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Wings Over Scotland

The (same) old scoreboard

Posted on July 10, 2013 by

We’ve spoken before of the difficulty of empirically demonstrating anti-independence bias in the Scottish and UK media, because of the relative rarity of directly comparable situations. So today we’re pleased to see one of them present itself.


Michael Gray of National Collective recently visited Scandinavia and did a nice bit of journalism, securing quotes from a number of senior Danish politicians to the effect that an independent Scotland’s membership of the EU would be “a mere formality” and that the subject was “a non-issue”.

Good news. But how does it help us illustrate media bias?

To its credit, the Herald picks up the story this morning with a prominent piece by Robbie Dinwoodie entitled “Danish interviews contradict Better Together’s EU claims”. As yet, we haven’t seen the quotes reported anywhere else.

But what happened earlier this year when a very similarly-ranked politician from another small European nation – Latvia – put forward the opposing view, that EU membership for Scotland would be less straightforward to achieve?

“Independent Scotland ‘would have to apply from scratch to join EU'”

“A third European foreign minister has told the BBC an independent Scotland would have to apply for EU membership.”
(BBC, one of several articles and broadcasts)

“Yes vote means reapplying to EU, says Latvia’s foreign minister”
(Daily Record)

“Independent Scotland would have to apply to EU”

“An independent Scotland would have to do a lot of negotiating”
(The Independent)

“Yes vote for Scotland ‘means reapplying to EU'”

“Latvian minister says independent Scotland would have to apply to join EU”
(The Courier)

So, that’s a pretty straightforward impartiality ratio of, er, 7-1 so far (leaving aside the actual content of some of the reporting in the above stories, some of which also left a little to be desired in terms of neutrality).

We’ll be keeping our eye on the newswires today to see if any more coverage of Gray’s findings crops up. Do let us know if you spot any.

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If the beeb covered it we would know the sky had fallen in due to little green men attacking with daleks.
An opportunity for some to try to show a little bit of quasi-neutrality. If they do not then this may come back in advertising towards the vote. A good argument to use on bias. With no comeback.

Geoff Huijer

Sums it up really…
and on YouGov when I commented on the 4-1 bias on the
recent Question Time I was amazed to see that some people
still thought that the bias was in favour of the SNP! Don’t ask me why.
(Neatly ignoring my point that it’s not about just the SNP).
Some people will deny the facts even when they stare them in the face.
Others, however, will see this kind of article as an eye-opener when
reposted… Thanks.

Paul Martin

Michael Gray has put the majority of the Scottish media to shame by the simple expedient of asking questions and getting answers. No wonder Kenny Farquharson has been recently dismissing them as mere creatives who should keep out of his domain (words to that effect).
Well done Michael Gray. Well done National Collective.

Doug Daniel

It’s funny how the BBC hasn’t given us any quotes from ministers from the Nordic countries (and I believe the Dutch have also made positive sounds regarding Scottish EU membership, but don’t quote me on that one). It’s almost as if they’ve only picked the ones that can be selectively quoted to make EU membership sound difficult.
Perish the thought, obviously.
Anyway, it’s good to see Danes saying what most of us here have been saying all along – that EU members have absolutely no reason to not want Scotland in the EU, and that membership would be a mere formality since we already comply with the Copenhagen Criteria and the Acquis Communautaire.

Paul Martin – “No wonder Kenny Farquharson has been recently dismissing them as mere creatives who should keep out of his domain (words to that effect).”

That’s very interesting, considering Kenny was full of praise for them a few months ago.

Bill C

This is a quality piece Rev and illustrates why “Wings” is so important to the movement for Scottish self determination.  Once again, thanks.


People like Lord Foulkes feel any report or interview panel is biased towards the SNP if the the SNP position is articulated by anyone reagrdless of numbers of people putting an opposing view. Any oxygen of publicity towards a Yes vote is contested vigorously on the grounds that people shouldn’t hear stuff like that (or something).


a very similarly-ranked politician
Not, I expect, in the BBC’s eyes. The Latvian one was a Foreign Minister, the most similar Danish politician was a spokesman on foreign affairs for one of the coalition parties. Not exactly the same, therefore no bias. 😉

Robert Kerr

Why is there no longer a link to National Collective on WoS?
Genuine concern
Hail Alba


Any oxygen of publicity towards a Yes vote is contested vigorously on the grounds that people shouldn’t hear stuff like that (or something).
The BBC has to be impartial and should not be persuading anyone to vote any particular way. Putting forward the Yes message would clearly persuade people to vote Yes, so they shouldn’t do it. No such danger exists with broadcasting the No scare stories, so they’re safe.

John Lyons

I don’t think Foulkes believes his own claims of bias in favour of the SNP, I think it’s just bluff and bluster to keep the pressure on the BBC to limit SNP airtime as much as possible.
Or am I crediting him with more intelligence than he has?

Colin Dunn

Hmm. I await the BBC “Scotland warned that only Denmark supports Scottish application to join EU and NATO” story later today.

Paul Martin

Hi Doug – just his recent tone:
Kenny Farquharson ?@KennyFarq 27 Jun
To be clear, I’m hugely interested in how politics/art interact but I’m not at all interested in artists’ view of #indyref currency debate.
Kenny Farquharson ?@KennyFarq 27 Jun
@WeAreNational More posters, less posturing.
Kenny Farquharson ?@KennyFarq 27 Jun
Can someone please explain to me why views of, ugh, ‘creatives’ are more important in #indyref than views of teachers, nurses, draymen, etc?


Why on earth do people encourage Kenny F in his belief that his views are of any significance by constantly repeating them and discussing them. I am at a loss. Just ignore the tosser FFS.

Doug Daniel

John Lyons – no, I suspect you’re quite right. Which, to be honest, makes it even worse – it’s one thing to be a ranting bampot who shouts “BIAS!!!” wrongly, but it’s quite another to deceitfully claim bias towards your opponents when you know fine your side is the recipient of the bias.
Paul Martin – interesting. Kenny was definitely one of the original trumpeters of National Collective. Clearly they’ve became a bit too much of a threat for his liking. I suspect they’ll be at the same place on his Christmas Card list as the Rev…

Hairy Beastie.

Humorous to note, of late, the complete lack of the formerly ‘regular European updates’ from cheery wee Raymond Buchanan.

I would imagine the words ‘Hi, I’m from BBC Scotland and I’m looking for an interview with your foreign minister on Scottish membership of the EU’ is now greeted with a rough approximation of ‘go away; we have seen how you’ve misquoted other senior politicians around Europe.’ And I say a rough approximation, because there would be more swearing.

The media is clearly biased in my view. Have you seen that speech by Craig Murray where he reads out a list of headlines used by the BBC? He could have gone on for his whole speech if he’d extended that to the print media.


The BBC only asks the question to those they know will give the answer which suits London.
The Danes are correct.Our continueing membership will be a mere formality because that’s what suits everyone.Throwing Scotland out and telling us to re-apply from scratch would cause far too many problems and expense for them to even contemplate doing such.And for what gain to them ? None what so ever.
Everythings in place all ready.Sure,there will be a bit of haggling over the fine detail.And its important we take time and get things right.But our membership will continue while discussions take place.
Some people would like us to think Europe will make things hard for Scotland.Thats not my experience from the many Europeans I’ve come across.They’ve always shown me friendship and respect.


This high level BBC bias against Scottish independence would make a brilliant PhD study for someone. The material is oiut there, it’s a goldmine that just needs to be quantified and analysed.  It just needs proper funding (SG?) and an objective mind.

Tom Hogg

This is embarrassing for Scotland’s so called mainstream media. In the nicest possible sense, Michael’s pieces from Iceland and Denmark haven’t exactly been Pulitzer Prize material.  The fact that he’s been able to go and chap on folks’ doors, ask them basic questions and get simple answers really shows up the rest of the media as parochial parasites feeding off their mates and the whispers of the Scottish establishment.
PS, I saw Cochrane in Poundland in the St James Centre this morning. No idea what he was buying but he seemed to struggle with paying. Hard times at the Telegraph apparently.


Tom Hogg,
No idea what he was buying but he seemed to struggle with paying
Saving up for his chopper exit in 2014


Cochers in poundland? Was he puzzled at the pricing structure?

Kenny Campbell

Cockers shouts as he leaves the shop “Aye they’ll be nae Poundland if you lot vote YES”…….

john king

“Cockers shouts as he leaves the shop “Aye they’ll be nae Poundland if you lot vote YES”…….”
fit aboot three chickens an a goatland?


Good bye Royal Mail.


As Craig Murray says
The BBC and its media cohorts, are the new “Hammer of the Scots”
The question is whether they will hammer us into oblivion,through their lies or hammer us into shape, through our determination for independence hopefully the latter prevails.


“EU members have absolutely no reason to not want Scotland in the EU, and that membership would be a mere formality”
Budget rebate, anyone?

Jamie Arriere

I would have mixed thoughts about this story reaching the MSM – yes, it is a voice showing a more relaxed attitude to Scotland maintaining its EU status, but it will only be mentioned alongside the already distorted statements from the other countries they used before.
If only Michael Gray could do a ‘Fake Sheikh’ and get it on camera from the horse’s mouth of a big player (ideally in London!)


What’s that got to do with anything?  As I understand it, the EU would lose out financially if we were not allowed in.  The loss of our fisheries to the CFP, for example, would be worth far more than our pro-rata budget rebate. 


Currywurst; most EU members pay their dues and get various payments from the EU. The UK has this rebate thingy, pays less in and gets NOTHING back. It’s not really such a great bargain and I’d happily do without it in exchange for EU funds to upgrade our infrastructure, etc.


What Jiggsboro says about ‘equality’ in the various foreign (subjectively reported) ministeriel soundbites may be true, or not true, we can only compare it to the fact that ‘anything’ said by ‘anyone’ that makes it appear as if that is the main ‘fact’, that there are ‘difficulties’ ‘time restraints’ ‘have to reapply for EU membership” as opposed to renegotiate as a country with a new Government responsible for all of Scotland looking to ‘continue’ in the EU which will simply not be reported as widely as a haverer spouting off, or a misinterpretation of say the position Ireland holds on the same subject.
It is whether or not people are feeling a bit insulted at this pretty early stage about being told we won’t have stamps, mobiles nuclear weapons (that one is true) etc if we dare vote Independence…….I have witnessed a few people getting fed up with negativity spruced up, given a summer hat and then paraded on a gala day as being worthy of reporting and that will matter over the next year……….poker players shouldn’t bluff at all times, and better together and the british establishment have pushed credibility of their barrage of utter pish too far already.
The good thing is that in an effort to enjoy their unlevel playing field with the media in cahoots, the unionist side will not learn a single thing… is what they do and it is this belligerent attitude that made the media and westminster based politicians in Scottish versions of their parties (and their London bosses) fail to have a finger at all on the Scottish voter pulse in 2011………a spectacular miscalculation.
Long may it continue!


I would imagine the words ‘Hi, I’m from BBC Scotland […] is now greeted with a rough approximation of ‘go away; we have seen how you’ve misquoted other senior politicians around Europe.’
LOL – massively overstating the visibility of this issue, and BBC Scotland, around the corridors of European power methinks.


What Jiggsboro says about ‘equality’ in the various foreign (subjectively reported) ministeriel soundbites may be true, or not true,
It’s an objective fact. Its truth is hardly open to debate. The two are not equivalent. Whether the BBC would actually use that as their excuse is another matter. What is demonstrably not true is “the fact that ‘anything’ said by ‘anyone’…will simply not be reported as widely as a haverer spouting off“. That’s your subjective view and that sort of exaggeration is exactly what they use to brush off claims of bias. They find someone whose claim about an instance of bias is clearly ill-founded and use that to dismiss all claims about the instance. They rely on people complaining immediately, when they’re angry – and so more prone to hyperbole and less focused – so they can dismiss complaints as the ‘green ink’ brigade. You need to back-up your calm, measured complaint with facts and empirical evidence…the difficulty of which is where we came in.

Bill McLean

Stop calling them BBC Scotland – they are British, they do broadcast and they are a corporation – but they are not in any way Scottish. Call them what they are “THe Pacific Quay Ministry of Propaganda”!


Well if the unionist media won’t report this initiative by National Collective, then time for W.O. S. readers to do their bit and forward this article exposing the media bias to all our contacts.
Also forward a link to the Herald article.


“The loss of our fisheries to the CFP, for example, would be worth far more than our pro-rata budget rebate. ”
So? The rest of the EU simply applies the letter of the existing treaties and says “You can enter – as a new state.” That way, they continue to access the fish and we lose our share of the UK rebate.
Funny how Salmond never mentions that.


“Currywurst; most EU members pay their dues and get various payments from the EU. The UK has this rebate thingy, pays less in and gets NOTHING back.”
Er, this is false, as you could have found out by typing “EU funded projects in uk” into any search engine.
Furthermore, if “independent” Scotland is going to be so “wealthy” (at least according to the in-this-case-dodgy measure of per cap GDP), then why would the EU provide any funding for anything in Scotland?


If you want out of Europe why not campaign for that after Independence? There are others out there who share your view. Otherwise, what exactly is your point?


I don’t want out of Europe.
My point is that the SNP, and people here, have claimed that EU membership for an “independent” Scotland would be “automatic” and a “formality”.
Quite clearly it would not, since a large number of EU Member States would have political and financial interests in making it a matter of entry as a new state.
Why do the SNP pretend that it isn’t so?


@ Currywurst
Any evidence to support your point?

Caroline Corfield

is the large number actually the number one, and is it likely to be the ‘successor’ state of rUK? Assuming that is what happens. Because I simply see no financial reasons for countries within the EU to block or make it difficult for an energy rich country with fishing fields within it’s territorial waters, a net surplus of agricultural output and a diverse background of tourism, world class research facilities, high tech industries, etc. etc. etc. (i often refer to it as whisky, wind and weir pumps for shorthand) to join what is a economic collective with some finacial issues. Every little helps said the old woman as she peed in the sea ( one of my mother’s saying). In whose interest, exactly, would it be, to give those in an independent Scotland who want out of the EU, ammunition?

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