The chasm between words and actions
We’ll just leave this here:
Actual percentage of female MSPs returned in the 2016 Scottish Parliament election:
Labour 46%, SNP 43%, Conservative 19%, Green 16%, Lib Dem 0%.
An interesting quirk of the Scottish electoral system is that if a list MSP stands down or dies, there isn’t a by-election. Because list votes are for a party not a person, they’re replaced by the next person on their party’s list, if there is one.
(This caused some controversy a few years ago when SNP list MSPs Jean Urquhart and John Finnie resigned from the party over the vote on NATO membership, but chose to remain in their seats. Some people said that because they were elected specifically as SNP members, not as themselves, they should have resigned and let SNP MSPs take their place. Finnie is now a Green list MSP.)
What that means, of course, is that if the Greens were truly committed to mandatory 50/50 gender representation in the Scottish Parliament, as their manifesto claims, they could have two of their five non-woman (the official Green terminology) MSPs stand down, to be replaced by women from the party’s list, instantly catapulting the party from second-bottom on the gender-equality table to first place.
(Every one of the five has a woman in second place on the Green lists.)
Alert readers will know that Wings Over Scotland is opposed to gender quotas. We’re against discrimination full stop. But even we have to admit that it’d be an admirable statement of principle and integrity if the Greens put their money where their mouths are on the subject. There’s absolutely nothing stopping them from doing so.
Let’s all hold our breath and see if it happens, shall we?
It is one thing to gender balance any particular party’s list of candidates, it is quite another thing to get the electorate to vote for them in a gender-balanced manner. It will never happen.
Greens renegade again
Hasn’t Mr Finnie already had a shot – so to speak ?
Surely honour for green ideals must come into this ??
Can’t hold on any longer, can I take a breath please, LOL.
Auld Rock
Haha. Wound. Salt. Rub.
im not a fan of gender balancing either
if half the candidates are men and the other half women
it is the electorate who should decide, if they elect all of the women and no men, so be it. that’s democracy
all of the parties now have some form of gender balancing, including the snp. not sure why it is necessary to beat up the greens and destroy the yes movement any more than it already has been.
Didn’t Green MSP, Ross Greer, infamously disparage a female Green Party activist (when handing out Green party t-shirts and the lassie asked Mr Greer for an ‘extra large’ size) that women her size (size 16-18) should not be in the Greens?
So really, you would have to add the proviso, that so long as the female Green list candidates were size 12 or under, (maybe size 14 is too big too for Mr Greer)?, only then could the (skinny) females replace their male list MSPs.
Does Mr Ross weigh the Green female MSP candidates personally?
Is there the same weight restriction on male Green MSP candidates?
How about beer bellies?
Wee middle age paunches?
Why stop there, Mr Ross? If female appearance is so important to the Greens, should the female Green candidates be allowed to wear make-up or not? have you decided on that yet? If so, how much?
Maybe no false eyelashes?
Maybe only make-up which has not been tested on animals?
We await your decrees on the females of the species with bated breath. Or maybe baited breath…
Give it time. D’hondt will chop their balls off and everything will be fine.
Ross Greer up for doing the decent, gender balanced thing?
Can’t argue with your logic, but I’m not holding my breath.
Looks like empty rhetoric if they don’t action it, because it is legit to argue the list is for party.
I suppose Green activists might get out their pram, if they spent time on their local candidate?
Is that valid?
I don’t care about that so much as the idiotic decision to stand a vanity candidate in Edinburgh and help to let Ruth Davidson in.
What genius thought of that one ?
Really helped their ‘YES’ credentials there.
Cuilean says:
Didn’t Green MSP, Ross Greer, infamously disparage a female Green Party activist…….
I heard he sacrifices young children to the god bal
I dont like greer, never have, but 21 year olds saying stupid things on social media is not limited to the greens.
personally, i couldnt give a flying fuck about the greens, or the snp for that matter, I am an advocate for scottish independence and avoid trying to rubbish other indy supporters for the good of the cause
It puts me in mind a few years ago of a women’s magazine campaigning hard to get women’s football on the telly.
They succeeded and the resultant viewing figures were abominable.
If women aren’t interested in something why should male interests be handicapped to accommodate them?
I have no idea really, but I wouldn’t be surprised if our present top heavy non woman representation reflects more accurately the genders’ interest in politics than a 50/50 quota would.
It’s important to look at a person’s actions too ergo my sporting example above. So many of the women claimed to be interested in women’s football, but were clearly not interested when looked in the context of viewing figures.
We have a great many wonderful women who got on in politics without the need of quotas. Margo and Nicola stand out above most men.
Discrimination is a backwards step, positive or otherwise.
Well I bloody care about this gobshite Greer! We have what we have in Holyrood now, and its not what I wanted.
If the Greens are pro Indy, then Greer reflects on Indy, Holyrood, Scotland with that kind of crap.
I’m more than prepared to call out anyone on that kind of shit because it’s not how we should behave.
His age is irrelevant, it’s his behaviour. Mhairi Black is the same age, and since becoming a member, hasn’t put afoot wrong.
Greer was obviously a Green member at the time of body shaming someone.
6 non-genders is perfect equality. 🙂
@ Schrodingers Cat
It wasn’t ‘stupid’ per se.
It was sair, ill-kindit bangstrie.
Please understand I’m not defending Greer, but I think the point he was making is that being that size is not ethically green as you are using more resources than you need.
I don’t agree with it, but green philosophy has many of these taboos, the biggest of which is population control.
I shudder to think what Greer thinks about that.
Well there are only six of them.
I would rather be attacking the Tories. They are the real enemies of democracy. I don’t see any strategic advantage in alienating potential supporters.
According to the media, Ruth Davidson won the election. She will now set about issuing her list of demands. No. 1 demand is that Nicola Sturgeon rule out a second Indyref. I expect Labour and LibDems to support that. That leaves the Greens to support a “leave it to the Scottish people” vote.
Great article about nothing.
Well I bloody care about this gobshite Greer! We have what we have in Holyrood now, and its not what I wanted.
rather greer than another unionist?…. unless you prefer anas sarwar etc.
indeed another 3 greens replaced with unionists and we would have been out of government.
Im not defending greer, i dont like him any more than i like sheridan, but i do and say what i say for the benefit of the independence movement
I am not willing to destroy this movement because of the witterings of a few idiots. if you think greers comments are sufficient to bring down the independence movement then i suggest politly that you fuck off val
@schrodingers cat says: 8 May, 2016 at 12:32 pm:
” … not sure why it is necessary to beat up the greens and destroy the yes movement any more than it already has been.
That statement assumes the Greens are actually committed to the YES movement. This is, of course, a debateable point.
Quite frankly I have always had my doubts that the Scottish Greens are doing little more than paying lip service to both the YES movement and gender equality. As to Gender equality – I’m with Rev Stu on that one. I don’t give a damn what gender, (or none), that a politician is but care a great deal what her/his/its political views and capabilities are.
I believe that the putting forward for election to office should only be based upon the person’s political views and capabilities.
What their sexual orientation happened to be is none of my business and has no effect upon their fitness for office. It would only ever become my business if I was intending to take them out on a date but certainly not if I was intending to vote for them.
Maybe they meant ginger balance
It was sair, ill-kindit bangstrie.
nae shortage of that on wos either or on any indy blog site
the independence movement has enough divisive elements and im not about to sit by and watch them turn it into the peoples front of judea
either piss on the pot or get off cuilean
@ Truth
I’m kinda hoping, in Holyrood’s new seating arrangements, that Ms Jackie Baillie makes a point of sitting right next to the wee nyaff, Mr Ross Greer.
Go on, Ms Baillie! Wummin o’ a’ pairts will ruff ye!
Mess wi’ the wummin o’ Scotland at your peril.
And as for Women for Indy’s Jeanne Freeman…. well it’s Goodnight Vienna, Mr Ross….
schrodingers cat
I’m not following why you think criticism of the Greens will harm the Independence movement.
Do you think criticising them will turn them into NO supporters?
That statement assumes the Greens are actually committed to the YES movement. This is, of course, a debateable point.
no it isnt, it is mr peffer, it is propaganda being sown amongst us to divide the indy movement,
Quite frankly I have always had my doubts that the Scottish Greens are doing little more than paying lip service to both the YES movement and gender equality.
thats right, john finnie was never an snp msp, harvey wasnt one of the most effective proponents of indy during the ref… you need to wait a wee bit longer mr peffer before you try and change history….
perhaps you prefer the unionists who dont even pay lip service but oppose it completely?
personally, i couldnt give a monkeys for green party policy, or for the snps either i only care for independence and will always try to ease tensions between indy supporting groups rather than inflaming them
I agree with you and stu about equal womens lists etc, complete havers
Deliberately misunderstanding what I posted, then whining about destroying an Indy movement by telling me to fuck off?
No, you gtf.
Dont know who’s shat in your litter tray, but there’s no point acting like an arsehole on here to further the cause of Indy.
You know fine the point I was making.
@schrodingers cat says: 8 May, 2016 at 1:14 pm:
” … I am not willing to destroy this movement because of the witterings of a few idiots. if you think greers comments are sufficient to bring down the independence movement then i suggest politly that you fuck off val”
Now, schrodingers cat, I detect a couple of wee anomalies in your comments.
The first is that you claim to, “politly”, tell Val to go away in a most impolite manner. The second is your strange claim to have no wish to bring down the independence movement while actually doing just that by telling a fellow independence supporter to, “fuck off”.
I’m not following why you think criticism of the Greens will harm the Independence movement.
Do you think criticising them will turn them into NO supporters?
no, i believe the unionist media critisises all indy parties enough for one life time. the bickering between the indy parties is what i object to, why? take a look at the make up of todays holyrood?
this critisism is responsable for the demise of the SSP, Rise, Solidarity and RIC
(i couldnt care what they stand for…. they are, or were, not unionists… that should have been enough for everyone)
you think this helps the indy movement? take a look at yourself
Scots word ‘ruff’ is ‘applaud’ in the English.
@ Mr Peffers
Anyone who has owned cats knows that some of them can be crabby, and scratch for no apparent reason. I’ve seen this particular cat in a few different moods on here, and this is his ugly mood.
yeah, you are right mr peffer, sorry val
im just annoyed how all of this has panned out
it didnt need to be this way
Rev did you put this up just to create some tension as if there isn’t enough already?
I get your ‘point’ but what is the point?
We are were we are. I’m not on board with this ‘line’ of ‘hypocrisy’ when the biggest hypocrites have just taken over the opposition in our parliament.
It’s the Tories we should be going after…they are out front and centre pissing all over our actual win. Focusing on the real enemy would actually bring us back together. This just fuels the party line divisions after the results are in. It’s keeping the division going.
Which is pointless.
If anyone wants to interview a leader of the Yes movement how do they go about it or who is it?
It’s just that there only seems to be a facebook page and a band referenced if you google it
I’m really not trying to be funny here but if STV want to talk to a leading person in it or an organiser preferably does anyone have a name?
How about a little digging on our lovely new Tory MSPs? Lets find out who they are.
You know fine the point I was making.
yup, womens equality and bigoted male chauvinists like greer
individual issues, equality, eco, socialism etc are all subordinate to independence
that is the only point I have ever made.
Regardless of whether you believe criticising greens/rise etc is damaging to independence or not, that is how it will be perceived and reported by our malicious media.
So for that reason, I’m with the cat.
Let’s get on and make the most of it. All the differences can be settled when we reach out destination.
hear hear k1
It was voting 2nd Green that let the Tories through.Instead of voting SNP x 2 guaranteeing a Independence majority.
They could harm the Independence movement.
How about a little digging on our lovely new Tory MSPs? Lets find out who they are.
fat chance, too many folk on here trying to convince everyone that the greens are in fact 5th columnist shape shifting lizard aliens.
@ Val
Yeah, it’s just crabbie cat day.
One of my favourite posters hereon is the Cat and when Cat is in purry cat mood, there is no funnier or wittier poster on Wings.
Yes, great post K1.
Direct our energy towards fighting the real enemies. That goes for all the yes movement.
If we all put our differences to the side for now, we are a mean fighting machine. The referendum campaign showed that. Let’s not do the unionists job for them.
schrodingers cat
We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. 🙂
I think criticism of each other is absolutely fine and I’m quite happy to take as good as I give.
If we fall out we can always make-up later and that is often a great bonding experience.
On saying that I don’t know enough about the Greens to criticise them and on the issue of gender equality I’ve been hearing all about that since I burnt a perfectly good bra way back in the 60’s and TBH it’s getting boring!
I don’t even know any more what is meant by gender or if it is or isn’t the same as sexual orientation.
schrodingers cat says:
8 May, 2016 at 1:48 pm
How about a little digging on our lovely new Tory MSPs? Lets find out who they are.
Ruby replies
Totally agree with on that. I can’t wait to get stuck into the ‘Ruth Davidson-NO to Independence we are not Torries Oppostion Party’
These guys/gals aren’t Green at all.
To respect natural selection we must respect the differences between genders.
Do the ‘greens’ really want to HOMOGENISE politics.
I’ve seen this particular cat in a few different moods on here
thats because im a composite troll val. its a trick you see there’s 2 of us
today im in a bad mood, ive just seen a fair few of the indy supporting groups wiped out
It was surely not beyond the wits of the Greens to ensure that half their candidate lists were topped by women? Were they so arrogant that they assumed they’d get two list MSPs in every region?
Shouldn’t that be “Bhaal”?
In any case I agree with you about discrimination – positive or not. It is unsustainable and by definition having gender preference leads to a candidate proposed on what they are rather than what they can do.
If the Greens selected their regional list candidates on merit, and due to that meritocratic process all their lists were headed by women, I’ll bet people would complain like mad.
I seem to recall when NS had her first cabinet (gender balanced) she remarked that she had a lot of questions about whether the women were there on merit, but not one question about the men.
We still live in a male-dominated political environment, despite the fact Holyrood has (for now) three female party leaders. I don’t think that will change any time soon.
It was voting 2nd Green that let the Tories through.Instead of voting SNP x 2 guaranteeing a Independence majority.
it was voting 2nd green in fife and mid that ensured the greens won and not a slab msp
even if all greens/rise/solidarity voters in this region had voted snp2, slab would have won the 7th list seat
schrodingers cat says:
8 May, 2016 at 1:43 pm
hear hear k1
Ruby replies
I’m surprised that you said that!
I approve of KI’s criticism of the Rev but then as I said earlier I approve of criticism.
I won’t be giving KI a lecture on this occasion! 🙂
That reminds me I’ve still got to go and face the long post K1 left for me on the other thread.
Ruby replies
I’m surprised that you said that!
why? it is the only point i have ever argued for
It wasn’t that long a post Ruby, stop exaggerating for ‘affect’ 🙂
It let in Tories in – in NE and Edinburgh. One Slab – or Greens,and Tories . No SNP despite barrow loads of 1st votes. A Tory landowner on the NE. Tories who got 2nd and 3rd and a few thousand votes. 137,000 SNP (1st) votes disregarded.
According to Rev Stu. It just needed 150 more SNP votes for an outright majority
Troll away 6 Greens + 7 Tories or 1 Slab and an outright Independence majority 7 = SNP seats
I don’t honestly care, all I care about is that they are competent and pro Scottish whatever their gender or orientation In the case of the Tories and SLAB that is questionable on all accounts of competence. We know that they are all rabid Scotland haters whatever.
After independence.. I would consider joining the environmental movement.
I feel passionate about returning land ownership to a fat-of-the land economic opportunity.
schrodingers cat says:
8 May, 2016 at 2:05 pm
Ruby replies
I’m surprised that you said that!
why? it is the only point i have ever argued for
Because ‘schrodingers cat’ you are saying we shouldn’t be criticising other independence supporters. The Rev is an Independence supporter hence criticism prohibido.
In relation to the gender balance in the SNP. What Nationalist minded female really has what it takes to suffer what is going to be misogyny plus plus from the rabid Brit Nat Press and Media. They are going to get extra scrutiny from the Brit Nat Press and Media, thick skins with an extra layer of bullet proofing is required.
The Brit Nat Press and Media will never stop to ask about their intelligence or qualifications to do the job. They haven’t scrutinised The Tank Commander Davidson on those counts because she is lacking in both in my view but then so are the rest of her Party regardless of gender.
Yes but why are you surprised Cat ‘hear hear’ my post Ruby?
What have I got to do with the point you think you are making to Cat?
If you’ve something to say to another poster Ruby about what they are saying d’ye think you could just address them directly about your point to them?
Stop ‘springboarding’ off my comments please, you could have effectively said that to Cat’s ‘face’ without utilising my input.
Pretty sad state of affairs on this site between one thing and another. Diabolical in fact. Attacking the Greens and now each other. The Unionist lurkers must be rubbing their hands with glee. Having a field day.
Why are we still focusing on the Greens? I don’t get it. Many of them voted for the SNP. Without their support we could have found ourselves with fewer SNP MSPs being elected. Why not stand back and just wait and see how they perform in Holyrood?
Rather than constantly castigating them what about putting up a list of Tory MSPs and discuss them, such as Tomkins … a real threat IMO.
MANY SNP members and supporters are in favour of Green policies, myself included, and if anything this constant assault on them may result in us losing SNP supporters. Losing them to the Green Party.
It’s high time we got real, got back on track and focused on our real enemies and that ain’t the Green Party. A party that supports Independence.
Come on, people.
The rev decides to have a little Sunday fun and you fall for it.
Anyway, the Greens only need to get two of their non-women to have a sex change.
Problem solved!
Because ‘schrodingers cat’ you are saying we shouldn’t be criticising other independence supporters. The Rev is an Independence supporter hence criticism prohibido.
im saying save your criticism for the unionists. the indy parties get more than enough of a raw deal and criticism from the unionist media.
it is the criticisms of rise/ssp/ric and solidarity which has caused their demise. i dont think this helps the indy movement which managed to avoid such criticisms during the ref. it was our differences which was our strength. it is our differences which are now our demise.
“you are saying we shouldn’t be criticising other independence supporters”
what are you wittering about?
i believed in tactical voting to maximise the indy parties at holyrood and reduce the unionists
the difference is that i understand that the probabilities and the maths are NOT the same in each region
voting snp1&2 in highlands and the south was the only option
voting snp1&greens2 in fife and mid was the only option
i argued this consistently and was proven correct
you keep on muttering yer inanities and referencing terry kelly on sgp, hes as big an erse as you are sonny
Ok wingers, hold hands now
Soft kitty, warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
Purr, purr, purr
If that doesn’t work, I’ve got a water pistol
K1 says:
8 May, 2016 at 2:30 pm
Yes but why are you surprised Cat ‘hear hear’ my post Ruby?
What have I got to do with the point you think you are making to Cat?
If you’ve something to say to another poster Ruby about what they are saying d’ye think you could just address them directly about your point to them?
Stop ‘springboarding’ off my comments please, you could have effectively said that to Cat’s ‘face’ without utilising my input.
Ruby replies
mike cassidy says:
8 May, 2016 at 2:31 pm
“Come on, people.
The rev decides to have a little Sunday fun and you fall for it.
Anyway, the Greens only need to get two of their non-women to have a sex change.
Problem solved!”
I was going to suggest two nominations for that but I think the females in my own family would lynch me.
definitely O/T
Craig Murray has a few interesting posts up today.
BBC Lies and Statistics #SackKuenssberg
An Honest Man at the BBC @KKeaneBBC 14
Cheer Up! The Glass is Full for Independence.
link to
Something to read till this spat blows over.
WOW. So many kitty cat posts today. Seems Stu touched a nerve or two!
Greens: you either love them or hate them, I’m partial as long as butter is added…is that GREEN? 🙂
[…] Wings Over Scotland The chasm between words and actions We’ll just leave this here: Actual percentage of female MSPs returned in the 2016 […]
bit ott really. The green candidates were interleaved, if they’d only one seat in each area or if they’d taken two in each, then you’d have that gender balance.
The electorate decided otherwise, although obviously it’s a bit of a push to say anyone made a decision on the actual composition of the lists.
Personally I’d be happy to not have Ross Greer there, he’s an arrogant wee twerp and frankly a liability. Losing Andy Whightman though would be an act of complete stupidity and I can only hope that the SNP have the sense to make good use of his specialty.
SCat: “…not sure why it is necessary to beat up the greens and destroy the yes movement any more than it already has been.”
It doesn’t matter how much the pro-indy lobby bicker among ourselves–it simply doesn’t. We do it all the time and have been doing it long before IndyRef#1. Debate is healthy. And neither does it matter how much the concern trolls and HMG spooks operate under the radar to try and stir up pro-indy bickering and division. They will fail in their ultimate goal.
For here is a simple truth:
The moment, the second, IndyRef#2 is announced, ALL the pro-indy bickering will vanish like snow off a dyke and we will all pull together again as one solid, unstoppable YES movement juggernaut.
It’s guaranteed.
So bicker away folks – as I said, debate is healthy. How’d you like ’em apples spooks?
Ruby, have no idea what that means?
Wouldn’t call it bickering..
More like sorting out the pigeon-holes before the media tell us what’s (not) what.
Capella: Interesting article
‘I find some social media comment unduly pessimistic on the prospects for Independence, which have never been brighter.’ Craig Murray
I was suprised by the pessimism! I put it down to people not getting enough sleep
ie doing an allnighter watching the election results.
The thing that is making me really angry is the sleekitness of the Tory party tactics.
Pretend not to be Tories
Insist Cameron & Osborne stay away
Campaign for 2nd Place
Only one policy NO to referendum.
K1 says:
8 May, 2016 at 3:01 pm
Ruby, have no idea what that means?
Ruby replies
Think John McEnroe!
The bottom line is if the greens did not exist or stand candidates we would have had a majority and the yoons would not be doing somersaults now. That’s a fact.
Realistically all you need is them to redefine themselves as non male and their definition of gender balance.
Made a post on another thread but I’ll recap as it’d limit future squables over tactical voting whilst removing the ability to try to game the system.
Simply merge the two ballots into one STV/AV one. The first choice is the party you want in the region. The remaining, if needed, are who your constituency candidate should be.
Instantly there’s no ambiguity about your choice. You put an x or 1 against the party you want. As that’s your list vote it’s already been counted after the first round.
There could be a possibility of simply putting a Party name as a candidate which indicates a list only vote or there could be, as some have suggested, a requirement to actually stand for election. I’d favour the former as it allows true independents a chance at getting in within a region.
I believe there would be little to no change in the outcome of this election. If the combined support for the Greens/SNP was maintained then they would still have ended up with the same total due to the inbuilt thresholding effect of D’Hondt.
There might have been a fairer distribution between Labour and Conservatives though. Perhaps even more LDs
The result as far as independence goes would be defusing future tension between allied parties. If tactical voting no longer exists then there’s nothing to argue about.
I congratulate greens getting more MSPs than LibDems,with less votes.
The LibDem on BBC was totally pissed off about it–ha,ha
Seriously, please do a piece on Brian Wilson’s article in the Sunday Times. In terms of Labour lunacy even for him it exceeds normal expectations!
Don’t do twitter, too conservative, no depth to the ranting.
But KEVIN WILLIAMSON… I know you from the 80s, used to chat, discuss progressiveness, Rebel Inc, playwrights, the Arts. Or was all that just a cover, to hide the socialist workers party baloney.
Oh, I don’t do twitter, maybe you were drunk..
@ Holebender
The Greens did have half their lists topped by women.
Regions were paired, with one woman-led list in each pair; presumably they made some assessment of winnability before deciding which were which. That didn’t work because the electorate didn’t co-operate.
If you had read my ‘long’ post you would have perhaps have understood where I was coming from Ruby. Being patronising is easier than responding to my query obviously, which is valid even though you have rather ‘cheaply’ attempted to invalidate it with that response. Each to their own.
Come now, lay off Ross Greer, he is only 21yrs old ..and a bit green.
Seems to me the D’hondt system is flawed. Reference the previous article, the Unsackables.
Surely an election should enable you to place your vote for a political party and its representative? The D’hondt system doesn’t allow for that opportunity.I have only ever voted SNP but in this election I abstained on the constituency vote because I was not at all happy with the SNP candidate, my choice. I voted SNP in the list. The SNP secured +40% of the votes in both constituency and list, yet our region has zero SNP representatives elected.
A project for the Electoral Reform buddies, just as soon as they have cleared out the postal voting stables. Bated breath.
The last time the question of gender equality came up on here, posters ended up eating each other! We can’t afford to lose any yes voters folks! 🙂
There was mention on another thread about the number of new student halls of residence opening up in Central Edinburgh.
That is true I know of three that opened up in the last year.
Two on Holyrood Road or perhaps three and on one Calton Road.
I would imagine the Ruth Davidson-NO to Independence Opposition party took this into account when they decide to move Ruth from Glasgow to Central Edinburgh.
Ruby good point. There is a huge one at the bottom of the pleasance. Doubt many inhabitants voted SNP.
@schrodingers cat says: 8 May, 2016 at 1:29 pm:
” … no it isnt, it is mr peffer, it is propaganda being sown amongst us to divide the indy movement.”
Rubbish! schrodingers cat, this is only a reasonable doubt, (shared by more than a few in light of recent actual events), of the actions of the Scottish Greens.
” … thats right, john finnie was never an snp msp, harvey wasnt one of the most effective proponents of indy during the ref… you need to wait a wee bit longer mr peffer before you try and change history….”
Oh! Grow-up. If you imagine you are NOT sowing propaganda right here and now on Wings then you most certainly are wrong. You have already been offensive to others and now you are being offensive to me.
The SNP are a democratically run party and it is the rank & fine members that make party policy. No member of the executive has any more votes than any rank & file member. All policy must be voted for, or at least go unopposed, at national conference.
Finnie and Co. did not respect the democratic views of the party and chose to resign as a member of the party but refused to resign his seat in the parliament. Those are not the actions of a democratic member of anything.
In your illogical defence of Finnie you expose a very offensive and anti-democratic side. Finnie made his choice and he is welcome to it. However he must live with the consequences of his actions and one of those consequences is the seeds of doubt that he puts his own policies before those of the electors who voted for him.
Like the Greens he seems to others to be paying lip service only to Scottish Independence and thinks his Green credentials of more importance.
Well done Rev, whit a busy weekend you are having.
From my point of view there are many positives to take out of this result. It’s been noted earlier by yourself & others of course.
Sure, missing a majority is disappointing but one of the easy targets for yoons is that Independence is heavily associated with one party & weakening that party weakens the Independence cause.
We need to build a broad consensus, work started on that a few years ago but it’s not finished yet although a notional pro Independence majority is a post along the road.
Wee Ruthie has unwittingly given the FM an escape clause too on an unsuitable early referendum. Ruthie also will present a wonderful target to hit week after week, Scotland is not ready to have a Tory as a media darling.
Labour are not quite dead of course but they have forgotten the lesson of the 80s & 90s when fighting the Tories, put Scotland first !
We’ve also got some new talent added to an already strong lineup, Freeman & McKee for example.
We are out of our box now, not going back in & cutting the bind of union strand by strand.
Hello, Robert P… Had a spat with the cat myself a good while back..the scars healed though.
I agree that the SNP are a very open and democratic party.
So much so, that we should be looking to create post independence movements from within the SNP’s wide ideological Base.
You are all braindead. keep poispning the planet while getting off over local politics. I do the sums for you: if you continue to destroy the planet we live on there will be no rUK to break free from. Simple as. So show some insight into the bigger picture and be grateful for the eco warriors. Or just FRACK OFF!
If we have the confidence to plan for a better future.. we can see ourselves in others shoes.
Another tightening of the lax electoral laws would be that now we have a method of linking registration to NI code it’s taken forward and postal ballots only be available for where the Tax office think you live. In other words not electoral tourism and if you want to screw Scotland by pretending not to live here no vote. “No representation without taxation” sounds familiar.
The real opposition is still the britnat bbc.
I have to wonder at how some people’s brains work. Some seem unable to see their own illogical thought process. Perhaps it is more correct to say they see it but believe others are too dim to notice.
I was reading the BBC’s news reports this morning and noticed a wee anomaly in regard to the UK Prime Minister’s claimes.
The first report was that David Cameron was to put tackling corruption, “at the top of the international agenda”, ahead of a London summit on the issue. Mr Cameron says corruption is, “The root of so many of the World’s problems”.
Now, while I whole heartedly agree with that latter claim, I must respectfully suggest to Mr Cameron he had best, if he is to retain any credit in international circles, look first much nearer to home for where to root out corruption.
The second BBC report has a big black headline:-
It continues – “A series of police forces have said they will launch investigations into the allegations the Conservatives broke electoral spending rules.”
Perhaps Mr Cameron thinks we all have the memory spans of goldfish.
Well said, Mr Peffers, to Cat’s post re Finnie. Takes into account personal scruples. How much will this spread now that more tories are in office. Many are out for themselves. Watch this space!!!
What amazed me was the Shetland vote. After all the shenanigans of the GE vote, the people of Shetland opt for a gentleman farmer whose family own a large chunk of Shetland & is in the process of acquiring a large property in Edinburgh at their expense, almost £1000 per month, I believe. How is this person not a tory? He is. A liner of his own pockets.
Anyone can concoct a CV.
Ah! McEnrow… 🙂 My spelling.
It’s all about the others until you get to the last paragraph funny old winners world init!…Init!
Even as recently as five years ago, you would have got shorter odds on East Stirlingshire beating Real Madrid than on the Scottish Conservative and Unionist party gaining more seats at Holyrood than Labour.
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An irrelevant party secures votes hoping to make themselves relevant
What’s really changed? nothing! they’re still irrelevant, but if everybody keeps arguing about them you’ll make them relevant
and in the bigger scheme of things what’s important is the massive loss that The Region9 (Labour party)incurred, followed by the Tories who really didn’t do much better and looks as though that’ll be as good as it gets for them
The media can spin away to it’s hearts content and try to make the Tories look like the saviours of the universe but those aren’t the facts are they and we all know it
Within a very short time the SNP could well be the majority government again after a couple of by elections and even if they’re not does anybody seriously think they won’t run things the way they said they would
I have complete and total faith the SNP has a plan, they always do, they don’t make this stuff up as they go along
and they’re a lot smarter than the average buffalo
Like lots of folk I’m slightly annoyed at some stuff but over all not in the least worried or concerned for what’s next
We’re doing more than fine
Come now folks, chill and relax. If anyone had told you in the aftermath of IR1 that we would have 63 MSP’s, labour would (temporarily) nothing other than an irrelevance and that there was a line of fat ducks all lined up in a row (aka Tory toff landowners) for shooting I think we would have been happy with our lot. Not to mention our 6 new green MSP’s who until is proven otherwise we must assume support independance.
The SNP did after all break the system 5 years ago, and only by some clever media spin, tactical voting and the help of the MSM as always did the Yoons prevent it happening again.
First priority has to be to subject these tax-dodging landowners to the same level of scrutiny that the SNP group at Westminster have had. When the dirt begins to become apparent, then we shout it from the rooftops about their duplicity.
I do have a concern about holiday homes, caravans and previously departed children miraculously re-registered at Mater & Paters house, but that digging I may do a little of on Friday when the weekend begins again. Since everyone is now registered by NI number, it should be a simple matter for Holyrood to do some digging and see if there is any duplicity between persons on the voters roll.
What concerns me in my case is that despite returning the new electoral registration form in March minus myself and wife who are now abroad I still got a polling card through the door in Lanarkshire. Did this also happen to some of those re-found Tories where they had such a stupendous turnout.
Leave the greens alone it was all the fault of old folk…like me. That cannae be right. Ok it was wimmin, they dinnae like Salmond, he wasnae standing you say, ok that cannae be right either. Em fit aboot baldy folk wi ginger beards? No? ok the meeja. Yep I’m laying it at the door of the BBC, bastardos. They did their worst and we still got 59 SNP constituency seats, darling Ruthie got 7 and Labour 3. FFS the liars got 1 more constituency seat than Labour! and Holyrood won’t be contaminated by the UKIP slug.
Get outside, the sun is shining then get some sleep. Come back tomorrow and let’s start ripping a new one for Ruthie of the shhh you know who party.
@Mr Peffers
You, and others will be pleased to note that one of the first post Holyrood election memes to emerge from our side made good use of the election fraud investigation.
Picture of smiling Tankgirl introducing herself, with the banner – my party is under criminal investigation for electoral fraud – festooned with butchers aprons.
The memes will come in great numbers.
There is no politics relating to out list system..
Shouldn’t all ‘ second / list ‘
votes be counted nationally..
With one FPTP style for each whole region based on total 2nd votes..
The other half-dozen places split same as now…
Parties nominated MSPs can be based on gender, local expertise, other factors decided by that party.
Electorate would be able to judge strength in depth of list candidates..and compare possible coalitions etc..
Current system is lazy.
Robert Peffers says.
It continues – “A series of police forces have said they will launch investigations into the allegations the Conservatives broke electoral spending rules.”
Perhaps Mr Cameron thinks we all have the memory spans of goldfish.
Not only the party but the individual MPs and should they not have to leave the party just as the SNP MPS have done oh I forget they are Tories.
I don’t suppose this is the time, when you are all in mid rant about the vagaries of the voting system and the parties who, undeservedly some argue, benefitted from it to point out that Ms Sturgeon needs some of their votes to become FM?
Time to chill and change the record.
Leslie Riddoch:
The Tories were once unmentionable in Scotland. Not any more
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She acknowledges a split ‘may have’ allowed Ruthie to win on the constituency vote.
Off to catch the Murray mint V his nemesis in a wee while!
Chill out until Monday folks. Radio shortbread Kaye will be on ‘your call’ and will unite us all again… I hope.
It doesnt bode well does it.
Its like watching a vegetarian tucking in to a juicy steak and he’s going, “what? I’m hungry, its free range, its just one steak, I’m still a veggie, what are you laughing at?”
Of course if only 10% of all those wasted SNP regional votes had gone to the Greens then there would have been ten Green MSPs – five men and five women.
Still better to elect Tories instead, eh?
Totally off topic & probably not very interesting
I’ve just been reading thought a whole load of Times articles (I was looking for the Brian Wilson article without success) and I read an article about Eddie Izzard and realised that he wasn’t campaigning in Scotland for Labour this year. I also read the he wants to become a Labour MP in 2020 and perhaps that is why he gave Scotland a miss!
I will not change the record.
I can not dim my desire.
We will continue to be a wide movement.
We can not start playing a different game just because an own goal is scored.
Shame on you Rev, your just winding up the Pizza Queen. 🙂
Rancid The Graun likes Green too, shock. Its not a shock, Graun’s also a giant pile middle class shy tory hypocrites and hand wringers.
Riddock says maybe Green did let the toryboys back in but
“Doubtless some SNP supporters will be critical of yes voters – including myself – who publicly declared an intention to split their vote, supporting the SNP in the constituency section and the Greens on the list.
Yet the prospect of SNP/Green cooperation is a dream result for many on the yes-supporting left who want a bolder programme of reform in key areas such as local taxation, land reform, fracking, energy and human rights – the Scottish Greens want a citizen-led written constitution, for example. SNP supporters argued that divisions over domestic policy would only rock the independence boat, and should wait until after independence. Clearly that outlook must now be shelved.”
That clearly shelved bit from Riddock’s thing is interesting, as clearly Green’s had decided whatever the result, independence is shelved so lets get a taste of the Green action, we’re Green and yes, we’re full of shit but stuff like a citizen-led written constitution is really really nice and will really really make a fuck of a difference in our scotland region.
Gender balance is dead easy. Have 36 FPTP seats,each with a list of male and another list of female candidates and the voters choose one from each list. What could be simpler? Exactly the same could be done on the list with the list in two columns (M and F) for the voter to put a tick in each.
I have no idea why this isn’t just done
” … thats right, john finnie was never an snp msp, harvey wasnt one of the most effective proponents of indy during the ref… you need to wait a wee bit longer mr peffer before you try and change history….”
the point i was making about finnie was not whether he should have resigned, but that you said you didnt trust the greens on indy….. finnie may well have spat the dummy out and not resigned but that isnt the point…. he supports indy just as much as you and I.
this is the propaganda, which you seem to think is ok, by all means justify the voting position with any figures you like Mr Peffers, but claiming the greens are not pro indy isnt a reason. it was exactly this tact that kellys arguments are and were based on and it wasnt and still isnt true. he isnt a psephologist, kelly is a troll, pure and simple
too bad, a large chunk of indy supporting groups just ceased to exist, you are damn right im angry about it.
with regards insults… you give as good as you get
Sandy says:
Takes into account personal scruples…. well congrats sandy, we now have 60 unionists msps….their scruples are the focus, always were. not john finnies
Roger Mexico
Any proof to support that.
Not everybody wants lots of Greens anyway so why should that be considered an unlimited good thing
If ever SNP member and supporters had done both votes SNP the list vote would have matched the increase of the SNP vote on the FPTP and would have given the SNP another five or six MSPs
@Petra says: 8 May, 2016 at 2:30 pm:
” … MANY SNP members and supporters are in favour of Green policies, myself included, and if anything this constant assault on them may result in us losing SNP supporters. Losing them to the Green Party.”
The reason is quite clear, Petra. The critics of the Greens, myself included, are not critical of their green policies. If truth be known many, like myself, were fighting for green policies as far back as the mid to late 1950s.
Things like the start of the Hydro schemes were being criticised way back then as had been the start of the National Grid. Portobello coal-fired Power Station was still going back then as were many other coal-fired stations and there were other controversial matters – including nuclear power plants like the Windscale plant that suffered a nuclear disaster.
The Green policies being criticised have little to do with actual Green matters. All political parties have a faction of Career Politicians who are in the party with a first priority of self-interest and self-promotion and bandwagons are jumped upon.
Forgot to leave link:
Anyone for tennis: 15mins from now.
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Disappointing and juvenile stiff from Lesley Riddoch. A lot of the relative newcomers to the independence process still don’t quite get it.
However John Swinney dealt very firmly with the Greens in the first SNP admin and he is in a much stronger position to do so now
Cheers c m d, maybe this time…
If at first you don’t succeed..
Keep fcuking trying…
Cat still vomiting, I see. I know it’s a blow Rennie is still here, but that’s what it is.
As for the little pro Indy groups not being here, give that a rest, Cat. They destroyed themselves with their overblown egos. Not for them the slog of policy and promotion. Naw, let’s just barge our way onto the stage.
I’m not so sure they were pro Indy as pro me. A lot of their pronouncements were cack.
No one interfered with them, they had unfettered access to the media, quite unbelievable, but no one was interested.
Good point Valerie , just why the the Looney left like Rise and Solidarity gets so much coverage is beyond me
The Yes campaign was dominated by the far left , and the Yoons , were scared that there hard earned gains , were going to taxed off them to pay for the feckless and workshy .
One thing that might erode the Yoon uncompromising stance, is the introduction of workfare .
if they see the permanent unemployed , picking up litter by the side of the road , they may start to favor the SNP more , its a double edged sword though , and would go down like a lead balloon in Dundee .
@ Craig Murray is another commentator who critises the SNP and then complains when there isn’t a majority. Voters who don’t vote for an SNP candidate who they don’t like but support their policies and want Independence. Do they expect it to happen without full support, especially with the (external) forces lined up against. Tories start crowing and lying.
Two steps forward, one step back. Maybe it will be a lesson in how not to get waylaid.
The SNP and the Independence vote has increased.
Yet another Peoples Front of Judea moment.
Get a grip folks.
The touted detente putting all the unionists under the strategic leadership of Davidson would most probably result in a rupture within Labour if it was entered into. Dugdale has already dropped hints that she, herself, might be thinking of independence. Only her position as leader would prevent her doing so. She certainly hinted at it becoming a non party issue up to conscience within Labour.
Davidson has already drawn off any hardline union over party support Labour had. The rest may be of a more pragmatic prove it’s worth it mindset. Certainly Dugdale acknowledged that Brexit might be a trigger for a change of direction within the party. Tying themselves to the Conservatives even on a short term basis might be the last straw for some of their MSPs.
Thinking about it further. Would the Greens being part of a coalition with the SNP mean they wouldn’t get a question and their place be taken by the LDs? Also what happens if there’s a unified opposition, would Davidson get to ask all the questions?
Sorry Rev,
I’ve just jumped in here without reading all the postings, in a hurry just now, so no time, I’ve noticed that the B.B.C. in Scotland appears to have promoted Anas Sarwar to the Deputy Leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Eh?!, well that’s according to their on line news page.
That’s easy, those newly fashioned groups got fab coverage because it was the Yoon press wet dream.
Splitters shouting about how timid SNP were, targeting the SG, not targeting unionist parties. But Cat is all mournful they are blown out????
Yeah, just what was needed, a lot of attention seeking radicals, professing to want Indy, with no coherent means, except to throw brickbats.
I didn’t give them any attention then, so I don’t miss them.
Y’know, if we had a majority maybe we would have got even more complacent. This is going to sharpen us up.
The Red Pawns are probably going to be hiding in their bunker for a while. That means the real enemy, the Tories are in full view, and you know what – we outnumber them 2 to 1! Rapid fire!
Come on out Sir Edward Mountain, I know youre behind that grouse-butt! BLAM!
I saw a big ‘Join the SNP’ billboard today in my neighbouring TORY constituency, they’ll just love that 🙂
Nicola Sturgeon confirms intention to relaunch SNP’s Independence campaign:
The article gets off to a good start: 🙂
NICOLA Sturgeon has confirmed her intention to relaunch the SNP’s independence campaign in the summer despite being reduced to a minority in Holyrood… FGS!
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Nicola affirms that a second referendum is not off the table. Another chance to hear from Grin-teeth-and-temptation-Ruth and Anas Sarwar is in a difficult place.
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Cat still vomiting, I see.
every one a gem, they lang winter nichts must just fly past….
I know it’s a blow Rennie is still here, but that’s what it is.
correct, we failed to GOTV, thats why he won. perhaps if we had done some constituency polls we might have identified the short fall in what was the weakest snp constituency in the region.
then again, had the region not voted green2 the 7th list seat would now be tory
As for the little pro Indy groups not being here, give that a rest, Cat.
What next Val, you gonna start on BfS, WFI? i thought we were trying to build a consensus, but they are only little idy groups so its ok to take a pop at them too?
They destroyed themselves with their overblown egos. Not for them the slog of policy and promotion. Naw, let’s just barge our way onto the stage.
rise and the greens do not have the monopoly on over blown egos. Frankly, i could give a flying proverbial what policies they have, or the snps policies either, such ideas are for the birds
I’m not so sure they were pro Indy as pro me. A lot of their pronouncements were cack.
and rise didnt put independence as the first line on their manifesto?
No one interfered with them, they had unfettered access to the media, quite unbelievable, but no one was interested.
Still better to elect Tories instead, eh?
listen val, the argument was about tactical voting, the merits and sense in doing so, the policies of all indy parties are irrelevant, the point was to reduce the unionists representation, not an excuse for people to diss other indy groups. that serves no purpose
Alabaman, do you have a link for that?
Good news from Nicola. Can’t wait for Violet Elizabeth Bott to start scweamin’ an’ scweamin’. Great fun.
I didn’t give them any attention then, so I don’t miss them.
no, but you didnt need to pay them any attention, just not go out of your way along with others to destroy them
keep it up, you dont like the greens either, if you destroy them too, we will all be replaced by a unionist coalition
the indy movement isnt about what policies you or I prefer, it never was, they are irrelevent, it is about winning independence?
I’m hoping that this divisive article is designed to let everyone get it all out of their system, so we can get back to Indy say around the middle of this week. So here’s me getting it out of my system.
Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck.
Shit I typed a c rather than an f, oh well.
I’m not forgiving the Sunday Herald, but McWhirter has an interesting piece today. His take is that the SNP will have to work harder. I agree.
But at the end of the day, if Indy ref 2 is called for, 63 SNP = 6 Green = 69. Say minus 1 for PO = 68. That’s 68 for, up to 60 against. Resolution carried. Just do the Section 30 Order thing Cameron old chap, there’s a good lad. Or we’ll set Tank Commander on you!
Stu, you were pretty hostile to the Greens and them standing in Edinburgh Central letting Ruth Davidson in, but now that the real numbers are out there, it worked out really well for them.
Lothian constituencies finished 6 SNP, 1 Con, 1 Lab, 1 LD and list, in order, Con, Green, Lab, Con, Lab, Con, Green
If Alison Johnstone (Green) hadn’t stood in Edinburgh Central, Ruth Davidson (Con) wouldn’t have won the seat. Instead Alison Dickie (SNP) would have won it.
The Lothian constituencies would then have finished 7 SNP, 1 Lab, 1 LD and list result in order would have been Con, Con, Green, Lab, Con, Lab, Con.
i.e. Alison Dickie (SNP) would have been elected instead of Andy Wightman (Green).
The way it worked out, the Greens got one more MSP than the LibDems and one less SNP got elected increasing the Scottish Green’s influence significantly. With the added bonus for them of a well known land reform campaigner who will grab far more attention for them than any of their other MSP’s except Patrick Harvie. Well played Greens. By accident.
@yesindyref2 6:17pm
Spot on. Time to call Dave’s bluff.
Apparently from senior SNP sources according to the SH, unlike the other parties, the SNP don’t have a postal vote policy or procedure. Which is pretty dumb.
Also the SNP online system failed on election day making GOTV a bit of a shambles.
Apparently too most of us new members are lazy and useless, preferring to spend all our time on the internet rather than GOTV.
Which all goes to show that a lot of people are shooting their mouths off, and the sooner it all gets back to normal, the better.
Also the SNP online system failed on election day making GOTV a bit of a shambles.
we already knew which constituencies had the weakest snp support. we should have targeted them
the libdems have done this for years
Dave McEwan Hill says:
Any proof to support that.
Yes I’ve crunched the numbers. Take 10% off the SNP regional totals (except for Highland), add to the Green total and re-do the d’Hondt calculations (spreadsheets make this easier). It gives the Greens a list MSP in Central, North East and South (even 5% does those) and a second one in Glasgow.
The Greens put alternate men and women on their lists and had four lists headed by men and four by women. So all the extra MSPs are female.
I was being slightly naughty in that the seat in South does come at the expense of the SNP and those of us who were pointing out that this would happen weren’t advising switching on purely tactical grounds in South and Highland because those were the regions where there might be enough non-SNP constituencies for list seats to be possible.
But the other three come from the Conservatives and not a single SNP list vote in those other six regions (751,770 of them by my reckoning) help elected an MSP. Obviously a bigger percentage would give you even more Green MSPs. 20% just in those six regions would give them another 9 seats (6 Con, 2 Lab, 1 LD)
As to whether you wanted more Greens, well it depends whether you think Con or Lab are more likely to support SNP policies than Greens are. But it looks like the ‘Both Votes SNP’ campaign helped reduce the pro-Indy majority.
I think the ultimate answer to all this hoohah about tactical voting is – the electorate. And respect for the electorate. Not just the YES voters, but the NO voters who are still probably a slight majority.
So if all the Greens had voted SNP on the list and we had 69 SNP MSPs, it would be a travesty, it would be false, it would be sticking two fingers up at the overall electorate.
But if all the SNP had voted Green and we had 37 Green MSPs that too would be a travesty, just a far bigger one. It would be baring our backsides at the electorate and waggling them.
In the end the electorate decided to give us 63 SNP MSPs and 6 Greens.
And that’s correct, it’s what the electorate decided.
If we don’t show respect to the electorate, we’ll never get above 50% YES.
it wasnt the new members or the activist which were the problem, they worked as hard as ever, the snp voters just didnt show up. the unionists in nef did
you can lead a horse to water etc …
I don’t care who helps us to become an independent country – green, yellow, red, blue, Scottish, English, Chinese, Polish, Pakistani, lesbian, gay (and all points between)…. All I care about is finding a way to get the people holding us back out of our way so we can get on with our journey to being a normal country.
Wot’s done is done. The election result could have been slightly better for the indy movement. It could have been a hell of a lot worse. Make no mistake, the tories have not hit a ceiling (as some imply) and they could have reaped havoc in the NE and rural constituencies if the campaign had run another week or so. These are strong NO voting areas, remember. The political fault lines are rearranging and the yoons are fighting back. We got off lightly and now we have time to fight back. Ruthie will soon be outed as a nasty piece of work.
Following an initial disappointment, IMO the result is actually perfect for the indy movement for a number of reasons. The red tories have been trashed and the battle lines could not be clearer. The blue tories’ human shield of useful Labour idiots has been breached. All the media nonsense about a one-party state has been destroyed. We still have an indy majority (some green awkwardness perhaps but a small number of Labour MSPs could abstain or vote in favour of another referendum – if it came to that, which is currently unlikely anyway).
There are many more points I won’t mention, but the bottom line is that there is still no majority for YES, so there is absolutely no point in pushing another referendum until Scotland is ready for it. A tory-led yoon resurgance was always on the cards if the Labour party collapsed, but this is the price we have to pay. IMO the centre-left is absolutely critical to achieving independence in Scotland and Labour (and any yoon influence) have to be removed from the left.
When Scotland is ready for independence, Scotland will have independence. Nothing on earth can prevent it happening. When Scotland is ready……
Conan the Librarian @ 5:49
“Get a grip” you say.
Getta bloody grippin deed !!
I think being a minority government allows the SNP much more leeway to introduce more radical policies. If it fails it fails, no big deal, “we’re just a minority government”. Meanwhile Ruthie greets away in desperation. Her only “argument” is to repeat again and again her claim that we’re not allowed another referendum.
@luigi 6:46pm
Totally agree with you Luigi the Tory cover ie SLAB is now gone and the Tories are in the front line and very exposed with very little positive ammunition in their locker. Don’t think their policies are very appealing to the vast majority of Scotland.
I believe they are at the upper edge of their support. So they will destroy themselves with direction from Londinium and the establishment. Davidson just does as she’s telt and the London Tory policies are toxic to the vast majority of Scotland. Let them come at us if they dare.
Sorry folks the B.B.C. Scottish news web site, has just demoted Anas Sarwar, he’s now just a S.M.P., but if you can look at the sites archives you’ll see what I referred to.
The Anas is in a difficult place right enough.
It appears the sun don’t shine on his policies either, but he’s laying the ground work for the future here I think.
Straws in the wind.
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Murray 1-1 and with new balls it seems! 🙂
the electorate. And respect for the electorate
people have always voted tactically, whats the problem?
you cant force people of course, but the people in shetland and orkney wanted a unionist representive rather than a nationalist, which is why they voted tactically. cf the results between 2015 and thursdays.
there are 8 regions in scotland, why should we not create a system to enable those who support indy to maximise their vote?. it isnt obligatory to follow an agreed plan, but i dont see the problem of creating such a strategy anymore than i disagree with what shetland and orkney did. they still have a choice
I agree with all of that. I said unless we got a majority, I wasn’t going to the activist celebration on Saturday. I stuck to that because I’m still sorting my head out, and I want to try and say my piece positively in Branch or to our campaign manager.
Our MSP got 60% of the vote share, but we have to have some hard talks about member apathy, and how we get over voter apathy.
We have to change something to achieve our goal next year.
Give it up. It happened, get over it.
And certainly don’t involve me in tactical voting post-mortems, I’m for moving on, not uselesss divisive recriminations.
My point was about Getting Out The Vote. The SNP online system failed which was a problem apparently.
Ruth Davidson aka Miss Trunchbull says STOP TALKING ABOUT INDEPENDENCE!!!!
Nicola (aka Miss Honey) says I will start campaign for Independence in the summer!:-)
Completely agree.
I was working with dozens of computer sheets on Thursday for GOTV, so I presume this is what you mean about a system going down?
But I find that very worrying, because no campaign manager worth their salt would surely leave running these until 5th May?
My sheets had all been pulled off on 1st May.
I’m just trying to understand your info.
I think if the SNP had achieved an overall majority, many of the NO voters would have been thinking “oh no, another 5 years of the same old”, and switched off.
Now it’s interesting for them, and perhaps their minds will be more open to new ideas.
Just saw the clip of Nicola sturgeon stating that InyRef2 is not off the table in this parliament.
So basically everything is as it was, only difference being that the SNP vote has increased.
Can’t really see a down side.
…still seeing lots of posts about we need to be nice to the Greens. Like many other I like many of their polices. However I going to keep saying it – ” They split the vote!”
I’m not against the Greens. I’m just sick of people demanding that the direction of travel be set before we even have a nation.
The arrogance of these parties is breathtaking. Do they not realise the compromise many of us make to hold a United front. They assume their limited and restrictive arguement is more important than mine because I put one objective first – Independence.
I have seen it argued that by needing their support it will push the SNP/SG further Green. Why should the rest of us be shaped by them?
I will set down NO demands on the politics of a future Scotland. It will be the will of the people that shapes the first independent Holyrood. I will thereafter give my support to a party that best represents my views.
It will not be Left enough for Rise, it will not be Green enough for Patrick, it will not be Right enough for Ruthie. However all indications are that it will be left of centre leading to a fairer society.
As a nation WE can spend decades shaping our future but it will always be a compromise as expected in a democracy.
To Green voters…you will see none of your major objectives achieved without an Independent Scotland.
@ yesindyref2 at 6.42 and 7.19
Yes, exactly.
I’m enough of a non-democrat that I would have been briefly hugely amused if the unionists had been wiped out, but I do know really that while they attract approximately 40% of the electorate’s support, they deserve 40% of the seats.
And that is what they got.
It was Tom Gordon in the Sunday Herald, so make what you can of that.
“ “Postal votes are just something we’ve never really done,” said one SNP campaigner. “We’ve always gone for a Get Out The Vote (GOTV) operation on polling day instead.”
But on polling day, Activate crashed for most of the morning, hampering the GOTV effort.
“There’s a myth that the party’s operation is really wonderful,” said one senior member. “In many ways it’s actually very poor.”
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This election shows that YES was not ready for indyref2 so I am happy with the result.
In the 5 years of this parliament we will have more likely than not :-
1 An other oil boom,
2 Re election of a Tory Westminster government but this time with either osbourne or boris,
3 More austerity and cuts,
4 A widening gap between rich and poor,
5 A proper alternative to using the pound with crypto currency’s being more widely used,
6 Ruth davidsons consertatives in full view for Scotland to see,
7 labour fragmenting into YES or NO.
Add the slim possibility of leaving the EU (your a fool if you think the UK is going to vote out)
I think over 5 years all that getting bedded into people’s mind set and daily lives will give YES the extra support needed to WIN indyref2.
Cookie truth behold we actually really don’t need the Greens. We had 64 msps last term and got everything through. We are going to give up presiding officer. So it’s as you are 63 becomes 64. Most of the time the opposition don’t all vote,sit on their hands or vote with the SNP. The media are in a lather about minority government, but it’s not a minority it’s effectively a working majority in practice.
We only need the Greens for indi 2 and they would never vote against that as a collective. Harvie might ad he’s a wee egotistical maniac but the rest would rebel.
Many thanks, that’s helpful. 🙂
For the member apathy bit, it doesn’t surprise me. Before the Ref I guess you could say that the 25,500 members were “member types”, i.e. interested in being part of a political party. After the Ref they got 90,000 new members, many perhaps previously non-aligned like me. Joined for Indy.
Well, I saw the schedule for the first meeting and it was incredibly boring. Minutes, secretary’s report, blah blah, any other business. I went anyway, and that was it. Nice people, but no interesting discussion. Been to a couple of others but they’re boring too, and nothing about policies even, let alone Indy. Really it’s all them to us, not our points of view, with maybe one or two long-term members talking for about 10 minutes non-stop about something by which time it’s time to finish.
But mostly it’s all about constituency business and fund-raising. Well, I expect many of the 90,000 like me want more than that, and we’re not getting it.
@ Roger Mexico
It’s not just that. It also depends on who the candidates are (which not all voters will bother to find out, of course, let alone have the same opinion about).
If what you suggest had happened, instead of 1 Green whom I would rather not have in the Parliament, there would be 4. In 3 of those cases, there were people further down the list whom I would have welcomed.
Having voted Green in 2003 and 2007, I chose not to do so in 2011 because of their lead candidate (not the same one who stood this time). This time I also actively wanted a particular SNP list candidate to be elected.
Also, as I have commented to yesindyref2, the unionists got the seats their support entitled them to. I’d prefer people to concentrate on trying to appeal to those supporters (which would also help independence) rather than imagining they can direct the way people vote without actually knowing the exact behaviour required in advance.
I read your blog about welcoming English, Chinese, Pakistani, and various European nationals to thependence cause.
On election day I was a Conservative polling agent wearing my polling station badge and my Conservative party rosette, I was speaking to an SNP polling agent who told me there were too many English people in Scotland and the reason for lowering the height regulations for the police were because of the Chinese living in Scotland. It seems Chinese are smaller than Scots so the police had to lower the height to avoid breaching discrimination rules
This polling agent finally told me that he will vote Leave in the EU referendum and he wasn’t worried about Nicola Sturgeon’s views on the subject because she only has onr vote
“Postal votes are just something we’ve never really done,”
Really. Well I’m no expert, and I wouldn’t want to tell you how to do your job, but I’m guessing that might be something you might want to think about looking into.
We are slagging off the Greens now but when Andy Wightman gets a law passed (maybe just in my dreams, but still) that bans non-Scottish domiciled UK citizens (i.e. people like David Cameron’s dad) from owning large tracts of the Highlands and Borders – a move that does not contravene EU law – then the Tory opposition will self-combust and we will be laughing our heads off.
Albaman & K1
Ref Anas Sarwar
I viewed Brewer’s Politics this am and thought same ,he introduced Sarwar a deputy leader.
I just jumped to my Humax recording and Brewer actually introduced him as
“Former MP & Deputy Leader of Scottish Labour and now an MSP”
I had to listen again as it was yet again miss-leading. Some might say one of my regular Senior moments!
The BBC are renowned in Scotland for accuracy , why did I ever doubt them.
The clip will probably be on iPlayer it’s just after Nicola’s interview.
Well, no surprise, you have described my branch meetings.
Us newbies are going to have to ruffle some feathers, because I’ve previously said I’m not happy, but I’m turning out for the donkey work.
I suspect the ‘summer campaign’ is also some kind of recognition that they must engage better
They KNOW the vast bulk want independence, and that spark needs feeding and tending.
If we wanted gender balance with the Greens it would have helped if just a few people in the NE region voted Green on the list rather than SNP. Then we would have got another Green lady and we would not have got yet another Lib Dem. In fact if even more had gone for the Greens on the list in NE Scotland we would not have had the plethora of Tories who got in on the back of that list.
If that had happened, instead of having to put up with loads of inaccurate headlines going on about a Tory revival we would be reading about how the pro Independence parties had an overwhelming mandate for another referendum sometime in the future.
As it is we are dancing on the media pin of the SNP lost the election, and don’t have a mandate, even though that is palpably untrue.
This is not the time for tribal politics on the Yes side when we should be concentrating on the win win of Labour losing and the Conservatives beating them.
A lot can happen in the next few years that could move the majority towards independence, but not if we are seen as infighting in the movement, as is the lot of the current Labour and Conservative parties.
“But even we have to admit that it’d be an admirable statement of principle and integrity if the Greens put their money where their mouths are on the subject.”
They certainly have plenty of that.
They stood candidates against the SNP for the Westminster election and in constituencies on “principle” to let the most disgusting Tories to get in through the middle.
But on polling day, Activate crashed for most of the morning,
Damned convenient to the SNP’s enemies. Should we be getting the tinfoil hats out?
Why did Any Wightman choose to stand in Edinburgh Central?
I’d have got a laugh out of it, but yes, democratically it would have been wrong. In fact arguably, from a democratic point of view, UKIP with 2% should have had 2-3 MSPs.
Mmm, let’s not go there.
I’m for moving on, not uselesss divisive recriminations.
isnt that what this thread is about? read the article above.
I got all my GOTV sheets last Wednesday night. Started Thurs. Finished Fri. No problem.
Don’t what you’re going on about!
schrodingers cat,
“Well I bloody care about this gobshite Greer!”
Did you not know he was on the Greens’ list?
You were battling for a list vote for the Greens on this site.
schrodingers cat,
“personally, i couldnt give a flying fuck about the greens, or the snp for that matter”
Well you have been giving a lot for the Greens on this site.
” They split the vote!”
I’m not against the Greens. I’m just sick of people demanding that the direction of travel be set before we even have a nation.
The arrogance of these parties is breathtaking. Do they not realise the compromise many of us make to hold a United front.
what compromise? we have a united front now, the bad mouthing of smaller indy groups has caused them to cease existing.
we will now run indyref2 without ric, hows yer united front doing?
do i like listening to the whines of lefty socialists? not really, but i tholed it for the good of the unity of the indy movement
i find articles like this very divisive but I realise the compromise many of us make to hold a United front.
Jimmy @7.42pm
So Jimmy, are you with or against us? We sorely need a right wing party that supports independence. Think of the possibilities for our economy. We could transform it with the right policies. Sure it might be tough to begin with but just think what we could do in time! I don’t care where you come from or whether you’re left or right wing. I just want you to put your shoulder to the wheel. Most of the ex-English people living round here are pro-independence I guess because they are young with kids and want the best future for those kids. I know most of the expat English in Scotland are against us but they are retirees and set in their ways like most old people. No disrespect to our venerable independence supporting oldies on here of course.
I agree with what Clootie said @7.25pm “They split the vote”
I’m extremely angry with the Greens, since thanks to their selfishness I have Ruth the Tank Commander as my constituency MSP. No one from the Greens has apologized for that which speaks volumes about their commitment to a unified Yes movement.
Greens are saying that it was the SNPs fault for not getting out the vote. Well who was it that was putting complacency into SNP voters minds by saying that a majority was in the bag- it was the Greens of course.
It is the Greens and the tiny left wing gruops that are trying to split the Yes movement and we should be making it plain they are not welcome if that is their aim.
@ yesindyref2
In full PR systems there’s usually a threshold for representation, and I think it tends to be more than 2-3%!
So we’d be safe from UKIP.
@ yesindyref2
link to
Looks like only Denmark and the Netherlands (in Europe) would have let UKIP in.
@ crazycat
No I appreciate that that informed voters will want to make choices based on all sorts of factors to do with candidates, policies and so on. I also take Indyref2’s point (indeed have mentioned it elsewhere) that there is a moral argument that people shouldn’t game the system but let it do what it was intended – in other words the unionist Parties deserve those seats for their support.
What concerned me about the ‘Both Votes SNP’ campaigning is that voters were actually being dissuaded from voting tactically or indeed according to their inclinations by the assurance that voting SNP was the only ‘safe’ option and their votes wouldn’t be wasted. In fact if many people were persuaded by that then it led to the opposite of what they intended – more Tories were elected instead of Greens or SNP.
All tactical voting is a gamble, but so is not tactical voting as well if your vote could have kept out a candidate you dislike.
Glad to know it’s your branch too. Well, not glad, sad, but you know what I mean!
I did email about the Agenda being boring, and was told there’s be more for YES in future, but it never happended. Some films about fracking was about it, which isn’t something I’m into.
Tactics, strategy, wider YES co-operation? Nada, zilch.
If the MSPs and candidates want us to work harder, they need to as well – try talking with us or answering a couple of emails, that would help. And a genuine online SNP forum.
Reminds me of the National Conversation online where the Ministers would write their piece in the “forums”, people like me would make comments below the line, but not a dickie bird from the Ministers, they were stuck up in their ivory towers, ready to lay down the next piece of wisdom.
And if a 40 year pro-indy supporter thinks that, what would the 55.3% who voted NO?
schrodingers cat,
“im saying save your criticism for the unionists.”
Have you told that to Patrick Harvey?
Why were the Greens not chasing Tory, Labour and Lib Dem votes instead of cowardly duping SNP supporters for the list vote?
Patrick Harvey and the Greens are more interested in themselves than in an independent Scotland.
yesindyref2 says:
8 May, 2016 at 7:31 pm
It was Tom Gordon in the Sunday Herald, so make what you can of that.
“ “Postal votes are just something we’ve never really done,” said one SNP campaigner. “We’ve always gone for a Get Out The Vote (GOTV) operation on polling day instead.”
But on polling day, Activate crashed for most of the morning, hampering the GOTV effort.
“There’s a myth that the party’s operation is really wonderful,” said one senior member. “In many ways it’s actually very poor.” ”
I wouldn’t trust anything that worm Tom Gordon writes. I got a PV application form from the SNP 6 weeks before the vote.
It sounds like the usual Brit Nat Press and Media crap I reckon and the use of an unnamed source the weel kent unnamed campaigner and another unnamed so called senior member, Aye Right!
Time to cool our jets, indy Ref2 is Jist roon e Neuk and plenty light shining doon the tunnel.
I had to chuckle today whilst discussing the current situation with my mid 80s mother, she suddenly retorted
“Faas voting for that gype o a lassie aat Labour, she’s aat feel she’ll be voting wi the Torys ageen!”
You will appreciate she may not fully understand the implications of D’hont system but she kens a daft budgie when she sees one.
Cynically I was hoping Nicola’s first appearance On TV since election would have her say
“Since the BBC are revelling in the massive success of the Tory party the SNP as the listening party will need to reconsider some aspects. Perhalps we should have all those in the 40% tax bracket paying £20 per prescription and same as England for Uni fees. After all listening to the BBC etc there is a huge desire by voters for these policies”
I would assume with the soon to be devolved Tax controls it would actually be fairly easy to assertain who is in the 40% tax bracket ?
Please note I am not advocating or promoting Tory policies. My point is, all be it perhalps too late, but we need to remind voters what the true implications on voting Tory can / does mean.
Spent most of Friday & Sat feel a bit low ?
Reflecting SNP had more votes than ever , that is more people giving them support and the thumbs up to govern AS THEY SEE FIT !
So let’s just cool our jets and let them get on with it . They want Indy Ref 2 just as much as us !
Ruby says:
8 May, 2016 at 7:52 pm
“Why did Any Wightman choose to stand in Edinburgh Central?”
He didn’t, it was the Greens “dual leader” Alison Johnston that stood. Wightman was only on the list.
@Roger Mexico
I think that’s a bit of the case of “they started it”, much as I hate that. The word went out that a vote for the SNP on the list was wasted and could let Unionists in, and we countered it. In fact Mhairi Black in the SH asserted that a vote on the list for the other pro-indy parties could let Unionists in, and I contradicted that as well. Neither is right, not on the basis of dodgy opinion polls and predictions that can be totally wrong, and of course neither is write in a proper democracy sense.
Perhaps I shouldn’t point out that with 49.4% of the vote, the pro-indy parties got 53.5% of the seats …
“im saying save your criticism for the unionists.”
Have you told that to Patrick Harvey?
i tell this to all indy supporters, green, red blue, what ever
instead of cowardly duping…… go fukc yersel’ rock
Standard item on any SNP branch meeting agenda should be “Have your say”.
I’ve been really concerned about the amount of ego on display over recent weeks and days from some people. None of us have all the answers, none of us is psychic and none of us have a right to bewail how other people choose to vote. Some people have really been allowing their tempers to get the better of them and it is very off-putting to a lot of people. Please keep that in mind when you’re shouting down other parties and other people – Labour did it for years and look what’s happened to them. It really shouldn’t be a model that anyone who cares about independence wants to follow. We still have a lot of convincing to do if we’re ever going to achieve independence. Sadly, some of the behaviour over recent weeks from supposed independence supporters is only going to convince a lot of people not to bother at all.
@louis.b.argyll says: 8 May, 2016 at 4:07 pm:
Hello, Robert P… Had a spat with the cat myself a good while back..the scars healed though.
When it comes to wounds from internet abuse, Louis.b. I am immune and don’t scar easily. I’ve been attacked by some far larger felines than this one. I don’t take offence in any case.
I was much more intent upon the defence of others being savaged by the bad tempered and totally out of order feline. I could, but will not, quote some actions by the Green Brigade that have set the best interests of Scotland back, in some cases for years.
Many of that ilk seem to think that Scotland’s Highlands and Uplands have always been the barren wasteland they are at present. This is not so. There is hardly a square inch of Scotland’s landscape that is not man made and deliberately man made by the Establishment in Britain’s South.
They saw Scotland, and the Highlands and Uplands in particular, as a threat to England and determined to suppress the way of life of both areas. A walk up most Highland Glens will show the remnants of a once far more populated country.
Remember also that it was a Westminster idea to take away from Glasgow the threat of Glasgow becoming the first city of the British Empire.
Look around you. See the many Glasgow overspill areas all over Scotland and as far away as Corby in England.
Thatcher’s suppression of Scottish industry was far from being the only Westminster engineered scheme to disempower Scotland. Our history is full of such actions and their attacks are not by any means over yet.
You know, if we want independence, the worst, the very worst thing we can do is continue whinging on about tactical voting and split votes and all that. It happened. The Rev was right, but the past is the past.
It is clear that several sources are willfully trying to feed the bad feelings, rather than be constructive.
Let’s be smart. The SNP have just had their biggest ever vote, their is a pro independence majority in the Parliament, and battle lines have been drawn. We are now, right here on 8th May, 2016 light years further on in the fight for independence. Do not let a select few have their way, creating dissent.
Despite their bluster, London is sh*t scared of the independence movement and the SNP. The ball is firmly in our court. Ours to play with. Let’s not let a few morons f*ck it up for us.
Mmm, must be about time for NCN to make an appearance, all concern and listen to me. I wonder who he/she/it is going to pick on tonite?
These recriminations for a minor setback are unwise.
The SNP will be able to push through their manifesto because they are excellent strategists. Once the PO position has been resolved the position re minority will be even better.
The Greens have the chance to confirm their commitment to independence, so let’s give them their chance.
Ruthie Tank-Straddler will be systematically demolished by the FM. I would hate to be in the latter’s position, but she’s probably too full of herself to realise this. Expensive speech writers from Londinium ain’t going to do it: Ruthie ain’t going to cut it in the cut and thrust.
To me, the glaring obstacle in our path to independence is the BBC. The parliament will take care of itself, but unless there is some plan by the SNP to counter the bile and lies of Pacific Quay, independence is going to be delayed.
I keep asking myself, “How do we defeat them?” and I still don’t have any answers. Mind you, I find it impossible to think that all the creative and imaginative people on our side cannot come up with a strategy. There are posters on here with experience of the Byzantine ways of Vichy Vision, too.
I may be naïve, but if we could crack this, the dam would burst.
Any ideas? It’s a big question.
@Kevin Evans 7.32
Great post mate.
I’ve been catching up on this thread and getting ever more depressed at the ‘Judean People’s Front’ animus dividing us to conquer us. Loved your post. Keep calm and ceilidh on people.
I am assuming somebody else has already posted this, but here is what the FM has said in an interview regarding independence.
I don’t think any of us should feel down.
link to
This summer is about to get interesting.
IMO we have to be very thankful for the political skills of Nicola Sturgeon. It was a difficult job to balance between two powerful opposing forces: The aspirations of the independence campaign and the referendum phobia of the yoon SNP voters in rural areas. Some ground was lost to the latter, but by and large she pulled it off. With Ruthie boldly going for it and the backing of the media, there was a real possibility of a really big ‘tory’ swing, but thanks to Nicola’s political savy, some big names in the rural areas (eg Swinney, Lochhead etc) and the incumbencey effect, the damage was limited.
Labour, by contrast, were sitting ducks. Blissfully unaware of the danger, or uncertain exactly how to deal with it, the trap was sprun and they had nowhere to go.
Thank goodness we have excellent politicians on our side.
link to
Robert Louis, well said Sir.
My Gers supporting workmates trying to wind me up saying the union has prevailed, sorry guys but the tories just don’t care..
I wonder how our stalwart unionists down Edmiston Drive think about their yoon brethren in Lancs referring to them as an overseas club… must sting…
“The FIFA situation where a Scottish club – an overseas club – can come to Accrington, a club that turns over £1.5m, and walk away with £1.5m of our assets for next to nothing is a joke.”
link to
Latter should be former.
Zut alors!
And Robert Peffers, quite right about highland glens and the attack on Glasgow’s status.
At Union, Scotland’s population was about a million, England, with Wales, about five.
What is it now? Ah, that Union Dividend.
Looks like the `comedian` Limmy or Daft Limmy is having a go at Wings over Scotland and its readers,
“I’m enjoying winding up ex pats like the Wings of Scotland guy and his followers, by telling them that Scotland doesn’t concern them.”
“That Wings Over Scotland guy having a go at everybody cos the SNP didnae get a majority. Cunt stays in Bath. Stay out of Scotland’s affairs.”
“I got what I was after. SNP minority, relying on Greens.”
he has almost 200,000 followers on his twitter site,
don`t really know who he is as i do not watch much tv but i think he swears a lot like Connolly did 40 years ago.
I’m happy to let the old hands run the show. Theyve been doing it for years with great success. Actually Im not much into talking shops. Campaigning is where the action is and its great fun too. You meet people, bond with a team and make friends, get to know the constituency.
It was a new experience for me and its really rewarding. Works off some of the frustration of the Indyref which is still there, and Im making up for decades of not being involved. I wish I had been in it from the beginning. Ive got huge respect for those old hands, theyve been through the mill of years of being shouted at abused and they stuck at it. Because they did, we are where we are today.
You know whats best? The houses with the saltires, the people that greet you with bright eyes, smiles and thumbs ups. Theres ALOT of them, and theyre not going away.
OK. Pros with this election result for the summer push for Indy.
1). It’s not just the SNP now, they’re a minority government. It’s SNP and Greens putting their policies for what their party would do in Indy Scotland.
2). Scotland is not a one-party state.
3). Dear Leader is Dear Leader of a democratic minority Gov so isn’t Dear Leader..
4). The SNP minority Gov are going to have to work harder.
5). The SNP can no longer afford to look or be arrogant.
6). Perhaps more attention will be paid to what the NO voters have concerns about, now the SNP have shown themselves not to be infallible.
7). The anti-SNP mob are going to look foolish, but not just in our eyes.
8). Something like that
8). More of the same
10). What are Labour going to do?
Call me Dave at 9.00pm
That piece by MacWhirter is really rather good. I don’t always agree with him, but in this, he talks an awful lot of sense.
I actually saw him live in Edinburgh, at one of those podcasty things, in the last few weeks of the referendum, with Greg Moodie and Bateman.
It just so happens I have just started reading his book disunited kingdom – it has taken this long for me to get over the result. I still cannot envisage reading Salmond’s book (although I would like to), just too upsetting. Izzard, he was once funny, now sad, increasingly irrelevant.
@Scot Finlayson –
don`t really know who he is as i do not watch much tv but i think he swears a lot like Connolly did 40 years ago
Scot, he is to comedy what Loki is to rap.. 🙂
Limey? Limmey? .like Izzard, he was once funny, now sad, increasingly irrelevant.
Can people please exercise their minds, find a fresh pejorative for the whole ‘split-left’ phenomenon and stop using the ‘Judean People’s Front’ gag? It stopped being ‘funny’ approx thirty years ago and is really fucking boring.
@Scot Finlayson 9:06
Cunt stays in Bath. Stay out of Scotland’s affairs.
The answer to that is, ‘David Cameron, cunt stays in London. Stay out of Scotland’s affairs’. Maybe if he stayed out of Scotland’s affairs, so would the ‘cunt in Bath’.
I disagree, I can’t find ANYTHING insightful or original in translation in what Mcwhirter says in article.
Chewed up, regurgitated. Same old same old.
Something for everyone, nothing to actually say, except about other’s perceptions.
@Dave McEwan Hill says: 8 May, 2016 at 5:08 pm:
“Gender balance is dead easy … I have no idea why this isn’t just done”
I have, Dave. It is because doing so is selecting candidates by their gender instead of by their political capabilities.
I don’t give a damn whether they are female, hermaphrodite, male, transgender or neutered. I don’t want to bed them or marry them – I want them to look after my political interests.
The bottom line is if the greens did not exist or stand candidates we would have had a majority and the yoons would not be doing somersaults now. That’s a fact.
That isn’t actually a fact.
Also, “we” do have a majority. Still, damn those Greens for existing.
I could, but will not, quote some actions by the Green Brigade
but im not the green brigade, never have been. just snp for 35 years arguing for independence and trying to stop the movement from splitting
you may not like the greens, or bmws, the headlights must be too close the gither or summat, but if this is what the snp has become, a bunch of boring old farts, sitting around insulting other indy groups to the extent of their demise then the snp can fucking ram it too
@ Roger Mexico
Indeed. I have never gambled. That is why, in every election since October 1974 and every referendum since 1975, I have voted for the outcome I wanted, regardless of the chance of its happening.
I realize others may like to live more dangerously 🙂 .
The more you think about it, the more obvious it becomes, the only way ‘Scottish’ Labour can possibly survive is by coming out for Independence.
Iain More says:
8 May, 2016 at 8:30 pm
Ruby says:
8 May, 2016 at 7:52 pm
“Why did Any Wightman choose to stand in Edinburgh Central?”
He didn’t, it was the Greens “dual leader” Alison Johnston that stood. Wightman was only on the list.
Ruby replies
Why did Alison Johnston choose Edinburgh Central?
I can see I’m going to have to get my whip out and start licking it about – calm down folks.
limmy supporter rise, you remember that group ric that wos and sgp just destroyed.. bravo
maybe the greens should just oppose every budget, by the snp or by a subsequent unionist coalition…eventually sp16 will be dissolved and we can do this all over again? that way the snp can put a definitive commitment to indyref2 and win an indesputable democratic mandate?
keep insulting the greens and maybe they will tell you to fuck off 🙂 looking at the comments on this thread i wouldnt blame them, would you?
Paula Rose at 930pm
“I can see I’m going to have to get my whip out and start licking it about…”
So now it get interesting 🙂
Why did Alison Johnston choose Edinburgh Central?
i wish she had not, so do the greens, no one expected ruth to win, not even her.
the reason she stood was because of the absence of an electoral strategy, brought about by too many in the indy movement intent on a pissing contest.
as i said, it didnt need to be like this
schrodingers cat,
“i find articles like this very divisive but I realise the compromise many of us make to hold a United front.”
schrodingers cat,
“go fukc yersel’ rock”
If you find WOS articles “divisive”, shouldn’t you be the one to -off?
And take your compromises with you?
There cannot be a united front as long as the Greens and RISE, both heavily promoted by The National, put party politics and personal egos before Scottish independence.
link to
Robin McAlpine
whats wrong folks, cat got yer tongues?
i think the idea of bringing down the snp sp16 and a forcing a re run of the election has many commendable aims, when the moment is right the greens could do this at the request of the snp?
why not? it would undermine ruthies position?
campaign for indyref2, win a democratic mandate while the yoons still think they have beaten the indy movement
call me dave says:
8 May, 2016 at 9:00 pm
Dont think Mcwhirter is very keen on, well, us YESers,
“In the early hours, some embittered nationalists claimed that the “vanity” of Patrick Harvie and the Scottish Greens had killed hopes of an early independence referendum by denying the SNP another overall majority. This was a curiously defeatist approach and very much contrary to the spirit of the cross-party Yes campaign.
We’ll never know but would those Green 4000+ Edinburgh votes have gone SNP or not tory Tankgirl?
Old Mcwhirter really likes the Greens though. Funny that. DONT scrap Airtransport taxation vile separatists, its NOT Green.
How many 28 EU countries have APD Scottish Greens? 6 and all of them much less than teamGB. BOOO say Greens, we’re the Green blockers, we’re going to block you, fellow vile seps.
Gees a fucking break teamGB hackdom.
There were 34 female Green candidates out of 66 candidates – over 50%. So what Patrick Harvie said was absolutely true. Check it yourself.
link to
You’re attacking him and his party out of misplaced anger and disappointment that the SNP didn’t get an overall majority – and doing so when the SNP will be reliant on the Greens to get some of its policies though – and hve to persuade Green MSPs to back another referendum if it wants to call one.
Neither based on facts, nor wise.
The SNP were warned many of their list votes would be wasted by voting SNP 1+2 in a lot of regions – and they were – 120,000 list votes for the SNP in Central Scotland, not one MSP elected as they’d won far more constituency seats than their share of the vote on the first vote.
Ian Brotherhood,
“It stopped being ‘funny’ approx thirty years ago and is really fucking boring.”
If only they would have learnt in the last thirty years that they have always been exploited by the establishment.
They were just exploited, above all by The National, to try to reduce the SNP vote, although luckily they failed.
@Glamaig says: 8 May, 2016 at 6:01 pm:
” … That means the real enemy, the Tories are in full view, and you know what – we outnumber them 2 to 1!”
When is it going to get through to the average YESSERS that, “The Enemy”, is in fact the, “Westminster Establishment”, and it always has been?
No matter what they call themselves they are all parts of the same, “Unionist Establishment”. They are, like any other big family in that they will fight among themselves but if the family is under attack they will always close ranks against the outsider attackers.
All this claptrap of, “Scottish Labour”, “Scottish Conservative”, and, “Scottish LibDems”, is nothing more than flimflam. They are all parts of, “The English Kingdom Establishment”, headed by the Royal Person and the aristocracy who are descended from the original immigrant Germanic Tribes and still sit in the HOL.
“The Establishment”, also includes the elite Educational Establishments, the Christian Churches, Civil Service, Security Services, Armed Forces top leaders and the financial sector. It also includes such as the Loyal Orange Order and the English Police Forces, (in particular the Metropolitan Police Force).
The Establishment’s sticky fingers extend into every facet of United Kingdom life.
The Tory Party are just one little part of the visible full Establishment and most of the Establishment is anonymous.
Note that every one of those mentioned above were in there rooting for NO in the referendum.
Paula Rose,
“I can see I’m going to have to get my whip out and start licking it about – calm down folks.”
As an “ex Green” how do you feel about the Greens’ “success”?
schrodingers cat:
For God’s sake – you’ve practically taken over this whole thread talking shit about other people and parties. How many people who disagree with you have you told to ‘fuck off’ so far on here today now? Enough! You are the problem here. Go and have your hissy fit in private, PLEASE, before you cause more damage. This is far from the first time that you’ve ranted and raved on one of these threads – you did the same not long back with some SSP members that went on for about 5,000 bloody pages. You were also incredibly arrogant and belligerent about getting people to vote the way YOU wanted them to before the election. I can’t imagine how many people are reading your comments and just turning off completely to independence.
If you’ve been working for independence for 35 years like you say, then please join the rest of us who just want to keep doing our best to convince people that independence is the best thing for everyone in Scotland. And do that respectfully and kindly, whilst practicing what we preach which is a belief in greater democracy for Scotland. Please stop it with your bad tempered, ‘my way or the highway’ posts; you’re making yourself look like an agent provocateur.
Could everyone please just leave the Cat alone, now?
She/He seems genuinely hurting and perhaps depressed and this is worrying.
I don’t want anyone to be in danger or take comments too much to heart. So can we all just think about that please.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Rock making comments about comments about other comments being boring?
That’s ‘funny’.
‘Oh, won’t you stop yer ticklin, Rock’
If you considered Westminster as being male and Holyrood as being female would you agree that something needs to be done re gender balance?
I think it was Joan MacAlpine who put forward the idea that Scotland was like the abused woman or something similar and at the time that got me thinking.
Mr Westminster is the boss and he makes the rules & holds the purse strings. Scottish Nationalists want to be liberated women making their own rules & having their own credit card the Unionists are happy to be the Stepford Wives who stay at home wearing a pinny and waiting for Mr Westminster to get home so that they can welcome him at the door with a cocktail and ask him if he’s had a hard day at the office then serve him a home cooked meal which they’ve spent the entire day preparing. They know their place! Their favourite tune is ‘Stand By Your Man’
What Kirsty said.