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Wings Over Scotland

One more to go

Posted on December 01, 2022 by

…until we can all start actually trying to achieve independence again.

(Unless they replace him with Kirsty sodding Blackman or something, obv.)

We have no idea yet who might stand to succeed Blackford – the absolutely awful Stephen Flynn is clearly likely to throw his hat in the ring, but we don’t know if there’ll be a contest. Maybe Pete Wishart will take a tilt at another Westminster role and use it to block independence there too.

Blackford’s exit was firmly in keeping with his very long record of empty promises in the Commons (“Scotland will not be [insert thing that subsequently happened to Scotland]) – just last week he’d told The Scotsman he was going nowhere.

Whoever ends up in the job will be in office at the most crucial time in the Yes movement’s history since 2014. It looks like this is where we find out once and for all if there’s anyone left in the party’s cosy, well-fed Westminster contingent who’s worth anything at all, or if like Blackford they’re all talk and no trousers.

Obviously we’d love to see Joanna Cherry stand and win and really put the cat amongst the pigeons, but we’d be surprised if it happened (although if Flynn wins uncontested we reckon she’ll get her previous role back, which would be something).

Unless it does, expect pretty much business as usual from the Pension Posse. And until the real roadblock is removed, independence is still going nowhere.

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Anent the increasing concern about the SNP’s stuttering progress towards independence, I wrote to my constituency SNP MSP suggesting a change of policy and leadership.
The tone and absence of content in his response shocked me – not what I expected from my Member of Parliament.
Perhaps others may judge whether my answer to him was warranted.

E-mail to MSP
As one of your constituents, and a former member of the SNP, I have campaigned actively for you and local council councillors and candidates in recent elections, all on the understanding that you were committed to, and would work for, the restoration of independence to Scotland.

The reason that I am no longer of the party, which I joined in 1997, is because of the patent lack of preparation and strategic action on the part of the SNP leadership and its elected members, coupled with the “reforms” of the party’s structure and policy formation.
Regrettably, responsibility lies at the door of the party leader, in whom I once confidently placed my trust. MPs and MSPs must share that responsibility, inasmuch as they continue to accept Ms Sturgeon’s misdirection.
Following the First Minister’s lacklustre response to the recent London judgement, it is clear to an increasing number of voters that the SNP is simply not up to the job and that the cause of independence is hopelessly compromised.
For the sake of the country, and for the party entrusted to be the flagship of its independence, I urge you in the strongest terms to replace Ms Sturgeon as party leader and First Minister.

MSP’s response
Alba are currently polling at 1%, and have no elected elected MSPs or Councillors .
The 2 MPs are extremely unlikely to be re-elected.
I can’t agree with your suggestion.

My answer
I acknowledge your very prompt reply to my recent e-mail. However, I was appalled by the obvious contempt with which you treated my communication. In short, I was disgusted that any MSP could reply to a constituent in such a manner.
You made no reference whatsoever to the content of my e-mail; instead, you gave your opinion on the electoral prospects of the Alba party.
Nowhere had I mentioned Alba. I wrote as a constituent, no longer a member of your party but a voter in support of it (as were the vast majority of those who terminated their memberships} and a long campaigner for independence.
As it happens, I agree with your assessment of Alba’s electoral prospects as they stand today , bearing in mind that it took eleven years for the SNP itself to secure an MP, and that at a bye-election with the seat lost again after a few months. It was a further twenty-two years before the party managed to repeat another short-lived bye-election success. But I believe that the impetus stimulated by Alba will certainly gather momentum in the coming months.
It is a matter of considerable regret to me that it was felt necessary by the wider independence movement to create Alba and the ISP and to spawn a number of pressure groups such as SSRG, the Scottish Currency Group, Salvo and Liberation as well as many on-line publications to compensate for the perceived shortcomings of the SNP.
The SNP is identified by the mass of the electorate as the party of independence, but for an increasing number it is losing credibility. My dearest wish is for the party to recover its soul and fundamental purpose and demonstrate by its actions that alternative actors are redundant.
Your reply to me indicates that this is a forlorn hope, and that the quality of many MSPs at Holyrood leaves much to be desired. You, personally, have certainly forfeited my vote and I am sure that this will be the response of those with whom I share this correspondence. I find it hard to believe that you are blind to the scale of disenchantment with the party and the fact that your tenure as an MSP, and that of your colleagues, is most likely to be very short-lived.


our new independence campaign leader
we’re doomed

Garavelli Princip

True true! But I wouldn’t bet on his replacement being less useless. There are a lot of numpties to chose from – and the more numpty, the more craven they are towards the Tractor-in Chief – which is the principle qualification for advancement in the Scottish Numpty Party.

The bigger question, is why any of them are still going to that place and giving it any legitimacy whatsoever!


Stephen Flynn being mooted by bbc. Flynn was Maureen Watt’s secretary before standing for election himself. Some might remember she was one of the committee investigating the Alex Salmond debacle.

A bloke called Gerald

Finally,some good news about the SNP 🙂 Maybe Sturgeon will be inspired and follow suit. Go on Nicola, get your coat, time’s up. Scotland needs a break.

John H.

Cozy feet Pete might fancy the job.

Dan Watt

It’s all but a bloody certainty that his replacement will be someone who thinks being male or female is a feeling and not an observable, definable physiological state. There was that story in the paper about a week back about Flynn ousting him as leader and now this announcement. It’s obviously been planned and fucking stinks to high heaven.

Robert Hughes

( Yikes ! hard to keep-up with fresh posts – braw ! . This makes more sense here )

Blackford singing in the dead of night

Take these broken records and fuck right off .

All your life , you were only waiting for the moment to say …

” ….To spend more time with my family ”

Wonder what’s precipitated this ?

Can someone with a soupcon more * gorm * be found to replace him ? ( wouldn’t be hard )

If it’s someone like MacDonald or Smith or any of the Cabalists , we’ll know the prognosis is terminal . ( we kinda know that already , but it would be the equivalent of a grim-faced Consultant appearing )

Jockanese Wind Talker

So what do you think?

Me, I think getting rid of bloviating Blackford may be a sign that the SNP just might want to win Independence, or have had a serious shock at the public reaction to the SC ruling.

Blackford however now needs kept away from the Indy campaign and certainly not given the business brief!

Proof will be in who succeeds him.

Cherry then yes they are serious.

McDonald or Smith they are not.

Blackman or another of the science denying lunatic fringe the press will have a field day informing the electorate about, then no the SNP are seriously and actively campaigning against Independence!

Time to get emailing your SNP MP and tell them who you want as their new Westminster leader!

Geri’ll be comfy Pete of 21 years fame…


What does that sign say Ian?
You’re as bad as me Ian, think we both need glasses.
As in everything Nicola, you’re bang on.

Graeme Hampton

Well Stu. Back in the game for a week and you’ve already got rid of Blackford. Good work, keep it up.

Geoff Anderson

The puppet master will be in full Machiavellian mode at the moment to determine the outcome while at the same time maintaining that she has not!


Blackford is a blithering, bloviating idiot anyway. I always felt his interventions at Westminster did the independence movement more harm than good.

If you got indy just by shouting inanities he’d have got us there years ago, but unfortunately you actually have to follow through on the shite you’re yelling at the Commons to be taken half-way seriously.


Perhaps Blackford is looking anyway at replacing His Boss , that wouldn’t help Alba any as Salmond and Blackford had a major fall out years previously and both of them took other to court IIRC.


Like others have already said, it looks like the Britnat media is touting Flynn to step in as the new leader, I guess we’ll find out soon enough, and if Flynn (if its him) makes a difference on the indyfront.

Gregory Beekman

Blackford made it too easy at PMQs for the PM to respond to his every question with a constitutional response – because Blackford always ended with “Scotland will be independent.”

So he became pointless because he just kept shovelling the same poorly thought out crap.

Let’s hope new leader at Westminster raises specific points and doesn’t ruin them by ending on generalities about independence.


It’ll be a female MP and one on Nicola’s pals, because it must always be a woman and one of Nicola’s pals, no matter that they’re always incompetent. Or maybe Daddy Bear will identify as a woman for the day and get the gig?


Flynn seems quite astute to me.

Needs a fresh face


I suspect their next move, now they’ve enabled Brexit, power roll backs, Freeport’s etc and had the UKSC rule that we’re just a region that can’t do anything, will be to put in exactly someone like Blackman – the weakest of the weak. That person will then vow stop all the “stupid empty rhetoric of my predecessor, promising the impossible”, lower the cult’s expectations again, and work on ensuring every possible route to independence is blocked.


I’d love to be proved wrong, but won’t be holding my breath.

Geoff Anderson

Don’t worry, the TransCult group of the SNP Group will get behind Alyn Smith just to prove it can get worse. However a late challenge by Anne McLaughlin may allow a compromise candidate, such as Steven Bonnar, to break through.

I could cry that Independence has been put in the hands of such total incompetents.

Remember this is the Party that replaced Joanna Cherry on the front bench with Anne McLaughlin…..


Testimonials for Blackford from his fellow SNP MPs, the gist of which is, he’s a great guy who did great in the 2019 election.

Not one mention of independence or how her forwarded the cause.

link to


Not a chance it will be Wishart..hes the SNP Murdo Fraser..likes the cash, expenses, pension, provocatation, publicity and snidey soundbites but doesnt want any actual responsibility or to be placed directly in the sights.

Its either gonna be someone dreadfully dull and easy for Westminster to ignore ( as they did with Blackford regardless of some weird sense he “held truth to power” out there on Twitter!) or it will be an actual rebel who can start annoyin the living shit out of them all.

Fuck, its probably gonna be Nicholson knowing our luck but giving his love of the place, I wouldnt be shocked if Stewart Hosie gets it and on we roll into despairdom.


Horse Box Mike, get in the lauding act.

“Ian has worked extraordinarily hard as group leader, devoted himself wholeheartedly to the job whilst serving his huge constituency with enthusiasm and rightfully won the admiration of many. He has lots still to give at this crucial time.”

What exactly did Blackford do for Scotland, except set back the indy cause by years.


Sturgeon’s praising of Blackford, notice how the word independence is added on at the end, as if it’s almost an afterthought. The SNP as a party and their success comes first, a real indy minded FM would’ve put what he did for the indy cause front and centre.

“He led the group at a time of huge electoral success for the SNP, particularly at the 2019 general election, and has done an outstanding job in holding the Tory government to account and in promoting the case for independence.”

Vivian O’Blivion

Expect Pat the pederast to be reinstated for the vote. The cult will take nae chances. Blackford only defeated Cherry by a wafer thin majority last time round. That said MacAskill and Hanvey (also Ferrier?) probably voted for Cherry.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:1 December, 2022 at 2:01 pm

What exactly did Blackford do for Scotland, except set back the indy cause by years

I was going to try to calculate Blackford’s salary, multiplied by the number of years he was in post, then work out the tax he would have paid, plus his special 1% for the privilege of being Scottish.

Then a horrible thought struck me. Does the salary of an MP, sitting in WM, attract the Scottish 1% tax uplift anyways? Even if that MP maintains a home address in Scotland?


I notice Joanna got a swipe in lol..

“I hope the SNP Westminster group will be now be left to choose our new leader *without outside interference* and in accordance with our standing orders.”



Flynn cant be worse than Blackford.


@ birnie at 1:01 pm

The MSP’s reply says one thing to me

“Ignorant git” but aren’t they all
I’m sure some touchy/feely candidate will surface


If you assume there isn’t going to be a plebiscitary election, the next Westminster leader is a basically a going to be a pallbearer who will help carry a dead party to its grave.

I keep thinking of that photograph of Nicola standing over the homeless guy in the street. It’s like a metaphor for what she’s done to Scotland and the SNP — all reduced to props, sacrificial offerings lying at the alter of Nicola’s vanity.

Fuck the SNP. Nobody with good intentions would serve that monster.


The power of wings! [Again]


NOT Alyn Smith or John Nicolson, please God. They have enough brains to manipulate people successfully.

Nor the numpties – McLaughlin, S M McDonald, Blackman.

Nor the nasties and/or “troubled”…

Which leaves Douglas Chapman, Joanna Cherry, Angus Brendan MacNeil, Phiippa Whitford.

Is there anyone else normal and decent in the ranks?


There would be no need for a group leader were the SNP to quit Westminster.
Their présence merely stokes anglo prétention, one nation etc.
Enough of this political masochism.


Tommy Sheppard? Left field, kinda. Or a McMoses leading the pro independence MPs out of the disgusting moral desert of Westminster once and for all time?


I wonder if groper Grady will have the whip reinstated so he can vote.


Alex Salmond would be a good competent new leader choice of the Westminster SNP group.
Oh, and I’m back in the room again after forgetting the Sturrell’s and their close associates’ exploits over recent years…

David Hannah

I’d love Joanna Cherry to get the job.

Gee me hope Joanna. The feminist freedom fighter, QC. Fighting for Justice and Independence and living her best lesbian life.

A track record constitutional success, ak knowledge of the legal frameworks needed to help Scotland navigate its course of self determination.

She should be the leader. She reaches out to the wider yes movement. She has it all. She’s the most intelligent politician in the gothic cesspit. I’d place my trust in her.

But of course, she believes in biology. Her faith is rooted in scientific fact and the hard won rights of women and girls.

Which makes a gender ("Tractor" - Ed) like the majority of Scotland are – as polled by Panelbase. So gender ("Tractor" - Ed) Scotland – the nation will instead have a woke careerist from the brown trouser brigade prick to lead, SNP Headquarters London Westminster.

God Save the King.


I’m not seeing Sturgid’s wedding ring in that picture. The picture could of course be reversed left to right – stranger things have happened in the SNP.

stuart mctavish

I vote they give it to John Nicolson

– that way by time the privilege committee realize what the 371-16 vote actually meant, the 29 that pretended to fail to support him can join Alba and call a vote among Scottish MPs to end the union forthwith.. they could probably have it all done and dusted by Christmas if Alba can get the formalities sorted quickly enough.

Robert McAllan

Birnie @1.01pm, your reply in response to your MSP was indeed warranted (highly) I would say. Considering you made no reference to ALBA Party in your original correspondence it is perhaps more than telling that his immediate response was to cast scorn on ALBA. What might be his concern of a party that in his own apparent estimation is going nowhere?

Vivian O’Blivion has got it spot on; “the cult will take nae chances”!!

David Hannah

If Blackford is going to join an Independence Unit. Then he’ll be keeping his position as MP for Skye Locharber until 2024. Ensuring he remains a well stuffed turkey.

As head of the new Independence Unit and the prospects of him voting for Christmas. Blackford can now be use party short money to enhance his earnings. I assume he’ll be joining retired SNP President Mike Russell – that ran out of stamina for front line politics – on the SNP pension neverendum pension scheme.



“Ms Sturgeon had stepped in to stop an abortive coup a fortnight ago and save Mr Blackford but MPs are said to be unhappy at her plan to use the next general election as a de facto independence referendum.

“They told the Telegraph they believed Mr Flynn would stand up to the First Minister in a way that Mr Blackford was either unwilling or unable to do.”

That’s from The Telegraph so huge pinches of salt, etc.

But what does it mean? Does it mean they’re simply against the idea or does it mean they would rather use a Holyrood election?

Robert Louis

Until Sturgeon goes, and the SNP actually start fighting for independence, instead of just living it up on MP/MSP salaries, then it won’t make a jot of difference.

If the SNP now said they would go for an election by collapsing the scotgov in January, I simply would not believe them. They have lied to the indy movement too many times.

The SNP, the do nothing party.

Geoff Anderson

I could see Sturgeon offering to resign….wait… would be pure theatre with the Party masses carefully choreographed begging her to stay. She would of course reluctantly relent and then go back to making certain that Independence was firmly removed from all future discussions.


Geoff Anderson: I read that Stalin once offered to resign – the others were too frightened to accept his offer….


Here Sturgeon’s fanzine picks out Blackford’s seven best moments as SNP leader at Westminster, and not a single mention of Scottish independence in any of them.

If this was Blackford at his best, then he should’ve stood down years ago and saved the indy masses years of suffering and disappointment.

link to


I’m loving even the mere prospect of Joanna Cherry becoming the Leader in Westminster, because I think the sum total of Sturgeon’s misadventure at the Supreme Court was to put Westminster’s Scottish MP’s one rung higher up the Constitutional hierarchy than Parish Council MSP’s.

That might be enough humiliation for even Sturgeon to get the message.

Sadly, I don’t think the SNP have the courage to do anything so bold.

But IF she did, and Sturgeon fkd off to her sunny retirement in Cornton Vale, and Joanna Cherry steered the SNP behind SALVO’s Constitutional initiative and the Scotland United concept, then we might have a game on our hands….

And bonus points for all the Trans Taliban having a hissy fit and quitting in disgust.

I have a feeling the penny is dropping that the SNP is drinking in the Last Chance Saloon.


So why is Stephen Flynn awful, then?


Just to add, it’s so easy to be cynical after 8 years of nonsense, but rye observations to one side, Joanna Cherry storming back on the scene could mark a huge and progressive turning point. Particularly if she does embrace SALVO’s Constitutional thrust.

Rather than having a giggle at Sturgeon’s expense, what can be done to get Joanna Cherry installed?

It “could” be vital, and if change is gonna come, I can think of worse changes.

Scotland’s MP’s actually backing up the Claim of Right and Liberation Movement could be pivotal, and truncate the process very quickly.


The Irish did the right thing a century ago they left Westminster never to return.
In doing so they signaled that the union with England was over, the laws of that union no longer had jurisdiction.
In politics «the sign» is powerful.
ScotNats in London, what sign does that give?


Unless Sturgeon and her cabal go then it matters not a jot which of the comfy-slipper brigade takes on the role.

What we have, and which few of the Scottish electorate seem to care about is that we have a political system run by professional politicians, who see the continuation of their time at the public teat as their prime driver, nothing more, nothing less.

These are people who build a system which as far as possible insulates them from the will of the people.

*Lost your position as constituency MSP? That’s OK. Belt and braces shenanigans mean you are still safely employed – on the list.

*Caught up in a scandal and have to resign from the party? That’s OK. Just sit out your time as an independent and keep cashing those cheques – or why not defect to another party altogether?

We cannot reform Westminster, but we can clean up the Scottish system, but the biggest stumbling block to the reform of our political system are the professional politicians themselves.

It is for that reason that I have submitted a petition to the Scottish Parliament to address this very issue, and it can be found on the Scottish Parliament website, petition number PE1987.

Let us be brutally honest here though. Turkeys do not vote for Christmas. Barely any of our elected politicians will support this act.
Politicians will always seek to insulate themselves from the will of the people. Whether this petition succeeds or fails, ultimately it will reveal whether our politicians in Scotland are acting in the people’s interest or their own.

I would encourage anyone who wishes to see a parliament which works in a morally proper fashion and which puts the people before the politicians to sign this petition before the closing date of 6th December 2022.

If you agree that this reform is needed then please sign the petition below, and please LIKE and SHARE this petition to help gain as many signatures as possible. Thank you.

link to

Daisy Walker

My money is on Alyn Smith/Daddy bear getting the job.

It would suit his ego, and stop him and Agnes Robertson stabbing each other in the front for the top position once Nikla goes.


The SNP see even the thickest of their supporters are starting to question their motives regards IndyRef2.

Westminster seems to be their main source of income, less MPs means less MPs spot money.

But it’s the Holyrood leader we really want shot of.


Am gonnae have effing nightmares after seeing the photo of Blackford & Dobbin at the head of this page. Thankyou Stu.

I couldn’t abide that FAT BANKER Blackford, even when I was a (fully PAID up) member of the SNP.

Jabba The Hut Blackford has his fingerprints all over the demise of Charles Kennedy….

link to

The sooner Jabba Blackford is told to pi55 off by the electorate of Ross, Skye and Lochaber the better.

Blackford’ s role in the McGroper McGrady scandal puts him in the neighbourhood of Jimmy McGroper McSaville pervvy territory.

Methinks the NuSNP and Pervert-Enabler-In-Chief, Nicola Sturgeon, friend of Derek McKay will be brought down, along with her woke NuSNP cult, by so many sexy scandals that when the deluded NuSNP fanboys and fan girls of St Nicola find out she is just two steps away from McSaville, then 99% of the population will sicken of her and she will be down at the Dreghorn Job Centre looking for employment.

Alf Baird

“And until the real roadblock is removed, independence is still going nowhere.”

Postcolonial theory refers to this as the dominant national party ‘hesitate and neutralism’ period in the decolonisation process.


Mr Blackford has gone on record saying ‘I want to spend more time with my pies and my money’!


According to this Blackford jumped before he was pushed.

“One senior SNP figure told The National that Blackford “jumped before he was pushed next week at the AGM”, while another SNP MP has claimed the move is bringing to an end “remote control” decision making in Edinburgh.”

Also, it looks like Flynn has the backing of the majority of SNP MPs.

“The National understands that Flynn has the backing of around 30 out of the 44 SNP MPs, making him the most likely candidate to take over.”

link to


@ Grendel1970, if Scots were savvy enough this would have been pushed years ago, but as you can see from the list of comments, instead of celebrating blahfords removal the main concern and discussion is what tractor is going to replace him

The reality for Scotland and Scots is it disnae fucking matter, every last one of them has sat on their comfy padded arses and sucked up the big salaries and mahoosive expenses and let the deviant pervert fuck up independence , every last one of them are self centred COWARDS

People keep asserting that Joanna Cherry would be great as leader, WHY, what has she actually done to further independence , okay she fought the prorogation of WESTMINSTER and won , HOW did that benefit Scotland , after she won THAT case she sat back down and remained SHTUM, they demeaned her repeatedly especially removing her ministerial position and gave it to a DRAMA fucking graduate, yet again she sat SHTUM,

She was seriously physically and verbally threatened by supposed members of the snp YET the deviant pervert ignored her and showed no support privately or publicly and she just accepted it and stayed SHTUM

YET people think this person will FIGHT for Scotland and stand up for Scotland , when she will NOT fight or stand up for herself against reviled bullies, no wonder we’re in the shite position we’re in when she passes as a heroine, and BTW only the english won out of her prorogation victory

WHY are her and the other kc’s standing by and letting Scots law be rubbished and denigrated by the judges of a foreign court in a foreign land, it appears it’s not only our fake indy politicians that are cowards and tractors our senior legal practitioners are also cowards and tractors

Geoff Huijer

You’re right – it’s not happening with this bunch.


So the useless lying trougher has had his fill of the swill and is now deserting? Can’t say i’m surprised. Doesn’t mean we should let him off the hook, folks. Throw reminders in his face at every opportunity. Send a warning signal to the rest of them that there will be no forgiving or forgetting. Ever!

I see the BBC in Scotland Text Service is saying there’s rumours several of his Westminster colleagues were conspiring to have him toppled. Making out he’s jumping before being made to walk the plank. Not surprised, the thought of a fight turns him to jelly. I’ll bet anything Yous like it’ll not be IndyFirst ones involved, are there any IndyFirst ones among them? I’ll wager the conspirators are Blackman, Black & Co.

Rev wrote: “Obviously we’d love to see Joanna Cherry stand and win and really put the cat amongst the pigeons, but we’d be surprised if it happened (although if Flynn wins uncontested we reckon she’ll get her previous role back, which would be something).”

To be quite honest with you i’ve lost all hope in Joanna, well almost. Becoming more and more a case of guilty by association. You fly with the craws etc. I, for the life of me, can’t truly understand why she hasn’t moved to ALBA.

And folks, i’m aware of all the old tripe of better to fight from the inside etc. But i don’t see any signs of a fight. Plus, Joanna will be kept well away from any gear levers (positions) from where she could do any worthwhile damage.

Joanna’s very presence terrifies Sturgeon because Joanna is powerful, successful and damn good at what she does. Sturgeon on the other hand is a legal & political failure who has done nothing but ride the crest of the indy wave while flattering to deceive.

I just don’t get why Joanna wants to represent a party that has really done the dirty on her. And in a very public way too. Some may think it’s admirable but i’m afraid i’m not one of them. Hopefully Joanna will one day (very soon please) prove me wrong. We can but dream!

Daisy Walker

Blackford is leaving to spend more time with his gout… and new Range Rover.


At least the SNP will have another of its members appointed to the Privy Council, unless Mr Hosie gets the gig. Baby steps towards a full takeover?

Current SNP members are:

Nicola Sturgeon
Stewart Hosie
Ian Blackford
Angus Robertson
Tricia Marwick (Tory lover/marrier Natalie McGarry’s auntie)
Sir George Reid


Desimond says on 1 December 2022 at 2:00 pm: “Not a chance it will be Wishart..hes the SNP Murdo Fraser..likes the cash, expenses, pension, provocatation, publicity and snidey soundbites but doesnt want any actual responsibility or to be placed directly in the sights.”

That’s fricken bang on the money. I’ve never looked at it that way. That’s *exactly* who he is, The SNPs Murdo Fraser. Top call, Desimond. Do you think there’s a case to be made for separated at birth?




“Oneliner says:
1 December, 2022 at 3:23 pm

I’m not seeing Sturgid’s wedding ring in that picture. The picture could of course be reversed left to right – stranger things have happened in the SNP.”

I think that the photo’s been reversed; the waistcoat should be right side under left.


“I’ve been privileged to have been… the leader of the SNP since 2017.”
Freudian slip? I know the Westminster group likes to act as if it has no connection with the rest of the party, but still.

Stu, you write: “Obviously we’d love to see Joanna Cherry stand and win and really put the cat amongst the pigeons, but we’d be surprised if it happened (although if Flynn wins uncontested we reckon she’ll get her previous role back, which would be something).”
What makes you say that? It seems to me pretty obvious that Joanna’s excommunication was an order from high above, and I’m pretty sure she has very few supporters among the rest of the Westminster group. Isn’t Flynn just part of the FM’s gang? What makes you think he’d act with anything other than outright hostility towards JC?

Scot Finlayson

If only Mhairi Black hadn`t turned into a full on misogynist handmaiden for the perverts of the transcult patriarchy,

she`s about the only one outside Joanna and Whitford that can string a sentence without 4 `ums` in it.


From The Torygraph (Have you read it, Douglas Ross?):

‘Only one major country suffered a bigger tax rise than Britain last year’

“Britain’s tax burden rose faster than France, the US, Italy and even several Nordic states last year…

“Taxes as a share of the economy rose by 1.4 percentage points to 33.5pc in 2021, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

“That was the biggest rise among G7 economies apart from Germany and was also a bigger increase than seen in Sweden, Finland and Denmark, which are traditionally high tax countries.

“Britain’s tax burden is now at its highest since 1988, the OECD said. The figures do not take into account Jeremy Hunt’s decision to increase taxes for workers and businesses in the Autumn Statement…

“The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the Government’s tax and spending watchdog, has warned that the Chancellor’s increases will push taxes to rates not seen since the Second World War…”

There you go Mr Ross, no wonder you lot in the Scottish Branch Office wanted to make a scene about London’s Scottish Administration spending. See! We can be selective too.
(Middle finger salute emoji)

Just seen a video of Sunak’s gibberish today and spotted Gove for the first time in ages. I think he’d had a few sherbits (drinks) but couldn’t see any traces of white powder around his beak. His face and head though looked as red as a baboon’s arse in season.


‘Ireland ‘knows what it means to struggle for right to exist’, says von der Leyen’

“Ursula von der Leyen added that Ireland had gone “above and beyond” in its support for Ukraine.

“She made her comments during an address to a joint sitting of the Houses of the Oireachtas in Dublin to mark Ireland’s 50-year membership of the European Union.

“Today, another European nation is fighting for its independence.

“Of course, Ireland is far away from the front line in Ukraine, but you understand better than most why this war matters so much to all of us.

Ooft! Has Sturgeon thrown a tantrum yet? Even Von Der Leyen knows the SNP are not fighting for Scotland’s independence. LOL!


“Your comment is awaiting moderation”

WHIT? I thought! What the f@ck is it now? Then i scanned my post. Sorry, Rev, i wrote the name of ‘Country 404’ without even thinking. Can we have the words that are in moderation connected to this topic released again, please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Brian Doonthetoon

As a fellow Dundonian, I follow “grumpyscottishman”, whose latest blog contained something that got my brain cogs turning.

The problem Scotland has is that those who live outside Scotland tend not to regard it as a country – rather they see it as a theme park to the north of England. Even some Scots, around 50%, don’t see Scotland as a country that could make its own way in the world. They’ll support the sports teams associated with the concept of “Scotland” but, once the game’s over, they go back to the daily grind and don’t give “Scotland” a second thought.

Back to the theme park suggestion…
Witness the latest ‘attraction’ – the NC500, which joins castles, mountains, white beaches, standing stones, and so on, as attractions for tourists. Then add in the quaint single track roads with passing places to hone the driving skills.

Maybe the way forward to independence lies in persuading the 80/90 minute patriots that there is more to their homeland than a sporting identification. Maybe Scotland should be self-IDing as an independent country? In Scots’ minds onnyhoo.

grumpyscottishman typed at the link,
“Sometimes my blogs are about trying to shake things up, a conversation with someone I know who had all but given up on yes and who took particular umbrage to myself blogging that Scotland was not a country showed their passionate belief that Scotland is and they will never give up believing that and fighting for it. That is maybe a positive at the end of the day if it reignited some passion in the debate.

It’s almost like we should be taking a step back, to achieve two steps forward.

link to

BTW: onnybuddie else not getting the preview below the comment box when you start typing? It’s been missing from my pages for a couple of weeks – and still no email notifications of Rev’s new pages. Checked my WordPress account and the relevant boxes are ticked.

Derek Rogers

@birnie @ 1:01pm:

What you did was absolutely right; I’ll follow your lead, and I hope many more Wingsters do the same.

Why don’t you name your MSP on this forum? They’re a public servant, and responsible to the electorate. Then Rev Stu could maybe build a Roll of Dishonour.


@ Briandoonthetoon 8:22 pm:

Me! For about a week. Thought it was just something at my end.

Taxi for Sturgeon

Let’s just hope the absolutely awful MP Anne McLaughlin doesn’t get picked. It’s hard enough knowing she employs her boyfriend Graham Campbell in her constituency office but not that long ago she was talking utter nonsense about how we need to wait for our moment for Indy aye just so she and her man gets an extra few years on the gravy train!


twathater says:
1 December, 2022 at 6:20 pm

People keep asserting that Joanna Cherry would be great as leader, WHY, what has she actually done to further independence , okay she fought the prorogation of WESTMINSTER and won , HOW did that benefit Scotland , after she won THAT case she sat back down and remained SHTUM, they demeaned her repeatedly especially removing her ministerial position and gave it to a DRAMA fucking graduate, yet again she sat SHTUM…

I am pretty sure the point wasn’t lost on Westminster when JC put the reigning PM in his place, and knocked that obnoxious Geoffrey Cox down a peg or two into the bargain.

I stand by what I said, that the prorogation was ruled unlawful because it removed Parliament from scrutiny, yet Parliament served the people and thus should not remove itself from said scrutiny.

That is NOT indicative of a sovereign Parliament; a sovereign Parliament could do what it liked. Instead it made it quite clear Westminster was a subservient Parliament with a master. You ONLY get that through the Scottish doctrine of popular sovereignty. I’m adamant that’s an away goal for Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution.

Why Joanna’s victory didn’t blossom it the full blown Constitutional crisis for the UK, I cannot imagine. It should have. And I agree, it is troubling why JC didn’t push the Constitutional buttons, and let Westminster off the hook. She was on a roll, and the next step was surely the Claim of Right.

I felt the same way with the Article 50 case; the scene was set perfectly for Scotland to exercise it’s sovereign prerogative to unilaterally revoke Scotland’s Article 50, and there we had another Constitutional crisis for the UK… But then nothing… zilch.

While that was a big disappointment, to be honest, I think with SALVO now on the scene, there’s a good feeling about it, perhaps a better feeling than we could ever expect from a lawyer setting the pace.

Lastly, while I’m not party to inside knowledge on the matter, I would bet that Joanna staying with the SNP through pretty dreadful times, was strategic, and a decision reached after consultation with Alex Salmond.

For a long time, actually until just recently, the image on JC’s Twitter home page was a friendly smiling picture Joanna, Alex and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh. Picture paints a thousand words as they say. It think the significance was clear.

Realistically now, who is there beside Joanna Cherry who stands the remotest chance of healing the rift created by Sturgeon? I firmly believe we are seeing the results of plans within plans, and the patience of a chess grandmaster.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we’re out of the woods with Sturgeon yet, but JC hanging in there creates options which wouldn’t otherwise exist.

I also think Sturgeon is afraid of her.

So I dunno…

Lastly too, just suppose you were a smart cookie QC, now KC, and you had twice presented Sturgeon with two clear shots at an open goal, only for her to royally fk up them both, wouldn’t you start keeping your powder dry until the idiot was gone? It’s possible they were giving Sturgeon enough rope to hang herself, and the Supreme Court was it.


Just remember everyone Nicola is probably in the hands of the security services and is being played to undermine the movement.
This started with delay and moved to Salmond, now it’s back to delay and daft policies and Fergusons, NHS, and whatever disaster is next. All to be well egged by the BBC.

If the MPs elect who HQ want, you know why.

It is quite funny the MPs that appear settled in, because there is no chance, they will be getting re-elected, Nicola will be outed in the run up to the election and it will be game over.


I’m going to copy this full article as i’m fed-up with the way is failing to load a lot of archive attempts. I was going to add, please don’t let Sturgeon see this or she might get ideas, but then i remembered Marion etc. This has now spread to England. Using the police as an intimidation tool?

‘Dorset Police are slammed for ‘heavy handed’ response after officer was sent to constituents homes’

“A police force has been slammed for its ‘heavy handed’ approach after an officer turned up at the homes of two women who wanted to quiz their MP on sewage spills.

“Retired teacher Fran Swan and yoga instructor Beverley Glock both tried to register for a meeting in a nearby village, hosted by West Dorset MP Chris Loder.

“But after they submitted questions about sewage in the online registration form, Mr Loder wrote to say the meeting was specifically for villagers in Chideok – but said he would ‘see what he could do’.

“And at 7.30pm last Thursday, the night before the meeting was due to take place, a police officer arrived at Ms Swan’s home to ask the 70-year-old about her intentions.

“Ms Swan said: ‘I was flabbergasted and outraged. We live in the middle of nowhere and suddenly a WPC in full uniform turns up.’

“She added: ‘I would have liked this rare opportunity to speak to my MP about people’s concerns and the ongoing sewage problems.’

“Mrs Glock, who was not at home when the officer visited her property, said: ‘It was intimidating and I felt disturbed to know police were looking for me.’

“The west Dorset coast is one of several areas across the country which has been swamped by a series of sewage spills. And campaigners have accused Mr Loder of attempting to intimidate his constituents.

“Charles Watson, founder of environmental charity River Action UK, said: ‘Ms Swan and Mrs Glock are examples of the hundreds thousands of British citizens who are desperately concerned about the deluge of untreated sewage being pumped into our rivers and onto our beaches.

“‘By visiting these women after dark at their homes, these police took a totally heavy-handed approach, and it suggests this MP was using intimidation tactics to supress freedom of speech.’

“Mr Loder told the Mail it was necessary for him to inform the police about ‘anything out of the ordinary’ as he and his family have received threats in the past.

“The Tory MP added that it was ‘unusual to receive the interest of two people who were not invited to attend a localised surgery’, and cited the murder of Sir David Amess who was stabbed to death at a constituency surgery in 2021.

“Mr Loder said sewage spills were discussed at the ‘full and frank’ meeting. It is understood the MP did not instruct officers to visit the women’s homes.

“But Anthea Simmons, editor of local news site West Country Voices, said: ‘While what happened to Sir David Amess was a tragedy it should not be used as a fig leaf to stop constituents speaking to their MPs.’

“Ms Swan lives five miles away from Chideok in Fishpond, while Mrs Glock is seven miles from the village in Lyme Regis. Both women are frequent visitors of Chideok, which lies in an area of outstanding national beauty.

“A Dorset Police spokesman said officers from its neighbourhood policing team ‘wished to understand the intentions’ of the women ‘to ensure that public safety was preserved and any lawful protest could be facilitated’.

Has the politician never heard of private security guards? And how would police going to someone’s home stop a serious incident occurring at, or after, a meeting? If someone was determined to get him i doubt very much a police officer going to someone’s door would deter them. Did he really think an attacker would give all their home details etc prior to their intended attack? No! As far as i’m concerned he’s been exposed taking liberties with his position and the police force.


The choice of Blackford’s replacement will show us if SNP MPs are at last fighting back against Sturgeon’s dictatorship. If it’s Cherry then yes; if Flynn then no. Also it seems interesting that this has happened immediately after the split in support for John Nicolson.

Things are afoot? And it’s time to stick the boot in? One way or another.


BDTT: “onnybuddie else not getting the preview below the comment box when you start typing? It’s been missing from my pages for a couple of weeks”

It’s been doing the same here for a couple of weeks or so… and that’s on about 5 different devices. Doesn’t bother me but sometimes it’s helpful to preview.


Here’s Blackford’s replacement, possibly: link to

‘Nicola Sturgeon’s nemesis? The rise and rise of Stephen Flynn’

LOL! Aye! Right! G’night, Troops!


Hatuey says:
1 December, 2022 at 9:50 pm

BDTT: “onnybuddie else not getting the preview below the comment box when you start typing? It’s been missing from my pages for a couple of weeks”

It’s been doing the same here for a couple of weeks or so… and that’s on about 5 different devices. Doesn’t bother me but sometimes it’s helpful to preview.


That’s a lot of devices for one person


Regarding the NHS, the ideal model for business efficiency is 100% occupancy – and, presumably, a needy waiting list – whereas a service operating for the benefit of the population would have, perhaps, a 75 or 80% occupancy as its ideal, thus allowing some headroom for emegencies.

I also note that the convalescent and geriatric hospitals seem to have disappeared, and we’re left with one mega-hospital to serve all the needs of a city. It’s also not very well-positioned, whereas the old Infirmary was right in the middle of everything.

Still, expensive housing, eh? See also the City. And Bruntsfield. And Corstorphine, once they get round to it. And the PMR.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Derek.

You typed,
“I also note that the convalescent and geriatric hospitals seem to have disappeared, and we’re left with one mega-hospital to serve all the needs of a city. It’s also not very well-positioned, whereas the old Infirmary was right in the middle of everything.”

Not true, as far as Dundee is concerned. We have Roxburghe House, attached to Victoria Hospital, which, as far as I know, is involved in palliative care, and Victoria Hospital itself, which is involved in ‘near end of life’ care.

link to

link to

Linda McFarlane

If only it was “only one more to go.”
With the exception of the wonderful Joanna Cherry they’ve all been beaten into submission by Sturgeon and her gender woo woo.
If you want to beat Sturgeon you have to beat this, ‘cos she’s got nothing else.

Brian Doonthetoon

The SNP have lost the plot, as far as the average Scottish electorate is concerned.

They are not pursuing policies that matter to us, ie independence, instead, they are pursuing policies, ie gender ID, that we do not care for.

It will come home to roost.

Linda McFarlane

oops. Proper link

link to

Robert Louis

Brian doonthe toon, at 1207am,

That is it exactly. And to be honest, from a purely cynical political strategy viewpoint you do have to ask, WHY? I mean here we have a supposedly pro indy party in power, with an unprecedented mandate to pursue independence, yet it puts all its efforts into a wholly chaotic and destructive piece of legislation, that will do untold harm to women and children’s rights and welfare. And you need to ask WHY???

For what it is worth, I understand the whole concept of perhaps streamlining or in some ways reducing the administrative burden for those who GENUINELY wish to pursue the lifestyle living within a different sex (so far as that goes), but the restrictions exist for good reason. Safeguards are there for a reason. Sadly in this world their are living creepy men (who do not truly want to be another sex), who will do anything (and they are truly manipulative), including claiming to be a ‘different ‘gender’, or whatever, in order to pursue their personal sexual fetishes, which include getting into ladies changing rooms and toilets, and worse. These people would take advantage. They are not the people this legislation is meant to help.

What the scotgov is doing is destructive in the sense that it will backfire, and will do so spectacularly. ANY parent with a daughter would go ballistic, if they were told a fully grown intact man, with dick and balls is suddenly allowed to change in their changing rooms, simply because he SAYS he is a ‘lady’ – and that is EXACTLY what this law would allow. The legislation is also destructive in the sense that by making it possible for creeps to abuse the system, The fury of the public will be such that it will in the longer term be more harmful to transgender or transexual rights, and thereby damage the real people it is supposed to help.

It is stupidity on stilts, and WHY Sturgeon is sooooooo utterly obsessed with pursuing this, is truly beyond me. It is quite literally political suicide – but then judging by her actions, perhaps that is her intention. What better way of permanently crippling the independence movement? She cannot be trusted at all.


@birnie That is the most disrespectful answer you could have possibly received from your msp. Basically he has telt ye to fof. Charmin!


This all looks very dodgy.

link to
SNP gender reforms ‘dangerous for women’, UN official warns

link to
Sturgeon rejects UN concerns about reform of Scotland’s gender law

link to
Scottish feminists hit back at UN gender recognition warning

The six ‘feminist’ organisations are Engender, JustRight Scotland, Scottish Women’s Rights Centre, Scottish Women’s Aid, Amnesty International Scotland and Rape Crisis Scotland

link to
Zero tolerance event bans talk of single sex spaces

Shauny Boy

After that woman shouted at Sturgeon you just know an email went out demanding that anyone who wants to keep their job should start circling the wagons…

Doing very little to dissuade people from the notion that Scotland’s third sector is entirely captured by Sturgeon and her spads and has long since lost any shred of credibility, objectivity or independent thought.

You get the same dozen or so people to sit on the same boards and be advisors for a dozen or so organisations. You then use the fact these different organisations are saying the same thing as evidence of a national consensus, despite it just being a big clique

link to
Nicola Sturgeon backs Women’s Aid donations as Alex Salmond faces crowdfunding campaign backlash

Did Women’s Aid no have a lot to say during & after the Alex Salmond trial?

link to

We’ll also seek to establish that the prosecution of Mark was politically motivated.

As most of you will know, Mark was an active and outspoken supporter of Alex Salmond.

Rape Crisis Scotland, who played an active part in the charges against Alex Salmond, also played an active part in having Mark investigated and charged.

We intend to explore in the course of this litigation whether Rape Crisis Scotland were encouraged to make a complaint about Mark for political motives, and indeed whether the complainers in the Salmond trial were similarly encouraged to do so.

Rape Crisis Scotland are of course funded by the Scottish Government.


As of November 2022, gender self-identification, where no judge or medical expert are involved, is part of the law in 18 countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Switzerland and Uruguay.

It is easy to hyperventilate over cocks in frocks in your grand-daughter’s changing room, but what issues have come to light in these countries and how many horror stories are there?

Just asking, don’t jump down my throat.


Sigh! :-(. Comment awaiting moderation. I’m guessing it’s because of too many links. I’ll try without links.

This all looks very dodgy.

Link removed The Times
SNP gender reforms ‘dangerous for women’, UN official warns

Link removed – The Guardian
Sturgeon rejects UN concerns about reform of Scotland’s gender law

Link removed The National
Scottish feminists hit back at UN gender recognition warning

The six ‘feminist’ organisations are Engender, JustRight Scotland, Scottish Women’s Rights Centre, Scottish Women’s Aid, Amnesty International Scotland and Rape Crisis Scotland

Link removed -The Times
Zero tolerance event bans talk of single sex spaces

Shauny Boy

After that woman shouted at Sturgeon you just know an email went out demanding that anyone who wants to keep their job should start circling the wagons…

Doing very little to dissuade people from the notion that Scotland’s third sector is entirely captured by Sturgeon and her spads and has long since lost any shred of credibility, objectivity or independent thought.

You get the same dozen or so people to sit on the same boards and be advisors for a dozen or so organisations. You then use the fact these different organisations are saying the same thing as evidence of a national consensus, despite it just being a big clique

Link removed
Nicola Sturgeon backs Women’s Aid donations as Alex Salmond faces crowdfunding campaign backlash

Did Women’s Aid no have a lot to say during & after the Alex Salmond trial?

Link removed. Gordon Dangerfield
We’ll also seek to establish that the prosecution of Mark was politically motivated.

As most of you will know, Mark was an active and outspoken supporter of Alex Salmond.

Rape Crisis Scotland, who played an active part in the charges against Alex Salmond, also played an active part in having Mark investigated and charged.

We intend to explore in the course of this litigation whether Rape Crisis Scotland were encouraged to make a complaint about Mark for political motives, and indeed whether the complainers in the Salmond trial were similarly encouraged to do so.

Rape Crisis Scotland are of course funded by the Scottish Government.

Anja Beal

Hi Rev, you said “the astoundingly awful Stephen Flynn”, I’m genuinely interested in why you think he’s awful. I know very little about him.

Dorothy Devine

The stench of putrefaction. There will be no safe seats for the SNP and it takes money, a whole lot of spending money, to buy votes.


Scotsrenewables says:
2 December, 2022 at 9:25 am

Just asking, don’t jump down my throat.

You’re OK pal they’ll be no jumping down your throat from me.

Your post was interesting in that it told me a lot about you.

Have a nice day.


Scotsrenewables says:
2 December, 2022 at 9:25 am

As of November 2022, gender self-identification, where no judge or medical expert are involved, is part of the law in 18 countries:
It is easy to hyperventilate over cocks in frocks in your grand-daughter’s changing room, but what issues have come to light in these countries and how many horror stories are there?

Just asking, don’t jump down my throat.

Nobody will jump down your throat.

Because there’s a foot in the way.

Mark Boyle

Scotsrenewables says:
2 December, 2022 at 9:25 am

As of November 2022, gender self-identification, where no judge or medical expert are involved, is part of the law in 18 countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Switzerland and Uruguay.

It is easy to hyperventilate over cocks in frocks in your grand-daughter’s changing room, but what issues have come to light in these countries and how many horror stories are there?

Just asking, don’t jump down my throat.

As many horror stories as there was about systematic child abuse rings in Blackpool, Rochdale, Rotherham, Manchester, Hudderfield, Nottingham, etc. but which were suppressed by the media, politicians and police for “political expediency”.

We all know what happened next …


@ Scotsrenewables

Putting aside all the issues that Self ID can create. There is also the matter that all this gender stuff is effectively being imposed on us by external actors, and it is not borne from any mandate given by our own electorate.


Couldn’t care less who replaces Blackford. He embodies perfectly the effectiveness of the SNP at Westminster – about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.


Mark Boyle says:
2 December, 2022 at 9:56 am

As many horror stories as there was about systematic child abuse rings in Blackpool, Rochdale, Rotherham, Manchester, Hudderfield [sic], Nottingham, etc. but which were suppressed by the media, politicians and police for “political expediency”.

You failed to mention Jimmy Savile, the world’s smallest paedophile ring. Why did you do that? Was it for this “political expediency” they have these days?

There are valid reasons for not publicising everything, among them safeguarding the identity of the children involved. There’s also the risk of prejudice to justice – that’s why Stephen Yaxley-Lennon was jailed for contempt of court. And the risk to ongoing investigations.

It’s not as black & white as you’re trying to make it out to be, so
sit doon, ya jambo cunt. GBAK. Did you cry in ’86, and have you stopped yet?


I find it hard enough to get to the truth of what’s going on in this country far less what’s going on in

‘Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Switzerland and Uruguay.’

Sturgeon & Scotsrenewables can suggest everything is pefect in these countries but my gut instinct tells me they are lying.

Why would people (women/men/grandparents) in these countries feel differently from women in Scotland?
Maybe it’s even worse in these countries with regard to freedom of speech.

I don’t normally read papers from the above mention countries but the other day I did read about what’s going on in Spain from an article in the Times.

link to
‘Avoiding debate on gender bill is authoritarian’

Raquel Rosario Sánchez is a writer, researcher and campaigner from the Dominican Republic a member of the Spanish-speaking feminist collective Contra el Borrado de las Mujeres (Against the Erasure of Women),

Dave S

cherry might be a bit better than bunter blackford, but no fucking lawyer is going to deliver us independence.


Dan says:
2 December, 2022 at 10:03 am
@ Scotsrenewables

Putting aside all the issues that Self ID can create. There is also the matter that all this gender stuff is effectively being imposed on us by external actors, and it is not borne from any mandate given by our own electorate.

Not just imposed on us, the tossers effectively stole the mandate that was given to drive forward Scottish Independence, and purloined the popularity of Independence as their ticket into office to pursue their twisted beliefs instead. They are frauds and charlatans, no better than thieves. They didn’t earn the right to sit in Holyrood, they stole it. They are carpetbagging squatters who got in under false pretences.

As far as I can see, all they have “earned” is the right to see their “coup” undone and their objectives frustrated, on a simple matter of principle and probity, and that’s without even giving preliminary consideration to crackpot denial of science they’re apparently trying to promote and force upon the population after minimal scrutiny.

But what preliminary consideration has been given, because their histrionics and threatening behaviour has forced it’s way onto the agenda, is deeply, deeply concerning and potentially dangerous.

It’s peculiarly disingenuous to aver that self-ID is no threat to anyone, when they’ve already been threatening, bullying, intimidating, and cancelling anyone who dared to stand in their way, trying hard to end people’s academic careers.

And with hardly any exception I can think of, are duplicitous, underhand and clandestine in the way they swamp “safeguarding” committees and vetting protocols to fill spaces with “their” people through brazen gerrymandering, where necessary self IDing themselves as disabled; shameful misconduct which must surely leave any right thinking person deafened by the alarm bells they are hearing.

You will notice, I hope, not a word of condemnation or hostility towards transgender people who find themselves tormented in their own body and find peace living as the opposite sex, and truth be known, I feel genuine remorse that these people are going to be long term victims of self-ID and transgender extremism when tolerance of these feral troublemakers with their “pink” baseball bat mentality dries up.

As I was growing up, there was David Bowie turning his very public and very personal transgender exploration into an art form that reached out to people and did a million times more to promote acceptance, tolerance and understanding. The problem ISN’T transgenderism itself.

It really begs the question whether a genuine transgender person feels any better represented by this Transgender “Mob”, than any true Independentist feels properly represented by Sturgeon’s Trans Taliban. The “Mob” is in it for themselves, and doesn’t give a shit how many hopes are crushed along the way.

When you think like that, it’s almost like a twisted kind of football hooliganism; angry young males identifying with a cause which gives vent to their violent urges, overdoses on testosterone and misogyny, (aye, maybe not so much of the testosterone), and doesn’t give a shit about the name and reputation of the football club their actions humiliate, nor the wrecked family occasion of a father taking his kids to the fitba.

They’re just fucking casuals by another name, and lame ones at that, who only get a thrill picking on women. Casuals get tooled up and assemble at a clock tower or a car park on match day. These “pink Casuals” get tooled up and assemble wherever they can find a feminist to heckle. Convince me I’m wrong.


Dan says:
2 December, 2022 at 10:03 am

@ Scotsrenewables

Putting aside all the issues that Self ID can create. There is also the matter that all this gender stuff is effectively being imposed on us by external actors, and it is not borne from any mandate given by our own electorate.

Which highlights the point I keep making about the source of the mandate The Scottish Ministers claim is only coming from within the chamber. It does, because that’s what the Scotland Act states.

We need to drive this message home to inform voters, remind politicians and enable journalists to do better.

Manifestos are just bait as they hawk for your vote, once elected they can do what they like when it comes to legislation.

It’s a ‘switcheroo/heads they win, tails you lose’ scenario as they sincerely dedicate everything they do to the 20 gazillion people they represent who all want different things.

MSPs laugh at us plebs without a very large starting salary,

and absolute privilege to spill the beans about things subject to Contempt of Court Orders – ‘strict liability’ rule of Section 11 Orders doesn’t apply.

*begged question alert*

Maybe that’s why the very idea of ALBA MSPs was/is feared/hated so much?

Happy Christmas

Dave S

Why is there so many gay people in the scottish parliament? Gays must be about 1% of the population, but there seems to be about 50% of MSPs who are gay.
If this kind of over-representation happened with any other demographic, this would be discussed. why isnt this?
Gay people seem to be more likely to hold pro-trans views than the general public, i would imagine, so its no wonder. The problem is then because us this clearly unfair over-representation of one group in society.

Viscount Ennui

Is it possible to separate 4 distinct issues?
1. Sexual orientation
2. Sexual exploitation
3. Gender identity
4. Paedophilia
The overlap areas are problematic enough without confusing things by bundling everything together.


Contra el Borrado de las Mujeres (Against the Erasure of Women)

That is quite a powerful name.

If a translation hadn’t been given to

‘Contra el Borrado de las Mujeres’

I would have translated it as ‘Against the rubbing out of Women’

Maybe that’s because I have never called a rubber an erasure.

There’s a lot of rubbing out/erasing going on

Very problematic is the
the erasure of prior history with regards to paedophiles

link to

Viscount Ennui

Of course, the fifth should be ‘sexual discrimination’.


@ Dave S

There’s a bit of info in this previous article on representation stats from different demographics.

link to


@ Breeks

In your opposition to Self-Id, you used the word transgender 6 times and the word women once in the context of being a target for males to just ‘pick on’.

Why did you do that? Do you hate women?

Transgender isn’t a valid term, btw.

There are males and females with the protected characteristic of gender reassignment. Transwomen don’t exist and neither do transmen. ‘I’m trans’ is meaningless unless

GRA2004 has a single use of the term “transsexualilsm” so there is no ‘or transgender’ as you claim.

[“25 Interpretation

“gender dysphoria” means the disorder variously referred to as gender dysphoria, gender identity disorder and transsexualism,

…” – link to ]

You are pandering to the Troons by adopting their language.


Dave S says:
2 December, 2022 at 11:11 am
cherry might be a bit better than bunter blackford, but no fucking lawyer is going to deliver us independence.

Perhaps not by herself, but a Front Bench and majority of Scottish Westminster MP’s getting behind SALVO and the Claim of Right could do a lot of heavy lifting for Liberation.Scot, and present to the world a United front on Scottish Independence, not merely a Constitutional Initiative with even Scotland’s own elected representatives won’t recognise.

Liberation.Scot is signing up signatures to bolster it’s credibility from a stone cold standing start. If Scotland’s Westminster MP’s and SALVO were suddenly showing real commitment to Independence and singing from the same Constitutional hymn sheet, then what is there to stop us accelerating the whole process?

Don’t get me wrong, SALVO is rising anyway, but it’s carrying a lot of dead weight ballast, and a lot of that ballast is SNP torpor, cynicism and lethargy. With Cherry in charge at Westminster, I think that would change overnight, and better still, Cherry’s Westminster SNP and SALVO’s Liberation Congress are the perfect compliment to each other.

Scotland’s Westminster MP’s plus a Liberation Congress, is not a million miles away from a Pre-Union Scottish Parliament and Convention of the Estates… and both united behind the Claim of Right.

Holyrood? Sturgeon? Didn’t they just self- ID as a Parish Council? Just let them be. They’ll do what they’re told later on.

I think Joanna Cherry could do this. Others? Maybe. Not so sure. Cherry, yes.


Scott says:
2 December, 2022 at 11:44 am
@ Breeks

In your opposition to Self-Id, you used the word transgender 6 times and the word women once in the context of being a target for males to just ‘pick on’.

Why did you do that? Do you hate women?

Transgender isn’t a valid term, btw.

Thank you. I’m absolutely delighted to be using the wrong and not valid term, almost as much as not having any pronouns. Good for me.

Dave S

thanks Dan. it does humorously point out the obvious ridiculous flaws in positive discrimination.


Having to move to a larger venue.

ALBA Party’s Special National Assembly will now be held in the Salutation Hotel, Perth, on Saturday 10th December.

link to


Breeks says:
2 December, 2022 at 11:52 am

Scott says:
2 December, 2022 at 11:44 am
@ Breeks

Why did you do that? Do you hate women?

Transgender isn’t a valid term, btw.

Thank you. I’m absolutely delighted to be using the wrong and not valid term, almost as much as not having any pronouns. Good for me.

I’ll take that as a yes.


Way past time the north british Sturgid should follow Bozo Blackford out the door of no return.


Scott says:
2 December, 2022 at 12:09 pm

I’ll take that as a yes.

Let me guess, whether I like it or not?

George Ferguson

The results of my local by-election are in and it is a Labour Hold. It can be meaningless to extrapolate these results to a Holyrood election but what you can do is observe how the campaigns were delivered. The first time in many a year that Labour matched the SNP with on the ground resource and election material. I had 3 visits from the SNP and 3 visits from Labour. Both far outstripped any other candidate in election material. The footsteps of change are observable. The campaign style of the SNP and the feedback from neighbours was one of a sense of entitlement. My conclusion Labour are back as an electoral force. We don’t have much to time gain Independence. I think Labour will have the most MSPs in the Holyrood 2026 election. Sturgeon needs to go now.


Breeks says:
2 December, 2022 at 12:16 pm

Scott says:
2 December, 2022 at 12:09 pm

I’ll take that as a yes.

Let me guess, whether I like it or not?

You didn’t like to give an answer, so I chose one for you.

If that makes you sad, what do I care? If it makes you happy, what do I care?

You still haven’t actually disputed the conclusion, because just questioning the logic behind it is all I got back.

And you asked me to let you guess, but did it anyway. Why? Why? Why? You can have all the guesses you want, forever. [I can be facetious anaw]

I know Iain Lawson thinks the world of your musings, but you don’t half talk a lot of shite at times. You take an idea and stretch it waaaaay beyond its boundaries in describing the same thing using different terms. It’s almost as though you aren’t certain of what you speak to, but really like the idea of being a Market Square hero alongside others gathering the storms to troop.

I am, as always

hth, yw

Lorna Campbell

Ruby: one of the likeliest outcomes of the GRR passing into law (where men will legally become women) is that there will be no way, legally, to keep them out of anywhere that women and girls and children congregate and any protest by females will be met by the full force of the law. To boot, men committing crimes, and where those men claim to be women, are recorded as female for the purposes of that crime record, ergo, there will be few recordings of men in woman face committing the crimes in question. That could account for much of the ‘silence’ around ‘trans’ crimes. Graham Linehan and many of his contacts have mountains of evidence that men wearing woman face are committing crimes all over the world where this stuff has become embedded. Reduxx is one such place to discover the truth about the reality of criminal woman face going on in the world of ‘trans’.

Stephen Flynn will almost certainly be elected in Ian Blackford’s place, and he will not rock the boat or, indeed, push too hard for independence. A sound choice, as they say in SNP circles. Who knows, though, someone might grow a pair a stand up for us. Okay, so I’m dreaming.


Dan 10:03am

Sturgeon did a despicable thing. She omitted Self-ID from her own manifesto while Harvie put it in his as an absolute.

So while everyone was voting for what they thought was Independence – no one paid much attention to the ramblings of Harvie & his freak show. The two votes SNP trick was used to block out Alba who would’ve been the fly in the ointment to thier cunning plan had they been elected. She didn’t mind unionists because at the time they were singing from the same hymn sheet – they didn’t know what a woman was either!

They join forces in the chamber & as Scott points out – they collude from there to do anything they want. She was under absolutely no obligation to adopt that part of the perverts charter – she just did it anyway & with the indy vote she used that as her mandate & everyone to craw it’s what ppl voted for.

Great innit? She uses a mandate she doesn’t have to push through shit no one wants.
While not using the mandates she has to push through the stuff we do!


George Ferguson says:
2 December, 2022 at 12:31 pm

The results of my local by-election are in and it is a Labour Hold

Final result (Stage 8)

Tony BOYLE Scottish Labour Party


Thomas George ULLATHORNE Scottish National Party (SNP)—Broxburn-Uphall-and-Winchburgh_02122022_104638.pdf?m=638055787858930000

As STV is a form of handicap, the result was effectively

1st Top Weight

2nd Bottom Weight

A wee reverse forecast on that outcome wouldn’t have paid that much.

stuart mctavish

George Fergusson @12:31

Is that the West Lothian one the National reports having been won by labour’s Tony Boyle after 8 rounds?

If so, setting aside the complex nature of the vote and the apparent pig headed insistence on fairplay from SNP (ie by refusing to stand aside to let their Green partners or Alba/ISP take advantage), wikipaedia records that poor Ann Davidson won it after only 5 rounds at the original vote.

Accordingly its ‘clear’ that labour vote has, in fact (?)*, collapsed almost as much as the conservative one and, but for any stubborn infighting, must be reasonably good news for indy in the immediate to long term regardless.

*only true enthusiasts might care to crunch enough numbers to be certain


@Dan 12.03pm

I’m a little confused about this: –


‘Dewars Centre is a unique venue, ideal for events of all sizes, accommodating 6 – 1,300 delegates. Facilities incorporate two halls, perfect for conferences, exhibitions and shows of every description, each able to seat up to 1,300 delegates.’


‘The ALBA Party have moved their Special National Assembly in Perth on Saturday 10th December … to a bigger venue due to “exceptionally high demand for places”

…The event which was originally to be held in Perth’s Dewars Centre has now been moved to the City’s Salutation Hotel with a capacity of over 300.’

Perhaps only small rooms were available at Dewars?

Mark Boyle

Scott says:
2 December, 2022 at 10:28 am

You failed to mention Jimmy Savile, the world’s smallest paedophile ring. Why did you do that? Was it for this “political expediency” they have these days?

There are valid reasons for not publicising everything, among them safeguarding the identity of the children involved. There’s also the risk of prejudice to justice – that’s why Stephen Yaxley-Lennon was jailed for contempt of court. And the risk to ongoing investigations.

It’s not as black & white as you’re trying to make it out to be, so
sit doon, ya jambo cunt. GBAK. Did you cry in ’86, and have you stopped yet?

Another stunning moment of slobbered up non sequiturs from Wings Over Scotland’s resident mouthbreather, who in his quest for attention will say absolutely anything to anyone, except of course “Yes I accept your job offer”.


Mark Boyle says:
2 December, 2022 at 4:04 pm

Another stunning moment of slobbered up non sequiturs from Wings Over Scotland’s resident mouthbreather, who in his quest for attention will say absolutely anything to anyone, except of course “Yes I accept your job offer”.

I’m retired, I don’t need to work.

And ‘non sequiturs’ doesn’t mean what you’re trying to imply if you actually read my response, so I’ll just presume the tears from ’86 got in the way. They’re diet Hun tears, so harmful because of all the phenylalanine but benign due to lack of brain matter in the host.

john walsh

Anne McLaughlin for me LOL she will baffle Sunak with interprative dance.
How low a fall of a party to even have her on the front bench.
The woohoo will be trying to keep their comfy lifestyles.
Here and no further , is the war cry.


‘Pension Posse’. That’s it, that’ll stick.

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