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Wings Over Scotland

Positive-case-for-the-Union roundup

Posted on January 31, 2012 by

(See here for the whole story.)

We need to hear detailed reasons and hard facts about why Scotland is better off as part of the UK — not slogans and scaremongering.
(The Sun editorial, January 2012)

In a speech in Glasgow later today, Ed Miliband will seek to go beyond the process-driven debate over independence for Scotland, seeking to make a positive case for Scotland to remain within the Union.
(Left Foot Forward, January 2012)

Darling – whose reputation was enhanced after he warned of the looming global economic meltdown in defiance of then PM Gordon Brown – said he was determined to make a positive case for Scotland remaining in the UK.
(Sunday Mail interview with former Chancellor of the Exchequer, January 2012)

Questions abound. How will the campaign be structured? Who will lead it? And can it develop a positive case for the United Kingdom?
(David Torrance, commentator and biographer of Alex Salmond, January 2012)

I have a positive vision for Scotland.
(Johann Lamont, Scottish Labour leader, January 2012)

Everyone wants to see positive arguments for the Union, and we will have these in spades.
(Murdo Fraser, Conservative MSP, January 2012)

I am not going to run a campaign that says Scotland cannot survive on its own. I am going to run a campaign — and others will run a campaign — about the advantages of being together. Let’s have a positive conversation, because I think the Union is a very positive thing.
(David Cameron, UK Prime Minister, January 2012)

There is a positive case for the Union.
(Gerry Hassan, Scottish political commentator, January 2012)

We are likely to see the likes of Labour’s Alistair Darling, the Liberal Democrats’ Charles Kennedy and the Tories’ Annabel Goldie playing leading roles in putting a positive case for the Union.
(Leader in The Scotsman, January 2012)

My ten tartan rules for success: 1. Make the positive case for the Union.
(Peter Duncan, former Conservative MP for Galloway, January 2012)

Do we need to bother indicating to you, beloved and attentive readers, whether any of these fine people and publications went on to actually explain what this ever-elusive “positive case” might be? We suspect, all too sadly, that we do not.

TIME ELAPSED: 31 years, 11 months


5 to “Positive-case-for-the-Union roundup”

  1. ron edinburgh says:

    here is the positive case for the union! say as many times as you can in any speech the word POSITIVE, ah that's it? good luck! 

  2. Jonathan Hallam says:

    Millibad gave something of a positive reason for the Union – saying it would be better for creating fairness. link to
    He's not really backed that up with any reasoning though.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      Mm. Without any reasoning it’s just another assertion – like “stronger together, weaker apart” – rather than an argument. It’s also a staggeringly obviously flawed assertion – how is the cause of fairness aided by shackling yourself to 10 million Tory voters hell-bent on the opposite? Isn’t it better to have at least SOME parts of the UK governed by progressives rather than none? How is it “fair” to condemn Scottish voters to the misery of Tory rule just because English voters voted for it?

  3. Shodan says:

    You are thinking logically, Rev Stu. That is why you're having trouble understanding it. Think more along the lines of a child throwing their toys out of the pram in a tantrum and it makes more sense in that frame of mind. If they can't have it their way, they'd rather no one else had it their way, even if logically should be better than nothing for their (or their party's) point of view. The unionist side is constantly arguing from and acting in a very emotional – near hormonal – manner. When they aren't tugging on heart strings with nostalgic unionist arguments or throwing mud at Alex and comparing him to Hitler/Stalin/Satan they are going to be stamping their feet and insisting that it is better to cut off their nose to spite their face. Even if it benefits them, they'd rather be jobless than let THE ENEMY get credit for this or win a political victory.

  4. Tearlach says:

    No longer a "Positive Case" thats needed, but "We need a poetry of the Union to defeat Salmond’s freedom shtick" according to the Tory Graph.
    link to
    "So taking Alex Salmond’s politics apart should be child’s play for any reasonably articulate Tory, and it is therefore all the more depressing that Unionists seem unable to find a language to diminish him."
    Mmm – lets wait and see what they come up with.


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