The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Stronger for Scotland

Posted on May 07, 2015 by


It’s time for a change.

Let’s be it.

1717 to “Stronger for Scotland”

  1. heedtracker says:

    Why does the Scottish identity of so many people depend so much on ‘proving’ how horrible the English have been to us?

    It doesn’t but its still Scottish history. After Culloden, lets call it the Hanoverian forces and not the English, murdered and butchered civilians, hanged and transported soldiers into slavery, ethically cleansed Scotland of all opposition they thought and so on. Usual empire rule the waves stuff that so many suffered across the planet.

    Check out Fort George on the Murray Firth. A giant Georgian fort on the coast but all main battlements are aimed and constructed inland at the Scotland we lost and is well worth a visit. The deadly battlements built to stop the Highland charge are worth a look on their own.

    link to

    The man behind Fort George was William Skinner, the King’s Military Engineer for North Britain.

    How’s the North Britain working out for you unionists out there? 300 years later.

  2. dakk says:

    Just in from work and had to listen to customers complaining about SNP bullies and poor Jim Murphy all day.

    They’re all No voters of course,drives me insane.

    Now I have sanctuary for a few hours and hope in my heart.

    Gordon Barclay

    I know of no one who wants independence for the bizarre reasons you give.

    We want to run our own country,like every other normal country,there’s nothing complex about it.

  3. maureen says:

    Voted for Kirsty Blackman this morning. Posters for her everywhere! Saw one Labour poster. Slept all afternoon ( longterm M.E Fibromyalgia ) want to stay up thoughout the night and watch as Scotland makes history.

  4. Croompenstein says:

    Why does the Scottish identity of so many people depend so much on ‘proving’ how horrible the English have been to us?

    Eh, we’ve moved on a bit Gordon. I don’t really care how horrible the English have been to us what I do care about is my country having a stronger voice and being in complete charge of its own affairs for better or worse.

  5. Gordon Barclay says:

    Hi Capella. Sorry – I misread the header. Peter Scott didn’t receive a direct order from Churchill – the Prime Minister didn’t phone naval captains. Scott received an order not to go, from his senior naval officer, for the reasons set out above: it is clear that the navy did try to get the 51st out, but the speed with which the Germans occupied the high ground on the cliffs meant that the RN ships would all have been sunk had they tried to go in.

    The website of the 51st Museum etc provides a balanced account of events in mid-June 1940 link to

  6. Stoker says:

    I noted some folk, earlier in the thread, asking what Scottish seat would be the first to declare.

    According to this list from the Press Association the first Scottish declarations are due to come in at 2am on the 8th May.
    link to

  7. X_Sticks says:


    Just for you..and anyone else with that limbo feeling:

    Chill to a little Jimmy Cliff..

    link to

    Beer at the ready.

    Channel 4 sound for decent analysis.

    bbc Scotland on screen to watch their faces (may check stv from time to time too)

    Chat on the Live Independence stream from Glasow and twitter.

    Try and keep an eye on Wings.

    Going to be an interesting night.

    Anything over 30 seats will be fkn fantastic. Everything after that is icing on the cake (hopefully with cream too).

    Whatever happens we have won. We will emerge with our integrity intact which is more than can be said for many in this journey.

  8. Dal Riata says:

    Gordon Barclay says:

    “The idea that Scotland was to be abandoned is utterly without foundation. Read my book [Oh aye, here we go] about the defences – Scotland was well defended. ‘If Hitler Comes’ Birlinn 2013.”

    “Rumours and myths are not history. Why is so much support for independence based on these ‘grievances’ and on Scottish victimhood?

    Why does the Scottish identity of so many people depend so much on ‘proving’ how horrible the English have been to us?”

    Listen, self-proclaimed ‘military expert’, you’re obviously here to flame and cause a ruckus, but instead, here’s what you can do – stick a rocket up yer jacksie and let it fire you and your book of pish to fuck out of here never to be seen again.

  9. Capella says:

    I too am very grateful to Rev Stu for providing this space where we can exchange our views and knowledge on Scottish politics. That’s why I will say no more about St Valery on this historic evening.

    Besides, Mr Peffers is our resident historian!

    Time to open a bottle I think and get the snacks ready.

  10. G says:

    Haha I just noticed the head swap to Cameron and miliband! Very good

  11. Cadogan Enright says:

    Finished chopping in East Renfrewshire

    Heading back to party in Central Ayrshire stopping off for popcorn etc etc

  12. crazycat says:

    @ Fiona

    Re postal vote sampling:

    In September I was checking rejected signatures/dates of birth, but I had colleagues who were “sampling”; they had all done it many times previously at elections, but they did not get to “see” that many. The number sampled is “as many as you can manage”, rather than a supposedly representative selection. Even so, after the event it turned out that the proportions in those they did see were about right.

    At the count, we were all trying to look at the votes as they came out of the ballot boxes, before they were mixed with those from other polling stations, to try to get an idea of the geographical distribution of support. Again, that was quite hard. Even when the papers were face-up being counted into bundles it was really difficult; the counting staff concealed the crosses very efficiently. Possibly because I had never done it before, I didn’t really get a feel for the Yes/No ratio until they were finally being counted and put in pigeon-holes.

    So I’m not really convinced that the Labour team in Bristol have any idea whether their “samples” reflected the actual distribution, unless it was exceptionally skewed (her numbers have been deleted in the reports, of course); I assume she tweeted the numbers to encourage her troops.

  13. Peter Craig says:

    Tonight we rise, tomorrow the struggle begins, I am delighted and privledged to live through this historic period

  14. Grouse Beater says:

    Good comment on the faux outrage of MSM journalists against “cyber bullys”

    It’s Special branch’s latest ploy, backed by Unionist press, and the usual orange suspects. From eccentric loners derided because we wore tartan and quoted Scottish history, we are now bands of organised marauding thugs.

    It trolling come out into the open.

    If you cannot win by laughing at the opposition, warn good citizens not to approach SNP supporters.

  15. Fiona says:

    @ crazycat

    Again I thank you.

    I think I am just feeling a little wobbly today. I am going to stop thinking about this and just wait for the result 🙂

  16. Bingo Wings Over Scotland says:

    Apologies if this has been noted already, I haven’t read all of the previous comments. Go to Ruthie’s Twitter profile and find her Tweet about burly blokes turning people away from a polling station. It appears to have been made at 5:12am, nearly 2 hours before the polls opened.
    How accurate are those time stamps?

  17. Gordon Barclay says:

    Thanks for all your responses. Where do I start? The ‘myth’ about defending Scotland has been used on umpteen pro-yes websites from March 2013 until now to justify a vote for ‘yes’, often in posts expressing high levels of hostility about ‘the English’. So clearly this grievance stuff IS important to a lot of people’s Scottish identity and why they voted Yes. Ask the people for whom its ‘discovery’ was so important what part it plays in their reasons for voting for independence. May I once again suggest you try my article on hos the myth was invented and used: link to

    The story about the 51st being sacrificed to cover the retreat to Dunkirk is obviously a myth, as the 51st were 150 miles or so south of Dunkirk. This version of the myth turns up now and again.

    Most Scots didn’t support the ’45 and were glad when it was over. Scots troops were involved in the massacre of civilians in Kenya in 1948, so I think comparative military brutality is pointless.

    If you want to build your new nation on a ‘history’ made up of stuff you’ve read on the internet that suits your point of view, good luck. Thank you Fiona for sanity.

  18. Dr Jim says:

    I really just popped on to provide a link to my own book

    “A history of the lying bastirts who write history books that are full of made up shite”

    But changed my mind because most folk aren’t stupid enough to fall for it
    Which is a pity because i’m writing a new one called
    “We love the Scots we went there once”

  19. Lesley-Anne says:

    maureen says:

    Voted for Kirsty Blackman this morning. Posters for her everywhere! Saw one Labour poster. Slept all afternoon ( longterm M.E Fibromyalgia ) want to stay up thoughout the night and watch as Scotland makes history.

    Sorry to hear about your M.E. Maureen. My partner’s youngest also has M.E. and every day is a challenge for her. She is doing whatever she can including being an M.E. ambassador.

  20. lumilumi says:

    Well, the ice hockey just finished (Finland 4 – Slovenia 0) so now we’ll try and get a few hours sleep before our GE breakfast at around 4.30am Finnish time (2.30am Scottish time). We’ll skip all the BBC guff before the results actually start coming in.

    The polls aren’t even closed in the UK yet! I hope some last minute SNP voters make it before.

    Fingers crossed…

    Good night!

  21. Alastair says:

    Thanks for the journey Stu and team.
    Best of luck Wingers I have enjoyed you’re informative and diverse socialising.

    Come on Scotland!

  22. Gordon Barclay says:

    I am very grateful to Dal Riata for his thoughtful response to my points about the differences between history and self-serving mythology. It’s good to see that the values of Enlightenment Scotland in relation to courteous exchange of differing points of view are informing the drive towards Scottish self-determination. My wife is making ‘are you still on that bloody site’ noises, so have a good night.

  23. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    @Gordon Barclay 9.29

    Hi Gordon. As I understand it, the Highland Division were under French command on the Maginot Line when the Germans rolled through Belgium (again!) and split the allied forces in two.

    The contention is that Churchill kept them under French command, as an incentive to keep the French fighting.

    A sacrificial pawn.

  24. Robert Peffers says:

    @caledonia says: 7 May, 2015 at 6:23 pm:

    “Could there be another reason ruthie does not like burly men perhaps???”

    Correct! Ruthie prefers women right enough.

  25. Richardinho says:

    It’s absolutely fine to make the case that Scottish soldiers were not deliberately sacrificed or regarded as dispensable by the high command during the Second World War.

    It’s a completely different matter to come out with lots of bigoted opinions about how Scottish Nationalists are inspired by ‘grievance’ or anti-Englishness.

    Does our unionist historian friend think that British nationalists like himself are driven by a ‘grievance’ or hatred of Germans? Probably not.

    His attitude is not a million miles away from that of Ruth Davidson’s readiness to accept without verification the untrue report that Scottish Nationalists had been turning people away from polling stations. My reaction was one of surprise because I couldn’t imagine that all the people that I know in the nationalist movement would do such a thing-(They seem so nice!) But for a unionist it is easily imagined because in their mind nationalists are bitter, angry and evil. In essence they are less than human.

    It is this dehumanisation of Scottish people, routinely observed in the media and in the world at large (See Katie Hopkins latest outburst which looks to go unpunished) that really lies at the root of the problem and explains why Scots see self government as the only solution.

  26. Fiona says:

    @ Gordon Barclay

    I am interested in your finding that the myth you outline has been used on “umpteen”pro-yes websites. I don’t know of umpteen pro-yes websites, but I have never seen this mentioned on the ones I do know of. Course it might be there, for I don’t read everything.

    I do know a lot of people who support independence: but not a single one who does so on the basis of grievance.

    Many of my circle are folkies and so what we do know of St Valery comes from the song: this kind of music is a very important part of cultural transmission: it is how we keep our own history alive, and it has always been so. That, along with family history and, to a lesser extent I think, the myth and folklore we share is what preserves our sense of our identity in face of the alternative narrative which forms the “British identity”. I think this is true everywhere and at all times. I do not think that academic history plays any part in that process whatsoever. We are children of story not of research, primarily.

    And there is truth in our tales: at least as much truth as there is in the various alternatives. For you the sense of “grievance” may seem central: I think your prism is flawed. For I do not see it that way at all. It is certainly true that the relationship with our larger neighbour has been difficult: how could it be otherwise. There has been war and as the smaller of the two we have often lost: and the aftermath of war is seldom civilised. But the fact is the everybody has a thread of “we hate the neighbours” whether they are the people who live over the next hill, or another country. The english have a similar tale to tell about the French, though the reasons make no sense to me at all: how could they. The French are not my neighbours.

    Sometimes what seems natural to you is predicated on that kind of narrative: and no people is exempt from it. Maybe you should have a wee think about that, for the water we swim in is always harder to detect than is someone else’s stream

  27. crazycat says:

    @ Fiona

    Me too. I’ve not long discovered that someone who posts on UKPR and Scot goes POP (I think it’s the same person) has made a spreadsheet of predictions for all 650 seats (an amazing effort), listing his expected outcome, majority and runner-up. He has my seat as a Labour hold, which I fear will be correct – by a mere 900 votes (down from about 12,000), so I’m very nervous.

    I know that just because he has gone to all that trouble and generally seems quite knowledgeable, he is not necessarily any better at predictions than anyone else – he does say he may have under-estimated SNP gains – but I’m still on edge. Also, the latest YouGov Nowcast (based on respondents to their surveys; nearly enough to be a statistically valid sample) was “too close to call”. That may be where the spreadsheet predictions come from, of course.

  28. Grouse Beater says:

    This I can believe;

    “Activists claiming to be Ukip supporters in the party’s key target seat of South Thanet have been reported by Labour for intimidation and verbal abuse, police said.”

  29. gordoz says:

    If we’re gonna do this properly. FundilyMundily it has to be done the ‘Rocky Mountain way” according to Joe Walsh.

    Full blast by the way !!!!

  30. Clootie says:

    Offshore (obviously no booze 🙁 )
    Up early but must see the exit polls – 9 minutes to go,,,,,,!

  31. arthur thomson says:

    Good luck everyone. I am so hoping for a result for Scotland. Whatever, the fight to free Scotland and to make it the best wee country in the world must go on.

    For that we are going to continue to need Wings to carry on the process of enlightenment and engagement.

    Thank you to Wings for everything you have done to date.

  32. Macca73 says:

    Well, This is it everyone. History awaits … good luck to everyone!!!

  33. Rock says:

    Pravda GB predicts that Labour will hold on to at least 25 of its seats in Scotland.

    Curtice says due to late surge, silent majority, Gordon Brown, stone tablet, blah, blah, blah.

    I am only half joking.

    If the SNP wins less than 55 seats, it will definitely be due to vote rigging.

  34. Grouse Beater says:

    The ‘myth’ about defending Scotland has been used on umpteen pro-yes websites from March 2013 until now to justify a vote for ‘yes’


    Are you trying to tell us decades of getting subjected to England’s glorious history less mention of the massacres and tortures right up an until Iraq is somehow less of a problem than what you have read from some independence blogs?

    If you are not a qualified, respected historian why should I care a damn that you are discomfitted?

  35. Johnny says:

    Bingo Wings @ 9:28

    I think Twitter time stamps are on LA time or something, so that would be eight hours back placing her tweet at 13:12 or around then. Or maybe it’s East Coast time. Anyway, I think by defauly they are set on some US time zone or other.,

  36. heedtracker says:

    My wife is making ‘are you still on that bloody site’ noises, so have a good night.

    What like baah, Gordon Barclay says:?

  37. Capella says:

    Well said. In such recent history, our family tales are actually eye witness accounts. I think it is important to honour these accounts, however much the Establishment attempt to rewrite history. In that context it will be interesting to see how the events of this election unfold and how the aftermath is framed for posterity. Keep your notes!

  38. Iain MacSorley says:

    Great job Stuart over the past 8, 9, 10 or how many months!

    Hopefully you’ll keep it going to May next year.

    I don”t think you’ll suffer from lack of interesting material!

  39. carjamtic says:

    STV Exit Poll SNP 58

  40. Michael McCabe says:

    Game On.

  41. Tackety Beets says:

    Aaaand RELAX

  42. Bill McLean says:

    Maybe you should go to some of the ex-colonies and ask how much “courteous exchange” there was between the colonizers and them! You are very blinkered. Versions of history other than yours are “self-serving mythology” – how very colonial!

  43. call me dave says:

    Toodle-oo the noo started on BBC Scotland TV and he’s got a map too! Jackie Burd in charge + Glen…What a collection

    BBC exit poll 316 Con Lib Dems 10 SNP 58 Missed labour.

  44. Fiona says:

    If labour hold 25 it is still an impressive result

    We must not interpret a victory of that size as a defeat: for that is merely another tactic in demoralising people

    Gains of that size are monumental in the timeframe

    Hold that thought

  45. Titler says:

    Well here we are again; popping by to keep my eye on the SCANDALOUS OUTRAGE that is Scottish people voting. How dare you!

    This time around I’m much less ambivalent; here’s hoping for an SNP clean sweep, which the polls seem to indicate is a certainty.

    Here in the south of England, where I’m in a relatively Labour Safe Seat with a relatively left wing MP (Bristol East, Kerry McCarthy), I did my bit to keep her so by voting Green (and T.U.C. Anti Cuts to the City Council)… Labour have so badly handled the Tory trap of slandering you Scots, that if they don’t take the hint after these results and tack back Left and for the good of the whole country, I think it’s probably curtains for the UK across the entire country’s perspective. We after all already have 2 myopic Little England parties; I can’t see Labour surviving by throwing the entire country to the Tories in order to become the 3rd…

    But we’ll see. Never underestimate the stupidity of the mainstream parties, sigh. So, settling in with Wings to see how decent people in Scotland react, BBC News for a more Establishment view, and Sid Meiers Civ 5 to keep me entertained during down time.

  46. Joemcg says:

    OMG! 58 seats predicted! Yeehaa!

  47. ScottieDog says:

    James Cook saying exit polls predicted 58 seats to snp.
    Thought they weren’t doing exit polls.

  48. Lesley-Anne says:

    No doubt someone will beat me to it but what the hell.

    Exit Polls BBc
    Conservatives 316
    Labour 239
    SNP 58
    LD 10
    UKIP 2

  49. Matt says:

    Exit poll: SNP 58!

    link to

  50. Robert Peffers says:

    @Garrion says: 7 May, 2015 at 7:16 pm:

    ” … you are a small, sad little man, and you have my pity.”

    Eh! Not a great Si-Fi guy but what evidence that Yoda is male, female or hermaphrodite?

    Can’t tell from the pictures.

  51. heedtracker says:

    Channel 4 exit poll SNP take all Scotland seats!

  52. Thepnr says:

    Anyone from the Glasgow area looking for a different point of view on tonights election from the UK media can check in on Independence Live. They will be broadcasting through the night.

    link to

    link to

  53. Joemcg says:

    Labour have been trounced if that transpires.

  54. ScottieDog says:

    Oh no.
    316 for tory????

  55. Grouse Beater says:

    Am enjoying the Twitter images of filled glasses laid out ready to be drunk with the names of Labour MPs adhered to them who might lose their seats. Nice one.

  56. shiregirl says:

    wow!!! predicted 58 seats!!!

    Over on the BBC – Glenn Campbell joined by ‘the best and the brightest’…..Kezia Dugdale is there.

  57. heedtracker says:

    All seats bar one!

  58. Calgacus says:

    Exit poll for STV showing SNP winning 58 out of 59 seats!

  59. fraise says:

    Channel4 predicts 58 seats SNP but most worrying 316 for cons.

  60. Onwards says:

    If that exit poll turns out to be accurate, then Labour have made a huge mistake in treating Scottish votes as toxic.

    They should have campaigned on the line that Scottish votes were just as valid as any other part of the UK.

    Instead their tactics have allowed the Tories to slaughter them in England.

  61. Bill says:

    Predictions of high SNP gains is intended to imply a failure when we only get 40 seats.

    But then we have article 19 of the Treaty of the Union!

  62. Rob James says:

    First exit poll on ITV has Tories on 316???
    Labour 239
    SNP 58
    PC 4
    Greens 2
    Lib Dems 12
    UKIP 4

    Seems a staggering switch to Tory. Hope that is wrong, but I’d happily accept the SNP prediction.

  63. call me dave says:

    Keiza cereal brek moaning SNP bad but if polls are right the seats won by the SNP, given as a gift to labour won’t make any difference.

  64. Kenny says:

    I don’t believe the 58 seats! Riddoch tweeted the word from STV is that Labour have held onto six seats. Who knows? The Labour vote in England may have collapsed, that would give ConDems 316 + 10 = 326, aaaaa!!! On the other hand, great gains for ALL members of Progressive Alliance!

  65. Fiona says:

    Oh dear

    Pause a moment people. if that exit poll is right the tories +lib dems have a majority

    That is not good

  66. robabody says:

    Enjoying the newsshaft guys at the mo.

  67. Grouse Beater says:

    Heedtracker: My wife is making ‘are you still on that bloody site’ noises

    What? Has she no regard for priorities in this tense, emblematic, moment of Scotland’s history?! 😉

  68. Joemcg says:

    That’s a constitutional crisis in the making.

  69. TheItalianJob says:

    Torrance on ITV saying the 58 is a bad thing as the Tory seats rules out a anti-Tory alliance.

    Oh yea.

  70. bugsbunny says:

    58 projected seats. Wow.


  71. Training Day says:

    If the exit poll is correct, the Union is surely finished.

  72. Lesley-Anne says:

    Just looking at the exit poll what makes it even BETTER is that even if Scotland returned all 59 seats as Labour they would STILL be behind Cameron. This means that they can not even throw the old “well we told you if you voted S.N.P. we’d get Tories.”

    Guess what Milliband you were shite.
    Your branch manger was shite.
    Your policies were shite.

    YOU gave the election to the Tories NOT the Scots who voted S.N.P.

    Nicola was, as WE all knew, correct. 😀

    Sorry but can’t help my self here.

    link to

    link to

  73. Grouse Beater says:

    James Cook saying exit polls predicted 58 seats to SNP.

    Feel I must stay up to see if Murphy goes down if only to hear his humble speech: “The people of Scotland have spoken – the bastards!”.

  74. Joemcg says:

    Milliband unelectable been saying that for months.

  75. Marcia says:

    Wow – can’t believe the SNP would get 58 but not going to complain if it happens.

  76. Famous15 says:

    There is justice in the world.Hopefully!

  77. Marie clark says:

    Wow, tea jist about over the keyboard. If that exit poll is right for Scotland.

    Be interesting to hear actual results in a while. I was hoping for a good result for us but man, that would be something else.

    Interesting night ahead. Torrance wae a face like a torn semmet.

  78. Marcia says:

    Rev – can we have an Election Night thread. Please 🙂

  79. gfaetheblock says:

    The bookies look very confident that it will be the status quo at Westminster, con/lib coalition with Cameron in no. 10

  80. Anagach says:

    Exit polls put conservatives just short of a majority – oh God please no…

  81. Lesley-Anne says:

    Just thinking about the exit poll results and I’m thinking that the ONE seat not turning into an S.N.P. gain will be Orkney and Shetland. Only time will tell but YEE HAH! We are going to give Westminster a RWAL kicking! Woo Hoo! 😀

    The best of the exit poll is that whilst Tories GAIN seats (316 seats in total) they still fall short as do the Lib Dems BIG TIME (10 seats). Together they get 326 seats. However that can not be a very happy situation to be in cause it just need one or two rebel Tories/Lib Dems and they lose their debates. 😉

  82. Roger says:

    Here’s another exit poll, by YouGov:- wtf is going on? This looks more credible though.
    Con 284, Lab 263, LD 31, SNP 48, UKIP 2, PC 3, Green 1

  83. Jim McIntosh says:

    Jesus – Tories predicted on 316, with the 10 Liberals that would put them in. Shit

  84. Onwards says:

    I would rather see the YouGov exit poll as being right.

    Less seats for the SNP (48), but far more influence.

    CON 284
    LAB 263
    LD 31
    SNP 48
    UKIP 2
    PLAID 3
    GREEN 1

  85. fionan says:

    I don’t trust James Cook much, and though I hate to be pessimistic, I wouldn’t be surprised if we weren’t being set up by these polls. After all a mistaken sense of failure/disappointment if we ‘only’ get 25-35 seats might squash the enthusiasm and sense of change and excitement which has kept us all going since 18/9.

    That may be the forward strategy to stop the snp juggernaut before 2016 elections. But I’ll be cheering as loud as anyone if it is 58, that would be so amazing!

  86. Training Day says:

    I’m afraid a Tory victory may be the necessary catalyst for our independence. They will have no legitimate right to govern our country.

    So we leave.

  87. Lesley-Anne says:


    It looks like Plaid Cymru have increased their seats to 4 and Greens have increased their seats to 2 seats. 😀

  88. heedtracker says:

    Grouse Beater, it is fascinating watching UKOK unionists rewrite or erase Scotland’s past, all to fit their concept of this glorious/farce union. Its been going on since 1707 and yet here we are:D

  89. Lesley-Anne says:


    It looks like Plaid Cymru have increased their seats to 4 and Greens have increased their seats to 2 seats. 😀

    Congratulations to Leanne Wood, Natalie Bennett and of course oor Nicola Sturgeon. 😀

  90. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If SNP do take 58, which one will they be missing? Please, please, please, all known gods, please don’t let it be Danny Alexander.

  91. Roger says:

    @Lesley-Anne wot??? where you getting those figures?

  92. Roger says:

    @Ian Shetlands, I think

  93. Joemcg says:

    God, imagine the Tories forcing unpopular policies on a Nationalist landslide Scotland? Carnage.

  94. Kenny says:

    If true, there is still uncertainty over whether the 1 seat is Carbunkle or a Labour seat (Murphy?). I would even prefer Murphy, because that would make ConDem rule over Scotland ILLEGITIMATE!

    Whatever the result, let us hope this is yet another step towards indy. Personally, I think 48-53 would be a good number. I want 58 very much, but do exit polls include the postal votes??

  95. Grouse Beater says:

    David Torrance:

    Other than being the token Tory commentator to prove the BBC is not full of commies, can somebody tell me how a third-rate scribbler with no dress sense managed to rise without trace?

    Or is it only a matter he lives conveniently within easy reach of studios and therefore low on travel expenses?

    Has listening to Torrance taught anybody anything new, an insight, even a new word, they had not known of before?

  96. Roger says:

    Sorry Lesley – I see now

    The exit poll is out:

    Conservatives: 316
    Labour: 239
    SNP: 58
    Lib Dems: 10
    Plaid Cymru: 4
    Greens: 2
    Ukip: 2

  97. Johnny says:

    Yougov says 48 and a lower Tory tally as well.

  98. Al-Stuart says:

    If I was a Lib Dem, having been SLAUGHTERED by being in Coalition toxicity, I would NOT go back into Coalition. The Lib Dems in Opposition would be able to rebuild trust with the electorate as the Oppostion would be 334MPs with Conservative MINORITY Government kept WELL IN CHECK at 316MPs

    IF LIB DEMS JOIN THE TORIES AGAIN THEY WILL CEASE TO EXIST BY 2020. They would become like the Whig Party…Extinct.

  99. Kenny says:

    Ah, YouGov has diff exit poll. Tories 284 Lab 263 LD 31 SNP 48. Widely thought more likely. This would be worse, cos I think Tories could cling on with Lib Dems + NI Unionist votes, plus SNP get less seats. Maybe depends on Clegg. If he loses his seat, could LimpDems work with Labour??

  100. John Young says:

    Max seats 58+ for SNP so hope exit poll is right. Red/Blue/Yellow Tories in charge, who cares.

  101. ronnie anderson says:

    Wee Ginger Dug will be updating the blog every 20mins 1/2 hour

  102. Grouse Beater says:

    The bookies look very confident that it will be the status quo at Westminster, con/lib coalition with Cameron in no. 10

    ‘Fraid so. My money’s on the south of England reigning supreme – again.

    Can’t see it any other way. But it proves to Scotland yet again we are a different country. All we ask is we keep what we earn, all of it, in return for sharing army in times of invasion.

  103. manandboy says:

    New Labour Leader must be a certainty.

  104. heedtracker says:

    gfaetheblock says:
    7 May, 2015 at 10:21 pm
    The bookies look very confident that it will be the status quo at Westminster, con/lib coalition with Cameron in no. 10

    England goes right, Scotland goes left. How might the referendum gone with out Project Fear, THE VOW fraud, Vote NO or else BBC fury?

  105. Roger says:


    Political Studies Association
    Just now ·

    The @YouGov poll is NOT an ?#?ExitPoll? ?#?GE2015?

  106. Grouse Beater says:

    Etonians rule – okay! Tis a right of birth.

  107. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Ballot Fraud Glasgow East!

  108. ScottieDog says:

    How is Jackie bailie wired???
    How can labour’s apparent demise be due to people voting snp. It would make absolutely zero difference if labour had 59 seats in scotland based on that exit poll.

  109. One_Scot says:

    Oh man, fraud in Glasgow already.

  110. Sunniva says:

    STV saying Murphy and Dougie Alexander may have saved their seats.

  111. crazycat says:

    I’m on the YouGov panel, and completed an exit poll (with a lot of supplementary questions) after I had voted.

    I also did a Populus one, and was invited to do Panelbase, but that just led to the Populus site, and I was naturally screened out. Presumably Panelbase and Populus don’t have big enough panels of their own and so combine.

    So those exit polls will be based largely, perhaps entirely, on those who have signed up to them and then actually take part.

    STV may use the traditional method of polling station interviews- I’ve no idea, and I’ve no idea which might be more accurate either.

    We’ll need to wait and see, but either total is a great step forward.

  112. bluedog says:

    It seems the Conservative-Lib-Dem coalition will be returned. The British electorate has recoiled from the prospect of a Labour-SNP coalition.

    All we will hear now from the SNP is ‘We wuz robbed. It’s undemocratic for Scotland to be ruled by the Tories from Westminster without any representation’. But no, it’s not undemocratic, the Union is a democracy and if you don’t stand a candidate in every electorate you are certain to be a minority group in the Parliament. If you are a minority group you will depend on a larger party for patronage, which means you don’t necessarily get what you want. If the SNP was a party of the right instead of the extreme left it could potentially work with the Conservatives on some matters of policy. But the SNP is further left than Miliband, almost inconceivable but true. The Tory government will now leave Wee Eck to hang out and dry at Westminster.

    The conclusion? Scots have been lead up a blind alley by the SNP to a position of total irrelevance in the Westminster parliament. Scots wishing to have a constructive influence in Westminster should have voted for one of the Unionist parties.

    Power politics 101. SNP fail.

  113. Robert Louis says:

    I think the exit poll might be near the truth for the UK, but I seriously doubt the SNP will get 58 seats. I think 35-40 is realistic.

    A very interesting night either way. If we do get 58 seats though…

  114. heedtracker says:

    If that dickhead Yoda’s still out there, Paxo script says SNP like Obi Wan Kenobi, if you strike me down I will only become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

    link to

    Otherwise usual racist braveheart, fish smells grot.

  115. X_Sticks says:

    So, looks like the status quo. Labour vote looks to have collapsed in England and sunk without trace (almost) in Scotland. Bad news?

    Maybe not so bad.

    Even if Scotland had voted for 59 labour Milliband couldn’t have made a majority. That will prevent the finger pointing that would have taken place if they had to deal with the SNP. There will probably still be accusations that the fear of SNP influence ‘forced’ England to vote tory, but hey ho.

    Things will be tough with another ConLib coalition but that will work in our favour (that’s not to say that I am unaware of the hardship some will face, but I would hope that the government & people of Scotland will rally to prevent the worst), and more middle ground voters will move towards indy.

    There will be a potential game changer with the probability of an EU referendum and who knows where that might take us.

    Always look on the bright side (says he after 3 months of depression after indyref).

  116. afraser says:

    If that poll turns out true, then this is groundhog day from every election night after 1974, excepting the brief Blair interlude: Scotland votes Labour/SNP/ by a stonking (feeble) 50+ MP majority, result = all powerful Tory government. Let’s hope not.

  117. Ken500 says:

    Scotland could get more fiscal powers from the Tories, especially with the threat of another Referendum.

  118. Lesley-Anne says:

    manandboy says:

    New Labour Leader must be a certainty.

    I would not disagree with you M&B but the big question is who takes over as Labour leader … Ed Balls? 😉

  119. Grouse Beater says:

    Bluedog: It seems the Conservative-Lib-Dem coalition will be returned.

    All we will hear now is, how soon can we ditch Scotland?

    I take it you are a bulldog, the kind that has an overshot jaw, dribbles a lot, with short bandy legs, and balls that drag along the pavement. Ouch!

  120. crazycat says:

    Postal votes would be included in an on-line exit poll, but not in face-to-face interviews.

  121. Edward says:

    For those wanting an alterative to TV or don’t have a TV
    recommend Newsshaft on just now and through the night

    link to

  122. Bill says:

    What exit polls?, I didnt do an exit poll at Hayfield Rd Kirkcaldy!

  123. bugsbunny says:

    I don’t want the SNP to win 58 seats. I want a clean sweep of the board. 59 seats please.

    If there is 1 seat to be held by a Unionist I predict either Orkney and Shetland or East Renfrewshire. Jim Murphy became a vegetarian in case he was accidently seen eating a bacon sandwich. War Mongering Bastard.

    Good God what a choice, Fatty Carmicheal or Jim “Irn Bru” Murphy.

    It’s like choosing a cobra or a rattlesnake as a pet for your toddler. Both poisonous snakes in the grass.


  124. Lesley-Anne says:

    Houghton and Sunderland South vote in as Labour hold but jeez look at the Lib Dem result 791 … LAST place and UKIP in SECOND!

    UKIP 8280
    Con 7105
    LD 791
    Lab 21218
    Green 1,095

  125. fred blogger says:

    my thoughts are in your ball park, but too early for me to add more until the official results, imo.
    if true amazing result, scotland has spoken loud and proud, well done all.
    🙂 🙂

  126. Grouse Beater says:

    If Labour with SNP support will not top Tory plus Lib-Dem then we prove yet again – against the lies of Labour – that even if every Scottish seat went to Labour – they still won’t get into Number 10.


  127. bugsbunny says:


    If I was pick a new Labour Leader, then I would pick Jim Murphy. Of course he would have to win his seat, but he would lead them to oblivion.

    BTW it’s started already. Just back from Chinese and old fellow talking about the SNP letting the Tories back in. Pathetic. They’ve started their excuses already.


  128. A.N.Surgent says:

    The biggest obstacles to Independence were unionist labour and the bbc. Thats one gone, only one left. The bbc in Scotland cant survive without labour its their raison d`etre.

  129. mike cassidy says:

    Love the way we are torturing ourselves over these disparate exit polls.

    Do we prefer 58 seats and very little chance of Westminster influence?

    Or 48 seats and a real chance of influence?

    The heart says 58!

    The brain says 48!

    Me. I’m going to listen to some northern soul until some real numbers are known.

    That way sanity lies.

  130. manandboy says:

    The broadcasters won’t headline it, but the big story throughout the world is going to be the SNP’s success as Scotland makes a statement.

  131. Dr Jim says:

    More trolls who either can’t count or once again miss the point by over 400 miles

    Vote SNP get Scotland… Vote Unionist get the exact same nothing lies and more lies

    Unionist Dickheads

  132. X_Sticks says:

    Live Indy livestream from the Emirates Glasgow started:

    link to

    Kevin’s hoping to get some chat with Ivan McKee and someone from SSP (didn’t catch the name) and others and the craic on the chat is always good.

  133. crazycat says:

    It’s also likely (certain?) that face-to-face polls are only done in a few constituencies and then extrapolated to the rest.

    On-line polls will match the responses to the seat (my postcode was checked), but may not include enough people in some places to be accurate.

  134. Kenny says:

    YouGov poll is NOT an exit poll, but just a final poll, which they probably could not release until now…. hmmm… I am calling 53 and I would be happy with anything over 45, frankly.

    Remember, the main two things are Scotland and indy! We are a fired-up politically active country which votes the opposite of England. And I heard the turnout in Scotland was incredibly high, as well, also good!

  135. Ken500 says:

    Getting more fiscal powers and not propping up a Labour Gov that mucks up again. Full fiscal autonomy/Home Rule/Federalism/Independence.

  136. Bill says:

    Is Glen Campbell deliberately talking fast in a broad Scots accent?

  137. Richardinho says:

    Interesting if the Tories do get back into power. Particularly if they need a deal with the DUP. It would put them in an awkward position giving out extra dosh to Northern Ireland whilst cutting back in Scotland.

  138. Stoker says:

    Sunniva wrote:
    “STV saying Murphy and Dougie Alexander may have saved their seats”

    How ironic if that’s what transpires.
    The main 2 Red Tory tadgers responsible for one of the worst Red Tory election campaigns ever save their own seats whilst getting all their minions the sack.

    No-matter the outcome of tonights results our focus must switch immediately to wiping every last one of them out of Holyrood.

    Lets aim to make Red Tories history throughout Scotland.

    NEVER AGAIN will you lot help London to destroy our referendum.

  139. Midgehunter says:

    Off to bed now and will be up at 6.00 to catch up.

    Gutted that we only get 58 seats 😉

    Nite, nite..!

  140. scottieDog says:

    It’s quite simple really. Most scots don’t believe unionist parties represent them. The 40 odd returned last time served the London labour party whip. So it would make no difference.

    In effect what you are saying is that we are irrelevant either way.

  141. Marcia says:

    UKIP hurting Labour in the North of England that is probably the reason why Labour seats lower than expected in the exit poll.

  142. Capella says:

    Does anyone know how many DUP seats are likely to exist? I think NI has 18 in total.

  143. call me dave says:

    After the referendum the thought of 30 SNP MP’s was a faint glimmer so rejoice and open the pop corn.

    The tories + lib/dems seem to be in ‘poll’ position but it all has to unfold in the next few hours.

    The real story is the the myth that Scottish labour makes a difference to the make up of the UK government is smashed forever and can never be used again except for the hard of thinking.

    As per Keiza cereal Brek Dugdale tonight, who I see has been left on national tv, to carry the can until Jim gets his comeuppance.

    Indie2 just got a bit nearer that’s all.

  144. Andy Hay says:

    If these exit polls are accurate then we are in the fast lane to Indy 2. Yet again we wouldn’t get the Government we wanted.

    Independence is the only way forward for us. Even the shitebag No voting numpties will have to waken up to the truth.

    Labour are done and I don’t buy the crap that the threat of an SNP and Labour coalition/deal/whatever scared the English.
    Miliband and Labours record with the economy would have influenced them more and by nature they seem to be getting more right wing all the time.

  145. Roger says:

    @Capella – DUP 8, (or posibly 9)

  146. Ken500 says:

    Ed Balls could lose his seat.

    Stop watching the BBC

  147. call me dave says:

    Strong rumours that Rutherglen going SNP. Tom Greatrex (lab) with a 21,000+ majority. WOW

  148. Graeme Doig says:

    Not sure about the exit polls but phoned my 74 year old mother a wee while ago. She has just voted SNP in Edinburgh West.

    She voted ‘No’ and has always been dead against ‘these nationalists and that Salmond’

    If she can vote SNP the bloody Queen could vote for them.

  149. bugsbunny says:

    Tories predicted seats: 316, Labour 239, SNP 58, Liberal Democrats 10, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2, UKIP 2, Others 19.

    As Northern Ireland has 18 seats, is the other 1 the Speaker?


    As the Liberals had 62 seats at the 2010 Election, down 5 from 2005, even if he keeps his seat, it’s curtains for Nick Clegg.


    Tories won 306 seats in 2010, up 97 from 2005, predicted 316, now. If true only gained 10 seats. Labour 258 seats in 2010, down 91 seats from 2005, predicted 239, down only 19 seats this time. Liberals 57 seats in 2010, down 5 since 2005, predicted 10 seats now, down 47 seats, lol. SNP won 6 seats in 2010, the same as 2005, No change, PREDICTED 2015, 58 SEATS, UP 52 SEATS.

    There is a GOD and he’s a Scottish Nationalist.


    Have a very god night folks.

    What’s up doc? The SNP vote is up. lol.

    I’m as high as a kite, and I neither drink or smoke anything funny.


  150. Lesley-Anne says:

    Sunderland result

    Lab 20,959
    Green 1,706
    UKIP 7,997
    LD 1,105
    Con 9,708
    Ind 215

    Turnout 57.3%

  151. Capella says:

    Interesting! So if Sinn Fein took their seats then they and SDLP would cancel out the DUP.?

  152. Bill Hume says:

    Oh Jees, I just want the results and I want Murphy to loose AND for the Wee Ginger Dug, I want Magrit severely buggered…….

    My nerves won’t take much more.

    5 more years of the Tories….who cares as long as Scotland stands as a Nation.

  153. call me dave says:

    One of the two Ed’s struggling to hold onto his testicles daan South. OUCH!

  154. Stoker says:

    Here’s another revelation for “the establishment” – remember all those forward positive thinking 16/17-year olds who voted in the referendum but were not allowed to vote yesterday?

    Well, come our own elections for Holyrood next year, just about most, if not all, will be eligible to vote and the future belongs to them.

    Be afraid, establishment, be very afraid.

    Shove yer poxy “Vow” right where the sun don’t shine.

  155. Roger says:

    @Capella – Sinn Fein will NEVER take seats in Westminster – they refuse to recognise its sovereignty and Abstentionism has been a republican principle sine 1917

  156. mumsyhugs says:

    According to Wee Ginger Dug there’s a report that labour may have lost their balls – honest – Ed Balls may have lost his seat 🙂

  157. manandboy says:

    Peter Mandelson has got it right when he describes the result in Scotland as an earthquake. The Tories meanwhile will just ignore it. Step forward Ruth Davidson with a mouthful of in denial guff.

  158. HandandShrimp says:

    Off out for a couple of beers at the Yes shop.

    Signs after a couple of hours on the door at our local polling station were very positive and a good turnout to boot but not counting any chickens.

    Exciting times. I would still be over the moon with 40 seats never mind 48…58 is mind boggling.

  159. FergusMac says:

    If the two Sunderland results are typical of UKIP’s performance, things could get gey entertainin south of the border.

  160. Mealer says:

    I’m hearing there might be more Libdem voters than pandas in Angus.Awaiting confirmation.

  161. Tackety Beets says:

    Balls a gonnneeer , that if it happens , would be brill !

    UKIP seams strong doun sourf . Mmmm.

    Greens beat Libdums in both seats counted so far .

  162. CameronB Brodie says:

    MurphyBot 900 and Pinocchio? Can we no keep them to play with? 🙂

  163. Capella says:

    Would Sinn Fein take their seats if they could vote down the Union?
    Oh how wonderful to hear that Ed Balls might lose his seat. Poetic justice.

  164. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    “A.N.Surgent says:
    7 May, 2015 at 10:57 pm
    The biggest obstacles to Independence were unionist labour and the bbc. Thats one gone, only one left. The bbc in Scotland cant survive without labour its their raison d`etre.”

    Say there is two or three Labour survivors.

    Who do you think would get the most air time on BBC Scotland, three Labour MPs or fifty-six SNP ones?

  165. Roger says:

    @Capella…if it was to bring DOWN the UNION!?!? LOL…who knows, but that votes not going to be held in Westminster..

  166. scottieDog says:

    There’s a burly man on stv.
    Oh no its Ruth Davidson

  167. Titler says:

    Listening to BBC Radio 4, Lib Dems being hammered; but do you know what infuriates me? The Labour spokes-people only NOW are claiming they’ll fight for a minority Government… who with? You slandered the SNP for weeks, and lowered your own electoral turn out, you fools. Gaaaahhhh!

  168. Lesley-Anne says:

    Washington & Sunderland West result

    UKIP 7,321
    Con 7,033
    TUSC 341
    LD 933
    Labour 20,478
    Green 1,091

    Turnout 54.6%

  169. asklair says:

    just in, trying to catch up, had a few drams with a neighbour while talking about real things, is it party time yet

  170. manandboy says:

    Ruth Davidson appears on STV – will she reveal further indiscretions as in Indy.

  171. Roger says:

    @Titler fools is right – they should have been pressurising the Tories to say they would not do a deal with UKIP or the DUP – but they were too STUPID for that!

  172. Marcia says:

    from twitter:

    Initial ballot box samples look like SNP win for Dundee West #BBCelection2015 #GE2015 #snp

  173. Matt says:

    This is going to be an expensive night for the Lib Dems with all these lost deposits.

  174. One_Scot says:

    I’m trying to watch and listen to about five things at the one time, ma heads bursting.

  175. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Graeme Doig –

    Ditto. My mum too. Exactly the same. She told me this afternoon and I didn’t believe her.

    Have a guid yin mister! Slainte!

  176. shiregirl says:

    oh me. The nerves are too much for me…

    Won’t be able to sleep and channel hoping between Kezia and macwhirter on bbc and gove on t’uther. They don’t half talk some rot.

  177. YESGUY says:

    Bloody hell possible landslide SNP and LIEbour falling apart all over rUK. What a disgrace.

    The worst govt in history still beating the shit out of Labour. Epic fail Ed.

    I put faith in the bookies here. 55 plus. Great day for SNP and bookies are 10/11 .And if you fancy a flutter 150/1 for 30 SNP seats.

    Ha This is superb news fellow Scots, proof that our own folk have taken the smears and scares and ignored them.

    Fucking tory’s though ??? WTF

    More deaths for our disabled and poor. Huge cuts to working tax credits and foodbanks usage expected to double.

    We must get out of this awful union.

    Ps. Where are the trolls coming from. WE have a magnetic touch for these bawbags. ( ignore them folks)

    Well done Scotland The brave. No feart this time 🙂

  178. A.N.Surgent says:

    As the Wee Ginger Dug points out nobody has voted for the SNP in Sunderland, the exit poll looks dodgy.

  179. highseastim says:

    SNP have went 2/1 on to win Renfrewshire East with the bookies, here’s hoping!! Also went odds on in Rutherglen!!

  180. heraldnomore says:

    All this tweet your snacks stuff on Stu’s twitty thing makes you peckish – so I’ve just eaten my cereal whilst I decide on the dram for the night. Should I crack open the Royal Salute?

  181. Kenny says:

    Lib Dem vote seems to be in complete meltdown, Greens now beaten them in 2/2 results. Go Greens!! Outrageous if Lib Dems are in govt tomorrow.

    Hope to see Clegg and Miliband both out of a job tomorrow. Good payback for the 2/3 of the Vow. I would love to see the Lib Dems finish as a party — SNP would be third largest in Britain and Greens could be big gainers in England eventually.

  182. Edward says:

    Paul Mason tweeting
    Sampling in Glasgow North East looking very positive for SNP. Sampler tells me “it’s astonishing”

    link to

  183. Ali says:

    i know its early days but the thing that has worried/concerned me so far is the support ukip are getting — ok not winning seats nor likely to get many/any BUT good gawd who are all these people giving them votes — a lot more than i expected — it is early days but everything else aside – -that is concerning

  184. Edward says:

    Glasgow North East is of course Willie Bains
    so looking bad for him

  185. Valerie says:

    If Tom Greatex goes, then it WILL be a great night, because his majority is 20%+.

    Glad Labour held those 3 Geordie seats, but how scary is the Ukip vote???? 🙁

  186. Capella says:

    Well if there was a vote of no confidence against a Tory Government with the intention of creating independent Scotland, Wales and Ireland, would they not vote for that?

  187. bugsbunny says:


    Just about all those who voted in the Referendum will be eligible to vote, except those who turned 16 between 6th May and 18th September 2014.

    Didn’t the ConDem Coalition promise 16 and 17 year old’s a vote in time for May 2016? Only for Scottish Parliamentary and Local Elections, including By Elections. I hope that also includes any Scottish Wide Only Referendums, leaving Westminster and Europe to 18 and over.

    If that was to be passed all kids reaching 15 today or yesterday would be eligible to vote in the May 2016 Scottish Elections.


  188. Democracy Reborn says:

    Libby Brooks (Guardian) on Twitter : things looking “very positive” for SNP in Glasgow SW (Davidson’s seat).

    Please, please make it so…

  189. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Looks like Labour has been emasculated…

  190. FergusMac says:

    SF will not take part in any vote in Westminster, because they do not recognise Westminster’s sovereignty over any part of the Island of Ireland.

  191. call me dave says:

    Henry Mcleish whistling in the wind, bigging up the labour Fife seats. Hmmm!

    NI DUP spokesperson comments that a price would have to be paid for their support. Cough up Dave!

    Meanwhile labour testicles have been reprieved and the scissors seem to be back in the kitchen drawer according to early box returns. 🙁

  192. Jim McIntosh says:

    Jesus – Ed balls still pushing the lie that voting for SNP will be the reason the Tories will stay in No. 10.

    That’s right, me voting in Forres is why some dunderheid in Billericay continues to vote Tory.

  193. Capella says:

    Jim Naughtie on R4 bigging up the DUP and their support for the Tories. They are expected to get 8 to 10.

  194. Roger says:

    @Capella – I second what Fergus said – and the vote you’re talking about, to break up the UK into independent nations…it’ll never be held in westminster, possibly some referendum, some time – but not in Westminster.

  195. Bill Hume says:

    Why are we surprised by the UKIP surge? (well, in the exit polls)

    The poor buggers in England can have red tories/blue tories/ lib Tories.

    Now the English electorate may be political children, but they know there is something fundamentally wrong with the two/three party system.

    They have no great choice.

    Let us hope that a shedload of SNP members in Westminster can show them the way to freedom.

  196. manandboy says:

    Willie Rennie now joins Ruth Davidson and Jackie Baillie on the STV show – recipe for a turn-off.

  197. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    @ call me dave

    Aw. Every cock needs his Balls I suppose.

  198. Kenny says:

    Sinn Fein would never takes seats at WM, not even to give us indy or to break up the union.

    UKIP votes? WTF? Scotland and England are as alike as chalk and cheese, trying to put them in one state is like trying to cross an elephant with a spider.

    Indy is becoming like a mirage that is coming into vision just that little bit clearer….

  199. Grouse Beater says:

    I count three TV commercials where cuddly animals pop out magically from tiny packages into the hands of a nice homely family: kittens, puppies, and for some weird reason, llamas.

    Do ad agencies not talk to each other?

    The only mercy is nobody is twerking their arse while wearing high heel shoes.

    ‘Satire’ show on BBC2 needs a warning, ‘content not as advertised.’ Puerile stuff. Reminds me of the obligatory crap New Year’s Night shows of old from BBC and Scottish Television.

  200. Graeme Doig says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    Havin a good one so far and the same to you mister.

    Looks like we’re gonna get it right up these unionists and i’m delighted 🙂

  201. carjamtic says:

    Loving STV all squacking like chickens…..All Good SNP win win win… matter what happens down south 🙂

  202. bugsbunny says:

    Who are these trolls apart from Wil Podmore and Sensibledave?

    Have they been on here tonight after 10pm?


  203. One_Scot says:

    Wha hey the Rev on NewsShaft

  204. Jim McIntosh says:

    Stu is on NewsShaft live.

  205. A.N.Surgent says:


    In all honesty the three, hopefully if 50+ SNP mp`s they would, have to change to what they are supposed to be,impartial or their irrelevance would be glaringly obvious to the people of Scotland.

    Bit ahead of myself when saying labour gone, Holyrood next year will finish them and hopefully replaced by a whole host of different MSP`s.

  206. Roger says:

    The Dup wont get 10 – they’re not taking S. /belfast (SDLP hold), they won’t take North Down (Lady Sylvia Herman – anti-Labour independent), but it’ll be touch and go in Fermanagh-South Tyrone – SF won in by FOUR votes last time!

  207. Kenny says:

    Going by what exit polls and initial counts are suggesting, I think the only Labour seat which MIGHT hold is Wee Duggie. Murphy looks shaky. But what about Carbuncle??

  208. Conan_the_Librarian says:


    I knew hiring that Peruvian agency was a mistake.

  209. Roger says:

    SORRY Lady Sylvia is anti TORY, not anti-Labour

  210. highseastim says:

    Watching Jackie Baillie on STV, she looks as though she’s chewing glass????

  211. manandboy says:

    Douglas Alexander is going down. Scotland means business.

  212. Grouse Beater says:

    Right now Miliband is weeping as he writes an abject apology to his brother. His wife is on the net for to book a long holiday somewhere, anywhere not in England.

    Cameron will be talking to Clegg to see if he can count on him to be as much of a good fag as he was last time.

  213. Robert Peffers says:

    Looking like wee Dougie Alexander’s jaikit peg has shoogled loose.

  214. StevieMcB says:

    Rev on newsshaft the noo.
    link to

  215. Onwards says:

    It looks like its going to be a bittersweet result.

    SNP best result ever, but Tory/Lib-Dem government again.

    No doubt Labour will try to pin the blame on the SNP.

    However it looks like Labour’s tactics have been terrible in England.
    They treated SNP MP’s as toxic – saying they would never do deals with us. All that did was enhance the Tory anti-SNP campaign, and just looked dishonest when it was obvious that they needed SNP votes.

    They should have made the case that Scottish votes are equally valid, because we are a ‘valued part of the union’.

  216. Roger says:

    @Onwards – Labour lost in England, they can’t blame Scotland for that.

  217. Grouse Beater says:

    Nice tidy sum lost for Labour’s Scottish branch.

    If it does reach 58 seats to SNP, that’s 58 deposits at £1,500 each. Hoo haar!

  218. Robert Peffers says:

    Good Grief Reports of voting fraud; Computer Tablet found in ballot box; and non legal voters.

    It’s getting quite daft.

  219. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘UK Labour has not cut us adrift.’ – Kezia Dugdale, on Radio Scotland, at 23.55.

  220. bugsbunny says:


    That was one hell of a strap on Ruth was wearing the other day, when she was photographed… mistake, she was sitting on a tank with the gun barrel between her legs. Saying that, she’s got the biggest balls in all the Scottish Tory Party. And she’s into Martial Arts…yikes.


  221. Roger says:

    @Grousebeater – they may lose the seats, but they won’t lose their DEPOSITS – it can’t be that big of a landslide!
    The Lib Dems are losing theirs in England though

  222. Roger says:

    Danny Alexander is GONE!

  223. Grouse Beater says:

    Latest from Lib-Dem HQ: “Danny Alexander has lost his seat.”

  224. Jim McIntosh says:

    The Tory potential success is down to three things:

    1. They wheeled out the clowns Clegg and Alexander to announce austerity cuts over the past 5 years.
    2. They stroked Labour’s ego by taking a back seat during the referendum, so Labour got the blame from the electorate in Scotland.
    3. Frightened the English voter from voting Labour with ‘Ajockalypse’ etc.

    Devious barstewards.

  225. YESGUY says:


    Great spot. 🙂

    Clean forgot all about the young voters and they are heavy independece supporters. It just gets better.


    Spotted that. Lots of voters out there pissed off with the usual suspects. FIBDEMS are being hammered though.

    Democracy Reborn

    Fingers crossed on trougher Davidson gets boot. Every one of the big hitter in Slab lose thier seats i get a wee drink. Hoping to be so pissed i am sick. 😀 😀 😀

  226. mike cassidy says:

    no need to be surprised at ukip.

    hell, they even got 760 votes in “Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath” in 2010.

    as Elbie Parker sings on my Northern Soul compilation

    “Please keep away from me”

  227. Balaaargh says:

    Completely O/T but here’s a little piece of light humour while we wait for things to officially start happening.

    link to

  228. westie7 says:

    Renton on BBC now looking like her dug just died

  229. One_Scot says:

    From the rumours that are going around I think I am soon going to start crying.

  230. Richardinho says:

    I’m following the feed on the Guardian site. (I commend it by the way). Already quite a few disappointed Labourites blaming Scotland and venting some rather unpleasant ‘English nationalist’ views about us. Worth taking note of I think.

    Will be interesting to see if Labour try and pursue a ‘blame Scotland’ narrative.

  231. heraldnomore says:

    Cracking report from EK – Greatrex and McCann, both with huge majorities, and on toast Relax, and breathe…

  232. carjamtic says:

    Danny Alexander,that’s a shame.

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Trivial fact : Danny’s favourite flavour of Lego is yellow 😉

  233. Dal Riata says:

    Gordon Barclay @9.30 pm

    Off, are you, General? Here’s another wee hint. Get your army boots on and take a hike… as far away from here as possible. Toodle-oo!

  234. call me dave says:

    Keiza on radio now daring the SNP to vote against the Tory queen’s speech…

    SNP hinting Falkirk is looking good grim sayslabour spokesperson.

    Tsunami in Hamilton 50% SNP according to labour people, South Lanarkshire catastrophy in all seats!

    Bad news I agree that UkIP vote is disturbingly high easily trouncing the lib/dems (bless them) and beating the tories in some places. 🙁

  235. Mealer says:

    So far the BBC team are holding it together,keeping a lid on their emotions.So perhaps there is a modicum of professionalism among them?

  236. One_Scot says:

    NewsShaft is making this night for me.

  237. Lesley-Anne says:

    This just in from Jon Craig on SKY News.

    SNP sources at East Renfrewshire tell me Tories telling them privately they’ve won here & exit poll suggesting 58 Scot seats looks accurate.

  238. Alan says:


  239. Grouse Beater says:

    it can’t be that big of a landslide!

    I was keeping up the satirical tone of the night! 🙂

    Salmond looks safe. What a noise he will make at WM.

  240. chalks says:

    Come on!!!

  241. Bill Hume says:

    C’mon Alan…..a wee bit o’ decorum. Let’s wait for the real results.

    Then I’ll join you in a chorus.

  242. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Tom Harris conceding! Malt cork popping now.

  243. IvMoz says:

    Tom Harris Glasgow Sth has practically conceded on STV

  244. FergusMac says:

    Labour’s anthem had already morphed from “The Red Flag” to “Land of Hope and Glory” during the referendum. After tonight, the Scottish branch office will be singing “The Carnival is Over”.

  245. Grouse Beater says:

    Gorgeous George Galloway possibly out.

  246. call me dave says:

    Henry a bit quieter now about the Fife labour seats

    “Something fundamental at work” he says correctly

    Not what dim Jim said 🙂

    SNP need +25% swing to take Cowdenbeath FGS!
    Shurely shome mishtake!!

  247. heraldnomore says:

    Anyone heard from Ian Smart?

  248. Lesley-Anne says:

    Anyone concerned about the turnout in Scotland then this just in from Radio Clyde News.

    Paisley and Renfrewshire South turnout: 46,295. That’s 75.5% of the electorate

    Reports suggesting SNP have won Edinburgh North & Leith with a 44 per cent vote share link to

    This just in from Lesley Ruddoch as well.

    Suggestion that Labour has lost all 7 Glasgow seats & Jim Murphy neck & neck in East Ren with young Mhairi Black.

  249. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Idiot Kezia blaming SNP for Tories winning in England.

  250. One_Scot says:

    I’m on my fourth cider, I think I may be pished by the morn’

  251. Stakhanovite says:

    Tom Harris- candid- totally deflated/demoralised- almost felt sorry for him(especially as he has a Border Terrier)

  252. Capella says:

    Colin Blaine reporting that ALL Labour seats in Glasgow will go to the SNP
    Extraordinary says Jim Naughtie.

  253. Bill Hume says:

    In Glasgow, yellow is the new red.

  254. Kenny says:

    Well, folks, all the signs *seem* to be that the exit poll was right.. in fact, Carbuncle will be very lucky to cling on. Still think the result might end up 55-56, however, due to a few quirks.

    This *almost* makes up for 19 September….

  255. manandboy says:

    The BBC in Scotland are not enjoying this coverage if Glenn Campbell’s face is anything to go by. Surprise, surprise.

  256. Dal Riata says:

    Living in Lochgilphead, Argyll, helicopters flying in as I post with ballot boxes from, presumably, the likes of Islay, Tiree and Mull.

    Argyll & Bute is, I think, expected to be the last to declare? Maybe as late as Friday afternoon? If it is, it’ll give me the chance to go to the declaration (Come on the SNP’s O’Hara!) if I can get up on time after this all-nighter!

    This looks like being one very, very exceptional night/morning for all of us here who suffered so much on the night/morning of/after the referendum. Too good to go to bed early. Let’s all enjoy it while we can!

  257. K1 says:

    God Dugdale and just labour in general just in complete denial and blaming the people for voting yes. as their main rationalisation for their potential collapse in Scotland! I mean can they take any responsibility for any part of their doom.

    They just don’t get it.

  258. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    @ One_Scot

    I know I will be 🙂

  259. Alan says:

    @Bill Hume deal brother 😉

  260. Chic McGregor says:

    Agree, when I first saw him the words ‘Glum Campbell’ sprung to mine. Don’t recall ever thinking that before.

  261. Richardinho says:

    Glad to see Galloway go. Used to genuinely like him but when he decided to get involved in the referendum when he hadn’t apparently given a toss about Scotland for about 20 years made me realise that he is just a political opportunist and actually a bit of shite-bag.

  262. CameronB Brodie says:

    mike cassidy
    Why not spin a disks or two and share the vibe here (we’re over 700 comments) or in OT? 😉

    link to

  263. Chic McGregor says:

    Spiny Sturgeon says “Dugdale!”

  264. Robert Peffers says:

    @westie7 says: 8 May, 2015 at 12:03 am:

    “Renton on BBC now looking like her dug just died”

    Only Dug that’s awa in Scotlans is wee Dug Alexander.

  265. Grouse Beater says:

    Blonde BBC reporter on Glasgow location killing the lie blondes have more fun by announcing probable massive SNP wins as if she is attending a mass funeral.


  266. call me dave says:

    Lord Kinnoch…FGS! “Exit polls, both can’t be right” Aye right!
    He is cut off…before extolling more wisdom.

    Stewart Hosie trying hard not to crack up in his interview with Glen at PQ. Dampening expectations 🙂

    He’ll smile widely when off air.

    A rare bird, a labour MP Tom Harris. Give him his due speaks truly and with no excuses. Well done sir!

    I’m in a good mood and feeling generous!

  267. Lenny hartley says:

    Woo hoo Harris concedes all glasgow to SNP ya dancer 🙂

  268. Lesley-Anne says:

    Apparently Malcolm Bruce is suggesting a certain Alex Salmond has won Gordon. 😀

  269. Chic McGregor says:

    Got to be

    link to

  270. Balaaargh says:

    Tom Harris as unrepentant and oblivious as ever. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  271. Dal Riata says:

    Hilarious listening to pathetic Labour losers like Jackie Baillie and Ed Balls blaming the SNP for their losses and ‘letting the Conservatives into government’

    Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! GIRFUYz!

  272. A.N.Surgent says:


    Dont know if you seen Gerry Adams on tv. No way Sinn Fein remotely interested in westminister.

  273. Achnababan says:

    The whisky is flowing and I am settlin in for a wee bittie a gloatin!! Whit a nicht!

  274. Lenny hartley says:

    anybody got a link to newshaft live can find it on google

  275. X_Sticks says:

    Damn, missed the Rev.

    Watching the Emirates and Paisley livestreams and channel hopping the tv.

    Seems to be a lot of glum unionists tonight. GIRFUY

  276. carjamtic says:

    Labour quote SNP 58 could be underestimated O&S is very close SNP 59…..Booooooom !!!

  277. Grouse Beater says:

    You look at the small pile of ballot papers on the Labour side of the table and then at the ceiling-high pile at the other end. Job done.

  278. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @K1 (12.21) –

    ‘They just don’t get it.’


    Sums up the whole shooting-match for the past three centuries.

  279. David says:

    Lenny Hartley –
    link to

  280. Lesley-Anne says:

    Looks like East Renfrewshire has had a high turn out folks.

    Turnout update for #EastRen 56825 votes cast in #EastRen Record turnout of 81.2%

    75.5% turnout in Paisley South

  281. dakk says:

    It was WINGS wot won it !!!

    Harris nearly in tears. Oh dear 🙂

  282. Robert Peffers says:

    Wow! Saying NE Fife, Glenrothes & Kirkaldy Cowdenbeath all massively SNP. Looks like Labour couldn’t work the fiddle this time. Anyway that’s only the sample results but the samples are so large it looks good.

  283. Dal Riata says:

    Sir Malcolm Bruce greetin’ like a wee lassie giving it ‘SNP bad!’. It’s no’ right! It’s no’ fair! Waaah!

    Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! GIRFUY!

  284. Ian Brotherhood says:

    81.2% turnout reported in East Ren, and Slab ‘downbeat’

    If so, Murph will have to go…right?

  285. Grouse Beater says:

    Farage storms off interview an unhappy racist.

  286. paul gerard mccormack says:

    I’m teetotal and don’t give a fuck!

  287. call me dave says:

    Charlie Kennedy to go says radio Scotland. Good!

    Murphy in the nippy bum zone Please make it so!

  288. Malcolm says:

    Jamie Burd ob BBC Scotland looking suicidal!!!! Love it.

  289. Training Day says:

    Jackie Bird looks as if she is in a state of shock. Atmosphere at Pacific Quay funereal.

  290. Mealer says:

    Creeps nae on er 3.20.Need to crack open another bottle of my finest Jockistani!

  291. Capella says:

    @ A.N.S
    Yes I completely understand Sinn Fein’s position. I have followed Ireland’s history with interest on youtube.
    What I was speculating on was: suppose there was a vote to dissolve he Union? Would Sinn Fein vote to ensure the majority?

  292. A.N.Surgent says:

    Jeezo they just cant face reality , loving it 🙂

  293. Graeme Doig says:

    Jim Wallace bleatin about unhealthy democracy with SNP landslide.

    Cries of ‘PISH’ …

  294. heraldnomore says:

    Labour activists walk out in EK. McCann has left the building, for good. Yee hah, Dr Lisa Cameron. Any Norwegian commentators around?

  295. Fireproofjim says:

    Murphy appears to be oot!!!

  296. Jamie Arriere says:

    81.2% turnout in East renfrewshire! OOCHHA BANZAI!

  297. shiregirl says:

    ya hoo!!! East renfrewshire looks like it is going to SNP. Smurphy is on the way oot!!

    He will be missed.

  298. K1 says:

    81% turnout in East Ren…GIRUT…SNP anecdotally well ahead, potential Labour collapsing to Tory levels…:-)

  299. highseastim says:

    Jackie Bird when she’s reporting that this one and that one is looking glum, she forgets to mention that she’s looking pretty glum herself!!

  300. Lenny hartley says:

    SNP 2/3rds Cowdenbeath !!

  301. S. J. Holmes says:

    Warmest regards to Wings over Scotland and to all who comment. Although the final numbers aren’t in yet it looks like the SNP has overcome Labour’s vitriolic hold on Scotland’s politics. Although it appears Tories with Lib Dem collusion will form another coalition, one way or another Scotland will make it to her advantage while keeping an eye to the future and Independence. Thank you all for sharing so we in Canada can keep abreast of events with a better understanding of our dear friends, the people of Scotland.

  302. dramfineday says:

    Heraldnomore @ 12.18

    Tsk Herald…it’s bad manners to intrude on private grief.

  303. A.N.Surgent says:


    Gerry Adams 30 mins ago said they have no interest in anything thats happening in UK, even the break up of the union. N. Ireland would still exist if the uk broke up (Scotland leaving).

  304. highseastim says:

    I was really concerned about tactical voting,but I. Am now pretty confident that my worries are over, what a night!,

    Party,party tomorrow night!,

  305. Roger says:

    Has Murphy lost yet?

  306. garles says:

    MALCOLM BRUCE your are an arse

  307. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Wallace saying:

    “The SNP may be the only voice people hear”

    Seriously? I’ll join in the cry – GIRFUY!

  308. K1 says:

    Malcolm Bruce and his ilk can actually go f**ck themselves, arrogant little man.

  309. Matt says:

    Wee Dougie looks in trouble due to too many people voting, it would seem:

    link to

  310. Lenny hartley says:

    Cheers david

  311. Chic McGregor says:

    “Farage storms off interview an unhappy racist”

    Been looking forward to something which wasn’t faux rage from Farage for ages.

  312. call me dave says:

    SNP people at the count very confident now that Murphy is also to go – Radio Scotland says

  313. Ian Brotherhood says:

    How refreshing would it be to hear just one of these SLabbers accept that they opened their own veins as soon as they got in bed with the Tories? Just one?

  314. K1 says:

    Aye IanB 🙂

    Tonight ends the Westminister supremacy after more than 300 years. In Scotland. 🙂

  315. Onwards says:

    I really hope we can take Charles Kennedy’s seat.
    Huge constituency. It will really help to turn the map yellow.

  316. Lesley-Anne says:

    Stakhanovite says:

    Tom Harris- candid- totally deflated/demoralised- almost felt sorry for him(especially as he has a Border Terrier)

    Sod that Stakhanovite. I don’t feel sorry for him in the slightest but I dO feel sorry for his wee dug though! 😀

  317. garles says:


    Any rumors in Annandale just got back tonight voted in Lockerbie only SNP outside townhall.So want fluffy gone.

  318. Valerie says:

    FB reckon wee Dougie Alexander is out!

  319. Chic McGregor says:

    Party first
    Britain second
    Anti-SNP third
    Scotland fourth

    You reap what you sow.

  320. highseastim says:

    In Dunfermline, semingly the Labour candidate will arrive a minute before the declaration and leave immediately after and the LibDem is not even appearing blaming “alleged” childcare issues!!

    BAD LOSERS more like.

  321. Robert Peffers says:

    Tankerness blethering crap. Situation normal.

  322. call me dave says:

    link to

    Been tuning in excellent humour and up to date info.

  323. Lesley-Anne says:

    Ruth Davidson saying that it looks like a clean sweep in Gasgow for S.N.P. 😀

  324. gordoz says:

    Lord Wallace making a fool of himself in front of all Scotland yet again on STV. No grace what so ever – bile to the fore as usual.

    Time to get shot of charlatans such as him and the disreputable
    House of Lords once and for all !

  325. Fireproofjim says:

    I have waited all my adult life for.a night like this.

  326. Capella says:

    @ A.N.S
    That is a strange instance of the dominance of ideology. Maybe they would change their tune.
    Bizarre interview at the moment from Jim Naughtie. The SNP is a cult and won’t tolerate any discussion of policy!

  327. Alan says:

    I’m channel hoppin and the look on the unionist’s faces and tone,they are shitting their FUCKIN breeks lmao giruy Westminster

  328. Darthy says:

    Looks like SNP might take East Renfrewshire according to the reports that are now coming in.

  329. John Moss says:

    I sincerely hope that the so called “Unionists” are having a frightful night at the polls.

    And I mean that in a kind and loving way,


  330. Richardinho says:

    I wonder if BBC Scotland will be in ‘Hail Ants!’ mode tomorrow morning?

  331. bugsbunny says:

    Henry McLeish just on Radio Scotland just now saying that the SNP is NOT a progressive left party.
    What a fucking twat.


  332. Robert Peffers says:

    Mundell thought to be out on his fat arse.

  333. Mealer says:

    Hearing reports from Aberdeenshire West and Kincardineshire.Big swing of WORKING farmers to SNP.Disgusted at the thought of working folk having to go to food banks.

  334. Thepnr says:

    Our turn has come!

    Me the missus and Paula Rose eagerly awaiting official results. I now know the SNP will exceed expectations.

    As for the rest we’ll deal with that when the time comes.

  335. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Edinburgh South doing well for Labour.

    How much was that to do with Maddox’s libel of Hay?

  336. Michael McCabe says:

    labour Blaming the Royal Mail for not passing everyones Postal votes on to them. Here is a wee song for the Labour party in Scotland. link to

  337. call me dave says:

    I’m tuning into ‘Your Call’ first time Kaye is on again just for interest you understand.

    Any news of the currant bun?
    Ditto Carmichael?

    Is there a bigger word than Tsunami?

    News from Grangemouth 72% turnout AND (SNP tellers have stopped counting) Game over.

  338. A.N.Surgent says:

    Thinking about this site at about this time on the 19th, most of us had given up the ghost . Revenge is definitely a dish served better in big enormous, cataclysmic, black hole portions.

  339. Achnababan says:

    For those of us, the less committed or just the very tired, who don’t make it through the night please, please could someone get a link to the coverage of:

    The visage of the following when the vote is declared and ideally the post result interview of…

    Alexander, Dougie
    Alexander, Danny
    The Smurf
    Iain Davidson

    Something to relish over breakfast (for the next 5 years) or until the next referendum whichever comes sooner

  340. crazycat says:

    Could someone who has a twitter account please tell the NewsShaft people how to pronounce “Strathaven”?

    It’s driving me daft and I don’t tweet.

  341. Lesley-Anne says:

    Swindon North

    Con 29,295
    UKIP 8,011
    Lab 14,509
    LD 1,704
    Green 1,723

    turnout 64.5%

    Tory Hold

    Putney result

    Lab 12,838
    AWP 184
    Con 33,018
    LD 2,717
    Green 2,067
    UKIP 1,989

    Turnout 67%

    Tory hold

  342. Never in my wildest dreams.

  343. dakk says:

    Switched over to BBC,and the atmosphere is funereal.

    Glen Campbell looks as if he’s seen a ghost.

    They know they are rumbled and can’t hide it.

    The MSM Brit Nat propaganda machine has failed,I do believe we’ve reached critical mass.

    Viva Wings.

  344. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    You’ve got Paula Rose there?

    I’m here on me Jack Jones, but making-do. Will raise a cup of tea to ye’s later, as and when I see Danny Alexander’s face being awarded a ‘fail’.

    Oh, happy happy day, and we’ve waited long enough for it.

  345. Frazermac says:

    Murphy’s coat is on a shoogley peg. Labour workers despondent!

  346. heraldnomore says:

    Magrit on toast per WGD

  347. highseastim says:

    You’d think poor Kezia was going to break down and cry”………………..shame!!

  348. Lesley-Anne says:

    Newcastle upon Tyne East result

    Lab 19,378
    Con 6,884
    Green 3,426
    TUSC 170
    UKIP 4,910
    Communist 122
    LD 4,332

    Turn out 52.9%

    Lab hold

  349. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    @ crazycat

    Is that anywhere near ‘Grennock’?

  350. heedtracker says:

    To early for this:D

    link to

  351. ronnie anderson says:

    Stiller (lab) MEP , SNP will have to have a long hard look at themselves for causing this disruption , whit the Fck diz she mean,have they to oppoligise for being the most popular party.

  352. highseastim says:

    Andrew Marr saying that CAmeron has a big problem with the Scots, two choices….appease them or let them go!!????

  353. Bob Mack says:

    Andrew Marr making a very important point that if the results are accurate,Cameron must either give Scotland home rule or let them go.Which do you think?

  354. call me dave says:

    “There’s nobody in the constituency I haven’t helped” says MP Tom Clarke smugly… Aye right! Gone, it seems the electorate have spoken…the bastards! Excuse my lingo. 🙂

  355. heraldnomore says:

    to hell with Kezia, I’m going to break down and cry

  356. Dal Riata says:

    Shocking and utterly pathetic shitty blame-game from Labour representatives, basically, ‘It’s the SNP’s fault that Labour won’t be forming the government.’, ‘The SNP have helped the Conservatives into government.’, ‘It would have been a Labour government if the SNP hadn’t helped the Conservatives.’, blah, blah, bullshit, blah.

    These useless lying bastards deserve the defenestration they are deservedly getting from the people of Scotland tonight.

  357. Fiona says:

    what makes Marr think that? No reason I can see not to just ignore Scotland. This is a nightmare so far

  358. Valerie says:

    Yup, Marr predicting to Dumbledore better sort the Scots, reconcile or let them go!!

    Another report of fraud in the Cumbernauld area – personation

  359. A.N.Surgent says:

    Gorgeous george reported to police for breaking election law. RT.

  360. call me dave says:

    Two comedians in Thanet and Al Murray looks like the winner.

    Bye Nigel we all hope.

  361. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    It looks like Auntie Annabel will be the next Secretary of State for Scotland…


  362. Almannysbunnet says:

    “Cameron has to reconcile the Scots or let them go, as simple as that.” Andrew Marr. I’ll take let us go. That’s the Dalmore finished, Glennmorangie next 🙂

  363. Kevin meina says:

    to Ian brotherhood be proud of your fellow Stevenson SNP voters .our canvas returns showed 80% and having spent 8 till 10 at Glencairn primary they proved correct .

  364. Roger says:

    Question – how many Tory MPs did Scotland elect?
    Question 2- how many Tory MPs did England elect?

  365. ronnie anderson says:

    @ A N Surgent am not included in your abservation & I have wittnesses tae prove it lol.

  366. Dal Riata says:

    By Christ it’s fun watching BBC Scotland’s spokespeople looking glummer by the hour as reports come in of the SNP’s landslide. GIRFUYz BBC Scotland!

  367. Valerie says:

    Labour are sad gits, even if Scotland had returned 59 Labour, there would be no majority for Miliband. They seem to have lost a lot down south.

    Still saying Tory short by 10, but that might be the Lib dems and UKIP.

  368. Mealer says:

    Bob mack 1.12
    Could go a fish supper.

  369. Balaaaargh says:

    This women in red knows nothing about politics. Stihler is a bumbling idiot who knows only how to deflect and ignore what she’s being asked with a patronising sneer.

  370. Kevin Evans says:

    It’s disgusting watching everyone who is not SNP now wishing and gloating about a Tory win. It just shows ya.

  371. Almannysbunnet says:

    Labour sure are poor losers, who’d a thunk it. “It’s all the voters fault, there’s just not reasoning with them. Just wait till the 2016 election, we’ll show them.” 🙂

  372. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Looks like Kezia has clicked the night…

  373. Graeme Doig says:

    Oh Kezia you can shut the eff up now. You’ve lost.

  374. Luigi says:

    Annabel Goldie saying its a protest vote! LMAO

  375. dakk says:

    This is too much,the longest shift of Campbell and Bird’s lives.

    Looks like the pterodactyl has flown the nest from Eastwood.

    I think I have found my Shangri-La !

  376. Arabs for Independence says:

    Catherine Stihler Labour MEP on BBC is awful and sums up all that is rotten in Labour. Says Jim Murphy did a great job and SNP need to take a hard look at themselves. Too many gobshites like her in Labour Party.

  377. call me dave says:

    Prof Curtis implies on BBC UK that the Tories can get 323 seats on their own it’s that close according to the first set of English results.

    Indie2 even closer than I said earlier.

  378. Luigi says:

    C’mon Aberdeen and Edinburgh!

    Redeem yourselves of the shame of 2014.

  379. gordoz says:

    WTF is the ploy with STV – Dugdale seriously. Get her tae fxck !

    Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit, blah, blah, blah !!

    At one point the rest were laughing at her telling the Country & Derek McKay where SNP has got it all wrong – again no grace. GIRUY

    Labour go away with some dignity for Christ Sake.

    Unionists still not listening !!!!!!!!

  380. Valerie says:

    Agree, Arabs, she was a nasty wee harpy

  381. call me dave says:

    @ronnie anderson

    Your right Ronnie. Earlier said Tories in because of SNP doing well.

    Dimmer than Jim- she cannot do basic sums. 🙂

  382. ronnie anderson says:

    Its awe the voters fawt lol

  383. crazycat says:

    @ Conan

    Yup! I’ve e-mailed them anyway.
    (I was brought up with “Grinnock”, incidentally, along with “Grinnidge” for the location of the Imperial War Museum.)

  384. easwald says:

    Ok. the chardonnay is finished. Now going into the Rioja. The Bollinger is for the morning.

  385. Training Day says:

    An excellent source tells me Murphy is gone..

  386. One_Scot says:

    I am genuinely not going to sleep tonight.

  387. Fireproofjim says:

    Well, I guess all that hiking up tenement stairs with leaflets was worth while.
    Alec just walking into the Gordon count. Looking kinda pleased!!!!!

  388. Capella says:

    @ easwald
    Think you need to break out the hard stuff!

  389. X_Sticks says:

    call me dave says:

    “Is there a bigger word than Tsunami?”

    Extinction Event?

  390. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Serious question –

    Are candidates obliged to hang about for the declaration?

    We want the money shot(s).

  391. Kenny says:

    Suck it up, bitter unionists! We’re leaving!!

  392. Michael McCabe says:

    Baron Forsyth of Drumlean could be the next secretary of state for Scotland. he has previous experience the Barsteward.

  393. CameronB Brodie says:

    I hope Ian Davidson cleaned his bayonet after dealing with the wounded, or he might catch a nasty virus (no pedant please). 🙂

  394. Valerie says:

    Yep, the sore knuckles of leafleting were worth it! Never wear rings!

    Alex looking pleased arriving at the count – yes!

  395. gordoz says:

    Just watched Alex Salmond coming into the count – nearly greetin’

    What a guy! You have to give it to him ; he laid down the foundations, we are all in the YES movement (Greens & Labour YES too) now reaping the benefits of.


    God bless you sir !

    The Dugdale is beelin’!!

    All the better for that.

  396. carjamtic says:

    AS coming on STV soon

  397. heraldnomore says:

    This is becoming a night for the last of the 1972 Milton Duff. Cheers a’body

  398. IvMoz says:

    From what i can gather, the most number of seats won in Scotland was by labour – 56 in 2001, but that was out of 72 constituencies.

    Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could equal or beat that 56 but out of only 59 constituencies.

  399. manandboy says:

    Scotland is standing up for itself – at last.

  400. Valerie says:

    Michael Connarty looking sick and blaming Nicola! Bitter much?

  401. Grouse Beater says:

    Annabel Goldie saying its a protest vote! LMAO

    That is sooool funny! A protest vote! Grannie Goldie get back to your room.

  402. Angus McRobbie says:

    Imagine what it’s like in the Broon”s household tonight!

    Dishes, cups and boots will be getting thrown at the telly!

    Quick Jimmy, Keza, duck, he got a big drink in!

    Pa Broon will be F#€¥img beeling tonight

    It”s night like this, when I feel so honoured, privileged and proud to be Scottish!

  403. highseastim says:

    Wee Douglas Alexander name lookin too happy!!

  404. Chic McGregor says:

    “It’s the wrong Tories Grommit!”

  405. Glamaig says:

    holy crap. Labour MPs still apparently cant do arithmetic. SNP let Tories in pish still being spouted. If theyre so bad at arithmetic or they think we are so bad at it they dont deserve to run the country.

  406. gordoz says:

    Im sorry, but know one (and I mean know one IMHO),

    batters it into the British Unionists, quite like the New MP for Gordon; he should go far 😉

    Go Alex – vintage stuff (Very Obe wan !)

  407. Luigi says:

    Michael Conarty exMP now saying the SNP MPs will be feeble, just going down sitting on the WM benches wearing yellow badges LMAO.

    Hard act to follow, eh Mr Sour Grapes?

  408. Onwards says:

    Michael Connarty GIRFUY.

    SNP’s Geoff Aberdein coming across as very impressive on the BBC. He would make a good MP/MSP

  409. Valerie says:

    Wee Dougie looked sick in Paisley

  410. Arabs for Independence says:

    SNP have duped and betrayed Scotland says a not at all bitter Michael Connarty

  411. call me dave says:

    Does that Glum Campbell not think to say to these sorry losers that keep trotting out the lie that the SNP brought in the tories.


    Come on Glum…finger out.

  412. Luigi says:

    highseastim says:
    8 May, 2015 at 1:35 am

    Wee Douglas Alexander name lookin too happy!!

    Oh please, please, let it be!

    C’mon Mairie!

  413. Edward says:

    Michael Connarty just interviewed on BBC a very bitter and twisted human being

    Bye Connarty don’t let the door hit your arse

  414. Arabs for Independence says:

    tavish and Connarty basically saying scots are stupid for voting SNP- no dignity whatsoever

  415. Dal Riata says:

    Labour’s Michael Connarty coming out with some disgraceful statements about the SNP.

    Go pick up your P45 Connarty ya fucking radge ye. Do one ya scumbag.

  416. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Alex Ripping The Pish from Bernard.

  417. cearc says:

    What a fun night!

  418. Mealer says:

    Tight in Orkney and Shetland.If the people vote for Mr Carmichael then I entirely accept that.I would,however,urge them to censure Mr Carmichael for his disgraceful actions in the Smear campaign against the First Minister.

  419. Democracy Reborn says:

    Michael Connarty, what an absolutely bitter, nasty interview on BBC Scot:-

    Scots taken in by “cult of personality”. “Duped by nationalism”. He’ll “never forgive them”. They’ll be powerless on the backbenches. Even Glenn Campbell had to remind him of Labour’s ‘Feeble Fifty’.

  420. One_Scot says:

    Last night I prayed that Scotland had finally woken up, it looks like she has.

  421. Balaaargh says:

    HEY CONNARTY! You can take all your nice things you bought off our taxpayer money and your whinging and your BS and GIRUY!

    I’ll lend ye a couple of bob the next time I see ye at Aldi!

  422. gordoz says:

    Oh Glasgow – All six seats ??

    Simple Minds country.

    Alex / Nicola – ” I promised you a miracle ?? ”

    Anybody put this in a vid ??

    What a night folks !!

  423. One_Scot says:

    ‘We want the money shot(s)’

    You better believe it.

  424. Tackety Beets says:

    Laura K > ” Looks like Murphy is certain to loose his seat ”

    FFS hurry up ……a canna wait !

  425. A.N.Surgent says:

    ronnie anderson

    I believe you 🙂 . As soon as I seen aw they smug faces when the polls shut my heart sank. Different tonight though.

  426. gordoz says:

    Unionists turning on Derek McKay now on STV

    Was only a matter of time – tickety tock

  427. manandboy says:

    Laura Kuensberg on BBC thinks that Murphy has lost. Karma.

  428. Dal Riata says:

    Scottish unionists on TV giving it, ‘It’s undemocratic.’, ‘Scotland will be a one-party state.’, ‘SNP are bad.’, blah, greet, wail.

    Piss off ya bunch of troughing bastards. Yer time’s up.

  429. Rob James says:

    We’re gonna need a bigger bus.

    Murphy set to lose his seat. Ha Ha! as Nelson from the Simpsons would say.

  430. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    The Tory on STV has a voice for radio. Like his face.

  431. Valerie says:

    Haud the BUS, 3 South Lan Slabs concede!!!

  432. Lenny hartley says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    Don’t think so, seen a post on fb that a lib dem candidate in Scotland could not make the count as she could not get a babysitter !!!

  433. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @ kevin meina –


    I voted SNP, as I’m sure did all of the comrades here in N Aysrhire/Arran – happy months and years of co-operation lie ahead, and here’s hoping we get a bit of love back next May!

    Hoots! 🙂

  434. Valerie says:

    Magrit arriving at count, set to lose, wee shame fur hur

  435. Meindevon says:

    Tristram just doesn’t get it. All he had to be was a tiny bit humble and admit they have go it wrong in Scotland.

    But no. Just SNP bad, SNP evil, all SNP are nationalist thugs as we saw in Glasgow. The scots are stupid and having the well pulled over their eyes. GGRRR!

  436. Robert Peffers says:

    Just heard part of a snippit that Europe is saying Westminster will have to do something about UK democracy for Scotland. Not sure which European organ as I was in kitchen making tea.

    Mags Curran just arriving at count.

  437. Lenny Hartley says:

    Sitting here with my yellow marker pen to fill in the constituency’s in the National, thank got I didn’t buy andy red or blue pens 🙂

  438. Mealer says:

    WITH THE SNP!!!!
    Any Arabs out there,What’s you’re slogan? Brian?

  439. gordoz says:

    Unionists turning on Derek McKay now on STV

    Was only a matter of time – tickety tock losers

  440. Meindevon says:

    My home town of Paisley just about to give wee Duggie something to think about while waiting down the job centre. Hopefully.

  441. Kenny says:

    The icing on the cake…. the Tories may have beaten Murphy into third place! Word is he has lost badly… oh, please let it be so, I am holding my breath, though, until it actually happens!

    The irony is that Dim Jim campaigned with the Tories, because he thought they would vote for him! How many times have the red pawns been played like a drum by the Blue Tories?

  442. gordoz says:

    Fundilymundily this is a very bad night for Jimily Murphily and the Redily Torilies.

  443. Joemcg says:

    Going by curran and Alexander’s pusses they are fucked!

  444. Robert Louis says:

    My god, Labour facing wipeout in Scotland, yet STILL they are blaming the SNP. When oh when will they ever get a freaking grip on reality. Yet still they wonder why they cannot win.

  445. call me dave says:

    “Sturgeon personality cult” says Connarty bitterly, sour grapes…sour plums more like sounds a nasty person indeed on the radio. The voters were duped 🙂 SUCK IT UP!

  446. One_Scot says:

    Has Martyn Day won, he actually came to my house and asked me to vote for him, what a nice man. Wha hey.

  447. Valerie says:

    More pandas than Labour MPs

  448. bert says:

    Listenin to NewsShaft, flickin’ between BBC & ITV & reading comments here & on Weegingerdug…..

    Great comments on here…. I’m waitin’ for the money shots on TV then I’ off tae bed.

    Hopefully a great result for Scotland & a new landscape for politics…..

  449. Robert Peffers says:

    No matter how you look at it if we almost wipe out every other party the World is going to wonder about Westminster’s democratic right to rule over Scotland.

    There is no way Westminster can claim a mandate.

  450. Onwards says:

    Unfortunately, Tories doing well in England. Don’t know how this is going to play out, or what it means for devo-max as the next step.

    Would hate to see Cameron get an overall majority.

    On the bright side, Dougie Alexander will be getting booted out imminently.

  451. I’m hearing that a complete clear out of LibDems in Highland is looking likely. Damn, I can’t go to sleep now.

  452. call me dave says:

    Prof Curtis seriously suggesting Tory overall majority.

    Nuneaton result indicating it. Swing to tories daan South.

    Put that in your Scottish Labour MP pipes.

  453. highseastim says:

    Mags Curran, at least she’s trying to put a smile on.

  454. Tackety Beets says:

    Ca cany Mealer , Rev is nae here to sort oot any ruckas , LOL

    Its nae a nicht for COYR , Doh !

    Much excitement aa roon , enjoy it folks .

    KD ensity , the penny has only just dropped with her .

  455. YESGUY says:

    This is our night folks.

    I can listen to the bile from the unionist Scots now. They are a TINY minority now. It does not matter a jot. They will be there for the taking in SE2016. As X-Sticks said earlier ” an extinction event ”

    Tory texing that Scotland has more pandas than LIEbour. 😀 😀 😀

    What a day. I am so proud of Scotland.

    Now to watch the faces of Magrit, Danny, doug and oh please Dim JIM.


  456. manandboy says:

    Kezia Dugdale on STV – no change, she is still a complete pain in the arse.

  457. Mo says:

    Listening to NewsShaft in Canada, brilliant! Looking forward to the celebrations tomorrow morning.

  458. Fiona says:

    @ call me dave.

    I think it has been looking like a tory overall majority since this started.

    This is a nightmare, in truth

  459. Fiona says:

    @ all. Sorry for being a downer. I will shut up. Tonight is not the night for me to talk, any more than it is for our trolls. Apologies

  460. G says:

    The predicted Glasgow result is very exciting! And kicking the lib dens off of the islands is incredible! Well done scotland

  461. fraise says:

    Grangemouth goes S.N.P labour blame voters saying they were duped. That will come back and bite them in their collective asses

  462. Valerie says:

    Good to see Kirsty Red Wark chasing after Nicola arriving at the Glasgow count. Humza there too.

  463. Mealer says:

    Vote Labour! Blah blah! Working class! Blah,blah!Hard working family’s Blah blah!
    We yap about it.Scandinavian countries get on and do it.
    Don’t look back to labour.Look forward to a better future.

  464. call me dave says:

    Sturgeon on the tv and explains it all in her first sentence

    England voted Tory and beat labour by >59 seats…simples

    Did you here that in BBC PQ and that dim labour MEP Stihler.

  465. ronnie anderson says:

    @ balaaargh whit dey you mean ,you,ll buy ah Big Issue fae the Feker lol

  466. Joemcg says:

    Surely all of our media need to change their unionist tune now? They are railing against the whole of Scotland.

  467. Mealer says:

    Nice round figure!

  468. Valerie says:

    Cathy Jamieson booted out in Kilmarnock for Brown SNP

  469. Tackety Beets says:

    Kathy J > what a slap on yer coupon !

  470. ronnie anderson says:

    30,000 Kilmarnock & Louden lol

  471. Edward says:

    Cathie Jamieson collecting P45

  472. thedogphilosopher says:

    Here we go …

  473. cearc says:

    This looks like not only a bad night for Labour but also, and rather importantly, a very bad night for BBC Scotland.

    Clearly, their influence has waned.

    Whoohoo for Kilmarnock!

  474. Alan says:


  475. Stoker says:

    YESGUY wrote:
    “This is our night folks.”

    Sure is ma man, sure is.

    Nicola enters Glasgow to rapturous applause.

    Shut down the BBC liars.

    SNP take Kilmarnock & Loudoun.

    Brian Donohoe rumoured to be taking a severe doing.

    Stornoway is SNP.

  476. bert says:

    waitin’ for the Portillo Fairy landin’ in Eastwood…..

  477. crazycat says:

    First real result people!

    I now have an SNP MP – Alan Brown in Kilmarnock and Loudoun with 30,000 (nice number!) against 16,362 for Jamieson.

  478. Valerie says:

    Angus Macneil holding Western Isles

  479. K1 says:

    30,000 omfg, speechless, just well done, everyone in Kilmarnock and Loudon!!

  480. Famous15 says:


  481. Valerie says:

    Wow! 26% swing in Kilmarnock to SNP, and on that it could well be 58 seats!

  482. Arabs for Independence says:

    And so it begins

  483. Dal Riata says:

    First results in, Kilmarnock = SNP and the Western Isles = SNP. Get in there ya dancer!

  484. Valerie says:

    One of the pundits said earlier they can’t even remember when a party had swings of 20%, so almost unheard of, history unfolding

  485. Stoker says:

    ALL sources now stating that ALL of Glasgow is tipped to go SNP.

    COOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEE, JIMBOOOOOOOOOO, C’moot c’moot wherever ye ur!

  486. David Martin says:

    Cathy Jamieson is the first scalp…

  487. thedogphilosopher says:

    Mhairi wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  488. A.N.Surgent says:


  489. crazycat says:

    Oh dear! Even with such momentous news I manage to get pipped to the post 🙂

    (And I don’t mind a bit – the Caol Ila’s going down nicely.)

  490. Edward says:

    Douglas Alexander now collecting his P45
    Get in there!

  491. ronnie anderson says:

    Wee Shouty Manny up now on STV panel

    Well done Mharie

  492. One_Scot says:

    Yes Yes Yes. Good Bye Dougie.

  493. Richardinho says:

    Down goes Alexander! Down goes Alexander!

  494. Joemcg says:


  495. David Martin says:

    Alexander gone.

  496. Capella says:

    Mhairi Black defeats Dougie Alexander!!!!!

  497. K1 says:

    Well done Mhairi, and to everyone who worked for that result…we are taking them down. Well done Scotland, well done us. We have had enough.

  498. Stoker says:



  499. highseastim says:

    Wee Dougie not pipped, absolutely whacked!!

  500. DerekM says:

    Go Mhairi Black different class cya duggie you ass 🙂


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