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Wings Over Scotland

Men’s Needs

Posted on April 23, 2021 by

Just over a hundred years ago, the rights of women in the UK were still entirely decided by men. Women didn’t have the vote (a small minority would be given it in 1918, but most would have another decade to wait), there were no women in Parliament, and women basically had no say in anything that happened.

Record scratch and jump-cut to the present day.

That’s Kirsty Blackman, an SNP MP elected in 2015 who wouldn’t even have been allowed to stand for election a hundred years earlier, and who seems determined to take women’s rights back to that century.

The literal obliteration of all women’s rights (by redefining “woman” to include men and therefore rendering all female-specific rights meaningless) is the official policy of both the SNP and the Scottish Greens at this election, the parties who on current polling will either singly or jointly win a majority and be able to pass their manifesto commitments in that field.

Greens policy in the area is being predominantly driven by the “Rainbow Greens” micro-faction, of which Wings readers have already met one of the two co-conveners, a nappy-fetishist man calling himself Eilidh Martin.

Another Rainbow Greens office-holder is its communications officer Bradley Booth, who is also a Green candidate on the North-East regional list.

Booth won himself some social-media fame last week when he announced his desire to go around physically assaulting “queerphobes”, by which he meant gender-critical feminists and anyone else seeking to preserve women’s rights to single-sex spaces.

Curiously the Scottish media – normally so hungry for even the weakest, most pathetic hint of scandal, but which plainly considers an SNP/Green government the least threatening possible outcome of next month’s election – didn’t report either man’s comments.

Also central to the formation of the Greens’ policy on women’s issues is their women’s co-convener Emma Cuthbertson, a former SNP Woman’s Officer who is also a man, and who like the recently-unsuccessful SNP candidate Mridul Wadhwa (who has also now joined the Greens) is also very keen on invading the single-sex spaces of the most vulnerable women in the country – rape crisis centres.

The Scottish Greens manifesto released a few days ago claims that the Rainbow Greens own mini-manifesto has been published on their website, but that isn’t true. There’s no sign of it anywhere, which raises questions over exactly how embarrassing it might be.

What we do know is that the main manifesto contains a demand to enshrine all of the “Yogyakarta Principles” – which expressly EXCLUDED any consideration of women’s rights – into law, which include the complete removal of sex from birth certificates.

(Don’t worry, though, because transactivists have a new definition ready.)

The SNP, meanwhile, has just lost both its Women’s Convener and Equalities Convener to the Alba Party.

(Their replacements are the extremist transactivists Rhiannon Spear and Fiona Robertson, who are at least biologically female but who are both fully committed to the abolition of the legal concept of women and the use of the term “biological female” being turned into a hate crime, under policies which would also force rape victims to refer to their attacker in court as “she”.)

We already know that it’s already official Scottish Government policy that “trans women are women”, although curiously this policy appears to have been arrived at without a single Cabinet meeting discussing it.

But we also now know that SNP MPs react with indignant bewilderment at the idea that women should even be CONSULTED about these changes, or that anyone but the trans lobby should have a say in whether women and their rights are legally abolished.

And given that the trans lobby appears to be comprised largely of extremely misogynist males whose reaction to any dissent is to threaten violence, that’s something that should probably have been rather more of an issue in the election than it has been thus far.

(In fact as far as we’re aware there’s been no public debate about any of it, even though Labour yesterday announced at least some welcome policy positions in opposition to those of the SNP and Greens, and Alba have come out with a very strong manifesto on protecting women’s existing rights. Interviewers have so far been terrified to challenge Nicola Sturgeon or Patrick Harvie on women’s rights, leaving the issue to phone-in callers on radio shows.)

Unless that changes, Scotland’s women are about to be returned to a dark age when most of the key decisions about them will be taken by men, and they’ll be unable to either protest about it (because doing so will be a hate crime) or engage in any political resistance, because all the Women’s Officers and representatives in their parties will be men too.

They’ll be denied the opportunity of sporting success, because men will have taken all the prizes – something that’s already happening in the UK and around the world thanks to cheats like Laurel HubbardFallon FoxRachel McKinnon/Veronica Ivy, Kelly Morgan, Maxine Blythin, and Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller.

They may well be injured on the playing fields of those sports because of the huge physical imbalance between men and women, and if they do they’ll have men roaming their hospital wards too. They’ll certainly have men in their changing rooms, if they get raped or assaulted they might have to share a room in a refuge with a man, and if they use too much violence trying to defend themselves they’ll find themselves locked up in prison with more men, including rapists.

And most of the people subjecting them to those things will have been men, including men like Eilidh Martin and Emma Cuthbertson.

This site has never been a feminist one and it still isn’t. But you don’t have to be a feminist to know right from wrong, and we’re pretty sure that rolling back a century of progress towards equality and protection for women is the latter. And that’s the side that anyone voting SNP or Scottish Green next month will inescapably have chosen.

205 to “Men’s Needs”

  1. Republicofscotland says:

    I call on all women in Scotland to vote for the ALBA party on the list vote to help remove the Greens, and hopefully in the process isolate Sturgeon on implementing any more women bashing policies.

  2. Socrates MacSporran says:

    The SNP are making it harder and harder to support them on 6 May.

    Truly, this is a party which has totally lost its way and the plot.

  3. Roy Hayes says:

    I do not usually post here but read every day. However, I am appalled at the revelations here, not only about women, but about certain plans regarding children. How can ANYONE contemplate voting for any party that does not emphatically repudiate these policies without reservation? I am sorry, but Independence or Union is irrelevant in these circumstances.Get rid of those who support this perverted drive and THEN sort out the future of Scotland.If these policies are enacted then Scotland has NO future!

  4. Garrion says:

    @Socrates, or, it’s allowing this completely non representative lunacy to be preeminent in order to make themselves exactly unvotable-for.

  5. Garrion says:


  6. Michael Stimson says:

    I suspect there is a scheme afoot. The SNP are trying their best to avoid a majority in order to form a deliberate coalition with the Greens.

    I don’t know why they would do this but it could be useful for passing the buck with unpopular policies in a sort of ‘It wazzny us, it wiz rem rat made us dae it’ type of way.

    The Greens could also be made scapegoats for any inaction regarding a referendum.

    In return for this, the Greens, who normally would have much chance of implementing policy as the Lib Dems, get to push their policys onto the SNP in return for supporting them elsewhere.

    It’s a win-win for all these insidious shitbags.

  7. Wee Willie says:

    Just an aside. Cummings has just made a lengthy statement concerning accusations that he is the number 10 leaker. It’s incredibly damaging to Fat Boro. He could be on his way out. How this leaves Scotland,who knows.

  8. Luigi says:

    TBH I find this topic rather uncomfortable and upsetting. I do feel sorry for people so predisposed and I believe that, provided other people are not affected in a bad way, these people should be protected and able to live their lives as they choose. However, women and other groups must also be protected and much of the GRA legislation seems to be very poorly thought out and constructed. Silly student politics. I do feel that certain individuals appear to be trying to game the system by playing the “gender card” in order to win a cushy number at Holyrood or elsewhere. All the parties should deal with this, but unfortunately the SNP and Greens (both of whom have many fine members) seem to have been taken over by the gender-opportunists, who are obviously working the system in order to maximise personal gain at the expense of all others. I wouldn’t be surprise if the Labour and Lib-Dems have also been infiltrated by the gender-opportunists. Worrying times.

  9. Zander Tait says:

    Wheesht for Scotland? Hawd ma nose?

    Nae chance Pal !

    Rippity rip rip goes the Constituency List,
    Neatly placed in the bin, it won’t be missed.

  10. Jimmy Riddle says:

    The King James version of the Holy Writ uses the term `pisseth against the wall’ to describe the male gender. The term `pisseth against the wall’ certainly removes all doubt.

  11. Balaaargh says:

    This isn’t the tail wagging the dog.

    This is a flea bite on the tip of the tail causing the dog to spasm!

    If Blackman and the SNP are not prepared to accept civic input then they are anti-democratic and are not fit to serve a cup of tea.

  12. Willie John says:

    If i ever find myself in court and ordered to call him ‘her’ because he identifies as a woman then I will self identify as the king and my pronouns shall be ‘Your Majesty/Sire.’

  13. SilverDarling says:

    Also, the young male SNP staffers who publish lists of misdemeanors and character flaws of the ALBA candidates or regularly go after women to try to doxx them on social media. They all have the same mindset that rules don’t apply to them.

    They are unaware of how frightening their behaviour is and it is enabled and emboldened by the likes of Kirsty Blackman, John Nicolson, etc.

    It is a grim time to be a woman in Scotland

  14. Lorna Campbell says:

    Does anyone still believe that influential and powerful people – MEN, and daft women like Ms Blackman – are not behind this stuff, enabling it to be introduced into legislation? Does anyone still believe that it is not partly motivated by hatred of women, the desire to put them back into their box? Say to the trans lobby apologists that you will support third spaces for trans, and hear the deafening silence.

    Just as the Scots are fighting to remain a nation, so are many, many women fighting to remain a sex distinct from the human default male sex. Just as the Scots, if they lose their fight, will disappear as a nation and become English, so will women, if they lose their fight, become non-existent and trans women will become the default woman, with women out of the picture.

    Like many other females, I started off being supportive, then I started to question, then became wary, then angry. Now, it is cold rage I feel – on both counts – very cold rage. I am a Scot who wants independence, and I am a woman who wishes to retain her biological sex; I want to keep the Scottish nation’s space as distinct from anyone else’s and I want to keep women’s spaces as distinct from anyone else’s. Can anyone explain why either of those positions is a crime?

  15. David Crawford says:

    Has anyone else heard the rumours that the snp are close to insolvency?

  16. Athanasius says:

    Yeah, but the concept of “right and wrong” is “hate speech”, right?

  17. Derick fae Yell says:

    Like this site I have never defined myself as a feminist. Not entirely convinced that men can be such, albeit we can be allies.

    It’s just that I seem to keep finding myself on the same side as the bolshy harridans. Again and again.

    I (stupidly) thought that those battles had been won. Isn’t that Y chromosome a wonderful shield.

    Mea culpa. Slow but I get there in the end

  18. Cath says:

    I’ve actually reached a point where I’m sick to the back teeth of all this. If the SNP and Greens win a majority where no one can touch them, I’m out of politics and the younger generation who arrogantly seem to think independence is inevitable just because they want it can fight all of this crap themselves and wonder why Scotland still isn’t independence as they hit 50.

    I’m already at the point where I can find zero sympathy for detransitioners as I can only imagine them as the horrifically abusive, spoiled twats of a couple of years ago getting women thrown out of jobs. In five years time the parma-outraged, perma-civtims who are now trans will no doubt all be using detransiton instead. I just can’t be arsed with any of this and I can’t face another 5 years of pretence there’s an independence campaign on the way.

    So if the election is more of the same – SNP-Green happily backed by a load of unionists with all the same basic policies, I’m going for silence, books, bars and let them get on with it. Let the political youth make their own bed.

  19. Dave M says:

    @Luigi: while what you say is admirable, the average ‘transwoman’ is an autogynaephile: a fetishist who fantasises about being perceived as or becoming a woman. The minority of trans males are homosexuals who cannot otherwise cope with their sexual orientation.

    The latter group is who people seem to tend to think of when they think of transsexuals, but they are by far the smaller group. The former can be extremely dangerous people. Indeed, they are far more likely to be sex criminals than any other population group.

    I certainly won’t be voting SNP, not now and not unless their policy in this area changes. I also won’t be holding my breath in expectation of a change of direction.

  20. Cuphook says:

    We are in an election and the media isn’t interested in nappy nonces influencing party policy.

    Most of our journalists pretend to hold power to account, yet repeat the trans mantras like advertising copywriters selling changing mats, and join in the diminishment of women’s rights and free speech.

    Seriously, every time you refer to a rapist as a woman you are confirming that you will say absolutely anything for money.

  21. Carol Neill says:

    Cath , couldn’t agree more

  22. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    To SNP members
    You cannot unseat the Murrels, they fixed the rules.
    You can resign. You can cut your donations. You can stop campaigning but do something!

  23. TheSNPLeftMe says:


    The Media may not be interested but
    Women are!
    Fathers are!
    Grandfathers are!
    Husbands are!

    Where else can the concerned read about the threat?

  24. willie says:

    Imagine being raped by a man who then describes himself as a women and the police accept that.

    Some would cut his baws off. And would it be illegal. Course not, cutting the baw bawss off is mainstream gender clinic entitlement now. That seems to be the world we live in.

    Not so easy to put them back on if you change your mind.

    Mind you, thon Miridal creature in the Rape Crisis Centre he / she / it / inter / Qq / ++ trades as a woman but apparently retains the baws and the boaby.

    Oh dear, did I ever think this would be the focus of the SNP. Its insane. But maybe that’s where the ned speak cat call of ” hey you ….fanny baws ” come from.

  25. Southsider says:

    There are 9 protected categories under the Equality Act 2010. Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion/belief, sex, sexual orientation.

    Would Kirsty Blackman approve legislating to change the rights of the members of any other protected category without consulting them? I think we know the answer, even if Kirsty doesn’t.

    No, no-one would dream of altering or removing the rights of any other category, or materially changing the definition of those included in a category without full open consultation. It’s just women who get this treatment.

    Come to think of it, this would probably also happen with pregnancy/maternity, in fact it’ll probably be included in the mess that the SNP want to pass into law.

    I despair at the level of stupidity and dishonesty.

  26. Tannadice Boy says:

    Lorna Campbell 6:06pm
    I think you will find MEN are not behind this proposal it’s the SNP perverts and the abomination Stu put up yesterday. I have a wife, daughter, granddaughter not to mention sisters, nieces etc. I will not vote SNP again until the manaic has gone. Got an election leaflet from Joe Fitzpatrick recently saying on the Regional vote SNP to make Nicola Sturgeon First minister. Sure Joe and you a family man?. The rights of women transcend Independence. And I never thought I would need to say that but I have to. I have too many women in my life to let them down now. The strongest party against this nonsense on the list vote is Alba. And it’s the Tories on the constituency vote. I am in my sixties and have never voted Tory. There is a first time for everything.

  27. Astonished says:

    A good summary of where we are.

    Yet again the failings of the Scottish media are there for all to see.

    Scotland really does have the worst mainstream media in the world.

  28. msdidi says:

    Zander Tait says:
    23 April, 2021 at 5:42 pm
    Wheesht for Scotland? Hawd ma nose?

    Nae chance Pal !

    Rippity rip rip goes the Constituency List,
    Neatly placed in the bin, it won’t be missed.
    I hope you were not speaking literally about putting your constituency ballot paper in the bin. You have to submit both papers. If you can’t vote for a party in the constituency you must spoil your paper and submit it or your list vote won’t count! Independence supporters should all be voting for the ALBA Party on the list. PLEASE link to

  29. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Fiona Robertson at least biologically female?

    I would like to protest Stu- you can’t be serious?


  30. msdidi says:

    Actually this is probably a better link about spoiling your paper! link to

  31. Witchy says:

    I have stopped supporting both the work of CEDAW in the fight for women’s rights and pensions, and Women’s Aid. Both now operate under the Yogyakarta principles, and women are no longer centred in their work.
    Neither represent natal born women, both having been stonewullied!
    My biggest upset in the ‘battle of the sexes’ is to find that the New SNP no longer represent us. Most have jumped on the ‘woke’ bandwagon, with little idea, or a total lack of concern of the damage they are doing to women/kids/families.
    Harvie’s attack on women is strange too. Most of his previous voters came from women hoping to save the planet. I wonder if he left the SGP and went out on the road promoting his views, if many would ignore him, and see him as the dangerous extremist he is.
    I will lend Alba my vote in the List Candidates, but getting harder to know where I feel safe to put my X in the constituency.
    Strange times!

  32. Lorna Campbell says:

    Tannadice Boy: for heaven’s sake, I was not suggesting for a moment that all men are behind this. Look at the American and Canadian situations where this all started. It was, indeed, mainly academic men and stupid female academics who fell for this stuff. Then it was picked up by, again, mainly men (and a few trans women) in Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, etc. Then by legislators, again mainly men, backed by some Aunt Thomasinas. One idiot Senator or Congressman said recently that he now realises that there are six sexes.

    I know that you, like most men, will protect your female relatives. The Rev, who makes a very valid point that his is not a feminist site, has really stuck his neck out for us and I have no doubt has received many brickbats from the vicious trans lobby. Do not think for one moment that we women do not appreciate that. This stuff is happening throughout the Western world, not just here. If women were doing this to men, I’d call that out, too.

    Cath: I feel as you do, too. So, so sick of all this s***e. So, so sick of nothing being done by THE party of independence to take us to independence. I know it sounds arrogant to say it, but we do appear to be living in an age of such monumental stupidity and madness that it is hard to get your head round it.

  33. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Freedom alliance party on a PPB now on BBC.

    Still not seen one with Alba on the BBC or ITV


  34. A wiman says:

    Thank you for speaking up and standing up for women, Stuart.

    There is a daily rampage on women’s rights and most days these days, it’s hard not break down in despair about it. The SNP and the Greens are eagerly up front, claiming the glory of decimating women’s freedoms and privacy.

    Since I learned of this poisonous ideology, every day is a new hell in finding what they will push for next. They have no regard for women who suffered abuse, rape, batterings. All these women are being forced to move over for crossdressers and genderfluid; gender dysphoria isn’t even a requirement.

    Women will have to just stay at home, like they did 100 years ago, before there were safe places to use the toilet, because any man will be allowed access. Women in prison will be locked up with rapists, rape victims will be assigned rapists as their rape counsellors and women will have to endure men who say they are women as their private nurses on their deathbeds. They will have nowhere to go, anytime, anywhere without men having access to them.

    They will have no privacy, no peace, no dignity, no safety. They will have no right to say No.

    It’s obscene. It’s abuse. It’s state sanctioned abuse.

    I don’t know why some people hate us so much, and why we are deemed to be worth so little. It’s hard to take.

  35. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Lorna Campbell 6:58pm
    Fair enough Lorna we are on the same page.

  36. Kcor says:

    “The literal obliteration of all women’s rights (by redefining “woman” to include men and therefore rendering all female-specific rights meaningless) is the official policy of both the SNP and the Scottish Greens at this election, the parties who on current polling will either singly or jointly win a majority and be able to pass their manifesto commitments in that field.”

    Rev. Stuart Campbell, there is only one person who could possibly prevent the destruction of women’s rights in Scotland.

    That person is you.

    Before it is too late, please provide your numerous readers with a definitive guide on the situation in each constituency and in each region.

    Hopefully with recommendations on how to vote for each constituency.

    And while you are at it, why don’t you annoy James Kelly even more and pointedly recommend independence supporters in the Glasgow Southside constituency to vote Labour, giving 20 reasons why they should not vote for Sturgeon?

    An SNP-Green majority is the last thing which we want.

    You are the only person who could influence enough independence supporters to vote in a way to prevent it.

    Please leave aside all other articles and only give us reliable information and ideas on voting to prevent a disaster.

    In two weeks’ time it will be too late.

    Its now or never.

  37. John H. (The original one) says:

    No one in the SNP even bothers to give lip service to getting independence anymore. This party seems to contain some mentally ill people among it’s leaders as well as it’s membership. It’s going to be a rocky road after May 6th.

    I’m really struggling now to give my constituency vote to the SNP.

  38. Shauny Boy says:

    Check social media for information/groups about tactical voting, the SNP can no longer be allowed to hold the reins of power. We have to get rid of them. Another indyref isn’t on the cards with Sturgeon running the show anyway, so hold your nose and vote for whatever party on the constituency vote has the best chance of unseating them. Then Alba on the list.

  39. Frank Gillougley says:

    Channelling my Father Jack. Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    For me, there are no words.

  40. Zander Tait says:


    Thanks for putting me straight on spoiling my ballot paper. My verse duly updated:

    It’s “NONE” writ large on the Constituency List,
    Neatly placed in the tin, it won’t be missed.

    It’s ALBA for me on the Regional List,
    The First Minister of Scotland is a cancerous cyst.

  41. TPee says:

    This isn’t about people with mental health issues, most of the men who claim to be women do it because it arouses them to see themselves as women, mostly the slutty, submissive versions in their heads. It’s a fetish. This is not a human rights issue, it’s a men’s sexual rights movement, demanding access to women as ‘women’.

    Why are most of the adult males not the ones getting body parts lobbed off? Why is it only the kids? Who is doing the campaigning for the kids to have bits lobbed off? Why is it mostly girls who are the actual ones under the knife?

    The males adults are quite fond of their male reproductive organs as it happens. And they are usually heterosexual but of course ‘transition’ to being lesbians, with their ‘female penis’ or ‘oversized clit’ intact.

    The mumsnet women have a good thread on the range of the gender debate. This one has managed to survive, despite many efforts to have it deleted by the online bully gender team. Please read.

    link to

  42. Kenny J says:

    That Roxy wan.
    I followed her timeline on Twitter because I was curious.
    She appears to be a lassie still at school. Not Uni, not college. School.
    So she is not over maybe 17.
    And we, or she thinks, because she’s fn crazy, that we should pay attention to her pronouncements.

  43. Career Politician says:

    Kirsty Blackman is pure wild man.

    And the Green party are literally disgusting.

    Please don’t vote for these people:

    Please consider your responsibility to the human race above of “Scottish Independence” – whatever that means these days: no one seems to really talk about the substance of the issue anymore…..

  44. TPee says:

    And btw, compliance in it gets them off too. We are ‘props’ in their fantasy.

    That’s why the answer must be no to all of it.

    I do not consent to playing a part in a random man’s sexual fantasy. I am not complicit in these falsehoods, I do not believe. I will not pretend to believe. I am not a prop.

  45. lumilumi says:

    Lorna Campbell says:
    23 April, 2021 at 6:06 pm

    Very well said, Lorna!

    As to Rev Stu’s ATL article, a couple of points.

    The trans lobby are now seeking to redefine women. They already redefined “trans”.

    It used to mean “transsexual” – people with extreme body/gender dysphoria – a mental health condition – for some of whom the right course, after long-term counselling and careful medical and self-assessment, is to “transition”, including hormone treatment and even surgeries.

    The trans lobby of today have redefined “trans” as a very wide umbrella indeed. Anybody who says (or FEELS) so, for whatever reason. This has thrown the door wide open to all the autogynephiles, extreme paraphilacs, borderline paedophiles, part-time cross-dressers, drag queens caricaturing women, bearded misogynists who just want to perv on and intimidate and harass and dominate women from the safety of their magic word “trans”. (What a surprise! The widened umbrella seems to include mostly men!)

    Many “old school” trans people – those who say transmen are transmen, transwomen are transwomen, and don’t deny the reality of biological sex – do not like this development, feel their condition, their lives, are being appropriated. Feel they’re being used as a “shield” to push things they do not like, endorse, or want, and are afraid of a backlash.

    Trans people exist. Body/gender dysphoria – a mental health condition – is a real thing. These people should have all the support, counselling and sex-appropriate health care they need. Also our compassion, as you would have for any fellow human being who’s struggling with mental health issues.

    The gender woowooists deny biological sex, so deny sex-appropriate health care, only want “gender-appropriate” health care, which leads to idiocies like demanding smear tests (to detect cervical cancer) for transwomen – who do not have a cervix – just to VALIDATE their identity. (How does it even work? What is the poor health worker supposed to smear to validate the transwoman?).

    This “gender-appropriate” health care could be harmful or even FATAL to a trans person. Some physiological characteristics of the human body are sex-sensitive. The physiology, the biology doesn’t know how you identify. Biology is apparently “transphobic”. Reality is “transphobic”.

  46. Doug says:

    Men have nipples too. Just don’t call me a tit. SNP leadership are milking this.

    I have given suck, and know How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn As you have done to this.

    — Lady Macbeth, Scene VII

  47. RouterAl says:

    This is what happens when you shut down the mental hospitals, these mentally disturbed people wander the streets and join so called political parties, even worse people listen to them and humour them. Their latest political broadcast is a classic.

  48. t42 says:

    Scot Finlayson says:

    “Brent Crude at $67 per barrel from $22 at the start of lockdown last year,

    that`s $67,000,000 of our resources every day going dan saff to modernise the infrastructure of England,

    biggest theft in the history of civilisation

  49. Kcor says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says,

    “This site has never been a feminist one and it still isn’t. But you don’t have to be a feminist to know right from wrong, and we’re pretty sure that rolling back a century of progress towards equality and protection for women is the latter.”

    “And that’s the side that anyone voting SNP or Scottish Green next month will inescapably have chosen.”

    Well, 95% of the posters here are voting SNP 1.

    But as the Rev. knows, the vast majority of Wings readers don’t post comments to articles.

    Hopefully, this silent majority will have a bit more respect for the Rev. Stuart Campbell and be intelligent and rational in how it votes.

    But a ‘Wee 2021 Voting Guide’ is desperately needed to preserve women’s rights and to move independence forward in the next five years.

  50. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi AYRSHIRE ROB at 7:00 pm

    You typed,
    “Freedom alliance party on a PPB now on BBC.

    Still not seen one with Alba on the BBC or ITV


    And what were you getting up to, when this was broadcast on Wednesday evening at 6:25 (STV) and 6:55 (BBC)?

    link to

  51. Harry mcaye says:

    Absolutely superb article. I need to make the women I know aware of this because I can almost guarantee that they dont. Just waiting on restrictions being lifted.

  52. Shocked says:

    Aye, just vote SNP1, it’ll be fine, non men don’t really matter anyway.

  53. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Brian @ 7.47 pm

    Must have been dain my nails or sumit , feck knows lol

    Missed it anyhow

  54. sog says:

    I have worked beside employees of Conservation-oriented organisations. A County Wildlife Trust is an example. These are natural Greens, well-aware of the issues facing the country. I wonder what such potential grassroots supporters think of the GRA-pushing insurgents.

    One thing they have in common is a distrust of permanent office-dwellers, who they refer to derisively as ‘Suits’. I think PH needs telling to be photographed Actually Doing Something outdoors. If he listens to advice.

  55. Gordon says:

    Big Al the Kiddies pal and the rest of your wee gang, you all still SNP 1ners?


    Says the kiddies pal.

  56. lumilumi says:

    TPee says:
    23 April, 2021 at 7:39 pm

    We are ‘props’ in their fantasy.

    How would all the right-on SJWs and progressives and wokes react to a person saying, “I was forced to participate in a person’s sexual fetish and fantasy against my will.”

    That’s sexual abuse, right?

    Oh, but not if it’s a “trans” person doing it. Then you just have to be nice and grin and bear it so as not to make the “trans” person FEEL bad.

  57. Kcor says:

    Basically the SNP-Green coalition is fighting tooth and nail for the likes of perverted males like Mridul Wadhwa of Rape Crisis Scotland to have free and easy access to the most vulnerable females.

    These perverts form a very tiny proportion of the population, and as the Rev. Stuart Campbell has said, there is not a single law that discriminates against them in the normal course of business.

    DO NOT VOTE SNP 1, at least not in constituencies with the most obnoxious SNP candidates, if you want a decent democratic society.

    All the organs of State have been corrupted and criminalised by Sturgeon, Swinney, Yousaf and James Wolffe, the corrupt lying criminal Lord Advocate of Scotland.

    Who in their right minds would vote for five more years of even worse to come?

  58. Pixywine says:

    Don’t worry about Bradley. He’s talking out of his cock holster.

  59. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Harry mcaye (7.47) –

    It’s utterly shocking, how many folk are unaware of all this TRA stuff. It just isn’t on their radar at all.

    Perhaps someone else will be able to remember the specific reference, but I’m sure we had an article here (perhaps the Spectator one?) which highlighted how the purveyors of this dangerous rubbish were advising on how to exploit media whilst cautioning against publicity of any kind.

    They don’t want to discuss it. Why not?

    What kind of advocacy or lobbying involves keeping wheesht?

    It’s because they know that they won’t last more than a few minutes when they’re up against a woman who knows what’s she’s talking about and can quote their own pish straight at them. That’s why Harvie says ‘No Debate’ and it’s why embarrassing roasters like Mhairi Hunter, Cameron Archibald, SUAR (Twitter handle), David Paisley, Blackman, Mhairi Black and so many others either issue prepared statements or otherwise avoid any contact with real people who may raise awkward questions about what they’re pushing.

    If Marion Calder of For Women Scotland was face-to-face with Patrick Harvie, she would wipe the floor, walls, and ceiling with his sorry wee arse. No problem. That’s why you won’t see him for dust if anyone tries to even suggest such a debate. Ditto Blackman and the rest of them. Cowards.

    They know this nonsense cannot survive the most superficial scrutiny by folk who don’t have a vested interest in promoting it, so they resort to outrage and drama at every turn, hoping to intimidate or scunner, both of which they’ve become very good at.

    And that’s the real tragedy here. Not only are they participating in the dismantling of women’s rights and the actual lifelong scarring (mental & physical) of disturbed adolescents, they’re wrecking already-fragile faith in the dysfunctional form of ‘democracy’ we happen to be lumbered with right now. And as that faith crumbles, cynicism grows, fewer get involved with politics beyond reluctant voting every few years, and the whole process of policy formation is left to these fanatics.

    The election is bound to be interesting, aye, but it’s really nothing more than a really fuckin big squirrel – the real ‘debate’ is the one that’s just not going to happen anytime soon.

  60. Baxter1967 says:

    Salmond is a statesman with an inherent confidence in the ability of the Scottish people to make something of the country and is not afraid to fight for it. He genuinely believes the nation would flourish and has the confidence to inspire the people to achieve great things.
    She however is a more interested in promoting the nonsense described on the back of the independence movement to satisfy her egocentric agenda. There lies the difference. Vote ALBA.

  61. Struan Born says:

    It appears the word phobic or to be phobic of anything is now a crime under Humza’s law. I’m arachnophobic I can see me doing time for killing a house spider under future snp government policy. That sounds crazy but…

    This country’s fcuked though I see Humza will jail you for being transphobic/islamaphobic but he’s a complete shytebag when someone is proddyphobic or cathlaphobic something Glasgow has a real problem with typical of the snp to avoid the real problem. I never thought I’d say this but fcuk the snp a party I’ve voted for all my life.

  62. boris says:

    The Commons sews its seeds in all who enter it. In an instant raw politicians are made to feel they are no longer simply human. They are “special”. Accompanying their large salary there is a budget for staff hire, generous allowances affording the lease or purchase of luxury accommodation in the most expensive capital city in the World, travel and subsistence and other allowances totalling well in excess of £150k annually. Head spinning stuff!!! Its beguiling influence is addictive and its destructive power has compromised many SNP MP’s who first went there in 2015 .

    link to

  63. Marty says:

    Off topic a bit but did you know the Greens want to end homework for primary school children?

    link to

  64. Stuart says:

    Come on Mia , must be a plot from the British State, can’t ever be Scottish weirdo’s can it ?? Come on you know you want to…. Go on you must know what the Secret Service are up to even though they’re “secret” obviously not very good at being “secret” as you know about them clown.

  65. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Well said Ian B

    @ 8.18 pm

    Exactly that. Fecking weasels the lot of them.

  66. Sunshine says:

    I have always voted SNP since 1994, but the above ‘why’ from Kirsty Blackman infuriates me. Is she truly ignorant of other peoples feelings or just arrogant? Anyway I am in her constituency and will never vote SNP again. Will vote for Alba in May. SNP 0 Alba1.

  67. maureen says:

    Blackman is my MP and will never see another vote from me. Disgusted at her reply in the tweet.
    At least by voting for the north east Alba MSPs I know I am staying true to my belief, adult human female. Nothing can change that fact.
    Struggling with having to vote SNP on the constituency but I will. Want to see Alex Salmond back where he belongs with as many Alba MSPs as possible

  68. Gordon says:

    Kcor. 8.05pm

    “Who in their right minds would vote for five more years of even worse to come?”

    Just off the top of my head kcor,

    Big Al the kiddies pal, Mia, Breeks, to name but a few.

  69. Dan says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood at 8.18pm

    Aye, t’was a couple of days back. BDtt posted direct link to Spectator article, and then ben madigan later posted the archived link below.

    link to

  70. Not a massive fan of Hillary Clinton but have to agree with her when she said,

    “If there is one message that echoes forth let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all.”

    Kirsty Blackman would respond,

    `why ?`

  71. Stuart says:

    Just wanted to say if you want to vote SNP1, go for it but bear in mind come May 7th your vote will be counted as a vote for all the sickos you apparently despise. I could understand it if Alba had any chance of making a difference…wake up they haven’t not a hope in he’ll, and if your ever honest you know it.

    By voting SNP1 all you’ll do is ensure the freaks will prevail and Scotland will never have the “Independance ” you so desire, seriously I despair of you people that are all SNP1 prepared to give up your woman and childrens safety for a potential never seen before scenario over some emotional tosh that you think is true over a Union that you begged for coz u were skint because you apparently thought u could make some dough from colonising some partof South America

  72. Mark Boyle says:

    AYRSHIRE ROB says:
    23 April, 2021 at 7:00 pm

    Freedom alliance party on a PPB now on BBC.

    I’ve saw some poor PPBs in my time but that one was honking. Was the narrator on jellies?

    Good to see a plumber and tin snail racer thinks they’ve a better grasp of handling a pandemic than scientists, medical experts, etc.

  73. lumilumi says:

    As to the “Yogyakarta Principles”…

    I haven’t had time to look very deeply into it, who wrote those “principles”, but wasn’t it a conference of trans lobby groups and some western government representatives – hardly democratic or representative.

    Anyway, the “Yogyakarta Principles”, if implemented, as “best practice”, raise the question of “best” for whom? The trans lobby, sure. National statistics, not so much.

    If people’s sex isn’t recorded, it renders all national statistics (as in, statistics from all countries) unreliable, even worthless. How can you make international comparisions between countries that record “sex” as a statistical factor with those that record self-felt “gender” as a factor. You’re not comparing like for like, you’re trying to compare apples and oranges. It hampers global human rights work.

    Why is sex, NOT gender so important to record?

    National statistics are used to allocate budget funds. Some of them are sex-sensitive. How much tax money to spend on girls’/boys’ education, should some money be allocated to try to correct biases in education? What about men’s/women’s health? Screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer. Or trans people’s health. Their health is always underpinned by their biological sex, not their socially constructed “gender”.

    One of the most chilling aspects of the “Yogyakarta Principles”, which already operates in the UK – without any apparent legilsation, just as a “best practice” enforced by Stonewall et al – is the recording of crimes. A male rapist self-ID’s as a woman, and his crime will be recorded as committed by a woman. Women’s crime statistics are about to go up, especially sexual crimes committed by women.

    “See, women are just as bad as men!”

    Also, replacing “sex” with “gender” hides trans people from the statistics, and less money might be allocated to trans people’s specific health care and other needs. (Unless the TRAs just shout the loudest and demand more.)

    The TRAs don’t want reliable statistics, facts, because they might contravene their narrative. They want statistics kiboshed because the facts might kibosh their narrative.

  74. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Ian B 8.18: this refusal to debate is how things proceed nowadays. No government politician is seriously put on the spot by any “journalist”: all questions at Bojo’s expensive new Meeja Centre are vetted to buggery but even then the wheels come off when someone asks simply how many people have become ill following a Covid vaccine.

    Cue nice Head GP Lady who came out with the breathtaking statement that Covid vaccines give complete immunity, something even Pfizer, etc have never claimed. They don’t state vaccines prevent transmission either but claim they reduce symptoms in severe cases.

    Then Keir Stumer tells a citizen who dares to talk back at The Raven in Bath (a slimmer Stu?) that he won’t take any lectures from him about the destruction of the hospitality industry. Well, actually, that’s your job, KH, to listen to the plebs and at least pretend you’re listening. You’re supposed to be the opposition and not spend your time in parliament kissing Bojo’s ring.

    He’s more of an Establishment Man (given his time at the CPS) than the leader of the Tories, ffs.

    Worried? We should be. Just wait till Yousaf’s HC bill and Online Harms legislation take effect.

  75. Ian Brotherhood says:

    CH4 inviting suggestions for topics for the ‘leaders’ debate.

    Some interesting comments.

    link to

  76. Lothianlad says:

    That’s another reading I cant vote SNP anymore. Alba only for me

  77. Daisy Walker says:

    The biggest trick the devil ever played was convincing people he did not exist….

    The biggest difficulty GRA presents is when you tell folk what is going on, what is being proposed – their response is, ‘ye whit, they cannae dae that, that’s just bonkers’.

    And there ends the conversation.

    Anyway, been out leafletting.

    Don’t know what it is like anywhere else but in Perth and its shire (other than a few – less than normal number – of tory posters in farmer fields – in the residential areas there are ZERO, NIL, NADDA posters in windows for the tories, the libdems or labour.

    The only posters I’m seeing are a fair number of SNP – and sadly I no longer know if that means I’ll be met with a welcome – and a few Alba.

    I mean, it really is weird. Thinking back to 2016 – and there were lots of tory posters up with the ‘we said no and we meant it message’.

    On the other hand the postie has not delivered my Alba leaflet, which should have arrived today I think.

    Anyway folks, if you can Max the Alba – in any way you can.

    I got a very dissappointing response today from a long time Indy supporter. Has read extensively about all the goings on. Including Criag Murrays reporting of the defence evidence – however, now says Alex is misgynistic and the Greens have great policies!

    I honestly believe we have genuine Indy supporters who are deeply frightened of actually getting Indy and would rather chase it forever.

    Anyway, not me, it’s this election and the next GE by the latest and if it’s not done by then I’m offski, and I won’t look back.

    And the reason I can do that with a clear conscience is not because of Westminster – it’s because of fellow Yessers.

  78. Daisy Walker says:

    I’m sure Alex would be quite delighted to find out he’s ‘misgynistic’ – whatever that means, (I suspect its like being double jointed, but not quite). However I was trying to type misogynistic.

  79. Short Changed says:

    Its still SNP1, Alba2. Its too late to have anything else. All we can hope for at the minute is that a number of SNP MSP’s especially those in their last term walk the floor to the Alba side.

  80. Daisy Walker says:

    @ lumilumi re ‘If people’s sex isn’t recorded, it renders all national statistics (as in, statistics from all countries) unreliable, even worthless’

    You’ve hit on something there. I couldn’t see the logic of Self ID being allowed on the Censor… after all they need to know an accurate number/percentage in order to budget for Transgender Medical Procedures…

    But it makes sense, if you look at it from a different angle.

    Budget constraints on Health care, not helped by inaccurate figures for Adult Transgender Ops… Solution

    Push the Puberty Blockers aka ‘Early Intervention’…

    Now it makes sense.

  81. lumilumi says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    23 April, 2021 at 8:18 pm

    Maybe you’re thinking of the the Denton’s document?

    Denton’s is a mega big international law firm that gave advice to international trans lobby groups on how to advance their agenda in various countries.

    One of the advice was to coattail on a popular local policy. Such as Scottish independence in Scotland.

    Another one was to fly under the radar as long as possible. No public debates, just sneak it in. If detected, deny debate and DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender).

    Here’s an analysis of that Denton’s document:

    link to

    This is not a uniquelly Scottish problem, we also have this infestation in my country, though not as bad as in most English-speaking countries. (Which kind of reflects on where this comes from – the US – and is a form of cultural imperialism, so there! 😀 )

  82. T Hardy says:

    If you vote SNP in the Highlands then you will have to take ownership of the leaking, lying mess at the top of the list there and all of the woke drama she causes. Vote Alba!

  83. Robert Graham says:

    Aye well postal vote envelope is on the table next to me ,

    Darling Kirsty has just made my mind up sorry Alex you will get my Regional vote but the SNP can go fk themselves ,

    I refuse to agree with this direction they are going in and I definitely can’t accept the passengers Princess Nicola has attracted , to go out of her way to plead for these individuals who need phycological help to stay while ignoring long standing women SNP supporters who have been leaving their party

    Because it’s their party not Queen fkn Nicolas party she’s only temporary.

    Hopefully she will be arrested along with that slimy fkr who apparently lives in the same house but both never talk , that’s some strange fkn marriage of convenience .

    OH By the way where’s the fkn money ? .

    Sorry for the french but sick to the back teeth of these fkn weirdos the SNP have become a magnet for every loon on the planet, well past the time adults take control because these nutters are out of their bent twisted minds .

  84. A wiman says:

    Short Changed

    Good to see that voting SNP is more important than your mother, sister, wife, daughter, friends

    Too late for anything else?

    Women’s right to privacy, freedom, even having the single name to call/identify themselves is all going to be trashed. This is what the SNP will do if you vote for them. They have told you this. How explicit does it have to get?

    But yes, fuck the wimmen, acceptable collateral damage. You hope that some other fucker will do something. Not you though, you wont.

  85. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC (9.09) –

    It all gets very dispiriting at times.

    Kurt Vonnegut’s novels are so fantastical for the simple reason that writing about what he was actually witnessing seemed even less believable. The whole back-story of the writing of Slaughterhouse Five is probably as effective an anti-war protest as can be found anywhere.

    ‘Anti-war’ now, should refer to the conscious effort to resist the possession of our fuckin minds. That’s the battleground now. They know we’re not stupid enough to go and die in any more of their wars, and we’re no longer as susceptible to even supporting such wars, so they’ve brought the war right inside our nappers.

    What they don’t understand is how many of us actually understand what’s going on. Yes, they’ve been pumping us full of rubbish for most of the 20th Century, but we also picked up a lot of clues about it all as we went along. I can remember seeing the Chomsky “Manufacturing Consent’ film, probably stoned one night, up late watching Open Uni, and that would’ve been early 90’s.

    We just need to have a bit more faith in our own instincts. We all know when we get a bad vibe from a particular person or situation. In some, those instincts are a bit keener, as with Stu writing ‘The Betrayer’ when he did.

    For most of us, that ‘instinct’ can become a real burden, but we shouldn’t forget how much we owe to forbears who didn’t just shrug it off as an inconvenience.

  86. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian Brotherhood at 8:18 pm.

    I have been used to your 4 line comments for some time but your 8:18pm comment was mega!

    Well typed!

  87. lumilumi says:

    Scot Finlayson says:
    23 April, 2021 at 9:03 pm

    Not a massive fan of Hillary Clinton but have to agree with her when she said,

    “If there is one message that echoes forth let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all.”

    You’d need to know how Hillary Clinton defines women. Is she on the “transwomen are women” bandwagon. (And she probably is, thus rendering that great-sounding quote meaningless, even aggressively anti-women of the biological kind.)

    Jeez! That we even have to double check and think about these things!

  88. Ruby says:

    “Emma Cuthbertson @Emz1964
    So I haven’t said much about this but I have been accessing rape crisis services for the last 6 weeks as I slowly try and heal childhood abuse. The staff have been nothing short of wonderful even asking if I need a female only space”

    Has this ‘transwoman’ been able to pick the sex & not the gender of space or is the term ‘female only space’ meaningless?

    “MSPs have overwhelmingly backed an amendment in Holyrood that will allow the survivors of rape and sexual assaults to pick the sex rather than the gender of the person examining them after an attack.”

    If a man is raped can he specify the he pick the sex rather than the gender of the person examining him?

  89. A wiman says:

    Yes, ‘female only space’ is meaningless to Rape Crisis centres in Scotland as all of them have to be ‘inclusive’ which means they must welcome males who say they are women.

    That also include the staff (Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre), as documented by Rev Stu

    If the Rape Crisis Centres did not agree to ‘inclusive’ the Scottish Government will not fund them. It is a Scottish Goevernment condition of funding.

    And they have to be visibly inclusive too – Transwomen ARE women, after all.

    Therefore, they tell us that they have been ‘inclusive’ for years and this has worked well. They have no stats for those who have objected, resigned, spoken out, were thrown out, left, or women who have just not used the services because of the fear of being with males. So none of these things happened.

    All is well.

  90. Daisy Walker says:

    There are even more knock on effects of this madness.

    Currently, throughout the UK, Police – when carrying out searches of prisoners – do so on a same sex basis.

    There are moves afoot to stop this, and allow officers of the opposite sex to search prisoners.

    One reason the numbers of female Police officers rose – was in order to meet the above requirements.

    So that is likely to take a tumble.

    Next 2 things to happen.

    False allegations of ‘groping’ will be made against officers. Those officers will then be under investigation. As the allegations are false, they will be under incredible stress until it gets resolved.

    The second thing to happen, is there will be genuine instances of sexual assault, committed against (most likely female) prisoners by male Police Officers – and guess what, those officers will ensure, that when misbehaving in that way, their corroborating officers are of a similar disposition. The victim will be out numbered and the investigation will find in the officers favour.

    Now here’s the bit that is not immediately obvious… The first officer – falsely accused will become demoralised and leave the force.

    The second set of officers, will carry on, and – forgive the pun – get cocky on it… and if you think they are going to welcome female Police Officers onto their shift to work alongside them…. or indeed decent male officers… you’ve got another think coming.

    In the space of a very short time – I’d say about 5 years, you will have one seriously corrupt Police force, with very few female officers within. Unless they ‘self ID’ of course.

  91. Gordon says:

    Do you know what I would do with all you SNP 1 ers?

    I would drag you all to the trial of the Bastard who raped a young girl after he found he could Access her changing rooms at the local pool.

    This access was legalised when the new SNP government were voted into office on 6th May by the SNPs fanatical followers.

    The man entered the changing rooms quite legally, after the SNP and Green Coalition made it law. He then carried out his evil actions.

    Thus is all hypothetical, but by voting in the SNO again, you are giving them every opportunity to make this become a reality.

    So, be it on your own heads, all you punters who are trying to force people, against their wishes, to vote SNP 1.

    At least my conscience will be clear, unlike all you who made this become law.

  92. A wiman says:

    Good guide to use of words by SNP

    link to

  93. Mia says:

    “must be a plot from the British State”

    Where is the irrefutable proof that it is not? When did all this genderwoowoo start in earnest? I don’t recall hearing a thing about it before 23 June 2016, do you?

    “can’t ever be Scottish weirdo’s can it ?? ”
    Oh there are plenty of Scottish weirdos. But I refuse to believe that every single MSP of every rosette sitting in Holyrood and every SNP MP is a weirdo.

    How many parties in Scotland have openly come out to protect women’s rights, free spaces and sports? Why haven’t they? What is the point voting for a tory, labour or libdem candidate that turns a blind eye to the erosion of female’s rights because the
    only thing they can think about is denying us democracy and self determination?

    How can all those women of all those parties sit quietly in Holyrood knowing they are voting to erase their very own rights unless they know it is just a political game?

    Are we to understand that all those males sitting in Holyrood are okay with aggressive mysoginistic males invading female changing rooms and toilets when their wives, daughters or granddaughters are using them? Or do they know something we don’t?

    Who will be the main beneficiary of pro indy parties in Scotland imposing a politically toxic policy that will alienate a good chunk of their own voters?

    Who will be the main beneficiary of Holyrood losing its pro indy majority?

    Who will be the beneficiary of us helping unionists to swap they list seats for constituency seats to stop them losing presence in Holyrood?

    The British state. A British state that is facing the biggest debt since WWII, knows England will be bankrupt unless it can continue siphoning Scotland’s revenues, using its assets to secure investment and trade deals and using Scotland’s markets to shift its produce. A British state that knows sterling will collapse unless Scotland’s assets are backing it.

    I am not sure about the rest of the readers, but on 9 June 2017 I suspected that unless Sturgeon found a backbone to stop her lying in supine position, the British state would find a way to trash the indy majority in Holryood in 2021. It seems I wasn’t wrong. What I never in a million years expected is to be betrayed at every possible level by Sturgeon and the pro indy party I had put all my trust in.

    I will vote SNP1 + ALBA2 for 4 reasons:
    1. because I want a pro indy supermajority to pull the rug from under the British state’s feet.
    2. because I want to eject from Holyrood the toxic greens and force Sturgeon to work with ALBA
    3. because I want ALBA present in Holyrood in numbers, as it is the only real pro indy, pro women opposition to the political fraud and her party of amoebas.
    4. because I am looking forward to the joy of watching Mr Salmond and Mr McKaskill back in Holyrood with Mr McEleny roasting the political fraud to a crisp (metaphorically speaking).

  94. A Hamster says:

    Perfect example of how an extremely small single- issue minority can fool weak Leaders.

  95. Ruby says:


    If a man is raped can he specify the sex rather than the gender of the person examining him?

    I’m totally lost with all this new language & grammar.

    What exactly does female mean? Is it sex or gender?

    Would ‘female only space’ mean only persons of the female sex would be allowed in that space?

    Would a person whether or not they were male or female sex be able to access that space if they were victims of abuse like the ‘transwoman’ in the above post.

    Would be very interesting if this ‘transwoman’ has specified sex rather than gender in the choice of space.

    They would have to explain why.

  96. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Mia (10.20) –

    Hear hear.

  97. Meg merrilees says:

    Had a good day leafletting for ALBA locally today.

    Funnily enough, a lot of the activists are former SNP activists so we nearly all knew each other and it was just like a normal day out leafletting.

    Felt good to be doing something about this sorry election and now I have a huge ‘ALBA board’ in my front window which people are definitely noticing.

    Interesting chatting with various activists as to why they are now behind ALBA – all scunnered with Nicola and Big Daddy and most are long term members who found the decision to quit very difficult until Alex gave them hope.

  98. lumilumi says:

    On a lighter note, spare a thought to all the Finnish wokies, who’d want to annonunce their pronouns to prove their wokeness and allegiange to the international anglo-speaking woke movement.

    Alas, we only have two third person singular pronouns.

    There’s ‘hän’ (the ‘ä’ is pronounced as in English ‘hat’) for people, male and female. Both are ‘hän’. No scope for the he/she “outrage” or ” being offended”. Then there’s ‘se’ (pronounced somewhat like ‘seh’, like ‘meh’), for animals and things, English ‘it’.

    Only, in spoken Finnish, everybody and everything is ‘se’. Spoken Finnish effectively only has ONE third person singular pronoun, ‘se’.

    Difficult to be pronoun obsessed here.

  99. @lumilumi,

    think it was 1995 when she said it,

    10 years before most of the transcult were born .


    `Nearly five years have passed since Dentons and the Chinese firm Dacheng Law Offices announced they planned to merge — a move that would pave the way for Dentons to spread its brand across the globe and result in the world’s largest law firm.`

    `pave the way for Dentons to spread its brand across the globe`


  100. A wiman says:

    Yes I agree with those aims, but afraid that a victory for SNP will be seen as endorsement of this shit. And they will claim it is.

    But at least that’s fight talk. Mightily fed up with: ‘ah shut it, we’ll sort it after indy’

    As for the genderwoo, it’s world wide BS unfortunately, but Sturgeon wants to be seen as the first – the ‘progressive’ world leaders of ‘international best practice’ (which was called thus by the authors of this shit)

    Depressed as fuck. Never thought I’d be fighting for women’s right to be able to go out in public, or allowed to object to men bed-bathing them or giving them fucking rape tests in 2021

  101. Kcor says:

    Gordon says,

    “Do you know what I would do with all you SNP 1 ers?”

    Just a bit of advice.

    Al-Stuart has stated that he is NOT VOTING SNP 1.

    I believe Al-Stuart is in urgent need of medication.

    Please don’t mention him in any more of your posts and unnecessarily agitate him.

    Otherwise I agree with you.

    It is absolute morons like Mia/Ruby/Breeks/Famous15/AYRSHIRE ROB who are pushing for SNP 1 despite everything that the Rev. Stuart Campbell writes about the dangers of voting SNP 1.

  102. Ruby says:

    Mia says:
    23 April, 2021 at 10:20 pm
    “must be a plot from the British State”

    Where is the irrefutable proof that it is not? When did all this genderwoowoo start in earnest?


    Gender Recognition Act 2004
    link to

    The ‘genderwoowoo’ started with self-id and when WHO decided to no longer classifying being transgender as a mental illness.

    link to

    I believe it started when it was left wide open for people to absolutely take the piss.

  103. lumilumi says:

    A wiman says:
    23 April, 2021 at 10:14 pm

    … or women who have just not used the services because of the fear of being with males.

    This is self-exclusion.

    Women, especially vulnerable women, will stay away from places where males, even if those men self-ID as women, are given a free run.

    This won’t register with the powers that be, because they do not want to see it, la-la-la, all is well, they’re not excluding women, they’re including other “women”, even the bepenised kind.

    Women who are self-excluding from places with males are just transphobic bigots and should be re-educated to be more kind and inclusive. la-la-la.

    What is this? Gilead or Scotland in 2021?

  104. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Short Changed 9:27pm
    For someone like myself who votes in person. Its too late at 9:59,pm on the 6th of May. Otherwise its all to play for. Postal voting is OK for people otherwise indisposed. SNP1 tells me you haven’t listened to the debate.

  105. maureen says:

    Sorry if this has already been posted. Worth a read
    link to

  106. Daisy Walker says:

    @ Ruby says:
    23 April, 2021 at 10:23 pm


    If a man is raped can he specify the sex rather than the gender of the person examining him?

    I’m totally lost with all this new language & grammar.

    What exactly does female mean? Is it sex or gender?

    Would ‘female only space’ mean only persons of the female sex would be allowed in that space?

    Would a person whether or not they were male or female sex be able to access that space if they were victims of abuse like the ‘transwoman’ in the above post.

    Would be very interesting if this ‘transwoman’ has specified sex rather than gender in the choice of space.

    They would have to explain why.’

    Ruby, it has been deliberately introduced to be confusing. The intention is to encourage rational adults to instinctively go, ‘what the hells this rubbish, this doesn’t make any sense, bonkers’ and so switch off and leave it.

    I repeat – it is DELIBERATELY done in this way and for this purpose.

    However, to answer your question, ‘What exactly does female mean? Is it sex or gender?’

    At the moment, in law, biology and the public – ‘female’ means the sex of a woman or a girl. It has legal protections, eg sex discrimination.

    By repeatedly introducing the word ‘gender’ into law, it muddies the water – and the laws become unclear, and ineffective.

    The intention (if not already achieved) is to replace the word ‘sex’ in laws to ‘gender’ – thereby enabling self id throughout.

    If in doubt, if it defies logic, biology, common sense, normal levels of public decency, woman or child safety and is just plain bonkers – then it will probably have the word ‘gender’ in it rather than ‘male/female’ – and be way up in the play list of the SNP and Greens manifesto policy page.

  107. Lost says:

    I’ve been struggling with this for a while. But as time goes on I’m coming to the conclusion that I can’t vote SNP1.

    I was one of those annoying people on social media that would fill my feeds and timeline’s about how amazing the SNP were. I wouldn’t shut up.

    I’m now sitting here hanging my head in shame I’ve got it so wrong. I used to be so sure I was switched on with politics and I’ve been taken a fool of. I’ve backed the wrong horse.

    I can’t do anything about that now but I can make amends by not voting SNP1, by giving the SNP such a fright that they’ll get their shit together and change the ones at the top and stop all this GRA stuff. The other options for votes are unionists so it’s a spoiled vote and Alba2. Which is a step up from a month ago because for the first time ever I wasn’t even going to vote.

    It’s personal for me I’ve got young kids to protect and a husband who’s being stymied through the HCB if he even attempts to challenge anyone looking like a male from going near female toilets.

    In my line of work I see truly vulnerable females (not the pay-me-attention and give me my right kind), my vote can make it easier for them to be at risk, being locked up with males, seeking refuge with males and having to tell a court they were sexually assaulted by another female. Humiliating.

    My drive for Independence caused this because I thought the SNP were the answer to our prayers. I’m willing to put it on the back burner, because from where I’m sitting the SNP are way more dangerous than the Tories. And that’s a feat I thought I’d never see. I can sleep with a clear conscience.

  108. Daisy Walker says:

    For folks asking when this extreme wokieness started…

    Around about 2002 HRT was withdrawn from presecription for women going through the menopause – due to a direct link to breast cancer.

    HRT was a hugh market seller. A new customer base was needed.

    The op for a male to woman is around $25,000. Thereafter its a lifetime of HRT – 10 years of HRT is around $800,000

    In 2015 Stonewall became aligned to a group lobbying Westminster – Very well funded and started promoting Self ID in a big way.

    Also at this time Nicola Sturgeon became First Minister and large amounts of Scot Gov grants started to go Stonewall’s way also…

    Anyway. Enough.

    When David Cameron left Downing Street after 6 or 7 years as PM on a yearly wage of what around £200,00 pa?

    He and Sam went shopping for a new home – and checked out a Highland estate in the north east for offers over £23 Million.

    There is incredibly big money and organistation at the back of this woke madness – and plenty of our Indy elected reps hovering awfully close to the trough.

  109. Liz says:

    msdidi says:
    23 April, 2021 at 6:45 pm

    Zander Tait says:

    23 April, 2021 at 5:42 pm
    Wheesht for Scotland? Hawd ma nose?

    Nae chance Pal !

    Rippity rip rip goes the Constituency List,
    Neatly placed in the bin, it won’t be missed.

    I hope you were not speaking literally about putting your constituency ballot paper in the bin. You have to submit both papers. If you can’t vote for a party in the constituency you must spoil your paper and submit it or your list vote won’t count! Independence supporters should all be voting for the ALBA Party on the list. PLEASE link to

    You don’t have to submit both ballots. They are put into seperate boxes and counted seperately. There is no connection between your constituency vote and your list vote so it is not possible for your list vote not to count if you complete it.

    I would say however, that it is better to spoil your vote rather than just tear it up. Putting a comment on – to the effect that ‘Women won’t wheesht’ sends a message at least to the parties.

  110. Liz g says:

    “But you don’t have to be a feminist to know right from wrong, and we’re pretty sure that rolling back a century of progress towards equality and protection for women is the latter. And that’s the side that anyone voting SNP or Scottish Green next month will inescapably have chosen.”….

    Well Rev as I see it , we don’t we have much of a choice.
    This Gender nonsense has a foothold all across the Western Democracies and will not easily go away.

    Not to vote rolls back progress too, at one point the common man had no vote either, and the politicians do seem to prefer us not to use our vote.

    To vote for the British not only traps us in the Union, it also offers even less protection for Scottish Women when this Gender Bending takes a proper hold in Westminister, and it will take hold there too.
    Scottish votes count for nothing at Westminster as you yourself have demonstrated many times.

    The one thing a bit of observation and research shows, is that , the Gender woo woo changes being pushed on the western populations are being done on the down low and very much behind closed doors .
    It seems to me that the best way to tackle this is to bring it into to the day light and fight against it there.
    If we don’t vote SNP 1 and the British get control of Holyrood the Gender thing is not defeated and will still be rumbling away in the background of the Indy moment anyway.
    So all things considered , I’d say that SNP 1 / ALBA 2 is still the best * available * option.

    It is not as cut and dried as , “we vote for the rolling back of woman’s rights” ….
    If we can bring the issues before ALL of the electorate and shine a light on exactly what they are doing it will most likely be the end of the SNP and the Greens as a political force after this term if they use the power they gain at this election to try to push for these policy’s .
    Women are a lot more organised now than when you first drew attention to what this policy change really ment, and I believe can put it all in the spotlight if Alba are in Holyrood.
    I am very confident that once Jock and Jean public are clued across the board, the SNP and the Greens either won’t get it passed or it won’t hold for long.

    The worst outcome from all perspectives is for the Indy party’s to lose….not just for Holyrood and for Indy…but to leave the SNP and the Greens quietly nursing these horrendous policy’s (and other Countries capitulating to them too) till their turn comes back around , it seems to me , is a mistake and solves not a thing.

    Lance the boil and pick the scab from this nonsense and do it during this term…..because as the history of the Yes Movement has so painfully shown these past few years….. Carpe Diem is the way to go …..

  111. susanXX says:

    The way this whole gender ideology/queen theory has gone from bad to worse, with the ‘give an inch…’ scenario i no longer have any sympathy even for genuinely gender dysphoric individuals. Stay in the men’s or campaign for your own, separate spaces. You and your aggressive enablers have pissed in the drinking water. Enough is enough.

  112. Jim Tadgercock says:

    Lost at 10.58

    Well said and it sums up where I am at the moment.All the years I was hoodwinked by NS until for some unknown reason I realized what an arse I have been. I still struggle with the amount of folk that are SNP 1 and 2 but each to their own.

  113. Breastplate says:

    Liz @ 11:16,
    Agreed, Alba would shine a light on this self Id rubbish and that would stop this insanity.

  114. Gordon says:

    Kcor. 10.42

    Yes, good post.

    And I think the tide is turning, the, vote SNP 1 Brigade seems to be shrinking.

    Hopefully more and more are distancing themselves from the corrupt, perverted SBP.

    The thing about Big Al the kiddies pal is that he has is such a dick.

    But I’ll try my best to avoid him.

  115. crazycat says:

    @ Liz at 11.13

    After msdidi’s original post at 6.45, I did some research. I drafted a post, but decided it was too long, and Zander had already indicated a change of plan.

    Since you’ve raised it again, I’ve rewritten something nearly as long!

    It is certainly true, as you say, that those who vote in person can spoil one of their papers without affecting the other, though they will have to put both into the respective ballot boxes, not destroy either of them.

    When it comes to postal votes (which is what I assumed Zander was talking about), things are not so clear.

    A postal vote packet which does not contain the voter statement and both ballot papers will be temporarily classified as “provisionally rejected”.

    Sometimes the missing bit will turn up – in the envelope sent by another person from the same address, for instance. Then, the portions are reunited and the vote validated as usual.

    Final lists are prepared of votes which cannot be restored in that way, one for those without a statement, the other of “valid postal voting statements received without one or both of the ballot papers” (my emphasis).

    This information is contained in sections 6.43 and 6.44 of this Electoral Commission guidance for Returning Officers : link to

    The implication is that the absence of one of the ballot papers invalidates the whole thing, but I have not been able to find an explicit statement to that effect.

  116. Kiwilassie says:

    TPee says @7:31pm
    Why are most of the adult males not the ones getting body parts lobbed off? Why is it only the kids? Who is doing the campaigning for the kids to have bits lobbed off? Why is it mostly girls who are the actual ones under the knife?

    Actuall there is a young woman who went under the knife at a young age who is now taking Stonewall & Tavistock to court. She has won won battle & is ready to fight another.

    This is interesting reading
    link to

    link to

    link to

  117. LeggyPeggy says:

    I’ve been undecided for the last few weeks whether the snp would get my vote on the constituency but the above post has just made me decide that the snp will not be getting my vote at all in this election and I’ll vote for the Alba party on regional vote .

    #WomenWontWheestForIndy .

  118. Famous15 says:

    The plan requires. SNP1 Alba 2.

    And then sort the SNP immediately after the election.There will be no future for independence otherwise.

    I agree with Liz g at 1116

  119. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Kiwilassie (12.06) –

    The internet’s been going a long time now, and we’ve all see things we’d like to forget.

    If I had to make a Top Five of the most disturbing images I’ve ever seen, in any medium, it would be so-called ‘doctors’ smiling, posing, giving thumbs-up signs beside teenaged lassies who’ve had their breasts removed.

    It’s criminal behaviour in plain sight.

  120. PacMan says:

    In an parliament election that has two different voting systems and one has the effect on the other, it means that you could vote for two different parties that may be similar on some policies but totally different on others.

    The best way to get Alba candidates elected is to vote SNP on the constituency vote. You might not agree some or most of the SNP’s policies but by voting Alba, the only effective opposition if enough are elected, you are tempering the ability of the SNP to legislate the policies that you disagree with.

    Of course it is a risk but what is the bigger risk, not voting for SNP in the constituency list and splitting the vote which allows unionist politicians in who will do nothing to oppose these unpopular policies?

  121. Stuart says:

    Mia I can only assume you don’t have kids… I do a son aged 30 that lives in Perthshire and I’m lucky as he’s 6ft2 and would beat one of these perverts to within an inch of their sad lifes if one of them crossed his path .

    Yet like a broken record you carry on with your SNP1 crap, just for once in your life be honest your prepared to take the risk with woman and childrens futures and safety for the sake of your dream of Independance…don’t do your usual deflect or ignore just answer that question. Its a simple yes or no and doesn’t unfortunately for you involve the British State.

    Even if you answer yes I’d have more respect for you as long as it doesn’t contain a caveat regarding the British State!

    Just answer yes or no just like you would in any referendum without your usual crap

  122. PacMan says:

    Stuart, you either don’t understand the Holyrood voting system or are trolling, what is it?

  123. PacMan says:

    Stuart, what are you voting for yourself, SNP 1, Tory 2?

  124. PacMan says:

    Does anybody on here actually think that the likes of Ross, Sarwar or Rennie are likely going to lead their respective parties to power with their best chance in the constituency vote?

    It’s going to end with a majority for the SNP on the constituency vote. That means if people vote SNP 1, Alba 2 then there is the chance of getting as many Alba’s candidates elected as possible?

    The question is how do you want as opposition to the SNP on social and economic policies? Alba or Tory/Labour/Libs?

  125. Al-Stuart says:


    Ya thick tit.

    Can he no read. I repeatedly said I am NOT voting SNP1.

    Similar to a FEW on here I just cannot bring myself to vote for the sick fucks in the SNP.

    Shite-face Gordon Psyco, I am doing EXACTLY as your rants advocate.

    But if you keep TROLLING YOUR ABUSIBPVE SHIT, YOU may have me voting SNP1 just because I am so utterly pissed off with your MULTIPLE non-personality sock puppet IDs taking over each and every thread on Wings.

    What kind of a nut job are you?

  126. Gordon says:


    Don’t listen to Pacman calling you out as a Troll, it seems to be the accepted tactic amongst the “vote SNP 1” brigade.

    And Famous 15 repeating the old wives tales that if you don’t vote SNP 1, then ALBA won’t win their list seat.

    It’s utter bullshit.

    It’s their version of trying to frighten kids by telling them ghost stories.

    The SNP 1 brigade are getting desperate because they know more and more aren’t listening to their scary ghost stories anymore.

    It’s Indy at all costs for them.

    I’d like to know who in the SNP is going to give them this Independence, because Independence is not even a priority for the SNP.

  127. TPee says:

    Thanks, yes I know but there are many lobbying for it to be overturned. I fear for the outcome.

    Ian Brotherhood – yes I agree it’s criminal. These poor girls, many of whom are trying to escape entering the over sexualisation of womanhood, many who are lesbian, many who are autistic and who are sold a solution that they can be men, that they just have to have their breasts removed and take testosterone. Lives ruined. It’s utterly tragic.

    I will never forgive the political support for this wicked ideology.

  128. TPee says:

    The doctors grinning, while holding up buckets of breast tissue was heart stopping

  129. Al-Stuart says:

    For anyone just joining Wings BTL section,

    Despite Stuart Campbell’s best efforts, there are some time wasting Troll Sock puppet accounts that come on the BTL section just to abuse people, derail lines of debate and disrupt the whole website.

    For your own peace of mind, it would be wise to keep an eye on the spelling/grammar/syntax of ONE person who posts under muiltiple names as he/she/it plagues this place every day. An odious piece of excrement eating norman-no-mates. Originally thought to be from the 77th Brigade, but would have failed the physical , failed the psychological, failed the basic training. One of life’s failures at everything. That sleaze stank pit is…


    Thinks he/she/it is a master baiter. Technically he is a master baiter, but not in baiting folk because most here see him/her/it what he/she/twat really is…


    Remember folks, trolls also win when they waste your time.

    – their posts, often too many, of no substance, will “slide” good posts way upthread, where people will miss them

    – new handle, lots of posting; reasonable at first, then arsey later on – diverting the discourse

    – always asking questions that – have been answered many times, can be looked up, and when they get an answer, they go on to something else, or makeup bullshit hypotheticals

    – if the Isle of Wight goes independent after the breakup of the UK, getting rich by charging transit fees for Le Manche.


  130. TPee says:


    link to

  131. Liz g says:

    Gordon @ 12.36
    I’ve heard Alex Salmond called a lot of things Gordon , but never a “Teller of Old Wife’s Tales ” !
    SNP 1, is his recommendation is it no ?
    Or do you think a “Brigade” of some description just made it up ?
    The Rev has quite rightly pointed out the faults and failings of the SNP and the Greens.
    But in doing so he has also shown us who they are… and they certainly don’t seem much to be afraid of.
    Holyrood is not for the Unionists to play in any longer, the British Party’s are not the answer for Scotland’s business .
    We are where we are and we have the Scottish party’s we have … our choices are exactly that.
    And they are that because the Yes movement got behind the SNP and didn’t form a force to stand beside them…. now we seem to have that force… so I’d say let’s make best use of it and have no more consideration of the British as an answer..
    We created this problem and we should be doing the grunt work as unpleasant as it may be to fix it… ye know …like Normal Countries do…

  132. Stuart says:

    And also Mia how do you suppose i find irrefutable evidence to prove a negative? You spend all of your time, not answering genuine questions, passing over evidence to the contrary for your assertions, without exception blaming others for your situation, making up conspiracies for your rapidly dwindling fans.

    Yeah the English are terrified of losing the assets of the utopia called Scotland, that’s why the taxpayers of England pay you 30% more per person in benefits. Through your pretendy government please explain as you are responsible for raising taxes how without the Barnett formula you would be able to meet the costs of Health, Education, Policing and Security from your tax take? These assets you speak of I assume include Water, in that case who would you sell it to if not England (which despite your fantasies pays for it) Oil? OK fair enough but you do realise two things even for a simpleton like you, firstly Oil doesn’t magically come up from the ocean into a refined product that you put into your car or to heat your home, tell me if you can what wholly owned Scottish company has the resources to do this? And pay the amount of tax to run your Utopia with free this that and the other, which are not free to the vast majority of the Union you so despise. You’ve been so conned that things are for free…they’re not in the real world

    Colonial?? You really are deluded please explain how Scotlands a colony and Yorkshire isn’t, similar population’s, what laws or anything benefit Yorkshire over Scotland? Oh I can guess was Bannockburn or Colloden that makes you so funking special

    If you had more than one brain cell you’d realise your not a colony, but it appears you want to become one… the EU ffs they impose laws on “members “that supercede your own laws that you vote for. I guess that as long as their anti-British alls well with you? Please tell me what Laws Westminster unilaterally imposes on Scotland?

    And when it comes to Security of your newly Independant Scotland, what would you do if Scotlands Unionists decided to rebel? Would you approve of any measures to keep Scotland Independant despite nearly 50% of your people wanting to remain in the Union? Sounds to me eerily like NI. Personally and its only personally I think the best solution if for your lot to feck off to the Emarald Isle with all their supposed freedom fighters and let the Unionists from there replace you and then we’d have one land mass free of whinging twats who actually look at the benefits of being here.

    You people are really strange you remind me of the lefties down here who claim people coming from “war torn France” , are asylum seekers no there not they are ILLEGAL immigrants and frankly your funking welcome to them, but of course you won’t. If you hate this land mass and the people on it (the majority) why don’t you feck right off and find some place you don’t hate, you have no more right to live in Scotland than I do to live in England or anywhere.

    You don’t seem to realise that the world has moved on from William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and Bonnie Prince Charlie, whatever the actual truth about them. People or should I say normal people don’t care what happened hundreds of years ago, just
    I’ve I and anyone I know doesn’t care about Henry 8th or whichever knob wasnin charge centuries ago and definitely don’t give flying feck about who they liked or didn’t.

    Scotland is a wonderful , beautiful country in the main populated with lovely people who have a laugh with there neighbours in England who ultimately share the same culture.
    Sad bitter and twisted people who for political reasons will never understand this for the reason they are sad and bitter losers.

  133. Confused says:

    The UK being the most successful political union in history, and the English, a people generous to a fault, and with no selfish interest in the possession or wealth of other countries – should take it up for themselves, a new “white mans burden” to extend their selfless altruism to –



    Half of England believes its descended from Vikings anyway, just like on that telly show, and so why not?

    Obviously, everyone wants to be an Englishman (BY GOD) – and by jove those Norwegians are white enough! Obviously they will vote for it (laughter echoes in the fjords) but the main problem will be convincing the English of the South East, exactly why they should support the benefits scrounging Viking trash with their taxes?

    Metropolitan elites are similarly anxious that the “excessive whiteness” of the incomers will dilute the diversity and vibrancy of places like rotherham and bradford, which will undoubtedly see a flood of Norwegian immigrants.

    – with a political campaign featuring George Galloway, Nigel Farage, Gordon Brown and Ulrikka Jonsson (sweden, its close enough bud), the Norwegian peoples vote for union in a landslide, curiously, the first referendum in history, entirely decided by postal vote, and the entire counting process done in an aircraft hangar in Brize Norton.

    In 2040, the London skyscrapers will be twice as tall, Norway will be as wealthy as Wales and that sovereign wealth fund, which was doing little, used to pay for the Bankers bailouts of 2026, 2032, 2033 and 2034, plus the new nuclear defence system, based in Oslo. Who needs coastal roads and bridges anyway?

    – take me back to dear old blighty …

  134. Liz g says:

    Stuart @ 1.41
    That’s quite a rant at Mia Stuart, and as one of the “you people ” ye mentioned.
    She or We don’t owe you an explanation of anything .
    We people would much rather ye minded yer own business.
    Ye certainly have more than enough of it to mind with Westminster and the Windsors keepin you and yours on yer knees.
    We’ll be fine don’t concern yer self.

    As for that crock of questions ….. none of it has anything to do with you, you have nay vote in Scotland , so if there is any fucking off to be done …. take some of yer ain advice..

  135. DJ says:

    Stuart, take a deep breath and calm down. If you can’t then maybe this site is not for you.

  136. Saffron Robe says:

    Femininity is not conferred by identity but defined by biology.

  137. robertknight says:

    Op-Ed on RT…

    link to

  138. Paula Kelly says:

    This is awful. So it’s vote for a Pervert Party or a Unionist Party ? What if we vote Pervert 1 Alba 2, just to get the perverts in ? so Alba can then challenge them, publicly, and expose their pervertedness, destroying them once and for all ?
    But what if Alba don’t win the List seats and the perverts are voted in with no accountability ? I don’t know if my conscience could handle that. Then again, the majority of SNP voters have no idea about the pervertedness and will vote SNP in anyway and lets face it, we know SNP are going to win in the Constituency. Truly what a head f*** ! I’m not sure whether to spoil my 1st vote ( and write “keep women & girls spaces safe” ) or hold my nose and vote for a Unionist MP just to get Angus Robertson out ? Definately Alba 2.

    One thing’s for sure, this Trans rights pish is certainly a Globalist Agenda ( one of many ) this one is to break up the family unit. Nikla the fraud, idolises Killary Clinton who is a devout Globalist and couldn’t give a f*** about woman’s rights. ( her and hubby Bill did umpteen weapons deals with Saudi Arabia, where they behead women and bomb women and children all over the middle east. Hubby “sex pest” Bill faced umpteen charges of sexual harrassment and Killary turned a blind eye to every one of them.

  139. Paula Kelly says:

    @ Stuart
    Oh do give it a rest Stuart, yawn. Scotland subsides England, that’s why West Minster won’t let us go. Away and read the McCrone report and educate yourself before spouting your nonsense on here.

  140. Clavie Cheil says:

    Stuart says:
    24 April, 2021 at 1:41 am


    Awa and bile yer neep heid wee yer too poor too wee racist shite you yah Yoon tool troll.

  141. Liz g says:

    Paula Kellly @ 3.44
    Well no Paula, not to let perverts in at all, that’s an oversimplification of our position.
    We did have a terrible choice to make 4 weeks ago.
    It was …
    Don’t vote …. To disgrace all who went before
    Vote for the British …. Risking Indy, Holyrood and eventually Women’s Rights too
    Vote SNP and Green …. With no real prospect of Indy and almost certainly a bonfire of Woman’s rights , with mibbi Westminster stepping in to showcase how they are needed too.

    Alba has changed the dynamic now and while we don’t have an ideal choice we do at least have some way forwards.
    There is a route out of the mess and a way back.
    Quickly, if Alba is successful and something to build on if it didn’t breakthrough this time.
    While I hope and work towards not having to be a part of the next Westminister election I’m also planning for the worst that we would be.
    57 Alba Westminster MPs is no impossible should we get that far ….

    It’s not Indy because ending the Union is the righteous thing to do to make Scotland a normal Country, it’s also ending Westministers ability to impose any and all it’s wants on Scotland , because Paula, the Women of Scotland can bring Holyrood to heal, but we have no votes that matter in Westminister … and I’d not trust that they too wouldn’t take up this Gender nonsense and where would we be then?

    With Holyrood and a real choice in Scottish party’s , there at least, we have a chance.
    It’s not ideal Paula, but life rarely is … and which choice sits easy with ye is a matter for yer self , but my conscience dictates I have to ask that everyone looks as best they can at their own knowledge of politics and see that we are no playing poker here we’re playing chess !!!

  142. Breeks says:

    Stuart says:
    24 April, 2021 at 1:41 am

    Colonial?? You really are deluded please explain how Scotlands a colony and Yorkshire isn’t…

    Never mind the ancient history, (our prerogative by the way), I’ll point you to the recent history where Scotland’s Constitutionally sovereign people voted to remain in Europe, but our sovereign, democratic will was overruled and subjugated by a colonial usurper of Scottish Sovereignty. Colonial subjugation = colony.

    That act of subjugation also constitutes a material breach of the Treaty of Union and runs contrary to International Law. God willing, it will give us the leverage to destroy this fallacy of a Union where nothing is what it seems.

    Sadly for Scotland, our Devolved Assembly led by Sturgeon is complicit with Scotland’s unconstitutional subjugation, but with luck and justice, hopefully ALBA and Alex Salmond will put Holyrood in it’s place and defend Scotland’s Constitutional integrity from Westminster’s colonial adventurism.

    Scotland is a Nation. Yorkshire is not.

    You owe it to yourself to become much better informed before spouting your own opinions and trying to impose your extremely narrow and shallow appreciation of the Nation you live in, not to mention ours.

  143. robertknight says:

    link to

    Worth a read.

  144. Liz g says:

    Clavie Cheil @ 4.02
    Don’t worry too much aboot Stuart , that type are 10 a penny here…. and what ever ye do ..
    Don’t tell him , that Scottish water he mentioned , could be part of sanctions we impose if they mistreat immigrants … He hasn’t thought of stuff like that yet 🙂 .

  145. Shocked says:

    I see Breeks is at it again…

    I’ve always been anti EU, looking forward to someone explaining how handing democratic power to the EU should be a target for the free and independent Scotland I want.

    Seems to me the hardcore sturgeonites like Breeks are all over the place.

  146. Robert Louis says:

    Seriously, what on earth are the SNP thinking? WHY, WHY, WHY are they so obsessed with going down this route of women-hating men calling ALL the shots in the party.

    More to the point, why are so many in the SNP hierarchy, their MSP and MP’s being so very, very quiet on all of this. WHY? Silence is consent.

    It really does seem, that Nicola Sturgeon really does want to utterly destroy the SNP from within, all the while pretending and protesting ‘innocence’. It is an easy step to see her as nothing but a London/MI5 stooge. So-called ‘trans’ rights, is just being used as a mechanism to destroy the SNP from within.

    The fightbakc against this ‘trans/LGBTQQIAA+++’ madness within the homosexual community is already underway, with the launch of groups to support Gay and lesbian rights, such as LGB alliance, and new media outlets such as Lesbian and Gay news (both of these are founded by stalwarts of the original gay rights campaign – you know, that actually fought against REAL persecution).

    As a gay man, I am horrified at what the Scottish government are up to, removing not only women as a definition but homosexual as a definition.

    I stand in support of women’s rights and lesbian and gay (no ‘T’)rights.

    I only hope lots of folk will vote ALBA with their second vote, because the ALBA party is the REAL champion of independence. The SNP is finished, running as it does on false promises and a ridiculous, pretendy ‘woke’ agenda.

    link to

  147. Robert Louis says:

    Breeks at 0506am,

    Exactly. It is the cowering backdown by Nicola Sturgeon that has cause this, and allowed Scotland to be forcibly dragged out from the EU, wholly against its wishes.

    Scotlamnd is treated as a colony by England. The evidence is very clear, with Tory ministers in recent weeks talking of preventing democratic votes in Scotland and by force usurping the democratic will of Scotland and its people.

    The people of Scotland are sovereign. The FACT that London forcibly stripped every Scot of their EU citizenship, is nothing but colonialism. That is why I will be voting ALBA party on the second vote, since they are the only party which recognises the sovereignty of the people of Scotland.

    In my consituency it will be SNP on the first vote (for purely strategic/d’hondt reasons), and ALBA on the second ballot paper.

    Only with independence, can we end English colonial rule of Scotland, and restore true democracy.

  148. Shocked says:

    @Robert Louis

    My theory, that I have expressed a few times, is that the calculation has been made that the lunatic trans movement offered an available standing online army that could be utilised for campaigning on social media and elsewhere. Sturgeon has known for a while that she was going to lose the backing of the Scottish nationalist movement online and we are now seeing that all but the most demented are walking away from her as she has been rumbled by anyone with half a brain.

    Whether sturgeon actually believes in the woke nonsense is another matter, personally I think the lying psychopathic narcissistic bitch has never felt genuine empathy towards anyone so it’s all part of a ploy to use people so she can try to cling onto power.

  149. Robert Louis says:

    Paula Kelly at 0355am,

    Well said. It truly beggars belief that any Scot could believe that London’s Tories desperately want to hang on to Scotland, just so they can subsidise us. The Tories won’t even subsidise their own NHS, or educations system, so the notion they want to subsidise Scotland is just laughable.

    The truth is, that Scotland helps subsidise London, and it is that which makes London so terrified of Scottish independence. They need OUR exposrt, they NEED our oil revenue, they NEED our tax money. If it were any other way, they would have gotten rid of Scotland long ago.

  150. Shocked says:

    Oh dear @robert Louis, I see you’re a sturgeonite like Breeks, (in fact maybe you’re the same person) I hope my last post insulting Queen Nicola wasn’t too much for you.

  151. Robert Louis says:

    Al-Stuart at 1252am,

    You make an important point. It is always interesting how the paid sock puppets are always the quickest to reply to posts.
    Haha, spotted miles off.

    I’ve been on here since near the site started, so have become quite good at picking them out. Nothing upsets them more, than if you don’t engage, and talk around and over them.

    Meanwhile, the ALBA party, have realeased their manifesto and it is really worth reading. Lots of new good ideas for Scotland, and how we end English colonial rule from London.

    link to

  152. John McNab says:

    Paula Kelly at 3.55 am

    “ Scotland subsides England,” Subsides?? Good grief!!

    Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously when you write such illiterate and erroneous drivel, even if you believed in what you thought you were trying to say?

    Do you not possess a dictionary? Would you even know how to use one?

    That you then had the jaw-dropping effrontery to tell someone “educate yourself” beggars belief.

    It’s truly frightening that the choice of governance at Holyrood is to be left to such as you whose educational and literacy level seems to have ground to a halt at primary 7 level.

    No wonder the SNP have laughed at the electorate this past fourteen years. I implore you on behalf of the rest of us, please refrain from voting; it’s wasted on you.

  153. Heaver says:

    All due respect Stu, and those whose conscience will not allow them to give the SNP any kind of endorsment. But I am in NorthEast Region, Salmond’s region. Crystal clearly, for ALBA to take any list seats here, SNP must take the constituency seats so that they cannot take any list seats away from ALBA.

    So I must vote SNP 1, ALBA 2, to get Alex Salmond back into Holyrood.

    The logic is the same in most other regions to maximise ALBA’s numbers.

    The horror of wokeism will be a stick Alex will wield to batter Sturgeon.

  154. Robert Louis says:

    Lizg at 1116pm,

    I agree. Once the election is over then things can change, but we cannot let the unionists in by default, even if we are furious at the SNP. Second vote ALBA is the safest option.

    I will be voting SNP on the first ballot paper, purely for strategic reasons (since that will influence the ALBA chances of election on the second ballot due to the complex d’hondt counting system). I will most definitely be voting for the ALBA party on the second ballot paper (last time, for my sins, it was the greens – won’t make that mistake again! Bunch of nappy-loving creeps (as seen in article above)).

  155. John McNab says:

    Robert Louis at 7.16 am

    Robert, Paula didn’t say that Scotland subsidises England; she stated on an open public forum that “Scotland subsides England”. Quite apart from the incorrect use of the verb subside, are you happy to have the support of someone, among many similar as can be seen on this forum, with such an egregious level of stupidity?

    Asking for more than half of Scotland’s population.

  156. Robert Louis says:

    Ian Brotherhood at 1215am,

    I think some of these smiling ‘doctors’ will be standing in the dock on child abuse charges a few years from now. What is going on is quite quite sickening. Imagine telling a three year old, they have been ‘born in the wrong body’. What utter hogwash. Totally bizarre.

    Right now, a lot of people in the general public don’t believe what is happening, they assume it is just political mischief. Once that changes, however, the mood of the public WILL change and the demands for retribution will be swift. They will demand to know WHY doctors were so very keen to do these things to kids, where was the hard evidence?

    A whole generation of HEALTHY kids messed up and harmed by this nonsense.

    Like I say, these people (and their political enablers), will one day, be in the dock. That day cannot come soon enough. Jail would be too good for them.

  157. Shocked says:


    Aye, imagine that, that’s exactly what you are going to be voting for.

    Surely it’s no coincidence that the hard core sturgeonites seem to be the most messed up, paranoid, hypocritical and confused people who post on here.

  158. Mikey d says:

    John Mcnab. 7.33am. F/k of you pedantic troll prick.

  159. Ruby says:

    “if the Isle of Wight goes independent after the breakup of the UK, getting rich by charging transit fees for Le Manche.”

    You’ve misgendered La Manche again.

  160. John McNab says:

    Mikey d at 8.07am

    Capital ‘N’ in the surname, and it should be ‘off’ not ‘of’.

    You really must try harder, my little stormtrooper.

  161. Dorothy Devine says:

    Streuth! They have certainly crawled out of the woodwork on this site.

    I’m following the advice of the great man himself in the hope that it will increase the vote for independence and spur on the day.

  162. Mikey d says:

    Stuart 1.41am ‘ i think the best solution is for your lot to feck off to the emerald isle and let the unionists from there replace you here’.
    Ah so you are a bitter bigoted hun stuart.

  163. Mikey d says:

    Macnab. Probably not your real name, ya sleekit wee yoon barsteward.

  164. Ruby says:

    I’m not sure what the UK parliament are going to do about the ‘Gender Recognition Act 2004’ could it be they are waiting to see how things pan out in Scotland before making any definitive legal decisions?

    Although the ‘Gender Recognition Act 2004’ appears to still be the law it seems that self-id is already in place in all parts of the UK with rapists having to be referred to as she and being able to go to a ‘female only’ prisons.

    I predict all this gender stuff & the cancelling of women is going to end up being one gigantic mess.

    I can’t say I will feel any regret if it’s Nicola Sturgeon who is the one who has to handle the mess.

  165. stuart mctavish says:

    @John McNab

    I used to think Scotland was on same plane as England and as such, since it is still rising after the last glacier retreat from Manchester, Paula’s auto-correct might well be correct. However, having once been enlightened after stumbling across a celebration of the limits of the Caledonian Orogenous zone on the isle of Bute, it is perhaps equally likely that Scotland will simply subsume England over time.

    This might be as good a place as any to start educating yourself on the matter:

    link to

  166. PaulaJ says:

    Lorna Campbell says:
    ” Can anyone explain why either of those positions is a crime?”

    Because the SNP and the Greens have decided to make them so.

  167. John McNab says:

    Mikey d at 8.43am

    “Macnab” isn’t my real name, you’re right on that. It’s ‘McNab’. Can I advise you to research the definition of ‘civic and joyous’, neither of which quality you seem to possess in the sewer you call a soul.

    Stuart McTavish: do you expect the re-election of FM for life Sturgeon to bring about the geological event you refer to?

  168. John McNab says:

    Stuart McTavish:

    PS It certainly seems to be a swifter process than Sturgeon’s progress toward what the party fondly thinks of as ‘independence’.

  169. Ruby says:

    PaulaJ says:
    24 April, 2021 at 8:47 am
    Lorna Campbell says:
    ” Can anyone explain why either of those positions is a crime?”

    Because the SNP and the Greens have decided to make them so.


    How many women in Scotland do you think would be prepared like Emmeline Pankhurst to go to prison to defend our rights?

    I would.

    I’ve been a woman all my life and I have never kow-towed to people like Patrick Harvie, Humza Yousaf, Kirsty Blackman or Nicola Sturgeon and won’t be starting now.

  170. Ruby says:

    Does anyone think that Kirsty Blackman might be transgender and will shortly self-id as male hence her obsession with trans rights?

    Nicola Sturgeon claims her pronouns are she/her but if I had had to guess I would have put them down as they/them. Nicola Sturgeon appears to me to be asexual. Her pronouns are another lie.

  171. PaulaJ says:

    Ruby says:
    “How many women in Scotland do you think would be prepared like Emmeline Pankhurst to go to prison to defend our rights?
    I would.”

    I think we’re pretty much on the same page there.
    The trouble is, those prisons are going to contain some of those ‘chicks with d*cks’ (scuse my French) that have decided to self-identify as ‘women’.

    Thanks for that, Nicola.

  172. Mac says:

    My own view is that they only gave working class men the vote in 1918 because after sending so many to die and be maimed in WWI if they hadn’t they would have faced what happened in Russia just a year before.

    Women over 30 got the vote at the same time in 1918.

    Ten years later they got the full vote same as men.

    My view is that women got the vote on the coattails of men because it was them who were slaughtered like animals in WWI. It was a domino effect.

  173. PaulaJ says:

    meg merrilees says:
    “now I have a huge ‘ALBA board’ in my front window which people are definitely noticing.”

    Why not add a sheet below it stating: ‘Vote ALBA to protect women’s rights. Vote SNP in the constituency and hope like hell that might still protect women’s rights’?

  174. PaulaJ says:

    Famous 15 says:
    “And then sort the SNP immediately after the election.”

    I’m truly interested in how you think that will be achieved. My reluctance to give the current SNP my constituency vote is that this close to an election they don’t care what you and I think, so why, if they retain power after this coming election, would they give a flying fig about our opinion?

    If you have a cunning plan as to how that ‘sorting’ would be done, please do share – preferably before I have to vote.

  175. David Caledonia says:

    Bradley Booth, I could choke that piece of shit while having a cup of tea and a custard cream and doing the crossword at the same time.
    Come and see me Brad my boy, or is it Brad my girl, or whatever you are today, come and see me anytime you feel brave enough

  176. Mia says:

    “And also Mia how do you suppose i find irrefutable evidence to prove a negative?”
    If the evidence is there, you should be able to find it.

    “You spend all of your time, not answering genuine questions”
    Oh I answer the questions. If you are not prepared for the answers, is best if you don’t bother yourself asking the questions.

    “making up conspiracies”
    Well, if you can claim I am making up conspiracies it can only be because you have the irrefutable evidence they are conspiracies. Well, where is the evidence?

    “your rapidly dwindling fans”
    Fans? me? Don’t be ridiculous. This is the Rev Stuart blog. Most of the people that joins this blog, like me, are here because we have a lot of respect and admiration for his work. The other minority are people like you, frantically attempting to hand over to the useless unionists a few seats by the back door.

    “Yeah the English are terrified of losing the assets of the utopia called Scotland”
    Yes, they are, in fact. Without those assets and Scotland’s markets and with the eyewatering debt England is in, it will not survive economically. But don’t take my word for it. Just go and ask some of the wealthy investors that predicted Sterling to tank when Scotland becomes independent because England has nothing left to sell. Why do you think they have been selling us to foreign pharma companies as cannon fodder for expensive vaccines and useless test kits that now tell us need to be used indefinitely?

    “that’s why the taxpayers of England pay you 30% more per person in benefits”
    30% that is nothing compared with the over 90% of Scotland’s revenues that England taxpayers siphon from Scotland every year.

    “Through your pretendy government please explain as you are responsible for raising taxes how without the Barnett formula you would be able to meet the costs of Health, Education, Policing and Security from your tax take?”

    Have you actually looked at the Barnet Formula? It seems to me that you have not. It has only two variables on it: population and “degree of devolution” whatever that is. You would be delighted to know that at all practical effects, England is awarded 100% devolution every time, even when it does not hae its own parliament. Scotland has arbitrary devolution numbers allocated via some mystic and obscure methodology that for the life of me I have not yet managed to figure out.

    Well, turns out that Scotland’s land mass is around a 60% of that of England. This means that for any work of infrastructure, and that means roads, train tracks, electricity network, hospitals, etc, etc, etc, the UK would have to invest a 60% of what it invests in England. Yet, we are getting a 9% if that.

    In addition, the population of Scotland is far more disperse than that in England. Why this is important? Again, because to provide services at the exact same level as those provided in England (bank branches, hospitals, pharmacies, post offices etc, etc, etc), that dispersion of population must be taken into account. Well , it is not.

    So when you put all those things together and add up the fact that England has continuously its hand on the UK purse to which it helps itself on demand for all sort of vanity project that are not taken into account in Barnet (the ghost ferries is just an example, or the bribing by Theresa May to DUP in 2017 are just examples), turns out that this barnet formula is yet another excuse to add to the long list by which England is exploiting Scotland for its own benefit siphoning its revenues and exploting Scotland’s assets.

    A 30% you say? Well, how does that compare with what the percentage that it should be for Scotland to have access to the exact same benefits, infrastructure, etc than England? For instance, why do Scottish taxpayers have to pay London landlords a fortune because London tennents cannot pay the rent? Does that ever get taken into account in the Barnet formula? I think you find it does not.

    “These assets you speak of I assume include Water, in that case who would you sell it to if not England?”

    How much is England currently paying Scotland for the water it takes from us and Wales?
    How much is England currently paying for the electricity from Scotland it continuously helps itself to?
    How much is England currently paying for the oil and gas from Scotland it currently helps itself to?
    How much is England currently paying to Scotland for giving it access to its markets?
    How much is England currently paying for parking its WMD in Scotland? Who is bearing all the risk for those weapons, Scotland or England?
    How much is England currently paying back to Scotland for the revenues it makes in its ports thanks to the exit of Scotland’s produce to other countries?

    Not a penny.

    “a simpleton like you”
    This simpleton has you well rattled by the look of it. So ‘mon the simpletons!

    “Oil doesn’t magically come up from the ocean into a refined product”
    Are you suggesting the rather smart people of Scotland cannot find a way to do this and it can only be the people of England who can do this? Do you realise how disgusting that sounds?

    “what wholly owned Scottish company has the resources to do this?”

    You are attempting unsuccessfully to distract me from the meat of the matter:
    who has pocketed all the money for the sell of Scotland’s assets? Has Scotland seen a fckng penny or has England and its elite pocketed the lot? Who has pocketed the money of all those licences for fracking in Scotland? Again, has Scotland seen a penny or all has been somehow funnelled down south?

    “And pay the amount of tax to run your Utopia”
    My utopia is already paying a good chunk of tax to cover up England’s arse and its eyewatering debt.

    “You’ve been so conned that things are for free…they’re not in the real world”
    What do you call “real” world? Your beloved neoliberal world where assets and money are constantly siphoned from the lower and middle classes into the rich ones? Well, that is not a real world. That is a nightmare.

    Yes. I believe when a country exploits other for its own benefit and to ensure that interferes with all its apparatus of government and even imposes its own rule, it is called colonialism.

    “You really are deluded”
    Am I?

    “please explain how Scotlands a colony”
    I think the crown agent David Harvie could explain that to you much better.

    “Yorkshire isn’t”
    Yorkshire is a region of England. Scotland is an occupied country.

    “similar population’s, what laws or anything benefit Yorkshire over Scotland?”
    It has the government the country it belongs to chosen. Scotland cannot even choose the government it wants because England will always impose the one it wants.

    “Oh I can guess was Bannockburn or Colloden that makes you so funking special”
    My XX genes is what makes me so “funking” special and I have to thank my late mother and father for those.

    “If you had more than one brain cell you’d realise your not a colony”
    Well, I have had enough brain cells to get me through a university honours degree, a MRes, a PHD, a briefcase embarrassingly full of certificates and it appears I still retain sufficient brain cells at my current old age to be hungry enough to get me currently studying for another university degree. I think my brain cells are still active enough to decide if Scotland is a colony or not. My brain cells tell me that Scotland is a colony because the Kingdom of England abused its power to force on Scotland its own interpretation of the Treaty of union. That, you will find, is called bad faith in international law and it is deemed as sufficient reason to end a voluntary international treaty.

    “the EU ffs they impose laws on “members “that supercede your own laws that you vote for”
    Isn’t that what England as “the UK” is currently doing for the last 20 years?

    “Please tell me what Laws Westminster unilaterally imposes on Scotland?”
    I think the list would be shorter If I told you what laws Westminster does NOT impose on Scotland.

    “And when it comes to Security of your newly Independant Scotland, what would you do if Scotlands Unionists decided to rebel?”
    History shows that those who oppose the majority very soon remember which side their bread is buttered. My guess is that you are having a wet dream of watching Scotland become a NI begging for daddy Westminster to intervene and take control, once again, of Scotland’s assets.

    Wake up, because it is not going to happen.

    “Would you approve of any measures to keep Scotland Independant despite nearly 50% of your people wanting to remain in the Union?”

    Well, isn’t that far more acceptable than what Westminster is doing right now, which is using any measures to create division and forcing Scotland to preserve a union that is harming it when less than 50% of Scots want to remain in the union?

    “Sounds to me eerily like NI”
    No it does not sound like NI at all. You WANT it to be like NI to somewhat “justify” intervention from Westminster, that is only going to prove even more that England sees Scotland as its colony.

    “Personally and its only personally I think the best solution if for your lot to feck off to the Emarald Isle”
    Well, we are in the island to stay. If you don’t like us, there is an awful lot of coastline surrounding England, that you can use to throw your dinghy from and paddle forward to seek asylum either in the Republic of Ireland or France. Oh dear! they are both in the EU!

    “You people are really strange”
    Thank you. There is nothing more demeaning than being called average.

    “If you hate this land mass and the people on it (the majority)”
    I love this landmass and the people on it. That is why I think this toxic union has to end.

    “you have no more right to live in Scotland than I do to live in England or anywhere”
    Who asked you to leave? Ending the union does not mean you have to leave.

    “You don’t seem to realise that the world has moved on from William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and Bonnie Prince Charlie”
    Actually, it seems to me that you have not realised yet the world has moved on since Queen Victoria and Horatio Nelson.

    “People or should I say normal people don’t care what happened hundreds of years ago”
    Turns out that what happened 300 years ago determined what is happening now, it is that important.

    “anyone I know doesn’t care about Henry 8th”
    He predated the union of England with Scotland. Henry VIII was an English king, never a Scottish one.

    “Scotland is a wonderful , beautiful country in the main populated with lovely people who have a laugh with there neighbours in England who ultimately share the same culture”
    And they would laugh and joke even more if England’s mandarins were not constantly ransacking Scotland so they can put more riches in the pockets of tory donors and a wealthy elite.

    “Sad bitter and twisted people who for political reasons will never understand this for the reason they are sad and bitter losers”
    Well, if there was a reward for a sad and bitter comment, you should get the first prize.

  177. Ruby says:

    PaulaJ says:
    24 April, 2021 at 9:25 am
    Ruby says:
    “How many women in Scotland do you think would be prepared like Emmeline Pankhurst to go to prison to defend our rights?
    I would.”

    I think we’re pretty much on the same page there.
    The trouble is, those prisons are going to contain some of those ‘chicks with d*cks’ (scuse my French) that have decided to self-identify as ‘women’.

    Thanks for that, Nicola.


    We’re going to have to prepare for our incarceration and learn some basic self-defence. The ‘chicks with d*cks’ have a weak spot.

  178. Scozzie says:

    If you’ve not checked out the Women are Human website here’s a link
    link to

    This sums everything up perfectly – We just want to pee
    link to

    Don’t want to go into moderation for too many links…
    Others worth also checking out are:
    Transgender Trend
    Peak Trans
    Fair Cop
    Glinner (he really needs subscriptions his career has been trashed for supporting women’s rights.)
    …and of course you already know about For Women Scot

    I list these sites coz if we think it’s bad now, just see what the next 5 years bring – peeps need to get informed.

    What a shit show this election is –
    – She / Her declaring she/her’s true allegiance.
    – How green are the greens? pppffft, should be called the Scottish Gender Party.
    – MSM silence on exposing all this gender crap.
    – SNP simpletons pushing SNP 1 & 2.

    Still 10 days to get the word out on Alba. People are better at persuading other people than any news item, social media post could ever hope to achieve. Why do you think we all jump on review sites – we want to see what real people think. Get out there talking to peeps.

  179. David Caledonia says:

    I know for certain, they can pass any fecking laws they like, down in my neck of the woods its a different ball game, so try and bring your balls down here under a skirt and see what happens to you

  180. David Caledonia says:

    There are not any chicks with dicks in the Bar-L
    Any of them go in there, you’ll be a chick with a dick, but for how long, I give you a week at most till a few of the lads sort you out lol

  181. PaulaJ says:

    “Barlinnie is a large local prison, receiving prisoners from the courts in the west of Scotland. The prison houses male offenders, remand and convicted who are serving less than 4 years.”

    The chickiedicks will be put into women’s prisons by Police Scotland, since they insist they’re not male.

  182. Grouser says:

    I have a nephew whose favourite toy was a doll’s pram, which he played with for years – from age around 4 to around 7. I have another nephew whose favourite toy was My Little Pony which he played with amongst the girls until he was about 9. They both grew up as straight males.
    I dread to think what advice their mothers and fathers would be given today in similar circumstances. Would the children be examined and advised about their rights of gender identity? Children should be left alone to grow up and make up their own minds, not have some overzealous crackpot advising the parents that their children have a problem.
    No more SNP for me until they rid themselves of the criminal, self seeking individuals who have control now.

  183. PaulaJ says:

    “We’re going to have to prepare for our incarceration and learn some basic self-defence.”

    I did take a few karate lessons many years ago, but I kept breaking my nails, so I stopped going.

  184. Wee Chid says:

    There is to be a “Standing for Women” sticker day on 1 May. Maybe people should get some of these and place them in strategic places (maybe keep a few for 6 May to put near polling stations) link to

  185. Wee Chid says:

    Robert Louis says:
    24 April, 2021 at 7:45 am

    “Right now, a lot of people in the general public don’t believe what is happening, they assume it is just political mischief. ”

    I think you may be right. Many people I speak to look at me askance when I talk about this, they think it is just some sort of Twitter spat, something happening on social media but not in real life. Their determination to vote SNP 1 & 2, in the belief it will bring independence in the near future, is solid and nothing will convince them that they are deluded. Nikla has a plan, dontcha know.

  186. AndyH says:

    I’m beginning to think the SNP need their pusses skelped in the constituency vote too now.

    Spoiled 1 Alba 2 for me.

    They came to my door asking to put up a both votes SNP sign and I told them I’d be voting Alba.

    Not a peep from them in response.

  187. McDuff says:

    I still don’t get Sturgeon.
    She has been an SNP and independence activist since her uni days and eventually becomes leader of the party and Scotland’s FM and it’s that point she does a 180 degree turn and becomes a unionist.
    I know the many theories for the change but which is the real one.

  188. Mark Boyle says:

    @Wee Chid says: 24 April, 2021 at 11:05 am

    There is to be a “Standing for Women” sticker day on 1 May. Maybe people should get some of these and place them in strategic places (maybe keep a few for 6 May to put near polling stations) link to

    Or you can make them yourself with any bog standard printer and Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull can find another way to make money to pay her bills.

    Twenty stickers for £5 – only half coloured? Fk right off there!

    I’ve saw a number of her products and they’ve had alarm bells ringing with me. Her “everything is transphobic” over a trans flag and “celebrate diversity by silencing women” over a gay flag in particular look deliberately inflammatory and counter-productive.

  189. Liz g says:

    McDuff @ 11.46
    It’s probably just money McDuff.
    It usually is, and their comfortable lives don’t change much if we all have to wait a bit longer for Indy.
    They can’t admit to being skint as it would be flung in their faces and all the British have to do is keep them fighting expensive elections.
    The SNP and the British establishment never factored in the Yes movement staying active, in communication and organising after 2014… so it would be a fair assumption there was time for them to coast and neither the SNP or the British have ever quite known what to do with us .

  190. John Main says:

    The reality as I see it is that hundreds of thousands of Scots who have never read WOS and never heard anything good about Alba in the MSM and always think less about their voting intentions than they do about what’s for tea, are going to vote SNP 1 & 2. No Alba supporter needs to vote SNP 1 cos the SNP are home and dry already.

    Alba 2 to get some grown ups into Hollyrood.

    Do what you want with your 1st vote, it’s not worth the ink needed to mark the paper.

  191. Anton Decadent says:

    If you want to go even further down this particular rabbit hole look up one of the “pillars of white supremacy” which must be smashed, it’s the “white heteropatriarchy”.

    Intersectionality means a constant moving of the goalposts and continuous claiming of victim status so the people who wish to completely reshape Western cultures and societies are never held to account regardless of what they have done.

    Re the section of the regular posters who have lost faith in the SNP, living in Govanhill and seeing it turned from a functioning, multicultural area into a crimeridden slum in which complaining about it was judged to be a far greater crime than trafficking women for sexual slavery etc is what did it for me. This area was ahead of the curve and possibly a social experiment for the new HCL, isolate critics through smear, labelling people as racists and fascists puts a stop to people agreeing through fear of guilt via association. You are all going to have the same trick pulled on you via accusations of transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia and, and this one would be funny if it wasn’t so dangerous, misogyny for standing up to misogynists dressed as women.

  192. McDuff says:

    Lis G
    Yes money is a strong motive. But it seems to me there has been a plan in the making for some time prior to Sturgeon becoming FM given the swiftness of the u turn. And she is also trashing independence quite openly with a confidence she is untouchable.

  193. stonefree says:

    On one of the clip there was a link to a You Tube clip titled

    “Piers Clashes With Trans Supporter Over JK Rowling’s Controversial New Book | Good Morning Britain”

    George Galloway, is there as well It doesn’t progress as the wokeist expected
    It also shows the type of mentality lying within now current Green/SNP

    link to

  194. Wee Chid says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    24 April, 2021 at 12:15 pm

    “I’ve saw a number of her products and they’ve had alarm bells ringing with me. Her “everything is transphobic” over a trans flag and “celebrate diversity by silencing women” over a gay flag in particular look deliberately inflammatory and counter-productive.”

    I think, like many women, she is fed up playing Mrs Nice. Some of the abuse these b*****ds are handing out needs to be met head on. No more being “kind”. they just take advantage.

  195. Wee Chid says:

    John Main says:
    24 April, 2021 at 1:21 pm

    There isn’t room at the bottom of our constituency ballot to write “none of the above”.
    Mine will be spoiled though. My local SNP candidate is one of the “good guys” (although none of them actually managed to vote against the hate crime bill) but I don’t want to give a ringing endorsement to the whacky policies of the current SNP – who I don’t believe will deliver independence anyway.

  196. stonefree says:

    @ McDuff at 11:46 am

    “I still don’t get Sturgeon.She has been an SNP and independence activist since her uni days and eventually becomes leader of the party and Scotland’s FM and it’s that point she does a 180 degree turn and becomes a unionist.”
    Did she?
    I suggest she never was , She claims to be a feminist,yet does nothing,it seems in that regard ,certainly appears that way.
    Best described as not wired correctly

  197. Al-Stuart says:

    John Main,

    Thanks for posting that. It’s one of the best summaries I have read on Wings.

    So many of us are genuinely tortured by whether to vote…

    SNP (X) Constituency
    Alba (X) Constituency

    The SNP Sturgeonite McWokeist cabal are just too far gone beyond the pale for many of us to stomach SNP1. I am leaning towards..

    SPOLIED BALLOT (Where’s the £600,000 Murrell)
    Alba (X)

    John, I think you have written a lot of sense. Thankyou.


    John Main says:
    24 April, 2021 at 1:21 pm
    The reality as I see it is that hundreds of thousands of Scots who have never read WOS and never heard anything good about Alba in the MSM and always think less about their voting intentions than they do about what’s for tea, are going to vote SNP 1 & 2. No Alba supporter needs to vote SNP 1 cos the SNP are home and dry already.

  198. Al-Stuart says:

    Robert Louis,

    Thank you sir.

    Sometimes it is like wading through a sewer scrolling down Wings BTL. NO reflection on Stuart Campbell. How he has put up with these appalling abusinve oxygen-thieves sneaking under his radar and wasting precious hours of his life over the years dealing with no-mak fuss such as sock puppet Rock/kcuF/durT/Andy/odeP/Gordon fake beams is beyond me. I would have closed the website down years ago.

    But I do believe Wings helped IndyRef1 by a Herculean WBB and related campaigning moving the YES dial from 41% to 45% and may well help boost ALBA with an extra few ALBA MSPs. Not bad for an eccentric Rev with a Blog 🙂 Ta Stu.

    Louis, you have cheered me up. Just popped in to see if there is any sanity at Wings BTL today. Yes there is. The 77th must have burnt through their overtime. The UK MOD are having a 65% cutback Over he next 5 years to help pay for Boris Johnson’s mates Covid PPE costs (£12 per Facemask). Poor old Norman-No-Mates, Rock/daeHckuF. He/she/tit is fighting a losing battle. Soon to be given his P45 jotters. Deluded Troll.

    Louis, I appreciate your decent words. Also managed to read the Alba Manifesto. Thanks for the link.
    Robert Louis says:
    24 April, 2021 at 7:24 am
    Al-Stuart at 12.52,

    You make an important point. It is always interesting how the paid sock puppets are always the quickest to reply to posts.
    Haha, spotted miles off.

    I’ve been on here since near the site started, so have become quite good at picking them out. Nothing upsets them more, than if you don’t engage, and talk around and over them.

    Meanwhile, the ALBA party, have realeased their manifesto and it is really worth reading. Lots of new good ideas for Scotland, and how we end English colonial rule from London.

    link to

  199. Daisy Walker says:

    Great day of leafletting in Dunfermline today.

    Re Mac says:
    24 April, 2021 at 9:26 am

    My own view is that they only gave working class men the vote in 1918 because after sending so many to die and be maimed in WWI if they hadn’t they would have faced what happened in Russia just a year before.

    Women over 30 got the vote at the same time in 1918.

    Ten years later they got the full vote same as men.

    My view is that women got the vote on the coattails of men because it was them who were slaughtered like animals in WWI. It was a domino effect.’

    I was told they got the vote after WW1 because when the men went to the trenches, the women backfilled all the jobs, including the nursing at the front line – so they couldn’t argue anymore that they were too frail, and didn’t know what the big bad world was like.

  200. Kcor says:

    Stuart says,

    “Yet like a broken record you carry on with your SNP1 crap, just for once in your life be honest your prepared to take the risk with woman and childrens futures and safety for the sake of your dream of Independance”

    Don’t expect any honesty from those who are hellbent against getting Sturgeon defeated in her Glasgow Southside constituency.

    They would sell their grandmothers to enable wee Nicla to destroy Scotland.

    Don’t trust a word of what they post.

  201. Mark Boyle says:

    @Wee Chid says:
    24 April, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    Mark Boyle says:
    24 April, 2021 at 12:15 pm

    “I’ve saw a number of her products and they’ve had alarm bells ringing with me. Her “everything is transphobic” over a trans flag and “celebrate diversity by silencing women” over a gay flag in particular look deliberately inflammatory and counter-productive.”

    I think, like many women, she is fed up playing Mrs Nice. Some of the abuse these b*****ds are handing out needs to be met head on. No more being “kind”. they just take advantage.

    But most of this abuse is from so-called “allies” and “transtrenders” who are for “the cause” because it’s fashionable or for the same reason people join the Socialist Workers Party – in order to be a bullying little shit and be mysteriously immune from the same standards of behaviour that in any other context would result in prosecution.

    There are plenty of real transgenders – arguably the vast majority of those with real gender dysfunctions – who are horrified at the way their real life issues have been hijacked and turned into a fashionable craze for a movement led by people they don’t agree with. The last thing anyone should be doing is the exact same as the trans-zealots with their “either you’re for us or against us” crap.

    Years ago, I remember people who were gay being at great pains to make clear in their case it didn’t come as part of a package deal of moralising ethical standards and politics. The “Out of the closet” brigade were as tiresome as their “born again” arch enemies. Nowadays, any one openly gay is almost guaranteed to be a preachy pain in the arse and some retreat back into the closet for a bit of peace and quiet from the mindless zealotry of Generation Triggered bores who would put the Young Pioneers and the Hitler Youth to shame.

  202. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Al-Stuart 4.20: “The 77th must have burnt through their overtime.”

    A bit unfair, me old haricot. Don’t forget 13th Signals 😉 .

    The Union never sleeps, after all.

  203. tricia young says:

    Cath, totally with you on that.

  204. Karen says:

    Why would Wings not be feminist? Does it not believe in equal rights for women? Because that is all feminism is.

  205. David A. says:

    In 1918 millions of those men only just freshly got the vote so I don’t think they had decided much of any future at that point…not all men had the vote before then until they had to be churned into meat and mud paste through the horrors of years of WW1 and the government was essentially forced into giving them the vote as there was a huge population of working class men who had bled and seen their friends butchered or left to die, trapped in barbed wire hellscapes and had to be repaid for their suffering. Especially as it’s hard to scare people like that back in line who protest for their rights as the truncheon probably isn’t scary after you’ve spent years in trenches. Even then it started the extension of voting rights to 2/5th of women at the same time, so it was obvous where things were shortly going already by then.

    Men were sent to die in vast numbers and didn’t have a vote on the parties or policies that led up to it. Conscription and social pressure ensured they had no choice. The white feather handed to them from ladies who saw able men still at home and not in uniform, imprisonment and being treated as scum and then later essentially press-ganged ensured that the human killing machine was fed. Executions for those who would disobey after being forced into a war and role they did not want.

    Women got handed the vote a couple of parliamentary terms later too. Hardly a big deal, all things considered. It’s lightning fast change in the normally glacial rate of parliament. Yet those ten years are milked for all the tears and drama that can be got from them. And the role of the men who were ground up and wrapped in barbed wire to get the vote extended tends to be sidelined.

    The reality is most the future through all time until we get to our modern industrial age was decided by the wealthy and the noble class. The literal 1%, as they say. Actually, possibly much fewer. Not too different today in a lot of matters, really.


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