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Wings Over Scotland

Another proud Scot

Posted on July 23, 2014 by

Can be seen in today’s Scotsman – ironically in a comment located below a story headlined “Independence: Salmond pledges politics-free Games”.


Below it is a torrent of anti-SNP abuse, including the suggestion that Alex Salmond should be dropped out of a helicopter without a parachute. We’re sure, of course, that the No campaign will rush to condemn these remarks by another of Blair McDougall’s Brit Boys, and that the media – which scours the most obscure websites and Twitter accounts for comments to whip up a “cybernats” storm about – will have a double-page spread on it tomorrow.

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  1. 23 07 14 10:15

    Another proud Scot | Scottish Independence News

80 to “Another proud Scot”

  1. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    This is just water off a duck’s back now.

    The days are long gone when it could have had any effect on the undecided or thod
    Se open to examining the argumemts.

    It is just the “Minute of Hate” for the cave dwellers who are frightened of their own shadows from their failing candles.

  2. Better Together’s Scotsman commentator department will have to give Stan a gold star for that one.

  3. JimnArlene says:

    I think Stan*cough*the man, suffers from low self esteem. In a bid to make himself feel all big and important, hides behind a computer screen and spouts pure pish. Very sad really.

  4. heedtracker says:

    Saltcoats seems lovely too

    I hope Scottish athletes win no medals . I am proud to be a ("Tractor" - Ed) to Salmond . Vote no on 18 Sept .

    3:32 AM on 21/06/2014

    More and more vitrioilic SNP scum being banned here I see – just imagine how hate filled they will be after the province votes No by a large margin . Me – I will be standing outside Scottish Naxi Ggnashnalust HQ waving the UNion Jack whilst they vomit after their 12th can of Tennents Speshul . A nation of drunks remember !!!
    3:32 AM on 21/06/2014

    well done stan show the country what unionists are all about

  5. Dinnatouch says:

    I hope someone archived the comments before the North Briton forum mods hide the evidence.

  6. heedtracker says:

    BBC world service radio’s are a very odd outfit too with their morning sport roundup today ending with Glasgow Games and reporter concludes, “because of the referendum, will England’s athletes get booed” Very weird BBC as per, even weirder union.

  7. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “I hope someone archived the comments before the North Briton forum mods hide the evidence.”


  8. alexicon says:

    Seeing that he used the word “("Tractor" - Ed)” he is, in my eyes, a ("Tractor" - Ed) to Scotland.
    Scottish and British doesn’t wash with me.

  9. Seasick Dave says:

    Is the Scotsman moderator having a gap year?

  10. Mosstrooper says:

    What ETC.?

  11. the Penman says:

    I see the story graph squawking about Salmond saying he won’t talk politics, but mentioning that the Commonwealth nations won’t be horrified by the independence debate. Of course, they fail to mention this nugget (from the Scotsman’s report):

    “At the same event, Chancellor George Osborne told delegates that the independence debate is “not for now”, but went on to warn that breaking away from the UK would create ­“economic risks” for Scotland.”


  12. donnywho says:

    Re the “booing” we must not give them the opportunity to use that against us, ironically i think the rugby (a unionist stronghold) will be the most challenging if the English sing swing low we tend to try and drown it out with boos. Respectful silence at the medal ceremony nothing more! Bet salmond gets booed by orange labour lackies and the press will love it. Two standards!

  13. thegooseking says:

    I can just feel the interest in the common weal from this comment.

    Oh, wait, no I can’t.

    While I oppose the Union, I very much support the Commonwealth, and I can’t wait for Scotland to be a Commonwealth nation rather than a British quasi-nation.

  14. Mosstrooper says:

    Agree with BtP, comments like these will have no effect on any undecideds. Anyone with this mindset is long past psychiatric help and should be ignored however their abuse must be exposed where possible. That will bring undecideds to YES.

  15. Robert Louis says:

    I have noticed a very marked increase in this use of the word ‘Traitor’, by the British Nationalists opposing Scottish independence. Recently, several posters in Edinburgh advertising a socialist independence meeting, had ‘("Tractor" - Ed)s to my country’ scrawled on them. In addition, the British nationalist responsible, had even gone to the lengths of making an A4 printed sheet of paper with sticky backing, which was also attached at the same location. On it were the words ‘ You are ("Tractor" - Ed)s to my Scotland’.

    Meanwhile, and I’m not sure if it’s related, but I noticed at the weekend, that somebody in Leith had spray painted ‘Holyrood ("Tractor" - Ed)s’ on a wall in very large letters, half way down leith walk.

    It would seem the BritNat unionists are quite quite rattled. Showing their true and very offensive nature.

    Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised at all this nasty behaviour by those opposing independence, considering they have the likes of UKIP, the BNP, Ulster Loyalists and the Orange Lodge working for them. Oh, and the Labour party.

  16. Don says:

    Plato’s cave springs to mind with these people…

  17. I think everyone should take a long hard look about the things they are posting on public sites. Both sides. While the No campaigners might be abusive, we must rise above it and meet their abuse with reason and calm. Be the better person.

  18. thegooseking says:

    @The Penman
    “Commonwealth nations won’t be horrified by the independence debate”

    Why would they? Most of them are former British colonies or dominions that gained independence themselves. I think it shows remarkable restraint for Alec Salmond to promise not to highlight them as an example of what Scotland could be.

  19. geeo says:

    As regards signs with “("Tractor" - Ed)s” on them, just add, “democratic ("Tractor" - Ed)s tho”

    Then again, they dont get irony, do they !

  20. galamcennalath says:

    As my granny would have said, “leave them alone, they’re only making fools of themselves”.

    In many ways that’s a bit like Napoleon’s gem about not stopping your enemy making mistakes.

    BT are the ones who will suffer one way or another for all this.

  21. Dan Huil says:

    @ donnywho 9.01

    Exactly right. If just one unionist boos the FM it will be gleefully reported – likewise one misguided nationalist booing the England team. Agent provocateur?
    A few months ago at a rugby sevens’ tournament at Twickenham the Scottish team was consistently booed throughout their games. I only know this because of a passing remark by someone on Radio5. Newspapers had no outraged comment of course.

  22. scottish_skier says:

    The Traitor Games – Glasgow 2014.

    Presumably, all across the UK, people will be booing all those countries which betrayed Britain as their teams walk past ‘doing a Salmond’ and waving their national flags in Britain’s face.

  23. Edward says:

    ” regional breakaway movements” – Obviously nothing to do with Scotland then, unless of course someone thinks that Scotland is some how a region?

  24. desimond says:

    Seems folk are worried about Scots booing England, more chance Scots booing Scots at this rate with these numpties running about.

    Wha’s like us indeed.

  25. thoughtsofascot says:

    I’d showcase what Scotland could be to the commonwealth at this point in the debate. The media will hate it and will devolve further into fits of rabid rage, while the Britnats such as Stanny boy will get even more disgusting. All that happens already of course, but this would be a perfect time to let the British media and the britnats make complete arses of themselves in front of the world media.

  26. Tattie-bogle says:

    i posted this on the last thread is this the bbc commonwealth barricade bottom image
    link to

  27. Dinnatouch says:


    I clicked the photo, that’s usually the link.

  28. Callum says:

    the irony with these games is that each of the other “proud” countries at the games also left the grip of UK power at some stage in their history…

  29. Les Wilson says:

    This stuff is just a ploy to cause an online uproar, then the MSM will pick out the most virulent Cybernat stuff and highlight it.

    It is in truth hard to ignore, however we must try and refrain. To ignore them is our best insult to them.

    Whoever it was, wants to cause trouble and rather than a poor wee sweaty Unionist hanging over his last gasp laptop, with a fag hanging out his mouth and his can of best bitter half full by his side. Which is easy to imagine.
    My best guess would be MI5 or GCHQ inspired, as it fits with their purpose very well.

    In truth, the tactics of the old days do not work nearly so well in this social media age, so is likely to spur more YES votes, sit back and laugh.

  30. Nana Smith says:

    Excellent cartoon of Cameron here.

    link to

  31. Nana Smith says:

    and from one cartoon character to another 4

    link to

  32. Devorgilla says:

    I hope that’s not the ‘Stantheman’ that I know of… an elderly gentleman who is very community spirited.

  33. Robert Peffers says:

    My old Grandfather said, when I was a wee boy, “Leave the laddie alaine. It keeps him oot o the road o the cairts”.

    If they are running around like headless chickens attempting to insult the YES campaign then they are not engaged in reasoned debate and are giving the Naw, campaign no end of bad publicity.

  34. heedtracker says:

    Ruth Davidson: Voting No lets us lift up our eyes report link in hootsman is cringe tory style. So we lift our eyes to this, with terrific comment at no.2

    link to

  35. ianmc says:

    I got blocked yesterday from the SNP facebook site for “suggesting” not actually saying that one persons continual asking of the same question despite being helped (including by me) was possibly just an attempt to troll.

    He cried abuse and voila I was blocked despite helping the guy with the answers.

    So the SNP are obviously VERY concious and concerned by any possible accusations of abuse from the YES side.

    Shame the vitriolic hate and bile encouraged by the negative No side, which is in a whole new category of vitriol and borders on incitement and illegality is not addressed with any vigour but actually encouraged.

    As for being banned for saying “I think your repeated questioning could be seen as trying to obfcate and troll” Well it lissed me off no end. But hey, greater good an all that.

  36. Red Squirrel says:

    Never quite sure what they’re proud of. But that’s ok cos neither are they…

  37. Derek M says:

    yawn these idiots bore me same old nonsense just another day,their problem is no one on the BT side has given them a good reason to argue for us to remain in the union ,mainly because there isnt one,so they call names and shout down anybody with an idea ,as for us all being drunk junkies they should take a look at their precious UK TV how many shows are there about Brits abroad all getting drunk and making idiots of themselves ,its so bad we even have police programs about the problems they face policing cities in England at the weekend,using stereotypes to pigeon hole foreigners is a xenophobic English problem.
    So know i am off to throw some salad and fruit in the bucket,dodge some soap and pump my deep fried mars bar full of smack and wash it down with my 19th can of super lager then be abusive to those immigrants for stealing all the jobs and ruining my country,eek sarcasm overload lol

  38. Robert Peffers says:

    @Nana Smith says: 23 July, 2014 at 9:48 am
    “and from one cartoon character to another”

    Sad to see the most powerful man in the world so out of touch with events as not to be aware the United Kingdom has been very, very broken for quite a considereable time.

    If he missed the so obvious truth that his claimed best friend and allie is a broken and malfunctioning democratic government, what other important world events is he mistaken or wrong about?

  39. G H Graham says:

    The Commonwealth Games is attended by dozens of nations that were once “owned” by Britain but have all decided that becoming independent was in their best interests.

    St. Lucia gained its sovereign independence status at late as 1979 the same year that Scotland couldn’t even execute the Scotland Act 1978 because Labour had rigged the results.

    I wonder if the Unionist supporting parties & organisations such as Orange Order, Labour, the BNP, Britain First, The Conservatives, the British Democratic Party, the Liberal Democrats, the National Front & the National Liberal Party will accuse the 53 Commonwealth Nations of treachery this week like they often accuse Scotland or Alex Salmond of?

  40. Haggis Hunter says:

    The Scotsman moderation is the Uninoist forum, make no mistake about that, the moderators are the ones throwing the abuse, add in a couple of washed up LabServative politicans with a pathological hatred of the SNP.
    I have seen the unionist commentators (ie moderators) saying things that would get them locked up, if they were Yes supporters. That paper is a disgrace, it punts hatred every day.

  41. Luigi says:

    If they are running around like headless chickens attempting to insult the YES campaign then they are not engaged in reasoned debate and are giving the Naw, campaign no end of bad publicity.

    Indeed, and by not engaging in this nonsense, the Independence movement is sending an equally powerful message of confidence, hope, respect, decency and positivity.

    Leave them to it.

  42. A Welsh boxer has been banned from going to the stolenwealth games by the UK home office due to an assault charge in April.

    Remember that when they mention border controls AFTER independence.

  43. Short changed says:

    Its proud ("Tractor" - Ed)s that support NHS privatisation, bedroom tax and food banks

  44. bookie from hell says:

    When Alistair Carmichael says it would a huge mistake for AS to make political capital out of Commonwealth games

    Today in Glasgow

    12.45pm: Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, speaks at the Commonweath Games Business Conference in Glasgow.

    2pm: David Cameron speaks at the Commonweath Games Business Conference in Glasgow.

    I smell shate

  45. Indy_Scot says:

    If you only watched the BBC and STV for your news you would think that any abuse online is all from Yes supporters, however in reality 99% of it is from unionists.

    If we don’t vote Yes in September, then we are effectively approving this abuse from these low life unionists, and can have no complaint on its continuation after the vote.

  46. Helena Brown says:

    Somehow Sky News did not get the memo on not using the Games for political ends. First Showed Mr Salmond under the title this man does not wish to speak out, then moved onto some woman who then parroted that we would miss the money for training so would miss out on medals for the World Athletics Meeting (I think).
    So we, who are much richer if we go, will miss them returning our own money to us. God give me strength.

  47. chalks says:

    Doesn’t really matter if Scotland win medals….if the countries that have been granted independence win things, then it helps the cause really….which is everyone apart from Eng,Wales,N.Ireland….lol

    I don’t actually think it’ll have that much of an effect either, I think merely staging it and the level of attention being foisted upon Scotland will hopefully get through to the undecideds/soft no’s that this is what awaits an Independent Scotland, attention of the world and all that comes with it.

  48. ScottieDog says:

    They are obviously defending the beloved union and all it’s benefits…
    link to

  49. heedtracker says:

    Charles Kennedy also warned Salmond to shut up during the games yesterday in the Press and journal and, then, but, etc hootsman has no probs with Westminster liggers, you really cant make this unionist bullshit up.

    “At the same event, Chancellor George Osborne told delegates that the independence debate is “not for now”, but went on to warn that breaking away from the UK would create “economic risks” for Scotland.

    Prime Minister David Cameron, who will address the business conference today, has revealed that the UK economy enjoyed a £14 billion boost following the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and said Commonwealth organisers can build on this to “make Glasgow 2014 so much more than just an amazing sporting event”.

    To be fair the London Olympics park is incredible, the swimming pool especially.

    Here in unionist owned oil capital Aberdeen, no public pool.

  50. Graeme Doig says:

    Parcel of rogues alive and well in Scotland along with their intellectually challenged, neanderthal followers.
    I despair sometimes.

  51. wingman 2020 says:

    link to

  52. bookie from hell says:

    Do you swim with the seals Aberdeen?

  53. Iain (orri) McCord says:

    I seem to remember some people going on about “Broken Britain” prior to the 2010 election.

  54. Helena Brown says:

    Many people in the Caribbean were just dumped by the British Empire. Costing too much. I (name dropping) was in a museum in St Kitts a few years ago which had a display all about their problems. Still doing better than they would be with the Good Old Empire I rather think.

  55. Truth says:

    I hope the best competitors win the medals, be they Scottish or otherwise.

  56. Robert Peffers says:

    I had to smile on seeing the BBC team for the Commonwealth Games. It comprises, Gary Lineker, Gabby Yorath, Clare Balding and … … … Hazel irvine . All now ready for action at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow

    Great line-up BBC, we have Garry Lineker, (England internationalist); Gabby Yorath, (English presenter and Wales international gymnast); Clare Balding OBE (English TV presenter, journalist and retired amateur jockey) and Hazel Irvine, (BBC presenter, born in St Andrews, Scotland). How very BBCish is that?

    You wouldn’t thing that the BBC would have to bus in non-Scots presenters for the GLASGOW Commonwealth Games – but they have. Could it be to save money of interpreters?

    Come to think on it, is Hazel employed by BBC Scotland or BBC London? Can’t say I’ve ever seen her listed as a BBC Scotland presenter.

    I wonder if they will be able to remain even handed as they comment upon the various events involving the English, Welsh, N. Irish and Scottish competitors? Gary Lineker in particular has always got right up my nose and has been very anti-Scottish and insulting on some sports based comic quiz shows.

  57. heedtracker says:

    @ bookie from hell, only yes voting seals. Its a real culture shock going to the London Olympic park though, coming from Aberdeen, where we;re allowed to use 35 foot school pools, like Hazlehead school.

    link to

    Its when you read ferocious hootsman ukok cringers or ConDem bullshit artists like Ruth Davidson “look up to the union for great things” and then walk into their billion quid aquatics centre after shabby crumbling little school pools in Aberdeen.

    If we vote no, we deserve everything we’ve got coming basically.

  58. HandandShrimp says:

    It is interesting wen the Nay Sayers use the ("Tractor" - Ed) word. I just look at it and laugh. I feel no loyalty or affinity to “Britain”. My country is Scotland. So they can call me ("Tractor" - Ed) till they are red, white and blue in the face. On the other hand call them sniveling, weasel, ("Tractor" - Ed)s to Scotland and they go into a paroxysm of rage.

    Guilt does strange twisted things to people 🙂

  59. heedtracker says:

    Rule Britannia

    link to

    link to

    Its a fiver a swim but it lets you use the school work out room, which has a running machine and some weights and its a windowless cupboard BUT the janny makes a bacon sandwich for his tea next door which smells great, so its all good in the oil capital of Europe.

  60. heedtracker says:

    Sorry to be so O/T but the London Olympic pool, sorry Aquatics centre is only £3.50 off peak, £1.50 cheaper than Hazelhead!

    Maybe Scots raging cringers have just given up and accepted their place in this unionist life of teamGB

    link to

  61. David Smith says:

    Stuff like the rubbish here and in the previous topic has now lost its ability to hurt or enrage me now. I view it with a mixture of boredom and sadness that some of my countrymen are so brainwashed and blinkered that they view the prospect of something better than the absolute rubbish the elite deem them worthy of with irrational rage and aggression born of outright terror. How was it ever possible for an occupying power to contaminate the psyche of a nation so effectively?
    Some of these people may be a public danger in the new Scotland. Others still will turn their anger on the state that lied to and abused their loyalty for so long when they finally learn the truth about those they were once willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for. Strange days…

  62. HandandShrimp says:

    It is laughable that so many Onionists have made political statements saying that Salmond should not make political statements. They really do think the public button up the back.

    Whoever was interviewing Salmond this morning was desperately trying to get Alex to say something political and sounded really peeved when he would not.

    God I despise the BBC.

  63. Jim Jackson says:

    “British Swimming don’t seem too keen on Scot’s winning medals either. This is what they’re emailing out to their members.
    link to

  64. JLT says:

    I think Blair McDougall has enough on his plate with the new antics from the Orange Order, than worrying about knuckle-dragging idiots spouting bile in the papers.

    His vision at the very start of this campaign would have been won of Scots coming out in the droves, waving Union Jacks, and shouting to the rafters about the wonder of the Union.
    Now with less than 2 months to go, I think he must be living in a bunker-siege mentality. He knows he can still win this, but at what cost? Half the nation is steeling itself for a ‘No’ vote and will hold the No side to account for the repercussions it will bring, while the other side; his side! are crawling with the worst aspects of Presbyterianism extremism even though half of these guys have no real clue as to what it is that they truly believe in. I would be stunned if half of them knew that William of Orange was the son-in-law of James the VII.

    Blair knows that his name is mud either way. Win the referendum and half of Scotland will bitterly remember him while the victorious no mob won’t give a stuff about him (I’ll bet again that most No voters wouldn’t recognise him if you held a photo up to them …but the Yessers will …and that should be worrying for him!). Lose the referendum, and along with Darling, his head is on a plate. Either way, Blair could be a muddy footnote in Scottish History. Personally, I would rather be unknown, than having my name stained forever for the antics that his side got up to.

  65. JLT says:

    won!!! one …jeez!

  66. G H Graham says:

    Jim, I read that circular from “British” Swimming in which they decided that their good luck message was exclusively for English swimmers traveling to Glasgow.

    link to

    It really does seem that British sports institutions which are almost all based in England, consider that England = Britain.

  67. JLT says:

    Jim Jackson

    Had a wee peak at the website. I think it is an English Association website. Seems to be 4 regions, and the ‘North Region’ seems to be the North of England.
    I wouldn’t look upon this too suspiciously. I don’t think it is the main British body of Swimming, but is instead just the English body which will be part of the UK body. I could be wrong, but I think this is fairly innocent.

  68. Macandroid says:

    @ Robert P

    “Gary Lineker in particular has always got right up my nose and has been very anti-Scottish and insulting on some sports based comic quiz shows.”

    Could win us a few votes though 🙂

  69. Oneironaut says:

    @Les Wilson
    “…a poor wee sweaty Unionist hanging over his last gasp laptop, with a fag hanging out his mouth and his can of best bitter half full by his side.”

    I think they see it more as “half empty”… 😉

  70. SlyPangloss says:

    Message to Robert Louis
    re: “Holyroood Traitors” painted on Leith Walk. The same person has also spray painted “All Cancers are Curable” and “777” on the pavement a little bit further down the street.
    So I think it’s more a David Icke-ish thing…

  71. Macart says:

    Yeah, that about sums up their argument in a nutshell. Formless hate and anger all wrapped up in a bow.

  72. TJenny says:

    Re the BBC ad for the CG, am I the only one to find the voice over at the end ‘Welcome to the Friendly Games, the pleasantries start tonight’, to sound a bit creepy, sinister and intimidating and very far from welcoming and friendly?

  73. Jim Jackson says:

    JLT. “British Swimming is the National Governing Body for Swimming, Diving, Synchronised Swimming, Water Polo and Open Water in Great Britain.”
    Although there are separate Scottish and Welsh bodies for the “home nations” there is no English Swimming just like there is no English Cycling however unlike British Cycling British Swimming seem to have forgotten that Britain ≠ England.

  74. JLT says:

    I think that is the problem with the ‘British’ identity thing. For the English, I think certain bodies see Britain as England and vice versa. But as said, from what I could make out, the site is pretty much looking at English regions. Possibly the wording could be better, but to be honest, I’m not going to worry too much about it.
    What I am waiting on, is the zooming in on Union Jacks at the Games, which will really annoy me. Personally, these games are about the countries of the commonwealth, and not ‘Great Britain’. We have already had Carmichael putting his Coco the clown sized-shoes into his mouth by saying we shouldn’t politicise the event, and then he whitters on about Team GB and the Olympics. We now have a line up of commentators that could nip away at the Scots when the BBC programs focus too much on English participants (who are in no way to blame!) and paying little attention to either home nation athletes, or even those from the other nations of the commonwealth. Personally, I see no reason for the Union Flag to be at the event. None at all! So, waving the Union Jack in my eyes is an underlying statement at these games.

  75. thegooseking says:


    “It is laughable that so many Onionists have made political statements saying that Salmond should not make political statements. They really do think the public button up the back.”

    Exactly. Any statement telling someone not to make political statements is in itself a political statement in favour of the status quo.

    Unfortunately the status quo will cease to exist on the 18th of September, whichever way the vote goes. In either case, we’ll have voted to leave a union we didn’t ask to be part of: the question is whether we’re leaving it for independence or for a union we did ask to be part of, which, despite having the same name, will be very different to the union we didn’t ask to be part of.

  76. fannon codder says:

    Message to Robert Louis
    re: “Holyroood Traitors” painted on Leith Walk. The same person has also spray painted “All Cancers are Curable” and “777? on the pavement a little bit further down the street.
    So I think it’s more a David Icke-ish thing…

    Agreed. He or she has also written “NOSTARDAMUS” along a wall. Must be physic.

  77. Yesitis says:

    Yep. That about covers it.

  78. Marian says:

    Excellent work Rev Stu who is once again showing the world what a real journalist does.

    I was pleased to see WoS as recommended reading in a YES Pentlands card being handed out in Edinburgh today, viz:- – Specialises in debunking the half-truths and misinformation often passed as fact by our mainstream media.”

    Long may you continue to do so.

  79. Ken MacColl says:

    A substantial turnout at the BBC demo at PQ on Sunday would be the most effective way of demobnsrating our feelings about Auntie. Demo scheduled with speakers from 2.00pm till 3.30pm but other publicity would help

  80. Neil says:

    I’m all for Yes but is it just possible this trolling.


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    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “The Scottish Government signed off on guidance last month which said “trans staff should choose to use the facilities they…Mar 6, 19:55
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
  • A tall tale

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