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Wings Over Scotland

Granny’s at the gin again

Posted on December 24, 2014 by

We missed this on Sunday, because it was 17 minutes into on the short-lived and unlamented “Crossfire” (now binned for a Sunday edition of “Good Morning Scotland”) and therefore pretty much everyone in Scotland missed it. It’s former Labour minister Helen Liddell, or as we should properly address her, Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

[audio ]

We’ve spared you her subsequent painful bleating about a general election 35 years ago that she doesn’t seem to have quite gotten over, but we couldn’t help raising an eyebrow at her curious assessment of the referendum result, which we suspect fellow guest Andrew “Lallands Peat Worrier” Tickell was simply too stunned to react to.

“The No side won two to one, and there is a very silent majority out there that isn’t interested in all the histrionics that we’ve seen since the referendum.”

Wait, what? Two to one? 67% to 33%? A margin of 34 points rather than the 10-point one everybody thought happened? Has there been a recount and nobody told us? The Baroness was known as “Stalin’s Granny” during her deeply inglorious time in power, but even the infamously reality-adjusting Soviet dictator might think a rewriting of history so audacious in scale was pushing it a bit.


The media since September 19th has been full of Unionist columnists stridently insisting that they won the vote overwhelmingly and comprehensively. They say it so often and so angrily readers might be forgiven for wondering who it is they’re actually trying to convince.

All but one of the opinion polls taken since the vote have put Yes in the lead, and also suggest that Baroness Liddell’s party is heading for a Scottish electoral wipeout in 2015 that’ll make the SNP’s 1979 one look like a minor hiccup. We understand why she might want to start getting creative with arithmetic to cheer herself up a bit.

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Ian Brotherhood

That’s never Helen Liddell. Panto season, so it’s William Hague in drag, right?


Surely time for her to leave the stage, unelected, unaccountable totally forgettable, who is she again?


When did she escape from the care home? Ian Brotherhood had the best description ever for the Baroness I think it was something to do with her wotsit coupon..


She was never a very convincing liar.

Training Day

There’s a simple explanation. Everyone who didn’t end up voting wanted to vote No, it’s just that they couldn’t be bothered to mark an X accordingly. And, as many Unionist commentators have told us, people who voted Yes are less intelligent, so it stands to reason that many of them simply marked an X at random on the ballot paper and voted Yes while really wanting to vote No (although being less intelligent they should have wanted to vote Yes and er..)

That’s the impeccable Unionist logic of the socialist Baroness.

bookie from hell

she quoted that 2/1 NO in house of lords debate,then proceeded to say YES voters intimidated violence

Grouse Beater

The stupid ‘silent majority’ again, a discredited phrase even when President tricky Dickie Nixon uttered it.

If ‘silent’ how the hell do we know if they’re a majority!

Third rate, brainless, hateful Labour machine politicians.

They churn them out like widgets!


You would look grim too if someone with a camera had caught you just coming out of the Beauty Store after getting her lip and chin waxed.

Les Wilson

Well, it is Christmas, however Liddle would make a good Scrooge impression, as would most of Slab or Tories, or indeed Condems. These are all bitter people who cannot understand the feelings of the Scots in wanting change.

More bitterness to come, from all the usual suspects, aided and abetted with the BBC and our abysmal MSM et al.


“A face that would frighten the French”, as my auld grannie used tae say, she should be in Cinderella as one of the Ugly Sisters, supported by the Lord Ffoulkes.
I listened to the prog’ a surreal experience from an entrenched establishment figure. Socialist lords, barons & baronesses, Azimov in his wildest imaginings couldn’t conjure up a more bizarre scenario. The baroness C’Dyke, local pronounciation.


Is she including the people that didn’t bother to vote in that “silent majority”?

john ferguson

A true and faithful disciple of the late Robert Maxwell. a bookend to match Andrew Neil. Ruthless.

fred blogger

i wonder how she know’s there is a very silent majority out there, has it spoken and is therefore no longer silent.
link to

Wee jock poo-pong mcplop

Naw, it’s Billy Bremner shortly before his retirement…


Danny Alexander’s calculator strikes again! Hope Santa brings them a new one that actually tells the truth xxx


Isn’t there a story about her position being gained by performing some action, whilst in the kneeling position in a toilet? Allegedly. 🙂


I hope she disnae try and go oot for Gin today it’s an absolute circus. Folk are panic buying as if a nuclear winter is coming, the shops are only shut for a fucking day people, Jeezo we are a loaf away from societal breakdown 🙁


Labour won a vote, let down an electorate and lost a country.

The ‘baroness’ is attempting to re write history. Its what Labour does when they’ve been caught betraying founding principles.

What they did to the Scottish electorate in order to win that vote should never be forgotten or forgiven.

Murray McCallum

If she says this often enough it will become accepted as fact.

I’m surprised the Labour Accounting Unit in Scotland don’t go with the same tactic – “silent majority” – and say they have 150,000 members. Jim Murphy was way too cautious with his 20,000 and he needs to think outside his box.


Just another aggressively condescending,embittered,ideologically alienated Labourite Dinosaur.


Baroness Liddell, you’re a wicked old witch of the West.


Just a wee aside here but was she not *cough* sent to Australia by that warmonger Blair to be his representative or Governor General or something for a few years?

I think I have sussed her out here. There are a few plausible explanations that I can think of any one of which might be the root cause of her wee *ahem* error. 😉

1) she had been hitting the cheap plonk in the Westminster bars only minutes before her *cough* interview.

2) She has been using the BBC calculator, as opposed to the BBC Weather Map, to *ahem* count the numbers in the referendum result.

3) She was simply just pissed that despite losing the YES side are steadfastly refusing to go back into our wee box.


@croompenstein, the Baroness will be shown no quarter in the scrum of the liquor aisle in Tesco!

No no no...Yes

Helen Lidl, another greasy pole dancer, nothing more to say.


An entirely unelected Westminster job for lifer Baroness tells a very elected Holyrood MSP and former FM to quit. How very teamGB of her. Scottish Democracy drives red and blue tory imperial masters nuts, shock:D


That woman has always been awful.

She stood side by side with Ian Lang in the HoL to criticise independence.

She’s probably grateful than someone of her limited ability and intelligence has gotten so far.

Apart from that well done The Rev for getting a mention on Rory Bremner , for helping to keep us all sane during the campaign, so happy Christmas to you and all the other wingers.

De Valera

Behind all the unionists anger and downright lies is one thing – fear that the game is up. They desperately want us to go away and we wont.

Had forgotten all about Baroness Liddell until now. (These socialists sure do love their titles).

[…] Granny’s at the gin again […]


Please god, I want them to have as many seats as the Tories have now in Scotland!


I wonder what her next job will be, if Labour do get annihilated at GE2015. She obviously won’t get work in a bookies if she thinks 11-9 is the same as 2-1!


Total of the 4,283,392 electorate:

Yes 37.8%
No 46.7%
DNV 15.4%

Given the above, Granny hasn’t been at the Gin, but she’s been kicking the @*$€ out of the Jellies and Buckie!

Lenny Hartley

She’s not all bad she will follow you into the toilet in case you need a hand shAking it and she does a good line in discount grocery shops


Perhaps she added the Not voting on to the No voting?


The 45% for No represented 38% of the total electorate. Whilst that isn’t one third it’s near enough for polemic. Unionists tend to see votes for the SNP or devolution and independence as percentages of the total electorate as if anyone who didn’t vote would have voted unionist. ‘Labour peer’ sums up people like Liddell perfectly.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

That wasn’t Liddell, that was the oaf Bremner again.

Graham Ballantyne

I heard this on Sunday morning and couldn’t believe no one picked her up on how 45/55 equals 2 to 1.

Liddell has that all-consuming, massive Scottish Labour sense of entitlement and belongs to whatever era predates the dinosaurs. Robert Maxwell’s bag carrier still going on about the “downfall” of the Callaghan government and “tartan tories”. FFS


I think she is using George Osbornes calculator……. The one that prophecised the deficit would be under controll this year.


Oh let the woman be, it’s Christmas, and she’s the living embodiment of every reason why the polls are what the polls are, and the crisis her party is about to receive from those same voters.


It’s the Labour way. When they don’t like the facts, they just make up some new ones.


BT unionists always banging on about how yes lost the indy-ref vote and we should get over it. The BT campaign was to win the vote at any price, well yous won the vote, now yous are paying that price, so just shut the f**k up and get over it..


Counting non-voters and the deceased as ‘No’ voters is a well-worn Labour tactic.

[…] Granny’s at the gin again […]


Liddell is clearly living 35 years in the past, as well as talking about it. My rough and ready calculations show that not only is she counting the people who didn’t vote, but everyone of 7 years of age and above. She must think we’re very precocious in Scotland. Either that or she’s in her dotage. What a dote!

Bob Sinclair

Why even mention the DNV’s. They are meaningless & if they didn’t vote their opinion means nothing. They have foregone their right to have an opinion. Very few things make me as annoyed as people too lazy to vote. They are an affront to democracy.


I cannot begin to imagine what it would feel like going to your grave having voted against your country.

David Stevenson

I second drawdeaddave’s conclusion. Sick listening to and reading that Unionist wailing. Especially the Labour variety. But then again I know why they are howling at the moon: Panic. And that cheers me up again…..

Robert Llewellyn Tyler

The Brits do have rather a selective memory regards the events of 79. It is universally believed in the Labour Party in Wales that the three Plaid Cymru MPs, Dafydd Wigley, Dafydd Elis Thomas and Gwynfor Evans, voted against the Callaghan government and were thus partly responsible for Thatcher’s subsequent reign. The three Plaid MPs, in fact, voted against the no confidence motion, securing compensation for slate quarrymen in the process.
This misinformation is spread on a regular basis.

Brian Mac

No way anybody can be that stupid, – Just another ‘bitter’ scared Unionist deliberately spewing erroneous info, and having a good old personal attack on Alex Salmond.

Truly nauseating.

Steve Asaneilean

Bob Sinclair is correct – if you chose not to vote then you have no right to a say.

J Green

When did 10% become Two to One??.. Has she never heard when a performer leaves the stage the good ones always have an Encore…..

Ian MacDonald

Hello Helen. Alex Salmond is ELECTED. You are not.

Still want to give us a patronising lecture about democracy and personal legitimacy?

This kind of stuff makes my blood boil.


I wish my fellow Wings commenters could refrain from personal attacks about people’s looks. It’s not going to win anyone over. Maybe we could make a joint new year’s resolution to stick to the issues.

George Ferguson

Liddell has included the “Did Not Votes” as No voters. No doubt arguing they wisnae a YES vote. Even then it doesn’t reach two to one. Keep going I say the damage to the credibility of Labour keeps growing in Scotland. Roll on May 7th. Our chance to respond..


Better make that 12 years or older. I hate this obsession with coming up with accurate figures, one of the downsides of being a YES voter. It would be so easy being a NO supporter, you can just pluck a figure out of the air and get Danny Alexander or Alistair Carmichael to publicise it as fact.

Anyway, Happy Christmas to all.


Bob Sinclair
I don’t actually agree, unless there was always an option of “none of the above” on the ballot paper.

Perhaps BT’s most effective slogan was the one they came out just a week before the Referendum: “If you don’t know, vote NO”.

I’ve heard of a few cases where people did just exactly that, people who always vote because they feel it’s their duty. Had they abstained, the result could have been different, but without that “none of the above”, we’ll never know.

john king

BJ says
“You would look grim too if someone with a camera had caught you just coming out of the Beauty Store after getting her lip and chin waxed.”

That was AFTER?
She’d be better aff wi a blowtorch tae burn that fuse wire aff her chin

Norma Ballingall

Wasn’t she just as useless as Johann Lamont when she was around? She may have had to disappear but people still like and have a lot of respect for Alex who actually knows what he is doing

Kevin Evans

Merry Christmas everyone – am gonna have to take a break from readin this stuff. My health is shot to pieces. My stress levels are through the roof reading all this stuff. I can feel the rage coming on.


The BBC Labour Party – Parasites and Liars.

If these 2 organisations spent as much time exposing paedos instead of working together to spread lies and provide safe havens for beasts the world might be a far better place for an awful lot of people.

Kevin Evans

Just listened to that again – God I hate that bitch


Liddell’s another ex-BBC journo and ex-daily Record director! Quelle surprise!

In July 2010 she became the baroness and has claimed as much as she can in the last 4 and a half years! Let’s look at just two months in that period: ~

In December 2013, she attended all 11 out of 11 sittings in that one month – the maximum – she claimed £3,300 (£300 per day), plus travel costs of £1,323. The most recent HoL records, (July 2014), reveal she hunkered her bahookey down, on 17 out of the 19 sittings, kerching-ing £5,100 in attendance allowance, plus £2,216 travel & other expenses, (included in ‘other expenses were £18 for stamps – bless!) Total bill to tax payers for those 28 days of the Baroness’s services (whatever these are)! comes to just under £12,000. In other words, the good Baroness pocketed in those 28 days, the same amount which a lot of people can only EARN in one whole year, (in some cases, ‘earning’ means working all the hours that God sends, unlike the baroness with her business flights etc)! She also claims the costs of a new mobile phone plus two new computers every year, which come as standard at the HoL goodies shop. Every HoL member is given a swipe card for when they eat at any of the discounted HoL restaurants, at rates cheaper than anywhere else in the world for 5 star culinary delights.

I tell you Stalin would have had this little grasping, capitalist kulak up against the wall pronto, granny or no granny. A granny we definitely CAN ALL shove aff the bus, sooner rather than later, by voting SNP in May!!


Liddell is an appalling character, one of the nastiest, most vindictive to emerge in SLAB’s ranks. She is infamous for her quote on non co-operation with the SNP during the 1979 referendum, and for not only working for Robert Maxwell, but once even following him into the toilet. Due to her implacable hatred of the SNP she cannot even see that a 55 to 45 per cent referendum result is nothing like two to one against independence. What a moronic thing to say, and as for the now constant girning from SLAB about 1979, when your own PM blames his own backbenchers and not the SNP, but you continue to dodge responsibilty for 35 years, then you should know you have massive problems.

To redirect a football chant, here is one for SLAB: Always the victim its never your fault. 😀


Maybe we should have a new whiskey label dedicated to her…

ronnie anderson

@ Rev sos Rev you dont get a mush like that wie imbibing the fruit juices of the juniper tree,knowing Helen Liddle its the lemons she,ll suck.


What is it with unionists counting the dead and those who did not vote as being on their side?


They cannae help but lie. Scum is too polite a word to describe the likes of the Baroness.


They are using the standard Labour/Unionist format that if you didn’t vote then that gets added to the Labour or unionist tally.

Similar versions – The SNP only got a fraction of the vote in 2011 (No voters / LibDems / Labour / Tory / Green / SSP etc are all on the same side with these stats.)

In reality a 5% swing in 2014 would have seen Scotland Independent. Only 200,000 people changing their vote would have done it.

Labour like to count the dead in their figures so including those who didn’t vote is a small step.

donald anderson

She was only a bus driver’s daughter.
She joined Labour and became a Colonial Governor
She started with nothing and nothing is all she delivered.


Thats a woman? Jesus H, imagine that being your wife, you’d be bealin’


I know the bod Baroness’s son both personally and professionally. A nicer guy you could never hope to meet. I don’t think it will spoil the atmosphere at the Liddell’s Christmas dinner to reveal he is far removed from old school Labour politics and supported independence as ardently as all of us.

With this in mind we should be careful of the amount of comments highlighting the Baroness’s looks. She is an older women, a mum and a gran. There is plenty of relevant stuff to vent about; she is as abject and mean a politician as any. Come on, let’s rise above and leave the shitty comments about appearance to that lot slagging the blessed Nicola.

Nana Smith

Agree with Cuilean’s post. Can’t think of anything good to say about this woman and the labour/slab party. Just one big empty vessel.

We have laughed and cried together on this site and although we have not ‘met’ I consider you all friends in support of a great cause. To rid Scotland of these parasites will be the prize.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and hopefully a good new year.


Her mug nearly put me off Christmas she used to do my nut in. I wonder if she remembers Mr Maxwell and Anne Robinson.


Very heartened watching the keiser report. The trews getting bigger media footage than the sun.
link to

Neil H

Nurse! Nurse . . . ?

Bob Mack

Does anyone really care what she stands for ? My only comment is what kind of old school Socialist claims all these allowances whilst people go hungry. Merry Christmas to all.

Dave Beveridge

@ No no no…Yes

Congrats on somehow getting Helen Liddell into a sentence with “pole dancer” without also using “things I’d rather dangle my goolies in a tank of piranha fish than observe”.

dave oh what

……what pairt of the phrase “no way,’NO'” does she no understand ??? 😉

Brian Powell

Tactics is all Labour have.


I think we have all got this Socialist thingy all wrong you know.

I believe in the Labour Party dictionary of important words and phrases the term Socialist is defined as “Sock a List!” which in Labour Party parlance means Sod everyone else I’m first and everything I do is for ME ME ME! so back off you serfs! 😛

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas when it comes. 😉

Arabs for Independence

I heard her on Crossfire on the car radio. I was raging at her and the presenter: she was meant to be commenting on news not making erroneous remarks and trying to point score. I tried to call BBC to complain especially about the unchallenged 2 to 1 but they were not taking calls.

I shared a platform with her a few times many years ago and she is not the smartest.

James Christie

As others have said, those who didn’t vote are being counted as No voters. That gives a No victory, of 1.6 to 1. Obviously any reasonable commentator would round that to the nearest integer, hence 2 to 1. I’m not sure what all this paranoid pedantry is about. Any representative sample taken in the House of Lords would show emphatic agreement with the good Baroness.


You got the wrong photay. That’s Archie MacPherson.


Just want to wish all WOS warriors, the Rev and the CIA / GCHQ a very merry Xmas. xxx

All the shops etc closed at 14.00 today in Germany and won’t reopen til Saturday when all mayhem will break loose because the knickers were too small or he … well whatever..!
Ahhh, the sales really kick off… 😉

Sunday the shops are all closed again, (normal here) and then it’s mad Monday – even Ghengis Khan could learn something. 😉

BTW, if you’ve got five minutes in between the hectic life, send your thoughts out to the families of those who died in Glasgow, they’re not celebrating like we are.


“not only working for Robert Maxwell, but once even following him into the toilet.”

And like so many other senior Labour figures, her exit route was different from the way she entered, if you catch my drift…

Archie Hamilton

You may or may not agree with her view of life or for that matter agree with Murphy’s political approach but in neither instance does it serve anyone’s cause to personalise things by making negative comments about their appearance.

It might be fun venting your spleen in that way but that really is the extent of contribution. Lets try to raise our sights a bit higher please.t

The Isolator

Wretched woman,enemy of the Scottish People writ large on her CV.

Her conduct during the 1979 referendum campaign was a complete pantomime ,constantly siding with the Tories”Frankly I would rather see Scotland elect 72 Scottish Conservative mp’s as opposed to one Scottish Nationalist mp”.Summed her up perfectly I would say.

Another self serving Labourite masquerading as an altruist of the working people.

Her grasp of economics was less than impressive when in office ,however when it comes to adding up the expenses.Helen Dolittle by name and by nature.


I will make this quick.

F##k em

Happy Saturnalia every body


Like all the Unionist politicians, she really, really doesn’t want to see “Mr Salmond Goes to Westminster II”.
But I’m looking forward to the New Year and the many treats ahead. There’s Burns Night and the White Paper. Then in March the Radio Scotland new pre-election schedule starts with 3 hours DAILY of Call Kay with an e. I won’t be listening but look forward to dispatches from the front. Then the GE15 kicks in.
So have a good break everyone, including you Stu.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all and many thanks for all the articles and comments that have made this year so special.


I f*in kent I’d seen her somewhere before….

link to


Lets be honest, number details are not really that important to politicians.

Their minds work This way.

If my number is bigger than theirs then I’m in.
Oh bugger – If it’s smaller then I’m out.

Need to lie and cheat to get the biggest number I can

gerry parker

Aye, last nights night shift at Asda were “asked” out today to also cover a backshift.

No doubt at minimum wage.

A bit of a harder shift than picking up £300 a day for clocking in.


Clearly with this woman, the lights are on but nobody’s home. Typical labourite-opens her mouth & lies spew out.

£300 per day on the red benches-sorry but on this showing she isn’t worth £3 per day.

Alex really has got them going though-brilliant man, more power to his elbow.

Tick, tock, tick tock red tories


Thanks for keeping us informed, Stuart.
Have a great Christmas everybody. Enjoy your turkey if you eat turkey. The red tory turkeys will get their early Christmas on May 7th!


She has put down Scotland and the SNP at every turn.Westminster got value for money with her when she was bought and sold.

Donald Urquhart

Beautiful professionalism from the Presenter, the way he/she leapt in to challenge Barren Arse Little of Coat hook on her bare faced lie.

Top unionism servitude again from the BBC.

Happy Christmas to all YES’ers

Jim Thomson

@Donald Urquhart

You from a sea-side town in Ross-shire?


I thought she ws deid until I saw her in the Champagned House of Lords Indy blether, beside Lordy Lang. But then I thought he was deid tae.

Has champagne life extending properties? And so an elixir for Slab?

But then their new leader Murphy is teetotal. Jings, Well he could wear a champagne colour top rather than a Scotland top when he is out jogging in December freezing his baws, and waving to press photographers who just happen to be out on Clydeside freezing their baws too. I mean, a champagne top would be less than skin-deep and easy to change. It would suit him, in principle.

Bill Dale

Great title for this post Stu, “Granny’s at the girn again!” – I assume that gin was a typo, since Lords and Ladies only drink a superior class of champagne.

Merry Christmas to all Wingers and a great New Year when it comes.


A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my fellow Scots.

I thought of saying something negative about those who strayed onto the dark side in 2014, but I will say little. I genuinely wish only good things for our wee country and those who have chosen to live here. Because, most of us will continue to live here together.

Despite the events of 2014, I still trust that democracy can deliver a brighter future for Scotland as an independent nation.

I hope that the polls showing a majority for Indy are correct, and I hope the figure for those in favour of self determination will never drops below 50% again. I believe we may now have reached that point and that raises my spirits for the future! If independence is seen clearly and consistently as the wish of the majority of Scotland’s people, it will happen.

We will win. Winners are remembered. Those individuals and organisations who orchestrated the lies, scaremongering and false promises will disappear sooner or later and will scarcely be remembered.

We have an opportunity in May 2015 to keep Scottish interests at the forefront of UK politics. I hope enough of my fellow Scots grab this next chance with both hands!


We really need to challenge the old saw that SNP was responsible for the Thatcher years. Andrew Tickell should have jumped down the baroness’s throat when she spouted the usual Labour lie. She should have been asked for her opinion on Jim Callaghan’s memoirs which put the blame firmly on the rebel Labour backbenchers.

What about their scheming against the SNP which was less than honest?

What about the fact that Thatcher won the majority of Englsih votes?


John Swinney MLA on SKY NEWS
Should that not be MSP.

Anne Lawrie

Must have been in the same maths class as Johanne. If Scotland were independent, what would happen to all the Scots who have been rewarded with a wee seat in the HoL with £300 a day, & unlimited expenses? Just askin’

donald anderson

I’ll never forgive her for playing the sectarian card in the Coatbridge and Garscadden by elections, with the help of Galloway, Jim Murphy, Frank Roy and the rest of the despicable Labour Unionist Mafia. None of the Sellick Labour Green Brits sought to challenge Labour’s Imperial role in their Six occupied Irish counties.


OT but something has always bothered me on that hellish night. There were no exit polls taken so why were the unionist mob so smug chirpy and extremely confident just minutes after the voting closed?

Bob Mack

These Scottish members of the House of Lords have much to lose with an independent Scotland. It would put one hell of a hole in their pension plan, unless the beneficent English would still accommodate them within their own boundaries. Re named perhaps as Baroness Liddell of Shaky coat dyke

fred blogger

well said, ultimately she has insulted the scottish people, we can make political decision’s and by god come may ge, slab will feel the full force of our decision.

gerry parker


Aye, and that the Labour party delivered devolution to Scotland.


On the one hand a Labour trougher/Baroness says shut up and go away and on’tother Muprhy says Xmas will “mark the moment when the referendum debate will be concluded” which is pretty nice of him. Whatever happened to THE VOW n shit? Like the Baroness, Murphy drones on and on, families divided will come together, they will move on, they will put it all behind them, they will move on thinking about the teamGB year ahead, they will take responsibility for the all new and massively powerful new powers and so on. If you think I’m making it up, its all sitting in neo fascist Daily Mail, like a big turd.

What a bunch. So they beat on, boats against the tide, borne back ceaselessly into their UKOK past, or something like that. If a shill like Murphy does become Scotland’s FM, we’re all fcuked.


Why ask the opinion of an unelected peer,nobody voted for them to be in the house of lords. Being unelected,their opinions should not be sought out,even Farage has been elected.

Dr Jim

Merry Christmas Pals, and Duff Plum to the Enemy, i’ll away tae ma soup now, and the esteemed Baroness kin tuck intae her expenses I am Alex Salmond Ho Ho Ho…


gerry parker says:
24 December, 2014 at 6:46 pm

Aye, and that the Labour party delivered devolution to Scotland.”

So how come said Labour party fight so hard to stop it Jerry? and shoulder to shoulder with the Tory Party, Muprhy hugging and cuddling his blue tory friends on victory day for teamGB?


Merry christmas to all the cybernats

John Porteous

This woman did, for me, win second prize for the funniest moment of the whole Referendum campaign (winner was the Imperial Masters rickshaw ride) with her impassioned defence of Ian Lang on the floor of the House of Lords. Lang had received abuse after suggesting that YES voters were ("Tractor" - Ed)s to the greatest, most glorious union ever. Liddell’s unrestrained defence was peppered with “The Noble Lord Lang…” I couldn’t reach the sick bucket for laughing.

Dan Huil

Liddell personifies the rotting state of the Labour party in Scotland. How many working class heroes does “Scottish” Labour have in the hoose o’ lairds?

gerry parker


Because that’s what the labour party do.
Tell lies, rewrite history, and jump into bed with anyone willing to keep the corrupt system running.


She is not the only one to get the figures about Pro Union support wrong. Back in 2009… link to … a certain J Murphy spouted out some unsubstantiated rhubarb that “Being passionate about Scotland doesn’t make you anti-British. It doesn’t make you want to break up Britain. We know the vast majority of Scots want to remain in a strong United Kingdom.”

So even then he was creating facts from nowt. ‘We know…’ Who is this ‘we’ that knows so much? I wonder.

‘…the vast majority…’ Where was this ‘vast majority’? I wonder.

Turned out to be a slim one actually, Jim… That red Tory Turkey is enough to put me off my turkey dinner tomorrow. Have a great day everyone 🙂

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Just back in from the pub. Meeting old friends and sharing some fond memories.

To all old friends and my new friends on the YES side. Have a merry Christmas and a happy (or merrier) New Year!

john king

Another Christmas,
and still under the jackboot of Westminster,
But we’re still here folks and
merry Christmas to all my friends on WINGS. 🙂


Why the pic of a Ventriloquists Dummy, couldn’t you find a pic of Helen out of Ermin looking like a normal lefty socialist woman of the people?

Tricky find that eh?


One last thing. I popped into the Yesbar in Glasgow with my wife. After a pleasant drink of draught prosecco (yup, it’s on tap) she remarked how the place was full of people of all ages, and how unusual it was. The power of Yes, I replied. Seems that the referendum has brought generations together after all.


Labour, liar, leech. Liddell.

Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas.

Spare a thought for those in pain and suffering, not just in Glasgow but a’ the world ower.

Christmas will no doubt be a difficult day in some families after the referendum. Please don’t let your political differences damage your family. You may have to bite your tongue. You may have to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous british unionism. You might have to pretend we lost. Just let it be water off a duck’s back. Don’t rise to any bait. Just remember we have a secret. We haven’t gone away. We will be back. Soon.

BTW @Kendomacaroonbar

Got the iScot Ken, many thanks. It looks superb. Especially looking forward to reading our Wings contributors. Year’s subscription coming. Anyone else interested in supporting this worthwhile enterprise can find it here: link to

Dave McEwan Hill

Davie at 3.50

Well said.


Joemcg says:
24 December, 2014 at 6:43 pm

Every Party has “counters” who can sample/estimate the papers as they are officially counted.
People who do this can give a fairly strong representation. Compare it to a good quality set of poll samples.

A few texts to other centres and you have a fair idea how it is going across the country. The 45/55 overall trend developed pretty early but the general view that we would fall short was clear even earlier. 🙁

Dorothy Devine

Croompenstein , have a heart my wine glass was in my hand when I clicked on that.

I am too well wined to feel utter hatred for people like this pantomime dame – Widow Twanky if ever there was one- but I am not too well wined to feel utter disgust at those conniving , lying ,manipulating b^ggers.

Merry , merry Christmas to one and all – even to the honest NO voters should any exist.


Just a quick Merry Xmas to all, not forgetting Wee Willie Rennie whose aye in a flap over Wings.


That woman epitomises the type that has held Scotland back for over 3 centuries. take take take me me me and make sure the people lay low in their feudal servitude.

on a lighter not merry Christmas tae yese aw and all the best fur the new year. Now off to get everything ready for santa comin fur the weans.



“the general view that we would fall short was clear even earlier”

Aye, Clootie, I would go as far as saying that I think some in the upper echelons of the SNP knew before the vote had taken place. Wonder who told them?


Have a good festive season folks.


Twas the night before Xmas and our imperial masters wanted to get one more F you in. Check out this dude and his “It Was Flipper Wot Won It, Not Crash Gordon.” Needs a shave but one more insult from rancid old hypocrites at the Guardian. Id have thought such an esteemed progressive broadsheet might wonder why their teamGB hero has bottled it just before the Scots had time to thank Flipper the Hero personally in the polling booth.

If Alistair’s our hero who wouldn’t vote for him and polls do seem to suggest our imperial masters do need every Slabour Westminster MP in May. But its not to be. Instead, NO ONE tries to break up my Britain, is what Raphael stomps his foot over, horrid cyberultranats!

link to

I actually just want to test my link to link and this odd little twerp from the Graun is a fun way to do it.

Robert Kerr

All the best to Stu and Wingers.

Merry Christmas.

An Teallach

Thanks Stu and all the Wingers who make this site so fantastic. Wishing everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas!

After the year it will be time to stock up on the popcorn for the next round of entertainment 🙂

Onwards to Independence!

Graeme Doig

Season’s greetings to all you good people. Proud to be part of this movement with you all.
God bless.

De Valera

Merry Christmas to everyone. Next stop May 2015.


Looking back at this year, the fact that we managed to get a Yes vote of 45 per cent, over 1.6 million voters in Scotland went out and voted for independence when it really mattered. This is a tremendous achievement in itself, particularly due to the fact that the Yes campaign was up against the resources and power of the British state and MSM. To come through that with the Yes vote we got is remarkable. People should be very proud of their efforts, it was a remarkable effort from everyone. Remember that at the start of 2014 there was no MSM newspaper that supported independence, not even a Sunday edition paper!

Therefore, the struggle and cause goes on. We have chances coming up in the next few years to advance our cause, and we should be looking with cautious optimism at these opportunities.


Seasons greetings to all and congratulations to Rev Stu for providing ye Watchight service.

Might I suggest that those who lead our pert take tie to read Tim Pat Coogan’s excellent biography on Michael Collins?

His success was due in no small part to Collins’s personal knowledge of the British Establishment.

There are Scottish nationalists in every sinew of the UK establishment; next time let’s use them. no violence will be necessary!

Dave McEwan Hill

Donald Anderson at 7.02

With you there entirely. Helen Liddell and Frank Roy pressed the sectarian button at every opportunity. I wrote a piece (the Dirty Game)for Wings last year on this very subject.
It used to work for them but no more.
Coatbridge did 70% Yes and it is highly significant that the areas in Scotland with the highest Scots/Irish populations recorded the highest YES votes.Bishop Lambert (William Wallace’s patriotic bishop)will have been proud of them.
That is the Labour bedrock vote and it has walked away from them.

When Helen Liddell worked for arch fraudster Robert Maxwell she acquired a big house in Tighnabruaich.
The locals called it Maxwell House

donald anderson

I was in Crossmaglen with the Scottish Republican Socialists. Frank Roy was there as a member of the Crossmaglen Republican Flute Band from Craigneuk. I always fought against North British “Irish Republicans” who were Republicans for Ireland and Unionists for Scotland, supporting Ireland’s very enemies. The Brit left also paid lip service to Ireland and backed the British State in Scotland. I am glad to say that is changing and hope my many years in the wilderness helped to do just that. I never wore a Celtic top in Ireland and sometimes a Partick Thistle top for fun, or a Scottish or Argentinian top during the invasion of Malvinas. The Irish had more respect for that than Celtic bams who went back to being Green Brits when they landed in Stranraer.

I will be 78 on Sunday and would die happy just to see Scottish Independence topple the remains of the Brutish Empire. There is nothing more they can do to me that would make any difference and I don’t care what they fling at me next. I remain as I always have been and to hell with the lot of them, ("Tractor" - Ed)s, cowards and bought servants all.

At the moment I am about to Switch off a James Bond movie, on the telly, ‘Skyfall’ with Daniel Craig rabbiting on about England, Empire and Union Jackery and then have another malt.

Seasons girnings to you all and Bah Humbug to the British State and all their gombeens and Quislings

Hoss Mackintosh

Rev Stu, Wingers and Yessers,

Merry Christmas to you all.

All the best for the New Year.

Let’s hope for a Bonanza in May 2015!


ffs I hope naebody is flying fae glesga airport anytime soon.

its been shut the past 8 hours due tae a suspicious car being found.

apparently it had tax insurance and the radio wis still in it

ha ha ha

merry xmas and aw the best

jock mc x

merry YESMAS to all.

Swami Backverandah

Raising a glass of good cheer to all the folk here and pouring a double to raise to Stu, with many thanks for all the insight, information and good humour. Long may you all prosper.
Cheers 😀


Almost dram time; weans abed. Here’s to each and every one of you. And Stu; especially Stu.


Instead of participating in the latest episode of BBC Labour, Liar Liddell might want to give the people of Scotland an explanation for her obstructive behaviour during a very serious investigation into child abuse and murder.

“Investigating The Housemaster claims hits a brick wall as 4 Secretaries of State for Scotland know nothing.”
link to


Best wishes to you all.

Ian Brotherhood

@Donald Anderson –

Will raise a glass to you on Sunday. Hope you have a good one, and that you’ll see your heart’s desire becoming a reality before the big 80 arrives!

More power to ye mister. Slainte.

donald anderson

Ian Brotherhood says:
24 December, 2014 at 10:16 pm
Reply to Ian Brotherhood
@Donald Anderson –
“Will raise a glass to you on Sunday. Hope you have a good one, and that you’ll see your heart’s desire becoming a reality before the big 80 arrives!
More power to ye mister. Slainte.”

Raising a gless tae yersel’ the noo Iain. Finished watching the rest of the James Bond hokum. The final scenes were shot in Glencoe, which I knew well from climbing, walking and camping, plus a vigil with the “Oystercatchers” who were monitoring the surveyors, who were “not” intending to dump nuclear waste there. Willie MacRae was a member and they finally got him.

The Fleming family had an estate there and supported the Oystercatchers. I don’t know where Skyfall estate hoose came from.

I also noticed that Bond, Daniel Craig, liked 20 year old MacAllan. Ditto and I take everything the Brits say with a large pinch of malt.

Dave McEwan Hill

I went to YES day at Celtic Park a few months ago (Celtic v Dundee Utd) and was gobsmacked to see thousands of YES posters lifted up all around the ground at the 18th minute.
There has been a massive change. We must not lose it. It’s the “proud Scots” who are now the enemy


Onwards and upwards folks. Let’s make 2015 the year of the conversion. Don’t forget, both negative AND positive campaign tactics next year, they both work and should both be used.

All the best to all of the unselfish people who are striving for an independent equitable society. Merry Xmas.


Hey Helen, here’s another ratio for you; the Scottish public are voting 3 to 1 against Labour.


We beat you before.

We’ll beat you again.

Don’t ever forget it.


Speaking of dinosaurs. Where did they dig her up from? Just when folk think it’s safe to go out, without the garlic and the stake.


Merry Christmas to you all who contribute here,and thanks to all of you for your strength and inspiration in carrying on the fight for our country.

Special Xmas thanks to Rev Stuart for keeping the Faith.Maybe thats where he gets the strength from.


Kids sound, Santa due any minute – just time to wish every single one of you a happy, peaceful Christmas over the next few days – will save my grateful thanks to Stu and the rest of you till the end of our year – but need to say never felt more proud to be a Scot – God Bless


@Ken500 – Are you talking about the Baroness or Lorraine? 🙂

Alex Clark

I learnt three important lessons in 2014.

1. The British establishment is powerful, it controls all media, particularly the state broadcaster.

2. British politicians lie and are in general corrupt, it is all they know. It has most likely been that way for decades if not centuries.

3. Ordinary people can fight back. Just need to have their eyes opened. The establishment wish you to remain blind.

My eyes are open and my goal is to open those of others in the coming months and years if necessary.

Thanks Rev for the enlightened analysis and thanks to all Wings commentators for the further insights. You all do a grand job in the education of the as yet uninformed.

Please keep up the good work, it does make a difference.


If you are a unionist then a warm welcome to this forum.We dont want only to be talking to ourselves on here.Merry Christmas to you.

Jamie Arriere

Ever wondered where Mags Curran, Johann Lamont, Jackie Baillie and other such useless articles came from?

Behold the mold!

Anyway, glass filled, slainte mhath

Merry Christmas all

Lenny Hartley

donald anderson 78 michty me how time flies its been a while but i used to bump into you at various demos back in the earlynineties

to all have a happy iron age goat herders supersticious holiday

donald anderson

Reply to Lenny Hartley

Lenny Hartley says:
“donald anderson 78 michty me how time flies its been a while but i used to bump into you at various demos back in the early nineties
to all have a happy iron age goat herders superstitious holiday”

It wizny me and I know Nuzzing. Have a guid Humbug season Lenny and all.

Auld Rock

Past the shortest day – ONWARD TO THE CELTIC SPRING (and I’m not talking bleedin football, LOL).


Auld Rock

fred blogger

i wish everyone well, RnR if possible.


The old bat just beleives her own pish!

Doug McGregor

I want to thank the person on here who posted a link to “Hope and Glory” by Ken Loach , it’s 4 films of about 2 hours each , all freestanding but linked by characters and was made in 1975.I have watched them all today and would recommend to all who are interested in finding out how we got to where we are today , particularly 3 and 4. Made partly by the BBC in what must have been very different times . ( Youtube videos)


@fletch49er – Are you talking about the Baroness or Lorraine? 🙂


merry christmas to all , all the best for 2015

Doug Mcg

Should have been “days of hope” oops sorry . too much Xmas spirit , merry Xmas to all.

Tackety Beets

Ach well a few sherries further on .
I feel we are all very grateful for this platform to SHOUT from Brs an sistas .
Good tidings to all ,an The Dons man am sel our RWM ” The Rev”
Roll on May 2015 when WM get a good punch in the nickers from us all .

Cheerrssshhh !
Ps Right now I wish to introduce Murphy t a Glega Kiss ! Ya Basss !

Merry Xmas !

haud on the noo

Happy humbug all. Freedom is coming, not cancelled merely delayed.


Vrolijk Kerstfeest iedereen.

Ian Kirkwood

Well, what did you expect from a Labour Lordess? Standard stuff and exactly what the remainder of the Labour faithful, albeit an ever dwindling number, would expect a proud member of the HoL to say. No surprises, no shock, no change.
This is what Murphy supports and this is what Supports Murphy.
Good? Isn’t it?



Merry Christmas to our Dutch friends and you too!

liz Gray

Happy Christmas to all winger’s ????


Merry Christmas to ALL Wingers and of course our exceptional Rev Stu.

Can’t wait until we all meet up again, ooooh. 😉

I think I remember Stuey saying somewhere, or WOS Twitter, that he intends being up in Scotland on the 4th or 5th January? Anyone else verify that. I’M Lookin’ At You Stu. 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@TJenny –

Maybe have been missing you in all the busy-ness, but haven’t seen you here for yonks. Hope all well, and that we’ll meet sometime in 2015.

Have a guid yin ya rerr wee beauty ye…



Welcome, and Merry Christmas.Remember the old Chinese proverb-If you aint Dutch you aint much.Love to Netherlands

Alex Clark


I have a Christmas present for you. Pick it up on May 8th 🙂

Tam Jardine

Mrs Liddell’s remark was idiotic – maybe she even believes it was 67% to 33%? They can clearly say what they like with impunity.

Anyway – thanks for all your work Stu – take a well earned rest.

Merry Christmas to all my friends on Wings.

Tam x


Richard Baker MSP for the North East of Scotland is to stand for the Aberdeen North Constituency in May 2015. He is an opportunist, “Johnny Promise” politician whose career path matches that of Spud Murphy. The difference between them is that Baker is pretty well useless, good only for soundbites in a controlled environment

October 24 2014; Allard Highlights Richard Baker Hypocrisy On Housing

a. “It is extremely disingenuous for Richard Baker to criticise the Scottish Government on its record for delivering affordable housing considering Labour’s extremely poor performance while in administration. “Between 2003 and 2007 Labour built a total of 6 houses. In contrast the Scottish Government is on target to deliver 30,000 new affordable homes by 2016. As of March this year the total delivered since 2011 was 19,900. “The recent changes to the Help to Buy scheme also mean that the housing market has been made much more accessible to first time buyers. It is particularly useful here in the North East where there are many areas with higher than average house prices. “I’m sure people in the North East will see Richard Baker’s comments for what they are, an attempt at political point scoring.

Check him out.

link to


Alex Clark – oooh, how fortuitous, my son, Daniel’s, birthday is May 8th! (When working in Zagreb I lived off an Avenue named May 8th – my flat was on the street you can see going north at the back of the train station in ‘From Russia With Love’, and my dad, coincidentally, in his youth, was, a friend and fellow bouncer at the Edinburgh Palais alongside Sean (Tam)
Connery. 😉

I’m just gonna post my query on Stuey’s whereaboots in early January on the latest post, ‘War Hide Yourself’ – some superb tunes in the article link too.



Is that a face reflecting a happy life?


Ian Brotherhood – still here my man, and a merry chrissy to you and yours. 🙂 I’ve been posting less often ’cause my posts take 21 minutes to appear, as the thread will often have moved on. But maybe you see them as posted, as they always show time stamped as when I post them. Now if someone could only invent a wee gizmo that could delay reception for ? minutes, we could all stop needing a telly licence. 😉 Go to it Wings tecchy wizards.

Alex Clark


I have a solution!

Post 21 minutes before you want it to appear and all will be well 🙂


Alex Clark – I’ve tried refreshing the page and then posting 21 mins after the last comment showing, and…. sometimes it shows right away, and sometimes it doesn’t I hate it when ‘tronics beat me. 🙁

ps – did you see my above post at 12.51am?


“The No side won 2 to 1”.

1.6 million plus 3.2 million equals 4.8 million. On an 85% turnout even toddlers must have had the vote? Stupid fucking cow.


john king

“We beat you before.

We’ll beat you again.

Don’t ever forget it.”

We only have to win once,
you have to win every time
merry Christmas Lorraine

john king

2014 @ 11pm

You have no idea what a great pleasure it was to see you again at the Freedom Convoy, it was that moment I saw you that I realized we are all family, no one in that gathering was a stranger, and the sense of oneness I felt with all the other people in that car park that morning coalesced into a deeply felt love for my country,

Thank you Tony
you gave me a reason to believe,
merry Christmas
To all the others who went straight to Pacific Quay that day,
you all missed something very special that day that only the people who were in that convoy can understand,
It was THE MOST emotionally charged day of my life,(apart from the births of my children)
I would like to add my thanks to a great man called George Kempik for organising the convoy


This woman is completely and utterly deluded. She is the perfect example of what a Labour dinosaur of old Labour was, and is, as referred to by Lamont in her farewell remarks.
Liddle’s generation of MP came to believe that a click of the fingers would summon the working class to vote for them exclusively, and that they we’re entitled to be elevated to power.
She, and her like, took support for granted.
The fact that she now has her seat in the Lords is indicative of what her and her like expected. Position, entitlement, privilege and notoriety.
she and her like could never claim to have the charismatic presence, or political aptitude, of the man she attempts to denigrate, Alec Salmond.
God, Labour in the House of Lords. What a fantastic hypocritical bitch. The essence of Socialism for her.


Merry Xmas to one and all even, some Unionists. Not sure which ones? It’s hard to find a decent one, but like the Tories in Scotland.

Richard Baker is a beaut. The Labour/Unionists in the North East keep complaining about underfunding. Conveniently forgetting it was tbe Labour/Unionists who underfunded Aberdeen/shire 30% for over thirty years. They allocated Abedeen/shire 30% less than all other local authorities for over 30years. They voted against the essential by pass road for 30 years, said, ‘it wasn’t needed’. Holding up the economy of the NE and Scotland with better transport links. They are the one’s that caused stagnation.

The Labour/Unionists knocked back essential projects and caused traffic chaos. They stopped the UTG Project which would have pedestrianised the City, and boosted the City with trade and visitors. Rejected a gift over £80Million, while complaining about underfunding. Wasted money on non essential projects and underfunded the NHS for years. The Scottish Gov is having to sort out the mess they made of NHS Grampian, and increased funding. A Dental school – there was a shortage of dentists. The last time Labour/Unionist were in control, they nearly bankrupted City and and had to be sanctioned.

The SNP Scottish Gov has done more for NE/Scotland in five years than the Labour/Unionists did in fifty years. The AWPR is starting in January. The Sports/village Olympic pool in attached to theUni and is helping education and the Olympic swimmers. There has been a better deal for tfishing Industry (negotiated by Richard Lochhead) which will mitigate the downturn in the Oil industry. Construction and fishing will mitigate the effect of the downturn in Oil & Gas. The lower
price of Oil can help the economy making goods and services cheaper.

Oil workers from the NE/Scotland work in the Oil industry all over the world. Australia, Russia, Chinese, US, Middle East and Africa etc. This involves family separation which can be hard, especially at this of year. The choppers are silent, everyone who can be, is home for Christmas.

Let’s hope for more love and peace in the world this New Year, and full fiscal autonomy/Independence. Vote SNP/Alliance 7/5/15. A significant date to move Scotland forward. Can’t wait. Respects to Glasgow.



“Now if someone could only invent a wee gizmo that could delay reception for ? minutes, we could all stop needing a telly licence”

You mean like this? link to

Merry Christmas TJ 😀


NO vote got 47% of the total electorate, by cheating and telling lies. Liddell lies again. She went off to Australia to do Blair a favour. A complete crook. Most of them should be in jail. The HoLs the retirement home for criminals. Liars, war criminals, fraudsters, tax evaders, alcoholic and drug addicts, child abusers. That’s who are in Gov., total hypocrites who are above the Law. Secrecy and lies.

Thomas Barrowman

Helen who? ????


Who needs telly when Wings is around. Wings is better than the the BBC and gets more viewers. How crap is Brewer? Look at Brewer’s hair – weird. Dr Strangelove. Difficult to love, or even like. No smiley thing. Renton’s slavering pish.

There should be a New Year ‘honour’s’ list of how crap they can be. The nightmare of the BCC. No likey, no watchy, no programmes. Make the day BBC retire, Independence Day.

gerry parker

Thomas Barrowman.

it rhymes with piddle.


Dave McEwan Hill

Anybody remember the rancid Monklands by election?
I had musician friends who were helping to raise the spirits of the SNP team and they found out that the Labour team were having an emergency meeting in the Airdrie Town Hall as the SNP’s Kay Ullrich was graining greatly increased support. The musicians played outside as the meeting was going on.
Eventually the Labour team came out,led by George Galloway.
“Nice music, guys” he said. “Pity you are running a sectarian campaign.”
“No,we are not” replied Graham, one of the musicians
“You are now” said Galloway and the next day the Scottish press had lots of comment wondering if the SNP was secretly running an anti Catholic campaign in Monklands. For the first time in its history the (Glasgow) Herald printed a front page apology the next day having carried some of the objectionable lies.

On election days those of us who were Catholics were sent to the schools at the Coatbridge end of the constituency to do the best we could to counteract the vicious sectarian nonsense that had been used against the SNP.

Labour hung on to that by election by those methods (and invented the lie about SNP activists spitting at Labour activists at the count, which they went onto repeat at the double Paisley by election)

Helen Liddell was central to all of this.
That community in West Central Scotland was used and abused by Labour for generations.
It looks like that community is now extracting huge revenge on Labour. And the constantly repeated “pious Catholic” Jim Murphy represents everything many now recognise as a naked unscrupulous sectarian appeal.
As I have said before in large parts of Scotland Labour is not being beaten by the SNP . It is being replaced.

gerry parker

Clarke with a 20,000 majority at the last election. Elaine Smith doing badly though.

We’ll see how that holds up if he doesn’t get cold feet and suddenly decide his pension rights are more important than the people he is supposed to represent.

I’ll forward my latest letter to you and try the local paper down your way this time too.
All the best.


What’s Helen Liddle doing holding that poster with Boris Johnstone?


Patrick Roden

@ Stoker,

Reading your link has made me feel physically sick, mate!

Robert Peffers

@john ferguson says: 24 December, 2014 at 1:42 pm:

” … Ruthless”.

Of course she’s Ruthless, Wee Ruthie’s a Blue Tory and the old bat is a Red Tory. The Red, Yellow and Blue Unionist Tories only get together to oppose the SNP and other independence parties – (and, of course, to support their Establishment vile austerity policies).

Robert Peffers

@mumsyhugs says: 24 December, 2014 at 1:46 pm:

“Danny Alexander’s calculator strikes again! Hope Santa brings them a new one that actually tells the truth xxx”

Err!, mumsyhugs, how would any of them know it was telling the truth? Nary a Unionist Labourite would recognise the truth if it was jumping up and biting their bums.

Robert Peffers

@Murray McCallum says: 24 December, 2014 at 1:49 pm:

” … Jim Murphy was way too cautious with his 20,000 and he needs to think outside his box.”

D’ye mean Jim sud think ootside the boax – instead o thinking outside his heid, like he usually does?


@ Patrick Roden.

It made me feel exactly the same, Patrick.

Not only did it make me feel sick, it had me physically shaking with anger from my guts to my fingertips.

It took me most of the day to get through it, stopping every so often to take a breather as my temperature soared and my jaws clamped tighter and tighter to the point of giving myself one helluva pounding headache.

But its important to get these stories out there and if people such as Liar Liddell think they can just pop up 10, 20, 30-years later in the hope that all will be forgotten they are very sadly mistaken.

The Unionist establishment are steeped in a history of this filthy predatory behaviour and until ALL the victims get justice i for one will not stop reminding these beasts and their colleagues just how scummy they are.

A vile and rancid subject but they all need to be exposed for what they truly are, and that includes their friends who turned a blind eye.

If you have the stomach for it Patrick, google Labour25 and you’ll get a further incite into the UK Labour Party, but wait and enjoy your Xmas first.


Sorry, that should have read “insight” @ 7.12pm and not “incite” – anger Freudian slip perhaps?

Robert Peffers

gerry parker says: 24 December, 2014 at 5:40 pm:

“Aye, last nights night shift at Asda were “asked” out today to also cover a backshift. No doubt at minimum wage.
A bit of a harder shift than picking up £300 a day for clocking in.”

I wonder how many commenters have ever considered just how many tonnes of stuff the average Supermarket checkout staffers shifts across that checkout in the course of an average shift?

Robert Peffers

@Anne Lawrie says: 24 December, 2014 at 6:32 pm:

“…. what would happen to all the Scots who have been rewarded with a wee seat in the HoL with £300 a day, & unlimited expenses? Just askin’”

Absolutely nothing, Anne, for they have already been told their wee section on the Red Leather is secure. That is, of course, until the Establishment has the courage to abolish the whole idea of elevation to the peerage and abolishes the Lords.


We should be getting everyone to watch BBC Parliament House of Lords debate for one hour each day for one week, then some repeats of Ian Davidson chairing his select committee and I can assure you that will sway the “silent majority”
Its Christmas, relax and think for a moment or two for the folk in this world who need our prayers. As for the sectarian slant murph and Liddell have used in the past and will use in the future, have no doubt, the silent majority need to open their eyes and see what’s happening. GE2015 has to have all of our effort cause that’s the key to independence. Spotted Murphy and family on the boat yesterday so hopefully he was heading for the Forward shop in Cowal which is thriving. We ain’t seen nothing yet with regards to dirty tricks…….its already underway.


Whenever Labour drones bring up ’79, I politely remind them that Labour was screwed regardless. They had 5 years to fix their mess and instead sat on their asses doing sod all(A time honoured labour tradition!). Suddenly we are to believe that in the 2-3 extra months that a vote of confidence would have bought labour, they would have magically turned everything around after having wasted around 50 months doing nothing.

Amazing cognitive dissonance. But not surprising.


You can tell any lies you like with statistics.

In fact, Yes needed only another 6%, not 10%, to win.

donald anderson

26 December, 2014 at 8:46 am
You can tell any lies you like with statistics.
In fact, Yes needed only another 6%, not 10%, to win.

Half of the Labour Party are under average and the other half share a brain between them.


I shall be using “cognitive dissonance” a lot next year. 🙂


You lot are Bad.
This is a Baroness Speaking!
You ordinary people can;t answer back or correct the words
of Royal Socialists. Next thing you know, you will want your own newspaper and access to the Truth. Where would it all end.
Her Ladyship made a few quid selling out the working classes and has a nice wee pension, free car parking in London and £300.00 per day plus expenses for having a wee map in the House of Lords.
Of course she doesn’t want that to stop in favour of abolishing food banks, bedroom taxes for the disabled, and money for the NHS
Previous commentators above can apply for Snob Seekers allowance!

john j

Every time one of these Labour apparatchiks open their self serving, lying, devious mouths I hate them all the more. You can see the corruption in their very faces.


What is it with Labour has-beens and other people’s pensions? Brown, Darling and now Liddell just don’t seem to realise that every time they raise their heads people remember why old people have been turned over.


Always remember one very unhappy Liddell or is it Li–dell carry the bags for the crook Maxwell well know do or of the Labour Party. This was her reward footprint failing to get the Uk labour secretary post that she wWas promised. so she walked behind Maxwell as his PR guru

Now she is in the House of Lords bitter together

joe kane

I can’t imagine the Scotsman, or any of our foreign-owned and controlled right-wing news media in Scotland, ever publishing such a disparaging article that ridicules the Labour Party in Scotland these days as it’s ‘Stalin’s Granny’ one from 2003. It just shows how far to the right Labour have travelled in the past ten years.


@ joe kane

‘It just shows how far to the right Labour have travelled in the past ten years.’

You’re right but it also shows how far to the right the BBC/MSM has travelled as well. The integrity of journalism no longer exists in the MSM. Scotland is doing the right thing by setting up it’s own media. It doesn’t have to be indy biased-it just needs to be truthful, balanced & even handed-something MSM & British Bullshit Corporation fail at miserably.

I don’t expect it to be any different in 2015 so I will stick to looking at alternative news sites throughout EU & RT to find out the truth about what is happening in my own country


Indeed. No doubt our beloved MSM will take make every opportunity to plaster the Scarecrow all over the news, together with his usual anti-SNP diatribes consisting of pure fiction.

Just wish the ‘majority’ here would wake up to the utter B-S we’re being constantly fed and recognise it for what it is.


I voted yes and I am a card carrying member of the SNP. I am a relation of Helen Liddell and I have to agree with some comments here regarding personal insults. Surely the yes campaigners should be above mocking a woman’s looks? I am saddened by this childish and insulting behaviour by some of my fellow Scottish nationalists here. Stick to the issues folks. All politicians use creative accounting regarding statistics. For the record- I disagree with Helen here, however, the personal insults leave a very bad taste in the mouth. Come on the 45. Yes voters we are better than this.

Ken Mair

I hear even YES voters say we “lost by a margin of 10%.”
Well I must have gone to a very bad school because in this case with a binery vote YES/NO it only needs 6% to swing from NO to YES and the outcome would be different.

What do I know anyway I think “win” is inappropriate for a referendum (not an election) where the aim is to sample citizens wishes. We did that so it is either a success or a fail (if no one turned up for example) where does win and lose come from.

[…] They may have started appearing just a few days after the vote, but tweets like the one above – trying to imply, for reasons best known to themselves, a 2:1 result when it was really 11:9 – are still commonplace from some of the dimmer bulbs on the No side, and have even been echoed by some politicians who should know better. […]

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