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Wings Over Scotland

Put on the glasses

Posted on August 11, 2014 by

Saluting one of our favourite movies of all time.

(The glasses are here. Well over 100,000 downloads so far today.)

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It’s very good, but, not being a movie-buff – what film was it?


Ally – They Live, John Carpenter movie about a guy who finds sunglasses that let’s him see the world is full of aliens.. from the eighties I think


This is so good 🙂


WBB is currently being read in San Francisco and interesting questions coming back about the who and the what of the author. One asked if it’s published by a Scottish newspaper, which raised a huge laugh over here. There’s a quaint assumption out in the world that teamGB media, BBC etc is quality, especially the Guardian for gawds sake.

The only comparison that helped was, Johann Lamont is actually worse than Sarah Palin and just as much a phoney and the BBC is a million times worse than Fox News. They don’t believe me. I don’t blame them, it is a nightmare.



Woah!!! I can’t believe it, this is one of my favourite movies too and I was just thinking last week about how a comparison could be made.
Bloody awesome work.

David Agnew

I am here to eat Chips and Kick ass and am all out of chips

Doug Daniel

So is that film actually good then? I always assumed it would just be some Roddy Piper vehicle like the Hulk Hogan films, but I see it was directed by John Carpenter.

Mark Coburn

Fabulous stuff. Congratulations on the stats Stuart! Well done.


They Live is AMAZING, Doug.


as I tweeted, however, I imagine no types are drafting their tweets where they’re horrified at a “cybernat video that calls for BBC Scotland staff to be shot.”


link to BBC World has huge presence in the er world. See if you can find anything at all about Scotland, let alone the only referendum that will herald the end of the world as we know it or at least the beginning of a new dark age for the whole of humanity.

There’s nothing in BBC World about 18th Sept, to save time.


Really well made!

Don’t recomend shooting up BBC Scotland though. 😆

Thriftshop XL

Excellent! Thanks for sharing my wee video Rev. I’m truly honoured. And thanks for the kind words folks!


Oh I don’t know Niall, it could be described as a wee *ahem* stress reliever that. 😛

Bill Pickford

Great film, Doug – but maybe not quite as good as Roddy’s other big smash, ‘Hell Goes To Frogtown’.
(You ain’t seen nuthin’ till you see a frog-lady dance!)

BTW, I think I read a while ago that Roddy was a Scottish Independence supporter, anyone confirm?


O/t. That was a brilliant article in the New Staesman on currency. Anyone post the link?

Salt Ire

Satire hi-jacking rules.

I want a Swiftian proposal that after a No vote the babies of Scots are used to replace food-banks.

The Morgatron

Fantastic. Great FX that alien made JoLo look human ‘ but i knew it wasnt her because the bowl hair cut was missing Long with her new look goth make up.
Brilliant parody though.


Ask harder questions here please.


Can’t remember the last time BBC in Scotland made any watchable drama tv, Tutti Frutti maybe, but thats not what they’re here to do. Their radio is just torture.


msean says:

Ask harder questions here please.

Why is it that whenever my cup of tea arrives from the kitchen it is piping hot but by the time I drink it it is stone cold?

How’s that for a difficult question msean? 😛


Doug, They Live is a brilliant satire on media manipulation by the establishment which features loving homages to 1950s paranoid science fiction, some rather clever commentary on 80s ideology, and the most ridiculously protracted fight scene I’ve ever seen in a film. You MUST see it.


lol,sorry,i meant on telly,was watching stv.


My Czech friends response to items and cuttings etc I have sent to them from msm and bbc, is the same question, ” hej Semus are you sure you do not live in a Communist country like the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic?”…how perceptive.

Triangular Ears

Ha ha ha ha!

“I’m Scaw-tish.”



I was having a look at WoS Twitter and I was reading the food bank apologist from BT in Aberdeenshire. You said you know who it was. Who is it?


link to
BBC broadcast’s Orange Order marching in Belfast for whole afternoons but they’ll blackout the giant Orange Order march in Edinburgh a few days before the referendum. Can’t think why, can you really be too loyal at BBC Scotland.


Yes shops now being vandalised.

link to


Cudos to ever did this, brilliant!

The Man in the Jar

I think that we will be hearing the name “Redwood” a lot tomorrow.

G H Graham

Just watched Jackie Baillie on STV get a softer ride than a lift to Greggs in a Rolls Royce.

According to Labour, foodbanks are now a sign of European normality. A sort of coming of age for a mature economy that’s had enough of sharing its wealth.

Yet, it’s the SNP’s fault.

It really is like watching a movie when Labour spokepersons are on the telly because none of it is believable any more.

Ian Brotherhood

If the BBC had any friends in the Orange Order, they’ve just lost them – declining to cover the proposed Sep 13th Edinburgh march because it might present ‘an unfairly negative’ image of the BTUKOKVNOBNOTHANKS campaign speaks volumes.

Makes ye wonder what sort of noises dinosaurs made when they realised that the unusually blazing sunset was the last thing they’d ever see…


link to Severin Carrell declares victory for teamGB tonight, with guess who Prof Curtice and his incredible powers of No. Where Prof Curtice gets his 1300 surveyees is very odd, the local Lodge no doubt.


A member of Helensburgh Chamber of Commerce has threatened to hove in the windows of Independence house in Colquhoun Square. A delightful yes canvasser in her seventies was spat at by a householder for daring to speak to him.

Brian Mchugh

Every time the establishment media has got me down over the last few years, every time doubts crept in because of the continuous barrage of negativity… every time I doubted it would happen, Every time something amazing happened…

…I found Newsnet Scotland, Then Wings… then Bella… then BBC Scotlandshie… then The Wee Ginger Dug…

…Lady Alba upped the Aunty… Independence Live beamed it to the masses… Mark got on his bike… Businesses got moving for Scotland… Greg Moodie started playing with crayons… Stanley Odd rapped the word… Yew Choob and Citizen Smart added their take… and now the Wee Blue Book, the video above and hundreds of other things that I just can’t remember off hand at the moment (just so many)…

…and that, we are led to believe, was just the phoney war!!!

I need to take a breath, cos there is going to be one hell of a show to come on that performance.

Are we ready folks? 🙂

Robert Peffers

Absolutely brilliant video editing and special effects.

Pity we don’t have a broadcaster who would take the Scottish BBC and STV apart. The propaganda of our existing media is so very obvious to anyone who knows their tricks and even to the more aware non-technical viewers, listeners and readers.

I watched Jackie Bailie on earlier and she came away with the most blatant balderdash that a half decent journalist would have torn to shreds in seconds.

Journalism in the Scottish MSM and broadcasters is stone dead. Time to sweep the lot of them off Scottish soil and there is only one little action to do so. It only needs a pencil, (provided), form, (provided), and two wee crossed lines on the form. Vote YES.

haud on the noo

Does the Sarah smith program serve any other function than to annoy? How the hell the good guys can sit there and bite their tounge is beyond me.

The Man in the Jar

Jackie Baillie on STV claimed that one in ten people in Ireland use foodbanks. She wasn’t even challenged on this obvious bullshit.

Alex Smith

Brilliant – one of my favourite films, beautifully adapted. Not that t needed much!


Thriftshop said

Excellent! Thanks for sharing my wee video Rev. I’m truly honoured. And thanks for the kind words folks!

Oh thank God for that. I thought for a moment that Stu had done it himself. It’s wonderful, but HE DOES NOT HAVE TIME TO EDIT VIDEOS.

Thank you Thriftshop, that was a great watch.


I can’t understand how Cameron thinks he can stand on stage and say out loud “teamGB, the winning team in the history of the world.” Someone well paid shill actually wrote that.


@muttley79- think it is a Tory activist called Stewart Whyte. His reasoning seems to be that it’s good to have foodbanks in Scotland because other European countries (France, Germany etc) also have them.

link to

The Man in the Jar

I see that John Redwood is leading the charge for Scottish MPs to be banned from westminster during english business.

Thanks John glad to see you back and on form. The referendum wouldn`t be the same without your input. A real vote winner!


@Kenneth C

Cheers. Be interesting if Doug thinks it is this Stewart Whyte character as well.

Grouse Beater

I could enjoy that rather awkward pastiche were not the reality a hundred times worse.

The tirade of abuse, insult, and ridicule my country and its elected government has sustained is bloody outrageous.

Just this evening, in the course of one hour, I watched one Labour MSP lying through her teeth, followed by the leader of the NO campaign lie through his teeth and two arrogant English express colonial sentiments laughing at the silly natives as if it was still the 19th century.

All of them were entertained by our various television channels, none challenged, none asked to apologise.

We are expected to accept this passes as mature political comment.

Robert Peffers

The Salmond/Darling debate is repeated at 0:05 this coming am. If you want to see some of the blatent TV trickery just watch for this one set of tricks. In the first part, while the main folks are on, the camera crews are doing cut-aways of the audience. Some are just mid distance shots but others are zoomed in close-up and they focus upon certain audience people. These will be mainly centre in the focused shot but sometimes they are in shot but off to one side. Note them well and continue to watch.

When it comes to the, “Ask the audience for Questions or opinions”, you will see those cut-away, close-up focused upon people are the ones now asking the questions. So how did the camera crews know which ones in the audience to focus upon in the first, “Random”, (ahem), cut-away close-ups?

When you know what to look for it becomes Oh! So obvious. Now think about those claims of YES people who had invites being turned away at the door and 2+2=5


Tory Stewart Whyte must be a parody but so what, its still Westminster

“Foodbanks are not a sign of the UK’s failure but of Scotland becoming a normal European country, of religious faith and human compassion.

Grouse Beater

Those among us perceptive felt, thought, the power elite of England derided Scotland as a feeble region, and out of this referendum debate comes evidence, after proof, after evidence that that is exactly the case, exactly the attitude.

They really do think we are stupid, small people.

The reverse is the case – those belittling us are terminally stupid, small people, but they have power and they are abusing it.

Brian Mchugh

Just found another new one…

link to


@ Thriftshop,

So glad you’ve ‘owned up’ to this. I found it a couple of months ago and was wondering who did it. Genius – I love it!


@ Robert Peffers, or how power is flexed. A smirking git like Sarah Smith instead of a Newsnight, British Armed Forces Day blacks out Bannockburn, Red Arrows union coloured smoke over Glasgow, after that clown Barrowman makes a fool of Scotland live in front the world, BBC blackout Orange Order Edinburgh blast, you name it, anything Scottish independence has been attacked by our chums in the south. Life and politics aren’t fair.


For anyone who still had the slightest doubt that the BBC were not part of the establishment’s dirty tricks campaign, have a read of the latest at Newsnet on link to


Very cleverly done and from one of my favourite films too. Love it. Share far and wide, and watch the original movie if you can too. Great!



Ian Brotherhood

Just put


in your search box. That’s all it takes. Pass it on. Write it on your forehead, spray it on your dog’s back etc etc…

Grouse Beater

Graham: For anyone who still had the slightest doubt that the BBC were not part of the establishment’s dirty tricks campaign

I am shocked and disappointed at the base ignorance of the issues involved in achieving genuine democracy by so many BBC journalists.

I can’t recall a single moment when television journalists and presenters in particular rejected falsehoods promoted from the No side and demanded they offer instead facts and proposals.



BBC caught out LYING again YAWN!

You really have to ask how on earth these lying b******s can go home and sleep at night. Personally I hope they choke on their own vomit. They absolutely disgust me. Having been a long term patient of the NHS and an ongoing patient of the NHS I am utterly disgusted that a broadcaster such as BBC can stoop so low night after night, day after day, to produce such utter tripe!

These so called journalists MUST be called out. These LIARS must be brought to book. These incompetent individuals must be investigated to full!

David Smith

Aye, Lesley Anne. And banned from ever working in any kind of news/media situation in the new Scotland for the remainder of their lives.


After I put my last post I thought, you know what I’m sure I’ve read something similar about the SAME BBC reporter quite some time ago. So in my view this is not the FIRST instance of her *ahem* fixing figures to meet BTHQ orders.

I totally agree David. Kick them out of BBC and make sure they NEVER work in any capacity in the world of journalism in Scotland ever again. People like her are a disgrace not only to themselves but to the profession of journalism and to Scotland!


Enjoyed this documentary very much!

I read somewhere that They Live was banned in USA once they cottoned on to the political dimension. It was pulled from the circuit after two weeks seemingly.

Nicola outnumbered tonight on ST by Baillie & Carmichael.

Terrible item on Newsnight UK raking over currency issue one more time, the naysayer being Prof Ronald McDonald (I kid you not) who brought his full academic bluster to the fore. Kirsty Wark playing it neutral of course.


There’s a link at the end of that Newsnet article to a previous one in October 2012 where I think EB was also involved. I’ve certainly noticed her getting the boot in regularly recently on Thursday mornings just in time to give Lamont ammunition for FMQs. Coincidence or collusion?


Nice to see our Secretary of State pop up on TV tonight to tell us it seems food banks are the new norm . The impression he gave was because other countries have them that somehow they are acceptable , well they are not!

However nice to see Jacquie Baillie basically use the same defence- other countries have them etc , so that’s alright then?

. We now have over 600 MPs and 850 in the House of Lords but between them the best defence they have is, other countries have them.

Anyway , 12 days now since I contacted our Secretary of State asking for information / guidance re licences for fracking. Still no response.


If that’s the case then I think we have found the missing link Graham. I’m talking about the missing link between Milliband and Lamont. We’ve always wondered how she got her instructions from London viz a vie FMQ’s now we know! 😛

Grouse Beater

Andrew Marr is about to be given his revenge on critics by nursing along his series on ‘Great Scottish Writers’ – a good many, we can assume, who think London literary acceptance the pinnacle of a man’s ambitions, Scotland the provincial point of departure.

Grouse Beater

Robin Williams dead.

Hell, we could do with some laughter.


Other countries have food banks do they? Sweden? Norway? Denmark? Netherlands? Belgium? Switzerland?
Which other countries was Jackie Baillie talking about?
Maybe we should go back to calling them soup kitchens so that these New Labour apparatchiks can make the connection.


Surprised how many haven’t seen They Live! Worth a watch if you like the genre.


link to

Guardian thinks its all over and the double Nicholas Watt and Severin Carrell by-line whammy too. Counting UKOK chickens etc They sure know how to talk up their devastating defeat of AlicSamin down there, must be Prof Curtice and his genius for getting poll results totally wrong up until or rather during the last Holyrood elections was it?

Curtice is bloody lucky stuff like his past predictions were a load of shite don’t matter to the UKOK propaganda machine. Maybe they think Scotland cant remember further back than last time.


Meanwhile, BTNT’s internal polling tell them that more of us are going to turn up to vote than them.
link to


The comments under the Alex Salmond story would get you put in prison if you aimed them at any of the bt scum in Scotland.

Had darling ever owned up to his lie about being so proudly Scottish? london born, london job, london house. He’s English claiming to be Scottish to mislead people. Are we not allowed to expose his lies for fear of being anti-english? If Blair is Scottish, as so many in BT claim, through birth then darling is english. And a liar.



I’m sure I read somewhere the BAE contracts are protected ( for something like 15 yrs) so if Westminster broke those contracts they would have to pay a huge amount of compensation.

I’ll see if I can find the article

John Boyes

heedtracker says:
11 August, 2014 at 10:48 pm
Can’t remember the last time BBC in Scotland made any watchable drama tv, Tutti Frutti maybe, but thats not what they’re here to do. Their radio is just torture.

As well as ordure eh?

Democracy Reborn

@Grouse Beater

Marr is starting his “Great Scots” series with his personal favourite : James Boswell.

Yep, the same Boswell who took elocution lessons so that he could lose his Scottish accent. You’ll appreciate then why Marr luvs him so much…

Mary Bruce

OMG That is so good, what a bunch of creative geniuses you yessers are. The no trolls are really, really going to hate this one!

And fantastic news on 100,000 downloads of the antidote to the zombies, Rev, is that more than the White Paper?

Mary Bruce

Oh wow, that is so good, what a bunch of creative geniuses you yessers are. The no trolls are really, really going to hate this one!

And fantastic news on 100,000 downloads of the antidote to the zombies, Rev, is that more than the White Paper?

bookie from hell

epic–blasting bbc satellite

he says fcuk it

then stick 1 finger up

brilliant ott


Apart from one overly long and entirely unnecessary fight scene is an excellent movie. Well worth watching.


So,So Sad
Robin Williams apparently took his own life as he struggled with deep depression.

Goodbye Mork
REST in Peace

joe kane

‘They Live’ is the first movie discussed by Slavoj Zizek in the very lively and informative documentary movie ‘The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology’ which has been screened a few times recently on national UK tv and well worth a watch if you get the chance.

The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology
link to

steven Seagull

Yup. An allegory. Skeletor creepy dodgy murphy starring .

This is whit the FM wis saying when chibbin alien londoner, freeloadin creepshow dahling last week.

The creep hiding his nervous blinking behind thick specs.

That’s whit they all look like in reality.

Greedy,rapacious anti-Scottish parasitic creeps.

They live and leech.

Stay tuned to this station.



Very sad to hear of Robin Williams.


On topic.

They Live. A classic and so close to home in our case its got me rummaging for the tinfoil hat.

joe kane

The scene where he’s playing the moothie and the BBC Bias Generator are great touches in a product of grassroots political activist genius.

Inter-cutting between the movie and actual real footage of anti-bias BBC protests is so well done it’s difficult to tell them apart.

john king

I know its just a film but the image of the guy machine gunning the BBC crowd makes me nervous, they’ll make full use of that!
Having said that the splicing of film and protest events was awesome wow.

A Thanet councellor after being ejected from a council meeting for insisting on the publics right to hold council to account,as he continued to video the proceedings after being ordered to desist,
has suceeded in getting a change in the law where ANY member of the public has a right to record public meetings,

Pity It wasnt in force when Brian Donahoe started playing silly buggers with the camera crew at an Irvine public meeting, (operative word being PUBLIC there Brian)

I wonder if that law can be interpreted as the publics right to hold information events such as stalls at public gatherings eg galas?
when the bitter brigade have been known to insist the yes campaign should not be allowed to have a stall because they dont have anyone to man a stall of thier own?
Are they even still pulling that trick?
Any thoughts on that one folks?

Lesley-Anne says
“Why is it that whenever my cup of tea arrives from the kitchen it is piping hot but by the time I drink it it is stone cold?

How’s that for a difficult question msean? 😛 ”

What do you think causes that?
serious question! 😉

Ian Brotherhood says
“Makes ye wonder what sort of noises dinosaurs made when they realised that the unusually blazing sunset was the last thing they’d ever see…”

like this you mean?
link to

So sad to hear of the loss of Robin Williams, rip.

Craig P

Thriftshop XL – you are a genius. I already knew that anyway, glad to see others are also finding out 🙂

Grouse Beater

DM: Marr is starting his “Great Scots” series

‘Great Scot’?

Marr will be identifying with his title and subjects, no doubt.


When so-called Socialists no longer believe in the redistribuion of Wealth and actively legislated in Govt to ensure the top ten per cent on the ladder of wealth not only kept their money – but increased their grasp on gold.

When Lamontable, Jaggy Baillie and SLAB MP`s come on national tv and tell their own voters that – while “Fred the Shred” walks free with his multi-million pound pension – somehow, Foodbanks are acceptable in Scotland, in one of the richest country`s on the planet – they have LOST any pretence at credibility.

Sadly, the Fourth Estate is Complicit in this beggaring of reality and you will never see anyone in the Murdoch Empire or the Johnson Press anywhere near a Foodbank.

“They” will never rely on a Foodbank – nor Donate to one.

Shockingly, those ex-socialists like Jaggy and Lamontable are also – NOT DONATING to Foodbanks – and their SLAB MP colleagues fill their fat faces and claim MP`s Expenses for Food, plundering our taxes in the process.

Last week, on this wonderful website we saw a picture of the architect of austerity – Alisdair Darkling – carrying a Banner Tribute to a Real Socialist – John McLean – who will be waiting in a better place – with a scythe.


I watched Nicola on the livestream last night and must admit I am disappointed with the way she describes this as a ‘democratic’ debate. It is not as the Establishment are at war with Scots and have closed down democracy in Scotland. She says things will return to ‘normal’ after but it will not as so many of us have ‘put on the glasses’ and we will never forget what they have done and are doing to our people.


Cameron says of course Scotland can be a successful independent country.But also says that in an independent Scotland we wouldn’t be flying aeroplanes,we’d be flying by the seat of our pants.And London roars with laughter at the very idea of Scotland having aeroplanes.

Grouse Beater

Dinwoodie in the Herald claims Salmond saying, ‘Both sides stretched the truth.’ He said no such thing at all.

As ever, it’s the journalist who stretches the truth.


What a turnout at the Irvine meeting last night, with Nicola Sturgeon taking questions. Well done to everyone who made the effort. I hope that kind of turnout is replicated at meetings throughout Scotland in the run-up to the Referendum.


Totally agree with you, the bias scum at BBC Scotland and STV, who are working against Scottish democracy, will never be forgotten.

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 12 August, 2014 at 12:40 am:

“After I put my last post I thought, you know what I’m sure I’ve read something similar about the SAME BBC reporter quite some time ago.”

Indeed you are correct. I remembered the incident when the Aberdeen machine broke down and that liar was on the BEEB claiming false figures were all waiting. The truth was patients were being diagnosed elsewhere while the Aberdeen machine was fixed. I did web research during that episode and found she had a long history even then. The BBC should be banning such liars but they promote them while they sideline such really great broadcasters as Izzy Fraser.


I see the MOD has contracted BAE Systems to build three Offshore Patrol Vessels in Scotland worth £ 348 million

Danny Alexander on GMS spouting that its only possible because its due to being part of the UK

Unfortunately Gary Robertson failed to state the obvious, that an independent Scotland would need them anyway and could easily afford to have them built.

Alexander trying to make out that its only possible as part of the UK, who can only afford to have built ships, yet the money comes from where exactly Danny?

Arabs for Independence

I sent a text to BBC Scotland yesterday complaining about Eleanor Bradford creating and developing her own stories. A health correspondent with an unhealthy obsession about the NHS in Scotland.

Anyhow John Beattie reads out most of my text yesterday lunchtime and says it was from Mike (me). He also said Eleanor Bradford stands by her story.

Thing is – I NEVER wrote my name on the text!!

alex mckechnie

BBC mad “Scotch on the Rocks” in the 70’s everyone has forgot
all about it never seen it mentioned anywhere wonder why ?

We should have a Media free day when newspapers are left on the shelf and not read on line switch off telly I know it will be hard ??

pete the camera

@Arabs for Independence says:
12 August, 2014 at 8:27 am

I sent a text to BBC Scotland yesterday complaining about Eleanor Bradford creating and developing her own stories. A health correspondent with an unhealthy obsession about the NHS in Scotland.

Anyhow John Beattie reads out most of my text yesterday lunchtime and says it was from Mike (me). He also said Eleanor Bradford stands by her story.

Thing is – I NEVER wrote my name on the text!!

Your name is also on the list

Robert Peffers

@Molly says: 12 August, 2014 at 12:49 am:

“Nice to see our Secretary of State pop up on TV tonight to tell us it seems food banks are the new norm.”

That is what is described in Scotland as the, “scuilbairn fend”, (Schoolchild Defence). It goes like this, “It wizna me – it wiz him anaw”. It is a variation of the, “A muckle laddie daed it an ran awa”, (a big boy did it and ran away), schoolchild defence.

As we say in Scotland, “Ye cuddna gub thaim wi a muckle rang”, (You couldn’t beat them with a big stick).



And excellent question. In my case it was the mug mat my eldest gave me. It’s done like a mouse that has become road kill with limbs head and tail coming out of the metal disc you sit the cup on. The operative point is the disc is METAL. Think conduction of heat. So now a circular rattan mug mat sits on top of the metal so I can still use it and admire the craftsmanship. If I can remember the website I’ll post it.

So anyway check the surface your cup/mug is sitting on and remember your physics. I hope this has helped in your pressing and urgent problem.

Doug Daniel

Muttley79 – aye, I’m assuming Stewart Whyte is the culprit. He was tweeting similar rubbish at Yes Aberdeen a couple of weeks ago, and I know he’s involved in BT Aberdeenshire as he’s always on about Westhill.

He’s stood for election for the Tories before, in case that isn’t obvious. Bizarre to think that someone with such a warped view of reality is a teacher. A history teacher, no less…

Robert Peffers

@Capella says: 12 August, 2014 at 1:14 am:

Which other countries was Jackie Baillie talking about?

Once more the Scuilbairn fend, “It wizna me it wiz him anaw”.

Seems to be the most recent Naysayer, “fend”.

They seem all to be at it just now. Could Better Together get any more childish?

Nana Smith

link to

Dearie me, but there’s only a thimbleful of oil left according to BTNOHOPERS

link to

Nana Smith

link for the above oil story

link to

Robert Peffers

@heedtracker says: 12 August, 2014 at 1:22 am:
“Curtice is bloody lucky stuff like his past predictions were a load of shite don’t matter to the UKOK propaganda machine.”

This seems to be an offshoot of the, “BBC Football & Sports Pundit Syndrome”. In which such as Gary Lineker can tell you, pre-match, who is going to win the match and the exact score. Then, post match, they can tell you with certainty why they didn’t and why it was not as they predicted. They do so at enormous cost to the licence payer.


@ Molly, just check how much military spend is actually spent in Scotland, how much we pay and how much we get back. Tory party said vote for us Scotland and we’ll build stuff like our “super base” for military retuned from Germany but instead, it’s all over to Belfast, Leuchars and Kinloss gone etc. So if Scottish voters think that’s all fine by them…

TeamGB isn’t just defrauding Scotland of our democracy, it’s using UKOK military power to force this nonsense union on us. Not much different from the days of gun boat diplomacy, vote no and lose your job building our navy, uppity natives, no more of our kindness for you.

The real tragedy in all of this farce is there’s so little industry left in Scotland, it is a project fear frightener. A few hundred shipbuilding jobs building boats that we don’t need and can never be used and don’t have any jets either for a tin pot London elite that want to punch above their weight. Infreakinsane:D

So UKOK promises to save a few jobs and posh boys like Severin Carrell of the Graun witter it’s all over now Scotland, England runs Scotland and always will, with that dafty double by-line stuff for extra teamGB truthiness:D


One more 😀 for luck! Upbeat today after morning BetterTogether CIF freak show on Graun, Slovene girlfriend going vote no mental, summer hols Glesga uni, Jim Murphy MP is always a treat if you like your Westminster thugs so raw its rancid

link to


alex mckechnie says:
“BBC mad “Scotch on the Rocks” in the 70?s everyone has forgot
all about it never seen it mentioned anywhere wonder why ?”

I remember it well.

It was controversial, possibly because it might have put ideas into Scot’s minds, but more probably because it involved an armed uprising. As things have turned out 40 years later, we have thankfully turned to the democratic process instead.

Nana Smith


There are some seriously demented unionists on the guardian comments.

Robert Peffers

PeeGee says: 12 August, 2014 at 1:58 am:

“The comments under the Alex Salmond story would get you put in prison if you aimed them at any of the bt scum in Scotland. Had darling ever owned up to his lie about being so proudly Scottish? london born, london job, london house.”

Never forget, PeeGee, that before the Treaty of Union the English undercover agent, “Daniel Defoe”, was in Scotland and his close friend, London Scot, William Patterson, had already started the scheme that bailed out the then English Government and founded the Bank of England and was also in Scotland masterminding the Disasterous Darien Expedition that bankrupted the Scottish landowners, (and parliamentarians), who were to sell Scotland’s birthright.

Long History of London based Paircel o Rogues.


I watched the Irvine debate and a thought struck me when yes supporters ask questions or say why they are voting that way it is always answered because they want what is best for their children or their country, When better together or unionists are asked it is always what is in it for me what will I lose has anyone else noticed this?


Hi Nana Smith, there sure is. BetterTogether activists no doubt pounding away. It’s interesting who exactly they think they are trying to reach though, 8,500 Scottish Graun sales, and even a couple of Yes voters on that CIF take them apart with just one comment. More like Britnats therapy sessions.

Meanwhile, a high paid conman drops his guard

link to

Robert Peffers

@Molly says: 12 August, 2014 at 2:14 am:

“I’m sure I read somewhere the BAE contracts are protected ( for something like 15 yrs) so if Westminster broke those contracts they would have to pay a huge amount of compensation.”

The truth behind that story, Molly is just a wee bit different. I spent all my working life as a civilian MOD, (Admiralty), Civil Servant. 15 years also as a Union Rep so had to deal with meetings with UK defence ministers too.

Remember these legal facts. The name of the navy is, “The Royal Navy”. That means it does NOT belong to either the Kingdoms of England or Scotland. Remember too that the term, “The United Kingdom”, describes a royal realm and not either a country nor a state and thus Her Majesty’s Kingdom is a bipartite union of onlt the two kingdoms of England & Scotland and, upon Scotland’s independence they BOTH become independent again and Westminster is NOT legally a continued Union Parliament.

So the Royal Navy, like the Pound Sterling, belongs to both former Kingdoms. Not to mention there are no other yards in the present UK that can build such ships and BAE are a private company and have made the choice of the Clyde as their shipbuilding base.


Vote NO for more UKOK powers Scottish types

“In a letter to Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander has confirmed that the policy of the UK Government was to prevent parts of the UK from setting independent tax rates in each band to prevent one part of the UK benefitting “at the expense of the UK as a whole”.

So you give us all your taxes, resources, educated skilled youth, canon folder for our endless wars, then, this is the good bit, then we give you back what we decide you deserve and we tell you you’re scrounging off of England.

We even blame Scotland for Crash Gordon, Tony Bliar and the Flipper too! Rule Britannia



My No voting wife and eldest are exactly the same. Because I cannot give cast iron guarantees that their lives will all be utterly secure forever beer and skittles they will not listen to anything else. Neither will so much as look at the Wee Blue Book, let alone engage with it. They are scared that if they do their preconceptions might be challenged and we can’t have that.

Ken Johnston

Robert Peffers,
re your post a fair bit back on the “debate” and the cameramen, persons, knowing where to focus.

I was informed at the weekend by one who was there that there was a rehearsal beforehand. Don’t know if Alex and Darling were present. Therefore the questions, the people who were asking them and running order were known. All set up. AND, there were English audience members.

And I want to thank you, Bob, for putting out all these historical and legal facts for us to use. Used them quite a few times, and also for my own education. I expect this goes for lots of us who post infrequently or not at all.


Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!!

Seasick Dave


So where do your family get the assurances from with regards to voting No?

Things will NOT remain the same.


Ken, I wouldn’t make that assumption from simply knowing there was a rehearsal. I was in the audience for something a bit similar at the time of “Free By 93!” and the rehearsal was only to get the audience used to the procedures and the camera movements. We actually had a debate, led by a couple of ITV staffers, about banning foxhunting!


@ Muscleguy, that’s the beauty of Westminster ConDemLab BBC propaganda, they sell a UKOK middle class world that doesn’t really exist for the majority.

Reading Severin Carrell last night explaining that prof Curtice says it’s all over bar the closing down of Holyrood, no one even wants to be Scots anymore etc, I automatically started planning college funds, at least for juniors that don’t get their heads stuck in watering cans.

Uni, college, is at least a decade away but there’s me, ex Labour voter for life, then SNP, ofcourse voting Yes and now I’m thinking just like a Rolex wearing, Maserati driving, houses worth £25 million, unearned bonus trousering Tory boy in the City.

The “I’m all right Jacks” are winning, they keep telling us and that’s a huge part of this whole teamGB giant fraud too.


Just coming back to the Offshore Patrol Vessels
They will of course be part of the negotiations over ‘materials and equipment’

A simplified analogy would be that Scotland offers to take on the three OPV’s and agrees for England to keep the 2 Aircraft Carriers. After all what use would Scotland have of Aircraft Carriers.

But England would need to compensate the variation in values, so in effect the OPV’s would be well paid for in exchange for the carriers.

Scotland will make good use of the OPV’s patrolling the very long Scottish coastline around the islands as well as the oil fields.
Meanwhile England would have the carriers, to use for patrolling around the English, Welsh and Northern Irish coast



The main character looks like a young Derek Bateman.

Robert Peffers

alex mckechnie says: 12 August, 2014 at 8:31 am

“We should have a Media free day when newspapers are left on the shelf and not read on line switch off telly I know it will be hard ??”

It’s not hard at all, Alex. I stopped buying papers years ago. When I reached 75 I couldn’t be bothered to renew my free licence and disconnected my aeriel and coupled the TVs to my computers via a wired home network. Even the UK radio is rubbish with too many overloud noise sources that claims to be pop-music and that all sounds the same on most stations.

I get news, video and music from the internet as well as communicating with others. What’s not to like?


Thanks Robert Peffers after hearing the nonsense on GMS this morning , that’s reassuring to know.

Ian Kirkwood

Grouse Beater
Several posts, including my own, questioning the relevance, fairness and balance of the Herald headline re AS “admitting” to lying have been removed from the thread. Apparently we are not allowed to comment on the article!
This is hardly the free press or freedom of speech, rather, controlled MSM. Ring any bells?

Patrick Roden

100,000 copies downloaded in one day!!!

A lot of unionists will be spewing today, hearing that.

Which is nice! 🙂

Socrates MacSporran

This morning, The Hootsman is fflagging-up the RN patrol ships story, and the downright lie that, if we vote Yes, the contract will not go to the Clyde.

I cannot find the story on the online Herald.

The MoD has an exclusive build contract with BAe Systems – so, the contract for the patrol shps will go to BAe.

It is then up to BAe where they build the ships. The only BAe yards capable of building these ships are on the Clyde.

Therefore, the ships will be built on the Clyde.

Only, don’t expect Project Fear to ever admit this.


@Seasick Dave

They won’t answer those sorts of questions. Don’t be silly. Pointing out the cuts coming in after the GE that Labour have said they will commit to if they win and the building swell in Westminster to scrap the Barnett Formula so there will be no ‘status quo’ to vote No for just fall on deaf ears.

That the more universities down South earn from student fees the less is available via Barnett for Scottish universities also falls on my wife’s deaf ears (she works at a Scottish university). The SNP’s clear commitment to free funded education is given short shrift. That free education looks like being enshrined in the constitution is dismissed.

I suspect that if it were revealed tomorrow that on entering Westminster all MPs are replaced by shape shifting aliens who eat babies that would not be a good enough reason to vote Yes.

Jim Marshall

Robert Peffers 10.11, Re Alex McKechnie

“We should have a Media free day when newspapers are left on the shelf and not read on line switch off telly I know it will be hard ??”

Ah Robert, don”t you know you are missing a return to colonialism in a fictitious Carbbean island called Sainte-Marie ( there is a real island called Sainte Marie off the coast of Madagascar ). This BBC drama called Death in Paradise features an English detective who is imported to solve murders which happen every week. Of course the brown people who man the islands police force are incapable of investigating the crimes themselves as they are portrayed as being too poor,too wee and too stupid.

This “drama” is so overtly racist the BBC should be up in front of the Race Relations Board. No TV ?, you are better off without this drivel.

David Stevenson

FAO Ken Johnston (post at 9.51).

It is no surprise that there were English people in the debate audience. About 8% of our population is English-born. Having English accents in audience is not sinister. Some of the other allegations surrounding the conduct of the debate could be though!


It is no surprise that there were English people in the debate audience. About 8% of our population is English-born. Having English accents in audience is not sinister.

Fair enough. I think the concern is that this particular group often appears to be a tad over-represented in TV debates (and opinion polls)!


Owing to the strength of the union and our facility at Faslane, our foodbanks are the best defended in the free world.

“Thank your lucky stars, Jocko!”


@big jock

“I watched Tommy Sheridan at the Beldrum festival on you tube.”

Got a link for that Jock? Did you manage to find Billy Bragg?

[…] If you haven’t then please go and watch it now….I will wait for you. . . . . . . You’re back? Great. You see you need to have seen it for the following video to be taken in the proper context. Put the glasses on […]

Grouse Beater

Luigi: Owing to the strength of the union and our facility at Faslane, our foodbanks are the best defended in the free world.

I enjoyed your neat piece of satire!

Grouse Beater

Ian Kirkwood: Several posts, including my own, questioning the relevance, fairness and balance of the Herald headline re AS “admitting” to lying have been removed from the thread.

Reprehensible sons of bitches.

They talk of journalistic ‘integrity.’ That headline is a clear example of how to smear a man’s reputation, and manufacture an acceptance of their judgement.

What an amazing video and yet another film I need to watch. I just hope it’s better than ‘Doomsday’.


They won’t laugh with us, so we will laugh at them.
They don’t understand us, so we will teach them.
They cannot surprise us, so we will surprise them.
They have fear, but we have truth.
They need us, but we don’t need them.


They won’t laugh with us, so we will laugh at them.
They don’t understand us, so we will teach them.
They cannot surprise us, so we will surprise them.
They offer fear, but we prefer freedom.

steven Seagull

@ alex mc Kechnie.


I watched the prog as a teenager.

The Ebbc destroyed the tapes/ film as it could be another nationalist shibboleth.

Had the wee britfaces bricking it.

Cracking read from our view.

I still have 2 copies of the book.

Available on Amazon.

In the days before VHS etc…

Maybe a bootleg copy exists hopefully.

After freedom, a new interpretation / movie should be made.

wee e

LOL, (kinda). Well, I think we can expect someone to report that for copyright infringement, or wahatevr wat they can get it shut down.

wee e

Scotch on the rocks was written but Thatcher minister Douglas Hurd. It played into the phrase we heard all therough the 70, “nationalist violence”. Its whole purpose was to scare people into thinking that the more popuar independence became, the more likely that Scotland would “go like Ireland”.
It was the crudest sort of propaganda designed to monster the SNP. Only a kid could’ve missed that fact, I’m afraid! :p

steven Seagull

@ wee wee


The brits destroyed it for the reasons stated.
And it is widely accepted.

It was fiction like the re-imagining of the video above.

Did that scare you too?.

Only a snivelling wee pantyliner could’ve missed that fact ya patronising walloper!.

Scared that some Scots might identify with the independence endgame described in this novel?..


There are different UK tax Laws supported and implemented by Danny Alexander. Scottish Oil sector taxed at up to 90% [ increased by Danny Alexander 10% (£2Billion), which has lost Scotland £4Billion a year in Oil tax revenues since 2011]. (Foreign) multinationals and Westminster members and associates, illegally, tax evade through the City of London – £Billions – supported by Westminster politians. They are untouchable. HMRC is not fit for purpose.

Westminster politicians are greedy, dishonest liars.


Most people who join Unionist Parties (a small % of the population) are greedy dishonest liars.

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