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Wings Over Scotland

Going walkabout

Posted on April 11, 2020 by

1283 to “Going walkabout”

  1. Dog biscuit says:

    The study of Humanity is perhaps zoology.

  2. Xaracen says:

    Velikovsky? That nutter? Really?

  3. Scott says:

    Is this true I did not hear it myself regarding PPE for Scotland

    Professor Jason Leitch, the Scottish Government’s Clinical Director dismiss this story as “rubbish” on BBC Good Morning Scotland.

  4. Breeks says:

    Scott says:
    14 April, 2020 at 9:09 am
    Is this true I did not hear it myself regarding PPE for Scotland

    Professor Jason Leitch, the Scottish Government’s Clinical Director dismiss this story as “rubbish” on BBC Good Morning Scotland..

    Ministry of Truth at work. Yesterday didn’t happen. You imagined it citizen. Report to your overseer for re-education.

  5. Willie says:

    Professor Whitty has declared that in the last 24 hours 96 care homes have declared a Coronavirus outbreak with some 13% of all homes now infected.

    Outbreaks in care homes are now doubling every couple of days

    Terrifying and echoes Dominic Cummings evil prophesy of too bad if a few pensioners die. He and his ilk are in truth war criminals, and after the crisis they need to be hunted down and bought to justice.

  6. Republicofscotland says:

    That weasel of a man Michael Gove, his daughter skipped to the front of the queue for Covid-19 testing, when that position is reserved for key workers and frontline staff.

    All in this together, don’t make me laugh.

  7. Dog biscuit says:

    Xaracen.Yes really. I’m assuming you have read his work,carefully.Most of Velikovskis critics hadn’t read his books .There is much orthodoxy in your opinion.Velokovsky predicted Venus Would be hot enough to melt lead while everyone else believed Venus temperature was Earth like . When the USA sent a probe to Venus in 1962, Ithink, Velikovsky was proved correct. The nutters might be said to be holding on to a failed paradigm.Orthodox Cosmology is more of a religion than a science a lot of faith in an untestable Big Bang hypothesis. A faithful adherence to gravity accretion. No one has ever provided a rational argument against Velikovsky.The Science and Academic establishments hounded the man his whole life .He frightened them Why? Because he was onto something .The Old Testament only makes sense through a Velikovskis interpretation. Ever cultures oldest stories are essentially the same story world wide.By the way, Velikovsky pissed off more establishment flunkies than you or I could hope to do .

  8. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile a whistleblower at a Sky call centre in Glasgow very close to the Royal infirmary hospital, has said the call centre is jam packed with staff less than two meters apart, and that they are not doing essential work.

    Worse still they are sharing pubic transport with hospital staff in the morning. Glasgow City Council are now probing the matter.

  9. Willie says:

    And for anyone doubting the gravity of what Cummings and his ilk put into place, consider the actions of Dr Josef Mengele.

    He was known as the Doctor of Death in the 1930s Germany.. Like the policy adopted by Johnson to spread the virus at the expense of the old, Mengele was also a killer.

    And the real death toll in the UK now – 20,000 (?) and rising fast with mainly older people.

  10. Dog biscuit says:

    Perhaps Independence should be left for people with imagination so many orthodox thinkers.

  11. Dan says:

    @Republicofscotland re. key workers travelling to work.

    Noticed this the other day which might be of interest to some in Edinburgh and Perth areas.


    link to

  12. Dog biscuit says:

    Big Bang is Roman Catholic self generating God hypothesis. I’m only a layman of course but there is a problem with standard cosmology.

  13. jfngw says:

    Are the Scotgov going to produce to hospital figures so we can compare our response to England’s. We need the deaths in hospital figure otherwise our response is going to look worse than it is in comparison, unless that is the intention.

    England and Wales figure for week ending 2nd April.

    Registered covid deaths 3475.
    Registered deaths 6082 above the 5 year average.

    What happened to the 2607 difference (75% of the covid deaths). This just reinforces the impression the death toll is much higher, over 14,000.

  14. jfngw says:

    Here are the figures if you want to check.

    link to

  15. @Scott,

    One of the suppliers (Gompels) of PPE has admitted prioritizing England,

    `Gompels, which is based in Melksham, Wiltshire, has said that it will not supply Scotland or Wales under a contract that it holds with Public Health England.

    “You must be registered and operating within England — apologies to Wales and Scotland, we are told you have different processes for getting emergency supplies,” its website states.`

    not heard what Jason Leitch CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire, who`s motto is For God and the Empire) has said so would not want to malign him.

  16. James says:

    Puff piece Pete, the casual racist and homophobe;


    You are a 77th CAPS LOCK COMMANDO.

  17. Dog biscuit says:

    Gompers Arseholes must know that Scottish health system no longer procures its own equipment.Westminster deals with it now.

  18. Dog biscuit says:

    The 77th will be known in History as the Chinless.

  19. callmedave says:

    @Breeks says:
    14 April, 2020 at 9:34 am

    Scott says:
    14 April, 2020 at 9:09 am
    Is this true I did not hear it myself regarding PPE for Scotland

    Professor Jason Leitch, the Scottish Government’s Clinical Director dismiss this story as “rubbish” on BBC Good Morning Scotland..

    He did actually say that live on ‘Kaye’s your call’ !

    Then I read

    @Scot Finlayson:

    One of the suppliers (Gompels) of PPE has admitted prioritizing England, ………..just up the thread a wee bit for more.

    The National also has a similar story mentioning (Gompels) too 🙁

  20. Dan says:

    @Scott re.PPE procurement.

    Jason Leitch is tagged into the following tweet thread so presuming he reads it he should be informed of the issue.

    link to

    #BetterTogether aka #ShitterTogether #UKSingleMarket

    As to the whole pooling and sharing concept… According to the dashboards, at the moment even with UK leccy demand only being at a moderate level, over 12% of UK Grid power is coming from mainland Europe. (Scroll to right of page to view interconnect gauges).

    link to

    With a further 5% being supplied by Scotland. (That Scottish System Transfer figure is often much higher and have seen it up at near 5GW).

    link to

  21. callmedave says:

    Aye! Welching on the Welsh too. 🙁

    Care homes in both Wales and Scotland have had trouble sourcing PPE after companies decided to sell to England only.

    link to

  22. Pete says:

    What’s your problem with statistical facts?
    If the BBC ,the Guardian and CNN can produce them, I don’t see how you can call me a racist.
    What an idiot!

  23. Dan says:

    More on the leccy subject: Phase 2 of the London Power Tunnels project was meant to start around now. Wonder how that will be affected by the lurgy with the engineers inevitably working in close proximity of each other.

    Hope Mr Peffers is ok, would liked to have read his thoughts on this billion quid engineering work.

    link to

    link to

  24. ronnie anderson says:

    link to Gompels notice

  25. starlaw says:

    Professor James Leitch did NOT say that he had contacted any English manufacturers but had contacted NHS England. But he stated that Scotland had enough PPE. Whether the English manufacturers would supply Scotland is another story

  26. CameronB Brodie says:

    I see you still favoure an approach to government that is consistent with eugenics. Just how far-right do your politics lean?

  27. callmedave says:

    Big Auntie at last looking a bit more closely at deaths outwith the hospitals.

    The ONS data shows graphs with the highest deaths since 2005.

    It was wise for Wales and Scotland to be more transparent early on now WM will be under great pressure to cough up better data.

  28. cirsium says:

    “The lesson of this crisis is not that Scotland needs to stay in order to survive, but that Scotland needs to leave in order to flourish.”

    link to

  29. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland needs better protection from criminal negligence in government. Does the SNP have a strategy that will defend Scotland from Brexit? It doesn’t look like it from here.

    When “Democracy” Becomes a Threat to Liberty
    link to

  30. Old Pete says:

    Wish like New Zealand that Scotland was an Independent nation state.
    2014 was such a sad year, how can the voting public have got it so wrong ? Bet a good few that voted “No” are regretting being part of the UK now.

  31. Republicofscotland says:

    “Noticed this the other day which might be of interest to some in Edinburgh and Perth areas.


    Interesting Dan, especially the bit where the UK government gets to decide who’s a key worker and who is not.

    Scotland should decide who its own key workers are and not allow a foreign government, 500 miles away in another country decide for it.

  32. callmedave says:

    FM not denying the PPE story at the SGov update.

    Officials to investigate whether supplies to the ‘private’ care sector are disrupted.
    Seems the SNHS and Council care sector are not affected.

    Freeman going strong on it and saying that the WM health minister has cancelled the meeting she was going to have with him today in which she was going to raise the issue. 🙁
    She does not seem a happy bunny. Look out Mr Hancock!

    Questions now lead with the PPE issue…..

    Oh wait! Shortbread BBC1 cuts us off. Retuning to BBC Scotland.

  33. Maolbeatha says:

    Sensible dave.
    Your question is intriguing, in a gordian knot way.
    The herd immunity theory predisposes 70% of the population get coronavirus to become effective.
    Based on current (incomplete numbers) UK 89571 confirmed cases and 11347 deaths recorded as caused by coronavirus the UKs mortality rate is currently 12.6%
    link to
    So given that the UK population 66.65 million 46.65 million would need to be exposed with a mortality rate of 12.65% meaning 5.9 million people dying of the disease.

    Can we agree on that so far? At least broadly.

    New Zealands actions appear to have been effective in rapidly mitigating the worst of the outbreak. Once the outbreak has been contained internally then the weak points are those entering the country.
    Possible border controls once testing has been refined?
    Anyone boarding an aircraft, ship heading to the country is tested?

    One point I find interesting is the herd immunity theory is based on a high percentage of a population becoming infected and either dying or recovering with presumed immunity gained.
    What about those with conditions that pre dispose them to an increased risk of death?

    Statistically I am unlikely to survive should I get the virus.
    I am working full time, not out of work or incapable of same.
    A pretty pathetic attack on others on the site by another poster. Presumptuous or just ignorant, deliberately or otherwise?

    What if one of the herd immunity advocates has such a person in their family?
    Would the logic still hold? Would they watch and do nothing as it is for the greater good?
    How are the actions of M Gove to be viewed? Surely not playing by the rules he espouses?
    I do not criticise him for doing that. In his position, for my family I would do the same.
    Who wouldn’t?

    The logical answer is immunisation, but that takes time, an undefined time.

    I will propose a possible more humane suggestion.
    Test to population.
    Trace contacts.
    Isolate the affected areas/ people families, towns.
    Close international borders for people, until testing is in place and effective.
    Maintain minimal operation until these steps are in place,

    Now where have I heard that before….. WHO might have proposed this course of action? WHO I wonder.

    As for attacks on the Government. I think it would be remiss to not point out that the UK Governments actions were slow.
    Warnings were there of what was coming, examples of effective action were there to be seen. Yet actions did not appear to have been taken in good time.

  34. Republicofscotland says:

    Well, apparently, the likes of Austria, Germany, Italy and even Spain are beginning to relax their lockdowns by allowing some businesses to open and employees to go back to work.

    I’d imagine with regards to Italy and Spain relaxing their lockdowns will be to do with attempting to kick start their economies back into action. One can see but not necessarily agree with, that difficult choices are being made, with regards to saving lives, or saving the economy.

    The World Health Organisation has warned countries about coming out of lockdown too soon, and that to do so might lead to a second waves of cases and ultimately deaths.

    I agree with that position, however how many big business donors to political parties are now putting tremendous pressure on top government ministers around Europe and farther afield to get back to business as usual is unknown.

    The fear should be that a domino effect might kick in, as competing economies, exit lockdowns too early in order to jockey for contracts for business at home and abroad, which could lead to a second more strict lockdown, after countless more deaths.

    In broad strokes, save and help to revive your nations economy as soon as to remain competitive, or hold off, causing untold financial damage, but save more lives in the process. Tough choices indeed for world leaders, who’ll be minutely scrutinised and judged on their morally after this pandemic subsides.

  35. Xaracen says:

    “No one has ever provided a rational argument against Velikovsky.”

    Ha, ha, ha! In your dreams! Velikovsky based his ‘science’ on the bible, and was not himself a scientist. The bible is not even remotely meaningful as a scientific or historical authority, nor for that matter as a moral one.

    I read ‘Worlds in Collision’ in my teens, but it wasn’t until later that I understood how ignorant he was about the science of Astronomy. He was not himself a scientist, and his prediction of Venus’s high temperature was a lucky hit, and actual scientists had already realised that Venus would be hot as a result of the greenhouse effect.

  36. Ottomanboi says:

    The serious world recession predicted as a consequence of the hasty response to the antigenic shift exhibited by SARS CoV-2 virus will debilitate even destroy small country economies forcing deeper indebtedness to the big powers, their global agencies and the first world billionaire capitalist influencers who lurk behind the label ‘humanitarian’.
    The word viral now assumes a more sinister significance lethal to democracy, basic rights and freedoms, and national autonomy and sovereignty. This global project fear may initiate a slave dependency not seen since the height of classic imperialism as well as inevitable sociopolitical tsunamis resulting from popular disaffection with régimes submitting to such big brother enforced servitude.
    Interesting times indeed, not for the squeamish.
    Country to watch: India, democracy or burgeoning Hindutva police state.
    link to

  37. Republicofscotland says:

    “Scottish Care want Scot Gov to lobby UK Gov to put pressure on English suppliers to say they should supply to Scotland too. But Scot Gov deny this is a problem.”

    Sturgeon rolling over on this one, or gatekeeping for Westminster, either way we get the shit end of the stick again.

    link to

  38. CameronB Brodie says:

    Public health ethics are grounded on the fundamental legal principle of DOING NO HARM. Brecitania is unable to adhere to this principle, as the British constitution is detached from the natural law. Scotland’s government and judiciary appear happy with this state of affairs. Scotland is being baldly let down, IMHO.

    How to use the public health duty
    to ‘Do No Harm’
    Guidance for civil servants and public health campaigners

    link to

  39. Craig Murray says:


    I am sorry, that is alarmist nonsense. The vast majority of people who have had coronavirus in the UK have never been tested because of Westminster incompetence. You have to be either right at death’s door or very rich/powerful to get a test. If you only test people who are extremely ill, of course you get a very high mortality rate.
    The real mortality rate appears to be somewhere between 0.5% and 2%, and in the absence of reliable antibody tests anybody who claims to know better than that is a charlatan. We just don’t know. It is nowhere near 10%. (2% would of course already be appalling. I am not trying to say it isn’t appalling. But it is not a disease with a 10% mortality rate.)

  40. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for all those who support a rapid let-up of the lock-down. You are probably not competent to make such a judgement, so please just stop.

    `First do no harm’ — a clear line in law and medical ethics
    link to

  41. Patrick Roden says:


    You said: “No one is sending COVID positive patients to care homes to convalesce, please stop this, it scares people.”

    I have been looking at a few comments on Craig Murray’s blogg that mentions this, although they do not say that the pensioners are sent to convalesce so I was wrong about that.

    However, they do confirm that pensioners have been sent from the hospital to old folks homes, without being first checked to ensure they don’t have covid19.

    I will include just two comments from Craig’s Blogg on a thread entitles ‘Information War’ although I would recommend people read his work for themselves.

    I have not included the names of the people making the comments in case they have any objection to their name’s being used here.

    Note: The copying and pasting of the comments here, may not suit the normal Wings comments rules, so I hope it hasn’t caused any problems for you, Rev.

    EU News.
    “Around half of all Covid-19 deaths appear to be happening in care homes in some European countries, according to early figures gathered by UK-based academics who are warning that equal efforts must be made to fight the virus in care homes as in the NHS.
    Snapshot data from varying official sources shows that in Italy, Spain, France, Ireland and Belgium between 42% and 57% of deaths from the virus have been happening in homes, according to a report by academics based at the London School of Economics.
    Published official data for deaths in care homes in England and Wales are believed to significantly underestimate fatalities in the care sector, with the Office for National Statistics currently only accounting for 20 Covid-19 related deaths in all care homes in the week ending 27 March. Fresh figures are due out on Tuesday but are unlikely to be up to date.”
    Daily Mail Monday April 13 2020
    “[Care Home] bosses defy ministers’ calls and refuse to take in hospital patients who haven’t been tested [for Covid-19].”
    “Around 13.5% of care homes have faced a coronavirus outbreak, with new cases detected in 92 homes in the last 24 hours, the UK government’s chief medical officer has revealed.
    The disclosure by Professor Chris Whitty at the daily Downing Street press conference comes as care sector bosses warn daily death tolls are “airbrushing out” hundreds of elderly people who have died at care homes.”
    Is all the above due to ineptitude, on a grand scale, or is the Government following an unannounced policy of Herd Immunity favoured by Boris Johnson and his SPAD Cummings that risks deaths into the hundreds of thousands.
    It appears that no testing is being done on patients that die in Care Homes nor the staff.

    Ah the good Prof Whitty, or should we say the 2020s equivalent of Dr Josef Mengele, now admits that 92 care homes in the last 24 hours have declared Coronavirus outbreaks bring the total infected care home to 13.5%.
    With over 11,000 care homes in the UK and with the virus now cutting through car3 homes like a hot knife through butter, it doesn’t take much calculation to realise that there is a tidal wave of death dispatching the elderly and infirm and that the government’s death statistics which exclude care homes and all other non hospital deaths are grossly under reported.
    But do not tell us this was unexpected. This was totally expected and understood as the government deliberately stood back and let the virus spread whilst assuring us that they and the NHS were well prepared. And all in a misplaced policy designed to protect the economy.
    Prof Whitty and his team would have known exactly what the health and economic impacts of deliberately allowing the virus to spread. Special adviser Cummings actually said so. And yes, there was a calculation of loss of life versus perceived economic advantage of going for herd immunity. These things were all calculated out, it wasn’t until alternative calculation revealed that the policy of deliberate spread was leading to over half a million deaths in a very short space of time and a totally overwhelmed country, that a desperate belated about turn was launched to stem the impending tidal wave of death.
    And the economy. Well that is now trashed utterly. If the 2008 crisis gave rise to a decade of austerity, the next decade will pale our previous austerity to a sunny walk in the park.
    Britain is broken. Britannia is now sinking beneath the waves with few friends to rescue her. A busted flush with only the rousing anthems of a long lost empire to sustain the economic peasants.

  42. Patrick Roden says:

    Can I add the following;

    If just one OAP dies in a care home because this government is forcing them to take in unchecked pensioners straight from hospital, in spite of the managers of some of the care-homes objecting, then is surely a national scandal?

    Hundreds of deaths?


  43. Colin Alexander says:

    It is soon approaching the eightieth anniversary of the Dunkirk evacuation, which took place during 26/05/1940 – 04/06/1940.

    This is something that should be remembered due to the courage, sacrifice and suffering of our armed forces and civilians.

    Also, because it was preceded by the capitulation of France, a week earlier, under Marshal Pétain and his Vichy Govt, who surrendered the sovereignty of the people of France to Nazi rule and acted as the puppet govt of the Nazi regime in Germany. After the war, Marshal Pétain was convicted of trea-son.

    I think we can learn lessons from history that are applicable to Scotland’s fight to re-establish sovereignty as a nation state.

    While Wings is now primarily focused on debating Covid-19 and individual injustices such as the frame-up of Alex Salmond or Julian Assange, the complete subjugation and attempted eradication of Scotland’s “sovereignty of the people” continues unabated under our “Vichy” SNP colonial Scottish Govt and colonial Scottish Parliament and and their Puppetmaster UK Govt.

  44. CameronB Brodie says:

    And here’s some thoughts on how to balance the legal duty to DO NO HARM, with economic property.

    Full text.

    Negative Duties, the WTO and
    the Harm Argument

    Citizens in rich countries should shoulder the burden of alleviating global poverty because they are harming the poor, or so many argue. But the baseline for assessing harm is often unclear.

    This paper recommends a baseline for harm as rights violations. This baseline makes it clear that many of the attributions of harm made by proponents of the harm argument, instead of representing cases of harms caused, are rather instances of benefits withheld from the poor.

    A moral case can be made that benefits should be extended by the rich countries toward poor ones, but this case will look very different from a case for responsibility for harm.

    Keywords: harm; international institutions; negative duties; poverty

    link to

  45. Willie says:

    Dominic Raab now admitting that in the seven days up to 3rd September 2020 46.6 % of all death in London were linked to COVD 19.

    He’s also now admitting that COVID 19 deaths were understated by 2,000, that we are not anywhere near the death peak yet, and that lockdown has to continue for another three weeks.

    This is Broken Britain’s very own Armageddon. Brought to its knees through greed and incompetence. Maybe Eric Bogle will write a song.

  46. Xaracen says:

    “Perhaps Independence should be left for people with imagination so many orthodox thinkers.

    Big Bang is Roman Catholic self generating God hypothesis. I’m only a layman of course but there is a problem with standard cosmology.”

    Is there? I bet you nothing in the bible can sort it. And there’s nothing wrong with orthodox thinking as long as it’s backed up with relevant, properly collected and carefully evaluated data analysed with care and reason.

    I have no faith in faith, but I do have epistemic confidence in epistemic confidence. 😀

  47. Breeks says:

    So mid crisis, the UK snubs European assistance with ventilators for the whole UK, swipes Scottish ventilators and testing equipment and removes it to London, then gives supply of life saving PPE priority to English Care homes higher than Scottish Hospitals.

    Seems a Scottish life is worth less than an English life in this blessed United Kingdom. When Boris Pennywise Johnson said a £ spent in Clapham was worth more than a £ spent in Glasgow, it was just a euphemism.

  48. Bill Hume. says:

    Breeks, was it not Croydon?

  49. Maolbeatha says:


    I acknowledged the fact that the numbers were “based on current (incomplete numbers)in the post.
    That was a key part of the text.

    The source was the Johns Hopkins University page citing amongst others the WHO as a source.

    We all suspect that the number of people affected is higher than the numbers stated, so influencing the mortality rate downwards

    I would expect that once a couple of weeks have passed and more people start to show up in the recovered figures the percentage will alter. The data is not only incomplete it is also premature, literally, it will take time to mature.

    At the moment the figures, as stated, are what they are. With time this will change.

    You state yourself that “we don’t know” the real mortality rate as reliable data is not available. But you state it is around 0.5 to 2%.
    can I assume you are basing that on the average around the world?
    word meters are quoting 3.4% BBC 24th March quoting 4%

    John Hopkins site is indicating 6.2% mortality worldwide. Again until people are added to the recovered figure this is also skewed.

    Anyway that was not the point of the post. It was to consider sensibledaves question on how to handle the lockdown and herd immunity.
    And how the view would hold up, personally, if the coronavirus were to vist the door of those proposing Herd immunity. M Gove was a useful example of a switch in priorities once a threat becomes “real” and personal.

  50. Breeks says:

    Bill Hume. says:
    14 April, 2020 at 2:17 pm
    Breeks, was it not Croydon

    Yep. It was. …Not sure he said Glasgow either…

  51. jfngw says:

    Britnat zoomers going mad on twitter, apparently it is the SNP’s fault English companies are not supplying Scotland. They seem to be of the opinion that older Scots should lay down their life’s so that older people in England survive. How much must you hate your fellow Scots to rather see another country usurp their medical supplies.

    Are they real or fake accounts, seem to be an awful lot of them follow a particular Scottish team, no guesses really required.

  52. stumac says:

    Addition to PPE scandal above:
    link to

    Also from Private Eye (was late reading it) Private Hospitals taking some overflow virus patients from NHS are making massive profits from government (our) money while ordinary businesses not getting any of the support they were promised. But then some Tories have a fat fingers in the Private Health Pie.

  53. callmedave says:

    All the BBC numbers are in now:

    Scotland …….Today ….40 ……Total…..615.
    Wales………..Today ….19 ……Total…..403
    N Ireland…….Today ….10 ……Total…..134
    England ……..Today .. 744 ……Total…11005
    UK…………..Today .. 813…….Total…12157

    Plus all the ‘not in hospital’ deaths still to be added.

  54. mike cassidy says:

    State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses

    link to

  55. CameronB Brodie says:

    Xaracen 🙂

  56. mike cassidy says:


    What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders

    link to

  57. CameronB Brodie says:

    Time for some cosmology with true epistemic virtue? 🙂

    Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law (Natural Law)
    link to

  58. Republicofscotland says:

    Stumac @2.30pm

    Good link.

    Lets see what action Sturgeon takes on this, remember (Scottish) lives are being lost without this PPE. Lets see what she’s really made of, England has broken the UK wide agreement on the distribution of PPE.

  59. mike cassidy says:

    One for those not too sure about the lockdown.

    Even God disagrees with you!

    Virginia pastor who defiantly held church service dies of coronavirus

    link to

  60. callmedave says:

    Boris said: Strathclyde. 🙂

    link to

  61. mike cassidy says:

    Our FM seems too afraid to stick it to the establishment

    link to

  62. jfngw says:

    @mick cassidy

    I think you will find Scotland breaks that story, deaths per million here 112 as of 14 April.

    And I’m pretty convinced it would have been no different in England under T.May.

  63. Vestas says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    14 April, 2020 at 2:45 pm

    “Lets see what action Sturgeon takes on this, remember (Scottish) lives are being lost without this PPE. Lets see what she’s really made of, England has broken the UK wide agreement on the distribution of PPE.”

    Don’t hold your breath on that one.

    LBJ isn’t the only one to have been shown up as incompetent and irrelevant in recent weeks.

  64. jfngw says:

    @mike cassidy

    Sorry about the mick earlier, blame my age.

    Not sure this women leaders story really stands any scrutiny, loads of countries have lower deaths per million than many of the ones mentioned, and led by men.

  65. Breeks says:

    Seeing Barack Obama’s prophetic warning about a lethal pandemic back in 2017 and comparing it to Trump’s handling of COV19 is really quite unsettling. More people should have listened to Obama.

    I hope a few years down the line, we’re looking back to 2019 and wishing more people had listened to wee Greta Thunberg.

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but we should maybe pay more attention to the warnings, hope for the best, but prepare and make contingencies for the worst. I dare say the rubber in rubber gloves might perish if stored too long, but masks and face shields could be stored easily and pre-distributed strategically.

    Apart from anything else, it would seem prudent to become self sufficient in home grown production of PPE equipment. And broadcasting. And procurement. And distribution.

    If only there was a quick way to make it all secure…

  66. Breastplate says:

    Mike Cassidy,
    A question for you.
    Are we lockdown enough, not enough or exactly the correct amount of lockdown?

  67. Breastplate says:

    Also could you point to those who insist there is no lockdown?

  68. Breastplate says:

    Should be no lockdown

  69. Breastplate says:

    Your figures are correct and so are Craig’s.
    Your conclusions of over 10% population fatality are wrong.

  70. JMD says:

    RepublicofScotland 2.45

    Whatever she’s made of it certainly isn’t a desire to protect Scotland or passion for regaining Scotland’s stolen independence.

    Just examine the pattern of statements and behaviour over the last several years – prioritising brexit over independence, snubbing marches, making insulting remarks about independence supporters while conspicuously avoiding making criticism of britnat behaviour and so on – and you see clearly that the current snp leadership have no interest in getting Scotland out of the uk. She’s even said as much – “here’s to another twenty years of devolution” included in a recent speech.

    Unless the existing snp leadership are removed and replaced by people who are serious about independence or an alternative party is formed ASAP Scotland will NEVER get out of the “union”.

  71. Republicofscotland says:

    Mike Cassidy @2.52pm.

    Another good link.

    The commentor got me thinking, that is the SNP now akin to Scottish Labour of days gone by in Scotland, when a chimpanzee with a red rosette would’ve won a Scottish seat comfortably had it stood for Labour in say Glasgow.

    Is the SNP now so comfortable in the position of government, that they don’t fear not being re elected simply because there is no viable alternative in Scotland yet, and if that is the case, just why would they (Sturgeon et al) rock that very comfortable and stable ship by pushing for independence.

    Surely just giving off all the right noises with regards to obtaining Scottish independence is, and has been, enough to keep the pro-indy masses sweet.

  72. mike cassidy says:


    There’s no quantifiably ‘suitable’ amount of lockdown.

    Just humans making human decisions.

    It was the heartfelt plea from the ICU consultant, David Hepburn that made me think –

    I’m ‘comfortable’ with the current lockdown regime.

    The fact nobody is even sure when you should end it – or how – shows how messy and human the whole thing is.

  73. jfngw says:

    If we are told the corona deaths are the international standard then presumably we must accept the confirmed cases are the international standard also. Using this UK international standard the death rate of those contracting the virus is currently 12.8%.

  74. CameronB Brodie says:

    The Scottish government will need to emancipate its’ psychology from the cognitive conditioning of British constitutional practice, which is detached from the natural law. The Scottish government will remain unable to protect Scotland from the eugenics of English Torydum, without attention to the principles of justice.

    Prosperity and Justice
    A Plan for the New Economy
    The Final Report of the IPPR
    Commission on Economic Justice

    link to

  75. Republicofscotland says:

    I find it very interesting that the English media, focused greatly on the deaths and the plight of the medical staff in Italy, and Spain, as they tried to keep as many patients alive as possible with regards to Covid-19.

    We were guided through wards and corridors, with countless patients prostrate and on ventilators, with sombre words from Italian/Spanish doctors translated into English of how overwhelmed they were by it all, with the news presenters adding in that it was Italy’s or Spain’s darkest day.

    Fast forward to recently, and the huge amount of deaths in English hospitals now bursting at the seams, the poignant picture of the nurse with her face red and swollen from wearing a mask for 16 hours on the trot, yet we don’t see camera crews film in the wards or corridors of which must surely be crowded with very ill patients on ventilators or hoping to be on a ventilator very soon, or those who lost their fight for life because they had to wait too long for a ventilator.

    Like a backward child in the Victorian era of they feel shame somehow, its all hidden away from the prying eye of the international/English cameramans lens, not to be screened to the public. However its fine to screen Spanish or Italian hospitals on the verge of collapse under the pressure of the virus, but not English ones.

    I get the feeling of moral superiority from it all.

  76. Ron Maclean says:

    Weaknesses in the ‘Better Together’ case are appearing almost daily but we aren’t hearing nearly enough about them. I’m sure I read somewhere that we have a political party whose primary aim is to obtain independence for Scotland but its leadership seems to have been taken over by chancers, charlatans and camouflaged unionists.

  77. Australia death (RIP) from Covid19 as of today 62,

    been reading a bit about their responce,

    and seems they had a comprehensive plan in place should a virus/infuenza pandemic occur,

    link to

    hopefully these figures are genuine and it is down to good planning and a robust execution of the plan.

  78. Breastplate says:

    That was my next point. You have to have a model that suits your exit strategy.
    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the U.K. government have fucked this up big time.

    As some people have mentioned, New Zealand heeded the warning and used it to their benefit, they now have the luxury of a number of models and to change models as they progress to their exit strategy.

    We don’t have New Zealand’s options, that ship has sailed.
    What we are left with are the least worse options.
    I’ve made clear what my particular option I favour as opposed to the current one in use.
    It would be helpful if people could understand that it isn’t a choice between lockdown or no lockdown.

    I don’t even want to get into our civil liberties, how much more money the super rich are going to make or who is going to pay for the damage to our country after this threat has been dealt with.

  79. shug says:

    Where is sensibledave these days.

    Is he on leave or his shift pattern changed.

    I do miss his unionist ramblings – they prepare me for the BBC news headlines and whatever guff will be on the Call Kaye show.

  80. Colin Alexander says:

    The question remains unanswered for those who believe in the people of Scotland running Scotland:

    Who else instead of Sturgeon’s colonial “bend the knee” SNP?

  81. Breastplate says:

    Sensibledave is a person who can only see Scotland through the broken prism of British/English nationalism.
    Nothing we say will make any sense to him.

  82. CameronB Brodie says:

    This health crises will hit the global poor the hardest. I’m no expert so I’ll trust the WHO and a precautionary approach to public health. I hope Scotland’s government is doing similar.

    Comparative Quantification
    of Health Risks
    Global and Regional Burden of Disease
    Attributable to Selected Major Risk Factors

    link to

  83. Maolbeatha says:

    Thank you for the correction,
    Can you show me where I went wrong in the conclusion please.

  84. Colin Alexander says:

    Since purring Betty breached her constitutional duty to remain neutral from politics,

    fingers crossed behind the back or claiming they didn’t mean it is no longer acceptable:

    Any politician that asserts they believe in the sovereignty of the people MUST refuse to swear to serve the monarch and her family.

    If that means they don’t sit in England’s imperial Parliament or Scottish colonial parliament, so giving these symbols of Imperial power undeserved credibility, that would be a bonus.

  85. CameronB Brodie says:

    I forgot that the Scottish civil service has been instructed to follow an approach to the law that is incompatible with a legal respect for biology. That’s eugenics that is.

  86. Breastplate says:

    I posted an example on here over the weekend but not sure when or how to retrieve it. Perhaps some kind soul will post it for you if they find it.

  87. jfngw says:

    The 20,000 deaths in reality is going to be breached in the next 2 to 3 days. The governments around the UK have failed big time. The only difference in Scotland is the presentation has been better managed, the outcome has still been poor unfortunately.

  88. Ron Maclean says:


    If Nicola Sturgeon is wondering where I read about the political party whose primary aim is to obtain independence for Scotland, it was in the The Constitution, Rules and Standing Orders of the Scottish National Party (Version 1.05 – February 2020).

    S1 – The Party’s name is the Scottish National Party.

    S2 – Aims – The Aims of the Party are –
    (a) Independence for Scotland; …

  89. Breastplate says:

    Sorry Maolbeatha,
    I should have added that I would have looked for it myself but have a few things to do for the next couple of hours.

  90. Dorothy Devine says:

    Republicofscotland , it is their habit to show the evils / errors of others and to hide theirs.

    Think of the bewailing of soldiers killed or tortured in Iraq , major headlines about these ‘terrorists’ – never shots of the body parts ‘we’ caused in the phony war, never condemnation of our or US nasty efforts in a place we had no right to be.

    Conclusion is that we are better and more worthwhile and the rest are children of a lesser god.

    We are already concocting headlines and blame to back up this arrogant stance and to persuade the population into believing it.

  91. jfngw says:

    Wildly O/T

    Good to see Eamonn Holmes being exposed, after the time he hid behind Sarah Cawood (5′ 1″) when the lottery studio was invaded I was convinced he would never be seen on TV again, I was obviously wrong as the TV people seem to like him (probably cheap to hire), whereas Sarah Cawood was hardly ever seen again.

    The other time I remember him almost having a seizure when someone suggested he donate his fee to a charity he was talking about, not sure if he ran and hid again.

    A thoroughly obnoxious individual.

  92. shug says:

    A little strange the BBC and Call Kaye mentioning PPE being diverted to England. My first thought about them covering it is it will not be true and it is a trap for whiney nationalists. No way the BBC covers a real bad news story for the union.

    I then listened to Jason Leech and he was not definitely. He did not believe it and he had been talking to colleagues in England who said not. That is not a NO.

    When I heard Hancock dingied the question/meeting I thought he either does not know and wants to find out, or knows it is rubbish and is setting a trap for Sturgeon.

    I know it sound conspiracy gone mad but Westminster is facing a real hard time over the numbers and any diversion is good for them ANY!!

    All will out in time

  93. Republicofscotland says:

    For once the US press holds Trump to account on acting too slowly on the virus. Trump goes into a meltdown rant at the reporter.

    Pity there’s none like her here in the UK, that aren’t arch unionist.

    link to

  94. jfngw says:

    For those that missed the bravery of Eamonn Holmes

    link to

  95. Famous15 says:

    Governor Andrew Cuomo NY…President Donald Trump.

    FM N. Sturgeon …PM B.Johnson.

    The clever subordinate v the blustering buffoon.

    It does not have to be accepted .

  96. Dan says:

    Latest blog from “the individual” that is Craig Murray.

    link to

  97. Famous15 says:

    I would be interested to see the average death rate over the last ten years compared to the current year.

  98. Pete says:

    You have forgotten that Trump stopped Chinese and other Asians from coming to the US in January, way ahead of other countries and then closed it to Europeans in February, I think.
    At the time he was being called xenophobic and racist but Trump haters always forget the truth.
    Biden disagreed at the time.
    I’m not a big fan of his on a personal level but his decision making tends to be correct.
    I even think his approval rating has been rising and I’d be quite happy for him to win another term

  99. Famous15 says:

    ForPetes sake Pete.

    Make America Great Again


  100. CameronB Brodie says:

    Pete is able to admit in public that he supports Trump. Well there you go peeps, Pete’s judgement must be discounted entirely.

  101. callmedave says:

    STV ask about PPE not accepted on the order books for Scotland because of the company(s) being so directed.

    Jason Leitch says it’s rubbish. “His words not mine” says Sunak!
    Although he personally never denied it on behalf of the WM Gov.

    ENHS never directed it says the health woman spokesperson

    STV woman nods head. Nothing to see here then. 🙁

  102. Dan says:

    Seeing Pete end his post with a simplistic term reduced to an acronym reminded me of another simplistic term used last December pre GE.

    link to

    “Get Britain out of Neutral”

    Britain is wrong for a start as this was a UK election and Britain isn’t the correct terminology. (Winks to Bob Peffers on that score).

    But the question remains, why the fuck did the Conservatives need to get us out of neutral and into a gear when it was themselves that were already in power with their mitts on the gearstick. WTF were they doing not being in gear!

    Maybe Pete will chip in to explain…

  103. callmedave says:

    Twice the use of France on the graph of countries selected to show the coronavirus deaths hs been called out.
    Apples and Pears no fair.

    France being a country who include (out of hospital) deaths.

    Answer …Waffle waffle…. (I think folk have noticed).

    Northern Ireland not been on the graph for a while.
    (death figures too low maybe) 🙁

    America!….we need a bigger graph.

  104. Gary45% says:

    Its time to insert your head again, try again tomorrow, as you have failed big time using “truth” and “Trump” in the same sentence, then you crown it off with “his decision making tends to be correct”.
    Some advice, please stop listening to Faridge, Pierced Organ on GMB and Fox News.
    Have a wee look at MSNBC, CNN, and for light hearted US political insight, Seth Mayers, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and for more serious opinion, David Packman The Young Turks (TYT) and the Damage Report. They will give you the true feeling in the states about “Trumpet”. (All on You Tube.)
    So before inserting your head back up you know where, have a look at the above on You Tube.
    I look at all these including Fox to get a balanced opinion, I suggest you do the same.

  105. CameronB Brodie says:

    I thought I’d reached peak-flow a while back, but apparently not. 😉

    Public Ethics and
    Political Judgment

    link to

  106. callmedave says:

    Talking up Scotland has at least two links to the PPE story.

    Has Professor and Commander of the Order of the British Empire, Jason Leitch, let his mask slip?

    link to

    FOUR REASONS why the ‘PPE discrimination against Scotland’ reports are NOT rubbish!

    link to

  107. CameronB Brodie says:

    The legal epistemology of the British constitution, contains insufficient epistemic integrity to consider it anything other than a piece of legal pseudo-science. Standing under it is not supportive of democracy or the principle of universal human rights.

    Full text

    Who shall judge? Hobbes, Locke, and Kant on the construction of public reason
    link to

  108. Sensibledave says:


    … unless this comes up, I’m barred!

  109. Sensibledave says:

    It appears I am un-barred!

  110. jfngw says:

    Why is the Scotgov referring to PPE being redirected, of course WM can claim this is false. It’s not being redirected, they are refusing to take orders. Doesn’t seem like the same thing to me.

  111. CameronB Brodie says:

    The simplest way to determine whether the British constitution is detached from the natural law, is to consider if it respects international Treaty law.

  112. Dan says:

    @SD, your post might have been held in moderation for a banned word.
    Or multiple links, which may have been the case with bittie45’s post on the previous page.

    link to

  113. HYUFD says:

    Fianna Fail and Fine Gael reach agreement on a new coalition government excluding Sinn Fein in the Republic of Ireland.
    link to
    Ironic Sinn Fein got fewer votes as a percentage in Northern Ireland last year than the Republic this year but are only in government in Belfast not Dublin

  114. callmedave says:

    Ah! Another new thing

    N Ireland (don’t include out of hospital deaths either says BBC)
    Like England

    Wales and Scotland do / will/ are.

    Boris’ team taking a bit of a beating on all fronts today and Auntie is joining in a bit. Too much negative data.

    UK Markets don’t like the economic short term future FTS’s are all down and red and the Yankee Dow dead cat bounce!

  115. CameronB Brodie says:

    It’s probably best the FM try to be diplomatic. Imagine the roasting she’d get if there was any hint of national difference in strategic response. 😉

  116. Sensibledave says:


    As someone with a selection of tinfoil hats for all occassions. you are gooing to have some fun with this. I stumbled across this site (probably set up by my techie colleagues in MI5 – rather than by field agents like me). I have no knowledge as to the acuracy of the information.

    link to

    Scroll down to charts 4 and 5.

    Chart 4 provides as graph showing fatalities due to coronavirus expressed as deaths per million for a selection of countries including the UK and the USA.

    Chart 5 is raw data.

    When you have had a look, I would value your commehts.

  117. Stoker says:

    The Dumbarton Democrat: SNP PAY RISE FOR HEALTHCARE WORKERS IS JUST SPIN (apparently) 🙂 link to

    Meanwhile comments following The Profs latest talkingupscotland article expose more about BBC Radio Scotland’s current favourite son Robert Kilgour. link to

  118. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Famous15 @ 5.11

    You can find what you re looking for in here.

    link to

  119. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m digging deep here folks. Please try to ignore the right-wing media. I appreciate it is vital the economy gets back up to speed, but public health comes first.

    I caught a clip of some Prof. on Sky, adamant we need a prompt roll-out of a ‘One Nation’ approach to unwinding the lock-down. Have no doubt the yoonstream will attempt to go full yoonatic over this crises.

    Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses
    Chapter 6
    Clinical Reasoning, Decisionmaking, and Action: Thinking Critically and Clinically

    link to

  120. Ian Foulds says:

    Breeks at 2.27pm

    Apologies if this addressed.

    I thought it was Strathclyde.


  121. shug says:

    sensible dave

    silly me I was using the BBC numbers!!

    You know aunty would not lie to me

    I did not know you worked for MI5 – scraping the barrel or what

  122. Republicofscotland says:

    For the second night in a row, the ultra unionist STV news have led with the emotive Covid-19 deaths in Scottish care homes, its the only direct attack they’ve got at the moment on the Scottish government.

    Meanwhile its comes to light that Scotlands Health secretary Jean Freeman telephoned Englands Health minister Matt Hancock, with regards to the reneging on PPE meant for Scotlands frontline workers, including care home staff. Our Health secretary was told that Mr Hancock was far to busy to take the call.

  123. Sensibledave says:


    Please try and understand what I was showing you. The BBC has never attempted to show you the numbers that way.

  124. Republicofscotland says:


    Yes Leitch was quick to shoot down that claim, hiding his CBE from the Scottish public also adds to the question mark now over his head.

  125. shug says:

    My very point

    The BBC has never tried to show you the numbers = why not!!

    Even today I struggled to find the English/UK numbers. America Italy Spain all no problem on the BBC

    Having said that I don’t know where they are going with the PPE for England.

    I have no sympathy for the scots they deserve to be treated as the colony they are. They voted to be run by London so suck it up.

    Just don’t tell me the BBC provide news they are a propaganda channel. They are the voice of London and I see no evident to counter this

  126. Papko says:

    England is desperate to keep hold of Scotland now.
    Watch support for Indy soar once Scots realise that the Tories are spreading the plague.

  127. PacMan says:

    Just another reminder that the BBC is a state run organisation. This is from the company that collects the licence fee on behalf of the UK government:

    link to

    How is TV Licensing funded and what is the cost of collecting the TV Licence fee?

    The revenue source for TV Licensing is the TV Licence fee settlement by the Government to the BBC. More information on this is contained in the BBC Annual Report and Accounts and in the TV Licensing Annual Reviews.

    The TV Licensing Costs of Collection chart, below, sets out the total licence fee revenue collected and collection costs over the last nine financial years.

    Section 365 of the Communications Act 2003 (opens in a new window) requires the BBC to pay all licence fee revenue it collects (via TV Licensing), less any sums required for making refunds, into the Government’s Consolidated Fund. TV Licensing doesn’t retain any of the licence fee revenue it collects; all monies are passed to the Government, and then the revenue collected is passed back to the BBC as Grant-in-Aid from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (opens in a new window).

    The Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport may retain a proportion of the licence fee revenue for other purposes (refer to the BBC’s Royal Charter and Agreement with Secretary of State)

  128. Sensibledave says:


    … you’ve still not “got it” have you.

    If I understand the graph correctly and if the figures are true, then we are being given a clearer, more “fair” representation of death rate in each country (due to CV19) … given in deaths per million of population and shown in the days since the country had its first reported death.

    I thought you would be going overboard about those desparately bad governments in those hotbeds of far right fa**** that are being so uncaring about their people. You know, places like Belgium and Sweden.

  129. shug says:

    todays numbers

    Deaths % of Deaths

    N Ireland 134 1.11%
    Scotland 615 5.08%
    Wales 403 3.33%
    England 10955 90.48%
    Total 12107

    Call me dave had the total as 12157 – not sure where the difference came from

  130. PacMan says:

    I had been reading over the weekend that a lot of people, including those in the media and politicians are not fighting a health crisis but fighting a war.

    In war, if those in power commit acts that leads to unnecessary civilian causalities or death can be tried for war crimes. Westminster politicians called for a herd immunity strategy and delayed the lockdown which could have potentially cause the deaths of more people if a lockdown wasn’t implemented sooner. If this is proved and we are ‘fighting a war’ then could these politicians be tried for war crimes against their own people?

    I know all this fighting a war is nothing but hyperbole but maybe some politicians better think a bit more about what they are doing if they are trying to use this hyperbole to divert attention as it could well come back and bite them big time.

  131. Breastplate says:

    As asked, comment 11 April 11:40pm

  132. shug says:


    I have got it!!

    Deaths as a percentage of the total compared to the population distribution. Simple

    You keep on with your ranting you will be banned again – you get it??

  133. PacMan says:

    Pete says: 14 April, 2020 at 5:14 pm

    You have forgotten that Trump stopped Chinese and other Asians from coming to the US in January, way ahead of other countries and then closed it to Europeans in February, I think.
    At the time he was being called xenophobic and racist but Trump haters always forget the truth.
    Biden disagreed at the time.
    I’m not a big fan of his on a personal level but his decision making tends to be correct.
    I even think his approval rating has been rising and I’d be quite happy for him to win another term

    From what I read, Trump had stopped non-Americans coming in from affected countries. However, he allowed American citizens from these countries to enter the US without any form of testing.

  134. Sensibledave says:

    Breastplate 4.11

    People in England, you know, the people and their government that you so enjoy berating … have never been asked if they want to remain in the Union. Nor have the Welsh. Nor have the Northern Irish.

    I might be wrong, but the only country that has ever had a referendum on their involvement in the Union .. are the Scots.

    By a democratic majority in a free and fair vote, the voters of Scotland chose to remain in the Union.

    May I venture to suggest that any ire you may have about the situation regarding Scottish Independence should be directed towards your fellow countrymen. As you know, I only want what the majority of people in Scotland want.

    But don’t mind me, I’m just an old fashioned democrat.

  135. Sensibledave says:

    Shug 7.46

    But shug, I asked for our comments on the graph.

    Do you thinlk we should cut off our links with Belgium and Sweden and heap praise on Trump for his country’s fantstic response to Coronavirus?

    If you think the Germans are doing brilliantly then the Yanks are doing even bettter don’t you think?

  136. mike cassidy says:

    No surprise Pete The Troll is a trumpite.

    Trump knows more than almost anybody about everything.

    link to

  137. robertknight says:


    “By a democratic majority in a free and fair vote, the voters of Scotland chose to remain in the Union.”

    Thanks for that. That’s the best laugh I’ve had in weeks!

    I, for one, am thankful for your contributions to this site for their endless comedic value. Keep ’em coming.

    It seems all the donkeys ain’t on Blackpool beach after all!

  138. Breastplate says:

    That’s excellent that you want independence for Scotland like the majority of the people.
    I thought you were just an intransigent arsehole but I’m glad you proved me wrong.
    Welcome on board.

  139. CameronB Brodie says:

    And I’m still not claiming I’m an expert in public health. It is only those who lack concern for others, who would be placing economic interest before public health right now. There needs to be a reckoning over this, but there will be none without radical constitutional reform.

    Why don’t we force the SNP’s hand and demand such at the next election?

    Full text.

    Ethical and Legal Considerations in Mitigating Pandemic Disease: Workshop Summary.
    4 Ethical Issues in Pandemic Planning and Response

    link to

  140. Pete says:

    Mike Cassidy
    He’s certainly done well for America.
    Much better than Obama.
    Until this virus, the country was booming and it will again.
    Go and try his hotel at Turnberry . Really good.

  141. jfngw says:

    Tories look at austerity and the conclusion was 130k dead in 10 years, only 13k/year not good enough, we need a better solution. They believe Dominic and his ‘scientific’ advisors have an idea!

  142. Doug says:

    Meanwhile the democratic mandates are still in force for another referendum on Scotland’s independence.

  143. Sensibledave says:

    Cameron 7.59

    I am really hesitant to engage with you on this, but hey, I like looking after children.

    I think you are missing the point Cammy. You wrote “It is only those who lack concern for others, who would be placing economic interest before public health right now”

    I believe that everyone cares about public health, but what policy achieves the best overall outcome is the debate (which I haven’t entered!).

    As I understand it, probably, places like Spain and France are talking about easing restrictions because they believe that in overall terms (mental health, social, family, and economics (including having the money to have a health service)) they believe that would be best, overall, for public health.

    Please don’t argue with, or insult me, with respect to this issue, I haven’t expressed my opinion.

  144. CameronB Brodie says:

    Dominic Cummings has no respect for public health. It is clear in his failure to respect the first principle in law. DO NO HARM.

  145. Sensibledave says:

    Breastplate 7:56 pm

    … Indeed, me ol’ boobysalver.

    And as soon as the people of scotland go through the formality of actually expressing their views in a free and fair referendum then, whatever the outcome, the majority should have their wishes and I will stand shoulder to shoulder with the winners of such a referendum.

    I think the problem is, as I have read above, it is a strongly held belief that the duly elected leaders of the Scottish Government don’t want a referendum. Something to do with them being fat, dumb and happy in their current jobs. Is that correct?

    That’s excellent that you want independence for Scotland like the majority of the people.
    I thought you were just an intransigent arsehole but I’m glad you proved me wrong.
    Welcome on board.

  146. CameronB Brodie says:

    Dominic Cummings is an enthusiastic eugenicist. He thinks he has the cognitive and moral competence to play God. He is a modern-day Nazi, as far as I’m concerned.

  147. Mist001 says:

    ““By a democratic majority in a free and fair vote, the voters of Scotland chose to remain in the Union.”

    So what bit is Robertkight wrong about?

    The result was 55% – 45%, a difference of TEN percent. Not 0.5, 1, or even 5%, but TEN PERCENT.

    Clearly a majority of chickenshit Scots chose to remain in the Union.

    Unless that post was written in a language that I don’t understand.

  148. CameronB Brodie says:

    Definitely a modern-day Nazi.

    Full text.

    Ethical dimensions of COVID-19 for frontline staff
    link to

  149. CameronB Brodie says:

    How long will Scotland endure English Torydum?

    Full text.

    Beyond liberty: social values and public health ethics in responses to COVID-19
    link to

  150. Capella says:

    @ Mike Cassidy – I read the article you liked to upthread about how the Coronavirus was released from a Wuhan lab. I was wondering how long it would be before that theory appeared. Step up Washington Post, house magazine of Jeff Bezos.

    Some of the btl comments are amusing. One comment links to an actual scientific journal asserting that the virus is of natural origin and not from a lab.

    link to

    Of course, the lab could have released a bat to see what would happen. Scientists are such curious creatures, unlike journalists.

  151. CameronB Brodie says:

    British nationalism is incompatible with the principle of universal human rights.

    British constitutionalism only remained tolerable while coherent with the natural law. That condition no longer exists.

    British constitutional law is no longer concerned with the Moral Law, so its’ practice holds no legal force over Scotland, as it lacks moral authority.

  152. CameronB Brodie says:

    British constitutional law does hold FORCE over Scotland, but it lacks adequate legal foundations to do so. Its’ claim to authority over Scotland, subsequently, lacks coherance and compatibility with the rule-of-law.

  153. callmedave says:

    Let’s talk…Hancock who cancelled the meeting did get back to Freeman….Jean it was Shurley schome mishstake…PPE no problem!

    Jason your sandals in the water son….Oh! Not that one. 🙁

  154. shug says:


    interesting chart

    The UK rating is in the middle if you use their numbers. Could this be why they are understating them. To save face!! This is certainly a GB trait.

    There is of course the assumption the other countries use valid numbers which of course means we really know very little

    It will be interesting to see the numbers once the care home figures are attached – if ever

    Currently the figures show you are half as likely to die in Scotland (roughly)

    I would guess this is down to population density. I did see another Unionist raising the issue of colour and race – what a surprise!!

  155. Pete says:

    There are 14 % non whites in the UK population.
    There are 34% non whites in the Coronavirus deaths.

  156. Stoker says:

    Jason Leitch CBE – The ScotGovs National Clinical Director. This nobber rubbishes the PPE for England only stories. Jeeeezo!

    FFS! No wonder we’re getting nowhere when Sturgeon employs lying Britnats. Either Sturgeon has to go or she sacks the lying Leitch, or should that be leech?

    And i’ll say it again, she can save her insulting bullshit about not politicising this pandemic. I’ve news for Queen Nic, it’s already political. Everything in life is connected to politics one way or another.

    Also, you’re in the wrong job if your “talents” only extend to dealing with one issue at a time in front of tv cameras. Every other country in the world deals with the pandemic, and many other issues at the same time, and they’re doing far better than Sturgeon.

    Sturgeon just making announcement about this PPE shows that she’s surrounded herself with inept advisors and she’s totally detached from reality. This issue has been in the public domain since last week. How embarrassing! What were her advisors doing? Working on a new type of public toilet peephole?

    Meanwhile Bozo gets to share the blood on his hands with Queen Nic.

  157. Sensibledave says:

    Shug 9.57

    Be careful on seeing fault and blame when there is none. The indications certainly are that different groups are disproportionately affected by the virus. Men are more likely to succumb than women, older rather younger, BAME more than white. For example, whilst representing 13% of the population BAME folk account for 32% of deaths. Take a look of the tragic photographs of NHS Staff that have died.

  158. Dog biscuit says:

    Herd Immunity does not imply that everyone gets sick.

  159. winifred mccartney says:

    On the issue of ppe and the companies being told to supply England only – would you believe Matt Hancock – I would not trust him to tell me it was raining – I would have to look out the window. Very surprised Jeanne Freeman believes him – 6 companies don’t do this of their own volition.

  160. shug says:

    There is no reason to think it is race or colour
    What you are seeing may be representative of the population infected.

    It would be a fair bet that most of the deaths in New York are poor people. If the majority of the poor are black or hispanic that that will be represented in the death rate.

    A fair bet is if you infect 100 of your white public school London masters and 100 coloured nurses the death rate will be the same.

    Saying different is madness

  161. Xaracen says:

    “And there’s nothing wrong with orthodox thinking as long as it’s backed up with relevant, properly collected and carefully evaluated data analysed with care and reason.”

    Sorry, I realised I left out something vital:

    There’s nothing wrong with orthodox thinking as long as it’s backed up with relevant, properly collected and carefully evaluated data analysed with care, integrity and reason.

    And increasingly these days integrity seems to be the rarest attribute of all. In my view its lack is the primary reason the UK and much of the world is such a mean place to be in.

  162. Capella says:

    @ Stoker – Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t employ Jason Leitch. He’s a civil servant. Unfortunately, both the elected Scottish Government and the Civil Service Scottish Government are called the same thing. In England we distinguish between Westminster and Whitehall which is clearer.

  163. Pete says:

    It has been established that the first big wave brought into the UK was from skiers coming back from Northern Italy.
    Hardly the poor!!

  164. CameronB Brodie says:

    Biology is the ultimate leveler. Tories may be bio-neurologically impaired in term of ethical competence, but that doesn’t make them less human. This knowledge should instruct you to doubt their judgement though.

  165. CameronB Brodie says:

    Xaracen 😉

  166. Capella says:

    @ Stoker – also – every other country in the world is independent and therefore has the resources and authority to deal with other issues. We are a mere province. In order to get these resources and authority we have to get independence. In order to get independence we have to unite behind the SNP. Or do have a plan B?

  167. mike cassidy says:


    Strictly speaking the article was suggesting the possibility that the virus may have ‘escaped’ rather than been released.

    But what interested me was the reporting that the standards required to run such a facility were not being met as far back as 2018.

    Given the wariness inherent in doing such research as highlighted in 2015

    link to

    {The Wuhan I. V. being one of the facilities involved

    See list of contributors at the end of the science paper

    link to}

    You don’t need to be a tin-foil-hat type to be sceptical.

    Just a wos type.

  168. McDuff says:

    Capella 10.31
    What is the the SNP’s plan A for independence. And what is their plan B???
    Because for the past five years they have had no plan and no strategy but have merely reacted to events.
    If I’m wrong please explain.

  169. Capella says:

    @ mike cassidy – my scepticism is always biased against anything emanating from US or UK journalists. I try to keep an open mind. But decades of experience have forever coloured me wary.

    American diplomats visiting Chinese facilities translates to me as American embassy-based spooks i.e. the CIA concocting reasons to be aggressive. Langleys finest.

    The idea that the Chinese are a bit stupid, careless or mendacious is what Edward Said refers to as “orientalism” or Anglo-Saxon exceptionalism, or racism. I rest my case. 🙂

  170. CameronB Brodie says:

    The moral integrity of scientific research is of vital importance to liberal democracy and open society. Dominic Cummings is keen to misuse science in order to cement his interpretation of what a “just” society is. He is a modern-day Nazi.

    Integrity in Scientific Research: Creating an Environment
    That Promotes Responsible Conduct

    link to

  171. Capella says:

    @ McDuff – don’t be silly. You know perfectly well that the SNP planned to have a referendum in the autumn this year. Preparations were made through the Referendum Bill and notifying the Electoral Commission of the question to be put.

    You must have noticed that there is a dangerous virus circulating throughout the world causing the complete suspension of everyday life until it safe to circulate again. Are you seriously suggesting we should mount a referendum campaign now?

  172. Effijy says:

    So Bojo travelled to Checkers yet another tax payer freebie to recover.

    I thought you couldn’t travel 50 miles to another home during lockdown.

    It seems the latest potential bearer of Bojo’s barrage of babies had travelled
    There too.

    As PM he will have a team of body guards who will need to travel there in shifts.

    Then there will be the Chauffeur, the Cook the Cleaners who don’t live there.

    We are in nothing together in the Ununited Crapdom.

  173. Sensibledave says:

    Shug 10.27

    “Saying different is madness”

    Is it also madness to say that people with different blood groups are affected disproportionately? Is it madness to say men and women are affected differently? Young and old? Preconditions, no preconditions.

    I think maybe some “wokeness” may be interfering with your ability to accept raw data … if it doesn’t fit some ideological stance you have decided must be true.

  174. Footsoldier says:

    I noticed Jeane Freeman referred to Matt Hancock as the UK Health Minister, as almost everyone else does. Does that mean she reports to him as she is only the Scottish Health Minister?

  175. Andrew Gordon says:

    If you need any confirmation that Donald Trump gives muppets a bad name his current press conference will be Disneys next blockbuster, man is f*****g deluded.
    It the WHO and Chinas fault and America is amazing, really really good, amazing, best country in the world until you actually read the deaths in America, I refer to my previous expletive

  176. Shug says:

    Sensible dave
    You make the judgment on the bases of a photograph. No data. That says it all
    The one thing I notice about unionists is their bitterness
    A union of bitterness without facts
    What a poor soul you are indeed

  177. robertknight says:

    Andrew Gordon @ 11:41…

    President Donald Chump “is f*****g deluded”?

    Who knew?

  178. Sarah says:

    @ Capella: well, this virus is a very handy excuse for us having far fewer civil liberties, no council [and presumably other] elections, reduced incomes, Westminster Parliament not functioning etc etc etc. Classic “Now is not the time” for anything.

    So we are in a very dangerous situation politically and socially. Regaining Scotland’s position as a nation state is the only way to free ourselves from the worst of the two governments currently ruling us.

    Of course we wouldn’t be able to campaign in the normal way nor vote in the normal way but they are just practical matters that could be solved. I’m thinking it is more dangerous to carry on with not asking the question than to ask it.

  179. Capella says:

    @ sarah – how can these “practical matters” be solved atm?

  180. Patrick Roden says:

    @ Shug;

    There’s already a number of diseases that affect ethnic groups differently.

    To pour scorn on the emerging data that this virus does the same is a bit ‘head in the sand’ mate.

  181. crazycat says:

    @ Shug at 10.27

    A fair bet is if you infect 100 of your white public school London masters and 100 coloured nurses the death rate will be the same.

    Saying different is madness

    No, it’s not. There are many examples where people of different ethnicities have more or less susceptibility to particular diseases.

    South Asians, for example, have a higher incidence of diabetes than Caucasians.

    Variations in prevalence of certain cancers can sometimes be attributed to lifestyle, especially if incidence in migrants more closely resembles that of their new abodes than of the ones they have left.

    But there are other ailments where location is not the crucial predictor. So it is perfectly possible that BAME individuals are more likely to die of Covid19, either because they have an additional risk factor such as diabetes, or because they have extra difficulty absorbing vitamin D, or for some other reason.

    It is also the case that they are more likely to be poor, which will exacerbate any underlying predisposition.

  182. crazycat says:

    @ Patrick Roden


  183. End_Imminent says:

    If there was ever a group of individuals I thought would see straight through this scamdemic it would have been you guys. Funny how you all simply returned to buying everything the MS tells you wholesale. Are you not concerned you now have NO rights in this country? Covid bill, Schd 8 Pt 1. It’s terrifying.
    The numbers are fake. Seems all other disease has been cured. This is all about control, agenda 21 and the end of our freedom forever. Wake up. The virus is a mild flu which most people had around Dec 19 / Jan 20. Who owns the CV patents, Pirbright, Gates, The British Crown lackies. Who owns big pharma? Gates owns WHO, NIH, Fauci, Birx, Ferguson all taken MILLIONS from him. Time is short my fellow Scots. It’s now or never.

  184. End_Imminent says:

    Should I post 600 tik tok videos of “over burdened” health professionals at hospitals around the world performing complicated choreographed dance routines?

    The PCR testing isn’t fit for purpose. It should be an anti body test IgM or IgG.

    Morbidity rate is < 0.1%

    Jon Rappoport breaks down the various methods being employed to mess with the figures. You have state senators in America now shouting about the fraud. Time is short. If we comply with immunity passports, we're done. Cashless society, China social credit scores, limited EVERYTHING, tracked, monitored and metered in the minutia of your short life. Planned scarcity is coming, they are shutting down food production. Keep all your appliances and tools etc, it will be very hard to find similar in a year. Stock up but not at the expense of your neighbours. The jackboot descending on the face of humanity has begun to make contact with the cheek. I wish you all the best in our coming dystopian hell.

  185. End_Imminent says:

    Might I also add they are erecting face recognition cameras all across the West. Washington to London. Toronto to Rome. Same applies in Australia and NZ. This is truly a paradigm shift into something FAR FAR WORSE than any of us can imagine. We need to slam the brakes on and reverse it now before it’s too late.

  186. End_Imminent says:

    Did nobody flinch when Sturgeon removed trial by jury? Did nobody notice when they granted themselves the power to indefinitely detain, test and vaccinate you if you exhibit ANY SUSPECTED symptom of CV 19. Which is anything down to a runny nose to a cough.

    You can now be carted off the street to quarantine. Forcibly tested and vaccinate. The pharma companies have indemnity against adverse reactions during pandemics. Your death can be signed off by any health professional, not just a coroner. You can also be cremated whether you or your family wanted it or now.

    Welcome to your new level of feudal slavery. To be rolled out gently for the next 2 years of lockdown until their poison is ready to be forced on humanity at large.

  187. End_Imminent says:

    Are we all looking forward to the drones that can remotely check your temperature and other vitals. Are we all looking forward to being detained or sectioned for questioning anything about an official narrative going forward? Schedule 8 Pt 1 CV Bill.

    Wake up. Time up. Now or never for you, your kids and your grandkids kids.

  188. End_Imminent says:

    Did anyone notice the WHO saying they want to come into your home and separate your from your family if you’re “infected” ?

    Did you notice that a judge in America has just granted a father custody of his child as the mother is an ER nurse and he argued the child was in “danger of infection”. Precedent set.

    It’s coming ladies and gentlemen. Whether you believe me or not,, whether you listen or not. I would add 5G allows all this tracking and monitoring and 26,000 scientists have screamed for a halt to it’s rollout. Not a single study shows it’s safe to humans and hundreds show the opposite.

    Make your own minds up. Do what you think right for you and yours.

  189. End_Imminent says:

    I realised mentioning 5G might make some think “loony”, please see the uses for Chloroquine

    ‘Chloroquine is a 4-aminoquinoline with antimalarial,
    anti-inflammatory, and potential chemosensitization and
    radiosensitization activities.”

    the process of artificially increasing the radiosensitivity of
    biological objects; it is accompanied by intensification of the effects of ionizing radiation.” or 5G.

  190. Sandy says:

    There are currently some vivid imaginations on this blog.

  191. David says:

    End_Imminent’s postings remind me of a comedy routine – Jasper Carrot’s “The nutter on the bus”.

    Except that End_Of_Days isn’t funny, just fixated and repetitive.

  192. End_Imminent says:

    Here’s a doctor who believed the MSM news, until he worked on the patients. The whole series is worth your time even if the narrator isn’t the best.

    link to

  193. End_Imminent says:

    Yes ridicule, the first port of call for the uninformed 🙂

    Please just look at the research, judge for yourself.

    Solzhenitsyn advises not waiting for regret in the camps (quarantine).

  194. End_Imminent says:

    Here’s Jon’s blog, it’s extremely well sourced.

    Hope links aren’t offensive to mods.

  195. Patrick Roden says:

    End_Imminent says:

    “If there was ever a group of individuals I thought would see straight through this scamdemic it would have been you guys. Funny how you all simply returned to buying everything the MS tells you wholesale. Are you not concerned you now have NO rights in this country? Covid bill, Schd 8 Pt 1. It’s terrifying.”


    Haven’t you noticed that people are dying or becoming ill enough to require hospital treatment because of what you call a ‘scamdemic’?

    Haven’t you noticed that your ‘scandemic’ is happening throughout the world and they are also reporting large numbers of deaths?

    Haven’t you noticed that it isn’t just the policticians, but also scientists and health organisations around the world who are confirming the danger posed by this pandemic?

    Have you perhaps considered that the removal of the liberties we normaly enjoy might be nessessary, to stop inconsiderate businesses, that have large ammounts of customers packed into limited spaces, like pubs, clubs events venues, shops etc, from puting profit before people as we have already seen a few times already?

    Every single human event brings out conspiracy theory nutters, and we are seeing phone masts being burnt to the ground because people are actually believing that the virus is being spread by these masts.

    With all due respect mate, you are the one who needs to take a good hard look at how gullible you are to conspiracy theorists lies and missinformation, because the evidence that we are in a genuine worl wide pandemic that needs the governments to remove the normal civil liberties we enjoy is overwhelming.

    If the virus is no longer causing widespread deaths and illness and they do not return our liberties, that will be the time to warn people they need to wake up and believe me the people who post on here will be the first in line to do so.

  196. bittie45 says:

    Dan at 6:06 pm

    Thanks to Rev. for releasing my post from moderation. As you say it had multiple links, possibly banned words. It was maybe also too long, starting off just a simple list, but growing arms and legs to as I attempted to make it understandable – clear to me, but probably clear as mud to everyone else!

    Anyway was so focused on the message that I’d forgotten it might get moderated.

  197. bittie45 says:

    Billions given to the weapons industry – to protect civilians, so they say – yet not a single warehouse of PPE to protect against the almost certain eventuality of a 50% lethality pandemic with strong warnings from SARS in 2003, Swine Flu in 2009, MERS in 2012, oh and the failed 2016 Great British NHS stress-test, exercise Cygnus!

    Could the wiki definition apply to some of our so-called leaders “Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group—in whole or in part”?

  198. Effijy says:

    Over 2 Million recorded Corona Infections recorded now.

    Probably double that figure in reality.

    China claiming only 1 death among hundreds of millions.

    I expected African to be hit hard with the virus as the average citizen
    Would not be able to survive without going to work and socialising.

    Not much prospect of going into ICU or accessing ventilators there so
    Why are there so few deaths reported?

    Are they not dying or are they just not bothering to report it?

  199. Breeks says:

    This emphasis on Scotland ‘suspending’ talk of divisive Indy politics because of COV19, while south of the border, English suppliers are refusing to honour supplies of vital PP equipment to Scotland’s frontline health workers, reminds me very much on 2017, when the SNP during an election campaign were hushing up all mention of the word “Independence” because it would frighten undecided voters, while south of the border, the ‘snap’ General Election was just cover for an English Establishment Dark Money plot to disembowel the Scottish Government and resurrect the Tories.

    Yes, of course, an actual referendum is not practicable or desirable, nobody is saying otherwise, but right now, the debate about what an Independent Scotland in Europe could do to keep itself safe from Coronavirus should be a red hot subject for discussion, and the fallout of the Salmond conspiracy should be happening right now, not six months down the line or when actual Brexit is imminent.

    Once again, for any excuse, Scotland takes it’s foot off the gas, while Westminster flicks the nitrous switch to go faster.

  200. Sensibledave says:

    Shug 11.41

    I’m trying to be gentle here Shug in order to not embarrass you too much.

    No, I don’t expect you to believe me on the basis of the photograph. I just added that in at the end. However, and for whatever reason, there is a lot of data suggesting that BAME folk are disproportionately affected.

    Now, if you want to start calling me names because of what I am telling you (and other people have tried to above) then we must assume that you are one of the virtue signalling, woke, nutters that will not accept that there is “difference”.

  201. Rm says:

    Nobody will change what’s happening with this virus, two of my friends are in isolation with the virus and close relatives in care homes, but Scotland has to come out of this in a better way than it went in we should push to end the Union now, seems now would be the best time so we can start afresh, our small country would be a lot easier managed.

  202. Ottomanboi says:

    Truth, the real victim?
    link to
    link to
    After panic enforced’ lockdown’ a return to normal service politics?
    They wish!

  203. Dan says:

    Indeed Breeks.
    It would seem the Administration of the Race Team currently running the Indy Car have chosen to install the hardest available compound of slick tyres and simply can’t get any traction on the inherently slippy terrain of what is the slimy UK political track.
    Over the last few laps there have been multiple situations to take advantage of and improve our position, but with the lacklustre driving technique of failing to react or spinning up the wheels, many opportunities have been missed and our position remains much the same for all the effort and fuel that has been burnt.

    It’s a big tactical blunder and the many of the active sponsors ain’t particularly happy, especially if we’re not going to be able to enter the Euro events.

  204. Bill Hume. says:

    Dear End Imminent,

    I worked in electronocs for 38 years. I’ve worked on radar, instrument landing systems, fan markers, non directional beacons, VHF and UHF transmitters and a whole host more.
    I’ve had more RF through my body than most people would have in 100 lifetimes.
    I’m 69 years old and still here.

  205. Alan Mackintosh says:

    yes there seems to be quite a bit we will need to find out for ourselves.

    I posted this yesterday but it seems to have been stuck in moderation, (maybe the youtube link?)

    Interview with Dr Sona Pekova Czech.
    She explains:
    Virus mutation occurs primarily in the regions that “… encode (the) structural proteins… that form the body of the virus… (and) attack the cell“. They found nothing unusual through the bulk of the genome, BUT “… what sets it apart is the regulatory region… the ‘control room’ of the virus… which is the region where replication of the virus is triggered“. “In this virus it looks like someone entered the control room… as if someone entered, opened the closets and threw everything out of them, flipped chairs – and if it were a natural variant one could hardly imagine that such extensive mutations, insertions, deletions, various single-nucleotide mutations could happen accidentally and that the virus wouldn’t die during this process, because the virus doesn’t let anything touch this control room.” She goes on to say that while mutating structural proteins are quite acceptable as they have no impact on the virus’ survival, the genome’s regulatory region, the control room, must remain free of mutation. As any mutation could kill it, they happen rarely, incrementally and only to the virus’ advantage. With a scientist’s typical understatement, she concludes that what happened in the SAR-2’s control room is “atypical”. When the interviewer asks in closing whether even more dangerous viruses are being created in secret labs, she replies “I don’t even want to imagine that, but it’s certainly possible.“

    link to

  206. Ottomanboi says:

    Forget that novel virus, the side effects of BIG STATE’s so called cure is more likely to damage your health.
    link to
    link to

  207. jockmcx says:

    Independance for American states will become a very hot topic
    very soon!

    Trump is bonkers!

  208. Willie says:

    When you instruct a denial of essential medical equipment to another country it could literally be described as an act of genocide. But that exactly is what UK authorities have done in cancelling essential medical supplies to Scotland.

    Back in the day in the late 1760s when the British were conquering North America the commander in chief of British Forces Sir Jeffrey Amherst conceived a plan whereby small pox could be utilised to quell native Indians.

    An absolutely evil policy kept from the minds of those who believe in the noble British Empire but something that is well remembered by remaining native Indians. Indeed visitors to Canada can visit a war memorial that relates the terrible tale and how British settlers befriended native Indians with small pox laden blankets and linen.

    But that is Canada and let us therefore look a little closer to home, to Ireland a century later where between 1845 and 1849 the potato crop failed through blight. With millions dying of hunger the British actually shipped food out of the country whilst the people starved in a deliberate policy to cull the population.

    Ot maybe we should look a little nearer again to Gruinard Isle on the North West of Scotland where is the 1940 the RAF experimented with bombing sheep with Anthrax spores. Planning to use such technology on German cities subsequent research has confirmed that had Churchill got his way and environmental disaster worse than atomic weapons would have ensued. A British made holocaust.

    So let us think carefully about the modes and morality of the choking off of medical supplies to Scotland. At its best England is looking after its own or at its worst, England wants more people to die in Scotland so that Scotland’s death toll equals or exceeds England’s.

    Not difficult to see how a greatly increased death rate in Scotland could be played to political advantage. So ask yourself this, why would Westminster instruct English companies not to supply to Scotland.

  209. jfngw says:


    Your second link is just pure eugenics dressed up as research. Only the imperfect will die, delivered by someone who seems to have no qualification in the subject he is talking about, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering courses don’t spend much time on virology normally.

  210. Capella says:

    Scot Goes Pop has some interesting posts. Jason Leitch’s conflicting advice on lockdown or not to lockdown is particularly stark. It appears he has simply parroted whatever advice was given by planners in Westminster. If ever there was an instance of the danger of the Union this must be a blatant example. The Corona virus is showing how utterly mendacious and incompetent Westminster is. This time it really is a matter of life and death.

    link to

  211. Ottomanboi says:

    @Alan Mackintosh
    Virology is a relatively recent discipline and very much work in progress. It is also significantly underfunded. It is a field too recondite for most med practitioners used to pills and scalpels. That the latter are considered experts in the current situation is ludicrous.
    People do not die from viruses, they die from generally bacteria induced complications provoked by immune system failure. A virus is not a plague.
    Public and institutional ignorance, panic and needless fear is the major problem here.
    Notions that pharma companies are busy confecting miracle vaccines is equally ludicrous. Vaccines are hit and miss. Mostly they miss but the pharma industry still makes money regardless of efficiency.

  212. Famous15 says:

    Sensible Dave and “difference”

    I do not know why BlackAME are more susceptible IN SOME PLACES and nor do you.Your use of the word “woke” however hints at , and I would ask you to clarify, racial inferiority.

    Genetic difference is value free to a virus.Neither good or bad but just unfortunate if it favours one race over another. We see that eg for sickle cell and melanoma.

    Africa was mentioned regarding the virus spreading less than expected and I have heard opinions from sunshine to AIDS medication to BCG. I do not know the answer but no doubt we will in time.

    Poverty and inequality however IS bad if it allows a virus to favour those suffering these.

  213. Capella says:

    Nicola Sturgeon announced on 25th March that the Scottish government was setting up its own expert group to advise on how to tackle covid-19. Although they are getting advice from SAGE (the UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) she and Dr Calderwood felt they needed their own advisors. Could this explain Jason Leitch’s change of direction?

    link to

  214. Beaker says:

    Is end-imminent David Icke in disguise?

    The 5G conspiracy seems to have taken its ideas from Terminator 3….

  215. Effijy says:

    I notice an advert for the Co-op who are raising money to help people
    In this crisis.
    The foot of the page explains they are a charity registered in England and Wales?
    You don’t think Scots contributions all travel South do you?

    See all the human interest stories on TV where people are raising money for the NHS.
    Where does the money go?
    Does it go to Westminster, does it split pro rata across the nations, does it buy PPE
    Or does it go into a social fund for the workers?

    Did anyone see Scotland’s most successful gold digger on Breakfast TV?
    Brass neck ness Moan live from her Isle of Man tax haven giving advice to
    Real entrepreneurs? This is the woman who has a miracle snake oil diet pill
    With as you can expect absolutely no proven benefit Other than if it’s in your
    Mouth it’s less room for chocolate.

    Just watched Nicola on Lorraine’s TV show.
    My wife watches that mindless crap.
    She just said she trusts Westminster and they assure the English PPE manufactures
    Have not been advised not to send equipment to Scotland?

    Nicola, Westminster crawls with lying devious, corrupt deviants who have been
    Abusing Scotland for centuries.
    The English PPE manufactures are all singing the same song and one of them has posted the
    Fact on their website.

    Nicola, do you not want to see what is there in front of your eyes.

    I haven’t been attacking her but Nicola You’re Fired.

  216. Sensibledave says:

    Famous 15

    I think you misunderstand me. My problem with Shug is that he appears to refute that it is possible that racial groups may be affected differently. He wrote to suggest such a thing is “ madness”.

    Maybe he should look up stats on other diseases, maybe sickle cell anemia?

  217. winifred mccartney says:

    BBC said Boris Johnstone ‘returned home’ he did not, he went to his second home (courtesy of tax payer) and now Carrie has joined him so what is this about not going to second homes? Only the very very rich and not the just rich and certainly not an option for anyone in a flat or just keeping their head above water with financial worries and anxieties.

    As far testing it is not for front line staff – except for politians and their weans and celebrities or even charlie boy (who also fled to second home) and in fairness to all so did the labour peer (who owns at least 3 homes, and still goes with Labour title) and no one is calling them out.

    Just what are MSM doing at the moment and why is the WM parl not being recalled in some form.

  218. Sensibledave says:


    I am just catching up on this story. I have seen all the refuting of the issue. What was the evidence that there was a problem?

  219. Effijy says:

    Looking at the Global death stats I see Spain is first to reach
    400 Corona Deaths per 1 million of population.

    A country not really discussed is Belgium who are at 383 Deaths.
    Something going badly there too.

  220. Willie says:

    And in the virus emergency Nicola Sturgeon could be more exposed than an elderly resident in a virus infected care home.

    Already Labour and the Tories are beginning to attack with skirmishes about her government’s failure to secure sufficient PPE medical supplies. With attacks coming from local unionist actors like Labour’s Monica Lennon or Tory supporting better together care home business man Robert
    Kilgour the twin pronged unionist attack is obvious.

    But it is not in that, that Sturgeon and her government are vulnerable. Rather it is in her government’s total and utter acquiescence to a do nothing, let the virus spread, let a few pensioners die policy that she may become unstuck.

    The decision in mid February to tell the population through a mass advertising campaign the the government was well prepared for the virus, when in fact it wasn’t, and when in fact the policy was to deliberately let the virus spread to protect the economy, will come without doubt come to destroy the First Minister.

    Put simply the First Minister acquiesced with the lunacy the policies of Johnson, Cummings et al. And it is this policy, and a policy only belatedly abandoned that has caused so many deaths and wreaked to much economic destruction.

    Sturgeon for all of her daily gravitas spinning what the SG is doing, or not doing, was at the heart of this murderous no liberal policy.

    The smell from this woman is exactly the same smell as that which comes off the establishment neo-liberal right. The smell of death is all around her, just like it is in the population, most particularly the elderly.

  221. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi End_Imminent at 2:41 am.

    You typed,
    “it is accompanied by intensification of the effects of ionizing radiation.” or 5G.”

    5G is NOT “ionizing radiation”. It is in the non-ionizing part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Ionizing radiation includes Ultra-violet, X-rays and Gamma Rays. All radiation, at frequencies below visible light in the spectrum, is non-ionizing.

    link to

  222. Breeks says:

    A mile OT… Sorry, but there is so much junk about this online, but I’m curious.

    5G got me thinking… You know Tesla’s idea of electricity drawn from the atmosphere and freely distributed… I know power companies didn’t like the notion of free power, but no withstanding the business model, was the actual science sound? Was it green? Was it safe? Would it count as a renewable energy source, or was it just a method of distribution, not generation at all? Why has nobody ever set such a system up? When Tesla’s journals were seized upon his death, were people left without Tesla’s breakthrough information?

    All rolled in together, why has nobody put Tesla’s ambitions for limitless ‘free’ electricity into practice?

  223. Republicofscotland says:


    Let’s not forget about Johnson lauding the poem Friendly Fire, in 2004, that called a solution for the total extermination of the Scotch.

  224. Daisy Walker says:

    The evidence and physical reality that PPE is being deliberately withheld from supply to Scotland and Wales should empower the Scottish Government (and Welsh) to deal directly with Europe on this issue for supplies.

    Westminster (who hold all the negotiating rights on behalf of all the UK with the EU) declined (very rudely) Europe’s offer of medical assistance to deal with Covid.

    Given the PPE scandal – I would suggest legally they have just demonstrated that they are unfit (under EU law) to be trusted with that responsibility.

    And since a fundamental principle of the Act of Union is that all parts of the UK should have the ability to trade on equal terms… Scotland is in effect being deprived of the ability to deal outwith the UK and then cut off from essential supplies.

    The Scot Gov should do the deal, and then box clever and ensure delivery is done in such a way that the British Army cannot come in and steal it.

    This PPE scandal is a legal bomb in more ways than one…. and all our former No voters will believe it.

    Get this info out there folks.

    A new slogan to drum up support for Scottish Indy – England First, oh aye, and Better Together.

    First they came for the PPE, then they came for my food
    They told us going Indy would be very, very rude
    They told us that they loved us
    While they milked our oil fields dry
    And in a choice between them and us, its us they’d rather die.

  225. jfngw says:

    I suspect those that think this will change how the country prioritises people in the future all likely to be disappointed. What I see happening is the Tories will use this to reduce workers rights, be expected to work extra hours for no pay, all under the auspices of getting the country back on its feet, these reduction in rights will never be restored.

    You can call me a cynic but I lived through many Tory governments, including the Tony Blair/Gordon Brown one.

  226. shug says:

    Don’t respond to Sensibledave

    He is a bitter bitter unionist. He is to be pitied.

    He will be saying BAME should be sent back to where they come from. Oh that was last year!!

    Ignore his ravings, if you believe in a god say a prayer for him. He needs help

  227. jfngw says:

    I see Boris Johnson’s approval ratings are rocketing on You Gov, presumably in England. What the people want is someone how goes into hiding and fakes an illness to avoid any scrutiny. He did it before during the election by hiding in a fridge, he has now just upped the anti, the public seem to love it, may they receive what they deserve.

  228. Doug says:

    The health crisis has proved the so-called united kingdom is not fit for purpose. Likewise the disgraceful English/British nationalist media. Scotland must have a leader who fearlessly takes on Westminster and the anti-Scottish media.

  229. North chiel says:

    “ Daisy Walker says@ 1105 “am . “England first oh aye & Better together “
    If our Scottish Health service is Independent & under Holyrood control . Why can’t they purchase PPE from wherever they wish ? Obviously delivery times & price would be closely linked if there is a shortage , however if the situation is critical then “ needs must” . If Germany or some other “ friendly” EU country is prepared to supply our Scottish requirements are we not still in the EU ??

  230. Dan says:

    @North chiel

    I understand there is an issue with aspects of procurement not being under the remit of the Scottish Government Administration.
    It’s eluded to in the comment linked below, maybe someone can clarify this situation.

    link to

  231. jfngw says:

    @North chiel

    Procurement is devolved but approval for medical devices/drugs is not, so as far as I’m aware they can order from who they want but it must be on the approved list of medical devices.

    Also it is not the SNHS that cannot purchase items but the individual care homes. The care homes could also presumably order from abroad but this is not really the time to hunt out new suppliers and make sure their equipment is approved for use in the UK.

  232. North chiel says:

    “ jfngw @ 1156 “ what’s stopping our government/ Health service obtaining the necessary supplies from the EU and onward supplying our care homes at cost price . I would have thought that EU quality control & standards would be “ no less” than U.K. standards ?

  233. robertknight says:

    Doug @ 11:43

    Sorry Doug, but the shelves where you’d usually find a “leader who fearlessly takes on Westminster and the anti-Scottish media” were empty last time I looked. I don’t think we can expect them to be restocked any time soon…

  234. Vestas says:

    North chiel says:
    15 April, 2020 at 11:45 am

    “If Germany or some other “ friendly” EU country is prepared to supply our Scottish requirements are we not still in the EU ??”

    The UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020.

    Unless you live under a stone (or aren’t in the UK at all) I don’t see how you could have missed this.

  235. jfngw says:

    @North Chiel

    It requires the Scotgov to invest in stock holding much larger than the requirements of the SNHS, that involves spending money holding stock and diverting it from somewhere. Should the Scotgov become the stockholder for private companies and risk the loss of public money if this stock is not used?

  236. jfngw says:

    The delusion if the Britnats, even when the UKgov make it plain the Scotland is subservient to England’s needs by instructing companies to only supply to England, they still refuse to see it, they seem hypnotised by the baubles.

    This is old doctor who clip fits perfectly with their blindness.

    link to

  237. ahundredthidiot says:

    Iran has no 5g

  238. HYUFD says:

    So pleased to see Nicola Sturgeon dismiss claims made by the National that preference was given to England rather than Scotland in PPE equipment on GMB this morning.
    link to

  239. James says:

    Vestas says:
    15 April, 2020 at 12:47 pm
    “The UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020.
    Unless you live under a stone (or aren’t in the UK at all) I don’t see how you could have missed this”.

    Erm, hate to point it out but the UK is technically still in the EU until December 31st and has to follow all EU laws and directives until then. All this bollocks about BawJaws got Brexit done is just that – bollocks. The shit hits the fan in January 2021.

  240. mike cassidy says:

    This article tells you what you need to know about PPEgate.

    These restrictions are not something we have decided, they are a criteria given to us by Public Health England.
    “We have been told that there are alternative arrangements in place for Wales and Scotland, but we have not been able to find out what they are

    link to

  241. Republicofscotland says:

    As Covid-19 hits the US hard, some front line staff are wearing bin bags such is the dearth of PPE in the US, the bumbling fool Trump is desperately looking fo a scapegoat to blame for the deaths and the damage to the economy. So Trump has decided to blame the World Health Organisation stopping US funding to it.

    The NYT has blamed China and Russia for the pandemic, of course a patsy must be two things foreign and classed as a bogeyman.

  242. mike cassidy says:

    Funny how the first time the Fudmeister praises Nicola Sturgeon

    It turns out she was wrong!

  243. jfngw says:


    Very diplomatic of her but we have seen the evidence. A tatty union where they award themselves a £10 ‘expenses’ bonus rather than the 20% cut the leaders in NZ take.

  244. jfngw says:

    That should be £10K.

  245. Willie says:

    link to

    An interesting piece by a Professor Anthony Costello questioning the wisdom of the U.K. government ( including the devolved Scottish Government ) telling the people that they were was well prepared for the virus, when in fact the policy was to infect 60% of the population at a calculated death toll of 402,000 in an attempt to protect the economy at the expense of a “ few “ pensioners.

    Makes contrasts also with China who effectively stamped the virus out in seven weeks with test, track and constrain techniques and who are now carefully rolling back the restrictions ready and prepared to jump on any re-occurrences.

    Interesting reading and grounds to ask your MP why we went down the road that we did, telling everybody we were prepared whilst deliberately letting the virus rip.

  246. K1 says:

    Talking complete shite hifudfuk, Gompels the supplier who are delivering PPE on behalf of PHE to care homes and domiciliary care providers are excluding Scotland, Wales from purchasing PPE, this was UK gov instruction as noted on Gompel’s own site. Specifically stating that you must be ‘registered’ and ‘operating’ in England and apologising to Scotland and Wales.

    It doesn’t matter how much convoluted cognitive dissonance you apply in an attempt to deny that this story was fabricated, it wasn’t and isn’t.

    link to

    I give not one flying fuck what Nicola Sturgeon said on GMWanks, this morning, she is ill informed, the story was factual and true.

  247. K1 says:

    Little snippet of ongoing conversations still taking place about this shit today and still we have to deal with shitfucks like hifud the tory attempting to pretend it’s not ‘real’ cause they saw it on ‘msm for dummies’?

    ‘Rev Stuart Campbell

    It’s quite astounding that Unionists are desperately still trying to deny the PPE story. It couldn’t possibly have been any more emphatically confirmed as true, and yet still they squawk.’

    The fact that its been crowbarred into an official WM document, plain and simple, in black and white, no misunderstanding but deliberately and in my opinion hoping that it would be missed only to be outed by the suppliers themselves, and is just being dismissed.

    Quite believable
    11:59 am · 15 Apr 2020·Twitter Web App’

    Julia Gibb
    ‘Replying to
    The Scottish Tories appear convinced that English PPE companies are now part of the Scottish Independence campaign.
    The Tory Government didn’t instruct them – the companies lied!’

  248. K1 says:

    link to

  249. jfngw says:

    I see some SNP politicians are tweeting about GRA again, well from my point of view men can never be women if that makes me a transphobe then really I don’t give a shit, I’m proud of my position.

    Strangely the same day this SNP pressure group start tweeting again is the same day my SNP renewal notice is emailed to me. I’m really looking for an independence party though, not a party of marginal sexual fetish supporters.

  250. HYUFD says:

    Willie Germany and South Korea have tested more per head than China.

    It was also China who allowed the virus to emerge by failing to close wet markets and improve lab safety

  251. HYUFD says:

    K1 The First Minister has rightly dismissed the story, now the SNP have washed their hands of it the story can be ignored as a conspiracy theory of a few hardline cybernats and the National

  252. mike cassidy says:

    Clearly been reading the Dominic Cummings playbook.

    But it is always the American government’s position to say, in the choice between the loss of our way of life as Americans and the loss of life of American lives, we have to always choose the latter.

    link to

    Interesting opinion piece.

    What the Surgeon General gets wrong about African Americans and Covid-19

    link to

  253. K1 says:

    It doesn’t get swept under the carpet just because it suits your agenda, the facts of the matter are plain to see for all. While you may wish it away and pretend it did not happen doesn’t alter those facts.

    Now fuck off.

  254. HYUFD says:

    Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of the SNP and First Minister of Scotland just killed the story.

    Sorry, Unionists and UK ministers can now dismiss any more claims on this by saying the First Minister agrees with them.

    Game over

  255. callmedave says:


    Both the FM and Jean Freeman have said about 30 mins ago on the SGov live update corona virus Scotland TV channel during the question session that the PPE issue is ongoing and is yet to be resolved.

    “It has yet to bottom out yet” Freeman said.

    PS: having listened to it all I’m still not sure of how the ‘usual daily death total for ‘hospital’ deaths and the new proportion of ‘not hospital’ deaths put down to corona are to be recorded on the UK Gov and BBC web sites. 🙁

  256. JGedd says:

    You can show them the facts K1 but their Tory googgles render them blind. Nothing can be allowed to break through the barrier of unquestioning faith or where would they be? Yet they call others cultists.

  257. North chiel says:

    “ jfngw @ 1251” . I am quite sure that any additional stock procured and held would be used eventually , and use by dates/ validity dates I would have thought would be months or years and not days or weeks. I don’t see any risk to public money, and If private care homes require to purchase then it could be on a C.O.D. basis if necessary .

  258. Dog biscuit says:

    whats the fucking point anymore?

  259. HYUFD says:

    ‘Rubbish’ what Scotland’s very own clinical director called the National’s claims.

  260. Daisy Walker says:

    @North chiel says:
    15 April, 2020 at 11:45 am
    “ Daisy Walker says@ 1105 “am . “England first oh aye & Better together “
    If our Scottish Health service is Independent & under Holyrood control . Why can’t they purchase PPE from wherever they wish ? Obviously delivery times & price would be closely linked if there is a shortage , however if the situation is critical then “ needs must” . If Germany or some other “ friendly” EU country is prepared to supply our Scottish requirements are we not still in the EU ??

    As I understand it, (and I wasn’t taking any notes, so be kind if I’ve not got it quite right) because there is an international crisis, and therefore pressure on PPE supplies, the EU made a joint purchase (one of those positive reasons for EU membership – rather than have each country trying to outbid each other) and invited the UK to be a part of this transaction – WM (Gove I think) said they never got the e-mail. This was later proved untrue.

    The Scottish Health Service is indeed devolved (and always has been), and technically, we are still ‘within’ the EU while it is in the transition phase – Procurement, however, was one of the powers WM grabbed back – I don’t know where it lies at the moment – Holyrood or WM – who knows.

    Hope the above clarifies the point I was trying to make a bit better.

  261. HYUFD says:

    PPE the truth

    link to

  262. robertknight says:


    You’d know all about “rubbish” – you spend all your time here peddling it!

    You jump on something Her Majesty’s Governor General for Scotland says because it suits, but ignore all that which doesn’t. Given her modus operandi, she’s always going to tow Westminster’s line – we’ve expected nothing less from her for quite some time now.

    So why not piss off back to Blackpool beach where you belong with the other donkeys; there’s some five year-olds there need entertaining. Should be just about within your level of competence, no?

  263. callmedave says:


    That’s good news that they have altered their policy then.
    You do know that they were showing something different two days ago.

    Happy smiles all round.

    But I’ll believe it when the first PPE delivery arrives North of the wall.

  264. bittie45 says:


    % of Reported Infections on 08Apr resulting in Deaths on 14Apr – Top Worst countries in the world:
    42.9* Liberia
    28.6* Belize
    28.6* Sudan
    27.3* Zimbabwe
    25.0* Gambia
    25.0* Malawi
    25.0* Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the)
    25.0* Somalia
    24.2* Bahamas
    23.8* Bangladesh
    22.5* Sint Maarten
    21.7 England
    21.3* Algeria
    20.5 The United Kingdom

    * Emerging cases – Average infections 258

    For details on how these figures were obtained, see:
    link to

  265. Breeks says:

    Daisy Walker says:
    15 April, 2020 at 2:31 pm
    @North chiel says:
    15 April, 2020 at 11:45 am
    “ Daisy Walker says@ 1105 “am . “England first oh aye & Better together “
    If our Scottish Health service is Independent & under Holyrood control . Why can’t they purchase PPE from wherever they wish?…

    Or better yet, make it here in Scotland.

    If we have a health service, why don’t we have a home grown support industry supplying it’s every need? We can see what loyalty we can expect from ‘foreign’ manufacturers…

    Bit like ‘our’ oil industry. And shipping.

    jfngw says:
    15 April, 2020 at 1:47 pm
    I see some SNP politicians are tweeting about GRA again…

    SNP have lost the plot, and they are rapidly losing grip of the Independence movement, but they’re deaf, dumb and blind to all criticism.

    The sooner a new Indy Party coalesces the better, and hope springs eternal that it will have a Constitutional Backbone where the SNP has jelly and ice cream. When it happens it will be a sweet breath of fresh air, and curtains for the Union.

  266. North chiel says:

    “ Doug @1143 am “ Scotland must have a leader who fearlessly takes on Westminster” .Certainly don’t disagree with that sentiment . However , under present circumstances “ The Westminster Junta” is metaphorically “ holding the proverbial gun “ to the Scottish government in as much as when THEY DECIDE the Lockdown ends in our “ Better together U.K.” and the money tap to Scottish business and furloughed workers is turned off then the Holyrood Government has to “ follow orders” or thereafter pay our workers & businesses from Holyrood funds , if they wish to remain “ locked down” . This highlights the issue of not having control of “ the full levers of power” as regards our Scottish economy and in future not being a full member of the 27 Independent country EU trading block , as and until we become a Sovereign Independent country again.

  267. CameronB Brodie says:

    Contemporary British nationalism articulates ethnically/culturally informed eugenics. The SNP are unable to defend Scotland from Westminster’s imperial aggression, as they clearly lack respect for Natural Law and Biology. As such, the SNP’s ideological position is unable to defend a legal respect for difference.

    The FM appears happy to place politics above the rule-of-law, so is not able to defend my human rights.

  268. James F. McIntosh says:

    What are the 3 items that gompels are not supplying to Scotland and wales. They did not stipulate what they were.

  269. North chiel says:

    “ Daisy Walker @ 0231 pm “ excellent clarification. Thank you Daisy.

  270. Breeks says:

    callmedave says:
    15 April, 2020 at 2:44 pm

    That’s good news that they have altered their policy then….

    Aye, but only because the stink bubbled to the surface.

    How many other bigoted supply networks are there still undetected but treating Scotland as a second class customer?

    When the supermarkets started filling their shelves after the panic buying, all the meat suddenly came from Ireland. Nothing wrong with Irish meat at all, but where was all the Scottish beef? Headed south I’ll bet.

  271. Confused says:

    if your house was on fire –

    asking permission from the prick next door to phone the fire brigade or use an extinguisher is insane

    as usual scotland and england are on different paths – london in particular is a case apart

    why not order the PPE via a third party, rent a lockup in carlisle and get it delivered there – do not even allow london the opportunity to fuck up your plans

    “pooling and sharing”
    more like …
    at what point does Scotland use the SAFE WORD

  272. Colin Alexander says:

    While the SNP colonial Scottish Govt has applied UK Govt austerity to the plebs, their housing quango Wheatley Group senior staff have enjoyed millionaire style salaries:

    SIX staff’s salaries / payments are over £160,000. One on a salary / payments ( probably The Chief Executive, Martin Armstrong between £280,000 and £290,000) and these figures EXCLUDE pension pot payments.

    During the periods the key management’s emoluments
    (excluding pension contributions) fell within the following
    band distributions:
    2019 2018
    More than £150,000 but not more than £160,000 – 1
    More than £160,000 but not more than £170,000 1 4
    More than £170,000 but not more than £180,000 4 –
    More than £260,000 but not more than £270,000 – 1
    More than £280,000 but not more than £290,000 1 –

    link to

  273. Confused says:

    always the same bullshit story – scotland, in the arse end of the pantomime horse, getting farted on

    – some years ago, in that very bad winter, the scottish councils had got their orders in early for road grit because of previous years (one place in wales does it all); when the bad weather hit the green and pleasant land, the english just fucking stole it!
    – legal contract, advance order, first in the queue …

    fuck you jockos, the superior anglo race are in need of it

    “badges! we don need no steenken badges …”

  274. jfngw says:


    ‘Game over’

    I think you sum it up perfectly, the Tories see the life and death of Scots as a game. It’s just about winning, the collateral damage is just a inconvenience.

  275. callmedave says:

    Scotland numbers:

    962 deaths have now been registered in Scotland where the Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificate – either confirmed or suspected

    608 of the deaths were in the past week
    596 deaths occurred in hospitals
    237 were in care homes – that’s around 25% of the total
    128 were in the home or outside of care.
    596 + 237 + 128 = 961 ?

    Anyhoo! the figure is 962. 🙁

  276. Republicofscotland says:

    Brillo makes an arse of himself for the umpteenth time.

    link to

  277. jfngw says:

    @North chiel @2.09

    Depends on how much we are talking about, the media and opposition parties would have a field day if there was millions tied up in unused procured equipment that had been bought for private companies. They have already used out of date stock piled materials earlier to bash the Scotgov.

    In politics the pretence of unified approach is just that, pretence, opposition parties are always looking to work an advantage, from any situation.

  278. Stuart MacKay says:

    HYUFD @2:34pm

    Utterly missing the point once more. I matters not if there are 3, 33, or 303 products involved. In this supposedly Union of Equals, England is getting preferential treatment because England wants it that way.

    The only way this could work out was if the products involved were rationed equally. That’s clearly not the case. All deliveries of the products are embargoed to Scotland and Wales at the request of England.

    A Union of Equals? Clearly, some are more equal than others.

  279. cirsium says:

    The first results of Professor Hendrik Streeck’s research on SARS-CoV2 transmission in a virus hotspot in Germany link to

    There is no evidence of transmission in casual contact like shopping. Transmission is more likely from sustained proximity.

  280. CameronB Brodie says:

    The left-wing want to define human rights entirely through ideology, without regard or legal respect for Natural Law and Biology.

    The right-wing want to define human rights entirely through ideology, without regard or legal respect for Natural Law and Biology.

    The only way human civilization will be able to defend itself from wanker politicians, is through a legal respect for Natural Law and Biology. Without these conditions, any hope for equality in law is purely wishful thinking.

  281. jfngw says:

    Scotland’s deaths now 175/million, one of the worst in the world. But we have had nice management of the event, if only we had had effective control we may have been near the bottom of the table rather than the top.

  282. Confused says:

    while reading a lot to start (the unz review has much about it), the virus discussion is tedious; so, has any consensus appeared to dispel the hysteria, for example

    – people say its a hoax, others its the end of the world
    – some say its just like the flu, others its far worse
    – it kills the old and the fat, but also the middle aged, and the young
    – some say it started in china, others in america
    – there are 3 strains of it, or maybe 5; these are in different places
    – it is a bioweapon, it is a natural occurrence (- a chinaman had sex with a pangolin and they ate batsoup afterward)
    – it was released deliberately, or accidentally
    – there are some strange shenanigans involving chinese level 4 biolab, chinese researchers in the US and a harvard chemist who got sacked
    – it is all part of an overarching, long running, globalist plot, a depopulation agenda linked to global warming as laid out on the georgia guidestones; or it was an accident, that the globalists are now trying to leverage to bring in a huge tranche of measures they have salivated over for a long time, firstly – another massive bailout to themselves and mass surveillance for everyone on the planet
    – china handled it well, or is lying about it
    – US UK etc handled it well, or badly, or catastrophically
    – it will blow over in another month, or it will last for years
    – its not airborne, but spreads via aerosols
    – it dies quickly on surfaces, or lasts for days
    – there will be a vaccine for it soon, or never
    – there will be a vaccine because the virus is a deep plot to get us all to take the new vaccine, which does something evil
    – some asthma and AIDS medicines work, or not
    – you can get re-infected, and its worse – a heart attack quickly kills you; or you get immunised since your body now has antibodies
    – 5G radiation causes it … or not … stupid – ANY FULE NO 5G radiations TURNS US ALL TRANNY
    – we dont need to wear masks or gloves, except for doctors and nurses; but maybe you do – the americans are being told to do it, when once told no to
    – is 2M enough distance when your sneeze goes 10M
    – did boris fake it because the daily press conference showed him way out of his depth
    – if he really had it, was he really in ICU; once you go on a ventilator your chances are 50:50
    – boris recovery at easter is … a bit of nice timing
    – billy connolly once quipped anyone over 70 who dies get classed as “natural causes”; are the true numbers of deaths being massaged, or are death numbers not much higher than normal
    – “the virus is racist” (guardian)
    – the virus does/does-not affect groups X/Y/Z

    is a clear picture emerging from anywhere?

  283. Effijy says:

    Reading the global Corona death stat trends it looks
    Like Bojo Land will have 15,000 hospital only deaths
    In just 3 days time.

    In 3 Days time 2 countries with massive populations,
    China and Great Germany will have a combined death
    Total of 7,250 Deaths.

    Bojo land now jumps into 5th place globally on the chart
    That shows most deaths per 1 million of population.

    And Scots have to listen to Royals declaring how great the Empire is
    and polls showing how great our saviour Bojo is.

    What a sick pathetic joke the so called United Kingdom is.

    The EU should petition members to dump the Great that goes before
    England’s other name.

  284. North chiel says:

    Jfngw@ 0336 . Don’t disagree with your “ about how much we are talking about” . However , as this is a critical Health and safety issue for care home residents and staff then frankly I would not be overly concerned with political niceties. As you say the opposition parties ( and complicit MSM) are always looking for ways to work an advantage and “ bash the Scottish government “, anyway.
    Also if this was say a Food security issue if “ pooling & sharing” was being abused then again I would expect my Scottish government to take unilateral direct action on behalf of all Scottish citizens.

  285. CameronB Brodie says:

    Our cultural confusion is due to our fucked up social cognition.

    Protestant Bias against the Natural Law: A Critique

    [1] However deeply ensconced the suspicion of natural law might seem among 20th-century Protestant thinkers, it cannot be attributed to the 16th-century Reformers themselves. Both Lutheran and Reformed streams of the magisterial tradition readily affirmed the doctrine of lex naturalis and cognito Dei naturalis.

    While it is decidedly true that they championed a particular understanding of grace, faith and justification, this was not to the exclusion of other vehicles of divine agency. Rather, they assumed the natural law as a moral-theological bedrock in their system and therein maintained continuity with their Catholic counterparts. It is accurate to insist that the Reformation controversies with the Catholic Church were foremost theological-ecclesiastical and not ethical….

    link to

  286. callmedave says:

    Total number of ‘all deaths from corona’ now been given as 962
    Yesterday it was given as 596. Difference now 366.
    But 84 deaths in ‘hospital’ says FM and BBC are reporting it too
    So I’m putting the 84 in and adding it to the 596 from yesterday.
    No England figures yet.

    Wales… 60 ……total …..463 BBC
    N I … 06 ……total …..124 BBC 84 ……total …..680 BBC (yesterday 596)
    England ?? ……total …..???
    UK…… 761 …..Total….12868 BBC

    Looks like the BBC are not adding the additional ‘not in hospital’ deaths in their figures but mentioning them separately.
    Maybe Hancock etal will do like wise. We will see. 🙁

    Off to the shops…queues expected.

  287. jfngw says:

    We need to remember the Scottish Tories sided with England when it was discovered our care homes were being refused medical goods to save lives in Scotland, they tried to turn it into party political advantage. Also the apparent silence from Labour and the LibDems was revealing.

    Those in the care homes were the staunchest union supporters in 2014, how the Britnat repay their supporters, it’s the kiss of death from Mr Britnat.

    These Britnat parties in Scotland have the house Scot written into their DNA it seems.

  288. CameronB Brodie says:

    “These Britnat parties in Scotland have the house Scot written into their DNA it seems.”


    Our political dispositions are shaped through our bio-neuriology architecture. Simples.

  289. Col.Blimp IV says:

    Confused says: @4.05pm

    A lot of points, some plausible, some not so much and some just plain daft. all of them believed by somebody or other.

    And one that I’d buy for a dollar…

    “it was an accident, that the globalists are now trying to leverage to bring in a huge tranche of measures they have salivated over for a long time, firstly – another massive bailout to themselves and mass surveillance for everyone on the planet”

    …to paraphrase one of the many dystopian movies that are increasingly looking more like prophecies.

  290. Vestas says:

    James says:
    15 April, 2020 at 1:09 pm

    “Erm, hate to point it out but the UK is technically still in the EU until December 31st”

    No its not.

    A transition period exists which is due to end 31 December 2020 but the UK ceased to be a member of the EU on 31 Jan 2020.

    We are no longer EU citizens.

  291. CameronB Brodie says:

    “We are no longer EU citizens.”

    So we no longer have direct access to international human rights law. From now on, the only human rights Scots can expect to enjoy, are those allowed by Westminster.

    British constitutional law is detached from the Natural Law, so is supportive of cultural eugenics. You do the maths.

  292. Clapper57 says:

    Just read a tweet that made me laugh…

    It said if Princess Beatrice really wanted to lift the nation’s spirits with her wedding…she could do that by giving us all a laugh…by holding her reception at Pizza Express in Woking…Lol

    Made me laugh….

  293. Golfnut says:

    We now have the official figure for March 2020.

    All causes.

    March 2020 = 5478

    March 2019 = 4637

    March 2005 = 5524 ( highest march death total
    20 years)

    April not looking good so far.

  294. Dan says:

    Hmm, no idea where the economy is heading but my tax return for 2020/21 is going to be mighty weird if “earnings” for essential work carried out continues like the first week.

    6 x beers (tasty but only 3.6% alc vol so of no real value in beer buzz terms)
    10 x raspberry cane root stock
    4 x eggs
    2 x fistfuls of fresh coriander
    1 x 25kg bag of compost
    1 x bag of pukka Scottish flour
    A lump of cheese (origin and type unknown)
    1 x 25kg bag of shite (dung)
    1/2 pint of milk (red skimmed stuff so basically water)
    Another 6 beers (4.5% alc. vol. so an improvement though disappointingly small 300ml size so again restricting beer high euphoria)
    8 x seed potatoes (various types but I’ve already planted 45 plants so don’t really want to overdo it on the carbs)

  295. Vestas says:

    CameronB Brodie says:
    15 April, 2020 at 5:05 pm

    “So we no longer have direct access to international human rights law. ”

    Not really. We have the same access to the ECHR as before (in theory) but given Westminsters casual attitude to international law that’s still pretty much fucked up.

    However the CJEU will still accept complaints/submissions on matters covered by the transition agreement. Given the queue it’d be a pyrrhic victory as any judgement is likely to come after the transition period has ended. Then again LBJ/Cummings might piss them off so much they prioritise every case 🙂

  296. callmedave says:

    Listened to the daily briefing in the car and now back at home.

    Hancock follows suit with Raab in not giving the daily death total only the running total for the UK. Becoming the norm!

    Only now promising to start testing an older person leaving hospital going back to a care home or their own home. 🙁

    Announces that >4500 care workers ‘are to be’ ‘referred’ for a corona virus test. (referred to be tested means not yet tested) 🙁

    Deaths today in England…651….total deaths in England 11656
    Not on the BBC scrolly thing but on their England web site.

    No queues at the shop. gone and back, all finished in just 45 minutes. 🙂

  297. CameronB Brodie says:

    I am rather rusty. 😉

  298. Fireproofjim says:

    Confused @4.05

    The virus is obviously from interplanetary space and may or may not be a deliberate alien attempt at galactic domination. See HG Wells who knew things.
    Fortunately humans have evolved a natural defence mechanism against falling viruses by having downward pointing nostrils to avoid inadvertently catching these viruses.

  299. CameronB Brodie says:

    But not completely useless, I hope.

    A Cosmopolitan Legal Order: Kant, Constitutional Justice, and the European Convention on Human Rights
    link to

  300. callmedave says:

    Gimmicks say some care officials about Hancocks idea to ‘badge’ the home care sector workers.

    “Badges” “We don’t need no stinking badges” (worth a google)

    N Ireland send 250,000 PPE gowns to the ENHS.

    They might have asked Wales or Scotland ….Oh Wait! 🙂

  301. Confused says:

    Col.Blimp IV
    yeah, I would go with that.

    The trouble with bioweapons, thought useless, is that you cannot target them; and no matter how evil you were, you would never release such a thing without an antidote – it looks like USA will be hit worst by this; and a better strategy would be, armed with an antidotie, to blackmail the other guy. It would be too uncontrollable and baroque, computer hacking is an easier, more precise method of low level warfare.

    I was hoping some winger would be a biology guy who could critically evaluate the mass of material out there – one thing has stuck in my mind : a youtube bio guy has said “level 4 biolabs have NO legitimate purpose”. Porton Down has been very quiet.

    – panspermia? – fred hoyle; I once went to a seminar where the guy claimed a virus came from outer space (at uni as well, no one said anything but we all thought he was a nutjob)

    – didn’t our human bugs kill the martians in Wells story?

  302. HYUFD says:

    Effijy The UK is the 5th largest economy in the world so if it has the 5th highest number of deaths per head that is about right (especially as the death rate is highest amongst over 80s of whom there are fewer in the developing world).

    China has had at least 40,000 deaths in Wuhan alone if you look at the real data not the covered up figures
    link to

  303. Republicofscotland says:

    For the third night in a row the ultra unionist STV news goes with the care home deaths in Scotland as its top story. Yes its a tragedy, but I get the feeling that the unionist broadcaster is milking it for all its worth, in the Scottish government bad routine that they roll out every night of the week.

  304. jfngw says:

    @HYUFD @ 6:23

    You’ve won the prize for stupidest post of the day, congratulations.

  305. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s what placing politics above the law supports. Politics in incapable of delivering justice. That’s why we have the rule-of-law.

    Stereolab – Les Yper-Sound
    link to

  306. Republicofscotland says:

    “HYUFD says:
    15 April, 2020 at 6:23 pm
    Effijy The UK is the 5th largest economy in the world ”

    Actually it hasn’t been the 5th largest for a wee while, its now the 6th, with Brazil closing in fast if I recall correctly.

    I think India is now the 5th.

  307. Dog biscuit says:

    Disect statistics while the MSM ,politicians and Scientists speak over our heads and discuss,among themselves,the Elites, what to do with us ,health passports,further detention,vaccines. When did we lose our autonomy? So is it the case that we no longer have any agency whilst Scientists Journalists and Politicians make decisions on our behalf?When watching the News I’m reminded of farmers discussing livestock.

  308. Here is a list of all the `caring` Tories that voted NO to,

    “call on the Government to end the public sector pay cap and give the emergency and public services a fair pay rise.”.

    includes Johnson,Rishi Sunak,Gove,Andrew Bowie,Mundell,Douglas Ross …

    313 Conservative and Unionist plus the 10 in the Democratic Unionist Party,

    link to

  309. Effijy says:

    I’d like to appeal that award above HIFUD.

    He has won the Unionist Fanny of the month with that comment.

    An independent Scotland better not have a wealthy economy like
    England has with all their oil and money laundering or we will all
    Die when the next virus arrives.


  310. jfngw says:


    HYUFD is either an imbecile or a troll, it’s difficult to decide.

    You don’t measure a countries response by GDP but deaths per million. All the countries with higher GDP than the UK have lower deaths per million than the UK. His argument doesn’t even hold water using his own criteria.

  311. Effijy says:

    Seen the weather forecast on the BBC News
    It seems there will be some rain in England and
    Wales over the next couple of days.
    Brighter weather in other areas?

    Wonder if any of those other areas might have a
    Name like the Sovereign Nation of Scotland.

    You are a shower of Devious Bastards BBC Westminster!

  312. Republicofscotland says:

    “A transition period exists which is due to end 31 December 2020 but the UK ceased to be a member of the EU on 31 Jan 2020.

    We are no longer EU citizens.”

    But we can still move there, and live and work there until the 31st, so technically nothing has changed yet physically that is.

    Of course if that prick Johnson sought an extension whilst this pandemic is in full flow, things might last a little bit longer but the arrogant xenophobic bastard, is determind to push on with meeting the 31st deadline come hell or high water.

    link to

  313. Effijy says:

    Westminster BBC showing for the 3rd time in a few minutes
    a distraught daughter who lost her Dad to the Virus in a Scottish
    Nursing home.

    Must emphasise nursing home deaths only happen in SNP Scotland?

  314. Republicofscotland says:

    “HYUFD is either an imbecile or a troll, it’s difficult to decide.”

    Why can’t he/she be both, that would certainly clear up a lot of his/her inane comments.

    Of course this blog like Craig Murrays is ovrun with useful idiots and Denison barracks 77th brigade keyboard decriers, earger to denounce Scotland and Scottish independence.

  315. callmedave says:

    FGS! ITV news says Scotland will follow England in testing an older person before discharging them to a car home or home.

    This shurely schome mischtake…or lie… as they were already getting tested and proved ‘not contagious’ before discharge for a while, as I heard while listening to the SGov update this morning. 🙁

  316. Dan says:

    @Confused at 4.05pm

    Pretty good appraisal of where we are. Had a good chuckle reading your post, but it reminded me of the modus of Vladislav Surkov and the technique of saturating individuals with so much often contradictory information it overwhelms their brains to the point of bewilderment, and thus renders the individual impotent and unable to make a coherent challenge to pretty much any aspect of the matter as they don’t know truth from lie, right from wrong, etc.
    There’s your malleable and compliant society right there.

  317. callmedave says:

    Infection Control in Care Homes:

    81 English care homes fail inspections in last month but all in Scotland pass.

    link to

    The links inside still work.

  318. Dan says:

    Republicofscotland says: at 6:39 pm

    But we can still move there, and live and work there until the 31st, so technically nothing has changed yet physically that is.

    Well technically we could, apart from being in lockdown…
    I had wondered if it was still possible to utilise the 4 principle freedoms of EU membership during the transition period in a last ditch escape strategy from being stuck in Destination Fucked after it became disappointingly clear on the 31st January that Scotland would be pulled out of the EU against its will.
    Can’t imagine it is going to be easy to sell my house in the next few months.
    Opens new tab to google house swaps… with someone from another planet.

  319. CameronB Brodie says:

    The first principle in law is DO NO HARM. Brexit was always a right-wing coupe. I just hope folk are finally twigging to the nature of English Torydum.

  320. CameronB Brodie says:

    Which is supported by HMG civil service and the media. 🙁

  321. CameronB Brodie says:

    He’s a sad wee bloke with no mates. He’s also a failed Tory hopeful.

  322. HYUFD says:

    Republic of Scotland Not according to this chart
    link to

  323. HYUFD says:

    Scott Finlayson Up to 22% payrise for nurses agreed in 2018

    link to

  324. CameronB Brodie says:

    He clearly lacks any concern for justice, his only concern is the preservation of ideology. Even if it is supportive of cultural eugenics.

    What a sad wee man.

    Adopted by the Venice Commission
    at its 85th Plenary Session
    (Venice, 17-18 December 2010)

    link to

  325. HYUFD says:

    Jfngw China doesn’t if you look at the uncovered up figures

    link to

  326. gus1940 says:

    Johnson Govt and their broadcast and MSM lackeys have now embarked on a coordinated campaign of blaming everythng on the Chinese.

  327. jfngw says:

    Reporting Scotland skew the statistic so they can produce a higher number for deaths in care homes. Instead of quoting them as percentage of deaths from the total they use deaths outside hospital so they can say 40% instead of 25%. We see them.

    What next, deaths of those over 70 in the community, I can guarantee this will almost certainly be higher than 40%.

    The more data you produce the more detail the MSM will ask for. They are looking for holes they can exploit to produce a negative headline. Even my wife roles her eyes at the BBC now.

  328. robbo says:


    link to

  329. CameronB Brodie says:

    Getting back to the bio-neurological foundations of our political dispositions. Our cognitive boundaries are limited by the boundaries of our perception of reality. This means our judgement is defined through our perception. Without sufficient illumination, the TRUTH of reality is hard to distinguish. Hence the yoonstream.

    Proportionality Balancing and Global Constitutionalism
    link to

  330. Golfnut says:

    Suffolk DR saying that they have been instructed by the coroner not to put coronavirus on the death certificate, care homes etc, unless it can be proved they were infected. Of course they don’t test so they can’t put it on the certificate. They are definitely trying to massage the figures.

  331. Capella says:

    I see HUFYD is posting links to a CIA propaganda outlet Radio Free Asia. Scraping the bottom of the barrel there.

    Radio Free Asia’s mission is to provide accurate and timely news and information to Asian countries whose governments prohibit access to a free press. RFA is funded through an annual grant from the United States Agency for Global Media, an independent U.S. agency; RFA has a legislative firewall that bars interference by U.S. government officials in the execution of RFA’s mission of providing reliable journalism to audiences otherwise deprived of uncensored, accurate press.

    I wish somebody would broadcast accurate and timely news and information to Scotland since the UK government prohibits access to a free press.

  332. HYUFD says:

    Try Newsweek then

    link to

    It was also the Chinese government’s failure to close wet markets and improve lab safety that led to covid 19 emerging

  333. jfngw says:


    Sorry, I’m using the ‘international standard’ that the Tory government are so besotted with. Only deaths in hospital count. If you can produce the death certificates from China with Covid-19 on them then I will believe you.

    But accusing another country of hiding the stats when the death toll in England is being hidden is comical in itself. Deaths in England are currently between 15k & 18K in reality, the final total is going to be horrendous, probably 40,000. This achieved under your great Churchillian leader Johnson, the largest carnage of UK lives since Churchill’s many expeditionary disasters at the the beginning of WWII.

  334. robbo says:

    Maybe some folk should do a bit of reading before coming up with bonkers theories ,they did it,she/he did it, it was them, not us _honest!

    A must read for D TRUMP I would say, but of course he knows everything!

    Except this maybe?

    Origins of major human infectious diseases

    link to

  335. CameronB Brodie says:

    As I said, I try not to judge. That does not mean I don’t attempt to correctly interoperate what is in front of me.

    HYUFD displays considerable cultural bias in his perception. His judgement is, subsequently, unsound, and should be disregarded as containing questionable scientific integrity. 🙂

    Institutionalized Reason: The Jurisprudence of Robert Alexy
    Constitutional Rights and the Rule of Law

    link to

  336. Col.Blimp IV says:

    HYUFD says: at 7:21 pm

    “…Not according to this chart”

    If you scroll down a bit further you will see a GDP per capita Chart.

    Two oft cited examples of what a mess the Scottish economy would be in if we were foolish enough to vote for Independence back in 2014, leapt from the page … Iceland and Ireland.

    Both twice that of the UK, which by my reckoning would make the Union dividend = minus 100%.

  337. ahundredthidiot says:

    Had a spare 90 minutes during house arrest

    watched ‘out of shadows’ on youtube

    and still no one in the MSM questions the Epstein Structure

  338. dakk says:

    Was checking flight radar and noticed a Scottish Air ambulance just landed at the main Covid hospital in Glasgow from Barra.

    I sincerely hope a second, third or fourth ‘home stayer’ didn’t take the virus to that fragile community.

  339. HYUFD says:

    Jfngw 42000 urns for cremations were handed out in Wuhan alone in late March and early April

  340. callmedave says:

    Had a wee look for comparisons:
    link to
    NHS Terms and Conditions 2020

    EXAMPLE England
    (Agenda for Change)
    Pay bands and pay points from 1 April 2020
    Band 5
    16 < 1 year £24,907
    17 1-2 years £24,907
    18 2-3 years £26,970
    19 3-4 years £26,970
    20 4-5 years £27,416
    21 5-6 years £27,416
    22 6-7 years £30,615
    23 7+ years £30,615

    link to

    This circular informs NHS Scotland employers of
    changes to the pay of staff covered by the Agenda for
    Change agreement from 1 April 2019.
    Staff who join the service
    as Band 5 before 1 October 2019
    Staff who join the service as
    Band 5 on or after 1 October

    Band 5
    2019-20 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21
    1 £24,670 £25,100 £24,670 £25,100
    2 £24,670 £25,100 £24,670 £25,100
    3 £24,670 £26,970 £24,670 £26,970
    4 £26,713 £26,970 £26,713 £26,970
    5 £26,713 £27,912 £26,713 £27,912
    6 £27,773 £27,912 £27,773 £27,912
    7 £28,892 £31,649 £28,892 £31,649
    8 £30,742 £31,649 £30,742 £31,649
    Hope the tables stay intact. Fingers X'D

    You can peruse the different conditions but pay scales in the usual ranges for nursing much the same.

    Table Example for Scotland 1 year ahead of the similar one for England.

  341. cirsium says:

    Denmark is coming out of lockdown. link to

    It is interesting to note that even in lockdown, the Danes could access their parks, forests, beaches and cycle lanes. Exercise in the fresh air and sunshine – just the thing to boost the immune system.

  342. HYUFD says:

    Col Blimp IV Ireland spends just 25% of gdp compared to 38% in the UK. Ireland also takes just 25% of gdp in tax compared to 35% in the UK.
    link to
    If you want to slash spending and tax in Scotland that is up to you

  343. jfngw says:


    You seem paranoid about China, what’s more relevant to me is the carnage in the UK. All at the feet of the Tory party. You do realise you are a member of a party that is in effect guilty of mass murder.

  344. Republicofscotland says:

    “HYUFD says:
    15 April, 2020 at 7:21 pm
    Republic of Scotland Not according to this chart
    link to

    Even the Ford Foundation (CIA front) funded Wikipedia says so.

    link to

    link to

    link to

  345. HYUFD says:

    Jfngw When the left have to resort to effectively calling the Tories Nazis or Stalinists you know they have lost the argument

  346. Dan says:

    Is the sky clearer these days with no plane exhausts?
    There’s an awfy big bright star on full beam to the north west tonight.

  347. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I would be really grateful if anyone viewing this could comment on the content of it rather than dismiss it unviewed or just use it as a pretext to roll out their own theories.

    ‘From NYC ICU worker: Does COVID-19 cause ARDS?’

  348. CameronB Brodie says:

    These might prove instructive, on a number of different levels concerning our current predicament. 😉

    Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 18 (New Series) (1995)
    Old and New Politics in Denmark

    This article focuses on the issue orientations of Danish voters at the most recent elections for the purpose of validating the existence of a New Politics dimension along with the customary Old Politics dimension, which is associated with the traditional left-right cleavage.

    In addition to studying the interrelations between issue positions, I proceed to examine some plausible questions concerning the relation of the Old and the New Politics dimension to party choice and social structure….
    link to

    The Politics of the Danish Cartoon Affair: Hegemonic Intervention by the Extreme Right
    link to

  349. jfngw says:


    What makes you believe that I am left wing. Is it guilt for the blood on your hands. I never mentioned Nazis, I think that was you. The UK has been well versed in mass murder long before the Stalin or the Nazis where even a twinkle in their parents eyes.

    I suppose it is all relative, compared to you most of the UK is left wing. But no I don’t believe in the state ownership of all assets, only those that are in effect monopolies.

  350. Col.Blimp IV says:


    “If you want to slash spending and tax in Scotland that is up to you”


    your figures indicate that Ireland collects $2,051 per capita in taxes

    and spends $2,051 on services.

    While The UK collects $1,509 per capita in taxes

    and spends $1,638 per capita on services, Nukes, Spooks, etc

    And has to borrow $7.75 billion per anum to balance the books, so we can add hefty loan repayments to the UK’s outgoings.

    And observe that a larger percentage of Ireland’s much larger GDP-P/C is NOT swallowed up by taxation and ponder on how more or less equitably it is distributed amongst the populace.

  351. Sarah says:

    @ Dan – I noticed a very bright star just N of W a week or so ago and an ex-merchant navy friend said that it was a planet, Venus.

  352. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    I watched my dad pass away as a result of a collection of fluid on the lungs, at home and without ventilation. He died of a pneumonic type respiratory failure. The same way covid-19 kills. As far as I’ve managed to interoperate things anyway. 😉

  353. defo says:


  354. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CamB –

    Sorry to hear that.

    Did you watch the video? It’s only about 6 mins long.

  355. jfngw says:

    I see John Nicholson MP has been tweeting about GRA again, his take is if you disagree with him it is out of ignorance. I watched him many times on This Week, as Andrew Neil taunted him with no response, he was useless at making a case for independence, his heart didn’t seem in it. But GRA he is on message and committed.

  356. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Ian B, yes I saw this last night, the guy is an emergency doctor in NY right enough. This is another piece in the jigsaw. I posted a link to a Czech Dr who ran the virus genome and indicated the virus had been modified. Depending on how far down the rabbit hole one wants to run, it is entirely possible that this is a bio weapon. Indications also that there was previous “unknown” pnuemonias in care homes in US last July and also the “vaping deaths” which caused symptoms such as those seen in Covid. Something to do with Fort Detrick possibly…

  357. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This article *may* help explain what’s described in the video posted at 9.34.

    (I haven’t heard any of this being discussed in UK or Irish mainstream media. But then, I’ve pretty much been avoiding the whole fekkin thing…)

    link to

  358. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Ian B, here it is-
    link to

  359. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Thanks Alan, I hadn’t read that.

    FWIW, I was sent those links by someone in the medical profession who is stridently against ‘conspiracy theory’ generally. I asked him whether or not he’s seen any of this being discussed on UK msm and he said no, the closest has been bits and bobs on nursing/medical pages on Facebook. He also said, as a PS – these images of very elderly folk (100ys+) being cheered out of hospitals following recovery? He bets they were ‘just given oxygen, not ventilated’.

    The plot thickens, eh?

  360. John D says:

    End imminent.
    Thanks for your posts.

  361. ahundredthidiot says:

    Defo @ 9:53

    No. She sits SE morning and SW evening. At night Venus is Sun side being closer to our own glorious star so we don’t see Her at all.

  362. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    Yes, I read it. Is there much doubt though as to how covid kills? I thought it was apparent that it overloads repertory stamina. From my perspective, the principle task is stopping it in its’ tracks. Even if that means temporarily relinquishing our liberty. That’s only my opinion though.

  363. call me dave says:

    Former PR man offers a wee badge while former nurse offers the living wage

    link to

  364. CameronB Brodie says:

    watched it

  365. Robert Graham says:

    Haven’t been commenting much but seriously a few disruptive posters really need to be removed from this site it’s like the bloody Wild West , everyone knows who they are , they are contributing nothing , I really hope Stu has a long look at what’s happening on his site.

  366. HYUFD says:

    Col Blimp IV My figures indicate Ireland has slashed spending as a percentage of its GDP to below that of the UK as has been the case for well over a decade now and continued by Varadkar and also slashed taxes too.

    So I repeat if you want to slash spending as a percentage of GDP in Scotland and slash taxes ad a percentage of GDP in Scotland that is up to you

  367. CameronB Brodie says:

    At last, we have a new convert. Welcome to the club mate. 🙂

  368. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Cameron BB, from a discussion with a care home guy I know, all the covid deaths are from heart failure,(thats on the death certificate) which figures I guess, in that the body eventually gives up from lack of oxygen/fatigue. His knowledge from discussion with covid nurses in local hospital. From other sources other situations show the body suffers a cytokine storm- an immune response which overwhelms the body.

  369. Dog biscuit says:

    Tonight when looking to the West you are seeing Planet Venus.

  370. call me dave says:

    Auntie BBC radio 5 telling us the ‘lock-down’ will be extended for at least 3 more weeks. 🙁

  371. jfngw says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Watched the video but I’m not sure what I can say. I have no expertise in this, or any other medical treatment at this level. There may be a point but it would require investigation with those with much more knowledge than me.

  372. Breeks says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    15 April, 2020 at 10:06 pm
    This article *may* help explain what’s described in the video posted at 9.34.

    (I haven’t heard any of this being discussed in UK or Irish….

    That sounds tremendous! Like a real major breakthrough. I think the text article is clearer than the video, but maybe because the metaphors are better.

    I hope enough doctors are seeing it.

  373. ahundredthidiot says:

    Dog Biscuit

    He didn’t say west, he said north west.

    During the night we are facing away from our Sun and Venus is second one out, so it is sun side. It can be seen in the West, you’re right, but only for a short period after sunset.

  374. Confused says:

    dan – its like ECM, if you can “flood the sensor”, they are defenceless and you can lead them by the hand; they are also willing to accept contradictory notions. I made that list partly in response to a lad “end imminent” the other night who was peddling the most extreme possibility of all aspects, somewhat hysterically. He was not dull, at least.

    – then there was another lad peddling velikovksy, which was quite novel (- 70s guy who made extreme claims about the solar system). People come and go on wings, but there’s been some odd visitors of late.

    – talking of which …

    FUDs chart is a cracker – click on “gdp per capita” and the UK falls to the floor and above the US are the 3 countries around us – Ireland, Iceland and Norway; an indy Scotland GDP per capita would be about double that of the remnant UK!

    – apart from anomalous and irrelevant tax havens, we could be the richest country of all. Then maybe we can get rid of the single track roads and little ferries.

    iceland – fish
    norway – oil
    ireland – golf, whiskey, tourism, U2
    we have all these things already, apart from U2, which is a bonus
    – further above
    swissland – banking, which we also do already
    macau – gambling
    – then its the tax havens
    so if we add a casino and a tax haven, nothing can stop us.

    alan mack + ian bhood – that is exactly the kind of thing I have been reading/watching, but I cannot evaluate it; its all very dalgleishian – mibbes aye …

  375. CameronB Brodie says:

    Alan Mackintosh
    Sorry mate. I also appreciate you are only seeking understanding, as we all are. I appreciate that in order to treat an illness, you need to understand it. That is a long-term process though, and we are dealing with a situation that is already in progress and needs to be stopped in its’ tracks. That is our priority, IMHO.

    “Other sources” isn’t sufficiently persuasive to convince me that a precautionary approach to stopping this is imperative. That’s all I’m say. I’m not concerned with nailing the cupid stunts responsible for what is undoubtedly a gross failure in government. Not yet anyway.

  376. CameronB Brodie says:

    My proof reading is still pants. 🙂

  377. HYUFD says:

    Confused Actually the wealthiest region in Europe is London and the South East of England, wealthier than Ireland, Norway, Switzerland and indeed Scotland

  378. Breeks says:

    Breeks says:
    15 April, 2020 at 10:58 pm
    Ian Brotherhood says:
    15 April, 2020 at 10:06 pm

    I’m noticing too, the date on the video is 31st March, and the text is 5th April… It’s two weeks old, but that’s not to say it isn’t a game changer revelation….

  379. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s a peek at what a precautionary approach looks like.

    Managing epidemics: key facts about major deadly diseases
    link to

    Precautionary Behavior in Response to Perceived Threat of Pandemic Influenza
    link to

    Infectious disease pandemic planning and response: Incorporating decision analysis
    link to

  380. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Cameron BB, no need to apologise, none of this is in my area of expertise, my only guide is to “question authority”, by informing myself of a range of hypothesis. And the other sources i mentioned was merely stuff I have read whereas the chat with my friend was, to some extent, closer, but granted still anecdotal. The truth is still some distance away I guess.

  381. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Breeks –

    Yes, I noticed the dates too, and can’t help wondering why we haven’t heard anything about this in general discussion. You would think folk would be grasping at each and every source of more understanding let alone a breakthrough.

    Then you consider the broadcast hours and column inches devoted to conjecture and hype about Johnson…



  382. Confused says:

    London’s wealth is what it extracts from around itself; it’s not an engine of wealth creation, but extraction, a skim, a vast sieve; it trades paper and launders dirty foreign cash into offshore havens. What is the collateral for all the paper it trades, at the bottom, and why is the pound so strong, historically?

    The people who live in the south get a short-range bit of trickle down and rising house prices to make themselves feel rich.

    – without Scotland, this operation ends, dramatically. And if you think otherwise, that we Scots are parasites sucking the fat milk of England, then our independence will simply make you richer, so why not support it, dissolve that silly old treaty.

    London could then become an independent city-state too.

    – step back and enjoy the comedy.

  383. CameronB Brodie says:

    Alan Mackintosh 😉

  384. jfngw says:


    London, an area with virtually no natural resources is the richest part of the country, how can that be? It usually involves criminality in my opinion, the Cosa Nostra of the UK.

  385. Breeks says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    15 April, 2020 at 11:19 pm

    I wonder if the Trump factor is awkward… by a pure fluke the big orange dummy was barking up the right tree. He’s gonna be insufferable if it’s all true… lol

    But the important thing is the treatment should focus on the blood cells, not lung damage. Hopefully that might save a lot of lives. If the disease becomes non-fatal with the right treatment, then it might be end-game for COV19 on the horizon…

  386. Confused says:

    the british mafia went legit a long time ago; there is something very queer about the city of london, legally its separate from the UK, like the vatican from rome.
    – this used to be one of Mr Peffers subjects of interest.

  387. ahundredthidiot says:

    Dog Biscuit

    peaked my curiosity and done a bit of digging – apparently Venus can move into north-west sky at this time of year. I stand corrected. Just goes to show that you should probably forget everything you learn in school!

  388. Breeks says:

    No, I think it is worth pushing…

    The video might be 2 weeks old, but a lot of the comments are just a day or two old… it is clearly still news to a lot of people dealing with patients.

  389. HYUFD says:

    Confused I would also point out the Scottish economy is mainly servicea not manufacturing too now and oil is a finite resource

  390. Dan says:

    Venus it is then. Cheers all.
    It’s still shining brightest the noo in the North West area, but was shining much brighter during twilight early evening.

    City Remembrancer or Remembrancer is the title for the dude in Westminster re. City of London Corporation.

  391. jfngw says:


    Certainly is, they even have a necromancer sitting in parliament (Remembrancer but I prefer my description).

    Shame Mr Peffers disappeared, he could be a bit short with people but always worth reading. Not always correct on every subject but who is. I’ve contributed some nonsense at times, lack of knowing all proper facts usually.

  392. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Dan , the brightest star in the sky is Sirius aka the dogstar which lies to the lower left of Orion. Anything brighter than that is a planet.

  393. ahundredthidiot says:

    Ian B

    The video and link was certainly interesting.

    I watched a video last week linked from Peter Hitchens blog to a well respected and highly regarded German Doctor Bhakti who suggested links with poor air quality in Wuhan and Northern Italy – NYC would probably fit this narrative. He also wrote to Angela Merkel to voice strong concerns about the response and measures being put in place.

    He said;

    ‘…..I feel it is my duty to make a scientific contribution to putting the current data and facts into perspective… The reason for my concern lies above all in the truly unforeseeable socio-economic consequences of the drastic containment measures which are currently being applied in large parts of Europe and which are also already being practised on a large scale in Germany.’

    Maybe someones trying to tell us to stop polluting the air!

  394. North chiel says:

    Dan says @ 1146 pm “ Venus it is then “ . As I am out & about at night frequently , I have been intrigued for months as regards this star/ planet . From my “ North Chiel” location it is usually pretty much due south . It really is stunningly bright and although millions of miles away would appear to be so very close ( 50-100 miles illusion obviously) . Fascinating , it’s so prominent and tonight appears more to the West than usual.

  395. Sarah says:

    @ Capella very early today [15th]: sorry for the late response but I fell asleep before seeing your query.

    “Practical ways” of holding a referendum during lockdown?

    For the vote itself there are several things that could make it possible e.g. spread the voting over several days and specify which wards can vote on each day – this would mean no crowding. Or perhaps have it all done by post.

    As for campaigning during lockdown. Leaflets by post and TV/radio debates.

    I’m not saying I have all the answers but I think the situation is too dangerous. UK government can do what it likes – the only way to be safe is to regain Scotland’s status as an independent nation state.

  396. CameronB Brodie says:

    I don’t think the next election has been canceled yet. I’d have thought that’s a perfect opportunity to take control over the health of the nation. Surely the SNP wouldn’t oppose Scots choosing if they’d prefer to stand under British constitutional law, or international human rights law?

  397. mike cassidy says:

    What happens to people’s lungs when they get coronavirus?

    link to

    Coronavirus destroys lungs. But doctors are finding its damage in kidneys, hearts and elsewhere.

    link to

    And its Venus

    link to

  398. CameronB Brodie says:

    British constitutional law lacks coherence and comparability with international human rights law. The former down-presses, the later up-lifts.

    The Right to Development at a glance
    link to

  399. CameronB Brodie says:

    COMPATABILITY. If constitutional law lacks compatibility with the natural law, it is a sign of authoritarian totalitarianism. That’s contemporary British constitutional practice, that is.

  400. cirsium says:

    @Ian Brotherhood- you posted a clip of an ICU physician giving his clinical observation of COVID-19. Other physicians are making the same observation link to

    There is a very good illustration of the course of the disease and possible treatment on page 2.

    The protocol states “It is important to recognize that COVID-19 does not cause “typical ARDS”… this disease must be treated differently and it is likely that mechanical ventilation may be exacerbating this situation by causing ventilator induced lung injury (i.e. the ventilator may cause the disease we think we are treating). Patients suffer from oxygenation failure and not lung failure. Furthermore, this is predominantly an immune and clotting disorder and not a lung disease. “

    @Alan Mackintosh- this nursing home was an hour’s drive from Fort Detrick link to

  401. CameronB Brodie says:

    Questioning authority is the only way democracy will survive this crises, so I hope folk aren’t thinking I’m trying to lay down the law. 😉

    I’m trained in ethical policy design, so I’m simply trying to share a professional insight. You make you’re own judgements.

    Full text

    The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law
    Bioethics and Basic Rights: Persons, Humans, and Boundaries of Life

    link to

  402. defo says:

    Lucky “guess”
    Awesome, whatever.

    EV’s will make the clear night sky normality.
    Happy thought for the day.

  403. North chiel says:

    “ Good call CBB@ 1231” However , the “ Health” issue might have faded a little & the “ economic issue “ might be to the fore before Holyrood 2021 ,and unfortunately “ the Junta “ holds all the “ economic cards” . They are certain to play these cards well and the State Propaganda apparatus will ensure the Scottish Public “ gets the message” . Agree with Sarah it’s a “ dangerous situation” , but we seem to be “running low “ now on ammunition ( as well as PPE ) .

  404. CameronB Brodie says:

    North chiel
    Health has many aspects, it’s a “hominem” – Dr. Evil (sorry 🙂 )

    If Scotland is dragged out of the EU, it will cause significant harm to the ‘psychological personal property’ of all those who wish to remain in the EU. That’s what eugenics does.

    The personal health of individuals depends heavily on the recognition of their sovereign legal personalities. So indy would save the SNHS and the well-being of Scotland in general. Sign me up yesterday.

  405. North chiel says:

    “ CBB@ 0216 pm . Don’t disagree with what you say , however being a realist perhaps Breeks’s “ legal & constitutional/ sovereignty plan of attack would be more appropriate due to recent events and we still remain in the EU (in transition ) .
    The Treaty of Union has been well and truly “ shredded “ over the past 303 years . How on earth can you have a “ devolved” Scottish Government without an equivalent “ devolved” ( and by the way P/R elected) equivalent “ devolved “ English government . The “” so-called “ UK Westminster Parliament has morphed into the Defacto English Parliament now claiming “ sovereignty over Scotland” .
    The overwhelming EU remain vote by the people of Scotland is the “ sovereign wish “ of the people of Scotland .

  406. CameronB Brodie says:

    North chiel
    I’m not trying to suggest strategy, simply inform it. I value my human rights but they can only be defended through a respect for the rule-of-law. Unfortunately, that appears to be lacking in the current SNP. If you don’t understand the law you can’t respect it, or hope for its’ protection. You’ll always be a slave to the law if you don’t know how to use it properly.

    Are the SNP getting their legal advice from HMG?

  407. End_Imminent says:

    Here comes our surveillance nightmare !

    youtube .com/watch?v=rmZsHwodxIY

  408. Iain More says:

    I upset several Tory voting Yoons yesterday by suggesting that individuals profiteering from selling PPE should taken outside and put up against a wall and shot. However that only happens in my dreams unlike the deep clean arse licking that Boris Johnson gets several times a day by the sycophantic Brit Media.

  409. End_Imminent says:

    Seriously please watch, Corbett is so measured, logical and accurate. We are approaching the Rubicon.

    youtube .com/watch?v=lmHRYzF0dyQ

  410. CameronB Brodie says:

    Participation with contemporary British constitutionalism, suggests a legal perspective that is positioned internally within British constitutional practice. This internal perspective of the law considers itself logical and rational. It will always seek to defend itself.

    All I’m suggesting is that the SNP shift their perspective, and start viewing constitutional law from a perspective that is external of British constitutional practice. Such as the perspective of international human rights law, for example. 😉

  411. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s a peek. Full text.

    Human Rights, International Economic Law and Constitutional Justice: A Reply
    link to

  412. North chiel says:

    “ CBB says @0307 Are the SNP getting their legal advice from HMG “? If they were then they would know that as far as the English establishment is concerned and has acted , over the centuries , that “ possession is nine tenths of the law”

  413. CameronB Brodie says:

    And here’s another peek. If Scotland ever hopes to become independent, then it needs to find leadership that understands human rights law. Simples.

    Using Human Rights Law to Inform Due Process
    and Equal Protection Analyses

    link to

  414. Breeks says:

    CameronB Brodie says:
    16 April, 2020 at 3:07 am

    …..You’ll always be a slave to the law if you don’t know how to use it properly.

    Are the SNP getting their legal advice from HMG?

    Good question. With regards to Scotland’s popular sovereignty and constitution, where does the SNP’s capitulation over Brexit draw it’s constitutional legitimacy, if not from the BritNat’s constitutional perspective?

  415. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’d suggest the leadership’s scope of vision is restricted by “legal parochialism”. That’s when national law is considered superior to international law. This is not a legal position that can defend human rights,.

  416. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    When looking at a clear night sky, stars ‘twinkle’. planets don’t.

  417. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland will never twinkle in Brexitania, detached as it is from the Natural Law tradition. British constitutional law is no longer concerned with the Moral Law. So standing under it is harmful to the fabric of international law and human rights protection.

    It’s up to you peeps.

  418. North chiel says:

    “Brian Doonthetoon @0633 “ This star appeared to have “ a beaming ray” Brian . It shines by night and shines by day and ne’er grows dim wi’ time ??

  419. jackie says:

    Reaching peak “totally pissed off hearing about the NHS in england”

    I’m getting to the saturation stage.

    What about all the other workers who deal directly with the general public but are getting totally ignored.

    We are getting to a stage that if you don’t clap on a Thursday night you risk arrest.

    They have even set up NHS Charities, which people who work as Care Workers for instance, won’t get a penny of.

    So my advice is to spread the love,,,and spread the money, amongst all front line workers.

  420. jackie says:

    And a question for these NHS workers who now seem to need Charities to pay for vital PPE,,,

    “Do you still support paying over £200 Billion pounds on Trident renewal”?

    If there answer is Yes, then I would tell them where they could stick their plea for a donation from me.

  421. Breeks says:

    CameronB Brodie says:
    16 April, 2020 at 6:31 am
    I’d suggest the leadership’s scope of vision is restricted by “legal parochialism”. That’s when national law is considered superior to international law. This is not a legal position that can defend human rights…

    But which national law?

    The chains which apparently bind the SNP have their origins the Scotland Act of 1998; the constitution for a devolved assembly. That’s where Section 30 comes from. Before the Scotland Act, Scotland’s sovereign constitution was extant. In 1689, it was the Claim of Right, Scotland’s right to remove one king to replace him with another, which was used to remove James II from the Scottish throne, so the Claim of Right was alive and well at the dawn of the 18th Century, and the same Claim of Right survived the 1707 Act of Union.

    So I’m confused. Did Scotland’s national constitution only begin in 1998??? And worse, begin as nothing greater than a devolved assembly?? Or, shouldn’t the national law in Scotland properly be that derived from the nation’s constitution? Where is the legislation which removes popular sovereignty from the people? There is no such legislation. The thread of Scotland’s popular sovereignty has remained unbroken since 1320.

    Frankly, the SNP seems all at sea constitutionally, literally skiing off piste and doing what Westminster does, fudging the rules when it’s politically expedient to profit from ambiguity rather than be bound by resolute constitutional definition.

    Small wonder Nicola Sturgeon is in such a godawful mess, with a sovereign right of self determination written in pencil, trumped by a Westminster colonial Act of devolution, over which Westminster has an omnipotent veto, merely by withholding it’s agreement for a referendum to be held. It can even veto a referendum just by snubbing the request for one.

    That really is quite remarkable political ‘prowess’ right enough, Independence in reverse dressed up as Independence, and the SNP are right behind her all the way.

    You really begin to wonder whether the SNP’s “Constitutional Adviser” is actually awake or a woke; another rainbow coloured pal of Nicola Sturgeon, …maybe even with an Alex Salmond axe to grind.

  422. Ottomanboi says:

    There is now so much anxiety in the world according to many media commentators.
    For their information there has always been for the majority, not just now, anxiety, fear and worse.
    For the have-nots the dial is pointing once again to worse.
    The rich will survive and probably get richer. How ya doin Mr Soros? The rest will see livelihoods taken away by big government failures, the machinations of the ridiculous G7 clique and by creepy ‘internationalist globalist’ Davos types. We’re all in ‘this’ together schmaltzy propaganda is being pumped out by very, very cooperative media.
    The ‘this’ was not a democratic decision. The ‘this’ was decided by diktat. The evidence for a mega-extraordinary health crisis is just not there. The ‘this’ is protecting something but it certainly isn’t people’s health and well being.
    We are being lied too, on a globalist scale.
    National independence, sovereignty and democracy are headed for the slaughter.
    The likes of Johnson and Sturgeon are doing the herding.

  423. Dan says:

    A while back I attended a talk with John Drummond of the Scottish Constitutional Commission on what the process of development, and content of a Scottish Constitution might entail.
    It was a sort of interactive participation event with various constitutional related topics being discussed between John Drummond with the audience also adding input.

    There was a chicken and egg scenario regarding how a Constitution would or could be put in place.
    What would happen if you voted for and elected a particular group of politicians to give them executive authority to implement what you mandated them to do, only for them not to carry out the task or substantially alter the premise of the original proposal.
    I suppose that particular matter relates to the separation of powers principles and the trust and risk issues associated with putting people into positions of ultimate authority only for them to pull up the ladder leaving them untouchable.
    The people must always have the reins in their hands, and therefore always have the ability to action a power of recall, or removal through an other legitimate and agreed process, should any individual(s) no longer align with what the people want, or involve themselves in corrupt activities.

    Hmm, why as as I put the above words down does it reminds me of something…

    Anyway, back to the event. I do recall at some point in the discussions myself and a few others in the room being somewhat surprised to hear John Drummond’s apparent take on where we currently are.
    IIRC it was to do with the The Kingdom of Scotland and The Kingdom of England being in an Incorporating Union, and the Real Politic of current times having sway and influence over old dusty scrolls of yesteryear like the Claim of Right and Treaty of Union.
    That certainly made folk in the room sit up and it was was pointed out that Scotland still has its own distinct separate processes such as our own legal and education systems.
    NB: This was just one particular aspect of discussion that manifested to appear this way during a conversation steered by random people in a room. It was how a few in the room perceived it, but in no way should it be taken as John Drummond’s firmly held position or view.
    T’was an interesting talk all the same and it is always interesting to get the opportunity to see how other people see things.

    Links should folk wish to read them.

    link to

    link to

    NB: The Scottish Constitutional Commission above shouldn’t be confused with the Scottish Constitutional Convention which is a separate thing.

  424. Dog biscuit says:

    So you all think the Government was too slow to lock us up?what the hell is wrong with you people?

  425. Dog biscuit says:

    I’m guessing a lot you are retired so perhaps being confined to your house is nothing new.

  426. Dorothy Devine says:

    Could someone refer the Herald and its idiot keyboard churnalists that another keyboard unionist warrior has had to apologise to the First Minister for doubting the tale of “England only’ supplies of PPE?

    As for those below the line on the once mighty herald – what can one say.

    Anyone know how the circulation figures are going ?
    Is it nearing critical yet?

    Newsquest not wondering how to tell its share holders that they’ll only get tuppence ha’penny this quarter?

    Or might they cut their losses?

  427. Breeks says:

    Dan says:
    16 April, 2020 at 9:36 am
    A while back I attended a talk with John Drummond of the Scottish Constitutional Commission on what the process of development, and content of a Scottish Constitution might entail….

    The wee problem I have there Dan is that the 1320 Declaration of Arbroath is the ONLY Scottish Constitution which has the vital reciprocal of International and Papal Recognition. The Declaration is forever married to its recognition.

    If you’re gonna rewrite the thing to suit modern day protocols, you’re at risk of invalidating the legal recognition of it. It’s not just the Declaration of Arbroath that mattered, it was the formal and binding recognition it received in 1328.

    We do not need to reinvent the wheel. We HAVE a constitution that is certainly more than sound for today’s purposes. Scotland’s deficiency isn’t that our Constitution has failed, but that it’s recognition has been usurped by the Act of Union in 1707.

    Usurped it may have been, but by a contrived convention which behind a magicians cloak, “joins” two sovereignties which cannot actually be joined.

    Scotland doesn’t need a new or rewritten Constitution. Scotland needs to

    a) Discredit the sophistry and deception of the 1707 Union which does a thing which cannot be done.

    b) IF when testing a), Westminster’s unwritten convention of Parliamentary Sovereignty is found to have merit in law, then we demolish that convention which shares sovereignty by consent, citing Brexit, and Scotland’s forced subjugation as evidence the convention is not consensual.

  428. Republicofscotland says:

    Just why are EU countries akin to the size of Scotland in population doing so well with regards to Covid-19.

    Finland is beginning to lift its lockdown, and Danish children are about to return to school, whilst Slovakia is sending aid packages to stricken Italy.

    We must look away from London and this ball and chain of a union, that’s unfit for purpose, and take our lead from similar sized countries to our own that are doing much better than us with less resources at hand.

  429. Republicofscotland says:

    Remember these low lifes when the pandemic is over and they start lauding and praising the NHS.

    link to

    Meanwhile here, Jason Leitch CBE who claimed everyone was talking rubbish when English PPE firms openly told us they were told not to supply Scotland or Wales (incidently a Welsh minister has complained to the EU abou it) openly agrees with the herd immunity approach.

    Leitch CBE, another Westminster puppet in Scotland? I wouldn’t bet against it.

    link to

  430. Dog biscuit says:

    Confused: Velikovsky published his first work in 1950. The science and religious establishments were still attacking the man in the 1970s.

  431. Republicofscotland says:

    You’ll get yours Scotland when we in England say so, shut up and know your lowly place in the union or else.

    link to

  432. admiral says:

    Confused says:
    15 April, 2020 at 11:20 pm
    London’s wealth is what it extracts from around itself; it’s not an engine of wealth creation, but extraction, a skim, a vast sieve; it trades paper and launders dirty foreign cash into offshore havens. What is the collateral for all the paper it trades, at the bottom, and why is the pound so strong, historically?

    Exactly. London is a mere transit point for money, wealth and economic value created elsewhere.

  433. Breeks says:

    Dog biscuit says:
    16 April, 2020 at 9:51 am
    So you all think the Government was too slow to lock us up?what the hell is wrong with you people?

    If you were free to wander the realm unhindered during this highly contagious pandemic, but just say you were a carrier of the virus, (and after a while the chances you were carrying it would be pretty good), you might not mean to injure or kill people, perhaps even a lot of people, but if and when you did, you’d be as culpable as a somebody driving at the wheel of a car while drunk.

    Now that might not bother you, and of course you have a right to drive and you didn’t mean to kill anybody, but the law is there to protect the innocent from you and your potentially lethal disregard for the safety of other people. I suppose you could call it “Carrying a concealed Virus without due care and attention”.

    I don’t like being locked down. But I understand why it’s necessary, and I’m trying to help those who are currently asking for my help.

    If you still want to run around and infect everybody, then without going all fascist on you, suddenly I’m kinda warming to the idea of you getting your own personal lockdown, in a cell, all by yourself, until the problem has gone away…

  434. callmedave says:

    Jason apologises on radio shortbread this morning for mijudging the PPE issue. Aye!

    Then after stating to GMS “it’s above my pay grade to decide how we get out of the lockdown” he then proceeds to wax lyrical about how it might be done in some depth and using the phrase the Orkneys are not the same as Oxford Street.

    Even suggesting at one point that Scotland might,could if it wanted go their own way. 🙂

    As Lady Catherine de Bourgh (Darcy’s aunt) said in Pride and Prejudice to Elizabeth. “Bold words..bold words” 🙂

    We will see, I hope so.

  435. Pete says:

    Dog biscuit
    You are correct.
    Most people on here are retired, unemployed or unemployable and, yes, they are quite happy to sit around banging out theories on this, that or the other.
    You do realise that the SG does not need to fall in line with the Uk and can, if it wishes, open things up much earlier.
    This would show some independence which I thought most of you wanted but, no, you just want to do as you’re told and follow meekly behind Westminster’s coat tails.
    I bet Trump will have the US back earlier than Scotland.

  436. Effijy says:

    It seems that the Millionaire Tory MPs like Grease Mogg have put forward a proposal
    For each of them to get a £10K back hander for working at home
    Probably a home paid for by the tax payer.

    Just what all those self employed business people who are waiting for help to survive need to hear.

    link to

  437. Dan says:


    Aye, I’m tended to agree with you on that. It may be a historic document, and whilst not denying there may also have been corruption of some sort back in t’day when it was created, I’ll point out they were oldskool and inevitably more belt and braces in dealing with matters when compared to our current magnificently well funded and tooled up spectrum of psychos, sophists, science deniers and their lobby group backers swimming and slithering around like greedy shape-shifting bacterial and viral organisms in our current swamp of a modern day societal petri dish.

    I understand that may come across as somewhat bitter, but is it really too much to ask for the people to just have a decent sound bunch of straight up honest cunts* (*Scottish term of endearment) representing our interests…

    Here’s an article by John Drummond highlighting another two individuals that appear to have influence over us that we didn’t elect.

    link to

  438. Dan says:

    Pete says: at 10:43 am

    Dog biscuit
    You are correct.
    Most people on here are retired, unemployed or unemployable and, yes, they are quite happy to sit around banging out theories on this, that or the other.

    Awfy presumptuous and rather derogatory in its inference Pete, again…
    Do you lack the self awareness that you also spend a lot of time on here yersel, so should folk presume you are also retired, unemployed or unemployable?

    I’m self-employed and because of lockdown I can only do essential work as and when I’m asked. And FYI I’m not claiming any governmental financial assistance to get me through.

  439. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cirsium (12.50) –

    Thanks for that link. Have forwarded to my medical pal, will let you know as and when there is any response.


  440. dakk says:

    Looks like we’re seeing the beginning of end of lockdown.

    Flight Radar is showing hundreds more flights now in Europe and beyond.

    Things are cranking back to normality by the looks of it.

  441. Ottomanboi says:

    In india a country with approx 1.4 billion citizens currently <12000 COVID-19 cases <400 deaths.
    ‘Normal’ stats for the country are like this:
    link to

  442. Rm says:

    Nicola Sturgeon seems like a caring human being, she’s trying the best she can with one hand tied behind her back, she’s trying to look after the health of the Scots People, it’s not just that her hand is tied behind her back there’s plenty around her who’d stab her in the back as well. Scotland needs a splinter group to push in another direction, a team of people who’ll not back down and will fight to the end for Scotland’s rights, we’ll never end this absolutely farce of a union any other way.

  443. Ron Maclean says:

    @Pete 10:43am

    ‘Most people on here are retired, unemployed or unemployable …’

    How do you know?

  444. mike cassidy says:

    Ron MacLean.

    Pete is a Trump fan.

    That means he knows more about the people on here than almost anybody in the world??

  445. dakk says:

    Had heard about ventilators making the problem worse being used inappropriately in Italy.

    Also some medics/scientists saying more Ace2 receptors in Asian,and males possibly making them more vulnerable.

    Also, people on hyper tension medication not being as badly effected.

  446. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    The Covid-19 response is a scandal that should result in the fall of the current UK Government.

    link to

    In the link above UK Government = Westminster.

    Unfortunately due to continuing failure of UK media to hold them to account (Especially the BBC because apparently “it’s thought ‘unpatriotic’ to criticise the Government just now if you work for that organisation!) it won’t.

  447. Ron Maclean says:

    Pete says:

    ‘Raving loonies, conspiracy theorists, retired, unemployed, unemployable’

    He’s living the eugenist’s dream.

  448. Effijy says:

    For pity sake fascist posters.

    You seem to seek agreement that someone who is retired, I’ll or
    Unemployed have no rights to anything other than death.
    Quite sickening!

    Retired these days often means they have worked to put
    Taxes into the system for 50 years and brought up a family
    who are now paying taxes.

    The ill and disabled are you and I and our families but for the grace of God.

    The unemployed may be between jobs through no fault of their own.
    They may not be willing to be abused by Zero hours contracts and below
    Living wage salaries. I don’t blame them.

    Others are virtually unemployable with a lack in basic skills and yes some
    Are just work shy but if £80 per week keeps them happy enough not to break
    Into my home or mug me on the street I’m happy with that.

  449. Dan says:

    “Possibly” good news for English and Welsh Transwomen as ONS find Coronavirus death rate for men twice as high as for women in March.

    The death rate for men with coronavirus was twice as high as that of women in England and Wales in March, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

    Those stats. are interesting as kind of confirm what I had heard indirectly from a worker in an ICU ward, that males seemed to be particularly susceptible to complications, particularly if they had underlying blood pressure or heart issues.
    Of course there will be many factors in this such as if they were smokers, vapers, working in industrial environments where inhaling particulates may have already to a degree compromised lung function.
    Just need to look back at asbestos, mill workers, vehicle mechanics, etc being exposed to environmental hazards, and more recently joiners breathing in MDF fibres which are said to mimic asbestos in that they have “hooks” that help them stick in the lungs.

  450. Republicofscotland says:

    10 Downing street darent criticise Trump over his scapegoating of the WHO, on the deaths in the US which are fast approaching 30,000.

    Trump has also stopped the funding to the WHO, which has upset the US scientific community. Of course Raab or Johnson or Cummings or whoever running England these days, know one can say for certain won’t say a bad word against Trump, because they need his bad deal with the UK, to boost the flagging union.

    The WHO are not only fighting Covid-19, they are currently tackling among other global diseases and afflictions, Polio, Measles, Malaria, Ebola, HIV, TB, Malnutrition, Cancers and Diabetes.

  451. dakk says:

    One of the outliers in this outbreak so far is India.

    Given it has a land order with China, albeit separated by the Hymalayas, it is showing only 400 odd deaths.

    If Asian genetics, density of population, and air pollution are now suggested as factors in severity of this illness, then I would expected India to already be a major red zone.

    Could vitaminD absorption in sunnier climes be a mitigating factor, given that UK Asians are so badly effected?

    Of course, it could be just about to kick off there, but just seems odd.

  452. defo says:

    James Corbett is somewhat similar to our dear leader, imho. His views should definitely not be dismissed out of hand.
    Forensic and well informed, with references galore.

    He maybe not always be 100% correct in his analysis, but that’s up to you to decide.
    He’s defo not 100% wrong.

  453. Vestas says:

    Rm says:
    16 April, 2020 at 11:14 am

    “Nicola Sturgeon seems like a caring human being, she’s trying the best she can with one hand tied behind her back, she’s trying to look after the health of the Scots People, it’s not just that her hand is tied behind her back there’s plenty around her who’d stab her in the back as well.”

    Try not to be a fucking idiot all your life.

    There’s nobody “around her” who she hasn’t personally approved over many years.

    Away back to your SNP branch forums.

  454. Dog biscuit says:

    Breeks, I would never drive drunk. Why have Sweden taken their own approach by only isolating the infected ? And they have less casualties than countries that curfew their populations? It’s not being a Tory or a fascist to ask questions. Your suggestions that I should be locked up in solitary confinement reveals more about yourself than it does about me .Dont forget our current predicament is coming from a Tory Government. The idea of treating people as if they are disease carriers is buying into Nazi type thinking because fascism treated the Jews like a disease. I do not like the implications of any of this going forward . My opinion of the frightened and gullible is that they are dispicable cowards.

  455. winifred mccartney says:

    Just watched virtual fmq’s – what a disgrace Leonard and Rennie are – Leonard absolutely unable to work with anybody and add constructively to anything and Rennie just plain thick as mince.

    Thank goodness neither of them are anywhere near govt.

  456. ahundredthidiot says:

    Senator Kennedy from Louisiana on the response measure v the economy;

    ‘we’re burning the village down, to save it’

    In a nut-shell

    The Zoomers will be along any minute to champion the MSM narrative.

    Poverty kills more people than COVID

  457. callmedave says:

    The latest Scottish figures are as follows:

    7102 positive cases confirmed, an increase of 354

    1199 patients in hospital, an increase of 51

    196 people in intensive care, increase of 1

    80 deaths in 24 hours tested positive for Covid-19, total now 779

  458. CameronB Brodie says:

    The right wing mind thinks it knows best, so is generally closed to other opinion. It is also prone to self-regard and selfishness, so tends to be chauvinistic. The right-wing imagination is grounded in distrust and fear of the other, and is generally inadequate to the task of ethical government. 😉

  459. Col.Blimp IV says:


    Now that it has been a month since the first death attributed to covid19 there is enough data in to try to gauge how bad it really is – I must confess it seems much worse than I thought it would .

    link to

  460. Sensibledave says:

    Cammykins 1.59

    …. just so I know, am I right in summarising your well thought out, fully researched and scholarly view of the situation as …. anyone that voted to the right of you, is a despicable human that is selfish, distrustful, fearful, lacking in moral fibre or judgement and, basically a horrible person?

    Whereas you are kind, thoughtful, tolerant, inclusive, understanding, open and not in the least vindictive, moralistic or judgemental?

    You are such a dick!

  461. CameronB Brodie says:

    It appears dave hasn’t taken the opportunity to inform himself with the scientifically established cognitive biology, comparative cognition, neuro-psychology and stuff that I have been boring the tits off folk with. He appears to be a narrow minded and closed personality, and thinks he can tell me what the rule of law looks like. This prejudice is grounded in historically produced cultural arrogance that is pretty much indistinguishable from racism.

    Science does to Tories what salt does to slugs. Dave’s a Tory.

  462. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brexit denies those living in Scotland have a legal right to legal rights. I don’t think Dave want Scots to have legal rights. It doesn’t appear so anyway.

    Full text.

    The Oxford Handbook of Political Science
    Political Psychology and Choice

    link to

  463. Dog biscuit says:

    There was a man who had lice in his blanket, instead of washing the blanket he thought it a better idea to really deal with his problem by burning his blanket.The following night he froze to death.

  464. John D says:

    Cameron B Brodie,, when it comes to Tory evil Dave , the cunt is strong in that one.

  465. callmedave says:

    @Col.Blimp IV

    It is over a thousand now (any estimate says so) from the last published figure on the 12th March graph.

    Like you I say a saddening blow! 🙁 Also:

    N Ireland: Today 18 deaths……….Total 158. BBC
    Wales: Today 32 deaths……….Total 495 BBC
    England: Today no figure……….Total ***
    UK Today no figure……….Total *****

    PS:On lighter news readers:

    Loved the X’word in the National today with the Treasure Island theme.

    Also decided to take the offer from ‘The National’ to restore my lapsed digital copy £2 for 2 months great deal.

    If I like the improvements since I last had one (4 years ago)
    I will indulge again.

    I have bought a paper based version every day since publication got to support it in hard times. 🙂

    Granddaughter now trying to get the hit
    ‘Don’t stand so close to me’ – Police: On her latest Ipad thingy.

    Good for social distancing.

  466. jfngw says:

    I hope the Scotgov has learned its lesson from this and depending on England is a recipe for death. As the UK gov are insistent on pressing ahead with Brexit, even when they can’t currently negotiate a deal, hopefully the Scotgov is making contingency plans that does not involve relying on supplies from England. The old saying holds here ‘fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

  467. CameronB Brodie says:

    John D

  468. jfngw says:

    Watching Richard Leonard is a bit like the old Two Ronnies mastermind sketch except his specialist subject is asking the question after it has just been answered.

    Grief what a pathetic bunch the three main party leaders are, desperate to land a killer blow question whilst claiming to be working in harmony. the quality at WM is no better, is there anybody in the current UK gov you don’t suspect of just being a chancer, I can’t think of one.

  469. callmedave says:

    Big Auntie news seem a wee bit alarmed today and telling us to bear in mind nearly 9 out of 10 folk who have died have underlying health preconditions. 🙁

    UK today 861 deaths and……. Total UK deaths now 13729 BBC.

  470. Confused says:

    this is interesting, from taleb and collaborators
    link to
    – worth reading it all
    tldr; crude version

  471. Dan says:

    dakk says: at 12:28 pm

    One of the outliers in this outbreak so far is India.

    Possibly another for Confused’s list but I’ll throw it in the mix in case it works…


    Years ago my family had a foreign student staying with them that was studying the properties of the plant as an anti-bacterial agent and how it seemed to assist in the treatment of bacterial infections.
    Something to do with the way it affects and breaks down cell structures. T’was many beers ago so caveat emptor n’ aw that.

  472. ahundredthidiot says:

    If people must post the numbers of the dead – would it not be more sensible to post this week/month UK deaths or Scottish deaths in direct comparison to 2019 figures for the same time last year?

    That way people would be able to see the ACTUAL impact of COVID as opposed to regurgitating Govt/MSM figures they are fed.

    Figures over the last 20 years have been pretty stable/similar, although there are anomalies – like early 2015 when the UK suffered around an extra 40,000 deaths in just a few months.

    Planes flew, people were human and there was no house arrest.

    And then we have all the Crusaders telling us that Austerity is/has been killing people in their tens of thousands – these are often the very same people are now championing global economic meltdown.

  473. ahundredthidiot says:

    link to

  474. Ayeright says:

    Number of deaths in week ending 12th April was 1969.

    The average number of deaths for the same week in the last 5 years is 1100.

    An increase above the average number of deaths in Scotland for this week of 869 or approximately 80% more deaths.

    Link was posted earlier to the report by Col Blimp IV

    link to

  475. Golfnut says:

    @ ahundrethidiot.

    I did up thread, total for March 2020, against March 2019 and of course 2005.
    So up on 2019 but down on 2005.

    Table 5 is what your looking for.
    April is beginning to look likely where the big spike will occur.
    One thing for certain, England’s register of deaths by month is going to be telling. A Dr posted that the coroner in Suffock had ordered that no death was to be registered under Coronavirus unless it could be proved, but as the DR said if they are not testing, how can you prove it. We know they are trying to minimise deaths attributed to the virus but you can’t hide the actual number of deaths, if that’s way over normal, people will form their own conclusions as to the reason.

  476. Vestas says:

    I think it’d be interesting to check the number of cardiac arrest callouts in terms of people dying at home/on admission to hospital.

    London has seen a daily increase of around 160% cardiac arrests in the last few days. NB – that’s a fairly small number (55 increasing to 140 or so) given the population density but its absolutely what you’d expect as it happens each year (to a lesser extent) with flu. You wouldn’t expect those figures at this time of year though.

    I think its going to be a long summer in more ways than one 🙁

  477. Doug says:

    A post by Henrick Haupman:

    Who are Supply Chain Coordination Limited(SCCL)

    Established on 1 April 2018 as a limited company wholly owned by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, Supply Chain Coordination Limited (SCCL) is the management function of the NHS Supply Chain.

    Establishment and Ownership of the Company ( from their web site)

    SCCL was established on the 25th of July 2017 as a private company limited by shares under the Companies Act 2006 with the intention that it should function as the in-house management function of the NHS Supply Chain. In my capacity as Secretary of State and sole shareholder I ( Matt Hancock) wholly own the company and have control over its activities.

    B. Purpose of the Company

    The nature of business of SCCL as stated in its records at the Companies House is general public administration activities. Its “Business” as defined in its Articles of Association is “the management and co-ordination of NHS supply chain services, including procurement, logistics, e-Commerce, reporting, analysis, quality control, communications, payments, supplier management, emergency response and consultancy services for the provision of everyday hospital consumables, clinical products, home-care and capital equipment and associated services and supplies”.

    The point in digging this out is to show that Matt Hancock , as Secretary of State and sole shareholder wholly owns this company and has control over its activities. So if this is the company that is “the management and co-ordination of NHS supply chain services, including procurement, logistics, e-Commerce, reporting, analysis, quality control, communications, payments, supplier management, emergency response and consultancy services for the provision of everyday hospital consumables, clinical products, home-care and capital equipment and associated services and supplies”. He is responsible at least in England for the chaos of there not being kit in the right place. Frankly , I am surprised that no-one has asked him about this company he set up about two years ago. It is he who has been saying for about a month that there are logistics problems ,but I don’t think that anyone realises that it is his company causing the problem.

    Also someone smarter than me could take peek at their annual report

  478. Doug says:

    Sorry. Henrick Hauptmann

  479. dakk says:

    @ Dan

    Like the taste of Coriander so will get some. Won’t do any harm that’s for sure.

    I’m drinking Cretan mountain tea at this moment.

    It’s made from Malotira,and grows in dry arid mountains, so maybe impossible in Scottish climate.

    Doubt it’s a prophylactic against Covid19, but haven’t checked Crete’s numbers.

  480. Col.Blimp IV says:


    There is a link to the Scottish figures @ 2.08.

    They show an increase of 869 registered deaths in week 15 (30th March/5th April over the 5 year average for that week.

    Which is 78% higher than the five year average.

    I have been tracking these stats for the past few weeks hopping/expecting, that they would reveal that a substantial portion of the “covid19 deaths”, were in fact people who’s ticket had already been stamped.

    This does not appear to be the case, despite the extremely high proportion of elderly and frail victims.

  481. jfngw says:


    If you add the Scotland, England & Wales deaths above average for W/E 3rd April (used this date as it’s the last figures England have issued) is around 7600 but those allocated to the virus is 4368. This is over 74% more up to that date.

    There is a consistency here between the countries and being generous lets add just 60% as a leeway as other reasons may have increased some deaths. That would make the total, excluding NI as I don’t have their figures, around 20,500 deaths in GB due to the virus.

    No wonder they want to hide the figures.

  482. Famous15 says:

    Dan and coriander you must know that a virus is not a bacterial infection and that is why doctors do not must not prescribe antibiotics for flu and other virals. So coriander or turnips are not noted by any research to be a prophylactic against covic19. Might be for wind ?

    While here could I give a shout out to parents for mmr. Get your children inoculated for everything you can as they would be a long time dead if they died of say measles. Just sayin for a late friend.

  483. I hope we can set up a party for the next Scottish Parliament so we can capture the list votes and be rid of all the likes of all the other parties list elected msps whose sole purpose is to run Scotland down aye them who were in power for years and done nothing to help the Scottish people and yet have the cheek to try to run down the SNP who have give the ordinary people a better standard of life than the rest of the U.K. And that’s a fact yes we will be well rid of these doom merchants

  484. dakk says:

    ‘around 20,500 deaths in GB due to the virus.’

    Which renders Sir Peter Vallence’s(CSO) month old forecast of 20000 UK deaths being a ‘good outcome’ from Covid19 as a hopeless understatement/softsoaping, or plain ignorance.

  485. Scott says:

    A plane load 100+ has just landed at Stan-stead airport from Romanian for fruit picking have they been tested and I thought Priti Patel told us there would be no more unskilled allowed into the country.There is to be six plane loads coming.

  486. CameronB Brodie says:

    If Scotland were independent and running our own affairs, we’d escape the disjointed shortsightedness of English Torydum. This wouldn’t only improve the potential for Scottish public policy to bring about posative effects, it would also significantly reduce the risk of avoidable deaths in Scotland.

    Tories don’t do joined-up thinking, tend to think in the immediate to short term, and their narrow boundaries of perception are bolstered by a sense of social entitlement. Certainly not the sort of mentality I want Scotland to have any concern with.

    There will never be justice in Brexitania, detached as it is from the Natural Law. I doubt BoJo and Cummings will ever see the inside of a cell.

    A Comparative Analysis of Disaster Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience Composite Indicators
    link to

  487. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tories basically hate the concept of social cohesion and should be considered a threat to decent society. Scotland can do much better than allow English Torydum define what the rule-of-law looks like, and insist how Scotland must behave.

    link to

  488. callmedave says:

    Read about this yesterday and page has been updated today.

    Eastern Europeans to be flown in to pick fruit and veg

    link to

    I don’t know what screening reveals as opposed to testing.

    Maybe a temperature check and to breathe on a mirror. 🙂

  489. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, so hopefully you’re beginning to appreciate just how risky it is to trust English Torydum with your health. Scotland is a nation that is of equal legal status to England, and whose cultural integrity is guaranteed by international Treaty law. Westminster has forgotten this fact and turned its’ back on the Moral Law.

    Folks will need to decide weather they value tradition more than the law of nations and the rule-of-law.

    Positive Psychology Strategies for Keeping Stress at Bay Through the Ongoing COVID-19 Crisis
    Let’s stay resilient together during this time

    link to

  490. Effijy says:

    Catching up on the global Corona Death Stats
    I see that Bojo Land has 861 deaths to report today
    Thank goodness the Westminster government are
    Masters at massaging the figures and lying or the
    Figures might get scary.

    The stats show that less Great Britain has now accelerated thru
    The 200 Deaths per million of population coming in 5th worst on the planet.

    Can you imagine if that Camp Manager from Hi Di Hi hadn’t been our well prepared
    Working very hard UK Health Minister? Things could have got bad here.

    If you add up the death numbers from countries with larger populations that Bojoland,
    That is China, Great Germany and Iran you find this once great Empire has a couple of
    Thousand deaths on top of the 3 nations totals and every day we leave those countries
    For dead with bigger and bigger numbers.

    We could add in Scotland’s twin nation Norway and Still we can kill them off quicker than all 4 of them.

    Does anyone know if Belgium had taken any advise on health matters from the UK?
    The poor souls there now have the highest deaths per million of population ratios in the world.

    I’m sure the Tory Cabinet can challenge their record given a wee bit more time.

  491. ahundredthidiot says:

    Col Blimp/Golf Nut

    I would propose another reason for a rise in deaths – and I am not talking about denying COVID – but people aren’t going to hospital either through choice, bad advice or instruction.

    The auld git I know had cancer cut out of him last year and is consequently subject to periodic checks. The Doc phoned to cancel said check and gave me the McMillan nurses phone numbers. In other words, if he deteriorates, get comfy and prepare to die.

    Another auld git I know has always been very active/loves his social circles – it keeps him going. I visited him the other day and he is declining rapidly (losing weight/interest/morale) – he’ll be lucky to see his next birthday at this rate.

    And we have COVID and no idea how to treat it properly because it is such an unknown.

    We are compounding the issue here with our strategy.

    Road to hell/good intentions and all that.

  492. Sensibledave says:

    Cammy The Fake

    You are just making yourself look like a complete tool Cammy.

    We’ve got the message. You think that you are very, very clever, learned and scholarly… and anyone who vote to the right of you, and/or are English are horrible people.

    Nothing that you write (which isn’t that much because you always cut and paste from somewhere else) suggests the slightest degree of tolerance, inclusivity, understanding … or respect for the democratic process in Scotland.

    Alternatively, the short version is, you are a dick!

  493. Effijy says:

    The Romanians being flown in to pick English fruit for England
    Will be tested when they arrive at Heathrow.

    The test includes signing up for minimum wage zero hours contracts substandard accommodation
    and being made to feel unwelcome throughout.

    Now if you are that desperate Romanian and you catch the virus do you work on
    Because you need the money and spread it to your countrymen who are all squeezed
    Into the same 1972 caravan?

    Has any of the English Mickey Mouse Special advisors tested fruit to see how long the virus can
    Live on it after being handled by contaminated hands?

    Let us hope the Tories Bare the Fruit of their Labourers
    and not their neighbours.

  494. CameronB Brodie says:

    Apparently dave disproves of expert advice. He’s also rather dim.

    How the Corona Crisis Reveals the Power of Social Learning
    The current crisis is forcing many of us to fall back on learning from others.

    link to

  495. CameronB Brodie says:

    Dave’s a racist. Simples.

    Full text.

    Well-Being in Times of Crisis: Interdisciplinary Evidence and Policy Implications
    link to

  496. Col.Blimp IV says:


    The internet seems to think that vitamin D is what you should be looking for, if you seek to proof yourself against coronavirus.

    It is in Mushrooms, eggs and smelly fish, I have a vague memory of being told that they fortified margarine with vitamin D so as poor people wouldn’t get rickets.

  497. Sensibledave says:


    You wrote, like a child “Dave is a racist”.

    Given that you so enjoy citations (and boring the pants off everyone in the process) here’s your public challenge to demonstrate either a) you are correct in your assertion or b) you are a complete and utter dick.

    All you need to do is cut and paste anything I have written that is racist. Can’t wait Cammy!

  498. Ayeright says:

    It’s not difficult to work out that the numbers of Covid-19 deaths in the UK are now in excess of 20,000 as estimated by jfngw.

    The difference between the deaths in hospital figures and deaths recorded by the NRS attributed to Covid-19 on death certificates in Scotland is split 60% hospital, 25% care homes, and 15% other.

    That would indicate that the deaths in England and NI are at least 2/3rds higher than being reported using just the hospital death figures.

    That means it’s likely at least 8000 more have died from the virus than is being reported officially, putting the number of deaths above 21,000. That’s with the lockdown in place for 3 weeks already.

    We already know that the latest weekly figures for deaths in Scotland are 80% higher than the 5-year average for that week.

    You ignore these figures only if you truly are an idiot.

  499. ahundredthidiot says:

    I genuinely never thought I would live to see the day where the courage of men failed them.

    Life is one hell of a ride and there to be enjoyed – and if we can do that while minimising the hurt we inflict on our fellow souls, all the better.

    I look around now and can’t help but be saddened at this state of affairs. People living in fear – afraid of their fellow human.

    How is that a way to live?

    I would rather die on my feet, loving my family and neighbour, even my fellow human, than run and hide from this virus. Where are all the Poets, the Priests, the Community Leaders? All we have is Repeaters, following the same damned narrative.

    I am not a religious man, or a betting man for that matter, but if I were, I would bet the Devil himself is winning right now.

    Just look at us…….stop, look around…and look at us.

  500. jfngw says:


    These are my own calculations, they could be out by a bit but even reducing the 60% to 40% still gives 19,200 total, I can’t believe it can be any lower than this. Probably close to 40,000 by the end.


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    • rogueslr on Tartan Messiah 2: “Probably his financial advisor, just thinking of the potential commissions that could be earned.Mar 9, 14:31
    • Glenn Boyd on Tartan Messiah 2: “Clearly a case of Divine Intervention !Mar 9, 14:08
    • William Campbell on Tartan Messiah 2: “The speech is beyond parody. Many of us have indeed been weeping at the mess Scotland is in just now,and…Mar 9, 12:25
  • A tall tale

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