The BBC, home of the facts
There’s an article on the BBC website today with the self-explanatory title of “Scottish independence: How would the UK fare without Scotland?”
On the left is what it said yesterday (that losing Scotland would be bad for the UK). On the right is what it says today (that losing Scotland would be good for the UK).
Does anyone know what calamity befell Scotland’s economy overnight?
The article has all manner of oddities about it. Firstly, it doesn’t show up on the normally-diligent NewsSniffer as having been changed at all. Yet a Google search for the deleted paragraph shows that it clearly used to be there, and under the same URL.
[EDIT 12.32: Newsdiffs does hint at the changes, though.]
The original stats also appear on this incredibly strange page, which appears to have been auto-translated into a foreign language and then auto-translated back again.
The page now carries a footnote saying “An earlier version of this article misrepresented some data on life expectancy and GDP.” But there’s no mention of how the error arose or what the nature of it was.
The Scottish Government’s figures for GDP per capita (naturally including a geographic share of oil revenues) clearly show Scotland with a higher figure than that of the UK.
We’re not clear what the BBC has based its alternative figures on. But we’re sure they’ll issue a detailed and referenced statement of clarification any minute now.
As long as they’re not dazzled by the current bright sunlight in Glasgow and can’t get permission from England to close the blinds, of course.
Also does not include any share of Oil figures.
Preparing England for a YES vote?
I opened my purse and the moth got out but I thought it was butterflies that changed the world when we weren’t looking
I bet we lost all that accursed oil, or something.
I noted yesterday when reading that article that it also seems to suggest that if we were independent, “ already busy country would suddenly become much more crowded, statistically at least.”
Why would it not include any share of oil? That is bonkers.
Starting to ‘plant the seed’ that a Yes vote is a good thing for rUK – just in case.
You really couldn’t make it up……. unless you’re the BBC.
Notice the source under the first part has been updated between yesterday and today, don’t know what it means exactly as I’m not too clever.
Have they removed the oil revenue (“not allocated GVA removed”) to make Scotland’s GDP look worse than the UK’s?
Is it true that Scottish products leaving the UK from an English port are classed as an English export?
Oh wait!! Yesterday it said an “already busy island”. Now it’s changed to “Country”. I’m sure it said Island yesterday.
Can’t we ask the BBC to explain why they’ve done this ?
It would appear that the LOSS of almost 17 billion of UK GDP would lead to an increase in said GDP.
Is it me?
And yet here is the BBC’s page from earlier this year showing GDP per person with and without oil and gas:
Including Oil and Gas:
UK £22336, Scotland £26424
Without Oil and Gas:
UK £20873, Scotland £20571
So it is in everyone’s interest, rUK and Scotland, for us to vote Yes. That’s a great argument for those selfless souls who were worried about the effect on the rUK. Apparently it’s good. Good for Scotland too, we know that, so, in happy-clappy management talk, it’s ‘Win-Win’.
BTNothanks can pack up their gear and retire, their work is not needed.
What say the ONS on these strange ”interpretations” by the state broadcaster.
Oil …..we’ve got oil ?
What are these “non allocated GVA” that have been removed from the second calculation to give them the figures they prefer to show as rUK subsidising Scotland?
I hate to think how your puter runs w. all these screen shots. But thanks.
There does seem to be a bit of a tenor of change in news .. Gaza was mentioned. Maybe the non-journalists drafted in (?) are not adequately briefed to follow the W?M script.
Oops forgot link:
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The GVA for the UK as a whole has dropped in the second one. So it’s not just the Scottish economy that has apparently tanked. The UK has lost £290.22 ponds per head overnight in economic output.
Also the accuracy of the figures has changed. To the last penny on the left but only to the last pound on the right. So, a rounding error produces different outcome figures as found by an eager bright young thing?
Either way some financial jiggery-pockery with a calculator or a spreadsheet has gone on. I can see big Brian bethering in anger at a positive story for Yes and demanding changes.
Is it not the case that Scottish produce exported via English ports are defined as English exports? And where is the section on imports?
In a word. Yawn
Well Westminster, I looked very carefully but have found NO zip anywhere on my body!
Nice try…
Could it be they have been embarrassed by Jon Snow on C4 News tearing into Israeli spokes-creatures? And sympathetically interviewing Gazan doctors? The other public service broadcaster is showing up Aunty big time.
I noticed this this Rev and was going to draw your attention to it. Yep, they’ve taken out the oil revenue. This is highly misleading – unless rUK somehow intends to screw Scotland out of its natural resources, their economy is going to suffer. This is blatant propaganda and ScotGov should get onto this demanding why BBC is misrepresenting Scotland’s contribution to UK economy.
They’ve basically removed about £2.4b from the Scottish contribution overnight!! Now that’s magic!!!
@Steve Stewart
You’re right, it did say island yesterday. I remember thinking how incongruous it was.
It says clearly today that not allocated GVA (gross value added) is removed, Yesterday it didn’t. Hence the difference.
The BBC lie machine should have a dedicated website to publish all their transgressions.
It does state at the bottom of the page “An earlier version of this article misrepresented some data on life expectancy and GDP. This has now been amended.” but gives no explanation about what was changed or why.
The difference seems to have excluded ‘not allocated’ GVA in the second version.
Quoting from Wikipedia:
GVA – Relationship to gross domestic product
GVA is linked as a measurement to gross domestic product (GDP), as both are measures of output. The relationship is defined as:
GVA + taxes on products – subsidies on products = GDP
As the total aggregates of taxes on products and subsidies on products are only available at whole economy level, Gross value added is used for measuring gross regional domestic product and other measures of the output of entities smaller than a whole economy. Restated,
GVA = GDP + subsidies – (direct, sales) taxes
Over-simplistically, GVA is the grand total of all revenues, from final sales and (net) subsidies, which are incomes into businesses. Those incomes are then used to cover expenses (wages & salaries, dividends), savings (profits, depreciation), and (indirect) taxes.
Basically it seems to exclude the things ONLY Scotland can produce, such as Scotch Whisky as this would be a Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) – much the same as you can’t get sea fish in the Lake District.
On a company level:
Investopedia explains ‘Gross Value Added – GVA’
At the company level, this metric could be calculated to represent the gross value added by a particular product or service the company currently produces or provides. In other words, the GVA number reveals how much money the product or service contributed towards meeting the company’s fixed costs and providing opportunity for a bottom-line profit.
Once the consumption of fixed capital and the effects of depreciation are subtracted, the company knows how much net value the operation adds to its bottom line.
Leaves me wondering if any of the fixed assets Scotland has paid towards, like the Palace of Westminster are included.
Here’s my original post from another thread showing the differences in full:
Alert Readers:
Spot the difference!
link to
link to
There’s no mystery here. The calculation in the first table is based on GDP per head. The figures in the second table are based on GDP figures with “not allocated” GVA removed. So of course they’re different.
The real question is which calculation is more robust. Any economists and/or statisticians out there care to comment?
Ah, oops that’s been noted…
OH! I’ve got it, Scotland becomes independent but gives all our income to rUK so the loss of our population means more to spread around EWNI. Ergo the rUK gets more. Simples.
Tuesday BBC, Yes vote costs UK £282.50 pro-rata , Wednesday BBC Yes vote gains UK £117 pro-rata? What on earth is going on at very creepy vote no BBC.
How the BBC must miss the days when they could get away with this kind of thing. They are the Ministry of Truth, but the memory hole just doesn’t work anymore.
Its the “non-allocated” Scotlands Extra Regio oil. To quote from ONS GVANUTS1 4 The GVA for Extra-Regio comprises compensation of employees and gross operating surplus which cannot be assigned to regions.
Happy to help
To be fair, they did put a tiny note at the very bottom of the article to explain.
‘An earlier version of this article misrepresented some data on life expectancy and GDP. This has now been amended’
And they finally found a map that shows Scotland’s true size. That’s got to be a start.
Of course they don’t say which data had changed, so we can’t check for ourselves.
BBC obviously making their case for a currency union after independence by stressing how close the two economies are.
Also kindly emphasising what the Scottish Government have said all along in that Scotland’s economy is pretty much on par with that of rump UK even without the bonus of oil revenues.
Now if they would just make their caption a bit clearer to mention “OIL REVENUE REMOVED” we’d be delighted by their contribution.
Oops, my mistake £24billion.
{what disaster befell Scotland’s economy overnight].
Well ah did see a wee laddy running tae the shop wie a
bag of rammy’s, alas he fell & the bottles smashed,(thats
the negative ) ah gied him a brush n shovel he sweept
them up an put them in the ( re cycle bin) ( positive )ah gied him aa couple of ice lollies fur him an his wee sister.
Rev …you might be on to something here. Maybe, a few emails, and a daily reminder of the BBC’s illogical wee facts page above may force them to explain it. Personally, I doubt it, but hey …if it annoys them. Great!
What happens to the figures if the Russian oligarchs stolen trillions of roubles squirreled away here are removed ?
This should help keep the beeb in the spotlight. I hope visitors during the Games get to read this:
link to
I dare say they will be including Scotch whisky as a UK export, not Scottish, as it leaves from an English port?
Same BBC economics genius attacking AlicSamin, or one more posh angry BBC lady calls Scotland’s First Minister a “husband walking out and taking everything” and also a used car salesman that she says someone in Glasgow told her they wont buy from. Its a rough watch with a very angry BBC ligger from 45 mins, what a face on her at the end:D
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I saw yesterday’s version and knew it wouldn’t last, I mean we can’t show that rUK would in any way ‘suffer’, or that Scotland would ‘benefit’, from a YES vote can we?
The other stuff about population densities and average life expectancies is just utterly pointless guff!
Well spotted Stuart. Obviously the author of these reports trained in the Robert Peston school of economics.
It seems to me that this article was originally made by a foreign body (for a foreign publication?) hastily auto translated into English for the BBC to pick up then given a once over by a unionist eye to make appropriate changes… negative Scotland/positive UK … a strange one in any case.
I haven’t had the time, ok I couldn’nt be ersed, to look where the figures of the BBC actually came from but I would venture from 2012 anyway.
The two largest exports of the UK were oil and whisky with Scottish foodstuffs quite high too in intra UK importance.
So as the whisky exports go through UK ports and are designated at Engish exportsand high value electronics go through Heathrow, factor that lot out with no currency union and England+ etc is verily fwucked.
– “If Scotland left, life expectancy would rise by 0.4 years for men and 0.3 years for women”
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How absolutely stupid is that?! Think about it. People would magically life longer.
Venture not from 2012
What’s happened is all my colleagues and I in oil and gas have ceased to exist.
Oil just produces itself you know. You don’t have to do anything. Just look out to see and watch. Oil rigs, pipelines etc just grow organically from the sea bed and start pumping the stuff ashore. In response, gas plants and refineries form naturally from the fusion of sand and grass… No people actually work in the industry. I’m likely just still on some trip 14 years after my drink was spiked at uni rather than sitting in an office in Edinburgh telling oil companies e.g. what gas hydrate inhibitor dosage to use.
Of course as the oil fields are not on (Scot)land either, then they’re not really Scottish so ‘unallocated’.
@Haggis Hunter
It does seem that’s exactly what has happened.
Almost like a game of find the lady when the target has seen a plant win the first round, then there are no lady cards as they’re all up the sleeve until the final reveal. The House makes the rules and changes them as it sees fit.
The BBC must think rUK will be keeping all the oil.
It would be interesting to know who demanded that this be changed. Was it some BBC manager? Or did the order come from someone in the UK government?
Either way, it’s one of the clearest examples yet of the BBC being nothing more than a unionist propaganda mouthpiece.
Dozy reader award. Found in gvanuts12013_tcm77-345463.xls from the ONS website
What is laughable about this BBC story is in the headline:
Scottish independence: How would the UK fare without Scotland?
Yet they then show figures with the UK still having a 90% share of Scotlands oil.
Noo the BBC went tae alot of trouble tae produce those Graph’s noo if there no suitable fur you’s they will produce mair, wance the chinge the battery’s on they’re rubber calculator( it stetches ya know, tae greater lenght’s ) bit figure’s ur distorted.
Slightly OT but can someone, better informed than me (not hard), explain why Mark Carney and DC get to hijack events today.
I’m sure there is a logical explanation
O.K. hands up! Who lent the BBC Danny Alexander’s substitute calculator? Come on now own up who was it? 😉
It just keeps getting better and better for the good old BBC these days. Here’s a link to an article on Newsnet about the latest report produced by the Audience Council Scotland.
According to the report, BBC Scotland needs a “thorough reassessment” of its news output with viewers north of the border questioning the broadcaster’s impartiality over its covering of the independence referendum.
link to
Just read it!! BT propaganda all in one. Where is the analysis??
Another fine example of why I don’t believe a word in media, and especially the BBC.
And of course I am not alone.
Hopefully with a new Scottish broadcast service we can all move on but as the trusting old-school generations fade and die, just watch the cynicism tsunami flood towards the once proud BBC and its petty self serving media, business and political allies.
It says clearly today that not allocated GVA (gross value added) is removed, Yesterday it didn’t. Hence the difference.
Just so and as a lot of Scotland’s activity, particularly oil falls under the not allocated tag, such an approach would be more detrimental to Scotland’s figures.
It is not, of course a very sensible approach to take if one wants to see the net effect of Scottish independence.
I would agree with the above comment from heedtracker, the BBC are just plain creepy.
Table 1 : Scotland pays its way (& more) to the UK Exchequer (is anyone by now still surprised as to why they are desperate to keep us?)
Table 2 : On second thoughts, let’s show that the Jocks are subsidy junkies…
Oh! Look! A Squirrel
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@Doug Daniel
Either way, it’s one of the clearest examples yet of the BBC being nothing more than a unionist propaganda mouthpiece.
I wonder how long Derek Bateman can keep on insisting that the BBC is not institutionally biased against Scottish independence?
With Scotch whisky alone making up 25% of the UK exports, how do they come up with a Scottish figure of 7.1/% ?
In both forms of the article, ‘GDP’ and ‘GVA’ seem to have been used interchangeably. As others have pointed out here, the two terms have different meanings. Perhaps the author does not know the difference. Also, the first mention of ‘GDP’ should have said ‘GDP per capita’ — unless nonsense is not to be avoided.
Dont be deluded People that Bbc are softening they’re stance, because they’re putting stories Online, Bbc know the numbers of people in Scotland with Internet connection,& it does,ent have the same circulation spread,as main stream news.
I have a connection , who is waiting on a Lung Transplant at the Freeman’s in Nov. I phoned NHSBT 01923 367600 to be told they have a letter in the Scotsman today
Wouldn’t believe the BBC if they told me I was on fire and I could feel the flames.
I still don’t understand how Island or Country become more cramped ‘statistically’. The UK is not a country and the British isles aren’t moving anywhere?
Surely they mean the rUK or does the BBC think Scotland, Wales and NI are just regions of England?
@Juteman says: 23 July, 2014 at 11:52 am
“Is it true that Scottish products leaving the UK from an English port are classed as an English export?”
Yes and what is worse is that firms, like Diagio, the biggest exporter of, “Scotch”, is head quartered in England so not only is the Scotch they export from England accounted as English Exports the VAT, Corporation Tax, Alcohol Duty and the tax and NHS deductions from much of their employees is paid from England and accounted as English revenue. Bear in mend too, that Diagio do not just do Scotch but are the biggest producers of the cheap hooch like vodka, gin and cider. Think also of UK wide firms like ASDA, Tesco and so on. They have English head offices and their tax gathered or due from their Scottish branches is counted as English revenue.
Haggis Hunter – Your right they do
also they do the same for Scottish smoked Salmon that is air freighted out of London
(I’m in the shipping industry, so I know 😀 )
Robert Peffers says:
Oh! Look! A Squirrel
link to
My full commiserations and condolences to the squirrel Robert. I can only hope that he gets awarded the golden acorn with crossed leaves awarded for his services above and beyond the call of duty. 😛
O/T – Danny Alexander in conversation with David Torrance at Dundee University 5 million questions on 18 August. Tickets free:
link to
This competence seem a sincerely considerate volume to potentially remove from a UK’s sum GVA (sic)
The BBC have no credibility left to lose in Scotland. Maybe they are thinking they might as well go for it?
Letter to the Scotsman regarding Monday’s article on organ transplants and blood transfusions.
link to
This is another item that has me thinking that the UK Government must be absolutely shitting bricks at the thought of anyone getting to see the true state of the books come the negotiations.
Oh how I will laugh when I can make the comparison between rUK and Greece!
Multley 11:52.
At the end of the day, the BBC are either bending (or breaking) information to suit a unionist bias, or are once again chucking any old guff onto their news site without properly vetting and checking the content. Either way, they have a problem
It’s all very well blaming a huge organisation like the BBC. A typical British institution, with all sorts of shady things done by shady characters, all deniable of course. After all, how far would you go in the BBC without covering your rear end? Possibly corporate culture is involved, but there are, without doubt, powerful individuals that could, and should, be striving to ensure that both sides get a fair hearing. This is obviously not happening, and the conclusion must be that certain people are not doing their jobs properly.
Who are the main players? Who is pulling the strings?
Time to name and shame.
Just rubbish
Scotland was exporting and importing £40Billion (pre recession?) The rest of the UK has a massive balance of payment deficit. Scotland exports £12Billion? Oil & Gas and £4Billion Whisky = £16Billion.
Surely they mean the rUK or does the BBC think Scotland, Wales and NI are just regions of England?
Essentially, the BBC do think of Scotland, Wales, NI as regions of England. They cannot admit it, but the implication is always present. It is the same with unionist politicians. When they refer to the ‘country’ they mean the British state.
Not only could they be including exports via England as not being Scottish, the other fiddle will be in allocating revenue from UK wide organisations such as supermarkets who have HQs in a particular country of the UK to that country rather than where it’s generated.
As to life expectancy, it’s a sad fact that it’s lower in Scotland than the UK average as was the point in recent discussions about pensions. Nothing magical about it at all just a statistical artifact.
I’ve tweeted the image to BBCNews and BBCBreaking saying “@BBCNews @BBCBreaking Why did this article change over night from the left one to the right? #WestminstersPuppets”
Here are the real figures people for 2012. Thanks to Ivan McKee. Share this video to everyone.
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Scotland’s GDP per capita was in fact 118% that of the rUK in 2012.
If I wasn’t allowed to open my blinds myself without phoning central command for permission,no one would take my economic forecasts seriously.
Centralised government gone mad.
Why don’t you politely ask the BBC what happened overnight? I’m sure they will have a reasonable explanation. David Cameron is in Scotland for the Commonwealth Games opening – maybe he had a word with them?
Boris Johnson says a pound is far better spent in Croydon than in Strathclyde, so he gets a special mention from one more far right ukok oddball rambling on and on about AlicSamin getting booed everywhere he goes etc
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“– Sir Chris Hoy, the most successful cyclist in Olympic history, has made clear that he’d have come nowhere near the Olympic Park had it not been for England’s training facilities. Like Andy Murray (who held a Union flag behind him after his Olympics win) Sir Chris loathes the idea of his being dragged into nationalist politics. “I’m Scottish and British. I think you can be both – they are not mutually exclusive,” he said after the Olympics ended. This led a triumphant Boris Johnson to claim that the London Games “have done for Salmond… Vote Hoy”
Its even odder as the only memory I have is Hoy wrapped in giant union jacks.
According to HMG London is a bigger producer of “Scotch” Whisky than Scotland as most of the profits are counted as London’s.
Having to admit to the true state of the uk’s finances is just one of the reasons for the abject terror of Scotland despisers towards democratic freedom.
Bring on this Sunday (27th July) – BBC Bias Protest at 2pm outside BBC Studios, Pacific Quay.
Don’t let then get away with all of the disgusting things they have to this point, got away with.
Ministry of Truth… “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past” Orwell, 1984.
Hmmm.. ring any bells?
Well the ReportNews piece is just hilarious.
People proprietor in Scotland will be means to take partial in a vote, responding a “yes/no” question: “Should Scotland be an eccentric country?”
YES, please, let’s be an eccentric country. Sounds good to me.
Ref Scottish skier comment : Obviously the oil industry is
Not using glycol or methanol to prevent hydrates, it’s whisky
Thus the reason for the non inclusion of whisky exports in
The figures
When you look at HMG and their allies, BNP, EDL, BRITNATS, O/O, BT, MSM, BBC THE ESTABLISHMENT plus a few other strange oddball organisations which purport to support our pensioners and other vulnerable people in society.
These BT types lie mislead and try to strike terror into the lives of these poor people not through belief and concern for the vulnerable but through the greed for money and power for their own benefit and no one else’s, they are just being used and will be sacrificed in the event of a yes vote, they will have served their purpose.
They are being led up the garden path by the barber to be shorn and abandoned to their fate.
That is my honest belief.
@Lesley-Anne says: 23 July, 2014 at 12:45 pm:
“My full commiserations and condolences to the squirrel Robert. I can only hope that he gets awarded the golden acorn with crossed leaves awarded for his services above and beyond the call of duty.”
Indeed so, Lesley-Anne: It only occurred to me after I had posted the link that the total cost of that endless list of gifts by all sorts of business, organizations, councils and even charities to the richest family in the United Kingdom could be far better spent as contributions to food banks and homeless people’s support groups.
Just what is it that drives these people? In the main the gifts will probably end up in some deed, dank, vault in the bowels of Buck House. I doubt if the wee laddie will ever see the cuddly toy.
They’re doing it because you can fool some of the people all of the time.
They can also fool all of the people some of the time.
But I’m afraid they’re about to learn that you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
Be Alert Readers, expose their trickery.
Feels like groundhog day. If we take the distortion of figures designed to play down the strength of the Scottish economy with the BBC’s focus on deprivation in Glasgow ahead of the games (and hell, they even rubbed their hands in glee at the Corrie missing his cue singing Flower of Scotland!) we have an organisation who is acting against Scotland.
The cries of foul play are growing every day. I hope the foreign press get down to PQ on Sunday to listen and embarrass the BBC into action. The fact they are a mouthpiece for the ruling class is now dispute.
All this must end.
Perhaps GCHQ are giving their new cyber toys a wee test drive for the weeks ahead, have printed out the article and will happily slide it thru BBC’s door at PQ on Sunday.
[…] « The BBC, home of the facts […]
gerry Parker is over in Dunoon this week,he is looking for a lift from anyone intending to attend BBC Demonstration anyone from Dunoon or Greenock can help post up.
@Fergus Green says: 23 July, 2014 at 12:45 pm:
“O/T – Danny Alexander in conversation with David Torrance at Dundee University 5 million questions on 18 August. Tickets free:“.
Dear heavens, It’ll be like the blind, dumb & deaf, (Torrance), leading the blind, dumb, deaf, and daft owner of a doddgy calculator, (D. Alexander), across a rock strewn mountain pass on a foggy, dark, moonless, snowy Winter’s night.(Many a slip twixt cup and lip, springs to mind).
NewportDee says:
23 July, 2014 at 1:11 pm
Why don’t you politely ask the BBC what happened overnight? I’m sure they will have a reasonable explanation.
They were formally asked by a licence fee payer why they are so biased against Scottish democracy a while back and responded that as they were not in yet the 3 month referendum campaign period, they were not obliged to be impartial so there. Now we are, it’s all changed hasn’t it. Big changes coming for Pacifc Quay or none at all but at least we have vote to keep the BBC or not, which is also a unique thing for teamGB.
No wonder their propaganda’ all over the shop?
This is a reflection of the feedback on the street; YES is probably ahead of NO now. The polls are all biased to one degree or another & cannot be trusted.
Look at the venom with which London Establishment types have warned Salmond not to use the Commonwealth Games as a political lever.
It is precisely the uplifting effect in Glasgow that they now wish to diminish also fully aware that the argument is being won door by door.
The full might of the British establishment & its propaganda channels (BBC/Sky/Print media) may well have secured the already staunch & extremist Britnat support it would have had anyway but it has singularly failed to persuade anyone else to swing from a YES to a NO. If there is someone, we haven’t heard a peep.
We also see the full weight of the London BBC worthies taking over the entire broadcast media in Glasgow which in itself is a disgraceful reflection of our own lack of capacity to broadcast events likes this on our own turf.
The tide has turned. You know it. They know it.
I also like the idea of Scotland as an eccentric country.
Unfortunately, my attempts to find out what language that might have been (mis)translated from, by taking pairs of words and testing them in an on-line translator to see if any of the available languages returned the same answer for both words, drew a blank. It was amusing to discover how few languages have a word for eccentric, though (at least, in the dictionaries the translator has access to).
If Gordon Brown had had his way, it would now be called the Bank of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In his new book, My Scotland, Our Britain, Brown says he tried to change the Bank’s name in1997
The SG should not politicise the Commonwealth Games. Let the Brit nats in the MSM, the UK government and other unionists do that. I see Cameron is coming up to Scotland today, but he will never debate with Salmond. Great democratic state, the British one eh? Where their political leader is afraid to debate on TV with the FM of Scotland. Better to be out canvassing, delivering leaflets, contributing to fund raisers etc, than politicise a sporting event.
One of the earlier version of this BBC story is now available on the web archive:
link to
@ bookie from hell, link to check out where future Lord Brown is heading for. This is what BBC fights so hard to protect. Watched a Lord at Celtic Park on BBC TV Scotlandshire news choking back his tears at just how far a wee Glasgow boy has come in teamGB but don’t know what his role in Games are, as I too started tearing up at his Lordships emotional interview with the liggers.
The BBC’s using GVA instead of GDP.
As I understand it, GVA doesn’t include taxes. For example, on oil.
Really, really bias selection of data.
BBC Exec. “We need a nice graphic showing decrease in GDP if the Jocks get independence.”
Lackey “It’s up on site, take a look.”
BBC Exec. “Not us you fool, them.”
Lackey “I’ll get my coat.”
Cameron speech commemonwealth live
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running late should be on soon
Graun says 12.45pm: Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, speaks at the Commonweath Games Business Conference in Glasgow.
Which is another odd thing to do on Glasgow games opening day but without checking, Governor of BoE says stick yer independence up yer arse, or something like that.
According to the graph on the current page Wales’ exports are 5.2% of UK and Scotland’s exports are 7.1%.
So Wales exports 73% of the amount Scotland does, despite having only 60% of Scotland’s population, 25% of Scotland’s land mass and significantly less than that in terms of sea area.
And no oil.
Have I missed a huge boom in Welsh whisky exports?
Muttley 79; Cameron is, in fact, not coming up to Scotland. He’s been remarkably quietly up in Shetland. One wee report on the news last night, one wee interview on state broadcaster radio this morning, and no mention of it on the state broadcaster website except as a wee aside on a announcement about energy production and domestic costs in the north of Scotland.
Yes Shetland, on the other hand, got something the BBC never bothered with. Pictures of him arriving at Sumburgh Airport, in spite of the Number 10 press office denying that he was going to Shetland at all. Arrived by private plane, presumably loaded with extra fuel to make sure it had enough range with him and Alistair ‘Chubba’ Carmichael on board. Meant to have been up to Sullom Voe as well, but I’ve not seen any confirmation of that yet.
Technically he’s coming down to Scotland….
Here he is! Bank Of England economy is doing great again so vote no says the man with the plan. Have to say for a banker, Mark Carney is fabulously optimistic but here’s vote NO BBC headline for this evening, UKOK booming. So why even think of changing anything.
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I’m not the governor of the Bank of England but since losing the last UKOK election, Con/Dems cut tax for the rich or themselves, slashed benefits with lots of the most vulnerable people now IDS ATOS bed room tax dead, UKOK national debt still rising into mid £1.5 trillions, UKOK deficit way above what Osborne said it would be, stuff like Student Loans building £12 billion public finance black hole, NHS privatising, RBS never going to repay their bail out but still trousering multi million bonuses, more war brewing in Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, giant non aircraft carrying carrier white elephants not launched in the Forth and
I give up.
Bank of England governor pay? Seven hundred and fifty grand a year, plus expenses.
Cameron is up in Scotland. He is in Glasgow.
@Mosstrooper “It would appear that the LOSS of almost 17 billion of UK GDP would lead to an increase in said GDP.
Is it me?”
It’s GDP per capita so it’s perfectly possible to remove GDP in aggregate terms but have GDP per capita increase (because you’re also removing people). Whether it’s correct or not is a different issue of course.
The Economist
Says Scottish Parliament has never used its powers to vary tax
I thought parliament didn’t have powers to vary tax?
link to
Cameron in Shetland was low key but Osborne got incredible Press & Journal front page splash today, probably biggest vote No belter from P&j so far. Osborne promises game changer oil taxes with very handsome and brave Osborne on crane over a platform. Pushed all boats out for Gideon but Cameron very little, he just cuddles a little child in Shetland somewhere. Awe. P&J polling day issue is going to be just as eye wateringly ridiculous. Maybe they really are starting to worry.
If you are going to the opening of the Commie Games make sure you know the words of the Lichtenstein National Anthem.
We dont want any booing!
Highland protest planned over BBC ‘bias’ on independence referendum
2pm outside the BBC newsroom at Culduthel Road in Inverness on Sunday 27th July.
Hoping lots of folk turn out.
A Yankee friend told me that they need us, but we don’t need them.
I wonder if the Yes campaign are going to present the true value of Scottish exports? Scotch whisky exports rake in over £250 per second, all going to the Brit state, and none directly to Scotland. No much wonder they have their own people in charge of the various ‘Scottish’associations.
“Economic activity which cannot be assigned to any specific region” means North Sea oil & gas.
They have calculated this on Scotland having NO oil and Scotland leaving (& Scotlands Oil with it) having no impact on UK finances.
Blatant. Not funny and very very wrong.
I think we should get a CrowdFunding thing going to buy the BBC a new Fiddle.. The one they’ve got the noo seems to be playing the same auld guff day in day out..
But some people are happy to listen to the same pi$h every day.
Thankfully we have the Rev to point out the numerous BUM notes the BBC are happy to print so we can listen to a better tune.
What I am not clear on when we are independent will whiskey companies have to pay their various taxes in Scotland if registered in England? Thinking Amazon et al tax avoidance. I would have assumed export tax would have to be paid here. Corporation not so sure?
They are finished in Scotland and they know it. Should there be a NO vote I can easily imagine a mass campaign of non payment of their licence fee being organised.
OK hardly a satisfactory displacement activity for the referendum campaign, but Pacific Quay will not be forgiven for their role in securing a NO for their London masters.
They little realise the whirlwind that is to come, laws after all only work with the consent of the governed, the licence fee is one law I can see thousands and thousands challenging post September.
@Bookie from Hell
“I thought parliament didn’t have powers to vary tax”
It doesnt. They lapsed due to being very pointless.
We covered it here:-
link to
Don’t believe any of their figures. On the original page they had Scotland’s MP’s as 39 and the rUK as an island.
In a new twist on the Wheres Wally game, BBC invite you to play
Wheres Wallace the Saltire – Try this Commonwealth Games article first….see if you can find a Saltire in amongst the Olympics and Union Flags!
link to
From ONS
“The UK workplace nominal Gross Value Added (GVA) per head1 for 2012 was £21,295 (excluding economic activity which cannot be assigned to any specific region, such as North Sea oil and gas extraction). By country GVA per head was highest for England (£21,937), followed by Scotland (£20,013)”
link to
The only logic behind removing North Sea production is to the reverse the difference between Scotland and England.
It’s a double whammy in fact, ignore the productivity of Scots oil workers, but leave them within the population figure by which the whole GVA is divided to calculate GVA per head.
It effectively paints 200,000 of our most productive workers as economically inactive.
Maybe we should point the BBC researchers to the truth?
link to
Maybe they couldn’t make their minds up whether losing Scotland was a good or bad thing.
Meanwhile Ed Miliband and Douglas Alexander pled with president Obama,over Scottish independence,Obama says “If its not broke don’t fix it.”
link to
Also David Cameron has sent a fisheries minister to debate rural affairs, the meeting is in Dingwall tonight, Alex Salmond says, Cameron won’t debate me he says he isn’t involved in the Better Together matters yet he’s sending a fisheries minister to Dingwall. It all reeks of unionist hypocrisy.
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@ desimond, BBC airbrushing Scotland flags from Glasgow Games technically makes sense as the London 2012 Olympic Games were in the UK’s capital city and Glasgow is still only a city in the UK. Although if this was an actual happy union, BBC propaganda would have the self confidence to have at least one Saltire, which clearly they don’t.
“Give them nothing from now until 19 the Sept” seems to be BBC/media policy but imagine what they’ll do if they lose!
just searched for info on the games…here is an interesting site; Where’s the Scotland flag? no union jacks either, only on BetterTogetherBBC.
They have calculated this on Scotland having NO oil and Scotland leaving (& Scotlands Oil with it) having no impact on UK finances.
Blatant. Not funny and very very wrong.
Yet they seem happy to do it.
Once again, where’s the Scotland flag
Bit of a shocker compared to
Funny that
How can a non country have a capital?
Wales has only a little one
It’s just that has England flags plastered all over it. Again funny that
I have always found the ignoring of oil figures strange. Does the UK or England produce figures for the economy with the City of London left out? It is no different an approach.
heedtracker says:
23 July, 2014 at 4:21 pmOnce again, where’s the Scotland flag
The uniforms at least does have a scotland style badge and bowlers polo shirt is a peach!
I know, I know…but im clutching at whatever I can get!!
How can a non country have a capital? I’m trying to work out BBC vote no propaganda with union jacks all over its Glasgow games coverage and why teamEngland has it’s website covered in England flags. Even Northern Ireland haven’t done that, it’s a bit green though. OO won’t like that.
@ desimond, it’s interesting how we are all meant to evil and cruel nationalists for voting Yes but BetterTogetherBBC liggers wrap themselves and anything they can get hold of with giant shiny union jacks, while all the rest of teamGB don’t.
You’d think they were worried about some UKOK changes coming their way or something.
So there we have it from the BBC, they genuinely do not think Scotland should have control over around 90 per cent of the oil. This despite it being in our territorial waters. Who trusts them when they come out with such blatant lies?
They’ll like it even less when golden boy Rory McIlroy fecks off and plays for The Republic of Ireland in the Olympics 2016
link to
@ desimond, true but it is interesting watching UK state propagandists go about their daily anti Scots democracy business in Pacific Quay.
Glasgow Commonwealth Committee, forced Celtic Park to remove the Irish Flag,from its flag pole ahead of the Queen opening the games, some people not amused.
link to
When our local farmers’ dogs/cats had too many puppies they’d put them in a sack and toss them in the sea.
BBC management are treating the Scottish population in the same manner….where’s the national outcry ?.
Think it will be possible to get into a venue with a Yes Saltire, claiming that you are celebrating Scotland and your favourite prog rock band?
Sorry if someone has pointed this out already but Scotland’s international exports should be around £29 billion.
@ desimond says: Flag! Indeed but report says
“Both sides of the independence debate have agreed not to use Glasgow 2014 for political gain anyway.” with a sad Union Jack face painted child? So why is BetterTogether BBC wrapping their Games stuff in union jacks then? Because the BBC is neutral. lol, seriously crap outfit.
Im pretty sure that if David Cameron is given an opportunity to speak tonight ( it may just be Liz and Eck) then the crowd will soon make it a political event and you can bet the BBC will have someone ready to mute the crowds negative feedback.
Haggis Hunter @ 3.22pm
C’mon now the ever so polite folks @ YES HQ wouldn’t get their lilly white’s durty arguing with the revered and mighty BBC now…..
@David Wardrope
LMAO. Brilliant 🙂
UKIP look set to make their parliamentary break through, it will be all downhill for Westminster, and the rest of the UK, after that.
link to
Yet another former SLAB elected representative supports a Yes vote:
link to
And The Torygraph is the home of lies.
link to
BTW,posted a link to this beeb propaganda a couple of days ago.
It shows what a great asset to the Yes campaign Dennis Canavan is. No surprise really, but was a great contribution he is making.
So they have removed NS oil from the figures. So if Scotland or rUK isn’t getting the revenue, who is?
link to
The exports for Scotland seemed hilariously low.
Are they attributing Scottish produce through English ports as English?
@ heedtracker 4.21pm
I think the Go Scotland website (link to )was far more stylish.
It starts with a slideshow of great athlete portraits, lots of small and even bigger saltires in the uniforms, iconic Scottish places old and new. From castles and lochs (and hieland coos!) to Forth Rail Bridge, the Falkirk Wheel, windfarms and the Kelpies. I loved the judoka Euan Burton, with the Wallace monument in the background, looking ready to take on ANYBODY! 😀 Oh, and I wouldn’t mess with lawn bowler Alex Marshall, either! 😀
But the absolute best is this one:
link to
Micky Yule, para-sport powerlifter (taken at the BAE Govan shipyard). The chains, the muscles, the tattoos, the cranes, the prosthetic legs. An amazing picture.
No need for unsubtle flag-waving, just the places and the people. Maybe many non-Scots will miss many of the place and cultural references but all the pictures are of such a high quality as photographs.
By 2015, hopefully hearing about a UKIP vote win will be like hearing you’ve lost a pound coin 9 months after you got 6 numbers up in the Lottery.
@ lumilumi, thanks for the Micky Yule link, incredible. All these web sites have me hooked now but coming back like this after getting so badly wounded in Afghanistan is an unbelievable achievement in itself.
@desimond 4.40pm
“And when the BBC asked the organisers of Glasgow 2014 if spectators could wave a standard Union Flag, they said they could”.
Why would anyone want to wave the Union Jack at the Commonwealth Game?
You would surely want to wave your own national flag.
So, Union Jacks are OK and “YES” Saltires are bad.
Straight out the BBC rule book.
UK good, Scotland bad.
From the BBC article
“And when the BBC asked the organisers of Glasgow 2014 if spectators could wave a standard Union Flag, they said they could. Although they added that the flag size policy would be applied.
You are not allowed, however, to bring the flag of a country not competing in the Games. So no USA flags, for example.”
Something smells a bit funny to me….The United Kingdom is not competing in the games, so by the rules (as reported by the BBC) the Union Flag should not be allowed in the stadium as it is not the flag of “a country” competing in the Games. Anyone waving a Union Flag at the Games is surely most likely to be doing it for political reasons (or BBC/BT/NT gave it free to kids to wave).
On the subject of saltires the BBC website in England have no problem with an English flag. link to
I haven’t noticed the equivalent in Scotland. Weird.
Only in Scotland. BBC have full power to take down Saltires or always show pics of them under dark foreboding grey leaden skies
link to
@stonefaction 5.44pm
“Anyone waving a Union Flag at the Games is surely most likely to be doing it for political reasons”.
Exactly the point I was trying to make.
Here is the rule on politicising the games,
“Both sides of the independence debate have agreed not to use Glasgow 2014 for political gain anyway”.
I would say that waving a Union Jack at the Commonwealth games is done for no other reason other than political point scoring on behalf of Better Together.
The Union Jack must be banned, the same as “YES” Saltires are banned.
@heedtracker says: 23 July, 2014 at 4:55 pm
“So why is BetterTogether BBC wrapping their Games stuff in union jacks then?”
Besides the fact that it is NOT a Union Jack, (A Jack is the small version of a flag flown on the Jack Staff on a ship’s bows). The Flag in question is the Union Flag. Anyway, technically, the Union Flag is as much the flag of Scotland and Northern Ireland as it is that of England.
Being, however, part of England Wales does not feature on the union flag. It is thus not only incorrect but a direct insult to the rest of the United Kingdom for England to use the union flag as if it were the flag of England.
Seems the English team may be somewhat ashamed to be seen with their own, “Cross of St George”, national flag and prefer instead to hide beneathe the banner shared with the rest of the United Kingdom.
Ronnie Anderson
Just back from Pacific Quay Ronnie, It’s not looking good for Sunday.
Calling Ronnie Anderson.
The ‘incredibly strange page’ is brilliant – Johan Lamont taught the writer English perchance?
My favourite is the Referendum bit at the bottom ‘Should Scotland be an eccentric country?’….gets my vote.
Also agree the ratio of Welsh exports v Scottish exports doesn’t stack up.
Please please sign…..
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Caz-m, we were both posting pretty much the same thing at pretty much the same time.
A wee bit off-topic but I got my YES Saltire tonight on the way home from the Dundee Yes Hub in St Andrews Street and it is now covering one half of my living room window. Nice wee blether to a couple of the folks there as well.
Has there been any confirmation of the YES Saltire ban at T in the Park rumours?
stonefaction @ 5.44pm, and others
You are not allowed, however, to bring the flag of a country not competing in the Games. So no USA flags, for example.
The UJ is the flag of the UK but the UK is not competing in the Commonwealth Games. There is no “Team GB” (except at PQ).
For the Commonwealth Games, the “home nations” compete in their own teams. So Saltires, Red Dragons, St George crosses and… uhm… what’s the NI flag (sorry for being so ill-informed)?
Anyway, good luck, Glasgow, and the rest of Scotland for staging a great games, and most of all: Good luck to all the athletes, Scottish or otherwise! May the best athlete win and let’s keep politics out of it (I’m looking at you, BTUKOKNOBORDERSNOTHANKS people!)
On topic:
I saw the BBC figures yesterday and was pleasantly surprised because they seemed to show that Scotland isn’t a subsidy junkie, after all. (I know Scotland isn’t, but for the BBC to spell it out is a break-through.)
I jubilated too early, it’s back to normal service today… Sigh.
The one thing this referendum malarkey has exposed is the dire state of all the MSM in Scotland, particularly the “trusted” and “impartial” BBC.
Things will never be the same again, not even after a NO vote. The MSM/BBC have shot themselves in the foot big time.
Tick tock…
David F***ing Cameron talking about the CW Games being a business opportunity for the UK. What was that about keeping politic out of it again David?
@ lumilumi 6.24pmt
I think the NI flag would be The Cross Of St Patrick
which is the thin red cross shown on the Union flag with a white background
Robert Peffers,
Usage of the term ‘union jack’ when meaning the union flag, has been for most of my very long life, a standard turn of phrase in the UK, Scotland and even on the BBC. Whilst you are techincally correct, It isn’t important. If you think about it, it really doesn’t make any difference whatsoever. It’s only in recent years that some have changed their usage of the term.
In addition whilst it may be argued the Union jack technically also belongs to Scotland, I can assure you I will never regard it as my flag. The English can stupidly do whatever they like with it. They can even fly it upside down (as they invariably and quite unintentionally do) on 19th Sept. when the YES vote is announced.
One thing I look forward to with independence is getting that bl*****g union jack down off Edinburgh castle – the presence of which I regard as a daily insult to the people of Scotland. It says ‘we own you’. Makes me angry every time I see it – that and the largest union jack you ever did see on the Mound offices of the commercial enterprise that jokingly terms itself nowadays the Bank of ‘Scotland’. To add to the insult, they have it flying above some very small Saltires.
When you think of the games, Westminster raised no money to help out, yet Cameron, Carney, et al are up here having Business meetings.
This must be their intention that if there is any business going they are the ones who should get it. There is no depth to which they will fall. Sleaze balls.
Yeh, I read the original yesterday and was quite interested in how the figures were presented. This morning, in response to an undecided Facebook friend who only believes something is true if the BBC say so, I copied the link and suggested she look at it. She came back with the equivalent of a ‘so what’ shrug. I didn’t have time to pursue the point but this might explain why.
No wonder Orwell based 1984’s Ministry of Truth on his experiences at wartime BBC.
Les Wilson,
It is remarkable the number oif people who do not know that not one penny from Westminster paid for the commonwealth games, yet Scottish taxpayers have paid their share for the London games.
I think these games will be great for Glasgow and for Scotland. We did this by ourselves. Made in Scotland.
As for Cameron, up in Scotland yet again, yet too feart to debate independence with Scotland’s First Minister. Cameron is yellow through and through. No courage of his convicitons or what he says he believes in.
@hoddles says: 23 July, 2014 at 5:18 pm:
“So they have removed NS oil from the figures. So if Scotland or rUK isn’t getting the revenue, who is?”
It’s yon Alicsammiin whit haes it aw! Ah hate you Alicsammin. He disna need aw yon ile an gas money. He disna even gie you wee Nicolas Surgeon ony. Mibbie he spends it aw oan yon Tunnocks Caramel wavers or Snowba’s an Irn Bru an stuff.
If you didn’t laugh at this utter twaddle from Bitter Together you would have to cry in frustration.
do journalists get a pound from BT every time they compare AS to hitler
link to
Nana Smith @ 5.22pm
Re: “Borders Council supporting England in the Commonwealth Games”. They also support Tonga.
It’s all a part of a Sport Scotland initiative to get each and every Scottish council area to adopt 1-2 teams besides Scotland to support and cheer.
I mean, there cannot be that many Nauruans in Glasgow so the good people of Argyll or wherever will also cheer for them. North Ayrshire twinned with Tuvalu, that kind of thing. I think it’s a lovely idea but I thought it didn’t apply to the “home nations”.
I wonder who assigned England to Borders people… 😀
Completely off on a tangent, I love the name of that tiny island nation, Nauru. It’s Finnish for “laughter”.
Just listening to BBC Scotland radio coverage, some BBC commentators have already rubbished the opening ceremony and the games… facepalm.
And foaming at the mouth at how the games shouldn’t be politicised… and then going on to do just that. double facepalm.
Look … a $quirrel ..
O/T – On a positive note, nice to see another grass-roots hand-crafted ‘Make Alba Shine’ video appear: link to (good response to the Tony Robinson etc. not-so-cunning plan).
The original ‘Make Alba Shine’ by Gilly is here : link to with link to free down load of the song (to be used by the YES campaign in any way that promotes a YES vote). There is some press coverage coming up.
Didn’t QI not nail the Union Jack/Union Flag mystery? I’m sure they said it is ok to call it the Union Jack sans ship.
And hot on the News wire from Bbc Rod Stewart Luvs Scotland,but prefers to stay in La La Land,on the other hand Susan Boyle aye a want us tae stay thegether.
@ Harry Mcaye – now that we have a huge aircraft carrier we will need a big flag.
We should show a bit of sympathy. Somewhere in the BBC is the person who made an honest job of the first version. No agenda, just presented the facts. A bit like a real reporter.
THEN, the propaganda division spotted the mistake! Honesty, that’s not allowed at the BBC! Lies, deceit and manipulation is what they do.
So we got the second version.
But, what about that poor wee honest soul telling the truth!? This could be the end of their career.
Robert Louis
Share your feelings. Unfortunately resigned myself to the fact that even after a yes vote there will be no law against the union flag so am sure some will still feel the need to fly it.
However it will no longer signify englands power over us. 🙂
Called in to Pacific Quay there. Not looking good for Sunday.
@liz g says: 23 July, 2014 at 6:37 pm
@ lumilumi 6.24pmt
Re : The Northern Ireland Flag:
link to
@ Nana Smith
Would the law proposed in that petiton apply to Scotland?
I don’t think it would and, as much as I would support it if it did, I believe the SNP have the right of it when they abstain on matters which don’t directly affect Scotland.
If anything we should be pressing our own Government to introduce similar legislation. It’s possible that the ‘Responsible Adult’ (hope that’s it’s correct title) legislation goes a long way towards just the same outcome.
@ caz-m, waiting on updates from Jordi & Moira .
Don’t know of I’m being over sensitive but watching The One Show on BBC 1 and Celtic Park is in the background with massive signage stating ‘The Time is Now’ every letter is white and is on a red background except the last letter w which is on a yellow background which make it difficult to see so when it shown you can clearly see ‘The Time is No’ Possibly a good reason for it but it was annoying me so I am just venting.
One Show dim hosts tried to needle Salmond about the use of the words ‘together’ ‘union’ etc in the Opening Ceremony. He pointed out that virtually every country in the CW has declared independence from UK. LOLz.
Sorry to go on O/T about Commonwealth Games stuff. 🙂
The games are great for Glasgow’s and Scotland’s international profile… But sorry to burst the bubble.
The world is not watching. Commonwealth countries might be watching but the rest of the world isn’t.
The only coverage we’ll get in Finland is some quick highlights if some outstanding results are made in athletics. And something on Usain Bolt, if he’s picked for the Jamaican relay team.
A good friend of mine (a Finn) put it this way – in all friendliness – “The Brits started the Commonwealth Games because they didn’t like the French and Germans and other foreigners hogging all the Olympic medals that should’ve been Eng… British.”
That said, I think the CG are a good platform for younger athletes to gain international experience, and of course, a chance of “togetherness” for lots of countries that share some history. (I just wonder if the CW contries have quite the same view of “shared history” as the UK/English establishment..?)
Aw FFS they have manufactured and are handing out wee saltire flags with the union fucking jack on the back GRRRRRRR two sided flags for the duplicitous unionists..
OT one show presenter firing some trip ya up questions to Salmond. Also asked what would he feel like if he got a similar reception to what Sepp Blatter did when he takes his seat. BBC arseholes
Also when Amy McDonald was being interviewed the crowd in the background had a union flag
Looks like the tone has been set
In front of the BBC where we usually have the rally is full of tents, a massive stage and portacabins.
They also have a security fence that runs right across where the end of the car park is, so you have to go through a security point.
I took this picture of it(below). The three guys in the yellow tops are the security guards. One way in, one way out.
The fence is to the right of them, and there is no room to swing a cat in there, never mind hold a rally.
The original ‘Make Alba Shine’ by Gilly is here:
The little Scottish-French girl at 0:54 looks familiar. 😉
She’s round seeing Dusk’s puppies next door after her lovely time in the Highlands with Granny and Grampa Calgacus MacAndrews.
@Graeme – However it will no longer signify englands power over us
The big difference Graeme will be that our Saltire will be flown above the union jack 🙂
link to
try that.
Keep talking to people face-to-face, Thepnr recommends one a day, being more health conscious – I recommend five-a-day, ours to win cherubs.
More O/T CG stuff.
Radio Scotland doing some vox pop apparently among people making their way to the opening ceremony.
Some Jamaicans went on and on about how Glasgow, Scotland is great. The weather is great, the architecture is great, Glasgow, Scotland is so pretty, the people here in Glasgow, Scotland, are great, so friendly, so fun, everything works so well here in Glasgow, Scotland, it’s great to be here in Glasgow, Scotland!
I especially noticed how these Jamaicans kept saying “Glasgow, Scotland”. Hmmm…
The BBC cut back to the studio where the punters ah-so-amusingly laughed about how they thought they’d never hear anybody complementing Glasgow’s weather or… well, basically anything about Glasgow, Scotland.
@Caz M.
Organisers seem to think it’s ok.
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@ Robert Louis says: 23 July, 2014 at 6:41 pm
“Usage of the term ‘union jack’ when meaning the union flag, has been for most of my very long life, a standard turn of phrase in the UK, Scotland and even on the BBC.”
A lifetime in the MOD or anything maritime teaches the importance of flags and pennants. Whether or not you or I agree with it the Union flag is indeed as much that of Scotland as any other Union country. What’s more, no one will be more pleased than I to see the Union Flag taken down for the last time.
Not being the flag of England it is a great pleasure for me to belittle any ignorant English person who fondly imagines it is the flag of England.
Way back in the days, when there was less chance of getting beaten up over supporting your football team, I had a great laugh on my way to a Scotland vs England match at Hamden.
Walking towards the ground I came upon a whole coachload of Englanders getting out of a coach. As it happened I had no Scottish colours showing. I have the ability to keep a dead pan and said to the Englanders, ( who were all decked out on red, white & blue with Union flags, Etc. “Hi Lads – what team are you supporting”?
There was a moments silence then they all spoke at once. Anyway I said, “Whoa! There! How am I supposed to know you support England for I can’t see an English Flag or English colours anywhere? Same all talking at once. I told them they were showing every country in the Union’s colours and it began to dawn upon them I was having them on.
It was you understand all good natured kidding. By this time we had arrived at the ground and had to go to the turnstile indicated by our tickets. You should have heard the resultant shouts and retorts when my parting shot was, “Now, Lads, going to tell me what Anthem you’re going to sing as England’s”?
I’ve just watched a snippet of the one show where they were interviewing 2 past and present athletes, some of the crowd around them had small hand held flags with a Saltire on one side and a UJ on the other?
Never seen that at the commonwealth games before.
No doubt free hand outs by Glasgow council or who ever.
Not politicising the games eh.
To be (brutally) honest I think it was ill judged to have planned a protest outside Pacific Quay while the Games are on.
Why? Simple the BBC are basing all their games broadcasts from Pacific Quay, they are also the host broadcaster. So it is expected that they would set up a broadcast village at Pacific Quay.
This included have a secured area
So there are only two alternatives. One, when the Broadcast village is to cancel and reschedule for after the games are over. Or Two, relocate the protest to another location, but given there is unlikely to be much scope will be difficult
Any thought that the BBC set up the tented village just to prevent the protest is a bit naïve
I did say I would be honest
One the one show, interview with Cameron, says politics are not for now. However people know his views which are that we are better together? No politics?
Soo diddy Dave’s no talking politics during the games but ask the question on the Referendum Fkin Weasel wie a capital WUBBLE U
I think the protest is not directly outside the BBC offices now, no doubt because of the tents. From the latest article at Newsnet Scotland.
“The peaceful protest against ‘BBC Bias’ will take place between 2pm and 3:30pm on Sunday 27th July next to the IMAX.”
link to
Had a walk about inside the security fence and every inch is being used up for something. And there will probably be more punters there on a Sunday afternoon to join in the festivities.
Honestly think we should bite the bullet and organise it for the first Sunday after the games have finished.
Did you check out the picture Gerry.
link to
We should go ahead and block the road if we have to.
Cameron bottled playing Salmond at golf, just like the offer of a debate…
Will check it out.
@caz_m Moira & Jordi are in contact with the Polis re Sunday they will post up later on tonite as far as in aware they’re vidioing the area.
Absolutely sickening with those wee shitty flags who is handing them out big Bliar F*ckin arseholes
Well what a surprise. UJ one side, saltire the other within the first few minutes of the games. Given out free by BT to kids i imagine. Can;t take them off the kids now can we.
Just been watching BBC news reporting from Glasgow and they interviewed a family holding Saltires and Union Jacks.
WTF has the Union Jack got to do with the Commonwealth Games???
Do people really hate their country so much that they can’t hold their own flag on its own without making some pathetic cringing statement holding onto a flag that, in the eyes of the world, represents England.
WTF is all that about.
Opening credits of the BBC Commonwealth Games show.
Celtic Park is draped in a huge ‘The time is No’ banner. WTF!
A Scottish games has presenters from a different country? WTF again?
I’m really pissed off! Why are the Brits presenting a Scottish occasion? Grrrrr!
Nice of Huw to tell us that we’re a bit wee and skint and that our ceremony won’t be as good as London’s but we’ll try really hard.
just fuck ooooohhhhhh butchers aprons on the back of the wee triangle saltires just fucking nooooooooooooooo
Last time I saw the wee paper Butcher’s Aprons on the back of our Saltire was at eh last Orange Walk in Glasgow. Before that they were handed out by the Bitters.
They maybe be talking about moving it round to the Science Centre, IMAX waterfront. Might be a bit more room round that side.
Coz there is definitely NO room at the BBC Scotland buildings.
Stay positive big man. We might still be protesting on Sunday. Where there’s a will…
F*ckin unionists hope this backfires big time we can all see what you’re trying to do – Oh Salmond don’t dare politicise the games
i posted earlier about the bbc common wealth barricade but this pish i am watching now might cost me a new tv fuck you bbc
Let me know if its still okay to drop the badges off tomorrow morning 🙂
This is going to be another Olympics Britfest.
BBC now switched off. Thank fuck I don’t pay for that shite!
Simple question, what is the host country for the Games?
I think everyone on here believes it’s Scotland.
Perhaps, though, BritNat mentality assumes the UK is the host country. Half genuine mistake, half opportunistic with the referendum so close.
@thanks Gerry for posting Moria & Jordi Vid so things should be clearer now the Demo is going ahead.