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Wings Over Scotland

The shifting sands

Posted on June 16, 2018 by
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If this made a sound it would be “tick – tock.


Great , things have felt just like this for the past few days – I seriously think we are , finally, on the way ‘home’. Well illustrated, Chris.


There’s a BBC-polished brown turd lurking in that sand.

Now and again, it pops up and roars that independence is bad and Scotland is doomed.

Must be a floater. 🙂


Glasgow school of art devastated by second fire…..perhaps this time the culpable will not get away with it.


Who said anybody was culpable, it’s a fire for Christsake!


If only it was the Treaty of Union on fire, and the Glasgow School of Art had more buckets of sand.


How naïve you are.


Sands have shifted indeed. A good week until last night. Now, major fire again in important cultural building on the SNP’s watch. The unionists will run and run with the political symbolism. Whau’s like us here’s tae us!


Something is going seriously wrong with the administration at the Art School. Trustees include ‘Bryan Ferry’? Is that possible. Dr Muriel Gray. Ponsing about poseur leading the Graduation celebration. Getting speeches of thanks. What for Labour/unionist patronage, heritage and influence. Offending half the population. Another blank, vacant canvas. Usually health & safety is a predominate issue. At all educational institution.

Looks like it is gone this time. Or can it rise from the ashes. Another expensive contribution. Uni estate with £Millions of reserves but lacking proper administration. Will there be retribution thus time? Or just another unavoidable ‘accident’. An act of Godo. Bonfire of the vanities. What a waste. Such a pity. Difficult for the students.

Robert Louis

It is clear that the current Westminster administration is wholly dysfunctional. On each and every parameter, they are failing, and as we all know the ONLY reason they are in power, is due the fact that Jeremy Corbyn is wholly unelectable.

Normally, Westminster administrations use diplomacy when handling Scotland, yet due to the gross ineptitude of people such as David Mundell, who let us not forget was only made Viceroy of Scotland because he was the only Scot available, they are behaving with complete disregard to Scotland.

The SNP need to no longer keep suggesting discussion and ‘talks’ with these people, instead it should be a policy of disrupt at every level for them. Their is no way to hold meaningful discussions with odious fools like Mundell, it is simply pointless. Instead, The SNP and Scotgov need to be smart and manipulate events to show to the Scottish public just how craven and out of control the Westminster executive have become.

They must no longer ‘hope’ the media provide coverage of matters, because as we have seen the media was happy to completely black-out the Westminstef power grab, until the walk out happened.

These are the final days of the union. The time really is running out for London rule over Scotland. If there is an election, the SNP manifesto needs to be a mandate for independence or at the very least taking full powers into the Scottish parliament including removal of Westminster control, and the SNP MUST be ready at all times for such an opportunity. If not, then we must be ready for it is surely time to call a referendum, so it is held before March 2019.

It is clear, that Scots will rally around those who stand up for Scotland. It is an important lesson for all the SNP ‘wets’ who seem to have held sway for far too long. This is a fight on every level. The time for being nice is over. Time for independence.

Robert Louis


The fire is NOT on ,as you put it’ the SNP’s watch’. What utter p*sh.


Looks very much like the Art School is run by a unionist dominated administration. Trustees etc unionist placements. Some reports. Let those who throw the first stanes had better watch. It might rebound on them. Seen as hypocrites, Hope all is not lost but it looks pretty bad this time. Even worse.

Socrates MacSporran

Robert Louis

To be fair, Ottomanboi appeared to be making the point – that is how the Unionists will try to spin it. If they can find even the flimsiest excuse to use this tragic fire as a case of: “SNP Bad”, you can bet they will.


Chris 🙂

Looks to me like those scraps of paper will soon jam up the trickle towards the butcher’s apron end of the union.

Are we about to see Hamish’s paw swipe it all to smitherines? 🙂

Robert Louis

Socrates, ottomanboi,

My apologies, I read too quickly.

Meanwhile, a reminder of THE most important event today.

Edinburgh YES South are holding a gathering/ demo/ event at the Inch Park, near the back of the Cameron Toll shopping centre today from 1-5pm.

Sounds like they have some good speakers, including the wee ginger dug.

More details and location map here link to


Fitba world cup
Surge in SNP membership
Broon intervention
Glasgow School of Art fire

This is uncanny – it’s like 2014 all over again.

If Germany win the world cup again that’s it.

Call off the referendum. 🙁


Always a good sign when the trolls are out early! 🙂
I detect panic in the unionist camp so they must be sensing the change as we are.

The door is now open…keep pushing! We cannot let our children grow up in a “Brexit Britain”

The vote is to win the RIGHT to shape our future instead of a right wing Westminstet doing it for their benefit. (…in reality for the benefit of a few puppet masters)

Calum McKay

How are the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and Scottish People supposed to trust an English tory uk government if tory mps do not trust Mrs May.

Incompetence, narrow minded Enlglish nationalism, division and being completely untrustworthy will bring down this vile uk government soon.

Bob Mack

Someone should investigate the Private Eye article which exposed the refusal of Glasgow School of Art to have fire retarded material and sprinklers installed. I think that deals with that issue accidental or not.I went to school and passed this building all of my formative years. It was beautiful

Apt cartoon Chris. Stable sand can become quicksand with just the right additive. In this case Tory arrogance and condescension.

Dorothy Devine

Luigi , do we not have to wait until the octopus speaks???

Marie Clark

Yes indeed Chris, the sands of time are running quite fast now. We are in the endgame.

[…] Wings Over Scotland The shifting sands Read the full article:: Wings Over Scotland The […]


@Socrates McSporran
At least you get the point! In this war of attrition with the system events like this, even if unconnected with politics, provide ammunition to the opponent.
On BBC this morning first voices Mundell and shadow Scottish arts spokeman, then Sturgeon.
Fires are not ‘acts of God’. They have an origin and cause. Last time there certainly appeared to be a cozy blurring of responsibility. This time there can be no such easy ride.
This is a major cultural tragedy. It makes us look incompetent and inept and the puir wee Scotland unionists will rejoice.
In politics timing is important this event, possibly arson, has a rather ‘Scottish defeat’ aura about it.
I’m blazing!

Dorothy Devine

Ottomanboi, absolutely agree someone is responsible for this and should be held to account. Definitely NOT allowed to be brushed under a convenient rug.

Incidentally there is some arse expressing an opinion on Ms Sturgeon’s first thoughts on the fire. Anyone capable of posting on the Independent – go get the eejit.


“Must be a floater”
“More like a ghosty” ( you know you’ve had one, but its disappeared when you look down, but you know its there)
Brilliant “toon” Chris.
Nice one.

Ian McCubbin

This is seriously funny.Well if funny can be serious.
I feel sorry for the decent journalists who work for these newspapers though.
I met a few in my time as a trade union lay official and they want to do decent reporting but Yoon editors and owners redo their work. Or worse reject it and tell them to spin it.


Dorothy. The octopus has long since been calamaried..

Bob Mack

My last post disappeared.

Glasgow School of Art according to Private Eye, declined to install sprinklers and fireproof material, but focused on the replacement of artefacts.

Cultural vandalism.

Sand + Tory arrogance equals quicksand. They will sink.


Great imagery Chris and very much a nail squarely hit on the head.


The sands of time are running out for the union. Spot on as usual Chris. Unfortunately my sense of humour has been crushed by the news from Glasgow about the School of Art.

It looks like it could be the absolute end of the Mac. Seriously moved to tears again.

Mrs X and I were just discussing how convenient the timing of this is for the british establishment – knocking the political boorach off the headlines JUST WHEN THEY NEED IT MOST.

Then I hear Mundell jumping in right away to offer “the broad shoulders” of the UK government to “do whatever’s needed” and my conspiracy theory radar goes off the scale.

You think the british establishment isn’t capable of something like this? I’d say think again. They know the Mac is close to the heart of Scotland. They know that another fire there would be headlines for days and even penetrate the world of Scottish politics, even knocking this REAL constitutional crisis that is the EU Withdrawal Bill right off the table.

Apparently Mundell was just visiting recently, not that I’m suggesting that has a bearing other than the GSoA may have been in his mind.

How, I ask myself could this have happened? Where was the site security? If the fire suppression system wasn’t yet operating why was there not a firewatch security team especially if the were a lot of flammable materials around, and judging from the speed and ferocity of the fire there must have been a lot.

So many questions.

It will be interesting to see how much coverage the Westminster crisis get over the weekend and in the Sunday papers. I suspect not very much now. How convenient.


Well stop spinning it and go and do sonething useful. Instead of trying to destroy people’s lives and the economy. Any so called journalist claiming sympathy is just a kop out. They are part of the problem and just as culpable. They are destroying their own industry and livelihoods. They are completely useless.and incompetent. Ignoramouses. Liars. Lowlifes. The only thing Sky get right is the time.

Working for non Dom tax evaders. Most of them should be in prison. Absolutely no integrety. Hacking and bribing public official at every turn. Destroying people’s lives. Politicians can be voted out. These so called ‘journalists’can’t. Just hide behind libel Laws controlling the justice system. They have brought their industry into disrepute and deserve to be held to account. Publishing a constant heap of lies. The public will sort them out put them out of their misery by not purchasing their nonsense. Most of these companies are heavily in debt, Tick tock. It is just a matter of time. Daily stuff and nonsense, Thank goodness for the internet.

Harry Shanks

I hope Ottomanboiisn’t suggesting that with the recent political events the firing of Glasgow School of Art could be Scotland’s Reichstag moment?

That’s a joke BTW



X sticks 9-20

Agree with you, the speed this fire moved at seems very un-natural, but its wait and see time. it will take up the entire Scottish news for a week or three, how convenient indeed. But must wait for the fire report.

Harry Shanks

Like Bob Mack, my last post disappeared too!

I was saying that I hopped that with this week’s political shenanigans from the Unionists, that the firing of Glasgow School of Art is not Scotland’s Reichstag moment!

I also added that it was a joke


Harry Shanks

2 attempts to post now which have both disappeared into the ether as soon as Submit is pressed


The old McIntosh Buikding is hardly used by students. It is kept as a monument for pre arranged guided tours, publicity etc. More administration purposes. There are only a few painting studios at the top. The new building across the road is predominately used for student activities. There are separate building elsewhere. The photography department is in a totally separate building. Adjacent. These students hardly ever use the main (Mack) buildings at all. There do have access.

Graduation ceremony is in the Glasgow uni facilities. Halls. Joint degree engineer and design students use Glasgow uni engineering depts. Design sector at GSA.

Harry Shanks

Inevitably all 3 posts have finally appeared – making me look like a complete Ross Thomson


Chick McGregor

Brilliant symbolism Chris.

And when there is no sand left for the self-deluding unionists to stick their head in …


During Indy Ref the White paper was released, on the Friday night a Helicopter crashed into the Clutha .

The SNP walk out of Westminister, SNP membership rockets on the Friday night the Art School is ablaze.


Patience is a virtue.


I feel more angry than saddened by art school second fire. Not to say I’m not devastated. Just that I am fizzing. It must be somebody’s incompetance.

Tinto Chiel

Chris, my only criticism would be that there is too much sand in the top of the egg-timer.

@X_Sticks: good post. Someone once said “Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness” and I would put nothing past the Tories.

I think, “How could this possibly happen again?” is an excellent question for the management of GSA. Over to you, Muriel.


Fred says:
16 June, 2018 at 7:30 am
Who said anybody was culpable, it’s a fire for Christsake!

Are you saying it was an Act of God!! ie lightning.

Fires are caused – someone is accountable but watch the great and the good asking for the begging bowl very soon. Twat Mundell quoted on the BBC (where else) that the Britisher Government will support the art school.
Is that other Britisher Muriel Grey still involved? If so she should consider her position. 2 major fires is just careless.- first time a report on sprinklers for the school was not taken up and we pay for it x 2. Hope the students work is ok as it seems to be worse than last time. At least no one was harmed.


surely the fire expert on baby cots could be brought in and give a resume why it happened. Has he been rehired?

Was it the wood? smokers? electrical fault? malicious? or as Fred earlier mentioned no one– it was a fire. 10/10 for observation right said fred.

The sands of time are running down for many today.


Excellent cartoon Mr Cairns.

I find myself nodding along to X_Sticks’s comment at 9.42 am.

For anyone interested I’ve posted links on previous thread.


The trustees of the art school should be sued. It’s a responsibility, not a perk or a cache.


starlaw says:
16 June, 2018 at 9:51 am
X sticks 9-20

Agree with you, the speed this fire moved at seems very un-natural, but its wait and see time. it will take up the entire Scottish news for a week or three, how convenient indeed. But must wait for the fire report.

Mibees aye, mibees naw. Don’t want to rush to conclusions, but the Mackintosh Library had lots of relatively fine section timber balustrades, and big open window wells across 2 or maybe 3 floors. (Long time since I was there). No compartmentisation to contain a fire whatsoever, and books and bookshelves everywhere. You really wouldn’t want to have a fire in there…

Please be aware, I absolutely do not condemn the design, and I can sympathise with those who want to stay faithful to the Mackintosh original design, because to introduce compartments would inevitably have a great impact on the ambiance of the place. This is NOT a normal library.

Sprinklers might have helped, especially reacting to the outbreak of fire quickly, but once those drafts and currents of hot air got established, then you have a real problem.

I would suggest it always has been at desperate risk from fire, but unfortunately, what you would need to suppress a fire would also suppress the flair and finesse of Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

My solution? Set aside some of the repair costs for a fire warden / watchman on every floor 24 – 7, but use the building as intended. Don’t make it an artefact… not yet anyway.

auld highlander

Are those two wee nyaffs mundell and leonard being buried under all that sand.

Grouse Beater

What a week, Chris, from the international front page success of the Westminster walkout to the fire ravaged Glasgow School of Art – poor storage of construction materials or arson?

Your essential weekend reading:

The Art School fire: link to
The death of the Union: link to
A truly crap horror film: link to

Lenny Hartley

2 major fires in westvend of Glasgow within months, possibility or arsonist at work.


Nobody has the faintest idea what caused the fire, the last one was down to a students foam container I believe. This could be anything from an electrical fault to a computer going on fire. A few years ago my microwave, not in use, went up in flames. Fortunately the house was occupied at the time. So haud the conspiracy theories till we actually know something, tragically it could be the end for the Mac!


The restoration is not even complete. Not finished. No students, admin in it. It was relatively empty.
Pics posted on the internet.

Could be insurance job.

Dorothy Devine

Haudonthenoo, noooooooooo!
It was representative of my only interest in fitba’ – apart from wonderful Iceland that is!

Dave McEwan Hill

If this is the end for Glasgow School of Art,and it might be, my distress is boundless. The four years I spent their were the four best years of my life, learning to draw and paint a bit and design stuff, to look in awe at the abilities evident even then of John Byrne and big Chuck Mitchell (RIP)cousin of Billy McNeil and learning that lassie’s bodies aren’t just for life drawing. I am in tears.


Great imagery there, Chris!

Time is definitely running out for their Union.

My only question is …. are we talking hour glass, or three minute egg timer? 😉

And so sad about the Art School. 🙁

Grouse Beater

Fred: “Nobody has the faintest idea what caused the fire.”

Very insightful. Read my report: link to


All elected political representative/public servants should have to retire by 70. To reflect the general public and society.

Archbishop of Dork

The Britnat Tories are as we know wilfully damaging Scotland economically and democratically. Why would they stop at that?

You don’t suppose that a second fire in four years at the prestigious School of Art is the Britnats doing a bit of Baedeker raiding?


Few GSA students use that building. There were a few painting studios. At the top. It is a monument for pre arranged guided tours, administration. Historical/culture premises. A large campus premises are elsewhere. Photography/video in a separate building. Adjacent down the road.. The new building across the road. Glasgow uni premises. Temporary premises were at the Tron. Now evacuated? Could be used again. If necessary.

It was still being restored. Relatively empty. It could be an insurance job. Liability. Some restoration and representation.

Robert Peffers

@Fred says: 16 June, 2018 at 7:30 am:

“Who said anybody was culpable, it’s a fire for Christsake!”

Aye! Fred, so it is – but then so is this one but not for the sake of Christ though!:-

link to

Scot Finlayson

I know Muriel Gray was in charge of GSA before the last fire but don`t know if she was kept on and is/was still in charge of the reconstruction,

the poor lassie must be devastated,

i know she was not for Scottish Independence and that she had a preference for Scotland to be ruled in London by the corrupt Westminster and was/is a Blairite,

but even i, who is no fan of her political choices ,do feel for the lass.


There are some serious nutters on here trying to conflate the fire at Glasgow School of Art with the SNP, the Tories, independence and unionism.

Get a life!


I really hope you’re right Chris, another good one.


Great toon, Chris, and good observation, Luigi, about the turd, hiding in the sand.

I find it incredible that folk aren’t more angry about the fire. Oh, no one is to blame, but we have yoons blaming SNP for the weather when ferries can’t run.

Unless it was spontaneous combustion, it’s negligence or arson. Try reading Grouse Beater, who had it nailed in 2016.

I also agree with x sticks, 48 hours after an incredible lift to the independence movement, picking up interest and momentum, this happens.

If you think the deep state is not capable of this, you are simply not paying attention. They are destroying any semblance of democracy, or a functioning economy, in full view of the public.


Ken500 says:

All elected political representative/public servants should have to retire by 70. To reflect the general public and society.

I tend to agree. Also, when it comes to power, control, decision making, and law making, our society operates inverse-ageism where the young get little say. Much is made of striving for gender balance, but what about age balance?

The young want Indy and EU membership. The future is theirs but it is being denied by their elders.

I haven’t looked at age balance across SNP legislators in detail, but it looks good with many young folks.

This can’t be said for every party and every legislature. Jeez, what must the average age of the House of Lords be!?

Archbishop of Dork

‘The union seems secure and not at all built on sand’ writes BBC Scotland Political Editor Sahara Smith.

Tinto Chiel

Perhaps significant then, Valerie @12.01, that Mundell, the normally disappearing Scotch Secretary/District Officer for Jockistan, is on the radio this morning offering help from the broad shoulders of the UK government after this dreadful fire.

Damn this cynical cast of mind, which I acquired in 2014.

Scot Finlayson


Everything that happens in Scotland or is about Scotland or it involves a Scottish person is seen through the binary politics of Patriot or Yoon,



Very sad regarding the Art School. It looks like it is completely gutted. It may be impossible to save what is left. If they rebuild it with the same facade and interiors let us hope they install fire prevention along the way. Incredible that this building has lasted so long with students, flammable materials, presumably gas lighting when they were first building back in 1897 and just about everybody smoking. Two fires in the last four years seems remarkably unfortunate. I do hope it wasn’t arson, that would be desperately philistine.


Arson is unfortunately, about the easiest crime to get away with. No one will ever know – an accident or just kids messing about.

It’s been a good week for nationalists – now this – the destruction of something beautiful, almost restored – it’s a sickener.

Destruction of cultural artefacts is a recognised psychological weapon – we saw it with the Taliban blowing up buddhist statues – we saw it with ISIS in Palmyra – we saw it with the Americans pulling down statues before their battle was even finished.

Our enemy take their signs and symbols very seriously – e.g. the recent royal wedding, then the trooping of the colour – it’s not done for their benefit, but for ours – to remind us to know our place. When it doesn’t go to plan they don’t like it – Lord Guthrie (a sellout Scot, flat in Mayfair, Harrow educated) fell off his horse – very symbolic – but it was barely mentioned.

Our enemy is well-capable of “psychological operations” – and burning a building would be nothing to them. But of course to even mention this makes us look like “paranoid conspiracy nutters” – not a good look.

Fires in Glasgow are quite common – housing developments nearing completion (- you bought your “security” from the wrong gangster clan) – old warehouses or pubs going up, usually insurance jobs.

There’s an old saying –

“once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action”

– to which I would add a corollary –

“if you wait for the third time, you’re an idiot”

Archbishop of Dork

Not content with beating the French at their own game of winemaking the Aussies are making a reasonable attempt at being better than the French at football.

Funny old world. Once unthinkable things can come to pass.
Maybe even Scotland can become independent again.

Scot Finlayson

@Archbishop of Dork

bit of a sand theme today,

bit of poetry sneaked in while Stu watches the fiba,

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ruth Davidson,Queen of Yoons;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Street Andrew

Is it really an hour glass. Or is it a time bomb…?

Robert Peffers

@Robert Louis says: 16 June, 2018 at 8:15 am:

” … The SNP need to no longer keep suggesting discussion and ‘talks’ with these people, instead it should be a policy of disrupt at every level for them.”

So! It’s SNP BAAAD! as usual then, Robert Louis?

” … Instead, The SNP and Scotgov need to be smart and manipulate events to show to the Scottish public just how craven and out of control the Westminster executive have become.”

Oh! Dear! And here was me thinking that was exactly what the FM, SG and SNP had been doing as a matter of course for years.

” … They must no longer ‘hope’ the media provide coverage of matters, because as we have seen the media was happy to completely black-out the Westminstef power grab, until the walk out happened.”

Whatever gave you the daft impression that the FM, SG or the SNP were under any illusions that the Westminster controlled SMSM, MSM, of either the papers, (on-line or off-line), or the broadcasters would ever give them a fair deal, Robert Louis?

The thing is that if they, (the FM, SG & SNP had adopted the tactics you seem to imagine would be successful then the entire UK and World ay large would have viewed the occurrence at the Westminster PMQs as, “Och! Yon’s jist thone crazy stupid Scottish Nationalist muckin up a’thin as usual.” and the event would have passed by without a mention or a passing thought.

It was only so highly successful because it was not the normal SNP at Westminster approach and that is where good tacticians core and over eager numpties get side-lined. If you want the perfect example of a faction adopting as normal tactics a never ending religious style liturgy of carping at a government doing a good job, then look no further at the extreme Scottish left-wing who have no elected to government representative but who constantly carp at every other party in Scotland. Why then, if their carping is turning voters away do they imagine their continual carping is a successful tactic?

” … If there is an election, the SNP manifesto needs to be a mandate for independence”.

That’s hilarious, Robert Louis, the entire raison dêtre of the SNP is independence for Scotland and it is to that end they work so hard to be the best by far government in the United Kingdom. Yet the SNP is a very broad church and has members with political views that cover almost the entire political spectrum from bright red to bright blue and everything in between. The only unifying thing about them all is the burning desire to free Scotland from Westminster.

If there is anyone in the British Isles that is not aware the SNP’s main manifesto pledge is independence then that person is either just arrived by star-ship or they are Earthlings with extremely dense brains.

If the SNP members at Westminster had been disrupting the proceedings as the norm the walk out would have gone unnoticed and unreported and you wouldn’t have had the opportunity of claiming SNP BAAAD! as usual.

Archbishop of Dork

Scot Finlayson@12:47

Yep, that says it. And I bet Shelley would have been sympathetic to Scottish independence.


Indy2 says:

The English being my number one enemy,

You can stick your Ethnic bigotry up your arse

Blair Paterson

I seeMr., Peffers is on the defence of the S.N.P. Again as us mortals who put up honest critisim about them are according to him always wrong well I have said it before I think he is a troll

Dan Huil

Sinking dunes for the stinking yoons


Aye, the time is fast running out for their union, in fact the quick sand is quickening, it’s at that point of the final shifting.

And their dirty footprints are all over it.

Nicely captured Chris, cheers.

The sands have already fallen through on the devolution timer.

Now is the time for this time next week.

Dr Jim

You may not like @Robert Peffers tone
but a Troll he is most certainly not


Robert Peffers has got it right, whatever the SNP’s plan is …its working, let them get on with it.


Meanwhile, Cairnstoon Hamish relaxes with a different timer:
link to

“…conservation of momentum and energy…”

Rather like Scotland’s Grassroots Yes! 🙂

Robert Peffers

@Blair Paterson says: 16 June, 2018 at 1:29 pm:

“I seeMr., Peffers is on the defence of the S.N.P. Again”

Aye! But that may just be because you seems to think I’m defending the SNP. The SNP don’t need defending as they are doing things correctly and I explained why they were correct.

Now consider why, in your particular mind set, you imagine I’m defending the SNP? Could it be that you are, like the rest of the yoonatics, always looking for the SNP BAAAAD! factor no matter how tenuous that factor might be?

The point being that if the SNP elected representatives had been behaving in the manner you consistently urge then to act then the walk-out would have just been dismissed as, “Those nutcase nationalists are at it again”, and the matter hardly even mentioned.

It is a bit like a spoiled child in a large family. If one of the other, well behaved, children does something spiteful there are real concerns there is something wrong. If the spoiled brat does something spiteful, like throwing teddy out of the pram, it’s “Ach! Wee Wullie is at it again”, and no one worries because that is the norm.

Whether you like it or not the SNP are playing a blinder and subsequent results prove the point. Furthermore, it now gives the SNP MPs Carte blanche to use the Westminster arcane practices against Westminster because wee Bercow has crossed the line and been seen by the whole World as the spiteful wee arrogant arse we all knew him to be in the first place.

They can hardly complain now if the SNP members, for example talk out anything that any unionist party is trying to get done. After all the SNP were talked out and that is what caused the walk out. Nor can Bercow now get away by NOT calling on an SNP member to speak – everyone will be paying special attention on that score now. Then there is the ploy of not taking interventions and just keep on talking to waste Westminster’s time.

It’s been used against the SNP and no one can complain when the same is done in retaliation. However, if it had been the SNP who began such tactics the boot would be on the other foot.

So why was it, again, you were urging the SNP to go on the attack over the past – how long is it again? Weeks? Months?

Yet you accuse me of being a Troll?

Nah! Blair – I’ve got your number.


Did not the witch from the Wizard of Oz Westminster have a sand-timer like that like.

Remember the scene from the movie, my pretty…

Class in a glass.


Alike Newton’s cradle, maybe that’s what we got to try and do to help the fearful, it’s making that CONNECTION and IMPACT of the many benefits with, to and for iScotland.

Theresa’s cradle only has one ball.

But it’s a wrecking ball.

Robert Peffers

@Dr Jim says: 16 June, 2018 at 1:33 pm:

“You may not like @Robert Peffers tone
but a Troll he is most certainly not.

Thing is, Dr Jim, I didn’t accusing them of being trolls, or anything else for that matter except for being over eager to criticise the FM, SG and SNP of acting against the best interests of Scotland.

We have more than enough yoonatics and their, (cough!), “British”, Security Services, “British”, Civil Servants and “British”, armed forces Brigades paid to do that and, of course, the Scottish branch offices and accountancy units of the, (cough!), British, political parties already.

Without the generous help of so called Indy supporters who imagine themselves far better informed and qualified than professional SNP legal teams and lifelong party officials and politicians and that includes, (arguably), one of the finest political thinkers in the modern World the trained lawyer who is our First Minister and leader of the SNP.

Anyway. one of the first things that a Troll will do on being outed is to accuse their outer of being a Troll. I’m not even accusing them of that. I’m accusing them only of being far too ready, on an open forum, to criticism of the SG and SNP who are demonstrably doing a really wonderful job of not only governing Scotland far better than it has ever been governed during my eighty odd years as a Scottish person. They do so as the most challenged government, either pre or post devolution in the history of the United Kingdom.

Even a Labour government at both Westminster and Holyrood could not hold a candle to the SNP Holyrood administration. Yet these people claiming to be Yes supporters are like greyhounds out of traps at any opportunity to yell SNP BAAAD!

They cannot shake off their, (usually), left wing socialist, shackles. I call it the Sillars’ syndrome. Wee Henry suffers from it too – I fear he denniswill still be sitting on the fence while the rest of Scotland is celebrating independence day.

Of course the political spectrum depends upon your perspective. It you are Genghis Khan then Hitler is a left wing extremist and Jacob Rees-Mogg a right wing extremist with Mrs Thatcher a moderate. ;-))

Joking aside if the SNP MPs had been doing what these over eager Wingers wanted them to do there would have been no impact when the walked out. If you are going to play a system at its own game you have to act as if you are swinging with the system or you will just be the irritant trouble-maker. Let me indicate just such a long serving parliamentarian who has long been treated in that manner.

Dennis-Skinner, who also was ordered from the Commons by Bercow but who is treated by the Commons more as a lovable rogue than a serious disruptive member. If you recall the SNP, correctly, on becoming the third largest party at Westminster took up the seats allocate for the third party. Unfortunately one of those seats was the one that had been Dennis’ normal chosen seat but was not now allocated to Labour.

The house rallied behind Dennis and the media ran with the story for weeks, (well that and the commons MP’s fear of getting the clap from the SNP). Are you getting the point now? If your normal behaviour is always bad then when you attempt to buck the system the system shrugs its shoulders and ignores it.

Robert J. Sutherland

Indy2 @ 13:00,

What blinkered drivel are you spouting now? The Glasgow School of Art is a precious national resource that belongs to us all, not to some supposed coterie of your own crazed anti-intellectual invention.

(Dear readers, refer to the FM’s comments for a typically sympathetic and rational response.)


The Wizard of Westminster.
Cast of characters chancers:

– John Bercow plays the (fake) wizard.
– Theresa May plays the wicked witch (as herself)
– Jeremy Corbyn plays the scarecrow (needs a brain)
– Vince Cable plays the lion (nae courage)
– David Mundell plays the tin-man (needs a heart)

There’s no place like HOME.

iScotland coming soon.


The wide and level sands lay all around . . .


Tried to post this ages ago but it has disappeared.

Luigi Everybody knows you can’t polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter. This might be the treatment you were thinking of.


@indy2 1.00pm.

I’m afraid your utterings will not convert any soft No voters to our cause.

Indeed if your views are indicative of how an independent Scotland would look, I would have to re-think my lifelong ambition for independence, as would others. You bring nothing meritorious to the debate.


Much comment has been made re government assistance from Holyrood and/or WM re re-building of the GSA.

I am surprise that no mention has been made of Insurance.

Surely we are not going to be told that there was no Fire Insurance cover in place.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi gus1940.

See the comment I made a wee while ago…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Footsoldier.

I’m pretty certain that the commenter of which you typed, has an agenda, which has nothing to do with achieving independence for Scotland – rather the opposite, ie to turn soft No/Yes off with ethnic bigotry.

Dave McEwan Hill

Indy2 at 1pm

This post strikes a new low even for the pathetic trolls on this site.


Just heard on a guest tv that Croatia have a couple of Wingers in there.

Gaun yerselves Croatia.

Wingers at the World Cup!


The team wae the Wingers WIN!

Croatia 🙂


Karaoke’n’ it UP in the City of Glasgow.

Did Patrick’s, She’s Like the Wind furra 1st time.

Ahm too early for main thread like.

Like laters.


Singing on Glasgow’s Cosmopol.

One has hope on Hope St.

8pm till late.

Mon in.

Party gaun on.

William AYE.

Laces in.

Laces out.

Ask Jim like.



Eh, aye, so… to get back on topic.

100,000+ grains of sand remaining to go…

To Bannockburn.


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