The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Plot still thickening

Posted on March 26, 2014 by

Sorry we’ve been a bit post-light today, readers. The phone’s barely stopped ringing, and when it did it was only for long enough to scratch the surface of an avalanche of tweets and emails, all concerning this week’s zany goings-on with the Glasgow Subway. Suffice it to say that you haven’t heard half of what’s transpired yet, but we hope to bring you the full story pretty soon.


For now, for anyone who missed them, STV, BBC and the Guardian.

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Rev – the suspense is killing us 🙂


Srsly, they should just have let the ads run. Far less damaging to them than this.


Unionism reeks !!


How much did it cost to get Sev to agree to publicise the site?


I am so annoyed about it all. I hope you can get some adverts up in the end as it’s really not on that one side is silenced and has no mainstream outlet.


What a fine implementation of the Streisand Effect!

Excellent value for none of our money too.


“Differing tales now being told by and to different people about who pulled our Subway ad. SPT or Primesight? Depends who you listen to”

So they’re going back up – all a big mistake Yes ?


I just love that the ad is been shown to a wider audience via the media websites than could ever be reached by the subway ads. Delicious irony. Nice one SPT.


The No campaign must really, really be seriously worried about how the referendum campaign is going to be pulling stunts like this, as there is still around 6 months to go.


Severin Carrell publicising Wings. What’s the catch?

Dan Huil

Clockwork Lemons


Will it be The Guardian, or Sev himself that pays the damages?


Hey Rev, can you confirm your statement on twitter that the number of “papers owned in Scotland” has risen by a whopping, nay astounding, 20% to SIX, with the inclusion of the Greenock Telegraph?

Also, please give us, or link to, the complete list of Scottish-owned papers, which I gather are mostly in the Sunday Post stable. It would be useful to have all relevant info here, in the one place.

This looks like the list of 37 “proud Scotch” newspapers:

link to

Flower of Scotland

All that advertising for free He,He,He!


We have people in the newspaper industry saying the ad was damaging to them but surely they are damaging themselves with their biased coverage of the referendum debate.


Lallands Peat Worrier on Aberdeen City Council sending out NO literature with Council Tax demands and the 1986 Local Government Act.
link to

Bill Walters

I really don’t see the issue. It’s an advert with a political slant. You’re not allowed to have adverts with political connotations. It was removed… big deal.

Yet another non-issue turned into a grand conspiracy. Redraft the adverts, put them up again, problem solved.

George Elliott

Have just had another reply from SPT saying your ad was of a political nature thus slipped through put up and taken down, but now rectified! No response to the other documents handed out-shameful.


The DC Thomson stable The Courier and the Evening Post are Scottish owned. If you are not from Tayside or Fife you may know DC Thomson as publishers of The Beano and the Dandy. One of our J’s here in Dundee, Jute, has gone but we still have Jam and Journalism.


Two articles on Newsnet now, this is the latest:
link to


How does Severin Carrell come to the conclusion that a factual and honest advert is an attack on the Scottish media?

Also; Some-one needs to tell Carrell there’s difference between breaching political neutrality rules and rules forbidding ads of a political nature.


I made comment, when you first announced that the ads were being removed by SPT, to the effect that I didn’t think t was a good idea to try and advertise on a Labour run company. As I thought its most likely they would remove the ads, which they did.

I now take of my hat and humbly eat it along with any humble pie going. I stand in the shadow of greatness.

Why? Quite simple, its been the best 24 hours (or so) of money cannot buy publicity, which has included whole articles in both STV and BBC (BBC I cannot even get my mouth to close on that one).

If this was intended, then genius, is not adequate, well done Stuart! 🙂


@Thepnr – because he is trying to discredit the Rev by claiming that he told them,(Primesight), WoS was a charity.

And notice in his article Severin put ‘he (the Rev) said he had emailed them to say he was not a charity’ as if inferring that he had not emailed them.

The Rev has published the email on twitter which shows that he did tell Primesight he was not a charity.

Severin is a BritNat who has written several articles on the Guardian which are strictly BT.


In the Newsnet article I cited above Primesite are claiming they took the decision entirely on their own but declined to release the relevant email evidence.

It’s getting murkier.


Severin Carrell publicising Wings. What’s the catch?

The catch is in the little innuendo at the very end:

“Campbell has told his followers he has raised more than £100,000 from crowd-sourcing websites”

Spot the difference between that and ‘Campbell has raised more than £100,000…..’

Also “He confirmed he used that cash to pay the fee for the subway ads.”

Spot the difference between that and “He confirmed he used a small proportion of that cash to pay….”

Why not fling a bit of mud when you have the chance, eh?


Do Aberdeen City Council take advertising anywhere? Next target Rev?


I think the most depressing aspect of this after following comments via the Rev’s twitter account has been the reaction of Kenny F. from The Scotsman stable.

Desperately trying to argue that both rag’s (Scotsman and SOS ) are Scottish, even though the majority shareholders of Johnston Press are mostly all either UK, Jersey or Asian companies – he eventually resorted to saying that they were Scottish due to the ‘thistle emblem’ and they were started in Falkirk.

This from the man who decided it’s fine to take our national flag, turn it into a swastika and stick it on the front page of the rag he is deputy editor of.

Murray McCallum

Seems to be a classic blame game between a public body and the private company they outsourced activity to.

Odd procedures from the advertising company who accepted the booking.

Mad Jock McMad

Rev Stu – I have posted a piece in support of Wings over Scotland on my blog the Tarff Advertiser which means another 2,000 odd folk across the globe will hear of SPT’s daft censorship attempt.

Strathclyde Political Transport – a wing and a prayer …


Ya dancer!

C’mon Stu, tell us the truth, it was all your wicked plan, wasn’t it?

A day’s advertising for Wings on the subway then global advertising for days and all FOR FREE!

Man, you can come an manage my finances anytime 😉

How many more times can the unionist corpse shoot itself in the foot and still stay upright? Can’t be long now..

We’ll have to look out for the cornered…err…animal, it may bite.

Peter Macbeastie

Bill Walters; you don’t see the issue with censorship? At no point does the advert that ran say anything exceptional. It merely suggested that other sources of information were available other than the near uniformly unionist press. Not, in my view, a big political statement. If they had not agreed to put it up in the first place they might have a case for not allowing it under their rules but it was agreed and at that point it was not a very clever idea to remove it.

Besides, the point is that had SPT simply left it up there the level of publicity would have been largely restricted to passengers on the subway and some action on social media. As it stands the kneejerk reaction of SPT has blown this story right through the stratosphere. It has been picked up by national broadcasters.

Or to put it another way; we did not turn it into a massive conspiracy. We just watched the explosion into the mainstream media where generally speaking there isn’t a hell of a lot of exposure for independence supporters.

Arbroath 1320

Call me thick if you like.

you’re thick 🙂

I don’t see anything political about the ad at all. From my unedumacated point of view the ad does nothing more than point out some pertinent FACTS!

Damn it I’ve just realised why they pulled the ads, the ads implied to readers that there was a possibility that they might find the TRUTH about Scottish independence over here on Wings. 😛


As well as attacking WoS, they’re also stating publicly that every single newspaper is NOT anti Scottish independence. What a bunch.

Arbroath 1320

Oops sorry Stu, I forgot to unbold the “you’re thick” part of my last post.

Consider my wrist well and truly slapped! 🙁


Love it, Wings going mainstream!

Hope the Rev’s “SepaRats” are getting their hair brushed for the photoshoots that are bound to follow. 🙂

Thanks to Muscleguy for the info above at 7:26. I grew up reading the Sunday Post, but I’m not sure I would now trust it’s judgement on political matters. (Though to be fair I think it recently covered the potential for oil fields off the west coast.)


Bill Walters it’s just an advert for a website. Have you ever heard of any other ad been pulled because of its content. Charity advertising could be considered a ‘political’ ad. Everything advertised by local authorites and central gov as well. There’s a principle involved in that it wasn’t an ad within the scope of the Local Govt Act that SPT were using to withdraw the ad. The information was factual there was no opinion offered or encouraged. Just an ad pointing out information already in the public domain and where to get other information already in the public domain. SPT politically motivated that’s the rub of it.

Neil Mackenzie

Brilliantly efficient marketing, Stu. All this publicity AND you get the money back.

Arbroath 1320

Stu has been teasing us on Twitter about his next advertising campaign. If what is happening just now is a result of his first ad campaign so gawd only knows what the next ad campaign will look like or even achieve. 😛


Well, I think it must be official by now – the Rev is a fricking GENIUS.

For a small outlay of his time and the temporary placement of a few quid, he’s managed to put Wings on STV, the BBC, in the Guardian, God alone knows how many linking media sites – and given one in the eye for a corrupt Labour council. Oh, and started a national debate about the partiality of the media.

No bad for a day’s work, eh?

Be very interested to see how many new Wingers we have by the end of the week 🙂


Severin Carrell has clearly decided that it is he and he alone who will be the great defender of the poor wee “Scottish” press. What’s “honest” Severin defending again? One line on a tiny Tube ad says “None of the 37 newspapers in Scotland supports independence” The absolute cheek and outrage of it all. Its lucky for YES that journalists like Carrell are such pompous gits.

Wullie B

How many more people have heard about WoS since this ad was pulled then given free advertising from the BBC (AFTER) STV ran with the story and now the Guardian, this couldnt have been achieved with 47 adverts in carriages in Glasgow , all we need now is for Stagecoach to put it on the sides of their buses


We need a ‘gate’.

WoSgate, SPTgate or Adgate?


Honest Severin writes this evening “As its fans accused SPT of political censorship, Kenny Farquharson, deputy editor of the Scotsman and Scotland on Sunday, challenged Campbell to justify the figures and definitions he used in the advert on Twitter.” Where to start? How about the hootsman on sunday last year that turned the Scotland flag into a swastika and all to kick off a thing about how the SNP are Nazi’s.

link to

Inbhir Anainn

The Rev. Stu like Salmond before him with the one or two questions on the referendum ballot papers have both played blinders.

Arbroath 1320

Is it just me or does the end paragraph from the writer of the Guardian’s article, Seve shoot myself in the foot, appear to be a wee bit green eyed monsterish. Is Mr Seve whatsisname totally unable to accept the simplest of simple facts, the money raised by Stu via crowdfunding was given freely and without any cohersion?

Campbell has told his followers he has raised more than £100,000 from crowd-sourcing websites for the blog, to fund a salary, pay the site’s running costs and pay for opinion polling. He confirmed he used that cash to pay the fee for the subway ads.


Thanks liz and kininvie for the responses.

I did read the article before I posted and saw the innuendo. However, I doubt very much he has written this article of his own accord. Somebody has twisted his arm?

Rev your profile amongst supporters of Independence was high already, it will be higher now I would hope. It will also be much higher with media types, I sure you can expect a slur or two to be thrown your way pretty soon.

Since your thick skinned I see that as a good thing 🙂 More publicity for Wings.

I’ve never used that famous Gandhi quote that sits proudly underneath the Wings logo further up the page but I will now.

“…then they come to fight you” may just be about to kick off.


You know, I feel another massive spike in the readership figures is coming up….


Reminds me I need to put some barley in the cock-a-leekie. Keep posting, I’ll be back in a mo.


cost nothing yet made the news

sure there was an old ad on tv

cost 2·30 the look on her face Priceless

smiles utterly utterly priceless what you have done rev

would you consider coming back to Scotland ?


Hello everybody. I’ve spent the last 48 hours outside doing healthy, outdoorsy things.

Has anything significant happened during my absence?



Re Sunday Post, it also featured the Lady Alba spoof No video on Yew Choob this week.


Two things that come to mind,
The site hit figures for the next week..
Wonder if GCHQ and “5” will be having a meeting soon 😮


We’re all anxious waiting to find out what else has happened!


To his credit, he’s at least written something for publication (albeit hidden away in the Media section), and it is fairly factual, but there’s a petulant sort of tone and he seemed very keen to find out some sort of blame or smear to attach to Wings – based on reading twitter today.
No need for it.


“Seve shoot myself in the foot,” is one way of looking at it. The other way is the fact that Carrell has been making very serious accusations of fraud against the Rev online the whole day and then the Guardian published his accusations. What kind of newspaper works up the vote NO attack story of the day on twitter, then publishes? The Guardian and its now entered the same Leveson world the likes of News International built.

Look Skye Walker

With all this free publicity on BBC, STV and the Guardian and also a pro-indy piece in the Scotsman:

link to

It’s a good day to be a YESER!

Arbroath 1320

Thing is heedtracker when Severin and the rest of his ilk have nothing to say they always fall back on attacking Stu. I put it down to the green eyed monster effect. Severin and the rest are totally incapable of understanding how Stu works and how we, the wingers, operate. As far as Severin and co are concerned they can only talk Scotland down so when a site like this comes along with someone at its head like Stu they are just blown away and are left in a state of headless chickenness. 🙂


Hey! Just realised, maybe this was the attempted slur all along?

Primesight knowing full well who the advert is from take it along to SPT who consult their political masters, they say:

Let’s advertise it, make sure though you get him to say he’s a charity, it will only be up for a day. Then we’ll nail him!

Or maybe I’m paranoid?


Thank fuck you had the emails.

joe kane

I had to laugh at Severin Carrell’s near hysterical denunciation of a tiny wee grassroots blogging journalist, accusing the Rev. Stuart of carrying out a political attack on the vast multi-billion pound news media industry.

This is the kind of public hyperbolic bombast that would embarrass even the most brainwashed Stalinist party hack and put them off denouncing some obscure citizen for making a joke about the Great Leader’s moustache.

When they do this sort of thing in North Korea everybody here laughs. When they do it here in the UK they get a job at the Guardian.

Findlay Farquaharson

did you know it would work out like this rev, honestly? its salmondesque.

Giving Goose

Every newspaper is political, so if you see an advert for any rag on the Tube, then they can be accused of hypocrisy.
Do you think there could be a connection between SPT, the GMB and this attitude? Jim Coleman, the boss, is a GMB member and they have impeccable democratic credentials (I’m being smug).


@Arbroath 1320, its smear. Carrell thought he’d discovered fraud but instead of checking it out properly, he announced his sleuthing online throughout the day, then the Guardian published them. Carrell and the Guardian think this acceptable journalism? slander, report then withdraw, all in same day and same report? Ethic free, slander, the Guardian newspaper. Watch vote No britnats online use all of this now.

Tîm Criced i Gymru

So, the Guardian haven’t the decency to give you, Stu, a title … Mr., Rev….? Beneath their dignity , eh? Disgraceful and disrespectful. We at least have to keep our dignity in our deliberations and let the ‘other, dark side’ do their dirtiest. Don’t let’s grovel on the same grubby level as them.Truth will win out in the end. As we say in Cymraeg (Welsh) – ‘Dal i fynd, dal i gredu!’Keep going, keep believing!’


Yep, failed attempt at discrediting the Rev.

Both STV and BBC report it, all the while knowing Carrell will be along later to EXPOSE the Rev who fraudulently claimed to be a “charity” in order to get the advert accepted.

All makes sense now, a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots. There was a catch!



I was stuck behind a dirty van in traffic today, on which someone had written the message “Vote No, save the union”, to which some pesky kid had changed it to “Vote No, save the onion”. 😆

link to


BT progress report –We’re on course, but the harbour keeps moving!

gerry parker

Heedtracker. Aye, he shot himself in the foot alright. Unfortunately it was in his mouth at the time.


Thepnr – I hope that’s a paranoid delusion.. Bloody nasty trap to fall into if not. The Rev really needs to be looking over his shoulder if this sort of game is afoot.

Arbroath 1320

I agree heedtracker.

Why on earth would a newspaper want to print anything that tells its readers the TRUTH when they can sit at home in their bedrooms and make up all sorts of garbage, then withdraw the appropriate LIES job done, smear complete. Only in this case it has sort of backfired big time on them in my view.

I really do wonder how these so called alleged journalists can sleep at night knowing that their daily *ahem* work has been for the sole intent of destroying a perfecting legal business. Let’s not forget Wings is a business. This time however, I believe that Severin and co have been snorting a wee bit too much on the opinion polls this time round however.

This time they are totally ignoring the internet and the effect this is having on the debate. Severin and co are so desperate to have a NO victory they will do and say anything to achieve this. Boy are they going to be sadly, very sadly disappointed on 19th Sept.

Peter Oblach

What a great opportunity to take advantage of this own goal of theirs. You should have someone outside every Glasgow Underground station with a blow up of the advert to make even more people aware.

Robert Louis

O/T (but important)

Meanwhile, the Labour party today voted WITH the Tory party in London to cap welfare payments. The Labour party!!!!! FFS.

Scottish Labour MP’s who today voted in favour of the Tory benefit cap by George Osborne were:

Margaret Curran – Glasgow East

Tom Greatrex – Rutherglen and Hamilton West

Ian Murray – Edinburgh South

Willie Bain – Glasgow North East

Gordon Banks – Ochil and South Perthshire

Tom Clarke – Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill

Dame Anne Begg – Aberdeen South

Alistair Darling – Edinburgh South West

Ian Davidson – Glasgow South West

Thomas Docherty – Dunfermline and west Fife

Frank Doran – Aberdeen North

Gemma Doyle – West Dunbartonshire

Sheila Gilmore – Edinburgh East

David Hamilton – Midlothian

Tom Harris – Glasgow South

Jimmy Hood – Lanark and Hamilton East

Cathy Jamieson – Kilmarnock and Loudon

Mark Lazarowicz – Edinburgh North and Leith

Gregg McClymont – Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East

Anne McGuire – Stirling

Anne McKechin – Glasgow North

Iain McKenzie – Greeenock and Inverclyde

Grahame Morris – Livingston

Jim Murphy – East Renfrewshire

Pamela Nash – Airdrie and Shotts

Sandra Osborne – Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock

John Robertson – Glasgow North West

Frank Roy – Motherwell and Wishaw

Lindsay Roy – Glenrothes

Anas Sarwar – Glasgow Central

A thoroughly reprehensible bunch of greasy pole climbing London Westminster troughers.

I do hope the people of Scotland are watching, as these champagne socialists turn their backs on Labour principles, and vote to help the Tories. Un-freaking-believable.



I may get carried away a bit but I would put nothing beyond those that rule this country. If your involved in this game as a player you cannot drop your guard for a moment.

I’m sure Alex Salmond would back me up on that, I’m just a poster but wouldn’t drop my guard or I might end up on the front page of the Daily Heil.


Apologies if anyone has already mentioned it (haven’t had time to read all the threads), but GCC has an arrangement with the Metro to have a whole bunch of copies delivered daily to their George Square & High St buildings (possibly other locations also). I understand there was quite a bit of discussion of the Ordinary Man ad over coffees and at the water coolers today.

Perhaps GCC would like to issue precise guidelines on when the ‘political’ is appropriate and inappropriate.


Robert Louis where was Gordon Brown?


Severin taking a bit of ribbing over at the Guardian. Have a wee gander, some excellent comments and a wee bit of piss taking.

link to


Note to self – must make sure I don’t miss Headlines this Sunday; wonder who’ll be on with Ken, perhaps Seve boy


O/T…slightly… This debacle over advertising inspired me or rather emboldened me today. I’d copied Colin Meek’s article, removed pictures etc and produced an A4 sized double sided sheet that I’d photocopied then laminated. I’ve been covertly leaving copies all over parks. Today, after subwaygate, I decided to see if the newsagent on Byres Road would let me advertise the article. Of course they have!–the-backlash-against-the-mainstream-in-scotland-/s6/a555870/

The guy even selloptaped the two parts together so the whole article can be read. Also when sorting out the price, he said £32 for the month, I countered £25 and I that I would want it there for the next 6 months. He accepted.

Given the locality, and the fact that the newsagent is one of the most popular advertising windows in the west end of Glasgow, especially for flat hunters etc, It felt great to do something that promotes Wings and other sites that provide the alternative and truthful case for Independence. And all for under a £1 a day for the next 6 months!

(Thanks rev…doffin’ cap…tae the master)hehe.

Salt Ire

Love the use of “followers” and “Campbell has told his followers he has raised more than £100,000” towards the end.

I think he’s calling you a cult Rev.

Arbroath 1320

I’m currently watching programme on BBC ALBA about Scottish independence, this particular programme is dealing with defence. As is usual from BBC ALBA the programme is quite good and fair handed, I think. The only down side is having to listen to the earse that is the Defence Secretary of State, a certain Mr Hammond!


@Robert Louis

Well done – that list on how they voted needs to be forwarded on and on!



Good for you.


To whom it may concern (anyone out there running a business or an organisation)

Online Risk Management Lessons 1 to 5:

1) If you don’t have someone who understands Twitter, hire someone who does, pronto.

2) Never quote ‘terms and conditions’ without a human explanation of why they apply. In fact, always have someone identifiably human manning your Twitter feed. Attacking a person online is always more uncomfortable than attacking a faceless organisation manned by robots

3) Read, learn and inwardly digest the damage a Twitterstorm inflicted on Argyll & Bute Council

link to

4) Always have an apologetic tweet ready to hand. Such as:
“@wingsscotland Sorry for pulling yr ads. Reviewing reasons for decision. Watch this space.”
(cynics among you will recognise this lets you off the hook for several days, if not for ever)

5) Don’t try to pass the buck (eg to your ad agency). Ask yourself – how does this make me look?

I’m afraid SPT are only the latest in a long line of organisations who have totally failed to understand the nature of Twitter

-And finally – if your reputation has been trashed by a Twitterstorm, don’t go hunting for the unfortunate person who messed up over, eg what is and what isn’t a charity. The fault is yours, not theirs.


Just as a matter of interest, are there any passengers out there who ‘actually’ saw the Wings boards on any actual trains?

I’ve asked around but so far nobody can confirm.

Is it possible they could have staged those pics on an empty carriage just to fabricate the resulting attempted smear?

What’s the source of the original pics?


I’ve been busy all day and just caught up with all this.


Stuart, for the normal person out there who isn’t deep into politics, but is interested in the debate, and has heard that there appears to be some bias to the ‘Yes’ campaign …well …here’s the proof if they ever needed it!
And as to the BBC …once again, selected pieces of information. They mention Wings got political coverage that they shouldn’t. Well! What about that crap that has been posted by SPT today, which was anti-independence, but not mentioned by the BBC as highlighted by yourself earlier.

Seriously, that’s twice now that a Labour council has crossed the line here and abused their power and position.
I really hope that this comes back to bite Labour hugely.

A couple of good things have come out of this Rev.

1. You’ve seriously highlighted the bias within the media and certain organisations run by Labour
2. As everyone says …you got one helluva free advertising out of it.

I’m away now to post like crazy on Facebook with several links. Will be mentioning this to everyone tomorrow. I’ll be letting everyone know of the dirty tricks and sheer nastiness at what Scottish Labour are doing in this debate.


*reads guardian*
*reads twitter*
*reads newsnet*

This is some watergate grade shit unfolding right here!

*gets popcorn*


@robert louis

Named and shamed. This list needs to be distributed with every bit of YES literature.

Disgusted to see Tom Harris on there, reason being that some years ago he was a great help to me during a dispute I had regarding a serious problem I had with a Benefit Claim resulting in no payment for months. He managed to get it sorted and kept me updated. Struck me as caring about his constituents. Funny how wrong you can be about someone.





Aye, Anne Begg as well. Shameful…



I defy anybody to keep their temper watching Nicola and Naughtie in this video.

An utterly odious little man.

link to






Sorry Rev. the headline about plots n stuff that dun it.

gerry parker

So the MP for Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill voted with the tories?
Glad I didn’t vote for him.
Will NEVER vote labour again.


@Robert Louis

That shameful list I hope is the end of those that have the cheek to call themselves the Scottish Labour Party.

You can fall no lower than voting for a cap on welfare that is proposed by a despicable Tory Chancellor like Osborne. Labour have broken through the bottom of the barrel and are still scrabbling through on their way to hell.


Weel, on Monday it was great to watch George Galloway on BBC 2’s referendum debate make a complete erse of himself. I loved it when Jim Sillers called him an english MP and Galloway lost it, and if people are daft enough to pay to hear him spout the same shite as he did on Monday well more fool them.

And then on Tuesday we start to hear about an advert on the Glasgow subway, now while Glasgow is our largest city we really would not have heard much if anything about this in the rest of the country normally.

BUT and its a big BUT some unionist “insert word” decided they would not allow even the smallest piece of opposition to their better together (NO)campaign, and decided to get rid. And with their usual headfirst style complained and had it removed, and BANG their normal backfire occurred and the advert is now country wide and being seen and discussed by thousands.

Labour, for I have no doubt it was them who had the ad removed, seem to forget that in this day of the internet the truth will always come out no matter how hard you try to suppress it.

Its only Wednesday folks, still a lot of the week to go.
Good job Stu.


I see that the results of The Herald’s recent Indy Poll are now in…

12,000 took part

YES …79%
NO …21%

Looking Good!!!!! Not bad indeed!!


I wonder if anyone is thinking, “if only we had just left those posters, only a few people might have checked out the web site”.

The Twitter Fest (the more I read on there the less I like it), STV, BBC and now the Guardian has blown a few posters in a tube line to a national event.

It reads like a Tom Sharpe novel.



I defy anybody to keep their temper watching Nicola and Naughtie in this video.

An utterly odious little man.

I was there and it was a great night. Naughtie kept interrupting Nicola but she just gave each one a swerve and answered in her own way. I could hear sighs and grumbles at his tactics – simply because we were there to listen to Nicola and not Naughtie.

He was trying to be clever but all it did was give her the opportunity to rebut all the daft scare stories that have been going around. And she did a lot of it with humour, making him look a bit daft.

She was fantastic and I have to say the atmosphere in the room was buzzing.



No cock’a’leekie soup for me after the barley, I’m sadly gluten intolerant. But don’t feel bad. Made myself some mini GF quiches from scratch for tea and lunch tomorrow. Chorizo, yellow pepper and blue cheese. 10% buckwheat flour in the pastry for a nice earthy nuttiness.



Watched the Euro debate on Sky News with Farage and Clogg.

It came across as a very “English” thing.

Even little Englander Nick Ferrari, when he chipped the coin to see who spoke first, said, “we’ll use a good old English pound coin”.

They talk about the whole of the UK being involved in this debate. Yet they seemed to be only concerned about how Europe affected England.

We know that what Scotland thinks about the UK in Europe is irrelevant to the majority of English MPs.

The best way for Scotland to have a true voice in Europe is to vote YES on 18th Sept.


Tom Sharpe!

Reading Porterhouse Blue for the second time right now, first time was 30 year ago. I like coincidence like that.

joe kane

Can I just say that English MP George Galloway is bullshit on stilts.

bookie from hell


someone in the Scotsman called DR. CUDDLES defaming you 7:16 PM post

link to


Ok, I’ve been laid low by a nasty (non-Separatist) virus and I come back online to this.

A day of advertising on the Clockwork Orange, coverage for Wings on the BBC, STV and in the Guardian, and not a single penny spent. A stroke of genius, Rev, whether intentional or not!


“JLT”, are you taking the pish.

Jamie Arriere

After SSE pre-empt their energy price freeze, then they vote with the Tories on the capping of welfare, Labour’s good day continues – they’ve started gagging their own.

link to

Poor Ann Clwyd, whose husband spent 27 hours on a trolley before dying two years ago, barred from speaking to the Welsh Assembly!

Barbara Gribbon

From the “Grun” “Severin” “attacking” “article” :How many more people have heard about WoS since this ad was pulled then given free advertising from the BBC (AFTER) STV ran with the story and now the Guardian, this couldnt have been achieved with 47 adverts in carriages in Glasgow , all we need now is for Stagecoach to put it on the sides of their buses”



@orkers – I’ll never get this vomit cleaned oot my keyboard! That union erse licker Naughtie makes me physically sick.. 🙁



I particularly liked The Throwback which for some reason the Twitter rampage put me in mind of.

It is incredible how this has grown arms and legs. Crazy stuff and primarily helped along by journalists and Better Together types.


Get the poster as your Facebook cover: here . Works really well, see mine .


Rev, Glasgow City Council will think the whole world is against them.

With the Wings Subway Invasion and all that.

Well now we have another major corporation coming over to YES in Glasgow.

It’s Poundland.

They have added the “YES” logo to their shop signs in Glasgow and probably around the country.

The NO Campaign just don’t know which way to turn.

link to


The cbi guy doesn’t like being questioned about who he speaks for.Scotland Tonight now.


John Crudlan mouthpiece for the London establishment. Pay the man he did the Engerlish propaganda thing to the script pay the man! We will get somebody else to tell the truth and give us the facts. Thanks Crud.. Don’t call us.


Well, I’ve learned one thing today – The Streisand Effect.
(see link to

I think SPT have managed to out-Streisand Streisand! Maybe it should be re-named, the SPT Effect

Les Wilson

Stu can’t help thinking you/ we, have come a long way since the misty old days, which while feeling it was ages ago, it was actually not really so long ago.

I feel things are moving to a different level now, you have worked exceptionally hard and you are bringing in the goods. Well done and more of it, things look to be going well. It is making a big difference. Kudos.


O/T, but that list above from RL should make left wingers everywhere in the UK weep with anger but also with frustration, because for rUK Labour voters, who do they turn to?

First the ‘pairing’ scam over the bedroom tax vote, now this. Pretty clear that Ed’s going for the vote in the home counties and hell mend the rest of you.

About time for a new left wing party for England & Wales methinks.

Proud Cybernat

SPT – Stop People Thinking.


Well how do you follow a post like that?

Isn’t the internet a beautiful thing 🙂


I laughed out loud when I heard the PM for Portsmouth on the radio tonight. “The CBI do not have an axe to grind”. FFS! The CBI have a whole cupboard full of axes to grind from minimum wage, to working time directive to the 1997 Devolution vote the CBI opposed the lot. I wouldn’t trust a word the CBI says. They are simply one facet of the Tory Party.


For those who don’t want to know the results of today’s match, look away now…

Rev: 1 Sev: Nil 🙂

@Robert Louis
Why am I not surprised to see Sarwar on that list?

Lucky we here in North Ayrshire have one of the few honest Labour MPs left in the world…


We should be aware that we have rattled cages. The dark side already hate this place and will twist and smear anything and everything we say and do. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It keeps them occupied and we are but a small cog in the bigger Yes machine. If they are chasing us they are not bothering others. It has been an entertaining day.



Yes I wasn’t surprised to see that Katy had broken ranks again. She is one of the few Old Labour MPs left in Scotland.

Linda's back

STV news report on benefit cap vote merely stated that some Labour MPs voted against the Tories.

As 30 Scottish Labour MPs voted with Tories and one or two abstained will the med ia remind us that only a handful of Labour MPs backed Lamont’s call to distribute wealth from rich to poor.


OT,watched Scotland Tonight.I want to see more of that lass on this programme.She’s hosted a couple of times before and is definitely the type of interviewer they need to raise their profile.
Pity she didn’t host Lamonts rednecked screaming match.

Proud Cybernat


bookie from hell

Linda’s back

I take it you watched the central belt broadcast?

The teuchter one gave the accurate tally.

Lesley Backyus

Will just have to leave lots of Yes newspapers on the subway the next time I am in Glasgow next weds let’s have a Yes onslaught.

sausage fingered luddite

dont you know that britain = england?


OT again.
Newsnight Scotland deliberately avoiding the important issues and running with golf stories because London want them to put a unionit spin on the CBI Horlicks?

Andrew Morton

I’ve been out playing golf, having a meal and going to the pictures (Labor Day since you ask, no it really is spelt that way, yes it was quite good). Things seem to have gone a bit loopy in my absence. Must hurry over to Twitter for an update.

Rev. You’re the Dark Lord!


Wow! The story is now on the Beeb’s interactive news on the telly. You’ll be getting invites from Newsnicht next Stu.

Please tell me you meant for all this to happen.


The Whole of Scottish Labour seem oblivious to what is happening in Scotland.

They just don’t care anymore what the core Scottish Labour voter thinks.

They are caught in a South East of England trance.

They must be losing hundreds of voters every week.

As shown in the latest ICM poll, which showed 34% (and rising) of Scottish Labour voter supported Independence.


@ HandandShrimp

Amazingly enough, I’ve just started re-reading The Throwback. Last time being over 30 years ago. Still hilarious, and I get the similarity. Exponential chaos.



They must be really slow when the Daily Record political correspondent said tonight they’re toast.



Are you winding me up, see earlier post lol.


No not hundreds every week, thousands would be my guess. When I stick that list under Labour supporters noses that I know, it will be many thousands per week. Halfwits.

Arbroath 1320


I’m thinking tonight’s televisual viewing has not gone too well with Better Together, particularly when you consider the latest Herald Twitterendum. 🙂

link to


Thanks Marcia 🙂



I think we need to keep an eye on Scottish Labour. Because they are acting really weird these days.

They same to have taken on this hypnotic state.

A bit like that Jonestown Cult who committed mass suicide.


Arbroath 1320

That’s getting a bit closer to the real figure.

Cheers for that.



Wow! See what you mean. My wife tells me I’m telepathetic.

Arbroath 1320

Glad to be of service goldenayr. 😛



And that would be bad how?

Only joking,on the upside it means they can get first hand experience of ATOS when their condition makes them uncapable of work.


Anyhoos,bedtime oichde mhath folks.

And for any chookies monitoring,watch oot for the fox.


And don’t forget to spend a pound in your nearest friendly “YES” Poundland store tomorrow.

Onwards and upwards.

Vote YES.


Yes Poundland.

link to


Please tell me you meant for all this to happen.

I’m pretty sure this was one of the entries in Stu’s list if possible outcomes from placing these ads. Probably the one labelled “wildest dreams”.

This is why we pay him the big bucks after all.


Well Morag, the Living Wage is not exactly big bucks but that’s what he wants. A two week holiday before the referendum would be my vote.


Could we not do a kind of reverse from the BT watch day when we worked out that maybe, at a push 30,000 leaflets were delivered rather than 500k.

Why don’t we do ‘Wings on the Subway’ and give out thousands of Aye Right flyers,and canvass folk, on all public transport at stations across Scotland on a set weekday (Friday must be best option).

One day’s coordinated action doing this could be a big hit for us and make a statement as to our determination to win in September.


Well Morag, the Living Wage is not exactly big bucks but that’s what he wants. A two week holiday before the referendum would be my vote.

I know, I’ve urged him to give himself a rise but he says he’s low-maintenance and doesn’t have time to spend it anyway.

I vote the two-week holiday be after the 19th. Can we run to Gleneagles, do you think?


More seriously, what I meant was that this is why we trust him with our money, the money we want to see well used to work towards a Yes vote. In terms of bang for buck, this week’s activities should make the Guinness Book of Records.

I mean, can you see any of the other wannabee players in this game pulling a stunt like that? Not on a bet. I don’t know what he has in mind for the next move, but I’ve got to the stage where I just sit back and wait to be amazed. A pound sent to Wings simply goes far further than a pound sent elsewhere (and that’s not to be ungrateful for the Yes Borders fundraiser at all, we’re very grateful).


Hi folks. Sorry tonight’s picks aren’t for you they are for Better Together. Hi guys. Hope you like these as they are from one of your former colonies you had a bit of separatist trouble with, back in the day. Their not in any particular order, so feel free.

Hop you enjoy boogieing on down.

The Techniques – Queen Majesty
link to

Justin Hinds And The Dominoes – Carry Go Bring
link to

Roland Alphonso With Baba Brooks Band – Nuclear Weapon
link to


They’re, there that’s that sorted. 🙂


Hope 🙂


You know how things are often a matter of presentation. It is great that WOS is reported by the BBC and STV websites. However, the BBC’s report omits mention of outside influence and so is partial news, or MISINFORMATION. The STV graphic is oddly skewed to diminish the significance of the word “Scotland”, IMO.

Hope I’m not just being paranoid.


Or should that be “hope I am paranoid”, given Scotland’s unique dimensional properties. 🙂


We Are Not A United Kingdom
link to


Professor Tom Devine ‘Get Angry. The BBC is a Disgrace and a National Humiliation’


For the sake of accuracy, I am talking about the second graphic in the STV website article. The one that is meant to give you a close up of the information contained in the add.

Skewing the image doesn’t help to clarify the information contained and undermines the significance and impact of the WOS logo. If they want to skew our picture of the world, then one might ask what there purpose was.

Remember, it is not wise to announce to someone you are about to stab them in the back.


Oh I hate the English grammar system.


I’ll sign off with these ones to get you going, and ’cause they are kind of fun.

Ska Cubano – no me desesperes ( Don’t Drive Me,/B> Crazy)
link to

Skamikaze – Zero-Fighters
link to

Bombscare – 2 Bad Mice


Davy says:

“JLT”, are you taking the pish.

No, not quite, but if the poll is held to be true (and yes, I took the test), what it means is that maybe 4,000 or 5,000 folk from the 12,000 may have been undecided’s. What it confirms for them (as it may do for another million people) that their political leanings are like those of ourselves or pretty close to it. Somehow, they just need it confirmed.
I’ll bet that quite a few folk were made to think twice when they did that poll, even if it leaves them uneasy with ‘I do agree with what I entered, but I still believe in the Union. It will make them question the Labour Party, or any of the Unionist Parties now).
I’m not saying we are going to get 71% on the day, but I’m edging towards it being between 55% – 65% (only as long as the Unionist Parties don’t throw the biggest lie on the table prior to the vote ie we will give you all this but ha-ha-ha we intend to renege like hell on it afterwards).

Dave Beveridge

Great “ad” on the BBC site this morning. 🙂 No doubt cheaper and more far-reaching than the subway ones.

Craig P

When Tom Devine starts dressing like ‘the big man’ from chewing the fat then you know times are not normal!

Dal Riata

Great to see Sleverin get his arse handed to him on a plate BTL over on the (Vote No) Guardian. Too good for him – a Britnat propaganda operative taking the British Establishment’s coin via the “left-leaning” (ROFLMAO!) Guardian to malevolently attempt to corrupt the outcome of September’s referendum.

Oh, and a huge well done to you, Stu, for inadvertantly stirring up the Bitter Project Fear hornet’s nest… And gaining excellent publicity for the website and the cause of Scottish independence itself…

And all it took was to place adds on a few underground train carriages in Glasgow… Who knew!

Oh, and a huge big well done, also, to the one(s) (Yoohoo! Mr. McDougal) who complained about the adds… Thank you, thank you! The publicity you’ve engendered is priceless for ‘Yes’ to Scottish independence. Thanks to you, Scotland’s independence becomes more of an inevitability as the days pass to the referendum – and only another 174 of these to go!


No need for a reply but I hope you’ve noticed I do really like garage. There is an absolute cornucopia of mash-ups out there, of b/w horror movies and mental sax. 🙂


Last post meant for Craig P.

john king

Rev Stu says
“all concerning this week’s zany goings-on with the Glasgow Subway.”

Sounds like fun reminds me of this


BBC Scotland seem to think that a debate held in London, England, between the Leaders of UKIP and Lib/Dems is big news in Scotland.

These to parties regularly lose their deposits in Scottish by-elections, and are becoming irrelevant in Scotland.

So where are BBC Scotland going with this story.

Why do they think it should get such a high profile.

BBC Scotland and the BBC give far too much airtime to these two “Little Englanders” and IMO, they should be kept out of Scottish politics.

john king

Del Riata says]
“Great to see Sleverin get his arse handed to him on a plate”


“Oh, and a huge well done to you, Stu, for inadvertently stirring up the Bitter Project Fear hornet’s nest”

Inadvertently? ahem moving on.

gavin lessells


You took the thought clean out of my mouth. Aye Right leafleting of SPT stations great idea.
Unfortunately clean out of leaflets.
More expected next wednesday.


On the subject of advertising at travel centers. I see at Glasgow Airport, they ave removed the sign saying “WELCOME TO SCOTLAND,” to be replaced by the biggest load of corporate gobbledegook vacous pish you ever saw, “PEOPLE MAKE GLASGOW.”

I have had visitors say to me in the past how very welcome and warm it made them feel towards Scotland on reading the welcome sign. Recently someone read the new sign and said “no shit Sherlock.”

The McConnel Labour inspired sign at Prestwick, “Pure dead brilliant” was one of the worst branding fubars of last century. The association of dead on an airport almost guaranteed failure. In the same way as “best wee country in the world.” It is as if they cannot raise ther eyes above being a failed wee poor country. Is the new Glasgow sign pay back for the Scottish Government taking it away?

The Scotland brand is a very powerfull one internationally. The unionists know it is, and do every thing in their power to suffocate it. We must never be allowed to out perform England. “The race to the bottom.” The plaintive cry of the arsehole.

Some pet agency will have made millions propbably from this political scam. It is very obvious to me at least that it is no more than a political stunt.

Look Skye Walker

Brilliant! Project Fear are running scared!

Andy smith

Thought Nigel farage made a great case for Scottish independence, even if he didn’t mean to. Clegg seemed to be reading the same speech that Cameron addressed to Scotland.


Regarding the welfare vote…how convenient for Labour that it’s been largely ignored in the media, thanks to the 2-ring circus of the Clegg-Farage debate.

Like the English NHS privatisation and the use of retrospective legislation last year, the lack of scrutiny of what’s really going on at Westminster is frightening.


BBC Scotlandshire are running a poll on your story.
I voted “Look,there’s a squirrel”.


Newspapers, telly, interwidewebnet.

Best advertising campaign ever Rev. 😀

Another Union Dividend

TV / press news blackout on Labour’s support for Tory Welfare caps.

As Iain MacWhirter says in Herald Labour have lost any moral credibility over being on the side of the poor and disadvantaged.

Meanwhile Catherine MacLeod column in Herald is becoming a weekly press release from One Brewer’s Green London HQ of Labour Party


Another union dividend.

Clegg on Scotland Tonight said the same as MacWhirter,and he’s the Record politics man.


Lib Dem Euro Lib Dem candidate Christine Jardine on GMS has just said, along the lines ‘UKIP is coming more and more like the SNP dismissing what they din’t agree with etc, unchallenged by J Naughtie of course.

The SNP/SG is not even in the discussion it’s some boy from the Bruges Group. Complaint time for sure. If you didn’t hear it on around 0819 when iplayer is available.

And given the lack of support for UKIP in Scotland this is the second chunky hit on the programme, it’s like listening to the Today programme.


Naughtie is toeing the Labtory party line and promoting UKIP.


Listened for GMS to pick up on this story, but naughtie was more interested in apiece on the Met police in London. How about, then the IFS head telling the Commons Select Committee that UK debt was dangerously out of control – studiously avoided

link to


Sorry OT
BBC Albas series “Rathad an Referendum”[road to the referendum] was focusing on defence last night.Some really juicy own goals scored by Hammond on it.

Craig P

CameronB – mashups you say?! Checkout Thriftshop XL:


Re ads.

As you’re probably snowed under with e mails just to say I’ve forwarded you one from October last year which may be of interest.


Tee hee. 🙂
link to

Is it of any significance that the man who gave the welfare state it’s name, was a prominent Zionist?

Ska Cubano- Oye compay Juan
link to

link to (lyrics)


Craig P
I wish there was a symbol for thumbs up but as there’s not, I’d have to go a size up with an FH :).

Training Day

Aye, ok, BBC ‘Scotland’, we get that you’re trying to flog the message that we’re all one nation, that UKIP and other fringe shire parties like the Lib Dems are just as relevant in Scotland, but really, did you have to use the vehicle of a debate which virtually none of us will have seen (or cared about)?

Naughtie looks an increasingly isolated and absurd figure, a Red Adair in reverse.

Robert McDonald

I was intrigued by the editorial on the STV website where SPT claimed that they had a “high number of complaints” presumably of the against variety, which is what it sure read like, but I just wonder if they were including the complaints about the removal of the ad in that number to stop them looking silly when it turned out that there were(maybe) three complaints against? Things that make you go, “Hmmmmmm”.


@Hen Broon

Thats a sad story regards Glasgow Airport but it does open up a great opportunity for the next WIngs (how apt!) Advertising Campaign…I’m sure there isnt much B in BAA these days and they woudl welcome the caley-dosh:-)

gerry parker

@desimond, it disappoints me that the RBS logo is still plastered over Edinburgh airport, it’s the kind of firm we don’t want to be associated with in Scotland.


This week has thrown up 2 Critical Questions.

1: How long will the Wings Book ( working title ‘Cult of the CyberMan’) be, given so much has happened, is happening and will happen up to 18th Sept.

2: Who will play Rev. Stu in the movie?
Im picturing William H. Macy in the Ronnie Anderson role 🙂


Desimond: Steve Buscemi

ronnie anderson

‘Desimond, noo is William H Macys a fine figure o a man

( ah wiz it ma best in ma 20es )fit as a fiddle,noo am like

a oota tune banjo.


@Gerry Parker

I worked over at RBS for over 4 years and everyone I worked with were fine folk. Sadly we were trying to mop up the fallout from a crazy greedy Board that inflicted such damage it will sadly never recover.

I think come Sept 19th and the YES vote, we wont be thinking about institutions like RBS, that can wait until 2016 when we move forward.



NAILED IT!…but can Buscemi grow a full manly beard? ( I bet the Revs sitting shouting “JOHN CUSACK!” at the screen)

William H Macy, a wonderful character actor and beloved figure. I’m no gonna mention his marriage to a ‘Desperate Housewife’ 🙂
PS..’Many a fine tune played on a burst banjo!’ – D Parton

Robert Kerr

Follow through via

link to

Superb advert. Right now. Go for the photo Rev! Best poster for WoS right now.

Well done.

gerry parker

Aye, my daughter used to work for them too so I do appreciate your comments on the people who work there. It’s a great pity the people in charge at the top are good at conning the general public as to the organisations true motives.

The Halifax adverts make me sick too.



I’ll get Bruce Willis to play me, as usual. Or failing that, Donald Pleasance.


Primesight don’t seem overly prickly about running ‘political’ advertising in the ordinary course of things:

link to


Och that is not the same thing at all, Mat. You can hardly see it, for one thing: not like that great, big, in your face space on the subway

Secondly: that ad merely points out that government is inherently untrustworthy; and that is not politics. It is what passes for common sense amongst plutocrats. They would prefer it if government did not do any spying except on their behalf, and did not do anything else except bail them out when they trash the economy.


I suppose, that ad is in a place where political ads aren’t prohibited.

The problem is that now, instead of their original offer of placing alternative ads for Wings – presumably in sites where politics isn’t a no-no – PrimeSight have given Stu his money back and told him to piss of because he’s nothing but a nuisance. I rather suspect they have been leaned on by people who are in a position to affect their bottom line.

So, this could mean that billboard ads for Wings, even ads in places where political advertising is allowed, may not now be possible. I hope I’m wrong about this, but it’s worrying.


Oh, and I want to be played by Tilda Swinton.


I met a fellow Yes person on the subway last night and this whole subject came up. She noted that the current Bacardi ads make clear, somewhat disparaging, reference to the Cuban revolution. Isn’t making an anti-communist comment about Cuba in an advertisement for rum somewhat political?


Gerard Butler to play me. He’s Scottish and swears quite a lot in his movies (…a bit like me!) and he’s also a grumpy git at times (also …a bit like me).

Though he’ll have to wear cuban heels. I’m 6 feet 4…

Elaine (@MFinthree)

Response from SPT:

Dear Ms XXXX

Thank you for your comments, please see below a statement released by SPT.

“SPT advertising contract guidelines state that Subway sites should not be used to campaign or lobby for political benefit. Our advertising agency applies that standard to all commercial bookings but unfortunately this particular ad slipped through their net. The advert was taken down as a result.”

Extract from contract states:

3.22 Approval of Advertisements

…any advertisement of a political, religious, sectarian, racist or sexual nature or which is likely to bring SPT into disrepute will not be permitted or approved.

I trust this information is helpful in explaining why the advert was withdrawn.


I’m afraid not – I fail to see how this advert is in any way political? Embarrassingly frank about Media Bias but not advertising any Political Party? Indeed it appears to be advertising a News Site.

Can you clarify your definition of “political” ?


Cold Hearts Closed Minds – Nanci Griffith
link to

How the hell can rebel songs from an oppressed British colony not be appropriate, FFS.

Almost broke my keyboard there. 🙂


So will WoS be allowed to advertise anywhere in Scotland? :-O

I’ve trying to get my head around this rule of no political advertising (or, indeed, campaigning) in council/publicly-owned space.

I think it’s down to the undemocratic Westminster FPTP system. “Safe seats” (the modern equivalent of rotten boroughs) don’t want dissenting voices to be seen or heard. The marginals even less so.

Is that supposed to be democracy? The public space – including public transport – belongs to us all and should be used for the benefit of the people to disseminate information, not to shut down debate and information dissemination by the “Establishment” to preserve the status quo and their power.

Every time there’s an election in Finland, the public transport is plastered with political advertising. Even in this small town where I now live but especially in my native Helsinki. Every bus, every train, metro, screeching tram car is plastered with party political and candidate ads. Maybe whoever makes the rules in Finland trust people to make up their own minds. But then, we have a proportional representation democracy and a more varied and free press than the UK.

Oh! And if we’re making WoS – the Movie, can I have Elena Leeve portraying lumilumi, please, please, please!


As to my claim that we in Finland have a more varied and free press than the UK.

Reporters Without Borders seem to agree.

link to

Finland is at no. 1, UK at 33. The top 10 is a lineup of the usual suspects: small, independent European countries plus a small, independent antipodean country New Zealand.

If you look at the map, you can probably understand why I, as a Finn, am a bit wary of our eastern neighbour. Every single Russian person I’ve personally met is lovely, hospitable, generous, they’ve got amazing culture and appreciation of it, even a bit toungue-in-cheek, real joie de vivre (sorry for appalling French spelling, never got through the basic course at uni). It’s Kremlin and Putin’s policies I have an issue with.


lumilumi says:
Is that supposed to be democracy? The public space – including public transport – belongs to us all and should be used for the benefit of the people to disseminate information, not to shut down debate and information dissemination by the “Establishment” to preserve the status quo and their power.

At last, a law to stop almost anyone from doing almost anything
link to

John McDowall

Dear Mr McDowall

Thank you for your comments, please see below a statement released by SPT.

“SPT advertising contract guidelines state that Subway sites should not be used to campaign or lobby for political benefit. Our advertising agency applies that standard to all commercial bookings but unfortunately this particular ad slipped through their net. The advert was taken down as a result.”

Extract from contract states:

3.22 Approval of Advertisements

…any advertisement of a political, religious, sectarian, racist or sexual nature or which is likely to bring SPT into disrepute will not be permitted or approved.

I trust this information is helpful in explaining why the advert was withdrawn.

Yours sincerely

Obviously it ain’t helpful but didn’t expect anything else..just need to wait on Yew Choob doing a video!!!

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