One more time for the folks at home
For goodness’ sake. Despite believing we’d laid the issue to rest once and for all, we’re STILL getting comments and tweets from readers who haven’t grasped Alistair Darling’s simple, straightforward explanation of whether Scotland’s decision in the independence referendum would be irreversible and forever, or whether we would instead quickly and inevitably find ourselves back in the Union.
Since you clearly found our previous quotes from the “Better Together” chairman inexplicably ambiguous, we’ve gone back and found a couple more from the same interview that should DEFINITELY clear things up.
5 minutes 3 seconds
“I think people in Scotland can distinguish between the election of a government for five years – Holyrood or Westminster – and this thing, the referendum, which is about what we have for the next three HUNDRED years!”
14 minutes 24 seconds (in response to the question “Do you think a currency union with Scotland would be in the interests of the United Kingdom?”)
“Of course! If you have independence, or separation, of course a currency union is logical, and d’you know why? Because a currency union ultimately leads to an economic and then a political union, which is what we’ve got now! I believe in a political union!”
Pay attention this time, readers. Honestly.
“independence, or separation”
‘Independence’ passed his lips! Progress!
EDIT: remove italics that I never wanted in the first place. Damn wacky comment system.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”.
You really think he’s a novice? I think he’s just incompetent despite years of high-level experience.
I think he’s secretly in the pay of the YES campaign. He’s angling to ‘flip’ to the winning side!
I think people in Scotland can distinguish between the election of a government for five years – Holyrood or Westminster – and this thing, the referendum, which is about what we have for the next three HUNDRED years!”
WHIT? They told me if I voted No it would settle the question once and for all. Now he’s telling me that in 2314 those nasty Nats are going to start this all over again???? Whit are they like? Don’t think I can go through it a second time!
Could somebody ask him – is it once and for all or do I need to worry about this for the next 300 years? Oh and while you’re at it, ask him why, if his powers of clairvoyance are that good, he didn’t see the financial crash of 2007 coming.
I don’t think that Darling cares if he contradicts himself. The soul purpose of the No campaign is to instil fear into the voters and therefore all questions must be answered with a negative spin. Any inconstancy in their argument is irrelevant as it’s not if the media will pull them up on it.
Look at Darling’s ‘tour of Scotland’ which is portrayed by the media as a god walking among us rather than a discredited politician unable to attract enough people to fill small rooms.
And Iain Grey as an ‘advisor’? I thought that the country had already passed its verdict on him.
I’m convinced, more than ever, that with a bit of work we’ll get an unequivocal YES in 2014.