The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Stories of the week 1/6/2014

Posted on June 01, 2014 by

The top five most-read stories on Wings Over Scotland in the last seven days.

1. An actual letter from America
A fresh perspective on NATO and nukes.

2. The news less fit to print
The media tries to pretend there isn’t a blue whale in the room.

3. Unrestricted warfare
Just your standard No camp make-people-think-their-child-will-die stuff.

4. A day of shame
On which we learned that 10% = 30% and 4 = 1.

5. Friends and enemies
Anas Sarwar claims the BNP and Britain First for team-mates.

This week’s theme: spin so intense it alters gravity.

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  1. 01 06 14 23:30

    Stories of the week 1/6/2014 | Scottish Independence News

26 to “Stories of the week 1/6/2014”

  1. heedtracker

    5. Friends and enemies
    Anas Sarwar claims the BNP and Britain First for team-mates.

    Haha! What a berk Anas is but grassroots polished City nob what’s hisface Malky Ordrof, Fordrod, Nobsord, Ofcod at was tragicomedy too. How do Scottish versions of Tim Nice-But-Dim make so much untaxable mullah anyway.

  2. X_Sticks

    No disrespect Rev, but I found the two guest pieces Will McLeod’s letter from America and then Math Campbell-Sturges Englishman not abroad quite uplifting. It’s good to know that not everyone out there hates us.

    The spin has been horrendous, but it’s going to founder against a grass roots gravity.

  3. David McCann

    Just read this little tale in my Oban Times.
    Due to a protest from a person or persons unknown, the Euro polling place in Kilmally was changed at the last minute, because it was too Scottish!
    Caol and Mallaig SNP councillor Bill Clark said he was stunned to find that the room which has been used as a polling place for years, and which has always been decorated with Saltires and tartan was deemed by officials to be ‘too Scottish!!
    Another room was hastily found which did not offend the leiges!

  4. Thepnr

    This is the end for Blether Thegether

  5. bookie from hell

    Tory’s offering 40% tax powers

    the rest 60% over 700 years

  6. Thepnr

    This is what I’ve been prevented from posting for the last 4 hours. But as I say never give up and certainly never give in.

    See for folk that have never read my posts before, please ignore the implied paranoia. It is not, just a fact of fighting the establishment.

    Keep getting 503 errors, wonder why.

    Nah, I do not know why these cunts are at it at all. See my family do you want to take them on? You would be a mug to do so, we’re taking you on hahha. GIRUY

    Regards the link, ignore the first 10 secs though I love them too and get into the meat of the next song.

    Because we will only ever have one time. Tick Tock.

  7. Thepnr

    Just to keep things in context. Here’s the family link

    Else you really will have me down for a screwball.

  8. bunter

    My another Devo Max offer, according to the Herald, this time the Tories. Who knew that no control over anything meaningful could attract the label ”max”. Says it all

    At least they haven’t tried to insult us by trying to fob us off with control over the worthless and volatile oil and gas revenues, they know we aren’t that daft as to fall for that eh!

  9. john king

    Professor David Bell being interviewed on the English BBC news this morning gives an insightful resume of the Scottish economy,

    “The oils important but there’s less out than than there used to be”

    Now you see its that level of understanding that your average punter disnae hiv and we need clivir people like him so as we dinnae mak an erse o things,
    In plain inglish

  10. john king

    A lot of people expressed confusion over my avatar at the counting house,
    meet bluebottle 🙂

  11. John Sm.

    I just read the “Tories to launch plans for more devolution” story over on the BBC where Ruth Davidson calls Holyrood “a pocket-money parliament” and compares our elected government to “a giant spending machine”.

    Good lord, Ruth’s so bitter that she can’t even attempt to bribe us without resorting to insult.

    On a more positive note, think I convinced my first floating voter to vote YES at the weekend – result!

  12. caz-m

    Eleanor Bradford of BBC Scotland aided by Scottish Labour, are hounding the Scottish Government Health Minister Alex Neil for the third week in a row. They want him to resign before the Referendum in September.

    Eleanor Bradford seems to take great pleasure in demoralising the staff of NHS Scotland. She looks like the perfect little bastard, who will do whatever her masters tell her to do.

    If Eleanor Bradford is so disgusted by the Scottish Health Service, then there is only one thing left for her to do,
    head back home to England and see how their Health Service compares the Scottish NHS.

    Or she could just keep her mouth shut.

    C’mon “NHS says YES”, speak up, don’t let this twisted little BBC bitch run down your Health Service.

  13. Macart

    An honourable mention for the Math Sturgess post. 🙂

    Found that quite uplifting and illustrates what my hopes are for the future of Scotland.

    Breaks into song:

    Iiiiits not where ya start, but where ya finish.
    It’s not how you go, it’s how you land
    A hundred to one shot, you call him a clutz
    Can out run the favorite, all he needs is the guts
    Your final return will not diminish
    And you can be the cream of the crop
    It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish
    And you’re gonna finish on top!

    Haythangyou. 🙂

  14. heedtracker

    Looks like UKIP have conceded to Scotland already with David the Hutt Coburn MEP explaining ukip’s post independence strategy in bettertogether Herald

    “We would use the next General Election to call for another referendum. I think we could get support from Labour on this.”

    He added: “Hopefully the English will have us back, but I fear they won’t.”

  15. ronnie anderson

    Chris you Dundonians Thepnr/John King are getting in early.

    John & Irene I hope everything goes well for your Daughters

    wedding on Thurs.

  16. ronnie anderson

    Blair MacDougall said that there would be 60 BT events on Sat 1/5 post up in there was a BT event in your town,or as THISTLE noticed at Govanhill another BT staged event for the Bbc news, but no actual canvasing.

  17. HandandShrimp


    One thing I am damned sure about is that if UKIP got their in/out referendum and it was an out vote they would take a very dim view of anyone trying to immediately hold a second referendum to reverse the decision…I think Mr Coburn is going to provide entertainment if nothing else.

  18. caz-m

    Morning Ronnie, posted a comment to you yesterday of our “meeting of the minds” outside BBC Scotland.

    Lets hope it leads to bigger protests in the near future.

    Do you have any links for all the videos and pics that were taken at the protest.

    Have a nice day matey.

    PS Say hello to that shrinking violet, Jackie (and her pal).

  19. HandandShrimp

    The BBC thing was very short notice (I guess snap protests tend to be). I only clocked it was happening on Saturday afternoon when I was out doing a bit of street leafleting with other Yes peeps. I already had other plans for Sunday by then.

  20. heedtracker

    @ HandandShrimp, guys like Farage and Coburn do have a Mr Angry UKOk audience voter base though. Aberdeenshire council were told to take down Scotland flags from their public libraries etc. There are none at all in Aberdeen city council property and ofcourse UKIP’s extremely popular in the bettertogetherBBC freak show.

    What comes across as swivel eyed BBC/ukpk lunacy is obviously very powerful in Scotland and then they have the west coast orange order waiting impatiently to make their presence felt.

  21. Debbiethebruce

    @ronnie anderson

    The YES musselburgh stall was running from 10-2pm on saturday,and there was no sign of the usual Better Together stall further up the high street,maybe theyve given up!

    Still waiting for them to chap my door…

  22. MajorBloodnok


    The British Establishment (aka the BBC) has finally realized that ‘young people’ use the ‘internet’ to get the ‘facts’:

    Those ‘facts’ are obviously presented in bright colours and with simple pro-union spin so that even ‘young people’ can understand it.


  23. Macandroid

    Figured out how to get more Yes votes from UKIP supporters.
    SNP change name to SNIP (Scottish National Independence Party).

  24. Edward


    Christ all F**king all mighty, has anyone read the shit being put out by ‘youth friendly’ BBC?

    Just looked at the first ‘question’
    ‘Is the Scandinavian example the Yes Campaign use valid and credible?’

    Answer “We asked BBC Scotland’s economics correspondent, Colletta Smith, to answer this one for you. ‘She says: “People living in Norway, Sweden and Denmark generally pay much higher taxes, and get a lot more stuff for free from the government – childcare is the one often cited in Scotland’s referendum debate. It’s certainly viable to say that Scotland could head more towards that style of government, but taxes would have to be bumped up as Scandinavian-style services don’t come cheap.“Of course there are lots of taxes that make up the government’s total tax take, so in theory a government could keep a low corporation tax rate to attract companies, while raising taxes in other areas like VAT, property tax, inheritance or income tax, in order to fund more government services.

    But it’s a difficult balance because taxing too much in one area could damage the economy or a particular group of people.”

    Excuse me ‘BBC Scotland’s economics (dumb as shit)correspondent, Colletta Smith, but it should be pointed out that the average wage in Norway is 3 to 4 times that of the UK average!

    As you can guess I am livid at this partial fact giving

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