphy was spouting pish about how we are too stupid to understand the arguments about defence so I turned off.
Trust me you are better off without a goggle box, I listen to music on my internet radio, far more entertaining evening. Don’t think I will start watching it again ever 🙂
Possibly, he has been demoted by Ed so perhaps he sees his future in other pastures.
Who is this Johann you talk about?
Murphy just said the only job he hasn’t been offered is James Cook’s.
Funny, Murphy seems to have supplanted Cook as the focal point of this debate.
@Conan_the_Librarian. I’m sure there WILL be some for sale as collectors items one day soon, but I want Independence far more! I’ll wait for the collectors edition that the Rev says he’ll produce. I’ll want it signed too. 😀
Hello all,
Long time reader, first time poster. I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single one for all your hard work so far, it really is paying dividends. Over this past week there has definitely been a vast shift towards YES. My mother and sister, both staunch NOs in July, have come out for YES over the past few days. I thought they were lost causes! If they can be won over then anyone can. For the first time I’m really beginning to believe that it’s going to happen!
We are so close now, every vote is one step closer to a fairer, better Scotland. Please keep going!
All hands on deck!
A leaflet going out with newspapers and other drops and canvassers can easily and quickly be printed which helps target distribution.
See this example.
Mr Cook, the next time he tells you to hang on a minute so he can carry on spewing his nonsense, egg him, or at least tell him to f*ck off and close his mic, please
Murphy refuses to guarantee free education if Labour gain power and it’s a No vote. Rightly he receives jeers from the audience.
If its true that the egg thrower was one of Murphy’s entourage then all hell will break loose for NO.
Just watched a bit of BBC debate from Aberdeen. Murphy was talking slowly in that funereal voice of his claiming that Scotland is lucky to be subsidised by rUK as we get back more than we put in in taxes including oil revenues however Brian Souter pulled him up saying that he wouldn’t trust any figures from a Westminster politician after their track record of concealing the McCrone report.
James Cook of the BBC allowed Murphy to trundle on with his Big Lies uninterrupted whilst constantly interrupting and talking over Brian Souter and Nicola Sturgeon!
Now people will realise what an unpleasant character Jim Murphy really is.
O/T… If anyone wants to know what ships are active around Scotland (and anywhere else) then this tracking website is quite good. Live 24hrs real time monitoring and description of all vessels. Zoom in and out around the coast and click on the vessel marker for a description.
link to marinetraffic.com
@Douglas Macdonald
one for you … SV Semper Vigilo
link to flickr.com
Piss poor moderation on debate tonight and Murphy free to spout from big book of naw lies. Then tries to cram in the ones he missed in “final word” gift from Cook. Furious.
Everyone seen the front page of tomorrow’s Telegraph? DEFCON1 – they are in full on panic now.
We are winning.
Why does Jim Murphy the “whispering Westminster egghead conman ” get the final word in tonight”s BBC Scotland debate?
Did the panelists “draw lots” or was this another example of the “better together broadcasting corporation” ” impartiality”?
Incredible work, Rev. Thank you and all the Wingers who have made it possible.
If that was a ‘balanced’ audience, I’d say every applause for Murphy’s lies and expressions of ‘occupation now and forever’ amounted to a small proportion of the total audience. And I believe that mirrors the swing to Yes these last days.
Nicola – generous of you to suggest Mr Murphy would be welcome in an independent Scottish Parliament, but I was expecting a much higher standard of elected representative!
Sign the WBB and pass it on – anyone who has a book without signatures, discovered after the referendum and I will never speak to that person again
I didn’t bother with the debate tonight. I didn’t think Cook would be much good and Murphy I just find a bit disturbing. I enjoyed the one on STV last night and the debate in Largs on Monday was surprisingly good.
I haven’t seen it yet Minty think I’ll wait for the paper’s review at 22:30. I only have one itsy witsy teeny weeny little problem, do I watch the BBC paper’s review or do I watch SKY News paper’s review. 😛
Stu, how can we find out if we are getting the books we asked for? I don’t care if we don’t, if you feel they would be better somewhere else, but it would be really useful to know. Thanks.
Ref “training day ” comment , should it not be “free range” and not “free reign” re “the Cook”
Goldman Sachs warns of the consequences of as Yes vote; Goldman Sachs that whiter than white example of prudent financial investment and client care; a corruption of venal suits feel able to dictate to a nation, do as we tell you?
Time to open tell them to go take a hike.
The biggest of the misdirections to come out of Murphy’s mouth was when the debate was about UKIP.
Murphy said England didn’t elect any UKIP MPs but in Scotland a UKIP MEP was elected.
He got away with that.
He should have been challenged that there are no UKIP MPs in SCOTLAND but England elected about 20 UKIP MEPS as opposed to the 1 UKIP MEP elected here in Scotland.
O/T but its rather good
link to newsnetscotland.com
@Janet W Try this
link to youtu.be
Can you list a summary of the depot destinations / Quantity?.
How to contact the Rev. directly. He’s a busy boy so can’t spend time reading all the comments.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
The orders for the WBB were far over subscribed Catherine so don’t expect to receive your original request. We have only received 50% of our order. It just means a wee bit more work for us to figure out how to best utilise them. Oh what fun this strolling down the winning stretch. 😉 😛
I hope some from the YES Kirkcaldy team go to Kirkcaldy Sherriff court tomorrow and take notes of who the eggman was connected to, where he comes from, what he’s charged with, and any other info to see if we can tie him to Murphy in some way.
@ JeanMackenzie.
Bob Sinclair may be able to help if you contact him. You can use the revs contact page and ask Rev to pass on your details to Bob. I think Bob is also looking for volunteers for counting agents and polling agents too if you are interested.
I hope the prosecution in the Mr Egg man case draws out from him the TRUTH about whether he is a part of Murph the Smurph’s security team or even just a member of the Better Whatsits squad in general. 😉
@CameronB Brodie
I have tried that before, only to read a comment on twitter soon after saying stop emailing me, I am getting swamped.
Getting your just desserts.
One thing is for sure, if Scotland rejects Independence and decides to jump back into bed with England they are going to receive some hard love, and be badly fucked over in every position, spare the lubricant, now that’s gotta hurt bad. Assume the position Scotland.
An English offering for Scotland
Fancy some spotted dick?
There are printers that can turn around a batch of books in a week, but you need to spend 1600~1800 pounds for 6,000 books. I think you just need to keep looking at the WBB forum for people who may have spares.
I understand that, all I want is to know whether we are getting any.
The eggman may not be a Better Together type. One of the No peeps over the Groaniard said he thought the chap was a pro-Palestine protestor – apparently Murphy is in the Friends of Israel group. No idea if either of those two pieces of information are correct and I am not interested enough in Murphy to go and find out.
If Murphy steps foot in the Scottish parliament after we gain our independence, we’ll become the world’s largest egg importer !
I’m sorry I can’t answer your question but try again by posting on the link below.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
Thanks, I am aware of that, but that would be far too many for us, and far too expensive too. Just looking for a yay or nay at the moment, so we can decide where we go from there.
Fancy some spotted dick?
Osborne is coming nowhere near me.
Done that, thank you. 🙂
I was thinking that if someone was really stuck for a place to put old Wee Blue Books and other material then giving it to local stalls and Yes hubs for reuse is better than sitting at home!
I think you should post your last one in Off Topic there also, then hopefully people will understand that much better.
@JeanMackenzie says:we can give you 200 copies – where are you in the south side?
Lesley-Anne says:
3 September, 2014 at 10:22 pm
I hope the prosecution in the Mr Egg man case draws out from him the TRUTH about whether he is a part of Murph the Smurph’s security team or even just a member of the Better Whatsits squad in general.
I wouldn’t hold my breath on that Lesley-Anne if he is one of Murph’s team (I think he is) he will say nothing. Because in that scenario, he wouldn’t have been recruited from just anywhere. He would be from some disciplined organisation (name, rank and official number only). But people from Kirkcaldy can collect info and more important they will know if he has been seen around Kirkcaldy ie is he from there or not? If not …….suspicion
Off topic but Alex Little BBC News at 10 utter disgrace!!! ANOTHER piece involving Murphy abusing an egg…the premise? The Yes Campaign has been more tarnished by intimidation and abuse than the other side!!! We cannot let this one go. That was a blatant unbalanced unsubstantiated value judgement passed off casually as FACT! Complaint tonight to Ombudsman.
You know, if someone is prepared to make an indiegogo fundraiser now, and make the funding rewards of 100 books for 50 quid you *might* get enough consolidated orders to reach that minimum order quantity of 6000 books ?
You would also be safe in the knowledge that you have a confirmed allocation.
Thanks for the reply. I’ll stop directing folk that way.
Sorry Rev. 🙂
I think we will, over time find out the whole truth about the egg man James. I just think it would have been nice to get the truth out before the 18th. If he is a Murph the Smurph man can you imagine the chaos and insane panic that news would cause amongst Better whatsit, the MSM and the BBC. 😉
There will be a lot of talk of the Wee Blue Book in the last two weeks, would be good in my view if we kept it on the same thread.
Just click on the biggest link you can see on the home page.
It’s titled “WEE BLUE BOOK” 🙂
link to wingsoverscotland.com
I’ve just seen the headlines on the Telegraph, and as Minty suggested earlier it is DEFCON1! 😛
YES vote would cause Sterling crash
The Designs for Business cards make good A6 flyers to. Been handing them out in Glasgow until we get some hands on some books!
James Caithness
I used to share a flat with Murphy’s egg-er, who’s case is going to trial. I’m uncertain of the law, but do you want to risk undermining the procedings with idle gossip on the web?
The b/w A4 poster is great, I like the way it does not say up front what side it is for, that way it can be put up in “borderline” places and last for longer without getting defaced or removed…
If the egg-man is connected to Murphy in anyway do we really trust the BBC to report it before the referendum? It will be like the attack on the woman in Glasgow sketchy and misleading.
I will be gobsmacked if he is connectable though. Could Better Together really be that stupid? OK, obviously their track record isn’t great on the stupidity front but that would be above and beyond the call of duty for even the most dedicated village idiot.
Re the WBB, Email me at
Catherine, if you mention whereaouts you are you may get a response from whoever is running the nearest distribution hub. When I received my load, I also received a list of all the orders in my area, with contact details. If you had an order in it should be on a list somewhere. Bear in mind all the orders have been reduced due to demand
Stu is too busy to run this, so others are running the distribution. Help yourself and them and say where you are and how many you were after and you may get an answer
HandandShrimp says:
3 September, 2014 at 10:26 pm
The eggman may not be a Better Together type. One of the No peeps over the Groaniard said he thought the chap was a pro-Palestine protestor – apparently Murphy is in the Friends of Israel group. No idea if either of those two pieces of information are correct and I am not interested enough in Murphy to go and find out.
That is good too, not as good if he is murphy’s boy, but if he is pro-palistinian (notice Murphy on the side of the well-off) then Murphy will have egg on his face and not good for BT after Murphy did all the mouthing about ”nationalist mobs etc”.
Lesley-Anne I agree wholeheartedly, hence my hope people from Yes Kirkcaldy go to the court and take notes.
I don’t think any names should be posted until it is in the public domain. The chap is only going to get a minor fine or bound over in any case. He isn’t eggsactly a master criminal.
Jim Murphy is eggsactly the right person to represent the yolk of the nation.
@ Dcanmore
Yes, that’s the one. Someone has already spotted it since that’s its berth in Stranraer. I have no idea how long it has been there, but it was moored over this past weekend. It’s not as big as I would have expected, so I must assume that it does surveys in relatively inshore locations, but, then, again, I am no expert in these matters. But thanks for the picture.
In amongst all this fun and games and discussion about who Mr Egg man is or isn’t we must never lose sight of the proviso:
Innocent until proven guilty.
I know we all want Mr Egg man to be part of Murph the Smurph’s security team because we all know the high level of uncontrollable damage that would do not only to Murph the Smurph but also to the Better whatsits squad.
@Cameron B
Would keep it to yourself for now buddy.
CameronB Brodie says:
3 September, 2014 at 10:40 pm
James Caithness
I used to share a flat with Murphy’s egg-er, who’s case is going to trial. I’m uncertain of the law, but do you want to risk undermining the procedings with idle gossip on the web?
After the 18th it becomes irrelevant. So yes if it proves he’s one of Murph’s team get it out there. A lot of undecided’s are reading things on the web.
It would be wrong to mention the guy’s name but if the Smurph was full of it tonight on the BBC I don’t think he will be connected – easily – to the egg thrower
Yer yoking?
Sorry James if I was a bit up-tight. 😉
As tight as. 🙂
I’ve been using pdfs and a printed copy of wee blue book at work. Today I emailed a pdf to an ‘undecided moving to Yes’ colleague. She started reading it and came over to me to say how good it was. She told me she’d already forwarded a copy to her husband to read 🙂
A little off topic but my favourite whisky reviewer Ralphy (ralphy.com) has tonight in his latest blog come down on the yes side and praises Wings for combating the disinformation disseminated by BT and the MSM. A large glass of malt now being enjoyed.
Was hoping someone would ask ‘Mr Murphy, do you personally know the person who egged you?’
Bella who I profoundly disagree with, was shrewd and competent as usual, but got caught out more than once.
Nicola did well, but missed the point that 3/4 of the funding for research does not come from the UK government.
Other points on that issue which are relevant is that Scotland educates more than its pro rata share of university students, about 10% more, so on that basis research funding is not that disproportionate anyway.
Research funding is based on performance and results and Scottish universities have the highest start-up roll out ratio in the World, significantly higher than the rUK. That is the kind of thing which attracts funding.
Scotland also has the highest pro rata number of top universities in the World, and despite having a tiny percentage of the World’s universities, 1 in every 50 citations, on average, in academic papers worldwide are for papers produced by Scottish universities. At least that was the case about 5 years ago, last time I checked.
Soutar, not brilliant, but held his own. Certainly easily better than oor other ex bus driver.
I think the YES southside is maybe ultra-cautious. The WBB is free but it was funded, so calculations about funding would be THEIR funding plus the funding that supplied the WBB
I think
Also it’s round the corner from Nicola Sturgeon’s office so maybe another reason for being hypercautious about such things
We’re not here to win eggs or put eggers in jail. We have a referendum to win.
The egger on is old news, we can put it to bed. Deflection.
My WBBs going like snow off a dyke here in Glasgow city centre. People can’t get enough of them–some want several copies to help convince undecided friends/family. Magic. All being told to PASS IT ALONG.
Very interesting piece in The Guardian by George Monbiot
link to theguardian.com
BBc trying to do their bit for their lords and governors tonight, the jim Murphy show is followed by a puff piece on Scotland 2014 with Dougie Alexander and the world of Labour. if Scotland got richer wouldn’t that make our neighbours poorer? Yes that gives you an idea of how balanced his thinking is. Vote no so we can give your oil money to the poor people like in Liverpool. It’s the Labour thing to do you know. It was predicted a run on the pound might mean that rUK had to come out in favor of a currency union while they still have one.
O/T my second most bitterly opposed No voter friend has voted Yes. We are well on the way to winning if we keep up the pressure till the 18th. People are making up their minds and the relentless negative shite is helping to win over the 50/50s and even to my astonishment people I thought were committed Nos
I see Scotland2014 has given up any pretence of impartiality , Hamza constantly interrupted and wee Dougie given free reign…. BBC , you are paid for by just as many Yes voters , lets have some respect you bunch of arrogant arseholes.
Personally I think the egg man a triviality, a distraction to get us prattling on about that and not the critical issues of independence.
The egg incident is the kind that gets oor wee buttoned up Scottish kirk hot and bothered about a ‘loss of civility.’
They would be admired if they stood up to say vote Yes!
But you miss the point, LA. Eggman is arrested because he was identified on film. He cannot be innocent.
The only question is why he ‘patted’- not threw – patted an egg onto the shoulder of Murphy.
Angry folk throw eggs at politicians.
When they were talking about higher education fees in tonight’s debate, it is a pity that nobody mentioned his NINE-YEAR stint at Strathclyde University, from which he emerged with nothing to his name. And who funded this professional student then? The benevolent Scottish taxpayer!
Another great Ad fantastic. I meant to do one with the book with my 2d animation (flying towards you then stopping in the book position and the flip over a couple of pages but never got started yet and your’s is so much better and even more professional looking than your past efforts.
Straight into the window loop tomorrow.
CameronB Brodie says:
3 September, 2014 at 10:49 pm
Yer yoking?
Sorry James if I was a bit up-tight.
No Cameron you are not uptight. You want the same as me and the most of the people living in Scotland.
We’re countrymen.
This Guardian thread is weird, most people are talking as if it is a Yes vote in the offing. 🙂
link to theguardian.com
O/T – There has been a lot of rumours regarding a panelbase poll showing a yes lead. Alex Salmond is due to Edit the Daily Record on Friday. Will this be how its released?
I actually agree with you Grouse about this whole egg man thingy but it has caused a wee bit of fun for us, at least I think so anyway. 😉
I know eggman was identified via mobile phone footage Grouse but I think under the law he is still considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We all know he is guilty but until he has been found such in a court of law I think it best we restrain ourselves. After a guilt verdict is provided then I guess we can give full pelt about him, if we can be bothered that is. 😛
Sorry, O/T but there is a programme on just now in the ‘Look North’ BBC area that is BEYOND dire.
I should have added it’s called ‘Scotland and Us’.
Are you interested in helping out with the Glasgow count?
I urge everyone to hold their noses and read Alan Cochrane’s last few “pieces” for The Telegraph. I think he’s finally gone mad. Just a series of bile-filled, hysterical Salmond attacks. Can smell the fear. WE ARE WINNING
If it were me Laukat I’d sit on that information for a wee while yet. I think someone else suggested the same earlier on another thread. If this were true and we could sit on it until say 16th or 17th then that would give the Better whatsits squad next to no time to counter the unimaginable effect this news will have on the electorate, particularly anyone who is still undecided. 😛
Gemma Doyle on Scotland tonight – the big bad world is too scary for us to go out without our big brother down south. And we would have to wait to join NATO. And we would have a smaller navy than what we currently have! And that man hanging around the street with the trenchcoat and the fishy look has been looking at us strange!
Do these people even have a basic comprehension of what they are saying? That it is better to do nothing and let someone else tell us what do. I am so looking forward to watching them to themselves to pieces when the SLAB ‘A’ team come back from London demanding the same troughing privileges.
Alex Salmond is due to Edit the Daily Record on Friday.
Thanks Chic. I’m a tad disappointed there has only been 9,000 views. It needs to be circulated far and wide, and doesn’t cost a thing to do so.. here’s hoping this wee nudge will see the numbers increase.
Chic: the Unionists keep pushing the “13% of competitive research funding for 8.4% of the population” line. Heard that oaf Michael Kelly going on about it on the radio the other day. Also Pennington.
However, Scotland only receives around 10.6% of total RCUK spending and we pay a greater share of tax than the UK average. As a result, the gap between funding received and tax input is nowhere near as wide as the Unionists imply. This is because most of the big capital projects are down south as is the bulk of research council bureaucracy. Consequently, a large amount of the “core” spend benefits England and not Scotland. Our Universities do well in competition for grants.
Only in this “debate” would having successful Universities be seen as a negative. It’s the oil all over again….
LA: innocent until proven guily in a court of law.
I have on at least three occasions got verbally attacked in the street, a breach of the peace. The police tell me it was recorded as an incident but too minor an offence to crowd the courts. Even when the attacker was taken to the police office he was allowed out again without as much as a caution.
The real question here is, if that’s the current principle in practise to lessen the courts of too many cases, why are we paying taxes for an egg thrower to have a trial?
@Lesley-Anne – I don’t see that they can sit on it very much longer or else the fieldwork dates will render it useless and the suspicion will grow that they are hiding it for negative reasons. Also Mike Smitheson at political betting is saying he’s expecting one on Friday.
Maybe the better way is to give it to the Sun on the same day Salmond is editing the Record. That way you get both papers running pro-indy stories on the same day and maximum impact?
just picked that up else where, what they have no yes vote plan B?
You deserve a pat on the back, but we are feeling the surge in support and, by the way, we have not received our Wee Blue Books yet!
HandandShrimp says:
Alex Salmond is due to Edit the Daily Record on Friday.
Aye he is HaS, Darling has *ahem* guest edited tomorrow’s edition. You would NEVER in a MILLION years believe what the Daily Record’s front page has on it! 😛
The eggman is important. For one thing if it isn’t somebody who is involved with the Yes campaign then the days of BBC coverage become a smear. If he has to talk in court then we get to know why. His actions do not follow the regular actions of a protester and either there’s nothing new to learn or a whole can of worms. Open court is the last place black arts people like to find themselves in. He has to give a name and address too whether or not the media report it.
Well worth some people with notebooks attending.
balaaargh says:
3 September, 2014 at 11:08 pm
Gemma Doyle on Scotland tonight
Is she the one from Father Ted?
Lesley Anne
Darling dressed as an omelette?
Lesley-Anne you are right. nuff said about egger.
I would now like to make a point. I just can’t see the majority of folks stepping into the booth and voting against independence. It would be like me considering to vote tory. I would start shaking, Stars would flash before my eyes, I would feel faint, and probably black-out.
It would seem, somewhat bizarrely, that the very real possibility of a Yes vote has alarmed Westminster and the press and the markets. You wouldn’t want to put these people in charge of a country….oh wait.
Good grief!
Why are you telling me to fuck off?
I’m disappointed we won’t get it through all the doors, is that justification and invitation for you, whoever you are, to immediately turn to abuse and telling me to leave? How completely pathetic, this place was supposed to hold itself above such pettiness.
To the others, yes I know the PDF has been available I read this place daily like most of you. The point I was making is this could have been a killer if it had the opportunity of going through every door in Scotland. I hope we can get it to those who need it the most instead.
O/T Paul @weegingerdug has tweeted that his partner Andy passed away today
I’m sure many Wingers will wish to send him messages of condolence and support…
link to weegingerdug.wordpress.com
I wish I had an answer for you on that question Grouse. I can only guess that he has opted for court trial in the hope that he had not been caught on video and would therefore be able to get away Scot free so to speak. To be honest you’d need to speak to a lawyer to get to the bottom of why some get a caution and others go to trial.
I must admit Laukat I do like that idea, TWO newspapers coming out, sorry about the pun, on Friday with PRO YES editions. 😛
That Guardian story archived.
Postponing the 2015 GE election. They are really worried!
Loved the bit about
Supporters of an election delay say that the most pressing task facing the UK government after a Yes vote would be to negotiate the break up of the UK with the Scottish government. Alistair Carmichael, the Lib Dem Scotland secretary, has said that Scottish MPs could not be members of the UK negotiating team. That would exclude three members of Miliband’s proposed cabinet – Douglas Alexander, Jim Murphy and Margaret Curran.
Aye right! 🙂
I like the WBB advert! Got that on Twitter now. Nice way to flash around a WBB digitally. 🙂
PS Everything arrived safe from your good self, thanks. I’ll be using that patch on something soon. Possibly for whatever I’m wearing on the big count day! 🙂
Thank you Kendomacaroonbar can now share outwards 🙂
you couldn’t make it up.
divine comedy.
they want to stop us voting in the 2015ge, i wonder why?
Are the English population ever subjected to their whole evening being filled with meaningless Scottish ‘friendly’ football matches on TV?
And if they were, what d’you think their reaction might be?
A) great stuff, I love watching the plucky Scotch
B) I prefer cricket and warm beer
C) what the fuck is this shite?
D) they think it’s all over …
And it will be.
Woo Hoo
I was forwarded an email for Vote NoB orders today. It is a publicity shot for a new song that they hope to make number one for referendum day. No doubt all of their “cough” grassroots supporters will buy in their thousands.
But thats not the best bit. Here is a quote direct from their email. Honest it isn’t a spoof.
Have you pre-ordered yet? Last week we shared news of the launch of the song “Why Build Another Wall?” We hope the words and music, based on the chord sequence of Auld Lang Syne, resonate with you.
Auld Lang Syne was written by Robbie Burns, himself a staunch Unionist. It’s a song that looks back on old times with a childhood friend, and seeks to rekindle the past with a handshake and a goodwill drink.”
Good Eh. So Robert Burns was a staunch unionist. Who knew?
Just read some really sad news on Twitter that Wee Ginger Dug’s partner passed away this morning.
Those of us who have met Wee Ginger Dug (and those of us who haven’t) know that WGD has been a real inspiration & his love for Andy was a lesson to us all.
I’m sure we would all like to offer our respects to WGD at this time.
if you are reading Paul, when you are ready, we are here for you.
no point voting in the GE… we will have won , and the gov will be whatever the SE of England want….. as usual.
HandandShrimp says:
Lesley Anne
Darling dressed as an omelette?
Come on HaS THAT would be too easy a front page for you to guess. 😉
What am I like? Don’t answer that. Feeding the bairn 11 months (not mine)got distracted. Guardian story.
link to archive.today
Kininvie – so sad to hear about Andy. Paul’s frequently written of the support that he gets from his family and friends, who I’m sure are rallying round. If you see him, please give him a hug from me.
I never watched the debate the night – was wondering if anyone asked Jim if he has refused his salary while he has been on his wee tour of Scotland? He is paid handsomely to do a job as an MP with extra on top as a shadow cabinet minister.
Like ‘ex politician’ Brown and Fozzie Carmichael the 3 of them represent exactly what we need to move away from: politicians who think they are owed a living when they are meant to be public servants.
If I absconded myself from my job for a prolonged leave of absence (like Murphy), gave up my job only to clock in every blue moon (like Brown) or instead of performing my duties and responsibilities to my firm spent my entire working week attacking said firm like Carmichael I would get the sack.
Holyrood deserves better than to become the retirement village for these spongers. The labour voters, be they yes or no deserve more from their politicians. And East Renfrewshire deserves a full time MP while we still have such a thing.
@Bob Sinclair
Oh dear I am so sorry to hear that
Reviewing Scottish papers?
@Bob Sinclair this is the saddest news. Few of us have been lucky enough to meet Paul in person or know Andy but they have become part of our story. I hope we can honour them both on the 18th September.
Took 20 WBB’s offshore (taxi driver got one as well).
Distributed on the first day. All have passed it on or have a friend,cousin,aunt etc to tackle post crew change day.
I could have shifted more but my rig bag weight was touch and go already 😀
Well done to all who helped to distribute/ print/ fund etc
I have on received positive comments on content,layout, quality, good size, easy read etc,etc
I still have a few of the WOS Flyers on ebay folks
how about 70 flyers + 30 wbb business cards
also do people want business cards if they can’t get books?
should I get some printed?
can’t do it tonight – but will put them on tomorrow if people want
must go sleep – need sleep 🙂
I have never saw a post of yours before yet you posted 3 of the first 7 on this thread.
That bothered me.
@laukat says:
O/T – There has been a lot of rumours regarding a panelbase poll showing a yes lead.
Apparently YES Scotland denied this on twitter.
“it’s rumour, and it’s not true.”
Shame – but it certainly feels like its getting closer.
Even if we never get a YES lead going into referendum day..
I would hope that that the chance to make history will put us over the finish line when people actually see that ballot paper in front of them.
HandandShrimp 9.16pm. There is a supply of WBBs in Yes Largs shop. They are allocated to canvassers who are giving them to don’t knows and soft Nos.
Any wingers wishing to help deliver aforesaid WBBs – meet at Yes Largs shop tomorrow at 6.45pm.
The more the merrier!
Paul you are in my heart and the heart of scotland in this time
hugs, there are no words
Very sad to hear of Paul “Wee Ginger Dug`s” partner Andy passing away.
Very sad news indeed.
Paul you are in my thoughts tonight my deepest condolences and don’t worry we are all working flat out in own individual ways to ensure that come 19th you will NOT be disappointed.
The advice for keeping The Proclaimer’s Cap In Hand @ No.1 is NOT to buy the re-mastered edition but to buy the original version here:
link to amazon.co.uk
Buying the re-mastered version basically dilutes the sales.
The WBB is already being passed on.My neighbour received one tonight.Unfortunately she’s already a diehard YES,told her to give it to someone wavering.
Sorry to hear about Paul’s partner also. Take care Paul.
If your kitbag weight was too much,may I suggest one pair of everything and two deodorants.
Perhaps a pack of sorry cards on the next tour as well.
@Bob Sinclair If Devwreaux means Devereux – Yes 🙂
I couldn’t care less if that bothered you and that still doesn’t really justify in telling someone to fuck off like that, it’s not your website and I’m not here for you to abuse for contributing because you don’t pay very much attention and haven’t seen me before. I just pray that you haven’t been roped into any canvassing, which I do, proudly with my Wings.
This is a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
Namely, Douglas Alexander’s freebee interview tonight on Scotland 2014.
Followed by a two NOs, Alexander and Sarah Smith against one YES, Humza Yousaf, discussion.
With Alexander being allowed to say his piece uninterrupted, followed by Yousaf being continually interrupted by the pair of them.
How can that be called fair?
For all those who have gone before,we do this for you,for us and those to come after.
A light can only be dimmed if no one cares for it.
link to theporridge.co.uk 🙂
I think the answer to your question JWil is in the channel you were watching … BBC! They do fairness in the same way as 11 versus 1 at football is fair! 😛
Sad news indeed. Paul has been a hero during this campaign – will be thinking of him in the days to come.
Pierre says:
A little off topic but my favourite whisky reviewer Ralphy (ralphy.com) has tonight in his latest blog come down on the yes side and praises Wings for combating the disinformation disseminated by BT and the MSM.
Pierre – that would be Ralfy.com
Wings gets a mention at 12:00 in his latest video.
His observation about print media at 9:00 is interesting – when people stop buying newspapers they will give them away for free – as the propaganda element is so important.
This happened in Israel where Sheldon Adelson’s free newspaper now has the largest circulation.
Rumour reaches me tonight that the RMT union have voted to endorse a YES vote in the Scottish Independence referendum!,
Can we expect a statement from NATO from its Welsh conference with another undermining of an Independent Scotland’s shaky position on NATO membership?
I am sure Cameron will be working on someone to send us another damning message.
That would be the beebs Border debate(not available on iplayer till tomorrow).
Were you not at that beeb gig?
Hang on boys – the lady with sharp heels is here, Gallowglass and Thepnr, can we have some peace love and understanding please – I don’t want to have to chastise anyone.
If that rumour turns out to be FACT Highseastim then we have definitively won this referendum. The RMT is one of the biggest unions in the U.K. if not THE biggest. 😉
(telling a lie actually I love delivering a bit of punishment)
No I didn’t go goldenayr, both my partner and I were at the point of “I’m sick of all this negativity.” We just wanted a wee break from stuff like that. We still went to our YES meetings and attended our stalls as usual but going to something like that we decided to give it a miss.
Paranoia is infective, I’ve read your first 3 posts again and they are tame. I apologise now for telling you to fuck off.
My hackles got up when you appeared to hijack the thread and apart from the first the next two were not on topic.
I hope you can accept this apology for my error.
Lesley-Anne the RMT is not one of the biggest unions in the country, but it is definitely the fastest growing!,
Do you know how they caught the eggman?
@JWil, I agree, that was truly biased but fortunately for the YES campaign their propaganda is TOO obvious and a poodle could see through it.
Thanks for that highseas. I just seem to remember it is usually one of the unions that has been a regular *ahem* star of news reports over recent years for a variety of reasons but usually to do with London underground strikes etc.
Good on you Thep. We’re all on the same side. I’m sure Gallow can see where your’e coming from. A simple misunderstanding which you’ve explained.
I’m getting good vibes having traveled across Scotland over the last few weeks.
I do have to add that my daughter did in fact say “How appropriate” when she saw the NO signs on the tip near Glasgow as we drove past it.
Don’t blame you.Listened to the review on Referendum Tonight on Radio Scotland and it seemed pretty positive towards YES however.
Might be worth a watch tomorrow.
Threpner honey, before I go to bed (on my own alas) xx
I have no idea caz. My solitary brain cell is doing somersaults at the moment trying to think of a suitable egg-scuse but it’s coming up scrambled at the moment. 😛
If I remember I’ll try and give it a wee viewing goldenayr. See how long it lasts before the air turns blue in the living room. 😛
Hello Jean MacKenzie and anyone else from Glasgow Southside looking for the WBB. If you go to Govan Cross on Saturday, the RIC stall will have them. Try about 11am.
@ caz-m says.
Do you know how they caught the egg man”
Does that have a punchline Caz?
Lesley-Anne RMT was the National Union of Railwaymen, but has in recent times merged with the National Union of Seamen and the OILC(offshore workers), it also now incorporates bus drivers and taxi firms(mainly London), currently over 80,000 members.
Is Gemma Doyle the real patronising bt lady?
That’s was what I was thinking Gerry. I’m waiting for caz to come with something like the case was cracked by an egged on team of hard shelled investigators. 😛
I hear Jackie Bird ruffled a few feathers and the eggman fell into her clutch.
I thought it was the railway men and seamen highseas. I knew about it including the bus drivers, having driven a bus in London for a few years, I was not aware that it also included the offshore oil workers though. 😉
@turnbull drier
Thanks TD!
Just as well no one is allergic to eggs round here at the moment with all these egg-citing egg puns going on! 😛
As well as the BBC debate, Tommy Sheridan was speaking in Aberdeen tonight as well. Not just a packed out hall with standing room only (a good 300 people at least), the start of the meeting was held up while he addressed another 100 odd on the lawn across from the hall who couldn’t get in. Crowd seemed to mainly be ordinary working people of the sort who rarely engage in politics, but everyone left totally fired up to pass on the YES message. WBB available at end of meeting – people knew exactly what it was, and were discussing how they would use it and who they would pass it on to.
The Yes campaign is winning on almost every front. It has delivered more leaflets, put up more posters, set up more stalls and knocked on more doors. This seems to support the Economist’s recent contention that while the No campaign has a capable leader, plenty of money and support from business, it has few of the enthusiastic activists fuelling the SNP.
Good news in general but totally delusional about No’s leadership, etc.. Could have done without the yawn at the end there, as well. And what about the title. Weren’t they listening to Police Scotland, or is it that they’re just don’t fall under PS’s jurisdiction?
link to newstatesman.com
Bravo to all and from currently afar may i offer a hearty thanks to Kendomacaroonbar his great work and for dropping 100 copies at my house ehile i was out of town. I only had a short time at home but managed to get them passed on with a happy man in YES Cathcart saying ‘I know where they are going RIGHT AWAY!’
Ahem! egg man asked a policeman to help him cross the road?
Naw I didn’t think so.
RMT possibly backing a YES is another straw on the camels back. Found this on Scottish Branch site.
link to rmt.org.uk
Sorry… im a little tipsy on a school night. But, amazing night at the Oran Mor for the Bella do… and Lady Alba stuns us with this… link to youtube.com
…also 3 out of 3 taxi drivers for Yes thoughout my working and socialising day canny be bad. 🙂
Different YES! it’s for their political funding.
Too early in morning and Murray Tennis well behind schedule can’t make 2:30hrs start.
We handed out dozens in Falkirk in the last week (another place not beginning with the letter S) Very well received.
Everyone without exception loved it and we asked that as soon as they could pass it on to another undecided. I met a guy tonight that I had given one to on Saturday.His whole family (five) were undecided. They all sat down on Saturday and for three hours discussed the pros & cons referring to the WBB. Result Five for’s ! Fantastic ! but better still they passed it on to their neighbours after telling them what they had done three more!. First family attended an public meeting on Tuesday night with Alex Salmond as speaker.He joked that it was the first time they had went out as a family for years and tonight they are asking for Posters as large as possible for them and their neighbours
“I would love some WBBs for our Yes Shop (although someone else may have already ordered them…I am not the only Wings peep here) are there any heading North Ayrshire way?”
What shop are you at? The Largs shop received some on Tuesday afternoon.
Great news.
Been saying this to all in the YES campaign for awhile.The point is not to argue but to normalise.
The people working in the offices are too busy collating figures and organising canvassing areas to realise that the real message and movement are us,the groundtroops,their family and friends.
We are the powerhouse of this movement.
For every car sticker,we’ve won.
For every window poster,we’ve won.
For every badge/wristband,we’ve won.
Yes,there are nox signs out there but they’re on bits of land owned by one person covering large areas.Look around them at the YES signs.
Normalise it,don’t argue it.
Where are the comparative numbers?
call me dave
2:30Z,too early?
Too late for me.
I agree with Jethro, many No Thanks banners in my rural area. Can’t drive to work without seeing at least five.
All the same though they are in fields owned by the big landowners. So what’s new, bugger all.
We will create the new once we vote Yes.
Love this phrase..
‘On September 18th Scotland will finally have the most important veto power of all.. the chance to veto Westminster’.
I’ll drink to that!!
Love this..
‘On September 18th Scotland will finally get the most important veto of all.. the chance to veto Westminster’
I’ll drink to that!!
Tip top
I’m seeing the Slab faithful fizzing on fb
“How does a former video game reviewer living in Bath become the font of all knowledge on Scottish Independence?”
“Another SNP tactic”
Of course I’d rather they actually read the site or WBB and had some sort of epiphany but it’s kind of fun seeing them react like fundamentalists demonstrating against a play/film/book that they haven’t actually seen. Or Alistair’s speed reading.
What a fantastic story biggpolmont. If anyone needed confirmation of the power that the WBB has then your wee story tonight is it. I hasten to add that no one who regularly posts here does for one second underestimate the power of the WBB. 😉
Well done biggpolmont, and an extra large WELL DONE to Stu without whose endless levels of energy we would never be in the position we currently are. 😛
link to theguardian.com
Westminster Tory MP’s have just woken up to the possibility of a Yes result in the referendum.
They are proposing a postponement to the 2015 General Election.
I think we are about to witness a major cafuffle in the Westminster Bubble – and probably beyond.
They really haven’t been paying attention.
eggs have cracked and we ar poking our wee beaks through, another week and well be out the shell.
I wonder what terrible calamity BT has in store for the next week?
Isn’t jealousy a beautiful thing when viewed from afar a2? 😛
The voices of doom and gloom are so full of hatred for supporters of YES that they are seething 24/7 and no doubt end up having endless sleepless nights, nightmares and gawd knows what else. WE on the other hand go to bed, sleep soundly and have nothing but the most beautiful of beautiful dreams. 😛
The thing about Westminster manandboy is that they have been so cocky of NO winning that they have never ever considered the slightest possibility that YES could win. Even when the polls started to close they ignored the warning signs. Now that we are, according to the latest poll, within a short step to victory they have hit the massive PANIC button in the vain hope that someone somewhere in the universe will come to their aid. No such luck. 😛
The no NATO agreement has just been blown out the water with the Estonia concord.
I hear tell the world’s press will descend upon us very soon.
While it will be a welcome boost to the Scottish economy,
and put Scotland at, or near, the top of the worldwide news agenda, I wonder how many of these people will actually have a clue about what has really been going on here these past two years. We all know the big stories, but in a media corrupt place like the UK, I do wonder if any truth will leave these shores.
I hear tell the world’s press will descend upon us very soon.
While it will be a welcome boost to the Scottish economy,
and put Scotland at, or near, the top of the worldwide news agenda, I wonder how many of these people will actually have a clue about what has really been going on here these past two years. We all know the big stories, but in a media corrupt place like the UK, I do wonder if any truth will actually leave these shores.
@ Brian McHugh at 12:45am
Well posted..
Lady Alba (the morning after)
Made me laugh and that’s how I imagine we will all feel on the 19th September.
Get in there!!!!!!!
I get the feeling you’re on the sauce as well as me.
The 5 live discussion right now is quite illuminating.
Not a station I normally tune into.
When the world’s media does descend upon our beautiful country after a Yes vote.. let’s tell them the truth and shame our media and lying politicians.. I can’t wait!!
That Guardian article reckons that Labour might be the largest party in a hung parliament (I have my doubts about that).
What was amusing , watching Sky’s paper review, they talked of Cameron visiting Scotland as a bad move. But reckoned that Milliband going to Scotland shortly would be ‘helpful’
They really have not got a clue that Milliband isn’t that popular in Scotland either
I think when the world’s press descends upon Scotland before, during and after the referendum vote on the 19th manandboy most, not necessarily all, will have the good sense to talk to people in the streets from both sides in equal measure something the MSM and BBC are totally incapable, for the most part, of doing.
Do you have somewhere up here to go on the 18th?
If you don’t…
Will McLeod donation sitting at $3913
Another grand and we will have added another important unbiased player to our team!
If you haven’t heard it please go on YouTube and listen to ‘Stanley Odd – Son I Voted Yes’
Pure class!!!
Wee lump in my throat.
Stevie boy
Where is Milliband?
Didn’t he say he was going to stay in Scotland for the last few weeks before the referendum?
Not sure if you’ve seen it but American radio reporter is trying to get over here to report on our referendum. He had an outside take on an American station and reported it spot on and unbiased.
Wingers have asked him to come over and he needs about $5000 donated to cover his costs. Sitting at $3913 so far due to readers donating.
Stevie boy
Is this who you’re talking about?
link to twitter.com
What is going on with Facebook? Myself and others have had pro indy posts removed from our timelines with no mention that they have been removed. One of the videos removed was the Iain Grey oil fund video. Has anyone else experienced this?
Stevie boy… thanks mate. With regards to getting Will McLeod over the finish line…. please… please… please everyone do what you can. As I have said before… It is so important (whatever the result), that the whole world gets an accurate picture of what happened in Scotland…
…if only one side tell the story, then the story will only be told by that one side.
Please get Will over… link to gofundme.com
Stevie boy
Fech aff.
You want Arseholes United.
link to ukip.org
Or you can go straight to the source of all evil and secure yourself some dosh.
link to teaparty.org
I don’t know about Milliband staying for the last couple of weeks in Scotland Rock but I’m, pretty sure Cameron said that he would be up here for the final lead up to the big vote. Keep coming up for your wee *ahem* visits Dave we just LOVE your wee visits, so much so that we are building such a head of steam now that your next visit is most likely to be your last to a Scotland that is part of the U.K., soon to become r.U.K. 😉
I love this wee headline on the bottom of the Financial Times.
Scottish Tory boosts no campaign with claim Cameron will lose No 10
Add this headline to the headline in the Telegraph which is apparently something to do with Goldman Sachs carrying some sort of grudge and methinks them thar unionists Dan Suff are bricking it, BIG style. 😛
Yeah that’s the very chap.
Brian McHugh has kindly put the link on (sorry I wasn’t sure how to do it).
I keep posting it on here now and then so different readers may see it a and donate if they can.
Thanks Brian McHugh.
We need to keep demand for the WBB constantly higher than the supply (it is, but we need to keep it that way). It needs to have rarity value – it needs to be something people are prepared to queue for hours to get….
So can as many people as possible push out Kendo’s great trailer on any social media they use, please, with tags such as; ‘Coming to a street stall near you.’ ‘Dont miss out’ – or whatever strikes your fancy, providing it is enticing.
Here’s the trailer:
link to youtube.com
Goldenayr… you are trying to compare apples with oranges. When you get old like me, simple black and white melts into a grayish thingumy.
…and thats not a bad thing.
Brian McHugh
Always ignored your posts,now I know why.
Why are you being like this?
I thought we are all here for the same cause?!?
And another thing:
My wife said: ‘That Wee Blue Book is like a holy relic. People won’t necessarily read it – but touching it or possessing it will give them the permission they need to vote Yes.’
I wasn’t really listening at the time – but subsequently I’m wondering if she’s not onto something quite profound there.
May I be the first to suggest that “Brian McHugh” be barred?
And not just for the fact that he can’t spell McHugh.
[Honouring Stu’s rules about not feeding Trolls.]
Stevie boy
I eat trolls.
Mr McHugh can stay and YOU go!!!
@Alan Mackintosh
Thank you, that’s helpful, although when I mentioned it in other places, nothing like that happened. I am in Campbeltown, Kintyre.
Just catching up on Scotland 2014.. Douglas Alexander and Sarah Smith ganging up on Humza Yousaf.
Disgusting!! Sarah Smith you are a shocking disgrace.
Stevie boy
What happened to your cause “Will McLeod” and his “fundraising” activities?
@Alan Mackintosh
Thanks, that’s helpful, although having done just that in other places, no such thing hapened. I am in Campbeltown, Kintyre.
Stevie boy says:
“Just catching up on Scotland 2014.. Douglas Alexander and Sarah Smith ganging up on Humza Yousaf.
Disgusting!! Sarah Smith you are a shocking disgrace”
Nice try but you’re busted.
Not just my ’cause’ but 133 other readers etc have also donated.
Feel free to annoy anyone else that will listen but I’m off to bed.
What are you even talking about?
What an arsehole!!
Stevie boy
Then I’ve stopped another 133 being conned thinking they’re helping.
You are the lowest of the low and the reason we want away from the con merchants in Westminster.
You haven’t a clue!!!
Rude to me just like you were to Brian McHugh who said said nothing wrong.
Not gonna waste anymore time on you. There’s no place for folk like you on here so piss off!
Time to explain.
“Will McLeod”(sic) is looking for $5000 to come here and explain to us why we need to restore our nation.
Stevie boy and Brian Mchugh are the plaintive voices,compelling you to do something good.
Folks,don’t be conned by heartless fuckwits.
Goldenayr you’re a complete tosser!!!
I didn’t start the Will McLeod donation appeal but I know where it originated from and any help we can get is better than none (which you seem to think).
You don’t need to be so rude in the first place. I’m looking to do anything so we win. I’ve been on here for weeks and EVERYONE has been decent and respectful.. except YOU!
I bet you haven’t even bothered listening to his take on it.
Good night.
Bill Leckie–The Sun
two page spread why he switched NO to YES
well worth a read
his son put the positive case over
doesn’t care what currency we use
bfh–shows you how unionists saying no currency union was a huge mistake
Stevie boy
Yeah,we really need some fuckwit we’ve never heard of telling us how to live.
Not only are you busted,your continued defence puts you into the superleague of thick.
See you haven’t a clue.. he isn’t coming to tell us how to live!!
Go and do some research and get your facts right before you start spouting off a load of pish!!
bookie from hell
If they don’t share then their economy crumbles.
Never mind the fact that it’s our pound as well.The markets have already reacted to the last poll.They know the pound is underwritten by oil.
No oil,no security,no faith…pound worthless.
Stop scaremongering.
What happened to the snap poll promised after the STV debate on Tuesday? Not seen anything about it.
The polls have all gone mysteriously quiet, i wonder why? haha.
Stevie boy
Stevie boy
Bad time for a DOS attack.
Anyhoos,so he doesn’t want to pontificate?
All he needs is dosh?
Bookie from hell
Who is this extremely rude Goldenayr arsehole??
He’s already insulted myself and another Winger.. and now yourself. What a knob!!
Stevie boy
Give it up.
Point of Interest.
Seems when I reply to “Stevie boy”.The server comes back with duplicate comment.
goldenayr has a high opinion of himself,not much respect for other posters
point out to me where I scaremongered
The poll was published and it favoured yes.
Do you have another insight?
bookie from hell
Poor grammar and distraction accounts for my faux pas.
Check out my earlier posts saying exactly the same as you.
Yeah it probably would come back to you as ‘duplicate comment’ as you keep slabbering the same crap!
Just a very rude person!!!
Stevie boy
At least I’m not a con artiste.
Careful or you’ll be next for some disrespectful comments from Goldenayr.. hes on a role tonight!
Stevie boy
Are you the new incarnation of the travelling show?
Except it’s not a village you fleece but a world?
What utter pish!!
Good night h_johhny and bookie from hell.
Goldenayr… fuck you!!!
Stevie boy
Oichde Mhath chookie.
Bloody ridiculous time for an andy murray match.
Anyone got the idea that he wasn’t worried about Wimbledon anymore because the US open was closer to the ref?
Murphy getting booed again. A complete liar, like most of Westminster feathering their nests on lies and corruption. Murphy, Darling, Brown etc will not even have a vote in tbe Referendum. They live in London.
There will not be a black hole in Scotland finances. Scotland will be £6Billion+ better off. The £3Billion+ (average) surplus which goes to Wedtminster. A tax on ‘loss leading’ cheap alcohol £1.5Billion and the £1.5Billion (average) saved on Trident/illegal wars and redundant weapons. = £6Billion+ Also Scotland Defence force will be based in Scotland not elsewhere adding to the economy.
There is a £4Billion fall in Oil revenues because of Wedtminster policies. Alexander/Osbourne increased the Oil tax 11% (£2Billion) a year in 2011 Budget, now up to 90% and lost Scotland £4Billion a year. The Oil companies cut production in the North Sea. Drilled less bore holes.
Westminster crooks have ruined the Scottish economy. Most of Westminster should be in jail. Obama and Cameron are the most unpopular popular politicians in the world.
Many people are voting for Independence so they never have to set eyes on Murphy, Darling, Brown, Cameron, Osbourne, Clegg, Alexanders, Fradge or any of the Unionists again. Or the vacant coupons, Curran, Lamont, Dugdale, Davidson or Bella (voted out). Or the HoL troughers.
Andy Murray a world legend. A top class, remarkable international sportsperson.
Sometimes I am glad I have slept all the way some nights.
Last night was one of them.
What a storm in a bloody eggcup.
Some of you should be waking up with hangovers, I hope.
off topic but if you sheeple actually had an original thought you might have noticed that if we have to keep trident for say 4 years will NATO seriously kick us out after independence ? It’s been a while.
“With just under three weeks to go the referendum and the polls tightening by the day Sir Nick seemed thoroughly confused over whether Westminster is planning for a Yes vote claiming they have contingency plans for contingency plans, only for Downing Street to say there are no contingency plans.
Does ‘Yes, minister’ not come to mind here?
Gone through this entire post and made 4 posts on wee blue book Facebook page link to facebook.com on where to get a copy of the wee blue book.
But guys, as the Rev says, if you’re commenting here about a few/some/lots of wee blue books available then please also take the time to post a wee note on the Facebook page too. Lots of people just looking for a few to turn around some undecideds they know.
Sir Nick is another landowning, tax evading trougher, who can’t count.
Cameron is an alcoholic, too much red wine on the expense account. Like the rest of the troughing gluttons. Gluttons waiting for punishment.
Alcoholics make poor judgements.
Two weeks to go.
Count down
Give it lardy, to the tubs of lard at Westminster. Pay back time.
Looks like a big front page NO Thanx in the Daily Rancid this morning. That’s it then, save the labour party at all costs and who cares if Tories get elected every general election to come.They really are a vile Tory supporting rag as well. friggin fuming. Thought they might have stayed neutral.
Let it rot with their Labour pals.
BED TIME Andy Murray out of the US open 🙁
OT Please people can we rally round and help with this?
“The metropolitan police have appealed to the general public for their help in tracking down the Westminster collection of “Don’t Panic” posters which have gone missing over the last few days.”
Sad news over on WGD panda.
Limited drug testing in tennis. A Spanish clinic was supplying tennis players and cyclists with enhanced performance drugs. Enlarged pupils, extra aggression, obsessive behaviour, etc.
Jeanne from women for independence on GMS earlier talking about why labour voters are voting yes. She is a brilliant speaker. Ed (brother of David) on after 8 a.m. I’ll withhold my judgement until I hear what words of wisdom he has to share. I bet “bets of both worlds” and “solidarity” will feature largely.
I have found it to be a really useful toll for face to face campaigning on street stalls etc. Helped to crystalise my campaigning, making it more efficient. I love to quote Jim Sillars – the one o the inside front cover. Seems to cut through the “Will I be £300 a year better off?” question. Makes folk think.
link to nairnyes.wordpress.com
Interesting article here:
Especially the bit about where BT gets its campaign ideas.
“about Better Together’s strategy and reliance on focus groups to gauge public opinion and tailor its messages”
At a church organized event I met a No man who opined that it was better in the days about 20 years ago (John Major time) when civil servants told the ministers what to do and not the other way around. I can tell you that several jaws dropped at that one (male and female).
Sorry – Useful *tool*. A keyboard moment…
Stephen Harper PM of Canada does’nt want to see a Independant Scotland,watch it Mr or it will cost Canada’s loss of land on Scottish soil,we can always put a wee ice cream shoppe / gift shoppe on that land, it might be small in size but profitable.
Think The Daily Rancid today has turned out to be an Alistair Darling special, with a Salmond to come later. Panic over.
Sephen Harper will not get re- elected without Scottish diaspora votes. Forced out of their homeland by Westminster policies. Neither will Obama or Abbot. They would be better minding their own business or losing office. Right wing apparatiks.. Banking crooks killing and starving people worldwide. Gluttons waiting for punishment.
What about the attacks on the poor and most vulnerable? What about the food banks. Tory bankers, criminal wasters.
Red Ed speaking on Bbc Scotland , yes labour lowered corperation Tax to lower child poverty & increase the minimum wage, aye it worked Ed, more zero hours contracts & more foodbanks. Better to interview ED the talking horse,it would make more sence than Ed the would be next PM of the rUK har har har har.
Daily Record Flipper Darling edition online has “Andy Crashes Out of New York” the miserable shits but only in the Scotland region.
Andy’s own site’s a tad different.
link to andymurray.com
Incredible athlete, UK’s greatest but ofcourse failures at the Record do have a referendum to steal from the people of Scotland.
Stephen Harper will not get re- elected without Scottish diaspora votes.
I can understand a leader voicing protest about a country at war or bombing another nation, but protesting about a country’s democratic plebiscite shows how much democracy has been whittled away over the decades to such an extent the premier of one nation demands a result in another that he prefers.
Project Fear are not knocked out yet by any means.
We are now entering what is the most dangerous period in the referendum for YES.
Westminster and their pack of loyal foot soldiers at the BBC and in the newspapers are only just waking up to the possibility that Scotland will vote YES.
So we should all be preparing for an unprecedented onslaught from them of even Bigger Lies and dirty tricks coupled with a nastiness and bile that is off the scale as they counter-attack to try and destroy the YES campaign in the two weeks left before voting.
Anent last night’s debate I wish we would nail this “deficit” nonsense.
The automatic response should be to point out that every country bar Norway has a deficit and that the UK deficit at about £100 billion is about 40 times per capita higher than Scotland’s and about the worst in the developed world.
Same with the very partial figures on public expenditure which do not include around a third of Government spending. Automatic response should be ” So after 300 years of a union you are telling us that we are reduced to the status of beggars?. Some benefit this union,eh?”
It should be made clear at all times that we do not seek independence so we can mismanage the Scottish economy the way the UK does. Figures are meaningless in that context
Marian 8.56am
I agree, we must stay focussed until the result has been declared.The stakes could not be any higher, the rUK is fighting for its very existance and anything is possible.
The gap between rich and poor widened under the last Labour government.
Davidson ‘political parties put it in a mandate and get voted on it’. The Unionist politicians put it in a mandate get elected and do the exact opposite. ConDems elected to protect NHS/Education and reduce the deficit. Did the exact opposite. Cut NHS/Education funding, cut taxes, targeted the most vulnerable, increased the debt and the food banks. The Unionists popilticians increased their wealth, by £Millions/Billions of public money, the Royal Mail sell off etc. The wealthiest increased their wealth 15% in the last year. Ie the one’s who caused the crash benefited. 5 people in the UK own more than 20% (1/5) of the population.
I reckon we’ll get an official Yes from The Sun at the start of next week.
Which means we will win as they have always been the newspaper that ‘follows the crowd’
Reminding everyone that they sold Royal Mail on the cheap, could be a good ploy.
Sinky says:
“The gap between rich and poor widened under the last Labour government.”
Exactly. London Labour sing from the same neo-Liberal song sheet as the Tories.
Labour pretends to be something it no longer is. When the English vote Tory then the know what they are doing and what they will get. When the daft Scots voted Labour, they didn’t seem to know what they were actually voting for!
This next 2 weeks mean war.
Yes side making great headway but the Westminster beast won’t lie down and accept defeat, they have far too much too lose. They don’t want to see the gravy boat sail off into the distance without a (dirty) fight. Prepare yourselves fellow Yesser’s.
This ain’t won yet.. we all need to double our efforts now.
Don’t let this amazing chance slip.. we are almost there!!!
Lesley Anne said last night that the Record Salmond special is tomorrow.
Goldman Sachs latest respectable financial institution to threaten Scottish democracy.
US bank Goldman Sachs has agreed to pay $550m (£356m) to settle civil fraud charges of misleading investors.
The charges concerned Goldman’s marketing of mortgage investments as the US housing market faltered.
US finance watchdog the Securities and Exchange Commission said it was the biggest fine for a bank in its history.
The UK’s Royal Bank of Scotland, which is now 84% owned by the UK taxpayer and lost about $840m in investments, will receive $100m compensation.
RBS has indicated that it may sue Goldman for the rest of the money it lost, saying that it would “carefully consider all of its options”.
German bank IKB Deutsche Industriebank will receive $150m of the SEC fine, meaning it will recoup all of its losses on the Abacus deal that was the subject of the SEC’s investigation.
This is despite the fact that RBS’s investment in Abacus actually ranked senior to IKB’s investment – meaning that RBS’s investment was supposed to be safer.
“Some will argue that Goldman Sachs got off lightly”
Robert Peston BBC business editor
link to bbc.co.uk
Im getting a bit worried 1st Alex Salmond saying that Darling could take part in negotiations on Scottish Independance & again last night Nicola saying that Murphy could be a MSP. Im not working to get Independance for they F/in chancers to walk into a job in Hollyrood, no matter how many people say Re-con-silly-ation, they’re lying cheating scumbags & undeserving of the people of a Independant Scotland. LIES CUT DEEP.INSULTS DEEPER, TO WEE, TO POOR,TO STUPID,& DONT HAVE THE GENETIC MAKEUP TO TAKE THOSE BIG DECISIONS IN LIFE.
The artists are on the march, spreading the message to the young. These videos are brilliant and even if you saw them last night they are well worth watching again.
Warning! they will make ye greet!
link to youtube.com
link to youtube.com
Everyone has heard about the WBB, and I see the face light up when produced
Ah’m wi’ you Ronnie. After independence we need a full public enquiry into how these elected representatives have attempted to deceive their employers.
Ronnie Anderson
Yeah I’m completely with you (and probably the majority of Scots) in that we want independence to be free of these lying, cheating, selfish scum bags.
This No ‘gang’ that have tried to stitch their own people up should be banished to the rubbish tip soon.. not helping to create the fairer, decent society we all so badly want and will vote for.
Hopefully it’s all a ploy just to get in.. then banish the muppets!!!
Stu has been wondering why the WBB has had nary a mention in the National Press. Yesterday the Herald ran a story speculating about the sudden swing to Yes. I posted a comment about the WBB and suggesting it might have played a part. The post fully complied with the posting rules but was taken down almost immediately.
I dare say that if I queried it with Calum he’d come up with an excuse, but the real reason seems to be that they want its existence to remain a secret. Not doing so well with that one.
“This ain’t won yet.. we all need to double our efforts now.
Don’t let this amazing chance slip.. we are almost there!!!”
turn off your tellys,
and look for information online,
keep formation and wait for the charge,
link to youtube.com
Just a tactic ronnie.
Darling and Murphy will disgracefully bow out of politics after the YES victory.
I see Bill Leckie has changed his vote from a no to a YES. Thank you Bill.
“Just a tactic ronnie.”
I sincerely hope so Thepnr, I couldnt bear to watch that smirking bastard Murphy leering out at me in FMQ’s every week.
The dodgy bit in the egg-man footage is how Murphy reacts. He kind of ducks what looks like a first egg being thrown at him so it misses. Then instead of turning round to see what the hell is happening like any other person he stays put and a second egg is delivered by hand.
Ok, seriously stressed here. I’ve totally fcked up!
I discovered late last night that there are in fact three Postal Vote openings in Aberdeenshire, not just Inverurie, but also in Banff and in Stonehaven. (three attachments in hotmail with same (truncated) name and I though there was just one)
I desperately need more volunteers URGENTLY if Wings is going to attend all the PV openings.
I’ll ask my little group of helpers if they would be prepared to do a bit more and I’ll be doing everything I possible can work permitting.
The openings will start on Monday 8th and are every day until the 18th excluding the Sunday in between.
So I have enough to cover Inverurie, but need more help with Banff and Stonehaven.
Anyone who can help please email me at colinizat AT Hotmail DOT com with your name, address and contact phone no.
R-type Grunt says:
“After independence we need a full public enquiry into how these elected representatives have attempted to deceive their employers.”
Know how you feel but I believe some real democracy after a Yes win will clean out those cheats and liars.
I am more concerned that the MSM including broadcast media never manage to pull a trick like this again. iScotland needs media regulation which ensures they do what they are supposed to do …. report news and hold all public officials to account. They should not be allowed to generate made up news for the political agenda of one group.
Ronnie Anderson
I listened to that Ed Miliband interview on GMS. He will need to be a lot more convincing than that if he is up here trying to win over undecided Labour voters.
And the interviewer Gary Robertson wasn’t much better. Terrible interview with terrible answers.
We have nothing to worry about when you have clowns like Miliband about.
The majority of Scottish Labour voters WILL vote YES.
‘Egger’ up in court in Kirkcaldy today at some point.
Hopefully someone will be there to find out any info.
As Wastemonger prepare to ramp up Project Fear, what a bonus for the Yes side if it turns out to be a set up.
YES KIRKCALDY.. hopefully you have someone available to check it out.
Agree with Ronnie when he says there is no place for the murphs. I would like to see them vilified for the downright dirty propaganda war against their own country.
The labour party need to take a long hard look at themselves and their cowardly actions.
link to rabfultonstories.weebly.com
OT: What are the bets at the NATO get together today they will say Scotland will have apply to join NATO and it will be difficult and long process and not certain. And Cameron will wheel out these various world leaders and voice their opinion against Scotland being independent aided by the MSM to spin the scare stories.
A work colleague who was a don’t know has posted the WBB link on Facebook the other day. I was going to suggest it but she is already there. Spoke to her and she is leaning (heavily) Yes now. A lot of people seem to have waited until the last couple of weeks to decide.
The WBB is a wee gem. Of course BT hate it but they have nothing comparable nor do they have the foot soldiers to use one even if they tried to copy the format.
Subtle hint from the Record.
Today AD is editor, tomorrow AS.
NOTE that sequence. Opposite of BBC who always let No have the last word.
link to dailyrecord.co.uk
I thought Ed’s interview with Briony was telling
link to newsnetscotland.com
ronnie Anderson
I agree totally on what you say
Frankly if either Darling or Murphy came to me for a job, I would end up laughing in their faces
But we are in a period of ‘political diplomacy’
Its all about being nice and polite
But the reality will be, I hope is that neither Darling or Murphy will show their faces post YES
Same goes for Brown and any Alexander, they really are damaged goods with a crap CV
It’s already started so I will not be taking your bet up 😀
link to tinyurl.com
Also being in or out of NATO, is it really a vote changer?
Who cares about the Sun? A minority publication. The Press are owned by the corrupt Tory bankers.Murdoch should be in jail for bribing public officials. A crime.
The UK lacks Democracy. There is not a free and balanced Press. Thatcher saw to that. There is taxation without representation, secrecy, lies, manipulation and misrepresentation from Westminster.
I have noticed that the unionist leaders are now playing on the fact that the ‘British’ hostage of the ISS is Scottish
Listening to Cameron and this morning Miliband playing the, ‘UK will do everything for its citizen’ card and the subliminal message that an independent Scotland would not have the clout to do the same.
I wonder if any of these idiots have actually thought that empty threat through?
so Putin mops up Ukraine and then turn his sights on Scotland? eh?
easily overruns the country opening up the GIUK gap,
Seriously these clowns think we’ll need to beg THEM to get into NATO?
we could tell them to fuck right off and they would still fight to the last man to defend THE most strategically important place on the planet,
job done cost us sweet fuck all and we would have THE biggest defence force on the planet,
whats not to like?
sorry about the language Silvertay, but Im getting seriously fed up with these idiots now.
We will need cross party support for negotiations after a Yes vote and there are people on the Labour and Tory sides that will want to see Scotland do well and prosper. Who the right mix are I don’t know…probably not Hood, Davidson or Murphy though. Ruth Davidson, Murdo Fraser and Jackson Carlaw on the Tory side might be more amenable to fighting Scotland’s corner. For Labour and the Liberals? Charles Kennedy and even Brown might well weigh in.
We shall see but in the post Yes negotiations we need to close ranks and secure a fair settlement.
After local people stepping up to contribute here in Campbeltown/Kintyre we have received no copies. If the decision has been taken to concentrate distribution in the Central Belt, fair enough, but it would have been nice to have had communication one way or the other. Having promised people we are now high and dry.
@Nana Smith
Your link at 09:37 had a powerful message at the end of the article:
‘No human being on the face of the earth, no government is going to take from me my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to do everything that is for the benefit of mankind. I am not here, then, as the accused; I am here as the accuser of capitalism dripping with blood from head to foot.’
O/T but well worth a listen if you’re fed up of Call Kay(E)
link to batemanbroadcasting.com
It is with great pride and a wee tear in my eye, that my one and only Wee Blue Book has now left home to go and work in the wife’s office. They grow up so quick these days.
I don’t know how many copies you are printing, Rev, but you will probably need to double it!
That is why I linked the article as it shows how far labour have fallen. Bending over backwards to protect big business to further their own careers while trampling over the poor and vulnerable voters. I spit on new labour.
@ Ron Wilson
Given the point made by Kininvie earlier that this whole thing having been organized by amateurs the fact that so many books have been delivered and distributed at all is a minor miracle, I only got a few thanks to the sterling efforts of a good man and I am going to collect more from another good man today,
we need to understand that we have to put ourselves out there and not expect others to do things for us, eg Patricians question to me when I complained that there was no Wings stall at the Leith says aye event, his response was, “well you were there john, why didnt you do it”?
you are after all a good way away from the central belt, (nobody’s fault) why couldnt you have organised a half way house for delivery and receipt, or help Ken with his efforts and get books from him?
HS, Charles Kennedy and even Brown might well weigh in.
They have got to be the last ever to be involved in anything to do with the future of Scotland. It would be totally unacceptable to have these bare faced liars involved at the beginning of Scotland as a nation state.
People like them have done their worst, they have their giant pensions, speaking fees and so goodbye and good riddance. Same goes to the BBC.
What heedtracker says
@Ron Wilson
I can understand your frustration but obviously there is more demand than supply so we have to think of other ways to let folk know about it. In Mid Argyll we have been home printing a few copies. They’re maybe not as professional looking as the WBB but the words are just the same.You don’t need loads of copies. One trick is to give them to a Yes person in an office and ask them to “lend” it out to undecided fellow office workers. I’ve heard that has worked well with a few DKs now voting Yes. I was out canvassing last night. It is amazing the number of folk who are relying totally on the MSM and haven’t engaged with any websites. We give folk a wee bundle of leaflets including the Aye Right one and when we come across an undecided I write beside the Wings website link “Wee Blue Book” and make a point of telling them to check it out.
Someone should be pointing out that the Labour Party have no chance of getting into power without the help of the English middle classes who tend to be of the Tory persuasion. The Labour Party cannot possibly return to their founding principles under these circumstances. At best they are middle of the road politically, but in most respects they have to be right of centre (i.e. in bed with the Tories). This is not what Scotland wants.
What they tell people in Scotland differs considerably from what they are able to tell people in England. In Scotland they can only lie to the electorate about times past (viz. Murphy’s grand tour) and what they represented in the past, but not the truth about what they represent now. They suffer from the oedipus problem of looking in opposite directions a the same time. Their past has come back to haunt them.
I am a bit disappointed that Nicola Sturgeon wasn’t more explicit about WHY Scotland doesn’t get the government it wants, however I realise that, in the extremely controlled situation of a BBC debate it is not exactly easy to make her voice heard.
WBB DISTRIBUTION – Folks, best to channel your frustrations into converting undecideds instead of bickering. The demand far outnumbers the supply, we all need to be more creative, even printing out copies at home, make up business cards with the WBB web address, etc. etc. We all have the answers, lets get them out there any way possible, and just do it. This is too important a camapign, focus please!
Handandshrimp @ 0949 says, ‘We shall see but in the post Yes negotiations we need to close ranks and secure a fair settlement.’
Fair doesn’t come into it, the settlement will be an exercise in raw power, with possession being nine-tenths of the law. An earlier post, possibly by the astute CameronBBrodie, pointed to the opinions of the English electorate as an important factor.
In the view of this writer, English electoral attitudes to Scotland are likely to become exceptionally hostile in the event of a Yes vote. After a Yes vote, there is a strong likelihood of a race to the bottom in terms of Scotland bashing in the run up to the General Election in May 2015. A fair settlement is therefore not something that an aspiring UK politician will be easily able to support.
There will be votes to be won by being unfair. After 300 years, the divorce promises to be anything but velvet.
It is fashionable on this site to mock PM Cameron as being a Tory toff. In view of the role of Clan Cameron in the ’45, it may be wiser to treat him as a friend of Scotland. On the other hand, after a Yes vote Cameron will almost certainly resign, thus Scotland will lose a sympathetic voice.
Ron why dont you contact Lesly-anne in the south or Ken MacIntosh north of you or Ian Brotherhood east of you to see if they can help?
If I were closer bud I would help we cant let the Cowal peninsula be left out!
Wow, you guys all discussing who YOU will ‘let’ on to the negotiating team for iScotland, yet we have not even won yet. Indeed every single poll to date shows us behind.
For heavens sake, guys, have some freaking faith in Salmond, he has shown himself to be a master tactician and political strategist, well above his peers. He has consistently out-thought his unionist opponents at every stage. There is purpose behind every thing he says. Have some faith.
Let’s ACTUALLY win the referendum first.
“Scotland will lose a sympathetic voice.”
Cameron? sympathetic to Scotland?
moving on.
@ Edward
I have noticed that the unionist leaders are now playing on the fact that the ‘British’ hostage of the ISS is Scottish
Listening to Cameron and this morning Miliband playing the, ‘UK will do everything for its citizen’ card and the subliminal message that an independent Scotland would not have the clout to do the same.
They have absolutely no clout either because if anything happens to that guy they are powerless to stop it unless they agree to a ransom which they wont.
Of course Scotland would do everything in it’s power to have this guy released, being independent would not negate this fact.
@bluedug the 👿
Cameron a “sympathetic voice” best laugh i’ve had all morning.
Thanks 😀
Ron Wilson , where is your nearest Yes shop? Let me know and I’ll post you 5 , I’ve got .My friend got them printed off herself.
I agree Ronnie with what you say but on the other hand. Your a Scottish MP, representing Scottish constituents but know the workings , gossip and current shenanigans of what’s going on at Westminster.
A friendly gesture of goodwill is run past you to represent your constituents in negotiations mm what to do?
Westminster will neither want you nor trust you,
Those on the Yes side don’t trust you, ( that’s mild as to what I really think of them)
But your constituents will expect you to do what’s in their best interests
To me, what they are being offered is a choice between a rock and a hard place , while the Yes side (with a knowing look of innocence ) are shown to be conciliatory.
Ah politics, oh what tangled webs etc.
I see the Canadian PM has come out in favour of a No to Independence. It was Australia t’other week – have I missed the country beginning with B or is that page missing in Cameron’s address book?
@Quentin Quale
Don’t be silly B was Britain it makes another apperance at E and G.
The USA and UK don’t pay ransoms. Their citizens are beheaded.
The French are pragmatic.
Good question as to actions of an IScotland Government in such circumstances.
HOWEVER iScotland’s foreign policies would mitigate against any such scenarios ever happening!
Consider if Nocola said to Murphy. “You are a lying scumbag and I would not even give you a job shovelling shine”” instead of what she did say and consider its effect on a leaning Labour voter.
Let’s say no more as it tends to diminish the effect of the magnanimous nature of her comment. Relax and carry on as they used to say in the old British Empire before it fell.
@Robert Louis
Wow, you guys all discussing who YOU will ‘let’ on to the negotiating team for iScotland, yet we have not even won yet. Indeed every single poll to date shows us behind.
For heavens sake, guys, have some freaking faith in Salmond, he has shown himself to be a master tactician and political strategist, well above his peers. He has consistently out-thought his unionist opponents at every stage. There is purpose behind every thing he says. Have some faith.
I have every faith that we will gain our independence and I have every faith in Alex Salmond as FM and at the head of negotiations in the event of a yes vote.
I have absolutely no faith in any of the other parties who have lied constantly to their “own people” over and over again in their own interests and not of those that elected them. In my constituentcy I will either be voting for an SNP candidate or an independent, stuff the rest they are nothing to me.
Thanks guys – WBB being sent by courier to us today. Result.
I agree though let’s get Independence first
@ Quentin Quale, 10:22am
Just been told CWU has officially told their members they should vote no. Some of their members ain’t happy!
Our FM was mobbed last night, folks wanting to shake his hand and get his autograph and a photie with him.
Who wants to shake your grubby paw Ed while standing in front of a chamber of commerce banner.
link to theguardian.com
@ Quentin Quale, 10:22am
Re my last post, I know that wasn’t a country starting with B. 🙂
Consider if Nocola said to Murphy. “You are a lying scumbag and I would not even give you a job shovelling shine”” instead of what she did say and consider its effect on a leaning Labour voter.
She is putting the onus on them as, “if Scotland gains it’s independence, will you then campaign for what is best for your country”, she is creating a sense of cognitive dissonance for them as they cannot support this unequal union and at the same time want what is best for an Independent Scotland.
She is doing her job extremely well I would say.
There would appear to be calls by Tory MPs to delay the GE from 2015 to 2016 in light of a Yes vote. So who knows how things will pan out. Perhaps a sympathetic Cameron *cough* will stay.
I know a lot of wingers on here are a bit disappointed about delivery / distribution of the WBB, but putting it into perspective over 500,000 have been downloaded (and probably printed off more than once), 230,000 on the big print run, kestral’s ebay effort, plus local area yessers clubbing in and getting more printed.
Altogether that must add up to almost 3/4 of a million copies are floating about either electronically or in physical form. With 2 million houses in Scotland that means over 1 in 3 houses in Scotland has access to a WBB.
Add to that the logistics of the distribution and we should all be chuffed. It’s almost touchable.
@JohnKing 10.01 WBB distabution there were offers of Warehousing here in Airdrie a long long time ago as for helping Kendo I had taken 1000 from ken at my own costs,our team of Wingers cant be everywhere leith walk we do other things ie in our own Yes groups areas. Bob Sinclair picked up some WBBs for you thats as much as I could spare & our allication is cut to 4 boxes so we target them to those DKs, we work with what we get. Kininvie Kestral Kendo Ivan & everybody else in the distrabution have done the best they can. I was dis appointed in only getting 4 boxes but hey ho, they will get out to the people somewhere else.Lets praise not critque John Your better than that.
In a universe which has infinite time, we will have the honour in a mere two weeks time of putting right a 300 year old wrong for the benefit of every person who has never been born yet in Scotland.
Lets move forward and get the job done.
WGD have spoken to Paul he,s bearing up under the circumstances, I will visit him when he has sorted out the arangements for Andy’s funeral. Im sure every simpathy & thoughts of the Wings Family are with Paul today.
That is true and as we know well over 40% of the population and possibly by now over 50% of those who are going to vote are already Yes. The hard core No will not want the WBB. The 500k to 750k in the middle are our target and by various means we have the ability to reach most of those.
Obviously a lot of Yes voters would like a copy too as a memento (I certainly do) but we can do that after a Yes vote 🙂
IMHO when AS and NS offer the hand of friendship to these folk they are being statesmanlike and are showing Darling and Smurf the proverbial finger.
All Darling and his ilk have ever done is slag off AS calling after every mad dictator in the world.
Smurph would do anything to keep his job so he would likely accept – Darling’s ego is too big and he would quietly slip into the various directorships he has fingers in.
However, caution we need to win this first and the MSM might be trying to make us complacent.
@ronnie anderson
I was so sorry to hear the sad news. Please tell Paul he is in our thoughts.
Technically it is space that has infinite time, but I think you get it.
I make no apologies for posting this AGAIN but with two weeks to go lets see how many predictions ring true and there are so many new visitors to enlighten.
Diary of a Cybernat Two Weeks Out
Thur 4th Sep:
Only two weeks now, I’m not sure what’s happening but there seem to be a lot of scared faces on BBC Scotland Tonight of late. This has been more and more noticeable in the last few days. Brian Taylor in particular seems to be withdrawing into himself. It’s been weeks now since he has given us a “toodle oo the noo”.
Fri 5th Sep:
Postie this morning brought me my final batch of 50 Proud Cybernat badges from Roddy, will get them to the troops over the weekend, bit of a collecters item the’ve become which is good cos I’ve kept a few for meself hehe.
Scotsman finally shut its doors today, had been on the cards though I do feel sorry for the Cybernats that used to post there. The rest though…ah tough shit ye makes yer bed I say. Euan McColm has been raging on twitter about “they fucken Cybernats” Class.
Sat 6th Sep:
I really hate shopping and if I’m to be a man then one day, yeah one day I’ll tell her that. But hey let sleeping dogs lie I say. One good thing came of it, in the taxi on the way back, the driver a definite No started to buckle under the relentless arguments I was hitting him with. By the time he dropped me off he was reading an Aye Right leaflet and agreeing “maybe I had a point”. Result I think.
Sun 7th Sep:
My 79 year old Mother In Law!! what’s she like? Much tougher than that taxi driver for sure. Still hates Salmond, weasely is all she keeps saying. I keep telling her it’s not about Salmond, she just sticks her fingers in her ears and says la la la la la la. I won’t give in though.
Went out tonight with the troops we were targeting Kirkton tonight, the 50 of us that turned up were given 3 streets each so could take our time and chat to the punters. Out of the dozen or so I talked with NONE would admit to supporting No and there was one who joined me and came to help stick leaflets through the door. Result!
Mon 8th Sep:
Hated going to work today, everybody talks about the referendum but I live it. There is a difference, there are still a few No’s there and I won’t waste my breath on them anymore.
Best thing about today was watching Osborne squirm on Newsnight and demanding negotiations with Salmond on a currency Union prior to the Referendum. Salmond told him to shove it (sort of) me and the missus were pissing ourselves.
Tue 9th Sep:
Woke up this morning feeling great with Osbornes performance last night still fresh. In fact i have a vague memory of dreaming about him and a kind of queasy feeling about that. Maybe shouldn’t have had those cheese and crackers before going to bed.
I hear Kirsty Wark has gone on the sick but so far this is just a rumour started by Derek Bateman. Other than that, nothing much happened.
Wed 10th Sep:
About time! The Rev has rallied the Wingers for the final push so tonight 10,000 of us will be distributing all kind of materials throughout Scotland, that’s only 250 houses per person and we hope to visit them all over the next 3 days. Seems plausible to me, thankfully all the plans have been in place for months and those that volunteered know their role. This is exciting.
Mother in law is still giving it la la la. Just got to keep trying.
Thu 11th Sep:
Only a week to go!
Breaking News on BBC Breakfast this morning, all three leading political parties have agreed a deal that in the event of a No vote Devo Max would be offered by the UK government, this would include full tax raising powers, control over airguns and something about welfare. Though the details will only be decided after the referendum.
Jola at FMQ’s demanded to know why Alex Salmond wouldn’t accept a currency union as offered by Osborne when it was obviously in Scotland’s interest. He told her to shove it (sort of)
Fri 12th Sep:
Last day at work then a fortnights holiday. Looking forward to it, a weeks canvassing. Then a week long party, mibbee.
Went to the Ferry tonight with the missus for a meal and a drink, we missed out the meal as the place was mobbed. I was pleased to see all the YES badges though noticed an argument or two was breaking out. It’s looking good though, the Union Jack on the ceiling of the pub had been taken down. Think they are worried about their custom.
Sat 13th Sep:
Bloody hell, I’m hungover but the missus insists on dragging me along again for “shopping”. There was a Big Issue seller outside the shopping centre, he was wearing a Yes baseball cap, a badge and a big smile. Shouting “Vote Yes and get rid of the Big Issue” “Vote Yes and get rid of the Big Issue”. I gave him a couple of quid and he told me “Get yer money oan Yes mister at 2/1 it’s a cert mister”
So I did, went in the bookies, wasn’t 2/1 at all, 5/4 the wummin said. Fuck it, it’s a cert so put £50 on anyway. Taxi home, he wisnae a talker but I gave him an Aye Right business card anyway along with his tip. Said he’d look at it.
Sun 14th Sep:
Back to the mother in laws for our dinner again, she really should come to us as it’s me that cooks it anyway. I’ve tried asking before but you’ve never met such a stubborn woman. We watched some old Black & white film in the afternoon. Psycho I think it was but I wasn’t paying attention since I was on the laptop reading Wings.
Then dear mother really surprised me by asking “whit price are the bookies fur a Yes” “Ehh 5/4” I said. “Hmmph” she said. When I got home I sorted out all the leaflets and the wee blue book. Stuck them inside the 100 Yes papers I had in preparation for tomorrow. Then went to bed.
Mon 15th Sep:
Typical, pissing wi rain. Ignored it, put meh jaikit oan and headed oot the door. Met Ronnie at the bottom of the street, gold wings badge glistening, he’s so big heeded so he is. Anyway didn’t take too long to get rid of they 100 papers and by 2 O’ Clock we were in the clubby. A real working mens club is this, all Labour types but the irony is the majority now are going to vote Yes. This last 3 months work has been worth it. The big Yes poster behind the bar is a giveaway, there was a stushie when it first went up but nobody questions it now. I think I love the manageress Jackie Baillie. Aye a good lass.
Tues 16th Sep:
Well, nae sign oh Ronnie, I knew I should have dropped him aff yesterday rather than let him make his own way up the road. Och well at least the weather was better and the canvassing didn’t take long. I’d just about finished and was walking up my last street when a wee ginger dug came out of nowhere and lunged for my paper bag. I was quick though and did a kinda Spanish Ola and the wee ginger dug crashed into the fence allowing me time for a getaway.
I wasn’t in a good mood, was nothing to cheer me up and it didn’t help when I got home to hear the wife tell me “your teas in the dug”. Went to bed.
Wed 17th Sep:
I’m sweating now, referendum tomorrow. Checked Wings, they guys are having a party already. I’m not so sure, my mother in law still hates Salmond and tells me “we all hate him” meaning her pals at the dinner club down at the community centre. Surely nobody believes their pensions are safer with Osborne? Well apparently they do.
Couldn’t sleep tonight and it seems I’m not the only one. Every online website and News article on Independence has gone viral. I was posting like mad on the Guardian, Telegraph, Daily Heil all at the same time. Eventually I fell asleep at the keyboard about 05:00.
Thurs 18th Sep:
06:00 Wife knocking me over the head with a cushion from the settee, “come on, get up we need to pick my mum up to go and vote”. Just rubbed my eyes asked for a cup of tea which I didn’t get and then went to pick up her mum.
Couldn’t believe it when we got to the polling station at 07:30, saltires everywhere, lots of smiley faces trying to hand out Yes badges. I was crapping myself. So the three of us went in to our separate booths, I stared at the paper. This was it YES or NO? My hand was shaking as I put my X in the YES box. I looked again to make sure I’d done it right. I wasn’t relieved, I wasn’t excited, I wasn’t relaxed. I was stunned. It was done.
I walked outside my wife came quite quickly behind me, we had to wait for her mum who seemed to be taking ages. Then I saw her, she had a tear in her eye. “Are you alright Margaret” I asked, “Yes” she said “Yes”.
“.Lets praise not critque John Your better than that.”
wrong end of stick Ronnie I am defending the distribution network not attacking it.
Ron Wilson
After local people stepping up to contribute here in Campbeltown/Kintyre we have received no copies. If the decision has been taken to concentrate distribution in the Central Belt, fair enough, but it would have been nice to have had communication one way or the other. Having promised people we are now high and dry.
Ron, we can spare 100 here on Arran and I can get someone to take them to Cloanaig on the ferry if you can get someone to collect them from there.
e-mail fiona(dot)laing(at)btinternet(dot)com to arrange if you wish
“Ron, we can spare 100 here on Arran and I can get someone to take them to Cloanaig on the ferry if you can get someone to collect them from there.”
None went to Campbeltown because we didn’t actually get an order. We’ve got some on the way there now, no need for anyone else to cannibalise their order.
Just ordered another 1,000 WBB from our printer. Everyone one will go to a targeted undecided voter. Inverclyde never got any free but we understand that demand outstripped supply and in this case that is a good thing. Getting a YES vote in Inveclyde was always going to be a challenge but the Yes Inverclyde team are up for it. This last fortnight is going to be magnificent. Pro-active, positive and focused. Every single vote counts. Thanks to the rev and his team for all their hard work and inspiration. Now it is up to us to finish the job.
@Thepnr – I’m too superstitious to write anything like that but lets keep everything crossed and hope so.
@Molly I understand why why its being said , but I dont aggree that the hand of friendship should be extended to those people who seek to Disenfranchise their own country men/women/children, for they’re own party political ambitions & monitery gain & titles.
My thoughts entirely Jim
@ John King 10.51 John am gone back tae bed, mis read your post, will you except my humblest appoligies, F/in hell am typing in english lol.
I am sure if another world leader came out and said Quebec SHOULD get independence , the Canadian PM would be fine with it…..or maybe not. It’s strange how independence for other countries is good… but not for us.When we have a political leader like the Mayor of Toronto..then you can tell us how to run a country… until then , SHUT IT.
Been there done that Ronnie. 🙂
@ john King ah bet you’d except a pint as way of oppoligy lol.
Both the Proclaimers and Libations have reached the charts, but as I understand they are not been giving air time. possibly because of the links to Yes. Can anyone confirm that this is true.
The libations- Caledonia all proceeds go to food banks.
With regards t the RMT posts
I’m a member and went to several meetings last year/early this year and it was easily 70/30 in favour of supporting a Yes vote. A few of them were wanting to remain neutral but the vast minority were No. bob Crow himself openly said if he had a vote, he would be voting Yes without a shadow of a doubt.
This talk of RMT supporting Yes doesn’t come as a surprise!
two ronnie, two. 🙂
Interesting post by German business man on Labour for Indy site (29th Aug). No worries about investing in an independent Scotland whatever the currency. In fact he has ‘high hopes’ for us.
Nice to get a wee bit positive affirmation from abroad 🙂
will the Wings count agent for Fife please identify yourself so we can arrange for volunteers?
link to youtube.com 🙂
Just got a dog eared WBB from the YES folk in Glenrothes where the blue fire engine is today ‘spirit of independence’ in the shopping centre car park.
It,s not for me you understand but I know a person who needs to read it.
I’m the 3rd one to use it. 🙂
It should be noted that Stephen Harper, Canadian PM is exactly liked in Canada
He is their equivalent of Cameron and a Conservative
A bit of a rent a mouth / anything for self promotion twat
John and Ronnie
Nice to see you kiss and make up. Couldn’t be doing with two of our heavyweights (politically speaking that is ;)) falling out.
Keep up the good work. We’re nearly there.
She is putting the onus on them as, “if Scotland gains it’s independence, will you then campaign for what is best for your country”, she is creating a sense of cognitive dissonance for them as they cannot support this unequal union and at the same time want what is best for an Independent Scotland.
She is doing her job extremely well I would say.
Yep – these polite, generous “invitations” seem to have unsettled them. How to respond? There seems to be a recent change in BT reps, particularly Labour politicians. They continue to argue the case against independence, but the body language is increasingly telling me that they don’t really believe in what they are saying anymore. I have noticed this in Jim Murphy and Kieza Dugdale. There is a definite down, resigned look about them. Perhaps continued exposure to the fantastic arguments for independence, for Scotland and for Labour, are finally having an effect! It must be exhausting desperately trying to shore up a weak case for the union over two long, hard years.
Why only one opinion poll result in the last ten days? Something is going on and it’s affecting BT. There are signs that traditional Labour voters are swinging to YES big time and BT seem to be unable to respond effectively.
If you think for minute Im going to kiss him your avin a laff I hate chinny beardys. 🙂
Besides sometimes at first glance what looks like one thing is completely the opposite Ive had moments myself when I saw the absolute opposite of whart the writer intended, I wouldn’t fall out with Ronnie if he ran over my cat. 🙂
The Proclaimers and the Libatrons have a “rival” bid for number one on referendum day. It is from Vote NoB orders and their new ditty
“Why Build Another Wall” What’s the bet that they will get the song to number one all their “cough” “Grassroots followers” will no doubt buy it all up,
I was forwarded an email from VNB which included the following!
“Have you pre-ordered yet? Last week we shared news of the launch of the song “Why Build Another Wall?” We hope the words and music, based on the chord sequence of Auld Lang Syne, resonate with you.
Auld Lang Syne was written by Robbie Burns, himself a staunch Unionist. It’s a song that looks back on old times with a childhood friend, and seeks to rekindle the past with a handshake and a goodwill drink.”
Yup Robert Burns was a staunch unionist according to Vote NoB orders.
Now pick your jaw off the keyboard and go and make yourself a nice cup of tea before you hit someone. 🙂
@Thepnr Mon 15th Sept ah hope that wiz only Graystone we we,re delivering yes paper tae & not the whole of Carnoustie,am glad it turned out allrite in the end Mither in Law votes YES.
And a wee bitty from my end of the country.
My Chemists delivery driver was a confirmed NO last week,just left the premises 11.23 a confirmed YES awe the power o the WBB.
@John Wilson
E-mail me at kenmcdonald1(AT)btopenworld(DOT)com
@ Edward…. so more like Murph then 🙂
Irene and I are just about to leave the house so it’ll take about 3/4 to an hour to get there, let your wife know we’re on our way and I’ll get Irene to phone her from the bridge.
@Nana Smith 9.37 and @ Thepnr 9.52
Full transcript of John Maclean’s “Speech from the Dock” available here…..
link to marxists.org
and also worth a read is Maclean’s “Labour Party Muddle” from 1910….
link to marxists.org
Not much has changed, just the date!
Labour Party? Mo thón!
That John King’s nae cheap, eh? Twa pints!
Yep, just like Murph 😀
Never met Paul, but a regular Wee Ginger Dug reader. Very saddened to hear about Paul’s partner Andy. Deepest condolences from me and my wife Sheena (who has met Paul).
“That John King’s nae cheap, eh? Twa pints!”
twa pints an am onybodys three pints an am everybodys. 🙂
@Graeme Doig Its back to bed wie you to for mis- reading our posts John & I There widnna be any faw oot wie us Irene wuldna let that happen, John the cats safe fur noo ma cars in the garage , but dont take it tae Invergowrie I,ll be there with car,an that streets affy busy.
I hope someone offers Ed a ham sandwich.
Just e-mailed the PDF version of the WBB to around 2500 people.
That was an extensive exercise but I have another 2500 or so to e-mail after lunch 😀
john king says: “That John King’s nae cheap, eh? Twa pints!” Twa pints an am onybodys three pints an am everybodys. 🙂
Having seen John in action, he is NOT joking.
Nearly popped my clogs when I saw the front page of the Record today.
@Chic McGregor im in phone contact with Paul WGD,you can pass your message through his contact page.
Aye ‘everybody’s’ except us ‘chinnie beardies’. We ok after 4 John 🙂
Anyway i’ll shut up now lest i end up ‘ taking this too far’ .
“Yup Robert Burns was a staunch unionist according to Vote NoB orders.”
Of course he was, just like Robert the Bruce and William Wallace (seriously, these claims have been made).
OK will do.
@ X Sticks invergowrie Inns prices are no to bad so i should be able to buy John ah pint or twa same as your goodself, the rest on you,s dont awe rush at once.onybudy goat any Moth-baws cuase there will be a Flight of Moths aroon the bar when ma wallets opened.
Solidarity with Scotland from all around the World
link to youtube.com
Just got my dozen WBBs delivered, told the postie what they were, she asked where I got them. Asked her if she wanted a couple, which she did. Referred her to the WoS website, which she is now going to check out. She’s voting Yes, but knows some people who are not sure. WBB will help with that, I tell her.
She’s going to take on to the Royal Mail depot where she works too 😀
Lol, I haven’t even got them in the door before they are going out again.
Money markets getting very jittery with BoE, stand by for big decission on CU Foff noo its to late,or Salmond squeezes their hawmaws ha ha.
The Man in the Jar says:
“Yup Robert Burns was a staunch unionist according to Vote NoB orders.”
Aye, right enough, when you look there’s plenty evidence of Rab’s Unionism –
“The English steel we could disdain
Secure in valour’s station
But English gold has been our bane
Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation”
Maybe a couple of pages were sticking together in their research copy.
Uneducated numpties.
Bob Geldof
SIR Bob Geldof has urged Scots to reject independence, attacking nationalism as a “very dangerous political animal”.
previous quote
“You can’t trust politicians. It doesn’t matter who makes a political speech. It’s all lies – and it applies to any rock star who wants to make a political speech as well.”
France has put on hold it 2 warships they were making for Russia, wonder if those lumps of woods in our media will say iScotland could now take over that contract because AS VP are best buddies
My mother, in her nineties, has just voted Yes by post. I’m proud of her.
Oh well lets call the whole thing off…aye right!
link to theweek.co.uk
Anyone know how the American journalist’s appeal is going (he wants to report on the referendum)?