The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Sorry, guys

Posted on September 12, 2016 by


but party time‘s over.

A few minutes ago our Twitter account was reinstated, with no explanation of why it had been suspended or why it was being restored. We just got this email from Twitter:


Thanks for writing in.

We have now unsuspended your account.”

The email also explained that our follower numbers (which had plunged to 4000 from the original 47,000) might take an hour or so to restore, so if you followed us and find that you now don’t, either give it an hour or just re-follow manually.

Thanks to everyone who supported us. Huge numbers of people changed their avatars and account names (something we hadn’t asked anyone to do), and hundreds if not thousands tweeted messages asking Twitter to reinstate the account. There was even a one-man protest outside the Daily Express offices in London 😀


The story was reported – with varying degrees of balance, accuracy and unflattering photographs – in BuzzFeed, the Herald, the Scotsman, the Evening Times, the Press & Journal, the National, the Press GazetteThe Canary, and even got a sympathetic mention from noted whistleblower and journalist Glenn Greenwald, along with several other interview requests.

We got comments from some unexpected sources, and they were appreciated.



We suppose we’ll have to get back to work now.

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Welcome back Rev.Stu:-D


A victory for common sense and true journalism. This story isn’t over yet- it will be most interesting to see what happens in the following few days! 😉

Betty Boop

Fantastic – the powers of Wingers (and their pals), eh? :-))



Well I don’t actually have a Twitter account but the thought of dismay on Andrew Neil’s face makes me go Yay!

Grizzle McPuss

Sanity prevails…

Nation Libre

Well done people. Absolutely disgraceful from a so called journalist

More power to you Rev


Huzzah 🙂


Must have been a frustrating day Rev, put your feet up and have a beer [or two]


Welcome back.

Great news Stu to you and all your followers.

Andy Neil and Brian Wilsons tweets above just shows how much your site and well argued blogs really get to them.


Goody goody. Does that mean Spanner is safe then?

Joseph Robinson

I imagine said journalist exaggerated the complaint somewhat and when twitter investigated it properly came to the same conclusion as a majority and reinstated the account. But every time we see freedom of speech attacked we must all of us take a stand. I hope said journalist has computer problems from now on, cause they dont deserve to be a force in the public domain.


Andrew Neil’s comment makes him go down in my estimation. Its not really a good sign if a BBC presenter applauds censoring someone he doesn’t agree with.


That’s probably ruined Monday evening for one or two chaps. 🙂

Joseph Robinson

We should all lovebomb the said journalist. I love you I love you


Brian Wilson…the thinking Nat’s snotter.


It must stick in the bitter twisted minds of the ever diminishing forces yoonery, that free speech triumphs again and all they have to look forward to is defeat and humiliation.

Bob Mack

Andrew Neil, What a joke. I used to watch his show and it was notable that seldom was the debate informed. It consisted of politicians lying through their teeth and Mr Neil using researchers to try and provide scoring points.

Mr Neil himself was not above lying or misdirection to make points.
This is not informed debate He fools only himself.

Bugger (le Panda)

Welcome back, to one of your homes

Greg Drysdale

I didn’t know about the ban until now.
Gutted I missed the pairty 😀


To quote, Dads Army, “they don’t like it up them”.


Note in passing: Andrew Neil doesn’t know what the word ‘bereft’ means. There’s a joke in there somewhere.


Glad you are back. This has been a useful exercise in highlighting the double standards used by MSM journos. The next time certain high profile people ‘unleash a hate mob’ they should be subject to the same sanctions.

Of course it will be presented in the press as a ‘perfect response’.


Don’t do Twitter, but delighted on the reinstatement, I enjoy dropping in on the Wings account, to see what’s happening and have a laugh.

Hope that stupid woman has been taught a lesson (although I doubt it, any publicity is good as far as her kind of idiot thinks).

Welcome back.

Black Joan

I hope that Twitter can be made to explain their actions?
We are posting “too quickly” apparently, and need to “slow down”. Huh.


K1 @ 7-16pm

Love it!!

Robert Louis

And now, because of this, more people know about the site, and might read your punishing dissection of the anti Scotland lies printed by the likes of the Daily Express hate rag.

Excellent 🙂

Joannie at 714pm, regarding Andrew Neil, I totally agree. He should not be celebrating wanton censorship.


So I got to watch as many people gathered to question the wisdom of Twitter, and also got to find several yooner accounts to block.

Double Bonus!


Brian Wilson calls you a hate-monger! That’s priceless. So much for journalsitic integrity. You really do make them deeply anxious. Which indicates that you need to carry on analysing the bilge that pours out of the MSM daily.

Where have Siobhan’s hate-filled hordes gone, I wonder?


Lady Flipper… mmwwahhhhh….

link to


After making choobs of themselves with some premature crowing, I’m sure the meeja types who were less than flattering in their commentary are just bursting with good cheer (or something) on the inside for your return to duty.

Would it be unseemly to LOL at them? Is that the term? 🙂

Dan Huil

Brian Wilson’s veins are not filled with blood; they’re filled with hate-mongering bile.


Joannie says:
12 September, 2016 at 7:14 pm

Andrew Neil’s comment makes him go down in my estimation. Its not really a good sign if a BBC presenter applauds censoring someone he doesn’t agree with.

Agreed. Just makes him look petty and vindictive. Freedom of speech should always come first, especially for journalists.

Although I don’t suppose he sees himself as a journalist any more. Just a ‘presenter’. Reflects badly on his employer though.

Dr Jim

The Great Scottish Boak off has returned !!Yayy!!

Congratulations Stuart give em sarcastic comedic hell
Coz it weally weally upsets em, delicate flowers that they are


Canny keep a good man down….


Welcome back, you’re welcome!

link to

Let the debate ensue..


Great News but the suspension needs further explanation by Twitter

Don’t take it personal but I think I will now un-follow your Stu Campbell twitter account so I don’t get confused


ronald alexander mcdonald

Never thought I’d miss a Campbell so much.

Cat NIcLeoid

wilson and neil, difficult to work out who is the most obnoxious – wilson probably shades it!

Even labour have kicked wilson in to touch, his contempt for Scotlamd knows no bounds, he’s a figure of pity round Kyle and Skye!


Joannie @ 7.14

Spot on ref A Neil. He should be above that type of sneering and obnoxious comment.

To think the general public who pay his salary have to put up with his awful tv programs (although I no longer watch him) is disgraceful.

Unfortunately the BBC is unaccountable to us the public who pay for their programmes and overpaid and useless presenters like Neil who should know better.


I don’t use Twitter, but congratulations on your reinstatement.

A. Graham

Welcome back!

(I do slightly wonder if it might have been all about that “Express” person trying to get herself noticed, but I’m not going to bother wondering too much and let such annoyances live in my head.)

I have fond memories of Rupert Bear, but otherwise the “Express” can vanish entirely for all I care.

Proud Cybernat

“…What a loss to …informed discourse.”

Indeed, Mr Neil. Beats uninformed discourse like this from you any day of the week and twice on Sundays:

link to

Helena Brown

Don’t do Twitter, but I lurk. Imagine my distress this morning when on logging in to have account suspended come up. Now why by the way is Brian Spanner still tweeting? Could it be he is well in with the Establishment.
Brillo can go and bile his horrible heed,removing his presence would be a blessing indeed.
Glad to have you back.


It’s a bit weird though, to say the least. They just suspend you without any reason, then ‘unsuspend’ you without any explanation. It’s almost as if they’re saying, ‘we can do this, and we will do it at any time without notice and without explanation’.

I mean, if I was being paranoid, I’d say it’s very 1984-ish.


After such a blatant display of political bias how can The BBC possibly justify continuing the employment of Brillo as a presenter/interviewer in political programs?

Wee Alex

Thank Goodness.

I almost joined Twitter just so I could complain


My email to the Director of IPSO

Dear Sir,

Words must be spoken to the above so called journalist in regards to her behaviour and columns for the Daily Express and on Twitter, I am sick and tired of seeing my democratically elected leader being targeted by the vile tabloid known as Daily Express, I am also sick of being called a vile Cybernat and so on by these people just because we wished betterment for our country Scotland instead of being ruled by the Etonian elite at Westminster.

Recently Siobhan went hyperbole on Twitter. wildly claiming that she was being abused by a website called Wings Over Scotland and alleged that she was receiving death threats and when asked to produce evidence of these alleged threats, she made attempts to block people and then gets frustrated that Wings Over Scotland has called her out on her remarks which resulted in WOS being banned on Twitter. You can see from the links below.

how she is allowed to get away with such aggressive and slanderous reporting is beyond me, she has no idea what is happening here in Scotland and she even managed to bring my MSP into this and instead of apologising for using his picture identifying Anas Sarwar, she threatens him by “LETS SEE YOUR EXPENSES SHALL WE”. How can a reporter get away with such behaviour when she was wrong in the first place to an democratically elected member of the Scottish Government, just because she lives in London doesn’t mean that she is untouchable.

Her bizarre behaviour continues as you can see from the links below

I respectfully request that some form of public censure is in order, if you fail in this then it clearly shows that the organisation IPSO is nothing but a toothless body with fantasy powers and actually condone this type of “Journalistic” behaviour from all reporters that work within the media in London.

Yours Sincerely



All of the usual suspects came out to play today celebrating the twitter suspension. Never blocked so many idiots in such a short time before. At least folks will be more informed about now about the odious daily express.


Sounds to me Andrew Neil is lauding the unjust censorship of freedom of speech, namely the Rev’s.

There may come a time when the BBC, decides Mr Neil’s unbalanced views are no longer required.


I missed David Halliday today because of the suspension…on Rev’s twitter…there’s a born communicator with a knack of getting right to the heart of a matter with humour, wit and insight.

I follow your followers tae Rev even though I’m not on twitter…I’m one of the ‘silent majority’ who are not in the stats. I wonder how many of us are in this category…Wings twitter is the news where we are.


1. If anything, this makes me more determined to make formal complaints regarding MSM inaccurate reporting and using the language of incitement. Call ’em out, every time. They can’t silence everyone.

2. Cheered up by the thought of Andrew Neil tearing someone else’s hair out at the good news.

3. K1 @ 7-16pm Take a bow!

Proud Cybernat

With Neil sarcastic comments about Wings being suspended he certainly has made a disgraceful udder of himself. And No, Mr Neil, I do not hate you; I loathe the fact that you would happily see free speech stifled. Shame on you. Now we know what goes on in that pea-brain of yours. You should be sacked forthwith.


Andrew Neil, if you’re reading this, it would be so easy to say ‘get it right up yi’ but that’s not my style, or is it, dan dan dan.

speaks his thought

Just glad you are back online, another victory for the Indy side.


It seems today, one of these has just blown in..
link to


Walter Scott

James Cook says wings maybe nasty etc. He had nothing to say about the Express or mcfadyen . Brillo never hides him hatred of the sg or anyone aligned to the Yes cause. Both of these men are employed by the BBC. Anyone think they leave their British Baggage at the front door of Broadcasting House?

margaret mcbeth

At last, welcome back. I don’t always agree with what you say but for your ability to shoot down lies and propaganda I salute you. So pleased you are back.

Ian Brotherhood

The Great Scottish Fuck Off! has a special award called The FYAYSLH (‘Fuck You And Your Stupid Looking Hair’).

I hereby nominate Andrew Neil…and I declare the nominations closed.

Lenny Hartley

Is that the same Brian Wilson who left Dunoon SNP in the huff as he was told he wasn’t good enough to be a prospective councillor? He tried to bribe me once to move my vote from a safe Labour Constituancy in Aberdeen to Arran where he was hoping to take the seat from the Tory John Corrie. I did take the bribe (a Pint) but never moved my vote 🙂


The WOS lie detector machine is fully operational again….GOOD!

Now, what about little pissy missy Sobbin McFudyin? She’ll be hiding behind some paedo lover in London. She’s a nasty, hate filled liar not worthy of the title of churnalist never mind Journalist. Her credibility has been blown to smitherines. A job at the BBC beckons! Keep flooding IPSO with the complaints folks.


Is that the same Brian Wilson who was a Red Tory FUD.
Nothing more to say, apart from USELESS.

G H Graham

So you’re now called REVCO, right?


I’m trying to figure out what the hate mongering parts are?
You take unionist propaganda, disect it and proveit false using marerial that you make available to everyone (as opposed to unionist sound bites). I still don’t get the hate bit???

winifred mccartney

The Daily Express is undoubtedly a disgrace but I am so glad money and influence on this occasion did not outweigh truth as it often does. Keep up the great work and hold such distasteful ‘journalism’ to account for all our sakes. No one is perfect but the daily excess is light years away from a ‘news’paper or journalistic integrity.


I won’t lie: I was in a bit of a tizzy this morning, as one of the first things I check is Wings’ twitter.

What bewilders me is just why it was this which brought the Twitter Hammer down. It isn’t as if the Rev has taken on far bigger fish, after all.


Ooh, and the harassment act ’97 has just been mentioned in Twitter. Who’s harassing who though?

Brian Doonthetoon

Knock, knock.
(Door is opened.)
I’m Reverend Campbell – I’ve just been reinstated in your parish.
Oh, come in! Welcome back! Yilliv hud yir tea?

Tinto Chiel

Andrew Neil and Brian Wilson: two bookends who were always too lightweight to do the job, two Scots who made self-loathing into an art form.

In a hundred years, no one will know who they were. They will not even be foot-notes in the history of Scottish Independence.

Think the name Campbell may crop up, though.


Like the man said,

‘You can’t win, Yooners. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.’


It was pleasing, yet predictable, to see how so many unionist agitators gloated at your brief Twitter suspension.

By a wide margin, the most pleasing of all was that loyal servant of The Spectator, the BBC and the Telegraph: Mr. Andrew Neil.

It seems that when one branch of the metropolitan media is challenged, all the other branches rally to its support…


You know what they say, ‘you can’t keep a good man down’.


@ Ian Brotherhood at 7.58pm

Wine splattered all over my iPhone.

Brill. How I love the Scottish sense of humour.



Everyone’s birthday has come at once. New vision. No one can close down wings. Even multimillionaire’s hack lackey’s.

Alastair Naughton

You can’t keep a good man down! Well done Rev! You’re desperately required, now more than at any time in our country’s history. May that sad apology for a hack rue the day she ever messed with you! ?

call me dave

Oh yer back on twitter! …You’ll have had yer tea.

Excellent news. 🙂


Nicola Sturgeon unveils tidal farm’s first turbine is a story not mentioned on shortbread radio but to be fair that giant spider thing seems more important… init …init! Auntie FGS!

Brian McHugh

You have to give it to the Yoons… they never miss the shot when aiming at their feet. No publicity is bad publicity. 🙂

donald anderson

Is that the same Brian “Scotland is British” wee hatemonger who once claimed to a Scottish Republican Socialist and Marxist. At least auld Brillo pad is an honest Tory.

He must be struggling on his Ministerial pension, Nuclear and windfarm, Parish Tweed, Hootsmon muck, etc, investments.

call me dave

@Brian Doonthetoon

I never copied honest… 🙂

Connor McEwen

I am getting paranoid now,my comp. has crashed 4 times in five minutes just now and a post to RT news was barred.
Mibbee jist ISP’s in competition mibbees aye mibbees naw! ?


Even Daisley gave an endorsement. Who’d have thought it.

JK will come out for Nicola shortly. Hug and kisses. New best friends.

Marco McGinty

So, it would appear that the “claims” have actually turned out to be downright lies. Who knew? A unionist, once again, fabricating stories and playing the victim card.

Are these people capable of telling any truths, or are they all sociopaths?

On another note, Brian Wilson, the snivelling little liar that he is, accusing someone of being a hate-monger, is laughable in the extreme.


I have never understood why anyone anywhere has anything to do with twitter. It’s a completely pointless waste of time (unless you like following the nationwide banter during e.g. Channel 5 poverty porn programmes, when it can be hilarious)
It’s full of wallopers, it has achieved nothing of note, it never can and it never will.
The WoS website is enough for our purposes. Save your energy Stu!


Re James Cook. Going on record voicing his disquiet at someone being silenced despite following the rules at the insistence of an employee of a newspaper engaged in blatant rabble rousing of the worst kind whilst painting a completely distorted picture of the level of violence in Scotland and by all the evidence lieing about receiving abuse in return might be taken by those in a charitable mood as being critical of those behind it.


Good to have you back – couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Wings twitter was suspended !

Jack Collatin

No comment from Neil, Wilson, Cook or Daisley on this woman’s sinister article?
It recalls the Nazi vicious campaign against Jews in the ‘thirties, the lies, poisonous posters, and hate-filled bile.
Wilson got a wee slot on the other Andrew’s (Marr) BBC2 Unionist propaganda programme the other night.
There is hatemongering out there all right, and the MSM are at the forefront of the persecution of their fellow Scots.
They are anti-Scottish, and will do and say anything, sell out their fellow countrymen and women, to hold on to their privileged Uncle Tom status in their poisonous wee Union.
Shame on them.
Are we to be like Turkey? Their way or the highway.
Our day is at hand, and these very fearful ex pats know it.

Neil Cook

From now on I wouldn’t name any said yoon journalist. I would just highlight the article as a so called trumped up tramp wrote in the Daily Heil or a fat baldy bloke from the BBC had a discussion with said MPs,
They want you to name them as it keeps them in the public eye, stop giving them acknowledgement and just dissect the articles. Naming them just makes them feel important


Now what makes me think that Andrew Neil will be the next Media mogul to attempt a social site flounce by directing his ire towards the ‘vile cybernattery’ hordes..


Hooray! Welcome back! Don’t have a Twitter account but couldn’t imagine life without my daily Wings Twitter catch up! News, banter and belly laughs. You’re an inspiration for so many. Thank you, thank you, thank you Stu.


donald anderson wrote:

“Is that the same Brian “Scotland is British” wee hatemonger who once claimed to be a Scottish Republican Socialist and Marxist.”

Aye, Donald, while taking bungs from the nuclear industry, allegedly! Wee runt makes my skin crawl, always has! He’s the one type of toad i’d gladly blow up…with a firmly placed straw right up his rear end. He’s the one voice that helium would improve the sound of.

Jim Thomson

I keep checking @siobhanyc’s twitter feed and it looks very much like she’s been told to STFU by her illustrious bosses.

Wee nyaff Brian … sat beside him a couple of times on the LHR-GLA shuttle in the late 1990s. Whit a miserable excuse for human being. Emphasis on “miserable”. He was never communicative and was normally grumpy to the n’th degree.

He was also only into self promotion when he did the whole West Highland Free Press thing. We were “out there” during the early 1980s and that was one of the few local papers available. The only useful thing he did was print claims forms on the back of each edition. That might have helped a few people.

Last time I saw him was at one of the indyref hustings in Largs back in 2014. He was lying through his teeth then too. Kept referring to the “pension fund” that westminster held for us all. There was a heckle along the lines of “you liar, you know there’s no such thing” that slowed him don a bit, but not for long. Ho Hum.


I often wonder what half-decent journalists such as John Pilger think of people like Andrew Neil. Not a lot I would think.

@ ronald alexander mcdonald says at 7:32 pm …. ”Never thought I’d miss a Campbell so much.”

Ditto Ronald. I used to be a MacDonald too.

Orlando Quarmby

That gloating tweet from the loathsome Andrew Neil says it all, really. That the BBC employs a creature with such an approach to freedom of speech in what purports to be news and current affairs programmes is reason enough on its own to cancel the license fee if you haven’t already done so.


Any cunt that uses sarcasm to respond to sarcasm,instead of fucking off offended,is my kinda cunt.




Neil has the links to all the rags, spectator, torygraph, BBC ETC.

Just shows Neil, Wilson, Cook are keeping tags on us all.

Next time snp/green politician are interviewed by Neil tthey should bring up his wish to censor. Does he know the new journalist by chance etc?

Wilson popping up more regular recently – whose pulling his strings?

Flower of Scotland

Was so angry today! Now, more calm. Great news Rev.

Lots more people know about Wingers now! Ha,ha,ha!

[…] Wings Over Scotland Sorry, guys but party time‘s over. A few minutes ago our Twitter account was reinstated, […]


Wilson and Brillo. Those titans of the establishment just could not help themselves and refrain from putting the boot in, could they? It is always a good idea to see how the dust finally settles before joining a gloatfest. Their hatred seriously clouded their judgement. Brexit and the prospect of another IndyRef have unsettled them big time.



Aw naw. Mair ile!

‘George Kerevan: Atlantic oil could bring security to an independent Scotland.’

”A funny thing happened on Friday to the share price of Hurricane Energy, which is listed on the London AIM stock market for small but exciting global companies. In February you could have bought Hurricane shares for 9 pence. On Friday, people were rushing to buy a piece of the company. Reason: Hurricane has just announced proof of a major discovery in the still-untapped West of Shetland oil fields that sit on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean ………

”Which brings us back to West of Shetland. The mineral resources are there. But let’s not repeat the mistakes made in the North Sea. West of Shetland should be developed and exploited by a state-owned Scottish energy company. That way we keep the profits as well as the taxes. And avoid those “made in London” deficits.’’

link to


Andrew Neil, not only is he no Alan Hansen, he’s no better than your average Yoon troll which you can find for ten a penny.


‘If it wasn`t for those meddlin` kids…’




The National: Letters II: ‘Westminster does not have reserved rights to our constitution.’

For and on behalf of the Scotland UN Committee. John McGill FSA (Scot), Kilmarnock

”Thank you for publishing my letter in The National on Thursday.

I note from your correspondence pages that not every contributor to the Scottish independence debate seems to be fully aware of the consequences of The Treaty of Union of 1707 nor the implications of Scotland’s “Claim of Right” of April 11, 1689. May I be allowed space in your newspaper to explain, please?

In 1689, The Scottish Parliament passed into Scots constitutional law the “Claim of Right” giving the people of Scotland the sole right to decide upon the form and format of self government they want.

That is the legally binding Scots constitutional law today in 2016.

The Treaty of Union placed the then Scottish Parliament and the then English Parliament into “abeyance ad interim” where the English Parliament still resides, while the Scots Parliament was recalled in May 1999 bringing back with it Scotland’s written constitution including our “Claim of Right” to be reserved to and by Scotland’s recalled Parliament alone. Westminster has no input to this situation for the aforesaid reasons.

When the Treaty of Union was signed there was no union of parliaments because the said parliaments no longer existed because they were abeyance ad interim.

What happened then was that a totally new parliament was set up in what came to be known as The Westminster Parliament. Despite what Patrick Grady SNP MP said in his contribution to the Claim of Right debate, Westminster does not have nor ever has had reserved rights to Scotland’s constitution, not in the past, not today, not ever.

Westminster exists without a written constitution and even today has no influence over the Scots Constitution nor over England’s Bill of Rights. These issues are reserved to the national parliaments of Scotland and England. For English votes for English Laws, the English Parliament requires to be recalled.”

link to


What makes this so disappointing to me is Twitter is an American company, a country where freedom of speech is a fundamental right of all it’s citizens.

Yet a complaint from one UK based journalist resulted in a highly respected account being suspended without any consultation.

This action alone fills me with dread for any future Independence Referendum with the possibility that many blog sites, Facebook accounts could all be cancelled, suspended for the slightest misdemeanour and all this more than likely will have the hand of the Westminster government somewhere in the background.


Well if twitter didn’t know anything about Scotland’s resolve for Independence this morning, they do now.

Thomas Valentine

Pity there was no warning Rev was getting back on Twitter. I didn’t get a chance to buy more popcorn.

Now lets see, how do I lodge a Press Complaint about that article?
Can anybody set up a form letter or one we could all sign with a properly worded complaint?

Perhaps we could IndieGoGo a granite slab with the lady’s name and “is a disgrace to journalism” written on it. Leave it outside Express offices. That would get some attention.

Jockanese Wind Talker

All we need to keep the pressure on the Daily Express.

It is the weakest of the Unionist Rags and one of the worst examples of intolerant, right wing, anti-Scottish propaganda.

Advertising revenue is their lifeblood.

I’d encourage everyone to contact the companies advertising within it and tell them that you won’t be buying their products/services until they stop advertising in it.

In this time of financial insecurity these companies won’t want to risk losing income by advertising in this hate sheet.


Dodgy Serb cash for Tweed?



Following on from my last post: ‘Parliament Recalled’

‘If there is an important development during a recess period, the House of Commons and House of Lords may be recalled. The House of Commons has been recalled 29 times since 1948.”

link to

Chic McGregor

Sanity restored.


Wee Ginger Dug had my favourite take on the whole sorry episode. link to


I’ve always wondered why “journalists” these days loved Twitter so much, apart from being high school Heathers that no longer care about the job they signed up to do… and today it clicked; like most social media, it’s owned by a company that’s desperate to seem young and cool, and easily bends towards the latest false generated controversy just to keep that demographic aboard. You’re seeing it again and again with claims of “Sexism”; the Politicians and media figures using it don’t necessarily care or even believe their claims, but they know it’s an enormously powerful charge in today’s corporate owned communication channels…

Be careful then what you wish for when you cheer the death of the BBC or otherwise; for all their sins, this brave new world we can see emerging is going to be even worse.

Still glad to see on this one, Wings survives to fight another day. How depressing as a middle aged liberal to see though that now being seen as “liberal” means shutting down anyone’s opinion unless they’re white, middle class, likely female, and on the side of the powerful against the outsider. When did liberalism mean banning dissent, or clothing choices we don’t agree with (burkinis) or tone policing to the point we become the police we once distrusted and who kicked the shit out of us outside our pit heads?

brian watters

More power to your elbow Rev.
non illigitimi carrborundum !!!

Suzanne Bosworth

Interesting that Andrew Neil finds it heartwarming to see a media critic shut down – even for a few hours. He might think Wings is rude, subversive, indecent, perhaps, but don’t we remember, on 31 December 2014, Andrew Neil defending Katie Hopkins on Twitter by saying free speech allows indecency?

So much for free speech, Andrew.

Tam Jardine

I have heard theories about the suspension being an automatic thing while an account is reviewed- whatever the truth may be Stu has been vindicated and the complaint has been thrown out. Good. Now we need to start work on the Daily Express.

It is somewhat ironic that Ms MacFadyen’s complaint has shone a light on her and the Express’ appalling pack of lies bullshit piece on the referendum.

I suppose we have to adjust- normally on Wings hypocrisy is exposed, inconsistencies highlighted and lies debunked. Here we have a paper that has no relationship with the truth or reality and writers of fiction who are not even masquerading as journalists.

They simply don’t care- their tasks are to make money for the paper and themselves, and to feed whatever agenda Desmond wants to feed his simple minded readers. Nothing else comes into it so we have to stop looking at this as a newspaper when it is not one.

Go for the advertisers – virgin east coast, now TV, M&S, Vodafone. Why do they support a purveyor of hatred?


Can’t afford to lose you bud.


Woo Hoo!

He’s back He’s back
our Winged leader is back
THEY came
THEY saw
THEY didn’t like what they saw
THEY complained (about nothing)
Our winged one was banned
WE rallied OUR support
Our winged one was returned to US unharmed


carjamtic says:

Are you a wind up merchant doing Neils job for him? If genuine put forward some thinking in your texts, Cursing and swearing is just boring.


The BBC is paying Andrew Neil £1/2 Million to lie for the Tories. Thatcher’s henchman, False reporting. ‘loads of money’ London and banking fraud. Thatcher was secretly misappropriating Scotland’s Oil. False illegal accounting. Neil praised her from the rafters. Neil is well past a sell by date. Too. To many bottles of wine. Bloated face. A stagnated dinosaur. On speed dial to Cameron and the Tories, ruining the world economy. Could they make a bigger mess. They are sanctioning and starving the vulnerable to death.

Scotland has no vessels to patrol the shores and stop illegal drugs ruining communities and society. Unionist politicians not supplying adequate, total abstinence, proper rehab counselling from public funded. Instead funding grotesque projects of no value, Destroying the cities centres.

packhorse pete

Re James Cook –
Good of him to support few speech (big deal?) – but if he wants to look for an organisation which is “nasty, distasteful or wrong”, he need look no further than his own employer. Rubbished by academics and trusted by less and less Scots, the BBC’s own distortions and selective reporting undermine ANYTHING even their better employees tell us.


@ Jockanese Wind Talker

Your mission, should you choose to accept it is, tomorrow you are to acquire one copy of said rag and report back to HQ immediately.

Under no circumstances are you to be seen using money for this task, we have eyes everywhere. Should you fail to adhere to these instructions strictly your punishment will result in you being banished to the other side amid accusations of treachery.

The second and final part of your mission, once you check in at HQ’ O/T facility, is to divulge the information you have obtained to the rest of your WOS comrades.

It is imperative you complete this mission and disseminate all known advertisers details to your fellow footsoldiers who can then proceed with stage 2 of the plan – to warn the advertisers that their products will face a major boycott if they continue to fund such lies and hate filled churnalistic baiting and attempted smothering of freedom of expression etc.

They will be guilty by association. Good luck comrade!

packhorse pete

that is “free” speech


What I’d like to know is, at any time during this farrago, was the glass broken and the emergency kitten brought into play? And if so to what effect? We should be told.

Hairy McHero

The Uk whom supply weapons currently to Saudi, whom in turn bomb citizens of Yemen with them breaking international law, the same Uk whom recently removed motability cars from their own para Team GB flag waving athletes, having previously forced at least £120 per month to be deducted from theirs and others paltry benefit Entitlement and having also removed the spare room that they keep their wheelchair and hoist in ….. Yes this Uk, the one where UNICEF tell us child poverty is running at 24%+, The Uk where these Uk media mouth-pieces instead of reporting about the dire levels of child poverty impunitively call you things such as uncivilised or uninformed or hate monger, non of which are true……this is where I live… sad but true……. Can we not go yet ?

Jockanese Wind Talker

Stoker, mission accepted.

Thank f**k the message didn’t self destruct after five seconds.


Early hours one Edinburgh Festival night mid 90s walking down North Bridge with a couple of pals, we spotted a drunk at the top of the Scotsman steps having a pish up against the Scotsman Building.

Guess who? Yup. The Westminster elite’s favourite dancing Jockanese jester, Mr Neil.

A fitting metaphor for his time there.

Welcome back Stu. Now go get ’em.


Think I’ll just leave these here 😉

link to

link to


I think Neil might just regret that tweet. It is now quoted in WoS twitter bio,

Lie detector. Scottish political analysis and commentary. Occasionally football. ”Civilised and informed discourse” – Andrew Neil, BBC.

Well done!


Well that worked well … NOT!

The first link needs to be scrolled down a wee bit … you’ll get the “picture” soon enough.

The second link needs scrolled down to catch the bird! 😀

Geoff Huijer

I can’t stand Stephen Daisley but fair play to him for that tweet above.


Cheered up by the thought of Andrew Neil tearing someone else’s hair out at the good news.

Tearing the soap out of his Brillo Pad might have been more appropriate.

Neil is well paid and graced for his part in keeping the Scottish plebs in their place.

If he can set up the diatribe and keep the Tories in Westminster, he might get a nice wee ermine cloak for his troubles.

He can combe the ermine collar up to meet the steel wool.

Robert J. Sutherland

Very strange. Brian Wilson calls Stu a “hate monger”because he strives to tell the truth and reveal Unionist lies and distortions. Conversely, by implication at least Wilson is defending a so-called “journalist” who seems far more worthy of his apellation.

Good for you, Stu. Nil carborundum. (Don’t let the ba***rds grind you down.) You are really making a difference. Keep up the good work!

Chic McGregor

“I’m trying to figure out what the hate mongering parts are?
You take unionist propaganda, disect it and proveit false using marerial that you make available to everyone (as opposed to unionist sound bites). I still don’t get the hate bit???”

Yeah… but wait… may…be they hate it… right?
So that makes it hate mail, by their definition of course.

Who knows what kind of logic pertains in the alternate unionist universe?

Grouse Beater

There was no abuse and no insult, only a woman who knew how to manipulate the system – you scream wolf. Twitter had no alternative but to reinstate the account.

Think about it, the account was suspended without reason, and reinstated without reason,

It’s not a victory – what we witnessed is an uber-editor, bigger than newspapers, more powerful than governments.

And people wonder why I refuse to use my birth name.

Quentin Quale

Great to have you back! And fitting that even after being suspended WoS has tweeted more than Sio**** today.

Dave McEwan Hill

Lenny Hartley at 7.59

That’s the guy

Chic McGregor


‘Churnalist’. Love it, so appropriate.


Jockanese Wind Talker


I’m looking forward to seeing just who the main advertisers are.
As Tam Jardine says, further up thread, go for the advertisers.

We’ve got nothing better to focus on at the moment so a cleverly orchestrated serious campaign warning those who fund these actions is about the only legal course of action we can take.

We just can’t keep letting them crap all over us. There has to be serious financial repercussions for those who attempt to suppress the truth.

Norman R

A satisfying outcome, though you



Pawned my chess set today.


Grouse Beater

Andrew Neil is a dinosaur. His days are numbered.

You see his reaction – not a shred of sympathy for the democratic process when it’s removed from an opponent of his inexpert research and belligerent attitude.

The BBC isn’t in a position to tolerate impartial front men going out their way to denigrate and ridicule individuals and institutions publically.

His vanity is laid bare, as is his insecurity.


Good sense prevailed. Should never have happened in the first place.


Aye, it’s a good yin Chick, the old ones are the best, eh!

Thanks, Abby, that’s deffo one of my next tattoo’s, magic!
link to


Just a wee bit of smile raiser for those who do not already know. 😉

I’ve seen a tweet from the winged avenger saying all his followers are now back and the number has increased, yes that’s right folks, INCREASED by about another 400 followers! 😀

I guess that complaint worked out well for you then Siobhan. 😛


Bbc has lost the baking program. Bang bang. Another nail in their coffin.


“cearc says:
12 September, 2016 at 10:11 pm
I think Neil might just regret that tweet. It is now quoted in WoS twitter bio,

Lie detector. Scottish political analysis and commentary. Occasionally football. ”Civilised and informed discourse” – Andrew Neil, BBC.

Well done!”

Cheeky and very much in the MSM tradition of selective quoting.

Brian McGraw

Just heard. Great that commercial n sense has prevailed. Hope action is taken against those responsible.

Lenny Hartley

Dave Mcewan Hill, I kent it wuz him 🙂

So Vodaphone advertise in the Express, that will be my Vodaphone Mobile account ceased then! I will be writing to them explaining why I am ceasing the account after a decade along with a copy
Of the WOS article. Virgin East Coast , travelling with them soon, however they will be told that it will be the last time and why.


Seems a pretty straight report on the Herald, closed for comments though. They mention that “the London-based journalist suggested First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was “teeing up the population for more outbreaks of violence and misery” as she launched a fresh drive for Scottish independence.” which just about everyone knows is rubbish. I’m afraid McFadyen has been totally discredited in Scotland. Sade as the Germans would say.

Norman R

A satisfying outcome, though it should`nt have happened in the first place. There was no grounds for it. Hacks have to learn that the days of them slandering people with impunity are OVER. If they lack the maturity to cope with rebuttal then they should refrain from making fabricated ,offensive and unwarranted attacks to begin with. When I think of the disgusting and loathsome tirades against the First Minister and by implication the people who voted for her it just turns my stomach. Nicola Sturgeon is a real adult having to weather abuse from people who act like nasty malicious children.


“i was fkg raging .. i have not been this upset since September 19th 2014. People in Scotland need to find an answer to twitter’s incessant hypocrisy and censorship. i am not a great fan of the rev, but wings do a fantastic job at holding the media to account for the stinking spew and inflammatory shite they print and expect us to gobble it all up .. enough already, from this day forth i declare to be a full member of the Rev’s Killer Minions and swear my allegiance by sounding the ‘D’ word .. Disgraceful !

chris kilby

Glenda McSlagg’s face will be a picture.


Ross Lowe

We need the likes of your self to uphold free speech and hold the media to account.
I wouldn’t worry too much (not that you would) about Andrew Neil, he blocked me for calling him a clown and not a journalist.


I always knew that Andrew Neil fella could never face the TRUTH Ross. 😀


Sorry, Chic, spelt yer name wrang, its been a long day!

Rev, i was thinking, know how you sometimes see fighter pilots etc with their strike counts marked off along the side of their cockpits, usually a skull or something crossed off. How about starting up a WOS strike count. Placing one of these in a prominent position every time you dispose of a Unionist on the twattersphere. link to

Then again, maybe not, you’d have to dedicate an entire thread/article to said project and i’m not so sure we have the room. 🙂

I started today off in a shit mood for obvious reasons but end the day feeling on top of the world ma, thanks to the laughs on WOS and yet again another small victory over the demented nonentities.

Goodnight troops!




Robert Peffers

@HandandShrimp says: 12 September, 2016 at 7:10 pm:

“Well I don’t actually have a Twitter account but the thought of dismay on Andrew Neil’s face makes me go Yay!”

Andrew Neil? I thought that old idiotic anti-Scottish Scot was long dead. I don’t do Twitter either nor watch TV but the last time I saw Neil he certainly looked very dead.

No one in their right mind, and this side of Hell, gives a damn what the old numptie says or thinks. He just reminds me of the wee dog on the old HMV record labels. Listening to His Master’s Voice remotely and willing to do whatever the distant master tells him to do.

If memory serves, and it usually does, the wee mutts name was, “Nipper”, so there you go, “Nipper”, Neil the walking dead, remote controlled, London Establishment paid Mouthpiece.

Tam Jardine


On the subject of parliament- I have been trying to find the data behind the gers figures for this year and I came across this.

From 2014/2015 GERS figures- the cost of the House of Commons according to the UK government’s own figures (excluding the Lords and Ipso which are also detailed) the expenditure is thus:
(first figure is UK, second is our allocated cost):

2012/13 £159,643,000 (£16,319,000)
2013/14 £269,013,000 (£22,357,000)
2014/2015 £653,848,000 (£54,129,000)

I don’t have the figure for last year. But the 37% increase from 2012/13 to 2013/14: is that normal? Is the 143% increase between 2013/14 and 2014/2015: is that normal?

The equivalent expenditure for Holyrood appears to be:

2012/13 £72,270,000
2013/14 £71,230,000
2014/15 £76,500,000

2 interesting points to note- I can see no reference whatsover to the cost of the Welsh or Northern Irish devolved administrations which is really odd. How much do their parliaments cost and how is that cost allocated? We pay 8.3% of Westminster and 100% of Holyrood. What cost if any is allocated against the Scottish budget for the Welsh Parliament?

Secondly, if you compare the cost per person (and everything in GERS is related back to per capita even though in many instances it is meaningless) the cost of these 2 parliaments to Scots is between 2.3 and 4.3 times more than the cost of Westminster for those in rUK (according to these stats).

Graf Midgehunter

Just spent the last few days, watching from Frankfurt, the god almighty Fck up that calls itself British journalism or the absolute fear that freedom of speech generates in London politicians and their handlangers at the beeb/MSM.

Hats off to all the Wingers and friends who forced Twitter to get off their a*rse and reinstate WOS. CHAPEAU… 🙂

Now let’s get WOS onto the top slot to win the “Vuvuzela Blog Awards 2016”.

Liz Rannoch

Anybody else think Project Fear 2 (3?) has started early? They must be quaking in their boots!

As Gandi said:

First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then you win.

Think we’re at the fighting stage now. Gird yer loins, folks.

What a day! I’ll sleep better tonight. Night, night guys.


Just having a look around. Quite impressive the journos that have expressed disgust at WOS Twitter being suspended.

There’s a lesson there somewhere, bu**ered if I can think what it is though.


Respect maybe?


Liz Rannoch @ 11.44
project fear has never really gone away since fact you could say it has been in operation since 1707.

Alison Rollo

Total support for Wings!! We need you so much!! Never stop please. XXX

Grouse Beater

Two headlines in Guardian, one below the other:

Croatian election return of nationalism in the Balkans.
Gang of twenty teenagers beat up Polish man in Leeds.

Look out soon for more headlines along the lines of ‘More English moving to Scotland for ‘quality of life’.

call me dave

The Kantar TNS face-to-face poll of more than 1,000 people aged over 16 in Scotland showed 41 per cent in favour of independence with 47 per cent opposed while 12 per cent said they did not know. When the undecideds are removed, the split is 53 to 47 in favour of Scotland staying within the Union.

link to

I’ll be eager to see what James has to say later on.

link to

call me dave

Hootsman’s take on the poll:

link to


During the referendum. John major stuck in his oar spouting lies and pish. I joined the SNP I was so incensed. Today I joined Twitter. Don’t quite know what I’m going to do with it. Some times we all need a little push. Next thing I will be joining face book.

Iain More

Oh priceless! British Nationalisms Poison Dwarf calls the Rev a hate monger. I am off to bed in stitches!


@ Tam at 11:30pm …. GERS Figures.

Tam thanks for taking the time to search for / outline the figures. I’ve just returned home and it’s late (still got loads to do too) so this is a bit of a rushed reply.

Tam as far as I can make out from these figures and from data / articles I’ve come across I doubt a Philadelphia lawyer, better still Joseph Stiglitz, could work it out. There’s so much jiggery pokery going on, so much that’s hidden and that’s the way they seemingly want it to be. Strange too that there’s no mention of NIreland or Wales. Maybe the focus is on conning the Scots right now. Know that the Scots will be searching for figures, lol.

One thing for sure however is that this GERS issue will be a real stumbling block to us getting our Independence and has to be dealt wth …. clarified to ensure that we know our ‘stuff’ when being questioned by prior No voters. That and of course the Scottish exports going to the EU versus rUK. Both more crucial now, imo, to winning than the oil issue. I wonder therefore if we should contact the Cuthberts or Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp in an attempt to get this clarified?

I also came across something recently that I hadn’t really considered before (embarrassing) and that is that someone had mentioned that if we opt for the EU we won’t be allowed to trade with rUK due to EU trade rules. As far as I’m concerned, at least, something else that will have to be clarified.

Anyway better move myself Tam. Discuss this further tomorrow.


“someone had mentioned that if we opt for the EU we won’t be allowed to trade with rUK due to EU trade rules”

That’s just a total Unionist lie. Even under WTO rules, the minimum the rUK would have, any EU country can trade with the UK. But there might be tariffs on IMPORTS from the rUK, and there will be regulations, so that IMPORTS from the rUK would have to meet EU rules (in member state laws). The rUK does that now, so it’s unlikely to change in the short-term.

As far as EXPORTS to the rUK, they’d be unaffected by EU rules, we can export to whoever we like, the more the merrier, unless there’s some trade embargo or sanctions in place.


That, by the way, is the essential weakness of the Unionist blah blah blah about the rUK being 4 times the EU market. The EU just does not stop us exporting to the rUK. Only the rUK Government would be able to do something about imports into its country. Nothing to do with the EU at all. Only such as waste dumping, and some defence exports.


Support rising and Brexit hasn’t even started yet.

Robert J. Sutherland

yesindyref2 @01:41,

We also shouldn’t overlook that with an independent Scotland remaining in the EU, a whole lot of “trade value” currently reckoned on the UK side of the equation moves over lock, stock & barrel to the opposite side…

Dr Jim

They’ll use the threat of locking us out of the UK trade and present spurious boundary arguments and constantly insist we’ll be forced to use the Euro and it’s Baad money and the pound will boom and we will all die of the pox and the deficit will put us at the mercy of being bullied like Greece was and the EU only wants our fish and we’ll all die of the pox again from lack of fish coz the Spanish will take it all and the Russians will invade us and immigrants will flood in but only coz they want to go to London coz our money’s shit and we’re all dying of the pox and they wont accept our poxy money anyway

So just like the last time really
But probably with a bigger amplifier and more louder speakers and staged outbreaks of fictitious violence and mayhem reported nightly by Jackie Burd in a tin helmet with armed security outside the BBC because of all the threats from the poxy Nationalists

It’ll be watch out for abandoned bags and packages left lying in case they contain eggs which as we know is the vile Nationalists weapon of choice and warnings about the sharp edges of the poxy Nationalists tongues all reported with the seriousness and gravitas of a National emergency

All followed up with expert analysis by folk nobody ever heard of as well as Massive doses of Torrance and Massie and edited versions of folk who are pro Independence but made to sound anti in the edit followed up by Eleanor Bradfords medical spot where she explains how Scotlands hospitals wont cope with the overwhelming numbers of people with the pox and Nicola Sturgeon wont fund the antidote because we dont have the Barnett formula our lifeline subsidy from the good people of England to rely on anymore

And finally in an Independent Scotland the wind will stop blowing and the lights will go out so importing electricity from England will be the only choice and they’ll charge us many fold times more than anywhere in all the world coz we wuz Baad and the tourists wont come because of the pox

And that’s a Monday


Thanks for the clarification yesindyref2.

Ha, ha, ha. Brilliant Dr Jim and spot on although you forgot to mention reports of dozens of Russian subs in the Clyde, ten million immigrants from Turkey heading our way carrying a new, untreatable strain of the pox, North Koreans towing our poxy, worthless oil rigs away and a few bombs going off here and there with non-poxy troops from England having to come to our rescue because Smeaton’s out of action: been left lying for days on a rusty old trolley in a filthy corridor in one of our run down hospitals suffering from a severe case of cowardice.


Ha Ha
Loved your poxy post Jim that really made me laugh,

Thing is I can see the unionist arguments being even more ridiculous than the last time round which would be just as funny if there weren’t so many stupid, gullible poxy Scots who didn’t buy their diseased diatribe



In terms of uk trade rUK wont have that much choice over where it imports from in terms of energy.
Once we build a better energy exporting infrastructure (which has been neglected so far) rUK will need our energy.

mainstream economists seem to fail to understand that the economy is a subset of the environment and available energy.
It is because of energy that the London will do all in it’s power to stop us going.



regarding import tariffs, yes this is about as desperate as their argument gets.
Another I saw on twitter was the constant devaluation of the Scottish currency – basically they are talking about hyperinflation. Quite incredible.


The Unionists are telling lies again. If the rest of the UK doesn’t take goods from Scotland. There will be shortages or higher prices (transport costs etc) in England and Wales. There will be higher prices in the rest of the UK with Brexit. England and Wales will have to bear tarriffs with EU traded goods putting up prices. They will not get the advantageous advantages from trade deals the EU makes with the rest of the world or free trade within the EU.

Scotland could benefit from selling it’s Oil and services elsewhere, all highly rated products. There are other markets and increased profits rather than Westminster illegally pilfering from Scotland and not declaring it. There will be plenty of scope to increase exports and production, which Westminster had destroyed by higher taxes. Taxing the Oil sector at 60/80% when the price had fallen 75%. Losing investment, production and thousands of jobs. Losing Scotland £Billions.

The £Billions Westminster takes out of Scotland illegally counter balance any trade between Scotland and the rest of the UK. The mishandling of the Scottish economy by Westminster disadvantages Scotland. The profits and benefits to Scotland from UK are reduced and lower than calculated. When it is balanced out. The Grants and benefits Scotland gets because of EU membership are not included in the ucalculations/equation. Leaving the benefits of Grants/CAP out of the equation. Scotland could get increased grants for renewables, regional aid, farming, fishing etc. from Independent EU membership. The extra revenues (£Billions) not included. This misconstrues the final calculations.

In or out of the EU, Scotland would be better off Independent. It is the UK governance which is a drain on the Scottish economy with inappropriate and damaging policies. Scotland is higher taxed than the rest of the UK but has to pay off Westminster Gov debt which Scotland doesn’t borrow or spent because the rest of the UK pro rata doesn’t raise enough in taxes. Even without Oil revenues.

The Accounts are fabricated to hide the false calculations. ‘unidentified expenditure’ etc. Hiding separate and guessed figures. The reason for accounts is to identify expenditure. Not slotting in ‘unidentified expenditure’ to try and balance. Or putting in ‘growth’ which doesn’t happen for a black hole. (£Billions) That is false accounting. Osbourne was one of the worse Chancellor ever along with Gordon Brown and all the rest. They can’t count or read a balance sheet. Or run a fiscal budget. Incredible poor, ignorant political judgement affecting people’s lives. They have £Billions of ‘expert?’ advice and just ignore it.

The support for Independence is rising and will continue to rise. It is just demographics. With a residential qualification of 3 years? the majority will vote for Independence. It is just a matter of time. Especially when the disadvantages of non EU membership become increasingly apparent. The bounce hasn’t happened yet. Brexit hasn’t been triggered. That is when the bounce will happen. The only way is up. 2nd rate rejects are still in Holyrood damaging the political progress.

Cameron is one of the worst PM ever has gone. Dangerous, reckless incompetence. A total failure. The damage he has done is immeasurable. How long before Osbourne is gone. The next GE election? The Tories are in total disarray, along with the rest of the Unionist Parties. A total shambles of total incompetence and mismanagement from Westminster. The Tories lied and committed fraud in 31 seats. A 12 seat majority. When will the electoral Laws be implemented. They are despicable. Destroying the world economy. Sanctioning and starving the vulnerable, breaking Scottish/UK/EU International Laws. Westminster Illegally killing and maiming millions of innocent people and causing the worst migrant crisis in history.

Westminster mismanaged Gov. The illegal wars, tax evasion and banking fraud. Increasing £Billions of debt. HMRC not fit for purpose. The UK is the most unequal, unfair place in the world. Enough is never enough for tax evading Multimillionaires, running down the economy and society for personal greed. Destroying the world economy.



link to

FM to open tidal farm’s first marine turbine in Nigg
link to

link to

No access to EU market without free movement – Irish PM tells Britain
link to


link to

link to

How Cameron blew it/ Behind the scenes story of a failed Brexit campaign
link to

link to


Still not convinced that there is an actual Siobban. Nobody can be so bilious and evil. It may just be the working title for the Express disruption project. It requires a lot of complaining to get Twitter into gear, and probably all leave was cancelled at the Express staff…


Dr Jim:

Stop taking about the pox,it’s V ery D angerous

Peace Always


Please put this l into talking,fanks!

Peace Always


Wales is underfunded (£Billions) but benefits from close proximity to London. People can live in Wales and work in London. 2 hour or less journey. Depending on location.

NI (2 million pop) Raises £28Billion gets another (50%) £14Billion = £42Billion. Norwegian levels of funding.

Scotland raises more pro rata in taxes (even without Oil) £54Billion to £42Billion (rest of the UK) pro rata. Scotland has to pay off the rest of the UK debts that Scotland doesn’t borrow or spend for policies the majority in Scotland do not support (no autonomy), in which Scotland has no choice. E.g. Trident, higher Oil taxes, tax evasion by Whisky companies etc, illegal wars and banking fraud. .No patrol boats to protect the shores or fair distribution of revenues and resources. Broadcasting etc. BBC propaganda. Westminster cutting social benefits. Unequal, unfair and unjust.


Another day pf UKOK media kicks off,

THe Graun’s got nothing on boundary changes for thier Scotland region

Jeremy Corbyn, Boris Johnson and George Osborne among MPs hit by electoral shakeup

BBC r4 Today had nothing boundary changes for Scotland news either but they did have BBC Scotland gimps like Glen Campbell explain it all to Today listeners, detailed explanation all about English boundary changes. God knows why that BX r4 tory crew think they need a BBC Scotland ligger to explain English only stuff but not mention Scotland, where he still is?


God knows why that BBC r4 tory crew think they need a BBC Scotland ligger to explain English only stuff but not mention Scotland, where he still is?


Tam Jardine

The deficit to GDP percentage is something that blithely passes us by during the year and only rears its head during GERS week/month where we get hit with this awful percentage…. EU won’t let us in…. double the UK…. bla bla bla

I challenged this figure on Kevin Hague’s blog some time ago with his graph depicting Scotland as the worst performing economy in the EU. My point was we were the only country in the EU on his graph that was not a unitary state and therefore the only country where our nominal national accounts are a complete estimate. I also pointed out that no other country on the graph spends a significant proportion of her expenditure boosting revenue on another country on the graph in the way we do (to our detriment).

Regardless of all this- if you do believe our economy is honking and the worst in the EU: the Brexit plan involves leaving the EU Growth and Stability Pact whilst Scotland becoming an EU member state would involve joining the EU Growth and Stability Pact.

“The EU Treaty defines an excessive budget deficit as one greater than 3 % of GDP. Public debt is considered excessive under the Treaty if it exceeds 60 % of GDP without diminishing at an adequate rate (defined as a decrease of the excess debt by 5 % per year on average over three years).”

Now this is a blunt tool as Greece have found out to their cost but if the argument is “we would be bankrupt” then the simple answer is that the the pact does not allow it and applies corrective measures to reduce deficit and overall debt. And we are going to be either leaving this pact as part of the UK or joining as a member state, and our actual national accounts would then be subject to this examination and guided in the right direction of that 3%.

So by Scotland remaining in the EU we would be signing up to a set of rules on deficits and national debt which do not apply to Scotland at present (as we are neither a member state, nor do we have a deficit, nor do we have national debt). That doesn’t fill me with dread and I think it is an answer to anyone who thinks we will suddenly be calling in the bailiffs.


Thing I don’t get about Andrew Neil is how someone so short of charisma and presence ends up with a half million pounds a year job on television, and why that isn’t a success story of someone overcoming tremendous odds, it just feels plain wrong. His talk show pilot episode should be the one lying on the floor of a cutting room somewhere. Who the hell saw it and thought “Yup. Let’s run with that”? Was it for a bet maybe? Disgruntled sabotage perhaps? I don’t get it. The pieces just don’t fit.

Peter Kaye’s Road to Amarillo was funny. The U.K. Squaddies in the Gulf singing Road to Amarillo into a mobile phone was funny. Andrew Neil singing Road to Amarillo was just creepy and cringeworthy. I don’t care if it was for charity. It was just a poor call on so many levels.

Mind, still not as toe curlingly cringeworthy as this:


I know, I’ve scuppered the link, but I’m scared of embedding the video. It’s that rave ending to his program… Something that should never be shown to children or impressionable adults.

Strangely, the bias and personal prejudices which Mr Neil can’t bring himself to restrain doesn’t actually get to me, because it’s bizarrely the kind of thing you would expect from such a thoroughly bad program.

The best thing to come out of the Andrew Neil show is Michael Portillo’s reinvention as a TV star, and when that quiet little debacle is the best claim you can make, you know things are bad, really bad, super bad.

Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo, and I’m going to add Margaret Mountford onto the list. People with a re-born career in BBC broadcasting which defies logical explanation.

It seems Neil Oliver is another. I had no idea that Scotland’s historians took such a dim view of Mr Oliver. I don’t, (or didn’t) find Mr Oliver objectionable, but after his own outbursts and imaginary hate fests, I suddenly can’t escape my own prejudice that I am listening to the opinion of an idiot.

Come on Scotland. Let’s be rid of this BBC, wholesale, the whole kit and kaboodle. We can do so much more, so much better.


Check out this tweet & take a look at the kantar tables for the TNS poll. The 35-44 age group are they being manipulated?

link to



Thanks for the links.X
I’m not too well Nana,:-(
I think I got a chest infection from that Siobhan when I was giving her singing lessons.Thats gratitude for you.

Peace and Love my Lovely x

Robert Louis

I don’t worry about such poll findings. Fact is, right now, it is 50:50 effectively, when you allow margin of error. Nobody is actually pushing for indy right now – as in, there is no real public campaign going on, as there was in the run up to the first indy referendum.

It is a small step from 50:50 to gain a majority, much smaller than the starting point last time around (in the mid 30’s). That is why the English owned and run unionist media (which includes the BBC) is running with their scare stories and what is effectively Project fear part two deux.

When the SNP won in 2011, and the indy ref 1 was a go’er, it was NEW territory. It had never been done before – which is why I admire Alex Salmond so much – there was no ‘route map’. Now, here in 2016, we are in a much, much stronger position, and the unionists are in a very weak situation. Their arguments ring hollow.

Many lessons were learned in the last indy ref, including the failure to respond appropriately to the blatant bias of news coverage, and some of the more spurious nonsense scare stories. This time around we know in advance that the BBC will abuse its power to push blatant propaganda at Scots, we know the English owned and run ‘Scottishy’ version newspapers will do their bit for England against Scotland.

I feel very, very optimistic about indyref 2. The unwanted, undemocratic and damaging union with England is effectively already over – all we need now is the referendum, Nicola.

Robert Louis

For those interested, comparison of poll findings here;

link to


BBC radio branch office.

Scottish region is the worst for jobs, the Scottish region is the worst for new jobs……. Region .. Region… Region,

RUK doing well.

Quite deliberate by the branch office. Sadly the glee in the voice of the presenter working in a poor region for all to hear. They really are the pits.

Peter A Bell

No point in me checking to see if I’m still following Wings Over Scotland as I was quite inexplicably blocked a couple of weeks ago. Ho-hum!


Wings Over Scotland, “Civilised and informed discourse” – Andrew Neil, BBC.

It looks like I may have misjudged Andrew Neil. Clearly giving his respect and acknowledgement to a more talented and superior journalist.

Well done Andrew, it takes a big man to give out such praise, there may be hope for you yet.


Thanks for the links Nana. I see that the Tories are making sure that they’ll be in power for ever more. The greatest number of cuts in the Commons since 1922 whilst the numbers in the parasite palace have gone right through the roof thanks to Cameron. Now that he’s seen his cronies alright, such as wifie’s hairdresser, he’s off to multiply his megabucks like Blair and Brown before him. Oh and Barroso too. The gravy train riders. Good to see that he’s getting a boot on the backside by being snubbed by the EU and with a petition going round demanding that he’s stripped of his pension.

Disappointing news re. the polling figures. I wonder where Alex Salmond got the 59% from? No doubt we’ll have to wait for Brexit to kick in before we see things moving. Some astrologers are saying that Article 50 will be triggered at the end of November and there will be a financial crash around March / April next year. Euro going to be replaced in the next couple of years too. We’ll see!


BBC branch office.

Scotland has met its 2020 targets for reducing greenhouse gases. Hooray! Well not quite. It’s the mild winter that is the reason.
Begs the question why England hasn’t met theirs. Which are less strict. Must be all the snow they get.

Thankfully some nice Englishmen gave praise to the Scottish Government. It is a wonder the BBC interviewer Hayley Millar didn’t choke on her muesli. Nae porridge for her.

Scottish region bad.

Robert Peffers

@stephen says: 13 September, 2016 at 12:00 am:
@Liz Rannoch @ 11.44:

“project fear has never really gone away since fact you could say it has been in operation since 1707”

Historically project fear goes back quite some time before 1707. However, just immediately before the 1706/7 treaty we were being subjected to much undercover work by the Westminster Establishment.

The London Scot, William Patterson, (who previously had begun the subscription scheme to bail out the English crown & parliament that led to the formation of the Bank of England), was in Edinburgh setting up the disastrous Darien Expedition.

He was being aided and abetted by his friend the English author, and English undercover agent, Daniel Defoe. These two were good friends and both employed by the, (then), English Kingdom’s Spy master & Chancellor Robert Hartley.

For a significant period of his life, Defoe worked as a political agent and a propagandist. Indeed he was a spy for Robert Harley, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the year leading up to the Anglo-Scottish union. This involved visiting Edinburgh and Glasgow, writing to Harley to keep him in touch with Scottish sentiments on the union, and producing a number of essays and pamphlets promoting the cross-border alliance. After the union took place in 1707, Defoe continued as a political writer, working, at different times, for both Whig and Tory administrations.

see: link to

Defoe’s reports of his undercover work in Scotland still exist in English Archives.

What’s more I have no doubt that after Scotland ends the union the Establishment will still be interfering in Scotland’s business. They, (The establishment and not the English per se), have always been Scotland’s most consistent and bitterest enemy since Roman Britain times and I believe they always will be so.


@ Nana at 7:50am … ‘Polls’

Nana I notice on the link that you posted Curtice has seemingly stated that the yes percentage has dropped by 6%. He was on the news 2 nights ago and said it was 50 / 50. Anyway this will no doubt go on week by week until we get our Independence. Numpties online keep crowing about all of the scaremongering pre-Referendum being a load of old mince (not considering the steps that the BoE has had to take). What they don’t seem to realise is that Brexit right now is no more than a word. It hasn’t actually happened yet.

Heedtracker I’ve read that the cuts to number of MPs in Scotland (6) will be announced on 20th of October.


Robert Louis says:

“… don’t worry about such poll findings. ….Nobody is actually pushing for indy right now … there is no real public campaign”

I agree completely. We Wingers are at the obsessive end of the political spectrum! Most folks are just getting on with their lives, not giving it much thought.

However, the same can’t be said for the Unionists. Their campaign against Indy never stopped! Their public figures never stop talking about it. Their propaganda sheets spew anti SNP/SG/Scotland venom daily. Their tame broadcasters now make no attempt hide their bias.

And yet, despite this one sided campaign, we sit at 50:50

Just wait until the harsh reality of Brexit becomes apparent and campaigning for Indyref2 begins. It won’t stay 50:50 for long!


Wait what’s that about bank branches ???

We are to lose 30% ??

What happened to better together ?

What about the shipyard orders ?

Where’s Mr Cameron ?

What does Ruth have to say ?

Not SNPBaaaaddd again surely … Not again ?

Grouse Beater

Peter: “No point in me checking to see if I’m still following Wings Over Scotland as I was quite inexplicably blocked a couple of weeks ago.”



@Robert Peffers at 8.32am

Thanks Robert for that enlightenment. As you rightly point out the real opposition here in the UK is the British Establishment and their highest house the HOL at over 800 unelected members. Disgraceful. Even the USA with a population 6 times bigger than the UK has an elected upper chamber, the Senate, of only 100 (2 members per each state).

@ Petra at 8.42am

Reducing the commons from 650 by 50 to 600 is fine and dandy but what about a subsequent reduction in the HOL which is long overdue.

No parties are willing to reform this great embarrassment to UK democracy which currently does not exist as long as these unelected party troughers keep being undemocratly proposed by the three main UK parties and not freely elected by the general populace.


Michael Portillo was Thatcher henchman. He worshipped her (still does) while she destroyed the UK economy with banking deregulation and fraud, sold off utilities, now owned by foreign State utilitues. Thatcher/Portillo secretly and illegally took Scottish resources to build up London S/E to Scotland’s detriment. Thatcher/Portillo had interest rates at 15% and over 3million unemployed. More pro rata in Scotland.

People in Scotland had to emirate to get a job. Leave their families behind. Portillo said ‘Scotland was subsidised’. Can’t count or read a balance sheet. Another despicable liar. Voted out. His father was Spanish and his mother Scottish, Another migrant that doesn’t like migration. A Hypocrite. His clothing leaves something to be desires. Pouncing about on public money, Another parasite. He’s lives an endless holiday on public money. £2.7Billion for BBC nonsense. Blatant robbery.


The HoL should be abolish. Unelected with absolute no powers. Can delay twice. A complete waste of time and money.

Free Scotland

Does that tweet at the top suggest what I think it suggests? Andrew Neil considers himself to be civilised and informed????? WOW!



Well that’s just awful and you being sociable serenading the besom. Make yourself a nice hot toddy and don’t go picking up any old rags [especially the express] you never know what germs might be lurking xx

Much gerrymandering going on Petra with boundary changes and as you say Cameron has stuffed the hol with his cronies. However not everyone is happy link to

I’m not worried about the polls, I do find it interesting that they are already manipulating them.


The bbc trough

link to

Let’s fund this instead
link to


I must admit to being extremely confused here about this boundaries changes thingy going on. ( no change from Normal then 🙂 )

Surely this idea that Cameron had to cut the number of M.P.’s could have been achieved so much easier than upsetting M.P.’s who will have their constituencies disappear overnight.

I mean there is a very obvious option to reducing the number of M.P.’s from 650 down to 600. Not only is the option extremely obvious, well it is obvious to me anyway 😀 , but I’m pretty much certain the M.P.’s involved would not be that upset about losing their constituencies. I am talking about ripping up Act of Union and returning England and Scotland to two wholly independent countries … job done … SIMPLES! 😀

Liz Rannoch

“Sorry Guys”. No need for you to apologise Rev.

Smallaxe – hope you feel better soon – no more canoodlin wi that wummin!

Ssshh, quietly, looking over her shoulders… over on hootsmon… poll showing 61% for Indy! .. on the hootsmon?

Sorry couldnae help masel, grovel grovel. Anyway off for second week of RT – Later.

Grouse Beater

Chill out, chaps. We still have Bannockburn.

I wrote this two weeks before the discovery of Franklin’s sunken ships, HMS Erebus and Terror.

link to


I’m curious. Reading about Theresa May and David Davis not giving a running commentary on Brexit negotiations… Who are they negotiating with?

Presumably nobody in Europe, who won’t discuss anything before Article 50 is triggered. I believe members of EFTA are similarly disposed.

Is expect the US is keen to get a bilateral TTIP deal going with the U.K. but the UK should not kid itself. The big US Corporations driving TTIP want into Europe, and the U.K. Is just a stepping stone. The irony of Brexit is that the US would give its eye teeth for the access to European markets which the UK is about to throw away. The US might be flirting, but their eyes are really on the girl who is standing by the bar.

Japanese? Hmmm, and Chinese too perhaps, must be frustrated know where their extensive programs of investment are headed, and how the UK government is going to package the loss of free trade with European markets as something positive. Nissan produce 475,000 vehicles in the UK last year, and 80% of them were exported, and I guess most were exported to Europe. That is after all why the Japanese car companies came here isn’t it? I wouldn’t expect trade to stop post Brexit, but when WTO trade tariffs are introduced, the numbers are going to be huge. I’ve said it before too, China will be more than happy to trade it’s way into Western expertise, whether that’s nuclear expertise or military.

I was told once that ordinary Asian people have a tradition that instead of trusting their wealth to a Bank or Finance house, people buy gold in whatever amounts they can. For example every Gurkha Regiment has its own regimental goldsmith so they can turn their wages into gold, or did have anyway, I’m a little out of date. Why trust a currency set against gold when you can have the gold itself? You want to sell these people your expertise in financial services? … And after Brexit??? Err, Good luck. Think I’ll split my money between gold and Chinese fortune cookies.

So yeah, I can understand why Theresa wants to keep mum about Brexit negotiations. Spam fritters from Argentina and GM foods from Uncle Sam are a tough sell to angry mobs of right wing Xenophobes who like taking their frustrations out on Polish immigrants. Still, a good deal on a cut price Nissan Micra might help keep the peace, even if the steering wheel is on the wrong side. It’s made in Britain init?


Nissan produce 475,000 vehicles in the UK last year, and 80% of them were exported, and I guess most were exported to Europe. That is after all why the Japanese car companies came here isn’t it?

But then Sunderland voted Leave by a lot, same as Scotland voted Remain. Teresa Thatcher says Japan loves Brexit UK, they bought ARM for £24bn didnt they, so shut it you etc.

Why would Sunderland that relies on Nissan as their major employer vote to Leave and probably result in Nissan leaving for main land EU?

Decades of BBC led tory attack EU propaganda, misinformation, low information, cant be the whole story.


Nice to hear that BBC/SKY/MSM are making a big thing about the Japanese threatening to pull out of UK as a result of Brexit.

I however have a slightly different slant on things, no surprise there then. 😀

When they say they are looking at moving out of UK they actually mean rUK because they are eyeing up Scotland IN the EU as a new destination. Let’s face it moving factories 100 or so miles North will work out cheaper and quicker than moving them 400 -500 miles. Not only that but any of the current workforce who voted to remain in the EU could move fairly easily to a new location without having to worry (too much 😉 ) about language problems. 😛

Proud Cybernat


There’s a small army of volunteers all over Scotland itching and ready to challenge the BBC’s indy propaganda and help bring it down to a small peep. At the very least they will greatly assist in opening the eyes of the unaware to the fact that the news broadcasts of the BBC in Scotland simply cannot be trusted.

But the campaign still needs your help. Only 4 days remain for the crowdfunder to run and we are still only two-thirds of the way there. Please chip in a few quid if you can to help the campaign over the line. We do not want to give the BBC, our biggest obstacle to Scotland regaining its independence, something to crow over if the campaign fails to reach its target. Thanks to all who have already contributed.

Peep the Beeb

link to

The army of volunteers are ready. Please help them get the message out: BBC MISREPORTING SCOTLAND

Oh, and incase you missed it:

link to


Ha ha ha. Well done that man at the end of Call Kaye.

Following Edwina Curry slightly earlier having a go about the politics of envy and then claiming Westminster Govt credit for repairs to Forth Road Bridge amongst other stuff, man comes on and rips Kaye a new one for allowing Curry to spout her pish without being pulled up for it.

Taken aback, Kaye sarcastically thanks him for doing her job.

Bet she has a beamer right now.

Dr Jim

The current crop of Tories are only in a dilemma over Brexit because they can’t work out how to keep things the same but fool their voters into thinking everything’s changed


Abby wrote:

“Not only that but any of the current workforce who voted to remain in the EU could move fairly easily to a new location without having to worry (too much) about language problems.”

Also, any “foreign” employees could sleep soundly in their beds at night without worrying about being kicked out by nasty creepy Westminster governments.

We need to spread the word and alert the public to Scotland’s foe!
link to


On the Herald web the Rev is alleged to have set up a “hate mob” against a Daily Express journalist. No great detail as to Her nonesense over the past few days which in my view was quite deliberate and planned.

The unnamed Herald journalist could have of course undertaken a detailed investigation into the matter, noted that the impartial BBC lackie Neil supported the closing down of the Twitter account. I would have love to have commented but The Herald does not allow any further comment ie no comment. Is Gardham still at the Herald or is the defender of free speech Gordon on leave?


Sorry, folks, cross posting responsible for me duplicating PC’ link at 10:01am.

While i’m here, Proud Cybernat, do we have volunteers for the main Island groups of Shetland, Orkney and Western?

call me dave

@grouse beater

Excellent bit of history there. I remember in the distant past an old schoolteacher of mine mentioning this during ‘Canada and the Hudson Bay Co and the NW passage’ All done and dusted in a day.
Good read.

Missed ‘your call’ on shortbread this morning, too busy quaking with all the Scotland bad stuff and felt quite faint, really I did… FGS Auntie stop it! 🙂


Re the brexit debate.

Surely all the Scottish Government has to say to the Japanese car makers etc is that Scotland will welcome their jobs as part of remaining in the EU and will welcome new workers to Scotland as well as the employment opportunities for folk here.

Don’t we remember machinery being stripped and headed south after closing factories.

Watch the Tories squirm.


@ GB, enjoyed the Rae story, just as well there things were Twitterless at that time.

Looking forward to Brian Wilson posting on Wings in future. How to protect the Harris Tweed name post Brexit will be interesting for a start.



I agree with you, but if Newcastle / Sunderland cannot get its head around what’s happening in Scotland, what chance has Tokyo or New York?

For Brexit fearing UK business, for Scotland to resemble a viable option it needs to be a firm platform with ASSURED membership in Europe. For as long as there is a question mark hanging over our Independence, the more business will simply leapfrog Scotland and move into Europe proper. If English language is a factor, then there is Ireland already there. No company, not one, will move to Scotland to escape Brexit while Scotland remains vulnerable to exiting Europe by reluctant default.

The longer we remain in the UK, and/or the greater doubt there is about Scottish Independence ever happening, the greater the risk becomes that opportunities in Scotland will just be tarred with the same brush as the UK. By the time Scotland has set out its stall, it might be too late.

If your UK business is Brext critical, you may very well have to face relocation before Scotland gets its act together. That is where Brexit uncertainty can hurt Scotland. It isn’t Brexit uncertainty that is critical, it’s the Indy uncertainty holding us back.

Proud Cybernat


Yes–islands covered.

Peep the Beeb

link to

Jockanese Wind Talker

Stoker message left on Off Topic for you.


I can’t recall where, but I have read a few times over the past few days that the real level of support for Independence is currently 60%.

Does anyone have any more information on this.

Dorothy Devine

Proud Cybernat , is there any way of donating other than leaving details on line ? Cheque for instance?

What a loathsome bunch of creeps we have in our media !

May they watch their circulation figures go into minus .

Peter Clive

My tuppence worth on the stushie:
link to


Breeks says:
13 September, 2016 at 10:28 am


I agree with you, but if Newcastle / Sunderland cannot get its head around what’s happening in Scotland, what chance has Tokyo or New York?

To be fair Breeks if Newcastle or Sunderland can not get their head around what is happening up here then they have only themselves to blame because it is no secret, unlike May and her heidless chicken gang with their Brexit plans. 😀

With regards to Tokyo and New York I think they, along with many other capitals around the world, know what is happening in Scotland. In my view they are all just waiting for the Article 50 starting gun to be fired and they will be in here to ensure we can carry on, as the UK used to do, unhindered.

Only an idiot would take themselves out of the single European market and the countries around the world know that. They are all bidding their time. I am confident we will have to fight them off, figuratively speaking, when the time comes. 😛

Proud Cybernat

@ Dorothy Devine

Sorry Dorothy – no cheques or cash I’m afraid. For the sake of transparency, I prefer to keep all donations to the Peep the Beeb campaign properly logged and tracked through Indiegogo where people can see exactly what has been raised.

Peep the Beeb
link to


Dr Jim says:

“The current crop of Tories are only in a dilemma over Brexit because they can’t work out how to keep things the same but fool their voters into thinking everything’s changed”

I think there are two factions, and that is probably the thinking of the main group.

Although, it could just be part of an elaborate plan where some (Fox etc) talk about hard Brexit just as a smoke screen.

Also, all the negative talk of visas and disadvantages of Brexit seems surprising. This too might be part of the plan to make large numbers of voters relieved about little change, when that comes.

There are a couple of things outside WM’s control.

I can’t see they hold many cards, so negotiations are going to be close to a take it or leave it deal from the EU. My guess is the EU want to maintain free movement, free trade etc, but getting disruptive UKOK representation out of Brussels is a bonus!

The other thing we hear about is WM have few negotiators and could have complex negotiations! Again this points to a take it or leave it deal.

The ‘leave it’ option is of course a hard Brexit walk away scenario. While that might be scary, it would help the Indy cause.

A very soft Brexit where nothing much changes, won’t help the Indy cause. Although, paradoxically, it would make Indy less painful if people can be persuaded.

The voters who wanted immigration controls etc were always likely to be disappointed.


O/T.Amnesty International

Hi Smallaxe

‘I can’t bear to be in this place any longer,’ Nazanin told her husband last week. Yet if Iranian authorities have their way, Nazanin will spend the next five years in prison, separated from her two-year-old daughter, husband and her life in the UK.

She doesn’t know why – Iran won’t explain the charges. The closest they’ve got is saying that they are related to ‘national security’.

Sign the petition: Call on Boris Johnson to speak out for Nazanin

Nazanin was at Tehran airport, about to catch a flight home to the UK after visiting her family back in Iran, when she and her two-year-old daughter Gabriella were approached by officials believed to be from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The officials arrested Nazanin and confiscated Gabriella’s passport.

That was back at the start of April. Now, over six months later, Nazanin has just been told that she will spend five years behind bars – although the authorities have never explained why they detained her in the first place.

Little Gabriella, meanwhile, only has a British passport – and it’s been taken from her. She’s in the care of her grandparents in Iran, her mum imprisoned, and unable to return to her dad in the UK.

‘I do not want to wake up each morning and remember where I am. I want to stay in my dreams.

‘I have been here so long. Do you understand what it is like to be a mother kept away from her child this long. I have missed over a fifth of her life. What does that do to her?” – Nazanin

Tell Boris Johnson to speak out for UK citizens imprisoned in Iran

Nazanin has been treated appallingly. She was subjected to solitary confinement for over a month when she was arrested, and the whole judicial case against her has been shrouded in secrecy.

Nazanin’s imprisonment follows that of Kamal Foroughi, another UK-Iranian citizen imprisoned on vague ‘espionage’ charges in 2011. Kamal was also kept in solitary confinement before being convicted at an unfair trial of charges he did not know about until the day before the court hearing.

Some UK politicians have raised concerns about the imprisonment of Nazanin and Kamal – but we need the UK Foreign Secretary to step up and raise their cases with the Iranian authorities at the highest level.

Demand that Boris Johnson speaks out for Nazanin and Kamal

Thank you,

Kathy Voss
Urgent Action Co-ordinator
Amnesty International UK

Take Action – sign the petition

Supporting Amnesty with a regular gift or donation is the best way you can help us achieve our long term goals.
Your help will allow us to keep up the pressure,
demanding justice for victims of human rights abuses.

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Brian Wilson and Andrew Neil. Two rich people in favour of the status quo. Jings, whit a surprise.



I am sure all the 475,000 were export cars into the EU.
The right hand drive models for the UK market come straight from Japan as they are also right hand drive in Japan. So the factories in the UK are all tooled up to make left hand drive models.

I can see Nissan / Toyota etc all looking ever so slightly northwards, if we can breakaway and remain good EU citizens.

Bathgate / Linwood would seem good starting points with easy access to Rosyth very convenient for them to export to mainland Europe.

Obviously new emerging ex eastern bloc countries would be vying for a piece of the action, but unease over Mr Putin and immigration issues would probably mean that Scotland would represent a safer place to invest in.
The clock is ticking!


@ One_Scot at 10:34 ….. ‘Polls’

Try checking out Alex Salmond’s interview by RT in June. He stated then that the Yes vote was around 57 or 59% It’s on YouTube around 7 minutes in. Sorry I can’t post it for you as I’m on my IPad.

The other I heard about today is on the online Scotsman. One of these ‘press to vote’ type polls. It’s at 61%.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for the info.


Cloggins at 7.18

McFadyen is a real person – just Google her name and you will be deluged with entries – amazingly most of them seem to refer to yesterday’s events with Twitter.

However there is one where she boasts about all her journalistic triumphs which has the bonus of a Contact button.

Now I am not suggesting that WoS suporters deluge her with e-mails but if anybody chooses to e-mail her – keep it clean without shouting or threats – just politely and methodically demolish her articles of last week.

[…] news website Wings Over Scotland had its Twitter account suspended and reinstated within a day with “no explanation” as to why, according to its […]


I’ve looked over this, what with me not being on twitter, with much interest. I really don’t see the supposed abuse she received. She even claims death threats without proof. It really looks like she’s having a bit of a breakdown and perhaps we should pity her more than we are. She may be mentally unhinged (and not in the “she works for the daily express” way that’s actually a bit unfair to the truly mentally ill).

Frankly I’m surprised she hasn’t put in an appeal to God yet. Certainly she seems to be getting the police involved (about what I’m not sure).

It’s also a bit worrying that she peddles absolute hate and bile on twitter yet when anyone disagrees they’re labelled as part of “wings hate mob” without any evidence.

A disturbing episode indeed and one which, along with making Siobhan look quite ridiculous, also paints twitter itself in a pretty dim light.

I would say that I agree Siobhan is a disgrace to the standards of journalism. At best, she is an annoying troll, at worst she is a dangerous and unhinged individual with access to an unwarranted public platform. I am happy to defend this statement to Siobhan should she disagree, but something tells me she’s not one for having discussions about anything, like normal adults would.

[…] did stand out yesterday were those who may obviously support the Union but decried the suspension for what it was; a deeply illiberal and manufactured act from a ‘journalist’ working for […]


carjamtic says:
12 September, 2016 at 8:51pm

Smallaxe says:

FFS.Dont mention Butterflies!

Peace Always



Hope you are fine

Laid low with dreaded Lurgi
But protected,by the butterflies and badges
(my old grandad had to sweat to buy me)

Good Health Bro.



I was jumped on by same self appointed critic.He should lighten up.
Peace,profanitys and Butterflies

Habib Steele

“I have been using the Hamilton Town House Library computers last week to access emails etc.

I attempted to access the site, Wings over Scotland, several times. I was able to access the home page, but when I attempted to access articles I received this message:

RM Safety Net
Sorry, This Page is Filtered
Hamilton Town House Library
The site was blocked by restriction list: RM Active-Adapt Content Filter

An example of an article that was filtered is:

link to

This is a pro Scottish Independence site.
I then accessed the site, Scotland in Union:

I had no problem accessing any of the articles. This is a pro Scotland remaining in the United Kingdom site.
It looks like this filtering manifests a political bias, which is inappropriate for a public library.”

I sent the above complaint to the Library Filtering/Unfiltering site. I received the following reply:

“Good morning, thank you for taking the time to contact us. The issues you have raised will be investigated and a response will be sent to you in due course.
In the meantime should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate in contacting me.”

Unionists will try every trick to stop the truth being available to the public.

eckle fechan

First they lie about you, then they complain about you, then they ban you, then you win.

Truly disturbing recent events. The folk from Sh1tter really need to explain themselves. It could be as simple as an inside contact job – somebody who knows somebody who knows a sysadmin in the mix with powerful levers to pull..

Nice appropriation of the Paisley ex-pat’s feeble attempt at sardonic wit.


Clearly Ms McFadyen is the abuser in all this, abusing the Yes voting population of Scotland with her lies because we don’t agree with her view of the world. It is also typical bully tatics to use others, eg Twitter, to cause harm to your intended target. Personally I’m sick to the back teeth of the amount of bile that gets printed in the msm. Journalism has turned into what can only be described as a free for all bitching mode, where have all the real journalist gone?


Smallaxe says:
13 September, 2016 at 9:43 pm
carjamtic says:sweary words
12 September, 2016 at 8:51pm

Smallaxe says:

FFS.Dont mention Butterflies!

Peace Always

carjamtic says:
14 September, 2016 at 8:49 am

Hope you are fine

Laid low with dreaded Lurgi
But protected,by the butterflies and badges
(my old grandad had to sweat to buy me)

Good Health Bro.

Smallaxe says:
14 September, 2016 at 9:59 am
I was jumped on by same self appointed critic.He should lighten up.
Peace,profanitys and Butterflies


You have now joined the exclusive club of people who have been
CENSURED by WOS’s self appointed Mary Whitehouse,your badge
and certificate are in the post!

Peace Always


Hehe Smallaxe, I know…H and I have had ‘words’ before…he canny help himsel’ so ah just gently tell him to go away…I’m sure he actually counts the ‘profanities’ and scores against posters….wonder where I am on the list 😉


This week’s No1 with a bullet for not only swearing but also
taking “The Lords name in Vain”.God will get you for that!

Bless you my son

Peace Always 🙂

Andrew McLean

McFadyen Could get the police involved, if she makes a complaint, but I think the papers lawyers would be failing in their duty if the failed to caution her she is very likely to be charged with wasting police time, and further reporting someone maliciously to the police is in itself harassment as was evidenced recent in a recent case.

If you post comments on a public forum it is deemed implicit that you encourage a response, you open for negative comments, to then involve the police is clearly an attempt to use them to boost your exposure.

Given her posts on Twitter, she is likely to be stupid enough to do so!


Smallaxe, I’d be flummoxed and mind shatteringly enlightened if God wis noticing me at all…I’ll keep up the good work if this is whit does the trick! 😉



I would be just as surprised if he noticed me as I am a member
of the Humanist Society of Scotland.Keep up the good work!

Peace Always


🙂 Smallaxe…I’m a member of the Human Society of Earth…we aw bring our own sunbeams tae the show…peace tae you and yours Smallaxe.


Disturbing also James Cook’s choice of words in his Tweet, (obviously echoing his own opinion) of “nasty, distasteful or wrong” Would it not have been easier just to say if you disagree with WoS and their views? This is subliminal but from the balanced position of our “Public Service Broadcaster”?

[…] website Wings Over Scotland had its Twitter account suspended and reinstated within a day with “no explanation” as to why, according to its […]

[…] website Wings Over Scotland had its Twitter account suspended and reinstated within a day with “no explanation” as to why, according to its […]

[…] website Wings Over Scotland had its Twitter account suspended and reinstated within a day with “no explanation” as to why, according to its […]

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    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “zerO One: pSy?-?fI: reAlity: #everythingJan 13, 00:59
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “TRUTH SEEKER FOR THE PEOPLE @Jraydogg82: “Elon, As a father of six daughters, the revelations about Britain’s grooming gangs cut…Jan 13, 00:40
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Rachel halliwell @Rachelhalliwel5: “This is my daughter Semina Halliwell she was only 12 years old when she took her own…Jan 13, 00:32
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “Rchaoui: holygrail(punk): We All Belong: “Six, stones, don’t weather my bones My tone grows cold That harmful truth that you’re…Jan 13, 00:05
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “re. “Holy Grail secretly know this” Scotland could be presented with the Holy Grail – in its own hands, personally…Jan 12, 23:29
    • Young Lochinvar on Inability To Learn: “Fingers up each others b@ms..Jan 12, 23:15
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “BBC News (UK) @BBCNews: “Facebook and X must comply with UK law – minister” Lord Talbot @Lord_Talbot64: “So the Paedophile…Jan 12, 23:15
    • Young Lochinvar on Inability To Learn: “Agree with you on this one.Jan 12, 23:08
    • Young Lochinvar on Inability To Learn: “CC See recent discussions (for and against) independent candidates as opposed to party drone candidates.. Things have to change..Jan 12, 23:06
    • Jay on Inability To Learn: “Psycho. Not you Gregor!Jan 12, 23:04
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Socialist Voice @SocialistVoice: “Yes, Labour has questions to answer over Ivor Caplin – but that still does not excuse the…Jan 12, 23:01
    • Jay on Inability To Learn: “Thank you for that link, Confused, it is fascinating and appalling. There has been something strange about travelling up the…Jan 12, 22:59
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Elon Musk: “This guy was sentenced to 7 years in prison for social media posts. The other guy was sentenced…Jan 12, 22:42
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “Good choice, Confused – Something to brighten up miserable Scotland…Jan 12, 22:30
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “SoullessJan 12, 22:06
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “Joanna Cherry KC @joannaccherry: “Moira didn’t “attack” Nicola Sturgeon, she simply asked her to refrain from her repeated attacks on…Jan 12, 22:02
    • gregor on In Ruins: “…as well as Pete and Patrick (no big deal:)Jan 12, 21:55
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “#Hide #Hunting #MeJan 12, 21:46
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “War Babies: Quarantine Core: Idiot Proof: “Grade school level PHD Word of Mouth University Can’t trace a single solid fact…Jan 12, 21:15
    • Shug on In Ruins: “I see the national has a heading on Swinney “i plan to finish the job on indy” I can only…Jan 12, 21:02
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “‘YOU LOT’ can’t even agree to safeguard children: #ChildAbuseMonstersJan 12, 21:02
    • Chas on In Ruins: “Who wrote the book? Is it any good fur wipin yer erse?Jan 12, 20:58
    • Alf Baird on Inability To Learn: “Interesting article, although rather ignorant of the history and significance of the Scots language which was the language of the…Jan 12, 20:56
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Mark Beggan: “If you do then I know a guy who does a good line in Miu Miu, everything for…Jan 12, 20:52
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Mark Beggan: “Do you wear women’s clothes?” 12, 20:48
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Andy Ellis, quotes: “Gregor is the Cameron Brodie “de nos jours”. From memory it took an inordinate amount of time…Jan 12, 20:40
    • George Ferguson on Inability To Learn: “Roddy Dunlop called it. Past the point of basic human rights. Either charge Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon or don’t.…Jan 12, 20:39
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Michael Laing, quote: “I don’t care whose side you’re on, I’m sick of you filling the comments section with your…Jan 12, 20:35
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “John Burke @Jbur8Burke: “This PEDO thing is bigger than any of us realize. Human trafficking (immigration) is a major component.…Jan 12, 20:26
    • Mark Beggan on Inability To Learn: “It’s a trick question you see. Catch out the fakes.Jan 12, 20:23
  • A tall tale

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