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Wings Over Scotland

Hubris and nemesis

Posted on January 30, 2015 by

With a knife-edge general election just 90-odd days away, we must confess ourselves surprised at the sudden rash of candour/indiscipline (depending on how generously you want to frame it) that’s broken out in Scottish Labour.


It started soon after the referendum, when Edinburgh Labour chairman Trevor Davies felt confident enough, with the vote won, to announce on an officially-backed Labour website that his primary loyalty was to his party rather than to the people of Scotland, under the startlingly blunt headline “Labour first, Scottish second”.

But any notion that the comments represented nothing more than a vainglorious and momentary slip from a loose cannon were soon dispelled.

This week Labour MP Jim Hood sent an email to several constituents with regard to Labour’s mass no-show in a recent Commons debate about the renewal of Trident. Explaining his failure to turn up and oppose the £100bn upgrade, Hood said:

“Firstly you should know that I have campaigned and marched against Polaris (Trident’s predecessor) in the 70s and 80s, and against Cruise missiles and Trident. I do not and never have supported its renewal.

I am therefore a lifelong supporter of nuclear disarmament. My refusal to support the SNP/Welsh Nationalist’s “one line sentence resolution” whilst disappointing to some was inevitable as the debate went on. Firstly the anti Labour briefing on and through Social Media prior to the debate was not helpful as was the conduct and verbose of the SNP in contributions to the debate.

Many Labour MP’s who were like me opposed to Trident Renewal on principle, or who had reservations about its cost, refused to take part in the vote because the SNP/Welsh Nationalists used it to seek scoring points off the Labour Party with their verbose rhetoric and abuse.” 

It won’t come as much of a shock to students of the Bain Principle that Scottish Labour MPs will admit so openly to abandoning their principles simply to spite the SNP. Hood, of course, will be remembered by alert readers as the MP who last year admitted that he’d still oppose Scottish independence even if he was completely convinced that it would benefit the people of Scotland.

He was followed by veteran Glasgow Labour figure Michael Kelly, freely and openly telling TV viewers that every Scottish Labour MP and MSP would “to a person” oppose a currency union, even if such a refusal would damage Scotland, on the grounds that it would risk Labour losing an election.

In today’s Telegraph, meanwhile, an interview with Dame Anne McGuire, the Labour MP for Stirling for most of the last two decades, reveals that:

“Dame Anne was faced with what would turn out to be the toughest test of her conscience when the new government cut benefits to lone parents.

She considered rebelling but didn’t, ultimately deciding to trust that Gordon Brown, the Chancellor, would not being acting unless he had plans to help the needy in other ways.

In fact, Dame Anne would prove the ultimate loyalist, never rebelling once during her 18 years in Parliament.

‘Never,’ she says. ‘I have never felt compelled to. I do think I am here on a party menu. I am not here as Anne McGuire. Maybe we shouldn’t have that unconditional trust [but the] people of Stirling, they elected me in the context of a Labour manifesto.'”

It’s a remarkably frank series of statements. We’ve taken nothing out of context and twisted no meanings. Of their own free will, a whole parade of elected Scottish Labour representatives have told us that they put party loyalty above all else, even expressly against their own beliefs, the interests of Scotland and the people who elected them.

Cynical readers of this site might well have been inclined to believe that anyway, but to have it stated so explicitly is a remarkable thing in the modern day when politicians guard obsessively against any potentially damaging comment.

The same paper also reports a Buzzfeed interview with Jim Murphy from yesterday, in which the party’s Scottish branch manager Jim Murphy bragged about how “easy” he’s found it to “outwit” the SNP since taking over the regional office, seemingly untroubled by the stubborn refusal of this outwitting to reflect itself in the polls. Despite most projections suggesting a near-wipeout of Labour in Scotland, Murphy reasserted his bullish intention to hold onto every single one of the 41 seats it won in 2010.

We have no intention of falling into the same hubristic trap as Mr Murphy by predicting what will happen in May, but we might go so far as to suggest that if you want people to vote for you, it’d perhaps be a wise idea to slightly tone down the frequency and apparent fervency with which you tell the electorate that you’ll trample all over them without a moment’s hesitation if it might be to the tribal advantage of your party.

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Wow, these Slabbers really are the scrapings at the bottom of the barrel… or maybe not. The people who vote for them must be at least as dim.

Has anyone who breathes air ever thought, “I wish there was an election today, so I could vote for Tom Greatrex/Sheila Gilmour/Pamela Nash/Jimmy Hood/ad infinitum. Because they are among the finest political minds in Europe. Lucky me that I live in Motherwell where I am represented by a political Titan.”

Doug Daniel

I don’t know if Murphy’s comments about “outwitting” the SNP are just bravado and he actually knows fine that he’s struggling, or if he’s genuinely so ignorant that he actually thinks his attempts to claim credit for everything under the sun are succeeding. But either way, I don’t think folk really like that kind of arrogance. People used to call Alex Salmond smug, but he’d never come out with nonsense like that.

Or maybe he’s simply trying to troll independence supporters, like he would do on Twitter during the referendum, baiting people and then claiming to be a victim.

Whatever it is, it’s another insight into the kind of character Murphy is – and it’s not one that engenders trust amongst voters. He probably thinks the “we’re going to hold every seat” stuff makes him comes across as being a strong, confident leader; but he just looks like a numpty.


In fact, Dame Anne would prove the ultimate loyalist, never rebelling once during her 18 years in Parliament.

And that is why plain Anne became Dame Anne.


I’m genuinely amazed at how brainless the Scottish Labour MPs/MSPs are. Do you think they get selected for their low IQ and willingness to take orders? It’s embarrassing to watch them in interviews. And Murphy in that football strip…No wonder Westminster thinks Scotland is full of nitwits who’ll swallow anything.


re Dame Anne McGuire’s comment, the logic implied by her statement seems pretty simple. It would highlight how dumb a lot of jobsworth politicians are.

Think the logic is this, based on her statement:
premise 1: I’m in the labour party
premise 2: people vote for a party, not individuals
premise 3: I was elected
conclusion: I must follow the labour party policies

She must, I guess, be flummoxed by actions of people like Robin Cook. Voters have not just voted for policies in the labour party manifesto but for Labour to make all decisions for 4 or 5 years. That seems to be the implied premise missing from the above. I would humbly suggest to Dame (unusual first name – is it pronounced Da mee?) that this premise is debatable.

Let’s not forget, though, that all political parties want people that will toe the line e.g. Craig Murray incident. In an independent Scotland, I hope we might move away from party politics (at least as we understand it in the UK).

wingman 2020

@Doug Daniel
“…but he just looks like a numpty…”

The most understated comment you ever made. 🙂


The latest UK polls put Tories first, Labour second.


We’ve known for some time that Labour put party before people. What they fail to realise is that, this is why they are unfit to govern anyone.

Politicians serve the people. A simple premise I know, but clearly beyond the reach of the average Labour politician these days. Upon a time I would have said they forgot who they were and why they were created, not so now. They did not forget, they wilfully abandoned ideology in favour of career and position.

Politics apparently isn’t about governance reflecting the needs and aspirations of a populace. Its not about providing your electorate with fair, safe and balanced society. Its not about a duty of care, no its about the career path and the current Labour party has bought into this establishment body and soul.


Murphy has already said that Labour in Scotland have struggled because they are not good enough (he may have been more robust in his language than that).

Nothing has changed. He has Iain Gray and Jackie Baillie in his team. What can one say.

Hood has already said that he would No no matter how much better off the poor of Scotland would be under independence. He is interested. Judging by his BMI (pies are his primary interest).

Labour first everything else nowhere is a fair shout regarding Labour not just in Scotland but in the rest of the UK too (with some honourable exceptions Katy Clark, John McDonnell etc.,)

Grouse Beater

Very depressing, but that tribal loyalty was always there under the fake smiles and useless rhetoric.

The big question is – do many of the public see the truth or hear it? And if any do are they troubled by it?

So long as the media and press cover Labour’s tracks, so long will Labour prosper.

Dr Jim

Depends on what he thinks outwit means coz if you add a Y (Youtwit) I could make up others all day but would Dim Jim just Youtwit me…


“Labour First, Scotland Second”

Sounds similar to the way No Voters were thinking in the run-up to the Referendum vote,

“Me First, Scotland Second”


‘as was the conduct and verbose of the SNP in contributions to the debate’

Does Mr Hood really think ‘verbose’ is a noun?

Edjeecation, edgeocation, eddyukashun.

david agnew

Scottish labour have lost the art of prevarication. An essential life skill for any modern politician. They just out and out lie, but they get the soft glove treatment from the MSM. They are also increasingly inconsistent with the lying, which means the MSM have faithfully recorded each and every one made, making Scottish labour look and sound incoherent. Sending out confusing signals, confuses the electorate who just don’t know what it is you are standing for.

People are talking and comparing notes. I think this is why labour hasn’t made a dent in those numbers. Their message is inconsistent. Contradicted on an almost daily basis by themselves or by their counterparts in westminster and lastly, the MSM in England, who are not going to handle labour kindly in the next 90 days.

I am counting the hours before Scottish labour starts attacking the SNP for its moratorium on fracking. Anything to get one over the SNP seems to be the order of the day. The end justifies the means. Has labour in Scotland always been this demented? Was being in power here for so long the reason? Was being in power keeping a lid on the dysfunction? There is a career to be made in writing about this i am sure.


Murphy’s act is for 2 related purposes: keep the die-hard tribal voter assured that Labour is a ‘fighting party’, and to bait the SNP and its supporters into an over-reaction.

He’s continually fishing for a reaction. Good to see the SNP aren’t falling for it.


There’s nothing actually new in this article. The shocking part is in seeing it all compiled and placed in front of our eyes in one easily digestible dollop instead of the mass media lead drip-feed we’re used to. It all adds up to a political party which lost its soul and became something it was never intended to be.

arthur thomson

Murphy is a quarter-wit. I am grateful that he happened along to be in his present position. Those who vote for SLAB in the GE will be those who would have voted for a monkey with red rosette. That is exactly what they have on offer this time round.

wingman 2020

It matters not a jot what Murphy and the Labour Northern Branch Office do…

Milliband is guaranteeing that the Tories will get in.

Imagine a Southerner walking into a polling booth down in Kent, Surrey, Cornwall, Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex and Essex..

You have voted Tory and Labour at different times in the past. F%%k its a tough choice right now. But lets face it, although Cameron is an empty bag of wind and Osborne is vicious twat.. Milliband and Balls make the pair almost acceptable.

And if Labour got in under Milliband, what could we expect? He seems confused, not much of a leader, all over the place in terms of policies, just another millionaire (but without any endearing qualities), he waffles meaningless political soundbites that don’t resonate with anyone…

Nope, I am going to stick with Cameron for the time being. I am doing okay and although times are tough… Cameron and the Tories are making all the right noises about improvement.

I honestly believe that the Tories will get their majority, even with 40+ seats won by SNP. The people are scared of Milliband. He generates zero confidence. They may hate the Tories but when it comes to that ‘moment’ in the pooling booth, they will choose them over Milliband.

Millibands ridiculous comments over Home Rule and Murphy will have cost him thousands of votes in the South.

Milliband has been and is, a liability for his party. Out of touch, out of place and out of time.

The only option for the Scottish electorate is to vote for the party that openly states they look after Scotland. And then batten down the hatches, we are in for a rough ride.

How are the odds on the Tories getting back in? I may well just have a flutter.


Just to emphasise Sandra’s point above, these people are representatives of their party not of their electors.

In the past the SNP were not a credible option for our vote, they are now.


What is being demonstrated here, by these individuals, is the outrageous arrogance of a Labour movement, particularly in Scotland, which has believed for decades, that it is their divine right to govern the people of Scotland. But should the day ever dawn whereby those same Scottish people ever come to the view that they should determine a different course from that of the Labour Party. Then let it be known that we, the Labour Party will do all in our power to prevent you from attaining your desires. Even if success would be your inevitable achievement. We will never make your passage to self determination easy. Why?. Because we are the Unionist Labour Party and it is our divine right to rule you.

Murray McCallum

Jim Murphy and the branch office declaration of winning 41 Labour seats in GE2015 will be what they are judged on.

Blair McDougal tweeted that he looked forward to electoral success under Murphy’s leadership. We therefore have the benchmark from Jim himself to determine the level of success.

It’s incredibly difficult to out-fool Jim Murphy. He is a world class fool.


If Sinn Fein took up their seats at Westminster and had a debate on banning Trident in the Commons would Labour MPs like Jim Hood support it?

This week we found out Labour have had talks with Sinn Fein about supporting a future minority Labour government.

Andy Ellis

The knee-jerk unreasoning hatred shown by Scottish Labour towards the SNP may be nothing new, but they now appear to be conjuring the ghost of the Scottish Tories in the 80’s. They just can’t accept that after the referendum things have changed for good. Like their Tory predecessors therefore, we are now treated to the startling spectacle of Scottish Labour insisting against all the evidence that they are right, and the Scottish voters are wrong. In this through-the-looking-glass world their slide in support is not due to people disagreeing with them, or principled differences in outlook; no, in their eyes the SNP’s success is due to a combination of false consciousness on the part of Scots, not shouting their policies loudly enough, and the tricksy populism of those pesky nationalists.

Something of this zealotry was evident in May 2010 when the Blaire and Brownite “bittereinders” managed to co-operate at last to spike the guns of any alternative to the ConDem coalition. These “ultras” actually preferred to walk off into the long grass of opposition, nursing their self-inflicted wounds, muttering that it served the electorate right for rejecting a continuation of the discredited NuLabour project. Fast forward to 2015 and we have the likes of Lord Moonie, former MP for Kirkcaldy recently tweeting that a Tory/Labour Grand Coalition would be preferable to a minority Labour government supported by the SNP after 2015.

There we have it ladies and gentlemen: the New Labour project exposed in its purest and most toxic form. They honestly believe that it would be better for Scots and for the UK to go into government WITH the Tories to stop the SNP having any influence on government policy. Like the Bourbon monarchy in France after Napoleon, Scottish Labour have forgotten nothing and learned nothing. We have less than a hundred days to ensure that Jim Murphy and his Scottish accounting unit go the same way as the Bourbons.

Training Day

So Hood’s ‘lifelong’ support of nuclear disarmament was quickly and effectively overcome by the ‘verbose’ of the SNP. Didn’t take much to alter this dearly-held principle of this doughty fighter, did it?

‘I’m not supporting nuclear disarmament because they’ve been mean. Waaah!’

What a charlatan.


I personally think it tells you more about the party than the individuals. They do, after all, stand under a collective banner and are elected on the basis of a manifesto. I would expect parties to do their best to deliver their manifesto commitments and individuals to break ranks only under exceptional circumstances of personal principle.

The Labour Party projects itself as something (especially in Scotland) which its behaviour in parliament does not match. The ‘party of the people’, more likely another establishment tool. A party which sells ‘loyal Scotland’ down the Swanie without blinking. And, who would have expected Labour to get involved in an illegal invasion of Iraq? Perhaps nuclear weapons show the hippocracy at its clearest where they all claim CND history and associated sympathies, but collectively always support maintaining nukes.

Hell mend them? Naw, GE in May could sort them out!

Bugger (the Panda)

Labour just speaks lies, outright and damning lies, but they have some sort of deal that the MSM will not challenge them or call them out personally and the BBC will reinforce what the inkypress say.

This is truly into Mugabe territory. The main newspaper of the Mugabe collective is funnily enough the Harare Herald, same typeface.

Maybe I am dreaming all this or have slipped into a parallel World.


The likes of McGuire and Co will always toe the party in order to save being deselected and removed from the trough.

I think the only thing Murphy can really brag about is the amount of expenses he has fleeced the taxpayers for since he became an MP. He certainly can’t brag about what he has done for Scotland or the people of Scotland.


I had a a similar reply from my MP when I queried whether or not she would be voting against Trident renewal. She replied that she abstained because the debate would just be ‘political point scoring’! I felt obliged to reply –
“Dear Ms McKechan
Thank you for your prompt reply, however I was disappointed with some aspects of your reply.
I managed to watch approximately half of the debate live and was very impressed by the standard of debate with special mentions to Joan Ruddock and Pete Wishart contributions. Several of your party colleagues opposed your front bench and the minor parties got support from several LibDems and even a Tory so what I saw showed no party political point scoring. Surely boycotting the debate was in fact political point scoring and your presence would have demonstrated the courage of your convictions.
On a general point, the Labour Party has been professing their commitment to multilateral disarmament for quite some time without any obvious evidence of them actively pursuing this commitment. Could you supply me with evidence of which nuclear powers you have been negotiating with and at what level?”
It will be no surprise to any of you that I have still to receive a reply, more than a week on.


A view from Ireland about SNP and Labour.

link to

donald anderson

This should be used as it is by the National.

Perhaps the Rev would care to do some fresh research on the Silent Hoodie, who accepted £8,000 for sourcing sites in his constituetncy for London’s affluent effluence?

London can dump on us any time with such class, crass and National collaborators. Lno9don must be wondering why they can buy them so cheaply.

And to think that Mr Sarwar had to travel to Pakistan to discover corruption and incomptence just defies all reason. Perhaps the Puppet Governor in Dover Hoose,London, England wil comnsider resigning and give up his UK Subjectship?

Harry McAye

This week’s Hamilton Advertiser has a column from local Labour MP Tom Greatrex. Last week it was local Labour MSP Michael McMahon, the week before local Labour MSP James Kelly and the week before that local Labour MP Jimmy Hood. We have local SNP politicians but only Christina McKelvie ever gets a look in and that is about once every eight weeks. Next week it will probably be the turn of local Labour councillor Eddie McAvoy.

I used to buy it every week but I rarely do these days, unless the Accies have had a great victory, which is sadly becoming rarer and rarer!

Dan Huil

Further proof, not that it is really needed, that Labour’s hatred for the SNP and its supporters over-rides everything else.


I think in Murphy’s case it’s Israel first, the U.S. second, England 3rd, London Labour 4th and Scotland a distant 5th.

Ryan Wilson

I think we forget sometimes that Dim Jim and the rest of the Labour party still have the kind of media machine (constantly on the ‘spin’ cycle I may add) that the SNP and others can only dream of. It’s a sad indictment on our politics and media that this hubris and lack of credibility goes unchallenged. The branch manager obviously feels that ubiquity is a substitute for substance and hopefully people don’t fall for it.

I mean what has this guy done so far, which warrants such glowing praise in the press? A couple of nicked policies and some keepy uppy? Come on.

think again

Wow, the power of positive thinking, how well it works for Jim. Each morning he rises, looks in the mirror and says “Every day and every way I am getting better and better” followed by “SNP BAD”

All well and good but unfortunately for Jim and his trusty crew the rest of us use a different mirror. His cronies, does Jim have cronies, will convince him he is doing well, MSM will print any shoit he hands them, saves on employing journalists, and he can convince himself he is laughing all the way to Westminster and Holyrood.

Ah, the polls you say, plenty of time yet, not worried, we will retain all our seats, and gain some as well.

As Mrs Dale used to say in her diary, I am rather worried about Jim.


Was told last night that any overtly nationalistic or pro Scottish songs or material were on a banned list for radio in the preceding months of the vote by a radio executive an edict handed down by the UK govt. and he presumed it was the same for television and yet they were allowed to chuck the kitchen sink at us! Democracy aye?


I found the section regarding Anne McGuire to be nothing short of shocking, even by the standards of the Labour Party. I mean, I never even suspected that Labour MPs might have consciences.


Funnily enough i was one of the folk that received the Trident email from Jimmy Hood.

I have to admit i immediately sent a reply stating pretty much exactly what you’re pointing out in this article Rev.

I was amazed that Mr Hood on the one hand was suggesting that the SNP’s trident proposal was political game playing, but then expecting me to accept that even though he’s apparently against Trident it is ok for him not to take the opportunity to vote against it because he disapproved of the SNP’s behavior….

I have to admit i’m completely flummoxed by politician’s inability to recognize that it is these actions, where they let party politics get in the way of representing public opinion, that has destroyed public support in them.

Their petty political game playing leaves them in a situation where with 6 months to go to an election they can be seen to blatantly grasp “new” policies i.e. “Home Rule within 100 days”, and they expect the voters to actually buy into these parties actually meaning what they say!

Anyway, i’m glad to see that it wasn’t just me that was left dumbfounded by the ridiculousness of Jimmy Hood’s reply, and i’m glad that it’s found it’s way onto your website.

I hope that this article may help to expose his ineptitude to represent my local area to more of my fellow constituents, and that it’ll go some way to reducing what historically (and unfortunately…) has been a significant majority in favour Mr Hood.

I await a further reply to my follow up email, and this time perhaps i’ll forward it on to your good self…. That’s if i get a further reply that is…

Keep up the good work!

Nana Smith

There’s nothing wrong with Labour’s modernisers except how outdated they look
With the return of Blairism, it’s no wonder Labour has lost so much support to the Greens

link to

paul gerard mccormack

Hubris means extreme pride or self-confidence. When it offends the gods of ancient Greece, it is usually punished. – Gave my apollo shrine a wee dust and clean this mornin with a vase o fresh flowers.



Establishment first
Salary + expenses + part time employment
Then THE CELTIC MORONS if there’s anything left
SNP think of the Sottish people so they are the dregs AND A DANGER TO THE FOOD CHAIN. MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS.


I know my speakers are working so can someone tell me why I can’t hear what the above links are saying.


O/T but is anybody else (subscribers) having trouble downloading The National?


The statements in this article are evidence of dangerous and deadly in some cases “mob think”. It is clear that career politicans have sold the citizens of this land for 30 pieces of tin long ago, hence a totally disengaged electorate. Suits them fine. Lets hope the engagement seen for indyref paves the way for an awakened country who will see these fekers out the door asap, in some cases out the door and straight to jail!

Those involved in the mentality of “mob think” when it came to voting on going to war in Iraq can in my view be held fully responsible for the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of innocent men,women and weans! Make no mistake they f#####g knew that would be a probable outcome of towing the “mob think” party line.

Self governence of ones own acts is a fundamental property that helps identfy your abilty to be fair and true when making decisions, if you sell your self goverence to “mob think” then you have no authority or place in politics because peoples very lives are at stake.

Change is constant, change is needed however change can be soooooooo slow!

wingman 2020


“Was told last night that any overtly nationalistic or pro Scottish songs or material were on a banned list for radio in the preceding months of the vote by a radio executive an edict handed down by the UK govt.”

Is there any actual evidence of this? How can a government issue an edict to a radio station? And what or who determines which songs are nationalistic or pro-Scottish?


‘.. they elected me in the context of a Labour manifesto.

This is interesting…so why is it they deem a new By-Election needed when a MP dies or steps down…why doesnt their party just nominate a reserve if they feel the people are voting for “manifesto”( stop laughing thinking about Lib Dem student pledges).

If a rare Independent wins…that was just a protest vote and the main parties can arm wrestle…save “the people” having to vote at all.

Noel Chidwick

How can it be even healthy to live if all you do is measure yourself in terms of hating an organisation? I’m not mental health expert, but surely some therapy here is required?

In practical terms, how can anyone vote for Scottish Labour candidate knowing how they really feel about their electorate?

Just talk to your Labour voting pals and explain politely.

Murray McCallum

It was John McTernan (not Blair McDougal as I said above) that tweeted about looking forward to electoral success under Murphy’s leadership.

I kept a copy to add to the #McTernanPredicts (or whatever the tag is) as and when the time comes. That bloke is usually bang on the money when it comes to predicting imaginery things.

Chic McGregor

In America they spell the word phonetically – ‘Labor’ but in Britain they insert a silent ‘u’ into it.

Now we know why.

Grizzle McPuss

Not attempting to win the “bad taste comparison award of the week”, but there is almost a modern day ‘Jonestown’ approach being adopted by the Scottish Branch of the Labour Party.

We very much have a blatant case of the blind & arrogant leading a devoted but wholly misplaced loyalty within their ranks. This in turn is leading them all into their own version of the “revolutionary suicide”. Revolutionary in the sense that they think that they offer something new & alternative to the Scottish electorate, against the emerging popular agenda post-Sep 14.

But what’s to criticise?

Politics has long since turned from an honourable profession of representing the peoples views and expectations, into a personal gain movement for 650 entrepreneurs, a private club in other words to which unfortunately many of the masses still place naïve trust. Naturally, I refer to the attraction of the big two mainstream political parties.

One need only flick back to Rev Stu’s opinion poll to see how generally out of touch politics and the sloths that operate within it have become. If it doesn’t fatten the wallet of the few, then it doesn’t take precedence.

Fortunately, as is continually very evident within this blog and the other alternative media, we can read that us, the long time deluded are being made more aware of what has actually been happening, allegedly in our name.

Therefore, May 2015 will undoubtedly offer the greatest change in the political landscape since the emergence of the Labour Party over 100 years ago.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Devorgilla


[…] Hubris and nemesis […]

Dave McEwan Hill

A letter inthe Herald today from Doug Maugham is wellworth reading in the context of this article
Doug is along term Labour member, supporter and parliamentary candidate. He is also an honest man


Anne McGuire was Minister for the Disabled who oversaw Labour’s policy of closing workshops for the disabled. – 29 in all.

Anne McGuire was made a Dame for her services to the disabled.

The Coalition Government continued and expanded Labour’s policy of closing the workshops.

Robert Peffers

@Calgacus says: 30 January, 2015 at 11:02 am:

“I think in Murphy’s case it’s Israel first, the U.S. second, England 3rd, London Labour 4th and Scotland a distant 5th.”

No! No!, Calgacus, That cannot be correct – more Like, Murphy first, Murphy second, Murphy third and it there’s anything left over it’s for Murphy again. Then comes Israel, the U.S, England and London Labour with Scotland having no place whatsoever in the Murphy queue of priorities.

Robert Peffers

@Scott says: 30 January, 2015 at 11:26 am:

“I know my speakers are working so can someone tell me why I can’t hear what the above links are saying”

Check your computer’s volume setting, check control Panel for your sound card’s health and if that fails get yer lugs checked fir wax ;-))


manandboy 2020 11.26am
“Is there any actual evidence of this? How can a government issue an edict to a radio station? And what or who determines which songs are nationalistic or pro-Scottish?”

How often do you hear the Proclaimers on the TV or Radio nowadays, all because the showed open support for the YES Campaign. They are on the BBC Scotland naughty list.

If it wasn’t so serious you would laugh.

Helena Brown

I was going to ask Robert Peffers if he knew which numptie from Labour was the first to receive preferment and become a Lord. Labour seemed to succumb to patronage very well so we should not be surprised when to quote Lesley Anne, “ahem” a loyal servant of the Establishment receives her just rewards.
No wonder they are in disarray, they have no idea what they believe in other than “hate the SNP. A compliant media is not good for any Political Party and I certainly do not want it for the SNP. Much better that their actions are scrutinised because you see what happens when they are not.

Tom Kane

And then there’s the incredibly prescient comment of George Monbiot who’s modern definition of the Labour Party is “five years behind the Tories”.

Their party’s in good hands…


Dame Anne has never felt compelled to rebel. I wonder though if this has more to do with the whipping arrangements.

Brings to mind the rejection of Craig Murray as an SNP MP candidate recently when he objected to the ( ? trick ) question on defying the whip. ( I would have had reservations about Craig as a loose cannon, though ).

Local SNP Branch AGM next week – this commentator, as one of the many new members, awaits this with fascination.


@Andy Ellis,

I’ll drink to that Andy. If bouron be your tipple I’d be delighted to have one with you. However, a fine Scottish malt would also suffice. An excellent post Andy. ????


Banning Scottish songs from radio playlists is not new. Dougie McLean’s song Caledonia was in the charts some years ago, but was banned by the BBC on the grounds it ‘had no musical content’ the same week Mr Blobby reached no one, despite its contents being mostly bumps and squeaks.


Re Scottish songs not being played etc.

Think of the talent that appeared during the indy ref campaign, poets, artists, journalists, song writers, cartoonists.

We never get to see much of this talent on display UK -wide.

I remember Greg McHugh from Gary Tank Commander, not everyone’s cup of tea, although it was sometimes hilarious IMO, complaining that his show never got a permanent slot on the BBC whereas Mrs Brown’s Boys was promoted and is now successful – although I think it’s more laughing at than with.

And also where is Outlander?


@ wingman 11:36
Of course you won’t find evidence of this, just like you won’t find evidence of squaddies in the armed forces being repeatedly warned to ‘vote no or else!’ by their superiors on the run up to the referendum.
O/T Gordon Broon going round monstering all the pensioners in Fife again.


Wingman-obviously I only have the gentleman’s word but judging by the TV and radio output in those last six months do you have any reason to doubt it?!

Grouse Beater

For those interested in the politics of hope:

‘Greece – One Cool Dude’ – Grouse Beater on WordPress

link to

Robert Peffers

@Desimond says:30 January, 2015 at 11:37 am:

“This is interesting…so why is it they deem a new By-Election needed when a MP dies or steps down…”

Now this may come as a surprise, Desimond, but Westminster Parliamentary rules really do not legally recognise political parties.

The system was originally designed so that the constituent parts of the United Kingdom, (Constituencies), should be roughly equal across the whole UK and each constituency should vote for one spokesperson to represent everyone in that constituent part.

That is why they do not throw out a member who is either expelled from their party or jumps ship to either join another party or form a new party. Recently Eric Joyce was expelled by Labour and remains the member for Falkirk as an independent.

It was the members who formed parties for their own good – not for the good of their constituents.


O/T Red Tories out posters fundraiser:

link to

Brian Powell

Thing is, they say this without fear of question or criticism from the media or BBC. Not even a mention.

Scotsman, Herald, Daily Record, Telegraph, BBC, Guardian; all bolted to the same chain now, sinking under its weight.


This attitude by Labour of trying to treat us like we’re stupid is just not going to work. The people of Scotland (even the 55%) realise that Labour haven’t produced for the people of Scotland. They seem to want to stand against ANY idea which isn’t thier own but don’t have any ideas to bring to the table! Crazy!

Chris Downie

What we must bear in mind is that Murphy didn’t want this job, he was effectively railroaded into it, due to his career (and he is a careerist, lest we forget) stagnating under Odd Milipede. In order to best disguise his dissatisfaction at being in the position (not to mention his utter contempt for the people of Scotland) he will resort to spouting all manner of tripe, knowing full well the Unionist media will lap it up and spin it any number of ways.

The question is, how much of the 55% will still fall for it? We will find out in May…


Somewhat O/T:

A few weeks ago I contributed to a fund-raiser to save an environmental magazine/website from going bust. This was successful, so they now send me regular updates.

Today’s included a poll where I could say how I was going to vote in the General Election. Obviously this is a self-selecting, unweighed and unrepresentative poll, but I did find the results entertaining.

Green 35%
Conservative 14%
Lib Dem 14%
UKIP 11%
Labour 11%
SNP 8%
Don’t know 5%
Won’t vote 3%

It’s not surprising that most people reading the site would vote Green, but the low Labour score, and an SNP score which, if it were representative would mean near enough 100% of voters in Scotland voting SNP, were not quite what I was expecting.


My Murphy certainly can out-twit the SNP. That’s for certain.

Bugger (the Panda)


But you will hear the proclaimers and their music all over the USA, especially during the Superbowl this week-end.

The Budweiser commercial for the Superbowl contains an Auchtermuchty song.

link to

Bring a tear to a glass eye.

Robert Peffers

@Chic McGregor says:30 January, 2015 at 11:40 am:

“In America they spell the word phonetically – ‘Labor’ but in Britain they insert a silent ‘u’ into it. Now we know why.

Love it, Chick. That must be one of the few plays on words I’d not heard yet.


Occasionally I will pop into a local hotel and write while facing a nice view, with a coffee and scone to hand. The downside is that – today – a cluster of elderly ladies have sat alongside me for a wee cake and drink and blether, keen to share their opinions to anyone in the vicinity… So today I learn that SNP is bad, SNP is bad, SNP is bad and … Pensions don’t stretch very far these days. What then follows is a ten minute debate about who should pay what, with lots of mathematical calculations and sighing. I resist the urge to say ‘Voted No? Told You So’ … They are now talking about their varifocal glasses and bemoaning their tunnel vision. You couldn’t make it up 😉


I see Davies defines himself as ‘Prof’. He must be very splendid.

wingman 2020


O/T Gordon Broon going round monstering all the pensioners in Fife again.

Fear spreads faster than hope?


Another day, another round of vote Slab fraud but this dude, who is NOT con man Murphy but just sounds like him has all the usual hard hitting right to reign over Scotland Slab pressure going on in rancid old Guardian’s very creepy vote SLab or else CiF section

link to

“What is clear is that ‘drifting away’ from Labour was and still is a deliberate protest vote aimed at pulling the Labour party left. The vast majority of my close friends and relatives who voted Yes did so in order to attain a ‘real socialist’ party in power in Scotland.They assured me that Independence was secondary. They were antipathetic to Salmond et al.

The most valuable role the SNP can fulfill for the people of Scotland post referendum is to act as a permanent pressure group in coalition with the Labour party in the UK as a practical means of achieving social justice. They’re wasting everybody’s time if they cleave to a nationalist agenda at the expense of socialism”

“A permanent pressure group” “SNP wastes everyones time being the actual elected” says our Slab imperial masters. Come back tellen1/Murphy, your vicious fury at Scotland was a lot more convincing than this drivel, although rancid Graun will love it.

Rule SlabBritannia:D


Legerwood at 11:47am said: “Anne McGuire was made a Dame for her services to the disabled.”

Think you missed a bit out there, shouldn’t it be:
“Anne McGuire was made a Dame for hating the SNP, and for her services to the disabled.”


If anyone was serious about looking at how their Labour M.P. represents them in Westminster allow me, in my capacity as village idiot, to present for the case for the prosecution exhibit number one.

Exhibit #1

Gordon Brown

I think, in all fairness, that by presenting exhibit #1 first I have saved the Crown a few million quid and the case will be over within the day! 😀

schrodingers cat

Just watched the new SNP PPB

im sure i saw X sticks hat blowing down the road

link to

Ellie Robot

I’m not surprised at Anne McGuire being a Lab drone. I’m surprised she’s so open about it. In fact I’m slightly freaked out by them being so open about it.

It’s alomst as if they’re pushing to see who notices. Like that game where you randomly fishing a word in the middle of a sentence. Just to see who notices. Surely this isn’t the way to crackers an election, is it?


Gowd, she really sounds like an automaton, perhaps that is what these people are. Party before identity, brrrrrrr.


For an MP to cry “abuse” after a Commons debate is just embarrassing. The political equivalent of diving in the box.

Robert Peffers

@Grizzle McPuss says:30 January, 2015 at 11:41 am:

” … Therefore, May 2015 will undoubtedly offer the greatest change in the political landscape since the emergence of the Labour Party over 100 years ago.”

The entire history of all political systems since society first began is one of elite leaders lining their own pockets. Whether they be Royalty who basically used force and religion to make their place Number one in the pecking order, (The Divine Right of Kings). Whether they were dictators who just used brute force or whether they used religious belief to wield power over others. The system and its results keeps on repeating itself.

The elite are eventually rebelled against in one way or the other and the oppressed then become the leaders who mostly wreak revenge upon the former elite and all is sweetness and light … until the new leaders become the new elite rulers and the cycle begins again. Often the new leaders are infiltrated by the same old elite and again the cycle has begun again.

Britain, or more correctly, The Kingdom of England, has had, “The Establishment”, of the Anglo Saxon royals and aristocracy as the ruling elite since the Romans left in 410AD. Sometimes defeated but always coming back under another guise or system.

Ellie Robot

Just read the ‘Bain Principle’ article. I guess I knew this all along, but is there a new dimension to these revelations? Why do I feel like I’ve missed something?


@ Heed

Oh dang!

Never mind them Heed. Some folk will never be won over because they don’t want to be.



I watched that last night. Usually ppb’s from any party are painful to watch but that was really a rather pleasant surprise. Beautifully filmed and uplifting. In direct contrast to SLab’s “Scotland last” mentality.

A wind of change indeed.


I get the distinct impression that Murphy is trying to push the Scottish public to breaking point, trying to instigate an event where he can claim to be the victim of an SNP attack.
Therefore SNP very bad and poor wee Jim is the saviour.

Everyone is better than this and we must not fall into that trap.
He’s like a wee plank in the forest, if we ignore and don’t listen. How can he prove he’s still talking and relevant!

Phil Robertson

In your close monitoring of parliamentary activity I’m surprised you missed the Two Ronnies moment at FMQs yesterday when the FM gave a second answer to the previous question (on exams) to avoid answering the actual question (on appeals).


An excitable BBC Labour will soon be gearing up for the return of Gordzilla next week. The usual 24:7 coverage and newspaper headlines can be expected. Much ado about nothing, but all over the MSM, nevertheless. We know what’s coming.

Brace yourselves.


They just never cease to appall me with their utterances. It’s that “party first” attitude that got them where they are today in Scotland.
This blind adherence to party line. How can anyone believe in and vote for such unprincipled, narrow minded people. Anyone who does is no better than a lemming, unaware of the cliff ahead.

Grizzle McPuss

@ Robert Peffers

As always, I thank you for your insight.

A question I have been eager to ask you…

If Lab & Con did seek to form a ‘Grand Coalition’…how would / could this operate within the Westminster adversarial chamber / system?

I think like most people, I could never see this type of arrangement happening in ‘peace-time’ for ALL the obvious reasons, but in order to quieten down the muttering, could you elaborate?


Worth reading Ann McKechin’s blog on the matter,
link to

If you can’t be bothered (i wouldn’t if she wern’t my own mp) it’s basically:

Nukes bad, I oppose them and I’m moral, SNP bad, SNP are doing this to be beastly to the Labour party, we need an interminable discussion which is why I’m not voting.

She does try but she’s so dyed in the wool Lab she can’t help herself.

Christ if even Ian davidson can bring himself to do the right thing on this occasion, I can’t see why the rest of them can’t.

[…] With a knife-edge general election just 90-odd days away, we must confess ourselves surprised at the sudden rash of candour/indiscipline (depending on how generously you want to frame it) that’s broken out in Scottish Labour.  […]

Donald Urquhart

Probably pure coincidence, as I rarely look at it, but I’ve never managed to catch what must be the frequent grilling by those nice chaps at the BBC of Labour politicians about this issue.

Party and self over electorate only works if you don’t have to keep going back to the electorate to keep your job.

This is what got Labour a kicking in 2011, now they seem to be staggering back for another one, emboldened because their mate the BBC is with them.


@ Devorgilla

Me too.

Robert Peffers

@Helena Brown says: 30 January, 2015 at 12:00 pm:

“I was going to ask Robert Peffers if he knew which numptie from Labour was the first to receive preferment and become a Lord.”

The answer is : – Lord Charles Ammon of Camberwell.(created a peer in 1944 and a Privy Councillor in 1945).

See : –

link to

for his biography.

A very astute question, Helena, for that was the instant when the collective Labour Party gave up their principles and honour. Going by the present number of Labour Peers in the HOL there has been a landslide in the last few years.

jackie g

Phil Robertson says:@1.03pm


There is an expression my English friend has which sums up you comment exactly..’do one’

Gavin Alexander

The Labour Party have no good ideas of their own. They appear to be simply a party of protest, unable to function without a big adversary to fight against. Give them power and they flounder.

Their only policies are to criticise the policies of others.

They have no ambition other than to be in office, and they’ll say whatever they need to to get there. (Exactly the strategy that they and Better Together used to stifle all the potential of independence: lie now, mop up later).

Like Lame Anne McGuire, they are a party of sheep, leading sheep. And as long as they think of the electorate as sheep they will treat them as such.


I think to your rollcall of admissions you should add the McConnel Labour administration at Holyrood who crowed about the tens of millions of unspent pounds they were returning to a Labour chancellor in London to squander. Would they have done that if Gideon had been running the Treasury? I doubt it.


David @ 12.32

I did not include anything about her dislike of the SNP because I think that goes without saying.

It was really the bsare-faced affrontery of enabling someone for their services to the disabled when they had been responsible for enacting a policy that did not help the disabled.


Thanks Labour. You just proved what WoS knew all the time.
You don’t give a damn about your electorate of Scotland.

What kind of idiot tries to say that Trident is against his principles, and he knows that general public are against it, but lets produce more weapons of mass destruction and waste £100 Billion rather that see SNP
protect the nation.

Unbelievable! Please God, and his representative on earth , the Rev Stuart, let us crowd fund a new book for the election with these Labour confessions.
They don’t give a s**** about you or Scotland.


o/t A fundraiser for one of the younger stars of the Yes campaign

link to


Re downloading The National – I just subscribed a couple of days ago because I can’t always access a paper copy – it’s not working for me either.


@ Ryan Wilson
I mean what has this guy done so far, which warrants such glowing praise in the press? A couple of nicked policies and some keepy uppy? Come on.”

This question by Ryan, is one which must be addressed, because everyone is asking it and because it lies at the heart of the Unionist/Labour strategy in this Election, GE15,
which is every bit as important to the preservation of the Union as was the Referendum.

The Unionists dare not lose 50 seats in Westminster to the SNP.
They have a strategy to make sure that does not happen.
Enter John McTernan, Blair McDougall and the BT team.

Seemingly, the SNP have not yet figured out what that strategy is.
But unless they do, we are going to have another shocking result for democracy
and for the Independence movement.

So let’s look at the Establishment’s strategy. It is the same as Vladimir Putin has used to keep him in power in Russia for the past 17 years.
Be warned – this method of capaigning WORKS – just as the FEAR campaign worked in the Referendum.

Murphy’s behaviour is a big clue, as is the clue that he is untouchable in the MSM, in the BBC in particular.
The Media have no choice but to praise Murphy – he is their hope for the Union. Remember, the union is not under threat from England, Wales or NI – it’s Scotland alone that is the threat.

The next clue is that the SNP can’t get a look in, apart from scraps.
Make no mistake – the British State is running this whole thing,
and it is determined to win – at all costs.
This IS a re-run of IndyRef.
The Establishment MUST hold on to the Union.

This is how it works:-

Consider this – if the electorate could see all the current important issues in GE15 clearly and understand them well, the outcome of GE15 would go against the Westminster Establishment.

However, the electorate do see some things clearly, eg. austerity and the soaring wealth of the ruling classes, and the threat to the NHS.
In these circumstances, Westminster has to muddy the waters to remove the clarity and make things confusing and uncertain – this is to the advantage of the Establishment (including the political classes at Westminster).

To put it another way, Westminster is trying, through PR, to create a thick smog, made up of scores of swirling ideas in the minds of the voters – the more the better.
Hence the constant variation of material which appears non-stop in the media, with endless arguments and conflicting ideas to which the voters tune into and get swept up in -until they are confused.
That way, the Gov. hopes they’ll forget the clear issues they once understood so well, and be much less likely to vote on those issues.
Voting then becomes an uncertain decision, with some anxiety attached to it, and all of a sudden voting becomes a problem for the voter to solve, but he/she isn’t sure how, and this turns voting into a bad experience.
These are the factors which favour a standing Government because it is easier, when confused, to vote for the status quo – or even not to bother.

These ideas are slowly gaining traction – some on Wings have written about them and linked to articles on the subject.
But it is slow progress, with the majority not yet up to speed, witness the numbers complaining about being confused.

If the SNP and the Independence movement don’t wake up soon to ‘The Strategy of Confusion’, then May 8th will be another shocking day for Scottish Independence.

Gavin Alexander

Good comment @manandboy.


By the look of these ("Tractor" - Ed)s to the Scottish people, for that is what they are, father time will be doing some harvesting soon. Perhaps then, we can move on and let them slip in to oblivion.

Robert Peffers

@yerkitbreeks says:30 January, 2015 at 12:00 pm:

” … when he objected to the ( ? trick ) question …”

Eh! What on Earth do you imagine was the trick in the question, yerkitbreeks?

It couldn’t have been more clear. There was no trick. The question exposed the candidate has a dangerous quirk that could have had very dire results. I’ve explained it before but it comes down to this – The fact is that the hierarchy of the SNP cannot make party policy for party policy is made by free and open democratic voting by delegates attending National Conference, (after they debate the matter).

Branch delegates are selected and sent to conference and branches should debate policy item and then brief their delegates on how to vote at conference. Thus those branch members who bothered to attend branch meetings get their say.

So Craig was actually saying, by his answer, that he would not be obliged to carry out the democratic will of the party in the event he was elected. This is different from other parties where the hierarchy and other than ordinary party members all have unequal voting rights. In the case of Labour the elected MPs, MSPs and MEP get more say as do the Unions with block card votes and often with the top brass able to make policy on the hoof.

Craig obviously either did not know the score or was unwilling to allow the democratic will of the members over ride his own views.

Jack Murphy

The Chaplain to the University of Sunderland calls Jim Murphy a “real thug”.

link to

Dr Ew

Whilst I agree with much of what you say – Scottish Labour’s campaign is all distraction, obfuscation and lies channelled through a complicit media – I do think the SNP / Independence movement is well aware of what it’s up against. I also beleive the SNP has proven itself to be a formidable campaign machine, and with finances and foot soldiers bouyed since the referendum I’d hope that machine will be more efficient still in the run-up to May. Some of that is down to us, including non-members like myself.

Meanwhile Scottish Labour can and will be harmed by the UK media’s nakedly pro-UKIP / Tory rhetoric, complemented by the hapless Miliband narrative – the loser stabbed in the back by his own side.

If you’re suggesting wide-scale electoral fraud is planned, I’d have to say I think that’s an unlikely and extremely high-risk strategy at this stage in the game. There are many more ways to skin a cat, and neutering the SNP will be a medium to long-term objective of the British State.

Neo-con Murphy is playing a longer, deeper game, and getting rid of Miliband is as much part of it as taking on Nicola Sturgeon. And though there are many competing priorities for the already beleaguered and overstretched British State, I’d guess manipulation of opinion polls is quite feasible.

In short: No room for complacency in any constituency.


Better Together, Labour is finding out that it is not always true, had the North branch broke away form London Labour and attempted to represent the Scottish people instead of trying to remold them into Middle England, good luck with that one, then perhaps their fate might have been different. That said, it has been an education on how Better together works.


That should be verbosity, not verbose.
What is this party loyalty to? A shadow of the former party that was a genuine place for the working class to place its hopes. Now it’s a genuine place for that jobs for the boys racket that Labour has become, and the ones who are ‘loyal’ have got the most to gain and the most to lose.
Poor old Jim. It will dawn on him one day that he’s not a student now, and kidding himself on that he can outwit anyone is just a juvenile ego trip.

John Young

Congratulations to Richard Arkless our new SNP candidate in Dumfries and Galloway. A very strong candidate and just the man to overthrow the odious Russel Brown.


Only with the connivance of our press can Labour get away with the threats and poor performance without having it reported. In England there are Tory papers happy to rip them to shreds. There willingness to say, in print, that their party is more important than their country is frankly treasonous! Aren’t political parties the vehicle for doing yourbest for the country? Its very telling that they are the ends rather than the means for them.

Robert Peffers

wingman 2020 says:30 January, 2015 at 12:27 pm:

“Fear spreads faster than hope?”

Weel! Gordon haes nae goat roond til me yet. If he maun speir this auld bodach maun coor doon wi dree bi his veesit he maun hae anither thoucht commin. He doesn’t frichten me an Ah’m siccar Ah’ll pit mair not twa/three flechs intil his muckle left lug.

(Owersettin intil the Inglis bi request).


@ Jack Murphy (no relation, I trust?)

Just read that blog, tends to prove what most of us suspect about The Right Hon Jimbo; that he is indeed nothing more than a thug inside a suit. Shades of American Psycho?


The Christian Institute maintains a record of each MP’s voting record on moral issues. Murphy’s record is appalling. On the occasion of 36 votes in parliament he voted only 4 times in a morally correct manner.

Public statements of Jim Murphy MP, affirm his support for abortion. He is a Catholic of the Diocese of Paisley who is currently seeking to win the General Election for Labour in Scotland. Under Church law, manifest public sinners – and that includes those who support abortion – cannot receive Holy Communion. This is not a matter left to the discretion of any priest or bishop – But Murphy has not been censured by the church!!!! Why?

The blog also contains summaries of all posts pertaing to Murphy and will provise a useful tool in the months to come.

The opportunist will be hoisted by his own petard.

link to


@ boris

Good find boris – cetainly a very useful rsource.

I guess we have to apply a suspension of religious belief as well as ethical or moral principles,
when we are dealing with any Labour politician.

Jim Murphy seems to fit the bill alright.

His conversation with St Peter, Guardian of the ‘Gate of Heaven’, however one perceives it, would certainly be big on YouTube!

G H Graham

I believe the correct name is …

Labour – North British Accounting Unit

when making any reference to the members in Scotland who belong to the sub branch of the London based, Labour Party.

Frank McK

“When in that House M.P.’s divide,
If they’ve a brain and cerebellum, too,
They’ve got to leave that brain outside,
And vote just as their leaders tell ’em to.”
– Iolanthe, Gilbert and Sullivan, 1882.
Probably true then and certainly true now.


@Robert Peffers,

Yes Robert, I realised that just after posting. You are correct Murphy’s priority is Murphy.

I think the best word to describe him is sleekit.

Incidentally the Anglo-Saxon elite were completely displaced by the Normans (and Flemish) in 1066.

Robert Peffers

@Grizzle McPuss says:30 January, 2015 at 1:04 pm:

“If Lab & Con did seek to form a ‘Grand Coalition’…how would / could this operate within the Westminster adversarial chamber / system?”

Well, Grizzle, from where I’m watching them they have been operating as a unit for some time now. The Tory/LibDem lot put forward a policy and the Labour Party either find enough members to agree with it to see it through the division lobby or they abstain from voting.

In the case of the Labour members from Scotland they almost all head for their constituency on Thursday evenings or Friday mornings and are hardly ever in the chamber on Fridays. Have you looked at their record on austerity measures? They have voted with everything the Tory/LibDems have proposed and even promised to cut even more at times. They make noises at PMQs like schoolboys taunting each other but when it comes to the division lobby the file through the same one.

Wasn’t that what was happening when Pete Wishart got an earful of Jim Murphy’s multiple, “f#@~ offs”, in the Division Lobby? Pete was counting the number of Scottish Labour members voting on the Tory Motion for the Bedroom Tax.

Here’s a link : –
link to

(Sorry I’ve lost my toolbar link to the archiver).

They are all much of a muchly these days as you can see by the commenters referring to rainbow alliances and Red/Blue/Yellow Tories.

PMQ’s and election hustings are just shows for the punters.


The problem is not Labour Party loyalty. It is that their Party does not put Scotland first.

I regard Party loyalty as very important. When I selected my candidates for our PPC I had that high up on my considerations. I don’t want people jumping ship, or voting against manifesto commitments. In our system it IS the party you elect despite what some MP’s think. If you cannot accept the manifesto join another party.

The problem is that Labour treats us as a block vote to be taken for granted. They are focussed – after their own self interest of course – on being elected by people in the SE of England. They cannot reconcile the two electoral forces pulling on them so they chose to treat us with contempt by acting in their London Party interest first.

And that is why people should vote SNP. Because they put Scotland first. You just need to look are the chaff Labour thinks is good enough for Holyrood.

I respect a loyal MP. But Labour are crap for Scotland, and for a long time have been crap for Scotland, and will be crap for Scotland if elected in May all over again.


Yup Legerwood, so many faults to point out in our Labour politicians, so little time!

Paula Rose

I paraphrase-

“Oh dear project fear two, what are we to do?”

Ffs darlings! On my way home I popped into my local hostelry –

Did what I did for the referendum TALKED to our fellow citizens.


Phil Robertson at 1.03,are you actually Nick Robinson-ffs lol
Getting your 1/2 questions and answers all mixed up?
That’s made my day.heehee


Darling Phil Robertson – have you and Will Podmore tried getting together for a date? I can see romance would blossom.


Sorry for O/T but can I just say that looking at the calibre of people who are being selected as S.N.P. candidates I am very impressed indeed.

In my view the S.N.P. candidates versus Labour’s motley crew is like looking at the difference between chalk and cheese.

Paula Rose

The SNP candidates of the highest order – I presume the concept of ‘Hustings’ has not been consigned to history?


Who is Trevor Davies to tell us that Scottishness does not define us ? Maybe he thinks we should accept the BBC view that Magna Carta and Henry VIII define us, along with a Labour Party which abandoned us years ago.

North chiel

Agree with much of the comment from “mañandboy” and Dr Ew.however
The media in Scotland will filter/distort the Tory/ukip bias for Ruk consumption
Murphy’s apparent “socialist ” agenda for Scottish consumption will
Be given “wall to wall coverage” here despite being somewhat different
To the London Labour agenda.they are hoping that potential Slab voters
Won’t notice, and many “daily record” readers will be receptive to
This type of conditioning/propaganda. (They are very much less likely
To watch “UK” “news broadcasting” on channels like BBCNews24 and Sky news
Marr ,Neil,dimbleby etc.)
Also Broon will be along on the “run in “( Scottish consumption only)
No doubt ably assisted by Jackie Bird and co.

Wuffing Dug

News at ten starting. May as well be stuck in the 40’s. Fuck sake. Sycophantic shite. The 2nd world war is actually over. Move the fuck on. Hold on, no – we will move on and leave you mired in your anachronistic pish.


Oh well just seen news headlines and up pops the bit about Churchill’s wee boat trip. Up pops me and shouts “F@@@ off” at the T.V. closely followed by “Should have been sunk first time round!” 😉

Grizzle McPuss

@Robert Peffers

Again Sir, I am your humble pupil.

[…] You see it everywhere. When New Labour decided not to devolve Air Passenger Duty , a big reason was simply because Alex Salmond proposed phasing it out in the event of independence. When the SNP tabled a motion to abolish the Bedroom Tax, New Labour abstained from it rather than oppose the Tories. The the SNP tabled a motion to cancel Trident Renewal, even New Labour MPs who opposed Trident on principle refused to support the SNP. […]

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    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: ““The eyes are the mirror of the soul, they reflect everything that seems hidden – Like a mirror, they reflect…Jan 15, 00:31
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “I’m going against a decision I wasn’t going to comment here anymore due to heavy handed “moderation”, but IM; very…Jan 15, 00:23
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Myself: “A speaker or writer uses myself to refer to himself or herself. Myself is used as the object of…Jan 15, 00:09
    • Scot Finlayson on A crisis of democracy: “£90 billion a year in interest payments for UK £3 trillion debt, most of the debt was from Brown and…Jan 14, 23:56
    • Iain mhor on A crisis of democracy: “Yes and no. I’d rather say that under the Marshall Plan (of which Britain received the Lion’s share) the monies…Jan 14, 23:43
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “BBC (2025): MSP pay to rise by 3.2% to almost £75,000: “The total cost of MSP salaries and associated taxes…Jan 14, 23:41
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on A crisis of democracy: “I have just watched and posted the lower of two videos at the link below. It is archive footage of…Jan 14, 23:20
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Must be my imagination here, but It feels as though I’m talking to myself sometimes, lolJan 14, 23:04
    • gregor on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “re. “Who will get the camper van after the divorce?”Jan 14, 22:46
    • Jay on A crisis of democracy: “There is something in common between Starmer and Trump.Jan 14, 22:32
    • Jay on A crisis of democracy: “Yes, and as Rev Stu mentioned earlier, much depends on the design of the P.R. system used, it can put…Jan 14, 22:25
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Scotland doesn’t get the message, huh ? I don’t believe you… “Message: 1. a communication, usually brief, from one person…Jan 14, 22:17
    • PacMan on A crisis of democracy: “That is based on the assumption that all of these appointees and members of both houses are totally loyal to…Jan 14, 22:17
    • Jay on A crisis of democracy: “That summarises the threat. There is further threat from oligarchs undermining the ‘4th estate’, either buying formerly reputable titles or…Jan 14, 22:15
    • Dave Hansell on A crisis of democracy: “Nope. Not even Wikipedia has a page on “The Sherman Plan” The search engine lists the 1787 Roger Sherman…Jan 14, 22:03
    • Derek on A crisis of democracy: ““the government is opposed by four out of every five voters” isn’t really true though. Plenty of people who voted…Jan 14, 21:58
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “It’s the message that counts.Jan 14, 21:33
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “COPFS @COPFS: reposted: “Disrupting serious organised crime is a priority for @ScotGov and partners on the Serious Organised Crime Taskforce…”:…Jan 14, 21:29
    • willi on A crisis of democracy: “Can’t but help think what friendship the Donald John is saving up for the hapless Sir Keir Starmer who actively…Jan 14, 21:22
    • Marie on A crisis of democracy: “If you say so Chatham House. HilariousJan 14, 21:21
    • Dave Hansell on A crisis of democracy: “Surely the SNP have not done that much damage? Otherwise, we’ed have seen the official D-notice.Jan 14, 21:20
  • A tall tale

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