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Wings Over Scotland

Scooby Don’t

Posted on February 10, 2024 by
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…said he with tongue firmly in cheek…


I wonder how long it will take Useless to appoint an other hopeless waste of spacer to replace this one?
The sooner the SNP are out of the sharp end of Scottish politics the better and when they leave they can take their green arseholes with them.


It’s all right laughing but what will become of Dippy Dug.
Will need to live off her remnants of her Get me out of here money,
Sponge off her SNP girlfriends MSP money and please don’t let her
become an office manager somewhere or the company has had it.

Would you give her a job???

Dorothy Devine

Effijy, the sad thing is I doubt if any of us would give any of them a job – right now I can only look on with utter disgust at what masquerades as our ‘betters’.


Chris a couple of weans depicted in cartoon under a double decker bus in the background would have been apt for this cretin

Alf Baird

Effijy @ 8:04 am

“Would you give her a job???”

A Starmer gov might do what the Tories do with their ‘top people’ who are unable to get elected, bring them back to political ‘life’ in the HoL; a sort of Alasdair Gray’s ‘Bella’. Poor thing.

Ian Brotherhood

@Alf Baird –

Ha! Nice one.

Another Gray title is apt when it comes to Matheson’s excuses and the utterings of Nicola’s gang generally – ‘Unlikely Stories, Mostly’.

Antoine Roquentin

We are smothering, it seems, under a heavy and poorly executed tapestry of decadence, its perished threads now vermin-ridden, rank and colourless. Will someone please call the cleansing-department and get it removed tae fuck!

Mark Beggan

I think Matheson should be more worried about what his kids will do in terms of payback. Ha ha ha.

David Hannah

Worst Dad of the year award. Honey, I shopped the kids. The Morrocan fondler, Matheson of Morrocco. With the suncream, while his wife and children were down at the pool. Matheson had his pants around his ankles. Watching. Gentlemen’s special interest entertainment. His 11K wank bill. Just another useless politician, caught with his pants down. And money sticking in his hole.

What a laughing stock. I hope his wife and children leave him. They will never forget!


I’m surprised iPad man stood down, in this day and age there’s very little accountability left in politics.


Politicians tend to jump before being pushed only when awkward journo’s ask for comment on matters yet to be made public. I wonder what the Sundays will reveal tomorrow…


Welcome back Chris – back of the net with that one.


Meanwhile a convicted liar speaks out.

“A Scottish Lib Dem MP has predicted that his party could be in the Scottish Government after the next Holyrood election.

Alistair Carmichael said the Lib Dems “would have an opportunity to have a role in government” if they return more than 15 seats in 2026.”

Robert Hughes

The really farcical aspect of yr man’s ” it wiz the weans whit dunnit ” alibi is it would have been cheaper for them to fly to the location of the football match , pay to get in , and fly back to Morocco .

15k ” roaming charges ” ? aye , right . If you believe that Jackanory fable , I’ve got a credible SNP Independence strategy to sell you .

Top ‘toon , CC 🙂

Mark Beggan

Did Matheson delete the thing. He says football!
Maybe he was planning something else. Roaming Independently for a cause?

I have waited a long time for little Sturgeon and her freak show to be dragged before the nation.
How do the disciples cope these days. Reality must be difficult


“A Starmer gov might do what the Tories do with their ‘top people’ who are unable to get elected, bring them back to political ‘life’ in the HoL”
My “vanished” post from yesterday claims, on good authority, that is precisely the script when Starmer gets elected. I assumed it was blocked because it might have legally compromised our host.

Still, the ascent, pre- 2011, of Hootsmon BTL poster FiFi La Bonbon to the ermine via SLab leadership in Holyrood and the John Smith gig should inspire those here rebuked by Rev Stuart recently.

We can all look forward, I hear, to “Professor” Baroness Dugdale contributing to that surefire cure for insomnia- a debate in the HoL – alongside her old boss, Lord Foo.

Chris Downie

While I welcome the imminent fall of the SNP, the dial isn’t moving for either Alba or the ISP and so I think we all need to contemplate the implications of a Unionist party returning to power (almost certainly the Red Tories, as the Blue kind will never, ever win the popular vote in Scotland again, having not done so since the 1950’s). Will it be a catalyst to finally wake the YES movement up from it’s slumber and force it into the kind of action we saw in 2014? Or will it go out with a whimper? Or will some look at events in Northern Ireland (the Unionist majority crumbled in 2017 and is never coming back, now a border poll is surely a question of when, not if) for a longer term approach?

Antoine Bisset

There is space in the political playground for a conservative party that is not Unionist. One that would be open to Scotland being independent if the people willed it.Few can really wish things to continue as they are.
It is an ongoing car crash of profligacy, secrecy, incompetence, weirdness, waste, and an endless squeeze on the population.


“I think we all need to contemplate the implications of a Unionist party returning to power”

Ahem, sorry to point out the obvious, but the SNP are Unionists… wedded to devolution purely to avoid their party of incompetent troughers going bankrupt.

The SNP might have been born pro-Indy, but these days they prefer to use the Unionist’s toilets.


Robert Hughes @ 11:02am, you’re right, of course but then he wouldn’t have been able to claim it on expenses to begin with.

Does anyone else think this is the tribute act to the Tories in 1997?


Antoine Bisset

“There is space in the political playground for a conservative party..”

Didn’t Thomkins once register one?

They all had a chance to reinvent themselves in 2014 with independence.
They bottled it. Proving they have absolutely no interest in serving the people of Scotland.

(Nice to see you back Chris. Hope yer on the mend)

Willie John

That must be a BBC camera crew. Look at the viewfinder – it’s pointing at a blank wall!


Antoine Bisset
Ignored says:
10 February, 2024 at 1:22 pm
There is space in the political playground for a conservative party that is not Unionist…

I’m optimistic an Indy Scotland would embrace the whole political spectrum, but troubled that a Scottish “Right of Centre” body of opinion would identify with UK Conservatives. It isn’t just their Unionism that makes them abhorrent to so many.

Similarly however, I feel there is a need to make some provision for the landed gentry and absentee landlords who currently only recognise Scotland as a resource to be exploited or blasted with a shotgun.

These people won’t evaporate post Independence, and if we don’t want echoes of White Farmers in South Africa, I would welcome efforts to instigate discussions and find some method to help people think the unthinkable, and contemplate a life where they put Scotland’s interests first, like a true and normal citizen of Scotland properly would.

Life as a Unionist suddenly without a Union is going to require a degree of re-programming and adjustment. Perhaps, let me stress perhaps there’s a way to make this adjustment a positive and rewarding venture for those in fear of losing all they believe in.

Let them also be heard making the case why an Indy Scotland should embrace elements of their culture which might actually benefit Scotland.

Then again, in the spirit of thinking the unthinkable, History, even from the 12th Century, should warn us that a tr(eacherous) aristocracy has done profound damage to Scotland in the past.

Yet it has also delivered for Scotland too. King Robert Bruce, signatory of the 1291 Ragman Roll pledging allegiance to Longshanks by some accounts was in attendance at Falkirk when Wallace was defeated… yet who else could have forged Scotland into a nation when it was pushed so close to oblivion? With no Robert the Bruce, there could be no Edinburgh/ Northampton Treaty of 1328.

Would the dowager Queen of England have pledged Scotland ” “shall belong to our dearest ally and friend, the magnificent prince, Lord Robert, by God’s grace illustrious King of Scotland, and to his heirs and successors, separate in all things from the kingdom of England, whole, free, and undisturbed in perpetuity, without any kind of subjection, service, claim or demand”., had Scotland been led by no magnificent prince, but a mere commoner or peoples’ assembly instead?


truly amazed at the naiveté btl….England’s establishment is «nasty», only an equal nastiness can deal with it.
Scottish nationalism is seemingly all «piss and wind».
Your fight, not mine.
Adieu et bonne chance.

Stuart MacKay

Breeks @6:16pm

There’s natural right of centre constituency that is probably a lot better off having nothing to do with UK Conservatives – the self-employed, small business owners, farmers and fishermen. All of these are inclined to small(er) government or at a very minimum, one that delivers value for the money extracted from them. UK Conservatism with it’s top echelons focused entirely on the SE of England have little to offer conservatives in Scotland. It’s about time they grew a pair, found a voice and started holding Holyrood accountable, including the Unionists who have to serve their masters’ interests down south first, and Scotland last.


It is time to talk about something important.

“It was on the day that witnesses from Nicola Sturgeon’s private office were due to give evidence as to her own knowledge and involvement, that the Scottish Government suddenly conceded the case rather than have this evidence heard…”
(Craig Murray’s “Sworn Evidence on the Sturgeon Affair”, currently available on his website)

I’m slowly processing the statement as a whole, it’s been a busy week, but it struck me that the above contained new information and raised a few interesting questions. Correct me if I’m wrong;

1) we all knew the Government conceded the case at a time that was convenient for them, this had been suggested elsewhere previously, but doesn’t this give us a much more interesting and specific understanding of why they did so?

2) is this the first time we have heard of the existence of witnesses that could and were willing to implicate Sturgeon on the basis of her “knowledge and involvement” in the alleged conspiracy “designed to generate false accusations” against Salmond?

3) why haven’t we heard more about or from those witnesses? Couldn’t they have gone to a newspaper and made a lot of money with their bombshell information, what would stop them?

4) can we expect those witnesses to give evidence in any future court cases? And if or when they do, isn’t it going to be ‘game over’ for Sturgeon, the SNP, those directly involved, and those who must have known about this and said nothing or helped cover it up?


@ Stuart Mackay

Smaller government or at least reeling in some of the excessive legislation that keeps growing arms & legs, and of course costs, would probably help a lot of businesses out.

IIRC SEPA was looking at charging ski centres for an extraction license for using water from the burns running down the mountains to use in their snow making machines.
FFS the manufactured snow melts and the water returns to the burn. Or are SEPA thinking the minuscule amounts of plastic that wears off skis and snowboards somehow contaminates the melt-water.
Glenshee were looking at installing some more environmentally friendly ways of powering the centre, because all its power was / maybe still is generated by burning diesel in generators.
Any greens going skiing better pay extra for their carbon emissions or plant a few thousand trees to try to offset the pollution their hobby causes.
I don’t want to incriminate anybody but someone who isn’t me once got caught short on the slopes and had to take a dump off piste…


Hatuey @ 18.57

In answer to your question, I most certainly don’t believe you are wrong, Hatuey.
But then, this is Scotland, so I wouldn’t be holding my breath waiting for any of our MSM to express any particular interest in these events.


You are right, Chris – it is better to laugh at these failed politicians than cry.


Sven, I get it, but there’s a massive scoop there for someone and they need not be working for any newspaper in Scotland.


Hatuey @ 20.34

Well, you certainly got my attention focused on something I’d mssed completely, Hat, so thanks.


@ Hatuey at 6:57 pm

You stated: “I’m slowly processing the statement as a whole, it’s been a busy week, but it struck me that the above contained new information and raised a few interesting questions.

You’re referring to this article I linked to on the previous thread. But it isn’t *new information as the article and was originally published just over 3 years ago on January 27th 2021.
I only linked to it because it contained reference to Ian Blackford who was being mentioned in the btl discussion.

*Unless it has recently been updated.

link to

So there has been several years for aspects of the content of that article to be investigated and developed further, but it should come as no surprise that the MSM have little incentive to dig deeper.


Is Stuart Campbell a Zionist? I am not asking as an insult nor a slur.


Actually, Dan, I didn’t see or click your link, I saw people refer to it earlier in the week, though… the link to the article that I clicked is on Murray’s site on the right menu, quite near the top.

Regardless, that particular piece of information seems new to me. I probably read that statement when it was published a couple of years ago and was looking at things differently back then. Funny how time can change your mindset and perception of things.

It’s heartening to know that there were potentially witnesses who would have given evidence in this case. I’m surprised nobody has made more of that.

Was the article possibly published and removed for legal reasons? 90% of it is familiar and well known, but some of the detail seems new… maybe old age setting in.


Chris Downie 12.49pm. ‘As the blue kind will never ever win the popular vote in Scotland again, having not done so since the 1950’s’
Oh i dont know Chris, give it another 5yrs of tory voting english incomers and we will possibly see a blue tory government in holyrood. Welcome to Scotlandshire north britain, Wha’s like us eh.LoL.


Further to this post last week re. excess deaths.

link to

30 minute vid from Dr John Campbell speaking with a funeral director and what they are seeing.

link to

Mark Beggan

The Germans call us Die Inselbewohner: The Inseparables. Aint that quaint.


Brilliant cartoon.
The art of great cartoonists is to capture those facial expressions and highlight them far more than any photograph would struggle to capture.

A classic example would be the look of total panic the great Chuck Jones managed to depict in Wile. E. Coyote’s eyes as he suddenly realises he has overrun the cliff and there is no terra firma under his feet. In real life you only ever see that look when a Tory politician suddenly realises he has inadvertently said something which was true.


Dan, John Campbell’s recent videos are disturbing. Those things look like something from an alien movie. I managed about 30 seconds.

God help us.



Hasn’t she been given some well stipend professorship?

David Hannah

That blood clot video looks absolutely terrifying. What is that alien growing inside the body?

Let’s call it for what it is. The China virus hoax.

David Hannah

WEF wants to kill us off. The excess deaths are a thing. Tell Sturgeon to jag up her own arm with the vaccine. She’s a Harry rag she wants to kill us all in biblical proportions.

May God have mercy on our souls.


Unfortunate that the funeral director’s name is John O’Looney

David Hannah

I’m shitting myself. I want a CT scan. I suppose we’ll have to go private. How would you know if you had a blood clot?

I wonder if there’s some kind of blood test that would discover these white blood clots.

I believe everything in that video. I hope it’s shared far and white.

Sturgeon of course probably had a wee saline vaccine. Hilary Clinton is her handler. She’s only been following orders from Epstiens friends.


Covid19 is a far greater cause of blood clots than vaccination is. And it looks as though these clots being fojund by embalmers are post-mortem clots.

link to


What a bunch of gullible twats people are.These ‘calamari clots’ form after death and are not previously unknown or even previously uncommon.

From link to

“If you look at postmortem clots just with the naked eye, they’re gelatinous and they’re rubbery. And if you listen to the embalmers on this documentary, that’s exactly how they’re describing these new, strange clots,” he said. “Postmortem clots typically take the shape of the blood vessel they’re in, and that’s exactly how these embalmers describe these newfangled clots that they’re finding. They’re pulling out these perfect casts of blood vessels.”

Other experts have come to the same conclusion when asked before by fact-checkers about such claims from funeral service providers, including Hirschman and O’Looney.

“The images look to me more like postmortem clots, mainly due to the color, the shape, and particularly because of the amount,” Nikolaus Klupp, an associate professor of forensic medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, told Health Feedback in September.

“The blood clots are from refrigeration. It happens to many bodies,” embalmer Monica Torres, of NXT Generation Mortuary Support, told AFP the same month. “It’s just that there were so many bodies to process, many of them sat in refrigeration for long durations so they got blood clots. It’s not a big deal and these people are trying to make it a thing.”

Mark Beggan

Are the Greens going to be allowed just to walk away from this! I think not.

Mark Beggan

My thoughts of healing to the King at this time.

Graf Midgehunter

Mark Beggan at 10:56 pm

“The Germans call us Die Inselbewohner: The Inseparables. Aint that quaint.”

Bulls**t. No they don’t.

They call the English “Inselaffen”. Island apes. Aint that quaint.

Never ever heard of The Inseparables….

James Barr Gardner

O/T Burns Supper

Alex Salmond gives a cracker of a speech, the gloves are off !

Alex is Coming !!!!!!!


ScotRenewables, are you seriously expecting us to believe anything a mainstream fact checking source is going to say about vaccine-related deaths?

You’re right, people are gullible twats. It took me less than 90 seconds to find out that one of three mains sources of funding for is an organisation that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave a million dollars to in 2021.

I haven’t checked who is behind the other two main sources of funding. Should I bother?


Stuart MacKay
Ignored says:
10 February, 2024 at 6:50 pm
Breeks @6:16pm

….. It’s about time they grew a pair, found a voice and started holding Holyrood accountable, including the Unionists who have to serve their masters’ interests down south first, and Scotland last.

I agree, but English / Unionist style Conservatism is so toxic, it routinely “poisons the well” for the right of centre in Scotland.

I’m already falling into the trap myself by describing this as a Left vs Right phenomenon, and thereby adopting the blinkers Westminster Government likes us all to wear.

Scotland’s business orientated community needs to coalesce around something far more wholesome than a paler shade of blue UK Conservative ideology. To my knowledge, no such thing exists… something like a Common Weal trying to develop its own doctrines, but without a Union Jack in sight.

I wonder whether we are coming to the end of the modern insanity of dumbing down and squandering our traditional Trades and Crafts, and betraying our apprentices with anaemic and banal training regimes which leave them under skilled and greatly inferior to tradespeople of former generations.

It’s a tragedy to see what our nation was once capable of doing and compare it to now. We need “old school” competence and expertise to depose and replace “new school” amateurism and banal lack of competence.

Sadly, I fear we will need to witness the demise of NeoLiberalism greed and modern economics first, but I fear we have still got a long way to fall before that happens. Maybe it never will, and we will never again know what a Master Craftsperson is, nor witness the same pursuit of excellence, and love of excellence, the hunger for it, that once existed throughout Scotland.

Concoct a philosophy to resurrect our Traditional Trades and Artisans, and wean our nation off IKEA style garbage and the banal homogeneity of criminally overpriced modern housing, and you’d get my vote.


@ ‘Mark Beggan’…

So, what Mark Beggan are you? The one who was clobbered by a pensioner with his walking stick or the failed self-taught Glasgow musician?

Given your recent criminal destruction, on these btl threads, of The Clash’ London Calling i’d put my house on you being the failed musician. And you call yourself a “composer” too? LMFAO!

And why did you clear off when ‘Graf Midgehunter’ called you out further up thread at 1 am this morning? Were you not aware there are Wingers with a substantial life experience of other countries, including Germany? LOL!


Breeks 5.44am:
It’s a tragedy to see what our nation was once capable of doing and compare it to now. We need “old school” competence and expertise to depose and replace “new school” amateurism and banal lack of competence.

So right, Breeks, and in many areas. It can’t just be down to chance or down to lack of money that so much creative expertise has become a thing of the past. Who benefits?

Is it all tied in with incompetence in politics where decisions are made and funding handed out by people with poor understanding of their remit? Is it tied in with lobbying and self-interest where funding doesn’t reach its target but is mysteriously diverted and swallowed up?

Is it down to neglect or deliberate destruction of the nation’s cultural heritage?

Whatever the reasons, there really isn’t time to lose because once the the chain of skill and practical knowledge is broken, the expertise is lost.

Your conclusion hits it on the head. It’s a job for whoever takes the reins politically, before or after independence. But it’s also a job at grassroots, that we don’t stand idly by. The knowledge is there (Common Weal) but it needs political will, determination and integrity and we need to demand these of our politicians.

If it’s a matter of controlling market forces and rooting out this parasitical self-interest that seems to be everywhere, then the right people have to be running the show.

So much that’s good has come out of the pursuit of excellence, and love of excellence, the hunger for it, that once existed throughout Scotland. To breathe new life into it requires us to see what’s going on, recognise the establishment’s tricks and do something about it.

Robert Hughes

Check yr man ” Scotsrenewables ” up yonder .

Someone who has been shouting ” Conspiracy Theory ” at anything/everything that challenges his tidy little anally retentive worldview ad nauseam . Wasn’t that long ago he was still defending Sturgeon , long after it should have been apparent to anyone with a few functioning brain cells she was a total fraud .

* Amazing * how all the apologists for the travesty of – actual , unbiased/compromised – * Science * that was the ” Covid Response ” are so willing to believe ANY explanation for the dramatic rise in excess mortality other than what was/is the common denominator – the unrestrained , across-the-board roll-out of these * novel * * vaccines * . These staunch Rationalists will soon be telling us excess deaths are only explicable by recourse to Metaphysics .. to an Act of God . Def fuck-all to do with the malevolent self-interest of horrors like Fauci , right ?

Of course , given the drooling , ovine compliance of just about every political , MSM , * Health Expert ” and celebrity halfwit source in promoting and emotionally blackmailing the populace into uncritical acceptance of these * measures * , there’s not a chance in hell of the truth about all of that mass – hysterical lunacy emerging . Too much damage done by too many people to too many people for that to happen .

These so-called Inquiries that are taking place are a total farce , resolutely refusing to ask any of the REAL questions eg around irrational shit like mask-wearing , social distancing , the efficacy/safety of MRNA * Vaccines * , and the sheer counterproductive idiocy of prolonged lockdowns . None of this will be even mentioned . In fact , I note the * Inquiry * has been ” suspended ” : wonder why that was ?

Mark Beggan

You are mistaking me for someone else. Some one who gives a fuck what you think.

Mark Beggan

@graf midge hunter
You heard it here first.
You don’t like what I say.tough shit. Jog on.


link to

This is the most interesting post in the whole thread.
However it is ‘fucking playground shit’ / ‘bickering’

Also there is an over 2 hour gap between posts on this Sunday morning.

Just sayin’


link to

This is the least interesting post on the whole thread it’s also ‘fuckin’ playground shit/bickering’

Just sayin’

The advantage of the thread being deadly quiet the posts upload in a jiffy.

Every cloud………..

George Ferguson

@James Barr Gardener 1:02am
You have no seen the last of my blue bonnet and me. Another mauling in the Sundays for the SNP. Reminds me of people in coercive and controlling relationships. Some people bale early on whilst others lose everything because they continue in the relationship to the bitter end. If you still think the SNP have your interests at heart you are in the latter category.


Actually scrub my question above. None of my business. Was reading the twitter feed and my nosiness got the better of me.


Actually scrub my question above. None of my business. Was reading the twitter feed and my nosiness got the better of me.

ps if you can delete it please do.


Breeks says: at 5:44 am

It’s a tragedy to see what our nation was once capable of doing and compare it to now. We need “old school” competence and expertise to depose and replace “new school” amateurism and banal lack of competence.

You’ll get no quibble from me on that. As a practical person it breaks my heart to see the place I live fall into such disrepair due to lack of gumption on how to properly maintain our existing infrastructure.
Roads falling apart due to lack of maintenance of drainage, pavements becoming overgrown making passage along them difficult, communities losing bus service because some feckless twats in an office can’t even organise the simple task of cutting back a few tree branches to keep the route passable for traffic like it had been for decades before.
If you go into the council to report issues you continually get palmed off with the most ridiculous and inane excuses as to why they can’t do it.
I actually feel the glaring flaws at council level are a significant reason why folk become so disillusioned to the point they become apathetic to all levels of governance.
When they see such a lack of competence in the basic management of their local environs which impact their lives day to day, it is no wonder they struggle to believe those higher up the ladder of power would be any better.
It’s odd too that local authority elections have such lower turnouts at elections compared to national votes when arguably they have more effect on folks’ lives. But maybe that is just due to the way modern Party politics toxifies nearly everything it seems to touch.
Another reason why sensible local independent candidates representing their constituents has got to be worth a shot…

There is so much to do and be getting on with that could make things better for our communities, but so many folk I meet and interact with seem broken and have lost any motivation to do anything outwith focusing on their own bubbles of mundane existence.
It’s been getting worse for years too. The community council for the area is no more due to lack of engagement.

Was helping a pal refit the back axle to his lorry yesterday morning, after lunch took a stroll up to the village bottle bank to stretch out my back after the heavy work lifting, on way back ended up filling the bag I carried the bottles in with litter from roadside. If folk did just one thing a day or even a week to improve their communities it would make a real difference.
Of course that is being made all the more difficult though because the nanny state requires to legislate, award contracts, have certification in training, and liability insurance, to do just about anything.


link to

This is the most confusing post in the whole thread.
Also ‘fuckin’ playground shit’ which could potentially lead to a lot of bickering.

Is Stuart Campbell a Zionist or isn’t he.

Also is he a ‘fluffer for Vlad?’


Posts cannot be scrubbed. No edit facility.


ScotsRenewables. is compromised.

“The Annenberg Public Policy Center, which owns, is based on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia and also in Washington, D.C. and is funded with an endowment from the Annenberg Foundation, which partners with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The University of Pennsylvania admitted in December 2020 that “The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines both use licensed University of Pennsylvania technology. The sums received in (the actual terms are confidential) are likely in the billions.”


Hatuey and Hughes, I repeat my previous statement

“what a bunch of gullible twats people are”

Are you also flerfers hot on chemtrails and climate change denial?

I for one am sick of tinfoilers hijacking this and other indy discusdion fora.


link to

Plenty to discuss in this post but I think we are more interested in what’s going on in the Middle East, UK-Raine & Russia.

I reckon national votes will be on a par with local elections next time around.


@ Mark Beggan

WOOOoooo! Get you, you can swear, aren’t you a hard c@nt?
LMFAO at the failure. LOL!


link to

More ‘fuckin’ playground shit’ & ‘bickering’.

Just sayin’

WTF is c@nt? Is that an email address?

John Main

That’s a great post from Bob at 10:01.

And it’s a rare day indeed when I can write that.

I am reminded of the old saw about how people go mad in herds, but return individually to sanity.

I don’t agree with his conclusions though. Sure, the untested vaccines are knocking a few people off their perches (isn’t there a class action lawsuit about that going on in Germany?), but I believe the excess mortality figures are just the delayed spike in untreated fatal diseases working its way through the population.

During the Covid Years, our wonderful NHS gave up on the usual killers such as cancer, heart disease, etc. And our wonderful governments (Nicla to the fore, Yay), ensured much of the population was forced into unhealthy patterns of physical, mental and social behaviour.

Colour me surprised – that has detrimentally affected our collective health.

We still have a little way to go to get the collective insanity fully reversed at the individual level though. When everybody finally acknowledges that the Covid Spreaders cooked it up in a lab, carelessly leaked it, selfishly hushed it up, then criminally encouraged its spread throughout the world – then we will finally be getting somewhere.

Cos then we will finally be able to allocate the blame where it belongs, realise just what the world was dealing with and still is dealing with, and collectively wake the feck up.

In this country, we collectively twisted our knickers over BoJo knocking back a glass of wine.

Over in Covid Spreading Central, they unleashed their home made virus on the world, killed millions, impoverished hundreds of millions and stung the entire world for trillions of dollars worth of damages.

And nae cunt will even say “boo” to them.

Mark Beggan

What’s your real name stocker the stalker.
Give me your name and then we’ll talk.


Nakahara Report regarding the jab and heart function
link to

check out bitchute –


Scots Renewables

As for

After doing a bit of home work, the conclusion is that this website is a fake reporting website, why?

Well MediaBias/FactCheck rates it highly on telling the truth.

link to

Some info on the above site, and other like it including the Poynter Institute.

link to


link to

This one from Scotsrenewables is

Fuckin’ playground shit, bickering & name calling.

Just sayin’


@ Beggan,

Grow fuckin up. Keep making threats and you’ll see what happens. Now GTF yah child. Consider this my last response to you.


Genocide John and Scotsrenewables are founder members of


link to

This post is just a repeat.

Yet another pissing contest to establish how knows most about Covid.

So basically it’s a contest to find out which source of info is correct.

Also rather than getting our knickers in a twist over BoJo knocking back a glass of wine we should declare war on China. Woo! Hoo! Think of the genocide!


link to

More fuckin’ playground shit & bickering.

It just goes on and on.

My suggestion is those who are indulging (that’s almost everyone) in ‘fuckin’ playground shit & bickering’ should not be censored If you are going to punish posters for this ‘FPS & B’ then everyone should be censored and not just one person singled out for punishment. ie ME!

Just sayin’

Looking forward to the rules being changed so I can get back to the good old ‘fuckin playground shit’ ‘bitchin’ and ‘bickering’.

Let he who is without sin/the hypocrits cast the first stone.

I’m ready for you!


link to

More ‘fuckin playground shit & bickering’ from Stoker.

Mark Beggan

Ok mate that’s taking this too far. My anger is focused at the SNP not you, not anyone here agree or disagree Whatever. IAM Scottish born and bred.

I can trace my ancestors back 200 years does that mean I can join the SS?


If i could draw, and i wish i could, I would have drawn Atlas being crushed under the weight of the world.

This place will never speak of it but we all can see what is happening.

Be good to each other Scotland.


Ignored says:
11 February, 2024 at 11:35 am

…Well MediaBias/FactCheck rates it highly on telling the truth.

The tragedy is, irrespective of whether the Establishment “played it straight” with COVID, public confidence in vaccinations, that is, vaccination protocols which nearly eradicated, or actually eradicated Smallpox, Diphtheria, Measels, Mumps, Rubella etc, have now become mistrusted and large parts of the population are now deeply cynical about vaccinations in general, and the medical industry which profits so much from making them.

It isn’t just medicine. I’m from a generation whose parents and grandparents were directly affected by World Wars, Home defence, and the defeat of “Evil”. These people, myself included, grew up with tremendous empathy for those most afflicted, whether those grieving lost relatives, sweethearts who remained spinsters forever, or those disfigured or maimed by injury or amputation.

My respect for Remembrance Day and wearing a poppy was a given. Yet after two, perhaps three decades of “British” warmongering and political chicanery, and our brave veterans misused as bully boys to force Western supremacy upon others, the British Establishment has utterly destroyed public faith in Remembrance Day, and seen it replaced with cynicism and in many places, outright contempt.

Worse in Scotland, because “their” poppy became tacit approval for Bulldog Britain’s nefarious obliteration of far away governments on trumped up evidence. “Lest we forget” the things we’re too ashamed to admit eh? Keep your poppy.

The same has happened to our News Media. Two or three decades caught shilling for the warmongering class or distorting the truth until it fitted the biased narrative, and suddenly public confidence in news is in a tailspin too.

Is nothing sacred to this rancid Establishment with a voracious appetite to consume all that is good and reputable in the world, and spit it out tainted, corrupted, discredited and reviled?

Stop it with all these amateurish quangos, ombudsmen and toothless inquiries, and bring back the days of professionalism, integrity, and career ending stigma for the rogues and parasites who once upon a time would have found themselves tarred and feathered, or hung from the battlements in gibbets for their misdeeds and t(reachery).

They’ve destroyed our Trades, our heavy Industries, our Education, our Health Service, our Local Authorities, our Public Utilities, our Transport, our Fishing, our markets in Europe… yet the BBC is there to convince us we did this to ourselves.

What’s that? The good “Sir” won’t resign eh? Then fetch the Messenger at Arms and a blacksmith with some shackles… Nobody is untouchable or above the law.


For those that may be interested. Here’s a link to a 40 minute vid with discussion between John Campbell and Professor Clancy on how long covid and long “vaccine” appear to affect the body in similar ways to other post infection syndromes due to compromised cellular activity.

link to

I’ve only recently started watching a few of his vids after seemingly curing myself from 3 years of debilitating ailments and fatigue which included aching muscles and joints, disturbed sleep, brain fog, and weird heart activity like resting rate of 120 when it was normally 60.
As a fit athletic individual (albeit ageing), I know my body pretty well and knew something was out of kilter with my system which assessment and treatment through conventional health service couldn’t diagnose.
And for information I didn’t take any of the covid jags, but did have tick bite which developed to target rash associated with Lyme disease.


ScotRen, when I first read your post with the reference to, I actually thought it was intended as sarcasm. It works as sarcasm. Then I remembered your unswerving support for the SNP and Nicola and I realised you were serious.

Note, unlike the cheap insults your comments rely on, my response here is worded in entirely reasonable and factual terms. And, yet, I can’t think of saying anything worse than the above to anyone in Scotland today — are you still with Nicola?

Interesting that you appear when we start discussing the conspiracy against Salmond. Oh, is that another conspiracy theory?


And should have added that I did take a hefty course of doxycycline antibiotic as treatment for the tick bite.


Folks, there’s the perfect example up thread of something you need to be aware of. Just because someone is trying to get the personal details off someone on line, never, ever, assume
that person asking is using their own real name.

If Stuart Campbell doesn’t have a problem with it, and he knows who we all are, then it’s eff-all to do with anyone else. If they don’t like it, nobody is keeping them here. Don’t fall for their pressure and bully tactics. Stay aware!

Just ask yourself when did they show you their identification documents? It’s a well known tactic of nonces and scammers. Pseudonyms are allowed here on WOS so take note of the same
small group constantly bringing up this issue.

The same group who constantly badmouth WOS and its contributors at every opportunity. And there’s no guarantee they’re using their real names either.


@ Beggan,

Fair enough! Same sentiments from me.


I’m not sure about all this respect for our brave veterans.
Cheering on our boys when they return from killing people.

Without the soldiers there would be no wars. Our boys should stop volunteering and we should stop cheering when they return.

Then of course there would be UK National Service which might serve to waken people the fuck up!


It’s tempting to draw a comparison between incompetent vs competent politicians and ‘belief system’ btl commenters vs those who take the trouble to look at the data.

Dan has given examples of incompetent local politicians while John Main declares himself a supporter of the belief system (“I believe the excess mortality figures are just the delayed spike in untreated fatal diseases…”).

Going back ten years, it’s not hard to recollect which politicians were competent while JohnIm’s link to the 2023 Nakahara study is helpful in sorting out the wheat from the chaff and reaching informed conclusions.

To see whether there has been an increase in heart muscle damage following covid vaccination, the Nakahara team compared hundreds of pre-2020 scan results with those done after vaccination. The results showed a significant increase.

The beauty of the study was that the scans were of patients who weren’t being investigated for heart disease but for a variety of other conditions. This meant that heart damage was detected in people who showed no heart symptoms. That in itself raises questions. All grist to the mill in the world of science. Inconvenient if belief systems are your thing though.


I think it’s unlikely that we will solve the mysterious origins of coronavirus on this forum today when scientists all over the world have failed to explain it. There’s also the issue of trust which in a way is a much bigger problem. I don’t know about everybody else, but if I find it hard to trust a thing “experts” say about anything these days.

We live in odd times when those who rely on things like The Daily Mail and the Bible for “information” are the only ones that are confident in their opinions and sources.

It feels like the lunatics haven’t took over the asylum, but they haven’t. The rest of just stopped giving a fuck about asylum management. Who cares about asylums in a world that has gone mad?

So, yeah, it was all China’s fault.

My response is “whatever” with a smile.

John Main

Woohoo, Hats posting faux outrage about “cheap insults” from his “reasonable and factual” moral high ground.

Classic content from Hats. Let’s have a big round of applause for his principled stance from every Alzheimer’s sufferer in the room.

Anybody else innarested and intrigued by NI FM Michelle O’Neill’s comments this week about the referendum on re-union with the Republic edging closer?

It’s not that I disbelieve her, and it’s not that I doubt there is a good chance that a majority in NI would say “bring it on”.

Naw, what flabbers my gast is the glib assumption that the people of the Republic should not be allowed an equal say.

Maybes they would be overwhelmingly in favour too. But by not asking them, you have to wonder if the opposite may actually be the case.

Respect to Michelle O’Neill though, for being neither a pretendy nor a fraudulent FM. An FM elected to her leadership position by the democratic will of the majority of the people. A lesson there for Auld Scotia, if we can ever summon the collective will to get off our knees.

And another innarestin and intriguing thought arises. Given the lack of any organised push back against Yousaf’s “requirement for one million New Scots” idea we all seem resigned to accepting, which would we prefer:

A million of Yousaf’s preferred cohort?

Or a million former NI citizens?


Stoker has been drawn into the ‘fuckin playground shit’ with Mark Beggan.

I fully understand how that happens. Folk say don’t feed the ‘troll’/ don’t take the bait but that is easier said than done.

One thing I have to say about the ‘flame-baiters’ (wind up merchants) is they are very successful in what they do.

As for using your real name that is something Andy Ellis believes we all should be doing. Aye right!
I’m surprised that Andy Ellis is still advocating use of real names in view of the fact he claimed his daughter was being stalked. He was the one who gave out information about his daughter. Not a sensible move when one is making a lot of enemies online. Better to be an anonymous at least for the sake of your children.


John Main
11 February, 2024 at 1:15 pm

Woohoo, Hats posting faux outrage about “cheap insults” from his “reasonable and factual” moral high ground.

Classic content from Hats. Let’s have a big round of applause for his principled stance from every Alzheimer’s sufferer in the room.

Do I need to point out what the above is?

OK I’ll do it for the late-comers.

This is an example of ‘fuckin’ playground shit,bickering, name calling,personal abuse & flame-baiting all in one post

It’s everywhere.

Just sayin’


Or a million former NI citizens?

Would that be the ones leaving N.Ireland because it would no longer be British? Your actual hard core BritNat bigots?

You should rephrase your options.

A million of Yousaf’s preferred cohort? – potentially Independence supporters

Or a million former NI citizens? – Definitely not Independence supporters.

Woo Hoo. More Orange walks and huge fires made of palettes.

James Che


I enjoy looking at your cartoons from my own now, retired ex- cartoonist point of view,
I still do art work for personal pleasure and friends, but I am happy and gain great pleasure to see others still in the limelight.
Keep up the good work.


Well, it looks like the old ‘brazen it out until they forget about you, then disgustingly continue on as usual’ tactic isn’t working as well as it used to. Such a shame. The state of Scottish politics right now is dire, utterly terminal and depressing. Where the Hell the country is going go from now, except even further downwards, is anybody’s guess.

Mark Beggan

@ Ruby Tuesday

We have that sorted now. shook hands, apologized, looked at our shoes, head scratching, agreed to agree about disagreeing

What’s it got to with you anyway Your a girl


“The same has happened to our News Media. Two or three decades caught shilling for the warmongering class or distorting the truth until it fitted the biased narrative, and suddenly public confidence in news is in a tailspin too.”


Its only going to get worse not better, by that I mean the clamp down on alternative news or opinions will dealt with harshly.

Look at Assange who faces his final court appearance this month on whether or not he’ll be extradited to the USA, where he’ll suffer a short painful death.

Assange’s crimes? telling the truth, his Wikileaks site has NEVER posted lies when it posted info, can we say that about the current global MSM? I say no.

Oh and there’s this, hang onto your hats.

link to

“Welcome to the UK where it’s now official government policy that you CAN’T publish “misinformation”, but The Guardian, the BBC, Disney and Netflix CAN…

Yes, it’s true – the recently signed “Online Safety Act” brands the publication of “false information” a criminal offense punishable by up to a year in prison…

…unless you’re an MSM outlet, when it’s totally fine

Think even the corrupt & bloated criminal class that rules over us would never dare be that blatant?

Take a look at section 179 making it illegal to publish false information with intent to cause harm:

Section 179 – False communications offence

30. A person commits the false communications offence if they send a message conveying information that they know to be false, and at the time of sending it they intend the message to cause non-trivial psychological or physical harm to a likely audience (i.e. someone who could reasonably be foreseen to encounter the message or its content) and they have no reasonable excuse for sending the message.

31. This offence is intended to replace the offence in section 1(a)(iii) of the Malicious Communications Act 1988 and (for England, Wales and Northern Ireland) the offence in section 127(2)(a) and (b) of the Communications Act 2003, which have been repealed by section 189 of the Act.

32. If several or many people are the “likely audience” then it is not necessary that the person intended to cause non-trivial psychological or physical harm to any of them in particular (or to all of them).

33. Proceedings for the false communications offence may be brought within 6 months of sufficient evidence in the opinion of the prosecutor, and after no more than 3 years after an offence has been committed.

34. This offence extends to England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and is devolved. It is a summary only offence, which carries a maximum penalty of 51 weeks imprisonment or a fine (or both).

…and then look at section 180, which exempts all MSM outlets from this new law:

Section 180 – Exemptions from offences under section 179

35. This section sets out exemptions for the false communications offence, including an exemption for recognised news publishers and exemptions for holders of broadcast or multiplex licences, and providers of an on-demand programming service. This section also provides that the offence cannot be committed in connection with the showing of a film made for cinema to members of the public.

Welcome to the modern definition of “freedom of speech”, where the MSM are directly and explicitly permitted to “knowingly publish false information with intent to cause non-trivial harm”, and you can be sent to jail for a year for calling out their lies.

Oh, and it looks like our friends across the pond might not be far behind. The Big Tech Senate hearings started yesterday, and social media executives are already throwing their support behind the new “Kids Online Safety Act”.

With the EU’s own Digital Services Act coming into force later this month, and all the focus on “misinformation and disinformation” at Davos two weeks ago, we can see the real crackdown on internet free speech is about to kick into gear.”


FOR doing something nebulous at the BBC,
38k per annum.
link to
Incompetence brings its rich rewards.
A truly bizarre commentary on the state of Scotland.
Revolution….not today, im washing the dog.

James Che

11:35 am.

Hear hear.
Well spoken,…it is not us, the people that are failing, it is the leaders who are not leading that should not be in positions of government they cannot manage in the job description, a bad workman always blames his tool, (in both sense)

They are often there by whom they know, or by internal party selections without a peoples or citizens outside vote.
That is not a great display of democracy nor does it advertise very well the democracy of the western world Britain in particular, when it states it will push and enforce this democracy down the throats by war if necessary on other Countries.
Politicians in glass houses should never throw the first stone,


When the Main Balloon is under pressure it inflates with a ‘humorless???’ gas,
It’s like some form of anti-matter !



All you need to know about the character of that odious shit Gray can be found here.

link to

James Che


How does the new legislation attach itself to Scots with the Westminster parliament stating openly to the world masses that the Scots were not asked or invited to join the treaty of union because they would probably vote NO.
So they just invited the Scottish parliament, which they then immediately placed under dissolution. Making the situation worse for themselves by making the political treaty of joining of the two parliaments EX- treaty of parliamentary union.

I doubt wether the Westminster parliament could sue the old 1707 dissolved Scottish parliament for not complying with the new legislation.


10 February, 2024 at 6:30 pm

truly amazed at the naiveté btl….England’s establishment is «nasty», only an equal nastiness can deal with it.
Scottish nationalism is seemingly all «piss and wind».
Your fight, not mine.
Adieu et bonne chance.

I think this post might have been lost in translation.

Anton Decadent

Re upthread ‘factcheckers’, I commented a few weeks back that the ones who police FB are from The Washington Post and were funded by Sam Bankman Fried as were ‘media’ outlets such as Vox.

Re Covid, the head of WHO argued against the closing of Chinas borders. He is an ex member of the Ethiopian Communist Party and was bankrolled into his position at WHO by China.


“There are over 12,000 American troops permanently stationed in England—spread across 11 so-called “RAF” sites.

UK government is refusing to say if the Americans are using their English bases to transfer weapons to Israel for use in the Gaza genocide.”

link to

Recently Washington has decided to redeploy nukes in England again after an absence of them for fifteen years.

RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk is the chosen base.

James Che


The old 1707 Scottish parliament was never re-instated,
The devolved parliament is under Westminster statues and legislation making it a branch of the Parliament of Westminster itself by law.
Ie, not the parliament of Scotland or the Scots that were not invited to join in the treaty.

As we discussed yesterday the Crown is not a Shared crown nor is it under the same oaths required to become monarch of two separate kingdoms. It also required two separate ceremonies on two separate dates.
( which by the way, was not witnessed by the nation of Scots in Scotland like it was for the monarchs coronation in England)

So where does Westminsters Crown legislation apply to Scots not in the treaty of union?


O/T: I have put the details of Don Staniford’s crowdfunder on here twice already because I reckon that his defence against MOWI and others is something that all Yessers would agree is on behalf of all of us. Fish farms are damaging OUR environment [I know this from the one on my doorstep] and are cruel to the creatures encaged. And large companies trying to prevent public scrutiny is an attack on OUR freedoms.

8 days left and £20,045 is still needed. The crowdfunder will ONLY pay out if the target of £25,000 is reached.

Anton Decadent

@RoS. I took an MFA friend to the end of year show at GSA prior to the fire and they commented that it was an accident waiting to happen. Post fire I made a joke about it in another college and was taken aside by a lecturer and told that GSA has its tentacles all across the further education system in Scotland and that they could ruin your educational life. Go into the charity side of the Arts in Glasgow and it is an Art School fiefdom.


No day of rest for me as just spent a couple of hours having to sort out more issues caused by substandard work by folk that should really know a whole lot better.

Neighbour’s car got new discs and pads fitted less than 6 months ago. Garage couldn’t be arsed removing the corrosion build under the stainless steel anti-squeal / wear shims on the caliper carrier that support the brake pads, so new pads seized up quickly in the carrier causing brakes to bind and pads to wear down excessively.
So stripped off both rear calipers with electric motors in them to actuate the handbrake… (guessing humans have become so fucking weak they can’t even muster the strength to pull up a cable operated handbrake lever), then removed all the corrosion build up and reassembled everything properly.
Forgot to mention the struggle to get the wheels off because the arseholes had clearly used a buzz gun to tighten studs when the wheels were off previously, had to get out my 3/4 inch drive ratchet as was going to break my 1/2 inch kit. Studs were also corroded and dry not having been properly cleaned up last time they were off, so I did that too.
All this was brought about because the car had had new rear wishbones fitted, but two garages and an alignment centre could not get the rear suspension geometry adjusted to factory specs and it was eating the inside edge off the rear tyres.
So I said I would have a look and immediately noted the rear camber on both sides was near 3 deg neg when it should be 1 deg neg, and that being so far out in the camber setting meant there was no way the rear toe setting would ever be able to adjust into an acceptable range.
None of the three business had even tried to adjust the top camber adjustment as there was no witness marks of a spanner or socket being on any of those bolts and nuts.



the truly nasty nature of the «thing itself» is not «lost in translation»
In any language even Klingon and Na’vi the nature of the beast loses nothing of its essential toxicity.
Knowing that, any accommodation with it is self-defeating.
I suspect that programmed fear of possible or imagined consequences clouds ScotNat minds. Success is a state of mind, as is the fear of failure.


Breeks there’s also this to contend with.

Britain’s 2019 Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act, which Craig Murray knows about, he was detained questioned (you MUST answer all questions) and had his electronic devices taken from him, I think Mr Murray is currently out of the UK as he fears trumped up terrorism charges will find their way to him.

Also Max Blumenthal a respected journalist suffered the same fate on entering the UK.

Then there’s the National Security Act.

You can read about both on here.

link to


lol @ “Woohoo, Hats posting faux outrage”

“Always with the negative waves… why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”

That was a great film, any of you know it?

Anyway, everybody seems angry on here. Angry is okay but chill with the personal insults — not for the Reverend’s sake or because it’s wrong, but because it’s boring.

My outrage, faux or otherwise, is only for the SNP.

The more I look at it, though, the Civil Servants role, the role of The Crown, Nicola, etc., the more it looks like a typical third world coup. Theres no way some of the stuff that has happened could have happened without the approval and cooperation of British State actors.

Not that it matters, I suppose. The will of the people is like water, it finds a way.

Pakistan right now is a good example. The pro-western forces have the sandbags and the buckets out — can they stop the water? I doubt it but it will be interesting to see them try. Sometimes there’s just too much water…

John Main

Dan 2:39

Good post.

If that took you 2 hours, then it might have taken the garage the same. Labour is running near £100 per hour in some places, and then there’s VAT at 20%.

It must be the case that some garages, if they quote to do a “proper job”, never get the work. So cutting corners is the only way to stay in business.

Callipers with motors in is a new one for me. I always assumed an electric handbrake used a motor to wind on a conventional handbrake mechanism. So what you describe is about as fecking daft as the ginormous light clusters with integrated LEDs that have to be thrown away when an LED fails. Replacement cost several hundred pounds for what used to require just the replacement of a blown bulb.

James Che

Wether the UK parliament meant to state the Scots were not in the Treaty of union as a boast of superiority or not seriously backfires on them.

When it came to asking and discussions on wether the Sovereign Scots should get a vote to join the treaty of union or not it debated upon by commissioners and politicians alike.
This same debate with regards the people of England, Wales and Ireland apparently was not required.
And the Westminster parliament statement on the UK parliament site in 2022 2023, and 2024 , On which section of Scotlands society should have had a legal vote. the consideration and debate that took place identifies and defines the Scots as separate in Sovereignty from the 1707 Scottish parliament and Monarch.

The resulting option taken by those commissioners and politicians and ratified was just to leave the Scots out of the treaty of union.
This is what the Westminster parliament official site states in 2024.

James Che

The Crown “extended to Scotland” in 1688 under the “parliament of Englands Coronation Act” prior to the fallacious treaty of union?
Did not make it a legal act in Scotland.
That was the crown Act of Englands parliament.

The Act of Settlement secures the protest-line to the throne of England.

John Main

@RoS 2:51

The fact is that Mr Murray posted on his blog that he supports Hamas in the current war.

Another fact is that Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK. I don’t believe Mr Murray was being brave or principled when he posted what he did – I think he has taken leave of his senses.

The logical conclusion, based on the facts, is that suspicions about Mr Murray would not be “trumped up”. They would be entirely lawful and logical to those tasked with protecting the safety of the British public, based on what Mr Murray has chosen to post online, and what we know about the group he has chosen to support.

His actions have consequences that are entirely in accordance with the law as it currently stands.

As I pointed out the last time you veered off down this path, I really would advise steering clear. If you feel this desperate need to feck up a blog and get its owner lifted, then get your own blog.


James Che @2.31pm.

James, there’s no point in looking towards Europe to push our case to dissolve this union even though we are already de facto independent due to returning a majority of indy minded MPs to Westminster on a regular basis now.

The EU mask has slipped Gaza has shown that, and there’s no point in looking across the pond to the USA for help either, Washington wants us to remain under Westminster’s control to keep us in Nato and to secure the North sea Arc of defence that protects the USA, don’t go thinking that if Trump win the next US POTUS elections that he’ll step in and help us because of his Scottish roots that’s non-starter.

As Craig Murray has stated in his articles on Scotland ditching the union realpolitik is at play here.

“But UK domestic law is entirely irrelevant. The Kosovo Opinion of the International Court of Justice makes crystal clear that the domestic law of the state being seceded from, is not the determining factor as to whether a secession is illegal.

Whereas the reliance by the UK Supreme Court on the criteria of the Federal Court of Canada in the Quebec judgment, over fifty years old and superseded by the cold hard fact of over 23 non-colonial secessions since, is simply laughable.

But while the right of self-determination of peoples in international law is crucial in the case of Scotland, and while Scotland undoubtedly qualifies as a “people” because it is a long established historic nation with its own legal system, culture and institutions, there is one overwhelmingly important criterion for recognition grounded in pure realpolitik.

It was long accepted as the only criterion for recognition that a state had factual, practical control of its own territory. That position has become softened by more principled considerations since the second world war, but the actual control of the territory claimed remains the most important factor in gaining international recognition.

Why did Catalonia fail where Slovenia, Kosovo and the Baltic states succeeded?

Because realpolitik rules in practice, and the Slovenians, Balts and Kosovans had obtained actual control on the ground of the land they claimed. The Catalans had not.”

Salvo etc can show that we are indeed sovereign in Scotland, but realpolitik also shows that we’ll need to take our independence.

Alan Logan

Dan @2.39

Be careful if hinting at the identity miscreants who half repaired the vehicle and bodged the job.

Tho at least you won’t end up in Saughton.


“Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK…”

When did that ever mean a thing? The ANC and Nelson Mandela were proscribed and called terrorists by the UK government. Sinn Fein were too, if I remember correctly, certainly in NI they were. In both cases they ended up being the Government.

For your own sake, stop doffing your cap at the British State. This isn’t the lodge, Mr Main.


Anyone watch the ‘Conversion Therapy Bill’ debate in the HOL?


I thought not.

It would be more comprehensible if they separated the T from the LGB also if it were explained exactly what ‘transgender’ actually means.


John main at 3.32

Gosh turn down your union clack

When did it become illegal to disagree with london. If they pass a law saying it is illegal to be scottish should we really comply.

What about a law banning rain or saying Rwanda is safe. What about just gassing boat people. Yes as long as london says it is so.

Grow up


To preempt Genocide John’s technique of repeating Zionist propaganda endlessly, can I just mention that the ‘67 types of sperm’ story is almost certainly another lie.

link to

Tho’ I don’t suppose that will stop him.
See previous for beheaded babies in ovens, heads in freezers, r*pes, etc. etc.

link to


This one is for Geri.

Geri must be out giving her pup a good run.

Conversion Therapy Prohibition (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Bill [HL]

Parliament TV

link to

link to

Lord Forsyth believes the world has gone mad.

Saw the name Lord Forsyth and though of this from way back in 2012.

Tuesday 18 December 2012
Michael Forsyth! This is what he said during the IndyRef Debate vis a vis EU membershp.

Michael Forsyth to Michael Moore
Lord Forsyth of Drumlean: You said that you wanted the debate to be as informed as possible. One of the things that Mr Swinney said to us last week was that they had a difficulty in establishing what the position would be vis-a-vis having to apply for membership of Europe or whether they would be allowed to remain in Europe because the Commission would only talk to Governments, and that the British Government were not prepared to engage on this issue. I find it a bit puzzling how you can reconcile saying, “We are not prepared to talk to the Commission as a Government about what the consequences would be”, with saying at the same time, “We want to have a fully informed debate”. Does Mr Swinney not have a point there?

Also video:
link to

So much to say about all that. Right at the beginning Michael Moore says

If I were to claim that this is perhaps the biggest decision facing Scotland in 300 years you might be sympathetic to that idea.

What about the decision to actually join the Union? That was pretty major.

NB UK Gov not prepared to talk to the EC.


John Main.

Baiting the trap hoping for a bite then? you like that but I’m not biting Mr Chinthe.

Oh and its not a war, its one side committing genocide against oppressed people in which their lands are occupied.

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 3:38 pm

“realpolitik also shows that we’ll need to take our independence”

Indeed RoS, national liberation is for sure never going to be handed to us on a plate by our oppressor.

Holding onto that reality, the Eva Comrie/Alba/Angus Brendan MacNeil proposal to collapse the colonial administration at Holyrood, hold a Scottish plebiscite election, secure a majority of seats and votes and then declare independence, still represents arguably the the most rapid route to independence.

I’m sure that would enthuse the independence movement somewhat. Sae whit aboot hit, Humza? Are ye for us or agin us? Leeberation noo, afore England taks us Scots intae mair o thair colonial wars.

link to


No matter what you are all saying about John Main the guy gets a shit load of attention.

He should get credit for that.

It’s all John Main this, John Main that he’s like a fuckin’ pop star.


Well, I can’t see past Ireland winning the Rugby Six Nations tournament this year, Ireland is currently beating the whipping boys of the Six Nations tourney Italy.

Incidentally when is a try not a try, when its a ceasefire supporting nation Scotland (Scottish government) playing against a non-ceasefire supporting nation (French Government) France.


Regards vaccines being as dodgy as feck..

I think there has been something in the vaccines for a while that would explain the spike in mental health issues – especially amongst you people.
& Far worse than COVID, the trans cult has just wiped out a few generations with *voluntary* sterilisation. Removing the undesirables from the breeding pool.

I’m not one for conspiracy but there is something making ppl fcking nuts. Either that or we’re a country of nonces inflicting irrepairabe childhood trauma that’s revealing itself into a hive mind the moment they hit puberty.

Ruby, I listened to the highlights. (Queens speech podcast ) Far too little far too late. It also means nothing unless they are given permission to halt this travesty & by permission I mean the satanic forces that have allowed this to spread at an alarming rate.

John Main

Hats & Shug

RoS at 3:38 claiming that “realpolitik rules”.

What I’m seeing are the facts as I laid them out in my previous post. The realpolitik.

What you’re both seeing is the imaginary world you would much prefer. But that’s only in yer heids.

For people who would no doubt claim to be Sovereign Scots, you ain’t half been colonised by Hollywood, where they tell tales of small but likeable groups winning mighty battles against overwhelming odds. Star Wars as a code for living I suppose.

In realpolitik, CM is overseas and has posted in support of a proscribed terrorist organisation. He now faces the reality of having to get through UK immigration, where he will rightly have to explain himself.

I say “rightly” because even though I believe him to be a man of peace, the law should apply to all. I want that law applied universally because I don’t want another Manchester Arena scenario, and the people CM supports have a solid track record of slaughtering daft, dancing kids.

Maybes you both want to claim you live your lives as free Scots, obeying only those rules, laws and regulations that accord with your own consciences, sympathies, and exquisitely fine tuned senses of fairness and justness.

I say that’s BS on stilts.


It’s a pity that Pfizer et al decided to discontinue their jab monitoring trials.
Now we have no data for inquiries to work with.

Peter Aaby’s experience suggests that more injections lessen health prospects.

Maybe safer to steer clear.

Infertility: a diabolical agenda
Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda – Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda


@ Ruby

It’s water under the bridge now but Re. Scotland and EU question.
There was this post about article 48 in response to a previous post by mr thms.

link to

Re. Self selecting sterilisation of folk to align with their trans identity. It certainly clears a certain type out of the gene pool.
Wish more folk identified as litter pickers though, but on the plus side at least I got some exercise in cycling 6 miles during two trips to the river to clean up the riverbank and field of rubbish deposited in the floods.
Maybe I can bill everyone upstream for my time and effort clearing their flotsam and jetsam.

Seeing as it hasn’t been mentioned today as far as I can tell – Badger


“Holding onto that reality, the Eva Comrie/Alba/Angus Brendan MacNeil proposal to collapse the colonial administration at Holyrood, hold a Scottish plebiscite election, secure a majority of seats and votes and then declare independence, still represents arguably the the most rapid route to independence.”

Sounds good to me Alf, Yousaf will NEVER play along with it.


**especially amongst you people**


That was supposed to say YOUNG people LOLZ!


And they never will be used for that, they are first and foremost staging posts and safe houses, as is Kentigern House in Glasgow and the JSC in the UoG.

Here’s a piccy of Kentigern hOuse for those that are unsure of it, its in my home town.

link to

“The UK Government’s flagship Edinburgh hub has been branded an “unnecessary shambles” after the Sunday National revealed a dedicated cabinet room has never been used to host a full meeting of ministers.

Ahead of the opening of Queen Elizabeth House in 2022, former Scottish Secretary David Mundell said he looked forward to “inviting the Cabinet to meet in the building once it is open for business”.

However, following a Freedom of Information request from the Sunday National, the UK Government has admitted Cabinet has “not yet met” in the room.

A UK Government hub in Cardiff with the same facility has also not been used for any full meetings of ministers.”


Ignored says:
11 February, 2024 at 4:59 pm
“Holding onto that reality, the Eva Comrie/Alba/Angus Brendan MacNeil proposal to collapse the colonial administration at Holyrood, hold a Scottish plebiscite election, secure a majority of seats and votes and then declare independence, still represents arguably the the most rapid route to independence.”

Sounds good to me Alf, Yousaf will NEVER play along with it…

Seems to me there is very little ground between collapsing a colonial Holyrood and formally impeaching it.

The former would need Yousaf’s cooperation, and a majority of MSP’s. The latter not so much. In between there’s the third option of a Colonial Holyrood Administration being threatened with impeachment.



Try bitchute


John main, eagerly speaking of Craig Murray being arrested: “where he will rightly have to explain himself.”

Fuck off, hunny-bunch, you’re a cowardly knuckle-dragging wanker for that.

And how dumb you are is to think that’s acceptable on here.

Time for the fuckwit to go.

John Main

Haven’t seen RoS deploy the “chinthe” word for a while. Still not understanding why he thinks I’m a Burmese lion.

Maybes it’s part and parcel of believing that two sides slugging it out for months with machine guns, RPGs and missiles aren’t actually at war.

Good to see the plebiscitary election idea gaining some traction. Bring it on, I say.

Depressing to see RoS’s knee jerk genuflection to oor wee pretendy fraud Yousaf, though. Goes to show you can take the man out of the SNP, but you can’t take the blind submission to the SNP badge wearing donkey out of the man.

Man, you ex-SNP boys sure have been played. After everything we know about the flawed and fraudulent process that made him “leader”, you’re still desperately seeking his approval.

Myself, I’d tell him to get tae, and appeal directly to what’s left of the SNP to get their MPs and MSPs onside with the plebiscitary plan.

John Main

Hey Hats.

You’re “cool” with people who carry out the unprovoked slaughter of innocents.

I’m not.

If Rev Stu wishes to announce that this site is to be reserved only for those people who are “cool” with the unprovoked slaughter of innocents, then he really should clarify that for us.

If the wider Scottish Indy movement wishes to get onside with the unprovoked slaughter of innocents, then it’s free to do so too.

So far, CM is the only Indy blogger I know of who has written of his support for Hamas. If there are others, let me know.

I’m thinking this stuff is important, Hats. I’ve never really seen the connection between Scotland and Gaza, Indy and Hamas, but if it’s real, and Indy supporters truly believe that the indiscriminate slaughter of several hundred civilians, who had no connection whatsoever with their government or security services, including 70+ people of different nationalities even, is “justified”, then I’m thinking we Sovereign Scots need to be crystal clear about this.

Cos I’m not cool with that at all.


Looks like 53 countries are not happy with Isntreals slaughter of the innocents since the IJC’s recent ruling.

link to


For the first time ever I comment on things happening outside the UK.
Does anyone think that Israel should immediately halt their campaign in Gaza against the supposed good guys? You know, the ones who lobbed 5,000+ missiles into Israel and took hundreds of hostages.
If they did, would this give the supposed good guys time to regroup, re-arm and start the whole slaughter again. There will be plenty of Countries willing to give the good guys whatever weapons they need.
As can be heard in every school playground, every day ‘He started it but ah’ll feenish it’.
The cowards in Hammas need to be obliterated but it will never happen and the carnage will continue for years until BOTH sides come to some agreement. Do either of them really want to? Lots of people make lots of money out of wars. None of these people do the actual fighting but they do promote it. I wonder why?



What about folk identifying as ‘tidy freaks’ aka ‘non litterers?’

The worst litter I have ever seen on The Royal Mile was after the ‘Pride March’ it was unbelievable.
Not a lot of pride on show for their capital city or respect for people living in the area more just a display of childish entitlement.

I expect saying that will be considered transphobic and people will feel unsafe.

The point about the EU post was how the UK Gov did not want us to have an informed debate.

The EU debate might be water under the bridge but there are other question being asked ie ‘Show us the money’ the chances of them showing us the money are zero.

Probably best if people stopped wasting their time with that particular question.

It’s all very well Michael Forsyth saying the world has gone mad but without the GRA 2004 there wouldn’t be all this madness.

I have no idea how he voted in 2004 but in my opinion that particular bill is totally mad.

The UK Gov passed a bill stating it would be legal for people to change sex.

Kemi, Rishi, Michael & all the Tories can just shut-up unless they are saying ‘repeal the GRA 2004 it has resulted in total madness’


11 February, 2024 at 5:30 pm

John main, eagerly speaking of Craig Murray being arrested: “where he will rightly have to explain himself.”

Fuck off, hunny-bunch, you’re a cowardly knuckle-dragging wanker for that.

And how dumb you are is to think that’s acceptable on here.

Time for the fuckwit to go.

More ‘fuckin’ playground shit, bickering & name calling’ from the child called Hatuey.

Explain yourself Hatuey.


@ Breeks and ROS I watched today’s prism and Eva is still going on about unification including the Scottish Nonce Party and Humza the absolute fucking useless (not my fm) despite his latest denigration of Alex Salmond , Eva was once again proposing Ash Regans HR bill to establish if HR has the powers to conduct a referendum, a referendum carried out with the same Alex Salmond insistent franchise where 70% or 80% of non Scots can defeat our independence dreams, maybe he should just adopt the sturgeon consultation for the GRR and ask everyone from everywhere especially those with a vested interest if Scots and Scotland should be independent, and while most other countries consider Scotland to be part of engerland, or believe that engerland alone IS the UK what might the outcome be


@ Ruby

Aye, t’would be braw if more folk self-identified as being pretty much anything more useful and productive to our society than just the focus on some kind of the myriad gender crusader.
I grew up when you either had a bmx or skateboard to ride, an occasional nooky badge may have been acquired on the odd occasion kissy catchy was the chosen game in the school playground, but most energy was expended mastering how to wheelie or varial kickflip (many other tricks are available).
Mr Ben was on the telly and he could be anything he wanted and had quite the adventures in each episode.
Reckon a modern day equivalent might inspire folk to be brave and stunning litter pickers as they grub aboot along oor countryside picking up the seemingly endless supply of Red Bull and Monster “energy” drink tins. The episode could be called The Aluminum Millionaire as the cash rolled in for weighing in empty drink tins at the local scrap dealers.
TBH Red Bull and Monster really need to up their game and increase the the amount of sugar in those drinks, because it appears that 13 teaspoonfuls per tin isn’t sufficient to give the brain melted twats that drink that pish enough energy to put the fucking tin in a bin…

I’ll give litter picking at Pride marches a miss thanks, wouldn’t want to bend over to pick up a piece of litter and get WAY more than I bargained for from some deviant furry.
Hmm, thinking about that, maybe that’s why the Pride marchers drop so much litter…


Breeks @5.10pm.


As far as I’m aware 2024 is record year for elections 50 countries are holding them, I think Taiwan on the 13th of January was first up.

The problem for us is that we returned a majority of independence party candidates to Holyrood and Westminster but those MPs/MSPs refuse to fulfill the duty we gave them and that’s to remove Scotland from this union.

I’d wager there’s far more than 53% (last Poll) of people in Scotland that supports independence, but with the current indy party politicians in government at Holyrood actively suppressing the masses desire to dissolve this union, what options does that leave us.

How can we achieve independence when the current party in government talks a good game on it, but isn’t interested in delivering it. At the very least the SNP will be returned to government (a coalition) in 2026, and that will be another five years added on to 2026 taking us up to the 2030’s. Meanwhile more and more folk from South of the border will flood into Scotland to live and take advantage of our services which are getting pretty thin on the ground down South.

Whatever action is taken it will need to be taken in the next few years, to add to our difficulties we are propagandised 24/7 by the foreign media, hell in the South of Scotland Scots don’t even get “so called Scottish tv” they are served by Northern England transmitters.

I really struggle to see where a Scottish indy minded politician who’s radical enough and determined enough to do whatever it takes no matter how ugly it gets to break this rancid union.

Instead of say 50 thousand Scots marching down Glasgow or Edinburgh’s main street shouting for independence those 50 thousand should be demonstrating outside Holyrood and Bute House, and dedicated groups of indy supporters should be protesting outside venues that our FM or MSPs attend, sporadic marches two or three times a year can be easily ignored by Yousaf and his MSPs, but a concerted campaign over a long period cannot so easily be ignored.

Every time Yousaf or a SNP MSP turn around there should be an indy banner of some sorts in his/their faces.

John Main

@Chas 6:15

I’ll post this again cos I think it’s important.

Hamas has vowed to exterminate Israel.

Israel has vowed to exterminate Hamas.

If either side unilaterally stops fighting, then it gets exterminated by the other.

In plain logic, both sides have to agree to stop and abandon their vows. As part of that, the hostages and prisoners can be exchanged, and the millions of innocent Palestinians stuck in the middle can be helped.

What I continually see is that nearly everybody calling for a cease fire is being disingenuous – listen closely and they are calling for a one-sided cease fire. Thus, inevitably, the side that ceases fire will get exterminated by the side that keeps on shooting.

The simple fact that this is all about as far from rocket science as it is possible to get, yet it continues to be beyond the comprehension of plenty on here, confirms my long held opinion – these are not serious people.

Ultimately, it continues to be my view that neither Scotland nor Indy is helped by the support of people so out of touch with reality and realpolitik.


Twathater @6.42pm.

Unfortunately I don’t have answers to what’s going on, on who or which party is best to support on Scottish independence, the ISP is for abstentionism at Westminster, and I’m going to give them my vote. For me not sending MPs to Westminster is one of the steps to delegitimising Westminster’s authority in Scotland.

Of course around the globe there are different solutions to similar problems in Sri Lanka (2022) the people sick of their governments corruption they stormed the parliamentary building and their equivalent of Bute House, and the corrupt politicians stood down and a new government was elected.

link to


John main

As I recall the Manchester arena bombing was done by somone form Syria who was part if the white helmets terrorist group created by the uk.


John Main

Agree with everything you wrote. Too many on Wings have their own prejudices which render them unable to think things through to a logical conclusion.


My wife and I filled a bag with plastic crap washed up on a beach at South Queensferry today. We don’t even live there. Do we get a gold star or a mention in despatches?


Just Read that Edinburgh Castle has opened a Tea Room.
Would you believe it’s been call the Redcoat Cafe’?

No doubt some English Tory Toff Colonel Blimp came up with the idea to let English Tourist know they still own and control it.

No doubt the staff have to wear Butchers Aprons.

English Tea
Full English Breakfasts
Milton Mowbray Pies
Eccles Cakes
Jellied Eels.

They can stick the lot up their flagpole and salute.
I’d turn the Mid-Day Cannon on it.


And the uk government brought him over here!!!

Your all over the place. When does your shift finish


Main logic.
If Israel stops fighting H4mas then H4mas will overrun Israel ???

Positively Bidenesque

Worth posting again ??? Lol


Ruby, I’d be glad to explain but right now I’m busy doing research on stuff that might be familiar to a web-oriented pilgrim like yourself… I vaguely remember you talking about SEO / web marketing. Ever used quova api?


John Main
11 February, 2024 at 7:14 pm

@Chas 6:15

I’ll post this again cos I think it’s important.

The simple fact that this is all about as far from rocket science as it is possible to get, yet it continues to be beyond the comprehension of plenty on here, confirms my long held opinion – these are not serious people.

Ultimately, it continues to be my view that neither Scotland nor Indy is helped by the support of people so out of touch with reality and realpolitik.

More fuckin’ playground shit & name calling from John Main

One thing missing from John Main’s post is what he thinks the solution is.

Should they just keep on fighting until both sides are exterminated?

How about a nuclear bomb? Drop it in the middle & boom! All sorted.

What about you Chas you got a solution?

My response to Chas would be:

Since both side are highly religious maybe it’s time for them to consult ‘The Koran’ and the ‘The Torah’ and seek the solution there.



There’s been a cafe in the castle for donkeys.

You missed:

Spotted Dick
Eton Mess
Chef’s Special Sweetbreads
Tunnocks Teacakes

from your menu.


“Haven’t seen RoS deploy the “chinthe” word for a while. Still not understanding why he thinks I’m a Burmese lion.”

John Main.

Oh its to do with that little rat b*stard Orde Wingate the heid Chindit, who was an avid Zionist.

Zel has a piccy of Stephan Bandera on his wall, you lot have a piccy of Wingate.



To think that, “Sir William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, two of Scotland’s most celebrated historical figures, stand guard outside the castle. Tinted a greenish-gray with age, the bronze men stare down upon the millions of tourists who enter Edinburgh’s famous attraction each year.”

link to


One side in the Middle East war has the worlds most militarised nation per head of population.
It also has the USA 100% on their side handing them over nuclear weapons, iron curtain missile interception defences, Air Craft Carriers, Rockets, software, military intelligence.
If the USA takes military action the the U.K. in economic crisis must send everything they have other than troops while licking both hands.
Just to lend a little weight on the Israeli side countries like Italy, Denmark must give it their NATO blessing.

The other side of course have tunnels, DIY rockets made from water-pipes, well Israel has turned off the water anyway, and some basic armaments from Iran.

Israel has boasted each week about having killed several hundred Hamas fighters as hospitals and homes are obliterated.
After all there may be a freedom fighter among the children.

It is impossible for the Palestinians or Hamas to wipe out Israel
But Israel are very close to having wiped out Gaza.

The Israelis build on stolen Palestinian territory every day in the West Bank
Next they build their settlements in Gaza.

To bring this closer to home, when the IRA shot British soldiers in N Ireland
would it have been legitimate to bomb the homes of the Republican areas as a bomber must be in there somewhere. So what if the innocent and babies live there.


@ John Main

There’s way more to this “war” than the simplistic version you try to paint. Try rocking up at mine, destroying my livelihood, and taking my land, but don’t think for a minute I’d be cool with that.
What had these trees done to Israel.

Couple of minutes clip from The Iron Wall film.

link to

@ Chas

It would appear you have been mentioned in dispatches, by yourself. Good on you and your wife for putting in the effort. Sometimes you can get a free ice cream from local businesses for picking up litter off the beach.
But my point isn’t about me though, that I pick up so much litter is just incidental to the bigger picture of questioning why our society generates such a mess in the first place.



Never heard of it. Googled to find out what it was.

First result said

Quova API anyone? it’s a complete disaster

Good luck with that!

No rush with your explanation for ‘fuckin’ playground shit’

Take your time!

In the meantime I’ll take a guess.


Effijy @8.07pm.


The lid is about be blown clean off this pressure cooker, and a full scale regional war is on the cards, several M.E countries have warned Israel NOT to deploy troops (a ground invasion) in Rafah which is Gaza’s southern most city.

Looking at what that evil Zionist Netanyahu has done already in Gaza, unspeakable acts against humanity, and the fact that he thinks Israel is untouchable having the US and Europe cover its back, I think he’ll invade Rafah, and all hell will break loose.

Anton Decadent

@Dan, re BMX I was the poor relation amongst my friends, I had a Tuff Burner with the Skyways whilst they had Mongoose, Diamond Back, Kuwahara and even a Haro. My bike became as mongrel as I would buy their alloy parts as they switched to carbon etc.

Spent a lot of time at the old skate park in Kelvingrove Park, there were only a small amount of hardcore skateboarders left and the two groups did not really socialise, we’d leave them to the bowls and they’d leave us to the berms etc.


No different from the Tory who bought on his Parly expenses plastic ducks for his moat round his house or something like that.

The guys a liar and scumbag trougher. And anyone who could have wracked up £11k watching the Celtic says it all. ( Watching Rangers of course at the same cost would be an equally hangable expense!)

Sadly, that is the modus operandi of the elected SNP. And noww, can we talk about Lord Iain Blackford who is on an entirely different level than scumbag Matheson.

Having ditched Skye as the humble crofter this character has also just ditched the wife having run a clandestine love nest down south, is hoping for a peerage in the lords, and altogether is more British than the British. And he also apparently wants consideration to be given to him to secure a nomination for a Glasgow seat for Hollyrood. Aye just the chap Glasgow would need – not!

Why would anyone vote for these lushes?


Given that C*vid was some sort of snow job with political, economic and psychological ramifications, I think that we should also be aware of the medical aspect.

Charles Lieber working on ‘transistorised’ viruses.
Robert Langer patenting the Lipocoating which enabled the alien RNA/DNA to enter cells.

Gene therapy techniques, long been used in animal experiments, had to be recategorised as vaccines in order to dodge liability laws, and to allow compulsorily jabbing of the masses in the (fake) ‘emergency’
These inventions don’t need to be properly trialed apparently. Result!

Genetic bio-enhancements , such as with the spike, have long been worked on to control animal populations.

eg ‘Lab creates killer virus by accident – Guardian’

Likewise, work done on self-spreading vaccines.
-Luigi Warren, said that c*vid vaccines do shed, and got banned fo saying so.

eg ‘mRNA technology pioneer says Covid-19 vaccinated people can shed spike protein, Twitter says delete this – India Today’

Some Professors of Ethics think that all this is a good idea and that the public shouldn’t be consulted.

link to

esof 2020 trieste – Google Search


Have to laugh at the rage surrounded the Redcoat Cafe at Embra Castle, as per Nicla’s fanzine rag.

It’s been the haunt of Brits for centuries, doing Westminster’s bidding, irrespective of the predominant colour of uniform, since 1707. The flag fluttering from the clock tower should be a big enough clue.

They should change the name of the cafe in Holyrood to reflect the nature of the current administration…

The Turncoat Cafe gets my vote.

John Main

@Dan 8:12

Good point, if irrelevant.

4 months of greetin over the plight of the Palestinians, but still the simple answer, stop fighting, remains off the table.

If you think it preferable to be morally in the right, but dead, just make that clear.

I’m of the opinion that if somebody did rock up, ruin your livelihood, and steal your land, you wouldn’t fight back from behind your missus and kids, but maybes you would. Feel free to let us know.


Genocide John

Fck off thinking you have any type of intellectual insight.

It seems beyond yer comprehension that the most militarised, heavily monitored & high tech surveillance state on the planet (Even from outer space) managed to miss Hamas hiding under a crisp poke, in an open air concentration camp, with 5,000 rockets LMFA.

Yer easy played. I bet you fell for the *Saddam will be at our door in forty five minutes. Huffing & puffing to blow the West down* bullshit too..


Can’t get the links to work today.

ESOF2020 Trieste – Going Viral? – GM viruses in the environment
On youtube


Good name.

The Jack needs removed from Scotland. Period.
It’s an abomination to fly that shit at Scottish Castles & landmarks.

The barsteward who flies it in the the face of the Wallace monument wants shooting.

It’s an afront but it’s deliberately intended to be.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 7:14 pm

“neither Scotland nor Indy is helped by the support of people so out of touch with reality”

Denial of oppression is part of the colonial ‘condition’, where people refuse to analyse their situation correctly. You cannot deny the situation in Gaza is a colonial situation. Colonialism is not rocket science; one group seek to take by force the land of another group and to obliterate its people.

There is nothing civilised about colonialism and no human values involved. That is why an oppressed people and all right thinking people stand against it, and seek liberation from it.

John Main

@RoS 8:27

I think Netanyahu will get stuck in. There’s reports that even if he orders his forces back, they’ll go in anyways. They’re angry, they’ve taken casualties, and they’ve all seen the videos. I don’t think they’ll stop even if directly ordered to by the USA.

You have many problems, RoS, but the root of your difficulties with this, and indeed with 404, is an inability to ever conceive that people and nations have agency and will. That’s why you always have to find somebody to be “behind” everything that happens. Soz, RoS, but I’m thinking you are incurably infected with the Scottish Cringe.

As for other countries getting involved, I genuinely hae ma doots. Hamas has been willing to put up with the slaughter so far because they constantly tell themselves the cavalry is coming to their rescue. Every day they persist with that delusion, more innocents die.

I’m calling for recognition of the realpolitik situation and a cease fire on both sides.

You continue to call for something else, cos you prefer ideological purity to pragmatism.

My solution saves far more Palestinian lives, and Israeli lives, than yours. I guess saving lives has never been your priority.


John Main
11 February, 2024 at 11:00 pm

4 months of greetin over the plight of the Palestinians, but still the simple answer, stop fighting, remains off the table.

If you think it preferable to be morally in the right, but dead, just make that clear.

I’m of the opinion that if somebody did rock up, ruin your livelihood, and steal your land, you wouldn’t fight back from behind your missus and kids, but maybes you would. Feel free to let us know.

All that and sexist too.

Are you saying the people of Palestine should surrender?

What about the people of UK-Raine should they not also surrender.

Would they not be better off alive than morally right?


Twathater 6.42pm

The begging bowl again FFS. They’re fast becoming the new whinging Blackford broken record.

Scotland could hold an opinion poll outside of the confines of Holyrood. We’ve done it before when over 2 million signatures were collected & that was decades before Holyrood was even built. Salmond needs to think outside the box.

They need to stop trying to suck up to the SNP. The whole Nation despises them for what they’ve done with GRR & sexualising children. An SNP candidate standing alongside Alba would be the kiss of death to Alba by association .

If they’re this thick then they’re beyond fcking help & not even bother standing to lose their deposit.

John Main


I expect that if we’re not too careful post-Indy, the English sizzlements of Edinburgh and parts of Fife will break away. Call themselves Monarchist oblasts or some such.

If we push them too hard, they’ll ask for protection from rUK forces. Maybes if we get a bit too indigenous blood and soil, they’ll call us Nazis.

rUK will invade and occupy, probably using some pretext that there is historical justification for doing so and besides, the English enclaves are being exterminated by the Nazis. Plenty of historical precedent from the Kingdom of Northumbria, for any English imperialist leader claiming that the break up of the UK was a disaster, crying out to be reversed.

I just hope people won’t pop out of the woodwork to tell us we had it coming.


Alf – Well said.


Genocide ‘realpolitic’ Main

Realpolitik (German: [?e?a?lpoli?ti?k] ?; from German real ‘realistic, practical, actual.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means. Dolt.


John Main

My solution saves far more Palestinian lives, and Israeli lives, than yours. I guess saving lives has never been your priority.

Have you communicated with Netanyahu & Hamas to tell them your solution?

What about Pu*tin & Zelensky have you told them you have the solution for them too?

If not why not?

John Main

Alf Baird

As a “right thinking person”, let’s hear your solution then, Alf.

First time I’ve heard anybody claim it’s not rocket science, but hey, we Scots are truly exceptional, eh?

Take your stand against oppression, outline your policy for liberation against colonialism, and publish it on here. You will become the most famous and celebrated Scot of this 21st century, IMHO.

Do make sure you acknowledge all facts of the situation, clarify who goes where, and in what approximate numbers, and provide us with a ballpark body count.

And clarify who foots the bill.


John Main
11 February, 2024 at 11:48 pm

Alf Baird

As a “right thinking person”, let’s hear your solution then, Alf.

Take your stand against oppression, outline your policy for liberation against colonialism, and publish it on here.

Unlike yourself John I don’t think Alf is a military strategist?

Haven’t you noticed what Alf has been doing?

Denial of oppression is part of the colonial ‘condition’, where people refuse to analyse their situation correctly

He’s been trying to get you to analyse your situation correctly. You don’t seem to want to do that preferring to concentrate on the wars in the Middle East & Uk-raine.

I honestly think you might be wasting your time I don’t think either Pu*tin, Zelensky, Netanyahu or Hamas will be reading your email. You would be lucky of even Humza read your email. But hey no harm in trying.


John Main
11 February, 2024 at 11:48 pm

Alf Baird

As a “right thinking person”, let’s hear your solution then, Alf.

Take your stand against oppression, outline your policy for liberation against colonialism, and publish it on here.

Unlike yourself John I don’t think Alf is a military strategist?

Haven’t you noticed what Alf has been doing?

Denial of oppression is part of the colonial ‘condition’, where people refuse to analyse their situation correctly

He’s been trying to get you to analyse your situation correctly. You don’t seem to want to do that preferring to concentrate on the wars in the Middle East & Uk-raine.

I honestly think you might be wasting your time I don’t think either Pu*tin, Zelensky, Netanyahu or Hamas will be reading your email. You would be lucky of even Humza read your email. But hey no harm in trying.


In reference to the O/P Mathieson is ONLY resigning his ministerial position he is NOT resigning as a MSP, he will still be receiving his grossly inflated salary and his contributions to his generous pension
1/He is entitled ?????FFS to a payout of £13,000 for stepping down, to alleviate the LOSS of his perks, so in effect he is PROFITING from his misdeeds and BLATANT LIES, it is reprehensible that this man is ACTUALLY being REWARDED for deliberately LYING to his constituents and the Scottish Parliament

1A/He should not have had the ability to STEP DOWN he should have been SACKED by Useless,BUT we all know the Scottish Nonce Party are unaware of the meaning of TRUTH or INTEGRITY

1B/ He has brought the Scottish Parliament and the behaviour of parliamentarians into disrepute by his open willful lying to the parliament and the electorate and as such he should be reported by sitting MSP’s of any and all parties to the appropriate body responsible for PROPER CONDUCT

1C/ He has openly and publicly LIED to the chamber and the members of parliament which was broadcast widely throughout the uk by the MSM and foreign media and IMO has attempted by those lies to fraudulently obtain recompense from the public purse for his disreputable behaviour, I would also add that his attempt should be reported to police Scotland to ascertain if a crime has been committed against the people of Scotland

1D/ Through his disreputable actions and continued failure to show any integrity or honesty I believe that Mr Mathieson should be subject to a recall petition from his constituency which would surely show if his electors had faith in his ability to tell the truth or his deliberate misleading of parliament exposes that THEIR trust has been abused and can no longer be relied upon
Parliamentary rules STATE
” 4. No improper use should be made of any payment or allowance made to members for public purposes. Members must abide by the Reimbursement of Members’ Expenses Scheme agreed by the Parliament.”


@ twathater

Re. Matheson still being an MSP

Another positive aspect of my suggestion of standing decent local independent non-party affiliated candidates to genuinely represent the expressed will of their constituents, was that the manifesto they would stand on included a contract which gave the constituents a much more simple power of recall system to get rid of their elected official should they err or behave in ways that made their position untenable.


twathater @ 02.44

Depressingly enough, yet again Dan underlines an inherent, inbuilt flaw in the cobbled together dog’s breakfast gifted to us by Labour’s Blair & Dewar as a sop to keep us quiet.
As the former Secretary for Finance, Derek Mackay, demonstrated it’s possible to spend over a year on full salary and expenses as an MSP without even visiting Holyrood.
Perhaps an example Ms Sturgeon may yet follow …

Dorothy Devine

It used to be said that cheats never prosper – we have a whole platoon of lying , cheating politicians who seem to be doing far too well for my liking, while the folk they are supposed to represent struggle.


There are a lot of intelligent people in Scotland. Unfortunately they have sufficient sense to know that Scottish politics is not for them, leaving us with this dross.


It’s the vetting process.

It’s very easy for a party to cull the smart ones from even getting through & in Sturgeons case – invent a new category for the fashionable mentally ill or fake a disability.

Dumbza should never have been in government. When he failed at his first role he should’ve been relegated to the back benches. Instead Sturgeon shuffled him around playing musical chairs to see how many other titles in cabinet he could fail at.

Scotland had the golden opportunity to rub the whole lot out & start again because unfortunately westminster is exactly the same. Bursting at the seems with liars, cheats & thieves who are only interested in the side hustle & expenses.

& The house of lords too where failure is rewarded with a title & a pay packet for life. (Davidson, Mone, Cameron)

It’s a feckin joke & as long as we remain we’ll continue living in the antiquated 18th century.

The next Indy FM should start immediately on the election process. Didn’t it used to be every 4 years to avoid coinciding with WM General Elections? & Introduce a mechanism to eject sacked MSPs or ones who don’t even bother to turn up but I doubt they have the bottle – they’re driven by greed & won’t risk their own position.

Someone up top, sorry I forgot who it was, said to march in protest on Holyrood. Didn’t Sturgeon ban that under her tenure? Probably cause the county tractor knew what was coming her way…


Dorothy Devine,
We’re seen as nothing more than livestock by our politicians, our opinion of them couldn’t possibly get low enough to do them justice.

It’s our own fault for giving credence to liars and trusting the untrustworthy, there simply isn’t enough public cynicism to protect us from them.


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Mornin’ Molesworth

Or maybe they applied but were found to be overqualified

Craig Murray was too smart for the SNP.

Or maybe they were worried that he might ‘whistle blow’ the bloody doors off the SNP.

What about an election every year or at least a yearly assessment.

All done digitally. Surely in this digital age we could achieve something better than having to go physically to the polling station & mark an X with a pencil. A pencil FFS.

Anyway while we are still part of the ‘Union Colony’ we can only dream & whinge!

PS Did you know the world has gone mad?

Mark Beggan

The Scottish Pretend Government and it’s seriously deranged minister of continuing the Swindle.
If Dumba bumba boy has mental health issues then that’s the door open for anything. Anything can be First Minister of pretend Scotland.
Any idiot wanna be, can be a First Minister mommy.


Hi Andy

Have you been banned Poppet?

Chas thought it was likely.

Who am I going to bitch with now?

I think you should really try to get back Chas & John Main will be lost without you.

David Hannah

Now that Matheson of Morroco has left Neil Gray wants to start charging us to use the NHS…

A tosser of the highest order. I can’t wait for the SNP to die. Die SNP. Turn off its life support.

David Hannah

Also Matheson taking a £13,000 pay out for resigning in disgrace is the final insult to his pathetic 20 year stint in Holyrood.

Power corrupts. We know he was watching porn. Or buying hash online in Morroco.

And then he blamed his wife and children and made the tax payer pay.

You sicken me.

You LOWLIFE. piece of human filth. Dog shit Michael Matheson.


Did anyone watch the ‘Conversion Therapy’ debate in the HOL?

I wasn’t just the Covid stuff that caused me to loose faith in the medical profession it is also the fact that they expect me to believe that people can change sex and that women have penises.

There are a shit load of people who believe all that and I have to congratulate ‘the powers that be’ on a really remarkable job of brainwashing/manipulating the public.

I suppose there are people who don’t really believe all that but like with a lot of other things they just pretend. Anything for a quiet like.


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Dundee banker with ‘worst abuse images ever seen’ has internet access limited

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That doesn’t seem much. It’s like a punishment you would give a teenager.
He got sent to his room and had his mobile phone confiscated.

Todd, now of Castlebank Place, Glasgow

I’ve never seen paedophiles having their addresses printed in the press before.

Is Castlebank Place a huge street?


Baird is at it yet again.

According to our learned professor (Napier Tech) everybody in Scotland has been colonised. If you think that you haven’t then this is simply part of the colonial ‘condition’, where people refuse to analyse their situation correctly. Only the towering intellect that is Baird is able to analyse the situation for them and we should all be thankful for his enlightened guidance. Each individuals thoughts and feelings do not count in Baird’s world.

Pretentious or what?

Dorothy Devine

Breeks , the media has much to answer for on that score – never reporting and never challenging.


I just googled Castlebank Place. It looks pretty upmarket. Flats with a view of the river.

I wouldn’t be too happy if I lived there and had young children especially babies knowing a paedophile with a penchant for viewing babies being raped was moving into the area.

Whose constituency is that? Glasgow North West?

If so
Carol Monaghan SNP is the MP for the area

I can’t figure out who the MSP is.

I’m guessing whoever it is parents with concerns will be classed as bigots and told to ‘be kind’

Do you think I am being cynical or just not very good at pretending?



The GRR is exactly the same as the warmongering shit.

No one wants it but the fckers in charge implement it anyway despite public opinion.

It’s almost as if there is a hidden new world order. An oligarchy & the facade of democracy is well & truly over.

Despite protests over 404 & I*real – the powers that be just double down regardless of the Kamikaze repercussions to themselves. 404 was elected on a *peace* manifesto LMFAO! Sturgeon was elected on an Indy manifesto..on & on it goes changing script because once they’re elected they become puppets & go off script.


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Post by Chas is jam packed with ‘fuckin’ playground shit & name calling.

Re the Banker with the penchant for watching babies being raped I reckon he’s going to need a disguise. What will it be feminisation or furry?



You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that a Sovereign country & her resources, population & decisions shouldn’t be managed by another country.

Only a feckin space cadet doesn’t think that is colonialism.

Congratulations, you’ve won a badge. Now go & sit at the back of the class, ya dullard.


Don’t read this unless you are prepared to be triggered and have you day spoiled.

Seeing a picture of a baby being raped would be very ‘triggering’ for me even if it weren’t my baby. It would trigger me into wanting to do some serious damage to the persons involved and the perverts paying to view this stuff. I just can’t image how a parent would feel. Although some parents maybe facilitated this stuff.

I’ve been well and truly triggered by the story of the mother who roasted her baby in the oven mistaking the oven for the baby’s crib.

I reckon Mr David Michael Todd is going to need a good disguise. What’s better than wig & a dress?


I reckon Mr David Michael Todd is going to need a good disguise. What’s better than a wig & a dress?

Ooops I forgot name change.
He could call himself

Davina Michelle McColl

That would serve her right.

He could be tagged, supervised, have his internet throttled but there is no law saying he can’t change his name & sex.

Which name would appear on the sexual offenders register?

Can you see the problems yet with the GRA?


Ruby says: at 12:33 pm

Re the Banker with the penchant for watching babies being raped I reckon he’s going to need a disguise. What will it be feminisation or furry?

Badger (will mean he only has to change to letters on his CV too)



Mark Beggan

Allan B’Stard best quote:

“If your IQ was any lower you’d need watering”

James Che

Alf Baird.

Re our conversations of wether the Scots are in the treaty of union,monarchy, the Scottish crown. and uk legislation anomalies.

Under the treaty of union articles The territorial extent of the parliament of Englands Union with Scotland Act 1706 is The Kingdom of England.

The Succession to the Crown is to the crown and throne of England in article 11.

Both of these can be found and read in the “Union with Scotland,”

The factual history that is recorded in and by those two specific articles of the union with Scotland is that the Crown and throne of Scotland is not included or mentioned in the Offer.nor its kingdom of Scotland.

What is mentioned and detailed is that Scotland agreed to the line of succession to the throne of England, it also agreed that the monarch of England can wear any Crown called the imperial crown of Great Britain if the monarch of England wishes to name its Crown as such,

What it “does not do” specifically is to allow the monarch of England to wear the Crown of Scotland,

And this has been the case ever since those articles were agreed between Scotland and England,
The Monarchs of England can touch them, they look at them, they are tantalisingly offered up on a cushion in a teasing manner. but the Crown of Scotland has never been placed on the monarch of England. during any Coronation ritual and ceremony.

I alway wondered and been curios as to why the supposed monarch of Great-Britain Britain had never worn the Crown of Scots, even though they held a false Scottish coronation ceremony in Scotland.
well now you know.

Scots agreed to the succession line to the Crown and throne for England in England, and agreed they could call their crown any darn thing they liked even “Imperial” if it made them feel important.

But it does not include the English Monarch as the succession line of descendants to the crown or throne of Scotland in those “articles of the Union with Scotland”



They’re all in on it.

Look at that massive world wide police collaboration to bring the perpetrators to justice of child snuff & porn web sites around the world. It cost $billions & billions of man hours. Once they caught them the judges let them off with no more than a slapped wrist. One judge even quashing one ring leaders sentence because the sick fecker found prison *too upsetting* for him. Feck all the Filipino young girls that sicko had ruined, killed, imprisoned & abused building his dark web empire. Off he trotted back to his penthouses.

The judges are lenient because they’re in on it or don’t even attempt to change the laws.

That guy in castle bank will be trans by the end of the week & apply to change his name.

The police already can’t catch yer every day criminal with a map & a torch, now they’ve to try catch impersonators too.

James Che

King Charles of England never had the Crown of Scots hovering over or actually placed on his head in 2023,
His mother never had the Crown of Scotland anywhere near her head,
Her father never had the Crown of Scots placed on his head either.
This is continuios all the way through the decades right the way back to Queen Anne, perhaps further,

The Flying Iron of Doom

Ruby says:
12 February, 2024 at 11:53 am

I wasn’t just the Covid stuff that caused me to loose faith in the medical profession it is also the fact that they expect me to believe that people can change sex and that women have penises.

Y’know, I can’t help but wonder whether many doctors found themselves in the position where they were required to say “You should totally get this vaccine, it’s awesome” while what they really wanted to say was, “Seriously mate, I wouldn’t if I were you.” Going a little further, is it possible that sane doctors are having to haud their tongues over issues such as obesity and genderwoo because they don’t want to bring upon themselves a possibly career-damaging accusation of fatphobia or transphobia? I dunno man but I can imagine that, finding themselves in such an environment, more than a few quacks and quackettes would opt to either relocate to a saner country or to drop out of the medical realm altogether. Hell, who could blame them?


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Baby raping badger.

Pronouns: Badger, Badger, Badger.

Recently spotted in the Anniesland area of Glasgow.

Time for a wee catchy tune from You Tube

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Mushroom! Mushroom!

Oooh, it’s a snake

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Check this out! Just below the sign for Castlebank Place there’s a sign for ‘Badger & Brown’ suspicious or what?


Oh it’s the Flying Iron!

Back for more insults?

Welcome to Karen’s Diner BTL.

Table for just one I expect!

My shift is ending soon but if you are still sitting there all alone at your table for one this evening I will be happy to serve you.

See you this evening Iron Boy!

James Che

The realisation that the one supposed monarch? of Great-Britain still has to go through two separate ceremonies, two separate event days, two different Oaths, in two different kingdoms and does not get to wear the Crown of Sots on their heads, the territorial crown of the kingdom of Scotland,

In enevitaby the implications that the two kingdoms are not the one United kingdom of Great- Britain, and that the Crown monarch of England may be outside his territorial kingdom Bounderies and upsurping his legal position importing Crown justice systems, legislation and Statues to Scotland under the Crown of England.

Not to mention the aside boast of Westminster parliament in 2024 admitting “The Scots” are not in the treaty of union, nor were they invited to join as the Scots would probably voted NO anyway.

Not to give someone ( Scots) a legal vote in 1707 because they will probably not vote the same way yourself. ( the unionist )

That sounds familiar.
But that also means the Scots were deliberately left out-with the treaty of union vote after much discussion and deliberations by the politicians were held,

The political veto on Scots to vote on joining the treaty of union. And there being No political veto discussed in the same manner towards the 1707 Scottish parliament.

States the obvious, the Scots were recognised by the politicians, commissioners and monarchy as Sovereign from their parliaments decisions and votes,
This separation between veto of the Scots nation votes, in comparison to their parliament votes does not appear to have arisen under any discussion or debate fotr England, Wales and Ireland at the time,
It was a foregone conclusion that in England the parliament of England was sovereign. Not the people.

Dorothy Devine

The Flying Iron of Doom, Aye but if the buggers had spoken up en masse at the very beginning of this science denying ordure we wouldn’t be in this pickle.

Ruby , you have ruined my lunch. What a bastard and to be let off with a ticking off!


There does seem to be a lot of that going on.

A culture of saying nothing to let the Lucy Letbys of this word just do what they want with the approach they can always pretend to learn lessons later.

Didn’t they modify the hypocrite oath? I will try my best not to do harm but will decide myself what harm actually


Geri @ 14.17

Interesting that when Dr Daniel Sokov, a medical ethiticist, asked a class of medical students earlier this century who they believed was the most famous medical practioner of all time the no 1 choice was Dr Harold Shipman (serial murderer of his patients); no 2 was Dr Gregory House ( fictional irascible Hugh Laurie lookalike); not until no 3 did Hippocrates make an appearance.
Gives one a bit more confidence in complementary medicine practitioners perhaps.


@ Dan, Dorothy Devine, Breeks:

Agreed. End the power of politicians. Improve the quality of politicians. End the party politics system – Independent members instead.

Restoring Scotland’s pre-1707 constitution will go a long way to end the power of politicians and in turn by making them vulnerable to being expelled/jailed should mean poorer-quality candidates don’t stand.

Breeks – you have mentioned impeaching our parliamentarians as if there is a mechanism to do that currently. Is there?


With the US, U.K. and EU all back Israel in killing 10’s of Thousands of Palestinians inclusive of babies and children the Israeli government now suggests that they leave Rafah and take all 1.2 million survivors back North to where all homes, hospitals, schools, power and water supplies have been destroyed.

To carry out this insane, inhuman request the Palestinians would need to walk past an army with a very long record of using snipers to kill anything walking near them that looks like a Palestinian. That includes Jewish hostages who escaped and innocents under white flags
and Children.
It also means that they would be cut off from the supplies coming in from the Egyptian border and any hope of crossing that border.

It is always something I pondered why Israel sitting the Palestine which is undoubtably the Middle East get to play football in the European competitions and compete in the European Song contest.

I implore the Palestinian Government to apply for access to both competitions.

What will their excuses be as we know they would be rejected.
Would it be that you are too far away?
You are not a country?
We only take wealthy countries?
It’s only Christian’s and Jews who get in?

The world is corrupt beyond redemption.
We now see that Truth and Justice even humanity are no longer deciding factors for those in power.

Trump, Boris, Netanyahu all happy to let people die because it suits their own agenda.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 11:48 pm

“Take your stand against oppression, outline your policy for liberation against colonialism, and publish it on here. You will become the most famous and celebrated Scot of this 21st century, IMHO.”

I expect every genuine independence supporter welcomes the Eva Comrie/Alba/Angus Brendan MacNeil proposal that the SNP should: collapse the colonial administration at Holyrood; hold a Scottish plebiscite election; secure a majority of seats and votes; and then declare independence.

The polls tells us this could win the day, even with an imposed irregular local government franchise. Polls also tell us that Scots are not too keen on being dragged by the UK legislature into any more of its numerous colonial wars, which is where we seem to be heading.

Young Lochinvar

Rev, looking forward to new articles..

George Ferguson

@Alf Baird 3:09pm
I doubt very much that the UK legislature will be deploying UK defensive forces anywhere. Their reading the same HoC and HoL Library briefings on the capabilities of the UK military as we are. Grant Shapps has realised our military has been degraded by Wokery. Bad Procurement and discrimination in recruitment against their traditional volunteers (White males). I was not joking to John Main the other day when I said the UK can field one effective division. Some context, that is about 15000. A disportionate amount from Scotland. Casualties in the 404 war exceed 20000 per month at the height of the 404 battles. Hence the admission that the British Army can stay in the field for a maximum of 2 months in a similar conflict of attrition. An Independence campaign can legitimately claim that staying in the UK no longer is a guarantee of security. The recovery timescale is 5 to 10 years for the UK military. How did that happen with a Conservative Government when defence is supposed to be their forte. So foreign excursions very unlikely in the short to medium term.


James Che @1.17pm

During the coronation, Lames Naughtie one of BBC’s many hausjocks informed his audience that ‘of course King Charles will not wear the Crown of Scotland – apart from anything else, it would not fit’

I don’t know if the toe of my boot would fit Naughtie’s arse, but I’d give it a try.


The USA.

“67-27: Senate further advances the $95B foreign aid bill to Israel, YouCrane and Taiwan. 60 votes were needed.”

Done on a Superbowl Sunday to minimise the public outcry.


“The polls tells us this could win the day, even with an imposed irregular local government franchise.”

With respect Alf as you have pointed out on more than one occasion the influx of new incomers has increased to such an extent that the SG is deliberately withholding that information and those figures, it is one thing to assume that the polls can show an increase in the support for independence but the demographics of that support is unknown
I responded to a comment over on BB from Lorna Campbell which appears to have gone missing
Lorna was showing empathy to engerlish voters by saying
“It is as if we are on a trajectory to hell. In England, things are not much better, believe me, and the ordinary people are experiencing the same dense, bone-headed intransigence from their politicians”
In my comment I pointed out that I DO NOT feel ANY sympathy or empathy with the people of engerland as they are the self same ones who keep electing these self serving greed driven arseholes, mirroring their own selfishness and uncaring attitude, FFS boris johnson with a 80 seat majority , Liz Truss who wrecked the economy with her lunacy, Theresa May, Tony LIAR Blair, Thatcher the milk snatcher that they IDOLISE and REVERE, every one of them SCUM but Scots had to shut it and suck it up

So Alf do you really believe that the white flight well to do morris dancers who are abandoning their lovely quaint villages and selling up their very expensive houses to buy far superior built crofts and smallholdings at greatly reduced prices to escape the unwashed hordes will be satisfied in voting for an independent Scotland with more social and responsible policies than the egalitarian exceptionalist beliefs that they proudly hold

I think if you look at the areas that they currently flock to e.g. Perth, Moray,Borders, Edinburgh it does not take much imagination to realise the increase in tories will become significant, Scotland the NEW Engerland


As a Dutch court bans spare parts for Zionist F-35 fighter jets being sent to Israel, the Zionists have begun their “Final Solution” by bombing Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah killing over 100 Palestinians and injuring hundreds more, there’s over a million civilians in Rafah right now.


You won’t here or read any of this in the UK MSM Sunak and Co should be in the dock at the Hague when the time comes, for aiding and abetting Netanyahu in genocide.

“The Royal Air Force has sent 48 military aircraft to Israel since it began bombing Gaza.

Britain has conducted 65 spy missions over Gaza from its vast military and intelligence base on Cyprus.

Britain is providing training to Israeli military officers in the UK, the government has admitted.

The UK government has admitted that nine Israeli military aircraft have landed in Britain since Oct 7th

Last year the MoD admitted its training of Israeli military personnel included defence medical training, “organisational design and concepts” and “defence education”.

It has refused to publish the military agreement it signed with Israel in 2020. But it said the accord “enshrines ongoing joint training and exercises” contributing to “strengthening military ties”.”

“Israel is represented by Armed Forces personnel in its Embassy in the UK, and as participants in UK defence-led training courses”, defence minister James Heappey has told parliament.

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Ignored says:
12 February, 2024 at 2:49 pm

Breeks – you have mentioned impeaching our parliamentarians as if there is a mechanism to do that currently. Is there?

Yes, and no.

Yes, there is the “Right” (our popular sovereignty), and our entitlement to make a claim upon that right, and initiate a modern day Claim of Right. In Constitutional terms, we have the power to do this, and recognised precedent when this has been done, (1689 when a Claim of Right deposed our Monarch), and the furthermore, the Claim of Right is woven through all manner of UK legislation, from Treaty of Union to the Scotland Act and beyond.

The No? As a people, we have been divorced from our legitimate rights for generation after generation, and now we are unfamiliar and hesitant with the protocols and prudence which would empower us to act. Scotland’s constitutional muscle has been allowed to atrophy far too long, and Scotland currently suffers from the, “use it or lose it”, phenomenon.

Thankfully, what we suffer from is all in our head, because the legitimacy of our Constitution is enshrined in legislation. But Jeezuz H, our rotten and corrupt political types aren’t half making a complete fool of themselves and doing untold damage to Scotland.

George Ferguson

@Republicofscotland 5:22pm
Don’t fret Humza and Nads has it covered. There off on holiday to Qater where they will bump into the Hamas leaders just outside Hamas Headquarters. I expect a ceasefire a week later. I hope Humza and Nads have been briefed by the Foreign Office this time. Wouldn’t want to get crossed wires again.

John Main

@ Geri says: 12 February, 2024 at 2:17 pm

Didn’t they modify the hypocrite oath?

They said they would, but then they went and did something else.

Ian Brotherhood

‘Seein oursel’s as ithers see us.’

This short video helps us understand how a lot of folk who consider themselves ‘well-informed’ are viewing the current state of play re the Yes movement and Scottish politics generally.

(We’re ‘dorment’, apparently…)

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John Main

@ Effijy says: 12 February, 2024 at 2:52 pm

It’s certainly looking very grim for the Palestinians in Rafah.

I’m thinking the Israelis mean what they say.

Probably time for Hamas to come to the negotiating table and bring out the surviving hostages. They should be able to trade them in for their own lives.

Alf Baird

Breeks @ 5:33 pm

“our rotten and corrupt political types aren’t half making a complete fool of themselves and doing untold damage to Scotland”

Aye Breeks, just goes to prove that ‘politicians are not intellectuals’, as Flynn demonstrated the other day through his lack of knowledge about Scottish sovereignty.

Oor leeberator he isnae – if he disnae ken onything aboot oor soveranety he shuirly winna ken hou tae reclaim hit.


@ Breeks and Alf Baird: what is unforgivable is that the politicians will NOT even try to learn the truth about our sovereignty – or anything else that they are ignorant about e.g. ferry designs, continental ferry ports, to name but two.

It is sheer treachery to let Scotland be deprived of income, assets and infrastructure when there are things that they could do to prevent the harm.

As Dorothy Devine has said, it is sick-making to have these incompetent, or worse, people holding the strings and holding us all back.

John Main

@ Alf Baird says: 12 February, 2024 at 3:09 pm

TBQH, Alf, I was looking for your solution to the Gaza problem. I thought that’s what we were discussing at the time.

Agreed though, the plebiscitary election idea is the one to back. I’m excited to vote in the first one, once the candidates have issued their manifestos and the pledges are made.

Have you got links to these anti-colonial-war polls you mention? So much is in the wording of the question.

Imagine somebody being asked “Are you in favour of a 5% price rise for everything, on top of all the other price rises we have experienced recently?”

Not many 100% Yes voters there.

Imagine somebody being asked “Should the UK take all steps necessary to maintain shipping routes open through the Red Sea?” How many people realise that if these routes close, our prices go up by 5%, or maybes more?

The price of things matters to me. I used to think it was a Scottish national characteristic. Spending time on here has convinced me I’m the only grippy Scot left!

John Main

@ twathater says: 12 February, 2024 at 5:01 pm

I DO NOT feel ANY sympathy or empathy with the people of engerland as they are the self same ones who keep electing these self serving greed driven arseholes

Year after year, TH, for all of this century, the immigrants come, 100K some years, 200K other years, 600K last year (net, the total inwards migration figure topped 1 million).

“As of the year ending June 2022, there were an estimated 10,388,000 people in England and Wales who were not born in the UK.”

You’re being a bit harsh on the English, IMHO.

That same demographic shift you are so critical of in Scotland for its affect on how we vote, has been turbocharged beyond recognition south of the border.

Just saying.

Probably somebody’s thinking “But all the immigrants vote Labour, don’t they?”

Ah hae ma doots. Sharp elbowed, pushy, ambitious, greedy, abandoning their own folk, nation and culture in pursuit of getting rich. They sound like Tories to me.


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Whether people living in England were born in the UK or not they are still English voters.

The majority will either vote Labour or Tory. Who cares.

All these non EU immigrants that you don’t seem to like very much did however vote for Brexit.


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John Main
Seriosly mate you do not have to find the solution to the Gaza problem. Even if you did find the solution which I believe you think you have nobody is going to pay any attention to you.

I think you are making the question of independence much to complicated.

It’s simple ‘Should Scotland be an Independent country?’ Yes or No.

Or you could put it another way ‘Should Scotland continue to be a colony or not.

Should the voters in Scotland make the decision about Scotland.

You seem to complicate your life with questions about the price of a 2nd class stamp in an iScotland.

Just relax pal. If you are really so unsure well just vote NO.

There you go all sorted.

Got any more worries?

Alf Baird

twathater @ 5:01 pm

“the influx of new incomers has increased to such an extent that the SG is deliberately withholding that information and those figures”

Yes, this is surely the case with the hidden census. On the other hand some optimists believe polling data underestimates the real support for indy. Irrespective, the colonizer will be up to all sorts of tricks again in any vote.

The reality is that there is probably as much chance of Humza ‘collapsing’ the colonial money-go-round, or his stopping SNP MP’s from allowing Westminster to legislate for Scotland, as there is of him creating a proper national franchise on a constitutional matter.

What we all agree on is a total lack of effort or innovation on the part of the SNP as far as independence is concerned, which means the only thing collapsing soon will be the SNP.


@ John Main

Imagine somebody being asked “Should the UK take all steps necessary to maintain shipping routes open through the Red Sea?” How many people realise that if these routes close, our prices go up by 5%, or maybes more?

Who do you imagine is going to ask this question? Is this something you expect our governments to do? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Before I could answer this question which nobody but you will be asking me I would have to know the cost of the UK maintain shipping routes open through the Red Sea.

Could be cheaper just to pay the extra 5p for a bag of flour or whatever.

PS I don’t remember being asked about the Iraq war do you?

Alf Baird

John Main @ 6:50 pm

“I was looking for your solution to the Gaza problem”

Perhaps the answer relates to Israel’s accuser, South Africa, and the rest of the world’s treatment of that country when under apartheid rule.


Dorothy Devine
12 February, 2024 at 2:13 pm

Ruby , you have ruined my lunch. What a bastard and to be let off with a ticking off!

You’re lucky it was just your lunch Dorothy it has ruined my whole day.

What a truly sick individual.

“They included the rape, torture and abuse of newborn babies and young children, as well as children being forced into sexual acts with animals.”

They say it’s his first offence I think what they mean is it the first time he was caught. He’s got photos dating back to 2011.

Cambridge University graduate Todd, a first offender, spent his banking career interacting with governments, education establishments and the Department for International Development.

He pled guilty to making or taking, or permitting to take, photographs of children being sexually abused at Bleachfield, Dundee, between October 1 2018 an March 2 2022.

The above gives the impression it was more than just downloading the images.

Sheriff Jillian Martin-Brown placed Todd on a three-year supervision order with a requirement to engage with a sex offender rehabilitation group.

What happens there? Conversion therapy.

The people of Castlebank Place, Glasgow need to watch out not only their babies but their dogs as well.


Any word on Operation BranchForest grown and harvested made into firewood which was seasoned for two years before being burnt in woodburning stoves and the ash composted back into the soil for the nutrients to be taken up by another tree to grow a branch Form?


Genocide John

**Imagine somebody being asked “Are you in favour of a 5% price rise for everything, on top of all the other price rises we have experienced recently?”**

Imagine somebody being asked “Wanna waste billions on illegal wars, propping up tyrants & playing world police thoosands & thoosands & thoosands of miles away like a chump”?

Or do you want to mind yer own fcking business & be happy with yer wee bit of hill & glen.

I have a solution. Strip I*rael of its statehood. It was only granted it on the condition of a two state solution & then promptly reneged by not recognising it’s neighbour.
I’d also have them return all land that they’ve taken illegally.
I’d also impose sanctions.


UN either shapes up or ships out. It was established to always favour USA. USA has now rendered it completely inept & obsolete & is now the Nazi.

Mark Beggan

Stephen Flynn playing at world politics. Of course the middle east powers will all listen. He’s s Stephen the international mediator. Call Steph if your country needs advice. And don’t pretend you don’t know who he is.

In like Flynn.



The universities are rife with this shit. That’s where the GRR originated & took root = Queer theory.

Queer theory = acceptance of paedophillia & it is slipping in to everyday life in schools & even our courts as we see with this idiot thinking that sentence in any way fitted that deviants crime.

There is also the well known fact that this behaviour escalates very quickly to act it out in real life.

All ignored. It’s insane.

There was an excellent lecturer that went viral on TikTok addressing a class booing & hissing him as he quoted Queer Theorists & their direct link to normalising sex with children. The class, instead of being horrified at what he was quoting from *leading* queer theory advocates, were busy shouting abuse he was a transphobe, homophobe etc. He shut them up by saying “by being against paedophiles?” There was still some backchat which only leads us to believe some were already desensitised to the idea.

BTW – Have you watched Posies latest vid ripping the piss out of Emma Watson? LOL These women are so out of touch with the real world.

John Main

@ Alf Baird says: 12 February, 2024 at 8:31 pm

Perhaps the answer relates to Israel’s accuser, South Africa, and the rest of the world’s treatment of that country when under apartheid rule

Took me a wee while to work out what you meant there, Alf. You could defo have made that easier to understand!

So, in essence, turn the country into an economic basket case, with a corrupt and criminal, moneyed, gangster elite, uncounted millions living in corrugated iron shantytowns, “white flight” of the educated, first world types, etc. etc.

Look on the bright side maybes, at least the poverty, crime and hopelessness is now ideologically sound poverty, crime and hopelessness.

It could work, Alf, although I don’t think Israel/Palestine has SA’s natural wealth of gold, diamonds, etc, which is what allows the ANC to keep paying just enough to keep the lid on things. Still, even they were bankrupt a few months back, but persistent rumours claim they were lobbed a lifeline cash bung to stir it at the ICJ …

Have you identified a new Mandela-like figure yet? You’re gonna need one.

But you could be onto something. Just like SA, we could welcome the masses of new “refugees” to our shores.

“The 2021 UK census recorded 211,447 South African-born people residing in England, 5,733 in Wales, and 2,627 in Northern Ireland”

Figures for Scotland not given for the usual reasons.


Robin giving it laldy.

link to


@ Dan: Robin giving it laldy.

Trouble is, we know exactly what the SNP is now. There are NO parliamentarians who have the drive to act immediately to regain our statehood – apart from those who are on the fringes which I think is actually only Fergus Ewing.

There are FEW parliamentarians who have sufficient brains either – they are happy to accept drivel such as “Scotland ceased to exist in 1707”. They haven’t the humility to recognise their lack of ability and hence the need to ask people who do have the necessary brains and the drive to act now.

John Main

@ Mark Beggan says: 12 February, 2024 at 10:09 pm

Stephen Flynn playing at world politics

Your post motivated me to go find out what he’s been saying.

The usual one-sided, fantasy shite.

If he had made an even-handed call for Iran to stop selling arms to Hamas too, it might have been worth listening to.

Anas Sarwar, quoted in the National, makes more sense to me:

“We need an immediate ceasefire, the immediate release of hostages and a path to peace now.”

The reference to the hostages is telling. Sarwar gets what it’s all about. FFS, am I gonna have to vote Labour this year? I never saw that one coming.


Stephen Flynn is an arsehole.

He is busy standing behind an English Prime Minister this country didn’t vote for. To tell that PM Scotland stands behind his warmongering (say what?) To ask for war information this country is entitled to know as a partner to the Union. To then ask why parliament wasn’t consulted. To then sit on his fucking arse like a schoolboy as the PM tells him it’s fuck all to do with him what he’s doing.

It’s a matter of national security (whose security?) Who is this guy *National security*? Is he the same as that illustrious new country called the UK?) He then laments about poor innocent civilians just sailing on the high seas, minding their own biz – then *BAM* a rocket. It’s a travesty so it is. So we blew them tae fck.

Gaza *waves* Hellloooo! What you saying about innocent civilians? Care to run that passed us again?

Flynn is as useful as a chocolate teapot. He is an obvious Brit nat plant & we didn’t find that out just yesterday. He’s another that’s used the Indy ticket to get into the club.

Scotland will hopefully rid themselves of all those dregs at the next election. Mentally ill fckwits & Brit nat sleepers need not apply.

The life of a Britnat is full of contradictions. They’ve zero moral compass & have absolutely no shame on holding completely contradictory views at the same time.


Robin needs to come right out & say it instead of pussy footing around. He continually writes pointers for them to even attempt a recovery but they just don’t want to recover. He also writes of the disastrous events to come – so why not just come out & say it in terms even the thickos will understand..

The SNP is dead. Over. Finito. Not a cat in hells chance of recovery. They will never deliver independence in a gazillion years. Instead of sending flowers to a habitual liar currently under investigation they should send themselves a wreath with a note “Heres how to fuck up an entire nations backing, an entire brand, entire momentum & completely trash the most democratic party in the UK into liars, thieves & Brit nats.
From Hydro to Zero.
RIP SNP. Do not haste ye back. Ever.

End off what I think he actually has to admit to. His gig is over with the SNP. They’re not interested in independence & they’re not even qualified for administration.

Vote anyone but the SNP. The SNP in power is another five years of nails screeching down glass in torture & more Queer theory on steroids this time because they’ll see ANY win as a confirmation Queer Theory is a winner with the public.

Soon it will be “bring a kiddie yer fiddling to work day” if they return anywhere near government again & that applies to the wackadoo Greens as well.


@ Dan 12th Feb 24. 8.23am I am fully on board and in agreement with your proposal for decent local independent non-party affiliated candidates to genuinely represent the expressed will of their constituents,what a fresh and vibrant revelation that would be
TBQH If I wasn’t so old I would consider doing so myself, I am so sick of these inveterate LIARS and their endemic corruption, they carry on incessantly probably knowing that they are almost untouchable as is evidenced by the amount of criminal behaviour ignored by the police and justice system
I have said repeatedly that I am in total agreement that ANY second chamber should be a people’s assembly consisting of normal regular people from all walks of life, all classes and all professions who will oversee and critique any and all legislation proposed by a Scottish Government, THEY would be the final arbiters of what passes or not
Just imagine a people’s assembly sitting in judgement of the absolute clusterfuck that the Scottish Nonce Party and their useful idiots of all parties are subjecting us too, they would have a field day rolling heads, and that is precisely why politicians are vehemently against that happening
I think it is imperative that normal people with life experience should be standing as independent candidates for election as the party political system has been proven to have failed

James Che


I am Up at a ungodly as I couldn’t go back to sleep.

This % regarding who and how many Scottish independence voters may be outnumbered and up against the influx of new people arriving in Scotland only applies if you ignore historical facts. Which many do.
What if the Scots were already independent, but propaganda histostory has strung them along for decades?
My analyses in the Scots are standing in the wrong battle ground from the get go.

Why not look the gift horse in the mouth,

The UK Westminster parliament have stated to the global world in 2024 , that “The Scots ” did not get a vote to join the treaty of union in 1707 because they would have voted NO.

The Scots do not need a vote to leave a treaty of union. the Uk Westminster parliament site says they are not in.
The Scots and therefore Scot-land are independent at this very moment in time,
Enough said.

James Che


Yes I read that MSM article as well, an thought it was hilarious.

And it failed miserably to explain why his mother or grandfather had not worn it either.
Or any of other succession lines to throne of England.

The union with Scotland Act article 11, is why they do not wear the Crown of Scotland.

Scots agreed to that, the line of succession to the monarch of England, and that they could name their English crown anything they wanted in the kingdom of England.

However not mentioned is the line of succession to the monarch in Scotland.


I guess some folk won’t be satisfied until they get banned again. Fucking maniac.


Reading Robin McAlpine depresses me. No matter how critical he is he like a lot of people just can’t let go of the SNP.

I read it all the time… just replace Yousless with Forbes and it will be fiiiiine.

No it won’t. And all the clingers just prolong the walk of the dead man walking.

Despite all the tough talk they are hopelessly addicted to this utterly diseased piece of shit party that has betrayed everything and everyone for 10 years running. Salmond could but they can’t.

The SNP Is their little blue blanket.


Genocide John referencing a Mark Beggan post referencing a Stephen Flynn speech, goes on to refer to a ‘National’ report quoting Anas Sarwar.
QED ‘vote Labour’
That’s quite a lot of rubbish even for a John Main post.


Ignored says:
13 February, 2024 at 2:19 am
@ Dan 12th Feb 24. 8.23am I am fully on board and in agreement with your proposal for decent local independent non-party affiliated candidates to genuinely represent the expressed will of their constituents…

I’m in total agreement, but would we want that body codified by the Scotland Act as another subordinate “Parliament”, or codified by Scotland’s sovereign Constitution as a modernised Convention of the Estates?

What seems critical, is whether the people, together with the Faculty of Advocates / Court of Session, would formally recognise the authority of this reinvented Convention of the Estates. If not, could it somehow be compelled to? Can the people of Scotland put a collar on their Legal Fraternity and command it’s obedience?

Suppose we had both, another Vichy Parliament AND a Convention of the Estates, (because we can be sure both Unionists and Devolutionists alike will see that we do have both), would we have a constitutional solution on our hands? Or all the ingredients for a Scottish civil war?

There is a third way… a Holyrood Parliament which rejects the Scotland Act codification and instead, swears allegiance to the Community of the Realm, the sovereign people. Sadly, instead of truth, probity, and Constitutional courage, we suffer a weak and impotent Holyrood crippled by its split personality and unconstitutional cowardice, and still bought and sold for English gold.

Is this a true “third” way? I suspect not, because if a Convention of the Estates can establish it has authority over the Court of Session, then it must surely rank higher than a devolved assembly. With a Convention of the Estates policing Scotland’s constitutional integrity, why would we need Holyrood?

“Democracy” can be addressed with the election of people to an Independent Scotland’s first parliament.

Sooner or later, Scottish Independence boils down to sovereignty. Always has, always will. We can end this charade whenever we’re ready. It is our sovereign prerogative.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 10:26 pm

““The 2021 UK census recorded 211,447 South African-born people residing in England, 5,733 in Wales, and 2,627 in Northern Ireland””

Lets estimate maybe 20,000 came ‘home’ to Scotland then? Postcolonial theory tells us that decolonization logically sees the return of the colonizers and their ‘local helpers’ to the mother country. Questionable that they are refugees with just a few pennies in their pockets, however.

Imperial Britain (and USA) is to a large extent the ‘mother country’ of Israel, and historically and by implication the oppressor of Palestine. Draw your own conclusions.

Which further suggests Scotland probably needs to be independent before Ireland is unified.

For the imperialist-colonizer no longer welcome in the lands he stole and plundered, it has aye been the case that ‘all roads lead to Rome’.


@ twathater

Re. Second Chamber

I’ve revised a previous response to that matter, but happy to read any criticism to it and other ideas on the subject.

There may be little or less need for a second chamber / citizens’ assembly with all the complexities the formation of one would create.
Because the process of the formation of policies and the scrutiny of them would be a task borne and completed by the constituents as their elected official only act on the instruction of their constituents.

This process could have three inherent mechanisms to ensure only sensible and wanted policy initiatives were enacted.

First element: The formation of any initial policy idea would come from the people of any Ward / Constituency, and their elected official would submit it.

Second element: If any amendments to a proposed policy are to be raised once a proposed policy is lodged, then said amendments would again be instigated by wider society made up of constituents after they scrutinse the proposal, and the elected officials would submit amendments on their behalf.

Third Element: When it comes to a final vote on whether or not amendments stand or fall and the policy is enacted, you have to remember that the elected official representing each constituency can only vote as instructed to do so by their respective constituents.
So the people then get another chance to scrutinise and ultimately decide if amendments and the bill gets to be voted through and enacted onto statute book.

I have way more belief that a diverse range of folk across society would reach a sensible consensus on matters, when compared to the current corrupt system with shills, dullards, and grifters implementing all manner of seriously flawed and unwanted policies.
The above proposal would also seriously reduce the ability of lobby groups to influence policy.

Could you really see all the unwanted garbage like Genderwoowoo, Hate Crime, Jury-less trials, Ferry procurement and Deposit return scheme screw ups pissing away hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money if the wider public had any ability to actually control our “government”.

Mark Beggan

Grant Costello!:

Corruption, bribery, fake woke drama, media grovelling and money can’t get the tub of lard a wee seat in his beloved SNP. Even the omnipotent Dumbaboy can’t swing it. What’s Grant to do? Sell ice cream?


12 February, 2024 at 10:20 pm


The universities are rife with this shit. That’s where the GRR originated & took root = Queer theory.

When I was reading the horrendous story about Cambridge University graduate Todd and his bestiality I thought of

“Piggate” refers to a claim that, during his university years, the former British prime minister David Cameron inserted his penis and/or scrotum into a dead pig’s mouth as part of an initiation ceremony for the Piers Gaveston Society at Oxford University.

I haven’t seen Posie’s latest yet. She’s always excellent.

Her party is the only party standing up for women’s rights. If her party stands in Scotland I will be voting for it as I imagine will a lot of women.


I mean just title of the article has me shaking my head…

“We’ll soon find out what the SNP is now”

What does he mean we will ‘soon’ find out what the SNP is?

I am staggered that anyone is still waiting to find out soon what the SNP now is. Where the fuck has been? Does he read his own articles?

Jesus fucking Christ this is a joke.

You are all fucking a corpse.


13 February, 2024 at 7:20 am

I guess some folk won’t be satisfied until they get banned again. Fucking maniac.

Who are you referring to Mac?

Who are these some folk? Are they the same folk as ‘the usual suspects’?

I haven’t a clue.


Ruby, sticking one Boabby and Baw Bag into a dead pig’s mouth is what British Prime Ministers do.

That is their ilk. That is the type of people they are. It’s widespread.

Makes you realize that with depravity rituals like that at a young age just how these scumbags act when they are in power. Nothing is off the cards

Tories and toffs. That’s how they rule.

Brian Doonthetoon

“Her party is the only party standing up for women’s rights.”

link to


“So, in essence, turn the country into an economic basket case, with a corrupt and criminal, moneyed, gangster elite, uncounted millions living in corrugated iron shantytowns, “white flight” of the educated, first world types, etc. etc.”

John Main.

A perfect description of the USA with its huge Obamavilles, once known as Hoovervilles, of homeless folk living in cardboard boxes, which has only gotten worse under Trump and Genocide Joe Biden.

The US has a cunning plan though to destroy SA’s economy for having the audacity to stand up for what’s right and proper with regards to the ongoing genocide.

link to


Starmer shows his true side.

Interesting how in response to comments made by Ali Azhar the Labour candidate for Rochdale, Starmer has now withdrawn all support for his candidacy.

Interesting because if Starmer thinks he is unworthy of any support then he should deselect Azhar. Saying one thing, doing another, or plain two faced and untrustworthy is the issue.

And as for the comments that Azhar is reported to have made. Well these were that there could have been the possibility that Israel allowed October the 7th to happen so as to facilitate the support for the IDF ( and it’s partners) to go in a literally destroy Gaza.

Now we don’t know if that was a consideration on the Israeli part. That type of thing happens. What we do know is that post 7th October genocide and mass suffering was imposed, and still is being imposed on over 2 million people. Israel’s inhumanity knows no bounds.

But Starmer supports this Israel response. He supports RAF paricipation in assisting targetting, in information gathering. He supports opposing international attempts to stop the slugher, he supports a UK that arms the IDF.

Seems to me, Starmer is a Zionist with blood on his hands and that he is ipso facto a hater of the Palestinians. Like the Nazis I think Starmer has a clear view of certain populaces that need to be exterminated.


Hmmm. Are you the same Ruby above quoting me and suggesting it is ‘playground shit’ designed to cause ‘bickering’ while deliberately deselecting this part of my question?

“I am not asking as an insult nor a slur.”

Was that you Ruby?


“We need an immediate ceasefire, the immediate release of hostages and a path to peace now.” Anas Sarwar

Who is the ‘we’ he if referring to? Is it we Muslims?

I’m imagining wee Anas giving the leader of Hamas & Netanyahu a finger wagging lecture.

Now boys we need some peace could you please behave yourselves.


13 February, 2024 at 10:01 am

Hmmm. Are you the same Ruby above quoting me and suggesting it is ‘playground shit’ designed to cause ‘bickering’ while deliberately deselecting this part of my question?

“I am not asking as an insult nor a slur.”

Was that you Ruby?

As far as I know there is only one Ruby posting on this forum.

Why were you asking if Stu was a Zionist?

I still believe that was ‘fuckin’ playground shit’ designed to cause ‘bickering’.

You haven’t answered by question that I asked here:

link to


Brian Doonthetoon
13 February, 2024 at 9:50 am

“Her party is the only party standing up for women’s rights.”

link to

That doesn’t look that much different to what the Tories are saying.

The GRA 2004 needs to be repealed.

As long as that’s in place women’s rights cannot be protected.

For Alba to get my support I need to here them say that the GRA 2004 was a huge mistake.


Also Ruby you must have seen that I subsequently asked the mods to ‘scrub the question, that it was none of my business and that I only asked as I was reading the twitter feed and my nosiness got the better of me’.

So to requote me in an antagonistic, selective way, twisting the words to suit your own obsessive, manic, ego-driven agenda on here, to me encapsulates ‘playground shit’ and trying to cause ‘bickering’.

And as the evident lead ‘playground shit’ thrower and ‘bickerer’ on here I am wondering if this is just a coincidence. Also I seem to be just one of many quoted above with essentially the same obsessive post…

Bottom line, I’d really appreciate if you would just stop quoting me Ruby, especially when you try to twist my comments to fight your own tedious battle with SC or the mods or whatever it happens to be today.

(Of course you won’t and you will only get worse, nothing is surer.)

John Main

@Republicofscotland says: 13 February, 2024 at 9:50 am

A perfect description of the USA

Man, you sure are a work of endless wonder.

Last figures I checked, there were within spitting distance of quarter of a million immigrants to the USA just in December 2023. Quarter of a fecking million in one month! Every fecking month of the fecking year, people in their hundreds of thousands voting with their feet!

And an innarestin wee article on Unherd just this morning about how the US economy is powering ahead of every other economy in the western world.

Get back to us, Ros, when the exodus from Scotland to South Africa starts.


And just in case the Rev is reading BTL much (I know I am not) I reiterate, I don’t want to know the answer.

It is funny when you agree so much with someone on Scottish politics that you implicitly assume you will agree in other areas. (It just suddenly occurred to me in that moment…)

I found with Craig Murray that is most definitely not the case. Does not mean it changes my high opinion of Craig Murray.

Rev keeps all that much more to himself and focuses much more on the Scottish scene. Which is obviously why I regreted asking…

Thanks for dragging it all up again in your petty, childish spat though, much appreciated. Bye.


13 February, 2024 at 10:24 am

Also Ruby you must have seen that I subsequently asked the mods to ‘scrub the question, that it was none of my business and that I only asked as I was reading the twitter feed and my nosiness got the better of me’.

So to requote me in an antagonistic, selective way, twisting the words to suit your own obsessive, manic, ego-driven agenda on here, to me encapsulates ‘playground shit’ and trying to cause ‘bickering’.

And as the evident lead ‘playground shit’ thrower and ‘bickerer’ on here I am wondering if this is just a coincidence. Also I seem to be just one of many quoted above with essentially the same obsessive post…

Bottom line, I’d really appreciate if you would just stop quoting me Ruby,

Bottom line, I’d really appreciate if you would just stop quoting me Ruby,

I’m sure you would but this ain’t your lucky day pal.

The above is jam packed with ‘fuckin’ playground shit’ & name calling’

John Main

@ Alf Baird says: 13 February, 2024 at 8:47 am

Scotland probably needs to be independent before Ireland is unified.

For the imperialist-colonizer no longer welcome in the lands he stole and plundered

Those of us who don’t have the memories of Alzheimers sufferers will be aware of your previous assertions that we virtuous Scots were never colonisers. It was all some big English bastards wot did it.

But now you’re acknowledging our role in Irish colonisation and accepting that should Ireland unify, the descendants of our colonisers may well return.

That’s progress Alf!

Let’s build on that. Those chanting “from the river to the sea” will have to at least outline their resettlement plans for the resultant “white flight” of millions.

Or just clarify that they intend for them to be exterminated. Perhaps the justification will be that they have it coming – that’s been posted on here before.

We’re (mostly) all big boys and girls here. We can (mostly) all cope with any ideas when exposed to the light of day.

I think it is essential, when so many regular posters complain endlessly at the lies, obfuscation and mendacity of our elected elites, that we behave to a higher standard.

John Main

@ willie says: 13 February, 2024 at 10:00 am

Seems to me, Willie, that Starmer can see that in a bitter, no-holds-barred fight between two protagonists, either one side has to win, or both sides have to agree to stop.

Maybes Starmer also knows the definition of “genocide”.

But even “war” is being redefined to suit people’s personal agenda these days. I’m guessing people believe they’re helping, but I think they’re wrong.

If nothing is a war, and every military operation is a genocide, the MSM will move on, cos the interest of the mass of bored, click-bait surfers will move on too.

I’m going to continue to call for both sides to stop killing each other, exchange hostages and prisoners, and allow humanitarian aid into the innocent people of Gaza.

Cos I don’t think anything’s gonna stop til that happens.


link to

Thanks for dragging it all up again in your petty, childish spat though, much appreciated. Bye.

Can I point you to your post at 10.01 this morning. There was no dragging up on my part. You continue with your ‘fuckin’ playground shit & name calling’ Why is that?

link to

You still haven’t answered my very simple question.


Also Rev again if you are reading… in my defense my nosiness breakdown occurred on a Saturday night. Drink may have been involved… what can I say but I apologize, and again it is none of my business and thinking about it more, I don’t want to know.

Even though Scottish politics is mind numbingly boring right now the tight focus here is a strength IMHO. Long may it continue. My last word on it.


Interesting article about Ireland and the far-right/migration issue in The Guardian today by Emma Dabiri (she is Irish and black). Alf’s love, Fanon, is quoted, but interestingly, the ethnic nationalism that is tied in with this on this site is rejected (I wonder what Fanon actually says about ethnicity and nationalism?). The distortions by the right of terms like ‘plantation’ and ‘colonisation’ are skewered, also apply to Scotland and some views expressed on this site.

Lengthy quotation needed to explain that:

‘The French post-colonial theorist Frantz Fanon wrote in 1959 of how “the deep cultural fear of the black … figured in the psychic trembling of Western sexuality”. Certainly, a lot of the racism I have experienced growing up and online as an adult has been organised around an imagined “depravity” borne of being the product of a “defiled white woman” and an N-word, a lovely thing to be told about yourself. I have observed this same vitriol directed at other Irish women who have white mothers and black fathers.

White nationalism in Ireland’s recent anti-immigrant discourse is expressed too in the word “plantation”. Researchers on disinformation at Dublin City University (DCU) who have tracked its use by far-right activists online say it is intended to invoke the 16th- and 17th-century colonial plantations of Ireland, when English settlers were given confiscated Irish land.

This could be, they suggest, a localised variant of the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, whose supporters claim that white Europeans and Americans are deliberately being “replaced” by non-white and Muslim migrants. Like “plantation”, the “colonisation” hashtag has moved from the far-right online fringes to the mainstream.

Such language, intended to turn the rage of disadvantaged people on other marginalised groups is a perversion of Ireland’s history. We still rightly memorialise our past oppression as colonised people in poetry and songs about the Famine, about starving people imprisoned for stealing “Trevelyan’s corn”, but atrocities committed against the Irish people were deeply connected to the struggles of colonised people in other parts of the world. Our histories remain intimately interwoven: many of today’s refugees are fleeing the kind of dispossession and injustice Irish people fled in their millions in previous centuries. The legacy of Irish republicanism, an internationalist, secular, socialist ideology, should give us a unique basis for framing contemporary Irishness in an inclusive and progressive way.

We are not immune to the predatory machinations of false prophets and those who want to reinterpret our nationalist history. But confronting their lies and insisting on the truth of our common ground with other formerly colonised peoples is a potent first step in resistance to the far right.’


John Main

I’m going to continue to call for both sides to stop killing each other, exchange hostages and prisoners, and allow humanitarian aid into the innocent people of Gaza.

You can call ’till the cows come home but nobody is listening.

I’m guessing I am the only person reading your posts and hearing your calls.

I’m going a step further than you and calling for ‘World Peace’

I don’t know who I’m calling to but I’m calling.



A bit of advice.
There are some people on here where it is better to ignore them completely. If you have to read their posts, whatever you do, do NOT respond.
Too many individuals are probably well intentioned, but clueless, fixated, repetitive and beyond help.



Regards McAlpine

I agree. For someone so insightful to the cluster fuck that is the SNP for years now, not only under Sturgeons tenure but Dumbzas too, he comes out with “We’ll soon find out now” Find out what exactly? That they’re now a Unionist party only interested in the status quo?

I get it. He’s invested years in this outfit & it’s all been wasted on a bunch of morons. I hope he’s in the final stages of grief & he’s now arrived at acceptance & we can look forward to fresh ideas on a brand new bus cause the SNPs is parked up for good & going absolutely nowhere. There isn’t even a leader amongst them & count the Ewings amongst them. They’d plenty time & clout to save the party from themselves but they didn’t. They just went with the flow.

Mark Beggan

I certainly hope MI5 have got the Dumbaboy covered on his jolly.


13 February, 2024 at 11:52 am


A bit of advice.
There are some people on here where it is better to ignore them completely. If you have to read their posts, whatever you do, do NOT respond.
Too many individuals are probably well intentioned, but clueless, fixated, repetitive and beyond help.

‘some people’ ‘usual suspects’ ‘some folk’.

Who are they?

Is this all some secret ‘masonic code’

‘Chas’s post is just more

‘fucking playground shit’ & name calling’

Too cowardly to name names instead using their secret code.


Chas has finally found a sentence that doesn’t include his Kevin trademark “bored”

I guess that’s progress.

Alf Baird

Mac @ 9:39 am

“We’ll soon find out what the SNP is now”

Aye, its as if aw oor intellectuals an bricht mynds hiv niver rade postcolonial theory, that tells us whit a dominant naitional pairty daes in a colonial society.

Answer: hit becomes pairt o the colonial ricket:

link to

Alf Baird

John Main @ 10:42 am

“the lies, obfuscation and mendacity of our…. elites”

I expect for most of those ‘returning’ across the seas following one decolonization after another that the ‘mother country’ in their mindset isnae Scotland.

Colonialism does unfortunately lead to ‘a pyramid of tyranny’, in which ‘faith, certainty, dogmas, anathemas, prayers, prohibitions, orders, taboos, tyrannies, wars and glories overwhelmed the order of things’; and in where colonized peoples and ‘colonial functionaries’ search for ‘a bone to gnaw on’, inevitably pushing those lower down the pecking order aside. Colonialism is not just built upon inequalities, ‘it seeks to widen inequalities further’ (Memmi)

Ian Smith

Why is nobody calling on Hamas to surrender?

It is the only available step to avoid death and destruction.


Someone at 11:52;
“There are some people on here where it is better to ignore them completely.”

ROTFLMFAO! Aye, and you’re yin o’ them!


“Seems to me, Willie, that Starmer can see that in a bitter, no-holds-barred fight between two protagonists, either one side has to win, or both sides have to agree to stop.”

John Main.

More likely that the donor who gave the party £5 million (GL) and who is an avid supporter of Israel, not to mention two-fifths of Starmer’s cabinet receiving donations from LFI, and a Sir with the initials TC are the real reasons Starmer is comfortable with the genocide of the oppressed Palestinian people.

Although LFI doesn’t reveal its donors it has been exposed that LFI has a close relationship with the Israeli embassy. It is known for taking MPs on “fact-finding” trips to Israel.

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves received some £17,000 to travel to the country.


Rich Tories make a fortune out of windfarms in Scotland whilst your average Scot pays through the nose for their energy. Remember Sturgeon the Judas sold us out on the Great Scotwind Giveaway.

“A controversial property tycoon and Tory donor is set to rake in millions from massive onshore wind farms planned in one of Scotland’s most fragile communities.”

link to


“And an innarestin wee article on Unherd just this morning about how the US economy is powering ahead of every other economy in the western world.”

John Main.

UnHerd, don’t make me laugh.

“UnHerd is funded by Sir Paul Marshall, a hedge fund partner of George Soros. This makes it a barely disguised part of Soros’s extensive empire of faux opposition sites and organizations.”

When compared on (PPP) Purchasing Power Parity China is the largest economy, both the IMF and World bank now rate China as the largest economy in the world with regards to (PPP).

Charles (not the R one)

I read today that if Humza had sacked Matheson then he, Matheson, would not have been entitled to a £13k golden handshake. By resigning before the report comes out (when he would be sacked) Mr Matheson is able to trouser £13k.
That’s £2K more thn the £11K bill he ran up.

Nice work if you can get it, and one needs to ask, is that why his sacking By Mr Yousaf wasn’t “on the spot” when it became inevitable?


Another very good reason the bin this rancid union and Nato.

“The UK’s two aircraft carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales have both failed to be deployed to NATO Exercises, a huge embarrassment for the once mighty Royal Navy. What does this mean for Scotland?

Scotland pays £4.54billion on the UK’s defence but the MoD only spends £2.01billion within Scotland, a difference of £2.53billion. On a good note this means Scotland is meeting NATO spending commitments of 2% of GDP on defence by sitting at the 2.1% mark. On the other hand, Scotland is being short changed by the UK Government. £2.53billion is being spent outwith Scotland from her defence budget which would be better spent within the country to bolster it’s defence.”

link to


How consecutive English governments debt load Scotland to make it look as though Scotland has hefty debts, and would struggle after indy.

link to


@ BDTT 9.50am Thanks for your link, TBQH I am not enthused or excited by ALBA’S “The Rights of Women” statement, I find it totally insipid and disengenuous, on the one hand they are PROCLAIMING that they will protect the rights of women by ensuring their safety and security and on the other they are similarly PROCLAIMING that they will protect ALL characteristics of the 2010 equality act including GENDER REASSIGNMENT, they also state that WM had no right to step in which I do agree with but unfortunately if they hadn’t invoked the sect 35 then the bill would have passed in ALL its deviant perverted lunacy

IMO ALBA are once again showing that they are just a watered down progressive shadow of the Scottish Nonce Party where they are frightened to tell the truth and alienate the woke element of voters, in the meantime the GRR is NOT going away and ALBA are quite happy to discus revisions to it, so I would ask HOW is that going to protect the SAFETY and SECURITY of our REAL WOMENFOLK, Maybe they are also doing it for BETH


Nothing the Tories do anymore surprises me.

“In case you didn’t know Rishi Sunak’s GB News audience was hand picked and paid by Survation, whose boss Damian Lyons Lowe was paid £186,000 by Nigel Farage to produce fake polls to boost Brexit.

That is why they were asking for their payments on the way out.”

link to

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