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Wings Over Scotland

If it means nothing

Posted on May 06, 2021 by

The polls have closed. We have no idea what’s going to happen.

This is how we’re feeling.

187 to “If it means nothing”

  1. robertknight says:

    Off to find a cave with a spider in it.

    I’ve a feeling I’ll be in need of inspiration tomorrow.

  2. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    We live in strange times. There is a need for thought and regrouping.

    I hope a new party emerges to allow us to continue our March to a normal independent country.

  3. Bob Mack says:

    Everything means something. It could be the birth of a new hope of the passing of opportunity.

    What it does mean though is that the SP have five years to bring forward the much vaunted referendum. They won’t ,and that will signal their demise.

    We will be looking even closer for those who will take up the fight. Alba will rise along with ithers, and those who find themselves betrayed will rally to the banner.

    The dream will never die. Intensive care certainly, but not dead.

  4. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Feedback from several polling agents – a much higher turnout than 2016. What will that mean – no idea but hopeful!

  5. Rob Brown says:

    Nicola Sturgeon is braced for newly re-elected SNP MSPs splitting away to join Alex Salmond’s newly formed Alba party once the Holyrood election count is over. The scale and speed of the defection could be such that her survival as First Minister might depend on Labour joining with the Greens to keep her in power.
    According to a reliable Alba source, “more than one will cross the floor” of the Scottish Parliament when it reconvenes and “they will signal their intention to do so very swiftly.” This means that, even if the SNP manage to confound most of the opinion pollsters and muster a slight majority, they might see it vanish straight away.

    link to

  6. crisiscult says:

    Just back from polling station duties. Seems big turnouts around Glasgow, or at least bigger than last time. Keep up the good work Rev. You’re taking a lot of flak for questioning voting SNP1 but I’ve not found your advice and reading of things to be poor at any stage. You were even right about BPB, which I didn’t trust you on and sent him a tenner (okay, just a tenner so not the end of the world).

    All I can say from my observations at polling stations is that the conspicuous Scottish nationalists e.g. those with saltire face masks, are voting Alba. I think these are encouraging beginnings. I was even talking to an SNP polling agent who was saying “I wish Nicola would move faster on indy”. I’m confident of a few seats and this is the beginning. Hail Alba 🙂

  7. Tannadice Boy says:

    You worry too much. You should have played Bob Dylan. Times are a changing…

  8. solarflare says:

    “Rob Brown says:
    6 May, 2021 at 10:27 pm
    Nicola Sturgeon is braced for newly re-elected SNP MSPs splitting away to join Alex Salmond’s newly formed Alba party once the Holyrood election count is over. The scale and speed of the defection could be such that her survival as First Minister might depend on Labour joining with the Greens to keep her in power.
    According to a reliable Alba source, “more than one will cross the floor” of the Scottish Parliament when it reconvenes and “they will signal their intention to do so very swiftly.” This means that, even if the SNP manage to confound most of the opinion pollsters and muster a slight majority, they might see it vanish straight away.

    link to

    Does that explain that rather insane Daily Record front cover with the Sturgeon/Sarwar face-off type split?

  9. Duchess of Puke Street says:

    I’m interested to see how Alba party does. The rest of it just fills me with dread.

  10. Gary Dollard says:

    You get what you vote for. All those that were prepared to hold their nose and vote SNP will be the same ones crying “We were robbed!!” for the next five years.

    Shame on you and your gullibility.

  11. Cactus says:


  12. ScottieDog says:

    In a slightly better place than 2 months ago

  13. John Martini says:

    Should I stay or should I go now?
    Should I stay or should I go now?
    If I go, there will be trouble
    And if I stay it will be double
    So come on and let me know..

    Decisions, decisions..

  14. A Person says:

    The egregious Alex Cole-Hamilton is saying that turnout is higher in unionist areas, and I read that there are long queues in Glasgow Eastwood, historically the bastion of Toryism in the west of Scotland…

  15. Big Jock says:

    Rob. That depends on how she reacts to the possible Alba motion on independence. If she tries to vote against it. The SNP will collapse with defections to Alba.

    The movement will destroy Sturgeon for voting against our will.

  16. Big Jock says:

    I suspect turnout is higher because people have more free time, an excuse to leave the house etc. Its certainly not the excitement factor!

  17. Hugh Jarse says:

    Hartlepool doesn’t seem to be concerned about the dreaded nocturnal rona variant, currently running rampant across Scotland.

    Quietly hopeful for Alba pulling a stunning vote, media blackout and all.

  18. Auld Jock says:

    Bob Mack @10:18
    Brilliant couldn’t agree more…everything crossed. Hopefully maybe somebody up there gives us a break

  19. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Asked this on The Twitter, two hours ago:

    ‘Would Scottish political discourse be ‘healthier’ if Wings over Scotland shuts up shop?
    (Please disregard your personal ‘feelz’ about Stu Campbell and/or his supporters, if you can. If you can’t, please don’t vote.)’

    Yes 22.1%
    No 77.9%

    Votes cast: 457

    That’s quite a lot for a wee Twitter poll in 2 hours.

    Nae pressure Rev, but there’s a lot of folk want you to stick around.

    Just saying.

    Here’s the link –

    link to

  20. stonefree says:

    @ Rob Brown at 10:27 pm
    Two sides to that one,
    I thought what Neale Hanvey’s carry-on wasn’t right he got drummed out of the SNP and got elected as an independent, then did penance, to get back in and then switched to Alba .
    My opinion is he should have stayed out of the SNP for at least a couple of years.
    Now there appears to be others who stood as SNP candidates, and I would suggest the SNP spent a fair wedge on promoting them( I watched how much the SNP spent on Councillors) . Now they are going to jump ship.
    Now the fact they stood as SNP , and were voted for as SNP. leaves me to question their integrity
    The other side the piece of crap Sturgeon, betrayed members,the public and the people of Scotland together with the rest of her behavior
    My conclusion on balance it’s not bad enough for her So tough

  21. Morag says:

    I should have photographed my ballot papers! One perfectly normal list paper with a nice cross against “Alba”, and one constituency paper decorated with two stickers someone made, basically the sufragette flag with “if you won’t respect my sex, don’t expect my X” (with the “X” a cute graphic of a paper going into a ballot box), and “woman = adult human female” at the bottom. Then I wrote “Women’s rights are human rights” across the middle in thick felt-tip marker pen.

  22. Mitch says:

    Crisiscult: it’s obviously too soon to have seen boxes being emptied, so your post is pure speculation. Think Santa Claus and tooth fairy stuff.

  23. Hugh Jarse says:

    Anyone getting the feeling that the establishment has looked at recent polling, and decided that if they can’t feasibly say no forever, sooner better. Their core support is dying, and our youngsters seem keen on autonomy.

  24. Thistle's Bristles says:

    Jason Smoothpiece says:
    6 May, 2021 at 10:18 pm
    We live in strange times. There is a need for thought and regrouping.

    I hope a new party emerges to allow us to continue our March to a normal independent country.

    Ahem. This is May we’re in.

    June not know that? Let it be July noted.. in an August silence.

  25. route67 says:

    Alba got my vote on the list.

    Could not vote for tory scum, labour lickspittles, or lib dem irrelevances.

    I don’t hate women, so that ruled out the snp.

    I am able to define what a woman is – even at the risk of spending some time at her maj’s pleasure – so I could not vote green.

    One big x over the whole thing.

    I really hope jaggy is right

  26. Daisy Walker says:

    I think turn out in Perth will be high 50%, early 60% – but with a higher than average unionist vote – tactical voting.

  27. Sensibledave says:

    … great song, brilliantly performed and man, the cello is the icing.

    Good luck with the count tomoz and I hope you get what you want.

    Welcome to the world of “hold your nose” voting which is what those of us south of the border have been faced with for decades.

    Lots of popcorn required or next couple of days.

  28. Duchess of Puke Street says:

    Also, I’m hoping for that miracle you mentioned recently Stuart.

  29. Freya says:

    Lots of people voting here in Gorbals and there have been many people on Facebook reporting they only managed to vote on their second and even third attempt at going to the polling station as the queues were very long.
    Is it true that we won’t know results any sooner than Sunday morning? I am happy to wait if the news released then is that a supermajority has been achieved.

  30. crisiscult says:

    @mitch – not sure what you mean. I asked in two stations how many people had voted. We know figures from last Holyrood election. So I know exactly how many folk voted and how many voted in those stations last time. So, am I missing something?

    My other point is only about the 15 or so folk (in total over the whole day) who were wearing conspicuous Scottish branded stuff e.g. masks, hats, etc – they all (ALL) either spoke to me or indicated with thumbs up, whatever, that led me to believe they were voting Alba. That’s all I’m saying. I saw around 2000 people today and only about 15 wearing conspicuous national symbols, so of course that 15 is pretty meaningless in terms of what vote Alba is going to get.

  31. Alibi says:

    I think Alba’s problem is that this election was too soon for them. Also their exclusion from the debates, which was just plain wrong. However the other thing that I think hinders them is Alex Salmond. A controversial view I know, but the demonisation of AS by the establishment, and, disgracefully, by Nicola Sturgeon, has left him tainted in the eyes of many. I was shocked to hear over the last few weeks so many Indy supporters who dislike him intensely – the man who made indyref1 happen for goodness sake. They seem to hold him to a far higher standard than any other public figures. Sadly, I think he will find it an uphill struggle to regain his former approval ratings, and I think he may realise that. I find that quite sad because he is head and shoulders above any other Scottish politician – which is of course why he has been targeted. Anyway, no results yet, so maybe I’m being premature and Alex will be entertaining us at FMQs for the next 5 years.

  32. Tannadice Boy says:

    I made a mistake today. I persuaded my wife not to engage with the SNP woman standing by the gate of the polling station. I thought at the time to complain to the electoral commission. My wife was right to challenge at the time. I wanted to avoid an aggravated incident. My wife is giving me a hard time now. Ah well a marriage of many decades. Us mere men we can never get it right.

  33. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Morag (11.19) –

    Morag K?

    If so, we’ve had our differences here over the years, aye, but today we were on precisely the same page.

    I did “Women Won’t Wheesht!” in the hope that Ruth Maguire (who I have a lot of respect for) will see it.

    Here’s hoping there were so many ‘spoilt’ papers that it will become an unavoidable ‘talking point’.


  34. boris says:

    link to

    Kirsty Wark is a BBC commentator, correspondent, journalist and political progamme maker. She is a close friend of senior Labour Party officials and office holders. Connected and powerful her influence over public opinion in Scotland is accepted by some as being absolute. She speaks the public listens and follows her lead. Is she impartial. Not on your nelly she’s not. Mention Alex Salmond in her presence and she’ll have a fit.

  35. holymacmoses says:

    You’ve got too much talent and opportunity to let it go a-begging Wings.
    Wait and see

    Fear — False

  36. sarah says:

    High turnout in my part of Wester Ross [I was polling agent] – and postal votes to add idc. Looks as if turnout will be over 80%.

    The campaign had little visible effect – very few posters in houses – but people obviously are interested. Desperately hoping it is the right kind of voter who has turned out.

  37. holymacmoses says:

    Don’t know what happened there cont….
    F alse
    E xpectations
    A ppearing
    R eal



    The emotion felt after logical assessment of a dangerous situation.?

    We’ll see.

    The British Empire has become a damp squib of a metaphor for yet another version of Ozymandias

  38. Graf Midgehunter says:

    This is what good music does, Bonnie prince Cactus is back.. 🙂

  39. Salmond dindunuffin says:

    If the turnout is high, as we consistently seem to anecdotally hear it is, and support for independence has been dipping as per the polls, what I would expect is a backlash turnout and a lot of Tory and Labour votes. Projecting Alba to beat their (frankly disappointing) polling at this stage would be wishful thinking.

    But Nikla’s failure to MAKE THE CASE for independence and her calibrating the every move of the SNP to the young, woke, daft and middle class cannot go unremarked upon when it comes to culpability for the boost to unionism. Bottom line: she’s succeeded as Scottish colonialism’s own female Tony Blair. She’s failed as an independence leader.

  40. Papko says:

    think turn out in Perth will be high 50%, early 60% – but with a higher than average unionist vote – tactical voting.


    Rain is a killer and it was wet all over the most deprived areas today.
    Bit like the GE in June 2017 when May was looking for a “stronger hand” and lost her mandate.

    That was when the Yoons surged and SNP lost 15 seats?

  41. Market Force says:

    If Sturgeon and Harvie gain their majority, then Independence is off the table for the foreseeable future.

    If she needs help, then that will be Alba’s only chance.

    And with a good bit of luck, the Bastard might be looking for a new job tomorrow

  42. Al-Stuart says:

    Something has been wrong with this election.

    Not the criminal and brazen media blackout of the Alba Party. Nor the hostile libelous ignorance of Sturgeon showing contempt of court by denying a lawful verdict of Alex Salmond being INNOCENT

    Even the deviant RAPE Advocating Disruptor Troll on Wings Over Scotland with multiple personality disorders infesting BTL at Wings.


    Something is wrong with this whole Holyrood election in a good way!

    Nicola Sturgeon appears old an knackered, Remarkably haggard. Like she stepped out of Dorian Gray’s wardrobe. For 51 years of age, those guilt lines and sleepless panda eyes are not the look of a winner, which were she honest, she would be. She is within a whisker of a rare overall SNP majority and WILL be First Minister for at least the ONE week following yesterday’s election.

    There is a dissonance in all of this…

    Alex Salmond has been verbally battered, publicly slandered, libeled in the press and stabbed in the back.

    Yet Alex looks and said he is having great fun and the time of his life!

    Alex is looking his younger self again. 10 years younger. The stress of the Clown Prosecution Orrifices alleged Malfeasance in Public Office along with the criminal squandering of Police Scotland time in the fit up of Alex Salmond has dissolved away from Alec’s back.

    So what is going on?

    Sturgeon KNOWS she is an over promoted fake First Minister who has failed woefully.

    Sturgeon KNOWS that Alex Salmond is way above her league.

    She is shitting herself at what is GUARANTEED to happen next week.


    Alex Salmond is more than just the finest Statesman Scotland has ever had.

    Alex knows how to do the FM job properly. He is one of the smartest politicians on the planet.

    Alex has always had something up his sleeve.

    The smell of doom from Sturgeon has the aroma of rodent. Channel de la Excrementé.

    The secret end-game?

    Breaking news just in…


    Bobby Broon Fae Bathgate aka Jaggy is spot on with his news on this.

    So dry yer eyes folks. Cheer yersel up with this…

    link to

  43. DanDLion says:

    F**king Sturgeon, man. We could all be dancing in the streets right now knowing we’re going to start the separation process in the next few days and creating one hell of a decent society.

    Instead, I’m sat here with dread, wondering how I can protect my utterly young innocent daughter from Sturgeon and her band of nappy wearing fetishising men.

    Sturgeon the Abhorrent – I hope you read this – You will never be forgiven.

  44. yesbot says:

    Is everyone generally feeling assured regarding the safety of our preciously considered votes this night?

    No exit polls, how does the Polling agent thing work?

    Whose decision was it to postpone the count until the next day or two?

  45. Morag says:

    Here’s hoping there were so many ‘spoilt’ papers that it will become an unavoidable ‘talking point’.

    That’s the point. One person does it, or even a couple, so what? It needs a lot of people to do it.

    I was so frustrated seeing people talking about silly ways to spoil their constituency paper when we need as many as possible to make the “transwomen are men” point, but not in so many words. Fair enough if it’s not something important to you, but this is really important to a lot of people.

  46. Hatuey says:

    The jaggy claim regarding imminent defections make little sense, I’m afraid.

    People would quite rightly take a very dim view of politicians who stand on an SNP ticket then defect to another party so early in the Parliament. If that was a premeditated act, which is being suggested, it would be considered a dishonest act of despicable trickery.

    Let’s assume they could live with that. Why would they cross the floor? All that matters is how they vote and they could vote just as freely without crossing the floor. Yes, SNP whips would potentially have something to say, but blah, blah, blah… if you were thinking of splitting, that would be the way to do it.

    Of course, all of the above is premised on there being an Alba presence in Parliament that they can cross the floor to. I hope there is, of course, but we don’t know if there will be.

    It’s junk.

  47. Mairi Nicola says:

    So, wow, great choice of music and thank you for all your insights. I think Alba is doing great, but no, I don’t have any trust in the integrity of the ballots. The pandemic was a great excuse for a lot of cheating to be done in the dead of night in various jurisdictions in the United States and i have no confidence that there won’t be shenanigans here. I wish I could say different. That said, I am going to hope that doesn’t occur. Also, I guess there is always rigging of some kind. Professional political types shrug and say the best thing is to win by enough that it doesn’t matter. Hopefully the Alba showing will do that. Certainly Alex was so jaunty and happy, Tasmina and all the candidates so joyous, puts me in mind of 2014 and the future!!!

  48. Breeks says:

    DanDLion says:
    7 May, 2021 at 1:05 am
    F**king Sturgeon, man. We could all be dancing in the streets right now knowing we’re going to start the separation process in the next few days and creating one hell of a decent society.

    Yup. My own thoughts exactly.

    The same thoughts I had when Sturgeon ignored the constitutional sovereignty of Scotland’s Remain majority 2016.

    The same thoughts I had when Sturgeon capitulated like a craven coward to Scotland’s Brexit subjugation in 2020.

    The same thoughts I had when Sturgeon didn’t use Joanna Cherry’s Court victory to revoke Article 50 unilaterally in Scotland’s name once it was ruled a sovereign prerogative.

    The same thoughts I had when hearing that for 18 months surrounding the seismic events of Brexit, Sturgeon’s NEC didn’t even discuss Independence.

    That’s four open goals squandered, and a fifth with her spite towards ALBA and a supermajority.

    Sturgeon is a blight on us, and a curse on Scottish Independence. May she rot in hell, reviled and despised as intensely as the 1707 parcel o’ rogues who also sold Scotland out.

  49. Effigy says:

    Watching some election results from England on Sky.
    Why can they count votes but they can’t be counted in Scotland?

    I just cannot comprehend how the Tories popularity is still growing
    there. Labour are the dead and dying even with the most right wing
    cabal of thieves their main opposition.

    The English seem to be convinced they are superior beings too good for Europeans.
    Their Empire is coming back and they really don’t mind being lead by a bungling buffoon.

    Cameron’s £60 Million Tax payer con.
    Boris’ brother in the corrupt Gov deal with Dyson
    £12 Billion for track and trace sunk without a trace
    £1,000 a roll wallpaper.
    £10 Billion of dodgy PPE contracts for Tory supporters even Hancock’s pub landlord.
    Hancock handing NHS contracts to companies he has shares in.

    How on earth are the English flocking toward rampant corruption.

    I am truly warming to a border with armed guards, guard dogs, a most filled with crocodiles and
    one of Trumps walls.

    Give me a place in Europe without moronic Morris Dancers!

  50. Robert Louis says:

    Well, for the first time in my life, yesterday, after a lot, lot, lot of hard thinking, I spoilt my consituency ballot paper.

    I had originally planned to vote SNP 1 and ALBA2, with the SNP vote purely to help ensure ALBA got in on the list. The Rev’s data yesterday made it clear for my vote, it might be better to spoil the constituency paper and vote ALBA 2, and that is exactly what I did.

    The SNP are really off the rails, and Nicola Sturgeon is a fraud. I was until a couple of years ago, a party member, attending conference and all.

    I hope, and pray that ALBA do well. Besides, ALBA is a much better name than SNP.

    No matter what, the fight for INDEPENDENCE and the restoration of democracy, with an end to enforced English colonial rule over Scotland, will go on.

    Nobody ever said it would be easy.

    P.S. No matter the result, Scotland NEEDS Reverend Stuart Campbell and wings over Scotland, more than ever.

  51. skyeskip says:

    Here I sit in Alaska, and I haven’t been this worried about a vote since September 2014 (I was on Skye the day of the referendum, and the horrible day after). I hate to see the hopes of good, kind people dashed on the rocks of corrupt power, and I’m utterly sick with the state of Scottish government. I hope, but I’m weary with hoping, that there’s a fundamental shift of understanding just what’s being done in plain sight to cripple Scottish democracy. Thanks to all that voted today.

  52. Robert Louis says:

    Breeks at 0520am,

    Could not agree more. Your last paragraph, sums up how many feel. For London’s gold she is bought and sold, an absolute rogue, if ever there was one. Just like in 1707, Scotland’s democracy sold out to benefit the few, or as James Tiberius Kirk may have put it, ‘the one’ – and we all know her name.

  53. Effigy says:

    A news reporter just summed up the incompatibility between England and Scotland.

    The English revel in Boris Johnson’s Rocks Star personality
    While Scotland would have Boris breaking rocks in a penal colony.

    The English are actually scaring me to Death.
    There is now no opposition to Tory rule.

    They are handing out keys to the treasury to their party donors.
    Soon you will see the old age pension cut, qualifying age up to 75 and then stopped.
    More of the NHS sold off before you then need private insurance.
    Welfare to be replaced by forced Labour workhouses.

    Thankfully the mines are now closed and chimneys don’t need swept so kids
    won’t be abused until they turn 16.

  54. Claire says:

    For Alibi

    Alex Salmond reputation is clearly being rebuilt . There are many people even on this site who first believed all the lies the MSM reported . Many People have now realised that the redactions and censorship’s were indeed a cover . Yes there are many AS haters .. but there is a lot to come out yet ..
    We have Craig Murray’s political contempt of court sentencing today , and this will not go away ! and neither will AS go away . There is a new Court case about to start and this will be exceptionally damaging, there will be much more revealed that confirms collusion to deliberately damage AS reputation.
    Alex Salmond never used the word conspiracy but re watch everything he said at the Inquiry and reflect on NS recent election slur campaign .. she fears AS . Alba are rising and so is AS .. he has championed the cause of Independence all of his political life .. he is back to DELIVER it . ?

  55. Claire says:

    Ignore the question mark

  56. Daisy Walker says:

    Papko says:
    7 May, 2021 at 12:37 am

    think turn out in Perth will be high 50%, early 60% – but with a higher than average unionist vote – tactical voting.


    Rain is a killer and it was wet all over the most deprived areas today.
    Bit like the GE in June 2017 when May was looking for a “stronger hand” and lost her mandate.

    That was when the Yoons surged and SNP lost 15 seats?

    – Periodic rain in late morning and afternoon in Perth – turned out nice in the evening when most of the voters came out in numbers.

  57. akenaton says:

    It is no longer about Independence, what the SNP and the Greens are doing to our country is beyond contempt.
    As long as people like Sturgeon, Harvie and their acolytes are involved in Scottish politics we must concentrate all our energy in exposing all that they really stand for.
    Knowing the mendacity of most of the political class any attempt to work with these creatures is bound to end in failure and even the corruption of sincere dedicated people by the promise of a share in power.
    I don’t know if most on this forum actually get out among the ordinary folk, but I do so daily and I can assure you that people out there have been completely brainwashed by the administration and all branches of the social services to accept without question our Great Leader’s commands.

    Wake up folks, there is a great battle to be won, but not over Independence, that will come as surely as the sun rises, but a harder battle for the future of our people and our children. You have all seen the attacks on women and children start….and they have NOT been rejected by the ordinary folk who have been lulled into a stupor by this administration which contains people who aught to and do know right from wrong but the promise of political power has proved to strong.
    “Independence” has become a shield, not to protect righteous warriors who have a pride in their nation, but a small group of criminals and perverts bent on personal power and personal wealth.

  58. Wee Chid says:

    Morag says:
    7 May, 2021 at 1:37 am
    “Woman – adult human female” written on mine – along with “Alex Salmond for First Minister”.

  59. Daisy Walker says:

    I think one reason turn out looks like being reasonably – high, is because people – on whatever part of the divide – realise its an important time, and they’ve kind of got back into the habit of voting again in the last few years.

    So even though the SNP and Unionists tried to make it the most boring election ever – the public are a bit too clued up to fall for that.

    In Perth – in the affluent areas – they make a point of walking to the Polling Station in the evening, as a family. It’s rather nice really.

    And in the schemes, they’ve always left it to the last minute.

    The really big change was the lack of info the voters put out about their intentions. Yes stickers, SNP stickers, 90% had come down from windows.

    To me that’s a Scottish thing, they’ve made up their minds, go away. And I’m cautiously optimistic. Back when it was Devolution, the campaign was relatively uninspiring – 20 + years of tories and Thatcher – had made campaigning unnecessary.

  60. John Main says:

    @Effigy – 7 May, 2021 at 6:54 am

    “The English are actually scaring me to Death.
    Soon you will see the old age pension cut, qualifying age up to 75 and then stopped.
    More of the NHS sold off before you then need private insurance.
    Welfare to be replaced by forced Labour workhouses.”

    Please don’t tell me you believe any of the shit you post here.

    Cos if you do, you need help and urgently.

    There is lots and lots to criticise with BoJo and the Tories, but no English are going to come up to Scotland, put you in a workhouse, then deny you a pension and medical care until you die.

    The sun is shining, it’s spring, and we will soon have Alba in Hollyrood. You have a good day.

  61. Effigy says:

    John Main.

    Ian Duncan Smith headed up a Tory Committee
    who put forward a retirement age of 75 in the year 2038.

    Over 8% of NHS England is now with private companies such as Virgin Health.
    Recently Hancock handed an NHS contract to benefit him, family and friends.
    His pub landlord has been given a PPE contract.

    Tory Universal Credit has left many with the prospect of having not one penny
    for 6-8 weeks and beyond.

    In Thatchers era, an Asian business man was found to be paying some employees 10p per hour.
    A Tory MP stood in parliament to defend him demanding it should be the owners right to pay what he
    wants if individuals will accept it.

    Tell me again about the joys of being trapped in a one party government heading further right by the day.

  62. Willie says:

    I suspect and hope that Queen Nicola’s day’s are coming to an end and that this election will be the catalyst for it.

    I do not think the SNP result will be anything like what Sturgeon was anticipating. The resentment expressed by many prior SNP voters was quite palpable with the predominant sentiment being that she had done nothing these last years save posture and spin.

    This sentiment will without doubt reflect in the voting figures which will send a chill down the spines of those left standing. Indeed, were it not for those holding their noses and voting SNP, due in huge part to the logic of SNP1 and Alba 2 the SNP vote would have crumbled further.

    Anyway, by this evening we will have the results for the constituencies. And then by Saturday evening we’ll have the regional results.

    Would dearly love to read what exit pollsters are predicting. And strange that there has been any yet. Maybe the regional votes maturing for a couple of nights in safe repositories are the key to that.

  63. ahundredthidiot says:

    The saying ‘go woke, go broke’ also applies to politics.

    Hartlepool goes Tory.

    The Tories are less woke than Labour.

    Same with Hilary……those who play identity politics get a kicking in the end.

  64. ahundredthidiot says:

    I would caution against getting hopes too high.

    No overnight counting leaves a massive window for rigging.

    Alba coming late to the party meant a simple, more direct/less covert plan would be needed.

    For me, if AS and at least a half dozen dont get voted thru – it’s rigged.

    But then – covid is more dangerous at night, so maybe it makes sense…..

  65. Mac says:

    So no exit polls and no immediate count and massive numbers of postal votes, all due to ‘covid’ . It is all so 2014… I am sure it will be just as honest.

    Win, lose or draw with ALBA I have noever had a shadow of doubt whose side I am on. Like in 2014 I know history will judge very harshly those clinging on to the rancid Sturgeon regime even if they never will.

    I am very proud to ‘stand’ with the good folks of this blog, Craig Murray and all the other brave souls bringing the light into the sordid darkness of Sturgeon’s nasty little world. God bless every fucking one of you.

    Today I guess will be the beginning of the rest of our lives, one way or the other I suppose.

    I am lucky in a sense that I have a bail-out option to another European country.

    If we are facing 5 years of Sturgeon and the Greens methodically wrecking Scotland and putting all dreams of independence to bed forever I think I will be doing something else, somewhere else, and I doubt I’ll be looking back (much).

    It has dawned on me over the last few weeks looking at the SNP tossers endlessly trashing Salmond and ALBA I almost hope they win as I am so sick of looking at them and listening to the utter shite pouring from their mouths on a daily basis. It would be a relief to just walk away from those thick boring cunts and never have another moments interaction with them for the rest of my life. Sounds like bliss actually.

  66. Pixywine says:

    Children forced to wear masks in school are being abused by the cowardly teachers Unions.

  67. Mac says:

    I used to think democracy was effectively snuffed out in Scotland in 2014 but I think now it was only the pretense that died.

    Democracy has never existed I think. Far too dangerous it seems.

    Alex Salmond is on ‘the list’. That is now more than abundantly clear. The same list that Jeremy Corbyn is on, that George Galloway is on, that Craig Murray is on, that Julian Assange is on…

    It is a long list, going back a long time.

    Do you know who is not on the list.

    Nicola cunting Sturgeon. Does not take a genius to work out why.

  68. John Main says:


    Thanks for your reply. I see you are backing off on the workhouse claims. Glad to see some reality creeping in.

    But your “trapped in a one party government heading further right by the day” still bothers me. You should have gone out and voted yesterday, maybes the fresh air would have been good for you.

    And you may have realised, as you marked your X, “Haud oan, we are not trapped in a one party government after all. We can go and vote them into history just like that”.

    And there is the answer to it all. Vote them into history, and persuade enough other people to do the same.

    Cut out the English Tories want to kill me pish. It just puts people off. Accentuate the positives of what an Independent Scotland could and should be, persuade people of your cause, and it will happen as surely as day follows night.

  69. Frank Gillougley says:

    Good to see Cactus still here. I too miss Cactus’ nocturnal wanderings and stream of consciousness.

  70. true scot says:

    I get the feeling today will feel like the epic cliffhanger at the end of Empire Strikes Back – the empire having dealt a massive blow to the rebellion.

    But – Covid is coming to en end. If it had ended six months ago, this election would have been entirely different and the expected outcome would be different.

    They leaned very heavily on Nicola for First Minister again, because she can string a sentence together and not look like she’s lying / bluffing / out of her depth when she actually is.

    But she’s entering a new parliamentary term on borrowed time even if it doesn’t look that way.

    The polls say support for independence has fallen on her watch – but support for her is still stubbornly peaking. That’s a fine line to walk.
    And no more Covid to distract from everything else on a daily basis.

    And she looks absolutely exhausted too. Close to emotional collapse. It’s her own fault – she chose to play MacBeth.

    I don’t think I’ll be able to watch her smug face or listen to her shrill voice though. I need to fuck off from Scottish politics for a couple of months. How do you break an addiction to WoS though? I quit fags ten years ago – I’m sure I can do this.

  71. Famous15 says:

    If you get suspended from a political party do you get taken off the d’Bonk List?

    Asking for an interested friend.

  72. James says:

    Labour get the kicking they deserve in England. Starter can now slither off and eat shit.The ordinary people may finally have realised what Labour is.The whole country is crying out for change.

  73. Big Jock says:

    I just heard a quote from Nicola saying she didn’t need to work with Alba in the new government. Because the SNP can progress independence themselves.

    That sums up everything that is wrong with this woman. She is not part of a team, she has no humility. She is a dictator , only gives orders.

    Lets see what happens when she tries to strike down Alba’s indy proposals. She needs to go for the sake of our future.

  74. Willie says:

    Your comments about the counting process Mac do not go unnoticed.

    Once upon a time polling agent could supervise the voting process, checking numbers of votes cast, seeing the boxes sealed before transportation to the count, where the ballot boxes would be opened and sorted in front of polling agents eyes.

    As a process it was visible. Agent could see from the beginning to the end, could watch, and indeed sample each and every box as the ballots went through the verification process of sorting the ballots face up before the ballots being thereafter assembled into party bundles of a hundred for insertion into the tally boxes.

    And now boxes closed on the conclusion of the poll and transported off to be stored for one, maybe two nights. No immediate after vote counting here. And of course huge numbers of postal votes a system recognised to be open to abuse.

    And with the counting now delayed for days with returns infused with huge numbers of postal votes, election scrutiny becomes ever further removed from the people.

    But how can we question honesty. How can we question why Alba was denied approval to have its logo on the ballot paper. The SNP applied after Alba to use a new revised logo after Alba. The SNP logo got approved the Alba one didn’t. The sight of the regional ballot paper with every party having a logo, whilst the Alba party didn’t, only a blank, was a stain on electoral abuse and clear attempt at vote rigging.

    And similarly, how many people noticed that Nicola Sturgeon wrote to hundreds of thousands of suspected supporters to encore them to take up the option and apply for a postal vote, which postal votes were issue to voters a full three weeks before the poll.

    Funny that encouragement because what most postal voters do when they get their postal vote is complete it and send it off. Vote done, vote gone, the campaign is dead to these voters thereafter.

    And that then takes you to the utter censorship and media black out on Alba and Alex Salmond by the BBC and STV. Deprived of media air it is not difficult to see how in combination with early locked in postal voting, the bias and election rigging becomes further clear.

    And so, going back to the boxes and the counting process how much trust can there now be in the electoral process.

    Very similar in fact to the SNP’s rigging of its National Executive Committee.

    Anyway, Sir John Curtice has just, against a backcloth of no exit polls, announced what he believes the result to be with the SNP falling short of a majority having secured 64 seats. Funny how he wasn’t able to predict so accurately how many Alba seats.

  75. Hatuey says:

    If Sarwar beats her, I’m gonna go drinkin’…

    You’d expect SNP supporters to be up in arms when they heard their leader was pre-negotiating with the Unionist Labour Branch manager. But SNP voters are a bunch of mugs.

    What would it take to convince them that their leader sold them down the river, along with her soul, the country, independence itself, and much else, so that she could remain in the job as colonial administrator?

    BBC Scotland has been riding shotgun on the Nicola bandwagon for about two years now — since she dipped her quill in Scottish blood and signed up to the Section 30 process. There’s no coincidences here; they stopped attacking her when she surrendered.

    I only have one question right now. Why has Nicola looked so rattled lately? Was she told to de-glam, to look and play the tired victim? Was that her re-election strategy? Probably. When it comes to Nicola’s politics, after all, it’s all about Nicola.

    Maybe there’s more to it than that. Maybe she knew weeks ago that Sarwar was going to beat her. Maybe some of the terrible things she has done have caught up with her.

  76. Effigy says:

    Sorry John Main,

    Tory Westminster controls Scotland absolutely.
    The dragged us out of Europe even though we had an
    incredible majority against it and now they are ready to
    take back 24 powers from Holyrood.

    I’d put to you that if every single Scottish Vote on Brexit
    or the Westminster elections was for Remain and SNP,
    Scotland would still be ripped out of the EU and ruled over by
    and English Tory government.

    Universal DisCredit, the Bedroom Tax, the crippling of the NHS by capping Nurse’s
    pay to give them a 15% pay cut, chasing off thousands of NHS Doctors and Nurses
    with Brexit, stopping bursaries for English Nurses looking to train, charging other foreign NHS
    medics £1,200 for a work visa, ignoring the Epidemic warnings of the Cygnus Exercise.

    And the Tories tell you they can’t understand why they are short of 44,000 nurses?
    With Long Covid and a dramatic rise in mental Heath needs you can hang your hat on
    a 50,000 nurse shortage very soon.
    The solution of course will be private companies that Tory supporters have invested in.

    If this is the thin end of the wedge and it’s receiving encouragement from those in the South
    the future most certainly is not bright.

    You probably believe the 2 Navy Gun Boats sitting off Jersey had nothing to do with the elections?

  77. sog says:

    I believe there is normally a proportion of voters who look for a Protest Vote opportunity. As the underdog, Alba may benefit from that, though handicapped by the media blackout. It is, for me, a reason to wait with a little extra hope.

  78. Big Jock says:

    Curtice is bluffing. He has added all the polls together and came up with a guess.

    That doesn’t take into account votes already made by post and what people actually do on the day. Look at this site. Plenty of us probably didn’t make our mind up until the day before, on the first vote!

  79. Quoth the Raven says:

    Odious Alyn Smith MP oiled his way round parts of Stirling yesterday, frantically stuffing last-minute GOTV literature through letterboxes in an effort to drum up support for his protégé. Almost sad, if it weren’t so funny. SNP clearly rattled after an excellent, well-organised, targeted local campaign by ALBA. Will be interesting to see the results. But regardless, they know what’s heading their way…

    Incidentally: spoiled paper 1, ALBA 2.

  80. Andy Ellis says:

    It’s quite a thought that English nationalism and the abject failure of the Labour Party in England now appears more likely to deliver Scottish independence than the Scottish National Party does.

    Listening to the early analysis of Labour’s defeat in Hartlepool and local results elsewhere in the NE in particular it struck me that Labour might as well accept that their only way forward is to identify with younger, urban more socially progressive voters and try to build a coalition with what’s left of the LDs and the Greens to push for an alternative anti Tory coalition. If they push for electoral reform they might just begin to recover, but it’s obvious swathes of Little Englanders are abandoning them.

    Scottish voters can’t say they had no warning.

  81. Willie Hogg says:

    Tea break over, back on your heads

    link to

    Reality dawns

    A wee fill up

  82. MaggieC says:

    From Craig Murray’s twitter account ,

    If anybody wants to hear them send me to jail tomorrow, you can do so here.

    There is likely to be some discussion of my physical medical conditions. I should be grateful to everyone, especially the media, for not repeating details of these. The bipolar bit is open, no worries.

    And the details of the dial-in links for his case today ,

    High Court of Justiciary
    Case: Sentencing Hearing – Petition and Complaint re Craig Murray
    Date: 7 May, 2021
    Time: 10:00am Please note updated time
    Dial (United Kingdom toll): +44-20-7660-8149
    Access code: 137 643 8712

    Link to his appeal for defence funds ,

    link to

    Wishing Craig all the best for today .

  83. ScotsRenewables says:

    Pixywine says:
    7 May, 2021 at 8:29 am
    Children forced to wear masks in school are being abused by the cowardly teachers Unions.


  84. Mac says:

    Willie, apparently a lot of folk saying they would have voted ALBA2 had they not already sent in their postal votes.

    No coincidence the Deceiver wrote to them all to mug them of their postal vote before they got a chance to find out about ALBA’s plan for a supermajority.

    It is everywhere you look.

  85. winifred mccartney says:

    It looks like labour finished everywhere – Millionaire leaders in England and Scotland are not speaking for the many.

    Important as it was Boris’ flat makeover pales into insignificance against the thousands and thousands of people left in flats and buildings that have become worthless and left facing horrendous bills for correction of building faults. He should be going after the building regulators and the companies who used the fire hazard cladding -builders and companies should be sued till they have nothing left but the government in the meantime should pay up to have the buildings sorted and made safe. Look at Grenfell still no one held to account and many people still in temporary accommodation – labour hardly a word. Their priorities are all wrong – new labour was a sham.

  86. John Main says:

    Effigy – 7 May, 2021 at 9:12 am

    “You probably believe the 2 Navy Gun Boats sitting off Jersey had nothing to do with the elections?”

    Effigy, you crack me up. The sun is shining, it’s springtime, Alba will soon be in Hollyrood, and the icing on the cake, free online humour.

    I absolutely, 100% believe the gunboats have nothing to do with the elections.

    But I do wonder about the sort of people who would react to a spat over fishing rights by threatening to cut off electricity to an entire island of innocents. Hope the hospitals, old folk’s homes and pensioner’s accommodation blocks have private generators.

    Not a great advert for the consideration and understanding of our EU brethren, those who so many so-called Scottish Independence supporters like yourself are itching to get back into bed with.

    I suppose the reasoning is that the EU is justified in being nasty and vindictive to the bad English Tories. The EU, in contrast, will be like a benevolent uncle to us nice Scots. Generous hand-outs all day long. Nothing expected in return.

    Dream on.

  87. Colin Alexander says:

    Craig Murray’s sentencing takes place at 10am today.

    I’m sure many of us will be thinking of him, wishing him well.

    I’m sure a donation to his legal funds would be gratefully received too.

  88. Socrates MacSporran says:

    I saw a cracking btl comment in The Guardian yesterday.

    Someone asked if anyone had: “Start a war with France,” in the “What’s the next stupid thing Boris will do?” sweepstake.

  89. winifred mccartney says:

    It looks like labour finished north and south – millionaire leaders no longer wanted.

    As important as Boris’ flat makeover payment is – it is nothing to the thousands and thousands left in unsafe, unsaleable flats because of cladding on the buildings and now being left to foot remedial work to make the buildings safe. Labour should be shouting from the rooftops about this and the govt should be forced to pay to have the work corrected while suing the pants off the builders etc involved.

    If money can be found the HS2 and new trident bombs and the waste of test and trace there is no excuse not to fund this remedial work. Grenfell has been allowed to be forgotten about and no has been held to account and many of the victims are still in temporary accommodation – labour – conspicuous by their silence. New labour was a sham and millionaire leaders are all talk and no action, no committment and no passion.

  90. MaggieC says:

    Me @ 9.42 am ,

    Ignore the word “ tomorrow “ in my previous post as it was taken from Craig Murray’s twitter yesterday and his hearing is TODAY beginning now as per dial-in details in my post at 9.42 am .

  91. Stoker says:

    Just told Twatter to shove their account after they gave me a 7-day locked account and requested i remove my tweet. All i did was tell someone that those haranguing Sturgeon were right-wingers and although she was English up here on a visit, Scotland was full of them – Knuckledraggers who hated anyone who wasn’t white, protestant, Unionist and one of them. I also said that Jaydeen (or whatever her name is) was a skank. I’m not removing a tweet that told the truth. The guy i was telling will see i’m telling the truth by all the other comments on that thread.

    Just out of interest, this is Twitter’s first message to me word for word describing the actions i supposedly broke:

    “We’ve determined that this tweet violated the Twitter Rules, specifically for: *Violating our rules against hateful conduct*”

    “You may not promote violence against, threaten or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability or serious disease.”

    Now, if someone can point to where i did any of that i’ll make you a millionaire. Especially given the fact i was talking to someone not associated with those right-wingers. And if the guy’s profile pic etc is anything to go by he’s a bald African American or English, as far as i could make out. So it wasn’t as if it was him i could be accused of “attacking”.

    Anyway, i appealed their decision in what little space they give you to state your case and was surprised when i got the quickest response i’ve ever had from them. Their email was awaiting me first thing this morning and in a nutshell: We’ve looked, we’re right, your wrong, the decision stands.

    Oh well! I was on the verge of winding it down anyway. They just sped things up. It’s truly become a joke of a platform where people like ‘Pension Pete’ can spout all sorts of lies and prevent anyone commenting etc. What sort of “social media” is that? Maybe i’ll get more jobs caught up with now? LOL! 🙂

  92. Mac says:

    Seeing what was done to Alex Salmond since 2014 makes me realize there are forces at work here going well beyond the legoheaded rat in Bute House.

    If these forces are willing to go to such lengths in the years immediately after 2014, to kill stone dead the threat of independence, why on earth would anyone trust the results of 2014 itself. One fatally undermines confidence in the integrity of the other.

    As soon as we want something these forces don’t, then we don’t have democracy anymore. It is simply denied.

    So I don’t see them just letting Alex Salmond win even if wins. If the voting system has been carefully and deliberately left wide open to abuse then it is for a reason and it will be abused. Be delighted to be wrong and see ALBA do better than expected. But after witnessing the last few years my faith in fairness and democracy in the UK and Scotland sadly is entirely shot.

  93. Southernbystander says:

    @Andy Ellis (9:29am)

    Those swathes of ‘little Englanders’ as you call them are in fact very similar to all those on here complaining regularly about woke culture. Yes those in Hartlepool are also Brexiters but they are not voting for Labour for some of the same reasons folk on here are turning their backs on the SNP. You might be right that Labour should simply give up on them and embrace the metropolitan youth, but that would be advocating what the SNP are doing with their social agenda. Simply looking at the situation and talking about ‘little Englanders’ is no more meaningful than calling many people on this forum ‘little Scotlanders’

  94. Big Jock says:

    Stoker – Twitter banned me for using the word ‘Red Neck’ , when describing American racists. They don’t understand context. It’s a ridiculous situation , when the defender is banned and the offender continues.

  95. Cenchos says:

    The political message from down south today seems to be:

    you abandon the working class at your peril as, in the absence of an alternative, they might turn even to those who have never wanted them.

  96. Market Force says:

    Stoker. 10.06am

    “All i did was tell someone that those haranguing Sturgeon were right-wingers…”

    Stoker, don’t really understand your post.

    Were you actually standing up for Sturgeon?

  97. Mikey d says:

    John main. ‘Generous handouts all day long’ from the eu? What! As opposed to the generous handouts our masters in westminster keep telling us we are ungrateful spongers for.

  98. Mikey d says:

    Cenchos. In the absence of an alternative one abstains from voting, but the english are like turkeys voting for christmas.

  99. James says:

    John Main – what a wa*ker

  100. laukat says:

    It would appear turnout is up substantially and by some accounts in SNP held areas. BBC carrying a quote saying “SNP sources say turnout has been “surprisingly high” with claims their support was motivated to go to the polls”.

    What motivated them? I know I have never felt less motivated to vote SNP until ALBA came on the scene. Perhaps the SNP 1 ALBA 2 message may be getting through?

    The polls are usually correct but they tend to have problems when turnout veers away from the norm. Perhaps the next couple of days may be quite interesting?

  101. Mikey d says:

    Big jock, yes even utube wont allow the term redneck, whom i tried to describe trumps followers as.

  102. Karen says:


    link to

    Why don’t you do a piece on Europe for Scotland and the ideas of getting into EU, since EU opened the door to nIreland if they so wish. Why can they not do the same for Scotland.

    OVER 10K have signed up so far,


  103. Breeks says:

    Speaking as someone with no Twitter account, the problem with Twitter seems to be Twitter. I don’t understand why the service provider should be so intrusive and heavy handed, and apparently riven with so many naive and petty biases.

    It’s frankly annoying to have so many popular threads which suddenly disappear without warning, all for some petty infraction of what seem pretty arbitrary “rules”, randomly applied, with bewildering asymmetry.

    There must be other social media providers who can regulate their content to control the pedophiles and terrorists, but not interfere with robust differences in opinion like a Sunday League Referee who got out of the wrong side of his bed.

    I don’t do Twitter, I lurk around threads of interest, but I have zero plans to get a Twitter account. For all you know, (and there would seem evidence supports it), Twitter is run by a bunch of ten year olds doing a school science project, and all hell breaks loose when the teacher leaves the room. I neither need nor want that head-nipping in my life, so no Twitter for me.

  104. Luigi says:

    Whatever happens tomorrow, it is important that ALBA continues the struggle. So many people voted SNP 1 for the last time yesterday – these people will not get back in the Pretindy box – too much anger, too much betrayal. Many people (not all) voted SNP for independence, they have no obligation to continue supporting a party that doesn’t fight for independence. Token gestures from a pretendy party are no longer suffice – just check the Hartlepool result. In Scotland, they independence supporters need somewhere to go, something tangible to fight for.

    ALBA is now the spirit of YES.

    Onward and upward, whatever happens this weekend. 🙂

  105. James says:


    Little Scotlanders eh? With no control over our own money and resources – hilarious!

    Brexit was all about millionaire money laundering, and racism, obviously.

    Little Englander Tories believe in British (i.e. English) exceptionalism.

    Exceptionalism is the perception or belief that a species, country, society, institution, movement, individual, or time period is “exceptional” (i.e., unusual or extraordinary). The term carries the implication, whether or not specified, that the referent is superior in some way.

  106. Mikey d says:

    Hartlepool voted tory, what do you expect from people who hung a monkey as a napoleonic spy.

  107. Rob Brown says:

    Big turnout will benefit Labour and Tories, especially as many previous SNP voters have never been less motivated in their lives. With that in mind and fear of swift defections to Alba, Sturgeon is working on a survival plan.

    link to

  108. ahundredthidiot says:

    Mikey d

    Trump didn’t start a pointless foreign war.

    When Biden starts the next one, be sure to sign up and do your part.

    In fact, Trump agreed a deal with Taliban in Afghan – no more US casualties and we will be out in 18 months (on May 1st 2021). Biden has ripped it up, so when the body bags start rolling is, you’ll know who to blame.

  109. Mikey d says:

    Trump divided america with his useful idiot rednecks.

  110. Rob Brown says:

    “Why don’t you do a piece on Europe for Scotland and the ideas of getting into EU, since EU opened the door to nIreland if they so wish. Why can they not do the same for Scotland.”

    There is absolutely no way the Brussels will “offer Scotland an attractive way to rejoin the EU” irrespective of how many of its citizens sign this pointless petition. Nor should we want it to. Read this:

    link to

  111. ahundredthidiot says:

    mikey d

    America has always been divided – worse under Nixon, so don’t be silly. I would refer you to Jordan Petersons analysis of his Presidency, but fear you would react by screaming JP is the ‘alt-right’

    I recall the guvner at Barlinnie saying prisons should be for people who have committed serious crimes – not people we are angry with.

    Take Trump Haters – if you are lucky enough to engage them in a rationale conversation about the pros and cons of his Presidency, they have very little to offer (except name calling).

    I actually think they’re mostly hysterical – there’s a lot of that going about these days.

  112. Southernbystander says:

    James you completely misunderstand my point or are twisting it to your own end. I was talking about the disconnect between elites and the working classes and Labour is seen as the elite now. Voting Tory instead is a sign of the times and I hate it but I understand the why miles better than you. Talking about exceptionalism when it comes to the people of Hartlepool is wide of the mark but then the ignorance if not active dislike of England on here is obvious so I am not surprised.

  113. Southernbystander says:

    The Hartlepool monkey story is of course nonsense. There are similar tales from Cornwall and NE Scotland. The stuff of myth.

  114. Market Force says:

    I have given up with the Yes Movement.

    Sturgeon has drained every bit of enthusiasm I had for Scottish Independence out of me.

    Every badge, wristband, poster, sticker with YES on it has been put away in the bottom drawer.

    I will not walk one step for the Bastard Sturgeon.

    I will not attend one Rally for that Bastard Sturgeon.

    I will wait until I see a date for an Indy ref on a legal document, signed off by all relevant Parties.

    No more being taken for a fuckin idiot by some Perverted bitch.

    Fuck right off Sturgeon, you horrible perverted Bastard.

  115. Mikey d says:

    Southernbystander Aye righto, a bit like the myth that queen vicky was a benevolent contributor to victims of the irish famine.

  116. Mikey d says:

    The victors always make the myths.

  117. Luigi says:

    Folks, don’t get yer hopes up re: imminent defections to ALBA. Very unlikely to happen. It would be such a bad look right after an election. This just won’t happen folks. What may happen, however is that certain SNP MSPs will increasingly defy their leader on constitutional issues, esp if ALBA do get a foothold at Holyrood and start pushing for some real action. Let’s hope that at least a few ALBA warriors do get in tomorrow. It could make all the difference.

  118. Southernbystander says:

    Mikey d – Eh? The monkey story is made up, that’s all. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

  119. Mikey d says:

    ‘Every badge,wristband,poster sticker with yes on it has been put away in the bottom drawer’.


  120. ahundredthidiot says:

    We will soon see if the ‘Eraser Boys’ were up all night.

  121. Stuart MacKay says:

    If anybody is looking for something else to read while waiting for salvation to be deliver tomorrow you can head over to link to to see what the other indy bloggers are saying. It’s got all the usual suspects including our very own Angry Weegie who writes rather well.

    This project is a itch I’ve been dying to scratch since Nana was posting links here. Originally I wanted to include any news on independence or lack thereof but eventually settled on concentrating on the cybernats since it’s less work and the MSM is all lies anyways.

    If you look back to about 2010 there was a Cambrian Explosion of blogs followed by a mass extinction after 2014. One thing I want to do with the site is try and get more people blogging again and rekindle some of the enthusiasm of 2014 and what we see today with Alba. No idea whether this will work but for now is at least a handy place to find links to all the blogs that matter.

    Also wanted to give a tip of the hat to Nana who gave me the idea, Ann B over at, Robert Pollock over at and Brenda Steele for helpful advice and comments.

  122. mike cassidy says:

    Still getting my head round the fact that for the first time I spoiled a ballot paper – the constituency one.

    Voting Alba on the list was a shout in the dark for women

    The adult human female kind

  123. robertknight says:


    Live Twitter updates on Craig Murray.

  124. Market Force says:

    And if the Rev does hang up his keyboard, then we’ll know who to blame.

    Rev has repeatedly put the message out that you should avoid Voting SNP 1 at all costs.

    But like the thick Bastards you are, you went ahead and done it anyway.

    So don’t start pleading with the Rev when he announces he has had enough of Scottish Politics and is heading for pastures new.

    So all the Wings SNP 1 Brigade, don’t start asking “why are you packing it in Rev?”.

    You were all warned well in advance.

    Thick Bastards.

  125. robertknight says:

    Lady Dorrian saying court needs more time to decide Craig’s fate.

    Prolonging his agony…

  126. John H says:

    Craig Murray, sentencing deferred to a later date.

  127. John H says:

    The court is adjourned until Tuesday morning at 9:45am where a sentence in the case of Craig Murray is expected. Lady Dorrain said the court needed additional time to pay “proper attention” to the submission made this morning. She said this is a “difficult and anxious matter.”

  128. Market Force says:

    Rev Stu

    Good luck

    You can always say you tried.

    It’s not your fault you ran into a wall of illiterate thick Sturgeonista Bastards.

    They just couldn’t let go of Sturgeon.

  129. Market Force says:

    The Wings SNP 1 Brigade.

    The Brigade who finally brought the curtain down on Wings.

    You know and we know who you are!!!

  130. Balaaargh says:

    @Market Force,

    Stoker is referring to a video online recorded by a supporter of Britain First racist Jayda Fransen where Fransen chases after Sturgeon in the street. It’s on plenty of news sites if you search for it or there’s a copy on

  131. Ottomanboi says:

    It has been a long haul.
    link to
    Does that bon mot attributed to the nationalist Oliver Brown regarding mps, a shiver and the search for a spine still hold?
    We shall see.

  132. Sensible Dave says:

    James 10:44 am

    James, it’s people with opinions and views like yours – that are the reason that you are struggling to get Independence over the line.

    Most folk are nice. Most folk just want to get along with their neighbours (literal or national). Most folk do not ascribe negative, stereotypical characteristics to other folk – just because they happen to be born/live in another country.

    But you do – and that makes you a dick.

    And, until you understand that – you will continue to struggle to achieve your goals. This is because whilst there are many people that might want Independence for Scotland- many of them would prefer not to be associated with the likes of you.

    But I am sure you know best. Its clearly working?

    Little Scotlanders eh? With no control over our own money and resources – hilarious!

    Brexit was all about millionaire money laundering, and racism, obviously.

    Little Englander Tories believe in British (i.e. English) exceptionalism.

    Exceptionalism is the perception or belief that a species, country, society, institution, movement, individual, or time period is “exceptional” (i.e., unusual or extraordinary). The term carries the implication, whether or not specified, that the referent is superior in some way.

  133. Ruby says:

    link to

    My song choice.

    ‘There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That’s how the light gets in’

  134. Breeks says:

    Southernbystander says:

    ….those in Hartlepool are also Brexiters but they are not voting for Labour for some of the same reasons folk on here are turning their backs on the SNP.

    They’re really not you know. You seem to lack a Scottish perspective.

    Disillusionment with the SNP is centred on Sturgeon’s abject failure to progress Independence. Everything else, the corruption, the Transgender lunacy, the Alex Salmond stitch-up, is all just rubbing a peculiarly nasty salt in that wound, but be in no doubt, it is Scottish Independence which is her massive failure, and why so many a sick to the back teeth of her.

    I hope and believe the SNP vote will hold steady, because for many like me, it wasn’t a vote for Sturgeon, it was a vote to keep Unionists out of Holyrood, – SNP dominant in Constituency Seats, and hopefully, ALBA doing well in List Seats,- all focussed on squeezing Unionists out of Holyrood seats.

    The plan was good, but as ever, Sturgeon is absolutely determined to be the weakest link and Scotland’s greatest liability. The biggest anxiety now is that the deluded imbecile will interpret a strong SNP vote as vindication of her inane bullshit and dismal strategic ineptitude.

  135. Scozzie says:

    Re Craig Murray
    Just saw on Twitter Roddy Dunlop (Dean of the Faculty of Advocates) is now CM’s lawyer. I wonder if that’s why Lady Dorrian is needing more time to pass her sentence…will be hard passing down a blatant political persecution sentence if RD has taken up the case. Is this a lawyer’s unite for justice fight back???
    Feeling hopeful.

  136. Ruby says:

    In the end I went for spoil 1 Alba 2

    Left a message for Lady Marmalade’s OLD man
    re free speech & women’s rights!

  137. robbo says:

    Auld Mandelson just tore Kirsty Wark a new one. Quite funny it was end of show and she had no reply. Face like a skelpt arse.

  138. Heaver says:

    The reason Craig Murray’s sentencing has been delayed is for who’s in power in Scotland to clarify.

    When the timetabling of his sentencing was first announced the Covid delay on the count was not anticipated, and ALBA had not launched, so who’s in power should have been clear by 10am today.

    This absolutely stinks.

  139. James Che. says:

    Instead of bottom draw let’s wear our badges and display how many people voted for independence, just in case it comes to light that our votes do not tally with the amount of people who voted that way, maybe we could display other signs and symbols all year just to let NS not forget where ever she looks,
    It was easy for the MSM to blanket ban the Alba party, not so easy to blanket ban a country, especially during holiday season in which the MSM are advertising Scotland as a holiday destination,

  140. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Market Force says: at 11:08 am

    “I have given up with the Yes Movement.

    Sturgeon has drained every bit of enthusiasm I had for Scottish Independence out of me.

    Every badge, wristband, poster, sticker with YES on it has been put away in the bottom drawer.”
    Oh dear M.F.
    Are you still trying to flog your Son of Scotland crap..!!??

    You’re just part of the wastage that “Sarwars nodding Donkeys” has thrown into the hole in the dyke to stem the rise of ALBA.

    Whether it takes a Week, a Month or even 5 years, you and the rest of your Brit Nat “chums” can’t stop it, sweetie pie. 🙂

  141. TonyN says:

    John H says:

    “The court is adjourned until Tuesday morning at 9:45am where a sentence in the case of Craig Murray is expected. Lady Dorrain said the court needed additional time to pay “proper attention” to the submission made this morning. She said this is a “difficult and anxious matter.”

    As a Brit I find it disgusting that such a clear perversion of justice can exist on this Island. It is obvious that she is waiting for the election result to see which way she will be instructed to jump, and is a clear example of political corruption of the judicial process.

    I understand that the Scots have their own (obviously inferior)justice system, but can anybody advise on whether expressing utter contempt of this judge would be an offence if made from from England?

    How far does the writ of this manifestly corrupt judge run?

  142. JimuckMac says:

    Totally agree Heaver. After listening to proceedings today, they were definitely there to send Craig down. Craig’s lawyer today was superb, he put the kangaroos on the back foot, hence them needing more time to refer back to the original plan.

  143. disillusioned half Scot says:

    Willie Hogg says:
    7 May, 2021 at 9:35 am
    Tea break over, back on your heads…..a fine album from jazzers If, some of whom were still alive & kicking at my local jazz boozer pre-lockdown

  144. John H. (The original one) says:

    Balaaargh says: 11.37am.

    I saw that video, and the main thing that struck me was how tiny Sturgeon is. She’s clearly suffering from small person syndrome. (as well as many other things)

  145. Rob Brown says:

    @Stuart Mackay
    “One thing I want to do with the site is try and get more people blogging again and rekindle some of the enthusiasm of 2014 and what we see today with Alba.”
    You should check out a very energetic and combative new arrival on the Scottish blogosphere link to

  146. Hatuey says:

    That’s good news, scozzie.

    It’s truly tragic that Craig Murray, one of the most principled and conscientious political voices this country has to offer, is being dragged through this.

    Scotland is corrupt wasteland when the government can openly attempt to frame an innocent man for crimes he didn’t commit, then try to imprison people like Craig Murray who object. There isn’t a journalist or political pundit out there that doesn’t know or strongly suspect that’s what happened.

    Sturgeon’s strategy of redacting and hiding the truth on every issue that goes against the grain of her selfish interests and position is probably the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen in British politics.

    Alba, Now Scotland, all of us, we should drop everything and focus on revealing the scandalous truth of all this before we go anywhere. I don’t see how we can ever move on until the truth of the Salmond scandal is properly addressed in a criminal court.

  147. Red says:

    Ah, English chat I see.

    I like the English, they’re good lads. Just because I’m against the British State doesn’t mean I’m against the English. I’m pro- the English, unless we’re playing them at sports. It’s the country of Shakespeare and Bilbo Baggins and lewd jokes about knockers. How can you not like that?

    They might have funny accents, warm beer and not be able to appreciate the comedic genius of a shite in a kettle. But nobody’s perfect.

    The British State doesn’t like the English, btw. It’s always been about money, power and control by whoever the dominant elite of the day are, and to hell with the majority of the population. They’d kill Wat Tyler again if they could. The recent fleg waving fad is strictly window dressing for gullible voters.

    Dave above mentioned exceptionalism. There’s nothing wrong with exceptionalism.

    Every parent (hopefully) believes their snotter-eating weans are gorgeous and unique. Similarly it’s healthy to prefer your own country and its people and culture to the other flavours out there. Generates pro-social energy, unless you’re a lunatic in leather shorts or decide to invade France or whatever. But there hasn’t been a human emotion yet invented that you couldn’t Take Too Far. Even tolerance can be turned into a vice, as our genderwoowoo friends have taught us.

    Every nation believes it is unique and special, and every nation is correct. Nations are good things, the alternatives are not.

    Mon the English, and mon the ALBA.

  148. Breastplate says:

    “ Most folk do not ascribe negative, stereotypical characteristics to other folk – just because they happen to be born/live in another country”

    You should tell that to the sweaties, the thick spuds, the taffs, the frogs, the krauts, the spics, camel jockeys and the piccaninnies with watermelon smiles.
    Some of rather quaint names you guys have for the rest of the world.

    The reason Scotland is having trouble achieving our goal is down to undue outside influence.
    That is exactly why you are here.

  149. Don says:

    @James Che. 7 May, 2021 at 12:09 pm

    “… just in case it comes to light that our votes do not tally with the amount of people who voted that way…”

    Pray tell us how you would decide if this were actually true ? Maybe best to consider some reality first ? 🙂
    link to

  150. Ruby says:

    Red says:
    7 May, 2021 at 12:23 pm
    Ah, English chat I see.

    I like the English, they’re good lads.


    My problem with any debate about the English is that I don’t know what is meant by the English.

    Can anyone help?

  151. James says:

    Red – well said.

  152. Don says:

    @Breastplate 7 May, 2021 at 12:27 pm

    “You should tell that to the sweaties, the thick spuds, the taffs, the frogs, the krauts, the spics, camel jockeys and the piccaninnies with watermelon smiles.
    Some of rather quaint names you guys have for the rest of the world.”

    You could have added “Yoons” there too though ?
    The reason Scotland is having trouble achieving our goal is down to making enemies of the very same people we need to convince. Deep thinking though for many i’m sure.

  153. Breastplate says:

    Should Scotland be an independent country?

  154. Stuart says:

    Never Defeated Always Cheated eh Effigy, you’ve now got it down to a fine art alongside your repellant views on English voters, your actually getting your excuses in early for your GE which you have no way of knowing whether you’ve won or lost.

    “Little Englanders?” Take it you’ve never been to Hartlepool or surrounding areas. The Labour Party down south would be proud to have you. Whats funniest of all is you can’t see and probably never will is that you are the most glaringly obvious example of an “useful idiot” which benefits the people/organisations who ultimately “pull the strings of all of us! What better way to keep the working class down than set them against one another?

    Instead of shouting slogans at people you disagree with , maybe try and understand why they vote as they do, and if you really think the present Government is “far right” well, you 3ither have just left school or there really is no hope for you!

  155. Hatuey says:

    Red, I honestly don’t think there’s one idea in that comment that I am comfortable with. A less diplomatic man would describe it as a pile of confused shit.

    There’s nothing good or even meaningful about nationalism. It’s an entirely random and foundationally corrupt way of organising human affairs. We are stuck with it but we are stuck with a lot of baggage from Europe’s murky monarchical past — we don’t need to pretend we chose any of it.

    As for Scottish people and their specialness, I’m not sure you or the people who frequent this place are likely to enjoy an honest debate about that. I’m pretty certain it couldn’t be honestly discussed here without descending into the usual baseless frenzy of jingoistic nonsense and delusion.

  156. Beaker says:

    @Balaaargh says:
    7 May, 2021 at 11:37 am
    @Market Force,
    “Stoker is referring to a video online recorded by a supporter of Britain First racist Jayda Fransen where Fransen chases after Sturgeon in the street. It’s on plenty of news sites if you search for it or there’s a copy on”

    I watched it. Jayda is a nutter (being polite), but NS needs to learn to control her temper. The best way to deal with someone ranting is to simply stand there and say nothing. They soon run out words. Snapping back just escalates things into a shouting match. Once they finally shut up, then you deliver your response in a firm voice. Anyone who has worked in a call centre will know exactly what I mean.

    Works 99/100, although with Jayda she sounds like she is powered by bloody Duracell.

  157. Argus says:

    Craig Murray sentencing now to be announced on Tuesday at 9:45 AM

    Really dragging out the torture.

  158. David A. says:

    Stuart has put in a genuine effort to warn people about SNP votes and what it endorses and supports. I’ve warned others and we can only hope people listened, although I fear the worst. I’d rather tear my ballots up than do a “both votes” for them and thankfully we have the right to spoil and two seperate papers so the best of both worlds in a civil manner is possible!

  159. Wee Chid says:

    Red says:
    7 May, 2021 at 12:23 pm

    “Every nation believes it is unique and special,”

    No, some folk in some countries may believe that. Some of us understand that we are all different but that does not make one better than another or any of them “special”.

    No country is exceptional. Like people, they have good and bad points.

  160. Don says:

    @John H says 7 May, 2021 at 11:30 am

    “The court is adjourned until Tuesday morning at 9:45am where a sentence in the case of Craig Murray is expected. Lady Dorrain said the court needed additional time to pay “proper attention” to the submission made this morning. She said this is a “difficult and anxious matter.”

    So what extra evidence was presented ? Did he finally play the “I have a medical history of mental illness card” ?

  161. David A. says:

    I wonder if they are delaying the Craig Murray sentencing to sniff which way the political wind is blowing? Hardly the first time politics and the media impacts a case.

  162. Stuart says:

    Red, as ever well said, although we come from a different perspective on the issue of Independance , if it came to another referendum and people such as you won, I would breathe a sigh of relief for my country as it would be in good hands.

    Ultimately in my experience the Scots and English are not that different , the normal ones, unfortunately the extremes on both sides hog the limelight

  163. Stuart MacKay says:

    Rob Brown got added to my list after I read the first sentence. Here’s the page listing all your posts, link to

    Currently there are 36 blogs listed on the site, link to

    My absolute favourite right now is The Scottish Scaremonger. The “Theresa May Speaking Clock” is hilarious.

  164. David A. says:

    Every nation is unique and special. What’s wrong with believing in that when it is clearly true? Being unique and special doesnt’ mean other people are bad or not unique and special themselves. I look at art and culture from around the world and through the ages and this proves it over and over again without doubt that unique and special is the rule and not the exception! The world is more interesting for it. Imagine how dull it would be to travel and every place was just like your local town’s high street. Yawn.

    Yeesh. Try to have some self respect and pride, people, or others will just walk over you and use you.

  165. David A. says:

    “Ultimately in my experience the Scots and English are not that different , the normal ones, unfortunately the extremes on both sides hog the limelight”

    Especially if you get outside of the City influenced zone and into the “normal people” zone of the majority of England. Just normal folk living their lives with similar hopes as us. The London, City and Westminster bubbles distort everything horribly. If they could make it independent from the rest of the UK it’d solve a lot of problems…

  166. robbo says:

    We, the Now Scotland National Committee, utterly condemn the latest delay in the sentencing of Craig Murray, which was announced today.

    It is the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment to keep any citizen waiting on their sentence any longer than absolutely necessary.
    Justice should be swift and sure, not floundering and slow.

    The taint of suspicion that this delay was to convenience a general election is an affront to the supposedly non political nature of Scotland’s Judiciary, displaying them cowardly, and an even greater affront to the electorate of Scotland themselves.

    We propose that our members examine how they would want Now Scotland to proceed with framing and campaigning for our future constitution to address this structural weakness which is clearly unacceptable for an Independent Scotland and that we prepare to address this at our next members assembly.

    link to

  167. James Che. says:

    Most of us here do not have a hatred for English people, just the government, and there is a good majority of English do not like their own government,
    In fact a large per portion of the independence movement in Scotland are English,
    And according to surveys and polls done there is a large per portion of English already stated over the years if Scotland gained independence they would move here,
    There are a minority of Scots who do not like English for one reason or another, But there are a minority of English that do not like Scots, the English prime minister is one, if you can judge him by his poetry.
    The problem for most of us is the propaganda that MSM propergate to deliberately cause division between the two,
    I moved to England for a while and everyone called me Haggis because I moved from Scotland and had develope an accent, I laughed and joked about it with them, I did get bolski about it.
    But I was originally born in England where as some of my brothers and sisters were born in Scotland, just because my dads employment took him around Britain,
    When I moved back to Scotland people teased me about being a sassinach. I laughed and joked with them about it,
    The reality is the NORMAL English and Scots get on well together, they often work well together. Some become lifelong friends, we move back and to without animosity.
    It’s the politicians that fight,
    Wanting to run your own country is not a sinful or stupid idea, otherwise Britain would have had no reason cause to leave the EU.
    But it wanted to be independent. What the government down south does not like is that anyone else should have the same idea as them about their country, most of the ordinary people just get on.
    With out political propaganda being pumped out for centuries for solely political purposes

  168. Don says:

    @Breastplate says: 7 May, 2021 at 12:35 pm

    “Should Scotland be an independent country ?”

    Scotland will be a free country when we understand Scotlands own economics fully and stops insulting and abusing everyone we don’t agree with and spend time properly convincing the confused instead.

  169. Red says:

    James – thanks

    Ruby – I don’t believe you. I think you’d know an Englishperson if you met one.

    Hatuey – You are my old fifth year History teacher and I claim my £5.

    Nationalism is great once you measure it against all the alternatives.

    Random and foundationally corrupt? Sure, but compared to what? Imperialism wasn’t a barrel of laughs. The dictatorship of the international proletariat turned out to mean repression and murder. Theocracy isn’t most people’s cup of ginger. There’s no reason to prefer post-national, post-democratic technocracy to democratic nationalism, and lots of reasons not to.

    Humans and the things they build are corrupt, you say? Allow me to recover the monocle I dropped in surprise, in order to check out the big brain on Brad.

    Aye, it’s a corrupt world we live in. Nationalism, at least, offers us a viable path to divvy it into reasonably human-sized chunks where people can theoretically enjoy some kind of meaningful democratic (no democracy without the demos) control over what’s done to them.

    You wound me with your assumption that I wouldn’t enjoy an honest debate. Like most Scots, I love a wee stramash, set-to, or stairheed rammy. Mon then.

    My view of jingoism is that it’s daft but funny, assuming you’re talking about the sort of knockabout rhetoric and Al Murray style bombast most people mean by “jingoism” in the current century. Never ceases to astoundify me how offended people can be by words. I am very well aware of the many shortcomings of my people, the Scots, just as I’m familiar with the unfortunate tendencies towards mischievous wee bastardy evinced by my young son.

    I love them all the same. Completely irrationally, of course. But who said we should be rational, Mr Data? If we all got what we deserved, we’d be miserable. Let’s try for better.

  170. James Che. says:

    Insert, I did “not” get bolski about it.

  171. Breastplate says:

    Should Scotland remain in the Union only when we understand Britain’s own economics fully and we all stop insulting and abusing everyone we don’t agree with and spend time properly convincing the confused instead?

    It seems to me and I may be wrong but your post is full of waffle.
    My apologies for the insult and abuse.
    I mean that from the heart of my bottom.

  172. McDuff says:

    I’ve been thinking about the deliberate targeting of Craig Murray by Wolffe for prosecution while others are left untouched, and of course thete was also Mark Hirst.
    As Wolffe is a member of the Scottish government and must be answerable to parliament,Salmond or another elected Alba MSP could if they wanted make him explain his decisions.

  173. Confused says:

    yesterdays shit weather – election lore tells us this means

    – lower turnout
    – which favours the tories, as they alway vote (in the old days they had cars and labour voters didn’t so much)

    I won’t believe this green surge till I see it – and even when I see it … I’m not so sure

    oneway system in place, not much social distancing; I hadn’t quite folded my peach slip properly and it wouldn’t go into the box right so the guy shoved it in with a ruler. It’s so high tech, isn’t it; somewhere, I think it was the crimea, when they had a referendum (organised in 3 weeks!) – they had these clear plastic ballot boxes with HOLOGRAPHIC seals on them.

    this extra wait for the results is annoying; instead of getting curtice on to weave 12 dimensional scenarios – why not just ask Ruth Davidson; she will know the score, and the result, because she is a psychic – a psychic lesbian, which may be unique, unless Madame Petulengro ever drank from the furry cup

  174. ahundredthidiot says:


    any green surge will be the result of baddies staying up all night rubbing out Alba Xs and inserting Green.

    Pencils were everywhere.

  175. Lochside says:

    Hatuey says:
    ‘here’s nothing good or even meaningful about nationalism. It’s an entirely random and foundationally corrupt way of organising human affairs. We are stuck with it but we are stuck with a lot of baggage from Europe’s murky monarchical past — we don’t need to pretend we chose any of it’

    You are the pseud who does not understand what ‘culture’ is. So why would you understand what a ‘nation’ is? Therefore, why do you even bother being on here, you stateless Philistine?

  176. Stuart says:

    I used to go to Wembley one year and Hampden the next in the late 60’s and early 70’s with my dad even though we had moved to England when I was four (which happened to be 1966 of all flecking years)

    Anyhow a large part of my pride of being Scots at that age was being part of what was to become the Tartan Army. Imagine if you can still desperately holding on to your accent, whilst at the same time fighting a losing battle with piss takers from another country. It was fine in my experience because with hindsight having travelled and lived all over the world, the humour in these islands is pretty unique.

    Anyway back to Wembley in those days, England claimed to have won the world Cup and my dad, me and the rest of the family er hem….claimed otherwise (see the Russian linesman for details….funny its always the bloody Russians)

    This was until a glorious day in 1967 when Scotland became the first country to beat the World Champs and therefore quite rightly assumed the mantle of World Champs! (If you’ve never seen the film of Slim Jim playing keepy up in the middle of the park you ain’t lived) Also in that year Celtic (although I hate to admit it) became the greatest side in both Scottish & British history winning the European Cup with a team iirc that consisted of players that were from within a 30 mile radius of Glasgow.(before anyone starts it was the MEDIA that described them as British not the people)

    In those days England supporters at Wembley were as rare as hens teeth, and the Wembley trip became a great bi-annual institution. Its hard to describe the feeling you get being with 90,000 of your fellow countrymen in a for jingoistic purposes a foreign land, it really was incredible and despite the armchair physiologists best efforts and that of politicians remains even in my dotage one of my best memories of all time.

    Alas those days are no more, mostly due I suspect to the filthy lucre, but also because the powers that be didnt like what they were seeing for different reasons. One of these reasons at the time was the ordinary Londoners loved it and despite the very limited amount of fighting was a great party for everyone involved.

    My point is I think (I’ve bored myself) is pertinent never believe the media (without checking), even if their narrative at the time may suit your purposes

  177. Red says:

    Wee Chid – exceptional doesn’t mean “perfect” or “wonderful”

    Stuart – thank you

    David A. – Aye. The other thing about national identity, culture and pride is that it’s a way of generating empathy, which is the currency of a healthy society. The broader “we” that’s more generous and sustaining than the smaller and meaner “me”. A lot of the world’s present problems boil down to atomisation and alienation from traditional structures of belonging – family, faith, and nation. To some extent these things can all be described as “random” and socially constructed, but so what?

    To live is to suffer, said the Buddha, so it seems needlessly cruel to begrudge the masses their opiates.

  178. Hatuey says:

    Did you choose to be Scottish?

    Some might say it’s paradoxical or something, but for me it’s just hilarious that the only people that actually chose to be Scottish today are immigrants.

    If that doesn’t make you laugh, or, if you are a nationalist, feel intensely stupid as you realise how ridiculous your nationalism is, I expect that nothing will, in which case the discussion is over.

  179. Stoker says:

    @ Big Jock on 7 May, 2021 at 10:19 am – They’re a joke, they really are. Breeks sums it up pretty much further down the thread @ 10:40 am.

    @ Market Force on 7 May, 2021 at 10:30 am – Aye! Right! Behave yourself! Stand up for that sack of crap? Once upon a time! Nope! Simply educating some bloke as to the sort of scum that keep Scotland chained to London and that we have lots of them here.

  180. Red says:

    Hatuey says:
    7 May, 2021 at 3:23 pm
    Did you choose to be Scottish?

    Some might say it’s paradoxical or something, but for me it’s just hilarious that the only people that actually chose to be Scottish today are immigrants.

    If that doesn’t make you laugh, or, if you are a nationalist, feel intensely stupid as you realise how ridiculous your nationalism is, I expect that nothing will, in which case the discussion is over.

    This sounds like the kind of thing that would probably sound very clever if it was spoken somewhere where the collective mental power in the room would be insufficient to boil a kettle. The Scottish Parliament, mibbe.

    I don’t know what point, other than NATIONALISM BAD, you’re trying to make. We don’t choose to be a lot of things.

    Ye can pick yer nose, but ye can’t pick yer parents / sex / age / membership of the human species. That doesn’t mean your parentage, genital configuration, chronological disposition or carbon-based mammalian hominid existence have no value, or meaning, or implications.

    There’s no obvious reason to privilege personal choices over inherited traits, either. If nationalism is “random”, it’s no more random than the biochemical processes of the human brain and whatever combination of neuronic activities and dopamine interactions lead to the (quite possibly illusory) “choices” you believe define you.

    I was promised an honest debate, but you’ve offered me the sort of airy waffle that would embarass an inebriated first year politics student in the QMU.


  181. Hatuey says:

    First of all, Red, I didn’t promise anything.

    I didn’t pop up and make any point about nationalism. I responded to you popping up saying it was fantastic.

    We’ve now moved on to a rather first year philosophical debate about free will apparently.

    I can tell you that I am not a determinist, I believe in free will, and am confident about distinguishing between the things I will or choose and those that are simple accidents of birth.

    If you disagree with that, you are at odds with just about every religious, moral, legal, economic, and political institution we have as a society, which makes me wonder why you’re singling me out…

    Waffle I can live with, but airy? That’s a first.

  182. Hatuey says:

    Oh, btw, you’re the guy that was on here a few days ago telling us the end is nigh… I had to talk you down, if I remember correctly. Well, as I predicted and explained, the sabre rattling came to nothing except another arms deal for Ukraine.

    You’re welcome.

  183. David A. says:

    The reason nationalism works and always will exist in some form is the same reason we all care about our own children and parents more than any other people. To expect anything less is to deny evolution, biology and common sense. Family matters and it’s a sad state of affairs when you see cases of people who think it doesn’t.

    When it’s all from a place of love and paternal care it works well. When people make something…anything, physical or mental…all about hate/hating some group or whatever that is when it doesn’t work. Something built around loving something special to you is something that can last and do good. Just like the family unit through time that built everything around us through evolution and history and gave us everything we have, inlcuding the lives we waste online and on the lonely lives on social media while we forget about the importance of family. Especially considering Scotland’s birth rate is one of the more pitiful ones far below replacement rate and some of the the few bairns that pop out leave to go elsewhere.

  184. Red says:

    Hatuey – no, I said war was baked into the Ukrainian cake, despite the Russians temporarily drawing down (which had already happened when I wrote about it). It’s still in the post, nothing has changed in the Ukraine apart from the US signaling their determination to expand NATO (which means war). Place is primed for war, it will be a minor miracle if it doesn’t happen before Biden dies or is replaced.

    You misunderstand the fragility of the current global situation, in the same way you misunderstand nationalism.

    Btw I don’t think the end is nigh, you also misunderstand the implications of war. War is not the end, it’s the norm. We are overdue a major European war. Fukuyama was wrong, the strange interlude of 1945-present is a historical aberration. Peace was never a permanent option.

    It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.

  185. Hatuey says:

    He used to be such fun 😐

  186. Hatuey says:

    David A throws his hat into the ring. Some hat. Some ring…

    In short, nationalism is like the natural love a parent feels for his or her child. Okay.

    Nearly every living thing on the planet is genetically programmed to care for its offspring but apart from humans none of them have been known to draw lines on maps.


    See what you’ve started, red?

  187. Red says:

    Hatuey – it hasn’t been a fun week, to be fair. More like what Sean Connery said in Red October. Cold. And hard.

    It’ll get better.

    I think David is right though. Idk what you mean by lines on maps though, many animal species are territorial. Even my dug, who is the sweetest animal you’ve ever met, goes tonto when the cats go near her favourite chair.

    Vote Woofie for a waggier future


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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
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