Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Our style is formulaic and playing against big guys does take it out of you (I’m 5’7″). Not as much as rugby though.
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@CameronBB: I see Gordon Strachan has wandered into Johann Lamont territory in an attempt to explain the Ljubljana meltdown.
“Genetically, we are behind. In the last campaign we were the second smallest, apart from Spain.” Mentioning of one of the best teams on the planet kinda takes a chain-saw to that argument, of course.
*Contemplates lunar landscape of his hopes and orders another Babycham*
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Fae the Book of Truth…
“The Wings works in mysterious ways”
Any mission is possible..
Ah’ll say!
Ok then, tis a good idea.. why don’t we all say something, at the same time, together on the main thread…
Call it a ‘flash-post!’
In just over ½ an hours time it’s gonna be 9pm.
I’m going to post ‘three little words’ there then,
Will you FLASH there with me at 9pm…
Let’s try that one again…
See ye at 10pm on the main thread..
Three. Little. Words.
Join me.
Sounds like:
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Here, check this one out.
(Anyone seen it before?)
@22 secs: ‘And what is it that you do?’
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Might just be me IB, but when I clicked it I got…
This video is unavailable.
Though I do recognise the saying.. lady voice yeah?
Snap out of the trance y’all.
T minus ten for 10pm…
Same here Ian, not available
Hey K1 x.
William Wallace fuckin’ legend, cheers bro!
We are the Dynamic Duo!
Ye pouring?
@ Cactus
Eh’m giving the matter some thought.
Eh’ve a bottle o cheap single malt fae Lidls that Eh wiz gonna treh oot. Ben Bracken Islay joab.
Described as “Powerful and unforgettable with a barrage of aromas, tangy sea spray, bonfire smoke, salted bananas and baked apples to arouse the senses”
What do you reckon? Should eh treh it?
Thir’s mair.
“A generous mouthful of flavours rewards the palate with moist walnut cake, allspice, sea salt, chocolate and black coffee”
Think eh might hae to eat it instead
Ffs, I can taste it fae here,
Get yerself battered in there
Aye join ye in a dram.
A wee hauf.
/Pours Cactus a wee hauf…
Do you ice, water, or leave it be to breathe?
@WW –
Well? Curious for your verdict. Don’t touch the hard stuff meself but most Lidl stuff I’ve ever had seems to make the grade.
BTW, that vid I tried to post was about Liz The Queen doing a druidic ceremony in Wales prior to her coronation. Looks gen enough, British Pathe Reel stuff. Utterly bizarre.
Just put Queen and Druidic in the Youtube and it’ll come up.
Usually just drap ice cubes in, let them melt doon a wee bit and sip away. Eh’ve some different flavoured waters that eh am tempted to treh oot though oot o curiosity.
May as well experiment wi this bottle as it’s less than 20 quid a pop.
Cheers fur ra wee hauf William Wallace
This could get messy…
Ahm already mixin’ the grape n the grain.
Speaking of wine.. I don’t have any socks on.
That makes me..?
(a wee hauf an hour tae go…)
I’ll hae a huaf tae and a bit o that cake if there’s ony left
Ben Bracken is VG & good value, a teaspoon of watter & you’re away kid!
Cheers to ye Alex ~
We could be on for a bonanza tonight!
And that’s without oor oil hehe

/Pours abody a wee dram or twa and shares the cake.
It’s no bad at ah. Eh’m pleasantly surprised. It’s quite a smooth affair. Was expecting it to be a bit rough.
The mood on Wings ebbs and flows with the mood of the contributors and I tie all of that into the news being reported at the time.
Seems obvious really, recently though I have noticed a large jump in posts that would like to keep you depressed, not from the usual suspects but from complete unknowns.
I think there upping the ante against Wings and really was to be expected as the goal for Unionists has to be to demoralise those that still openly flaunt their support of Independence by posting on Wings or even wearing badges during the week.
Such acts of sedition are not to be tolerated!
One good one last week was from Blair Patterson he posted that he was living in England and had been banned from phoning in to LBC radio, then he said he lived in Camberly. I didn’t know exactly where that was so looked it up on Google Maps as I’m guessing he thought some of us may do.
Take a look and try typing Camberly into Google Maps and see what is most prominent landmark. Hahaha just Blairs wee joke I’m sure.
There is always midnight.
ps cheers for earlier boss, good call, ye ken.
Right Cactus get your best tune with Midnight in the lyrics and get it on Off Topic bang on the bells.
Get it on, bang it on LOL
The “Midnight Ploughboy” in the sang “The Portree Kid” beh ra Corries is meh nomination.
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Here we go Cactus
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Here’s a groovy random one for ye…
Though the main one is on the main thread.
Well did you hear about the Midnight Rambler?:
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Sometimes he’s a gambler too.
It’s ah moving to slow fir persistent comedy.
* except fir viewers in Scotland.
Well done guys, loved the Midnight Ploughboy and am currently tapping my slippers to the Rolling Stones “Midnight Rambler”.
@ Alex
Eh ken it’s a snakes and ladders gemme but, it doesnae half remind me o a good gemme o family monopoly.
Should see oor hoose when that gemme gets brought oot. Grown adults reduced to bairns lol. Eh’m no even kidding.
It actually carries across generations. Mum, Dad and bairns on the same team v’s Mum, Dad and bairns on the other team. Meh femily are ah fkin mental eh swear tae god
@William Wallace
That’s a great thing and how it should be
Who’s family ism’t mental? The Wings one is LOL.
By the way I thought you might have been Gary Robertson who you said you were a pal of. I know now I was wrong because he is an arab and not a dee
OK off to bed we’ll meet up one day Wullie, maybe in the Ferry on 11 November. I haven’t started pushing it yet hope you lot will help if we’re going to do this. At the end of the day though it only matters that those that to turn up do.
Too many people shy away from Wings though first time in the Ferry was a big success in my eyes. Let’s see.
Off topic is excellent.
Time check.
@ Alex
Eh will treh meh best to be there. There is a couple of pals wanting to come but, there is an event in Douglas later this month tae that we are ah heading up fir.
It’s described as a wee social but, with an independence theme. It’s on the 22nd o this month in Douglas. Since me and Barry (Biv) are born and bred Douglas Toddy, we are coming up fir that.
Eh’ve a wedding on the 11th and meh mither is coming doon to see wi aroond the same time. Eh might reverse her trip and head up the road instead and grab Biv on the wey.
Eh didnae ken wither we could hiv caught a few fowk fae the SIC the week afore fir a wee git the gither??
Eh’ll leave it to you on that ane.
Eh did treh and catch yiz ah in Glasgow but, eh had a great day and night oot onyway. Hope wi kin hae another ane next month.
I suppose you could get away with suggesting contemporary Scotland is a bit like Greece without the sunshine. Might as well give up then, as I doubt an iScotland will be much sunnier.
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I wonder what procedures were followed when the National Trust for Scotland chose their latest President?
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*Whistling, unlocks door to Paula’s gaff.
Surveys scene.
Locks door to Paula’s gaff.*
What’s been seen can’t be unseen…
@TC –
“…the horror…the horror…”
Y’ye think Rock could actually be the Rev Stu?
@WW –
So, how’s the heid after that experiment with the Lidl cratur?
Ian/Mistah Kurtz, it was the blow-up dolls of Alan Gilzean and Eamonn Bannon, the Swarfega stains and everywhere the nuts, the nuts, the nuts…
*Hides head in hands to expunge image*
“D’ye think Rock could actually be the Rev Stu? ?”
Fred, at the height of Petra-Clypegate last night, the same thought occurred to me. I said nothing, fearing the scorn and opprobrium of The Righteous.
I still hae ma doots…
Ditto Tinto! She/he appears to have take it upon itself to monitor the site of late hence the question.
I once knew the editor of an august journal who, when things were a bit slack on the letters page had a couple of spanners which he threw into the works & encouraged debate. There is however a vast difference between a spanner & a fanny! One slackens nuts & the other is nuts!
And Insensate Dave returns! Silly old sausage!
Rock seems to have an encyclopedic knowledge of btl comments by Robert R, Alex C and Ian B in particular: very stalky, very stalky indeed. His wee 77 Brigade memory stick must be rid-het.
@ Ian
Making a nice lamb chop curry the now though so that will hopefully cure ah meh ills and get me back to normal. (Well, eh use the term “normal” loosely here
Getting me back to my normal state of mental might be mair apt). 
Hi peeps.
Re: Lidl’s whisky. The name on the bottle is “Clydesdale Scotch Whisky Company Ltd, Glasgow”.
What is of interest is that for a few years, Lidl’s whisky was supplied by William Grant, using the above company name on the bottles.
Some time in the past year or three, Whyte & Mackay took over the supply of Lidl’s whisky – but still use the “Clydesdale Scotch Whisky Company Ltd” name on the bottles.
Strange, iye?
Yooz who like delving into things may find this link of interest:-
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One of the pdf’s under “Filing History” – “11 Dec 2015 Annual return made up to 13 November 2015 with full list of shareholders Statement of capital on 2015-12-11” – lists the address as,
148 Terregles Avenue,
G41 4RR.
The company is referred to as “dormant” – every year since 2011.
I’ll be asking questions later…
Re. (t)Ruthless Harrison commenting on mental health. I told you she has a brass neck, as neo-liberalism both demands and produces social inequality.
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@(t)Ruthless Harrison
I have asked before, is it self-awareness or a sense of ethical morality that you lack? Do you or do you not support Brexit? How will that impact on Scotland’s poor?
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@(t)Ruthless Harrison
Here’s one you could possibly share with your David Torrance. Perhaps he can elucidate further, the next time he is presented as an ‘expert’ on the BBC in Scotland.
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Hi Alex Clark (again).
An addition to my reply to you – “Brian Doonthetoon on 9 October, 2017 at 12:02 am” at:-
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The quote bekow is from the Wikipedia page “Cultural depictions of Robert the Bruce” at:-
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Robert Burns set his poem Scots Wha Hae, the words of which were originally stated to be taken from Bruce’s address to his troops at the Battle of Bannockburn, to an old Scots tune, Hey Tuttie Tatie.[6] As a military march, Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce, this tune is part of the repertoire of the French military.[6][7]
14th century: A military song entitled “La marche des soldats de Robert Bruce” (march of the soldiers of Robert Bruce) is still played in France nowadays, for instance during the Bastille Day military parade.”
Tory policy would ultimately enslave society to the irrationality and savagery of market forces. The British Labour party sing from roughly the same hymn-sheet.
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How to think like a neoliberal: Can every decision and choice really be conceived as a market decision?
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Has onnybuddy delved further into the affairs of the “CLYDESDALE SCOTCH WHISKY COMPANY LTD” mentioned in my post just before 5pm?
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Hi Willie Wallace, Lidl whisky drinker. Here are two for you. Emma poet an’ doan eh know it.
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@David Torrance
What might a future UK society and politics look like, cut adrift from the EU and following a doctrine of Anglo-American neo-liberalism?
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For anyone not sure of the definition of what ‘stalking’ is. Look no further than Rock’s comments to Petra on the MT. That is blatant stalking of her comments from a total nut job.
Who does he think he is? The Rev Stuart Campbell?
Cheers for the excellent sangs. Sangs and discussions aboot the berries aywiz bring back some great memories.
Here’s ane back fir yi but, Alex might no like it
Living next door to an Arab !!!
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K1: yes, Coprolite’s getting more and more tiresome.
Fortunately there is always the scroller.
IMHO, it would be extremely difficult to separate BritNat culture and Anglo-American neo-liberalism. Scotland deserves better, don’t you think?
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N.B. Contemporary British nationalism is an expansionist form of English nationalism.
Anglo-American neo-liberalism is a product of English and American culture. Anglo-American neo-liberalism thrives in an environment of social Darwinism.
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Here’s one for the “Semiotic Kid”, Sev Carell.
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Just a shout out to say Hi to Smallaxe.
We are all still thinking of ye….and sending love and strength to you and Mrs Smallaxe both.XX
Haste ye back my dear friend !!
Rock’s game is very simple. Whenever he/she/it sees a squabble breaking out, as it often does for some odd reason, it takes one side or the other to try to increase the division. The idea is that the other one will be happy about having “support”, and will go along with it and maybe even join in, hence making the division wider and maybe lasting longer.
Meanwhile other posters join in on one side or the other, and it sits back and feeds off the carcasses as blood is spilt in all directions. Kind of like a carrion crow, but rather than waiting for roadkill, it does its best to cause the blood in the first place.
That’s what it feeds off. When there’s no division, it’s just the usual boring “National subsidises the Herald with its falling sales while having falling sales itself”. Which doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it causes disruption.
We need some armour-plating.
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@ Brian, Terregles Avenue isn’t my “Bit!” but is a residential street in Pollokshields, so a semi-bungalow sounds about right!
And I’m playing this again, ‘cos she had the voice of an angel and I still can’t get it out of my head:
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She had a wee Scots grannie who taught her Fhir a’Bhata, of course…
(Can’t do a grave on the middle ‘a’ in this field: shoulda C&P’d it, I know.)
If you’re out there Smallaxe and are feeling better, did you know any of Fairport Convention? Would love to know.
@Tinto Chiel
Cried when she died, took a couple of years to get over it. Saw Fairport live a couple of times at a fairly small venue at Uni. Knew a guy (deceased) who did some gigs with her on the circuit.
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Yes, YIR2: very sad, and the band didn’t have much luck with that terrible crash. Can understand your feelings.
In a way it makes her and their achievement all the more precious, though.
Seems so long ago and I feel very old now, frankly.
Good job I don’t drink
Meant to say, before they drag me off for personality realignment,
apart from her unforgettable voice, the guitar playing on that track is very delicate, and even the drumming on such a gentle song is beautifully done: each verse’s is quite different. A great production, all in all.
What’s that, Harvey? Time to count some carrots?
Had a girl-friend played and sang this one for me, couldn’t really handle it, too intense. I was young!. Used to get Shivers when I heard Sandy sing it after (I’ve got the vinyl).
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Mmm, that was a bit OTT, here’s one I used to play in Indy Ref 1 thinking of us under Westminster “going to shut it down”.
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and I’m quite agnostic about the monarchy!
Days, indeed.
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“Is it perfume from a dress/makes me so digress?”
Really must go: Harvey’s calling.
“What’s that, Harvey? Time to count some carrots?”
Got that wee joke Tinto LOL Great film and played “the song” before.
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Aye days. Maybe this should be a theme for Indy Ref 2 about the UK of UK (got there seeing Iggy Pop) at the side:
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That was class and a first
Yes, Alex, “Mad World” is one of those melancholy earworm tunes you can’t forget easily. As for Donny Darko, I’m flying somewhere on Sunday, so would prefer not to think about it
Missed Mr Dwight’s ditty the first time around: nice retrained production, I have to say!
Thank God Scotland’s got a big national parachute at its disposal…
“Restrained”, obvs.
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I see that there is a nasty stone in the shoe that is the main thread – new readers will certainly be impressed.
In case naebdee has noticed, the page at
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is still active. Latest post tonight, at 7:37pm.
Tory walks down a street…
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@Brian Doonthetoon
I get your point about the tail end of threads, good patrolling.
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@TC –
Brilliant vid there, haven’t seen it for yonks.
Is there a collective noun for fannies? a posse’ mebbes!
@ Alex Clark
Dear Mr Clark,
Kindly add moi and t’other half to your Ferry booking. I am sure the itinerary and dress code will follow soon.
Kind regards & toodle-oo the noo,
PS. Dunno how you are keeping your list, but, can I suggest that info is posted in the lounge over on Quarantine?
@Betty Boop
That’s you and Jim booked in
Regarding a “list” all I wanted was to know that enough folk were interested so that’s 15 now. In the next few days I’ll mention it on the main thread now and again.
As it gets closer say a week or so before would be good if others did too. I don’t want to mention a list on the main thread as it might put people off. Let them say they’re coming and sure I’ll update it.
Thanks again Betty glad that you and the other half can make it.
I heard a good joke the other day so I thought I’d make an epic poem about it
Wee Sammy Gow
The coort is fu’, the jury’s gowpin
The polis leads wee Sammy Gow in
He’s four fit nine an no an inch mair
An skelly wi’ it and no much hair
Coorts tae rise, the polis says
The judge swirls in and taks his place
The jury gasps , the charges read
Wee Sammy’s shagged big Senga Stead
Big Senga’s no averse tae frolic
But no wi’ manky alcoholic
She hidnae e’en finished her chips
When Sam(she said) exposed her hips
And puushed the hardy Glasgow doll
Against the back o’ cludgie wall….
All sit, says Alistair Farquar-Glenn
(all the wey from thon Bearsden)
“Such heinous transgression is before us”
(Whit the feck’d he say? is jury chorus)
“The onus is on accused’s defence
To prove there was no such offence.”
Is he gaun tae jile the jury pondered?
But how he’d done it they a’ wondered.
And thus the lawyer built the case.
Sam (he said)couldny reach that “place”
And he was accused wrangly surely
And Senga doll had indeed been poorly
(Fowerteen voddies had bin the sum
But it hidnae made her thingwy numb
“Ah know the bam was up ma’ khyber”
Couldny say how when pressed however
When prosecution returned whit did entail?
They had the proof tae hand – a pail.
A bucket? the judge expressed surprise
“Elucidate us please. We’re not that wise
(Whit the feck’d he say? again is chorus)
Put explanation clear before us”
The lawyer “Your honour,it’s our case
That Samuel Gow utilised this base”
He waved the bucket, left and right
“To climb up on it for extra height
With Senga halfway through her chow
She’d hardly notice Samuel Gow”
His lordship, Alistair Farquar-Glenn
Hid dealt wi’ hunners o’ wicked men
And though wee Gow looked fairly hairmless
He thoat it might indeed be careless
Tae come tae jury judgement soon
Wi’oot the facts been taken doon
“This court’s adjourned” he affirmed
Till proper measures are confirmed .
Wee Sam and pail were taken oot
The measures made wid leave nae doot
And court kid come tae safe decision
Because of sensible precision.
When judge looked at the final scale
He said that “even on the pail
Gow’s genitals as I can see.
Would hardly reach ‘bove Senga’s knee”.
“Case dismissed” – the final say
As polis huckled her away
The jury (who’d been given lunch)
Surrounded Sammy in a bunch.
And aff they went tae Scotia bar
Intent thaim a’tae hiv a jar.
“We thought ye’d end up in the pokey”
Said Sammy’s punting pal wee Jockie.
Wee Sam confessed, tae shocked surprise.
“Ah’m no a man fur telling lies.
Nae trial again so here’s the fact
The prosecution should be sacked
Ah did and Ah’ve got away
They didnae work oot what Ah’d dae”.
“Two pails ye had?” said Burke O’ Hare
“A wee ladder?” posed old Willie Mair
“Naw,easier still” wee Sammy said
“Ah flung the pail ower Senga’s head
………..And hung ontae the handle.
@Dave McEwan Hill
That’s not a poem that’s a book! LOL Have printed it out and will read tomorrow. Well done on writing it anyway.
Brilliant Dave, just brilliant! nae wonder Rock thinks this is developing into a cosy wee social club!
@Fred –
Rock should be made welcome here – we need him to keep the conservatory door open on these balmy Indian summer evenings…
@Dave McEwan Hill –
I’m looking forward to seeing that on the letters page of The National.
@ Dave MH
Top drawer
Thoroughly enjoyed that ane. Any mair?
Digby Jones-Under The Sea link to
“…analysis, which showed Scotland and the North-East of England would be worst hit by leaving the EU”.
Another Mad Tory reason for Treeza going for her flounce out.
Deeply concerned about Ian Brotherhood’s equation of Richard Leonard=Kenneth Williams. Stick a pair on National Healths on Tricky Dicky and I reckon he could be the new Charles Hawtrey.
In any case, what larks when either Anas or TD gets gralloched weekly at FMQs, and all air-brushed out by BBC Shortbread.
Tackety Beets: groovy gravatar. New? The Lord Lyon will be impressed!
Oops! Wrong thread!
Seriously folks, Rock could be in some kind of institution?
The Kenneth Williams lookalike is spooky, I thought that from the start!
“Seriously folks, Rock could be in some kind of institution?”
Could be, Fred but, going by the number of recent strange commenters, there’s a locked ward somewhere full of them.
More carrot cake, Harvey?
Time to blow away the cobwebs…
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That young man will go far.
See if anyone can spot our own lovely Miss Paula Rose in this one.
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Computer crashed. Was it that poem?
Well Tinto, as the stag stalking season draws to a close, the jaggy jaiket & shot-silk shite-catchers can be moth-balled for another year! Try saying shot-silk shite-catchers when sober kid?
Was Smallaxe ghillieing for the Duke this year?
Yes, Fred, along with “I’m not a pheasant-plucker, I’m a pheasant-plucker’s son, and I’m only pheasant plucking ’til the pheasant-plucker comes.”
Shot-silk? I’m more of a mole-skin man myself, cut against the bias to show off the old lallies.
Don’t think Smallaxe is quite up to it at the mo.
Best wishes, Seer by Sark.
Personally, I see Brexit as the subjugation of human liberty and dignity by far-right neo-con ideologies aligned with neo-liberal ideologies aimed at valuing human existence in purely monetary terms. Of course, the BBC played a large role in selling the whole idea to the poor and politically illiterate. As such, here’s one for the Brexiteers and all their supporters to get down to.
“Pontius Pilate said to party.”
Pornland – Pontius Pilate
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Evening, just saw in the National some of our Tory friends producing an excellent idea.
A new Royal Yacht paid for with private cash.
Right folks who is up for a wee fund raiser?
Okay….I’ll let you think it over.
For no particular reason…
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@Ian B
Bollocks, there’s no following that one
I’m trying to reach out in a spirit of hope.
Severus Snape – Titanium
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Mmm. Marine & Curlinghall discoes. Ah well, my best shot
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I rarely venture on here but I’m delighted that I did so.
Your poem is absolutely BRILLIANT Dave and you should think of getting it published. What talent! Rabbie would be proud of you. In many ways better than Rabbie’s work in fact. Keep going. Produce more of the same. More than anything tell the story (obliterate the lies), step by step, leading on from Rabbie of our fight to get our Independence. That would be EPIC.
Dave McEwan Hill says on 13 October, 2017 at 12:32 am.
I heard a good joke the other day so I thought I’d make an epic poem about it.
”Wee Sammy Gow
The coort is fu’, the jury’s gowpin
The polis leads wee Sammy Gow in
He’s four fit nine an no an inch mair
An skelly wi’ it and no much hair
Coorts tae rise, the polis says
The judge swirls in and taks his place
The jury gasps, the charges read
Wee Sammy’s shagged big Senga Stead
Big Senga’s no averse tae frolic
But no wi’ manky alcoholic
She hidnae e’en finished her chips
When Sam (she said) exposed her hips
And puushed the hardy Glasgow doll
Against the back o’ cludgie wall….
All sit, says Alistair Farquar-Glenn
(all the wey from thon Bearsden)
“Such heinous transgression is before us”
(Whit the feck’d he say? is jury chorus)
“The onus is on accused’s defence
To prove there was no such offence.”
Is he gaun tae jile the jury pondered?
But how he’d done it they a’ wondered.
And thus the lawyer built the case.
Sam (he said) couldny reach that “place”
And he was accused wrangly surely
And Senga doll had indeed been poorly
(Fowerteen voddies had bin the sum
But it hidnae made her thingwy numb)
“Ah know the bam was up ma’ khyber”
Couldny say how when pressed however
When prosecution returned whit did entail?
They had the proof tae hand – a pail.
A bucket? the judge expressed surprise
“Elucidate us please. We’re not that wise
(Whit the feck’d he say? again is chorus)
Put explanation clear before us”
The lawyer “Your honour, it’s our case
That Samuel Gow utilised this base”
He waved the bucket, left and right
“To climb up on it for extra height
With Senga halfway through her chow
She’d hardly notice Samuel Gow”
His lordship, Alistair Farquar-Glenn
Hid dealt wi’ hunners o’ wicked men
And though wee Gow looked fairly hairmless
He thoat it might indeed be careless
Tae come tae jury judgement soon
Wi’oot the facts been taken doon
“This court’s adjourned” he affirmed
Till proper measures are confirmed .
Wee Sam and pail were taken oot
The measures made wid leave nae doot
And court kid come tae safe decision
Because of sensible precision.
When judge looked at the final scale
He said that “even on the pail
Gow’s genitals as I can see.
Would hardly reach ‘bove Senga’s knee”.
“Case dismissed” – the final say
As polis huckled her away
The jury (who’d been given lunch)
Surrounded Sammy in a bunch.
And aff they went tae Scotia bar
Intent thaim a’tae hiv a jar.
“We thought ye’d end up in the pokey”
Said Sammy’s punting pal wee Jockie.
Wee Sam confessed, tae shocked surprise.
“Ah’m no a man fur telling lies.
Nae trial again so here’s the fact
The prosecution should be sacked
Ah did and Ah’ve got away
They didnae work oot what Ah’d dae”.
“Two pails ye had?” said Burke O’ Hare
“A wee ladder?” posed old Willie Mair
“Naw,easier still” wee Sammy said
“Ah flung the pail ower Senga’s head
………..And hung ontae the handle.”
Petra at 2.53
Ah’d hiv tae ask big Senga first
Tinto Chiel There is actually an uncanny likeness.
Aye richt enuf big Dave, better ask big Senga first
or you cud end up wi yir mooth aw burst.
Cannae beat the Bucket List but!
Auld Maw Broon went tae the toon tae get her wee dug its denner
But a bunnet fur her heid that she didnae need cost her her last tenner,
That puir wee dug jist scratched its lug & said “Ya daft auld bat! ah thocht it wiz a bane that ye’d bring me hame, ah cannae eat a hat!”
An ah’m stervin!
Mere celluloid can’t do you justice, Miss Rose.
Mere celluloid can’t do you justice, Miss Rose, IMHO .
Looks like the post I submitted, around 9:30 to 10pm, about the event in Dundee next Sunday, has been rejected by “the system”.
I’ll message Rev Stu tomorrow to see why.
Does anybody have any idea how you can actually contact anybody – a real person – about Google and gmail?
My computer has crashed and I’m finding it impossible to get a new password for my gmail account to access despite going through the process 17 times,including with the assistance of computer engineers. Some are saying I have been deliberately taken down and am now being deliberately blocked.
You could try their London office. Not sure if it will help but worth a shot.
1-13 St Giles High St
London WC2H 8LG
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20-7031-3000
William Wallace
Thanks. I’ll give it a try.
William Wallace
Phoned and gave it a try. Round in circles. Still haven’t been able to talk to anyone. Disgraceful service.
I will write to them.
Anent Harvey Wienstein, how come the ugliest guys get aw the best burds?
Fred @ 11.37
Because the LADIES have the real men.
Automation has to be the most frustrating thing imaginable when all you really need to solve the problem is a little human intervention. Been there several times and feel your pain.
There is a help forum here.
link to
The second post on there does not bode well for human contact on the matter.
link to
It states:
Most all account recovery starts with the “Forgot password?” link on the Gmail/Google sign in page. That link leads to: link to which can be used directly.
There are over a dozen potential questions (like creation date) and tasks (like entering a verification code) you can use to prove ownership of an account. Most of the questions are based on pre-configured recovery options like an e-mail or phone. If these are not available (never configured, gone out-of-date, changed by a hacker) the number of questions available may be very limited making it hard to prove ownership of the account.
The end of the process typically has you provide a contact e-mail address which is then sent a verification code to enter. Please note that you are only verifying that the contact address is valid, and that you have access to it. The verification code does NOT mean you have successfully verified ownership of the lost account. You may still receive the “Google couldn’t verify…” message or asked additional questions even after entering the verification code.
The recovery process is more successful if done from a computer or device normally used to access the account. In fact, just one or two correct answers may be sufficient. If at all possible, attempt recovery using that same computer/device, giving preference to a computer/laptop over a mobile device.
Fortunately, the provided process works for most people to recover their account. Some receive the message “Google couldn’t verify…” meaning that the information Google has (including the questions you answered) is not sufficient to prove your ownership of the account.
In these cases, people often post asking what other options are available. Without trying to be overly negative, the realities are that…
Google does not provide live support for Gmail so you can not contact Google for help with account recovery. Any support numbers found through search are probably not Google’s (unless you get Google Play or the like). These places will be happy to take your money, but they can not return your account.
This is a user-to-user help forum, and while the volunteers can provide information and advice, they can not return your account. There are no options to provide information beyond what the recovery process asks for.
In summary, if you can not recover the account using the provided process, it may be lost. There are no other account recovery options available.
The linked article provides a lot more detail about the account recovery process and includes information to help pass it successfully: link to
The Walk-Through and Additional Information sections may be the most helpful.
Sorry I can’t be of more help. I know how frustrating it can be.
Thanks, William. As I am using another computer (as my computer has crashed) that may be the problem.
Cause of his so called ‘power’ and ‘influence’ Fred…he abused it, basically ‘bought’ contact with the ‘burdz’…it is ever thus.
On a rant here – You know the old saying ‘live and learn’ well today I’m effing raging to discover that the Duke of Cumberland received and honorary doctorate from Glasgow Uni. after the Battle of Culloden. WTAF.
This together with our present day scientists getting completely shafted on their achievements by the media.
Then I remember this, one of many which need another airing (if nothing else but to get me back on track)
link to
A merry the 17th of October to ye all Wingers.
Back later on.
I became aware of Asperger’s Syndrome when my son was diagnosed, aged 6.
Hans Asperger was Austrian. They speak German. Therefore, Asperger should be pronounced the same as “berg”, ie a hard G. It should not be a soft G, like the second G in “garage”.
I am currently watching the programme by Chris Packam on BBC2 about his Asperger’s Syndrome.
It annoyed me to hear HIM pronouncing “Asperger’s” with a soft G.
End of rant. (An evening for rants, or Rantz, perchance?)
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Shinty at 8.48
Culloden wasn’t Scotland v England. It was Hanoverian v Stewart for the English throne and Scots and English were on both sides.
I remain confused about the affection for the Jacobites. The Jacobite cause was unionist, trying to seize the English crown.
If “Bonnie” Price Chairlie had stopped at the border we would be independent today.
William Wallace at 12.27 pm
Thanks. I have been through that process 17 times and having used the phone number you gave me for over an hour this morning I still have not spoken to a person despite trying every option that was presented. They will get a letter – but probably to no avail.
Oddly I have just noted on my Yahoo account history that my dalinlongart gmail account and details were removed from Yahoo at precisely 5.28 AM on 13th. I suspect my computer was taken down at that point also.
I’m a reasonably competent techie (when I’m not being a drunken buffoon
). Does your machine have any symptoms or is it totally dead? I might be able to offer a diagnosis (if you are unsure as to the nature of the problem) to help get you back up and running.
Thanks, but it is totally dead. A Microsoft engineer (who tried the hard drive in another working computer to no effect)is away with the hard drive to see if he can retrieve all my files which represent most of my life, bloody hell (and I had backed up very little).
Ouch, sair ane.
I got into the habit o backing stuff up to a wee external hard drive aboot a decade or so ago after suffering a similar fate for the second time. It’s a massive PITA when it happens and data recovery back then was extremely expensive (Still is relatively expensive even now).
I usually export browser data/passwords/bookmarks etc, documents folder and desktop folder at least once a week to be on the safe side.
I know it’s shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted but, you can pick up fairly large capacity pen drives these days for peanuts to prevent future occurrences (Less than a tenner for 32gb). You can also get various open source and freeware auto_backup apps that will let you specify source and destination folders and do the job for you to save you any future headaches.
Got some stuff on my stick (a novel and half another one) and the really important thing – the minutes of the last Holy Loch SNP Branch meeting!
I think the novels are far mair important tbh :). You could always ask abody in attendance at the branch meeting to try and mind what was said. Assuming the meeting wasnae held in the boozer ofc.
Luckily, in terms of data recovery the actual file sizes will be small. Were they on an SSD or an old style sata/ide?
Let me know what you are getting quoted on recovery for the critical stuff to be recovered. An old pal of mine is in that game and will probably do it for a pint or two.
@William Wallace
So what’s the doo in Douglas on the 22nd? Might just go along been a while since visiting Tody land
@ Alex
That’s weird.
Saw that post here you just made and when I responded, your post and mine went awol. Posted on MT with the details.
@William Wallace
By the way both my sister and my old man lived in Douglas for quite a few years. I’d moved to the Ferry by then though.
We’re Kirkton people at heart as that was where I first had a hoose with an inside toilet
Even a gerden lol.
@ Alex
Oot o interest here.
Did You ken Dave Nugent. Derwent Legend
Good morning, morning.
Rising vibrations… could all be coming tae a heid… catalystics.
Aye aye Jock Scot, we all need tae get ourselves back tae the Quay bro.
The BBC appears to hate thy neighbours.
13 days to go till spooky night.
Off topic is always on topic.
Here’s another Richard Leonard voiceover…
Boring Auld Theresa:
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Atic Atac ~ The ACG key…
Did ye know that.. well ye do now.
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Will you be a serf, a knight or a wizard?
Let’s escape Castle Westminster.
1984 knows.
Have a wicked wiki-wiki Wednesday fine People of Scotland ~
Same goes to you People of Different Time Zones ~
Good night, night.
OT out.
For those who are interested in the gravitational wave discovery (Petra) and unlike the MSM, an account which acknowledges Glasgow University’s contribution, here is a link to the Physics World article (may need to sign up for it, I can’t remember I’ve been getting it by email for many years).
link to
Good evening, evening.
Aweright Chris n Greg ~
Cheers for the dudes and the goodies.
Lovin’ the hardback, VOL 1 next.
With Compliments,
Fae me.
Think ah’ll hang about here this evening. Ah’ll play catch up later. Though sporadic postings are always a potential possible.
Whit’s the blether of the weather..?
Tis not even nine.
On the oor.
Here we go…
Let’s be Free:
link to
Wishin’ ye well Smallaxe bro x.
Know your elements.
Not on this clock.
But, what a RUSH:
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Geddy fuckin’ Lee!
What’s this Douglas thing of which I keep hearing but see nothing of?
Jeez Paula Rose.
You are, unusually, behind the loop, uryi no? This link has cbeen posted on WOS in the past few days.
link to
Jeez Paula Rose.
You are, unusually, behind the loop, uryi no? This link has cbeen posted on WOS in the past few days.
link to
Hey Paula Rose & Brian Doonthetoon ~
Lookin’ forward tae seeing yee’s on the 11th.
“Words of Love…” ~ MamasnPapas.
For the Love of
IvyWoS!Words of WoS.
Ah’ve had to put my bottle of red tinto into my fish tank for natural warming up temperature purposes. Tis Pinot Noir of le soir (aka of ra night).
Ma fish look totally perplexed, completely baffled, very puzzled.
Cheers n here’s to being a European Citizen of the world..
Glasgow’s Much Better
None the wiser – back to the day job.
Is he got the marine or the tropical..?
Keep it warm.
But salt it.
Aye can hear FIREWORKS all around.
Can youuuuu…
Tell me darlings..
“Stars shining…”
The darkest hour is just before dawn.
All of the thirteen stars above.
Keep shootin’ straight you!
If ye know whit I mean.
The New Zealand Pinot Noir is very good.
Perfect temperaturenessity.
We are in a good place.
We are happy.
“Cheers n here’s to being a European Citizen of
theworld..”Cheers n here’s to being a European Citizen of this world..
Just because
link to
There always is midnight.
Good morning..
That’s the fifth time I played that.
Oh well, there’s always Number Six.
Cheers tae ye yesindyref2 ~
Independence soon.
This one knows.
You knows.
I knows.
That’s a work of art, that is.
wonder if that’ll work …
Yours is a keeper.
Cactus, I used a non-breaking space between spaces and the smilie, as in

& n b s p ;
remove the spaces between and you get
Don’t tell Rev I told you, or I’ll be for the hammer
Any questions?
Here’s a parting couple
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I lied again
Ah find Pinot Noir a bit Meh & wattery! Cannae see past Aldi’s Toro Loco at present, £1 extra for the Reserve!
Bests tae Smallaxe!
Good evening, evening Fred ~ aye PN does have a light see thru texture.
Aye ah’ve sampled Aldi’s Toro Loco too. That’s the one with the bull horns on a green label. Ah’ve seen two versions, one is organic and one is not.
Beware… not all organic wines are free from sulphites! Some contain.
Nonethemore, being barefoot works for me.
Cheers all
Aye Cactus, not impressed with the Green Label Organic, the Black Label Reserve is worth the extra quid & the White Label’s my usual. There’s a Rose also but nae idea what that’s like?.
Slainte’ Kid!
Cheers Fred ~ I like a recommendation, ah’ll give em a go.
“Hey El Torro Loco!”
Slidey Friday.
Smallaxe Sorry I have not replyed to that email yet. anyway you are in my thoughts and you are Missed. if you still tune in now and again here is an album you might like or not. Take care my Friend. Peace Always, link to
@ Cactus
One hundred ye say?
Ahm sure Ya ken the crack
Not this rabble wiz it?
The Infamous Albannach
link to
Or wiz it the chosen few
@ a Scottish bar b que ?
Eh love meh fkin Scotland
and eh love ah o youz!
link to
London had Ronnie and Reg but, we had Ronnie and Roy.
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Anybody needing a bed fir the 11th?
Even if eh dinnae mak it (eh’m hoping eh will, 90% the now) does anybody need a place to get their heid doon?
Will ask meh femily and friends tae pit yiz up. Thir ah pro Indy onywey so it’s nae bather.
link to
@ YIR2
Didnae mean it in a creepy wey.
Was just offering in case it ends up wi quite a few fowk coming fae further afield that will be having a drink that night and cannae drive back. Eh’ll assume provisions have already been made in that regard.
@WW –
That’s a very kind offer mister, ta muchly.
Stumbled across this earlier, never saw it before. Powerful stuff, esp in interview at 3.50ish:
Elvis Costello, ‘Tramp The Dirt Down’ –
link to
Sorry, wasn’t aimed at you or anyone, just a random play with Hallowe’en coming up and all that goolie stuff.
@Slip you a Mickey Fallon
Here’s one for you bud:
link to
Here’s one for the Tory ref who hates the travellers.
The Pecker Dunne, ‘McAlpine’s Fusiliers’
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Left right, ma socks are comin’ off.
link to
It’s a sock off!
Friday night…
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iScotland never sleeps… haudin’ it here, a wee hauf?
@Paula Rose
Haha that brought a smile to my face. Take this!
link to
I am one Person of iScotland ~
It’s a beautiful day.
So are you.
Off topic is ALWAYS on.
Yes! I found it. I found it long ago, but then couldnae navigate here, so ah tried a wee URL jobby n here am ur
woop woop
Numbers next…
Letters later..
One remains barefoot.
One is entering back un and in to the realms of the
unknown.Friday night / Saturday morn.
Good luck.
Uft! Tell ye what Cactus, I’d love a hauf the noo. Too late to pub the night to get a proper swally in, but luckily they hud a Fallen Brewery “Chew Chew” which is a bold 6%, so two o’ them and a Chivas Regal [Pais-a-lee – AYE] to send me oan ma merry wye…
Tell ye what though, those wee bams ah saw fightin the night! Haha daft wee boys. Cops were there in less than a minute… But y’know, we all know oor polis are awright
and so they ur
Mmm, a wee kip, spruced up my main business website ressizing and optimising images an text an that, staying away from news! Time for a cuppa and some recorded TV something (Librarians probably), but first for something completely different …
link to
Lyrics a bit tricky all the same.
Lovin’ the top quality Scottish products. Right fae the hert a Scotland. Tha auld Kippen railway station in Stirlingshire. These folk are makin’ summa the finest beer anywhere in these islands. Just wish they’d change their web address tae a .com or a .scot….
Guest whisky they call it say, eh, aye so, ehhhhh, it’s been SO much fun as ever.
Will check out the
damagecarnage later on today.We will know before December ’17.
Good night, morning.
Be off-topic…
This is possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
It’s epically stupid and ridiculous but…
Just watch it…
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The Uses of Value
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Zelizer’s Theory of Money and the Case of Local Currencies
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Inclusiveness is boss.
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Social Exclusion/Inclusion: Foucault’s analytics of exclusion, the political ecology of social inclusion and the legitimation of inclusive education
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Inclusive Education and Educational Theory: Inclusive for What?
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Inclusiveness has the attraction for, and support of, the wider international community.
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Five Approaches to Social Sustainability and
an Integrated Way Forward
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Creating an Inclusive Society: Practical Strategies to Promote Social Integration
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Give me back my whisky
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From his “Hell No I ain’t happy” gig. He switches from stand up to Otis Lee Crenshaw and band about 42 minutes in.
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One of my all time favourite comedy gigs and worthy of sharing for those that have not seen it and need a good laugh.
@Tom Gallagher
You might want to acknowledge the century we’re living in dude.
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Women and Men, Morality and Ethics
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Feminism and rational choice theory
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Ye nailed it oor William ~
Saw him live in Edin.
Ahm ah big fan.
Wee hauf…?
Well eh Cactus until ya rubbered iz in the main thread ya fker
Did a good radio hand aff through the night in poetic format an athin and you never took up the mantle
Love ya!!
Ditto Double Dubya ~
Off is ON.
Lack of input from me over pasr three days due to MacPro dying. Now working from reserve iMac.
Time to reprise to reinvigorate. First of all, from T in The Park 2015, the youth of Scotland, at NOT a Pro-indy rally, merely a mainstream festival.
link to
And then, the signature tune of Dundee’s Team YES Bus…
link to
Lack of input from me over past three days due to MacPro dying. Now working from reserve iMac.
Time to reprise to reinvigorate. First of all, from T in The Park 2015, the youth of Scotland, at NOT a Pro-indy rally, merely a mainstream festival.
link to
And then, the signature tune of Dundee’s Team YES Bus…
link to
No idea why double post occurred. Usualy the WordPress system stops duplicate posts. After all it warns you, iye? Sends posts into the ether sometimes and other times repeats.
Who has the answer? Is there an answer?
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That was FUN
Re. the relationship between liberal democracy and popular sovereignty.
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The Time of Popular Sovereignty
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Re. Joseph Stiglitz’s record on Venezuela. The man’s an economist not a social theorist.
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OK, here is a very brief (it won’t seem like it) overview of the cultural model I eventually constructed for myself about 20 years ago. It itself took around 20 years of thinking and study before I finalized it but it has pretty much stood the test of time – for me at least.
It has even proffered me a new perspective on the underlying paradigm shifts which drive the more visible but otherwise often seemingly scatological events of history.
Being a scientist by nature it is pretty much classification based although I know that approach annoys many people who prefer gray scales and indeed there are instances where classification can be challenged or where qualification for multiple classification is justifiable.
So to the over all structure. It is a four layered one, consisting of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary layers.
Firstly, let me quickly go through each layer giving a very brief description of what each entails.
Primary Layer
This could be called the Belief Layer.
The Primary Layer is a fundamental, philosophical layer which underpins cultural identity but does not specifically define that which might be considered a specific national cultural identity.
It can, and usually is, pan-national in nature, common to several national cultural identities.
The pan-national cultural identities involved usually, but not always, tend to be geographically contiguous.
As the primary layer it does, though, have great influence on the elements which constitute those Secondary, National Cultural Layers, both in what they consist of and even in regard to their general priority ordering.
It is fundamental and primary because it concerns matters which are imponderable, those culturally and philosophically important questions the answers too which are simply not amenable to a rational resolution for lack of self-evidently true premises.
Things which really are just a matter of belief.
As an example, consider the dichotomy between Predetermination and Free Will, neither concept being provable at all, but whichever is believed, has enormous repercussions on what meaning might be attributed to sentient life and concepts of moral responsibility for the believer concerned.
I think that example is one of the most important unanswerables of physics or philosophy and the one with most ramifications on cultural outlook.
Some other important imponderable questions are, Is there a purpose to the Universe? Does life play a part if there is? Is there such a thing as retribution, divine or otherwise? Are concepts of good and evil just constructs of humanity or are they related to some unknown universal law?
Of course, many of these questions have been addressed historically by religious thinkers but most are not at all necessarily of a theological nature. In fact the theological branch of philosophy, while it has sometimes brought light to bear on them, just as often brings heat, confusion and muddled thinking usually, for extra obscurity, covered by a thick, cracked, varnish of religious dogma.
But even those of us who consider ourselves atheist, are in fact ‘believers’ to the extent that we will, albeit subconsciously, have made a decision as to what to believe from that melange of mysteries and usually, though not always, in line with the prevalent belief in our pan-cultural area. Even where we do not believe the generally held belief, we are still aware of what that is i.e. whether our own belief is out of whack or not.
For example. In the modern Western pan-cultural area most folk believe they have Free Will, that the decisions they make can change the future, they can make a difference things are not predetermined.
Of course, even within the modern Western pan-national/cultural area there are still remnants of predestination (predetermination by God) believers, not least here in Scotland where there are still enclaves of extreme Calvanism. Nothing wrong with that but definitely not the general zeitgeist.
Anyway that should be enough for a gist of the Primary Layer.
Secondary Layer
This could be called the National Layer
Sorry guys going to have to stop there, this is taking longer than I thought.
I think I see where you were going Chick, though I’d have thought it near impossible to summaries in a couple of paragraphs. Good try though.
Culture in Classical Social Theory
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Anyone good at lip-reading may enjoy having a swatch at this – JJ Burnel at 1.28ish…
The Stranglers, ‘No More Heroes’ –
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For example…
Today’s incident in Nuneaton. It was described as “not a terrorist incident”.
terror |?ter?r|
1 extreme fear : people fled in terror
So, a guy holds hostages in a bowling alley, wielding a sawn-off shotgun. I think that if I was facing the barrels of a sawn-off shotgun, I would feel extreme fear.
I have to ask: what is the media’s specification for a “terrorist incident”? Is it not a terrorist incident if the gunman is white and English or has personal issues?
Okay, no takers…
Well, how about this?
Daft Punk, ‘Lose Yourself To Dance’ –
link to
Class Ian, I’m bias I know but the music of the late 70’s for me was defining. I suppose the same is true for those brought up on 60’s or 80’s music and I’m sure it was.
There’s not much that comes out now though that I can say I like much, must be an age thing lol.
Another I played before this time early 70’s but an original and a classic just the same even though it’s the opposite of the hard hitting punk of the Stranglers.
You really don’t get more original than this, so I salute him.
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@Alex –
Aye, Leo – brilliant songwriter and performer.
NME had a front-page, after that song became a hit, saying ‘Is This The New Bowie?’.
Agreeing to appear on Big Brother didny dae him any favours at all but hey, mibbe he needed the dosh.
Braw memories all the same, and good luck to the man.
Idea! Tonights theme is “clowns” LOL
Here’s another band with a clown in the lineup. Old Grey Whistle Test.
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@Alex –
Someone will put up Boris on the zipwire eventually…
Until then, here’s Bowie doing ‘Ashes To Ashes’ –
link to
Glad you played that as it brought back memories. I went to see Bowie at the Appolo in 1976. We got a pass out from work at dinnertime and started drinking on the train to Glasgow from Dundee.
The concert didn’t start until 8 O’Clock and we were in a wee pub right next door, I was 17 and steaming by this time LOL.
I spilled a whole pint off the table and the barman handed me a bucket and mop. I wiped the floor of that pub before we could get away for the concert
Looking now for another clown video lol
A nice slow song but different from what you might think and it has clowns LOL.
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Ever get the feeling that Scotland isn’t really part of the UK?
That the rest of the UK is holding us back? That Scotland is dancing to the beat of a different drum?
Yup, me too!
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This isnae bad for a clown
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To all who have asked after Smallaxe.
He will not be back with us on Wings. He is as you all know very unwell and has decided to spend quality time with his family and close friends.
He wanted me to tell you how much he has enjoyed his conversations on Wings and playing his much loved music.
He requested this track be played
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PS He is fighting on determined to meet up on Independence day.
Of course Nana, we understand.
Best wishes to one of the best.
If you are still in contact, let Smallaxe know we’re thinking of him.
Thanks, Nana.
Will miss all our daft chats, Smallaxe.
All the best, my friend.
Sad Smallaxe tidings, a bit loast fur words!
Re. ‘the collective emigration of a diseased and damaged part of the population, to the relief of the rest of the population’, reported in 1851 by the Scotsman newspaper.
I’d suggest this is typical of “Degenerationist” thought that underpinned the social Darwinist outlook and informed eugenics and the Tory party’s philosophy of inequality .
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Degenerationist thought has had a profound role in shaping contemporary Britain and is the root of blood-and-soil nationalism, IMHO.
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All the best Smallaxe.
Here’s one for “These Islands” theme song
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One for Smallaxe.
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All my love to Smallaxes and thinking of the both of you.
Keep on dreaming my very dear friend….
You are an inspiration to us all.XXXX
@ Chic, Macart, Tinto & Fred
Sorry for not replying sooner, been a hectic day. Son moving into his flat tomorrow so of course there has been the last minute washing, ironing mountain to climb!
I know Smallaxe is thinking of his pals here on Wings, the banter with the ‘manky mates’ will be missed I am sure.
Best thing we can all do is keep on with the fight for independence and play the odd tune to lift the spirits and most of all keep the banter going.
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Peace always Smallaxe
Hey Smallaxe
I’m sorry to hear that you might not be posting again. Just let me say though that your time on here was illuminating
That tune Nana played for you nearly had me greeting!
Anyway, I’m so glad we met, you fair cheered me up and I came to visit to cheer you up lol. Here’s a wee song from me, my wife and the dugs for you both.
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Peace Always
@Josh Simons
You’d better bring everything you’ve got. Mind now, Scotland and England are not ‘One Nation’.
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Conflict Management in Plural Societies: The Consociational Democracy Formula
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@Josh Simons
Would you not agree that British pluralism is best represented by Scotland being forced to leave the EU because of English political agency.
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Got a strange emergency ironing order droned through to me from some woman called Nana nan Oran. While giving it the full Turbo Max Steamer treatment I flicked on Pravdasound4 (I like to keep up with their schtick) to aid concentration.
It was a programme called Costing The Earth and at first I was intrigued because the Scottish (and Norwegian) salmon industry was being mentioned positively. My domestic supervisor (hem, hem) asked me immediately, “Why are they bigging us up? This doesn’t sound right”
And why indeed, Poindexter?
Turns out there is a move to produce luxury-market fish like salmon in mega-tanks on land without the need to grow them in sea water. And, as the programme made clear, these vast tanks could be sited in London to take advantage of increasing world protein demand.
By the end, I felt the programme was a strange mix of crowing at the possible demise of one of our most lucrative exports and “Resistance if futile, Sweaties: genuflect to Londinium.”
Am I paranoid?
Worried, Lanarkshire.
@Worried in Lanarkshire
Did anyone say it was ok for you to take a break from pressing engagements?
So let’s see if I have the gist of your latest out of mind experience. Luxury fish to be grown in mega tanks on land instead of sea and all this to be based in London you say. My my how the stink tanks must be working overtime to come up with such a cunning plan. Smells very fishy I must say.
Now Tinto get your turbo fired up, I have another pile on the way. Keep looking skyward for the next drop.
PS you may take a break occasionally if the supervisor considers your work up to scratch!
Yes, Nana, sorry Nana, I’ll run it past Big Boss.
Actually, they send all fish waste to a hydroponics unit and use it to grow veg, if I heard correctly (there was a lot of steam generation going on).
Never seen so many heliotrope silk shirts in my life. Yon Norman must be a style icon.
I’ll be steaming all night, the night.
Watch the skies! Watch the skies!
@ Worried in Lanarkshire
Him indoors a style icon, well I’ve heard him called many things but style icon is definitely not one of them but hey thanks for the laugh out loud moment.
Did I mention he’s now a retired man aboot the hoose. One of us may be requiring medical assistance quite soon.
Steaming, will that be steaming from whatever beverage you are partaking of or are you getting hot and bothered over the ironing board? Fishy tales I’m thinking.
Honestly some folk carping on about tackling a small pile of ironing, you would think the poor old soul was floundering in some way.
Now hurry up and get your skate[s] on and stop angling for sympathy.
A lady of leisure
Dear LoL: lol. So many fish puns, there’s a whole pun o’ fish.
I worry for that poor man in his retirement. A kindred spirit, I suspect.
A saint I’ve heard…
A saint indeed.
I can’t wait to launch his coracle off Port Tomahawk
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Hope he brings home some fash[ion]
Heads up, peeps.
We’re all aware of the get-together organised by Alex in Jolly’s on 11th November. Here’s something else the same day. The quote below is from Bob Costello’s blog at:-
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(Bob is our leader in Team YES Bus.)
It is with much regret and sadness that I have discovered that Jeff Duncan passed away on his beloved Island of Sanday in July of this year. He had asked that his passing was not to be widely publicised.
Jeff was one of the unsung heroes of the independence movement. There is to be a remembrance, in the Black Watch club Artherstone Terrace Dundee on the 11 November at 12 o’clock midday until three in the afternoon the occasion will be led by Alex Salmond. There will be refreshments and the bar will be open
Allan Hendry & Anne McMillan who were great friends of Jeffs’ are organising the event and I am hoping that many independence supporters will attend.
Jeff was a Dundee lad, brought up in Kirkton and Ardler . He first came to prominence in the early 2000’s when he led the fight to save the Scottish regiments. This fight was taken up by the SNP and it is thought that this propelled them to the election successes which followed on from that campaign. Jeff served in the Black Watch.
BTW: Wouldn’t it be fine if ex-MP, Alex, spent a couple of hours in Jolly’s on that Saturday evening?
Nana: heeheehee!
Hope to see you both at the next Wings jamboree, wherever that is.
I think Norman would benefit from a poached egg on Stornoway Black Pudding/Tattie scone combo in bed tomorrow.
*slinks out covering sensitive parts*
And it’s good night fae me…..
@Tinto Chiel
The next friends of Wings meet up will be in Broughty Ferry on 11th November as Brian above has just pointed out.
@Brian Doonthetoon
Thanks for the info Brian, I’ll make it along and have to hope I can last out for the day. I’ll be putting posts on the main thread over the next couple of weeks linking them to here on OT with more detailed posts about Jolly’s.
I’m quite hopeful we will get a good few turning up, at least it happened last time with plenty coming who had never posted before. What about you Tinto? Fancy a night in Dundee
Always up for a night in Yes City, ‘Well games/Mrs TC permitting…
Normally only travel to Tannadice Street for either of the ‘Dee teams but I am curious yellow for wider cultural experiences.
Does this mean I have to give Ian B a lift and stick to orange juice?
Muses thereon…
I can’t spend another night in Paula Rose’s smokehouse, before anyone suggests THAT again.
Sorry to hear about Jeff.
Never actually met him but corresponded with him quite a bit on the indy marches.
I wasn’t involved in organising the indy marches but I did pass on the contacts of some of the performers we had managed to get for the Independence First marches to Jeff and Anne and roped in the local SNP for delivering leaflets.
Bring the missus with you, Jolly’s is a hotel and quite a nice one after a £1m refurb by Weatherspoons when they took it over, though not expensive at weekends.
I hope you do make it, Ian is welcome to stay at mine as I’ve already told him and you too, we can always make room.
Makes sense to me, here’s a good version of the logical song.
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@Chick McGregor
You too Chick you and your lovely wife can make it to Dundee on the 11th I hope. Get one of the kids to run you in and pick you up
I saw you once when you brought your wife to the bus for Glasgow night in in Kirriemuir you couldn’t come as you had the dogs to look after.
Enjoy yourself for once get someone to look after the dogs and bring you to Dundee and get you home again.
All the best anyway but I’d love you to come just so we could meet.
We haven’t had enough Supertramp, Alex, mainly because I seem to have trouble finding any album tracks on YouTube.
If I come, I’ll be up and down in a day (Ooh, matron!). Will consult and revert.
Hi Tinto Cheil.
“I am curious yellow”.
I saw that product of the Swedish film industry in The Tivoli (Continental Films) in Dundee in the very early 70s. The Tiv was bra’ – had a bar for patrons, open till the same time as pubs; 10pm. My Uncle Jim was such a regular that he didn’t have to pay the 4 Bob to get in – they just let him go up to the bar.
Another one from around the same time was “Sweden Heaven And Hell”, which featured this classic piece of music, a cover of which is played every Friday, just after 5, on Simon Mayo’s Radio 2 show.
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Alex, meant to say: thanks for the offer of accommodation. Ian likes his eggs poached, btw.
Probs do it in a oner on an ocean of orange juice/tonic water if I can manage.
Some dude has just gone and made a Youtube video of the Wee Black Book, from Rev’s twitter feed. Excellent stuff and some good tunes in there too
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BDTT: I’m going to pretend I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Life’s simpler that way…..
I’m just a boring old fart these days Alex but I’ll check with the boss.
@these-islands Advisory Council
For such a gathering of professors and academics, I’m astonished by your flexible approach to facts and shit. Britain is not ‘One Nation’, Britain is not the same as the UK.
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I believe hens have an extreme dislike of those who remove eggs from underneath their @r$€$. Poached eggs are anti-hen. Mind you, I am partial to poached eggs and toast so I guess I’m a hypcrite for bringing it up.
Time for bed, said Zebedee…
Hey there Smallaxe,
Love and Peace Always =)
See you all on the 11th then. FORGOT it was Remembrance Day.
I’m a boring fart too Chick but at least we can bore each other
Ode tae the Sma Axe
Recently I received the saddest news
O a man held in high esteem
Ehm sure it’s gave wi ah the blues
To lose the captain o this great team
When first eh came upon aff topic
he wiz the first tae welcome me
the polar opposite o misanthropic
who conversed in love and poetry
And may I take the chance to say that
in the short time to me was he known
He endeared himself tae me through chat
and the seeds of love were sown
You could tell by the posts he made
that a great beauty lay deep within
Profound wisdom in the words he said
and peace and laughter did he bring
A selfish pert o me wants to deny it
and insist that he comes back tae post
but of course eh understand sma axe
you need to be wi them that you love the most
And thus it pain’s meh heart sae dearly
to ken that you’ll never post again
Let me state this most sincerely
You’ll be missed, peace always sma axe – mah friend
@these-islands Advisory Council
Re. your laxity in taxonomic rigor.
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William Wallace: that was great and you express the feelings of many on here, I’m sure.
William Wallace @ 12.45
Well said, William.
William, your poem is beautiful.
I will copy and send to Smallaxe later today and I’m sure he will want me to thank you for your kind and thoughtful words.
@Nigel Biggar
As I suspected it might be, your normative bias appears profound. Do you actually believe it possible to be a moderate patriot to a unitary state? Do you think it ethical that English votes determine Scotland’s future?
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Hi folks, I’m so sad to hear about Smallaxe, OT is not the same without him, but I’m sure that we all understand his reasons. Time with the family now is so important.
William Wallace, oh you made me greet. What a beautiful poem, you speak for all of us I think.I wish you all the best Smallaxe & Mrs Smallaxe, you have a sair road in front of you. Peace and love to both of you.
On another subject. I’m still trying to catch up with all that’s going on. I thought I had the lurgy, but it turned out it was a bad chest infection, so I’ve been laid low for a wee while. I notice on the MT that man at C&A appears to be missing. Has he been hammered by the Rev, or has he just done us all a favour and slunk off. Not that I miss him, one less eejit to scoll past.
@Nigel Biggar
Re. Scottish independence; ‘What’s it good for?’
Apart from connecting Scottish democracy to popular sovereignty and establishing the potential for a human rights based platform for ethical approaches to sustainable human development? You’ll not find that in the UKOK Yoonion and you can bank on that.
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Critical Theory and World Politics: Citizenship, Sovereignty and Humanity by Andrew Linklater
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Hey folks,
Just checking in to see if there’s been any arrangements made for going up to the Ferry by bus/train next week?
I’ll be traveling from Glasgow so if anyone fancies company on the way up (and last train back, couldn’t find a hotel :() let me know and we can arrange to meet.
@Marie Clark
I wondered where you were Marie, sorry to hear you have been unwell.
Re the man at C&A I’m not sure if he’s still about, probably lurking around somewhere.
It’s good to see you back Marie, take care of yourself.
Thank you Nana, it’s good to be back.I don’t have much choice but to take care, the much beloved hovers round at the moment. I think that he’s got used to being chief cook and bottle washer.Maybe he doesn’t want to give it up, fine by me. It’s nice to be looked after for a wee change.Wee smiley thing.
Dear Smallaxe,
Just so ye know…
And we stand, and we stand and we stand again
When they bring the bullets, we’ll bring the pens
we stand and we stand and we stand again
Peace and love, peace and love
@Nigel Biggar
To be honest bud, I knew pretty much where you were coming from with your opening line. What do you think gives English MPs the right to deny Scots access to inalienable human rights? Is it ’cause tradition has convinced you that English cultural values and norms are an ethically moral fit for all? Does English law stand above Scots law? Bit of a Benthamite are you?
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@Nigel Biggar
You do appreciate Scottish culture is a bit different to English culture?
Misty in Roots – Oh! Wicked man
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Glad to see you back, Marie.
Please chill to this:
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We need you fit and healthy for Independence Day.
Ah Tinto, my dear dancing mate, thanks for the song. I’ve been known to sing that at times when I’ve had one or two.
Energy is still very low, but I feel fine. I’ll be there on Independence Day, I reckon it’s maybe not too far away now all things considered.
Well, onwards and upwards as they say.
Next week??? It’s the 11th November so two and a half weeks yet LOL.
There are trains from both Glasgow and Edinburgh that stop in Broughty Ferry and leave at around the times peoplemight want them. I’ve just read your post and will need to double check before posting anything.
I can’t afford to make mistakes else I’ll be hung lol.
Regards a hotel I see Jolly’s is full on the Saturday night, shame really as the rest of the week is only £39/49 night.
You are Gillian right? Then you have the option of staying at mine, I promise to behave
I also hope to have Paula, Ian, Cactus and cearc staying, could make for a good blether after the pub.
@William Wallace
Braw poem.
Hey Alex, aye Gillian here!
Sorry, I was getting mixed up with the SIC that’s next week – I’ve got so much on just now that I can’t keep up.
It’s kind of you to offer to put me up, and it sounds like I’d be in great company, but are you sure you’ll have the room?
Try the Premier Inn at Panmuirfield in Dundee. It is a 5 minute taxi from Jollys. I managed to get a room for £35.
Subject – Trident and Aircraft Carrier Queen Elizabeth
If they have just dredged Portsmouth harbour to accommodate the aircraft carrier, why can’t they go a few metres deeper to accommodate their really nasty submarine?
Hi, Marie. Normally, I would drone you over some peeled grapes but I’m busting my Carmichael fulfilling Nana’s massive emergency ironing order, so I’m a bit pressed for time and will probs be steaming all night. Look after yourself!
Check out this guy’s barnet: puts my lovely quiff to shame, soanitdoes.
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Anyone know identity of the non-Bowie dudes in the image here?
It’s not important…just wondering.
Bowie, ‘The Secret Life of Arabia’ –
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Subject – Facts not Statistics
I noted recent headlines which implied that voters would be more interested in facts than statistics, in a future Referendum.
With the plethora of information and knowledge possessed by the Rev (see his wee books and updates), together with the information provided by contributors here and other erudite bloggers, is it not possible to bring as much factual (and referenced) information as possible together to be provided to potential Yessers in the next Referendum.
I appreciate much discussion, organisation and input, by many individuals and some formal organisations and media would be required to achieve such a goal.
@Ian Foulds
Devonport already has the Trafalgars, but also one Vanguard (Vengance). link to
Plenty room, the flock have grown up and flown.
There’s three empty bedrooms and a couch for Ian. he has always said he doesn’t mind sleeping on the couch or the carpet
You and cearc would have a room each to yourselves, I enjoy the company. Looking forward to this now, the last one in Dundee was great.
This one too can be, no matter how many turn up, it will be great.
@Alex Clark –
Just to confirm…
I can – and will – sleep anywhere, anytime, so long as I know it’s a Tory-free zone.
@Ian Brotherhood
Let’s hope then that there are no Tories hiding under any of the beds
I’m quite happy to share if anyone else turns up.
We’re still waiting for layer 2. Hope you make it to the ferry as well.
I’ll second that, c’mon Chick have a good night out in friendly company. I hope to see you and the good wife in the Ferry on the 11th.
Woohoo, thanks so much Alex – I can’t wait!!
@Alex Clark –
Even the idea of finding a Tory under yer bed…
That’s a proper scary Halloween story for all Scots – weans or adults regardless – right now…
I assume the Paula Rose will be sleeping in the puppy cage?
Mornin’ Alex, excellent, cheers, aye n count me in for Chez Clark.
Lookin’ forward to the house-party bro!
Ah’ll bring strings.
“Out Of Many, One People”.
A good guy knows
Ahm awa tae ‘fish’ ma feet out of me warm aquarium.
The wine is good tonight and today.
Broughty Ferry.
Alternate posting.
With over 17 million viewee’s, aye give you…
Here be a song by Buggles:
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“We can’t rewind, we’ve gone (morelike come) too far”
iScotland Calling!
Medieval Tele Vision.
Ehm no coming
Stick yir cosy club up yir arse
Stu, fuck off wi yir haudin back iy.
Ehm no coming tae yir winger cosy club shite when good people are dying.
Eh’m gonna start a riot man – fuck it.
Fuck the lot o yiz man.
But then…
“We can’t rewind, we’ve (they’ve) gone too far!”
Exactlyness… A50 has been initiated, fuse been lit like.
Modern life now is now like countdowns for real.
Roll on to being a normal country (again).
iScotland will make a difference.
iScotland will do good.
See yee’s there.
Broughty Ferry…
See yee’s there.
@ Cactus
Ehm no coming unless sma axe does tbh
You lot can kiss meh erse ya cosy club cnuts
We are gonna cause mayhem that night
You lot can drink amongst yirselves if you dinnae hae the good grace to invite abody else. 
We’ll be drinking on the beach iy.
Come and join us…
I’m away for the weekend, I leave you with Albert’s theory of happiness.
Plus lots of interesting lectures and free courses, something for everyone.
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Lovely frosty Glesga so off to Ben Oovi. Folk who had the wean christened Pedro must be regretting it noo!
Nana, have a good weekend and thank you for all of your links.
I.m away for the weekend myself so see you all when I get back.
Hello Ian Brotherhood –
Left to right in the Bowie photo:
Robert Fripp; Colin Thurston; Bowie; Brian Eno. “recording ‘Heroes’ in Berlin, Photo: Christian Simonpietri/Sygma/Corbis”
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Also have a look at two similar, but in colour, photos here, taken from Twitter posts from Brian Eno (@dark_shark)himself :
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Have a great weekend, Nana, Fred and Marie, and indeed all you vile seps. Fred, look out for the each-uisge in the wee lochan, mind.
Check out the barnet on this guy: pure puts my quiff to shame!
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Opens eyes, assesess carnage
Shorry folks 
Sorry Stu (Checked my tabs and saw the post I thought I had posted and was being held back had not even been submitted) Meh bad.
Forgot to append (ooh!) this for Fred:
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@William Wallace
We’ve all done it so wouldn’t concern yorself with it
I hope you do make it along to the Ferry. I don’t expect too many will turn up just the usual diehards though I would expect a few local worthies who are lurkers to come along as they did last time.
We’re all members of the same club, those that are most vocal in seeking Independence for Scotland. Your part of that club and I’m glad you are.
Afternoon William Wallace & Wingers ~
Looks like we’ve made some new friends on the main thread
Cheers for the cheers last night.. to the beach aye!
If only they knew.
What a day:
Rev Stu turns 50!
Catalonia turns indy!
When is it Scotland’s turn?
@ Alex
We’ve all done it so wouldn’t concern yourself with it
Me mair than maist unfortunately.
“We’re all members of the same club, those that are most vocal in seeking Independence for Scotland. Your part of that club and I’m glad you are.
Thank you and back at ya.
@ Cactus
Greeting Gus?
We might hae to restrict wir lunacy tae aff-topic.
God knows what wiz going through meh heid last night. Think it wiz no getting on the list for an invite to Alex’s wee after gathering at his hoose lol ( drunken logic:) ) That and thinking aboot Sma no being able to join the shenanigans. I would really have liked the opportunity to meet him and buy him a pint.
Eh should gi up the drink really, it’s getting oot o hand.
Hearken unto the words of the Moody Mancunian Mystic:
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Good advice to stymie the State Propagandist.
WW: as Alex said, we’ve all done it/do it occasionally. Worry ye not.
I prescribe a strict regime of organic quinoa, spring water and bending exercises.
For five minutes: then get back to the malt (responsibly, of course).
@William Wallace
Your welcome at mine. Jist that you’ll have to sleep on the carpet LOL
@ TC
I prescribe a strict regime of organic quinoa, spring water and bending exercises.
For five minutes: then get back to the malt (responsibly, of course).
Genuinely Lol’d there.
@ Alex
Ty. I just meant an invite back if further shenanigans were planned. In my drunken state I thought I was getting blown oot.
I’d be getting a taxi back to my mums if/when abody was going to sleep anyway. Kipping in a big double bed in the spare room wi meh mums full breakfast in the morning beats the flair hands doon
Taking of breakfasts, my daughters keep coming back overnight to The Ponderosa to consume my Light TC Breakfast, to wit:
Two tattie scones crisply fried in sunflower oil, upon one of which has been placed a poached egg, cooked lightly in salted, non-vinegared water and slowly-spun to fold in the albumen, and then dusted with pepper once on the plate.
Bit obsessional when it comes to food. My Stornoway black pudding supper is legendary (in ma heid).
By which I mean: so many options.
Do you fry the SBP, five mins a side in SF oil?
Or bake ’em in the oven, 15 mins at 200 degrees?
Or microwave ’em for 0110?
And then press kitchen roll onto the slices to remove excess saturated fats.
I’m more of an organic, no-sugar mega-oat Muesli man myself, with a lavishment of skyr thereon.
Is there honey still for tea?
Not said it before, so – haste ye back, Smallaxe, we’re missing you on OffTopic already. I mean it’s descending even further into bonkersness without you here to keep an eye on it…
Anyway, the Rev turns 50 today, so congrats to him. But I still reckon he’s one of the younger users of this site.
More seriously, this site’s readers must be well-placed to talk, as equals, to former No-voters of a certain vintage. We can calm their media-based fears and convert them to Yes, where they might not listen to younger activists.
I always wondered about the line at the top of this page:
“Posted on January 02, 1968 by Rev. Stuart Campbell”. Not quite Rev’s birthday, but very close.
Congratulations to Spain’s Mariano Rajoy, he has done an excellent job.
I mean, who else has been the midwife at the successful birth of a new nation…
…and all it took was a few thousand brutal stormtroopers to hurry up the gestation period.
Music for Catalonia – “I’m Free” (and freedom tastes like reality) by The Who.
It includes the message from Catalonia to Scotland – “I’m free, and I’m waiting for you to follow me”…
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“I mean it’s descending even further into bonkersness without you here to keep an eye on it…”
You obviously haven’t been monitoring O/T for long: it’s always been refreshingly mental, David, with a musical heart.
Not a fan of black pudding, then?
Aww Tinto, I’m a lurker not a monitorer.
As for pudding, I like to channel 007, or is it Mae West – “I like my pudding as I like my women – sweet and sticky.”
And if my wife reads this page, my account was hacked, dearest.
“Kerryann’s Sticky Toffee Pudding”
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Sorry: keep confusing you with The Other David on the M/T. Jeez!
For weeks I confused the estimable Call Me Dave with daft old (Insensate) Sensible Dave.
Perhaps a slight change to naming might help my deteriorating brain: David 1987 or David Gilmour?
Or just David The Buddy? Just some suggestions from a friend.
Mair poo’er tae yir elbuck in ony case.
I made a little muscovy duck black pudding last week, very tasty.
Send the vibes out to the people of Catalonia…
Gil Scott Heron, ‘Your Soul And Mine’ –
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@ cearc 9:42pm sorry to inform you. it is not right to feed ducks black pudding.
IanB : amen to that.
cearc: tasty but unusual. Would love a wee tate*, as we used to say in Lanarkshire.
Do you remember when Nick Nairn went to South Uist to talk to the lady who had been making BPs since Moses was a nipper? She started to strain fresh blood, clots, hair and all to add to the oatmeal, onions, etc but it all got too much for him and he had to go outside to have a boak.
What a silly sausage!
*un petit morceau or small piece*
I don’t often get emotional but I’ll make an exception for this song. My old man loved it for some reason.
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After all the hassle of making it, I wouldn’t dream of giving it to them. If they want black pudding they can make it for themselves. I guess that’s why they stick to frogs, insects and the occasional mouse for their meaty treats.
If you’re in the mood for a wee invigorating boogie around the room, ye’ll no beat this.
It’s just ridiculously good.
Daft Punk, ‘Lose Yourself To Dance’ –
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I’ve decided that from tomorrow I will stop drinking and smoking just like that. Bookies offering odds of 100/1 lol
@Ian Brotherhood
I liked that now and the first time around. If only I was…:)
Hey there Cactus = )
Where are you pet ? Missed you on the MT.
Your’s is a pure and joyous delight in all things wonderful and especially Indy =) Much needed light and joy.
Trust you are celebrating somewhere cosy and braw the New Independent Republic of Catalunia
They may yet have a rocky road to travel for a while, but there are many many good folk cheering them along their way!
To Catalunia :
And there’s a hand my trusty fere,
And gie’s a hand o thine =)
Visca Catalunia
IanB @11.46: some great dance moves there. Is that what Alex’s BF parties are like?
Need to get some platforms.
Tinto Chiels @10.07pm
To be fair, I think he was severely hungover from the previous night.
Still, it was really funny.
PS should add, I think Nick Nairn is a secret Yesser (always thought he was a Yoon, but apparently not)
Shinty: think you’re right, it’s coming back to me about the hangover.
NN a Yesser? I’d like to think so but we need more celebs to come out, like Martin Compston. Found myself standing beside Greenock’s finest in the departure lounge at Glasgow Airport in May and wanted to thank him for what he’s done for the campaign but I chickened out. Then when my daughters found out I hadn’t get a selfie with him I got pelters. They idolise him because of LoD.
Talking of celebs, I saw Christopher Brookmyre mentioned as a Yesser but I’ve never heard him say a word on the subject, despite going to a talk and reading he gave in Hillhead Library.
Anyone got chapter and verse?
Are celebs not keen to be seen at the front of social movements? Well, the British approach to human development is stuck in the 19th century, that’s why social mobility is declining. An iScotland could do so much better for the future of all.
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Tinto Chiel, I’m fairly certain they will all come out the closet once the starting pistol is fired for ir2. They know this time there is too much at stake to remain silent.
@Kevin McKeever
Scotland is a country, England is another country. British nationalism is an expansionist form of English nationalism that gives preference to English voters, marginalising those from Scotland. Are you comfortable with Scotland’s democratic deficit? Are you an English socialist?
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P.S. are you comfortable about Whitehall’s suppression of the McCrone report and now the regional Brexit impact assessments? Do you support universal human rights?
Shinty at 12.48
Nick Nairn’s father Jimmy was a certain yesser. He came with Dorothy Paul to help Winnie’s campaign in Hamilton 50 years ago.
Martin Compston was a the opening of our Forward Shop in Dunoon and gave us a donation
I would hope so, Shinty but I know some of our most famous money-spinning “writers” were definitely not with us before and I don’t imagine for a minute they will change next time. They don’t want to rock the boat and, who knows, there may be an MBE/knighthood in the offing…
‘Twas not always thus: I remember Norman MacCaig gave an interview to a very nice, earnest English interviewer in the 80s where he said he voted SNP and Edwin Morgan left his entire estate to the party.
Of course, Hugh MacDiarmid voted No in in 1979 ‘cos he was dead.
Thanks, George 40% Cunningham, Labour “Scottish” MP for Islington who joined the SDP soon after, a thus became a double sell-out.
@TC –
‘Hugh MacDiarmid voted No in in 1979 ‘cos he was dead.’
@Kevin McKeever
Do you not see popular emancipation from colonial domination as progressive communal struggle?
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Puts a shilling in the jukebox…
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Och, Ian, you’re probably too young and beautiful to remember that time but it still rankles. This was merely devolution, mind, not independence, yet all the usual Nay-sayers were out in force. Babcock and Wilcox was one which has always stuck in my mind, for some reason. When I went to my GPs they had a sticker along the lines of Doctors for No or some such. Would make you sick.
After the concocted result, I fired off a couple of indignant letters to The Scotsman, which was a real newspaper in those days, and then that was basically it. In the pre-internet age it was very much “Move along now, nothing to see” and everything just fizzled out. I remember finishing a Scotsman letter with the plangent plea, “I doubt a hundred John MacLeans could rouse Scotland now.”
So much for rhetoric, but I felt it sore at the time.
Neal Ascherson has often remarked on the number of friends he lost to drink and worse in the aftermath.
What a state we’re in, Wingers, if you’ll pardon the pun.
Tick, tock, I fervently pray…
@TC –
I remember it well, and the pain.
One of the very first comments I made in this place was about that result, and the fact that it probably finished off my Granda – he gave up the ghost, had a series of strokes and heart attacks, lost his mind and died in early ’87. Last time I met him he had no idea who I was.
It’s mibbe not rational, but I do ‘blame’ the unionists/MSM, not for ‘killing’ him as such, but for denying him a lifelong dream and making his last few years so miserable. Can’t help wondering how many lives and dreams they’ve ruined with their greed and ludicrous superiority complex. Here’s hoping we don’t end up added to the list.
Blimey, sorry for getting a bit morbid here, but it’s that time of year eh?
I’m not the only Bowie fan who was properly fucking scunnered by his ‘alleged’ intervention in the indy debate, but you can only hold that against someone for so long. Personally, I don’t believe he ‘said’ it, and if he did it was probably a flippant aside, more of a joke than anything.
Anyway, I found it very difficult to watch ‘Lazarus’ (the single released around the time he died) but I’ve been catching-up and just can’t stop watching the one linked-to below, must’ve played it fifteen times since last night. Something about it is horribly addictive…
Bowie, ‘Blackstar’ –
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Don’t worry, Ian, we’re very close to endgame and you’ll see a free Scotland I’m sure, but I do think of all the folk who suffered in silence because there was no resistance network and the media dictated the agenda: so many blighted, hopeless lives, it would make a Tory pwoud, vewwy pwoud.
Regarding your crows from the M/T, there is some evidence of a parliament of crows, where they surround a few of their number guilty of some corvine offence, and, after due process as the Yanks say, they are pecked to death after cawing sentence.
They are clever buggers.
Forgot to ask, cearc: do you have a black pudding recipe you’d care 2 share?
I’m doing my first hasselback tatties tomorrow so am feeling a bit nervous.
It’s a funny old game, Saint.
@TC –
Hoots mon.
Aye, the ‘crows court’ thing.
My grandad was from Sligo. He claimed to have watched such a court – solitary crow was faced by semi-circle of peers, they had a gab, then ‘he’ was cast out!
We humans just don’t ‘get’ nature at all, do we?
I don’t I really don’t…
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Cheers ma beautiful Ghillie.
Love u babes.
Tinto Chiel – I really feel for all you guys who have been through it all and for those who have passed on not seeing their dream fulfilled.
My Dad’s aunt was an SNP member and I remember as a child (50 years ago) my mother referred to her as a ‘nutter’. I often think about just how hard it’s been for indy supporters to get to where we are today.
I only got into politics about 7 years ago, ashamed to say up until then I could barely have told you who the PM was.
(misspent youth, working abroad and believing the indoctrinated ‘never talk about politics in public’)
However, I am now a bit like a reformed smoker and can barely hide my contempt for anyone who would deny Scotland her independence, given the facts for all to see.
I’m absolutely no use as an activist as I’m too hot headed but I do a little by displaying info/posters etc in my shop. Hope to do more once the date is called. I keep getting told that I will lose customers – you know what? I tell them iScot is far more important than me and my shop besides it’s 50/50 is it not?
Sorry for rant.
It’s difficult running a business, Shinty, and biting your tongue when some cuss-stumer (see wot I done there?) starts, “See yon Sturgeoning”. There’s a shop in my town I go into every week and the young Indy guy tells me of his confrontations with the miserable old gits/customers who make anti-Indy remarks. He’s lost custom but finds it very hard to let some remarks pass.
I’m not great doing formal canvassing ‘cos I often forget the right rejoinder when some frother starts shouting at me on the doorstep but I do try to control my temper. I’m better doing the soft-sell in everyday conversations, planting little seeds of doubt or suggesting people look at different news sources. Above all, I never miss the chance to scoff gently at the State Propagandist and its distortions. My Yes badge often starts off conversations too, and I try to wear it most days.
I doubt very much you would lose much custom by displaying a few posters but keep yon chain-saw under lock and key, eh?
You’ll be busy when Indyref2 kicks off, I think.
Onwards, vile seps!
@ Alex Clark
good luck with the giving up smoking and drinking on the same day!
I gave up the tar 27 years ago – and don’t regret it one bit. Just be aware for the first 6 months you will get every cold/chest infection going.
And since I need to loose weight – think i’ll join you and raise a non alco brew to us both – at least for a couple of months, and see how it goes.
Cheerie to all. Peace and love to Smallaxe.
keep yon chain-saw under lock and key, eh?
Lol. nae worries, keep that strictly for 2 family members!
@Daisy Walker
Thanks for the good wishes Daisy but sad to say have failed miserably already. Halved the number of fags though and no booze whatsoever yesterday which for a Saturday is rare
Decided to have a beer today but still have stuck to half the fags. After this long enjoying both, the shock of abstinence could be enough to do me in so I’ll take it easy for now and wean myself off gradually lol.
@Alex Clark –
Soo-perb. Well done indeed.
@ Alex
!!Congrats!! A colossal achievement
Eh stayed aff the bevvy last night tae (also a rarity on a Saturday for me). Temptation to hae ane the night is strong mind. (I am currently wrestling wi meh conscience). I’ve been aff the smokes since May but, I am still vaping. Doon tae 3mg fae a starting point o 12 so hoping to ditch the vape by new year.
Keep up the good work
I posted two comments on ‘off-topic’ around ten past ten and neither of them have appeared. After those two, I commented on the main page at 10:33pm and it appeared immediately.
So, I’m goona repaste the SECOND comment I did but will change all the e’s to o’s, just furra laugh, iye? Here it is…
Just noticod – wo’ro gotting closo to a landmark in off-topic. I wondor who will got commont #30,000?
Cheers all, here’s what I feel like though and no joking
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Woll, that workod. I think I’ll try the samo with tho first commont that didn’t appoar.
Horo it is…
Hi Alox.
If you’ro trying to cut down on fags, chock this out.
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(Pasto that link into your browsor’s addross bar but chango the CAPITAL O’s to lowor caso lottors – the lottor that ‘odgo’ starts and onds with.)
I startod with o-cigs in 2009, after my mini strokos. You can got into the vaping habit, cut down on fags, thon sook out cheapor alternativos to VIP (Poundland, B&M Bargains and so on).
I’m still smoking but around 10% of what I was smoking before vaping.
I beliovo Paula Roso has boon vaping for a woo whilio. I understand thoro’s a shop in Brochin.
@Alex Clark –
FFS, seeing Joe 90 after all these years would be enough to get me back on the fags pronto, but I managed to resist.
Just as well ahm pished right enough!
FWIW, here is my advice – dinna listen tae embdy’s advice. If ye’re ready tae dae it, amen. If no, amen tae that too.
In any event, more power to ye brother.
‘I beliovo Paula Roso has boon vaping for a woo whilio. I understand thoro’s a shop in Brochin.’
Whit’s happenin man?
It’s all fascinating and strangely poetic, but…why?
On the subject o vaping, eh make ah meh ain vape juice. Got quite a lot o flavours left ower at varying strengths tae that were no meh cup o tea.
If anybody wants them, let me ken. Same if you want specific flavours at cost as opposed to paying premium prices fae the vape shops.
Can pretty much make any flavour.
Are you tripping on yer wie tae Lidls
It would appoar, from provios oxporioncos, that Wordpross, on a Sunday ovoning, doos not liko my commonts if thoy contain too many of tho fifth lottor of the alphabot. (I lost a couplo of commonts a couplo of wooks ago, montioning tho ovont at Douglas Community Contro.)
I now know what to do on a Sunday ovoning. FIXOD!
PS: I noticod that an aborront fifth lottor scrapod through in my pasting of tho first commont that dissapoarod. Maybo ono’s the limit…
Hi Alox.
Soo my commont at 10:59, this vory ovoning, thon road on…
/Pours drink
Good Conscience 0 Addictive personality 1
Are you saying that wordpress has took ah the E’s? Or that you’ve took ah the mushrooms?
Nah, Alox.
It sooms, on Sunday ovonings, my commonts which contain moro than ono incidont of tho fifth lottor of tho alphabot, just dissapoar into tho othor so I’vo dovisod this workaround.
BTW: the main pago is ok – my commonts appoar immodiatoly aftor a pago rofrosh. Good job I’m a laid-back sort of guy; otherwiso I’d bo spitting bullots!
A song for Brian:
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Here’s one for Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘scummy party of Uncle Scrooge, Scottish Nazi, wankers hoping to obtain independence (from a normal life), so that Scumland goes out of all the British institutions including the monetary one’.
Toots and The Maytals – Scare Him
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Hi Tinto Chiel.
E’s may be good elsewhere but not for me last night. Next Sunday evening could be interesting…
CameronB: amazing quotation. Have you got hold of some BBC S______d briefing paper?
I see you mentioning Bourdieu on the M/T. One of my heiresses had to study him for her degree and asked me to read a couple of her essays on aspects of his theories. This occasioned a short-term increase in my red-wine consumption and an occasional feeling that Bourdieu was causing language to lose all meaning. Of course, I’m not a sociologist…
BDTT: it’s a strange one right enough. Have you not complained of other peculiar goings-on with WordPress over the last few months?
Aweright dare fine Tinto Chiel ~ how do, how be the house?
Hoose rice always wins.
Go off topic.
Whose turn is it tae start a friendly riot here ra night…
How’s Monday been at work been today y’all, mon in.
To William Wallace… ~
Take yer seats.
With cheers.
Hi Tinto Chiel.
I lost a couple of posts a couple of weeks ago – they just disappeared after submission, although when I tried to submit again, I got the “duplicate comment” message. They never appeared. That was a Sunday evening too.
Onnyhoo, I’m gonna copy my comments before submission, just in case.
Just picked up this amusing story from an email.
Trainy McTrainface: Swedish railway keeps Boaty’s legacy alive
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Hi, Cactus, doing fine at the mo, thanks.
If you’re out on the randan tonight, don’t forget your Crombie and gloves combo.
May The Force be with you.
BDTT: a few days ago I tried a comment on here with a link to a YouTube clip. Nothing new in that of course but it disappeared, so fearing hammers, I tried writing it again. Nothing, so tried a refresh twice, to no avail. Most unusual.
Only worked when I cut and pasted a Word document into the field.
*dons crash helmet*
Hi Tinto Chiel.
That’s an interesting comment. As I’m copying my comments before submission, I could copy, then delete the contents of the comment box, then paste what I’ve copied.
I think I’ll try that with this comment to see what happens.
Hi Tinto Chiel.
Not much difference. It took a usual “back”, then four “reloads” for my previous comment to appear.
This place is very moreish, ahm away tae the shops TC.
Could be the curse of Off Topic, Brian.
Look what happened to DMH’s computer after his Braw’n’Bawdy Ballad, after all.
The Union never sleeps…
Main thread is shaping up nicely for this evenings conversations.
Can you dig it.
Aye can
You’re right, Tinto
Something very odd about my computer going down. Went onto another computer and went into an older email address (the one I am now using)on which some stuff still comes through and found a message to say that my dalinlongart account had been taken down at 5.28 am on Monday 23rd of October. No matter what I do, and I’ve had professional assistance I cannot get it up again or even change my password.
Odd as well was that account which I abandoned because suddenly nobody could do reply to me. Had somebody look at that last week when I started trying to use it and found extra letters inserted into my reply function. Now sorted – but for how long. (I had been warned by Yahoo that my account was compromised).
All interesting stuff.
That is a very strange set of circumstances, Dave.
Maybe your articulate letters to The National have upset someone, along with your campaigning work.
Vile sep, soanyouurr.
Tinto Chiel
I was paraphrasing something I read on the Rev’s twitter. Zoooom!
I also see Douglas Murray getting punted as a reliable commentator on the future of European culture. The thing is, Murray is a neo-conservative Islamophobe, plain and simple. Apparently he hasn’t learned how to embrace difference and thinks European culture needs saving from brown skinned people, Muslims in particular.
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What is multiculturalism though?
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Here’s one for Douglas Murray.
The Breeders – I Just Want To Get Along
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Cameron: so many zoomers, so little time.
Just back from Bosnia, which had a stable multi-cultural society for hundreds of years before fascists tried to wipe out the Muslim population.
Think Sarajevo, think Mostar.
Wicked and shameful.
Tinto Chiel
Unfortunately, cultural intolerance is kind of hard-wired into the BritNat psyche.
3 Mustaphas 3 – Turisticka Pjesma
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But this is Wings Over Scotland, why am I banging on about racism? Well, an understanding of the processes involved in race-based social marginalisation, can be transferred to inform an understanding of most forms of social exclusion. Anyhoo, are Scots not treated as ‘Children of Ham’ by their Westminster masters?
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So if the techniques and processes of colonialism occurred at home, as well as in the colonies, that suggest the history of Britain may also have been colonised by imperialist interests. Has British history really been constructed in a fashion that perpetuates structures of social domination and exploitation? Most definitely yes, which means British nationalism is a mode of colonial imperialism.
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Don’t know where you get these clips from, Cameron, but that one made me laugh.
I should add all the mosques seem whole and functioning in Mostar, and the churches, and I think a synagogue is being built too.
Amid all this stuff about who’s recognising Catalonia, it should be remembered it was Germany who broke EU ranks and pushed for the recognition of Croatia during the break-up of the FYR. The UK and France weren’t keen because they thought it would provoke Serbia and we all know what happened after that. It seems recognition doesn’t really spring from treaties or fine declarations but whatever The Big Boys decide is ok.
Not really good news for us.
Anent Nick Nairn, not only YES but also a big YES to Ramsay’s of Carluke for their black pudding which he says is tops!
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Alex Clark, Piaf superb kid!
Re. Jacob Rees-Mogg wanting to shift ownership of international development aid from being a duty of government to “a matter of private charity”. Such an approach to finance would severely undermine the assessment and strategic co-ordination of aid expenditure, IMHO.
This ‘man’ is a threat to the global poor. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men….
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Development needs a holistic approach
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Jacob Rees-Mogg’s far-right politics lack any sense of humanity or compassion for the less fortunate. Certainly not a “One Nation” Tory, more a “New Right” evangelist, IMHO. Mind you, I suppose you could get away with suggesting JRM is simply being practical in the face of the oncoming economic tsunami called Brexit. Then again, perhaps this was a planned consequence of Brexit, as the New Right are ideological extremists.
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Changing world, changing aid: Where international development needs to go next
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Fallon’s resignation
Julia Hartley-Brewer has tweeted that she doesn’t think it was her “knee episode” that prompted the resignation. Maybe more to come out (or hide)
@CameronB Brodie
Off Topic is of course for stuff that is O/T much of what your posting these days here though in my view is far too serious a read for what was at the outset a place for a bit of music and banter.
I’ll be honest and say I skip all that intellectual stuff that you post. You used to be up for a bit of a laugh and some music yourself. I really don’t want to upset you so hope your cool with that.
Please just give us a good tune we could enjoy as the “papers” really do my head in and are too much to handle. Simply because they are too serious and to be honest I’m in over my neck with the serious stuff.
I’d hope we can keep O/T a bit more lighthearted and funky!
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Your wish is my command mate, though I’ll still stick the odd paper up when I think it helps shed light.
Sly & The Family Stone – Everyday People
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Fallon down.
Wings up.
Good day.
@CameronB Brodie
Great choice, that’s ma man
@Tinto Chiel
I reckon that’s a winner in the “most unusual video” category ever posted on Wings.
A bit down-beat, Alex, I know, but I’m in an autumnal mood.
Will try to pep things up a bit later.
Lovely frosty morning here. It’s goldfinches and redpolls a gogo at Tinto Towers.
I’m not trying to wind you up Alex, honest.
Positive Psychology Center
Video Lectures by Leading Scholars
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Lyrics rather amusing at times: aka Song of The Tory Party.
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Just some seasonal fun, muckers.
More highly dubious stuff:
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I can’t help it.
You know, some girls can dance, and some just can’t:
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@CameronB Brodie
I didn’t even open your Psychology video as couldn’t be aserd but the short film Identity was excellent.
It wasn’t hard to guess the end result but it was very well done. That must make you the leader in the “weird video” stakes on Off Topic LOL.
Alex Clark
Horses for courses Alex. The Psychology link is packed with tonnes of resources for better personal understanding and empowerment. I knew it wouldn’t be for everyone so the short vid was more general. Glad you checked it out.
If you don’t start twitching to this you may be dead already but don’t know it.
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Hi Alex. I heard there may be some floor space available after the Ferry jolly. If so, can I book a spot.
Open the door
Get on the floor
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Long Way Down link to
The only way is up
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There is “No Limit”
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Your love will set me free!!!
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One of the best tunes ever made and so relevant even today.
Out of all the vinyl I’ve kept this one is in pristine condition and will never be sold.
Come on and dance with me
I’m sorry Alex.
@ Blair McDougall
You really are a plank.
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@ CamB
Yi just couldnae help yirself
Add a wee tune at the end iy.
Love ya !
The Drum Club – Alchemy (Phasers On Stun Mix)
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That’s a gemme Cam
Did eh ever tell ya

U make me feel so good
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We’ve got to be free
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I hope I’m getting there William.
Yir daein a fine joab Cam
If the yoonion was a relationship.
Funky Boogie Brothers – I Believe
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Mebbe something good is gonna happen
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Sorry aboot the https shite Stu;)
Eftir ah !
Ah yir trehin tae dae is open wir mind iy
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The gift o the thistle–prfnuJ8
Sons and daughters of Scotland
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1320 and ah that
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Good Night
Love to all Scotland
Jist afore eh go
afore meh time is dane
Meh country is a thing o beauty
and Scotland is her name
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Good night!
Right, I’ve consulted Rock’s Monitoring Daybook and I left this here 93 days ago, but it cheers me up so here it is again. It was the 70s, I was called Samantha Smoothcalf and mascara was my world:
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If you don’t like it, whit ye gonnae dae aboot it? (he Who’d).
@Alex Clark & CamB –
Here’s one for you two to have a Friday Night boogie to –
The Black Keys, ‘Lonely Boy’
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@TC –
Excellent stuff there.
First time for me.
The video matches the gently optimistic/nostalgic music pretty well, Ian, I think, but reminding me too how short our own lives are. I think too of the wee kids in our schools and wonder what kind of Scotland they’ll live in.
As someone else said (DMH?), it’s our job to win independence and our children’s to develop it.
I know my own kids cannae wait.
They frighten the hell out of me with their passion, so I’m optimistic, despite the corrupt media we’re surrounded by.
Back in the day, when I was wearing my DJ hat, this was a single that tickled my fancy around 1983. Of course, because I liked it, it was never a hit.
The band was called “Care”. Care begat “The Lighting Seeds”.
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Ian Broudie went on to form The Lightning Seeds and here they are performing the same song. It really starts at around 1min 24secs.
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Ian Brotherhood
Re. ‘Lonely Boy’. I’m not sure how to take that mate.
Tinto Chiel
How to remain optimistic?
Positive Psychology
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And as it’s Friday what about some old-school?
HITHOUSE – Jack To The Sound of The Underground
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CameronB: sublime. I’m jackin’ already (ooh, matron!).
As for the long positive thinking clip, will have to muse thereon. I’ve only got so many brain cells at this time of night.
Wish I was still young and beautiful.
Some nostalgia for the Weegies and I’m sure others will enjoy it too. Scotland as the second city 1960’s.
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Alex: why is wee Phil McCall talking to Fluffy Mundell?
Is this the start of a horrible zombie movie?
Don’t think I’ve got the stomach for it…..
Tinto Chiel
Cheers mate. Re. the long positive thinking clip. It’s pretty much common sense in everyday language but best to take a look when you have the time. Some very good tips for enabling a healthy disposition, IMHO.
@Tinto Chiel
Gets better, promise
Two tracks hinting at the state of Europe today…
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Nice bit of retro tourism there Alex. Just imagine if Scotland had been able to set up an oil fund just a decade or so after that was filmed. We didn’t get the chance though to choose how to make the best use of our natural wealth, Whitehall knew best. The bandits are at it again with these Brexit impact studies.
HMG is a stranger to accountability when it come to Scottish interests.
@Blair McDougall
Putting your ill-judged tribal hostility aside for a minute, lets talk about how Scotland should tax itself. You fail to acknowledge that Scotland’s development potential is limited by macro-economic policy set largely to accommodate the micro-economic conditions of ‘another’ region of Britain i.e. the south east.
Systems can only produce positive results if the environment they operate within allows for positive outcome to occur. Scotland’s potential tax base is undermined by Westminster’s economic policy and Hollyrood’s lack of powers to optimally transform “static structural relationships into dynamic interactions with other viable systems”*.
Your concern does not appear to be Scotland’s well-being, though I’m pretty sure you’re already aware of that.
Taxation Principles and Theory
Determining the mix of taxes
As each nation has the sovereign right to determine its own tax system, virtually anything can be made the subject of taxation. In R v Barger (1908) 6 CLR 41, Griffith CJ, Barton and O’Connor JJ recognised (at 68):
The power to tax necessarily involves the power to select the subjects of taxation. In the case of things the differentiation or selection is, in practice, usually made by reference to objective facts or attributes of the subject matter, so that all persons or things possessing those attributes are liable to the tax. The circumstance that goods come from abroad or from a particular foreign country, or that particular processes or persons have been employed in their production, or that they possess certain ingredients, are instances of attributes which have been chosen for the purpose of differentiation.
Ultimately, each country determines who and what it subjects to tax and the particular attributes of its tax system. Each country inevitably adopts its own mix of taxes designed to suit its particular needs and circumstances. While there are many similarities between tax systems around the world, there are also many differences in the ways that taxes can operate making each country’s tax system unique
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* A Brief Review of Systems Theories and Their Managerial
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Nelly Furtado – Powerless (Say What You Want)
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BDTT: top picks. Who’d have thought we would see the fascists in control of an EU state (apart from the UK, of course)?
*sighs, grinds teeth*
Comin’ right back at ya with this. Some poetry in Byron Ferrari’s lyrics, before he became a cabaret act…
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I remember that Glasgow clip now Alex. Smallaxe put it on here a few months ago and it’s a beezer, teaker, stoater, what you will, but the technicolour poverty is pretty shocking in one of the richest countries in the world (Scotland, that is).
I worked in Brigton (Bridgeton to the toffs) as a student in the 70s in the DHSS and was shocked at the housing, poverty and lack of opportunity. The new town of East Kilbride, all bright and shiny, with full employment, was just up the road about 8 miles but it was a different world. That’s when I realised something was rotten in the state of Denmark and we were getting shafted.
Tinto’s Thought For The Day: Rich People make People Poor.
Economically illiterate, perhaps, but then I am a mere poet of the purple sage.
*Doffs heliotrope beret*
Nawbags wake up, ffs.
Meant to say, Cameron, almost put my hip out robo-dancing to Hithouse but it was worth it. ‘Mawjackedoot.
I feel better now…
This is for wee Humpty Go-kart, star of stage and screen, while we’re on the Roxy subject:
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May be my last post. Apparently I’m going to the sales with The Home Secretary this morning.
It’s been a blast, chinas. Adieu!
Sorry to here you’ve done yourself a mischief Tinto but I deny any responsibility. I’d have assumed you were mature enough to determination what’s in your own best interest, frankly.
Ian Brotherhood
This one made me think of you,
“SEAGULLS! (Stop It Now)”
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“Mature enough…..frankly.”
That’s a darmed lie, ah tell ye!
That should be
@CamB –
I Feel Love link to
My musical offering for tonight. You can clap your hands and sing along with the choruses; a combination of song and rap. Inspired by those medley type singles in the early 80s.
Ivor Biggun was actually Doc Cox from Nationwide and no, the link isn’t “The Winker* Song (*misprint)”.
A classic of its genre…
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Pharrell Williams – Happy
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Posted on main thread, just doubling up for those that might miss it tonight.
Wings night out next Saturday night on 11/11 at Jolly’s Hotel Broughty Ferry DD5 2BJ. Meet from around 19:00. Totally informal just drop in.
All welcome of course and a good place to be if you fancy something a bit different from what usually takes your fancy on a Saturday night.
Come and meet some of those that you have read posts from whether you agree or disagree with them, most are quite thicked skinned and will take any and all criticism without taking offence. Plenty of good discussion is guaranteed.
If you plan staying overnight check out first the website at link to
Some doubles still available for Saturday night at £59 for two adults, very nice hotel that not long ago had a £1m refurbishment so a bargain. There are plenty of other small hotels and B&B’s in the area so check around.
Dundee as you all know was the largest YES voting region in Scotland so you can be sure of a friendly welcome, there has been a successful Wings night out here in May 2014 and another is long overdue. Hope you can make it, let’s keep this going.
Saturday night – it’s rare…
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Girlie night…
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@Paula Rose
Aye it’s rare to be alev, is it? braw Dundee banter
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@Paula Rose –
Did you witness that magnificent moon earlier this evening?
@Ian Brotherhood
I hope it wasn’t Mundell
If ye could get a bag ay Skittles tae dae karaoke, it might look a little like this…
Showaddywaddy, ‘Under The Moon Of Love’ –
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Yes Ian my Dear and…
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Watch out boys…
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Will you…
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I’m really enjoying myself tonight, first time for ages that I’m having a laugh here on Wings. Let’s hope it’s catching.
Swing baby…
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Careful Alex…
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@Paula Rose
Hah! saw them in a pub in Dundee in 1978. I love Fay Fife LOL
Feck me that’s nearly 40 years ago. Am I really that old?
I hung out with this band…
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The stars that shone so bright…
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My lovely friend Paul Kavanagh coming to see me next Friday then meeting up with you lot on the Saturday – all giddy with excitement!
Snobbery and Elitism within factions of the independence movement – Does it really exist?
I have been involved in various protest movements throughout most of my adult life. From placard waving outside Westminster to living on site within various emerging movements alongside direct actions such as occupations and other significant levels of civil disobedience.
It has always been my preference to be a foot soldier of sorts with occasional ideas from down on the ground relayed to the organisers and leaders within a particular movement.
During that time, I have witnessed many groups form within groups and develop into a closed circle of sorts which can appear to be entirely non inclusive to those on the outside, looking in.
I have observed some similarities within certain factions of the independence movement and it is one of the reasons I play dumb within certain groups in order to observe how those like me, are treated. It is far easier to observe group behaviour if everyone thinks you are an idiot at the bottom of the pile.
I am a scheme boy through and through, I am not an intellectual high brow facilitator or organiser. Just a guy on the ground with the odd idea worth passing up the chain.
There are times when I think that people like me are not welcome amongst those that think they are leading the movement because I am oary and course and from way down deep at scheme level where we used to eat chewnie aff the grund.
Perhaps it’s an inferiority complex on my part or a well founded observation. I am not yet decided on the matter.
I have been writing an article about this very subject lately and it’s overall effects on the individual pursuant of independence. Particularly those that come from the schemes or from less well educated backgrounds.
Should I publish it or am I way off the mark? Or worse, am I opening up a narrative that may be exploited by those seeking to highlight divisions within the movement? Something I am reluctant to do.
It’s a proper CamB affair but, without the links?
What do you think Aff-Topic?
Your opinion is genuinely valued here.
Hi William Wallace.
I’m not usually up at this time of day but gastrointestinal mutterings had me awake so I thought I’d spend a couple of minutes catching up.
I would say go for it. There does seem to be an element of “we know better” which must be crushed – like a grape.
Back to bed…
Just realised that my comment from 10-15 minutes ago isn’t appearing because it contains the name of the fruit that is used to make wine, which is a banned word with a g in front of it. So I’ve edited and will try again.
Hi William Wallace.
I’m not usually up at this time of day but gastrointestinal mutterings had me awake so I thought I’d spend a couple of minutes catching up.
I would say go for it. There does seem to be an element of “we know better” which must be crushed – like a gr-ape.
Back to bed…
@ Bri
I suffer fae the same affliction. Meh wife said ehm eating rennies like penny dainties when eh was echt year ald. She’s dragging me tae the doctors this week eftir a year o trehin. Got this huge lump in meh upper right hand side just under the rib cage.
Eh’ve been pittin it aff cause ehm scared o the truth iy. Eh think eh might be in a bad wey and the bevvy is daein me nae favours at ah. Eh think that’s why eh am drinking sae much tbh. Scared to face reality.
Aff tae bed an ah wi a 12 pack o rennies
Good nicht or good morning.
@WW –
I’d certainly be interested in reading your thoughts.
For those who haven’t seen it – G A Ponsonby’s ‘final’ article, with plenty of familiar names saying their farewells in the comments.
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William Wallace
Go for it mate, that sounds just the ticket.
Here’s one for Smallaxe.
Just cause he’s not commenting doesn’t mean he’s no readin’!
If you see this, hoots brither!
Marley, Redemption Song (acoustic, very fuzzy sound, but still worth a watch!)
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I’ve got roughly eight (almost finished) articles (including the one referenced above) around the issue of independence that I have been writing up these last couple of months and have set up a space for blogging where I intend to publish them.
I was holding off on publishing on the .com domain I currently own as I really wanted to host on my .scot instead but, I can not seem to find a host that can offer domain privacy with the .scot domain (If anyone knows of one and could let me know soonest, it would be greatly appreciated).
I also wanted to get a few articles in the bank before kicking it all off so it is not vacant for prolonged periods (I tend to work in bursts then slack off for a while afterwards). I am almost there or thereabouts now.
Obviously it’s not going to be of a similar quality or standard as Stu, Wee Ginger and the likes blogging efforts but, it is something of a different perspective looking at different areas with regard to independence. It is not intended to emulate what is already being done so well by the aforementioned. It’s just my own wee take on things.
I’m also hoping it will keep my mind busy and help steer me away from the binge drinking episodes and general buffoonery and mischief making I quite often engage in here on wings and elsewhere. As Petra said recently on one of the main topics, it’s not a good look for international visitors that come on in the early hours of the morning and see me fulfilling the stereotype of the “typical drunken Scot”.
I’ll get to work over the coming days finalising everything then share a link here or at the Ferry meetup if I make it there.
As they say at Westminster, “Never mind the moon, get them doon!”
@WW –
Good stuff man.
Very much looking forward to seeing your work.
@William Wallace
I look forward to what your writing too and also I hope you can make it to the Ferry. You too Ian.
@Alex Clark –
Hearin’ ye there brither…
Hopin’ tae make it…
C’mon peeps.
Keep an eh on the older pages, some of them are still active. I’m feelin’ lonely fightin’ aff sensibledave. A bit of help widnae go amiss.
Check out:-
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@Brian Doonthetoon
Is sensible Dave still posting? Was talking to him on Twitter 2-3 days ago-didn’t know it was him till he said he used to post on Wings. Got the impression that he wasn’t posting now as his Dad is seriously ill.
For those going to Jolly’s on Saturday-see you there
Hi Lollysmum.
He’s been posting in the
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page. The latest was 10.25 this morning. I haven’t thought up a response yet.
For Tinto Chiel – confession time – it took a couple of days for my brain to work out that you suggested I rename to David Gilmour, due to my wee avatar pic. D’oh!
As Jacob Rees-Mogg would say, ‘mea culpa’, if a Tory ever took the blame for anything…
A David Gilmour – Comfortably numb:
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David is a common name, and unfortunately it is used on the Wings main page by a couple of people who do not seem to share my view that independence is normal. There is another good guy David as well, I believe.
However, as I have been commenting (infrequently but regularly) on Wings since 2014, I don’t feel the need to change my name. I will let the lesser, non-Indy, Dave’s do that. My pic distinguishes me from the trollish Daves.
Chewin’ the Fat- Wank Good Guy Sketch:
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David is indeed one of my real names. I am from Paisley. I am not there now, but my current town has a street named after Alexander Fleming. It also has an old tram depot, built using big metal girders imported from Motherwell. Pic:
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Scots helped build the modern world. About time we rebuilt Scotland.
Yes will see you Saturday, looking forward to it. Are you really sure though of what you might be walking into?
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Nae probs, Dave. I know you’re a Good Guy, but what does that make me?
Shut up at the back!
So, are you in Brazil at the mo? That would be an interesting story, like Smallaxe in Jamaica.
Looks like The Buddies will skoosh the Championship, and not before time.
“About time we rebuilt Scotland.”: amen to that too. I won’t be “comfortably numb” until then, I’m afraid.
Onwards, vile seps!