The thickness of blood
Much of Scotland, and indeed the rest of the UK and beyond (the story below ran in the London Standard), has been grimly gripped this week by the ongoing and scarcely believable trainwreck that is Sandie Peggie Vs NHS Fife.
The tribunal has now overrun the time allotted to it, and will reconvene for another 10 days in the second half of July, ramping up the already considerable costs incurred by NHS Fife, which is in the middle of a huge financial crisis.
According to legal experts, there is little doubt about the law surrounding the dispute. NHS Fife is clearly and unambiguously in the wrong – Dr Beth Upton, the transwoman at the centre of the problem, is legally as well as biologically male, and had no lawful entitlement to be in a female changing room. The authority also appears to be in very considerable potential trouble over failing to disclose key documents and evidence when ordered by the original judge.
So it seems remarkable that the board of NHS Fife is allowing the case to continue rather than immediately conceding to save money and any more public humiliation of both itself and its staff, like the hapless nurse manager Esther Davidson who endured a very uncomfortable two days in the witness box this week, and the clearly manifestly incompetent Equality And Human Rights Lead Officer, Isla Bumba, who yesterday deleted her LinkedIn page after being identified as the person who gave Davidson incorrect and unlawful guidance.
(Bumba is a 29-year-old immunology graduate and former bartender who ditched the challenging and gruelling field of vaccine development for a rather cushier number in pronoun-policing for £40-47,000 a year, somewhat more than the £31,000 average wage for staff nurses like Sandie Peggie, who’s been in the profession for longer than Bumba has been alive.)
Readers may reasonably wonder if the makeup of the board might offer some clues.
This is Mary Lockhart.
Alert readers may recall the name from the days just before the 2014 independence referendum, when the Labour councillor broke ranks to support a Yes vote.
She’s quite a colourful character generally.
As well as being on the NHS Fife board she’s on the General Medical Council (which allows doctors to hide details of their sex/gender from patients), and her wife is also a nurse (and union representative) for NHS Fife.
(Unison, the largest trade union representing nurses, is virulently captured by the trans cult, and this week passed a motion by show of hands at its Women’s Conference asserting that transwomen are women, boasting that nobody had dared to even speak against it. In fact several had wanted to do so, but were terrified by the atmosphere in the hall, whipped up by its aggressive male president Steve North and former president Libby Nolan, whose answer to any question on the issue is to simply spew a string of trans flags at people.)
But we digress. Mary Lockhart’s father was David Lockhart, a former Communist Party member and musician who later became a Labour councillor, a role into which he was followed by both Mary and her brother Peter.
This was Peter in 2012.
But he’s changed a little since then.
(The wording on that 2018 Tumblr post at bottom right is interesting. “Patricia” describes himself as a “transexual” [sic] – now a taboo word in transgender circles – and says, in the present tense, “I hate being male” and that he’s only “dressed as” a woman now. He also claims to suffer from fibromyalgia, a disease whose sufferers are overwhelmingly female.)
But there’s a twist in this story. As it happens, trusted sources who know Mary Lockhart personally tell us she is very much NOT supportive of gender ideology, and indeed she commented publicly on her Facebook page in 2022 against the Gender Recognition Reform Act.
Blood is not always thicker than water and NHS Fife, and indeed NHS Scotland in general, has no shortage of virtue-signalling transactivists.
But these revelations just illustrate how it can lurk below the surface of public bodies with no outward signs. It may not have influenced Mary Lockhart, but with 44% of people in the UK now claiming to know a trans person it’s highly likely that misguided sympathy for friends and family members is a major part of how the ideology has managed to secure such a strong foothold so fast.
Whoever at NHS Fife is responsible has driven the authority into a quagmire whose ramifactions look set to be very costly in all sorts of ways, and it’s impossible to predict how much more trouble the infestation of healthcare with a toxic, harmful quasi-religious creed will cause until it’s rooted out and replaced with people who put patients before activism.
NHS Fife currently has a vacancy for a “Non Executive Whistleblowing Champion” (salary and job specifications/qualifications unspecified.)
It might be an idea for them to put some urgent effort into getting that position filled.
Sandi Peggie has been put through hell by immoral imbeciles.
Excellent Stu. My wife has been brainwashing me with details of this case every day. Women’s rights ignored again,
It is impossible to have a true trans world as they see it and a world that protects women. For incompetence I hope a few heads go in NHS Fife if for no other reason to recover court costs.
I’d imagine that if this is truly someone born in the wrong body then I think quite far down the list of things that would want to do would be to pop out their knob and show it to people
I always find it strange that the same group that see’s all straight white CIS men as potential rapists can’t quite grasp the concept that some straight white CIS men might lie.
I am not anti anyone who feels they wish to dress and behave as if they are another sex. The issue here is that full entire male went into a female changing room where women could be in various stages of undress.
If you had a daughter that was in say a swimming pool changing room and a male walked in wearing a dress how would you feel?
Lets look at this from another angle
How would you feel if a male walked into your son’s changing room and started waving his cock about. With the sole intention of your son seeing his cock?
I’d be somewhat upset about this
How about yourself?
How would I feel if a biological male went into a women’s changing room while being dressed as a female and my daughter was there. And the full male then proceeded to hide their cock so that no one knew they had a cock.
I couldn’t care less nor would I know as no one has seen it.
It is effectively an invisble cock
If you are upset by an invisible cock then you might have an issue.
For me the issue isn’t who has or hasn’t got a cock
It’s the defence of those who wish to force others to look at their cock
Or worse
There is two sides to this debate
With nutters on both sides
As someone who is quite a libertarian I can’t see an easy answer to this through legislation
However as a libertarian I see a very easy answer
If you’re a chick and you’ve got a dick,….Don’t act like a dick. Stop forcing folk to look at your dick
Chicks don’t have dicks.
Women’s changing rooms are called women’s changing rooms for a reason.
Okay lets go into your world of chick don’t have dicks
What is the answer?
Should we ban anyone who is the wrong biological sex from using the wrong space?
if so
How do we police this
Do we have bottom inspectors outside every changing room and bog in a free scotland?
Do we call the police if a women comes into a changing room who looks a wee bit like a bloke?
Do we simply ban people from changing genders and we have strict laws on what clothes we are all allowed to wear?
If you think the answer is simple
Then I think you really haven’t been thinking
As most trans folk don’t cause any issues and I am deeply uncomfortable with trampling on their rights on a day to day basis. Just because of a few folk who probably aren’t actually trans
Or am I wrong and do you think ALL trans people are dirty perverts
How do we police this? (Changing rooms).
It’s perhaps an inconvenient truth, but only ten years ago, we didn’t need to police who did or who didn’t go into a Women’s changing room.
You’ve likely heard the old trope “Good men stay out so that Bad men stand out”
There was a well established social contract that when women went into a single sex space, men (however dressed) didn’t follow them in.
Keep it simple, biological males- use the male designated toilets & CR’s. Biological females use the womens.
There are single sex exemptions contained in the Equality Act 2010 which specifically permit this.
Transwomen do Not have the right of access to women only spaces.
The only ‘rights’ being trampled on are Women’s
To your third sentence – in short, yes. Even 20 years ago, this wasn’t an issue anywhere. Why? Because until 20 years ago, there was no such thing as ‘trans’, except as a Monty Python sketch joke. But then came the institutionally engineered Globo-Woke social contagion (see also BLM, the Nut Zero megaboondoggle and the deranged Covid-19 campaign) and now every narcissist, pyschopath, woman-hating inadequate, insecure homosexual and lost soul wants to jump on the approved bandwagon – all the easier in a west full of bloated quasi-State management structures staffed with high-anxiety, conformist, lower-midwit, predominantly female ‘managers’.
There are no ‘trans’ people, only cynical chancers and the mentally ill. Society needs to place these sorry characters back within the lines of factual reality.
I think maybe you go play with yours.
A ‘biological’ male: what other kind IS there?
Let’s look at this from another angle with less cock waving/hiding.
A minority of men behave in aggressive and sexually inappropriate ways towards women. Women feel vulnerable in situations such as changing rooms, showers and toilets.
How do you spot these men? You can’t. Until they do something.
Does wearing a dress reliably confirm that a biological male is ‘safe’? No it doesn’t. In fact some predatory males are exploiting this issue for non-consensual sexual behaviour sometimes involving aggression.
The threat from other biological women is low. The threat from biological males is significantly higher. The key factor here is physiology, not identity.
We base laws and rules on behaviour, not intent. If all the thieves in my town declared themselves reformed, would I stop locking my door?
One day, when unwanted male sexual behaviour no longer happens, I’m sure we’ll all just muck in together.
I appreciate this might be a concept you find difficult to grasp but believe it or not it is possible to object to both cases you illustrate. They are not mutually inclusive. Hope that helps.
The 2 types used to be generalised/ known as the flashers and the peeping Toms/ knicker nickers I.e. no outdoor washing line safe when they were about.
Both tended to be into “schoolies” as well which is why personally I always found grown women at Halloween parties falling back on the naughtie schoolgirl outfits frankly bizarre.
You are deliberately ignoring the Peeping Toms and ladies underwear brigade which makes your argument here specious.
I would have been arrested.
There’s no such thing. The expression presupposes a difference between our “selves” and our “bodies”, for which there is no evidence. We ARE our bodies, and they are not “wrong”.
(It is of course particularly outrageous to tell children that their bodies are wrong, let alone to then suggest this can be “fixed” with medication and surgery.)
Thank you, Wings. From msm it’s been difficult to gauge how this was going. However I have been so enraged by this man (no GRC never mind the fact that it’s impossible to change sec and in any case the GRA was a piece of legal fiction) being referred to as ‘she’.
Scottish politics and public bodies has a serious problem not with YOONs
But with absolute LOONs
You really need to figure out how to deal with the LOONs before you can win over this YOON
If you point to Westminster then you are part of the problem as being less crap then England isn’t a very compelling argument
This tweet provides an overview for those who may not have been following all the ins and outs of the tribunal:
Julie Hull
Weirdly, the biggest disgrace becoming clear from the Peggie tribunal isn’t what I thought it would be, ie the mental deficiency of half the #NHSFife management believing a man can say he’s a woman andlink to abs-0.twimg.comthere she is.
I think it’s actually… sorry, this is a long explanation.
So, here’s a man who possibly wasn’t even born when Sandie Peggie’s nursing career began, who had barely qualified when he joined the ER at the Vic. And he gets so outraged at the audacity of a mere lowly nurse making it clear she was uncomfortable with his illegal trespass into the women’s changing room, he promptly sets out to destroy her career. He monitors every work encounter, recording her ‘hate crimes’ of avoiding him in the changing room, unable to come up with anything better for months than ‘she wouldn’t meet my eyes’.
She, meanwhile, went by the book: raised her concerns with her manager, sought advice from HR… nothing. No help, no support, no concern for her beliefs or her feelings or her wellbeing. None.
When she was left with no choice but to ask him directly to stop, at last he had his ‘evidence’ – only a few words exchanged, both remaining civil, but that unwitnessed moment was enough for him to accuse her of bullying & harassment, to embellish the incident, invent a few more crimes when it became clear that changing room moment wasn’t meaty enough. And to immediately demand a punitive response from the hospital execs, because a socially inferior female colleague questioned his belief and hurt his feelings.
The thing that has me really appalled, is the sheer misogyny of the entire damned hospital management team. Here was an accusation of wrongdoing, clearly with very little substance, and with no third party to corroborate. There’s barely a pause: their response was to suspend the accused woman, on only the word of this man.
When her belief (in biological fact) was undermined, when she was upset and felt threatened… they did nothing.
When his belief (in transgender fantasy) was undermined, when he was upset and felt threatened… they threw her out without even attempting to ask for her side. Everyone bent over backwards to appease him, to protect him from a risk of harm so terrifying to him, he went straight back to the scene of her alleged attack on him three days later, when she was also on shift. The managers investigating her crimes let him rewrite their own formal records of the incident. They have bloody perjured themselves at the tribunal to serve him.
This is why the ‘trans’ part seems almost irrelevant. Pretending to be a woman is a great grift for Upton, turning him from just any other inexperienced young doctor into a rare, special one, who needs to be treated with exceptional care and favouritism by everyone at work. But it’s a sure bet that, if he hadn’t chosen to woman-LARP, he’s the kind of man who would have figured out some other way to tread on any woman in proximity to him who was better than him – smarter, more experienced, more professional, more self-disciplined, not intimidated by him or submissive to him.
He’s a misogynist bully: okay, not so unusual. But the eagerness of the – mostly female – senior staff at #NHSFife to unilaterally believe him, serve him, and conspire with him to destroy the career and well-being of the impeccable female colleague who many of them had known for years… WHY?
They didn’t tear Sandie apart on Upton’s direction because he says he’s a woman. They did it because they know he’s a man. His word, his needs, his demands mattered infinitely more to them than hers.
I can at least understand male misogyny, even as I detest it.
But female misogyny – a gang of educated, professional women joining forces to destroy another woman, on the whim of a man? I can’t understand that, and I can’t ever forgive.
What the fuck is wrong with them all?
12:30 AM · Feb 15, 2025
re. “‘she wouldn’t meet my eyes’.”
Women did not choose their natural female species status (it’s biological human reality) and are not obligated to accept the male species in their private/vulnerable spaces.
If the male species believes that he is a women and is intent on imposing himself/his gender identity imposition (dilemma) upon women, then the issue is with him.
Further, you cannot enforce human perception.
“she wouldn’t meet my eyes” the real crux of his complaint because he is only in the female changing rooms to push his fetish fantasy and needs an audience to validate it. Someone who gets angry at that doesnt deserve to be working with the public either, in their vulnerable condition of being a patient.
Julie Hull has clearly illuminated and broken down the hurried and unconscionable desperation of these female Aunt Lydias in their attempts to recreate The Handmaid’s Tale
yes it is the same response to when women have been sexually harassed by a man in a suit, they push the woman out of her job. Misogyny with more knobs on in this case woman face.
It strikes me that NHS Fife and Upton are trying hard to waste time in the hope it put Peggie and her lawyer through he?l. I don’t think they expected Naomi Cunningham to be so good at her job, or for her to keep reminding the judge that both NHS Gife and Upton have broken a judges order to disclose emails and other evidence. It’s the main reason the case is taking so long.
So my question is that who exactly decided to break that judges order? NHS Fife have a very experienced legal department who would have advised against it, even with the organisation being captured. Or was it Isla Bumba? Either way it should result in mass sackings of the board.
As for EDI heads paid more than senior nurses, they all need to go. Anything they actually do cam be folded back into HR and the NHS across the UK can save millions it can put back into clinical care. Frankly, people like Bumba are stealing a wage, especially as these people seem only to push trans ideology and seem unsupportive of disability or sex.
I can’t see how Upton can continue to practise medicine after this. I can’t see how the board can carry on. I also think this can be traced back to the Scottish Government as it seems clear they were following their lead rather than the law. If I was a large company or organisation I’d be reviewing DEI policies now to make sure its legal as I suspect this sort of thing is common which is horrifying if true.
It is true, John. Almost every – no, every – public institution iOS captured by this nonsense and they all cling to Stonewall Law, not the law of the land. The gross in justice is beyond belief.
Twice when viewing this article, a program called support.client.exe has downloaded. I have no intention of letting it run.
By why would your site trigger this download?
This was a problem yesterday but it should be fixed. You may have a caching issue. Try clearing your browser’s cache, and obviously delete the file immediately.
I just tried in a different browser to my normal one and it is trying to download stuff
It is different to yesterday where it was trying to direct me to a site that I assumed was full of naked ladies
As the malware application is reputed to be one that allows unauthorised remote control of the computer, I naturally assumed it was a site that permits ladies to use my computer’s camera to see me naked.
But hey, I guess your explanation could work too.
I saw a quick flash of something that looked like that filename as I opened the “Wings” tab. Did a C: drive search and found nothing. Just scanning with Norton the now.
Seems clear of any malware nonsense.
I’ve completed a full browser cache clear and history deleted and it’s still auto-downloading.
I delete the file and clear cache and history again and it still auto-downloads the 80Kb exe. file pretty much eveytime I try to click on a recent comment.
Still doing it when I try to switch between older and new articles.
Sod this, goes off to delete yet another two downloaded files…
Same here as of Sunday evening. Click on anything much on the site and it tries to download this app. Cache clearing did nothing.
Today, Sunday, I just clicked on the comments’ icon on a recent article and a pop-up appeared asking to download the .exe file. Obvs I did not and on a Mac it would be useless anyway but still the site is stil clearly compromised.
My cache/history are purged, yet that pesky client still shoves its tootsies into my download folder. I think you may need to hit your own server, with hammers.
I’m having issues too. Stu, I can access your back catalogue of articles through a saved URL , but your last two articles I can only access by clicking on one of the Recent Comments, then the article page loads as normal,
This article, btw, IS a belter. So fkn good. From seeing a few things of yours on Twitter, I knew you were building a really good case. I’m no disappointed.
yes this happened to me I did nothing , is it a virus?
Hi Stu
Your link to Rev. Stuart Campbell still redirects to server.client.exe which is malware. Readers, if you accidentally download it, delete it immediately, please.
I’ve also been affected, now seems to be clear. If you need reassurance download and run “Malwarebytes” free version available. It should sniff out and neutralise anything malicious that has been accidentally downloaded by ‘server.client.exe’.
How do I apply for the job as the Non Executive Whistleblowing Champion? I used to be an over-officious football referee so I reckon I have the required qualifications.
The salary can’t be that good
As the position is still open and Scotland is awash with EX-SNP MPs who are all desperate for a non-job with a high salary
They want someone with actual knowledge and experience
nah that is just being silly
UNISON has predetermined that you lot (social media participants) are bullies and bigots.
Freedom of speech does not apply to you lot.
There is many within the “independence” movement who are deeply uncomfortable with freedom of speech
Just look at the rage whenever anyone questions the Scottish government
Who are of course
and if you agree they are perfect then down vote this comment
re. “There is many within the “independence” movement who are deeply uncomfortable with freedom of speech
Just look at the rage whenever anyone questions the Scottish government”
I totally agree, Yoon
However, rotten Scot Gov/SNP Regime couldn’t give a fu** about independence for Scotland.
And I’ll be voted-down, regardless.
#SNPGlobalistFraud #ScotlandLast
You get voted down not for the content. But the barrage delivery method you apply.
Where as Yoon scum is seriously full shit
The Whingers here can’t even describe Scotland’s values.
They are an utter embarrassment to Scotland.
I’m a yes voter who despises the Scottish Government.
Me too, Marie.
We don’t have freedom of speech and we don’t live in a democracy – that’s why we don’t take a bullet for a political construct – the nation state.
Poor you.
I have freedom of speech. A vote too. I can vote for Indy tomorrow if anybody serious wants to make the effort to stand on that policy.
Seriously, I mean, “serious”.
I wonder what it was you said or did to lose your rights, but don’t tell us unless you want to.
I expect an Independent Scotland will be a nation state too. As you’re already working 17+ hours every day, chances are you’ll be in a reserved occupation. So no bullets will be coming your way.
You can relax.
You don’t have freedom of speech and like mine – your vote is meaningless.
I do and it’s not.
Unless this “2 tier” thingy is a lot more advanced than I thought.
In which case, I probably shouldn’t be spilling the beans about my Tier 1 privileges to a Tier 2 …
OK, Marie, let’s do it your way.
I don’t have freedom of speech, I can’t say or write what I think, and my vote does nothing, even when added to all the votes the same as mine.
Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo, it’s all so unfair!
I’m with you Marie.
Fame at last!
I support and respect Marie.
She’s a Scotland Champion.
I would like to present a little sernario and I’d like you lot to consider it and to answer two questions about it
Your daughter has gone into a toilet and she is a cubicle doing her business. Into the same toilet an TRANSWOMEN who has a PENIS walks in and they going into a cubicle and close and lock the door. Behind this closed door they sit down and have a pee.
No one including your daughter see’s the penis
In fact your daughter doesn’t even know the trans women is actually in the toilet as she is a good scot and she is watching Braveheart on her phone
Now the questions
1:- What damage has your daughter suffered?
2:- What punishment should the trans women face?
You, and the “trans women” should be made to learn grammatical English and correct spelling perhaps ?
p.s Are you drunk ?
A trans woman who has a penis? That’s called a man.
Defo some lasting damage from watching an Australian antisemitic shortarse spouting Hollywood script writer’s shite, particularly if, like gregor, she goes on to believe it’s direct quotes from William Wallace.
As for the rest of your scenario, it’s the ladies safe spaces. So it’s their call.
For the avoidance of doubt, a lady being an adult human with an XX chromosome pair.
If he has a penis, he is a man and he has clearly breaching both the law and moral standards of decency. No good in offering these men a room to them selves to pee in because they need the female aspect for the transgression to kick in fully and give them their sexual feelz. You evidently do not understand what a fetish and/or paraphilia is. If you did, you’d get that man out pronto and protect your daughter from a perversion. She will have been a non consenting prop in his sexual fetish or paraphilia.
Also, as Calum Steele says, why should disabled people and those who genuinely need to use a disabled and accessible loo have to wait on these people? Let them use third spaces, for which they can campaign as women had to do for theirs, or use the unisex toilet. Male and female toilets + a disabled/accessible + a unisex would solve the problems and any man – in a frock or otherwise would be barred from using female people as his non consenting props.
TBQH I don’t know why anyone is giving that PRICK yoon scum any explanation, he/she/it is only here to annoy and bait
no answer to either question
very telling
but probably wise under the hate speech laws bought in by the SNP
Can’t show your true thoughts
What you’re doing here is “to present the tip of the iceberg”. You’re salami slicing the issue down until women lose their sex based rights.
Your question is leading, so we can deduce you are comfortable with a trans woman with a Gender certificate going into a different cubicle.
Next are you still happy if that person has been diagnosed with dysmorphia, and is living as a woman but doesn’t have a certificate?
Next are you still happy if that person chooses to live as a woman as a preference?
Next, are you still happy if a man goes into the next cubicle because its empty and neither party sees each other?
Next suppose that your daughter is dressed and the man passes her on the way to the cubicle? After all its only a cubicle and they might pass each other in the corridor.
Next suppose the cubicle door is not full height, so your daughter and the man could see each other but both avert their gaze? Still comfortable?
Next suppose your daughter is in the changing room, and the man choses to get changed. He keeps his pants and vest on.
Still ok? If yes, let me know and I will set out some more steps. If not, at what point do women get some rights?
Apparently Sandie Peggie declined to setyle with NHS Fife as she wants a declaratory judgement. She also needs that to stop Upton making a complaint to the GNC about her. The stakes are higher for her than most people realise.
Absolutely agree. Most people don’t seem to grasp the sheer viciousness and spiteful reactions of the ‘trans’ identified men and their simpering handmaiden followers. She needs to hold out for a ruling. Settling out of court will simply allow him off the hook and this will happen all over again in another hospital trust. If they get away with breaking the law, they will just keep on breaking it until it has no meaning because that is their aim.
“44% of people in the UK now claiming to know a trans person”
That stat is misleading unless correlated against the percentage of people who know their bible. And the linguistic conventions it follows
The greatest wee gay parliament in the world being shown up for what it is , a sex addled, deviant,pervert filled cabal of white heterosexual male and female haters
WHO instead of working for the betterment of our Country and citizens, eradicating poverty and building a better future for our children, they are more focused on the contents of each others underwear , the sex lives of our kids and destroying the family unit of MUM, DAD and the children
Every pride parade is just an excuse to blatantly expose and celebrate the sexual depravity openly and excuse the underlying contempt of heterosexual people, the next thing on the list is for the removal of the toxicity of paedophilia by renaming it as MAP, Minor Attracted Person, the wee gay parliament will be energised
Spot on.
And much more nicely expressed than I could ever do. I am so fkn raging at what is happening IN our country, TO our country, most of the time I refrain from posting comments out of courtesy to readers.
I have a feeling any documents that are being purposely withheld, are very likely littered with slurs against Sandie. They very likely thought they were untouchable and Sandie wouldn’t take them to court.
The Emperor changing in the ladies, definitely doesn’t have any clothes on and no rights to be there.
The whole World is watching now.
Yes, I think that they would have been very personal. Wouldn’t be at all surprised and come back in July to say that they have ‘disappeared’ or been ‘accidentally’ deleted. In that situation, all computers, etc. need to be confiscated and studied. Deletions remain on the system.
Brilliant Rev. The plans of rats and she/men.
Given that × hormones lead to osteoporosis, I wonder if Peter/Patricia’s wheelchair use is connected to that rather than fibromyalgia? As an aside Reginald Christie suffered fbromyalgia which is why he could not work. Did not impede his ability to strangle young women.
Indeed. If a trans woman is a “woman” then presumably “she” should be screened for cervical cancer rather than prostate cancer, and vice versa.
Afterall, surely any doctor assessing a patient by their sex rather than their “gender” is discriminating against that trans person.
Trans cult in position of NHS power.
What could go wrong…
Posting test.
This nurse has endured horrific injustice.
Also if this gender woo woo is in every health board no wonder waiting lists are as long.
What has happened to this country, these people are mentally ill.
It’s even worse in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Check out NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – Gender Reassignment policy, open the PDF and look at the inpatient scenario. It is sickening.
Please look into the transgender day of remembrance.’ Where NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde tricked over 100 nurses into attending a ‘CPD event on equality and diversity.
Only to be met by a Kings Counsel KC, member of Police Scotland and two transgender employees to intimidate the workforce on their problematic ideas. And that is no joke.
I’ve emailed a politician about it.
Gender identity ideology is a form of cultural imperialism (i.e. oppression) introduced into Scotland and other countries from elsewhere.
One of its obvious aims and inevitable outcomes is to reduce the indigenous birth rate, and in that sense it has achieved what it is intended to do – Scotland today has its lowest birth rate on record and still falling.
This then fuels arguments to raise in-migration which further diminishes and weakens the indigenous ethnic group culture and identity, helped along by DEI policies which further discriminate against and marginalise the indigenous population.
As the Rev suggests, this is clearly an extremely dangerous ideology and it and the DEI agenda urgently need removed from our society and those promoting it removed from positions of authority – which is precisely what President Trump is doing in the USA.
As I’ve pointed out before, colonialism takes many forms, and many different strands work in parallel, which is why it’s unhelpful to focus on just one strand, to the exclusion of others arguably as much or even more harmful.
As to Scotland’s low birth rate. I’d like to see that broken down per ethnic group. I’m not convinced that minorities, for example, have a low birth rate at all.
Once that little wrinkle is understood, it helps to better understand the bias of certain WM & HR government policies. The simple virtue signallers are all for them, not comprehending how they actively benefit some ethnicities far more than others.
Oh well, somebody will be along to deploy the “w” bomb, “wacist”, shortly, because I’ve pointed some of this out.
Was Eamon de Vallera a Nazi? Is he guilty of the mass exodus out of Ireland. Or was he a colonial puppet. Did MI5 have the goodies on him.
Well good luck to them!!!! The role of women may be highly restricted in their community but at least women are considered a separate sex. And THAT is something women in the (enlightened) Western world are losing/have lost. I say again – good luck to them!!!!!!!! Carry on crying. Mr Hatee.
Well, well. Marie, a self-identifying woman, defending the religion of peace, on the basis that they know what a woman is.
And so they do, just as they know what an underage girl is too, and just as they know what their religion empowers them to do to underage, female, non-believing, unprotected, vulnerable kids.
Yup readers. Wings BTL gives you a staunch defender of the Rape Gangs, complete with 9 upticks, and after 15 hours, not one comment against.
Truly, Scotland, or at least this part of it, is not ready for any kind of responsibility whatsoever.
As for you, Marie, I suggest you work 24 hours a day from now on. You’ve nothing of value to contribute here.
“colonialism takes many forms”
Indeed it does, and what we know from postcolonial theory as ‘colonial procedures’. However the main aim of colonialism is economic plunder, through which inequalities are widened.
And the most oppressed unequal ethnic group in a colony is the colonized native, in oor case indigenous Scots language speakers wha make up maist o the fowk living in and/or close to poverty in Scotland, an wha are depreeved o thair cultur an langage an opportunity an aw thair resources as weel:
link to
Totally agree, Alf.
I thought one of the big hopes for indy was to massively ramp up immigration to a free Scotland
TBF, I know a trans person.
No you don’t. There’s no such thing. It’s literal nonsense.
«Gender» is just another ideology. In common with all typical novel ideologies it will not rest content until all perceived opposition has been ground into the dust.
Engaging with such mindsets is thus a total waste of time and effort.
Fa’s Geri?
Twa deid in Munich. Mother and child.
Reports coming in the driver’s name is Navid, or something like it.
Wingers want to hear a statement from Geri PDQ.
Islam is more social ideology than religion. From its foundation all alternatives were to be either eliminated or restricted.
I am surprised by how ignorant western people are of the bloody history, internal and external, of the «religion of peace».
The Prophet of Islam was not averse to using the sword to further his objectives.
All of this is freely available in Islamic literature.
It’s the way religion is interpreted. Most Muslims are among the most honest people in the world.
Indeed, Mark. I have met some who are exactly like that. As in all races and ethnicities, there are good and bad. However, because of the recent atrocities and past ones, we have to be very aware that we cannot just allow anyone in without vetting them. It’s not racism. It’s common sense.
Yes. We are now seeing the results of open doors. How many terrorists, rapists, murderers, paediphiles etc etc are in Scotland now. No one knows. I don’t think our ‘security service ‘ knows either.
The threat of death by the sword was how he forced people to accept his new religion I understand.
The holy Roman church had more sinister, barbaric methods for non believers. Methods that if given a choice I would opt for the quick Sharp sword as opposed to the blunt spoon.
To get the flavour of Islam read the Qur’an and look at the early years of its history.
All there, nothing hidden, warts and all.
The sword plays a rôle but not as much as might be expected.
Conversion may have been more «if you can’t beat them join them». That way you can get on with your life.
But you’re not Geri, and as it’s barely a couple of days since Geri was on here proclaiming that the importation of “Navid”s is Scotland’s future, I’d like Geri to provide us with a statement.
Yet again, a “Navid” has abused western hospitality and generosity by slaughtering our defenceless innocents. I’d like to hear one of the enthusiasts for this lunacy defend it.
Perhaps some others would too.
She’s possibly been shadow banned by some entity intent on destroying free speech. Apparently we have free speech and live in a democracy. Hilarious
Anyone who says that Islam is not the religion of peace, will be beheaded (reproduced from placards carried at numerous recent Gaza protests).
As a woman I’m weary of using the ladies after bumping into a man, wearing a short skirt, in the loo’s in Edinburgh. My advice, buy a Radar key for the disabled toilets. Sorry to those who are disabled for nicking you loo’s, but it’s hell of a lot safer. To those who ARE legitimately going through reassignment surgery, don’t let Dr Upton’s actions bring you down.
Nobody is ‘legitimately going through reassignment surgery’.
It doesn’t take a Superhero to bring these people to book. It just takes a Woman to say NO.
Cracking piece, Rev. Anyone who has a ‘trans’ identified relatives and who is in public office of any kind – police, teachers, councillors, politicians, CEOs, managers, etc. need to declare a conflict of interest in a situation like this. Too many of the relatives and friends and those who say, “but he wouldn’t ham a fly” want to push it on the public.
It be good to know if NHS Fife had someone in a skirt lined up for the “Champion Whistle blower” position.
‘Friends of Wings’ is planning a wee social night for early April.
It’ll be on or around the 11th (!) anniversary of the big Glasgow Counting House gathering.
We prefer not to release details of the venue yet but it’s not Glasgow or Edinburgh – it’s somewhere in-between.
If you think you might be interested please let us know here, or via the Friends of Wings Twitter account. Just so we can get a rough idea of numbers before confirming details with the venue.
I don’t think Paisley is a good idea.
As a general rule I suppose you could be right but it’s not between Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The ONLY good thing to come out of Edinburgh is the road to Glasgow
True, but then again I always reckoned Glasgow looked best in the rear view mirror.
Face it; the bulk of cities are impersonal anonymous termite piles..
Well spotted Ian!
I would love to come if it is easy by public transport.
There’s nothing wrong with Paisley , and once we get rid of the pish snp crawlers and elect a I4I candidate indy will be a cakewalk
Is anyone else still finding it impossible to view comments because of that bloody virus which keeps attempting to download itself?
@ Flying Iron of Doom
Yes, I keep getting that silly thing to download every time I click the link on any of the 30 comments that appear on the list at the right of the page. I also get it whenever I click on the bubble with the number of comments that sits next to the title of the article. The only way I can read comments at present is if I click on the link of the title.
Now the virus downloads even when you click on the title of the article.
There is a disconnect between the comments on the right hand side of the page and the main BTL.
The last comments on the list at the right of the page are not visible BTL
Difficulty posting comments: need to constantly refresh or click on “post comment” multiple times.
I’ve been following Scottish, UK, European and world news for 25 years, TURABDIN.
I have all the flavour of Islam I need.
link to
sort out this website FFS
you click a link if tried to download an exe supportclient
but if you click again you get it but the comments are broken, not registering
Site is well and truly f**cked ATM.
Usual form is to say a big boy did it, then ran away.
I guess that rules out Confused.
How did steve north get the community notes removed under his post of trans woman are woman
This executable file attachment is very persistent. I keep clearing everything but it pops up on each attempt to post. Emptied the recycle bin and so on. Of course I am worried about my bookie account being cleaned out. And also replying to other contributors. Some serious malware there.
Stu we have serious issue with this executable attachment. I have very expensive anti-malware software. I can’t do anything to stop it permanently. Is it a State actor in play. Who? I am betting on Sir Keir and GCHQ. Shut down the only free speech site we have. Contributors have to clear cache, delete and empty the recycle bin and also run a scan after posting. Very sophisticated malware.
Send the working class kids to Ukraine Keir? Trying to emulate the heinous Blair.
I investigated it myself – it is screen capture (+otw) spyware, which exploits a vulnerability in .NET Framework to propagate itself. I do not imagine that this is the method of attack that a sophisticated enterprise such as GCHQ. By the looks of things, its either Russian (it checks your installed languages, as Russian hackers only really get prosecuted if they hack Russians), or American (it downloads from a website registered to Alabama)
Rev I made 4 or 5 comments yesterday on my tablet and laptop which haven’t appeared , I also just refreshed my tablet and that fckn download prompt is still appearing
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.”
Please clarify for us, gregor. Is it Him who’s been speaking to you, or just you that’s been speaking to Him?
£50 says it’s entirely the latter
Now they are going to sack Sandie for “misgendering”
link to
Thanks for posting that link, Geoff.
It’s a disgraceful tale of madness, petty venom and open mis-use of taxpayer’s resources by untouchable state employees, motivated far more by their personal interests than the interests of their vulnerable patients.
The line that stuck in my craw is this one:
“A member of NHS Fife’s equality and diversity team”
Just how many of the grifting barstewards are there in Fife? Across the SNHS? Across the UK NHS?
Why are so many still trying to protect this monolithic state religion, the NHS, that long since abandoned serving the people as its first priority?
At the very least, we need a DONE, a Department Of NHS Efficiency, to take a pruning axe to the layers of unproductive leeches with which the SNHS/NHS are infested.
Here in Scotland, we could have a DOSE instead, a Department Of SNHS Efficiency. That has a certain ring to it.
Biology is no longer a hard and fast science in Scotland even in medical circles – utterly beyond belief and makes us look like a foolish , backward wee country which has had a collective lobotomy.
Dr whatever is a BLOKE
no gender certificate
why was a bloke in a frock allowed-to go into the ladies
Fife Health board are rubbish
Looks like Sandie can take them to the cleaners for harassment………..
Geoff if these arsewipes continue with their disciplinary procedure on Friday and SP’s lawyers are forced to go to court to get it paused pending the outcome of the employment tribunal then SP’s lawyers should SUE each individual forcing the Friday hearing for their fees as their actions are apparently illegal or unlawful
It is the same with every one of these cases citing slander or defamation as Stuart posted in the past re the HURTY hate laws , if every one of these clowns and deviants were FORCED to pay their own legal fees instead of the TAXPAYER in the shape of the SNHS, LA, or the SG there would be a lot less court cases and tribunals
What is even MORE galling is that some TAXPAYERS are having to pay TWICE for this assault on common sense , Once in the shape of the MORONS bringing these legal cases , and again having to crowdfund individuals defending themselves against these deviants and perverts
Is Rev Stu trying to tell us something?
The state of this site mirrors the state of Scotland under the SNP.
Why has the community notes disappeared from steve north tweet
MSM reporting that a gentleman reputed to be the world’s first openly gay imam, has been shot dead in South Africa.
Plenty of the usual suspects like to come on here, fluffing for the religion of peace, and/or fluffing for an Independent Scotland’s future with the BRICS shitholes.
Aye. Right.
If the sorry day we make common cause with these intolerant, murderous, medieval bigots ever comes to pass, nobody will ever be able to say we werenae telt the misery and mayhem we were getting ourselves into.
Go back to bed Mr Netan-ya-hooo
“Apparently we have free speech and live in a democracy”
I’m free to call you an eejit and vote out your abortion of an Indy party.
Someone (can’t remember who) used the term “petty venom “ on this thread earlier – petty venom on show right here.
Any update on the server problem? Anyone?
I’ve tried everything FIoD. £50 says the problem lies in Bath. Karma for the leccy thieves
Looks like yet more middle class passive aggressive bullying by an over privileged male doctor against a working class female nurse, quelle surprise, n’est pas?
Vive La Peggie.
NG MIA! Again
Test, please delete.
Wow! Lots going on in the world. Even happenings in Auld Scotia. Deid on here though.
It’s dead on here for a reason. This site is compromised. Normal service will be restored eventually. Paying the ransonware is not the answer. Tells you all you need to know about the Labour UK Government and SNP Scottish Government. Free speech is not on their radar.
This is true but then the server is still gubbed. J’accuse Gregor and his spam campaign
I love the fact that I’m stuck in your head, Flying Paranoia.
Now it’s d/loading a new file- Update.Client.exe
BBC (18/02/25): Review of school sex survey to be published:
“The Scottish government‘s Health and Wellbeing census first hit the headlines in 2021 after asking pupils as young as 14 about their sexual experiences…
The questions that were asked varied for different age groups but those in S4 (ages 14 and 15) were asked about their sexual relationships and contraception.
One question asks: “People have varying degrees of sexual experience. How much, if any, sexual experience have you had?”
The multiple choice answers include “oral sex” and “vaginal or anal sex“.
At the time of the survey, campaigners warned that it must protect children’s right to privacy and give informed consent.
However, consent was done on an “opt-out” basis, meaning parents or pupils had to specifically refuse to take part.
Parents said they were not told the nature of the questions in advance and were not asked to agree that their children’s private information could be shared.”:
link to
Online Safety for Children and Teens: What is Grooming? Strategies for Parents to Recognize the Signs:
“Grooming Strategies:
Experimenting Boundaries:
Groomers will try to experiment the boundaries of what the child is comfortable and not comfortable with…
Sharing Sexually Explicit Material:
Grooming perpetrators frequently share sexualized material with the intention to normalize sex. The groomer will use sexual words… efforts to normalize sexual experiences and desensitize them…
Secret Communication:
Grooming perpetrators are going to look for any kind of ‘secret’ pathways to communicate with the child or young person in secret… the groomer is always going to support and encourage the child or young person to keep everything a secret…”:
link to
Je suis gregor!!!
(Note capitalisation – these details matter
Looks as though life has returned to normal on Wings ! Thank goodness!
I will try this. Dave Narey and Paul Hegarty were a better central duo than Willie Miller and Alex McLeish.
New malware. Red lettered signal saying download this on your PC.
OK I seem to be clear now. Hopefully the same for other wingers. But be cautious I have just realised how important this site is to me. The banter and other contributors comments as well as Stus excellent articles.
ARC i.e alliance for responsible citizenship currently conferencing in east London at a venue owned and operated by an Abu Dhabi company, is another «ideology» looking for a great height from which to deposit its product upon the benighted masses.
Niall Ferguson an apologist for the intrinsic benefits of British imperialism will be among those dishing the goodies in this supposed Alt. WEF outfit, although the feel of the outfit seems akin to recycled anglo-elitist material.
To quote a great film:
Is it safe?
Put me off dentists for years.
Anyway back to the matter in hand. Sandy Peggie will win the industrial tribunal because their deliberations will be based on law. I am not so sure about the NHS Fife disciplinary which will be based on DEI distorted management. I saw an advert once that said “We are Winning”. And we are and double thanks to the Sandy Peggies of the World.
I hope you are right, and I echo your thanks to Sandy Peggie.
Well done NHS Fife. There goes another 100,000 votes and not a Reform candidate in sight.
Reform are getting their case put for them by none other than the ‘ distorted management’. Even the Labour Lackeys are back sliding.
OT, but how long till the EU tells the USA to f#ck off.
A tip for Stu. Cheltenham Festival Champion Bumper. Wednesday 12th a horse called Windbeathmywings. NRNB at 11 to 2 get on.
Jeez – I leave for a few days & someone has rearranged the furniture again.
The solution is very simple. If yer a fully intact male then you are a male. You use the male facilities you already have. End of story.
They’ve not transitioned. They’re not a bit female. They’re not a new species. They’re not on a journey the rest of us have to share in & they’re not on magic pills that immediately transforms them into a female with female feelz.
I dunno why bleeding heart eejits always try to blur the lines. If any guy was serious about changing his sex legally & serious about transitioning – his manhood would be the first to go but with 99% of these eejits it remains intact because they’re not TRA. They want options & it’s A KINK! Women & girls especially all have to accommodate it in their spaces or we’re mean FFS! No, they’re the mean ones playing coercive control & attention seeking fuckwittery.
If they do not have a Gender Recognition Certificate then FUCK OFF. Simples.
Absolutely on the money
Sorry, just testing.
The site is back to its old format and understandable again.
They can fuck of with their certificates too!
Yep!A thousand times Yep!
If one has testicles and a penis one is male . If one has a vulva and ovaries then one is female – indisputable biological facts.
TBQH I do NOT give a flying fuck whether they have a GRC or not, they cannot EVER change their biological SEX even IF they get parts chopped off or ADDED on, their chromosomes determine who they are
I have asked numerous times on here and elsewhere for people to STOP using the term GENDER when they are talking about SEX, this captured speech just gives these deviants credibility, and as for “ASSIGNED AT BIRTH”pish THAT should be stamped on immediately anyone utters it
Yep: gender is for nouns, sex is for humans. Could it be simpler?
It’s very simple and if Dr Upton is not aware of it he should not be practising as a doctor .
Male chromosome is XY and the female chromosome is XX.All that is needed is a simple blood test.
Sandie Peggie is a very brave person and a great deal hangs on the final judgement . I personally have encountered men in drag in the ladies toilets in Edinburgh Botanics and the Edinburgh Portrait gallery and even worse in the women’s changing room (with children changing ) at Lloyds swimming pool.The attendants were useless and afraid to challenge them .The situation will worsen if the judgement goes against her .
Horrendous. Destroys any concept of the safeguarding of women and girls.
That is dreadful, Anne. I wonder if one went to the men’s changing room entrance and asked them to help about the man in the children/women’s area, they would have come and got him out?
Thank goodness Wings is back! I was reduced to looking at other people’s twitter for any re-tweets of Wings.
Now I can spread the word about the “Fully Repeal the Gender Recognition Act” petition to Westminster. It was started a few days ago and Scotland is responding. There’s only 1 constituency in England which matches Scotland’s response – interestingly it is the Green’s Brighton Pavilion!
Link to petition:
link to
Thanks, crazycat!
Wife and I both signed last night, NEEDS lots more signatures c’mon Rev get a link up and get the 2010 act REPEALED better still get the 2004 act repealed
Thanks for the link Crazycat – signed.
A lot of traffic on women rights. It’s simples. Because the GRRB didn’t receive Royal Assent it is not Law. So the backstop law is 2010 Equalities Act. So Sandie Peggie will win her case. At least in law. But the opposition to GRRB has introduced failure of patient care. Hence the worry about the NHS Fife disciplinary position. A seasoned Nurse versus a Jonny Come lately Trans. A new boy without a record in patent care. The SNP Government position is amoral and unsustainable.
I find hard to believe the level of incompetence in Fife NHS HR Department, I for one will not be surprised if nobody in the Board, who okayed this action will not be sacked.
It’s the modern way, nobody gets sacked for incompetence !
Sarah and Crazy cat, tried to sign but no email to confirm .
The only thing that came into my inbox was some crude tosser saying hello pervert and proceeded to threaten me – I am hoping that the two things are unconnected.
I obtained the link from a For Women Scotland newsletter. It worked for me the first time, and I’ve just clicked it again. I received an e-mail correctly informing me I’d already signed it.
So I believe the link is correct. (I’m still having issues posting here, plus the page won’t refresh, I have to open it in a separate tab, so it may be a while before you are able to read this response.)
Hi, diabloandco, I just clicked the link and it took me to the official Westminster petition page. I can’t understand what happened in your case. Surely there wouldn’t be malicious interference on a government site?
Thank you both , I will try again.
Tess White, the Scottish Tories’ equalities minister, said: “Women and girls will be appalled that Nicola Sturgeon’s flawed gender self-id plans have effectively been introduced by the back door in Scotland’s public bodies.”
A rather unfortunate phrase to use under the circumstances!
It’s the NGOs. They need eradicated from every parliament. Unelected eejits, undemocratic & usually foreign interference. They need shown the back door or at the very least, as a matter of public interest cause they receive government funding/public purse, full disclosure of who is funding them, where they came from & we’ll see whose interests they serve.
TBH I’m surprised Perfidious Albion has played along with this shite as long as they have – especially in the armed forces as a matter of national security. I dunno what madness posseses the elite. Here we are, on the brink of possible conflict, & everyone wants their pronouns respected & a free pass into the female changing facilities cause they’ve popped a few magical pixie dust poppers & now feel all the lady feelz a tingling…& We’re gonnie lock & load them with a weapon & send them intae battle? LMAO!
We’re all fckn doomed. LOL!
‘twathater says:
15 February, 2025 at 4:14 pm
The greatest wee gay parliament in the world’
@ Geri I must admit it wasn’t me that came up with that pish it was some arsewipe celebrating the unrepresentative make up of the administration and doing the usual baiting
Well this denial of women as a sex category in Western nations (because that is exactly what it is) has destroyed the tiny slither of patriotism I still had.
And meanwhile folks struggle to get a doctors appointment, struggle to get treatment, and our government squander scant resources on this nonsense.
One easy answer is to reopen the mental hospitals to treat these poor confused ill people suffering confusion.
Received yesterday excellent news from Liberation Scotland, well worth talking about.
Interesting. They’ve signed up with JPTi, an organisation supporting (amongst other stuff) LBTQ+ and Donald Trumps attack on USAID.
The UN recognition we’ve all been waiting for has finally been achieved?
The UN recognition we’ve been waiting for has finally be achieved?
the Liberation and Salvo websites appear to be unaware of the «excellent news» cited above.
Not yet, Aidan, but a good start has been made.
An NGO body in Geneva that can approach the UN on behalf of Salvo/Liberation to have Scotland formally recognised by it as a colony, has accepted Salvo’s initial submission and has stated that in its view, Salvo/Liberation has a good case.
“Liberation Scotland” still exists?
Its twitter pages hasn’t had a comment in 2 years.
Salvo’s blog hasn’t has a blogpost since April 2023.
The Assange campaign, with Craig Murray, worked with the advocacy group Justice For All International [Justice Pour Tout International] to access committees at the UN. and have this week engaged them.
JFAI will present the Liberation Movement petition to the relevant UN committee and then the General Assembly. The outcome will be known in a matter of WEEKS.
JFAI would not have taken on this role if the Liberation/Salvo case was weak. They have commended the strength of the argument. So this is a supportive opinion from a non-Scottish, professional organisation.
Keep your fingers crossed for the next few weeks, everyone.
I assume you’ll be posting a copy of the correspondence you’ve had with JPTI, and that JPTI have had with the UN General Assembly, to back all this up. I’m pretty certain that JPTI, tiny and they are, will be reluctant to embarrass themselves with a petition signed by 150 people accompanied by a ranting and raving legal argument that you’ve personally been told by people in authority is a load of nonsense. I would guess at best they’ve agreed to pass on an email address or forward on an email. It seems even more unlikely that an outcome from the UN General Assembly will be known in weeks when the assembly isn’t meeting until September. But I guess this will be enough to keep the donations trickling in so well done on that front.
@ Xaracen, I said that at 12.21 but you said it better!
Not convinced mine was better than yours, Sarah, :), but thank you. Yes, the signs are very favourable, and I’d love to see the full submission.
i am amazed by those who naïvely believe that the United Nations, given its lamentable track record on minorities, could do anything for Scotland given the country’s historic involvement in colonialism and imperialism.
Those involved are setting the scene for a tragicomedy. today on youtube – Sara Salyers is on. I’ve not heard it yet myself but perhaps she will explain the role of the UN in the decolonisation of multiple countries since the 1960’s. The UN decolonisation process has been used successfully by others so it could be Scotland’s turn next.
The UN has different tasks – some are more successful than others.
“Scotland given the country’s historic involvement in colonialism and imperialism”
Whoops, you are rather raining on some people’s parade with that statement, but perhaps they are only parading in the first place because of a collective agreement to deny historical facts.
Nevertheless, let’s wait and see, eh?
Sarah above claims the outcome will be known in a matter of weeks. Sounds a lot quicker than the outcomes of some of the other far more pressing international stuff currently going on.
I guess if I was squatting in a sewage-filled hole somewhere, trying to shush my screaming, starving kids, I’d think my case mattered more than that of some cossetted, first-world, online grouch, oppressed by little more than hurty feelz, but as I wrote, let’s wait and see!
We don’t have to wait a couple of weeks, the outcome is known now. The outcome is that this is a load of nonsense and is going nowhere, it’ll be given the same level of attention as all the other spam tiny campaign organisations send the United Nations. Nobody with responsibility for any role in the UN has any interest in indulging a tiny bunch of bored retirees with a petition signed by a bus’ worth of people.
You are revealing a lot of ignorance about the Scottish case at the UN and that is why you are dismissing it out of hand. You would be both fascinated and appalled at the mass body of evidence gathered from primary sources that forms the foundation of Scotland’s case. You have no doubt read that Scotland’s advocate representing us at UN has already confirmed that our case is sound. As for belittling the hard work of ‘a tiny bunch of bored retirees’, that simply confirms your dire ignorance, your prejudices and your narrow-mindeness and lack of capability to look at all sides of a question. Any one of these ‘bored retirees’ would wipe the floor with your face for intelligence, tenacity, strength and ability and anyone with any sense would trust that bunch of oldies before they would touch the anti-scottish likes of you with the traditional bargepole!
Well said, Fiona!
Aidan’s presumptions are not at all as well-founded as he thinks they are, and he never backs up his assertions with meaningful, relevant provenance.
Aidan does know to always spell Scotland with a capital ‘S’, so that puts him one up in the pecking order on you, Xaracen.
Not even a Sovereign Scot who can trace his Scottish Sovereignty all the way directly back to the murdering thief who slaughtered all the Picts in his locality and stole their land, possessions and women is entitled to call my country “scotland”.
It’s a peculiar myopia you suffer from, Xaracen. By being wrong about how to write “Scotland”, you call into question every other claim you make.
But you won’t take a telling.
Perhaps I am ignorant of it, but if I am it’s only because despite asking over and over for the legal narrative and the evidence to support it, I get nothing in response. If you have this mass body of evidence, constructed into a compelling argument based on recognised legal principles, please share with me!
As for Hatey face, if you ever decide to expand your narrow mind by reading through Scotland’s case which is about to be submitted to the UN, if you read the evidence and noted the primary sources for that evidence you might just begin to understand that Scots have suffered just as much as anyone currently squatting in a sewage filled gutter over the centuries. No Scot could fail to feel the huge anger at what has been done to us. Much of the suffering of Scots today is as bad as you describe and is a direct result of our colonisation and asset-stripping – the elderly and disabled cowering and slowly dying in great pain over days in -6 to -8C daytime temperatures in unheated damp mouldy houses. Infants and toddlers faring little better. People in all age groups suffering malnutrition as they cant afford to eat. People sanctioned and living in penury. It is about to get far far worse! And if you were in touch with the lived reality of the very many poor in Scotland today who are suffering from the policies of the colonising government and its Scottish collaborators, you would know that these are simple facts – not hyperbole or imagination, but real facts. Taking place in a country which is not formally at war, a country which is super-wealthy.
When the Scottish and Irish ‘famines’ took place and many Scots and Irish people died of starvation and homelessness, it was not due to actual lack of food production. These were not due to genuine famine, they were due to the English colonisers removing the wheat, barley, oats that would have fed these people and shipping it all off to England. It was contrived famine. Perpetrated by the coloniser. No difference today.
Thank you Fiona.
Sorry, FionaN, I have neither the time nor the inclination to read over this stuff. I am more than happy to wait for and be guided by the result. Bring it on!
“No Scot could fail to feel the huge anger at what has been done to us”
Plenty has been done by us too. I am unaware of African, Caribbean, Antipodean, Indian and Aboriginal American place names all over Scotland, The converse is a scathing indictment of just who colonised who over the centuries.
“a country which is super-wealthy”
In your dreams, maybe.
“contrived famine. Perpetrated by the coloniser”
There’s been a lot of water under the bridge since. Some people attempted to industrially eradicate some other people from the face of the earth. Some people dropped nuclear bombs on the heads of some other people. Some people unleashed a deadly, lab-developed, viral pathogen on the world, just to see what would happen.
Yet all of the people on the receiving ends of the above are trying to get over it and move on.
Makes you think, eh? What’s wrong with us Scots?
“It is about to get far far worse!”
Have you told the immigrants killing themselves to get in? Why not? Why don’t they believe you if you have?
I wonder if any of championing this Deviants charter has young/older daughters getting showered then in pops the trans!!!! buck naked then starts playing with themselfs Whit would they say ?????