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Wings Over Scotland

The prisoner

Posted on February 01, 2020 by

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  1. 01 02 20 07:56

    The prisoner | speymouth

1239 to “The prisoner”

  1. jimnarlene says:

    Oh the irony of using a Traveler.

  2. Reuben74 says:

    Encapsulates fully the past few weeks. Brilliant assessment of the situation Chris.

  3. Robert Louis says:

    Excellent cartoon. The racist little Englander brexiteers giving the finger, not only to the EU, Europe and the civilised world, but importantly to democracy.

    Scotland is England’s prisoner. God help us all.

  4. Craig Evans says:


  5. The Gillies says:

    Said it before – Indipendance was never ,ever given ! It had to be fought for !

  6. Rm says:

    Typical Westminster want their cake and eat it, Real Scots will start putting up more of a fight, down south they don’t understand the Scottish mentality, Nicola Sturgeon is a great leader a caring person who’s looking after Scotland’s people in her way, what we need is another wing of more radical thinking MSPs to lead the People who are up for more marching, meetings etc, etc, I don’t think the Leadership understand the strength of feeling after yesterday’s speech, Joanna Cherry has a different approach and she’s maybe the one to lead a more politically radical part of the SNP MSPs and MPs the Greens might put someone in and be good to try and get a Labour MSP their must be a few of them swithering. Start meetings with Northern Ireland they voted to stay, the Scottish Government have to start pushing or they’ll loss everything they’ve built up these last years, nothing lasts for ever.

  7. Fillofficer says:

    So now we are brexited, I’d like to thank the folks from milngavie & bearsden for enabling it by electing the vile Swinson, who’s ego prevented the coalition from bringing down bojo.
    Ironic that we have been taken out against our will, aided by an affluent Glasgow suburb.
    I’m gutted

  8. ahundredthidiot says:

    what a hangover I have this morning! – I reckon I will feel great in the short term, maybe 4 months or so, then the fear will start, headaches, joint pain…….and around December I will check my wallet!!!

  9. Reluctant Nationalist says:

    Sad cock.

  10. RenateJ says:

    Looks like the near side rear wheel is already coming off!

  11. stuart mctavish says:

    Poor Nicola/ Scotland.
    But with 628 minutes on the clock and counting, who is really doing the driving here?

  12. manandboy says:

    Superb, Chris.

    Hamish as the reluctant child of John Bull, with no say in where he is taken.

    I remember trips like that.

  13. kapelmeister says:

    John Bull’s auld banger isn’t going fast. A kick of those back doors and Hamish is out and back to his Euro friends.

  14. RenateJ says:

    Maybe it’s the weight of all the Scottish assets bending the near side rear wheel’s axle. Not sure how far it will get.

  15. Athanasius says:

    If this were Ireland, nobody would be wearing a British uniform. Nobody would join the police, the army or the civil service. Scots can’t shy away from bitterness and division anymore. You’re going to have to go through it to get your country back.

  16. John Jones says:

    Still smarting from yesterday, I don’t fully blame Nicola, it’s all the numpty advisers at her back, she only carries the blame for listening to them.
    We will still be pushing for Indy, probably harder then ever due to the anger of our sweeties having been snatched away.
    What is going to happen about the flag having been taken down?
    It has to have been an illegal act and who was responsible?
    Sounds like we’ll have to put it back up and mount vigils to protect it from yoon idiots.

  17. Famous15 says:

    Want confirmation of BBC bias.

    Look at their online article on Scotland leaving the EU.

    Anti Brexiteers and independence supporters photographs mid shot BUT manky jaiket Union Johnny is a wonderful dynamic close shot but only five people in shot. The BBC photographer deserves an award for the best photo which proves the camera CAN lie.

    This morning am I sad? Well not really because if the wish for independence was overwhelming nothing could stop it. How do we let the peoples of Scotland realise they are being deluded? I suspect watching the Bojo negotiations might just make some realise we are an asset ripe for stripping. Though HS2 makes me wonder.

    I will fight on politically but not physically as I suspect the Tories would wish us to do.


  18. Effijy says:

    How sick I feel as each pathetic quasi Morris Dance tells the BBC it’s
    Great to have our sovereignty back.

    I want my county’s sovereignty back too and it has nothing to do with
    Little Englanders or Westminster

  19. Joemcg says:

    I feel Nicola should be in the passenger seat Chris. Schoolboy error.

  20. Ottomanboi says:

    And Hamish is screaming…THREE YEARS WASTED!
    Got the message now Nicola?
    THIS MEANS WAR! as we ‘extremists’ say.

  21. Ottomanboi says:

    Irish nationalism, by its assertiveness, was a thorn in the side of the British for centuries and the wound, in NI, still pains.
    Scottish nationalism, by comparison, seems a collection of little pricks.
    No fight, no gain.
    This surely must mark the watershed…no more armchair nationalism.

  22. Breeks says:

    Rm says:

    1 February, 2020 at 8:09 am
    “….Joanna Cherry has a different approach and she’s maybe the one to lead a more politically radical part of the SNP MSPs…”

    Joanna Cherry strikes me as the living embodiment of Scottish Government… she knows there is a legal and Constitutional way out of this mess, but when she tries to lead with those punches, it doesn’t resonate with the stubborn headstrong leadership which has one plan and one plan only, for a democratic solution, and is deaf, dumb, and blind to all deviation from that plan.

    We don’t need Joanna Cherry spending her resources trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear, and trying to cobble together a cohesive Sovereign argument for a referendum through a colonial agreement like the Scotland Act. What a waste of her talent. We need Joanna Cherry cut loose from the whole mindset of a Devolved Government, and approaching Scotland’s subjugation as an outraged Constitutional Barrister who draws all her strength from Scotland’s National and Sovereign Constitution and the independent integrity of Scots Law.

    We need Joanna Cherry fighting the existential Constitutional Court Case which Scotland should have been fighting in 1707, to demolish the sham of a Union and absurd contrivance of a “Convention” of Sovereignty. The Union cannot be constitutionally competent, that’s why Westminster needs the fudge of a “Convention” of Sovereignty.

    Instead, we have those essential Constitutional fundamentals and principles masked by the dog’s breakfast of Westminster’s unwritten Constitution, confused further by ham fisted and constitutionally misguided legislation of Devolution and Devolved Power, and most lately, the “reeling in” of Westminster’s baited hook, the removal of power from Holyrood being the slight of hand sophistry whereby Scotland buckles under the weight of misguided belief that Westminster can overrule Scottish Sovereignty. And my, haven’t we made it easy for them?

    Don’t let us dwell on Catalonia or Ireland seeing their dreams fulfilled ahead of us. Both Ireland and Catalonia would sell their grandmother to have a 14th Century Declaration of Sovereignty and Independence, given all accordant International Recognition appropriate to its day, and further ratified emphatically and unequivocally by a ruling English monarch who declared Scotland “…separate in all things from the kingdom of England, whole, free, and undisturbed in perpetuity, without any kind of subjection, service, claim or demand”.

    Our sovereign independence is NOT contingent on any referendum or article of Westminster sophistry. That is a LIE. All Scotland requires is a Constitutional Test Case to pit the legitimacy of Scotland’s Sovereign DNA and validated Constitutional birth certificate versus the “Sovereign Convention” of Westminster’s assumed sovereignty. Succeed in that, and the roguish deception of the Treaty of Union will collapse.

    If Joanna Cherry won’t lead us in this charge, then we must find ourselves a champion of Scottish Law and Constitution who will.

    Europe is surely primed and ready to embrace such Constitutional initiative, and I rather suspect there few former Colonies of Britain’s Empire who will mourn the disintegration of their Colonial abuser. It’s not a question of who will recognise Scotland, I’m struggling to make much of a list about who won’t. Look at the EU singing Auld Lang Syne! A Scottish Anthem they were singing to us! Look at their faces too when Farage was waving his pathetic wee Union Dick. Do you honestly think Europe would not extend Scotland International Recognition?

    Joanna Cherry has twice reeled in Westminster and brought them to heel. The whole vitality of the forlorn attempts to revoke Article 50 was only possible from Joanna Cherry (and friends) Case brought through the Court of Session and Europe. The reversal of Boris Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament was yet again Joanna Cherry skilfully wielding the power of Scots Law to sidestep the UK Supreme Court and hold the UK Prime Minster answerable to Scots Law and Scotland’s Court of Session. Two shots, two goals. Scotland’s Constitution can kick Westminster’s arse.

    This woman is dynamite. Name me ANY other person since 1707 who has forced the slippery United Kingdom Government to codify any element of it’s uncodified and unwritten constitution. Well our Joanna Cherry did it.

    I want to see Joanna Cherry cut loose to pursue the injustice of Scotland’s acknowledged Constitutional Sovereignty being supplanted by the fake “convention of sovereignty” of the 1707 Union. As I say, the case Scotland should have fought in 1707 had they been able.

    Don’t forget, England in 1707 was a military superpower which wasn’t shy about throwing it’s weight around and bullying its way to supremacy. Perhaps Scotland couldn’t even try in 1707, and perhaps would have found few willing friends brave enough for International Recognition in 1707, but this is 2020, and frankly, I don’t expect Brexited England under Boris the Despot will be threatening anybody.

    We should do this. We should do this without delay. I don’t get replies when I write to Joanna Cherry, but I believe in my bones, it’s the direction we need to go and go fast, all guns blazing.

  23. Abulhaq says:

    A view of those making the roadmap for our nation’s future.
    link to
    Alban am byth!

  24. Frank Gillougley says:

    post 2014 – ‘scotland a cadaver’
    yesterday – ‘scotland a desert’
    Heres a (albeit very brit-centred and non-scottish) condemnatory overview by Ian McEwan of the last six years of political travel well worth a reading just to remind ourselves what we are hostage to (never mind the hapless SNP)
    I really shouldn’t care anymore.
    link to

  25. Scott says:

    We are all gutted and Cris that says it all,even with a referendum say YES we know what Westminster will do,we only have to look at this below and nothing is done.

    link to

    What is the International court doing about it,nothing and our MSM should be all over it but no they are all lackeys of London.

  26. Republicofscotland says:

    Good one Chris, that just about sums it up.

    Meanwhile hats off to the National newspaper, for putting Stu’s relevant points of view across in the paper. James Kelly of Scot Goes POP also has a column broadly agreeing with the Rev, that Sturgeon was too cautious and blew our chance of a exit of the union sooner than later.

    Several folk in the SNP hierarchy just don’t understand Sturgeons persistent attempts to hold out for the gold standard referendum, when the Tories will just continue to say no, especially if the pro-indy figure rises higher than it is now.

    To do nothing and hope that Johnson changes his mind is not an option now. Even Patrick Harvey has insisted that a indyref must be held this year.

    James Kelly’s comment in the National points out there is a route out of this union, albeit a difficult one, is the option of just sitting back and waiting, (years maybe) for the Tories to change their minds and say okay have your indyref, but not until we’ve weakened Holyrood to the point that its ineffectual, really the best way forward? I think not.

    Sturgeon should just admit she got it wrong and embrace a Plan B, I’d think more of her, and I’m sure others would to if she did that.

    There is no gold standard referendum when you’re dealing with Boris Johnson.

    The SNP has furiously denied that they’ve spent the indyref2 funds on campaign elections. But SNP sources claimed that the ringfenced funds were used in winning seats.

  27. dakk says:

    Nailed it perfectly Chris.

    All the fake fond farewells projected on the White Cliffs were really giving the Krauts and Frogs the finger.

    Easy to see right through the ‘british’.

    Not nice, including the ‘nice’ liberal/socialist ones.

    Who knew?


  28. Famous15 says:

    The Daily Mail (Albuhaq 9.49) outdid the BBC in their photy of Manky Jaikit Union Johnny.

    The photo looks like thousands of UJ wavers in George Square but closer inspection of the photo shows about seven people and the froth from the spurting champagne bottle shoogled up by Johnny making it looks like thousands of people, Now THAT is how you make a camera lie.

  29. manandboy says:

    The first day after leaving the European Union and it is clear that England is deeply divided, and that the two sides are so far apart and so totally incompatible, that Johnson’s ‘coming together’ is incredibly feeble and unrealistic.

    Another day of ‘Government by Soundbite’, composed by Dominic Cummings and narrated by the Tory Stooge and Bullingdon Club favourite, Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson PM.

    England, dizzy and unsteady and not a little confused by the rites of leaving the EU, now steps out in complete isolation onto political black ice.

    It must be very doubtful that PMJohnson will stay on his feet for very long, before his first slip betrays his insecurity and lack of support.

    The sooner the better.

  30. Ian Foulds says:

    Well said Breeks at 9.41 am.

    With you all the way!

  31. Papko says:

    Athanasius says:
    “1 February, 2020 at 8:56 am
    If this were Ireland, nobody would be wearing a British uniform. Nobody would join the police, the army or the civil service.”

    When did this happen? You are aware that 60000 Irishmen were serving in the British Army at the time of the Easter rising in 1916?

    There was a reason the Connaught Rangers were not used to subdue it.

  32. Dan says:

    Poor Hamish, for a Nation Region of supposed animal lovers we don’t half treat him badly.

    And on that note…

    Perception is everything they say. How does this look to you?

    link to

    link to

  33. Republicofscotland says:

    Reading the Yessers comments on Sturgeons speech yesterday, in the National newspaper today, many are very disappointed by it.

    One in particular caught my eye by a Mr Riddock. Which I think summed it it up.

    “Posterity, will refer to it as her “Rivers of Pish” speech.”

  34. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    “Want confirmation of BBC bias. Look at their online article on Scotland leaving the EU.
    Anti Brexiteers and independence supporters photographs mid shot BUT manky jaiket Union Johnny is a wonderful dynamic close shot”

    That @Famous15 says at 9:00 am should be a scandal

    Right after Holocaust Memorial week the BritNat Press celebrating Brexit using the image of a high profile Holocaust denying Unionist!

    These fuckers have no shame.

    They are defending ‘The Precious’ in line with their Royal Charter!

  35. Abulhaq says:

    @Famous 15
    George Sq. mostly froth and camera angles.
    London’s Parliament Sq. aka The Farage Biergarten, unfortunately, all too real.
    However, the higher they get on this stuff, the worse the withdrawal symptoms.
    and Let Scotland Rejoice!

  36. kapelmeister says:

    Swinney & Wishart feeling compelled to join with the Perthshire huntin’ and shootin’ brigade. Is that a shotgun marriage?

  37. Stoker says:

    And right there @ 9:49 am & 9:57 am are 2 culprits showing exactly why we’re not independent. With so-called indy supporters as thick as that then what do you expect? Two rags that constantly crapped all over Scotland throughout our IndyRef2014 and they still post direct links to them.

    Folks, if you’re reading this but don’t post on here then try and avoid clicking on those direct links to BUM rags. By clicking on them you are helping these rags to bring in advertising revenue and if you post those links on anywhere you run the risk of helping them to reach new readers.

    Two perfect examples of why we struggle to get anything up and running as a movement when you get folk like that deliberately disrespecting the efforts of others to maintain a boycott of these propaganda outlets and helping them (our No1 enemy), the BritNat media, to crap and piss all over us.

  38. red sunset says:

    @Breeks :

    Would you give permission to copy your post onto my blog ?

  39. Dan says:

    Aye Stoker, if folk can manage to post a link on here they should at least have the discipline to archive it first.
    It takes less than a minute to paste in the link to the following site to check if it has already been archived and copy that link, or archive it for the first time and use that link.

    link to

  40. Breeks says:

    Maybe we should bring our cybernat prowess to bear, and write an open letter to Joanna Cherry and ask her whether she’d be willing to fight the Constitutional Test Cast which Scotland should have fought in 1707.

    Not just her expertise as a lawyer is needed, but the remarkable Joanna Cherry could also be the critical lynchpin which heads off the burning resentment of, how can put it, “events to date”. Neither SNP or critic will benefit from entrenching these divisions.

    If Joanna Cherry was to lodge a Constitutional submission targeting the issue of Scottish Sovereignty, she would have every last one of us right there at her back, united as one people of common cause and grim resolve.

    Be respectful of course. I don’t know of any impediment to challenging our unconstitutional subjugation, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one.

    What do you think? Are there people here who can speak to Joanna? Is it an open letter signed by half of Scotland? A petition? 2 million individual letters?

    Strikes me we could have all the Constitutional Convention we need in about 4.5 seconds. Any thoughts?

  41. Abulhaq says:

    @Manandboy 10:06
    This is an England that will have to go cap in hand as it sets off on the path to find its destiny.
    No imperial bluster to fool the punters this time…except if you’re hooked on the DoilyMoil.

  42. Breeks says:

    red sunset says:
    1 February, 2020 at 10:39 am
    @Breeks :

    Would you give permission to copy your post onto my blog ?

    No permission required … ever. Help yourself. 😉

  43. Abulhaq says:

    Know thine enemy, heard of that maxim? The reality is not pleasant but it pays to be well informed.
    Ignoring the enemy will not make it go away.
    And who are you calling thick Sir?

  44. Ian Foulds says:

    Breeks at 10.41am

    ’What do you think? ‘

    Agreed 100%


  45. Dan says:

    I notice #thick is trending in relation to politics.
    Watched a few 30second clips of folk displaying levels of density that make the metal Osmium appear like the gas Hydrogen, and have never wanted to be abducted by aliens more than now…

    link to

  46. frogesque says:

    Should our National bird be the Golden Eagle or a Carrion Crow?


  47. schrodingers cat says:

    Ottomanboi says:
    THIS MEANS WAR! as we ‘extremists’ say.


    what are you gonna do to boris? bleed all over him?

  48. Gary45% says:

    Nice One Chris.
    A wee thought on yesterdays “burst baw”
    Imagine you are with a group of punters walking in high ridges of Glencoe, Cairngorms, Up the Ben e.t.c, when a sudden mist/white out, comes in. Your guide is an “auld heid” knows the mountains like the back of their hand. They say “sit tight, and we’ll wait it out”, then you hear this booming voice, who the guide realises is a clueless idiot, (we have all met them, walked up Primrose Hill in London, now a mountain expert,) he marches right passed your guide with his own group, your guide tries to tell him of the sheer drops/dangers ahead, and the stupidity of carrying on “blind” but he scoffs and carries on.
    For a wee while you still hear the jolly japes and the gung-ho.
    Then silence!!
    Don’t follow the Lemming.

  49. frogesque says:

    @Breeks 10.41.

    Nicked an copied to Face-ache.

    Agreed, let’s do it! Crowdfunder?

  50. Josef Ó Luain says:

    It’ll be neither profitable nor popular to say it here, but that doesn’t make it any less true: Unlike Scottish nationalism, English nationalism has demonstrated the kind of courage needed to set-out on a journey-of-faith, without guarantees or certainty of destination.

    That we’ve allowed ourselves to be dragged along with them, against our democratically stated wishes, must raise serious questions regarding the abilities and quality of our leadership.

  51. Effijy says:

    Sick to death reading the Daily Hail.

    First a set up photo of a young Inverness girl supposedly lying
    On an A & E Dept Floor?

    No trace of such an incident, no parents came forward to complaint,
    Spread on the internet but we don’t know by whom?

    NHS search records think this must be a young girls who had a rash, was seen
    By a Doctor and sent home because she had a bit of a cold.

    FFS. Tory Bastard propaganda at its best.
    We are supposed to have spare beds behind the hospital door in case anyone coughs
    And this weeks NHS Tory England story is 7 needless deaths in 3 years at a Maternity hospital in
    Kent and an unbelievable 130 Brain injuries to new born babies.

    Which political party and country would you chose for your country?

    Next Shill Emma Cow-ling wants her Saltire back as it also belongs to people like
    Her who don’t want Scotland to have a voice or any say in its future just suck up the
    Shite Westminster imposes and she can pick up her pay check for her propaganda posts.

    Thoroughly nasty piece of work

  52. Muscleguy says:


    There are Scottish civil service jobs under the aegis of the Scottish government. So not taking any civil service jobs (which include council workers note, also devolved). It is not so simple to just say no to civil service jobs.

    I’m job hunting and will not take defence related jobs I see advertised. As a member of Scottish CND I doubt I would be accepted either.

  53. stuart mctavish says:

    Dan @10.14
    FM planning fireworks and these lads marking the end of shooting season could be subliminal sign that SMSM about to get a rocket up the proverbial.
    AS keeping quite for nearly three years, when he probably could have relieved the pressure simply by naming names, or claiming there were so many he couldn’t possibly remember them all, is frustrating

  54. red sunset says:

    @Breeks :

    Would you give permission to copy your post onto my blog ?

    No permission required … ever. Help yourself. ?

    Excellent thank you!
    If you have a moment, could you drop me a line at : … ta

  55. stuart mctavish says:

    Oops – sorry about that.
    thought i’d deleted that last para to be replaced with kinda hoping the rugby team keeps the troll going for a bit longer this afternoon by singing God save the Queen or a mans a man for all that..

  56. iain mhor says:

    A painfully exquisite image.
    Though, the only country Scotland is a prisoner of is itself.

    The more we digest the data and the history, the more we see three Stooges, not two. We are shackled to our own Unionists – they are in the passenger seat with the upside down map.

    Much as Chris’ toons are wonderfully cutting, its inevitably John Bull the foil. Perhaps we should be turning the mirror on Scotland’s real auld enemy – itself. There is no caricature of our house Jocks to lampoon to shame.

    Ach I’ll leave the satire and sublime artwork to Chris – I don’t think my crayons of John Bull, knocking it into an ecstatic “Scotch serf” over a barrel, while Hamish sits knitting, would pass the censor.

    Ochoin! Ochoin! Independence – it’s a sair fecht richt eneuch…

  57. mike cassidy says:

    1) SNP deny spending independence referendum money

    link to

    2)I know its confirmation bias being satisfied when I watch this

    But WTF

    link to

  58. Gary45% says:

    “Daily Hate Headline”
    I noticed that story in the P&J front page yesterday.
    I stopped buying papers years ago, local supermarket, quick laugh at the gutter press front pages, don’t let it get you down, cause its going to get a million times worse the minute Indy is called.
    Laugh and ignore.
    A holiday in the Balearics booked 4 weeks ago, today is £700 dearer.

  59. Col.Blimp IV says:

    All is far from lost – Scotland could be Independent before the summer holidays.

    We don’t even have to wait for Surgeon and Blackford.

    It is within the power of the SNP constituency associations to instruct their MSP’s and MP’s to man the barricades NOW!

    The job of the Westminster MP’s is to make it clear that the actions of the London Government has triple underlined the fact that that the Treaty of Union is a sham and that they are the government of England alone.

    The Scottish Governments task is to make it clear that Boris Johnson has no power, legal, moral or otherwise to deny the people of Scotland the right to chose their own destiny.— By resigning and forcing an election, the sole purpose of which would be to determine whither the Scots wish to remain in the union or not.

    Dear SNP members, whither this happens or not will be down to your actions or inaction in the coming weeks.

    On recent form, waiting on the high Command to produce a credible plan of action, would seem to be somewhere between naive and futile.

  60. schrodingers cat says:

    Do you honestly think Europe would not extend Scotland International Recognition?


    no, they wouldnt

  61. Gerry says:

    You clearly haven’t heard Joanna’s speech from last night. Give it a listen. watch?v=2LVwZmtH-Q0
    Pay particular attention to 4m:50s

  62. Is the EU flag still flying at Holyrood.

  63. BLMac says:

    schrodingers cat says:
    Do you honestly think Europe would not extend Scotland International Recognition?

    Of course they’d refuse, just like they did with all those Iron Curtain countries that left the USSR empire without a ‘legal’ referendum.


  64. Scozzie says:

    Yesterday I was really sad, today am really raging angry. Being ripped out of the EU without so much as a whimper from the Scottish Government / Nicola Sturgeon is despicable.

    Nicola Sturgeon needs to resign. She has not, and will not, deliver independence.

    No country achieved independence by complying with WM. NS has proven she has no strategy, ideas or fight in her to lead a country to independence. With possibly one or two exceptions neither does the rest of the SNP.

    We can’t keep flogging a dead political horse. Neither can the people keep waiting for the SNP to grow a pair.

    WM will asset strip Scotland to the bone, time is not on our side. It will also neuter Holyrood and NS has more or less given them that green light.

    There is no fight in the SNP and no plan other than to keep winning elections. Their time for taking us as mugs needs to end.

    I actually think we’re past the point of getting the SNP to act decisively. It’s now down to the people. We need to build our own independence party.

    All those that want a wee cushy job or to join a talking shop to rise through the ranks to get a wee cushy job, can go fuck off. We need only people that want one purpose to deliver independence.

    Those that say it will split the vote – the SNP had their chance. Shit or get off the pot as the Americans say – if they won’t deliver they need pushed out the way for a true independence party to flourish.

    At the moment they are beyond contempt in my eyes.So fucking, fucking angry – 5 years utterly wasted.

  65. Frank Gillougley says:

    Dear Stoker and Dan,

    I can do no other than lie prostrate before you, begging for forgiveness being a non-cyborg human. I accept full responsibility that I (together with others, such as that other infidel and my chief partner in crime, Abulhaq) have conspired to deny Scotland its freedom by non-archiving of seditious material while aiding and abetting the running dogs of imperialism by providing them with a digit of advertising click whatever.

    I can but salute your indefatigability etc.

  66. Joe says:

    Great news guys –

    Europe is a land mass/continent.
    The EU is a political institution.
    They are not the same thing. Also – if you love it so much you can still go there. You will still be able to register for another 1+ years! So, whats stopping you all?

  67. ahundredthidiot says:

    NS failed to stop Scotland being taken out of the EU against Her will – it’s a resignation issue, plain and simple.

    Why any pro-Scottish independence/pro-EU person could deny that is utterly beyond me.

    Thank You Nicola – now do the honourable thing please.

  68. Joe says:

    More seriously though – the EU is dead and waiting to disintegrate. Listen to Mr Verhofstadt and Macron calling for no opt outs, no vetos, no choice for remaining states…in the face of riots and growing populist movements. The good news is that Europe and its people will still be there when the EU is gone.

  69. ahundredthidiot says:

    …..and just to add……Her resignation would actually HELP the cause – just think about that……a martyr.

  70. John H. says:

    The legalities of achieving independence are like a minefield, many and complex. Running through a minefield is never a good idea. You have to pick your way through it carefully to have any chance of succeeding.

    I’m sure that Nicola Sturgeon and her team are as frustrated as we are, but they have to be careful.One mistake and we may never get another chance, certainly not in what’s left of my lifetime.

    The tories inside the H of C and outside of it, have been constantly baiting the SNP, especially since BJ took over. You may think that they are doing it for fun, and they probably do enjoy it. The real reason though is that they want us to get angry and make mistakes, as has happened so often in the past.

    NS is not willing to play their game. She will call a referendum, of that I am sure, but she will pick the time when we have the best chance of winning.

  71. Ottomanboi says:

    Scottish nationalists need to ‘wise up’. The notion that this process will end with some nice, comfy gentleman’s agreement, as some including Sturgeon fondly imagine, is fatuous nonsense. The British will fight this over Scotland’s dead body. They just have too much international face to lose. Give up a third of our territory, you must be joking Jockie boy….as Fuehrer Farage might opine.
    Its our blood whether figurative or actual, or theirs….that’s the bitter, unsavoury, challenging lesson of history when dealing with this customer. It also spotlights how much you are prepared to sacrifice to achieve your goal.
    It sorts the pack, the followers from the leaders.
    My Iraqi and Egyptian ancestors had ‘dealings’ these British bastards and suffered accordingly.
    Don’t come to me with your Brit posturing, ya khawaja!

  72. ahundredthidiot says:

    Hell, even I think the EU flags should come down, its petulance to leave them up. Blame the no voters from 2014…I know I am.

    ‘oooh, poor me, I made a wee mistake, but I’m all Yes now……’

    well, they can all fuck off and suck it up.

  73. Abulhaq says:

    It was the EU, spearheaded by Germany, that also encouraged the breakup of Yugoslavia.
    They have form in such matters. Meddling in the internal matters of third countries is now normative. The US does it without qualms; with no doubt as to which side it will take in Scotland’s case.

  74. katherine hamilton says:

    Hi Breeks @ 10.41
    Aye I’m with you. I consider the referendum route dead and buried if we keep “asking” Johnstone for permission. The Rev’s laid it all out, painfully.

    I think we should let the horror subside for a couple of days. Personally, I need to calm down.

    My only suggestion at the moment is we need a galvanising focal point on here to rally around. You and others have the arguments so my plea is –

    Rev have a sabbatical. But come back with a redefined approach. You thought out the box with the Wings list idea. Help us think out the box, organise, fund and fight this shite.

    All other Wingers, AUOB’ers, every Scotland loving Bugger. Now IS the time. Join in

  75. Gerry says:

    “Unison, Scotland’s largest union, have agreed overwhelmingly that powers should be transferred to Scotland to enable a second independence referendum to be held – at a time determined by Holyrood. The decision was made overwhelmingly at their full council today.”

  76. laukat says:

    I think we need a way of getting the SNP back on track. Changing the leader is one way but I don’t see anyone in the SNP upper echelons that would take a massively different approach.

    There has been talk of a Wings party for the holyrood election list vote but that runs a risk of effecting the majority in the Scottish Parliament. The Scottish parliament is our future and the arena we should respect.

    My suggestion would be that a pro-indy party is formed to fight the next UK general election. Every candidiate would campaign on a manifesto that said they will not take up their seat in parliament that does not recongnise Scotland’s right to choose and will resign their seat and force a by election every month until Scotland’s right to choose is recognised.

    The threat of a split in the pro indy vote would hopefully move the SNP to to take action prior to the next UK general election in 2024. Even if they don’t and we split the pro-indy vote at worst all we’re doing is not sending SNP mp’s to a parliament where they have achieved nothing and to an establishment that we should no longer respect.

    Personally yesterday’s speech left me questioning why I should vote SNP however I know that for the Scottish Parliamentary elections we need to more than ever. However I can’t see the same need in a UK general election. So I’ll probably spoil my vote in the next UK election unless there is a party showing a clear plan of how to achieve independence.

  77. Shug says:

    At least in the next election it will be to get back in the EU you must vote indy
    Hopefully snp will pick up all remainder votes

  78. Jock McDonnell says:

    Having cleared Mrs Thatcher’s defined hurdle with room to spare, we decided to construct a new higher one all of our own. The highest independence hurdle in democratic history.
    Some of us might not get to see Independence, but we need to set on the path for it to become inevitable. Time to set the rules ourselves.

  79. schrodingers cat says:

    this may not be the end, or even the beginning, but it is the end of the beginning 🙂

  80. Pete says:

    Frankly, I just don’t get this love affair with the EU,
    Joe has made some great points.
    If it’s so great, just go and live there. There’s plenty of time left.

  81. Mist001 says:

    The USA will never support Scotlands efforts to become independent, not with Trump running the show. Why would he facilitate the dream of his ex best friend, Alex Salmond? If anything, Trump would make it more difficult, just to spite Alex.

    Anyway, that’s me done with Scottish independence. These clowns have blown it and I only have two or three years of voting rights left.

    Fuck the SNP and fuck Scotland. I put my country before my own interests and they let me down badly, so it’s time to look after my own interests myself now. Scotland has made its bed, it can lie in it.

  82. schrodingers cat says:

    our blood?

    you mean someone elses blood.

    saber rattlin’ armchair generals, meh, usually plooky 40 year olds typing furiously in their underpants in a sweaty attic room of their parents house.

    completing grand theft auto doesnt make you brave or a hero

  83. schrodingers cat says:

    bye Mist001

    missin’ you already 🙂

  84. CameronB Brodie says:

    If only. Unfortunately, that reality would require an understanding and respect for constitutional justice and the principle of universal human rights.

    Reflections on nation, social State and sovereignty


    This article starts by condensing the idealistic substratum of the concept of nation. It makes use of common nation related terms that, in general, express the utopian meaning of that expression, which has deep political and spiritual roots. In spite of all the conceptual and cognitive complexity, the nation is still, in a certain way, the driving force of the political universe of our time, as an expression of power and life.

    Some thoughts on the implications of its association to the theme of the social state, sovereignty and federation, which are detailed in the article, consider the Brazilian reality and its historical elements, covering three different periods: those of the colony, the monarchy and the republic.

    Keywords: Nation, Colony, Monarchy, Social state, National sovereignty, Democracy, Social justice.

    link to

  85. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Ronnie A is on the indylive right now…

    link to

  86. Bill Hume. says:

    It’s just amazing, the amount of sheer stupidity posted BTL on wings these days by panicking unionists. They drip poison into ears a wee bit here, a wee bit there. Trying to undermine the SNP, the Yes movement, Holyrood and the resolve of all of us who believe in an independent Scotland.

    Please don’t get me wrong, I applaud constructive criticism but I will not be deflected by those who try to undermine my belief that Scotland will be a better place after independence.

    Remember the headline in 2014 (Herald or National?)…..

    “The prize is a better country, it’s as simple as that”.

  87. Jack Murphy says:

    Gerry at 1:25pm mentioned Unison Scotland.

    Here’s the link to their full article today:

    link to

  88. Republicofscotland says:

    Here’s an interesting point, a poll earlier in the week has shown that support for remaining in the EU in Scotland is at 73%, a jump from the 62% who voted in 2016.

    I don’t know what others think in here but the only way we can return to the EU (pause for a second there, I’m so used to writing remain in the EU) is by voting for independence.

    Does that 73% equate to those who’d vote for independence to remain in the EU? I’d like to think it does.

    In reality though Westminster will never allow us another crack at independence the result last time was too close for their liking. It’s beginning to dawn on many indy supporters now that Plan A is a non starter, and that Plan B,C,D, etc is the way forward.

    Did other independent nations around the world wait patiently for S30 orders to achieve independence, or did they take it upon themselves to break their own chains.

    We can’t force Johnson to say go on have your referendum, but we can take matters into our own hands and hold one ourselves.

    How lo g are you willing to wait, “Till all the seas gang dry?”

  89. Breeks says:

    Gerry says:
    1 February, 2020 at 12:29 pm
    You clearly haven’t heard Joanna’s speech from last night. Give it a listen. watch?v=2LVwZmtH-Q0

    I believe I did watch it Gerry. I’m on the move right now, but I believe Joanna was still talking about finding a way to hold a legal referendum by negotiating a path through the colonial documentation of the Scotland Act; the constitution of a devolved assembly that is constitutionally beneath Westminster, by Westminster’s design.

    Sod devolved conventions put in place to suppress Scotland, go for the jugular, and find a legal way for the Constitution and Sovereignty for our Ancient Nation to be recognised, and the “sovereign convention” of Westminster’s false sovereignty debunked and exposed as the very “unconventional” misappropriation of sovereignty which it has got away with for over 300 years.

    Gotta run…

  90. Liz g says:

    Ian Brotherhood @ 1.44
    Whit a camera hogg 🙂

  91. MajorBloodnok says:

    I am not a number, I am a free man.

  92. schrodingers cat says:

    if the polls continue to show over 50% support for yes

    calling a holyrood election and winning over 50% of the votes on the constituency vote would be enough

  93. Liz g says:

    Pete @ 1.35
    We did live there till England Evicted us last night…
    That’s the whole point Pete!

  94. schrodingers cat says:

    MajorBloodnok says:
    I am not a number, I am a free man.



  95. dakk says:

    ‘Fuck the SNP and fuck Scotland’

    And fuck you too Misty.

    All buck teeth pout and leather jaikit you were.

    Don’t let the door hit your dirty british arse on the way out!

  96. Dr Jim says:

    Watch out for the liars spreading the crap that the FM said in her speech she had to have Londons permission
    Nowhere in the FM’s speech does she say that, she said it had to be legal and recognised, that doesn’t mean Westminsters definition of what they say is legal, remember Westminster’s definition of legal is to occupy the Chagos islands against the express order and condemnation of the United Nations who have declared that action illegal

    Unfortunately Chagos don’t have much in the way of allies, Scotland’s a little different because we’re loaded and cash rich

  97. Mike d says:

    Ah well dad,thanks for the Irish passports for me and my brother.

  98. PacMan says:

    Mist001, stay with us.

  99. Ian Foulds says:

    Frank Gillougley says:
    1 February, 2020 at 12:49 pm

    I salute you being in the same boat myself?

  100. Gerry says:

    @breeks 2:23
    “Gerry says:
    1 February, 2020 at 12:29 pm
    You clearly haven’t heard Joanna’s speech from last night. Give it a listen. watch?v=2LVwZmtH-Q0

    I believe I did watch it Gerry. I’m on the move right now, but I believe Joanna was still talking about finding a way to hold a legal referendum by negotiating a path through the colonial documentation of the Scotland Act; the constitution of a devolved assembly that is constitutionally beneath Westminster, by Westminster’s design. ”

    No @4:55…..
    “and I also welcome the FM’s recognition that it is by no means clear that the parliament behind us (HR) doesn’t have the means to hold an advisory referendum, and I’m looking forward to discussing that with the FM in due course”

  101. Shug says:

    Jack murphy
    Looks good and another step in the right direction
    By the time indyref2 comes there will be more
    We need to encourage the brexiteera to throw Scotland out the union

  102. manandboy says:

    Day one and Gibraltar races to the top of Boris’ list of future headaches.

  103. Col.Blimp IV says:

    So much despair – and all that has happened is that we and the independence movement are another day older.

    All this talk about “throwing in the towel”, demanding resignations, starting new political parties and going back to the drawing board.

    Seems a tad premature.

    Last night and again at 11.57 this morning, I suggested a means of fast-tracking independence that would require only the will make it happen.

    Yet not a single comment on it.

    Not even to say that it is a shite idea, that it wullnae/canae work or that it is doomed because the SNP’s elected representatives are to man/woman beyond redemption.

    This is a war that really could be all over by Christmas – it just needs someone to fire the first shot.

  104. CameronB Brodie says:

    Natural law is equipped to tell us how to treat historical legal obligations. A moral reading of the constitution undoubtedly establishes Brexit annihilates the legal obligations outlined in the Treaty of Union. The British state is now operating in a rather awkward legal position of having insufficient moral authority to support constitutional law. This is what happens when you place national politics above the international-rule-of-law, and support anti-foundationalist epistemology in law.

    Sonic Youth – Massage The History
    link to

  105. red sunset says:

    Col.Blimp IV says:
    1 February, 2020 at 3:46 pm


    Last night and again at 11.57 this morning, I suggested a means of fast-tracking independence that would require only the will make it happen.

    Yet not a single comment on it.

    Not even to say that it is a shite idea, that it wullnae/canae work or that it is doomed because the SNP’s elected representatives are to man/woman beyond redemption.

    This is a war that really could be all over by Christmas – it just needs someone to fire the first shot.

    Hi Col. Blimp, have you personally done this through your own SNP branch ?
    Did you put in a written request to your branch secretary to put this idea to an agenda item for the next branch meeting ?
    Was that successful and did you get a discussion ?
    How did that go and specifically were the branch exec and elected members supportive of this agenda item ?

  106. Davie Oga says:

    Col Blimp IV

    It’s a sound idea man. Respect for your positivity and constructive suggestion.

  107. Meindevon says:

    Well, what a depressing day it was yesterday.

    Having said that although the FM’s speech was profoundly disappointing, in the questioning afterwards she still sounded pretty determined to me to keep going for independence.

    And whilst we were all depressed by it and by the Rev’s announcement he may not be back (which would be catastrophic in my humble opinion-does that mean no new wee blue book?!) it was amazing and encouraging to see all those folk outside Holyrood last night, waving Saltires and EU flags. I felt almost guilty being so morose. It was like hearing Try, try and try again.

    I hope the Rev leaves these pages open for a purely selfish reason. Down here I have few people to converse with about our fight for self governance and my only family members in Scotland not mentally able to now. This is my family I come to for knowledge and truths. I can’t envisage not coming to these pages day in day out time after time.

    Depressed again. Here’s hoping the EU come with something encouraging next week for Scotland.
    And remember the youth of today are our hope. It will happen even if not as soon as we would like.

  108. Dr Jim says:

    BBC are getting funnier by the minute in their reporting
    At last they finally report Unison the Union supports a Scottish Independence referendum to be decided at Holyrood
    Then the BBC add that Boris Johnson has rejected Nicola Sturgeon’s *suggestion* that Scotland should have a referendum

    I don’t recall anywhere in Nicola Sturgeon’s letter demanding a transfer of powers to Holyrood to hold an agreed referendum to include the word *suggestion*

  109. CameronB Brodie says:

    This fight is far from over.

    I think there is good reason for rational optimism, rather than hope, but only if someone in a position of influence would acknowledge the “direct effect” of international human rights law, enabled through EU membership.

    The Duality of Direct Effect of International Law
    link to

  110. CameronB Brodie says:

    To be clear, the “direct effect” of international human rights law, is facilitated at the discretion of national courts.

    The Horizontal Effect of International Human Rights Law in Practice

    A Comparative Analysis of the General Comments and Jurisprudence of Selected United Nations Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Bodies
    link to

  111. Rm says:

    It would be good if wings over Scotland kept going because it’s given folk like myself somewhere to have a say, lots of people have an opinion but have nowhere to express themselves, a lot of work to keep it going maybe, I’m not really computer savvy the same as lots of folks who need somewhere to express themselves, we need everybody to start taking an interest in the way we’re being held down.

  112. sassenach says:

    I have held off posting on here, purely on the “Act in haste, repent at leisure” criteria.

    I, too, was very depressed when I listened to the speech on Friday – but, on reflection I think there was a lot of knee-jerk reaction. This inevitably led to a good deal of frothing (particularly from our Britnat posting friends!) and demands for resignation etc.

    Today I’m feeling much calmer, and ready to continue the fight, because there really is nowhere else to go. The time, money and effort to set up a new party to challenge the SNP would be virtually impossible.

    If people are unhappy with Blackford et al, try to imagine what Boris is going to do to him this week in Westminster. Would any of us be prepared to take his place? Things will settle, people will still want independence, and, as often said, how many change their minds about that once they’ve seen the light?

    Keep calm, we knew there would be ‘bad days’, let’s just keep on going and persuading, the polls do seem to be moving for us, don’t let hot-heads spoil all we’ve achieved.

    My biggest concern was the Rev, since that Dugdale business he’s changed!

  113. Dr Jim says:

    Check the National today with a picture of a town in Holland that has taken down the Union flag due to Brexit but has hoisted a Saltire to replace it

    Maybe there’ll be more councils in Europe doing the same

    Love it!

  114. twathater says:

    I am fully on board and supportive of Breek’s idea re the constitution and our sovereignty being fought and established foremost , was on twatter last night and there was a SNP MP punting the idea that Nicola and the hierarchy want at least a showing of 60% before moves will be made WTAF

    Ian B possibly can confirm , he was also quite confrontational to posters responses that they were all doing as much as they could but they needed a date announced before changes would show , WHAT IS THIS 60% pish why not give yoonionists even bigger sticks to batter us over the head with , I despair at these morons lack of self awareness

  115. twathater says:

    Sorry Chris a GRAETTTTT cartoon

  116. manandboy says:

    The current big Brexit-Cummings-Johnson lie, is that this Government is going to work for the wellbeing of everyone.

    Just like Thatcher, Cameron & May said – before they shafted the majority and paid the wealthy every kind of fee, salary, bonus and dividend imaginable, while reducing their charges and taxes.

    link to

    Brexit, the most pointless, masochistic ambition in our country’s history, is done

    Ian McEwan
    The magic dust of populism has blinded reason, and damage and diminishment lie ahead

    As an event, Brexit remains a mystery as to its deepest chemistry and its original causes. What it will eventually lead to is anyone’s guess. But rest assured, and despite the pro-Brexit rhetoric from the Tory Soundbite Factory, Brexit will continue as it begun three and a half years ago expensive, destructive and deeply divisive.

    Even Eddie Izzard has joined the propaganda squad.

  117. PacMan says:

    Just minded. Been meaning to ask this about this once in a generation vow that always gets banded about in regards to the second referendum.

    I have never heard of any modern democratic country being bound not to pass laws by the words of past politicians. Even if a politician enacted in law to bound future governments to a certain policy, that law can be changed. Therefore, another Scottish referendum can be held, regardless of what politician had previously said otherwise.

    Am I right in saying this?

  118. Dr Jim says:

    @sassenach 4:50pm

    It makes no difference what other peoples agendas are for trying to put you off what you can see clearly with your own eyes, they’ll do what they do for their own reasons, ignore them no matter who they are and keep on keeping on

  119. CameronB Brodie says:

    This is the sort of law that Westminster is blind to. Unfortunately, the SNP appear to be similarly blind to its’ liberating potential.

    N.B. Contemporary British constitutional law follows a dualist approach dominated by legal positivism. Full text.


    This article explores the concept of direct effect of the European Convention on Human Rights. In order to discuss this and related issues the authors have selected two opposite approaches to direct effect of the ECHR, the one of the Italian Constitutional Court and the other of the Serbian Court of Cassation as manifested in two similar cases – Scordino and Crnišanin.

    The two opposite approaches might show how distinct international legal traditions of the two countries (dualist and monist) addressed the direct effect of the ECHR. While the response of the Italian Constitutional Court has been at the expense of legal economy and efficiency, the response of the Serbian Court of Cassation has been to neglect democratic element in determining the relationship between an individual and a general interest in human rights protection.

    The authors challenged both approaches with suggestions how deficiencies of both systems can equally be addressed despite their differences by relying on the concept of direct effect that was engineered by the European Court of Justice.

    Key words:
    European Convention on Human Rights. – Direct effect. – Efficiency. – Democracy. – Fair balance.

    link to

  120. Dr Jim says:

    @manandboy 4:56pm

    Eddie Izzard was always in the propaganda squad, Jim Murphy recruited him to help fabricate the attempted assault on himself in 2014 by Clerkin with a bit of cardboard and because Izzard was involved the TV would definitely cover it

    Izzard is just another British Nazionalist

  121. Ottomanboi says:

    If you’re referring to me, Im absolute way under 40, had more experience of horrors in my short life than you could imagine in your worst nightmares.
    Are you racist? Does Ottomanboi, fuckin foreigner queerin our pitch, raise your hackles?
    Never abandon hope. Without hope the cause is lost. The bastards win. Exactly their psycho-strategy.
    Besides it’s a mortal sin, Slàinte!

  122. CameronB Brodie says:

    First of, sorry for loosing the rag. It wasn’t helpful.

    I think what may have ‘changed’ the Rev., is his growing awareness of how badly colonised and politically dis-empowered the SNP have become. And a growing awareness of the totalitarian outcome of introducing gender-ideology into law. Then there’s the coordinated (legal) attacks he’s been under.

    Thanks woke-nats. 🙁

  123. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ll never give up hope, but I prefer to base my optimism in ethical rationalism, if there are grounds. Which Scotland has in bings (heaps). 🙂

  124. Col.Blimp IV says:

    red sunset

    I only came up with the idea late last night.

    I did suggest that SNP members take actions similar to those you mention.

    When I was last a member of the SNP there were only 2 or 3 MPs and a smattering of list MSP’s, branch and CA business was dominated by local council matters. raising the SNP’s profile was the order of the day and shoe-horning the odd bit of Independence propaganda into the literature was about all a fundamentalist nut-job could aspire to.

    When the gradualists took over the helm at HQ, I jumped ship because I could not care less about how well or badly the various strands of government in a Scotland ruled from London were being run or by whom for that matter.

    Credit is due to the baby-step brigade, they have taken the cause a long way in the last twenty years. – But now is the time to take that giant leap.

    What I suggested may not be the only way to achieve our goal but I think it is the easiest and the quickest and If we delay too long we might loose the advantage that most do not seem to realise we have.

    To that end I am considering braving the dreaded SNP membership application form – the last time I did battle with one of those, I was defeated by the non-binary option in the sex/gender section.

    If I am victorious, I will raise the matter of instigating an independence election in leu of indyref2 by resignation of the SG, at every forum I can get a delegates card for, and will let you know of my success or otherwise.

    And of course would advise all who are in agreement to do likewise.

  125. CameronB Brodie says:

    The OIAG argument holds no legal weight. There is no credible court that would judge an off-the-cuff response to a question during an interview, as holding more weight than constitutional law. Anyway, that was then and there have been a number of material changes in Scotland’s political circumstances since then. Most notably Brexit and the recent r4pe re-interpretation of British constitutional law.

  126. Dr Jim says:

    The law means nothing to the British Nazionalists or they would have left the Chagos islands by now as ordered by the UN, but unfortunately for the Chagos they have nothing of sufficient value to sell and nobody who wants to buy from them so they’re short on pals and population

    Scotland has a lot of stuff and a massive financial potential so perhaps that might make the difference

    The law and justice as you know are two different things
    Money and assets are everything, the EU told Johnson no deal unless you separate Northern Ireland and give them the options to do what they want, Northern Ireland is worth nothing to the Brits so Johnson said OK, according to Business for Scotland website Scotland produces 34% of the UKs wealth or we’d be gone to

    Johnson would stamp on Scottish people’s heads and sell it for mince and he’d do it to the rest of England too if it meant London was getting what it wanted, it’s all about the money

  127. Lochside says:

    How difficult is it for Nicola Sturgeon to have said’ Scotland is an equal partner with England in a Union set up in 1707. Therefore, as an equal partner only, England has no right to tell us when or how we decide to vote to dissolve that equal Union because of the multiple illegal breaches of our rights and laws by England of that Union’s agreements’?

    Oh yeah, she can’t, because she fought to over rule the English vote to leave the EU, thus negating that principle…duh!

  128. Scott says:

    Just heard on Bias BBC Scotland that no Tory wanted to be interviewed a bunch of cowards.

  129. cirsium says:

    @twathater, 4.54

    there was a SNP MP punting the idea that Nicola and the hierarchy want at least a showing of 60% before moves will be made WTAF

    I have never understood how support was supposed to rise to 60% without any campaign. Support only rose from 28% to 45% for indyref14 because of the YES campaigning. What is causing this amnesia?

  130. katherine hamilton says:

    Last poll 51/49 to us.
    See what James Kelly gets.
    Calm down.
    Nil Desperandum.

  131. cirsium says:

    Very good post by Grousebeater

    link to

  132. PacMan says:

    CameronB Brodie says:1 February, 2020 at 5:25 pm

    The OIAG argument holds no legal weight. There is no credible court that would judge an off-the-cuff response to a question during an interview, as holding more weight than constitutional law. Anyway, that was then and there have been a number of material changes in Scotland’s political circumstances since then. Most notably Brexit and the recent r4pe re-interpretation of British constitutional law.

    The truth be told, I had posed this as a statement rather than as a question because I knew the answer. I had done so as I am really sick of this getting repeated time and time again and none of the SNP politicians laying it to bed, once and for all.

    For me, that OIAG quote was said for two reasons. Firstly, it was to pacify yes voters after the result to abide by it due to the really vicious and nasty campaign by Better Together. Also, it was a fig leaf to No voters that their decision was to be respected.

    Therefore, it was a moral rather than legal statement. Given that we are out of Europe, which was one of the biggest reasons to vote against independence at the time, that statement holds no weight now.

    Using that OAIG quote against a second referendum is useless now and is only done so as propaganda.

  133. cctxt says:

    It needs to be recognised that we live in a “country” where the state’s institutions have systematically been captured and corrupted by an extremist minority of individuals who have, through their networks of very rich individuals with a great deal of political influence (oligarchs), and insidious and sophisticated management of all access to information, has rendered the democratic voice of people’s movements impotent and ineffective.

    The diminution of the BBC provides a leading example of this process. But the unspoken underlying assumption of many (if not most) people, is to assume that Auntie, as well as the Electoral Commission and elections in general, the Police,
    the courts, the civil service, their local councils, and numerous quangos etc, are basically trustworthy – and any suggestion to the contrary is easily derided as conspiracy theory.

    Ruling oligarchs learned a lot of new methods of “democracy suppression” in the aftermath of the destruction of the USSR.

    Firstly people are no longer to encouraged to educate themselves. The powerful would rather people indulge themselves in the playthings of distraction – I think the end of critical thinking seems the obvious goal in the state’s curriculum.

    But the most useful tool in their new armoury is the mobile/smart phone technology which allows for the mass collection of data on individuals and the tailoring of political advertising to “control” people’s opinions (minds), fixing them – in much the same way as brand loyalty is used in commercial advertising.

    The willingness of folk to believe what they see presented to them officially is well understood and it would be foolish not to recognise that each and every one of us is vulnerable to these sub-conscious psychological techniques.

    What this means for us in Scotland is that we may need recognise the normal democratic route to independence is NOT a viable one.

    We must not mistake our current weak position as a problem to be solved but rather as a predicament we have to live with.

    And that being the case, we may well have to accept that the only routes open to Independence for Scotland will likely mirror the struggles of the many nations that trod this road before us.

  134. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ve suggested the “Precautionary Principle” is a target of Brexit, so here’s one inspired by reading Grousbeater’s essay.

    My search criteria was “legal optimism in the fight against tyranny”. Full text.

    Precautionary Principles in Constitutional Law


    This article examines precautionary strategies of constitutional design and interpretation. In many contexts, constitutional actors and theorists justify rules of constitutional law as precautionary measures against various political risks, including the abuse of power by incumbent officials, dictatorship, majoritarian oppression, and biased adjudication.

    After providing an analytic taxonomy of such arguments, I examine criticisms of constitutional precautions offered by early proponents of national power such as Hamilton, Marshall and Story, and by New Dealers such as Frankfurter and Jackson. These critics argued that precautionary constitutionalism might be futile, might jeopardize other values, and might even prove perversely self-defeating, if and because the precautions create or exacerbate the very risks they were intended to prevent.

    Accordingly, these critics argued for a “mature position” that requires constitutional rulemakers to consider all relevant risks of action and of inaction. I identify a strictly negative but nonetheless valuable function of that approach: by laundering out one-sided arguments and placing all relevant risks before constitutional rulemakers, the mature position improves the process of constitutional design and interpretation.

    link to

  135. McDuff says:

    You really haven’t a clue have you.
    Everyone who criticises the SNP are Britnats.
    Dear dear.

  136. PacMan says:

    Lochside says: 1 February, 2020 at 5:40 pm

    How difficult is it for Nicola Sturgeon to have said’ Scotland is an equal partner with England in a Union set up in 1707. Therefore, as an equal partner only, England has no right to tell us when or how we decide to vote to dissolve that equal Union because of the multiple illegal breaches of our rights and laws by England of that Union’s agreements’?

    Oh yeah, she can’t, because she fought to over rule the English vote to leave the EU, thus negating that principle…duh!

    Senior SNP politicians said that we wouldn’t be dragged out of Europe. It has happened and it looks like they didn’t even have a plan A, never mind a plan B, C or Z.

    You can interpret that in a number of ways but I do feel that the plan was simply to play to the gallery and grandstanding to get public attention.

    The SNP does everything in it’s power to stop Brexit. It fails and they look at the public and show them how futile it is to do it through the corrupt Westminster system. I do think as well they are playing to Europe and doing everything within their means to stop Brexit and show that they are fully committed to the European project.

    In putting stopping Brexit before independence, as you have mentioned Lochside, has scuppered the most likely chance of getting independence. I’m sure there will be a lot of goodwill in Europe towards the SNP for at least trying.

    If it is true that putting Brexit before independence was agreed between the SNP and Europe, I do hope Europe gives more than just good will in the coming months now that the UK is out of the EU and no longer interfering in the internal affairs of a member countries, and give signals that an independent Scotland would be welcome with open arms into the EU.

  137. Ottomanboi says:

    link to
    And can Morocco have Ceuta and Melilla back?
    Reason, as far as its human limits, is preferable. But if reason fail? If you end up talking to a wall?
    What signifies such dialogue?
    Suspect the conversation with Britannia is at that stage.
    Millions have been in this position before us. We might learn much from their experience, however
    distressing might be the conclusion. Some systems just chose not to do ratiocination!

  138. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    “There has been talk of a Wings party for the Holyrood election list vote but that runs a risk of effecting the majority in the Scottish Parliament.” @laukat says at 1:28 pm

    Do you not think that the apathy created by NS saying “Give us another mandate at Holyrood in 2021 – even though we haven’t used the last 6 or 7 mandates we asked you to give us for IndyRef2” HAS PRETTY MUCH GUARANTEED THE SNP GET FUCKED at the Holyrood Elections (and that’s before the BBC/MSM weaponise GRA)?

    Paving the way for a BRITISH NATIONALIST COALITION GOVERNMENT (probably what UK Civil Servants like LE are getting their blood money for) absolutely making The 2014 Indy Ref “Once in a Generation”!

    Don’t you?

  139. CameronB Brodie says:

    It might also have be purely motivational psychology, for all we know. 😉

    Full text.

    Social Discourse Analysis: Outlines of a Research Project
    link to

  140. sassenach says:

    McDuff @6-26

    Do you just apply whatever comes into your tiny mind, and immediately attribute those ramblings to someone else?

    Where did I say such a thing?

    As a famous idiot once said “Dear dear”

  141. Bill McLean says:

    Read this thread 3 times since yestderday morning and detected one or two posts that arouse suspicion. My wife had I had decided to drop SNP membership on Monday, but have considered that we’d be falling for Britnats favourite game – divide and rule. We will stick with the SNP for a bit longer, not too happily, we admit, but they are still the only game in town.

  142. Bill McLean says:

    Read this thread 3 times since yestderday morning and detected one or two posts that arouse suspicion. My wife and I had decided to drop SNP membership on Monday, but have considered that we’d be falling for Britnats favourite game – divide and rule. We will stick with the SNP for a bit longer, not too happily, we admit, but they are still the only game in town.

  143. Bill McLean says:

    Sorry for repeat folks!

  144. CameronB Brodie says:

    We have the technology, we can re-build a reason for rational optimism. A bit of legal realism wouldn’t go amiss, for example. 😉

    In Defense of Optimism

    The Australian philosophers Michael and Caldwell make a pragmatic case for optimism in, “The Consolations of Optimism.” (This relates to my last post, “Hope: A Defense.”)They argue that the optimist and pessimist may agree on the facts, but not on their attitude toward those facts: “optimism is an attitude, not a theoretical position.”[i] So optimism doesn’t assume any cluster of beliefs, and can’t be undermined for being irrational like a belief can.

    The reason for preferring optimism has nothing to do with how the world is—optimism isn’t a description of reality. Instead, optimism is reasonable because it helps us live well. To better understand this reasonable optimism, the authors turn to the Stoics. We often characterize the Stoics as emotionless and indifferent; individuals who put up with their fate, accept life’s shortcomings, and live without hope. Such resignation toward the life is cynical and pessimistic. But the authors interpret stoicism differently. Stoics, they say, advocate embracing what we cannot change rather than fighting against it. Thus Stoicism is realistic, not cynical….

    link to

  145. Ottomanboi says:

    @Bill McLean
    Critique of SNP strategy is not disloyalty, it is thinking beyond the bounds.
    The system presents a straitjacket, we do not have to wear it.
    British politics, until now, has been all about convention.
    Johnson is not a conventional politician. We would do well to dispense like for like.
    Fewer lawyers, not exactly the brightest of bulbs, in Scottish politics would be a massive step in ‘new thinking’.
    Some in the SNP have seemingly boxed themselves into a corner. We are not required to stand along with them.

  146. Pete Barton says:


    Thanks for that..keep the h aw thankseid,people.

  147. ScottieDog says:

    Stuart Hogg sturgeoned it.

  148. Mike d says:

    After much thought, wont now get rid of my membership till the fat lady sings.

  149. Ireland tactic today ( and for most of the last decade) was `play for penalties` and the ref was happy to help out,

    Scotland tactic was to play honest `open rugby`,

    `cheats never win` is the biggest bullsh@t ever written,

    and i don`t mean just rugby.

  150. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @ccxt (6.19) –

    Hear hear.

    Nice one.


  151. terence callachan says:

    Whatever you do
    Do not blame English people

    They have nothing to do with England you know

    If you give English people a vote in a Scottish independence referendum you can forget independence forever
    There are 55 million people in England any of them can come to live in Scotland whenever they want to and immediately have a vote on Scottish independence

    England refuses to allow Scotland to control its own immigration

    Where will this end

    The same way it’s been going since the end of WWII
    More and more English people moving to Scotland

    The English government make it very attractive for them ensuring that house prices in England are higher than in Scotland
    And making sure that wages for the same job on the whole are higher too
    Well of course they have to
    How else would people in England be able to pay their higher mortgages

    It’s worth it though
    You sell up in England and buy the same size house for half the price in Scotland and use the rest to retire ten years earlier

  152. cynicalHighlander says:

    Piss off Terence as your racism knows no bounds.

  153. Bill McLean says:

    Ottomanboi – not accusing anyone of disloyalty.
    Not sure i’m in favour of just another “straitjacket” being propounded and although those who propose thinking “out of bounds” are to be treasured – unfortunately they often end up in a “straightjacket” of their own making. I wrote that we fear the usual British nationalist “divide and rule” tactic and see some evidence of it in this thread – so until we are sure we’ll maintain our membership of the SNP. We are not “required to stand along with them” – but will until we decide! Have a good evening!

  154. Colin Alexander says:

    Don’t cancel SNP memberships.

    You will be needed to change the SNP leader and change the strategy of the SNP.

  155. Dr Jim says:

    If we had a hundred judges and God almighty saying Scotland should have a referendum it still wouldn’t happen

    Boris Johnson isn’t running things at Number 10
    Dominic Cummings the Nazi party is who’s in charge and until Nicola Sturgeon gets the help of International allies we’ve had it, and we won’t get that help until we the people force the issue, the Unison Union move is a good public declaration of that but we need more

    This piffle about the FM bottling it is garbage yapped about by those who just don’t like her or the SNP, she knows no matter what she could say or do wouldn’t lead to Independence it would lead to Dominic Cummings shutting down Holyrood and probably arresting the SNP into the bargain, where do you think Lisa Nandy came up with the idea from, they don’t care about treaties or law, or people, or justice, they care about money and power

    England cannot survive without Scotland, they’d kill us to death rather than *allow* us to walk away of our own free will, we’re worth too much money, look at Northern Ireland, they’re worth nothing so they just got tossed aside for now because Dominic Cummings couldn’t get a deal from the EU if they didn’t

    It’s about ffffking money, we’ve got it and they’ll kill us for it if they can get away with it

    Dominic Cummings is a Nazi and more of our people have to know this and to see what’s about to happen if we don’t manage to get the people off their arses and knees and on to their feet

    It has to be big and the world has to see that it’s big or we’re on our todd
    Don’t think the EU is not on our side, it is, and they’ll fffk Johnson over for as long as they can over any trade deal so he doesn’t get what he wants then things will start to pop as the media begin to turn and the reporting becomes more urgent as Murdochs crew start sticking the knife into Johnson

    The media loves to build them up but they love tearing them down even more

    Johnson is no more than a mouthpiece for Dominic Cummings
    the Martin Bormann of the Tory party, but like all arseholes Herr Fuhrer Johnson’s hubris will blow his own cover soon enough

    Welcome to the 1930s Nazi party folks, aint no lawyer going anywhere near this, they’ll offer sound true and accurate advice alright then they’ll come down with the flu

    This shit isn’t the FMs fault, it’s our fault for blowing the chance in 2014 because not enough people or the loyalists or the sectarianists or the English settlers understood the ramifications for the future if we didn’t win

    Now the FM and the rest of the politicians of the SNP have to drag their way through all this shit to find a way out of it
    One other thing, the fffking Labour party and Liberals knew all along and did nothing because they too were prepared to sacrifice Scotland for ffffking money for England the big main country

  156. McDuff says:

    Have you read your own post, your reference to britnat posters are directed towards those who dare to criticize NS or the SNP. And its astounding that you say the rev has changed, of course he has changed, did you read his last post.
    Heaven preserve us from the jog along crowd who believe indy is just around the corner if we just put our faith in Nicola.
    I`ll ask you a question I often ask, exactly what initiatives has NS or the SNP produced over the past five years to promote the cause of independence and freedom for our country apart from react to events?

  157. John Jones says:


    you don’t want to be in Blackfords shoes when Boris starts?

    I would give my upper dentures for half a chance to rip into him with all the crap he’s spouted,that’s what is wrong with all these polititians too afraid that they will be ridiculed for stating the obvious.Jump on them evertime they spout a lie & say it like it is, a lie, OK you’ll get suspended for a day or 2, but if they all do it every time it happens the publicity will have been worth it.
    I’ve not the time left to wait for all the pissing about as at present , I’ll be worth 3 halfcrowns next week so get a move on.

  158. terence callachan says:

    What we should have done at the start
    Is tell the half a:million English people living in Scotland

    That because they are nationals of the country we want freedom from
    They are not getting a vote on Scottish independence

    Scotland would have been independent by now

    Those English people who chose to stay would have the option of taking Scottish nationality or keeping English nationality

    I’m sure they wouldn’t mind
    After all that’s what they did to people living in Scotland England Ireland wales who are from EU countries
    They refused them a vote in the EU brexit referendum

    After Scottish independence we would not copy England who are now making people from EU countries apply to remain in U.K. and are charging them for it
    Scotland would automatically allow English people in Scotland to remain in Scotland and we would not charge them anything

  159. Ian Foulds says:

    Col.Blimp IV says:
    1 February, 2020 at 11:57 am

    Your comments are certainly worthy of further research.

    We do indeed need to address the matter from many angles.

    Every facet of the Independence movement have to unite but approach the various tacks in different ways to annoy, confuse or disrupt those who do not want at this time to accept the inevitable.

    ’All is far from lost’ – Indeed!

  160. Robert Louis says:

    You know what really makes it clear that the current SNP leadership is actually devoid of any kind of leadership skills? They have simply failed yesterday to capitalise on the absolute fury running through Scotland, because Scotland is being forcibly removed from the EU by England.

    Not one SNP politician or leader has really genuinely picked up on that fury, and the FM most certainbly hasn’t. Yesterday Nicola Sturgeon should have been literally hammering that fury in Boris Johnson’s face hard, over and over and over again, to the world’s media, like a metaphorical barn door. But she didn’t and she won’t. Every single senior SNP MP should have been literally screaming blue murder to every journalist, but they didn’t.

    Most importantly the First Minister of Scotland should have fully asserted Scotland’s consitutional rights. We are not England’s slave. Not now, not ever. But she didn’t.

    That is why she should stand aside. We need a fighter with the heart of a lion, not a freaking pussy cat.

    Scotland is in a union with England, which either party can end, whenever it wants. It doesn’t need a freaking referendum or ‘permission’ from De pfeffle, England’s racist clown Prime minister.

    Yet still the SNP witter on about this that and the other, playing by rules that Westminster no longer adheres to, while De pfeffle and his racist tory cabal dismantle the Scots parliament and democracy bit by bit, day by day.

    How long will it take for the SNP to grasp what everybody else in Scotland knows, Westminster is NOT, I repeat, NOT going to allow Scotland an independence referendum. How long until Nicola Sturgeon either does what is needed, instead of procrasdtinating, or steps aside to allow somebody else who will.

    Scotland cannot wait any longer. This is URGENT. The clock is ticking, and getting louder every day.

  161. Elmac says:

    Re Bill McLean @ 7.01 PM

    I understand where you are coming from Bill but the SNP need a firm reality check to extricate themselves from their torpor. There is nothing quite like the loss of members and income for concentrating the mind. If I thought it were possible to effect meaningful change from within I would agree with you but I cannot see that happening. If we are to persevere with the SNP then the Murrell clique has to be swept away and some vibrant blood introduced at the top, people with courage and conviction like AS instead of quasi bureaucrats. I do not believe that will happen and that is why, in common with many others yesterday, my family told the SNP where to stuff its membership and cut off the money supply.

  162. sassenach says:


    So you have your opinions and I have mine about going forward, so why not just let things be on that front and eventually we’ll see who is right (or not).

    We’ll both, I presume, still be voting for independence, but, perhaps by splitting the party over it’s leader and going into a Labour-type scrap, we will convince more people of our stability (or not) and get the extra percentage we need (or not).

    Have a nice weekend.

  163. Liz g says:

    Bill McLean @ 9.03
    While I wouldn’t deny it exists and that it works…
    The Divide and Rule tactics are struggling with the Yes movement,I think!
    The YES Movement have so many different plates in the air Westminster must be dizzy trying to keep track,and terrified of not spotting the one that will get traction.
    I don’t see this as a danger to us but rather a strength.
    Splitting the Yes movement is a narrative of how Westminster thinks politics works!
    We shouldn’t buy it..
    We have never been together these last year’s.
    We only agree on one proposition… Indy…
    It’s not splitting the Yes movement it’s confusing Westminster.
    They have no way of knowing where to target… So don’t worry about “this don’t be disloyal narrative” as Cameron is won’t to say…. “That’s the master’s tools”

  164. sassenach says:

    john jones @9-22

    Such brave words from you!! (Wallies in or out!)

    The system in WM is such that Boris will always have the last word and the couple of hundred baying Tories behind him will make sure Blackford isn’t even heard. Yes they could do a walk out, temporary or otherwise, but I’ll leave wiser heads to make decisions like that.

  165. Sinky says:

    Nicola Sturgeon and SNP is the only credible vehicle to win independence. You need to think strategically how to win the undecideds not impatient pro indy supporters.
    Not a member but my sources tell me far more people joined SNP after Nicola’s speech than left.
    Also Rev Stu’s claim that SNP has squandered Indy fund raising money is bollocks and party in healthy position to fight referendum campaign whenever that is.
    We need to win the economic argument before firing the starting pistol

  166. Kevin says:

    The First Lady of Europe Winnie Ewing will be spinning in her grave.
    Winnie famously said on entering Westminster; ” I’m not here to settle in, I’m here to settle up”

    Now we have a limp treacherous SNP leader and her useless gang of 48 who are just happy to ‘bend over’ but in effect it’s you and me that’s been shafted yesterday.

  167. mike cassidy says:

    Ottomanboi 7.35

    “Johnson is not a conventional politician. We would do well to dispense like for like.”

    If only!

  168. Golfnut says:

    @ Liz g.

    Great insight there Liz, can’t say I wasn’t disappointed by the FM’s speech, I expected a bit more fire, I expected our historical constitutional sovereignty fired across Westminsters bows, but ir wasn’t there, at least not in the sense I wanted it to be. Strangely enough, neither my wife or Son agreed with me, they thought it was a great speech. So thats me telt.

  169. crazycat says:

    @ Kevin at 10.42

    The First Lady of Europe Winnie Ewing will be spinning in her grave.

    Er.. she’s no deid yet, Kevin!

  170. Elmac says:

    Sinky @ 10.27

    A leopard does not change its spots. NS has made it clear that under her watch there will be no progess towards indy without an S30. Johnson and the tories equally have made it clear they will never agree and the corrupt media and polling companies will ensure they are never called to account on this. In the short term Johnson will emasculate what little power we have to render us totally impotent. THAT MEANS NO INDEPENDENCE IN MOST OF OUR LIFETIMES! If we ever did achieve independence our country would be an impoverished hollowed out husk. Are you happy with that?

    We need positive action, not weasely words and we need it yesterday. Ideally the SNP is the best vehicle for us but only if the leadership is changed now which is unlikely. We need to make the point to the SNP that they are there to represent our aspirations not provide a gravy train. That is why existing members should vote with their feet to register the dissatisfaction that they feel and force change in the organisation. If the leadership is revamped and an assertive attitude taken I would expect most to rejoin.

    Your comment that more new members have joined than left is risible.

  171. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Sinky says:”We need to win the economic argument before firing the starting pistol”

    You are relying on the SNP to win that argument?!

    Not while they accept the GERS figures as an accurate indication of Scotland’s economic prowess.

    Bizarre that there even is such a thing as “the economic argument”, considering that we live in a country where the monetary value of natural resources and agricultural output per head of population exceed that of the overwhelming majority of the developed world and more relevantly England by some distance.

    Perhaps we are too wee, poor, stupid etc.

  172. Liz g says:

    Crazy Cat @ 10.59

  173. Kevin says:

    Crazy Cat… I know that. But the Weegie Selfie Queen’s political career certainly is!

  174. Liz g says:

    Kevin @ 11.19
    I don’t think that ye did….. LOL,lot’s

  175. TinyT says:

    Elmac says:

    “If we ever did achieve independence our country would be an impoverished hollowed out husk.”

    Oops, Freudian slip LOL

  176. Joe says:

    @ Sinky

    You cant win an argument by hoping the other side will see your point of view when its completely in their interests not to. The establishment will gaslight scots into thinking having natural resources in abundance makes you poor and women have big swinging cocks

  177. Old Pete says:

    Prestwick SNP meeting of SNP on Tuesday night should be interesting. We have a superb MP in Philippa Whitford yet she only won by around 5,000 votes over a numpty Tory. We need action on Independence soon or we to will secume to mass unionist settlers from England and the retired ‘uncle Tom’ brigade that make up a huge part of our voters. Look at the borders and Dumfriesshire Tory, Tory, Tory.
    We need to get a move on or like Wales large swathes of our country will soon be part of Scotland in name only.
    If you have no fire in your belly Nicola then move over and let someone else take charge, we need a lion not a lap dog.

  178. Kevin says:

    Who the fuck asked for your opinion Liz?

  179. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Kevin vs Liz G and Crazycat!
    Kevin, do you know what you’re getting into here?
    You posted a strange comment and were pulled up about it.
    Why not just put your hands up and admit your dearth of literacy and understanding?

    I’m off to bed…

  180. Liz g says:

    Kevin @ 11.42
    Twas yer very own stupidity that invited it Kevin!

  181. Liz g says:

    Brian Doonthetoon @ 11.54
    Ah know…. White up wi sayin …. Oops ma bad 🙂 ….
    Is it a guy thing Brian?
    Anyhoo night night ….

  182. Effijy says:

    FFS HERE is how to win the don’t knows.

    We have had to live most of our lives with a right wing Tory Government we never voted for and never wanted as the country next door wanted it.

    Scotland has been used and abused. for over 300 years
    Supposed to be an equal partner but Westminster decided
    We are are not entitled to know about our fabulous oil wealth,
    As declared in Westminster’s McCrone report.

    We are not allowed to know the names of the Westminster Politicians and
    The corrupt Police Commanders connected to the Dunblane massacre killer.
    We must accept Westminster’s debt applied to us even though we were never
    Allowed to borrow in the 300 year history of the corrupt union.

    We must be lied to constantly to keep us in our place
    Westminster can steal 6,000 miles of fishing waters and oil fields
    Without justification or consultation.
    They can take any or all of our devolved powers whenever they like.

    We have a bungling insulting English Prime Minister as Serial liar. Sacked
    Several times for lying. A serial adulterer lying to both wide and lover.
    Always insulting Muslims and Scots he said he would eliminate.
    H is on record for saying he would always invest in England before Scotland.

    The Tories refuse to involve or listen to our majority SNP representatives, walking
    Out as they try to debate in Parliament.

    Our so called democracy meant that even if Scotland’s 62% Remain vote was 100% we would still
    Be dragged out of Europe by our English Masters.

    Scotland is devoid of any unbiased media services as they are owned by England’s elite.

    Although we have always 2nd class to the English we know see special Brexit Deals for N Ireland
    Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Gibraltar but no nothing for their Colony Scotland.

    Never has a better opportunity come before to give Scotland back its independence and give us back control of our own destiny.

    Let’s hold our referendum now as Indy ref 1 is void after 10% plus voted No for the guarantee
    Scotland would remain in Europe.

    Temp the Tories and they will send the troops in and happily shoot any Scot demanding democracy
    In our own sovereign nation

  183. Annie 621 says:

    Breeks, Scottie, Athanasius et Al.,
    Some wonderful thoughts here.
    A tragedy, and in some way a relief (as didn’t we know all along and maybe not dare admit it to ourselves)
    to discover that the Parcel of Rogues are ?
    Well, they know, We know.

  184. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Good to know that Winnie Ewing isn’t dead yet.

    Wouldn’t it be a nice gesture if Nicola’s Scottish Government resigned tomorrow – And paved the way for an Independence Election.

    In fact it would be churlish of them if they deny her the opportunity to make the liberation of Scotland, something that happened in her lifetime.

  185. Mike d says:

    Old pete 11.29pm. Terence callachan and blair paterson have been telling us this truth for ages.

  186. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Is Jim Fairlie dead yet?

    If he is he will be spinning so furiously he will be in Australia by now.

  187. Grouse Beater says:

    The Morris Traveller appeals to my classic car enjoyment, Chris. Onward!

    Your essential weekend reading:

    ‘SNP Leadership’ – has Nicola stumbled?: link to
    ‘David Copperfield’ according to Iannucci: link to

  188. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    No’ offti bed yet.

    Col.Blimp IV at 12:03 am typed,
    “Wouldn’t it be a nice gesture if Nicola’s Scottish Government resigned tomorrow – And paved the way for an Independence Election.”

    Not off to bed quite yet…
    I had thought that one of the options, that Nicola could have mentioned on Friday, was an agreement between the SNP and the Greens that The Greens could call a motion of ‘No Confidence’ in the Holyrood government, at which the SNP would abstain, or vote “For”.
    It would then be up to the Britnat parties to go along with it, or abstain, or vote against.
    A Holyrood election would then ensue, where the SNP and Greens could then campaign on a single issue manifesto that if the pro-independence parties achieved a majority of constituency seats, along with a majority of pro-independence votes, the sum of the constituency and regional votes, the mandate to declare the 1707 Treaty dissolved would be satisfied.

    Where’s the problem?

  189. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    And regional seats, obviously…

  190. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Is Wendy Wood still dead?

    If not she can count on my vote for President of the Republic of Scotland.

  191. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Brian Doonthetoon

    Where’s the problem?

    If the SNP bosses still actually believe in Independence, I can’t think of one.

    It seems so blindingly obvious an action to take, it is incredible that it has not been given serious consideration on a daily basis, since the result of the EU election was announced.

  192. Liz g says:

    Col Blimp IV @ 12.31
    Mibbi we should have a Declaration of the ” No Deid ” ?
    I’ll start…
    Am No Deid

  193. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Liz g

    Ahm half-deid!

  194. Liz g says:

    Col Blimp IV @ 12.38
    I can think of one… Mike Russell..
    And to be honest it’s what I know of him that keeps me sane.
    Well…. That and Stu…. I hoped for the best on Friday but I wasn’t as dumped as my non Wings friend’s who haddnt been prepared for the worst..
    I learned to listen to the Rev even when I didn’t want to hear it…
    Every Indy Blogger of note is — NOW — sayin the same thing.
    But nicer…. ( I’m no interested in nice, by the way,some people need it…I don’t )
    They are all sayin …Move….

  195. Kevin says:

    Be good when Stu closes this down then arsewipes like Liz and all the other nobody’s on here that think anyone gives a shit what they think can go back to watching transpotting….Yes I do mean transpotting

  196. Joe says:

    @ Effijy

    I like England and the English. They are not my opponents. The ‘progressive’ woke, nasty, feeble minded hypocrite Scottish c##ts that are trying to be our moral police and want to make us thought criminals most definitely are my fking enemy. I dont believe im alone in that. They are Scotlands problem as well as WM

  197. jfngw says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    It needs 25 MSP’s to support a vote of no confidence before it would be put up for debate. There are not enough Greens so it would require the SNP to support the motion of no confidence in themselves, I can’t honestly see any political party doing this. It’s a risky sell going into an election having just declared no confidence in yourself.

    The unionist parties are unlikely to play ball, they know they can’t win and they won’t want to risk a vote that could end the union.

  198. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Liz g

    I have always thought highly of Mike, ever since he went to the plant-hire shop, got a set of bolt-cutters and went around Glasgow liberating cars from the wheel clampers.

  199. Joe says:

    Given a choice of Union as it is or an ‘independent’ Scotland under the woke brigade and ill choose the fat lying w##ker in number 10 every time.

    Under the kind of politicians such as Sturgeon and Harvey Scotland wouldnt be worth taking a shit in never mind raising a family. They are a fucking disgrace.

  200. jfngw says:


    A bit harsh, we’re all individually nobodies, even yourself.

  201. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Liz g

    I fear Kevin might be Brain-Deid.

  202. Col.Blimp IV says:


    I think people would rally round a party that was acting on principle.

    It worked out O.K. for Bojo’s mob.

  203. manandboy says:

    TWENTY SEVEN very different countries with a huge range of cultures, histories, language and much more, make up the most successful interactive and integrated bloc on the planet.

    Is it too much to expect the men and women of just one small country, Scotland, to create a unity of Independent purpose from our much smaller range of diversity.

    To join the twenty seven, Scotland must be able to achieve the unity in diversity which is the hallmark of the European Union. If we prioritise all that we have in common, and give less prominence to our differences, then, with a little practice and goodwill, we might just discover that we can be a nation again.

    A united nation, in an independent Scotland.

    We’re worth it.

  204. Liz g says:

    Col Blimp IV @ 12.55
    I didn’t know that Col B.
    But I’m not surprised…
    So far ( I don’t do loyalty to anything )
    The man’s a legend….

  205. Liz g says:

    Kevin @ 12.53
    But, in your obviously informed opinion …
    Will we be LIVE nobodies or DEID nobodies… ( If deid will we be burling deid or static deid? )
    Enquiring minds need tae know Kevin ?

  206. Kevin says:

    Glad you know your place jfngw.

    As for calling yourself Blimp the 4th ; I rest my case re the arsewipes on here.

  207. Kevin says:

    Go take your tramadol Liz. You’re a bore.

  208. Col.Blimp IV says:


    You may have difficulty locating an appropriately designated bog-pan to take that shit in.

    But “wokeism” is not limited to Scotland, it is a One World kind of thing – a tool of the Global Capitalists to dupe the lefties into digging their own graves.

  209. Liz g says:

    Kevin @ 1.12
    If I agree to do so !!!
    Will ye answer the question?

  210. Liz g says:

    Joe @ 11.58
    That’s all very fine.. But here the thing..
    When we have independence we can stop or reverse any law we don’t like.
    Westminster aren’t doing GRA at this point in time.
    But and it’s a Big But….
    What are ye gonna do if Westminster get on board with this shit?

  211. Liz g says:

    What did I just agree to
    What’s tramadol?

  212. Dr Jim says:

    Tramadol is a narcotic pain relief drug with the most appalling side effects and should have been suspended years ago

  213. Liz g says:

    Dr Jim @ 1.35
    Oh…. Thank you Dr Jim
    Kevin that’s horrible… Shame on you…You say those things because ye can’t just say ye were wrong.
    That’s nasty Kevin….
    But yer views on the deid could still be amusing.
    Pull back my friend and redeem yerself..
    Don’t be “that guy “

  214. Dr Jim says:

    I know it’s late but this has just been reported by the BBC that Donald Tusk has said he feels emotional empathy towards Scotland and that the EU would enthusiastically welcome and Independent Scotland

  215. Dr Jim says:

    I know it’s late but this has just been reported by the BBC that Donald Tusk has said he feels emotional empathy towards Scotland and that the EU would enthusiastically welcome an Independent Scotland

  216. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Dr Jim

    Better late than never then eh?

    Reporting something in the middle of the night when next to nobody is listening is better than not at all.

    And welcome as Tusk’s musings may be, it is to their shame that all of those EU bigwigs more or less endorsed the Better Together line when Greater England was still an EU member state.

  217. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Dr Jim

    Tramadol, my ex-wife used to swallow that stuff like smarties.

    Are wild mood-swings bordering on insanity among the side effects?

  218. Breeks says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    2 February, 2020 at 12:27 am
    No’ offti bed yet.

    Col.Blimp IV at 12:03 am typed,
    “Wouldn’t it be a nice gesture if Nicola’s Scottish Government resigned tomorrow – And paved the way for an Independence Election.”

    Not off to bed quite yet…
    I had thought that one of the options, that Nicola could have mentioned on Friday, was an agreement between the SNP and the Greens that The Greens could call a motion of ‘No Confidence’ in the Holyrood government, at which the SNP would abstain, or vote “For”.
    It would then be up to the Britnat parties to go along with it, or abstain, or vote against….

    Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.

    If the Scottish Government is paralysed by the confines of the Scotland Act, and the protocols and conventions of devolved government to the extent that the Scottish Government is obliged to abandon the superior principles of Scotland’s Constitutional principle of Popular Sovereignty, then the whole principle of devolved Government becomes a mechanism to administer Westminster’s will in Scotland even when that will runs contrary to the will of our sovereign people.

    What Holyrood is doing, is answering to Westminster rules to the abandonment of Scotland’s Constitution. It isn’t our Government at all if Westminster tells it to ignore our sovereignty and that’s precisely what it does.

    The spell the Union works on Scotland is that we accept rules from Westminster with the same indifference to getting wet when it rains, and when we talk about Scottish Sovereignty and the Claim of Right, wistful talking is all there is.

    All these cunning plans to find a cunning route through the legislation of the Scotland Act and bend or manipulate the rules to bring down a Devolved Government or hold a vote of no confidence, all you are doing is singing a song with the words which Westminster allows you to use.

    If Scotland was serious about Independence, a true Scottish Government would live or die by the inviolable principle that the will of Scotland was sacred and sovereign. Rather than be obliged to respect the instructions from a colonial overseer in Westminster, that very notion of subservience, the merest whiff of it, should be as toxic and unacceptable to the SNP as taking their seats in Westminster is to Sinn Féin.

    Scotland acts like it is actually afraid to have a Government which is willing to disobey Westminster’s colonial rules and conventions. O’ what at a panic’s in thy breastie!

    The controversial irony of ironies is that Boris Johnson shutting down Holyrood “might” be the best thing that could happen to Scotland if it awakened Scotland to the colonial nature of Holyrood’s job description, and how Holyrood elevates Westminster’s authority and functions as emphatic testimony that Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty doesn’t mean a damned thing.

    People call for Scotland to bring its MP’s home from Westminster, which I agree with 100%, but just as important, in fact even more important, is that Holyrood has to shut its doors and close, or at least formally throw out every compromising principle of the Scotland Act and Sewel Convention that is remotely incompatible with Scotland’s Sovereign integrity. There must be no ambiguity about who is in charge. All of these conventions and agreements are colonial in their nature. They are orders pretending to be choices.

    Holyrood cannot remain as it is, suffering the identity crisis of a sovereign government which takes instructions from Westminster. You CANNOT be Sovereign if you take instructions. That’s as binary and absolute a concept as saying you cannot be dry if you’re wet, you cannot be dead if you’re alive… Stop claiming to defend the Claim of Right with one hand and be bound by Westminster’s rules with the other. It’s schizophrenic!! The rules are chaos hence chaos and paralysis is the result.

    We need clarity.

    People cry out, look at the SNP! Look at them flying the flag for 70 years! Aye, ok, but don’t get carried away. After 70 years, how is it possible we are still this confused and fuzzy what Scotland actually is, what Constitution it adheres to, and what conditions require to be satisfied before we are a free Nation loyal only to our one and only sovereign Constitution? What? We haven’t had time to work that bit out yet?? (Anybody else have the nagging doubt we actually won Independence in 2015 but just didn’t realise?)

    It’s all very well laughing at clueless Brexiteers who cannot explain why the voted for Brexit, but our battle plan to win Independence has far too many people singing from different hymn sheets. We have gradualists who make Ents look too hasty, we have Constitutionalists, we have reckless impatience, we have SNP party faithful, Common Wealers, Wingers…. We have all these factions with the same destination we want to get to, but nobody has a plan that the others want to follow.

    Independence is a state of mind. It’s not what we become, it’s what’s we stop being. It happens when we stop obeying Westminster and reject their conventions.

    Being sovereign doesn’t give mean you can pick and choose which rules from Westminster you’ll obey and which you won’t. Being sovereign means there are NO rules from Westminster you obey.

    Do you know what it means to be Scottish? No, I would say there’s a crippling majority of us who absolutely do not.

    There isn’t a sovereign nation in the world who begs permission to hold a referendum. The very concept is laughable. It’s like William Wallace allowing the English Knights to cross over Stirling Bridge because they had permission to do so from Edward 1. “Sorry lads, put your weapons away. It’s a false alarm. They’ve got permission so there’s nothing we can do”.

    There are millions of us, so there’d be something seriously weird if we didn’t disagree, but what we need is a better plan that keeps us all moving in the right direction. A battle is coming, and we either form up as a frustrated rabble, or organised battalions who know what their job is.

    I honestly believe securing momentum behind a Constitutional Test Case to validate Scotland’s Sovereignty and curtail the power of Westminster will be a beacon in the darkness for all of us. Follow the light and do not despair. The journey isn’t long now…

  219. Elmac says:

    Tiny T @ 11.25

    Are you trying to be funny? Don’t take things out of context. You know full well what I mean – if we do not achieve independence soon our country will be virtually destroyed by the tories by the time it ever comes around.

  220. schrodingers cat says:

    no holds barred !!

    link to

  221. Rm says:

    The SNP members 30-40 years ago were all patriotic, willing to canvas round doors we had meetings every week it was a great atmosphere, the SNP are in power at Holyrood they seem to have changed, there’s hardly any meetings everything is by computer you can’t speak to an MSP, the SNP politicians have to get back in touch with real people the people who put them where they are, Holyrood is turning more like Westminster just a talking shop, lots of upper and middle class snobs who think they know how people should run their lives, but they haven’t lived that life themselves, they’ve got to get back down to earth and back in contact with real people.

  222. Colin Alexander says:

    There is now no democratic route to independence within the Union. No way out for as long as our politicians accept UK Parliament is sovereign. That makes us prisoners.

    No indy supporting politician should be serving in the Empire’s parliaments, taking vows to serve England’s Empress Elizabeth.

    Shame on the SNP and the Greens. Bought and sold for English gold.

    The SNP politicians want campaigns and conversations with undecideds to convince them of indy.

    I’m all for that. They could do that more effectively if they resigned their seats in Holyrood and Westminster and got respectable jobs amongst the undecided, instead of administering the British Empire’s prison and serving Empress Elizabeth as privy counsellors.

  223. Dorothy Devine says:

    Last night I watched V for vendetta – did cheer me up! From the cynicism of the people to the final scene , quite mind blowing!

    It got me thinking about the Skirpals and the immediate Russia did it from Mrs May and the media.

    I wondered about the policeman who found them and all those in the immediate aftermath the doctors and nurses – after all it was the world’s most dangerous substance and folk dressed up like tree frogs were scouring Salisbury, however the advice to the public was ,’ Just wash your clothes and give your handbags a wee wipe down with baby wipes and you’ll be fine’

    The policeman has never re-emerged to tell his story , nor the doctors and nurses , and Porton Down is just up the road, though they did admit to having some of the ‘stuff’ for research purposes.

    Now I know Mr Murray questioned at the time but the media of the UK continued pressing the Russia BAD panic button – and then all was quiet on the western front.

  224. Bill McLean says:

    Thanks for those who have responded to my post re maintaining, SNP membership until the mist clears a bit more. Appreciate and respect all views agree or not. Many of us have accused NS and the SNP of naievete – I read some of it here too. My main reason for giving them a bit more time is that I firmly believe there are some who post here to have the effect that they clearly have had on some. Thanks all. ELMAC, on another thread re HK I mentioned that i lived in Ho Man Tin in the fifties and Stanley in the late 60s early 70s. Just interested to know when and where you were there?

  225. mike cassidy says:

    Dorothy Devine 9.07

    Novichok police officer’s parents criticise BBC drama

    link to

  226. Athanasius says:


    There were indeed 60,000 Irishmen serving in the British military at the time of the Easter Rising, and all volunteers, since Westminster hadn’t extended conscription to Ireland. Most of them joined under the encouragement of John Redmond, the Irish parliamentary leader at that time, whose plan was that by showing loyalty and responsibility, the English would respond in kind. Sound familiar?

  227. terence callachan says:

    Joe 2.2.20 ..1254am

    You said “ I like england and the English “

    Eh…so do I joe , well most anyway , of the ones I know but I’ve not met them all and don’t know them all so who knows ?
    I say like people until there’s a reason not to .

    But that’s got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Scottish independence
    It’s got absolutely nothing what so ever to do with who should get a vote on Scottish independence
    It’s wrong to give someone a vote just because you like them or don’t like them

    In my opinion people from the country that controls your country should not get a vote on being able to continue controlling your country
    In other words English people should not get a vote on england controlling Scotland
    No matter where they live
    It’s just undemocratic for a country with nearly sixty million people to have a vote on whether or not their country should continue to control its neighbouring country of five million people

    It’s like Westminster
    There is nothing democratic about six hundred English MPs voting on Scottish matters when there are only fifty Scottish MPs

    It’s not about who you like or don’t like

  228. Breeks says:

    Holyrood is to Scotland’s Government what the UK’s Supreme Court is to Scots Law and the Court of Session. It’s an erosion of Constitutional potency given a disarming air of respectability to sugar coat the bitter pill which Scotland then swallows.

    Joanna Cherry used Scots Law through the Court of Session to body check the Supreme Court into utter irrelevance, and force a British PM to comply with Scottish Law and do what a Scottish Court told him to do.

    Please take your time doing that arithmetic, and tell me again Scotland’s Constitution is defunct and wouldn’t stand up to International scrutiny in advance of International Recognition.

  229. auld highlander says:

    Boris Johnson set to launch £5m anti-independence ad blitz for Scotland to fool the gulible.

    link to

  230. Dorothy Devine says:

    Mike Cassidy , thank you!

  231. Breeks says:

    Bill McLean says:
    2 February, 2020 at 9:40 am
    Thanks for those who have responded to my post re maintaining, SNP membership until the mist clears a bit more. Appreciate and respect all views agree or not. Many of us have accused NS and the SNP of naievete ….

    Bill, if Scotland does what it needs to do, whether Nicola is in charge at Holyrood is a trifling insignificance. Truth be known, I actually feel like the Irishman Stephen, hiding behind a shield as the arrows reign down in Braveheart. “The Lord tells me he can get me out of this mess, but you’re fucked”. I’ll be kinder, and say that Nicola faces the biggest crisis in her political career, but save it, perhaps she can.

    I honestly believe the SNP’s biggest problem is a “vision” thing. Just because their Devolved Parliament is bound over by the Scotland Act and Sewel Convention, doesn’t mean Scotland the nation, nor Scotland’s sovereignty, is equally compromised. It’s as if we need Penn and Tellar to expose the magician’s big reveal, and show us the magic is just just a slight of hand.

    See my quote above. Holyrood is to Scottish Government what the Supreme Court is to Scots Law. It’s the stealth invasion, corruption and subversion of Scotland’s Sovereign institutions. It’s taking a thing that is all Scottish and sovereign and making it think it is British. Scots Law and Holyrood now come with a Union Jack in the corner just like Scots beef in the supermarket.

    But hope remains. Joanna Cherry has circumvented the U.K. Supreme Court and made Boris Johnson obey the Law of Scotland. The assimilation is not complete.

    We should present our case for the Sovereign recognition of Scotland to the International Community with all possible speed, while Brexit is still in their minds, and keep it in perspective that Scottish Sovereignty is quite appropriately represented in heraldry by the untamed Unicorn that is NOT bound by Holyrood, Westminster, or Westminsters Supreme Court.

    The essential Constitutional challenge is whether the ancient and sovereign Constitution of Scotland is the superior and legitimate sovereignty over the fudged “convention of Sovereignty” which allows Westminster to push us around and steal our resources these last 300 years..

    Joanna Cherry has twice now proved that it is. Scotland CAN use its sovereign Constitution to overrule the UK’s colonial institutions.

    Nicola Sturgeon is a great Politician, but like 95% of Scots, probably 99% of Scots, the British indoctrination has closed doors in her head which we need to see bust open.

    There is no show in town except Sovereignty. We need the final Act from Joanna Cherry… International Recognition.

  232. solarflare says:

    jfngw says:
    2 February, 2020 at 12:55 am
    @Brian Doonthetoon
    “It needs 25 MSP’s to support a vote of no confidence before it would be put up for debate. There are not enough Greens so it would require the SNP to support the motion of no confidence in themselves, I can’t honestly see any political party doing this. It’s a risky sell going into an election having just declared no confidence in yourself.
    The unionist parties are unlikely to play ball, they know they can’t win and they won’t want to risk a vote that could end the union.”

    What happens if the Scottish Government can’t pass it’s budget? The SNP currently need support from the Greens to get it through. If they vote against it along with all the other parties then it doesn’t pass. Is there a route to an election from that or does it still require a motion of no confidence?

  233. ahundredthidiot says:

    With immediate effect – Recall SNP MPs from Westminster.

    NS to resign forthwith.

    SNP decline all future British MSM queries/interviews.

    Refuse to acknowledge all and any polls.

    Establish a Wings Party for the List in 2021.

    Limit the postal vote to registered vulnerable people only.

    Secure the 50/50 rule in 2021 = Declare Independence.

    Lose it = accept we will never win and stand down.

  234. Republicofscotland says:

    Well now that the UK is a third party (with the EU in mind) it was refreshing to hear Donald Tusk on the Marr show warm to Scotland and its predicament (being denied demoracy from the British government).

    Of course there’s still UK and EU negotiations to take place so I suspect that Tusk couldn’t fully open up and say what he thought. I’d also imagine now that the EU will now take the side of Spain with regards to Gibraltar, I’m now even more sure that if we become independent, our future as a EU nation wil be secured.

  235. kapelmeister says:

    The first Marr Show since Scotland was dragged out the EU, and there was no interview with Sturgeon. Why? Because she did nothing to rally Scotland on Friday, that’s why. So the BBC felt justified in ignoring her.

  236. Republicofscotland says:

    Brewer reporting that the union UNISON, now supports the right for the Scottish people to hold a referendum.

    We might not get our indyref this year but the tide in Scotland for the right to hold a indyref might be turing in our favour.

    73% poll for remaining in the EU.

    51% poll for becoming independent.

    Union backing our right to hold a indyref.

    Lets not lose the heid as they say.

  237. Breeks says:

    I plead with you people, all of us everywhere, DO NOT get bogged down in a post mortem about the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon, Referendums of democracy. DO NOT fold away the saltires or stop going to AUOB marches. DO NOT fragment into acerbic recriminations and entrenched tribalism. We do not have time for acrimony.

    Scotland needs ALL of us focussed and undaunted. Scotland exists but it is in a real state of emergency, and the ONLY issue which matters is persuading the world Scotland’s legitimate status as a nation has never been undone. The fallacy, the deception, the unjust usurper, the thief in the night, is the “Convention of Sovereignty” which the UK has got us all conned into believing.

    Please Scotland, let us get Joanna Cherry and a small force of crack Constitutional researchers to put together the best possible defence of Scotland’s Constitution and the most surgical deconstruction and demolition of the UK’s unwritten convention of sovereignty, and get this charlatan “British Government” and their creeping colonial subversion defrocked and discredited for the shocking fraud that it is.

    Without this fightback, our democracy will not work. It is already failing. Even if we have a referendum it won’t count. Our law very soon, will not work. We’ve already lost access to one Court we enjoyed as European citizens. Our capacity to speak freely will be curtailed. We are shat on by the BBC every day. Our capacity to organise into YES groups will be deemed subversive and bans against it will be sought. Our online presence is already under attack. Rev Stu’s Twitter was a portal which took us directly to the front line. Gone. WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Scotland.

    Just for today, let wee Breeks here be your national flower, the emblematic thistle of Scotland, the irritating wee prick which which alerted the watch that the enemy was infiltrating our defences.

    WE ARE LIVING IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY. Please, please, please, throw caution to the wind and let us fight as one unbreakable Unit, let us fight the fight which Scotland should have fought and won in 1707.

    It has to be now Joanna. It has to be now. International Recognition or oblivion. There IS nothing else.

  238. Elmac says:

    Bill McLean @ 9.40

    I was there from 75 to 84 Bill. Lived in Mid Levels on the island so unlikely our paths would have crossesd. Don’t recall your name but these days that’s not unusual for me. ?

    Arrived there after the Cultural Revolution but heard many stories. It must have been a hairy time for you to be there.

  239. jfngw says:


    There is always a route to an election but all of them involve the willingness of the unionist parties to play along. It’s more than likely that one of the unionist parties would vote through the budget if this stopped an election. Even going for a ludicrous budget could attract either Labour or the Tories (more tax – Labour, less tax – Tories).

    The three unionist parties I could easily see forming a coalition to keep the SNP out, you are then reliant on the Greens to stop them, do you trust them not to sell out for a few baubles on climate/self ID.

    Also other parties then get to try and run Holyrood, they have 28 days to elect a FM. If this fails then there would be an election.

    The other danger is if the election does not return a SNP majority and we end up still unable to elect a FM then WM will make the case that Holyrood is dysfunctional and take direct control, they would relish that.

  240. Ottomanboi says:

    What is to be done?
    link to
    but don’t look to politicians to do it.
    Why should the leader of the National party be a professional politician?
    Why should the FM be party leader at all?
    A separation of powers. Why not an elected party presidium concerned with the party’s ideological function to which all office bearers are accountable?
    The drift from the party’s essential purpose into areas of virtue signaling, social engineering might have been checked by such an arrangement.
    The SNP is not a regular British party, its Scottish raison d’être is clear.

  241. kapelmeister says:

    Interesting and uplifting that Donald Tusk, instead of saying he felt sympathy to Scotland, used the stronger word empathy.

    Then charmless Dominic Raab said Donald’s remarks were “rather un-European”. So said the very un-European Mr. Raab.

  242. mike cassidy says:

    The End Of The End Of Austerity

    link to

  243. CameronB Brodie says:

    The current SNP will not lead Scotland to independence, as it is clear the party leadership neither understands or respects the rule-of-law. In fact, the current leadership of the SNP pose a direct threat to Scottish culture and open society. Placing politics above the law is a direct route to totalitarianism, and that is the current leadership’s direction of travel.

    The British constitution has been torn apart, yet the SNP appear to believe it still retains legal force over Scotland. Without recourse to international human rights law, Scotland has no viable future. Certainly not one where Scotland will be recognisable as distinct from England.

  244. mike cassidy says:

    There won’t be a ‘legal and legitimate’ referendum next year or for many years after that. Get used to it

    link to

  245. solarflare says:

    jfngw says @ 11:15 am

    “There is always a route to an election but all of them involve the willingness of the unionist parties to play along. It’s more than likely that one of the unionist parties would vote through the budget if this stopped an election.”

    “The three unionist parties I could easily see forming a coalition to keep the SNP out”

    Yes, I take the first point, it makes sense. But I suppose there might be some small secondary advantage to that for the SNP – hard for an opposition party to complain about SNP/SG policies and budget whilst freely voting for them. And they can’t say they’re doing it to avoid an election as they will look like they’re running scared.

    Your second point is more important I think – and relevant. My own personal fear is that the SNP are not moving swiftly enough towards independence because on a pure domestic platform ultimately voter fatigue always sets in on the most popular party and people start thinking “give someone else a chance”, whether it’s fair or not.

    The SNP must know that at some point that will kick in for them too and they will not be getting majorities or at least close to majorities in Holyrood. They might still easily be the largest party, but if you’re only the largest party by a handful of MSPs then they will run the risk as you say of all other Unionist parties ganging up to keep them out.

    The effective “old rules” of the devolved Scottish Parliament, which applied when no one thought a majority was possible, saw opposition parties reasonably happy to support other parties in budget processes because essentially it was intended that the Scottish Parliament was only really supposed to function that way.

    But parties will not go back to playing those supporting roles now. The mentality will have switched from a multi-party PR style back to a WM Government vs. Opposition binary one. The SNP must know that if they’re not getting majorities (alone or with the Greens), which is naturally difficult given the system employed, they might find it extremely difficult to run the Scottish Government or get shut out completely even if they are the largest party.

    Which is why I get worried the more Holyrood election cycles the SNP seem happy to hang on for. They cannot assume that whilst the Yes vote polls consistently in high 40s/low 50s that automatically translates into voting intention for them at Holyrood.

  246. CameronB Brodie says:

    The current UK government’s interpretation of the British constitution, essentially creates a legal environment that is conducive to authoritarian English nationalism. Scotland has no future if it bows down to fascism.

    Human rights, constitutional justice and international economic adjudication: Legal methodology problems
    link to

  247. CameronB Brodie says:

    Seriously folks, ignorance of the law is no defense but it is a route to totalitarianism.

    In Defence of the Common Law Constitution:
    Unwritten Rights as Fundamental Law

  248. Sarah says:

    @Bdtt at 12.27: the problem with the SNP collapsing the Scottish Government by resigning their posts could be that Westminster would use their powers to close Holyrood completely. I wouldn’t put it past them.

    Also it could be seen as a bit irresponsible to leave the departments that Scotland is currently responsible for either unmanaged or returned to Westminster’s civil service.

    But I would dearly love to see something done very soon indeed. I still don’t see, despite Meg merrilees response yeaterday, why Scottish Government should take any notice of Electoral Commission. Just set a date to ask the same question as last time. Opposition by the Electoral Commission would just look too obstructive to be worth their while.

  249. Republicofscotland says:

    Craig Murray outlines what we must do to become independent.

    link to

  250. CameronB Brodie says:

    Is it not ironic that I’m using a defense of the British constitution, in support of Scottish independence? It’s something anyway, and indicates just how screwed up British constitutionalism is. The rule-of-law is under intense pressure in contemporary Britain, a situation that will only worsen the further Scotland is removed from the ethos and effect of international law.

    Constitutional Identity in a Europe of Multilevel Constitutionalism
    Part II – Constitutional Identity and Its Member State Law Dimension
    14 – Constitutional Identity in the United Kingdom

    link to

  251. jfngw says:


    I suspect the SG is going down this route to avoid the claim that the referendum has not been conducted properly. The British National parties will stoop to anything to stop the process if they lose. Their objective will be to convince the international community the result is not valid, I suspect they will try this anyway no matter how detailed the planning.

  252. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m not really defending the British constitution, I’m defending the international rule-of-law, and the principle of universal human rights. I just wish the SNP leadership were capable of the same. Unfortunately, they are incapable of doing so if they continue to deny the logic of legally embracing biology.

    Transnational Constitutional Law
    link to

  253. Sarah says:

    @jfngw – they, Westminster establishment, will lie and lie whatever we do. If we ask the same question as last time it cannot possibly be “wrong” in the eyes of voters nor the international community/law. Surely?

  254. jfngw says:


    A better question would be:

    Politicians elected from which country should decide Scotland’s constitution future:



    They would probably rules this out as not being clear enough, but the original questions has ambiguities for some as to what independence is. My question is at least honest as to the current situation, we have English Votes for Scottish Laws, whilst Scottish MP’s being excluded from English laws.

  255. ahundredthidiot says:

    The night is always darkest before the dawn.

    The dawn is on Monday. No action, no change, no leadership – then it’s all over.

    For the love of God Nicola, resign! – before you do and as your last act, recall all SNP MPs to Edinburgh, for good.

    The reaction both sides of the border will be fantastic – the English will be screaming for us to ‘beat it’ and those swithering here in Scotland will be forced off their fence.

    Words count for nothing now – only action will work.

  256. CameronB Brodie says:

    The current SNP leadership aren’t clowns, though they appear to be. They simply view the world though the lens of British constitutionalism. Which is broken beyond any practical use or repair, IMHO. Government without moral authority is simply authoritarianism. Moral authority is derived through a respect for ethical rationalism and the natural law.

    Rule of Law and Constitution Building
    The Role of Regional Organizations

    link to

  257. Golfnut says:

    @ Auld Highlander.

    ‘ Johnson set to spend £5 million on anti independence ads ‘

    Strange, for a PM who has stated publicly, repeatedly, that he won’t won’t allow a referendum. Maybe he’s no quite as sure of his position as he would have us believe. Or could be they are actually starting tge anti independence campaign. Funds that won’t show up in ‘ better together ‘ spending.

  258. solarflare says:

    Sarah says:

    2 February, 2020 at 1:04 pm

    “@Bdtt at 12.27: the problem with the SNP collapsing the Scottish Government by resigning their posts could be that Westminster would use their powers to close Holyrood completely. I wouldn’t put it past them.”

    But in an ironic way that level of attack on Scottish democracy would surely be the thing that finally supercharged the independence discussion in every single element of the country.

    There are a lot of people and media institutions out there that may not necessarily be pro-independence, or very soft-Yes, but are definitely pro-devolution. Ripping that up would not go unnoticed. The polls would surely see a massive spike for Yes in that instance.

    I don’t see e.g. Scottish Labour, or the Scottish Lib Dems accepting Holyrood had to close any more than the SNP or the Scottish Greens and I would be amazed if the UK-wide Labour/Lib Dems parties would stand for it either. It would be an outrageous assault on Scottish democracy. I can see them trying to neuter it more potentially, but close it completely, I doubt it.

    I don’t see how they could close Holyrood without also closing the Welsh Assembly and Stormont, and that’s not going to happen. Not even the Tories could feasibly get way with explaining why devolution no longer was required or needed in Scotland but still necessary in Wales and NI, without some sort of backlash.

    And even if it did look like that’s where it was going, if there wasn’t going to be a Scottish Parliament any more, then that would surely have to be the catalyst for the sort of much more dramatic constitutional actions and sovereignty assertions that many people have been posting about here recently. If there’s no Scottish Parliament asking for a S30 order etc. then it really would just be a case of recall the MPs from Westminster and declare we were going it alone because there’d be no other real avenue left.

    Put another way – if the Tories unilaterally closing Holyrood against the Scottish Parliament, without the permission of the Scottish people, did not finally trigger independence then absolutely nothing will.

  259. Jack Murphy says:

    Thanks Republicofscotland for your Post and Link at 1:07 pm

    “Craig Murray outlines what we must do to become independent.

    link to

    I’ve broken Mr Murray’s opening Para down for easy quick reading:

    “There will never again be a route to Scottish Independence deemed legal by Westminster. 2014 will never be repeated.

    The UK will never willingly give up a third of its land, most of its fisheries, most of its mineral resources, its most marketable beef, soft fruit and whisky, most of its renewable energy potential, a vital part of its military including its primary nuclear base, its best universities in a number of key fields including life sciences, its ready pool of intellectual and professional talent.

    Johnson is for once honest when he says keeping the Union together is his top priority. It is the top priority of the entire British establishment…..”

    It’s a long detailed article but well worth the time.

  260. Sarah says:

    The answer!! Republicofscotland at 1.07 links to Craig Murray’s blog where there is a very heartening article – if you stick with it!

    Craig says that Nicola Sturgeon’s speech said a National Assembly with all elected representatives [Council leaders, MSPs, MPs] will be called.

    Craig says this is the normal route to independence and any decision by such an Assembly e.g. declare independence subject to confirmatory referendum, would be recognised internationally.

    Well, that sounds a great deal more encouraging than anything else I have read since Friday.

  261. jfngw says:


    You would think so but the humiliations of the last five years (starting with EVEL) has given me impression that WM sees the Scots a supine, and it seems many are.

    It doesn’t help when some politicians supposedly Scottish can only see Scotland as a failure if independent, they can’t see us being like Norway, Denmark or Iceland, what they like to compare us to are failing states, they have no ambition for Scotland other than to be subservient to England.

  262. Dr Jim says:

    Why would Herr Johnson spend £5 million to dissuade Scotland from becoming Independent if he thought he was so secure in his refusal to *allow* it

  263. Liz g says:

    Golfnut @ 2.36
    That’s exactly what he’s doing.
    Campaigning on the down low…
    Remember back in 2014 the cinemas stoped showing ads for Yes or No?
    He’s getting his in now!
    I’d encourage everyone in a cinema to yell ” propaganda ” when they get shown.
    People don’t like to think they are getting conned so drawing attention to it will give them a negative view of the message being played.
    They will also look for the propaganda in the piece at the expense of the message it’s self!

  264. Republicofscotland says:

    The link to Johnsons plans to subjugate Scotland and keep us inline.

    link to

  265. Liz g says:

    Dr Jim @ 3.01
    Exactly Dr Jim..
    He’s using his time to get a head start campaigning and probably to put the “new vow” together.
    We shouldn’t be giving them too long!

  266. Chic McGregor says:

    At what point, technically under international law, does the annexation of the country of Scotland by England become an act of war? Or does it? If not, what is it?

  267. Stuart MacKay says:


    Your comments over the past few days are frankly inspirational.

    The sovereignty of Scotland could easily be adopted as a founding principle of all the groups working towards independence. With that, it really does not matter who has got which hymn sheet. In fact diversity in the campaign does not just make it more likely to hoover up support but also more robust and reliable to any opposition that gets deployed against it.

    You are absolutely right. The travails of Holyrood are trivial in comparison.

    Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.

    Thank you.

  268. CameronB Brodie says:

    The SNP leadership stands under British constitutional law, which is not the same as respecting the rule-of-law. I want my human rights protected and woke-nats simply don’t have the correct mentality to do that. They are ambivalent to “difference” and appear to doubt human rights are grounded in biology.

    Step out from under the authority of British constitutional law. it lacks moral authority.

    Human Rights, International Economic Law and ‘Constitutional Justice’
    link to

  269. Liz g says:

    Solarflare @ 2.31
    They managed to keep Stormont closed all through Brexit without to much fuss for Westminster despite the Good Friday Agreement protections it has
    It got sorted in a day or two after the Westminster Parliament got stabilised though…
    If they are going to do it that’s how it will be done!

  270. Clapper57 says:

    Yon Dominic Raab has done well for himself since playing the part of the camp manager Jeffrey Fairbrother of yon holiday camp in BBC situation comedy Hi-De-Hi…don’t ya thunk.

  271. Republicofscotland says:

    This from Craig Murrays excellent article, should jolt a few minds and hearts into realising that Westminsters laws if abided by will never see a independent Scotland materialse.

    “If you believe in Scottish Independence, you believe that the Scottish nation are a “people” within the meaning of the UN Charter, and thus have an inalienable right of self-determination.”

    “That means that Westminster has no right, by legislation or by any other means, to prevent the Scottish people from exercising their self-determination.”

    “I am sorry, but this is the fact: If you believe Scotland should only move to Independence in a Westminster-approved process, you do not really believe in Scottish Independence at all.”

  272. Dr Jim says:

    I’ve just read the politics home link on Herr Johnson’s plans and it states that all 27 members must agree to Scotland’s membership of the EU, this is not correct it only requires a majority for an accession state and the idea that Belgium would attempt to block Scotland is absolute piffle

    Scotland complies and aligns with all EU legislation currently until December this year before Herr Johnson attempts to change that

    Herr Johnson will not get what he wants from the EU in that time but also can’t afford to do his big bold WTO rules or it could spell the end of him as Prime Minister for leaving the UK exposed

    There’s a lot more to happen yet even before the end of March this year as the EU grind Herr Johnson into the ground and the first thing they’ll do is order border controls and checks over the smallest deviation from EU rules that the UK tries to make

    Herr Johnson’s only options are to finish this year looking like an incompetent tiny wee powerless man or a man gone insane and England won’t forgive him for either after all his big Trumpian promises to them

    So I believe it’s not very likely his £5 million will have the effect he desires as the year goes on and his new order party begins to eat itself and Michael Gollum Gove sits in the shadows dribbling saliva from his rotting mouth while sharpening his knife and talking to himself about taking over *the precious* UK

  273. Chic McGregor says:

    Accession to the EU is by a qualified majority vote. No single member state, not even Germany, has enough votes to prevent Scottish accession on its own.

    Jings! How many times have I posted this now?

  274. Sarah says:

    Correction to my comment at 2.56: I used the words “National Assembly” instead of Nicola’s term “Constitutional Convention” BUT her CC’s membership is what a National Assembly would be so the position stands i.e. that the CC could declare independence, be internationally recognised, and hold a confirmatory referendum.

    What bliss that thought is!!

  275. Asklair says:

    No apologies if link has been already been posted link to don’t post often,someone got irate with my last post,my view,don’t like it jog on.

  276. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland will never gain independence if it relies on woke-nats to achieve constitutional justice for Scotland. These fannies obviously lack an appreciation of “difference” and due legal process.

    The protection of fundamental rights in the EU
    link to

  277. Golfnut says:

    I find it strange that so many people, institutions and political constructs including the EU have accepted at face value the assertion that Westminster has the power to deny Scotland a legal route to independence. The assertion flies in the face of basic human rights.

  278. Capella says:

    Delighted to see that Craig Murray is beginning to see the direction of travel at last. His latest article is well worth reading (in spite of the obligatory swipe at Nicola Sturgeon. Sigh).

    It is maybe clearer now why these events have had to wait till the end of January. The very encouraging support from the EU and Unison in the first 24 hours of BREXIT should cheer everyone up.

    Today is Candlemas – time to celebrate the return of the light.

    While waiting for the Declaration of Arbroath events, I thought you might be interested in this 1 hr talk by Alexander Broadie on the underlying principles behind the declaration, “The Past as Propaganda”. He describes the doctrine of the legitimate ruler being chosen by consent. His talk suggests some very apt parallels with today’s thieving rulers in Westminster and why they must be resisted.

    link to

    For those who prefer their history in writing:
    link to

    Apologies to whoever originally posted these links as I can’t remember so can’t credit.

    Happy Candlemas everyone.

  279. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scots should also be aware that Scotland’s judiciary are a bunch of illiberal fannies, who are a danger to social justice and law and order in Scotland. If you want your human rights protected, the SNP will have to find new leadership. Or you’ll have to do it yourself, though a combination of the two would be far more effective in liberating Scotland.

    Human Rights Norms in ‘Other’ International Courts
    Human Rights Norms in the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Union
    9 – Human Rights Norms in the Court of Justice of the European Union

    link to

  280. Clapper57 says:

    Willie Rennie tweeted he is sad…as a pro European.

    He tweeted this :

    “This is a sad day to be a pro-European. The Liberal Democrats fought with everything we had to remain in the European Union and I firmly believe our future is European”.

    However Willie Rennie is also angry and defiant that an EU flag, that symbolises solidarity , Unity and harmony among the people of Europe …is still flying outside the Holyrood parliament..a parliament he sits in as a supposed staunch ‘Pro’ Remainer and ‘Pro’ European.

    Perhaps we should ask Malcolm Bruce if Willie Rennie, in his role as a ‘politician’, and via his claim that he is a staunch ‘Pro’ European and a staunch Remainer is in fact simply lying as per…or maybe we can just deduce that is indeed, as per, the case via his contradictory (again) supposed position.

    BTW a Lib Dem Councillor tweeted that he intends to fly the flag of Europe i.e. The council of Europe flag…Gareth Roberts leader of Richmond council AND a LIB DEM tweeted this …with mucho support from remainers, many of whom pre GE 2019 fell for the Lib Dem Pro Remain campaign strategy.. a campaign designed and motivated solely to hoover up the remain votes from those who seemed, in England, as remainers, politically homeless’s Gareth’s tweet :

    “We’re out of the EU.

    On Monday I’ll preside over the lowering of the EU flag at the Civic Centre, Twickenham.

    I’ll then replace it with the Flag of The Council of Europe which we co-founded in 1949.

    The new flag looks like this

    Monday 12.30pm. Do come ! ”

    Grievance monger Christine Jardine has said ” EU flag is being usurped by the SNP to make a political point”….meanwhile Christine , I am sure, will offer her support …indeed congratulate…Gareth on his ‘brave’ and ‘defiant’ action in what he is doing …with a ….Flag…which I am sure she will not consider as a “political point” being made in the flying of it….will she ?

    I hope that those Scots , still wavering on Indy, can see through the blatant duplicity that the Lib Dems in Scotland are adopting in something which they claim they are passionate and supportive of BUT simultaneously agree with the architects of Brexit, the Tories, that all reminders, such as any EU flag within Scotland, should be erased as this is apparently a Unionist GB uber alles’ New Dawn’….and one in which the Lib Dems will help to ensure Scotland remains tied to forever while estranged from the other ‘Union’ the Lib Dems pretend to ‘Love’…….how long before they also want the saltire to be removed and their beloved Union Jack imposed upon ALL public buildings…an act that will define our status as a colony while also convincing some Scots that they do not indeed live within a nation.

    I say to Willie and all Lib Dems politicians who hold Scottish seats….the REAL sad day was the day that many Scots were fooled into supporting and believing in the claims made by Unionist politicians such as them, that in voting for the Union there would be a prosperous future and the (false) and (broken) promises of new powers while still remaining in the EU….I think Willie Rennie fought harder and “fought with everything” more for the Union than the EU….and as a Unionist he has NO chance of any “future” as a “European”….but Scots within an independent nation do….and Willie knows it too.

    And yes before anyone says it…I KNOW Willie Rennie is irrelevant but we need to convince others of this too….hence this posting of my comment.

  281. CameronB Brodie says:

    This is what the Tories are seeking to eradicate all cultural memory of.

    The European Union and Human Rights
    after the Treaty of Lisbon

    link to

  282. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for all those in Scotland’s judiciary who imagine contemporary British constitutionalism is compatible with social democracy. They should remember that the purpose of the law is to defend liberal society through the ethical rule-of-law. Of course, they will have to let go of their cultural prejudice in order to do so.

    Compliance with International Judgments:
    Between Supremacy of International Law and
    National Fundamental Principles

    link to

  283. CameronB Brodie says:

    Without a respect for the Law of Persons, neither Scotland’s government or judiciary are in a position to defend the rights of those living in Scotland. Neither currently do, apparently.

    If you aren’t recognised as owning a legally defensible identity, you have no way of effectively making claims to the legal right to legal rights.

    link to

  284. Bill McLean says:

    Sorry folks o/t – Elmac at 1114. Sorry about delay in responsing and thanks for reply. I left HK for the last time in Nov 1976. When arrived there in Nov 1967 went straight from Kai Tak to the Sunning House Hotel in Hysan Avenue – that night a bomb went off outside and took a police inspector’s hand off. Bit hairy for a while but it settled pretty quickly. Loved my time there and remember going to a club on McDonnell Rd, mid-levels – I seem to recall it was something to do with the police. Spent a lot of time sailing from the various yacht clubs. An old chum of mine from Blantyre goes out fairly regularly to visit his daughter who worked there for some years before moving to Singapore. I love the Far East but now too old for the travelling that far. Anyway – thanks again and good luck to you. Bill

  285. Clapper57 says:

    I See Eddie “all talk nae action’ Jones has led England to another defeat…..

    Talk is cheap….fighting talk is cheaper ..especially when it is used (abused) in the context of a sporting event….Jones’s pre match aggressive language as to the tactics he said the English team would deploy against the French team is par for the course with this wee nyaff.

    Is today’s English defeat by France in Rugby a metaphor for what will indeed happen in the Brexit trade negotiations with the EU 27…Lol

  286. HYUFD says:

    Golfnut The EU have already decided that the Spanish government has the power to deny Catalonia a legal route to independence so it would be the height of hypocrisy if it tried to deny Westminster the ability to decide when the Scottish government should be able to hold another independence referendum. Scots already voted in a ‘once in a generation’ referendum in 2014 unlike Catalonia anyway

  287. HYUFD says:

    Clapper 57 No more than Leave voting Wales beating Italy yesterday did,no

  288. Bill McLean says:

    HYUFD – total rubbish!

  289. CameronB Brodie says:

    You’re probably too thick and chauvinistic to appreciate your narrow, illiberal, view of constitutional justice is working in the opposite manner you hope in to. You’re doing a grand job for us, keep it coming, Toryboy. 😉

    Beyond Human Rights
    – The Legal Status of the Individual in International Law

    link to

  290. CameronB Brodie says:

    You’ve never answered me as to whether you support the principle of universal human rights. You are so far out of your depth here. That’s probably why we keep you as a pet, Toryboy. 😉

    Lessons from European Integration Law for Global Integration Law

    link to

  291. HYUFD says:

    Cameron B Brodie Hardly, most Scots do not want another indyref2 for at least 5 years
    link to

  292. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland has no control over the flow of information that reaches Scotland’s electorate. Without sufficient context, rational decision making is not possible. Democracy doesn’t function in the absence of reason, Toyboy.

    Scots want independence, they just don’t want to admit it.

    A Manual on Human Rights for Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers

    link to

  293. CameronB Brodie says:

    If Scotland wasn’t facing outright totalitarianism, your outlook would simply be hilarious. As it is, you’re a good example of the English exceptionalism that thinks it can strip Scotland of it’s cultural history and legal identity. Ain’t going to happen, Toryboy.

    Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law
    7 Right Holders and Duty Bearers

    link to

  294. Gary45% says:

    FUD awa tae yer pish son.
    If you’re clinging on to the data from poles as the gospel? gie up (even if it said Indy at 95%. I wouldn’t trust the outcome.
    FUD by name, FUD by nature.
    Try again.

  295. Golfnut says:

    @ Hufyd.

    Spain has a written Constitution, which is explicit, the UK doesn’t, apparently( see Wiki). Which is why your boss(die in a ditch)Johnson is rapidly preparing to fight a referendum on Scotland dismantling the union. But don’t worry, England still has an Empire, oh!

  296. Ottomanboi says:

    The English chose to quit the EU, the Scots didn’t.
    Where Sir, is the essential democracy in that situation?
    Given the stuff about partnership that is the fall back mantra of unionism, Scotland is seemingly just an appendage with no control over the future of its citizens.
    For those of use with a keen sense of smell that reeks of colonialism.
    Can you wonder that many are rather ‘upset’ and want out of the relationship, by any available means?

  297. Dan says:

    Right, nae cunt leaves here till we find out which cunt put a coin in the fuckin Germinator machine again…

    The Germinator machine when active releases a low level virus that causes mild irritations to webpage environs as it utters bot like repetitive outbursts of easily debunked Yoon pish and shiteage.

    Anyway, on a radio station one thousand years in the future…
    “And now we return to the classics with a record that was rarely off Unionist’s turntables in Scotland after the year of 2014…scratch Once in a generation, scratch Once in a generation scratch Once in a generation…”

    ” Hey! Turn that shit off ya radge, I’m oan the nightshift”.

  298. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry for flooding the thread, but I don’t know how much longer this blog will attract attention, and I’m trying to share as much ethical legal reason as possible.

    If government does not respect Treaty law, it is irrational to imagine it will respect the legal principles of constitutional law. Without a respect for constitutional law, as opposed to British constitutional practice, there is no protection for human rights.

    Are Scotland’s judiciary all a bunch of Tories? It certainly looks like it, so it doesn’t look like Scots can rely on them to protect their biological integrity from the abuse of constitutional power.

    The Legal Effects of EU Agreements
    The Legal Effects of Treaties in Domestic Legal Orders and
    the Role of Domestic Courts

    link to

  299. England still playing old school muscle rugby losing out to a superb fast modern French team,

    England living in the past while others search for a brighter and better future,

    some would say an apt metaphor for where both countries are heading as the 21st Century unfolds.

  300. ahundredthidiot says:

    FUD at 6:03

    and I don’t want another council tax bill for another 23 years, who gives a fuck, it needs to happen.

  301. CameronB Brodie says:

    Remember, I haven’t looked at this stuff in almost thirty years. Those fighting for Scottish independence may be working their socks off, and appear to have made at least one right move recently, but they are following the wrong approach, IMHO. Scotland will never obtain constitutional justice, without a respect for international law.


    link to

  302. Abulhaq says:

    The French beat the English in the Stade de France…..
    No Brexit bounce there….the shape of things to come?

  303. CameronB Brodie says:

    Of course, if you reject biology as a fundamental component of the human condition, subsequently denying women the legal recognition their biological difference to men commands, you are in no position to defend human rights.

    Get these woke-nats away tae fuck, and then a bit further.

    The Right to Equality and Non-discrimination
    link to

  304. Elmac says:

    Bill McLean @ 5.30 pm

    Sounds like we overlapped for a year. I arrived there in August 1975. Don’t recall a club on McDonnell Road but, given your interest in sailing, we may have crossed paths at the RHKYC in Causeway Bay as I was a member there for a few years. Also frequented the FCC (Foreign Correspondents Club), the Cricket Club, The Football Club and The Hong Kong Club. God knows how I managed time for work! A wonderful experience as I am sure yours was, but for me the abiding memory is the people. I still have HK chinese friends I correspond with and visit whenever I can. Would love to share reminiscences but not sure how we could establish contact on this site. Mind you, in the near future, I don’t see it being used for much else.

  305. Elmac says:

    Whats with the fascination of responding to the garbage of HYAFUD? He is a weasel, a slimy toad, a non person, a dodo….. and most likely a paid unionist plant. Give him a wide berth for the good of your health.

  306. sassenach says:

    Sad to say ‘Wings’ seems to be in it’s death throes, given the comments on here today’

    Reminds me of a fish just taken out of the river, on Friday, thrashing around like crazy, for a while, now slowing to a whimper.

  307. terence callachan says:

    Sassenach …blethers

  308. terence callachan says:

    This is good…

    link to

  309. Elmac says:

    Sassenach @ 7.21

    Not RIP – just a momentary hiatus whilst we regroup. The Rev will return I am sure when the political dust settles. Much to mull over in the meantime. Either NS will confound us all by revealing her master plan or she will step aside to avoid the implosion of the SNP. Either way the independence movement will be re-energised in the not too distant future. In the meantime keep the faith and keep this blog active!

  310. ahundredthidiot says:


    no one is keeping you here…..feel free now……on you go…..toddle toddle

    particularly with your friday reference…..bye bye

  311. Kevin says:

    What’s The Penguin (Ian Blackford) going to come up with as his catchphrase now for PMQ’s?
    ” you should never have taken us out ‘?

    What a snivelling, two faced waste of space.

  312. A C Bruce says:

    “Delighted to see that Craig Murray is beginning to see the direction of travel at last. His latest article is well worth reading”

    See Craig Murray’s blog from 2 years ago about a National Assembly (Constitutional Convention)

    link to

  313. CameronB Brodie says:

    What’s up? Can’t you take constructive and rational criticism of poor political leadership? Until the SNP finds some ethical rationalists to shape policy, they will always be the false promise that appear to be.

    The Foundation of International Human Rights Law
    link to

  314. CameronB Brodie says:

    This current leadership are clueless and lack a respect for the rule-of-law. They have set the cause back by quite a bit, IMHO.

    Article 14: Protection from discrimination
    link to

  315. Clapper57 says:

    To the resident Troll, who infests these pages, for no other reason than to bait us ….glad you realise that the Union is indeed at risk , if not that…then you must have a surplus of time to waste on a forum predominantly for independence supporters… something which you never tire of telling us that you perceive as a failed project because blah blah and that we, in Scotland, will never achieve it…..perhaps you should consider trying a dating site…to meet a kindred spirit….as it must be obvious you have few on here…Lol

    For some in Italy, Salvini supporters, there is some sympathy and allegiance to the EXIT project disguised as BREXIT even though they themselves have conceded that they still hold a strong allegiance to remaining within the EU….62% of polled Italians in Dec 2019 stated leaving the EU was not a good idea…however Salvini WAS Farage’s Italian poster boy for Italy against the EU…..

    The comparison of Wales beating Italy is not a metaphor for the Brexit negotiations favouring UKnotOK…as tis NOT Wales who will be negotiating but England…Wales now has but only 14 Tory MP’s out of a total of 40 seats…England has 533 MP’s of which ….the majority in both constituency representation and in Tories represented at WM dominate…so THEY, the Tories, representing a majority of English constituencies are the government who dictate to the other countries within UKnotOK and get to decide….and tis THEY who instigated and have driven EXIT under the disguise of BREXIT…and tis THEY who will negotiate with the EU 27….hence my metaphor stands…..and yours disnae….Lol

    If some in Wales seek to capitulate to England than Hell mend them…..I am sure there are now many people living in Scotland who have seen the folly of their previous support for the Union……and have decided NOT to be fooled again.

    ps. Popular dating sites are FriendFinder, Match, Affinity…sounds like they were made for you…as a Unionist …WOS…not so much…..Lol

    You’re Welcome (Not)….Lol

  316. Clapper57 says:

    @ Dan @ 6.43pm

    Lol Dan….your turn of phrase on this ‘irritant’…minor one Lol… is probably THE best ….and is probably the best advise that we should all heed…as is Elmac’s at 7.19pm….

    I will, from now on follow both of your advice….he/she may waste their time pi**ing in the wind on here…we however have better things to discuss…..on here.

    A F*nny disnae need to wearing a neon hat inscribed with the word ‘F*nny’ for you to know that he/she is indeed …..a F*nny.

  317. ahundredthidiot says:

    Today, 2nd Feb, should be, henceforth – SNP Day.

    ITS GROUNDHOG DAY!!!…..yaaaayy…

  318. Colin Alexander says:

    “Freedom is never free” said a war veteran.

  319. HYUFD says:

    Golfnut The UK’s constitution is based on the supremacy of the Westminster Parliament which is why Boris has ruled out indyref2 for this Parliament as per the manifesto the Tories won the general election on. As I also posted most Scots polled by YouGov do not want another indyref for at least 5 years anyway

  320. HYUFD says:

    Clapper 57 I have a partner already thankyou

  321. CameronB Brodie says:

    I hope the wee pet continues to make his prejudice felt, as I find him a useful educational tool. A bit like that English communist who used to grace us with his presence. No surprise really, as Torydum and Communism share the same utilitarian kernel to their world-view.

    Woke-nats lack a legal respect for “difference”, so are intellectually incapable of defending Scotland from expansive and authoritarian English nationalism.

    Non-Discrimination and Difference:
    The (Non-) Essence of Human Rights Law

    This article questions the status of the principle of non-discrimination as the essence of international human rights law. It describes how the principle has come to be synonymous with the principle of equality and thus understood in practice as the basis on which all human rights are founded.

    In place of nondiscrimination as the overarching principle of human rights, the article advocates a ‘non-essence’ of human rights – a politics of difference, which recognises equality of rights and of opportunity but not equality of being,
    thereby avoiding an assimilationist ideal which threatens to disregard the oppression, domination and exploitation suffered by different groups of peoples, by different individuals.

    The article discusses the ideas of a politics of difference, the principle of equality and the proposal is supported by applying an example from each of the three categories of rights: a civil and political right, an economic social and cultural right, and a group right.

    link to

  322. Bill McLean says:

    Elmac at 0713Pm-thanks for respose. I have been to the RHKYC on a number of occasions – dances, just drinks and once had my boat re-bottomed there. Sailed from there in an “L” class with an old friend (Roy Pennison) who was a member of both RHKYC and our home club, the Little Si Wan YC (a maximum ever of 12 boats – Enterprises, Mirrors and 1 GP14.) Great memories of club dances at RHKYC. Played a few games at the Football Club in Happy Valley for Swans (what a name for a football team). Some of my colleagues played for the Club – Ian Semple and Joe Moffitt are 2 I can remember. terrific place and great people. I still occasionally drop a few words in Chinese when I meet Jonggworen but age is dimming the memory. I live in Birmingham now (recentdly moved from Dunfermline area) as my wife is a Brummie and I wanted to get her to home territory before I pop off. That club may not have been McD road but definitely mid-levels and think it was called the Hermitage Club – last in there about 1970 so memories vague. Good luck. Bill

  323. Bill McLean says:

    Elmac if you were in the newspaper business – I knew 2 reorters – Vova Rodney (Australian-Russian) who wrote sport for, I think, the SCMP and a lad from Galashiels, whose name I can’t remember who arrived about 1975 and took a drink or two in the Ascot Hotel in Happy Valley.

  324. jfngw says:


    The Tories won in England, elsewhere they got there arses spanked, pretty much the same as England did today in France. Scotland returned 81% independence supporting MP’s, a mandate for independence never mind a referendum. A super majority of Scottish independence MP’s at Westminster.

  325. sassenach says:


    I presume you are implying that I am one of these ‘wokes’ (what ever that means!) and I’m not sure whether to be annoyed or pleased.

    Whatever I am, I don’t clog up the site with countless posts that I suspect very few (if any) on here actually read.

    Why not take a break (arm, leg, doesn’t matter) and give your over inflated ego a rest?

  326. kapelmeister says:

    Lisa Nandy is in Glasgow tomorrow for a hustings meeting. Will she negotiate it without saying something offensive?

  327. CameronB Brodie says:

    No, you’re not a woke-nat, as you are not in government attempting to undermine the legal rights of biological women.

    Why don’t you open your mind and start learning, instead of following blind faith?

  328. Abulhaq says:

    The British State does not have a constitution in the modern sense.
    It is a collection of English law books and commentaries only.
    As such ‘it’ can be made to do whatever the ruler requires
    Parliamentary sovereignty is simply the autocratic powers of monarchy transferred, a species of dictatorship.
    The rule of law in such a context is a will o’ the wisp, a delusion.
    England is such a backward looking, class ridden country.
    Sufficient reason to be rid of you. This matter will run and run.
    Happy Brexit!

  329. ahundredthidiot says:

    Colin Alexander

    Freedom is a state of mind – as a civilian once said

  330. sassenach says:

    CBB says

    “Why don’t you open your mind and start learning, instead of following blind faith?”

    Yes, you could always teach me to cut & paste – I missed that lecture at Uni!

  331. HYUFD says:

    jfngw 45% of Scottish voters voting SNP was the same percentage Yes got in 2014, certainly no mandate for independence

  332. CameronB Brodie says:

    You might not understand what is going on, but the current SNP leadership is way of the reservation, with regards to respecting the rule-of-law. They have been infiltrated by ideological extremists and can no longer be relied upon. They need new leadership.

    What is the difference between sex and gender?

    Exploring the difference between sex and gender, looking at concepts that are important to the Sustainable Development Goals.

    2. Definitions and differences

    The UK government defines sex as:

    referring to the biological aspects of an individual as determined by their anatomy, which is produced by their chromosomes, hormones and their interactions

    generally male or female

    something that is assigned at birth

    The UK government defines gender as:

    a social construction relating to behaviours and attributes based on labels of masculinity and femininity; gender identity is a personal, internal perception of oneself and so the gender category someone identifies with may not match the sex they were assigned at birth

    where an individual may see themselves as a man, a woman, as having no gender, or as having a non-binary gender – where people identify as somewhere on a spectrum between man and woman

    link to

  333. HYUFD says:

    Abulhaq Parliamentary sovereignty simply means the law is determined by whoever has a majority in the House of Commons at any one time (given the House of Lords can only delay bills) and no Parliament can bind its successors

  334. CameronB Brodie says:

    Do you want me to do your learning for you as well? Man you really are a slave.

  335. Dan says:


    Ooh, now that is particularly interesting. I await to hear if she speaks from the head or heart about Scotland and our European situation.

  336. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    James Kelly has posted that he’ll start publishing the results of the “Scot Goes Pop!” opinion poll, possibly, tomorrow.

    “I should have the full results by Monday at the latest, and then I’ll probably drip-feed them to you over a few days.”

  337. jfngw says:


    Westminster is not a proportional parliament, if it were your beloved Brexit would not be happening in its current guise.

    You seem overly interested in Scottish politics, in fact you have all the credentials to join the Conservatives in Scotland. they have a penchant for electoral losers.

  338. Clapper57 says:

    @ CameronB Brodie @ 8.39pm

    “I hope the wee pet continues”.

    “I find him a useful educational tool”.

    Hi Cameron….I am sure it will be continued Yawn….but have you not taken it too far calling them a ‘Tool’….and indeed calling them ‘useful’…Lol

    Have a good evening Cameron…what’s left of it…

  339. Elmac says:

    Re Bill McLean @ 8.55 pm

    Hi Bill

    I remember the Hermitage. That was the home venue for my darts team comprising nearly all schoolteachers. I was an accountant, but lived in the same apartment block so I was admitted by default. We weren’t too bad and once got on the HK telly ! Oh the fame! Sorry to say I don’t recognise the names of the people in your last two posts. One mutual contact might have been Bob Samuel who played for the HKFC around the mid 1970s. I knew him well – he used to kick lumps out of me.

    Our last visit to HK was 1998 but hope to go back one more time in the next year or so. Many of our Chinese friends got out and live in various parts, mainly Australia. These are the ones I see when we visit friends and one of our sons who lives in Oz.

    I didn’t know any reporters, just a friend who was a member of the FCC. I can recall seeing a guest appearance there of Jimmy Edwards and Eric Sykes. Hilarious – happy days!

  340. jfngw says:

    It’s seems backdoorboris is going to add £5m to GERS by love bombing Scotland, remember to warn your daughters about strange blond hair Tory men approaching them. In the past it could have been Jimmy Saville but now it could be ‘I’ve no idea how many children I have’ Johnson.

  341. Abulhaq says:

    You make my point, exactly like absolute monarchy, whose powers it acquired. It is not articulated government.
    Modern states have written constitutions which give the people sovereignty which binds or restricts the legislature from self-serving or imprudent use of power.
    The three years spent haggling over Brexit could only happen in a state where the people played only a subordinate rôle there being no president ie guardian of the constitution to keep the members of the legislature in check.
    MPs are not deputies or representatives, once in the H of C they may do as they please, It was a Tory who once described the UK parliamentary system as elected dictatorship.

  342. jfngw says:


    “no Parliament can bind its successors”

    You also seem to be a person of doublespeak, you were only recently telling us we couldn’t have a referendum as Alex Salmond had said it was ‘once in a generation event’.

    At least try and keep a coherent narrative or else you start to look foolish.

  343. sassenach says:

    Cameron B Brodie says “Do you want me to do your learning for you as well? Man you really are a slave.”

    ……and you, my man, are just a pompous twerp, full of your own self-importance.
    Perhaps you could do us all a favour and stand for election to Holyrood, become FM and save us all – or probably just keep shouting rubbish from the sidelines is far more likely. Goodnight.

  344. CameronB Brodie says:

    Do you think you doctor or dentist are similarly pompous twerps, full of their own self-importance. Or is it only those who challenge your fragile mental framework?

  345. jfngw says:

    Many of already know that many Conservatives (and some British Nationalists in other parties) want to see the EU destroyed. One prominent ex-Tory pretty much admitted this on the defunct This Week. He said he didn’t want to see the EU successful but its disintegration.

    These people were happier when the EU countries were at each others throats, it’s easier and more profitable to dominate if you can keep all the other countries in conflict. It’s how the west keeps control in the middle east.

    Remember the post war improvements were nothing to do with egalitarianism but fear of the establishment losing control, they were frightened of the USSR and communism and fed the plebs a few more baubles. As soon as it was clear the USSR was in decline they realised they could put these plebs back in their boxes where they believed they belonged, I’m pretty sure they are not yet finished with this project.

  346. Bill McLean says:

    Great stuff Elmac – oh the memories. I remember arriving at Kowloo Wharf aboard the SS Corfu (P&O)in 1957 from Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) with my Mum and Dad never imagining for one second that 10 years later i’d be working there. Fabulous memories for a wee boy originally from Cowdenbeath where all the views were of pit heads. Good luck to you and lets hope our beloved Scotland rejoins the family of nations soon. Bill

  347. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for those who are happy with the current Scottish government, and their lackluster response to Scotland’s constitutional crises and loss of legal identity. Note, this was written in 2013.

    Equality, Human Rights and Constitutional Reform in Scotland

    A Report for the Equality and Human Rights Commission
    link to

  348. Colin Alexander says:

    Cannae say I didnae warn youse:

    “Colin Alexander,

    26 December, 2017 at 2:58 pm

    …The SNP are supposed to be delivering a referendum on indy between autumn 2018/ spring 2019, that one that Nicola Sturgeon went quiet about while trying to negotiate Scotland’s Brexit – after Scotland voted Remain. (So much for respecting the Scottish electoral mandate).

    I’ll believe it when I see it. I would vote YES, if I had the chance, but it’s no gonnae happen. Nicola Sturgeon Disney want to keep the manifesto mandate as she is no a Braveheart and the SNP are a Mickey Mouse puppet government.

    When I think of the opportunities presented but lost when the Labour Party was on it’s knees and the Tory Party was in disarray over the EU. The SNP on a 100,000+ and support for indy as high as ever, and the SNP did NOTHING to further the independence campaign… “

  349. Sinky says:

    Will SRU supply a sea of Saltires next Saturday to greet the English rugby team like France did this afternoon?

  350. Colin Alexander says:

    Craig Murray makes an interesting point about Nicola Sturgeon’s speech and the SNP’s planned convention / assembly.

    It’s a shame he doesn’t see assembling politicians disnae mean it’s to put his plan of declaring indy into action.

    It’s what Craig previously said was an option: look as if you are doing something for indy whilst doing nothing.

    Remember, the SNP have to sell the “we’re the party of independence” snake oil to the gullible indy supporters for the 2021 election; then they’ll be home and dry for another five years.

    It’s time Craig and others finally accepted: The SNP have become British colonial administrators and everything they do is done to keep them in that role.

  351. Kangaroo says:

    I’ve been on the fireline for three days, so incommunicado, and I come back to this!


    What was wrong with saying Arts 4 & 6 if the 1707 Treaty have been broken by the Northern Irealand protocol and therefore the Union as constituted is over?

  352. CameronB Brodie says:

    This is the sort of thing I’ve been drawing on and trying to encourage folk to dip their toes in. I’m not simply stroking my ego in public.

    Full text.

    Introduction: Social Epistemology Meets
    the Philosophy of the Humanities

    link to

  353. ElGordo says:

    You are fair racking up the overtime there “Nicola and Alex ER”

    What’s the Sunday rate for a British colonial poster?

  354. ElGordo says:

    “It’s a shame he doesn’t see assembling politicians disnae mean it’s to put his plan of declaring indy into action.”

    Should he “haud on” a minute?

  355. ElGordo says:

    “I’ll believe it when I see it. I would vote YES, if I had the chance, but it’s no gonnae happen. Nicola Sturgeon Disney want to keep the manifesto mandate as she is no a Braveheart and the SNP are a Mickey Mouse puppet government.”

    Prob best if you “diddy-nae” drink on the job.

  356. Effijy says:

    I picked up an e-Mail from local SNP Branch looking forward volunteer
    Door knockers to promote the benefits of Independence?

    This seems to come from the top and their assumption that we only have
    51% for.

    Another clue for HQ is the First Minister’s Yes to Independence Petition.

    The hope was to gather 300,000 signatures to prove the appetite.

    Quite incredibly it looks like going through the 520,000 mark tomorrow.

    I’ve never know a Scottish based petition to reach such a number.

    So what number now shows our appetite?
    Do we need to double the target to 600,000, a Million?

    Did the dodgy Tory petition that ran for years as a fake source of personal data
    Ever make 10,000 signatures?

  357. Effijy says:

    519,300 Scots can’t be wrong!

    link to

  358. cirsium says:

    @Elmac, 7.38

  359. Golfnut says:

    @ Hyufd.
    My comment ‘ the UK doesn’t have a written constitution ‘ how difficult is that to understand, if they did they wouldn’t get away with murdering the most vulnerable in our society by passing laws designed to inflict harm. You support a murderous, venal and corrupt government system.

  360. cirsium says:

    well said Elmac (7.38

  361. ElGordo says:

    Colin Alexander says:
    2 February, 2020 at 10:19 pm

    “Cannae say I didnae warn youse”

    Never was there a more ‘appier crew, than them what sings chim chim chiree chim cheroo…

  362. Dr Jim says:

    Dominic Cummings is to use some of the £5million being made available to *convince* Scotland not to choose Independence on mounting an Internet campaign against it

    When I read that I thought funny, they’re already doing that

    I say again though why is this deemed necessary at all if he *knows*?? he has the power to refuse Independence in the first place

    So just like 2014 the brown paper envelopes will be winging their way to Scottish *journalists* and others to aid the cause of the Tories in England

    Let’s see if anybody in the Labour movement dares to have anything to do with it this time, because even though it’ll be secret cash payouts the truth eventually comes out

    Oh and Robin Lopside has changed his stance on an Independence referendum again, he now says Scotland is entitled to one if the SNP win in 2021, of course good old Norbert Lapwing is hoping for a referendum before then so he can both oppose it now and be in favour of it later on

    The Labour Hokey Cokey, coz that’s what it’s all about, !!Hey!!

  363. jfngw says:


    Petitions are a waste of time, politicians just laugh at them, maybe not to your face but certainly in private.

    This one from 1949 had two million signatures, quite a feat in pre internet age.

    link to

    It was dismissed out of hand by Westminster, they have not changed their spots in the intervening years. I believe I signed the current one some time ago but I was under no illusion it was pointless regarding Westminster but just to keep some momentum for independence and stop the British Nationalist using a low sign up as another indication of the lack of indyref support.

  364. cirsium says:

    @Effigy, 11.14
    I’ve never know a Scottish based petition to reach such a number.

    What about the 1949 petition for Home Rule? Around 2 million signatures? Westminster’s response was that petitioning was not part of the UK’s political process and so it was ignored. Westminster has ignored the input of the Scottish Parliament which is part of the political process and whose members are our elected representatives.

  365. cirsium says:

    didn’t see your post at 11.39 jfngw

  366. Willie says:

    Look at the ranks of the elected representatives of the MSP and their assistants et al. No fire in their bellies for independence. But plenty of fire and guile for retaining their well paid / pensioned seat or job.

    One more push, one more mandate is their cry, as independence moves further away. And the corruption so engrained under Labour. Has that gone away under the SNP control. Of course not, nothing is changing or has changed.

    Well, pig looked at man, and man looked at pig, and they were both the same. Time for a new list party before the SNP squanders again the mandate given to it.

    As to rumours about the current leadership I’m sure they’ll soon be public and that hopefully that will assist the current SNP to be restructured.

    Colonial administration was a good job for some during the British Empire. In fact the British Empire couldn’t run have it’s colonies without local hands taking the Queen’s Shilling. History repeats, and that’s where we are today since Salmond’s departure.

  367. Dr Jim says:

    Watch out for the Tories coming up with some ludicrous wheeze in the coming weeks about foreign baddies arriving to do *their precious* UK harm and that’s why they want to arm all of Londons police force

    It’s not foreign bad guys they’re worried about, it’s the home grown variety now, and they’re afraid

    The indications are all there in the media coverage

  368. Dr Jim says:

    All SNP MSPs have donated all wage increases to charity since 2010, the SNP MSPs are in fact the lowest paid and take the least expenses of all MSPs at Holyrood, take the helicopter for example, loads of folk complain about that but it’s not taxpayers money that pays for that, it’s membership money, in money terms Labour’s Richard Lipdung takes more cash home than the FM

    Almost 50% of SNP MPs have taken earnings cuts to their incomes just to be working for Scotland, some like Joanna Cherry QC Philipa Whitford Ian Blackford could be earning three times what they earn as MPs in their previous jobs, when George Kerevan was a SNP MP he would only accept £26.000 the rest he donated to charity

    The financial slur against the SNP just doesn’t stack up and never has, there are all sorts of reasons anybody can employ to complain they’re not happy about what the SNP do or say but the money thing isn’t one of them

  369. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s more of the sort of weird voodoo I’ve been trying to encourage folk to dip their toes in. It doesn’t hurt, honestly, and once you’ve seen it, you can’t un-see it. It’s like learning to swim, you only go as deep as you feel comfortable. You might not think your bright enough, but I could do it shortly after smashing my head of a pavement, after falling from a third floor window. So it’s probably only yourself holding yourself back.


    This is one of the argumentation-al tack-tick Westminster is using in order to strip Scots of their legal identities and right to legal rights. Full text.

    Dismissive Incomprehension: A Use of Purported Ignorance to Undermine Others


    This paper analyses a particular social phenomenon whereby a speaker purports ignorance of the meaning of another speaker’s speech in order to undermine that other speaker: dismissive incomprehension. It develops a speech act theory of the phenomenon, and develops its distinctive, and sometimes problematic perlocutionary character.

    After taking a look at some of the issues surrounding the phenomenon, the paper compares it to more fully studied features of our social lives, including epistemic injustice and gaslighting. It ends with some thoughts on counteracting the problematic cases of dismissive incomprehension.

    Social epistemology, speech acts, epistemic injustice, gaslighting

    link to

  370. Papko says:

    “Colonial administration was a good job for some during the British Empire. In fact the British Empire couldn’t run have it’s colonies without local hands taking the Queen’s Shilling”

    Portentous comment @Willie.
    Also the Animal Farm reference seems eerily apposite.

  371. ben madigan says:

    some thoughts on Scotland today.
    link to

  372. Famous15 says:

    Hey Joe.

    Thanks for your input. I now hold to be true, after long and hard consideration, that Sturgeon is a mile better than any of the other alternatives on the horizon.

    I want independence not bullshit.

  373. Dr Jim says:

    You can always tell a Britnat or a hater, they never read other posts or information because they’re not interested in that, they’re only ever interested in getting straight to the lie or slur they’ve just thought up or agreeing with one of their mates about theirs

  374. Confused says:

    “late night, maudlin street”
    “little man, what now”

    I came across eliots “the hollow men” just now by synchronicity – and it made me think of wings

    mistah rev, he dead
    a penny for the old ROCK

    this is the way indy ends

    not with a bang, but another fucking talking shop

    – you could make a decent indy parody with a cheap bit of copy-paste, but its all good as it is …

    Between the idea
    And the reality
    Between the motion
    And the act
    Falls the Shadow

    – aye, tell me about it

    thinking about indy right now, feels like pining for a lost love – a teenage sweetheart; I mean, you know she still exists, somewhere, but she’s fat/old/crazy now anyway, so the urge is impossible to satisfy – never happened then, cannot happen now

    2014, it felt very close, then the day after, the whole world “felt wrong” – there is a theory about multiple universes which branch off from each other at every decision/event; HELL is simply the universe where all the wrong things happened (and vice versa) – which is what we are in; in HEAVEN, JFK was never shot, the vietnam war never started, thatcher never got into power, James 6 stayed where he was (not scared of witches), and either we won in 2014 or we never needed to win it to begin with.

    I lack the energy even for anger – can’t even get into gear for a late night rant, or a wee satire.

    I hope the REV comes back soon, he is a catalyst I think.

  375. Breeks says:

    “All Britons should get a vote in a new Scots referendum” says Stein Ringen in the Times.

    Can you imagine the smell of burning gammon at the mere suggestion of every European across the Continent being given a vote on Brexit?

    Fuck these ignorant, racist, wannabe overlords and their po faced, narrow minded, xenophobic hypocrisy.

    We could have wiped the slobber off their chin and the smile off their face on Friday.

    I’m gonna write snp in lower case letters from now on, as befits the status of our colonial parliament in Edinburgh, Holyrood, the Colonial Regime’s Approved Parliament of Holyrood.

    Westminster plunders Scotland’s wealth, and we’re expected to put up with the CRAP house of Holyrood.

    Give us hope Joanna. Give us hope….

  376. Breeks says:

    Effijy says:
    2 February, 2020 at 11:14 pm

    …Quite incredibly it looks like going through the 520,000 mark tomorrow.

    I’ve never know a Scottish based petition to reach such a number.

    Both Holyrood and Westminster can ignore the sovereign will of 64% of the sovereign electorate. With no rebuke to you intended Effigy, in well meant spirit, I encourage you to explain exactly what you think 520,000 signatures is going to do for us.

    I am thoroughly worn out with Scotland investing so much of it’s heart and energy into these forlorn impotent “feel good” gestures and exercises which achieve nothing. I’m not attacking them, go ahead sign them, and go to AUOB marches, in as large numbers as we can muster, but we need “more”.

    Please, can we take the principle of Scottish Independence and boil it in a pot to remove the rotting flesh and reveal the bare bones of what needs done to win it and shortest direct route to doing it. There are early signs the flesh is beginning to stink and putrefy.

    People don’t need another coat of hope to sustain them, they need the living scent and sound of victory. We need to know where the finish line is.

    We throw ourselves onto hope like starving beggars being thrown a crust. We needed a show of strength on Friday, and we got nothing. NOTHING.

    Things have got to change.

  377. sassenach says:

    CameronB Brodie says:
    2 February, 2020 at 9:56 pm
    Do you think you doctor or dentist are similarly pompous twerps, full of their own self-importance


    No, I don’t – mainly because they are qualified practioners (who I can check), and do not continually spout screeds of cut & paste jargonese.

    You, on the other hand, are simply an anonymous keyboard puncher who does inflict himself on us all – that’s the difference!

  378. mike cassidy says:


    So the American Declaration Of Independence is the gold standard, is it?

    I love how these people make things up and presume others will see the fabrications as great insight.

    link to

    Can we presume Stein Ringen has changed his mind about this?

    Britain now has the most centralised system of government in Europe. All policies emanate and are run and managed from Whitehall, and preferably from Downing Street. Parliament, and notably the House of Commons, has virtually no role in the formulation of policy and very little role even in its scrutiny

    link to

  379. Papko says:

    “Dr Jim says:
    3 February, 2020 at 2:04 am
    You can always tell a Britnat or a hater, they never read other posts or information because they’re not interested in that”

    Vintage analysis, seems your the last of the vitriolic old guard left on here.
    Whatever happened to Robert Pfeffers,Thepnr,Indyref2 etc?

    I heard they are all on a new site now busy honing new arguments.

  380. Almond Chutney says:

    Signatures and petitions will do nothing. They’re just a farce to make you think you have power in numbers, when barely any legal vote or referendum doesn’t actually mean much more either.

    Still, at least the sentiment is there, the more recognition you can gain the better still in the near future would give more chance of prospect.

    I mean, at least it is something.

  381. Effijy says:

    Hi Breeks,

    I got seriously behind the petition as it does imply no appetite
    For independence if we didn’t reach the 300,000 target.

    I then imagined how wonderful and strong an argument for
    Would be with 500,000 signatures, however I am being Critical
    Like you in my last post.

    Why haven’t I heard praise from Nicola for all those involved?
    Why are our SNP politicians not shouting this at every media outlet,
    In their constituencies, in the parliaments.

    Have we achieved something good and great for it to be ignored?
    Will people continue to sign petitions if they just disappear?

    A petition with half a million plus signatures in Scotland is really quite something.

    Do something Nicola!

    How about printing it and walking it into Downing Street to slap Boris in the face with it and
    At least the European News Media will cover it and support us.

  382. Al-Stuart says:

    Excellent ‘toon, ta Chris.

    A cute picture like that and it gives me nightmares.

    Stuart Campbell, are you having an off day?

    YES you are right, the ignorant, arrogant prick~ that wrote this IS an oven-ready roaster…

    link to

    But think it through Stu?

    If the whole of Britain voted on Scottish Independence instead of just ourselves north of the Border, do you not think the vote would be turbo-charged in our favour?

    The majority in England hate us. We are just sponging sweaties.

    Stuart, surely you have the actual polling statistics in that magic box of information by your steam driven computer?

    If, say 65% of England do as they are trained by the MSM and hate us with a passion, then vote to boot the Barnett scrounging Jocks out of their precious Union, would that not bypass the democratically constipated Nicola problem?

    The difficulty for BoJo and British Establishment is that it suited them to brainwash their Daily Mail and Sun reading bigots that Scotland is a huge drain on England’s resources. Surely if a UK-wide Referendum was had and the WHOLE of the UK voted FOR Scotland’s departure, then that would trump BoJo/Blackstock/Nicola and we would secure our independence?

    Stuart, I know you don’t like making mischief, but methinks this UK-wide vote on whether England subsidises Scotland and should Scotland be “let go” has some mileage amongst our bretheren from the Home Counties who drag their knuckles along the ground with pride.

  383. Joe says:


    If Scotland were to become independent at this moment, with Scottish politics looking like it is we would quickly be in the same position as the Irish.

    What position are the Irish in?

    They are being replaced in their own country by design. Within a few years the ‘trans’ debate will seem pleasant in comparison.

    Of course, im obviously just a hate filled Nazi to say something so awful and the Scottish lefty Yes types aren’t actually largely dumb brainwashed sheep. Clearly.

    Im very grateful for Brexit and if Johnson actually carries through with it properly (I dont believe he will) i’ll be more positively disposed to the Tories than any of the current crop of ‘Scottish’ globalist arseholes that are spinning you all a yarn while selling you out bit by bit.

    Obviously much of you who will read this will think im insane or just a Union plant. The truth is most of you don’t know your arse from your elbow about the situation in the world today and havent the intellectual courage to question your programming for a single second.

  384. jockmcx says:

    84 year old labour die hard raging about pesioners losing thier free tv licence “not effing” paying it!

    He,s also impressed with the indy marchers.

  385. Mike d says:

    Al-stuart.’the majority in england hate us’. But they are not daft enough to vote to let us would shatter their little ego’s.

  386. jockmcx says:

    Independance is going to happen,the uk does not exist,as proven by the snp mp’s that we sent to westminster.

    what we do next is as plain as the glumness on your keyboard

    Herr boris has asked for unity.

    Tell him he can get to f**k BY.. not whinging about the snp…
    not just voting for the snp… JOIN the fucking snp.
    By the way i am not a member yet…but now is the time…
    dont be losers.

  387. jockmcx says:

    I hope u all know there’s bogey men here,and how to switch on a light!

  388. Liz g says:

    Joe @ 9.38
    What we do have the intellect to know Joe is that this is a political site.
    Created to discuss the best form of government suited to Scotland.
    We’re no here to discuss eugenics.
    Or pretend the Westminster Tory’s should be admired if they get Brexit right, they have nae right to be getting any Brexit for Scotland, we voted against it. Again this is a Political issue you do see that Joe?

    And it’s no rocket science to be understanding that If and When the People of Scotland vote to leave the EU,that’s the time when “how it’s done ” is up for discussion.
    Even then Joe, eugenics I’d wager, won’t be on the table…

    What that says about the “intellect” of those who advocate for or against it. …. I’ll leave to better minds than mine and stick to Politics!

  389. mike cassidy says:

    Joe 9.38

    “What position are the Irish in?

    They are being replaced in their own country by design”

    And who’s behind this ‘Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers’ scenario?

    I hope they at least know their arse from their elbow.

    Or the replacements might struggle to beat even Scotland at rugby.

  390. Colin Alexander says:

    Don’t cancel SNP membership. Join the SNP.

    If already a member, become an active member:

    Goal 1: Sturgeon’s “leadership” must be ended. Policy must be changed, making the SNP the independence party, instead a of a pro-independence party.

    Belt and braces approach:

    If goal 1 fails.

    We need goal 2:

    An alternative vote for 2021 to lock Sturgeon’s colonial woke SNP out of power.

    Take every seat off the colonial woke Greens.

    Stu has to decide if he’s gonnae pee or get off the chanty with talk of a Wings Party.

    Or AUOB or YES groups have to stand up and be counted and challenge the colonial SNP.

  391. Liz g says:

    Mike Cassidy @ 11.05
    Ha Ha, Nice one 🙂
    Let’s leave “Billy Bob” the cousin fucker up there to come round to the the idea Boris is starting to look ” right Pruttey”

  392. stuart mctavish says:

    Watching from France, Nicola may have played a blinder but the prisoners dilemma (arising from plan A having been to allow Scotland to be dragged out the EU against its will all along) means that Brexiteers now fall into the category of trusted allies or useful idiots whereas Remainers now fall into the category of useless idiots (not unlike myself!) or deceived allies..

    Accordingly, with a view to restoring my inalienable rights asap (& in the absence of marshal law being imposed in response to or in favour of the easily manipulated), I’d be inclined to urge the non idiots from all sides to get their colours along to the AUOB marches where perhaps even representatives for Boris Johnson and organised labour can be encouraged to take the stage and present their case (or excuses) in advance of the now inevitable constitutional overhaul.

  393. Dan says:

    Apparently “we” still have a choice…
    Indeed, though considering the state of Labour’s past, present, and future performances it’s called Hobson’s choice.

    link to

  394. jfngw says:

    Watch out AC-H is again out and about with his gaslighting tweets. Someone asked if he had a PHD, I don’t know but he sure as hell is a PHD.

  395. Tony Hay says:

    I like the idea of NS continuing as FM(getting on with the day job kinda thing) and an indy supremo leading the fight to indy…..the thing is,does that person exist within the SNP ranks,and could the ego of NS + the gradualists take this.

  396. Almond Chutney says:

    @Tony Hay,

    Doubtful, doesn’t seem that NS can deliver the day job OR independence, time for her to step aside.

  397. CameornB Brodie says:

    What makes you think I’m not qualified? Do you think you’re helping Scotland by maintaining your state of ignorance? Your attitude towards education really is appalling and is no help to the cause.

  398. CameornB Brodie says:

    Rev. Stu
    That you put me in automatic moderation?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “That you put me in automatic moderation?

      Best of luck then Rev. I’ve got better things to be doing with my life than trying to educate the willfully ignorant.”

      No, what’s happened there is that you’ve typed your own name wrong so the system thinks you’re a new user…

  399. jfngw says:

    The BBC once claimed they had a ‘mission to explain’, I have decoded this as meaning we will just read out Westminster government propaganda verbatim, no analysis or even pointing out outright lies.

    Although the latter is simple, basically whatever emanates from Boris Johnson’s gob is almost certainly a lie, it is hard to remember even one of his statements that didn’t encompass a lie somewhere. He knows he’s lying but he doesn’t care, he thinks we are all thick as shit, he’s not alone most of these Etonians types have this attitude.

  400. CameornB Brodie says:

    Best of luck then Rev. I’ve got better things to be doing with my life than trying to educate the willfully ignorant.

  401. jockmcx says:

    A friend has told me they were visited by the spirit of
    walter mckronkite (who’s that?)

    Apparantly there will be a ‘character’ assassination attempt
    on the snp leader by someone hiding behind a greasy pole
    or something.

    Coming soon to an assaulted peanut brain near you.

  402. Republicofscotland says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if we were a independent nation before Johnson got around the negotiating table to sell off Scottish assets for London interests.

    His weak hand would be weakened even further in EU trade talks. I think Johnson knows fine well the EU are going to play hardball, and a no deal will ensue.

    For no exiting nation can receive a better deal than a EU member.

    One wonder if the EU will play down fishing rights etc in negotiations with Johnson, knowing fine well that another opportunity will arrive via a independent Scotland.

  403. Republicofscotland says:

    Germans for Scottish Independence have organised a march in Berlin this April. The German plea for Scottish independence comes two days before the 700th anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath.

    The organisers want anyone who’s able to attend to do so. The march will end outside the British embassy in Berlin with a rallying cry for Scottish independence.

    I’m gobsmacked at the support our EU brothers and sisters have for us. I hope we can repay them in kind by becoming independent and join the EU family.

  404. CameornB Brodie says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell
    Sorry Rev., I just lost the rag again. I’ll step back for a while myself. Have a good break. 😉

  405. CameronB Brodie says:


  406. Ottomanboi says:

    If you need something to brighten your day, lift you out of the slough of despond check this out.
    link to
    Nothing is ‘inevitable’, ask La Davidson.
    Oh and France 24 England 17
    Allez l’Écosse!

  407. CameronB Brodie says:

    While I’m taking a break, it would be good if folk didn’t forget that British constitutional law and practice lacks coherence with international law, so is, subsequently, incompatible with international human rights law. International human rights law has “horizontal direct effect” on individuals, while we remain in the EU. Please lets keep it that way, it’s simply not rational to trust the Tories, pumped up on English nationalism, with the duty of protecting your biological security. Full text.

    Conceptualizing the Relationship between
    International Human Rights Law
    and Private International Law

    In the domestic context, constitutional and private law regimes sit together in an uneasy posture. To reconcile them, domestic regimes tend to articulate some theoretical mechanism of interaction. For example, in the United States, the state action doctrine attempts to mediate the relationship, while in Canada and Germany, the theory of indirect horizontal effect plays an analogous role.

    This Note explores the possibility of a corresponding tension at the international level. At least in conceit, private international law and international human rights law regimes exist side-by-side. But they lack a clear framework governing their interaction. Drawing from work analyzing the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”) on private international law, this essay identifies and evaluates two potential candidates for a mediating mechanism that could operate beyond the European context: the public policy exception and the concept of horizontal effect.

    Given the widely-perceived issue of rights underenforcement, a clearer specification of the relationship between international human rights law and private international law might offer broader avenues for rights realization.

    link to

  408. Republicofscotland says:


    Please don’t give that shitrag the Express hits. Archive it please. Like this.

    link to

  409. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘…an astounding spectacle of mendacious, intellectually limited hustlers.’

    It’s a year old but a great read if you haven’t seen it:

    link to

  410. CameornB Brodie says:

    Rev. Stu
    Sorry for being a pest, but I’ve now logged on correctly so the system is no longer recognising me. It’s holding my last post for a while, which I think might give Scotland’s judiciary a bit of a beamer. If they have an ethical consciousness, that is. 🙂

  411. Dr Jim says:

    The Greens are working with Labour to screw over the Scottish government on business taxes by forcing them to be devolved to local councils and if they do that they’re in effect ablolishing the small business bonus, pricing small businesses off the high street by hiking their taxes

    Any Whiteman is the architect of this plan who says he believes local taxes should be set by councils, Scottish government taxes by Holyrood and all *other taxes by the UK government*

    My understanding was that Greens supported Independence for Scotland, apparently not

  412. Republicofscotland says:

    Swap out Scotland and England for Norway and Sweden and you have a very similar situation. Just how did Norway breakaway from its forced union with Sweden, to become the wealthy and successful independent state that we know today.

    And why can’t we follow suit.

    link to

  413. CameornB Brodie says:

    I just can’t help myself. The post that is being held @1:55pm, concerns the interface between International Human Rights Law and Private International Law. For those who might be interested. 😉

    Human Rights as Part of Customary International Law:
    A Plea for Change of Paradigms

    The question for us international lawyers is how, and how much of, public sentiment for human rights has been transformed into binding international law.

    International human rights norms, Customary international law, Sovereignty Paradigm, jus cogens, Neutral Paradigm, Contract Paradigm

    link to

  414. Dr Jim says:

    Right on cue the Fuhrer John announces tougher terrorist laws
    so he can get the London police fully armed to keep us all safe, and there are still people who can’t see where this is going and why

  415. Ottomanboi says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Excellent article.
    [But it is safe to say that a long-cosseted British ruling class has finally come to the end of itself as it was.]
    Not too sure about that. More like ‘plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.’
    The old maid Britannia still has life in her and plenty available to provide life support.
    Indian Summer by Tunzelmann is an excellent (and racy read) account of the last days of ‘British India’.

    Thanks for the reminder. Will do in future.

  416. Reluctant Nationalist says:

    Another kebab attack in London. What a shame.

  417. admiral says:

    Dr Jim says:

    My understanding was that Greens supported Independence for Scotland, apparently not

    Not a chance the Greens are genuine supporters of independence. They pay lip service to it as a political expedient only.

  418. Nana says:

    New poll results

    link to

  419. Republicofscotland says:

    EU countries taking down Union Jack and replacing them with the Saltire, are EU countries expressing an opinion now that the UK is out of the EU.

    It could be solidarity, as Holyrood and Bute house defy the unionists and fly the EU flag high.

    link to

  420. Colin Alexander says:

    “My understanding was that Greens supported Independence for Scotland, apparently not

    Not a chance the Greens are genuine supporters of independence. They pay lip service to it as a political expedient only.”.

    Just like Sturgeon’s SNP then.

  421. Republicofscotland says:


    How can it be 50%-50% when an odd number was polled, no mention of don’t knows included.

    Or am I missing something.

  422. Colin Alexander says:

    Nicola wanted the SNP’s name to be different.

    She should rename it: The Murrell’s Colonial Administration.

  423. Nana says:


    No idea. This is a Progress Scotland poll.
    James Kelly has another poll, he will let us know the results in good time.

  424. Dr Jim says:

    Thanks for the polling results Nana, I’m supposed to be on the contact register for this and I was never contacted and haven’t been since I included my political party of choice on the survey form after a 90 minute interview in my home so I hope folk’ll excuse me when I say the polls are mince and organised to influence, not inform, and I’m sick to the back teeth of the media using polls as a manipulating tool to run countries, that’s what we vote people in for, nobody votes for polling companies, nobody votes for newspapers, nobody votes for TV opinions or analysis implying what we should or should not vote for, that’s deliberately removing the responsibility or the need for folk to think for themselves in order to engineer the results they want

    Democracy is about voting for people not shyster organised polls

  425. Breeks says:

    Dr Jim says:
    3 February, 2020 at 2:38 pm
    Right on cue the Fuhrer John announces tougher terrorist laws
    so he can get the London police fully armed to keep us all safe, and there are still people who can’t see where this is going and why….

    Dr Jim, if I was Boris Johnson, I’d be lining 100 acts to get on the statute. “Those stupid Jocks think the Scotland Act is actually their Sovereign Constitution! Quick! Let’s get the royal coach and horses and drive it through before the cretins wise up”.

    Boris Johnson is coming for us hard and fast, because the door has been left wide open. All he has to do is change the password and he’ll lock us out our own country.

  426. Nana says:

    @Dr Jim
    I’ve seen a few folks saying they weren’t contacted for some recent polls either and I do wonder if some are fabricated.

    I don’t usually pay much attention to polls, but with James Kelly’s teasing tweet I wonder what he has found.

    As you say polls are to influence and not to inform.

  427. ahundredthidiot says:

    SNP MPs have till the end of today…….tick tock

  428. Sarah says:

    Media problem – we all know it is the major barrier to people seeing that Scotland needs to take back control of its own affairs.

    Could Scot Gov/SNP not set up a radio or TV station in the Isle of Man or Ireland which could be heard/seen in Scotland?

  429. Nana says:

    James’s poll is on his website. O tried to link to it but no show.

  430. Nana says:

    oops sorry it’s the prospect one d’oh

  431. SilverDarling says:

    Are we now going to be in the bizarre situation where MSM start pressuring the SNP to push for independence?

    We know they like to create conflict but does this signify a real shift in tone or more of the same in order to have something to write about?

    Will we see Rev Stu on Scotland Tonight taking on Mhairi Hunter’s bland SNP platitudes and ‘Loony Left’ identity ideas?

    What would be welcome is the alternative GERS sooner rather than later and every SNP spokesperson armed with answers to shut down the mantra of lies.

    In particular ‘the deficit’, EU/ Eurozone entry conditions and Education and NHS ‘problems’. It must be made clear the role of Health Boards in the catalogue of recent events which are put firmly at the door of the HB equivalents in E & W but are made out to be responsibility of the Scottish Health Minister from the outset.

    Mike Russell has been giving some robust rebuttal on Twitter but this has to be done consistently and every SNP spokesperson must be prepared for the SG domestic record to be challenged no matter what they are asked to comment on.

    Finally, if the FM is serious about building support then she has to start listening not just saying the same thing over and over again. She should look beyond the bubble of hangers on and fanboys and girls that celebrate her every utterance and realize why there is dissatisfaction with her approach not just pay lip service that it exists.

  432. jfngw says:

    I see the Rev’s status is on the rise in the MSM, currently a leader, no doubt soon the be an Elder of the Internet.

  433. Dr Jim says:

    The Greens are predictably jumping up and down about the new polling results claiming that voting Green on the list is the best way to secure Blah blah blah, it’s not and the Greens are leaping on to the SNP bandwagon again

  434. ahundredthidiot says:

    re Dr Jim post at 2:38

    If people think back just 20 years and picture three things in their minds eye – a policeman, a traffic warden and a security guard. Fuck all in common with each other – nothing, nada, ziltch.

    Now compare that to the same three things today – they’re all wearing jet black military style outfits, waist belts with ‘toys’, peak caps, kevlar vests etc. security guards get called things like ‘response officers’…….wardens are now ‘community safety officers’ – and of course, lets not forget our brave and selfless police officers. All in one big lovely, state enforcing, people hating ‘officer enforcement team’.

    Now imagine what it will look like in 20 years time.

    And still people are in doubt about what’s really going on…..boggles the mind.

    Thanks to Dunblane we no longer have guns – The US is ten years ahead of us and their ‘enforcement officer teams’ are masked, running around in armoured cars! – no wonder US citizens are keeping their guns, I know I fucking would.

  435. Republicofscotland says:

    Heres James Kellys take on the Survation poll.

  436. jfngw says:


    Of course the MSM is now eyeing up a indyref, they need something to fill their output with. Brexit is done as far as they are concerned, it’s hard to get people excited about trade talks unless a no deal becomes the outcome. They want conflict, any kind, wars are the best because the reporters names you remember were always on the war frontline and these people want to be famous. Many (the high profile ones) of them are performers not journalists in any meaningful sense.

  437. jfngw says:

    After Donald Tusk says Scotland would be eagerly accepted into the EU (unless you read the BBC) then presumably any MSP now not supporting an independent Scotland is in fact a Brexiteer, the LibDem’s in particular have had their number called. But the great remainers in the Labour and Tory parties are just as culpable.

    LibDem, Tory, Labour, all British Nationalist first, Scottish second.

  438. Nigel Farage said on his Sunday show that Scotland could not afford to be independent because of its financies he must have forgot about the Macrone report that proved the opposit and that is why it was kept hidden for 30 years but hey maybe they believe their own lies ??? I know I don’t

  439. Mike d says:

    I dont know, first france humps them at rugby, then one of the luftwaffe’s bombs turn up in london. Those mad morris dancers will be going mental. They thought they’d seen the last of europe.Lol

  440. Mike d says:

    A hundredtheidiot. 4.31pm. Yeah I noticed that 20yrs ago. These SB’s are walking into a judge dredd environment.

  441. Dr Jim says:

    London is the knife crime capital of Europe, Birmingham is the gun crime capital and believe it or not Bristol is the cocaine user capital of Europe

    All of these facts have been very quietly reported by the BBC either by overnight text or as below the news bylines, even Ross Kemps BBC documentary on gun crime in England’s cities melted away without notice

    The health service throughout England has broken down and fragmented into a hit and miss tradgedy of deaths in every region of England with ambulances leaving people on pavements for hours and still the BBC treat all of this news as less important than Herr Johnson puffing out his overblown Trumpian garbage about optimism for *our country*

    In the Commons today Lindsay Hoyle ignored as much as humanly possible that the SNP exist and when they did manage a question it was immediately replied to with no answer except *you just want Independence and we’re not going to let you have it* as the answer

    If Scotland were a normal country like everyone else with all the financial assets we have London would never dare to behave in this way for fear of losing trading relationships with such a country but because London can just take Scotlands assets we get the treatment they feel like dishing out to their field slaves

    Herr Johnson’s actually not in as good a position as he’s conning people into believing and already he’s rowing back on the border checks (remember those checks that would never happen)

    I believe pretty soon once the Murdochs have enough they’ll turn on the Fuhrer of England and Herr Johnson might think at the moment he’s butchered a pig but pretty soon no one’s going to buy his bacon

  442. TinyT says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    3 February, 2020 at 2:16 pm

    “Swap out Scotland and England for Norway and Sweden and you have a very similar situation. Just how did Norway breakaway from its forced union with Sweden, to become the wealthy and successful independent state that we know today.

    And why can’t we follow suit.”

    Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they had more than 50% support for Independence before declaring Independence. From your link.

    “In one of the most lopsided referendum results in history, the plebiscite was held on 13 August and resulted in an overwhelming 368,208 votes (99.95%) in favor of confirming the dissolution of the union against only 184 (0.05%) opposed.”

  443. SilverDarling says:


    Yes, too much to hope for. Colour me even more cynical.

    There will be no distraction now from Johnston’s Brexit disastrous policies and they will be forced to scrutinize the actual effect on Scotland of the above rather than the project fear effect of Scottish Independence. Maybe even a question or two about Self ID to the FM if they have the guts.

    I see the political journos all joined forces and walked out as No 10 was not subtle enough in its divide and rule. It is obvious that the loyalties of MSM journalists lie primarily with other journos no matter what side of the political divide they reside. To hell with the readership as we all saw with Neil Mackay and the Sunday Herald.

  444. Effijy says:

    Heard on LBC today that Boris tried to deny access
    To his speech all reporters from left of centre newspapers?

    Some others threatened to walk out in sympathy

  445. Republicofscotland says:

    “Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they had more than 50% support for Independence before declaring Independence.”

    Yes but the point is we only need a majority not 95%.

  446. Dan says:

    Liam Fox said “The free trade agreement that we will have to do with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history”…


    …More shit “brexiteers” didn’t plan for when dealing with those “pesky foreigners”.

    link to

    écouter et répéter

    trois lions sur une chemise

    combien coûte l’électricité?

    l’échangeras-tu contre du poisson écossais?

  447. Dan says:

    Talking of leccy and where it comes from.
    Scroll to the right to view the pegged out gauges for the interconnects cables from France, Netherlands, and Belgium.
    The high import demand no doubt due to “brexiteers” busily making innovative jams…

    link to

  448. Dan says:

    link to

    Lisa Nandy has promised to “never interfere” in devolved policymaking if she becomes Labour leader and believes the party’s stance on independence should be shaped by Scottish Labour.

    link to

  449. Colin Alexander says:

    Ceau?escus = Murrells

    Nicolae Ceau?escu = Nicola Sturgeon

    in that they are all autocratic deniers of democracy.

    Sturgeon must go.

  450. Colin Alexander says:

    The Romanian Ceausescus = The SNP Murrells

    Nicolae Ceausescu = Nicola Sturgeon

    in that they are all autocratic deniers of democracy.

    Sturgeon must step down or be removed as SNP leader.

  451. Phronesis says:

    ‘The UK government is expected to spend almost £1 for every man, woman and child in Scotland in a year-long effort to win over those in favour of independence… Boris Johnson is preparing to love-bomb Scotland with a £5m taxpayer-funded advertising blitz aimed at saving the Union’
    link to

    When it comes to marketing UKOK propaganda a pound spent in Croydon is worth more than a pound spent in Strathclyde. It is a pointless exercise to lie on a grand scale to an educated, well informed electorate and a grassroots independence movement that has been fact finding for several years about how capable Scotland is.

    The British State’s propaganda machinery has form with its old tactic of racist discourse and the politics of fear to create convenient scape goats for its own political and economic failures.
    ‘The spike in hate crimes that followed the Brexit vote in the summer of 2016 serves as a poignant reminder that Eastern Europeans are still ‘not-quite-white’. But at the same time this was a racism that was indiscriminate in its discrimination, targeting not just Eastern Europeans – the EU part of the problem – but racism’s favourite targets of yesteryear as well. The toxic rhetoric surrounding immigration in the build up to Brexit allowed some Brexiteers to interpret the referendum results as endorsing their exclusionary views…equally pernicious and more pervasive forms of racism and xenophobia increasingly embedded in our institutions and transmitted through political discourse.
    link to

    Scotland, the country, did not vote to abandon hard won rights enshrined in European legislation and jurisprudence . No level of propaganda can invert that simple truth;

    ‘Workers Rights and Health and Safety Directives
    These directives make provision for equal pay, equal treatment and equal opportunities for men and women; prohibition of racially based discrimination and harassment; maximum working hours; preservation of worker rights on company takeovers by way of transfer of undertaking regulations; the establishment of maternity and paternity rights and the prohibition of exploitation of agency and temporary workers…it is Europe which has consistently extended the scope and closed the loopholes. It is no exaggeration to say that these are reforms which have transformed the workplace and social landscape for all of us’

    link to

  452. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    The two latest polls, From Progress Scotland and Scot Goes Pop!…

    link to

  453. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    link to

  454. Effijy says:

    Lisa Nandy- so is she saying the one man, the single Scottish Born
    Labour MP should decide the future of Scotland as opposed to the
    People of Scotland?

    Or does she mean the one Labour Englishman in Holyrood
    Should decide Scotland’s fate.

    I think we have pretty much decided neither Nandy or Labour
    Should have anything to do with Scotland.

  455. Colin Alexander says:

    Under Sturgeon the SNP became the SCP:

    Sturgeon’s Colonial Party

  456. Effijy says:

    Bojo continues to emulate 1930’s German leader with small moustache.

    First he attacked the disabled, the unemployed, see link below- try’s to shut down
    Non supporting media, and declares his nation to be superior to every other

    link to

  457. Gary45% says:

    Colin Roger Alexander Party. CRAP.
    Get over yourself son, even with a very large vent of outrage last Friday, the SNP are still trusted more than any other party in this sorry Island.

    You say Sturgeon must go, who do you suggest replaces her?

  458. Dr Jim says:


    His gym teacher

  459. One_Scot says:

    You’re wasting your time, he’s a Trojan Yoon troll.

  460. mike cassidy says:


    A colourised picture of Pittodrie in 1946.

    Who would have guessed the generation that grew up in Nohealthandsafetyland would poll most opposed to independence.

  461. mike cassidy says:

    And here’s the picture!

    link to

  462. Dr Jim says:

    Hyfud is trolling the FM again, British Nazionalists are going bonkers claiming fake polls, even Davie Clegg (remember him) implied the poll was real, unbelievable for the bowler hatted grand master there

    The significance of this poll is that it’s only just taken place without the campaign launch

    It looks on the face of it that folk are beginning to wake up at last, if you take out the head cases and the bigots this could go far

  463. HYUFD says:

    Brian Doonethetoon So despite commissioning a crowdfunded Nat poll James Kelly can still only get Yes to 49% once Don’t Knows are included

  464. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi HYUFD.

    Awa’ an’ bile yir heid…

    Have you ever heard of “the back foot”?

    That’s you, that is.

  465. Balaaargh says:

    As much as I am not a fan of the FM, Mr Alexander’s comments are unacceptable.

    Ceau?escu was a brutal totalitarian dictator whose people not only had to live under his repressive secret police enforcing his views but also suffered food rationing from his failed economic policies.

  466. Liz g says:

    Balaaargh @ 11.04
    He’s just trying to derail the conversation away from the new poll…. Just ignore him…. The ridiculous statement is just showing how desperate they all are…. There will be more than these two clowns tonight!

  467. Joe says:

    @ Liz G and Mike Cassidy

    I have proof that the majority of pro indy +EU folks dont know their arse from their elbow.
    They voted SNP and seem to be surprised by the result. Sorry, but its been staring everyone in the face for ages now. People who cant think for themselves are screwed.

  468. Joe says:

    And now we have people still pretending that Scotland can be ‘independent in the EU’ while senior people in the EU are suggesting taking away veto rights from member states.

    Honestly, why dont we all just pretend what we want is real instead of bothering with anything annoying like actual reality?

  469. Joe says:

    Coz fuck consequences of wishful thinking right? If we just believe something or someone is a certain way, regardless of whats looking us in the face, it will just be roses, right?

  470. Liz g says:

    I rest my case…

  471. Liz g says:

    Think Thistles Joe no roses…. Remember where ye are!
    Whit did ye make of the new poll Joe?

  472. Kenny J says:

    * Dan says:
    3 February, 2020 at 7:46 pm

    Talking of leccy and where it comes from.
    Scroll to the right to view the pegged out gauges for the interconnects cables from France, Netherlands, and Belgium.
    The high import demand no doubt due to “brexiteers” busily making innovative jams…
    link to

    National Grid used to have current flow in real time on one of it’s pages. Any time I looked, there was constant transmission going South from here. Can’t remember numbers now, but it was not small.
    Strangely, it disappeared around 2014, I think.

  473. jfngw says:


    Here’s one for you to celebrate the end of the last last time the Tories held most seats in Scotland, dedicated especially for you.

    link to

  474. Famous15 says:

    Joe senior people in the EU are not the EU decision makers. The Brit Nats make this mistake or pretend to. If the EU were to go too far well you either try to stop it or leave at that point. All sorts of notions are floated but few . get agreed.

    The good poll for independence has made the Brit Nats loopy. Good.

  475. Liz g says:

    Famous 15 @ 11.54
    And the one thing they completely forget to mention but know well…
    The EU treaties have an Article 50.
    The Treaty of Union has no such thing and that’s the difference..
    Why on earth after walking away from a Union with 27 other countries are they so afraid to let this country go?
    That’s a funny kind of go it alone independence.
    What’s so precious about us I wonder?

  476. Chic McGregor says:

    Famous 15

    I think THE good poll is the tip of an iceberg. Note the dearth of indy polls in the last couple of months. Do you really think there has not actually been many polls which remain unpublished? Why have they not been published? Yes, that’s right.

    From 1999 – 2007 many polls which asked the straight question indy Y or N? showed support for indy at 54% (neglecting DKs) but these were successfully hidden from both the public and the Scottish MPS and MSPs and the Scottish public.

    Instead the public and elected representatives were fed the support for independence in Europe from multi-option polling questions which did not therefore include those who opted for the independence outside Europe and those who would settle for increased powers for the Scottish Parliament. Around about 30%.

    Since then, the advent of the internet has made such covering up nigh impossible.

  477. Dr Jim says:

    They say there’s no oil left then they say Scotland can’t be independent until the oil runs out in 2054 then they say Trump will put even more Tarrifs on Scottish products as if we didn’t know Herr Johnson wasn’t behind that, if Trump had a beef with France why pick Scotland to put Tarrifs on goods
    Aye coz we’re aw daft

    They match the percentage of one election against the votes in another election against the turnout in another election and come up with sh*te and claim nonsense

    Everybody in Scotland should take a day trip to Ireland and see the benefits of throwing the Bitnatz out of our country
    and even if they don’t see it how does every Scot enjoy being called VERMIN by that Bastirt

  478. Sandy says:

    Re the clown’s proposal to £5m propaganda campaign. I wonder if this has anything to do with the unpublished poll of last October or thereabouts.

  479. Dr Jim says:

    @Sandy 1:36am

    Apparently much of the cash is going to be internet targeted buying journalists and bloggers to convince the YOOF and the rest to threaten and terrify the elderly

  480. Colin Alexander says:


    First of all, can I politely suggest you update your id to Gary51% ?

    Who should replace Nicola Sturgeon as leader?

    Someone who believes the people of Scotland are sovereign, so Empress Elizabeth and UK Parliament ARE NOT sovereign over the people of Scotland. That the exercise of sovereign powers are only loaned to UK Parliament and can be reserved back to Scotland at any time.

    Thus someone who believes:

    1. the people of Scotland have the right of self-determination.

    2. the people of Scotland do not require prior permission or prior consent from the UK Govt or UK Parliament to hold a legally BINDING referendum on independence.

    3. Scotland’s political representatives can unilaterally void any part of the Union Treaty (such as a GB Parliament ruling OVER Scotland) or ALL of the Union Treaty without first obtaining permission from the UK Parliament or UK Govt and without first holding a referendum on the subject if, the UK abuses the powers loaned to them by Scotland’s people, as the UK State has already done by dragging Scotland out of the EU and failing to respect the devolution settlement and political will of the people of Scotland.

    Who in the SNP fits that criteria AND would be willing to act as party leader?

    I don’t know is the truthful answer.

    But, Nicola Sturgeon does not meet the above criteria and should step down. That’s aside from the other important democratic issue and conflict of interests that arise when the party leader and party Chief Executive are a husband and wife team.

  481. Colin Alexander says:


    Your troll patter is old hat bullshite deflection from the facts. If that’s the best you’ve got, away to WeeGingerDug with the rest of Nicola’s cult following.

    Even if I were Boris Johnson or Dominic Cummings himself that disnae change the facts that Nicola Sturgeon effectively has announced no self-determination for Scotland, that she believes Scotland requires permission from the UK Govt for an indyref.

    That disnae change the fact the SNP promised for three years they won’t allow Scotland to be dragged out of the EU and now we are out of the EU.

    We can boast of all the MPs, MEPs and MSPs but what has been achieved?

    Out of the EU, Devolution settlement ripped up and no indyref and the SNP bending the knee to Boris and the “sovereignty” of Crown in UK Parliament.

    Constitutionally and politically, an absolute disaster for Scotland under Sturgeon’s colonial administration.

  482. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    The artificial construct “Colin Alexander”:

    The Romanian Ceausescus = The SNP Murrells

    Well, this time you have truly excelled yourself. Not so much “jumping the shark”, more like jumping a whole school of sharks!

    You have become an obsessive self-parody. Just as well you’re not a real person, but still…

  483. Al-Stuart says:

    James from Scotgoespop is forcasting an SNP majority government at Holyrood in 2021…

    There was a time in the halcyon days when I believed the hype from Nicola Sturgeon that she really, really was going to call IndyRef2 and that we stood a chance of becoming a Scottish nation, free of Westminster chancers thieving our assets.

    Now the jig is up. Nicola just wants power for herself. A nice lassie at face value. Gives a decent speech. But there ain’t no getting away from the ODIOUS conduct that she takes Westminster’s £1,200,000 Short Money for the SNP finances every year and sells us out, time and time again in her Political Ponsi Scheme.

    How many mandates does Noicola need to be given and waste? Stuart counted 5 so far.

    One of the other WoS contributors summed the state of affairs up perfectly…

    In 1997 there was great relief when the best and fairest prime minister for decades got elected.

    That ended up in utter failure. The history books have Tony Blair’s number and his legacy is a pile of steaming shlit.

    With Nicola, we had the makings of a great leader. I believe Rev Stu., has her number. Nicola’s number is well and truly up…

    Nicola Sturgeon has no intention of giving up her cosy job, her FM limousine Lifestyle and her English Gold.

    James at ScotGoesPop, that was a good poll. A long time ago, in the days of Alex Salmond, it would have been cause for celebration.

    Now it is just a ticket for the SNP brand of Low Flying Jimmies that used to wear a Labour Rosette to now sport the yellow SNP variety while cashing in the Westminster MP salaries and expenses and pensions and cheap booze and London lifestyle.

    One last thing: I bet £50 with anyone on this site that with 5 to 10 years, maybe sooner, the SNP will overturn their previously principled objection to accepting PEERAGES AND KNIGHTHOODS AND DAMEHOODS.

    If you are going to sell your principles and screw over your nation by skittering yer breeks at actually calling IndyRef2 … but instead, you grab the massive pile of tainted money from Westminster as an MP, then your retirement plan must soon include the £300 daily sinecure of a seat for each SNP has-been to see life out in the English House of Lords. Either that of grab a “K” instead of an “L”. We pays our money, they takes their choice, and the pi55…

    Sir Peter Murrell, KT., GBE.

    Baroness Nicola Sturgeon of Berwick Castle.

    Lord Alyn Smith of Tice MouthofFoot.

    Lady Fiona Hyslop of T In The Park.

    Sir Graeme Day, Grand Rectal Nasal Chief of The Greasy Pole.

    Robbie Burns words of English Gold ring so fresh and powerfully true now as they did when first he committed them to paper.

    Our only hope is Alec Salmond and you can bet a thousand pounds that huge efforts will be made to ensure he never returns to be a threat to the English Union and Scottish imprisonment ever again.

  484. jockmcx says:


  485. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Al-Stuart @ 03:26,

    Just where do you dredge these fantasies from? Are you well?

    We get an exceedingly encouraging poll result from SGP, but instead of joyously celebrating another wheel coming off the wobbly BritNat-mobile and taking great heart from it, you instead have to bend it completely out of shape into this pseudo-supportive shouty invented DRIVEL.

    Fool or knave? – it’s hard to fathom which.

  486. Al-Stuart says:

    Robert Sutherland,

    Thank your for your rational response. I am quite well. Kind of you to ask.

    Robert, what are you doing on this website abusing people? Have you actually been reading what Stuart Campbell is reporting?

    I would be delighted if Rev Stu was wrong. But having thought New Labour was a “decent, fair and honourable” party in 1997, I got truly dissilusioned with it and started voting for the SNP politicians who appeared “decent, fair and honourable”. Aye right. Shat on twice by self serving political careerists with red and then yellow rosettes. Not again anymore whilst Nicola is in charge.

    Robert, did you read the article about HUBRIS on this website? If so and you believe insulting others that read Stuart Campbell’s analysis is acceptable, why are you here?

    After reading and AGREEING with what Stuart Campbell has been writing, I have seen enough of your deluded fantasies to know the aroma of rodent in my nostrils.

    Robert, did you read the WoS article titled THE BETRAYER on this website? You seem deluded. I reflect the words you wrote: are YOU well? Might I ask again, why are you here abusing others who happen to agree with the website owner?

    There may be one point of empathy here though. I am merely one of thousands of ex-Labour voters who LENT their vote to the SNP. A growing number of us are, to use the vernacular, WOKE to what Nicola is at and she is at it with marching the poor SNP troops up and down the hill like the Duke of York in a skirt.

    After the dissilusioned ex-Labour folk realise what the SNP high command are up to, watch the SNP numbers go back down to 11 MPs at Westminster. Every Scottish Westminster seat is a marginal – if you have been paying attention to this website you will know this.

    The point of empathy?

    It is genuinely sad to see DECENT SNP supporters betrayed by a self serving leadership frightened to call IndyRef2 and FACT, Nicola is taking English Gold from Westminster for the SNP acquiescence on IndyRef2. £1,200,000 Short Money for starters. Care to refute that fact Robbie?

    I have nobody worth voting for. I can empathise with MANY SNP stalwarts. Having voted Labour all my life until that shyster Tony Blair took over. So you see we ex-Labour tranche who LENT our votes to the SNP know what it is like to have a duplicitous person at the head of the party.

    But the poor SNP party members are clearly in for a hard time when this whole IndyRef2 Parliamentary Ponsi Scheme comes crashing down once Nicola asks for a renewed mandate in 2042 for the 17th time.

    Personally, I think there is still some hope for the SNP.

    Joanna Cherry was at pains to say she has ONLY met Nicola Sturgeon once or twice. Joanna emphasised how she doesn’t really know Nicola. Loks to me like Joanna is distancing herself from a leader in decline. It is a fair bet tha Joanna will make a move for the SNP leadership. Soon.

    I would certainly consider returning my vote to the SNP if Joanna Cherry were leader. This is because Joanna has succeeded in recalling Westminster Parliament and she DOES WHAT SHE SAYS SHE WILL DO.

    Unlike Mrs Murrell who is looking more like Scottish Viceroy Alister Jack’s wee helper every day.

    I genuinely feel sorry for you Robert. Please do take comfort in those ScotGoesPop numbers. I hope they sustain.

    I want Scotland to become Independent, but I also understand how power corrupts and we have a septic tank full of Lib-Dems, Tories, Labour and now SNP politicians.

    Amongst all of these parties NOT one leader wants to call IndyRef2.

    Robert, I wish you well and hope you do enjoy those good numbers. But your current leader is either feart or dishonest. If you believe otherwise, you are the fool and the knave.

  487. jockmcx says:

    Then have your say!

    join the snp…or keep blowing bubbles.

  488. Breeks says:

    Small point of order… There is nothing about endeavours to hold and win a democratic referendum that is in any incompatible with a no-holds-barred, determined campaign to secure legal affirmation that Scotland’s written and sovereign Constitution remains extant, that is to say, NOT extinguished.

    For the 100th time, please, I’m tired repeating it, take a moment to let it sink in, a NO vote is just as sovereign as a YES vote, which means, (since 100% of us are sovereign, both YES and NO), that a totally impartial and neutral affirmation of that sovereignty can be sought either in or out of the Union. We can do it now! In fact if we were out of the Union we wouldn’t even need the affirmation!!!

    There is no Popular mandate required, there is no majority required. It Scotland an internal dispute about Independence, but we Scots are sovereign on both sides of this argument. Sovereignty is not at issue. But we desperately need the Law’s clarification and arbitration in a different dispute which DOES concern sovereignty, because a third party, Westminster, an external colonial usurper, claims title over Scotland’s inalienable sovereignty. It is Westminster’s colonial misadventure which needs put back in its box. They have neither the jurisdiction nor the sovereignty to do what they are attempting to do.

    There are two disputes in this referendum discussion we are trying to have. We have the task before our 100% sovereign electorate to decide what its wants or doesn’t want to do, be in this Union or out of it, but all of that is being overshadowed by a second, altogether more sinister argument, with a party EXTERNAL to Scotland’s Constitutional Realm is seeking to exercise power and authority over our realm.

    Westminster’s attack on Scotland’s Sovereignty aught to laughed out of court for being ridiculous, – they are interfering with a sovereign Nation’s access to democratic process! Yet instead of rebuffing this colonial assault, instead, we are reeling back from the odious overtures coming out of Westminster, but instead of fighting, we are grovelling about before our “overlord”, looking for benign clemency and lenient permission to do a thing we already have EVERY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO DO.

    I think you’ll find the last time Scotland did that, was when the 13th Century Scottish Lords and Nobles thought it was a brilliant idea to name Edward 1 as their Constitutional adviser and ‘loan’ him a modicum of Scottish Authority. It didn’t turn out to be terribly good decision for Scotland.

    Westminster using Holyrood and the Scotland Act which defines Holyrood, is literally the living embodiment of the wolf wearing sheep’s clothing. We don’t see the wicked threat of the wolf because it’s intentions are hidden behind a disguise which disarms our alertness. The Scotland Act, which our Scottish Government respects as gospel, is the written Constitution which codify’s Westminster as overlord above Holyrood. Before 1998, there was no Scotland Act. It was expressly invented to create a Devolved Assembly over which Westminster had ultimate control. The Scotland Act is the colonial legislation of a coloniser seeking to legitimise it’s act of colonialism. It is NOT the sovereign Constitution of our Nation.

    Get off your fucking knees Scottish Government. Show some grit and backbone. You are embarrassing us. Your supine strategy has cost us our place in Europe when it need not have done. Your credibility and suitability to lead us further is in gravest danger, because Scotland can not afford that you abandon Scotland’s Constitutional Rights and Sovereignty the same way you have rolled over in acquiescence to Scotland’s Brexit.

    Heed the warning SNP, or you will be given a brutal answer to the ephemeral question, “meh, who else you gonna vote for?” Vote for you? We might yet see you impeached for the threat you pose to our sovereignty.

    Change direction now. Stand back from Westminster, and either stand outside Holyrood too, or at least cauterise Holyrood by tearing up the Scotland Act and pledging Holyrood’s allegiance to the Sovereign People of Scotland. Recall the pre-Union Parliament of Scotland which has not sat for 300+ years.

  489. sassenach says:

    Amazing how a good poll brings a renewed vitriolic ‘campaign’ aimed at the leader of the only Party with any possible chance of achieving Indy.

    Coco must be whirling, trying to convince us he’s for Indy but will still drop back into his ‘earlier’ days, obvious Britnatism.

    Must award a D for effort alone, Coco.

  490. Bill Hume. says:

    I can see blue sky in the upper Irvine valley this morning. It’s going to be a good day, particularly as the unionist trolls BTL here are having a bad one.
    To mix metaphors, they are foaming at the mouth and running about like headless chickens.
    52% – 48%…………sweet.

  491. Rm says:

    Listening to I’m On My Way, from the Proclaimers posted on wings earlier on, that’s what Scotland needs a new national anthem, something upbeat with plenty meaning, music like that gets everyone hyped up and thinking as one towards a happy ending Scotland’s Independence.

  492. Ottomanboi says:

    Ar dùthaich gu bràth.

  493. Gary45% says:

    Colin A @2.52 (middle of the night!!)WTF.
    51% ?? Never trust the polls.
    Thanks for the insight, but personally I don’t fear the “husband and wife scenario”, others do, but that’s their choice.
    Getting rid of the SNP leader would be totally counter productive, as it wouldn’t matter who replaced her, be
    cause the media would have a field day on Sturgeons removal.
    Remember the hatred for the SNP in the media, She could cure cancer tomorrow and would still be branded a tyrant.

  494. Ottomanboi says:

    Scotland might use the tune of the Marseillaise as the unofficial anthem.
    It is rousing and invigorating and I dont think the French would mind in the least.
    In a country awash with ancient tunes and airs finding an official anthem should not be difficult.
    It’s usually the words that present the problem.

  495. Mike d says:

    Dr Jim 1.35am. I cannot for the life of me either,get my head around the fact that anyone who calls themselves a Scot, can allow someone who considers them vermin to rule over them. Not another race of people in the world would tolerate this sickening subservience for one more day.

  496. Joe says:

    @ Liz G

    The new poll I expected tbh. Would be 55% + without all the bs from the SNP however.
    Thanks to remainer antics over Brexit the UK can justify sticking a 60% threshold on any referendum to ‘avoid the division and constitutional crisis we saw during Brexit’.

  497. Joe says:

    Unfortunately however if Scotland becomes independent of the UK simply to join the EU it will have been a pointless exercise. The EU is crumbling economically and politically and is not democratic. Scotland doesnt need the UK or the EU. This fascination with the EU is about socialism not Scottish independence. Ill move to England if Scotland joins the EU

  498. Scott says:

    Comments are still on here so how about this O/T one.

    Government briefing ban: Senior newspaper and TV journalists walk out in protest at plans to restrict information

    If the SG was to ban MSM imagine the fury from Carjack,police state something to hide all that so why are we not seeing this reported a lot up here.

  499. Republicofscotland says:

    Polls beginning to show a constant 50%+ swing in favour of independence. We just need to hold on and be ready for whatever happens next.

    I see the Denison barracks boys are in full swing desperately trying to put down anything that threatens this prison, I mean union.


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