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Wings Over Scotland

It’s behind you, Donald

Posted on September 06, 2014 by

New YouGov poll tonight. Yes 51 No 49 excluding Don’t Knows. Interesting.


The Observer’s front page splash is the No camp’s last-ditch Hail Mary – a new devolution talking shop. They just don’t get it. This is about tomorrow, not yesterday.

(It should go without saying, though we will anyway – this is one poll, it’s the smallest possible whole-number lead, and with 3% margin of error Yes could still be behind. But those nervously warning against complaceny on social media fail to grasp the nature of the Yes movement. This poll will make Yes campaigners doubly determined to turn out and seize their chance now victory seems eminently possible. The biggest danger isn’t complacency, it’s that the poll will shock lazy No voters into turning out.)

The No campaign’s reaction has been staggeringly predictable, which is to say idiotic.


We gather there’s also a “Yes vote will mean £750m welfare-costs bombshell” story in one of the Sundays, because scare stories have been working so well so far. But the key thing is the Observer piece about a panic plan to offer more powers for Holyrood.

It’s going to be fun seeing how the No parties attempt to sell that – “There are some things which we think should be devolved, but which we didn’t mention before, even though all of us had committees spending months producing reports and publishing plans, because [SUB PLEASE INSERT REASON]”.

But more intriguing will be what they actually come up with.

“On Friday, Gordon Brown said […] it had already been agreed that Scotland would have more power to set its own income tax rate, and that there would be more borrowing powers for the Scottish parliament, but he expected more power to set benefit levels and transport policy to be handed to Holyrood.”

Think about that for a minute. Transport policy is fairly meaningless. But setting benefit levels? That can only be an attractive offer in Scotland if it means the ability to set them higher. Setting them higher will cost money, and we already know that the transfer of tax-raising responsibilities to Holyrood – the other core component of “more powers” – will REDUCE the Scottish budget by billions of pounds, even without actually altering the Barnett formula.

So in order to actually use these extra new powers the No campaign is supposedly about to offer, the Scottish Government will have to substantially increase Scottish income tax rates simply in order to provide the money to fill the Barnett black hole, and then raise them even further to pay for the higher welfare payments.

And what happens then? Companies will move to England to escape the higher tax rates on their employees (because if they don’t the employees themselves will move south), and people WITHOUT jobs will move to Scotland to take advantage of the higher benefits. Scotland will exchange tax-paying workers for tax-consuming benefit claimants. The entire country will become a dumping ground for the unemployed.

This would suit both the Tories and Labour just fine, as we already know. The Tories expect nothing of Scotland anyway and can afford to write it off, and Labour will hope to recapture the votes of the poor by blaming the Tories and SNP for their poverty, especially as public services will almost certainly be suffering under the enormous financial pressures. Poverty is Labour’s lifeblood. More of it is good for them.

The bottom line is that ANY offer of further devolution is a trap unless it also includes control of oil revenues, which are the balancing half of the Barnett equation, and there is absolutely NO chance of the Unionist parties ever giving up control of oil revenue. It’s like being given a free car, but one that’s got no steering wheel and which is currently pointing at a cliff edge, and being told “Look, now you can go as fast as you like!”

The Scottish people haven’t been fooled by the No parties’ booby-trapped devolution offers so far. We don’t think they’ll fall for this one either, whatever it turns out to be.

386 to “It’s behind you, Donald”

  1. Nation Libre says:

    51% yes. I could cry. Let’s keep going to the 18th

  2. donald anderson says:

    Who wants to be taxed twice?

    No more taxes to London is the only answer.

  3. Grouse Beater says:

    Another seafaring analogy:
    We know there’s fertile land out there because a dove just returned with a twig of leaves in its beak …

  4. Croompenstein says:

    Ed throws his all behind a positive case for the union.. this is it we will not stop till the 19th Ed unlike yourself who tried to make it a party political election and not the true democratic decision of the Scottish people..

  5. heedtracker says:

    12 days away from the referendum and now they come up with little wee bitty’s of devo. Vote YES, take it all back for Scotland.

  6. E.A. Cameron says:

    On them, on them! They fail!

  7. Grouse Beater says:

    Milband vows to put guards on the Scottish border.

    His duped brother must be laughing his head off.

  8. horacesaysyes says:

    I expect the range of jam on display to be quite extensive, but closer inspection will reveal it to be fousty and well past it’s sell by date.

  9. dadsarmy says:

    Yes, Yougov of all pollsters, the one that always shows the worst YES. Oddschecker is in freefall 🙂

  10. muttley79 says:

    This so called offer by Westminster has come when some voters in Scotland have already sent away their ballot papers. How can they possibly get away with this?

  11. Douglas Greig Young says:

    Thanks a million for the 2000 Wee Blue Books you sent up to Yes Shetland Stu.

    Going down a storm.

    Aiming for 80% Yes and Nothing Less.

  12. James123 says:

    Yasmin Alibhai Brown talking absolute sense on the BBC paper review, how refreshing.

  13. Croompenstein says:

    Has anyone heard from Bliar or Flipper?

  14. Grouse Beater says:

    Just say naaaaaaaaaaw!!! I do not believe it!

  15. Grouse Beater says:

    Has anyone heard from Bliar or Flipper?

    I don’t think Blair will be taking Flipper’s calls.

  16. HandandShrimp says:

    Watching the BBC24 with Eve Polard and Yasmin Brown, they just laughed at Miliband’s border guards. The consensus seemed to be that No had it coming, way too negative.

    On the Observer thing how the feck will that work? 25% of the vote is already in. I lost count of the number of people that told me they have already voted Yes today on the Yes stall. One woman said all 12 of her family had voted Yes.

  17. fred blogger says:

    what i don’t get is that this has taken the no camp, by complete surprise.
    their patronizing arrogance is staggering, they really need to start paying attention.

  18. The only poll which counts is the one on 18th September, but there definitely seems to be a wee bit of concern in the unionist camp tonight. Milliband’s comments are disgraceful and will not go down well with many Labour supporters in Scotland.

  19. Kirsten says:

    Yet Ed’s threatening to put guards on Scottish borders in the event of a YES vote?

  20. davidb says:

    Parliament had a long recess this year. The coalition had little in the way of legislation they could agree on. Plenty time to table the legislation to give us all those powers – seeing as not only the coalition partners but Labour too were keen for more devolution. They didn’t do it.

    They are running scared now. Please Scotland. Seize your chance.

    I see they are churning out some unnamed EU spokesperson to give us the 5 year wait crap again. Carrots and sticks. Duplicitous bastards.

    And the Daily Fail headline? Did Ed struggle to listen to his handful of groupies this week? “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

  21. alistair says:

    At least they are bound by purdah period so it will just remain “talk” and hopefully we can point out the reality of the last Calman commission and any new powers would have to be agreed by Westminster (i.e. by Tories) so Brown can waffle all he wants. It would require England to vote Labour. Who’s going to buy that ?

  22. Grouse Beater says:

    Whatever Poundstore federalism Westminster offers it will come without Barnett Formula levels of economic share or ownership of Scotland’s oil.

    Reject all last minute offers of a discount independence!

  23. 51% – Keep campaigning even harder get the biggest vote we can, no stopping, reach for the stars,.

  24. Baheid says:

    O/T Odds for a YES vote has changed within the last hour or two to less than 2/1

    Coral 13/8
    Ladbrokes 7/4

    Thankfully I puy on a few quid earlier. 🙂

  25. Grouse Beater says:

    Osborne: Walkaway from the union and you walk away from the pound.

    Miliband: And you won’t get far with our guards at the border.

  26. Grouse Beater says:

    Baheid: Thankfully I puy on a few quid earlier

    I stand to win £2,000, all things in their rightful place.

  27. John Kerr says:

    Expect a whole raft of powers to be offered which are worthless and no more than responsibilities, such as collecting income tax. Why on earth would we want to pay higher rates of tax than the rest of the UK and see our funding cut at the same time.

    This increase in the YES vote is great news for all of us, especially the canvassers. No room for complacency though. It’s up to all of us to keep the positive argument going and continue to persuade the undecided. If you can get hold of even a couple of WBB’s and hand one to someone who is genuinely undecided, this will help. Ask them to read it and then pass it on to someone else who is undecided.

    Well done everyone, we can do this.

  28. Indy_Scot says:

    Aye, the unionists need to get to France, they have had plenty of chances to put more on the table, but they only produce it when they know they are in for a hiding.

    They are a bunch of rogues.

  29. HandandShrimp says:

    I think Miliband has lost the plot, what will the machine gun towers be there for? To watch us or stop people escaping to Scotland?

  30. Thepnr says:

    Take it easy folks, be cool. This was always going to happen.

    Our job is to carry this forward and like Hamish overtake our opponent and hit the finish line in the lead.

    No sweat, we will do it. Just keep doing you stuff.

  31. Sunshine says:

    That static street artist painted green, who is impersonating Donald Dewar, is thinking “shit, I picked a bad spot. How am I going to get out of here”

  32. dadsarmy says:

    Oddschecker in freefall 🙂

  33. Sinky says:

    Every Labour supporter should be reminded of Miliband’s “I’ll put guards on the Scottish Border” as a Friend of Israel he knows all about respect for borders.

  34. Marcia says:

    The Panelbase poll is older than the Yougov poll.

    Panelbase closed on the 4th while the Yougov stopped on the 6th.

  35. Ken MacColl says:

    From the shock horror reaction of the London media it is clear that they still “do not get it”
    However, it is not all bad news for Flipper Darling and Crash Gordon. It looks as if they might get a pay rise soon and they are renowned for their financial acumen.

    Meanwhile we should remain calm and endeavour to fulfil Alasdair Gray’s dictum to;
    “work as if you live in the early days of a better nation.”

  36. Oscar Taime says:

    Meanwhile Bliar is in full denial mode on twitter:

    blairmcdougall: As another poll shows No up & lead unchanged we’ll work like it’s the other poll that’s right. This is too important to risk it. #indyref

  37. fred blogger says:

    i had better post this.
    link to

  38. balgayboy says:

    U’r are correct Thepnr regarding being cool regarding the poll. Anyway I’ve already got the drink, fireworks and music prepared for the big day and I’m very confident that I will not be disappointed with the result. Also got a big bet on at good odds for the big YES.

    • donald anderson says:

      Maybe it wis Miliband that ordered the 600 armoured caurs tae stoap us throwing food parcels tae the Geordies.

  39. Kev says:

    Odds for a Yes vote at Ladbrokes now 7/4, was 5/1 a few weeks ago, and they also seem to have suddenly ditched their over 55% option, get your bets in awfie quick folks!!

  40. muttley79 says:


    I could not agree with you more. I am getting very concerned by some Yes supporters thinking that there is definitely going to be a Yes vote. They seem to have gone a little delirious. Make no mistake we have to work our socks off in the last 10 days or so.

  41. Indy_Scot says:

    Aye, the unionists need to get to France, they have had plenty of chances to put more on the table, but they only produce it when they know they are in for a hiding.

    They are a beneath contempt.

  42. alistair says:

    Kevin Pringle’s tweet is interesting :
    ahead in one poll but we need to work to win. YouGov: 35% of Labour voters are Yes. Panelbase: women’s support for Yes at a record 47%.

    So looks like we have movement in the support from women. Lets hope that starts to build now over next week. I thought the Labour figure would have been higher by now.

  43. Proud Cybernat says:

    I wonder how that punter who put £800,000 on a No win is feeling tonight?

  44. Twenty14 says:

    a tunnel …… we’ll dig a tunnel

  45. Jimbo says:

    I’ve always thought the polls are been purposely skewed in favour of the NO camp.

    I think YouGov are now giving honest results in order to save their reputation 12 days from now.

  46. call me dave says:


    Thanks for the info it answers a question I had in my mind. Jigsaw is now inplace. 🙂

    wise words!

    Prof Curtis and ‘Scot goes pop’ will no doubt fill in the details.

  47. twenty14 says:

    a tunnel …. we’ll dig a tunnel…. but not a wee tunnel …. a tunnel big enough to take an asda trolley…. food for the winter ….

  48. Marcia says:

    Sunday Herald front page;

    link to

  49. Lesley-Anne says:

    Sorry for going O/T but I think I’ve just found a wee insignificant story about orthopaedic services in West Sussex that kind of blows JK Rowling’s husband’s claim of the N.H.S. NOT being privatised out of the water.

    link to

  50. piggy says:

    Desperate action from desperate people who know we leave them behind.

    Ancient and predictable tactics……….assist the builders, but hinder their work.

    We have heard their lies, we have witnessed their deceit and we have observed their anxiety.

    Their anger and hate have also been cast upon us, but the people have resisted with great strength of spirit.

    These are the signs of their decay and demise. We seek not to share in those things, but to continue on the safe and secure path to prosperity.

    To those who encourage others; keep going and continue your great work.

  51. X_Sticks says:

    As muttley79 and Thpnr have already said, let’s not get carried away. Aim high. We can get that 60+ if we keep it up for 10 more days. This is just the little fillip that will take us over the line.

    I will not be stopping. I will be re-doubling my efforts.

    Keep going folks. we’re nearly there 😀

  52. Grouse Beater says:

    Pnr – Muttley

    Don’t muffle the release of joy. Joy is infectious.

    Let it sweep us along, and all those uncertain, until we attain the genuine democratic nation Scotland should be.

  53. JWil says:

    Ed’s promise to put guards on the border.

    He does not yet realise that all the invective and the bile from the unionist side in this campaign is driving Scots to vote YES.

    Sky’s pundits on the papers review still don’t get it. Pathetic response from them.

  54. gillie says:

    Fuck em. Better Together are a campaign that has no shame.

    Let’st’s make it 52%, 54%, no 56%.

    Anyone who votes No is on the wrong side of the argument.

  55. Straight outta Smithton says:

    We need to swamp the Electoral Commission with this. I’ve already voted, as have many others.I would have much preferred a Westminster Talking Shop kicking any Fed proposals quietly into the long grass in 2016 rather than the Sovereign Parliament I have voted for. I would demand Davidson chair any Talking Shop too.

    And what says the Edinburgh Agreement to pish like this?

  56. cearc says:

    Bet365 are offering 4/1 for over 55%.

    link to

    I can’t see that lasting long.

  57. bookie from hell says:

    where’s tam dayell

  58. handclapping says:

    Plenty to plan for, plenty to do in the 11 days. We have to continue doing what we are doing and more to be certain.

    link to
    for something else to think about

  59. John says:

    We’re still waiting for the Great Leap Forward, but it’s not too long now!
    But only if we keep pushing, my dad tomorrow, who do I convert on Monday?

  60. dadsarmy says:

    Thing about polls is that people like to be on the winning side, so this can cuase a big move, just on its own. It’s why I don’t think it’ll be close, I think it will be a big win – sticking to 75% YES, 25% NO.

    Oddschecker is also important. As the polls were showing the lead of NO narrowing and narrowing, surprise surprise, out comes a report saying that it’s betting odds that are very accurate in predicting election results.

    So now we need YES at evens or better!

  61. boris says:

    The Sarwar Dynasty in Glasgow. Anas has been active extolling his and the labour party’s virtues. He must have brass balls.

    link to

  62. fred blogger says:

    sturn stuff from bella.
    link to

  63. gillie says:

    My brother Labour through and through, a die hard NO, has just decided, completely out of the blue, to vote Yes. He is completely fed up of the BY lies.

    Jesus effing Christ!

  64. muttley79 says:

    @Grouse Beater

    Sorry but there are too many Yessers who think it is in the bag. This is crazy talk. We have waited far too long for this moment. Do not start celebrating now! You don’t celebrate victory before the result has been announced.

  65. stewartb says:

    “donald anderson says:
    6 September, 2014 at 10:39 pm
    Who wants to be taxed twice?

    No more taxes to London is the only answer.”

    Not enough Donald! No Trident; no House of Lords; our Foreign Policy; our own voice and role internationally; our seat in UN, in NATO, in Council of Europe for as long as we the Scottish electorate choose to engage; always the government the majority in Scotland votes for etc., etc. You can max ‘devo max’ as much time as you like, it never reaches full self-determination! Just vote YES.

  66. tonymac says:

    History Unfolding before our eyes –
    unless you listen to the bbc and rest of msm

  67. Ian Brotherhood says:

    (repost from previous thread) –

    This is when the Nawbags self-destruct – the recriminations, finger-pointing, backstabbings and defections will keep them fully occupied while we up our game.

    And how many WBBs are actually out there? We still have many thousands to distribute, and there’s no shortage of schemes where folk will hugely appreciate being brought some hard facts. Everyone has ‘tough’ areas nearby – let’s get organised, team-handed, look after each other, and make sure the residents of these places are not shunned.

    Speaking of which – SSP Ayrshire’s final Public Meeting will be in Whittlets Activity Centre, Ayr, on Monday 15th. It’s a tough area to leaflet, and we need help. If you want to be part of this, please message me, even if you can spare an hour or two, afternoon or evening, in the next week or so: ian [at] stevenston4 [dot] fsnet [dot] co [dot] uk

  68. HandandShrimp says:


    Absolutely agree. We can do this but we need to keep the momentum up. Be positive, and don’t waste time in slanging matches (or throw eggs). We can carry this with a good natured high visibility message (and the WBB).

    Let the No side be, with their loopy barbed wire fences and endless “it will take 50 years to join the EU” stuff. I don’t think people care any more. Serious issue like pensions, and a Scottish economy are what matter.

  69. liz says:

    @muttley79 – don’ worry we will all continue to canvas etc.

    I will be out Sun posting Yes newspapers.

    Some of us have been on this for decades, we will not slack now.

  70. Scotsbob says:

    Tip from another website, remember to take your pen to the polling booth don’t trust their pencils

  71. Janet W says:

    “There are some things which we think should be devolved, but which we didn’t mention before, even though all of us had committees spending months producing reports and publishing plans, because … we’ve now had our wheatnobix with our cup of tea and decided we’re going to offer more contingency plans of plans of what powers we no thanks can no offer as a contingency to get the devo-pact out to the masses of undecided voters!“

  72. smudger says:

    I’ve been reading articles on this site for a number of weeks now and have to say it’s really helped confirm my Yes vote. There are too many people who have not spent enough time to research the important issues at stake. Hopefully this poll will make these people think “why are more people going to vote yes”. No campaign really showing thier true colours.Keep up the good work.

  73. Grouse Beater says:

    Do not start celebrating now

    I don’t see anybody celebrating – I see a fantastic spur to greater effort.

    The opposition have not fired their biggest guns yet – that will come with corrupt banks and finance houses threatening economic Armageddon.

    Have confidence and take heart – the people are with Scotland’s future and the rightness of the cause.

    Dump the Prebyterian ‘it cannae be true’ squatting on your shoulder. We’ve got the breakthrough – it’ll encourage and inspire others to join the long march.

    One of mankind’s greatest imperatives is the herd instinct.

    As for threats and lies still to come from Westminster, even wildebeest are prepared to ford a crocodile infested river to reach the promised land.

  74. Robert Louis says:


    Totally agree with you. Too many behaving as though the referendum is over – it really, really isn’t. I also anticipate that there will be some ‘new’ posters who are not really on our side, who are happy to encourage complacency.

    This is just one poll, and make no mistake, the British Establishment and their Scottish Labour poodles, will do everything and ANYTHING in the next two weeks to prevent independence happening.

    We need to win over even more voters to YES. No slacking.

    This poll result means NOW in the last 11 days of campaigning, to work harder than ever. Every person who can, get involved, making the YES vote solid, so there can be no doubt. Now is your chance to participate in the making of history.

  75. Sinky says:

    Its not won yet if you want to secure victory volunteer to get knock on doors in Labour’s heartlands.

  76. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @muttley79 –

    The only thing ‘in the bag’ is thousands more WBBs and the many tons of leaflets, stickers, badges, flags etc produced by Yes Scotland, the Greens, SSP, LFI, WFI, and all the other groups who’ve made this such a genuinely grassroots movement.

    At 9.59 p.m. on Sep 18th all bags and Yes shops ‘can, should, must and will’ contain nothing but burst elastic bands and sweetie wrappers.

  77. heedtracker says:

    They cant offer to “give” Scotland any more devo if voters like me have already postal voted YES!

    Brown and co have either lost their minds completely or they’re up to no good. Actually I still haven’t posted my vote yet. Its too important to plonk in a post box but still, its X in the YES box and its not going to be messed with Crash and the Flipper.

  78. Robert Louis says:

    Hey gillie,

    That is great news about your brother. Another YES voter.

  79. Training Day says:

    May be the expected clarion call from No’s most friendly pollster for the naw bags to mobilise and turn out.

    But it’s a double edged sword as it may tip undecideds to Yes.

    Either way, this ballot is already seriously compromised due to it being effectively conducted over weeks via postal votes.

  80. macart763m says:

    Let’s finish this and do it with style. 🙂

  81. Grouse Beater says:

    Too many behaving as though the referendum is over –

    Is there somebody selling hair shirts?

    Can we drop the, we are not worthy, attitude.

    Get a grip!

  82. Col The Viking says:


    Positive news but as many a poster has already said it is a redoubling of efforts required here – I do a wee bit, when I can, between family and work, there are many others who have put in piles more hours but that is not the point.

    I beseech anyone readin, non-posters, non-activie(as I was until a few weeks ago) to give one, two, three hours a week over the next two weeks , it really can and will make a difference!

    Get in touch with your local campaign and get involved – it is within reach and I for one never thought it would be in my lifetime !

  83. Grouse Beater says:

    Macart: Let’s finish this and do it with style.


  84. Tam Jardine says:

    Being in the lead in the polls has been a central pillar of the No campaign – the biggest reason to vote No was always (for B McDougall) the ‘fact’ that No were winning.

    Looks like they will need to come up with something else.

  85. Robert Louis says:

    Ian Brotherhood,

    Totally agree. There is lots to do, and now is our time. The shops should indeed be empty of stock on the evening of the 17th, when the campaign ends.

    Have to say, it was great in Edinburgh today, stalls and campaigners everywhere.

  86. Derek M says:

    got to say i dont know why everybody gets so excited about a stupid poll ,this as Stu said is their way of trying to make the yes campaign complacent and to get the lazy no vote out to vote ,a last gasp attempt to derail the yes campaign ,their number is up and has been for ages they have been exposed like they have never been exposed before and dont know quite how to counteract it ,as for them now trying to put devo max(my arse) on the table after the postal votes are in can only mean one thing and that is the postal vote has come in a majority yes vote and this was the vote they were hoping to capture for no.
    Keep at it Scotland right to the last minute 🙂

  87. Cadogan Enright says:

    Folks – take a look at the headline on the BBC website – a reasonable editorial would have said something like “Yes campaign ahead for first time” BUT see link to

    The headline is “Scottish independence: Campaign groups push for votes” Last one to phone in a complaint is a somethingorother.


  88. Murray McCallum says:

    The campaign to stop Scotland being a country running its own affairs have had the best part of 3 years to provide a comprehensive full devolution framework.

    If it’s not on the ballot it will not happen.

  89. Robert Louis says:

    macart 763m,

    Your comment should be the new slogan; Let’s finish this and do it with style

  90. Doug Daniel says:

    “This poll will make Yes campaigners doubly determined to turn out and seize their chance now victory seems eminently possible.”

    Indeed. When a shark smells blood, it doesn’t suddenly give up. I feel like a German striker in the World Cup semi-final against Brazil. Let’s keep racking the Yes votes up. Let’s not win this by a whisker, let’s smash through the line. 60% Yes, we can do it.

    Fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of a ProudScotBut.

  91. James123 says:

    Watched the BBC paper review at 10.30 which was quite sensible, just watched the Sky paper review which was the complete opposite. It was uninformed drivel with the presenter even suggesting that Yes were ahead because the Scots didn’t understand the issues, dear oh dear.

  92. Dormant says:

    And now we’re going to miss the Rio Olympics.

    How daft are these folk? We’ll all have dual nationality so the Scots can go as part of the UK team – and maybe do a wee blue power demo on the podium.

  93. Sunshine says:

    “Poverty is Labours lifeblood. More of it is good for them”
    Spot on Rev. Sums up the whole problem with the rotten Scottish branch of the Labour and Unionist party.

  94. seoc says:

    Let’s just quietly finish the job. Once and for all. We’ve been lied to repeatedly, cheated and denied our Rights, by the honorables.
    Let’s go.

  95. Doug Daniel says:

    Get out there chapping doors folks. In fact don’t just chap, put your fist through, run into their living room, and scream “YOU YES YET??????”

    Okay, maybe not.

  96. The Morgatron says:

    Lets finish them off, no rest, every door . One last big push and Scotland is ours.

  97. TYRAN says:

    They haven’t been complacent. Miliband was just up here with TV time. They’ve ran with new advertising, McCartney, footballers, and plenty other shite this week. And every week. They simply don’t get it.

  98. muttley79 says:

    @grouse beater

    There is Yes supporters on the internet saying that there is going to be a Yes vote. They are certain of that. I am concerned that some are getting far too complacent.

    This post from Dubbieside over on Guardian Cif is a prime example of what I am talking about:

    We will, and we have known for weeks now that we will vote convincingly.

    The only people who did not know we would vote Yes convincingly were all the Scotland experts who do not live in Scotland, and all the Scottish correspondents in the media.

  99. Edmund says:

    I don’t believe it for a second, but even if they did by some miracle follow through on true ‘Devo Max’, with only foreign policy and defence run UK-wide, who in their right mind wants Westminster running their foreign and defence policy?

    Conventional forces decimated, with huge cuts in Scotland, just when they are needed most. Vast sums spent on Trident renewal despite the fact that military leaders agree that it’s completely useless and it of course can never be used. An aircraft carrier that has no aircraft to carry. Russian ships allowed to pootle about in the North Sea with no ships available to escort them. In the last few days, more money thrown away on 600 armoured cars at 6 million a pop.

    Iraq invaded illegally based on a lie and torn to pieces despite massive public opposition. Cameron gearing up for yet another middle eastern adventure.

    Westminster keen to enter every theatre of war, invited or not. Our foreign policy must by now have killed more people than the Black Death. Our leaders are behind the injustices and have created the circumstances in which terrorism is thriving.

    Is this really the kind of foreign and defence policy we want? Are these blood-soaked ‘interventions’ really what we want done in our names? It’s what you’ll continue to get if you let Westminster decide on it for you.

  100. Thepnr says:


    “Let’s finish this and do it with style.”

    That is something we definitely have. A whirlwind is approaching and Better Together haven’t a clue about what is about to hit them.

    Let’s knock em out.

  101. highseastim says:

    Great news, but let’s not get over complacent, as this could be a last gasp ploy of theirs which will be another failure!,

  102. JWil says:

    One vote more is enough, but another twenty per cent plus is even better. Then there is absolutely no doubt about the wishes of people voting for independence. No, ifs, buts or maybes.

    This forthcoming new offer we hear about kind of undermines the coalitions, ‘no pre-negotiation dictum’. It’s a poisoned chalice that should be refused outright. The union is in the last chance saloon.

  103. bookie from hell says:

    The high jump

    Scottish athletes are highly unlikely to be able to represent their new country at Rio 2016 in the event of a vote for independence later this month, the International Olympic Committee vice-president Sir Craig Reedie has warned.

  104. Grouse Beater says:

    Muttley: There is Yes supporters on the internet saying that there is going to be a Yes vote

    Good for them.

    Stuff the Presbyterian culture, ‘Sunny? Rain is on its way.’

    What’s the opposite? – complete humilation for Scotland if No wins – a total embarrassment. Another Referendum in five years? Who will take us seriously? I repeat – let happiness sweep the movement along to its only natural conclusion.

  105. Indy_Scot says:

    They cannot put more on the table now that people have voted. That would make a mockery of the referendum.

  106. YESGUY says:

    Oh it keeps on getting better

    I am going to enjoy this huge cheezy grin on my face as we at last take a small lead for the first time ever , or it feels like it.

    Well done folks what an effort and YES we still have work to do and it’s easy to get excited but i NEVER believed the MSM would EVER let on we were in the lead. I am stunned and over the moon

    Enjoy the moment Wingers and any new Wingers, make yourself known and welcome to the happy web.


  107. Col The Viking says:


    You are correct and it is so er contributions like yours and others that will hopefully temper any ‘looseness!’ And channel exuberance into foot on the ground effort!


  108. Sinky says:

    If possible I would repeat this every 10 minutes

    Its not won yet if you want to secure victory volunteer to knock on doors in Labour’s heartlands.

  109. Col The Viking says:

    Sober contributions – bloody iPhone and fat digits!

  110. Andrew Morton says:

    Remember that this is the pollster that we have all been decrying because they consistently showed a high No vote due to the Kellner correction. All of a sudden we now believe that this poll is the most accurate. I smell a rat.

    Could it be that they have massaged the figures to show a high Yes vote in order to galvanise the Nos and soothe the Yesses?

  111. Clootie says:

    Grouse Beater

    I’m with you. Positive cheerful vision and driven by the upbeat lift – work even harder.

  112. macart763m says:

    @ Grouse, RL, Thepnr

    I don’t do 2%. I’m looking for double figures. 🙂

  113. Robert Louis says:


    Absolutely right. The more people we have, the better. Now for the final big push.

  114. Justin Ross says:

    We have NEVER believed the polls in the past, and I think we should just maintain that view and campaign as if we were behind and fighting for everything.

    1 poll, as positive as it is, is just 1 poll.

    Lets not be complacent, lets work our asses off to be independent.

  115. Kev says:

    I see Skynews are now desperately trying to educate their viewers about the margins of error in polling, hilarious!

  116. Caroline Corfield says:

    When I watched the Olympic opening ceremony, I’m sure I saw athletes competing without a country coming in at the end of the procession. Like those poor souls who end up stateless in airports. As a temporary measure I’m sure Scottish athletes could still compete in that respect. And if they wrap themselves in a Saltire when they win, how much more embarassing for the organising committee?

  117. heedtracker says:

    “A senior government minister close to the Better Together campaign told the Observer: “Watch this space. You can expect something in the next few days.” It is understood that there have been intensive cross-party talks in recent days to finalise the plans.”

    But what about all the postal votes already sent?

  118. Mealer says:

    Our “Don’t Bottle It” flyers are going to be absolutely vital.Its crucial that as many Yes supporters as possible are given them to distribute.We have thousands of activists this week.That needs to be doubled and doubled again when it comes to the flinal push.Dont underestimate how hard this still is to win.With our current number of foot soldiers we will lose.It is our role to activate those passive Yessers and get them to be the campaign.Ask them for their help.

  119. Col The Viking says:

    Wise words – why believe now and as mentioned could be a ploy to motivate lazy-ass nos – nothing changes, keep working, night all!

  120. No no no...yes says:

    The people of Scotland have not, and will not be fooled by any new offers from Dave or George. Miliband now denying border posts. They are in meltdown. WE ALL HAVE TO KEEP CONVINCING THE UNDECIDEDS.
    Focus on the big prize, no slacking, get out there and have these conversations.

  121. Robert Louis says:


    Yip, with postal votes already in, they cannot simply now start moving the goal posts. It is too late for any new ‘deals’, as voting has already started.

  122. Thepnr says:

    @YESGUY @Col The Viking

    I am in as good a mood as you are right now and genuinely smiling. Until Jackie Bailie sings this battle is not over.

    I’ve still got leaflets an WBB’s to deliver. No complacency here. Get in there with the head down right until the 18th.

  123. gillie says:

    “We’ll put guards on Scottish border” – Ed Miliband

    WTF is Scotland the New Gaza?

  124. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Very much looking forward to seeing Alistair Darling’s next interview. Should be a classic.

  125. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Graun strikes back, I dont feel very atavistic me

    “Absurdly, there will be two countries on the same small island that have so much in common. If Britain can’t find a way of sticking together, it is the death of the liberal enlightenment before the atavistic forces of nationalism and ethnicity – a dark omen for the 21st century. Britain will cease as an idea. We will all be diminished.”

  126. heedtracker says:

    @ Robert Louis, can they nullify them, probably not so what exactly does Yes and No mean now, its changing by the day.

  127. dadsarmy says:

    That sounds like a quote out of lord of the rings “We are all diminished, We will go into the West”.

    Hutton thinks we’re all eleves!

  128. Inbhir Anainn says:

    Now that the YES side have moved ahead of the NO side in the polls what’s Westminster’s Plan ‘B’ likely to be?

  129. James123 says:

    I see Skynews are now desperately trying to educate their viewers about the margins of error in polling, hilarious!

    Sky News has been a joke tonight, here’s just a few examples of what they’ve been saying:

    No supporters too afraid to afraid to put stickers on their windows in case they smashed in.

    Scots don’t understand the issues.

    Young people don’t understand the implications of a Yes vote.

    Scots businesses will flood south.

    Well done Sky News, well done.

  130. P.R.D. says:

    Forza Scozia.

  131. gillie says:

    Caroline Santos the female Jim Murphy.

  132. fred blogger says:

    more misleading from no re NHS.
    link to

  133. Derek M says:

    Ed Miliband is a fud imagine saying something like this lol he cant even get that right because if his “guards” step one foot in Scotland we will arrest them, he should have said he would put guards on the English border what a twit lol

  134. Ananurhing says:

    Don’t give up on those you consider to be solid Nos. I’ve been astonished at how many I’ve come across who have switched in the last 2 weeks. People I would never have believed for a second would consider voting Yes.

    Common thread seems to be completely scunnered and insulted by No campaign.

  135. heedtracker says:

    @ dadsarmy, how are you! Graun’s put so much into NO its not surprising theyre both insulting and nonsensical as in

    “The House of Lords would become the House of Britain. The elected assemblies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland would be in control of the whole spectrum of domestic public activity, with a freshly created English assembly joining them.”

    The idea that the Lords will suddenly walk away because of Scottish democracy is really pushing their usual tell them any old grot stuff.

  136. gillie says:

    I still cannot get my head around Ed Miliband’s comments. What made him think that was the right thing to say at this stage.

    What are we, vermin? To Miliband Scots are clearly the scum of the earth.

  137. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Will Hutton can GTF – he squandered what should’ve been his most productive and rewarding years as ‘an intellectual’ providing academic kudos for Blair’s New-Lab Third-Way pish.

    We now know that the ‘Third Way’ was TB’s ‘Journey’, i.e. ‘How To Help Organise Genocide And Chaos, But Get Away With It And Emerge As A Multi-millionaire Global Diplomat With Philanthropy Awards From Cosmopolitan Scum’.

  138. S McCallum says:

    Expect to see regular Battle of Britain fly past to get the Veteran’s vote.

  139. CognitiveBurp says:

    I noticed a change at my work recently with soft NO votes turning to YES and hard line NO turning to undecided but leaning to a YES. I have seen two flats in my street take down “No Thanks” poster, and more YES posters go up (5 at the last count)…..I hope more do this!!!!. Has anyone else on here noticed that the “NO” shop in Paisley is never open (especially on a Saturday!!!) while YES is open all the time. Let’s win the day and take the field!!!

  140. Thepnr says:

    Shortest price ever 13/8 by Corals hahaha 5/4 soon.

  141. a2 says:

    £10 voucher towards your next purchase of a Rolls Royce.

  142. Harry McAye says:

    I’m sure that Sky presenter said tonight, “has it been explained to them” or words to that effect. Of course not, how could we thick Jocks think about voting Yes being in full grasp of all the issues.

  143. YESGUY says:


    Sometimes you have to live for the moment. You roar when you score and the games not over. nothing wrong with a wee bit of joy. And it’s infectious too. This gets a few swing voters without even trying.

    It’s far from over but we have fought back from 2-0 down to take a 2-3 lead with 10 minutes to go.

    I’ll calm down tmoz. for now though.

    i’m on my second verse of ” YOUR NOT LAUGHING ANY MORE “”

  144. mike says:

    more powers to be offered? No Thanks! We’ll have them all.

  145. Auld Rock says:

    Dusting off my kilt to go down to the new border and ‘salute the English Border Guards’ in the time accustomed fashion, LOL. Put another way, up yours Milliband.

    Auld Rock

  146. heedtracker says:

    There’s absolutely nothing stopping England, Wales and NI becoming a Guardian/Will Hutton/Gordon Brown federal state next week, so why is the 18th Sept the big change.

  147. Thepnr says:


    I know you will enjoy this. We are on our way buddy!

    link to

  148. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Latest from Oddschecker.


    link to

  149. Tom Foyle says:

    OT but REALLY important. Voting can only be done in pencil, and with the pencils supplied at the polling stations. Any other types of pen or pencil will be treated as null and void ballots. Is this just a scare story, or is there truth to it? Or is it just my wicked family taking the mick? I wouldn’t usually pay any mind to such guff, but this is too important to get wrong!

  150. dadsarmy says:

    @heedtracker – grand! Looking forward to having a life after the 19th, better make it 21st after recovering.

    I gave up on cif, and graun when I found it had a dropping circulation of 7,000 (?) in Scotland, and saw that it was tourists or second homers that were buying it mostly. But every so often when I do a search for something and it comes up as a link, and I’m surprised at how many positive articles it carries.

    I think Scotland is a low priority for it, and if there’s a chance of knocking the tories it’ll go for that even if it has to praise up Scotland. Weird.

    There’s some indy supporters have stuck it our, and it seems mostly that pro-indy posts get the most recommends so that’s good. Unlike the Scotsman where it used to be dominated by pro-indy posters but now is about 50-1 on the upvotes for unionist posts like “eck lies”. Funnily enough it has a good few pro-indy stories, possibly mostly in the SoS which may be pro-indy at heart.

    Sun and Record should be coming out for YES soon I think.

  151. James123 says:

    @Harry McAye

    Check out #skypapers on Twitter, hilarious.

  152. Achnababan says:

    Excellent piece from the Rev. Perceptive and inspired writing about the case for Scottish independence rings my bell much more than a poll could ever do!

    The poll is fantastic but beware the timing and the source. The YES Scotland funded poll still has us behind and I think that is the way the YES HQ might prefer it at this stage.

  153. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Anyone wondering where Danny Alexander has been? please pop over to WOS Twitter feed and check out image posted by Misssy M.

    He had become unusually quiet after calamitous MSM performances, but the BTUKOKers really should’ve put him kennels, muzzled, until Sep 19th.

    Barking Nawbag…

  154. YESGUY says:


    I hear you Alex, just enjoying the moment. 30 minutes ago i was reading racist bile from the Daily Hiel. It’s no easy being a YESSER , we’ve been caste as Nazi’S anti- English thugs.. etc.

    I will calm down by tmoz , promise.

    But for now


    OR ” YOUR GONNNY WIN (blank blank)”
    ” YOUR GONNY WIN (blank blank)”

  155. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    I was removed from Scotland by well intentioned parent’s when I was a boy off seven emigrating to Australia some sixty years ago.
    If Independence is delivered I am coming HOME to lay down on the ground, so I can pay homage with as much of my body as possible embracing the land, my land, SCOTLAND

  156. jethro says:

    Been trying to work out what Ed Miliband is up to. Assuming he hasn’t totally lost the plot, the only thing that makes sense of his border guards nonsense is that he saw where Scotland is going when he was up here the other day, and he is now concentrating his efforts on attracting votes from the rancid right in England for the 2015 general election campaign. As far as the referendum goes, I think that this man, the leader of one of the big Better Together parties, may just have effectively folded. It’s not won yet, but if every one of us works our socks off for the next 2 weeks, the prize is there for the taking.

  157. YESGUY says:


    jackie Ballie singing ????


  158. dadsarmy says:

    If I was going to generalise, but I won’t of course, I’d say YES is happy and has a laugh, and NO is angry and aggresively defensive.

    So all we have to do is keep laughing and joking!

  159. Cadogan Enright says:

    Have to get up early to help man a YES stand at a boot sale from 10 to 2 and then off postering ’til time to go to the pub for the match.

    Hair cut and new shirts to go canvassing every day this week.

    Get out there everyone

    Good night C:

  160. Training Day says:


    I have a written email from the Electoral commission saying pen is valid.

  161. Thepnr says:

    No matter what I may have said earlier I believe the polls are a pile of shite!

    They are only closing the gap because they must so as not to look stupid on the day. Yes is ahead 60/40 they have yet to catch up.

    That doesn’t mean you can sit on your arse though. We have a referendum to win…all of us.

  162. Training Day says:

    And you don’ t get non written emails!

  163. Proud Cybernat says:

    Use pen and pencil (in the same box, of course).

  164. GrahamB says:

    So the panic-stricken unionists are now about to offer a fully thought-out federal solution to the closing gap in the polls? They have always insisted there has been, and will not be, any contingency planning for the event of a YES vote. Either they have flung together their federal proposals on the back of a fag packet or they have been telling lies about contingency planning.
    It doesn’t really matter whether they have been telling lies or they have been forced into coming up with an impromptu (or planned) proposal, the momentum is with YES and it has to be continued until the last possible minute.
    I’ve just returned from holiday in Europe (through independent countries with a shared currency but very distinct identities, except for Sudtirol/Alto Adige which has shared Austrian, Italian and Ladin cultures), frustrated at taking a break from going round the doors at such a crucial time but ready to get back out next week. We need to get sore knickles chapping doors until we can do no more, no complacency until the job is done.
    Slightly O/T can someone tell me definitively when the counts are taking place, heard too many contradictory stories, and when the declaration is scheduled – need to know when to head for George Square for the party!

  165. Auld Rock says:

    Hi Caroline. I believe that we could compete as a temporary measure under the Blue Flag of the UN. Now this is a good thing as any future Scottish involvement outside Scottish shores will be under the ‘Blue flag’ of the UN.

    Auld Rock

  166. If every devolved power is good news for Scotland
    Surely the best news would be to devolve them all

    full Independence lets do it…

  167. YESGUY says:


    Tracy Chapman…. What a singer, left it running in the background , Now theres a song for Scotland.

    I was just thinking if ( see calmed doon) if we win the ref and play England the 18th Nov and they play Flower of Scotland. I’ll greet. We become the song Alex. We rose to make a nation again.

    I am Chuffed to be alive in this time. Chuffed to see my own folk get their confidence back .

    Today is a good day.

    And Tracy Chapman is nice music to while away the wee hours. Thanks bud

  168. Flooplepoop says:

    @Tom Foyle

    You can use a pen

  169. GrahamB says:

    Ian B at 12:39
    Can’t get the Oddschecker link to work – ‘too many redirects’ error.
    What are the bookies now saying, please?

  170. Dcanmore says:

    Personally I think Ed Miliband is totally clueless and his advisers have lost the plot.

  171. Flooplepoop says:

    link to

  172. Bob Sinclair says:

    Tom Foyle
    Guidance on whether or not a vote is void runs to many pages. Using pen will not invalidate the paper.

    The key point is that the ballot paper should show ‘clear intent’. There are numerous legally accepted ways of marking a ballot paper with ‘clear intent’. Believe it or not a 🙂 in the Yes Box and 🙁 in the No Box will be deemed as a clear intent that the voter is saying YES.

    WHATEVER THE GUIDANCE SAYS THOUGH -JUST MARK X IN THE BOX, this will make the counting process run much more smoothly. The count will be a long and arduous night for all involved so stick with the instructions and keep it simple.

  173. Auld Rock says:

    Tom Foyle, Fear not so long as a person has indicated clearly what way they want to vote, it will be counted. Any doubt will be brought to the ‘Agents’ by the Returning Officer and any doubt is agreed or disputed then. From my own experience as a Sub agent for the SNP I’ve found that my Returning Officer is a very pragmatic individual and at recent elections use of pencil, biro or fountain pen has never been a point of contention. Sleep easy Tom.

  174. call me dave says:

    Just heard a wee while ago Edwina say that Cameron is secure and has far more important to do than worry about Scotland.

    Her counterpart politician (sorry never got his name) That the UKOK have 10 days to change our minds if they concentrate on the thinks that we Scots hold dear.

    The NHS ?
    The BBC ??
    The family ties across the border?
    The Queen?

    Oh and new tax raising powers and other goodies!

    Aye right 🙂 FGS we surrender!

  175. I would stick with a pencil because all who are counting might not know about the pen rule

    Or am I wrong

  176. Aye we can says:

    The front pages of the Sunday Times & Sunday Herald fair put a smile on my face tonight! Wonderful to see a poll showing us ahead. Wasn’t sure we’d see one of them before the vote.

    More & more people are coming round to the idea of independence. The unionists have nowhere to turn. Think the pound dropped in value after the last Daily Mail poll, the markets will be getting jittery. There was always the possibility they’d have to agree to a currency union prior to the vote to protect sterling.

    But yeah this is far from won. But we’re on the right track. Re-doubling efforts, building on this momentum will see us home. Let’s do this!

  177. tonymac says:

    Flooplepoop says:

    @Tom Foyle

    You can use a pen

    Volunteers to hand out pens on 18th ?

    voted in too many votes where it’s been pencils

    Are they trying to make me

  178. YESGUY says:

    Dads Army.

    Exactly sir. Positive , hopeful and a smile. YESSERS want you to be their pals.

    Unionist Grumpy NAWBAG, liar, ex MP (coming soon) slightly delusional , party pooper.

    Ian Brotherhood.

    That betting site is pretty much spot on on most things. I know a few folk who check that sight and swear by it’s accuracy . I canny believe the prices of YES. They are gonna be hammered. If this was the races the BT horse would have the vet visiting with a hand gun.

    Come on YESSERS final straight sprint for your lives.

  179. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Sorry mister. Have refreshed the link and tried copying again…see below.

    Basically, most are now offering 2/1 on straight win, but a good few are even tighter. Also, as highlighted by Thepnr earlier, Ladbrokes have removed any ‘specials’ – they’re not offering odds on 55%+ Yes.

    link to

  180. @ Dcanmore where is that castle in your avatar

  181. Colin says:

    If they are offering devo max, we might as well take independence.

  182. Thepnr says:


    Yer posts always make me smile. You are so positive always and I love that.

    Let’s work these last few days to get across the finish line. This has been posted more than once but if you have not seen it, I’m sure you’ll greet!

    link to

  183. JWil says:

    Just heard a report on the news that Labour are denying that Ed said he would put guards on the border (ref The Mail on Sunday front page).

    Does this retraction mean that they have just realised it was not a wise thing to say?

    It could also suggest that The Mail are stirring it up to get a YES vote for the benefit of the Tory party. Cameron is dispensable, but having the Tories in power in perpetuity, to change the face of England, may be something worth having for the proprietors of The Mail.

  184. call me dave says:

    Lashings of jam and squealing pigs in pokes in the papers tomorrow and by the NO campaign.

    At least we are even with a few days to go.

  185. Robert Peffers says:

    @muttley79 says: 6 September, 2014 at 10:44 pm:

    “This so called offer by Westminster has come when some voters in Scotland have already sent away their bHow callot papers.”

    Oh! Jings! And here’s me jist sent aff ma postal vote and Ah marked it wi a kiss in the box. What kin Ah dae aboot it noo?

    Aye! Richt!

    There has never been a time during my entire life that Westminster has not treated we Scots as utterly stupid.

    Westminster must be treated like the Kelty Clippie treated her passengers, “Come oan, get aff”. And the sooner they tak theresels aff the better Ah’ll be pleased.

  186. Dcanmore says:

    @William Taylor …

    It’s Caerlaverock in Dumfriesshire.

  187. Baheid says:

    I put some money on a 55%+ win at 5/1 lunchtime yesterday, l looked at the odds at about 11pm yesterday and the bet and odds had been removed.

    I don’t think any bookies are giving odds on the win by over 55%.

    The best odds l have had was 5/1 for straight Yes vote, the best odds are less than 2/1.

    The odds have been falling daily for the past several days.

  188. Stevie boy says:

    Come on the great people of Scotland keep it going.

    I think most of us are sceptical about vote fiddling or dirty tricks being played so if we keep pushing then the result will not be able to be affected in any way.

    I managed to convince another Undecided voter tonight over to Yes. EVERY single vote will count and as we keep saying when someone is convinced of voting Yes they don’t change their mind unlike the other side.

    We’ve all worked so hard.. another hard 11 days won’t kill us.

    Think of the party at the finish line!!!

  189. Baheid says:

    Edit: the best odds NOW are less than 2/1

  190. Bob Sinclair says:

    From the BBC Website:

    ‘The Yes campaign also plans to send out 675,000 letters from engineering tycoon Jim McColl, who recently stepped in to save Ferguson Shipbuilders on the Clyde, urging undecided voters to support independence.

    Mr Darling described the planned letter as “rank hypocrisy”, arguing that Mr McColl was not based in Scotland.’

    That second paragraph actually IS RANK HYPOCRISY from Alisdair Darling.

  191. Thepnr says:

    Ah Stevie boy, I think of nothing else other than “the party”. It will be a biggie.

  192. Auld Rock says:

    William Taylor, where there is doubt Returning Officer has to present to the election Agents/Sub Agents for approval. As I’ve said above so long as there is clear intent of way of vote, my Returning Officer goes with intent. It is then up to Agents to agree/disagree with him/her.

    Auld Rock

  193. thanks Dcanmore

    Interesting if some politicians might now swing to yes knowing they might end up voted out in any election from here on in..

  194. Bitter Together hit new low

    Just seen it on Disney channel that Buzz Lightyear will only come with one leg if your dad votes yes

  195. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    The Stanley Odd link you provided above was preceded by a long (over 2 mins) ad for something called ‘Indyrendum’, claiming to provide impartial info.

    Haven’t yet checked it out, but thought you might like to know…not sure if I can stay up much longer to do any meaningful ‘research’ (!).

    Hoots mon – we’re on the way.

  196. Dormant says:

    If we accept an offer of maximum Devo-max, what is left for Westminster to do?

    – Defence: Trident, no coastal patrol boats, loads of tanks.
    – Foreign policy: sook-erse to the USA, illegal wars, annoy Europe.

    Ayr, right.

  197. Stevie boy says:


    Yep a biggie all across Scotland. I’m planning a 3 day bender starting 10pm on the 18th.

    As Billy Connolly said in An Audience With Billy Connolly, get a carry out bag of booze and go out listening for a party.. I don’t think we will need to walk far to find one lol.

    Will anyone actually be in work on Friday if (when) Yes prevails? 🙂

  198. Colin says:

    I’m watching the repeat of the papers review on Sky.
    I have to say I have not seen three more ill informed people in a long time, supposedly the Queen is worried about a Yes vote because she is the head of the Church of Scotland.

  199. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr et al –

    Please ignore my last.

    I can’t locate the ad I referred to – until I do, no sense anyone else trying to find it. Must’ve spelled the name wrongly…

  200. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Not for me Ian, it’s only you that MI5 are fucking with LOL.

  201. John Prescott is to be rolled in by better together

    The gift that keeps on giving

  202. Stevie boy says:

    SKY news..

    Asking if a country who have almost invented the whole modern world ‘know’ what their voting for.

    You patronising b’stards!!!

    Luckily I don’t have SKY but if I did I wouldn’t have much longer!

  203. Andy smith says:

    The BT campaign reminds me of the phone/gas/electricity providers,who,when you decide to switch to a new supplier promise you the earth.Then when you later complain that the new terms they’ve given you aren’t the same ones promised,they tell you that you should’ve read the small print.

  204. Stevie boy says:

    Re Ed Miliband’s English guards..

    If they are anything like the dancing guards at Buckingham Palace then get your camera’s ready folks..

  205. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Found it.

    It was a typo on my part – the outfit is called ‘Inforendum’. As yet, none of their Youtube efforts has had more than a few hundred views, but they’re well produced and must’ve cost a bob or two…

    I’ve linked to Part Three. The previous two are narrated by a kindly-sounding Scottish man, but end with veiled warnings to those pondering a Yes vote.

    Part Three shifts into different territory, and the tone is different – you don’t have to watch the whole thing to get the message. First minute, last minute…pretty obvious.

    But – who are these people? Who are the organisations whose logos appear at the very end?

    Interesting stuff methinks…

    link to

  206. Onwards says:

    I just made a weeks salary donation to the YES campaign.


    This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    It’s actually possible now – we have the momentum !!

    How good will it feel to wake up the morning after and know that we actually did it..
    Joined the world as a normal country that governs itself..

    Too late for feeble promises of more devolution now..

    We will feel like a nation of pussies if we bottle it – No thanks to that..

    It’s finally happening !!

  207. R-type Grunt says:

    I’d really appreciate it if someone could explain to me how it’s legal to change the terms after voting has begun. Surely it must break rules?

  208. Betsy says:

    Can anyone who hasn’t been canvassed yet, please take a minute to complete the Yes Scotland online canvass link to

    With less than two weeks left to go, it’s vital that the campaign can identify Yes voters and use what little time we have left to canvass the undecided voters.

  209. Auld Rock says:

    Hi Folks, just got quietly pissed but not enough to make me incapable tomorrow but it was nice to have a few drams and watch the tide coming-in, in our favour. But I always knew it would as I never believed for one minute all those supposed expert ‘polling organisations’ especially as I know just how easy it is to skew polls to favour your point of view. I’m going to enjoy there facile explanations on the 19th. Also when pollsters get it so wrong it tends to severely dent their competence and companies start placing polling contracts elsewhere, ah, poor old share holders. LOL.

    Auld Rock

  210. thoughtsofascot says:

    I think we are going to win. The poll merely reflects that.

    However,(and this is a big however) we need to get at least 60%+ and decisively beat NoThanksUBitterTogetherKOK otherwise they will not accept defeat, as rabid and bitter as the leadership is.

    There is no time for complacency.

  211. Stevie boy says:

    Yes to get 55% or more of the vote is 4/1 with bet365!

    Get on quick!

    I’ve been placing various bets for weeks as I knew from canvassing / social media etc if was much closer than the bookies had it. Plus I knew the polls were way off, and still are!!

    My local food bank will get a few quid from me.

  212. Patrician says:

    51-49, c’mon people, let’s not just squeak over the line, let’s go roaring over that line. Keep working hard.

  213. Stevie boy says:

    This is a historic time for us all.

    I think I finally realise why I have been put on this earth 🙂

  214. Sandra Wilson says:

    This is great news. Let us remember that we have taken on the British establishment, masters of subversion and duplicity. This is not over yet.

  215. Faltdubh says:

    Absolutely fantastic to see us ahead in YG and closing in with Panelbase.

    We need to keep our heids up though. I don’t think for a minute there will be, but nae complanacy – keep on running (using that lovely photo of Leo the Lion chasing John Bull on the 400 metres dash).

    We’re in the home straight now.

    Keep pounding the streets, wearing your Yes badge, working on your undecied/soft nos – sending them those pdfs, files, sharing links – just everything we’ve been doing and this WILL win it for us.

    Westminister are now acting like someone’s who tanked 8 pints and 2 bottles of wine, stuttering, stumbling and fumbling around the house trying to find the lightswitch (with these proposed new offers/discussions).

    We all remember 1979, well I dinnae as I wasnae born then, but I have read and seen all about it. The same will happen! We’ll be promised the world yet returned not a jot of it fae Westminister.
    What was it back then? The Lion was feart with a ball of apathy stuck to him.

    Well in the words of our great Historian Tom Devine when asked how the Lion is today,

    “It’s rampant”

    Let’s go do this!

  216. Colin says:

    I think this poll shifting to Yes is all down to me,

    On Friday I wanted to put a bet on a Yes vote to win, but I have never been in a bookies in my life and I have no idea how to place a bet or what all that 5/8 odd thing is all about.

    My brother in law on the other hand is a seasoned gambler and puts a football bet on every week and knows all about the inner workings of the bookies shop.

    So I called him up for advice and he says “leave it until Monday and I’ll come round on Sunday and show you what to do” ace I thought, not wanting to look a numpty in the bookies.

    Then what happens, the Yes vote goes ahead in the polls and the betting odds for a Yes win plummet.

    Typical, So if the no thanks mob want someone to blame, and I hear they are already blaming one another, then they can blame me, I take full responsibility.

  217. Macassynt says:

    This is wonderful. For the first time in my life a majority have expressed preference for independence. We will never look back!

  218. boris says:

    Ed Miliband is threatening Scot’s with border controls in the event of a, “Yes” vote in the referendum. What a plonker. I compiled a wee reply to Ed.

    link to

  219. KraftyKris says:

    Edit: “if the don’t”=”if they don’t”

    Keep up the good work!

  220. Ken500 says:

    Peace at last

    A lifetime dream is coming true.

    Thank you, everyone. A million thank youses to Stu. Nothing can ever repay, the gratitude to Stu.

  221. macart763m says:

    No Rev, I really don’t think we’ll be fooled this time. This time it’ll be down to hope and fear. With the rare exception obviously, I’d say that everyone is perfectly aware of how mendacious Westminster and its politics are. That it simply cannot be trusted in any way shape or form. This’ll be down to how much fear and uncertainty they’ve instilled in the public and how much hope and courage the electorate have to face the future.

  222. boris says:

    They have actually done it. MP’s elected to Parliament 2015 will start with a 9% pay award

    link to

  223. Ken500 says:

    Blair & Brown for the Hague.

    Hague, Murdoch for the jail, along with tbe rest of the Westminster crooks and the Met Police.

    They think, they are above the Law. The murdering, cheating greedy liars.

    Where’s the Chilcott verdict?

  224. macart763m says:

    James Whale and Anne Diamond ‘doing the papers’ on SKY news.

    Oh dang! In depth and probing it wasn’t. Oh the uncertainty, we don’t know, we just don’t know?!?! How can people make such an important decision when they just don’t know?

    Good old Whale doing his captain controversy bit and coming over like a cross between Paxman and Clarkson – ‘will we be expected to bail them out…’.

    OFFS, they are so clueless. 😀 LOL

    It appears the media are taking things a little more seriously this morning. Or rather they’ve woken up to the fact that the unthinkable may be about to happen. 😀

  225. john king says:

    Thepnr says
    “Take it easy folks, be cool. This was always going to happen.”

    Im with you on that one, this is not the time to run around with our shirts over our heads while the opposition sneak an goal in the final minute, eyes on the ball guys.

    @Fred Blogger
    I take it thats Pilar Pauls got his arm round in the opening sequence?

    Cathrine Stihler @ 05.45 this morning on BBC Europe politics programme,
    ” I wrote to all the member states and Croatia says “there can be no shorcuts when it comes to EU membership “and I welcome that”

    Please someone tell me these idiots comments are being filed for future use, these people cannot just be allowed to dissapear back under the skirting boards like cockroaches as soon as the light is turned on them!

    Andrew Morton says
    “Could it be that they have massaged the figures to show a high Yes vote in order to galvanise the Nos and soothe the Yesses?”

    That possibility had crossed my mind as well Andrew.

    Heedtracker @ 12.12

    The Guardian says
    “Absurdly, there will be two countries on the same small island”

    Unlike before the act of union when only England existed on this small Island,
    and of course sharing an island would be ridiculous
    link to

    James123 says
    “No supporters too afraid to afraid to put stickers on their windows in case they smashed in.”

    You could imagine SKY are on our side, pesuading people not to express their support for fear of reprisals (of which I know of not one recoreded incedent)seems like they are suppressing the no vote.

    James Dow A voice from the diaspora
    RESPECT! 🙂

    Proud Cybernat says
    “Use pen and pencil (in the same box, of course).”

    DONT DO THAT WHATEVER YOU DO,I think they’ll use ANY excuse to call that a spoiled paper and discount it, just do what you would normally do at any election and just use the pencil leaning heavily so they cant rub it out as the impression left will be a dead givaway.

    YESGUY says
    “I am Chuffed to be alive in this time”

    What? like this you mean?
    link to

    Stevie boy says
    “Will anyone actually be in work on Friday if (when) Yes prevails?”

    I know one man who certainly wont be at work, ME! I booked a weeks holiday for after the ref. 🙂

    r-type grunt says
    “I’d really appreciate it if someone could explain to me how it’s legal to change the terms after voting has begun. Surely it must break rules?”

    I’d have to agree with you there Bu– I mean r-type. 🙂

  226. mr thms says:

    # Boris

    With all the Scottish MPs excluded because Scotland will be independent, the remaining MPs pay increase from next year is equivalent to taking the Scottish MPs salaries and sharing it amongst the remaining MPs.

  227. X_Sticks says:

    Off to Alford to mand the YesMobile for the day.

    Looking forward to it.

    Going to be quite a day I think.

    The two pillars of the establishment have just been well and truly shaken.

    Now to bring them down.

    Keep on keeping on people. We can, we should, we must win this.

  228. Clootie says:

    I’ve just been sent an email with the heading “latest apple product”

    When I opened it, it was a photograph of a polling booth with Aye Pod written across it 😀

  229. Mealer says:

    There are thousands of people who have the guts to stick their head up and put a Yes sign in their window,but who have done little or nothing else in this campaign.We need to knock on their doors and ask for their help.I spent yesterday afternoon doing this and the response was fantastic.Theyre just sitting there waiting to be activated.

  230. davidb says:


    9% payrise!

    Wee Dougie’s omly gonny get it wan year then – if the electors of Paisley keep him. He’ll no like that.

  231. Grouse Beater says:

    Indi Scot: They cannot put more on the table now that people have voted. That would make a mockery of the referendum.

    An excellent point – they panic and make policies up as they go along negating the ones they made before and undermining votes already cast.

    What all this proves, and the idiot commentators such as James Whale, and the twitterati who rush to ill-informed judgment, is how little the English parliament cares about Scotland.

    I used have this argument with Scottish Anglophiles and always got derided. But now, day after day, Westminster proves all it cares about is keeping Scotland’s wealth and its soldiers.

    It has absolutely no intention of creating equal societies that enjoy full democracy.

  232. macart763m says:

    @Grouse Beater

    Oh jeez Grouse, its slapstick comedy out there in sofa land this morning. They’re only just asking question and throwing about scenarios we’ve been discussing seriously for the past three years and of course pre referendum discussed for decades.

    They really do live in their own little bubble. Remarkable.

  233. davidb says:


    WBB says that only once has Scotland’s votes made any difference to who won in England in years. That comment about the DM thinking Tories will rule in England is therefore tosh. The war criminal would have been elected without us.

    Read the book. Its linked to above. 30 minutes that will open your eyes.

  234. ronnie anderson says:

    Westminster failure in Government brings its own Rewards,

    a 10% increase in troughfers salaries,when are the English

    People going to waken up.

  235. galamcennalath says:

    As lots of folks above have pointed out we have not won, yet,

    A lot of work to be done over the next 10 days. And, the cornered BT beast is going to become very dangerous.

  236. Grouse Beater says:

    Macart: They really do live in their own little bubble. Remarkable.

    Good morning, my friend. I couldn’t sleep for smiling!

    Does JK Rowling know more people are reading the Wee Blue Book than any Harry Snotter?

  237. Ken500 says:

    The bookie will only accept small bets. Have been trying for weeks to out on larger bet for the food banks. Online doesn’t work either, It will not go through.

    That £80,000 Bet is a total lie. The Bookies would not have accepted it. A publicity stunt.

  238. Ken500 says:

    The bookie will only accept small bets Some people ave been trying for weeks to out on larger bet for the food banks. Online doesn’t work either, It will not go through.

    That £80,000 Bet is a total lie. The Bookies would not have accepted it. A publicity stunt.

  239. Ken500 says:


  240. frazer allan whyte says:


    You are absolutely right and the higher the yes vote the stronger the Scottish delegation in the post referendum negotiations.Every Yes vote makes Scotland stronger even after the day.There is no such thing as a wasted vote here.

    The country I currently live in has as a slogan regarding its own independence struggle “Sovreignty is not given – it is taken.” That Scotland can take back its sovreignty without shedding blood – merely by stating its decided will on a particular day in September – is an incredible opportunity.

  241. macart763m says:

    @Grouse Beater

    Same here. I’ve been posting on and off on various sites since silly o’clock.

    No time for let up we have to keep talking, keep encouraging, keep pushing. One poll is good, but the poll on the 18th is still the one that counts. 😉

  242. Grouse Beater says:

    Oh, yes, regaining our pride and nationhood is a doddle compared to what we have to do come the 19th of September.

    Then again, we will be free to do it.

  243. On the 19th this campaign should keep on going but this time it should be NOT paying the BBC Licence fee.

  244. Tam Jardine says:

    Wow – nae chance of getting complacent on the Wings site!

    I will watch Scotland play Germany the night and should we win I will try and control myself! I think anything other than a drubbing will have a positive effect – and a drubbing can be shaken off as being just fitba. All good.

    Just watched a few minutes of BBC England – man, are they shiting themselves. And going over the top with the margin of error stuff – something never once mentioned before by the unionist media. They have to find some little angle to play – a crumb if comfort.

    The mood in the studio would hardly have been more somber if westminster had declared war.


    I love your contributions to this site – get in there with the head down… you’re like Wings’ cornerman and we’re in the 12th round. Except you’re wading in with a haymaker! Glad your on our side. The same is true of so many here…

    Have a great Sunday team

  245. Tamson says:

    This is a YouGov poll, folks. Remember, Kellner is a publicity whore. If it were true, all the other pollsters would be showing similar swings. Nothing to celebrate IMO.

  246. Just watched BBC News and can’t believe that clown Anas Sarwar. He stole Tommy Sheridans punchline ”its squeaky bum time”.

  247. Tam Jardine says:

    I posted this late on on a previous thread – as Miliband is raising the spectre of border posts I thought it worth reposting:

    Excluding the large cost to both countries in transaction fees and other assorted costs (down time for lorry drivers, businessmen etc queuing while their passports are checked, what does setting up a border cost? Or running it?

    Let’s take the scare stories at face value and imagine a perimeter fence with border posts like USA – Mexico border. Of course, we may not be talking about quite the same level of security but we are neither talking about hundreds of miles of near worthless desert with infrequent crossings.

    The USA Mexico border is 1954 miles long. Our own border with England is 96 miles long.The USA recently upgraded it to be a proper steel and concrete fence border along about a third of it complete with infrared cameras, radar and swat teams at a cost of $2.8 – $3.5 million per mile depending on whose figured you trust. So let’s call that $300 million or £185 million for 96 miles.

    A quick Google check and I found the USA spent $11.7 billion operating the border in 2012. Boil that down for our measly stretch and you have £350 million per year running costs over and above the initial spend.
    This excludes the cost of patrolling the North Sea and Irish Sea/Solway Firth by border patrol vessels.It strikes me that the lyrics to that absurd BT tune were spot on: “Why build another wall?” Indeed.

    My wildly speculative back-of-fag-packet figures are the least one could expect of these politicians when they threaten to build a physical border to control immigration between 2 friendly neighbouring countries.

    Apologies to anyone who has covered this angle already. I am not Stu – i think he may have given this the treatment a few months ago.

  248. gerry parker says:

    The 19th only gives the answer to the question posed.

    It dosen’t give us independence.

    Don’t want to rain on anyones parade because of a poll result, but in my humble opinion we have another year and a half to get the confidence of the people of Scotland up to a level where everyone in Scotland, including the naysayers will be saying.

    “Yes, lets make a go of this”.

    We might even get Grahamski of Falkirk onboard, at least “in principle”.

    Then on Independence day we can Celebrate.

  249. bluedog says:

    So, what’s ahead?

    No NATO, no EU, no Pound, possibly no monarchy.


  250. JLT says:

    Patronising ignorant soan-soas. Just watching SKY news at8.50am. Anne Diamond a 3 others newsreporters. ‘how can they use Sterling?’, ‘what happens to the BBC?’, ‘what happens to the NHS?’, ‘What happens to visas?’. .

    Anne Diamond : ‘how can you vote on something which you cannot have answers’ and the look on her face is one of smug sarcasm . In other words, the Scots are just stupid.

    they call themselves reporters. They’re children. Pure ignorant of what is going on. They should be ashamed to call themselves reporters.

  251. Mosstrooper says:

    No “bluedog”….. delight unbounded

  252. Ken500 says:

    No bluedog

  253. Cal says:

    O/T. Sorry, but I’ve done it. I’ve finally worked out how to put things online so I can share them! Here’s my info pack for Chinese speakers. Hope it works. Print it out share it far and wide.

    link to

  254. Muscleguy says:


    The Polynesians had many more ways of telling if land was over the horizon. No need to have your own doves. Just watch what direction seabirds fly from in the morning and if they return in the evening follow them. Look for clouds on the horizon* that don’t move (captured by mountain tops), look for leaves in the water with sea plants like kelp that need a rocky shore and where they are drifting from and others.

    They found every single scrap of even possibly habitable land in an ocean that covers 1/3 of the planet’s surface. Oh and they also ‘discovered’ America, from the West.

    *Aotearoa (New Zealand) means ‘Land of the long white cloud’.

    Think of undecided and soft No voters as islands in a sea. We need to be like the Polynesians and find them all between now and polling day and put information and wee blue books in their minds and hands.

    Because we don’t just need to win, we need to win well to forestall legal challenges, temptations by the Lords to meddle and constant carping by the Noes. 51%-49% is not enough. More canvassing needed. More stalls need to be manned. The time is now.

  255. ronnie anderson says:

    @Bluedog 8.54.Awe Bliss look at all the membership fees we can save on, you see every cloud has a Silverlineing.

  256. ronnie anderson says:

    A.we slap ma wrists am replying to Trolls.

  257. Vambomarbeleye says:

    Remember folks. It isn’t over until jackie sings. Got to keep going till we are over the line.
    Vote yes and get it all.

  258. davidb says:

    @ bluedog

    It will take you about half an hour to read WBB. Go do your homework.

    Anyway in this broad church of people you will find some who view any permutation of your list a good idea. So maybe you are just thinking positively.

  259. Ken500 says:

    HaHa Osbourne. Leaving Osbourne the liar. A failure. What a loser.

    Protect NHS/Education – privatising the lot. Reduce the debt – debt increasing.

    Cricks Marr ‘We’ as in ‘We people in Scotland’. Marr breaks ranks?

    The Tories who secretly robbed Scotland and lied. More robbery on Scotland. More illegal wars, tax raids on Scottish business ie tax raid on Oil sector to 90%. Lost Scotland £4Billion a year since 2011 – Osbourne/Alexander. Osbourne is a liar.

    Vote YES

  260. Roughian says:

    How dare Andrew Marr compare YES Campaign to IS. Gideon didn’t correct him, as if he would.

  261. Ken500 says:

    Osbourne/Cameron created ISIS have been funding and supporting them for over two years., with £Millions of public money. Pay the ransom dummies

    Cameron and Osbourne are lying fools, wasting £Billions of public money.

    Long term economic plan is in tatters. Imagine helicopters falling from the sky in the City of London because of lack of health and safety issues. Private equity companies getting away with murder. Sanctioning people who are walking to food banks.

  262. Edward says:

    Slightly O/T – Sunday Post’s Andrew Picken claiming on Twitter that they have found BT patronising lady and that she is a qualified vet living in London! (so cant even vote in the referendum)
    link to

  263. Quentin Quale says:

    As if any proof was needed as to just how out of touch (and in denial) Osborne is, he has just said BT is putting forward ‘a very positive vision of Scotland’ and Alicsammin ‘wants to turn it into a protest vote about Westminster’.
    Oh and of course we ‘would not be sharing the pound’ and ‘currency union is not gonna happen’ (Andrew Marr show). Is that the same as not USING the pound? It also seems that in his waffle about ‘more powers’ to be announced he has forgotten just who removed the extra powers question from the referendum paper.

  264. Quinie frae Angus says:

    I am so excited, and nervous, and incredulous at the woefully ignorant guff being spouted by the media on this. They are so caught out. They are so behind the curve. They are making fools of themselves right in front of a much-better-informed Scottish audience, and yet they do not even see this! They do not even realise that they are chalking up the “Yes” votes as they speak! There will be many Scots viewers waking up to this this morning and feeling insulted.

    Those of us who’ve been here watching the twists and turns over the past few years can only look on, and…..well, LAUGH!

    Thepnr and others are right though: we can’t be complacent. Got to work as hard as we can! I’ve lost count now of the number of “unconvinced” I’ve managed to convince through the powers of the Wee Blue Book, aided of course by the No campaign’s meltdown.

    Am off to order some more WBBs from the Rev’s “Clear-Out” section.

    Sooooooooooo excited!!

  265. thomas says:

    Marr`s show is a riot.

    osbourne “better together have produced a really positive case for scotland remaining in the union”

    What planet are these people on?

    Words fail me ! Our noble chancellor and baron really must keep taking his medication.

  266. Mike says:

    Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me fool me for a third time and you make me look a real twat.
    How many times have the polling companies played this game in Scotland? 2007 2011 and now again in 2014.
    The massive change in fortunes just weeks before the event? The massive surge in support from one group to the other over a period of a month?
    Are the people of Scotland really this fickle or are the polling companies really this easy to manipulate and control? You decide.
    The Yes vote has been ahead for months if not for at least a Year. The final result will see Yes in excess of 65 to possibly well over 70% because the support has been this strong for quite a while now.
    The only worry I have is an attempt to rig the poll.
    Its a real worry because these people are very desperate and they have form.

  267. Grouse Beater says:

    How dare Andrew Marr compare YES Campaign to IS.

    Don’t be too hard on him. He’s only half the man he once was, half the body, and half the Scot.

  268. Mike says:

    Come on folks our own ground surveys have been telling us the support is in the high 60s nearly everywhere and they have been for some time.

  269. Ken500 says:

    Dream do come true. Butterflies. The relief.

    Thanks Stu and Alex & Co. Thanks to everyone for what they have done. Right does triumph over might. To the next hurdle.

  270. kendomacaroonbar says:


    Last few days of Friends of Wings indiegogo promo material. Each perk will include a WBB for targeting of any undecided colleague or friend. Pls support if you can. Thank You

    link to

  271. Scotsbob says:

    Mike I’m taking my own pen to the poll and making sure the cross doesn’t overlap the edges of the box

  272. Ken500 says:

    Off for more campaigning


  273. Mike says:


    No UK. The UK ends with the end of Parliamentary Union. So if Scotland is out of NATO the EU & cant have the monarchy then neither can whats left of the UK either as they will be in exactly the same boat.
    In reality of course these treaties and the monarchy belong to us all not just Little right wing NeoCon Engarlandershire and they will continue without disruption. Its this level of ignorant garbage which lost you the case to keep the union so feel free to share your ignorance further.

  274. HandandShrimp says:

    I started listening to Crossfire but it was pointless. Pam Smith has given up on reviewing stories in the paper and is simply in rant mode, everything from pathetic old tropes about the SNP letting Thatcher in in 79 to trotting out George Dearie style random “Better Togethers”. It quickly became apparent that we weren’t going to get a review of the actual content so I switched off. God she sounded rattled and angry. It was more like an enraged Labour Party Political broadcast than a chat about the papers over morning coffee.

    That said, I haven’t really enjoyed Crossfire. I miss the old Headlines show it was a lot better than this.

  275. Marcia says:

    The late Michael Winner would have said, ‘calm down dears it is only a poll’. Keep going people. Keep campaigning.

  276. Wee Alex says:

    BBC online headlining that Osbourne to announce action plan on new powers. Has he never heard of Purdah?

    House of Commons ruling – “it is customary for Ministers to observe discretion in initiating any new action of a continuing or long-term character. Decisions on matters of policy on which a new Government might be expected to want the opportunity to take a different view from the present Government should be postponed”.

    Labour, Tory and Libs have already announced the limited powers on offer if it’s NO. It’s been rejected out of hand. Labours offering was the weakest of the lot but GB (Gordie Broon) now to insist Westminster look at options

    So they were only kidding when they made their announcements on Devo, they intended Plan B all along!!!

    They have no shame.

  277. Brian says:

    English Politicians do not want to be paid a “miserly”
    No thoughts for the poor people of Glasgow living in
    misery, dependent on food banks
    It is now more essential to increase the Yes Vote during
    the next ten days
    Forget about Federalism….It means nothing

  278. gerry parker says:

    Steady Grousebeater, I’m only half Scottish myself.

    Luckily, it’s the better half.


  279. heedtracker says:

    Didnt watch Marr kiss Osborne ring but did they discuss this new new new Federal UK convention Brown plan? Im going to go with no they did not. Dont get fooled again Scotland.

    Mind Osborne weeping at St Thatch send off? She promised Scotland exact same devo too and we got nothing.

  280. R-type Grunt says:

    Those of us who are out chapping doors suspect that Yes is considerably higher than 51%. This is a fig leaf and an olive branch. I suspect the intention is to create an illusion that they are now listening, in the hope that we’re going to not risk going to the wire & accepting the “enhanced powers”. It might just work too as the only real enemy Scots have ever faced is apathy.

  281. Marcia says:

    An overlooked poll of Scotland’s Mums.

    link to

  282. Paula Rose says:

    No wee blue books left to hand out in Brechin so we’ve got people printing them out at home and bringing them to the Yes shop!

  283. Quentin Quale says:

    (Paula, would Brechin like hard copies of WBB? Could deliver to Yes shop tomorrow.)

  284. Minty says:

    That Mumsnet pool is very interesting indeed. The breakdown on female voting in the YouGov also shows females leaning more towards Yes. BT’s pursuit of undecided females seems to have been in vain. Or maybe their ‘strategy’ was a bit problematic…

  285. Paula Rose says:

    Would indeed Quentin honey, I’ll be in the shop from ten xx

  286. Paula Rose says:

    Of course I should have added that hard ones do have a better effect.

  287. Grouse Beater says:

    Gerry parker: Steady Grousebeater, I’m only half Scottish myself.

    And I am half-Sicilian. Capiche?

    The Dancing Guard and Liberty grousebeater.wordpress

  288. heedtracker says:

    The mumsnet poll just shows how far from reality that bettertogether ad really is. More real world stuff, Osborne fights for City bonuses in the EU

    link to

  289. McHaggis says:

    I just hope and pray the No campaign takes aim at both feet and fire with *any* new offer of additional powers. That will not sit well with a nation that has already begun to vote and will simply be seen as panic and desperation.

  290. Midgehunter says:

    Here in Germany, Scotland and the 51% are the talk of the town. It was too late for the print editions but on the net it’s BIG news. Will see what the TV brings later on. 🙂

    There’s been lots of articles all week but nothing like this. Cameron and BT are not looking very good here. Maybe it’s payback time for the arrogance of Westminster.

  291. gerry parker says:

    Grouse Beater.

    Beat dem Grousers m’friend.


  292. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:


    Wise words indeed.

    We win this on the ground or we do not win this at all. On the doorsteps and in the streets. Friends, family and work colleagues need to see with their own eyes and hear just how positive and committed the Yes campaign are to making a better scotland.

    This is the time to show support in any way you can. This is the time to wear the badges, put up the posters and stickers. This is the time to talk to those you know who still haven’t made their minds up and persuade those who are persuadable. This is the time to help out at a Yes shop or with leafleting and canvassing if you can.

    In 11 very short days there will be no time left. Don’t leave it till it is too late and always regret not helping out the Yes campaign even in a small way.

    With the westminster parties and media panicking, and certain to lie about jam tomorrow, while trying to scare and frighten the scottish public into submission, the time to help win this for scotland is right now.

  293. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Power to the people of Scotland. Far right attack again on Scottish democracy in action, with booze producers failing to block Holyrood minimum unit price in Holyrood, so they take our pretendy parliament to court.

    Conservative headline policy, minimum unit price for England, what happened in Westminster?

    link to

  294. Clootie says:

    New Powers – Only the Commons AND the Lords can do so.Therefore the first kick into the long grass will be post 2015 General Election

    We don’t even know what powers they would be. However we can be clear that they will all be SPENDING powers NONE will be INCOME.

    Even if granted the powers will be an illusion. We will have control to take money from one budget and move it to another. Each cut in the Scottish budget will lead to more rebalancing.
    Then we will raise TAX to protect vital core services.The Pocket money will be cut again….
    The spiral will continue and all the time you will hear – “you have full control, these are all devolved powers”

    You have just seen it used within the NHS debate.
    The NHS in Scotland has always been Independent but the budget is a percentage of the Scottish Budget (Westminster granted pocket money). When the pocket money is cut and you chose to protect the NHS then you have to make savings elsewhere – the books must balance every year (unlike the UK or any other Independent nation who can borrow).

    If you take £50Million out of the pocket money to lessen the impact of the Bedroom Tax then another budget(s) has to be cut.

    The mantra from Scottish Labour is to shout “You have full control over the NHS” / You can mitigate against the Bedroom Tax” THEN they Highlight the budgets that have been cut. They play politics instead of challenging at Westminster. They play politics instead of looking after the people of Scotland.

    The YES campaign objectives of a fairer Scotland cannot ever be achieved under anything other than full independence.
    Never, never forget that power devolved is power retained.

    They additional powers I have looked at actually make the situation much worse in Scotland and they do so very quickly.

    The powers in the Scotland Act and the promised additional powers are no more than an illusion – A dog on a flexi lead, is still on a lead, and goes whereever the master choses.

  295. Ken500 says:

    Osbourne/Alexander the crooks who illegally raised tax on Scottish Oil sector to up to 90%. Just because they could. Losing Scotland £4Billion a year since 2011. While illegally condoning tax evasion through City of London of £Billions and selling out British business/assets to line their associates pockets with £Billion of public money, so the crooks in Westminster will benefit.

  296. ronnie anderson says:

    Murnaghan on Sky Tv, whats the point of Tweeting the proggramme, the Interview was recorded yesterday Glunking Fist deosent do Questions from the Scottish Public.

  297. Boorach says:


    Can someone point me to the poster advising people not to vote until they have read the WBB please.

  298. Ken500 says:

    The Bookies are allowing large bets in the rest of the UK but are illegally discriminating against the punters in Scotland by refusing to take their bets. Illegal under EU Law.

  299. John H. says:

    Gordon Brown on Sky News now.Vote No and get something better.Where have we heard that before.Labour voters are shifting to Yes as a protest.

    Paula Rose, I haven’t been able to see your posts for the last few days.

  300. Quentin Quale says:

    boorach –
    link to

    printable pdf about half way down

  301. Marcia says:


    Very good.

    The Rev should nick your last paragraph;
    ‘The powers in the Scotland Act and the promised additional powers are no more than an illusion – A dog on a flexi lead, is still on a lead, and goes where ever the master choses’.

  302. Paula Rose says:

    @ John H. Some of them are X rated, maybe you’re not old enough?

  303. John H. says:

    @Paula Rose.I suspect I’m old enough to be your daddy. 🙂

  304. EdinScot says:

    Took possession of WBB’s from Chris Cairns yesterday (was good to meet you). Was straight out putting them through the undecideds doors in north Edinburgh. And will be dropping them through doors again today on this the second last weekend before our referendum! Attack Attack Attack! Thats my plan. All the way to the 18th. I dont trust the unionist establishment one bit. So i take nothing at face value and as for murdoch, we’ve done it without his help and sure dont need his rag the sun stealing the limelight at the end. This will be a peoples victory againts all odds.

    Lets drive this thing over the line and take our independence and make that lot on sky, ebc and the unionist politicos choke on their weasel words. Lets go!

  305. Indy_Scot says:

    This might be hard to believe, but I really did not want to see a poll with Yes in the lead before the vote, for reason I won’t go into.

    This does mean however like many have already said, we need to work even harder now to secure a better future for Scotland and all the Scottish people who have not been born yet.

  306. James123 says:

    Dermot Murnaghan is basically campaigning for BT this morning on Sky, laughable.

  307. Ken500 says:

    Scotland has lost £12Billion since 2011 because of Osbourne’s/ComDem decisions. People are being sanctioned and walking to food banks. Osbourne and his associates, secretly fill their boots with £Millions/Billions of public money.

  308. Liquid Lenny says:


    I put £50 on yesterday in a Coral shot in Ayr, first off all the lady phoned her supervisor to see if they would take £50 then she phone head office where ever that is to see if she was allowed to accept it. I got odds of 5/2 last week I got 9/2 with bet

  309. Jim Mitchell says:

    We keep our discipline and we keep working just like we did when polls weren’t in our favour.

    BTW aren’t mail readers and unionist politicians really something, just when you think they can’t sink any lower, they do?

  310. Doug Mcgregor says:

    Lord Archer on Murnaghan “we must give the Kurds independence” You’ve got to laugh.

  311. msean says:

    LOL.Tory says arm the Kurds,create a oil rich state,then “President Salmond” mentioned by anchorman within seconds.

    So,fair and balanced then ffs.

  312. Ann says:

    Just thinking, It was maybe the Brown-Darling love in that has put undecideds and possibly soft no’s make the decision to move to yes.

    Also the fact that military personnel will once again be involved in the Middle East.

    Any-hows I thought that it was the above two that were supposed to be on The Andrew Marr show this morning!

  313. a href=””>Ally Bally Talk in.

    Harvie,Swinney and fluffy ,+ on at 11am

  314. Ken500 says:

    Aye give the Kurds more weapons, arms. Like they did with ISIS? Ching Ching arms dealers and Tories.

    Pay the ransom and save £Million of public money.

  315. Proper link

  316. Doug Mcgregor says:

    Earlier on Brown interview ,on being asked if he would be standing down after the ref , he stated “we agreed on no hypothetical questions” !!! Too many unanswered questions, why ? Not allowed to be asked.

  317. Ken500 says:

    Brown, Darling the biggest lying tax evaders in the country. They should be in jail, along with the rest of the Westminster crooks. Brown and Darling don’t have a vote, they live in London.

  318. Harry McAye says:

    While it was great to see a poll finally confirm what we’ve all known or at least suspected for a while, part of me wonders if they have ulterior motives. Is this perhaps an attempt to wake the apathetic Nos from their slumber? A bit like that episode of Dad’s Army “Wake Up Walmington”, when Mainwaring is concerned at the apathy locally towards any threat of a German invasion. So his platoon decide to dress up as fifth columnists and roam the countryside trying to arouse suspicion, and largely failing. There’s a gag there somewhere but I’m too tired to try to find it, last night was a late one!

  319. msean says:

    Shocking bias lol,probably turned more to yes here.

  320. fred blogger says:

    they have taken £1.6bn/yr out of scottish disability benefits.
    then there have been the sanctions 100’s of 1000’s of them.
    “Westminster Abbey occupied in protest against cuts to disability care funding Labour MP John McDonnell has supported the demonstration, saying that government actions have left people ‘desperate'” link to
    now where do they suddenly get all the cash needed to offer us, and pay for devomax.
    answer from they stole it off us, and will continue to steal it off us!
    we can grow our own economy and fund independence from what we already pay out and earn.
    they’ll borrow even more, and the uk will end up bankrupt, will resent us and they’ll scapegoat us for their failures yet again.
    nah! they’ll promise the earth and deliver nothing, coz they have nothing that we need, we can have it all, vote yes!
    political parties come and go, independence is for life.
    100% of something is better than 100% of nothing.
    it is their MO blame the victim, the writings on the wall.
    more people believe in the lochness monster, than in osborne’s abilities to run the economy.
    + £25bn of cuts yet to come.

  321. Helena Brown says:

    There will be NO new powers for Scotland in event of a NO vote. We will have given them carte blanche to do as they like with us and given the nastiness emanating from the South there is not one MP who would dare even raise the point and keep their constituents happy. We can say all we like about most of the people of England being happy with the situation in Scotland today but given the negative viewpoint from Better Together and all the rubbish being talked about YES they think they are quite correct in that Scotland is a kept woman, and that kept woman is not getting the keys to the safe any time soon.
    So I would say to all those still to vote NO, this is nothing to do with politics, it is your country you are doing down, stop listening to people with vested interests and listen to your heart.

  322. Robert Peffers says:

    I see on the news that Westminster are demonstrating to us all just how much, “Better Together”, we are since we became , “All in it Together”.

    While Westminster is imposing, “Austerity”, upon the most poor, vulnerable, sick and disabled with ever more cuts and a basic state Retirement Pension of £5881.2, hard-up and hard done-by Westminster Members of Parliament are to receive a 9% pay rise that will increase their, according to Marcial Boo Chief Executive of the Independent Parliamentary Authority, (IPSA), as they, “did an important job, they should not be paid a miserly amount”.

    Thus their pay will increase from £67,000 to £74,000. That is an increase of £7,000. plus free transport , food allowances, subsidised food & drink, free second homes & many maintenance & other extras plus office & staff allowances. While the OAPs are receiving the munificent total sum of £1118.8 less than those hard done-by MPs, “Miserly Amount”, of a rise.

    Perhaps we OAPs, disabled people, sick folks and the unemployed people, and particularly those greedy individuals with the temerity to have an extra bedroom, should volunteer to accept a further cut in their overly generous incomes to help out those poor struggling Members of Parliament that have such important jobs to do and should not be subjected to such, “Miserly amounts”. We are, after all, In this Together”.


    Better Together – Sheeeesh!

    The only ones that are, “Better Together”, are the Tory, Labour & LibDem MPs along with their many rich friends in, “The City”.

  323. John H. says:

    When you consider what a bunch of scrounging, drunken, drug addicts we are, not to mention that apparently half of us are on the dole.Isn’t it amazing how much they’re panicking at the thought of losing us?

    Nicola looks really tired on Sky News this morning.

    • donald anderson says:

      Fat Cat bosses used to tell their poor workers that we are all in it together. (Lord)Harold Wilson in his “I’m Backing Britain” campaign said that to the workers to support his “Prices and Incomes” policy, which was in effect another Labour Pay Freeze on the workers, not the bosses. He even sent Troops In to Glasgow to scab on workers defying his pay freeze. Now Miliband is threatening to send Troops to the Border in an attempt to intimidate us again.

      Better Together my ACAS.

  324. bookie from hell says:

    Psephological wunderkind(American) Nate Silver has been asked by the Scotsman to give his thoughts on the potential outcome of the referendum for Scottish independence. His thoughts are “no”:

    Only a “major crisis” south of the Border could turn the situation in favour of independence, despite it being more than a year until polling day…

    In an interview with The Scotsman, Mr Silver said polling data was “pretty definitive”. “There’s virtually no chance that the Yes side will win”, he said. “If you look at the polls, it’s pretty definitive really where the No side is at 60-55 per cent and Yes side is about 40 or so.

  325. galamcennalath says:

    It is good that there is so much BBC/ITV/Sky anti Scottish, anti democracy bias. It is all so astonishing ignorant, arrogant and disrespectful it is capable of converting hardened Nos to Yes!

  326. Ken500 says:

    Murnaghan is so excited

  327. punklin says:

    Noes for Yes ?

  328. Big plug for Wings on Tay.

  329. Grouse Beater says:

    The Panamanian Pound – grousebeater.wordpress

    I’m on fire this morning …

  330. Marcia says:

    bookie from hell

    A year is a very long time in politics.

    This made me smile;

    link to

  331. Marcia says:


    A year is an eternity in Scottish politics.

    Have a laugh –

    bookie from hell

    A year is a very long time in politics.

    This made me smile;

    link to

  332. Grouse Beater says:

    Marcia: This made me smile

    Good one!

    I just know the egg is atop Salvador Dali’s old Spanish house.

    • donald anderson says:

      The EBC must terrified at the thocht od ducking stools in Pacific Quay a week oan Friday.

      Get the pitchforks and lighted faggots ready.

  333. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    Alan Cochrane went first.

    Now Fraser Nelso presses the panic button:-

    link to

  334. ronnie anderson says:

    Is that Panamanian Pound coming oot fur Yes, Stairhead Maggie wuld,na like that, they furriners interfering in Uk politics.

  335. Grouse Beater says:

    Fraser Nelson presses the panic button

    He begins his scribble with a falsehood – “We are about to lose our country”

    Last time I looked, Fraser, there were TWO countries.

  336. Alistair Sheehy Hutton says:

    A No vote is now a vote for massive, unspecified constitutional change according to the Better Together narrative.

  337. Helena Brown says:

    galamcennalath, with reference to the BBC and Sky bias, we really felt the love this morning. I said to the Hubby that more power to their elbow, another few people convinced they are on the wrong side.

  338. alastair seago says:

    More powers? Aye right!!We’ve heard that one before. Never forget they can also take powers back, and already have.

  339. Dan Huil says:

    Don’t know why unionists are panicking so much, Nigel Farage and the Orange Order will sort things out. Tee hee.

  340. heedtracker says:

    Do you want Scots to stay in the UK? Say why – and be published in the Spectator

    Dear Fraser,

    Its over, good bye and good riddance.

  341. galamcennalath says:

    Purdah. A referendum is different from a party based election, however the concepts of the ruling administration not announcing new policies during the campaign should morally apply. In the own ways, neither London nor Edinburgh should be announcing majored changes of direction at this late stage.

    link to

    I believe BT’s latest faffing around much breach purdah!

  342. Jim McIntosh says:

    From mumsnet poll

    48% planning to vote yes
    41% planning to vote no

    46% believe independence would be good for their family
    36% believe independence would be bad for their family

    26% think their family would be better off in an independent Scotland
    43% think their family would be worse off in an independent Scotland

    Interesting to note, the stats above, women are voting for what is better for their family in spite of believing they may well be worse off financially. It’s never been about the money, that’s where BT got it wrong.

  343. Indy_Scot says:

    Quote from the Revs twitter feed, very powerful,

    “The Union’s last hope now is that the nearly-dead conspire to crush the dreams of their own children and grandchildren. Wow.”

  344. HandandShrimp says:

    Fraser is a bit late is he not?

    In fact they are all a bit late but stand by your beds for a deluge of this sort of stuff over the next 11 days. There will be so many carrots and sticks that we won’t know what to do. Throw in a couple of eggs and we could have carrot cake.

  345. Krackerman says:

    Peter Griffin getting a kicking on Sunday Politics Scotland on BBC2 – sorry not Peter Griffin – that Carmichael bloke..

    It’s GREAT viewing 🙂

  346. Alistair Carmichael contradicting George Osbourne haha. Carmichael should actually have watched the Andrew Marr show.

    BT fragmenting and falling apart.

  347. Indigo says:

    Wow at Carmichael disintegrating on Sunday Politics – is anyone else watching?

  348. Indy_Scot says:

    It’s not so long ago that Cockers and Nelson thought they were infallible. How the mighty have fallen. I almost feel sorry for them, not.

  349. Krackerman says:

    Quote of the year from Carmichael – “Salmond has my number”….

    We’ve all go your number mate – now sling one…

  350. mato21 says:

    Poor Ally SoS for Portsmouth has obviously been left out the loop He’s in a right old mess trying to answer questions he hasn’t been told the answers to

  351. R-type Grunt says:

    Patrick Harvey on Tay AM just disowned Wings and the Wee Blue Book. Cheers Patrick, the respect I had for you has evaporated.

  352. McHaggis says:

    Quite entertaining to read one resident unionist nutcase in The Herald BTL comments now advocating the referendum be postponed and existing postal votes cancelled to give time for BetterTogether to add a 3rd ‘devomax’ option to a new ballot paper!

    It seems some only ‘do democracy’ when the vote goes their way!

  353. HandandShrimp says:

    What did Patrick say about the WBB? If he was asked if it was an officially endorsed Yes publication then would step away because it isn’t.

    That said, Yes shops all over the country have copies of the WBB 🙂 I was handing out WBBs and badges saying Greens for Yes yesterday

  354. Green Bean says:

    Ian Brotherhood at 2:04 am – re: Inforendum
    I expect you’ve realized by now that the videos are sponsored by NIESR and ESRC, as the American woman presenter states at the end of this video.Not sure if all the inforendum videos are funded by ESRC. NIESR is the think-tank National Institute of Economic and Social Research (, director Jonathan Portes (who appears to have quite a good record generally, link to

  355. James123 says:

    @R-type Grunt
    Patrick Harvey on Tay AM just disowned Wings and the Wee Blue Book. Cheers Patrick, the respect I had for you has evaporated.

    That’s a shame, there’s been nothing but praise for him on this site.

  356. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Graun drips malice over and over but have the liggers ever sat down and asked themselves what harm they have done to democracy in Scotland, doubt it.

    If just one of them replaced “nationalism” with “democracy” in Scotland, they might not have been such an incredibly powerful booster for YES, only because Yes voters in Scotland just love being called nationalists.

  357. I laughed at Osborne on Andrew Marr show. He was asked if Cameron and a few other politicians would have to resign after a YES vote. Osborne’s answer was we shouldn’t bring individuals into it.

    Then why does the BT plus all the WM MPs and media keep bringing Alex Salmond into it.

    The BT wagon is definately coming off the wheels.

  358. Indy_Scot says:

    Patrick Harvey’s comment might seem disappointing, but he probably knows what he is doing, if that makes sense.

  359. piggy says:

    This country is on a clear and secure path and nobody wants to turn back.

    For what lies ahead is what we seek;

    Prosperity through work, sensitive care for the sick, the needy and those who need help.

    Visible friendship in our streets.

    Free education for young people so they can improve the country they inhabit.

    A country who uses its vast resources and everything it has wisely.

    A country where those in government live and work with those who elect them.

    A country that is free, peaceful and just.

    A nation they call Scotland.

  360. James Kay says:

    Is it just me, or are others unable to read the Greatest Living Pollster’s thoughts?

  361. R-type Grunt says:

    Patrick was answering a caller who stated that the WBB is full of lies and written by a homophobe. Patrick distanced himself from Wings WBB. Sorry I don’t have a direct quote because I’m still bloody fuming. Self-serving moron!

  362. Ananurhing says:

    Watching the paper reviews last night was priceless. Like a Mexican jaw drop all round. Lots of “they” and “we” from our BBC. Murnighan saying ” Do they simply not understand what they’re voting for.” ” This is potentially catastrophic.”

    No shit Sherlock! It’s like watching a penny drop in slow motion.

    And this devolution shuffle looks more like a Micheal Flatley production than politics. If it ain’t full fiscal Gideon, you can f*#k off!

  363. R-type Grunt says:

    Further, I’m just about to leave the house to go canvassing in Dundee on behalf of RIC and I’m hoping he’s going to be turning up for a photo-op. I met him once at the aurally in Edinburgh & praised him highly. This meeting will be rather different.

  364. R-type Grunt says:

    Damn auto-correct! How the hell does rally become aurally? Apologies to all. Must dash.

  365. A Letter to England

  366. Boorach says:

    @ Quentin

    Thanks for that

  367. Jim McIntosh says:

    Just heard on BBC news the onionist parties at WM are going to draft a new devo max document in parliament this week. Is this not illegal since up to 30% of the voters have already voted.

    Could it be used by a disgruntled voter to challenge the result. E.g. Using the argument that the goal posts were moved after he voted.

  368. muttley79 says:

    I would not worry too much about what Patrick Harvey says. He is a very intelligent, talented politician, but he is not a leader. Harvey said he would only be disappointed in the event of a No vote. He wants to be pals with everyone, and does not have the qualities needed to be a political leader. There is no real drive or determination there.

  369. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tam Jardine
    I expect World Cup holders Germany, will want to make a point after being beaten by Argentina.

    bluedog said at 8:54 am

    So, what’s ahead?

    No NATO, no EU, no Pound, possibly no monarchy.


    Ignoring the fact that you are talking mince, I would personally be like a pig in….., but each to their own. Some may consider that a libertarian attitude though. 😉

    Cal said:

    O/T. Sorry, but I’ve done it. I’ve finally worked out how to put things online so I can share them! Here’s my info pack for Chinese speakers. Hope it works. Print it out share it far and wide.

    link to

    This ‘getting involved in shaping the nation you live in’, really is a buzz. Thanks for sharing. 😉

    Wee Alex
    It was always Plan B. 😉

  370. Gary says:

    As I said at the time. The ‘powers’ are just them giving us the rope with which to hang ourselves. The reward for Labour councils is power being taken from Holyrood and given to them. Thus emasculating Holyrood permanently. For Labour politicians in Scotland this is PURELY about power. District Council, Regional Council, MPs and MEPs were overwhelmingly Labour. Now, SNP has taken so many seats and it has shown what Labour could have, but didn’t, do. Its now or never, even OUR OWN politicians are complicit and will help Westminster punish us.

  371. CameronB Brodie says:

    Attack Attack Attack!

    I liked that. 🙂
    My plan of action for the next couple of weeks, in addition to just blethering to anyone, is to try and rope in support from internet cafes. They will have print facilities, so I will try to get them to place WBB resources on all desktops.

    Any advice or suggestions?

  372. Shades of 1979. Vote no and we will give you something better. Well, no thanks. We’ll just go with independence. Westminster politicians will promise the earth to steal our votes. We need to make our votes count by voting yes. That is the only way we can ensure change.

  373. Does paragraph 4 not stop the better together from offering new powers
    link to

  374. call me dave says:


    Letter to England. Brilliant. Thanks for that.

    Couldn’t hear much but a huddle of 5 pensioners talking YES v NO in the cafe mid morning. I think at least 3 have posted their NO vote and looked a bit downhearted the other 2, they seemed much happier, still to fill theirs in.

    ‘Better together’ changing the goal posts with 10 days to go is one thing but voting by post before finding out the facts first is folly. 🙁

  375. Ken says:

    Thank you Wingers, long time lurker, first posting.

    Many thanks cynical highlander for “A Letter to England”, I’ve shared this on FB.

    Helps to explain to my friends and neighbours down here in SE, what’s been happening, and how Scots are reclaiming their democracy.

    My trip to the Western Isles (Arran, Mull, Skye, Portree on 18th) is going to be even better now, with the latest polls, I think we are going to get over 60%, keep up the great work wingers.

    You guys n gals are fantastic 😉

  376. sorry should have read the first topic which states the above

    but as they are desperate they might offer these new powers saying they were the same ones from months ago which were not fully explained so we wont know if they were the same ones or new ones..

  377. tonymac says:

    ot Darling on SKY NEWS IN 10 MINS
    They want questions – they say..

  378. Luigi says:

    Better together’ changing the goal posts with 10 days to go is one thing but voting by post before finding out the facts first is folly.

    If BT have changed their offer after some people have already posted their vote – is this actually legal? It could certainly make a close referendum result open to challenge.

    BT could end up in hot water. Serious stuff.

  379. Paula Rose says:

    Ah, but you are assuming that George has actually been in contact with the other parties!

  380. Tam Jardine says:

    CameronB Brodie

    Hmm – Germany are a great side but so were France when we took them home and away, and the Netherlands at Hampden. Strachan has us playing good football – I am eternally optimistic when it comes to the national team.

    One thing is for sure – the TA will be in guid spirits and voice – wish I was there.

    We beat them in Germany wearing thon pink strip so mibbe the weird new away strip will be a talisman.

    Am watching it in Doctors if you are aboot

  381. Swansea Jack says:

    This YouGov poll should serve to inspire YES campaigners to re-double their efforts over the next 10 days. I never thought the MSM would admit that yes was in the lead, but the only opinion poll that counts is the one that goes in the ballot box. Great to have this positive news, but time to kick on and get at least 67% voting YES. the bigger the winning margin the better for those in the negotiations for the next 18 months.

    Those of us in Wales look on with envy at the empowerment taking place in Scotland, vote YES for yourselves, bur also for those of us who will remain in rUK. Ymlaen Alba!

  382. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tam Jardine
    I might just do that. 😉

  383. Will Podmore says:

    For the May 2015 election, UKIP needs to keep only half its current 15 per cent level of support to do the Tories down. Polls show that Labour is most likely to win, in a close contest.
    But without Scotland’s Labour MPs, Labour is far less likely to win. So those who talk of Britain never voting the Tories out are actually helping to achieve this prospect. Those who claim to hate Toryism so much that they must leave Britain are actually helping to fasten Toryism on the rest of us. If some of our best troops in our common struggle against the forces of Conservative reaction pull out of that struggle, that weakens us. Where is the internationalism in separatism, where the solidarity?


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    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““If the authors of the ToU intended to impose that significant restriction, they would have done so explicitly” And they…Mar 14, 13:17
    • Young Lochinvar on Signal and noise: “Aha! Press reporting that SHE whose name shall not be uttered is still under investigation in Branchform. “Timing” again anyone?Mar 14, 13:09
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “A combination of very little going on in the pro-Indy front, and the deluge of cranks and trolls who, like…Mar 14, 12:38
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – no it doesn’t stand to reason at all, that implication would have an enormous impact on future union…Mar 14, 12:31
    • Chas on Signal and noise: “Very few comments being posted on Wings nowadays. Even the nutters and cranks who posted umpteen times, every day, now…Mar 14, 11:36
    • agent x on Signal and noise: “I saw reports that Sturgeon had put her name forward for re-election in 2026. Was it published anywhere that she…Mar 14, 11:35
    • willie on Signal and noise: “So Swinney has had tea and biscuits with Eric Trump. Not bad for a man who only a few weeks…Mar 14, 11:25
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““Clause XXV does not say that at all, it says that the respective parliaments shall void incompatible laws, it doesn’t…Mar 14, 11:20
    • Lorn on The evolution of fairness: “On that we can agree, NN.Mar 14, 10:54
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – Clause XXV does not say that at all, it says that the respective parliaments shall void incompatible laws,…Mar 14, 10:51
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Xaracen – there is no distinction between constitutional law and domestic law, constitutional law is domestic law by its own…Mar 14, 10:43
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““your views hold no more weight than any other opinion” The text of Article XXV of the treaty of union…Mar 14, 10:33
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – the effect of Clause XXV is a requirement that both parliaments of England and Scotland shall void any…Mar 14, 10:26
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Correction to an unnoticed error; “They have never been asked to change any part of it, and even if they…Mar 14, 10:14
    • James Barr Gardner on Signal and noise: “The first step in privatising the Scottish NHS will be the SNP advocating “Both Votes SNP”. After that the plan…Mar 14, 10:14
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “@ Aidan; Bullshit, Aidan! My initial premise has always been that the sovereignty of Scotland was just as unequivocally real…Mar 14, 10:07
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – we’ve also gone around the houses on this, we get to the point where you say that every…Mar 14, 09:42
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““you appear to make an absolutely fundamental error which is to treat older laws as taking priority over newer laws,…Mar 14, 09:22
    • Captain Caveman on The tint of rose: “Very informative and decisive post @7:42, Aidan. Hopefully this will conclude and put the matter to rest (finally and long…Mar 14, 09:19
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “You could hardly be more wrong, Hatey; it is the English establishment’s interpretation that doesn’t mesh with the constitutional and…Mar 14, 09:01
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““Your interpretation does not mesh with reality, Xaracen” Actually, Hatey, it is YOUR interpretation the one that does not mesh…Mar 14, 08:32
    • Vivian O’Blivion on Signal and noise: “Former MP for Glasgow South, Stewart McDonald delivers his hagiography for Saint Nicola of Brigadoom. “… preeminent electoral juggernaut”, aye,…Mar 14, 08:26
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““We voted Remain by 62% on a turnout of 67.2%. By the inexorable laws of maths, we can all see…Mar 14, 08:05
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Xaracen – again the problem is that your reasoning is largely circular, in that you use the conclusion as justifying…Mar 14, 07:42
    • Tinto Chiel on Off-topic: ““Says it all about him, doesn’t it.” Yes, sarah, Swinney the Incredible Husk, the New Toom Tabard, etc. etc. Other…Mar 14, 07:38
    • Hatey McHateface on The tint of rose: “Your interpretation does not mesh with reality, Xaracen. In reality, if the vote was intended to separately determine the fates…Mar 14, 06:37
    • sarah on Off-topic: “I gave that slogan to Swinney during the general election when he visited a nearby heritage site that was central…Mar 13, 23:24
    • sarah on The tint of rose: “@ Mia at 7.30 p.m. Very well explained, Mia – comprehensible to the meanest understanding, one would think.Mar 13, 23:13
  • A tall tale

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