Is it safe?
Posted on
May 23, 2020 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
At least he can get out for a game of golf.
Just a facade. Like the rest of modern life.
No, obviously since there’s an infected Dominic Cummings about.
Peek a boo.
Ah, now we can all play croquet
It’s a ripper Chris.Love it.
It exists, just need to get it a bit more empty. Walking the dogs is Hell for all the folk walking about our wee village.
Probably, from a perspective that assumes Dom Cummigs parents and their nearest neighbours are in robust health
Possibly not from a perspective that questions not only why police thought it appropriate to give him a talking to in the first place but also how they were able to collude with media, particularly social media presumably, to cover it up for him..
Of course the obvious irony of this small door opening onto this landscape is its colonial ownership
Was supposed to be doing the West Highland Way this week ,Wed to Sun,
if it looked like your artwork it would have been amazing,
but nearly 100% chance of rain most days with 25mph winds so a slight blessing that it`s been posponed till next year.
Latest count of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide at 0130 GMT, May 23
World: 5,209,266
U.S.: 1,600,723
Brazil: 330,890
Russia: 326,448
UK: 255,544
Spain: 234,824
Italy: 228,658
France: 182,015
Germany: 179,710
Turkey: 154,500
Iran: 131,652
India: 124,794
Peru: 111,698
My new desktop wallpaper!
Once this Coronavirus finishes things won’t be the same, the people of Scotland have started to see the difference between the four countries in the Union, and as Scotland is the most ancient country we should and will be the first country to dissolve the Union, it’s definitely coming and england or the two other countries won’t stop happening.
Not yet Hamish, but we’re getting there.
p.s. I’m rather glad it’s blowing a hoolie and tipping it down today as it will discourage those who are inclined to ‘jump the gun’on the new rules, from venturing out.
(It also means I get a break from gardening).
We do live in interesting times.
How to overcome fear and anxiety
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Bill Hume , softy! I have already been weeding and cutting this morning – I am an ace demolisher , not so good at the rest.
End this state sanctioned suppression! Get infantilizing ‘authority’ out of your head.
Let the rational individual CHOOSE his and her destiny.
…and enough of the highly questionable official stats too.
@ Bill Hume.
Well I was supposed to be painting the eaves today / tomorrow, but now I’m painting the bathroom ceiling, whit!
Chris, that would make a fine finishing hole back to the clubhouse, have you thought about taking up designing golf courses.
@ Scot Finlayson.
Considerations on your cancelled trip, likewise we had planned a trip to Barra, camping. Still, something to look forward to.
Should read commiserations.
Recall all that stuff about Islamist terrorists, covered heads and faces, niqab, burqa etc?
People walking about with face masks and scarves and surgical gloves haranguing you for not doing likewise is considerably more scary.
Fear is bringing out the conformist, inner Orwellian in so many.
Please fill your boots.
Using Culture to Manage Complexity and Ethical Risk
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> Let the rational individual CHOOSE his and her destiny.
Sounds lovely except I don’t want selfish individuals choosing my destiny.
In a perfect world of black and white we would all have all the liberty we wanted. But when dreaming of this it is always forgotten that significant responsibility that comes with that. “Authority” is for all it’s problems a broker in the relationship between freedom of the individual and society in general. We delegate to authority things that would otherwise be awkward to manage at an inter-personal level.
So, you are more than welcome to throw off the chains of authority and enjoy your freedom as long as you accept my freedom to have you punished in a suitable manner for taking away the freedoms of my family members by your reckless behaviour.
Affa bonny. Quite like the view from my location. But what is that wee rectangle on a post in the bottom right hand corner?
There’s an acronym for the vast area of Scotland north of Perth – MAMBA – Miles And Miles Of Bugger All – which has been the case for 200 years.
Did Cummings stop for petrol before he left London or en route and leave his covid virus along the way. Bad enough to break lock down but to do it while suffering Covid is reprehensible, surely some other arrangement could have been made for the children or parent could have come to them, was he trying to promote his ‘herd’ immunity theory.
covid is bollocks
Interesting thread about the potato famine in Scotland in 1846 and the Destitution Boards set up to raise money. Gardeners will like the advice on sowing a rood of Beans in February, in Scotland!
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couple of years ago we done/did a cycle trip from Castlebay up to Tarbert over to Uig and through Skye to Armadale,
we got the sun that year,
the scenery is beyond stunning, no place like it on this planet.
“Stand guard at the portal of your mind.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Apparently if you feel you have virus symptoms it is now perfectly acceptable to drive to your parents, distance no object, but if you don’t have any symptoms it is against the rules.
I think feel the effects of the virus coming on, I’ll be going to see my family soon then. Cummings either goes or the whole lockdown has a hole in it, too many in power have ignored it when it is convenient for themselves, including quite a few MP’s
@Stuart Mackay
Which leaves those who seek authority the option to present to you a threat and in seeking security you will hand over the authority they seek.
Fear is the tool of tyrants and it works on the weak every time.
Presumably Cummings thought
If its ok for Charlie Mountbatten-Windsor …..
‘You can go and see yer pals next Thursday’ is fast becoming a meme.
Things are looking bad for the Tories, I expect that’s the last we’ve seen of Ms Davidson for a while, back to the hideaway till the dust settles I predict.
Although I predict the BBC are at this minute ferreting around for a SNP cover story.
It’s strange how the MSM was stalking the Scottish CMO at this time but nobody noticed Cummings driving 250 miles.
“Hello anybody out there” ?
Excellent again Mr Cairns.
Well done Cummings.
Lockdown is a complete nonsense, anyway.
It’s just a means of keeping the peasantry under house arrest.
Sorry, I haven’t and I will not be a party to it.
State control – no thanks.
That phrase still makes me squirm. I’ve never liked going to the dentist.
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Every body is concentrating on where Dominic Cummings parents live but nobody is asking where his Wife’s parents live do they live closer to london
@ Scot Finlayson.
Some trip on a bike, but worth the effort no doubt about that, we camped at Port Ban last year, Jura across the water right outside our tent, the mist rolling up and down the sides of the mountains. We went to the march in Campbelltown, we had hoped to fit in a trip back to Kyntyre and check out some of the golf courses.
Yes, anything to distract from the mess Westminster is making of the whole affair. And always to distract and attempt to counter anything which might promote the independence cause. Don’t get distracted.
The Forward as One court case is moving ahead. It is the one positive thing that has been going on regarding actual progress towards independence which is not reliant on the Scottish government. Everyone who wants a resolution on the question of the legality or otherwise of the UK government position regarding a referendum should be interested. More details here:
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And a petition to sign here:
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My mothers friends husband collapsed today and was rushed to hospital – brain haemorrhage.
One of the NHS priorities was to test him for COVID (no doubt for their safety) and guess fucking what – yip, tested positive.
result – no operation and they are leaving him to die.
His wife has been told she can do a quick in and out or wait at home for the phone call.
He will die today.
No doubt his death will go down as ‘with’ COVID
I thought the yankee doctor was just nuts when he said ‘hit with a bus – COVID, blow your own brains out with a gun – COVID’
Maybe Chris should’ve put a hospital in his picture.
There’s no Bakersfield Doctors in our NHS, that’s for sure.
Here’s a video debate lockdown/anti lockdown. Both did a written submission which is worth a read and both pretty convincing, which is of course the dilemma for most.
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Of course, the world abounds with nefarious characters seeking to gain political advantage during a crises of government.
Virtues, Values, and Moral Bullying
Critical thinking in social media psychology.
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Stuart Mackay @ 10:05
congrats – you get saddest post of the day award.
and for your info Stuart, there is carbon dioxide in the air (and we all know that stuff kills you) so please stay indoors until it is safe to come out………we’ll let you know soon enough.
This might help folk figure out who is trying to help and who isn’t.
What determines the balance between intelligence signaling and virtue signaling?
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Sorry Golfnut, but that piece is states;
‘the only data that we can be clear about are the raw number of deaths. In 2015 there were 28,330 deaths from seasonal flu’
The Excess Deaths for 2015 was 44,000 deaths.
secondly, it goes on to ‘project’ deaths to 4th Aug resulting in 43,479 (note the odd number at the end to give it credibility – an old trick from Vietnam War body counts) – please tell me how the fuck they can project that number??
The inevitable debate coming down the line is flu 2015 versus COVID 2020 – and this argument for me, is that start of the disinformation to make it look otherwise.
For clarity – 2015 44,000 and 2020 COVID 36,393 and counting.
2015 planes flew, business flowed, freedom prevailed.
2020 – everyone under house arrest and legislation that will be there for a generation and a Bill that will clear out pension funds.
The post and the argument is fit for the schoolyard.
have cycled on Jura,short trip on tiny ferry from Port Askaig huddled under a grain truck from the cold wind and rain,
got absolutely soaked but what a preternatural place Jura is.
Just tried to check up on the wings twitter feed re: everything cummings and couldn’t find it?
Brilliant Chris. Nothing is 100% safe.
Capella, I think you need to put your glasses on, that is no post in the corner, and the “sign” is something very familiar…
try clicking on the image for a bigger view
@ Alan Mackintosh – ha ha you’re right – it’s Hamish. I’d go and get my eyes tested but the opticians are on furlough.
I don’t like doing this but have you got a throwaway email or a account? (though gabs been offline for a few days due to maintenance as it seems the world is leaving twitter)
Very elegiac, Chris, very nice indeed. Thank you. A watercolour? Are you breaking out into landscapes? – there’s a fine talent there.
Your essential weekend reading:
‘Churchill in Dundee’: link to
Just read today that SAGE are saying that there is no scientific justification for the 2 metre distancing rule. It was just precautionary.
Apparently, 1 metre is probably sufficient and outdoors it is probably a waste of time.
Only one recorded case of someone catching the virus outside and that was speaking to another very close up.
The whole thing is a nonsense!
What a fake comparison excess deaths to covid deaths, then comparing 20 weeks of data with 53 weeks of data.
So I checked for E & W:
The average per week excess for 2015 is 870, using your 44,000 figures (although I can only see 35,722 but it depends on how you calculate it).
The average excess per week so far in 2020 is 2,250.
The 1 metre has been the rule in some other countries, if the person has a cough I would probably stay a bit further away.
It can’t be nonsense a lot of people are dead. The rules may have been overly strict but if you were the person that was going to be held culpable, and the media like a scapegoat, you would probably go on the side of caution.
It would have been good to have had some proper research into the risk through different transmission paths, but this isn’t going to appear till after it is over I suspect, if ever.
Mary Wakefield is the woman Dom Cummings married.
As you should expect, she is the grand daughter of Sir Humphr
Wakefield of Chillingham Castle Northumberland.
She works for the right wing extremist rag the Spectator.
Her brother Jack Wakefield worked for a very dodgy Ukrainian
Business man who it is believed has links to the Russian Mafia.
A group who were involved in stealing Russian assets when the
Soviet Union was broken up.
If you care to look at the money made by those who own the Russian
Oil and Gas Companies.
So much money made the key stake holders can afford Billions for the
Worlds biggest football clubs and the larges luxury yachts afloat.
Could all this be a link to the Billions spent on London property by Russians.
Is Dom enduring that London is a safe haven for laundering mafia money?
When Scotland’s Epidemiologist Specialist was forced to resign for travelling to
A holiday home, I felt she should have been reprimanded and fined significantly
and yes removed from public exposure but we should not lose the most knowledgable
Expert in the field as it was cutting your nose off to spite your face.
However I’m left to confirm that we in Scotland face different morals and laws to the English establishment.
3 x Useless Tory MSP’s travel to go hillwalking together and post it on-line and Nothing?
Tory MP travels to a second home during the same lockdown and Nothing?
Prince Charles travels up to Scotland with the Virus and entourage and Nothing?
Now Cummings, puppet master to Boris, travel with the Virus and family 250 miles during lockdown
Using a petrol station and a Service Stations facilities where innocent members of the public
Who are part of our essential services teams are and Nothing?
Scotland you are 2nd Class citizens in the UK.
You will never be treated as equals
You will be controlled by those controlled by the money of the worlds most corrupt organisations
and you are not fighting to change your own countries destiny?
Joe at 12:02
I’m afraid I have neither.
Probably at the stage where I should stop posting on here though (yay!, I hear from the bed-wetters in the background) – I went a month or so recently and it did me good/getting back to my stoic ways!
@ ronnie anderson 10.59 – thx for link. Excruciating. Mary Wakefield gets down on her knees to pray for Boris Johnston. Then drives 230 miles, shedding virus all the way, but fails to record that in her covid diary. Cummings will have to resign but that won’t stop him plotting our downfall on a consultancy basis.
In the week up to the 17 May, 7300 people in England tested positive for the virus.
At Priti Patel’s Coronavirus Briefing on the 22 May, she announced 3287 people had had tested positive in the previous 24 hours.
From 18 May to 22 May (there was no figure for 20 May) the total is around 10000.
With the lockdown easing in England next week’s infection should be interesting.
Effigy, Catherine Calderwood wasnt an epidemiological expert, from memory she was a Gynaecologist. She may have been the CMO, but that doesnt make her an expert on epidemiology. As for Jason Leitch the clinical director – from a sibling who is a dentist- no-one has heard of him in Scottish Dentistry so I have no idea where he came from either, and he’s no expert in epidemiology either, he was apparently a dentist
How many NHS personnel died during the 2015 flu epidemic?
Allan Mackintosh I rarely use such words but a wee glance at wicki will show what you said is.
“I’m afraid I’m at the stage I should stop posting on here”
At least you recognise your sell by date has expired.
Blackford on the telly – bumbling oaf spouting faux outrage as though NS handled the Calderwood carry on with any degree of competence.
I’ll never believe another word that falls from that man’s lips…
“We will not allow Scotland to be dragged…” Blah blah blah.
Allan Mackintosh is correct.
Neither are epidemiologists.
Their backgrounds are obstetrics and oral surgery then into public health and patient safety.
Peter Hitchens said;
‘Government is throwing people into the sea and then taking credit for rescuing them’
Alan MacIntosh and Private Pete.
From all the horrific details within my post you pick out
The insignificance of our health advisors qualifications?
We are proven to be beneath 2nd class citizens and
The Westminster puppets are linked to the Russian Mafia.
Are the numbers 77 on your uniforms or 6’s on the back of your head?
@James says:
23 May, 2020 at 10:23 am
covid is bollocks
If they are infected I have only one question.
How did that happen?
Effigy, many years since I wore uniform and it wasnt 77 brigade or 6th Div.
Sorry for not commenting on the other points in your post, but I didnt have any knowledge to hand to comment on them. My post above was regarding the qualifications of the personnel and how that pertains to the situation.
As for Cummings, probably the stuff you mention is true/possibly true- I’m not sure. But he will likely weather this because I cant see Johnson functioning without him. If he goes, Johnson will probably fall
haha – gotta love family guy
The brothers who made the Matrix are ladies now!
oh man, that cheered me up, world is fckn nuts…..
Have a look at the Firtash Foundation
Mary Cumming’s brother Jack has close links to-
In December 2011, Wakefield married Dominic Cummings, a friend of her brother Jack Wakefield,[8] former director of the Firtash Foundation.[9]
Nice ‘toon Chris.
(Campbeltown is lovely, even in the wind and rain.
Safe? No not yet and if it was left to some of the lunatics posting on here many of us with partners, friends, sisters etc who have health disibilities would be ok to move among the general population while this pandemic rages.
I sometimes fucking despair.
But, I know that we don’t listen to idiots online. Thankfully
Cummings and his ‘let them eat lockdown’ moment.
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Dmytro Vasylovych Firtash (Ukrainian: ??????? ??????????? ???????; born 2 May 1965) is a Ukrainian businessman who heads the board of directors of Group DF.[1] U.S. federal prosecutors described Firtash in 2017 court papers as an associate of Russian organized crime.[2] He was highly influential during the Yuschenko administration[citation needed] and the Yanukovych administration.[3] As a middleman for the Russian natural gas giant Gazprom, Firtash funneled money into the campaigns of pro-Russia politicians in Ukraine.[4]
@ ahundrethidiot.
The point of the post was to highlight the difficulty, because both arguments were well presented, just how difficult it was for an ordinary member of the public to decide for or against, I’m sorry you didn’t get that.
The evidence of BBC bias is no better displayed by how they covered the Scottish CMO case and how they have moved in to defend the UK Gov advisor. No questions just quotes from those ‘close to Dominic Cummings’, tweeting out the excuses with no investigation of the bollocks they are.
Puppet-master Cummings is only as useful as his boss continues to be. Once the men in grey suits decide Brexit is done and Covid-19 becomes background noise, they’ll both be gone.
looks like hamish on the set of the truman show
hello world
if only
Lib Dems….the party whose first response is always ‘Resign’….for a certain party…only.
What they say about Dominic Cummings..( checked 2pm today).
Well Alex C Hamilton…retweeted Matt Forde tweet….as Alex chooses NOT to tweet an opinion himself.
Willie Rennie..retweeted Ed Davey comment….as Willie chooses NOT to tweet an opinion himself…
Christine Jardine…retweeted Tim Farron…as Christine chooses NOT to tweet an opinion herself.
Alistair Carmichael…nowt on his Twitter re this….did he NOT get the MEMO….Lol
Why so shy when normally they are first out of the block to shout RESIGN…..this reticence to formulate a direct opinion is so out of character…it’s obvious to us that collectively they should have all being demanding he resigns….are they ill ?
Scottish Tories….well they are still in operation deflection mode… befits their branch position….they are HQ’s rearguard obvs…….and surprisingly they have all decided “Now is not the time” to have an opinion…….shocked I am…
Pity that the BT flanks have been temporarily broken….however I’m sure normal service will be resumed and once more they can all regroup into the one UK uber alles party….and begin another new battle….for the Union.
ps. Never bothered checking Scottish Labour Twitter…cause…?
After the BBC has made so much capital about a single person at the Nike confrence being the centre of the Scottish outbreak (the MSM claim, unfounded of course). I fully expect them to be in Durham tracing all those that may have crossed Dominic Cummings path, after all someone must have brought the first case to Durham.
How many died because he wanted to see his mum on her birthday? Of course he claims he never saw her, did he post the kids and all there stuff through the letterbox.
But they are not well presented……that’s what I highlighted.
Unless you point was that there is deception within presentation (and I am sure we all know that by now), but you didn’t say that
you must be on a different planet from the rest of us ‘as the pandemic rages’ – where exactly?? it has a kill rate of a bad flu. If a pandemic was raging there would be a ‘from’ COVID death in every family and street and there isn’t…….maybe you should be less hysterical, it’s good for your health! A couple of thousand deaths in a population of around 5.5 million, is while tragic, also negligible in the greater scale of things.
Many more will die from the measures – suicides and drug deaths are on the rise, more will perish once the Bill people see the Bill.
Re Cummings, it’s the “going out” that’s wrong. Not the reason, the with whom, to who, where or why. None of that is a defense.
He broke his own rules. Doesn’t matter though. He’ll be back at work Monday morning.
Maybe Starmer can explain it to Johnston on Wednesday.
Willie Rennie probably would have tweeted in his defence but apparently there is no link to paedophilia so saw no reason to become directly involved.
Does anyone on Twitter want to tweet Piers Morgan to advise him Ruth Davidson is back on the propaganda circuit and he should invite her on GMB on Monday ….he can get her (skewed) take on this….tell him would be good to get her opinion on current Tory defence position on Cummings as currently she has muted her opinion on her Twitter account…. See no EVEL, Hear no EVEL and Speak no EVEL Davidson….
Softly softly interviews from Lorraine ‘I’m really disappointed Ruth isn’t running for Tory leader’ Kelly do not cut it….
Nobody, I repeat nobody is suggesting that vulnerable people should be forced to mix with the general population.
Anyone who needs to self isolate should continue to do so.
If you do not expose yourself to the virus you will not contract the virus.
You will not increase your chances of contracting the virus if your neighbour goes to work or if somebody from round the corner goes to the park.
You are either exposing yourself to the virus or not.
Self isolation works with a lockdown or without a lockdown, the whole fucking point of self Isolation is not to expose yourself to the virus.
And you sometimes fucking despair.
Ffs is all I can say to that.
Sturgeon should have sacked CMO Calderwood on the spot for misconduct. She didn’t. Sturgeon’s weakness, lack of leadership and poor decision making was yet again exposed.
(There’s more to leadership than good communication skills and a brass neck).
Boris Johnson should have sacked Special Adviser Dominic Cummings.
The Scottish British Imperials and the imperial BBC were right to highlight Calderwood should have been sacked.
Their silence or lame excuses for Cummings’ disgraceful conduct shows them for the hypocrites they are.
For them it’s not about what’s right or wrong. Not about people with great responsibility and privilege being held accountable. It’s not about trying to save people’s lives:
it’s all about maintaining the Imperial political domination by the British ruling Establishment.
Afraid not, it will never be safe until we dump this forced one-sided union forever.
The Cummings debacle just reinforces what we already know about the Westminster government, they do virtually what they want with impunity. Where as in Scotland Sturgeon falls over herself to play by Westminster’s rules on just about everything.
We’ll get absolutely nowhere fast on independence with Sturgeon at the helm, we need someone with courage, determination and a ruthless streak focused on independence and not on complying with Westminster’s rules.
Big Auntie’s colonial web sites have the numbers but not her own number on BBC England web site darn Sarf
N. Ireland……..01…….Total…….505…BBC
@ Katherine Hamilton
I wouldn’t hold my breath for a positive intervention from Keir Starmer. Isn’t he the guy who denied an inquiry into the killing of Jean Charles De Menezes?
Just another minor irritation for the Westminster Control Centre.
“NO new lessons will be uploaded to the BBC’s daily home-schooling service net week – because pupils in England and Wales are on holiday.”
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Again as part of this forced union Scots are forever just an after thought, a nation seen as a colony to be exploited as seen fit by a foreign countries government. Weve kowtowed to it for 313 years one wonders how much longer we’ll remain on our knees.
Even the Palestinians have more courage in their convictions than we have and they’ve only been occupied since 1948, though the Ottomans and British occupied it as well. Hamish should really be a mouse not a lion to reflect just how meek we really are .
Capella says:
Indeed. Bottom line …. did anyone die or was left maimed for life by the Cummings family actions?
Truth is, we’ll never know. However given the high infectious level of Covid19 there is a distinct possibly someone did catch it from them. And, if you do catch it there is a definite chance It will kill you.
That’s the point. Wilfully taking risks with other innocent people’s lives is completely unacceptable. No excuses. No quarter.
Davidson disappears again, apparently she does want to be left hold the baby,…. Oh hold on!
Totally OT. However this makes for a laugh (and secretly a shudder). Its an article from October in the US last year. The person who wrote this is a ‘Doctor’.
For me it represents the shockingly twisted and upside down thinking that is being foisted on honest people by talentless, bitter academics. In Scotland its current form is in the trans debate.
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This is pure cultural poison.
Please note how this is written very brazenly as ‘the way the incident can be viewed or interpreted’ being more important than the actual facts. This is a corner stone of the kind of thinking coming from academia now and is embraced, although still somewhat tentatively, by many of our political class. This is why I utterly hate them. This is why those who can’t quite put the pieces together yet will hate them too in the fullness of time. Welcome to cultural marxism where you, dear reader, are the oppressor by the original sin of your place of birth and your heritage.
@ jfngw @ 2.21pm
Yep jfngw, and Willie knows where “the link” to paedophilia is within his party…..but then, like the Memogate Carmichael scandal, Willie believes in ‘second chances’…..but ONLY for the RIGHT people within the RIGHT party that is….
Willie as per…subservient to HQ thus he is currently being RESERVED in his opinion…..HQ happy to DEVOLVE minor matters to Willie…as they recognise his true level of (non) ability…well on the political stage….he, like the Tories in Scotland, are the rearguard for the Unionist parties….happy to flank from the sidelines using…. carping… as a weapon….Lol
I get really pissed off by anyone playing down the seriousness and threat of this pandemic.
Mortality in a population is 0.7% – 3% depending upon the demographics, general health state, and access to medical, especially intensive, care.
Covid19 is extremely infectious (much much more than flu). Antibody surveys in the UK, France and Spain have found about 5% in each country has had it. 10% in Madrid, 11% in Paris, 17% in London.
UK deaths of positively tested people is 37k, however Covid19 appeared on a lot more death certs who were never tested. Then there are excess deaths over last 5 years average. Some estimates put the real death toll at 60-70k.
The above three things – mortality, infections, and deaths – are entirely consistent. They present a picture far worse than the official UK numbers suggest, of course. The UK is probably the worst hit (by population size) on the planet.
Here’s the crunch though – if there had been no lockdown the number of infections could have been ten times greater, however the deaths could have been worse than ten times because most sick people couldn’t have accessed any healthcare.
We’ve had a close shave! And it ain’t over yet.
Im sorry, you didn’t mention the novel you were reading this in?
What you mean is that figures were wrong, I wouldn’t argue the toss either way. Whether one or both presentations were dishonest is surely a subjective opinion and part of the decision making process each listener/ reader would decide on considering the merits of each presentation. Neither we’re bad presentations, both were believable and that is what causes the dilemma for the reader/listener.
I think it’s time for some “liberation psychology”. Here’s a video lecture.
Accompanying: Healing Through Liberation Psychology
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And here’s a source some might find useful.
Psychology of Liberation
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5,000,000 cases of Covid,
300,000 deaths,
so 6% of cases die.
Dear Joe, try this.
link to
Just go to graphs then scroll down to the UK.
These are graphs of actual excess deaths per head of population in Scotland England etc.
Note that England has the highest rating in the whole of Europe.
I know not whether it is the highest in the world.
robertknight says:
23 May, 2020 at 1:06 pm
Blackford on the telly – bumbling oaf spouting faux outrage as though NS handled the Calderwood carry on with any degree of competence.
I’ll never believe another word that falls from that man’s lips…
“We will not allow Scotland to be dragged…” Blah blah blah.
Couldn’t agree more Robert I’m not so much angry at his empty words I’m more angry at the fact I believed him
For those who recently signed up for Gab as a potential alternative to an increasingly toxic Twitter, @Ceannairc has been busy posting links, so please pop along and check your follower numbers now that it’s back up and running after lengthy ‘maintenance’.
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Who/What murdered Barry Sherman: link to
Anyone else believe Cummings never had the virus but just wanted to visit his mother on her birthday, did he get tested, was it positive.
All these toilets between London and all these service stations! How many infected?
Scot Finlayson,
That is incorrect.
The death rate is not 6%, it is nowhere near.
You are excluding all the people who don’t know they’ve had it or don’t need to seek treatment.
As an example;
Sweden, believed to be extreme in it’s slack lockdown, according to reports 20% to 30% of the population have or have had the virus.
We’ll take the lower percentage of 20% which is 2,000,000.
People that have died in Sweden from the virus is about 4000.
So according to the information to hand the mortality rate in Sweden is therefore 0.2%.
My apologies if that figure isn’t scary enough for some people.
My take on this thought provoking scene:
Is it safe (to go for independence) or will we choose to be forever in lockdown (i.e in the United Kingdom)?
Using the same information the mortality rate in Sweden for under 50s is less than 0.005%
Sorry, my maths make the death rate at around 0.05%
How do you get your figures?
Swedish cultural psychology is different to ours, so you’re likely to be adding to your risk by read too much into statistical comparisons.
Covid-19: Prioritise people over profit!
link to
sorry….reading too much
Considerations relating to social distancing measures in response to COVID-19 – second update
23 March 2020
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I’m not making any comparisons, I’m merely doing the maths with the information we have,
When that information changes, so too will the maths.
Dominic Cummings and his wife catch the virus
They travel to Durham with their child
Dominic’s wife then writes several articles about life in lock down in London with no mention of them travelling to Durham.
BBC in full he was protecting his child mode, it was advice, he did not do anything anyone else would not do
What a joke – but it is the BBC we are talking about
Just received a WhatsApp showing 2 Sets of front
Pages for the Sun and the telegraph.
The first 2 front page headlines were all about England’s Prof Lockdown
Have to resign as he travelled during curfew to meet his lady on the side.
The same 2 papers have front page headlines without any trace of a Dom
Cummings breaking curfew and showing contempt for the lives of others.
UK newspapers don’t deserve to exist!
Is Pete’s surname Bolsonaro ?
@Alex Lomac,
Just Bals!!
@Ian brotherhood
Have just posted myself.
I’ll repeat it here for those still wary of gab:
link to
This is our future if we permit it.
@Bill Hume
I’ll refer you to a previous post of mine:
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Mrs. Murrell tried to hold on to her CMO, so nobody can blame the Tory party for doing the same thing, least of all Blackford.
Cummings HAS to go though. Might be good if he took Blackford with him.
Here we go again another Saturday evening and another old English football match on Scottish TV, this time Arsenal v Liverpool.
STV are a fucking disgrace they have been for years now, pumping out English content relentlessly in Scotland. Their latest bullshit trick is advertising old Take the High Road episodes on its shitty player instead of broadcasting Scottish made programmes.
Even Catalonia has its own channels with content from the region. But Scots meekly, bar the odd few who rail against it, sit back and take it, and have done so for decades.
Who exactly are you outside your imagination?
Covid-19 Project: “Meaning in the Coronavirus crisis”
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@CameronB Brodie
A concerned citizen. Which is all I need to be.
There you go! A reply. Don’t get used to it.
From my perspective, you’re either ignorant or malicious in intent.
A Road-map to Surviving Stay-at-home, one day at a time in a pandemic: A Self-Determination Theory approach to coping with the invisible enemy, COVID — 19/New CoronaVirus
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@CameronB Brodie
That’s the 2nd shot at the man and not his argument.
There you go, that’s your monthly quota of replies from me. Don’t get greedy. Go on, you’ll have critical theory to study regarding the ethical competence of post waffle enfranchisement in a realist dialectic semi-carbuncle.
You’re not bad at this game, I’ll give you that. I’ve been living this way of thinking for some time now, so you’re onto plumbs we me.
Self-Determination Theory of Motivation
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Scotland V USSR 1983 on BBC Scotland after 7:15pm tonight.
For those interested.
link to free streaming.
about 6 live matches on now. German and Hungarians league.
Carole Cadwalldr asking some serious questions about exactly what Jonhson, Gove and Cummings are up to.
Read the thread.
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A bit of perspective when comparing the Spanish Flu with COVID-19, remember that the health services worldwide were puny in relation to today. Doctors then did not have the same level of scientific knowledge either. And ventilators were not exactly commonplace.
This is aimed at the politicians of all parties everywhere when, after things calm down a bit, they try and take credit for not having a similar death toll to the Spanish Flu.
That treacherous bastard Jackson Carlaw and his Westminster compliant MSPs who quickly came down on Catherine Calderwood Scotlands Chief Medical Officer have been silent on their own party’s Dominic Cummings breaking the lockdown rules.
Not a peep no mouthing off from Davidson or Fraser or Tomkins or that wee incoherent naff, and list MSP from Easterhouse, who I’ve forgotten her names such is her charisma at Holyrood or on the unionist media.
Once again Scotlands MSPs voted in by residents of Scotland stay stum to protect the government party of a foreign country. Only in Scotland.
This country Scotland is so far down the rabbit hole, that even Lewis Carroll would be turning in his grave wondering who on Earth could begin I write a way out of it for Scotland.
Ah, I remember her Annie fucking Wells.
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And I tell you another thing whilst I’m having my wee rant, that snivelling wee runt, and false accuser, on Twitter (remember that?) Susan Calman is never off the bloody unionist telly with her BoS adverts, in which she has the bloody cheek to tell she knows about Scots.
This wee pile o shite has been well rewarded by the union on tv shows, radio, and adverts for selling her country out, she knows SFA about Scots that one.
‘Hydroxychloroquine was used in Shanghai as the first line of treatment,” said Arguedas.’
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Would an easily obtained and cheap drug go against the interests of certain groups? How much social control would you need then? How much profit would be missed? People would not need government and international institutions telling them what to do.
louder with crowder has done a william wallace sketch on youtube about the state we are in here in Scotland
quite funny…..and so it should be, our SNP govt is a laughing stock around the world now.
But this one has a patent involved.
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‘The collaboration follows the January 2010 call by Bill and Melinda Gates for the next ten years to be the Decade of Vaccines.’
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Anthony S.Fauci on the board:
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Callmedave @6.55pm Sorry Dave, I try not to watch that token tv channel, oh and after the footy we have Mrs Brown the Movie, Queen Vicky and her wee pet Scot played by Billy Connolly, who if I recall, correctly wasnt too keen on independence in 2014.
Grouse Beater @ 12.10 pm
Thank you for your link to your blog post regards Churchill , An interesting read and just now on Channel 4 there’s a programme re Dunkirk and next on at 8.20pm there’s a programme called Forgotten Heroes and it’s about the 51st Highland Division at Dunkirk , should be interesting to watch .
Dominic Cummings caught breaking lockdown second time to visit his parents according to the Sunday Mirror.
This after Transport secretary at briefing stated he had gone to Durham and isolated. But he was later seen after returning to London back in Durham at a later date.
I second that. Hysterically funny!
As an addition to the above Mirror story, I’m now awaiting the official Kuenssberg press release with the government position.
@Joe says:
23 May, 2020 at 7:36 pm
‘Hydroxychloroquine was used in Shanghai as the first line of treatment,” said Arguedas.’
Even the BBC have rumbled that one of many product placements going on.
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Well thank god for the BBC eh? Its always good to have a solid honest institution to rely on.
Maggie C.
The long and the short of it, Churchill sold out the 51st Highlanders but he blamed it on the French. Like General Wolfe, said and Churchill thought, Highlanders falling in battle is seen by Westminster as no great loss. Haig a Scot and British puppet sent thousands of Scots to their deaths at the Somme.
Haven’t you heard we Scots are expendable.
The National newspapers has half page devoted to it today.
Off thread guys… but happy for thought!… If the whole of the UK switched off TV for a fortnight… especially boycotting MSM being Sky and BBC news in particular, would the virus just disappear and life return to normality (and not the new normal whar ever that will be!!) ?
It’s on Sky, cnn, guardian, the lot I’m afraid.
There’s been a lot of free advertising going on from early on with covid.
The most prominent UK one being the astra zeneca Cambridge uni ‘vaccine’.
Many medics say it’s a cardio vascular issue and treating it with related therapy.
‘It’s on Sky, cnn, guardian, the lot I’m afraid.’
Yes. I agree. It is.
Journalist from the Guardian newspaper tweeted :
“One of the many unanswered questions about the Cummings affair: if it was all so obviously above-board and fine, why did No 10 refuse to comment on it for almost seven weeks? We first asked them about it on 5 April”.
I mean the Tories in Scotland have been rabidly uber vocal on TRANSPARENCY being vital…keeping the public informed….no cover ups….untenable positions of ministers in the Scottish govt…..yada yada…..indeed.
I see they have all declared a vow of silence on Twitter today….shoe on the other foot now……no doubt concocting a collective bot like spin response to give to their pals in the compliant media….
Or rather asking their pals in the media if they are sitting on a #SNPBAD story and perhaps releasing it now…..timing is EVERYTHING..even if story is flimsy and lacking real substance or truth…anything to deflect attention away……
‘Nicola Sturgeon trying to contact Aliens to invade England’….
“Take me to your leader….not the figurehead one in No 10….his adviser The Dom…. the REAL leader”.
‘Annie Wells abducted by Aliens….brought back pronto….as no intelligent life was found……Sturgeon tricked aliens into believing that both ‘life’ and ‘intelligence’ was present in Ms Wells brain cell’……
“and she would have got away with too if hadn’t been for those pesky list votes…i.e. the ones that let in dead weights with one brain cell into Holyrood as an MSP”…..said Head Alien Major Tom Tom….previously a Captain of the Fleet…street.
5,000,000 people have tested positive for the virus,
300,000 have died,
that means 6% of those known to have the virus have died.
Just seen a really funny thing on Mr Malky Twitter account…cannot add link but please watch…
Tweet from TheIanDuncanSmiths…video called CUMMA MIA..really really funny.
The National:
FRESH witness reports put Dominic Cummings in Durham for a second trip during lockdown, days after being filmed in London having recovered from coronavirus.
Pressure had already been mounting on Boris Johnson to sack his chief aide after it emerged he had travelled 260 miles to his parents’ home during lockdown while displaying coronavirus symptoms.
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Yes. I agree. It is.
So do you think it is big pharma product placement, or it actually works as Covid therapy?
Scott Finlayson
In terms of total population the death rate is minuscule.What is the death rate of those who get cancer?
Quite high, I would guess.
What’s your point?
Cancer is not a virus, you don’t catch it, it’s not contagious.
Scot Finlayson,
Yes, that is now correct.
@Scot Finlayson
Beware some are probably quoting the CMR rather than the IMR, it gives a lower number because you are including those that have never been infected.
Although Scot Finlayson,
Probably better to replace known with confirmed
It seemed to me that Scot Finlayson was implying that everyone who contracted the virus had a 6% chance of death. That was certainly what I inferred,
What do you think?
Who exactlyy are all these unqualified voices urging a relaxation of lock-down?
Full text.
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Clapper57 @ 8.37 pm
Here’s the link to the video your talking about ,
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I wasn’t sure what you were talking about in your first reply because you hadn’t flagged who you were responding to, there are a lot of numbers flying around here.
But I did work out the death share of under 50’s in Sweden, which according to statistia data (22nd May) is 0.18% of confirmed cases. This is not the Infection Mortality Rate as there is nowhere I can find how many under 50’s have been infected, just the total of infected. It doesn’t look like anyone is gathering the infection rate by age (I can’t find them anyway), it could be higher or lower than the 0.18% depending on the spread of the infection across age groups. I could make a guess by the demographics of the country but then that’s me just making up numbers.
My point to Scot Finlayson was that if we are only going to use confirmed cases to find mortality rates as you have now just done then the situation regarding the virus will look much bleaker and more frightening than it actually is.
Would you not agree?
@ MaggieC @ 9.15pm
Many Thanks…I hope you are well.
Hope you enjoyed it….I did…..need some respite…desperately.
Have a good evening (what’s left of it)…have a chilled and good day tomorrow.
I should have added the death share of over 50’s (Sweden) who have had the virus is 11.65% (11.3% if you make it over 60’s), that makes about 88% recovered.
To be honest I don’t believe we will ever have the exact numbers for deaths or infected so working these out to decimal places is actually a waste of time.
I made the last reply before I read your latest so it is not an answer to that comment.
Yes I agree without knowing the actual infection totals the number will be higher, I don’t know how you get round that though. The worldometer site has good bit of research in New York where they reckon the infection rate is 10 times the confirmed detected rate. That seems reasonable as it would give Scotland a fatality rate of about 1.4% which is what they worked out in NY.
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Final comment on these numbers. It’s clear to keep this number down we need to stop those over 60 or 70 catching it. The more of them that catch it the higher the mortality number will be.
The problem here is it seems near impossible to protect them if there is a lot of cases in the community. Sweden tried this with care homes but there are just too many vectors for its entry. On paper it looks easy but I suspect it will fail.
I wonder if the Conservative party are wanting out, it’s funny how the cummings story has just come out after a fair length of time, whatever party is in power in england it’s going to be hard going to keep things going down there, the Conservative party would maybe prefer the Labour Party in for a few years until things settle down, perfect opportunity for Scotland to go its own way, rules for some not for others, hard to see if things will ever change.
‘the Conservative party would maybe prefer the Labour Party in for a few years until things settle down,’
And this time it is they who leave a note on the chancellors desk saying
‘sorry, we’ve spent all the money’
And this time, it will be the understatemt of the century.
jfngw says:
23 May, 2020 at 8:48 pm
Cancer is not a virus, you don’t catch it, it’s not contagious
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Did anyone believe a Boris Johnson government would be any better than this, we expected a disaster, he has surpassed himself in our expectations. He is the exemplar of disastrous government surrounded by an equally incompetent cabinet.
23 May, 2020 at 10:31 pm
Did anyone believe a Boris Johnson government would be any better than this,
I wouldn’t believe any british government would be any than this to be honest.
@jnfgw, dakk –
Seems like a lifetime ago now, but even before Boris was installed (could anyone confidently name the month now?) there were bold claims that he would be the shortest-serving PM in British history.
The fact that he’s still there has nothing to do with him – it’s all about the power of the State, keeping him there for as long as required/possible. To the real power brokers he’s nowt but a useful – and entirely disposable – narcissist who’s already been ‘paid’ with achievement of the highest office in The Land. And he knows it. That’s why he doesn’t give a fuck and is spending as much time as possible on holiday/’seriously ill’.
Jackson Carlaw has been trolled by Richard Leonard over Cummingsgate.
Now that really is being savaged by a dead sheep!
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@dakk & Ian Brotherhood
If this doesn’t move people to independence what possibly will.
If it doesn’t happen soon I feel it’s over for me in my lifetime. I’m 66 in July, at best that’s probably 14 years (less if I follow my dad’s example).
@jnfgw –
Don’t lose heart mister – you must be about the same age as Alex Salmond, and look how much we’re still expecting of him!
@Rm says:
23 May, 2020 at 10:12 pm
“I wonder if the Conservative party are wanting out”
Could be. James Herbert’s book “Lair”, sequel to “The Rats” has a narrative with the opposition “rubbing their hands in glee” as they had been blamed for the original attacks. Sounds familiar.
And if there is any truth regarding a second trip by Cummings then he will have painted Boris into a corner.
You can just see Boris now, phoning about the Royals to see if any of them are ready to get married this week, or is there a Royal sprat ready for dropping
If not, is there any WW2 anniversary coming up, so he can wheel Lizzie out to speak to the gullable masses.
Anything but Cummings,,, it’s destroying his Image.
Rot in hell ya english prick
Yep, if this goes on the may have get Prince Andrew onboard.
@Ian B
‘That’s why he doesn’t give a fuck and is spending as much time as possible on holiday/’seriously ill’.’
And not even having to try pretend otherwise.
Listening to Jim Callaghan on the 1979 election result it is clear that Scotland’s birthright was stolen by Maggie Thatcher.
North Sea oil was as big for Scotland as it was for Norway but we allowed Thatcher to steal our future.
Scotland wake up!
As mentioned above,,,I hope those Indy fence sitters come down on the side of sanity, Justice and logic and become rabid Nationalists.
Boris is our ticket to Independence, so he needs to be kept there for as long as possible, but as for Cummings, that guy is a physicopathic lunatic and will probably need taken out of No10 in a straight jacket.
All good for indyRef2
NY Times sombre Sunday edition front page:
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@mike cassidy
Aye! Ricky Leopard getting top trolling marks for his Carlaw tweet
I’ve been listening on Radio 5 live to the ‘Cummings not goings’ thing it’s been ding-dong but a lot of Tory callers trying to defend it no matter what.
Sleepless night for Boris. The nation awaits his decision I’ll bet a little bit of him would like to ditch him but Cummings knows where & who in all things nefarious in the last wee while.
A close call!
@jnfgw, 9.56
“The problem here is it seems near impossible to protect them if there is a lot of cases in the community.”
It’s difficult but not impossible. Prophylactics are needed. In the first place, people should have been advised to take Vitamin C, Vitamin D and zinc to maintain their immune system. Anyone can still do this. In the second place, GPs should have been advised about the use of hydroxychloroquine + zinc sulphate as a prophylactic for people in the high-risk groups. Hopefully, as more is learned from the countries which are using this, it will become a common practice here.
Attractive picture, Chris. Makes me want to go for a hill walk. “Is it safe?”. Yes, it is.
Quite a difference to VE bank holiday when the deaths here were 25,000 (equivalent to 130,000 in the US) our papers had ‘Let’s Party’ on the front page.
So they’re humanitarians now
Locked in their white cliff-dwellings
Encased in their repellent,guano,bat-free and guilt free
Grey over SW1 the clouds piled up
Dragged their rain through the cemetery trees
The gates shone cold
As the blonde shilput dog grimly fucks some unalert poodles,uncontrolled
Under the darkness of a twisted pram
A cat’s eyes glitter
National identity is akin to a hand of cards
That is acquired, shuffled
And pragmatically presented to others when thought propitious
Despite our countdown some were loath to go
We sighed, climbed in, locked
If it was love they felt, would it not keep and travel, where we travelled ?
Hydroxychloroquine is not restricted for manufacture. It is not protected by patent. To make real money big pharma needs a patented product.
More accurately its a generic drug that has patented products manufactured from it.
Can I ask what your training is to qualify you as competent to advise on covid-19 treatment?
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Joe appears to be quite happy to endanger the safety of others, in order to punt his political outlook.
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The link for Clapper57 funny video
Can anybody tell me how many YES hubs there are across Scotland and their membership numbers roughly Cheers
twathater 3.26am
Regarding YES Hubs,,,,as far as I know Nicola Sturgeon has had them all closed down.
Labelling them Dens of Iniquity that are nothing more than a cover for drug abuse, mass orgies and organised by the intellectually challenged.
In UK,
257,000 confirmed to have the virus,
36,000 of those have died,
that means the UK death rate is 14% of those confirmed with virus,
over double the world average.
OMG – I didn’t ever think Rheinhart Leotard had it in him. However, just one wee observation on his brilliant trolling of Jackass Carlot – he really should have written: ” U ok Hun?”
There’s no question a Tory will see the opportunity in any situation to feather their own nest, this pandemic is no exception.
I found this in the Grouse Beater article/blog regarding Winston Churchill, I hope he doesn’t mind the quote as he wasn’t too happy with someone else quoting him in a blog but i think this highlights it better than I can.
No one asked how he had entered the war bankrupt and in massive debt, but ended it with the equivalent of £2 million in his bank account.
60,000+ deaths more than normally expected over virus period in the UK.
30,000+ are directly down to the incompetent English Tory government. Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings have blood on their hands, they need to go and now.
@ Socrates MacSporran.
Not sure that leotard did this off his own back, more likely emboldened if not prodded by HQ wanting an enquiry( note, not sacked ) into Cummings.
To borrow a phrase from Stu,the only prophylactic the ”experts” here should advise is the one their father should have used.
When I read so much mischievous nonsense here I cannot fail to conclude that the Unionists are getting desperate and are spewing discord and confusion.
Independence is inevitable but please hurry up,I am not getting any younger.
@Scot Finlayson,
We all know that not a single figure coming out of the UK can be trusted. 36k dead, though the true figure could easily be 60k. As to the number infected, the total including those who have not been tested could realistically be close to 1 million based on the mortalities that have occurred.
Meanwhile I’m on day 2 of a 4 day curfew in the Middle East. We have been on a 5pm – 9am curfew for the last month with all gatherings of >5 outlawed – during Ramadan and now Idh. Idh which is basically THE biggest event in the Muslim calender year.
I wonder what would happen in UK were Bojo to tell people they couldn’t visit family on Christmas day.
John Boothman rehashing old news to attack SNP in Sunday Times.
John Boothman, married to Labour MSP, was head of BBC Scotland news and current affairs during 2014 Referendum and lost tribunal case after bullying the daughter of Margo MacDonald.
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@ Famous15 says: 23 May, 2020 at 11:47 pm
Scotland’s Oil baled out Maggie Thatcher but extent has been underplayed / written out of UK history.
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Yoons still saying Covid deaths higher in Scotland and in Care Homes.
This is not the case: link to
Seasonal excess deaths in England much higher than in Scotland which destroys arguments that care home deaths are twice as bad in Scotland.
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Scroll to bottom of page to see the much higher spike in England
This is worth a quick read.
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Famous15 9.42am
I see you asking someone to “hurry up”
Who are you asking to hurry up?
Could it be that you are coming round to the more common view that Sturgeon IS dragging her heels when it comes to delivering Independence?
Like Capella, you think the sun shines out of Sturgeon’s arse, but you are now admitting that people like me have been right all along and Sturgeon is an uninterested gradualist who sees Independence is an interruption to her Gravy Train.
Is it safe?
Yes & No – This virus is deadly to the weak, the old and the ill and they should continue to isolate for a wee while yet while getting as much fresh air and sunlight as is possible – for everyone else it is the scam of the Century. This is a flu, no more, no less. I have come to the conclusion that there is no point getting sucked into the ‘science’ as it achieves nothing – people have chosen their side by now, so the debate, for me, is over.
The next phase in the scam is face masks (I suspect trades unions will be one of the vehicles for this), then mandatory vaccinations – of course, the fascists on here will be loving that, I bet they just cant wait to see people dragged from their homes and injected with Bill Gates new formula for ‘their safety’ (Bill Gates, btw, a man on record championing population reduction and blood on is hands in the form of child deaths in India and Africa while funding SAGE and Imperial College idiots like Neil Ferguson – little wonder then that an Italian Politician stood up in Parliament and demanded the arrest of the criminal Gates)
There is no stopping this now. Peaceful protest will have the same effect it had on the Iraq War – zero.
Many years form now, when your kids can’t have kids, remember this moment and the part you played.
There is only one hope and that is the Yanks, who despite decades of relentless pressure, managed to keep a hold of their weapons.
And if you think I’m nuts, so is swimming around, frog like, in a pot that is slowly being boiled.
It seems that Cummings is claiming to have made extensive enquiries as to whether it was safe or not, before embarking on his journey.
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The SNP government have to demand that the conservative msps sitting in Holyrood demand the resignation of cummings, they were quick to demand the resignation of Calderwood, if the Conservative party don’t do it Scotland should dissolve the Union go on our own again, another P- – -k who should resign is Boredom Brewer what an absolutely useless unionist Pratt.
If the UK gov are unwilling to admit the real level of covid deaths when there are so many excess deaths, how can we possibly trust them with the infection level now. They have lifted lockdown and any increase will be seen as a mistake, expect some rewriting of the rules as per the Cummings ordeal to vindicate any outcome.
The Tories in Scotland are apparently in twitter lockdown, no tweets for over a day from any of them. Possible JC is just doing an artwork inventory, you’ve got to keep an eye on the goods.
@Millennium says:
24 May, 2020 at 8:47 am
twathater 3.26am
“Dens of Iniquity that are nothing more than a cover for… mass orgies…”
Where do I sign up?
You’re another one who appears keen to endanger the public in order to punt your personal politics. Medical science and practice takes time to develop, so we need to rely on ethics and practical reason to guide us through uncertainty. That means we need the “precautionary principle” like never before.
Evidence Based Management Guideline for the COVID-19 Pandemic – Review article
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Fiona Hyslop snapped back a few times at Brewer this morning. He didn’t like it one little bit. I feared, once or twice,he was about to spit the dummy.
@millenium,hundredidiots et al. I am tempted to say “Yawn”. BUt you ,of course many of you have already adopted that slogan.
BTW Millenium do not put words into my mouth as that is unhealthy.
All persons of wit and wisdom in Scotland, please hurry up in gaining independence.
You know it makes sense.
I presume everyone in England who was fined for breaking lockdown by having someone over now can claim the money back as long as they were dancing to an ABBA song at some point, possibly ‘One of Us’ and considered it ‘safeguarding’ their mental health.
Famous15. 10.34am
It’s punters like you, with as much backbone as a wet paper bag, that are holding up Independence, with your blind support for the utterly useless Sturgeon.
So don’t start passing the buck onto people who can see through the Sturgeon Strategy of, one step forward, three back.
Just watched Tory Grant Shaps on the main propaganda channel
Attempt to tell the public that we are too dumb to understand the lockdown
Directives and our understanding of English words are wrong and the whole
Oxford dictionary will now need to be rewritten to get Dom Cummings off.
spoiler alert – Scotland will never see Her Independence, so don’t wait up.
We had our chance in 2014, we blew it. It still sticks in my craw that the postal vote was very likely rigged and enough to swing it, but hey ho, the Brits were just smarter than us.
The open goal of the last 3 years has not been taken – there is no desire within the current SNP for Independence, NS has betrayed us all.
Meanwhile, Scotland now has one of the longest lockdowns in Europe – and it isn’t being lifted on Thursday, nor the Thursday after that, nor the one after that.
The result will be this – SNP vote will tumble – if people like me will no longer vote for them (I have voted for no other Party in nearly 40 years of voting and cancelled my/our memberships before Xmas) what chance have they got? – None.
Unless a new Party makes a meteoric rise, it’s over, it’s all over. Make your peace with it by accepting it (the final and most rewarding stage of dealing with Loss being acceptance).
The Brits have won.
I pretty sure you’re talking sense.
That’s a lot of words for ‘the debate is over’.
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Famous15. 10.34am
I think you will find the biggest “Yawn” will come after we hear you utter those words “we must trust in Nicola”
Famous15,,,,, another Flat Earther and Sturgeon apologist.
Richard Leonard bumping his gums about care home transfers from hospitals in March.
All four governments in UK, INCLUDING LABOUR IN WALES, were spooked by UK medical predictions that their would be 250,000 hospital cases and took the callous /difficult decision to free up hospital spaces and elderly patients who were deemed fit enough ( but not tested as throughout UK there was insufficient capacity) were discharged back to community o care homes as appropriate.
Labour and Tories should stop playing politics over what was an ethical issue facing public health officials in all four parts of the UK. Easy to be wise in hindsight.
Had we been independent rather than being in thrall to London being the font of all knowledge we could have followed Ireland’s example and saved 2000 deaths by locking down earlier but we didn’t have the financial powers to compensate workers and businesses.
@Millenium I can safely say that my backbone was strongly and effectively used in the cause of independence long before you were born.
Like everyone I have some doubts about the SNP but as yet no hard facts. I resigned from the SNP some time ago because they sacrificed future employment to pacify the Greens and I see other issues slipping to make for a quiet life.
Independence is the normal and natural state for a country and not subservience to witless clowns in a neighbouring country.
When Cameron Brodie,,the site loony,,,starts backing you up, then that is when you know you are Rubber Ducked.
I think you have already been pointed towards joining the LibDems website,,,I would give it a go if I were you, it’s more suited to your types.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
– Charles Darwin
So we had the Scottish Tories up in arms about the Nike story…
Well unfortunately timing is everything in the revelation of shocking stories and with this Cummings scandal there is a story in The Times that is not being given the attention it should….
A story that far diminishes the contrived faux outrage being promoted by Tories in Scotland and their undercover Tory Ian Murray…..who jointly pushed the Nike Conference story.
Piers Morgan tweeted the following :
“The Sunday Times #Insight investigation into how Boris Johnson’s dithering on lockdown cost 1000s of lives is utterly devastating. If you’ve been blindly supporting him & the Govt during this crisis, read this article & then decide if you still want to. It’s shocking”.
The story documents how BorisJohnson was too slow with taking coronavirus seriously that led to 1.5 million people being infected by the time of lockdown. Far MORE than any other country.
Perhaps this additional revelation should keep the Scottish Tory politicians in Twitter lockdown for an even more extended period…giving time to reflect on their hypocrisy and undeserved loyalty to a leader most of them didn’t vote for in the Tory leadership election and don’t even like !
Yet now they all kneel at the altar of Boris….and just like Brexit they cast aside previous supposed strong positions to adapt to whatever HQ demands…..and Ruth Davidson is one of the worst culprits….given credit by the media for what?…..denying everything that she previously promoted as right just to uphold unity in the Tory party…..and Jackson Carlaw should look at Tory supporters in Scotland and UK if he wants to see a “cult” following.
No more should we have to listen to the calculated outrage from Jackson Carlaw, Ruth Davidson and their useless elected (undeservedly) MP’s when THEIR party are clearly incompetent and blatantly corrupt ……Tory uber alles irrespective of all the stories exposing their incompetence and deception to benefit Tory donors and the Tory party over the people they are supposed to support and protect.
If Brexit, constant cover ups, incompetence and mismanagement does not end the Union then one wonders WTF will it take before some of those currently living in Scotland finally say enough is enough !
ps. Gordon Brewer and Politics Scotland fooled no one today with the Elephant in the Room programme….a classic look over here not over there addition of their damage limitation Unionist exercise ….par for the course with the BBC closing ranks with a party of the Union……so transparent in the omission of THE story of the day that it insulted the Scots viewers intelligence……as per
Millenium what nonsense now.You are not even rational. Your get the man not the ball sort of way is not clever.
However I do not think your mission needs cleverness does it? Nudge,nudge,wink,wink.
If you die before seeing an independent Scotland, then blame no one else other than Nicola Sturgeon,,,,,and of course yourself, for blindly supporting her “not in my lifetime” approach towards Scottish Independence.
Millenium you are fixated with Nicola Sturgeon. I am not.
I see independence as a necessity. I do not know or care what you see or desire as I suspect we are on different planets or at least have different goals.
“When Cameron Brodie,,the site loony,,,starts backing you up, then that is when you know you are Rubber Ducked.”
Your yoon persona couldn’t hide for long, and neither could your personal clown-shoes.
Talk Evidence – Building an evidence base for covid-19
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I have probably done more in a day to than you have in your lifetime in our fight for Independence
Do you believe Nicola Sturgeon is the person who will lead us to Independence???
Here we go again.
“You’re no a Sturgeon supporter, so you MUST be a Yoon”
Geez fuckin peace
Fuckin hell,,,getting stalked by Famous15 and Cam B first thing on a Sunday morning,,,who left the cell doors open and let these two beauties roam the streets unattended???
Here’s one for folk with a bit of time on their hands, and a need to spot political fakes.
Reasoning Independently of Prior Belief and Individual Differences in Actively Open-Minded Thinking
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Nuff said, i think!
Sturgeon has caused this split in the Yes Movement, all done by design, and it’s up to everyone of us, individually, whether to follow her lead, or choose a more direct path to Independence with new leadership.
I’m all for the latter.
IMO Sturgeon is a dud, a damp squib.
In other words,,,, useless.
CBB takes Mediawirenews as Gospel
I live in the countryside on an island, I want to get off it and go to my hometown Glasgow more than anything, all this open space on the island is great but it’s just an open prison if you can’t get off it.
So Sarah Smith, you know the seething treacherous unionist, who couldn’t contain her disappointment that Alex Salmond wasn’t locked up for good can use the word honourable as in the Honourable Sarah Smith because her mother is a baroness. Her mother is Baroness of Gilmorehill.
In my opinion there’s nothing remotely honourable about Smith the junior, unless of course you take into account her selling out Scotland at the behest of a foreign nation a nation that sees her as honourable in doing so.
The English media which we are if not forced to watch, then subjected to is jam packed with Judas Scots that are only too willing to put down Scotland and Scots to keep on receiving their tainted gold coins from a foreign nation that has drained Scotland of its wealth and used its people as cannon fodder in its unjust wars for centuries.—alternative-sources-look-like/
You didn’t answer my question,,,
“Do you believe Nicola Sturgeon is the person who will lead us to Independence?”
Millenium one more thought. We have all seen that Glaswegian hero in a three lions tap shouting “Stick yer independence up yer arse”
Well,like you he thinks he is doing wonders for Unionism.Really working his socks off for his cause.
Just think about it!
I remember going to see ‘Rollerball’ in 1975, the IMBD storyline description is.
In a futuristic society where corporations have replaced countries, the violent game of Rollerball is used to control the populace by demonstrating the futility of individuality
This is the dream of those like Dominic Cummings, countries are irrelevant, it’s ownership that matters. Whilst we don’t have Rollerball we have plenty of other mindless distractions like Eastenders and Olympics.
Bogus journalists hitting the roof when White House Press Secretary announced re-opening of places of worship. Media up to no good. I’m not the religious type but I do see that as good news. All the hard line punish the heretic types here are secretly embarrassed by their blue funk. Steve Crowders Wallace sketch is sadly hilariously spot on.Poor Patrick he must be an SNP semen repository.
I’m not an agent provocateur, nor cognitively dogmatic. I am critical of the both the SNP and the Scottish government though, as neither supports international human rights law. This is an inescapable consequence of viewing the world through the pathology of British constitutional law, and can be described in two words, LEGAL PAROCHIALISM.
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Looks like a totally Tory free zone in Scotland.
BBC Scotland nope not a one
Brewer and the rest of the crew down at Pacific Heights scrabbling around this morning looking for something , anything that’s a SNP shite story and embarrassing themselves in the process .
I don’t do Twater but anyone that does let the rest of us know if any Tory is at home , have they all left the fkn country and in the process been struck dumb , WHY THE SILENCE ? .
@ahundredth idiot
Appears to me that the extended house arrest errs on the side of caution by allowing extra time to observe any reduction in infections in countries that have reopened ‘early’ in the hope that it is/was an overhyped seasonal illness.. thus mitigaitng the possiblity that international organisations have acted with integrity throughout after all!
Better yet, in light of recent disclosures about the likely inheritance of .guv’s chief spinner, one silver lining of the extended lockdown is that the Procurator Fiscal’s office may now have a window of opportunity to display consistency, if not integrity, by seeking extradition – ie on charges of attempted murder with premeditation – of certain government officials in the event that their English counterparts are not yet up to speed with the intent doctrine that the UK Supreme Court submitted to last year.
Concern troll,
In an argument (usually a political debate), a concern troll is someone who is on one side of the discussion, but pretends to be a supporter of the other side with “concerns”.
The idea behind this is that your opponents will take your arguments more seriously if they think you’re an ally.
Concern trolls who use fake identities are sometimes known as sockpuppets.
Squirrels and deflection doesn’t hide your
Support for Sturgeon
You are a Flat Earther Sturgeonista.
I know you don’t like admitting that in public, but that is what you are.
Shutting up and doing what you’re told is not a proud Scot.
Saw this article, which originally came from the Scotsman:
The Sixth Nordic country
I wonder what is wrong with the Scotsman publishing such an indy-friendly article. Is it about they are going to get Scottish government money?
Some would have us believe that First Minister is innocently unwittingly surrounded by Agents of London that she ‘knows nothing’ as her civil service and party members pursued an innocent man through the corrupt courts. Nicola Sturgeon micro manages the SNP or I’ll eat my feldmutze.
This guy does in some way remind me of Dominic Cummings, same head shape, same weird eyes.
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Does Famous 15 believe Sturgeon working her socks off for Independence? If she makes use of this crisis?
Millenium shifts comes to an end so Dogbiscuit takes over.
Aye right.
I see that some people are naming and shaming UK Tory Mp’s supportive tweets yesterday excusing Cummings behaviour…
Meanwhile here in Scotland politicians from the SAME party….Omerta…..that SPEAKS volumes too !
stuart mctavish @ 12:21
I cant speak to your second point and would hope that you would be right and the point you make about watching other countries would be a reasonable one if we lived in a society which can maturely and sensibly digest actual data – weigh it up, consider the options and then make a decision. That last bit, decision making, is where we fall down, badly.
Example – infections and deaths were/are down in a re-opening Germany save for a Monday where there was a jump in death registrations (easily explained by most deaths over the weekend being delayed in recording until the working week) and what did we get? Hysteria from the MSM.
And of course, we’re not allowed to even mention Sweden on here – just like pavlovs dogs, it triggers angry emotions, slabbering nonsense and insult slinging.
Now, when it comes to decision makers – we don’t have any – not in London, not in Edinburgh. What we have is career politicians who have never worked in an arena where it is necessary to develop decision making skills. They manage by consensus – and while that might sound desirable/sensible, they are surrounded by like minded, woke liberals behaving like teenagers. They are, in short, unprofessional.
Meanwhile, kids are being beaten at home and going hungry, cancer patients are refused care and treatment, we treat our dead like pieces of shit.
We are not doing well, not at all.
Looks like the resident unionist placements are not being allowed to deviate from their script .
Have a look at their comments that haven’t changed with the developing news , are these programmable bots unable to change their allotted preprogrammed script ? .
Anyone able to point out the suspicious posters so the rest of us can either ignore them or simply scroll past them ? .
robert graham
I don’t think pointing fingers is particularly effective but I’ll try to make things a bit clearer for folk, through the law and stuff.
Precautionary Environmental Protection and Human Rights
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So my comment had the desired effect then!
Robert Graham
Just best watch and read what some say and really quickly you’ll notice those ‘trying’ to deflect and distract the btl comments.
I’ve been here since 2011 seen the detractors come and go and guess they’re freaking out atm ‘coz they get all strident and defensive.
Have at it lads…we see you
Thanks for all your articles even though I mostly skim some of them are very interesting and appropriate!
Thanks for taking the interest.
Famous 15
That’s Captain Dogbiscuit to you, ‘you orrible man’.
Next one online is Lieutenant Pidgeon.
Seeing as how folk don’t click links, here’s a wee passage from the previous link.
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Your comment from yesterday attacked everyone who didn’t align with your thoughts, calling them lunatics and idiots I think it was.
I know you have been commenting here for years as have I and because of that, you should actually know better.
Now you and Robert Graham are looking for the formula for spotting Unionists.
It’s obviously people who don’t agree with you.
So of course I’m a Unionist troll now.
I am detecting that the narrative has already started to change in Scotland, its now all about getting the test and trace infrastructure setup before they will consider lifting the lockdown. NS moving the goalposts yet again.
It has been weeks now since Germany eased its lockdown. There was a slight increase in cases the day after they did it, which the hysterical media gleefully reported, buts its been downhill since.
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No catastrophic second wave in sight.
Famous 15 at 12:40 pm — Good one! Millenium was getting so frantic towards the end of his shift, I think he probably pooped himself.
Even senior NHS folks are saying a second wave is only a matter of opinion.
Even Prof Pennington;
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bipod says: 24 May, 2020 at 2:10 pm
I’m not sure of any change of narrative as it was always the strategy of getting test and trace infrastructure up and running first before easing of lockdown. The outline of this is here and was published at the beginning of the month:
link to
Maybe it’s just me but wasn’t the whole point of a lock down to stop health services to be overwhelmed and therefore the only way to stop another lock down is to prevent it from spreading the way it had originally did by test, tracing & isolate?
Not yet but Germany took a different strategy about the health crisis from what the UK did and is now reaping the benefits.
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COuld we now discuss Dom Cummings and where that leaves Brexit when he goes and how that impinges the Yes Movement?
Could we also have a wee look at What kind of constitution we should have in an independent Scotland.
A wee look back to 2014 to address things we could have done better might also be interesting.
Independence is very desirable and worth promoting.
…..and I see the respectable Vernon Coleman is even talking population control.
Something sinister is at work here.
I suspect once you see the playbook for TTIS you will be moving very uncomfortably in your seat. You should start to get a slow gnawing in your stomach as you anticipate what it means for years to come. Where it says ‘support’ please read ‘imprisonment’ – only your own personal endeavours shall set you free (that one rings a bell from somewhere…..)
Unless you’re a fascist prick of course – in which case it will be an early Christmas for you!
Remember – it’s for your SAFETY!
Just read that someone thought the MAIN reason Colonel Ruth not giving an opinion on Cummings and Boris…..was because she is reliant on Boris recommending a peerage for her….self serving…sounds about right…..
I also note that certain Tory MP’s are now repenting today and retracting their support from yesterday….and this BTW is based solely on the further revelations on Cummings….if not for these further revelations they would all have stood their ground and brazened it out as Teflon Tories always try to do…defend the indefensible and justify the unjustifiable….
Also Tories who did not defend Cummings i.e. Steve Baker and Peter Bone stating Cummings should go is obviously because they are worried about Brexit being indirectly impacted by vote of no confidence in Boris due to chaotic leadership (lack of) in all of this.
Meanwhile Scottish Tory “Operation Deflection” has an article in a ‘Scottish’ newspaper on Scottish care homes courtesy of Jackson ‘missing in inaction’ Carlaw…..the timing of this article is so sweet in that it could not be MORE obvious a political deflection in the current political storm ……
And Ruth tweeted today in respect to this Carlaw article ” Important stuff from @ Jackson Carlaw”…..
Oh yes…Ruth important indeed this contrived faux outrage….but is the ‘important’ stuff that YOU currently deem and identify as important limited to just Jackson’s article….or is there other ‘important’ stuff CURRENTLY happening politically that is ALSO relevant to Covid ?…..
It certainly looks as if Ruth seems to think that there will be no day of reckoning for those Private Care Home owners….
And we all know that some Tory donors own and have shares in private Care homes too…..naturally Ruth and Jackson seem reluctant to condemn the owners of private care homes as in some way culpable….cause….reasons..obvs
They also seem oblivious to the hidden deaths NOT recorded in English care home as Covid related since start of Covid pandemic…..not for political reasons obvs….
That’s the problem with political opportunists like Ruth , Jackson & other Tory MSP’s they always fail to see the bigger picture…..ANNNND they ….” Do it deliberately too”……then facts (alien to a Tory obvs) come along and expose them for the chancers that they are……..funny how Jackson at outset of all of this insisted that inappropriate to make this crisis political and score points….and then does that very thing himself…how very Tory of him and his political colleagues too.
Tory policy : Do as I say not as I do….
hundredthidiot says: 24 May, 2020 at 2:32 pm
You are only embarrassing yourself with displaying such irrationality.
“Even Prof Pennington”
@Brian Doonthetoon
They’ll be quoting Brian Wilson next (I think of him as Historyman)!
Yet I suppose you think it rational to place people under house arrest for a flu?
we can stop talking weeks now and replace it with months
frog swims in circles
Jesus, are you incapable of leaving the mans politics out of it for just one second…..or are only pro-scottish independence people permitted a view?
Let’s hope a Unionist doesn’t find the cure for cancer eh….
Latest count of confirmed #COVID19 cases worldwide at 1000 GMT: Johns Hopkins University
World: 5,327,085
U.S.: 1,622,670
Brazil: 347,398
Russia: 344,481
Britain: 258,509
Spain: 235,290
Italy: 229,327
France: 182,036
Germany: 179,986
Turkey: 155,686
Iran: 135,701
ahundredthidiot says: 24 May, 2020 at 2:51 pm
Regardless of what you call the virus, evidence is easily found that it has killed hundreds of thousands worldwide in a short period of time. Therefore it is a health crisis that needs to be dealt with.
What do you suggest should be done that doesn’t involve hyperbole and name calling?
Ok to take the tin helmet off?
Have all the Sturgeonistas died off???
Is Famous15 and Capella the same person?
What has Sturgeon been offered to derail Independence?
Why do so many arseholes still follow Sturgeon?
Car crash interview….sorry Westminster briefing has been moved back to 5pm today instead of 4pm. M
Grab the popcorn…
Just looking at the covid confirmed cases world wide,
a) didn`t realise how big a population Brazil had 220,000,000,
b) why are India,Pakistan,Indonesia,Bangladesh not reporting bigger covid figures,
c) why has the Great Brutish Empire done so badly,looking at the figures against population the Great Brutish Empire and The Land of the Fee are worse by far.
I offer no hyperbole nor name calling.
I have seen the initial playbook for TTIS and my frog comment is a description of what is happening generally – nothing personal intended, apologies if it came across otherwise.
What do I suggest?
Quicksand is easy to get into and not so easy to get out of – it takes courage and daring.
Example – 9/11 was nearly 20 years ago and still we find ourselves going through a ridiculous process at airports – demeaning people with body scanners and having liquids taken off you and and then auctioned to increase operator profits.
Honesty – that is the solution. Hands up rugby style honesty and admit we made a huge cock-up (but with the right intentions – I agreed with the lockdown at the start as well btw, but the data needs to re-shape opinion and decision making) and re-open everything immediately. Trust people to isolate if they are vulnerable and physical distance without the force of Law, just like Sweden. There is zero scientific evidence that any second wave will happen, so that satisfies the ‘follow the science’ argument.
Of course, heads would need to roll, but REAL Leaders would see that as their ultimate test, to defy the Ring so to speak, and fall on their swords for the betterment of the People of Scotland.
Famous15 hinted at NS using this crisis as a political opportunity to further the independence cause – I would not be too judgemental about that myself if I thought it had any integrity, but I don’t. NS was the hottest 9 on the planet and refused to shoot at the open goal for the best part of 3 years.
Brian Doonthetoon
“Even Prof Pennington”
I second that, lol!
Millenium your three lions tap is showing.
Just once tell us why you support Scottish independence and how would your road map differ from The FM.
WE all know the virtues of independence.What virtues do YOU see? Just tell us a few of the reasons you support independence and again tell us how NS differs.
Trump`s view on postal voting,
Donald J. Trump
The United States cannot have all Mail In Ballots. It will be the greatest Rigged Election in history. People grab them from mailboxes, print thousands of forgeries and “force” people to sign. Also, forge names. Some absentee OK, when necessary. Trying to use Covid for this Scam!
WAIT ahundredthidiot I said no such thing. I made no such HINT.
Stop bullying and stop making up others words.
Independence is a good thing.
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‘Wellness pass’
‘World Beyond Cash’
‘Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’
Not sure how you know kids are being beaten at home but the recent numbers from nrs might be encouraging, in so far as it can help the decision makers you speak of, since the covid related total for the week is both less than the 351 deaths considered additional to the 5 year average, and on a four week decreasing trend.
Accordingly, subject to experience elsewhere dictating otherwise, the evidence that lockdown (now) exacerbates the problem must be increasingly difficult to ignore, even/ especially by the most risk averse.
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Cummings did it three times now says The Sun
Must be true.
I see Jean Freeman started to plough a new furrow there at the Scottish briefing basically
“if we knew then what we know now”…etc Different approaches would be made.
Pretty honest stuff. Best way to go.
Also hinting that a new way to provide care home systems will be on the agenda in the future.
Private, Independent and Council provision under review?
I hope folk have enough common sense to decide who are the virtue-signaling phonies and the 77th Brigade.
The Law of International Responsibility
Part III The Sources of International Responsibility, Ch.36 Obligations of Prevention and the Precautionary Principle
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Stuart McTavish
‘Not sure how you know kids are being beaten at home…’
3 years on the Childrens Panel.
Here’s a perspective the SNP and the Scottish government desperately need to introducing themselves to, IMHO.
The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Treaties
Part II Practice—Scholarly and Practitioner Accounts of UN Treaty-Making, B Economic and Social Development, Ch.17A Health
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“Let’s hope a Unionist doesn’t find the cure for cancer eh….”
Over 200 types of cancer going about, billions if not trillions invested in finding cures, yet very little has been achieved. Call me a cynic but just why would big pharma want to find cures for cancer, it would wipe out in an instance a huge chunk of their peripheral drugs in slowing it down or abating side effects.
Like the perfect electric/hydrogen cell propelled car (incidentally a Scot Robert Anderson created the first electric propelled carriage in around 1832) the cure for some profitable cancers along with the construction drawings for the car, will be hidden away, the latter in Fords or GM vaults, the former worth more than gold may never see the light of day.
You are not suggesting big pharma could execute such a total global conspiracy that would involve the cooperation of hundreds of independent experts, governments and internation institutions while condemning hundreds of millions to death? Are you? Funny that.
Then I have obviously picked up your post wrongly, try not to get your knickers in a twist.
If NS had any balls and a commitment to Scottish Independence then she would be trying to capitalise on the crisis – and I would back her fully. I seem to recall Scotlands last real Leader stabbing someone to death in a House of Worship. Might be bad sport, but it got the fucking job done!
And you don’t have to tell me Independence is (would be) a good thing – I just don’t think it’s going to happen, that’s all.
Accepting that has not been easy.
We are not victims of an international conspiracy driven by BIG pharma, we are facing a public health emergency that has been turned into a crises by right-wing shortsightedness and hostility to the principle of equality in law. Scotland’s civic integrity will not survive the authoritarian cultural demands of English Torydum (see Brexit).
Risk and the European Convention on Human Rights: Towards a New Approach
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Police visit Cummings’ home a few minutes ago but he’s out talking to Boris at No10.
A person calling in on radio 5 last night.
“Boris sacking Cummings would be like Keith Harris taking his hand out of Orville’s a**e”.
Figures up on the BBC colonial websites. BBC UK and BBC England sites have nothing on the numbers there.
Weekend numbers are usually low.
N. Ireland…….today…..01……..Total…….505…BBC
UK……………today…no fig……Total…..*36822.*SUN
Boris to take today’s WM update today.
@ twathater at 3.26
In theory, you can find a list of Yes groups on the IndyApp (which you would have to download and sign up to, if you haven’t already –, though it only includes those who have a presence on the app.
The app also has a map, showing the location of those groups, with a special sign for hubs. Again, hubs will only show up if someone from the group concerned has upgraded the information (I have done that for Yes East Ayrshire).
I have no idea how to find out membership numbers. They’re going to be fluid anyway. Not all groups have formal memberships.
ahundredthidiot says: 24 May, 2020 at 3:12 pm
That’s ok mate. We’ve all got a bit of cabin-fever and it’s easy to let emotion get in the way
While I am advocating TTIS, I am only doing so because of no valid alternative. Sorry, I don’t agree with your argument of trusting people to self-isolate. You can see that with the recent pictures of Portobello beach and the rich and powerful blatantly disregarding the lock down. Outside of going to work, getting messages for myself an elderly relative, I have disciplined myself to just walk around the local neighbourhoods in order to avoid being in contact with people. Doing that, certainly over the past week or two, I have witnessed numerous occasions of the lock down being broken. There is no doubt that the majority of people would do the right thing and voluntary self-isolate in the scenario you suggest but there is a hard core minority who think they know better and will not and spread the virus to other which defeats the purpose of the exercise.
Since the virus is spread by physical transmission, it makes sense to target parts of our society and part of our economy that could cause of this. The obvious ones are the service and care sectors. My suggestion is to put workers in these sectors of the economy on a guaranteed income by the government like a form of UBI. In agreeing to that, they need to agree fully participate in TTIS including regular testing. If they don’t comply then their participation in this scheme would be terminated. In compensation, their rate of pay would be far more generous than they would normally enjoy. I’m sure with the increased financial incentive and fear of losing it, they readily be more willing to comply with it.
Of course that is going to cost money but is far more cheaper than the current furlough and economic disruption of further virus waves or localised virus outbreaks. It will not be 100% effective but it could well be better than the scenario you suggest and the current form of TTIS which both requires voluntary participation to work.
Long term though, we need to start paying these sector far more money then they are now and invest in them to allow them to do their future properly rather than what we have been doing now by outsourcing it to the lowest bidder.
Get the popcorn out folks , it’s just been announced on Ebc news that the English Gov briefing has been delayed till 5.00 pm and that Boris is to lead that briefing . Is it that Dominic Cummings is staying or is it he should now be called Dominic Goings ? ? .
Should be interesting to see what lies Boris can spout out .
I thought Boris was Orville, so wouldn’t a sacking be a case of Orville’s orifice rejecting the intrusive penetration of Keith Harris’s hand. A display of prophylactic muscularity, if you like. I’ll get ma coat.
If I was a Tory in Westminster – this is what I would be saying;
Keep these COVID regulations going into 2021, In early January – when the weather is shit and the flu will be back, ramp it up again with no gatherings in public – and then close Holyrood and the Welsh Assembly, but leave Stormont alone.
I’d make it quick with a pre-planned/prepared constitution promulgated just before Christmas (when no-one gives a shit) hinting at a consultation on any potential notice period. I would give 30 days notice in the January and bolster it with emergency power legislation which we have the summer of 2020 to put in place.
Anyone getting all uppity enough to protest, brand them as alt-right in the printed press, limit all other MSM news channels to clappy-happy NHS type stories.
Remember, Holyrood was put in place to meet EU requirements, once that is removed, the Parliament will be removed. And if you think that’s nuts, which of course it is! – then you are not capable of thinking like a true Tory.
Just to add to my previous comment, for the time being we really need to get rid of this bean-counting mentality because there are times where you try to save a bit of money now and it costs more in the long term.
At the moment, the UK government is giving hundreds of billions to companies in loans where it is unknown how many are going to be unable to survive in post-lockdown. We won’t know how many until a few years time. In hindsight, as other have mentioned, it properly would have been cheaper to implement a form of short-term UBI to keep the economy afloat and with the guarantee of a fixed income, allow people to create new businesses to replace the lost ones.
Bottom line, we need to drop the old ways of thinking to deal with the realities that our society faces with this pandemic.
You being a dyed in the wool Sturgeon arsehole,,,I would say you seem to like the idea of being stuck in this stinkin fuckin Union with those stinkin english bastards
Because Sturgeon has no plans to end this stinkin fuckin Union with those english bastards anytime soon
So you supporting Sturgeon policy makes you the Unionist not anybody else
It’s as if you could take it or leave it when it comes to Independence.
You are on the wrong website,,,the LibDems website is further down the road,,now off you go and post your shite on their space
ahundredthidiot says:24 May, 2020 at 4:16 pm
That is one plausible outcome and it is one I have considered.
The British state has a proven track record of divide and conquer tactics. Therefore, it is also plausible for the Tories to keep the Scottish Parliament and allow our Scottish society to continue to be politically polarised on the constitutional issue. So far, they have benefited with their support increasing to the detriment of Labour in turn will stop Labour on a UK level, when those south of the border decide to vote for them in enough numbers to make them a threat to the Tories.
I know the public face of the Tory Party isn’t abundant with what you can term ‘deep thinkers’ but it would be a mistake to think those lurking the background out of public view aren’t.
Millennium says: 24 May, 2020 at 4:20 pm
Begone with your nasty anti-English attitude.
I get the impression Millennium is the radge that called themselves Jackie.
A reliable source claims he saw Cummings and family 36 mikes away from Durham and
Not on the route to or from London.
He noted and gave the press the number plate details of the car he seen then at.
All the media know Cummings number plate so why oh why isn’t anyone in the media
Confirming if it is Cummings car that was spotted???
If I lived in London I’d drive round his street because I’m a nosy bastard that believes
Liars and Criminals should not be running any country but the media here don’t want to know
And don’t want you to know.
Tom Newton Dunn ( political editor from Tory paper The Sun) has just tweeted :
“Anyone expecting Dominic Cummings’ sacking, or en even an inquiry, at 5pm from Boris Johnson is going to be disappointed. I’m told the PM believes it’s “case closed”.
Hmm….sweep sweep….we’ll see……seems so very very believable though….after all it’s Boris bl**dy Johnson we’re talking about….
MIllenium is just a pretendy yesser.I do not know who employs his faux down with boys kid on.
All his anti English shite is just to give a racist bad name to the Yes Movement.
No case to answer…. says Boris
It’s the STURGEONITES who come on here wasting everybody’s time trying to defend the indefensible.
Famous15, Capella and Co come on here telling us Sturgeon is going to win every fuckin seat in the Holyrood elections next year.
The problem is, what is she going to do with that majority next year?
She won nearly every Westminster seat a couple of years ago,,and what happened?
I’ll tell you what happened,,,,sweet fuck all happened
Alex Salmond worked with six MPs and got us a referendum,,, Sturgeon has had majorities and mandates coming out of her ears,,and what has she done with them,,, I’ll tell you what she has done,,, Sweet fuck all.
So we need to go for something different
We need new leadership to make full use of these majorities and mandates and challenge Westminster head on.
No Devolutionist should lead the SNP ever again,,,the new leader should want to fight to the death for Scottish Independence,,, literally.
If Scotland’s people should have the guts to kick the unionist dependency habit I do hope that a Scottish constitution would enshrine popular sovereignty to the extent that government and its agents and parliamentary lawmakers are effectively and truly accountable. That rule by decree, the use of special powers etc would not be possible without a direct consultation of the citizens.
Scotland would then be an authentic democracy. A trail blazer in containing the ambition, whims and fancies of those we chose as our ‘representatives’.
The ‘higher power’ should always be the people; a people informed, alert and wise to machinations of those who would usurp their right to free choice in the name of a mythic ‘higher good’.
The SARS CoV-2 virus panic has exposed systemic flaws in the so called democracies.
Totalitarianism is only a conformist nod or a shrug of indifference away.
Do you believe Nicola Sturgeon will lead us to Scottish Independence???
And I see you are also using the old chestnut,,
“He doesn’t support oor Nicola, so he MUST be a Yoon” shite.
Fuck Off to your LibDem website where all Devolutionists hang out
Millenium you are clever at saying what others think. But weall see you are a paid rabblerouser with no interest in Scotland.
Rennie will be paying you if you keep up this. Lying ishour trade.
Independence is feared by Tories.
Absolutely fantastic that a man like Dominic Cummings at the heart of government government in London has to drive 260 miles to get child care.
And when the interviewer asked the PM if it was all right for everyone else to follow instincts, Johnson didn’t answer the questions.
And the electronic reliability of the PM’s was a complete joke. World class failure as the system repeatedly collapsed. No wonder a voice came across the radio saying ‘ “ disaster “.
I don’t think it’s Cummings that’s going to go. More like Bojo. World class clown, world class waffler. Utter shambles of a man.
Pleasing ,Johnson has just committed political suicide live on TV.
Boris is a master at this!
Non-sequitur in a sentence.
The politician’s excuse for his lies was a non-sequitur that had nothing to do with the facts.
Message to England ‘use your judgement, go out if you feel it is justified’.
Absolutely right The Isolator.
PM tele conference has just ended at 5.35 pm and never ever have I seen such a world class clown squirm on what is a world stage.
A fuckin dangerous Dumbo of a man, he has I believe just committed political suicide. Lying bastert too and it showed.
“You are not suggesting big pharma could execute such a total global conspiracy that would involve the cooperation of hundreds of independent experts, governments and internation institutions”
It would only take one small privately funded group to make a significant discovery bought off and shut up through confidentiality contracts.
Maybe Sunday night at 8:00pm should be Boo for Boris night.
@ Crazycat 4.05pm Thanks for that information , the reason I was asking for the numbers is that Peter Bell keeps posting that the yes organisation needs to be included when decisions are being made re Scotland’s independence . We all know or assume that the indy movement is a broad church and all indy supporters don’t necessarily support the SNP’S policies but will vote for the SNP to GET independence , but the current direction of travel has OUTRAGED many , many voters so much so that people are openly saying that they will not vote SNP because of their policies so therefore indy is Donald ducked
My idea is that if the YES HUBS and or AUOB had something like 200,000 members and printed off forms to be signed by members stating something like ( I –name-appended- will not be voting for the SNP in ANY forthcoming election unless and until the GRA amendment and HATE CRIME BILL are REMOVED from proposed policies and a written guarantee that independence will be sought within 2 years by referendum and legal challenge )
As NS and the SNP are currently ignoring the outcry and outrage against these reviled and hated policies this would ENABLE a vast assortment of independence supporters to show NS that their votes cannot and will not be guaranteed and to ignore them she is courting her and the parties downfall
And sending the typically asymptomatic young kids back to school to spread tithe virus this could well be care home slaughter Iteration Mark Two as they spread the virus to parents and Grandparents.
You bet. That’s Bono’s plan. That’s why the young ones are going back first. Yes they may have younger more immune parents but parents have grandparents.
Well they’ll be wrapping the grandparents in the Union Jack just like they did in the care homes. This man and his tribe are the new Nazis.
Why the fuck do BBC journalists think it is their job to present Dominic Cummings defence when interviewing people. If Dominic Cummings wants to present and defend his case he should turn up and do it.
His wife wrote an article on how she was doing the child care but Dom was bad and they drove over 200 miles on public roads.Did he drive ill?
He will bring Boris down with him. Oh dear never mind.
Boris and Tories – What a complete and utter farce you just presented
To the nation in an attempt to cover the criminal action of Dom Cummings
Who put his family and general public at risk and he may well have spread
The virus and those contaminated may have spread it further and some may
Have died.
You cannot get away with the contradiction of he did it with unique circumstances
That haven’t affected many others.
You didn’t include do what you like if it’s done by instinct.
You have now established that you can travel anywhere in the country if instinct tells you to do so.
Mr Cummings had the symptoms and felt bad but his condition was never serious enough for hospitalisation. Mrs C nursed him and had time to write a paid for report to the Spectator.
This means she had plenty of time too to look after her son.
Many others looked after a Covid sick partner and their children at home.
Why if you were worried both parents couldn’t be well enough to look after a child did you decide to drive 264 miles being so ill?
Mrs C was over the worst of the symptoms being well enough for such a long drive.
If his wife took ill it looked like mild symptoms so he should be capable of looking after her and their son. If she deteriorated the NHS were there to help her.
You obviously were never both going to be seriously ill at the same time but if you did and your son
Required additional support there were help line numbers and social work services available.
You did not follow the 14 day isolation, you took the virus out on the road, you stopped for food and
Toilet facilities you used petrol pumps while you should have been isolating.
You risked the lives of the general public.
It also looks like you had a family day trip to a town 36 miles away
Again risking the lives of the general public.
Why oh why has the number plate noted in that town never been checked with your own.
Why have street cameras and the family phones not been checked to confirm their movements?
Bojo waffled on and on with the same unjustifiable comments refusing to answer the questions
Put to him and cutting off the questioners when they tried to confront him in his avoidance.
The party of lies and corruption continues unabated.
Scotland, please cut this cancer of a government out from our borders immediately!
Boris sacking Cummings would be akin to Orville sacking Keith Harris…can’t have one without the other.
Fingers crossed, Cummings will take Boris down with him.
Then as Boris exits stage left, pursued by Laura Kuenssberg in a Tutu, enter the Honourable Member for the 18th Century, a.k.a. Jacobus Greese Mogg, and watch the Indy vote soar!
After all, thanks to Boris and Brexit, Indy is 50% in the polls. With Greese Mogg at the helm it’d be 55%! It could even reach 60% if the current SNP “leadership” bothered it’s collective arse. Fat chance!
Johnson won’t commit political suicide.
He’s an old Etonian, he’ll get a fag to do it for him.
What’s really going on.
link to
Cummings resigns tomorrow, brings down Johnson like Gandalf and the Balrog.
General election by end of Summer and SNP team A stand on one single issue.
This unprecedented lock-doon has shown that Scots are clamouring for Independence.
Can you imagine a Tory telling working class Scots to stay in their houses because of a “virus”, it never stopped us waking up every second weekend not knowing where we were or our HIV status.
But when our FM tells us to stay hame for Scotland, well that’s a different matter, and we dutifully comply.
Well I am glad Bawjaws has cleared up all the questions about his special adviser it was clear.
I wonder if all the Tory voters in Scotland are showing how proud they are in their scabby fkn Union headed by a total bloody arse wipe with a stupid fkn haircut well done folks you have just witnessed through the actions of your leader the guaranteed collective disgust of normal Scottish People.
Ruthless and Carcrash come let’s hear yer comments on this total shit show it’s all yours you own in , Oi Murdo care to comment no oh dear can someone find Annie she’s always good for a joke , The sooner these bloody vermin are removed from our sight can’t come quick enough .
FFS get real people.
It matters not a jot what happens with Cummings, or Boris for that matter.
The Tories have an 80-seat plus majority. They can do what they like for the next four and a half years and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it – unless Joanne Cherry is let off the leash to go down the constitutional route.
The Tory way will be to sit this one out, hold fast until the media gets bored and finds something else to agitate about. Yes, the time may well come when both Boris and Cummings are got rid of by the men in the grey souts, but, that could be some time away.
We need a Plan B to get out of thie Union and Ms Cherry seems to be our best hope. However, she is apparently not within the inner circle of the SNP, so, we could have a long wait here as well.
Is it safe to go out? David Icke probably thinks it is.
Is anybody shocked that a foreign governments PM beholden to no one not even the voters has stood by his numero uno advisor namely Dominic Cummings.
Did we expect anything else from Johnson, I don’t think so. Oh the unionist foreign media can mash it up, and rival MPs including the useless Blackford can whine and moan about it all they want to, but Johnson has the last word on it.
The machinations of the British government are endless, we Scots don’t even come into the equation, Scots MPs are just seat fillers to give the appearance that we agree with the Westminster routine and how things are done. We play the game by their rules whilst they make them up as they go along we can never win as part of this f#cked up union. Yes we can score minor and insignificant points that keeps the mediocre among us happy but that’s it.
But hey this is all meaningless whilst our own colonial government are quite happy to govern, as a second fiddle to Westminster. Our priority lies in removing the betrayer and her clique first.
Events, dear boy.
With Lt. Col. Tobias Elwood tweeting ‘the ship has been blown off course’ ,and with 77th Brigade machinations highlighted in a link here a few days ago, perhaps the military coup is closer than we think.
The likes of Elwood and Ben Wallace(ex Scots Guards cptn)are waiting in the wings to ‘steady’ the ship.
@ effijy at 4.35
Led by Donkeys are in his street:
link to
Events indeed!
Has anyone ever fingered who’s MI5’s asset/s at Stirling University?
The Woke didn’t self organize, obviously.
The police should run Cumming’s car licence plate through the ANPR camera records in the Durham area for the dates in question.
But they only have 90 days to do so.
Crazy Cat.
Thank You! Lol
The ramifications of this not only for Johnson and Cummings but the Tory Party in general are huge.There are “Scientific advisers” now badly exposed by this farce.I just can’t see Bawjaws keeping the fire already burning in check and fully expect some soft brexiteers and real Scientists to break ranks regardless of the consequences.
Someone sent him out to this Press briefing completely under prepared for a reason.
I expect Johnson felt he could deflect his way out of the usual lame questioning but he genuinely looked shell shocked at the complete shop front he had made of it all.
Of course it may well be part of a more elaborate plan to sabotage Brexit altogether.
I don’t think Boris Johnson will go. Have you seen the people who he’s surrounded by? They’re the most unelectable, retarded shower of shits that have ever been in UK government and without Johnson, they’re completely fucked.
As I’ve said before, Johnson is incredibly popular with the general UK public and is the reason the Tories got returned with such a huge majority.
Without him, the Tories will be exposed for the chancers that they are, MSM or not.
@ Effijy
You’re welcome. Credit where credit’s due – I found it on Mr Malky’s twitter.
Socrates MacSporran
There already is a perfectlly good Plan B
Obtain a pro-independence majority at Holyrood.
The ONLY impedement to this is a few SNP MSP’s
It is the duty of SNP members to make it clear to those seeking re-election – that anyone unwilling to stand on a one issue Independence platform will not make the cut.
And the wider independence movement to make it abundantlly clear that any individual or party who attempts to mudddy the waters with pet idealogical initiatives or petty vengence seeking will not get our vote.
All we need to do is to rise up as one and put the frighteners on a handful of egoists and a couple of dozen troughers.
STV published and removed a montage video today of children thanking nicola sturgeon for doing such a good job and keeping people safe. Totally normal thing to do.
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When did NS become such a darling of the UK media?
UK government ‘investigating unauthorised tweet’
Shortly after Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended his chief aide Dominic Cummings, a post was published on the UK Civil Service’s official Twitter account which appeared to criticise the government.
It said:
“Arrogant and offensive. Can you imagine having to work with these truth twisters?”
It was taken down shortly afterwards.
The government has issued a response, saying it is “investigating the matter”.
CBIV @ 7:42
“All we need to do is to rise up as one and put the frighteners on a handful of egoists and a couple of dozen troughers.”
That’s a pretty long short leet to have to narrow down to those numbers!
Bet the Scottish Tories were hoping Boris would fire him to shut this story down…oh dear….nope…Boris instead chose, like Cummings, to defy the rules by condoning unacceptable behaviour as acceptable….so one wonders what does Cummings have on Johnson.
Case closed ?……well they are probably hoping that another story comes along courtesy of the newspapers who are…shall we say ….more…sympathetic towards the Tories….however it would have to be a HUGE story to overshadow this mess…which Boris is making messier and in doing so ensuring the story will NOT go away……and he’s doing it deliberately too….
So who, if any, of the Scottish Tories at WM will support the PM’s position on Cummings….if they stay on past/current form they will side with Boris and Dominic ….sigh
Remember £1000 fine if you breach the rules….for plebs only.
@republicofscotland at 5:48pm
That was light sarcasm/humour. I’m glad theres at least some who realise the potential for such things.
@ Me @ 8pm
Meant to add…at least we now know who is really in charge at No 10…….
No pmq’s this week so BJ believes he has 10 days to find something else to replace the story and I have no doubt they are already cooking something up.
It is simply unbelievable – other than the fact the it is BJ and DM who are in it together and BJ is just his mouthpiece.
I notice the fragrant Laura is absent from the scene at the moment along with her ‘someone very close to No 10’ nonsense and the Scottish Tories are suddenly struck dumb.
Apart from your ‘English bastard’ pish you are pretty much speaking for me when it comes to NS and supporters. Apart from the idy ref result ive never been so ashamed to be Scottish as when I see how many goemless fucking clowns havent put 2 and 2 together yet
sorry BJ and DC above
But, I strongly suspect that many of these are progressives 1st, nationalists 2nd. Ask them if theyd for indy if by far the biggest party was indy centre/right traditionalist and the truth would be revealed.
“There already is a perfectly good Plan B
Obtain a pro-independence majority at Holyrood.
The ONLY impediment to this is a few SNP MSP’s
If the SNP stand on a single issue, when they publish their manifesto.
The Yoons Unite and stand as a single party, on a single issue.
Have a good look at voter share in Scottish and UK elections and you are back to the Murrell conundrum.
Enlightening article on the Z-Score reflecting CoVID19 deaths – with England’s being the highest in Europe, breaking down the UK into Nations and age groups. Another example of a basket case Westminster run by crooks.
link to
Future conversation in Whitehall:
– ‘Agent Sturgeon, how did you steer Scotland in the interests of the Union for 5 years, through our most vulnerable period, maintain majority support AND not blow your cover?’
– ‘Well sir I just kept repeating the same pish about equality, fairness and tolerance. They fair swallowed it.’
Scots do not need to adopt ethnic nationalism, as Joe appears to be suggesting.
Morality and the rule of law are on the side of Scotland’s self-determination, not Westminster’s, which is seeking to bind Scotland through authoritarian constitutional legal pseudo-science and practice.
Brexit lacks coherence and compatibility with Treaty law, so all we need is an opportunity to choose between international human rights law, or ethnically informed Torydum masquerading as liberal constitutionalism. The next Scottish election would do perfectly, OMHO.
Guy who claims he saw Cummings go walkabout has filed a complaint to Plod.
IF he did indeed go for a wee wander whilst in the Northeast, I trust he used cash for any/all transactions. Otherwise, there’s some bank/credit card statements that’ll make for interesting reading as exhibits A and B!
Unless of course, the gentleman concerned is ‘persuaded to withdraw’…
How about *Well agent Salmond you and David Cameron did a great job of screwing up Nicola Sturgeons chances of Independence with that section 30 idea that you both came up with that wasn’t necessary then but it is now, you created a nice precedent there, well done Alex you’re a credit to Donald Dewar*
The way I see it is, The bulk of the MSP’s probably still do believe in Independence.
The process of making the SNP “more electable” and independence more tangible to the public at large. was begun by ALex Salmond yonks ago – A “don’t mention the war”, baby-steps approach, incorporating Independence in Europe and the promise of good governance.
They even invented a creed called “civic nationalism” and tried to sideline the word Nationalist lest it offend the vocal middle class lefties.
They also kindafa “streamlined” internal democracy in favour of the Holyrood elite and re-branded distention as disloyalty.
Success was always going to attract career politicians who will go with the flow out of self-interest, they and the rest who are blissfully unaware that they have sleep-walked into a rut, where their diligent MSP posturing is no longer progressing the cause of independence.
Need a great big kick up the backside, to remind them.
That the people who got them where they are and who’s goodwill they require to stay there – Put them in Holyrood for one reason and one reason only.
If it works, this time next year they will be negotiating the Independence Settlement – and we will be debating what the new Constitution should look like.
Jackson Carlaw statement today :
” I’ve heard what the Prime minister has said and it is a situation for him to judge.
He has reached a conclusion and we must all now focus on continuing to beat this dreadful pandemic.
I want the Prime minister to be able to continue his excellent work leading the country out of lockdown and I am glad he set out his plans clearly today.
Here in Scotland , our focus must be on tackling the ongoing crisis in our care homes and building a robust testing and tracing system.
There are more worrying reports today that this is proving difficult, and the Scottish Conservatives focus will be on challenging the Scottish government and demanding that promises both to protect care homes and isolate the disease are kept”.
Well why doesn’t Jackson go on GMB with Piers Morgan tomorrow morning and defend HIS wee statement….I am sure Jackson will personally have a ” challenging time” and he can explain how he believes the PM is doing “excellent work” and why he states we should “focus” on what he dictates we should as opposed to this current HQ Tory scandal….and he can do it without the usual #SNPBAD deflection on Care homes….
I say appear on GMB as no ‘Scottish’ TV news programme will give him a hard time …indeed they will most certainly allow him the opportunity to deflect attention away and onto Care Homes…..
One wonders why it took Jackson C, supposed leader of Tories in Scotland, so long to present his opinion on this… as the supposed leader of same party in Scotland….well obvs he had to await Boris’s official verdict at daily briefing before he himself could present his opinion….he presented sweet Fa**y Adams on twitter or anywhere else yesterday or this morning and now the HQ master has spoken and Jackson follows ….badly done Jackson and it will cost you…cause the public are not with either YOU or Boris on this…but you have made your position crystal clear and now YOU cannot backtrack….
So Jackson your position is…if in Scotland you fail to adhere to lockdown rules and thus you break them then irrespective of your position…say a CMO… you must resign as your position, according to you Jackson, is untenable…as in Catherine Calderwood….CMO….and also according to you ” There cannot be one rule for bosses and one rule for everyone else”
However Jackson your position seems to be that if in England and you are a Tory adviser to PM you can do the opposite….so in England there can be different rules for bosses and everyone else..especially if you are a Tory…Okay Jackson now we know your position…party first always…but then we knew that already…DUH.
Good luck with the double standards policy you are endorsing…not sure it will resonate with ” everyone else” in ordinary people who have abided by the rules of lockdown here and in England….but should go down a storm with the bosses as in HQ Tory party….including your sycophantic Scottish MP’s you have at WM….also fighting for the party over ‘their’ country.
@ Dr Jim @ 9.05pm
Hello Dr Jim lovely to see you back…missed your comments.
Have a nice evening
@Dr Jim
Apart from an asteroid literally destroying the rUK or China invading and taking over the UK but letting Scotland go because they quite enjoyed Braveheart i honestly don’t see what more could have gone in the favour of NS and her woke gang in terms of taking Scotland to independence
@CamB (8.58) –
‘Scots do not need to adopt ethnic nationalism, as Joe appears to be suggesting.’
Joe can speak for himself and surely will, but I’m curious – what are you basing that statement on?
Papko says:
“If the SNP stand on a single issue, when they publish their manifesto.
The Yoons Unite and stand as a single party, on a single issue.”
Why not dare them to do that?
A referendum would require a majority of votes over the unionists.
So why fear a Hoyrood election?
The only people with anything to loose would be FPTP MSP’s who are unable to convince enough party members of their worth in order to save their jobs via the list.
If they are not prepared to take that risk – They are not worthy to be considered as candidates.
CBIV @ 9:06
I sincerely hope you’re right.
However, those you describe as having “sleep-walked into a rut, where their diligent MSP posturing is no longer progressing the cause of independence” remind me more of a flock of ewes, which sheepdog Sturgeon has expertly gathered into the pen and Farmer Murrell has latched the gate behind them. Those who are not sufficiently Woke will be in the float and off to the abbatoir tout-suite!
@Dr Jim
That is utterly pathetic to try and blame Salmond for Sturgeon’s ineptness.
A soggy dishcloth could inspire more national pride and show more true leadership than the globalist woke mafia in charge of Scotland now. Yet support is still 50%. If Scots want indy then Scots need a leading party that does too. Im not likeable and certainly no politician but I reckon even I could maintain 55% steady indy support right now and no even spill my beer
an Brotherhood
That’s what an understanding of science and the law does for you, they inform your perspective. I may be wrong but I don’t think Joe is on the level.
Ian, sorry….
I know the moral foundations of my perspective are sound, so anyone ripping into me as Joe and various other do, suggests they are not supportive of ethical rationalism and human rights.
Legal Equality and the International Rule of Law
link to
Any Scottish Constitution should be based on biology, namely: Woman = adult human female. Man = adult human male. Girl = juvenile human female. Boy = juvenile human male. All law should be based on this.
R5Live two minutes ago –
NOLAN: You don’t trust this government?
WOMAN: No, because I know what’s been going on at my local hospital, the wards in there…
NOLAN: We can’t go into what’s happening at your local hospital
@CamB –
So you’re accusing someone of being an ‘ethnic nationalist’ based on what, instinct? Some kind of gut feeling?
Is that ethical, moral, or even vaguely fair?
Please bear in mind that this place, and everyone contributing to it (and that includes you, whether you like it or not) have had to contend with similar accusations from the unionist msm ever since it was established.
“Those who are not sufficiently Woke will be in the float and off to the abbatoir tout-suite!”
I don’t doubt it, which makes this next election and how the SNP contest it all the more vital.
I binned the SNP aeons ago, I just got sick of attending meetings about everything bar how to achieve independence and rushing home from work, to travel 25 miles to bang doors to tell people what a wonderful cooncilor/MP someone I didn’t know from Adam would make, if only they voted SNP.
I think it is worth putting my nose back to the grindstone for this one, their is potentially enough support.
All that is missing is the boss Class of SNP’s willingness to challenge the Yoons on the one issue that matters, and I think a consented effort from the grass roots could force them to see the light.
If my old Branch and CA have become polluted by Woksters – I will change my gender every hour on the hour and denounce the arsholes as transphobic bigots.
@Ian Brotherhood
Don’t mind him Ian. He just has some suppressed rage-filled twisted man-love for me because I understand the perverse school of thought he lives by:) He just cant leave me alone.
Nobody is suggesting that Scotland’s hospitals are working at capacity. But it would not be sensible to let a highly contagious pathogen that we have no protection against, rip through an under prepared Brexitania. It would also be against international human rights law.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human rights and the rule of law
link to
That you projecting again?
If Scotland’s general public does not do more to support the international rule-of-law, there isn’t much of a future for democracy or open government in Scotland. We desperately need shot of Westminster, and a codified constituition that institutionalises a legal respect for the human genome in Scottish public policy.
International Law in Times of Hegemony: Unequal Power
and the Shaping of the International Legal Order
link to
Snowpiercer on Film4 right now
Forget 1984, this movie is as good as disclosure.
Aye! Nolan jumping in too often to break up some contributors who he decides are too lengthy….like the Scottish guy on now.
He’s a man in a hurry right enough but generally he’s OK.
Lots of callers. Cummings not getting much support neither is Boris
Nolan asks a man: You don’t trust ‘them’ anymore (WM Tories).
Guy on now apologising on air for voting Tory.
He feels conned!!
@CamB –
You know that you’re really pissing off people who you have met, who like you personally.
But you just keep going.
Is it worth it?
Are you seeing any evidence that your solo campaign to ‘educate’ us on an academic niche is effective?
Ian Brotherhood
Joe dislikes my perspective, which he considers twisted and progressive. Joe is also deliberately conflating the woke agenda with a human rights agenda, AND HE’S DOING IT DELIBERATELY. He also appears to be suggesting Scots reject a progressive approach to social emancipation and progress.
My perspective supports international human rights law, and the development of social well-being.
Stand Up and Fight
link to
Ian Brotherhood
Do you not think you’re really pissing me off.
Further thought on criminal Cummings which seems to have been
Lost for the last few hours here.
We spend fortunes on Police protection for this guy.
Did he inform the Met Police that he had Covid 19
In his home and was about to leave London.
Later it is claimed his father called the police in Durham
To enquire about them providing security for Cummings.
I believe this lead to the Police asking about him breaking
The curfew.
Surely the Police there after being called liars by Westminster
That they must fine Mr and then Mrs Cummings £1,000 each
For breaking the law.
I also expect the police there to check if the number plate details
Taken from a town 36 miles away from Durham matches Cummings plate.
Can freedom of information confirm if this is the case, without revealing the plate’s details?
Ian Brotherhood
What do you think is holding Scotland back from our potential?
The International Law of Recognition
link to
PS Why was Cummings worried about passing the virus on to his son
If he thought bring in a car with 2 infected people would help him?
School kids don’t get it right. That’s way Boris is sending them back to school.
I read about a school kid dying from the virus yesterday.?
Teachers and parents especially in Scotland would be insane to send their kids
Back with days of the current term remaining.
Boris can set up new playground games for the kids like Barge Pole Tig,
2 meter high Leap Frog, Dodge Pal and Hide and Don’t Seek!
If the child’s parents are Tory Party Officials they of course can go anywhere they like in the
School and justify 2 + 2 makes whatever they like.that day.
All school rules are Trumped by Instinct at all times.
@ Effijy
link to
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Must be true – it’s on Twitter!
Any parent in England is now justified in not allowing any of their children to go to school if their insticts think it is still not safe,
“I think he followed the instincts of every father and every parent,” Johnson said. “And I do not mark him down for that.”
@CamB –
I’ve tried, honestly, to engage with you, and even with some of the material you’ve been sending here, but it seems to be one-way traffic.
Rev has reminded us many times, over the years, just how few readers of WOS actually post comments. If memory serves it’s at or around 1%.
Readers of any blog will only ever contribute if they feel they’re taking part in a discussion. It may be a slanging-match, aye, but that still counts as an ‘exchange’ of sorts.
Where are the discussions stemming from your ‘comments’? What % get a response let alone any reference to the contents of the links?
We go back a long way Cameron, and we haven’t met in person as often as I would’ve liked. Even when we did, we had the pints and had a laugh and it was good, aye, but there was never enough time to get into any serious discussion about a lot of stuff.
I hope you’ll take this ‘advice’ in the spirit with which it is offered: for the sake of this place, and friendships established over the past eight years or so, please review your commenting strategy.
There is a picture in the media of what is claimed to
Be the car Cummings travelled in with Reg. KW69 GBY.
Does anyone know the Reg the retired school teacher claims
He noted in a town 36 miles from Durham?
As ever, an interesting analysis from Craig Murray:
link to
Ian Brotherhood
I have a particular set of skills that are geared towards the design of sustainable public policy, and which I’m trained to pass on to those who lack my training. I’m stepping back three decades, so my approach might not be as smooth as I’d have hoped for. But you are not being fair in the slightest to suggest I don’t interact on a human level. Perhaps you just don’t like the things I’m saying?
Full text.
Searching for the ‘normative gaps’: argumentative strategies in advocacy for new UN conventions on violence against women and the human rights of older persons
link to
UK NEWS from Yahoo
A car number plate noted down by an eyewitness who claims to have spotted Dominic Cummings 30 miles from his parents’ home has reportedly been confirmed as that of a car the adviser has got into in the past.
@CamB –
Okay man, fair enough.
Ian Brotherhood
That’s a bit cryptic for me to be sure I’ve understood you correctly. I’m doing all I can to help shape perception and inform judgement, in a manner that supports our cause. Would you rather I stop?
@crazycat (11.18) –
Cheers for that link.
The ‘Castle Barnard’ stuff is now going properly viral, on The Twitter at any rate.
Curiouser and curiouser!
Ian Brotherhood
Perhaps I’m just being thick but It’s hard to think outside a particular field of focus, and mine is protecting my human rights, and yours.
@CamB –
Sorry man but you’ve worn me down.
I’m done.
No more.
Fare well sah!
That’s why I’m doing something I never imagined I’d ever be doing, trying to introduce folk to a critical legal perspective and international human rights law. Never let it be said I lack ambition.
Human rights
link to
Ian Brotherhood
It’s a pity I’m not to your taste, I only wish you the best.
@CamB –
Ian Brotherhood
I really hope folk see the purpose of my posting this stuff. There is a much bigger world out there than British constitutionalism is capable of recognising or legally respecting.
International Law as an Element of European Constitutional Law:
International Supplementary Constitutions
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Heidelberg, 24-27 February 2003
link to
5.5 million Covid Cases Confirmed
350,000 Deaths
USA hitting 100,000 Covid Deaths
Belgium thru 800 Covid Deaths per million of population
UK leading Europe on Covid Deaths, Incompetence and Lies.
Can’t wait until tomorrow to see what Boris’ Lying Circus cones up with.
Joe @ 8.12 pm.
I’m ashamed that you are Scottish.
Testing – are comment getting through or are some being stopped ?
Dr jim at 0905pm,
Sorry, but your comment re section 30 is grade a Bullsh*t.
Aleax Salmond NEVER said section 30 was essential. Indeed I think he is on record as having said the referendum would have gone ahead without it. However, it made things easier in some respects.
The ONLY person to have said a section 30 is essential is Nicola Sturgeon. Not even the Tories stated that initially. They started repeating it oncve she said it. Too, too many now in the SNP are pure greasy pole climbing careerists, who simply will not risk their cushy well paid jobs for anything as ‘difficult’ as independence.
When the SNP were elected to Westminster, following 2014, with a landslide of Scottish MP’s, that was the point to declare the union finished. At the very least they would have walked away with devo max. In reality they walked away with sweet F all. They didn’t even get Smith.
Repeat after me, ‘a section 30 is NOT needed’. It is that freaking simple. Stating a section 30 is essential is very, very convenient, since it allows NS to sit on her hands and play pretendy politics instead.
Right now the SNP and Scotgov, should be firing on all guns for indy. Right now. Not ‘sometime in the future’, or ‘when the polls show a lead for indy’, or ‘maybe after the next election’. But they won’t. They have no fight in them. NONE.
It is pathetic. The SNP, all talk, no action. Blaming it on a former First Minister who ACTUALLY held a referendum on indy, and actually had some fire in his belly, is utterly utterly pathetic. The kind of p*sh the Dominic Cummings of this world might come up with.
Absolutely right! @Robert Louis. And spending all their time bending to woko haram and their nonsensical, undemocratic, unscientific demands.
You are only having a conversation with yourself mate. Nobody replies to your barrage of cut ‘n paste. You are ‘educating’ nobody.
I get the feeling you may have issues, so this isn’t meant as an insult. Just try to calm down and interact on a more social level. All the best.
The Scottish Government have to harden up start showing the world that we’re not dependent on the handouts from england, what’s wrong with them down at Holyrood and the mps down at Westminster they just sit and take everything that’s thrown at them from all the unionist employees posing as presenters, it’s embarrassing, start fighting back they have to stop accepting everything thrown at them hae a bit o grit.
Why Castle Barnard?
Perhaps he was altruistically giving a blood sample to the GlaxoSmithKline research lab there as a recovered Covid19 patient?
Or he just needed to clear his head to get ready for Brexit and all the food,fish and pharma deals to be done.
I do not know! Just leave the man alone as he is hastening independence more than anyone else.
Sky News presenter, unfortunately with a Scottish accent, asks why,
If Boris is happy with Cummings actions should we not just trust him?
I’ve texted to ask how much his contract is worth, has he any idea about
Bojo’s track record and can he count the number of moons on his planet.
Dear CameronB Brodie, I must confess that I’m with Ian Brotherhood on this.
I have only occasionally read any of the links you supply on Wings and found them mostly indigestible.
I’m sure your motives are honourable but they are not progressing the cause of Scottish independence in any meaningfull way.
Could I point out that neither Boris nor Trump won their elections by educating the voters in the finer points of international law.
They did it by easily understood (even if misleading) slogans. “Get Brexit done” Make America great again” etc.
So I hope that you will take this advice in a friendly manner as it is offered in a friendly manner.
Use your undoubted knowledge and instead of simply linking to these learned articles, boil them down a bit and then let us know your conclusions (preferably in less than 15 or so words).
If (when?) challenged on your conclusions, then is the time to bring out the academic research which supports your views.
They fuck you up and call it democracy.
link to
Is hell actually other people telling you how to live your life?
Social distancing = psychological alienation.
The role of social media in consolidating the suppressive lockdown mentality is significant as is the use of infantile SM images by advertisers, happy, smiling and waving they wend their way to hell in the state approved cart.
“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists”.
Hannah Arendt
Watching Johnston deliver the UK government press conference yesterday was excruciating. He was defending the indefensible and undermining the health information by the experts.
Johnston is no more than a glove puppet and a front for a track suited civil servant who now runs the UK.
Scottish torries went after Calderwood like there was no tomorrow but went to ground when this scandal surfaced. Pathetic cowardice from minority meaningless politicians.
Robert Louis
Question – had the SNP stated in their manifesto for the last GE that should Scotland be taken out of the EU against Her wishes, SNP MPs will refuse to take their seats at Westminster.
I am not suggesting we would’ve have won 48 seats, but how many, roughly speaking, do you think we would’ve won? And how shaken would the foundations of British politics have been/state of the Union now instead?
(I say ‘we’as I voted for them being a Party member at the time)
The reason Dominic Cummings travelled to Durham is because he knows it’s safe. Anyway he was isolated in his car. Cyclists are huffing and puffing all over the place.Cycling, another wanky middle class fashion. Aren’t the educated middle class the biggest fools.Question why is it safe?
Dr Jim, a section 30 is not required.
Sandy ,I’m half Irish and the lesser half of me is Scottish. These past few ‘lockdown’ months have made me feel deeply ashamed of the Scots. This country is the anti-room to the grave a glorified old folks home with more care and concern for your health than your country.Geriatric online Wolfe Smiths on largactyle.
Alex Salmond agreed to David Camerons section 30 idea when he didn’t have to, setting the legal precedent that Scotland is now stuck with
Alex Salmond allowed Westminster and the BBC to control the agenda of the 2014 referendum when UN regulations on referendums state the country being seceded from should have no right of interference in such referendums
Alex Salmond agreed with the BBC setting the debating shedule and who would be taking part and when
Alex Salmond allowed himself to be publicly humiliated by Alistair Darling and George Osborne on live TV when he was and is a smarter man than both of them
Now I think Alex Salmond was and is a great guy, I was a fan like all of us but he allowed all of that to happen and he lost, and he lost badly because he lost a country
Now all the complainers demand that Nicola Sturgeon disregard everything he did and do it ignoring all the rules he agreed to or they want to bring back the discredited guy who crapped it up the first time even though the entire press and TV of the British Isles would ridicule and denigrate him mercilessly on a daily and hour by hour basis so Scotland can lose all over again
The only people happy with that plan are Unionists and subversives
Apologies to @Clapper this is why I rarely ever visit this site because it’s full of commentators who have absolutely no interest in Scottish Independence, their only interest is in supporting the personal grievance of the site owner who has twisted and bent the truth in the last year more than Uri Geller’s spoons, that’s why prominant people within the movement no longer want anything to do with him
Terry Pratchett had a character in his Disc World Novels called Bergholt Stuttley Johnson or as he was known to the rest of the population – Bloody Stupid Johnson. This was entirely due to his genius for disastrous invention.
Bloody Stupid Johnson….quite appropriate this morning I think.
@ crazycat – thx for the link to that very interesting article from Craig Murray on Barnard Castle and the world’s cleverest man. there some good btl comments to, like ths one quting a canary article:
link to
Seems like Vallance and Whitty are former GSK execs. Could this be the reason for herd immunity?|
Robert Louis @ 7:29
Not much in your post I can disagree with Robert.
On the heels of IndyRef1 I recon a good few elected SNP bods, MPs in the main, had a bit of a fright at how close we came and concluded that Indy is to them what Christmas is to Turkeys.
The end of the SNP’s Westminster group would see a bloodbath of incumbent MSPs versus unemployed MPs over Holyrood seats.
With unemployment a possibility, I’ll bet some SNP Turkeys are reluctant to vote for an Indy Christmas. (Unless of course they create an Upper House/Senate for an Indy Scotland and they can find a new home there. But that’s an argument for another day).
Beginning to look like there was more to Cummings trip up North than just a day out. Was it a Government business trip?
That would explain BoJos die hard defence of him.
Nicola Sturgeon seems to be ‘stuck with’ a section 30. Scotland isn’t.
The EU referendum was conducted within the UK there were no EU politicians involved in BBC debates over the question, no wrangling arguing positions, no threats, no vows or promises by the EU it just wasn’t allowed, and when any opinion was sought by the media the EU reply was always the same, the referendum on leaving the EU is the business of the UK although we don’t agree with it
Scotlands 2014 referendum was not conducted under any of those conditions, Westminster controlled and interfered in Scotlands referendum using their media despite the accepted rules laid down by the UN on referendums
That should never have been accepted by anyone, but it was
Shameless hypocrisy on show at the BBC this morning.
Domenic Cummings surrounded by photographers and newshounds who were baying for his blood.
While blatantly disregarding social distansing regulations.
Realpolitick people – Realpolitick
The reality of Scotland’s situation is:
After the initial negative reaction on the streets of Scotland, and once the compliant high heid yins in Scotland: yes you, the second Marquess of Queensbery, had been bought-off, Scotland was quite happy, by and large, to be ruled by London for 300 years.
Then, with the threat from the SNP growing, Donald Dewar, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown hatched the plan for devloution, which was supposed to put the SNP back in its box for ever, wioth overall control remaining in London.
Remember: Power devolved is power retained: Enoch Powell.
Therefore, as things stand, we will never get Independence without the co-operation of London. And they already know, if they lose the riches of Scotland they are doomed; there is already a pro-independence majority in Scotland, so, they dare not lose us, far let us go.
We could “do a Sinn Fein” and have the SNP MPs refuse to take their seats in Westminster, but, with the 80-seat Tory majority, that would play into their hands and they would continue to trample all over Scotland.
We could be aggressively anti-London inside Holyrood, but for that we would need an outright SNP majority.
Even then, it opens the door to a decision by Westminster that Holyrood is exceeding its authority and lead to its closure from London – an act which would have the whole-hearted support of the red and yellow as well as the blue Tories across the land.
Better to remain in WEstminster, but, to fight an all-out guerrilla war therre, disrupt and hinder business as much as possible. Get the Scottish Grand Committee reformed to scrutinise all bills which in even the most-obtuse way refer to Scotland.
If we made the HoC unworkable, then they might be more3-willing to be rid of these troublesome Jocks.
However, for that to happen, there would need to be an almost-immediate sea change in the attitude of those SNP MPs, who ahve become at-home and very-comfortable inside The best club in London.
Get an “Awkward Squad” formed and put them to work. At the same time, get Joanne Cherry and her team working on a constitutional challenge, and just maybe, Scotland could be free by 2023.
I would not be providing these links if I had not been asked to by various commenters, who appear to appreciate education. Hope you’re well.
Dr Jim says:
25 May, 2020 at 12:00 pm
Good points Dr Jim .This will however go over the head of some in here now. The ones shouting the most in here like DUG,MILLENIUM,JOE, THE IDIOT,MIST001 are the usual scaramouche characters.According to them we’re all sturgonista’s, flat earthers(whatever the fuck that means to indy supporters?)
This in itself is plain as day to me these are plants, because we want to stick with a plan, long it maybe,but it will work-look at state of westminster now! I for one is not fooled by them, no, not in slightest. Same eegits who tout this faux outrage at the lock down and that’s all NS fault. BTW, a lockdown that rUK and most of the world are doing ,bar a very few countries.
Ridiculous unionist shite of the highest order.Can’t believe some indy folk are falling for it.But that’s fair enough some of us can have disagreement’ s on certain issues,that’s life but those mentioned above are rang un’s am telling yi.
I too like AS and admire the man. But we lost and peddled to their (UK)tune,bad mistake.
“Who else but the SNP?” is the auld chestnut. The SNP and their British Imperial allies have answered that question and dealt with the answers.
Two of the most credible political threats to Sturgeon’s British colonial SNP (Salmond and Murray), have been dealt with. In the case of Salmond, it remains to be seen whether it’s enough. He may or may not never recover emotionally or reputation-wise. Now Craig Murray faces being a guest at the Empress’ pleasure.
Also, the SNP have been purging its membership of independence supporters who have influence. Some thrown out; others feeling they have no choice but to leave.
One big strength of the YES campaign was online. That is also progressively being closed down.
AUOB ? They have probably already achieved the most they can achieve from mass-participation indy marches. They are also effectively closed down by Coronavirus restrictions and were facing a media blanket ban anyway.
In fact, I’m in Dundee right now, and would appreciate the opportunity discuss my ‘issues’ with you face to face . You up for that?
I doubt you’ll be up to disrespecting me to my face, so all I can do is urge you not to be such a narrow mined arsehole.
Post-Modernism, Agency, and Democracy
link to
Robert Robertson, over to you…
with respect – Holyrood is there because the EU said so, nothing to do with Labour, they were just in office at the time when the pressure to resist was at it’s weakest.
Dr Jim says:
“That should never have been accepted by anyone, but it was”
Complaining might have been seen as “cry baby” tactics by the electorate, and counter productive.
You are absolutely right about the way the two referenda were conducted and personally can think of no valid reason for seeking another.
If we loose, it will be carved in stone as a “once in a generation” opportunity and if we loose they will insist that it should be “best of three”.
We have elections at Holyrood every four years and Westminster every five.
If the SNP Hierarchy are not prepared to fight them as a contest to Establish a Scottish Government independent of Westminster.
What use are they to anyone who believes in Independence?
Cummings to make public statement just announced on Sky news , no time yet .
well jings crivens and help ma boab
someone needs to get some sun and fresh air
Dominic Cummings to make a public statement and respond to questions today!
link to
read of the day.
ps – the war nerd article is about yemen, but more about how the BBC reports it.
Full spectrum lying, about everything. This is why deez guy are on the big bucks. The oxbridge sophistry aint cheap.
SGov briefing.
FM did you make a mistake in not sacking Calderwood until sustained pressure came on later did you misread the public mood ???
There you go!
The ‘Scottish’ BBC.
Evolution. Hahahahahahaha!
Here’s one specially for you.
The Politics of Anthony Giddens’s Social Theory:
Utopian Realism and Late Modern Social Democracy
Beyond the Third Way
link to
BBC making a big thing of Brazil only being second to USA for Covid19 deaths.
Deflection from England’s excess mortality and Brazil’s population more than three times that of UK
Robbo rest assured my outrage over our imprisonment and loss of democratic rights and freedoms is not fake. You seem fake in your utter acceptance of MSM reporting on the virus.How come after the media propaganda war waged against Independence in 2014? Why so trusting of faux media outrage now Robbo? Have you forgotten about all the police powers Holyrood voted themselves?Two years worth. Dr Jim we don’t need a section30 stop shilling for that shit Sturgeon. Robbo. Have you not had any bananas today. Yes we have no bananas…Belt it out auld yin.
i said this on Sat as the story was breaking:
Although I predict the BBC are at this minute ferreting around for a SNP cover story.
It was even simpler than I thought, just turn Dominic Cummings story into a SNP attack. I suppose it was pretty predictable.
“The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same SAFE level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.”
H.L. Mencken.
And in Covidworld things are now so much worse.
Dr. Jim
Westminsters interference via their media should never have been accepted by anyone.
Surely our current leaders would accept the media as they currently are. I just dont see NS etc doing anything about the media.
Hopefully come referendum time our lead will be such that the media won’t be able to do anything about it.
Robbo + Evolution= ?
A bit off topic but by the looks of most of the posts i am not alone ,
anyway after Bawjaws f/u plebs last night i was reminded of Richard Nixon or to give him his more commonly used nickname Tricky Dicky ,
it wasnt the break in at the Watergate center that was at the time the campaign office of the Democratic Party,as i said it wasnt the break in that sunk Nixon it was the Lies and the cover up afterwards,
Johnston last night replicated Tricky Dickys moves exactly , he personally set in place all the pieces to propel what was a manageable problem by his actions he managed to fire the problem into a totally different orbit Trust went completely out the window with his every word .
17 Tory MPs now calling for Cummings to go…and guess what…not one of them is a Scottish Tory MP…..Tory party uber alles.
Robbo minus evolution = Dogbiscuit !!
Next question.
Do you still support right-wing philosophers who deny the significance of human biology and oppose equality in law?
The theory and politics of knowledge
link to
@Clydebuilt & Dr Jim
The media are going to be even more ferocious next time. In 2014 they thought it was going to be a union win by a landslide, only in the last week and after the opinion poll did they really up the anti. Prior to that it just fairly standard level propaganda.
The coverage of the referendum was mostly covered from London, all the correspondents were from London. In the next referendum this needs to be stopped, you cannot have the country you are trying to leave in control of the news agenda during the campaign.
Am I the only one that does not give a flying proverbial whether Dominic Cummings stays or goes – if he goes either he’ll work from the shadows until such time as he can come back or they’ll find another “Dominic Cummings”.
Such a lot of hot air and verbiage over a diversion.
The house jocks are always the most obedient servants, they will sell their souls to remain in that house.
@ jfngw @ 1.43pm
Hi jfngw, I could not have put it better myself.
Have a nice day
Interesting article on the origins of the lockdown theory
link to
@J Galt
Only in the sense that Boris Johnson has tied his sail to Cummings mast, he takes Johnson with him if he falls now.
In the scheme of things it makes not one iota of difference if it brings independence no closer, if it helps turn a few heads in Scotland then it’s a plus.
Personally I would like to see Johnson fall, but that’s just a personal dislike for him and everything he stands for.
@bipod –
Thanks for that link. Very interesting. Have tweeted.
and also highlights why not one single journalist (that I can see) has asked, in either Edinburgh or London, to be sighted on the Impact Assessment of Lockdown on Society. If they did see it, it might say something like we would be burning the village down to save it.
More than ever, as criminals are released from prison, the death of money guaranteed by furlough and the relentlessness of MSM and the Internet to stifle, undermine and remove alternative narratives, more than ever, I am convinced that this Plan is not for a Virus.
This Plan is for something else.
Have a manufacturing base in Dunfermline
Their public affairs lobbyist there isGeorge Davidson.
They are very very powerful lobbyist particularly here in Scotland.
They signed a joint agreement with Sanofi (Sanofi make Hydroxichloreqine, the drug Trump has been pushing). I can see from the Medicines supply pages that the U.K. has bulked bought a lot of this drug recently
I also note that Sky News have confirmed that Cummings reg number was indeed the one noted by the witness that saw him.
What’s not been so publicised is the fact that the day he was seen in B Castle was also his wife’s birthday
Also companies house records shows that the weekend he drove to Durham was also the weekend before his mums 71st birthday
These were preplanned trips
PS his wife’s family, brother and cousins all live near by them in London. Why couldn’t they help with childcare?
PPS- Cummings sister is the owner of the company that is rolling out the NHSX app.
There was no tender for that contract due to the new emergency measures on appointing government contracts act
The Government has given 155 intense red contracts worth £1 billion
In the last month
The Financial Times reported that 89% of these contracts we t to Tory funders.
Many of the contracts went to companies with no experience in the business that they won the tender for?
@ bipod
Interesting read.
Not sure why China would be first out of the blocks in using an obscure American High school theory for a pandemic though.
I’ve used the AIER as a source in the past, though I am aware of their political outlook.
The Sociology of Global Health: A Literature Review
link to
I just wish right-wing populism wasn’t getting so much support btl on WOS.
A Theory and Definition of Public Health Law
link to
You should PM Rev Stu your last post to ensure he catches that info.
dakk @ 2:17
exactly…………unless it was agreed beforehand.
Yes, its safe……..
Lest we forget:
link to
J. Galt,
You probably are the only one.. My concern is there’s no popcorn in my hoose for the Dom Cummings Show.
Bill Hume
I wouldn’t want you to feel left out.
The Globalization of Public Health: Emerging Infectious Diseases and International Relations
link to;
No time set yet for the Cummings statement & questions.
He’s taking a risk, just a little slip and the games a bogey!
All colonial BBC web sites have their number but the Main Auntie web site not yet.
N. Ireland……..08…….Total…….514…BBC
England……….*59…….Total…no figs..*SUN
UK………… figs…..Total…..*36852..*SUN
Effigy, there seems to be a lot of earner in virus ‘pandemics’. I’m reading a pamphlet called ‘War is a Racket’ by General Smedley Butler . The profits from war even at the turn of the 20th century are truly breathtaking and the pamphlet is just as relieve today.It is also applicable to the profits being made from covid crisis. Wars are not cost effective neither is military procurement in general, but the cost to the Taxpayers means nothing to the few who profit from wars and other ‘emergencies.
Cummings on at 16:00hrs says big Auntie BBC.
Jfngw, Johnson is not lost without Cummings.
Bob Smack, you sound almost lucid.
I commented on here months ago a Bilderberg project was a possibility for the source of this virus.
The way the airline and travel industry have taken fairly long term strategic stances early on further raised my concerns that the direction of policy is fait accompli.
I continue to have an open mind on the only story in town.
Show in town.
Clapper57 says:
25 May, 2020 at 1:28 pm
17 Tory MPs now calling for Cummings to go…and guess what…not one of them is a Scottish Tory MP…..Tory party uber alles.
Johnson hasn’t given any of them permission to speak. The nodding dogs wait obediently with ears cocked for their master’s voice to tell them what to do.
To everyone else, I’m trying to get ‘lockdown’ fans to see that ‘social distancing is not an indulgence Society can afford. It is a danger to social cohesion and will lead to distrust, paranoia and division. The SNP sadly for us , know this. Government shills you know who you are, never address the issues attendant with what appears to be a corporate fascist coup assisted by the Greens dreaming of a fairy fart Utopia. It cannot be stressed highly enough that your freedom is more important than your health. Prisons are full of very healthy prisoners. In the United States of America there still beats the flame of Liberty in the hearts of men and women. God bless America and God Bless the 2nd Ammendment.
I am no expert on Bilderberg.
I do often look up at our moon sometimes and wonder….it’s a mess, isn’t it.
Now, let’s talk about that virus and some fella called Cummings…..
CallmeDave @ 3.07 pm
BBC are now showing a news special on Bbc 1 at 3.30 pm till 4.15 pm , That might be the Cummings statement and questions but I wouldn’t place a bet on him actually answering any questions . He’ll do a Boris and waffle through his answers without an actual answer .
CallmeDave @ 3.07 pm
My apologies the earlier post , BBC news special saying Cummings will take questions at 4.00 pm so if News special is only on till 4.15 pm , he’s not going to be taking many questions depending on the length of his statement .
Johnson is not lost without Cummings.
Looks like your random text generator is on the blink, better report it to your IT team or commanding officer.
‘Now, let’s talk about that virus and some fella called Cummings…..’
I’m more interested in whether he makes the statement wearing old joggies and clatty t-shirt, or suited and booted to be honest.
All we’ll get from him is what we’ve already heard.
CallmeDave @ 3.07 pm
My apologies re my earlier post at 3.26 pm re news special . If the news special is only on till 4.15 pm , he’s not going to be taking many questions depending on the length of his statement .
Schedules changed on BBC One Scotland for publicity statement for Dominic Cummings. Imagine if the FM could even get her whole daily briefing covered on BBC One Scotland. She is bumped off to some none HD minor channel.
Open neck shirt and chinos is the most he stretch to.
Brown joogies and t shirt is what he left the house in I think.
The thought of Cummings outside the tent pissing in must terrify Boris and the rest of his Lying Circus of Incompetents.
jfngw ok let’s LARP this up a bit. I’m the CO and me and my lads think you’re deliberately passing over vital issues of freedom and democracy .The right to free association the freedom to go about your business without harassment from the State The right not to be vaccinated against our will The right to religious congregation. The right to travel unmolested by the State. The right not to have your life regulated and tracked such as they do in China a Communist dictatorship remember? The right for our children to live their lives in freedom. Our right to be free from the fear porn propaganda that imprisons my fellow Scots. Now as you were. Anyway corporals got the tea ready.
Oh and also the right to take the piss a national pass time now under threat from snowflake Sturgeon.
Hey hey hey it’s the Dominic Cummings di show look everybody look look no not there where your freedom is ‘locked down’ here where the State wants you to focus your attention on the Carnival of presstitutes breaking all their own social distancing rules in order to claim a Government scalp. The media drives this whole exaggerated virus business and certain fuckers on here know that. Again and again and again I suggest it is safe to travel and get back on with your lives as Ministers and horny Scientists do. Are we living under ‘rules for fools’?
Dominic Cummings statement running very late, the coaching session must be going badly. Probably looking dumbfounded when they say ‘look less arrogant’.
It’s taking a long time to make sure Cummings and Johnston’s lies are the same when it’s running so late , Total contempt being shown by them to everyone .
Dogwhistle you and your grannie know you are talking very nice sounding nonsense!
The coaching session will be, manufacturing the story for him to read. Then various people will play the press and throw the expected questions at him, he will then answer these and be coached on the responses, modifying them as necessary. The coaching must be a bit of a disaster as they are so late, lets hope the press throw some unexpected questions.
I was correct, open neck shirt
Was that a statement or a novel by Cummings, almost as tear jerking as his 10 days in high fever in London.