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Wings Over Scotland

Just one more thing

Posted on August 03, 2018 by

Right, let’s wrap this up and hope some actual politics happens soon. By now readers will presumably be aware of our successful fight against the BBC’s shutting down of our YouTube channel last week. The channel is now fully back in service, including all 13 of the clips the BBC complained about.

But the job’s by no means all done. Technically the restoration is only temporary while the BBC conducts a “review” of its attitude towards copyright of news clips, and Peter “Moridura” Curran’s large YouTube archive remains terminated (although we’re not sure to what extent he’s pursuing its return).

And quite a few questions are still hanging unanswered in the air.

Several of them concern Edinburgh Labour councillor and social media troll Cllr Dr Professor Scott Arthur. The BBC yesterday fairly unambiguously identified him on-air as the complainant who led them to file the original takedown notice against Wings.

Ian Small, the head of public policy for BBC Scotland, told host John Beattie (3m 16s into the clip below) that the BBC had acted in response to “a Labour councillor” – identified by Beattie a few moments later as Arthur – citing Wings as a large user of BBC clips after Arthur himself had supposedly received a notification of complaint about his large YouTube library of BBC video (almost invariably titled “SNP car crash”).

(John Beattie, BBC Radio Scotland, 2 August 2018)

Small noted that “What we can’t do – it would be absolutely impossible for us to do – is to patrol the web every single day, and every single website. So we have to wait until we’re alerted to material being there which potentially infringes copyright”.

So he emphatically and repeatedly insisted that the takedown was initiated in response to this Labour councillor complaining about Wings. We’ve heard nothing of any other Labour councillor receiving a notice, and don’t know of any who host lots of BBC clips on YouTube, and Arthur has already admitted being contacted by the BBC, so there doesn’t seem to be a lot of doubt about his identity.

Yet Arthur is now hotly denying the claim.

We’re just going to take a few moments here to pause and enjoy the irony of that last paragraph seen in the context of Cllr Dr Professor Arthur’s own murky Twitter history, which involves multiple anonymous abusive Twitter accounts including one called “BrigadoonGent” (which is now locked down away from public view) and one called “EdinSaysNaw”, which had all of its old abusive tweets wiped and was rebranded as Arthur’s current official account when he became a councillor.

(Because while wanting to look like a respectable politician, he also didn’t want to lose all the followers he’d built up as an abusive Unionist troll, which he would do if he’d started a new account from scratch.)

But Arthur’s comments invite the question of why he was seemingly contacted directly by the BBC and given the chance to mark the offending videos as “Private”, rather than having to go through the YouTube takedown process like we and Peter Curran did, which would have automatically resulted in his account being closed down?

(Ian Small claimed on the Beattie show that the Corporation had contacted Wings with its copyright complaints, but this is absolutely not the case. Neither we nor Peter Curran heard anything from the BBC before our channels vanished, and as far as we know Curran still hasn’t.)

Arthur refuses to reveal any of the supposed communications between himself and the BBC, so it’s impossible to verify the truth or otherwise of his claims, which appear to be at odds with both the observable empirical evidence and Occam’s Razor.

Because what appears to have happened, and still hasn’t been refuted or explained by either Scott Arthur or the BBC, is that the BBC gave a Scottish Labour politician preferential treatment over copyright, and allowed him – instead of losing his own channel – to have the supposedly impartial state-funded broadcaster target two pro-independence sites instead.


[EDIT 12.50pm: This appears to have been confirmed by Arthur on today’s edition of the Beattie show, who said that the BBC had approached him directly specifically because they knew his YouTube channel would be closed down if they filed a complaint about multiple clips, and that they engaged in five days of “constructive discussion” with him on the subject.

More implausibly, he then claimed that he’d only mentioned Wings and Peter Curran as examples of GOOD copyright practice, yet inexplicably the BBC then decided to file multiple complaints that they explicitly knew would have both of them taken down, without contacting us or engaging in prior discussion.

(So even if we accept Arthur’s frankly unconvincing account of what he said at face value, that still means that his intervention was the direct trigger for the BBC to take action. It also blows apart Ian Small’s claim yesterday that what happened to us and Peter Curran was an unavoidable mandatory process, because we now know that someone at the BBC does have discretion over the procedure.)

Arthur was given a remarkable 14 minutes on air, during which he made several derogatory and unchallenged jibes about Wings. At the end the show read out a statement from the BBC saying that they would indeed make exceptions and contact some infringers directly if they were involved in “public service”, which presumably makes us and Peter Curran chopped liver.]

(John Beattie, BBC Radio Scotland, 3 August 2018)


It’s still also not at all clear what process the BBC went through in order to file the takedowns, and who knew or didn’t know about them. The belated letter we received from the Corporation (as referred to on the radio by Small yeterday) was signed only “BBC Intellectual Property”, which is either a quite astounding example of nominative determinism or a little on the evasive side:

And it came from an unidentified, unmonitored address, as we found when we tried to send a short note of reply responding to a couple of issues raised in the letter:

There’s still no named person we can email or phone to discuss the subject, because we’re not a Scottish Labour councillor.

Ian Small is still the only person at the BBC to have stuck his head above the parapet and take any responsibility for the incident, and reading between the lines of his comments we strongly suspect that he had nothing to do with it and was simply running to catch up live on air. Those who actually made all the key decisions remain anonymous and unaccountable, in the BBC’s trademark style.

Several BBC Scotland presenters and producers deserve credit for attempting to grasp the thistle and get to the bottom of the matter. We don’t think they’ve suddenly become pro-independence or fans of Wings, but they’ve been professionally embarrassed at the events that have unfolded over their heads and want some answers.

We do too.

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BBC are under the cosh. Now who leaked who to whom. Diversion tactics by the bbc. Too many tories in the bbc directing policy and supporting bias reporting.

Ian Brotherhood

He’s just been on Beattie’s show again, denying everything and slating vicious cybernat bullies targetting his kids, his ‘faith’ etc…

Merkin Scot

Stinks. The whole affair. We do seem to be getting closer to the facts thanks to the WoS persistence.

Andrew Gallacher

I posted a couple of comments relating to the petition I launched yesterday. I’ve never believed that petitions achieve very much, but thought it was worth doing if only to bring the issue to the attention of a few people who may not have been aware of the actions of the BBC. My Facebook is restricted to a small group of family and friends (only 50 people) and I could only chip in a few quid to get it promoted. I’m really relying on the people who sign it to share it if it’s going to get any kind of traction and a decent number of signatures. It’s at just over 230 which is more than I expected considering the aforementioned 50 Facebook friends. It would be great if Wings readers could sign and share it (there are a hell of a lot of you after all!). Here’s the link again.
link to
Congratulations Stuart on getting the channel back up. You do an amazing job holding the media to account. Long may it continue (at least until we are independent, so with any luck might not actually be that long).


Just confirms my pro-independence point of view that the BBC (incl. Scotland) is simply a propaganda unit for the tory government and unionism in general.

I would stop paying the licence fee but I still watch their stuff and use the iPlayer, so to avoid charges of hypocrisy…

Arabs for Independence

Having just listened to Cllr Dr Prof Arthur on the Beattie programme he was saying it wisna him and he only mentioned WoS and Peter Curran as ‘good practice examples’ to the BBC. Semantics at play methinks.


Aye, guid oan ye.

Herdit oan, thoan Radio Scoattlin News (4PM), YESturday.

Helena Brown

Hamish, not only blue Tories, stuffed to the gills of the red ones. Colour does not seem to matter.


Time for the SNP to grow a pair. Instead of just sending letters asking for answers that it probably will never get, its time for the SNP Government to de-criminalise none payment of the propaganda tax.

Nothing will wake the BBC up more than the potential loss of much of their revenue from Scotland.

How many people would continue to pay the propaganda tax if there was no longer a danger of any court action by auntie?

Proud Cybernat

comment image

Just sayin’.

call me dave

Lots of good questions and probably more possible answers just to cause confusion.

It would be great to find the fat lady and finally get it settled.

Excellent work Stu.


Is it not more likely that the Cllr. took down his own videos so that he could claim he was also being targetted by the BBC/Youtube & hide his involvement?
Of course he may also have received a heads-up from someone in the BBC & some advice to take down his video clips.

Matt McQueen

So, the BBC say they acted on a complaint.

They name the person who made the complaint, but he says that he made no such complaint.

Only one of them can be telling the truth…


Like a dug wi’ a lamb shank!

Delicious watching this unfold over the last few days.

Sensible out for the Beeb: come clean, we fouled up and as from now all political interviews and news hosted by the BBC is public domain and free for fair comment.

Not too sure if ‘Aunty’ does sensible though.

Marc Rich

Ammunition like this, we just couldn’t buy.

We have all known it for years, and now we have the proof.

The BBC are biased in favour of the Union and will never give Scotland fair and balanced representation in her ambition to run her own affairs.

Charges? The BBC biased and partial against Scottish Independence.

Verdict? Guilty as charged.

Case closed.


Just when you thought the whole thing couldn’t get any more murky?

This is becoming a biblical facepalm for the instigators.


Occam’s razor right enough – the bbc is a unionist organisation.


My latest guess/take on #WingsAndMoriduraYouTubeGate: it was co-hatched by London-contro££ed SLabber(s) & BBCS high-heid-yin(s) through their well-used informal back-door channels.

Prof/Gent getting some previous flak from YT was part of the set-up, mainly to try to off-set the ‘only indy supporters being targeted’ angle, as per his own ‘mince’ email.

The problem for L-SLab and PQ fixer was that BBCS is such a diddy ‘regional’ entity in BBC-land/hierarchy, they had to go south to ask/get BBC Legal/Litigation to do the job, who made a hash of it, no warning etc.?

Patrick Roden

Hi, Thank you for getting in touch with the BBC.

In order for us to fully understand your complaint we first need to know the name of the person, who you claim did not properly sign the letter you received from the BBC.

In the other points you make, please be assured the BBC is completely impartial when dealing with complaints of a political nature and would never collude with our friends in the Labour Party in Scotland.

Thanks again for contacting the BBC.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Just one more thing Right, let’s wrap this up and hope some actual politics happens soon. By now readers […]

Bob Mack

Yet it appears Dr Scott Arthur today states he had conversations with the legal team at BBC. How did he manage to get their attention when you could not?

Curiouser and curiouser said Alice


Scott Arthur on John Beattie’s prog .

Claims to have received email mentioning his kids. (So he should have the senders address, and should contact police)

During conversation with BBC he listed Wings And Peter Currans sites as examples of good practice.

Was perturbed that BBC is happy to air names of people who make complaints to them.

Said BBC contacted him about his use of their material.

IMO he was nervous / agitated,

Big Jock

The other theory on why they have had a change of heart. They probably received thousands of complaints in a whatabootery style about pro union sites with BBC clips. So they opened up a hornets nest!

They would be looking at taking down the Spectator, The Tory websites, the Labour websites and all individuals with BBC clips on their You Tube channels.

If they can take down Wings over one complainant then it leaves them with a dilemma about what they do with their Yoon chums sites. The lawyers will be all over this waiving their fingers at the stupidity of the BBC controllers they have to defend.

Dubh Raithe

I noticed that Ian Small referred to this website using the familiar and affectionate shorthand/diminutive ‘Wings’ – not something I think you’d hear from someone who dislikes the site, at least not when they are meant to be speaking in an official capacity. Maybe I’m optimistic.


In accepting your opinion (which I’m afraid I still doubt) that Ian Small and others in BBC Scot were unaware of the apparent actions by BBC London but if that is the case he and others should look at their position and consider resigning in protest as the most honourable thing to do OR if he and others did have prior knowledge of this assault on WOS and Moridura then again resignation should be the only course open to them.


A more general point that’s being a bit obscured by all this is that the BBC’s policy of leaving absolutely anything and everything alone (up to and including full episodes of drama series as far as I can see) until a third party “complains” to them is an absolute charter for vindictive bullies.

How many ordinary people run to the BBC to “complain” that they’ve just watched an episode of Poldark or something on YouTube, and they should enforce their copyright? Damn few I suspect. But if you’ve got a grudge against someone? If you want to inconvenience a political opponent? There’s your chance.

Of course the BBC can’t police every web site in creation, but outsourcing the entire responsibility for protecting their intellectual property to the general public is both a dereliction of duty and a free invitation for nasty people to get nasty.


Just sent a post . . . . It’s dissapeared into the ether. . . .


Does this fall under the heading ‘Dark Admin’ ???

Lets get the electoral commission to ….. no forget that …..


Looks like the bbc has hammered another nail in its coffin.
Their end can’t come soon enough for me.


Page 155 of the latest BBC annual report shows that their income from Scotland last year was £324 million but they only spent £223 million in Scotland. Think what Scottish producers could do with the £101 million that the BBC drains from Scotland each year.

Proud Cybernat

Many agents of the state were academics – professors and such like. Sometimes some of them even turned against the state they worked for.

Anyway – hope you’re thinking at least a couple of moves ahead here, Rev. How will the London BritNat Regime’s propaganda mouthpiece use this ‘defeat’ to THEIR advantage? Will, for example, this ‘defeat’ provide them with an excuse to tighten laws around copyright, thereby ‘legally’ spiking our guns?

It’s a game of chess – have to always be thinking three, four or five moves ahead.

What’s their next move?


Back to business as usual for the BBC. There looks to have been some sort of reprimand that they can’t be seen to allow the Separatists any leeway.

Arthur getting in all sorts of personal jibes which were in marked contrast to that of Stu who stuck to the point in his interviews.

Remind us again who is full of grievance?



Riot in Glasgow, stabbings at football match. No arrests. Kelly MSP is probably happy that the existing legislation is strong enough to deal with thugs.


The more tangled web they weave to decieve, the more it becomes obvious that they have been up to no good. No point in trying to cover your tracks now, Dr Arthur.

I can understand if you had/have a serious dose of the grudges against WoS, but what about Peter Curran? – what harm has he ever done to you? If Moridura effectively shuts down permanently because of this – it will be an absolute scandal.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Has Richard Leonard been asked yet if:

1. Is the shutting down of Pro Indy alternative media is British Labour in Scotland policy?

2. Did Councillor Dr Scott Arthur (if as the BBC claim was in fact the complainant) act on his own or were any other members of British Labour in Scotland or its affiliated Trades Unions (NUJ for example) involved in this attempt to censor Pro Indy alternative media?

3. What sanction will British Labour in Scotland impose on Councillor Dr Scott Arthur of it is proven he instigated this attempt to silence the Pro Indy alternative media and then lied that he didn’t?

4. Do you support Scotlands Pro Indy alternative media’s right to existence?

Come on Scotlands media (both MSM and alternative) I think that we the electorate should have the answers to these questions.


Youtube have also behaved badly. Neither they, nor the BBC appear to have a procedure in place to deal with complaints of copyright infringement.

These are not corner shops run by poorly educated retired clerks.
Both organsations employ “islands” of overpaid lawyers.

Why did the BBC use USA copyright law in filing their complaint? Why did Youtube immediately take down the entire site. And why did neither notify you as the person with the contract, before terminating that contract?

Questions, questions, questions flooding into the mind of the concerned older person. (Copyright F Zappa)

Jockanese Wind Talker

John Beattie gives Councillor Dr Scott Arthur 14 minutes of airtime today.

Will Stu Campbell or Peter Curran be extended the same courtesy?

If not then the West End Champagne Socialist Blairite NUJ members of The BritNat Broadcasting Corporation (Scotland Branch) are in full ‘protect the precious Union’ and their Red Tory pals cover up mode.

There is a crack in the dam of the main BritNat Propaganda arm in Scotland now.

Keep the pressure on, make the crack bigger and the dam will fail.

The Right Wing promoting, Union defending BBC will be finally and irrefutably destroyed reputationaly be many who still trust it as an impartial broadcaster.

Hud gaun, Stu.

Robert Peffers

@Dubbyside says: 3 August, 2018 at 12:44 pm:

” … Time for the SNP to grow a pair. Instead of just sending letters asking for answers that it probably will never get, its time for the SNP Government to de-criminalise none payment of the propaganda tax.”

So it isn’t the Westminster Establishment that is at fault then, dubbyside?

It’s SNP/SG BAAAAD! as usual is it?

” … Nothing will wake the BBC up more than the potential loss of much of their revenue from Scotland.”

Utter and complete pish! As usual, Dubbyside.

Read the bloody Licence yah numptie.

Do you even understand what the term, “Licence”, means, Dubbyside?

It means to give permission to do, or to have something. In this case, it is the permission of the United Kingdom Government, (actually legally Her Majesty The Queen of England who is legally sovereign in the English Kingdom), to view live video broadcasts from any source and on any medium. That is not specifically the BBC.

That means the UK Government gets the Licence fee – NOT THE BBC. The BBC get an annual grant from the UK Treasury from General Taxation. Thus it doesn’t reduce the BBC’s income if someone doesn’t pay for a licence but watches live Video broadcasts.

” … How many people would continue to pay the propaganda tax if there was no longer a danger of any court action by auntie?”

Aunty doesn’t take licence evaders to court – being a criminal offence it is the Crown Prosecution Service in the Kingdom of England and in the Kingdom of Scotland it is the Procurators Fiscal.

As to the SNP not de-criminalising it – Broadcasting is a reserved matter and nothing to do with the Scottish government. However, in Scotland where several laws differ from the laws of the Kingdom of England, (three countries), no one in Scotland has been jailed for non-payment of the licence fee but in the three country Kingdom of England there has been many successful convictions and people have indeed been put in prison.

Here are some newspaper articles complaining that while English law sends non-payers to prison Scottish law does not.

So just what is your motives in castigating the SNP/SG?

link to

link to


Pretty sure that saying “what about these other sites (who have annoyed me)?” would be ignored as its not a valid complaint?

However saying “what about these other sites (who have annoyed me), here’s 13 urls from one?” would be accepted as a complaint & acknowledged as such. Such a complaint would be subject to FoI requests too so we can all see what transpired 😉

Hoist by his own petard I feel.

Not sure how his professional body would view this – if in fact it turns out he’s been lying to save his arse. Most take a fairly dim view of such things, if only because it indicates an epic level of stupidity to get caught.


That signature, did a real human write that? How very Kafkaesque!

Maybe an expert on hand writing could give some clues as to the type of person signing that letter.

The likes of Scott Arthur are protected by the BBC, and Britnat establishment. even though their conduct is not always what we might expect of an elected, extremely well paid public servant.

The whole episode stinks to high heaven, but in many ways has backfired.

Peter’s site should be restored, otherwise the anti independence media bias still stands, and it’s not a good look. There are boundaries and rules, when the illusion of democracy is an important aspect of governance, and people generally don’t like being made fools of, no matter their political allegiance.

Robert Peffers

@Matt McQueen says: 3 August, 2018 at 12:44 pm:

” … Only one of them can be telling the truth…”

Well logically, Matt, the fact is that both of them could be telling porkies.



Arthur is a weasel faced little naff of a man, Labour are all but dead in Scotland anyway. The state broadcaster acts with impunity, Mr Small tries to placate the outraged.

The BBC’s reputation was already fatally damaged in Scotland before this censorship, now there can be no question about it in anyone’s mind regarding its bias.


Patrick Roden, 12.51

Have they offered you a job yet? You seem to have the right literacy skills.

Jock McDonnell

@Socrates MacSporran
Interesting comment on the last thread, feeds in to the theory of a new election, trying to target Blackford


Donalda MacKinnon says: “We have a bold ambition – we want the BBC to be the best place for women to work.

“Flexible working, jobshares and development programmes already make it easier for some, but by bringing in the very best new ideas from outside as well as inside the BBC, we can do even more and aim for everyone to reach their potential.” – and play their part to the full in lying, cover-ups, smearing people, and in general, subverting democracy in Scotland and the rest of the UK and helping to undermine the right of the sovereign people of Scotland to self-determination.

link to


@ Artyhetty – kudos to his parents for christening him BBC Intellectual Property. They’ve secured him a lucrative career. School must have been a bit of a nightmare though for Bip.

Jockanese Wind Talker

All of the Labour, Tory, Fib Dem, and Green MSPs, folk like
Professor Sir Tom Devine (who was an outspoken critic) and the SSP who opposed, FAC.

All of these individuals are responsible for this violence, not just James “Sit Down” Kelly MSP, British Labour in Scotland political point scoring fuckwit.

They made it appear that offensive and violent behaviour at football is acceptable in 21st Century Scotland when they supported repeal rather than amending legislation.

@Hamish100 says at 1:29 pm “Riot in Glasgow, stabbings at football match.”

link to

THEY SHOULD HANG THEIR HEADS IN SHAME, (although most have no shame).


thumbs up for John Beattie.
some proper questions there.

Ex Pat

Hello Cheltenham!

Who’s behind the attempt to censor Wings?

‘Scots realist’ probably has a few ideas: “By the time you reach home, audio and video of this meeting will be in Cheltenham. By this time tomorrow, after the filter, some of it will be distributed to other agencies of the British government.” No change there, then!

link to

The only thing we can be sure of is that what we believe is the history of the last seventy years is mostly a pack of lies made up by Reich-wing USUK spook nutcases, (paraphrasing Julian Assange extremely loosely ; ) ).

More – Previously – link to


Sounds to me like the BBC are gearing up to removing the right to show copyright material. Better get those clips safe Stu!


…they cannot provide a name from the legal team. If they do so it will lead to a name on the next rung of the ladder and every upwards. It will eventually crossover into the inner circle of London Unionists.

They will stonewall requests until they have hidden any trail. Then they will come again with another tactic from the many developed from the years fighting every nation that ever attempted to break away from the Empire.

Look at the history of the Briish Empire. The real nasty stuff is still to come and be assured using division by stoking the fires of religious bigotry will be to the fore.

Unfortunately the history of other nations fight to leave the Empire allows observation of the trait to use the “poison pill”. They created India and Pakistan to turn Hindi against Muslim. They divided Africa by borders through the middle of tribes etc etc.

The bad news is that when we win it will take years to undo the damage done. However for those generations still to come it will be welcome progress…eventually!

Let me be clear when I say they I do not mean The English. I mean an elite group who have always put their own interests first. The same people who drive Brexit from the shadows.

Robert Peffers

@Proud Cybernat says: 3 August, 2018 at 1:27 pm:

” … How will the London BritNat Regime’s propaganda mouthpiece use this ‘defeat’ to THEIR advantage? Will, for example, this ‘defeat’ provide them with an excuse to tighten laws around copyright, thereby ‘legally’ spiking our guns?”

They could try, Proud Cybernat, but their attempts are doomed to failure as I pointed out yesterday.

News propagation by any means, whether video/audio broadcasting, newspaper publishing or even by town crier is, by its very nature, placing the news into the public domain.

“The term “public domain” refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist.”

Extract is from:-

link to

I’m unsure that if the news caster uses a photograph, video or a quote by a third party, and gives the third party credits, if the third party has intellectual copyright or not.

Jack collatin

14 minutes airtime for a labour Councillor to argue that it wisnae me, and the SNP are shite.
Well done.
BBC Scotland is a English Establishment mouthpiece run and presented by middle class Unionists.
No Occam’s razor needed.
This time, there will be total non cooperation with Glenn and Jackie and Gordon and Fraser and Sally.
Juust send a big bag of manure along to sit in the YES chair at Glenn’s next Leader’s Debate, wqhen non Leraders Davidson Leonard and Rennie are invited on to talk lies and threats, and who have no authority at all to represent HMG Government at constitutional level.


So the Britnat state have achieved their goal of Scotland actually being the violent capital of the world. Just like the old days, when the Britnats from the top down, facilitated Scotland’s poverty, destitution, despondency and therefore consequences leading to violence.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the stabbings were orchestrated by the Britnat state quite frankly. It’s what they do, just look at Latin American countries, all but ruined by their neighbour, to get at their abundant resources.

Venezeula has masses of oil, the country is being ruined, false flag violence, people were paid to riot, the rioters wore masks so they did not choke from fumes of teargas etc, sadly some trying to object, died terrible deaths. Now sanctions, food and medicines.

Scotland is a peaceful outward looking country, but the Britnats will try anything to reverse what the SNP have achieved in only 10 years. We mustn’t let them.


So today Scott Arthur gets a free pass on the show to explain his side of the story with the mildest of challenges, no doubt the Labour spin machine has been in overdrive yesterday afternoon and last night to get him on the show.

Lesson to learn from this:

Even when you think you’ve got a small victory over the BBC and are busy thanking the presenters on twitter for approaching the job as they should do everyday (in a fair, impartial manner), the next day they will still shaft you.

The other question that of course should be asked of BBC’s Ian Small, as during his interview yesterday he mentioned copyright/BBC Worldwide sales being affected, is if BBC worldwide (the business arm of the BBC) has ever diverted funds through Holland in a tax avoidance scheme for intellectual property ?


Could somebody religious grass Sir Admiral General Arserag tae God for being a sleekit, mendacious creep?



It all becomes clear what happened .after listening to the Scott Arthur monologue. a
How can we justify allowing an anti-independence blogger to rant against our biggest enemy wings over scotland?l
let him pretend he has been set up and allow him to rant on on air.
He contradicts himself and then says he’s victim? Bliar!

Ex Pat

Who’s behind the attempt to censor Wings?

1. Remember the Foreign Office propaganda department – the Information Research Department (IRD), run previously by Reich-wing nutcase and spook Brian Crozier? You’ve never heard of it? Well now you have! Today operating under new name now, obviously. ; )

You don’t believe it? Neither does Victor Meldrew, but see this. For the (supposed) end of the FO propaganda outfit IRD see ‘Going round in circles’, Winter 2017 – UK Lobster 74 –

link to

More. Google “Brian Crozier” and “Information Research Department” or search UK Lobster for details; after 2009 for free access. Warning – rat’s nest time sink.

Doug McGregor

He was in contact with BBC legal London between 2pm and 10 pm yesterday , emails for sure but telephone talks too I would suggest . Sounds to me that they’ve cooked up a cover story that placates him , he certainly stressed some aspects which suggests coaching from the “very helpful person (nb unnamed) in BBC Legal”

Interesting that his channel has not been fully reinstated, what’s going on there?

Proud Cybernat

From the Rev’s Twitter feed:

link to

Contrary to what they said previously in interview, the BBC totally knew YT rules i.e. that three or more complaints would see the WoS YT channel automatically shut down.

BBC lying through their teeth now.

Prof Arthur calling the BBC out.

Corrado Mella

Interesting stuff at that address.

British Broadcasting Corporation
Fao Kat Hilder, Bbc Group Vat Manager, The Light House (1St Floor), Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London, W12 7TQ

BBC Children IN Need Appeal
Wc4619 Bbc Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London, W12 7TS

BBC Club Sports & Leisure Limited | BBC Club
Bc2 B3 Broadcast Centre, 201 Wood Lane, Shepherds Bush, London, W12 7TP

And before you scream at me for “doxxing” someone, these are public company records. It took all of 30 seconds to pull them.

Does anyone still remember the big wad of cash BBC Children IN Need is withholding from those children in need?

” ’twas resting on my account, m’lud. “


So the backstop is : nobody raised a formal complaint and therefore by extrapolation, the BBC has singled out two pro Indy sites for censorship. There can be no other explanation, other than the complainant and the BBC are one and the same joined together by a pro unionist agenda. It’s time the BBC is abolished it’s just not fit to be a public broadcaster.


The usual Labour lies. They run the BBC in Scotland. Losing support faster than a sieve loses water. The Ballot Box is the way to go. Get rid of Labour. Take the fight to the Tories. The SNP will win. The unionists destroying the Union. They just can’t help themselves.


Anent Donalda’s mission statement, somewhat at variance with the disgraceful treatment meted out to BBC Scotland employee, the daughter of the late Margo MacDonald!


Rick H Johnston says:
3 August, 2018 at 11:55 am
Even folk who aren’t online are now aware of BBC bias. Well done Stuart, You’re the hero of the moment.
Strange though that some so-called newspapers don’t
think it’s worth reporting.

Lifted a comment from previous thread. He’s spot on about Stu being hero of the moment, because the BBC will want this to blow over soon as possible.

Perhaps we really ought to be striking while the iron is hot, sticking up for Peter Curran of course, but also revisiting the whole 2014 media campaign and its dissection in the London Calling video and How the BBC stole the Referendum book, and the BBC denying the right to comment on their online articles. Then there is Ruth Davidson love-in, and the selective doorstepping of SNP “sinners” who are no such thing. Then there’s your football and wider sports coverage, from British when we’re winning but Scottish when we lose, to the amount of money paid to Scottish sports for broadcasting rights. We mustn’t forget ol’ piggy eyes “He didn’t answer” Robinson, and take your pick of Brillo Neil “interviews”.

You know, I could keep going here… Prof Robertson being grilled, the BBC shunning Holyrood Committees, the IndyRef2 website, the list just goes on and on….This is quite a damning dossier of BBC bias and non-impartiality.

Begs the question what the BBC has to do before we have enough irrefutable evidence to contest the BBC’s right to broadcast, and dispute the competence of Westminster’s diligence over broadcasting.

Surely we are smart enough to find a way where we can drive a wedge into the cracks and somehow force Westminster to concede that news and political broadcasting requires an independent Scottish Broadcasting Network.

Of course they will never concede, but but we can surely make them pay a heavy price for doing so.

This is the time. This is the opportunity. We are on the cusp of the struggle for Scotland’s Sovereign Independence in Europe and the end of the Union, and we have an opportunity before us to crucify the Propagandists and their perfidious interference, and this time around, give the pro Independence arguments a fighting chance to see the light of day.

Carpe diem Scotland.

Independent Woman

The BBC news website carries a story on this shambles. However, when I listened to ‘the news where you are’ this afternoon there was no mention of the story at all.

I do not usually listen to ‘the news where you are’ but made an exception today to get the BBC spin on the story. But the spinning top must be having a lie down.

I have submitted a complaint to the BBC (yawn) about this but since I am still awaiting a reply to the comment (not complaint) about the story at the start of the stooshie I am not holding my breath. In my complaint I specifically asked for the BBC’s reasons for omitting the news item.


Unfortunately for the BBC it’s not UK law that matters in this case. YouTube as a private concern are free to make up their own rules as to whether they’ll host any material but in reality their own commercial interests would be best served by a fair use policy in line with their local legal system. The last thing they want to do is raise questions about the reliability of their service that might cause users to leave the platform taking any advertising revenue they generate with them.


Dr Von Scott makes a point when he says that those of us distrustful of the BBC should not be too quick to believe the BBC over the claim that he complained. This is fair comment. One of them is a bare faced liar…but which one?

Oh choices!


Re Today’s John Beattie show it would not be him who decided to give Dr Scott 14 minutes.


The excuse is that this is the direct result of Whataboutery gone mad. Scott Arthur was taken to task, allegedly, and clyped. The BBC then decided they could officially take notice of where his finger pointed. The BBC rep said pretty close to that when interviewed.

Now the question might be who pointed the finger at SA in the first place? Did they have an idea that he’d squeal and land others in the shit?


Honestly, just imagine what it will feel like the day Scotland becomes Independent and we don’t have to suffer crap like this any more.

Dan Huil

S Arthur is just another rabid british nationalist. His hatred for Scotland is pronounced. He’ll always have friends in the britnat bbc.


“This appears to have been confirmed by Arthur on today’s edition of the Beattie show, who said that the BBC had approached him directly specifically because they knew his YouTube channel would be closed down if they filed a complaint about multiple clips, and that they engaged in five days of “constructive discussion” with him on the subject.”

Apologies for the thickness of my thoughts today but does this not confirm 100% that the BBC IS biased. By doing as Arthur “claims” they are definitely differentiating between Unionist and Independence supporter and actively supporting the Unionist in the process.

If I were a cynic 🙂 , which some may actually agree with here 😉 , I’d say what Arthur has done today is to confirm the level of censorship that is currently at play within the BBC. Perhaps we should send Arthur a wee thank you card for all his “great” work today in proving that WE have been correct all along when we have described the BBC as BIASED and deeply censoring of available material.


An interesting read
link to


Posted on the previous thread but didn’t appear, so reposting here.

By trying to silence WoS and prevent us from using the superb archive of proof of continual BBC bias contained on Wings YouTube channel, the BBC are attempting to pervert democracy. Anna Burnside from the Daily Redcoat, the producer of the con of “The Vow” has no credibility, but still clings to her BRITNAT view that the BBC has only once tried to pervert truth, and democracy. This is not the only time. There’s many examples and even academic studies proving BBC bias against democracy in Scotland. She’s full of mince. WoS You Tube channel has numerous such manoeuvres by the BBC. In fact WoS articles are full of BBC bias. It’s this media bias “fake news” and deliberate manipulation of the “news”, either by lies or omission, that’s been the basis of WoS success. Anna should be reminded of this, the ultimate smack down delivered by Alex Salmond, in front of the worlds media. link to (viewed 516,595 times)
Nick Robinson’s lie on that evenings BBC news bulletin promoted the biggest demonstration against BBC bias outside their office in Plantation Quay. The BBC reported this demo as “Anti BBC”! It wasn’t. I was there. See for yourself:
link to (viewed 586 times)
We were protesting BBC BIAS. If the BBC cannot report a demonstration outside their own office accurately then they cannot be trusted to report anything.

The BBC isn’t fit for purpose. Surely as an “EQUAL PARTNER IN A UNION” we should have our own broadcasting service out with the control of Westminster? Why is broadcasting not devolved? Either we are an equal partner or we are a colony of England. It’s impossible to be both simultaneously.

It’s time we had our own National TV broadcaster with numerous stations in Scotland answerable to Scots.

In the meantime, now we have access to WoS material again, we should be accessing it and spreading it far and wide. Each is a bullet of truth. Our armoury is available for now. Use it before we lose it.


Arthur mention that some of the clips on his YouTube channel are of public interest. Surely all politics are of public interest. People without a TV/TV licence don’t have access to any of the political debates/interviews which take place on BBC TV.

I noticed when I was in the library yesterday that there was a sign on the public computers saying you couldn’t watch TV which means people without a TV are unable to be part of the political debate. Not sure if you can watch YouTube in the library probably not.

It was fine when you could view these political debates FOC on iplayer catch up but now that is no longer available unless you pay the licence fee.

Surely instead of describing people who are interested in politics as ‘anoraks’ he as a Labour councillor should be looking for ways to allow all people to be part of the political debate. ‘For the many not the few’

Peter Curran was offering a great service for the many.


I got a very high reading on my ICD listening to the Scott Arthur interview.


What Breeks said @3:38
“Surely we are smart enough to find a way where we can drive a wedge into the cracks and somehow force Westminster to concede that news and political broadcasting requires an independent Scottish Broadcasting Network.
Of course they will never concede, but but we can surely make them pay a heavy price for doing so.
This is the time. This is the opportunity. We are on the cusp of the struggle for Scotland’s Sovereign Independence in Europe and the end of the Union, and we have an opportunity before us to crucify the Propagandists and their perfidious interference, and this time around, give the pro Independence arguments a fighting chance to see the light of day.”

Anyone any constructive ideas?


Does the labour councillor have any MP friends and links with the BBC in Edinburgh or wider afield?

Censorship of the independence movement is ok but not the britnat nationalist movement based on BBC actions.

Isn’t the councillor subject to some sort of public standards or ethics? Some of hs posts appear to be lacking any standard or ethics.

Donalda are you still on holiday you still haven’t commented?






The BBC is unquestionably biased, but more importantly it is also insidious, meaning:-

Intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan.

Stealthily treacherous or deceitful: an insidious enemy.

Operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect: e.g. an insidious broadcaster.


I actually feel a bit sorry for John Beattie, who did the best he could today given that the (recorded) phone interview was probably part of his ‘punishment’ for naming the former troll and BBCQT plant now cooncilor yesterday.

To the ex-troll and his minder(s), being publicly named/outed during a live broadcast was a worst-case-scenario, and the ‘London-PQ’ phone lines must’ve been red-hot yesterday afternoon after the ‘innocent-abroad’ Beattie had quite reasonably named Arthur since the ex-troll/cooncillor had put himself in the frame via his taunting ‘mince’, etc. tweets.

Script and strategy would’ve been quickly worked on/out:
A script that retro-fitted the ex-troll’s dialogue with BBC Legal to appear reasonable/’normal’, and (to take the piss) make it appear that Brigadoon Gent had actually supported/been positive about Moridura, and er, Wings!
And a strategy that involved poor John Beattie being the one to provide the platform for this narrative/script to be aired.

Whilst helping to dig the ex-trolling sewerage prof out of a hole, the whole process and PQ management’s punitive hung-out-to-dry treatment of Beattie surely won’t have gone un-commented-on in the PQ canteen…?

Mad Unionist

I was in the Stadium Bar last night at Ibrox and everyone was talking about this Utube thing. Most are changing loyalty to the SNP.

Marker Post

Still lots of other questions, among them:

1) I am absolutely convinced that YouTube could resurrect Peter Curran’s account with all its videos if they really wanted to. They just don’t want to. Sounds like Peter Curran doesn’t have the energy to follow this up, but would seem to me to definitely be worth doing.

2) It’s not just the BBC, it is YouTube that has been playing silly-beggars with their own policies and rules. Who persuaded them?


If Arthur said – Look, the beeb phoned me up and asked if they could take out my youtube channel, something about copyright, anyway, whats in it for me i said – well, we get to take out Wings and you get a Knighthood.

ooooooohh, said Arthur, the stuff of dreams.



Don’t know why people are complaining about Arthur getting 14 minutes, it appears if he was accused on the wrong by the BBC of being the complainant, and even if not, they have provided no evidence it was him, and he has the right to be thought of as inocent. Effectively the BBC defamed him, so he’s a victim of the BBC as well.


Please let him, Scott Arthur, continue attacking because if nothing else it exposes his true character to those voters who otherwise may have been oblivious to the onslaught we on here, and other independence supporters, are subjected to by die hard unionists such as he.

I noted in The National he is quoted as commentating on people who hide behind anonymous twitter accounts in the context of those supportive of WOS….as if he himself is unaware of the abusive trolls hiding behind pseudonyms and supportive of the union , some of which he is only happy to engage with. See we are once again in the unionist ‘Do as I say not as I do’ territory.

It never ceases to amaze me the ‘love fest’ between Tory and Labour politicians and their respective unionists voters on twitter…where unionist trolls and politicians from different political parties unite against the SNP and also against supporters of independence. They regularly respond and retweet each others tweets as if aligned to one political party. One wonders if their camaraderie would exist if independence and the SNP were not perceived as such an obvious threat .

One can happily engage with individuals with different political beliefs but not to the extent as one witnesses from the united front of the BT parties and their cult followers. Tis like witnessing a unification the way they communicate online in their cross party alliance against the SNP.

To New peeps visiting this site :

I would hope anyone new visiting this site will now perhaps decide to seek alternate information via social media sites such as this and NOT rely solely on MSM for information.If you check the back catalogue of WOS posts and the alternate sites he quotes under the header ‘Scottish politics’ on this page ( together with the WOS twitter and also these other twitter accounts he mentions under Scottish politics header) then perhaps you can expand your knowledge on information and opinions that you have, in the past, been reliant on via MSM for all of your political news .

I am sure you will find alternate opinions and information that gives a different perspective and exposes much of the misinformation and omission that the MSM chooses to apply . It certainly opened my eyes as to where the real news was….and who was promoting the “fake” news.

Have a good evening everyone

Proud Cybernat

I am absolutely convinced that YouTube could resurrect Peter Curran’s account with all its videos if they really wanted to.

I think Peter must serve YT a counter-notice (like the Rev did) i.e. be prepared to take the BBC to court which could cost. Maybe he’s concerned that, while the BBC bottled it with Wings, they might be tempted to go for Peter.

Doubt it though. Besides–I would think Wingers would have Peter’s back too if it came to a battle with Auntie B.

Dan Huil

Dark britnat money:

link to


I’ve run out of popcorn 😉 this is the most fun I’ve had since
Jim fundily mundily Murphy lost his constituency!! Great work Stuart you really are one of the best of us! Stay safe we have your back 😉


Poor Murdoch in the swimming (note to bbc sports reporter not Murdock) If he had been in an Independent Scotland he would be in the European Finals looking to better the 3rd best qualifying time


Something to think very carefully about is that as well as running a campaign against the SNP, the BBC in London have been running a campaign against Corbyn in particular, and Labour in general. If they can help splits in the Labour party so much the better for them.

And if as a bonus they can have the SNP and Labour at each others’ throats, well, what a bonus that is. The Tories are high and dry, laughing at the lot of them.

The nightmare scenario for the BBC in London, and that’s London as opposed to the BBC in Scotland, is to have a snap General Election, with Labour being the bigger party, and the SNP holding the balance of power.

So if they can create a situation where Labour and the SNP can’t work toegether, then that is a success for the BBC.

Don’t be suckered by the BBC into following their line on Labour in any way.



14 minutes air time!!! It wasn’t a book review. Set up – lucky if you get 2 minutes

You believe the cooncillor is a wee innocent?



The BBC are 100% Bias against Scotland and Independence in particular. No shadow of doubt what so ever!

I can’t go Beattie either, he too is a Britnat as he very lucrative salary demands it.

He was only reading out the script provided by the BBC Defense team to try and fake impartiality.

BBC Scotland was advised by London, they weren’t they were partially, Scott Arthur did make a complaint he didn’t, etc.

They have decades of experience lying to Scotland and its all part of their daily grind and many Scot are too dumb to hold them to account.

I hope their juicy pensions are going to get paid by London when
the Scottish Government closes them down in favour of an Impartial National Broadcaster who can handle the truth.


Cherry @ 5.20pm

Do not know if you saw this story today about Jim Murphy and his £150,000 earnings from his political consultancy work. It was in the Herald and other publications. Here is the report in the Argus

link to


What I said was

it appears if he was accused on the wrong by the BBC of being the complainant, and even if not, they have provided no evidence it was him, and he has the right to be thought of as inocent.

The BBC do not have the right to go making accusations if they are then not prepared to back them up. And no, they can’t claim “Data Protection”, they should ahve thought of that in the first place by NOT naming him.

Who do you think is the biggest problem for Independence – the BBC – or Arthur Scott? What is OUR priority – having a go at another Labour politician, or gaining Independence?

Ex Pat

Who’s behind the attempt to censor Wings?

Who in London made the decision to pay the extortionate fees of some London lawyer, never mind censor Wings? (A marvellous own goal. “Well done that man.” Moron! Ed. )

2. Could it be ‘Room 101’ where ‘Box 5’, aka MI5, had their man-in-the-Beeb in George Orwell’s day (1930s, 1940). (ER, No. They moved! Ed.)

3. Or the BBC acting on their own, out of the blue? As believable as the fairy story that Russia used a pretend nerve agent that was entirely useless on a father and daughter two weeks before the Russian election and two months before Russia hosted the world cup.
(Actually Nato compound ‘BZ’, found in the sample by the IPCW in Switzerland, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov).

4. An ‘Agency of the British State’ to use ‘Scots Realist”s term.
Believe the floundering BBC Scotland spokesman whose London masters appear to have treated him as a Scots mushroom in ‘A significant debate’ above, or ‘Scots realist’ here? Your choice entirely.

– ‘Hello Cheltenham’ – British State surveillance of Activism – RIC 2016, published 5th October 2016 – Independence Live channel – Youtube –

link to

Good luck with Scottish independence from John Bull’s other island. Now posing as an unsinkable aircraft carrier for the US Empire’s tax-evading corporations presently pillaging the EU. But we digress. ; )


Never heard much of Moridura before all this rammy started but it is now surely a point of principle the YT Chanel gets reinstated.

If time or money is the problem then I’m positive we Wingers will hold your coat and back your corner.

United we stand, divided we fall and a’ that.

mike cassidy

Has the BBC cliped yet on the person who cliped on Scott Arthur?

And before you ask, it wasn’t me.


Does anyone know if Peter Curran has a back-up of all the videos on his YouTube channel?

Storing videos takes up a fair bit of storage so it would be understandable if he didn’t.

Kelly Macdonald

This has the Tories grubby paws all over it and the British Brainwashing Corporation are their propaganda arm . They would be only too happy to divert this on to Labour, and I have to say I am no supporter of the Red Tories , so as to keep the smell away from them . As a previous poster said we couldn’t buy this kind of publicity . Stop paying hostage money to this state organised obscenity .


Westminster deception

link to





I sincerely hope that the fact that this appears to have ‘resolved’ won’t stop you from putting pressure on them to explain their biased behaviour. ie giving Arthur a heads up whilst deliberately closing you down.

Nothing has changed, except they’ve been stopped (for now) They will continue to harry you.

When a state broadcaster deliberately shuts down dissenting voices (by using underhand and illegal measure with OBVIOUS bias) THAT is oppression…


One upside to the tsunami of hate that has engulfed the Labour Party is that, at last, their scribblers in the quality press are forced to recognise the right wing agenda of the BBC and print media.

Owen Jones on The far right is at its strongest since the 1930s, and the media is helping

link to

The far right is spreading it’s tentacles everywhere. Luckily without much traction in Scotland although the trouble at Ibrox may be a warning of how the anti-foreigner plague may spread.

Scot Finlayson

If the State broadcaster only gets in a tizz about copyright when some member of the public inform them of abuse,

who informed on the Britnat simpleton Arthur ?


David Pratt in The National sounding warning bells about the spreading right-wing plague but fails to confront the media’s role in promoting it:

In the process of creating his right-wing “supergroup” within the European Parliament, Bannon too of course has been in direct contact with Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Already Bannon has described Johnson as “his own guy” and said he had “texted a lot” with him and spoken by phone with him during his recent London trip.

Between them Johnson, Gove and Rees-Mogg represented a “deep talent bench” of potential anti-EU leaders for the Conservative Party, Bannon was also recently quoted as saying.

link to


Alan Smith ….

“We’ll just revert to WTO terms!” shriek the Brexiteers when challenged that the EU stuff is a bit complex. I’ll let you into a secret: anyone saying that clearly doesn’t understand what they’re talking about and should be quarantined as a dangerous fool.

… illuminating, as always.

link to


Got a question:

Just where does this Prof do his proffing?

Isn’t he bringing his Uni into disrepute?

Shouldn’t they be showing him the door?


George Kerevan writes on the right wing threat to Scottish Independence in The National:

The populist right, on the other hand, can easily mobilise support using a thinly disguised English nationalism laced with anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and anti-European sentiment.

His solution is an appeal to the working class Scottish voter that only Independence will free us from the antiquated and crumbling Westminster system. For that to appeal, centre left policies will be required.

Let’s face it, only a miracle could save Corbyn now.

Miracles do happen. But it’s mad to pin your future and your children’s future and grand-chilren’s future on the flimsy hope of a miracle happenng in another country.

Easier to work the magic ourselves.
link to

Tam Fae somewhere

The BBC isn’t Auntie- it’s anti.


@ bjsalba

Heriot Watt:

link to

I find this statement in his personal profile rather amusing:

A strong element of my PhD work comprised data collection in the Dundee sewer system.

(That’s because I’m mean and nasty – vile, even 🙂 )

Robert Louis

Bottom line here, is this; The BBC can be clearly seen for the lying, politically biased, anti Scotland, conniving, duplicitous and corrupt organisation it truly is.

The BBC should be quite literally run out of Scotland. It does nothing for our country, continually denigrates our history, our culture and our society. It fails to support Scottish sport, favouring instead to squander frankly ridiculous sums to ensure coverage of ENGLISH men’s football, ENGLISH women’s football and ENGLISH cricket.

It’s political coverage still to this day, point blank refuses to even acknowledge devolution. It treats the UK’s third largest political party, the SNP as a ‘fringe’ group, refusing to afford their party conferences or their politicians proper coverage in line with their peers. It ignores the massive support the SNP has and the truly massive democratic mandate the current Scottish government has.

It still refers to English Westminster based politicians who ONLY have a remit in England, such as the ENGLISH education secretary as ‘the’ education secretary – completely ignoring the fact that Education is fully and wholly controlled separately in Wales, Scotland and N.Ireland. And so it continues, in almost every sphere of political decision making, wholly ignoring that the police, prisons, schools, hospitals, transport, the environment and so many more are managed separately across the entire UK.

It still refers to English law as ‘British’ law, completely ignoring Scots law, and indeed barely acknowledging it even exists.

During the Scottish independence campaign of 2014, it point blank refused to offer fair and balanced coverage, choosing instead to lie, deceive and manipulate opinion by deliberate and wilful omission of facts and alternative view points. In the final weeks, it loaded panel debates with three or more pro union speakers, with only one pro indy speaker. Then to top it all, it had its then ‘senior’ political correspondent openly lie on national TV about the First minister of Scotland. That same person is STILL to this day employed by the BBC as a so-called ‘journalist’.

The BBC would not grasp the concept of balanced journalism if it tried. It is no more than an English state propaganda apparatus.

The BBC in Scotland and in general, is quite frankly a disgrace, a burden to Scotland, holding us back. The very first thing to be done upon independence, is to shut down the BBC in Scotland and have its corrupt cabal of managers, spivs and liars run out of town.

Jason Smoothpiece

The BBC clearly biased against Scotland.

The Tories and Labour driving Scotland into the ground.

The OO embarrassing Scotland.

All the Unionist groups gently nudging decent Scots towards independence.

Listen thanks guys thanks your help is appreciated.


Is this Scott Arthur fellow taking on a Trumpesque style of telling/not telling the truth?

Great role model Councillor.


The BBC is a colonialist front and an obstacle to democracy and free speech in Scotland. It’s time the Scottish parliament flicked the “V’s” to Westminster and started our own National broadcaster out with Westminster’s control. The BBC are answerable only to Westminster. OFCOM doesn’t hold them to account and never will. What is the worst Westminster will do, take the SG to court in England?
Surely it’s time we Scots exercised our sovereignty and demanded that a National broadcaster was set up immediately. If a majority of Sovereign Scots petition our elected representatives directly, then the Supreme Court would have to find in favour of the SG. Or do we petition our MP’s at Westminster as well, with the caveat that if a new Scottish National Broadcaster is denied then we SOVEREIGN Scots demand the dissolution of the Union with England? It cannot be worse than sitting waiting for the Tory regime to make their next move.
What’s the point in having Sovereignty if your not willing to exercise it?


OT/ Fergus Ewing is continuing to put pressure on the UK Government to protect Geographical Indicators for Scottish produce post Brexit. (Scottish Ministers seem to be working through their hols!)

M Barnier says this is still an unresolved issue with the UK Government and one of the major sticking points in the Brexit negotiations!

UK Government spokeswoman(un-named I think) responds : that the protection of UK GI is important to the UK Government and that is why they will establish specific GI schemes to protect UK GI in the future.

Reading between the lines, given the continual emphasis on UK GI throughout, I think the clear intention is to claim all Scottish produce as UK owned and continue with the plastering of Union Jacks willy nilly on everything and anything that takes their fancy.

The only clear way to protect Scotland and our wonderful producers is Independence.

North chiel

“ Robert Louis@0837pm “ couldn’t agree more with your comments sir. They have been conducting not only a political but also a cultural vendetta against the people of Scotland for as long as I can remember. London calls the shots and “ Donalda” is just the latest stooge appointed . It’s EBC London’s way or “ the highway” as previous EBC “ Scotland controllers” eventually found out .I am sick to the back teeth of their blatant unionist biased political & “ news” output . They have little or nothing good to say about their own country or government. How some of these so called “ journalists” can look themselves in the mirror every day of never ending smears , deception & denegration of their country ? However I suppose EBC London paymasters money “talks” .

Ian McCubbin

Good work Stu, in finding out.
All along I thought it was one of David Mundell’s team.
Good to know my hunch was partially right.


If you are perceived, rightly, by the British Establishment, in all its guises, as a threat to the British State, particularly a threat from within, then you are either at best naive and at worst plain stupid to think that they will ‘play nice’.

If YT was a UK company and you found yourself in a post-Brexit, no ECHR, UK Supreme Court only scenario, we’d be lacking more than just two Indy channels on YT at this point.


JB ’we are the BBC why would anyone want to pull down any BBC content given we are standing behind that content’

The conundrum that was neatly summed up on a reasonably balanced discussion yesterday. The explanation that it’s ‘to do with amount and length of clips’ (in the political arena dissemination of information for the electorate is only constructed from ‘short clips for comment and discourse’) seems a tad inadequate. The breadth and depth of debate is important to better understand the social and political ideologies that are encoded in the text.

The focus for those who believe that they are democrats should be on the upstream information polluters who are poisoning debates ,for example Scotland’s autonomy within Europe has been framed within a discourse of denial, dismissal and derision increasingly linked to an excess of dark money. Exploring these motivations would certainly increase perspective which is an inherent requirement of logic and reason- looking at an issue from all sides, forming conceptual unity- seeing something as the whole sum of its parts, seeing something in contrast with other kinds, as having a certain function, from the point of view of its origins.

When the politically curious debate perspectives in the public domain, knowledge and understanding converges, it triangulates – concluding that Scotland is neither too wee, poor or stupid or requires guidance from WM.


Which is why Rev Stu, Alex Salmond, the SNP, The National, and all Wingers are fighting this latest blatant corruption.


Yay, Stuey’s got an article in tomorrow’s National about the ramifications of this stushie. 🙂


Since the events of the last few days have been about the media and in particular the BBC and their influence on the political process I thought this article published in the British Journal of Political Science might be of interest. It was published on 31st July 2018.

Its main focus is on UKIP and how the media can increase support for a party. Apologies if it has already been posted

link to

Essentially the media are acting in a similar way to ad agencies who work to create ‘wants’ for a particular product which has nothing to do with ‘needs’. They promote a party and its message by emphasising, distorting, manipulating perceptions of a situation eg immigration and people then think it is a real problem and that the particular party has a real answer to the problem.

I think you have to register to


Yay, Stuey’s got an article on this stushie in tomorrow’s National. 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@TJenny –

By amazing coincidence, 19 across in tomorrow’s cryptic in The National is:

‘We support the reverend’s twisted movement’ (6 letters)

The grid was made up weeks ago, the clues were done on Mon/Tue and the final copy was submitted yesterday. I didn’t know Rev would be writing in the same edition.

Now *that’s* a bit weird, eh?

😉 🙂 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

Is the site under attack again?

Comments taking a long time to appear…


(Sending this at 22.41)


Scott-Arthur would appear to be no stranger to shite then!

Lenny Hartley

Is somebody gonna break the news to the Rock that the arev’s writing for the National tomorrow

Albert Herring

@Ian Brotherhood

So the “swerve” didnae work.

Richard Hunter

‘What we can’t do – it would be absolutely impossible for us to do – is to patrol the web every single day, and every single website. So we have to wait until we’re alerted to material being there which potentially infringes copyright”

I thought this was an amusing statement. It would be ‘impossible’ for the BBC to visit Wings’ YouTube channel. Impossible!


TJenny says:
3 August, 2018 at 10:22 pm
Yay, Stuey’s got an article in tomorrow’s National about the ramifications of this stushie.

A good day to get a few extra copies to leave in buses, cafes etc. But, as usual, they will all be gone in a flash. Some shops only seem to order one or two copies (unlike the huge piles of unsold BritNat papers that are returned every day). That’s my only criticism of the National – crap distribution. It may not be their fault. 🙁


What is keeping the UK together right now, is the desperate need of the English ruling class to hold on to Scotland’s wealth.

Ian Brotherhood

@Albert Herring –

Ah couldny possibly comment…

😉 🙂


What is keeping the UK together right now is the desperate need of the English ruling classes to hold onto Scotland’s wealth. Think about it.


The only thing keeping the UK together right now is that the English ruling classes desperately need to hold onto Scotland’s wealth.


Something’s wrong with my connection but I don’t know what it is.


Apologies for the repetition – and the lack of patience.


an Brotherhood says:
3 August, 2018 at 10:36 pm
@TJenny –

By amazing coincidence, 19 across in tomorrow’s cryptic in The National is:

‘We support the reverend’s twisted movement’ (6 letters)



@ Luigi

Some shops only seem to order one or two copies (unlike the huge piles of unsold BritNat papers that are returned every day). That’s my only criticism of the National – crap distribution. It may not be their fault.

It’s not their fault. Callum Baird has explained that in theory if all copies at a particular outlet are sold on a particular day, the next week on that day the shop gets one more. The reverse happens when some are unsold.

In practice, however, it doesn’t seem to work like that, which is why they are currently asking people to place a regular order with their local newsagent/shop. (I’m not able to do this because I buy it in different places on different occasions.)


The people who work for the BBC stink.
The BBC stinks.
British Nationalists stink.
The UK government stinks.
The Royal family stinks.
The UK stinks.
The whole system stinks.

What a stinking mess. Where’s the air freshener? A blast of independence will clear the air and we can stop holding our noses.

Chick McGregor

As a personal contribution, I have been delivering 10 extra copies of the National ordered from my newsagent, systematically, to my usual indy leaflet patch.

Tomorrow marks the first 100, about another 200 to go.
Must say, it feels much more satisfying than popping the usual leaflet fodder through their doors.

Whether that translates to new subscribers or awakened new MSM doubters and hence possible indy converts, time will tell.

Costing me something north of 200 quid but I have a gut feeling it is at least as valid an exercise as the many times more financial contributions made to the indy cause over the past 5 years.

Anyone else thinking that is a good idea and wants to do similar, remember to put a paper ribbon around each copy to inform the recipient it is not just a paper boy delivery mistake.

FYI the text I use is:

“This is a complimentary copy of The National.
If you decide you like it, it can be bought from your local newsagent or an identical, but much cheaper, digital version can be downloaded on line at https//www.thenational/subscribe/”

The only feedback I have had so far was from an indy supporter who asked me if I was the guy buying 10 Nationals from the newsagent because they couldn’t get one when they went to the newsagent as they were sold out. I assured them that the 10 copies I bought were extra copies ordered which were kept behind the counter for me and did not effect the usual supply.

However, that possibly implies that the strategy is already working and that the newsagent may have to increase his news stand stock.

Ian Brotherhood

@crazycat –

Just to let you know I bumped into oneironaut t’other day and he was asking after us all.

He looks well, is busy, and is taking a break from all the ‘politics’ stuff, for now at any rate.



The “independent” Scottish justice system is rotten to the core and the vast majority of lawyers, especially judges, are the lowest of the low.

So called “human rights lawyers” included. They trouser hundreds of thousands while people starve in Scotland.

Otherwise, the Rev. Stuart Campbell should sue Pravda GB to get proper justice.

In the meantime, they will be out to get him though the Black Arts department of the British Establishment.


Lenny Hartley says:
3 August, 2018 at 10:50 pm

“Is somebody gonna break the news to the Rock that the arev’s writing for the National tomorrow

The fake “independence supporting” The National knows for sure that Nicola is not going to call an independence referendum before Brexit has been completed and Scotland is at the mercy of Westminster.

The National can go big on this story knowing that there is no risk of independence while it can take the opportunity to milk some more gullible independence supporters.



Been a while since i posted wingers but no i am not dead and no i will never give up the fight for independence,i have just been rather busy trying to enlighten some of our English cousins not an easy task i might add since a large portion of them are about as politically savvy as a sloth,sometimes it feels like i am banging my head against a brick wall but its starting to crumble 😉

Anyway youtube have an automated DMCA shutdown they use this as they get thousands of DMCA complaints every day and instead of having to look through them all they wait for the channel owner to respond to the action.
So do not blame youtube for the action its all just a simple algorithm a really annoying one as it can be used by the haters to shut you down but once youtube gets a response from the owner they check the channel content and are usually quite quick at restoring your channel if they find there is no merit to the complaint.

Oh and by the way you bumbling yoon idiots youtube do not like being told porky pies or having their site abused by fake DMCA complaints better get your lawyers ready they might come after you to set an example.


O/T Article in the Courier today saying that Tayside Police are expecting 20,000 for the AUOB march in Dundee on 25th August.

Personally I think it might be 30,000 or ven more, it’s a great route from Baxter Park on Arbroath Road to Magdelen Green off the Perth Road. The council approved the march yesterday and it is on very visible and busy routes that go right through the town centre.

So just three weeks away and it’s going to be a stoater of a day out, get planning now for your visit, you’re guaranteed a giant welcome in Scotland’s YES city.


Robert Louis @8.37pm well said.

The BBC stinks.

The rest of the media in Scotland is pretty smelly as well but the BBC stinks the place out with its false claims of impartiality. Only the British Nationalists and the blind and deaf will deny that the BBC is a propaganda arm of the British State.


Can you leave a copy of the National for Rock he needs one.


Rock stinks.


BBC are still saying on their web page “A spokesman said: “Prof Arthur did not make a complaint or suggest particular action should be taken against these channels, but having been alerted to their use of our content we acted as per our policy (which is now being reviewed).”

Does mean they acted on No complaint?

Robert Peffers

@Juan says: 3 August, 2018 at 9:03 pm@

” … What’s the point in having Sovereignty if your not willing to exercise it?”

You are just not thinking this sovereignty thing through properly, Juan.

The thing is that the people of Scotland being legally sovereign is both Scotland’s greatest strength and also it is Scotland’s greatest weakness.

It is Scotland’s greatest strength because no one can argue that the People of Scotland are legally sovereign and it is plainly stated in the Treaty of Union that formed the United Kingdom and has only two signatory kingdoms.

It is thus plain that Westminster first of all assuming the United Kingdom is a united country when it plainly is not a country but is two, equally sovereign, kingdoms.

Worse still is Westminster assuming that the Treaty of Union extinguished the Kingdom of Scotland and renamed the Kingdom of England as the United Kingdom, it plainly did not and the Treaty of Union proves it.

However, it got even worse when Westminster decided that the United Kingdom would be split up along country lines but did not devolve any Westminster parliament powers to the country of England. Therefore, because there is no elected parliament of England, it thus made Westminster the de facto parliament of the country of England and, by instigating EVEL they effectively made Westminster the de facto Parliament of the country of England and the thus masters over the Kingdom/country of Scotland who are legally their only kingdom partner in the Treaty of Union and thus Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland are now vassal regions of the country of England.

Well, you may ask, what has all that got to do with the people of Scotland being legally sovereign?

The answer is plainly that until there is a majority of those legally sovereign people of Scotland that demand independence, then the people of Scotland have not decided to exercise their legal sovereignty.

BTW: This is very likely the real reason that Westminster is hell bent upon throwing some of the immigrant people of Scotland out of the United Kingdom as they do seem to tend towards Scottish independence as Scotland welcomes them with open arms and the United Kingdom would handcuff them behind their backs and throw them out.

That then is Scotland’s greatest strength and weakness – we are legally sovereign – but cannot assert our sovereignty legally and democratically until a majority of the people of Scotland are demanding independence.

That, Juan, is the job of the Grass roots AUOB and wider YES movement. There is hardly ever a Wings topic that doesn’t include anti-SNP comments and, supposedly these mostly come from commenters who claim to want independence.

Oh! Some of them are very plausible but they are also very, very devious. Their mantra usually starts with something along the lines of, “The SNP needs to … “, or, “The SG should make … “. Then they probably go on to claim the SNP/SG should do something quite stupid like, (without the benefit of a majority mandate for a particular action), do something that Westminster would, (with a majority mandate), clamp down upon, and would get the backing of a majority of Scots and a ruling of both Westminster and the Supreme Court to at best arrest the SNP/SG leaders and at worst declare a state of Emergency and order the troops onto Scotland’s streets.

Now don’t imagine they would not dare do so – for there are several instances in relatively recent times when Westminster has done just that. (Bet you did not get that taught in your school history classes):-

link to

“The “Battle of George Square”, also known as “Bloody Friday” and “Black Friday”, was one of the most intense riots in the history of Glasgow; it took place on Friday, 31 January 1919. The dispute revolved around a campaign for shorter working hours, backed by widespread unofficial strike action. Clashes between the City of Glasgow Police and protesters broke out, prompting the War Cabinet to make soldiers available to the civil power, to prevent the violence from escalating. The UK government feared a Bolshevist uprising. It was described as a “socialist revolution” by supporters, as had happened in the 1917 Russian Revolution, and was occurring in Germany and in the Austro-Hungarian Empire while the ‘Forty Hours’ strike unfolded. “

Do not say you were not warned for that is what I am doing right now. They did it in Northern Ireland a lot more recently and they will do it again given less than half a chance.


@ Ian B

Thanks for that update.


@ Thepnr

If you turn up on the 25th, you’ll have missed it 🙂

It’s been brought forward to the 18th – the Courier have that right, fortunately. See you there.

Robert Peffers

@DerekM says: 4 August, 2018 at 12:09 am:

” … sometimes it feels like i am banging my head against a brick wall but its starting to crumble ?”

Is it the heid or the wa that’s beginning to crumble, DerekM?

I’m only asking as sometimes I feel I am also assaulting the wa wi ma heid. Onywey! Mibbies ma ain head wis crumblin lang syne.

Robert Peffers

@Hamish100 says: 4 August, 2018 at 12:23 am:

” … Can you leave a copy of the National for Rock he needs one.”

Aiblins Ah ken whit Rock needs an it’s nae a copy o onythin sae licht is a copy o the National.

mr thms

The BBC has emerged, following the week long coverage of itself, reeking of cheap eau de reasonableness and rank parfum impartiality.


The National could be folded several times to about the size of a 2 by 4.


link to

link to

Staring to get really concerned about the Tay Cities Deal. The UK Gov’t have now said they won’t match fund the Scot Gov’t and the Treasury will only meet Tory MPs.
link to

link to


link to

Brexit is set to betray working people
link to

link to

Hospital overcrowding blamed for rise in recorded sepsis deaths
link to


Good morning, Nana.
Kettle’s on!


Good morning Smallaxe. Nice to see you 🙂

Couple more links

Brexit: the lies that spread
link to

Posting again for anyone who missed it, watch and share
3 Blokes In The Pub… Talk NO DEAL Brexit
link to


@ Robert Peffers

Hi Robert good to see you are still holding down the fort and its definitely the wall that is crumbling and it could be the same wall mate its big and built using stupid bricks and sings oh Jeremy Corbyn.

I have been attempting to show them some parallels because the establishment are doing the same trick they used to keep Thatcher in power.

Thatcher – May
Foote – Corbyn

So whats next after Corbyn i ask them a sell out Welshman or a party split to ensure 10 more years of blue tory rule.



Just as well there is somebody who knows what they’re talking about. So the 18th it is Cheers 🙂

Rick H Johnston

This is growing arms and legs.
But how is it the BritNat media insist on dubbing WOS as controversial.
Surely that’s the BBC now!
This Prof. Scott Arthur guy, who gets free reign in the Edinburgh Evening News to attack SNP/Indy.
Where did he spring from and as a Labour man why does he give the Tories such an easy ride.
His bum’s ower the windae now that’s for sure.

[…] Earlier this week I noted that the BBC had forced the YouTube channel of the Wings Over Scotland website off air for supposed copyright infringements. Subsequent events have become something of a saga. The tale is related on their site. […]


@Chick Macgregor 11.40p.m. – that is excellent news, Chick, and really cheered me up. A free paper will always be welcome and be glanced through at least – and if they already have another daily to compare and contrast I’m sure the difference in standard of truth, choice of news etc etc will be obvious.

I needed cheering up because of Menzies Campbell getting all the coverage he wants to spread lies about my MP Ian Blackford. I emailed Mr B last night to commiserate – told him the attack is a compliment as he does such a good job at Westminster. I also said we need a referendum soonest as it is getting frightening.

He has replied to say the Liberals can be proved to be saying untruths – video evidence exists – but says nothing re a referendum.

Patrick Roden

It was fun seeing the nutty professor squirm, and I know a lot of people still think there’s a lot more to the story than meets the eye, especially concerning the dark links between the Labour Party and the BBC in Scotland, but it’s far better for the independence movement that the story is shifting back onto the BBC rather than remain focused on a Labour Councillor.

So many great comments on Wings the past few days but one of my favourites has got to be:

The BBC is not Aunty, it’s anti. Thanks, Tam from Somewhere.

There’s got to be a few catchy slogans could be created from this?

Aunty is Anti-Scottish. ( any more )?


Robert Peffers says:
4 August, 2018 at 1:10 am
@Juan says: 3 August, 2018 at 9:03 pm@
” … What’s the point in having Sovereignty if your not willing to exercise it?”

You are just not thinking this sovereignty thing through properly, Juan.
The thing is that the people of Scotland being legally sovereign is both Scotland’s greatest strength and also it is Scotland’s greatest weakness.
It is Scotland’s greatest strength because no one can argue that the People of Scotland are legally sovereign and it is plainly stated in the Treaty of Union that formed the United Kingdom and has only two signatory kingdoms.
It is thus plain that Westminster first of all assuming the United Kingdom is a united country when it plainly is not a country but is two, equally sovereign, kingdoms.
Worse still is Westminster assuming that the Treaty of Union extinguished the Kingdom of Scotland and renamed the Kingdom of England as the United Kingdom, it plainly did not and the Treaty of Union proves it.
However, it got even worse when Westminster decided that the United Kingdom would be split up along country lines but did not devolve any Westminster parliament powers to the country of England. Therefore, because there is no elected parliament of England, it thus made Westminster the de facto parliament of the country of England and, by instigating EVEL they effectively made Westminster the de facto Parliament of the country of England and the thus masters over the Kingdom/country of Scotland who are legally their only kingdom partner in the Treaty of Union and thus Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland are now vassal regions of the country of England.
Well, you may ask, what has all that got to do with the people of Scotland being legally sovereign?
The answer is plainly that until there is a majority of those legally sovereign people of Scotland that demand independence, then the people of Scotland have not decided to exercise their legal sovereignty.


The abuse that @BrigadoonGent gave me was legend, even offers of violence. These things will never grow old.

Are you lot ready to see Spanner and many others?


Just trying to catch up on here before I move onto the next article, phew!

Great links Nana and I was just thinking that if the BBC want to do something to improve their ‘ailing reputation’ in Scotland they could replace Jackie Bird with you. Are you up for it? It wouldn’t be too much of a bind. One week of your news would guarantee our Independence before the end of August.


Robert Peffers says:
4 August, 2018 at 1:10 am
@Juan says: 3 August, 2018 at 9:03 pm@
” … What’s the point in having Sovereignty if your not willing to exercise it?”

“You are just not thinking this sovereignty thing through properly, Juan.
The thing is that the people of Scotland being legally sovereign is both Scotland’s greatest strength and also it is Scotland’s greatest weakness”
How can being SOVEREIGN be a weakness? It’s what peoples around the world have been striving for for centuries. That hard work has already been done for us, by previous generations who fought and died for Scotland’s independence. During the Wars of independence the people were declared Sovereign, because our monarch at the time was excommunicated. Even Westminster recognise Scots are Sovereign.

You said “It is Scotland’s greatest strength because no one can argue that the People of Scotland are legally sovereign and it is plainly stated in the Treaty of Union that formed the United Kingdom and has only two signatory kingdoms.” I think you missed a NOT in there. As in “no one can argue that the people of Scotland are NOT legally sovereign”?. (Probably just a typo, not having an edit function can be a pain in the rear).

“However, it got even worse when Westminster decided that the United Kingdom would be split up along country lines but did not devolve any Westminster parliament powers to the country of England. Therefore, because there is no elected parliament of England, it thus made Westminster the de facto parliament of the country of England and, by instigating EVEL they effectively made Westminster the de facto Parliament of the country of England and the thus masters over the Kingdom/country of Scotland who are legally their only kingdom partner in the Treaty of Union and thus Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland are now vassal regions of the country of England.
Well, you may ask, what has all that got to do with the people of Scotland being legally sovereign?
The answer is plainly that until there is a majority of those legally sovereign people of Scotland that demand independence, then the people of Scotland have not decided to exercise their legal sovereignty.” All of your history lesson has NOTHING to do with anything other than Scots have allowed their Sovereignty to lie dormant. If you don’t use it we will lose it. If you don’t exercise your Sovereignty, is there any point in having “legal” sovereignty? What use is it, if we never excercise it? How do we know that there isn’t a majority now? The polls? The referendum result of four years ago? Much has changed since then.

My point wasn’t about the lack of anything from the SNP. My point is we are Sovereign and should flex our muscle. The question was, without a referendum being called, how do we the sovereign people, free ourselves from colonialist rule of Westminster? Nobody is ever given their freedom, it always has to be taken.


I see that my wee (BBC) post to Nana hasn’t appeared. Another one disappeared into the ether?

Brian McGowan

Well done. You need now to get behind Peter Curran in a high profile manner. That might just work for him.



Was having a read through the BBC Propaganda website and I noticed this link on the footer of the BBC ScotlandShire pages titled “Why you can trust BBC News”.

link to

Well I just had to click on it and I thought it was very interesting and started delving deeper.

Eventually I came upon this page in the Editorial Guidelines entitled “Section 13: Re-use and Reversioning”.

link to

I believe your copying of the news material would be covered in
section 13.4.16;

“self service” (where content is made available for third parties to choose from without any formal contractual requirement).

I also note that 13.4.20 states;

There should be a clear distinction between BBC public service content and BBC commercial content.

However they might have decided that showing their bias or failure to investigate and report fairly might fall foul of section 13.4.21;

Appropriate measures should be in place to protect the reputation of the BBC and the integrity of BBC content.

hope this helps in some small way.



Marra of Labour telling porkies? link to

link to

or is it the BBC SCOTCHLAND?

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