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Wings Over Scotland

Press release imminent

Posted on March 20, 2019 by

This was the Scottish Tories two years ago, when Scotland’s economy registered a small downturn for a single quarter, which was definitely the SNP’s fault:

Shall we find out what actually happened, readers?

We’re pretty sure there must be a statement from Murdo Fraser and Dean Lockhart due out any second now, proclaiming how the new figures show how strong Scotland’s economy is as a part of the UK, and how independence would put that at risk, but we can’t find it on the party website yet. We’ll bring it to you as soon as it appears.

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Peter Gillies

I suspect the tory party have enough on their plate at the moment


The constant negativity of the unionists really does get you down sometimes.

Bob Mack

To revise.

We have the worst education in the UK, but that has been rumbled this morning.

We are running out of gas and oil, but that has been revised last week.

We have a terrible Health Service, but that has been clearly shown to outperform the rest of the UK.

We have to join the Euro, but that has been proven wrong as well.

We are apparently in decline economically when we outperform the rest of the UK.

Why didn’t I emigrate to Australia 35 years ago?

When lies are your only means of trying to control a population,you should remember that they only have a limited shelf life.


Damn it Rev! I thought NS was about to drop the R bomb from your headline. Heart jumped for a moment there!!


Once Scotland is an independent nation managing its own destiny as a valued and respected member of the EU, with Scotland’s surplus being invested in Scotland’s interests, and Scottish kids growing up in a country which pioneers a new attitude towards clean economic sustainability, investment, and ever broadening horizons, then I’d be delighted to place a microphone at the disposal of Murdo Fraser or Ruth Davison… so their grovelling apology can be broadcast to the Nation and recorded for posterity.

Until then…… ach wheesht.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Press release imminent This was the Scottish Tories two years ago, when Scotland’s economy registered a […]

Dr Jim

Post Independence Murdo Fraser will be the first to say he secretly wanted it all along

I’m honest Murdo Fraser vote for me he’ll say, then he’ll vow allegiance to Scotland and get in on the list

That’s just who Murdo Fraser is


No need to wait for Murdo, the PM at PMQ’s is now claiming credit for Scotland’s growth.


Employment up again in Scotland That is good news for certain Tory mps & msps When they lose their current jobs in the next elections be it Wasteminster or Hollyrood. They will find it easier to get a job. Mind you in their new employment they will probably have to learn how to put in a days work.


Bob Mack says

When lies are your only means of trying to control a population,you should remember that they only have a limited shelf life.

That is precisely the situation the UK has reached. Lies on an industrial scale is the solution to every political issue. In the case of their Union and Scotland’s constitutional future, the only defence they have is lies.

There has always been lies, manipulation, and propaganda but the first time I became aware of the scale of the problem, and the apparent total complicity of the MSM, was WMDs in Iraq. So, it’s a BritNat problem, not just a Tory one.

Defence of the Union is lie based. Everything about Brexit is lie based. Lies about Iraq and Syria. Lie built on lie. Lying to cover up previous lies. Sickening. 🙁

Scotland needs to be different, open and honest by escaping this terminal rot.


What Rev do you mean by not voting Tory in Scotland we missed out on having lower rates of growth than Tory England.

We already missed out on having a less efficient railway network, a less efficient NHS, and Toll free roads.

Where would Scotland be without the idiot Tories and their Brexit negotiation skills.

A damn sight better off just about sums it up!

Vote Tory if you are are a compulsive liar and bigoted xenophobe
looking to rob the disabled and working classes in order to further support the rich!

mountain shadow

So Teresa May is seeking the extension to the end of June so that the UK doesn’t have to take part in the EU elections at the end of May? That certainly has me confused.

Also, can the Scot gov run EU elections in Scotland without the ok from Westminster?


Well there is potential for Richard Dawkins with a new book, ‘The Messiah Illusion’. The history of a back bench Labour MP who the believers are convinced he will lead them to a Shangri La future, despite being invisible for around 35 years of his parliamentary life. Suddenly at 69 he will reveal his ‘deep thought’ process.

I don’t know whether to follow the shoe or the gourd.



Theresa May’s begging letter.

link to

mountain shadow

link to

Looked at that paltry fine!!!

This is where we need to get smart come IndyRef2. Break every rule we can to achieve independence as the ends will justify the means.


I see the BBC has finally *YAWN* found out how to door step someone other than a member of the S.N.P. Perhaps they should take this newly learned skill and door step Fraser and Lockart.

Oops … I forgot Fraser and Lockart are Tories … BBC do NOT door step Tories. 😀


Schools back for new term in August. Just in time for a Scottish referendum to be organised. Weather usually quite good and lighter nights.


EU don’t want delay to go beyond 23 May.

link to


I listened earlier to Pete Wishart MP in the HoC ask the first question of PM May at the start of the PMQ session today.

I know big Brexit issues are in front of the HoC today (again) and this point may be seen by some as a ‘quibble’ in this context but in my view it’s important. I wish that SNP MPs would all agree on and be consistent in how they refer to the UK and to Scotland in terms of ‘state’, ‘kingdom’, ‘country’ and/or ‘nation’.

Mr Wishart’s use of the term ‘nation’ (singular) for the UK today was equivalent to the usage favoured by ‘one nation’ Tories!

Doug Bryce

Country in crisis : anyone seen Ruth Davidson recently ?


Ah the fourth paragraph in murdo’s blurb is a peach ” it comes as the first minister is being accused of neglecting her day job”
So we outperform the ruk when Nicola is neglecting her day job but when the Murdo’s boss the Maybot concentrates full on Brexit its a bloody shambles nuff said!


Life or Death. May has chosen Death.

Once all truth is abandoned, then outlawed, the path taken leads to death, for the path of life is marked by truth and goodness, of which there is no sign in the politics of this Tory Govt.

May thinks there is a way forward to be found by continuing to lie and deceive.

This is total blindness.

The UK is already in the cemetery. An empty grave has been made ready.

Get ready, Scotland, Independence is waiting.


Theresa May is deliberately asking for an extension beyond the 23rd May knowing it may be refused by the EU. She can then say she carried out the wishes of Parliament but it was the EU who would not grant it.

Is there a mechanism for impeachment similar to the US or are we trapped in this nightmare forever? Please, someone do something>


I did consider doing a cartoon of May on a stepladder trying but failing to reach a noose and asking the EU for an extension but I learned in the past such graphic imagery is only permissible by the likes of Ian Bell et. al in the wonderful MSM.


Beg pardon, Steve Bell.

Robert J. Sutherland

SilverDarling @ 14:01,

May can ask for what she likes, but it is the EU27 who will decide exactly what she will get. (No change there, then!)


Christ, hope I haven’t missed that press release…

Old Pete

Truth is not a word Tories understand when remarking about Scotland, it’s economy, it’s people and it’s future.
Looks like May will force Brexit through, so new Independence referendum soon please Nicola.

Jack collatin

I mis-read.
The Uk is to ask for an extension until the end of May?
Surely May’s toast now.
No need for an extension.
Newly crowned Prime Minister Johnson will sort the Froggies, Ktauts, Dagos, and Talis out surely?
The EU will not grant an extension.
WM has already ruled out No Deal, and May’s Meaningless Deal.
When she’s refused a third bite at her chosen cherry she will threaten to cancel article 50, or go to the country.
She seemingly doesn’t do ‘walking away’, does she?
What a ding-up.


If May is Cersie in Game of Thrones who is Daenerys Targaryen?

Anna Soubry?


link to

Imagine a situation in which for nearly 3 years, the Isle of Bute held up a major adjustment to the affairs of Scotland and the rest of the UK, and then asked for more time without any evidence of making any progress.
While Holyrood might extend a little more patience toward Bute, the Westminster Government would be outraged and merciless.

Yet, here we are, with the Westminster Government in the role of Bute, asking the EU for an extension. Not just that, but with their customary sense of entitlement and superiority, as if the EU, on bended knee, will automatically grant it, and with an apology for causing the bother in the first place.

It is time.


…but the SNPBad story still got the coverage. He who has the press has the story.

call me dave

Rev moving up the rankings: Well done 🙂

POLITICAL BLOGS UK TOP 10 as of today:
1. Guido Fawkes

2. Conservative Home

3. Wings Over Scotland

Taking third place in our ranking is Wings Over Scotland, a blog focusing on the Scottish political landscape. Created and edited by Rev. Stuart Campbell, Wings Over Scotland splits opinion across the media with its straight-talking style and brutally honest posts about politics, both across Scotland the rest of the UK.

A strong supporter of Scottish independence (though not affiliated with the SNP), Wings Over Scotland gives readers insight, views and voting guidance about political matters in Scotland.

Rumours: Macron says ‘No’ to the PM: Jings!

Passing the time away earlier after searching in the DVD box after comments about Hancock yesterday reminded me:

I got all 37 known episodes about 15yrs ago for a present.

Fans will know the episode if I say:

Lady don’t fall backwards (book): Darcy Sarto and Johnny Oxford

One of my favourites: 🙂


Since 2012 and the beginning of Indy2014, it is fair to say that the Yes Movement has become very well educated politically.
However, I don’t think the same could be said about core No voters, who are still in the dark, still thoroughly brainwashed, and seriously in need of a light bulb experience.
Irrespective, sufficient numbers of No to Yes converts, and all those who have been shaken by the Brexit omnishambles, will ensure a result for Independence.

Scotland – global leaders in political education.

It is time.

Peter McCulloch

Why don’t all those whinging British Nationalists just up sticks and move to England, where they can enjoy all the benefits of the Tories policies.




Remind me, who has their hands on the levers of macroeconomic policies in Scotland?

Never mind, I’ve remembered… It’s the London based colleagues of the smirking chimp top left. (Apologies to any chimp reading this).



Please please EU give me a wee extension – any extension so that I can continue making the UK a laughing stock across the world.

Is the Maybot really working for Putin????.


Donald Tusk, the president of the European council, will make a statement about Brexit later, at 4pm UK time, so’s we can watch his statement live and don’t huv tae suffer brexitsplaining from msm:

link to


Live right now Kier Stammer uk early:

link to


Thanks to Rev and all commenters on wings for keeping at
it over the last nearly 5 years.

Thank god this is nearly over,
free at last
free at last
free at last

Thank god almighty Scotland’s free at last!

Look at the effing state of them!


parly…not early

mountain shadow

Absolute, last days of Rome stuff. Possible that Westminster could sit over the weekend to vote on various options, however, Macron appears to have lost patience and might veto any extension.

Therefore, with May’s deal dead, we only have two options, a hard Brexit or repeal of Article 50, i fear the former is now odds on.


It looks to me that May will have to be be replaced by a non mad Brexiteer or it will be a horrendous no deal exit from the EU.

Can May now be removed from office? And it may have to be pretty soon. Total Mayhem.

I always thought the Tories would make a mess of leaving the EU but this is a true crisis.


While Scotland continues to look on, aghast at the ongoing turbocharged omnishambles at the Home of Imperial England, Westminster, it must be, at the very least, close to the time when we can leave behind the past 7 years of debate and dispute within the Yes movement, and with a fresh mind and purpose, resolve to unite in one final push forward to the greatest day in Scotland’s history, the recovery of our Independence.

Hail Alba.

It is time.


I see that a Sky journalist is now twitter trolling SNP/Independence supporters. I presume in the hope she will be attacked and can then generate a story about how nasty the Scots are. Don’t fall for it, just ignore her.

She was given a lesson in facts by Ian Blackford, don’t feed her ego (it’s all she really has as her journalistic knowledge was left on the floor by Mr Blackford).


Moderation permitting of course.


If they replaced May with a mince pie supper they would have something to get their teeth into.


Shades of ‘de Gaulle dit ,non!’ (For those of a certain age).

link to

I am not surprised. All our neighbouring coastal countries have spent vast amounts of money in staff, advise, re-ordering their ports and road systems for this, I cannot imagine that they want a few more weeks of limbo just because the brits have failed to prepare for it.


Statement from President Tusk on Brexit about to be given.

link to


I can only assume that on Theresa May’s desk there is one of those motto plaques, hers probably is ‘the buck stops with you’.

It’s a bit like watching the end of ‘Downfall’ now, the Tory cabinet are all in the bunker, convinced that victory is still within their grasp.


mountain shadow says:
20 March, 2019 at 3:22 pm

Therefore, with May’s deal dead, we only have two options, a hard Brexit or repeal of Article 50, i fear the former is now odds on….

I’m inclined to agree.

I would through add two more irons in the fire however… Scotland seeking a unilateral revocation of Article 50, or Scotland seeking a unilateral extension of time / holding pen status for Scotland to hold an emergency ratification plebiscite.

Paradoxically, I don’t even think it matters whether its a Scottish IndyRef2, or a Scottish Euroref2… the vote will be primarily ratifying our sovereign autonomy, and Constitutional Independence.


How to win friends in your hour of need.

I see that May has just told parliament, ‘”This house has indulged itself on Europe for too long” – Theresa May.’

Good job that they foreigners won’t find out!
I guess that will be a definite love and travel from France then.


Oh for fuck’s sake. An extension.


Tusk has just knocked the ba’ back to UK parliament’s court, they were alway going to act in ‘good faith’ unlike us they apply ‘diplomacy’, they have to act in ‘good faith’…how would it play if they had said ‘no extension’…big bad EU blah blah blah.

They’ve given her wriggle room…can’t crash out on the 29th.


Tusk talks of just phoning May and accepts a short extension is possible if May’s deal passes but with conditions. Leaders to discuss tomorrow if 30th June is acceptable but says this creates problems.

The EU seeks a positive outcome but will not reopen the withdrawal agreement.

It looks like no short extension is to be offered UNTIL May’s deal is passed in Westminster. There was no mention of what happens if her deals fails to pass.

May has run out of road now to kick the can any further, next week the final decision will be made and I expect May’s deal to fail again that’s if the speaker even allows a vote on it. After failure a short extension will not be available, it will be a long extension that requires the UK taking part in the EU elections or Parliament revoking article 50.

May might have less than another week as PM to go. A long extension and she’s gone.


Tusk will recommend an extension of time for Westminster to secure approval of Theresa’s Withdrawal Agreement. Not sure how that squares with what Macron is saying, but I think I would interpret this as an informal extension to give May one last chance to get her deal approved.

It seems Brexit will not be determined by a deadline, but whether May’s deal can pass or fail in the Commons.

Graeme J McAllan

Residents of England etc are about to discover there’s nothing “Great” about “Britain”, something we Scots realised years ago 😉


Should have added May couldn’t survive as Prime Minister if there is no deal outcome instead of a long extension either.

OK it might be with a large dose of wishful thinking but I’m thinking there’s every chance now that her reign as the worst PM in history is coming to a dishonourable end.

Fingers crossed anyway LOL


Tusks entire statement available at the link below, it’s very short.

link to


Telegraph (most of the page behind paywall) ….. “She [May] knows that this could lead us to a no-deal Brexit, with the only available alternative – Mrs May’s deal – suddenly unavailable because of the Speaker’s ruling earlier this week. “

What happened to the other obvious alternative – revoke A50?

The far right, and their tame MSM, just don’t want anyone talking about simply calling it all off!


Was talking earlier about how non Scots voters, particularly English voters, will be left with a horrendous mess with Brexit (or whatever that would be called minus Scotland and minus the uk, since that won’t exist..’F-KofExit’,Former-Kindgom of England exit?).

Then, the conversation turned to the Rev Stu.

After years of outstanding service to the indy cause, which frankly, and fair to say without exaggeration, has shaped and influenced the political enlightenment of hundreds of thousands of Scottish voters in that time, what is next for the Rev once independence is achieved ?

After helping to save Scotland, surely we cannot leave him in England to suffer the upcoming horrors?

Unless of course, he WANTS to stay put in Bath ?

So, we came up with an idea.

If the Rev Stu wants to stay put down in Bath, it seems reasonable to have one special fundraiser, where ALL proceeds go to the man himself, for unbelievable services rendered.

Of course, if he wanted to come to Indy Scotland, and beat the probable rush to the border, hold the same fundraiser, and gift him a nice wee 6 figure nest egg in his back pocket, which would give him a handy wee start up here.

A gesture of appreciation is surely the way to go once we gain our Independence back.


Thepnr says:

her reign as the worst PM in history is coming to a dishonourable end

Her days are certainly numbered.

I suppose what the ‘right thing to do’ depends on your world view and concept of morality.

To my mind, ANYTHING is better than allowing a ‘no deal’ catastrophe … and therefore if her ‘deal’ is rejected and the EU effectively leave ‘no deal’ looming, the honourable thing yo do would be to revoke A50. She would need to then resign and almost certainly there would be a general election.

History would look far more kindly on May if she revokes A59 rather than ‘no deal’ exits.

Proud Cybernat

Yup – I’m up for that, Geeo. Rev totally deserves this gift for his incredible service to the cause.

Things really hotting up now on Brexit front.

Fan in full turbo mode now with brown stuff flung in every conceivable direction.


A soul searching speech by Justine Greening about how the Tories have destroyed more than they can ever imagine.


Thinking of Tusk’s statement May and the UK parliament now have a real problem on their hands. So far it appears that the EU will only give a short extension AFTER May’s deal has been approved by parliament.

They need this certainty so as they can provide an extension that goes beyond the date for the EU elections as the UK will have confirmed they are leaving.

However the speaker has already ruled out a third vote on May’s deal unless it is substantially changed. If she does not get support from Labour then for an ammended deal then there will be no vote on her deal without change.

It was being argued by May that an extension agreement with the EU would be sufficient change to bring her deal back for MV3, she hasn’t got that. Everything goes tits up in the coming days that much is obvious, a long extension is needed but to get that we will need a reason that satisfy the EU.

The EU have lost all patience now with the UK government and have forced May’s hand into making a decision one way or the other.


No Deal Brexit looking more of a certainty by the minute.

IndyRef2 announcement looking more of a certainty by the minute.

What’s not to like about Brexit?

Proud Cybernat

Someone just told me May to make a statement tonight. Anyone heard anything?


Did Ian Murray ever find out who put Yes Stickers on his Edinburgh constituency office window???


Och this is terrible news:

link to

THE Scottish economy outperformed the UK as a whole in the fourth quarter of last year, latest official data reveal.

Gross domestic product north of the Border grew by 0.3% in the final quarter of 2018. The UK as a whole grew by 0.2%.

We’re doomed 🙁

call me dave


The Rt Hon Dominic Grieve and Justine Greening, both Tories,
telling their party and the watching/listening UK how devious and disreputable this Tory Brexit shambles really is.

Good for them. 🙂

call me dave

Bercow gets wind of Theresa’s speech at 19:00hrs to the media while parliament seems to be less important.

I don’t think he’ll be a happy bunny if that happens.

Lenny Hartley

Geo at 4.41, great idea, however say we raise 100k if he is in bath 50% of that will go into Westminsters Coffers, I think best to try and persuade him to get a Scottish Tax code and do several small(ish) fundraisers over a few years so that he gets to keep the max himself and any taxation goes to what will be the Scottish Exchequer


Soooo, yet another meaningful vote on….?

Well according to Mr Tusk any short extension could only be possible if there is some consensus behind May’s deal in parliament.

Would that be the same deal that’s been voted on twice already and that the speaker said could NOT be returned for a third reading without considerable and significant changes?

THAT deal. 🙄

Robert J. Sutherland

Thepnr @ 14:51,

Well. the EU has certainly upped the pressure on the HoC to take May’s “deal”, warts and all. They clearly want shot of the whole mess ASAP, and hope to avoid a no-deal because that’s bad for them too. Self-preservation.

This conditional offer could possibly be just enough to bring the Tory+DUP rebels into line long enough to get a Brexit fait accompli then show May the door. Something like this has always been my concern. (Though it does have a Scottish upside, if we’re willing to use it. As we very likely will.)

But it’s tightrope walking of the highest order. No-deal is the splat if it all goes wrong. And it easily could. Unintended consequences.

But any realistic hope of PV and withdrawal of Art.50 are dead, dead, dead.

Dr Jim

Did anybody notice in Kay Burley’s cheeky stupid interview with Ian Blackford about her opinions on the € she also stated quite clearly there’s no oil, or the state of the oil, or words to that effect

Do these people just spout stuff out for the TV or do they really know nothing about the subjects they report on

Scotland is swimming in oil, literally swimming in the stuff
The BBC have been announcing it for days and days, there’s apparently more oil now than they ever found before


Looks like the EU are going to force a decision. The deal on offer with 3 months extension to implement or No Deal next week.

The end game approacheth.

Fearing Indyref2 I see the Unionist are back to the old siren song of whatever shit Britain is in Scotland would be in so much worse shit because we are just useless.

They ignore the fact that May is hampered by half her party being remainers. The SNP and Greens have no such issues. We don’t have any backstop to tie ourselves in knots with either.

Robert Louis

Just watching HoC, and I can only conclude it is the end of days.

Please call the freaking referendum, Nicola. And if an election is called, make independence and staying in the EU the main policy offer – with no further vote required. Majority pro indy means the treaty of union will be ended.

London is f***ed. England is f**ed. Scotland needs independence ASAP.


I think the EU has simply put all its eggs in one basket.

“Ok UK, look Brexit isn’t critical for us until May 23rd, so you have until May 23rd to sort out your shit and tell us if you’re staying or going, and if it’s going, whether it’s with the Withdrawal Agreement or Without it. Those are the options. Make your fkn mind up, and call us when you’re ready.

Where does this leave Scotland? Well, cue another round of “wait until we know the details”, (sigh) but I would hope the Scottish Government finally starts turning the screw and lobby’s Europe for a bespoke arrangement for Scotland, recognition, Legal Personality, pending a ratification plebiscite.. the whole nine yards.

Westminster ignores us when we say Scotland will not be dragged out of Europe against it’s will. We need to know whether Europe will do likewise. I feel pretty sure they won’t. Give them a Constitutional interface to work with Scotland, and I feel positive that’s exactly what they’ll do. But we need to act first… we need to help them to help us.

In short, prepare the landscape ready for a referendum.. though I don’t think there will ever be one. If we stay in the Union, it’s deregulated steroids in your cold congealed mince and tatties, misery, powercuts, Tory Governments and economic depression. But if we choose Europe, then here are Europe’s plans for us as an EU member state and poster child for closer EU integration, – investment, comradeship, free movement, common goals, common purpose, growth, … a place for Scotland in the family of Europe.

Come on Nicola. Less of this “wait and see” and start formalising our sovereign links with Europe and selling the benefits of the “Fifth Freedom” Europe never mentions…the freedom of choice that would allow Scotland to remain.

Five Freedoms for Scotland! Kinda got a ring to it no?

Robert J. Sutherland

Macart @ 17:24,

This offer provides a material change of circumstances, I reckon, so another MV is likely to be acceptable.

But this megaguddle certainly brings a whole new meaning to the word “meaningful”.


Never thought I would praise a speech by a Tory in the Hof Commons but great speech by Justine Greening.

Strange times.

Of course does not change my overall opinion of the Britnats.

Something is going to happen soon.

Robert Peffers

@geeo says: 20 March, 2019 at 4:41 pm@

” … After helping to save Scotland, surely we cannot leave him in England to suffer the upcoming horrors?”

No but we could leave him in England by appointing him the main Scottish Ambassador to The Kingdom of England. He is, after all, well known for his, (cough!), diplomacy.

I’ll get my trike!


Brexit: France, Spain and Belgium ready to veto Article 50 extension

link to


Ian Blackford warns Theresa May ‘Scotland will act’ if Westminster fails on Brexit” [yet again]

link to

Won’t be long now.


Big money moves on the betting exchanges today:

No deal exit odds moved in from 7/1 to 4/1

Article 50 NOT to be extended odds moved in 7/1 to 4/1

Robert Louis

So, Theresa may plans to set the people against the parliament in her ‘speech’ tonight.

The problem is not the parliament. The problem is not the MP’s. No, the problem is one person, stubborn, pig-headed, petty minded, Theresa May.


Ooft indeed! yir2


Agree with others Justine Greening and Dominic Grieve’s speeches were indeed outstanding. Saliently…laying the cause of this crises at the feet of their own government, rightly so.


Three years too late.

”Theresa May hints she will quit as PM if forced to accept a long delay to Brexit.’

Theresa May has strongly hinted she will quit if forced to accept a long delay to Brexit, dramatically staking her premiership on tomorrow’s EU summit. “As prime minister, I am not prepared to delay Brexit any further than 30 June,” she told MPs – later repeating the statement to drive home the message.”

link to

Dr Jim

@Robert Louis

Theresa May appears not to care about the trouble she could create by making silly public statements blaming other people for her own actions ie MPs the EU

If she does that it’d be the most irresponsible lunacy


@Robert Peffers
LOL. Nice one! A whole new realism in negotiations:

“You’re a fucking idiot if you think Scotland will accept that!”


If Scotland won 9-0 against the World Champions, Murdo would say “they weren’t good enough to score 10.
Its as easy as that.


Re @Robert Louis 5.37pm

You missed out mentally unstable, corrupt and mendacious to name but a few.



The Tusk statement does offer a change of the circumstances surrounding the deal. But essentially the same deal?

Regardless, I think we’re about to see Westminster implode. I very much doubt May can alter the numbers in the space of a week. The 8pm statement should make for an interesting bit of theatre.

1. End run plea to the public
2. Calls a GE
3. Scattershot blame game
4. Tries to punt new book ‘Parliament – My part in its downfall’
5. All of the above


Robert Peffers

@yesindyref2 says: 20 March, 2019 at 5:46 pm:

” … LOL. Nice one! A whole new realism in negotiations:
“You’re a fucking idiot if you think Scotland will accept that!””

Yeah! That’s a wee variation of my own, slightly shorter, version of, “pish!”


Britnats complaining about other Britnats in the Hof Commons telling lies and acting in a dishonourable manner. Well who would have thought that was possible. LOL

These Britnats have absolutely no self awareness.

Britnats in a fight to the death with each other = The death of the UK.

Robert Peffers

Well there is one thing certain. No matter what is about to happen. Things will never be the same again.


I think May will propose that the parliament be prorogued as quickly as possible (maybe even tomorrow). This, so that parliament can then be recalled to begin a new session – likewise, as quickly as is legally possible.

I read somewhere, but I have no idea if it’s true, that a new session can begin three days later. If it could start on Monday, that is when it would start. If not, it would be on the first possible day next week.

The parliament would have until next Thursday (29th) to make its decision.

With a new session, it will be possible to have a new vote on her deal. But it will also be possible to bring back any and all motions that have already been debated in what, by then, will be the previous session.

For May, this will give her time to assemble supporters for her deal (determine the final amount of the bribe to the DUP; make as many promises as she can to any wavering no-dealers in the ERG etc.).

Will it also give those opposed to her deal a chance to regroup and get behind an alternative? In theory, yes. Because all the motions that have already been heard in the previous session could be re-introduced.

That includes Hilary Benn’s motion for the parliament to take control of the parliamentary process from the Executive, which only lost by 2 votes the last time. But what chance has it this time, especially if some of those who voted for it the last time did so for opposite reasons?

It would also include the possibility of introducing one more time a motion for a 2nd referendum. But there is no chance of that winning unless Labour get fully behind it this time – and, even if they do, we know that 18 or so of their MPs denied the whip last time round, and instead of abstaining they voted against it.

It can only get through this time with considerable numbers of Tory members denying their own whip, and the chances of that are slim indeed.

There is also the possibility of engineering things so that a General Election happens. But even if that did produce a more Euro-friendly majority in the HoC, what is the likelihood that all 27 EU member-states would unanimously agree to start negotiating again? Even if, for the EU itself, the outcome was bound to be more favourable, you just need one of the 27 to say ‘enough is enough’, and there will be no new deal.

This is May’s last throw of the dice, but I think she will be confident of winning this time. Those ranged against her do not have a common agenda. She’ll reckon it’s going to be far more difficult for them to combine sufficiently to raise a majority in the HoC FOR something that will BOTH defeat her AND be acceptable to the EU than it will be, for her, to get her deal through.

She will be thinking she now has what she wanted: it has all boiled down to her deal, or no deal. And she will be thinking that – with that stark choice before them – she will get enough support to get her deal through. If Bad Bad Boris and Muggins Mogg and some of the ERG still don’t come round, there will be a sufficient number of others on the opposition benches to break ranks with their own leaders take their places in the lobby with her, to gain her the victory.

For May, the question will be: how best to go about it? Does she bring in the motion for her deal first? Or does she wait, and let the other motions go ahead, in the belief that they will go down, picking them off one by one … Until it reaches the point where it really is a stark choice between her deal and no deal.

In which case, so she thinks, minds will by then be sufficiently concentrated for her to emerge the triumphant winner. Not only will she get her own way, she will rise from the shambles with her authority restored.

So, at least, she will be hoping …

In which case she will rise to the dispatch box and not only dance (ugh!) but burst into song, with a rendition of ‘I did it my way’ … (oh no! Let me outta here …)

I hope very much that I have got this all wrong, and that this scenario never, never – never ever – happens!

Please, please Mr. Speaker, please find a rule to prevent it! And I don’t care how old and hoary the precedent is – just stop the nightmare from happening!


@Macart “4. Tries to punt new book ‘Parliament – My part in its downfall’

I think Bercow may have saved the UK Parliament itself – which is his job. He’s not responsible for the poor quality of 90% of the politicians of the two major parties.

That would be down to the electorate – and party selection.


Mr Peffers@6.07
You are 100% correct.


Mmm, ultimately actually, the Queen has a responsibility to ensure there is a functioning government of the UK, AND the right to dissolve Parliament if it isn’t.

H Scott

Rumours at Westminster that the Queen has applied for German citizenship. Something to do with protecting her assets as an EU National.

Calum McKay

Most will recall the usual attack by tories against the SNP. Business hates anything and everything the SNP do, whilst loving tory policies.

This is highly ironic when these figures are looked at, especially when it’s obvious the next prime minister of England, a tory said ‘f+*k business!” in relation to his latest whim on brexit.

It’s time for business inScotland to review where it’s best interests lie and its allegiances are, it ain’t the tories!


Treeza speech from Downing St at 8pm.

No more details.


Kaye Burnley’s ignorance on facts is historic. She made her feelings towards Scotland quite plain when she said that Britain was run by a foreigner. She meant Gordon Brown when he was PM.


Oh – my – God. Channel 4 “fact check” on Blackford v Burley

link to

FUCKING ENTIRELY misses the point that a member state can NOT be forced into the ERM, even though they mention the ERM.

What complete dicks.


Triggering Article 50 was overwhelming supported by Labour without any idea of what they wanted from the deal, their hands are on this shambles as much as the Tories.

Here is the rebels that voted against triggering article 50, I can’t spot a Labour or Tory from Scotland that voted against the trigger.

link to


@yesindyref2 6.12pm

He’s certainly made the effort. How his efforts pan out in the face of that chamber though?

I strongly suspect people are beginning to catch onto the fact that you get what you vote for, and sometimes a whole lot more besides that you didn’t.

Dr Jim

Channel four joined the Better Together campaign early didn’t they

CameronB Brodie

Has Murdo Fraser gotten over his prejudice against post-structuralism or is he still a bit colonial in his world outlook? 🙂


@Robert J. Sutherland

This offer provides a material change of circumstances, I reckon, so another MV is likely to be acceptable.

I’m not entirely sure that it is a material change of circumstances. So far at least from the Tusk statement I fail to see any offer yet from the EU from what Tusk has said:

“I believe a short extension will be possible but it will be conditional on a positive vote on the withdrawal agreement in the HOC. The question remains open as to the duration of such an extension, PM May’s proposal of the 30th June, which has it’s merits creates a series of questions of a legal and political nature. Leaders will discuss this tomorrow.”

Picture maybe will become clearer tomorrow but the fact remains the EU have totally lost faith in May and have thrown down the gauntlet for Westminster and not May to pick up.

May is on the way out, she has nowhere and no one to turn too and the EU know this, not much longer now to know where we might be headed before things become just a little clearer. I say just a little because unless it’s a no deal straight off on the 29th there are still many possible outcomes in my opinion.


Sorry, eating my tea, delicious! They were on offer …

Participation in ERM II is voluntary although, as one of the convergence criteria for entry to the euro area, a country must participate in the mechanism without severe tensions for at least two years before it can qualify to adopt the euro.

link to

Participation in ERM II is voluntary

So The Channel 4 “fact check” is nothing of the sort, and Kay Burley is ignorant.


The commons vote app is good for checking out details of WM votes.

Link to app stores at bottom page. (Avoids via bbc)

link to

Robert Peffers

@yesindyref2 says: 20 March, 2019 at 6:17 pm:

” … Mmm, ultimately actually, the Queen has a responsibility to ensure there is a functioning government of the UK, AND the right to dissolve Parliament if it isn’t.”

Nope! She actually only legally has that right for the parliament of the kingdom of England over which she is legally sovereign but there hasn’t been a legally elected parliament of The Kingdom of England since 1707.

However, she has the legal responsibility to defend the legally sovereign people of Scotland’s sovereignty or the people can sack her. Strange, isn’t it, that in spite of Westminster ripping Scotland off since 1707 not a single Monarch of Scots has been sacked by the Scots. Do you think there just might be history made in the very near future?



Ageee with you 100%. I’ve expressed disappointment and irritation at Snp politicians referring to the UK as THE COUNTRY! It’s not. Or even worse – the nation. Get it right. They need a lesson from Robert peffers. Mindset is important.


mark francois MP – WE WON THE WAR Numpty on Ch 4. Explain to me why many brexiters have foreign names???

mr thms

Scotland’s GDP will have had a very substantial boost from the surge in oil and gas production in the past year. With more new fields coming on-stream this year. Unfortunately, the figures are excluded from the Scottish figures because the UK created an ‘Extra regio’ and they are therefore only included in the UK’s statistics. See what they did there? Can’t have oil and gas skewing the Scottish figures only the UK ones..



If only there was an example of a EU country that has refused to join the ERM and the EU has accepted this….oh hold on!


Oh wow, wasn’t too sure who Kay Burley was, yrtis:

link to

Stop sniggering at the back!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi yesindyref2.

“So The Channel 4 “fact check” is nothing of the sort, and Kay Burley is ignorant.”

Yes, I thought so as well, also, too, an’a’.

A bit like the lack of awareness/knowledge displayed by the London-centric media in the 3rd episode of BBC Scotland’s indyref documentary.

Hail the imperial masters!

link to


Kirsty Hughes:-

”May to address nation on why she’s allowing no deal threat to hang over the UK. Commons shd go for vote of no confidence, temporary government of national unity, then either people’s vote or revoke A50.”

link to


I’ve put that on wayback by the way, just in case it’s been editied today by some “troll” as she calls them.

It’s a classic. And a cracker!


I suspect that Theresa May is going to emerge at 20:00 tonight and announce to the public that the fault for the Brexit shambles is everybody else’s fault. Then a barrage of cliches, a sort of blast from the past of her favourites.


@Robert Peffers
We’ll have to wait and see if there’s to be any difference between the commonly accepted “UK”, or its components. Might not be too long to wait either, if that’s the selected A-Z plan 🙂

Haven’t seen it yet, only watched 1 so far – was busy getting out a pre-Brexit order which went off today 48 hour courier (paid already) 🙂

Oh, Aug 2018 wiki for Burley is the same.


Kuenssberg of the BBC has an article, she believes:

“The EU will probably give Theresa May the short delay she seeks – but only if she achieves what has eluded her for months, and she passes her deal through Parliament.
Reluctant Tories and some concerned Labour MPs could move to help her if faced with that deal or no delay – implying leaving with no deal at all.

If that doesn’t happen, and Parliament tries to force a longer delay for a different approach, then the prime minister might quit.”

link to

auld highlander

Is she going to quit live at 8.15pm?


yesindyref2 says:
20 March, 2019 at 7:25 pm

Oh wow, wasn’t too sure who Kay Burley was, yrtis:

link to

Stop sniggering at the back!

Burley was brought up in Beech Hill, Wigan, Lancashire,[3][4] the daughter of parents who worked in a cardboard factory,

I wonder if it got soggy when it rained?

Robert J. Sutherland

Thepnr @ 19:04,

Yes, it is arguable. But perhaps just enough window-dressing for Bercow to let it pass. It all depends on what his thinking is, so yes, we’ll see the morn.

Or maybe in a few minutes. Another UKGE would likely force the EU to grant a delay, but I can’t see that actually solving anything. At this juncture, it could even destroy the Tory Party.

Robert Louis

So-called ‘journalist’ kay Burley, and Channel4’s laughingly titled ‘fact’ check, should read this;

link to

It is a very odd thing how people in the media and others still cling to this nonsense about Scotland getting FORCED to use the Euro. The fact is, that any country needs to exhibit the right financial profile for at least two years before getting accepted. Part of this is the adherence to the ERM II (exchange rate mechanism), for a period of two years.

ENTRY TO THE ERM IS VOLUNTARY, QED using the Euro cannot be forced on a country.

But aside from all that, whilst the EU might want to encourage member states to adopt the Euro, their is no good reason why they would want to literally force countries to do so against their wishes. To even consider that as being likely, is beyond childish. It is just a very odd thing to believe.

As for kay burley, the so-called ‘journalist, I have heard her regurgitate this utter nonsense about Scotland and the Euro many times. Either she is just too smug and thick to consider actually checking the FULL facts, or she just enjoys lying. It really is one or the other.

Overall, I think the rubbish Kay Burley spouts on the Euro, is representative of the tenuous grasp of facts on how the EU works, that so-called ‘journalists’ have. As for Channel4 news, they have always been blindly biased against Scottish independence – probably due to ignorance of the facts.


Like others I have no idea who Burley is. I am not inclined to care either.

I see on C4 news right now that ultra Yoon David Clews is less than convincing in his protestations of not formenting hate. What a jolly crew our Yoonist chooms are 🙂

Robert Peffers

@yesindyref2 says: 20 March, 2019 at 6:31 pm:

Oh – my – God. Channel 4 “fact check” on Blackford v Burley
link to
FUCKING ENTIRELY misses the point that a member state can NOT be forced into the ERM, even though they mention the ERM.
What complete dicks.”

Nah”! They, and apparently, you are missing a couple of very important legal facts.

The First being that the Treaty of Union agrees that the Pound Sterling will be the currency of Both United Kingdom partners. The Pound is as much Scottish as it is English.

The second is that the Bank of England has never, in it’s entire history, belonged to the Kingdom of England. It began as a private company, 9and to this day its full title is, “The Guvnor And Company of the Bank of England”. It was not called the Bank of England because England owned it but because the Kingdom of England Crown/parliament banked with it.

In any event it remained an independent private company until 1946 when the United Kingdom Government, (not the Kingdom of England), nationalised it. It is thus a negotiable part of the assets of the two kingdom partnership that is legally the United Kingdom.

So there you go – check it out in Google if you do not believe me.:-

link to

Oh! And by the way the claim it was set up by William Paterson is also mince. William Paterson set up the subscription scheme to raise money to bail out the English Crown/Parliament that had massive national debt.

He did not start the BofE. It was the subscription scheme that led to the bank of England and William Paterson was not part of, “The Governor and Company of the Bank of Bank of England”.

Robert Louis

jfngw at 731pm,

I think you are spot on. Theresa May intends pleading for the country to get behind her, and the problems are all the fault of the HoC. Of course the real obstacle is Theresa May, though I doubt the penny has dropped yet. But she is a proven and repeated liar, of epic proportions, so she might indeed say anything.

Heart of Galloway

Theresa May has some serious OCD stuff going on with her precious Brexit deal. The more it is threatened, the tighter she clings to it as it decomposes.

And now she will address ‘das volk’ over the heads of elected politicians. She will offer nothing new. Instead, it will be a sordid populist appeal with its roots in the darkest recesses of English fascism. Europe, au secours!


Corbyn has apparently gone full Wolfie, Tooting is cheering him on.

Robert J. Sutherland

Thepnr @ 19:39,

Oh, the pressure is definitely on the HoC to bend to the will (say yes to the dross), but it could so easily go any-which-way.

Shit Creek keeps on rising and the paddle is long gone.

(We still have it carefully stashed away!)

Socrates MacSporran

jfngw @ 7.56pm

Brilliant, another lap top keyboard and screen to clean up after taking a slurp of coffee, then laughing.

Robert J. Sutherland

Robert Louis @ 19:49,

Just made my own forceful representations to Ch.4 on that score. I regard them as the TV equivalent of the Graun, all progressive posture but unable to make any of it bear on home turf.

Referred to it as “anglosplaining”.


Big Brother is Watching You.

‘Leaked emails shine light on MoD pro-indy discrimination case.’

…”Now evidence has emerged that figures within the MoD began asking questions about whether or not (Chris) McEleny should keep his job as far back as 2012. A source told The National: “It doesn’t look too good for the MoD.”…

…“I do not know if he has declared the fact that he is an SNP councillor to DBS NSV [the unit that vets defence employees and contractors]. However, when questioned, they have stated to my staff that they have an open file on this individual at the moment (dating back to 2004).”

link to


To sum up.

Nicola has not put a foot wrong.

Westminster is in turmoil and both Tory and Labour parties are shown as weak and lacking in leadership.

We are expected to leave the EU by the end of June.

Yes, wait a little bit longer and then strike.

We will never have a better chance of achieving a positive future for Scotland.

Robert Peffers

@auld highlander says: 20 March, 2019 at 7:40 pm:

” … Is she going to quit live at 8.15pm?”

Nah! More likely half dead, as usual. Not the first time she has croaked on TV.

Seriously, though, there will almost certainly be very long list of ended political careers when there is the next election. Look at it this way- the vote to leave was a close run thing and Scotland were greatly against leaving. That means it was even closer in England.

So there will hardly be a constituency where the sitting MP has not lost a lot of voters and heads will roll.

call me dave


Chewing on the corner of my comfort blanket now so bring her on.

Anything can happen in the next 15 minutes. 🙂

Heart of Galloway

Euronews reporting that Ian Blackford said Theresa May offered ‘nothing new” in talks with him today. Corbyn stormed out, while in the last seconds on C4 The Greens’ Caroline Lucas spoke of May linking support for her deal to a possible PV.

Cathy Newman, naturally, gushed at ‘a possible breakthrough’. I’ll stick wi’ Blackford.


What’s the betting May will say the same thing she has said time and time before? It will be her deal or no deal and she will blame everyone else if it doesn’t go through.

Shrugs her stooping shoulders and goes off for endless walking holidays paid from investments in tax-free havens overseas.


I think we can safely ignore any ‘fact checks’ from the MSM regarding Scotland and independence. They will search out the wording that meets their objective. The fact their is already EU countries outwith the Euro that may never join will be ignored, the documents that state joining the ERM is voluntary will somehow not be found.

The strange thing is most of the new countries seem to want to actually join the Euro, can”t see any that think adopting the pound would be a wise move.


so… ten minutes late kicking off, and counting. I think she’s getting the nerve up for saying something she really really really doesn’t want to say.



Channel 4 is as bad as the rest when it comes to Scotland. They are all just closing ranks as one of their own ( even though Burley is Sky) was made to look foolish.


Propaganda by omission. Ensuring that the Tory Government narrative is followed.

They never mention that the backstop was the UK’s preferred solution to NI. The EU wanted NI to stay in the single market while the rest of the UK could follow May’s red lines. May doesn’t want to ‘split’ the UK.

They never draw attention to the obvious solution – withdraw the A50 and cancel Brexit.

Robert J. Sutherland

dom @ 20:26,

Your blood pressure then was mercifully spared – unlike mine – if you missed the ones on proud display when May was hosting Japanese PM Abe. Carefully folded to show big red crosses and only the merest peek of blue.

Just to artistically balance and match the red disc of the visitor’s flag, ‘natch. =innocent whistle=



Yep, noticed that on twitter, insult one you insult them all. They are like a band of brothers, even the pro indy ones don’t like the public taking issue with any journalist.


Theresa May is a danger to the public and needs locking up.

Robert J. Sutherland

More insidious proto-fascistic demagogery from May. She just wants to make the HoC run on time.


So. Nothing new. Get on with it. My deal… my deal… my deal…



Anti english bigotry gets pretty short change on here.

Post reported.

call me dave

Jings! She’s away in to get the missing page…..??

Pretty amateurish really…see me public…I throw myself down before you…help me. 🙁

Robert J. Sutherland

This ongoing parade of unicorns has not only upended the meaning of “meaningful”, but also the meaning of “advisory”.

Still, a spring IR2 suits us just fine.


Oh Jeez! Deja vu!?!? Righto.

Deal or No deal (same as yesterday) and it’s everyone’s fault in parliament but mine. Honest peeps!

End run to the public it was then.

A more disingenuous, scapegoating, pile of horse wossiname you’d be hard put to find.

Heart of Galloway

MPs to blame, says Franco May. ‘you the public have had enough, I am on your side.’ Now is the time for MPs to decide.’

‘I am not prepared to delay Brexit beyond 30 June’.

No to eu ref she wails. And the codicil: ‘You asked us to get on with it and that is what I am determined to do.’

And that was it. The reheated cauld kail of a dead woman walking.


Prime Minister Callaghan (Labour) who was involved in hiding the McCrone Report from the Scots.


Letter in the National.

Mary McCabe, Glasgow:- ‘SNP’s 1978 challenge over oil fund was met with a cheap insult.’

”Regarding Jim Cuthbert’s suggestion that the Scottish Government should demand reparations from the UK Government for having squandered Scotland’s oil assets and refused to set up an oil fund as Norway did, readers might be interested in the following extract of a debate in the House of Commons (taken from Hansard March 21 1978):

Margaret Bain (SNP) to Prime Minister (James Callaghan):
“….does he accept that there will be bitter disappointment in Scotland that no special oil fund is to be set up as promised in the Labour Party’s manifesto? Many people will feel that, while he himself may have been piped into the Labour Party conference at Dunoon, Scotland’s oil resources are being piped very quickly from Scotland? There will be no control under which we can monitor the way in which the Scottish Exchequer spends the oil revenues in Scotland.”

The Prime Minister:
“…I hope that the Hon Lady will read the White Paper objectively and apply her mind to whether it would be possible to set up an oil fund that would be meaningful. It would be wrong to deceive the Scottish electors into believing that it would be possible to do this. I hope that the Hon Lady will not allow her party to do so.”

Mr Robert Hughes (Labour):
“Does my Right Hon Friend accept that there will be a great welcome in Scotland, as well as in the whole of the country, for the emphasis which he has put on the need to use North Sea oil revenues for investment in future prospects and future industry? Is that not in stark contrast to the attitude of both Hon Ladies who have asked questions – the Leader of the Opposition (Margaret Thatcher) and the Hon Member for Dunbartonshire East (Mrs Bain SNP) – whose only concern seemed to be to get their snouts in the trough quickly and early?”

The Prime Minister:
“I believe that the country wants us to look ahead on these matters and would not accept the view of the Conservative opposition that the proceeds should be spent solely on tax reductions. That was the only thing that I heard mentioned. I did not hear anything else. If the Opposition are saying that they agree that money must be applied to the rehabilitation of our great cities, they agree with us entirely and I do not know what all the noise was about during my statement.”

So already back in 1978 the SNP challenged Labour to keep its promise to set up an oil fund and the Labour response was a cheap insult about snouts and troughs.

The Prime Minister’s jibe about the Tory proposal of (no surprise here!) tax cuts being the only other suggestion he had heard mentioned proves that for over 40 years the UK Government has been ostentatiously ignoring the existence of the SNP MPs in hopes they would go away. They didn’t.”


Looks as though Robert Hughes, Baron Hughes of Woodside, managed to get his snout stuck in the trough. Now Lord Hughes. One of the four Scottish Labour clowns that b*ggered up the 1979 devolution referendum.

…”He was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Aberdeen North from 1970 to 1997. James Callaghan, on the subject of the infamous 1979 vote of no confidence that resulted from his government overturning the YES result of the Scottish devolution referendum, blamed the rebels on his own benches, rather than the SNP, for ultimately bringing about the collapse of his government and opening the door to the victory of the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher. Robert Hughes was one of those “rebels”. Tam Dalyell, Peter Doig, and Adam Hunter were the other Scottish Labour MPs who helped overturn the YES vote.

On 27 September 1997 he was created a Life peer as Baron Hughes of Woodside, of Woodside in the City of Aberdeen.”…

link to

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Dom. Post out of order.

Back to reality.

There is another option to Brexit Scottish Independence.


Missed the speech but I think I found it on youtube.

link to

Heart of Galloway

Big chance for The Nine to gazump the 6.30 crew coming right up.,.

Robert J. Sutherland

I wasn’t aware that righteously objecting to displays of establishment cultural dominance via that unlovely rag has suddenly become un-PC. Seems more like necessary re-framing to me.

Save us from the self-appointed school prefects.


Good news for Robert Lindsay (69), BBC possibly contemplating bringing back Citizen Smith. Luckily he is the right age to revive this role but now as a man that has managed to gain control of a political party but is still trapped in his 1970’s rebel persona.

The first episode has him attend an EU meeting but storms out as he does believe that some of those attending are real countries. They certainly didn’t exist in his 1970’s heyday.


“The EU elections must not go ahead in May, so im only keeping us in until June.”

Well now its clear why things haven’t gone smoothly, she’s only gone and hung her calendar up back to front.

Meg merrilees

Nicola says:

The one thing missing from that pointless PM speech was any acknowledgment of the massive responsibility she bears for this mess. She could have changed course after the first defeat of her deal. But she is still trying to force a choice between a bad deal and no deal. Shameful

Jockanese Wind Talker

So TMay says “I am not prepared to delay Brexit beyond 30 June”.

I wasn’t aware the Commons had voted to accept her EU Withdrawal Agreement already as per Donald Tusks statement:

“I believe that a short extension will be possible, but it will be conditional on a positive vote on the Withdrawal Agreement in the House of Commons” – D Tusk, 17:30hrs 20/03/2019.

link to


The Right Wing Neo-Fascist Tory UK Government still bullshitting the public, ably assisted by the British Nationalist Media.

Looking a lot like No Deal.


@ Robert Louis says at 7:49 pm …. ”As for kay burley, the so-called ‘journalist, I have heard her regurgitate this utter nonsense about Scotland and the Euro many times. Either she is just too smug and thick to consider actually checking the FULL facts, or she just enjoys lying. It really is one or the other. Overall, I think the rubbish Kay Burley spouts on the Euro, is representative of the tenuous grasp of facts on how the EU works, that so-called ‘journalists’ have. As for Channel4 news, they have always been blindly biased against Scottish independence – probably due to ignorance of the facts.”

I see that Burley has been reported to Ofcom on thousands of occasions. Maybe we should all think of reporting her too in an attempt to nip the lying in the bud?

link to


I wish a big asteroid from space would just hit now- am kinda done wae this mince.

Brexit will never have happened- job done.

Socrates MacSporran

I see the Maybot has morphed into Violet Elizabeth Bott.

Everyone must do as she says, or she will skweam and skweam and skweam until she is sick – and she knows she can.

Where are the “Men in Grey Suits” of the Conservative Party when their country needs them?

We cannot resurrect Cromwell, but, surely someone can tell her to: “For God’s sake go.”


Totally underwhelming speech from PM. Late too. The online reception seems to be negative. It’s hard to see how this idiot can carry on pretending to be the PM much longer.

What a state of affairs.


Under increasing pressure, something has to give.

Round and round and round the Brexit roundabout Westminster continues to go but each time they arrive at any one of the three turnoffs available, 1.May’s deal, 2.No deal Brexit, or 3.Cancel Brexit, either the Government or the House of Commons says no.
May will not countenance cancellation, the Commons won’t tolerate No Deal and May’s deal can’t be changed but the HoC have voted it down twice.
Under ever increasing pressure something has to give.

link to

“If the UK does not get an extension it will either have to pass the Brexit deal, revoke Article 50 to cancel Brexit, or leave without a deal – with the latter option expected to cause economic chaos.

Theresa May has been criticised previously by EU leaders for turning up to meetings in Brussels without clear and precise technical demands. At a summit in December Ms May was reportedly asked, “what exactly is it that you want?” by German chancellor Angela Merkel, while she pleaded for assistance to pass her Brexit deal, but could not spell out exactly what measures she wanted.”


Janey says;


I didn’t think many people in Scotland watched Sky news, why would you, it’s Scottish content is dire. But if you are an indy supporter and subscribe to Sky you are effectively paying Burley’s wages.

Same with the BBC, but they have you by the short and curly’s if you want to watch anything live. The mafia would love their deal with the government, you need to pay even if you don’t consume the product. The perfect extortion racket.


yet another popcorn moment – cant wait for the backlash tomorrow!

call me dave

Jings! Glen C. on now explaining it all to us Scotties.

That’s 15mins of the 9 and I’m struggling to find anything new in it.

May’s taking an enormous gamble he says…no shit Sherlock!

SNP wanting revocation of A50 now… we all knew that yesterday.

Oh a debate… oh no…not until 22:45hrs.

Good night Vienna 🙁

Iain 2

Anyone notice, Wings of late has been on fire.
The evil empire’s end is neigh.

Jockanese Wind Talker

The Dugs take:

“We were screwed last week, and we’re screwed this week too. The UK is the land of cognitive dissonance, a misplaced exceptionalism, and nostalgic fantasy passing for policy. It’s five to midnight and nothing has changed. Nothing has changed.
Scotland, it’s time to wake up. This is not the UK that we were sold in 2014. It’s a UK that has sold us all out.”

link to


Theresa Mays speech in full if anyone missed it.

link to

call me dave

That UK can of worms is taking a hell of a kicking.

So if no deal who will dare erect a backstop border in Ireland?

Maybe just hand out EU flags and lollipops instead. 🙂

Tomorrow is another day down the rabbit hole for a ‘tired’ public.

Socrates MacSporran

Janey Godley’s twitter piece made more sense than Lino’s address to the nation did.

Lino should maybe resign and give the job to Steven Gerrard, he’d get England out of Europe in jig time.


Murdo’The Unelectable Bigot’ Fraser MSP for PM. He is the only one, well maybe Ross Thompson as well, who could make the Maybot arsehole look better.

alistair x

the time is out of joint,
behold the hero,
to set the clock aright.
lets hit the swine hard! see you all sunday.

Jason Smoothpiece

Some folk are mad but Westminster is completely abusing the privilege.

Never in the history of government has so many people appeared crazy to so many people.

I enjoy watching politics from a safe distance, in the past have even dipped the toe in the putrid water on occasion, but I have to say what in the name of god is going on.

Anyone actually keeping up with this mess deserves a seat at Holyrood.(in an independent Scotland)


Speech focusing on MP’s was intended to divide & isolate her own and opposition MP’s further, rather than to bring together.

Odds on No Deal and No extension jumped significantly after.

Pure theatre, those nasty french conspiring against us.

So either no deal on Friday (unlikely, good for I2), The deal next week (50/50, ok for I2) or longer extension (most likely and bad for I2).

Dr Jim

It would be easy to just laugh at this woman but what Mrs May did tonight was despicable and rabble rousing and the Daily Mail will likely use it to create a rabble with stupid headlines now, we’ll know later I suppose

This woman has now declared herself a danger to the public and should be removed for what she’s just done and possibly put the safety of MPs in jeopardy

We all know the BNP UKIP EDL loonies will get out on the streets now and quite possibly hurt people and if they do Theresa May should be held fully accountable for inciting it

MPs or whoever runs that loony bin in England needs to remove this woman now before she does anymore damage and get real and give the job to someone with intelligence like Dominic Grieve, I know he’s a Tory but he’s an actual human being and that’s rare in the Tory party


Yep and Colin Firth can play him in “Brexit The Movie”


Maybe the old git out of steptoe & son for Corbyn

“There’s more in the clause”

CameronB Brodie

Think you can get away with limp material like that?



‘Where are the “Men in Grey Suits” …’

I think the ‘… those nice young Men in their clean white coats’ might be more useful. She could run through the wheatfields of ‘the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time.’


Zelda from terrahawks for Treezer


Wasted half an hour of my life waiting just in case she’d announced that it was all just a bad dream, then listened in disgust as she told me she’s on my side.
I was reminded again at how utterly awful she presents herself. Prickly, detached and fundamentally unlikeable.
There must be some MPs who reject her deal purely because they can’t stand the bloody woman. I know I would.


I see Pete Wishart pushing for A50 rescinding. But where does that leave us if it happens as it removes the mandate. After all that has transpired in the last 3 years is that the best we can hope for?

Not for me it isn’t, the complete contempt has left me totally despising Westminster, I want no further involvement with it. My concern is many Scots will give a sigh of relief and just carry on as before.


Petition to Revoke Article 50:

link to

Now at 176,115.

It’s going up even faster than one of the Rev’s fundraisers (and that’s saying something!

CameronB Brodie

Robert J. Sutherland@8:53pm
I reckon it was the tone and targeted nature of Dom’s hostility that was an issue for some, myself included.


I’ve watched her statement on video but it’s even worse reading it. It’s all the MP’s fault and I’m with all you ordinary people who just want it all over with, I’m here to help you.

I’m posting the whole thing as it has to be saved on Wings.

Nearly three years have passed since the public voted to leave the European Union. It was the biggest democratic exercise in our country’s history.

I came to office on a promise to deliver on that verdict.
In March 2017 I triggered the Article 50 process for the UK to exit the EU and Parliament supported it overwhelmingly. Two years on, MPs have been unable to agree on a way to implement the UK’s withdrawal. As a result, we will now not leave on time with a deal on the 29th of March.

This delay is a matter of great personal regret for me. And of this I am absolutely sure:

You, the public, have had enough. You’re tired of the infighting, you’re tired of the political games and the arcane procedural rows, tired of MPs talking about nothing else but Brexit when you have real concerns about our children’s schools, our National Health Service, knife crime.

You want this stage of the Brexit process to be over and done with. I agree. I am on your side. It is now time for MPs to decide.

So, today, I have written to Donald Tusk the President of the European Council to request a short extension of Article 50 up to the 30th of June to give MPs the time to make a final choice. Do they want to leave the EU with a deal which delivers on the result of the referendum, that takes control of our money borders and laws while protecting jobs and our national security?

Do they want to leave without a deal, or do they not want to leave at all causing potentially irreparable damage to public trust not just in this generation of politicians but to our entire democratic process?

It is high time we made a decision.

So far, Parliament has done everything possible to avoid making a choice. Motion after motion and amendment after amendment has been tabled without Parliament ever deciding what it wants. All MPs have been willing to say is what they do not want.

I passionately hope MPs will find a way to back the deal I’ve negotiated with the EU, a deal that delivers on the result of the referendum and is the very best deal negotiable. And I will continue to work night and day to secure the support of my colleagues, the DUP and others for this deal. But I am not prepared to delay Brexit any further than the 30th of June.

Some argue that I’m making the wrong choice and I should ask for a longer extension to the end of the year or beyond to give more time for politicians to argue over the way forward.

That would mean asking you to vote in European elections nearly three years after our country decided to leave. What kind of message would that send? And just how bitter and divisive would that election campaign be at a time when the country desperately needs bringing back together.

Some have suggested holding a second referendum. I don’t believe that’s what you want and it is not what I want. We asked you the question already and you’ve given us your answer.

Now you want us to get on with it. And that is what I am determined to do.


hmmm, maybe Wicked Witch of the West is better for Treezer, with our very own Dorothy & her ruby red shoes.

The journey to independence with our fellow political parties, in need of courage(lab), a brain(lib) and a heart(con), and the perils along the way, the wolves & crows (the meedja).

Time for us throw the bucket of water over treezer and pull back the curtain on, ourselves.

Bob Mack

Theresa has just endangered the safety of many MPS.
Inciting the public can ,have as we know from Ms Cox, grave consequences.



I see your petition is at 210,000 and increasing at a rate of around 2000/minute.

link to


Thepnr says: 20 March, 2019 at 10:23 pm

“… it’s even worse reading it. It’s all the MP’s fault …”

Thank you Thepnr, what a terrible read! She is almost inviting something unparliamentary to take the stage. She is so out of this world she knows not what she is saying.

Robert J. Sutherland

Socrates MacSporran @ 21:09:

I see the Maybot has morphed into Violet Elizabeth Bott.

Oh, brilliant! That gave me a chuckle.

And she does it all so woodenly while she’s at it. She can’t even get that role right.

She rather personifies the zombie BritNat state. Already dead but doesn’t realise it.


Simon Curran

Bit ironic appealing to the public when she has snubbed any possibility of a People’s Vote.


Unbelievable speech from May and I’m not saying that in a good way.

As Dr Jim says, this is nothing but rabble rousing and appealing to the lowest common denominator populism and it is going to cause a lot of trouble.

It does, however brings to focus some of the my thoughts on a number of things, including the role of the SNP should really be doing now in this Brexit mess, how the next indy referendum campaign should fought and the role of the media amongst other things.

As seen in this topic, any time somebody from the SNP gets a chance to go on the media it is only to bash the SNP and the indy cause. They are ignored every other time when they are positively contributing some sense to this ongoing Brexit fiasco.

The SNP was elected to represent the interests of the Scottish people, not to save the UK. They have done everything in their powers to stop Brexit and nobody is listening. Is it really time for them to start playing a passive role in this and let things play out to it’s logical conclusion which is political paralysis and frankly, anarchy?

This passive role ties in with my thoughts about the next indyref campaign. We have seen that from the recent British Broadcasting Corporation documentary that the 2014 indyref could have been won if not for the propaganda of that media outlet but it wasn’t won. The no side won by dirty tricks and project fear smears. The Yes campaign was positive and I feel that it was right for that one because the outcome, while lost, gave the belief in the right to assert the desire of independence in the wider Scottish public consciousness. We’ve won that right and now we have to win it. That means the next campaign has to be different. Why not take a leaf out of the No campaign and have a project fear campaign ourselves?

That project fear isn’t the outright lies, FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) and smears of the 2014 no campaign but a more subtle, passive one where No voters are presented with the fear of the out of control populism and political anarchy south of the border spreading up here but also the nudge that independence can save them from that.

As I mentioned last night, the Tories and the ‘whats in it for me’ closest Tories need to come over. At the moment the populism that is gripping England is right wing but what happens if a Blair type from the centre left latches onto this populism and pushes it leftwards?

This may sound contradictory as the indy movement is mostly to the centre-left but populism regardless of where it is in the political spectrum is dangerous. There is also the fact that an independent Scotland needs to be a cohesive society, both politically and socially. That means consensus and compromise. That is an offer that can be given to Scottish Tories and their fellow travellers to get onboard to indy.

This of course may not be possible due to the indy movement becoming fragmented and without a single coherent voice due to trying to please many differing and sometimes diametrically opposite opinion but some of what I mentioned is worth considering.


Who is advising this woman?

Her attempts to turn her failures back onto Parliament are glaringly obvious. She is so devoid of emotional intelligence it is scary. ‘On the doorsteps’ people are screaming at how terrible SHE is and has been all along.

As others have noted this is a blatant attempt to use the public’s frustration against Parliamentarians.

She is dangerous.


Well, if there is a third vote on May’s ‘deal’, I hope they have it ASAP because it sounds highly unlikely MPs will vote for it. She seems to have a real knack for saying the wrong things and rubbing people up the wrong way.

The sooner they vote it down, the sooner they can vote something sensible through!

Will MPs vote for something so radical it will stop the cliff drop? Perhaps not!

Corbyn’s plan seems to be – let a terrible Brexit damage the Tories, so even Labour will be less unpopular.

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

Cheers for posting that transcript.

It will surely go down in the history books as one of most concise political suicide notes in recorded history.


@Ian Brotherhood

That’s exactly what I said to the missus, she’s had it now as this will not go down well at all with anyone.

You need to check this out now, it’s the Peston talk show and is live, May is taking a battering from everybody.

link to


BBC Scotland QT. Why has Claire Baker MSP been given seating preference apparently giving her prominence over others?

Cleverly done bbc.


244,176 signatures


May’s epitaph

link to


Poll for Sky.

34% blame gov
26% blame MPs
7% blame EU

If the Tory plan is to scapegoat the EU when the shite hits the fan then that doesn’t seem to be the public perception!

CameronB Brodie

OT re. Richard Leopard. What a cardboard cutout. A sham in clown-shoes.



A bit slower than 2000/minute then I guess peopel are going to bed lol. Wouldn’t be surprised to see this at 1,000,000 sometime tomorrow.

Wouldn’t be surprised either if there’s 1,000,000 or more on the anti-Brexit march in London on Saturday. I think it will be more and it will be absolute chaos so unless your attending best give a wide berth.

CameronB Brodie

Ian Brotherhood
Did I fail in e-mail competence or have you thought better of it mate? 🙂


What a bizarre statement the PM made. Totally unhinged. The EU heads of governments will be flummoxed too.

ronnie anderson

Big T:- “Motion after motion and amendment after amendment has been tabled”….

I don’t remember them voting on revoking A50. Did I miss something in the melee?


Emily Thornberry not going on a march as she is ‘campaigning in Scotland’.

Does anyone know what she is campaigning about?

Ian Brotherhood

@CamB –

Just checked my e-mail, don’t see anything from you.

If you want to try again it’s



I haven’t signed it yet. Kind of in two minds, though the SNP support revoking A50 and I do as well, not sure if I should – same reason as others have pointed out. Probably will though if I can find the email addy I used before. 275,053 signatures now.


When r the new marches going to take place? 40000 marchers with saltires and Eu flags would send a message

CameronB Brodie

The PM is demanding the implementation of policy that has very poor legal foundations, was marginal in it’s result and corrupt in nature, will devastate the ‘national’ economy, has undermined ‘national’ security and prestige, obliterates the Treaty of Union, ignores the votes of Scotland’s nationals and values English legal doctrine over our human rights, strips Scotland’s nationals of our legally protected EU identity and has destroyed public trust in Westminster. Is this a New Right coup to finally end democracy in Britain? Is this Prime-minister a threat to Scotland’s national integrity?


Is it true that Janey Godley is goingto be on BBC QT?

Makes sense,a lot of sense.

She is going to explain the backstop to the DUP on the flute!

Meg merrilees


on 282,000+ now

CameronB Brodie

Ian Brotherhood
That’s the address I used, have you checked you spam? My address will look meaningless to you but the subject is “Yo!”. Sorry if that was too cryptic.

Please let it be there, I couldn’t take failing basic e-mail. 🙂

auld highlander

297075 signed


Ach they’re all saying it, MacNeil, Wishart, Brown, Cherry, Russell and Sturgeon. Who am I to disagree?



300,000 and counting!

Ian Brotherhood

@CamB –

You’re right!

It was in ‘spam’, so who’s giving who lessons now, eh?


auld highlander

This map shows the number of signatures in your area, just hover around over the constituencies with the cursor.
link to

Ian Brotherhood

Just signed –


Dr Jim

One of the first things to happen if this Tory government gets away with this whole sorry deal will be to legislate NOT to have any further referendums because they’re far too divisive (see how that could happen)

Scotland needs to get a grip of this anti politics rhetoric quickly before somehow all this toxicity of politics applies to Scotland just the same as in England because by a long way it does not, England is a country full to the brim with bad politics and bad policy designed to suit two bad parties that are happy to change partners every few years and carry on regardless

In Scotland right now we need more political engagement not less, we don’t want the nation so dumbed down they can’t be bothered taking part that’s the ploy of the right wing old politics *keep em stupid but habitual*

Other countries have referendums all the time and nobody dies of depression for it, Ireland’s had around a dozen of them over the last ten years or so, they’re not all on valium because of it, democracy’s a good thing so more must be better and maybe then we’ll have less people moaning about the *I don’t understand* or the *nobody told me* we can’t allow that to take hold just because certain people use it to excuse themselves from making a decision then moaning about not knowing what they decided upon

It’s a peoples duty to make some sort of an attempt to find out how to work with their own governments to make their own country work for them not stick their fingers in their ears and wait till it’s over then complain

Naebdy telt me it’s no fair

It’s our country and we’ve all got a duty to help

Dr Jim


Meg merrilees

314,284 now



Saturday – Inverness
Sunday = Glasgow


I wonder, if we started a petition to get Larry the Cat take over at Number 10, how many signatures we’d get?


Until the petition exceeds the number of leave votes May will just say it is a moaning minority.

CameronB Brodie

Re. political engagement. Time for a bit of Behavioral Science and stuff?

How to Increase (and Sustain) Political Engagement

….Drawing from this study and a few others from our work, we offer the following four insights, which may be useful for to citizens to employ directly or to organizations looking to increase political participation.

#1: Choose political actions that fit your identity

It’s easier to stay engaged in political actions that closely align with your identity. In the postcard study, we tested the relationship between identity and political engagement by asking volunteers to report how closely political participation fit with their sense of self. We found that people who identified with political participation tended to report greater enjoyment from postcard writing, greater social closeness with other volunteers, greater intention to take future political action, and less burnout.

These findings suggest that it pays to find a political action that closely aligns with how you view yourself. For example, if you are an artist, helping to make signs for an upcoming protest may increase the likelihood that you’ll continue participating in political actions in the future. Or, if you are a technology or design professional, using your skills to develop and improve the digital content of government services may be a particularly sustainable political action for you.

Our findings are consistent with growing evidence that indicates political mobilization is easier to sustain when people are engaged in behaviors that align with the way they view themselves or would like to view themselves. For instance, a recent get-out-the-vote study found that when people received materials that framed voting as a personal identity (“be a voter”), they voted at a higher rate than people who received materials that framed voting as simply a behavior (“voting”).

It’s important to remember that there is an abundance of lesser-known ways to make a difference in the political system and in your community, so get creative and take actions that fit naturally with your skills and values. The more closely the actions are aligned with your identity, the easier it will be to sustain those actions.

link to

What Can Be Done to Encourage Civic Engagement in Youth?
link to

Community-Based Rehabilitation: CBR Guidelines.
Political participation

link to

We Face, I Tweet: How Different Social Media Influence Political Participation through Collective and Internal Efficacy
link to


Yep, I signed.


Worldwide trends from tgwitter:
Worldwide trends

Theresa May
Theresa May says it is now time for MPs to decide the fate of Brexit

Jeremy Corbyn walks out of Brexit meeting, reports say

Revoke Article 50
69.9K Tweets

46K Tweets

Robert J. Sutherland

Tory MP panellist on the Peston show:

“Well, I tell you what, in private conversations with ministers and backbench colleagues, if they’re confronted with no-deal as the alternative, it’s closer than people think.”

That might be thought to imply that May might after all get her evil way. But then he immediately continues:

“And I would implore those colleagues, having seen today the statement and everything else, ask yourself the question ‘do you want a no-deal next week, can you trust the Prime Minuster [isn’t gonna do] a no-deal or should you support a public vote on a Brexit Deal – whichever Brexit Deal?’. And I think that there are enough Conservatives with a conscience this weekend, we may just get there next week.”

Hmmm, difficult to fully comprehend that part, sound inside knowledge or mere wishful thinking? A PV, if that’s really what he has in mind – and that’s entirely unclear – would likely win an extended delay from the EU27, but I still doubt there are the numbers for it in the HoC. Corbyn really doesn’t want it either. It would just further expose Labour’s own internal fissures. And don’t forget, the SNP won’t support a PV that doesn’t have a “Remain” option.

90% of those polled say that is a “national” (ie. UK) humiliation. The BritNat media are making our case for us in the best way possible, really getting through to ordinary people, though not maybe in the way up here that they think. We need to exploit this popular understanding, but far smarter than May tried this evening past, and without delay.

Whoever can capture the current public mood right now will win, and potentially win big.


The Magic Roundabout makes more sense than May, time for bed said Zebedee and I agree.





Does anyone have a contact email for someone involved with AUOB?
I have a very large number of HiVis waistcoats for stewards/security/first aiders/ etc in various sizes.
These were stocked for the 2012 / 2013 marches.
No cost and I’m willing to deliver ( West coast if possible I’m in Argyll near Dunoon)