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Wings Over Scotland

The Silence Of The Sacrificial Lambs

Posted on February 07, 2022 by

Should disabled children be used as props to make men with sexual fetishes feel better? It doesn’t seem like a difficult question, does it?

“At no point, while I was coming to terms with how my [severely disabled] daughter’s future was set to unfold, did I expect to find myself in a position where I would be forced to remind my elected representatives about something as basic as my vulnerable daughter’s need for same-sex care.

Anxieties about her having to endure acts of negligence, or maybe even cruelty, at the hands of an unprofessional person, once I am gone, have haunted some of my sleepless nights. However, I have been consoled with the knowledge that regulations and safeguarding policies would be in place to offer her protection from bad actors.

But what happens when somewhere along the line the differences between the sexes become artificially blurred, and the safeguarding that was in place can no longer be relied upon because of proposed reforms to current law?”

The above quote is part of the heartfelt plea of a mother of a disabled daughter. We know that women and girls are vulnerable to male sexual violence, we know that men commit 98% of sex offences and we know that disabled children are three to four times more likely to experience abuse.

We just don’t seem to care.

The United Nations Population Fund has highlighted how “in a study by the African Child Policy Forum of violence against children with disabilities, nearly every young person interviewed had been sexually abused at least once – and most more than once”.

Once they reach adulthood, the statistics according to research by DAME Magazine are terrifying:

“Eighty-three percent of disabled women experience rape or abuse, often at the hands of caretakers. And without a way to report their violations, the [perpetrators] frequently go unpunished.”

The magazine’s Victoria Brownworth argued that (in the US) “77% of rapes and sexual assaults were not reported to police. The enormity of that number suggests that within the context of disability, where so many victims may not even have access to language, or where the person they would report to is the same person perpetuating the assaults (and on whom they depend for their most basic care), the number may be perilously close to 100 percent.”

Alongside the significant risk of sexual violence, we know that girls and women experience an indignity and a trauma when they are forced to allow a male to undress them and touch their vulva, breasts or anus when they do not consent and do not want this touch. Sex is important.

Having become disabled as a teenager myself, it can feel like society has sentenced you to suffer at the hands of men. The figures and the possibilities of your future are stark. People look away at the obvious risks, they deny that you too need dignity, they claim “not all men”.

And while it isn’t all men, it’s also not just seven bad ones – they wouldn’t have the time to abuse all of these children and women.

‘In Ireland, a report analysing data from 14 rape crisis centres shows that almost half of the surveyed survivors with disabilities disclosed that they were subjected to sexual violence during childhood (48%), while one in ten disclosed that they were subjected to sexual violence both as adults and as children (10%).

Individuals with disabilities who use rape crisis centre services are more likely to have been subjected to multiple incidents of sexual violence than those with no disabilities (39% compared with 25%).”

Although it’s difficult to obtain data on disabled children as previously it hasn’t been seen as important enough to collect, the data which is emerging is showing a similar pattern across nations. Very vulnerable children and adults, particularly those who struggle to communicate, are seen as targets by predators. These predatory males will use careers where they can have access to these vulnerable children in order to abuse.

For example, evidence was given to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry that a potential sex offender was being employed and moved around children’s homes, including a home for disabled children.

“Mr Dolan, former assistant area manager for the Glasgow South social work team, told the hearing in Edinburgh: “a man, who I don’t want to name, worked as a residential care worker for the local authority. He is now a convicted sex offender.”

Staff were expressing concerns about him and it seems that he got moved from a children’s home to a home for children with disabilities in the Pollokshields area and they were concerned how he had managed to get this. I am aware that this individual seemed to be very close to one of the most senior managers for the residential establishment”.

Frequently men will move into positions where they can have access to their targets. In May 2021 Dorrion Etienne was imprisoned for targeting and sexually abusing two learning-disabled girls at their school.

In August 2021 a former deputy headmaster and a head of care at a special needs school in Lincolnshire who raped and assaulted girl pupils over the course of 12 years were jailed for more than 23 years.

In November 2021 Robin James Elms was convicted and sentenced after he “targeted a child with special needs during a campaign of abuse in private homes where he worked as a freelance nanny and babysitter. He picked on children he thought were too young to speak up or who had learning difficulties and autism, grooming entire families in order to commit his abuse”.

Also in November 2021 it was reported that George Holden, “a former Derbyshire teacher and professional clown expects to die behind bars after being jailed for abusing young children. The court heard his previous convictions included sexually abusing blind and disabled children while working as a teacher at a special school”.

In December 2021 Brian Rudgley, an 83-year-old retired head teacher with years of experience working with children with special educational needs was imprisoned for sexually abusing a learning-disabled girl.

We have seen this pattern in institutions like sports clubs, charities and the Church to name just a few. Predators will move to where they can get to their prey. Yet still, politicians are behaving like such behaviour is beyond the realms of possibility. I am sick of them playing dumb and putting the wellbeing of the disabled at risk.

Indeed, it is once again being proposed by politicians that male feelings and male egos need to be prioritised and protected by law above the needs of the vulnerable, and those who too frequently experience sexual abuse at the hands of males. We are not even allowed to name the pattern – male sexual violence – in case it offends men.

Language had been changed to obscure reality. Parent P, who wished to remain anonymous, pointed out that “lots of people won’t think twice about a form only asking about gender, not sex too and also think these terms are interchangeable. The erosion and hijacking of our rights is so insidious”.

When it’s a form deciding what adult will be touching your child’s genitals, the difference between sex and gender identity is put in much sharper relief. Same-sex care is the most basic of safeguards and provides dignity, we should be able to choose it for ourselves and our relatives.

However, it commonly appears that NHS policies have been written according to Stonewall’s version of the law rather than the Equality Act 2010. NHS Lanarkshire’s “Supporting Trans Staff in the Workplace” dictates that employees:

“ensure Trans staff are treated as being of the gender in which they are living irrespective of whether they have undergone any hormonal or surgical treatment or have a Gender Recognition Certificate. It is unacceptable for colleagues and managers to refuse to recognise, for any period of time, a member of staff as belonging to the gender in which they are currently living.”

Translated, a cross-dressing man who gets aroused in women’s clothes is to be treated as a woman, and this includes allowing him access to disabled girls’ naked bodies.

The Equality Act 2010 makes it acceptable to discriminate on the basis of sex if there is a legitimate aim – this is known as a General Occupational Qualification (GOQ). If women and girls are to be naked it was widely accepted, before Stonewall poisoned the well, that a GOQ would automatically apply.

NHS Lanarkshire has pre-empted challenge on this point and commanded staff that male feelings come above the law in this regard. It declares that:

“the Equality Act 2010 provides limited exemptions for GOQ positions to restrict access to members of a particular gender [wrong, read “sex”]. These exemptions can only be applied in order to achieve a legitimate operational need.

All efforts should be made to enable Trans employees to work in positions, including those covered by General Occupational Qualifications, consistent with the gender with which they identify.

Where a person has a gender recognition certificate they must be regarded as being that gender for the purposes of GOQ positions. As the gender history of an employee is a matter of strictest confidentiality, this information should never be shared with service users.”

This secret-keeping about (mostly) males’ true sex, identity, and past means the scenario could arise that parents place their severely disabled non-verbal teenage daughter in a short respite care, thinking she will receive intimate care and be attended to at night by a woman, when in reality a man who gets aroused by cross-dressing has put on women’s clothes and is repeatedly washing the girl’s vulva.

Is that sexual abuse? The young girl will feel violated, will feel abused, will be traumatised. The parents will feel lied to, and wonder if they can ever trust the care of their daughter to Lanarkshire NHS again.

Allan Petrie, the chairperson of Glenlaw Parent/Carer Support Group, has written to Shona Robison, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government to raise parental concerns around the care of their disabled children, noting that “trans” is now an umbrella term encompassing all manner of groups including drag queens, crossdressers and “midlings”, whatever those might be.

(Googling produces nothing useful.)

It’s also argued within the LGB/T/Q/+ community that a range of extreme (and even illegal) sexual practices grouped under the term “kink” belong under the trans/LGBTQ+ “umbrella”.

The Q in LGBTQ+ (the official preferred term of people like the Scottish Greens) already stands for Queer, a term which organisations like Stonewall are very shy about defining in any meaningful way but appears to implicitly embrace “kink”, as being outwith “perceived norms” and “specific labels”.

Or put another way, it means whatever you want it to mean. Christina Richards – a transwoman who is Lead Psychologist and Head of Psychology at the UK’s foremost “gender identity clinic”, the Tavistock in London – has called for many extreme and violent sexual practices to be normalised and no longer classified as paraphilias – conditions “characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities”.

(One such practice is “ageplay”, which Richards describes as “an adult identifying as a baby or young child, and is also known as adult baby/diaper lover (ABDL) or infantilism. There may be a sexual aspect… associated with humiliation”, while denying it has any link to paedophilia.)

Mr Petrie explained that to the minister:

“Our children are some of the most vulnerable children alive, they are non-mobile and non-verbal, they require 24 hour care including intimate care, as such we require to put our trust in professionals, at the moment we use the equality act to ensure that care is carried out by the same biological sex as our child, this is not just about safety but also our children’s dignity.

However if the Scottish government continue with this Act then ANY man can self-identify as a female be given a job within the care sector and if we refused to allow them to give our child intimate care on the bases of their biological sex then we could face prosecution under the proposed Hate Crime Bill.”

Research by NSPCC Learning together with Coventry University and the Ann Craft Trust presented the universalism of these parental anxieties around the care of their disabled children. One parent respondent described how

“We had respite at home and we installed cameras in the house for that reason, until they went. Nothing ever happened but it was just for me for those 2 hours while they were there. My son was so young, he still wouldn’t be able to explain. So I would check it every time that I would come home. Just so I knew he was safe.”

The research highlighted how “parents whose children had complex needs raised particular concerns regarding how incredibly difficult it was to teach their children about issues such as safe touch in their intimate care, puberty and changes in their bodies and about sexual abuse. Their greatest fears were that their child would not be able to communicate if they felt unsafe. One parent explained that her son used Makaton to communicate, yet there were no staff in his school that could use Makaton. As a result the child had no means of communicating with anyone”.

The sexual abuse of disabled children and young adults is so widespread that the NSPCC alongside the charity Triangle has developed a communication system for children to express abuse. Triangle highlighted that before their intervention, children who used symbol vocabulary to communicate could “communicate about the national curriculum but cannot say ‘leave me alone’.”

Due to the fact that disabled children did not have access to specific symbols which could communicate sexual abuse, safeguarding experts and investigators would sometimes have to hand draw images and thus accusations of coaching the child could be made. This added to non-verbal children being perceived as weak witnesses and subsequently cases not being prosecuted.

Consequently it increased the targeting of such children by perpetrators. Triangle has enabled disabled children and young people to get legal redress for crimes committed against them, by enabling disabled children to tell someone what’s being done to them. As part of developing the images, Triangle

“asked experienced interviewers about how young children and nonspeaking children have communicated about abuse. [They’ve] included images for a range of words that children use when they don’t know the ‘right’ word.

For children being interviewed using AAC, it may be more appropriate to offer them non-specific images rather than explicit ones which could be perceived as leading or coaching the child. For example, although the image set includes ‘erection’ and ‘ejaculation’, for young children it may be more appropriate that they have access to the images for ‘willy’, ‘hard’ and ‘squirt’.”

Yes, in our society we’ve had to develop a way for severely disabled children who may have mental ages of 6 to 8 to say “willy”, “hard” and “squirt”.

Once communication has been enabled the struggle to participate in the justice system doesn’t stop there. As well as access to communication, physical access to the courts is still a barrier as just 2% of UK courts are currently accessible to disabled people. This, frankly, is a denial of fundamental rights and what exclusion really looks like.

Alongside the obvious safeguarding issues and the need to maintain dignity for the disabled is the fact that a male carer would retraumatise disabled girls who have already been sexually abused by men. Ann West commented that “our disabled daughter was seriously sexually assaulted. We were assured she would always have women support staff especially as she needs assistance with all her personal care. Well I’m not remotely reassured, in fact I’m terrified for her future. This is so wrong on every level’.”

It is generally understood that women and girls who have been sexually assaulted and or raped by men find the presence of and touch of men re-traumatising, and this is no different if the women or girl has a disability. In fact it may be exaggerated because that man might be touching your vulva, breasts and other parts of your body. The statistics on abuse are stark – UNICEF estimates that children with disabilities are three to four times more likely to experience physical and sexual violence.

Why would a man want to do this? If he doesn’t care about the potential serious impact he will have on the disabled girl or woman, should he be in a caring position at all? Since when has it been acceptable to use disabled children as props to arouse men?

To most people it is astonishing that questioning a man touching your non-verbal disabled female child’s genitals could be a criminal offence, yet in Scotland it is about to become a hate crime.Why are politicians willing to re-traumatise potential abuse victims to fulfil men’s fantasies?


Dr EM is a disabled, feminist writer and historian. She writes under a pen name due to threats to her safety and tweets as @PankhurstEM.

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Andy Ellis

@Ruby 12.35 am

To educate dunderheids like you who appear to glory in their ignorance Ruby. It’s not that hard. You’ve spent days making a point of whingeing about people even discussing the Ukrainian war and boasting that you deliberately refused to read anything about it.

People with two brain cells to rub together will probably appreciate debate and someone pointing out alternative sources. You – as is your MO – were happy to uncritically post something (which it turn out is innaccurate…there’s a shocker!) then when provided with a source which corrects the error, you immediate response isn’t to debate which is right with reference to alternative sources, it’s to attack the source, and divert discussion on to why I’m engaging in the debate.

The question is, why are you doing it?

Do you simply lack the intellectual capacity to engage in the issues, or is it just that you’re not interested and refuse to engage and / or think it isn’t important, even tough you initiated the discussion by posting Pilger’s inaccurate assessment of where Zelensky’s support came from?

Again, happy to help: it’s something different to do during the holiday between other things!


To educate dunderheids like you who appear to glory in their ignorance Ruby

Why would you want to give up your holidays to do that?

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 12.23 am

“Don’t be fooled, Ellis spent about 8 minutes reading about Zelensky and now he is pretending he’s an expert. It’s top trolling.”

OK Hatuey, so what’s your issue? You seemed triggered (again). Why is that? I’ve never pretended to be an expert about Zelensky: I simply pointed out, by the fairly simple – and I’d have thought to any reasonable person – unremarkable method of researching on line the claim made in Ruby’s original copy and paste of Pilger’s comment (presumably a tweet, but Ruby isn’t bright enough to explain, so lets’ assume so?).

Either it’s true that Zelensky was elected largely on the back of ethnic Russian votes with a platform to make peace with Russia, or it isn’t. The evidence I turned up suggests that it simply isn’t true, or at the very best is such a crass simplification as to be meaningless.

Anyone with an internet connection can do the same research. It’s not trolling to point out that there is information – including the piece in the Washington Post – contradicting Pilger’s opinion. There’s lots of information about the Ukrainian elections of 2019 and previous years, from various resources: newspapers, wikipedia breakdowns of the votes, articles from political websites and journals. One doesn’t have to be an expert to read it: yet here we have Ruby, who glories in her determination NOT to be informed, sitting on the sidelines throwing rocks at those who do. But somehow I’m the troll? Away and gie yersel a shake man.

Yet here we are treated to the Hatuey and Ruby show, Dumb and Dumber, neither of whom is prepared to point out any flaws of counter arguments, but both of whom are happy to play the man rather than the ball. I realise it the MO for both of you, but it doesn’t convince anyone but the other Putinista skid marks on the movement polluting BTL comments in here. You’re so out of touch with reality and what ordinary voters and independence supporters think it’s laughable.

Andy Ellis

@Ruby 8.46 am

Why not? I could play golf, or video games or any number of other things, but I enjoy educating the hard of thinking like you. Obviously it’s hard going sometimes particularly with people like you, but I see it as a public service. The moon howlers in here will never be convinced of course, but others who can think for themselves might.

Why do you feel the need to comment about stuff? Don’t you have Big Issues to sell?

John Main

Andy Ellis

Keep up the good work. We can’t permit the good name of Scots Indy in particular, and Scotland in general, to be fouled.

One day this will all be over, and the likes of Hatuey and Republic will be back, like dog dirt on the sole of your favourite trainers, claiming loudly to be staunch supporters of wee nations in their endeavours to be free and independent.

We can tell them to GTF. When push came to shove, they wanted the free and sovereign Ukraine to be wiped from the map and its population to be killed, dispersed or subjugated.

We know now what they are. We need never again take them or anything they write seriously.

The Guardian has it right today, and this is all we need to know and remember in order to scrape the stomach-turning turds off our shoes:

“Right now, Ukrainians and Russians are dying in a vicious war of Putin’s choosing.”


neither of whom is prepared to point out any flaws of counter arguments,

That is a lie! I have pointed out the flaw in your argument and that is that you present newspaper articles as the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

The problem I have with having you as a teacher is

1. You are a nasty abusive cunt.

2. Everything with you is always so black & white.

You’re fired! (Not that I ever hired you to be my teacher!)

So you can go off and enjoy your holiday now.

Hang on just one last question before you get into holiday mode:

Do you call you and Mr Bonkers having a ‘pissing contest’ a debate?


The Guardian has it right today

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Can someone please remind me why it is posters on Wings do not post direct links to articles in the MSM?


Why do you feel the need to comment about stuff? Don’t you have Big Issues to sell?

1. To wind you up!

2. No. If I did do you think that would be reason to mock me?


Here’s what is really going on. Forget the Washington Post crap;

US Foreign Policy is a Cruel Sport
link to

That’s actually the first time I’ve ever read an explanation of US meddling in Europe that came close to making sense. Everything in the literature of international relations — i.e. the crap they force-feed chumps who study this sort of stuff at University, etc. — uncritically assumes the US is acting benevolently, that NATO is a generous gift to Europeans and world peace, and Americans don’t feel in the least threatened by the EU or any possible alternative to NATO being developed.

This Ukrainian war is a huge success for American foreign policy. Think about that.

Pointing thousands of nuclear weapons at a country like Russia, surrounding it with hostile military forces and hair triggers, in effect holding a shotgun to its face, that’s NATO’s definition of peace. Everything about that is just wrong.

Time to get NATO and the gun-toting Americans out of Europe.


Look, Andy, no need to take personal attacks personally. Have you ever seen me doing that? Fuck, I’d be a babbling wreck if I did.

I was merely pointing out that the guise of the omniscient narrator doesn’t do it for me. It’s blatantly fake — and it’s the blatant part that triggered me, not the fake part which I am more than comfortable with.

Anyway, it would have been more interesting to see you address my more substantial point;

“If Zelensky was even an okay politician, he’d have told Britain and America to keep their consignments of arms. They set him up with that stuff, and set all Ukraine up too. Their goal and concern wasn’t to help Ukraine defend itself; their goal was to bait the Russian bear.”

I’m simply stress-testing your bullshit. It’s what I do.

John Main


The Guardian has it right today.

“Right now, Ukrainians and Russians are dying in a vicious war of Putin’s choosing.”

FFS Ruby. In any war, individuals have three options: Support side A, support side B, or stay neutral.

In this war, side A is a smaller, independent, sovereign nation, sharing a border with a much bigger and more powerful, aggressive nation (side B), which does not intend to allow side A autonomy or freedom.

The parallels with Scotland are self-explanatory.

On a pro-Scots Indy site like this one, your stance should be a no-brainer.


FAO the Teachers ‘Mr Bonkers’ & T.C.E

Could you please get together and sort out your lesson plan.

It’s very confusing having two teachers each one saying two totally different things.

Sort it out and quit trying to make everything so black & white.


Lol @ “We can tell them to GTF.”

Sure. But the last time they tried that on me I gave them a recipe for dip.

John Main is another of those strange people that claims to hate me or something but keeps coming running back, like a dog with a slabbery ball wanting to play fetch…

We’ve all been there, eh? You throw the ball just to get rid of the fucker… perpetuating the whole diabolical cycle.

John Main

Look who had a vindaloo last night.

Hattrick blocked his bog and so has taken to pebble-dashing this site instead.

What’s up Hattrick? War still too boring for you? Shock and awe being unleashed on the neo-Nazis still not spectacular enough for you to splice a repeating loop of slomo hot action?

Still craving that video you can salivate over?


The Ukraine Crisis for Dummies: “In this war, side A is a smaller, independent, sovereign nation, sharing a border with a much bigger and more powerful, aggressive nation (side B), which does not intend to allow side A autonomy or freedom.”

There’s just one problem. Side A (Ukraine) is armed to the teeth and is supported by the biggest and most violent bully on the planet (the US). And it’s been making all sorts of provocative and threatening gestures towards Side B (Russia).

We need to stop appeasing the US. Didn’t we learn anything at Munich?

John Main


It became black and white when Russian tanks crossed the border into Ukraine.

It will stay black and white as long as people are being blown to bits or incinerated.


“On a pro-Scots Indy site like this one, your stance should be a no-brainer.”

Up to you to convince this ”don’t know’ is it not?

Probably best not to call me ‘a stomach churning turd’

You know what they say about honey & vinegar?


It became black and white when Russian tanks crossed the border into Ukraine.

Why did the Russian tanks cross the border to Ukraine?

John Main

Apologies Ruby, I called Hattrick and Republic “stomach churning turds”. I was unaware you identified so closely with them that you would think it applied to you also.

Lesson duly noted.

Ask Hattrick for a copy of his Ukrainian conflict porn vid, when he gets it together, if he will share it.

But to be serious for a mo Ruby, why not calm down and look sensibly at the situation in Ukraine?

The Ukrainians are a tough, courageous, independent-minded, serious people. Their friendship and solidarity would be an asset to any nation, and specifically one like a newly independent Scotland.

Why not develop some friends and allies for the future, eh?

John Main

Hattrick overflows the pan again at 10:42. Jeezo, what a putrid stench.

Give it up Hattrick, admit it’s beyond you and call in the professionals.

A plumber for your bog. Obs. Don’t know what you need for your heid. Sorry.

Robert Hughes

Just passing over for an aerial view of the virtual battlefield .

As I thought , Hatuey is beating the shit out of the selective amnesiacs and West Is Best sophists . Floating like a butterfly n stinging like a savagely intelligent bee .

Someone in A E’s corner should throw the towel in before he ends-up in A n E . His glass jaw is getting shattered n he’s too punch-drunk ( on his assumed moral superiority ) to realise he’s getting his arse kicked all over the ring .

” What’s my name ” ? pow ! ” What’s my name ” ? ouch ! ” What’s my name ” ? ……..

Fink it’s all ova ‘arry


The Ukrainians are a tough, courageous, independent-minded, serious people. Their friendship and solidarity would be an asset to any nation, and specifically one like a newly independent Scotland.

What about the Russians would their friendship & solidarity not be more of an asset?

Is it true what Bob Dylan sings?
Have we been taught to hate Russians all our whole lives?

If this is the case is it possible for us to come to an unbiased decision about Russia?

“I’ve learned to hate the Russians
All through my whole life
If another war comes
It’s them we must fight
To hate them and fear them
To run and to hide
And accept it all bravely
With God on my side

But now we got weapons
Of chemical dust
If fire them, we’re forced to
Then fire, them we must
One push of the button
And a shot the world wide
And you never ask questions
When God’s on your side”

Re ‘weapons Of chemical dust’ how come Trident hasn’t served as a deterrent to Putin?”


Tannadice Boy says:
Something is not right Andy

I agree with Tannadice Boy (who go himself into trouble for encouraging me)

Something is not right Andy


link to
Speak for themselves.
What a friend we have in the US of A…..

Andy Ellis

@Ruby 9.21 am

I linked to an article in the Washington Post, authored by 2 academics. It contained several detailed maps and was based on publicly available content – verifiable in Wikipedia’s articles on Ukrainian elections – about the breakdown of the 2019 and 2010 elections, and a discussion of why Zelensky’s victory was different to previous elections which were largely east/west split. This directly contradicts the Pilger quote you regurgitated. I actually have a lot of respect for Pilger, but he’s not infallible as the error here shows.

If you’re saying the information in the Washington Post piece is false, then do the fucking work and “prove” it. If you’re just bumping your gums that we can’t beleive anything we ever read, anywhere at anytime….what’s your alternative? We have to uncritically accept what Pilger says, but not the two academics who authored the piece?

I’m not trying to educate you specifically. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Some people are just beyond reasoning with. As for being a “nasty abusive cunt” you really have the market for that cornered in here: it’s your MO, we’ve all seen it.

Those without the ability to engage in critical argument and debate generally do this. It might work when you’re out on the streets with your bottle of Buckie in a brown paper bag, weaving amongst the general public and asking for contributions for the next one, but it won’t wash with any reasonable folk who see your constant recourse to calling me a cunt, then whingeing about being abused.

I’ve never said everything is black and white. Some things are. If you disagree, show us your actual evidence, engage in debate. Don’t hide behind calling people cunts or insisting that you can’t be bothered reading about “X” because it isn’t important or is off topic.

You introduced Pilger’s take on Zelensky’s election victory, yet you lack the intellectual capacity to defend it. No huge shock to regular readers of course, any more than your penchant for foul mouthed abuse in lieu of actual thought.

I call interacting with rational people exchanging views a debate.

I call interaction with you missionary work or intervention with the mentally unstable.


When the dust settles, nearly everything the mainstream propaganda systems are saying about the Ukraine crisis will be proved and understood to be lies and mistruths. And everybody will understand that the crisis was engineered by the US and its usual attack dog, the UK, along with a few other groupies, for the primary purpose of selling Trident, bombs, and military hardware.

The truth is just starting to come out about their lies and meddling in Syria where they fabricated stories about Assad using chemical weapons. That truth is being quietly hushed up in the background right now, but anyone can go Google it. And the same sort of thing happened in Iraq, of course, as well as various other places.

Today we are in the usual propaganda storm that accompanies their sinister sales and marketing strategies. No alternative explanation of events is tolerated, let alone seriously considered, and the masses generally are traumatised into an emotional response rather than a rational one.

Everything’s black and white. You’re either for us or against us. If you don’t care for the poor kids made homeless, the pretty mothers forced to say goodbye, the noble joiner who put down his tools to go defend his homeland, you are a ("Tractor" - Ed), possibly a monster. Soon they’ll be using dead bodies as props, and their “truth” will be even harder to resist.

These vignettes are designed to evoke an emotional response and they do. But surely we can also be rational and allow ourselves to look at the very recent (not distant) history of similar events where, as the record shows, we can see that our initial emotional responses and the conclusions they drove us to were misguided.

Was the propaganda ever the same when it was our bombs and bullets that were causing mayhem and killing people? I can’t remember the wall to wall focus on Iraqi kids, Iraqi mothers, Iraqi joiners…

It’s disappointing to see ordinary people, as well as those who are educated and should know better, fall for stunts like this over and over again. It used to be every few years, but it feels like every few months nowadays. You’d need to be blind not to see all this.

P.S. isn’t it interesting that Putin’s argument for attacking Ukraine is almost identical to the argument Blair and Bush made for attacking Iraq? It’s almost word for word. Putin’s argument, of course, is much more plausible since Ukraine is right on his border and NATO most certainly would put nukes in there if Ukraine joined.

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 10.11 am

Your point is without merit. Something that weak doesn’t merit stress testing. Why on earth would Zelensky tell anyone to keep their weapons, particularly now? It’s obvious the Russians have spectacularly failed to achieve the quick victory and decapitation of the Ukrainian government they expected, despite their numerical superiority and strategic advantages.

From everything we’ve seen that’s largely down to the modernisation of the Ukrainian forces – as well as their own determination and unwillingness just to roll over of course – and the training and weapons systems they’ve received. From the reports I’ve read the Russian forces are still fighting a 1990’s war, which is why they’ve failed to make the progress expected. That’s a huge problem for Putin: as the Russian bodies start being shipped home, there will be echoes of Afghanistan in the 1980’s, twinned with growing economic problems for ordinary Russians.

If I were Putin I’d be more scared of finishing up hung upside down from a lamppost in Moscow than planning how to rule Ukraine and force NATO to accept my outlandish wish list.

If the goal was to bait the Russian bear, then NATO would have admitted Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova to NATO years ago and snuffed out the pretendy republics in Transnistria, Ossetia and Abkhazia too.


Andy Ellis says:
27 February, 2022 at 12:10 pm
@Ruby 9.21 am

I linked to an article in the Washington Post

OMG! Have you seen the length of T.C.E.’s latest finger wagging post?

I’ve really wound him up this time! Yes! Air punch!

PS ‘Mr Bonkers’ said ignore the Washington Post it’s crap! I believe ‘Mr Bonkers’ is also an academic.

Andy Ellis

@Ruby 9.47 am

“2. No. If I did do you think that would be reason to mock me?”

You don’t need any help from me or anyone else to make a total fool of yourself. It happens virtually every time you post.

Andy Ellis

@Ruby 12.46 pm

You’d be hard pushed to summon the intellectual capacity to wind up a clock Ruby.

Still waiting on your alternative analysis to that offered by the two academics in the Washington Post piece…….


When the dust settles, nearly everything the mainstream propaganda systems are saying about the Ukraine crisis will be proved and understood to be lies and mistruths. And everybody will understand that the crisis was engineered by the US and its usual attack dog, the UK, along with a few other groupies, for the primary purpose of selling Trident, bombs, and military hardware.

I think that is highly possible.
That is why I’m very reluctant to read anything about Ukraine/Russia at the moment.

Hopefully the journalist who helps us see the truth doesn’t end up in jail and the war criminal doesn’t end up being knighted.


“Still waiting on your alternative analysis to that offered by the two academics in the Washington Post piece…….”

Washington Post piece is crap.

Cheerio away and wind-up your ‘Union Jack clock’! I’ll stick to digital and winding up ‘grandfathers’ on the internet.

Andy Ellis

“I’m very reluctant to read anything about Ukraine/Russia at the moment.”

Translation: “I’m ill informed but refuse to educate myself until someone else spoon feeds me information and tells me what to think”.

Imagine being that proud of being so ignorant.

Airheads gonna airhead.

stuart mctavish

On Ukraine it may be worth recalling that Canada declared a state of emergency after a ‘siege’ of only two weeks (that might better have been described as a winter carnival). In such circumstance, calling for extended urban resistance in Keiv – despite no apparent intent to send cavalry – appears somewhat hypocritical, if not recklessly callous, unless and to extent there’s credible intelligence to suggest the Russian soldier might defect to West as soon as enough of them cross the border.

Meanwhile, even further off topic (but maybe still on wargames and sacrificial lambs), here’s an interesting description of a pack of cards published by Baker and Co., in 1813, (uncorroborated) that seems to imply Scottish ownership of England since long before it was invented by Aethelstan in 927, invaded by Swedes in 787, or even oppressed near Bath by the Anglo Saxon in 577 – together with some delightful detail of an auld alliance that will hopefully survive yesterdays battering (and the one mentioned a couple of week ago)

Announced as ” Complete, Grand, Historical, Eclectic Cards, for England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales ; being a Selection or an Eclectic Company of Twelve of the most eminent Personages, that ever distinguished themselves in those respective Countries, for Heroic deeds, Wisdom, &c. And the other Forty Cards descriptive of the Local and National Emblems of the Four Nations.

Historian, Poet, Painter, all combine,
To charm the eye, the taste and mind refine ;
Fancy and sentiment their aid impart,
To raise the genius, and to mend the heart.”

The cards are described as being considerably larger than those in common use, display considerable skill and fancy in the designs, and are beautifully coloured. Hearts and Diamonds are retained as marks of two of the suits ; but Acorns are substituted for Clubs ; and instead of Spades there is a “true representation of the real Spa.ta, which is not a coalheaver’s spade, but a two-edged heavy sword, without a point, as used by the ancient Britons to fight with ; cut, hew, and slash down, either enemy or tree.

Face cards being as follows:

King of Clubs.-Arthur, the Great and Victorious Hero, King of Britain.
Queen of Clubs.-Elizabeth, the Wise and Virtuous Queen of England.
Knight of Clubs. -Sir John Falstaff, the Facetious Knight, and companion of Henry V, Knight of England.

King of Hearts.-Gathelus, the Grecian Prince, King of Ireland.
Queen of llearts. -Scotia, his Wife, the Egyptian Princess, Queen of Ireland.
Knight of Hearts.-Ossian, the Warrior and Poet, Son of Fingal, Knight of Ireland.

King of Diamonds.-Achaius, the fortunate Contemporary, and in alliance with Charlemagne, King of Scots.
Queen of Diamonds.-Mary Stuart, the unfortunate Dowager Queen of France, and Queen of Scots.
Knight of Diamonds.-Merlin, the Magic Prophet, Cabinet Counsellor to Vortigern, Aurelius Ambrosius, Uter Pendragon, the Father of King Arthur, and to King Arthur, who was his Pupil, Knight of Scotland.

King of Spata.-Camber, the third Son of Brute, King of Cambria.
Queen of Spata.-Elfrida, the beautiful Queen of Mona, and of the Mountains.
Knight of Spata.-Thaliessin, the Welch Bard and Poet, dressed like a Herald or King at Arms of the Divine and Ancient Druids, as he sang to King Henry II of the great deeds of Arthur, the justly termed hero of the British Isle, Knight of Cambria.”

Might still be time, globo thermonuclear meltdowns permitting, for Alba to dig out the originals and/or get a few new sets printed for distribution in advance of next years 6 nations / referendum(..).


Traditionally, rotten State/mainstream media provide binary (false) choices: a contrived reality.

Today, banana Scotland/West cannot even publicly communicate its fundamental shared values (re. as public commentators on Craig Murray’s blog ask):


link to

John Main


Great post at 12:33 pm

So enlighten me, oh wise one. What’s the correct term for a Ukrainian kiddie killed by Russian munitions?

Is it “underachiever”, in which case he is rightly pushed out of the road by superior beings? Like yourself, natch.

Or is it neo-Nazi, in which case we all have to accept extermination is the best policy?

Andy Ellis

@gregor 1.56 pm

Good to see Craig providing at least a partial antidote to some of the truly toxic levels of intellectual stupidity of Putinista shills in here in his blog, and in admitting so fulsomely how wrong he was about Putin.

Predictably of course the basket of deplorables similar to the moon howlers in this place are in full throat BTL on his blog too.

I wonder where he gets his figure of 15,000 Libyans killed in the town of Sirte alone by NATO bombing (and when he’s referring to….2011?), or if it’s a typo? In most sources I’ve looked at the total number of deaths – protesters, belligerents and civilians – varies between a low of 1,000 and a high of 25-30,000 for the whole country.


A&E: “it’s obvious the Russians have spectacularly failed to achieve the quick victory and decapitation of the Ukrainian government they expected, despite their numerical superiority and strategic advantages.”

Hmmmm. Now we are on to the real armchair general stuff. And it’s coincidence that every tabloid rag on the shelf is saying the same thing. Note that Russia can’t win according to the propaganda system; if it defeats the Ukrainians, it’s a vicious bully, and if it doesn’t, it’s a weak failure of some sort.

Here’s some inside information for you;

Until yesterday, Russia had only committed about 25% of the assets it had around Ukraine to its “invasion”. Yesterday afternoon that changed and almost everything Russia had in reserve was deployed. I don’t know what triggered this but I have a few suspicions.

But, Andy, you’re starting to sound like one of those guys that reads a bit of The Prince and The Art of War and suddenly there’s a great military commander inside of him that’s screaming to get out. Sure, you can Self ID but the science tells me you’ll always be a rather ordinary fellow.

I think those of us who reject the mainstream propaganda have won this debate. And it’s people like you who are the real appeasers, Andy, appeasing the US and its war dogs. History, assuming we survive, will reveal the truth, as it has repeatedly when it comes to US-UK shit-stirring over the years. And I suspect you know all that. I suspect most people know all that.

Thanks to Mr. Hughes and his encouragement above at 11.07 am.


I see the stray mangy dog is back with the slabbery tennis ball…

“Good boy!”

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 3.03 pm

You declaring victory in the debate and it being factually accurate are two very different things. I’ve never claimed to be anything other than a rather ordinary fellow Hatuey: you seem adept at putting words in people’s mouths and interacting with what you wish they’d said, rather than what they actually did say. Doubtless there are some things I’m good at – perhaps even better than you – and others I’m no good at. You appear to have a pretty high opinion of yourself, but such is the case with a lot of anonymous blow hards on the internet.

Your MO reminds me of watching a programme years ago about Thatcher’s media management, where someone pointed out how she’d be asked a question on some topic, but answer with something on a totally different issue. It’s a commonplace now, but it was novel at the time.

As for the armchair general stuff, what is it you’re actually taking issue with? Do you disagree with the (many) assessments being aired that Putin has miscalculated? You think that 4 days after beginning this invasion this is where he and his military commanders wanted or planned to be? did they think they would face the sanctions they are facing, or the levels of resistance on the ground they have?

I’m no expert in modern ground warfare and operations, but the news is full of commentary from those who are. Of course, you can discount expertise if you like and assure us your take on things is superior, although why we should believe you is harder to judge. One of the experts from RUSI was saying that the Russians are essentially fighting a 1990’s war, with 1990’s equipment and C3, which may explain why they’re not making the progress most people thought they would.

It is possible of course that you’re right and Putin only committed all his assets yesterday (I see Reoublic of Scotland has gone quiet…perhaps he’s been deployed…? 🙂 ), but it does seem odd that the Russians don’t even appear to have managed to retain control of an airport, or land large transports without them being shot down, despite their claims to have air superiority.

As for you last paragraph and parting shot, once again, you interact with things people don’t say and don’t believe in a forlorn attempt to make yourself feel validated and *right*. None of us are unaware of the sins of the west over the years. That doesn’t mean we’re on the wrong side of history. There is no moral equivalence. However earnestly you and others who think like you want to believe that you’ve won the debate by rejecting what you call mainstream propaganda, you just look like cranks to the vast majority.

You’re not party to some arcane knowledge by dint of your superior intellects, or inside knowledge. You’re blinded by a faith based position and not open to reason.


I’m cheering for Mr Bonkers!

Go Bonkie go!


Translation: “I’m ill informed but refuse to educate myself until someone else spoon feeds me information and tells me what to think”

Very weird that you haven’t managed to spoon feed this ‘airhead’ and tell me what to think.

Perhaps it’s time for ‘The Cult’ to find a new missionary.

FAO of ‘The Cult’: Your guy/gall is an ‘accident & emergency’ waiting to happen!


Andy Ellis

Why do you even try and engage with scum like Hateuy and RoS? I note that Robert Hughes has now joined them. Just ignore.


Gotta admit I’m a bit conflicted with Ukraine,because there seem to be 3 big players in the game, but none of them are the good guys.

Russia has obviously crossed the line by invading, but the shit-stirring Ukrainian Neo-nazis also have blood on their hands, and NATO’s expansionism and warmongering rhetoric was despicable when the situation needed defused with diplomacy and integrity, which was sadly lacking.

I rather suspect the situation is a plague on all our respective houses caused by our tolerance for scheming and corrupt leaderships who couldn’t spell the word “integrity”.

I categorically do not support Putin, but I think the West has badly miscalculated how much the ordinary Russian people like Putin as a strongman who has held Russia together through a difficult period in it’s history. Putin’s default setting is not inclined towards compromise which makes negotiations quite challenging I think.

In contrast, the West has gotten pretty good miscalculating things lately, but when we, the people, are in open despair about Trump, Biden, Theresa May and Clown Prince Boris, I think the most insightful remarks I have seen came from the Russian Sergei Lavrov, who met Liz Truss in Moscow and described the meeting in scathing terms and quite extraordinary language.

How can people expect a diplomatic resolution when we are led by fkg idiots who wouldn’t win the biggest IQ test in a vegetable patch? Unfortunately, embarrassingly, you have to include Scotland in that hopeless and lamentable bracket.

To be honest, the biggest disappointment in my opinion has been Europe. I expected more from the EU, who should really be trying to distance themselves from NATO and trying to be neutral observer.

Is there nobody who can step up to the plate with enough intellect to get this forest fire under control? Let’s just hope nobody does anything stupid…. Oh, gawd…


Breeks says:
27 February, 2022 at 4:25 pm

Is there nobody who can step up to the plate with enough intellect to get this forest fire under control? Let’s just hope nobody does anything stupid…. Oh, gawd…

Whoops. Too late.

link to


“Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has said she supports individuals from the UK who might want to go to Ukraine to join an international force to fight.

She told the BBC it was up to people to make their own decisions, but argued it was a battle “for democracy”.”

Well there you have it an English minister sanctioning UK citizens to go and die in a war to defend Nazism.

link to


Well, it looks like the “cranks” on Wings BTL aren’t alone in questioning mainstream coverage (propaganda) here;

“‘Double standards’: Western coverage of Ukraine war criticised
Social media users accuse the media of hypocrisy in its coverage of Russia’s war on Ukraine compared with other conflicts.”
link to

I thought Craig Murray’s slant was unusually strange and confused. Actually, I’m not even sure I understood his latest article, except as an expression of his confusion. His insistence that Putin has made a mistake here and that there’s no obvious route to anything resembling success for Russia is obviously premature since operations are ongoing and probably in the very early stages.

On the more moral point, that there’s no excuse for invading a sovereign country, I flatly disagree. International law, history, the Pentagon, and a host of other prominent authorities on the subject also disagree. Jesus, I’ve even got Tony Blair on my side.

Intervention on humanitarian grounds is facilitated in law, as is intervention on the basis of responding to a discernible threat. As I suggested earlier, Putin’s case for invading Ukraine is almost identical to the case Western Powers made for invading Iraq — the only difference is that Putin’s case is much more plausible since Ukraine is right on his border and Ukraine is a much more likely nuclear threat (given its desire to join NATO, as it has been attempting to, which would almost certainly lead to it harbouring nuclear weapons aimed at Russia).

The road out of all this is pretty clear and straightforward and I see there’s talk of negotiations. Watch carefully and you’ll see the US and UK doing everything possible to scupper those negotiations, though, as they’ve been doing for years.



There may be talks held in Gomel (Belarus) though the Ukrainian Foreign minster has said Ukraine will never surrender, meanwhile Hungary will not supply Ukraine with weapons but will impose sanctions on Russia, also Turkey has closed its straits to Russia, but it will allow naval vessels returning to base to enter.

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, such as the Netherland and Sweden sending arms to Ukraine, as will Germany even though Russia is still supplying Germany with fuel.

John Main


Answer the question. What do YOU call a dead Ukrainian child?

You don’t get to pose here as some kind of righteous guru without nailing your colours to the mast from time to time.


Why did Dorran apologise to Smith?
She has lied repeatedly as unionist do for a living.

She just picked up the same reward as her wee shill colleague Cook
the crook from French Gate.

If she was only upset about the word cow fair enough.
Cows are quite nice and pretty much neutral unlike her.

Let’s hope Trump adopts her and she stays over there!

John Main


Germany just announced an eye-watering re-armament program.

What do you intend to call these Nazis? Scrabbling about with my Latin (or is it Greek), but would these be paleo-Nazis?

Best get it right first-time Republic, as you will be bleating about it for the rest of your life. We don’t want a confusing change of terminology once you have your juvenile rants up and running.

John Main


FFS man, show Hattrick some respect.

Don’t you read his posts? Have you forgotten when he told us people pay good money to learn from his wit, wisdom and knowledge?

Yet here he is, sharing them with us for free. He could be coining it right now, maybes even sitting at Putin’s right hand, steering the world through this time of crisis.

But he chooses humbly to come among us, the underachievers. Instead of bulldozing us out of his road as is his usual MO, he kindly and patiently corrects our errors.

Give thanks to Hattrick, not insults.


Zelensky calling for foreign nationals to come and fight in Ukraine, now all the mad dogs who did the West’s bidding in the likes of Syria and Libya will now head for Ukraine to fight for the nazis.

link to


John Main.

Eyewatering my arse.

Germany is sending 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger missiles to Ukraine, and fourteen armoured vehicles.

Anyway Main are you going to take up Lizz Truss’s offer and fight for the Ukrainian Nazis.


A interesting article.

“Russia had the full legal right to invade the Ukraine from several perspectives: to defend its allies in Donetsk and Lugansk; to defend itself against Ukrainian WMDs, which the Ukrainian president threatened to start producing at the Munich Security Conference; and to stop NATO from continuing its advance toward Russian borders in violation of its previous commitment of “not an inch to the east.” Russia exercised its right of self-defense under article 51 of part 7 of the UN Charter. The Ukraine had forfeited its right to territorial integrity under the 1970 UN Declaration by refusing to honor the rights of its Russian-speaking population. It also refused to renew its Friendship Treaty with Russia and therefore no longer had a defined border with Russia that Russia was obligated to honor.”

link to


The phrase “nail your colours to the mast” has extremely interesting origins; it’s hard to see how you might regard any sort of reference to dead children as something you would nail to a mast.

Please “strike” that idea from your diabolical mind.

John Main

Oh Dear Republic

You are behind the curve. What else have you missed while still coming on here to set us all straight?

Haha, maybes you should go fight for the Russians. You defo have a touch of the political commissar about you. Half a mile behind the front, with your rifle zeroed on the back of the conscript just ordered to advance. Ears attuned for the first deviation from the orthodox party line. Yup, that’s you alright.

Anyways Republic, there’s a free, independent, sovereign nation for you to diss and do what you can to sabotage. Don’t let me hold you back any longer.

Chop chop.


John Main

I will no longer read any posts from the scum. When I see their names I will swiftly move on to the next.
They simply thrive on any response they receive.
A wise man once said ‘It is possible to win an argument/debate against a genius however it is impossible to win one against a fool’. He was correct.


Meanwhile in Scotland…

link to


Soz Stu for post held in moderation due to typo…

Meanwhile in Scotland…

link to


UN emergency council meeting now underway, the Russian rep its getting in the neck from other UN reps they are bleating on about democracy and freedoms, why wasn’t there a UN emergency meeting over the last eight years on the Ukrainian Nazis that have been committing genocide in Eastern Ukraine killing thousand of civilians including children.

The hypocrisy from the UN is staggering


O/T meanwhile here in Scotland there is some progress on Mark Hirst’s case for malicious prosecution against the Chief Constable and the Lord Advocate. See Gordon Dangerfield’s blog for the detail and Mark Hirst’s twitter for the link.

The defendants have until 10th March to say if they intend to defend.

It is hoped that the case will help reveal the political influence on the Alex Salmond case.


“Oh Dear Republic”

Make your mind up Main, I thought I was a turd, now I’m dear, you’re like Zelensky you don’t know what you’re doing.


Meanwhile, its EFTA and no more for me.

I think this is a disgraceful way to spend European cash, to fund a a side in a war, that’s not even a Nato or EU member I mean is it even legal?

The European Union will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons to Ukraine for the first time, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen has announced.

“We are stepping up our support for Ukraine,” von der Leyen said on Sunday, announcing a raft of further measures against Moscow over its ongoing military offensive in Ukraine.

“For the first time, the EU will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and equipment to a country under attack,” she said.

Before a meeting of EU foreign ministers on Sunday, foreign policy chief Josep Borrell declared that “another taboo has fallen, the taboo that the European Union was not providing arms in a war.”

An EU source told Reuters the bloc plans to spend $507 million (€450 million) on weapons for Ukraine, as well as an additional $56 million (€50 million) on “items such as medical supplies.”


@Andy Ellis

I’m not here to dispute the Libyan conflict statistics you refer to on Craig Murray’s blog (overall I respect Craig Murray for his public contributions, personal sacrifices, and opinions), however, I wish you every success in resolving any personal contentions with Craig Murray and his blog output.

I was drawn to the public comment section because I’ve been seeking the same fundamental answers, in vain, for years, and believe shared values are vital in understanding who we are, and where we stand, in terms of national citizens, and as a global community (particularly during times of global crisis), hence, why I hold no blind faith in this global order.

The only team I know I’m on is humanity.

Andy Ellis

@Putin’s Poodle 8.59 pm

Just shows how truly “out there” you are bud: the vast majority of right thinking people will fully support the EU’s moves. It will solidify both the EU as an institution, the desire of more Scots to join it when we achieve independence, and accelerate the growth of the EU as an alternative to NATO.

The German decision to increase its defence expenditure to > 2.0% of GDP and to supply weapons to the Ukraine is also a good sign. Europe can start to assert its own defence and political identity and put clear water between itself and US foreign policy.

As for whether it’s legal, you honestly think an institution like the EU has done this without having a pretty water tight case and that a morally vacuous shill for a war criminal like Putin knows better?

That’s a new level of self delusion even by your standards. We will enjoy bathing in your bitter tears,



EU to now provide Ukraine with fighter jets, its no longer just Ukraine vs Russia Europe has joined forces with Ukraine they just haven’t openly declared it yet.

John Main

@Republic at 8:59

Let me explain for you.

Once Russia has annexed Ukraine, Russia will have NATO and EU on its borders.

For real this time, Republic, not pretendy.

Now repeat after me. What poses an existential threat to Russia? EU and NATO on its borders.


But look on the bright side. You can come back here to tell us how Russia will have no choice but to invade the next tranche of countries. Because … whatever … neo-Nazis … Johnson … Biden.

BTW. Still awaiting your response on the paleo-Nazis. Surely you can’t be that far behind the news cycle.

John Main

Andy Ellis 9:14 pm


You won’t agree I suspect, but Trump was right. Long overdue for Germany to step up to the plate and do some heavy lifting.

Finest fighters in the world, according to Max Hastings, and I respect his judgement. Just got to make sure their leaders don’t lose the plot like last time, or like Putin this time. But German democratic norms are just about the most solid in Europe.

Bernard de Linton

If RT is getting shut doon,whaurs that thick moron,Salmond going to blether absolute shite now?.Remember,he has info to bring Sturgeon down.. Lmfao??? Any stray voters that Alba thought they would pick up, is doon the pan with this Russian move.Who was his PR advisor? Gerald Ratner???

Left wi Sturgeons cabal. Scotland has been shafted by these dafties .To think i once voted Snp…Holy shit.

Andy Ellis

@ John Main 9.31 am

I wouldn’t want to be associated in any way with Trump, but even a broken clock is right twice a year. In fact I’ve always believed European countries should “pay their way” in NATO: of course it has in general suited the USA not to make a fuss about many European NATO members essentially free loading on the US’ willingness to do all the heavy lifting in terms of defence.

It would be no bad thing if the European NATO members – whether independently or via the EU – started to seriously address defence and arms procurement co-operation. Of course it doesn’t help when the Britnat and French sink vast amounts into their pointless nuclear deterrents rather than use the resources to bolster conventional defence expenditure.


“The invasion of Ukraine has raised questions about peers Lord Goldsmith and Lord Barker, both of whom have strong links with Russia and are taking leaves of absence from the House of Lords.”

“By taking leave, peers are not required to disclose how much they are paid by foreign clients, while keeping their honorary titles.”

Oh how the excrement runs deep! link to

And as for Bozo’s Bimbo (Sturgeon), took her long enough eh? And only then, after sticking her finger in the air and seeing what way the wind was blowing, did she come out and attack………….Salmond? Very mature!

Meanwhile, England say they’ll not play any internationals against Russia for the foreseeable future (psst, don’t tell anyone but i don’t think they were lined up to play each other any time soon).

Demonstrators throw eggs at Russian embassy in London as others talk of throwing Russia out of the Eurovision Song Contest? WOW! That’ll really show those pesky Ruskies not to meddle with us eh? LOL!

And now a lorry-load of sanctions against Russia, after several hundred deaths, surely begs the question: Why, with all our human intellect, did the world’s organisations not have a programme of sanctions at-the-ready for such a situation? Could have acted as a far far greater deterrent than those murderous weapons parked in Scotland. Which reminds me, how many major conflicts/events is that now they’ve failed to “deter”? 9/11? Afghanistan? Iraq? North Korea “testing”? Ukraine 2014? Ukraine 2022? Etc etc! I’d hate to think what life would be like if we didn’t have those “deterrent’s” eh. Utter chaos! LOL!

And finally, from the ‘You Canny Make It Up’ archives: There’s some top British (English) intelligence official bragging on social media, and in the BUM rags, how *he* got the scoop that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. As usual, on reading the article it paints quite a different picture to the sycophantic headline.

Also, didn’t anyone tell the twat it wouldn’t be a clever idea to boast about something like that? Not only was it inevitable he’d be shown to be a bullshitter but if he was correct then it begs a whole range of questions, not least of all why, then, are the UKGov *STILL* trailing behind everyone else on taking various actions?

It’s one thing to order a fighter jet to fly several hundred miles, at tax-payers expense, for a distraction propaganda stunt on tv, but quite another thing to actually take action, meaningful actions.

Thank gawd we’ve got the big broad shoulders of Bozo & Co to defend us, Scotland, eh?


Latest information from within Ukraine: for those looking for other sources of the news, I suggest:

John Sweeney’s twitter;
New Lines magazine at;
Reuters at

The latest news is encouraging – the invading troops aren’t winning and perhaps aren’t trying very hard.


Just shut the feck up the lot of you.

You know feck all about wars. The only thing you’s have shot is a pee-shooter or a fecking kep gun.

Stop being fecking idiots.

Brian Doonthetoon

What bugs me…

Since I was at primary school in the 50s and 60s, the city has been pronounced Kee-ev.
In TV reports I have seen today, Ukrainians pronounce it as Kee-ev.
So, why are TV commentators, particularly the BBC, pronouncing it as Keev?
Is there some sort of subliminal propaganda going on here?

Bernard de Linton

Thanks Sarah. A proper post on here hooray


@ BDTT: I noticed this pronunciation given in a post/tweet by was it Ian Lawson – whoever it was, they were at Holyrood to talk to some Ukraine parliamentarians, nationalists, who wanted to talk to SNP. The meeting never happened because “our” man explained through the interpreter that SNP were centralist, social democratic types, so the rightwing Ukrainians didn’t want to talk. It was the interpreter who said they pronounce Kee-ev, Keev.

Me, I’m sticking with Kee-ev until convinced to do otherwise by people I respect. Not the Beeb, obviously. 🙂

@ Bernard de Linton: my scrolling finger gets awfy tired nowadays!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Sarah.

Thumbs up emoji for that!


link to


There’s something very odd about this war. Is it real? I’m not seeing any evidence of a war. The Russians could probably put about 3000 jets in the sky. I haven’t seen one.

If they’ve invaded, it’s one of the stealthiest and least destructive invasions that anybody has ever witnessed.


@ BDTT: just reading the comments on that you tube of Ruslana winning Eurovision for Ukraine, is really inspiring and cheering. Thanks for posting it. I didn’t see it when it happened as no longer enthralled by the contest – it was Terry Wogan’s commentary that I enjoyed mostly!!


@ Hatuey at 11.17: for the real news, see the sites detailed in my comment at 10.12. There is fighting etc but not on the scale that it could be, as yet.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Sarah.

“Kay Smith
3 days ago (edited)
This isn’t just a song, it’s a battle cry”

John Main

@Hattrick 11:17

Ground breaking insight there. It’s all a hoax. Thank dog we have you to keep us right.

When the refugees arrive, you get out there, tell them to go home and stop pissing us about. You’re onto their scam.

Jeeso, whatever next.


Sarah, if your newlinesmag website is supposed to represent real news, it bears a remarkable resemblance to the regular news, based on a glance at its 8 most popular stories.

Anyway, I don’t really have a need for real news. I’m paying more attention to news than I normally would but it’s dire, like American wrestling or something. I’m struggling to justify watching it.

I was looking for real evidence of a real war. There’s not much there.

I guess it’s pretty obvious that Russia is looking to keep destruction to a minimum, although nobody wants to acknowledge that or give any sort of credit.

The Ukrainians seem to have bomb shelters. That’s interesting. I don’t think there’s one in the whole of Scotland. I might do something about that.


Not posted for a while, but I’ve been browsing the recent comments and a few things stand out.

For the avoidance of doubt, Andy Ellis is either a shill or pretending to be one.

His unhinged regurgitation of ‘NATO members paying their way’ being the right thing to do, ignores the elephant in the room that UK is a sovereign nation, responsible for its own defence in the first instance.

It’s literally the contract between crown, govt and the people for it to be so.

To insinuate that UK doesn’t pay its way on defemce is beyond contempt. I’m sure MOD can produce receipts for stuff.

Any cost within NATO is for negotiation not arbitrary demands from the nation that always has the supreme military commander.

NATO can be a force for good, but having the military on permanent standby is for the Yanks (And the likes of Ellis) to justify to their citizens, not me. They chose to place bases where they are. They chose their weapons. They pay wages to the military and contractors to service the services. They choose the wars.

False equivalence on proportionate costs klaxxon, Andy.

I don’t care if he comes at me in the comments with his usual narcissism-fuelled rage.

He is toxic.

He told someone on GETTR that he resigned from SNP to join ALBA, during a convo that resorted to his name-calling when presented with logical rebuttal.

And uses Dr in his handle, which says a lot.

Anyhoo happy new year to all.

And to Ruby, keep on and keep laughing.

Clavie Cheil

Stoker says:
27 February, 2022 at 10:07 pm

“The invasion of Ukraine has raised questions about peers Lord Goldsmith and Lord Barker, both of whom have strong links with Russia and are taking leaves of absence from the House of Lords.”

“By taking leave, peers are not required to disclose how much they are paid by foreign clients, while keeping their honorary titles.”


There is a lot of dirty Russian cash in the UK. Nothing gets Brit sperm shooting roof-wards like dirty Russian/Foreign money. The Tory party has spent quite a lot of that Russian cash as well though. Not that the Great Brit Press and Media would ever tell us that.

I assume that Boris has decided to fuck the Tory Party with his recent statements in relation to Ukraine before they remove him from power.


We’re not dealing with Wogs here like in Iraq or Afghanistan, but with civilised Europeans (OK, he didn’t actually say ‘Wogs’, but that’s what he meant)
link to


More care over Ukrain and its «Aryan» white population than ever expressed over we «towelheads» from the MidEast. The media virtue signalling over Ukrain is sick making and the racism re Russia and its people rather familiar.
The thug, boxing mayor of Kiev is online giving nazi salutes…
Google search is now fully anti Russian. No surprise there.


John Main says:

“But he chooses humbly to come among us, the underachievers. Instead of bulldozing us out of his road as is his usual MO, he kindly and patiently corrects our errors.”
Give thanks to Hattrick, not insults.

Your pal Ellis aka T.C.E. does exactly the same.


“Just shows how truly “out there” you are bud: the vast majority of right thinking people will fully support the EU’s moves.”

Are these right thinking people the ones with God on their side that Bob Dylan sings about.


Anyone know if you will be able to collect your dole money when you are fighting in Ukraine?

Will Liz Truss arrange a private jet to get us there?

Will we be excused from the ‘job searching’ malarky?

Have the OO boys signed up?


What’s going to happen to the NHS if Liz Truss allows NHS staff to get on the private jet to Ukraine?


Scott says:

And to Ruby, keep on and keep laughing.

Cheers Scott.

Expect a mile long finger wagging lecture for encouraging me you ‘wrong thinker’ you.


I cannae believe BBC is teaching the public how to make fire-bombs (re. Terrorism Acts 2000 and 2006) and is promoting and glorifying public gun violence, while encouraging the public to go fight in foreign wars (like ISIS):

link to

John Main

@Hattrick at 12:29 am

Off to dig himself a deep hole.

Got to encourage that TBH. Make it big enough to include the other opponents of free, independent, sovereign nations, that are inexplicably posting here on a Scots Indy site.


Scots would be well advised to remember this government support for paypal mercenaries when the time comes.
The greatest threat to world order comes from governments such as the British and their western ie US oligarch backed régimes. The Zuckerbergs, Bezos, Gates etc really know how to influence and shift the product.
Sturgeon, our Hilary C., in her wilful and studied destruction of Alex Salmond is of the sociopathic type too.


Any chance of defusing this situation is gone, destroyed by the overreaction western countries who have left no dignified way out of this for Russia.

Even if the so-called peace talks go well today, which is highly unlikely (I’d say impossible), the measures introduced against Russia’s economy have already done untold and seemingly irreparable damage. The Russian Rouble, for example, has lost around 50% of its value since the invasion began.

The sycophants, zealots, and power-worshippers will no doubt revel in that demonstration of our strength, but what are the likely consequences?

Putin and Russia must now be thinking that the damage is done and that they have nothing more to lose and little to gain by acting reasonably. I’d be inclined to agree with that assessment.

None of this bodes well for damage limitation and world peace, as I suspect we will soon find out. Yes, the Russian economy is in ruins, well done, but I have a feeling we are about to see (again) how fragile and delicately balanced our western economies are when it comes to a little sprinkling of chaos.

(You’d think we’d have learned how vulnerable to disruption our economies were over the last couple of years. Those in glass houses, and all that…)

When did we all become so stupid?


@ Clavie Cheil says on 28 February, 2022 at 2:12 am:

“There is a lot of dirty Russian cash in the UK.”

Indeed! And as far as i’m aware it’s been pouring into London, and lining its streets, for at least 30-years. Got to laugh at Bozo’s latest propaganda stunt, claiming he’s going to accelerate moves to deal with it (Russian “dark money”). They truly do think we all zip up the back.

Then there’s all the legit “western” money invested in Russia. Things like pension funds etc. I see today certain sections of the BritNat media are calling for the withdrawal of Holyrood’s pensions investments in Russia. Encouraged by the LibDems & Greens apparently. But not a word about anything Westminster may have invested in Russia.

And just for the record, ScotTories if youse are reading this, Tory-run Scottish Borders Council’s pension fund invests with Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s Global Sustain Strategy. MSIM have an office in Moscow. Oh dear! What to do? What to do? LOL!



Unmitigated hypocrisy, duplicity, collusion, corruption and criminality is difficult to conceal.

It’s hard to deny the parallels between this rotten Scot Gov SNP/stone-cold Nicola Sturgeon, its deranged mass destructive policies, malicious targeted political assassinations, and the US Democrat establishment/wicked scheming Godmother Hillary Clinton (architect of the fake ‘Trump/Russia’ plot/mass world deception).

Reality can be harsh (can the public accept it):

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Jack Murphy

Sorry about the OT. Latest from German TV:
Talks have begun this morning in Belarus between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine.

Ukraine is represented by it’s Defence Minister and the Deputy Foreign Minister.
The Russian Federation is represented by it’s Culture Minister.

Fingers crossed.

Clavie Cheil

Tell me if I have this right. BP had a stake in a Russian State owned Oil Company. Erm why wasn’t this hived off when Putin annexed a large chuck of the Ukraine several years ago now.

Now Petrol has hit a new high at pumps here and that equals more income for the English Govt.

Morals of the tale if there are any – never trust a Green, never trust a twa faced Sturgeon and never ever trust a Brit.


Interesting development:

“A senior economist at Russia’s biggest company, Gazprom GAZP.MM, was found dead in his car with a gunshot wound to the head, the company and police said on Monday.

Sergei Klyuka was chief economist in the finance department at state-controlled gas monopoly, which is also the world’s biggest gas producer.”:

link to


Reading through a few interesting comments mentioning Neo-Nazis i couldn’t help but be reminded of the rise of the far-right in Russian society. Not that long ago their football thugs openly boasting on various YouTube videos how hard they are and there was no “firm” better than them etc etc.

I then thought back to historical teachings of how the Russian’s and the USA shared the spoils of WW2 when they both took the best Nazi brainpower, engineers, scientist’s and specialists etc back to their respective countries to help with their respective space and arms races. Aye! No Nuremberg trials for them. They were given new lifestyle’s far better than their new countries average citizens.

Then i remembered this article. It’s not for everyone because it’s a bit heavy-going but it certainly shows Russia is no shrinking violet when it comes to the far-right. Putin and his associates get a few mentions.

Russia for Russians: Ultranationalism and xenophobia in Russia: from marginality to state promoted philosophy link to

John Main

Hattrick once again demonstrating for free the keen intelligence and illuminating insight that the rest of the world is prepared to pay him a high price for:

“The Russian rouble has lost around 50% of its value since the invasion began”

All the fault of the west, natch.

Just been watching on TV some of the Ukrainians banding together to defend their country, borders, culture, freedoms, homeland and language against the invaders.

Hattrick should use his considerable talents to set up a Scots Indy against Ukrainian Indy splinter group. Sounds like he would have a few volunteers from here to join him.

Scots Indy aligning itself with violent totalitarian oppression, eh? I thought we were better than that.

Interesting times.

Jack Murphy

CORRECTION to my Post at 12:12pm today.

German TV have admitted they made a mistake regarding the delegation from the Russian Federation.

The negotiator is the former Culture Minister of the Russian Federation.


“Scots Indy aligning itself with violent totalitarian oppression,”


Yes the majority of Scots in my opinion don’t realise that they are supporting Ukrainian nazism and genocide.

Meanwhile prices go through the roof in Scotland petrol and diesel hit a high prices at the pumps.


Meanwhile Sturgeon is capitalising on the events in Ukraine, to endear herself with the international community, and massage her gigantic ego, and do her hollowed out parties chances of winning seats in May’s council elections no harm at all.

Her favourite Ukrainian pet SNP MP Stewart McDonald who visited Ukraine along with two other SNP lickspittals a few years back is bumping his gums in Sturgeons fanzine the National warning of Russian disinformation, something that the SNP are good at, McDonald received the Ukrainian Order of Merit in 2019, is a well placed lapdog, and in my opinion a Russophobe.

link to

Tannadice Boy

I get the feeling we are being played here. I haven’t worked it out yet. But when the BBC say Russian soldiers have lost the will to fight. I know I am being played. Quite the opposite they have stayed their hand. In the short to medium term Ukraine declares their neutrality until wiser heads prevail. Preservation of human life first and foremost. Scots Indy has been kicked into touch for a long time. Job done Sturgeon now awa you go to the UN where you can’t do very much damage. Meanwhile we should be discussing the GRA debate this Thursday or the Audit Scotland report on the Ferries due in a week or two.

John Main


Getting to be we are all Russophobes now, eh?

Now what the fuck happened to cause that?

Good point about fuel prices though. Finally I understand why Scots Indy stalled years ago. It’s supporters realised they might have to make the odd wee sacrifice in support of their principles and responded, “fuck that”.

There’s maybes one good thing about war Republic. It cuts through all the crap.

Without Putin’s madness last week, we would still be sitting here today believing that the usual posting suspects BTL here are in favour of freedom, self-determination, sovereignty and independence. We know better now.

It’s been a hard lesson, but like all hard lessons, it won’t be easily forgotten.


John Main.

This from Scholz speech is nothing but sheer propaganda, Russia is as well all know defending not just its borders but stopping the genocide and pogroms in Eastern Ukraine, now the independent republics of Lugansk and Donetsk. The Ukrainians are fighting not for freedom or democracy they gave that up in 2014 when the USA took control of the country via Poroshenko and later Zelensky.

I share no values with the Nazi element in Ukraine nor the countless street names and monuments dedicated to Nazi sympathisers of the last century.

Why has the majority of Europe sided with a country that promotes Nazism, a country that along with the USA voted against a UN resolution to strike Nazism in all its forms around the world down recently.

Why has there been no emergency UN meeting (like there was last night on Russia) for the last eight years on the Ukrainian Nazi battalions continued genocide of Eastern Ukrainian people.

I can only suggest that EU interests in Ukraine and Nato interests in Ukraine have led to them turning a blind eye to pogroms and genocide in Eastern Ukraine, in other words the people of Donbas don’t matter.

“We have already provided significant support in recent weeks, months and years.

But with the attack on Ukraine, we have entered a new era.

In Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa and Mariupol, people are not just defending their homeland.

They are fighting for freedom and their democracy.

For values that we share with them.

As democrats, as Europeans, we stand by their side – on the right side of history!”


This is a rather long read but a must read for our social media fuelled times.
Truth, the first victim in propaganda wars and the savage, irrational instinct of the manipulable herd.
link to
It is almost as if the last two years were a preparation for this.


Without directing comment at anyone, my take on the invasion so far.

The media narrative is boak inducing for many reasons, but the worst incident has been Liz Truss advocating for British citizens (legal fiction) to take up arms when WE aren’t at war.

This is in breach of international law.


Now that I’ve got THAT off my chest, let me go further.

Chernobyl was grabbed early on, with little resistance and no damgage.

There has been no “shock & awe”. Communications aren’t down.

Russian Intelligence can send agents to Salisbury (near Porton Down lolz) to get the Ghosts with novichok in a park where two “connected to PD” folk were out on walk too. And they walked in and out of the country unchallenged?

Russia obviously had targets in Ukraine, but destruction obviously isn’t one.

People talk about pogroms and Nazis.

Very little talk of ‘NATO/EU/FiveEyes’ direct influence already within the country.

Our “Military Intelligence” really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

It’s why James Bond is so popular. Fantasy. Made-up shit.

“The West” have been caught with their fingers in the Ukranian cookie jar by Russia, and he’s caught them on the fly with Donbas talk.

This “war” WILL bring peace, because it has to. To show how close to all out war and a “nuclear exchange” the panic in “The West” has caused.

NATO thought that surrounding Russia WAS the way to bring about peace, but as always, the moneymen got asked for their thoughts.

There’s ongoing talks between Russia & Ukraine today.

Jeux sans frontiers.

*Bonus fun fact*

‘It’s a Knockout’ k/a JSF in Europe.

Arthur Ellis was the referee with a dipstick.

Arthur Ellis is also the name of our resident dipshit’s father, as confirmed in his thesis submission and probably on his birth certificate, but I haven’t ordered a copy of that to check.


Are US/Ukraine bio-labs secure (access to the public documents has recently been restricted):

link to

Patel suspects another Novichok-type event:

“…Patel says she will not simply waive visa rules, saying she has had security advice around concerns that the Russian military is “infiltrating” Ukrainian troops and warning of the potential for another attack similar to the Novichok nerve-agent poisoning in Salisbury four years ago.”:

link to


link to

WW3! So THIS Is Why They Want Russia War

Russell Brand

Tannadice Boy

@Ruby 5:44pm
Another good post Ruby. Are you going for alert reader status?.


link to

“J. Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

Do you think when the EU send these weapons to Ukraine do they think
“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

What about all those people who manufacture arms and the countries who make huge profits from selling arms do they think like J. Robert Oppenheimer

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”


The ITV owned and ran STV news 6pm flagship programme should be renamed the Ukraine news programme, such is the length and intensity of the propaganda spewed out on it. Its strange to see this English ran channel, which broadcast nothing but English content not attack Scottish independence (a temporary position) and focus on anti-Russian propaganda.

Unaware Scots haven’t a hope in hell of discovering the truth, nor the truth about Sturgeon and Scottish independence.


Tannadice Boy

The only way is up!

Being alert would be good. This forum does need lerts!

Sorry that’s a very old joke!

Yeah Russell Brand nailed it! It’s all about the money!

Tannadice Boy

@Republicofscotland 6:16pm
Welcome to the club. We are unthinking cannon fodder. Dae as yer telt. Scottish Independence has never been further away. The SG performance had the cover of Covid and now Ukraine, anything but examining their performance. I thought Sturgeon was Joan of Arc, instead we have a Bodicea wrapped in a Union Flag.


link to

This is amazing!

What really happened to John Lennon?

Tannadice Boy

@Ruby 6:19pm
The only way is up?. We are Brora Rangers hoping to win the SPL. The SNP don’t do economy, don’t do business, don’t do the case for Independence. They do virtue signalling. Sturgeon is wrapped in a Union Flag. Never done a real joab in her puff. Never been on combat service either. No bairns, no grandchildren and no sense of Scottish Independence. We are done for.

John Main


You sure have a bee in your bonnet about Nazis!

Did you catch Channel 4 news today, Republic? They brought a wee Nazi into the hospital. About 6 YO. Russian artillery I think. Anyways, long story short, she died on the operating table.

Her mum was in a bit of a state (natch), but I reckon once she calmed down, somebody from RT could interview her, get the facts on her daughter’s racist politics.

Why don’t you follow up that story Republic, get the true gen, weave it into a classic future post enlightening Scotland about how Russia and Putin are the real victims here.


Tannadice Boy says:

Meanwhile we should be discussing the GRA debate this Thursday or the Audit Scotland report on the Ferries due in a week or two.

SNP MSPs are revolting!

link to

Tannadice Boy

@Ruby 7:14pm
I know but the vote will pass. Alex Cole Hamilton and Anas Sarwar Labour benches will pass it. That’s how stupid Labour have become. Served for 50 years and dumped. You would think they are listening to the Scottish people?. No such luck. Another 50 years in the wilderness needed. A golden opportunity for Labour to become other than a irrelevant lost cause. Anas think tactics and think with your brain. The Scottish people don’t want GRA.

Andy Ellis

@Scott 4.20 pm

You’re quite creepily obsessed aren’t you? It’s more than a tad stalkerish, but happy to be living rent free inside what passes for your consciousness.

My father was an engineer by the way, not an It’s the Knockout referee.

You’re more than a wee bit mental going to the lengths you appear to finding out personal details.


I agree, Andy, it was a bit creepy and you’re right to call it out. I’m guessing it was intended as a joke though and I wouldn’t let it creep you out.

If it’s any consolation, I get my fair share of nasty. Just the other day I had some fuckwit trying to bait me and point score using references to dead children.


“I get my fair share of nasty. Just the other day I had some fuckwit trying to bait me and point score using references to dead children.”

You mean like John Main did at 6.84pm, talk about a creepy f*ckwit.

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 8.39 pm

It doesn’t creep me out, I just think his behaviour is creepy. It’s sadly pretty indicative of the small minority of the independence movement’s skid marks in here.

He’s probably just jealous I know who my father was though.

John Main


I was wondering if you were in Hattrick’s hole! Wait, let me re-phrase that. I mean the bunker he wrote he was off to dig. Not … oh well, never mind.

Good to see you have resorted to name-calling though. Sure fire evidence of an argument lost. Why don’t you and Hattrick get together to clarify what to call the dead kids? You claim they are neo-Nazis, Hattrick calls them underachievers to be pushed out of the road. Confusion reigns, sort it out.

Once you have done that, turn your intellect to an explanation of the Indians, Nigerians, Libyans, Syrians, etc. fleeing Ukraine to the west. Given your alleged racism of the Ukrainians, how did they come to be living in Ukraine? Given that your justification for the Russian invasion is to free Ukraine from Naziism and racism, why are they not fleeing towards the Russian liberators?

Take your time, I can wait.

And if you are in Hattrick’s hole, keep digging.

Tannadice Boy

@John Main 8:58pm
They are bunkers in Scotland. I was part of the Joint Highland Emergency Committee Council. Met 2 times a year. Reserved for Council, NHS, Police and Utilities. I got the Utilities ticket. Apres Armageddon. Lots of coffee and food underground. Survivable for months. In Inverness. It exists and is still there The question for me, would I leave my young family and go to this bunker, I thought about it. My conclusion was I wouldn’t. I couldn’t survive whilst they didn’t. It is near Raigmore and very hidden. Don’t kid yourself they exist but not for you.

Robert Graham

Oh fk there is two of them now Ellis and Main

What a pair eh it’s to bad the Alhambra closed down we might have been able to lock the fkrs up in there and give folks money to keep them in there away from normal people , laugh a minute I wouldn’t know where to start with that double act .

The most intelligent comment I have read amongst all the shite and dross over the last few days is a comment from Hat Man sometimes he surprise’s and his comments about piling in and not giving Mad Vlad a way out makes total sense and over the heads of the resident tag team.

Well you two jokers want a war ? go right ahead boys want a train ticket nay problem fill yer fkn boots don’t forget to send a postcard now .I guess BFPO is your mailing address ? .


The skill with which he effortlessly jumps from dead children to cheap puns is truly a joy to behold. From one classy guy to another…

Can anyone give an example of sanctions succeeding in terms of resulting in regime change or a leader being deposed? In most cases, as I understand it, sanctions typically backfire and strengthen the leadership.

I think that’s where this is heading. The Russians will get behind Putin and this will get nasty. It looks like that’s what everybody really wants. The daft people have taken over.

The weird thing about the sanctions is that the Russian billionaires will every easily avoid them. Isn’t that exactly what the whole informal offshore economy is for, avoiding formal encumbrances, etc.?

It looks like we have just added hundreds of billions to the black offshore economy which Britain dominates. They’ll be celebrating all this in The City.


‘BREAKING: Oprah announces removal of Russian novel ‘War and Peace’ by Leo Tolstoy from her Book Club over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine’

I can’t figure out if this is true or a joke.

Liz g

Just an FYI for those wonderful Wingers interested in helping Scottish Ladies out.
(If this is not ok Rev please delete it )
For Women Scotland,myself and a fair few Wingers ( the usual suspects ) are asking that as many as can do request a paper copy of the Census and not to choose to fill it out online.
Tell all yer friends too.
This is to try and address the Gender nonsense infecting Scotland.
I know it’s a debate we should be having after we’re Independent but unfortunately the timing of it is entirely within the gift of the Scottish government and they have chosen here and now.
Many have been clear for years it will/could damage our struggle for independence but neither the Holyrood government or the Gender nutters are prepared to wait and focus on Indy
So here we are… Thanks in advance.


For Women Scotland,myself and a fair few Wingers ( the usual suspects ) are asking that as many as can do request a paper copy of the Census and not to choose to fill it out online.

I’ll do that Liz. I got he census letter this morning. It’s still lying in my hall unopened.


I’ve had a clear out. I’m gettin rid of

Anna Karenina paperback
Doctor Zhivago dvd
Matryoshka doll 2 sets
Wassily Kandinsky print & postcards
Rimsky Korsakov CDs

Anything to help.

I won’t miss the first three items but I really like the Kandinsky print & listening to ‘The Flight of the Bumblebee’and Scheherazade.

What are you doing John Main?

PS. I will not be reading ‘War & Peace’ or ‘The Cancer Ward’

John Main

@Hattrick at 10:05

Thanks, that’s not a bad compliment. Watch & learn. If you manage to sell some of my new ideas to your eager high-paying customers, be sure to forward a percentage.

Anyway, it’s late. Get some sleep. Probably lots of dead Ukrainian neo-Nazis tomorrow for you to rationalise away as the fault of the assorted Satans, etc. etc. Maybes find some new excuses to keep us entertained, eh Hattrick? Mix it up a little.

Don’t forget to remind us that free, independent, sovereign nations must be exterminated if they fail to meet your ideological standards of purity. I assume your customers pay you most for that insight.

John Main

Robert Graham

It’s flattering but you greatly over-estimate my powers. It is immaterial whether I want a war or not.

We’ve got a war. Sorry to break the bad news like this. Try to be brave and look objectively at the reality.

Some things are just too big to be written off as conspiracy theory. It’s good that you have managed to arrest your development as long as you have, but we all have to grow up eventually.

Hattrick and Republic are the exceptions that prove that rule.

Tannadice Boy

@Liz g 10:32pm
OK I support the not so wee wimmin in my family. The census is bust after the court ruling. Disrupt, disrupt, disrupt, isn’t that the SNP way. I will not be filling out a census. Full stop. I identify as a cat and no provision has been made for me.


Sign of hope/sign of our state:

BBC Presenter Neil Oliver (secret Russian agent ?) (2014):

“Oliver stated in an interview with The Herald, that he was “proud of Britain”. He went on to say that he “liked the status quo”:

link to

Neil Oliver (2022):

“I’ll be honest, I don’t know what is happening in Ukraine. I don’t understand it either. I ignore most of the mainstream media because I don’t trust it. In the world wide west of online, where I graze widely… what I do know is that truth is rarer than gold. I also know that whatever Putin is up to in Ukraine, the west must accept responsibility for a share of blame for that is now being suffered and endured by ordinary people there. Whatever Nato and the governments of the EU have done …and I say again, I don’t know anywhere close what’s been going on, men, women and children are sheltering underground on European soil in 2022. Solders on both sides are dying. I do know that I don’t trust Putin, but I don’t trust our leaders, or our government, or Europe’s governments …or the governments of North America either. I certainly don’t trust any of them to tell the truth.”:

link to

@John Sweeney:

“Neil Oliver should be in The Tower. He is an apologist for Russian fascism. Yours truly, from Kyiv.”:

link to


John Main

Why are you so against ‘Hattrick’ aka ‘Mr Bonkers’ and not T.C.E. Aka Andy Ellis.

Are you actually one of T.C.E’s converts?

Apart from yourself & Chas does the ‘missionary man’ have any other converts.

Did you like the Russell Brand video that I posted?

John Main


I’m keeping my Russian music and books.

The Russians are a great people. They have contributed immeasurably to western culture and science.

They are spectacularly bad at systems of government. Everything they have tried for hundreds of years has lead them inevitably back to a form of Tsarist autocracy. If you put all of your government in the hands of a single individual, as they do, bad things happen when that individual is flawed, like Putin.

Tannadice Boy

@gregor 11:32pm
I read Olivers historical precis of the origin of the word Russia in the Sunday Times, last Sunday. Not since Captain Yossarian have I agreed with a Unionist. I don’t believe anything my Government are saying both UK and SG.

John Main


Terry Pratchett wrote that where you stand is not so important as the direction in which you face. I interpret that as meaning that often life puts you in a bad place, but what counts is where you are working to get to from where you currently are.

I agree with Andy probably no more than 50% of the time. I even agree with Hattrick sometimes and I have posted that.

The important difference is that I see Andy as serious about trying to improve things. He wants to be facing in the right direction. Hattrick, no.


“If you put all of your government in the hands of a single individual, as they do, bad things happen when that individual is flawed, like Putin.”

John Main. [reads like a phone directory entry to me…]

Only 22 countries have never been invaded by Britain

link to

Covert USA involvment in regime change

link to

This is a list of wars and armed conflicts in and involving Russia in chronological order, from the 9th to the 21st century.

link to

Dictators come in many forms and not all are warmongers, as you alluded to.


gregor says:
28 February, 2022 at 11:32 pm
Sign of hope/sign of our state:

That is astonishing! When I first read your post I thought it was a joke. Just something you had made up!


I see Andy as serious about trying to improve things. He wants to be facing in the right direction.

And wants everyone else to hold his hand and face the same way so we all suffer when he’s shown to be a fucking idiot.


I suspect Neil Oliver knows a lot more than he is letting on…

The best researchers I know are historians/archivists. It wouldn’t take them long to find the damning reports on the barbarism that has taken place in Eastern Ukraine over the last few years, including those compiled by amnesty international, the UN, human rights watch, unicef, ohchr, and others.

It wouldn’t take them long to dig up information on the Azov Battalion either.

Not a lot on that stuff has made it into the mainstream news or the minds of the righteous ones who are so easily tricked and triggered. Don’t let me or the facts spoil the crusade, though, off you go…

Onward Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See, His banners go!

Just one problem, well, two really; the Russians aren’t so dumb and they have nukes. How do you like those apples? It might be easier to re-frame your trauma.

Clavie Cheil

From The Guardian:

“Less than a week into the war, it seems increasingly likely that Vladimir Putin is heading towards a historic defeat. He may win all the battles but still lose the war. Putin’s dream of rebuilding the Russian empire has always rested on the lie that Ukraine isn’t a real nation, that Ukrainians aren’t a real people, and that the inhabitants of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lviv yearn for Moscow’s rule. That’s a complete lie – Ukraine is a nation with more than a thousand years of history, and Kyiv was already a major metropolis when Moscow was not even a village. But the Russian despot has told his lie so many times that he apparently believes it himself.”

The Brit Tories and other anti Scottish Yoons dont regard Scotland as a Nation. It is a lie the Yoon Despots tell to each other every day and several times a day. The very mention of the word Scotland or even Saltire has them foaming at the mouth.Scotland/Alba is even older than the Ukraine.

The stench of Brit Nat Hypocrisy is rancid rank and it gets more rancid rank by the day.


@Tannadice Boy/Ruby

I’m not surprised people cannot believe our (national/global, take your pick..) situation, and are questioning the motives of others’, including fellow citizens, former colleagues, even their own beliefs and values.

I don’t know ‘the truth’, but I do know that hardened attitudes and beliefs can change, and that public solidarity and cooperation has the best potential to unravel ‘the truth’, while we all needlessly suffer the dire consequences of our rotten duplicitous overlords:

“…Now, around two-thirds of respondents believe traditional authority figures—journalists, government leaders and business executives—flat-out lie.”:

link to

One thing is fundamentally clear: the public value and require ‘the truth’…

John Main

@Hattrick at 1:26 am

Seriously, 1:26 am ?

A valuable insight into what happens to you when you go digging in your own hole.


Just a small note of caution…

When the Russians sent their military into Grozny, they were banking on the intimidation factor, and in a show of strength, sent their tanks into the built up areas without adequate infantry support. It was a fatal mistake, allowing Chechen fighters, who were not intimidated in the least, close access to the tanks so they could be destroyed with relative ease. The Russians lost over 200 armoured vehicles, including 60 main battle tanks.

I read once that during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, there were even tanks “destroyed” with bottles of water, because the tank crews thought the missile was a Molotov cocktail and panicked, thinking they were about to be incinerated.

People shouldn’t be reading too much into the Russians being slow to take cities. It was actually Hitler’s abandonment of Blitzkrieg and bypassing cities which created the meat-grinder of Stalingrad, which turned a highly mobile invasion into a static, all consuming war of attrition which bled the Nazis dry.

It is quite probable the Russians aren’t having it all their own way, but it’s early days. For all it’s valor, perhaps even because of its valor, Grozny was flattened.

John Main

Ach, calm down Putinistas

The free, independent, sovereign nation of Ukraine will soon be no more and you can raise your drams in celebration.

Hattrick will run you up a flyer to distribute at Indy events this summer, explaining why the free, independent, sovereign nation of Ukraine had to be destroyed.



What a pure cuntbucket Patrick Harvie is.

RevStu is so creative. I’m going to have to work on my swearing.

cuntpotato or maybe cuntattie.

There have been a few posts lately from a ‘pure cuntattie’



I do not need anyone to ‘convert’ me to anything. I can watch, read and reason all by myself. You should try it. You do however have to possess the ability to see the difference between fact and propaganda.
The scum who come on here trying to defend the actions of Putin and his henchmen are below contempt. All Governments lie in an attempt to achieve their goals, which are primarily about self interest before anything else. Putin is prepared to do whatever it takes including the slaughter of innocents along with his fellow countrymen to, as he sees it, win.

Your posts are often amusing, not funny but mildly amusing. There is rarely any ‘depth’ to them. Rightly or wrongly, I equate you to a wee yappy dug. Usually harmless but often a bit of a nuisance. Sometimes we all simply have to take a stance in life.
I watch Ukrainians’ prepared to lay down their lives for their country and it’s leaders that they actually believe in. How many in Britain would be prepared to volunteer and die to keep the Governments pf Bunter and Sturgeon intact? The Russian conscripts in their army of course have no choice in the matter.
Putin cannot win this war. He will get a result and ‘take’ Ukraine using any means possible. He will become a pariah globally thereafter and the ‘ordinary’ Russian people will suffer. Not that he cares a jot about them. It is all about him and his legacy. The best thing that could happen is that one of his general’s puts a bullet in his brain. We shall see.
Enjoy your day Ruby-be thankful you are in Scotland and not Ukraine.


There is no reason for ignorance other than «I cant be bothered».
The historical roots of the current conflict can be checked online or better still in the literature. This is not for the bored after 5 sec type. It needs the brain in gear and a very broad cultural perspective. Thinking like an americanized western guy just does not cut it with issues like this.
Thinking like an americanized western guy doesn’t cut it with Scotland either.
Heard the one about the Poles wanting Lwów aka Lviv back? Oh shit!

Scot Finlayson

Brent crude over $100 per barrel,

1,000,000 barrels a day taken from Scottish waters

$100,000,000 taken from Scotland today.

John Main


Thanks for your post. Your take on the Ukraine war situation aligns with mine.

It’s not acceptable to have the Scots Indy movement fouled by some of the contempables posting here. They need to be called out at every opportunity.


Chas & John Main
You have your opinion, those that hold the opposite views are entitled to theirs.
Drop the scum and contemptables, makes you sound like paranoid trolls of the «establishment».
This is a free space remember.


Clavie Cheil
The source in the Guardian is incorrect. Ukraine dates from 1917.
comment image
Ukrainian nationalism originated in a region that was once Polish. Poland and Ukrain fought a war of the area and its then Polish majority main city Lwów.
Thought the Guardian was an informed journal. Plainly backers money is talking.
All this is accessible in online and printed media. No excuse for such distortion and history rewrite.
Kiev by the way was and is a centre of Russian Orthodox Christianity.


Possibly the most profoundly important paragraph any of us will ever read on Wings;

“The scum who come on here trying to defend the actions of Putin and his henchmen are below contempt. All Governments lie in an attempt to achieve their goals, which are primarily about self interest before anything else. Putin is prepared to do whatever it takes including the slaughter of innocents along with his fellow countrymen to, as he sees it, win.” (From Chas)

I agree with every word, sincerely. I haven’t seen anyone defend Putin but I’m sure others will disagree. It’s the last sentence that I would suggest people need to think about, but I am not sure if the pampered and propagandised minds of westerners are capable of understanding it.

It’s not a board game. All your little woke ideas about nation states, sovereignty, and human rights, don’t mean a single thing in the real world. And it was successive governments in western countries that made sure of that.

I used to play chess and got to know a lot of Russians. I remember talking to one about the Second World War and he said something that, even though I don’t know if he was joking or not, stayed with me — “I didn’t know England was in the war against Germany…” (he referred to the whole UK as England).

You see, somewhere between 20 and 27 million Russians died during the Second World War. As they see it, Hitler was one of us, a Westerner. I could say more about that but let’s just settle on the idea that a lot of trust was lost and try and imagine the lingering impact an experience of that scale might have on the collective psyche of a country.

The point is this. Putin is undoubtedly a very bad man, capable of anything as we all seem to agree. That’s why Russians chose him. Putin has a licence to do anything, literally anything, including the use of nuclear bombs, in the defence of Russia. That’s his job; to keep other bad men from the door…

The sanctions won’t work. They’ll make Putin stronger and galvanise the Russians, making them more determined. This is about survival for them. We are all sitting here wondering if Russia will back down, hoping they back down, and it’s all back-to-front. You’re being conned.

Here’s a prediction for you, a nice round falsifiable one; it’s us that will back down. And that’s what you should be hoping and praying for because Putin won’t, not ever.. The alternative is unimaginable.

If you care about Ukrainians, as I do, you should be urging them to demand that their leaders pledge never to join NATO. It all goes away when that happens and we all get to go back to normal. If you think that’s an affront to sovereign democracy, maybe it is. The US already promised Ukraine’s right to join NATO away though, back in 1990. We are here because they broke that promise.


Hatuey @1.39pm.

I see the boys at Denison in here, are getting their khaki knickers in a twist, good.


This delusional shit is catching, first Sturgeon thinks she some sort of power on the international stage with regards to defending the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

Now her fanzine the National has allowed this.

“SCOTLAND can lead pressure on China to restore democracy in Hong Kong”

Jeez Oh, I wish they’d lay off the crack pipe at the National, Scotland has no international powers per se, we can’t even summon the courage to become an independent nation never mind hold any other country to account.

Sturgeon should stick to massaging her gigantic ego and failing to deliver on promises not kept.

link to


I was wondering why the so much frenzied propaganda has been emanating from Westminster, backed up by their puppet at Bute House.

It turns out on a jaunt to Ukraine, a deal was signed for the building of warships among other arms deals between the UK and Ukraine.

link to

John Main

Splattering pebble-dash from Hattrick at 1:39 pm as he kickstarts his attempt to get accepted back into civilised society.

Let’s focus on one simple sentence shall we, and assess the relevance and accuracy of the rest of his bowel movement from that:

“That’s why Russians chose him [Putin]”

Whoopsy Hattrick. Big fail.

John Main

Republic back to maintain the Ukrainian neo-Nazi threat alert at Code Red.

Thanks for having our backs Republic. They will be pulling the neo-Nazi corpses out of the buildings all over Ukraine today, but we can’t be sure the Russians will get them all.

Doesn’t pay to let our guard down, eh Republic? Some of these 6 YO kiddies are real hard cases.


Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner at Ukraine-based energy company Burisma Holdings, has just been sentenced to prison for defrauding a native American tribe:

“The defendant, Devon Archer, was sentenced to one year and one day in federal prison by Manhattan Judge Ronnie Abrams, who said the crime was “too serious” to let him just walk…”:

link to

John Main


Is there any conflict where the roots don’t go back forever?

Do you have a valid point to make? To be valid, it has to justify the killing, mutilation and incineration of civilians and the erasure of a free, independent, sovereign nation.

And no doubt the suppression and attempted erasure of that nation’s culture and language.

If you deign to reply, please remember that the existence of this site is justified by the belief that Scotland should be a free, independent, sovereign nation, and thus able to celebrate its own culture and language.

Should that not influence your attitude to this war?


Her ya go Main, your brothers in arms its disgusting that you support them.

link to

John Main

Hey Republic

That is scary. Looks to me like one of these kids might actually be older than six.

It doesn’t say where the pic was taken, but does it matter? Putin could never take the chance of kids like them attacking the fifth largest army in the world.

Don’t get nightmares Republic. Hundreds of thousands of these neo-Nazi kids have already eluded Russia and are out of Ukraine, soon to be in a Scottish town or city near you. They will have left their swastikas behind, all the better to dupe officialdom so that they can lie low for a while.

Then they will strike at the Putinistas. Keep your eyes peeled Republic, the 6 YO lassies are the worst.


Decisions, decisions, decisions
should I engage with ‘Mr Potato Head’ or just totally ignore him?

Imagine thinking my posts didn’t have any depth!

What a total cuntbrush!

Where is T.C.E.? Time for him to rein in his cybercunts!


Ottomanboi says:
1 March, 2022 at 10:04 am
There is no reason for ignorance other than «I cant be bothered».
The historical roots of the current conflict can be checked online or better still in the literature.

How much history, literature do you need to read to feel that there is something very wrong with folk with guns killing other human beings?

Time does also play a big factor in whether or not you are ignorant. I have friends with young families who don’t even have time to have a quiet cup of tea. All this media coverage & talk about WW3 is not helping because they now have to pacify their children who are very worried about WW3 and the return of Hitler.


Should Ukraine exercise its fundamental democratic Right to join the EU, and NATO alliance has fixtured itself at the Russian border (with opposing world super-powers permanently aligned face-to-face): what will this achieve in terms of obtaining and sustaining global peace, and peace between Ukraine/Russia, and regional counterparts (mitigation of regional war/cold war/world war/unconventional war). Removing Putin wouldn’t change NATO’s new direct proximity to Russia.

Can democracy please provide ‘the strategic plan’.


I was conceived the year of the US invasion of Iraq. I, and more meaningfully my older brothers, one killed, sisters and especially my parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts etc know all about war and the gun culture that it feeds off.
The current situation isn’t comparable but the media propaganda against the monstrous enemy is and in such situations reason leaves the stage and wildeyed zombies take over.

John Main


Ukraine has a fundamental right to apply to join the EU. As has Scotland.

As things stand, Ukraine is unable to meet the necessary criteria for joining. Probably this is true for Scotland also.

So the EU is getting neither country. What the EU is initially going to get, is much of the population of Ukraine, whilst Russia will end up with much of the real estate. And all of the rubble.

Scotland will get a share of the Ukrainians too. There’s a lot of Ukrainian people who don’t fancy being “liberated”, so even after they have been distributed right across the west, a sizeable number will still end up here.

A worrying thought for those swivel-eyed lunatics who see Ukrainian neo-Nazis everywhere.

John Main


The roots of the current conflict lie in the massive Russian military buildup followed by the invasion on Feb 24.

No lengthy online or book-based research is necessary.

No media campaign against a monstrous enemy is needed.

Stuart MacKay

Insufficiently depressed over what is happening in Ukraine? Then go and read Robin McAlpine’s assessment of the Scottish Government’s 10 year economic plan, link to

Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse.

Stuart MacKay


That article on Scotland pressuring China is quite a piece of work:

“Scottish people helped build Hong Kong,” said Clifford.

Indeed they did. From Wikipedia, which, no doubt, has been heavily sanitised:

With the cession of Hong Kong under the 1842 Treaty of Nanking, the firm, by then named Jardine, Matheson & Company, set up its headquarters on the island and grew rapidly. Continuing its longstanding trade in smuggled opium, tea, and cotton, the firm diversified into other areas including insurance, shipping, and railways.

No doubt the Chinese will want to repay the kindness in some form.

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 1.39 pm

1) “The sanctions won’t work. They’ll make Putin stronger and galvanise the Russians, making them more determined. This is about survival for them. We are all sitting here wondering if Russia will back down, hoping they back down, and it’s all back-to-front. You’re being conned.”

Perhaps not Mystic Meg, but then again perhaps they will. I think it’s….brave…to say the least to be so definitive at this stage. It might strengthen Putin’s hand or it might have the opposite effect, particularly if the economic situation in Russia deteriorates markedly. Although Putin does enjoy a lot of domestic support, there’s also a lot of opposition. I don’t think “we” on the outside can presume to speak on behalf of a Russian population, especially if they see their living standards go down the toilet. Putin and his inner circle may not be for turning, but he wouldn’t be the first Russian leader to find himself being overthrown: that might happen even if he does manage to occupy the whole of the country.

2) “Here’s a prediction for you, a nice round falsifiable one; it’s us that will back down. And that’s what you should be hoping and praying for because Putin won’t, not ever.. The alternative is unimaginable.”

Another brave prediction, but at present it’s just your wild arsed guess. Whether “we” (I assume you mean “the West” generally or at least opponents of Putin) are content to see Ukraine either extinguished as an independent state, or rendered in to some kind of Russian dependency like Belorussia, remains to be seen. Things could move fast, or there could be a conflict lasting a long time. Even if the war ends relatively quickly though, I can’t see the EU, NATO and others who are lining up to impose sanction on Russia just giving up and accepting it, can you?

It’s much more likely that Putin will fail than the “unimaginable alternative” which seems to give you a bit of a stiffy will transpire. The binary alternative you posit is a a false one: it’s simply not the case that the only alternatives are surrender or annihilation. There are multiple possible outcomes. A protracted conflict and serious impacts on the Russian economy could as easily bring about a change of regime in the Kremlin.

Events today suggest the EU may fast track Ukrainian membership once the conflict ends. Putin may indeed never be prepared to back down, but his red lines are never going to be acceptable to the EU and NATO. His recent performances have demonstrated to most that he’s beyond reason: not accepting Ukraine is entitled to exist, threatening Finland and Sweden if they join NATO, demanding withdrawal of NATO troops from E. Europe. It’s fantasy politics.


Lol @ fundamental right to join the EU

You’re a fundilymundily guy, John, but, when I read your patter, I always think of this;

“The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their own capabilities.”
link to

I know the emphasis is all on the gallant Ukrainians willing to risk their lives to heroically fight against the new Hitler, etc., and that’s just great, but apparently men between the ages of 18 and 60 don’t have a choice… ehhhhhhh, sorry to be a pain, but you can’t have it both ways. It’s either a heroic volunteer army of patriots or it’s a conscript army.

I disagree with conscription and forcing people to die in unnecessary wars. I regard it as a serious violation of human rights.


Stuart @7.53pm.

Thanks Stuart for the link, McAlpine is usually on the money and his analysis of the ten year plan reads as a plethora of catchy words with very little content, which sits about right with this SNP government under Sturgeons tenure, this we snippet jumped out at me.

“Theme five is simple; the Scottish Government is not planning for independence. There are two token mentions of independence and they are dispensed with early on. Absolutely none of the strategy is based on an assumption that independence is achieved in the next decade.”

A ten year plan and it doesn’t mention an independent Scotland in a serious tone, who’d have thought it eh.

Thanks Stuart for cheering me up says I with tongue pressed firmly in my cheek.

Tannadice Boy

I watched RT today to try to get a sense of the Russian grievance of what went on in the Donbass. Evidence of human rights breaches was presented against the Tornado and Azov ultra Nationalist battalions. It could be complete propaganda but they are adamant they have the evidence. And presented it. So I tried to access the OSCE monitoring reports from 2014. Behind a payroll of 71 quid per report. The sort of thing our BBC should be doing. I have no idea about the validity of the Russian claims but if we want peace to break out we need to apply an even hand to human rights breaches. Jaw Jaw not War War. The Donbass area was categorised as a separatist area. Where have we heard that before?. I am not paying several hundred pounds to access these reports. I believe that is why I have a Government.


Aspects of Ukrainian history,
link to
you are not supposed to know about.


Andy Ellis; “I think it’s….brave…to say the least to be so definitive at this stage. It might strengthen Putin’s hand or it might have the opposite effect, particularly if the economic situation in Russia deteriorates markedly.”

Oh, I see, because we all know that people depose their leaders when sanctions cause a dip in living standards, don’t we? Okay, so it shouldn’t be difficult for you to provide examples of that happening. I’ll wait.

Stuart MacKay


I can’t tell if the document is Kate Forbes’ revenge on Sturgeon for the GRA or Sturgeon’s revenge on Forbes by making her put her name to a document which ensures she’ll never work as a finance minister ever again.

In any case Robin’s post is worth a read. I’m sure he’s trying to be scathing but still maintain some dignity. Just imagine what he’d be saying if he really let fly.

Now I’m off to be ‘bold’, ‘ambitious’ and ‘transformative’ in the kitchen so the family can eat.

Andy Ellis

@Tannadice Boy 8.35 pm

It isn’t necessary to spend hundreds of pounds for OSCE reports. To all but the most myopic Putinista’s here and elsewhere, the information is readily available. Unless you have a pre-conceived bias (like those in here who bang on abou the Great Satan, neo-nazis etc.) any rational personcan soon find out the truth.

In the 2019 election the far right alliance which included the political wing of the Azov battalion, polled 2% of the vote. No international human rights group or credible expert has produced any evidence of genocide against Russians in eastern Ukraine.

There’s a world of difference between real concerns about the activities of far right groups like the Azov battalion, or discrimination felt by some Russians who object to the prioritisation of the Ukrainian language over Russian, and the hyperbolic claims that Ukraine isa neo-nazi state, or dominated by them, or that there has been large scale abuses, still less genocide.

Plenty of ethnic Russians support Ukrainian statehood and would prefer to live ina western oriented Ukraine than be subjected to rule from Moscow, which of course has its own issues with extreme right wing nationalism. The pretendy Donbas and Lugansk reoublics also have significant fissues with far right nationalist support and questionable human rights records.

You won’t hear about that from Putin’s shills posting here and elsewhere of course. If you really believe their world view and Putin’s rationale for what he is doing, then I doubt there is anything that I or anyone else can do to persuade you differently. People have to look at the evidence before them and make their own minds up.

Tannadice Boy

@Andy Ellis 9:01pm
I said Putin was a nutter. Perhaps that’s not equivally enough for you. I asked for an intelligent even hand to breaches of human rights. We need to try to understand the Russian grievance. If you have the OSCE reports then post them here. I served in Berlin at the height of the Cold War. An enclave where no breakout was possible and tensions were high. I was also on active service in Northern Ireland. So where did you serve?

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 8.51 pm

Aw mate, I thought you were better than some of the roasters in here. At least try to interact with what folk actually say.

I wasn’t making a prediction, or saying sanctions invariably or often lead to dictators being deposed: we don’t know how this particular situation will play out. However, have you ever seen this level of response from the international community? This rapid a response? Sheesh…even the Swiss have sanctioned the Russians.

You may be right that Putin will win, that the West will eventually back down and that nothing will change in Russia due to sanctions. The Ukraine will simply become part of the neo Russian Empire. Not a great prospect for most folk I think – least of all the bulk of Ukrainians who favour alignment with the West – but surely even if you think it’s unlikely, you’d have to admit it’s at least possible that, even if it takes quite some time, the negative impact of sanctions and being an international pariah could result in a different outcome?

Andy Ellis

@Tannadice Boy 9.19 pm

I didn’t accuse you of *not* saying Putin was a nutter. Again: interact with what people actually say or post, not what you wrongly infer. I’ve no intention of spending money on OSCE reports either, interesting as I’m sure they would be.

If they’d found evidence of the kind of genocide being alleged by Putin and others, we’d know about ti because they be shouting it from the rooftops. There would also be other evidence. There just isn’t, so unless the people still not convinced are content to accept it’s all an MSM plot etc. we’re not much further forward.

Thank you for your service. Why is it relevant whether I served or not (I didn’t for the avoidance of doubt), other than – presumably? – to score some cheap debating point? Is nobody who didn’t serve allowed an opinion then…? Sheesh some folk are hard work.


Tannadice Boy is proud that he served on the streets of his own nation to fight its own citizens.

Give him a medal.

Andy Ellis says there’s no evidence of ‘genocide’, so it totally didn’t happen.

The extent of atrocities in WWII didn’t become apparent until after the fighting had stopped.

This hive mentality being advocated for by some is insane logic.

Exhibit A

The commie states brainwash their citizens into supporting everything their “leader” does.

Jeux sans frontiers x

Tannadice Boy

@Andy Ellis 9:37pm
They are shouting it from the rooftops but the West refuses to listen to their claims. If you infer someone is a Putinista then prepare yourself for a reaction. No cheap points on service I wanted to know what you knew about the realities of war. And remember how many times I have said on this blog that armed conflict is not the solution. When you have been there, and if you haven’t, then I guess that is my burden and I deal with it the best I can. I wish the troubles didn’t happen. And I don’t wish it on anyone. I would be grateful if you didn’t incinerate my grandchildren without knowing why.

Andy Ellis

@scott 9.53pm

This isn’t the 1940’s. In any case allies were well aware of the atrocities taking place in Eastern Europe and Russia. They had plenty of direct evidence from eye witnesses like Jan Karski:

link to


Tannadice Boy says:
1 March, 2022 at 9:19 pm
We need to try to understand the Russian grievance.

I agree with that Tannadice Boy.

No point asking arch Unionist/academic/historian/researcher Neil Oliver he doesn’t know what’s going on.

Andy Ellis

@Tannadice Boy. 9.37 pm

Putin’s claims are false. We shouldn’t give credence to falsehoods. Russia’s concerns don’t allow it to deprive Ukraine of its independence. I didn’t infer you persoanally were a Putinista: you can hardly deny there are a hard core of them who regularly post in here. The odious Republic of Scotland said a while back the Ukrainians had it coming.

Thankfully I have no direct experience of conflict. I hope it stays that way. I obviously accept that those who do have a special insight into what it means.

Your final sentence isn’t worth engaging with and does you no credit whatsoever.


Andy Ellis says:
1 March, 2022 at 10:00 pm

This isn’t the 1940’s. In any case allies were well aware of the atrocities taking place in Eastern Europe and Russia.


You know fine well which atrocities I’m referring to, but you casually dismiss anything you don’t want to talk about.

1. What’s your view on “hive mentality” and its wider implications?

2. Do you still believe that Scotland should take a share of UK on independence or do you still belive that it shouldn’t as it isn’t Scotland’s debt.

[I’ve got the receipts of you holding both positions]

3. War, what is it good for?

4. Are you ever wrong?

5. Are you drunk?

Andy Ellis

@Scott 10.09 pm

If you’re referring to Putin’s allegations of atrocities in Donbas and Luhansk, they’re imaginary. Zero evidence, no authorities accept them. If you have such evidence, show it to us.

1. I don’t think it applies in this case.

2. A share of UK…what? You have the cheek to accuse me of being drunk? Fuck’s sake mate. If you meant “debt”, whether we take a share depends on the negotiations at the time of independence. If there’s no agreed split of assets, then we have no liability for any debt. That’s always been my position.

3. Absolutely nothing. HUH. (Except when the alternative is….?)

4. Often, but rarely when squaring off against sad inadequates like you.

5. No, it’s a school night. However, even if I was, I’d be sober tomorrow. You’d still be an areshole though.

Tannadice Boy

@Andy Ellis 10:09pm
You have singlehandedly lost my Alba vote in the May elections. I will vote for an Independent candidate that knows the local area. And my last comment stands. It’s armchair Generals like yourself that no nothing about conflict. You are dangerous.


link to

Never mind understanding what’s going on in Ukraine anyone understand what’s going on in the UK re Liz Truss’s lads army?

Boris Johnson hints UK’s ‘Lads’ Army’ could be treated like TERRORISTS on return from Ukraine as he urges them NOT to join Zelensky’s civilian fightback

Andy Ellis

@Gannadice Boy 10.21 pm

Yeah, yeah. About as convincing as the types who used to insist they were going to vote No in 2014 because some nationalist looked at them funny or called them a name. Changing your vote on that basis shows such a lack of perspective that you have to wonder about the rest of your output.

The light to some is an unwelcome friend of course.

Tannadice Boy

@Andy Ellis 10:26pm
This conversation is over. As much as I love Alex Salmond I won’t be voting Alba Cheers Andy. As if Scots Indy wasn’t in enough trouble. You are no advert.


@Andy Ellis

I didn’t accuse you of being drunk, I asked if you were.

I did mean debt, as you obviously worked out.

In what way do think you’re not advocating for ‘hive mentality’ with your ‘If you’re not against Putin, you’re with him and wrong”?


It would be wise to remember that the last unprecedented mass Russia disinformation campaign (rammed in the public face, hysterically, for months and months) was plotted, coordinated, and executed by many of same Actors up to their eye-balls in this latest disaster (pontificating over you now and determining your future), and the target victim wasn’t Russia – it was the western public (an act of deceit and treachery so deprived even Fake News CNN cannot dispute):

“…When it came to light in January 2017, just days before Donald Trump took office, the so-called Steele dossier landed like a bombshell and sent shockwaves around the world with its salacious allegations about Trump and his supposed ties to Russia.

But five years later, the credibility of the dossier has significantly diminished.

These revelations have triggered a reckoning around the Steele dossier, particularly in the wake of two recent indictments secured by John Durham… Durham alleges that Steele’s primary source, a US-based foreign policy analyst, repeatedly lied to the FBI about where he got his information.

Democrats’ hidden hand revealed…
Nearly five years later, it’s clearer than ever that he wasn’t too far off about the origins of the dossier.
Two special counsel investigations, multiple congressional inquiries, civil lawsuits in the US and the United Kingdom, and an internal Justice Department review have now fully unspooled the behind-the-scenes role that some Democrats played in this saga. They paid for the research, funneled information to Steele’s sources, and then urged the FBI to investigate Trump’s connections to Russia…”:

link to

link to

link to

link to

John Main

Hatuey at 8:18 pm

Planning another sleepless night Hattrick?

Gonna spend it digging in your hole?

See if you can’t publish a new hymn in praise of Putin tomorrow. This morning’s one was good, but reeked of plagiarism. That’ll be why it was good.

I’ll log in specially to check. You dig deep now Hattrick.


Tannadice Boy says:
1 March, 2022 at 10:21 pm
@Andy Ellis 10:09pm
You have singlehandedly lost my Alba vote in the May elections.

I predicted this might happen.

T.C.E. is a Sturgeon plant!

He’s been posting 24/7 on this forum trying to convert us ‘roasters’ for months and the only converts he’s managed are Main & Chas.

Alba should kick him out. He’s an ‘A & E’ waiting to happen.

Cheers to Doctor Robert for the A & E quip.

Dr. Robert the only doctor on this forum worth following.

John Main

Andy Ellis at 9:21 pm

Seriously, you rated Hattrick?

Moan Andy, you’re sabotaging your own credibility if you can’t see through that [ insert term of endearment here ].

Have you EVER seen Hattrick respond to anyone without misrepresenting them?

Have you EVER seen Hattrick answer a simple question?

John Main


Pointed this out to you before, I think. Sensible people on here are writing for the silent readers, not for the ADHD disruptives.

The Scots Indy movement is damaged by the irrational chip-on-shoulder ravings of the usual suspects here. Sensible people on here are working to counteract that damage.

Sensible people can see just how the picture of a Scots Indy movement rooting for, or ambivalent to, the destruction of a free, independent, sovereign Ukraine, its culture and its language, looks to outsiders.

It’s not complicated Ruby. Don’t let the apologists convince you that it is.


Tannadice: “You have singlehandedly lost my Alba vote in the May elections.”

Tempted to agree and do likewise, tannadice, not on the basis of what Andy is saying (although it doesn’t help) but on the basis that politicians are all vain lying arseholes and politics makes blinking fools of us all.

Everything they’re saying and not saying on this Russia invasion is deception. We are talking about really obvious lies and omissions, clearly intended to mislead and deceive, on a massive scale. And to what end? It’s insanity.

1. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the treatment/persecution of Russians in Eastern Ukraine over the last 8 years.

2. You simple can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the broken promises on NATO expansion.

3. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the repeated attempts to negotiate a solution made by Moscow and others over the years.

4. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the despicable record of US-UK foreign policy in other places, rendering every single charge they lay at the door of Russia here sickeningly hypocritical.

5. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the utterly useless and toothless state of the UN, a condition that was deliberately brought about by the US and its crooked partners.

“Oh, but there’s no moral equivalence… what about my wokey definition of democracy… and my wokey ideas on sovereignty… not to mention my hair and my sexuality…”

And in amongst all that you have people like Andy Ellis egging on the Ukrainians and effectively marching them to their graves.


Ellis: “you’d have to admit it’s at least possible that, even if it takes quite some time, the negative impact of sanctions and being an international pariah could result in a different outcome?”

Yes, I agree 100% that the sanctions will make a difference. They’ll make Putin stronger. And the Russian people will look at how nasty and rigged the whole thing is and they’ll rally around the flag.

You honestly can’t provide one example in all history of sanctions leading to a change of leadership or the sort of positive outcome you allude to here?

My God. I’m dealing with a child.


John Main
Just to be clear are the sensible people you talk about

Yourself, Chas & T.C.E.?

I’ve just been reading Gregor’s post which I found very interesting indeed.

Please don’t tell me he’s one of these ‘Putinista roasters’ that I should ignore?


“Cheers to Doctor Robert for the A & E quip.”

Seconded. Notably funny.


I see I’m still being stalked by a unique working class guy that thinks he’s witty and intelligent… oh well, at least he’s stopped talking about dead kids.


Hatuey says:
1 March, 2022 at 11:44 pm
I see I’m still being stalked by a unique working class guy that thinks he’s witty and intelligent… oh well, at least he’s stopped talking about dead kids.

Cheer up ‘Mr Bonkers’ things could be lot worse. I could be stalking you!

Tannadice Boy

@Hatuey 11:20pn
Agreed but I will still like to see the monitoring reports of 2014 from the Donbass. I was otherwise engaged in 2014 a small matter of Scottish Independence distracted me.


It’s Donbas, for the sensible that can’t be arsed doing more than one thing at a time.

Every comment is framed on one topic, no matter the context. Him. Normal behaviour for those walking on civvy street. (I have 5 relatives who are ex-services, they’re now mood hoovers as well.)

With this level of communication, I now blame Tannadice for us losing the referendum in 2014.


Thanks @Ruby

I guess cognitive dissonance and public hysteria is symptomatic of our situation (re. if people think they have a lunatic problem, it’s not my problem). I’m here because I find our situation, now, and over the last few years, deeply troubling (an abomination). If I come across any information I feel relevant, I will strive to share and communicate it.

A public can only take so much bullsh**. Our online community holds precious bullsh** exposure qualities, vital in informing ‘the truth’ (special credits to Wings over Scotland).

Andy Ellis

@ Ruby 10.56 pm

“He’s been posting 24/7 on this forum trying to convert us ‘roasters’ for months and the only converts he’s managed are Main & Chas.”

Hardly 24/7: I post when it suits me and when I have the time. You’re hardly one to complain about how often folk post in here. If only the content of your posts wasn’t so uniformly low grade.

As John Main mentioned, the point of posting here and tackling the disinformation of sundry Putinista shills, blood and soil nationalists, anti vaxxers is to reach out to those with a few brain cells. None of those arguing against you, Hatuey, RoS and the rest of the nutter collective are under any illusion you’ll change. you still can’t educate pork.

As for the usual claims that I’m an SNP plant, and either not a “real” Alba member, or should for some reason be drummed out of the party (which sounds a bit of an SNP-ish tactic to me), remember that I’m one of the few people here who isn’t a snivelling anonymous online coward like you and most of the rest of the basket of deplorables Ruby. I imagine Alba would treat any complaint with all the seriousness it deserves.


Are the Met Police able to read either the report handed to them on a plate by one of the
country’s most senior civil servants or the multi choice excuse sheet filled in by Boris and
his Sloan Ranger party goers?

Do we need a pathological liar, sex pest, racist gangster leading U.K. support for Ukraine.

Do we settle for a police force with no interest in applying the law against politicians?

My NI taxes are increasing by 10%
Food shop is up 20%
Diesel up to an all time high
My Gas costs are going up 75% and I’m warned the Russian situation will increase it further
I am advised of a 3rd mortgage rate increase over a 6 month period
Billions to be paid for infighting Covid and filling Tory pockets
Brexit is expected to cost more than double the Covid costs.

I’ll suggest these English Tory measures will kill as many civilians as the Russians.

PS Just read GPs to be forced to have face to face consultations every Saturday.
Now with a massive shortage of Doctors here, will this make many retire and many train in
other professions?
Remember the first ever Junior Doctors strike Mr Tory


Reading some of the online comments, (nor here so much, but wider MSM) which are scathing in their criticism of anybody remotely critical of Ukraine, the beating of war drums, and visceral hatred of all things Russian, prompts the questions when and why they stopped teaching Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen in schools.

My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

The whole narrative seems uncomfortably close to the pre-WW1 attitudes towards war, and it’s really unnerving to witness. Human nature can be pretty disgusting at times.

We don’t need less criticism and rigorous analysis, we need more! Otherwise we open the door to more Iraq’s and countless more lives lost on the back of falsehoods and lies of the warmongers.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 11.05 pm & 11.15 pm

Oh trust me, I’ve no illusions about Hatuey and agree with much of your assessment of him and his MO. There was a time when it was possible to interact with him – even when one disagreed with him – and at least have a discussion. He appears to have been triggered recently though, not sure why. He did at least have the good grace to call out the stalkerish behaviour of “Scott”, though even then tried to pass it off as humour. As I’ve often noted in the past anonymity gives such people a false sense of their invincibility, as well as an unwarranted sense that the rantings of the unsavoury cabal in here have anything more than vanishingly small amounts of support generally or inside the movement.

Your 11.15 pm post is right on the money.

Of course those involved lack the self awareness to recognise that they enjoy negligible support: they’re our own equivalent of the old Russian woman who was interviewed on the news last night who – although she had access to Western media – accepted Russian state media’s take as correct. Few if any Scots most of us interact with daily at work, home or socially accept the validity of Hatuey et al’s worldview, but they’re so absolutely wedded to it that all you can do is play moon howler whack a mole to demonstrate to ordinary folk that the lunatics haven’t totally taken over the asylum.

John Main

@Hattrick 11:20 pm

“Everything they’re saying and not saying on this Russia invasion is deception”

Hattrick has spoken – ignore the images of dead civilians been dug out of collapsed buildings.

Fake news! Fake news!

I’m going to end this post by not saying something about Russia.

Hattrick will be along shortly to explain how I have just deceived you by not saying it.

FFS Hattrick, you were much better yesterday with your hymn in praise of Putin. Stick to plagiarising in future – you have no aptitude for anything else.

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 11.20 pm

“1. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the treatment/persecution of Russians in Eastern Ukraine over the last 8 years.”

Evidence? We’ll wait….. Putin after all assures us there’s been genocide, so doubtless you’ll be able to point us in the direction of all the independent verification of this genocide? The news reports, NGO, UN, OSCE, Red Cross…anything in fact. If not, or if your somewhat shaky grasp on reality still allows you to admit that genocide is plainly ridiculous charge, the fact that there may have been violations of human rights still isn’t a justification for Russian actions.

“2. You simple can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the broken promises on NATO expansion.”

There were no such promises, just a lot of wish fulfilment on the part of the Soviets in the 1990’s and the Russians who took over from them. They played a bad hand badly and are now trying to re-write history, as are you. Verbal assurances aren’t worth the paper they aren’t written on. You must a be a hoot to negotiate anything with: like taking candy from a baby.

“3. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the repeated attempts to negotiate a solution made by Moscow and others over the years.”

Imposing impossible pre-conditions on any negotiations, or drawing red lines you know are impossible for the other side to accept, aren’t indicative of rational actors, or people with any interest in coming to a mutually agreed end point. Putin’s “new” red line – which weren’t operative before 2010 – include not accepting Ukraine is a real country, having a veto on what an independent Ukraine can and can’t do, dictating to Finland and Sweden whether they are allowed to join NATO, and essentially returning Eastern Europe to Russian clientship.

“4. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the despicable record of US-UK foreign policy in other places, rendering every single charge they lay at the door of Russia here sickeningly hypocritical.”

Whataboutery. The wrongs of the West, USA, GB etc in the past don’t make this situation right. Only a tiny minority accept your odious false equivalences of the actors involved or their motives.

“5. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the utterly useless and toothless state of the UN, a condition that was deliberately brought about by the US and its crooked partners.”

What’s your alternative to the UN? Should we throw Russia and China out to ensure they don’t have a veto? Have no equivalent at all? It’s ALL down to the USA and its partners Hatuey? The other side are blameless? That’s your honest position? How much general support do you think that view enjoys, even amongst the many people – including me who are happy to criticise western and US policy when it is merited? You sound and come across as a monomaniacal apologist for any regime which isn’t the “Great Satan” or one of its allies.

Of course, perhaps you’re not actually getting paid to disseminate Putinesque agitprop, but if you’re not doing it gratis they should be asking for a refund.

John Main


I’ve done the rigorous analysis.

Russia wants to destroy a free, independent, sovereign nation, and its culture and language. The Scottish Indy movement believes, first and foremost, in the rights of free, independent, sovereign nations.

Doesn’t mean you have to don a uniform Breeks, or burn your Russian books.

Does mean that if you can’t be sympathetic to others who simply want what you want, and unsympathetic to those who would kill to stop what you want, then your own convictions must be damned shallow.

John Main

Andy Ellis

Hattrick has already posted that he gets well paid for his insights, wisdom and intellect.

He does not get paid for posting here.

That explains much. Everything he posts here was returned from his extensive client base with a note:

“Baloney, we’re not paying for that.”

Give Hattrick due recognition for recycling.


DrNDLS is a snivelling anonymous online coward on GETTR.

That’s Andy Ellis, the man who tries to browbeat people in to submission with his impotent rage, because ‘no debate’ is his mantra.

His lie about resigning from SNP to join ALBA is provided within context.

link to

Because John Main agreed with him about something, he reverted back to that thing he does with Rev Stu where he name-checks, so that weight can be added to his words. It never works, but he plods on regardless.

He really misses the days of the Cybernat 7 when he got his photo, name and direct quotes printed in The Daily Nazi.

He wants to get the band back together, but is quite happy just to be Stuart Campbell’s groupie (and be the physical form of the Rev’s thoughts, donchaknow). The speed he set up GETTR after our host’s suggestion was *very fast*.

link to

Being quoted by the Mail wouldn’t be an achievement for me, but different strokes. Mind you, I’d have been gobsmacked if one of their cubs had chummed me to the train station just to hear me speak, having caught me on the way out to work. I’d probably have told my pals etc.

I wouldn’t have written a blog piece, setting the tone for an article that might not even be published, two days before it was published.

If you’re still reading – Yes, yes he did.

The amount of added-on drivel in it is consistent, and its purpose also.

link to

The train was London bound – who cares?

It was leaving at 8.40 AM – who cares unless Neil Findlay is tweeting about it?

The whole story is framed as an ambush, with a hesitant participant, who managed to cover multiple topics with nuanced argument….all in 10 minutes…..which includes the time to be asked questions and the introduction.

Why the fuck would the Daily Mail send a reporter to Andy Ellis’s hoose in Sussex to get his views, on the off chance he was in?

It was created to deflect from the fact that this ambush didn’t happen as stated and he was a willing participant in any communication.

He was the only person actually quoted directly in the DM article of the 7, and shat the bed at the thought about being asked how they got info from him, so created a plausible story then it ruined by putting it in writing.

He lives on Fantsay Island.

He’s probably a very likeable person at times, but he’s also a lying, preening narcissist.

Jeux sans frontiers.

Andy Ellis

@Scott 8.55 am

Still scarily obsessed I see! Some things never change. Look, I’m never going to be your mate, right no matter how much you follow me round like a wee puppy looking for attention OK?

Why would I lie about leaving the SNP? I posted a picture of my membership card cut in two at the time. Unlike you and all the other snivelling anonymous cowards I’m not throwing rocks from under a bridge at folk with the courage of their convictions.

You seem a bit triggered by the cybernat7 incident too, as well as being engaged in some weird conspiracy theory about the timings and how it happened. Again, none of it is secret, it was widely discussed at the time amongst folks on Twitter so not sure what your point really is….assuming for one you even have one.

Why on earth would I invent the sequence of events? It happened to me and others as described. I know some of the 7 refused to talk to them and one – Melissa from what I recall – was pretty freaked out by it which I could understand. Of course you’re acting in much the same vein as the Daily Heil, which given your slightly creepy stalking of me, which even Hatuey thinks is odd, is perhaps no surprise.

You on obviously lack the intellectual capacity to engage with the issues being discussed so you spend your time constructing outlandish conspiracy theories about me and my motives based on your obsessive stalking of me. If it weren’t so deeply creepy it would be flattering. Your life must be as empty as your head is of plausible argument.


“You on obviously lack the intellectual capacity to engage with the issues being discussed” Dr Ellis, I presume. (I’m here all week)

Cast your mind back to the huff Andy took when I mentioned the dipstick in It’s A Knockout a few days ago.

No other part of my comment was addressed, but I’m the one who doesn’t engage with the issues?

He’s a single-issue kinda guy, as evidenced multiple times in the multiple comments under multiple articles.

My own view is that this thread shows a total lack of respect to the guest author of the articles, but having hoped for a new article to come along to put this one out of its undeserving misery.

Off-Topic uses the same format as the articles…

My comment bumped – link to

The floor is yours, Senator.


Scott says:
2 March, 2022 at 8:55 am
DrNDLS is a snivelling anonymous online coward on GETTR.

That’s Andy Ellis, the man who tries to browbeat people in to submission with his impotent rage, because ‘no debate’ is his mantra.

Very interesting post Scott.

Andy Ellis

@ Ruby 10.05 am

Hardly difficult to work out that the GETTR profile is mine Ruby, even for someone like your whose mouth moves when they read. Sound out the letters and you’ll get there!

Since you’re suddenly so keen on openness feel free to tell us who you really are.

John Main


This thread is headlined with pictures of innocent children.

The guest author is writing about their protection.

I see a connection with the catastrophe unfolding in Ukraine.


Ruby says:
2 March, 2022 at 10:05 am

Very interesting post Scott.

De rien.

Andy thinks I’m obsessed about him the person or at least presents that way.

I know that he’s raging at his words being questioned which is what I do with any bad argument that’s presented anywhere. Especially of the repetative kind. Facts matter to me. They don’t to those who can only throw insults as a defence. I can defend and attack at the same time. It’s not difficult when not engaging from foundations of sand as ‘bad faith actors’ do.

I’d share my GETTR & Twitter as evidence but anyone with an understanding of syntax should be able to track me down if they wanted to.


Andy did say he left SNP to join ALBA.

It’s a direct quote.

I told him I had the receipts and produced but he mentioned cutting up his membership card at home then posting on twitter about it as proof he’d left SNP.

That was years ago now. ALBA opened for membership in 2021.

Cutting up a card isn’t proof of resignation either, but he’s too caught up in his own version of reality to realise this fact.

I’m almost tempted to order a copy of his birth certificate just to research if his Da actually was an engineer. I’m not going to because I don’t care what his Da did, I’m just a wee bit sad he wasn’t the ref on It’s A Knockout. But he might be, who knows?

Jeux sans frontiers.


Andy Ellis says:
2 March, 2022 at 7:57 am
@ Ruby 10.56 pm

“He’s been posting 24/7 on this forum trying to convert us ‘roasters’ for months and the only converts he’s managed are Main & Chas.”

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! SSDD

‘I’m a lump of pork and can’t be educated and Hatuey, RoS and the rest of ‘the nutter collective’ agree with you”

How do know what RoS and ‘the nutter collective’ think of me?
This ‘nutter collective’ you talk about is it everyone except you John Main & Chas?

I know what ‘Mr Bonkers’ aka Hatuey thinks of me although he seems to have come over from the dark side in the last week.

I have no idea what RoS or ‘the nutter collective’ think of you but I think you are a cunt and your two disciples are a couple of cuntpotatoes.

Andy Ellis

@Scott 10.24 am

You don’t have receipts. I resigned from the SNP and cancelled my subscription when the SNP subjected Gareth Wardell to a kangaroo court in November 2018. I joined Alba on the first day it was announced.

Why then would I ever say I had left the SNP to join Alba? Like so much of your input it’s just fantasising about stuff you’ve made up.

You wouldn’t know a fact if it fell on you from a great height as the above demonstrates.


The betrayer of Scots, Sturgeon, hails the BBC and it reporters as “unsung heroes”

Why am I not surprised.

link to


Hmmmmmm. So, Andy Ellis is fake nous…

The only person I’m certain is genuine on here is the panting stray dog.

Great exchange on bbc news right now. They have a Russian on who wants to discuss Iraq. It’s quite awkward for them.



Ruby quoted me and Andy goes on the attack asking for a name.

Don’t tell him, Pike.

And he again ignored points I made about the current war.

As has Tannadice, who served in Northern Ireland and growled at the communists while in Berlin.

Experts about everything they talk about, even when provided with the receipts as proof otherwise.

To Tannadice & Andy, demanding that every single one of your fellow citizens follow the Government line in any situation is insane logic for the commie haters.

It’s self-id of Stockholm Syndrome without the cognitive ability to understand the concept.

That’s the insult I alluded to earlier.

Jeux sans frontiers.


“Look, I’ve no axe to grind for the SNP having left the party to join ALBA, but if you think all our problems are attributable them I think your perspective is a tad narrow.

I agree they can and should have done more during their time in office, but our systemic problems go back a bit further than their assumption of power”

Source:DrNDLS on GETTR, 7:12 pm Jan 25th. Feel the Burns night…lolz

I’m so into facts that I’ve even managed to type out a receipt for you Andy.

Here’s an archived copy of those words, with the emoji you ended with.

link to

John Main

Hattrick is indeed a special case. With every post, he digs himself deeper in his own hole. And proudly declares it to the world.

Quite impossible for mentally and emotionally healthy people to justify killing Ukrainian kids because of “Iraq”, but Hattrick has the rare and specialised skills needed to accomplish this.

Andy Ellis

@Scott 11.05 am

I’ll get round to your questions later. Stuff to do. I doubt they’ll require much given the rest of your input.


Andy Ellis says:
2 March, 2022 at 10:14 am
@ Ruby 10.05 am

Since you’re suddenly so keen on openness feel free to tell us who you really are.

I’m really the person who thinks you are a cunt and your two disciples are a couple of cunt potatoes.

Now could you fuck off and stop stalking me you obsessive weirdo ugly old fat freak!

Andy Ellis

@Scott 11.02 am

So what? I left the SNP and subsequently joined Alba. It obviously wouldn’t have been possible for me to join Alba when I left there SNP in November 2018, because Alba didn’t exist then. Eats shoots and leaves.

John Main


If you go to Ukraine and post your toxic perversions from there, I will happily acclaim you as a hero, even a “sung” hero.

TBH, looks to me like you are safely and securely digging away in Hattrick’s hole.

Nothing heroic about that.


Ruby 11.31

You questioned me saying that your posts lack depth!
Sit back and re read your last one.
Pathetic name calling shows a distinct lack of maturity but it seems to be all you have.
I will desist from adding you to the scum that now proliferate on here as you are not at their level…………………yet!
Have a lovely day.

Stuart MacKay


The parallels with WW1 are rather striking. As long as the USA doesn’t start moving troops across the Atlantic then I think we’ll be relatively safe since the EU is too divided and too impotent to cause much trouble. Though thinning the herd by removing the more volatile among us might not be a bad thing.

If a no-fly zone gets declared for Ukraine then it’s time to start looking for a deep hole in the ground with plenty of supplies as the whole mess will take a life of it’s own and clowns like von der Leyen, Johnson or Macron will simply be unable to stop it. Who knows, maybe a few millennia as an agrarian, tribal civilisation might be just what the human race needs.

In any case, I can’t recommend the Mearsheimer lecture on Grouse Beater enough. link to

This crisis was eminently foreseeable and the consequences are fairly predictable too. If the Ukrainians were smart they could be the Sweden of the south and have a market of 600 million to sell wheat and anything else they cared to create. Instead a few megalomaniacs are going to ensure the country lies in ruins.


Chas says:
2 March, 2022 at 12:03 pm
Ruby 11.31
Have a lovely day.

You too Mr Potato Head!


John Main is what happens to gifted types in societies that don’t spend enough on community care.

I see his true friend Andy Ellis has declared war on one of the central pillars of democracy, anonymity. Maybe he can explain why being able to vote in secrecy is so important in a democracy but so troublesome here.

Actually, please don’t. We all know it would be more drivel.


Ah. The return of Arms Industry Andy (“I’m done with this site”) Ellis.

Good to see him back in charge of the website.


Blackford is doing his braveheart routine on behalf of Ukraine in the Commons and we will all love him for that but I’m not sure he knows he’s on thin ice when he talks of using the ICC to prosecute Putin when the Gods in Washington have literally passed legislation that permits the US Army to invade The Hague if the ICC ever gets too big for its boots.

link to


@Stuart MacKay

Why would USA have any need to move troops into Europe from home when so many are already stationed anywhere but home?

‘If NATO declare a no-fly zone’ it’s time to look for a deep hole…as the whole mess will take a life of its own…and clowns…will simply be unable to stop it.

Who knows, maybe getting nuked will be a good thing’

Did a clown tell you to write this?

Stuart MacKay


Meh. My concern is that the politicians close to the various “Break glass in case of emergency” boxes are simply not of the calibre needed to deal with the current situation.

As for the clowns who prompted me to write that. May I suggest you raise your head and look around you. There are plenty and they’re gaily heading down this road already.

In any case, take a look at what Scott Ritter says, link to it corroborates what Mearsheimer talked about.

After all WW1 happened despite everybody saying it was impossible because the assembled armies were too powerful and the destruction would be immense.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, we return to our scheduled inane slanging match.


American Service-Members’ Protection Act serves two purposes.

One is two fingers at democracy and the rule of law.

They took the huff because al-Megrahi was prosecuted in a Scottish court.

The other is two fingers at democracy and the rule of law, wrt Geneva Convention.

Jeux sans frontiers.


Stuart MacKay says
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we return to our scheduled inane slanging match.

Good idea. It’s harmless unlike the ‘inane slanging match with guns’ that’s going on in Ukraine.

Weird that ‘Mr Potato Head’ complains about posters returning ‘fire with fire’ when that is what the ‘Potato Heads’ are applauding the very macho men of Ukraine for doing.

John Main

Hattrick at 12:16

As you claim, people pay good money for your take on things, so how do you answer when they ask:

“What convinced you of the justification for killing kids Hattrick?”

“Hattrick, when did you abandon your belief in free, independent, sovereign nations?”

“Why do you still pretend to support Scots Indy Hattrick?”

Maybes you can waive your customary lucrative fee and answer for free as a service for us Wingers.

Dig deep Hattrick! Stick a clothes peg on your neb and get right to the source of your beliefs.

And wash your hands after.


John Main

“What convinced you of the justification for killing?


Watching the SNP MP’s clapping away like seals performing for fish at Westminster today further brought home that these people who we sent down to Westminster to find a away for Scotland to egress from this rancid union will never fulfil that remit.

Meanwhile the betrayer of Scots Sturgeon has demanded that there should be no limit to Ukrainians that are allowed to come and live in the UK.

This conflict has peeled back more layers on Sturgeon to expose clearly for me anyway that she is a Westminster puppet, there can be no doubts now.

John Main


There is an “inane slanging match” because a few people on here can’t or won’t accept that killing non-combatant men, women and children, causing billions of pounds worth of damage, and displacing millions of refugees, in pursuit of geo-political objectives, is wrong.

It gets heated because some of us can see the damage being done to the Indy movement. It beggars belief that so-called Scots Indy supporters can troll here day after day to justify the destruction of free, independent, sovereign Ukraine.

We will soon be welcoming many thousands of destitute and traumatised Ukrainian refugees to Scotland and the vast majority of Scots will respond to their plight with sympathy, generosity and kindness. That vast majority doesn’t want to have to shamefully apologise for the beliefs and attitudes of the tiny minority who salivate at Ukrainian death and destruction.

Stuart MacKay


There can be no doubt on that front any more. Every action the SNP are taking from the performing seals to Kate Forbes’ comic book says that the Four Nations approach is the best they have to offer.


“If you go to Ukraine and post your toxic perversions from there”

John Main.

If there’s anyone that’s perverted in here its you who supports Nazism.

I’ve explained that Ukrainian Nazi battalions in Ukraine have been murdering Eastern Ukrainians since around 2013, it got worse after the Great Satan’s (US) 2014 coup, many children have been killed, because the Nazis aren’t shelling military bases or posts they are shelling residential areas, school, hospitals houses etc. Effectively committing genocide

The UN, EU and all the other so called Western authorities turned a blind eye to this for at least eight years, and now that Russia has stepped in to save those people the West has completely lost the plot. Of course the UK has a major arms deal with Ukraine, US POTUS Joe Biden and his son Hunter also have interests in the Ukraine the former to set up military bases, the latter syphoning cash via an energy company, and the EU wanted Ukraine to join it, for its own interests that why the Ukrainian Nazis have been allowed murder innocent women and children for at least eight years.

You disgust me Main, the likes Ellis and Chas are at least on the payroll and are paid to spout their shite, but you.

John Main

Republic at 1:45

Aye, Republic, I see your problem.

With you having cheered on the destruction of their free, independent, sovereign homeland, these new Scots might tell you where to stick your rancid Indy movement.

As Hattrick pointed out with his usual sneer, Ukrainian men are staying there to fight. The vast majority of the new Scots will be women and kids.

The 6 YO neo-Nazis are the worst. Look on the bright side Republic. Endless material for you to carp, complain, twist, lie and otherwise bump your gums about.


Meanwhile the betrayer of Scots Sturgeon has demanded that there should be no limit to Ukrainians that are allowed to come and live in the UK.

How is that going to help Ukraine? Who is going to be left to fire the weapons donated by the EU?

Will Ukraine be left in the hands of Liz Truss’s lad army and the prisoners who are to be released from Ukrainian jails.

Perhaps there will be no limit to the Ukrainian prisoners who are allowed to come and live in the UK and it will all be down to ‘our boys in the khaki’ that they bought from the Army & Navy stores.

How will they tell the difference between a Ukrainian who has lost his passport in the fighting and one of these nasty Russians?

Now, ladies and gentlemen, we return to our scheduled inane slanging match it makes more sense than reading about Sturgeon’s mad ideas!

John Main


As I said the other day, perhaps the only good thing about war is that it cuts through the crap.

Ukrainian men of fighting age are staying in Ukraine to fight. They are undeterred by Hattrick’s sneers or Republic’s accusations of neo-Naziism. Imagine that !

Sturgeon’s unlimited numbers of refugees are women and children.

I guess few here, apart from me, find that brave and admirable.

Just think what the Scots Indy movement could have achieved with a few Ukrainians in it.


John Main

You are a hoot?

What do you mean by women?


I have an intelligence threshold requirement that applies to people that comment on here. That means I don’t take seriously the questions and opinions of any old mutt that turns up slabbering on the lawn…

The “no-fly zone” idea isn’t going to fly I’m afraid. And it wouldn’t stop nuclear warheads passing through the designated airspace on the way to their targets, which may be an issue.

The best way to save Ukrainians is to tell them to make an agreement with Russia that keeps Ukraine out of NATO… you know, like the agreement we made with Russia in 1990.



Incidentally, does anyone know what the punishment is for Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 that refuse to put their lives on the line for “sovereign democracy”?


@Stuart MacKay

Yeah, my point was that it read as something one of the clowns would say.

You’re the one that included yourself here.

Also, I’m not interested in your WWI theory or what anyone says about what someone else says about the connection you’ve created. I made no reference to it anyway.

I’ve stated what I’m interested in. It’s a recurring theme.

Jeux sans frontiers.


what a load of high quality posts of late, grandmasters and moralists, all – or is it a barrage of bilge pumped by the usual suspects …

The BBC/MSM does not honestly report the people they don’t like – THEY TELL YOU WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO THINK THEY SAID, or they edit it in funny ways, to produce a distortion.

PUTIN MADE A SPEECH a few days ago; it is worth a read. I suspect he either wrote it himself or had strong input; it clearly indicates someone with an intellect operating on a different level to Biden and his teleprompter – and he is not laying it out in a series of tweets so the attention poor can process it.

Having read it, I have to say : “WHERE IS THE LIE?”, in any of it. You can quibble around the edges, here and there. The point of contention becomes :


I despise the weaselly sophistry we have come accustomed to – “breaking eggs to make omelettes, collateral damage, a price worth paying, humanitarian intervention” – across the board; some poor bastard is always getting blown to bits for nothing and smart weapons aren’t so smart.

The military objective is to smash up the Ukie army, grab Zelensky and put him on trial for war crimes; so far it has been guided missiles and a limited commitment of troops; use of heavy artillery, not yet. Artillery is city levelling and indiscriminate. We shall see how it pans out – a clean in and out, bloody siege or occupation and insurgency. Western satellites and spy planes will be scanning every inch of the place and if the Russian troops start shooting people over ditches or fire thermobaric weapons at residential apartment blocks, we will know about it; “atrocity propaganda” is very powerful and western media does not hold back, even on the merest claim, or even nothing at all.

While there is no direct mention of it here, I heard something – amazing, if true – back in 2000, Putin asked Clinton if RUSSIA COULD JOIN NATO … the old shagger just “chuckled” … of course not, NATO countries can’t attack each other (- and they had plans for Russia); so who is a straight-shooter and who is a bad actor?

There is a historical parallel, back in the 80s, a DISARMAMENT TREATY with the USSR – the americans were deploying pershing IIs – these were tactical nukes, for use on the battlefield, with earth penetrating warheads to take out command posts; they were “highly usable” nukes, which made them very destabilising – the americans removed them, for corresponding concessions. This was in the days of MAD and the cold war, but America thinks it is exceptional and history has ended, and doesn’t need to talk to or make agreements with any other party. This is the doing of the “neocons” who Reagan called “THE CRAZIES IN THE BASEMENT”.

Long term, what with global warming and whatever else, resource depletion – the vast untapped potential of Russia – hydrocarbons, huge lands – has already been accounted for in the global spreadsheet of the empire’s continuing finances … but it does not intend to “pay the market rate” for access, enriching the russians, no – it wants it all for free, handed over. If global warming is going to pan out as modelled, then the cold northern lands become habitable and fertile.

Putin became the devil when he JAILED KHODORKOVSKY for trying to sell Russia’s oil to Exxon for 40B – assets worth trillions. Contrast this with the SNP’s determination to flog all of Scotland off to foreign corporations and oligarchs – the full neoliberal program is to be executed, i.e. the “means of life itself” in foreign hands; because of this independence will have to be won -twice- as when you finally get it and want to do – setup an equivalent to statoil or do serious land reform, you will be blocked by the “sanctity of private property in a market economy”. Welcome to your independence, revel in your sovereignty, for it won’t mean a damn thing, for all that has value is owned elsewhere, and all material decisions are already made.

Another interesting snippet – prior to 2014 ukraine politics was a complex web of corruption, the parties being the vehicles for competing oligarchs – the IMF is going to stiff ukraine over a loan – it wants full AUSTERITY, the works, in order to “go easy” … (western finance is going to loot the place raw)


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO … ! (shit hits fan)

This is another subtle MSM technique – western nations never have any material reason for doing anything, but our enemies do, they always do, and they never have any higher reasons, like we do; I think this is called “projection”. This is the modern day equivalent of the “civilising mission of the British Empire”, THE WHITE MANS BURDEN; the powerful have a moral mission to take control of lesser nations in order to raise them up (- for which we ask ony a modest stipend).

We need a “SCOTTISH PUTIN” – someone who will promote the national interest, and is prepared to take them all on, to swim through all the shit; the trouble with SCOTTISH LEADERS is, with very few exceptions – they seem to be willing to SELL THE COUNTRY OUT at first opportunity, for next to nothing, and it continues to this day. How much does a stoat coat cost? Are those gongs even made of silver and gold, or is it just brass? Nikki will become a Dame one day, I am sure of it. Don’t you feel sick at how all the “nationalist politicians” are falling over themselves right now to follow the London agenda, trying to even get in front of it? Neale Hanvey got panned for a tiny, near homeopathic, level of nuance. The propaganda is relentless.

The only mistake Putin made was that he actually bought into this “international law” bullshit for so long; he tried to “do all the paperwork” and talk to people – and then it dawns on him – this is just “gangsterism”; “for thee, but not for me” – and its not murder/genocide/terrorism/looting etc – when we do it, only when you do it, and people -defending themselves- is “aggression”. If HYPOCRISY had a calorific value, the west would not have an energy crisis.

If you are a Scottish Nationalist then the UK state is your ENEMY and the english people which support it are your adversaries, they are not your friends, they never have been and never will be. EVERYONE ELSE in the world is NEITHER A FRIEND NOR ENEMY – they are merely people who can HELP you, or hinder you. Scot-Nats should have no enemies among the USA, Russia, China, Ukraine, the EU – all are potential allies against England. Don’t get sucked into lying bullshit peddled by the BBC – the most spectacularly dishonest and skilled lying operation on the planet. Take everything they say and apply a global negation to it – it will save you time.

– and so when all your emails come in, already or soon, detailing the 60% price rises in energy, do not ask yourself – “how did this happen?” “Is there nowhere we could get cheap gas?” There is “a guy” and all he asks is you STOP POINTING A GUN AT HIS HEAD.

My only real concern is to stop DAFT SCOTTISH BOYS going off to fight the wrong people for the wrong reasons; remember the British Empire has never been on the right side of any conflict in its history (barring one arguable exception, of which it was the ultimate cause) and so for its bastard offspring, America.

– it is depressing for a nationalist like myself to see how quickly and easily all the “nationalists” have been to swallow every BBC/MSM lie without any critical analysis and how easily they allow themselves to be manipulated by straightforward means; it’s pathetic. There is no critical analysis any more – only virtue signalling and the social media mob if you lack sufficient zeal.

This is pure “colonisation of the mind” / “stockholm syndrome” / “the cringe” all rolled into one – if you do not snap out of it, independence will NEVER happen – and all the cunning plans will make no difference – referendum, plebescite, constitutional lawfare, decolonisation – and if by some miracle, it does happen – it won’t mean anything, as nothing will really change. Scotland’s destiny is a line on a spreadsheet – “Profit Centre – North Alpha 12” – and the country will be turned into a theme-park for rich foreigners, and we will be the “fauna”.

FFS people – stop taking anything the BBC says seriously. They lie, all the time – they are good at it; this is why the journalistic class spend 3 years at oxbridge to learn their craft – you don’t need any expertise to tell the truth, but sophisticated lying needs “mad skillz”; they are always pushing a “narrative” and all basic facts are framed to fit it.

– and as for engaging on wings with PERSISTENT BAD ACTORS WHO WERE RUMBLED A LONG TIME AGO … as the rev advises – DO NOT FEED THE TROLL


Since none of you ignorant twats will have bothered to even read this for yourselves …

The BBC described this speech as “rambling”, but it reads like crystal to me. Make up your own mind.

Full speech – capitals added by me in places to allow a “skim-reading”.

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: Citizens of Russia, friends,

I consider it necessary today to speak again about the TRAGIC EVENTS IN DONBASS and the key aspects of ensuring the SECURITY OF RUSSIA.

I will begin with what I said in my address on February 21, 2022. I spoke about our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which irresponsible Western politicians created for Russia consistently, rudely and unceremoniously from year to year. I am referring to the EASTWARD EXPANSION of NATO, which is moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the Russian border.

It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either CYNICAL DECEPTION and lies or attempts at PRESSURE AND BLACKMAIL, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border.

Why is this happening? Where did this INSOLENT manner of talking down from the height of their EXCEPTIONALISM, INFALLIBILITY AND ALL-PERMISSIVENESS come from? What is the explanation for this CONTEMPTUOUS AND DISDAINFUL attitude to our interests and absolutely legitimate demands?

The answer is simple. Everything is clear and obvious. In the late 1980s, the SOVIET UNION GREW WEAKER AND SUBSEQUENTLY BROKE APART. That experience should serve as a good lesson for us, because it has shown us that the paralysis of power and will is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion. We lost confidence for only one moment, but it was enough to DISRUPT THE BALANCE OF FORCES in the world.

As a result, the OLD TREATIES and agreements are NO LONGER EFFECTIVE. Entreaties and requests do not help. Anything that does not suit the dominant state, the powers that be, is denounced as archaic, obsolete and useless. At the same time, everything it regards as useful is presented as the ultimate truth and forced on others regardless of the cost, abusively and by any means available. Those who refuse to comply are subjected to STRONG-ARM TACTICS.

What I am saying now does not concerns only Russia, and Russia is not the only country that is worried about this. This has to do with the entire system of INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, and sometimes even US allies. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a redivision of the world, and the norms of international law that developed by that time – and the most important of them, the fundamental norms that were adopted following WWII and largely formalised its outcome – came in the way of those who declared themselves the winners of the Cold War.

Of course, practice, international relations and the rules regulating them had to TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE CHANGES that took place in the world and in the balance of forces. However, this SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE PROFESSIONALLY, smoothly, patiently, and with due regard and respect for the interests of all states and one’s own responsibility. Instead, we saw a state of EUPHORIA created by the feeling of absolute superiority, a kind of MODERN ABSOLUTISM, coupled with the LOW CULTURAL STANDARDS and arrogance of those who formulated and pushed through decisions that suited only themselves. THE SITUATION TOOK A DIFFERENT TURN.

There are many examples of this. First a BLOODY MILITARY OPERATION WAS WAGED AGAINST BELGRADE, without the UN Security Council’s sanction but with combat aircraft and missiles used in the heart of Europe. The bombing of peaceful cities and vital infrastructure went on for several weeks. I have to recall these facts, because some Western colleagues prefer to forget them, and when we mentioned the event, they PREFER TO AVOID SPEAKING ABOUT INTERNATIONAL LAW, instead emphasising the circumstances which they interpret as they think necessary.

Then came the turn of IRAQ, LIBYA AND SYRIA. The illegal use of military power against Libya and the distortion of all the UN Security Council decisions on Libya ruined the state, created a huge seat of international terrorism, and pushed the country towards a humanitarian catastrophe, into the vortex of a civil war, which has continued there for years. The tragedy, which was created for hundreds of thousands and even millions of people not only in Libya but in the whole region, has led to a LARGE-SCALE EXODUS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA TO EUROPE.

A similar fate was also prepared for SYRIA. The combat operations conducted by the Western coalition in that country without the Syrian government’s approval or UN Security Council’s sanction can only be defined as AGGRESSION and intervention.

But the example that stands apart from the above events is, of course, the INVASION OF IRAQ without any legal grounds. They used the pretext of allegedly reliable information available in the United States about the presence of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION in Iraq. To prove that allegation, the US Secretary of State held up a vial with white power, publicly, for the whole world to see, assuring the international community that it was a chemical warfare agent created in Iraq. It later turned out that all of that was a FAKE AND A SHAM, and that Iraq did not have any chemical weapons. Incredible and shocking but true. We witnessed lies made at the highest state level and voiced from the high UN rostrum. As a result we see a tremendous loss in human life, damage, destruction, and a colossal upsurge of terrorism.


This array includes PROMISES NOT TO EXPAND NATO eastwards even by an inch. To reiterate: they have deceived us, or, to put it simply, THEY HAVE PLAYED US. Sure, one often hears that politics is a dirty business. It could be, but it shouldn’t be as dirty as it is now, not to such an extent. THIS TYPE OF CON-ARTIST BEHAVIOUR IS CONTRARY NOT ONLY TO THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BUT ALSO AND ABOVE ALL TO THE GENERALLY ACCEPTED NORMS OF MORALITY AND ETHICS. Where is justice and truth here? Just LIES AND HYPOCRISY all around.

Incidentally, US politicians, political scientists and journalists write and say that a veritable “EMPIRE OF LIES” has been created inside the United States in recent years. It is hard to disagree with this – it is really so. But one should not be modest about it: the United States is still a great country and a system-forming power. All its satellites not only humbly and obediently say yes to and parrot it at the slightest pretext but also imitate its behaviour and enthusiastically accept the rules it is offering them. Therefore, one can say with good reason and confidence that the whole so-called Western bloc formed by the United States in its own image and likeness is, in its entirety, the very same “empire of lies.”

As for our country, after the disintegration of the USSR, given the entire unprecedented openness of the new, MODERN RUSSIA, ITS READINESS TO WORK HONESTLY WITH THE UNITED STATES and other Western partners, and its practically unilateral disarmament, they immediately TRIED TO put the final squeeze on us, FINISH US OFF, and utterly destroy us. This is how it was in the 1990s and the early 2000s, when the so-called collective West was actively supporting separatism and gangs of mercenaries in southern Russia. What victims, what losses we had to sustain and what trials we had to go through at that time before we broke the back of international terrorism in the Caucasus! We remember this and will never forget.

Properly speaking, the attempts to use us in their own interests never ceased until quite recently: they sought to DESTROY OUR TRADITIONAL VALUES AND FORCE ON US THEIR FALSE VALUES THAT WOULD ERODE US, our people from within, the attitudes they have been aggressively imposing on their countries, attitudes that are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are CONTRARY TO HUMAN NATURE. This is not going to happen. No one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor will they succeed now.

(note : he means TRANNIES, LGBTQ, perverts wanking in little girls bathrooms … he’s not having it … not at all)

Despite all that, in December 2021, we made yet another attempt to reach agreement with the United States and its allies on the principles of European security and NATO’s non-expansion. Our efforts were in vain. The United States has not changed its position. It does not believe it necessary to agree with Russia on a matter that is critical for us. The United States is pursuing its own objectives, while neglecting our interests.

Of course, this situation begs a question: WHAT NEXT, WHAT ARE WE TO EXPECT? If history is any guide, we know that in 1940 and early 1941 the Soviet Union went to great lengths to prevent war or at least delay its outbreak. To this end, the USSR sought not to provoke the potential aggressor until the very end by refraining or postponing the most urgent and obvious preparations it had to make to defend itself from an imminent attack. WHEN IT FINALLY ACTED, IT WAS TOO LATE.

As a result, the country was not prepared to counter the invasion by Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941, without declaring war. The country stopped the enemy and went on to defeat it, but this came at a tremendous cost. The attempt to APPEASE THE AGGRESSOR ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people. In the first months after the hostilities broke out, we lost vast territories of strategic importance, as well as millions of lives. We will not make this mistake the second time. We have no right to do so.

Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly DESIGNATED RUSSIA AS THEIR ENEMY. They did so with impunity. Make no mistake, they had no reason to act this way. It is true that they have CONSIDERABLE FINANCIAL, SCIENTIFIC, TECHNOLOGICAL, AND MILITARY CAPABILITIES. We are aware of this and have an objective view of the ECONOMIC THREATS we have been hearing, just as our ability to counter this brash and NEVER-ENDING BLACKMAIL. Let me reiterate that we have no illusions in this regard and are EXTREMELY REALISTIC IN OUR ASSESSMENTS.

As for military affairs, even after the dissolution of the USSR and losing a considerable part of its capabilities, today’s Russia remains one of the MOST POWERFUL NUCLEAR STATES. Moreover, it has a certain ADVANTAGE IN SEVERAL CUTTING-EDGE WEAPONS. In this context, there should be no doubt for anyone that any potential aggressor will face DEFEAT AND OMINOUS CONSEQUENCES should it directly attack our country.

At the same time, technology, including in the defence sector, is changing rapidly. One day there is one leader, and tomorrow another, but a military presence in territories bordering on Russia, if we permit it to go ahead, will stay for decades to come or maybe forever, creating an ever mounting and totally unacceptable threat for Russia.

Even now, with NATO’s eastward expansion the situation for Russia has been becoming worse and more dangerous by the year. Moreover, these past days NATO leadership has been blunt in its statements that they need to accelerate and step up efforts to bring the alliance’s infrastructure closer to Russia’s borders. In other words, they have been toughening their position. We cannot stay idle and passively observe these developments. This would be an absolutely irresponsible thing to do for us.

Any further expansion of the North Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure or the ongoing efforts to gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are unacceptable for us. Of course, the question is not about NATO itself. It merely serves as a tool of US foreign policy. The problem is that IN TERRITORIES ADJACENT TO RUSSIA, WHICH I HAVE TO NOTE IS OUR HISTORICAL LAND, A HOSTILE “ANTI-RUSSIA” IS TAKING SHAPE. Fully controlled from the outside, it is doing everything to attract NATO armed forces and obtain cutting-edge weapons.

For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of CONTAINING RUSSIA, WITH OBVIOUS GEOPOLITICAL DIVIDENDS. For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. It is the RED LINE which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed it.

This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that THE FORCES THAT STAGED THE COUP IN UKRAINE IN 2014 HAVE SEIZED POWER, are keeping it with the help of ORNAMENTAL ELECTION PROCEDURES and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain.

As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics.

I would like to additionally emphasise the following. Focused on their own goals, the leading NATO countries are supporting the far-right nationalists and NEO-NAZIS in Ukraine, those who will never forgive the people of Crimea and Sevastopol for freely making a choice to reunite with Russia.

They will undoubtedly try to bring war to Crimea just as they have done in Donbass, to kill innocent people just as members of the punitive units of Ukrainian nationalists and Hitler’s accomplices did during the Great Patriotic War. They have also openly laid claim to several other Russian regions.

If we look at the sequence of events and the incoming reports, the showdown between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment. Moreover, they went as far as ASPIRE TO ACQUIRE NUCLEAR WEAPONS. We will not let this happen.

I have already said that RUSSIA ACCEPTED THE NEW GEOPOLITICAL REALITY AFTER THE DISSOLUTION OF THE USSR. We have been treating all new post-Soviet states with respect and will continue to act this way. We respect and will respect their sovereignty, as proven by the assistance we provided to Kazakhstan when it faced tragic events and a challenge in terms of its statehood and integrity. However, Russia cannot feel safe, develop, and exist while facing a permanent threat from the territory of today’s Ukraine.

Let me remind you that in 2000–2005 we used our military to push back against terrorists in the Caucasus and stood up for the integrity of our state. We preserved Russia. In 2014, we supported the people of Crimea and Sevastopol. In 2015, we used our Armed Forces to create a reliable shield that prevented terrorists from Syria from penetrating Russia. This was a matter of defending ourselves. We had no other choice.

The same is happening today. They did not leave us any other option for defending Russia and our people, other than the one we are forced to use today. In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action. The people’s republics of Donbass have asked Russia for help.

In this context, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 51 (CHAPTER VII) OF THE UN CHARTER, with permission of Russia’s Federation Council, and in execution of the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic, ratified by the Federal Assembly on February 22, I made a decision to carry out a SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION.

The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to DEMILITARISE AND DENAZIFY UKRAINE, as well as BRING TO TRIAL those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.

It is NOT OUR PLAN TO OCCUPY THE UKRAINIAN TERRITORY. We do not intend to impose anything on anyone by force. At the same time, we have been hearing an increasing number of statements coming from the West that there is no need any more to abide by the documents setting forth the outcomes of World War II, as signed by the totalitarian Soviet regime. How can we respond to that?

The outcomes of World War II and the sacrifices our people had to make to defeat Nazism are sacred. This does not contradict the high values of human rights and freedoms in the reality that emerged over the post-war decades. This does not mean that nations cannot enjoy the right to self-determination, which is enshrined in ARTICLE 1 OF THE UN CHARTER.

Let me remind you that the people living in territories which are part of today’s Ukraine were not asked how they want to build their lives when the USSR was created or after World War II. Freedom guides our policy, the freedom to choose independently our future and the future of our children. We believe that all the peoples living in today’s Ukraine, anyone who want to do this, must be able to enjoy this right to make a free choice.

In this context I would like to address the citizens of Ukraine. In 2014, Russia was obliged to protect the people of Crimea and Sevastopol from those who you yourself call “nats.” The people of Crimea and Sevastopol made their choice in favour of being with their historical homeland, Russia, and we supported their choice. As I said, we could not act otherwise.

The current events have nothing to do with a desire to infringe on the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They are connected with the defending Russia from those who have taken Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it against our country and our people.

I reiterate: we are acting to defend ourselves from the threats created for us and from a worse peril than what is happening now. I am asking you, however hard this may be, to understand this and to work together with us so as to turn this tragic page as soon as possible and to move forward together, without allowing anyone to interfere in our affairs and our relations but developing them independently, so as to create favourable conditions for overcoming all these problems and to strengthen us from within as a single whole, despite the existence of state borders. I believe in this, in our common future.

I would also like to address the military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Comrade officers,

Your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not fight the Nazi occupiers and did not defend our common Motherland to allow today’s NEO-NAZIS TO SEIZE POWER IN UKRAINE. You swore the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people and not to the JUNTA, the people’s adversary which is plundering Ukraine and humiliating the Ukrainian people.

I urge you to refuse to carry out their criminal orders. I urge you to immediately lay down arms and go home. I will explain what this means: the military personnel of the Ukrainian army who do this will be able to FREELY LEAVE THE ZONE OF HOSTILITIES AND RETURN TO THEIR FAMILIES.

I want to emphasise again that all responsibility for the possible bloodshed will lie fully and wholly with the ruling Ukrainian regime.

I would now like to say something very important for THOSE WHO MAY BE TEMPTED TO INTERFERE IN THESE DEVELOPMENTS FROM THE OUTSIDE. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and THE CONSEQUENCES WILL BE SUCH AS YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN IN YOUR ENTIRE HISTORY. No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that my words will be heard.

Citizens of Russia,

The culture and values, experience and traditions of our ancestors invariably provided a powerful underpinning for the wellbeing and the very existence of entire states and nations, their success and viability. Of course, this directly depends on the ability to quickly adapt to constant change, maintain social cohesion, and readiness to consolidate and summon all the available forces in order to move forward.

We always need to be strong, but this strength can take on different forms. The “empire of lies,” which I mentioned in the beginning of my speech, proceeds in its policy primarily from rough, direct force. This is when our saying on being “all brawn and no brains” applies.

We all know that having justice and truth on our side is what makes us truly strong. If this is the case, it would be hard to disagree with the fact that it is our strength and our readiness to fight that are the bedrock of independence and sovereignty and provide the necessary foundation for building a reliable future for your home, your family, and your Motherland.

Dear compatriots,

I am certain that devoted soldiers and officers of Russia’s Armed Forces will perform their duty with professionalism and courage. I have no doubt that the government institutions at all levels and specialists will work effectively to guarantee the stability of our economy, financial system and social wellbeing, and the same applies to corporate executives and the entire business community. I hope that all parliamentary parties and civil society take a consolidated, patriotic position.

At the end of the day, the future of Russia is in the hands of its multi-ethnic people, as has always been the case in our history. This means that the decisions that I made will be executed, that we will achieve the goals we have set, and reliably guarantee the security of our Motherland.

I believe in your support and the invincible force rooted in the love for our Fatherland.


Am oota hankies with all this whatifery nostalgia.

“It woz the Eastern Europeans wot won it for the Sweaty Socks. Good riddance to the the ungrateful ginger beggars. Well suited. EU dodged a bullet, but sod em, we’re offski soon” – The S*n – 19/9/201

I cannot stop laughing at the utter buffoonery of those caught like deer in the headlights, desperately trying to appear credible from their imaginary bunkers that are about to fill up with sand as it sinks, because the lid is still open.

MI Skive must be so proud.


I think that Putin speech is about a week old, Confused. This stands out;

“No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and THE CONSEQUENCES WILL BE SUCH AS YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN IN YOUR ENTIRE HISTORY. No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that my words will be heard.”

I have no doubt that Putin would press the button, if it came to it. That isn’t why I think we should listen to him and accommodate Russia’s concerns, though.

I don’t accept NATO’s definition of peace. I don’t think tying a giant to the ground, like a scene from Gulliver’s Travels, surrounding him with trip-wires, pointing a multitude of nuclear weapons at his head, and continually threatening him, is a desirable definition of “peaceful relations”.

Doing that to countries like Russia and China more or less forces them to adopt an aggressive posture in response.

All the bullshit on this — and the US-dominated position on all of this stuff is absolutely bullshit, from the simple minds of a bunch of gun-toting fundamentalist fruitcakes — unravels very quickly when you start trying to apply the same standards to us that “we” casually impose on others.

“I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir: for as I happened to lie on my back, I found my arms and legs were strongly fastened on each side to the ground; and my hair, which was long and thick, tied down I the same manner. I likewise felt several slender ligatures across my body, from my armpits to my thighs. I could only look upwards, the sun began to grow hot, and the light offended mine eyes. I heard a confused noise about me, but in the posture I lay, could see nothing except the sky.”
(Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels)

Maybe if they aren’t doing anything wrong, and don’t have malicious intentions, then they shouldn’t resist, eh?


Excellent video highlighted by Barrheadboy. Truly excellent.

link to

link to

Andy Ellis

@Scott 9.39 am

I’ve looked at the supposed things you think I’m supposed to address from your piece @ 4.20 pm on 28/02/2022 but other that you supposed JSF “funny fact”, it just seems like a lot of conspiracy theory claptrap which has been disproved by subsequent events. Only two of the points rambling discourse seem worth responding to on reflection (altho’ perhaps the other items in your stream of semi-consciousness were just rhetorical….? It’s so hard to tell with moon howlers).

1) “Russia obviously had targets in Ukraine, but destruction obviously isn’t one.” That comment hasn’t really aged too well has it? Or do you think all the videos are fake news?

2) “There’s ongoing talks between Russia & Ukraine today.”
Which resulted in precisely nothing. The second session is due today from the news reports. It doesn’t sound like the Ukrainians are too hopeful, but then with a few thousand innocent Ukrainian civilians dead, and upwards of 5,000 invadingRussians killed, I’m not sure why they’d be wanting to negotiate with the aggressors anyway.


Thanks, Breeks.

Nice to see the anti-war movement mobilising against the propaganda and lies of this conflict. Better late than never…

In Scotland, the more we oppose this bunch of lies, the more damage we do to the image of certain scumbags who jumped (and these days often jump) far too quickly on to the war-mongering bandwagon.

For Andy and others who are in that despicable and diabolical camp, here’s some alternative viewing;

As I said a few days ago, in time everyone will see reason on this and the MSM propaganda bubble will burst. Some if not all of the 5 points I made last night will be at the heart of every conversation about Ukraine in future;

1. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the treatment/persecution of Russians in Eastern Ukraine over the last 8 years.

2. You simple can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the broken promises on NATO expansion.

3. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the repeated attempts to negotiate a solution made by Moscow and others over the years.

4. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the despicable record of US-UK foreign policy in other places, rendering every single charge they lay at the door of Russia here sickeningly hypocritical.

5. You simply can’t understand this crisis without factoring in the utterly useless and toothless state of the UN, a condition that was deliberately brought about by the US and its crooked partners.

It’s time for fair and sensible people to make their voices heard. We are winning this debate.


“How is that going to help Ukraine? Who is going to be left to fire the weapons donated by the EU?”


Ukraine waived the need for a visa to enter the county from March 1st for those who want to come to Ukraine to bolster Nazism, I fully expect all the mad dogs who fought for Nato and the Great Satan in the likes of Syria and Libya to flood into Ukraine to defend Nazism.

Even Lizz Truss said it was okay to leave the UK and fight for Ukrainian Nazism.


If only the heads of NATO and the free world, would read the words of wisdom!! from the super intelligent scum, in their own minds only, and the confused on here, the war, because that’s what it is, would cease overnight.
That nice Mr Putin could sit back for a year or two, them start again somewhere else. When Scotland gains Independence, haha, the Russians would never think of hoovering up ‘Scottish’ fish, oil or gas as the Imperial Scottish Navy would repel the invaders very quickly. Assuming of course, that they would be hard enough to even try. The rusty ferries, which would be the main constituent of the Navy, will surely be built in the next decade or two?


I think you have the wrong moniker-Menopausal Maggie is probably more appropriate!

John Main

Unpleasant stink coming from this site again and sure enough, Hattrick has deposited a fresh, warm, steaming one at 5:12 pm.

From the increasing frequency of his unpaid posts, I am starting to think the list of well-heeled clients who he claims pay handsomely for his advice doesn’t exist.

But as he says once, and then repeats 5 times, he simply can’t understand this conflict. Cry for help, perhaps?

As an act of charity, I will explain to him all he needs to know.

Dead kids Hattrick. Crushed, burnt, blown to bits kids.

There you go: explained. And I’ve used single syllable words to make it easier for you 🙂


I stand alone when it comes to my beliefs. If others share some, I don’t expect them to share them all. If one person did and attached themself to me, I’d start walking in a circle.

I have MS. Paresthesia is a right laugh.

A former partner was so aligned with my ‘worldview’ (politics, music, food, film) that she acquired the effect of me suffering, as evidenced with her display of mimickry anytime she witnessed an attack. It was bollocks of course, but enough about my ability to spot bad faith actors.

Andy Ellis is quite happy to reinforce the points I raise, having ignored, dismissed, derided, censored and countered with his decision about what the words I chose to type actually mean.

I’ll remind him yet again of the words he denied he said, having bizarelly asked why he would because Grousebeater or some utterly boring phrase.

“having left SNP to join ALBA”

So narcissistic, created a blog which had the “heads up followers” scenario around the 0840 AM (sic) train to London and the Man from the Daily Mail, as its very first article.

The other articles are a hoot as well. Effie Deans gibberish gets a makeover as does Gerry Hassan, and debt which is only mentioned once, as “student debts”

I really liked the one that starts by mentioning s
a comment he posted on someone else’s blog.

“I posted the following comment as “ndls61” in response to Ian Smart’s most recent blog “Sunday Bloody Sunday” and thought I would repeat it here in case (given his thin skin when it comes to being called out for his closet racism and constant “Godwinising” of SNP supporters and members as fascists and Nazis) he deletes it!”

Now, this is on a blog literally called ndls61…any readers would’ve seen the connection.

The whole comment has been copied and pasted across and there’s a direct link to it which is still live 7 years later.

And that’s it. So he was affirming to himself that he wrote those words basically. Not sure why they’re so important, or care.

Archived > link to {source: link to}

Except, I do care that he wrote those words on another blog then wrote about writing it.

Remember that live link to the blog that Andy Ellis wrote a comment on?

Here it is archived > link to

I’ve written on Rev Stu’s blog about Andy Ellis writing about writing on someone else’s blog.

I dedicate the twist in the tale to Ruby and the anonymous.

It’s fucking delicious.

That original comment now appears under the name ‘Anonymous’

The article wasn’t deleted but ndls61 was.

There is hope.

Jeux sans frontiers.

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 5.12 pm

“It’s time for fair and sensible people to make their voices heard. We are winning this debate.”

That takes the award for the most delusional claptrap in a day when the moon howlers have posted way more than their usual quota. Is it a full moon perhaps? Today may be a new peak …or perhaps more accurately low.

The fact a handful of Putinasta shills, ageing commies and sophomoric Wolfie Smith Tooting Popular Front types agree with you BTL in here bud signifies SFA. Those who share your views are a vanishingly small proportion of the population as a whole, and very much a minority in the the pro-indy movement.

The point you made last night have already been extensively discussed and debunked.

1) There was and is no genocide in Eastern Ukraine as Putin & his shills claim. There were and are abuses by both sides in Eastern Ukraine, but certainly nothing to justify attempted annexation, UDI or invasion. There is no independent evidence to back up your spurious claims. If there was, you’d have been linking to it, and we’d have seen the reports being shouted from the rooftops and given wall to wall coverage.

2) There were no such promises to the Russian Federation. If Gorbachev and Yeltsin felt they had assurances, they certainly never got anything formal, nor were there ever any written agreements or treaties. It was Yeltsin who asked the USA if Russia could join. Even if he was sober, it wasn’t a serious application, nor did NATO take it as such. Russia should never have any veto on any independent country becoming a member if NATO is happy to accept it. Scottish nationalists would never accept such limitations being placed on their freedom of action, so why should Ukraine, Moldova or Georgia? You’re no independence supporter if you insist otherwise.

3) Moscow never made an offer capable of acceptance. Putin is a mad dog. He want’s to reduce Ukraine to the client state status of Belorussia, then extent that to Central Asia and the Caucasus. It just won’t happen, any more that the woo-woo predictions of NATO no-fly zones over the Ukraine, or the spectre of Putin pushing the button you get so moist about.

4) Whataboutery, which in no way obviates the need for the Russians to be defeated and expelled from Ukraine. It’s not a game of Foreign Policy Top Trumps. For all its faults, the West in comparison with Russia and China is the “camp of the saints”. Nobody seeks refuge in dystopian authoritarian shit holes or wants to emigrate there.

5) The UN’s powerlessness can’t be attributed to one side or the other, it’s just a matter of realpolitik. We saw its toothlessness in Rwanda, Bosnia, Kurdistan and a host of other places. If we want something that works we should just expel Russia, China and all the authoritarian and anti democratic countries – including many western client states like Saudi, the UAE and others. The fact that they are “our bastards” as Harry Truman famously said of Nicaraguan dictator Samoza was never enough.

You’re not on the side of fair and sensible people Hatuey. The vast majority will find your take on the situation deeply repulsive.

John Main

Confused at 2:58 pm

OK, I read it. I didn’t find it that convincing, maybes something lost in translation.

I can certainly sympathise with his wish to stop perverts wanking in little girls bathrooms. Just it seems to me that killing the little girls is not the obvious fix.

I hope you won’t let your admiration and support for Putin lead you to call for us to kill our own little girls. The Scots Indy movement is taking enough knocks as it is.


Scotland’s national flag abused in Western propaganda bid.

“THE Saltire is flying alongside the Ukrainian flag at the “birthplace” of Scotland’s national flag.”

link to

Bernard de Linton

Hatuey ? Wir thinking aboot running a guid auld Scots Ceilidh here, maybe in Strichen? To raise money to help the Ukranians .Dancing, bothy ballads, and perhaps a Unity Mitford “Sound alike” competitition. Whits yir thochts min?


Do you realise that the leader of the free world, in his keynote address, said this:

“Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people…”

You have better realisation than the leader of the free world.

Andy Ellis

@Scott 6.24 pm

Your neuropsychiatric problems as evidenced in here don’t surprise me in the slightest and are adequately attested by you ever more odd stalking behaviour.

John Main

@Republic at 6:33 pm

Great stuff Republic, keep posting the good news. Let’s see a sea of blue and yellow across the country as Scotland, the aspiring free, independent, sovereign nation stands in solidarity with Ukraine, a free, independent, sovereign nation whose people, culture and language are faced with annihilation.

Slava Ukraini!

John Main

Andy Ellis 6:26 pm

“You’re not on the side of fair and sensible people Hatuey. The vast majority will find your take on the situation deeply repulsive.”

FFS Andy, don’t encourage him. Repulsion just gets him salivating.


Scotland has no obligation to take any share of UK Govt debt on independence.

All UK Govt debt will be honoured by UK Govt.

A share can be accepted, but cannot be forced.

If no share is taken the “international community” can whistle for compliance the norm That ship has sailed, because this situation won’t be the norm.

The mechanism to evaluate Scotland’s debt was scrapped by Acts at Westminster after 1707.

1.Scotland’s Treasury

2. The ledger to keep account of tax/duties

English law amended the articles of Union in favour of HM Treasury which is England’s.

The twist in the tale, however, is almost unbelieveable but true.

Our Treasury may have been closed, but our currency hasn’t.

The Scottish Pound lies dormant yet is still a legal fiction, and pegged to £ Sterling for value.

Scotland’s Treasury is currently missing a tanking great amount based on every £sterling issued since the books were cooked.

That’s how the supply of currency was supposed to work for the 2 states.

Unintended consequences are nice things at times.

Jeux sans frontiers.

Andy Ellis

I see five countries voted against condemning Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine at the UN:

1) Russian Federation
2) Belarus
3) Syria
4) Eritrea
5) North Korea

That’s the kind of folk the Putinistas are happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with Wingers! Remember that one going forward when they talk about their commitment to freedom, democracy and self determination.

By their friends indeed….


News of home energy costs rising by £1,000 in October this year.
My gas bill is already due to increase by75% in April.

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in an independent Scotland and being self sufficient in oil, gas and electricity and selling our excess at absorbent rates to those abusing us for 300 years.

Where do I put my X


Here ya go Ellis, no doubt the boys at the barracks already have the full result, but it doesn’t pay to show it eh

comment image

Meanwhile, back in the real world.

“The Russian Embassy in Geneva has released a document entitled “War Crimes and Crime against Humanity Committed by the Ukrainian Military-Political Leadership in the Donbass” and made it available.”

Warning pretty graphic content.

link to


Chas says:
2 March, 2022 at 5:32 pm

I think you have the wrong moniker-Menopausal Maggie is probably more appropriate!

Not just a ‘cunt potato’ but a sexist ‘cunt potato’


I knew that type of response would appear, but I think the ‘I wrote on someone else’s blog’ genre doesn’t lend itself to many sequels.

If it was, it would involve an open letter to the , host of a blog, from someone who posts on it but has a blog of their own, about bad faith actors btl.


Dear Rev Stu, I’m Andrew aged 59 and Cameron Brodie means “are you trying to lose followers”?

Can any alert readers affirm if the Rev mentioned reading ndls61 @ wordpress?

I’ve got MS and am tired, so my fantastic memory doesn’t function as well as normal. My ability to “remember that time” isn’t a sign of stalking behaviour, purely an asset given by PTSD.

Andy Ellis really is an idiot.

I don’t feel sorry for him. I get him. He hates that.

And Ruby is right, he is a cunt.

Jeaux sans frontiers.

Andy Ellis

@Putin’s Poodle 7.03 pm

I see even some of Russia’s former besties like the Serbs (who of course have form of their own for killing innocent civilians, ethnic cleansing and not recognising the rights of other states to exist) voted against them.

Even the Chinese, Cubans and Venezuelans abstained. Strange days indeed.

Is the publication you link to produced by a reputable independent source? You know..Amnesty International or such, not someone the Russian Embassy are happy to promote.


Breeks says:
2 March, 2022 at 4:20 pm
Excellent video highlighted by Barrheadboy. Truly excellent.

Big thank you to Breeks for that excellent link.
Now your talking! That was very interesting.

To be fair to ‘Mr Bonkers’ I think that is what he has been telling us all along.

Well done ‘Mr Bonkers’!

That was quite hard to write ‘cos ‘Mr Bonkers’ hasn’t exactly been a likeable kinda guy plus he was T.C.E’s bessie mate.


“Is the publication you link to produced by a reputable independent source? You know..Amnesty International or such, not someone the Russian Embassy are happy to promote.”


What I know is the info has come under terrible amounts of DDoS and once enough people watch it and share it, which is happening right now, Chinthes like you begin to class it as propaganda because you and your kind have failed to stop it getting out there.

Standard procedure.

Andy Ellis

@ Putin’s Poodle

Some fact checking for you from DW:

link to

Was there a ‘genocide’ in Ukraine?
Claim: The goal of Putin’s so-called special military operation is “to protect people who have been subjected to mistreatment and genocide for eight years.”

DW fact check: False.

The term “genocide” is defined by the 1948 UN Genocide Convention as a “crime of deliberate extermination of a national, ethnic, religious group or members of a race.”

There have been no reports of such targeted mass killings of civilians in Ukraine. All civilian casualties in the conflict, attributed to the fighting or the aftermath, have been meticulously documented by international observers since 2014. The OSCE Observer Mission, which has been traveling on both sides of the “line of contact” in eastern Ukraine since 2014, with Russia’s approval, has found no evidence of any systematic killing of civilians. According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ 2021 data, a total of approximately 3,000 civilians have died in the war zone in eastern Ukraine.

Most of those deaths occurred early on in the fighting but casualty numbers have been dropping since 2016. The latest available summary report from the OSCE’s 2020 Monitoring Mission recorded 161 civilian deaths from January 1, 2017, to mid-September 2020 with similar numbers of casualties on both sides. The overwhelming cause of death was artillery fire, followed by landmine and munitions explosions.

The SWP’s Pia Fuhrhop said Putin’s genocide accusation was “completely baseless.”

“In the authoritarian system that Russia is today, there is no chance for critical media to somehow verify this. In this respect, justifying war without any factual background is enough for him,” she said.

Andy Ellis

@Putin’s Poodle 7.21 pm

I asked who produced the report you said was “made available” by the Russian Embassy, not whether it was the subject of a DDoS. If it was produced by the Russian government it’s not impartial.

Another impartial source for you: Truth Hounds.

link to

Not looking good for your neo nazi Russian nationalist mates in the pretendy republics of Donetsk and Ruritania…sorry…Luhansk. You’ll also notice the other mates you’ll doubtless be besties with like Belarus get some coverage too, as do the Russians for their oppression of minorities in the illegally occupied Crimea.

Happy reading. Look forward to all the evidence you have*

* cue tumbleweed


Menopausal Maggie 7.07

I am not a doctor but I always thought that it was ONLY women who ‘suffered’ from the menopause? How else can your irrationality be explained? Maybe you have self-identified as a man?
Playing the victim card does not work with me.
Have a pleasant evening.


When all you’ve got is a circular argument about the definition of “genocide” equating to Russian propaganda being the same as Russian propaganda, with receipts. All drafted as you’d petition a court…

Writing directly to the people of a sovereign state is not a crime for any State, it cannot be propaganda, but if thought to be, the argument would be resolved via a court, which would be an ecumenical matter.

Court of Session would be arbiter in ‘The people’ v ‘Russia’ here in Scotland, jfc.

Jeux sans frontiers.


First of all, Bernard de Linton, I think it’s a great idea to raise money for Ukrainians. They’ve been let down badly here and hung out to dry. Those who are egging them on are going to do nothing to help when Putin takes the gloves off. And I have no doubt that he is capable of the most heinous things.

I think the best thing any of us could do here is help defuse the situation before it worsens. Doing that is fairly simple if you are willing to listen to those you disagree with which is a basic minimal requirement in any sort of social or civilised context.

And if you do listen to Russia’s grievances, you might agree as I do that some of them are very reasonable and could easily be resolved without a shot being fired.

I’ve listed 5 points above that should be included in any conversion aimed at saving lives and ending this conflict.

If ordinary people the world over were just slightly better informed, I don’t think it would be long before this was over. The hysterical media frenzy is impressive and powerful but the underlying issues here are really simple and it won’t be long before people hear the truth and start asking questions.

I suspect the reason the MSM and our politicians are going so overboard, refusing to tolerate any sort of alternative opinion at all, is down to the fact that their position is so weak. They’re basically doing what A&E is doing on here, shouting down anyone that doesn’t want to nuke Russia.

They’re all unraveling and fast.

Andy Ellis

@Chas 7.40 pm

It’d have to identify as human before making the leap to a particular sex.

Mind you I’m not sure about it actually being sentient. The tourettes addled responses could just be a bot somewhere….? 🙂

John Main

Anybody intrigued by Republic’s insistence that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is all about stopping the war and the “atrocities” in the enclaves of Luhansk and Donetsk can look at a map of Ukraine.

Ukraine is a big place. Kyiv, currently under Russian attack, is around 450 miles away from these enclaves.

450 miles from Edinburgh takes you to the English Channel. It’s laughable to claim that sending troops to Dover could solve trouble in Edinburgh.

Republic’s fiction is easily disproved in seconds.

Andy Ellis

@Putin’s Poodle

“Russian-backed forces behind ‘war crimes’ in Donbas region suggest dark days to come, says activist”

link to

CBC: One of the commanders of the Moscow-based separatists in eastern Ukraine in 2014 is a man named Igor Strelkov. Why is it important to remember who he is?

Olexsandra Matviychuk, chair of Ukraine’s Center for Civil Liberties: Because it’s a good example [of] when we don’t reach the people who [commit] war crimes, they will go to another country and do the same. Strelkov … committed war crimes in Transnistria, in war in Chechnya, in Crimea and in Donbas.

Also, it’s a good example [of] how Russian citizens are used in the war, because when the war started, this illegal armed group was headed by a Russian citizen like Igor Strelkov. And it’s not only because he was involved in the tragedy and the shooting of [flight] MH17, where more than 300 people … died.

Now in war with Russia and Ukraine, we speak about the whole region because war crimes against civilians are effective — and new war crimes emerged.

(Editor’s note: Igor Strelkov, also known as Igor Girkin, is one of four men accused by Dutch prosecutors of being responsible for the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014.)

John Main

Hattrick at 7:49 pm

A new front opening. Hattrick’s charm offensive in realisation that we are not all going to knuckle down and accept his lies. All talk of pushing underachievers out of the way, and it being all the fault of the west, put back in the box of tricks for now.

On with the smiling face and the new revised persona of the reasonable Hattrick. If only everyone was as well informed as him, this could all be over in jig time.

Good luck with your revisionism Hattrick. Do Republic and Ruby know you are jumping ship?

As you say, the underlying issues are really simple: national self-determination, millions of refugees, and dead kids.

Your “it wisnae me, and anyways I wis misunderstood” may work on others, but I won’t be forgetting.

Bernard de Linton

Iv had nae response fir my idea o ceilidh in Strichen fir the Ukranians.The locals are keen to donate things for the raffle.Can neen o you central belt fowk
speak auld Scots.? I thought this site was fir independence,no jist a load o predendy intelectuals arguing wi eenanither
Maybe best if eck disnae bring Russia today goodies fir the tombola though?


Interesting that some of those cheering for sanctions and God knows what else think references to dead children strengthen their case. It just makes you look like gaslighting bastards who would say and do anything to score a point.

Those of us who really care for innocent children aren’t so keen on sanctions, and there’s a good reason for that; sanctions killed 500 thousand Iraqi children in the 1990s. Some say the true number is possibly twice that or even more. They amount to collective punishment which is technically a war crime.

“To reiterate a statement made by Ambassador Agam Hasmy of Malaysia at the UN Security Council in 2000: “How ironic is it that the same policy that is supposed to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction has itself become a weapon of mass destruction!””

link to

It’s all starting to look and sound very familiar, isn’t it. On one hand we are told it isn’t about punishing the people of Iraq, Russia, whoever, it’s about teaching their leaders a lesson. On the other hand it’s clear to see who pays the price for this crap — not the leaders but the ordinary people.

History will judge you accordingly.


Now Andy, did you here about this one?

[Tell me, are you locked in the punch?]

General John Main said Dover wasn’t worth defending, because Edinburgh.

It would maybe stop those ships just…just over there in the fucking sea from landing, with their tanks and their guns and their bombs.

You zombies think you’re playing Risk but it’s been Twister all along.

If you believed, they’d really howl at the moon.

Bernard de Linton

Och well it soonds like Ha Chooies ane o thae robot things. Never mind what wi Salmond kissing Russians erses,and Sturgeon being what she is.. if looks like independence is is far awa as wir first shite.


Good news at last.

Chelski are doon the stank unless Roman waives the loans he gave.

In other news, Chelsea are doon the stank.

Andy Ellis

@Scott 8.23 pm

Aw mate. Michael Stipe you ain’t.

Bernard de Linton

says Chelsae are buggered.. Lets use the ground the refugees

Robert Graham

Oh well despite all this gloom and doom there’s a silver lining

The stock value of Lockheed Martin has doubled and now possibly trebled with the announcement of Germany proposing to spend 20 Billion Euros to bolster it’s defences against a Russia that spends less than a tenth of what NATO protected countries spend.

We need bigger and better weapons to kill even more people I mean it makes sense doesn’t it

A state of constant war , conflict and confusion a powerful enemy real or manufactured makes a few people very rich what’s not to like eh .


Andy Ellis says:
2 March, 2022 at 8:34 pm

@Scott 8.23 pm

Aw mate. Michael Stipe you ain’t.

Yeah, which part did you have difficulty imagining being Michael Stipe at exactly? I managed to fit those words to his style quite easily by referencing other songs he’d written and sung.

Dolores Riordan was given the respect her voice deserves. I’m surprised that Natalie Merchant hasn’t sought the rights to her work tbh, because their voices could be interchanged so easily and would keep the songs alive in life. Not sure if she records much these days. I don’t watch Tv, listen to radio or read newspapers, but I’d love to hear her do Everything I Said…Hope Sandoval would be awesome at that too. I’d like her to do a version of Don’t Talk by 10000 Maniacs. She could honestly, sing a blog post about a comment on another blog, and it’s journey across the leccysphere with no music written, she’s that good.

Was it the bit where you went

“da da da da da da(x42)

while bouncing a wee bit,

fucking Zombie by The Gooseberries

I knew it!”?

Or was it when you missed the whole point entirely on purpose?


It’s easier for a central belter to walk into a Dundee bakery, ask for twa pehs, twa plehn brindies n an ingin in ana, and walk out with something to eat than it is for a local to type only some words of their local twang just to look pretentious.


steak means steak in Dundee, bridie seems to have a standard definiton there as well. I

F you gop to Farfar (home of the bridie), do not ask a local which baker too go to. There’s a few and the bias is obvious from the start. I’ve tried most and none of their bridies are nice. Save the price and hop on a bus to City of Brechin. Nip into Bruce Brymer and buy all the bridies. They’ve a back shop as well that can cater for large orders and the aroma up the alley towards the Mason’s is ‘Mmmmm’ sometimes. Quick pint in the Broken Arms before the bus back somewhere.

If you can’t do Brechin try Arboath and Pie Bob’s.

Montrose is blessed with tasty bridie outlets and the brucey bonus in this town was always the chance of a ‘quality and cheap’ kilt in the charity shop at the funny wee bit on the main street near the good seafood place that’s opposite the right good one that always shut early because everything sold.

Aberdeen and Peterhead are fulla unwelcoming busybody arseholes, but don’t mind living in a freezing cold place caused by wind chill factor up Union Street – the longest open air wind tunnel in Aberdeen.

All that radiation from the granite buildings must do something. Look to D& G for proof. There’s more than its fair share for all that sandstone in the area and they don’t like local people from differnt localities much either. Not as big on the junkies, hoors, beggars n murderers though so maybe the uranium that isn’t in the Solway, just under it and hills like Criffel, is in play?

yw,hth. jsf x


Has anyone suggested just dropping Es instead of bombs yet?
I’d have thought Big Pharma would be allover this option to claim muchos revenues from the arms industry, and they’d surely get backed up in such a venture by the Greenies too.
After all, throwing shapes instead of grenades is far less damaging to the environment and various lifeforms.
Ukraine could implement a nationwide low emission zone, that would scupper those pesky military vehicles too.

Anyway, it’s back to making mortars for me… My NHL 3.5 lime / sharp sand mix is da bomb for this old house renovation (internal work so no frosting issues for anyone wondering).

Bernard de Linton

Scott has it richt



Bernard de Linton says:
2 March, 2022 at 9:54 pm

Scott has it richt

Thanks, there’s nothing worse than a bad picnic.

John Main

Hattrick says – 2 March, 2022 at 8:16 pm

“Those of us who really care for innocent children aren’t so keen on sanctions, and there’s a good reason for that; sanctions killed 500 thousand Iraqi children in the 1990s.“

As I wrote earlier, Day 0 of the revisionist, caring Hattrick, oozing compassion and empathy from every pore, as the reality of the isolated position he his in, thanks to his enthusiastic support for the Russian annexation of Ukraine, punctures his self-idolation.

Hattrick likes links to bolster his gangrenous credibility, so here’s one from a whole 2 days ago;

Hattrick says – 28 February, 2022 at 8:39 pm

“Just the other day I had some fuckwit trying to bait me and point score using references to dead children.”

Proud to say that was me, Hattrick. I will take it as vindication that you are now stealing my argument.

The UN Human Rights office is reporting 13 children confirmed dead since Russia invaded, although these figures may be 24 hours out of date. I guess you might say that you have seen my 13 and raised by 499,987. Clearly you win this hand, Hattrick – congratulations on your superlative point scoring.

You sleep tight, Hattrick, pleasant dreams.


Another new entry in, this comment’s use of song to inform.

There’s been a compalint about the noise. From a woman in Belgium.

“the noise” here is actually Scots law, following a 22 year long battle to avoid being evicted from a castle in Argyll by a Belgian woman in Scotland, who refused to pay £250 TO ‘THE FACTORS’ and ended up sequestrated after legal costs escalated.

Numerous appeals lodged over time, and managed to transfer ownership to her brother while refusing to vacate so creditors could be paid.

The door was booted in and property now in possession of her Trustee to enable sale.

What a story.

link to


Effortless lolz at the expense of morons are as satisfying as free money from wonky cash machines…

Anyway, I sense that my work here is done when it comes to this Ukraine stuff. We won. Mission accomplished. Our reasoning smashed through the warmonger’s flimsy arguments like uranium tipped missiles plunging into mounds of stale blacmange… okay, that could be in inappropriate analogy.

Thousands and thousands of people have read the comments over the last few days and gone away with compelling alternative arguments germinating in their fertile minds like seeds. I’m confident that those little tiny seeds will grow into great forests of resistance and opposition to the warmongers of NATO and the State Dept.

I’m also confident that in a matter of weeks you will see a dramatic change in attitudes and those who so eagerly banged the drums of war and dangerous escalation will be shown up for the cowardly, sociopathic, loons that they are.

In a few months we will look back at this feeding frenzy in disbelief. None of us have ever seen anything like it as far as propaganda and disinformation is concerned. I look forward to taking part in the anti-war protests that are inevitably going to be huge, because this whole thing when you look at it was blatant bear baiting.


I just noticed this… from Ruby!!!

“To be fair to ‘Mr Bonkers’ I think that is what he has been telling us all along. Well done ‘Mr Bonkers’! … That was quite hard to write ‘cos ‘Mr Bonkers’ hasn’t exactly been a likeable kinda guy plus he was T.C.E’s bessie mate.”

For those not familiar, “Mr Bonkers” is a little term of affection we use playfully; it isn’t intended as an insult or anything, more a sort of ironic compliment denoting impressiveness and admiration.

As for Andy, I’m afraid my “feelings” towards him haven’t changed at all. And actually I had some quite blunt exchanges with him on international relations about 2 months ago in which he couldn’t have made his vile apologist position any clearer.

To be clear, I like Andy, and I think this place benefits from his input. And he’s entertaining. His arguments all collapse as soon as you look at them but that’s okay. I don’t mind arguing with people who have crap arguments.

Anyway, I think you were referring to Mearsheimer who is very well known in the IR field as a realist. He’s been around for years. I was reading his stuff 30 years ago and he was old back then… he must be doing something right.


Can any alert readers quote Roman’s formal “Business Qualifications” if any.

Valuing a business at £3bn sounds impressive.

Chelsea FC, max attendance at their stadium in Fulham is 41837.

Stadium ownership is split.

Freehold owners are being called stadium owners by BBC, but ‘freehold of land’ and name ‘Chelsea FC’

Chelsea Pitch Owners plc

Company number 02800546

*parent of*


Company number SC138894

[Accounting unit only: dormant/registered in Scotland as alert readers will have noticed.]

Bond & Floating charge – Royal Bank of Scotland PLC

The parent of Chelsea Pitch Owners isn’t clear, but no single entity is known or believed to exist that has majority/arbitrary control [appoint/remove directors]

Source: Companies House

Roman isn’t a director of either.

He is majority shareholder of

Chelsea FC plc

Company number 02536231


Fordstam ltd

Company number 04784127

No outstanding Bonds or Charges for either.

Roman is not listed as a Director of any company registered at Companies house.

and has zero connection with


Company number 04824067

Incorporated 7th July 2003.

A non-trading company that has never traded.

Accounts always filed.

Mr Robert Slater, well played.

Jeux sans frontiers.

Clavie Cheil

I just broke a couple of ribs laughing at the SNP squealing like stuck piglets to stop Scottish Exports to Russia. Do they not realise that means that Bells wont be able to rub the ‘Butchers Pinny’ in Putin’s face.

Question – If you stick a Butchers Pinny on your products does that make them British and not Scottish?


Scott says:
2 March, 2022 at 11:21 pm

What a story…

Utterly believable. I too was once sequestrated for money I didn’t owe, and lost everything except the shirt on my back, in what I described then and now as legalised theft.

At least this couple seem to have been aware it was happening in time to fight it. I was not. The first letter I read telling me I was being sequestrated was the letter telling me I already had been, and the sum was alleged to owe was absolute fiction.

Scottish Courts have a farcical interpretation of justice, and most of the time collude with malignant jobsworths from the Council to rubber stamp warrants and fines with scant regard for truth, proof or evidence, and irrespective of whether their victim knows it’s happening.

Sequestration in Scotland is an absolute racket.


Ruby says:
2 March, 2022 at 7:15 pm

Big thank you to Breeks for that excellent link.
Now your talking! That was very interesting…

All thanks to Roddy, Barrheadboy.

Strangely enough, when Professor Mearsheimer was talking about the British destroyer in the Black Sea, there were little alarm bells ringing about British warships sailing provocatively through Chinese waters. Then suddenly too, there is more context to the Salisbury poisonings. Suddenly, I want to check the chronology, and then another alarm bell rings because a notable thorn in the flesh for the UK Establishment was Craig Murray’s demolition of the evidence underpinning the Government’s Salisbury poisonings narrative… Craig Murray the journalist subsequently jailed on trumped up bollocks and fictional offense… Not even going to mention Julian Assange..

Have you noticed too the disproportionate vilification of Alex Salmond, Tommy Sheridan, Michelle Thompson, Neale Hanvey for their frankly tepid reluctance to toe the Establishment line on Russia when their “sins” are frankly ridiculous and contrived compared beside a UK political Establishment deluged with Russian money and curried influence? And who’s been the loudest cheerleader stirring up trouble there? Do you think that’s Nicola Sturgeon or the deadwood Press which Sturgeon is shoring up and bankrolling with millions from Scotland’s coffers?

So there’s another alarm bell going… If it’s credible that the UK Government is agitating trouble with the Chinese over Taiwan, agitating trouble with Russia over Ukraine, agitating war on the EU’s doorstep, do you still not smell the stench of corruption oozing out of Bute House and the Scottish Judiciary?

Trust Sturgeon to lead us to Independence through a UK approved Referendum process? Yeah right. If you believe that horse shit, you’re an incurably gullible fool.

The United Kingdom is a vicious and nasty phenomenon which the rest of the World would be glad to see the back off. As a Scot, I am so very tired of Scotland’s affiliation to this unscrupulous, nauseating monster. Now ask yourself who is eager to back the UK to the hilt in it’s warmongering rhetoric and hysteria? Apparently all those useful idiots in Holyrood.


“Keystone pipeline: Biden ‘to cancel it on his first day”:

link to

“Biden’s Plan To Outsource The U.S. Oil And Gas Industry”:

link to


To be clear, I like Andy, and I think this place benefits from his input. And he’s entertaining. His arguments all collapse as soon as you look at them but that’s okay. I don’t mind arguing with people who have crap arguments.

That is totally bonkers! Why would you spend days on end boring the shit out of everyone else just to have an argument with someone you knew had a crap argument?

Are you very insecure?

Just wondering why someone so familiar with Mearsheimer didn’t post a link to his video?

John Main

Hattrick – 2 March, 2022 at 11:43 pm

Hattrick does like his little laugh, and if it has to be on the backs of the torn and bloody corpses of children, then TS.

Reports of Russian artillery strikes on a maternity hospital this morning. Hattrick will be along later to deny them as fake news, all with a humorous, witty twist. If cornered by undeniable evidence, he will justify the carnage on behalf of the wider Scots Indy movement.

As always, no need to forensically dissect his steaming bowel movement, when a single phrase suffices to show where he dug it out of:

“the warmongers of NATO”

Oops Hattrick, NATO not in this war.

One other statement to take note of:

“ I look forward to taking part in the anti-war protests that are inevitably going to be huge”

Warning noted, Hattrick. The decent people of Scotland can beware of who they might find themselves rubbing shoulders with.

John Main


Hattrick won’t engage with posters who have good arguments.

Join the dots.



Someone asked Mearsheimer about Russophobia which I found interested.

Earlier in the thread I posted the following Bob Dylan lyrics and asked if we have been brain washed into hating Russians how could we possibly come to an unbiased decision about Russian.

“I’ve learned to hate the Russians
All through my whole life
If another war comes
It’s them we must fight
To hate them and fear them
To run and to hide
And accept it all bravely
With God on my side”

At the end of the video Mearsheimer gives his opinion as to why we were taught to hate Russians.

….to be continued when I have time to go back and check exactly what he said.

See you later.

John Main


Can you simplify your arguments? This multiple layering of conspiracy theories is impossible to follow.

If the UK establishment is indeed deluged with Russian money and curried influence, should the UK and HR not be supporting Russia then?

Can you explain simply how the UK can force Russia to invade Ukraine? Can you explain how the UK can force Putin to make a long, rambling speech on TV?

Can you explain how the UK, NATO, EU, etc. etc. are simultaneously strong and powerful enough to force Russia to do all this, whilst also being so weak that they can’t help Ukraine to put up anything more than token resistance?

The fundamental problem Breeks, is that the USA, UK, NATO, EU, etc. etc. all look and indeed are weak, divided, poorly armed and woefully unprepared for Russian aggression. So the only conclusion to be reached about anybody who feels threatened by them, whether that’s you or Putin, is that they are a fool or nuts.


The fundamental problem Breeks, is that the USA, UK, NATO, EU, etc. etc. all look and indeed are weak, divided, poorly armed and woefully unprepared for Russian aggression.

And here was me taking you seriously….


Oh dear Breeks not taking John Main seriously!

No two day pissing contest between Breeks & John Main
not to worry ‘Mr Bonkers’ might step in.


John Main raises a very important issue here.

“If the UK establishment is indeed deluged with Russian money and curried influence, should the UK and HR not be supporting Russia then?”

Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, {various cities etc}

…fishermen, fishmongers, rope-makers, textile workers, singers, miners, pregnant women, butchers, farm workers,

protection against sore throats,
protection against convulsions,
protection against fever,
protection against whooping cough,

and the Russian Navy.

[Source: Wikipedia – provided for discusson purposes}

Quite the dilemma. Lolz.

Scot Finlayson

Today She/Her will disenfranchise 2,500,000 Scottish citizens,

`woman` will no longer exist,

just to virtue signal to a few males and their female handmaidens.

John Main

Hey Breeks

“The fundamental problem Breeks, is that the USA, UK, NATO, EU, etc. etc. all look and indeed are weak, divided, poorly armed and woefully unprepared for Russian aggression.”

By all means ignore the question Breeks, but it won’t go away.

I am asking on behalf of the silent readers here, who are wondering why the Wings subset of the Scots Indy movement is siding with those destroying the free, independent, sovereign nation of Ukraine.


“I don’t understand your understanding of my understanding, nor do I understand your understanding”

Has never been a hill I’d want to die on. but here we are. Pure drivel.

General John Main (or is it Sgt Bilko?)

Anecdotal evidence is all he provides.

Maybe it’s Idiot Amean, Last King of Englandshire.


“Just wondering why someone so familiar with Mearsheimer didn’t post a link to his video?”

I’m not “so familiar” with him. I don’t even know what that means. I read a couple of his books so many years ago and I’ve watched one or two videos. I’m not a fan.

You have some weird ideas in your head about the role of debate. Andy Ellis is capable of giving as good a defence of the international order, the role of the US, and NATO, etc., as anyone you are likely to meet. That’s why I thought it useful to engage with him on this.

It’s not my fault his arguments are crap. It isn’t his fault either — his hand is crap. There are no good arguments for the brutality and hypocrisy of Team America just as there are no good arguments for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

I’m convinced that most people reading the exchanges of the last few days on here will have found it useful to see alternative views and debate. They aren’t getting that on TV or in the papers, as far as I can see. They’re just getting brainwashed into a war with Russia; and that’s probably the most likely outcome here, btw.

And I stand by what I said about Andy. I’m not an absolutist. This place benefits from his input. We can disagree on things without hating each other. And actually, as suggested, it’s often beneficial to familiarise yourself with opposing views, etc.


@ Scot Finlayson at 09.57: I feel literally sick at the lies being published by Scot gov, SNP, Greens about self-id. Why on earth won’t they protect women and girls safety and dignity? And all children’s safety – most of us remember how Jimmy Savile got access to children of both sexes. Self-id is literally opening the door of toilets and changing rooms to paedophiles and sexual perverts/offenders. God help us.

Stuart MacKay

Lets’ take something Mearsheimer said. What if Mexico wanted to join a military alliance with China? Where are the arguments about freedom, independence and self-determination then, as the USA reintroduces the Mexicans to the concept of democracy?

There’s little point in trying to sugar coat this. What the great powers want, great powers tend to get, simply by virtue of being able to put large armies in the field. Call it what it is instead of trying to put a veneer of western ideals over it.

If the Americans had any sense and the Europeans had any backbone a solution could have been found that kept Ukraine, free, independent and not in flames. Instead it’s now a disposable pawn in the Great Game.


“Andy Ellis is capable of giving as good a defence of the international order, the role of the US, and NATO, etc., as anyone you are likely to meet.” – Hatuey.

Oh dear.

link to

When someone on the internet tells you who they are, read the blogs in their Gravatar.

If you enjoy comedy, read their comments on other blogs. It’s encouraged.

Mr Ellis is an expert in international relations. He said that in a comment btl here. Mentioned PhD. I read his thesis submission.

The only evidence of this PhD online is the submission.

My guess is that he didn’t get that doctorate and is addicted to btl comments on anything to do with international law.

“Do you have any thoughts in relation to the Canadian Supreme court’s Quebec decision and the duty they posited for both sides to negotiate in good faith? In your opinion, would this have a more general impact, particularly with reference to recent events in Catalonia, and the refusal of the Spanish government to enter into such good faith discussions?”


Nobody replied, because how could anyone answer that shite?

This format allows open comment, and isn’t a blog.

Always expects a repliy on a blog, is guaranteed one here.

Toxic debate “moonhowlers etc etc” (sic) flourishes for him on here when it isn’t tolerated on blogs, GETTR and Twitter.

He raged about someone else spamming the comments and demanded a ban, that’s his MO.

He implied that me having MS means that my critical analysis is automatically impaired via neuropsychiatry.

Nobody loves him, because he’s a failure. And a cunt.

There’s a connection here.

He even had his own business, shared with his wife, but named after him NDLS.

I’ve said my peace.

So, Hatuey. About this opinion of yours…Columbo wants to buy you a coffee.

In other news, FMQs was a digrace.

Douglas Ross hijacked an Emergency Appeal Launch following it, FM enthusiastically joined ion by giving out all the details.

He then brought up a personnel matter and again FM indulged him.

It’s a a sham.


GRA2004 reform Bill is a huge pile of dung that doesn’t stand a chance of succeeding, and should end the days of Nicola Sturgeon as FM.

‘I got it wrong, I’m sorry’ resignation in triumph incoming.

Read the actual effects of the Bill, not the preamble.

Be insulted at the loopholiness circularity.



Pretty nasty stuff to effectively ban a language, it reminds me of anti-catholic persecution in Britain and Ireland, and it’s the sort of thing racists shout about on buses and trains. Human Rights Watch seem to agree;

“A new legal provision on the use of the Ukrainian language, part of a broader state language law, raises concerns about protection for minority languages.

“The provision, which entered into force on January 16, is stipulated in article 25 of the law. It requires print media outlets registered in Ukraine to publish in Ukrainian. Publications in other languages must also be accompanied by a Ukrainian version, equivalent in content, volume, and method of printing. Additionally, places of distribution such as newsstands must have at least half their content in Ukrainian.”

“The state language law requires that Ukrainian be used in most aspects of public life. The law was adopted and signed by former President Petro Poroshenko in 2019, as he was leaving office, with several provisions scheduled to come into force in subsequent years.”

“Article 25, regarding print media outlets, makes exceptions for certain minority languages, English, and official EU languages, but not for Russian. Ukrainian authorities justify this by referring to the country’s European ambitions…”

“There are concerns about whether guarantees for minority languages are sufficient. The Venice Commission, the Council of Europe’s top advisory body on constitutional matters, said that several of the law’s articles, including article 25, “failed to strike a fair balance” between promoting the Ukrainian language and safeguarding minorities’ linguistic rights…”

link to


I’m convinced that most people reading the exchanges of the last few days on here will have found it useful to see alternative views and debate.

Of course you would ‘Mr Bonkers’


I haven’t yet found the part I was looking for in Mearsheimer regarding Russophobia.

Basically what I believe he said was Russophobia needs to be promoted in order to justify the Americans actions.

That got me thinking about Nicola Sturgeon and how successful she be with her promotion of trans rights. Will she be able to brain wash us into thinking men can be women?

John Main

Scott at 10:27 am & 1:07 pm

Hey Scott,

You are not making any sense in the first post and not much in the second – sorry.


In my attempt to find what I was looking for on the Mearsheimer video I transcribed the following. They probably have a transcription on the website of the University who hosted the lecture but I thought I would practice my touch typing. I’ve bolded the bit which reminded me posts being made on this website and by Nicola Sturgeon & her cult, they use different terms but they mean the same.

“The Russophobia in the west and especially in the United States is off the charts.
It’s truly remarkable how much Russophobia there is in the United States the hostility to Putin is really mind-boggling. My good friend Steve Cohen who’s now dead who is a very prominent Sovietologist in his day an expert on Russia after the Soviet Union collapsed
Steve was on the left politically and he argued that it was much easier during the Cold War to make arguments that were sympathetic to the Soviet Union than it is to make arguments that it is to make arguments that are sympathetic to Russia in the contemporary political environment. Its a really remarkable statement and people like Steve and this is true of me making the sorts of arguments you’ve listened to today and hopefully many of you have seen with my video on YouTube we’re accused of being Russian dupes, tools of Moscow, unpatriotic and so forth and so on. It’s really quite remarkable. So you have acute Russophobia and in a world where you have acute Russophobia taking a stick and poking the Russians in the eye is perfectly legitimate in fact it’s a good thing … and by the way this cuts across political lines
so the Russophobia is as a pronounced in the Republican Party as it is in the Democratic Party so that’s the first reason and the second reason is the Russians didn’t play hardball for a long time they swallowed the first Nato expansion they swallow the second Nato expansion and even after the Ukraine crisis in February 2014, yes they took Crimea yes they helped support the Russian speakers and the Russian in Donbass but the didn’t get really rough with the United States so the the Americans have this powerful sense of Russophobia and they have a powerful sense that the Russians are weak and we can just push them around we can poke them in the eye and they’re not going to do anything and this is why I said David in my formal comments that the Russians have had enough Lavrov has said explicitly we reached our boiling point and the Russian have made it clear they are not screwing around they are deadly serious and I think we have gotten the message and I think and I think we will be much more careful when we deal wit them in future than we have been in the past.”

On rereading the above I spotted the following:

So you have acute Russophobia and in a world where you have acute Russophobia taking a stick and poking the Russians in the eye is perfectly legitimate in fact it’s a good thing …

John Main

Hattrick – 3 March, 2022 at 1:16 pm

Well done Hattrick, you’ve found some evidence to justify blowing Ukraine back to the stone age.

Evidence strong enough to rationalise annexing the country, expelling millions of its people, and slaughtering its kids.

In your head, certainly. You’ve obviously convinced yourself. I expect you to have a more uphill struggle with the other 5.5 million of us, but nothing ventured, eh Hattrick?


More touch typing practice

“Student asks:
Where did this Russia phobia come from and how did they develop it why is it even now more pronounced than in the Cold War as you said.

I’m not exactly sure it’s a subject I’ve thought about… getting a bunch of people together and just talk it through I mean I’d be curious to know what you folks have to say about this. I mean it has to do I think in part that the Soviet Union was our mortal enemy during the Cold War Russia is the key remnant state left over from the Soviet Union so I think there is a lot of leftover resentment or anger towards Russia that stems from the Cold War. I think the fact that Putin stands up to the United States that Putin is not a pushover anger the United States. I think that fact that Putin heads an authoritarian state and his position on certain social issues like homosexuality drive lots of people in the West crazy I think that matters too how much I’m not sure. I think as far as the Democrats are concerned as you know in 2016 Hilary Clinton lost to Donald Trump it seemed almost unthinkable before the election that she would lose but she did lose and Democrats invented this story that is was not Hilary’s fault it was the fault Russians who threw the election for Donald Trump that there was this tight-knit connection between Trump and the Russians and the Russians manipulated the American political system so that Hilary lost and Trump was in the White House. I think that caused many Democrats who believed that story because they couldn’t possibly believe Hilary lost because she was a terrible candidate and that Trump was in many ways a very clever politician… he barely won but he won and there had to be some reason for that… it was the Russians. I think that really contributed to the Russophobia in the Democratic Party Those would be some reasons but you want to take everything I said with a grain of salt because again I haven’t though this one through and I don’t have a really clear answer in my head but it’s a fascinating question”

The part I’ve bolded here is about the Democrats inventing a story

It’s seems political parties ‘invent’ a lot of stories & it’s not just happening in the US.

The problem with that is they end up suffering from ‘the cry wolf syndrome’ and then nobody listens to a word they say.

Sturgeon has it bad!

John Main

Hattrick says 3 March, 2022 at 12:04 pm

“there are no good arguments for the Russian invasion of Ukraine”

I am defo conflicted about the new, smiling, guile-free, ever-so-smilingly-reasonable Hattrick.

A plausible explanation is that he is frantically trying to re-take moral high ground he lost in the first few days of the invasion. Could be his mam discovered the bilge he has been posting, let him have the back of her hand, and told him to can it.

Could be he is serious about going “out marching” and fears getting his physog re-modelled by some of the Ukrainian refugees he will meet. The 6 YO lassies are the worst, Hattrick, why risk it!

Then again, could be he was off his meds for a few days and the psychotic episodes returned with a vengeance. Prescription renewed, phew.

So lest we forget, here are a few of the “arguments” put forwards by Hattrick in the past week in support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

NATO encroachment
EU meddling

As I wrote yesterday, this abrupt parting of the ways with Republic suggests Hattrick is a slippery and unreliable ally. Maybes “ally” is redundant there.

Maybes Republic will shun him, like Hattrick threatened to do to the unvaxxed. How’s that working out anyways Hattrick? You demanding vax certification from everybody you meet, or do you just avoid the issue by never going out?


Chas says:
2 March, 2022 at 7:40 pm
Menopausal Maggie 7.07

I am not a doctor but I always thought that it was ONLY women who ‘suffered’ from the menopause? How else can your irrationality be explained? Maybe you have self-identified as a man?
Playing the victim card does not work with me.
Have a pleasant evening.

Would self-iding as a man cause me to be irrational?

You know what ‘Mr Potato Head’ it’s so bloody freezing I wish I were ‘Menopausal Maggie’ who ever she is ‘cos I could really do with a few hot flushes at the moment.

PS. You are very wrong & transphobic in thinking it’s only women who suffer from the menopause.

Playing the victim card ain’t going to work for you when the police come to arrest you for a hate crime.

Stuart MacKay

Christ, twitter is starting to look like reasoned debate compared to this.


“’Significant hardship’

The chair recognised that “high inflation imposes significant hardship” on people. …Sanctions imposed by Western countries, create a great deal of uncertainty around the prices of wheat, oil, and other goods.

“The near-term effects on the US economy of the invasion of Ukraine, the ongoing war, the sanctions, and of events to come, remain highly uncertain,” he said in his semi-annual testimony to Congress.

Russia is one of the world’s largest oil and gas exporters, but US President Biden has not ruled out banning imports from the country.”:

link to


Jerome Powell (Chair of the Federal Reserve):

“…The question is whether someone moved away from the US dollar… what would be the effect on us… Over time, I suppose, it would diminish our status as the reserve currency. It’s also possible to have more than one large reserve currency…’:


“…Fed chair also suggested that the war’s overall effect on the U.S. economy may be limited as long as the conflict doesn’t significantly escalate”:

link to


gregor says:
3 March, 2022 at 3:21 pm
Jerome Powell (Chair of the Federal Reserve):

“…The question is whether someone moved away from the US dollar… what would be the effect on us… Over time, I suppose, it would diminish our status as the reserve currency. It’s also possible to have more than one large reserve currency…’:

Are you thinking this might be something the UK Gov might take into account when refusing to allow Scotland to use the £sterling?

Me asking the above question is similar to someone learning a phrase from a foreign language and asking a question.
Highly possible that I may not understand the answer ‘cos TBH
out with my own meagre personal finances I don’t understand much about currency/reserve currency.

FAO: Stuart MacKay

Sorry to disappoint. Is the above question an improvement?


Is there no lengths Sturgeon won’t stoop to, to seek approval from Westminster, apparently not.

“THE Scottish Government has sought “urgent advice” on how Holyrood’s powers can be used to take “maximum possible action” against Kremlin-linked organisations and individuals in the country.”

link to


Stuart @12.48pm.

I don’t recall any sanctions against Nato when it invaded Iraq and murdered up to one million folk, along with Madeline Albright justifying the killing of 500,000 Iraqi kids. Nor was Nato sanctioned when it attacked Libya, and then there was the illegal attacks on Syria that are still ongoing, and the murder of an Irainian general in Iraq by the USA, these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to US/Nato crimes and not one sanction has been implemented against them for their warmongering illegal actions.

I could imagine the USA’s (Great Satan) response if Russia opened military bases and placed nukes in them n
near the border in Mexico or Canada, the UN and Nato and the EU would be condemning it and screaming for sanctions on Russia, and the US military would be applauded if it invaded the countries to stop it.

The hypocrisy is overwhelming.


gregor says:
3 March, 2022 at 3:27 pm
“…Fed chair also suggested that the war’s overall effect on the U.S. economy may be limited as long as the conflict doesn’t significantly escalate”:

What I was wondering about gregor is the Scottish economy.
Do you have any views on the war’s overall effect on Scotland.

Can we afford to take in unlimited numbers of Ukranian women, children & old aged pensioners?

Can we discriminate against the abled bodied who we believe should be at home in the Ukraine getting killed for their country?


A snippet from Robin McAlpine’s latest article on the failings of Sturgeons government.

“Scotland seems incapable of building a ship or a wind turbine. Regions like Dumfries and Galloway or Fife are the subjects of malign neglect. It is national policy to ensure all of our most valuable productive assets are sold cheap to overseas interests. We seem to go through two or three economic advisory bodies a year with no discernable impact.

The two crucial economic development bodies (Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish National Investment Bank) shed credible leaders in under two years. No-one pretends our ‘enterprise network’ is fit for purpose. We make unhinged statements about being ‘a world leader in 5G’ as if people who know anything about it aren’t watching, like the world isn’t watching us.

The long and short of it is that Scotland’s economic policy isn’t just weak, or bad, or vague; it is an embarrassment. A national embarrassment.”

link to


“Meltdowns are involuntary responses to overwhelming feelings and to over-stimulating environments. Meltdowns are not tantrums; the most distinguishing difference is that meltdowns are uncontrollable, while tantrums are voluntary or purposeful and often used to manipulate a situation to achieve a desired outcome.”
link to

I didn’t even need to put my card in the thing… just walked up and it started to spitting out free lolz.


Republicofscotland says:
3 March, 2022 at 3:52 pm

Nor was Nato sanctioned when it attacked Libya

I do believe John Mearsheimer said US & Nato are same thing.

The US is the boss of Nato or something similar.

The Cuban Crisis & something else? was given as examples of how the USA’s (Great Satan) might respond if Russia opened military bases in Mexico.

Maybe later when I’m in the mood for more touch typing practice I’ll transcribe what John Mearsheimer said about Cuba etc.

Does anyone know if there is a transcription of his lecture on the website of the university that hosted the lecture?


“THE Scottish Government has sought “urgent advice” on how Holyrood’s powers can be used to take “maximum possible action” against Kremlin-linked organisations and individuals in the country.”

It’s about Salmond, isn’t it… the jilted one can’t get him out of her head.


It’s about Salmond, isn’t it… the jilted one can’t get him out of her head.</B.

It's a Green/SNP project! It'll be about Salmond & Putin's transphobia.

Just out of interest which nick-name do you prefer 'Mr Bonkers' or 'Hattrick'?

'Hat-trick' makes you sound like a winner 'Mr Bonkers' is more accurate!


Shit! It’s all bold. I forgot my closing bracket >

More typing practice needed.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cow.

Some good men have come to the aid of their party.

Tannadice Boy

@Hatuey 4:20pm
RT disappeared from UK TV platforms this afternoon. So I guess Alex should put his tin hat on.


Tannadice Boy.

Its moved the contents to here if want to watch it.

link to

Tannadice Boy

@Republicofscotland 4:55pm
Cheers I like to get my news from many sources. They could be coming after oor Stu next.


Menopausal Maggie 3.03

Just back from the golf and thought I would sneak a peek at the latest scribblings from the ‘fonts of all knowledge’ who regularly post, too regularly in some cases, on here. I do not place you in this category……………..yet!

Men can undergo the menopause as well! News to me-I can’t argue this one way or other and can’t be arsed investigating the veracity of your statement therefore I will stand corrected! Nothing transphobic about that I hope?

You have got me really worried. Every time the doorbell goes I will be wondering if it is plod coming to take me away in chains for the heinous crime I have committed. Given the contents of some of your posts you should be concerned for your well being also, although I understand it is nice and warm in confinement.

For the regular super intelligent know all’s, who fail miserably in trying to defend Putin’s actions, what happened in the past, elsewhere in the world, is well……….past. It cannot be changed. It is horrific to look at what is happening in the present and what will take place in the very near future. Of course in some peoples eyes, they deserve everything they get in Ukraine.



I sympathise with you, and don’t understand much about currency/reserve currency either (too busy trying to survive throwing hedges in skips etc), however, I’m pretty sure that rotten UK Gov would go to any length to prevent Scotland leaving the union, regardless of any potential costs.

In terms of the ‘bigger-picture’, it’s never been clearer to me, that the United States of America, its status, economic system, policies and decisions – impacts our national status/social and economic system (lauded as ‘the world’s best’ mutual Western relationship/partnership), and could seriously impact our national and global future (here and now, and for the long-term).

More disturbingly, it appears to me that banana Western leadership is striving to maximise potential Western risk (particularly for the public), and this makes me deeply wonder, and more determined than ever to obtain a coherent public explanation (re. how the fu** does ‘this’/will ‘this’ make things better – for us all) ???


Sturgeon’s bravado is fair ramping up especially now the msm are giving it “the FM said this or done that, or Nicola Sturgeon FM said this or that” even the beeb are being mannerly towards her using her vichy title .

I wonder what that tells us about the current situation with the lauded 4 nations approach , still nae sweat nicla has vowed (can I use that word) that she is prepared “to use all powers at her disposal to hold a ref in 2023” as we can see from her much improved lofty position with bozo and Co those powers must have increased exponentially


Dear ‘pinnacle of modern human development’,

What does a ‘progressive world’ look like ?

What does a ‘regressive world’ look like ?

…and what do ‘we’ look like.


Chas says:
3 March, 2022 at 5:03 pm

Just back from the golf and thought I would sneak a peek at the latest scribblings *added on misogyny*

Oh did ye, aye? What a pie you are, Percy.

Saw this and thought of you.

link to


“Ukraine’s largest energy firm has told the BBC the West should stop buying gas and oil from Russia.

Yuriy Vitrenko, who runs Naftogaz, said Russian sanctions should be stronger and targeted directly at energy…”:

link to


link to

List of VPNs.

If something is not available on the internet in the UK you can log in to any other country in the world using a VPN.

I have used ‘NordVPN’ in the past. I didn’t use it much but it worked fine was easy to use & was fun!

They are currently offering a 70% discount and giving you a birthday present. Their birthday not yours.
What a good idea.

People should be giving others a present on their birthday to thank them for putting up with them for all the years.

I see ‘Mr Potato Head’ is back from ‘The Dinosaurs Golf Club’ Obviously no sanitary products in the Men’s toilet at The DGC to give Mr P.H. a clue about men & the menopause.

I would report them to the police but I suspect they’ll be a few members of The D.G.C. who could make their hate crime disappear.


“…consumers are feeling the impact of elevated gas prices at the pump and in their home heating bills, and American businesses are, too, because oil supply has not kept up with demand as the global economy emerges from the pandemic. That’s why President Biden is using every tool available to him to work to lower prices and address the lack of supply…”:

link to

Tannadice Boy

@Republicofscotland 5:55pm
I was thinking the same. A pile on. No attempt at reconciliation or rehabilitation for the victim or the perpetrator. Sturgeons Scotland. Without prejudice or taking a side, a sad state of affairs.


@ Republicofscotland: thanks for the RT link. Reuters seems to have stopped updating so it is useful to have another source.


O/T some good news about a Glaswegian, wife and child who were in Kharkiv. Sean Cusick started a fundraiser which the Rev posted, and yesterday he updated to say they had managed to get train seats.

John Main

@Republicofscotland – 3 March, 2022 at 3:52 pm

“The hypocrisy is overwhelming”

Nah Republic, you’ll live.

Tell you what is overwhelming though. Cowering in a frozen basement, without electricity, water, food, medical supplies, or much hope for the future, while Russia shells the bejasus out of your life.

Pray you never have to suffer that Republic, although on the plus side, it might teach you perspective.

Reference your earlier post at 3:46. Are you surprised NS wants Scotland to be on the right side in this conflict? Who is on the wrong side, I wonder? Could it be your usual pals, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc?

Oh yes, talking of your usual pals. Have you noticed that Hattrick has flown the loony coop? He wants to be rehabilitated into decent society.

You will soon be on your own here, Republic.

Slava Ukraini!


“Slava Ukraini!”

‘Dos pintOs of CARLING AND TWO FULL ENGLISH, PORFAVOR,Manuel #IStandWithLasagne’ vibes here.

If you want to be a friend, fine, but maybe do it properly and use their own alphabet?

It’s been advocated for since literally forever.

[Source: The Book of Cyril – Life of Brian]


UK Gov (2022):

‘This is a struggle not just for freedom and self-determination, but for all of our freedom and security’:

link to

This Scot Gov (2022):

‘Gender recognition reform bill tabled at Holyrood’

link to

Food banks and other crisis help (2022):

link to

Tannadice Boy

@John Main 7:02pm
It’s a moot point if Republic survives. It depends on where he lives. During the cold War the Russians were quite happy to limit their casualties to 10 million in the event of a nuclear exchange. My information at the time was that was an underestimate. But you get the drift. As I have said before the protection of human rights has to have an even hand. I don’t think the Russian grievance is perceived. But equally they have overplayed their hand. All very dangerous for us punters.


Just hearing from a friend on social media (I’m not) that there’s lots of talk about protests ‘all over Scotland’ being held this w/e against the rise in energy/fuel/food/taxes.
Don’t know if its people driven (The People of Scotland!) or otherwise.

Is this the first sign of a seismic shift on the political landscape?


FFS, we’ve reached the point where btl commentators survival is being wargamed by some arsehole who heard Checkpoint Charlie gossip, while the Berlin-hoor-induced puss oozed from his c*ck, sat pished on proper commie vodka and reeking of sauerkraut.

Great for morale that. Bob Hope must be shiteing himself.

Scot Finlayson

Trending in United Kingdom


Trending with #NoToSelfID

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 7:56pm
OK Scott sign up. Plenty of opportunity to fight for the heroic Ukraine. I have done my bit to protect you. It’s over to you to save the world. Put your mouth where your arse is. Die for the BBC and the Union flag. But don’t take us with you in the meantime.


gregor says:
‘Food banks and other crisis help (2022)’

Timely, gregor: demand for food banks will escalate as thousands of families are dragged below the poverty line this year. Postal and email notifications are being sent out confirming the 50% + hike in energy prices as from April 1. We have also been pre-warned of a further 50% hike coming in October: –

‘The energy price cap could soar to more than £3,000 in October.
April’s price cap level of £1,971 – already up from £1,277 – could rocket to more than £3,000, sparking concern that even more UK households could be plunged into fuel poverty’

The marketing con of 50% + 50% (100%), can’t hide the fact that the overall increase is actually 135% on the current prices.

Those using oil fired heating have seen a rise of over 300% in the past year and set to go even higher as black gold prices spiral.

But the poor won’t be counting the cost in percentages, this is just a crippling, household budget-bursting assault on those least able to afford it.
That won’t bother Sunak though as he calculates the huge VAT windfall from these scandalous increases.


@ Ebok

For motivation tae help with protest turnout… Regardez this from 2017, which includes 1.30sec vid of she / her punting pish on oor shiny new energy company…

link to


BBC (2021):

“A woman convicted of travelling to Syria to join the Islamic State group says she “regrets everything” about it.

Tareena Shakil, from Birmingham (a former healthcare worker), was jailed in 2016 when she returned to the UK after three months with IS …The 32-year-old said she was “ashamed” of her actions and “lives with the consequences every day”.

Now released from prison, Ms Shakil has completed a de-radicalisation programme and hopes her story will serve as a warning to others”:

link to

BBC (2022):

“Ukraine: Amateurs dig in to fight Russian troops from Kyiv forests

“…Mykhaylo blends in with the forest. The 25-year-old computer programmer stands proud, in full camouflage gear… I am preparing to fight for my motherland with my friends,” he said. “Now we are warriors, and we will defend the country from the aggressor, the occupier. We will fight to the last drop of our blood…

A burly 28-year-old called Pavlo told me that if he could not get a weapon – as they are in short supply – he would “kill the invaders with his bare hands”. Eight days ago, he was a manager in a shop…”:

link to


“Culture of the United Kingdom

The UK has been described as a “cultural superpower”, and London has been described as a world cultural capital… A global opinion poll for the BBC saw the UK ranked the third most positively viewed nation in the world:

The law

British constitutional documents include Magna Carta (foundation of the “great writ” Habeas corpus — safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary state action)…”:

link to

link to

“Culture is third front in Ukraine war, says Nadine Dorries”:

link to



It’s dire, isn’t it.

Why can’t we fix things, now.


“The Value of Culture”:

link to


David Goodwillie should self-id as a woman.

Nobody would dare ban a transwoman from anywhere.


link to

Reports: Ukraine bans all male citizens ages 18 to 60 from leaving the country

This doesn’t sound good … if it’s true.


“Former defence secretary and education secretary Gavin Williamson is to receive a knighthood.

The Conservative MP for South Staffordshire was sacked from the cabinet in last September’s reshuffle.

Mr Williamson faced opposition calls to quit over his handling of disruption to England’s schools and exams during the pandemic”:

link to

“Tony Blair: Petition to block knighthood passes one million signatures.

Citing his role in the Iraq War, the petition says the ex-PM is the “least deserving person” to get an honour…”:

link to

(apologies for so many posts re. Wake-more-up, or God help us…)


Interesting post ‘gregor’ keep them coming.


Tannadice Boy says:
3 March, 2022 at 8:34 pm

@Scott 7:56pm

OK Scott sign up.

I have done my bit to protect you.

I tried but my eyeseight didn’t meet the stanndard.

I did my bit to help you though by supporting families of those serving abroad.

People forget them, but I helped out by pumping the lonely ‘OMO’ wives if asked, and listened to the stories about their arsehole husband’s behaviour when home.

yw, hth.


Hi Dan,
You been lying low lately – still piling up on free logs and sidestepping heating costs for the next 10 years?
That video would be laughable but for the current crisis, perhaps it will come back to haunt her.

‘Energy generated here in Scotland’
‘We WILL set up a publicly owned not-for-profit energy company’
‘Sold as close to cost price as possible’
‘No shareholders or corporate bonuses to consider’

As ML might have said, one out of 4 ain’t good.


I have a question for Sturgeon:

You said there should be no limit to the number of refugees from Ukraine allowed into the UK.

Do you think men between 18 – 60 should be granted refugee status?

Would you be prepared to give Ukrainian men between 18 – 60 refugee status in Scotland?

What if they self-identified as women but they weren’t considered women in Ukraine (no self-id in Ukraine ) what would you do in the event of the Ukrainian president requesting all males between 18 – 60 be sent back to Ukraine where they were desperately needed to help in the war?

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 10:11pm
I have the money to arrange for a private jet to take us to the Polish border from Edinburgh Airport. We can humph it from there. Apparently the Ukrainians are giving out weapons willy nilly. Any man except David Goodwillie. Just tell me when to fire. Who is worthy of life?. Be careful about taken me up on this offer. Because I will call your bluff. I promise your parents to bring back in your body bag but only if I survive and neither us will. And old man teaching small arms training to a naive young man. What could go wrong?



Thanks, will do my best (when not filling skips etc), as long as people are fine about it, if not, we can always have an open civilised public discussion about it, can we not (I’ve got faith in the public).


Tannadice Boy says:
3 March, 2022 at 10:31 pm

I have the money to arrange for a private jet to take us to the Polish border from Edinburgh Airport.


Cool story. Here’s another.

It’s never too early for a Fusilier’s wife to want her hole.

[Especially when her man is in Kenya, miles from Redford Barracks late 80’s]

I know which weapon is more important to those on these shores.

Say hi to my Polish relatives and give them a wee wave with your small arms. My Grandfather wasn’t allowed to set foot in Poland again after serving in RAF. Send me back a passport form, I can legally claim his citizenship back.

How big is this private jet? You could rescue some refugees and takee some rations over. You’ve fuck-all rationale. OAO.

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 10:51pm
You are scared entirely understandable. The Polish people were welcomed in Dundee. In fact there is an area that was designated as ‘Polepark’ tells you that. I have spoken on here about Marsi an ex Polish RAF pilot and everyone in the street loved him. Fintry Dundee of course. When you use the word cool I know you are young. The offer stands if I die trying to teach a young person the value of life. Then it will be worth it.


gregor says:
3 March, 2022 at 10:35 pm

Thanks, will do my best (when not filling skips etc), as long as people are fine about it, if not, we can always have an open civilised public discussion about it, can we not (I’ve got faith in the public).

The millions of readers here on Wings are silent or so I’m told. So you should be fine although because they are silent you do get the feeling that you are talking to yourself. Very occasionally one of the Silent Majority pop up and complain about the quality of the posts which I think is a blood cheek being that for 99.9% of the time they are silent.

I don’t know about an open civilised public discussion
but there are a few on here who just love a good slanging match you can choose to engage or ignore them. It can be fun they can be pretty ‘abusive’ but at least it’s an improvement on silence. Thick skin and non Snowflake status required.

Either way I would suggest you just do what you fancy.


I just heard zaporizhia nuclear power plant is being battered by missiles… no confirmation as yet.

Oh well.

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 10:51pm
Ps never served in Redford Barracks or Kenya. I am a 70s guy before I met my wife. Northern Ireland was the clue. You need the Neil Oliver history of events.


Oor Fintry Sham probably still thinks the Hulla and Fleet are after him, every time he sits down to take a shite, so into fighting is he.

‘And when they go on night patrol, they hold each other’s hands’ misquote about those on Ireland being policemen with rifles.

I see no bravery.

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 11:28pm
But you have passed up the opportunity to fight for Ukraine. I see no bravery.


Tannadice Boy says:
3 March, 2022 at 11:21 pm

I am a 70s guy before I met my wife. Northern Ireland was the clue. You need the Neil Oliver history of events.

I’m up on when the parapolice were active over the water.

You mentioned Eire once, so I clocked your bigoted ignorance around military ops then.

Leave MI to the adultry, the infantry are just useful idiots, some of whom can’t get it up very often and spend too much on getting pished so their weans go hungry.

Occifer class not the most stable either.

Mess on Ascension. Brandy doubled in price one night and there was nearly a mutiny because they couldn’t cope with the idea…the rise was nuts!

3p to 6p.

Tell us again about how great ‘soldiers’ is?

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 11:45pm
You are a feartie son. I get it. You are also a troll. But unaware of basic facts. Redford Barracks? Kenya was the sixties. So how about going to Ukraine?. Do try to keep up!. We on this blog are trying to prevent a Nuclear War with no winners. But we will listen to you straight out of goodness where?


Confirmed on the nuclear power plant.

Thanks Bear Baiters. You know best, eh…



Hahaha. The Flying FFox sake over here. I wasn’t talking about the massacres in Kenya, numbnuts.

RHF barracked at Redford were stationed in Kenya to try and look like the good guys again or something, ya clown.

The wives liked a sesh in Goodies, Oxgangs. Not far to walk back to the Army hooses just outside Dreghorn Barracks. If you’re ever in the area pop in, you might see me and one of them having a pint together. We met there in 87 and fucked each other’s brains out later that night and for lots of years afterwards. I’d first met her 6 years earlier when she and her kids got off the boat in Stranraer and needed assistance.

PS Don’t bother going to Ukraine, you’d crack under interrogation when booking the plane. But, you know, as they say in the movies, good luck.

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 12:19pm
Confirmed troll ignore.


Tannadice Boy says:
4 March, 2022 at 12:22 am

@Scott 12:19pm
Confirmed troll ignore.

Well that escalated quickly. I’m glad I never mentioned the dirty fork and that Y2k+ Condor “widows” in Angus are much like their ‘sisters’ in the capital of the 80’s. Not me, a guy from *checks notes* Fintry, now 65+.

It’s not ALL about soldiers. Families at home have a voice too. You know, the ones who freely choose to make the best of a bad situation, the pragmatists. All is fair etc, no?

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 12:53pn
Confirmed troll ignore again. Fishing expedition. We are on Condor now. Wrong again. Wrong on every count. How many times has your arse got to be trailling behind your legs?.


Tannadice Boy says:
4 March, 2022 at 1:12 am

@Scott 12:53pn
Confirmed troll ignore again. Fishing expedition.

If you’d mentioned this earlier, I might have took the private jet story seriously.

Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Russia, Ukraine and fishermen.

It’s the perfect front.

Drop onto the Polish border disguised as Captain Birdseye, nip into a war zone and be treated like deities by both sides. Confuse them into a ceasefire, lob a few fish fingers at the hungry and break bread with Border Force officials at whichever high-security building I’m interned in on return, and then lose the right to be Polish.

I’ve never jumped out a private jet, but you’ll need to be dished up as jam sponge for pudden.

Your small arms won’t reach the ripcord and the least I could do is get rid of any trace of your involvement in such a batshit crazy idea.

[And we were still on the subject of military wives]

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 1:30pm
Your are a fanny man straight out of the SNP playbook. What’s your pronouns?. I don’t have pronouns. You are scared of your own shadow. Ukraine to you means wearing a flag. And a disgrace to Polish people. You didn’t get my Regiment. Talk of Kenya and wives so retro and so has been. It’s 2022 Scott. Try to keep up.


Tannadice Boy says:
4 March, 2022 at 1:49 am

@Scott 1:30pm
Your are a fanny man straight out of the SNP playbook.

I really am a “fanny man”, I thought that was clear.

As a final tip, learn some foreign before you get to Ukraine.

It might save lives if you need to direct the pros to enemy combatants.

“Cross twa circles, right at the next dreel then up a pendie.”

will likely see you shot as a spy.

Tannadice Boy

@Scott 2:00pm
You didn’t get anywhere close. I know that hurts you. But hey Kenya and the sixties?. Gives you away man, woman, trans. You are somebody to be avoided.


Tannadice Boy says:
4 March, 2022 at 2:07 am

@Scott 2:00pm
You didn’t get anywhere close. I know that hurts you. But hey Kenya and the sixties?

Dear Dog, you think I care about what regiment you were in?

If you find it hard to believe RHF were stationed in Kenya in late 80’s, ask around your ‘brothers on civvy street’ for confirmation.

My uncle would confirm but he passed away last year. He abandoned his kids as well. Lived at Redford, while they saw the delights of places like Wester Hailes, having been evicted from those very houses near Dreghorn Barracks following his self-declaration of neutrality on the husband and father front.

She remains a loyal, wonderful mother, And a Granny. And legally mother to orphans – her daughter’s kids following her death after historic heroin abuse took its toll.

[I’d maybe leave ‘Condor wives’ out of the convo, as careless talk costs lives and one of them might end up in jail for battering their horny wife again]

Avoid away, you’re not capable of understanding war.


“The Biden administration waived sanctions on the company behind Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany and its chief executive, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday, a move decried by critics of the project in Congress”:

link to


“Biden imposes sanctions on Russian oligarchs, ‘Putin’s cronies'”:

link to


I had to Google what I just seen on a TV news banner.
The complete idiot the Tories put in charge of Education, Gavin Williamson, is to get a knighthood?

Throughout his tenure he made Trigger from only fools and horses look like Stephen Hawking

The Tories must feel he will be unable to exist in the wild so put him in this Zoo for 3 square meals per day.

As for anyone thinking on voting Labour in Scotland in hope that England might finally see thru the Tories, the Birmingham by-election last night saw a Tory candidate get within 3,000
votes of beating the Labour Victor in a very safe seat.

There is at least another 10 years of Tory rule Scotland has never voted for courtesy of the
English illiterate, sorry electorate.


“Joe Biden was involved in a deal with a Chinese giant — and was expecting a 10 percent cut

Less than two weeks after meeting Joe Biden, Bobulinski incorporated SinoHawk Holdings LLC, on May 15, 2017, having decided against Hunter’s suggestion they call it CEFC America. It would be a global investment firm seeded with $10 million of Chinese money that would buy projects in the US and around the world “in global and/or domestic infrastructure, energy, financial services and other strategic sectors,” said the contract he had drawn up.”:

link to


Survey shows many people in pain on long NHS waiting lists are going into debt in order to have private operations.

Congratulations Boris!

The private medical care in the U.K. has taken another step closer to your goal.

Medics to be trained to check for a credit card and then a pulse.


gregor says:
4 March, 2022 at 7:46 am
“Biden imposes sanctions on Russian oligarchs, ‘Putin’s cronies’”:

link to

Oh dear gregor you could be heading for a not so civilised public discussion about your use of direct links.

Check out
link to
link to


Another pissing contest here on Wings.

This time it’s ‘Tannadice Boy’ v ‘Scott’.

Hopefully this PC doesn’t last for days.



Apologies (will try better next time). Off to work now…


I was amazed to see who was guarding the Nuclear Power Plant.

A load of civilians with sandbags!

How important is it for Ukraine to be a member of Nato?

It’s obviously very important for Russia that they are not a member of Nato.

I would suggest a little bit of compromising on the part of Ukraine.



Effigy says:
4 March, 2022 at 7:55 am
Survey shows many people in pain on long NHS waiting lists are going into debt in order to have private operations.

Effigy says:
4 March, 2022 at 7:51 am
I had to Google what I just seen on a TV news banner.
The complete idiot the Tories put in charge of Education, Gavin Williamson, is to get a knighthood?

Any predictions as to when Scotland will reach ‘boiling point’ Effigy?

Dorothy Devine

Effigy, that stopped me in my tracks when I clocked it – dear lord , will he take his spider and whip with him to the other place?


@ Ebok at 10:24 pm

Re. That 2017 vid, one wonders how many folk in that audience clapping away at the announcement have actually seen the light of reality yet in that she / her is just a purveyor of well presented pish.
Seriously, what worth is any politician telling us how they are going to sort out stuff on the domestic or world stage when they don’t do what they say they will, or even acknowledge basic biology.

As a very low energy consumer I noted that during these high energy price times, my supplier is to double the cost of the daily standing charge from 25 to 50 pence a day rather than the increasing the actual energy unit price (which still increased around 8 pence per unit).
So the company still manage to extract more money and screw over the low energy users.
So aye, I’ve just got my head down finishing renovating the old house to a well insulated standard, and also collecting tonnes of firewood that came down in the recent storms. Plus a couple of other wee engineering projects to make my future existence even more self sufficient.


In Russia oligarchs or biznesmyeni are for the most part under Putin’s control, thumb if you like.
In the «free west» it is the true oligarchs/plutocrats and their corporate interests who have national governments under their fists. They are on to a good thing, as they just keep getting richer and richer as the masses get more subservient, more dependent, poorer. Fear brings its rewards to those who stoke it.
Elsewhere, India has seen 100million increase in those in the poor category over the «pandemic».
Revolutions have broken out for far less.

Jack Murphy

Journalist and former British ambassador Craig Murray has this morning put up a new article on his Blog.
A long read but well worth it.

Schroedinger’s Evidence

You be the judge.

link to

Scot Finlayson

She/Her , who can`t describe what being a woman means, is speaking in our parliament on Saturday to celebrate International Woman`s Day 2022,

three days after throwing all 2,500,000 Scottish woman and girls under the transcult steamroller,

`Over 130 women will gather in the Debating Chamber @ScotParl on Saturday for an event ahead of #IWD2022.

Speakers include @ScotGovFM and @LindaBauld and the event will be chaired by @POScotParl.

Watch the event live on SPTV from 2pm tomorrow: link to`


Scot Finlayson says:
4 March, 2022 at 11:48 am
She/Her , who can`t describe what being a woman means

I find I have the same problem describing Sturgeon.

Cunt is far too mild a word to describe this ‘hija de puta’

I can’t look at her or listen to her anymore.


Jack Murphy

I read that article & again I wondered when Scotland is going to reach it’s boiling point!

Was there something in the Covid vaccines to keep us calm?

I seem to be swearing a lot so perhaps I need a another booster!


Good point being made on Twitter re transgenderism.

“The activist position that being trans is Schrodinger’s mental health issue: it’s not a medical condition and doesn’t require a doctor to diagnose it, but at the same time it is a medical condition and requires life changing surgery and lifelong medication.”

Do you think if I wash my mouth out with soap I might stop swearing or would I be better returning to my plan of being ‘a don’t know’ and just reading chick lit with HEA endings?


The Western frenzy over Russia is way way out of control, Russian cats banned from competitions, Russian children beaten up at school in Europe, Russian composer and workers sacked for not denouncing their own country, and now a US Senator is pleading with Russians to assassinate their president.

To think I would’ve been happy to see an indy Scotland as part of the EU, what was I thinking.

“Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military?” Sen. Lindsay Graham Tweeted on Thursday night.

“Unless you want to live in darkness for the rest of your life, be isolated from the rest of the world in abject poverty, and live in darkness you need to step up to the plate,” he added.”

John Main

@Hattrick says – 4 March, 2022 at 12:13 am

“Confirmed on the nuclear power plant.

Thanks Bear Baiters. You know best, eh…”

Hattrick pops out of the hole he has dug himself for a bit of nocturnal patrolling – so much safer for him when all the lucky 6 YO neo-Nazi refugees are fast asleep.

Here’s the thing Hattrick. The Russian gunners shelling Ukrainian nuclear installations are obeying orders coming down the chain from Putin, as he annexes the free, independent, sovereign nation of Ukraine, and attempts to destroy its people and culture.

“Bear baiting made me do it” is not a credible explanation, defence, justification, reason or motivation.

Other than in your own, uniquely special, head.

Cherish that head Hattrick. We may never see another like it.

John Main

@Republicofscotland – 4 March, 2022 at 2:14 pm

“The Western frenzy over Russia is way way out of control”

I know Republic, I know. I’m trying to keep a lid on it personally, but there’s something about the expectation that I will have to spend the rest of my life, poorer, colder, and more miserable because Putin is getting on a bit and needs to sort out his “legacy” that riles me.

And that’s before I start to think about worrying for the rest of my years about his hints of nuclear annihilation. That gets me really angry.

But it is his attitude towards the free, independent, sovereign nation of Ukraine, its people and its culture that brings on the red mist. The parallels between the Ukrainian struggle and the Scottish struggle are obvious and raise sympathy in everybody associated with the cause of Scots Indy.

Maybe not to you though, eh Republic? I wonder why.


“but there’s something about the expectation that I will have to spend the rest of my life, poorer, colder, and more miserable ”

John Main.

You strike me as a miserable git anyway, how and ever, poorer or colder isn’t down to Putin, far from it, it down to Sturgeon selling Scotland out.



On Ukraine’s Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant and the attack it came under.

“The mayor of the nearby town of Energodar had originally reported that the fire had been caused by Russian shelling, and that the blaze had engulfed the power plant itself, but the emergency services dismissed the latter claim.”


“According to the spokesman, the Ukrainian forces had attacked Russian soldiers at about 2am local time, opening heavy fire from the training facility next to the power station in order to “provoke a retaliatory strike on the building.”

The Russian patrol had neutralized the group’s firing points, but the saboteurs had then set fire to the training facility as they retreated”


Ukrainian eye witness tells of Ukrainian forces shelling residential areas to blame it on the Russians.

“At first, when there was less of their equipment in our area, they [Ukrainian forces] were massively shelling our block, saying that it was the Russians who were shelling. But we could see where everything was coming from, we understood what was going on,” the man said.

He said he and his family stayed awake day and night for nearly ten days, being under massive artillery fire.
“They just shelled residential neighborhoods for days at first. They were just pounding them,” the man said.
Answering the question as to why the Ukrainian military was firing on their own city, he claimed that the goal was to “show a picture to the entire world how Russia and the DPR [Donetsk People’s Republic] are killing civilians.”


Good afternoon, Republic.

The subterfuge you describe, essentially false flag operations, is to be expected from the Ukrainian military. It’s a measure of their desperation. I feel sorry for them, they’ve been hung out to dry, but they don’t seem to understand their dire predicament if they think anyone is going to intervene and save them. I don’t doubt for a second that what your sources suggest is true with regard to the nuclear power plant…

We are going to see the propaganda’s emphasis shift in the next few days, from heroic tales of Ukrainians defending their homeland to Putin’s unparalleled evilness. It was inevitable that they’d do that once Russian forces started achieving operational objectives. And it was also inevitable that the dirty tricks, such as you’ve described, would come into play at this stage.

It’s clear to any objective mind that Russia has a very exact plan and that it is most likely based on wishing to cause as little collateral damage and destruction to civil infrastructure as possible. They know there’s an army of western journalists waiting to beam every “mishap” to every corner of the world. The best evidence that Russia is holding back is found in the lack of Air Force involvement.

In Baghdad and Fallujah, by contrast, that wasn’t a problem for Team America, as reflected in the staggering death toll and the scenes of destruction we saw there. In that case, “shock and awe”, the pivotal role of Air Force (bombing safely from the sky), and the imbalance of forces, were realities to be celebrated.

Journalists were “embedded” with the invading army when it finally went in on the ground (after the Iraq army had been decimated with air power) rather than the people who were on the receiving end, as is the case in Ukraine, ensuring that the right impression from the right perspective was given.

And that is why it basically took a few days to suppress Iraq in 2003, arguably a few hours — area bombing and indiscriminate destruction works, just as sledgehammers do indeed crack nuts — where the invasion of Ukraine is probably going to take several weeks; the Russians are basically fighting street by street which is the best way to keep civilian casualties and destruction to a minimum, as anyone who knows about these things would normally be happy to confirm.

All of this was avoidable. What difference does it make to Team America if Ukraine is in NATO or not — they basically have Russia surrounded and control the whole world anyway?

Russia has repeatedly indicated that it wanted a treaty guarantee on Ukraine staying out of NATO in return for guarantees on borders and peace — why would they devote years to that goal if they weren’t serious? The best way to find out, of course, would have been to call their bluff which would have cost us nothing and left us no worse off than we are now.


Apologies to Ruby for engaging in the wrong kind of PC.

I blame myself for not being the people [given pet-names] that engage in the type that is revelled in normally.

I guess I could just post words that have no context, but then again I could just be happy to “don’t know” stuff while appearing to ‘know’ lots.

I’m still learning about the concept of ‘free comment’ because every day is a school day and I accept that.


In ‘transgenderism’ news, Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill 2022 is unlawful and WILL be challenged in CoS (by me) to have its laying reduced.

Arguing about ‘the minutae of what’s been happening since 2004’ while seemingly oblivious to the ‘nuts & bolts deception’ contained in the Bill is frustrating for some us now that the ‘results are in’.

Even “campaign groups” are just shouting about lies spoken to by Shona Robison in the Chamber around the so-called evidence guiding its drafting, and ignoring the details within the Bill itself, such has been the relentless attack on ‘women’s groups’ that forced a ‘defensive narrative defined by the oppressors’ to be the default attack position for them.

link to

The Bill is disguised as being reform of GRA2004, but all it does is change the statutory obligations of Registrar General by stealth.

There’s already legislation that defines the role of RG, so IT is the mechanism to introduce changes, not GRA.

A court battle between SG/UKG will follow on this point (role of RG) if Bill is allowed to proceed to the point of a vote in Holyrood to pass into law.

‘Dither & delay’ by design.

We still see you Nicola and your time as FM is coming to an end quicker than you’ve wargamed for, because narcissism.

yw, hth.

Clavie Cheil

Re energy.

I bought a chainsaw recently. I am too old to be cutting wood with hand powered saws or axes. Fuck what the Greens and the men hating SNP say.I am not putting myself into poverty to heat my house in the dead of a Scottish winter. It is still winter and no I never get used to freezin ma baws off even if I am a Jock and we are supposed to be used to it.

I think Dan has the way of it.

Scot Finlayson

Brent Crude $110 per barrels,

1,000,000 barrels taken from Scotland`s waters every day,

$110,000,000 goin south today for England`s infrastructure and banker`s bonuses.

Biggest theft in human history.


Scott says:
4 March, 2022 at 4:19 pm
Apologies to Ruby for engaging in the wrong kind of PC.

I blame myself for not being the people [given pet-names] that engage in the type that is revelled in normally.

I guess I could just post words that have no context, but then again I could just be happy to “don’t know” stuff while appearing to ‘know’ lots.

I’m still learning about the concept of ‘free comment’ because every day is a school day and I accept that.

Totally pathetic!


Ruby says:
4 March, 2022 at 4:35 pm

Totally pathetic!

If you say so.

Aplogies, again to Ruby, for engaging in another PC. I was goaded into it by *checks notes* someone who said something worth commenting on, called Ruby

Any opininion on the ‘transgenderism GRR Bill’ or should I assume that bit wasn’t Tp! by ommision?


Any opininion on the ‘transgenderism GRR Bill’ or should I assume that bit wasn’t Tp! by ommision?

GRR Bill totally pathetic!


Ruby says:
4 March, 2022 at 4:52 pm

GRR Bill totally pathetic!


Are you glad I’ll be seeking opinion of Court of Session for the reasons I outlined?


Are you glad I’ll be seeking opinion of Court of Session for the reasons I outlined?

Absolutely! 🙂


Scott F @4.30pm.

Its all Putin’s fault, its not the fault of Sturgeon and her clique.


Aplogies, again to Ruby, for engaging in another PC. I was goaded into it by *checks notes* someone who said something worth commenting on, called Ruby

Hey watch it! I never said anything about army wives being very interested in your ‘weapon’ when the likes of ‘Tannadice Boy’ was off serving his country or anything remotely similar!


@ Clavie Cheil at 4.28pm

Good to hear you have taken back total control of your heating and bought a chainsaw. Just work safely with it.

It was further good self sufficiency news out here in the sticks today as I nailed a pheasant with the car on the way home. So it’s getting roasted as I type, and it’ll be accompanied with some homemade chips made in the airfryer using my Edzell Blues spuds I grew last year, and which still have a healthy stock of. Oh, and some of my pickled beetroot too.

As an aside, I gave up all wheat based products at new year and have been feeling so much better since.
Not that I was ever a fat person, but I’ve lost a stone and a half in weight since new year so it’s either good news or I have some underlying un-diagnosed wasting disease. Time will tell…


Hey Scott did you see my question for Sturgeon earlier in the thread?

Do you think we might see headlines saying

Transphobe Sturgeon refuses to give refugee status to Ukranian transwomen between the ages of 18 – 68 yrs.

International relations clash with GRR.


Sturgeon and Forbes hushing up why the chief executive of the Scottish National Investment Bank resigned. Sturgeon faced questions around why Eilidh Mactaggart had quit the role, but neither she nor Forbes were having any of it.

link to


Ruby says:
4 March, 2022 at 5:40 pm

Hey Scott did you see my question for Sturgeon earlier in the thread?

I may have, but don’t recall doing so.

And no, I don’t think we’ll see those headlines.

Was your question for Sturgeon earlier in the thread being facetious? Has she bothered to answer you yet?


Has she bothered to answer you yet?

She may have, but don’t recall her doing so.


@ Dan: that is very upsetting news. I’ve just made a batch of bread and 95% of the mix was wheat flour and the rest coarse oatmeal and peasemeal. Can I bear to give up wheat flour? On the other hand MOH could do with losing a stone or two… 🙂


O/T: donations for Ukraine via DEC [Disasters Emergency Committee] are being matched by UK government [up to a total of £20 million]. Yes it is nothing to the UK gov and no doubt they are doing it for the wrong reasons but on the other hand it does double up ones donation.


BBC (2022): Ukranian’s tearful question for UK PM:

“Boris Johnson has been confronted by a visibly angry Ukrainian who demanded western nations enforce a “no-fly zone” over the country.

Daria Kaleniuk, who said she was from Kyiv and had family and colleagues still in Ukraine, accused Nato of being unwilling to enforce a no-fly zone out of fear of a World War Three that has “already started”…”:

link to

The National (2022): Who is Daria Kaleniuk?

“Her foundation, started in 2013, is funded by the US Government, the European Union, private international funds, and charitable donations from people and companies…”:

link to

Daria Kaleniuk: co-founder and executive director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center (World Economic Forum):

link to


Atlantic Council Ignored Anti-Corruption Activist’s Warnings About Burisma, The Ukrainian Firm Linked To Hunter Biden:

“Daria Kaleniuk called the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC), contacted John Herbst, a director at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, on Jan. 20, 2017, and asked him to reconsider plans to work with Burisma, newly released State Department emails show.

Kaleniuk alleged that Burisma was using the Atlantic Council to “clear up its reputation” following bribery investigations into the firm and its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky.

The activist said the Atlantic Council’s partnership with Zlochevsky “is a very painful backblow for us, and for many other good people in Ukraine who strive for reforms…”:

link to


Kyiv Post (2017): The largest private gas-producer in Ukraine forges relationship with the new U.S. Administration:

“The Atlantic Council of the United States and Burisma Group, largest independent gas producer in Ukraine, have signed a cooperative agreement. Atlantic Council will develop transatlantic programs with Burisma’s support, focusing on European and international energy security…”:

link to

ABC News (2019):

“Daria Kaleniuk, a Ukrainian anti-corruption advocate, did not see fault in Joe Biden’s conduct, saying she thought he “did what he had to do” in pursuing Shokin’s removal, but decried his son’s decision as “a very bad thing”.

“[Hunter Biden] was very wrong,” Kaleniuk said. “He allowed his name to be abused, and with that he made easy money…”:

link to


Judicial Watch (2019):

“Ciaramella reportedly was detailed to the Obama White House in 2015 and returned to the CIA during the Trump administration in 2017.

Real Clear Investigations named Ciaramella as possibly being the whistle-blower whose complaint sparked Impeachment proceedings against President Trump…

The White House visitor logs revealed the following individuals met with Eric Ciaramella while he was detailed to the Obama White House:

Daria Kaleniuk: Co-founder and executive director of the Soros-funded Anticorruption Action Center (AntAC) in Ukraine. She visited on December 9, 2015”:

link to

The Open Society Foundations in Ukraine:
“Nine Facts About the International Renaissance Foundation:
…has funded investigative journalism projects such as Our Money, and groups such as Transparency International Ukraine, StateWatch, Center Eidos, and the Anti-Corruption Action Center…”:

link to

Atlantic Council (2020): The influence of Soros: Politics, power, and the struggle for an open society:

“As the global community continues to grapple with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Atlantic Council is open for business…
For years, critics on both the right and the left have harped on hedge fund tycoon George Soros for allegedly “using his billions to foment violence, support ‘white genocide,’ and pay migrants to seek asylum in the United States” and claimed that “his philanthropy is a distraction from the economic misery he himself has made…”:

link to


The Grey Zone (2021):

“New leaked documents show Reuters’ and the BBC’s involvement in covert UK FCO programs to effect “attitudinal change” and “weaken the Russian state’s influence,” alongside intel contractors and Bellingcat”:

link to


Gregor, on Daria Kaleniuk, did you see her theatrics? I could tell she was fake news the second she opened her mouth.

All your your links and comments are useful in establishing what we all suspected… US-UK meddling, corruption, and lying at the root of everything that’s going on in Ukraine, with ordinary people in Ukraine and Russia paying the price,


“New leaked documents show Reuters’ and the BBC’s involvement in covert UK FCO programs to effect “attitudinal change”

‘The Black Art of Media Manipulation’


I heard Putin is supposedly talking about trials and public executions in Ukraine, threatening to bring those who have committed human rights crimes to “justice”.

It’s truly shocking, isn’t it? Medieval stuff like that in the 21st century…

Wait a second. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we publicly execute Saddam and a few other members of his regime in the 21st century, on the very same sort of grounds?

Of course, when we illegally invade a country and kill people it really is justice. It has nothing to do with oil or anything like that…

America, fuck yeah!


Whatever you think of the media you have to admit they do a bloody good job.

The FCO, Better Together, Nicola Sturgeon or whoever is paying them with taxpayers cash definitely get results.

It’s bloody annoying that they are using our cash to pay journalist to manipulate us into believing their lies. Doubly annoying that there are so many people who fall for the con.

Not only do we have to pay the journalists/BBC to produce the propaganda we then have to pay again to be able to watch/read the propaganda.

Do you think Scotland will ever reach boiling point?


“Whatever you think of the media you have to admit they do a bloody good job.”

I think ‘the media’ are lying cunts, who don’t do a good job because their ‘mistakes’ are *easily spotted*.

The only media outlets that get a penny from me are this site and I occasionaly buy Glasgow’s weekly crime pamphlet, The Grasser.

I don’t watch any TV or subscribe to “streaming platforms”

Some people annoy me for wilfully paying to increase their own ignorance.

[If I need some escapism, I do things that don’t require an opinion on twatter or facefuck such as guessing who the Masked Singer might be while appearing to be moist in the gusset region about it.]

Some people deserve to wallow in their own misery.

On the subject of escapism-

Some people, like Nicola Sturgeon, have more novels on their shelves than a mobile library.

Some people don’t want to be educated, only to be immersed in fantasy to pretend their own failings aren’t visible to others.

Some people can go fuck themselves, but I’ll always and unequivocally support the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


Careful, Scott, there are people on here who would insist you were “bonkers” for not watching the News on TV and/or reading Newspapers.

The good news is those people are dolts and if you stopped feeding on mainstream propaganda, you probably stopped caring what dolts think.

The best way to keep in touch with humanity is to abandon humanity.

Those crazy Russians only have one News channel and it’s controlled by the government. We have about 20 news channels and, without any government interference at all, they all tell you the exact same bunch of lies. What’s worse?


Hatuey says:
4 March, 2022 at 11:41 pm

Careful, Scott, there are people on here who would insist you were “bonkers” for not watching the News on TV and/or reading Newspapers.

Those crazy Russians only have one News channel and it’s controlled by the government. We have about 20 news channels and, without any government interference at all, they all tell you the exact same bunch of lies. What’s worse?


Even in the 70’s when old enough to be at primary school, the framing of ‘Pravda’ as Soviet propaganda by BBC newsreaders exposed a flaw in that argument straight off the bat and my opinion has never changed.

In Moscow, they were saying the same about London.

I’m glad I wasn’t that into supper before bed, because I like to form my opinion on facts, not the opinion of others.

A: I think it’s wrong.
B: So do I then.

Fuck idolatry and all those who ‘sale’ in it.


Scot WTF are you two going on about?

The media do a bloody good job at manipulating people!

Have you seen what’s happening out there?

Is your argument that the majority of people are not manipulated by the press/BBC that like you they do not buy newspaper or watch TV.

Are you saying everyone is switched on and totally aware of what is going on and can easily spot the lies they are being told?


Two years of covid, all sort of floods, fires, and disasters, now a possible war with Russia… what’s next, an alien invasion?

If this is life, I want my money back.



re. Daria Kaleniuk, did you see her theatrics?

Couldn’t watch it (mainstream media has irrevocably altered my attitude).

I can’t see the mainstream establishment informing the public ‘the truth’, nor making life better, for anyone – anywhere, anytime soon (can anyone ???).

‘They’ are showing us who/what they are (while laughing in our face ?).

I’ve got every faith in the public.

(the public has a conscience and can count on each other).


Ruby says:
5 March, 2022 at 12:23 am

Scot WTF are you two going on about?

Read my post in response to yours again and you’ll perhaps see why your other questions are so fucking stupid.

I understood your point, which is why the oxymoron in the “headline” wasn’t pointed out to be one.


Careful, Scott, there are people on here who would insist you were “bonkers” for not watching the News on TV and/or reading Newspapers.”

Do you think Scott who can spot made up shit a mile off is going to believe the above Mr Bonkers?


Gregor: “Couldn’t watch it (mainstream media has irrevocably altered my attitude).”

Another that has turned off and tuned out.

It looks like the smart people don’t watch mainstream propaganda.

And then we have Ruby who does, calling those that don’t “bonkers”, and needing people to spoon feed her and spell everything out.

Welcome to Wings BTL, Scotty… don’t suppose you can beam me up?


“Do you think Scott who can spot made up shit a mile off is going to believe the above Mr Bonkers?”

Made up shit? Seriously? I’m stunned at that response. The only explanation for that response is some sort of mental illness and on the basis that I wouldn’t want to be accused of weaponising such things I request that you henceforth imagine I don’t exist.


Hatuey says:
5 March, 2022 at 12:39 am
Gregor: “Couldn’t watch it (mainstream media has irrevocably altered my attitude).”

Another that has turned off and tuned out.

Strange that Gregor posts so many links to MSM!
Are they all for me?

Should you not tell him that I’m pork and I can barely read and he needs to post the audio version of all these newspapers. Cheers Gregor MP3 if you can.


Maybe someone can do the news in Lego…


“The future teaches you to be alone
The present to be afraid and cold
So if I can shoot rabbits
Then I can shoot fascists

Bullets for your brain today
But we’ll forget it all again
Monuments put from pen to paper
Turns me into a gutless wonder

And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next…”:

link to

link to


A couple of older articles from Craig Murray as a timely reminder of how agendas and narratives are pushed.

link to

link to


Jeezo, and another from almost 10 years ago.

link to

John Main

How educational to see that the collective group mind of Wings BTL comment, aided by Hattrick’s 2 cell’s worth, has proved to itself that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is fake news.

No longer need anyone mourn the closure of the asylums to those who would jeer at the inmates.

Maybes one of the unfortunates here will enlighten me. If the ultimate shit happens, and one or all of our 20 fake news outlets tells us there is a radiation cloud heading our way, how many of you are going to be posting on here that we should just ignore it?

Radioactive fallout! Fake news! Fake news!

John Main

@Scott 10:50 pm

Russian military forces annexing Ukraine.

Do tell us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about that.

We are all waiting. (Haha Scott, just my little joke, but some of us, who have not written you off as a useful idiot, may be slightly curious).


Do we assume it’s possible to infer the approximate IQ level of people who comment here based on an assessment of the things they type?

I do. And I think you do too. Science agrees.

Anthropologists and psychologists have looked into this stuff and it turns out humans generally attach quite a lot of weight and value to intelligence, and that it’s been a fairly big and constant factor in the natural selection process going back hundreds of thousands of years.

How come we still have dumb people, you are wondering…

Here’s the explanation in a nutshell. Mankind is like this tribe marching through time. Around 90% of us are of average intelligence and we negatively discriminate against dumb people and positively discriminate towards smart people…

However, as all that’s going on, it looks like smart people are intentionally favouring the thickos and pulling them along for the ride. Why?

Nobody knows for sure, but it has been suggested that smart people understand halfwits are more suited to certain jobs (the shit jobs) and because they’re more agreeable (easier to manipulate) they have a degree of usefulness in the eyes of smart people.

(I’m obliged to point out that an alternative theory explains this in terms of smart people being more compassionate, and I like that idea, I think there’s a case for that, but the theory falls to fuck in animal studies where the smart ones are often the most violent…)

John Main… I could be your biggest fan.


FFS Mr Bonkers could you not just cut out all scientific mumbo jumbo and just tell John Main you think he is as dumb as fuck?

You don’t seem to have a problem telling me so what’s the problem with John Main …… is it a gender thing?

PS What good is someone with a high IQ if they are totally bonkers?


Callsign RSD88 is worth a look, if any of you use planefinder…


Ruby: “could you not just cut out all scientific mumbo jumbo and just tell John Main you think he is as dumb as fuck?”

You obviously think he is dumb and didn’t consider for a second that I’m his biggest fan because, as an average person, I admire his higher than average intelligence.


John Main

Hey Hattrick

Didn’t you write you were off out marching? Grand day for it in the Central Belt.

Hope you’re not shitting yourself cos of what I wrote about the 6 YO refugees. Be weeks yet before they arrive. Dinna fash, we’ll give you plenty warning so that you can climb into your hole and get Deliveroo on speed dial.

Weren’t you going to write a justification of the war for handing out at Indy events? Don’t over-complicate it Hattrick, remember English won’t be everybody’s first language. Laminate them also, the Ukrainian refugees will want to circulate them widely.

They will be ever so grateful for being told the reasons their country has been destroyed, their families and friends killed, and them exiled abroad is …

Iraq, neo-Nazis, Satans, NATO, something like that.


I’m reading the links Dan provided to Craig Murray stuff. We are blessed to have Craig Murray doing this stuff… a true hero of our time.


“Do we assume it’s possible to infer the approximate IQ level of people who comment here based on an assessment of the things they type?

I do. And I think you do too. Science agrees.”

Have you noticed how ‘Mr Bonkers’ always needs the support of others?

Insecure much?


I’m reading the links Dan provided to Craig Murray stuff.

I’m drinking a coffee. Nespresso Il Caffè. It’s very good.


So, Ruby, after thinking about things you came back to suggest that those of us who base our opinions and views on science are insecure?

Jesus. How are we going to break this to academics, authors, students, pupils, and everybody that ever took the time to learn a thing or two?

I’m going to stop ignoring you from here on. You’re a fountain of highly entertaining stupidity.


Hatuey says:
5 March, 2022 at 11:46 am

You obviously think he is dumb and didn’t consider for a second that I’m his biggest fan because, as an average person, I admire his higher than average intelligence.

Spot the manipulation!

C’mon ‘Mr Bonkers’ who do you think is going to believe that shit?

If I had any strong views about John Main I would voice them.

I wouldn’t be scrounging around manipulating others or trying to get them to agree with me.


Hatuey says:
5 March, 2022 at 12:08 pm
So, Ruby, after thinking about things you came back to suggest that those of us who base our opinions and views on science are insecure?

No I did not and I think we all know that don’t we guys?


Lesson learned, and you won’t jump to conclusions again…

I think you’ve hurt John’s feelings and probably owe him an apology.

Anyway, I’m going out in the sun. There’s a world of interesting things out there.

It’s been… well, kinda boring and weird, but have a nice day.


Here’s my message for those who are members of political parties who volunteer to go door to door canvassing votes.

Voters have all different levels of education, intelligence, wealth. If you are going to discriminate against those you think are uneducated have a low IQ or are ‘scheemies’ it would be better if your political party kept you in the office stuffing envelopes or chucked you out of the party.


Hatuey says:
5 March, 2022 at 12:18 pm

It’s been… well, kinda boring and weird, but have a nice day.

You too Mr Bonkers. See ya!

Don’t want to be ya!

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    • Dan on Bad Santa: “FFS, the muckle rodent twats haven’t even finished eating the ones they dropped 20 yards away before taking out those…Dec 22, 11:30
    • Hatey McHateface on Bad Santa: “Tell us true, Ros. What’s the difference between an arch monster (as in this post), and a monster (as in…Dec 22, 11:27
    • Dan on Bad Santa: “Another two nights of gnawing and yet another couple of ten year old trees dropped. Rest in peace little silver…Dec 22, 11:16
    • Hatey McHateface on Bad Santa: “Cracker of a post, Ros. Yet another of the heartbreakingly long litany of Muslim assaults against innocents in Europe and…Dec 22, 11:12
    • Hatey McHateface on Bad Santa: “Seeing as how it’s you that’s asking, Michael: Naw 🙂Dec 22, 11:02
    • Dan on Bad Santa: “ Austerity and cutting services… Meanwhile… 2 million quid to Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd to do archaeological investigations on a…Dec 22, 10:38
    • gregor on The Cost Of Truth: “Welcome, Jay We humans can make mistakes, however, Mac (et al) have contributed a wealth of worthy information to this…Dec 22, 10:29
    • Geri on Bad Santa: “These groups need to be removed from parliament. We all know they’re not innocent NGOs. They’re nosy, spying, interfering, bribing,…Dec 22, 10:18
    • gregor on Bad Santa: “Only 2 nasty Grinch disapprove of Christmas ? “Grinch is misanthropic, ill-natured, and mean-tempered. The reason for this is a…Dec 22, 09:54
    • Dan on Bad Santa: “Someone had already archived it. 22, 08:32
    • robertkknight on Bad Santa: “The Rev on X links a Times article which asks what the Scot Gov has to hide over the Salmond…Dec 22, 08:27
    • znovak on Bad Santa: ““He’s not committing gen-ocide & crimes against humanity.” I and ICC beg to differ.Dec 22, 07:33
    • DavidT on Bad Santa: “As a man, I benefited from the gradual process of equalizing the retirement age to 65. Around 2012, I was…Dec 22, 03:08
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on Bad Santa: “Spin it to make it look like what ❓Dec 22, 03:02
    • Geri on Bad Santa: “America has removed the $10 million bounty on the head chopper who burns people alive.Dec 22, 02:42
    • Geri on Bad Santa: “Therese Coffey? WTF? Oh FFS, now I’ve just pictured her in ermine.. *barfs* Curran will have hers on back to…Dec 22, 02:23
    • James Gardner on Bad Santa: “Xmas Cracker, Chris………Dec 22, 02:22
    • Geri on Bad Santa: “The global majority couldn’t care less about Ps travel engagements. He’s not committing gen-ocide & crimes against humanity.Dec 22, 02:17
    • znovak on Bad Santa: “He is not alone. R monster and war criminal Putain has also travel problems because of ICC arrest warrant.Dec 22, 00:52
    • Campbell Clansman on Bad Santa: “So you admit you’re against accuracy too… No wonder people laugh at the arguments for Indy made on WoS.Dec 22, 00:46
    • Graf Midgehunter on Bad Santa: “On the subject of beer, this was my favorite when I lived in Denmark. Before Carls took over everything. Dette…Dec 22, 00:19
    • Dan on Bad Santa: “Ooh! Your fully bolded post is almost as scary as the red letter from the TV licensing cunts. FFS, hair…Dec 21, 23:42
    • Campbell Clansman on Bad Santa: “So you admit you lied when you wrote the North Sea oil fields were something “Scotland has.”Dec 21, 23:32
    • Dan on Bad Santa: “London Rule controls all the major powers to influence and control the economy. So what you’ve posted is not a…Dec 21, 23:31
    • Michael Laing on Bad Santa: “Clear off, troll.Dec 21, 23:23
    • Dan on The Cost Of Truth: “Be more alert! That hangover must have really done a number on you ya southern shandy / warm beer swilling…Dec 21, 23:17
    • PacMan on Bad Santa: “Only really started going out drinking in Glasgow this year since the end of lockdown. The whole demographic of who…Dec 21, 23:13
    • Campbell Clansman on Bad Santa: “The North Sea oil fields are the UK’s EEZ. The UK’s. Scotland doesn’t own them. Nor does England, Wales, Fife,…Dec 21, 23:04
    • Campbell Clansman on Bad Santa: “Please inform us when “Scotland” owned the North Sea oil fields: 1314? Nope 1603? Nope 1707? Nope 1907? Nope 2007?…Dec 21, 23:01
  • A tall tale

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