Quack quack quack quack quack
Here’s what George Osborne actually said on today’s Andrew Marr Show:
“You will see in the next few days a plan of action to give more powers to Scotland. More tax powers, more spending powers, more plans for powers over the welfare state.
That will be put into effect – the timetable for delivering that will be put into effect – the moment there is a no vote in the referendum. The clock will be ticking for delivering those powers – and then Scotland will have the best of both worlds.”
(From 32m 40s.) It’s not actually very hard to follow.
The first two sentences are meaningless. The parties of the Union are always keen to point out that more powers, particularly tax-raising ones, were coming anyway via the Scotland Act 2012. Anything else is pie in the sky. We don’t know who’s going to win the 2015 UK general election, and if the three parties were going to arrange a package of devolution measures on which they were all agreed they’d have done it before now.
(It would be farcical even by the standards of their campaign if, after each going to all the trouble of spending months putting their own proposals together, they decided to bin all that work and just have one communal one. They would in effect be saying that all their previous reasoning was junk, and that they were all the same. And if Osborne just means he’ll highlight the areas of overlap, we knew those already. We can read.)
So that leaves us with:
“That will be put into effect – the timetable for delivering that will be put into effect – the moment there is a no vote in the referendum.”
Or in other words, a thing that’s going to happen won’t happen until after a thing that has to happen first. The Unionist parties can’t implement a post-No plan until there’s actually been a No. Well, stop the presses and hold the front pages. What a shocker. Time is linear. Who knew?
“The clock will be ticking for delivering those powers – and then Scotland will have the best of both worlds.”
This isn’t so much speech as someone making a noise to fill a silence and kill time. The clock is always ticking for everything. Time is relentless. Osborne might as well have said “Andrew, I am currently speaking words out of my face” for all that line added to the sum total of human knowledge. He may as well have just barked like a dog for five seconds. He may as well have delivered a full-throated rendition of “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” in the voice of the Swedish Chef.
Frankly, at this rate we wouldn’t be surprised if he did.
So – we don’t have the best of both worlds at the moment?
Totally agree, Stuart. My take: I See you keep a bee and why Yessers should thank JK Rowling.
link to logicsrock.blogspot.co.uk
Hi. I know it’s thoroughly obnoxious to go OT right at the start, but we don’t have much time to get Son I Voted Yes into the charts for Indyref Week. Please join us!
link to facebook.com
And they wonder why they’re losing. Emperor… no … clothes!
“and then Scotland will have the best of both worlds” I thought the No campaign said we already have that? Is Osbourne confirming, at the moment were getting ripped off !
Treated with kid gloves by Marr, get hum up here as sweaty Brewer would at least have asked what the powers are
Bullshit set to JockCon 1.
A fine article today on Scottish independence from the American champion of effective bank regulation, Bill Black :
link to neweconomicperspectives.org
As much to the point perhaps is this bit and then Scotland will have the best of both worlds
But … Better Together are telling us we already have the “Best of Both Worlds”.
Who wants to settle for some feeble promises of second best?
Too little, too late.
Let’s negotiate on the things we have in common as EQUAL partners.
But Rev Stu – we will get the “best of both worlds”.
Ah, Paula beat me to it while I was reading and then typing it.
Have they actually explained exactly why they want us to stay in the Union apart from proclaiming their undying love for us?
I know the answer but I would love to hear them explain that to me.
According to them we are apparently scrounging of the rUK as subsidy junkies so why hang onto a moocher who I would have shown the door ages ago?
Paula, dads army
we all just love “the best of both worlds”.
We did have it before but it will be a better best of all worlds.
All we have to do is vote No – honest ?
postal vote have already taken place, to late . we are now in the 28 day cooling off period. In breach of the Edinburgh agreement.
Isn’t this a complete arse-about…sorry, I mean volte-face, in light of the recent threats of LESS powers following a successful no vote? Are they now saying that Scotland is NOT to be punished for bending over and taking it up the b…usiness as usual? Or have I just got it all wrong because I’m too stupid and wee to understand political shenanigans?
“and then Scotland will have the best of both worlds.”
Thought we already had that, or is this an admision we dont, I dont know and i suspect neither does Mr O.
He and Westminster aren’t supposed to announce any ‘new powers’ about anything as we are now in Purdah period and postal votes have already been cast. Or does the law not apply to them ? (rhetorical question).
link to facebook.com
On BBC Radio 2 news at 5pm, the lead item was new powers for Scotland to be announced this week, followed by Blair McDougall churning out the “best of both worlds” and SNP scaremongering on the NHS” soundbites, with no response or even a quote from Yes.
The gloves are truly off now.
I wonder how wee Georgie Osborne is doing with his towel folding refresher course, I have a feeling that he may just need these new *ahem* powers to be up to speed in a short period of time.
I would like to offer Scotland lost of fantastic things so long as gets back down on its knees and begs forgiveness for daring to ask for more than they are given in the first place, the greedy tartan oiks.
Yours, a friend.
George Osborne
Chancellor of Petty Cash
What a shocker. Time is linear. Who knew?
Controversial statement there.
We all know that the only way No Better Together Thanks can postulate the existence of a positive case for the Union, is by applying the De Broglie–Bohm theory to their interpretation of the universe. Of course, I would imagine that every first year cosmology student would appreciate the logic in this course of action, as the underlying acceptance of the Schrödinger equation allows for you to be your own grandparent.
You see, the No Better Together Thanks campaign is based on rational science.
well @ least he admits the “best of both worlds” slogan is a lie.
what does their floor plan look like now, a skating rink.
with them seen to have painted themselves into the corner.
this is priceless stuff.
quicker than schroeder’s cat, they weave and turn.
they’re effectively asking voters to vote for political parties and not an indyref.
and then some, their pointless promises.
be ok as long as you pay for it all, and pretend that we did!
they’re very confused.
anyone who votes for these clowns now, surely must be in near irrecoverable cognitive dissonance.
we have it all, don’t need them no more, goodbye WM we’ll drop you a postcard and let you know how we get on.
they in a ball of confusion.
Vote No, for less, much much less. Duh
He was incredibly evasive, together with Marr. We live in such a corrupted Tory boy world. It’s not a democracy, it’s a toryocracy run by super rich upper class conmen using upper class twits like Marr and Osborne. Labour voters still voting no really have to start to ask themselves the what and why of voting No.
In this context, that Muppet link at the end of the article was priceless. I nearly wet myself when Beaker started singing.
Some say that performance was the pinnacle of his career.
Am I allowed to comment that George Osborne is what can only be described as an Uber-Cunt of the first order.
if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck then it is obviously a member of genus anatidae.
If it looks like a dick and sounds like a dick, its osborne.
Oh should that have been a “duck”, na, I was right first time.
Darling claiming osbournes offer has already been made to scottish people and is not against rules, man, what a liar. One thing i have noticed with the polls is the yes % never goes in reverse, always gains.
In return for its hypocrisy Westminster will get …
… the Beast of Bath’s weal.
Anybody know if David Cameron has accepted his ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?
Kermit the Frog Takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
link to youtube.com
Just a reminder of Lord Lang’s opening speech in the January 2014 House of Lords debate on the Scottish referendum.
“I would like to spend a few moments in addressing what I believe could happen after the referendum if, as I passionately hope, the outcome is that the Scottish electorate vote no. The very fact of the referendum shines a light on our now complicated constitutional arrangements. I welcome the Prime Minister’s firm commitment not to discuss any further constitutional change ahead of the referendum, because that would only cloud the issue of separation—just what the separatists want. It is absolutely right that we should address the referendum question head-on, with no distraction. The question of whether or not to walk away from the rest of the United Kingdom will be one for the people who live and vote in Scotland, but what happens afterwards will not be. More devolution, or less, is a quite different matter. It is a matter for the whole United Kingdom, and that includes Wales and Northern Ireland as well as England. As others have pointed out, to resign from a club is for the individual member; to change the rules of the club is for all the members.
There seems to be an extraordinary mood among many in the Scottish political parties who oppose separation, who believe that they can simply agree on a shopping list of further powers for their Parliament and that such powers will be granted as of right. Scotland is going to have to abandon this mood and, I say gently, get real.” – Hansard
Ah, RATIONAL Science. For some strange reason, I read it as RANDOM science.
At least they’ve got the uncertainty principle working EXTREMELY well for them!
I was so hoping that the link at the end was to the Muppets – yes Stu we do click through
And as a bonus – wee Beaker entered the fray too.
link to theguardian.com
“The people of Scotland are to be offered a historic opportunity to devise a federal future for their country before next year’s general election, it emerged on Saturday night, as a shock new poll gave the campaign for independence a narrow lead for the first time.”
It’s changing by the hour now. Offer them a historic opportunity to devise a federal future, that’ll save UKOK us.
“The plan, in the event of a no vote, is that people from all parts of Scottish society – rather than just politicians – would be invited to take part in a Scottish conference or convention that would decide on further large-scale transfers of power from London to Holyrood.”
So everyone keeps their WestminsterBBC UKOK jobs, Britannia still rules the waves from Lands End to John o Groats
Ten days of campaigning left, and the british establishment will now do everything it can to prevent Scottish democracy and independence.
If there is an announcement this week from the unionists, it will amount to nothing. They have had at least two years to put relevant legislation in place, to enact full powers, should Scotland vote NO. They have not done so.
It is Jam tomorrow all over again. They really do insult Scots intelligence, assuming we will be taken in by such bullsh*t.
Ten hard days left, the campaign steps up a gear. We need to win, and win big. Every vote will count. Let’s finish the job.
Jim Watson
I must say I find your comment extremely distasteful. Firstly, that particular anatomical feature has, unlike Mr. Osborne, more than one useful function.
Secondly, as I personally find such features quite inordinately attractive, comparison of the two is deeply shocking and unnecessary.
Finally, placing him in the same context as a duck is offensive to ducks.
Perhaps “duck” may be substituted for, oh, I don’t know…Coprolith? I know that ancient turds don’t walk – well, there may be a few in WM – but I’m unable to think of a better description just now. Perhaps our dear readers could help?
Daily Heil running article about how alicsammin’s wife is 17 (17!!) years OLDER than him. Shock horror, man marries woman older than him! Oh well, that’ll be a No from me then…. *munchies on coco pops*
But they are only going to give us a promise of a promise later this week so that must surely be allowed within the Edinburgh Agreement!
Carmichael this morning was I think trying to say that and anyway he also tried to infer that it was an old promise from months ago so was not subject to the rules. He was a lawyer after all before his meteoric political carreer, just thankful I never needed his legal services.
Cameron has already said that he’s a feartie and will not take ‘ice-bucket’ challenge. Never mind Osborne for a moment, did you see and hear my wonderful MP, The Secretary of State for Portsmouth getting a hammering from Gordon Brewer, he stuttered and stammered and had no answers, but there again they never have. And as for the 28 day rule, well I thought that you would all know by this time, these rules were made for the ‘YES’ campaign and do not apply to the dirty tricks Dept that is Westminster. Last point as AS asked if all these wonderful plans are now to be given to us if we vote ‘no’ why were they not on the table 18 months ago when they could have had a Q on the Ballot Paper? If I had known this before I sent off my Postal Vote last Sunday I might have voted ‘no’, LOL. Did I just say that, must go and wash my mouth out with a powerful detergent or is it deterrent.
Auld Rock
I know we should not be hard on the ‘afflicted’, but was it just my twisted imagination in thinking that Marr more than once performed a very good parody of ‘Dr.Strangelove’ action with his left arm…pinning it to the chair with his right hand?…..”no black glove was harmed during filming of this farce”.
So basically George is just recycling the same old crap. As light on detail as when Darling was left bereft of an answer during the first debate a month ago.
Vote No so we can con you again, and then piss our self laughing when you do.
If every devolved power is good news for Scotland
Surely the best news would be to devolve them all
full Independence lets do it…
@dennis mclaughlin
You owe me half a bottle of beer and monitor wipe.

But what about pooling and sharing… or punching above our weight… have we lost them? Tell me benevolent Uncle George…My friend tells me you are a fibber , say it isn’t so!!
Alistair Darling on Sky News explicitly clarifies Osborne’s interview:-
“So, it’s NOT new powers; the powers have ALREADY been announced” (emphasis added).
So there you have it folks : it’s 100%, unequivocal horseshit. And yet, despite actually quoting Darling’s clarification on Sky, the BBC are currently headlining online the Osborne interview as “New Scots Powers Plan ‘Within Days'”. Their own political correspondent says however that it will simply be an announcement regarding what “overlap” there is between the 3 Unionist parties existing plans.
In short : a re-hash of the same dirge we’ve heard before.
That bit about the fiscal powers,careful language with a slight hesitation,tells me its an incoming con. Be very wary.
BigRik says:
But what about pooling and sharing… or punching above our weight… have we lost them? Tell me benevolent Uncle George…My friend tells me you are a fibber , say it isn’t so!!
I think you’ll find that all these powers are actually powers that will be taken back by Westminster in the event of a NO vote BR.
I want him to spell it out , so we can decide with all the facts , you know , like the ones alicsammin are constantly being hassled to spell out… i mean , fair’s fair.
Let’s show the BTs some respect regarding their semi-promise of talking about”pie tomorrow” sometime soon, possibly. How about making a counter offer? “We’ll test out independence for the next 300 years and if any objections come up we’ll then hold a referendum about it. We promise. Really.”
OT and probably showing my age but I remember “The Three Stooges” and Milliband Jnr reminds me so much of their dignity and rigorously intellectual humour. Sadly Larry,Joe and Moe are no longer with us but Eddy makes a great 4th stooge.
Anyone else remember the ‘line in the sand’?
Apparently it gets redrawn further up the beach as the tide rises. Unfortunately for them its looking more like a tsunami is on the way.
That said, would Osborne actually tell Darling anything?
frazer allan whyte
they should just throw in the towel, carry on with their pressing hobbies and give us all a break.
before their credibility drops off the scale.
Ruddy ducks, all this talk of wildfowl has me pissing myself
macart763m says
Anyone else remember the ‘line in the sand’?
Apparently it gets redrawn further up the beach as the tide rises. Unfortunately for them its looking more like a tsunami is on the way.
You mean something like this macart?
link to twitter.com
I don’t know Frazer… i always think of Ed as one of the forgotten Marx brothers…. Skid.
There’s a strange phenomenon happening around this debate,
‘The Quantum Effect’, for the lack of a decent description.
In the act of observing Osborne et al mouths moving, we are in fact causing them to bring forth such utter drivel….they originally ‘WERE’ telling the truth!….
There has to be a quite sane and rational explanation for this
to be played out in television studios, for our delectation :).
I too have sent of an email to the Elec. Comm. requesting clarification regarding the legality of the statement made by Ozzy
I also asked if someone who had sent in their postal vote felt strongly that the new information would have made a difference to how they voted could they have their vote back
The last question was daft I know but thought it would give them pause for thought that the plebs might revolt
Macart: Anyone else remember the ‘line in the sand’?
I’ve been searching for that since it was announced. The bloody unionists owe me the price of wasted detector.
Time Team
Oh, jiggers! Look a’ tha’. It definitely be a line in the sand, but is it Roman or is it Osborne period?”
Osborne and the others are just talking about a timetable for devolution, not new powers. They think, with the help of the media, they can fool the people of Scotland.
They are insulting the people of Scotland.
“Investigate Better Together “New Advice””, petition just up on change org.
A package, a package! My kingdom for a package!
Will Osborne’s skeleton be discovered under a car park?
I am such a clown,why did i go and check the Germany-Scotland odds?I am depressed now.
Today in Huffington Post.
link to huffingtonpost.co.uk
‘Trussst in meee. … jussst in meeee’
Anyone who falls for this junk, please get in touch: I have a Nigerian email scam… I mean opportunity that is perfect for you.
@fred blogger Is this it
link to change.org
Cameron to Osbourne,
Well George,have you come up with something new for these pesky jocks
Well dave, I thought maybe we offer to improve landscape,build them some mountains maybe.
Cameron: They already have those,highest ones in uk as well.
Osbourne: Well how about we pipe some water up to scotchland, they’re always complaining it’s like a desert there.
Cameron: Won’t work,they’ve the largest volume of fresh water in the uk.
Osbourne: Castles! We’ll give them some castles! Always good for tourism,we can give them Edinburgh and Stirling for starters.
Cameron: Edinburgh and stirling are already in scotchland,George.
Osbourne: oil ?
Osbourne:loch ness monster?
Osbourne:A sense of humour ?
Cameron: have you seen Airdrie ?
Osbourne: Fuck, they have everything!….?
Nana Smith
no this is it might spread across the page very untidy like.
but i won’t know unless i post it.
link to change.org
Crumbs! C4 news just gave our First Minister the last word. “Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands” So somethings going on.
Also, hope youre enjoying “Crumbs!” there, I nicked it from UKIPster and Mensa member Caroline Santos.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
“Best of Both Worlds” There is only one world and Scotland more than deserves it’s place in it as a Sovereign Nation.
My mother said to get things done,
Don’t trust the boys from Bullingdon.
Well at this point in time it doesn’t look like Westminster do have a concrete spoiler for the vote. It would appear to be same vague promises we got a couple of months ago. We have been here before with the Tories and a lot of people remember being here before.
do they have a plan W?
To all those referring to the Edinburgh agreement. My reading of it is that it only applies to the UK Government and the Scottish Government.
Better Together is a private company and not bound by the agreement. Three of the UKs political parties acting together outwith Parliament are not bound by it.
For this to have any authority it would surely need to be agreed to democratically by the UK Parliament and it is only there that the Edinburgh agreement would kick in.
If the announcement is not coming from the UK government itself then BT can get away with this.
I am no expert and hope I have got this wrong but maybe someone more knowledgeable could comment on what I have said.
The ruk economy jittered last week at news of yes coming within 3%, gonna be interesting to see the market response to news of a 2% lead , wholesale panic ahead. New offer may be to quell the money market when they open , when the CU is offered AS should wait and see, the rUK pound may not be a currency we want to be linked to. Get ready for every dirty and nasty trick they can think off, desperate men do desperate things, stay positive and vote yes. Independence is coming
I’m no expert Scotsbob but as two of the political pro union supporting parties are actually in coalition in government in Westminster would that not make them accountable under the Edinburgh agreement?
Best keep campaigning hard. These stupid half baked promise nonsense from the no hopers is a big fat lie…
link to theguardian.com
Jim Reeves sung about Two Worlds Collideing,he must have been singing about Better Together,cause avery thing about them is Crash .Bang,Wallop.
You need a better … set of headphones
It was “quack cluck cluck quack quack”; almost as much chicken as DUCK. where?
the petition says this;
“Part 4 sections 1-4 of the Scottish Referendum Act 2013 stipulates that campaigners are not allowed to release new documentation to the public within 28 days of the referendum date except in response to a direct enquiry.
As no such information has been sought this meeting with better together and subsequent advice that will apparently be published is in contrevention of said act.
As there is less than 10 days left of the referendum campaign, we believe that it is the commissions responsibility to investigate the matter under law and if necessary advise better together to cease and desist or risk allowing the rules of the referendum to be breached.”
also joan bakewell is on her way up to save britain or the uk or something.
please tell her that the british isles is not about to fragment and float off in separate directions.
so she can stand down panic over.
Farcical stuff from Gideon.
The current coalition would have to get everything set out, organised and agreed, shoved through the house of commons and the lords and into law before the 2015 GE.
Surely this would be a case of not being able to lumber the next government with ‘guaranteed’ devolution ?
For postal voters out there, can you go back and change your choice if the new new federal thingee next week is more to your liking?
Wonder what the electoral people would say if you actually did go back them and said gimme my vote back, i changed my mind and how often would they let you do it?
Scotsbob , i’m no expert either , but Osbourne is not part of Bitter Together.. so it must be UK gov.
link to michaelgreenwell.wordpress.com
This is great WoS.
Oh my giddy aunt.
I’ve just heard about the canvassing returns for Dumfries and Galloway … wait for it … it’s coming … hang on there … the returns are … are you sitting down … best get sat down first … 70% for YES!
I emailed the Elec.Comm. and asked that question re postal votes
Joe wonders aloud: gonna be interesting to see the market response to news of a 2% lead , wholesale panic ahead
Ah, yes, joking aside for the moment.
There will be a financial response.
The global financial structures that have been allowed to determine nation state’s political policies will let Scotland know where true power lies.
Until the world can dismantle there unbridled freedom to steal from the taxpayer Scotland will need to be cautious in how it manages its economy.
Here is an example of how powerful are the faceless moneymen.
Late last century South Korea was at one time extremely prosperous, one of the fastest growing economies on the planet, so much so it fely confident enough to rebuff overtures from American companies to buy into their industries and banks.
In retaliation, the USA, mainly through Hong Kong financial institutions and subsiduaries, destablised South Korea’s currency.
It managed to pull off that feat in six months resulting in South Korea asking the IMF (almost completely staffed by Chicago School of neo-con Econoimics) for help. They got that help but at a severe price – draconian conditions demanding USA be allowed to buy and take over assets. The USA now owns both of South Korea’s car company’s, Kia is one, and their biggest bank.
So, we can expect a backlash, a big one.
And if, as we do, know Westminster to be wholly corrupt – filled by the self-same politicians who ‘punched the air with glee on hearing of RBS’s crash – we can safely assume calls are being made to the power brokers now as we post our views.
After all, Osborne and his gang have very little time to put the final frighteners on the Scots alnd their allies. If they can manage it, it will be shocking and potent to have any effect.
Sorry to be so depressing … but we must remain vigilant and not naive.
That’s the way they are selling it
Flower of Scotland time in Germany.
I put link to footie somewhere on O/T
More tax raising powers like George. Osbourne/Alexander increased Scottish Oil revenues tax 11% (£2Billion) a year in the 2011 Budget. Just be cause they coukd, The result is Scotland lost £4Billion a year, while cutting Scotland Budget £1.3Billion a year. Osbourne’s tax losing powers have cost Scotland £6.3Billion a year.
Osbourne tax losing powers in London City, (foreign) multinationals and Tory bankers in the City evade £Billions of tax a year.
The Tax raising power Osbourne wants Scotland to have means Scotland is taxed twice. Once is quite enough, so it might be better if people in Scotland managed their own Budget without Georges interference. Or secret taxing raids, resulting in Scotland losing £Billions. Thanks for nothing George.
Vote YES.
Para 3: ‘there’ should be their
Britania waives the Rules
70% Yes in Dumfries and Galloway, damn, that’s good.
Everything about NBTT defies logic.
More and more powers is good. They promise more. But that wasn’t true in the recent past. Calman was pathetic, yet it was supposed to be the ultimate setup. More powers now? But not them all. All powers ie independence is bad. Clear as mud.
We are better together! Have we been in the past? Well, we can’t have been if it all needs thrown up in the air and a new devolution setup put in place. So they say we will be better together, but seem to admit we haven’t been as better together as we could have been. Sheesh!
Then the whole argument around foreigners, the EU, nationality etc.. ..Edinburgh in charge is bad, London in charge is good, EU in charge is bad. Small is bad, big is good. EU better than UK, that they will never say!
They have been completely muddled since the beginning and now it have finally spewed out all over the floor!
That’s what I though Floop. Apparently it was someone from YES Dumfries who passed the information onto YES Highland that’s where my contact got the info from.
I can’t wait to see the Poisoned Dwarf’s wee happy face on 19th if these figures turn out to be close to being accurate.
The Best of Both Worlds if we stay together is so last week.
The Best of Both Worlds but even Better is the message this week.
You know what, I’ll just stick with Yes on the 18th.
Anyone wanting to watch the Scotland game can get it here.
link to cricfree.sx
link to heraldscotland.com
No sign of John Macintyre OBE, sadly.
Grouse Beater , just what worries me the nasty stuff and real dirty tricks haven’t started yet , and like I said desperate men , and they are getting desperate now, do desperate things , stay focused and vote yes, independence will be ours
Strange right enough! How could anything be better than our current Glorious Union?
Can you imagine the outcry if Europe does the same to Cameron as he has done to us, No negotiations before hand – go away and have your referendum and if you vote to stay, then we will say what you can and can’t have. England would be screaming blue murder.
link to heraldscotland.com tah da or maybe not. It had better be good, none of this promise of a convention open to all nonsense, after they’ve won.
Pantomime season is starting early this year. Oh yes it is…
Joe: Grouse Beater, just what worries me the nasty stuff and real dirty tricks haven’t started yet, and like I said desperate men
Desperate men do desperate things.
For example, they offer the once-upon-a-time deferential nation, now the belligerent nation, more powers while not understanding to do so confirms to the smaller nation where the real power lies.
Joe: Grouse Beater, just what worries me the nasty stuff and real dirty tricks haven’t started yet, and like I said desperate men
Desperate men do desperate things.
For example, they offer the once-upon-a-time deferential nation, now the assertive nation, more powers while not understanding to do so confirms to the smaller nation where the real power lies.
The Queen is a Unionist – says SKY.
And this just in: The Pope is a Catholic.
Liberty and the Dancing Guard – grousebeater.wordpress
Grouse Beater says:
The Queen is a Unionist – says SKY.
And this just in: The Pope is a Catholic.
That is only TWO lines Grouse. I definitely sent them THREE lines, they missed the last line off. How dare they! Well if they will NOT report my words exactly then I’ll do it myself!
The Queen is a Unionist – says SKY.
And this just in: The Pope is a Catholic.
And Scotland is INDEPENDENT!
Tam Jardine says:
7 September, 2014 at 6:52 pm
“Trussst in meee. … jussst in meeee”
“Anyone who falls for this junk, please get in touch: I have a Nigerian email scam… I mean opportunity that is perfect for you”.
Mr Bateman is a good read tonight.
Half time too much uncertainty.
BBC News latest: BT relaunch tomorrow – Better of Both Worlds Yes Please, led by ‘Scotland’s elder statesman’ Gordon Brown, new economic powers to vary the price of stamps and tax-raising powers over football, rugby and golf.
Hope this works. For A’That from national collective
link to youtube.com
talking about a revolution?
Murphy apparently walked past the YES stall in Largs today and his face was tripping him. Loads of folks there on the promenade with YES badges, stickers etc. I want to say “you have to feel sorry for him” but then again it’s Murphy so in this case NO I do not feel sorry for him!
How on earth can the UK Govt. ( sorry the 3 no parties ) start promising these “new powers” when there is supposed to be a 28 day period of purdah before the referendum. Can this be legal. Sorry of course it’s from the BT side.
I like the fun way the Yes side campaigns;
link to twitter.com
Scotsman: No camp ‘engulfed in panic’ :-
link to archive.today
Got to admit Marcia, when we ( and I mean YES supporters here) have a laugh and a giggle we certainly do it with STYLE!
Get your hard hats and macks on people. Their gonna be shovelling like buggery and it’s going to get messy.
The union establishment is a lost cause. We’re now witnessing them scrambling about in their own excrement.
Yes and SG have led an honest, consistent and dignified campaign and i’m proud to be part of it.
‘They’re’ even. Typing with intent leads to all sorts of grammatical errors
link to businessinsider.com
Grouse Beater says:
“The Queen is a Unionist – says SKY.”
Well, if she disnae want the job of Head of State of iScotland, she doesn’t need to accept it. I’m sure we can make other arrangements
@kenny is there no alternative to itunes?
I note a new post by Robert Peston on the BBC to ramp up the pressure. His take that RBS will flee south (nothing to do with the treasury owning it of course) as a crisis envelops the pound in the coming weeks and it’ll all be doom and gloom for Scotland with all those oil revenues. The usual suspects are out lovebombing all over the comments page.
They keep saying that “best of both worlds” is a positive message.
It’s the opposite. It’s a cynical play on fear and lack of confidence that many people in Scotland still have.
Well, if she disnae want the job of Head of State of iScotland, she doesn’t need to accept it. I’m sure we can make other arrangements
Well I’ll be free to take up the role after 18th Grouse if it is of any help.
Lesley-Anne: Well I’ll be free to take up the role after 18th Grouse if it is of any help
Ma’am, you generosity overwhelms this humble servant.
Just got back in.
Like the twitter pic of the tidal wave.
And yeah, definitely something like that.
lolol! Lesley-Anne, you’d be brilliant.
link from nana looks like confirming my earlier post , pound falling , the sh#t has started to hit the fan
Nana Smith says:
link to businessinsider.com
It’s one all
Grouse Beater says:
Lesley-Anne: Well I’ll be free to take up the role after 18th Grouse if it is of any help
Ma’am, you generosity overwhelms this humble servant.
Does that mean I’ve got the job then Grouse?
Glad you liked the photo Macart.
What can I say Cindie, I aim to please or please to aim or something like that.
Aye, read that a wee while back. Only costs £25 to buy a nameplate HQ down South London town. I’m sure BfS had a bit on it last year.
What’s to lose Oh! Goal Scotland 1-1
To the Westminster *cough cough splutter* elite, sod right off; with your fake concern for the Scots. It is thy selves you care for and no one else. So please bugger off, we don’t want or need you.
’ve just heard about the canvassing returns for Dumfries and Galloway … wait for it … it’s coming … hang on there … the returns are … are you sitting down … best get sat down first … 70% for YES!
My cautious side is very wary of this, but if this is anywhere NEAR true, then we have a landslide. I was thinking 50% in Galloway and we would be doing great.
Claims about what the Queen thinks, supposedly coming from palace insiders, are outrageous.
We have been assured since time immemorial that the Queen doesn’t make comments about politics. However, now that it is convenient for some there is a change of mind on that point.
I suspect if they try to put guards back on the Northern Irish border there will be hell to pay.
Well the word from on high Brian is that 30% YES in Dumfries and Galloway will see a victory for YES overall. Like everyone else though we are working as best we can for the best possible result and will not stop until the last possible second.
I find the 70% absolutely amazing and if it does indeed prove to anywhere near the actual result then I for one will be over the moon.
I was comparing the second question in the 1997 referendum when D&G came in at 48% (overall Scottish vote was 63.5%) I don’t know how accurate a predictor that still is as the demographics may have changed – and of course the turnout may be far higher this time.
Any comment from any royal household source must be ignored. The Queen doesn’t do politics!
Cameron should get himself up here and have a debate with the First Minister.It would allow the people of Scotland to look him in the eye and make an informed decison- do you trust this man to deliver, YES or NO?
God save our Lesley-Anne
Long live our…etc., etc.
Roddy Macdonald “I see you keep a bee”. Apologies if this has been stated above as I have not read all the posts but I always understood the bee story to belong to Chic Murray and it certainly is in his genre.
It went as follows, treading the boards in the early when very short of cash and staying in cheap digs, one particularly dreary boardinghouse had a breakfast so meagre that Chic said to the landlady on looking at the size of his honey portion for the toast “I see you keep a bee”. Never heard of it being attributed to Jimmy Shand.
Seems your right
Third or fourth joke down.
link to valebowlingclub.co.uk
Ger 2 – Scot 1 about 5 to go.
Brenda has form.
Prior to the ’79 Referendum she made a comment in a Queen’s Speech that she was monarch of the whole of the United Kingdom. It was taken to be a coded reference to her antipathy towards devolution. Needless to say the sycophant MSM at the time overlooked the constitutional ‘convention’ that the sovereign should not involve herself in politics.
To hell with THAT song Tom. You sing that song in MY presence and it’s aff wi yer heid!
Nah I have requested that MY National Anthem be this.
link to tinyurl.com
Oops sorry I meant this.
The other song is to be played every time the P.M. of Ewani (that’s England, Wales and Northern Ireland) pays me a wee visit. 
link to tinyurl.com
Interesting – Mr Murdoch tweets
link to twitter.com
@Nana Smith
An interesting day in the treasury tomorrow methinks.
Bateman’s on form tonight
Oh to be a fly on the wall of the Treasury tomorrow CH.
I wonder if tomorrow will be the day we see the Treasury masters stepping out on to the ledges and jumping off.
Holly G: re EU referendum
I do so hope that they do!
Away from the referendum and back to “I see you keep a bee”; doing a quick check on my earlier post at 9.26pm which I attributed to Chic Murray and not Jimmy Shand,it seems this joke appeared in Mr Punch’s Country Life (p169) before Chic was born. After a long number of years thinking this was a Chic original, one lives and learns.
Murdoch’s tweet
1. probably true YES 54% YES 46% NO we all think polls were wrong
2. a little bait for the NO to imply guilt by association. Nasty!
Well good game! good game!
ot but I can’t believe I’ve just been sat expecting a point from a game against the WC champs. Well done lads.
link to forexlive.com
link to forexlive.com
Does anyone think we have peaked just a little early
O/T Bit of a shame about the 2:1 defeat to World Champs Germany but we have a team that plays well…remarkable!
UKIP policy on an in/out vote on Europe is rumored to be more hardline than the Tory proposal and it appears to be nearing inclusion in the UKIP 2015 General Election Manifesto;
link to caltonjock.com
Ach but! it’s the way he tells it. Noted though.
Too many YES in last post. Right off to shower and read kindle for a while.
Maybe wake up to the tanks forming in Dumfries & Galloway in the morning.
What makes you think we’ve peaked
Agreed that there are several psychological factors that could come into play with that poll being publisher’s
Does anyone think we have peaked just a little early
Seriously William? it’s been an 18 month campaign of being at one point 22 points behind, there are 10 campaign days to go and you ask if we have peaked too early
Maybe wake up to the tanks forming in Dumfries & Galloway in the morning.>/i>
Over my dead body!
Erm I don’t think that came out quite right there did it?
‘Published’ for pete’s sake
Quacker in the Sunday Times
“It’s a campaign with no vision and no direction — the general feeling is that the people are just not up to the job on the Labour side,” one unionist insider said.
A Labour frontbencher said Miliband should fire Alexander as his general election co-ordinator. “Douglas is showing why he shouldn’t be put in charge of a whelk stall let alone a major campaign. Even if there’s a ‘no’ vote, we don’t want our fate in his hands next year.”
@call me dave
Rupert Murdoch’s latest tweet is that “Salmond’s private polls show 54-46 Yes.”
I had to laugh though when he added in the same tweet, “Most powerful media, BBC, totally biased for No.” 100% correct Rupert but, errr, glass houses & stones?….
This must be one of the sickest things I’ve seen in this campaign…
link to twitter.com
call me dave says:
7 September, 2014 at 9:41 pm
Murdoch’s tweet
1. probably true YES 54% YES 46% NO we all think polls were wrong
2. a little bait for the NO to imply guilt by association. Nasty!
Well good game! good game!
60% + Yes and rising
OH Scotland were great second half . But done us proud as we gave the Germans a fright. Unlucky lads .
O/T but after yesterday’s get together by EX fitba players in support of a no vote, an eminent neuro-surgeon has claimed ” it’s a further lesson to footballers that heading the ball throughout their careers is detrimental to the brain, it’s been well documented”!!
Regarding peaking too early, it’s nice to have some really good news but we must put a lid on it – we are not there and we are dealing with Perfidious Albion.
Heads down and back to the campaign FULL ON. Remember the football adage “snatching defeat from the jaws of victory”.
I think this was a comment on a Scotland game but cannot remember who said it and was it an original?
@ William Taylor – I know dear, I felt our peak was a wee bit before the moment.
It’s a campaign with no vision and no direction — the general feeling is that the people are just not up to the job on the Labour side,” one unionist insider said.
All good news. That’s what I, personally, have been waiting to hear.
When thieves fall out …
Barring earthquakes they won’t recover. And they know it.
The South City Mob grousebeater.wordpress
Yes Dumfries has been focussing on the more deprived areas of the town, and working those areas really really hard, and they had the Margo Mobile in those areas on Friday, so fab to see a boost – that result is not representative of where I am in the town though, sadly.
Saying that big displays like the Margo Mobile have a huge impact down here, Kirkcudbright is bubbling over with Yes since the Spirit of Independence’s visit
O/T extended version of YES supporters ‘Caledonia’ singalong in Glasgow yesterday.
link to youtube.com
That’s just vile, which paper was that in?
Ach folks you should know better than to fall for the nonsense by ‘william’.
completely mental. Don’t they realise that people who are voting no, their supporters, DONT WANT MORE POWERS. That’s why they are voting no. “Let’s hand our own supporters a reason not to vote” You really couldn’t make it up.
I believe it was in the Sunday Post Nana but absolutely disgusting propaganda that wont be forgotten
When it became clear to the mobile phone provider that a friend of mine was serious about leaving, they offered her a free top of the range iPhone. She didn’t take it.
I agree Croomp. Let’s face it though if the Sunday Post, I think that’s where it was taken from, thought that their story would stop the great surge towards YES then they are very sadly mistaken!
I think, footsoldier, that this poll putting YES ahead is just the start of barrage of poll results showing increasing leads for YES. This is not to say we should take it easy from now on, completely the reverse actually. As I have been saying all day today, this poll result gives us a lighter spring in our step. It puts a huge smile from ear to ear on our faces. Our whole aura emits a glowing feeling of happiness and hope. When we go out every day between now and the 18th we do so with all this positivity backing us up. What have the NAW side got on their side other than negativity and gloom and doom. Do not worry. The electorate can sense the difference between the light of the YES side and the dark of the NO side.
As James Mathews has said on SKY News “momentum breeds momentum” and always remember folks it is the YES side that has ALL the momentum.
Just back from the pub after watching Scotland play brilliantly and a shade unlucky not to get anything from the current World Champions on their own patch. The pub was jumping and right upto the last seconds Scotland had a chance.
Just realised that BBC aren’t even showing the highlights!! Read the BBC sports page and they basically said we were well outplayed and were garbage.
I give up completely!!
Only consolation is that I was fearing we would get hammered and some people would think we are too wee and too crap.. but not tonight!! That performance would have given the average Scotland fan heart and hope that we are doing really well.
Come on Scotland!!!!
Peaking too early ?
Not a chance – This poll has energized the entire campaign.
People believe that we can actually do it now..
Just one more push. We need to get up towards 55-60% to make sure.
Plenty of folks will want to go with the winning side.
To feel part of something historic..
Well that paper has fallen a long way since my gran used to religiously buy it every week.
The Scottish gov should condemn that article.
I agree, we really need 55% minimum to make the margin double figures. One last push, troops!
@ Just William there are no peaks in Scotland its onward & upward, them there hills are AYEs
Cameron B Brodie, listen to Ray Stevens i’m my own grandpa. You will like it.
there hills are AYEs
The horror movie, ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ is based on the semi-factual legend of Alexander Sawney Bean and family.
The No side are reaching a crisis of credability so says
Prof Poltice his credit is in crisis as is his polling
company pack yer bags John your games up.
Oh I just love how the London centric media is falling apart at the seams these days. This is the front page headline of the Daily Mirror tomorrow.
“Don’t let me be last Queen of Scotland”
Radio 4 referendum news.
Anas Sawar Labour: NO
Battle for the nation of Scotland he says. Only two choices ‘Status Quo’ not one of them. Ed Miliband guaranteed new Scotland bill more powers. Labour party promises changes within best of both worlds. The silent majority must speak.
When asked about 41 Labour MP’s if YES. He wouldn’t answer.
Pete Wishart: YES
Believes something extraordinary is happening and momentum with YES. Panic in NO campaign! Extra powers and 30% of folk have voted. Is there a plan ‘B’ he is asked. No answer but is confident of a CU. Deeply divided population interviewer implies.
It’s forever says interviewer. DOH! Wishart gives stock answer ‘the government we get is what we vote for.
OH NO! D. Torrance is now on.
Torrance admits things are going in YES direction. Timetable for new powers question, combined effort from NO’s perhaps.
Torrance agrees with AS panic measure, but powers have not been enough.
More big guns in Scotland question, Torrance says it will not resonate with Scotland, Osborne especially. YES paints beguiling vision and seems to accepted with labour voters moving to YES.
Torrance says he was wrong about 60% NO to 40% YES will be close.
I won’t bother with two MP’s from Dan South! They haven’t a clue and so out of touch..by a long way. The labour MP even thinks Ed did well in Scotland. The (tory) it’s a rogue poll!
Kindle on charge.
How low can DC Thomson go?
I’m glad I stopped buying the Courier and Sunday Post many years ago.
My calculations suggest we need to be getting 44% in Dumfries and Galloway and 41% in the Borders to secure a win overall.
Oh goodie goodie SKY News papers review is on time to settle down for a guid laugh!
some may have already seen this.
this is good, called referendum 2014, enjoy.
link to youtube.com
Best of both worlds is such a stupid phrase. No-one I know wants the best of both worlds. We want the best of this one, now. The next world we will deal with when that time comes.
New group for YES.
link to yesscotland.net
News from Germanshire.
On the main ARD news of the day at 20.00 pm (the Holy Grail of German news), Scotland with an extensive report.
First info about the 51% shock and BT, AND then wee Eck giving his best in a recorded TV interview.
All together a good report, neutral but Eck being given good coverage.
For all fitba fans: german players said after the game they wanted to win but Scotland played well especially in the 2nd half. They made life difficult for the german team.
I think this has been the BEST SKY News papers review that I’ve watched in ages.
link to tinyurl.com
If it is true that 30% of votes are already cast by post, then presumably this is actually worse for the Yes campaign as there is likely to have been less of a swing prior to that? Or am I (hopefully) missing something?
Got a hellish early start in the morning and a potentially fraught day, so here’s my goodnight to yous Yes friends:
“Can I get the question in, Prime Minister, because we are having an interview which essentially depends on me asking some questions at least occasionally?”
Robin Day to Margaret Thatcher
LA – EBC news24 paper review equally as good
@ Para Handy – you are missing something.
A note to give you a wry smile
Tonight’s Euro qualifier provided perhaps unintentionally the opportunity for Yes Tartan Army to spread the word within Scottish supporters, compare notes etc whilst enjoying the game and local hospitality
Nothing like enjoying a group meeting in foreign parts
Stu have you sent the Queen the wee blue book as I think she needs to read it
What i ment by having peaked to early is it gives the lyiers
On the other side time to think up another big lie
I know we wont fall for it but i also know how gullable some others are..
Thanks for the heads up Croomp I’ll watch it at 23:30 and you can watch SKY papers.
What is @ para handy missing as I have been wondering this?
Exactly on cue. Everything else has failed. So they wheel out Maj. Cameron must have been scoffing up the vintage Red at Balmoral, again.
The £5Million increase and the new £2Million coach wasn’t such a good idea, with people being sanctioned and walking to food banks. Bye, bye Westminster.
The polling chancer getting it wrong again. That £Million Grant of public money. What a bribe.
gideon (small “g”) says more “powers” in next days….but how since postal votes already sent.. contravening the EDI agreement!
Who looks after the votes already in
And are they already counted/opened or do they do this when the other votes come in..
A duck a day helps you work, rest and play.
Which is more than can be said for IDS, IDS again and, errr, Gove, before he was sent to the dunce’s corner to insult policemen.
What can I say about the papers review tonight … it’s like no one seems to have even given the slightest thought to the slightest possibility that those too wee, too poor and too stupid upity Scots would even DARE give the slightest consideration to voting YES!
The looks of disbelief on their faces says it all!
I believe that postal votes are opened by the returning officer’s staff and checked to confirm they are legal William then stored in a ballot box. The postal votes are not actually counted until the count itself on the 18th. The ballot box they are stored in is kept in the Council offices of the Returning officer, I believe.
So it doesn’t break the rules on ‘purdah’ because it’s not proposals by the government, it’s proposals by the three main parties. Well, that’s different the, isn’t it? Just as well it wasn’t announced by ‘a senior cabinet minister close to the campaign’ it was just George Osborne, Chancellor of The Exchequer for Her Majesty’s Government, Conservative Member of Parliament. And helpfully, it was pointed out that the reason for purdah was to avoid taxpayer’s money being used for campaigning. Oh good, that means that NO money or Civil Service time was used on this effort? In this campaign they’ve made the rules and then broken them all. Alistair Carmichael had previously said that this didn’t break the rules, this was simply the reannouncement of existing pledges. So which is it? These guys couldn’t lie straight in bed.
Betty has actually sharted and Dave is away round to Buck P to help her change her knickers. You told me there was nothing to worry about Dave you told me they were a bunch of jockist thickos and now I may be the last Queen of Scotland boo fucking hoo
Well as I said earlier today if queenie wades in I know a lot of folk who will be really angry, myself included.
link to mirror.co.uk
Lesley-Anne says:
” … it’s like no one seems to have even given the slightest thought to ……”
…. anything to do with Scotland. Indeed! It really is quite an eye opener, the extent to with they have all been living in their cosy wee London bubble oblivious to the end of their beloved Great Britain unfolding around them.
I believe that postal votes are vetted ‘ballot paper unopened’to see if genuine. see link below.
I also believe that the votes are opened in front of interested parties and checked before being entered into the piles of votes cast in the usual method, voting on the day.
Info taken at random from a choice on google:
link to my.stirling.gov.uk
LA – Sky News now comedy gold
Nana Smith says:
Well as I said earlier today if queenie wades in I know a lot of folk who will be really angry, myself included.
link to mirror.co.uk
Don’t worry Nana I’ve already sent her a wee e-mail detailing the circumstances and that as of 19th September I will taking over the role as Queen and it will NOPT be Queen of Scotland but Queen of Scots where the people of Scotland are sovereign NOT ME! Grouse, Tom and I were discussing this earlier on tonight.
I will support oor LA as Queen of Scots
cameron said;”If Scots desire greater control over their own affairs, they will have no option but to choose independence. The UK government believes that a single UK tax and benefits system is the “heart” of the UK, and will not countenance devolving any of these powers to Holyrood.”
link to newsnetscotland.com
link to theguardian.com
Mare shite. Oil no good, Alistair Darling’s a trooper, years of Yes austerity, vote No. How come dudes like this expert leave out stuff like Scotland’s rather windy and that splishy splashy stuff at the beach that comes in and out everyday giving Scotland about a third of the EU’s green energy supply, FOR EVER!
No wonder teamGB banks went pop.
We both believe. I believe in Santa.
Last Queen of Scots.
I hope Queenie reigns at least for the next 4 years as it is less hassle for Scotland. Bye and large she has made a decent fist of it in spite of her bias. She is, after all a woman of her time, quite different to a modern standard. Let us not be to harsh, off with their heads but not now, not just yet, not yet.
I’m certain that I saw more than just the occasional bead of sweat on the foreheads of all three folks *ahem* discussing the papers on SKY News galamcennalath and the beads of sweat were NOTHING to do with sitting under the studio lights.
I wonder if they really know just how much we are enjoying their increasingly squeaky bum time every night Croomps.
Will you be needing some ladies in waiting? I might have an old tiara or two I could polish up with the old brasso.
Croompenstein says:
I will support oor LA as Queen of Scots
I sense someone is hankering after a knighthood here. Ach why not it’s early days. Arise Sir Croomps of Wings.
Nana Smith says:
Will you be needing some ladies in waiting? I might have an old tiara or two I could polish up with the old brasso.
Of course Nana. I guess as you’re first to ask then I see no problem in anointing you, so arise Lady Nana of Wings!
O/T In respect of the electoral register in Dumfries and Galloway, the returning officer revealed recently that there were ca. 122,000 on the roll and 22,500 postal voters.
That’s good information to know, thanks for that Douglas.
Sorry, it should read “of which, 22,500 were postal votes”.
Osborne is a fud and a nasty piece of human excrement how someone like this ever gets into a position of power is beyond me ,vote yes Scotland or be prepared to face this vindictive little shit taking revenge on us for having the audacity to seek our freedom from the English aristocracy.
hey i just realized there seems to be a common theme here in that there seems to be a lot of fuds about down in wastemonster are they having a competition to see who is the biggest fud of them all ?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, there will be no patronage in an Indy Scotland, so you will have to tell your followers that they are back to being Mr and Mrs Citizen.
Lesley-Anne, so glad you are back.
There’s always one.
Methinks someone on BT has maybe had a quick count and hit the panic button, History is in the making, lets keep calm and carry on , the sh#t storm is going to be something to see.
Oh dear won’t bother getting me old frock out of mothballs!
I would be inclined to ignore what papers like the Mirror come out with.
The Queen will still be the Queen of Scotland after independence as the monarch will never get involved in politics and this IS about ending the political union
It will get worse from the papers and tv in the coming days
so fasten your seat belts for the hairiest ride of your life
Take everything that the gutter press come out with, with a very large pinch of salt
Oh you really have to love the panic within the media. I’ve just seen the front page of the Metro tomorrow.
“No we will NOT share the pound”
I guess dear old George Osborne has not yet received the memo from Alex Salmond then that WE will be using the pound as our currency whether HE (George Osborne) likes it or not!
Given that the next four generations lined up after Queenie are male, that seems more than likely.
LA for queen!
Don’t worry too much about Nana there’s always one spoil sport. Once we are back in power they will be the first on the chopping block.
Unfortunately the title of Lord ****** of Wings has already been conferred cearc but if you have an alternative title I will be happy to confer it upon you.
There is no present King or Queen of Scotland.
King or Queen of Scots (the people) and on sufferance only.
The land don’t count.
There is a Queen of England though because the people don’t count.
What I’d like to know is what Ian Davidson is going to do with his bayonet after the YES vote on the 18th? If he’s stuck for suggestions, I can suggest an ideal place for him to stick it!
Has there ever been a king or queen of Scotland CMD, I’ve always believed that we only ever had a king or queen of Scots.
LA for queen and I will be the lady in waiting xx
BBC News papers review here we go.
Oh dearie me they have no idea that Devo Max is NOT on the ballot paper and as such has nothing to offer to Scotland. Why on earth are they even discussing it. Are they really so pathetically thick as to think that bringing out Devo Max now the too wee too poor too stupid upity Scots are suddenly going to jump for this? DOH!
Now dears – I have to prepare some cereal.
That’s me got TWO Lady’s in waiting now Paula.
What title are you looking for?
when have the Daily Mail ever print the truth, hiv they got a direct line to Buck house now, as said take everything printed with a big big bag of salt.
LA – rose petal – xxx
Presumimg there are actually any negotiations after the YES, I want Davidson on the defence team. He can take his bayonet when negotiating face to face with Fallon & Co.
Granted Paula
Jim Kennedy
But what currency will we Scotland use if it separates from one of the most successful unions in human history?
P.S. Thanks for helping illustrate my point.
CameronB Brodie says:
Jim Kennedy
But what currency will we Scotland use if it separates from one of the most successful unions in human history?
Erm … the POUND!
Where on earth have you been Jim over the last eighteen months for gawd’s sake?
Look Lesley-Anne, you can’t be a queen. I mean, you’re an idiot – you’ve told us lots of times..! And you talk too much.
Queens are special people. They have to be nice and mostly keep quiet except when making nice speeches which nobody gives a shite about. You get to pull lots of cords and watch curtains fall.
You get to meet lots of foreigners and have small-talk which is better than keeping quiet but still shite.
Anyway the market for queens is not so hot at the moment and I’m not sure if we’ll need one soon…?
Would you be interested in other useful employment??
I’m not that sure probably from at least the Dec of Arbroath.
But Jock McMad is your man. Also see and trawl through the articles, plenty of passion and history in there.
link to tarffadvertiser.blogspot.co.uk
There’s WIKI but…?
That’s no way to talk to our agent, Danny Alexander.
Good article in The Grauniad tonight – “Referendum: Study finds those with more info are more likely to vote yes”
link to theguardian.com
Even more reason for spreading the WBB about.
Oops I forgot I was the village idiot, thanks for reminding me midge.
Come to think about, I think I could do this queenie thingy. After all wouldn’t every one on Wings be able to breathe a sigh of relief at last? No more interruptions from the village idiot for starters.
As far as speeches are concerned let’s face it midge nothing I say lasts longer than 60 seconds so surely that would be a benefit to those wanting me to pull cords and stuff.
When it comes to furriners I only speak to those that can understand me, if they can’t understand me then obviously there’s no point in coming to an independent Scotland, unless of course they are coming on holiday.
If you’re still insistent my being queen o’ Scots is off the table then perhaps I might consider becoming President although wouldn’t that have the same problems that being queen does?
You could start with this.
link to tarffadvertiser.blogspot.co.uk
Seeing as if there’s a “yes” vote these new powers won’t be needed, why do they have to wait for a “no” vote before handing them over? I know it’s only a week and a half but the fact that the offer is dependent on a “no” vote screams that it’s bullshit.
I’m English but I hope that the result is a yes, and if it is, you guys should take the UK to the European court for your fair share of all the assets and wealth accumulated by UK PLC since last losing independence, like a divorce.
Also please ban old Queenie from your country and ban the current UK political parties from operating within your borders!
Let it be “yes” as it would give the rest of us still stuck under the tyranny of UK govt and the monarchy a glimmer of hope that the stranglehold can be broken.
Even if the number of postal votes is really as high as 30%, they have not yet all been sent out (there is another phase due to be despatched this week, I think; applications for postal votes only closed on Wednesday), let alone returned.
So any effect on opinion polls is unlikely to be large; one poll I did replaced the usual “10 – certain to vote” option for likelihood to vote with “10 – certain to vote or have already voted by post”. Whether people tell pollsters the truth about how they have voted is another matter, though.
Thanks for the links CMD.
I hope our agent will accept my apologies dadsarmy.
call me dave & Lesley-Anne
Think you are both correct that there has never been a King/Queen ‘of Scotland’ but ‘of Scots’ which implies that they are only in position with the approval of the Scottish people, a very fundamental difference.
Just watched the EBC News paper review – they have suddenly wakened up to what is happening but surprisingly seemed interested rather than shocked or worried. The impression I got was that they thought the NOs were in disarray, throwing up bribes too late and generally caught out by the closing of the polls.
Looking good!
When auld Lizzie was busy Granting “Royal Assent” to various Unionist Govts over the decades who removed almost ALL our Ancient Rights in Scotland, she conveniently forgets that no-one FORCED HER to sign any of these acts of treachery versus the people of Scotland.
We were totally ignored by the Monarchy and were subjects of their whim – until lately.
Now that her impoverished fiefdom will curb her Income Stream from Scotland – she shows fear that Scots might actually care about fellow Scots.?
That we might actually abolish FOODBANKS that flourished under her reign.?
When Lizzie refused to protect our ancient Rights during her reign – does she really think we will ever protect her ancient right to ROB us blind.?
Waken up and smell secession.
The postal votes have already been returned. Any new proposals will break the referendum act as no new documents can be submitted after 21st August. Of course, if you can’t win a referendum while following the rules maybe you can invalidate it. Is that the new tactic or is it that the electoral commission has no teeth?
Aye you’re right about the paper reviewers on BBC Graham and it was the same, in my view, from the reviewers on SKY.
With regards to the King/Queen of Scotland thingy. If I’m right the last time the question rose over Scotland’s king/queen was James VII, I think, which was caused due to his religion plans.
It is interesting listening to all the paper reviewers tonight in that they keep referring to Lizzie as queen of Scotland. They are quite oblivious to the fact that she is in fact NOT queen of Scotland but queen of Scots, a point that is NOT missed by any Scot. We all know the difference between the two titles just a pity the reviewers are as thick as ever in their knowledge about this.
Ah only 9 days. Single figures at last.
BTW–what can/will the Electoral Commission do if Cameron/Osborne break the purdah and announce extra powers if we vote No? Could they, for example, cancel the Referendum? Is that perhaps a ploy WM are trying to do?
President sounds nice, at least you get to chat a lot and have nice wars.
Being an idiot is then not so bad and could help as we’ve seen in America – George Bush used to talk a lot as well which is nice.
I would love a forensic accountant to work out how much Betty’s blind eye has cost Scotland over the decades. That amount should be recovered from her personal wealth, IMO.
Well to be fair midge I would obviously be standing down as village idiot when I took up the title of queen o’ Scots or President of Scotland.
Either way I’d be doing as little as possible with the official engagement thingy I’m more interested in travelling around this great country meeting the people and doing what I could to help them, something that the post of queen o Scots is ideal for, in my view.
Sorry but I’d like to have President Salmond when Betty moves up a floor. Charlie can stay south of the border and madden his subjects.
I’m 100% with you midge regarding Charlie Farley. I do worry though about your suggestion for President Salmond. For me I’d not have a problem but as you know a great many people are voting NO cause they hate Alex Salmond. Can you imagine the uproar if he became president?
The monarchy has to be very careful here.
I notice these stories mention “aides” and “sources” instead of any actual quotes by the Queen herself, so their accuracy is very dubious and likely to be NO campaign mischief.
The Queen is supposed to be politically impartial, and regardless of her actual personal opinions, any rumours released by the press, have a danger of leaving her looking petty and vindictive.
Not in keeping with the spirit of goodwill and co-operation reflected in messages and speeches to Commonwealth countries.
I imagine Scotland will want to keep the Queen, but any official political announcements could have the reverse effect, as well as leaving her legacy damaged.
Aye you are right Onwards Lizzie is neutral. The remarks allegedly made by her are actually taken from “ahem” quotes from palace staff I believe. Not so much as Lizzie stirring it more a case of palace staff and MSM stirring it. Well there’s a surprise … NOT!
You could be in charge of meeting and greeting the refugees pouring over the border.
Perhaps ‘the cairn’ could be used as a meeting point.
PS. I don’t like titles, cearc is just fine, just remember to curtsey.
I can’t imagine a President Salmond somehow.
Personally, I think that president should be a non-political role, more like a chief diplomat.
Aye well the cairn is only 10 minutes down the road from me so I’m up for that. I just hope RED Ed doesn’t need the cairn for one of his watch towers on his border protection.
That’s fine cearc no title it is.
To be honest I never liked any of this bowing and curtseying thingy. For me a simple hand shake should be enough, it’s the 21st Century for goodness sake.
Pres. Eck is a mid term stratergy.
We need him as FM for the next few years to guide us through the indy negotiations and steer us through the first years of independence – getting the country up and running. That will sort out a lot of the predudice with the NO Eck bunch.
After that Nicola moves up and then…?
I knew he was liein i saw his lips moving
The tory wats his name that is
I’m with you on everything there midge.
We need Eck at the helm during pre independence negotiations and he will beat London to pulp to get exactly what we want. In the 2016 Holyrood elections I think it is only right and proper that the SNP is voted into power. My argument for this is that they have, in my view, done an excellent job working with a fixed amount of pocket money they deserve the right to show us all what they can do with the full collection of monetary levers. I want to agree about defeating the “I hate Salmond” idea but I just don’t know. Some of those who hate A.S. are really extremely vitriolic about this.
I also agree that after Eck steps down from First Minister then Nicola is First Minister in waiting.
Anyone who comes across the Daily Mail today may want to make sure their blood pressure is WELL down before contemplating reading the piece from Simon Heffer called “10 burning questions if Scotland votes YES.” This piece of garbage, from what I’ve seen, covers such amazing questions that have never ever been thought of before as what currency we’ll use, Hadrian’s wall, subs etc. Nice to see Mr Heffer has never watched any interview Alex Salmond has ever given. I think we should send Mr Heffer a big thank you card as his query about Hadrian’s wall suggests that this is where the border is, at least in terms of the knowledge circulating Mr Heffer’s brain cell!
Not Hadrian’s bloody Wall again!
Don’t these people even know where their precious country ends? It is so insulting to the peoples of northern England.
Curtseying is so ridiculous, we were actually taught to curtsey properly at school! Just in case we happened to meet the queen. The only time I did was early one morning, I was on a bike, as was Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands so it was of no use at all and we merely exchanged a few words as we pedalled across the park.
Here’s more grist to your mills from the Cuthbertsons on the lack of benefits to Scotland of the UK’s benefits system.
link to bellacaledonia.org.uk
‘Cuthberts’. Apologies.
He’s just doing an inverse Braveheart with his original policies.
“Fold!… Fold!”
New poll in today’s (Sept 8) Daily Record webpage
Will we get all the new powers promised to us by the three
main UK parties in the event of a NO vote ?
at 02.19 a.m.
yes 10 %
no 90%
I’d like to see the figures later on.
Did any one else read his last line where he admits that we are not better together
“Ok,sweetheart, if you just say no to leaving me, I promise I’ll change. If starting the day you have no choice you stay, then all the promises I’ve made, have to be modified and you end up some version that really doesn’t suit you, sorry, but I tried to make you see it my way and now you have no choice but to acknowledge my dominance and do what I tell you. I really love you and only want what I think is best for you. Why are you crying? You made your choice. You had your chance.
@CameronB Brodie says: 7 September, 2014 at 5:42 pm@:
“What a shocker. Time is linear. Who knew?”
But! But! But!
Didn’t the great man say that, “Time is Relative”? and then quote the formula we call, “Einstein’s theory of relativity : – E=mc²”.
Now that E stands for energy and the m stands for mass, (a measurement of the quantity of matter). Thus Energy and matter are interchangeable. Furthermore, it’s essential to remember that there’s a set amount of energy/matter in the universe. So as the YES campaign is putting in a lot more energy into the campaign then that should really matter to the final result.
I’ll get my White Lab Coat!
It appears that the Queen was depressed yesterday at the thought of Scottish independence, but elated today about having a new great grandchild.
That’s nice!
A great comment on Sky News by the newspaper pundits, “…what are they going to do about Balmoral?”
According to recent archeological findings, it seems that they DON’T actually know where their country ends!
If not Queen or Pres., How about taking a leaf out of Wallace’s wee blue book and making it “Protector of the Realm of Scotland.”?
Thanks for the replies. I for some reason thought the postal votes had a different deadline for the referendum as opposed to it being polling day as with the general election. Too many years in the USA…