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Wings Over Scotland

A theme begins to emerge 125

Posted on March 20, 2014 by

Continuing our trawl through the “Devo Nano” report. No squirrels this time.


Labour, of course, immediately trumpets any anti-independence opinion from big business, but suddenly treats anything welcomed by industry with great suspicion if it’s in line with SNP policy, so no shocks on that front. But not for the first time, the party seems to have rather misunderstood the entire concept of devolution.

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More powerful microscope required 73

Posted on March 20, 2014 by

All this week we’ve been mockingly referring to Scottish Labour’s devolution proposals as “Devo Nano”, nano- being a mathematical term meaning “one billionth”. The implication there is that the amount of actual power being devolved would be very very small. We’re not subtle. But as we dig down into the full 298-page report, it’s beginning to look as though our sarcastic description is in fact somewhat over-generous.

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The long and the short of it 77

Posted on March 20, 2014 by

Labour’s full Devo Nano policy document is now available, at an artery-clogging 298 pages. We’ll be having a good old wade through it today, because despite Johann Lamont’s comprehensive explanation of its contents on telly on Tuesday night, we still have a couple of minor queries over the precise details that we’d like to get definitively cleared up, and this should do it.

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A litany of idiocy 197

Posted on March 19, 2014 by

Every time today that we’ve re-watched Johann Lamont’s multi-vehicular pile-up of an interview on last night’s Newsnight Scotland, we’ve seen something new in it that we missed previously and which makes us pull this face:


So (hngh) we’re going to have to get these down for posterity.

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Interview with the vampire 199

Posted on March 19, 2014 by

Among supporters of a Yes vote this site has often been an outspoken defender of Newsnight Scotland’s Gordon Brewer. Sometimes prone to lapsing into a poor impersonation of Jeremy Paxman, all hectoring and interrupting and not listening, on top form the BBC man is in our book the finest inquisitor of politicians in the UK, with only Bernand Ponsonby of STV capable of giving him a run for his money.

After last night, we’ve rarely felt more vindicated.

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Introducing Devo Nano 128

Posted on March 18, 2014 by

So, the wait is over. Two full years after announcing the setup of its “Devolution Commission” (comprising three MPs, three MSPs, one MEP, a pair of general-purpose office wonks and one increasingly-unhinged councillor), this morning Scottish Labour unveiled its final report, strikingly clad in the flag of, er, Shetland.


As we write, only the executive summary has been made available – a slim 14 pages including the preamble, reasoning and recommendations. These are our observations.

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What you can’t have 129

Posted on March 18, 2014 by

We’ve finally got hold of a copy of the long-awaited report (or at least, the executive summary) from Labour’s “Devolution Commission”. While we wade through the fine detail, we thought we’d quickly let you see the list of things Labour has decided that Scotland absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, be allowed to handle for itself.


Analysis to come.

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    • Mia on The plainest sight: “Disgusting paedophiles cosying up to the police and being promoted and funded by governments with our money, for goodness sake.…Mar 16, 15:30
    • Young Lochinvar on The plainest sight: “A couple of questions; How much public money do these various groups/ organisations get from government? How much in donations…Mar 16, 15:17
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Well said Robert, uncomfortable truths sometimes have to be aired, but as usual we will have the assortment of yoonionists…Mar 16, 15:05
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting an estimated 325,000 Serbs protested against the behaviour of their government yesterday. “they are asking for … the…Mar 16, 14:43
    • Willie on The plainest sight: “All I can say is that any middle aged man who rapes a 12 year old boy is an absolute…Mar 16, 14:09
    • Hatey McHateface on The plainest sight: “Channelling my inner Braveheart here: FFFFRRRRRREEEEEEEEEDDDDDOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! From the Scots who shame, abuse and oppress us all.Mar 16, 13:29
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “Good man, twathater. It is difficult sometimes as I know well but we must try to overlook personality differences and…Mar 16, 12:53
    • Anne on The plainest sight: “It’s good that you overturn these stones Wings,so many turn a blind eye . I feel sickMar 16, 12:41
    • sarah on The plainest sight: “What more can we do to make the government, councils, police, schools etc etc understand this subject and then act?…Mar 16, 12:40
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Socrates MacSporran: Totally agree – Holyrood currently is only a pretendy wee parliament. And why didn’t the 56 MPs…Mar 16, 12:29
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting The Donald has been “consulting closely with the UN and taking direction from that international body” overnight. Haha,…Mar 16, 11:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Agreed 100% Sven. In retrospect, a golden age. Of course, Alex Salmond was very much a “broad kirk” politician. He…Mar 16, 11:37
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Bob ripping the “pro-war vampiric bloodsuckers” new ones here. Then hoping for blood to be spilled a couple of posts…Mar 16, 11:24
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Here you go YS: [See what I did there? 🙂 ]Mar 16, 11:14
    • Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “Hi T.C . Yea , I think it’s going to take some kind of genuine , deeply-felt patriotism to create…Mar 16, 11:03
    • Dave on The evolution of fairness: “NuttersMar 16, 10:58
    • socratesmacsporran on Meet The FILTH: “Holyrood is a nice wee “Pretendy Parliament”, Billy Connolly got that right, because “Power devolved is Power retained” – Westminster…Mar 16, 10:46
    • Desimond on Meet The FILTH: “Pesky today, gone tomorrowMar 16, 09:29
    • Tinto Chiel on Meet The FILTH: “Agree with much of that, Robert, particularly your final paragraph. Since party politics is clearly irretrievably corrupt and the SNP…Mar 16, 08:28
    • Yoon scum on Meet The FILTH: “You do know you are part of the problem? As I bet you do not have the balls to question…Mar 16, 07:56
    • Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “I am told that leaving the union will result in a dramatic improvement in the quality of politicians elected in…Mar 16, 07:44
    • Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “As someone who try to see the good in everyone Which is bloody hard with manky I will say the…Mar 16, 07:40
    • Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “far right boot licking English cap doffing cunt here How long do I have to sell up the house and…Mar 16, 07:38
    • Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “” trough ” gluttonyMar 16, 07:38
    • Sandy Howden on Meet The FILTH: “The seat to look out for is in Midlothian where an almighty battle is about to take place. Colin Beattie…Mar 16, 07:31
    • Sven on Meet The FILTH: “George Ferguson. Whilst I agree entirely with you on the disastrous state of an SNP devolved administration, since 2014, this…Mar 16, 07:29
    • Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “I’ll join with Ian B & Robert ( aka Twathater ) in praising your positivity and patience in the face…Mar 16, 07:07
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Well done Sarah in NOT letting the naysayers beat you down, you have explained the aim of the Liberation movement…Mar 16, 03:46
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “I posted this response on the previous post re your previous comment,as you are still carrying on regurgitating your usual…Mar 16, 03:28
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