The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

39636 to “Off-topic”

  1. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, here’s one for “affirming parents” who may be straying in to the realm of child abuse. SEX and GENDER are NOT the same thing. Healthy identities are shaped from within, not by external fads, with or without the support of state authority. It is important that children grow up to love themselves in an ethical manner that is grounded in the social reality of who they are. Don’t allow your misconceptions to cripple your child’s future development path.

    Same applies to Scotland’s residents who feel more Scottish than British, or who chose to retain their EU citizenship, a significant majority.

    The Psychologizing of Injustice?
    On Axel Honneth’s Theory of Recognitive Justice.

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    The Social Self: The Role of the Social Situation
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    Confronting suffering with narrative theory, constructed selfhood, and control: Critical perspectives by Simone Weil and Buddhist metaphysics
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  2. CameronB Brodie says:

    These might be more accessible.


    link to

    Low Self Esteem
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    Loving Yourself—How Important Is It?
    Can you love someone else if you don’t love yourself?

    link to

    James Brown – Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag – I Feel Good
    link to

  3. CameronB Brodie says:

    Are there still those who doubt that austerity is driven by ideology that is inescapably anti-social in nature? Time for some Critical Accounting and some gender-aware social economics and stuff?

    Public sector accounting, accountability and austerity: More than balancing the books?

    Purpose – The era of austerity that has followed the outbreak of the global financial crisis has posed a myriad of challenges for public services, with demands for major cuts in government spending, the delivery of balanced budgets and strategies for deficit reduction. The purpose of this paper is to consider how public sector accounting and accountability systems are implicated in the development and implementation of austerity policies. Also, it pinpoints a range of issues that accounting researchers need to be contemplating on the subject of accounting for austerity.

    Design/methodology/approach – Interdisciplinary literature review, coupled with an illustrative discussion of the changing nature of public sector accounting practices under austerity.

    Findings – Despite the significance and scale of austerity, public sector accounting research on the topic is in its infancy, with the prominent focus being on how accounting technologies are used to manage austerity. There have been few attempts to debate critically the construction of austerity and to provide alternative accounts of austerity. Accounting for austerity, especially in terms of its implications and consequences, is far too complex and challenging to be categorized as simply seeking to “balance the books”.

    Research limitations/implications – As an academic community, we need to be developing understanding of public sector accounting research under austerity across different organizational levels and contexts. Also, we should be framing the accounts of austerity in ways that respect and build on a sound understanding of the extensive available interdisciplinary research on this topic.

    Key research questions to address include: how is accounting shaping constructions of, and impressions, attitudes and behaviors toward, austerity and the status of governments and public service organizations? What do such patterns of development mean for the roles and contributions of public sector accountants under austerity? Are accounting systems destined to be used primarily as vehicles for cost-cutting, or can they be used as engines for growth and for thinking about public service responsibilities in more socially inclusive forms?

    Originality/value – Accountings of austerity in the field of public sector accounting research have been worryingly limited. This paper and the papers in this special issue of AAAJ address such failings, revealing a range of critical implications and challenges of austerity policies for public sector accounting research.

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    Austerity, Audit, and Accountability : New Public Management and the Privatisation of Local Audit in England
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    A ‘new politics’ of austerity, workfare and gender? The UK coalition government’s welfare reform proposals
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  4. Dan says:

    Dedicated to Theresa on her various trips…

    Talking Heads – Road to Nowhere

    link to

    C’mon Scotland, we’ve got better destination options available to us rather than letting this current clown continue holding the wheel.

    The past two years condensed into 40 seconds. We really don’t want to hang around and get caught up in the end result.

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  5. CameronB Brodie says:

    One for Conservative MP Dominic Grieve, who appears to be a democrat who respects the voluntary nature of the yoonyawn. Come on Scottish Conservatives, show the world you’re not blood-and-soil, English nationalist, Tories and give British nationalism the cold shoulder.

    Sam Cooke – A Change Is Gonna Come
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  6. Ian Foulds says:

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    For the moment we could keep the parliamentary union with England and Wales but be separate along with Northern Ireland with an Economic Union?

  7. CameronB Brodie says:

    I appreciate the Scottish public had to be shown that Westminster does not deal with Scotland in good faith, but it is ethically immoral to attempt to change their political culture. That’s exactly what British nationalism does to us and we don’t like it. Dissolve the yoonyawn and protect the human rights of those living in Scotland.

    Ethics and Morality in International Relations

    International Relations Ethics and Morality in International Relations


    Ethical questions are central to the study of international relations, as it is a field of study concerned with war and peace, trade and production, and law and rights. Yet, a persistent conventional wisdom suggests ethics are marginal to international relations. This conventional wisdom has two sources. After World War II, as the discipline of international relations was taking shape in the United Kingdom and the United States, a number of prominent scholars holding a realist view on questions of ethics came to dominate the field.

    Figures such as Hans J. Morgenthau, Reinhold Niebuhr, and E. H. Carr criticized what they saw as the misplaced moralism of earlier scholars who put their faith in the power of law and institutions to reform international relations. Not long after this move toward a realist paradigm that was skeptical of ethics, the discipline also began to focus on developing a value-free social scientific approach that rejected ethical questions as part of the study of international relations, especially in the United States. Yet, these two early shifts in the discipline obscure the fact that questions of ethics have always been part of the study of international relations. International relations, however, is concerned with political events and social forces that impact the lives of individuals, communities, and the human species as a whole, making ethical considerations inescapable….

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    Ethics and International Relations
    link to

    Ethical traps in international relations
    link to

    Ethical Reasoning in International Affairs
    Arguments from the Middle Ground

    link to

  8. CameronB Brodie says:

    Some essential reading for the Prime-minister.

    Hello everyone, is there such a thing as morality in the international arena?
    link to

  9. CameronB Brodie says:

    One for all those who believes in the British version of constitutional government.

    NOFX – The Idiots Are Taking Over
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  10. CameronB Brodie says:

    believes = believed.

  11. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Or perhaps an even better version.

    In this great future we can’t forget our past

    Watching all the hypocrites mingle with the good people we knew

    link to

  12. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi D McE H.

    That’s a great version of the song. I recall it was on the B Side of the 12″ version of “Daddy Cool”. Hud on, I’ll check…

    Yeah, it was.

    link to

    She had a great voice for the song. Typin’ about ‘a great voice for the song’. This single came out around a year before Rainbow’s version. Another chanteuse with a great voice.

    link to

    BTW: that song was written by Russ Ballard, ex-Argent. Here’s his version from just before Clout’s.

    link to

    Question is… Why wasn’t it a hit before Rainbow’s version?

  13. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Brian Doonthetoon at 7.43

    Yep. Much better than Daddy Cool. And that was the one that was played in all the Nigerian discos, beer houses, brothels etc. (Not a lot of difference). Gyrated with mony a dusky lass to the strains of that great disco record

  14. chicmac says:

    Madness in NZ.

    My daughter and grandaughter were locked in to their nursery for hours.

    Now we will have to share their on going fear of reprisals.

  15. CameronB Brodie says:

    Further to Waleed. I wasn’t joking when I suggested British society is afflicted by structural and institutional racism (see Westminster and Brexit, for example). The Islamophobic nature of contemporary British white nationalism has the same cultural root as English antisemitism. Brexit is as much about supporting Islamophobia as it is about exposing British democracy to further neo-liberal privatisation.

    Equality-of-oppressions and anti-discriminatory models in social work: reflections from the USA and UK


    Although the equality-of-oppressions paradigm in the USA and the anti-discriminatory framework in the UK are progressive steps in affirming the lives of many groups, they are limited in their ability to highlight the continued significance of racism in contemporary social work education. This comparative paper examines how universal frameworks of oppression in social work have helped to diminish the significance of racial oppression and begins by discussing their evolution in both countries.

    The next section is concerned with the rise of postmodern theory and its influence in reshaping issues of oppression. Finally, a model of differential vulnerability is offered as a way of identifying how the multiplicity of oppressions varies in frequency, intensity and pervasiveness. The authors suggest that this model can make a difference by reconfiguring models of oppression which interweave differential vulnerability to not only make the necessary connections between forms of oppression but also to reaffirm social work’s commitment to racial equality.

    Keywords: Equality-of-Oppressions, Anti-Discriminatory Practice, Postmodern, Race Equality

    link to

    Addressing racism: a new approach to promotion of positive policies is needed
    link to

    Neoliberal anti-racism:
    Responding to ‘everywhere but different’ racism

    link to

    How to start dismantling white privilege in higher education
    link to

  16. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Wee shout out to Smallaxe and Mrs S, if they’re still dipping in.

    Aye thinking of ye’s.


  17. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. the state’s drive towards the self-id of sex and the adoption of radical science as the basis of pubic policy. Why would a right-wing and increasingly authoritarian state undergoing a sustained period of economic, political and constitutional crises, wish to conflate sex with gender? Neo-liberalism is sufficiently misogynistic without further assistance from the New Right.

    Gender, race, and class in the local welfare state: moving beyond regulation theory in analysing the transition from Fordism


    In this paper we attempt to provide a conceptual framework which can help inform our analysis and understanding of current transformations taking place within the welfare state. We argue that the French school of regulationist literature, though able to provide a broad frame of reference for analysing contemporary shifts in economy and society, needs to be supplemented by an analysis which focuses on the racialised and gendered character of the welfare state.

    In the paper the ways in which the ‘universal’ welfare state has operated to exclude minorities and marginalised groups are charted, and we argue that in practice the Fordist mode of social regulation (MSR) operating in Britain generated a hierarchy of oppression. This hierarchy was constituted
    through the relations of class, race, and gender, and we show how these are currently being redefined as the British state seeks to mediate the crisis tendencies inherent in the Fordist MSR.

    link to

    Policy, Politics, Gender. Bringing Gender to the Analysis of Welfare States
    link to

    Reinforcing neoliberalism: crisis and austerity in the UK
    link to

    How Welfare States Shape the Gender Pay Gap:
    A Theoretical and Comparative Analysis

    link to

  18. CameronB Brodie says:

    Don’t get me wrong, radical science is an important part of proper science. It’s just that the state appears to be implementing a completely twisted interpretation of Radical Constructivism.

  19. CameronB Brodie says:

    There’s me thinking today’s Calcutta Cup would be just another noble defeat for Scotland, so went about fighting the gender and race-blind injustices of Britain’s enduring colonial legacy. Wait….what? Oh nuts.

    Critical Post-colonial Realist view on how to deal with the English school of International Relations
    link to

  20. X_Sticks says:

    So @hackalumpoff kindly dropped by today present me with the runners up prize from the @WingsScotland social auction. Thank you Nana! link to

  21. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for Scottish Conservatives who are unable to support contemporary white British nationalism.

    Critical Post-colonial Feminist IR v English school IR, in the race for cultural hegemony
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  22. CameronB Brodie says:

    And here’s one for folk who’ve just skipped those last two links. This is sort the insight you’ve missed. 😉

    The Best Spiderman & StormTrooper dance off Ever
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  23. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s some sports psychology and a bit of Critical Realism, to reflect today’s match and Scotland’s constitutionally imperiled status.

    Post-positivist, critical realism: philosophy, methodology and method for nursing research


    Background: Healthcare research acknowledges a range of paradigms. This article asserts that there is a place for post-positivist research for the nursing profession, particularly through critical realist methodologies. There are limited examples of this type of research and this may discourage nurses from considering it as a viable option.

    Aims: It will 1) provide a detailed overview of Bhaskar’s critical realism and 2) illustrate nursing research methods with published examples.

    Discussion: Bhaskar’s critical realist methodology is explained and three main research methods are illustrated: critical realist evaluation, action research and ethnography.

    Conclusion: Post-positivism negotiates some of the conflict and differences between positivism and interpretivism. It offers a variety of methodological choices for nurses who do not wish to align themselves strictly with facts, cause-effect and proving hypotheses or with only participant perspectives and experiences. Bhaskar’s critical realist principles may be used to study complex and open systems such as those of teams and organisations, public health interventions and social situations; but particularly the complexities of nursing practice, service delivery and design.

    link to

    Critical realism as a philosophy and social theory in information science?
    link to

    Effective ways to develop and maintain robust sport confidence: strategies advocated by sport psychology consultants

    Relational coaching in sport: Its psychological underpinnings and practical effectiveness
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  24. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @X-sticks –

    Richly deserved sah!


  25. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry for taking up so much space but I’ve just go to be me. Hit or miss. Sitting here all by myself trying be everybody else. Can’t you see, I’ve got to be me….hit or miss.

    Bo Diddley — Hit Or Miss
    link to

  26. X_Sticks says:

    Ah, Cameron, there’s no doubting you’re you. At least not from me anyway 😉

  27. Nana says:


    Glad you liked it 🙂

    @Ronnie Anderson

    I missed your call Ronnie, I was out with the dug.

  28. CameronB Brodie says:

    Are you calling me a bit nippy? 🙂

  29. X_Sticks says:


    You were only able to nip me by calling in reinforcements! 😉

  30. CameronB Brodie says:

    Still not let that go? Ah well, I feel for you. 😉

  31. X_Sticks says:


    Aye, right! No Nana salved my pain with her lovely wee plaque. An I’ll be aiming to have another go next time. Supporters of independence NEVER give up! No surrender! (I’ve been listening to too many DUP politicains of late 😉 )

  32. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m a six in one shampoo type feminist, so I reckon expressing masculinity is fine so long as it doesn’t involve objectifying women or undermining their social position and AGENCY. I love tits though. My mum has a lot to offer in that respect, as her garden is home to Great Tits, Blue Tits, Cole Tits and even Long-tail Tits, although they’re not proper tits, apparently. 😉

    Pornland – Funny Place
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  33. CameronB Brodie says:

    By Grabthar’s hammer, “never give up, never surrender”. 🙂
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  34. cearc says:

    Now, now, laddies – take it outside.

  35. CameronB Brodie says:

    Hey X_Sticks.

    Bo Diddley – I Don’t Like You
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  36. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scottish Conservatives please note that it is the Tory element in your party that has destroyed Britain. As with natural law, Tories reject natural morality.

    The Conservative Critique of Liberalism
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    The Projective Consciousness Model and Phenomenal Selfhood

    Causal Theory of Action
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    Naturalizing Metaethics
    link to

  37. CameronB Brodie says:

    Rushed at that a bit and got ahead of myself, so here’s a bit of Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind and stuff.

    Paley’s Moral Philosophy


    WILLIAM PALEY’S Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, first published in 1785, played a seminal role in the dissemination of utilitarianism in England. Adopted as an integral part of the curriculum at Cambridge University, the Principles helped shape the political thinking of England’s intellectual elite well into the nineteenth century.

    “It has laid the foundation of the Moral Philosophy of many hundreds—probably thousands—of Youth while under a course of training designed to qualify them for being afterwards the Moral instructors of Millions,” Archbishop Whately wrote in 1859; “such a work therefore cannot fail to exercise a very considerable and extensive influence on the Minds of successive generations.” As late as 1933, John Maynard Keynes called Paley’s Principles “an immortal book.”1

    Paley’s political philosophy remains difficult to classify, especially by modern standards. His theological utilitarianism helped buttress the formation of classical liberalism, the most important political ideology to emerge from the Enlightenment. Yet his Principles also contains passages that mesh comfortably with traditional eighteenth-century aristocratic paternalism, a philosophy frequently antagonistic to liberalism.

    Then too, despite his published opposition to the French Revolution, some considered Paley sympathetic to radicalism, a charge that may have affected his clerical advancement. Paley vivified the gross inequalities of the distribution of property; he condemned the slave trade; he proposed a graduated income tax that appealed to Tom Paine. In 1802, the Anti-Jacobin Review noted that from Paley “the most determined Jacobin might find a justification of his principles, and a sanction for his conduct.”2

    Though radicals during the 1790s never claimed Paley as an ally, his iconoclasm remained appealing to many commentators. Paley wrote during a transitional era of rapidly evolving civic discourse when traditional political labels proved inadequate and emerging ideological designations had yet to be fully formed.3

    link to

    link to

    Extended Cognition and Ethics
    link to

    Socially Extended Cognition and Shared Intentionality
    link to

  38. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.S. Tories tend to be the racist skinheads cultural nationalists of the Conservative world. That is who has led Britain to ruin. Certainly it would appear that contemporary British nationalism is only capable of accommodating those who identify as English/British Christians, or just plain white Anglicans. Is that how Scottish Conservatives want the world to view them as, a colonial in a Crown protectorate devoid of human significance and cultural value?

  39. Macart says:



    Also? Same as Ian B. A wee shout out to Mr & Mrs Smallaxe.

    You’re missed and hoping the best for you.

  40. Dorothy Devine says:

    Ian B and Macart , I have been scared to ask how things are for Smallaxe and Sybil . I too think about them often and I hope for the best.

  41. X_Sticks says:


    link to

  42. Macart says:


    Of recent times, (when I’ve had to tend to family issues), I’ve had more than one occasion to think of good folk no longer posting or able to post.

    You did well on the old MT this morning and yes there’s a lot of that horse shit on rinse and repeat recently. Hard to ignore it and sometimes harder not to. You know what to look for when that idiocy rears its head. A friendly face and a friendlier ear.

    There’s plenty out there. 🙂

  43. CameronB Brodie says:

    Finding the Sea of Green and destroying the false philosophy of the Blue Meanies is really what it’s all about, frankly. The Tories are not Above Good and Evil 😉

    The Beatles – Within You Without You
    link to

  44. chicmac says:

    Cammy B and other seekers.

    I am reading the book ‘Winners Take All” by Anand Giridharadas.

    It is American oriented therefore arguably some years behind European intellectual thought but all the more interesting for that.

    An interesting read. I don’t agree with everything in it but generally speaking his logic is sound.

    Of particular interest is the way he tries to get inside the logic bubble of ‘the elite’.

    The way he does this is by an imagined first person viewpoint from a young undergraduate’s perspective as they progress through the system.

    As such, he may be erring on the overly generous side regarding the motivation of those people although I am sure there are many who do start out with essentially altruistic ideals.

    It is still a recommended read from me.

  45. CameronB Brodie says:

    I feel like a bit of a show-off. Sorry for being a smartypants, it’s just that understanding social production of social stratification, was a topic of particular focus for us. You can’t plan a sustainable society unless you attend to the rectification of colonial-legacy issues.

    Pierre Bourdieu and elites: Making the hidden visible


    One of Pierre Bourdieu’s great skills and gifts to organizational researchers is his ability to reveal and make manifest the hidden mechanisms of social stratification that often remain invisible in organizational and social life. In this chapter, we explore Bourdieu’s contribution to the study of elites, power and domination.

    We apply his ideas and concepts illustratively to four specific areas of research: class domination and cultural reproduction in big business; the importance of reflexivity for social mobility; the transactional nature and legitimizing function of entrepreneurial philanthropy and the discerning processes of taste formation, indicative of underlying status distinctions, serving as another means of exercising power.

    The conceptual arsenal provided by Bourdieu is far from exhausted by management and organization studies. We need it most of all to continue exploring the activities of elites in the global field of power as, largely unobserved, they tighten their stranglehold on global wealth and resources.

    link to

    The Social Foundations of Global Conflict and Cooperation:
    Waves of Globalization and Global Elite Integration, 19th to 21st Century

    link to

    Global Actors: Networks, Elites, and Institutions
    link to

    Introducing elite discourse: the rhetorics of status, privilege, and power
    link to

  46. chicmac says:

    Erm.. yes.

    I did say that Giridharadas’s book was perhaps some years behind European intellectual thought but my commendation of it is specifically because it is:

    a) American in viewpoint.

    b) Has already attained a significant reach, potentially paradigm shifting.

    c) The vicarious literary device he uses, greatly increases accessibility.

    I guess it is kind of analogous to Stephen Hawking’s ‘Brief History of Time’ for non physicists in its dumming down while managing to contain the essence of the thinking behind ‘justifiable elitism’.

  47. CameronB Brodie says:

    Erm, sorry my bad. It was rude of me not to reply to your comment more fully. Thing is, I feel under a bit of pressure to keep my comments brief as I’m taking up so much space. That’s my excuse and I hope you’ll accept it.

    a) totally relevant as there are strong similarities in cultural practice, e.g. neo-liberal governance. Britain used to trail the USA by a couple of decades or so, in terms of adopting USofA cultural practices (see NHS privatisation, for example). I think this dynamic has intensified since I studied it, in terms of strength of USofA’s cultural influence and the rate of social adoption in Britain of USofA cultural practices. Brexit will most likely further accelerate and intensify this form of socio-cultural reproduction.

    b) about bloody time. 🙂

    c) sounds like a good read. 😉

  48. chicmac says:

    Nae bathir.

    In my view, it is important to promote distilled, accessible material.

  49. CameronB Brodie says:

    I hear what your saying and totally agree. I just wish more of the stuff I’m posting was immediately accessible to the cause. These gives an impression of the sort of palate I’m trying to working with though.

    A beginner’s guide to: Professor Eric Donald Hirsch
    link to

    Theory, Culture & Society
    link to

    A Beginner’s Guide to Social Theory
    link to

    Understanding Communication Theory
    link to

  50. Shinty says:

    Hi guys,

    Something I just came across, for all you night hawks out there.
    Hope you like it.
    link to

  51. yesindyref2 says:

    @chicmac / @CBB
    It needs both really, easy read stuff, and also more in depth stuff.

  52. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CamB –

    Any chance you could drop me a line at

    Someone wants to get in touch with you. It’s all good.


  53. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood says
    Still waiting on a confirmation code from gmail.

    Book (feat. Ndidi O.) – Hold On, I’m Coming
    link to

  54. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. the colonisation of womanhood. Time for some more International Relations Theory and a bit of post-colonial feminism?

    Gender, Feminist Theory, and Post-Colonial (Women’s) Writing


    The concept of gender has influenced, defined, and oriented much of feminist discourse in the past three decades. Donna Haraway has stated that all the modern feminist meanings of gender have roots in Simone de Beauvoir’s insight that one is not born a woman. Gender, explains Haraway, is a concept that developed to “contest the naturalization of sexual difference in multiple arenas of struggle.

    Feminist theory and practice around gender seek to explain and change historical systems of sexual difference, whereby ‘men’ and ‘women’ are socially constituted and positioned in relations of hierarchy and antagonism.”1 According to Elaine Showalter, gender has been used within Anglo-Saxon discourse to stand for the social, cultural, and psychological meaning imposed upon biological sexual identity. She further states that while earlier feminist literary criticism was interested primarily in women and women’s writing, “[t]he introduction of gender into the field of literary studies marks a new phase in feminist criticism, an investigation of the ways that all reading and writing, by men as well as women, is marked by gender.”2

    Feminist scholars were now able to theorize gender beyond the limits of sexual difference. This shift was necessary and significant because sexual difference had been central to the critique of representation in feminist writings and cultural practices of the 1960s and 1970s. Indeed, Sandra Harding has referred to feminist inquiries into the sex/gender system as “a revolution in epistemology.”3 Feminist theorists in recent decades have thus generally drawn from the diversity inherent in feminism(s).

    link to

    United by Strength or Oppression? A Critique of the Western Model of Feminism
    link to

    Understanding Postcolonial Feminism in relation with Postcolonial and Feminist Theories

    Feminism and Postcolonialism: (En)gendering Encounters
    link to

  55. CameronB Brodie says:

    Is it normal to wait for hour to get a confirmation code? Have I broken gmail or am I just too thick to set up an account? It’s almost certainly the later. Today has not been my day.

  56. CameronB Brodie says:

    Perhaps not stupid, just not fully engaging the brain. I’m waiting for a text that will be received by a phone in Edinburgh. I’m in Dundee. ;(

    Ian Brotherhood
    Expect an e-mail from an unusual address.

  57. CameronB Brodie says:

    Had to resort to a bit of the old “survival sex” myself. It’s not solely a woman’s issue.

    Maceo and The Macks – Cross The Track (We Better Go Back)
    link to

  58. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m certain Scotland’s nationals would be far more agitated about Brexit if they fully comprehended their vulnerability. The best way to combat vulnerability is by emancipating the victim’s powers of AGENCY.

    Judith Butler’s ‘not particularly postmodern insight’ of recognition


    Although Judith Butler regards recognition as the theme unifying her work, one finds a striking absence of dialogue between her and the authors of the normative theories of recognition – Honneth, Habermas, Ricoeur, etc. In the present article I seek to call into question this sentiment, shared by the two sides, of a radical theoretical heterogeneity.

    First I seek to show that the theory of performativity which Butler developed initially, contrary to all expectations, sets her relatively apart from the tradition to which she conforms (the French reading of Hegel), and brings her closer to the proposition represented by the normative theories of recognition in general, and that of Honneth in particular.

    Then I highlight how the recent modulations in her theory, through the appearance of the idea of a constitutive vulnerability, which enables her to found an ethics, undermine for once and for all the claim of irreducibility
    maintained by each of the two theories in relation to the other.

    Judith Butler, ethics, Axel Honneth, recognition, vulnerability

    link to

    Public Health Ethics: Cases Spanning the Globe
    Chapter 7 Vulnerability and Marginalized Populations

    link to

    Why Marginalization, Not Vulnerability, Can Best Identify People in Need of Special Medical and Nutrition Care
    link to

    A framework for understanding old-age vulnerabilities
    link to

  59. CameronB Brodie says:

    victims of social or cultural oppression, obvs.

    Young Pulse Rework – Running Away
    link to

  60. CameronB Brodie says:

    Roy Ayers Ubiquity, apparently.

  61. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. the politics of Harry Potter. Interested in a bit of Critical Literary Analysis and perhaps a bit of Queer Theory?

    In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Rowling, 2003), Dolores

    Umbridge slides into the picture as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. “Umbridge immediately meets with active resistance from the students. Her imposed ideals clashes with the existing culture and, therefore, are rejected out of hand” (Crews,2013, p. 18).” Umbridge wanted change and actually clashed with the other female characters. It was a simple battle between good and evil: Umbridge wanted change; Professor McGonagall wanted peace amongst the students.

    During the power struggle between good and evil with Umbridge, Harry, Hermione, and Ron make it a point to fight back. Hermione encourages Harry to lead a group of students who would fight to maintain the good within the castle. Again, Hermione steps up as the influencer, changing the game around from victim to champion.

    link to

    A Feminist Literary Criticism Approach to Representations of Women’s Agency in Harry Potter
    link to

    link to

    After Criticism, a Call to Rethink Queer Theory
    link to

  62. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. Scotland’s missed oil wealth.

    Forensic Analytics and Management Accountants
    link to

    The Role of Forensic Accounting and Its Relationship with Taxation System in Iraq
    link to

    The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice
    Introduction: The Idea of Distributive Justice

    link to

    Distributive Justice, Equity, and Equality
    link to

  63. Nana says:

    For everyone asking after Smallaxe, I spoke with him earlier today and he asked me to pass on his regards to you all.

    He is battling through treatment at the moment which leaves him feeling very tired.

    Here are two tunes from him so get up and dance!

    link to

    link to

  64. Macart says:


    Thanks Nana. 🙂

  65. CameronB Brodie says:

    It’s literally been years since I last sent an e-mail, just checking I’ve not forgotten that particular social skill. Not meaning to be pushy, it’s just my emotional state is already under assault from the stresses of Brexit. 😉

    Little Richard – Keep A-Knockin’
    link to

  66. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood

  67. CameronB Brodie says:

    Poor, woke-bro, Owen.

    Let’s talk about racism in education and international development
    link to

    We may be leaving Europe, but pan-European racism isn’t leaving us
    link to

    Challenging racism in the workplace
    link to

    Tackling race hate incidents in the workplace
    link to

  68. CameronB Brodie says:

    Jim Hagart
    Honest, I’m not stalking you bud. 😉 Time for a bit of cultural morphology?

    The Origins of the English Parliament, 924-1327
    English Exceptionalism?

    This chapter considers the extent to which the English parliament both resembled and, more particularly, differed from the assemblies of continental Europe, notably those of France. It uses continental comparisons to draw out and enlarge on some of the main themes treated in the preceding chapters. It shows that much of parliament’s peculiar evolution can be traced back to its Anglo?Saxon origins and to the peculiarities of English political society, where the nobility’s lack of privilege, notably their inability to escape taxation, provided a common platform for their association with other political groups.

    A second theme of this chapter lies in the extent to which parliament developed as a popular assembly, where policies could be publicly announced and transmitted to the localities and where redress of popular grievances could be sought. In both these respects parliament differed from its continental counterparts, giving some considerable substance to the ancient notion of ‘English exceptionalism’.

    Keywords: France, continental assemblies, privilege, English exceptionalism, political society, taxation, redress of grievances

    link to

    Exceptionalism, Empire, and the Dark Side of National Greatness
    link to

    Becoming Exceptional? American and European Exceptionalism and their Critics: A Review
    link to

    Brexit and British exceptionalism: the impossible challenge for Remainers
    link to

  69. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. Fireman Sam being sexist. Does his character endorse or support misogyny and how?

    Megatextuality: Re-enunciating media intertextuality in the age of global media discourse
    link to

    Intertextual Politics in the Trump Era
    link to

    Making Meaning of Gender and Sexual Identities in Early Childhood: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Canadian Early Childhood Curricula
    link to

    Queer International Relations
    link to

  70. CameronB Brodie says:

    Time for some of my thoughts and some Gender Semiotics and stuff? Should be accepted knowledge to Sevrin Carroll @Guardian, given he’s the “Semiotic Kid” and all. 😉

    Sex is a biological marker locating an individual’s reproductive place within time and space. It remains fixed throughout life, though it’s defining characteristics are vulnerable to change through the impact of environmental factors. The correct identification of sex is a vital component of effective health management by both the individual and state.

    Gender is a socially constructed maker locating and individual’s social place in the world. It is fluid across time and space. Gender is a vital tool of political science and it’s introduction to practice has helped to improved the social position of women.

    Conflating sex and gender can only have a negative social effect that will impact on the whole of society, not just women.

    I’m all for gender fluidity but WOMANHOOD can’t be achieved simply by putting on a frock and denying bio-medical science. That way lies the totalitarian state.

    Gender Semiotics and the 21st Century Feminist Utopia: Implications on National Security and Socio-cultural Development

    Abstract—The female gender has over the years envisioned a society where she is accorded a modicum of recognition. She has fought and continued to fight for equality between the genders. Her aspiration for a balance in power has only remained in what appears to be a utopia, rather than what is reality. And over the years, there has been a triggered-inadvertent battle between the genders, male and female.

    Hence, this article is intended to investigate the progress that the various feminist conjectures have undergone in an attempt to create a perfect world for the female genus. We consider the battle of the sexes the basis for global insecurity and socio-cultural underdevelopment as we launch an exploration through the history of women and women agitations from its earliest periods to the present, and thereafter conclude that in the future the ruling/heading gender will become “the subjugated” (not in physical strength) but both in the domestic and the public spheres.

    We have investigated the various waves of feminism, starting from the first wave, to the second and then the third. It has been discovered that the female has moved from the domestic space to the public space, a transformation that is so drastic even in recent times. Thus, we conclude that, someday the story of “who’s in charge now” will be changed to “who’s subjugated then”. In this article, therefore, we lay bare those semiotic proclivities that reveal the anticipated victory of the female gender in the battle of the sexes. The Feminist Standpoint Theory in addition to Semiotics is the framework used in presenting this ambition.

    Index Terms—wave change, relevance, public space, domesticity, social order

    link to

    Undressing the Power of Fashion: the Semiotic Evolution of Gender Identity By Coco Chanel and Alexander Mcqueen
    link to

    Clothing semiotics and the social construction of power relations
    link to

    Beyoncé as a Semiotic Resource: Visual and Linguistic Meaning Making and Gender in Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest
    link to

  71. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    An interesting versionof the best rock’n’roll record ever

    link to

  72. CameronB Brodie says:

    That put me in mind of another classic that’s been covered a few times.

    Richard Berry and The Paroahs – Have Love, Will Travel
    link to

    I forgot to mention earlier that there are strong ‘intellectual’ and ideological associations between the alt-right and the TRA movement in the USofA. The bridge between these positions is good old MISOGYNY. There’s probably similar in the UK.

  73. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Black By Popular Demand

    “I’d argue that sex is *more* concrete than race. ”

    Sex is biologically grounded and characterised by it’s dimorphism. The descriptive category “race” has no biological basis and is socially constructed in the same manner as gender. It’s continued use as a means of describing humans has little sociological value and, in fact, perpetuates prejudice and racism.

    Human sexual dimorphism–a sex and gender perspective


    The term gender is essential in recent biological anthropology. After decades of critical discussion the differentiation into biological sex and social gender is accepted as especially useful. The distinction into sex and gender makes a more complex view at biological phenomenon such a sexual size dimorphism typical of Homo sapiens possible. Although sexual size dimorphism has a clear evolutionary basis and is caused by genetic and hormonal factors, socio-cultural factors such as gender role in society and gender typical workload influence the degree of sexual size dimorphism too.

    link to

  74. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Black By Popular Demand
    Of course there are genetic differences across ethnic groups, but these differences are insignificant. Your genome is essentially the same as mine, a white Scottish male, so we are both humans of the same value and significance.

  75. CameronB Brodie says:

    It is really is scarry that this task has been left up to private members of the public with no real access to political power.

    Sexual dimorphism and human evolution: An overview
    link to

    Why are women smaller than men? When anthropology
    meets evolutionary biology

    link to

    link to

    Sexual Dimorphism in Human Teeth from Dental Morphology and Dimensions: A Dental Anthropology Viewpoint 🙂
    link to

  76. yesindyref2 says:

    Kind of seems appropriate, somehow.

    link to

  77. CameronB Brodie says:

    I hope folk don’t think I’m some sort of “wingnut”. 😉


    1.2. Sex Differences and Sex Ratio

    The biggest somatic and health differences among humans are those between the sexes, albeit with clear overlaps. Not only morphology and physiology obviously differ, but as well morbidity and mortality, and processes like growth and development.

    From a biological perspective, in normal, non disadvantageous circumstances, girls are the stronger sex since conception onwards. On the average, the skeleton in healthy newborn girls is more advanced than in neonate boys, while healthy girls start their puberty two years earlier. Moreover, in contrast to girls, boys are weaker because they have only one Xchromosome, so they may suffer from X-linked recessive diseases that are rarely if ever seen in females.

    Before birth, significantly more boys are likely to be lost, as well as during childhood. Nature compensates by more conceptions of boys; about 105 males are born for every 100 females. In adulthood the ratio of men to women equalizes. From then on, the sex ratio reverses, because at every stage of life males stay more prone to diverse diseases and less viable than females.

    link to

  78. CameronB Brodie says:

    Might be a bit rough for your taste but definitely starts in a country vein. Seemed appropriate seeing as how it’s pulp fiction that has brought us all here. 😉

    Guitar Center Sessions: Dick Dale – Misirlou
    link to

  79. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Kevin Hague
    Get some help lad, you’re living in a delusional world of your own make-believe. That isn’t healthy for you or those you seek to influence.


    Common pool resource theory appears to assume that external authorities are responsible for initiating attempts to ‘decommonise’ common property regimes. An unusual decommonisation proposal put forward in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in the 1960s questions this assumption; in this instance the decommonisation proposal was initiated by rightsholders in the common property regime. The proposal would have enabled rightsholders to purchase their arable fields, thus privatising them and removing them from the hybrid tenure system called crofting.

    A critical historical and contemporary survey of the political contexts surrounding this proposal discloses that the particular hybridity of the ‘crofting commons’ is a result of a historical process of ‘domestic colonization’ within Britain, and that this tenure system exists within a deeply-sedimented structure of domination whose normative assumptions may have influenced the decision of the rightsholders to propose decommonisation in the first place.

    Keywords: crofting, decommonisation, colonization, imperialism, privatisation, Leviathan

    link to

  80. CameronB Brodie says:

    ‘Decommonising the mind’: historical impacts of British imperialism on indigenous tenure systems and self-understanding in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland

  81. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Kevin Hague
    Just in case you’d prefer not to seek professional help and would rather rely on your own self-determination instead. Just remember, a healthier state of consciousness is within you if you only you are prepared to look hard enough. 😉

    Colonizing and decolonizing minds
    link to

    The Interface of Language and Theory of Mind
    link to

    The metaphysics of agency
    link to

    Them and Us*:
    Autonomous agents in vivo and in silico

    link to
    * With apologies to Will Hutton.

  82. CameronB Brodie says:

    One for the ravegators.

    ZHU – Cold Blooded
    link to

  83. yesindyref2 says:

    Ironically the only thing standing between Kevin Hague becoming the full, well-rounded and balanced individual he could become is the absence so far of a YES vote, where he can stop standing staring at the Wash and telling the waves to stop rolling over his feet.

    I may have some details about that bit of history incorrect all the same 🙂

  84. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    For those of us fortunate enough to see ourselves as Dundonians.

    GG, the guy behind the “Retro Dundee” web site,

    link to

    has started a new project, “Droll Dundee”, looking at quirky stories from the local press in the period before “Retro Dundee”, ie the 50s and earlier.

    Worth a look and bookmark.

    link to

  85. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    link to

  86. X_Sticks says:


    Don’t seem to be able to sign it Dave.

  87. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    That’s odd. I just signed it on that link. No idea why you can’t

  88. CameronB Brodie says:

    I think I might have given K**** H**** too much credit. I thought his nationalism was of the liberal variety, though it appears he’s more of an authoritarian nationalist. Imagine thinking his graphs represented anything other than the abstract pictures in his mind. What an arrogant twat.

    Awareness and Awakening: A Narrative-Oriented Inquiry of Undergraduate Students’ Development of Mindful Agency in China


    The article explores undergraduate students’ experiences of developing mindful agency as a positive learning disposition, their perceived change as a learner, and the possible impact of mindful agency coaching on students’ learning and personal growth, using a narrative research method. Seventy Chinese undergraduate students generated personal reflective journals and eight participants’ journals were selected to enter into the narrative-oriented inquiry. Our analysis revealed a number of primary themes based on which we produced a meta-story.

    The supplements of the story were exacted for further critical cross-case discussion. The finding indicated that the multifaceted development of mindful agency involved learning methods, emotional regulation, strategic thinking, and awareness of planning, openness to experience, self-acceptance and self-esteem, and learning engagement, with enhanced sense of personal awareness and awakening. The coaching was supportive for students to foster positive self-identities and become more reflective, mindful, and self-determined.

    Keywords: mindful agency, coaching psychology, narrative analysis, undergraduate students, intervention

    link to
    link to

    Mindfulness for Innovation and Creativity
    link to

    Mindfulness, Basic Psychological Needs Fulfillment, and Well-Being
    link to

  89. X_Sticks says:


    Got it now thanks. When I opened the page is showed 0 votes. Had to refresh the page and then it came up ok.

  90. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Jack Appleby
    Sorry for butting in to your conversation.

    Self and Identity
    link to

    The Mindful Self: A Mindfulness-Enlightened Self-view
    link to

    Using Mindfulness to Navigate “Self”
    link to

    The Questions of Identity and Agency in Feminism without Borders: A Mindful Response
    link to

  91. yesindyref2 says:

    link to

  92. CameronB Brodie says:

    A bit of reflexive thinking here. DMH recently drew attention to a comment made by Abulhaq, which I felt to be racially motivated. On reflection, I may have interpreted the comment incorrectly and so wrongly attributed racially motivated political bias. I’m afraid I can’t find the comment to reassess my judgement, so would really appreciate help from someone who’s good at that sort of thing. I would hate to be a finger pointing bully.

  93. yesindyref2 says:

    In my opinion you’re quite right, historically as well. Spurtle is the word I’d use.

  94. CameronB Brodie says:

    That helped. 🙂

  95. CameronB Brodie says:

    Grace Jones – She’s lost control (long version)
    link to

  96. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Peyton Rose
    I’m a ‘radical’ feminist who is often in Dundee. Hopefully we will bump into each other so you can throat punch me. 😉

  97. CameronB Brodie says:

    “I am a transwoman – I am a male person with female sex characteristics who identifies with women I am not a woman – women are female; I am male (evidence: I have fathered 3 kids). Therefore the statement “transwomen are women” is necessarily wrong because it denies my identity.” – Debbie Hayton

    Men can’t claim entry in to womanhood as they don’t poses the sexual history/epistemology of biological females.

    What IS Sex?
    link to

    The Emergence of Sexuality: Historical Epistemology and the Formation of Concepts
    link to

    The Dichotomy of Sexuality: A Narrative-Epistemological Framework for Social Work Practice and Research
    link to

    What Epistemology Would Serve Criminal Law Best in Finding the Truth about R4pe?
    link to

  98. CameronB Brodie says:

    That was a bit harsh as I’m not anti-Trans, it’s just that it is not possible is not possible for males to become PROPERLY female. Designing public policy assuming that it is possible, defies bio-medical science so can’t be considered “liberal” in the classic sense of the word.

  99. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry if this is boring to some but this issue challenges how we view reality and relates to all forms of social interaction, both inter-personal as well as between individual and state. It undermines the normative foundations of society and opens the door to even more arbitrary recognition of human rights. This is not purely a woman’s issue.

    Rethinking the biopsychosocial model of health: Understanding health as a dynamic system


    The biopsychosocial model has dominated research and theory in health psychology. This article expands the biopsychosocial model by applying systems theories proposed by developmental scholars, including Bronfenbrenner’s ecological models and Sameroff’s transactional model, as well as contemporary philosophical work on dynamic systems. The proposed dynamic biopsychosocial model construes human health as a product of the reciprocal influences of biological, psychological, interpersonal, and macrosystem contextual dynamics that unfold over personal and historical time.

    The importance, or centrality, of these influences varies within a person over time. The model is explicated using two hypothetical case studies derived from existing interdisciplinary health research. Implications for health, theory, research, and policy are discussed.

    link to

    Limitations of the biopsychosocial model in psychiatry
    link to

    Biological and psychosocial determinants of male and female human sexual orientation.
    link to

    A Comprehensive Approach to Sexual History-Taking Using the Biopsychosocial Model
    link to

  100. CameronB Brodie says:

    The biopsychosocial model is also significant to Scotland’s circumstances, as lack of AGENCY damages an individual sense of self.

    Identity and the Value of Health
    link to

    Identity Development in Adolescence and Adulthood
    link to

    Maintaining personal identity
    link to

    Embodied health movements: new approaches to social movements in health
    link to

  101. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. the next No campaign. I’ve deliberately been avoiding Critical Disability Studies but I reckon selling the Capabilities approach to human development and democracy shouldn’t be too hard, especially given Brexit and institutional British Torydum. Your welcome. 😉

    Towards a Critical Sociology of Democracy: The Potential of the Capability Approach
    link to

    Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen, Volume 2: Society, Institutions, and Development
    The Capability Approach and the Political Economy of Human Development

    link to

    The Capability Approach and Human Development
    link to

    New Directions for the Capability Approach: Deliberative Democracy and Republicanism
    link to

  102. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Time to revisit this issue I think……….

    Postal voting is ‘wide open to fraud’ and should be scrapped in its current form, a top judge warned last night.
    Judge Richard Mawrey, who sits in judgment on election fraud cases, said ballot-rigging was now a ‘probability’ in some parts of Britain due to the extension of postal voting.
    Mr Mawrey, a deputy high court judge, said the introduction of ‘on demand’ postal voting had failed to boost turnout. But he warned it had made Britain’s electoral system vulnerable to fraud on ‘an industrial scale’.

    link to

    Every time I have hear some person poo-pooing these concerns and talking of “consiracy theorists” I have asked them to explain the over 96% postal vote turnout at the referendum in five constituencies in Scotland. They can’t. It is not possible (and the figures are not in any doubt).

    The reason of course that there are “conspiracy theorists” is because there are conspiracies politically – all the time.

    The EC (in 2009 I think)also described the UK postal ballot system as a recipe for large scale fraud and pointed out that once it is effected it is very difficult to identify.

    Any suggestion that a regime that can arm and collude with terrorists in Northern Iralnd in killing opponents or invade and destroy Iraq in a lie would not fiddle a ballot that could lose it a huge asset is risible.

  103. Cactus says:

    WooHoo, ahm in oor Capital CITY…

    Wur makin’ ah movie like..


  104. CameronB Brodie says:

    “Curiously they are welcoming male rather than male identifying playwrights. Either way, It strikes me that we need words people accept for both gender and sex and both should be protected – people may need protection on either count. Denying that both exist is itself exclusion” – Karen fountain

    The Normative Theory of Social Exclusion:
    Perspectives from Political Philosophy


    Reducing social exclusion as an aim of policy is a laudable political goal, but the definition of, and normative justification of policies reducing, social exclusion are unclear. This paper first defines social exclusion as used by academics and policy makers. The paper then uses the capability approach to define social exclusion. It then takes various elements of the definition of social exclusion, particularly concerns with respecting choice, human welfare, and concerns with fairness in society, and relates them to contemporary concerns in political philosophy. In so doing, the paper both helps to refine the idea of social exclusion, and also points to theoretical tensions in that idea. It concludes by linking concern with social exclusion to more recent theories of social or relational equality.

    link to

    Social Exclusion/Inclusion: Foucault’s analytics of exclusion, the political ecology of social inclusion and the legitimation of inclusive education
    link to

    Concepts of poverty and social exclusion in Europe

    Immigrant Integration
    Chapter 6: A Critical Review of Social Exclusion and Inclusion Indicators: Implications for the Development of a Canadian Framework

    link to

  105. Dan says:

    CameronB Brodie says:
    21 March, 2019 at 1:34 am

    “A bit of reflexive thinking here. DMH recently drew attention to a comment made by Abulhaq, which I felt to be racially motivated. On reflection, I may have interpreted the comment incorrectly and so wrongly attributed racially motivated political bias. I’m afraid I can’t find the comment to reassess my judgement, so would really appreciate help from someone who’s good at that sort of thing. I would hate to be a finger pointing bully.”

    Hey Cameron. I use ctrl f which creates a word search box making it easier to hunt through threads.
    NB. You can be caught out using this method if the comments btl went on long enough to create a second page. In that case you need to go back to older comments and ctrl f search that page too.
    That circumstane appears to be the case with the comment you made but couldn’t locate. I presume the following is a link to the comment you refer to.

    link to

  106. CameronB Brodie says:

    Wonen are being excluded from political society. Scotland is being excluded from political society. That’s a lot of exclusion going on, which isn’t healthy, frankly.

    The Sociology of Social Inclusion


    This article looks at social inclusion from a sociological perspective. It argues that sociology complements biological and other natural order explanations of social stratification. The article interrogates a variety of forms of social integration, including ostracism within 5th century B.C. Greece, 19th-century solidarism, and Goffman’s mid-20th-century work on stigma. It does so to demonstrate how in each of these contexts, social inclusion and exclusion can function as apparati that problematize people on the margins, and by extension, contribute to their governance and control.

    The article proposes that sociology provides a valuable orientation from which to consider social inclusion because it illuminates how social integration maintains and manages the ways in which people move about and through their socially stratified worlds.

    social inclusion, social exclusion, social integration, social stratification, sociology

    link to

  107. CameronB Brodie says:

    Thanks for your help Dan, I’m totally pants at that sort of stuff.

    It was the first sentence that drew my attention and was the cause of my protest. I felt that the comment projected a generalised prejudice against the Palestinian people, which is, in essence, the articulation of racism. My self-doubt was that I had misinterpreted this from a claim of local and so, subsequently, superior knowledge. I’m happy with my initial call now.

  108. CameronB Brodie says:

    I see the Tbot has finally come out of the closet and admitted her Christofascism. Well, she is a bit of an English utilitarian. It’s easy to slip from one ideological position to the other, if you don’t take care of economic pluralism and pluralism of thought. Both skills of critical thinking that are being systematically removed from the English education system, to be replaced by an ethos of utilitarianism. Such is the entrenchment of the neo-liberal state in a state of crises.

    Critical Perspectives on Leadership
    link to

  109. Scott Brand says:

    Hi fellow Scotsfolk,
    First post, quite long soz.

    I’m a fan of Scotland the Brand and get more than a bit frustrated when I can’t buy a bit of Scottish meat in my local Scottish supermarket that doesn’t have the UJ tarted all over it.

    I was discussing this with a work mate in ASDA the day during dinner break, when he stops me and says “watch this”…

    Next thing he takes off down the fridge aisle, pulling out his phone as he goes.

    Muscling in near some auldies he picks up a pack of British sausages and loudly declares into his phone.
    “Whits a Butchers Apron look like?”

    The auldies look shocked for a second, like time stood still.
    “Aw one o them?” he says, examining the sausage product closely.

    Now aw these auld biddies are stopped deid and examining my mate very closely.

    One even reaches into her bag and puts on her glasses.

    Mate complains he can’t see anything without a UJ on it apart from a pack of chicken legs.

    “But it’s fae Ireland” he says “ye want that?”
    “Nuthin wi a Saltire, sorry hun”
    “Aye ah ken it’s no right” he goes, lobbing the Irish chicken legs back in the fridge wi a thud.

    He looks about him at the auldies and shrugs, pointing at his phone, “the wife”

    “Hang on” he says, picking up a different package and flipping it over.
    “There’s one here says it’s FAE a Scottish farm”
    “Aye, it hiz, two tone, red n white, nae blue, same pattern aye, will ah get that?”

    “Naw? jis get a pizza instead, ok mi darlin, c u soon”…

    He makes no apology, folds up the phone and walks.

    I swear ye could SEE the penny drop.
    Then one guy takes something out of his basket and slides it back on the shelf.
    Then another goes “he’s right ye know”
    Wifie wi the glasses nods.

    We catch up at the tills and I congratulate him on his work.

    A class act.

    He learned that trick while kicking up a fuss ower there never being any Nationals.

    Now there’s always Nationals.

    Out in the van wi our peices, Oh how we laughed.

    Now, if everyone was that gallus we wouldn’t have a problem with Scotland the Brand.

  110. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Julia Hartley-Brewer
    How did someone as obviously dense as yourself, manage to game so much social capital in the first place?

  111. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here one for the cultural chauvinism that sustains British nationalism and delivered us the full English Brexit. No small thanks to the support of a partisan media and narrow, intellectually stunted, bigots like Julia Hartley-Brewer.

    ZHU – Good Life
    link to

  112. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry Rev.

    The Sons (featuring Bret Reilly) – Too Much of a Good Thing
    link to

  113. Cactus says:

    Dedication to Alexa… and YOU!

    link to

    Have fun and a fun weekend!

  114. Cactus says:

    Can we do THIS one again please:

    link to

    When the ukTory curtain falls aye.

    One remains excitable hehe. 😉

  115. Cactus says:

    The Westminster Conservative Party Show:

    link to

    Let’s Eat The Rich.

  116. Cactus says:

    SO when did ye last hear this beauty of a belter:

    link to

    Take it ALL in.

  117. Ghillie says:

    Cameron B Brodie @ 12.26 am (22nd March)

    You said ‘sorry if this is boring …’

    Cameron, please may I just say that I find it actually flattering and it to be an act of the greatest kindness and respect that you share your findings, the articles and research that grab your interest with us here on Wings, without hesitation or showing the slightest awareness that some of what you share may go zooming way above some of our heads (mine especially) 🙂

    I do read a lot of the abstracts and sometimes whole articles, some of which I manage to absorb and some which I think I kind of grasp a bit.

    But what I really LOVE is that you NEVER make me feel stupid or inadequate because you lay out all that amazing information for us all to see as if, of course, we are all as academically gifted as yourself (and indeed some folk will be!).

    Thank you Cameron. Never boring. Often challenging. Always informative. And above all, kind in the presumption that fellow Wingers can and do get it 🙂

    Like Nana, and some of our more renowned and eloquent posters on Wings, you fill a special and specific niche. And sometimes you help me feel quite clever. Thank you =)

  118. Ghillie says:

    Hey there Cactus =) 7.05 am

    Wow! I loved that Frankie Miller version of Caledonia!

    Now you’ve got me thinking, after what I just said to Cameron B, that one day, children in schools or students at uni, will be writing essays, about Rev Stu of course but also about the different distinctive characters who posted on Wings, each contributing in their own unique way 🙂

    And if you don’t know who you are, we do 🙂

  119. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ghillie.

    I first heard Frankie Miller’s version (before I even knew of the existence of the song) on the infamous Tennent’s Lager advert.

    link to

  120. Ghillie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon, I never thought about that!

    I think I just presumed it was Dougie Maclean.

    A while back, my older son moved to Barcelona for a spell, not knowing how long they might stay, and it was Caledonia that he listened to so often and helped bring him home =)

    That and a realisation that he missed (his family =) and home) the hills, the trees, the rain and the coolness! Well, just Scotland 🙂 Who wouldn’t?

    So I owe a special dept of gratitude to that lovely song.

    (PS I think we met you and your son at an Edinburgh gathering a while back =) )

  121. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Yes. One of the odd things. Frankie Miller (frae Bridgeton) wrote many songs,recorded by many people but his own biggest hit was a song written by Dougie McLean

  122. Ghillie says:

    Thanks Dave MacEwan Hill,

    Again something I didn’t know (sooo much I don’t know!) but isn’t it a funny old world that Caledonia was so great for Frankie. (em… and Tennents!)

    Actually, not so surprising maybe. It is one of those songs that lends itself to different artists. Love it, who ever is singing it. And THAT is the hugest testament to Dougie =)

    Might he come up with Scotland’s new National Anthem?

  123. CameronB Brodie says:

    Very kind words, too kind. I’m certainly not an experienced educator but I do my best. If I was a proper expert though, I’d have been able to cover this stuff in a much more straight-froward and accessible style. Not bad from a standing start after almost thirty years though, even if I say so myself.

    What I think is brilliant is your willingness to look outside of the box and learn, which you are doing even if you think you aren’t (because you believe you don’t understand). Something will strike a chord, stick, and generate new thought processes and new ways of thinking and seeing the world.

    May aim isn’t to train folk as social scientists, but to simply encourage folk to re-consider their perspective on life.

    Gregory Porter – Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix)
    link to

  124. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Douglas Alexander
    You’ve got a degree in politics and modern history, so how come you exhibit an extremely unsophisticated understanding of what nationalism is? Could it be that you’re a “path-dependent” British nationalist, who’s thought processes are constrained by the ‘One Nation’ ideology. Or could it be you’re simply a smart-arse Jack-the-lad on the make? You certainly don’t appear to be a rational thinker nor a supporter of moral democracy. More an old-skool colonialist, but then I’m a bit of a post-colonial feminist myself. Radical ya bas.

  125. Lucia Daines says:

    Reminder time – April the ninth in Brechin – for one night only, the legendary Grouse Beater.

  126. CameronB Brodie says:

    New ways of seeing the world are important as they require and result in new forms of communication, which challenge unproductive or harmful tradition and modes of cultural practice.

    FISHER – Losing It
    link to

  127. Clapper57 says:

    Not posted on WOS MT for a wee while….posted comment today…then started to read other comments…say ‘comments’ but actually I find that certain individuals on MT only seem to want to antagonize people for posting their opinion.

    Once it gets personal you lose the argument.

    Yes one can disagree with others opinions or info presented as facts but if you feel they are wrong or misinformed….and you feel compelled to challenge or debate with them then you must always always try to remember to be sensitive to their feelings, diplomatic and respectful…easy to do ….but for some it seems easier to just dismiss and belittle points made by others.

    If someone is of a sensitive nature they could very easily be put off commenting on here again if some know it all, or contrary for contrary sake individual or aggressive individual ridiculed or attacked their comments…thus making it a seemingly hostile environment for them to post subsequent comments…which is hardly the inclusive and open position we within the Indy community perceive ourselves to be.

    I had a wee strop with someone on WOS a wee while back ( a one off for me on here), I immediately regretted it and apologised to him as I had misunderstood his joke and he was very magnanimous in his response to my strop..but in my defense the MT at the time was like a warzone…and I joined in via one comment. Me bad. The person did NOT deserve it…blame was mine….but I realised how easy it is to get sucked in to so much negativity which is courtesy of the usual suspects.

    This site has some fine posters who know their stuff and others who are articulate and insightful but if you look at some of the aggression displayed from certain individuals…and look from the perspective of a person just discovering the site while browsing or a person who wants to have their opinion noted but too afraid of response they may get ….then you will see what I mean.

    WOS advocates no abuse and play the ball not the man…there are unfortunately some who are indeed taking the p*ss…… and importantly forgetting that they are talking to another human being…and also in many cases to people who, like them, want independence…excluding obvious trolls.

    One never knows what is going on in a person’s life or the shit they may be currently dealing with … with that in mind one should be mindful that a cross word or dismissive comment could have a very serious impact and I for one would not want to make anyone feel like shit just to score a point or appear more knowledgeable .

    I know others on here have brought this same point up time and time again..this is such a good and informative site and so sad to see that WOS supplies us with the ammunition to deflect the Unionist lies via his excellent articles/posts and I am sure he must get pissed off at those who seek to undermine what he has written via petty arguments and baiting from obvious trolls.

    Wow…two rants in one day….me bad !

  128. hackalumpoff says:

    Cheer up peeps.
    link to

  129. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    An issue that won’t go away

  130. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Clapper57.

    I know what you mean. There are a couple of Wingers who seem to have taken on the role of ‘Speech Police’ and dive in against those whom they deem are not ‘on the same page’.

    They probably know who they are. Sometimes they are on target; other times they are shooting at the wrong targets.

  131. CameronB Brodie says:

    More on constitutional form and majoritarianism.

    Capitalism, Democracy, and Countermajoritarian Institutions
    link to

    Countermajoritarian Institutions and Constitutional Stability
    link to

    Democratization and Countermajoritarian Institutions: The Role of Power and Constitutional Design in Self-Enforcing Democracy
    link to

    How majoritarianism endures in the structures of the UK’s devolved institutions
    link to

  132. CameronB Brodie says:

    Give HYUFD his due, the lad’s got stamina. 😉

    Macy Skipper – Bop Pills
    link to

  133. yesindyref2 says:


  134. Cactus says:

    Afternoons, we have arrived in the city.

    In a mystery guest bar.

    Flags ready.

  135. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m glad I have a post-colonial head, as that means I’m a little more evolved than your average Marxist. These dudes are like Tories, as their ideology requires a utilitarian ethics. Subsequently, the far-left and far-right tend to be equally misogynistic, as they are equally insensitive to matters concerning race, gender and culture. From a post-colonial perspective, Marxists are part of the problem. I suppose that might by why some might label me a “radical” feminist, as I’ll not condone left-wing misogyny and authoritarianism.

    P.S. An post-colonial world view incorporates a Feminist Standpoint world view and epistemology.

    P.P.S. Sex and gender are not the same. Sex denotes biological difference, gender denotes sense of “self” in relation to society.

    International Perspectives on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
    Volume 1 : Practical and Theoretical Implications of Successfully Doing Difference in Organizations
    Chapter 3 Social identities are intersectional

    link to

    Black feminism and intersectionality
    link to

    Let’s Talk About Intersectional Feminism
    link to

    Position paper on Intersectionality and Policy-making
    link to

  136. CameronB Brodie says:

    Did I mention that Martin Heidegger felt English Christian Bolsheviks were comparable to crab lice, or similar sentiments.

    Krab Theory
    link to

  137. CameronB Brodie says:

    Thing is, my politics isn’t grounded in ideology, it’s grounded in philosophy and science.

    Postcolonialism and Modernity


    This paper focuses on postcolonial theory’s engagement with modernity. It argues that postcolonialism’s problematization of modernity is significant and has to be contended with seriously. In seeking to question the predatory universalism of western modernity, postcolonial theory aspires to open up paths for different modernities that have the promise of emancipation and liberation for all cultures and societies. But the crux of this paper is that this promise is hardly fulfilled.

    Using critical realism, it interrogates postcolonialism’s understanding of modernity. It demonstrates that, with regard to various aspects such as the material dimension, structural conditions, binaries and dualisms, relativism, fallibilism, temporality and structure/agency, postcolonialism’s formulations are incomplete and inadequate. Ultimately, from a critical realist perspective, the non-fulfilment of postcolonialism’s initial promise has serious consequences for the subjects of the ‘Third World’ that the theory claims to represent.

    Keywords: modernity, postcolonial theory, subaltern studies

    link to

    Julian Go’s Post-Positivist, Postcolonial Realism
    link to

    Identity in the Postcolonial Paradigm: Key Concepts
    link to

    Introducing Postcolonialism in International Relations Theory
    link to

  138. CameronB Brodie says:

    Putting knowledge in its place: science, colonialism, and the postcolonial
    link to

    Feminism and Postcolonialism: (En)gendering Encounters
    link to

    link to

    Affective Citizenship: Feminism, Postcolonialism and the Politics of Recognition
    link to

  139. CameronB Brodie says:

    It all boils down to semiotics dude. The linguistic placeholder “gender”, is a powerful tool of the social sciences and has proven helpful to improving the place of women in society. It’s the conflation of sex with gender identity and the entrenchment of sexist stereotypes that goes along with it, that is the problem.

    Identity Studies in the Social Sciences

    Identity brings together work on core social categories such as social class, race, ethnicity, gender, disability and sexuality. This series investigates the ways in which social and personal identities are lived and performed in spaces and contexts such as schools, work places, clinics, homes, communities, streets, politics and public life, and explores a range of theoretical, methodological and epistemological debates over, for example, the demise of essentialist models, the rise of ‘identity politics’ and the relationship between psychological and social processes.

    Identity research has been the vehicle for some profound reflections on the nature of new and emerging social and cultural forms and the impacts of globalization, transnationalism, postcolonialism and multiculturalism. This series welcomes critically and theoretically-informed work in a variety of areas including nationhood, family, gender and class, as well as on issues of identity and space, media representations of identity, social inclusion and exclusion and social identity theory.

    link to

    The significance of social identities
    link to

    Gender Identity
    link to

    Gender Socialization and Identity Theory
    link to

  140. CameronB Brodie says:

    Agitating has method and requires self-control. I wouldn’t dream of telling you what to do mate, but do you want to encourage the yoons among us?

    Steel Pulse – Tight Rope
    link to

  141. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s another one for you Cactus, I wasn’t having a pop mate.

    Wendy Rene (Nicolas Jaar Edit) – After Laughter Comes Tears
    link to

  142. Cactus says:

    Mornin’ Cameron, cheers for yours mate and it does indeed, usually at the weekend on a Cairnstoon thread, but as crunch time nears so does the excitable input, aye find it also helps to illuminate perceived yoonage. Ahm just stirring the oxygen tanks and venting a bit, though ah’ll check over ma measurements.

    Good to be with y’all yesterday

    link to
    link to
    link to

    WingsTwitter ever-increasing and NOW approaching 59.5K followers… therefore The People don’t appear to be put off and are on the contrary, engaging more with Wings 🙂

  143. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    I note that we are all engrossed in Scotland in watching football from Montenegro tonight on SCOTTISH television . We have three hours in which to cheer on our nation England. STV is now doing the same as BBC and its news reports are now becoming more anti SNP than the BBC’s are.

  144. Sarah says:

    @Scott Brand at 9.36 yesterday: thank you for reporting that episode in the supermarket. Very cheering!

  145. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for Scotland’s woke lefty brigade and the nexus of their confusion over identity and support for gender-fascism. There are levels of stupidity then there’s denying Biological Anthropology. Fuck left-wing misogyny, the TRA movement and the horse it rode in to town on.

    P.S. Mums are BRILLIANT.

    Ween – Voodoo Lady
    link to

  146. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Kevin Williamson
    I consider your level of ignorance of particular concern, because you claim to be an intellectual. If you had any real idea of democracy and the politics of recognition, you would appreciate you are supporting an illiberal ideology that is a threat to social equality and open society. Or do you reject the biopsychosocial model of health and think you know better than social science?

  147. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Kevin Williamson
    Think about it. “Cope or adjust?!?” Does that not indicate coercion to you? Does that sound like it belongs within a liberal ideology? Should Scotland meekly cope or adjust to Brexit?

  148. CameronB Brodie says:

    Hows about some smooth jazz to help strengthen the metabolism and our capacity for mindful, ‘free-form’, bounded rationality of shared intentionality? Nice.

    John Coltrane – Giant Steps
    link to

    Sorry Rev. 🙂

  149. CameronB Brodie says:

    And here’s some “Bacon Fat” to lubricate the rest of the evening. Suite you sir.

    Andre Williams – Bacon Fat
    link to

  150. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for all the neo-liberal intileckchulls out there, such as historian and British nationalist, Niall Campbell Ferguson. These dudes have a lot to answer for in terms of Britain’s current state of social anomie, and bringing us to the point of ‘national’ collapse with Brexit. A ‘trickle-down troll’, that’s what he is.

    Tool – Schism
    link to

  151. Clapper57 says:

    My God the MT just now !

    When the Cat’s away the mice will play…..well maybe not play but gnaw away like a dug wae a bone…..there’s been a hijack…of this site….WTAF is going down….Nicola bad….is she though ?…it’s a wee liberty being taken so it it is.

    I’m keeping well oot o it…so much for civil discourse….what do I know ? Feck all it would seem….Lol

    Safer in Off topic….I hope !

  152. CameronB Brodie says:

    Should moral taste really only be determined by those with political power? Doesn’t that just lead to social stagnation and perpetual Torydum?

    The Standells – Sometimes Good Guys Don’t Wear White
    link to

  153. Clapper57 says:

    @ CameronB Brodie

    Well said on MT re certain individual moderating their comments towards others….personally it is much better to give constructive critique if compelled to do so rather than the condescending tone a certain individual chooses to take…..

    You sir are a gentleman.

    Too late to wish you a good evening…though hope you did hope you have good day tomorrow.

  154. CameronB Brodie says:

    I found myself in a place of extreme vulnerability and social exclusion when I was a young man. Add a training in social science and what do you get? A weirdo, by comparison with contemporary, (neo-liberal), cultural values anyway. 😉

  155. CameronB Brodie says:

    Has anyone else noticed how a lot of confectionery, bakery products and such, have changed shape recently. Everything appears to be getting smaller, yet I’ve been an adult for quite some time now. Could this be the transformative effect of Brexit re-casting physical reality already?

    One for Ranking Roger, RIP.

    The English Beat – Mirror In The Bathroom
    link to

  156. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. the magical thinking that underlies Brexit. The head of the CBI might appreciate this short documentary, taking an historical perspective to it’s spatial analysis of similar circumstances. Please note that it is not particularly critical as the protagonists all lived happily in the end. This does not sit comfortably with Frankfurt School thinking. 😉

    Space1999: Black Sun
    link to

  157. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry Rev. but this is a CORE issue.

  158. CameronB Brodie says:

    Rev., I’m trying not to clog this page up with science and stuff. It’s a difficult balance. I’ll stick it here so you can delete the post on the main thread.

    Liz g
    Think you’re funny? OK, I’ve run out of off-the-cuff Evolutionary Psychology, so here’s some more Cognitive Science and Moral Philosophy and stuff.

    The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace
    link to

    Embodied Morality
    Protectionism, Engagement and Imagination
    link to

    Review – Moral Imagination
    link to

    Beyond Sacrificial Harm: A Two-Dimensional Model of Utilitarian Psychology
    link to
    link to

  159. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry for being a space-hog Rev., but it isn’t easy being engaging when trying to be edumicational about science and philosophy, to an audience that isn’t particularly science and philosophy literate. Try doing it when you’re as rusty as me. That last science post was probably my last intileckchull one of the day and was a cognitive science critique of utilitarian morality, which is kind of British nationalism’s modus operandi.

    I’ve been trying to develop a running gag of being triggered by mention of the DUP. Apparently humour is a matter of personal taste and morality. 🙂

    The Cramps – The Way I Walk
    link to

  160. CameronB Brodie says:

    As far as I can make out, there is no salad in separatism.

    J. J. (K)ale – Friday
    link to

  161. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brexit didn’t come out of nowhere, it’s been in the pipelines for some time. Britain’s cultural evolution towards an outdated outpost of Anglo-American exceptionalism, has been pretty recognisable for those that cared to look, pretty much since Thatcher and Reagan began the neo-liberal war on civilisation.

    Before 1976: How Punk Became Punk
    link to

  162. Cactus says:

    Some more frae the man… get down to the injun music

    link to

    For YOU, follow through

  163. Cactus says:

    One of my favourite songs of his

    link to

    Ah ken this song, word for word, line by line, ah would LOVE to sing THIS with a piano PLAYer

    Along about 1917

  164. Cactus says:

    Wow THIS next song on the playlist is a dedication to their UK

    link to

    History knows

  165. CameronB Brodie says:

    Critical thinking and identity politics are not deadly enemies. In fact, they are both vital to a healthy politics, as the individual’s self-conception of “self” is at the heart of the political process. Martin Luther King Jnr. was both a critical thinker and supporter of ‘identity politics’, ffs.

    Navigating Critical Thinking, Intersectionality, and Identity Politics in the Secular Movement

    Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking is a means of data acquisition and rational assessment that focuses on ferreting out the undue influence of bias, self-deception, and propaganda in decision-making. It’s a tool meant to produce more intellectually honest introspection as well as facilitate more judicious reflection about routine assumptions, messages, and claims we encounter in everyday life. In short, critical thinking is a reality testing filter.

    Critical thinking is a way to exhibit executive control over our more primitive parts of the brain that prefer to rely on passion and lazy thinking. Because we are fallible beings, the pursuit of critical thinking is a lifelong endeavor rather than some imagined static, objective mindset one can obtain…..

    link to

    Identity Politics and Racism: Some Thoughts and Questions
    link to

    White Identity Politics
    link to

    The politics of identity: from potential to pitfalls, and symbols to substance
    link to

  166. CameronB Brodie says:

    Are you complete fucktards or do you have a plan to undermine social cohesion?

    [Biopsychosocial understanding of human sexuality. Prerequisite for diagnostics and treatment in sexual medicine].
    link to

  167. CameronB Brodie says:

    Or are you simply projecting (white) male chauvinism and entitlement i.e. misogyny?

    Biological and psychosocial determinants of male and female human sexual orientation.
    link to

  168. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Thought I’d put this one up again. My favourite clip of all time. For my wake (along with Not Fade Away from Stevie Nicks)

    link to

  169. yesindyref2 says:

    That’s a great one Dave, never heard it before. For my favourite Stevie Nicks there’s this one, though not personally relevant these days. I’m not saying if it was or not at the time 🙂

    link to

  170. CameronB Brodie says:

    This one goes out to @Get The L Out.

    The Au Pairs – it´s obvious
    link to

  171. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dave McEwan Hill.

    “Lyle Lovett – Well All Right”. A fine version of the song.

  172. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    When I used to to Dens Park every week (first team and reserves) it was easy. The team’s main strip was dark blue and the alternative was white.

    Why then, against St Mirren, was the Dundee strip Aston Villa’s colours?

    I despair in this modern world.

  173. Clapper57 says:

    Re the MT.

    Genuine question. Though probably rhetorical.

    Why does WOS seem to attract the most annoying trolling c**nts ?

    They are like flies round a coo’s arse …with shite being the common denominator……one smells the shite the other writes it!!

  174. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here one for those who are unsure whether patriotism is selfish.

    The Staple Singers – Respect Yourself
    link to

  175. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. “Labour working class solidarity”. British Labour will need to re-assess their “English utilitarian” nature and adopt the post-colonial perspective, if they want to be in anyway helpful, IMHO.

    ‘Anti-Benthamism’: Utilitarianism and the French Liberal Tradition

    In her introduction to the 1984 edition of Tocqueville’s texts on prisons, Michelle Perrot calls Tocqueville the “anti-Bentham.”1 I note this judgment at the beginning of an essay on utilitarianism and the French liberal tradition less to dispute an interpretation of Tocqueville than to call attention to the phrase itself. When Perrot exonerates Tocqueville from an association with Bentham, she can count on bringing alive in the minds of her readers an immediate sense of what Tocqueville was not: a one-sided thinker who reduced the complexities of social life to self-interest, a dogmatic utopian, a protototalitarian with a mania for control and surveillance, in other words, a “utilitarian.”

    link to

    Want to Understand Right-Wing Rage? Go Back to Plato
    link to

    Mill and Sidgwick, Imperialism and Racism–.pdf

    Utilitarianism and Discrimination

    N.B. 82% of Britain’s black and Asian ‘citizens’ voted to Remain, so can’t really be considered British citizens either, frankly.

  176. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. gender ideology, Wittgenstein and the denial of biological science. Time for some semiotics?


    Picture theory nnd translation
    In his oracle-like Tractatus Logico-Plzilosophicus, belonging to his early period, Wittgenstein addressed the way words are linked to things in reality. He proposed a two-place pictorial relation, or abbildende Beziehung, his “picture theory”4. In Wittgenstein’s picture theory every object has a name attached to it and language simply mirrors the world.

    Invariant “rules of logical syntax”, which differ from one sign-system, or symbolism [Zeiclzensprache] to the next, rule the name-object correlations and form the “logical scaffolding” (TLP:4.023) of propositions. The proposition (or meaningful sentence) is a combination of names, or “simple signs” (TLP:3.202): “One name stands for one thing, and another for another thing, and they are connected together. And so the whole, like a living picture [BildJ, presents the atomic fact [Sachverlzalt]” (TLP4.0311).

    According to Wittgenstein in his earlier period, the proposition, or word picture, is thus an articulate “picture of reality” (TLP:4.01). The logical form of language mirrors the logical form of reality in the same way as the musical score represents the musical piece (TIP4.011):

    The gramophone recod, the musical thought, the score, the waves of sound, all stnnd to one another in that pictorial intemal relation, which holds between language and the world. To all of them the logical structure is common . . . In the fact that there is a general rule by which the musician is able read the symphony out of the score, and that there is a rule by which one could reconslruct the symphony from the line on a gramophone record and from this again – by means of the first rule – construct the score, herein lies the intemal similarity between these things which at first sight seem to be enlirely different. And the rule is the law of projection which projects the symphony into the language of the musical score. It is the rule of translation of this language into the language of the gramophone rccod. (TLP:4.014,4.0141)

    Wittgenstein’s Language Games
    link to

    Semiotics and the social analysis of material things
    link to

    link to

  177. CameronB Brodie says:

    I mangled the formatting of that Wittgenstein article, I thought I’d caught all the scanning errors. Worth a read all the same, if you have the time.

    Gender, Sexuality, and Meaning: Linguistic Practice and Politics
    link to

    The Unity of Linguistic Meaning
    link to

    Across and Beyond: The Semantics of Transgender Identity
    link to

    Gender and Race: What Are They?
    (What) Do We Want Them To Be?

    link to

  178. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Paul Embery
    Glad I’m not a national socialist like you.

    The economic and social necessity of freedom of movement

    FREEDOM of movement is one of four freedoms of the single market (with goods, services and capital) that the UK did so much to promote a generation ago. The Government appears determined to bargain some freedom of movement for some access to the single market. There is, however, no calculus to weigh regulations, tariffs or taxes against immigration quotas or limits on the rights of UK citizens to live wherever in the EU: a little more of this, a little less of that.

    Freedom of movement is critical not only to the future of the EU economy, which is why 27 countries will not compromise on it, but also the UK one. This is not just because firms are struggling to find the staff they need. The right does not belong to employers but to people. The passports banks enjoy or tariffs that affect chains of supply can always be re-negotiated by governments.

    link to

    The Fiscal Effects of Immigration to the UK
    link to

    Book Review: Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership edited by Sarah Fine and Lea Ypi
    link to

    The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement
    link to

  179. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Inspired by a WOS retweet…

    link to

  180. Brian Doonthetoon says:


    This came on after the Mad Jocks…

    link to

    Which reminded me of the guy (a scaffie in Pitlochry), who rediscovered the art of bending notes on the bagpipes. Some comments from the YouTube page:

    “Chic McGregor
    4 years ago
    Had the privilege of sitting in on a jamming session with him once. He was to the pipes what Hendrix was to the guitar.?”

    3 years ago
    I’m just discovering this departed genius.

    After hearing this, all other bagpipe music – perhaps almost all other music, period – sounds nebulously spastic in comparison. This is what the fabled Orpheus must have sounded like.?”

    “Kerri Wolfton
    1 year ago
    To me anyone that can play Thunderstruck on pipes is sick. This looks hard enough on the guitar but pipes man that’s some serious talent. He’s got some lungs on him.”

    link to

  181. cearc says:

    BDTT, Wow, just wow.

  182. Cactus says:

    Hey Cameron, you had me at…

    “pubic health” on the main T

    Hee Hee 🙂

  183. CameronB Brodie says:

    Don’t take the piss too hard. 🙂

  184. CameronB Brodie says:

    Just to explain that. I’m struggling without my glasses and my spelling and proof-reading are appealing. It was an embarrassing but mitigated mistake. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. 😉

  185. CameronB Brodie says:


  186. Cactus says:

    Hehe excellent, don’t mind if aye borrow it for some other thread 🙂

    Oh what a night

    Oh what a year

  187. Cactus says:

    Hey Cameron, it’s Pringles time fur me on the m/t again

    This album cover is from the bridge underpass near Edinburgh Airport, ye ken the one with the 50mph speed cameras, just by the big multi double roundabouts…

    link to

  188. Cactus says:

    Ah thought this one might follow that one quite nicely

    link to

    You may have seen or heard of it before here or somewhere else

  189. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brexit is swallowing Britain up in a tsunami of right-wining, state-sponsored, authoritarianism. The outdated British constitution simply wasn’t strong enough to resist the force of dark money from overseas. This is how international fascism operates.

    ZHU – Generationwhy
    link to

  190. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. the freedom of movement. From an anthropological perspective, restricting freedom of movement is a fundamental infringement on human rights. British Labour do not have any progressive ideas on how Britain can go better, so they’ve decided to become Tories. Marvelous.

    If only decades of British government had paid attention to social inclusion and nurturing social solidarity, instead of feeding social anomie through a cult-like adherence to trickle-down economic and vindictive, neo-liberal, violence against civilisation.

    Global Justice, Freedom of Movement and Democratic Citizenship


    The article discusses three liberal arguments about freedom of movement: immigration as a remedy for global injustice in the distribution of opportunities, freedom of movement as an integral aspect of individual autonomy, and immigration control as implied in democratic self-determination and citizenship. The article shows how these apparently irreconcilable stances can be reconstructed as partially overlapping once we realize that liberal citizenship provides not only reasons for closure but entails a bundle of mobility rights and is open for access by migrant stakeholders.

    link to

    Some Reflections on the foundations of Human Rights – Are Human Right an Alternative to Moral Values?
    link to

    Sovereignty without Territory, Emigration without Movement: The Panarchist Solution
    link to

    Concepts of non-sovereignty and solidarity


    This paper seeks to make a moral argument for citizens’ need to create networks of solidarity with non-citizens. Instead of concentrating on the political mobilization of migrants themselves, it thus highlights the theoretical grounds on which notions of responsibility and solidarity can be extended to ‘non-members’ within established political communities. This goes against prevalent modes of argumentation in modern political thought, where solidarity and responsibility are mostly defined in terms of shared social or political identities. To establish this alternative line of argumentation, the paper draws on the works of Emmanuel Levinas, Judith Butler and Jacques Derrida.

    Keywords responsibility, solidarity, the other, community, Levinas, Butler, Derrida ‘No Borders’-activists, precarity–political-theory-migration-non-sovereignty-solidarity.html

  191. CameronB Brodie says:

    Right, lets give white British nationalism the boot in the nads it deserves.

    Threat Perceptions of Migrants in Britain and Support for Policy


    Arguments that migrants represent a threat to the Britain are often cast in terms of impact on the economy and a criminal threat to Britain’s streets. We examine the impact of these attitudes on support for policies curtailing the rights of European Union (EU) and non-EU migrants in the United Kingdom separately, as well as their implications for support for punitive criminal sanctions.

    Using data on a nationally representative sample of Britons, results indicate that perceptions of migrants as a criminal threat have a greater effect on support for curtailing rights of EU migrants, more so than economic threat, suggesting that British citizens invoke deep rooted stereotypes about EU migrants as criminal when choosing their preferences. Criminal threat is also associated with support for more punitive criminal sanctions. Thus, threat narratives, especially narratives of immigrant crime, could be instrumental in public support for policy, but different narratives are associated with EU and non-EU migrants.

    Keywords immigration, group threat, punishment

    link to

    “The impact of migration on the provision
    of UK public services (SRG.10.039.4)”

    link to

    A critical analysis of the impacts of EU migration in the UK
    link to

    Immigration and social cohesion in the UK
    link to

  192. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, Scotland, do you want to allow “English utilitarianism” to damage Scotland’s economy and social sustainability?

    Debating the Ethics of Immigration: Is There a Right to Exclude?
    The Utilitarian Case for Open Borders

    This chapter examines the utilitarian case for open borders, which argues that allowing each state to close its doors to all outsiders has horrible consequences. It considers three concerns about giving each state power to limit immigration: it results in gross economic inefficiencies, economic inequality, and political tyranny. Based on these arguments, utilitarianism appears to be advantageous if states are stripped of the right to set their own immigration policies.

    The chapter outlines a number of reasons why the utilitarian case is not convincing. For example, if one also factors in potential costs of denying states control over their territorial boundaries, it becomes much less clear that there would be a net gain to such a move. Moreover, the deontological nature of the right to political self-determination entails that a state may withstand such appeals to overall efficiency and other mere consequential considerations.

    Keywords: utilitarianism, open borders, immigration, economic inefficiencies, economic inequality, political tyranny, immigration policies, territorial boundaries, political self-determination

    link to

  193. CameronB Brodie says:

    It would appear then, that British Labour favour welfare chauvinism over an ethical immigration policy. Perhaps they are intimidated by England’s chronic housing shortage and general decay that has resulted from a depletion of social policy since Thatcher. Still, the English education system will soon have England singing in one voice, “there is no alternative”.

    ‘A new settlement’: The UK must recognise immigration as an ethical, not simply political, issue

    Fortress Britain, a timely new book edited by Ben Ryan, considers the UK’s confused approach towards immigration policy over many decades and how this muddled thinking continues as Brexit looms. Drawing on the themes that emerged in the book, Ben highlights the lack of ethical clarity and consistency on immigration policy and the need for new arrivals to be respected as human beings and not merely economic agents.

    link to

  194. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    The TV’s on as background audio/visual wallpaper while I surf.

    Has anyone else got the feeling that “Mini Disco Divas” on BBC Scotland’s channel is like the bitch-child of “Minipops”, which was questioned ‘back in the day’?

    link to

    link to

    link to

  195. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for the TRAs and the woke-bro supporters, who thought they could erase any meaningful sense of “womanhood”. I’m glad folk are now finally waking up to the threat self-ID poses to open, liberal, society. I’ll now be expecting to be address as gender-free by Owen Jones, if we ever meet. 🙂

    Moloko – Sing it Back
    link to

  196. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    So glad I was there when all this started – when the people took music from the big boys and the big companies and the world changed. So much better than the shite of today.

    link to

  197. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry for being a bit space-hog trying to join all the dots but Brexit scares the crap out of me.

    Stereo MC’s – Connected
    link to

  198. CameronB Brodie says:

    I think those ethical communication links that are missing in action, might be caught in a word-filter.

    (Mental) (Health) (Care)

    Ray Charles – Mess Around
    link to

  199. CameronB Brodie says:

    Well that was particularly dumb of me. I twigged what I think the word-trigger is but can’t remember if I took the necessary steps in the post that is currently stuck in moderation.
    #diddy 🙂

    Franz Ferdinand – Right Action
    link to

  200. CameronB Brodie says:

    The ethical communication of knowledge is fraught with danger, especially bio-medical science.

    Ethics and Culture in (Mental) (Health) (Care)

    This article examines the complex relationship between culture, values, and ethics in mental health care. Cultural competence is a practical, concrete demonstration of the ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence (doing good), nonmaleficence (not doing harm), and justice (treating people fairly)—the cornerstones of modern ethical codes for the health professions.

    Five clinical cases are presented to illustrate the range of ethical issues faced by mental health clinicians working in a multicultural environment, including issues of therapeutic boundaries, diagnosis, treatment choice, confidentiality and informed consent, and the just distribution of limited health care resources.

    Keywords: culture, ethics, mental health

    link to

    To Secure Knowledge
    Social Science Partnerships for the Common Good

    link to

    Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine
    link to

    Ethics: the essence of scientific and medical communication
    link to

  201. CameronB Brodie says:

    I give up. Could I not have looked in the text for trigger words?

  202. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, last try. I hope the ones in moderation don’t eventually appear. Apologies in advance if that happens.

    The ethical communication of knowledge is fraught with danger, especially bio-medical science.

    To Secure Knowledge
    Social Science Partnerships for the Common Good

    link to

    Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine
    link to

    Ethics: the essence of scientific and medical communication
    link to

    Ethics and Culture in (Mental) (Health) (Care)
    link to

  203. Cactus says:

    Evenin’ jj, we’re here aweright

    Networkin’ dude


  204. Cactus says:

    Dinnae ken 1st song

  205. Cactus says:

    2nd song Elton john – Sacrafice

  206. Cactus says:

    Dream lover followed by solitary sister, don’t know this one, sounds like klf

  207. Cactus says:

    Country song by… cannae get it, awe it’s cliff R, a whistly song…

  208. Cactus says:

    Spaced cowboy that’s me, ah can do gangstah lovin, a shooby-dooby-do-wah, they dinnae mean what they say beautiful south, ye need a little time and space tae work it out… 4/99

  209. Cactus says:

    Here’s comes Summer and Ohhh My Love, aye HUNGER not so lonely now, don’t know this one, must be somethin’… lots of cymbal, that’ll be a Queen cover, lily vanilli, don’t ken this one, 60’s like…7/101

  210. Cactus says:

    It’s the Belfast choild, Laura n Tommy, nup ah dinnae,

    Back to Life, back to that Brexit reality

    You’ll get it back on replay

    When yer movin’

  211. Cactus says:

    And that waz yer bits n pieces

    Dinnae ken whit ah scored

    Mibbies both

  212. Cactus says:

    Next Bits n Pieces in less than five minutes

    Did you know that

    Tis a fact

  213. Cactus says:

    Pens n papers…

    How ye doin’ Scotland, ye guid

    We’ll be HOME soon

  214. Cactus says:

    Part 2

    Harmonies… dinnae ken it… tarzan noises like Tina

  215. Cactus says:

    Rite on thyme, blue moon da ga da gad ga bom bom, 80’s kinda song, don’t turn around baybee…

  216. Cactus says:

    Sumbuudy reaching for the stars and heaven as a place on this Earth Belinda C… don’t know this one…

  217. Cactus says:

    That’s yer Bros. tumblin’ sounds like the Shadows but it’s not… next Dr Who by who?…

  218. Cactus says:

    Dinna ken this one, sail on, sailors, lady singer and now we have Eddie by the fair Fairground, life is 2 short…

  219. Cactus says:

    Sounds like a kinda Tom Jones kinda singer, is this Phil see, 70’s song now that ah dinnae ken fit like… awe it’s poetry in motion within many a windin’ turn, good

  220. Cactus says:

    Oh ah wonder, ah really wonder Enya wae yer Lovely Orinocco Flow, nice hammers..

  221. Cactus says:

    Moon/Sunshine river, goes both ways, listen to the Orchestra

    And that’s yer Bits n Pieces

    Ah got 22 jj

  222. Cactus says:

    Part 3, let’s go…

  223. Cactus says:

    Yazoo, only way is north… guitar + harmonica remembers… sounds like AbbA…

  224. Cactus says:

    RTS said somebuddy, to the postman into his sac letter back, Wet Wet Wet IGBWALHFMF… don’t know tis one, soundtrack frae The Last Tram Glasgow!!!!!!!!!! Kylie.. ISBSLIL

  225. Cactus says:

    Ah dinnae kwn whom rocked the Hula, but pump up the volume, don’t know artist… da ra da, zat ra beatles aye it is, wae LOVE frae…

  226. Cactus says:

    Dinnae remember that one or the next, but now they’re back…

  227. Cactus says:

    Pet Shop Boys, da ra doo, and aye really do like it like, he knows…

  228. Cactus says:

    Latischlach Bonita on her Summer Holiday by Cliffy, nae mair wurries, caught up in the Hoopla band, oh yeah them, The Beasties again…

    Dinnae ken this ane, frigging Spitting Image star-reflecting across

    70’s sounding kinda song

    And there you have it

    Nae messin’

    20 jj

    link to

  229. Cactus says:

    link to (friends of

    Listen while you type

    We own midnight

    Smoot cut

  230. chicmac says:

    Anagram fit: Shuttle Bikes.

    What they?

  231. Cactus says:

    How ye doin’ chicmac, ah got “Sekib Elttuhs”

    Any more than nine letters gets me 🙂

    jj’s show begins at 9pm on new look…
    link to

  232. Cactus says:

    Tonight’s first quiz is different… starts at 10pm

    You gotta fill in the gaps (missing word(s))
    link to

    REQUEST song of your choice here
    link to

    Click on Browse Playlist and choose from over 56,000 songs!

    It’s your radio, Scotland

  233. Cactus says:

    Back to the big intro quiz

    20 musical questions

    40 answers

    Bits n pcs

  234. Cactus says:

    M&K respect table, ra Animals, House in New Orleans… PSB’s again maybe, aye…

  235. Cactus says:

    Cannae remember this band is it the beach boys, La Bamba Ritchie Valens feat Los Lobos, ah’ve been tae Los Lobos island, blues number red rooster, it’s Carol Decker wae China in yer hauns…

  236. Cactus says:

    Didnae get that one, but ah got this one… Ben E King stand aside me…is it Baby LOVE by maybe diana ross.. next up the river was deep Geo Michael… Girl ah really got u goin’…

  237. Cactus says:

    YOU WIN AGAIN hehehehe, BG’s, don’t know this goodbye song, the beasties, Amadeus by the deep blue or summin! Another new one now… russ abbott mayabe, TFC by the excellent Europe (we LOVE U) and it is not unusual, Tom kens…

  238. Cactus says:

    Dinnae ken this one but cool piano and now groovy Rolling Stones Last time

    And that’s the last one in

  239. Cactus says:


  240. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Always wondered why the sound of the pipes wakens something up in me.
    It is what I am probably and what in Scotland we mostly are

    The pipes are in the pentatonic scale (unlike the major scale which is used in much European music) and this is of eastern and Asian origin and explains why pipe music seems to strike a chord right across all the other continents. It is indeed a celtic scale and will have come to us with the celts from central Asia.

    The Scottish/Irish connection probably explains why a lot of “country music” is pentatonic as well.

  241. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Should have pointed out that pentatonic is five major notes rather than the seven notes in other music.

  242. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dave McEwan Hill at 11:10 pm.

    You typed,

    “Should have pointed out that pentatonic is five major notes rather than the seven notes in other music.”

    I remember reading, somewhere, years ago, that Eric Clapton lost the place when he eschewed the pentatonic scale.

  243. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Anyone else been watching “Born To Be Wild” on BBC Scotland channel?

    They’ve been quite good. However, there seems to be a preponderance of English accents amongst those featured.
    I’m just wondering why so many positions are taken by immigrants, rather than home-grown Scots.

    Could it be that our vet schools are attracting more from south of the border, rather than kids leaving school here?

    I’m not complaining – merely observing.

  244. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, so it looks as if the TRAs’ agenda has been recognised for what it is, a manifestation of structural misogyny and a threat to “equality” and “open society”. As with Scotland, the legal identity of biological women needs protecting from totalitarian colonialism.

    Seminar: What Causes Gender Inequality?

    In this course we will investigate what causes inequality between women and men. How does it arise, why does it take different forms, why does it vary in degree across societies, what are the components that add up to gender inequality, how do various institutions and practices contribute to it, and how does it change? The course will emphasize the history of gender inequality in the United States.

    While we focus on gender inequality, we will also seek to understand social causation more generally. We will explore the diverse ways social causation works and how we can identify the causes behind important social phenomena.

    link to

    The Genetics of Sex Differences in Brain and Behavior
    link to

    Introduction: Gender and Politics: A Gendered World, a Gendered Discipline
    link to

    Rendering the Sexed Body Legally Invisible: How Transgender Law Hurts Women
    link to

  245. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    Sorry Brian, I do my best to avoid TV.

  246. CameronB Brodie says:

    “When we conflate things like ‘sperm’ with ‘men’, we erase the trans community, and perpetuate bad science.”

    One for the woke-bros and woke-sistas who’ve just reached “peak trans”. This is what cults do to the mind and how they undermine liberal society.

    The New Fast Automatic Daffodils – All Over My Face
    link to

  247. cearc says:


    Wayback (when we was young) our vet training was regarded as the best and was first choice for applications.

    Maybe that is still the case.

  248. Nana says:


    A wee reminder

    Parcel sent to you on the 27th March, delivery attempted on the 29th of March and a card left for you to pick up from your local sorting office.

    I don’t know if you are aware but if after 18 days the package is not collected, it will be returned to me.

  249. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry Rev., I just get carried away some times.

    Love – 7 And 7 Is
    link to

  250. CameronB Brodie says:

    Thank for your kindness and the heads-up. I think I might get off spud duty tonight, so I’ll be back in Edinburgh this week. 😉

  251. CameronB Brodie says:

    Why are certain doctor’s who apparently hate woman, not having their licenses reviewed? The recording of sex classes that are grounded in biology, is a fundamental principle of clinical practice. What action is the BMA taking to ensure its’ practice is free of structural misogyny?

    Genetics, personality and wellbeing. A twin study of traits, facets and life satisfaction
    link to

    The Truth About Sex Differences
    It’s an elemental fact that people increasingly don’t want to hear: Sex differences in personality and behavior are real. And they have a profound effect on many aspects of health.

    link to

    Gender Differences in Emotional Response: Inconsistency between Experience and Expressivity
    link to

    Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity
    link to

  252. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. the silencing and political erasure of Helen Staniland.

    An epistemology of gender or gender as a tool of analysis
    link to

    Questions for left-wing people who support self-definition as a woman
    link to

    Female Erasure: What You Need to Know About Gender Politics’ War on Women, the Female Sex, and Human Rights
    link to

    Erasure of Women
    link to

  253. Cactus says:

    jj’s next quiz of the night begins at 10 bells…

    Some crackin’ songs PLAYin’ ra nite

    What’s up next?

    link to
    link to

  254. Cactus says:

    Oops, forgot tae turn mah clocks forward (it’s Spring afterall!)

    Make that eleven

    link to
    link to

  255. Gary45% says:

    The Illegal Occupation Specialists(Israel) have just crash landed on the moon.
    Expect Hamas to get the blame.

  256. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    got a great selection of Rock’n’Roll on at 8pm following my Roundabout show at 7pm on Argyll Independent Radio

  257. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ve been called back on contractual duty for a bit longer.

    James Brown aka Nat Kendrick and The Swans – (Do The) Mashed Potatoes (Pt. 1)
    link to

  258. CameronB Brodie says:

    “Total Recall” came out the year after I collided with reality. I still hadn’t overcome a profound loss of personality and memory when I saw it on terrestrial TV. To say it messed with my head would be a bit of an understatement. 🙂

    Butthole Surfers – Who Was In My Room Last Night?
    link to

  259. CameronB Brodie says:

    A wee song about Brexit.

    THE MELVINS – “We Are Doomed” (30th Anniversary Tour)
    link to

  260. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    mr thms mentioned “Our Planet” on the cartoon page a wee while ago. You can see it at the link below. I found ‘server 2’ was fine.

    link to

  261. CameronB Brodie says:

    No, I wasn’t on drugs, apart from a couple of after-work pints of 3.4abv, I’d just wasn’t paying attention.

    Singers Players Prince Far I – Bedward The Flying Preacher
    link to

  262. Welsh Sion says:

    Off topic – to share a smile or two, but also in deadly earnest.

    “Welsh” Labour is having its Conference in Llandudno this weekend in Llandudno, with Corbyn due to speak later this afternoon.

    Their slogan, “Standing up for Wales / Sefyll cornel Cymru” is exactly the same as last year’s. Indeed, they were also in Llandudno last year as well How original, eh, readers?

    And I can’t help reading the Welsh version as “Sefyll yng nghornel Cymru” ( = “Standing in Wales’s corner.”) But maybe I’m just an unrepentant Nat.


  263. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for all those who get their news curtosy of BBC-HSBC-BAE news group.

    Butthole Surfers – Sweat Loaf
    link to

  264. CameronB Brodie says:

    I can’t leave you on a downer like that, kind of difficult to follow, I’d imagine. Sorry.

    Little Robbie – I’ve got Troubles on my own
    link to

  265. CameronB Brodie says:

    “Gender is about stereotypes. What’s so progressive about that? Time to ask again – please, someone, explain ‘gender’ without reference to stereotypes. I’ll be over here.” – Lily Maynard

    Nothing is progressive about gender stereotypes but gender is not the same as gender-identity, which embodies these stereotypes. This is another CORE issue, so here’s some stuff.

    Gender Mainstreaming and Women’s Roles in Development Projects: A Research Case Study from Ghana


    This chapter critiques the forceful institutionalization of gender mainstreaming into development programs.


    The data was generated from literature review and a research-based case study of the World Bank’s Community-Based Rural Development Projects in a Ghanaian township using ethnographic research methods such as participant-observation, focus group discussion, and individual interviews.


    Our study found that gender mainstreaming has become popular, with the majority of international development agencies, such as The World Bank, AusAID, USAID, and the UNDP, adopting it as an overarching framework for developing and delivering their programs and services. The concept has also made its way into government policies globally over the past decade and has a strong influence on aid projects, even on gender-neutral programs.

    Our ethnographic research revealed that it is problematic to simply use gender mainstreaming as a policy initiative. The research case study presented showed that, in their quest to involve women in decision-making processes in rural localities, officials who implemented the CBRDP targeted women, although improving gender equality (through the process of gender mainstreaming) was not an objective of the CBRDP project per se.

    As a result, the project was jeopardized, some local people misconceptualized the CBRDP as a “women’s empowerment initiative,” leading to apathy on the part of men, some of whom resented the CBRDP by preventing their wives and daughters from participating in it, ultimately causing a negative outcome.


    We seek to alert international development organizations and practitioners that implementing gender mainstreaming programs and policies without considering local conditions and social relationships will fail to deliver the desired outcomes for the intended beneficiaries.

    Community development, community-driven development, gender mainstreaming, gender inequality, Ghana, patriarchy and women

    link to

    A Critical Analysis of Gender Mainstreaming
    link to

    Gender equality? What research reveals
    link to

    Paid Work, Women’s Empowerment and Gender Justice: Critical Pathways of Social Change

  266. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry to be a pest but “gender” can be a helpful tool to aid female empowerment, so long as folk are able to compartmentalise the concept in their minds, keeping it separate from sexist, gender-identity, stereotypes. MK?

    We need to be clear about what gender and gender-identity are. As with sex and gender, they are not the same things.

    Sexuality and Gender
    Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences
    Part Three: Gender Identity

    The concept of biological sex is well defined, based on the binary roles that males and females play in reproduction. By contrast, the concept of gender is not well defined. It is generally taken to refer to behaviors and psychological attributes that tend to be typical of a given sex. Some individuals identify as a gender that does not correspond to their biological sex. The causes of such cross-gender identification remain poorly understood.

    Research investigating whether these transgender individuals have certain physiological features or experiences in common with the opposite sex, such as brain structures or atypical prenatal hormone exposures, has so far been inconclusive. Gender dysphoria — a sense of incongruence between one’s biological sex and one’s gender, accompanied by clinically significant distress or impairment — is sometimes treated in adults by hormones or surgery, but there is little scientific evidence that these therapeutic interventions have psychological benefits. Science has shown that gender identity issues in children usually do not persist into adolescence or adulthood, and there is little scientific evidence for the therapeutic value of puberty-delaying treatments.

    We are concerned by the increasing tendency toward encouraging children with gender identity issues to transition to their preferred gender through medical and then surgical procedures. There is a clear need for more research in these areas.

    link to

    What is the link between sexuality and gender?
    link to

    How men and women see gender equality differently
    link to

    Gender Equality
    link to

  267. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry Rev., that last post was rounding-off a point. That’s me done now.

    Grace Jones – Hurricane Dub
    link to

  268. CameronB Brodie says:

    So why is all this ‘long-haired’ philosophy stuff important? Pardon me while I go full geek.

    Policy analysis: empiricism, social construction and realism

    In a recent article Ulrich Brand has discussed how best to perform policy analysis. I reflect upon the paper as an interdisciplinary researcher experienced in public policy problems and their analysis with a particular interest in the relationship between social, economic and environmental problems.

    At the centre of the paper is the contrast between two existing methodologies prevalent in political science and related disciplines. One is the rationalist approach, which takes on the character of a natural science, that believes
    in a fully knowable objective reality which can be observed by an independent investigator. The other is a strong social constructivist position called interpretative policy analysis (IPA), where knowledge and meaning become so intertwined as to make independence of the observer from the observed impossible and all knowledge highly subjective.

    Brand then offers his model as a way forward, but one that he closely associates with the latter. My contention is that policy analysis, and any way forward, needs to provide more of a transformative combination of elements from both approaches. Indeed I believe this is actually what Brand is doing.

    Keywords: Policy analysis, interpretive policy analysis, critical realism, historical materialism, critical state theory, knowledge

    Epistemology and Ontology
    link to

    Rationalism and Empiricism
    Some Notes on Epistemological Strategies and their Implications in Ethics

    link to

    Rationalism, Empiricism, and Evidence-Based Medicine: A Call for a New Galenic Synthesis
    link to

  269. CameronB Brodie says:

    Is this why the BMA appears to support women hating GPs who promote gender ideology as an ethical basis for radical body transformation?

    The myth of objectivity: is medicine moving towards a social constructivist medical paradigm?


    Biomedicine is improperly imbued with a nomothetic methodology, which views ‘disease’ in a similar way to other ‘natural’ phenomena. This arises from a 300-year history of a positivist domination of science, meaning that objectivist research (e.g. randomized controlled trials or biochemical research) attracts more funding and is more readily published than ‘softer’ qualitative research. A brief review of objectivism and subjectivism is followed by a definition of an emerging medical paradigm. Current ‘inappropriate’ medical practices become understandable in this broader context, and examples are given. A constructivist paradigm can continue to incorporate ‘objective’ clinical findings and interventions, as well as the recent evidence for the doctor–patient relationship as a major contributor to patient outcomes.

    link to

  270. Ian Foulds says:

    link to

    Oh Dear.

  271. CameronB Brodie says:

    So according to Mermaids, there is a very strong chance I actually suffer from gender dysphoria, not the effects of a serious brain injury and complex PTSD. I’m approaching my mid-fifties and have thoroughly enjoyed what sex-life I’ve had. It’s just as well there’s an “allegedly” authoritative advisory body to tell me my life has been a lie.

    Mermaids posses a direct threat to public health and the general well-being of society. To think that they are publicly funded really is a bit of a mind shredder. The Mermaids input to the Scottish government must be re-assessed as a matter of top priority.

  272. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, I might not be a gender theorist but that doesn’t mean my insight is worthless.

    General Introduction to Theories of Gender and Sex

    AS WITH MOST OF THE OPENING INTRODUCTIONS in this Guide to Theory, we must begin the introduction to this section with the caveat that this area of study is incredibly complex, perhaps more so than any of the others, given the tendency of such theorists to employ the strategies of other critical schools in their analysis of gender and sex. As a result, sex and gender theorists can be divided into various sub-schools that bring together the insights of disparate approaches (eg. materialist feminists, Foucauldian theorists of gender, postmodern and poststructuralist theorists of gender, and psychoanalytical feminists; psychoanalytical feminists can, in turn, be divided among Freudian, Lacanian, and Kristevan thinkers).

    As discussed in the Narratology section, theorists of gender and sex (especially those of a Lacanian stripe) have also been hugely influential in the study of narrative, particularly in the area of film theory. Our task here is even further complicated by the decision to call this section “Gender & Sex” rather than “Feminism,” since that designation further opens up the scope of this section to the highly influential set of theorists that are often referred to as “queer theorists.”

    Before we turn to a quick overview of the theorists discussed in the Modules and to help put all these thinkers in context, we here provide a timeline of the history of gender and sexuality, one that is similar to the timeline provided in the General Introduction to Postmodernism. You will note that the section on the nineteenth century is particularly full, largely because we are both primarily nineteenth-century scholars.

    link to

  273. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m actually finding a fair bit of this stuff, now that I’m getting back in to practice.


    This article questions how legal personhood is constructed by law. Elective amputation is used as a way of interrogating the institutional, material and
    discursive relations that combine in order to suspend legal personhood.

    Elective amputation is introduced in terms of medical and psychological explanations. Additionally, the perspective of self-identified elective amputees who choose to share their stories through online blogs is utilized to gain a narrative sense of how these individuals understand and engage with law. In particular, the areas of disability, sexuality and rationality are used to exemplify law’s continuing commitment to normative embodiment as grounds for ascribing legal personhood.

    Elective Amputation, rationality, normativity, legal personhood, disability, sexuality

    Language, Gender, and Sexuality
    link to

    Gender Ideologies, Youth Sports, and the Production of Soft Essentialism
    link to

    Pratt & Moody With Cold Diamond & Mink – Lost, Lost, Lost
    link to

  274. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry but it looks like numb-nuts here has totally messed up collecting your present. My fault for not challenging my recall to spud duty. 😉

    I really do hate putting folk out on my behalf, so please don’t go to any more effort or expense. Norrie can give it to me at the next do, if that’s ok with you. Fnuar, fnuar.

  275. Liz g says:

    Hi Cameron
    I asked a mutual friend to pass on your email address if they have it…. Provided you give your permission here…
    Is that ok?

  276. CameronB Brodie says:

    Liz g
    That reminds me I’ve forgotten to remember to sort a g-mail. I’ll do that tomorrow and pass it on to IanB. Hopefully he has your contact details, or possibly ronnieA. Feel free to pass it on. I trust you won’t be linking me up with any weirdos. 🙂

  277. Liz g says:

    Cameron B Brodie @ 3.55am
    Ha Ha,no I’m the only weirdo that will be mailing ye!!!
    And I’m pretty sure your ok with ma kind o’ weird 🙂

  278. CameronB Brodie says:

    Liz g
    Sorry Liz, I’m not meaning to play with your head. Your healthy weird so that’s ok. MK? 🙂

  279. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    I’ll have Jonathon Shafi on my Roundabout show online on Argyll Independent Radio 7pm – 8pm (followed by my rock’n’roll show)

  280. CameronB Brodie says:

    Want to get at the legal-positivist roots of 21st century utilitarianism, and the DWP’s apparent democide of the poor, through the seemingly criminal implementation of the WCA.

    The Historiography of Analytic Philosophy

    Abstract and Keywords

    In this chapter I offer an account of how analytic philosophy became constructed as a philosophical tradition, from its roots in the complex intellectual context of the last quarter of the nineteenth century to its dominant position across the world at the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century. I consider some of the histories of analytic philosophy that have been written, exploring the historiographical issues that they raise, with particular reference to Nietzsche’s distinction between monumental, antiquarian, and critical history, and subsequent debates about the relationship between rational and historical reconstruction. I end by outlining and defending the historical turn that has taken place in analytic philosophy over the last twenty years.

    Keywords: analytic philosophy, history of analytic philosophy, historiography of analytic philosophy, historical turn in analytic philosophy, analytic versus continental philosophy, ahistoricism, monumental history, antiquarian history, critical history, rational

    link to

    What is Ethics as First Philosophy?
    Levinas in Phenomenological Context

    link to

    Levinas’s Existential Analytic: A Commentary on Totality and Infinity
    link to

    Comparing Three Twentieth-Century Philosophical Antitheodicies
    link to

  281. CameronB Brodie says:

    More on how British philosophy has gotten things so terribly wrong, and how analytic philosophy provides the intellectual foundations of contemporary Anglo-American neo-liberalism. 😉

    Individual Existence and the Philosophy of Difference

    Abstract and Keywords

    It is a commonplace to say that it is hard to understand the trajectory of ‘continental’ philosophy without coming to terms with the influence of Hegel. Hegel is not just be seen as a ‘parting of the ways’ between ‘continental’ and ‘analytic’ philosophy, but as a bridge between them too, as many continental thinkers have come to address the traditional problems of philosophy through their encounters with Hegel, in a way that is hard to see if he is left out of the picture. One such traditional question is the problem of individuality. This problem concerns the question of what makes something an individual, as a unified entity distinct from other individuals. This problem has its roots in the history of philosophy, from Plato onwards, and is a problem with several dimensions, as it raises concerns not only in metaphysics, but also in epistemology and ethics.

    Keywords: continental philosophy, analytic philosophy, problem of individuality, Plato, metaphysics, epistemology

    link to

    Analytic Philosophy, the Analytic School, and British Philosophy
    link to

    The Cultural Politics of Analytic Philosophy
    Britishness and the Spectre of Europe

    link to

    The Elective Affinity Between Analytic Philosophy and the Political Status Quo.
    link to

  282. CameronB Brodie says:

    If professional British philosophers are so clever, why are the Tories killing off the poor through the paradigm of austerity?

    Foucault’s “Analytic Philosophy of Politics”

    The current issue of Foucault Studies contains the first English translation of a lecture Foucault gave in Japan in 1978. This “Analytic Philosophy of Politics” is essential reading if you have an interest in the transition between Foucault’s “power” and “ethics” work and/or his later understanding of power and resistance. The Tokyo lecture underscores a profound continuity in his thought along a number of lines. Here are a few things that emerged for me on a first reading (there are also references to Confucianism that I am totally unqualified to address, so I will simply note that they are present):

    (1) Foucault proposes that the question of power emerges in the wake of fascism and Stalinism, which he treats as both singular but as tied to “a whole series of mechanisms that already existed within social and political systems” (189). That is, movements now challenge “this overproduction of power that Stalinism and fascism clearly manifested in its stark and monstrous state” (189).

    The emphasis on Stalinism and fascism corresponds to the lectures that bookend Society must be Defended a few years prior, where Foucault begins by critiquing “totalitarian” discourses in the form of orthodox Marxism and closes with an analysis of state racism (exemplified by the Nazis) as a form of biopower. So too, at the beginning of SMD, he refers to some of the same movements – anti-psychiatry, the recovery of “subjugated knowledges” that are the examples in the Tokyo lecture.

    (2) Second, Foucault is interested in the role of the philosopher and philosophy. This is not a surprise given his other interviews and essays on the topic, but it’s worth mentioning that he explicitly poses as a problem that philosophies of liberation presented during the 19c have become tools of oppression in the 20th.

    As he puts it, “each and every time these philosophies of freedom gave birth to forms of power that, whether in the guise of terror, bureaucracy, or even bureaucratic terror, were the very opposite of the regime of freedom, the very opposite of freedom as history” (191). As with the critique of Marxism and Freudianism at the start of SMD, the text here underscores why Foucault is skeptical of revolutionary discourses and thinks they may be a part of the problem, not the solution. Thus, “one should no longer imagine that one can escape relations of power all at once, globally, massively, through a sort of radical rupture or a flight without return” (193).

    link to

    Analytic Philosophy of History
    link to

    If Anglo-American Philosophy Is So Great, Where Is Its Las Casas? (guest post by Manuel R. Vargas)
    link to

    Neoliberalism as Concept
    link to

  283. CameronB Brodie says:

    Hope folk in Scotland are looking forward to becoming Brexitanians.

    Big Jay McNeely-There Is Something On Your Mind
    link to

  284. CameronB Brodie says:

    Of course, not all Anglo-American analytical philosophy is pants. Especially since the invention of Critical Realism.

    After Hume
    Realism about Powers in Contemporary Analytic Metaphysics


    Analytic metaphysics has taken a sharp turn away from Hume. Almost all at once, it seems, it has become acceptable — perhaps even fashionable — to believe in real causal powers. This is welcome news for those formerly lone metaphysicians who thought all along that Hume was wrong, but it is also good news for critical realists. The following is an introductory overview of some of the recent literature, via synopses (with commentary) of three anthologies and one monograph. I encourage critical realists to engage with this material, to the mutual benefit of critical realism and analytic philosophy alike.

    Keywords: metaphysics, causation, powers, dispositional property, pandispositionalism, Aristotelian, tendency, real definition, critical realism, Humeanism

    link to

  285. Jack Murphy says:

    Definitely Off Topic.

    As France grieves at the terrible damage to their Grand Cathedral Notre Dame in Paris here it is in all it’s splendour with the magnificent American operatic soprano Jessye Norman singing in 1990.

    What a terrible loss.

    GOUNOD’S SANCTUS from Messe Solennelle.

    link to

    Headphones/earphones recommended.

  286. CameronB Brodie says:

    Further to the open letter to the Scottish Parliament re. the threats posed by the proposed reform of the GRA, here’s one that I’m sure Dr. Kath Murray would approve of. The accurate recording of sex isn’t only crucial to good health management, it is also vital to coherent jurisprudence and an effective penal system.

    Different Ways of Conceptualizing Sex/Gender in Feminist Theory and Their Implications for Criminology


    In the 1980s there were major challenges to feminist theory by women of color and by postmodern/poststructuralist theorists. Three modes of feminist enquiry responded to these challenges: class-race-gender, doing gender, and sexed bodies. I assess the contributions and limits of each to criminological knowledge. Several themes emerge. First, while modern/postmodern boundaries are blurred in feminist knowledge debates, important tensions remain concerning the relationship of a `real world out there’ to `discourse’. Second, while most feminist scholars are interested in linking sex/gender to class, race-ethnicity, etc., the problem of sex-specific corporeality is receiving renewed attention.

    Keywords class-race-gender, doing gender, sexed bodies

    link to

  287. CameronB Brodie says:

    @A Thousand Flowers
    How do you support equality by denying scientific and legal rationality, while discriminating against biological human females? You are damaging society by supporting reactionary anti-science!

    N.B. Sex and gender-identity are not the same.

    Sex and gender. New findings, new controversy

    In November 2014, Dr. McHugh had already published a report on the website First Things2, in which he explained his decision as head of the Psychiatry Department at John Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, US, to no longer propose any sex reassignment surgery, in view of the negative findings that he obtained after a retrospective examination of patients who had undergone the procedure.

    In the current article, the authors looked at studies published in recent years, in an attempt to establish statistically significant, well-proven evidence. Compared to other related studies, which often offer contradictory results on the topic, this one is distinguished by the large amount of data from many different sources, which gives it special credibility, as well as the backing of its indisputably eminent authors.

    The timeliness of the study is undeniable. New trends in the approach to “gender dysphoria” (as defined in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [DSM-5]), related with the promotion of sex reassignment procedures using pharmacological and surgical treatments, present these as the solution to a complex problem, to the point of approving legislative regulations that support and encourage their performance (see HERE).

    However, this does not appear to be the conclusion reached by the studies concerned, but rather the contrary.

    The extensive 140-page study offers surprising results, summarised below:

    link to

  288. CameronB Brodie says:

    More in support of sex-classes grounded in biology. Sex and gender-identity are not the same things, changing law to suggest they are will undermine the social position of women, for a start. Law that is not supported by science, can not escape the charge of being illiberal.

    Cognitive neuroscience of sex and gender

    It is generally agreed that sex and gender differences in brain and cognition are neither purely biological nor purely social in origin. Our research on cognitive sex differences and sex differences in functional brain organization and brain connectivity takes into account biological and social factors, as well as the interaction between them, and addresses ‘‘the small difference’’ within a psychobiosocial approach.

    We consider sex differences in a variety of specific cognitive abilities, including language, memory and spatial cognition as well as inter-individual differences in cognitive strategies, meta-cognition and cognitive control. Specifically, we are interested in how these differences are influenced by factors ranging from neuromodulatory properties of (sex) hormones (e.g. estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, oxytocin) to gender stereotypes. Additionally, a new research stream looks at the neuroprotective properties of sex hormones in clinical populations (e.g. schizophrenia).

    link to

  289. CameronB Brodie says:

    I hope folk living in Scotland are sufficiently prepared to perform as Brexitanians, seeing as how the British constitution is clearly ‘optional documentation’ and Scotland not an equal partner in Yoonyawn.

    The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice
    Part I – General Theoretical Perspectives
    3 – From Prejudice to Social Change: A Social Identity Perspective


    For more than 80 years, understanding the causes, consequences, and remedies for prejudice has been a central theme in social psychology. Prejudice, by definition, refers to the holding of negative attitudes toward others based exclusively on their membership of a given group (Brown, 1995, p. 6). Prejudice is a major area of academic enquiry because it is considered a necessary condition for discrimination, which affects the opportunities and well-being of its targets – the victims. Furthermore, when negative views about a particular group become widespread and shared, then intergroup conflict, violence, and civil unrest are more likely.

    Much of social psychology, though, has focused on the concepts of prejudice and social change as largely distinct areas of inquiry underpinned by different levels of analysis. Many approaches to explaining prejudice are directed at individual-level factors such as personality and cognitive and motivation processes (which are potentially faulty and irrational). Other explanations of prejudice emphasize the role of system-level factors and argue that maintenance of the status quo and preservation of stable social hierarchies consequently result in the subjugation of particular minority groups.

    An alternative analysis is that prejudice and social change are both outcomes of ongoing and fluid intergroup relations whereby people’s group memberships and relationships between groups play a central explanatory role. The overarching and fundamental questions of interest within this trajectory of work are how is the intergroup relationship perceived now and when and how does it change.

    Drawing on the social identity perspective, which incorporates both social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) and self-categorization theory (Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher, & Wetherell, 1987), the aim of this chapter is to make a case for the interdependence of prejudice and social change. This more integrated analysis relies on a new understanding of prejudice that rejects the premise that such attitudes and associated negative treatment are the product of flawed and faulty cognitive and motivational psychological processes (Oakes, Haslam, & Turner, 1994; Reynolds, Haslam, & Turner, 2012). Instead prejudice needs to be conceptualized, first and foremost, as an outcome of group processes and intergroup dynamics, whereby members of the majority and minority groups are positioned in a particular social relationship. Majority and minority do not refer to the simple numbers but to positions of power through cultural and economic dominance within a social system.

    link to

    The Bias Beneath: Two Decades of Measuring Implicit Associations
    link to

    Models of social change in social psychology: Collective action or prejudice reduction? Conflict or harmony?
    link to

    Elise LeGrow – You Can’t Judge A Book By The Cover / You Can’t Catch Me
    link to

  290. CameronB Brodie says:

    #WorldMurdoDay, doh!

  291. Cactus says:

    Evenin’ Cameron, cheers for yours mate

    Hope ye can make it tae Glasgow on the 4th

    Glasgow callin’

  292. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ll certainly do my best to make it through.

  293. Cactus says:


  294. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m pretty sure I pointed out the failings in HMG’s consultation over changes to the GRA. Insufficient consideration of biological women’s needs and too much focus on a legalistic interpretation of equality. For the umpteenth time, sex and gender-ideology are not the same things. Creating law that suggests they are will harm society.

    Please peeps, forward this link to your local MP/MSP.

    Gender, Sex and Sexuality Studies
    link to

  295. Clapper57 says:

    Perusing comments on MT via ‘ A Plan of little Action’ and noted they are dominated by ‘The Life of Brian’ with his tales of cancelled SNP membership ( aye right) and obvious long held contempt for Nicola and SNP…..AND….why does he feel so compelled to tell us this….to make such contemptuous comments and then NOT expect a reaction ( aye right)…on an Indy supporting site where some members obviously support SNP….Duh….how obvious does one need to be….this fud is an opportunist.

    I also noted some negativity towards Rev Stu re post on ” A plan of little action” …..sorry but is the person who OWNS this site not allowed to voice his opinion on statement given by Nicola…AND unlike (The Life of) Brian the Rev promotes a reasonable argument which generates discussion and food for thought …..think people should appreciate all of the brilliant posts he has written which has done way more for promoting the case for independence than many of the false prophets who flip flop from Indy to Corbyn loving Socialists.

    This IS his site and thus he is entitled to write what he wants to write….one can disagree and challenge him on posts he writes …something he does not berate you for if you have a valid and well argued point….but some comments via his last posting are below the belt and totally undeserved…I am raging as this is so so unfair ….how easily some people forget or rather fail to appreciate how brilliant his contributions are and have been to the Indy cause. Are we really shooting the messenger ?.F**cking hope not ….I for one totally understand what he meant by his observation re Farage being best hope for us getting Independence.

    Sorry for rant….but this site is precious to me and will defend it fiercely….even if I do not comment as much as I used to….I read it when he has posted new article and refer as many people as I can to it also.

    Apologies if have offended anyone ….not my intention….but I think he must be exasperated and a tad pissed off at how easily people are offended and also how quickly they are to condemn him should he dare to criticise the SNP….and I say that as an SNP member and voter… party is above criticism and if it is warranted then it should be welcomed not condemned…we are after all NOT a cult !

    Have a good day everyone….keep up the good work Stu and have a good day too.

  296. Cactus says:

    Welcome back to your Friday Rock Show!

    link to

    There are 22 songs on the PLAYlist

  297. Dan says:

    A bit of Midnight Oil.

    We carry in our hearts the true country…
    and that cannot be stolen.
    We follow in the steps of our ancestry…
    and that cannot be broken.

    link to

    Friday thought…How is it that so much music over the years, in a wide range of genres, highlights the wrongs carried out by the powerful and their oppression of the majority to retain that power, yet we still live under the thumb…

  298. yesindyref2 says:

    You gorra laff

    link to

    and then on the Danube

    link to

    and a last one I played before

    link to

    That should cheer you all up 🙂

    Those that are left that is …

  299. Cactus says:

    Just heard about one of our Wingers 🙁 xx

    • Nana says:

      @Cactus, me too.

      Geez what a shock

  300. David says:

    One, strictly unofficial, way of counting the potential Yes vote for #IndyRef2 is by how many thousands are following the Wings account on Twitter.
    Well, the good, no the *excellent* news is that 60 thousand now follow Wings!
    So the Yes vote is forecast to be 60%. Not the ‘meager’ 49% shown by the latest opinion poll. 😉

  301. David says:

    Cactus, Nana, what’s the news? Any update?

  302. Nana says:

    It is with great sadness I have to inform you that our fellow winger cearc passed away suddenly on 20th of April in Raigmore hospital.

    I received the news from her family this afternoon.

  303. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Sorry to read that Nana.

    She was always so upbeat at the get-togethers and so on.


  304. Sarah says:

    @Nana – thanks for posting about cearc. I’ve just seen the email in my box and came to see if Wingers had been told. I only once met her at a local Yes meeting and was struck by her original mind and good feeling. She will be greatly missed.

  305. CameronB Brodie says:

    That is indeed very sad news about cearc. I’m glad to have spent some brief moments with her, as she displayed a particular strength and independence of spirit.

  306. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi peeps.

    On the news about cearc – I had a look, again, at the videos from a couple of “Wings Over Invergowrie” get-togethers that I uploaded to YouTube.

    They are from February and October 2015.

    link to

    link to

    Hopefully, her spirit will enjoy independence when it comes.

  307. yesindyref2 says:

    cearc, God. Thoughts with family – and us. One of the best of us.

  308. Nana says:

    Morning Brian

    Thank you for posting the videos.
    We got to know Cearc when she came to stay with us during Ginger Dug’s visit to Dingwall. She was kind, witty and exceptionally bright.
    I picture her wearing ‘that’ hat and smile.

  309. X_Sticks says:

    Aye, very sad news about cearc. She went to great efforts to attend as many of the Wings social events as she could. I am glad to have known her, she always brought a cheerful, upbeat spirit to the group in spite of her own personal difficulties. She will be missed.

    We’ll raise a glass to her memory at the next get together.

    RIP cearc.

  310. Ian Brotherhood says:

    So sad that Maria won’t be with us on independence day. She was at the Dows gathering just a few weeks ago and was in fine form.

    A beautiful generous woman, we’ll aye remember her with love.

  311. Macart says:

    So sorry to hear of cearc’s passing.

    Sad news.

    Deepest sympathies.

    • Nana says:


      Last time cearc emailed me, she was jolly and although in and out of hospital seemed to be coping well with the treatment, so yesterday’s news came as a complete shock.

      As IanB says “A beautiful generous woman, we’ll aye remember her with love”

  312. Liz g says:

    So shocked and saddened to hear of Cearc’s passing…
    An inspirational woman whom wingers will remember with admiration and love xxxx
    RIP Maria….

  313. Ruglonian says:

    So incredibly sorry to hear about our Cearc – she was such a force!

    I’ll never forget the night the Cactus, she and I spent in Glasgow after one of our do’s in the CH, kicking about the streets at 4 am, with Maria zooming around in her wee scooter (slightly tipsy – we all were), laughing her head off and having a rare old time 🙂

    She was the best kind of bad influence I could have ever hoped for, and I’ll miss her dearly xxx

  314. ronnie anderson says:

    Dear All,

    It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that our mother, your relative, friend or acquaintance, Maria Patricia Nolan, passed away suddenly on Saturday the 20th of April at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.

    We are making plans for a service to be held in Inverness on Wednesday the 8th of May. Further to that we will be having a memorial gathering at her home on her birthday, the 20th of May. To both, you’re most welcome, but please let us know at your first convenience if you wish to attend either or both and we will inform you of our finalized plans. These do depend on the number of people attending.

    We gathered your details from personal contact lists, however we are unsure how complete this list is. So please do pass this on to anyone that you think should know and extend our welcome to them.

    Warm regards,

    Emma, Aubrey and Morwenna Hewes

    RIP Maria XXX

  315. ronnie anderson says:

    Briandoonthetoon I guided Cearc’s celebrant Elaine Smith to your post re Invergowrie night out to give her a insight on Cearc

  316. Cactus says:

    This one’s for you Winger Cearc

    link to


  317. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi peeps.

    Posted this on the front page but thought I’d repeat it here.


    Kudos to RT UK.

    They have a 3 hour 43 minute video of the whole march to Glasgow Green, done with no commentary, kinda like ‘candid camera’. There’s a break in the video at 2 hours 21 minutes until 2H 39M, when they start showing Glasgow Green from a high viewpoint.

    link to

  318. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    And it was good to introduce Wingers to Wingers whom they knew by username but had never met.

    Indyref2 meeting Yesbot was interesting…


  319. CameronB Brodie says:

    I think I might have suggested sex is not the same as gender-identity. 😉

    Women, human rights and development

    One half of the world’s population is systematically discriminated against and denied opportunity, for the ‘crime’ of having a female chromosome.

    link to

    Women’s Human Rights
    What are women’s human rights?

    link to

    Promoting gender equality and women’s rights
    Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

    link to

    Gender equality

    Gender Equality and empowerment of women and girls are fundamental human rights. Both are vital for economic growth, prosperity and competitiveness. Gender equality is an essential precondition for equitable and inclusive sustainable development, which will not take place if half of the world’s population is left behind.

    link to

  320. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    Sorry Brian, I posted before refreshing. What a day eh? 😉

  321. CameronB Brodie says:

    This week I’ve been mostly listening to the colour “pink”.

    The Dramatics – Get Up & Get Down
    link to

    Defining and measuring gender: A social determinant of health whose time has come


    This paper contributes to a nascent scholarly discussion of sex and gender as determinants of health. Health is a composite of biological makeup and socioeconomic circumstances. Differences in health and illness patterns of men and women are attributable both to sex, or biology, and to gender, that is, social factors such as powerlessness, access to resources, and constrained roles.

    Using examples such as the greater life expectancy of women in most of the world, despite their relative social disadvantage, and the disproportionate risk of myocardial infarction amongst men, but death from MI amongst women, the independent and combined associations of sex and gender on health are explored. A model for incorporating gender into epidemiologic analyses is proposed.

    Keywords: gender, women’s health, social determinants, longevity

    link to

  322. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ll always support independence for Scotland, but right now I have serious concerns as to the logic and strategic acumen of certain senior SNP members. Do third wave feminists not acknowledge the task of the second wave has yet to be accomplished?

    Women, Rights of, International Protection

    B. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
    1. Substantive Provisions

    7 1975 was designated by the UN as International Women’s Year. The subsequently proclaimed UN Decade for Women, 1975–85, was marked by the three World Conferences on Women: Mexico City (1975), Copenhagen (1980) and Nairobi (1995) (see also Conferences and Congresses, International).

    The most significant achievement of the UN Decade for Women with respect to the protection of women’s rights was the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (‘CEDAW’) by UNGA Resolution 34/180 of 18 December 1979 (see also United Nations, General Assembly). In 2010 the CEDAW, the UN’s ‘landmark treaty in the struggle for women’s rights’ (The United Nations and the Advancement of Women 1945–1995 5) had 186 States Parties from all regions of the world making it the second most widely ratified human rights treaty….

    link to

  323. CameronB Brodie says:

    As for the lack of support for the AUOB march in Glasgow. Uncontrolled popular action can be scary to some. Remember, the default setting for humans is small “c” conservative, as we share a “phenomenal conservatism”.

    Rufus Thomas – Do The Funky Chicken
    link to

  324. CameronB Brodie says:

    One for the deniers of biological science, who appear to believe that radical and intrusive medicalisation is capable of transforming “man” into “woman”, thus suggesting “sex” is an emotional “performance” of sexist stereotypes. This is partly an effect of neo-liberalism on feminism and leads us back to a patriarchal society.

    Remember, “sex” and “gender-identity” are not the same things. Confusing them will disrupt legal rationality, jurisprudence and public health, for a start. Undermining the rights of biological women advances us significantly down the path towards authoritarian totalitarianism. Needless to say, though I will go to the bother, discriminating against half the electorate is hardly likely to engender their support to your cause, is it?

    Special Issue “Gender and Social Change”

    This Special Issue of Societies broadly explores the complex and contested relationship between gender and social change. Classic sociological questions are: How is social order maintained? How does social change occur? And who benefits? Gender is deeply interwoven into these questions. It is paradoxical that social order, cultural norms and values, and stratification are seemingly obdurate, timeless, and rigid, while massive and significant alterations affect technology, climate, medicine, and recreation, for example.

    This paradox is also relevant to studies of gender. At the same time that social theorists deconstruct foundational ideas about gender, sex, and sexuality, we inhabit a world that produces, reproduces, and relies on gender binaries. These binaries often fuel enormous gender inequality, with girls and women systematically disadvantaged across many social contexts. This issue aims to showcase work that explores paradoxes of social change (both progressive and regressive) as change specifically relates to gender.

    Additionally, the issue is meant to highlight the possibilities for creating a decolonized feminist approach that takes account of gender and social change from the perspective of minority groups (LGBTQI) and non-Western cultures, broadly defined as cultures beyond Western Europe and North America. Potentially relevant questions include, but are not limited to:

    What are some examples of micro-sociological and/or macro-sociological social changes and how do these changes affect gender, identity performance, and/or structures?

    How do classic and contemporary social theories of social change integrate (or not) gender?

    What are some of the consequences of an engaged practice and theory of social change for gendered institutions, gendered people, and gendered representations?

    link to

  325. Cactus says:

    Ah was having a look at some stats and thought aye’d try some math

    Should Scotland be an independent country?

    Yes – 1,617,989
    No – 2,001,926

    Total = 3,619,915

    IF the current poll is about 49% vs 51% (with margin of error). Based on an 84.59% eligible and similar turnout like last time, does that then mean that THIS TIME all we need are a further…

    Yes – 1,773,758 (49%)
    No – 1,846,157 (51%)

    Difference = 72,399

    We need 72,400 more Yes voters to get us over the line

    (less even when more former no voters decide to Choose Yes this time)

  326. Cactus says:

    SO does that then mean that…

    We would only need 36,200 more, former no voters, to Vote Yes

    (Ahm shure there will be other factors that come into PLAY)

  327. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for folk that think I’m a bit weird (well ok) and I’m driven by a hatred of trans-women. I’m an ethical rationalist, my concern is inclusive and sustainable social justice. I’m an easy-going sort of guy who once shared a flat with my girlfriend, two lesbians and a transvestite (who boxed at light-middleweight and cross-dressed when serving in the army, though not at the same time). 🙂

    Reclaiming reality and redefining realism: the challenging case of transgenderism


    Recently an acrimonious debate has emerged about transgenderism. Trans-activists defending the full spectrum of the latter have advocated a form of identity politics based upon individual self-definition. However, gender-critical feminists (within another current of identity politics) have disputed the legitimacy of these bids for self-determination, especially when considering men who are claiming to be women. These contrasting positions are examined and their political implications explored.

    The focus of the paper is on the intransitive aspects of sex and the transitive aspects of gender. The former, with rare exceptions, is a binary whereas the latter is open to social negotiation and variation. The article argues that the gender-critical position is broadly aligned with critical realist philosophy, though the counter view is represented in order to clarify this point of reflection. It ends with a discussion of the ‘trans debate’ and the public policy development emerging in its wake.

    KEYWORDS: Sex, gender, transgenderism, gender re-assignment

    link to

  328. Frank Gillougley says:

    To whom ever the designer was

    I won’t have been the first (as i don’t get out the house much) but credit is due where credit is due –

    THE NEW YES LOGO is just first class.

  329. CameronB Brodie says:

    I said “X” boxed at light-middleweight, I meant light-heavyweight. “X” was a big lad and really needed a lot of help with feminising his cross-dressing, style-wise. Just as well the girls were there to help, once I got the ball rolling by slagging-off his choice of wig, which did him no favours, frankly. Well, I’m a bit of a critical realist even though I’m an ethical rationalist, and I discovered his alter-ego by accident. I was a bit stunned and thought honesty the best policy, when he asked me what I thought about him dressing as a woman. Not exactly the sort of conversation you expect, out-of-the-blue, when preparing to go to work in the morning. 😉

    Bobby Marchan – There is Something On Your Mind (Parts 1 & 2)
    link to

  330. Sarah says:

    @ronnie Anderson: I won’t be getting to cearc’s funeral tomorrow but I understand that the family are planning a gathering at Maria’s house on 20th May. If they give the details tomorrow [time, address] could you please report?

    Thank you.

  331. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. the cultural aesthetic of power, in an age of zombie neo-liberalism. I hope those living in Scotland are prepared to become Brexitanians. Remember, you’ll have to give up any notion of being protected by law, and definitely not the British constitution. Better be prepared to be treated as a possession of Westminster, with ambiguous human rights.

    Whose cultural value? Representation, power and creative


    The debate around ‘cultural value’ has become increasingly central to policy debates on arts and creative industries policy over the past ten years and has mostly focused on the articulation and measurement of ‘economic value’, at the expense of other forms of value—cultural, social, aesthetic. This paper’s goal is to counter this prevalent over-simplification by focusing on the mechanisms through which ‘value’ is either allocated or denied to cultural forms and practices by certain groups in particular social contexts.

    We know that different social groups enjoy different access to the power to bestow value and legitimise aesthetic and cultural practices; yet, questions of power, of symbolic violence and misrecognition rarely have any prominence in cultural policy discourse. This article thus makes a distinctive contribution to creative industry scholarship by tackling this neglected question head on: it calls for a commitment to addressing cultural policy’s blind spot over power and misrecognition, and for what McGuigan (2006: 138) refers to as ‘critique in the public interest’.

    To achieve this, the article discusses findings of an AHRC-funded project that considered questions of cultural value, power, media representation and misrecognition in relation to a participatory arts project involving the Gypsy and Traveller community in Lincolnshire, England.

    link to

  332. CameronB Brodie says:

    Given the human condition is biopsychosocial, Scotland better be psychologically prepared to submit to the British state and, subsequently, deny any significance or value to cultural heritage and national identity. Alternatively, the healthier option would be to act responsibly, as moral agents of choice, and work towards self-determination for Scotland.

    Beyond Authoritarian Personality: The Culture-Inclusive Theory of Chinese Authoritarian Orientation


    In a dyad interaction, respecting and obeying those with high status (authority) is highly valued in Chinese societies. Regarding explicit behaviors, Chinese people usually show respect to and obey authority, which we call authoritarian orientation. Previous literature has indicated that Chinese people have a high degree of authoritarian personality, which was considered a national character. However, under Confucian relationalism (Hwang, 2012a), authoritarian orientation is basically an ethical issue, and thus, should not be reduced to the contention of authoritarian personality.

    Based on Yang’s (1993) indigenous conceptualization, Chien (2013) took an emic bottom-up approach to construct an indigenous model of Chinese authoritarian orientation; it represents a “culture-inclusive theory.” However, Chien’s model lacks the role of agency or intentionality. To resolve this issue and to achieve the epistemological goal of indigenous psychology (that is, “one mind, many mentalities”), this paper took the “cultural system approach” (Hwang, 2015b) to construct a culture-inclusive theory of authoritarian orientation in order to represent the universal mind of human beings as well as the mentalities of people in a particular culture.

    Two theories that reflect the universal mind, the “Face and Favor model” (Hwang, 1987) and the “Mandala Model of Self” (Hwang, 2011a,c), were used as analytical frameworks for interpreting Chien’s original model. The process of constructing the culture-inclusive theory of authoritarian orientation may represent a paradigm for the construction of indigenous culture-inclusive theories while inspiring further development. Some future research directions are proposed herein.

    Keywords: authoritarian orientation, authoritarian personality, Confucian relationalism, culture-inclusive theory, cultural system approach, indigenous psychology, Mandala Model of Self

    link to

  333. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m not letting narrow minds re-claim the aesethic power of the “cybernat” tag, for the bullies. We took it from them and turned it against them. I’m a vile cybernat and a “virus” until Scotland is a normal, independent, nation again. 😉

    The Magnificent Men – Peace of Mind
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  334. Eric McLean says:

    First posted five years ago and amended.

    “My country has sucked the good years from my bones and rewarded me with a brittle poverty in retirement.

    I paid for Bishops and Lords I didn’t elect and illegal wars that I didn’t support. I fired expensive missiles at foreign families in a rich man’s oil war. I paid for duck moats for dick wads to control me, and bonuses for Bankers to break the fabric of our financial system. I bailed banks that were resold at a loss to me.

    I watched our political system lord over decades of financial and cultural incompetence. A system not fit for the purposes and needs of a modern world, hampered by ancient tradition, debilitated by class stricture and structure. A system choked by nationalistic pomp and circumstance and run by an ossified establishment. It’s a heavy burden for an ordinary man.

    As I struggled to secure a roof and education for my sons, and lived honestly and frugally through each economic crisis, I watched the rich become richer and the poor eke an existence in a corrupt democracy of cash for questions, cronyism, expense scandals, and skimming politicians.

    They sold my railways, energy companies, water and hospitals and I paid tax to private companies to keep them running. They devalued my currency four times, while propping up their cronies in the City.

    All the money I generated over the decades, my personal GDP, was wasted in government ineptitude and inefficiency. My pensions were decimated. The taxes and cost of living crippled me.

    My sons left for London and New Zealand. I don’t blame them; I blame the UK class system. A lifetime of yoke and boot. A lifetime of housing, heating, eating and education, necessities that were costed like luxuries. Democratic rights sold as privilege. And thus the continuation of the extreme Scottish economic immigration that is a great shame on the UK.

    And through these decades, I have had the misfortune to suffer the false promises and prophecies of Scottish Labour. The party that adds insult to injury. The party that are simply a more incompetent version of the Tories, nothing more.

    I had to listen to the lies of Project Fear and currently endure the blitz and bombardment of Westminster propaganda against the slightest ambition in Scotland to change the status quo.

    With Brexit, I voted to Remain, along with the vast majority of my Countrymen. The EU is better for the North. There are economic, political and cultural differences between Scotland and England.

    But we are dragged along by this undemocratic, hegemonic Tory & Labour duopoly, into an embarrassing mess that demonstrates the incompetence and unsuitability of a huge number of MPs for any type of Leadership. And confirms again that Westminster is no longer ‘fit for purpose’.

    And in ten years, little has changed.

    “The parliamentary expenses watchdog tried to cover up data showing 377 MPs, including nine cabinet ministers, have had their credit cards suspended for wrong, incomplete or late claims. The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa), set up in the wake of the expenses scandal 10 years ago, initially tried to claim the information should not be released because it could hinder the operation of the expenses system.”
    Guardian Today

    For forty years I travelled and worked freely across Europe. Proud of my heritage and respectful of other countries. And now I am ashamed by a Brexit that is about ‘Southern populist xenophobia’ and the ‘British Establishment clawing back power and control’, both in the mistaken belief in an Empire that collapsed a long time ago.

    And the cherry on the cake? The new Royal Baby has been given the title of the Earl of Dumbarton. A big rock on the Clyde where I was born. Aye right.

    I am deeply ashamed of this United Kingdom in its current state.”

  335. Dan says:

    It would be well worth posting that comment on the main thread for more exposure than in off topic.

  336. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Flags flags flags. Got a supply of 5ft X 3ft Saltire flags in again at Forward Shop including ones with the Euro stars (with sleeve and eyelets). Will post one to you for £4 (p&p included) or collect at the Forward Shop Dunoon). Cheques made out to “YES Cowal” at Forward, 186 Argyll Street ,Dunoon PA23 7HA

  337. CameronB Brodie says:

    I think it’s pretty fair to say that Scotland’s political environment is completely messed up. I think it is also pretty fair to say that this suites the yoons. There isn’t really a road-map as such, we’re kind of waiting for the axe to drop at present, but there’s knowledge that can help us avoid unnecessary spats.

    The psychology of social class: How socioeconomic status impacts thought, feelings, and behaviour


    Drawing on recent research on the psychology of social class, I argue that the material conditions in which people grow up and live have a lasting impact on their personal and social identities and that this influences both the way they think and feel about their social environment and key aspects of their social behaviour.

    Relative to middle?class counterparts, lower/working?class individuals are less likely to define themselves in terms of their socioeconomic status and are more likely to have interdependent self?concepts; they are also more inclined to explain social events in situational terms, as a result of having a lower sense of personal control.

    Working?class people score higher on measures of empathy and are more likely to help others in distress. The widely held view that working?class individuals are more prejudiced towards immigrants and ethnic minorities is shown to be a function of economic threat, in that highly educated people also express prejudice towards these groups when the latter are described as highly educated and therefore pose an economic threat.

    The fact that middle?class norms of independence prevail in universities and prestigious workplaces makes working?class people less likely to apply for positions in such institutions, less likely to be selected and less likely to stay if selected. In other words, social class differences in identity, cognition, feelings, and behaviour make it less likely that working?class individuals can benefit from educational and occupational opportunities to improve their material circumstances. This means that redistributive policies are needed to break the cycle of deprivation that limits opportunities and threatens social cohesion.

    Keywords: social class, socioeconomic status, identity, self?construal, personal control, empathy, prejudice, economic inequality

    link to

    Boris Brejcha – Night Owl (Original Mix)
    link to

  338. Welsh Sion says:

    Adam Price AC/AM on BBC Breakfast, today:

    link to

  339. David says:

    Phantom Power’s excellent 90-second video of today’s march.
    “The dragon awakes. Highlights of the incredible #AUOBCymru march for Welsh Independence in Cardiff @AUOBCymru #IndyWales”

    Indy for all!

  340. David says:

    Going with the Wales theme, a Rolling Stones poster for a 1973 concert at Cardiff Castle.
    Great artwork, including a dragon with Jagger-style lips and tongue. 🙂
    (Artist is Aussie Kate Burness.)

    link to

  341. CameronB Brodie says:

    If society doesn’t sort out the woke brigade that appears to have captured key positions within the world of politics, the everyday world that we inhabit is pretty much screwed, IMHO. The rejection of scientifically based bio-medical and legal rationality is a major step towards authoritarian totalitarianism. However, that does not mean I am insensitive to the suffering of those who’s embodied lived experience is one of gender dysforia.

    Threads of Commonality in Transgender and Disability Studies


    This paper draws together two fields of study and activism: disability studies and transgender studies. I analyze disability and transgender identifications and communities through a comparative and intersectional lens. From conceptual terminology, to societal oppression, to discrimination within medical interactions, disability studies and transgender studies share common themes that this article evaluates to facilitate a broader understanding of their complementary and innovative potential for social change.

    Societal Perceptions: Passing and “Compulsory Able-Bodiedness”

    The social implications of disability and of being transgender result in innumerable social barriers. Disability has been historically seen as a deficit of the individual, as “there remains the persistent belief that the cause of social disadvantage is within individuals and that change is based on personal transformation” (Linton 143). Historically, this has also been the case for queer people, and as I will argue, for people who fall under the transgender umbrella.

    The dominant sentiment is that if you just try hard enough, you can overcome having a disability or you can be gender normative, with the assumption being that this is the “natural” and “right” way to be. In this section, I address passing and the concept of “compulsory able-bodiedness” because they provide excellent frameworks for thinking about the drive to subscribe to bodily norms. Indeed, passing is often the manifestation of the stronghold “compulsory able-bodiedness” has in the world….

    link to

  342. Michael McCabe says:

    Hello My Friend I do not know if you still look in here now and again ? but if you do. On this day of all days Then this is for you. link to Peace and Love

  343. Sarah says:

    Good one, Michael McCabe.

  344. Liz g says:

    Hi Smallaxe
    Good to see you posted..
    Stay well my friend, love to Mrs Smallaxe xxxx

  345. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Smallaxe.

    Greetingsto you both from me too, also, as well, an’ a’!

  346. Brian Doonthetoon says:


    “Greetingsto” should be “Greetings to”…

  347. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Liz & Brian:

    Peace, Love, and Independence (soon) to you All!

    Climb Aboard;
    link to

    We don’t need a lifeboat! The good ship Scotland can ride out any storm on its own, as long as the crew works together peacefully then the land of freedom is already beneath our feet.

    Thank’s for the music, Michael. 🙂

  348. CameronB Brodie says:

    Michael McCabe and Smallaxe
    Nice to see you both posting again.

    Jazz Reggae (Mandis Megamix)
    link to

  349. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Smallaxe (and other likers of that reggae).

    Eh jiss cannae mind if eh huv postit these links in “off-topic” in the past (maybe huv). Onnyhoo, here they are again. The links may not play immediately; you may have to download then save/open but here they are. Scottish cross country reggae.

    link to

    link to

  350. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    BTW: Alastair MacDonald is a Yesser. He was onstage performing at either a “Hope Over Fear” or “AUOB” rally in Glasgow in the past couple of years.

  351. CameronB Brodie says:

    I see that muppet Hothersall is having a pop at Joanna Cherry. No surprise as his head is full of ideological, ‘One Nation’, mince. He’s a Tory at heart. A very confused chap.

    Oi Dunc, you’re a reactionary twat.

    Ideology as Motivated Cultural Cognition
    How Culture Translates Personality into Policy Preferences


    In different cultures, the same perceptions make for different policies.

    This paper summarises the results of a quantitative analysis testing the theory that culture acts as an intermediary in the relationship between individual perceptual tendencies and political orientation. Political psychologists have long observed that more “left-wing” individuals tend to be more comfortable than “right-wing” individuals with ambiguity, disorder, and uncertainty, to equivocate more readily between conflicting viewpoints, and to be more willing to change their opinions.

    These traits are often summarised under the blanket term of “open-mindedness”. A recent increase in cross-cultural studies, however, has indicated that these relationships are far less robust, and even reversed, in social contexts outside of North America and Western Europe. The sociological concept of culture may provide an answer to this inconsistency: emergent idea-networks, irreducible to individuals, which nonetheless condition psychological motivations, so that perceptual factors resulting in left-wing preferences in one culture may result in opposing preferences in another.

    The key is that open-mindedness leads individuals to attack the dominant ideas which they encounter: if prevailing orthodoxies happen to be left-wing, then open minded individuals may become right-wing in protest. Using conditional process analysis of the British Election Study, I find evidence for three specific mechanisms whereby culture interferes with perceptual influences on politics.

    Conformity to the locally dominant culture mediates these influences, in the sense that open-minded people in Britain are only more left-wing because they are less culturally conformal. This relationship is itself moderated both by cultural group membership and by Philip Converse’s notion of “constraint”, individual-level connectivity between ideas, such that the strength of perceptual influence differs significantly between cultural groups and between levels of constraint to the idea of the political spectrum. Overall, I find compelling evidence for the importance of culture in shaping perceptions of policy choices.

    Key words: culture, perception, political orientation, motivation, conformity, constraint

    link to

  352. Cactus says:

    Hey Smallaxe, guid tae see you back in bro 🙂

    Aye like your ship… mines is a carpet
    link to

    Please have your voting tickets ready everybuddy

    NOW 50 years since ’69!

  353. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Duncan Hothersall
    Do you not appreciate your British nationalism is the articulation of authoritarian structural racism (see Farage denying Islamophobia exists)?

    Multicultural Nationalism: Islamophobia, Anglophobia, and Devolution


    This book is a pioneering study of how multiculturalism interacts with sub-state nationalism in Britain. It gives equal attention to Scotland’s largest ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ minorities: ethnic Pakistanis (almost all of them Muslim) and English immigrants; and to the Islamophobia and Anglophobia of majority Scots. Rising Scottish self-consciousness could have threatened both these minorities. But in reality, problems proved to be solutions, integrating rather than alienating.

    In the eyes of the minorities, the devolution of power to a Scottish Parliament has made Scots at once more proud and less xenophobic. English immigrants also felt that devolution has defused tensions, calmed frustrations, and forced Scots to blame themselves rather than others for their problems. Muslims suffered increased harassment after 9/11, although less in Scotland than elsewhere. Consciously or unconsciously, they continued to use Scottish identities and even Scottish nationalism as tools of integration.

    Conversely, nationalism in Scotland did not increase the majority’s Islamophobia as it did in England and elsewhere. The book is based on extensive quotations from focus-group discussions with minorities, in-depth interviews with elites, and statistical analysis of large-scale surveys of minorities and majorities.

    Keywords: multiculturalism, nationalism, Muslim, English, immigrants, Islamophobia, Anglophobia, devolution, 9/11, identities

    link to

  354. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Well, I don’t mind a bit of reggae/bluebeat these days but I was slow to the party. I remember liking this back in the 70s when it was released.

    link to

    When I discovered the snooze-delights of ‘easy listening’ (inspired by Cone Cattenach, one of my punters at the rock clubs I DJ’d at), I stumbled across this:-

    link to

    My previous exposure of Ron Goodwin had been the link below, which is still one of my fave tracks, through ‘Children’s Favourites’/’Junior Choice’, though Cozy Powell did a decent cover of it.

    link to

    And Cozy’s version…

    link to

  355. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Then there’s this from the early 70s…

    link to

    Which, obviously, leads on to…

    link to


    link to

  356. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    To finish off this wee music sequence…

    This track was a godsend! What I used to do at discos, ranging from rock clubs to wedding receptions, was to start with Sylvia’s original, then segue into Judge Dread’s version, then segue back and forward between the two.

    link to

  357. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Thought I’d have a few minutes off from the politics and listen to some magnificent live work

    link to

    link to

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    The Wanderer is in my opinion the best rock’n’roll song ever and Well All Right is my favourite song of all time.

  358. David says:

    Welcome back Smallaxe, looks like the gang’s getting back together again!
    Thin Lizzy – The Boys Are Back In Town

    “Guess who just got back today
    Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
    Haven’t changed that much to say
    But man, I still think them cats are crazy”

    link to

  359. Cactus says:

    How do ye do Thepnr, hope to catch up with you again soon bro

    Ah huvnae played this song in a while
    link to


  360. CameronB Brodie says:

    Structuration, now there’s word for you. 🙂

    Family roles and gender structuration

    In contrast to the exchange/dependency-perspective and its derivatives that are generally conceptualised as (gender-neutral) micro-decisions, the second class of arguments can be defined as the gender structuration proposition. Better known as ‘doing gender’, this proposition suggests that social differences between women and men are constructed by means of ‘… a complex of socially guided perceptual, interactional and micropolitical activities …’ (West & Zimmerman, 1987: 126).

    Once constructed, they are used to reinforce gender differences. Hence, the performance of daily activities in the household and the emergent division of labour reproduces gender as a social category and reinforces male and female roles, identities and attitudes. The division of household labour, then, is not only about productivity but also about the ‘production’ of gender and gender relations through ‘everyday performance’ [Bat02] [Gre00].

    Indeed, a study by Bittman and colleagues [Bit03] found that Australian women who are less dependent upon their husbands actually devoted relatively longer hours to housework compared with women who were more economically dependent on their spouses in order to compensate for their gender-role deviance (Bittman et. al 2003: 207). The authors interpreted these findings as empirical support for the ‘gender role’ hypothesis which posits that the division of household labour is not merely a negotiated social arrangement that balances the market and family inputs of the spouses. Instead, the household division of labour is constitutive in that it structures (or reinforces) gender categories at the same time that household goods and services are being produced….

    link to

  361. Marie Clark says:

    DMH yesterday @ 10.15pm, ah, thank you Dave, I just love that version of It’s Allright by Nanci Griffiths and The Crickets. I haven’t heard it in a long time.

    Smallaxe, great to see you posting again. I hope you’re doing okay, kind regards to Mrs Smallaxe as well. The place hisnae been the same withoot ye.

    The MT is doing my nut in these days, don’t post much at the moment. Seems I’m not alone. Where’s Tinto Chiel, Nana seems to be having a well deserved rest at the moment. Macart only comments now and again, and Thepnr as well. Mibbies we’re a’ gethering strength for the fight to come.

    Cameron B, please don’t take this the wrong way, but, you seem to be overpowering both the MT and OT these days, could you maybe tone it doon a wee bitty, thank you.

  362. Welsh Sion says:

    Dan (the music fan/man).

    Here’s my email to get in touch:

    llddc01 [at] yahoo [dot] com

    Hoping to hear from you.

  363. CameronB Brodie says:

    Marie Clark
    I appreciate you’re trying to be gentle. I do my best to moderate the quantity of my posts, but I post when I see an opportunity to develop folks understanding of our predicament. At least I provide sources so folk can look things up for themselves, in their own time. My mistake.

  364. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Lots of the best Scottish music on my “Roundabout” on our online Argyll Independent Radio at 7oclock.

  365. Dan says:

    A hard day’s graft for me so a hardish tune seems about right to vent on a Friday nicht.

    Hey Theresa! You can stick your US trade deals up yet jacksy! Because I don’t want to be an…

    Green Day – American Idiot

    link to

    @Welsh Sion, Cheers, I’ll get in touch soon.

  366. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, if the academic approach to defending sex classes that are grounded in biology, and a meaningful conceptualisation of “womanhood” is a bit overpowering, how about some 1970s easy-listening German pop culture? Nice.

    Werner Muller & His Orchestra – Femme Femme
    link to

  367. Dan says:

    Is that a Jazz Club reference there Cameron?

    Ooh, here’s a band I hadn’t heard of before. NiteWorks, from Skye, which seem to take traditional Scottish music into a modern fusion with electronic tech.

    Now I’m embarrassed to say that my Gaelic isn’t very good at all, but this song appears to be about a group of hungry island lasses singing about their disappointment with the delivery service and culinary preparation standard of their meat and orange sauce Chinese takeaway order.

    link to

  368. CameronB Brodie says:

    What? Me? With my reputation? 😉

  369. Dan says:

    Busted, so you are really Rowley Birkin QC and are actually very, very drunk.

    How lucky are we to be able to communicate and share info with the internet these days.
    I guess Wings, Wee Ginger Dug, Scot Goes Pop, Talking Up Scotland, etc would’ve had to set up temporary radio broadcasts to get their info out if we were 50 years back in time.
    Kasabian – Club Foot

    link to

  370. Sarah says:

    @Ronnie Anderson: just to let you know that I contacted cearc’s family and will be at the memorial gathering tomorrow at cearc’s house. Wearing my Wings badge on my hat, of course.

  371. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one that might help folk understand contemporary sexual politics in the USA, and the continued global war against women. This is where the New Right is leading Britain, so tough titty if you’re not already hetro-normative and illiberal. It might be advisable for you to start learning how to “perform” as an ‘acceptable’ citizen.

    The Religious Right and the Reshaping of Sexual Policy: An Examination of Reproductive Rights and Sexuality Education


    This article chronicles the impact on sexuality policy in the United States of the rise of the Religious Right as a significant force in American politics. Using a case study analysis of abortion-reproductive rights and sexuality education, it narrates the story of how U.S. policy debates and practices have changed since the 1970s as sexual conservatism rose in prominence and sexual progressives declined in power.

    The Religious Right’s appeal to traditional moral values and its ability to create moral panics about sexuality are addressed, specifically with regard to abortion and sexuality education. Ultimately, political meddling and moral proscriptions, disregard for scientific evidence, and the absence of a coherent approach regarding sexual and reproductive health rights have undermined sexuality
    policy in the United States.

    The article ends on a cautious note of optimism, suggesting that the Religious Right may have overreached in its attempt to control sexuality policy.

    Key words: sexual conservatism; moral panic; policy debates; controversy; abortion

  372. hackalumpoff says:

    @ Sarah 19 May, 2019 at 4:14 pm
    Look forward to meeting you there.

  373. Sarah says:

    @hackalumpoff: great! Peter, a rare btl commenter, is coming too. Fingers crossed the midges hold off – touch wood, we’ve not had them yet but this is perfect conditions for them!

  374. hackalumpoff says:

    @ Sarah
    I hope my Midge antibodies acquired from 1988 the peat cutting season are still effective.
    In case of Emergency I’ll take a bottle of a Smokey West Coast Malt for a rub down, can’t be too careful out West.

  375. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Good to read that we Wingers will have representation at cearc’s farewell tomorrow.

    She managed to get to at least a couple of WOS get-togethers in Invergowrie so I feel a tad guilty that I can’t make it tomorrow in the other direction.

    My thoughts are with her family. She was a tad feisty, iye?

    Hope the chickens are ok.

  376. Sarah says:

    @BDtt: cearc was indefatigable – she got to places that I never did! Thank you for posting those clips of the Wings gatherings with her in.

    I’m sure the hens etc will be OK – there’s loads of folk around locally who keep hens.

  377. Dan says:

    I see JaMur on the MT mentions G. Brown has made an appearance.

    link to

    Will Stu boot my arse if I post up a tune link and some amended lyrics for it here in OT?

  378. Sarah says:

    I have been delegated to report back on the visit to cearc’s garden today [her birthday]. Maria’s children, grandchildren, sister and nephew/niece were very welcoming and politely listened to us talking at length about our memories of cearc, Wings and politics. Wings was represented by hackalumpoff, resplendent with a GOLD Wings badge, self and Peter.

    The garden is lovely – very natural with a burn, lots of trees and grass. Not an easy spot to work on as the ground falls away steeply to the burn. There were places to sit at all the different levels – it was good to imagine cearc pausing for a rest and enjoying the views.

    Ronnie’s wreath was still in flower – lovely colours. And cearc’s collection of badges from all the Wings gatherings, that she used to wear, was on display. I never knew that Chris Cairns cartoons are on badges!

    The hens and ducks etc are all safe and now live with Emma near Gairloch. The sandwiches and cakes we ate had been made with their eggs.

    We toasted cearc with several drinks – some made by cearc but in unlabelled bottles, which was fun! – but rounded off with a glass of pink champagne. A touch of frivolity with style – just like cearc.

  379. ronnie anderson says:

    Sarah Hackalumpaff Peter Im glad to see that you’s attended cerac’s memorial service . I couldn’t make it as I had cataract operation today . Wee correction Sarah the wreath was purchased by the Wings stall on behalf of all Wingers .

    I know that Emma Morweena Aubry Mark would have enjoyed your remaniises of cearc .

    The wee chooky hen woman will live on in our memories X .

  380. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Sarah –

    Thanks for that. Great to hear.


  381. Sarah says:

    @Ronnie – hope the op went well. Cearc’s family mentioned you were having a cataract dealt with. They were very touched by your support, and that of Wingers in general.

    Hackalumpoff will confirm that the drive to cearc’s house [the road and its own drive] are best not undertaken if your eyesight isn’t 100%!! Single track and very bendy… a really delightful spot though.

    @IB – thanks.

  382. hackalumpoff says:

    @ Sarah, Ronnie et al
    It was worth going to meet Cearc’s family who were so welcoming. They had decorated the house with pictures of her life story.

    What really got me was how remote the house was 20 miles up the most bendy, tight, blind cornered single track road I can remember and I learned to drive on single track roads with more sheep than cars.

    Given her disability it is almost unbelievable that she could drive to the nearest town every week, never mind to all the Wings events and marches all over the country, even in winter.

    The family has kept her sash with all her Wings/Indy badges. I suggested it be kept for a future WOS collection/display in the National Museum. I nominated BDTT for Curator as he appears to be the unofficial Wings historian on here 😉

  383. Sarah says:

    @Hackalumpoff: we were exhausted when we got home after that drive and we too wondered how on earth cearc had managed. Extraordinary brave character.

    There should definitely be a Wings collection in our National Museum and I’m sure BDTT will do a grand job!

  384. Betty Boop says:

    @ Ronnie

    Hope all is well after your op. Ronnie. Although you couldn’t make it to Cearc’s memorial service, Wings folks have been well represented and it sounds like their presence was appreciated.

    Cearc will be missed wherever Wings gathers.

  385. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Prof. Alice Roberts
    Blocking decent is analogous to running away from the issue, you do academia a disservice through your lack of engagement. How is society to resist patriarchy and learn more compassionate modes of living, if so called “experts” close down debate about what it means to be human?

    “The Sex-Gender-Revolution Series”

    Theoretical reflection on sexual and gender diversities, and in particular one of its most recent developments, Queer Theory, has come a long way in its task of detecting, denouncing and dismantling key aspects of the regulations that affect bodies, sexualities and genders. The ways in which each of these categories relates to the other, and the attributes that are culturally assigned to them as “essential”, have been some of the main targets of critique from these areas.

    Within Queer Theory, even as early as in Gender Trouble (1990), usually regarded as one of its founding works, Judith Butler sought to expose the mechanisms whereby a “causal relation” and a “metaphysical unity”8 is established among sex, gender and desire, thereby producing a passage along “sequential or causal models of intelligibility”9 and pushing all alternative configurations to the realm of the unintelligible.

    On some occasions, these perspectives have also offered tools for political activism, specially the one related to sexual and gender difference, and its struggle for more livable lives. In this respect, the contribution of Queer Theory, particularly in relation to activist struggles, cannot be underestimated.

    Nevertheless, it is vital to keep a critical alert vis-à-vis the generalizations we tend to use, perhaps paradoxically, when thinking about diversity. The use of so-called “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as the only categories of analysis can limit and be detrimental to our understanding of the complexity of identity formations within which each subject is positioned.

    In particular, when these two categories are used to classify subjects along the homosexual/heterosexual or trans*/cis axis, it is frequent to find that other belongings are neglected, such as class, geopolitics or religion. This can, in its turn, lead to a simplification that attributes a dissident, radical or subversive quality to the former term of each pair, and a normal or normalizing nature to the second one. Argentine author Néstor Perlongher has referred to this phenomenon in his article “El sexo de las locas” (“The sex of sissies”, 1984), where he suggests an explanation of its origins:

    When normality is questioned, we should also question the pretense to classify subjects according to who they sleep with. But what mixes things up is that normality bears the flag of conjugal, monogamous heterosexuality. This opens the way for a temptation: claiming a ‘revolutionary’ homosexuality against a ‘conservative’ heterosexuality. Some facts, however, sabotage these simplifications.10

    When exposing “normalities” and establishing alliances with “dissidents”, we often run the risk of identifying “the norm” (and normality) with heterosexuality -and, we could add, although this brings its own complexities, cissexuality- and subversion, queerness and radical potential with homosexuality and trans* identities. In this way, new “sequential models” take shape, where instead of establishing a sex-gender-desire series, we find one linking sex, gender and revolution, or more specifically, a “homo-trans*-revolution” positively invested interlocking, and a “hetero-cis-repression” negative one.

    This paper intends to bring an analysis of the mechanisms that ground these types of approaches and the underlying assumptions that enable them, as well as some theoretical and practical consequences they can entail. The work will be structured around those two series, which are to function as axis of my analysis.

    Firstly, I will consider the functioning of the homo=trans*=revolution succession, and the ways in which it veils or denies what, following Susan Stryker and Lisa Duggan, I will call “homonormativity”: the problems that can be found within the LGBT collective, including cissexism, normalization and political conservatism. On the other hand, I will analyze the hetero-cis-repression sequence, which attributes reactionary traits to hetero/cis people, while precluding any understanding of “heteroqueerness”, or the ways in which heterosexuality, cissexuality and cisgender can be part of radical and queer politics.

    Each of these tendencies can be read through exemplary cases -in Perlongher’s terms, “facts” that “sabotage these simplifications”. On this occasion, I will bring to the fore one example related to the homo-trans*-revolution sequence, and its flipside in the concealment of “homonormativity”, and another that expresses the hetero-cis-repression series and occludes the potential of heteroqueerness.

    Through this twofold inquiry, I expect to show how the tendency to think political alliances solely in terms of sex-gender diversity, without considering other differences, presents a number of difficulties in terms both of what it enables and what it impedes or leaves out of sight. This highlights the need to reclaim the efforts devoted from the beginnings of Queer Theory (and before) to questioning the links of that sex-gender-diversity chain, and apply them to fight the linkages reproduced within LGBT activism, theory and practices when we equal homo, trans* and queer with “radical” and hetero or cis with “normative”11.

    link to

  386. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry, I still need to get new glasses, the = are meant to be -, mk.

  387. CameronB Brodie says:

    Doh, sorry, that last one was meant for the war-on-women thread.

    Nature’s Time – The Way I See It
    link to

  388. David says:

    For Theresa May:

    link to

    ‘So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen” (from Sound of Music)


  389. David says:

    For Theresa May, part 2.

    Dudley Moore and Peter Cook Sing “Goodbye”

    link to

  390. David says:

    For wossername in Downing Street:

    The Moody Blues: “Go Now”: Live 1965

    link to

  391. David says:

    For the crybaby at Number Ten:

    She’s Gone (1976) – Hall & Oates

    link to

  392. David says:


    Sensational Alex Harvey Band – “Next”

    link to

  393. David says:

    Uh-oh! The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band remind us:

    “No matter who you vote for (the government always gets in).”

    link to

  394. David says:

    Let’s stay cheerful, and look at the bigger picture –

    the Wings fundraiser is closing in on £100,000

    PanelBase poll shows a majority, 50.2%, want an early Indy Ref!
    I’ll take that news, any day of the week.
    The poll news comes from yesterday on Scotgoespop.

  395. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I’ve just posted this on my Facebook page. Thought I’d share it here.


    Not a lot of people get what I’m going to try to explain. Bear with me…

    We live in the unitary state known, internationally, as the “United Kingdom”. It was formed in 1707, when the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England entered into a union. Scotland was a country in its own right. England comprised the country of England, the Principality of Wales and the Province of Ireland.

    The “United Kingdom” is NOT a “country”.|

    I heard the obfuscation on the TV news tonight. The politicians in Westminster, supported by the mainstream media, both print and broadcast, use various terms to avoid the use of the name “United Kingdom”.

    Instead, they use terms “Britain” (tonight), which actually refers to the British Isles, also known as the Atlantic Archipelago – which includes the Irish Republic and all the Crown Dependencies, like Jersey and The isle of Man for example. Obviously NOT the “United Kingdom”!

    Other terms used include our “Nation”. Which nation? The English, Scots, Welsh or Northern Irish “nation”?

    a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.

    Not the UK then.

    Then there is the use of “the country”. Which country?

    noun (pl.countries)
    1 a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.

    So, when Westminster politicians talk of “the country”, are they meaning Scotland (with its own government), Wales (with its own government), Northern Ireland (with its own government) or England, where there is no parliament or government but they appear to regard the UK parliament/government as the English parliament/government, which was dissolved in 1707?

    Incidentally, the Scottish parliament was NOT dissolved in 1707. Due to rioting in the streets of Edinburgh, the Scottish parliament was prorogued.

    verb (prorogues, proroguing, prorogued) [ with obj. ]
    discontinue a session of (a parliament or other legislative assembly) without dissolving it.

    That was why, in 1999, Winnie Ewing was able to announce, at the opening of the (now) Scottish Parliament,
    “I want to start with the words that I have always wanted either to say or to hear someone else say – the Scottish Parliament, which adjourned on March 25, 1707, is hereby reconvened.”

    There has been no contradiction, over the years, of her statement.

    That was the event that featured a prominent YESSER from Dundee singing her heart out.

    This mixing up of country, nation, Britain, and so on, is a cynical ploy to water down the individual nations that are contained within the UK.

    Finally, why has England not been awarded its own parliament? Easy – because they see the UK parliament as theirs. That’s why Scotland has to be out of this unequal union ASAP.

    Could it be that too many Scots actually believe Johann Lamont’s, (as Labour’s head honcho in Scotland in 2014), proclamation that as Scots, “We are not genetically programmed in Scotland to make political decisions.”

    Oh yi bliddy think so?

    link to

  396. CameronB Brodie says:

    Pretty much spot-on Prof, Doonthetoon. It’s not rocket surgery, is it? And a wee nod to Dave, one from Brazil with a witchy theme to reflect the heresy of rational science that I’ve been trying to indoctrinate folk with. I’m totalitarian cultural Marxist, after all. 😉

    Os Mutantes – Baby (English Version)
    link to

  397. David says:

    Science is it, CameronB?! Ah’ll get ma white labcoat…

    Thomas Dolby – “She Blinded Me With Science” (with special appearance by Dr Magnus Pyke)

    link to

  398. Dan says:

    Ooh, good call with Tam Dolby there David. Did we ever find that missing submarine or is it one of the rusting hulls lying in Rosyth?

    Continuing the science theme I kindled up a fire recently with some old newspapers and took a wee scan over the text as one does during the scrunching process.
    Hmm, some lad had carried out a study that supposedly proved normally grumpy octopuses seemed to react positively when dunked in a solution containing MDMA, becoming far more social and empathic and thus proving that humans and octopi? even after 500 million years of evolution still share some basic similarities in certain areas.
    I did wonder why this student had chosen such a niche subject to study and whether he was really just after some pharma grade E.
    Couldn’t help but chuckle though as it reminded me of Treeza’s government that was about as “strong and stable” as a pished jellyfish on ketamin.

    B52s Roam (around the EU if you want to for the time being before you need visas and shit)

    link to

  399. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I’m gonna paste a comment I posted on my Facebook page last week. It was in a post I did about “Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce” (March of the soldiers of Robert Bruce).

    I’ll follow with a couple of links.


    “I know, as a DJ, I’ve been playing “Flower of Scotland” at the end of family functions (weddings, 21sts, 50ths, silver weddings, golden weddings and so on) since the 70s but I think “Scots Wha Hae” sung to the original tune, should be an independent Scotland’s national anthem.
    After all, it’s known all over Europe.
    Why disregard that recognition of our status as a NATION?”

    link to

    See how many hits you get when you search for “Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce” on Youtube.

    link to“Marche+des+soldats+de+Robert+Bruce”

  400. Sarah says:

    Robert peffers and all with ebikes: I was interested in the comments a few days ago about ebikes. Would Raleigh be a good make to go for? We would like to be able to use them on forestry type tracks as well as our single -track road.

    Thank you for any advice!

  401. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Brian Doonthetoon

    I wrotetothe SNO HQ asking that this version be played to end allo ur conferences but git norepley. The pipes coming in always reduces me to tears.

    The comments after does similar. The world is waiting for us. This is worth a million leaflets.

  402. Sarah says:

    DMH and BDtt; we were astonished to find that Europe plays this tune so much, and so well. As you say, music appeals to people easily – I think we missed a trick in 2014 by not having more music played. This tune as the theme for all Yes events would be a great help.

  403. CameronB Brodie says:

    “….I don’t have the emotional/resilience tools in my belt to deal with this.

    I cannot continue having this conversation.”

    A problem with many on the ‘liberal left’, is they have limited moral fiber. 😉

    All The People (feat. Robert Moore) – Cramp Your Style
    link to

  404. Dan says:

    @Sarah re. E bikes

    There has been a lot of developments in the design of E bikes over a relatively short time.
    They have evolved quickly with advances in things like battery tech, how they operate eg. changing from hub motors in the wheel to a centrally positioned drive assembly in the middle of the frame which makes them better balanced.
    There’s many different brands but they often use the same drive system eg Bosch.
    There are often demo days arranged by some of the bike shops that will have a range of stock available so you can get advice and actually try riding different types of bike before committing to purchase one. They are kind of pricey though.
    E bikes by nature are a fair bit heavier than a conventional bike so loading in and out of vehicles takes a bit more effort and care.
    If you’re just sticking to the main forestry tracks you won’t need some all singing and dancing full suspension version which is used on the proper mtb trails.
    A hardtail mtb with basic suspension front fork might be what you need, though it’s quite possible a hybrid road / offroad design may also be worth considering if you are a fairweather cyclist that won’t be getting too adventurous and needing the larger volume chunky treaded tyres to cope with bumpy and muddy terrain.

  405. Sarah says:

    Dan, thank you for helping me out with this info. We are in our late 60’s and definitely fair weather, non-extreme pottering type cyclists – looking to make it easier to get to the start of a walk, or to post a letter in the box 3 miles away without getting the car out!

  406. Robert Peffers says:

    @Sarah says: 25 May, 2019 at 9:38 pm:
    ” … Robert peffers and all with ebikes: I was interested in the comments a few days ago about ebikes. Would Raleigh be a good make to go for? We would like to be able to use them on forestry type tracks as well as our single -track road.
    Thank you for any advice!”

    Sorry I was away doing other research and missed your post asking advice. I’m not really expert as yet but I’ll tell you what I know.

    There is a comparatively new class of ebike they call Gravel bikes. These are a cross between a mountain bike and a street bike.

    Here’s one that Halfords does but really I don’t know enough about ebike yet to recommend anything as yet. The reason I’m mentioning Halfords is that you can get free trials on the range of ebikes that Halfords stocks. Hope that might help.

  407. Sarah says:

    Robert: thank you. That is really useful. It was inspiring to read the difference your ebike has made to your painful back. I’m hoping the same for my husband.

  408. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    In these difficult and very interesting times I think we need a bit of serious contemplative music. This piece sums up the decisions we all face.

    link to

  409. CameronB Brodie says:

    One to celebrate Funky Sunday. Well, why wait until next weekend? 🙂

    General Crook – Do it for me
    link to

  410. CameronB Brodie says:

    A band I’d not heard of before but a band and a song I can appreciate intensely. 🙂

    Me First And The Gimme Gimmes – I Believe I Can Fly
    link to

  411. yesindyref2 says:

    Curtice: “The SNP is dominant but can’t neccessarily deliver” [indy ref].

    Well I’ve got some music for him, or at least, Adam and the Ants have:

    link to

  412. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi yesindyref2.

    Knowing of your interest in matters naval/military you may find this of interest.

    link to

    The discussion actually started on this (almost dead) page yesterday afternoon, with orri’s comment at 2.48pm.

    link to

    I replied to orri yesterday at 3.13 and 3.50 but he didn’t comment until today because of AWOL comment. As the page is near it’s demise, there are not too many comments to skim through to get up to date.

  413. chicmac says:

    And they say the Germans have no sense of humour.

    link to

  414. William Wallace says:

    Saw this wee joke on “The Land called Scotland” facebook group earlier. Made me chuckle.

    In the old days the English and Scottish armies used to fight by gathering their armies on top of the hills and at day break they would run down the hillside into the deep gorge below to fight. One morning at dawn there was a fog (as thick as pea soup) and the two generals decided to refrain from fighting that day. Whilst the two armies were resting a voice, with a Scottish accent came from within the dense fog.

    “Any one Scotsman can beat any 10 Englishmen”.

    With this, the English general sent down 10 of his soldiers. There was a hell of a fight and NO ONE returned. An hour later, the same voice was heard.

    “Any one Scotsman can beat any 50 Englishman”.

    With this the English general sent down 50 of his soldiers. The same thing, a terrible fight ensured and again NO ONE returned. An hour later the same voice.

    “Any one Scotsman can beat any 100 Englishman”.

    So, down went 100 of the best. NO ONE returned. An hour later.

    “Any one Scotsman can beat any 1,000 Englishman”.

    By this time, the English general had enough and was about to send down his elite soldiers, when he saw a lone Englishman crawling up the hill. He was battered to a pulp. As he reached the top he shouted “Don’t send anymore troops down, its a trap, there’s two of them.” 🙂

  415. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Going for a world record tonight on my Not Fade Away rock’n’roll show on Argyll Independent Radio online. Trying to get 22 records into the the hour (from 8pm after my 7pm Roundabout show),

  416. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Got my 22 records in – just

  417. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    I rarely laugh out loud at the telly but I was doing so at the “Two Doors Down” on Scottish BBC last night. Absolute classic.

  418. Dan says:

    Test post to see if I’m on the naughty step.

  419. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Dan (10.08) –

    Dunno if you’re on the naughty step right enough, but you are visible from here in Stevenston, Ayrshire.


  420. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Is there a naughty step?

    I mean a half-way house between having your comment impounded by a robot, to await judgement by the ultimate arbiter.

    and expulsion of your e-mail address.

    I was hit by the former, for mentioning by name someone who with hindsight should probably have remained nameless and an alleged
    nome de plume she once used, or didn’t as the case may be.

  421. Dan says:

    @Ian at 10:52

    Help, is that google earth got extra live tracking functions from my smart phone.
    It’s just one post held in moderation for some reason as my test post above posted straight away.

    While I am here I’ll update on my tattie growing as a couple of folk were interested.
    I have Edzell Blues, Roosters, and Salad Blues (the latter having blue skin and flesh as seen in my gravatar pic).
    As a test some rows were planted with the chitted seed spud sitting on seaweed.
    Well it is pretty obvious the rows with seaweed have noticeably better and more consistent growth. Don’t think this is primarily down to the seaweed holding moisture as we’ve had plenty regular rain spells here so the soil has never really been dry. So maybe the nutrients and minerals in the seaweed are helping.
    I guess the final verdict will become clear when I lift them later in the year. Just hoping they aren’t aw shaws and nae baws!

  422. Dan says:

    @Col.Blimp IV at 11:54 pm

    Of course there will be some kind of post blocking facility. Having moderated on a forum in the past I’m aware it is just not possible to watch 24 / 7 in case issues arise, let alone drop what you are doing to start communicating with bickering parties to resolve the situation, so a temporary block on posters can be applied so folk cool off or to delay until time is availble to deal with the problem.
    If Stu runs this site solely by himself then folk will just have to be patient if he’s busy or possibly tonight, watching footy.
    There are also trigger words that may put posts into a holding status until they are manually (ooh, can you say manually these days?) cleared.

  423. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dan.

    RE: nutrients for your tatties.

    Have a read of the info here:

    link to

    link to

    Moira and Cammi are my sister and brother-in-law. Their tatties had a year shelf-life and were bigger than average.

    The SEER Centre is no more, because they were shafted by an employee who took a job with a bigger competitor.

  424. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dan.

    You may find the FAQ page informative.

    link to

    (The front page of the web site did not have all the links to pages – you had to delve through sub-pages. Poor design.)

  425. Sarah says:

    @Dan: ditto Salad Blue and Rooster plus Highland Burgundy Red – red all the way through, Sharpes Express, Duke of York. Apparently the coloured potatoes are full of anti-oxidants which makes them good for us but I can’t remember why!

    Seaweed adds potash my husband is saying. We are on old croft ground by the sea – all the crofters had seaweed boats to go and fetch plenty for their crops.

    The only drawback to seaweed or other bulky matter at the bottom of the trench is that slugs seem to like it – so don’t leave the potatoes in the ground in autumn!

    Nice avatar, by the way.

  426. Sarah says:

    @ Dan: more tattie talk. We grew Shetland Black one year – amazingly high dry matter, presumably to go nicely with the salted herring my Shetland uncle used to eat.

    But our soil is very stony and we found it hard to tell what was a potato and what a stone because the tatties were quite small!

  427. Dan says:

    Crikey, we’ve nearly turned OT into TT = Tattie Tattle!

    The leaves on some of my spud plants are now larger than my hands. I have good soil and it seems my endevours have improved it further and increased worm activity.
    Spoke with a switched on crofter recently that said the whole farming subsidy thing is crap and their subsidy should be based on how many worms they have per cubic metre. Nae worms, nae money!
    There are big questions over the future of food production and its sustainability.

    There is a recent film about 1 hr 30 min long called In Our Hands about farming (there is another film about war or something with the same name), which although filmed in England, does bring to light some things society should consider. Some may want to find it and watch it.
    link to

    The path we are currently taking is bonkers. What’s the point of tweaking policy to ban a few classic vehicles from cities when we have things like air travel being heavily subsidised, and we have plastic wrapped raspberries imported from Morocco in the shops in the heartlands of Scotland’s berry picking region.
    If we can’t even get our own society to embrace the delight and environmentally sound principles of eating locally sourced seasonal food we’re on a hiding to nothing.

    Cameron mentioned in another thread about some fancy titled group enabling sustainable communities. It seems it is all talk and little action to me or we’re paying people to theorise on stuff they have little influence to enact.
    Birth rate falling, house prices out of whack with 3 times median wage mortgages, modern day clearances further diminishing communities, etc.

    I heard that primates optimum group size is around a couple of hundred because at that number everyone knows each other and they all play a role in the functioning of their communities. Each member is therefore valued in both practical and social terms.
    Maybe we should listen to or emulate monkeys because they seem to have got their shit together better than their supposedly bigger brained and higher functioning relations.

  428. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. The suspension of Labour’s Peter Willsman for “anti-semitism” and “The Incredible Disappearance of Shai Masot”. Time for some cultural backstory?

    Christian Zionism and English National Identity, 1600–1850

    This book explores why English Christians, from the early modern period onwards, believed that their nation had a special mission to restore the Jews to Palestine. It examines English support for Jewish restoration from the Whitehall Conference in 1655 through to public debates on the Jerusalem Bishopric in 1841. Rather than claiming to replace Israel as God’s “elect nation”, England was “chosen” to have a special, but inferior, relationship with the Jews.

    Believing that God “blessed those who bless” the Jewish people, this national role allowed England to atone for ill-treatment of Jews, read the confusing pathways of providence, and guarantee the nation’s survival until Christ’s return. This book analyses this mode of national identity construction and its implications for understanding Christian views of Jews, the self, and “the other”. It offers a new understanding of national election, and of the relationship between apocalyptic prophecy and political action.

    link to

  429. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Ian Brotherhood on MT @ 23:13,

    Your “modest proposal” is fair comment.

    It would of course help if all those concerned were to readily switch over, but the worst offenders never seem to come over here, alas, so they would just continue on the MT unchallenged.

    Better surely if posters avoided making responses in the first place that were gratuitously offensive. It’s not that hard to do. But we have one such who makes a speciality of it, and it’s more than mere “grumpiness”. Energetic debate is fine, but persistent mind-gaming and other passive-aggressive behaviour is not. And I am far from being the only regular who has observed and commented upon this misbehaviour. At least one person to my knowledge has been bullied off the site by this entirely unnecessary nastiness.

    That’s where the real core of this particular problem lies.

  430. CameronB Brodie says:

    One for Andy Wightman MSP. I do apologise for any distress I might cause to him and all his fellow, woke-bros, Green MSPs, when I point out that sex and gender are not the same things. Creating legislation that conflates them is discriminatory against biological women. As he appears keen to adopt best practice, I wonder if he could explain what best practice is and how it might be compatible with the denial of bio-medical science and the marginalisation of “woomanhood”?

    Women’s Rights and the Periphery: CEDAW’s Optional Protocol


    This article places the UN Women’s Committee at its centre in order to consider the normative implications of having a space within the realm of international law that is headed by women decision-makers, whose remit is specifically gendered and whose task is to uphold the rights of women. It suggests that the Committee’s importance has largely been overlooked, which is a considerable oversight. The Committee is uniquely positioned to contribute to the transformation of human rights norms, occupying, as it arguably does, positions simultaneously at the centre and at the periphery of international law.

    In particular, this article examines the jurisprudence that has emerged under the individual complaints procedure of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and questions how far the Committee has been able to develop women’s rights in recent years into a body of law that departs from the normative and structural limitations of international human rights laws.

    link to

  431. CameronB Brodie says:

    Womanhood obvs.

    Human Rights of Women : National and International Perspectives

    Chapter 3
    What are “Women’s International Human Rights”?


    What does a category of women’s international human rights mean and what are its implications? This chapter considers these questions, arguing that the development of women’s international human rights has the potential to transform human rights law generally.

    Human rights law challenges the traditional scope of international law. It gives individuals and groups, otherwise without access to the international legal system, the possibility of making international legal claims and thus expands the statecentered discourse of international law.

    International human rights law is a product of the post World War II order. The United Nations Charter recognized in principle the centrality of the importance of the protection of human rights, 1 and a great range of both general and specific international instruments have since given definition and texture to this commitment.2

    The development of human rights law is often, if controversially, described in terms of “generations”: the “first” generation of rights covers civil and political rights, still regarded by many Western commentators as the paradigm against which all newer claims of rights must be measured (indeed some assert that civil and political rights are the only possible form of international human rights)?3 the “second” generation of rights means economic, social, and cultural rights? and the ”third,” most recently defined, generation encompasses group or peoples’ rights.

    The generational metaphor is controversial because it implies a hierarchy in the development of human rights within the United Nations system. Western states, once the dominant players in the international community, have typically regarded civil and political rights as the most crucial for international protection. Socialist and developing states have usually been the strongest supporters of economic, social, and cultural rights. And group or peoples rights have been the particular concern of many of the developing nations which have more recently joined the international community.

    From a woman’s perspective, however, the definition and development of the three generations of rights have much in common: they are built on typically male life experiences and in their current form do not respond to the most pressing risks women face. While there have been lively debates about the relationship between the generations of rights and the best methods of implementing human rights law, there has been a general reluctance to question the basis or value of the international human rights system itself.

    Analyses of the foundations and scope of international human rights law frequently lapse into heroic or mystical language: it is almost as if this branch of international law were both too valuable and too fragile to sustain critique. The
    development of women’s international human rights challenges this reluctance to examine the basis of human rights law….

    link to$FILE/What%20are%20Women%27s%20International%20Human%20Rights.pdf

  432. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Is it politically incorrect, or socially incorrect, or just plain wrong, in the current social climate, to link to this?

    link to

    If so, I apologise to arseholes reading this.

  433. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    And while I’m on a music groove, this track was on a 12″ single I bought, which also had Runrig performing ‘Loch Lomond’, live at Loch Lomond, if my memory serves me well.

    link to

    However, I still think the best live performance of ‘Loch Lomond’ was at ‘Mod For Rockers’ at the Albert Hall in Stirling in the 80s.

    link to

  434. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    And then an ancient Scottish tune, dating from at the earliest, as far as we know, the Battle of Bannockburn, 1314, which is known all over Europe.

    link to

  435. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    That of course is our national anthem, Ronnie, and I’m getting really pissed off with the SNP that no longer plays it at the end of our conferences. I’ve been going to SNP conferences since the early sixties and that was what we all waited for.
    Worth a million leaflets
    Going to start a campaign for Aberdeen

  436. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    And the best version – with the pipes.

    link to

  437. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Brian I should say.

  438. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dave.

    Follow the links in my comment of last week –

    link to

    Here’s a quote:

    “The Hubert commando is one of the seven commandos of the French Navy, considered as the most prestigious of them and as the most selective and complete unit of special forces of the whole French Army.
    Made up of combat swimmers, the Hubert commando specializes in underwater action and in maritime counter-terrorism actions.
    Two of them were killed in the night of 9 to 10 May while releasing hostages in Burkina Faso.”

    link to

    Which explains that the video is of a ceremony on 14th May, to honour the two commandos who died. It has under the video,

    Cédric de Pierrepont, Commando Hubert, 17/07/1986 – 10/05/2019.
    Alain Bertoncello, Commando Hubert, 1991 – 10/05/2019.”

    You’ll see a link to the latest version of “Soldats”, uploaded on 17th May. And it’s ALL bagpipes. And in the presence of President Macron.

  439. Sarah says:

    @Dan 2nd June: I agree with what you say [including the primates!] BUT the worm count is a problem on our croft due to New Zealand flatworm – obviously came in on unsterilized plant materials and now a problem in many parts of Britain. I’d have thought we would be safe on Loch Broom but no.

    These loathsome creatures eat our earthworms so it is a real thrill if I find an earthworm in my veg beds at all. Today I did find one.

    The lack of earthworms means soil less aerated and hence less well drained leading to the spread of rushes on many crofts.

  440. Dan says:


    There have been flatworms in my area for years and I do get them in my garden, but the ordinary worms seem to be doing fine.
    Flatworms always seem to be found on the surface under a bin or membrane of some sort. Seems the best way to catch them is to put down a bit of old lino then occasionally lift it and collect the blighters.
    Spent the afternoon in the garden cutting grass. Took bloomin ages as with this warm and wet weather it’s been growing fast.
    There’s loads of wild comfrey just over my fence. It’s the purple flowered Russian type and not the native white flowered type, so no edible fritters for me. I grabbed a load of it and threw it in a large container and added water. It’ll go dark and smelly but it makes an excellent plant booster.
    Three of my neighbours and myself have all failed to have our parsnips germinate this year. Will re-sow with different seed but scunnered to have lost a month’s growth. Was looking forward to making an assortment of root vegetable crisps.

  441. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. lets talk about sex, or law and gender if you’d rather. I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to remember about Public International Law. 😉

    Louise Chappell. The Politics of Gender Justice at the International Criminal Court: Legacies and Legitimacy

    The book under review provides a unique analysis of gender justice in international criminal law. The author, Louise Chappell, professor in social sciences and international studies at the University of New South Wales, provides a meticulous and theoretically well-informed historical investigation of the implementation of gender justice (and its shortcomings) by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and what impact this might have for the future of the Court. Chappell’s book seeks to answer the following questions: ‘Why has it been so difficult to implement some substantive gender justice rules and not others?’ and ‘What are the consequences of these outcomes for the Court and the international gender justice actors?’ (at 2).

    In answering these questions, the author takes a complex approach. In response to the first question, she draws on gender legacies of international law: traditional conceptions of gender roles and norms, which have, in Chappell’s view, decisively shaped the path of gender justice. As Chappell argues through her book, the implementation of gender justice rules by the ICC has only been partially successful. In her view, and this constitutes the answer to her second main question, this partial success substantially affects the Court’s legitimacy….

    link to

  442. Ian Foulds says:

    Profound words from a weasel:

    Insisting his department represented Scotland’s interest at the heart of government and “strengthens Scotland’s place in the UK”, Mr Mundell said:

  443. David says:

    BREAKING: Surprise new candidate for Tory leadership emerges.
    US rocker Pat Travers releases video outlining his policies:
    “Snortin’ whiskey and drinkin’ cocaine” 😉

    link to

  444. Lenny Hartley says:

    HinDan just in from the garage working on a honda 350 four and seen ur message!

  445. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Dan mentioned in the front room that he would feature some YouTube motorsickle videos tonight. So I thought I would be sneaky. Three motorsickle videos.

    The first must be the classic of all time. I saw ‘Easy Rider’ in The Tivoli (Continental Films), Bonnybank Road, in Dundee because neither the ABC or The Gaumont showed it. As far as I’m aware, this was the first mention of “heavy metal” (thunder).

    link to

    Here are the other two.

    link to

    link to

  446. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Gonna stick this one in as well.

    “YES Bikers Arrival @ Glasgow Green-18th Sept, 2016” coz it’s one of mine.

    link to

  447. Dan says:

    Hey Lenny, looks like player 3 (BDtt) has entered the game and beat me to posting both Easy Rider and Chris Spedding tunes…
    I recently helped my neighbours with a 400 / 4 engine rebuild. Hoped they’d be up for this weekend’s run but they have an autojumble to attend.

    I’m not going to post a load of heavy metal tune links coz some might not dig that, plus some of it is just noisy shite anyway. (personal belief / fair comment applies)

    I guess most on here will be Restless Natives at the moment. I spoke to a young biker the other day and he hadn’t even heard of the film! The younger generation…

    Big Country – Restless Natives (Suzuki GP 125 in film)

    link to

    Tenuous link to motorbiking I know but who knew Joan Armatrading was actually talking about carb jetting and Castrol R!
    Drop the Pilot… Smell my perfume!

    link to

  448. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “Restless Natives” – great fullum.

    Watch (or download with a Firefox add-on) here:-

    link to

  449. CameronB Brodie says:

    One with Jonathan Van Ness and all those who promote Queer theory over ethical rationalism in law. Queer theory was not intended as a legal weapon to disposes women of their sex-based human rights, but that is what it is being used for by narcissistic chauvinists, ably supported by the woke ‘left’.

    Gender Equality Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights


    The European Court of Human Rights has recently proclaimed gender equality as one of the key underlying principles of the Convention. However, the Court’s jurisprudence has been largely impotent in challenging gender discrimination in the member states. This article explores the reasons why this is so by analysing Article 14 sex discrimination jurisprudence and the application of the principle of gender equality in the ‘Islamic headscarf’ cases.

    The author argues that reasons lie in the Court’s formalistic conceptualization of discrimination, and simplistic and paternalistic understanding of gender equality, which is insensitive to intersectionality of discrimination. The author proposes an understanding of gender equality as challenging (multiple and intersectional) forms of disadvantage. Under this approach, the question in equality jurisprudence would not be whether there was unjustified differential treatment, but rather whether the law or practice at issue perpetuated or produced subordination of women (as defined by other identity characteristics) and unequal gender (and other) relations.

    link to

  450. CameronB Brodie says:

    That should have read, “with JVN in mind…”.

    Equality Law in an Enlarged European Union. Understanding the Article 13 Directives
    link to

  451. CameronB Brodie says:

    As I’m a bit of an ethical rationalist and post-colonial feminist, I can appreciate the logic and value of queering traditional boundaries, but I am also not prepared to disregard evolutionary science and human anthropology. Subsequently, I’m gender-critical as well to being open to queerness.

    I do not apologies if this comment has caused any upset.

    Hormones, Sex, and Gender


    Anthropologists study human diversity but are sharply divided over the roles of culture and biology in that diversity. The division is clearly represented in distinctions between sex and gender as biological and cultural categories, respectively. The disciplinary divide is further reflected in the contrast between the study of sex differences and hormones by biological anthropologists and the critique by cultural anthropologists of the value of biological approaches to sex or gender differences.

    This review considers anthropological ideas and debates about sex, gender, and hormones and about the relationships among them. The rationale for such a review is that divisions over conceptualization and study of sex, gender, and sex or gender differences are partly grounded in misunderstanding or ignorance of current biological understandings of sex differentiation in particular and individual differences in general.

    sex differences, human variation, biocultural research, feminist theory

    link to

  452. CameronB Brodie says:

    Can we please just put this proposal for self-ID on the rubbish heap, where it belongs? We might actually be able to address gender inequality then and how that inequality is manufactured, to a large extent, by sexist stereotyping.

    Sex, Gender and Health
    Part of Biosocial Society Symposium Series

    It is widely recognised that men and women in societies all over the world have very different experiences of sickness and health. This collection brings together biological and social anthropologists whose work illustrates how these sub-disciplines have approached the task of explaining such differences. We demonstrate that an understanding of science and culture, using the notions of biological ‘sex’ and socio-culturally constructed ‘gender’ are both essential for furthering analyses of men’s and women’s, boys’ and girls’ experiences of health and disease.

    We address the important topics of gender differences in parental care, cardiovascular disease, reproductive health and psychological illness, and look at how the medicalisation of women and their relative absence from models of population health might affect their experiences of preventative health measures. This book will be particularly useful for students on human sciences or anthropology courses, or anyone wishing to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on the subject.

    Focuses on explaining the differences between the health and disease of boys and girls, men and women in comparative perspective

    International and cross-cultural coverage

    Brings together biological and social sciences to foster links and communication between them for all-round understanding of topic

    link to

  453. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for folk who feel as if their legal and personal identity is getting bent out of shape by contemporary life, perhaps especially by England’s turn towards cultural nationalism.

    The Chemical Brothers – Got To Keep On
    link to

  454. CameronB Brodie says:

    Another to reflect Scotland’s existential fight with the moral bankruptcy of English Tories (I know). 😉

    The Chemical Brothers – Eve Of Destruction
    link to

  455. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    CameronB Brodie on MT @ 00:04,

    If I can say this in the gentlest possible way, Cam, we are all signed-up supporters of independence, not captives of some wierd sociology course which will only let us graduate and escape once we’ve been forcibly reprogrammed. Useful as it may be for devotees, none of us are under any obligation to follow-through on your many highly-erudite references and extracts, especially when plainly off-topic on the MT. And disappointing as it may be to you, there’s no shame in that.

    It’s not a question of “intelligence”, whatever that is. Denizens of the MT are mostly simply not interested in anything so esoteric in such undigested depth and large volume. Life’s too short. Anyway, the role of an educator is not to force-feed raw information to people as if to produce some kind of intellectual foie gras, and chastise them in a high-handed way if they baulk, but rather to reach out and interpret one’s expertise at a level appropriate for the intended public and purpose.

    Hence my several previous references to the “doorstep test”. If the urgent purpose to hand is to convince the readership, what actually has traction, and what has not?

    ElGordo was referring to a posting of yours upthread on the MT where you expressed your own opinion in your own words as based on your background knowledge. That works, and I’m sure we would all welcome more of that over there.

  456. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Off Topic peeps. Peace, Love and Let’s Get It Right Next Time;

    link to

  457. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Marie, a song for you. Peace, Love and Independence

    “We Sell Hope” The Specials;
    link to


  458. Smallaxe says:

    Ronnie Davis: “Equality and Justice”
    link to

    Mark Knopfler: “Piper to the end”
    link to

    Peace and Love to All Wingers

    I have to hide again now, I forgot to take the http bit off (again) so the Rev will be after me with his hammers.

    I’ll pop back when it’s safe.

  459. Arthur C says:

    Robert J. Sutherland says:
    13 June, 2019 at 2:12 am

    Very diplomatically put, totally agree with you there sir.

  460. Marie Clark says:

    Robert J and Arthur C, well said. I did try gently a wee while ago to tell Cam B that it was overwhelming the amount of posts on the MT and especially here on OT. To no avail obviously.

    OT has virtually died off recently. All the usual posters that had a sense of fun have disappeared. Where is Thepnr, Tinto chiel etc. I hope that they are just having wee rest and are both all right.

    Smallaxe, thank you for the tune, hope that you have avoided the hammers. You dinnae want the Rev efter ye.

  461. Capella says:

    @ CBB – cool it!
    Finbar Furey and Christy Dignam singing The Green Fields of France on The Late Show.
    Lest we forget;

    link to

  462. Dan says:

    Some funk to chill out to after a long stint on the sewing machine making some bespoke Indy products for the weekend.

    Lonnie Liston Smith – Expansions

    link to

    Weather looks marginally better for motorbiking this Saturday, so fingers crossed we get a good run.
    Should be some great footage through Glencoe… as long as I don’t dose to much Castrol R and end up filling the glen with reek so it looks more like a scene from a Cheech and Chong film.

  463. Dan says:

    That’s the bike checked over and ready to go first thing in the morning. My pals and I are really looking forward to the ride across our Big Country – Wonderland.

    link to

    This cruise will hopefully have a big turnout and has the makings of being an epic. So chuffed to be a part of it.

  464. CameronB Brodie says:

    Get that cupid stunt Jordon sorted, he’s beyond an embarrassment.

    How far can the European Court of Human Rights go in the fight against discrimination?
    Defining new standards in its nondiscrimination jurisprudence


    European judges in Strasbourg have recently been called on to decide on some important issues concerning discriminatory treatment in the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms protected by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and its protocols. Moving from different grounds of discrimination, it is possible to find a common leitmotif in the judgments delivered by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR): the main idea is that the attempts to limit discrimination in the member states of the Council of Europe (CoE) are even more pronounced nowadays.

    Roma, women, religious minorities, and homosexual couples have thus found a reinforced protection in Strasbourg which is not restrained either by contrary decisions delivered by national constitutional courts or embedded in the legal tradition of the states involved. As far as the contracting states are concerned, the main consequence is the narrower margin of appreciation recognized by the Court even in particularly sensitive matters of national public opinion.

    New standards have thus been reached and very weighty reasons are increasingly required to ascertain the compatibility between the Convention and different treatment based exclusively on the grounds of ethnic origin, gender, religion, or sexual orientation and reserved to vulnerable groups.

    Issue Section:
    Critical Review of Jurisprudence: An Occasional Series

    link to

  465. CameronB Brodie says:

    I mean metaphorically sorted, obvs, though he does appear to be an ignorant misogynist. Please shut him the fuck up.

    Women in Europe and in the world: The state of the Union 2016


    Building on the definition of oppression developed by the philosopher Iris Young, the article argues that women in Europe are an oppressed group. Relying on recent statistics, it points out that a high percentage of women are still subject to gender violence; economically exploited and marginalized; powerless with regard to governance and participation in the public sphere, as well as victims of androcentrism – a pattern of cultural evaluation which seriously undermines women’s potential for development.

    The article then shows how this state of affairs has worsened over the last years, under the effects of the financial and economic crisis, and the austerity policies with which the European states have responded. Finally, it singles out two possible future scenarios.

    If the current neo-liberal trends persist, we can expect a move towards societies more polarized in terms of class and ethnicity; low fertility rates; and an increasing poverty of those most in need of care and in charge of care provision. The crisis could instead be perceived as an opportunity to diverge from this prevailing neo-liberal model, calling for a new, inclusive, societal model of development – a new humanism which puts the person, in her whole complexity and in her very real care dependent nature, at the very core of the political and economic project.

    link to

  466. CameronB Brodie says:

    I really don’t want to hog all the space but I think legal rationality and women’s rights are worth pushing the boat out for. After all, they both have fundamental societal value.

    Max Weber’s Types of Rationality: Cornerstones for the Analysis of Rationalization Processes in History

    Rationality has been recognized as perhaps the major theme in Max Weber’s oeuvre. The commentators who have addressed this theme have generally constricted its polymorphous character. This article inventories Weber’s usage of “rationality” and “rationaliza-tion” in Economy and Society and the Collected Essays in the Sociology of Religion. Four types of rationality are identified and compared with one another: practical, theoretical, substantive, and formal. Only “ethical substantive rationality” introduces methodical ways of life.

    All four types become manifest in a multiplicity of rationalization processes orchestrated at all levels of societal and civilizational process. Long-term rationalization processes are seen to be rooted in values rather than in interests. The dominance of practical, theoretical, and formal rationalization processes in modern Western societies implies immense consequences for the type of person likely to live in these societies.

    link to

  467. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Smallaxe.

    T’was good to see you commenting again this weekend.

    Here’s some music for you – you can choose whichever of the first two versions you prefer.

    link to

    link to

    However, one of my punters at the rock club I was DJ at in the 90s, persuaded me to explore the joys of “easy listening”.

    This has got to be in the Top Ten of my favourite “easy listening” instrumental tracks.

    link to

  468. CameronB Brodie says:

    Marie Clark
    We’re not here for a party and if nobody else posts, what do I do? Would you rather I left Scotland’s women to defend their human rights alone? Do you not think my insight has any value? Have you ever read anything I’ve posted?

  469. CameronB Brodie says:

    Robert J. Sutherland
    Weird sociology course. Apparently you fail to recognise practical insight aimed at social empowerment. How can I express this succinctly yet directly? Are you a fucking Muppet?

  470. CameronB Brodie says:

    Doctor don’t cure the ill through witchery and magic, do they?

    Introduction to Anthropology
    Human Life & Possibility

    link to

  471. CameronB Brodie says:

    One for Mhairi Hunter. The woman’s a fucking idiot.

    Rational Ethics
    link to

  472. CameronB Brodie says:

    Seriously, get that Hunter skooled or give her the boot. She is seriously under-prepared for the role she appears to want to play.

    Applying Relevant Ethical Theories to Equality
    link to

  473. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I think I will link to this:-

    link to

    and this:-

    link to

    and this:-

    link to

    So there!

  474. Dan says:

    Oh Danny boy the pipes the pipes are calling
    From glen to glen and down the mountain side


    The hills are alive… to the sound of bike pipes.

    10 min vid of YES Bikers from yesterday.

    link to

  475. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dan.

    That was a ‘well put-together’ video of the YES Bikers.

    I was watching IndependenceLive, CAM1, front of march, yesterday, and as the bikers headed past the march, the marchers slowed down/stopped and were cheering the bikers.
    CAM1 cut off just before the march reached the rally venue, possibly due to the rain.


    When I went back just now to look at the CAM1 footage, it’s truncated! Doesn’t show the event from the start. So the bikers drive-pass isn’t there. Just shows the last 13 minutes or so, before it dropped out.

    KEVIN- you reading?

    When I went

  476. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. James Watt’s article “Reality and Illusion: Being vs Identifying As”. Man, that took me back and showed me just how rusty I am. So what makes a person, how they are categorised or how they feel? Time for some brain science? 🙂

    N.B. From an anthropological perspective, sex difference is the largest single factor influencing health management.

    Cognitive neuroscience of sex and gender

    It is generally agreed that sex and gender differences in brain and cognition are neither purely biological nor purely social in origin. Our research on cognitive sex differences and sex differences in functional brain organization and brain connectivity takes into account biological and social factors, as well as the interaction between them, and addresses “the small difference” within a psychobiosocial approach.

    We consider sex differences in a variety of specific cognitive abilities, including language, memory and spatial cognition as well as inter-individual differences in cognitive strategies, meta-cognition and cognitive control. Specifically, we are interested in how these differences are influenced by factors ranging from neuromodulatory properties of (sex) hormones (e.g. estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, oxytocin) to gender stereotypes. Additionally, a new research stream looks at the neuroprotective properties of sex hormones in clinical populations (e.g. schizophrenia).

    link to

  477. CameronB Brodie says:

    And a bit more.

    Sex/gender differences in cognition, neurophysiology, and neuroanatomy


    In this mini-review, I summarize and interpret the current status of sex/gender differences in terms of brain anatomy, brain function, behavior, and cognition. Based on this review and the reported findings, I conclude that most of these sex/gender differences are not large enough to support the assumption of sexual dimorphism in terms of brain anatomy, brain function, cognition, and behavior.

    Instead, I suggest that many brain and cognitive features are modulated by environment, culture, and practice (and several other influences). These influences interact with the menstrual cycle, the general hormone level, and current gender stereotypes in a way that has not yet been fully understood.

    Keywords: Sex/gender differences, brain anatomy, brain function, cognition

    link to

  478. Dan says:

    Mairi’s Wedding is a short and upbeat tune. Here’s some tweaked lyrics for it.


    Step we gaily on we go
    Heel for heel and toe for toe
    Arm in arm and on we go
    All for Bonnie Scotland

    Over hill ways, up and down
    Myrtle green and bracken brown
    Past the sheiling, though the town
    All for Scottish Indy


    Plenty herring, plenty meal
    Plenty for the common weal
    Plenty joy for every chiel
    That’s a toast for Scotland


    Scotland’s future beams afar
    Bright as any sapphires are
    Brighter than the Northern Star
    That’s our darling Scotland

  479. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m tempted to join twitter, just for the gender debate. The abuse Iain McWhirter is getting from trans zoomers, calls for the application of some scientific ‘steel-toecaps’, IMHO. Complete melts like “Needles & Sins” calling him “reactionary”. This is where feelz over realz takes us.

    Insights into Sexism: Male Status and Performance Moderates Female-Directed Hostile and Amicable Behaviour
    link to

  480. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sexism doesn’t occur in isolation, it is a predisposition of a political identity that is inescapably misogynistic. Sexism is bad, mk.

    Mobilizing Sexism: The Interaction of Emotion and Gender Attitudes in the 2016 US Presidential Election


    The outcome of the 2016 US presidential election cycle generated a great deal of attention about the political psychology of the average American voter. A familiar narrative was that authoritarianism, perhaps triggered by fears of cultural and economic change, was the primary driver of support for Donald Trump. This article argues that sexism has been underestimated as a political force, especially given the angry emotional climate.

    The article first explores the electoral role of sexism early in the campaign, finding that sexism powerfully predicted vote choice even after controlling for authoritarianism, partisanship, and other predispositions. Second, the article analyzes American National Election Studies time-series data to examine the impact of sexism in recent presidential elections, demonstrating that 2016 was the only year in which it played a large and significant role. Finally, a survey experiment tests the theorized causal mechanism underlying sexism’s influence: the catalyzing power of anger versus fear. Fear sharply reduced sexism’s impact on support for Trump relative to those who experienced anger. Further, anger powerfully mobilized sexists, a group that would normally be likely to stay home. These results illuminate the role that emotional undercurrents play in catalyzing group-based predispositions into politics.

    link to

  481. CameronB Brodie says:

    “Cis” defines men and women as not trans, thereby linguistically embedding “trans” as the ‘norm’, when judging membership of sex-class. This privileges “trans” over the current cultural understanding of “sex”, i.e. that is relates to the biological differences between men and women. As such, insisting on the use of “cis” constitutes an attack on language, logic and reason, IMHO.

    Sex-classes must be grounded in biology if they are to have any practical value. Linguistic logic is also kind of important. Sexism is all the harder to fight, if the langue of resistance is no longer available.

  482. Ghillie says:

    Dan @ 12.37 pm 17th June


    Wouldn’t that be great to sing at the football and rugby?
    (After the reverential singing/bellowing of Flower of Scotland of course)

    That could even be the makings of a very jolly Scottish National Anthem =)

    Wouldn’t it be great if there were a list of song lyrics that Yessers could print out to take to marches 🙂

    Your variation on Mhairi’s Wedding would be top of my sing list!

  483. Dan says:


    And herein lies the problem. You are the only one that felt enthused enough about the song to comment.
    I actually visited a musician and singer this afternoon to discuss why it’s so difficult to get folk to join in with singing.
    Much of what they said was totally in alignment with the conclusion I had reached from my own limited experience.
    Namely that people are individuals with varying moods, emotions, and musical likes. Sometimes a concert clicks and the vibe is good with an engaged and up for it audience, other times it can feel flat with little energy and emotion expressed by the crowd.

    Realistically the only way to get a group of folk singing together is with prior organised rehearsals and practice so they are confident enough to carry it off. That being the case the chances of a crowd of random folk spontaneously breaking into song are slim.
    The problem is exacerbated in Scotland because the underlying small c conservative nature of our society stifles and restricts willing engagement even further.

    BDTT. Do you know the names of the bands that played at the Dundee AUOB march last year?
    There was one band towards the end of the day (5 pm ish) with a lass singing that were playing quite lively tunes.

  484. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dan.

    I tried to have a look at at the independencelive footage from last year but all I get is a spinning circle. I’ve contacted Graham Brown so he may post a comment here or get back to me via FB.

  485. Sarah says:

    @Dan on 9th June!!! Sorry for delayed response – though you’ve been enjoying yourself meanwhile on the bike trip to Oban so won’t have noticed. I found another earthworm today so perhaps I needn’t worry so much about the NZ flatworm. Mind you I have found the NZ worms under rocks in the middle of the burn so they spread easily.

    Bad luck about the parsnip not germinating – very odd. My cauliflowers germinated but in 4 weeks have scarcely grown at all – still just their seed leaves. Weird.

  486. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one to celebrate a small victory in defending womanhood and a rational understanding of sex.

    Women’s Identities and Bodies in Colonial
    and Postcolonial History and Literature

    link to

    Laura Mvula – Phenomenal Woman—iGdDIBQ

  487. Dan says:


    I could send up a spare earthworm and they could start a family! I had to check you actually need two worms to do the business as they are hermaphrodites. They have quite a good case for Self ID because they sport both sets of equipment apparently.
    Caught and squished five flatworms today. The old lino trick never fails to draw them in.
    Spent the afternoon at the community farm where quite a few of the plants are struggling a bit this season.
    Had an hour on my knees weeding the salad beds. The lad I was working with was laughing as I kept munching the edible weeds I was pulling out! So that was a Weed and Feed with fat hen, chickweed and dandelions. I mentioned it would be far easier if we just embraced and ate the weeds rather than the endure the stress and hassle of growing fancy bespoke plants.
    Nobody ever complained of or had to treat greenfly on their dandelions or blight on their nettles…
    For my efforts I got a load of large seedlings ready to plant out in my own garden. So that’s 12 lettuce, 10 Chard, 6 purple sprouted broccoli, and 4 Nasturtiums now filling the area where the parsnips failed to show.
    My tatties, runner beans and corjettes are flowering now. Ate my first couple of strawberries today too, which makes a welcome change from freakin rhubarb.

  488. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. Prof. Alice Roberts. Would I be correct in suspecting her of being a bit of a third-wave feminist? Perhaps this is the source of her naivety, but does she imagine the task of the second-wave has been accomplished? Perhaps she simply doesn’t feel particularly socially vulnerable? Whatever, from the perspective of bio-medical science, human sex is typically characterised by its dimorphism. That is significant, on a number of levels. 🙂

    What is gender? Feminist theory and the
    sociology of human reproduction

    Feminist post-structuralism

    ….Although it would be inappropriate to call McClintock’s or Fox Keller’s work feminist, a number of feminist writers on science have addressed themes which are consistent with a postmodemist position in their call for a science which is ‘de-centred, pluralistic, non-hierarchical and hermeneutic’ (Hekman 1990:226). But, in broader terms, feminism has been reluctant to recognise this such that ‘no major feminist critic of science has explicitly embraced postmodemism’ (Hekman 1990:331).

    The advocacy of a distinctly feminist standpoint epistomology in particular takes us a long way from such a position. In this regard McClintock’s acceptance into the ‘male scientific community’ justified through her award of a Nobel Prize, raises a number of issues. Does her work involve a reconceptualisation of science in which a new approach is legitimated and a multi-faceted scientific paradigm is the result? Or, might it represent a ‘male take over’, in which men incorporate ‘feminine’ methods into scientific practice, tuming sdence once more into a gender-blind activity? Referring to Fox Keller’s (1985) description of McClintock’s style,Hekman quite appropriately warns that,

    to appeal to intuition as opposed to reason . . . entails not a displacement of [the] gender-based dichotomy, but an attempt to move from one side of the hierarchy to its opposite, to privilege the disprivileged side. The advocacy of intuition involves reifying the distinction between reason and emotion, rationality and irrationality that is central to Enlightenment epistemology. What is needed is not a reliance on intuition to the exclusion of reason but a means of breaking down the distinction between the two modes of thought (1990:132-3).

    link to

  489. CameronB Brodie says:

    I see Duncy is a wokebro and Captain Haggerty a wokesis. A right couple of opportunist ideologues, if you ask me. Have they made recourse to “best practice” yet?

    This is what James Watt’s was pointing to in his article, “Reality and Illusion: Being vs Identifying As”. Perhaps Prof. Alice Roberts might take note? Perhaps not?

    The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Phenomenology
    Sex, gender, and embodiment

    Abstract and Keywords

    This chapter develops an alternative to the dominant articulation of human existence on the basis of classical phenomenology, arguing that Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological inquiries into the structures of embodiment provide a very different and more fruitful starting point for the investigation of sexual difference than the ideas of social gender and biological sex. The ways of classifying sex and gender characteristics mark them out on several different conceptual bases, and thus their categories may not correspond or coincide. Moreover historical and biological inquiries indicate that the dimorphic notion of sex is prescriptive and constructive.

    Finally the sex/gender paradigm is dominated by the explanatory framework of causes and effects. The phenomenological analysis shows that the causal-functional framework is inadequate for the investigation of the plurality of the bodily existence and sexual difference as a dimension of this existence. In the light of the explication of the concepts of sex and gender, and the phenomenological analysis of embodiment, the sex/gender paradigm cannot offer a basis for a comprehensive philosophy of sexual existence.

    Keywords: human existence, sex, gender, classical phenomenology, Edmund Husserl, sexual difference, bodily existence, embodiment, sex/gender paradigm

    link to

  490. CameronB Brodie says:

    Well, I’m a bit of a post-colonial feminist. Radical, innit?

    Dub FX – NO REST FOR THE WICKED feat. CAde & Mahesh Vinayakram
    link to

  491. Sarah says:

    Nana: I hope you look in to O/T and will see this. I was sorry to see that the Rev upset you. He told me off for not doing a link on a comment once. I didn’t think he meant to be seriously critical of me, and I certainly don’t think he could be of you, given all the valuable work you do. Aren’t you a Gold Wings Badge winner?

    So please don’t feel downhearted about this.

  492. CameronB Brodie says:

    re. PSA. Post-structural analysis?

    Critical language and visual art:
    a post-structural analysis

    link to

  493. Sarah says:

    @Dan: you show off with your flowering runner beans and courgette! Ours are just starting up their poles [beans] or still being brought indoors at night for coddling [courgette] and looking rather pallid due to compost running low on nutrients. However potatoes, kale, onions/shallots doing well and our lettuces are ready to plant out, being big enough now to cope with slugs and snails.

    Earthworms are wonderful – so convenient being able to deal with both sides of the issue [as it were].

    Snap re eating the weeds – I was nibbling away at the bittercress whilst weeding the shallots. I have served it as a garnish to guests and put it in salads too – as you say, the “weeds” start v early in the year and there’s no work needed!

    Blackcurrants are just starting but a very small crop due to a late frost, sadly.

    Community farm sounds interesting – they are great. Get everyone doing something positive out of doors and there’d be no crime/stress etc etc!

  494. galamcennalath says:

    Yes bikers in Galashiels. What the song on the last 3-4 minutes? Anyone know?

    link to

  495. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi galamcennalath at 2:32 pm

    “Yes bikers in Galashiels. What the song on the last 3-4 minutes? Anyone know?

    link to

    Your link doesn’t work because it has an extra period in it. To work, it should be:-

    link to

    However, that video is of YES Bikers arriving at Glasgow Green in May and has no music.

  496. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Did you not mean the 9 minute video of the YES Bikers heading to and in, Oban?

    link to

  497. galamcennalath says:

    Sorry, don’t know how I got the wrong one.

    This one. From 44:30

    link to

  498. Dan says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon at 3:54 pm

    It’s a pity you don’t get smells on YouTube!
    I dosed up a couple of exhaust pipes with my Castrol R dripper at the Green Welly knowing the scent trail would arouse pukka oldskool petrol heads as we all climbed up the hill towards Glencoe.
    I didn’t get the benefit myself of inhaling, but it was quite a euphoric experience “au naturel” cruising along and enjoying the vibe of riding with 100 bikers.

    Motorcycle – As The Rush Comes

    link to

  499. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    just getting ready for my “Roundabout” and “”Not Fade Away” shows on Argyll Independent Radio online. Getting excited about Ron Culley coming down to Dunoon on Thursday to talk about his book “Who Shot Willie McRae”

  500. Dan says:

    Just chucked this together for any old new indy romantics reading in! LOL

    It’s Friday nicht and you’re part of the Human League, so cider up, comb what’s left of your hair into a mad parting / fringe, then get your freak on and sing along to be part of The Sound Of The Crowd.

    link to

    Give Westminster a parting wave
    Nae Pasaran
    Say cheerio to the Union and its backward game
    Rip the Treaty into little bits
    Nae Pasaran
    Dump it in the bin to a laughing sound

    Get Indy now, get Indy now
    Let the people of Scotland build a future that’s sound
    Choose Indy now, you need to stand proud
    Add your voice to the sound of the crowd

    Want ruled by London’s steer?
    Nae Pasaran
    They’ve caused a fold in the island brushed with fear
    Don’t let them steal your hopes
    Nae Pasaran
    We can do much better without those dopes

    Get in line now, get in line now
    Stay in time with the rhythm and rhyme
    Get Indy now, get Indy now
    Let the people of Scotland build a future that’s sound
    Choose Indy now, you need to stand proud
    Add your voice to the sound of the crowd

    Get in line now, get in line now
    Stay in time with the rhythm and rhyme
    Get Indy now, get Indy now
    Let the people of Scotland build a future that’s sound
    Choose Indy now, you need to stand proud
    Add your voice to the sound of the crowd

    Get in line now, get in line now
    Stay in time with the rhythm and rhyme
    Get Indy now, get Indy now
    Let the people of Scotland build a future that’s sound
    Choose Indy now, you need to stand proud
    Add your voice to the sound of the crowd


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    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““If the authors of the ToU intended to impose that significant restriction, they would have done so explicitly” And they…Mar 14, 13:17
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