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Wings Over Scotland

How To Punch Women In The Face

Posted on August 01, 2024 by

(And Get Away With It)

You’d have to be living in a pretty strict prison not to have heard the big story from today’s Olympics in Paris, in which male Algerian cheat Imane Khelefi was put in a boxing ring with young Italian woman Angela Carini and allowed to hit her in the head for 46 seconds until she retired, in tears and in fear for her safety, saying “I had to preserve my life”.

Sound like your kind of fun, men? It’s surprisingly easy!

Because if you too are a bloke who’d like to punch women in the face and not only get away with it but be cheered on like some sort of hero by world sporting authorities and “progressive” politicians (and, obviously, Billy Bragg), you’re only 55 quid away.

Khelif, who is visibly and obviously male, was disqualified in 2023 by the International Boxing Association for twice failing medical gender tests.

Khelif didn’t even bother to appeal the IBA’s decision, but the International Olympic Committee ignored it, and permitted him to enter the women’s boxing competition on the basis of… his passport.

So how hard is it to get a passport in the opposite gender? This hard:

You don’t even need a Gender Recognition Certificate. A simple letter from a “medical consultant” will do. But at least these letters are hard to get, right?

Nope. Just slip crooked, reckless, struck-off former GP Helen Webberley 55 quid and she’ll sort you out the second your payment clears.

(She still counts as a “medical consultant”, because that term means nothing.)

And that’s it. You’re all done. Send your £55 letter off to the Passport Office and you’re officially a female as far as the IOC is concerned.

Just send them your new passport and you can trot along to the Olympics, pop some gloves on, and start battering women around the head as hard as you like, and not only will you NOT be hauled off by the police and put in jail like some sort of chump, they’ll quite literally give you a medal for it.

Have fun, lads!

0 to “How To Punch Women In The Face”

  1. SusanAHF says:

    Disgraceful. If sex testing via a buccal swab is considered intrusive and unnecessary then we might as well stop drugs testing aswell because if a person says they’re not doping, then they’re not. That’s how it works, isn’t it?

  2. PacMan says:

    This particular issue can be easily fixed by changing the weight division requirements for woman and Trans.

    When that happens and the Trans have to compete on an equal basis with woman who are in the same weight division as them then you won’t be seeing any Trans competing in woman’s boxing.

  3. Roy Victor says:

    This is more complex than I thought. This Algerian boxers, in fact, a biological woman with a rare condition that gives her elevated testosterone levels. She LOOKS male, has male strength but is female.I was thinking “trans” but I was wrong.A rare example.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “This is more complex than I thought. This Algerian boxers, in fact, a biological woman with a rare condition that gives her elevated testosterone levels. She LOOKS male, has male strength but is female.”

      No he fucking isn’t. What’s your source for that pish?

  4. Astonished says:

    I hope this story makes Khelif infamous, destroys everyone in every International Olympic Committee, and stops men being able to punch women with impunity.

    Still glad I pay a tiny bit of your wages.

  5. PacMan says:

    I found this tweet:

    link to

    Transgender are not recognized in Algeria and illegal since 1966, so there is no possibility that the Algerian Olympic Committee would have a transgender athlete for the Paris Olympics.

    Imane Khelif has always been a woman, and there is sufficient evidence to support this.

    Educate yourself about hyperandrogenism, a medical condition, defended on the legal and human field by Caster Semenya (South African World and Olympic champion)

    And also, we proudly enjoy your tears, give us more, they’re delicious

    If as the tweet is correct that Imane Khelif is female and suffering from hyperandrogenism, she is suffering from high levels of testosterone that gives her an unfair advantage against females of a similar boxing weight division.

  6. Mike says:

    And I’m trying to get my grand daughters into sport when this pish is happening

  7. Lorna Campbell says:

    We are living in a dystopian nightmare. JKR refused to vote Labour. She did not give them a penny. She told the truth about what is behind much of this: it is a men’s rights movement; but it is also allied to a men’s sexual rights movement. That man looks just like – a man. People with DSDs are always either male or female. They are not ‘trans’ and the males are not females. Their chromosomal identity is either male or female, and it appears that this person was identified as male at the chromosomal level, so his testosterone level was neither here nor there because he had already had the full advantage of a male puberty, with increased muscle mass, bone density, lung capacity, etc.

    There can be no doubt now that the ‘trans’ movement has claimed those with DSDs to be ‘trans’ because of the advantages which this bestows on them, at least the males, that is. The Olympic Committee will ban any athlete who has a minuscule amount of some banned substance in his or her bloodstream, but patently obvious men larping as women are just dandy. Never would a flyweight boxer be pitted against a heavyweight, but pitting a woman with less than half the male strength against a man is just dandy.

    This man, even if he had been classed as a female originally, would have undergone male puberty – and, more to the point, he would have known that he was male. Caster Semenya certainly knew. The real fault lies with the sporting bodies of the countries of these men, who also know what they are doing.

    I await the day when a great, hairy nether-regioned, hairy-legged, six-foot four man in a wee tennis dress and undershorts clumps on to the Wimbledon court to take on one of the wee lassies and knocks her into next week with volleys of 120. What is it going to take to end this misery for women and girls and turn the world the right way up again?

    I wish I could say that these larping men are just delusional, but the celebrations when that cheat won tells its own story: it is quite deliberate and it is aimed at pushing all females out of all public spaces, sports, services, etc. Oh, and, of course, there the added bonus of flitting around the female changing facilities, watching the women and girls, because some of them are only fourteen or fifteen. In other circumstances, you would be arrested, but the ‘special ones’ avoid all scrutiny and sanction.

  8. Republicofscotland says:

    Women athletes – I mean REAL women athletes need to take a stand, it has to begin somewhere – so why not at these Olympic Games. I felt sorry for that Italian woman boxer who has trained hard – and made sacrifices to be at the Olympics, only to be robbed of any chance of victory by a man who the IOC see a as woman

    The IOC is an utter disgrace – not just for allowing men, and they are men to pretend to be women and compete against them – in which the women will lose against bigger, stronger, faster men – but for allowing a country that’s committing jen0ci-de to compete at the 2024 Olympic Games.

  9. Iain Donald says:

    This is the real life version of Ladyballers.

  10. Lorna Campbell says:

    Pacman: his penis is visible through his shorts. I think he might have had a small, not completely formed penis which was put down to being a vagina with an enlarged clitoris, as is often the case with DSDs (inter-sex, so-called).

    However, at around the age of 11/12, he would have begun to show tiny signs of masculinity, increasing toward 13/14 when puberty would have set in properly. Because he would have had internal testes, he would have produced testosterone and that would have liked to vast changes in his body to full masculinity at the chromosomal level, proving he is male.

    I do feel sympathy for people with DSDs, but that goes the moment they use, knowingly, their masculinity to gain an advantage. The fact that he has a penis would suggest that his genitalia have changed from vaguely female to visibly male. This often happens with DSD males.

    Caster Semenya used to wear long sports vests when running, and always over his shorts, not tucked in as the female runners tucked their sports vests into their running shorts to cut down wind drag. He also went on to have children, who, if they are his, means that he has a functioning penis.

    No way do the Algerian sporting authorities not know this is a man. No way does the IOC not know this is a man. ‘Trans’ has nothing to do with it except that the ‘trans’ movement has taken people with DSDs under its umbrella.

  11. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Important New Book – Compilation of Essays:

    ‘THE WOMEN WHO WOULDN’T WHEESHT: Voices from the Front-line of Scotland’s Battle for Women’s Rights’. Edited by Susan Dalgety and Lucy Hunter Blackburn. Published by Constable (30 May 2024).


    “On the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament, this book captures an important moment in contemporary history: how a grassroots women’s movement, harking back to the suffragettes and second wave feminists of the 1970s and 1980s, took on the political establishment – and changed the course of history.”

    “Through a collection of over thirty essays and photographs, some of the women involved tell the story of the five-year campaign to protect women’s sex-based rights.”

    “Author J.K. ROWLING explains why she used her global reach to stand up for women.”

    “Leading SNP MP JOANNA CHERRY writes of how she risked her political career for her beliefs.”

    “Survivors of male violence who MSPs refused to meet are given the voice they were denied at Holyrood.”

    “ASH REGAN MSP recounts what it was like to become the first government minister to resign on a question of principle since the SNP came to power in 2007.”

    “Former prison governor RHONA HOTCHKISS charts how changes in prison policy in Scotland led to the controversy over Isla Bryson.”

    “It is the story of women who risked their job, reputation, even the bonds of family and friendship, to make their voices heard, and ended up – unexpectedly – contributing to the downfall of Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first woman first minister.”

    “Above all, it is the story of the women who wouldn’t wheesht.”

    Contributions also by Susan Dalgety, Lucy Hunter Blackburn, Lisa Mackenzie, Kath Murray, Professor Sarah Pedersen, Susan Smith, Ann Henderson, Joan MacAlpine, Sally Wainwright, Jenny Lindsay, Claire L. Heuchan, Gillian Philip, Johann Lamont, Shereen Benjamin, Fiona McAnena, Pam Gosal MBE MSP, Rachael Hamilton, Ms M, Lorna Irvine, Elaine Miller, Caroline McAllister, Mandy Rhodes, Kathleen Stock, Iseult White, Magi Gibson, Nina Welsch, Nicole Jones.

  12. PacMan says:

    @ Lorna Campbell

    There also doesn’t seem to be much respect from these Trans athletes towards their female competitors:

    link to

    A record-breaking transgender athlete has been suspended for threatening rivals that criticized her participation in women’s sports.

    Anne Andres, a transgender powerlifter who set an unofficial women’s world record last year, has been banned from participating in any events for six months by the Canadian Powerlifting Union.

    Records viewed by show that the complaints against Andres include bullying, discrimination, harassment and racist behavior for comparing herself to ethnic minorities and ‘wishing death upon,’ at least one other powerlifter.

  13. PacMan says:

    @ Lorna Campbell

    It’s obvious that Khelif is a man. You can see that with his physical build and facial structure which is very masculine in shape.

    There is also his demeanor, the arrogant strutting. I’ve never seen a woman in my whole life who is able to do that convincingly.

    With my previous posts, I am using the same logic as those who support the Trans ideology. In doing so, I am highlighting the flaws of their arguments in a way that they can’t shoot them down with accusations of Transphobia.

    While this site allows freedom of expression, many others doesn’t and you have to play by their rules. This is intentional as to restrict debate in their favour but it doesn’t mean that you can’t win some arguments if you know how and are sometimes lucky.

  14. Onlooker says:

    Interesting genuine misogyny from the Algerian male commentators. Algeria is a 98% Muslim country. As we know, Islam is no admirer of women. As for Billy Bragg comparing objecting to a woman being punched in the head to rioters over the Southport stabbings. Well that obnoxious, hyper-holier-than-thou-bragging cunt has been the absolute epitome of venal, Guardian-guzzling, English middle class phony sanctimony since the 80s, and every word that comes out of his mouth is pure unadulterated shit. Same as it ever was, and always will be.

  15. Ian McCubbin says:

    As a former runner who competed for over 30 years and accepted being beat by more athletic males and females in Open races, this just stinks. I no longer view the Olympics as fair or valid. They have dropped off a cliff now.

  16. Young Lochinvar says:

    The worlds gone mad since a sector of society pried open Pandora’s box of lunacy.

  17. Red says:

    Maybe the humiliation spectacle is the point of the Olympics.

  18. Fraser Reid says:

    a powerlifter in the US done that just to beat a new “Female world Record” – the current holder being an Ex-Man – he got soooo pissed about that that it made me nearly laugh my bollox off.
    I think that this way we could stop this shit from happening – if someone like Tysons build went “female” that would be fun to watch – then when he gets through to the final against a woman (after beating up all the pretendy Women along the way) he just throws in the towel straight after the bell……BAAAAAMMM! Real woman wins!

  19. Anton Decadent says:

    “Go, Strong Woman, Go.”

  20. Confused says:

    obviously a prime concern at least in relation to stabbed up kids and rioting …

    it wasn’t exactly raging bull now was it?

    link to

    – she takes a pop in the face and then just shites it. that was it. Sums up a lot of things. I would have had some respect for her if she had a go and took a KO.

    olympic boxing is play acting and tea with the vicar anyway – amateurs use heavier gloves for safety and headguards. 3 rounds, not 10 or 12 or 15.

    there is horror to be had –

    link to

    link to

  21. Hatuey says:

    I basically decided the Olympics was over when I saw the vomit-inducing opening ceremony.

    Anyway, I’m officially raising the alert level in the Middle East… we are now at Defcon Popcorn. For those of you unfamiliar with how these things work, that means we are basically one step away from the highest level, Defcon Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

    May God have mercy on your souls… something like that.

  22. Geri says:

    I know it’ll be a HUGE sacrifice but biological women need to walk away. Leave this organisation & all of its depravity & start their own games. It’s beyond embarrassing what the Olympic games have become. It’s a joke.

    I know they’ve trained for years. I know it’s sponsorship deals & ambassadors for their sport, yadda, yadda but they’ll
    be HUGE Olympians in the eyes of the world to *take one for the team* on behalf of women & girls everywhere.

    It’s a lot to ask but once women no longer participate then these depraved thugs will only have other depraved thugs to compete with & the Olympics will die under the embarrassment of being a complete farce.

  23. PhilM says:

    You can hear Signorina Carini say over and over from around 1.18 “non è giusto” i.e. it’s not fair. Very simple Italian. Unfairness is soul-destroying. She will never get over it.

  24. Willie says:

    I have absolutely no interest in the Olympics.

    Men being allowed to fight women is one thing. The sick and offensive opening ceremony another. And then of course the utterly political sanctioning of countries like Russia and Belarusia disbarred.

    Time to stick the whole pile of shite. Olympic flame, Olympic Torch, Olympic Ideal. Pure pish.

  25. Big Jock says:

    I can’t get excited about having to support Team GB, cause Scotland has no team. I can’t even be bothered with the Scottish athletes. As I know any victory is claimed for England. Then that flag,and anthem come out.

    Then there are men beating up women on tv. The whole thing is farcical.

  26. Geri says:

    Aye & lest we forget war criminals & geno-cide cheerleaders are allowed to compete & R is not because …ummm, they’re very, very bad people.

  27. Kcor says:

    IMHO, this agenda is being pushed by the secret rulers of the world.

    The heads of the IOC, WHO and almost all other international organisations and most leaders of the western “democratic” countries are in their pockets and can be blackmailed at any time if they dare to disagree.

    I am no fan of hers, but how long will it be before J.K. Rowling’s reputation is completely destroyed based on some false allegations?

    Financial fraud?

    Bullying her staff?


    Despite her money, they will get her in the end.

    The Rev. Stuart Campbell is equally, if not more, vocal against men pretending to be women for nefarious purposes, but hopefully he will not be in their sights, yet.

  28. Young Lochinvar says:

    Come on ladies, perk up and cock up yer beavers.

  29. David Hannah says:

    My only suprise is they haven’t thrown him off of a tall building in Algeria. I wonder if he’s based and lives in Europe?

    What an embarrassment for the French Olympics. We’ve got to be kind to these people remember.

    We’ve got to check our privilege. You see rainbow flags everywhere you go in your work.

    Meanwhile. Your community is turning black and brown, as the working class men you once loved. Commit suicide after being deamomised since birth.

    Let John Swinney explain, with the SNPs pro-pornography curriculum in schools. Gender neutral toilets.

    There’s real sickness going on out there. You have to hear it first hand.

    Our country needs to restore Christian values. And with that comes racial tolerance. The more I read the Bible the more I realise that our country is divided because we’ve lost god from our lives.

  30. David Hannah says:

    Italy is home of the Pope. It’s a good Catholic country. I absolutely expect there to be massive scale outrage in the Holy City over this.

    Catholic Italy. I stand with you.

    The French have lost their way. We know Algeria is a Muslim country. They love to smack their women about that’s the message I’m getting from that.

    We need JK Rowling. Scotland’s English heroin to say something about it.

  31. David Hannah says:

    It’s the worst Olympics that’s ever taken place. Ever since the Opening ceremony. Where they mocked Jesus. Christians are fair game to mock. And women are fair game for a good seeing to. And a smack around the jaw.

    The French have just voted in the far left to stop the far right. A completely divided third world country. With terrorism lurking around every street corner.

    A Muslim take over of France. Women’s jaws. And Christians beware.

  32. David Hannah says:

    Remind the violent Algerian fighting age male that they’ve got a word in their language for men like him.


  33. Breeks says:

    2 August, 2024 at 1:18 am

    Aye & lest we forget war criminals & geno-cide cheerleaders are allowed to compete & R is not because …ummm, they’re very, very bad people.

    And the gold medal for jaw dropping hypocrisy goes to… the IOC…

  34. Rab Clark says:

    @Northcode –

    We regularly publish Scots translations of classic works (we’ve already done Aesop’s Fables), are currently serialising Plato’s Republic) and would like to publish some of your work, if you’d be interested.

    Needn’t all be in Scots.

    We’ve also published the photography of John McKissock and now have Clem Fandango doing a series on Scottish history.

    Hope you’ll have a think about it.

    If interested, please contact me directly:


  35. Stuart MacKay says:

    Ah, this explains the pastel light blue and pink used for the signage at various events. So, is 2028, in progressive LA, going to be the first trans-olympics where women are told simply not to bother showing up? It’s likely worth keeping an eye on the university teams in the USA to see whether it’s likely or not. I doubt a ginger-haired clown in the White House will make much difference.

    Any just to annoy Ruby (with apologies to Lorna)…

    The Suffragettes fought, bled, and died for the rights women have today. Rights granted, instead of won, just like favours, can be taken away when the need arises. There needs to be a line in the sand and anyone stepping over it needs to have them chopped off – metaphorically speaking. There’s no point being reasonable. it will simply be taken as weakness, which you are already seeing.

  36. James Che says:

    Watching a man with male chromosomes beating up a women is akin to the political class beating up Scotland.

    Where only Englands politics has made the rule changes advantagious to always ensure for itself in a unfair contest that it comes out the winner.
    The comparisons between the two is uncanny

    The only difference is Scotland seems to be so colonial punched drunk that they are unable to think of walking away like the Italian lassie did.

    A quick reminder for those whom are down the rabbit hole of being mentally punched drunk.

    No where, repeat , “No Where” In any of the articles of the treaty of union does it State that Scotland will always need to require a referendum to leave the treaty..

    And No Where, repeat No where does it State that “Scots” whom were not invited into the treaty of union ( because they probably have voted “NO” anyway) have to abide or ask for permission from Westminster parliament.


    No where, repeat ” NO WHERE” does any Article of the treaty of Union state that the Monarch of England, kingdom of England and the laws of England……will (Extended into Scotland).

    Scotland and Scottish people is So Colonial Punched drunk that it excepts a illegal changing daily battering of rules made as an a (afterthought by Westminster parliament ) to make only one side win.

    Scotlands people, “the Scots not in the treaty of union” , need to legally walk out on the rigged fight to regain a win for their home territory.

  37. Mac says:

    Are people starting to realize they are being subjected to a repackaged Cultural Revolution. What do you think it would feel like if not this.

    The people who have inflicted this upon our societies need lynched.

  38. James Che says:

    I often wonder if the people in England will ever mull over over how, they could regain their Sovereignty of their Country by simply agreeing with Scottish people that the treaty of union is such old 1707 guff and now obsolete that they could and probably would regain their their surrounding Sea borders around England as this would surely return automony back to the people of England, rather than the EU.
    A variation and more serious kind of Brexit surely.and a great reset for both Countries in self governance and automony.
    This is just my personal muse on how for once, the people in England and the people in Scotland could agree to stop the strong outside influence that has a stranglehold of foreign political policies interfering in both Countries.
    Personally I believe It undoubtable has great strength and advantages for the people in both Countries to have that ” Reset” as globalist call it, (perhaps not in the way they had envisaged or planned) , to return the right of self determination and the peoples governance to both Countries,

    Immigration,…..that would up to the people within those newly renewed borders……
    Just a personal muse on people starting to working together to save both Countries from going under.

  39. James Che says:


    There is a way to end it, as mentioned above. The people whom inflict this on us would have no more autonomy to continue,

  40. James Che says:


    War criminals?

    Where would they be without Scotland and England, Ireland and Wales as Great Britain.
    Where would they park their threatening nuclear mouth pieces ?
    Where would they put all the migrants that we Pay for with our taxes, while Britains people ( England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland, suffer, we are all in fast spiralling financial and infrastructial decline?.
    And where would the governance be that allow all these astrosities to happen, be?
    The starmers and his like would be gone, a blip in history, but a serious blip that has the ability to change history.
    Because the more power crazy they become the more people wake up to realise that Britain is becoming part of a world government they did not vote for.

  41. Reply to PacMan
    You’re missing the point. Muslim countries are opposed to homosexuality and many make it easy for gay men to adopt Womanface, in order to make them disappear.

  42. Ruby Friday says:

    Stuart MacKay
    2 August, 2024 at 6:07 am

    Any just to annoy Ruby (with apologies to Lorna)…

    The Suffragettes fought, bled, and died for the rights women have today. Rights granted, instead of won, just like favours, can be taken away when the need arises. There needs to be a line in the sand and anyone stepping over it needs to have them chopped off – metaphorically speaking. There’s no point being reasonable. it will simply be taken as weakness, which you are already seeing.

    I haven’t a clue what Stuart MacKay is on about but then I never do.

  43. Luigi says:

    The wokes have gone too far this time. They are taking the big P.

    If trans athletes want to compete fairly, then the only option is to have separate male, female, and trans categories in competitive sports. I’m sure someone out there would just love to be the first trans world champion.

  44. Ruby Friday says:


    The problem is that woman are gaining from this DE&I ideology that has allowed Trans to profligate in our society but are unhappy because it is becoming clear it is affecting them. They don’t want to rock the boat of the ideology that they benefit from.

    I’ve been quite shocked by what I’ve been reading BTL on Wings regarding women’s rights. I’ve reached the conclusion that there are men who are resentful that women are not at home making their tea, cleaning their house and washing their clothes and generally being a good little obedient servant!

    What are women gaining from this DE&I ideology?

    The right to vote?
    Equal pay?
    The right to an education?
    The right to buy property
    The right to police protection against domestic violence?
    The right to women only spaces & sports?

  45. Ruby Friday says:

    How many more women does this Algerian man sponsored by Addidas have to punch before he gets his Gold medal?

    Punch a terf! They wanted equality now they’ve got it so they just need to suck it up and know their place.

    Give up the sports ladies and go home and do the dishes!

  46. Wee chid says:

    I have a solution – just ban sport – its f*****g boring anyway and is just circuses and bread for the masses.

  47. Ruby Friday says:

    Lorna Campbell
    1 August, 2024 at 10:20 pm

    Pacman: his penis is visible through his shorts.

    Stop being a bigot Lorna it’s not a penis it’s a ‘lady dick’ haven’t you got it into your thick head yet
    ‘Woman have penises’. 🙂

  48. Ruby Friday says:

    1 August, 2024 at 10:08 pm

    Women athletes – I mean REAL women athletes need to take a stand, it has to begin somewhere – so why not at these Olympics

    Aye it’s a problem for women to solve. Nothing to do with ‘Addidas’ or anyone sponsoring these athletes and games. It’s all up to women.

    I don’t know anything about sport at Olympic level & what it involves and what the implications are for women athletes just giving up.

    There have been a lot of suggestion what female athletes should do but what I’m wondering about is what women in other walks of life can do.

    I think we could live without spectator sport but could we live without nurses if they just gave up?

    What can these nurses who object to getting changed in front of a leering man do can they just walk away?

    What if all women went on strike would that still be a woman’s problem to solve?

    Are we surplus to requirements?

  49. Geri says:

    I don’t think women should be in boxing to begin with.

    I remember that Charity boxing match with Helen Skeleton for Sports relief. She knocked seven bells of shite out of Camilla Thurlow who could hardly stand long enough to give an interview of wtf had just happened to her LOL!

    Steady one Helen – it was only a charity do.

    I also don’t think it’s a sport or worthy of Olympic medals. What exactly is supposed to be .

    If they wanna fight then bring back the colosseums. I bet folks would find that more entertaining. Throw in The Hound & a few TRAs & let the games begin.

    ‘TRA nipple chips. Get ’em while they’re hot. They’re lovely.’

  50. Northcode says:

    “…just to annoy Ruby”

    Why would anyone want to annoy Ruby – she’s a sweetheart?

    Besides, she’s always kind to me – even when I’m talking shite.

    Best not to annoy her, though…or she’ll take up her pen an gie ye a guid punch in the mooth wi it; an maybe belt ye ower the heid wi it tae.

  51. Northcode says:

    I’ll do the first line again – properly this time.

    Why would anyone want to annoy Ruby? She’s a sweetheart.

  52. Lorna Campbell says:

    Ruby: (not ignored): I was trying to point out that these men with DSDs (and I do feel sorry for them, as I do the women with same, and the female athletes) actually do have penises that do grow at puberty, although, perhaps, not at the rate, etc. of a normal penis. and the internal testes can be brought to the surface by surgery or removed, but they will have produced testosterone already. I would suspect that, in Muslim Algeria, so as not to be shunned or worse, the boxer just accepted his wrongly diagnosed ‘femaleness’ and carried on the farce even though he knows, and has known for a number of years, that he is male.

    Likewise, his country knows he is male and the IOC knows he is male. Although those with DSDs were brought under the ‘trans’ umbrella, it is not convenient now for them to claim to be ‘trans’ as ‘trans’ is banned from the Olympics, hence the sneering, thumb-nosing, opening ceremony which was so evidently post structuralist and post modernist, sneering at Western traditional mores across the board. Psychopathic narcissism, not way-out creativity.

    I agree with you on the remarks by some of the men on here, but far more telling and dispiriting has been the responses from SNP members who have adopted the line that it is better to shut up about women’s and children’s rights in order to concentrate on independence, allowing the ‘trans’ lobby a free bye. The lack of thinking is so evident when everyone with a brain should know that these people put the ‘trans’ question way above independence and always will. The whole point is to overturn society. Women, for better or worse, usually worse, are the very foundations of every civilized and organized society. Ergo, they have to go first.

    That is why they infiltrated the SNP in the first place, and why they will infiltrate any other party or organization that they think will give them a piggy-back to power. That is their goal: naked, unadorned power and totalitarian government which will crush all societal norms and mores, laws and prohibitions, and allow them a total free rein on predation of those ‘weaker’: ie. children, women and girls, gay men and women, animals.

    The really smart questions are: why, what is the end result they hope to achieve and who is actually behind it all because, what these people have in the sexual deviance department, they lack in the critical thinking one and they are not the ones who believe they can achieve immortality and ultimate power over our lives? A bit of digging provides the answers, but they will shock and horrify – and frighten you half to death.

  53. Republicofscotland says:

    Confused @12.04pm.

    I never watch the Olympic Games – although there are Scottish athletes competing at the games – they are not competing under our ain Scottish flag, no they are competing under the Union Jack banner – and most disappointingly many of them appear quite pleased to do so.

  54. TURABDIN says:

    ONLY THE RASH would dare to be openly homosexual in Algeria or Egypt or Syria or Saudi Arabia mr Bragg but there is a way.

    «The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world – truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end – is being destroyed»
    Hannah ARENDT

    Politicians and officialdoms stand indicted.

  55. Stuart MacKay says:

    Ruby Yesterday

    In editing for clarity I deleted the main point – doh!

    The fight for women’s spaces needs to be fought and won by women. If men get involved then you’ll be forever in their debt and there will be a price to pay.

    So, sisters, grow a pair and get on with it. Get men involved if you have to, but always use them as backup, and never let them lead.

  56. Northcode says:

    Rab Clark @5:52am

    I’m flattered that you would consider publishing some of my poetic scribblings on your website, Rab.

    I’m not averse to the idea and will indeed give it some thought and respond to you directly and soon.

  57. Alf Baird says:

    Lorna Campbell @ 11:10 am

    “The really smart questions are: why”

    Gender ideology seems merely another form of ‘cultural imperialism’, which is about imposing on peoples/nations ‘a new way of thinking’, new norms and beliefs, and thus behaviours, all based around dubious (immoral) ‘values’, yet supported and imposed by captured social institutions and authorities.

    This is therefore another form of oppression, a way to culturally control peoples/nations, reinforced via new draconian laws imposed and designed to punish those people who do not readily ‘assimilate’ into, and/or submit to, what is an alien culture and ideology (e.g. the more ‘mature’ minded and less gullible).

    We might therefore view what is happening here as a new and even ‘innovative’ package of ‘colonial procedures’; a ‘colonial hoax’ without doubt scientifically, and a ‘cultural illusion’ for sure, which, as with other forms of colonialism, are at root fascist: i.e. dependent on conformity or, alternatively, non-conformists being subjected to punishment and hence force.

  58. John C says:

    I watched Khelefi land a punch on Carini that was harder than most women would hit & I saw an experienced female boxer realise at that point, her life is at risk if he lands a few more punches like that. Yes, Khelefi has been beaten by women previously because he’s a crap boxer who seems to rely purely on the power he has from being male.

    It is true to say he’s not ‘Transgender’ in Algeria as that would land him in jail, but he’s a male & Algeria have taken advantage of his biology to try to land a medal. He is however key to TRAs as if there’s a ‘grey area’ when it comes to sex then there’s a third sex!! Which of course, is nonsense. He’s got a DSD but he’s very much male.

    For weeks now campaigners, mainly women, have been protesting the two males in Olympic boxing as well as the rapist in the volleyball but from listening to people yesterday (who only became aware of the issue yesterday and instantly became experts) you’d think these women who’ve spent months protesting are only angry about Khelefi because he’s ‘not white’.

    TRAs use the ‘if black women can be classed as women then so can Trans people’ argument all the time. It’s a movement riddled with racism and misogyny yet it’s never made accountable for this by the media, plus yesterday we say ‘progressives’ drooling at the fact a man hit a woman and got away with it. Khelefi is going to fight again (as is the other male boxer previously banned by the IBA) soon & this will blow up again. We live in a time where it’s ‘progressive’ to defend male violence if it means that you’re affirming the feelings of men. I genuinely think if Khelefi puts a woman in hospital these people will blame the woman for not being tough enough and not the man who hit her.

    As an aside, I hope those TRAs who’ve spent their time shrieking ‘NAZI’ at women bother to show up when actual neo-Nazis turn up in Scotland next month. I somehow doubt it as previously when the far right has mobilised in Scotland the overwhelming majority of TRAs are as far away from them as possible.

  59. John C says:

    If sex testing via a buccal swab is considered intrusive and unnecessary then we might as well stop drugs testing aswell because if a person says they’re not doping, then they’re not. That’s how it works, isn’t it?

    The IOC have TRAs at high levels as seen by the frankly pathetic response to not just this, but the weakness shown not to ban the Dutch rapist. As we know, TRAs are just fine with male violence to women and girls but yes, a return to sex tests would be the easiest thing to do. Especially as we know more and more about DSDs now so we’ll be able to correctly sex most people.

    But the TRAs don’t want that. They don’t want to prove an actual fact as it challenges their psudeo-religious beleifs. On the other hand the reaction to the boxing yesterday was overwhelmingly negative & it’s very clear the general public are done with this.

  60. Ruby Friday says:


    I’m always kind to everyone!

    Some folk just don’t recognise that it’s sometimes necessary to be ‘cruel to be kind’.
    I remember when you were a newbie and I was the very first person to talk to you!

    Senza Nespresso! you’ve just reminded me that it’s well past coffee time.

    Time to get my Vertuo out and brew a delicioso Il Caffè.

    Il Caffè only comes in the larger pods (Vertuo) it used to come in the original (smaller) size but they stopped making ‘Il Caffè’ in the smaller sized capsule which was unfortunate because I was hooked on Il Caffè. I solved the problem by buying a 2nd machine and that is why I have I have 2 Nespresso machine an original which I use to brew ‘India’ and a Vertuo for Il Caffè.

    The original can be used to brew all the Nespresso compatible capsules that you get in the supermarket whereas not the ‘Vertuo’ If it’s decaf you are looking for then the supermarket own brand cheapos are fine ‘cos QFMD all decaf is awful.

  61. Rab Clark says:

    @Northcode (12.00) –



  62. Ruby Friday says:

    Stuart MacKay
    2 August, 2024 at 11:46 am

    Ruby Yesterday

    In editing for clarity I deleted the main point – doh!

    The fight for women’s spaces needs to be fought and won by women. If men get involved then you’ll be forever in their debt and there will be a price to pay.

    I’ve got 7 bloody monikers and none of them are ‘Ruby Yesterday’. If I do decided on an 8th moniker it’ll be ‘Ruby Tomorrow’ and I’ll leave all you ‘Yesterday Men’ in the dust!

    Fuckin’ men are involved they are the ones preventing us from having our own women’s spaces.

    Did you know ‘transwomen are men’ and the vast majority of politicians opposed to women’s right are men. The companies sponsoring all these men are made up of men.

    PS ‘Stuart the Obscure’. What is a woman? Do you think all these women with dicks should be out their fighting for women’s spaces, their rights to punch a terf and get a gold medal for doing it.

  63. Ruby Friday says:

    Fuck off Rab Clark stop trying to steal our talent! 🙂

    Any interest in essays on the franchise? I could recommend someone for that job and TBH you would be doing us all a favour if you recruited him.

    He might currently be on the naughty step or maybe he has zero interest in terfs getting punched or maybe unlike PacMan he doesn’t want to reveal too much about himself.

  64. Jim Thomson says:

    Not seen anyone else commenting on this but, has anyone else noticed the similarity between the Hate Monster and that Olympic mascot?

    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

  65. lothianlad says:

    There is a very sinister and satanic agenda at the back of the whole trans cult ideology!
    Cannot imagine living in in the next few decades if the last have brought us to here!

  66. Rab Clark says:

    @Ruby Friday (12.48) –

    Not sure who you’re referring to but if it’s who I think it is, worry not – he’s all yours!


  67. Robert Hughes says:

    @ John C

    ” TRAs use the ‘if black women can be classed as women then so can Trans people’ argument all the time ”

    Whit ?!! Has this insane comparison actually been used by * Trans * Wrongs Inactivists ?

    Right enough , if blackbirds can be described as birds then …..

    Wait …..aren’t female blackbirds brown ? FFS Avian Patriarchy gone mad . Yd think , by now , they would at least be extended the option of a hyphenated title , eg Lady Blackbird-Brown


    Don’t start me on Great Tits 🙂

  68. Northcode says:

    Ruby Two Nespresso (hope you don’t mind me giving you yet another moniker)

    “I remember when you were a newbie and I was the very first person to talk to you!”

    So do I. You were welcoming and kind to me and I’ll never forget that – even when I’m a famous world-renowned poet and author. 🙂

    Agreed. Decaf is awful…and pointless.

    PS.I like how you fitted in a Nespresso review at the same time as replying to my comment – efficient.

  69. TURABDIN says:

    My parents, when i was 12 and precocious, took me to Algeria to see the Roman sites etc.
    Being, at the time, cute with black curls and looking just a little «girly» i was made a fuss of by the women but i don’t recall seeing one of the form quite like Amane.
    However, even at 12 i sensed Algeria, even by Iraqi standards, was a tough place to grow up. Police types checking you out….for your own security. Fun for «kasbah» kids….until they catch you.
    Can’t help feeling sorry for the guy.

  70. Hatuey says:

    Turabdin: “the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie…”

    That’s so last year.

    The future is in atomisation, at the national and international level, with all the channels and institutions of collective engagement essentially obliterated.

    Some will call it hell. Others will call it freedom.

    The war on truth, now over, was simply a necessary step, a means to an end. Anything is possible once you destroy “truth” as a reference point.

    Get ready for anything;

    “The notions of right and wrong, justice and injustice have there no place. Where there is no common power, there is no law; where no law, no injustice.” (Hobbes)

    Hatuey hath spoken…

  71. John C says:

    British Olympic boxer Nicola Adams has released a short statement and made it very, very clear where she stands.

    link to

    This is going to be hard for TRAs to shout at. Here’s an elite boxer who fought like hell in and out the ring to not just get women’s boxing accepted and included, but as a black lesbian from a working class background, she endured all manner of abuse.

    As we know, TRAs know no shame, nor do they care for black women or the working class so there’s abuse and the predictable chants of ‘NAZI’ aimed at her.

  72. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Humanism is in crisis. It is currently shifting from its classical objectivistic, mechanistic, rationalistic polarity (which presupposes the abiding normative laws of mathematics and physics — a clockwork UNI-verse model, if you like), to its post-postmodernist subjectivistic, irrationalistic, personalistic polarity (ie radically rejecting all normativity as it sinks into a black-hole of infinite flux — a haywire MULTI-verse model of alternative cosmic realities, if you like — see (with visual health warning) the recent Oscar-winning Michelle Yeoh movie ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’), but also the portending dissolution of human normativity into potentially non-regulated acid-baths of experimental bio-engineering, transhumanism, and AI consciousness.

    The ultra-relativism of the latter subjectivistic polarity infamously rejects for instance the normative laws of biology in regards to the trans debate, but it rejects also the normative laws of speech and civilised discourse which undergird the negotiated social peace upon which democracy is premised — hence its modus operandi presents (counter-intuitively perhaps) as strident intransigence, governmental absolutism, raw mob power, infantilised hysteria, all symbolised by the iconic weapon of baby-pink-and-blue-painted baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire.

  73. John C says:

    Whit ?!! Has this insane comparison actually been used by * Trans * Wrongs Inactivists

    Often. First time I saw it, it was from that lunatic India Willoughby in relation to Venus and Serena Williams but it’s a pretty frequent line these people use. As I’ve said, many TRAs and their supporters are deeply, deeply racist as well as hating women & right now they’re laying into Nicola Adams for speaking out.

    I do genuinely think that had Khelif put a boxer in hospital (he may still do) then some ‘progressives’ will be blaming the other boxer for not being good enough.

    One of the things TRAs don’t like to speak about is the sheer amount of domestic abuse that happens in Trans relationships which is why so many Trans identifying people need to access rape crisis centres. From what I’m aware of and been told, it’s endemic in that scene. There’s a level of violence in Transgenderism dating back to old school transexuals but now they’re backed by supposed progressives.

  74. John C says:

    However, even at 12 i sensed Algeria, even by Iraqi standards, was a tough place to grow up.

    Algeria has a shocking record for human rights violations at a time when countries around it are trying to become more liberal. Til recently they had a law that allows rapists to marry their victims. Torture is routinely used, there’s virtually no freedom of expression and any other religion bar Sunni Muslim is outlawed with other Muslims being persecuted by Algerian authorities. Women’s rights there are marginal at best.

    And this is the country so-called progressives are leaping to defend.

    link to

  75. Alf Baird says:

    Lorna Campbell @ 11:10 am

    “The really smart questions are: why”

    Perhaps to make people identify with and value ‘gender identity’ ideology above and hence as something ‘superior’ to their national identity? In effect, to subordinate and weaken the emotion of ‘national identity’.

    Which would help explain the phenomenon as being a form of cultural imperialism, intended to change the way ‘a people’ view themselves. It would seem a useful way to take-over and even remove nations/national sovereignty. Easier in Scotland of course as the cultural imperialism job is half done here already.

  76. Gregory Beekman says:

    Why are we no longer allowed to call a spade a spade?

  77. Ruby Monday says:

    Aye Jim

    ‘The Hate Monster’ is en vacances à Paris!

    He’ll be listening to everything these Scottish Team GB athletes are saying and taking careful note.

    Don’t think you are safe and that when ‘the HM is away you mice can play’.

    Oh no you can’t! He has spies everywhere monitoring your every word.

    Some hateful person has described him as a ‘clitoris in trainers’

    I think that would sound so much better in Scots.

    Any chance of our very own (and not Rabs) famous world-renowned poet and author giving the translation a go?

    I wonder why the French have chosen a clitoris do they not usual have a cock?

  78. John C says:

    I would suspect that, in Muslim Algeria, so as not to be shunned or worse, the boxer just accepted his wrongly diagnosed ‘femaleness’ and carried on the farce even though he knows, and has known for a number of years, that he is male.

    Likewise, his country knows he is male and the IOC knows he is male


    From what I understand about this DSD, his testes would be internal so at birth he’d look for all intents and purposes female, but as puberty kicked in it’d be quite clear that he’d be ‘intersex’ (to use an outdated and offensive term TRAs are happy to throw around) so was raised as female in a country where otherwise he’d likely have been imprisoned and tortured.

    Olympic success brings not just sporting glory but an amount of soft power hence why countries spend millions getting athletes trained to win. Algeria winning a gold medal in boxing brings a load of bragging rights in that part of the world, especially as all these incredibly strict Muslim countries are all looking to get one over on each other.

    But he’s got testes & a penis. He’s got XY chromosomes. He’s got so much testosterone in him that he’s either doping or male. He’s got no right to be in women’s boxing, but Algeria (and him) know that in the male categories he’d be lucky to get out of the first round as opposed to having a chance of winning the women’s competition. He’s an adult now, he knows he’s cheating and he knows he can seriously hurt a woman.

    As for the ‘well she’s female, look at her passport’ nonsense, imagine if Tyson Fury decided to come out as female, change his passport and sex markers then go on to fight women?

  79. Ruby Friday says:

    Mon Dieu!

    La belle France has lost it’s cock and is now represented by ‘a fanny in trainers’.

    Maybe it needs the trainers to make a quick dash to the disabled toilet.

  80. John C says:

    Someone asked about TRAs using black women as a reason Trans identifying males should play in women’s sport. It’s a common trope, and here’s Mark Steel unleashing his inner racist in a progressive way of course.

    link to

    ‘It’s just a joke’ doesn’t wash. If this had been said by one of the GB News halfwits it’d rightly be called out as racist.

  81. Republicofscotland says:

    “Aye it’s a problem for women to solve. Nothing to do with ‘Addidas’ or anyone sponsoring these athletes and games. It’s all up to women.”

    Ruby Friday.

    Actually – in hindsight, its a problem that society must face head on as a whole – looking back many men partook in the Suffragette Movement which led to women’s enfranchisement on voting – this time around, men must also be seen to be protecting women’s rights – rights that are being eroded – they must be protected – these women are our mothers, sisters, wives, aunties girlfriends etc – they shouldn’t treated as second class citizens.

    We see plenty of Pride like marches calling for equal rights for the LGBTI+ community – rights they already posses – yet we see very little marches calling for the protection of real women’s rights – I’m not being sexists here – but men couldn’t achieve half of what they have achieved without women backing them up – either in the home or workplace.

    I think the ridiculous Hate Crime laws were brought in to shut folk up – to stop them speaking out about the erosion of women’s rights – and to if not prevent – then to stifle free speech that isn’t a Hate Crime – but common sense.

    Those politicians at Holyrood who have pushed the agenda that has led us here – did so without our permission – when polls showed that the majority of the Scottish public were deeply against the likes of the GRRB, HCB and puberty blockers for children – which the Cass Review clearly pointed out – that they are detrimental to children’s mental and physical wellbeing.

    The main culprits at Holyrood are the SNP and the Greens – women’s rights are eroding due to this lots bias agenda – and its not confined to Scotland by any means.

  82. Stuart MacKay says:


    Did you know ‘transwomen are men’ and the vast majority of politicians opposed to women’s right are men. The companies sponsoring all these men are made up of men.

    That’s precisely my point. Women have to defend their corner, otherwise you’ll all be in the back seat, or the boot, once more grateful for whatever scraps, in way of privileges, that the men allow.

    In fact it’s already happening. On Sky News last night the conversation over events in Stockport were all about the rights of the murderer. The three little girls were almost forgotten. Women and girls will be sacrificed to try and maintain order when more socially conservative elements start to assert themselves.

  83. John C says:

    We see plenty of Pride like marches calling for equal rights for the LGBTI+ community – rights they already posses – yet we see very little marches calling for the protection of real women’s rights – I’m not being sexists here – but men couldn’t achieve half of what they have achieved without women backing them up – either in the home or workplace.

    Also did everyone see how many flags, banners, pedestrian crossings, marches and just general activism there was for disability pride month last month?

    If the answer is ‘zero’ then you’d be right. For all the TRAs bluster they don’t really care about the disabled just as they don’t care for women, girls, LGB people and safeguarding.

    But yes, Trans identified men and women have the same rights as any of us. What they want is privilege and the right to discriminate in law.

  84. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Some regulars will remember Rev posting this when it caused a sensation on the Letterman Show many moons back…happier days.

    Performed at the Kelvingrove bandstand earlier this week.

    Future Islands – ‘Seasons’

    link to

  85. sam says:

    MBM Policy sent a letter last month to Bridget Phillipson the Labour MP responsible for Women and Equalities.

    The letter was to do with Labour proposals to amend the GRR 2004.

    Part of the letter deals with how MBM suggests the aspects that consultation should cover in advance.

    Below is part with link.

    Issues any consultation should address

    We assume any proposals to reform the GRA will be subject to formal consultation.
    There are questions that a consultation paper needs to address, in order for
    consultees to be able to give a properly informed response. The Scottish
    Government’s consultations failed to do this. These include:
    1. What is the precise legal effect of a person obtaining a gender recognition
    2. Specifically, what are the precise legal implications for non-GRC holders of a
    person holding a GRC, including:
    • spouses, civil partners, and children of people acquiring a GRC
    • users and providers of single-sex services and spaces
    • members and organisers of single-sex associations
    • those organising and participating in sporting activities
    • organisers of and applicants to single-sex shortlists, development
    programmes, prizes etc.
    • criminal justice bodies (police, courts, prisons, bodies involved in undertaking
    criminal record checks)
    • the media and private individuals when referring to individual GRC holders
    • those charged with collecting data for any public purpose.
    Clarification here needs to include clear explanation of the specific implications of
    the privacy provisions in section 22 of the GRA in all these settings.
    The outcome of For Women Scotland vs the Scottish Ministers, due to be heard
    in the UK Supreme Court on 26 and 27 November, and any planned government
    response to that, will be relevant”

    link to

  86. Ruby Friday says:

    Stuart MacKay
    2 August, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    That’s precisely my point. Women have to defend their corner, otherwise you’ll all be in the back seat, or the boot, once more grateful for whatever scraps, in way of privileges, that the men allow.

    In fact it’s already happening. On Sky News last night the conversation over events in Stockport were all about the rights of the murderer. The three little girls were almost forgotten. Women and girls will be sacrificed to try and maintain order when more socially conservative elements start to assert themselves.

    Anything wrong with the Dads of these three little girls speaking out.

    Are men just going to stand back and say nothing? It’s all a woman’s problem!

    I’m beginning to think all this ‘It’s a woman problem to solve is all just more bloody misogyny.’

    More of ‘these feminists wanted equality so now they’ve got it they can just suck it up and sort it out if they don’t like it!’

    I don’t know if you have noticed or not ‘Stuart the Obscure’ but I am defending my corner right here on Wings in front of your eyes!

    I could end up being sent to the naughty step but I’m willing to take that risk!

  87. Ruby Friday says:

    Bloody well done to ‘Republicofscotland’ for seeing the light!

  88. moixx says:

    Republicofscotland @ 2.22 pm:

    “…its a problem that society must face head on as a whole…men must also be seen to be protecting women’s rights”

    You’re exactly right.

    Apart from anything, it’s not just women’s rights – it’s everybody’s rights, including men’s rights, that are at stake.

    Just out of interest, how would you (not you specifically RoS – anyone on here) respond if you were asked what your pronouns are?

  89. Andrew F says:

    Apparently that “hyperandogenism” also means, apart from heightened testosterone, you get XY chromosomes.

    Ladies, be careful you don’t catch that disease!

  90. Skip_NC says:

    moixx @ 3:39pm, I’d be tempted to say my pronouns are She/He/It/They and it is literal violence to put them in any other order. Yes, I’d be making a point.

  91. Anton Decadent says:

    @Ruby, I posted a comment earlier this afternoon in which I named people and organisations which the Guardian was using in an article today to smear everyone who took to the streets in both England this week and Eire last November. It turned out that the people and organisations the Guardian were using were not born in the UK or Eire but all shared an ethnic, religious and cultural connection. Stu chose to nuke it rather than post it as is his wont, it is his site. I suggest that people start to look into who these organisations the likes of the Guardian quote are and who and what they really represent.

  92. Lorna Campbell says:

    Alf: yes, an all-encompassing identity is what is being striven for, with an elite that is mega-wealthy and reaching for god status and immortality. I would doubt that many women have these delusions because we are far too close to the bloody, nitty-gritty of human life to harbour such nonsense.

    John C: doctors today would sex test a baby with ambiguous genitalia and, perhaps, suggest surgery to afford the child genitalia closer to that of the male or female. Parents, at least, would be told that their child has ambiguous genitalia so that they could agree to sex testing at the very earliest stage of life and so that children are not raised as the opposite sex by mistake.

    Caster Semenya is the perfect example of the arrogant DSD male who shows no remorse for cheating. He has said that women are weaklings and made it very plain that he despises female athletes. He is a man, right enough. I would suggest some enterprising person should lead a silverback male gorilla into the male weightlifting category and state that it identifies as an adult human male.

    Apart from the fact that this placid creature is normally as docile as a lamb except when it or its family and troupe are threatened, unlike many men for whom violence is endemic, it would knock all the men into a cocked hat for strength. The men might then understand in no uncertain terms how female athletes are disadvantaged when placed up against male athletes. It is just a simple fact that gorillas are very much more powerful than men, just as it is also a simple fact that men are stronger than women – except, maybe, in the brain department.

    Does being outstrengthed by a gorilla make men weaklings and worthy of being despised? Nope. Men and gorillas are different species and there are sound biological reasons for the different strengths. Same with women and men. We are different for a reason, and it, too is biological. Females are not inferior men just as men are not inferior gorillas. Some, with peanut brains, just do not get that. Worse, they think that their preoccupations are much, much more important than those of females. Mother Nature is becoming very angry.

  93. Doonthetoon says:

    What are your pronouns?

    “Pronouns are SO last year!

  94. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Press release from British Medical Association (31 July 2024) —

    « The BMA is to undertake an evaluation of the Cass Review – the independent report on gender identity services for children and young people in the UK, published earlier this year.

    « Members of the BMA’s Council recently voted in favour of a motion which asked the Association to ‘publicly critique the Cass Review’, after doctors and academics in several countries, including the UK, voiced concern about weaknesses in the methodologies used in the Review and problems arising from the implementation of some of the recommendations. 

    « A ‘task and finish’ group, established by the BMA’s Chair of Council Professor Philip Banfield, who will also appoint the group’s chairperson, will pay particular attention to the methodology used to underpin the report’s recommendations. There have been ongoing discussions within the BMA about the Cass Review since it was published; before that the BMA attended meetings with Dr Cass when the review was being written. These, together with the Council’s wishes, have helped to shape what will be a detailed, evidence-led piece of work.

    « The BMA is calling for a pause to the implementation of the Cass Review’s recommendations whilst the task and finish group carries out its work. It is expected to be completed towards the end of this year. In the meantime, the BMA believes transgender and gender-diverse patients should continue to receive specialist healthcare, regardless of their age.

    « The BMA has been critical of proposals to ban the prescribing of puberty blockers to children and young people with gender dysphoria, calling instead for more research to help form a solid evidence base for children’s care – not just in gender dysphoria but more widely in paediatric treatments. The Association believes clinicians, patients and families should make decisions about treatment on the best available evidence, not politicians.

    « Professor Banfield said:

    “It is vitally important we take time and care to get this work right. This is a highly specialised area of healthcare for children and young adults with complex needs, and as doctors we want to be sure they get the most appropriate care and the support they need. The task and finish group will make recommendations to improve the healthcare system that has, for too long, failed transgender patients. It will work with patients to ensure the evaluation invokes the old adage in medicine of ‘no decision about me without me’. It is time that we truly listen to this group of important, valued, and unfortunately often victimised people and, together, build a system in which they are finally provided with the care they deserve.” »

    « Ends

  95. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Link to above BMA press release:

    link to

  96. moixx says:

    Skip_NC @ 4.09 pm

    That’s interesting 🙂

    However, feeling that you have to ‘make a point’ means that you are being forced to participate in it all, and to effectively state your opinion on it. I could see that, depending on the circumstances, it might be difficult to do that.

    Any of us could be asked ‘what are your pronouns’ or ‘what is your gender’ – I’m just wondering if people have considered what they’d say if it was asked of them.

  97. TURABDIN says:

    Elaborating on the theme,
    That homosexuality has been part of Levantine, North African, Near Eastern culture is not difficult to verify; it’s all in the literature for those prepared to search.
    The arrival of the American «gay» worldview has however «queered the pitch».
    In actuality it has made life more difficult for those of the orientation than one hundred years ago when no one really cared; now they do, and that adversely.
    People that meddle in things they cannot possibly understand, for selfish reasons of their own, are dangerous and may cost lives.
    Trouble is, it is not THEIR life put at risk.

  98. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Tenor of NOTE 3 below the BMA Press Release is stronger:

    3. The Motion reads:

    ‘This meeting recognises that the provision of gender identity services in the United Kingdom is inadequate, and that transgender people should be treated with compassion and respect for their bodily autonomy. Following the publication of the Cass Review on Gender Identity Services for children and young people, this meeting is concerned about its impact on transgender healthcare provision because of its unsubstantiated recommendations driven by unexplained study protocol deviations, ambiguous eligibility criteria, and exclusion of trans-affirming evidence.

    Therefore, this meeting calls on the BMA to:

    i. Publicly critique the Cass Review;

    ii. Lobby and work with other relevant organisations and stakeholders to oppose the implementation of the recommendations made by the Cass Review;

    iii. Lobby the Government and NHS in all four nations to ensure continuity in provision of transgender healthcare for patients younger than 18 years old;

    iv. Lobby the Government and NHS in all four nations to ensure continuity in provision of transgender healthcare for patients aged 18 or older;

    v. Publicly state support for transgender people, particularly transgender youth, and provision of prompt access to gender identity services and treatment at all ages;

    vi. Condemn the increasing political transphobia which is ostracising transgender people and discriminating against them by blocking their access to healthcare’.

  99. twathater says:

    The utter hypocrisy of Lisa Nandy and the LYING BASTARD LIEBOUR party is on an illuminated billboard today with her announcement that “BIOLOGY COUNTS” Who would have thunk it

    Of course this Remarkable TRUE statement only comes in the wake of YEARS OF DISTORTION AND LUNACY with the LIE of “transwomen are women” SPOUTED eagerly and without conscience by Lisa Nandy and other reality denier politicians

  100. Martin says:

    Between this, allowing Israel to compete (but not Russia) and endorsing a Dutch volleyball player who has a conviction for child rape, the IOC are having a great 2024…

  101. Skip_NC says:

    moixx, if anyone asked my gender, I hope I’d say something like “That is something that I only share with my closest friends. However, as I have hairy arms, hairy legs and am rapidly balding, it should be obvious that my sex is male.” My point being that people can be whoever they want, within, in this case, the constraints of biology.

    My opinion on pronouns being almost more important than one’s name is, of course, reflected in the order in which I listed them in my earlier post.

  102. Hatuey says:

    Everything started falling to fuck when we left the trees.

    We can only imagine there was a time in what’s called ‘the state of nature’ when men and women knew their place. Everybody had a role. It worked.

    Being a man once mattered. The role was important, to defend the tribe, build shelter, hunt for food. Even the most ordinary fellow was valued. That role changed and evolved along with technology and the mode of production, but in essence it remained the same — men did the heavy lifting, the physical work, they got down into the dirt.

    Now look what you’ve done to us…

    Wasn’t it obvious that destroying men in the name of equality was going to backfire at some point? That when you chiselled away at the essence of man, you were also chiselling at the skeletal bones of society?

    And you just couldn’t stop, could you… First the vote, then jobs, then equal pay, on top of all that, you demanded to emulate men socially, go out drinking, play the field, play sports, etc., etc., etc., telling men they were worthless every inch of the way.

    The goal of feminism, whether feminists knew it or not, was to destroy the distinction between man and woman. That’s really what equality meant.

    Well, you did it. Congratulations. Now everything is fucked.

    As for men punching women as an Olympic sport, what the fuck are women doing in a boxing ring? That’s every bit as unsettling to me as men in women’s toilets.

    They’re your dots, women, go join them.

  103. Dan says:

    Do women athletes not have a union that could instruct them to go on strike due to compromised and dangerous working conditions.
    If not then simply take the initiative and Boycott, Divest and Sanction the shit out of all these organisations and activities that are pushing and supporting this genderwoowoo nonsense.

    Aye, escalating the protest may coz a slight blip and controversy, but it looks like that is going to be a necessary part of the process in addressing and righting this wrong.
    Never underestimate the profound sense of loss man will feel when they can no longer survey the stunning natural athletic beauty of a game of women’s beach volleyball…

  104. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Hatuey

    LOL , you at the pure wind-up again ?

    ” First the vote, then jobs, then equal pay, … ”

    I know , wummin.. tsk ….wanting jobs , votes AND equal pay ! Some neck oan thum , eh ?

    Actually , there is some truth in what you say , but I think , in essence , it’s , ie Feminism , another example of humans aspiring to achieve something admirable , necessary , just , basking in the sunlight of having , to whatever degree , succeeded in those ambitions and failing to notice the shadow ; the negatives , the losers . Not realising there always a price to pay for progress . Or so it appears .

    It just seems to be what happens ; though I question whether there’s anything really ” inevitable ” about , eg the fact we keep making the same mistakes ; and ” explaining ” / excusing the apparent failure to learn from them by referring to something called ” Human Nature ” . What does that term even mean ?

    The fact we , as a species , have done/thought certain things recurringly through time doesn’t mean we’re somehow compelled to continue doing/thinking them .

    In the end ” Human Nature ” like ” Communism ” , ” Fascism ” , ” Nationalism ” , ” Feminism ” etc is/are * just * ideas ; thoughts which even when made * concrete * ,never lose their essentially * mental * foundation . They are ” the stuff that dreams are made of ” .

    Problems arise when such ” stuff ” is subjected to Death-by-Literalism : and what more glaring example of that grand folly is there than TWAW . The ultimate in demented Literalism .

  105. Frank Gillougley says:

    Perhaps a suggestion for Imane Khelif.
    Better send for Dai Bando…
    link to

  106. Ruby Monday says:

    Robert Hughes
    2 August, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    @ Hatuey

    LOL , you at the pure wind-up again ?

    You are mistaken Robert Hughes. Hatuey isn’t at the pure wind-up the fucker is serious.

    I don’t reply to his posts anymore I think he’s pure bonkers and that is putting it nicely!

  107. Ruby Friday says:

    The worst thing that happened to men was the invention of the vibrator and women thinking it was their right to have an orgasm without a man!

    That really hit home and men just felt worthless!

    Not forgetting the spin cycle on the washing machine and the film ‘When Harry met Sally’ giving the game away!

    You can understand why some cultures practice female genital mutilation!

  108. Dan says:

    Maybe there needs to be a splinter off sports championship for the men that are weak in mind and muscle and choose to compete against women.
    The 2024 LimpDicks…

    I’m getting auld and crumbly now but I just checked the Strava cycling app and I’m only 2 seconds behind the Queen of the Mountain top time on a sprint climb road section set by some Swiss road race cycling team woman.
    The thing is I set my time riding a 34 pound 26 inch wheeled mountain bike with fat knobbly tyres and she was undoubtedly using some uber fancy lightweight road racing bike with larger diameter wheels and skinny tyres so way less rolling resistance.
    I think I’m going to grab a shot of a pal’s carbon fibre framed road race bicycle with wifi controlled gears (wtf) and see if I can improve my time.
    TBH that cycling app is fucked because all the league time tables have been corrupted by e bike riders that don’t filter their rides into the correct sections. Aye, yer so impressive getting a quick time or taking a K/QoM off someone when you’ve got around 300 to 750 watts electrical assistance. Assholes gonna asshole.

  109. Shug says:

    Your shooting yourself in the foot here Stu

    Imane Khelif is a woman and always has been.

  110. James Barr Gardner says:

    On a brighter note…

    Weel dun the Boys fae Skibbereen !

  111. Lorna Campbell says:

    Hatuey: just as society changes over time, so humans must also change and develop to embrace the society of the day. Maybe, at one time, men and women had strictly defined roles – you know, when the chaps went out to fire arrows at mammoths and the women stayed at home in the cave with the bairns and did absolutely nothing all day. Except they did, didn’t they? The females were the gatherers and lo and behold, what do we discover? That the gathering – nuts, fruits, berries, etc. – were absolutely essential to the human diet when meat was scarce and to supplement it when it wasn’t.

    If the Olympics has taught us anything, it is that women shoot just as well, and sometimes better than the chaps. Ditto, archery. Ditto any sport that does not require the bludgeoning effect of physical strength. Granted, strength itself can be an admirable thing, especially in sport. The sexes are complementary, not exclusive and abusive, with male strength the excuse to harm women and deprive them of autonomy.

    I don’t suppose you have ever watched young children playing in a nursery, say? If you ever do, you will see immediately that the wee girls are just as prone as the wee lads to climb, run, jump, race, throw balls, etc. All humans need to be able to exercise and excel if they want, and both sexes need to exercise their equal brains (which are, in reality not very different, except in defined areas).

    Can you explain to us all here how being stuck your entire life within four walls, cleaning, washing, doing housework would go down with you or most other men, how you or other men would take to not being allowed to drive or receive an education, never to walk outside on your own to feel the sun on your face? That is the life that many women and girls across the world live.

    Yes, males and females do have roles suited to their biology, but who decided that female biology was inferior, that females had to be denied life-sustaining equality in the interests of…you know, men? Would that be men, by any chance? Can you tell us of an instance, any instance, of men’s biology being controlled by women, of men’s social lives being controlled by women, of their rates of pay being controlled by women. You can’t, because there are none.

    Even the little bit of autonomy that women have carved out for themselves is being whittled away by men in frocks or by men who claim to be female, and they are being cheered on by other men – misogynists who have a vested interest in keeping women out of public spaces, sports, services, etc. Mother Nature is starting to get very angry. Very angry, indeed.

  112. Hatuey says:

    I’m just a conduit for ideas and not any more responsible for them than a spirit medium is for the things that ghosts believe in…

    In the natural world it’s not controversial to talk of the different roles played by the males and females of a species. There was a time in the human world when it would have been considered ridiculous to put boxing gloves on the hands of women.

    You should be proud of this, Robert;

    “ In the end ” Human Nature ” like ” Communism ” , ” Fascism ” , ” Nationalism ” , ” Feminism ” etc is/are * just * ideas ; thoughts which even when made * concrete * ,never lose their essentially * mental * foundation…”

    It’s the best thing you’ve ever said.

  113. Hatuey says:

    It’s self evidently obvious and true that feminism has blurred the boundaries of masculinity and femininity. And if you stand back and think about it honestly, you’d probably agree that that was the goal.

    And yet that’s turned out to be a rather problematic thing to bring about.

    At the same time, I don’t know what we could have done or could do to oppose it, without being rightfully accused of something unpleasant.

  114. Confused says:

    yeah, so some daft cow got a smack in the mouth and had a blub and its not fair and the world should stop because some mystery meat trans freakshow who may have ovaries and testicles … got a gold medal in something women shouldn’t be doing anyway … glad we got our priorities straight.

    And now for something completely different. Shit that matters.

    “the problem with Scotland is … it’s full of Scots”


    have just got myself some numbers – they let you download it as a spreadsheet, in the hope that you can’t count or do graphs or work excel.

    link to

    A quick shufty. The important table is inflows / outflows from the rest of the UK – we are talking about migration.

    – for the past 10 years we get about 50K people coming to Scotland from the “rest of the UK” every year, and it’s not the welsh and it’s not the nornirish, it’s the English.

    – in the same period, we lose about 40K people a year down to England; this is mostly Scots.

    looks like we have lost 400K Scots and gained 500K English. Now, there is some recycling here – english coming up and going home, scots moving away and coming back, but we can’t put a number on that.

    suppose the Scots are split on indy – we lost 200K Yessers and 200k Nobodies, a wash, but the english are 80:20 (at least) for the union 400K : 100K – we have lost a net 300k supporters in that period.

    – only the dumbest fucking cunt would stand for this, and let – our enemies – have a veto on our self determination


    should be the mantra, but no nationalist has the balls to say this. So, there we are, as time passes, our situation worsens.

    the anglification of Scotland continues apace; even a section 30 referendum right now, we would be hard pushed to win it, and even if by some amazing manoeuvre you tightened the franchise, many of the anglo clnists have now been here for over 5 years, so it is really just taking the edge off. Hence the insane energiser bunny of franchise fanny and his fluffers. It’s a big deal to them.

    “make the case for indy to the soft noes”

    – fuck you. I am not asking for charity from some viciously bigoted little englander who thinks the anglo saxon is the master race.

    People don’t really appreciate the sneaky fuckery of what they are up against and what utter shits the english are. Our sellout politicians – well done, Nikki – you kicked the can far enough down the road that migration demographics will sort the problem. Cheating, without cheating.

    Altering the franchise to allow “Scots in England” to vote probably won’t help – Scots tend to assimilate when they go down South, it makes for an easier life, and it is easier in the mind if you have convinced yourself “Scotland is an integral part of the UK”. And we aren’t just the unlucky siamese twin to the worst people on the fucking planet who everyone fucking hates.

    In 2011, there were good interactive maps, with heatmaps, all that, with detailed breakdowns. Not so much now. We could do with some charts showing “identifies as” / “country of birth” over time for all the areas. But that would make it too obvious.

    Given that Edinburgh is the big destination and the anglos coming up here are not cockney chimney sweeps, but the middle class, it means your professional sector, media, the good jobs people – is going to be stuffed even more full of unionists.

    As events down in southport have shown us, it is who your parents are that defines what you are, accidents of birth or residence, should be irrelevant.

    I would tax the english out of Scotland – make them pay a “jizyah” (a karmic revenge for the poll tax) and use the cash raised to build social housing for native Scots. Soak them for 10 times the council tax rate, every year – Scotland is not some place for you to make a tidy profit, you, the anglo carpetbagger – and all the free shit, eh? Maybe get free uni for the kids too. And still slag off Scotland/Scots for how shit it is and how much we subsidise them.

    The situation is actually worse than this – because – I haven’t looked at the table for international migration, again, we lose Scots and gain all this mystery meat (big spike last year) … I will leave that analysis to our very good friend, “Anthony Modest”.

  115. gm says:

    2 August, 2024 at 11:07 pm

    It’s self evidently obvious and true that feminism has blurred the boundaries of masculinity and femininity. And if you stand back and think about it honestly, you’d probably agree that that was the goal.

    And yet that’s turned out to be a rather problematic thing to bring about.

    At the same time, I don’t know what we could have done or could do to oppose it, without being rightfully accused of something unpleasant.”

    i’d just you to know this Hatuey. You get right on my fucking tits.

  116. Ruby Friday says:

    Hautey is claiming the goal of feminism was to turn men into trannies!

    Maybe they really are witches these Terfs with some crazy magic spells!

    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and caldron bubble.

    I’ve tried but my magic spells don’t work. I’ve kissed 100s of frogs and not one of them turned into a handsome prince.

    The ones that haven’t been turned into trannies by the terf witches have been turned into greetin’ faced bairns blaming everything on the women!

    They remind me of Sturgeon who blames everything on the Tories but in their case it’s the women.

    Terfs are the new Tories.

  117. Geri says:


    It’s the only gig in town.

  118. Ruby Friday says:

    I wonder what that Confused fucker thinks women should be doing.

    Do they do knitting at the Olympics.

    In over through & off!

  119. Anne says:

    Women have little idea of how much men hate them
    Germaine Greer .Cancelled

  120. Cynicus says:

    John C

    “I do genuinely think that had Khelif put a boxer in hospital (he may still do) then some ‘progressives’ will be blaming the other boxer for not being good enough.”

    2 August, 2024 at 1:43 pm
    Why look in the crystal ball when you can read the book?

    Such victim-blaming occurred on this very site, in the early hours of same morning you posted:

    “she takes a pop in the face and then just shites it. “-Confused @2 August, 2024 at 12:04 am

  121. Cynicus says:


    2 August, 2024 at 10:01 pm
    “Your (SIC) shooting yourself in the foot here Stu

    Imane Khelif is a woman and always has been.”
    Are you shooting yourself in the head?

    If “she” has always been a woman, why did the International Boxing Association ban “her” from female boxing in 2023? Could it be that the IBA was less impressed by than the IOC by a passport ‘gender marker’ bought for €60 or whatever?

  122. Hatuey says:

    Lorna, there are many aspects of life for men and women that are miserable. But I’m not sure how it helps your case or helps in any other respect to enable women to act like men, if you think men are responsible for most of the misery.

    We used to wonder if women in leadership roles, in business, politics, etc., would result in a better world. After Thatcher and Sturgeon, I think it’s fair to say that horse has well and truly bolted…

    You might think it would be wrong of me to blame women generally for people like Thatcher and Sturgeon and use them in a debate like this. I agree. But you and other women seem quite comfortable doing that, blaming all men for the antics of the few — that’s at the heart of everything you said above.

    And that’s the sort of exchange we get embroiled in every time we discuss stuff like this.

    There are lots of things like boxing that I’m not comfortable with women doing, but that doesn’t mean I think less of them —it’s an acknowledgement of the differences that exist between men and women, the same sort of differences that people are complaining about in regards to the Olympic Committee putting a man in the ring with a woman.

    Just a couple of weeks ago we saw another example when Trump was shot at and we found out the Secret Service had assigned a bunch of women to his security detail. No need to go into all that again but you get the point; it was a farce.

    Over the last 40 years or more, I’ve watched the role of ordinary men in society being reduced to rubble along with the jobs they depended on in the mines, shipbuilding, heavy industry, etc. Nobody stands up for them but they’re the first people society calls when there’s really shit life-threatening work to be done.

    I’m not blaming women for all that, but it feels like every minority group under the sun is cursing us as they dance on our graves. Now we are being blamed for transgenderism or something. Honestly, most of us gave up with society long ago; weren’t even there.

  123. Breeks says:

    2 August, 2024 at 11:54 pm

    …looks like we have lost 400K Scots and gained 500K English. Now, there is some recycling here – english coming up and going home…

    I’d be willing to bet the 500k didn’t move into the same actual properties the 400k vacated…

    But those numbers are catastrophic for Scotland.

  124. Ruby Friday says:

    John Swinney torn apart over ‘confusing’ answer to ‘what is a woman’ question

    If only our political leaders could have answered the question ‘What is a woman’ all would be clear.

    The new Scottish First Minister initially said a woman is an “adult female born as a woman” before adding that he accepts “transgender women are defined as women”.

    Got it?

    A woman is an adult female born as a woman and a woman can also be an adult male born as a man.

  125. Ruby Saturday says:

    Hey Hautey your sexism & misogyny is showing!

    Don’t worry you are not alone it seems to be trending here BTL on Wings.

    I’ve been quite shocked!

    I’ve witnessed more sexism & misogyny over the past month than I have in my entire life.

  126. Dan says:

    @ Breeks

    And Mia pretty much called this 3 years ago well before the census.

    link to

  127. Alf Baird says:

    Dan @ 7:56 am

    “And Mia pretty much called this 3 years ago well before the census.”

    As did others before. Demographic change (e.g. population displacement or ‘shift’, including ‘banishment of natives’) is a well-established ‘colonial procedure’ and clearly one of the key determinants of independence/liberation for ‘a people’ seeking self-determination:

    link to

  128. George Ferguson says:

    link to

    You learn something every day. The link above explains DSD medically. If the Algerian boxer has at form of DSD then he/she will have a medical history. The IOC processes of passport only is ridiculous in this context. Clearly he/she has a competitive advantage.

  129. Ian Murray says:

    There are two issues here These two athletes have cervixes which makes them female it is not their fault They do gain advantages over 100% females which is unfair to the sport
    The other issue is the chancers who were born male and should GTF

  130. Northcode says:

    A biological observation:


    The organ in the lower body of a woman or female mammal where offspring are conceived and in which they gestate before birth; the uterus

    Human with a womb – defined as a woman (female)
    Human without a womb – defined as a man (male)

    Both are human.

    Biologically, the prime organic differences between men and women are easily understood, even by the simplest of minds, and cannot logically be confused – one has ovaries and a womb, the other doesn’t.

    It is impossible, currently, to create a new human body without a male ‘seed’ combined with an ‘egg’ produced by the female’s ovaries, the joined result of which is incubated in the female’s womb, to produce a brand new shiny human.

    It could be argued that women are a superior, organically augmented and more advanced form of men.

    And that if they could provide the life initiating seed internally for themselves (the only part of a man that is of any use to a woman in the creation of new life – or of any use at all, perhaps) men would be an unnecessary burden on nature’s finite resources and could be dispensed with – and probably would be by mother nature.

    Time, and evolution, will tell.

  131. Geri says:

    Aye, colonisers would win a super Gold medal for all their underhanded dirty tricks & seeing as we’ll be *the first* TRA hotspot of the UK then we can expect many more..

    Who’s sticking the kettle on?

    We just have to keep convincing those who already see us as their possession eh? That’ll work.

    Scotland needs to call a referendum before we’re swamped out of our own country for good. I bet it’ll be pensioners & students that’s moving too. I’ll doubt the Scots will actually benefit financially from this transaction.

    Meanwhile, in other news, Kid Starver has committed to defending his colonising mates, sodomisers & unhinged psychotic nutters, in their quest to start WW3.

    It brings a whole new meaning to “freeing up beds” Just shoot them.

    & Pensioners will freeze this winter. The great “it’s devolved” con trick will kick in when Scotland gets less when they spend less.

    Fcking P. It’s all his fault. If only he hadn’t blown up his own pipeline, tsk..Scots will have to find the good old fashioned methods of keeping war.

  132. Dan says:

    @ Alf Baird

    I was trying to recall where the line a lack of urgency should not be a factor or excuse in delaying matters of a peoples exercising self-determination is written.
    Can you please remind me where that line comes from.
    And that the aspect is mentioned at all suggests acknowledgement that there are factors why self-determination of a peoples should not be delayed.
    There are terms such as justice delayed is justice denied, and asymmetry of harms which could be used to describe what Scotland is enduring.

    @ Northcode

    If women are to exist without men, then they’ll defo need more TransWomen. And I’m fine with that as quite happy to take early retirement and let them change out their own gearboxes and fucked dual mass flywheels and clutches!

  133. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Breeks

    ” I’d be willing to bet the 500k didn’t move into the same actual properties the 400k vacated…

    But those numbers are catastrophic for Scotland. ”

    No , they are all moving to the new housing developments that are abounding all over the Highlands . * Developments * that are seemingly able to by-pass local planning authorities & local objections – exactly what Springfield done in my area .

    They say ” we need to build these to satisfy local demand ” then 90% of the now houses are bought by people from ” elsewhere ” . This includes the small % of houses that are in the ( fictional ) ” affordable ” category , as well as the equally minuscule % of houses-for-rent .

    Does anyone really think the total balls-up and provisional/spasmodic nature of the recent Scottish Census was accidental ? Mere incompetence ?

    Scotland is being subjected to a reverse Plantation , with the express aim of diluting the indigenous population that is far more likely to support Independence that those born elsewhere .

    I don’t need a Census – particularly not one so mired in deliberate obfuscation – to confirm what my own experience indicates . Not just my own experience . The same thing is being noticed – impossible not to notice – by friends & acquaintances all over the Highlands .

    Scots are being * replaced * in their own country . And not a single Political Party /Politician has a word to say on the phenomenon .

    They’ve ALL been scared shitless into silence by the threat of being called a ” bad name ” . Though a high % of them couldn’t give a fuck about the erasure of Scots/Scottish Culture ( y’know that * thing * some thing doesn’t even exist ) , and care only about getting their bulbous snouts in the HolyMinster trough .

  134. Hatey McHateface says:

    If the real point of all this lunacy is to distract people from the stuff that’s really important, then it’s defo working.

    Let’s call a spade a spade.

    Two unambiguously and certifiable female boxers knocking lumps out of each other in the boxing ring is still two freaks devoting their lives to a completely pointless endeavour.

    The number of normal dads (and mums), who look at their beautiful, new baby daughter and hope that one day she will grow up to be able to floor an opponent with a single punch for money and fame must be indistinguishable from zero.

    In reality, no normal person would want to be around people like that, even if they are 100% biologically female.

    The story is no more than Silly Season distraction and click bait, pure and simple. Even the world’s most-read Scottish Indy site is not immune.

  135. Geri says:

    *war = warm..

  136. Doug says:

    If you want to see what the whole of Scotland will look and sound like in five year’s time visit Moray. Scotland’s supposedly pro independence politicians haven’t a clue. Tractors.

  137. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Breeks 7:07

    Those numbers are defo catastrophic for Indy.

    There is no certainty they’re catastrophic for Scotland.

    After careful consideration over some time, I’ve concluded that if we have to have immigration (and both Hatuey and ScotGov insist that we must), then some forms of immigration are better than others.

    The very best form is largely compatible with our current value systems. Racially-motivated white flight from across the border fits that bill far better than sub-Saharan Sharia enthusiasts.

    It’s a crying shame that you and your ilk can’t convince the white English sizzlers of the merits of Indy, but then again, you can’t convince a decent majority of Scots either.

    After 10 years of failure, you remain remarkably resistant to any ideas for taking a new and different approach, so I guess we’re stuck on that minority Indy support plateau for some time to come.

  138. James Che says:

    Men that stand up and protect their families, women, children toddlers are the last of the Bravehearts.

    The ones that do not do not fit into that catagory.
    Are usually called bullies, women beaters, pedos, molesters and people whom wish to see a decline in the human population on the planet because the elites are not happy that humans live on their land and spaces.

    In fact the movie Braveheart, also states all that needs said, “There is nothing wrong with Scotland….except…….

    And then you look at the bigger picture, that governments are encouraging with their policies.
    Black fight White.
    White fight back,

    Britain being allowed to be legally invaded by government.
    One culture fights another.

    Weird men people pretending to drag Queens then painting on a false woman face like clowns at a circus.
    Everyone recognises what the Clown is, and would recognise the clown even if he was in the shopping centre or in the houses of parliament.

    The sneaky politicians taking over controlling public free speech of humans. While slapping them , with far right or far left names, So no one can raise up about the dehumanisation of people, public voices. Are the very elites flying in private jets, using fossil fuels for war, destroying the homes and families of future populations of the world, with poisons, sewerage overflows. Future Food and water rationing, removing your ability to move around freely with out charging you for it. Deindustralisation of employment so the nations of people have to beg one source universal credit to survive, which you will be allowe d but only if you are willing to have your thinking demonatised and are compliant,

    So who is creating all these policies that set one group of humans against another,
    who is creating by law to tier policing of free speech,
    Who is creating the new culture wars of Britain,
    Who created the financial crashes, via planned bad management of our multiple taxes.
    Who is allowing the failing energy crises,
    Who created the housing shortage problems.

    One thing for sure it is not the people, they are just too naive to see the fat controllers manipulating the situation through appalling political policies that ” deviously always fail” the peoples ability to survive unscathed into the free generations they should be on this planet.
    Men do not stand up for Women and Children, for the Family, for the future of the human race are either Sissies, or part of the elite group, or are the actual perpetrators of abuse paid for or not as the case may be. but the one thing they will never be.
    Is what the wold recognises as Bravehearts,

  139. Geri says:


    Wait for Alfs answer to confirm but just to say I’ve heard that from the UN/ICJ regards P*listine.

    *The other side* cannot impose restrictions, hoops to jump through or criteria to meet. It’s against international law.

    The colonisers have run out of road on the usual lie of a two State solution that they never, ever intended on granting. It was the usual delay tactic. Now they’re trying the “world based order” pish hoping to replace international law with made up shit the colonisers just make up as a dilemma presents itself. No one is buying it.

    A people have a right to self determination if they vote for it.
    All that’s needed is for Scots to hold a referendum & declare independence.

    No political party is man enough to just get on with it.

  140. Robert Hughes says:

    ” thing ” = think . Cheers Geri 🙂

  141. Alf Baird says:

    Dan @ 9:54 am

    “I was trying to recall where the line a lack of urgency should not be a factor or excuse in delaying matters of a peoples exercising self-determination is written.”

    Yes, on the contrary it is written and repeated in postcolonial literature that ‘the most urgent matter is freeing the people’ (Fanon). This means there can be no delay, which as we see only allows the colonial power to cement its position.

    But liberation of the people is not the purpose of the dominant national party, whose leaders crawl ‘ever closer to colonialism’, and who end up behaving like a bunch of criminals, working only in the colonizers interest:

    link to

  142. Mark Beggan says:

    Wouldn’t you just hate to be working for the BBC right now.

  143. James Che says:

    The freedom of humans requires more Bravehearts in every country, not just Scotland.

    For it is not for freedom alone that you fight for, but to exist, so that you can enjoy that freedom

  144. James Che says:

    When the traas people have served their purpose to break down social norms for the elites, then new policies will be introduced against the trans community, outlawing them, that is the way of the elites controlling and creating the regime changes

    The trass community will be left on the sidelines as entertaining drag queen painted clowns without a circus of laws protecting them, and perhaps the politicians will go as far as imprisoning some to set examples. As they always do.
    Even to famous pedos.

  145. Alf Baird says:

    Robert Hughes @ 9:54 am

    “they are all moving to the new housing developments that are abounding all over the Highlands”

    And Fife, Lothians, the isles etc.

    As Albert Memmi wrote:
    “Today, leaving for a colony… is simply a voyage towards an easier life. definition of a colony: a place where one earns more and spends less. The colonizer is a privileged being and an illegitimately privileged one; that is, an usurper”

  146. Geri says:

    The TRAs were used to pave the way for full blown fascism.

    Full blown authoritarianism is now our future.

    The American bullshit of democracy is in tatters along with their pretend *Western values*

    They’re not even hiding it anymore. If the colonisers don’t like who the plebs vote for they simply declare it not legitimate/overthrow it or install a puppet.

    Jeez, the white supremacist is back.


    When will it dawn on you that there is no need for immigration at all if you just told yer handlers to stop warring & destabilising other people’s countries & pinching other people’s talents & resources.

    Scotland doesn’t need a bunch of ultra right wing warring racist English refugees moving in.
    The English should stay where they are. Look around themselves & marvel at the fruits of their labour. It’s cost them £billions in bombs for that very outcome.

    & Fresh news just in. I is evacuating. I wonder where they’ll all go? Look for a *house a buddy for free government money* coming to a policy near you..

  147. Geri says:

    New houses all over.

    2,000 new homes built & sold in my area too before the foundations were even laid.

    & There’s feck all in my area worth writing home about.

    A train station. That’s it. LOL…

  148. James says:

    Robert Hughes & Doug;

    Youse should try a nice day oot in Dumfries & Galloway….

  149. TURABDIN says:

    In rhetorical mode…
    It seems it does not take much to stir up the English to riot.
    Scots, who have a legitimate reason to be very stirred up are quiescent.
    Is something simmering to the boil or has the energy just been turned off?

  150. moixx says:

    SkipN_C @ 4.09 pm:

    “I’d be tempted to say my pronouns are She/He/It/They and it is literal violence to put them in any other order. Yes, I’d be making a point.”


    Aha! I see what you did there 😉

  151. Lorna Campbell says:

    Ian Murray: There are two issues here These two athletes have cervixes which makes them female it is not their fault They do gain advantages over 100% females which is unfair to the sport
    The other issue is the chancers who were born male and should GTF

    They do not have cervixes if they are DSD, which is very likely. They are biological men with, before puberty, seemingly female external genitalia, with, probably, an enlarged ‘clitoris’ which is actually a penis. They will have undergone male puberty. Their testes are inside. Unless they have other sexual development differences, in which case a simple cheek swab would tell if they have XY chromosomes, then further tests could be done to show whether they have other sexual development issues, such as CAIS. Modern medical science is advanced enough to determine accurately whether either or both has benefited from male puberty. If they have, they cannot be allowed to compete against women. It’s not difficult. The real question is: why does the IOC want them to compete against women?

  152. James says:


    I fear that 317 years of conditioning and 50+ years of 100% foreign media have done the job, many Scots [40%+?] are too thick/brainwashed/apathetic to see through the lies and will bleat about energy prices/cost of living/crumbling infrastructure etc but will insist that it’s the Scottish Government to blame. [As intended].

  153. James Che says:


    Cheer up Geri.

    The Scottish law Society have stated a while ago that the treaty of union was not put into domestic law of Scotland.

    All Treaties must comply with international law of ” Pact Sunt Servanda” agreements must be kept, to be valid.
    The ratification did not Convert the Treaty into an Act or Acts, nor are there words in either Act which incorporate the treaty or any part thereof, into Scots or English domestic laws.

    According to the agreement on treaties it must be in Domestic law first before it is acceptable as international,

    If you read through all the information on treaties.
    Treaties also must include the indigenous population.
    Westminster state that the indigenous Scots were not asked to join via a vote because the Scots would probably vote no,

    There are many issues that can end the 1707 treaty. Which includes indigenous peoples Scottish land.
    And the other one,
    Such as Invalidation.

  154. Hatuey says:

    The case sensitive john main: “I’ve concluded that if we have to have immigration (and both Hatuey and ScotGov insist that we must), then some forms of immigration are better than others…”

    Didn’t you get the memo? I’m against immigration right now on the basis that we don’t have the facilities, public services, and infrastructure to handle more people. The situation is bleak; I’d actually say it’s so bad that Glasgow and most of the central belt is without a functioning health service right now.

    Consider that insight a gift since my reason for wanting to call a temporary halt to immigration is much more likely to be judged reasonable and taken seriously than yours.

    Here’s another; as I explained last week, there’s a big difference between immigration to a colony and immigration to an independent state. I am in favour of the latter and if your only concern is how people might vote in a future referendum, you have no reason to object to it.

    I’ve stress tested the arguments of those who prioritise Scottish culture as a basis for opposing immigration. Nobody could even define it in intelligible terms.

    There used to be a strong sense of working class culture in Scotland and it was a force to be reckoned with, a force that Westminster truly feared. I miss that, and I think Scotland could do with it today. It’s hard to believe it’s all gone…

    For those interested, we are still at ‘Defcon Popcorn’ in the Middle East but edging closer and closer to ‘Kiss your ass goodbye’ levels… I will endeavour to keep you updated.

  155. SusanAHF says:

    Well said Lorna Campbell

  156. James says:


    “I’ve stress tested the arguments of those who prioritise Scottish culture as a basis for opposing immigration. Nobody could even define it in intelligible terms.”


    “There used to be a strong sense of working class culture in Scotland…”

    I don’t oppose immigration per se, rich ageing scroungers from the south being the main exception.

    I agree on point 2.

    Now, define it for us.

  157. Lorna Campbell says:

    Hatuey: who are you to say that women are wishing to be more like men? We don’t want to be more like men. We want the same autonomy as men. That is very different.

    I’m afraid, whether you realise it not, you are a misogynist at worst, and a sexist, at best. I tried to explain to you about girls and their propensity for physical and mental stimulation, just like boys. Something happens in childhood and girls get all that natural exuberance knocked out of them – well, most, of them.

    You, sir, have absolutely no idea of the boundaries to human female development any more than I do. In reality, these have always been set by men. Yes, we are limited to an extent by having children, but most of us do not resent that. Physical activity is usually a young person’s game, anyway, and we see young athletes do very well.

    I don’t think you either understand or care that many, many women are depressed and anxious about the whole ‘trans’ nonsense which most of us know to be just another form of misogyny. We are equally depressed and anxious about the whole male ‘superiority’ rubbish. We look at the police wearing baby pink and blue Kevlar vests to reflect their affiliation with the ‘trans’ lobby and we know that will not protect us from the hatred; we see all these organizations’ support of ‘trans’ and men at the expense of females; and we see our politicians trumpet their allegiance with a group that actually has more rights than any other.

    Don’t you dare say that women wanted this. All we wanted was autonomy and equal opportunity, not equity, as the ‘trans’ lobby does. You cannot even represent our real objectives with integrity – which is to see all females everywhere afforded an equal place in human society, not to be stuck in one that is expected to kow tow to men, men in frocks, incels, rapists, wife-beaters and all others who want to see us “put in our place” by keeping us in servitude, fear and the threat of harm.

    Females are no threat to men: most of us cannot envisage a world without men, unlike many men who can well envisage a world without real women. To these men, ‘trans’ ‘women’ could, conceivably become a substitute in the sexual activity stakes, and, if the transhumanists get their way, babies can be born in artificial wombs in laboratories, and artificially created robot women can also act as sex slaves. Utopia for men. Except, things never quite work out the way they are supposed to when humans are involved. That interfering b*t*h,Mother Nature has a habit of intervening to thwart some males’ god-status pretensions.

  158. sam says:

    @Lorna Campbell

    It seems to be that the check that counts in boxing is what the gender is on passport.No notice is being taken of the serious harm that might be done to women.

    Lord Coe one of the members of the IOC (have you seen the list?) says what approach is taken in athletics.

    “DSD athletes will be required to reduce their blood testosterone level to below 2.5 nanomoles per litre, down from five, and must remain under this threshold for two years in order to compete internationally in the female category in any track and field event.

    Under previous regulations, DSD athletes were only restricted in events ranging from 400m to a mile.

    Interim provisions will be introduced for DSD athletes already competing in previously unrestricted events, requiring them to suppress their testosterone levels below 2.5nmol/L for a minimum of six months before they are allowed to compete again.

    Coe said this will impact 13 DSD athletes, seven (55%) of whom compete in running events above a mile, with six (45%) in sprinting events below 400m.

    He added none of the 13 will now be able to compete in the World Athletics Championships in Budapest in August, but will be eligible for future events, including the Paris 2024 Olympics, “if they maintain their testosterone at the required level”.”

  159. Ruby Saturday says:

    Hautey Are you able to define what you mean by culture?

  160. Geri says:

    “Nobody could even define it in intelligible terms.”

    How intelligible do you need it?

    Would you like to live with the customs & traditions of Sharia law? How about Judaism or Christian fundamentalists? Would you be so bold as to claim they didn’t have a culture? Not if you value yer head, or yer arse, depending on who you insult.

    “There used to be a strong sense of working class culture in Scotland and it was a force to be reckoned with, a force that Westminster truly feared. I miss that, and I think Scotland could do with it today. It’s hard to believe it’s all gone…”

    Aye, it’s called capitalism. Suck a country dry, invest nothing, move on..
    & Deindustrialisation. Buy it cheaper elsewhere & be totally fcked in a crisis or when the powers that be taken a hissy fit & start issuing sanctions & trade embargoes.

  161. Ruby Saturday says:

    I don’t know why men object to women learning boxing.

    Considering there is so much male violence against women I think women should be encourage to learn as much self-defence as possible.

  162. John says:

    As a single parent , used to tell my son the reason women wore make up and perfume was because they were ugly and smelled.
    Mum wouldn’t let me be a punk rocker, so it was my sort of revenge.

    Having the Private Schoolers and child abusers in charge of every establishment Institution isn’t working out any better for the 99%

  163. Dan says:

    Defcon Popcorn’s first album was a belter. IIRC they supported Gun at Barrowlands back in the 80s.

    But #DefconPopcorn sounds like foisting US culture on tae us Hatuey, and by doing so you’re suppressing oor ain indigenous traditional choices of nosh to munch at times of escalating perilous times.
    #DefconSoorPlooms #DefconTablet #DefconMacaroon may be more appropriate nomenclature for the Scottish geographic area.

    Anyway, I’m off out to the garden to avoid an afternoon of btl sex wars kicked off by yet more genderpish.
    I’ll be doing the traditional NuScottish manly task of picking blackcurrants to preserve this evening for future sustenance, whilst the women are busy fight online.

  164. Ruby Saturday says:

    3 August, 2024 at 1:27 pm

    It seems to be that the check that counts in boxing is what the gender is on passport.

    Did they even check the passport at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis centre.

    It’s fair enough that all the focus is on women’s sport at the moment but women in all walks of life are suffering unfairness.

    For example the job at the ERC was a job for a woman.

  165. Ruby Saturday says:

    Does anyone have a clue what Hautey means by culture?

    It seems to me we have Ellis who tells us there is no such thing as Scottish ethnicity. You can come here from any part of the world but especially the South of England and boom you are Scottish.

    And we have Hautey (who I think is completely bonkers) telling us there is no such thing as Scottish culture.

    I gave him a pretty good definition of Scottish culture and as soon as I did he wanted the discussion to end.

    I think Mr Hautey is getting close to being Cunt No 3.

  166. Ruby Saturday says:


    Anyway, I’m off out to the garden to avoid an afternoon of btl sex wars kicked off by yet more genderpish.


    I’m sure it’ll be back to the ‘franchisepish’ in no time at all.

    Why the reluctance to take part in a discussion about genderpish and defend yourself in the sex wars?

  167. moixx says:

    IOC Media has issued this correction:

    In today’s IOC – Paris 2024 press briefing, IOC President Bach said:
    “But I repeat, here, this is not *a DSD case*, this is about a woman taking part in a women’s competition, and I think I have explained this many times.”

    What was intended was:
    “But I repeat, here, this is not *a transgender case*, this is about a woman taking part in a women’s competition, and I think I have explained this many times.”


    Sounds like the IOC President doesn’t really understand what he’s being instructed to say.

    Also (from REDUXX Twitter/X):

    “The European Vice President of the World Boxing Organization has come forward to confirm that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif is male.”

  168. Ruby Saturday says:

    I’ll be doing the traditional NuScottish manly task of picking blackcurrants to preserve this evening for future sustenance, whilst the women are busy fight online.

    There are maybe a lot more cunts BTL on Wings than I thought!

    NuScottish? Where are you from then? South of England. Are you pals with Ellis’s inlaws.

    It would be ‘Nouveau Scottish’ pal if you wanted to continue with your Frenttish!

    PS Have you got a shed?

  169. sam says:

    @ Ruby Saturday

    Jobs at ERCC may soon be jobs for women only. Il est suspendu pour le noo.

    Wokeness is all around. Rector at St Andrews getting her books for speaking the truth about Gaza.

  170. Cynicus says:

    Great link, Alf Baird

    Grousebeater pulls no polemical punches:

    ‘Sir David Davis’ litany of sinister plotting by a coven of witches, aided by swinging dick David Clegg, (recipient of the illegal Daily Record leak direct from back-to-the-mattress Liz Lloyd) Clegg a definite for a prophylactic or two tucked into his top pocket “For the weekend, sir?”’

  171. Hatey McHateface says:

    Westminster feared working class culture because the working classes were represented at Westminster.

    They were so represented in fact, they often formed the majority at WM. I write, of course, of the Labour Party – a party of the people and for the people, in the days before they became hollowed out – like every institution becomes hollowed out when infiltrated by the carpet baggers.

    They were effectively destroyed by the changes they were instrumental in introducing. A generation developing flabby arses on benefits can’t organise to do anything. We’re into the third generation now, and the Pavlovian response every time somebody mentions UBI shows how many will always choose hand outs over agency and responsibility.

    And no, I don’t have a solution. Neither does anybody else on here. The tumbleweed every time somebody suggests the regular contributors need to stand for election themselves proves that.

    Everybody is waiting for the SNP to collapse at HR, waiting for new Indy politicians and parties to come along, waiting for others to vote them into power, and waiting for external agencies to gift Scotland her Independence.

    Maybe that’s the prevalent Scottish culture defined right there.

  172. sam says:

    @ Ruby

    Yon yin is suspended. My instinct is he’s oot.

    Rector in St Andrews getting her cards for speaking about events in gaga.

  173. David Hannah says:

    Susan Two seats Aitken says, British patriot Tommy Robinson isn’t welcome in Glasgow.

    Of course, he’s welcome in Glasgow. I say this as a Scottish nationalist.

    The Glasgwegians want to talk immigration. We want to control our borders.

    Of course he’s welcome in Glasgow.

  174. David Hannah says:

    Ms Aitken took to social media to write: “Glasgow City Council has received no notification of any rally but then we know Tommy Robinson and his ilk don’t really care about respecting laws or public places. He’s not welcome in Glasgow and neither is anyone who chooses to align with his poisonous rhetoric.”

    LGBT flags, Palestinian flags, Ukranian flags all welcome in Glasgow.

    But if you want to control the borders. Talk about immigration you’re far right.

    Shame on Two Seats Susan – The big tub of lard. If she was chocolate, she’d eat her self. What a horrible bigoted woman she really is. The destroyer of Glasgow city council.

    Rental costs out of control. But become an asylum seeker or refugee and get given a house for free. Don’t even bother learning the language. More points for you!

  175. David Hannah says:

    Meanwhile housing rental costs up 120 per cent in 5 years.

    Everyone is poorer.

    immigrant familes taking homes. while the native glaswegian man commits suicide.

    All thanks to Susan Two Seats Aitken.

    She should know that reform came third in many places in Scotland.

    Because of immigration.

    I support Tommy Robinson’s right to protest in Glasgow on immigration I support that important aspect of freedom of speech. He’s for the British. This is a democracy we live in. Let him speak!

  176. David Hannah says:

    No doubt they’d be a massive counter protest in Glasgow as well.

    Glasgow went mental over the whole Kenmure Street protest – where they stopped Priti Patel’s home office from deporting two Muslim men – probably here illegally.

    You’ve messed with the wrong city they said. As Glasgow patted themselves in the back on how progressive, virtuous and outward looking, internationalist and inclusive values. they are.

    And now we’re all getting screwed over with the War in the East – oil and gas inflation – brexit and uncontrolled immigration, to replace native nurses and doctors. Houses for the international nurses.

    bring your granny to university. Bring your granny to study at glasgow caledonian university.

    And no houses for the natives.

    Get them to fuck.

    Tommy. Welcome to Glasgow.

  177. Jack McArthur says:

    @hatuey your namesake knew about different cultures especially when he was being put to the flames.
    link to

    It seems that Christianity has become, what was alluded to in the late period of Egypt, to be an instrument of that which exalts itself and is the “haters of mankind”.

  178. David Hannah says:

    SNP Policy.

    Bring your granny to University. Come and study a fake course in forensic science at Glasgow Caledonian University. Get a free house and end up working in the NHS.

    There’s a scam taking place in Scotland. A massive immigration scam.

    And there’s no jobs for all the nurses starving and using foodbanks.

    No houses for the Glasgow men. But council houses for migrants here working in the health service. How they were allowed in. I’ll never know.

    There’s a scam taking place ladies and gents. People need to look into this massive scale fraud taking place on the Scottish and educational visas system.

    Bring your Granny to university. Glasgow Caledonian. MASSIVE SCALE FRAUD.


  179. Ruby Saturday says:

    link to

    Interesting what Sharon Davies says about doping of East German athletes in the 70s & 80S

    The most shocking thing I read was about Abortion doping. (May not be true but if they were pumping young women full of testosterone then the chances of it being true are high)

    As Karasyova was believed to have told German television in 1994, she and her team mates were forced to become pregnant shortly before the Olympics. Girls that did not have a boyfriend or husband were forced to have sex with their coach. Refusal led to being thrown off the team.

    Hormonal and other changes in pregnancy affect physical performance. In the first three months it is known that a woman’s body produces a natural surplus of red blood cells, which are well supplied with oxygen-carrying hemoglobin, in order to support the growing fetus.[1] Other potential advantages are obtained from the surge in hormones that pregnancy induces, predominantly progesterone and estrogen, but also testosterone, which could increase muscle strength. Increases in hormones like relaxin, which loosens the hip joints to prepare for childbirth, may have a performance-enhancing effect on joint mobility.[1] Peter Larkins, an official of the Australian Sports Medicine Association, opined that the advantages of abortion doping would be “far outweighed by the drawbacks of morning sickness and fatigue” which are common in early pregnancy.

    link to

    Tamara Press, Olympian Whose Feats Raised Questions, Dies at 83
    She won three gold medals in the 1960s but was the focus of speculation about her gender. She retired after pulling out of a track meet that would have required a sex test.

  180. David Hannah says:

    Bring your granny to university. Have a look into forensic science courses at Glasgow Caledonian University.

    Never in a million years have I met so many Nigerian forensic scientist students in all of my life.

    our country is under siege.

  181. Jack McArthur says:

    “British patriot Tommy Robinson isn’t welcome in Glasgow.”

    I remember many years ago finding out who was financing him. The spirit of evil will finance both sides of an argument so long as it controls the narrative. It is now so bad I cannot state explicetely because it will be cancelled.

    Whatever be the case let the honest and the good rise up to defend that good in all our cities

  182. David Hannah says:

    Most migrants are here to work in the NHS.

    All of the Scottish nurses just qualifying are being told this year.

    There are no jobs… As they struggled 37.5 hours a week on bursary for 3 years training full time.

    While inflation shot up. And stopped them from being able to afford rent.

    Disgracefully. NHS Scotland is importing Nigerian nurses on the cheap. To STEAL the jobs from native highly skilled and well trained Scottish nurses – using foodbanks.

    It’s time to rise up and stand up and say Scotland First. Scottish people first for housing.

    Scots. People with British passports. Residency status UK. FIRST over foreign imported workers.

    The scam taking place in Scottish universities. Has be looked into. Massive scale immigration fraud.

    Disrupting our way of life and making us all poorer. How dare they come here then have children. Pop out waynes and then take over, turn our communites into theirs. The entitlement of these migrants is OFF THE SCALE!

  183. David Hannah says:

    Scotland needs a total BAN on council housing being given to migrants.


  184. crazycat says:

    @ sam at 1.27 and moixx at 2.25

    This podcast – link to – explains very well why testosterone levels are a red herring. It’s quite long, but even though I hate boxing and think it should probably be banned altogether*, I found the talk interesting and it didn’t feel long.

    *I am aware of the arguments about lifting young working class men out of poverty, but it’s the only “sport” where the whole point is injuring your opponent.

  185. Cynicus says:

    David Hannah

    3 August, 2024 at 3:04 pm

    “No doubt they’d be a massive counter protest in Glasgow as well.
    Glasgow went mental over the whole Kenmure Street protest – where they stopped Priti Patel’s home office from deporting two Muslim men – probably here illegally.”
    David, they were not Muslims but Sikhs who were wel-regarded in the local community.

    But had they been Muslims or Moonies or whatever, I’m sure they would have been defended.

  186. Republicofscotland says:

    “But if you want to control the borders. Talk about immigration you’re far right.”

    David Hannah.

    I’m not a fan of Tommy Robinson or his thugs, or far right ethics – however Scots need to talk about immigration and how to take control of their own borders back from England – on immigration Scotland is currently being swamped by folk from South of the border – this has to be greatly reduced, if Scots are not to be outnumbered in oor ain country – maybe not today or in ten or twenty-years but it will happen if we don’t ditch this illegal union – and taking control of immigration and our borders is a must.

    As for U flags being welcome in my home town – speak for yourself – their are at least 28,000 of them in Scotland right now – I don’t support a N-e–o Na–tz-i ran regime and that’s what U is right now.

  187. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    ‘HOW SCOTLAND HATES WOMEN’ by Stuart Campbell (31 Aug 2023)

    link to

    As part of the very illuminating article above, Stuart Campbell shared the following alarming info which had been tweeted the previous day by Roddy Dunlop KC (to whom great credit), regarding “aggravation” protocols governing police action and inaction. Note essentially the final paragraph.

    Roddy Dunlop KC wrote (30 Aug 2023):

    “There has been some confusion about prosecutorial decisions of late. What follows is not aimed at any particular case. I know not why some cases are prosecuted and others are not. But the points below are perhaps not widely known.”

    “Police are not obliged to report to the Procurator Fiscal every alleged crime. They have a discretion to issue warnings. However, that does not apply where there is an aggravation. If there is then, in general, the case must be reported to the PF.

    “The PF is not obliged to prosecute every reported crime. Again, there is a discretion. Once more, however, the discretion not to prosecute is removed, or at least tightly circumscribed, where there is an aggravation.

    “An aggravation relates to certain (but not all) characteristics. Thus race is covered. As is religion; and sexual orientation; and gender reassignment. Misogyny, however, is not an aggravation. Likewise, being gender critical may be covered under the Equality Act. But it is not covered by aggravations under the criminal law.

    “Accordingly, neither an assault on a woman for being a woman, or for being a gender critical woman, is an aggravated crime. A report of such could be dealt with by police warning, or not prosecuted by the PF, under the discretions mentioned above.

    “On the other hand, an s.38 (breach of the peace) which involves no assault but which does involve alleged hate crime (ie race, religion, sexual orientation etc – but not misogyny) is aggravated and, in general, must be prosecuted and is not subject to those discretions.

    “What this means is a breach of the peace involving verbal abuse of certain minorities must be prosecuted; but the assault of a woman does not have to be. Whether this is desirable or advisable I leave to others. But it’s where the law stands right now.” 

  188. Ruby Sunday says:

    link to

    This is or Stu or anyone else with a sore throat.

    Don’t go trying to sneak more Ibuprofen or Paracatemol from Superdrug but get these instead. They are only 39p! Buy three.

    They used to be called soluble asprin now they are called Dispersible Aspirin.

    Disolve one or two in water and then gargle with the mixture. It works a treat if you have a sore throat.

    You wont need the expensive Strepsils and you’ll be quids in and able to buy some soothing ice lollies with the money you’ve saved.

  189. Republicofscotland says:

    “British patriot Tommy Robinson isn’t welcome in Glasgow.

    Of course, he’s welcome in Glasgow. I say this as a Scottish nationalist.”

    David Hannah.

    Tommy Robinson – or as he’s also know as – Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is in my opinion working for the English security services – the plan is to stir up hate against ethnic communities using violence and thuggery, its an age old tactic.

    For me Robinson is as welcome in Scotland as Nigel Farage is – basically not welcome at all – Voltaire once said – I may not like what you have to say – but I’ll defend it to the death, your right to say it – or words to that effect, however Robinson and his hoard of thugs preach violence and that is not on.

    Ask yourself this – with all that’s going on in West Asia right now, isn’t it timely that hatred has been whipped against ethic communities – especially ones of a certain denomination.

  190. Oneliner says:


    St Andrew’s University has previous in its links to Deepstate UK

    Apart from being a place of study for mid-intellect Royals, it was the parachute drop zone for lowlife Bob Lambert who was given a lectureship. Lambert is the discredited Met/Special Branch who was instrumental in infiltrating Animal Rights and Anti Nazi League (amongst others). He and his cohort fathered several illegitimate children in the process.

    Also of note is the speed with which Stephen Gethins secured his lecturing post after he was deposed in the 2019 General Election.

  191. Hatuey says:

    Jack McArthur: “your namesake knew about different cultures especially when he was being put to the flames.

    Maybe, but he didn’t know about national cultures because nations — and the word nation as we use it today — didn’t exist. Nation states are really sort of abstract ideas. Yes, we are forced to acknowledge them, they’re the organisational basis of international law and democracies, but they’re really imagined, supernatural entities, much like ghosts and Gods.

    It’s funny that people in here find this troubling but they have no problem in accepting that Britain is an invention, or the US is really just a bit chunk of stolen land, etc., etc. There are countless others.

    Culture makes sense when you narrow the focus and are talking about people with shared experiences, shared language, shared religion, shared roles, and things they have in common. It might work for Pacific Island states, but it falls apart when you are talking about larger countries that have diversity in all those areas.

    If Scotland ever gets to make its case for independence at some sort of International court, we should pray that it is on the basis of our democratic right to self determination as a country rather than our shared national culture. We might disagree on everything else, but even those who are against independence accept that Scotland is a country.

  192. David Hannah says:

    I’ve got nothing wrong with muslims and sikhs, I know many work with many, lovely people with Glasgow accents.

    My problem is with the abuse of the immgration system. my rent is £715 a month mid market, used to be £360 private let until private lets shot up. by 100 per cent. Average cost of rent in Glasgow Maryhill, look at it now £900 for maryhill road.

    I then go to work. And talk with all of these migrants. I’ve just arrived.

    I’ve just arrived here.

    “Anything’s better than private let” “anything’s better than private.”

    “I’m getting council housing.”

    You’ve just fucking arrived. You weren’t born in this fucking country.

    But you’re a woman, you’re migrant. You get fucking priority over the fucking men

    it’s a fucking disgrace.

  193. Dan says:

    Ach, heavy rain shower stopped fruit-picking work but not before another bush and 1.5 kilos of berries have been picked.

    Ruby Saturday says: at 2:18 pm

    Why the reluctance to take part in a discussion about genderpish and defend yourself in the sex wars?

    Because discussion about genderwoowoo has been done to death, and it’s my view, as I stated years ago, that due to the emotive nature of the subject it is being used to divide and distract folk from having serious discussions about other matters. Clearly over the passage of time it has proven to be having that effect.
    That’s not to diminish the impact it is having on society, but in these tough economic times it is my opinion that more people are concerned and prioritising their time and energy on trying to keep a roof over their family’s head and food on the table.
    And just maybe a little more discussion on how these matters could be dealt with would be more helpful to the overall cause of returning Scotland to self-governing status, than the almost monotropic focus on genderwoowoo.

    I’m also unaware of the need to defend myself of any accusation in the sex wars.

    @ crazycat

    At least in conventional boxing they wear padded gloves and at amateur level they wear helmets as well to protect and dissipate the forces of impacts.
    I suppose you could class it as a variation of boxing but there are other “sports” with far greater chances of inflicting injuries on an opponent. Cage fighting is brutal, and women compete in that. I understand there have been transgenders entering too with Fallon Fox and Alana McLaughlin.

  194. David Hannah says:

    This country treats the men like human filth.

    We’re treated like shit. We’re an afterthought.

    Survival of the fittest.

    Try not to commit suicide. While the fucking migrants come in and take your opportunities away.

    They are taking everything from us. I include European migrants. Every last one of them.

    We need ZERO migration. NET ZERO. until we build more houses. Bring housing costs down. Rental costs down.

    our scumbag politicians need to to build houses for single men.

    Affordable houses for single men. So that they can meet people. And live their lives.

    Instead we’ve got nigerian plantations on the clyde. With safe acccess housing lists for international nurses. And Bring your granny to university.

    Houses not available for glaswegian men. I’ve had enough.

  195. John says:

    Both my Papa’s fought fascist cunts.
    Too many do not even know what fascist is.
    They are not all stupid but rely on the stupid

  196. sam says:


    Thanks very much. As I listened to it I realised I had already seen/heard that explanation. Just forgot.

    It might take Court action to stop this.

  197. David Hannah says:

    Everywhere you look in Glasgow.

    The SNP philosophy. Bring your granny to university. And the Nigerian plantation of your community.

    How dare they.

    These people are not the migrants our country wants or needs!

    This is what is happening. People need to wake up. They are fracturing our society. They are driving up house prices. They are taking jobs from Scottish nurses. They are taking homes that Glaswegian men are not allowed to apply for.

    They are taking our time. Our precious time in our lives. While we wait. At the bottom of the queue for something more affordable.

    But Nigeria can come here. They can fucking just walk right on in. With their children. And take over.

    This is a disgrace. Look at the bus stops. Look at your communities. Turning African. Middle Eastern.

    Catholics and protestants of Glasgow. Unite over this. Rangers and Celtic unite. This land is your land. This land was made for you and me.

    We need to put ourselves first. We do. Otherwise you’ll be dead before you know it! That’s what’s happening. WAKE UP!

  198. sam says:

    Thanks Oneliner. Didn’t know about Lambert. He’s away and is now an “independent academic” whatever that is

  199. David Hannah says:

    Suichehall Street is a war zone.

    Taken over, by the Deliveroo drivers and loitering migrant men – the illegal kind that is. The boat crossers form the third world.

    Not the legal migrant type or even refugee type. The asylum seeker, boat crossing illegals – undocumented of course. But put up in hotels at the cost of £15 million a day.

    Courtesy of the British Tax payer.

    Their bikes have massive wheels. They snatch phones. They oggle the young girls. I went along to Transmit. I saw hundreds of migrants oggling the girls going to the music festival. These men have never seen women like this before. Women allowed to be free in the west.

    This is what’s happening. In Susan 2 seats Aitken’s glasgow City council. She’s destroyed Suichehall street so no one goes there.

    Where once our city was full of beautiful nightlife. It’s been replaced by migrant central.

    They’ve destroyed our country. And destroyed our way of life. Our clubs. Our bars. Our pubs.

    And we’re to blame. Us men. Us native men are to blame.

    The fightback begins now. Over the next 5 years. The labour government have 5 years to start listening to the native men. Or Nigel Farage ends up as Prime Minister!

  200. John says:

    Wonderful how some folk see the cake taken off the plate by the laird and are then warned and armed against those after the crumbs and their plate .
    Me ? Sorry. Am one lucky old bastard.

    OP. Only ever raised hands in self defence against a woman as I consider them weaker. As a wee guy the size of an average woman, I would Gould go for a straight jab to the nose then a cunt kick .

  201. Alf Baird says:

    Hatuey @ 4:24 pm

    “Culture makes sense”

    Indeed it does. You will find our national culture in oor national consciousness, tho that would perhaps be much easier if you were Scots. Which maybe explains why you are unable to locate our culture – for it is not in you.

    As Frantz Fanon wrote:

    “If culture is the expression of national consciousness, I will not hesitate to affirm that in the case with which we are dealing (i.e. the decolonization struggle) it is the national consciousness which is the most elaborate form of culture.”

    Hence without our national consciousness there can be no national independence movement, and without a national culture there can be no national consciousness.

  202. crazycat says:

    @ Dan at 4.39

    I’m so old and so uninterested in sport that I’d forgotten about cage fighting and the like (they didn’t “exist” when I was vaguely paying attention). Now that you mention it, I remember that there have been some pretty serious issues with pseudo-women.

    Good luck with the blackcurrants; I had a bumper crop this year.

  203. John Foerster says:

    on this particular occasion, I am a bit disappointed at the lack of rigorous research on the part of WoS.
    to begin with: I share the sentiment of being absolutely appalled and shocked at what looks obviously as male fighting a female.

    however, on this particular occasion, evidently the ‘maleness’ of the athlete is NOT down to being a xy-born transgender but rather due to a rare biochemical condition whereby male hormonal signalling is heightened. The end result is the same (as amply visible in the picture). However, the consequences should be to introduce more sophisticated testing.

    any ‘normal transgender’ male athelete would have been detected as xy-carrier on karyogram. This athlete evidently has a perfectly female xx karyogram.

    sometimes – annoyingly- things are complex

  204. crazycat says:

    @ John Foerster at 5.44

    any ‘normal transgender’ male athlete would have been detected as xy-carrier on karyogram. This athlete evidently has a perfectly female xx karyogram.

    The IOC person muddled up transgender and DSD; a correction was then issued. The IBA person said both boxers have XY chromosomes.

    So it isn’t “evident” that the boxer has “a perfectly normal XX karyogram” – we don’t know, because the details of the tests that led to disqualification last year are, quite rightly, confidential.

    If you listen to the podcast I linked above (link to ) the alternatives are all thoroughly discussed by people who, unlike the IOC bod, know what they’re talking about.

  205. Jack McArthur says:

    “Nation states are really sort of abstract ideas. Yes, we are forced to acknowledge them, they’re the organisational basis of international law and democracies, but they’re really imagined, supernatural entities, much like ghosts and Gods.”

    The first “great nation” state according to many reliable sources was Ancient Egypt and it lasted longer than anything that came after. Abstractions can have beneficial forms and though I am not a nationalist in the sense of this forum (Scotland is ruined totally with no way back – I voted for independence in 2014).

    Borders can be a firewall against hostile infiltration by hostile forces who only wish to loot and destroy. Borders can protect a people of shared values in the broad brushstrokes, no matter their skin colour, or their accents.

    The Taino were described in the most glowing terms by Colombus as being goodest of all people that could ever be imagined but that did no trump the lust for gold that was done in the name of Jesus of Mary (albeit his diaries reveal what another well known Hebrew describes as being pretend Christian i.e. he was a Hebrew) and so soon their hands had to be cut off if the monthly thimble of gold was not delivered to them by their now slave masters (Dum Diversas gave divine authority for their subjugation and enslavement).

  206. McDuff says:

    Re the riots
    So according to the BBC and Sky these riots are happening “ across the Uk” so naturally Scotland and Wales have to be involved despite the fact they are not.

  207. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Republicofscotland 3:42

    Of course you don’t support U.

    They’re fighting for their survival against an invading, rapacious, militarist, imperial regime, which is under the control of a neo-Tsarist, murderous dictator you have the hots for.

    And they’re holding their own too. Two and a half years and they still haven’t caved. How ineffectual and pathetic so-called Scottish patriots like yourself look when measured against that yardstick.

    An old saying comes to mind – you’re not fit to lick their boots.

    Oh and BTW. My country’s name is written as “Scotland”. You insult me and my country every time you post your ignorant twaddle. You insult every Scot.

    Alert readers will be asking why you persist with this insult. Myself, I have already worked it out.

  208. Dan says:

    Alert readers may also be pondering why Hatey Mc”Hypocrisy”Hateface isn’t so bothered aboot lothianlad and P4lastine…

  209. James says:

    GasMain 6.23pm;

    Alert readers scroll past you ya numpty.

    Away back to your Daily Mail. Clown.

  210. Ruby Saturday says:


    Because discussion about genderwoowoo has been done to death, and it’s my view, as I stated years ago, that due to the emotive nature of the subject it is being used to divide and distract folk from having serious discussions about other matters. Clearly over the passage of time it has proven to be having that effect.

    But it hasn’t Dan. I don’t know if you have noticed or not but this article is about what you describe as ‘genderpish’.

    Is the reluctance to talk about ‘gender’ issues here BTL on Wings due to it being seen as a woman’s issue. Something for women to sort out?

    I’m accusing you of being sexist. Not just sexist but manipulative & bullying.

    See the last paragraph of:

    link to

    There you go! There’s something for you to defend yourself against in ‘the sex wars’

    Folk can post about whatever topic they like and if some ‘women’ posting about ‘women’s issues’ distracts you or anyone else from the ‘important topic’ of ‘the price of mince’ or how to cut down on the cost of groceries by growing your own carrots then the topic can’t be all that important or interesting.

    Same applies to the topic of independence/the franchise which are in fact topics that have absolutely been done to death.

    A discussion which is going nowhere. It’s all just the same stuff being repeated over and over and over again. But hey it’s men who are talking so it must be important.

  211. Hatey McHateface says:

    Some fascinating details being published in the MSM over the infiltration by Moss@d into Ir@n that lead to the recent death of the Humous boy.

    I can see that Wings BTL is still largely wedded to the “Scotland as cuddliest, friendliest, wee country in the world” trope, but still, I can’t help wondering if the majority of “normal” Scots wouldn’t rally round a leader who decided that “Wha daur meddle wi me?” would garner more support.

    It certainly works for me. Right now though, the muscular defenders of their unique cultures, identities, nations and languages continue to be labelled as fascists, nartsies and zoinists on here, so I guess we’re going nowhere.

  212. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Dan 6:42

    The long suffering P@lestinians are reaping the rewards of supinely throwing in their lot with a bunch of cynical, manipulative, exploitative, lying, self-serving, yellow bastards as leaders.

    It’s the only parallel between the P@lestinians and the Scots I’m prepared to acknowledge.

    As it happens though, the solution for both nations is the same. Wise up, grow a pair, and organise yourselves to be lead by politicians and leaders who will accept the world as it is, not as they want it to be in their deranged heids. In both cases, the long term outcomes will be better for everyone who isn’t a part of the ruling elites.

    Anyway, I’ve made the mistake of debating with you in good faith before – I won’t be repeating it. You have Ruby Eight Days A Week to occupy your Saturday night. Good luck with that.

    Just between us though, you might be better off working on the “conversion therapy” you posted about a few weeks ago. But don’t tell anybody I said that!

  213. Dan says:

    @ Ruby

    What’s sexist about role reversals to right historic patriarchy wrongs. Are you now saying you don’t want equality of the sexes and blokes to takes on what were traditional female task / roles, whilst females take on what were traditional male tasks / roles.
    I’d have been bang up for spending my time at home cooking, baking, gardening, raising kids, and my partner could have gone to work offshore for weeks on end to cover the mortgage and do all the hard physical work to keep the house and cars maintained. But that’s not how it panned out for me.

    The discussion below this article has effectively been covered multiple times over many years with higher quality btl discourse by contributors like Morag educating us on the biological details relating to chromosome and genetic disorders. A simple search will find threads discussing Caster Semenya’s condition.
    And that was all done without the divisive battle of the sexes you seem committed and determined to foment.

    I suppose I could equally say your continued attempts to misrepresent what I’ve said or goad for a reaction are bullying, but I really don’t care because the more you attempt to agitate the more obvious your MO becomes.

  214. Hatey McHateface says:

    MSM reporting the sinking of a submarine in the Black Sea.

    MSM reporting that local authorities have declared a state of emergency around an air base targeted in retaliation for recent attacks on sovereign U territory.

    Scottish patriots will be celebrating in solidarity with our Eastern European brothers and sisters tonight.

  215. Geri says:


    Away & crawl back under yer rock.

    An illegal invader doesn’t get to start crying it was defending itself. They’ve absolutely zero right to be there in the first place as just confirmed by the international court of Justice.

    They’re also a recognised state by over 145 countries – that’s 75% vote at the UN – denied & blocked by one fuckwit country & it’s attack dogs & they’ve just assassinated the Palestinian chief negotiator. The US & I is out of control. Attacking ppl on others sovereign soil is an act of war. They don’t also get to cry when it bites back.

    The ICJ ruled all states stop trading with I so sir kid starver is breaking international law too by supplying support & is now complicit in war crimes.

    Yet here you are, ya democracy denying prick, suggesting they should fucking try harder & despite international law on their side & going through lawful channels are told by you to man up & grow a pair…fuck off.

  216. Ruby Saturday says:

    3 August, 2024 at 7:55 pm

    @ Ruby

    What’s sexist about role reversals to right historic patriarchy wrongs. Are you now saying you don’t want equality of the sexes and blokes to takes on what were traditional female task / roles, whilst females take on what were traditional male tasks / roles.

    With the exception of a woman carrying & giving birth to children I didn’t know there were male & female roles obviously you did.

    The problem we have now is men wanting to take on all female roles/jobs/spaces breast feeding and giving birth.
    Obviously as womb transplants haven’t been fully developed yet currently men have to rent a womb.

    The elimination of women is something that concerns me a lot unlike yourself who finds it all very boring.

    I would suggest you just carry on posting about, carrots, raspberries & beavers and just ignore my posts and I’ll ignore yours.

    Obviously there is plenty of much better quality information available about carrots, raspberries & beavers than you are offering.

    I hope my transphobic language doesn’t offend you. I haven’t a clue what the trans is for breastfeeding , womb & similar terms.

    Too bad for you that the comments are not on the topic you want and are of such poor quality.

  217. Republicofscotland says:

    “And they’re holding their own too. Two and a half years and they still haven’t caved”

    The above would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic, they are on the verge of collapse – and they would’ve collapsed long ago if N-at-o wasn’t funding them financially – now with Stolen RF assets but also weapons from anywhere and everywhere.

    The RF – are taking on N-a-to’s forces and holding their own even making gains and the world is watching – the vile regime in U will rue the day they allowed their country to be couped by Great -Sa-tan and its obedient minions – to allow nukes to placed just three-minutes travelling time from Mo-s-cow.

  218. Ruby Saturday says:

    I am not interested in a battle of the sexes. TBH I thought that was all done and dusted but obviously I was very very wrong.

    I do not want to do battle with all men (most of them are fine) I’m just interested in giving the sexist, misogynistic fuck-pigs a hard time.

  219. Towbar Sullivan says:

    And now Starmer is going on holidays.
    Scotland, enough of this disaster that is the UK. Just declare Indy and be done with it!
    LOL, I’m only joking. There’s no way the Scottish gov would ever do that. And maybe they are right if there’s no majority for Indy.|

    But then you have to ask how there could still be a majority for staying in this dysfunctional ‘union’

  220. Geri says:


    If you don’t like the fascist tag then don’t act like one. Simples.
    It’s clear to everyone but you that your type suffers a mental disorder. It wouldn’t matter what a nation did for its right to self determination – you roasters just move the goalposts & ignore international laws.

    & Rs intention was never to obliterate but to negotiate as evidenced by the repeated peace deals & endless televised statements.

    While eejits like you cheerlead the UK & EU supplying weapons – the bigger picture is it’s draining their own stash with no means to replace it anytime soon LOL. NATO drained & it’s forever secret personnel now pushing up daisies. I wouldn’t call that a win. That’s just sheer stupidity, ya rocket.

  221. Shug says:

    Well england seems to be on fire

    Any protests in Scotland

  222. Shug says:

    Just catching up

    I dont think nationalists should go to the protest next week. Let the unionists have their day so we can really see them for what they are.

    If nationalists attend the BBC will say they started it. Certainly the facts never stopped the bbc in the past.

  223. Shug says:

    Wonder if Stamer will have the balls to arrest Tice and Farage

  224. Republicofscotland says:

    “MSM reporting the sinking of a submarine in the Black Sea.”

    Has the same MSM – also reported that UK subs were built using RF software in 2020? – it only came to light in 2021 – and a MoD investigation took place in 2022.

    You being a big fan of these evil animals will probably applaud this.

    Estonia unveils a monument to the two-men below – Estonian officials and military men stood silent and still – as they unveiled the large granite monument to these two-men , in the town of Johvi.

    Major Georg Sooden and Lieutenant Raul Juriado, who served in the 20th Estonian S-S Volunteer Division. Both fought with the German Na-tz-is in WWII.

  225. Dan says:

    @ Ruby

    I see you’re being incredibly selective about stating what I post about. And of course to suit your agenda you’ve naturally failed to include plenty of the other more “serious” range of stuff I’ve commented on.

    You and other posters that appear to be female had next to nothing to say about the difficulties a pro-indy gender critical and long term winger female was experiencing during her election campaign.
    You’re on here pretty much everyday posting multiple times about the issues women are having with all this genderwoowoo bullshit, yet when it comes to showing solidarity and supporting a woman / women that actually made the huge commitment to stand for election to try to begin to right the wrong you complain about, you were silent…
    Instead you spent time trying to stoke division of the sexes btl.

    Pretty sure a search will show I haven’t mentioned carrots and raspberries this year in any protracted way, coffee machines might get quite a few hits but that someone else isn’t it…
    But aye, I’ll throw in a bit of variation in what I post about, but that’s to highlight other Scottish issues.
    EG. The ongoing exploitation of energy generated in Scotland’s geographic area.
    The ridiculous greenwashing policy of the rollout of ASHP and Solar PV which are generally totally unsuitable for Scotland’s climate in winter.
    The protracted watercourse pollution issue caused by unofficially released beavers undermining the village sewer pipe foundation causing it to fail resulting in the pumping of 10s of thousands of gallons of untreated effluent into the wrong watercourse for weeks on end because of the farcical way it was dealt with.
    I could have done a bear patrol walk like Stu does and just posted a load of pictures of a polluted toxic water mess with dead birds including a swan and dead frogs, but such is the level of concern Scots have for our country very few give a flying fuck about that sort of stuff.
    More recently there was also critiquing the situation where yet another new political Party has formed in Scotland and how that would actually work alongside existing Parties.
    Earlier this evening there was even mention of the two transgender cage fighters competing in the women competition.

    So just get to fuck with your continual highly selective and tedious attempts to misrepresent me.
    I’m aware enough to understand this ongoing btl crap does this site and the cause of returning Scotland to self-governance no favours, so quite happy to have zero future interaction with you.

  226. Geri says:


    “Major Georg Sooden and Lieutenant Raul Juriado, who served in the 20th Estonian S-S Volunteer Division. Both fought with the German Na-tz-is in WWII.”

    Aye – Any port in a storm. They’re absolutely shameless. It’ll match the ones all over U where Bandera is a hero & they’ve wasted $millions on renaming streets, squares & erecting statues to honor him & his Nazi collaborators since the American lead coup & all while begging the EU & USA for weapons & cash who scoff at P saying he is denazify U & calling him a liar. The evidence is all over the internet.

    In every other country this would be a crime but there they are supporting & funding that shit including Yahoo, the biggest faker of them all who is currently re-enacting the whole Nazi shit show of exterminating an entire people while the EU cheerleads itself to extinction.

    There’ll be no going back from this – public sympathy is now lost & the UN will be overhauled. What an embarrassment the UK was at the emergency security council meeting the other day, in complete defiance of what’s going on, it followed orders from its master with the “right to defend themselves” pish that no one is buying anymore. An invader doesn’t get to play that card.

  227. Geri says:

    Dan – I’m interested in your posts & what you have to say. Fruits, beaver, shit or otherwise.

    Ruby voted Labour if I remember correctly? The very ones who introduced this TRA bullshit in the first place.

    Neale Hanvey was an outspoken member of parliament too & gender critical, not just in parliament, on social media but also raising awareness through interviews & supporting Billboard Chris & Gay mens Network regards parliamentary bills on conversion therapy etc but he faired no better either by Ruby who accused him of things he didn’t say during his election campaign or that he didn’t do enough to overthrow the entire 2004 EA all on his own.

  228. Derek says:

    O/T – from Yahoo

    “Violent clashes as unrest spreads to cities across the UK”

    To the best of my knowledge, unrest hasn’t spread to anywhere outside of England yet…

  229. Cynicus says:

    Ignored says:
    4 August, 2024 at 1:48 am
    O/T – from Yahoo

    “Violent clashes as unrest spreads to cities across the UK”

    To the best of my knowledge, unrest hasn’t spread to anywhere outside of England yet…
    Is Belfast in England?

  230. Ruby Sunday says:

    ‘Geri the Cock of the Walk’ has posted a list of my misdemeanours.

    Do I need to explain to ‘her’ why I voted Labour and why it’s necessary to get shot of the GRA 2004.

    Oh Dan I’m interested in everything you post I’m a good little handmaiden. That Ruby is a Terf

    Fuckin’ ("Tractor" - Ed)ous handmaidens are even worse and more dense than the SMPs

    SMP that stands for Sexist Misogynistic Pig and not Scottish MPs although it could be hard to tell the difference.

    Let’s move on to Dan to see how awful he thinks I am.

  231. Sven says:

    Dan @ 00.14.

    I hope you’ll continue to post your observations and thoughts as you have been doing, Dan. Like, I believe, others, I find them interesting and informative, as well as stimulating my old mind into considerations which would otherwise never have occurred to me.

  232. Sven says:

    Geri @ 22.04.

    I appreciate that I’m always in danger of stumbling too far into one of my conspiracy theory rabbit holes and falling down, however I’ve long thought that many countries quite like the policy of being involved in major armed conflicts periodically. Affording them the opportunity to empty the arms locker of all the outdated kit they’d like to update and replace anyway with the attendant financial benefits to their own arms and weapons producers.
    The present conflict in the eastern european country we do not name is allowing the major players to practise tactics, keep their military focused and dispose of a shedload of near its sell by date military hardware.
    What’s the betting that at a suitable date in the relatively near future some form of “peace” arrangement is brokered and then it’ll be boom time for the ordinance manufacturers.
    The U country has now just become a training ground for the big players to try out their toys, and who really cares about the homeless, dispossessed, maimed, disabled and slain left lying around after the game finishes and everyone toddles off home. Certainly not the governments of east or west.

  233. Ruby Sunday says:

    Oh yeah Dan thinks I’m pretty awful! It’s the Nespresso reviews wot done it!

    I see Dan wants to post about Scottish matters.

    I don’t think ‘his little handmaiden Geri the Cock of the Walk’ will be getting much support from Dan as Scottish matters is not something ‘she’ likes to post about.

    Aye Dan maybe try including some visuals of dead swans & frogs taken when you are out on ‘bear patrol’

    Visuals are always good! That might do the trick and get us to wake the fuck up and realise this country is absolutely fucked!

    Unfortunately we are also fucked and all that’s left for us to do is join Tommy Robinson & riot.

    I blame the Covid injections! The entire country has been injected with a substance that has caused us all to go bonkers! Hautey is still going along for his injections but they aren’t calling it ‘Covid injections’ anymore it’s called RSV vaccine now.
    RSV=Respiratory syncytial virus

    Could be time for a wee Nespresso. It’s ‘Il Caffe’ again this morning. I like a good traditional coffee none of this ‘Pumpkin Spiced Latte’ for me. I like a coffee to be a coffee and not a dessert in a cup.

    More on Nespresso later especially on the price of Nespresso compared to the cost of a coffee in Starbucks.

    That will come under the heating of ‘Concerns about the cost of living in Scotland’

  234. Ruby Sunday says:

    Sven is supporting poor wee Dan.

    Sven has never liked me I knew that. I’m guessing Dan will be getting a lot of support he’s a hero!

    I on the other hand will be sent to the naughty step!

  235. Ruby Sunday says:

    Fuckin’ (“Tractor” – Ed)ous handmaidens are even worse and more dense than the SMPs

    Look at what Stu did to my post! 🙂

    Actually it isn’t Stu that is doing all these things. Stu has an assistant who does all the nuking & moderating I believe he calls her ‘Kezia Kelly’.

    I just made that up! If he doesn’t have a name for her I would suggest ‘Kezia Kelly’ would be the ideal name.

    I’ve used the pronoun her cos QFMD I haven’t a clue what robots pronouns actually are.

  236. Alf Baird says:

    Shug @ 10:09 pm

    “Well england seems to be on fire”

    That would seem the ideal time for any remaining colonies to wave cheerio to the Brutish cultural illusion.

    Swinney playing the fiddle while Rome burns.

  237. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Sven . Excellent post/s

    ” What’s the betting that at a suitable date in the relatively near future some form of “peace” arrangement is brokered and then it’ll be boom time for the ordinance manufacturers.
    The U country has now just become a training ground for the big players to try out their toys, and who really cares about the homeless, dispossessed, maimed, disabled and slain left lying around after the game finishes and everyone toddles off home. Certainly not the governments of east or west. ”

    I reckon that’s a safe bet , Sven .

    The despicable swine in the U.S State Dept & their Servant/Masters in the M.I.C are hoping to be able to continue the bloodshed until the U.S Elections in November . To be seen to be pulling-out now would – in their opinion – not ” play well ” for the current incumbent collection of bought-and-paid-for identikit Corporate arse-kissers .

    There is a palpable sense those currently in power – overtly and covertly – in the U.S , recognising their insane plan to effect regime change in R has failed – spectacularly – and incapable of admitting THEIR defeat to the public , will be relieved if Trump wins , thereby shifting the blame for the catastrophic decision to use U as the puppet/pretext to enact their real strategy , ie regime change in R , on Trump/Republican Party .

    This * could * be the reason why the Deep State has dragged the reluctant-to-leave bumbling former useful idiot Biden off the stage and replaced him with the babbling , manifestly fckn moronic useLESS idiot Harris – because they believe/*know * she has no chance of beating El Trumpeto .

    Whichever of the two * products * gains Market Dominance in November , their manufacturers will be confident their investments are guaranteed to return outstanding profits for the foreseeable .

  238. TURABDIN says:

    Which of the two current combatants in east Europe would be more inclined to support Scottish independence?
    The one receiving billions from western powers or the other one being economically sanctioned by those same powers?
    Scotland, by the way, was a sovereign state centuries before one of them even had a name.

  239. Sven says:

    Robert Hughes @ 08.36.

    My mistake, Robert, the November US elections had completely slipped my mind. I believe you’re correct in factoring them into the equation.
    Perhaps (sheer speculation on my part) the Christmas period would provide a suitable, sentimental occasion to demonstrate the essential “humanity” of the major players and allow for an extension of a temporary ceasefire into a negotiated settlement.

  240. Geri says:


    Yes, you’re correct. That’s what they’ve been doing. The $60 billion aid package to U sounded too good to be true & it was – over half was to go to their own military complex & job creation scheme & the rest was for outdated junk they wanted to offload.

    The trouble the EU has in store is they no longer manufacture in any great quantity & it’s American owned anyway. Germany offered & was shot down immediately & told to sit & be quiet. Like the current energy situation, the EU will now find itself having to buy at extortionate rates from America to restock & replace.

    A lesson on how they should never have listened to America to dump industry but should’ve stuck to the tried & true method of being self sufficient & diversify in peace times. Their own security should’ve remained a priority.

    Poland did but they were ordered to give it to U & like fools they handed it over.

  241. TURABDIN says:

    BRITAIN & UK used in media refs to events in Southport, Leeds, Sunderland, London etc
    In England’s «shame» we are all in it together in «lacrymosity».
    That’s the beauty of UK, share and share alike, especially during the season of slow news desperation.
    Tears like delayed train apologies eventually do pall.
    But keep passing the buck and kicking that rusty can.

  242. Geri says:


    The East. They’re all too familiar with colonisers stripping countries of their wealth, resources & overthrowing governments.

  243. Ruby Sunday says:

    What the actual fuck are they talking about?

    Come back Dan all is forgiven I have decided I’m pretty interested in your Scottish raspberries, Scottish carrots & New Scottish beavers.

  244. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Sven

    Yes , that , ie a Christmas * ceasefire * ( a euphemism for * admitting * defeat ) is a fairly plausible scenario .

    Another possible narrative – if something like the above occurs – is the same one elements of the U.S War Industry used after the they got chased out of Vietnam …..” if only we’d been allowed more time/weaponry ( even the , illegal , use of Agent Orange never done the trick , only leaving a legacy of malformed human births ) * we * would have kicked ” Charlie’s ” ass ” .

    Aye , maybe ” Charlie don’t surf ” , but ” Charlie ” withstood years of – first French , subsequently – U.S attrition and ultimately succeeded in driving the foreign imperialists from their country . Apocalypse ? Not Now , maybe Later .


    Good point . We both know the answer to that ” riddle ” , but I doubt it will register with the Blue n Yellow knickers-wavers sufficiently to stop them persisting in their delusion/propaganda .

  245. James Che says:

    Equal rights is about “humans” being treated e same in Society and under the law as equal.

    You employment is not what determines you sex, but the pay grade should be the same for men and women doing the same job.

    As a women I have worked both in what would be considered a category of mens employment and a women’s category of employment.
    The only difference is that I was paid reduced wages in my pay packet for doing exactly the same job, and the same hours in the same week, each year every year.

    Dan, I usually agree with you on many issues, but not on your views on women,
    Women were one of the main food supplies working the farmins doing heavy work during WW11.
    The were out in all weathers not only feeding Britain but supplying food for the Soldiers, men, hospitals, schools etc,

    They seldom get a mention in the mans world of war and yet were the back bone of the survival for every solder,
    The were bombed, abused, poorly paid, and sexually assaulted and never got a army pension for it,

    My grandmother sufferec horrendious injuries from working in the amunitions factories, with no acknowledgement after the war, no medical care afterwards and no pension.

    My mother physically worked in the Royal artillary in WW11, and later became a Secretary in the medical core. She got a army pension,

    Equality of a human beings is not just about men- women as you narrowly put it,
    It is about being treated equally as a human being, regardless of sex, or employment or who is in Charge of any household duties,
    Women never even used to have the right to own property in their own name to grow a a bloody carrot or potato until the late 1800s unless the were rich women,
    And only rich women had the right to vote at first,
    And why did women have to be attached to a financial or land dowery before men would consider if they were worthy of marrying, while men did not need to be attached to a dowery of land or money.
    This dark ages concept and backward mentality needs to advance of how one human being should be treated compared to another in a lesser degree.
    Each provides and contributes to a shared Community Socially to both to work equally together to
    Prove a well balanced next generation of human beings.

    A third or mulitiple gender disphoria is appearing today as a result of confused unequal bad, unfair parenting system from government favouring one side of sex for centuaries whom do not see humans beings as equal in the eyes of policies and laws,
    Then that very gender trans dyshoria, (which are mainly men with penises dressing up ) that has come down through eons now thinks it is alright to be stealing any protective rights women have gained, because they are well aware that the governments and laws in Britain have always favoured to protect protect them better than the women whom they abusing.
    Back to the dark ages with lack of inequality of human being were female children can be used and abused by old men, where the other half of the population of human beings are viewed as a inanimate objects for males, not worthy of equal pay, not worthy of being entitled to land, to pensions, or to have a opinion or the right to vote in elections,

    Because that is what you in a roundabout way are implying when you suggest your particular thoughts out loud here.
    A better balance of thought is imperitave for all the human race to survive equally into the future,
    We cannot let personal relationships that may have failed or not as the case may blindly lead us to the annalilation and influence of the end of family communities,
    I personally may have had a dodgy marriage at one time but I also have four brothers That have had similar issues,
    In retrospect it usually stems from expectations and preconceived ideology we are taught from early on on what a relationship should be. And what the role category we place each other in that relationship in, just by conformity, that is mistake, the government do not make good marriage guidance councillors.
    They don’t make good parents, and they are appalingly hopeless acting as a nanny state.

    Men and women need to grow up, their creator gave them a brain for a reason, to grow and learn that one day they will are no longer children. That a relationship between men and women is not a contest nor is it about forcefully trying to impose ones own personality to convert the characteristics of others personality to be a copy of ones own.
    That is what the transition groups are impersonation, to make only one role, one character personality out of two.

  246. Geri says:

    I don’t believe U will have the men to last until November. Unless the Americans demand to start pouring in other people’s.

    I’d disagree the East don’t care. P clearly stated he does in the Tucker Carlson interview in why he didn’t just go in heavy handed in the first place. He explained he wanted peace negotiations & they’re his neighbours. He went in to show he was serious about NATO cause they’ve continually tested his patience since 2014 & they’d accept negotiations, & they were until Bojo stuck his nebb in.

    What sickens me is the Americans on TV congratulate themselves it’s not their men that’s dying & they’ll have $trillions in the bank when they’ll have their paws on all of Us natural resources. As Alf has often told us, colonisers are racists & care not for different factions arguing against each other but actively encourage it. They don’t care for other people. U or R. They’re all pesky *Orcs* to them & the more they kill each other the less they have to.

  247. Ruby Sunday says:

    Bravo Mrs Che!

    You are my kind of person.

  248. Hatey McHateface says:

    Woo hoo – 2 demands for me to fuck off!

    Truly, they don’t like it up em.

    Here’s a wee answer for TURABDIN:

    Which of the two current combatants in east Europe would be more inclined to support Scottish independence?

    That’s a no-brainer, TURABDIN. The free, independent, sovereign nation, desperately fighting to preserve its freedom, independence, sovereignty, culture, language, etc. against its aggressive, imperialist, rapacious next door neighbour will, of course, feel empathy for a Scotland that is in the same general situation, even if Scotland is in one or even two magnitudes less extremity.

    Don’t let the ignoramuses polluting Wings BTL muddy the waters. They speak for nobody other than a twisted, pathetic cadre of Poot licking hankerers after the murderous decades of Stalin’s “glorious rule”. They want the Gulags back, and they see themselves as one of the gun-toting guards, so they can take it out on those rational Scots who have been mocking them for ever.

    Heck, some of them are so ignorant they can’t even spell “Scotland”!

    Bottom line though, there’s something about a brave, wee country fighting for its survival that raises an atavistic urge in them to stamp it down into the ground.

    That they should be forever posting on here is the stuff of Masters degree theses as yet unwritten.

    Or I am over thinking it. They are here simply to ensure the coffin bearing Scottish Indy remains tightly shut by hammering in extra nails ad infinitum. That explanation at least satisfies Occam’s Razor.

  249. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Geri and the PootLickers 4 August, 2024 at 10:20 am

    I don’t believe U will have the men to last until November

    That gives you a few months to prepare your apologies.

    Unlike your other prediction of a few weeks back that the “F16’s will never get off the ground”.

    Your apology for that mince spout is nearly due, so make sure you have it ready.

    And make fucking sure it’s a good one too.

  250. Geri says:


    Don’t you have a bus to catch? You’re real country needs you.

  251. Ruby Sunday says:

    Poot licking hankerers?

    Is there a typo or maybe two in that phrase?

    Can you explain to us wot don’t know what the actual fuck you are all talking about the difference between ‘Poot licking’ and Poot fluffing.

    How about ‘why don’t you fuck the fuck right off and then fuck off again until you have fuckin fucked the fuck right fuckin off’

    Would that make a difference? Any views on the equality of the sexes?

    Who can’t spell Scotland? Is it your big pal D? Can you blame him for spelling it Scatland the poor guy didn’t get past the phonetics stage of spelling. I’m assuming phonetics means you spell everything phonetically.

    I met a German female who thought Hugh was pronounced Huff. Could you blame her if she though it was enouff! ruff and tuff!

  252. Republicofscotland says:

    Something’s afoot.

    I is in talks with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, and Bahrain to coordinate a defense strategy against an anticipated attack from Ir-n.


    Streams of IL-96 cargo planes detected flying from the RF to Ir-n raising suspicions of a massive transfer of heavy military equipment between the two nations – including reports Ir-n has deployed RF’s most powerful EW jamming communication system, Murmansk-BN, at strategic locations.

  253. willie says:

    Just breezed in to see what’s happening on WOS but suspect that the Rev and the scribbler have taken a small break. Well Rev Stu is certainly due it.

    On a more serious note it looks like the middle east is heading for a slaughter fest. Israel want’s war, God is on their side, and they are lashing out with no curtailment what so ever as to who and where they attack.

    And Yankee Tank is sending a huge contingent of ships, planes, weaponry and military personnel to deploy on behalf of the Israeli’s.

    Already the UK, Canada, Australia and the US have warned their citizens to get out of Lebanon at whatever cost as they will not be able to rescue them later.

    Personally, it is difficult not to think that it is high time that the US and it’s puppet master get sucked into a real boots on the ground conflagration. Vietnam was a huge antidote to US warmongering ideology.

    The US citizens didn’t like their boys coming back in bits. Indeed at the end the secretary of state for defence had to reduce the entrance level of intelligence to try and get the numbers of recruits up. McNamarra’s Morons as they were obscenely called. But the message is crystal clear. Human nature reinforces it time after time. The brutal bully keeps bullying, keeps pushing an open door until such time as there is push back and the bully gets a taste of its own medicine.

    And so I fear it is in the middle east. The Jews, with the support of the US, and indeed the UK do not need to be consensual, do not need to negotiate and compromise. And so it is I fear time for the bloodletting to get worse, much much worse.

    But fear not for as Joe Biden recently said there’s jobs in Arizona, jobs in South Carolina making armaments. Dulce et decorum est in pro patria mori.

    ( Oh and meanwhile of the £20bn blackhole in the UK accounts, and of which black hole is requiring a ditching of the pensioners winter fuel allowance, or at least for all pensioners earning over half of a full time minimum wage – which is 10,000,000 of them – the same government is beefing up annual military spending by £10bn to £15bn. Good eh – or am I missing something )

    That’s it. Enjoy Sunday folks. And enjoy your break Rev.

  254. Ruby Sunday says:

    No bus to catch he has his very own private hire taxi. No he isn’t ‘real country’ he lives in a high rise in East Kilbride. He hasn’t even got a garden where he could keep chickens. I don’t think he even knows the difference between a heifer and a bull with balls the size of the Spanish bull that was used to advertise ‘Sangre de Toro’. The Osborne Bull! Google it!

    Cojones! Google translate it!

    Sangre de Toro – Google tranlate it too!

    Ach I’m just trying to make you laugh and forget the dire state of the country and that we are possibly on the ‘eve of destruction’.

    Great song – Google it!

  255. Hatuey says:

    The war in the east is absolutely about protecting democracy, but let’s consider what that means;

    “They’re sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals” (Senator Lindsey Graham)

    How easy was that?

    For what it’s worth, I’ve always considered those resources were the primary concern on both sides. In a world dominated by thieving bastards, resources are a curse and I genuinely feel sorry for people everywhere who are blighted by them.

  256. Republicofscotland says:

    Tommy Robison aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – is trying to incite riots in Scotland using disinformation.

    link to

  257. Republicofscotland says:

    This is utterly disgraceful – arms on sale here are used to murder women and children in West Asia – which is happening right now.

    “A MAJOR arms conference is set to be held in Edinburgh at a council-owned venue, The National can reveal.

    The SPIE defence and security conference will see engineers and international arms industry leaders descend on the Scottish capital between September 16 and 19 for the event at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC).”

    link to

  258. Republicofscotland says:

    Civil Service whistleblowers have spilt the beans on what’s going on at Holyrood – with regards to SNP government policies.

    “I guarantee there are volumes of Scottish Government policy documents, reports, economic forecasts, statistical analysis pieces and even media statements which have been produced in large parts by ChatGPT. It is effectively government by AI without really any real public consultation.”

    link to

  259. Ruby Sunday says:

    “Something’s afoot’

    Is that another typo? Should it read

    Something’s apoot?

    You really need to add a glossary of terms to your posts guys because I don’t understand your code.

    Why are you having to write in code anyway?

  260. Sven says:

    Republicofscotland @ 11.46.

    Well, that’s a relief to learn. I had just assumed that policies were being taken from Chinese Fortune Cookies, or perhaps Christmas Crackers.
    Because they’re certainly not indicative of any serious, planned, informed route to independence … or even a well administered country.

  261. Ruby Sunday says:

    4 August, 2024 at 11:30 am

    The war in the east is absolutely about protecting democracy, but let’s consider what that means;

    Don’t get excited Scotland he’s not talking about you!

  262. Geri says:

    If they were the primary concern of “both sides” R wouldn’t have offered a peace deal with the only condition being to remain neutral.

    They refused. There’s only one resource guzzler & that’s the West. R us entirely self sufficient & already has vast resources.

    I despise that “both sides” pish. It continually tries to blur the facts.

    They’d not be interested in retaining territory either but U forced a buffer zone & that has since changed since the West can’t fckn behave or be trusted not to start again at a later date. Too many ppl have died now just to let it all revert back to constant agitators cause that’s what the West are – even bragging they could keep this shit going for decades.

  263. Dan says:

    @ James Che

    Hope you’re keeping well and coping okay with all you have to deal with.

    Re. What you said here. “Dan, I usually agree with you on many issues, but not on your views on women,
    Women were one of the main food supplies working the farmins doing heavy work during WW11.
    The were out in all weathers not only feeding Britain but supplying food for the Soldiers, men, hospitals, schools etc,

    That’s bit of a blanket statement and I think you’ve picked up what I was trying to say the wrong way.
    I posted something in the context of the current time in NuScotland and attempting to implement better equality between the sexes and right the historic wrongs of patriarchy. And this was with the role reversal of some traditional chores carried out by females and males respectively.
    You know I’m aware of just how much effort it takes to grow food, and that means I know it took the same effort by those women back in the day during war times. So in no way should it be taken I was demeaning or diminishing that work which was carried out by women when a lot of men were doing other stuff.
    I totally agree the sexes should be more complimentary to each other.
    This article is about highlighting the differences between women and men and how wrong it is for male like advantage to encroach into female sport. That in itself highlights that there are differing traits between women and males that logically mean certain tasks are generally better suited to each of the sexes.
    The generally physically stronger men carrying out the heavier work does make sense. I know health and safety regs and safe working practices exist, but the reality is that even with some of the mechanical assistance tools that are available, tasks such as the awkward lifting of a heavy gearbox in and out of a vehicle is better suited to an individual with a lot of strength. That’s not sexist to say that, it’s just logical in a similar way the article above explains about the boxer having an advantage over their opponent.

    This is almost getting into territory similar to the reparations discussion, but I wasn’t around back in the day so had no control or influence on how the evolution of historic society was structured re. the male / female traditional roles.
    We can acknowledge there were things in the past that are considered to be wrongs, but ultimately we can only operate and effect change in the present here and now.

  264. Geri says:


    Enjoy Google while you can.

    Another American outfit who can censor the world on a whim & push fake narritives.

    The Chinese & the Ruskies have their own state owned telecommunications & tech organisations. They couldn’t give a shiny shite the West bans them.

    Europeans on the other hand better play nice to uncle Sam or it’s turned off along with all the e-commerce. Oh deary.

  265. Geri says:

    AI policies = they/them – Scotland must be testing the one that’s dodgy as fck & prone to malfunctions lol

    By the time they’ve given out everyone’s pronouns it’ll have forgotten what the question was.

    As for the arms manufacturers. The yoons in councils & in Holyrood have been noising up Scotland with its military pish. Scottish labour invited them to an event at Holyrood in the middle of a geno-cide. Real classy..

  266. James Che says:

    Ruby Sunday.

    We are indeed of the same beliefs and wavelengths on this issue, as are many many other women,
    But also Many men that have families they want to protect from this perversion, the Rev Stu is a good example.

    Thanks Ruby Sunday.

  267. Derek says:

    I hadn’t heard Belfast mentioned (had the radio on). See caveat above!

  268. Ruby Sunday says:


    This article is about highlighting the differences between women and men and how wrong it is for male like advantage to encroach into female sport.

    You are full of it Dan!

    An article which you described as ‘genderpish’ and let it be know you would be going out to do your garden rather than get involved in the BTL discussion.

    link to

    Why don’t you just look in the mirror and face up to the possibility that you may be sexist, bullying & manipulative as I suggested?

    Everyone loves a sinner who repents!

    You also posted the following:
    If women are to exist without men, then they’ll defo need more TransWomen. And I’m fine with that as quite happy to take early retirement and let them change out their own gearboxes and fucked dual mass flywheels and clutches!

    link to

    Me Tarzan! You Jane! Would be how I would describe the above comment.

    Never underestimate the profound sense of loss man will feel when they can no longer survey the stunning natural athletic beauty of a game of women’s beach volleyball…

    link to

    Nudge! Nudge! Wink! Wink! Have you seen the natural athletic beauty on that one?

    There is no suggested of women living without men however the opposite isn’t the case.

    As soon as they get a womb/test tube sorted out we will be surplus to requirements. It could be sometime yet ladies? Have you seen the state of penis & new fannies they have built. Don’t be surprise if in the meantime you are expected to do national service in the Surrogacy Factory. You will probably be excused the ‘wet nursing’ the men have got that covered. FFS!

    Why can’t a woman be more like a man?
    Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
    Eternally noble, historically fair.
    Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
    Why can’t a woman be like that?

    No worries fellas we’ve got that sorted.

    Isn’t science bloody marvellous?

    We’ve made women who are exactly like a man!

    Why is thinking something women never do?
    And why is logic never even tried?
    Straightening up their hair is all they ever do.
    Why don’t they straighten up the mess that’s inside?

    I suppose he means inside their pretty little heads!

  269. James Che says:


    Thanks for enquiring Dan, at the moment, meaning = breaking things down day by day, hour by hour, is the only way to cope with the Word OK,
    And with that in mind after a restless sleep on an armchair next to my spouse bed in the living room I now must go do some “man tasks” outside after doing the breakfast dishes and tidying up the house,
    Gardening, sawing wood and getting rid of rubbish no longer required from the sheds.

    I agree that this particular article is on sport, but an overall picture of linked articles from Stu’s many posts provides a much larger picture of the onslaught against women aide and abetted by the governments and the police,
    It is a lonely road for women when they do not hear there loved ones or male relatives speak up for true equal rights them.
    And I wonder how those WW11 Solders would have felt if women back home had said “this is a mans war” You do not need our letters voicing out support, or our parcels, get on with it by yourselfs, the governments got your backs.


    That is not how it works,
    Support is support, standing together for the enrichment of quality of life and freedom is for a better more harmonious live for each and every one of us and for the peace of the generations to come after us,
    Was that not what all these man wars are for, democracy, equality, on every level, for all human beings in Britain,?

    No task work wise is unachievable for women if they have the same level playing field that a man is respectively given,
    After all I would never ask a man to lift up a lorry without some kind of mechanical aid or help, or to ask a ordinary modern office working man today to go fight a trained fighting man twice his size with twice the arm lentgh and strength,
    Which is what the farcical Olympics did in France,
    A lot more men could and should be standing up stand up for Women and the way women are being treated by governments, after all how many men are there in Britain alone, that have said nothing,
    Because it is not their battle,….yet.
    The time will come once again when men will turn around and expect to find women supporting them once more as they did in WW11,
    Only to find trans- people whom are all out for themselves.
    Maybe not,
    after all trans-women can be conscripted into war the same as women, only with less pay and no pension for doing the same job as a man.
    There may be justice after all.
    Right Am off to do work outside, catch up with comments later.

  270. Republicofscotland says:

    The Keystone Cops in Scotland – aka Police Scotland, are in such as state that they are recruiting civilians to do police work – and giving them a higher salary than new police officers get.

    “Scottish Police ­Federation (SPF), which ­represents rank and file officers, said more effort should be made to recruit actual officers rather than civilians on a higher salary.”

    link to

  271. Republicofscotland says:

    The SNP government – also promised free school meals for all children in Scotland years back – they failed to deliver that as well.

    The proposal for Anne’s Law is lost in amongst the now discredited National Care Service Bill – which Robin McAlpine writes is in utter mess.

    The SNP government can get very little right policy wise – and they firmly oppose independence – they are the main roadblock to ridding Scotland of the illegal union.

    “Anne’s Law campaigners have attacked the Scottish Government for failing to deliver promised new laws to protect care home residents.

    Ministers pledged three years ago to give relatives or friends legal visiting rights in the wake of the pandemic which saw ­thousands of elderly people die alone in locked down ­institutions.”

  272. Republicofscotland says:

    How the same contractors – using PFI rob Scotland again and again, and some of their buildings are not even fit to be opened to the public – but they are rewarded with more contracts and it cost the taxpayer an arm and a leg.

    Don’t expect the SNP government to stop the thieving.

    “So when the National highlights that the Capitas and the Carrillions and the dominance of the ‘Big Four’ accounting firms (KPMG etc) may be about to return, it is galling to think that in Scotland they never went away. Financial consortia operating with perhaps three or four corporations facilitated by big accountancy consultants have the run of Scotland’s public infrastructure building.

    That’s how the same construction company can build a PFI primary school in Edinburgh where a wall falls down, then still get a contract to build a leisure centre in Dumfries which is so bad it can’t be opened and requires a decade of litigation – and yet still gets the contract to rebuild Glasgow School of Art which promptly burns down again under its watch.

    The argument used against this critique is that the Scottish Government has no option because of its borrowing limitations. Well Common Weal is part of a coalition called Scotland Against Private Public Partnerships (SAPPP). We’ve been campaigning against Scotland’s PFI for years now and have produced lots of material on alternatives. Let me just mention two here.

    First, we urged the Scottish Government again and again to ask for ‘prudential borrowing powers’ when it renegotiated the fiscal settlement for Scotland. Last year the outcome of that was announced and I’m afraid the Scottish Government simply rolled over and Westminster got everything it wanted and Scotland got nothing. This should have been a scandal.”

    link to

  273. James says:


    Spot on. Re the Dumfries leisure centre, it was built by a bunch of Manchester cowboys (no tradespersons in Scotland it seems). The tiles were falling off the ceilings and the sides of the swimming pool within weeks and it had to close for years while the litigation you speak of took place. It has now re-opened after a very expensive refit.

    Having to take the cheapest quote is false economy obviously; pay peanuts you get monkeys.

  274. Republicofscotland says:

    The years late and millions over budget – Glen Sannox ferry will be further delayed coming into public service – it should’ve come into service this month, however – the date has been moved to the end of September – lets see if it comes into service then – don’t hold your breath I say.

    For the above alone the SNP should be booted out of office in 2026 – however the SNP have betrayed us so they must be removed from office in the 2026 Scottish lections.

  275. Northcode says:

    Ruby Sunday @1:33pm

    “Have you seen the natural athletic beauty on that one?”

    Ruby, my fair lady. Rex Harrison had a great voice and was brilliant at half-talking half-singing those types of songs. I think he was anyway.

    When I was a young man my chums and I would often express our admiration for the femininely shaped ankle beauty possessed by some women – such was the length of female overgarments back then.

    We would loiter as a gang of friendly chaps about breezy street corners, in an unthreatening manner of course, waiting for a gust to lift the skirts of passing young women by an inch or two.

    “Whoa! “Look at the ankles on her!” we would exclaim in a jocular and very manly fashion; whilst doing the elbow nudging and the making of the eyelid twitches.

    Sometimes we would do the friendly whistling and howl like a pack of ravenous wolves – what fun we had.

    And we could tell those young women enjoyed our witty advances from the way their leisurely saunters suddenly broke into a frantic run – tears of joyous laughter running down their faces

    Happy days, and no mistake.

    PS. Your excellent (really very good for a woman, very good indeed – you’re a clever little thing!) Nespresso reviews have convinced me that I must now possess one – much as one might a good woman who excels at the cooking and in the preparation of hot beverages.

    I would never have thought that I might one day take the advice of a woman, lovely, gentle creatures as they are, on such technical matters usually beyond their comprehension. But times have changed and I have adapted, as you can probably guess from my scribling-douns on such matters, accordingly.

  276. Hatuey says:

    Ruby, bullying people about “genderpish” isn’t going to serve whatever purpose you think you are serving.

    And it is pish. We all agree the whole idea of men becoming women etc., is impossible madness.

    You’re trying to turn it into some sort of conspiracy by all men and martyr yourself or something, but 99.9% of men had nothing to do with it.

    You keep making out women get a shit deal but about 57% of Scottish women voted to stay in the Union and keep the status quo which suggests they were quite happy with the deal (that’s not my analysis btw but I agree with it). comparatively speaking, women do okay in this country.

    Irrespective of the genderpish and how it goes, the terrible plight of women in this country wouldn’t make it onto my list of ‘One Thousand Problems the World Faces’ right now.

    Maybe as a man I am incapable of grasping how difficult this trans stuff makes life for ordinary women…

    In that case, enlighten us, don’t badger us; if it’s not too harrowing, tell us about your personal experience of sharing toilets with transwomen, about being sidelined by transwomen in the sport you love or in the workplace. In other words, please tell us in what way this most terrible and damaging stuff has directly and negatively impacted on you personally. I’m genuinely interested.

  277. moixx says:

    Hatuey @ 3.41 pm

    Funnily enough, after some of the comments I’ve read here recently, I’ve also been wondering how women (or even ‘feminism’) have/has directly and negatively impacted on men personally – and I am genuinely interested to hear those stories too.

  278. sam says:


    “Maybe as a man I am incapable of grasping how difficult this trans stuff makes life for ordinary women.”

    Hard innit. Being so feckin thick.

  279. Republicofscotland says:

    How the cabal within the SNP stripped the party of democracy – we need to get the SNP out of office come the 2026 Scottish elections.

    link to

  280. Northcode says:


    I meant to say that I think it’s clever the way you’ve used song lyrics and worked them into your comment to make your point.

  281. Northcode says:

    I’ve been at the poeming again.

    A confess tae feelin hertit sad
    Whin guid fowk get tae bein bad
    Tae ane anither

    A weesh thit a coud keep thaim sauf
    A wee quyetin wairm embrase
    An gaither thaim thegither

    An fir a meenit juist, an no fir lang
    Haud doun ther wirblin dinsome sang
    An say

    Oor butterflee smaw leeves bi fleetin swyft
    An forgieness chances sairy misst
    Sae better wise than guidwill faise

    An in the whiles wi kin…bi guid tae ane anither

    A cannae help it. It’s thon Alf Baird’s faut. It wis he thit gat mi stertit on the Scots leid – blame him.

  282. sam says:

    Labour Party guff.

    Nothing about sport.

    I would not assume this brings much change. What is a women?

    Many more mental health specialists will be needed.Nothing said about that.

    In Ireland the greatest numbers of those with gender dysphoria were among children who were autistic or had been in Romanian orphanages.

    Up until fairly recently the numbers involved in gender dysphoria were low and iirc mostly male children. Not so now.

    When provided with professional mental health support from psychiatrists in the field, the majority of the children affected in Ireland desisted from transition after reaching puberty.

    There has been a good deal of lying and disinformation about this subject.

    The result is that women and girls have lost rights that gave them privacy and protection. it has opened the door to predatory males into female spaces.

    “UK Labour

    We will also modernise, simplify, and reform the intrusive and outdated gender recognition law to a new process. We will remove indignities for trans people who deserve recognition and acceptance; whilst retaining the need for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a specialist doctor, enabling access to the healthcare pathway.

    Labour is proud of our Equality Act and the rights and protections it affords women; we will continue to support the implementation of its single-sex exceptions.”

  283. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Republicofscotland 11:06

    I’m always astonished by your claims to know all sorts of top secret military intelligence, whilst simultaneously being unable to write “Scotland” correctly.

    The latter fact makes all the other mince you post look like the ravings of an uneducated ignoramus.

    I mean, just how difficult is it to get it right? “Scotland”, not “scotland”. Such a simple wee detail, yet it’s beyond your capabilities.

    You can’t get that right, yet you pontificate about the great affairs of the world, and expect to be taken seriously.

    Sad, and mad.

  284. twathater says:

    Northcode your satirical comments remind me very much of the calculated and amorphous interactions a lady????? Dame Edna Everidge aka Barry Humphries had which could be interpreted in many many ways , from comedic all the way through to insulting but utilised in such a manner that the receiver never knew whether the approach was being friendly or whether it disguised ridicule
    Dame Edna or Barry Humphries was a master of his craft and although I think drag artists are insulting and extremely unfunny I enjoyed his verbal gymnastics

    Your usage of language hides the complexity of your thoughts and I enjoy trying to interpret them

  285. Sven says:

    Northcode @ 17.28.

    I’m sure I’d appreciate your composition were I able to comprehend it, Northy. Unfortunately it’s not written in any dialect used in the Whiteinch area of Glasgow in which I grew up in the 1950s.
    But creativity in almost any sphere, understandable or not to the individual viewing, reading or listening is worth at least an acknowledgement. So well done in your continuing endeavours.

  286. TURABDIN says:

    «Sporting bodies like the IOC are now either fully captured by gender ideology, or are too scared to exclude certain athletes on the grounds of their biological sex, in case they cause offence. After all, in 2024, ‘transphobia’ is one of the most damaging accusations that can be levelled against someone»

    Lauren Smith on SPIKED.

  287. Effijy says:

    Interesting who Labour claim to be the party of equality when it comes to Trans people.
    The seem to have forgotten about the Ten years and hundreds of of thousands spent by Labour run Glasgow City Council stopping equal pay for its female workforce.

    If only we had know all of the women who were robbed and abused could have claimed to be trans men.

    I feel sorry for Labour with regards to the fascist riots in England and N Ireland.
    The police don’t really want to take any risks and if they arrest the many thugs there are no holding prisons, court spaces or long term prison spaces.

    Vandalism, Arson, and Violence will see these idiots getting 40 hours of litter picking.
    That’ll teach them.

  288. James Che says:


    Beautiful penned, and understood as my spouse is from the northeast,

    But perhaps if Alf Baird is the culpret for such wise lines coming he may be renamed occasion if agreeable with him as Alf Bard.

  289. Republicofscotland says:

    “I’m always astonished by your claims to know all sorts of top secret military intelligence.”

    Stick this in yir pipe – and smoke it.

    link to

  290. James Che says:


    the northeast of has its own ancient language,
    I often hear hi say he’s tint his glasses.

  291. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile the Yankee head of CENTCOM General Michael Kurilla – is advising the Z-i-on-ists on how best to defend against a coming Ir-n-ian attack after the murder of Haniyeh.

    Things must be bad – when the chief Yankee of CENTCOM is called in.

  292. Northcode says:

    Hey, Mrs Che.

    I haven’t said hello to you in a while. I hope you and your spouse are in good spirits.

    Aye, the Scots leid is wonderfully diverse and there are quite a few variations in how it is used between the different areas of Scotland. That’s one of the reasons it’s such a braw language.

    The DSL often describes several variations in the spellings of the same Scots words.

  293. Northcode says:

    twathater @5:59pm

    I tried posting this earlier but something went wrong and it failed to materialise – no message saying why. So it might pop up twice.

    Thanks. I’m pleased that you enjoy my comments, twathater.

    But I can categorically state that my comment made to Ruby at 3:34pm is in no way intended as an insult. But I think Ruby knows my ‘humour ‘ well enough by now to understand that I’m not having a go at her. The opposite, in fact.

    My comment was made in support of Ruby’s stance. And Nespresso is a running joke between us.

    I like Ruby’s mind – I’ll never post insulting comments about her.

    And anyway, if Ruby thought I was having a go at her she’d take up her pen and tell me in no uncertain terms, I’m sure.


    Thank you for your kind acknowledgment of my meagre talent. If you take any of the Scots words I use that you don’t know the meaning of and check them against the online DSL website their meanings will be made clear.

  294. Hatuey says:

    Moixx: “I’ve also been wondering how women (or even ‘feminism’) have/has directly and negatively impacted on men personally…”

    That’s pretty easy but to be clear we are are talking about feminism, not women.

    The most regular thing you experience is supposedly feminist women talking down to you when you reach a certain age, and saying things like: “Hard innit. Being so feckin thick”.

    Another common occurrence is being called a misogynist because you don’t pander to bullshit or you Insist on holding them to the same professional standards as men.

    Then there’s the various forms of positive discrimination, women only shortlists, and the harder to measure tendencies of some employers to earmark certain jobs for women, without admitting or declaring it — something that goes on almost everywhere.

    Deviating from merit as a basis for employing people is an expensive form of virtue signalling, and the higher up the ladder that happens, the more expensive it gets.

    Who can say if Sturgeon or Truss, for example, made it to the top because they were women? I think it’s likely. What isn’t in any doubt at all is that both were totally incompetent. I flatly refuse to believe such uselessness was elevated on the basis of merit, so what else is there?

    Anyway, there you go. Now it’s your turn to answer my similar question.

    Thanks in advance.

  295. Ruby Sunday says:

    4 August, 2024 at 3:41 pm

    Ruby, bullying people about “genderpish” isn’t going to serve whatever purpose you think you are serving.

    Could you please just fuck the fuck right off.

    Thank you

    Enlighten you!

    That would be a job for the women in your life but if they are happy to be good little handmaidens then I think you’ll have to enlighten yourself.

    I don’t really think you want to be enlighten. You just want to prove you are right and I am wrong.

    Transwomen are men. Would you like to hear my experiences of men.

    We could start with this which is a recent & ongoing experience.

    link to

    Here’s the view of Arthur’s Seat that I see every time I leave the Royal Commonwealth Pool and go to get my car parked at the back of the building.

    I go the the RCP pretty regularly and every time I leave the building I look up to Arthur’s seat and think of the beautiful young pregnant Muslim woman who was pushed off the top to her death by her husband.
    She was killed because she wasn’t obedient enough and was too British.

    link to

    Tell you of my personal experiences if it’s not too harrowing?

    Are you Mridul Wadhwa with a kink for hearing women’s experiences of rape & violence. Are you a transwoman?

    I’m speaking up for women what’s your purpose Hautey?

  296. Geri says:

    Hatey is so out the loop on international news that it’s excruciating. He really needs to stop reading BBC comics..this was out the bag months ago when I started to assassinate ppl on other people’s soil…

    Pakistan: Oi, Iran! Gies a shout if ye need anything OK?

    N Korea : Me tae

    Ruskie: Aye, just holler..

    China: Nae danger..

    West: Fuuuuuuuuuuck!

    I think I will use them cause they’re off their chump & they won’t ever recover from the barbaric shit they’ve done.

  297. Robert Hughes says:


    You’ll remember Iain Lawson wrote a great account of how the cabal centred around Sturgeon rapidly n ruthlessly took total control of the SNP . Robin’s succinct description of the same subject is equally revealing ; and equally shocking : the effective * dismemberment * of what had been an exemplary member-led Party .

    The bastards destroyed it ; in record time .

    When I first learned about all THAT – via Iain’s piece – I remember thinking ” to what end ? ” ; what was the motivation ?

    This concentration of power into a small inner circle could ( maybe ) have been justified if the leadership had then used that power to go full-on for Independence , battering down any obstacles in the way of realising that ambition . At least DOING SOMETHING ! ANYTHING !

    Instead they done , not even nothing , less than nothing .0000 of fuck-all :they put the Cause of Scottish Independence into reverse , rammed their feet on the accelerator n smashed the * vehicle * into a solid wall of concentrated shit . It’s still there .

    All that power and look where it took them – and us .

    It would merit a gold medal in the Gullibility Olympics to believe this all occurred through happenstance , ego , vanity , incompetence etc . No doubt all of that was involved ; but not only that.

    The (known) protagonists were the fiddle ; ” someone else ” held the bow

  298. Hatuey says:

    Interesting comments today from RoS, particularly the link.

    Now you know why I raised the alert level to Defcon Popcorn and am poised to raise it further still to the highest level.

  299. Geri says:

    Well said Robert..

    I remember reading Iains article too. It beggard belief.

    Angus Robertson immediately started tinkering with party democracy as soon as Sturgeon took over. She needs removed from Holyrood. The fact she’s still there tells us everything we need to know about the SNP. They’ve absolutely zero shame.

    A shy wee lassie fae Irvine my arse..knt!

  300. Mac says:

    I was super sympathetic with the plight of women in the face of the madness of GRR… now after several weeks of Ruby blah blah blah I hate all men I am firmly in the could not give less of shit camp. What a fucking arsehole. lol.

    Dan said “I hate women’
    Dan said “I oppose equality”
    Dan said… nothing of the sort.

    She said she hated being called a schemie but isn’t this behaviour exactly how she acts.


  301. Dan says:

    @ Ruby

    I see you ignoring my posts went well…
    Still trying to scrape together snippets from here and there to take a dig or whatever the fuck you are trying to do.
    First off, I was stating the subject matter the article covers is genderpish, not that the article is genderpish. Nice but poor attempt to make me appear to be slating the site though.

    You quoting me saying that women would defo need more TransWomen to fix gearboxes and clutches.
    That clearly went over your head because it was a wordplay joke @ Northcode after he just posted about a world that potentially didn’t require any men. Ergo there would be no men and therefore no TransWomen either. The TransWomen that would be required would be the women who had become the vehicle Transmission specialists that would be required to fix cars with transmission problems…

    And re. The natural athletic beauty of women playing beach volleyball.

    You are endlessly telling us that men need to do more to support women because so many blokes are disinterested in women’s plight. But you just clipped the first parts of my post off again to lose the context and suit your agenda.
    Here’s what I actually said.

    Do women athletes not have a union that could instruct them to go on strike due to compromised and dangerous working conditions.
    If not then simply take the initiative and Boycott, Divest and Sanction the shit out of all these organisations and activities that are pushing and supporting this genderwoowoo nonsense.

    Aye, escalating the protest may coz a slight blip and controversy, but it looks like that is going to be a necessary part of the process in addressing and righting this wrong.
    Never underestimate the profound sense of loss man will feel when they can no longer survey the stunning natural athletic beauty of a game of women’s beach volleyball…

    And the lack of women’s sports might soon wake up and get the attention of all these blokes that you suggest objectify women and don’t care enough about the issues women are dealing with.

    And after the bollox at the arse end of the previous thread with the “intellectual”, and a re-read of what James Che responded to me with earlier in this post basically stating I’m supportive of society regressing to all the inequality of the past.

    Because that is what you in a roundabout way are implying when you suggest your particular thoughts out loud here.

    link to

    You know what? I’m done.

    To all the braw folks (present and sadly departed) I’ve interacted with over the years on here and in the real world, and that genuinely put their hearts and souls into trying to make Scotland a better place, I thank you for the experience, and I also apologise for the inevitable occasions folk will have deemed that I erred.

    Ciao 🙂

  302. Alf Baird says:

    Robert Hughes @ 7:39 pm

    ” to what end ? ” ; what was the motivation ?”

    What we are witnessing is the three phases of decolonization and where certain events occur in each phase (Fanon):


    link to

  303. Sven says:

    Dan @ 20.17.

    Vaya con Dios y gracias, hermano.

  304. Mac says:

    Dan I am glad my comment got in just before yours. I’ve been watching her go after you day after day. It is relentless… because she is mental.

    Now I will be a target of course but who cares if it means reading the alternative… approved Rubyland. I’d rather eat shit with a side portion of turd.

  305. Hatuey says:

    Ruby, you evaded my question, as I expected you would.

    You can gaze teary-eyed at that hill all you want, but the experience of some poor young Muslim woman up there is never going to count as an example of your personal experience. It could count as an example of you gaslighting though.

    Anyway, just the views of some “thick”, “bonkers” guy, who cares, right? Got it.

  306. Ruby Sunday says:

    4 August, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    @ Ruby

    I see you ignoring my posts went well…

    Right back at you pal!

  307. Ruby Sunday says:

    You know what? I’m done.


    Hasta manana!

    PS Are you and Sven having an hermonomance?

  308. Ruby Sunday says:

    Hautey wants me to enlighten him!

    FFS Look at all the trouble I’m having trying to enlighten Dan.

    Mac you were targeted days ago when when you first came out of the sexist closet. Did you not notice?

  309. Ruby Sunday says:

    Where’s Pacman?

  310. Hatuey says:

    It’s interesting that the racists gangs are on the streets attacking mosques and Muslims just as we are on the brink of a major war against another Muslim country. Coincidence?

    I was watching a livestream on youtube and one of them said the Muslims were trying to bring in Shakira Law. I did some research and I’m starting to think Shakira Law might not be such a bad thing….

    link to

    Where do I sign up?

  311. sam says:


    “Maybe as a man I am incapable of grasping how difficult this trans stuff makes life for ordinary women.”

    Hard innit. Being so feckin thick.

    Try reading the fecking post, ya numpty.

  312. moixx says:

    Hatuey @ 7.10 pm

    That’s quite a long post, but I’m still not quite sure how ‘feminism’ has affected you – personally.

    Your example of: “when you reach a certain age” – that’s ‘ageism’.

    Your example of: “being called a misogynist” – you don’t like people calling you something you don’t believe you are – fair enough, but what’s your definition of ‘misogynist’?

    Your example of: “various forms of positive discrimination” – you’re the one asking for ‘personal’ examples, but you didn’t explain how positive discrimination has ‘directly and negatively impacted on you personally’.

  313. Geri says:

    The riots will be to keep Yahoo happy & for Kid Starver to push through new laws.

    Yahoo will be getting his money’s worth.

    Look at the shite he spouted in America last week regards protestors. He wants them off the streets. ALL of them. That whackadoo thinks he owns everyone elses governments & tbh, he probably does. They’re all on the take…

  314. Northcode says:

    Dan @8:17pm

    I understood your ‘Transwoman’ wordplay and appreciated the joke, but I fear it might have been too specialised to be fully appreciated by everyone – especially those unaccustomed to the world of motorised vehicle power transmission systems.

    I’ve done the same sort of thing a few times myself, both here and in the real, and have ended up offending folk who thought I was being serious – it’s one of the reasons I’m a touch sensitive (oversensitive perhaps) about offending folk on here (the tones meant to accompany our words intended to be humorous don’t always come through in the comments we make).

    I should have responded acknowledging the humour behind your play on words in response to my comment – I apologise for not doing so.

  315. sam says:


    Ignored says:
    4 August, 2024 at 8:13 pm
    I was super sympathetic with the plight of women in the face of the madness of GRR… now after several weeks of Ruby blah blah blah I hate all men I am firmly in the could not give less of shit camp.”

    A man of principle and empathy.

    Piling in. That’s three. Two too many.

  316. Northcode says:

    Mrs Che

    I’ve just noticed what you did with Alf Baird’s(Bard) name – very clever.

    I think it’s fair, seeing as Alf got me interested in looking at the Scots leid in more detail in the first place, that any negative sentiments on my use of Scots should go directly to him.

    Of course I’m happy for all positive sentiments to come straight to me. And in that vein, I thank you for your kind words. 🙂

  317. Hatuey says:

    “you didn’t explain how positive discrimination has ‘directly and negatively impacted on you personally’”

    Examples include;

    1) my donation to the ringfenced fund has disappeared

    2) my mortgage costs went up

    3) everything Holyrood has touched over the last ten years is completely fucked

    My posts wouldn’t be so long if I didn’t need to spell out basic ideas.

    Now, where are your examples?

  318. Ruby Sunday says:

    my donation to the ringfenced fund has disappeared

    Oh dear!

  319. Hatuey says:

    We lost the referendum by almost 5%.

    If 57% of women voted for “yes” instead of “no”, would we be independent right now?

    Maybe I’m just bad with numbers…


  320. Ruby Sunday says:

    If 57% of women voted for “yes” instead of “no”, would we be independent right now?

    Aye it’s no wonder you are bitter and have turned into a trans activists.

  321. Willie says:

    Talking about discrimination I see Humza Yousaf is back issuing statements that their is a “pogrom” against Muslims.

    Our man certainly knows how to fan the flames of discontent. Pogrom no less he says. You don’t get any stronger systemic hatred against a community than that.

    And in support of Humza’s statement he is calling for Keir Starmer to deploy the army.

    Fanning the flames. The guy has a grudge against whites.

  322. moixx says:

    Hatuey @ 10.06 pm

    I was only asking how women/’feminism’ have/has affected you personally, and I don’t think you’ve really answered that. You’ve ignored two of your own examples which I queried (and which you don’t seem to want to defend), and that’s left you with only one – ‘positive discrimination’.

    —“Who can say if Sturgeon or Truss, for example, made it to the top because they were women? I think it’s likely.”—

    I’ve actually no idea if either of them were promoted via ‘women-only’ lists of some description, if that’s what you’re suggesting. And I’m sure it could be argued that lots of people – male and female – who you might describe as ‘incompetent’ get promoted to senior positions (eg Kwasi Kwarteng, perhaps?).

    So no, it’s still not clear how ‘feminism’ specifically has ‘directly and negatively impacted on you personally’.

  323. Andouilette says:

    Willie, it certainly is a mega-grudge. He’s very angry and bitter, isn’t he? I wonder if his choie of the word ‘pogrom’ was deliberate? I wouldn’t put it past thim, unfortunately. I am just crossing everything that the roast-beef-faced people pleaser won’t be stupid enough to send the army in. All bets would be off at that point.

  324. Hatuey says:

    It was another question, Ruby.

    You didn’t answer that one either.

  325. Jontoscots21 says:

    Ignored says:
    4 August, 2024 at 2:28 pm
    The Keystone Cops in Scotland – aka Police Scotland, are in such as state that they are recruiting civilians to do Etc.

    I would have more respect for the SPF if they had raised even a murmur about the politicisation and woke capture of the polis. As a member of the Polis I find it disturbing how much unions align with pseudo leftist authoritarian politics until they think it directly affects them. Just like the unhinged EiS the police unions have become handmaidens of the woke wave and the attack on basic liberties. As a union they should be upholding not just diversity but the constitution of policing.

  326. Anton Decadent says:

    With regard to Humza Yuosaf and pogroms, he grew up in Newton Mearns and I am sure that his demand for the army on the streets will be of interest to Sir Kid Stabber. Certain people are always the victim regardless of the circumstances.

    @Dan, fare thee well if you do indeed stop posting.

  327. Hatuey says:

    Moixx, I have provided enough examples, as has Ruby with her repeated vicious attacks from a feminist standpoint which have alienated just about every male in here (apart from that nutter that thinks he’s Oscar Wilde or whatever)…

    None of you will answer simple, honest questions.

  328. Hatuey says:

    Actually. No need to respond.

    I can get higher quality bullshit than this anywhere…


    link to

  329. Confused says:

    today’s fight at the limpics –

    wan hung lo


    sum ting wong

    but the real gemme is not in paris, its on the streets of flatland …

    trumpton riots was a half man half biscuit song

    I think of the kids shows of my childhood, camberwick green, bagpuss

    this is windy miller
    today windy is burning the mosque
    here comes the fire brigade
    “let it burn” says the fire chief

    bagpuss says :
    send them back
    forgetting the frog with the banjo, gabriel, is croatian
    professor yaffle quotes madison grant and the coming of the great white race
    the mice quote fanon and cesaire
    luckily, emily falls asleep
    thank fuck

    I think oliver postgate was a socialist and subtly wove his sympathies through his stories; as did many, e.g. the wind in the willows is all about the class war – the weasels are the working class, toad is the decadent upper class, and badger etc are the doughty middle class, holding it all together … er, fuck kenneth grahame

    the underlying point to all of this, to us, is this : england IS overpopulated and UNDER resourced … while Scotland is UNDER populated and OVER resourced – so what do you think is going to happen?

  330. twathater says:

    @ Dan TBQH I believe many people will be disappointed if you stop posting on WOS, and again TBQH this is Stuart Campbell’s site and it is ONLY he that decides when a poster is turfed

    I As a vehement and outspoken opposer of ALL the gender pish have not seen anything in your comments that would signify that you support the gender nonsense , quite the contrary AFAIC your comments have all been supportive of the fight against the threat of the woke madness
    Your exposures of the incompetence of the various departments in repairing faults aligned with your thoughts on individual representatives moving independence forward is enlightening

  331. Willie says:

    Yes Andorra andoulette @ 11.30pm Humza Yousaf is indeed angry and bitter man with a mega grudge.

    Any opportunity and the man plays the vile anti Muslim card.

    His rant about white, white, white was indeed an example of that. But so too was his cries of racism and the use or should I say the abuse of the regulatory system to put an excellent Broughty Ferry nursery through the wringer when his daughter could not get a nursery place. He and his wife even tried to pursue legal action against the nursery. However that was dropped after it legal counsel advised that attempts by agents provocateur to try to set up the nursery would give rise to huge difficulty. Humza of course will know all about vicious and nasty fabricated charges.

    But his vicious inflammatory racism does not stop there. The guy is steeped in resentment. Moreover he doesn’t speak for the many decent Muslims who do not indulge in wild extra marital shagging. Who take care not to break driving laws. Who do not abuse public funds. Who deny their religion when it suits to dodge political issues.

    Let us hope that in his statements about a pogrom being pursued against Muslims he is recognised as the sour vicious flame Fanning bigot that he is.

    This priveleged private school educated bigot ain’t no peace loving democrat.

  332. Mac says:

    Japan stock market crashed over 10% in one session. That is enormous. I expect a complete bloodbath today on the European and US markets.

    Can’t be long now till war…

  333. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Mac . 6.42

    Yes , caused by ” Fears about the health of the US economy… ”

    link to

    And no wonder there are such ” fears ”

    ” In 2023, interest costs on the national debt totalled $658 billion — surpassing most other components of the federal budget. CBO projects that interest costs in 2024 will total $892 billion — a jump of 36 percent from the previous year and following increases of 35 and 38 percent in each of the two years before that. ”

    Such is the extremity feral Gangster Capitalism has wrought , printing even more vast quantities of Funny Money , ie abstract numbers with zero backing it up ,will be insufficient to halt the calamitous downward spiral of the U.S Economy .

    So it should come as no surprise the drums of war are beating louder every day in an effort to distract from and drown-out these ” fears ”

    Whether or not the lunatics will succeed in this potential suicide mission of Mass ( Lethal ) Distraction remains to be seen . Hopefully sanity will prevail – but this is doubtful as long as the proxy POTUS – Yahu , and the likes of dead-eyed good ol’ Dixie psychopath Lindsey Graham , Mitch brain- freeze McConnell et al are ” calling the shots ” .

    A Trump presidency * may * end the madness in U but he seems just as determined to pour as much inflammable material into the M.E as any of the other clowns ; ditto re China .

    Though I reckon Trump is not stupid enough to precipitate a direct military confrontation with that country . He’ll no doubt attempt War By Sanction . Even then , given the facts stated above , it’s doubtful the U.S will be a position to threaten anyone economically . The more pressing problem could prove to be domestic unrest/conflict when/if massive job-losses occur .

    Those millions of fighting age immigrant men who’ve crossed through the US Southern Border in the last few years may well prove useful after all

  334. Mac says:

    John Mearsheimer painting a very bleak picture here. He is really not mincing his words. I think Judge Nap is a bit taken aback at points. We are in a real pickle here.

    link to

    Isr@el is pursing suicidal policies and the Isr@el lobby is effectively preventing anyone from stopping it. It is going to drag the US, the UK and most of the West down with it as the lobby has a death grip on our politicians…

    I think we might be donald ducked here folks. Everything is completely off the insanity scale… it is not just the inherent madness of pursing suicidal polices there is a palpable evilness about it as well, an inhumanity, and the whole world is witness to it. The damage being done is irreversible.

    The irony is that the Isr@el Lobby is so powerful that it has completely removed anyone capable of saving Isr@el from itself. A year ago I would have thought all of this impossible. The destruction has entirely come from within… still is.

    Unfortunately for the rest of us the plan seems to be that we go down with it. I think we are about to enter a period of extreme volatility. Grim as fuck.

  335. SusanAHF says:

    To return to the original topic both the boxers in q are male. Misdiagnosed at birth then the fiction continued for unfair advantage in sport, AND because some cultures can’t cope with the idea of imperfect ie tiny penis, men. But they are Sstill men.

  336. Ruby Monday says:

    5 August, 2024 at 12:23 am

    Moixx, I have provided enough examples, as has Ruby with her repeated vicious attacks from a feminist standpoint which have alienated just about every male in here (apart from that nutter that thinks he’s Oscar Wilde or whatever)…

    None of you will answer simple, honest questions.

    The nutter who thinks he’s Oscar Wilde?

    Who is that?

    Oh dear! Better not be seen supporting terfs otherwise you will be drummed out the boys club and subjected to abuse.

    Is this an example of bullying?

    Punch a terf!

  337. Ruby Monday says:

    5 August, 2024 at 3:39 am

    @ Dan TBQH I believe many people will be disappointed if you stop posting on WOS,

    Dan will be back I guarantee it.

    He’s just having a bit of a sulk in his garden shed.

  338. Ruby Monday says:

    When a man goes off in a strop and threatens never to speak to anyone again is that an example of bullying & manipulative behaviour?

  339. Ruby Monday says:

    Aye it’s all about Islam for Humza.

    He got into politics, joined the SNP & supported Independence all because of Islam.

    All because Muslims were being killed in Iraq.

    My opinion is and always has been is that multi-culturalism doesn’t work.

    Islam the ultimate in ‘Boys Clubs’

  340. Northcode says:

    “The nutter who thinks he’s Oscar Wilde?”

    Could be me being referred to, Ruby.

    The irony is that I actually was Oscar Wilde in a previous life.

    Here’s a few witticisms I quilled oot…before I died, obviously:

    “I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.”

    And this one…

    “Life is too short to be taken seriously.

    And this one…

    “The only people I would care to be with now are artists and people who have suffered: those who know what beauty is, and those who know what sorrow is: nobody else interests me.”

    And this…

    “Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”

    I really enjoyed being Oscar Wilde – it didn’t last long (46 years), but my God it was fun.

    Who’s the nutter now, eh?

  341. Ruby Monday says:

    Thank God for nutters who think they are Oscar Wilde.

    They enrich my life!

    I think I might buy them a Nespresso coffee machine for their birthday on the 16th October.

    It might need to be two an original & a Vertuo.

  342. sam says:


    Sorry to hear of your early death. I guess you might think death is one of the few things easily done lying down.

    Have you an epitaph – or two?

    As WC fields said of death: “All things considered, I’d rather be in Philadelphia.”

  343. Stuart MacKay says:

    Mac @9:02am

    Don’t forget that the majority of countries in the area are monarchies, and they’d very much like to see organisations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood to be destroyed, so they can keep their grip on power.

    Also don’t forget that the YouTube stars started out as subject matter experts in one area, and became subject matter experts in everything, because clicks means money.

    I agree the consequences will not be good, but it’s far more likely that they will be long term and unpredictable. In other words, WW III or the destruction of Israel and/or Iran are probably not on the cards, no matter how much it would increase YouTubers’ income.

  344. Ruby Monday says:


    He’ll have many epitaphs and many lives.

    I’m looking forward to hearing about his re-incarnation as
    Reidar Jonsson and his ‘Life as a Dog’

    I love stories told from the perspective of a dog.

    It’s a tragedy that dogs don’t have a voice.

  345. James says:


    It’ll be a shame if you depart you have written some good informative posts especially on the 24/7/365 theft of our energy supplies.

    Don’t be bullied from posting?

  346. Sven says:

    Sam @ 10.37.

    Though I lack Northy’s reincarnational experiences, perhaps I could suggest Woody Allen’s thought on his future passing, “I’m not scared of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”

  347. Ruby Monday says:

    I have been subjected to a fair amount of abuse on bullying on this site but I’m still posting.

    I’m not sitting sulking in my garden shed.

    Man the fuck up and dig deep to recover your sense of humour Dan folk want you back.

    Alternatively you and all your fans could get in touch with Stu and arrange for me to be sent back to the naughty step? Would that convince you to return.

    What is it that actually happened to you to cause you to have such a tantrum?

    I’m presuming it’s all my fault!

  348. sam says:


    Woof, woof.

    I don’t think Northcode’s into Reading any more.

  349. sam says:


    My preference: surrounded by fucking idiots.

    It’s quiet in here.

    Whaur’s Elvis?

  350. Ruby Monday says:

    Aye Sam but he understands Sit I’ve tested that one out on him before.

    On the subject of dogs having a voice what language would they speak. Would there be a lot of dogs fluent in Scots? Would they be able to speak two languages or is that asking too much. I wonder what the sheepdogs would say to the sheep?

    I had a bit of a problem with Gaelic speaking dogs. They always chased me when I was passing on my bike. I had to learn ‘Go Home’ in Gaelic.

    It wasn’t actually my bike it was my uncles huge man bike with a crossbar. I had to put my leg through the cross bar and pedal from the side.

    The teuchter dugs had probably never seen anything like it in their lives!
    (except on TV)

    A mad alien creature shouting ‘Go Home’ ‘Go Home’ ‘Go Home’ ‘Go Home’
    for all I knew I could have been shouting ‘Phone Home’ ‘Phone Home’ ‘Phone Home’ and maybe that’s what the dogs understood.

    Dogs like TV too. They may have watched ET on a loop!

    PS. Anything wrong with being a nutter?

  351. James says:

    Sam; I see what you did there….

  352. Northcode says:


    Woolf Woolf – ‘Flush: A biography’

    I’m still into Reading…and reading, too.

  353. Ruby Monday says:

    Elvis has left the building and is doing a shift in the chippy?

    Forget the dugs. We need to hear about his re-incarnation as Elvis.

    “Thank You, Thank you very much!”

  354. Ruby Monday says:

    I’ve just been re-incarnated as ‘Mrs Harris’

    Bye see you later.

    I’d better get the job done or they’ll be no trip to Paris.

  355. James Che says:


    You have contributed much on here, and would not like to see anyone given up,
    A difference of opinion on one subject does not delete the others that I have often agreed with you on,

    A discussion or a debate is what brings new views and new ideas out of ashes, and that is a good thing, for Scots have always been known for theircontribution to enlightenment, that is until the nuSnp entered the woke arena, and those Politicians in Scotland trying to incite racial hatred with whites and muslums.

    Said ” Once” could be considered an error of judgement, or an ill thought out speech in Holyrood, but keep inciteing racial contentsions making his issue on going that Would be construed by law as intentional and as far right systemic and deliberate repeated incitement of the public leading to to hate crime through hate speech in Scotland,

    See plenty of other issues for us to talk about.
    We agree on many other issues so keep posting,

    Having said that, having been a woman on this planet for over sixty years, And have had to deal with all the dicrimminations life can throw at women, so I agree with ruby that there is sex discrimination against females in Britain. And it starts at the top of politics and works it way down,

    Here is a example,
    I am fighting for my state pension which is over due by a long shot,
    As a women I was not informed of State pension age Change’s along with millions of other women,
    As a women I have have not been informed that my records have been deleted by DWP, along with thousand of other women.
    As a woman I was paid less than a man doing the same job, which effects my state pension pot,
    As a women HMRC and DWP expect me to prove I raised or even had two children that effects my home protection credits towards my pension,
    And yet at the same time they are taking in and receiving taxes from my children into the treasurary as now grown people of working age working for the past 20 years.

    I will always fight to be recognised as a equal human being to a man, we should not have our years working records deleted,
    we should have been informed within a reasonable time scale just like men that pension ages was to Change so we had time to make other plans towards pension age.

    And HMRC and DWP “having deleted” my records are now asking me to provide them with all the past 40 years of the pay slips, bosses name and employment records, marriage and birth certificates they deleted.
    If this on going discrimination was and did happen to millions of men it would automatically be in the news on a daily basis,
    But as women we are having to prove our complete background history from the time we we born to including giving birth to our own children.
    Right now On the state pension issue I am being treated as a ghost personality or character.
    But not for Council taxes or if I sucdenly startec earning above the tax limet for income, or earning a extra job after retirement date.

    This double tier standards by government has been the bain of my life all my working life, and akin to two teir policing and two teir laws for Scotland.

    Why should men help women get eqaul treatment on this issue alone.
    Well besides wanting equality for all human beings, if considered from a self side of men in general treating women like this reduces the amount of income that is coming into his household, that he will have to provide the cash for instead if his wife or partner does not get their pension to contribute.
    These issues effect men indirectly and directly financially,
    So equal rights for women is as efficient for the mans purse as for the womens especially in times of austerity and high energy bills.

    Should men pay the price in later age for women never being paid or treated equally?
    And should women have to suffer poverty after working hard all their lives?
    “Stu” has highlighted many legal and illegal ways that womens and childrens rights are being descimmated and discarded daily.
    I just thought I would mention another one that is going under the radar, of the MSM.

    I will leave this particular topic of communication between ourselves alone in the future and perhaps agree to mildly disagree at the degree we both come from as I still have great respect the all the other post and valid contributions you have and still make towards Scotlands future. And hope to see you continuing posting here on wings,

  356. Northcode says:


    Can I have the original and the Vertuo for my birthday, please? Ta much.

    “They enrich my life!”

    That, quite possibly, actually more than likely, is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me (I think it’s directed at me anyway).

    “Thank You, Thank you very much!” 🙂

    I did work in a chippy the odd weekend for some extra cash at one time. I don’t think I was ever Elvis, though.

  357. Muscleguy says:

    @Roy Victor
    Not being born without normal male genital anatomy does not a woman make. These two Boxers have 46XY 5ARD, which means they have internal testes. They are relatively but not totally insensitive to Testosterone.

    When the pituitary gland senses the normal levels of hormones are not producing the expected effects it ups the levels. These two thus had a pretty good male puberty. Their limbs are longer, shoulders wider than females. Their muscles are denser with different levels of protein variants than women have. Why Angela Carini said she had never been hit that hard before. She was being hit by a postpubertal male.

    Yours a PhD Bioscientist.

  358. Confused says:

    ruby – do you have your husband’s permission to be on the internet all day, giving people your opinions and addressing men as equals?

    (deeply concerned)

    – clem fandango (what a name, what a name) has a good one on off topic scotland (subscribe to the channel) on the subject of the scold’s bridle. Invented before the internet, mind.

    given the lack of TRAs and sharia law advocates on the BTL, it’s quite impressive to draw such ire; have you tried starting a fight in an empty room?

    I rather enjoyed “Dan Posts”, they are change of gear, and they connect the global with the local.

  359. James Che says:


    If You want to understand the conection between Global and local then a important watch is Neil Olivers questions to a young lady that follows the money, on his latest post,
    Wether you like Neil Oliver or not, it is no reason for us not learning in Scotland why all the craziness is happening simultaniously around the World and whom is connected and protected.
    Frankinstein doesn’t have a look in.

    The Scottish age of enlightenment does not have to end , it actually needs to wake up.

  360. Ruby Monday says:

    have you tried starting a fight in an empty room?

    I am in an empty room it’s just me and my iMac.

    Husband has allowed me to be at home all day to do the housework, his laundry & cook his tea.

    I don’t know what Dan is complaining about I didn’t even call him a ‘cunt’ just a sexist manipulative bully. What’s wrong with that?

    I’ve called you a lot worse than that ‘confused’ and you are still posting all your ‘confusion’ day after day after day! Does the wife know?

    I’d better get on with it or he might withdraw privileges resulting in me walking funny!
    Maybe I mean not walking funny!

    Fuck knows! Better get the iRoomba going he’ll be home in four hours.

  361. moixx says:

    There’s an online petition you can sign, requiring genetic testing in sports to ensure fair female competition:

    link to

  362. Geri says:


    “A year ago I would have thought all of this impossible. The destruction has entirely come from within… still is.”

    Over a year ago they were on the cusp of civil war breaking out. Extreme factions of s*t*lers out of control, armed & dangerous & about to throw Yahoo out.
    Yahoo did a *Sturgeon* To hold onto power by his fingertips he invited those fckwits into a coalition government. One more extreme than the other with their deeply offensive language (& televised) of final solutions & exterminating G*za.
    This was only ever going to end this way & the USA is also to blame. They’ve allowed these criminals to run riot & do unspeakable things in complete defiance of various conventions & international law instead of hauling their fcking arses to face war crimes. They’re quick enough to overthrow innocent governments ffs but Yahoo is untouchable.

    A new world order will come. The UN & ICJ wont survive this or the world will be thrown into complete chaos & be lawless. They already don’t have a leg to stand on trying to play the entire UN they’ve “a right to defend themselves” when they’re murdering ppl outside their territory & insulting other UN countries on a daily basis & sending obnoxious thugs to bark insults & rip up the UN charter.

    They’re anti social feckwits & they (& USA) has no one to blame but themselves. They’ve let money override the rule of law & they’ve feck all decency.


    Please don’t stop posting..

    Take some time out for a bit but please don’t leave for good. Place wouldn’t be the same without you xx

  363. Ruby Tuesday says:



    Please don’t stop posting..

    Take some time out for a bit but please don’t leave for good. Place wouldn’t be the same without you xx

    ‘Geri the Cock of the Walk’ is such a good little handmaiden!

    These effin handmaidens are worse than the ‘sexist fuck pigs’. Some say you can’t educate a pig but in the case of the sexist FPs you can. They are just a bit dense but with time they can be reformed.

    I’ve done it before and I honestly though that my work in that sector was complete but I was very wrong.

    One thing I won’t be doing this time around is burning my bra. Have you seen the price of bras especially sports bras. I definitely need my sports bra now that I’ve taken up boxing.

    Punch, punch, punch, jab, jab, jab uppercut, uppercut, lower cut, lower cut, even lower cut!
    It’s a Knock-out!

  364. Geri says:

    Just shut it Ruby.

    I’ve said the same to you in the past when you’ve threatened to have one of yer flounces.

    You seem on a mission to piss everyone off & twist what people say so you can have an argument with yerself.

    The gender pish won’t be happening as more & more conservative countries refuse to take part in that shit across Europe & the global south. It’s the usual UN/EU creating another level of bureaucratic bullshit for its minions to follow & deflect from far more sinister shit they are doing like going full authoritarian cause their empire is over.

    The EU will implode too if they remove Orban from his EU presidency & if they strip him of his allocated funding too. It’ll start a chain reaction they’ll not have bargained for. Another Mafia outfit that went from an economic bloc to overreaching it’s remit into imposing political warfare. They’ll be over too & with it all this transgender directive.

  365. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Got that ladies the erosion of women’s’ rights know by SFPs & Handmaidens as ‘genderpish’ won’t be happening.

    Everything will be hunky dory so you should just shut-it. Got that ‘Just shut the fuck up Terfs’

    Well that is what ‘Geri the Cock of the Walk Handmaiden extra-ordinaire’ tells us.

    They tell us it’s a woman’s issue and that it’s for women to sort out and then when we do we are accused of

    being on a mission to piss everyone off and twist what people say.

    Just wondering what Geri/Gerry’s pronouns are?

  366. lain More says:

    I no longer watch the Olympics.I haven’t watched it since the Nuremberg Style rally that was the Brit Nazi gathering of the London Olympics and now we get the Tranny Nazi Olympics. I am glad I avoided it. It is a return to the glory days of hairy muscular East German female shot putters only this time it is men with baws.

  367. Peter A Bell says:

    There is no “gender marker” on a British passport. It records only sex.


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