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Wings Over Scotland

Man At Work

Posted on May 20, 2024 by

The judgement in the case of a support worker constructively dismissed by Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre in 2022 is one of the most excoriating we’ve ever read.

Mridul Wadhwa, a man with whom Wings readers have been familiar for some years, was found by the tribunal judge to have been “the invisible hand behind everything that had taken place” as Roz Adams, a conscientious, caring and highly professional woman with a long history in the sector, was systematically and methodically hounded out of her job for holding, privately and sensitively, the belief that biological sex is real.

That belief placed her at odds with Wadhwa and the rest of the management team at the centre in a way that, when you see it written down in cold black and white, is almost impossible to believe.

Wadhwa, who has no qualifications of any kind in counselling, was hired in May 2021, when the Chief Operating Officer of the centre was unhinged Scottish Greens MSP Maggie Chapman, subordinate to Rape Crisis Scotland CEO Sandy Brindley, who for many years has served as a paid mouthpiece and attack dog for Nicola Sturgeon.

Adams had only been working at ERCC for a couple of months when Wadhwa took over, but almost immediately found herself targeted over her views with a sustained campaign of intolerable multi-level harassment and discrimination, described by the judge as “somewhat reminiscent of the work of Franz Kafka”, until she was left with no choice but to resign.

(“PCP” stands for “provision, criteria or practice”.)

Wadhwa was too cowardly to even appear before the tribunal to defend his actions, and the judge had no doubt that the reason for this was that they were indefensible.

These are the barest bones of the case. We picked out some more of the highlights of the judgement on our Twitter account last night, and we recommend that you give them a read there.

(Perhaps the single most repulsive aspect is that Wadhwa actively forbade ERCC staff from referring any woman who wanted a female-only service – and therefore could not put her trust in ERCC – to Beira’s Place, the Edinburgh centre set up by JK Rowling for that specific purpose. He had no sympathy for victims who were not prepared to submit to gender ideology. As far as he was concerned they were bigots who could suffer alone. Indeed, it’s not much of a leap, based on some of his public comments, to imagine that he thought such people probably deserved to be raped.)

But it will come as no surprise to anyone who’s paid attention to Scottish civic life in the last decade or so that it seems nobody will be held accountable or answerable for these appalling acts of malicious and premeditated persecution.

ERCC issued a statement expressing no acknowledgement of wrongdoing.

Wadhwa has not resigned or been suspended, and Sandy Brindley’s only comment has been to kick the can down the road for an indeterminate period (but likely to be several months at a minimum) by announcing an “independent review” and “refresh” of the centre’s practices, in the hopes that it’ll fall out of the news and Wadhwa – who has made no comment and shown no contrition – can continue to run it in the meantime.

But just such an extensive and independent review has already been conducted, by Judge McFatridge. Its conclusions clearly and unambiguously demonstrate that none of the management team of ERCC are fit to hold office, let alone to be entrusted with the care of incredibly vulnerable women.

This site and others have been raising red flags about Mridul Wadhwa – a sinister, pathological liar and fraud who the SNP nevertheless approved as a candidate for TWO constituencies and made the Woman’s Officer in one of their branches – for almost four years.

Today those warnings have been vindicated in the most comprehensive manner possible. But Wadhwa had protection at the highest level.

There was never any excuse for ignorance about who and what he was. But until the poison of gender identity ideology is purged from Scottish civic society – a task which has not yet even meaningfully begun – he and others like him will continue to wreak untold damage on those least able to bear such harm.



Karen Ingala Smith

Michael Foran for The Critic

Free Speech Union

STV News

Holyrood Magazine

The Telegraph

Scottish Sun

The Scotsman


Scottish Daily Express

The story is so far conspicuous by its absence in the Daily Record, BBC and Guardian. Perhaps they’ll pick it up if a drag queen gets involved.

0 to “Man At Work”

  1. robertkknight says:

    One word sums up the ERCC, Sturgeon, the SNP, Wadhwa etc…


  2. ClanDonald says:

    Wadhwa has to go. But how? Where’s the pressure? BBC isn’t even reporting this, it’s outrageous. It looks like we’re going to have to take action, like holding demonstrations outside ERCC or something. Opposition MSPs must also raise this at FMQs as most of ERRC’s funding comes from the Scottish Government.

  3. Young Lochinvar says:

    The world is turned upside down and inside out. At least the judge was brave enough to stand up to this nonsense and not silenced.

    I used to think highly of Nicola Sturgeon, I now find it hard to even look at pictures of her. How we were conned..

  4. BroughtyBoy says:

    Trustees,funders,politicians and civil servants:

    The evidence is clear- going forward no one will ever be able to claim they didn’t know.

    If you continue to work with and support Rape Crisis Scotland, you knowingly endorse such extreme views.

    Time to decide – whose side are you on? Vulnerable women or dangerous men like Wadhwa?

  5. James Che says:

    Ahh, that old Civic Society protection, something Scotland should avoid at all costs.
    Now who keeps pushing for the natives to take on civil society here on Wings?

  6. sarah says:

    You will remember, Rev, that Mr Mridul Wadhwa had the gall to stand for selection on the “Women Only” list. How he and his male partner must have laughed at how they suckered the membership.

  7. James Che says:

    Civic Society and Open Society are dangerous, and used to control the people and have little or no accountability,

  8. Bill Cowan says:

    Wadhwa was of course on the all-women shortlist for the SNP MSP candidate in Stirling although he is physically and legally a man. He came a very poor last. He is a pervert of the first order and MUST be sacked from his position immediately.

  9. James Che says:

    Praise to the jude whom delivered justice to that poor woman,

  10. James Che says:

    Praise to the judge whom delivered justice to that poor womans horrific treatment,

  11. WingsOverFrance says:

    Responsibility for this farce should weigh on the shoulders of the SNP. Utter poison at the heart of government. One has to ask, how could any woman vote SNP now? Time will tell. Tick-tock.

  12. Anton Decadent says:

    We should be proud that Mridul Wadhwa has paid us the compliment of settling here.

  13. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    For this unfamiliar with the judge’s reference to Franz Kafka, this is likely a reference to his work The Trial. Synopsis, “ tells the story of Josef K., a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor to the reader”.

  14. Antoine Roquentin says:

    “The story is so far conspicuous by its absence on the BBC and Guardian. Perhaps they’ll pick it up if a drag queen gets involved.” What about the Daily Record?

  15. Mia says:

    I do not think it is simply a matter of Wadhwa having to go. The entire board of trustees must go and also whoever in Scot Gov agreed to give OUR taxpayers funds to an entity under such level of appalling mismanagement and extreme views, must be held accountable.

    I do not want to see apologies. I am fed up of meaningless apologies and vacuous promises and platitudes about “lessons to be learnt”. I want to see people being sacked, started by those in the Scot Gov who thought it was appropriate to funnel our taxpayers funds into an entity led by a man who was openly discriminating women, both victims and staff, for their beliefs.

    That board of trustees must have known what they were bringing in. In that article of 2021 about the appointment of Wadhwa, they claim

    “She joins us from Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre, and has previously worked for Rape Crisis Scotland and Shakti Women’s Aid”

    That a man had been given access to so many vulnerable women for so long should have immediately set alarm bells ringing.

    But in that article it was also said:

    ““Mridul brings a wealth of experience to ERCC, from her work in the wider rape crisis and women’s movements, to her activism and campaigning on trans rights, BME rights and other equalities issues”

    What does fighting for trans rights have to do with women?

    The board of trustees knew exactly what they were bringing in at the time of the appointment and for that reason the entire lot should be sacked.

  16. Cherrybank says:

    The case was reported on the BBC Scotland lunch time news and is reported on the BBC Scotland website. I have not seen any mention of the case in the National.

  17. Protection at the highest level. Does anyone know exactly what Sturgeon’s relationaship to this person is and was? Judging by the hairstyle, it has clearly been going on for a long time and seems to have led to many instances of favours being given st the highest level.

  18. Apologies for the typo.

  19. Mia says:

    Is the outcome of this case one of the reasons why “cardinals” Flynn and Forbes decided not to go for the leadership this time?

    Are there any links between Sturgeon’s government and the appointment of Wadhwa? Who made the “recommendation” to appoint this man to the post? From how far up did this recommendation come from?

    If the post was for women only, who in the board of trustees made the decision to keep his application valid despite not fulfilling such basic requirement?

    If you think about it, from a practical perspective, those trustees and Wadhwa himself needed the implementation of their ideology (which they might not necessarily even believe themselves) that transwomen are women to cover their own backs.

    Because if they were to openly allow the display of gender critical views among staff and victims, it would be as much as acknowledging that the board of trustees and Wadhwa knew he would have been unlawfully appointed to the post and the entire board of trustees would have openly and deliberately violated their own rules by not discarding his application.

    In my view, those people are hiding behind gender ideology to cover their own backs. It is also my view that somebody high up in the civil service or Sturgeon’s gov must have wanted this man in that post to deliberately cause controversy, break havoc and outrage among the public. In my opinion this appointment and the havoc that followed was very much deliberate and had a political motive.

  20. Cherrybank says:

    The National has now reported the case on its website.

  21. Ross Quinn says:

    Yeah to second another poster BBC does cover now and has two journalists on the story which is better than one that two women have felt comfortable enough to put name to it.

    link to

    The Guardian 4m ago when I was typing and it’s Big Severing, not Libby, what a shocker.

    link to

    Yeah nothing on Record at this minute.

  22. John C says:

    Wadhwa should be sacked by the end of the week & Edinburgh Rape Crisis should be under governmental review with a view of at the very least, making it clear it’s there to serve clients, not the personal ideologies of the CEO and staff. I fear he won’t quit & nobody has the courage to sack him & I also fear ERCC will carry on as they have been judging by their reaction on social media.

    The bits in the verdict that hit hard were the testimonies of rape victims re-traumatised due to ERCC’s insistence of putting ideology before the concerns of rape victims. I mean, what sort of person puts their own feelings before trying to aid rape victims?

  23. Shug says:

    I can still see Brindly on the TV sniffling and tearful at Salmond proving his innocence.

    What a poisonous wee shister.

    Wonder if she was on the Vietnam group chat.

    Frequently in bbc who protected Saville

    Says it all really

  24. John C says:

    Wadhwa has to go. But how? Where’s the pressure? BBC isn’t even reporting this, it’s outrageous.

    STV have covered it & I think Sky has too, but the largest TV news organisation in the UK has failed to touch it so far. I’m sure however it’ll run yet another story about a drag artist who will be retiring or whatever nonsense they’re trying to justify an article with.

    There’s also a lack of commentary from Scotland’s normally uber-vocal commentators. Nothing from the likes of Janey Godley, Pat Kane, etc. I’d guarantee that had the verdict went against Roz Adams they’d not be able to shut up but here we are, with yet another legal ruling that hurts Trans/Queer ideology with a large part of Scotland’s political and cultural elite staying incredibly silent.

  25. Sven says:

    Another fine piece of reporting by our host which would, in any sensible world, be getting picked up on and widely reported by the MSM. To be closely followed by a journalistic award.
    Needless to say that isn’t going to occur.
    Surely only in SNP administered Scotland would a distressed female rape victim be confronted by a hefty guy in a “Crisis Centre”.
    What have we come to.

  26. John C says:

    Wadhwa was of course on the all-women shortlist for the SNP MSP candidate in Stirling although he is physically and legally a man. He came a very poor last. He is a pervert of the first order and MUST be sacked from his position immediately.

    I’d forgotten he ran for the SNP & failed even there, but yes, someone has to deal with the fact that a man engineered it so he’d be in a position of power over women when they’re at their lowest and most vulnerable. That raises a load of red flags and the verdict now confirms some of people’s worst fears that actually, Wadhwa was there to get off on the power he had over raped women.

    This isn’t to say there shouldn’t be services for Trans people. There should, especially as there’s an incredible level of abuse within the Trans movement. TRAs won’t talk about it & it’s never, ever mentioned in the media but dig into social media & forums like Reddit and you’ll see an alarming number of people talking about how they were abused by other Trans people. See the ‘Beth’ story for an example of that and how quickly that community shuts up when its exposed.

  27. Ross Quinn says:

    John C

    I’m by no way the biggest fan of the Scottish News operation of the BBC but in recent weeks Geissler got the Greens out of government and they have covered the tribunal, late but more recently than The Record see message a few spaces up.

  28. dasBlimp says:

    Another Westminster plant…obviously.

  29. John C says:

    Are there any links between Sturgeon’s government and the appointment of Wadhwa?

    I imagine an FOI request in this department may be interesting, but Wadhwa’s appointment has Sturgeon’s fingerprints all over it. She promoted and supported him when people had serious questions why a man who lied to get access to vulnerable women was being allowed to remain in a job he wasn’t even qualified for.

    In my view, those people are hiding behind gender ideology to cover their own backs. It is also my view that somebody high up in the civil service or Sturgeon’s gov must have wanted this man in that post to deliberately cause controversy, break havoc and outrage among the public. In my opinion this appointment and the havoc that followed was very much deliberate and had a political motive.

    This is spot on.

    My theory is that Wadhwa was friends with people in government, including Sturgeon. He wanted a position at ERCC & it was engineered so he got the job as you say, it’s a position that shows Trans/Queer ideology has so much power that here’s an unqualified man in a position of power over vulnerable women. It was a bold move and one taken with the full support of powerful people, so yes, it was a massively political appointment.

    I also think Washwa wanted the job so he could get off hearing about women’s abuse/rape as well as exerting power over abused women. Everything in that verdict screams of an abusive man using his position to violate women when he could, and this is just what’s in the public domain.

  30. John C says:

    The National has finally put a piece up. True, you have to search for it as the front page is full of the Gaza War, stories about Labour being Labour, Gender ideology and of course, football. I get the impression there’s going to be a lot of requests for support dogs in The National’s office.

    link to

  31. Sven says:

    dasBlimp @ 15.16.

    I fear that this particular weed was sewn and cultivated in entirely home grown soil, by native Scots horticulturists, Blimpster.

  32. James says:

    And….they’ve arrived.

  33. socratesmacsporran says:

    I fear we may have a wait for Wadhwa’s removal. Some four or five years ago, Keith Russell (Finn’s Dad) took the SRU to an employment tribunal and won his case.

    The tribunal judge was also highly-critical of SRU CEO Mark Dodson and the SRU in-house lawyer. Dodson only left the SRU last month, following trhe appointment of a new Chairman, his consigliere is still in-place.

    Given this example of how resistant to necessary change Civic Society Scotland (Edinburgh branch) is, I can see some years passing before Wadhwa gets his jotters.

  34. robertkknight says:



    Must’ve simultaneously finished darning the moth holes in their Union Jack boxers.

  35. Lorna Campbell says:

    Does no one in authority ever question the motives of these men? Does no one ever question the motives of the board in this case? It is way past time that ‘trans’ ideology was examined under a microscope and light shed on it. John Money, a so-called child psychologist and paedophile invented the word, ‘trans’ to cover up a surgical mistake that left a young boy mutilated genitally.

    Most, if not all, of the men who flock to this ideology are autogyephiles or fetishists or both, whether for not they have surgery. For them, it is wholly sexual – a paraphilia, usually with several co morbidities. The young women and children are the living human smokescreen for these men and their wholly sexual activities.

    Most do not have surgery, so they are intact males entering female private spaces and services, and they have persuaded easily-led individuals or those hiding their own queer identities from public scrutiny, to champion them. Some of these men, too many, hate women and girls. Not envy them. Not feel jealous of them, but actively hate them. Only hatred could account for a campaign of harassment and bullying, threatening behaviours and outright savagery against females.

    That is the paradox that so many of the handmaidens just do not get: these men get off on their pain, their misery, their hurt and the destruction of their trust. Anyone who has not done so, should read the testimonies of the ‘trans’ widows and children, the very people close to them whom these men put through a special torture regime in relentless pursuit of a sexual paraphilia and or fetish. The truth about this movement is the exact opposite of what we are expected to believe about them, to be ‘kind’ to them. It is a travesty of natural justice and women and children have been chosen to be the sacrificial victims on behalf of these men.

  36. robertkknight says:

    Lorna C…

    Well said!

  37. sean danders says:

    It’s not a new issue for ERCC…

    link to

  38. Shrugging says:

    Imagine if Nicola Sturgeon hadn’t grown up a bitter closeted homosexual in the nightmarish homophobic dump Scotland used to be last century. Imagine if she hadn’t wanted the psycho revenge on the country that she has exacted on us, and her psycho minions continue to exact. Imagine how much better and pleasant this country would be. Imagine…

  39. Shug says:

    See labour is 10 points ahead of the snp in scotland. I am surprised u thought it would be more.

    Nicola us saying trans abuse drove her out of office!!

    Well the movement is in for the long haul now dumping the SNP and starting again.

    What a waster sturgeon and her cronies were.

    It is a measure of Salmond’s integrity that he is still with the movement

  40. Derek says:

    The BBC are reporting it; it’s been on various Radio 4 news bulletins.

    No idea about the telly or Radio Scotland.

  41. dasBlimp says:

    Ignored says:
    20 May, 2024 at 3:32 pm
    dasBlimp @ 15.16.

    I fear that this particular weed was sewn and cultivated in entirely home grown soil, by native Scots horticulturists, Blimpster.

    But who supplied the manure? The ingerlish, that’s who!

  42. AnneDon says:

    Women who had given their lives to working for ERCC started leaving in droves after he became CEO. The staff turnover, and the knowledge that women were “self-censoring” (ie, refusing to use the service) because of these policies means nothing to him or Sandy Brinsley.

    They seem to think the service exists to provide employment opportunities for gender ideologists, rather than services to rape victims.

    But this is Scotland, so their careers will continue unaffected.

  43. twathater says:

    I am fully in agreement with Mia,every last one of those in power at RCS should be shown the door, there is NO EXCUSE for what has been going on at RCS, I don’t give a flying fuck who is covering up for this deviant and pervert THEY should also be EXPOSED, WHY are the police not involved, is it not a criminal offence to deliberately LIE on a job application especially one that interacts with traumatised Rape VICTIMS

    I vehemently object to my taxes being misused to pay for this man’s sexual gratification in listening to the outpourings of women’s traumatic experiences

  44. Sven says:

    dasBlimp @ 18.13.

    Please don’t ever change, Blimpster. Pink, plump & jolly as you are.

  45. Lorna Campbell says:

    Mia: I wrote to them when he was appointed and told them that what they were doing was illegal. No reply, as you might guess. The deliberate flouting of the law by the ‘trans’, and the allowing of such by politicians and civil servants is a disgrace.

    I believe, just like the pensions debacle, they had decided that women should shoulder the burden rather than put it on men. This is why we need far more streetwise and sensible women in parliament, women who do not have an axe to grind but who apply equality of opportunity across the board to both sexes, and to all minorities.

    Not equity. Equity is equality of outcome and that is utterly impossible. We see the results here. This man was deliberately and with foresight and reason put in place in order to further the ‘trans’ game, not ever to help distressed and vulnerable women. That is the real evil and illegality here: a man whom everyone with a modicum of sense knew perfectly well was an autogynephile, was deliberately placed in the women’s rape crisis centre to harass and bully women into accepting ‘trans’ ideology, the overriding philosophy of both the politicians and the civil service.

    That needs to be thought in detail about, to take it in. Just like the deliberate and sex-based, misogynistic removal of female pensions to save a few pounds. Female people need to wise up to what is going on here. It is no accident that our rights are once again under threat. No accident at all. Just as after WW I and II, they needed to push us back into the kitchen, so our economic crisis and our desperation to suck up to the right people – the global corporates – means a concerted effort to push females out of the picture again. Middle-class jobs are about to take a massive tumble. That so many idiot women are a party to this, is shameful to our sex.

  46. Sally Hughes says:

    ‘Sandy Brindley’s only comment has been to kick the can down the road for an indeterminate period (but likely to be several months at a minimum) by announcing an “independent review”’.

    Wonder who is to pick up the tab for this independent review, and which organisation is to select the reviewers?

    MW should have been investigated for crime of common law fraud when he initially obtained the Rape Councillor job in Central Scotland area, by wilfully lying about his sex in order to get a job reserved for a biological woman.

  47. George Ferguson says:

    Knock me down with a feather. BBC Scotland ran with the Man at Work report as their headline story over the Blood Inquiry
    (Second story). When we are it what happened to the Matheson Ipad report? Can we finally get accountability and acceptance of responsibility by the Scottish Government. Scottish Civil Service and the SNP?.

  48. sam says:

    I caught some of the evidence being led at the Tribunal by following the Tribunal Tweets thread as the hearing was in progress.

    It was clear that few, if any, of the Board of ERCC knew anything about the Equality Act, discrimination on grounds of belief or unfair dismissal.

    To a woman, they believed that sex was not immutable and that a man was a woman if he said so.

    I can’t see any of the Board retaining their posts.

    Roz Adams was represented by Naomi Cunningham, a barrister, who tore into Wadhwa and led the evidence that he was behind the way ERCC treated Ms Adams. Ms Cunningham is part of a feminist group named Legal Feminist which runs a good blog on such issues as this.

  49. Sally Hughes says:

    John C

    20 May, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    Are there any links between Sturgeon’s government and the appointment of Wadhwa? ‘

    I think perhaps enquiry into WM’s American partner might be enlightening in this department. Perhaps Government Contracts Graham Lineham might have some information in this regard.

  50. Blackhack says:

    Antoine Roquentin @2.03

    “What about the Daily Record?”

    It’ll be in there tomorrow once they find out whether its rangers or celtic he/she/it supports

  51. Geri says:

    Mia, John C, Lorna & twathater

    Well said..

    This stinks & they knew exactly what they were doing.

    Wtf does this man know about vunerable women – he’s never been one.

    Get him out of women’s space & open a LGBTQ+++ crisis centre.

    This fetishist shit isn’t womens problem.

  52. John C says:

    Most do not have surgery, so they are intact males entering female private spaces and services, and they have persuaded easily-led individuals or those hiding their own queer identities from public scrutiny, to champion them.

    An old-school transexual I know informed me that the men who do have surgery now are the ones to be really worried about. There’s a major fetish around castration & surgery in general to reshape their body to an impression of female, and even skimming the surface of this is incredibly disturbing. As said, comorbidities cluster & I fear we’re now seeing where this leads as a number of increasingly angry TRAs are responsible for mass shootings in the US as well as increasing violence elsewhere in the world.

    Some of these men, too many, hate women and girls. Not envy them. Not feel jealous of them, but actively hate them. Only hatred could account for a campaign of harassment and bullying, threatening behaviours and outright savagery against females.

    I fear that sooner rather than later a TRA will do worse than an assault towards a woman at one of Posie Parker’s events or against any woman as the hyperbole amongst TRAs is ramping up with each defeat their ideology has in the courts, not to mention the court of public opinion.

  53. Ruby Monday says:

    Is his appointment any more scandalous now as it was way back when he got the job.

    What kind of vetting do they do?

  54. Republicofscotland says:

    STV news carried this story on their 6pm flagship programme.

    A witch hunt against a woman who knows the truth about biological sex.

    Meanwhile Robin McAlpine’s latest explains why the Care Bill MUST be stopped.

    link to

  55. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Anton Decadent
    20 May, 2024 at 1:57 pm

    We should be proud that Mridul Wadhwa has paid us the compliment of settling here.

    Exactly! Proud that we allow Mr Idul Wadwa to take the piss.

    Remember too that he is Scottish & if you dare to suggest otherwise then you are a racist.

    Talking about racism is he protected by his race in that nobody dare fire his arse for fear of being branded racist.

    Has anyone asked politicians if Mr Idul Wadwa is a woman like they did with Isla Bryson.

  56. John C says:

    Miren Sague and Katie Horsburgh have stood down as directors of ERCC. I imagine Horsburgh saw how the verdict shone a light on her rigid adherence to ideology not to mention complete lack of maturity as well as being unqualified in her position & decided to quit. That might, just might do her good in the future but right now I’d imagine she’s unemployable in the sector or anywhere in the charity sector.

    Wadhwa’s position is untenable. ERCC haven’t enough people in senior positions to run it, and those who are there are incompetent or in Wadhwa’s case, there to validate their own perversions. He should have resigned today if there was even a slightest bit of decency in his body. The fact he’s not suggests he’s going to try to cling on which throws light onto the Scottish government to take action, which right now, I can’t see them acting.

    My other fear is that now this verdict has come, other whistleblowers will feel embolden to come forwards, maybe even some former clients and the ERCC scandal will get worse. I wish that in all these huge scandals we’ve got at the moment from the Post Office one, to the infected blood scandal and now this we’ve seen people in high positions do their best to avoid taking any responsibility. It’s time for that to change, and where needs be, prosecutions and the jail for people.

  57. President Xiden says:

    We are governed by wicked and evil people.

  58. Hatey McHateface says:

    It’s good new certainly. A battle has been won, but the war continues.


    Because even although Rev Stu is able to tell the truth and refer to Wadhwa as “he”, the verdict still pussy foots around the issue and calls him “she”.

    So the judicial system obviously remains captured, even as it hands down decisions ostensibly on the side of biological reality.


  59. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Appearing at the Charleston literary festival in Sussex on Sunday, Sturgeon doubled down on her view that transgender women are women and said “people should be able to live how they want to be”.

    It’s all so simple for this silly cow!

    She’s getting fat! She’s nearly as fat as her pal Val!

    It’ll be the HRT that’s doing it! She might have to ask Mr Idul where he gets his bras.

    Transwomen are women so they should be allowed to participate in women’s sport, allowed to be on women’s short lists, allowed to have women only jobs, allowed in women’s changing rooms, and able to change our language and talk about ‘chest feeders and all the rest of the daft language.

    Talking about ‘chest feeders’ WTF has Mr Idul got stuffed down his shirt. It looks as if he has enough stuffed down there to feed a family of six. It’ll be melon for starters!

  60. John C says:

    Female people need to wise up to what is going on here. It is no accident that our rights are once again under threat. No accident at all. Just as after WW I and II, they needed to push us back into the kitchen, so our economic crisis and our desperation to suck up to the right people – the global corporates – means a concerted effort to push females out of the picture again.

    I sadly agree. I think a mix of things from internet culture, porn, #metoo, mixed with an attack on women’s rights from the hard right (abortion being the big one) and hard left (Trans rights being their big one, but the defence of the likes of Hamas & the Iranian regime being important in this too) has seen this prolonged attack upon women.

  61. Sven says:

    Hatey McHateface @ 20.11.

    The only pronouns I would wish to view in connection with MW et al are Has Been/Never Was !

  62. Mia says:

    “I imagine Horsburgh saw how the verdict shone a light on her rigid adherence to ideology not to mention complete lack of maturity as well as being unqualified in her position & decided to quit”

    Is it just that or are they simply the first rats to abandon the sinking ship and put in a safe place somewhere else out of view? It would be interesting to see how long it takes for them to reappear at a nice, well paid job somewhere else, like miraculously seems to happen for teflon woman Liz Lloyd.

    This man did not put himself as CEO of the organisation nor gained by himself access to highly vulnerable women. Somebody from inside the organisation opened the door for him to be able to do that. Somebody within the organisation gave him all that power. The questions are who, why and what for. Was it a particular person or was it the entire board of trustees? Who was/were the trojan horse? Why. What is it about this man that made those people open the door wide for him and knowingly breaking their own rules? What for. What was the political motive behind creating this havoc?

    In the case against Mr Salmond, the rats of the civil service and crown office involved in the case swiftly and quietly moved (were moved?) to other safe positions out of view. None of them was demanded accountability. None of them were disciplined. None of them were sacked. Why? Who were they really working for?

    This is not the first organisation dealing with women who are victims of rape where this man worked. Who was opening the door for this man to enter all those organisations giving him access to women when they were at their most vulnerable state?

    I feel it is not just this last organisation that needs to be looked at with a magnifying glass. Every organisation where this man was given access to vulnerable women must be investigated.

  63. George Ferguson says:

    @Hatey McHateface 8:11pm
    My response to a pronoun request is “It’s so last year”. Coming from an elderly gentleman it catches them out everytime. I have never used pronouns. I haven’t been jailed yet. Don’t do what you don’t want to do. The tide is turning, reality and science will win out.

  64. Ruby Wednesday says:

    I read somewhere about funding. Is it 50% Government funded & 50% donations.

    What about Biera’s place is that fully funded by JK or do they accept donations.

    Those currently donating to the ERCC might consider donating to Biera’s place instead.

    Geri a Rape Crisis Centre for everyone would work fine if the little matter of people being able to select the sex of the person they wanted to talk to was resolved. Dah!

    There are going to be very few who have been raped by someone who isn’t biologically male so it would probably be best to have mostly adult human female counsellors.

    If transwomen are afraid to enter the men’s toilet it’s hardly likely they would want to see a man after being raped by a man. (Although I think they might be taking the piss about that.)

    I’m reluctant to say gay men would want to see a woman because I don’t know. Anyway the problem could be solved if they were asked their preference.

    The job was advertised as ‘women only’ for a reason.

  65. Lee Floyd says:

    Mridul Wadhwa is referred to a “she” by the tribunal. In itself this is telling; not even with the evidence before them, and their actually considering ‘gender identity’ vs. “gender realism”, are the tribunal able to state the bloody obvious.

    It’s not until the Guardian, the BBC or Channel 4 throw out their management boards will this horror show end. Because then, the morons who consume their content will be forced to face facts.

  66. Hatey McHateface says:

    “zzzz” and “zzzz” work as pronouns. Here’s a wee example:

    Zzzz was telling zzzz that after zzzz bra malfunctioned zzzz new tits were hanger lower than zzzz bollocks!

    Slur “zzzz” for optimum effect.

    I reckon that by using “zzzz” I could face down any challenge from a pronoun-demented wokester by claiming I had a speech defect.

  67. Ruby Wednesday says:

    It’s been a long time since I studied grammar. I had to do a refresher course on pronouns.

    My prounouns are me & I were I the Queen of England my pronouns would be we and one.

    Although I have heard her say ‘my husband & I many times.

    The my in ‘my pronouns’ is a possessive pronoun? That means they belong to me they are mine. Of course you can use these pronouns but only when referring to yourself then they would be your pronouns.

    There is also the reflexive pronoun which is myself.

    ‘Me, myself & I’ are my pronouns.

    Sounds lonely but these are my pronouns.

    There are other types of pronouns but ‘me myself & I’ are the only pronouns I can call mine.

    So George I will guess that your pronouns are the same as mine and that they were last year and will be next year.

    If there is an occasion where I use pronouns in conversation with you I will use the pronouns you, yourself, otherwise if will be just George.

    ie How’s yersel George? If I were describing you to someone else I would use he/him. He’s a good bloke that George I can see him being an excellent politician. However if he starts putting pronouns in his bio there will be no vote for he/him from me myself or I.

  68. GM says:

    20 May, 2024 at 5:01 pm

    Imagine if Nicola St..’

    Aye, right. A Homophobic nightmnare period that brought us equal marriage?

    Fuck all to do with the replacement of child protection professionals with SG created nodding dog trans groups? Have a search and check how many of these SG created and funded groups have polis investigations returning convictions for child sex abuse.


  69. George Ferguson says:

    @Ruby Wednesday 9:57pm
    I don’t have a sufficient grasp of the English language to use pronouns. Back in the day you would be nutted for using poncey language. Hats off to Stu, JK and Father Ted and others who have won this battle. They deserve the credit. I have no desire to be a politician my wife correctly categorised me as too honest and with too much integrity to be a politician. I confine myself to helping with engineering matters on the periphery.

  70. Garavelli Princip says:

    Ruby Wednesday
    20 May, 2024 at 8:16 pm
    “Appearing at the Charleston literary festival in Sussex on Sunday, Sturgeon doubled down on her view that transgender women are women and said “people should be able to live how they want to be”.

    Now there is a story out there about Sturgeon and her attendance at all these literary festivals. This relates to she and her travelling ‘companions’. She and the other three. Always the same little group of four.

    An enterprising journalist could get a really good story out of this.

    I’ll say no more!

  71. Shropshire Sue says:

    If you’ve not already heard it, the Guilty Feminist podcast 265 is fascinating for knowing both what MW is about and understanding the mindset of the women who fawn over him.

    link to

  72. Tinto Chiel says:

    Hey, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby @9.57 pm: we both know gender is for nouns and sex is for humans.


  73. Agent x says:

    Scottish Charity Regulator

    “Raise a Concern

    Part of our role as the Scottish Charity Regulator is to hold charities to account and ensure they are well-run so that the public have trust and confidence in charities.

    If you have a concern about the way a Scottish charity is being run, we want to hear from you.”
    link to

  74. Geri says:

    Sturgeon lives in fantasy laa laa land.

    She needs to get her head out her arse (& out of books) & get with the real world.

    People can’t just live how they want to be especially when it encroaches on other people’s daily lives.

    These fetishist exhibitionists ARE encroaching on everyone’s life. From rape centres to NHS. From schools to universities. From womens spaces to weans who just want to go to school to learn something without a fcking rainbow attached. To swathes of tax payers cash wasted on a fcking FETISH penned by uneducated & unelected weirdos.

    If folks can live ‘just how they want’ then every pedo in the lands Christmas just came early with that batshit outlook.

    Why is she still swanning around anyway like there’s nothing pending??

  75. Ruby Monday says:

    Better late than never.

    Tomorrow is Tuesday so I’ll be able to use my Tuesday moniker to remind you all what day of the week it is.

    I’m off to check the other thread to see what has happened with the Helicopter, Helicopter.

    There’s a song on You Tube for every occasion.

    link to

    That is quite catchy

    Helicopter! Helicopter, Mushroom! Mushroom!

  76. Geri says:

    No – stick to this one. You’ve waited so long for yer Magnus Magnusson moment on yer specialist subject..

    You’ve started, so you’ll finish..

    Go for it.

    Dinnie waste it on grammar lessons LOL

  77. jockmcx says:

    I am beyond politics now,
    uk politics is a cesspit of rats…

    thanks SNP…you opened my eye’s…,
    NO MORE!

    Respect’s to the rev…………….But what NOW!

  78. jockmcx says:

    I am done with all this shit!
    Seems to me that uk politics is a cesspool full of rats,…

    Thank’s SNP (you Knuts)…

    Still believe Scotland should run it’s own affairs…,

    What now……………..Rev?

  79. jockmcx says:

    Douglas Murray is a gay tory…’as far as i can tell’…
    i am reduced to posting video of a gay tory for some common sense,

    Thank’s SNP you Feckin R soles,
    link to

  80. jockmcx says:…,that might work

  81. jockmcx says:

    Anyway look after yourself and your family…good luck to all,(ur gonna need it)…Jeez!
    and thanks again to rev stuart…(what else?)…I got nuthin i’m afraid’……………….
    Me and mine………sorry!….I was in…now i’m out…Bye!

  82. Tom Lister says:

    BBC News – Rape centre worker wins tribunal over gender-critical beliefs – BBC News
    link to

  83. Geoff Anderson says:

    Times article on ERC
    link to

  84. Robert Louis says:

    Today, it seems that MAN has still not resigned from ERCC. So, the buck stops at John Swinney, will the SNP government sack him for what the court has shown he did, or not???

    Over to you, SNP.

  85. James Che says:

    The unelected politicians by the people first minister john Swinney to replace the other unelected first minister Humsaf to replace the unelected sturgeon,
    Non of them voted in by us, in the devolved government mirrors the lack of democracy of Westminster parliament with exactly unelected by the people politicians at the head of Westminster,

    Both sides of the border Westminster, breaching the treaty of union with more the one specified parliament of Great- Britain.

    England Northern Ireland, parliament Englands Wales parliament , Englands Scotland parliament and Englands parliament of Westminster
    Four parliaments of Westminster legislation and Statues,

    Westminster democracy applies two sets of Colonising laws and legislation over all the other Countries to keep them under control, except England,
    Nothing can pass as laws in the other Countries except with the nod from Westminster, the use of civil servants and the Royal assent to be applied.

    But by controlling the narratives, the media, the civil servants and the crown in law, whilst falsely claiming these are just the governments of Scotland Ireland and Wales, it is easy to make it appear that these devolved government are passing appalling laws,

    Westminster can create and paint any picture it desires to promote including failing economies and failing devolved political parties and politics in those other Countries
    Gender issues and pronouns along with a high rise in migration numbers are part of many of the Global structures around the world, but Scotland is not so.
    These ideas are transferred and funded to the appropriate devolved governments through the likes of Stonewall, many of them have foundations in America, and who funds the pervert party in Scotland.
    “Their origins” did not begin in Scotland.
    They are equivilent to a bad experiments of the third reich, of Englands experimental poll tax on Scots first, this time though the bad experiment involves women and children, and hate crimes targeted at Scots,

  86. Mac says:

    “Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery”

    link to

    Kids are 12 X more likely to kill themselves after being talked into mutilating themselves… gosh I for one am shocked and surprised at this news.

    The case of Yarden Silveira…

    link to

    Sturgeon Nonce Party engaged in institutional child abuse due to their complete capture by fringe mental cases.

    All the doctors involved in this need the jail. They need it so bad. Total $cum.

  87. Ruby Tuesday says:

    21 May, 2024 at 4:50 am

    Still believe Scotland should run it’s own affairs…,

    Fuck off with your ‘Better Togetherness’ you racist!

  88. Dorothy Devine says:

    Jockmcx, thanks for that – really enjoyed the pair of them discussing this issue.

    Geoff Anderson , thanks for the link – I am hoping the beginning of disintegration is taking place.

    Robert Louis , I still remember the delight, faux or otherwise how this blokes engagement was announced.I do hope the downfall is just as delightful.

  89. stuart mctavish says:

    jockmcx @5:41

    Still Hell yes here, but subject to so many arkose challenges*/ reality checks Iately I beginning to wonder if I still human much, let alone Scottish, at all..

    That being the case I’d likely support the Clarkson-Mordaunt dream ticket but, since they’ll not be standing here (and I’m not allowed to vote anyway), its prolly as good a time as any to tune back out – and return some much needed focus on all my own bollocks.

    * public toilets next?

  90. James Che says:

    The problem here is that under the Scotland Act passed in and by Westminster to devolve a partial rolled down branch office parliament to Scotland these insidious ideas are infiltrating into Scotland by two tier system set rof British law, as “Scots laws”
    But Simply naming them as Scots law is not sufficient,

    Scotland since 1707 still does not have its own parliament to make its own laws or law makers, to pass acts, and the dissolution of the Scottish parliament has or ever was repealed in Westminster parliament back into the treaty of union.


  91. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Gravy Bus Apocalypse
    Full scale YouGov Scottish poll. Westminster voting intention, field work 13 – 17 May, sample population 1114, (change from 2019 GE)
    Con 12% seats 3 (-3)
    Lab 39% seats 41 (+40)
    LibDem 8% seats 5 (+3)
    SNP 29% seats 8 (-40)
    Loss in British state, Short money and tithes extracted from MPs £1.4m pa.
    Holyrood voting intention data also included but this seems superfluous as SNP (Sevco 2025) won’t be in a position to stand.

  92. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Interesting article Geoff

    Here’s another Times article.

    link to

    This one is about Edinburgh University handing out free diddies for diddies.

    Everyone in Scotland will get this joke because everyone in Scotland is Scottish and knows what a diddy is.

    #Ask Andy

    ‘Diddie aye diddie no tie tie her diddies in a bow?’

    What about recycling the diddies?

    Diddy transplants?

    One lot can donate their diddies to the other lot.

    BTW Mrs Che Sturgeon did get voted in. She conned us diddies into believing she was pro-independence.

    This brings me onto the subject of people’s verbs which I think is more important than pronouns. See following post.

  93. Mac says:

    Cheers jockmcx @5:41

    Once I got over my shock at the man-child editor that was a really excellent discussion. Learned a lot. Very funny at times as well.

  94. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    For what it’s worth.
    YouGov Holyrood voting intention. Field work 13 – 17 May, (change from 2021)

    Con 13%
    Lab 35%
    LibDem 10%
    SNP 34%

    Regional List:
    Con 14%
    Lab 32%
    LibDem 9%
    SNP 28%
    Green 11%

    Seats (before Regional variations *) Election Polling Swingometer model:
    Lab 47 (+25)
    SNP 42 (-22)
    Con 16 (-15)
    LibDem 12 (+8)
    Green 12 (+4)

    Unionist block 75 seats
    (notionally) Nationalist block 54 seats

    * ALBA polling 5% in South of Scotland & 6% in Lothians

  95. sam says:

    Full decision of Tribunal at the link below from Tribunal Tweets.

    link to

  96. Ruby Tuesday says:

    More important than pronouns is their verbs.

    A verb you may remember is what is described as a ‘doing word’

    Things like lying, stealing, cheating, bullying & grooming are examples of doing words.

    ‘A doing’ isn’t a ‘doing word’ it is a noun. If you are a lying, cheating, stealing politician then you should not only be ‘getting a doing’ you should be ‘doing time’.

    Getting a doing & doing time are both verbs well at least I think they are but ‘a doing’ is a definitely a noun. Your name is also a noun, proper noun and requires a capital letter.

    Here again because everyone in Scotland is Scottish everyone is going to know what a doing is. Ask Andy.

    Scottish is adjective but basically it means fuck all it means is that you live in Scotland.

    Looks as if the SNP are going to be ‘getting a doing’ at the next GE.

    ‘Jo Whatsherface’ told us Branchform would ‘report their findings to prosecutors’ within weeks when they do we will find out of anyone from the lying, cheating, stealing bullying SNP will be doing time.

    Lying cheating stealing used in the above paragraph are adjectives. If I remember correctly they were called ‘describing words’.

    Fuck pronouns we need to know their verbs & adjectives.

  97. Mac says:

    I don’t think anything sums up the hideous nature of Nicola Sturgeon than her inflicting that utter cunt Mridul Wadhwa on not just Roz Adams but all the victims of rape that went there seeking genuine help.

    It is well beyond disgusting.

  98. Shug says:

    The bbc report of the case mentions the organisation set up by JKR.

    Reading through the names it reads like a committ of the security services.

    Funny that

    Nicola was a bampot and was played like a piano

  99. John Mc says:

    What is clear is that much of government under Sturgeon was that of patronage and not competence or skill. Sturgeon promoted those who were sycophants. Typical of a weak and incompetent leader the word over. Employee idiots so you yourself feel at the pinnacle. This is school yard politics at an adult level of impact. That such people are even near the top of such important organisations and have such access to and influence over government for the rest of of is shocking in itself. Nicola Sturgeon may now be trying to extricate herself form her own shitstorm of hate but we all know, everyone knows her incompetence and ego as killed the independence movement, setting it back decades and I don’t even have the belief that she did this on purpose because frankly she hasn’t the intelligence or competence to achieve such a thing intentionally on her own. What the UK saw in her was a useful idiot to corrode everything from within. As a result the entire government is infected by these nasty idiots. The only way to wash it all away is to was the SNP leadership and representatives all away. Allowing total renewal of the movement and the systems of Scottish government.

  100. MaryB says:

    JockmcX @ 5.15
    But Douglas Murray is quite happy to insult Scots. He describes, one of the ‘rainbow colours’, red, as ‘how Scots look when they’ve been in the sun too long’.

  101. BLMac says:

    @Ruby Monday
    “What kind of vetting do they do?”

    Simple. Has the applicant got a penis?
    Yes? Give ‘her’ the job.

  102. Dorothy Devine says:

    MaryB , he was joking and he is right – taps aff burnt to a crisp as soon as the sun hits the sky. We are pale people who should take greater care than others under the sun.

  103. Tinto Chiel says:

    @MaryB 10.37: the strange thing is that Murray’s father was from Lewis and spoke Gaelic.

    I presume his snide comments will be the result of his Eton schooling, like The Abominable Boris Johnson’s.

  104. Mac says:

    Murray was ripping the pish out the trans flag saying why did they feel the need to add the black and brown stripes asking were they not represented already on it… he then asked what did the blue and red stripes represent then?

    That is where the sunburnt Scots came in.

    Just prior to that he also asked if the blue stripe was to represent Smurfs.

    Was he being bigoted against Smurfs as well Mary. lol.

  105. Breeks says:

    Ignored says:
    21 May, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Nicola was a bampot and was played like a piano…

    Absolutely, but for more than a decade there were / are a whole crowd of tone deaf imbeciles who didn’t want to listen.

    Throw a stick in the air at any time in the last ten years and it would land on some SNP fk up.

    56 / 59 MP’s. Nothing.
    Brexit Subjugation. Nothing.
    Joanna Cherry TWICE hanging Westminster out to dry. Cherry gets sacked.
    Ferries, both the ones they can’t build, but equally the Ballantyne Ferries they won’t build.
    The new King of England cocking his leg on the Scottish Constitution. Nothing.

    Instead, we get a cacophony of SNP fuckwits and blowhards, promoting dunces and perverts to important positions far, far, beyond their capacities and intellect, with enough depravity on show to make the Nation’s toes curl.

    Those dirty bastards of 1707 set the bar very low to demonstrate what a Scottish Parliamentarian could actually get away with without being hung from a lamppost, but Jesus wept, the current SNP is way below that.

    I utterly, utterly detest that Sturgeon creature, the whole wretched gang of gravy slurpers aren’t much better, and I haven’t the vocabulary to properly describe the horde of SNP apologists who try to persuade us “we’re” the ones getting this wrong.

    Parcel of Rogues? Parcel of Rogues cubed.

  106. sarah says:

    @ Breeks at 11.43: I feel the same, as does my husband.

    I reckon that they will be happy losing seats at the next Holyrood election so they will have no responsibility and will just swan in and out of Holyrood and the wine bars/book festivals etc feeling important and “special”. Sickening.

  107. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Latest tranche of Scottish census data 2022 released this morning.

    Increase in people born outside UK 185,600
    Increase in people born rUK 49,200
    Increase in general population 144,400
    Therefore change in indigenous Scots -90,400

    Prof. Ailsa Henderson stated that in 2014 folk born outside UK voted 57.1% No, folk born rUK voted 72.1% No. These figures may have been correct at the time, they won’t be now for a variety of reasons (Brexit changes everything).

    At the moment, No leads in polls by a margin of victory of around 4%. With voter registration and turnout being unchanged across demographics, margin of victory in terms of votes:
    0.8 x 5,434,600 x 0.846 x 0.04 = 147,000 votes

    Net No votes exclusively from rUK & outside UK (taking Prof. Henderson’s figures):
    Outside UK … 0.8 x 567,600 x 0.846 x 0.143 = 54,500 votes
    rUK … 0.8 x 583,000 x 0.846 x 0.442 = 174,400 votes
    Total … 229,000 votes

    In this theoretically exercise, the majority of autochthonous Scots are currently minded to vote Yes.

  108. Ruby Tuesday says:

    21 May, 2024 at 10:47 am

    @Ruby Monday
    “What kind of vetting do they do?”

    Simple. Has the applicant got a penis?
    Yes? Give ‘her’ the job.

    He was born in India in 1978 and came to Scotland in 2004
    He came to Scotland when he was about 40

    What was he doing up until 2004. Did anyone check?

    I was doing a search and came across this:

    link to

    It says Mridul Machindra WADHWA. It could be someone else but the DOB checks out.

    Note that he claims his nationality is Scottish.

    That is another lie. No matter who Mridul Machindra WADHWA is.

    Nobody has Scottish nationality. Is he claiming to be ethnically Scottish even if he only came here in 2004?

    #Ask Andy would say YES.

    What is your nationality in the UK?
    Every British citizen is either: a British citizen ‘otherwise than by descent’ (meaning they acquired citizenship in their own right such as through naturalisation or birth in the UK), or. a British citizen ‘by descent’ (meaning their eligibility for citizenship derives from their ancestors’ nationality status).

    #Ask Andy would like the term Scottish to mean absolutely nothing it’s pretty similar to the term women. Scottish & woman are two terms which mean absolutely fuck all.

    I’m having a bit of an identity crisis!

  109. Campbell Clansman says:

    The latest Redfield and Wilton Poll (May 8-9) has Alba, the party so beloved of so many commenters here, at 1%.
    Alba’s numbers show it’s pretty much a laughable Fringe Party.
    More generally, the parties supporting (at least nominally) independence (SNP, Green (when it gets them office), Alba) total 36% support. Not exactly a mandate for independence!
    The latest YouGov poll has similar numbers.

    See link to and link to

  110. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to


    link to

    Arun Gopinath and Mridul Machindra WADHWA are both directors of


    link to

    Now I need to find out about SAREC.

  111. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    What is all that and why is it in Welsh?

  112. Breeks says:

    Campbell Clansman
    Ignored says:
    21 May, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    More generally, the parties supporting (at least nominally) independence (SNP, Green (when it gets them office), Alba) total 36% support. Not exactly a mandate for independence!

    Poll just for you CC…

    Treaty of Union; Breached? – Not breached?

    Who needs corrupt UK democracy when a single judgement will suffice?

  113. James says:

    Tory Clansman hates Alba. Who knew.

  114. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ruby 12.43pm

    #Ask Andy would like the term Scottish to mean absolutely nothing it’s pretty similar to the term women. Scottish & woman are two terms which mean absolutely fuck all.

    It’s not about what I’d like, it’s about who qualifies which is a matter for the parties involved to decide. Much as the usual suspects dislike it, the criteria for qualifying for inclusion in self determination referendums are well established. If Wadwa is a resident who meets the criteria then he gets a vote.

    Those who want to change the criteria are free to make that argument, convince the independence movement that their chosen alternative is the right one to use, then ensure it doesn’t negatively impact the prospects of gaining acceptance of the result by the international community.

    Qualification to become a Scottish citizen post independence and who gets to vote in what elections or referendum is a matter for the first post independence government. The White Paper pre indyref1 dealt with it in some length from memory.

  115. Campbell Clansman says:

    “James,” at 1% support it’s obvious the Scottish people don’t like Alba.
    Those are the real-world numbers.
    You can reject reality all you want, but there’s still a real world out there.

  116. John C says:

    Wadhwa remains in his job over a day after the verdict & even though there’s not enough trustees to run ERCC in any shape or form that even remotely benefits clients. Not of course, Wadhwa had any intention of running ERCC for the benefit of abused women.

    It’s now completely clear Wadhwa is running ERCC purely as a Trans organisation in order to validate himself & his ideology, not to mention he’s clearly sitting in on sessions with no qualifications, let alone empathy, for women at their most vulnerable. The fact he’s not referring women to single sex organisations shows exactly what he’s doing and it’s all been supported by a board of trustees who are too young, too inexperienced and too unquestioning to do their jobs properly. It’s insane that people who’ve went from school to unit to a serious position like this with no practical qualifications or experience.

    The silence from the Scottish Government is overwhelming. Although Scotland’s media eventually reported on the story by the afternoon yesterday, the silence from Scotland’s media and cultural commentators is telling. Some TRAs are shouting ‘bigot’ at the judge but they can be ignored as for now, they have no power over the legal system. Organisations need to start listening to people telling them what the actual law is and not take Stonewall ‘law’ as the law of the land.

    I expect Wadhwa to cling onto his job for a few more days at least as I’m sure he’s hoping for things to blow over while enjoying the level of protection he’s had up til now. I wouldn’t be shocked to see him still in the job next week.

    TRAs are a bit like those Japanese soldiers in the Pacific in WW2 who don’t know they’ve lost but will carry on fighting til the bitter end. Right now they’ve lost every major legal case, and with more and more countries enacting their own versions of Cass, the science is mounting up against them. Then there are the lawsuits being enacted by detransitioners in Europe & the US. As we’ve seen only this week with the infected blood scandal, it can take decades for medical & governmental scandals to break & I hope Trans ideology doesn’t take that long, but we’ve got to start thinking about what we’re going to do to help transitioners now in their teens & 20s when they hit their 30s/40s (or sooner) who then realise what’s been done to them & who groomed them to mutilate themselves.

  117. John C says:

    What was he doing up until 2004. Did anyone check?

    I was doing a search and came across this:

    link to

    It says Mridul Machindra WADHWA. It could be someone else but the DOB checks out.

    Note that he claims his nationality is Scottish.

    That is another lie. No matter who Mridul Machindra WADHWA is.

    Nobody has Scottish nationality. Is he claiming to be ethnically Scottish even if he only came here in 2004?

    As you say, there’s no legal nationality of ‘Scottish’ but the guy’s an habitual liar. What is also astonishing is his Wikipedia page.

    link to

    There’s also a heated discussion on the talk page of that article as to how much the tribunal verdict is discussed. Wikipedia is infamous for being captured by TRAs so for this to appear on his page is going to annoy quite a few of them.

  118. Andy Ellis says:

    @Clansman 12.59am

    I doubt many people think the coming Westminster election is all that relevant in terms of what it tells us about the future, much as unionists will of course crow about the imminent collapse of the SNP vote as indicative of the general appetite for independence being similarly diminished.

    The problem British nationalists have is that headline support for independence isn’t reducing, and demographically it’s likely to edge upwards over time as we know under 50’s are significantly more pro independence than over 50’s.

    Alba may not progress, but it could begin to take seats at the Holyrood 2026 elections, particularly if the SNP begins to unravel after getting a kicking at Westminster elections. Some polls show them polling between 6 & 8 % in South of Scotland and in Lothian region. Whether that translates to a pro independence majority after 2026, or might be utilisable as grounds for independence by using it as a plebiscitary vote remains to be seen.

    I don’t trust the SNP or Greens to cooperate, but who knows what the political environment might look like in 2025-27 period? If you look at what’s going on in Catalonia, they now have 4 pro indy parties (including a new one which is hard right) and there’s a lot of discussion there about how they now move forward to try and construct a pro independence government and achieve another referendum &/or move towards the establishment of an independent Catalan state.

  119. MaryB says:

    Ruby Tuesday @ 1.52
    Worth checking out Whadwa’s Vahanomy company connection Srinivas Rao SANKARANENI and Atai Life Sciences. Atai make pharmaceutical drugs.

  120. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Douglas Murray is obviously excluding all non whites.

    Turning red after being in the sun too long is not exclusive to Scots. Ever been to Benidorm?

    Ever Brit is red, not just red but candy striped. Apart from the naturists they all have red and white strips. In the 2nd week of their hols it becomes red & white candy strips of different shades with blisters and a lot of peeling. Never mind! Still gotta wear the backless dress that was bought specially for the hols. It’s a sight for sore eyes! Dazzling if they have that UV lighting in the ‘la discoteca’

    Billy Connelly describes us as being pale blue which is pretty accurate but I don’t think he suggested the pale blue in the trans flag was representative of Scots.

    I keep using the terms Scots without knowing what it actually means. Sorry about that!

    Mr Idul Machindra WADHWA would probably describe us as green. Not politically green but green like cabbages who believe any old shit!

  121. sam says:

    The Tribunal found that, without evidence, the CEO, Wadhwa, found that the claimant Roz Adams, had humilated another member of staff. Then he told others that this was so.

    The CEO arranged that the “humiliated” person should no longer work with the claimant though they were work colleagues, something the Tribunal described as an “extraordinary step to take.”

    The CEO then sent staff a message that had the words, “Transphobia exists in our organisation as do other prejudices”.

    The Tribunal found this to imply that the claimant was transphobic.

    There is much more to it than this (page80) but I do not see how a new ERCC Board can continue to employ Wadhwa

  122. lothianlad says:

    Yet again,
    Well done for calling them out. The so called Scottish press is disgraceful.

  123. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Oh madre mia! I’ve triggered Franchise Fanny!

    Sorry about that. Sorry also for typing strips instead of stripes.

    The sun in Scotland is not strong enough to get the red & white candy stripes effect.

    There’s always plenty time between sunny days for the pink to return to pale blue.

    I have no need to read Franchise Fanny’s posts they are going to contain the same stuff as last week, last year and every week of every year since 2014.

    Let me know if I’m wrang! #A meringue!

    PS I need badges and not badgers!

  124. Lynn says:

    One of trustees appears to have one years work experience and although articulates well has not shown any insight into wider legislation that protects other protected groups . Who on Earth thought this was appropriate exposure to hold such an intricate role and all the necessary responsibilities it comes with .
    A sharp learning curve on how easy it is when you live in an echo chamber to become the problem yourself and in so doing participate in discrimination against someone else and so doing harm them .Hopefully this will allow her to broaden and see a different prospective.
    The complainants request for choice seems reasonable and this must have presented her with undue stress and turmoil .
    One thing that stands out people seem only able to tolerate what they believe in , the whole concept of tolerance is when you don’t believe but creat an environment where all co exist .

  125. Northcode says:

    “the whole concept of tolerance is when you don’t believe but creat an environment where all co exist ”

    Indeed, Lynn. Well said.

  126. Alf Baird says:

    Vivian O’Blivion @ 12:25 pm

    “Net No votes exclusively from rUK & outside UK (taking Prof. Henderson’s figures):
    Outside UK … 0.8 x 567,600 x 0.846 x 0.143 = 54,500 votes
    rUK … 0.8 x 583,000 x 0.846 x 0.442 = 174,400 votes
    Total … 229,000 votes”

    Looking only at country of birth alone may be a rather crude and simplistic measure on its own; what it misses is what is known in human geography as ‘extraction’ (i.e. family lineage).

    Given that we all tend to hold to the same or similar dominant culture/values and hence national identity as our parents, by taking account of ‘extraction’ the actual ‘No’ voter figure is likely to be far higher, and quite possibly double or more the estimated figure simply for those born outside Scotland.

    Which also explains why ‘parental descent’ remains a key criteria in national citizenship qualification globally, and not least because it is a good indicator as well as qualifier of national identity and related emotion and allegiance.

  127. Agent x says:

    “An Aberdeen sheriff is to be removed from office after he was ruled unfit for judicial office by a tribunal following allegations of sexual harassment.

    An independent tribunal report, published in April, found that Sheriff Jack Brown’s misbehaviour rendered him unfit for judicial office after his behaviour toward two women amounted to “serious improper conduct”.

    It also found he acted inappropriate to a lawyer in 2018 and another woman in 2001 or 2002.

    Mr Brown has been suspended since 2018 and has been on full pay.

    The First Minister laid an order before the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday that will mean Sheriff Brown, who sits in the Sheriffdom of Grampian, Highland and Islands, is removed from office on June 7.”
    link to


  128. Hatuey says:

    Ellis, wrong again: “I doubt many people think the coming Westminster election is all that relevant in terms of what it tells us about the future…”

    The opposite is true. If the General Election goes as expected, the SNP will be almost completely eradicated; and that means the future will be both brighter and clearer.

    Polls suggest Swinney has done nothing to stop the slide and may even be making things worse — and that in itself is highly unusual and indicative (most new leaders see some sort of positive bounce or reaction in polls, albeit one that is usually short-lived).

    The next few weeks could take the SNP from the dire situation it is in now to extinction. Everybody who really supports independence should pray for that.

  129. Shug says:


    Yes yes yes

  130. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 3.38pm

    Even optimistic predictions still have the SNP retaining a fair number of seats. If you think they’re going to be eradicated you can presumably show some evidence in polling to support the contention. As we’ve all seen there are still plenty of slavishly loyal Nicophants and candy floss haired Twitler Youth infesting the party: they’re not just going to disappear overnight.

    I’d welcome an extinction level event for them and have long called for Scottish voters to do to the SNP what Irish voters did to the IPP in 1918. I have my doubts that’s going to happen, but will be happy to be proven wrong. It’s always possible the SNP will be reduced to a cultist rump, or perhaps a good gubbing at Westminster 2024 will lead to a takeover by real independence supporters if any still remain inside the party that can effect a coup. Again, I have my doubts that’ll happen as I think they’re too far gone.

    That’s why it’s more important for Alba and others to concentrate on building support so they can win enough seats to deny the SNP or SNP/Greens a majority and make them dependent on other parties like Alba, ISP or independents for a majority. That’s a pretty tall order for Holyrood elections in 2026, it not impossible I reckon. As Big Eck said things can change fast.

    In the end we don’t need all pro indy parties to like each other or agree on policies, but unless the SNP is removed altogether the most plausible route to achieving another run at achieving independence in the short to medium term is plebiscitary elections supported by all pro independence parties, predicated on a simple majority of votes.

    Any other route seems to postpone the prospect for far longer.

  131. Northcode says:

    On tolerance of others.

    Of course, there is a difference between the tolerance of different views within a ‘normal’ fair and equitable society where a free people co-exist and that of a people unwilling to tolerate the presence of a foreign invader bent on their annihilation.

    A difference which is self-evident.

  132. sam says:

    Strong evidence that one is as bad as the other.

    link to

  133. Republicofscotland says:

    Spin doctor not returning to work under Swinney.

    “Former First Minister Humza Yousaf’s top spin doctor will not be returning to government under John Swinney.

    Kevin Pringle, one of the SNP’s most experienced media chiefs over the past two decades, will not be joining as a special adviser to the new FM.

    Pringle was a key member of Alex Salmond’s team that won the 2007 Holyrood election.

    He was also Salmond’s chief spinner for most of his time in Bute House before getting a senior post in the private sector.

    He made a surprise return to Government last year when Yousaf appointed him head of communications and strategic political adviser.”

  134. Republicofscotland says:

    Brexit to keep on hurting Scots thanks to Sturgeon selling us out.

    “Border checks caused by Brexit could cost Scotland £380m million, the SNP has claimed.

    A report from the National Audit Office forecasted that more than £4.7 billion of public money will be spent on post-Brexit border controls.

    The National Audit Office is an independent body responsible for auditing government departments and agencies.

    The SNP has said that Scotland’s share of this bill based on population would be £378,803,479.50.

    The party claimed this means means the Brexit border checks are set to cost each Scot £69.35, or each Scottish household £148.55.

    This is more than the £41 average cost of a UK household’s weekly shop.”

  135. Republicofscotland says:

    The force is strong within the majority of Scots, who identify as Scots.

    “TWO-THIRDS of people in Scotland identify only as Scottish, not British, according to new findings from the census.

    The data, which was published on Tuesday and collected by a nationwide census in 2022, also found that the majority of the Scots population say they have no religion – for the first time ever.

    The census was the first one run in Scotland since 2011, and the results have painted an interesting picture of national identity.

    It found that, of the 5,436,600 people living in Scotland, some 65.5% of them identify only as Scottish. This has increased by 3.1 points since 2011, when 62.4% of people said they were Scottish, not British.”

  136. Can anyone tell me what has happened to Craig Murray? Is he in the UK? Is he moving house to Blackburn?

  137. Alf Baird says:

    Republicofscotland @ 4:40 pm

    ““Border checks caused by Brexit could cost Scotland £380m million, the SNP has claimed.”

    Yes, this is a lot of money; however, somebody ought to tell the SNP colonial administrators that it pales into insignificance compared with the £150 billion per annum economic price of the UK colonial ‘union’ to Scotland:

    link to

  138. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Margaret Eleftheriou
    21 May, 2024 at 4:54 pm

    Can anyone tell me what has happened to Craig Murray? Is he in the UK? Is he moving house to Blackburn?

    I was wondering about him. I thought he wasn’t able to return to the UK for fear of being arrested as a terrorist.

    Read yesterday that he was in London for the Julian Assange hearing.

    He’s moved on from Scotland. He’s got better fish to fry elsewhere.

  139. JB says:

    If we look at the census data tables, we can get a somewhat clearer picture; from this page:

    link to

    There is an excel spreadsheet. Sheet 11 (data for figure 8) gives a breakdown of age vs country of birth (Scotland, rUK, Overseas), broken apart in to chunks of 5 years.

    The totals are: Scotland = 4,321,512; rUK = 563,445; Overseas = 554,894
    If we take totals for those aged 15 and over we have: Scotland = 3,566,706; rUK = 531,877; Overseas = 508,809

    One immediatly interesting aspect is that the fears some folks had about there being 1 million English were unfounded, but there are over a million rUK plus Overseas.

    If we then assue that the 15+ bunch of non overseas people are the voter pool, then the rUK group accounts for 13%. It is unknown how many of the overseas born would be eligible to vote.

    If we ask the system to generate a breakdown of Scots language skills by age. We have 5,294,863 people in total (aged 3 and over), of which 2,850,204 have no facility in Scots. If we also reduce that to folks aged 16 and above, we get 4,548,589 people in total, of which 2,364,286 have no facility in Scots.

    i.e. as a proxy for voting age poplulation (irrespective of right to vote), we have Scots speakers as 48% of the population. If we then add the count of those folks aged 16 and above with some facility in Gaelic (and ignoring potential double counting) we get to fractionally above 50%.

    How any of that may map to voting intentions in the event of any future mythical referendum on independence I leave to others to speculatue upon.

  140. Agent x says:

    Why are the SNP silent about the Sturgeon Penrose Inquiry that reported in 2015?

  141. Alf Baird says:

    JB @ 5:14 pm

    “If we ask the system to generate a breakdown of Scots language skills by age. We have 5,294,863 people in total (aged 3 and over), of which 2,850,204 have no facility in Scots. If we also reduce that to folks aged 16 and above, we get 4,548,589 people in total, of which 2,364,286 have no facility in Scots.”

    Helpful analysis.

    As we know, ‘a peoples’ national identity and associated emotion vis-a-vis their national consciousness in that regard is dependent on their culture and language. Cultural and linguistic imperialism employed as colonial procedures aims to assimilate people into another culture/language and hence to replace their identity through ‘obliteration’ of their own indigenous culture.

    A key policy in this process of cultural transformation is to deprive a people of their own language. Why does anybody think the UK Government and its Scottish colonial administration has aye refuised tae lairn ony Scots bairns in schuil thair ain mither tongue?

    So aye, the Yes/No vote split is to a large extent linguistically determined – i.e. it is a cultural divide between Anglophone and Scots speakers. Much as is also the case in Quebec, Catalonia, Ireland etc.

    Postcolonial theory actually tells us that ‘peoples in self-determination conflict are always linguistically divided’. So we should pay attention to that, tho oor ivvery day colonial reality aye speaks tae us oot oor ain mooths an ither fowk’s an aw:

    link to

  142. Hatuey says:

    Ellis, I didn’t read beyond this because you’re shit at politics and there’s nothing in it for me:

    “If you think they’re going to be eradicated you can presumably show some evidence in polling to support the contention.”

    “SNP braced for electoral annihilation as support plummets in devastating new poll”
    link to

    There are other polls but I don’t work for free. If you donate say £400 to Wings, I will do more research for you. Get back to me on that.

  143. sarah says:

    @ Margaret Eleftheriou: Craig Murray.

    Craig said that he felt able to return permanently as he hadn’t been arrested on two brief visits. Yesterday he was in London for the Julian Assange hearing and was one of the post-decision speakers who were filmed.

    He also said that he would be moving to Blackburn in May so he could campaign for the Blackburn seat as the parliamentary candidate of the Workers Party of Britain.

  144. twathater says:

    I am taken aback by the pure chutzpah of the franchise fanny, his ability to make proclamations without producing any evidence to support them, YET has the nerve and gall to INSIST others supply evidence to support their proclamations

    That chutzpah and narcissistic belief cannot be shamed in any way irrespective of the proven outcome of his deluded proclamations
    His deluded enthusiastic insistence that everything must be done according to his sainted civic inclusion mantra takes no account that it has proven to be an anchor that has trapped the indy movement
    Just like the liebour Blair government who telegraphed to the world that the uk was open to mass immigration to take advantage of incomers votes to help them remain in power, the NOW liebour party are finding that those same incomers are extremely unhappy at their support for the israheli govt against their brothers so they are forming their own TMV parties to show their disaffection
    Labour are in a panic that they are now losing ground in Muslim communities which will massively affect their governmental hopes and are now trying to reach some form of agreement to regain their popularity,which IMO will be rebuffed because they have shown where their loyalties lay

    It is amazing that in such a few short years all the talk of civic nationalism, integration , multiculturalism , equality ,diversity, inclusion has shown so little benefits

    Franchise fanny likes to make out he returned HOME to his native Scotland because his heart is there , I believe he moved back to Scotland with his wife and in laws because of white flight, they are panicking that the ongoing wave of immigrants and refugees will continue unabated and will affect their good life and their house prices so he has returned to give us his wisdom

  145. Andy Ellis says:

    @RoS 4.45pm

    It makes you wonder given the most recent poll I saw had independence support at 49%, what’s it going to take to get it above 50% given that 65.5% identify only as Scottish.

  146. Northcode says:

    Alf Baird @5:57pm

    “tho oor ivvery day colonial reality aye speaks tae us oot oor ain mooths an ither fowk’s an aw.”

    Aye, Alf, geid the chice a maist praefer the Scots leid, aye an the Scots wyt an aw, tae ony ither.

    A concoction o’ ma ain derivat fae DSL:

    “A’m sae fou o’ solomonical sapience thit sumtyme a tak a trance an a hae mind trew wisdome is gottin throu guid lif an clene consciens, fer the devin sapiens sais, an leuk tae Athene, aw the quhile fontane o’ sapiens.”

    Thers muckle fun tae bi haed an mony a lauch tae wanderin aboot thaim cottit thairin.

    The suiner the Scots leid is taucht agin in Scots schuils tae Scots weans the better.

  147. Andy Ellis says:

    @Twathater 6.41pm

    It’s hardly outlandish asking for evidence, unless you’re simply not open to reason. Given your personal MO on here of course that’s a given, but you and other extremists on here aren’t representative of the movement.

    Like so many of the nativist bigots and xenophobes on here you just can’t handle the truth. The proof is readily available in things like the Scottish Social attitudes surveys and public polling. Doubtless the next stage of denial will be that polls aren’t reliable, or it was the wrong kind of polling. Usual tin foil hattery.

    All Hatuey has come up with – after loudly protesting he wasn’t going to read, which would help explain his habitual ignorance – is a reference to GB News (which is hardly a recommendation). The poll referenced also says the SNP is STILL polling 29% which hardly suggests they’re about to disappear except to someone with reading and comprehension difficulties.

    Good to see I’m still living rent free inside your head as you seem a bit obsessed about me coming back to Scotland. Luckily it’s a pretty empty space.

  148. Nica Leon says:

    The people who have been seruptitiously greasing the wheels of this agenda for many many years, with the help of Satan’s little helpers, (Sturgeon, Harvie), must be slapping their hands to their foreheads upon reading this outcome.
    Bravo, judge McFatridge.
    At times public opinion can be seen as massive listless ship languishing in the doldrums, and at times we fear that we will never make it back to civilization, only for a breeze to come along along and pick her up and turn us all back in the right direction.

  149. shug says:

    Wonder whats behind the Pringle case

    Either he does not want a short term contract, they have no money and want a freebe, even he can’t spin the SNP turd to make it look good and has a better offer. He also has a reputation to manage and who would want to be the spin doctor on the Titanic.

    They would be lucky to get a work experience boy to take the job on a zero hours contract.

    If Swinney wants to save indy he has to fill a new room with grown ups.

  150. Alf Baird says:

    Andy Ellis @ 7:14 pm

    “given the most recent poll I saw had independence support at 49%, what’s it going to take to get it above 50% given that 65.5% identify only as Scottish.”

    Considering what postcolonial theory tells us, the solution surely lies in addressing the two main causes of the anti-independence vote, which are:

    1) ongoing cultural assimilation of certain native groups which results in their ‘craving’ the colonizer’s ‘superior’ culture/values and identity, and;

    2) in-migration of peoples (incl ‘extraction’) who hold to other national identities/cultures, in particular those from the ‘mother’ country, as we see from voting intention data, and data from the census informing us that the population of Scotland is now only growing through in-migration.

    In both regards it may be argued that the anti-independence vote is formed as a consequence of ‘colonial procedures’.

  151. Hatuey says:

    Jesus fuck, do I need to explain every little obvious thing…

    Ellis, the GB News article makes reference to a YouGov poll that based on a comparison with their last poll (in April) — using the exact same method-fucking-ology — shows the SNP down 5%.

    And that puts the SNP 10 points behind Labour.

    Do I need to explain how serious these sort of numbers are in the context of FPTP?

    Fuck sake. Are you even educated?

  152. Agent x says:

    Alf Baird

    “1) ongoing cultural assimilation of certain native groups which results in their ‘craving’ the colonizer’s ‘superior’ culture/values and identity, and;

    2) in-migration of peoples (incl ‘extraction’) who hold to other national identities/cultures, in particular those from the ‘mother’ country, as we see from voting intention data, and data from the census informing us that the population of Scotland is now only growing through in-migration.”

    No – the simple answer is to show that a Government in Scotland is capable of showing it can run an independent government.
    Dramatic fail so far. And if you need a relevant recent topic example – the Penrose Inquiry. It cost over £12M and did fuck all for those affected in Scotland. It has taken a UK Inquiry to lead to compensation. Well thanks a lot Sturgeon. Oh and the SNP were beginning the UK gov to include Scotland in the Post office scandal – even though the Scottish gov has completely different law rules.
    Do you want to add on GRR, deposit return scheme and Hate Crime bill?

  153. Dan says:

    Agent x says: at 3:31 pm

    “An Aberdeen sheriff is to be removed from office after he was ruled unfit for judicial office by a tribunal following allegations of sexual harassment.

    An independent tribunal report, published in April, found that Sheriff Jack Brown’s misbehaviour rendered him unfit for judicial office after his behaviour toward two women amounted to “serious improper conduct”.

    It also found he acted inappropriate to a lawyer in 2018 and another woman in 2001 or 2002.

    Mr Brown has been suspended since 2018 and has been on full pay.

    The First Minister laid an order before the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday that will mean Sheriff Brown, who sits in the Sheriffdom of Grampian, Highland and Islands, is removed from office on June 7.”
    link to


    Ach, there’s no austerity when it comes to spaffing taxpayers’ money to line the pockets of certain folk in Scottish society…

    Maybe the Sherrifdom of Grampian, and Highlands & Islands will be able to mitigate those past 6 years wages costs by the saving they’ll make on heating bills with Elgin Court’s new heatpump conversion! 😉

  154. George Ferguson says:

    @Hatuey 8:26pm
    I hope the polls are right I struck a bet last year. £10 for every Labour MP over 40. I will donate any excess money to Stu because I haven’t given money to him for a wee while. And he deserves it. Do I want Labour to win. No, but I think the Conservative UK Government and the SNP Scottish Government need to be washed away.

  155. Big Jock says:

    SNP are losing 33 seats on latest projection. Ending up with 15.That is humiliation and wipeout.

    The cause of this is complacency, Hubris and lies on the part of the SNP. From the voters perspective anger, disappointment and apathy.

    Labour aren’t winning in Scotland. The SNP/indi voters are just politically homeless.

  156. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Andy Ellis
    21 May, 2024 at 7:14 pm

    @RoS 4.45pm

    It makes you wonder given the most recent poll I saw had independence support at 49%, what’s it going to take to get it above 50% given that 65.5% identify only as Scottish.

    Does the census not cover everyone in Scotland whereas polls only cover voters?

    16.5% of non voters identify as Scottish only.

    What do you think they are talking about nationality or ethnicity?

    I really need to know what is meant by ‘Scottish’.

  157. James says:

    “Agent x” [at least you’re not hiding it]

    The Scottish Government was doing just fine, thanks, until bought/compromised agents Sturgey, Evians, Marmalade etc etc came to the fore.

    “Away and take a flying fuck to yourself.”

  158. Anthem says:

    Agent x. “the simple answer is to show that a Government in Scotland is capable of showing it can run an independent government.
    Dramatic fail so far.”
    Total garbage! Under Salmond, it was shown clearly it was more than capable.
    Under Sturgeon (bought and paid for), well, I think we all know the story by now.

  159. Dan says:

    shug says: at 8:07 pm

    If Swinney wants to save indy he has to fill a new room with grown ups.

    Aye, and there’s as much fucking chance of that happening as there is of the follically challenged auld marker pen addict growing out his hair and joining a glam rock tribute band.

    It’s lucky the Bute House Agreement ended prior to Swinney taking over as no way the “planet saving” “Greens” could work with Swinney after the volume of toxic Xylene pollution the redacting truth hiding tosser has released into the atmosphere from his extensive pen usage.
    Take the boxes of marker pens off of John Swinney and Edinburgh city centre likely wouldn’t have enough pollution to justify being ULEZ.

  160. Towbar Sullivan says:

    Douglas Murray is it?
    Well I’ll tell you what, we can critique this reality denying trans bollix without needing the help of an Old Etonian Sneering Tory scumbag.
    He’s a creep.

  161. Mac says:

    Big Jock says:
    SNP are losing 33 seats on latest projection. Ending up with 15.That is humiliation and wipeout.

    That is fantastic news Big Jock, as in not that long ago it would have been a fantasy.

    And we are a long way away from the election. I said not that long ago on here that 20 seats might be wildly optimistic… and here we are at 15 already.

    Single figure SNP MPs is now no longer off the table. It is actually looking likely.

    This is truly beautiful to witness, much as 2014 was, but in a strange reverso image way.

    We are going to cleanse the Sturgeon SNP like we cleansed the Blair Labour, seismically and overnight.

    And THEN… when support for YES is still the same and Labour and the SNP have been wiped off… like shit from our political shoe. What exactly are they going to do then?!

    You know the answer. They will try to destroy us, the root source of their Palestinian, oops sorry, Scottish problem.

    They already are.

    You have got grasp this… In their eyes, we are all Palestinians, of different shades and degrees. Get uppity and they will crush you.

    But maybe, even more accurately, the Palestinians were seen as Scots. Our oppression predates theirs by centuries. And serves as a lesson to them as to what happens when you give up.

  162. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Nobody can show that they are capable of running an independent country while Scotland is in the Union.

    The more they show that they are capable of running a very efficient devolved parliament the more people will ask why things should change.

    I think the Alex Salmond Gov was perhaps too good for their own good. I think Alex Salmond may have made a mistake.

    Was it not the case that many NO voters voted SNP because they liked how efficient the SG was and also like all the freebies and the way the SG Gov mitigated all the nasty Tory policies.

    Why on earth should Scottish people have to prove their worth?

    Do people think we are very backward and need to prove we are capable.

    The whole idea that Scottish people are not capable of running a country is very racist.

  163. Dorothy Devine says:

    Ruby , that last sentence is perfect.

  164. Big Jock says:

    My personal opinion is that devolution destroyed any chance of independence. A whole generation grew up only knowing a Scottish parliament, but they didn’t realise the limitations of its power.

    The truth is. No national party can win with devolution. When it’s going well, they say its down to Pooling and sharing resources. When going badly it’s all the SG fault.

    When in actual fact it’s neither of these things. Macro economics is controlled entirely by WM. We can’t borrow, we can’t control the actual budget, we can’t control our borders and foreign affairs and tax are controlled by WM.

    Devolution was a con from the very beginning. Had it not been agreed. The movement would eventually have elected a majority of SNP Mps and they would have settled up.

    Instead they got distracted by the pretendy parliament at Holyrood. They became hungry for power not for independence. Tony Blair knew what he was doing. The SNP fell right into the trap.

  165. Ruby Tuesday says:

    The census is more like a referendum than polls.

    If there are 65.5% potential yes voters then the possible answer to Andy Ellis’s question
    ‘What’s going to get us over 50%’

    could be time.

    do you get a breakdown re age of the 65.5% who identify as only Scottish?

    Any mention of us ‘Believers in Biology’

    How many maternity hospitals are they going to build for transwomen?

  166. Geri says:


    We seen that already demonstrated with the apprehension of Craig Murray. Phone seized. “Beliefs” interrogated.

    We see it with Ilan Pappe. Phone seized. “Beliefs” interrogated.

    Celtic FC – flags removed.

    Protests being framed as *terrorists Nazis*

    The Zzs are now the world police in every country & out of fcking control unless you swear allegiance to them. There’s a zero tolerance & the instruction to start cracking skulls.

    That stupid law that parliament passed & across the EU (IHRA) forbids any dissenting voices & the Tories went further recently by just deciding to add special, unquestioning fealty, support, weapons, funding forever & ever no matter what crime they do.

    ..and there was the Britnats thinking it’d be the Islamists that’d take over little England LOL Buckle up…

  167. David Hannah says:

    Sack this beast. And deport him from our country. Send him back to India. Disgrace to the Scottish Government. Shame on you Nicola Sturgeon.

  168. Republicofscotland says:

    “No – the simple answer is to show that a Government in Scotland is capable of showing it can run an independent government.”

    Well if that’s the threshold for the criteria for running a government Westminster had better close down immediately, at least £2.7 billion quid was spent on PPE contracts were given out to the likes of sweets manufacturers, and much of the PPE wasn’t fit for purpose, some of it wasn’t even PPE it was mops and mop buckets etc.

  169. Alf Baird says:

    Agent x @ 8:49 pm

    “the simple answer is to show that a Government in Scotland is capable of showing it can run an independent government.”

    This is an impossibility in a devolved/colonial arrangement in which the economy continues to be ‘plundered by external interests’ facilitated by a colonial administration and institutions that ‘protect the interests of the colonizer’:

    link to

  170. David Hannah says:

    Nicola Sturgeon: Destroyer of Women’s rights.

    A black hole of hate: Nicola Sturgeon!

  171. JB says:

    Ruby Tuesday @ 9:59pm
    “do you get a breakdown re age of the 65.5% who identify as only Scottish?”

    yes, though the values for those under 15 would have to be treated as their parents view:

    Total 5439842 3561185
    0 – 4 248405 183730
    5 – 9 282223 205819
    10 – 14 301826 220892
    15 58795 43254
    16 – 17 113067 83580
    18 – 19 127968 86084
    20 – 24 341448 217960
    25 – 29 337407 220214
    30 – 34 356770 224800
    35 – 39 346577 210391
    40 – 44 334197 202452
    45 – 49 328991 205036
    50 – 54 391172 255770
    55 – 59 408671 271286
    60 – 64 371718 241837
    65 – 69 315169 200971
    70 – 74 284757 176688
    75 – 79 218239 134117
    80 – 84 142132 91185
    85 and over 130309 85121

    The first column age band, the second is people of all identities, the third that for Scottish Only

  172. David Hannah says:

    When he got the job. Wings Over Scotland did an article about HIM.

    There was many women’s groups protests over this.

    And now look. This vile piece of human filth destroyed the Rape Crisis Centre and ruined the lives of vulnerable woman.

    You piece of fucking human filth. Absolute fucking human filth. Lock him up with Isla Bryson you C word!

  173. David Hannah says:

    I fucking hate Nicola Sturgeon. I absolutely hate her. She’s still in charge!

    Dorothy Bain protects her. As does Lady Dorian.

    And of course. We know. The establishment in London are signed up to protect Sturgeon.

    She’ll never be charged. But by god. I hate her. I don’t hate anyone. But I hate Nicola Sturgeon.

  174. Hatuey says:

    George, I’m with you. Nobody wants Labour to win but it isn’t about winning — I couldn’t care less who wins.

    It’s about teaching the scumbag national party a lesson that they will never forget. It’s about teaching the skank a lesson and dragging her through the mud. It’s about justice for Salmond. It’s about punishing them for their disregard for women’s rights. And above all else it’s about settling scores for the most heinous betrayal of the Scottish people in all history.

    I despise the SNP more than words can explain. Elections are about that until the SNP no longer exists. Nothing else matters to me.

  175. Geri says:

    & before anyone asks..

    It’s all relevant.

    Scotland has hee-haw chance of Scottish independence no matter who is in charge because as long as little England sits on the UN security council with it’s permanent veto Scotland (the UK) is going nowhere in exactly the same way the sovereign state of Palestine will never materialise either.

  176. David Hannah says:

    If Sturgeon wasn’t such a bitter and closeted homosexual. Well said.

    She’ll continue the lie until death.

    Because coming out will make her look even worse. Because she lied to the country as the leading politician.

    She lied. And she lied. and she lied again. And now she’s writing her fiction novel of lies.

    You couldn’t make it up. I wonder how she’s doing in the approval ratings now. Without doubt – the entire country HATES Nicola Sturgeon.

    It won’t take long until she’s so unpopular that Dorothy Bain will have to jail her herself!

    Watch your back Nicola – from your friends that is. YOU HAVE NONE!

  177. Geri says:


    “Agent x @ 8:49 pm

    “the simple answer is to show that a Government in Scotland is capable of showing it can run an independent government.””

    Isn’t that also against international law?

    The coloniser cannot impose restrictions & targets to meet to satisfy themselves if a country is viable or not before they’ll piss off – they’re not our trustees.

    That must be those lauded “western values” they spout. Democracy only if we deem it acceptable to a foreign plunderer who just so happens, as luck would have it, to retain the books for continually cooking..

  178. Mark Beggan says:

    Angus ‘wank’ Robertson has just had his first orgasm. He read Creative Scotland’s proposal for ‘real’ sex. This the guy that wants to teach children about anal sex. Question is what sad little fucker would watch this crap. Must be BBC employees and the Scottish civil service.

  179. George Ferguson says:

    @Hatuey 10:26pm
    I am watching Scotland Tonight on the Devolution settlement 25 years on. A lot of self congratulatory comments. The reality is Scotland is diminished as a Nation. The only people that have benefited from Devolution is the Scottish Parliament members, the Scottish Civil Service and the well paid entourage. Years a ago I gave ten point plan to improve the Scottish Parliament structural, procedures and process. Nothing has changed. Either have Independence or shut the place down. Devolution has failed the people of Scotland. On any parameter, education, SNHS, economics you name it. Sad from an Independence supporter. But if think after 25 years Holyrood has done a great job we are in different pages of history.

  180. Hatuey says:

    I have mixed feelings about devolution and Holyrood. On one hand, it keeps the creepy political types off the streets; on the other, the creepy political types get piles of cash and enough influence to fuck everything up…

    All in all, I’d probably prefer they got rid of the whole charade. It definitely does more to undermine the cause of independence than promote it, and that as we all know was the intention.

    I guess like all double-edged swords, its usefulness depends on what we do with it.

  181. Geri says:

    Sturgeon killed Holyrood.

    She was told repeatedly that devolution was predicated on EU membership.

    No EU membership = no Devo.

    Mayhem & Mundel told her this too. The *devolution settlement* would be revised after Brexit.

    & So it came to pass – the great power grab.
    *80 powers taken back that includes SNHS, procurement, fracking, Scottish water, agriculture & fishing etc.
    *A fake internal market bill.

    On & on.

    Sturgeon did absolutely NOTHING while she had multiple mandates in her pocket & despite repeated warnings of exactly what was down the line – she still did absolutely NOTHING but try her best to void her own mandate. (Stop Brexit)

    Now Holyrood is an empty shell. Are ppl really surprised there’s fck all left to do there other than discuss & implement personal pet projects? LOL

    Sturgeon was an agent.
    The *Gold standard* pish was a delay tactic waiting on the Brexshit countdown to officially leave.
    Everything she touched turned to shit deliberately. (No one misses that many open goals.

    It’s not Independence that’s the problem or Scotland being incompetent. Holyrood is bursting at the seams with BAD ACTORS. From Ferries to hate crime pish.

    ALL OF THEM WORK FOR LONDON. Sturgeon was never of independent mind. Look at her record – she was shit & made absolutely zero effort to even try for a bit of poxy Devo in 10 years, made sure Scotland went out of Europe, settled for Smith commission, sold off energy at bargain price & sat on her arse while WM stripped Holyrood from within.

    YES knew this shit in 2014. Philippa Whitford banged on about it often enough. A no vote would strip powers & strip the NHS & that’s exactly what’s happened while Sturgeon swans about like fck all happened & is protected. Not even a party suspension for being (an alleged) thieving cunt.

    Indy needs to drop politicians & go back to basics starting with a convention.

  182. Geri says:


    It’s been gutted from the inside out.

    Over 80 powers + removed under Sturgeons watch while she had a mandate to exit.

    Even if a super pro indy majority took over they can’t do feck all but diddy wee pet projects to look busy. It’ll still mean diddly squat for democracy either cause Westminster is the seat of power – not a glorified county council cause that’s all Holyrood was ever intended to be.

    & Why it’ll only ever be full of careerist eejits on the payroll of another country.

  183. Breeks says:

    Ignored says:
    21 May, 2024 at 11:56 pm

    All in all, I’d probably prefer they got rid of the whole charade. It definitely does more to undermine the cause of independence than promote it, and that as we all know was the intention.

    I guess like all double-edged swords, its usefulness depends on what we do with it.

    Impeaching Holyrood now, with a deceitful and corrupt SNP government, would be a far more potent initiative than waiting a few more years for Holyrood to disgrace Scotland even further.

    The people need to take the initiative and demonstrate that Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty is inviolable, either by Westminster, or a home grown collection of SNP twats and charlatans. Imagine the impact of such a thing happening in the eyes of the world.

    Scotland has a backbone. It’s high time we fkg used it. We own the trump card which secures constitutional victory.

    Dribble along as we’re doing, watch the Unionists take over Holyrood, and a huge and profound statement of defiance turns into a weak and petty “sour grapes” boo-hoo act of petulance which the Establishment’s media will slaughter.

    Sadly the SNP cowards have one more betrayal to deliver, and they’re determined nobody will steer them off delivering it. Cnuts. I hope the bastards lose every last one of their seats, but I’d much rather do it through impeachment by a Convention of the Estates, rather than watching the dismal shitshow limp along to impotent defeat.

  184. Young Lochinvar says:

    If as the political monkeys reckon Labour does a walkover at next elections, then how exactly are they going to handle this lot?
    Genuine question as I suspect Labour is their natural go to port in any storm- especially now they have destroyed the SNP and independence any time soon..

  185. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ JB says: 21 May, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    Thanks for providing that detail.

    Could you maybe post again, showing how many of us identify as Palestinian?

    I ask because Mac further up the thread claims we’re all Palestinians now. I’d like to know if this is true. Geri reckons it’s the Zi0nists keeping us down by cracking our skulls BTW, so maybe low numbers of Palestinian self-identifiers will be proof of her claim.

    I have to go and muck out the hostages now, but I won’t be long.

  186. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Breeks says:22 May, 2024 at 1:28 am

    “Scotland has a backbone. It’s high time we fkg used it. We own the trump card which secures constitutional victory.”

    Does this stuff just post itself? You’ve been repeating it now for longer than I care to think.

    According to you, any one of us could decide to march on HR and use our Sovereignty to impeach them.

    According to you, any one us us could announce the date and time on here and other Indy channels and issue the challenge “Wha’s wi me!”

    So why does nobody ever do it?

    I can only think of two reasons:

    1) The entire Sovereignty notion is cobblers, but as with every other discredited idea on here, there’s too much face invested in it for anybody to ever back down now. But it’s the nice, fuzzy, magical thinking that everybody wants to cuddle up to, so people just nod along.

    2) Feart. Feart of getting in trouble. In the Scottish Cultural Cringe way, feart of making a fuss. Feart of looking daft. Feart of committing the ultimate Scottish social sin – putting yourself above the herd, by attempting to lead it.

    So on it goes.

    “The people need to take the initiative and demonstrate that Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty is inviolable, either by Westminster, or a home grown collection of SNP twats and charlatans. Imagine the impact of such a thing happening in the eyes of the world.”

    Aye. Right.

    I’m thinking imagining is all we’ll ever do.

  187. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 8.26 pm

    You’re still not getting it are you? Even if the SNP vote collapses, they’re still likely to have around 15 seats. It may not be the heady days for 56 out of 59 seats in 2015 for under 50% of the vote, but that’s FPTP for you.

    The issue is, the Westminster vote is irrelevant. Nobody really gives a flying fuck at a rolling donut about the result except frothing yoons who will gleefully announce that it shows insy is dead for generations.

    Meanwhile, back in the real world, support for indy remains where it’s been for a while: just shy of 50%.

    Still zero evidence that the SNP will somehow disappear overnight other than wishful thinking on your part. The likelihood is that going into Holyrood 2026 elections, the SNP will still be around, whether in it’s present form or (hopefully) reformed and on-board with the concept of plebiscitary elections.

    If “we” as a movement don’t have our ducks in a row for a “Scotland United” approach to the 2026 elections, we might as well admit independence is a gonner for a decade or more, because nobody in their right mind believes all the cunning plans for indy guff.

  188. willie says:

    Devolution started out as the great hope.

    Initially controlled by Labour Alex Salmond changed it’s focus utterly and the colonial masters got a fright, a big fright. And now the colonial establishment is in war mode with every sinew of the colonist’s might being used to destroy Scotland.

    The attempted destruction of Alex Salmond and others was no accident. Straight out of the late Brig General Sir Frank Kitson’s playbook of how to take out dangerous political opponents.

    The control of the police, the prosecution service, the senior civil servants and indeed many other senior folks imbedded in places like our universities.

    Or the undermining of Scot’s Law guaranteed by the Treaty of Union. The introduction of a UK Supreme court to usurp the Scot’s courts of Session.

    Or the sell off of our oil, gas and now renewable power for others gain. Or the control of the media. Or the infiltration and manipulation of the SNP to turn it into a colonial administration anti independence party. The change in the SNP did not happen by accident. Bribery and or blackmail concentrates minds and the Brits are good at that.

    And now Freeports and Enterprise Zones where huge tracts of Scotland are effectively removed to foreign control. The war against Scotland is now being fought on every level.

    But now the cat is out the bag. Sunak in his recent comments described Scottish Nationalists as terrorists. A threat to the Great British state. And you know what you do with terrorists – you kill them.

    And that is exactly what this murderous establishment will do. They will kill Scotland the country. And on an individual level there is nothing they will stop at doing. They have security apparatus, they have the military and they will use it.

    This is what they do. Force, brutality, treachery and lies is their modus operandi. And the comments that Scots are terrorists is confirmation of how the UK establishment works.

    In Tasmania the colonists wipe out every indigenous aborigine. In what is now Canada and the USA Indians were given comfort blankets laced with small pox. And famines to kill millions was another great British trick too in the colonies.

  189. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatey 7.19am

    Ach, there you go again, asking for evidence and back up arguments again: it’ll never catch on amongst the usual suspect ye ken? Remember, anyone who doesn’t unconditionally accept the “sovereign Scots / trumps for indy” narrative is a heretic.

    These midwits hold to their faith based belief with all the passion of TRA’s insisting TWAW, or or children at the panto roaring that they really, REALLY do believe in fairies.

    As you rightly observe, lots of imagining going on, as well as lots of unwarranted heavy lifting being done by the concept that Scots voters – given everything we’ve seen since 2015 – are suddenly going to “take the initiative” and “demonstrate that Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty is inviolable”.

    Are they, aye? Ah hae ma doots!

  190. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Ay, caramba!
    Redfield & Wilton, Westminster voting intention, Scottish sub-sample, field work 19 May, sample population 190, (change from 2019).
    Con 10% seats 3 (-3)
    Lab 37% seats 42 (+41)
    LibDem 10% seats 5 (+3)
    SNP 26% seats 7 (-41)

  191. Mac says:

    The reason that ‘through their eyes we are all Palestinians of different degrees and shades’ is because ‘they’ are fundamentally Supremacists.

    And what does that mean, on-the-ground so to speak, it means fundamentally everyone else is inferior to them, through their eyes.

    (If this sounds very familiar, that is because it is.)

    The ‘occupation’ is not just in Palestine. It is in Europe, it is in America, as the students just found out…

    Palestine is the lens.

    You can look away from it but you can’t hide from it.

    Because to different degrees and shades, it is already here.

  192. Captain Caveman says:

    @ Vivian O’Blivion

    Marvellous stuff, right there. Really warms the ol’ cockles on this raining Wednesday morning here in Cheshire I can tell you. Nothing less than the oncoming abject destruction of the SNP, unstoppably rushing toward like a thundering freight train. Politics can be brutal and unforgiving indeed – and rightly so.

    Well, this “frothing Yoon” will certainly be opening the DP 2002 P2 when it hits, as it surely will. Not long to wait, neither. A righteous infliction of retribution to be sure…

  193. Viscount Ennui says:

    Heartening to see that Swinney has called for greater transparency in public services. Seems like a Damascene conversion given his blocking of information in the Salmond scandal.

    In other news, Fred West has reiterated his commitment to the protection of young women and Jimmy Savile wants children to feel safer around adults.

  194. Mac says:

    Personally I think it observable from history that all supremacist based ideologies (like zi0nism, like n@zism, which are both very similar but different, as one was modelled on the other) are initially very ‘successful’, if you can use that word. Let’s just say they initially thrive.

    But then like a virus they gradually or in some cases quickly spiral into ever increasing levels of extremism, until finally they become so toxic and so dangerous that they destroy themselves.

    What should concern Genocidey McGenocideface and his pals is that it destroys itself by becoming so toxic and deadly that it kills its host.

    And that is what, IMHO, we are seeing.

  195. TURABDIN says:

    WOMEN, some real, AND MEN, maybe real, AT WORK.
    link to
    Hold high the black, white, blue and red banner of holy virtue.
    Queers for Palestine, rejoice!
    On the back of that, recognition of right to a Catalan state, fair treatment for the Sami people and an Ireland not only free but Gaelic too…..
    Oh virtue!
    Anybody fancy recognizing a Syriac state? A nation older than the lot of you…..
    Back to revision…..

  196. David Hannah says:

    Sturgeon turned everything to shit. She was an agent. 100 per cent.

    Salmond was tricked by Nicola.

    I hope he sues her for £3 million. And then puts the 3 million into an independence movement.

    That would be sweet revenge. I would to see that.

  197. David Hannah says:

    Let’s hope Alex Salmond wins the £3 million pay out.

    He doesn’t have to. But it wouldn’t surprise me if he put the money into an independence movement.

    This this time ring fenced for that very purpose. He and his family could create it.

    Where as. Sturgeon fucking trousered all the money. A truely sick. A truely sinister waste of breath. I am out of words to describe just how much i despise that bunny boiler.

  198. M says:

    I fear that I have to agreen with every word. And you didn’t even mention Willie MacRae.
    I suppose we should celebrate the fact that some were spared an actual death sentence, and have survived in spite of every attempt to jail or to silence them.
    Irony of ironies -Swinney, redactor in chief, now calls for transparency? Could he perhaps start with himself?

  199. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Andy Ellis says:22 May, 2024 at 8:24 am

    Anybody who truly believes we ordinary Scots are Sovereign could put that into practice tomorrow.

    This afternoon, in fact, if the rain holds off.

    Certainly on Saturday, when most people will have free time.

    It’s instructive that those of us who believe we are Palestinians can get out on the streets every fecking week, whereas those of us who think we are Sovereign – well, where are they?

    Anyhoo, Willie is suggesting famines, small pox and sundry targeted killings can’t be ruled out.

    That’ll be the Green’s policies, if they can’t get numbers down by hacking off enough naughty bits off enough dopey youngsters.

    Willie does have a point though. There is a war on, it started February 2022. Everything changed as a result of that.

    The trick is for the Indy movement to react and reform to accept and work with the world as it is – not as it would like the world to be. Or as the world was in 2014.

    Otto von Bismarck — ‘Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best.’

  200. TURABDIN says:


    «the cause of Scottish Independence — to which I was sure I could remember her devoting almost her entire political life — was mentioned briefly only once, with a reassurance that she had an English granny and wanted the two countries to be the “best of friends»

    link to

  201. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Mac says: 22 May, 2024 at 9:37 am

    You’re troubled and confused and it’s making you post daft things on here.

    You also seem to think that your primary school days winning strategy of name calling still works on grown ups.

    It doesn’t.

    You’ve identified a group you don’t like. Well done. So you’ve constructed a notional “supremacist based ideology” to bolster your dislike.

    Of course, that allows you to ignore the countless other episodes of oppression, racism, totalitarianism, occupation, extra-judicial killings, etc. going on all around the world, and just focus on the one that aligns with your personal prejudice.

    Unlike the name calling, I can see how that one does actually work for you. Until such time as it goes out of fashion again.

    Just don’t try to pretend you are in possession of some kind of superior virtue, as that is, of course, supremacist.

  202. Hatuey says:

    Ellis, it’s clear you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. The two polls I referenced are highly significant — both conducted on the exact same terms, same methodologies, by the same reputable company, etc. — and reveal that the SNP has lost 5% support on voting intentions in respect of the next General Election, and that shift has occurred just over the last few weeks (with Swinney in office).

    Nobody anywhere knows what 29% of the vote would mean on a constituency by constituency basis in a General Election. It could mean no seats at all. You’d need to conduct a constituency’s by constituency survey to get any sort of handle on how that’s like to pan out, which would cost millions, but nobody will do that because it would be a waste of money…

    Why would it be a waste of money? Because these numbers suggest a lot of movement and they tell us that the SNP is on a very steep downward trajectory. We can assume that downward spiral is not going to end soon and, in fact, the SNP is going to fall further. There is nothing good on the horizon for the SNP and there’s lots of bad.

    If you extrapolate, ceteris paribus, it looks like the SNP is currently losing about 5% of its vote share per month. That’s extraordinary in itself but with at least a couple of months to the election and more negative news likely to come out, there is no way you can assume they will win 15 seats in the next General Election.

    Complete decimation is a real possibility based on these numbers and anybody who knows a thing about politics and survey research will be aware of that. It’s really very simple indeed.

  203. sam says:

    link to

    Imo worth reading to have a full picture of the depths of uselessness of ERCC under its baleful CEO.

    Links to the days of evidence given to Tribunal, cross examination and a link to the judgement.

    Maggie Chapman has a small walk-on part.

    There is likely to be some debate of this in Holyrood.

  204. Ruby Wednesday says:

    It’s Wednesday!

    How did Wednesday get it’s name.

    The Romans called their days of the week after planets/Roman Gods. Wednesday was Mercury hence Mercredi in French and Miercoles in Spanish.

    The English came along and thought that’s a good idea but we’ll name our days of the week after our gods thank you very much so Wednesday was named after the god Woden/odin. Boring?

    Want to know more read this

    link to

    Alternatively you can wait until I give you a brief daily summary.

    I read that back in the 1950’s Wednesday became know as ‘hump day’

    I’ve never heard of that but would be quite interest in knowing more about the word hump.

    get the hump, hump backed bridge, humping and dry humping.

    Nothing tomorrow because as yet there is no Ruby Thursday. Maybe next week.

    Tomorrow I might do German days of the week. They sound interesting.

    Thursday is Donnerstag the day you eat Donner Kebab Friday is Freitag the day you have a big fry up.

    Maybe if you are bored you could give some thought to what we would will call our days of week when independent.

    I quite like the German idea of calling our days of the week after the food you might eat on that day.

    Chippyday, Curryday, Roastbeefday, Takeawayday, Fryupday

    Fryup day would be Sunday not Friday. Big fryup helps with the hangover and also it’s the day most people do have a big fry-up. No beans for me I don’t like beans contaminating my breakfast.

    Maybe not Roastbeefday. It’s too expensive and we wouldn’t want to be accused of being anti-English.
    Replace that with Stoviesday.

  205. sam says:

    Murray Blackburn MacKenzie have a post up about Rape Crisis Scotland and its role and interaction with ERCC.

    link to

    ““Rape Crisis Scotland was not involved in any of the circumstances leading to the tribunal,” you may recall.

    And in engaging with government and parliament on policy and the law more generally, RCS has been very happy to allow its status to be used to dismiss – to delegitimise, I would go as far as saying – any arguments and concerns other women have about the impact of self ID, both within the services that it is involved with, and more widely.

    As recently as January last year – almost a year to the day before it distanced itself from the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre – RCS signed up to a statement which expressed “strong opposition” to the UK government’s block on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill.

    So the sudden recent distancing from the Edinburgh Centre left me wondering about RCS and the claims it makes to be a spokes-organisation – for want of a better term – for the wider network of centres.”

  206. Ruby Wednesday says:

    You also seem to think that your primary school days winning strategy of name calling still works on grown ups.

    Says the whacky, nutjob who calls himself Hatey McHateface.

    Re Captain Caveman the English Yoon from Cheshire.

    What is the purpose of the visits to Wings from English Yoons from Cheshire or wherever they come from?

  207. Republicofscotland says:

    Lying iPad man facing a suspension.

    “A Holyrood watchdog has backed a suspension for disgraced SNP MSP Michael Matheson over the £11,000 data roaming scandal.

    “A source predicted a ban of more than ten days, which at Westminster could see him sacked by voters.”

    “The insider said: “It would be outrageous if Matheson was suspended and he clung on to office.”

    “He should do the decent thing and stand down now and force a by-election.”

    “Matheson quit as Health Secretary in February over the massive bill he racked up on an iPad during a family holiday to Morocco.

    He initially pleaded ignorance and was content for the taxpayer to foot the bill for the data roaming.”

  208. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Hatuey says: 22 May, 2024 at 10:37 am

    “it’s clear you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

    Complete decimation is a real possibility based on these numbers

    It’s really very simple indeed.”

    OK, so I’m a baaaaad person, but it’s Hatuey, so I couldn’t resist.

    The meaning of decimation means a reduction of 1 in 10, or 10%.

    It’s a Roman military term. A cohort that shamed itself in battle would be ordered to decimate itself.

    The men would be grouped in tens.

    One man from each group would be randomly selected by lot, and then, get this for the authentic Roman cruelty, the selected man would be killed by the other nine, often by stoning, clubbing, or stabbing.

    It would have left a lasting impression on the survivors! Reframe your trauma, modern day snowflakes!

    That’s enough harsh reality for one day. I’ll allow Hatuey a pass on his use of “horizon”, because I’m not that baaaaad.

    Let’s just say that for the SNP, a literal decimation at the next election, i.e. reduction by 10%, will be a knock-out success.

  209. Republicofscotland says:

    Another one of the millions of reasons we need too ditch this bucket of shit union is that Ireland, Norway and Spain will recognise Pa–les–tin–ian statehood, and more countries wil follow, but Scotland cannot it has to default to the foreign country of England.

    I wish Scots would grow a pair.

  210. Ruby Thurday says:

    Here is the written evidence he gave to the UK Parliament’s Transgender equality inquiry.
    Presumable he also gave oral evidence.

    link to

    More info needed re UK Parliament’s Transgender equality inquiry

    In his written evidence he says

    I am also an associate of the College of Policing, England and Wales where I present on transgender and migrant women’s issues on the Equality and Human Rights course and am a domestic abuse trainer on the college of policing’s Domestic Abuse matters training program. I also co-wrote and co-facilitated the Scottish Government’s training on forced marriage.

    He definitely gets around.

    He seems to very attracted to issues where women are the victims.

    Rape, domestic abuse, forced marriage.

    This looks like another very sick male fetish.

    He advised the Scottish Government on forced marriage.

  211. Geri says:

    Don’t you just love our mealy mouthed media..

    “An insider said ..”
    “A leading official said ..”
    “Our sources tell us ..”
    “An insider told us ..”
    “A grassing clipe close to x told us..”
    “We have it on good authority…”

    FFS! Why not just be honest & admit they’ve no one & it’s just the editors trying to shape opinion..

  212. Captain Caveman says:

    “What is the purpose of the visits to Wings from English Yoons from Cheshire or wherever they come from?”

    1) To read Stu’s excellent articles; I have an interest in Scottish politics.

    2) Have a good laugh at the (largely) swivel-eyed BTL comments, which make for light-hearted relief to the serious, grownup business of real life, out here in the real world.


  213. Geri says:

    Ruby 11.12pm

    Ultra far right nutjobs on a wee day off fae the Daily Heil.

  214. Oneliner says:


    Not sure that Cleggyboy has ‘no one’. His source was so potent that they had to move him sideways to the Silvery Tay

  215. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Here is the written evidence he gave to the UK Parliament’s Transgender equality inquiry.
    Presumable he also gave oral evidence.

    link to

    More info needed re UK Parliament’s Transgender equality inquiry

    In his written evidence he says

    I am also an associate of the College of Policing, England and Wales where I present on transgender and migrant women’s issues on the Equality and Human Rights course and am a domestic abuse trainer on the college of policing’s Domestic Abuse matters training program. I also co-wrote and co-facilitated the Scottish Government’s training on forced marriage.

    He definitely gets around.

    He seems to very attracted to issues where women are the victims.

    Rape, domestic abuse, forced marriage.

    This looks like another very sick male fetishist.

    He advised the Scottish Government on forced marriage.

    Why? Are transwomen being forced to marry?

  216. Captain Caveman says:

    “Ultra far right nutjobs on a wee day off fae the Daily Heil.”

    It’s just so bloody tiring being accused of being “far right” and/or “working for the Daily Mail” by obsessive, bored (likely workshy) lefties, grinding out the same old tat day in and day out. Change the bloody record. Or at least find something productive to do with your (seemingly endless) free time spouting off insult-laden drivel here. Put the keyboard away and go out there into the fresh air and interact with the real world, with real people; go educate yourself.

  217. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Why would a English Yoon living in Cheshire be so interested in Scottish politics?

    Why would you want to have a good laugh at people? Does it make you feel superior.

    There’s a never ending stream of these English Yoons who come on here to try to insult us.

    I suppose they are just following in the footsteps of their former and current prime minister.

    I want a ‘Swivel Eyed’ badge to add to my many other badges.

    I’m wondering if Chas and Captain Caveman are the same person.

    They seem to be regurgitating the same script.

    It’s looks as if they find the comments BTL on Wings a threat to their precious Union

  218. Andy Ellis says:


    Much as many of us would revel in an extinction level event for the SNP à la IPP in 1920 at the hands of Sinn Féinn, you’re the uneducated one who understands SFA if you think that’s at all likely. You can’t simply assume SNP support will decline at a set rate between now and the next election. We know from our own experience that there is a hard core of bitter einders, Nicophants and TRA addled extremists who will never abandon them.

    Even if they are reduced to a rump with a dozen or so seats, so what? FPTP means it signifies precisely nothing, in much the same way that winning 56 of 59 seats meant nothing because it was won with less than 50% of the vote who were specifically assured by the clueless devolutionists in the SNP that a vote for them in Westminster WASN’T a vote for independence.

    Of course it’s possible to assume they might win 15 seats, however fondly you or I might wish for them to fall even further. The vagaries of the FPTP system mean that lots of potential outcomes are plausible, but none of them will amount to a hill of beans with respect to moving us much forward unless and until the SNP are either totally removed or forced to accept the principle of plebiscitary elections.

    Of course if you’re a “cunning plans for indy” acolyte, you’re already so far removed from reason that logic and probability won’t mean anything to you, as you’re the political equivalent of kiddie believing Tinkerbell is real.

  219. Captain Caveman says:

    Seriously, where do you start with that… good grief. e_e

  220. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Ha! Ha! Ha!

    ‘The English Yoon from Cheshire’ who comes on here to post insult laden drivel is now complaining about insult laden drivel.

    He’s no laughin’ noo he’s greetin’

    What a laugh! These English yoons are so amusing!

    Kinda glad they come on here it gives us a bit of light-hearted relief from the serious, grownup business of real life.

  221. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Republicofscotland says: 22 May, 2024 at 11:49 am

    “Ireland, Norway and Spain will recognise Pa–les–tin–ian statehood, and more countries wil follow, but Scotland cannot”

    Drat and damn.

    They’ll get first dibs on selling them weapons and cement for the bunkers, and once again, our fellow Scots unwaged will have to languish on the dole.

    To add insult to injury, we Scots taxpayers will continue to be fleeced to provide the “foreign aid” that will be used to buy the weapons and cement, just like how it’s been used over the past 30 years.

    I guess the maintenance costs of the leadership’s multi-million pound villas in Qatar eats into that “foreign aid” too. Nae bunkers for them!

    There really is no justice in the world.

  222. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Another pissing contest on the go.

    You’re uneducated no you are and on and on.

    Since I’ve been posting on Wings I’ve been wondering about this education thingy.

    It seems you can spend fuck knows how many years in education and still end up being as thick as mince.

    #Ask Andy.

    The other thing I want to #Ask Andy about is forced marriage.

    Is forced marriage Scottish? I’m guessing you will tell me it is.

    PS Hatey with a U could you please get a new moniker?

    Hatey with a U and Hatey without are too similar.

    Cheers Pal.

    I think the John Main moniker is free.

  223. Captain Caveman says:

    @ Ruby

    No-one “greetin'” here, just “laughin'”…

    Imagine thinking that your unhinged, largely unread, foul-mouthed dribblings were “a threat to the Union”…

    Don’t ever change! 😀

  224. Northcode says:

    We see many sound arguments put forward in the forlorn hope of persuading the hearts and minds of those unionists who loiter here that Scotland’s subjugation and oppression at the hands of a foreign power is indeed a reality.

    The mistake made by those who put forward such arguments is the erroneous assumption that there exist hearts and minds to win over to their side of the argument in the first place.

  225. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Captain Caveman
    22 May, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    @ Ruby

    No-one “greetin’” here, just “laughin’”…

    Imagine thinking that your unhinged, largely unread, foul-mouthed dribblings were “a threat to the Union”…

    unhinged, largely unread, foul-mouthed dribblings

    Sounds very familiar! Could it be?

    I’ll #AskAndy.

    My ‘unhinged, largely unread, foul-mouthed dribblings’ seem to have been read by at least one greetin’ faced English Yoon.

    Dry yer eyes and watch your language yer giving the game away.

    Careful you could end up being dropped from ‘The Franchise Fanny Brigade’

  226. sam says:

    @Northcode /Ruby

    This is yer man’s inheritance.

    ““PAY UP FOR THE BRITISH GULAG IN KENYA,” one sign read. It was 2011, and four elderly Kikuyu — once Kenya’s largest ethnic group — stood in a cold, April sun beneath the soaring arches of London’s Royal Courts of Justice. The four were seeking the right to sue the British government over torture they had suffered during the Mau Mau revolt against colonial rule. The group was quiet, but their signs were loud: “JUSTICE NOW FOR THE MAU MAU VICTIMS OF TORTURE!””

    link to

  227. Northcode says:

    Thanks for the link, Sam .

    This from the article Sam provided a link to:

    In “Legacy of Violence,” Elkins crisscrossed 200 years and four continents to dig into the brutal tactics British colonists used to stop unrest.

    Moving from the 1919 Amritsar Massacre in India to Ireland’s War of Independence…and the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, Elkins describes, often with graphic detail, atrocities committed in the name of liberal imperialism — Britain’s quest to bring civilization to what it considered backward races…

    Put another way, what is the British Empire’s legacy of violence?

    It’s grim.

    Caroline Elkins’ new history broadens the story of British Empire, colonialism, she began in Pulitzer-winning, consequential ‘Imperial Reckoning’.

    ‘Legacy of Violence’ and ‘Imperial Reckoning’ are next up on my reading list.

  228. Andy Ellis says:

    @ Northcode

    We may indeed see many arguments put forward here, but they aren’t all of equal value.

    It has to be doubted that unionist lurkers here would be convinced by the narrative of those advocating for franchise restriction, or indeed for not being part of NATO or the EU, or for those fluffing for Putler or islamo-fascists.

    Plenty of current independence supporters have made the ideological journey from unionism to nationalism of course. Support rose from the high 20’s to 45% between 2012 and 2014 and has edged upwards since, only to remain stuck for the most part at just under 50%. That’s why many people mistrusted those who denied us a campaign despite repeated mandates. It’s hardly outlandish to believe that “turning” another 5% of undecided or “soft No” voters should be within our grasp and collective abilities.

    Naturally enough there will be a hard core of yoons and convinced British nationalists who are never going to be reconciled to either the idea or the reality of Scottish independence. It will be interesting to see how many of them elect to remain British citizens and live as such in what will be a foreign country. I suspect that over time they will become about as numerous and similarly relevant as unionists in the Republic of Ireland.

  229. Geri says:

    Hatey Mcshitface appears to have magic taxes.
    His tax £££s buy EVERYTHING. In every country.

    Weapons, Schools, medicine, – Mc Shitface is yer man..

    Here’s a novel idea, shitface, stop blowing other ppls stuff up or snatching their talent & resources, or creating crises, ya colonising fecker, then there’d be no such thing as aid.

    Then you can spend yer whole £1.50 on other things.

    Might I suggest a chocolate keyboard…

  230. sam says:


    The same military tactics employed in Kenya against the Mau Mau were employed in NI. As in so much of English history and politics the reality was covered in lies for as long as possible

  231. Hatuey says:

    Ellis; “You can’t simply assume SNP support will decline at a set rate between now and the next election…”

    And I’m not assuming that. That’s why I said it would be a waste of time and money trying to measure support constituency-wide. For all we know levels of support will fall at an accelerated rate. It’s in flux and that’s a bad time to conduct stability analysis.

    On your wider subjective view that the SNP being decimated in a general election would mean nothing, I disagree. For a start they’d lose millions in short money and probably find themselves very quickly in financial crisis. If they weren’t so secretive about their membership and finances, we’d probably know they were strapped for cash now and struggling.

    Politically, of course, it would be devastating. All the protection and support they enjoy from the British State and its various arms in the media and elsewhere would probably be pulled — no point in propping up a party that is dead on its feet.

    Let’s not forget the very dark and ominous clouds hanging over all of this. And, more significantly, let’s not forget that there was no Swinney bounce at all.

  232. Captain Caveman says:

    @ Andy Ellis

    Speaking as a “Yoon lurker”, happy to respond to your points:

    “It has to be doubted that unionist lurkers here would be convinced by the narrative of those advocating for franchise restriction, or indeed for not being part of NATO or the EU, or for those fluffing for Putler or islamo-fascists.”

    Indeed yes, on all points. As a serious, credible, lucid and intellectual Indy supporter who puts his points across very well (in the face of intolerable “opposition”, if you can call it that), this aspect must be very frustrating/embarrassing.

    “It’s hardly outlandish to believe that “turning” another 5% of undecided or “soft No” voters should be within our grasp and collective abilities.”

    It absolutely isn’t outlandish at all, and to be fair I said as much myself in a very recent post a few days ago. The Indy side narrowly lost the 2014 referendum by a mere 5 points, despite (IMO) very poor levels of hard-headed material (e.g. SNP White Paper). It wouldn’t take much to find another 1 in 20 voters; in my opinion the biggest problem your side faces is the reluctance to adequately explain to soft No voters what Yes would (likely) mean in terms of their Public Sector jobs, careers, property, savings, pensions etc., as well as in matters of EU/NATO membership, currency and so on. (I realise you believe this to be hogwash, which is fair enough of course. People disagreeing with each other is fine with me).

    “Naturally enough there will be a hard core of yoons and convinced British nationalists who are never going to be reconciled to either the idea or the reality of Scottish independence.”

    I think this is unfair: most of us “Yoons” absolutely respect the right of Scotland to become independent if she so wishes – and we would’ve accepted the result of the 2014 referendum entirely (if very regretfully), if this had come out on the Yes side. The very fact that there was the 2014 referendum at all is, of course, instructive in its own right.

  233. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Northcode says: 22 May, 2024 at 1:26 pm

    the erroneous assumption that there exist hearts and minds to win over to their side of the argument in the first place

    I wonder if you have that erse over tit?

    Take those whose only weapon is playground abuse.

    I don’t doubt their hearts are in it, but where do you see evidence of minds in that?

    Mindless playground abuse isn’t going to win you any converts. I know you won’t take advice because everything is going so well for Indy just as it is ( 🙂 ), but maybe you should try having a heart-to-heart with a friend.

    Anyhoo, there’s a new thread up, so things will quieten down for a few hours until the toddlers become fractious again. Enjoy the rest.

  234. Ruby Thurday says:

    A large number of hard core Unionist are English living in places like Cheshire so when Scotland becomes independent they won’t be living in a foreign country they will still be living in England.

    The other hardcore yoons who live in Scotland will move to N.Ireland where they will feel more at home. Insha Allah! as they say in countries where everyone is religious.

    The issue of dual Scottish/British nationality was discussed during the IndyRef.

    It was an interesting discussion but ‘Better Together’ said no way. There will be no Scottish/British nationality.

    Iain Davidson British Labour MP was having nightmares about the idea of dual nationals in iScotland getting a heating allowance from his beloved UK Parliament.

    In the event of independence he was planning on taking off to Spain where he could spend his heating allowance on Sangria & Viagra and his days enjoying sun, sand, sea & sex. Brexit gave his plans ‘a doing’ so he’s hoping he can get a place in the House of Lords.

    During the IndyRef ‘Better Together’ researched how ‘Scottish’ politicians could continue in the HOL and they found out all they needed to do is sell their castles, humble crofts in Scotland and buy property in England. I expect they could keep both but the castles & crofts in Scotland couldn’t be their primary residence. They needed a place in England.

    I think the ‘Roly Poly Bisto Kid’ has already sold his croft and has property in England in preparation for becoming Baron Humble Crofter of Chester.

    Captain Caveman & the other English Yoons will be greetin’ and no laughin’ when they find out they’ll have to pay for these ******* at the rate of £300 a day and that isn’t counting the bill for their ‘a la carte haute cuisine’ grub Pass the port my honourable friend. (to the left!). Wasn’t the grilled fillet of swan delicious..

  235. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Oh shit. Wrong day wrong moniker

    A large number of hard core Unionist are English living in places like Cheshire so when Scotland becomes independent they won’t be living in a foreign country they will still be living in England.

    The other hardcore yoons who live in Scotland will move to N.Ireland where they will feel more at home. Insha Allah! as they say in countries where everyone is religious.

    The issue of dual Scottish/British nationality was discussed during the IndyRef.

    It was an interesting discussion but ‘Better Together’ said no way. There will be no Scottish/British nationality.

    Iain Davidson British Labour MP was having nightmares about the idea of dual nationals in iScotland getting a heating allowance from his beloved UK Parliament.

    In the event of independence he was planning on taking off to Spain where he could spend his heating allowance on Sangria & Viagra and his days enjoying sun, sand, sea & sex. Brexit gave his plans ‘a doing’ so he’s hoping he can get a place in the House of Lords.

    During the IndyRef ‘Better Together’ researched how ‘Scottish’ politicians could continue in the HOL and they found out all they needed to do is sell their castles, humble crofts in Scotland and buy property in England. I expect they could keep both but the castles & crofts in Scotland couldn’t be their primary residence. They needed a place in England.

    I think the ‘Roly Poly Bisto Kid’ has already sold his croft and has property in England in preparation for becoming ‘Baron Humble Crofter of Cheshire’

    Captain Caveman & the other English Yoons will be greetin’ and no laughin’ when they find out they’ll have to pay for these ******* at the rate of £300 a day and that isn’t counting the bill for their ‘a la carte haute cuisine’ grub Pass the port my honourable friend. (to the left!). Wasn’t the grilled fillet of swan delicious..

    What an honour we’ve done to the English folk by living here in England.

  236. Republicofscotland says:

    Heard on radio news today that CalMac are paying Pentland Ferries one million quid a month to rent just one ferry.

  237. Northcode says:

    “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

    Matthew 7:16-20 King James version.

  238. Republicofscotland says:

    The jackbooted Neanderthals that support Scotland’s oppression will take over my home town next month and July as well.

    F*ck Glasgow City Council for letting this sectarian BS continue in this day and age.

    “Glasgow is braced for up to 100 Orange walks and loyalist parades across two months.

    Notifications have been sent for scores of marches to take place across Scotland’s largest city over June and July.

    The biggest march will congregate in the city’s Glasgow Green on July 6 and will see 15,000 people take part, with council chiefs being alerted that 50 parades will take place across the city on that day.

    The huge meet will mark the annual County Grand Orange Lodge of Glasgow Boyne celebration. The marches are set to cut through the city centre on their way to the Green, with four groups from the north, west, east and south of Glasgow coming together.”

  239. Andy Ellis says:

    @Captain 3.05 pm

    Indeed yes, on all points. As a serious, credible, lucid and intellectual Indy supporter who puts his points across very well (in the face of intolerable “opposition”, if you can call it that), this aspect must be very frustrating/embarrassing.

    Aye, it’s a sair fecht right enough, but somebuddy’s got tae dae it! I’m not sure I’d grace the usual suspects in here with the epithet opposition: that would be to considerably overestimate both their powers of argument and their intellectual level.

    in my opinion the biggest problem your side faces is the reluctance to adequately explain to soft No voters what Yes would (likely) mean in terms of their Public Sector jobs, careers, property, savings, pensions etc., as well as in matters of EU/NATO membership, currency and so on. (I realise you believe this to be hogwash, which is fair enough of course. People disagreeing with each other is fine with me).

    I’d agree in as much as the Yes side in 2014, and to a large extent since, has failed to make the case across a range of policy areas. Having said that however, the unionist side – and indeed the whole British nationalist project in my view – has been holed below the waterline in economic terms by events since indyref1.

    Most of the “Project Fear” talking points have been blown out of the water by brexit, Trussonomics and the lacklustre performance of the unionist project. Even recent búrach’s like water companies, the contaminated blood scandal and the Post Office prosecutions speak to a general governance system and state that is deeply unfit for purpose.

    If only we still had a functioning and capable independence movement, rather than one which has been deeply divided by the antics of a coterie of devolutionists and TRA extremists within the SNP and Scottish Greens, the cause of independence would be a shoo-in.

    I’d still maintain that hard core unionists are never going to be convinced by any rational argument. The types who demanded impossible detail and cast iron guarantees during the 2012-14 campaign that everything would turn out better and that independence would make them better off and have no negatives were never sincere about their ability to be persuaded.

    Others however will be persuadable, and arguably they will now find themselves wondering how the risks of independence can possibly be more frightening than the prospects of staying in the union.

    That’s why sensible heads within the independence movement will stress an alternative that sees Scotland as a member of the EU, NATO and broadly in alignment with our Scandinavian neighbours, not existing in splendid isolation like some latter day North Korean Brigadoon.

    I think this is unfair: most of us “Yoons” absolutely respect the right of Scotland to become independent if she so wishes – and we would’ve accepted the result of the 2014 referendum entirely (if very regretfully), if this had come out on the Yes side. The very fact that there was the 2014 referendum at all is, of course, instructive in its own right.

    I accept that the majority of right thinking unionists would have accepted a Yes result in 2014 – though it’s true that a minority would not, and still do not, accept the principle never mind the process.

    The Edinburgh Agreement and the holding of the referendum were an achievement: that’s why the Catalan’s at the time were so incredulous (and somewhat dismissive) when the vote was “No”: they’d have given their eye teeth for the same kind of deal.

    So, although unionism deserves some limited credit particularly in comparison with its Spanish counterpart for the precedent of 2014, its actions since have destroyed that positive legacy. The refusal to honour the Edinburgh Agreement precedent has I would argue fatally wounded the unionist cause in Scotland. That might not be immediately apparent. Long term however trying to stonewall the desire of most Scots can only be corrosive to the maintenance of the union. “Thinking” unionists – I’m sure there must be some, even if the minority – MUST surely see this?

    All the polling evidence shows a super majority of Scots in favour of Holyrood alone being qualified to decide when and how often we vote. Closing off the referendum route simply makes alternative routes like plebiscitary elections, and in extremis UDI, plausible alternatives.

    Demographically it is more a question of when independence happens rather than if.

    Sadly, it looks like the great day is not as close as mnay of us hoped.

  240. Hatuey says:

    You seem to get along better with unionists, Ellis.

    Have you ever considered switching sides?

  241. Captain Caveman says:

    “You seem to get along better with unionists, Ellis.

    Have you ever considered switching sides?”

    Oh do be quiet, “Mr Bonkers”.

    Maybe Andy feels comfortable having a civil discussion/debate with his (nominal) political opponents. It’s what grown-ups do.

    Maybe he doesn’t suffer from a crass narcissistic urge to curry favour with some of the other posters here neither…

  242. Alf Baird says:

    Republicofscotland @ 3:40 pm

    “Heard on radio news today that CalMac are paying Pentland Ferries one million quid a month to rent just one ferry.”

    Yes, that’s about right, however this also includes crew cost. Not so much when you consider the Pentland Ferries catamaran has a crew of 12 compared to state-owned CalMac’s 30+ crew to drive the same capacity monohull ferry.

    Most interesting comparison is that the Pentland Ferries catamaran cost £14.5m new which is less than a third the price of any new CalMac/CMAL ferry costing £50m+. The operating cost of the catamaran is also much less than similar capacity CalMac boats, about half, as shown here (from 5 mins in):

    link to

    A shift to catamarans across the 31-ship CalMac fleet would save the taxpayer £1 billion+ in ferry subsidies every 10 years, and improve the service, i.e. providing more capacity and reducing emissions; the catamarans need only half the engine power compared with heavier displacement less efficient monohulls, also halving the C02 emissions. Even Patrick Harvie should be excited about catamarans.

  243. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 7.18pm

    You seem to get along better with unionists, Ellis.

    Have you ever considered switching sides?

    No, I get along better with people who aren’t xenophobic bigots, nativists or apologists for Putler and islamo-fascists. It’s more popular than you think.

    The fact some of the usual suspects in here happen to be on the same side as me on the issue of independence doesn’t mean I can’t think they’re otherwise intellectual, social and political barrel scrapings.

    Doubtless you’ll be making some of your Cassandra like predictions about the upcoming elections Hats? Tho’ given your track record on other matters I doubt many will be placing any wagers on their veracity. I suppose that’s what having such a warped, unreasoning, worldview does to what passes for your cognitive powers.

  244. Geri says:

    Franchise fanny

    The trouble with you is that you don’t think you’re world view is fcked up.

    The whole reason the yanks fcked up is because they’re colonising psychos who’ve waged war on anyone & everyone, whether military, economically or even just someone looking at them the wrong way & their pennies have run out.

    The banks on the phone calling in a trillion+ interest payment due on their debt & not only do they not have a pot to piss in but they’ve been so busy blowing up every other fucker they forgot about their own citizens too.

    That’s no one’s fault but their own. Two agitating states have blown up trillions of $$s to achieve the grand sum of sweet fuck all & it’s payback time as countries turn their back on the killing regime with an insashiable appetite to keep killing.

    & You don’t need to be a fan or an apologist of P to know he had/has a point. It wasn’t him who instigated a coup against a democratically elected leader, blew up Gas pipes, deliberately crashed the price of Oil, sanctioned everyone, funded terrorism, had imperialistic delusions of grandeur or generally took the piss by double crossing endless international agreements.

    Same can be said for C. Taiwan belongs to them. It’s already been settled & by International law. So WTF is it to do with roasters gathering in the Pacific to “protect” something that doesn’t belong to them?

    The Brit elections will go tits up. Just as the yanks & the EUs will as populations can’t wait to eject warmongering fuckwits who are dragging them into conflict AGAINST public opinion.

    Trump or Biden bought by yahoo funds, doesn’t matter. Three unhinged psychos who will just hasten their demise all the faster cause there is NO law that makes a country trade with them as they are shunned out of existence.

    You don’t see that you’re a bigot & a xenophobic tit either.

    None so blind..

    & Just a tip – not that I even think yer remotely indy but it’d do us all a favour if you STFU about other countries & your prejudices. An independent Scotland would be dealing with all manner of countries & organisations & the Yes movement can live without your derogatory comments regarding other Nations. I’m surprised no one from Yes movement, considering you claim you know them all, hasn’t told you to wind yer neck in & sit the fuck down.

  245. Andouilette says:

    One brief point Geri, Taiwan belongs to its much bigger neighbour about as much as Scotland belongs to England. Taiwan does not want to be assimilated and have all its culture destroyed. Maybe think on that for a moment?

  246. Alf Baird says:

    Andy Ellis @ 8:58 pm

    “No, I get along better with people who aren’t xenophobic bigots”

    The obvious contradiction here being that all those who actively work to prevent a colonized and hence oppressed people’ obtaining their right to self-determination may be considered xenophobic bigots, and worse; e.g. ‘hateful racists’ and ‘fascists’, according to Cesaire. Don’t you understand anything about imperial rule?

  247. Captain Caveman says:

    @ Alf Baird

    “The obvious contradiction here being that all those who actively work to prevent a colonized and hence oppressed people’ obtaining their right to self-determination may be considered xenophobic bigots, and worse; e.g. ‘hateful racists’ and ‘fascists’, according to Cesaire.”

    Utter garbage, Alf. Go look up “false dichotomy”.

    Andy was referring to a very specific few in here, not “othering” an entire movement (upon which he’s part of… DUH).

    In other news, I think you and Césaire’s ghost need to get a room, mate…

  248. Alf Baird says:

    Captain Caveman @ 9:44 am

    ““false dichotomy”.”

    No. You are trying (poorly) to defend the indefensible; unionist/colonialist ideologues are much the same as gender ideologues, refusing to consider the evidential and theoretical reality laid out before them.

    You refuse to consider key realities including: Scots right to self-determination blocked; successive mandates for independence referendum refused; continued cultural domination and manipulation; ongoing economic plunder; a forced brexit against the will of Scots; etc etc

    Your posture reflects ‘defence mechanisms’, not reality, as explained here:

    link to

  249. Captain Caveman says:

    Laughable scattergun gibberish mate. You responded (badly) to Andy’s opinion regarding a FEW posters HERE (NB: not the entire Indy movement), which you nevertheless conflated to mean just that, then turned the whole (erroneous) premise on its head, like the idiot you clearly are.

    I then point this out, and now it’s somehow me who is “refusing to consider realities” – including the right for Scotland to be independent – despite my actually stating very clearly that I *do* believe Scotland has such a right…

    Maybe try answering stuff people *actually write*, rather than the voices in your head?

    Deffo “Cam B Brode” vibes here.

  250. Andy Ellis says:

    @Andouillette 7.00 am

    It’s a strange conceit some of the tankies just can’t shake off sadly. Self determination for Scotland is an absolute, and the Scottish people are sovereign. The people of Taiwan however are somehow not allowed self determination because they’re part of the PRC, whether the majority agree or not. Presumably the same applies to our Catalan friends because it’s part of Spain.

    It’s not hard to discern from the frothing unreason of Geri’s response that he/she is either a paid asset sitting in a basement in Omsk minding the bot farm, or just a convinced ideological tankie.

    Notice the claim to speak on behalf of the majority – sans a scintilla of evidence – whilst going totally tonto misrepresenting anyone who disagrees with their repugnant worldview that it’s actually us who represent mainstream, ordinary voters.

    There’s definitely something of the night about most of them. Sadly they’ve driven most of the normal folks away from BTL, so we’re left with xenophobic, bigoted dregs like them.

  251. Northcode says:

    The Dilemma (also known as dichotomy).

    In logic the dilemma, correctly constructed, is a valid and useful form of reasoning.

    The dilemma is constructive if the minor premise posits the two antecedents of the major and destructive if it sublates the two consequents.

    There are four moods ( I’ll explain those in a separate comment for those interested) to the dilemma: simple constructive, complex constructive, simple destructive, and complex destructive.

    And there are three fallacies of the dilemma:

    (1) False major premise.
    (2) Imperfect disjunction in the minor premise.
    (3) The dilemmatic fallacy, or a shifting point of view.

    When exposing the three fallacies of dilemma, the sources of error, there are three ways, or methods, of attack:

    1 Taking the dilemma by the horns.

    2 Escaping between the horns.

    3 Rebutting the dilemma.

    There’s even a trilemma in logic. The trilemma is a dilemma in which the disjunctive proposition offers three alternatives and follows the same rules as those for the dilemma.

    This all might seem complicated but it really isn’t once the terminology is understood and some examples are shown.

    In Alf Baird’s comment @9:14am there is no sign of any construction which could be reasonably claimed to be dilemma, false or otherwise. And so the claim that Alf’s comment is a fallacy of dilemma, or a ‘false dichotomy’ is erroneous.

    That be dilemma in logic.

  252. Geri says:


    They’ve never officially declared their independence in spite of being independent in all but law.
    In terms of international law, after the war, it was a legal transfer of territory to RoC.

    They can be independent if they want but surely that is a matter between RoC & Taiwan. And absolutely nothing to do with the Brits or the yanks who have zero claims at all but continue to flock there to kick off tensions. Anyone would think they’d fck all to do to fix their own problems in their own countries.

    The democracy bullshit is a big fake lie. They rush to other countries to install ‘democracy’ while continually blocking it at home. They’re after resources & Taiwan has chips & advanced technology. The colonisers are like flies round a turd to get their mitts on it..

  253. Geri says:

    Franchise Fanny

    Stop projecting yer own faults onto others.

    I thought you were a fully paid up member of the international community club?

    The international community, & in international law btw, has that territory already settled. It belongs to China in LAW. Taiwan can decide what It wants to do. It doesn’t need attack sharks circling it’s waters looking for some blood.

    Colonising fckwits just can’t help meddling despite the chaos they’ve left all over the place & top tip – they have left each & every one worse off than before they started. Not a great advertisement is it?

  254. Northcode says:

    I have found it to be an unprofitable exercise to engage in argument if such engagement enters the realm of futility – if there’s no sign of a rational mind with which to argue.

    For it’s likely in such cases no real argument was ever intended, and was never more than an invitation to participate in circular bouts of obfuscation, distraction, diversion and insult .

    Faux arguments are sometimes akin to the vulture circling above the corpse of some long dead proposition, a proposition far beyond any hope of resuscitation, before summoning the little courage required to swoop down and take a bite out of it in the form of some pointless ‘point’ or other; and in so doing claims victory over death itself.

  255. Captain Caveman says:

    @ Northcode

    What a load of pretentious bullshit, have a word. Your laughable cut ‘n paste word salad was futility personified.

    I choose not to engage with blowhards.

  256. Northcode says:

    No matter if it’s delivered in the high style or the low – it works every time.

    Maybe I’ll go for the low style next time and see what happens.

    Anyway, here’s something I might have quoted fae the Bible recently:

    “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

    I thought about claiming it as my own but I didn’t think I’d get away with that so here’s where it came fae:

    Matthew 7:16-20 King James version.

    Thon Bible is stuffed fou o’ guid wee aphorisms and phrases an suc.

  257. Northcode says:

    Here’s anither yin that isnae mine:

    “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”

    Matthew 5:5

    Nae much chance o’ some on here inheritin’ the earth; accordin’ tae Christ onyway.

  258. Captain Caveman says:

    @ Northcode

    Nothing has “worked” as you put it. How do you respond to a bunch of cut and pasted irrelevant gibberish, from someone who evidently thinks they’re playing a bit part in Lord of the Rings?

    #Protip: If you want people to engage with you, use your own words and stop speaking in fucking riddles, quoting obscure verses from the Bible and whatever else…

    I mean FFS. Imagine going through life like *this*.

    /down the pub…

    “What can I get you son?”

    “Y shall know them by their fruits”


    “Thon Bible is stuffed fou o’ guid wee aphorisms and phrases an suc.”

    “I think this guy is a shilling short of a pound…”

    “Faux arguments are sometimes akin to the vulture circling above the corpse of some long dead proposition, a proposition far beyond any hope of resuscitation, before summoning the little courage required to swoop down”

    “You’re barred mate”

  259. Northcode says:

    It always works. Always. It’s working right now.

    But some have neither the imagination nor the intellect to see it working.

    Scots will generally ‘get it’, though. Being a more enlightened people.

    And no bit-part for me – Gandalf is my favourite character, fool of a Took unionist.

  260. Captain Caveman says:

    Righto Gandalf, glad we got that one sorted then.

  261. Northcode says:

    “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

    This works well ‘down the pub’ depending on the pub, of course. And indeed the expertise of the Mixologist.

    Rhubarb pairs well with apple, apricot, berries, black pepper, citrus, ginger, nectarine, peach, plum, and especially strawberry.

    Pineapple is a classic fruit for cocktails. Its sweet and tart flavor pairs well with many different spirits. You can use fresh pineapple chunks or even dried pineapple for a tropical twist.

    Note – the list of fruits and the description of a pineapple cocktail is indeed copied and pasted and are not my own words.


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