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Wings Over Scotland

Let’s play Jocko Bingo!

Posted on November 30, 2014 by

This really happened today:

Bagpipes! Haggis! Tartan! Whisky! Pretty sure we just got trolled, folks.

“Less than three months ago the people of Scotland voted to keep the UK together, and I was just one of the millions of people who were relieved, proud and delighted that Scotland decided to stay. There was one big message at the heart of our campaign: We can have a strong UK and a strong Scotland – with its own identity and achievements to celebrate. That’s what St Andrew’s day is all about.

As we celebrate St Andrew’s Day, we celebrate Scotland, this great nation of culture and enterprise, of pride and passion, whose countrymen and women gave the world the steam engine, the television, penicillin, James Bond, Harry Potter – even the Higgs Boson. Today, Scotland’s national day, the world shows its admiration for those achievements, and the bagpipes will ring out from the islands of Argyll to the streets of New York.

Everywhere you look around the globe, people want a bit of Scotland; in Australia, where tartan is proudly worn, in the Bahamas and Canada, where haggis is eaten, and in France, where they drink more Scotch in a month than they do Cognac in a year.
This St Andrew’s Day, we will be celebrating that huge global reach, flying the flag for Scotland at our UK embassies and high commissions. And when I think of the Saltire set against the sun in Dar es Salaam, billowing in the Ottawa wind I think of all the incredible things that we are doing, together, as a United Kingdom, whether it is our aid workers in West Africa, saving people from the deadly Ebola virus, our security forces keeping us all safe from the threat of ISIL, or our businesses taking on the world – and winning.
The key to a successful future is working, as one, for the good of us all. That is why all of us – in every corner of our country – will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day and why nowhere will the Saltire be flown more proudly than here, above 10 Downing Street.”

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    Let’s play Jocko Bingo! | FreeScotland

160 to “Let’s play Jocko Bingo!”

  1. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Nearly fell of my bike today when I saw a Saltire (instead of the usual UJ)flying outside the house of a nasty piece of work here who had to be warned by the police for knocking down YES posters from lamp-posts and swearing at children who were helping adults to put them up during the Referendum campaign.

    So that’s what what it was all about.

    They do think we are all daft

  2. Catherine says:

    As a result of the No vote, the French consulate in Edinburgh will be closing in the near future.

  3. Oneironaut says:

    “And when I think of the Saltire set against the sun in Dar es Salaam…”

    What part of Scotland is that in?

    Anyone good at video production? We need to get a good counter-trolling effort in as quickly as possible now!

  4. wingman 2020 says:

    Needs to fire his SPIN team… they are useless.

  5. Malcolm says:

    Patronising? Surely not.

  6. Yesemite Sam says:

    That should have had a health warning – HAVE A BUCKET HANDY

    Patronising in the extreme.

  7. Suzanne says:

    Yeah convenient to keep us as a nice little decoration and an asset to be stripped bare. Not so convenient when we dare campaign for our independence.

    Hollow words, Cameron. We know how you all refer to Scotland and her people in the House of Commons and we knew your tears for the union were those of a crocodile.

  8. Andrew Scott says:

    What’s with the “we”?

  9. Ghengis D'Midgies says:

    Last year they did precisely zero for St Andrew’s day at the embassies. Next year they will do precisely zero. Frankly they can’t be trusted with Scotland’s relationship with the rest of the world. They’d prefer that we were extinguished.

  10. mumsyhugs says:

    Gies ye the boak doesn’t it? Pass the sick bag.

  11. Lyndsey Johnston says:

    he really does not have a clue!

    pick up jaw

    close mouth

  12. Reynolds of the 45 says:

    By ‘us’ he means the WM elite.

    What A Phud!!

    Does anyone know if the Saltire made a bid for freedom like last time he tried to fly it?

  13. No no no...Yes says:

    FFS, makes me sick.
    Sponsored by Ian Davidson, MP, trying to stab the wounded. Unfortunately for them, we feel no pain but they will in GE2015.

  14. Paula Rose says:

    The Downing Street?

  15. Neil Dorward says:

    And next March 1st, David Cameron will sing Cwm Rhondda, whilst breathing fire, wearing a miners helmet and holding an odd shaped ball in one hand and a leek in the other .. the leek being the subtle clue that he is taking the piss

  16. boris says:

    The Daily Telegraph posted a sequence of events and comments as they occurred at the time of the release of the Smith Report. I rearranged the information so that it makes easier reading and hence understanding. A useful reference. An example comment;

    The devolution of income tax goes beyond what Labour intended. Gordon Brown warned the devolution of income tax would be a “trap” because it would force Scottish MPs to surrender significant voting rights in Westminster over budgets – putting the Union itself at risk. Under the deal, however, we expect Scottish MPs to retain votes over budget votes. Asked why the reversal in position, Jim Murphy, running to lead Scottish Labour, said this morning: “I’ve changed my mind.”

    link to

  17. Capella says:

    They say irony died the day Henry Kissinger got the Nobel peace prize but it has risen from the grave today.
    Perhaps they are determined to tarnish every iconic Scottish date they know about? Like living in an occupied country.

  18. JayR says:

    You left a section of his speech out Stu:

    “Except of course for those 1.6 million Scots who voted Yes, and all the other Scots scattered across the world who support independence. You and your views don’t matter, and I do not and will never speak for you…except that daily I make decisions that effect your lives. Thanks for that 55%, but don’t expect anything in return”

  19. Rookiescot says:

    Now thats a teffal forehead that needs a slap.

  20. Training Day says:

    They’re taking the pish. The Smith Commission is simply a slightly more elaborate piss take.

    And the hard truth is that they’re entitled to.

  21. think again says:

    Aw, bless his cotton socks.

  22. Macart says:

    “our country”

    Wait whut?

  23. Jon D says:

    I like to shave around my @rse, so after a sh*te it’s easier to wipe.

    Makes me realise why I have never seen David Cameron with a beard.

  24. Taranaich says:

    A “great nation of culture and enterprise” which has no power over broadcasting or job creation.

    A nation of “pride and passion” which has no power over welfare or budget.

    A nation whose countrymen and women gave the world so many inventions, which has no power over science, technology, and energy regulation.

    A nation whose musical instruments are played, dress is worn, food is eaten, and drink imbibed in countries all over the world, which has no power over trade or relations with those same countries.

    A nation with “huge global reach,” that has no power whatsoever on that world stage.

    A nation whose flag will be flying at UK embassies for one day of the year, because they have no embassies of their own.

    A nation whose flag is flying everywhere in the world, but only when a larger nation allows them.

    A nation that has aid workers in West Africa, security forces in ISIL, and businessmen across the world, but only when a greater state lets them.

    Spare us your suffocating, meaningless platitudes, Cameron. Nothing you say or do will ever ingratiate your wretched party with the people of Scotland, so don’t even insult our intelligence by trying.

    As with Thatcher, I won’t celebrate your death. But as with Thatcher, the world will be a better place without you.

  25. boris says:

    Shades of Quebec. He must have a copy of the Canadian government’s approach following on from the, “no” vote. This is the start point of the emasculation of Scotland. Scottish politicians will need to get up early in the morning from now on so that they can be ahead of the game.

  26. Nana Smith says:

    Don’t know about you Capella, but that tory twit has soured my day. He talks through his a— as usual

    link to

    Nicola’s message on St Andrew’s day…

    link to

  27. M4rkyboy says:

    The whole thing is a crock.
    Scotland has never been more disengaged from the ‘UK’ since we were an independent country.
    The identity he talks of only extends as far as a regional identity-we have no Scottish intelligence service,or Scottish army,or Scottish diplomacy,or foreign policy or anything that gives us the character of a nation.
    To be quite honest,i am not particularly proud to be Scottish at the minute.

  28. terry says:

    Pass me the sick bag – and that’s despite the fact I couldn’t face playing the video. Nauseating words. He’s over Murphyd the omelette eh? What feckin eejits would fall for this? Need we ask.

    Not a newspaper buyer but have bought and kept the first five of The National for posterity – However from Monday they will bought and left at places where others can pick them up. If you’ve got any ideas of locations that would be good, cheers.

  29. Geoff Huijer says:

    So will there be no charge for whisky companies to promote their wares in ‘UK embassies’ now?

    Obviously Grants will have to be recompensed for encouraging a ‘NO’ somehow…

  30. Dr Jim says:

    I.m so proud to be a Scottish Britain, just like being an African American EH, Maybe one day i can aspire to be as equal as an Englishman instead of being a burden and nuisance to our Massa’s Please dont shoot me Boss i can’ts helps but be Scottish…

  31. Calum Craig says:

    I always maintain that No voters are less secure with their identity and feel the urge to express their “Scottishness” overtly. I see it on Facebook with my No voting friends posting kilts and haggis etc…

  32. Nana Smith says:

    The National Monday’s front page…

    link to

  33. Free Scotland says:

    Hey, what about shortbread, what about shortbread? And dookin’ for apples? Ya ignorant git!

  34. SquareHaggis says:

    Typical condescervative.

  35. Wp says:

    Talking about bayoneting the wounded. To think of the celebrations we could have had today and we have to listen to this pish. I’m sure the foodbanks are awash with haggis and whisky today Cameron. Thanks no voters for making today just another day.

  36. Salt Ire says:

    I don’t think it’s trolling per se, more a “political” message to UKIPPERS to show a diplomatic front. It’s what they think will play well on both sides of the border, with scant regard to us up North.

    It reminds me of the way a crap parent tries to engage with their child after they’ve been caught shoplifting a Motorhead cassette from Woolies.

    [never happened]

  37. Stoker says:

    Yeah, DC, yo da man!
    link to

  38. SquareHaggis says:

    @Jon D,

    You mean Kelly’s eye?

  39. fred blogger says:

    Nana Smith
    great national front page!

  40. Seepy says:

    Everywhere you look around the globe, people want a bit of Scotland”

    But they can’t have it. We own it, we own them all. Bwwaaaahhaha!

  41. Morag says:

    To think of the celebrations we could have had today and we have to listen to this pish. I’m sure the foodbanks are awash with haggis and whisky today Cameron. Thanks no voters for making today just another day.

    I’m beginning to wonder if the reason I’ve not been particularly down is just that it hasn’t sunk in. The sheer extent of what we’ve lost, that is. Comments like this make me start to realise though.

    The next stage is Westminster disadvantaging us so much with their fancy “new powers” that we can’t do anything to defend ourselves, and the country just slips down into depression. Well I hope not, but that’s what they want.

  42. SquareHaggis says:

    It’s Bullingdon Bertie, nimber therty…

  43. heedtracker says:

    After the Smith farce its pretty clear we really are completely fcuked now. They got away with it and from now on its all downhill as they do everything they can to make sure we’re all proud Scots but British.

    Its up to the red and blue Tory boys now to keep us in the EU otherwise its going to be an even bleaker future for their Scotland region in teamGB. BBC will tell us the exact opposite though. Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, anywhere where there’s no BBC, Orangemen, royals and above all else, no proud Scot buts.

  44. tombee says:

    Should he no have got a spikey hair cut and sat on an upturned bucket to deliver that shite?.
    What a patronising bastard.
    PC Murdoch, where is he when you want some demented twatt arrested?.
    There’s a rumour that fat Bob and Soapy Souter have joined the SNP, well everybody else in Dundee is.

  45. Nana Smith says:

    Tomorrow headlines…

    Austerity working so well, tories to borrow 75billion.

    Another tory mp caught up in NHS sell off scandal.

    RT covers the abuse scandal. Westminster is a cesspit!

  46. Thejourneyman says:

    “everywhere around the globe everyone wants a piece of Scotland”, aye not least Westminster who have been robbing us blind for years. Patronising bastard!

  47. galamcennalath says:

    … and don’t forget to shove your Trident missiles where the sun never reaches!

  48. big jock says:

    When I think of other great pretendy nations like Gibraltar and the Faroe Islands. Scotland is the biggest pretender of them all. I don’t recognise half my countrymen they belong to England. I and the other 45 are free, but held in bondage by our own countrymen, as another’s plaything.

  49. Anne Graham says:

    Aww, and he was trying so hard as well. All that glottal stop thing so as to sound good to the natives.

    Yes, Massa, We’re SO glad that you like us for a day. Does he think we’ll fall for that?

    Just when did they start flying a Saltire on Downing Street for St. Andrew’s Day. Was

    Or do you like us for our economy, which is more healthy than yours?

    Oh, go away Cameron/Clegg, your time is up.

  50. msean says:

    Lied to win the referendum,humiliated Scotland with that “purring” effort overheard in New York,just go away,the last thing Scotland needs right now is condescending p**h like that from Tories(of any colour).

    Soon they’ll latching onto Hogmanay,singing Burns fully unaware of how insulting they are,using their only presenter at the bells. Who wants to buy a ticket to celebrate a country that voted against itself ffs?

  51. One_Scot says:

    Man, I only managed 19 seconds before the urge to punch the crap out of my monitor was too much.

  52. grahamlive says:

    I made it through all 1 minute and 59 seconds of that shite. Do I get a medal?

    Whenever I used to hear Thatcher’s voice, it was like fingernails down a blackboard. Cameron is now having the same effect.

  53. Valerie says:

    I seriously cant click on that, reading it made me sick in my mouth.

    Is he standing on Irn Bru crates?

    Everyone wanting “a bit” refers to the fracking and TTIP deals, coming to a local community near you soon……

  54. Training Day says:

    I’ve just watched the whole thing.

    The Proud Scots will play that back in Dar-es-Salaam or in Ottawa as they celebrate ‘Rob’ Burns with a wee – a wee, mind ye – dram o’ shortbread.

    Morag is right – we’ve been in shock these last two months trying to comprehend the awfulness of what’s transpired. Comprehension may never come.

  55. Dr JM Mackintosh says:

    That is why we need independence. To get away from partroising twats like that running our country.

    Scotbuts (some of you read WOS) Does he really represent you?

  56. Wp says:

    Why doesn’t he tell the truth.
    The whole world is pissing themselves laughing at us.

  57. thomaspotter2014 says:

    This will be great to playback when we have Independence!
    Won’t be too long now.
    Don’t let this bastard grind you down.

  58. Clarinda says:

    Having just arrived by “steam train” I can’t wait to drink some “Scotch” to wash down my “penicillin” as the “bagpipes ring out”, eat my “haggis” while watching Goldfinger on “television” as I ponder the existence of the “Higgs Boson”. Yes, Mr Cameron I must be one of those Scotlandshire persons.
    This level of condescending smarm and establishment mockery is unacceptable.
    Did he really say “bagpipes will ring out”? A taorluath grand fail I reckon.

  59. Capella says:

    @ Nana
    Didn’t listen to the Bullingdon Boy as I was still in birthday mood and didn’t want to spoil it. Did listen to the message from Nicola though and that was positive as is the front page of the National with Greg Moodie cartoon and a crossword!
    I do think DC and co are showing signs of continuing panic. The Smith Report has gone down like a lead balloon. The VOW is exposed as a lie. Labour are trying to sell us Jim Murphy as the best act in Scotland since the White Heather Club. They are daily morphing into a caricature of the “hard working families” they say they care about. Well we’re not buying.
    PS couldn’t access the website for a while this evening. DDOS attack?

  60. Lesley-Anne says:

    This St Andrew’s Day, we will be celebrating that huge global reach, flying the flag for Scotland at our UK embassies and high commissions.

    These would be the SAME embassies and High Commissions that YOU ya TWAT ordered NOT to promote Scotland in the lead up to the referendum then!

    Cameron … TWAT of Twat Hall!

  61. fred blogger says:

    not a medal, but haven’t you got the hamper he sent yet?

  62. Training Day says:

    Still, that place on the Board of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency remains tantalisingly close thanks to Lord Smith.

    If any of the Westminster parties, like, care to maybe think of perhaps putting it in their manifesto. One can but dream.

  63. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Does anyone possess the skills required to make all those pen-holders rearrange themselves on the table to spell something suitably unmentionable?

    Cheers Nana Smith!

    (If you want to know what I’m on about, i.e. if it’s really ‘bugging’ you? please visit Off-Topic.)

  64. Democracy Reborn says:

    But Dave, Dave….. Why are you ‘celebrating’ St Andrews Day? Only 3 months ago you were saying that Scotland wasn’t a nation in international law. Don’t you remember? That bit of your legal advice that said Scotland was basically ‘extinguished’ in 1707 & became part of good old Mother England?

    I wonder how many No-voting, haggis & whiskey tartan-clad St Andrews day cheerleaders are aware of that….

  65. David Agnew says:

    I really couldn’t care less what this man thinks. I am more interested in that new trailer for star wars. You see? Scant regard. The only way to counter condescension.

  66. Training Day says:

    I’ve just realised that Smith has offered the scotch executive not just a place on the Board of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, but also a place on the Board of the Northern Lighthouse Board.

    And to think some of us thought he would fail.

  67. Barontorc says:

    But don’t forget, thanks to Lord Smiffy, we’re now going to be the most devolved ‘state’ in the world, with other wellwisher/sages saying we’re almost in federalist mode – which, again, is a collection of ‘states’ is it not – and bu**er me, here was I thinking we were still a sovereign COUNTRY in our own right! Must ask Torchil at the Daily Record – he’ll know for sure. There must be a VOW kicking about that covers it.

    Go get the bloody lot of them Stu – the crowdfunding will be there.

  68. ClanDonald says:

    Can’t wait till they invent punch-screen technology.

  69. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Capella –

    Happy birthday!

    link to

  70. Lanarkist says:

    Cameron is really at odds with Scot Parliament. They won’t allow any representation of the Saltire to enter the building.

    Voted that no National flag should be allowed in its hallowed building.

    Rally yesterday to mark St Andrews Day provided entertainment and puzzlement aplenty from tourists and residents as people were refused entry if carrying, wearing or displaying a Saltire.

    Not so strict on Tshirts with UJ, alright if covered up.

    No Saltire badges, turn tops inside out, no flags in pockets, denied entry for lady with mobility problems.

    Duty Manager stated that Saltire was now symbol for Independence and had been politicised.

    So much for National Flag in National Parliament on National Saints day!

    But they can fly a Saltire over No 10.

    We should complain about this policy and get it adjusted!

  71. Onwards says:

    You just know he’s taking the piss as soon as the cameras turned off.

  72. Al says:

    “…..will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day and why nowhere will the Saltire be flown more proudly than here, above 10 Downing Street.”

    So do you think David Cameron could get it up?

  73. manandboy says:

    I watched Cameron for about 20 seconds, wondering why he’s doing this. I just read the rest. His narrative is a big statement of how BETTER TOGETHER we are – to counter the belief in self-determination.

    But there’s more to it than that and the answer lies in the effect the film has.

    The biggest effect on me is that my morale is lowered considerably. From that came some very negative thoughts lowering my morale even further.

    To such an extent in fact that I feel we’re going to be defeated and cheated out of Independence- which chills me.

    This is a downward spiral. I can see it leading to hopelessness and surrender. It’s an awful feeling.

    All that from Smith & Cameron over two days. The power of propaganda.

    In Indy we lost the PROPAGANDA WAR because we had none of the big propaganda weapons of TV & Press.

    Now we have The National but it won’t be enough on it’s own.

    I think what scares me deep down is losing the PROPAGANDA WAR
    ‘cos if we lose that, again, in GE15 and then in the remaining elections in 2016 & 17, we lose everything.

    They alone know what it’s worth and how long it will last (100years minimum). They came close to losing it all in Indy. They are now in Campaign mode to make sure our wealth remains securely in their hands.


  74. Chic McGregor says:

    St Andrews cross? I would imagine so.

    ‘Cameron’ means ‘bent nose’ in Gaelic, the problem too many Scots have is ‘bent knees’.

  75. manandboy says:

    I watched Cameron for about 20 seconds, wondering why he’s doing this. I just read the rest. His narrative is a big statement of how BETTER TOGETHER we are – to counter the belief in self-determination.

    But there’s more to it than that and the answer lies in the effect the film has.

    The biggest effect on me is that my morale is lowered considerably. From that came some very negative thoughts lowering my morale even further.

    To such an extent in fact that I feel we’re going to be defeated and cheated out of Independence- which chills me.

    This is a downward spiral. I can see it leading to hopelessness and surrender. It’s an awful feeling.

    All that from Smith & Cameron over two days. The power of propaganda.

    In Indy we lost the PROPAGANDA WAR because we had none of the big propaganda weapons of TV & Press.

    Now we have The National but it won’t be enough on it’s own.

    I think what scares me deep down is losing the PROPAGANDA WAR
    ‘cos if we lose that, again, in GE15 and then in the remaining elections in 2016 & 17, we lose everything.

    They alone know what it’s worth and how long it will last (100years minimum). They came close to losing it all in Indy. They are now in Campaign mode to make sure our wealth remains securely in their hands.

    We can expect UNENDING PROPAGANDA SATURATION on TV and in the Press for the foreseeable future, and ALL OF IT will be aimed at DESTROYING THE MORALE of the Independence movement.
    More cuts and more austerity will weaken the morale of the less well off – many of whom voted Yes.

    Devolving Income tax is a giant trap meant to ensnare the SNP in deeply unpopular measures which will be forced upon it resulting in a reversal of their rise in fortunes.

    At the same time, WM will be trying to raise up a Labour army of unionist voters to topple the SNP Government in Holyrood.

    Conclusion – It’s a WAR. The British Establishment have declared WAR on the Independence movement.

  76. manandboy says:

    Apologies – I’ve no idea how that happened.

  77. hadrianswall says:

    I’ve looked at Osbornes road plan. The A1 is to be a dual highway from Newcastle to Ellingham which is 25 miles from the border. Osborne doesn’t want to get any closer to the Scots. No doubt the No voters in the border country will appreciate this Union dividend.

  78. yesindyref2 says:

    In all fairness there was a thread about this 2 years ago I think it was on the Guardian and it turned out that Downing Street flew the Saltire on St. Andrews Day, the Welsh flag on St David’s Day, and in fact I found this from 2008 on the Guardian:

    “Brown will also fly the Scottish saltire on St Andrew’s Day and the Welsh dragon on St David’s Day. Northern Ireland does not have an official national flag to fly on St Patrick’s Day.

    The move follows a review of flag-flying practices ordered by Brown when he became prime minister.”

    It’s because of the Referendum we’re noticing this and reading too much into it.

    In all fairness as well, Cameron’s speech and film which I watched quite easily to be honest, it failed miserably at the end – it should have cut to the Saltire flying above Downing Street. Propaganda FAIL.

  79. Chris says:

    Did he fly the saltire this time?

  80. schrodingers cat says:

    nausiating stuff

    for veiwers in scotland only I presume

    makes you wonder if he employs the same PR spinmiesters as Thatcher did to write her sermon on the mound…us?? we?
    in the immortal words of Tonto….
    “who are you callin’ partner ya pale faced pig…..”

    ps, this pussy got stroked by Paula Rose(=’.’=)

  81. john king says:

    What do you mean WE white man?

  82. john king says:

    Im disappointed,
    Why didnt he finish his wee speech with this?
    link to 🙁

  83. schrodingers cat says:

    or this

    link to

  84. AuldA says:


    As a result of the No vote, the French consulate in Edinburgh will be closing in the near future.

    Quoi? Are you kidding? Who gave you this info? I thought the Consulat général was responsible for a large area from the North of England to Northern Ireland and Manx in addition to Scotland???

  85. jimnarlene says:


  86. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Just laugh.

    That confuses and riles them, then they become demoralised.

  87. Muscleguy says:

    So Dave why don’t we reap some of the proceeds of all that whisky our Auld Alkiance friends drink? Or are we just supposed to be proud of the fact while your government is yet again using it and the oil money to bomb brown people and impose more nuclear subs on us.

  88. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  89. Dorothy Devine says:

    I watched that and now feel sick.
    Much like I felt when some unfunny comedian appealed to “beloved” Scotland not to leave.
    Hey ,Mr Izzard , I’m talking to you!

    I’d like every shit who signed that letter of appeal to be force fed the drivelling Smith report complete with an analysis by an independent ,foreign analyst explaining the ordure they have help bring down on my country.

    I just want to cry for my country .

    Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
    Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
    Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
    Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

  90. paul gerard mccormack says:

    I managed 40 seconds

  91. Macart says:

    @ Dorothy

    You’re looking at the last hurrah of empire there Dorothy. Not long now and those cuts will be implemented, pension reforms will hit, welfare reforms will turf more into the cold and folks will begin to wonder, (if they’re not already doing so), are we better together?

    There’s just too many pins in the air for them to juggle. The devo fudge, EU in/out, the draconian reforms they want to push through. Only the most belligerent and blinkered of unionists will want anything to do with WM very shortly.

    This won’t be no twenty year wait.

  92. Macandroid says:

    I’m quite proud of myself for managing a whole 39 secs of that guff before throwing up!

  93. manandboy says:

    Midlothian result was due to a LabCon alliance. Milliband and Cameron are still using the same bed. Same tactical team for Scotland. SNP targetted for destruction.

    Independence a formality? The very opposite.
    The writing is on the wall.
    Indy will be a monumental struggle.

  94. Graeme Purves says:

    So now Scotland is “a corner of our country”. That’s the No dividend.

  95. heedtracker says:

    Its just like Thatchers victory speech May 1979 – ‘Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where blah blah bleh.

    The fact is Gordon Brown managed to convince Labour in Scotland to vote NO. That 10 to 20% were basically ordered by our imperial masters to vote NO and they did it.

    In England its that middle England Daily Heil readership deciding who wins and in Scotland its Labour voters. Almost instantly they realised they’d be conned and without BBC Project Fear terrorising us but its now up to exact same voters where Scotland’s future lies. UKOK red tories like Balls and Murphy all now have to claw back Scottish Labour poll support for red tory Westminster in Scotland but its this 20% that are going to take the full force of austerity Tory boy UK. They had the chance for change, they got suckered and now they’re going to pay and their children will pay and on it goes in teamGB. Rich get richer and the poor get soup kitchens and best of all, they can now blame SNP, “Lord Smith gave you devo max and its all for nothing, silly Scotch”

    Or maybe not.

  96. Nana Smith says:

    Just seen a picture of the odious creature Danny Alexander grinning as he opens another foodbank.

    A friend told me last week the plan is for the parties to bond together in order to keep this creep in Westminster.
    Unionist alliances are being planned to stop the SNP.

    We really need to get posters and info out to the voters, detailing the con and the conmen’s expenses.

  97. PictAtRandom says:

    “the bagpipes will ring out from the islands of Argyll to the streets of New York.”

    Fairytale of Notting Hill

    We could have been someone…

  98. Lollysmum says:


    If you think like that it will happen. No need for defeatist attitude- this is just a phase. Keep bouncing back- they can’t handle that:-)

  99. Graham says:

    Have just listened to Nicola on GMS – very competent, very persuasive. But why aren’t SNP making more of the fact that Smith “powers” means no more money?

  100. Thomas William Dunlop says:

    We should call their bluff. We should all get behind a referendum on Devo-Max. The only way that we even get full fiscal autonomy is through the ballot box, not by be taken in by vague promises. The opinion polls constantly show a large majority for repatrition of all powers bar defence & forign affairs.

  101. galamcennalath says:

    It reminds me of Thatcher’s so called Sermon on the Mound.

    Roll on GE May 2015.

  102. The Man in the Jar says:

    “Bagpipes ring out”

    I will wring his bagpipes out if I ever get my hands on him!

  103. Luigi says:

    Calum Craig says:

    30 November, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    I always maintain that No voters are less secure with their identity and feel the urge to express their “Scottishness” overtly. I see it on Facebook with my No voting friends posting kilts and haggis etc…

    Without a country of their own, that’s all they are:

    Clowns in kilts

    The world laughs at these little court jesters, but please don’t try to explain this to them, they really don’t want to know.

  104. No no no...Yes says:

    Taranaich 10:43pm

    Your analysis of Dave’s latest love bomb is excellent and would make a great poster/flyer.

    Manandboy 8:34am LabCon alliance to beat the SNP.

    The Unionists are on the ropes and are desperate.These political parties and their hardcore NO voters do NOT have Scotland’s interests at heart. They are driven by hatred, but we need to identify and convert the soft NO voters who can understand an SNP vote is the only one to help with the issues that they have.It ain’t gonna be easy, but we can reach our goal in the next few years.

  105. caledonia says:

    What about pooling and sharing the new roads program.
    Looks like the program ends 25 mile from the scottish border
    Pooling and sharing my ars3

  106. Now's the Hour says:

    He should have come up to Glasgow and delivered that homily in George Square. I’m sure the crowds would have turned up to listen…

    Condescending b*****d.

  107. gerry parker says:

    Didn’t watch any of it. Like to keep my blood pressure low and my rage in a cage.

    Since the upgrade to the A1 comes out of general taxation, the Scottish taxpayers will be helping fund it. However, any roadworks or improvements in Scotland are paid for out of the block grant as roads are devolved.
    No doubt they’ll add another tenner onto the block grant via Barnett to make things up to us.

    Take about getting scammed by the 3 card trick!

  108. Robert Kerr says:

    O/T but good news.

    Greg Moodie’s strip cartoon is in today’s The National.

    Now we want our own Criss Cairns.

  109. SquareHaggis says:

    Liberals were out canvassing Aberdeenshire yesterday, mum told them to p155 off – on a Sunday too 😉

  110. Luigi says:

    manandboy says:

    1 December, 2014 at 8:34 am

    Midlothian result was due to a LabCon alliance. Milliband and Cameron are still using the same bed. Same tactical team for Scotland. SNP targetted for destruction.

    Independence a formality? The very opposite.
    The writing is on the wall.
    Indy will be a monumental struggle.

    Nah! The Red and Blue Tories will be fighting to the death. Although the red ones have form supporting the blue ones to stall independence, it just doesn’t work the other way. Never has. Since the referendum, the blue tories have already screwed the red ones, and they will continue to do so right up to May 2015 and beyond. In the unionist Tory world, there can only be one master, and it ain’t red!

    Don’t fret, the people of Scotland are aware of what is happening. They know what they have to do next May. And even if they decide to give the red tories yet another chance, they will quickly become bitterly disappointed. Another chance of redemption in 2016. With each passing year, a little more of the traditional red tory support dies off. Very few new, young voters are being recruited to cover the loss. The red tories are the ones targeted for destruction. It’s just a matter of time.

  111. jock mc X says:

    The scottish middle class.
    Nobody mentions them.
    Boycott them,and thier i,m allright jockland.
    Thiers will be the biggest fall if we stay in this uk shithouse….but they will take the whole country down with them.
    Boycott jockland,support scotland till we win.

  112. Jim Mitchell says:

    So who actually wrote it for him. somebody from Mills and Boon?

  113. wingman 2020 says:

    Cameron and Milliband
    Out of touch
    Out of reach
    Out of their tiny minds

    and out of time.

  114. Clootie says:

    “The strongest and most effective force in guaranteeing the long-term maintenance of power is not violence in all the forms deployed by the dominant to control the dominated, but consent in all the forms in which the dominated acquiesce in their own domination”.
    Robert Frost

  115. Ken500 says:

    Food banks. Disgusting


  116. wingman 2020 says:


    It’s time for people to talk ‘offline’ on some of the more sensitive areas or strategies.
    Nothing in here is confidential.
    In fact, Wings is a free fountain of ideas, knowledge and general ‘intelligence’ for those against independence.

  117. hetty says:

    jock mc X@9.42am

    You are correct there, I think people try to forget there is a Scottish middle class, but there are plenty of em! The thing is they will take us all down when the fall comes, but they will blame it on the Scottish government anyway, not their propped up masters in London. The I am alright jack way of life, is alive and well.

  118. Devorgilla says:

    I think I hate Cameron even more than I hated Thatcher because he’s smoother and that somehow is more vile than her abrasiveness. What a patronising revolting man.

  119. De Valera says:

    While he was mentioning whisky, he didn’t thank us for all the money it puts into his treasury the ungrateful git. (Don’t mention the oil!!!).

    Can anyone imagine a British Prime Minister patronising the Irish in this way?

  120. Nana Smith says:

    Britain is recognized up and down the nation and around the world as introducing some of the most brutal policies imaginable, punishing disabled people for the crimes of the bankers, sending innocent British Muslims off to rot in US jails. Coalition Britain is exhibiting all the worst signs of misrule, of a dying empire in denial.

    link to

    Check out Cameron’s links to Derek Lord among others, that’s if you can stomach it.

  121. Nana Smith says:

    Derek Laud [not Lord]

  122. dakk says:

    This is the kind of patronage that makes the 55% proud.They will lap this up and well up with pride.Sad creatures.

  123. Grouse Beater says:

    The British establishment spent months deriding and ridiculing every aspect of our culture, even threatened to corral a portion of Scotland around Rosyth, told us we are a povery stricken nation and will stay that way because they intend not to share our currency, and all the while Cameron is plotting behind the scenes to ensure a No vote. Even Dear Queenie had a go and then a Royal laugh.

    And now we are told he is flying the Saltire with pride.

    And that, folks, is about as much concern as they wish to show for Scotland so long as they still own it.

    But you knew that ….. well, didn’t you?

  124. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  125. Devorgilla says:

    I know it’s no solution, but I can’t help but feel even more antipathy towards the Nawbags who brought all this crap and the Smithy proposals on us.

    I might ask: ‘Hope you’re satisfied’. But the thing is, they are so disengaged from real life in their comfy mediocrity that it won’t even touch them. All they wanted was business as usual, to crawl back under their stone, the conceited, smug, retards.

    Jim Sillars always used to say that it was poverty of aspiration which really held us back.

  126. wingman 2020 says:

    The articles say it all.

    link to

    link to

    link to

  127. Footsoldier says:

    Who in Scotland calls whisky Scotch?

  128. galamcennalath says:

    @Nana Smith

    re: Royal position

    I used to be one of those who thought keeping the monarchy, perhaps until the present one dies, would be a simple constitutional option.

    Not now. The Royals burnt their boats when they openly took sides.

  129. Nana Smith says:


    I have never supported them, parasites leeching of the people.

    The present lot took Saville into their midst. Why would they. Too many secrets must be kept at any cost??

  130. Cod says:

    “flying the flag for Scotland at our UK embassies and high commissions”

    Unlike during the referendum campaign when they were busy trampling on the Saltire and using the embassies and high commissions as staging posts for anti independence propaganda, all paid for by Westminster.


  131. John Young says:

    Nana Smith,thanks
    Very informative link
    link to

    The key Phrase?
    “Perhaps child abuse is sanctioned at high levels simply because the ease of blackmailing those involved suits the security services, bankers, royalty and others behind the scenes that want weak, pliable politicians? If that’s so, it’s no surprise then that Brussels, one of modern Europe’s other main centers of power, has also been the scene of the most horrendous child abuse.”

  132. Devorgilla says:

    I guess you can include the media in that collaboration to keep politicians pliable and in their place.

  133. desimond says:

    Lanarkist says:
    1 December, 2014 at 1:14 am
    Cameron is really at odds with Scot Parliament. They won’t allow any representation of the Saltire to enter the building.

    Voted that no National flag should be allowed in its hallowed building.

    The Scottish Govt voted for this?
    Was this pre SNP rule or in last 7 years. Seems a very strange proposal if the SNP agreed to this one.

  134. desimond says:

    Fair play to David Cameron.

    It must have been hard to deliver that speech with his tongue firmly in his cheek and a bunch of his City pals on the other side of the camera making “Scottish Wnkers” signs with their closed fists.

    Scotland deserves nothing more after walking into a Tory led trap. AGAIN.

  135. Dcanmore says:

    ‘Hey Scotch people! We still own you, we still control your money and resources, so stop blubbering the corner and polish my very expensive shoes that you kindly paid for, plebs!’

  136. Lanarkist says:

    Desimond, I was told that it was voted for in 1999!

  137. Nana Smith says:

    O/T but relates to tory sh—

    Amazing isn’t it how many in Thatchers cabinet were abusers and of course her ‘friendship’ with Saville is well known. Lots of ‘stuff’ coming into the open now.

    Exaro was praised in parliament last week as being the main force in ‘outing’ these abusers.

    Of course May & chums are trying to delay an enquiry hoping it fades away. Exaro will keep the pressure on.

    From an online source…

    ‘Groper’ Alfred Roberts and his favourite daughter, who became Margaret Thatcher.

    Margaret Thatcher’s father may have been like Jimmy Savile.

    There are reports that Thatcher’s father sexually abused young girls.

    In 1997 the magazine Punch published an article by Professor Bernard Crick featuring allegations, including one from an alleged victim, that Alfred Roberts had been involved in several sexual assaults on young women.

    The article claimed that Roberts was the inspiration for a lecherous character who was a local councillor and grocer in the 1937 satire of Grantham, Rotten Borough. [12]

  138. desimond says:


    1999..sounds like something the Labour Rogues would encourage.

    Well to keep the 1999 theme,lets hope May 2015 is like the Prince 1999 song lyrics for Labour:

    “And then I woke up this morning, could have sworn it was Judgement day!

  139. Nana Smith says:

    Does anyone know where Gord Broon is making his speech tonight in Fife. He will be telling everyone he’s standing down at last.

    Would be a great time for an impromptu party outside the venue.

  140. We Luv you successful Jocks – boak !

  141. Stoker says:

    Unionist politicians at work:
    link to

    link to

  142. TYRAN says:

    Brown often uses Fife College, Templehall Community Centre and the Old Kirk for speeches; all Kirkcaldy.

  143. Big D says:

    Watched this just before going to bed last night…..
    I’ve been up a’ nicht we’ the boke, night terrors and diabolically bad indigestion.
    What a twat thon boy is……

  144. Calgacus says:

    If england’s queen interfered in the referendum to place us under the rule of the english the she has forsaken the right to be known as Queen of Scots according to the declaration of Arbroath.

  145. Nana Smith says:

    How did Berwick vote?

    Oh dear, maybe not Better together now.

    REACTION: A1 announcement a ‘kick in the teeth for Berwick’

    link to

  146. Bill McLean says:

    I’m not sure that the Queen would take sides in the Referendum debate but I am sure that Alan Cochrane is one of the worst of the “frenetic Unionist press”. Surely not another “conspiracy theory”!

  147. Finnz says:

    Did Cameron really call Whisky ‘Scotch’!! or has his speech writers been shipped in from The Big Apple…

  148. Craig P says:

    For those of you concerned with the increase in symbols of British nationalism over the past few years – the union flag being everywhere these days – consider the case of the British Empire.

    The real ramping up of pomp and circumstance came at the start of the 20th century, when the grip of empire seemed immutable. In fact it even expanded after the first world war when Britain took on parts of the middle east that had been under Ottoman/German rule. There was talk of an African union and representation for the colonies at Westminster. The British empire seemed a career for life – but just at the point when all things seemed possible for the empire, it fell apart.

    Unless the unionists manage a stunning turnaround, the UK is likewise falling apart – just as the flag waving reaches fever pitch.

  149. G H Graham says:

    Marshal Robert Cornelis Napier, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala (1810–1890) …

    Led the punitive expedition to Abyssinia in July 1867.

    He defeated the Emperor Tewodros II of Ethiopia with minimal loss of life among his own forces.

    But he looted many historical and religious artifacts, many of which still reside in collections in the UK.

    It’s invariably a fascinating exercise to learn about the many wonderful legacies of British colonial rule.

  150. McBoxheid says:

    How are you feeling mr creosote?
    Better, better bring a bucket, I’m going to be sick!
    Giraffes don’t have that much neck.
    I couldn’t bring myself to watch it all.
    What’s with the scotland’s national day?
    Since when has it been a national holiday?
    Has he just official given us a national holiday?

  151. Brian says:

    This is satire, yes?

  152. gerry parker says:

    Time for the SNP to woo the good people of Berwick methinks.


  153. Nana Smith says:

    Too right Gerry. I hope they have a plan!

  154. Capella says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood
    Catchy little happy birthday song. How time flies!! Thanx.
    RE the video, once Dave Cam perfects sincerity he’s got it made. Next will be his Happy Hogmonay singalong-a-Dave then we look forward to his Burns Night poetry fest. Can’t wait.

  155. Lollysmum says:

    Well I’ve had a bit of fun this morning. Had to walk past Westminster & found a piper busking right outside so I gave him a tenner to belt out Caledonia as loud as he could for the benefit of the troughers & our Dear Dave who so loves the sound of the pipes 🙂

    There was another piper on Westminster Bridge so I gave him a contribution as well. Certainly put a smile on my face but I did get some funny looks from tourists as I walked along looking like the cheshire cat!

  156. Fred says:

    Bertie Wooster speaks out, Harry Potter! says it all really!

  157. Betty Craney says:

    @ Gerry Parker and Nana Smith

    Christine Graham has already suggested this and hinted she might be up for it ! I wish she would as she is a great speaker and I reckon she’s the type that doesn’t suffer fools gladly .

  158. katie says:

    David cameron…… what a pr!ck!!! Everyone wants a bit of Scotland?? Well he certainly does. He wants his greedy mits on all of it then he’ll sell it down the river!! Snidey tory b@stard!!!

  159. Grouse Beater says:

    Bill McLean: I’m not sure that the Queen would take sides in the Referendum debate

    But she did! And publically – a situation manufactured so she was overheard and duly reported.

  160. Fiona says:

    OT: not sure if this has been mentioned.

    On Monday I had occasion to go to Glasgow sheriffcourt to hand in a document. The deadline for submission was Monday.

    When I got there the court was closed and there was no indication why that was so. Many other people were also there, including one man who had travelled from Largs to pay a fine.

    There was an “out of hours intercom”, so I used that and spoke to a security man. He said that the court was closed because it is a public holiday. St Andrew’s day, apparently. He also told me that he himself was not aware of the holiday when he went to work that day, as security staff were not informed.

    He did agree to accept my document but could not help the man who wanted to pay his fine as he could not take money.

    So there you have it folks: we voted No and got a secret public holiday in return: but few knew and it was very inconvenient for many: a small price to pay for the warm glow of pride that is sufficient to compensate for the ruination of our prospects. Ya think??


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